Eastern reflector, 16 February 1900

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Book Store
Pens, Pencils.
There U a young man In
a local physician, now baa a
good and bright prospects
who Hart in life bf
that Aid no In-long lo I
hardly know under what to class the
of obtaining the I Mil
let the story hie actions.
young arrived In Chicago
one funds, but with plenty
of nerve and push, lie wasted
to Mean Ma room rent
until lie could a position, lie-
lit- Had some who
would help If he told his story lo a
straightforward manner, he entered a
cigar In Dearborn street
lie bis condition
and ask for until be could
get a position the proprietor look-
ed U a scowl, lie turned
to partner, and they held a consul-
In Whisper for ft few I
lake and bother me
about l-ll again. That's all you
will gel, now you can get out
In o the J
storekeeper. ,
young man was pushed toward
Hie money In his baud.
and. he would, storekeeper
would h i talk. In the
Street fellow considered
i-very detail and decided
to keep I be mil- be did. and a
mouth or an Inter be again walked Into
and told bis story and
returned the money News.
la a slant bard to In beau-
Ireland The woman who had
never of a live Is.
I think equaled by who came
to me lately her sore leg.
me. doctor, that
i the heel out of it
But I o n to do it with-
out your Not for the
I'm now. doc-
tor, dear, an drop of water has never
gone i J
I goodly of
i I. preceded bl a thorough
in f alkali potash In the
form I I lie old woman hob-
. . with my
for a certain
I n weekly tribute
p i I All at
a from turned up.
called on her and after
Hi-- kindness car-
bis i bet's slater lo end her
days In i r n Hie widow
lay her the water. She
soon real pea ml stop In It,
dear, she explained to a
lady sister's a good
but, between would
washed me lo
Rad War.
There Is like a determined
spirit As the old saying la.
must he don- I The
with of us is our mind
are only made up
A lady a car-
the day In
i I n little
comfortable chair the
she of the carpenter.
comfortable be repeated
give us a call.
Job Din
V Card
TO .;
Full Sheet Poster.
The Eastern Reflector
Is only a year Mid on
the news iv cry week,
and gives ion to the
farm era, especially grow-
tobacco, a worth
many times more than the
subscription price.
i Parker Fountain pen
. .
If won
unlit you n man
-1 i my with Die
work prow
; i have
it ml
a I'll
Pin until I get
The to say that
I I ill as as not
I be carried bin away
I. h in-ill.
K bis to enter
r he played n
in-i-i r n r.
you for I
I a yon
be. I always
m n me lira I
Hi I
iii one I was
Le said lo
I. if
I were
ii. to I a
would get
In n P
tali n
in i
I . I
r . t-r v
; ii
a I
A off V-
If of
there of a certain
draw Ins of n bead after
Vandyke be enumerated. It
would There la
nothing surprising; in popularity
of bead whatever
ft la
for many ludicrous misapprehensions.
There ire women believe that
bead was painted by Gilbert Stuart.
There are women have asked If
It was the of A. T. Stewart
there are women who know
that It depicts of the of
Charles I. but who do not know which
one of bis It Is. It Is
a boy or a girl, or painted tat
original. The head la that of sec-
son of diaries I. and name of
the was Vandyke paint-
ed time lime of
family groups of
by Vandyke hangs in Turin.
From the head of little James In that
group n copy was made by
drawing, and copy
hangs In the Academy of St. at
Rome. From drawing
countless army f photographs, en-
and prints which
have spread to the uttermost parts of
the proceeded.
Let change the title, for we think
has done duty long
enough. Why not cull hi in
Then, at least all bis
would know Ids sex. lie be-
came Kin Jam II of
and. to
be gave of possessing
all vices his race without any
Of Its virtue- Ills reign was short
and infamous lie was in exile St.
Germain when be dud in Such
the chubby and guileless looking
royal baby In the cap. Tran-
A Jeweler Tells to Take oar one
Has Lull.
Most girls a ho bare bad baby rings
have had Me In them
from their -r. Is really no
necessity f-i lids ado about
a i said a Jeweler.
fact, as In else, the secret
of success lb in how to do It
Here is ft that I have found
for r a tight ring, and
there Is no surgical
Involved oil Thread a needle Hat
In the eye. ti- thread that is strong,
but not I'm i then pass head
of under the ring. Care, of
course, i be used and It
would be lo soap needle before
beginning needle having been
passed through, pull thread through
a few Indies Inward hand
time the jeweler had passed
the needle nod thread under ring
on his own was prepared to
Illustrate lit I la lecture. the
end of the thread around the fin-
toward Hie in this manner,
then take hold of the short end tin
wind The thread, thus
against the ring, will gradually remove
It, however or swollen the
A correspondent of Dundee Ad-
writes from
people of though sprung
from the same stock as ourselves, are
Infinitely more polite hospitable
SO much so that my friend Scotch
landowner, who is Scotch lo back-
bone nod never more Scotch than when
out of Scotland, early to the con-
that their besides
being trouble to themselves,
was a sheer of I did not
find it so. I rejoiced It was of
their characteristics, fur they were
ever willing to show me their
and their dairies and their cur-
establishments, I bad been
assured before leaving this country
that the Danish creamery least was
shut against the stranger.
most continental people l have
met the Dane puts himself to DO end
of trouble to help you. and he
gives all you want you
must needs go to bis home and drink
drink and smoke his cigars, as old
In this country might do after
fears of
To those living
Tint's Pills
they keep the
system in perfect order and are
an absolute cure
f r sick headache, indigestion,
torpid liver,
all bilious diseases.
Liver Pills
i n ill i; i i.
A ii electoral will
put a upon thrift
to lie
ed in Belgium, tinier thin new
plan every man
of twenty twenty -live yearn
who pay dollar a year
taxes will be entitled to vote
one ballot; married men over
live J ears of age will have two
ballots and if such married
shall own real estate or Gov-
saving bank de-
posits producing an income of
a year will have three ballots
Whichard. N.
The Stock in every
and prices U low as the
Highest market prices
aid produce.
Ar Mount
iS is
i- u m
l la
s. n as
T a
it a so i
KM Hi m a AM r M
Lt Florence Lt T IS SO It, iii n a
r i as
a in as
I, tr r
;. of tilings.
I i. In- is very
Dim ii K n
it mi ii mi-1 infill
mi i r
I ., I
M I ft- It I Ml I C
i ii
i Ml II
t . i in i x
of Mini
J I I up IO
. II h n ;.
.- i i
i -1 n
. i. i i villa id
I i t .
i . . I -1 k
i- i. ii limn in
-j ii
I . i fl
S. M.
4.0110 pounds Candy,
pounds Mixed Nuts,
pound Raisins,
Seeded Currants, Citron,
Dates, Bananas.
toys, CHEAP.
Come to see ids.
mm m.
------Off the
I i Line to all Points.
Where Was Married.
Cue of moat
in r- Si. Wit
of Dr.
of St. In
both Porter, of of K.
Why the couple have
from to Derby to be
If con
an of the
They must a
as they up the
aisle of i i r ; he
want. man.
person of nearly
off Meant
Mi ii
I ;
of i gloomily.
in p
I You know,
a i I -it the celling
for ii ii nil night Just at
rum a yard of
nil or
i u-i
Meat to exist, and
. are cited of
in of all The
i Citizen forward
With H of n In town
Inn to lie
; ii-ll. put a written
one of the I lie oilier day A
u ho was fr n
u is lo the no-
.-ii In buy
at ll ll from who
his own way. lie
, fence, the pump handle
and I. ii doors lie
City Journal
i De
Don't live for your. If. do he
afraid of your
Beta ii of lie
Who Wholly the I of
Others, ll were, forgets
far happier than man who
make of
Cuba and
j on all Lo-
on all
an J
A j fin Time
In for-
ion, or
T. P. A.,
Charlotte, X. c.
K. B. C. A.,
No to
; -1 W, A. Turk
you get
i i. t .
H It
. a n i, so i ii
C U ll
is Si
Ar Mount
Arrive Tarboro
i m
Lt Mount
ton p tn,
P m, arrives
p Return, up leaves Sanford
p m. arrive p leave
p m
loaves Ben-
a m, SO, a m,
a m, Hope Mills a in,
p m, Hone p r .
Red p m, p
arrives m
with train
at With Carolina Central
Bed Spring with the Keel
Springs at Sun ford
with the Seaboard Air and Southern
the and
Train on s. . Neck Road
leave H i t. tn. p in,
l A W p m. K
Kill-it.;, v.
no r m, m
at ll am. ll am.
if p m, arrive V
a id ti p m, leave
.; . arrive am
and p
Train leaven Tarboro dally except Sunday
b p m. Sunday p m, arrives Ply-
ft p returning, leaves Ply-
mouth dally, Sunday, a m. and
day arrives
Train on Midland N C hi. leaves
born dully, except Sunday, Oft a
a m. leaves
a m.
Train on Nashville Branch leave
Mount at am. p m, arrive Nashville
I a in. U pin. Spring Hope am.
Hope II am
. a m. arrive at
a m, p m. dally except Sunday.
Branch leaves for
Clinton dally, except m and
m. returning leases Clinton at go a and
Train No close
don all points ml. via
. M.
. Pass.
J. R. Manager.
T. If.
and every
Sunday morning and evening. Er-
M., la in Fridays at A
M., Rev. I. A.
in Charge.
day, morning and evening. Pray-
u lay evening. Rev.
J. X. Booth, Sunday-
a. m. C. D.
every Sun-
morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W F. Harding,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. B.
A. F. S A. M. Greenville
Lodge, mm-
third Monday R.
W. M. J. M. Sec
I. O. O. No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
R. O. E. E
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening.
R. M. C. C; T. M. Hooker.
K. of It.
It Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
O. F. hall. J. B. White,
A. O. Council.
No. meets every first and third;
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. Se-
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at ti A. M. for Green
ville, leave Greenville
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. Tar-
leave for Greenville
and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Halt injure.
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
it railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should freight by
the Old Dominion S. a. i u.
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from
and Line from
Washington, N.
Greenville, N.
I a i.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I can now lie found In the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
Notice in
i j.
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
or nor lo
Marls lo Mead .
la 11.6
Nature, In to mistakes, which have from
careless living, or it mar be out pimples, blotches and
Imperfections on skin, as a warning that more serious troubles
tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary arc certain to follow If
you neglect heed the warning and correct the mistakes.
Many a lingering, painful disease and many an death baa been avoided
simply because notes of warning hare been m the blood kept
pure by a light use of S
Mi--. A J. i. . of Marshall, Mich.,
cured of a bad suffering with it for five The
doctors and my friends said It was salt rheum. It came out on my head, neck
and ears, and on my whole body. I perfectly raw It. What I
suffered during those Is no use Nobody would me if
I did. I tried every medicine that was advertised lo cure It, I spent money
enough to buy a I beard JOHNSTON'S highly
I tried a of it. I began to improve right away, and when I baa
i. i third bottle I completely cured. I have never bad a touch of it
I never got any thing to do mo the least till I tried JOHNSTON'S
I would heartily advise all are suffering from
or skin disease of any kind to try It at once. had also a good deal of stomach,
trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S .
made mo all
The blood la your life and if you keep it pure and strong you can positively
disease or JOHNSTON'S
fails. It is for sale by all druggists, in fall quart bottles at
The Eastern Reflector
Ed. Ii
Ed. H.
Section Every male person
pie lie
elections by the General
shall be viva
Sec Every voter in North
Carolina, except in I his article
shall be eligible to of-
but upon
duties of the office he shall lake
and subscribe the following
States, and j
every male person has been j Sec. All elections by the
years of
age, and possessing
set out in this article, shall
be entitled to vote at any election
by the people in the State, except
M herein otherwise provided.
Sec. He shall have resided in
State of North Carolina for two
years, in the county six months,
and in the precinct, ward or other
district which he offers
to vote, four months next
the election ; Provided, That
removal from precinct, ward
or other election district
in same county, shall not ope-
rate to deprive any person of the
right to vote precinct, ward
or other election district from
which be has removed, until four
months after such removal. No
person who bin been convicted, or
who has his guilt in open
upon any crime
the punishment which is, or may
hereafter be, imprisonment the
prison, be permitted to
vote, unless the said person shall
be first restored to citizenship in
the manner prescribed by law.
Sec. Every person offering to
vote shall be at the time a legally
registered voter as herein
ed and manner
provided law, and the General
North Carolina shall
enact general laws to
carry into effect the provisions of
this article.
Sec. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able to read write any section
of constitution in the English
language; and, before he shall be
entitled vote, have paid on or
before the day of March of
year in which he proposes to vote,
hie poll tax as prescribed by law,
for the previous year. Poll taxes
hall be a lieu only on assessed
property, and no process shall issue
to enforce the collection of
except against asset sad property.
A Good to
While all State papers arc
possibilities of farm
in Georgia advocating the
diversifying of crops, it be
well to a that conies I
from count t as I practical
example of nut Mil can be
lone, but what has been in the
of making OB a
following rental
a small town ii.
man in has in
twenty-five or year I
made with a
farm. in sin .-
shin he cleared above his
expenses each war. lie never
lows any trash on
never allows his beggar weeds rut
or pastured, plows everything
and all goes back to soil,
He carries his null lo the mill on
the bank of his horse, leads the
horse and never rules him.
saves the animal. has
food, Inn does
live and can do
without 1-1 the
chant sells, amid
He is in
world so lira-his par would J
lie works with
his mule, and and
do all their-work, making
twelve or iii
who register under this section I teen bales of and
or before November 1908, and syrup, meat and potatoes. He
all such persons shall lie entitled lends money over county
to and vote at all elections good people N per
by the people this Mate, unless I never sends money oil.
disqualified under section of this at home among neighbors, lie
Provided, such persona said lo ho.-
shall have paid their poll tax as re- cash, and all made from a link-
one still con
duels. This mi- told a
I prior thereto, entitled lo vote
laws of any State in the
States wherein he re-
sided, and no lineal descendant of
PI I I A Nil
Wit i
V, .-
i. i iii
I i can
p .
i .
M ill always find a
only that farmer
mi who
set t to ob
in both and quantity
Hi-- well-
General Merchandise
a large yield unless it
Send fur
which furnish full
end them
lo III ti
and He .-
The following is the amendment
. such person, shall lie denied
to article of the State it u . .
,.,,,, right to register and vote at
lion, adopted by the As i .
,. ml i . . any election in this State by
1899, and to lie submit- ,. . , ., . ., ,
. of bis failure to possess the
to voters for ratification .
I qualifications prescribed in
next . q . j,,.,,,,,,,,
Section 1- That article the, in accord
constitution of North Carolina lie with terms of
and same is hereby abrogated prior o ,
and lieu thereof shall be j General Assembly shall provide fol-
the following article of said B record all bushels of corn,
ell Min .- ,.
and the mo- , ,
s p n
ii yon I
i-i us
l . H-i-l .
sells, if In- and does i lo w ,,
. . I . I
a pi h i I
Meal. i
i i .
neighbor of
The story is remarkable lie
cause it is impossible, but bananas
facts stated in unusual.
If one man aided by one
his energy and can
so much, what is
for a farmer with several
mules and same en
to accomplish t The Is
probably no
why ii be.
had a
would mil long before she would
rank as the riches and most
I will support and
maintain the constitution laws
of the United Slates, and the con-
laws of North Caro
therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
duties of my office
So help me,
Sec. The following class's of i . . ,.
i. ii um , .- Preparing; l-or A Big Crop,
persons shall lie disqualified
First, all persons who shall i notwithstanding fuel that
deny the being of Almighty j notion is bringing B price
Second, persons who shall have than it has for years and I lien-
been convicted or confessed more or of lighting
guilt on pending, j fertilizer
whether or not, heavy purchase-
or felony, or any crime tori big crops.
which the punishment may be sate of tugs by
in the penitentiary. I North of Ag
since becoming of the
United or corruption and
malpractice office, unless such
person shall be restored to the
rights of in a man.
prescribed by law.
Ii- ; ;
W i for l .
Credit, Our
, ii
; .
i ii pay a
tiers calf
pi Hi. rate
shape of a sub-
Am business
I l.- gOt
-I lie let alone. ll
;. can
ill i any be
Durham Herald.
. .
lb.-- .
Hun, w in Bryan
-i. in
. P M.
luck, I. M.
M tin-
Line has the
his pi
ii has also accepted an
. lecture 1-. the
fee will lie
.-i-d- ill In-
tin establishment
; to be given for the
i in-11
hen II be I
i .
. I
We ban
i i.
w .
Sec. II. This act shall be in force
from and after its
Farmers In Earnest.
Owing to of pro
of the meeting
Saturday the resolutions
adopted, we are forced to print
the edition
of Tub but it will
pear as a whole our semi-week-
edition of
worthy of a careful read
and for that reason we publish
them full. If the farmers con
in mat-
and receive the co-operation
me since I.
shows demand for
the this year is
nine tell i. , y i u. .
it was last year, Do
of agriculture
nary has sold tags
of X
These are en
for farmer,
crop this year would have
been an unusually large one had II
lint been for mid storm.
l n
. . Dollars
ruse of
i ire.
i i iii -i Props.,
Toledo, O,
i for the la.-i
h perfectly
ll business
i made by
w i -1 .-, 11.1 wholesale drug.
. .
Mini IN,
i I i- taken in
surfaces. tin-
. i .
Plow Gear, tee.
i i
i . i
In I,, v
I 1ST,
i . i
in i
See. 5- No male person was, j should have, Hie end aimed at
on 1867, or at any time accomplished.
The lair John
Income his writings
nine away all
which he kepi I'm living
When remonstrated with by
friends for Ins lib
urged In retain mini-
for himself lie said Hint
who live
on a had
II Will. .
ii nips, Nail-.
. U
H i
k -ma ,
. in An i
ii ii i A i
el i,
No. B, .
i ,
ii. 1.1 iii I I
m- -M-
Nun Like
nun You Will Like

A i- going the
the effect Bl a public
i u- pasted
fag pupil- i hat Mr. and m
a of the rs, would give a
lecture cm Eves, and How
w.-so- Through I
oath this some boy rotes
Our Pupils, and See
Through IV
bad cotton Slate meeting
of good things be in
Tin- Sea fork hat
covered th Advance Agent of
led to
he overlooked it until week
multiplicity of bin
re labor. w will
ii.--i.-i that and
eight are accidental
and incidental ti a b
the Republican leaden have no
than bare over
state of weather; but
be i. Ii I Hal .
Philadelphia Record.
Strong Resolution Asking Co-
up ration la
Humanity Against
ii i to be the of
. tel
I he a em-
1.- against the trusts d check
I o be mm. One is
certain; of
representative farmers
being represented, shows de-
termination to l- viewed
It was occasion f the meet-
iii were Association, called mac-
a resolution adopted
how v no.
from the in that bis i ma.
p , , . , z I B J
i. v i .
far below the . ii . .-
. . I in
Karo Moral
i . are g -i a
., . free people and the
towed r republic as sing Mi
titular dignitaries
in- sud enlightened though
national legislation.
Ii-- people, hi robbing us of our
honest toil, depriving o- of many. i. With a developing i-x-
the and all Urn caw--1 pending market, with
life, is undermining production and with increasing
basic principles of I prices for manufactured
government by driving we find price of leaf tobacco
prudent, conservative and thought- steadily diminishing until, it has
fill men to communism and an- to that point where it is
now therefore it. longer profitable.
Thai the ii. All manufactured articles
practical feasible plan rising in price as the farmers
his toil less and
the and less, and we call attention to the
Has the Largest Sale of
tobacco guano
in the world.
manufactured by guano co. j
Marshall, of Vi-
, .,. I Ii i out in an
.-. i.-ii i to Senator in
which he nay he received a
In . which,
doubt, wan i
other In the circular
lie I i
c hi-.- i mid In.
. . against it if e I
new hi
also the Pop dial and
-.-. In.- who.
. were Ii or into
. I ii ticket l
election, m not vote.
asked for sis i
i- ; . . ; i
. ii could ii
ll on ;. in at her
I.-. the
bis open I the
and election
M , in an letter, roasts
him a political
leader who not hesitate to in
for ii-.- expense of those
h bin c him to lie
He en; he is
riling birth for
ii sorry mess bill .
i -.-ll I
bent. you
. . I cm per the men
tile puny
lb. j lack pi blood which
in- . bite mat e . i
to Iii- I i I
sell i v. ii .
insult ii to . .
. it I- U. I I
i. iii-
cl prestige o came to him from
bis .
Ii minus
c- ii a ii. lie
relied on to work in r
What yon expert
I- I I think to milk
I lie plan to
in. i. out of
mined to
its I feel Ii ill
found who would
be to lint
the danger of
lion in the i m
stir up I I lo
lull as a
warn yon
will follow you. Von have
warped from
its hi purposes ; yon have be-
principles and sold
opportunities for a song;
leadership of what once an
strong dwindled
to a fourth of that number of dis-
to whom Mm offering
in nil e give up their par-
or become accomplices
you in basest
i be
of the Common-
wealth ever Bade its
to Mod delegates to
this comity meeting, and
to the fertilizer having
the county gathering
was to as an ant i trust
. ion.
The delegates came, a great mini
b.-r of at noon the meet-
was called to order in
Court Hi-use by J. Laughing-
house. President of the County To
work of the meeting
organizing was to appoint a
resolutions, which
; of S. Iii i is.
ti. T. Tyson and II.
Prof. State Chemist,
present, and by request ad-
convention and gave
as to the relative val-
of commercial and
. composing
the out
i prepare ii- report, Dr. J.
i i; was called to ad-
dress the meeting. The doctor
gave the farmers best advice
have had iii n day. He
told them that if they lo
encroachments the
. trust, was an easy
had return
days of ancestors when every
bis own fertilizers on
the farm. To
they must raise stock and feed it
well, and the candles of In-
and Do this
and would have n- use for
fertilizers. lb- said
further they could never ac
anything through
i is.
The returned with
several resolutions. The Ural read
Resolved, That w.- tin- farmers
Pitt county
iii. agricultural interests
of our receive due
lion in our State government and
bin making powers, regardless
parties of
ail As a partial
of iii- we to
personnel of
which ha- of
. I
Agriculture u
iii nil. of
resolution with
lion i mil iIi ii looked
going into
adoption would n.-l be u and
ii motion being made table, ii
u i-
i lie next I. was as fol-
Whereas, . the tobacco growers
of Pit I
tin necessity of adopt
lug and
inc. In ho a
single soulless
ration from the entire
And whereas, under existing
condition is a fad above.
per cent of I lie cigarettes and SO
cent of plug tobacco of
I States is controlled entirely
American Continental
Tobacco i known
a- I lie
And restriction
and removal f
the two
backed the great of mil-
tobacco factories.
That we pledge ourselves to
use all honorable and legal
to the use of goods man-
by independent
That the President appoint a
c of two each township
to merchants of
their rasped take
the names of all merchants who
lire willing, those who are not
fertilizer trust which, while
dependent on the
Interests of the county is
the farmer to the last farthing
am making it even more difficult
for him to his
crops Therefore lie it.
Resolved, That we urge upon
the farmers of this col inly they
red their money crops, cotton
and tobacco, at least to . per
cent, acreage and make an
fort lo raise all home supplies,
an intelligent stem of
prices to the growers, and an in- Committee accompanies
cease in acreage m.-ans the it with a statement from the pros-
able ruin of the cotton farm-
After the of above
the meeting adjourned subject to
call of the President.
willing, lo cooperate with u in
this snuggle for common
against rotation and stock plant
report them to
President who will publish them ; that we en-
courage then to hope
in any of the State panel's
deem proper, and
Chants be requested and urged H BriM
lo use their influence with home comfort, to some extent
i , , ,,, a,.,,,, i alleviate
em get them to . ,.
die and sell only goods e
tared by independent factories, lb-imperialistic and insular
preference in their PA of this and
purchases to those who the representatives
j in Congress from state vigor-
protest against the free ad-
mission the cheap
labor of tropics in competition
j with as such
would be disastrous and
to Southern farmer.
heartily invite capital,
individual or corporate, to come
among we will encourage in
every way we can its legitimate in-
vestment, giving ii absolute prob
it must come to operate
with our people in up building the
country, developing latent
fa. tilling raw working in
a spirit of mutual interest develop
to pillage and oppress.
We to one of
the greatest that afflict ibis
t be very life of
the nation, crushing all Individual
and independent competition
placing the producer and consumer
at the mercy of corporations mire
strained by Federal or -Stale laws.
the three great parties de-
hostility to these pirates
with the be em-1 commerce we petition them to give
with plan. Ins some tangible evidence of their
A. J. Move offered a motion to I good faith by enacting such effect
lake sense of the meeting National and State laws as will
if farmers of Pitt give the people some relief from
favored plan. oppressions.
shows willingness to co-operate
I. That we appeal to all lovers
of justice, right and
help and encourage us in Ibis
weak against l
of justice against injustice, of
against Inhumanity.
That we urge immediate and
active organization throughout the
tobacco growing States of the
invite co-operation along
these lines.
i. Thai ask the State
Convention of Tobacco Growers to
adopt this co-operative plan as the
most practical solution of this vital
to ii- all.
That we ask all papers that
righteousness of our
cause to give these resolutions as
wide circulation as possible.
There was considerable discus-
of these resolutions and a
motion was made and unanimously
adopted that they be referred to
the on plan of action
pointed by the meeting
Upon putting motion the meet-
voted in favor of plan.
Tin- follow additional
We. the farmers of county
recognizing need of concert of
action and of combination for our
mutual benefit and protection,
make declaration of purposes
invite all in
i to form similar or-
hoping ibis movement
will to every State in
Whereas, The depress-
ed condition of agriculture is to
great that farmer is
being reduced hi dependence
or actual Want, cannot at
prices of farm produce give the
necessary comforts of life to bis
family. immense and fertile
territories being open
to the world for settlement
development give little bops of any
permanent of appreciable rise iii
price of farm produce for the
The possessions
we have by con
oiler a Held for Syndicate
farming with peon or coolie labor
and menaces markets of the
great rise in all
factored products Is all char-
to the ad-
In raw The
prosperity that is M widely
is not being by the
That we stand ready to co-op-
. with the tobacco farmers of
North Carolina and other states in
the of such plans as will
enhance the market price of leaf
tobacco, restore and
deliver farmers from the blight
curse of to-
ii We believe that the present
rise price of fertilizers is not
justified by actual conditions
even if combinations not con-
trolled by the trust are
arbitrarily raising the price of
chemical Ingredients it should
affect the prices fir this year
to the extent claimed, as we have
cause lo believe the
long before pres-
advance in price of chemicals.
We recommend to our farmers that
the;, j . independent lac-
they largely on home made
. legumes,
T. That the cotton crop of this
county is now selling at living
but due to the crop failure
and scarcity of cotton and
tin are mis lending us to
profit farmers
as is not high enough lo
compensate for loss by shortage
We want our people against an
Increased acreage for
year the acreage of
was with a normal yield
to more col ton than
C, Feb.
The democratic substitute for
standard bill
B Short and plain. It was intro-
I need by Jones, of
and provides for the open-
of the mints of the S.
coinage of silver, as provides by
the Act of Jan. 1837,
the same terms and subject lo
attorney of Salt Lake City,
saying that for various reasons it is
not likely that Graham will be
brought to trial under that indict-
It is probable that the
wishes of the
are among those
for not trying to convict the
It is only by-the of
Senator Allen, that today's Con-
Record does not place
the Senate on record as
with the and believing
that this government should offer
mediation. Senator Allen offered
a resolution to that effect and
through the absence of some Sen-
and of others, it
was before the Semite and de-
adopted without a dissent
Experience teaches that
good clothes longest,
good food rives best nutrition,
and a good medicine that
cures is the
best and cheapest. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is the best
cine money can buy, because
it cures when all others fail.
Poor Health
pains in bock and hips.
Uh nervousness and
no appetite. Used Hood's
gained and can hard
day tat and sleep I look
t because it helped husband to
t its. E. J.
. ll. ,
After two
Premiums been paid
what had been done, the
nation flocked the
floor. The yeas and nays were
but Mr. Allen
objected, and the objection was
Allen good
agreed that the vote
should lie reconsidered and the
resolution to the calender.
limitations and provisions of law vole as realized
regulating the legal
tender quality of gold; and that
when silver coin shall be re-
Into the Treasury,
.-ales shall lie Issued for them as
now by law.
the republicans have
votes to pass the gold standard bill.
Chandler is only republican
who will vote against it, but
substitute will give democrats
an opportunity to record their
voles in favor of dollar of our
The vote will be
en on Thursday of Ibis week.
Adjutant Gen. Corbin, who
gained some notoriety during the
war with Spain, through being Al
tool in carrying out the
schemes devised for the
of well as by
lobbying during the last Congress,
for legislation to give himself
is again play
lb role of lobbyist for
same purpose.
The attitude of democrats in
Congress, as a party towards the
Nicaragua Canal treaty, which the
administration negotiated with
England sent to the Senate,
and the Rico bill, a
been reported to the House and
will be taken up Ibis week and
jammed through as a party mesa
ore, is thoroughly American, and
consequently right. The treaty
gives more than provides for our
receiving, ll allows us to build a
canal with our money, provided
we agree lo let every nation
world, those we may happen
to have war with, have exactly the
same privileges we take for our-
selves ii. using it. That isn't the
old democratic idea of American
control of the canal, and is real-
sin rising that there is a single
democratic Senator who is Willing
to vote for the ratification of the
treaty. Without votes
would be bound lo fail. One of
the arguments in favor
if construction of the canal,
but it is being by world would consume at profitable
baa been advantage it would
give us war with I lie foreign
power, ruder the present treaty
we should have no advantage, as
our enemies could make just the
same use of the canal.
lie gave Sunday
dinner, a club house
to twenty-odd members of the House
Including the Military Committee.
As Secretary Root also attended
dinner, is assumed- that be
is helping the effort of Corbin for
notwithstanding the indignant
denials on of the House,
by Gen. other ad-
ministration men, of the charge
made by Roberts,
bad been appointed to
Federal offices by Mr.
the House Committee on Peat Of-
flees, which been investigating
now t report lo the House
of Pro
bad an indictment for
my banging over him, when he
mis appointed. In order to soft
en this proof of the charge of Rob-
Newark. N. J.
Your Policy
Has Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that
works automatically,
Will be re-instated
three years after lapse if yon are
in good health.
After Second ear
Imperialism is real question . . ,
ii u. n- o Restrictions,
involved in the It lean .
,.,, . , . Incontestable.
bill, it makes one of issues upon . ., . ,, , . .
. ., ,. ., ,. , Dividends are pa at the be-
which this years presidential cam- . . v
. r. , , ginning of the second and of each
waged. The ,. ., , .,
,, . ., . ,. year, provided the
in their report this . . ,.
. . . . . the current year be paid
which imposes a per cent, duty,,
Rican products, have
come out flat-footed favor
Constitution, and of
having Congress
lo dial with the recent
by the United States as
colonies, and with their people as
The democrat contend
that the Constitution is tin-supreme
law of this republic, and that it
that every fool of ground be-
longing to the U. is a part of the
I. S. and every resident of
belonging to V. S., a citizen.
The imperialist have votes to
w in in Congress; but remains to
be seen whether can win be-
fore the people.
Colonel Bryan stopped in Wash-
again to talk to democratic
Representatives about
what licit of democratic pros-
during bis trip East.
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To Make Policy Payable as
an Endowment during the Lifetime
J. L.
M. C.
o. . mm,
Beef. Cattle.
Hides, ,
you any
If brine tome. I cash
On N. C
s--------. i
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on has i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
old. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
A f. i; of
. .
No. 3-
i. i i
iv 1- st j Hook
t . t. j
it ill l j
ii --live
I At . rt. Butch-
. over So
ling. y
i- .
. -r West. Nut
. e Cow. or
I to
W .
. Ml nod t m It It n
; -n In
-1. iv-i by
. .- books
Fall and Winter Clothing
, Some t to
Ki in.-l IS,
left for
To Ii
rs . .
Special Price
Good Suit
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that yon owe
subscription and we request
you in as early as
We need what YOU
owe and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Register Deeds Moore's
in marriage line
last week, fell far behind that of
any recent week. He issued them
to only following couples
Thomas II. and Mamie I.
Wilson and Weal h-
John and Little
Mayor's Court.
Since last report Mayor Move
has disposed of following j
R. W. Kin
Miss Mamie
is Miss Etta
Agent J. R. Moore h
Tl IS,
r. s. went to to-
Hill Home went
Monday night.
Ex-Gov. T. Jarvis left Ibis
for Raleigh.
Miss Sue Clark, of Tarboro, is
visiting Miss Skinner.
Miss Mary Alice taken
charge of a school in county.
Miss Etta Heart, of Durham,
who has been visiting Mrs. E. I.
left Monday evening.
Miss Lena of Greene
county, who was visiting Mrs. E.
A. in West Greenville, has
returned home.
D. J. Whit-hard left this morn-
for Greensboro on business.
He expects to Stop in Raleigh long
enough to hear Bryan speak to-
Wednesday, M moo.
Hill Home from Kin-
R. E. Lee ibis naming for
L. II. Ponder went to Durham
his morning.
lines, in ; r.
leases in his
William Floyd, Edward David-
The green grass is beginning to drunk
show itself.
Fresh Sweet N. Y. Butter
N. C. at S. M.
Slant and Vertical Copy Books at
Book Store.
You can gel Copy Books for
cents at Book Store.
are add to our Stock of
school hooks at Book
There were congregations
in the opera house Sunday morning
and evening to hear Rev. D. W.
Davis, of Christian church.
Ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis was
pointed by Mayor Powell, of
as one of the reception com-
to meet Hon. W J. Bryan.
THE Reflector is indebted to
John W White for an invitation
to the oratorical contest of the
Leaser Literary Society of the A.
M. College, Raleigh, Feb. 23rd.
Many counties arc going
organizing Constitutional Amend-
clubs. Pitt county needs to
be at work if are to give the
amendment the majority it should
have here.
There will be a quarterly meet-
at Bethlehem Feb. and
and Rev. F. A. Bishop,
siding Elder or pastor will
preach at on Sunday
Any business man who has used
the Parker Fountain Pen will tell
you they are by no other.
You can Ii ml at
Book Store. Every pen
The Reflector Book Store has
been appointed as one of the de-
for furnishing school
books. We have just received n
large of such books as are
used in both public and private
schools of this county, arc
ready to fill orders. you
want the way of books
school supplies come to the
Book Store.
He Makes Two Speeches.
Special to
Raleigh, N. C., Feb.
Win. J. Bryan made two great
speeches here today. He spoke
this afternoon in a crowded lent.
Tonight, at the Academy of Music,
he made the greatest speech ever
heard in North Carolina.
against trusts and imperial-
ism were simply unanswerable.
He showed the great wrong of the
American conquest in the Philip
pines. Said that the
freedom under
can Mark
the Republicans principles were
severely arraigned. Ho said free
silver was dead issue, lie
strongly advocated income tax.
His speech was greatly applauded.
and reckless driving; all plead
guilty, fine costs amounted to
2.76 each.
Marion Perkins, riotous and dis-
orderly, lined costs, total
Samuel Allen, riotous and dis-
orderly, lined 19.00 and costs total
Value Constant Effort.
It is necessary only to ask for
business g order to , it. But it
is advisable to ask early and often
for persistence wins in business
in any other of the affairs of life.
Daily advertising brings success to
the advertiser by increasing his
business and enhancing his
and thus enlarges his profits.
Foretold His Death.
Fredrick Meyer, who was killed
here last night by struck by
a Fitchburg locomotive, foretold
his death less a week ago.
Meyer recently joined a club whose
meetings were held a hotel.
his first meeting last
week when the roll call disclosed
thirteen members present, and
subsequently it was discovered
that the meeting was being in
Room and that it was the
thirtieth anniversary of the organ-
of the club. During the
session Meyer referred to the
attached to the
and of us
will die a short time. I think
I'll Vie the His friends
laughed the idea, but today they
are seriously considering the tragic
realization of his
N. Y., Dispatch.
School Room or m
Mil. Editor spend most of
my time among the poor and fed
for them. Some have a hard
Struggle. When a man has ti or
children to feed and only two or
three of them can give him any
help, he sometimes feels compelled
to keep them from school a few
days. I do not wish to condemn
the innocent; but some need
watching at this point. I beg your
renders to stir up their neighbors.
The school term is short. Boys
and will lie the
school age. Parents sin
their they
needlessly keep them from school.
I have lately visited quite a
of schools. Some
by the Orange Va.
should be the aim of every boy
to be an improvement upon his
The smile of sweetness is golden
coin hot from the mint of the
The greatest men of might are
those who can help you. but won't.
The sailor is overjoyed lo see a
not so with
How small every person becomes
who lives for self alone and not for
The Confederate soldiers hail
plenty to eat when they had a pro
Out the Philippines the
hesitate not to kill a missionary
his tracts.
You would be surprised to know
what a vast amount of skillet re-
quires to be a good cook.
Whether you go up or down in
Ibis world, you will always find
plenty of people to push you.
People commend industry and
yet see carpenters painters
going lo the scaffold every day.
The minister who is carried away
by the inspiration of his theme
never fails to get back in time to
take up a collection.
Wearing the uniform of a Chris-
soldier nu the Sabbath is
evidence that you do any fighting
against lbs devil during week.
Here's a Danger.
With towns nil around us in
factories and Greenville not gel
ting any it is not hard to see where
this town will lie the loser. Pen
pie naturally seek towns in which
factories arc operated, for
of business an better there.
So the danger that confronts
Greenville is if town will
try to go on without factories some
of the people already here may be
taken from us lo the that
have factories.
weal t-
Mrs. p. O. Cos sir with
The band have
and the boys an- practicing
Little But travel-
salesman, M. O. Bryan, left
yesterday the longest trip
he has yet taken, and expects to
work the best harder than
ever. If we arc little, shall do OUT
best ti loud.
D. G. Taylor, a prom i and
well known farmer of
in town yesterday and
bought yards of wire fence.
Farmers of his county are using
lots Winterville fence, and we
hope lo see more of our Till
friends following their example,
Tin SO living Incur here have the
advantage of saving all freight.
Wish the lecturer Sunday had
given the checker playing and the
mining business which has just
started up here a Mow w hi. Ii would
have k them of existence.
Besides being a waste of valuable
time, which annul should give lo
Improving his business, it is going
to make gamblers of our boys sure
you do notice you
are the gainer. If yon don't notice
the following you are the looser.
Have never done like before,
have this offer i make for a
few propose lo give as
a premium saddle and one
backhand to every purchaser of
one pair of our cart wheels at the
regular price until pair shall
have The early bird
catches the worm, if you come at
once, you get in addition lo the
best pair of wheels you ever bought,
the best cart saddle and back Band,
worth A. Co.
Quite a large crowd, consider-
the weather, were entertained
at the Baptist here
temperance lecturer
Rev, R. course
of his lecture lie spoke of report
from den we were running
several blind tigers here, but add-
ed he did not believe it, and
several voices answered
Will add If there la anything
of kind here we don't know of
it, and if a ease should ever be
found, no ii would be
up by one of lying of
Ayden, whose whole business is
to pull down good morals in every
community building up their
bad and sonic ignorant fellow
acting as his tool would have lo
Buffer the penally of the law. We
dare the fellow starling
anything of the kind here will get
his share of tar and feathers.
III. , I I . . nil;
i . notice is hi nil
next st tie
ii It
i .
Ii. is. H . I I hi-
i- I
it i i . pro
per consider and determine,
Each county will be entitled to
elect one delegate and one alternate
to said convention for every
voters and one delegate
a fraction over democratic
cast the last
election. is
that time of the
call of the state c mi ion our ex
committee adopted
Resolved, Thai the question of
primaries a selection of a
date for United Stales senator be
referred to the people the call
for the stale convention for
such action as that convention
may deem
In North Carolina
The two who
Mr. Robert Hester, near
Rocky hive been sentenced
to lie hanged March
My Stock
is Complete
Hats, gaps,
At prices that will suit you.
Come See Us.
Ai Mai.
mi Five Points,
just opened
din-. Moore store,
where We have
new and fresh
of the class of is recently
applying to the Supreme Court for
license to practice law. failed.,, H d F
pass the required examination,
Our congratulations to Editor
A. Deal, of the Wilkesboro
A news item be
prised his friends generally gel
ling married last Wednesday night,
the young lady of his choice being
Miss Mamie Wallace, of Wilkes-
Consisting of Meal-. Flour,
lions. Fruits, in fact everything
to he found In an up-to-date
pay the highest market
prices for all Kinds of
A colored man who was
ii in fell off the
scaffold and broke bis neck.
of lone; staple cotton
brought Raleigh
E. A. White, a prominent Re-
publican or Hertford county,
once Collector of Internal Revenue
Eastern North Carolina dis-
died Thursday night.
James Walker, a prominent
sen Wilmington, has donated lo
city for of
a hospital.
Three hundred people are said to
have left High Point the past week
to escape
nor declined to
xx the death sen-
of the
rapist, and be was banged
at Friday.
An electric plant is to be put
the State prison. Not for electro
Country Produce,
her in cash iii barter. When
you want to sell or when you
to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
patronage we promise entire sat-
T. F.
at Five Points
well lip to
tho was born,
r i than two hours. She
I a no
no rising
. was strong and the
la only
relieves the
liniment to applied ex-
e harm can come from
i at such times,
aid to relieve
humbugs, bu
Pitted bottle aft
We have again opened
arc prepared
lo serve meals hours.
served in any style are
will appoint a
civil Board Of health from Havana.
The transport St. Paul has arm-
ed at San from Manila.
The late Philip Armour, Jr.,
of Chicago, left an of
to his widow and two
well attended. Some pupils were miners
absent that have been pie m g
cut. if parents their ho ,,.,, , ,,
children, those children will
just cause to Illume their in
to come. a. Barn,
Ayden, N.
a one cent a mile for the Con-
A In Each.
Unlike humanity, the sky is
most cheerful when it's bluest.
The stranded actor
ha limes try men's soles.
A candidate to be pretty
strong before his friends think him
able to carry
Your time has an
the facetious jeweler's
boy. as he delivered
shall I up the amount
the cashier skipped with to profit
loss the
replied the head firms
it down under running es-
Even most successful bakers
are often in circumstance.
A pessimist Is a man
a silver dollar
because it isn't plugged.
Many a soldier boy makes rapid
strides in bis profession without
gaining shoulder straps.
A man without a palate bus p
widows don't hi
A will isn't it with a
woman's won't.
Some idea of a rattling
good time is to throw
w hen a man works in a
be seldom talks about bow
much he urns.
X. Feb.
P. Matthews, Horn, is
It. I. Gardner, of Kinston, is
Moore, of Hover,
Miss Annie Fowler, of New Bern,
came Monday. Mr. Moore return-
ed home and Miss Fowler is visit-
friends here.
Rev. J. R. Vaughan, tern-
lire gave II splendid
talk at Met ho
I Misses Bessie
a few weeks visit here
Patrick spent the near
Johnson's Mills .
Cox was here Tuesday.
The steamer arrived
all were glad to see
Mr. loft for Kin-
Monday night.
W. files-
Bryan Gardner's new bar is
The limber men are well plowed
so in ii i-11 rain as lakes
of water to get their timber.
The public will never know
what one lo sell unless one
i tells ii through some advertising
Baltimore World.
T, tee
Greenville, N. V.
also supply oysters by
measure. We have good
polite waiters,
and can serve you
lost a
the .- ml
In- use-.
Hull be
for business men,
wears, In- is
ll a man is
. by hi-
nicely letter-
ii In vest
H a ill be done right.
The price doing ii
will be right, too.
Sen I your tn
Tho Reflector Office.
discussion which took place We that our
other day n well Ion spindles, our tons of
known critic and n far famed iron, ions of coal,
American author on the of lo the
the b.-i for and girls country's timber and lumber sup-
brought out obiter diet line
by far of the year for
renders was Mr.
Paul Ford's
ii is doubt capital
rending young
Among the new novels perhaps
the most popular are James
tilth by Ford. Richard
bill, n Knighthood
was in Flower David
bx We-i-n. Via by
and Mr. the
Hearts ilia
ply, our greatly enlarged
nil, truck,
these inspiring respect
among the intelligent observers of
see that the South
Is fill of the fashioned pluck,
its people inherited from their
III.- kind of
age that no adversity can
disaster tan on
i Times.
When ii man holds a great many
straights In a piker game he is apt
lo Is- regarded

it ii . i
The Reflector
those living
. p
;. i. .
Minim- . c
Hi .
, I I u
n l . I
Jan. S -c
led I
Hi ll
In th j I for
I , . t
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So morning and evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays at
M . Litany at A
M., Rev. I. A. Minister
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
J. X. Booth, Sunday-
school a. C.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. in. W F. Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. B. pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. E. B.
W. a.
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A. F. A. M.
Lodge, No. meets and
Monday evening. R.
W. M. J. M. Sec
every Tuesday evening.
K. G. E. E Griffin,
i .;. in hi Ni
with Um
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;,. ; rd All and K- of
with meets every Friday evening
I I JR. M. C. C. T. M. Hooker,
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R. Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
O. F. B. White,
Mi. I'm . . i I I
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Visiting 1-
-32 Full Sheet Poster.
The Eastern
Is Iv i o hi
mows every week,
information to
tobacco, is
many times more than the
subscription price.
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i all
Florida .
Cuba and
A. O. Council.
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; L. S. Smith, Sec
I. O, Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
II. Smith
. . . . .
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id .-in Hie, Monday I he
piece or parcel
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Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at o A. M. for Green-
ville, I- daily
r. Mi for w
i ii. Wednesday
it A. M. for Tor
j Intro, leave for
ii A. M, t allies freight only .
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers fur Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York
ton, I'm points for
i railroads
should older freight by
CLASS Old S. from
Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
N. O.
Greenville, K.
ii,, nil through and I.
Pullman Palate Sleep
in- on nil Sight Trains; Foal
an I Safe Schedules.
Table , General
inn i- ii. or address,
It. I . k i I. A-
i i, lit-, N. T.
I. It BY, C I. T
X. c.
I. C,
One Day Cure.
I I In- K
.,.,. . i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I can now be found the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
. Pall
la An
it; M. and
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i. . .
I.,. I Q. -1
of I I .
I ., last us j and fever ii a boll lo Grove
cat m a Tonic, It I
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skin ore a of lo
i-iii, U to
U Moat it.
in pot In m. t. come from
pr II may be from shoots out and
on skin, as a warning that more trouble
or pulmonary are to follow If
you neglect heed the warning correct the
Many an been
of Save and tho kept
pun a right of JOHNSTON'S
J. of Mich.,
was of a bad after with It for flee
friends It It out on my head,
ears, and then on my whole body. I won perfectly raw with it. What I
live Is no use telling, would me If
did, I tried every that was to cure I. I spent money
to a I heard JOHNSTON'S highly
I a it. I to Improve away, and when had
the third I completely cured. I have never had a touch of It
,. I any to do me the least good till I tried
. I would heartily advise all who are suffering from humors
J I in to try It at once. I had also a good deal of stomach
and run down and miserable, but
. , . .
Tin- v you keep it pure
face tear JOHNSTON'S BILL A never
;. i In- all in full quart hollies
. P
The following is the amendment
to article of the State
adopted by the General As
1899, and to be submit-
to the voters for ratification
Section That article VI of the
constitution of North Carolina be
awl same is hereby abrogated
and lieu thereof shall be
the following article of said
Section Every male person
born United States, and
every male person who has
naturalized, twenty-one years of
age, and possessing the
lions set out in this article, shall
be entitled to vote at any
by the people in the State, except
as otherwise provided.
Sec. He shall resided in
the Slate of North Carolina for two
years, the county six months,
and the precinct, ward or other
election district h offers
to vote, four months next
the election ; Provided, That
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district
in the same county, shall not ope-
rate to deprive any person of the
right to vote precinct, ward
or other election district from
which he baa removed, until four
months after removal. No
person who has been convicted, or
who has his guilt
court indictment of any
which is, or may
hereafter be, imprisonment the
prison, shall be permitted to
vote, unless the said person shall
be first restored to citizenship in
the manner prescribed by law.
Sec. Every person ottering to
vote shall be at the time a legally
registered voter as herein
ed and the manner
provided by law, and General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
carry into the provisions of
this article.
Sec. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able to read and write any section
of constitution in English
language; and, before be shall be
entitled to vote, have paid, on or
before first day of March of the
year which he proposes to vote,
his poll tax as prescribed by law,
previous year. Poll taxes
shall be a lieu only assessed
property, and no process shall issue
Jo enforce collection of the same
except against asset sad property.
Sec. 6- No male person who was,
on January 1867, or at any time
prior thereto, entitled to vote
the laws of State in the
United States wherein he then re-
sided, and no lineal descendant of
such person, shall
right to register and vote at
any election in this State by person
of his failure to possess tho
qualifications prescribed
section of this Provided,
be shall have registered in accord-
terms of this
prior to December Tho
General Assembly shall provide for
a record all persona
who register under this section on
or before November
all such persona shall be entitled
to register and vote at all
by tho in this Elate, unless
disqualified under of this
Provided, such persons
ball have paid their poll tax as re-
quired by law.
See, All by
shall be by ballot, and all
elections by the General Assembly
shall be viva
Sec Every voter in North
Carolina, except us in this article
disqualified, shall lie eligible to of-
but before entering the
duties of the office be shall take
and subscribe following oath
do swear
I will support and
maintain the constitution and laws
of the United States, and the con-
laws of North
therewith, and
that I will f hi lit discharge the
duties of office
So help me,
Sec. S. The following classes of
persons shall be disqualified for
First, all persons who shall
deny the being of Almighty God.
Second, all persons who shall have
been convicted or their
guilt pending,
whether sentenced or not,
judgment suspended, any treason
or felony, or any other crime
which punishment may lie
in penitentiary,
since becoming of I lie
United or corruption
malpractice office, unless such
shall lie restored to
rights of citizenship a manner
prescribed by law.
Sec. l. This act shall lie in force
from after its ratification.
Unless public opinions compels
a change the present status of
treaty, it is
practical certain to be ratified A
careful poll of the Senate shows
declared votes in its favor, where-
as only N arc necessary to ratify.
The truth is that Secretary Hay
has this country to a
position where it seems absolutely
necessary for it to secure British
consent before can build the ca-
at all. other words, he
Britain to possess
rights over the United
States, light to supervise its
treaties with the sovereign states
of Nicaragua and
This is the
on which Great Britain has insisted
in case of the Transvaal. Sec-
We arc ill the forefront of the race after your patronage
offer best selected line of
General Merchandise
IO T A S H gives color,
flavor and firmness to
all fruits. No good fruit
Informal inn v received
II. the foul
who in as a rep
from North Carolina,
was not given an lo
co-lie t dust on bis
While arrived iii
day, was bis to
slop there a short while. The
did not care to have
him as and a committee
of one waited on him when be
alighted from I be train invited
him to i lie Con-
lime to dis-
cuss matter. Be got back on
i In-11 a in to New Item.
Tho Congressman knows
raised without
Choose This Day Whom You
Will Serve.
Now and one bears a Dem-
say i he is not sure about
how he will vote on Amendment
question. Why is be
Hay has placed the
try in this position by formally
the abrogation of
treaty, and there-1
by admitting that instrument to
be in full force instead of void, as
claimed by two former
can of State. Having
admitted this, the United States
cannot take it back, as the
treaty is perpetual by terms
and cannot be lied except by
common of
there seems noway of proceeding
except by consent of
The question of benefit to
the United States under the Hay-
treaty is a very simple
one. a Democrat
Senator ll-u
treaty the canal is to be a
Ki ml us and the following lines of general
Dry Goods and Notions,
If the was asked; are you .
a quick and .,,,,,
the other countries of the world,
would come the answer, yes,
all to the contrary-
would be taken as an insult. Why
then waver on the
question not the Democrat-
party stand for while supremacy.
Does not the Republican party-
stand for rule I Does th
Amendment mean white
supremacy, and does not
to the Amendment mean
domination t Why there should
Democrat, nay mote, why
should white man waver one
as to where he will
and how his vote shall be cast.
Did not fight the
cans to a on
the white supremacy issue I
he who votes against the Amend-
turns his back on bis party
promises, by his action tears
down what the good white people
will derive exactly the same
fit from it that the United States
greater benefit in fact, lie-
cause, aside from the initial mil lay
the canal will very probably not
pay its running expenses, any de-
w must be made
good by-Uncle Sam- It will there-
fore give the countries of Europe
an advantage over American ships
in the rush for the Pacific trade,
now largely reserved to the United
Slates, by the distance from Europe,
If the United States is to derive
military from canal
why should it invest in a losing
commercial speculation for the
of its trade rivals It might
just us well agree to hold its dry-
docks battleships neutral for
tho use of all nations in lime of w
of North Carolina strove valiantly las lo hold a military highway of
to build up in the good old State, j such tremendous potency open for
Men's, Women's Children's Shoes- and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, -Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Lard, Bead is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails Rope,
Headquarters for Furniture everything in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, and Dealing.
This is a government so fur as
North Carolina is concerned for
people but by the white people.
At every station the Sea
Board Air Line, between Weldon
and Raleigh, great crowds of
gathered to a hearty
welcome to W. J. Bryan.
Upon his visit to North
made speeches cue day,
every word that fell from bis
was received weighed by
listening ears.
He was introduced in Henderson
by Ex-Gov. Jarvis he was
the best known most beloved
man America and Chairman
said him his intro-
in Raleigh, that he is the
greatest living American, and
worthy successor to the leadership
of the Democratic party of Thomas
its great an illustrious
North has received him,
received him well, and passed
on to her sister, South
He speaks at Columbia and other
points In that State.
The above fairly
views of the Democratic
Humility In the Senate. The lie
publican majority, secure in their
seals for six years, can afford
Uphold the administration in its
truckling to Great Britain.
so the House. Its views are well
expressed by Representative Hep-
burn Chair-
man of the Commerce Committee
which drew the canal bill
the principles of Clay-
conceding all
t ho claims and contention of Great
Britain surrendering I he claims
that Great Britain has by her own
act ion given us right to at any-
time abrogate Clayton
treaty. It surrenders everything
that Island, together
Oklahoma and all
of the United States, are out
side the Constitution, demo-
members, together with Mr,
Mites, take the opposite view.
The Democratic report says, in
I f I lit- position taken by the
majority the committee be the
correct one, it follow that
Congress is not from
laws imposing customs tin
to Great Britain, abandoning ores of the
be found In any store iii Pill County. Well bought
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. Ii Is our pleasure to show you what you want to
sell you if we offer yon very best sen Ice, polite that leaden are go-
attention, and the moat liberal terms consistent with a well to wake on effort
established business built up strictly on its own merits. for the nomination, and for this
you come to market you will do yourself justice j.,.,,,, ,,
you do not see oar immense stock before ,, . .
committee together at Wilson
called the Congress-
convention of bis district lo
assemble pi to the date of the
Ball satins, State
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil cloths. The while deter-
mined the Congress-
man for the if possible,
above appeared in the
on the
If every town in North Carolina
would treat the defamer of her
women I lie same way State
would soon be rid of cattle
neither nor their
he occupying
prominence in our
Tattler Still Governor.
Frankfort, Ky. Feb. lay
continues unmolested
of the governorship.
legislators of both houses met
today and adjourned until noon
morrow for of a quorum.
There were even fewer soldiers on
hand than .
It is staled here tonight that the
Democrats will begin action in
tin- fill-nit court tomorrow to com-
Taylor to vacate governor
Ii is thought that the pro-
will take of re
fur injunction restraining
from ailing in capacity
Republicans cautiously aw ail
the decision of Judge in
Court Cincinnati
row the matter of in-
junction asked for restraining the
election contest board from throw-
lug out minor Republican officials,
if Tail refuses to interfere
will throw out minor
officers put in Democrats.
This will effectually cluck Taylor.
for it will i oil all State moneys
and supplies. The Democrats are
that Taft will decide
the Federal courts have no
In lion.
Today has been quiet.
Soldiers on guard at tho capital
bail a skirmish
in fore midnight with
two who approached
In the rear of grounds
and on them with pistols.
Th fire was returned and a.
beat a retreat,
shots were Bred.
led by the House Committee on I limitation of I lit; Constitution it
Ways and Means on the Hi- cannot pass pending bill. If
can tariff bill, which will be taken on the oilier hand, is pol
up by the next strained, follows that it also
warmly debated with a result has the power lo pass ex post facto
by DO means certain. It will be re laws, bills of In do
that the Administration all other acts prohibited by the
after urging free trade with Politic i and the people of
reversed itself at the behest Rica are merely subjects
of tariff barons, and declared without legal rights and can only
for duty on the products of enjoy lives and property
island. The grace of Congress, The practical
followed salt and Importance of this question be-
ii the bill now-submitted. All I comes still more grave u Is
l lie Republican members of I remembered that as-
in it t co but one, favor a duly of sorted for Congress will lune
per cent on goods millions of people so situated
as practical to debarred from
ail in i t it Into Union and,
therefore, from hope of
in the
Fertilizers containing at least
to of Potash will give
best results on all fruits. Write
for our pamphlets, which ought
to be in every farmer's library.
They are sent free.
Si ,
Official by
Slate Chairman Simmons yes-
Issued the following
To the Democratic voters of
N. By orders of State
Executive committee, notice
hereby given that the next Slate
convention the Democratic party
will assemble in of Raleigh
day of April, 1900 for
lie purpose of
for State offices, the
of delegates to National
the transaction of such
business as it may deem
proper to and determine.
Each county will be entitled to
elect one delegate alternate
the said convention for every-
one hundred fifty Democratic
voters and for fraction
over seventy-five Democratic votes
therein at the bust
rial election.
ice is also given that at
lime of the call of the state
your Executive Committee
passes unanimously the following
resolution Resolved. That the
question of primaries for selection
candidate for United States
lie referred lo the people
in the call for the next State Dem-
for such action
as convention may deem best.
Chairman Democratic Ex. Com.
W. Secretary
n owe this
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any ease of Catarrh
that can be cured Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
J. Co.; Props.,
Toledo, o.
have know n
F. for the last fifteen
years, him perfectly
honorable in all business
and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by
wholesale drug
gists, Toledo, ,
wholesale druggists, Toledo, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure taken In-
acting directly upon the
blood mucous the
system. Price per
I, all Druggists.
Hull's family arc
contention of years that we might
abrogate the will. More
over, recognizes right of any
foreign power to interfere and
reference to our
ti ins with tho independent govern-
of this continent.
lions the think
treaty and
earnestly hope that it will not be
ratified by the
Three reports have submit
Territories of Arizona
the furs of Ala-
lumber of Oklahoma, and
also upon all Importations of pm
ducts of every kind into the Terri-
from The power
to pass such laws was never before
claimed our laud.
Mr. whose opinion is t I
special interest as
to bis own party, says,
If is restrained by the
night being the
St. Valentine's Day, was. as
in mads the
occasion of the practice
of gangs going around throwing
bricks against windows, front
l side lights,
away gates, Telephone com
poured in upon the polios
headquarters officers were
sent all eases where could
be done. Al several residences
with such
wanton as to do severe
damage to doom and windows.
Wilmington Star, Kith.
Base, of Milwaukee, VS is.,
secured of
fund, which is expected
in in- important
for Hint city Democratic
Dr. D. L.
On I'm X. O.
w hits
Klein an ire.

Eastern reflector, 16 February 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 16, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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