Eastern reflector, 20 February 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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The Reflector
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So morning and evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays at
M . Litany at A
M., Rev. I. A. Minister
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
J. X. Booth, Sunday-
school a. C.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. in. W F. Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. B. pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. E. B.
W. a.
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A. F. A. M.
Lodge, No. meets and
Monday evening. R.
W. M. J. M. Sec
every Tuesday evening.
K. G. E. E Griffin,
i .;. in hi Ni
with Um
. ;. , . . . v,
;,. ; rd All and K- of
with meets every Friday evening
I I JR. M. C. C. T. M. Hooker,
. tin oil I, i K. of H. null S.
i I, i. i pm, m.
i; in n. k . i
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R. Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
O. F. B. White,
Mi. I'm . . i I I
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m ll Mai I, m. dally Mm Jay.
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give us a
Visiting 1-
-32 Full Sheet Poster.
The Eastern
Is Iv i o hi
mows every week,
information to
tobacco, is
many times more than the
subscription price.
i only
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Can. Agent
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i ii-i ii in. pa
I division. I lie mi-
i all
Florida .
Cuba and
A. O. Council.
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; L. S. Smith, Sec
I. O, Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
II. Smith
. . . . .
i . . Ilia I ,
i ; . I I ti
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the House
id .-in Hie, Monday I he
piece or parcel
ll. ton ii
I. r.
by lot mi
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at o A. M. for Green-
ville, I- daily
r. Mi for w
i ii. Wednesday
it A. M. for Tor
j Intro, leave for
ii A. M, t allies freight only .
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers fur Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York
ton, I'm points for
i railroads
should older freight by
CLASS Old S. from
Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
N. O.
Greenville, K.
ii,, nil through and I.
Pullman Palate Sleep
in- on nil Sight Trains; Foal
an I Safe Schedules.
Table , General
inn i- ii. or address,
It. I . k i I. A-
i i, lit-, N. T.
I. It BY, C I. T
X. c.
I. C,
One Day Cure.
I I In- K
.,.,. . i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I can now be found the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
. Pall
la An
it; M. and
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i. . .
I.,. I Q. -1
of I I .
I ., last us j and fever ii a boll lo Grove
cat m a Tonic, It I
u out . pay, PriM J
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skin ore a of lo
i-iii, U to
U Moat it.
in pot In m. t. come from
pr II may be from shoots out and
on skin, as a warning that more trouble
or pulmonary are to follow If
you neglect heed the warning correct the
Many an been
of Save and tho kept
pun a right of JOHNSTON'S
J. of Mich.,
was of a bad after with It for flee
friends It It out on my head,
ears, and then on my whole body. I won perfectly raw with it. What I
live Is no use telling, would me If
did, I tried every that was to cure I. I spent money
to a I heard JOHNSTON'S highly
I a it. I to Improve away, and when had
the third I completely cured. I have never had a touch of It
,. I any to do me the least good till I tried
. I would heartily advise all who are suffering from humors
J I in to try It at once. I had also a good deal of stomach
and run down and miserable, but
. , . .
Tin- v you keep it pure
face tear JOHNSTON'S BILL A never
;. i In- all in full quart hollies
. P
The following is the amendment
to article of the State
adopted by the General As
1899, and to be submit-
to the voters for ratification
Section That article VI of the
constitution of North Carolina be
awl same is hereby abrogated
and lieu thereof shall be
the following article of said
Section Every male person
born United States, and
every male person who has
naturalized, twenty-one years of
age, and possessing the
lions set out in this article, shall
be entitled to vote at any
by the people in the State, except
as otherwise provided.
Sec. He shall resided in
the Slate of North Carolina for two
years, the county six months,
and the precinct, ward or other
election district h offers
to vote, four months next
the election ; Provided, That
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district
in the same county, shall not ope-
rate to deprive any person of the
right to vote precinct, ward
or other election district from
which he baa removed, until four
months after removal. No
person who has been convicted, or
who has his guilt
court indictment of any
which is, or may
hereafter be, imprisonment the
prison, shall be permitted to
vote, unless the said person shall
be first restored to citizenship in
the manner prescribed by law.
Sec. Every person ottering to
vote shall be at the time a legally
registered voter as herein
ed and the manner
provided by law, and General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
carry into the provisions of
this article.
Sec. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able to read and write any section
of constitution in English
language; and, before be shall be
entitled to vote, have paid, on or
before first day of March of the
year which he proposes to vote,
his poll tax as prescribed by law,
previous year. Poll taxes
shall be a lieu only assessed
property, and no process shall issue
Jo enforce collection of the same
except against asset sad property.
Sec. 6- No male person who was,
on January 1867, or at any time
prior thereto, entitled to vote
the laws of State in the
United States wherein he then re-
sided, and no lineal descendant of
such person, shall
right to register and vote at
any election in this State by person
of his failure to possess tho
qualifications prescribed
section of this Provided,
be shall have registered in accord-
terms of this
prior to December Tho
General Assembly shall provide for
a record all persona
who register under this section on
or before November
all such persona shall be entitled
to register and vote at all
by tho in this Elate, unless
disqualified under of this
Provided, such persons
ball have paid their poll tax as re-
quired by law.
See, All by
shall be by ballot, and all
elections by the General Assembly
shall be viva
Sec Every voter in North
Carolina, except us in this article
disqualified, shall lie eligible to of-
but before entering the
duties of the office be shall take
and subscribe following oath
do swear
I will support and
maintain the constitution and laws
of the United States, and the con-
laws of North
therewith, and
that I will f hi lit discharge the
duties of office
So help me,
Sec. S. The following classes of
persons shall be disqualified for
First, all persons who shall
deny the being of Almighty God.
Second, all persons who shall have
been convicted or their
guilt pending,
whether sentenced or not,
judgment suspended, any treason
or felony, or any other crime
which punishment may lie
in penitentiary,
since becoming of I lie
United or corruption
malpractice office, unless such
shall lie restored to
rights of citizenship a manner
prescribed by law.
Sec. l. This act shall lie in force
from after its ratification.
Unless public opinions compels
a change the present status of
treaty, it is
practical certain to be ratified A
careful poll of the Senate shows
declared votes in its favor, where-
as only N arc necessary to ratify.
The truth is that Secretary Hay
has this country to a
position where it seems absolutely
necessary for it to secure British
consent before can build the ca-
at all. other words, he
Britain to possess
rights over the United
States, light to supervise its
treaties with the sovereign states
of Nicaragua and
This is the
on which Great Britain has insisted
in case of the Transvaal. Sec-
We arc ill the forefront of the race after your patronage
offer best selected line of
General Merchandise
IO T A S H gives color,
flavor and firmness to
all fruits. No good fruit
Informal inn v received
II. the foul
who in as a rep
from North Carolina,
was not given an lo
co-lie t dust on bis
While arrived iii
day, was bis to
slop there a short while. The
did not care to have
him as and a committee
of one waited on him when be
alighted from I be train invited
him to i lie Con-
lime to dis-
cuss matter. Be got back on
i In-11 a in to New Item.
Tho Congressman knows
raised without
Choose This Day Whom You
Will Serve.
Now and one bears a Dem-
say i he is not sure about
how he will vote on Amendment
question. Why is be
Hay has placed the
try in this position by formally
the abrogation of
treaty, and there-1
by admitting that instrument to
be in full force instead of void, as
claimed by two former
can of State. Having
admitted this, the United States
cannot take it back, as the
treaty is perpetual by terms
and cannot be lied except by
common of
there seems noway of proceeding
except by consent of
The question of benefit to
the United States under the Hay-
treaty is a very simple
one. a Democrat
Senator ll-u
treaty the canal is to be a
Ki ml us and the following lines of general
Dry Goods and Notions,
If the was asked; are you .
a quick and .,,,,,
the other countries of the world,
would come the answer, yes,
all to the contrary-
would be taken as an insult. Why
then waver on the
question not the Democrat-
party stand for while supremacy.
Does not the Republican party-
stand for rule I Does th
Amendment mean white
supremacy, and does not
to the Amendment mean
domination t Why there should
Democrat, nay mote, why
should white man waver one
as to where he will
and how his vote shall be cast.
Did not fight the
cans to a on
the white supremacy issue I
he who votes against the Amend-
turns his back on bis party
promises, by his action tears
down what the good white people
will derive exactly the same
fit from it that the United States
greater benefit in fact, lie-
cause, aside from the initial mil lay
the canal will very probably not
pay its running expenses, any de-
w must be made
good by-Uncle Sam- It will there-
fore give the countries of Europe
an advantage over American ships
in the rush for the Pacific trade,
now largely reserved to the United
Slates, by the distance from Europe,
If the United States is to derive
military from canal
why should it invest in a losing
commercial speculation for the
of its trade rivals It might
just us well agree to hold its dry-
docks battleships neutral for
tho use of all nations in lime of w
of North Carolina strove valiantly las lo hold a military highway of
to build up in the good old State, j such tremendous potency open for
Men's, Women's Children's Shoes- and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, -Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Lard, Bead is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails Rope,
Headquarters for Furniture everything in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, and Dealing.
This is a government so fur as
North Carolina is concerned for
people but by the white people.
At every station the Sea
Board Air Line, between Weldon
and Raleigh, great crowds of
gathered to a hearty
welcome to W. J. Bryan.
Upon his visit to North
made speeches cue day,
every word that fell from bis
was received weighed by
listening ears.
He was introduced in Henderson
by Ex-Gov. Jarvis he was
the best known most beloved
man America and Chairman
said him his intro-
in Raleigh, that he is the
greatest living American, and
worthy successor to the leadership
of the Democratic party of Thomas
its great an illustrious
North has received him,
received him well, and passed
on to her sister, South
He speaks at Columbia and other
points In that State.
The above fairly
views of the Democratic
Humility In the Senate. The lie
publican majority, secure in their
seals for six years, can afford
Uphold the administration in its
truckling to Great Britain.
so the House. Its views are well
expressed by Representative Hep-
burn Chair-
man of the Commerce Committee
which drew the canal bill
the principles of Clay-
conceding all
t ho claims and contention of Great
Britain surrendering I he claims
that Great Britain has by her own
act ion given us right to at any-
time abrogate Clayton
treaty. It surrenders everything
that Island, together
Oklahoma and all
of the United States, are out
side the Constitution, demo-
members, together with Mr,
Mites, take the opposite view.
The Democratic report says, in
I f I lit- position taken by the
majority the committee be the
correct one, it follow that
Congress is not from
laws imposing customs tin
to Great Britain, abandoning ores of the
be found In any store iii Pill County. Well bought
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. Ii Is our pleasure to show you what you want to
sell you if we offer yon very best sen Ice, polite that leaden are go-
attention, and the moat liberal terms consistent with a well to wake on effort
established business built up strictly on its own merits. for the nomination, and for this
you come to market you will do yourself justice j.,.,,,, ,,
you do not see oar immense stock before ,, . .
committee together at Wilson
called the Congress-
convention of bis district lo
assemble pi to the date of the
Ball satins, State
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil cloths. The while deter-
mined the Congress-
man for the if possible,
above appeared in the
on the
If every town in North Carolina
would treat the defamer of her
women I lie same way State
would soon be rid of cattle
neither nor their
he occupying
prominence in our
Tattler Still Governor.
Frankfort, Ky. Feb. lay
continues unmolested
of the governorship.
legislators of both houses met
today and adjourned until noon
morrow for of a quorum.
There were even fewer soldiers on
hand than .
It is staled here tonight that the
Democrats will begin action in
tin- fill-nit court tomorrow to com-
Taylor to vacate governor
Ii is thought that the pro-
will take of re
fur injunction restraining
from ailing in capacity
Republicans cautiously aw ail
the decision of Judge in
Court Cincinnati
row the matter of in-
junction asked for restraining the
election contest board from throw-
lug out minor Republican officials,
if Tail refuses to interfere
will throw out minor
officers put in Democrats.
This will effectually cluck Taylor.
for it will i oil all State moneys
and supplies. The Democrats are
that Taft will decide
the Federal courts have no
In lion.
Today has been quiet.
Soldiers on guard at tho capital
bail a skirmish
in fore midnight with
two who approached
In the rear of grounds
and on them with pistols.
Th fire was returned and a.
beat a retreat,
shots were Bred.
led by the House Committee on I limitation of I lit; Constitution it
Ways and Means on the Hi- cannot pass pending bill. If
can tariff bill, which will be taken on the oilier hand, is pol
up by the next strained, follows that it also
warmly debated with a result has the power lo pass ex post facto
by DO means certain. It will be re laws, bills of In do
that the Administration all other acts prohibited by the
after urging free trade with Politic i and the people of
reversed itself at the behest Rica are merely subjects
of tariff barons, and declared without legal rights and can only
for duty on the products of enjoy lives and property
island. The grace of Congress, The practical
followed salt and Importance of this question be-
ii the bill now-submitted. All I comes still more grave u Is
l lie Republican members of I remembered that as-
in it t co but one, favor a duly of sorted for Congress will lune
per cent on goods millions of people so situated
as practical to debarred from
ail in i t it Into Union and,
therefore, from hope of
in the
Fertilizers containing at least
to of Potash will give
best results on all fruits. Write
for our pamphlets, which ought
to be in every farmer's library.
They are sent free.
Si ,
Official by
Slate Chairman Simmons yes-
Issued the following
To the Democratic voters of
N. By orders of State
Executive committee, notice
hereby given that the next Slate
convention the Democratic party
will assemble in of Raleigh
day of April, 1900 for
lie purpose of
for State offices, the
of delegates to National
the transaction of such
business as it may deem
proper to and determine.
Each county will be entitled to
elect one delegate alternate
the said convention for every-
one hundred fifty Democratic
voters and for fraction
over seventy-five Democratic votes
therein at the bust
rial election.
ice is also given that at
lime of the call of the state
your Executive Committee
passes unanimously the following
resolution Resolved. That the
question of primaries for selection
candidate for United States
lie referred lo the people
in the call for the next State Dem-
for such action
as convention may deem best.
Chairman Democratic Ex. Com.
W. Secretary
n owe this
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any ease of Catarrh
that can be cured Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
J. Co.; Props.,
Toledo, o.
have know n
F. for the last fifteen
years, him perfectly
honorable in all business
and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by
wholesale drug
gists, Toledo, ,
wholesale druggists, Toledo, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure taken In-
acting directly upon the
blood mucous the
system. Price per
I, all Druggists.
Hull's family arc
contention of years that we might
abrogate the will. More
over, recognizes right of any
foreign power to interfere and
reference to our
ti ins with tho independent govern-
of this continent.
lions the think
treaty and
earnestly hope that it will not be
ratified by the
Three reports have submit
Territories of Arizona
the furs of Ala-
lumber of Oklahoma, and
also upon all Importations of pm
ducts of every kind into the Terri-
from The power
to pass such laws was never before
claimed our laud.
Mr. whose opinion is t I
special interest as
to bis own party, says,
If is restrained by the
night being the
St. Valentine's Day, was. as
in mads the
occasion of the practice
of gangs going around throwing
bricks against windows, front
l side lights,
away gates, Telephone com
poured in upon the polios
headquarters officers were
sent all eases where could
be done. Al several residences
with such
wanton as to do severe
damage to doom and windows.
Wilmington Star, Kith.
Base, of Milwaukee, VS is.,
secured of
fund, which is expected
in in- important
for Hint city Democratic
Dr. D. L.
On I'm X. O.
w hits
Klein an ire.

l. J. It
MR. J. J-
m Me
Hold l
f ,
C, 11-
In reply
Mr H. r
Mr. J. J. , of Chi
cut Ike prominent M. asking to attend a fit
. rm. ;. meeting which w. lull there
Greenville Thursday to tot ate -I yesterday A l water of
en over pad the fourth North Carolina district
is in i
l , .,. I
j law
U m t
j lie Will
be .-J. u. I I Li-only
. f Ilia W
aim hat . will lie
Fours truly,
The National Association of M .
M. F. V. u to organ
It will of Mon Men
For Vice President.
nice Dame for it, but according to
ex-Chaplain Wells who ha. just
from the Philippines, our
benevolence is taking the form of
whiskey injections.
Teddy has refused to
be a candidate for Vice President
next fall. Of course lie has
doesn't propose to bl carried
down by the landslide that will
the British alliance, and
the Rican infamy this fall.
He would wait until
and take his chances at the head
of the ticket.
When the extreme liberality of
pension laws is consider it
almost impossible that there
should be cases where special acts
of Congress are necessary. At any
rate, it is obviously a disgrace that
they be rushed through
at a night session where
less than a of the House is
present. At a recent night session
were passed at the rate of
every two minutes.
Andrew quondam
partner. Prick, that
the Company been
profits ever a
In ISM, he swears that it
on capital of
and that the profits
for were estimated last at
Yet Mr. Carnegie
Wages tn the lowest notch and
demands protection for iron and
steel from the pauper labor of Ku-
the night his son, Chan
This morning Mr.
transacted what
he had in town, went to
the Bank of and took
in cash and in Norfolk
and left for home about
half past
an hour and a half later,
or some after II o'clock, Mr.
telephoned to
from that
he had been held up on the way
home and robbed of his money.
He says that he had traveled about
half way and had just reach
ed the branch Mow the colored
church known a when
four sprang out In the road
and assailed him. Three of the
were armed with pistols
the other with an They
his horse, presented their
weapons and demanded his money.
After the secured the
money and check they fled to the
woods, having done Mr Laugh-
no bodily harm.
The news ranged intense excite-
in Greenville, and M soon an
they could get off a large posse of
armed men left for the scene to
pursue I he robbers. Sheriff Moor-
also wired for blood hounds
and made every effort to gel a
train to bring them to Green-
wile. Be thought once that the
special train but learn-
ed later it a mistake. At
the time we go to press the hounds
are waiting at Tillery for train
will come on the evening train
at o'clock. The dogs will lie
taken to the scene at We
Ami el he robbers cm caught.
City Pull and
Greensboro is certainly an enter
prising city, and it makes progress
perhaps more rapidly any
Other place in North Carolina. We
spent Wednesday there and it was
surprise to note the changes that
haw taken place in the last live
of two were
found Tuesday in an
New York
They were the re
Maine of and Martin
II and years old,
disappeared last August. The
were probably on a lark in the
bath room, heard the rare t-.; r
Doming upstairs and ran
with their clothes Hie
door had a snap lock and they
could get out.
Col, colored, Hen-
tor . I hi I .
Geo. red, and M.
have decided to join
hands m an effort to the
is it these
vie with
one in a gigantic and her
straggle to defeat a measure
which harms no while The
know to colored men they
all. then only one
thing and is to keep the
m politics so they can ride him Into
begins to
form society at wrong end.
a house on their principle
you build the roof Aral
hang to it. It is a
cans go on it, that they
legislate bribe well to-do, and
that win
th. below, There
can he no permanent prosperity
the classes urn
ed. When you legislate -o as to
give live pool m. prosperity
you to make all classes
years. getting off the train
there one is Impressed with the
splendid depot building that h
taken the of the former little
rood shanty that was used as a de-
pot. And the seems to
have taken the people generally,
n w buildings going up in every
Public improvements are not at
all behind the enterprise
shown there. Bonds to the amount
Of have been voted for
Hie purpose of improving the
streets, water works and sewerage.
With such A spirit that invades
it is no wonder that so
many factories and good school
there, and that has
ready reached a population of
Ii pleasure while there
see Dr. K. Wheeler, now a den
in Greensboro. While a youth
he lived some Greenville
and has a number of friends hero
We spool an hour out at the
a id Industrial College and
glad to tile school is
rapidly recovering from effects
having to be closed temporarily
because of the fever epidemic and
most of the student hare re-
Another place in which we spent
an hour most interestingly was In
the .-tore of Bros ,
whom we have had the pleasure of
knowing for some years. The
spirit of improvement and
had also taken possession of
them, and they had recently
led both tho sue of their building
aid stock. Their's Is an exclusive
stoic the immense shirk
look its though the whole of North
b supplied there.
Both domestic and the lines
ported are by them
hardly anything lie
has sent the following letter
in; his on the proposed
Constitutional Amendment.
Dear I received this morning
yours of the inviting me
to lie at Pi tomorrow at a
meeting of the citizens of my
I regret that my work here at
this particular time requires my
personal attention will prevent
me from accepting your invitation.
With your I will em-
brace this opportunity to state
briefly my position upon some of
the questions now uppermost the
minds of the people In North Car-
my own personal
position, I can state there has been
DO change. I became a
because of my sincere convictions
upon certain public questions, and
upon the main issues, which
ed my change at the time the Dem-
itself by the adoption of the
go platform at its National
since I became a Populist, I have
never knowingly allied myself with
the party for sake
of l he spoils of office and I claim
that my record in this respect has
been entirely consistent.
I slate most emphatically that I
a for white supremacy, for the
rule of the white man in North Car
for the elimination of
the vicious and ignorant
rote, which has for years stood as
an open to good govern-
in the State.
Senator nor any other man
can lead me to antagonize my own
race or to oppose the present
movement in North Carolina to
amend the constitution of the
so as to disfranchise a
or the ignorant voters or to
the principles of tho Pop-
party by fusing with the Re
publican Ii is an
which has not come lo
people of I he Slate since the
was wrongfully conferred
n jinn the every white
man who loves his race and his
should without hesitation
Atlanta, Ga., 1900.
As yet I have had nothing
about the Amend
which legislature sub-
lo the North Caro-
for ratification, and this time
do not to nay much for I .-
others superior to myself setting
forth the doctrine of the amend
meat its beneficent results
when ratified.
I am glad to see our people are
not such fears as some
people would have
and that they are tailing
prepared to light patriotic
To my mind, although it be in
its infancy, the Constitutional
Amendment is not and should not
be a political question, for
tress we have undergone for the
two decades has been result of
politics. To say th least, we have
had too much politics in North
The present legislature of the
is theoretically and practical
a representative body represent
log all classes and conditions, both
white black, State and
when Ibis grave question came lo
the they submitted this
amendment to the
referendum so to speak. Now the
people of the State are to decide
the and in these try in;
while man is consider
ed as a I am glad to
see, too, that people of our
country arc not laying so much
stress upon the constitutionality or
of the question
now see that the
side has more politic than
patriotism. The eagles may Hop
wings in Congress for sake
of intimidation, but the sound
Ingle of Christian statesmen is the
pruning knife which clips
wings of its black plumages, and
manufactured by GUANO CO. J
C, Feb.
The story Gov. Roosevelt is
the held as a candidate the
republican Presidential nomination
has found a sufficient number of
believers among the
to make it more important than it
seemed to lie when it reached Wash
several days ago. It is now
said there is a ma-
chine and that it is plentifully
supplied with money and is already
dickering with men who usual-
control delegations from
southern states to republican
conventions; that
positive refusal to lie a candidate
Vice President and his declaration
against the Nicaragua Canal treaty
and in favor of American
control of the canal was a part of
his scheme to attract the support
of the republicans.
A considerable of
both Senate and House
would lie glad lo see Mr.
defeated for the nomination, by
or anybody but
they have no idea of sacrificing nil
their official pie by
that fact, unless can be shown
Roosevelt, or else,
has support enough to win the
nomination. Some think
is merely making a bluff
in order lo force the
to throw its influence in favor
his for governor.
Bell, of Colorado
showed in a short speech the
made by
that the hanks made no
profits by the deposits of govern
money, was ridiculous, lie
had written lo State treasurers and
which falls to the ground like ascertained that they received from
embrace this opportunity in
my opinion if he follows his own
conscience and his
he will do so.
There are thousands of
Populist who feel upon this Issue
as I do, they will he found In
this with the great of
the of North Carolina.
Senator Butler has the mis-
take of his life, lie may have re-
it as the only alternative
which promised him lo
the Senate, there be
some things dearer than political
preferment, and more sacred than
the and this
lion of white supremacy in one.
better have faced defeat,
and have gone back to the ranks
of the thousands of honest while
men in North Carolina, than lo
have belied his own record,
and to have
elements of his race in the State.
for myself, my my
services are enlisted In the cause of
tho supremacy of the white man in
government of North Carolina
and as sure as the day of election
comes, so surely will the
n i en I lie ratified by the people at
the polls.
There are some good In
Stale who hare feared that if
section of the
amendment should be declared mi
constitutional, remainder of
the amendment would
stand, and thereby result In
franchising a large number of hon-
est white voters to the
While majority of the
best lawyers in and oat the
Slate have given It as
on that the
either stand as a whole, or be re
hi as a whole, and that the
section was entirely
till a doubt among
mentioned which did not may have existed upon
have. was a treat just lo walk it being entirely an issue
through and their law.
lire Wind.
There may be birds of prey who
desire and who have
smothered our cries tor liberty
the men of Mecklenburg and, their
sons are ready, and if needs be, to
march the murderous slopes of
Gettysburg again.
Rime I have been the South I
have visited those States where it
was said illiterate white man
was not allowed to vole. Our op-
used it against us, as a
means of defeat and some declared
that father who could not read
and write never vote again.
But would I consent
my own father, who done so
much for met
Tell the people of Pitt county,
Mu. three States of
literate in those
there are no more riots,
there is by
for he has entirely gone out of
the business, and the white man is
bending and concentrating all his
energies In the direct ion of uplift
his As for the
literate white man being
Its nil a political story, and
today Us being used our State
for political effect without a cause.
Yon ran say to the people of Pitt
county I shall be In N. In
a few In Pitt comity in a few
weeks to Rive multitudinous
sons we should vote for
Amendment man to man, and since
I have In direct with
the question of the South,
whatever can I why
should vote it.
g yon unlimited success in
yous and the people of
Pitt unbounded prosperity,
i and their's most
W. J.
lo I per cent, on daily balances
from the banks in which
Audi were but the gov-
didn't receive a cent of
interest on the millions deposited
by Secretary orders
banks. Mr. Boll character-
those deposits as a crime
against the people.
Senator Jones, of Nevada, whose
speech against the republican gold
standard bill was among the best
heard, after at meas
lire was vicious from beginning to
that II provided font per
increase of the bonded debt
bill places in the
banks the control of the
debt of country, When
car banks sec they can re-
the gold reserve below the
limit force an issuance of bonds
tins process an go
All tins is the interest
of the creditor, the interest of
Die bond holders, grievously
interest of
Political independence is
much to be desired, but I would
rather live under an
deuce than to have political
dent. Political independence with-
out nil independence is only
independence in
hints of their
do that will re
move the trust question from
campaign induced He-
Ball, of Texas, to call
tho bluff Ho so by offering a
ion the Speaker
of the House to appoint u special
committee, only lite members of
which shall belong lo one political
party, to which shall lie
all lulls and resolutions relating to
trusts, including I hose already in
and now quietly sleeping
In various Mr. Ball's
the past two weeks now In the hands of
arrived at on and the
Ban from Manila, part of whether there shall be
of the horrid price this country Is up to Hint
paying for which by
Their If ease.
Jacksonville, Feb.
of the most horrible crimes ever
perpetrated in this State was
covered at ti o'clock this afternoon
about seven miles of this city,
when of Mrs.
Roberts, a widow, aged her son
G. T. Roberts, a bachelor, aged
and Miss Jennie Roberts, a
also unmarried, aged were
found murdered at their home.
The of the old lady was found
her bead split open
with an The body of the
sou was half out of the bed
as if be had attempted to rise;
a shotgun broke half two
by the side of the bed showed that
be had attempted to defend him-
self. The body of the daughter
was under the house, where
she had run from her assailants in
the shored
that she had followed and
struck two heavy blows with the
which killed her. The three
composed entire family, which
hen bow wiped out of existence,
were well to-do highly res-
citizens. The nearest
was one mile a quarter from
their home. The bodies were dis-
covered this by a neigh-
who stopped to get a drink of
water, and seeing no life about,
made investigation with the re-
of discovering the horrible
crime. Trunks and drawers were
ransacked but what was taken has
been discovered as money
oilier valuables were found where
robbers murderers had
worked. There is no trace to the
perpetrators of the crime but poss-
es are ransacking woods In
the vicinity. The crime must have
committed late Monday night.
I i.
Your Policy
Loan Value,
I. Paid-up Insurance,
Extended that
works automatically,
Will be re-instated
three years after if yon a
in good health.
After Second Year
No Restrictions,
Dividends are payable at the be-
ginning of the second and of east
succeeding year, provided the pro
mi urn for the current year be pall
They may be used
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, Or
To Make Policy Payable an
an Endowment during the Lifetime
of Insured.
J, L. Aft,
. .
A Thorn la
Governor Roosevelt of New York
is declared Ilia under
stances cull he be a running mate
He rather be
Governor of New York than vice
president of the States.
He had rather play first violin
in Albany than second in Washing-
Plat docs not like this. He
has another man in the machine
but what aloes care for
long as bucking
the machine Insists the
machine will have to be
There has been some talk about
Gov. coming out as a
candidate for President against
but Marcus and
will see that Teddy docs not
get too obstreperous keep him
down to bis knitting in Albany.
Cotton Bagging and Pits always
on hat t
goods kepi constant; on-
hand. Country bong
old. A trial will yaw.
them tome.
B. M.
villa, N.
If Mr Bryan could only deliver
his speech in every voting
in the United States on th
5th day nest November, ho
stand a good chance of
election the next day, Judging
from the effects of his splendid
piece of oratory night,
Every body who heard him became
enthused over the
, Concise
Mated Beautifully
i- -ii U, i
it e -ii
mi a small Saw i
I- . t i
null. i ii
. s
an Atom Of in i ma
No. . n . BOOK
, r
n tic lo
I to Oaks.
I cl ill c MM .
i . o
. Hank
-in m Rant, Ca, Mm
km all to mat
i noons,
i . i yam Data u
la Ike I kt
. la
Any ill the
., .
Fall and Winter Clothing
It. W,
Good Suit
to too a
If there is a CROSS MARK
in margin of Ibis it
so to remind you you owe
Tan for
and we request
you to us early as
We need YOU
owe us hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Pitt Com Not Wait
to Them
Whenever anything
there in much cf blood
it i.- Id out
out anything
After last
spring it looked for awhile like the
county would mm have Mood
hounds, but all at the
dropped out of sight.
crime has occurred in which
Here and ill
December the Oakley murder and
arson their need.
case if could have been
quickly the scene tho criminal,,
might have been caught. When
it comes to getting here from any-
where else deem almost
out of the world, it takes u
longtime for dogs to reach here
even if they come at all. This
important need ought to be sup-
plied by the county owning blood
hounds and keeping them in easy
Reflector Book Store.
Something good, Mullet Hoc
cents a pair at S. M.
You can get Copy for
at Reflector Book Store.
Shad are becoming more
now. Several were caught by
skimmers here last night.
J. W. Bryan is putting up
and very handsome soda fountain
bis drug store.
People are asking, what has be-
come of the cotton factory move
t able to an
We are adding to our stock of
school books at Reflector Book
The Reflector Book Store has
been appointed as one of the de-
for furnishing school
books. hare just received a
large shipment of such as are
in both the public and private
schools of county, and are
ready to All orders. When you
want anything in the way of books
and school supplies come to
Reflector Book Store.
la the Mao.
While away the lust few days we
saw and talked people from
various sections of the Stale, and it
was gratifying to note the
that is being taken in the
of J. Bryan Grimes, of Pitt
county, for Secretary of State by
the Democratic State Convention.
Tho sentiment expressed for him
shows him well the lead of any
other aspirant for the
Many declared that tho farmers
Should have a representative on the
State ticket that Grime was
very man who should be thus
recognized by the convention.
Murder In
We learn by telephone that a
murder was commit led Greene
county Friday night, all the par-
tics connected it being white.
A Mr. mi el near
gave a party at bis borne which
was attended by many the
neighborhood. A dispute arose
between John and another
party whose name we did not learn
and was shot and killed.
The murderer his escape
Mr. I,. Chattanooga,
is in
II. i .-
evening from .
I. C. lien
T. J. Jarvis returned
Wednesday evening from Raleigh.
Miss of
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Chas.
J. E. Brown, a former resident
ed to
ford, X. C.
A. who for sever-
been foreman on King's
Weekly, left this morning for
B. D. returned this
morning from
W. F. tattoo, of
over this
L. ii. returned
evening from Durham.
I. J. Whichard returned
day evening from Greensboro.
Mrs. K. left this morn-
lo visit Mends in Wilson.
Miss Sue House, who has been
pending some days with relatives
here, returned home this morning,
W. J. of
who has been In Raleigh for a few
days, through Thursday
evening on his way home.
J. G. W. of York, is
Mrs. M.
Kinston Friday
B. came
Friday evening.
from Chapel Hill
Mrs. Alien Warren Is Dead.
morning at o'clock
at her hum if n West Greenville, Mrs,
Allen Warren died. She had bean
in pin r health for Home time but
her death was not expected so soon.
She before marriage, Miss
L. daughter of
Capt. William of Edge
She married to
Sheriff Allen Warren yours
last October, and with him has
been living in Greenville about
twenty years. Mrs. Warren
was years old lost month.
sin- leaves a husband, two
sons, Dr. W. E. Warren,
of Stokes, Mr. E. War-
of this town, three daughters,
Mrs. E. B. Moore Mrs. R. M.
Hearne, of Washington,
Miss Bottle Warren, of
and one lister, Mrs. Caroline
Forbes, of Falkland. Her re
were interred In Cherry
Hill Cemetery Friday evening at
Governor Russell, who
ed the sentence of lien Fields from
hanging to Imprisonment for life,
has shortened the sentenced to four
years in As Fields has
served nearly this time he will loco
be free.
He was convicted here in
for poisoning a man Conetoe,
named Keel. A white man
Alford, was for the
but ho
evidence, while
pointing strongly to his guilt, being
defective in one or more important
Many persons
the verdict, Alford the
In sentence of
the governor says be was
moved to do so by certain evidence
discovered after tending
to show tho man's innocence.
How The Populist Pee
Elsewhere in this appears
an open letter written by Congress-
server, which defines his position
on the Amendment question. Like
all who love
the welfare of their and put
the safety of their homes above
their Hellish political greed. Mr.
Atwater comes out
openly for the
We believe tho election
comes will lo a
party issue and Democrats,
lists and will lie cast-
tin ii votes their
influence to the aid of pissing
full law which menus more to the
in iii-i mi prosperity of Caro-
than any action
Rev. N. SI.
Friday evening
and Raleigh.
Miss Sue Clark, who
visiting Miss Skin-
returned home this morning.
Rev. J. . Morton Mrs.
Morton earns down from
Friday evening. They are the
guests of J. Jarvis at Motel
. N. i . Feb.
t g is mi
line for a
Mrs. U . is . n
seat I i
The town bad unite
house la-t night.
A. A.
town lively us ever yesterday.
caused hen yesterday an-
had been robbed.
lie the limn to Ml
pair i cart wheels
with a saddle and back band as a
orders for tobacco being
j ad, the cigar boys, are on the
loaf for a few days, but the goods
going just the same.
is getting to be quite
popular lately. He is lulled for a
speech before Wiley Literary So-
even once in awhile.
I. P. Manning
time they that is. the
oats of which haves nice lot.
The also keep guano hand mi
farmers can haul at Idle
chain I
J. J. the livery
move bis
here In a few days. Han already
over some and writes
that he occupy the new stables
I his, week.
Sim i j in hand saw
is a good thing, to shave
The Cox Cotton Planter is a good
thing, but you arc ii lo dam-
age it by sowing in it. Bet-
one of
Pleasantly Entertained.
End of the Club
held its regular meeting at
of Sirs. Alfred Forbes,
Sirs. being
hostess. Sirs. assisted
by her sister, Sirs. Dr. re-
the members of the club
with easy and graceful cordiality,
W. II. Grimes, acting pres-
occupied chair. After
rather more than the routine
of business, the subject for discus-
sonic Doted characters of the
Revolution, was taken up.
Arthur gave u brief but interesting
sketch of Nathan Hale John
Owing lo absence for two weeks,
Mrs. Jarvis had prepared
paper, but gave a
talk on literary women of the Rev-
mentioning especially
Adam, wife of the Pres-
whose letters to this day are
models of epistolary literature.
She also mentioned the writings.
Warren. Harry
refreshing her memory
the name Susanna I,
of the American novel
The literary program concluded, was at -nulling his father. To save
u repast was served, his own life hither had to shout
are cheap,
light durable. Try cue.
A. G. Cos Co.
Foil Hi,
Maggie of Green-
ville, is visiting Mn. Ii. U. Flem-
J. P. Taylor spent Friday
night in Washington.
J. Rollins is having re
pairs done the Perkins mill.
J. It. Davenport spent the day
Mrs. Jane Jarvis, of
is spun ling a few days with her
II. Fleming Mill the near
future creel n largo saw mill plant
on the south side of the railroad,
near the depot.
seen on our streets today.
Farmers are getting ready
potato planting
J. P. Fleming M. A. Harris
have rented th Cherry seine
on Tar near Yankee ill,
will pat ti s to work in
a few days.
Heavy rain fall the of the
week. full of water
and bridge afloat.
paid our town a rail Tuesday.
. .
railed .
The four e. ;,
Laugh it about th
work vi . .
that bad previously laid tin
plans. of them held hi horse
while i i- presented phi
on side of him, t
standing a
drawn They fold bin
did not want to hurl him bat only-
wanted bis Mr.
told them be had no .
said km better an I be
ham it out quick. He then
took out a roll of bill- .
dollars handed it toll .
They told him be bod in. mot
of buggy, when Mr.
told them lo bold on I be would
get on I himself. The robbers then
through his Dockets
all of his money and i,.
him t , get in hi b
The ,
,. . ,, , In- ;. ,
disguise Mr.
he does not know of I hem
is Complete
M prices that will suit you.
re Mr.
The c
r ; Mr. C. II.
. ; of public
See gs.
At Moore store,
Five Points, where we have
just pitied new and fresh
readily them
should be
doubt they saw him sell ins
tobacco the before.
it-rating some Heavy and Fancy Groceries,
bis Tho
Left Unpaid Kills and Other
II. is the name of i
young to city
several weeks pi, ,
an active .- . set of
I if, nigh I n i. i . j
man as be
, , . . sense I i ti inclined lo
in an Interior . . ., . ,, ,
.,.,, is a was Mr. i
III till- i .
.,., . . . has matte an
I In- i , , , , ,
,, . led, in
. . it .
y i I
IV , . . . ,
, , , . Ills
tool us true aim gave little In
. i .
; h peaking I a part
which font i voted for six
P -1 . w com-
in i;, ,
need i any great
scrap, . y
for a non partisan lire, a man who
ha- n III I
bis pi ice, who has discharged
its duties in such a manner I
call I .
. i . . .
III;. for ll- ll K III
ii .
. I . . . lull I
i of Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to be found an up-to-date
i cry.
We pay the highest market
for all kinds of
Country Produce,
in cash or in barter. When
you want in sell or when yon
want to buy come lo see us.
To all who favor us with their
re promise entire sat-
T. F. CO.
at Five Points
by Mo weir
the i.; all
W. I. CO.
for that.
. . , .
employer's personal c m I u
in i ; id the
there runic a ;,. H ,;,. ., ,,,
had not shown
; lay n hunt and
forth the fart that
i left ,,. Nell-e
ii in North Carolina
and Na-h
I jointly.
Near a drunken
dining service of which,
lug proverbs were distributed.
Mrs. Grimes arranging the
the pretty Mrs.
Jordan will be the
of Deeds issued
marriage licenses lo following
Ibis week;
I. Smith and
J, It. Jenkins and George Anna
Orris Daniel
and Delia
w in a barroom w
tied John for
several rounds they begun a friend
The Injunction lo prevent
of one young man was broken
the ions and am
of his arrival t I It Cit,.
the met bail
hi- ill
made a from a m
here, a go d
sized bill for himself a--
Also th ii taken out
batch u sent In
C. upon Which he
is said in
c ibis
The cause w hick I i is
sudden p II am lie I is us
j I link ii n. r ii . I mi mil.
Tho Siamese
w in.- . id i tin
in. -c l ills . re, bi Hi . n
Tie.-., wen d on
a fall.
A man the
of detained in a
house where another man was eon
lined with small pox has the
town county
The that
the of At-
has determined upon the
v. H I cm I-. i-
pro used l semi lo the . i
Tho High Road to Sui
The high
Is which i-
lowed dully advertiser. It
i- road, devoid of pit-
falls well marked by
statements as to desirable bar
gains. The who enters
I had lie done r
I wise and for the par-
fur six i elector
in I Silt discuss
the that ac we
a i. of Mi. Mebane.
If . . y did wt i
a i .-. . should do so
I , .
mil mi i i n- line be ii
a part
i i i . . ; eat .
mil t
You wail ii me
-i ,. you i it, j hi go
to . ii every
. i right after
. l J e n . HI i on
. ; . i ,
J list II i I.
I tit . or ever,
mil i n-
Hi- other. if your
, i. haul I drive
the lie, i lo go
. as
i. .
. . ,
i p. but at
l place in
n it It Keep ii
. i mill i
mouth, an I it e ill
m Mills
III. Time.
luring Co.
Greenville, X. O.
Friend, beginning six months
II perfectly well up to
baby born,
was In M than two hours. had
ll no headache, no
.-. no swollen or
was strong and tho pt
lure cf I
Mother's is only
known which relieves aspects
II i a Hi to applied ax-
harm can
I I it malty at such
All said to relieve com-
are only humbugs, but
f dangerous.
a bottle at
or can sand to
Co., Ga.
erection of a cotton mill in that II will depart from it.
cost and . loin; us ho still continue to ail
employment to at least I his business will improve,
one Mm
IS A m
nicely printed iV only a
, in to make a
i paper and
of print-
from a
to a full
or write
The Reflector.

The Reflector
Book Store
Pens, Pencils.
All Magazines.
give us a call.
The A
was once to have
as the shadows of life
the British This too
when the British Lion mum mighty
in his lair when the British
navy was master of the seas.
It was not regarded as ominous
but was dimply the outburst of a
man who was near the sunset of
life, though he was considered
a strong, brave, pure his
were weighed with
those of Gladstone Indeed these
words were received with force
until the obstinate Boers had
caused the Britons to recoil the
hot shot of their cannon and mus
in the Transvaal. Today
the words of the dying
are upon the lips of the nations of
the world, today we see the
Secretary of the war
office of England the
of the world 1-y for
six hundred soldiers to
lie equipped for the British army.
Is this the the end
of the greatest power on earth
The words of the German States-
man will ring down the ages if so it
It is evident that
feels the force of the words of the
great Statesman, the
of Secretary Ilium show
that a great
crisis I he history of
and the closing scenes of the nine-
century will witness a great
change in the status
of the world. Truly the las
of the century, is justly styled
the iron age. even the despot
may feel the heel of the oppressed.
One year ago America was the
object of the gaze of the world.
Today Hie scenes are changed, and
the British lion who has so long
been the monarch of nations is
pouting blood from his hungry
mouth and gnashing his teeth with
rage that been unseen for a
half century. This is no simple
twist of the tail. It is becoming a
moaning wail.
V Card
Full Sheet Poster,
The Eastern Reflector
a year and con
news every week,
Ts only
information to the
tanners, especially grow-
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than the
subscription price.
Hundred Thousand Dollar Cot-
ton Mill.
On last Thursday night a
of business men others
met in the of Scotland
bank co take subscriptions for a
mill here.
The were taken
with the understanding that the
amount for the mill must lie at
least hundred
and that as much of that
amount be rated as possible
to lie supplemented with capital
raised elsewhere.
pledged was more
than forty thousand a com-
was appointed to canvass
for oilier subscriptions. The coin-
think that within a few
the amount will be at
least here, which it
is thought will be met by capital-
There is amongst the
promoters of the enterprise, and it
is believed that soon tin-announce
meal can lie made that sufficient
stock has been taken to assure the
This is a line opportunity for
good investment by those who have
or smaller to Invent.
Cotton paying better
than any other kind of
in Neck Com-
By virtue of the made September
of Superior Court In the
of J. T. Bruce Harry Skin-
executor and surviving partner
therein as
will expose to public before
the Court in to the
on the 6th
o March the
One halt in
land tin of
and others containing
five acres or leas, tying on Indian
Well Swamp and known as the lands for-
to an . Julia
and fully in a recorded In Book
One situate town-
ship adjoin the of Silas
and others,
acres more or lees, fully described
a fr-mi and Joshua Cherry
P page
tract known as the
laud township, adjoining
of Y M. Jame, John Mason
one hundred acres
or fully described in a deed
J. O. to Skinner Book
C -I
One other tract bi
know m th Burton James and
containing one hundred acres wore or
One known its the lam.
In. n adjoining the
lauds of Daniel, George James
and others, o three
acre more
The tract,
acres more or leas, and known
as the Burton James , the
James and the
ottered as follows.
The of cutting removing
all timber or trees above inches
when cut. within the period of years,
on named tracts.
Umber will of-
offend as ft whole, timber land, with
privilege to accept those bids that appear lo
money. There is one
and bait of standing timber on
these tracts.
adjoining S. It. J. I.
K. A. Cherry, Fleming,
Carolina township, known as the
Sam v land, acres
more or toss timber
One known as the laud,
situate in lying on
Creek, adjoining the lands
J. w, H. and
acres more or
less, describe in from J. A.
Harry Skinner In Book
adjoining the of the
late John mi rig. Jordan Daniel
lite forks of the Bond where
G. W. Daniels mill was formerly located
inn deed J, J b
Harry Skinner containing acres.
One tract of land
township beginning at two large
and runs North West to a pine
Wot ; i poles to the road up said
road North Weal to another
road i front of the dwelling house of the
late Jerry and runs with said
road S. poles thence S. and K.
poles line then with his
line to the act's.
One tract of laud situate in Content-
ti adjoining the lands of A.
Hardy Johnson, the Turnage
land and others, containing acres
in a deed from John
in Book page A
One tract town-
ship, adjoining the lauds of Hardy Johnson
Jr., Bout, and others
acres more or less, fully
in Book U page and A
One tract of land situate id
t the lands of the bate
Moses Teel, Porter's place, J. A.
Wiley Bullock others, containing
live and seventy-five acres
more or less.
I Ail No in West Greenville
as follows. at the N. W.
corner of Latham I thence
North street feel to the line
of let No. thence with the line of lot No
fret to the corner r lot No
feet W Ward street then cast with
Ward feet to the
lit No. in West
Beginning at the S. II.
ct of Third and Jarvis thence
with Jarvis street feet to the
line of kit No. thence with the line of
toll No. 18,19 and then with the tine of
lot No north H to Third street,
with Third street west feet to
the beginning.
lot in the town of Greenville on
the corner of Front streets
described In a deed from J W. J. House lo
Harry Skinner in . pages
The terms of sale hut
era pay one third cash can for
Titos. J. ,. i
To those
i districts Pills
a u
. stem in perfect order and are
an absolute cure
sick headache,
torpid liver,
tarn and all bilious diseases.
Liver Pills
Cry for Men.
London, Feb. the House
Of Commons to-day
State for War, that
men are to be raised with
all expedition, bringing up the
country's total armed laud forces
to he added,
the number we'd nearer
a a.
Lt Mount
i Hi a
t V
o m
t as
Ar Mount
The new military he
said, were to place the Mount
home defense on a satisfactory
But, he said, the Government
had even considered the
of service which
was entirely unnecessary view
of the activity of recruiting for the
auxiliary forces. Since the war
recruits had
he pointed out, if Improved
were offend he anticipated
that the voluntary auxiliary forces
if their wax increased,
would easily suffice for passive de-
The Government proposed to put
the pay of the militia on the same
scale as the regulars and embody
the whole militia. During the
summer the volunteer
artillery would be re-armed and
higher capitation grant would be
given the volunteers, coupled with
the demand higher efficiency.
A mounted infantry volunteer
corpse would be formed and the
Yeomanry would be treated on the
same broad principles. The
army service corpse and
engineers necessary for two
army corpse, would raised
thirty-six field
batteries seven horse
The speaker also said it had
to raise twelve additional
Si at th
ll ll
am r
am m in
tO II It
it at
i Tit
to o it u
A Woman Bright Idea
j i i -u. i at
Lexington, Ky, February
Mrs. Amelia Lt. who keeps
a house in Frank fort
she was in the Stale
OUt yard when
and saw a walking some dis-
behind him shoot him with a
She saw the man run
to the State house enter the build
go to the wounded man.
She-has described the man to Gov-
will tell more
about the shooting when Taylor
gives permission. She thinks
was and that I
he merely intended to
Mrs says
she believes was dead two
days before this was made
public was sworn in an govern-
or when he was a
Hy virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County the
case of J. C. Addie E.
Brooks, Alice M. Spier, Pat
rick, Joel G. Patrick and Joel Pat
rick, guardian, partition
to sell In id for division. The
Commissioner will sell
breath i the Court House
door the
5th March the follow-
piece or parcel of
land in the
west by J. C. lot
on i by E. Lang's lot on
tit i Alice M. lot and
I acres more or less.
9th 1900.
F. O.
S. M.
1.000 pounds
boxes Sweet Florida
Coca Nuts,
pounds Mixed
Seeded Currants, Citron,
Figs, Dates,
i r
Come to see me.
and it a of Grove's
Chill Tonic. It is simply
Iron quinine in a tasteless form.
No pay. Price
Whichard. N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
prices as low at the
Highest market prices
aid for country produce.
i v i i
p m,
leaves p m,
ford p ii. Returning leaves San ford
p m. arrive p m
p m, arrives
a in, Rod
a m, Hope Mills a m,
p m, Hope Hills p n
Bet Spring p m, H p r
at with train
at Maxton with the Carolina Central
at Red with the Red
Springs at Sanford
with the Seaboard Air Line and
Railway at with Ibo and
Train on
leave s u m, Halifax p m,
Neck at p m,
m, T pm.
a at, Ml am, arriving
at am, Weldon n am, dour
on Branch leave
a m and S w p m, arrive
a and ,.
a in pa,, arrive an
and SOp Sunday
Train Tarboro
at SO p m, p m.
pm, leave
dally, except a m and San
dare no am, arrives
Train on Midland N c
daily, except Sunday, T OS a
n o t, m, returning
a m, arrives at H a m.
Train on leave
Mount at am. p m,
Train on Clinton for
Clinton dally, m ii i
Sin. Clinton at am
Train close Wei
don for all all met
H. M.
Pass. Agent
J. B. KENLY, Manager.
T. M. Traffic Manager.
a. m.
divine service and sermon every
Sunday morning and evening. Et-
M. and Litany Fridays at A,
M., Rev. I. A. Minister
In Charge.
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Bey.
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D.
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W P. Harding,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. E. B. an-
regular services
A. P. A A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M. J. M. Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
B. G. E. E Griffin,
K. of Lodge,
meets every Friday
B. M. C. C; T. M. Hooker,
K. and
B. Vance Council,
1690, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. B. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
O. P. B. White, Conn-
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilton
Smith Bey.
The One Day Cold Our.
Cold In head and sore throat cored by Ker-
Chocolate Laxative As to
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesday, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk; Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N.
J. J.
N. C.
j. a.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I now be found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. B.
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
a Warning or Star I
Way I. lie.
Is Mo.,
In her to correct mistakes, which mistakes ha
living-, or It may be from ancestors, shoots out
t on the as a that I
la ran
hare come from
blotches and
g that troubles
ore to follow Ii
correct the
. painful sad many an early death has been avoided
other in, . . .
hp tumors, or
you heed the warning
, painful i many an
simply because these notes of have been
pure bi
pure by a right use of SARSAPARILLA.
of Marshall, Mich., write-
was cured of bod humor after with It
ml .- at i .
the blood kept
for i
. . modal, or
for and
It N- Alt, P
whole l perfectly raw It. What I
suffered during those Are year. Ii no use telling. Nobody believe me II
L . t was to our. It. money
enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON H highly
an I triad a bottle of It. I began to improve right and when
the thud I completely cured. I have never a touch of it
d me tried
I advise all who are suffering from humor,
or of any kind to try It at once. I had also a good of stomach.
and was run down and but SARSAPARILLA
The blood is your life If yon keep and strong
disease face contagion
Calla. It Is for all c
s is t or face contagion
It Is for sale by all In full bottles at one dollar
can positively
The East
Ed. H.
From the State
though prominent lo-
cal of strong party
the there is no stronger aH-
cote of it John
then of
Colonel's in the lobby of
began to applaud the
the speaker to chime all sorts
of nice words of j
their There is not room ,
this letter to print them, I
would be to
them any way, mm
might accuse of showing par
I'm not; only re
the gist o. these interviews
us a matter of political news and
development, in which our readers
arc all interested at this particular
There is probably point in
this argument that should be ed
You must remember said the
speaker that fully
who had voted with the
and came to
our res, In 1898 and again
the ticket.
we must retain
all hazards. Subtract those
. be
offer you the beat n
General Merchandise
, I. any store
sell you ii with u well
us and tie following
, February Most of those of all classes from
Judging from th
every Democrat-1 . ,
visitor to last week on g and
the of the visit Of , with the earnestness
Bryan, fr news his fit-
especially with regard to the avail- they
ability success of they his
several candidates for the position.
of Governor other State
feel that there It o
which I could write this week that pursuits were
would prove more
your readers us a whole. that their man
I took to interview M
politicians and available candidate
from the various counties , of them
herewith without submitting any ,,,, and is what
opinion of my own, incorporate P
the views and is a practical farmer and
the arguments by tan all round business
friends of Can-1 m y business and
Justice and with
and especially the availability and He it
strength of those several b, nearly every
men. j farmer and working man, as well
ex-Pope, from our less
majority, and have a small
tor comfort.
Place them the other side and
our selves in the minority
again by over Sow which
candidate governor is most
likely to retain that vote, all law-
ran but To ask the f
is to answer it. Col.
would the votes
hearty support of every one
these men and thousands Other.
yet returned to their
old party. Sot that Cunningham
is anything a Pop. don
like to accuse him of it, for In all.
Dry Goods and Notions,
and Shoes
Blankets and Dusters.
Head Is
Meat, Sugar,
and Plow Fixtures, Sails and Rope.
X, all know about the
men keep their Hi
in the
Washington ant
they send
forth and
to hare it i
laugh ii as i
little n
worth correcting.
in another
grown to
. 1.4-1 now
arc making
the country is.
the use
in the coming .-
arc to form the b of the
and i
arc to edit.
argument, l
of lac pi
long ago
to i
This in turn has
u.-h abuses as the in-
of. other speeches,
even the alleged
of all of which
must be printed in the Congress-
Record, regardless of ex-
. E I
J to
. .
, f
, till Write
. which ought
. .-; y
. . free,
The Raleigh say that ex
Ransom has bales of
his still on hand
an Hi in price las week
; .-- He sold his
and made
at , it-
; . mm I Pi pullet
the Constitutional amendment are
running m against snags at every
turn and at sonic very unexpected
The of the rot
is headed Governor D. L. Bat-
sell. Then tonic
Instruction C. H.
there is not a more
Democrat or stronger j-p j,
party but that, withal, he is , , J I O .
Russell, Geo.
Boggs, of Haywood, ex
date for Congress, A. O. Green of
member of the
committee, J.
J. Green,
editor of a leading
paper. And it is even
hinted the Progressive Far-
i .
the men said. by of
That one of these friends, OUt
. . . n of
nominated is practically a
which one
,, the biggest
portion of the State, and every
body who knows him loves him, I
-U- 5-
nearly all from stronger with I
a conservative man a man
the people, there you have
is a of the
There were few visitors west of
Greensboro, to which section
the strength of Messrs. lice and
Davidson is principally confined.
Kind words of both gentlemen
were lacking, however, and it
is evident that both fill receive a
flattering vote on the first
Headquarters for Furniture and u. that tat.
We buy for Cash, but sell for Either
Is Honesty, Merit
keeps up, it
a general
twin. J ,
will of course receive a huge
vote in the 1st, 2nd, ad Pr
of 4th districts. W e grant
that will exhibit con
strength IO some of the
northeastern counties, will get
votes In the Mil congressional dis-
as well as the 0th probably
-and his friends chum that he has
the his borne
solid behind him. But
claim Aycock will lead on first
lot, if he is not nominated that
ballot. ,
splendid ability as a law-
and as. in his strong
party fealty, are the claims which
identical with theirs, and is
sure to look after these interests.
The fact that he is not a lawyer
is his favor, because
we think it unjust and
there is still a deep seated
dice large
en In every county
in North Carolina, a prejudice In
which he you nor I approve of
but that docs not alter the fact
His ability is
He is speaker, B red hot
campaigner and would make a
brilliant and canvass.
He and his friends have not been
doing as much talking as
II of above, but ts assessed , ,,
Democrat from another included.
In week, de- Among candidates
I tared that Mr. already during Mr. Bryan visit am
I , ; l following, especially A. M. Weddell, Bx-GoV-J-f
farmers. , Hon. Gen
he is the President of the S. Carr could not be bore us
on business
tobacco to on the he
is probable that their friends in-
tend to Slick to them as long as
there is a chance of winning the
I said a prominent
I western that
he wise to nominate a western man
Governor this year,
standing that the candidate at the
last election was
tern man. It is advisable to have
who is close to I he people
the west, us the enemies of ll.
Amendment are making their big-
in our section. ,,
agrees will, us, then of the
or Davidson is the one to Mr, H one the best .
We all know their ability and will
Sterling many supporter. In the eon-
I detailed J--S
and were given paragraph
j roe have had a talk with several
tending eastern Democrats who as
Then ii is an official document,
and will ii
limited all the
States for nothing. In
I, very campaign the political com
I out under the Hank of
members, not only carloads but
of these pamphlets.
Tim government pays is about come out
and to sort and dis it. if this
tribute these millions of packages j will noon amount t
throughout the Enterprise.
never been any estimate of
what this costs the government
presidential years, but the sum
must be prodigious it is con-
Of course It wrong,
parties, In conducting a
o Ii could easily be
of a bill
lilt I
ft mean
a shilling this great expense
from the United Treasury to
fund-, and Ibis in
turn would mean heavier
on of
.,.,,. Perish
for the tobacco to receive
big- i , Mr price for their crop, makes heartily In favor
Specially strong with that -primary plan and he
be add.-d. the best to settle
we present In his favor, but wan, y
. bet an.
roil light
with his past reputation along these
lines during his term as
U H District Attorney Mr.
Cleveland's last term, bis good
work on the stump during
popularity. are counting on
winning Ibis
was noticeable that those
prominent as politicians iron, the
extreme east, woe nearly ml
from that section generally being
Don't you bet any of good
money on not
nominated for Governor April n
unless you want to Iota It.
The Congressional H I
here with its votes
solid for he is going
to get a vole in the 6th
Mid 7th districts, and sonic
the third tat he's B com-
man, we believe. His
will add thousands
the carrying the Amend
lobe way -till
matter most
people. is known
plan, and has all
and it It stated that Mr. Sim
is also willing to such
, So II appears alto-
Z probable that
but Wad
r-. are
excellent and deserving Democrat,
me that U was by no means
Mason of Northampton might yet
, be brought by hi friends for
the summary, made
flattering vote at the .
become inch that I n i ,,,,.,,,
will be oolitic and advisable to up .
My I but what a
r. generally
campaign he would make I
about stump speaker, loin
Mason's superior is not to be
in North
year the total
showing an
very nearly eighteen million
Ian during the last year, which is
much larger than ever before re
i heard about
as yet, as
ill not elected In Angina.
it is now the
by the Orange o
The lo
not in It.
The drunken carpenter never
carries level.
p, els on Hi.- walk of life.
I, ever frown could be coined
ml,,,,,.,, ever body would be
man who weighs
his words Is the man whose words
most weight
The broker is n
man when he takes n
pledge It.
II i-
Clark Is a novel which
there will be no women. This in
will lie novelty.
II the
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any ease of Catarrh
can not If cured by Hall
Catarrh Cure.
p. Co.; Props.,
Toledo, O.
undersigned, have known
p for the last
and him perfectly
I Humble all business trauma-
; ,, , and able to carry
any obligations made by their
wholesale Toledo, O.
fall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in-
upon the
blood mid mucous the
system. per bottle.
b all Druggists,
Hall's Pills
s ;,,. ha. win largely the
What a
I,,,,,,, in census sow
ported in the given time.
. II.
f stack.
So far only two ate
obvious and good reasons.
I i , ., v- .
pretty girls
. . .,.
i we were a eon
Fleming store.

Eastern reflector, 20 February 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 20, 1900
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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