Eastern reflector, 2 April 1915

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

l the Basis of all Industry
Kb p. in t -ii I in a an I
bounded on toe North .
Northwest hi River; on the I
r on the South an i
Southwest by and Pol Branch
; on the and North by the I
Taft Plantation, containing 3.000 a.--
more or lea, and being same
land conveyed by i Laughing
to Bins and
being part of purchase price money
This 6th, day March I HI
I j.
S J EVERETT, Attorney.
h hereby given that Hubert
Banning;, who was convicted th
January Term 1911 the
county for Ian
i to four in Jail, will
n the II day Mar. apply to
av Governor for a pardon, All per-
eons will take due notice thereof.
This the day
Attorney for Hubert Manning
J-G-41 law
State North Carolina
Pill County
f at its
It ;
i e will Mi
i that
have t Boo-
i March till
until March
tor the purpose of the
voters of said Bethel Town
This the day of February 1915.
Chairman Hoard of Com. of Pitt Co.
-law-to mar.-27.
State of North Carolina
bounty of Pitt
ale el mid
Under and by Virtue author,
up the prof
J . J .
I ill- ti to
lit Hi .
, at I
hour of
for cash, l I
reel I
of North Carolina,
. of Pitt.
NOTICE hereby given that th
rill i
By virtue of a power of sale
In a certain Mortgage
en delivered by A. Horton an I
tad B. N Horton on the
i duly n
In of
, h .
i . r , .
I ton s on .
i . the
k La
i b
on the east if I II more o , ,,
I, Less I i t sold H
trustee, colored C Creek, thence i
Mi.- mar
i r i it E
i M. ii
i Our I M hot,
ind u
1303 Seventh St., Washington, C.
following I at lb
southwest corner Warren
lot. and runs el
Coward's line to his other
at a ditch; then
ditch 1-2 yards; then
with the first Urn- to the
road right of way; then
with the railroad to the beginning
containing one fourth of an acre
more or
Said sale to he made to satisfy
indebtedness secured by said
gage, which has been assigned to B
This the 27th, day of February.
E. L.
Assignee of L. Kittrell. Mortgagee
Harry Skinner. Attorney
I . at the N I Corner i i the south side of said
tract land. Being the same crossing to a lane
d by J. HInes and y,, Jackson land to the
to and .- .
. ,. . , . , . road at Red
-1st in Book
1-8, page June 5th, ISM. house, theme across Hancock I
M Will be made for the running northerly on the cast side o
pose of satisfying the terms of said to Cedar Swamp, thence up Cedar
Mortgage swamp to J. B. Carroll's Held, thence
This the day of March. 1915.
P S Harris, with bis field to
Mortgagee Carroll's line, thence with
K EVANS, Attorney.
Carroll's lino to the corner of A. 0.1
Cox's field to Herbert Ellis, road
BUM or North Carolina.
County Pitt.
No. ice is hereby given, that
Board of of
i adjourned met ling,
on day. Mar I,
I i . held In
. .
i . , ,. where Cree
River, on the Le
County side; up New
to b . b I
. i place i I A
b place to S. W. .
I. . with the and Coward
line in the Eagle Swamp; thence
Eagle Swamp to the On place,
with the Carr place and A.
Patrick's lino to the C. C. Dunn
place; thence with tho C. C. Dunn
to Creek at the junction
of the Harper and C. C. Dunn land,
including the C. C. Dunn lands;
thence crossing Creek
Pitt County between the W. S-
Blount place and the Wm.
Carolina. Tar at he
I hereby given that of Albert Worthington's road, thence
Hoard of Pitt on the north side of Al-
at its regular section on the Worthing road with the J. P,
day in March 1915, being the to the southeast corner
of the J. H. Carroll Jackson
thence northerly with the back line
That said election to be held on of fence of the J. Carroll, J. S.
the 27th, day of April . Thomas Tucker and others to
the regular voting place In the
j place; thence with the Wm.
northerly with A. Q. Cox's fence, an I Dav
the dividing line of Augustus Blount
Bret day In March 1916, an.
election to be held In Carolina Town-
ship, I'm county.
town of Stokes, N. C for the
, . , ascertaining the Will Of the
North Carolina,
Pitt county
Notice, is her. by given that the
Board Commissioners of county ; u Town- Law territory, thence to the Tar
at their regular session assembled on , Mm fun
Law fence said
at a lino between S those favoring the establish-1 That said election to be held on
Whichard and J. A. m ,., stock In said Town- Tuesday, the day of April 1915. and
the colored School House known a- ,, , ,,,. r
No. Carolina and run- u words Stock
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
Norfolk. Va.
j township according to aw as In
made and provided, and at said
south to ti M.
field, then running with road
T. M. with the
hading to Salon to for
near Mrs. M. A. thence
with the road to Whichard Station to
those oppose shall vote a written
in the above described territory t. be
r printed Ballot with the words Known as Ayden and
Stock and Ilia S. C, the Ayden shall
Is appointed Registrar, and will that of
have the Registration Books opened Creek R
on Thursday March and
the fork near Harriett Saturday. April for the Per line of the above described terr
ill, with road by P. the voters which Bald territory is
to Poet Oak colored mM Carolina Township to Include all territory up and to the
i h R. line to W. E. and 4th. March stock w
II. Flemings line; thence g CONGLETON,
Fleming's line to D. B, Com. of
line; thence up line i. BELL, Clerk shall be and is required
I Nelson's, thence with,,, said election, and L. L Is
line lo W. E. h Registrar for the
course I he OP Ayden and B. E, Harrington
hat mi I lei I held on
On east side of the A. C. L. K. It. and H. White are hen by appointed
the 17th day of April Judges Of election of Ayden
. .,, , ,, ,,., , on the ii day of February, inn shall
will of the quail It I . .,., r.-.
A territory as In Book A-10. page of Beaver Dan.
whether shall be the and No. as per
Charlotte. N. C
W. V.
a. c.
collected a Special School Tug
on the worth of pro
and on each Poll lb
described territory.
will idler public sale to the high-
est bidder cash before Court
the above description which is intend
And It was further ordered, that I
K. Page be, and he hereby .
pointed Registrar for said election, ;
S. and K. R. Whichard are
hereby appointed Poll Holders
of election.
And it was further order.
Mew Registration h. and shall he
quired, tin the
Books or said or T
be I on lay, March ;
ind on Saint
for he purpose of
Majority- of medicine. I decided to n I a
advice, I did not have ,
the 3rd, day of
any in it
house In the town of to include all territory up and to
., on Saturday April 10th at the line of the old Stock Law fence
and it was further ordered that J. W
Harper is hereby appointed Registrar
for the S. C. Car-
roll and G. L Rouse are hereby
pointed Judges of election of the Win-
and that the voting
pi in said to be In the
town of and Ayden. l-r the
And at election those the described tracts or
the Special Tax vote a written of land,
or printed with the words By virtue of power of sale con-
and those oppose lo extended Beginning a stake.
Tax shall vote a written or printed Mrs. K. W. corn-
with the words Special . running a westerly course
I with Third Street feet to Jessie
S K. Corner, thence a
course with said Jessie Mum-
ford's lino feet to a stake In J. J
smith's line, thence an easterly course purpose of ascertaining the will of the
., J J Smith's and Caleb Worth-1 in said territory or
Ml u et to K. Sum.
Would Die, But
One Helped Him to
a Interesting ad-
I have now been taking
three and II has cured me
had those lick headaches
I began
I ti k what
line . as , aw
line, thence a southerly course
,, line feet to the
Containing acre or district according to in such
more or less. cases made and provided.
It further ordered that
I deed of ; shall have Re-
M n Books said Ayden u
open on
. and
., I for w
. .
the Dave Bryant place, to the Greet
Dudley place; and with the
Dudley and Dave Bryant line out to
tho road; thence with the road u
Hanrahan Cross Roads; thence
the Pugh road to the edge of C. i
Tucker's farm; thence with the
line of C. J. Tucker's place in
southernly direction crossing a part
of the W. B. place and in
eluding acres of W. B.
land to the J. P.
Skinner place; thence with the J. P
Skinner place and the W
L. lines to the Allen Ad
ants place; thence with the Allen
line and including the Alias
Adams place to Creek op
the all of the lap
Including within these lines
the Grifton Graded School Tax
And it was further ordered
said election shall be held
town of Grifton, at the regular
place for holding Town elections,
on Friday. April 1915,
for the purpose of ascertaining th
will of tho voters in said
or district on said
of levying and collecting the Special
Tax as provided by said Act. which
said amount shall not exceed o
the I worth of property, and
on each Taxable Poll In sad
district, and at said election
favoring the said Special Tax shall
vote a written or printed Ballot
and those opposed to said
Special Tax shall vote a written or
printed Ballot and It
was further ordered that J. A. Jar-
la hereby appointed Registrar
for said election, and R. F.
Paul Brooks are hereby appoint
ed Judges of election.
And it was further ordered, that the
Registrar shall have the
Books for said territory or
District open on Friday. March
1911, and closed on Saturday, April S.
1915. for the purpose of registering
voters of said
or district, and that on the day
election the Polls shall be opened at
S o'clock A. M. and close at
l. If-1 as Is provided tor by Act
for -aid election.
This the day of March
Chairman of Board of C Ce
HI M Clerk
vices this place, Ml, A. I for
writes a follows was down
trouble five years, and
have sick headache so bad, at
that I thought surely would die.
I hied treatments, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep,
ad all my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised me to try
and quit
has been
found a very valuable medicine de- , . ,
the stomach and liver. II
is composed pure, vegetable herbs.
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kepi in every family chest.
Get a package today.
Only a quartet.
t lorn Proof Hi Sale.
rub stock
are long
In m to
to pi -i e. The It
I unquestionably hog for this
and this is an
, lot of stock. They all recently
been given the treat
Mow To To Children, and are therefor proof
If you are looking for a bargain In;
hogs here Is your opportunity. This I
c h know I. will be withdrawn April
A who
Doe o.-l nor H I. V
In head. ,, .,,. . .
M. W JACKSON. 1- miles west of
I I I .
. ,.; . ;.
S. A. .
i u III -ii t,. on b I
. . 1-
f s Your
Clear a
r--. lo,
aw w. u
Mark, rap and sill
i ;. can .-;
M. c. R. F. i
Is Us Host the Best
London. March Two German
-submarines, the U-28 and another
whose number has not been
which have been operating off
the west coast of during the
past few days, have added two more
steamers, the and
Crown of to their list of
live since Saturday-
There was no loss of life on the two
Vessels, although the submarine
before the crew of the Crown of
tile left the steamer. The Crown of
was sunk by shell fire, but the
was torpedoed.
As an offset to this, a French de-
rammed, and it is believed
sank a German submarine off
As the destroyers have been
able to round up the submarines ship
owners have petitioned the govern-
to he allowed to arm their ships.
This has not been permitted hereto-
lore. as steamers then could he con-
ships of war and sank with-
out notice.
The heavy loss of life in the sink-
of the and has
aroused a of and
demand is made the captured
crews of submarine be treated as
question and that relating to
drink, which is said to be causing
delay in the delivery of munitions of
war. absorb public interest. The
King, through his secretary has sent
a letter to the Chancellor of the Ex-
emphasizing the necessity of
stopping excessive drinking and has
offered, if it is considered advisable,
to give up the use of
liquors and to prohibit the use
it in Royal Household.
The government has reached no
decision in the matter.
Workers to tie
It has decided to incorporate
Liverpool dockers in the army
voluntarily, because the workers re-
fused to work They thus
will receive both army and their
regular pay.
Philosophical View as Taken by Thia
Man Seems to Have Much to
Recommend It.
He was a lively old chap of past
seventy at a lobster palace table with
a of plain water tipple.
he was saying to
r men with him. am not as
Ion-.; this world as you chaps are.
it you live be as old as I am. hut
I have a satisfaction in life that you
haven't know because
was in my forties every time had
anything the mutter with me got
was afraid either it would
kill me with half my life lived or
if was some lingering that
would make thirty or years
my life a burden. Nor was alone
in that Every man of
my ago had the same feeling, think
that comes lo men when th
are about thirty.
s lasts only a
time . a m in mighty
ft ,
, what will
D is
e b iii tin
nature of last long
whatever ii finality
tell from
Hi. worries the b.
I km.
same view of themselves
and am sorry for then, be
e s man to himself,
tin- lo bothering about giving
up hen he knows be h- I to do it
or no
Prof. F. C. Nye preached at th
Baptist Church in Grifton
Rev. J. It. preached an
interesting sermon at the
Church here last night.
We still have a good stock of Vulcan
plows, guano distributors, and
When In need of any, come
to see us. It. Forest and Co.
I have a nice line of something to
eat, when you want anything to eat
come to see me. I want to trade with
you R. W. Hall.
The State Supreme Court in
granted Mr. C. Causey license
to practice law, and he is now located
here to practice Mr. Causey
ed at the High School here, and is just
from Wake Forest College where he
took a course In We wish for
hi in much success.
Remember that we carry the
combination peanut and corn planters,
the best on the market.
Harrington Barber and Co,
The ladies of the civic league of
at work again, and are
doing much in the way of beautify-
the town join the ladies
in this work and make a beautiful
B. Forrest Co's store is head-
quarters for eggs, poultry, and all
kinds of country produce Bring us
Rev. Daniel Lane of Ayden made
an interesting talk to the boys of the
Y. M. C. A. of High
school Saturday night.
Money is the root of all e- II, so take
It to R. W. new store and ex-
change it for something to eat.
Come to see us to buy your Easier
slippers. We have you wan A.
W. Ange A. Co.
Remember that we a nice line
of fancy groceries at all times. C Vin-
We have on hand a complete line of
mill supplies, and farming tools. A.
W. Ange Co
Miss Dora Cox spent Monday night
in Kinston to attend the entertainment
given by the Wake Fores. Glee
Nice fresh fish and beef at C. Vin-
cent Co's. Prices right, come
see us.
A nice line of spring slippers just
arrived. Come look them over.
Snow Storm
Visits The South Causing
Great Deal Of Damage
Raleigh, C, March
phone and telegraph service through-
out North Carolina was demoralized
today as tho result of a heavy snow-
storm which swept over the State last
night and continued today.
cation with points west, south and
east was some points being
entirely cut off.
Asheville reported nearly a foot of
snow, while from other points came
reports of from four to live inches.
The telephone and telegraph com-;
panics reported scores of poles down
and miles wire out of order.
The storm apparently attained its
height ill the southeastern portion of
the State All telegraph and
phone to New Bern, Wilmington and
other points in that section are down.
Ii mid Snow In
Columbia. S. C, March
Carolina was swept early today by a
snow sleet storm of unusual
severity. Weather bureau officials here
said that their records, complete j
1887, show that there has never before
been a snowfall in locality as u
County Superintendent S. R.
Make- An Impressive Ad-
Friday evening March was
a great day in the hist,. . the Clay
Root School. At twilight on that
many people had gathered on the yard.
A little later when tho teachers an I
the men who did such noble Ben Ice;
as ushers arrived they had to push
their way through the crowd In order
to reach the door. The throng was
allowed to enter one time, the
patrons being directed towards
front and the visitors Invited lo seals
in the rear. In a minutes every
seat and every foot of standing
Was occupied by a large attentive
at the whole school;
I being arranged on the rostrum,
was raised and school sang
our National Hymn. Red White
When the curtain went
the speaker of the day, j
Popular Idea of Treatment of New
England Is Altogether
a Delusion.
Paving its respects to the
England as a that
will not down, the New York Herald
revives a myth that will not down
when it wholesome
as witch burning the New
land conscience w-as never known to
There were a score or BO of
hanged In connection with the
witchcraft delusion, but none
was burned. Yet the popular
persists, and no doubt will live
on when Callows hill itself is
forgotten Trevelyan said in sub-
stance though a mistake of his-
may out, II it has survived
years it can never be corrected.
. all the documentary proof
to the contrary has not served to
particular myth In more than
two and doubtless it will
be believed while the Sacred Cod
hangs the slate house Boston,
In no branch of historical research
has there latterly been more pains-
taking work than dispelling in-
accuracies of
giving new certificates of character to
n the Fathers of tho
Republic and removing tho
from the great. Vet the more
record is straight more the
old myths endure.
as March Three-quarters of an Inch Superintendent S. B
of snow fell here today. The storm Introduced.
The people proved their
a Problem.
Tho arithmetic lesson that had
been hard and trying, and now, at
the closing hour, Tommy stood before
tho teacher, waiting to hear results.
last problem was wrong,
was verdict. will have to
stay after school and do it
Tommy looked at the clock. Tell
me, please, how much am I he
answer is two cents
Tommy's hand dived Into the pock-
et where his most treasured posses-
were stored Swiftly b-
two pennies from a bunch of
shoestrings, a penknife and some
marbles pieces of chalk.
in n hurry, he said;
you mind. I'll pay the
was genera throughout the State
Violent Storm iii tin.
Augusta, Ca., March A violent
snow and occurred hi re early
today, A snowfall of nearly one inch
was recorded The storm lasted near
an hour.
Slight Snow lull in Suffolk.
Suffolk, Va. III Snow fell
here for about live minutes this morn-
but melted as it fell, every trace
of the threatened storm-disappearing
in live minutes.
Hail Damages Crap
Washington, March -Another
wintry storm swept the southeastern
States last night early today,
to bringing snow over the Carolinas,
Tennessee and North Carolina and
Georgia and general fur-
south. crop damage from
hail was reported In Alabama
Fair weather is expected by tonight
over the entire section with heavy-
frost or freezing temperatures as far
south as Central Florida. Cold wave
were ordered by the weather
Bureau for the Fast Coast and
storm warnings were displayed from
Fort Monroe to Jacksonville and from
Tampa lo Mobile.
remember if you
I avoid I r n
t Jun
into an
I on R
a cold or -l a visiting .
bundle up the throat, but I e
nose the whole cl -i
should be highest temperature In
your living rooms offices. Don't
e. ,,. yourself tn In-
in a or in hot room
II probably full of disease germs
Keep your vitality at par, avoid
Had Right Unless
It Came Under Heading of
Congressman Thomas t. S ion of
Mississippi smiled when the topic
turned to the proper punishment for a
negligent Ho said he was
-t of kind.
ma a ran
away f II h a alter
e-1 . rs re
lion and esteem for him by their
prompt and careful attention all
g his address. spoke to the
in stirring and thrilling words
. eloquence. He told of his pleasure
seeing such a large and attentive
audience. He told how glad ii made
him to listen to the singing our
patriotic hymn by such a large crowd
school boys and girls. He spoke
the needs of better schools and bow
local tax these needs His
address was closed with a wish that
men of this awake to
these needs and b time comes
that they may all with one consent
cast their votes in . . which
is for their good
After the address the boys and girls
did credit to their instructors by lea-
performing their part of the
program. At the curtain fell
for the last lime amid the applause of
a faithful yet attentive audience.
Tho children had been carefully
trained and the whole program, con
slating of songs, recitations,
and a play, through without the
slightest bitch The performance was
a distinct credit to the children, the
ti and tho patrons
Foolish and Altogether Too
Habit Which All Should Strive
to Avoid.
worry we are afraid of
in Won oat the
sequence of so I has
curred or son. may
i ti A , tie 1.1 II is that
i ti, v. . , h the
i 1.1.
Can Be Only Temporary, Cheer-1
Thought Is That the Sun Will
Shine Again.
How cheering it is to see the
come out after days of storm and
cloud All the while tho weather is
gloomy you know that the sun will
shine out again his glory, with
fresh strength and life. It is like a
gift newly bestowed on the earth.
So in life there come stormy days
and dark days Remember that they
will pass just as surely; they cannot
last forever. You are disappointed in
something, and perhaps that
wished joy will never come to
you. Hut It may be that something
else just as good la on the way. some-
thing even better, It may be. Sorrow
and disappointment am assuaged with
time, and other things enter Into life
that make It good, even as tho clouds
break up and float away and the softer
light shines through at sunset. So
there Is always a worse that might
have been.
The dark days for
for remembering that few s
as heavy as they seem Sunny days,
better things, are at hand that will
come with cheer and healing like tho
welcome rays of the
Recipe for Ghosts.
It is understood that Q
is result
notes may be
useful to a to
, n
, . id
, Its and a mince
. .
Should be
. ,
penitentiary . lie I
thing, while a third
of tar and I
are -11 Anally re-
marked a man sitting the
corner. have n scheme beats
of yours a mile down tho
people with had colds, and you will ,
probably gal through the bad seasons j Is chorused tho
with not mere than a sniffle or quickly glancing the speaker
Star. wouldn't hang . would
. I
i .
d b
to I
. . .
t the
. of a hat hi
con pi
NO H Kill Kit TAX ON
by the
S. Artillery Arrives at
to Protect Town of
Washington. March Genera
In response to represents
lions from the United States has give-,
assurances that no further taxation i
contemplated on sisal exports front
Yucatan. of for
twine mills was reported today a
needing uninterrupted.
I. s. Artillery Arrives at Brownsville.
Brownsville, Tex. March
batteries of the United States Third
Field Artillery arrived hero early to-
day from San Antonio, ready
to protect Brownsville
is under attack.
a was quiet early today
with no when the
troops would resume the attack
the night there were two
at widely separated points. On
indicated that the villa forces
penetrated the river front
cutting the city off and
from the Mexican side
nominal state of
I a-t night's lighting at the
Mai was by about two
columns of Villa troops. They did no
In force, apparently wanted
only to the strength of the en
Troop Train Near Wreck.
Cm I u Tl v. . Mar A
hours after a special train
three field artillery U
Brownsville had passed here la-.
night, a on the railroad the
special used was spiked pi n and th.-
southbound St Louis,
and Mexico passenger train early to-
day partly railed
aped w uh bruises
to Cross I
York. April Dr Cecil M
The South American aprons
who Hew over the Andes, will soon
begin his flight from Governor's 1-
land In New York Harbor to San
Francisco. He says be will
the first day out He will
to make miles an hour, and has .-.
motor of horsepower in his
plan.-, which he is endeavoring to sell
to tho States government
Ten Cents Tax on Chicken.
N . April I
that run at large Roselle N
J . be today to a tax
ten cents per n Board
Health has ruled c i
Chickens are be la with ,
and cattle . when rum
Open Port foe Stores.
m . in
Is I op n
naval I r Over sixty per cent
the rosin and of the w
, .
put of total t -i e
. . . . .
I .
at k the ear II
I e hat
and mi
In the past or future than In the
pT I tendency affects for
worry or not, according to our view-
point of life respects. Worry
is mental fear an Impending some-
A parents bad
and who I
Aral In in a
his is . queer place
I Next door i- --i to our
bi -r added his
Ilka to live
e have
Tl K.
v . .
Ben e j to ban ;. n
will appear her. Saturday
. .

rate be ha
application at to
i sere
All awl
. -i will me m
-hi ward
ill i-
per Urn, to Haas.
Place Is Found Both in the Life
That It Well and Wisely
i . . -s. and
i. y
i .-., i who i lings to
i fa i
. i . b mi.
-.- way
to , glow tor the
Tl woman
I men
it seeking eat
t .
sentiment, and the
I M, at
Ml . a.
i- a .
. .
politic hi i
I try to i
. . v
. .
n ti
,; . I business i . and
i .
I to
for sup
p .
. was a l.
i lay in a supply bi . .
. weeks went I
. a in while
I goring In I r I
.; formerly
hi i .;. to a demand in
trades for practical
teach American
for tin r country
. number of for Mayor
Out of the bunch
ought but
. ; I Rest Cure .- a re-
i but too marl
plane I cal to bring
w rill never get
. . .
. town i
r and . bat
i a hold
k I I hi pr
daring the hot
months All other towns
us are going to have a good
i i ball team. Some body turn
rank here There's no use of going
. r to Rocky Mount each week.
the I the
was the one I
Mil- bell a- a park
mid have I- en a i pot
h . A by th
. I pp I
. n i
of In
III both upon
Make Good Murk
do good work . t h
bowels are or
Hotel. Hancock, Mich
Cathartic Tablet i thorough
trial, an- find a mild safe
never or cause nausea
do with that drowsy, dull, tired
and are wholesome,
healthful. Mont satisfactory for
persons Sold
I of they
i i
In both
bulk of
i . ,
a place I
. .
I Of I
i Is
. . mi I
a n. But l
lent i .-
i .
. i Likely is
r the Eu-
rope A
a Southwest t i from
and be bi soil
i the tn M
Pro lace Edinburgh,
recommended a trial
p In I an
. j lug ma with them
in Scotland, and r, suits are
h been obtained
Some specimens of the sheep have
illy imp tined into
Natal and other parts of South
where, however, little
seems to have boon laid to the
production of iamb skins.
a Murk sheep Has recently
been Imported Into Newfoundland.
and the results of this important ex
be awaited with inter-
Statistics ii to Show That the Race
Is Beginning to Build
Up Again.
Th. physical decline and the alarm-
t, rate the American In-
today i perhaps the most
and lit many problems,
that confront sent
The death is stated by govern-
thirty per thou-
double the
an l.,. i. Americans
i e learn that
in the
Slates from a
th have
In some form.
Th, d . i
times among the
i and cans
cent Indian
and the l
Pol i lie i lot
In its these are
led I In a Hook for. ii
. , iii ed. the last
n hat con-
l in nous n I I number
v. mixed-
. sing In l This
t race I r, a lied
and i d the lowest lit of its de-
ad l beginning slow y but sure-
i rate.
e Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your Money with This
Bank For Safekeeping.
It a bis; specialist
man years to Dad out
a use of suffering how to
t Two things, he discovered,
present, no matter what the
ion. them and the
pain vanishes. His prescription
used very successfully In his practice
as secured by the Nixon Laboratory
and carefully put op under the
Menthol If yen
suffer from Croup, Neuralgia,
Sore Throat. Ear
ache, Swellings, Soreness and
Coughs, Bronchitis,
you are In tact suffer-
from congested and Inflamed con-
Instead of paying to
for the prescription you can now go
to store of Morris
N. C, and get a
It for only cents. Be sure
Menthol Balm. adv
Claims to Have Invented a
Shell Capable of Scattering
Molten Steel.
A of project He w
I of
ii i of attack
i i mi ate the at
deadly gas, which
it impossible for Are
has been invent
ed t Join , lays Han Jr., ac-
made by him
Bays, soon
European war.
Th.- i for use in
;. j. is aid In sir,.
.- Mr.
the pro-
I, would turn the
steel to ti hot mixture
hits the tar-
get . till r i . let. Us
w i setting fin lo v hat
rial ii
To avoid the of quenching
, Mr. Ha mi n I Bald he had
I th amber
I ; j a -i Id the
of ii deadly.
The Inventor is a son of the fa-
engineer, John Hays Hammond,
He Invented wireless control of
o i
Buy our Co w Peas,
Beans and Seed Peanuts
before they go higher
. i la n On o cloth It
1-U a yam clod
t- nth.
And t or tarnish on out,
b m
F rue --p f i--
o. a,
th . O i
j D A One At -v i w
Norfolk Southern
H. B.--The following schedule
as information
and are not guaranteed.
a. m dally,
sleeping car for
a m dally, for Plymouth.
beth City and
Parlor Car
Norfolk. Connects for all
North and West.
i to j m dally, Except
a. t. dally for Wilson,
and West. Pullman Bleeping Us.
Service Connects North,
and West.
Ma. tn. dally,
Wilson and Raleigh. H
all points.
. p. m. dally for Raleigh ant a.
intermediate stations.
further Information and
ration In Sleeping Cars, apply la t
L. Hassell, Agent, N.
cf Onyx.
i, waters charged with carbon-
ate in d rived from limestone
are i i to evaporate they deposit
their Ii ad in the form of sinter, or
bis i can be observed at
and also In the ton of stalactites
Bl caverns.
It, this large masses compact
carbonate are formed, some of them
of beauty The so-called
of ho the Mexican
la a fan example, arc formed in
this s rock of this class is
in caverns, and some of it
Is formed Its variations
In color and texture, to which its
mental character is largely due. am
commonly by Impurities or
inclusions such as oxide of Iron, or
en and
Ancient Gems for Museum.
An necklace, to
been worn by
Bat In the twelfth
. on its way to the
n of y
to a letter r W.
the in Re h count so-
Di Fl the fl I I re-
of the I . ho has
, . letter that
one i BO . ever
,.,.;. tone being
, of p
Water for Travelers.
travel while
board of
. r on i
in that state Th board reported that
of th- m I, the rail
. Thirty-two
e to pollution
, . i r r-d pollution
. .
Army Nurse's Bravery.
Mile. nab, a Russian Sister
of Mercy, has been decorated by the
Russian government for bravery, she
was working in a Russian field
in the neighborhood
East Prussia. When the Germans at-
tacked the position of the Russian
troops Nurse remained all
alone In the hospital lending the
wounds of private soldiers and
Although the hospital was
ready in lie- center of the of
the enemy's fire. Mile.
boldly came procured a
of horses, harnessed them, found
several vehicles, and, with the aid of
the slightly wounded men. lifted the
Into vehicles and drove
them aw a to a i of safety.
Studies Methods.
A miles, an
expense for the purpose of
methods of agriculture, will
be the record of Professor S.
commissioner of irrigation for
South Australia, when he has returned
to his home He has passed two weeks
in Chicago conferring with other
loaders, and incidentally buy-
of machinery.
Take of the Children.
a lingering cold, distressing cough,
nights, a raw. Inflamed throat
lead to a run-down condition In which
the child is not able to resist
diseases. Foley's Honey and Tar
is truly healing and prompt in action
II relieve.-- toughs, colds, and
whooping cough. Contains no opiates,
Sold where.
Dressings for Wounds,
Tin- demand tor dressing materials
that is. rials dressing wounds
is reported us Immense in Europe
a German military stir-
goon, is quoted by the Medical Record
as prophesying in this
incapacitated will reach per cent
of the actual combatants. Economics
arc bun- practiced In dressing the
wounds soldiers, small wounds bi
up with a little mull and a
patch of adhesive plaster instead of
a cotton and long strips
bandage Padding material is being
used by surgeons generally only
for fractures Roller bandages are
being used seldom and as sparingly
as possible Plaster of dressings
for gunshot fractures used
one of the economies in the military
Fires Destroy Millions.
ii a tho
hare . annual -s
human ii. and the destruction
lot S i r
His Intent.
See that dog is licking your
suppose h wants to stamp me
with his
Put Plant.
Ferns, and many other nu-
I plants or the Write to o-
Spring Price of Rose
Shrubberies, Hedge
ind Shade Trees.
Mail, and telephone
by J. L
S CO. N. C.
Store 1-
Flowers All
grow Roses, Violets, Ta
lies and Carnations a specialty. Wed
ding and Funeral flowers arranged It
th latest artistic styles.
Whenever You Need a Tonic
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Is equally valuable as s
Tonic because it contains the
well known QUININE
Enriches the Blood and
i up the Whole System. SO cents
Cards. . . .
To Voters of the Tow a of Green
I am a Candidate for the of
Mayor Subject to your approval.
To the Voters of
I beg to announce my candidacy
Mayor of Town of
For Hayer.
hereby announce myself a
for of Town of Green
subject to the action of the De
This march 1916.
i J. W.
For Mayer.
the Voters of
hereby announce myself a
late for Mayor subject to
primary to be held for th.
of Greenville.
Hope Her Statement, Made Public
will Help Other Women.
Hines, must
Mrs. Mae Reid, this place,
the woman's Ionic, has done mt
l great deal of good.
Before I commenced using ,
would spit up everything I ale. I had
Bred, sleepy all the lime, and was
Irregular. could hardly drag around,
ind would have severe headaches con-
taking I have
quit spitting up what I eat. Everything
seems to digest all right, and I
gained pounds in
II you are a victim of any of the
so common to your sex, it it
wrong to suffer.
For half a century, has been re-
just such ills, as is proven by
thousands of letters, similar to the above,
which pour into our year by year.
is successful because if is com-
posed of ingredients which act specifically
on the womanly constitution, and helps
build the weakened organs to
and strength.
has helped others, and will help
you, Get a bottle today. You
won't regret it You- druggist sells it
Markets by
Inly Wheat 1-2
May Corn 1-2
July Corn i-t
Mas Lard
May SO
July SI
n yam cm M k.
f la
i t Spoiled It.
Douglas Fairbanks went to a social
affair the oilier night and
woman cm him.
i be n piled
how you bring out
I in glad i
i d, you are groat
do mi the woman rut-
tied i n I have s little live rear-old
son at home I I n acts like you
AM ,
MB i a.
K. t
Office N.
Practice where services arc desired
cake Flour, Oatmeal,
Cm ii Flakes,
Quakers Corn
Post Post
Nuts, Instant
Cereal, Flour,
Flour, Gob
Bud Cot
M. Schultz
Fruit Store
Moseley Brothers
Insurance and Real Estate
Miss Ada Thomas left this morning
Tor Benson on a visit to her
Messrs Q. A. and J. H. Forrest
re spending the day in on
Mr. J. K. Spivey went up the road
bis morning on a business trip.
Mr. C, B. West is spending today
u Wilson on business.
Mr. I. Moore went tn
this morning.
Mr. S. Norman went to Oak
this morning on business.
Mr P. M. Johnston left this morn-
for Farmville
who Is conducting
. Dancing School here, went to
-in this morning to see about the
of a in that city.
Mr W. Moore, of Urine was in
own today-
County S. A Stocks
. i Id today.
If you check up the of bottles
lined you Will Foley's Honey and
in greater demand than any other
medicine, it is safe, prompt
mi for colds, croup, hoarse-
bronchial coughs, throat trouble
ind it contains no opiates
ind is the preferred medicine for
Sold Everywhere.
Japanese Carpenters Wear Peculiar
Coat Blazoned With the Name
of Their Employer.
The artisan old Nippon is a
advertisement for his employer.
At work be wears long blue octal
. i. i between the shoulders it
a huge white Japanese character de-
noting the name of the contractor
for w horn he works
Down tin- front are figured in white
other names
they may be called given names
or Christian Barnes cannot say. At
any rule the name on back is
th- one the contractor is known by
Hie world, like our Smith or Jones.
this name is a rectangular de-
sign in white covering the entire
the coat.
When the Japanese first
came to the exposition grounds to
erect their national pavilions
tors they were Mime pan
a pageant rather than carpenters,
long are like the
worn by heralds In ancient times.
coal is a perquisite the
Two Part
Hatch The Daily
This Space.
Program In
Seven Million Tons of Masonry in the
of Ancient
The greatest monument in die world
is the Pyramid of which
was built . ix thousand years
ago. It was built by Cheops, king of
who, following the example of
previous kings, wished to have a mag-
tombstone, so that he would
be it i- cattail that the
thousands of men who were engaged
in building it under the lash.
The result is Cheops is always put
down us a tyrant.
According to Herodotus, the ancient
Greek historian, men at
work on for years. It an
area and
tons masonry, It was built in
layers, over two hundred in number,
and then the edges were tilled in to
make sides The stone
used varied In weight from tons
to tons When was built it was
about feet high and the sides were
Keg Hunt.
Faster Monday p. m
School Admission
ream for sale by n grad
Tube Completed
Honolulu. T. II. March i
IO a heavy object believed to
be the lost submarine F-4 parted late
yesterday and work was suspended for
rue night. The spot was carefully
marked, and another attempt will be
made today to grapple the object,
Makes Keel like
I d from kidney i tor
, vi writes Mrs. M. A.
i-es. Robinson, Miss. commenced
.;,, about ten
month; ago. I am years of age and
like a year-old Foley
Kidney Pills invigorate weak and de-
. , kidneys, relieve backache,
and bladder trouble. Sold
Twice a yea. ins employer Big reduction in prices on photos
to give bin a new one. two weeks. Latest styles of Fold-
For the rest, the carpenter wears and mounts Best Work
pair I toed,
long tights with I, re-
enforced on soles with thin
Moat remarkable of all, the
loot has a division for
the treat toe, like thumb on a
mitten Why, I cannot tell. I watched
one carpi liters tor sometime,
hoping to see pick up a
or a hammer with ins toes, bu in
vain So as could see. the
carpenter's ti has do
to San Francisco
A Boy Strategist.
Mrs. I and her little nephew,
Kenneth won visiting some relatives
in the country and. one morning, were
Io When
the wen about across Mrs
Bright saw two oxen and paused
really know whether it is
to go near those oxen, Ken-
,., ,., .-he ii
don't you bi afraid of the
oven, said Kenneth, as he
ed his hold on her hand
WOnt hurt us The
first time I came out here I was afraid
of them. I didn't dare go hack of then.,
and I didn't go In front of them.
Hut a fine way at last.
I just cot down and crawled under
Hal Magazine
Come to see us for the New Model FORD
Touring and Runabout Automobiles Equip-
electric lights and many other new
additions. Our profit sharing plan is very-
Touring Can f. O. B.
1440.00, P. O. a Detroit
Ford Supply Co.
Greenville. N C.
n town would probably tat
inhabitant, but we are prepared
or the necessary remedies even for
hat and are supplied with
t stock of drugs to compound any
of a doctor's prescription with
be newest discoveries tn
r drags of any description. Our
is prompt and mistakes are
Drug Company
herd Dog. very useful around stock
death rats. lo.-s number of
ricks also. Will sell reasonable. J.
Milton Johnston, S. C.
Car to u Days
Must Have Been Some-
what Doubtful ct His Power to
Please Audience.
Apropos of Mane new
novel critic es-
of New York, said at the Play-
is only novelist In
existence who sends no free copies
her novels to the press for review.
Miss has been roasted so hard
by the press that she is resolved to
undergo no more of it.
is like the long-haired chap
who walked into the general store
you sell stale
said the grocer with a smile,
I've got some.
Easter Flowers
and Plants
is d when one has taken a
In an up-to-date bathtub of our fitting.
No is complete without ti and
Hie comfort and cleanliness which re-
from its use
many times over. have fitted
the finest house in why
Dot yours We gladly will figure on
Cyclamen, Hyacinths and Daffodils in puts. In
Farm cents each.
Our Display Will be at Mr. H.
Bentley Office Be-
ginning Thursday.
Mrs. Haskett
S. T. Hicks. THE Plumber
For Monuments,
Headstones and
Iron Fencing-See
Dees Marble Granite
Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure.
The worst cue., no how Ion funding,
cured by la. old reliable or
Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. it
Pain Heals at the same time. 11.01
The Best Is None Too.
Good For You
In this day and time majority of men
look for the best the market
affords in all lines.
Realizing this fact we keep our store
well stocked with
to meet the wants all men.
To the Voters of the Town of Green-
Since some one mentioned my name
in your paper of the 25th in
with the office of Major, I have
been approached by Several
business men and to de-
myself a
Having had experience as a
man in various and having
plenty of time to give to the office of
Mayor. announce myself as a
said office. If elected. I
shall not content myself merely with
the trial of those who violate the Town
ordinances and attending the meet-
of the Hoard, but I shall super-
vise all matters connected with the
the Town. I shall serve with
fairness to all, with no personal am-
to gratify, but with an earnest
desire to establish an i city
;. go,
Irons, Heaters. Lights and
Proctor Hotel Building.
by Coca Cola Bottling Com
comer Fifth and
streets. Apply to J. K
In West Greenville. Apply U
B. W. a. B.
limited to diseases
Bra, Ear, Nose
The of
with Dr. D. L. James,
N. O, Monday.
tome B. B
B. t.
on Street near
and repairing furniture or up-
holstering we use Tapestry
Leather or any material desired.
Carolina Mfg Co . St. Green-
ville, N. C.
Frank Wilson's Store
S. t. J
writer. Some bargain. J B,
In all the Courts
In Woolen Building on Third
street, fronting Court House.
In tubes -5 cents
, ask your
Greenville, N G.
Our Offer This
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut nut this slip,
I enclose with live cents to Co.
Chicago, writing your name and
I address clearly, You will receive In
return a package containing
and Tar Compound, for
and croup, Kidney
god Kohl
told Everywhere
Child . search Work.
Mia i l
who is the children's bu-
department the government,
has returned In Mich., to
I continue Rat lone In regard
to the women the lumber camps
and health th, children Miss Julia
Lathrop, head of th i bureau,
holidays lo
in making prep rations for a child
welfare exhibition to given In
Hiss Mi in He re days
ii.-r. i H n
it m No.
Bo. a. t.
-i i.
a II .
I v II Be. I II
and ladies suits am
in need of work and will appreciate
any the public will give me. Mrs
Fannie Howard,
The Ufa Co.
et Hew
CUT plants tor Mist Warren
Chestnut Bl
mill i
Good condition water
k i iii
Mn II. -I
. ti
J. I.
H. J.
Attorney at law
n Edwards Building on the Court
II. M.
Attorney at Law
and Drainage Cases a
In office formerly occupied by
F Q James Son
can furnish horse and buggy Write
i., N- C
Him Out.
I Jones, Boothe. Ark
i had levers case kiln.
and could do no work at all r m
out at
once The i M
of others;
. ,.,. and troubles
tn. and
In Building, Third
wherever his
North Carolina
and Street
Mi BUr Day
as Tear

f all
the u. alt good tinning. W
bf th he it m the I
Main on Lime on the Farm, i i C
f lite y c. ,
A p-
virtue of I in in
by a mortgage made by Blue t U
Mermaid on December 1810, and
in Hook T-9, page
County Register or Deed Office, the
provision of said mortgage not
been complied with. I .-lull Mil,
to the highest for cash, on
Monday, the day April. 1915, it
at Court door in
the blowing described pro
being in Town
ship, County, known as the Avon
bounded on the North and
by Tar on the i is
by Creek; on the South
Southwest by and Pole
on the West and North by the old
Taft Plantation, containing ac-
res, more or leas, and being the same
land conveyed by J J Laughing
house to and this
part of purchase price money
This the 5th, day of March.
i i
S I Attorney
Token I p.
On place one black bull about
years old with while feel,
while spots on parts of body
Mark, crap and slit right,
left, owner an gel same by paying all
Sale of Valuable Town Property.
virtue of power contained
in a certain mortgage deed executed
by J S. and
wile to C. S. CarT, trustee, on the
10th February and duly
recorded In the of
Hi Pill County. North Car
in Hook page T, the under-
will expose to public sale, be-
House Door, En
the highest bidder, on Monday
the day of April U
o i m. these certain tracts or par-
of land, lying and being In the
-aid State, and in the
town of Beginning on
street at a stake from
the South corner of the Free Will
Baptist Church lot; thence In a South-
direction with the Western
of street 1-2 feet to
a stake in Allen's corner; thence
u Westerly direction with Lula
Allen's line feet to a stake, a
thence in a Northerly direction
parallel with street 1-2
to a stake; thence In a Easterly
direction parallel with II. D, Nelson's
Southern line lo
street the beginning
Also, One other or parcel
beginning on the side of
and 11th. Streets and runs an Easterly
direction parallel with 11th. Street
feet, thence a Northerly direction
parallel with street US feet,
in a Westerly direction
with Street feet to Co-
street; thence In a Southerly
direction with Street
feel to the beginning.
Sale to satisfy said mortgage deed
Terms of Sale Cash
This 16th, day of March
C. S. Trustee
By F. M. WOOTEN, Assignee
Mow To To
i in
Notice, Is hereby given that the
of Commissioners of county
at their regular session assembled
Monday, March 1915, ordered
to be held in Hie following
at a Hue between S. J
and J. A.
the colored School House known as
Carolina Township, and
ii south to O M. Swamp
held; then running with the road W
M Mooring; With the
leading to to
tear M. A. them,
with the road lo Station ti
the fork near Harriett
Pitt county
Notice, Is hereby given that
Hoard of Commissioners of Pitt
at an adjourned meeting, assembled
in Tuesday Mar. 1915. ordered an
on to be held in the c
District Known as
Township. District No.
That said to be held on
the 27th, day of April 1915,
at House In the above
territory for the purpose of as-
the will of qualified
voters of the above described
f to whether there shall be levied
collected a Special Tax of
the valuation of property and
with road by J. F. I on each Poll In the above
to Post Oak colored thence; territory, and at said election
with S. H. line to W. h. and those favoring Special Tax shall
H. B. Fleming's line; thence a written or printed Ballot with
Flemings line to D. B. the words For Special and
line; thence up line tr those oppose to said Tax shall vote a
B. D. Nelson's; thence with written or printed Ballot with the
line lo W. E.
H. B. Fleming's line; thence a south
course to
That said election to be held on
Saturday, the 17th day of April
at C. F Pager store In town of
N. C, for the purpose as-j
the will of qualified
voters In above described territory as
to whether there shall be levied and
collected a Special School Tax of,
on the of pro ,
and on each Poll lb the
above described territory.
at said election those favoring
the Special Tax vole a written
or primed with the words
and those oppose to sail
Tax shall vote a written or printed
with words Special
And it was further ordered, that t
P Page be, and he is hereby
pointed Registrar for said election. K
words Special
And It was further ordered, that
H. A Pierce be. and he Is hereby
pointed Registrar for said election
. that F. H Rogers and Joe Sum-
are hereby appointed Poll
Holders or Judges of election.
And it was that a
New Registration Is, and shall be re-
and that the Registration
Hooks for said District or territory
hall he opened on Thursday. March
and closed Saturday. April
IT. for the purpose of register-
qualified voters of said district
Or territory
This the day of March 1915
S A.
Chairman of Hoard of Com. of PHI Co
Attest BELL, Clerk
S and E. H. are
name to .
pit. I or
ant to t not the stomach. Judges election.
lake It Quinine.
v -o . i lo adults who cannot
take ordinary D out nauseate nor
I Lisa in the head.
It next for any
pot. Ask .,
. . id
Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
D. C
Norfolk, v.
N. C
Char W. V.
Charleston. S. C
And It further ordered, that a
. is. and shall be re
quired, amid the Registration
Books Of said District or Territory
shall be opened on Friday, March
and closed on Saturday April
1915, for purpose of registering
the qualified voters of
This day of March 1915.
s. A.
Chairman of Hoard of Com. of Pitt Co
BELL, Cleric.
On side of the A. C. I. It It
mi North Side of Third Street
in a certain deed of trust
by A Morton and S N.
the day of February, and
re. roiled in Hook A-10, page
i the undersigned
I offer at public sale to the
.-I bidder tor before the Court
in the town of N
. on April 1916 U
M. the following or
parcels of land,
H of of sale i in
PHI county.
it hereby Riven the
of Commissioners of Pitt
county their regular session an
Si milled on Monday. March 1910
ordered an election to he held in
inflowing described
In Creek at the
mouth of Black Swamp and with said
swamp to the late L. C. Barrett line
ii i with said line to the Falkland
Township line, with said line to
forks of the road at Toddy;
southward with Kirk wood road to E
C It. It , with a-i
Virginia Lumber Company,
to road at T. K. Keel's; then
with road to
Ward place line; then With
said line to run of Creek;
down creek to the
That said election lo he held or
Saturday, the 17th. day of April
at the School House In above
rd territory for the purpose of as-
tin will of the I
voters of above described territory
as to whether shall be levied
and collected a Special School Tax
on f valuation
property, and on each Poll iii
above territory, and
said election those favoring
Special Tax shall vote a written or
I Ballot with the words
North Carolina,
Pitt county.
Notice, la hereby that the
of Commissioners of Pitt
at regular session assembled
i. Monday, March Kit, ordered u
election to be held in the following
Beginning on Swift Creek at the
line I No. It, as now i
with the said line to
Clay Hoot Swamp down said Swamp
M. C Smith's west line with
to .; W. g line,
with said line to Oscar Haddock's
line, said line to Clay
Swamp, then down said Swamp to
Creek, then up said Creek lo
beginning. Including all within the sail
except the lauds owned by
P. S.
That said election to be held on Sat
the 16th, day of April 1915,
B, O. Smith's store above
ed territory for the purpose of
the will of the qualified
of the above described territory as lo
whether there shall be levied and col-
a Special School of
on the valuation of property
and on the Poll in
above described territory, and at said
election those favoring the Special
Tax shall vote a written or printed
with the words Special
and those opposed to said Tax
shall vote a written or printed
lot with the words Special
It was further ordered, that I.
Smith be, and he Is hereby appoint-
ed registrar for said and
that LA. Edwards and W H
mt are hereby appointed Poll Holders
Judges or election.
And It was further ordered,
a New Registration is. and shall be re-
quired, and that the Registration
Hooks for said district or territory
shall be opened on Friday. March
1915, and close Saturday. April
for the purpose of registering the
nullified voters of said district.
This day of March
S. A.
Chairman Board of Com of Ca
attest; BELL, Clerk
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing en In its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
is extended Beginning at a
K S W. corn and those opposed to said I
thence running a westerly course ,.,,,,, written or
Third street feet to ballot with the words
S K Corner, thence a
course with said Jessie Mum was further ordered, that II i
lord's line feet to a stake in J be, and he is hereby
smith's lino, thence an easterly course I pointed Registrar for said election
with I J. Smith's and Caleb Worth-land that Jack and T R. Allen
line feet to Lydia B. Sum hereby appointed Poll Holders or
line, thence a southerly course I of
with said line feet to the And It was further ordered, that
beginning. Containing 1-3 of an acre Registration is. shall be re
Tell The Tale
Can you doubt the evidence of this
You can verify endorse-
Head this;
Frank Ferguson, special manager of
Jefferson Life insurance Co., Fifth
St., Greenville, says; years
ago I had kidney complaint, brought
by constant riding on trains
while traveling. My back ached and
I had pains In my kidneys. The
kidney secretions were Irregular tn
passage, scanty, highly colored and
contained sediment, I used Dona's Kid
my Pills for these troubles and they
relieved me. strengthening my back
and regulating the action of my kid
I consider Kidney Pills
a very good medicine for kidney
in When my kidneys get out
order, I use them and always gel
Price SOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
loan's Kidney same that
Ur. Ferguson had.
Co., Buffalo. N. T.
more or less.
This sale is made for the purpose
of satisfying the bonds secured
aforesaid died of trust
This day of March ISIS.
w F attorney
Under and by virtue of the powers
conferred upon the undersigned Mort-
certain Mortgage Died bear-
date of Hit day of Sept from
C L. Barrett and Nora Barrett
Wife, and duly recorded l
the Register Heeds for Co in-
Page I etc
will sell
t tn r in
c. for .
real town
the I N.
I e or
quired, and the Registration
Hooks of said District or Territory
shall he opened on Friday. March
and closed on Saturday April
1915. for the purpose of registering
the voters of said territory
or district
This the 3rd. of March
S A.
Chairman Of Board of Com of Pitt Co
BELL, Clerk.
t Proof lings Sale.
Choice lot young
at almost stock price.
We are short on coin and long on
and have Jet d to offer for
ii is young proof
id from lo i pound
it i a i B
. . b I ;
of Deeds Bell
Issued licenses lo the following coup-
since last report.
Hal. Moore and B.
and Mary Cox.
and Mary Saunders.
Henry and Augustus
and Blow
Winter layers and line table
grow to weigh lo twelve pounds
rose tine Strata 11.00 per
setting W. J Wyatt, Winter-
. Mile N .;
The Woman's Tonic
i on, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark,
think the I medicine i n earth,
for Before I began to take was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can eat most
taking today, bold by ail dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
i east
. indrawn April
,.; ., , 1915.
. M. W
The I Iron T .
under a nil
I Hue A Mi lo me la hi f
by withdrawn.
i i March 18th,
J. Bl
I Dome
Mr W Buck, who resides near
k, Township, ha I
I In misfortune lay morning to
. i portion of the
his by The
bit III I
Min n
i c call are the mm.
method of trading In wheat.
or Because loss la
bought. No farther risk.
Positively moat way
of trading.
an account. You can buy
puts or calls on
grain for or can buy both
for or many more yon
Au advance or decline of cent gives
you the chance to take profit
A movement of S profit.
Write for full particulars and
all mall to Lock Box
Notice, is hereby given that
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
at Its regular section on the first
Monday in March 1915, It being Ow
first day in March 1915, ordered as
election to be held in Carolina
ship, county.
That said election to be held
Tuesday the 27th, day of April
at the regular voting place In
town of Stokes. N. C, for the
pose of ascertaining tho will of
qualified voters In said Carolina Town
as to whether the Stock Law
be established In said Carolina
according to Law as in
made and provided, and at
election those favoring tho establish
of said Stock Law in said Town
ship shall vote a written or print.,
with the words Stock
those oppose shall vote a
r printed Ballot with the
Stock and S. C.
is Registrar, and will
have the Registration Books
on Thursday March 1915. and until
Saturday, April 1915. for the
peso of registering voter.-
said Carolina Township
This the 4th. day of March 1915.
S. A.
i of Board of Com. Of Pitt Co
BELL, Clark,
sale Valuable Town Property,
By virtue of the power contained is
certain mortgage deed executed and
delivered by and
to D. W. on the 21st, day of
Juno 1918, and duly recorded in
Register of needs of Pitt
North Carolina, In Book
page tho undersigned will expos,
to public sale, the Court
door in to the
bidder, on Monday the day
April, 1916. at o'clock,
certain properly and r, at c
tale hereinafter described, to-wit
That certain piece or parcel
situate in the County and
In the town of beginning
at a stake where the Eastern Bide
street the Northern Bid.
of Tenth street and runs in
Easterly direction with North
side of Tenth street feet to
a thence in Northerly
parallel with Evans street feet
to a stake; thence in a Westerly
parallel with Tenth foot
to street; thence in a
direction with street feet to
Tenth street, the beginning.
Also, all tho of goods, wares
and merchandise, and all furniture
and used in connection there
with, of every kind and In
that store building In town
on the side of
known the Corey
building, and being two doors North
the Greenville Banking and Trust
. building.
Sale will be made to satisfy
Turns; cash.
This day of March 1915
D. W.
By r. U. WOOTEN, Assignee
St., D. C.
tine mole colored cow. mark crap
and -On right apt left.
can gel same by proving
and paying P.
Hi k at -1 pal
red unmarked, about four .
Pita bed. M. II. C
I, N. C
Is Your Skin
Clear a
m raw
of twelve
among the best
people in the eastern
i part of north
, and invite
who wish to bet-
to the ea Vestal, Head
40.000 Troops Engaged
In What Promises To
Be Decisive Battle
beat Straggle Begun Between the
Villa aid factions
What He to
Do Should He Defeat
Forces of South
Washington, April -A with
troops engaged which may be
a decisive action In tho war between
the and Villa factions in
Mexico, is in progress or impending
near In the State of
State today,
April said the tight would
take place soon. That was construed
to mean Villa bad assembled a force
strong enough to meet General
army and was moving south
from along the National Bail-
was reported
taro, and was said to have sent a col-
against San while he
protected its march with a second col-
and a third column under General
Hill moved capital of
is understood by officials
here to have men and is said
Villa hos an equal number.
Is the Junction of the
can Central and the National Hallway
toward which forces are ad-
state Department Summarizes Situs-
State Department issued this
summary of the
department is informed that
General Villa baa announced that if he
is successful in defeating the of
General south he
will immediately open the lines of com
to Mexico City. The de-
advices indicate that
should the forces of General
be defeated In this expected engage-
his important strongholds will be
Vera Cruz, and
Advices to the agency said
gunboat Guerrero reach-
ed Monday night and her
notified foreigner to leave
as he intended to open a bombardment.
Mobs in and the
agency Statement added were looting
business houses.
Sharp Fighting Near
The agency also reported Gen-
failed to check Car-
troops marching from both
north south and was defeated yes-
at Sharp lighting
continues at near
element supporting Gem nil
as provisional president, to-
day made public here the
appointment by
. a special
Washington, and mi pr
anted by lo Secretary
on Man ti
The Mexican
fairs from the time s with-
and maintains
is regularly chosen
president by virtue the
convention The seal
government a aM in
from which place, the Bays,
Gutierrez directing affairs and ha
under his command a consider
B Gull- I
Greenville Citizens Hear treat
Orator In Interest of
That prince of prohibition orators,
John G and G. W.
Morrow, lecturers for
tho Anti-Saloon League, will reach
North Carolina on the tenth a ten
day's campaign. A partial list of
has been arranged as fol-
April Elizabeth City and
April Washington.
April Kith
April 14th. Greenville.
April .
April Goldsboro.
Mr. was reclaimed
curse of drink over
years ago and since then has
his great power and ability I
the temperance cause For many
years, he was the leader of the
party and. in was
ed by Ibis party for of the
United Slates For the past live years
he been a national lecturer for
the Anti-Saloon League and, as h,
made a campaign of North Carolina
in 1918. He has spoken to more
on the temperance subject than
any other living American, his
es sometime reaching from live thou
sands to ten thousand.
Dr. Morrow bus been in the anti-
saloon league work for ten years. For
several years. was Superintendent
of the Michigan Anti-Saloon League,
but because of his splendid ability as
a and pulpit orator, h
was called into work as a nation-
lecturer. North Carolina will be
delighted to welcome these distinguish-
ed Vision and will hear them gladly.
Russians Have Crossed First Range
Mountain in Carpathian
Information has been given us that
the river measured I feel this morn-
at o'clock.
will opportunity
the convention of
and before that legal hod he
will offer to resign his power, in
to leave the convention free lo elect
as president any man who may answer
to the necessities and rights of all of
the Mexican people
Brownsville, Tex , April After lot
days waiting, some of reinforce-
expected by the Villa
the arrived
side These reinforce
were the advance guard
the main consisting of union
-till being delayed lack
In in
It in It
additional n
tile In
. e.
creed nil propel lb will
he given 1.111 one
March In I
The Mexican mining call for
all mines an which the
taxes arc paid
a committal mining men lay
complaint before the Washington
Department this week, regarding
v danger of ultimate
of all foreign owned pro
Is Being To Force
Germans To Give St.
Regain Some More
April t. in
the cast and hilly country between
the rivers Mouse and in
continue to scones of
engagements but little or no s is
of the progress of the
except in Pass, where the
are stubborn re-
tile sh
the Russians are said to have
crossed the range of mountains,
It is asserted they are now
to get behind the Ger-
man holding
The Austrians admit the condition
The Austrians also are in
but this is a secondary
operation. Engagements in Northern
Poland also appear unimportant
Between the Meuse and
French are on the attempt-
to force the Germans n give
St The German official
poi's claim all French were
repulsed but a semi-official
from says that v to
prearranged plan the
from and
s have d some
ground c a In but
there been no in
In Africa General of
South Africa forces continue their
victorious march along the railways
but thus far have not overtaken the
main Germany army.
For Dardanelles.
Constantinople. April ;. vis The
Hague and April am
convinced the Dardanelles cannot he
forced. The bravo conduct of the
Turkish troops In the recent opera
permits me to conclude th I
the allies use every at
their disposal they will be
their purpose
bus spoke Ml limed V of
and First of the Mos-
world, today in an audience grant-
ed to the c in
. m The Sultan throughout the II
, , the groan
,,, with land f
. n keen interest a lie
,,, ii,. , operations
the Dardanelles in- -i by
Mi . the
;,. . who n a f
he had
Mail, ts relate I lo i or
to St
lace s s . a
lion an Hi the
bet ti I
was r t the
S. 1.1. Machine shops at
loss by Fire
Vs., April Fire to-
tally destroyed the machine shop and
blacksmith shop of the Seaboard Air
Line Railway in this city night,
emailing a loss which will probably
reach covered by Insurance
to the extent of How the
lire had Its origin could not be as-
last night.
Shop Men Fight Fire
the arrived they
found the shop force of lire lighters
already engaged in combating their
spread to other buildings. All hope of
saving the machine blacksmith
shops and the erecting department
had been given up. but a thick brick
protecting wall did finally halt the
progress the into erect-
shed. It well, too, that the
were stopped by this wall, for
III the shed when the the out
were a dozen or more valuable
undergoing repairs
electric current connected with
shops lighting system was cut off
shortly after the lire started, for fear
that falling wires might injure the
The failure of
made is impossible to take the loco-
motives from the erecting shed. The
transfer table, by electricity,
not be handled at all, and con-
equipment had to re-
main in the structure.
The succeeded, behind the
protection of the brick separative
wall th machine shop and
erecting shed. in preventing the
spread of the flames into the latter
In less than half an hour after
be tire broke out the roof on the
big fell In, leaving only the
side walls standing.
May Send Work tn Raleigh.
The loss of machine shop and
the blacksmith department is a
blow to the shops, where work
was already being carried forward In
a curtailed schedule. It will throw
possibly men out of
and aside from that, obliterate
tho most important
In the
repair work on the
equipment of the road will have to be
transferred to one of the shops
the line to Raleigh.
The fact that an independent tire
lighting system, with powerful pumps
on the ground, had been Installed at
the shop aided materially in
to the big structure In
watch they The
with aid of the city tire.
men did effective work In
Mayor Hope culled tit -hop
. the lire,
several pal n m
signed to duty there lie It of
Seaboard were placed
duty for of guarding
In r de-
from tn ,
. . clear II cat
I pi had
That It
to r
Aldermen Purchase Fire
Motor Truck For The
City of Greenville
Interesting Session
Held at
Ills Result The Latter Receives
Pistol Ball Through His
a pistol dud in which Police
Brewer and had as their
adversary the notorious criminal
came very near result-
in a serious fatality this morning
about o'clock. In the rapid lire
and exchange of shut.-, between
Officers and the desperate law-
breaker Officer Warren
ed two wounds, one taking effect in
left shoulder near the collar bone and
the other slight flesh wound on the
linger of his right hand. As a
remit of the sudden madness
he now lies in jail with two bullet
wounds from the pistol f
Brown not an unfamiliar
name with officers her., but has been
considered a violent and dangerous
for a while. It was only
a few months ago when his son
Brown, about whom today's
arose, resisted officer Warren
Morgan when the latter went to
rest him for riding a on th
It was at this lime William
ran away in order to escape arrest
by officer and he had not been
seen any more until last night when
he was spied entering his father's
house down near the river. The of-
were on the alert and early
morning, about Police
Bland and with a
search warrant. The young who
was there with his wile took to
river upon bearing the coming
True to suspicion a large quantity of
whiskey was found in s house
The whiskey was taken and office
Bland and Brewer together with
Chief. Smith. Boot started lo
the river to look for the younger
Brown. Chief Smith the
and Brewer and Bland took
the m the Ute
and v soon on his trail
soon in, Brow n. tho r,
I little ad them and dire, t
bl I'll Ml
I in I mis
Ti it I
. at, mi
. a
ever The
the com
u in; boom to lb c
cattle bout
It la p I'm is I I
during the next
being Into
the Mate will t- paid
, t
. ind
We. Bland and
the canoe. When we told
him lo h II r am
fa pistol and Ins first lire
beginning of the exchange
hots. I Bred live times
, times was first in tho
next on Anger of my
right baud We emptied our guns
before the finished Bring.
think I fired the two shuts that
n one in the
on Past
Sen Furniture, Etc Ordered
For The Mayor's Office,
to He Held First
Monday in June.
of Aldermen met last
night and took up the business of
regular meeting of last week which
time they met and adjourned on ac-
count of the District Convention of
Odd Fellows being in session here
Several important matter were brought
up and passed upon last night. The
Mayor and the entire were
Tile matter be taken up
the Hoard was in regard to the Mat-
of taxes by J. J
The report of the committee
called for, whereupon
asked to be heard. He
requested that the Board rescind it-
former action. At the end of the dis
it was moved and curried by
to rote that he be relieved of
taxes and he be required to pay
tin taxes due from the year 1914.
The Motor Fire Truck proposition
next came up and Fire Chief
and several made short talks
in favor of the purchase of a truck
A committee of three, consisting of
Aldermen Smith and Filing
ton was appointed to investigate and
purchase a motor truck if their
so directed them.
Mr. L. W. Tucker appeared before
the Hoard and asked for
of to help defray the
expenses of a dinner for the Old Sold
the celebration on of
May. A motion to this effect was
made and carried by a unanimous vote.
The sum was later raised
the total
The reports of the Regular
tees were next called for. The
Committee filed a report and the sane
was adopted The Water and Light.
Ordinance. Cemetery and Market Com
had no report ti make
The report of the Purchasing Cum
stated chairs had beet
ordered for the Mayor's Office. The
committee in its report also
mended the purchase of a desk for the
Mayor and suggested that Mayor's
Office be renovated A motion was
mads and carried as to the base
the hairs and the desk
Alderman blank
for reports to be made
City Manager. ii was i and
carried that the blank
and th. I
of th, linger
to c a or
for met
for the
Alderman P, VanDyke was
pointed a Committee of one to
sent the Hoard on the Public Library;
Mr was elected pi ill- mail
to till caused by the re-
Mr. Clark, his election
to date from April 1st. The
Committee was authorize to
m Page j

Eastern reflector, 2 April 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 02, 1915
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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