Eastern reflector, 5 February 1915

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By virtue of authority ii
certain mortgage elevated by T. H j
Mill wife, date of
ST. and executed tho under
w will appear o
in Book L page of Hill
the said j
will, on Monday
lain before the door
Pitt IS o'clock M. sell to
bidder for cash the for
lowing described land, lying and be-
leg in tho town of In the
and State aforesaid.
fully described an follows
Brine lot number Fourteen of
at the south east
f lot No and running with th.-
line of IN No feet
i a stake, thence I
feet, thence easterly fed to
thence northerly with said
street feet to the beginning.
old la made for the
pees of satisfying the terms
Tale Jan. let. MIS.
larding t Pierre, attorney,
Administrator's notice
Having qualified a.
C. T. A., of
Fleming, late of
County, N. C. is now
for the purpose of notify
all persona having claims
the estate of the said de-
ceased to exhibit them to the
on or before the 24th.
day of or this no-
will be plead in of then
recovery. All indebted to
estate will please make
mediate settlement to the under
This day of December
Administrator. C. T. A
I . mark or no
J air of
A -.--.
. -i -r -ii to
Seventh St. Washington. D. C.
is hereby given that It. L
Little baa day sold all of his
entire interests In the
lace Company, of Green
ville. N to A. B. Little and M
W Wallace and that from this date
the said R. L. Little has no further
Interest In said business
This the day or January
R. I.
i i a
I have taken up one ox about three
years old. marked under bit In etch
ear Owner same
How To Oh-e To
a n. i k to
H is last pie
to sad the
take it know U If Quinine
also lo adults who cannot
lake ordinary sot nor
reuse in the
neat need sine for any par-
lot original
MM fa
By virtue of the power vested in
by the terms or a certain deed of
executed by J M. and
Florence dated January I
MIS, and registered in L-W
page County Registry. Will
offer for sale to the highest bidder for
cash on Monday Had,
at M before the Court House Door
In the of Greenville. Pitt
N C, the described trails
or parcels of land,
and being in the f
State of North Carolina, near Up-
town and being lots No.
and T on plat of land
owned by R. It. which plat
on record in County Register
Office In Map Book Number
page to which plat reference is
hereby made Said lots or parcels of
land contain 146.23
sale is made for the purpose
satisfying the bond described In
deed of trust
two other one secured by deed
of trust, dated January 20th, 1913
recorded In Book L-10. page lb
other secured by deed of trust, dated
January 20th. 1913, and recorded in
Hook L-10. page All three of
said deeds of trust name undersign
as trustee
This the 21st. day of January.
Dun Attorney.
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
At everywhere
N. C
S. C.
It Always Helps
Mrs. Sylvania Woods, Clifton Mills. Ky., in
writing her experience with the woman's
tonic She says began to use
my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of I began to like a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water milL
I wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
fired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble It has been helping weak, ailing
women fag fifty vs.
Get a Bottle Today t
Pitt County
In Hie Superior
v Hooker
Ta Notice of tale
v. L. P, Corey and wife N.
By virtue a decree of the
court made in above entitled cause
by Ilia Honor II W. Judge
Presiding January Term.
County Superior Court, the
ed commissioner, will on Monday,
Mb. day of 1915, at
clock Noon expose to public sale be
fore the Court House Door in Green-
ville, to highest bidder for cash, the
following described tracts or parcels
of land, in wit
First Situated in
Township. County bounded on the
by the lands of S. V. Worthing-
ton and Jane bounded on
the West by the lands of Ne
son and Dennis on the
by another tract or land W. L, f.
Corey and on the East by the of
Amy containing acres more
or less and being tract of land on
which said W I. K. Corey
wife now reside
Second Tract Situated In
Township. Pitt County on the East
side of fork Swamp, adjoining
lands of and other.-,
containing acres more or less and
land deeded by Barrow
to Providence Cooper and Cannon
and by Hum conveyed to Sam
j Corey and by Samuel Corey lo W
K. Corey Deed which is re-
in the Office In
In Hook E-r. page
Third Situated in
Township, County, in Jame Ho
containing acres or
and being the same land
to the said W L. K. Corey by
Slate North Carolina by
which is on record In the office f
the of Deeds of Pitt
in Hook Y-3. pace
Fourth I j Situated in
Creek Township, County, ad
lands of Nashville
w. ii. it. H. and
lie Bland, acres more or
Situated In Swift
Creek Township County, on
sides of the Washington
the tract last above in
and adjoining the lands of B, H. Oar-
Haywood and others con
acres more or less
The above lands will he sol I
separate tracts I n
of the Ira t I and as
a whole.
Tin- rant r d hit
I.-. Ii d Into
Ions d I will be told
lo said
iii nary.
w loner
1914. b W O
It cold that the catchup
Jars In the cellar of the Alden farm-
house were like champagne
For all that. Roger was
paring to go forth and brave
chilly blasts, sixty miles on horseback
and through a barren and uninhabited
district. Love Impelled him, however,
deep and that
kept his spirits tar above freezing
lo are demanded
Farmer Alden, and Roger glanced
with a soft admiring eye at Gladys,
bis daughter, and answered careless-
a little exercise for my horse.
expect to make It and return In
wish I could dissuade here
spoke Gladys, concerned and
do not risk It. Mr.
what about those saddle bags.
Miss proposed Roger.
they will be safe, If they were
ever safe, a week from now Then
the weather will let up and It will
not be so
don't know the average In-
declared Roger, his
head fellow.
who brought back your horse, said
he had left the saddle In his home
dugout. Perhaps, and perhaps not.
Even if so. his wife, bis children, his
neighbors may take occasion to rifle
it. has promised every day for
a week that he would go after
he won't do until the last
cent of that hundred dollars Is
predicted Mr. Alden.
It was Gladys who accompanied
Roger to the door and stood there
while he mounted his horse. She.
too, stood at the window looking
after him till lie was out of sight.
Was he mistaken, or did she really
lift her hands to her lips, as If send-
after him a good luck kiss
Roger loved Gladys Alden. She had
many suitors and he was not entirely
sure of his ground. Since he had an-
his present Journey, however,
Roger had fancied a new depth of ex-
to her eyes.
It seemed that a month before,
while out for a gallop. Gladys had
left her favorite horse beside the -rail
to gather some wild flowers. When
she returned he gone. Wandered
off or stolen, nothing was heard of
the missing steed until about three
weeks later. A reward of one
dollars had been offered for the
return of the horse. had
but bareback. He had
the saddle, he said In one
of its pockets had placed a
small hand bag. It contained some
valued trinkets, once belonging lo her
dead mother. She had mourned their
loss. Hence the foray of
Roger, looking to their restitution
Roger found his calculation as to a
speedy at fault. The trail
was forty Inches tender snow the
vines clogged, the horse worn out
before half Hie Journey was
On Hie evening of the sec-
day. however, lie arrived weary
and half frozen at the wretched dug-
out that called home Ilia
squaw with her five children greeted
him. Roger made out that he was
at the right place, but the
could not speak English. She
made a motion as If on
for a neighbor to act as Interpreter.
About to depart. hr glittered,
her breath came rapidly, she stared
hard at the leggings Roger
wore. Then, a lowering expression
on her dusky face, she left the but.
Roger was so that ha
threw himself on a pile of skins to
recuperate while the woman Ml
away. Before h realized It
overcame lira. Ho aroused
by finding himself pounced upon
The squaw lurked
side the lint, had returned,
bound him hand and foot.
kill she shrieked
frenzied, and she pointed at the leg
Kings poised a knife ready
e It Into his vitals.
asserted Roger
her dark
The squaw half understood him.
past his helpless
drew from his breast pocket a
wallet. scanned its contents.
Then, s. etching from among the pa-
It contained the photograph
she stood regarding it
distended eyes.
kill she in a wild
drawing tho knife In her hand
through the smiling faro of
an In the picture.
determined squaw was the
companion of Roger, mounted on her
pony, back to tho town. She
had located the missing saddle among
i trappings and the little hand-
hat, had original contents Intact.
The gratitude expressed In the
i f was sufficient reward for
nil Id had done When In told
By authority vested in me
by a mortgage made by J. J.
to Macon on
day of January, 1913. and I having
quail He. as administrator hereby of-
fer for sale on the 3rd Monday
February being the 15th day
thereof, for cash to the highest bidder
at the Court House door in Greenville
at noon the following described pro-
Situated in Swift Creek township
county, lying on and adjoining
the two that cross at
Cross Roads of three small
tracts, first tract of thirteen
the second tract of one and one
acres, and third tract of three acres
more or less being the three parcels
land described in a deed
Claude Clark and wife Mary Clark to
J. Wilson, dated the 2nd day
November 1908 and recorded In book
B-t, page
This 14th day of January
R. A.
N. W. Attorney.
Puts and calls are,
surest method of trading In wheat
or la
absolutely limned to the
bought No farther
Positively the moat profitable wag
Open an account. can bay U
pots or
grain for fit or can boy bock
for W or many more Beam
Ad advance or decline of giver
yea the chance to take profit
A movement of t cents profit.
Write for full particulars and hawk
Ball to Look Box la
North Carolina
Ry virtue of authority contained in
two certain mortgages executed by
Prince to Turnage Brothers,
One bearing the date of i-
1st 1914 and recorded In Book
L-10. an page and one bearing
date of May 2nd. 1914 and recorded
Book y-10 on page of Pitt
Registry, the undersigned
will on Monday. February
1916, at o'clock Noon, before
Court House Door in Pitt County, In
tho Town of Greenville, sell to Hit
highest bidder tor cash the following
described parcel of
and being in Creek
Township, Pitt County. North Carolina
and beginning at two pines and
oak. William Smith's corner and
thence with William Smith's line S
W poles to a stake Wylie Smith
Smith corner, thence with his line S
W poles to a stake in line,
John Smith's corner then with his
line N W poles to a stake.
comer, then with Va
line N i W poles to a I
stump in said line thence to the be-
ginning containing acres more or
less and being the same land convey-
ed by Deed from Haywood Cox to
Prince dated, dated the
day of November, 1908, and recorded
in the Register of Deeds Office In Pitt
County. In Book B-9, on page and
being the same land described in the
above mentioned mortgages execute
by said to the
said Turnage
This sale is to satisfy the of
above mentioned
the day of January.
Harding Pierce, Attorneys.
By virtue of a power of
ed In a certain Mortgage Deed
and delivered by J. A. an
wife Ethel lo W. H.
Jr dated the lath, day of
1914, and duly recorded in the Ra
Office In Pitt County, in Boo
A page and also by virtue
a Mortgage executed and delivered
B, A. to W. Dall. Jr.
dated of . 1914, and
recorded in the Register's Office
Pitt County, the undersigned will, o
Saturday. the 6th. day February
1915, at o'clock Noon expose to
lie sale before tho Court House
in Greenville, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described
or parcel of land,
one fifth undivided in-
of J. A. and also
life estate of K. A. in the
fifth undivided interest of
said J. A. in that
tract or parcel of land situated
Township. Pitt County. Norm
Carolina adjoining the lands of Tho
mas Haddock on tho East; the
land on the West; the Evans land o
the South and the land H
the North and containing
more or
This sale is made for the
of satisfying the terms of said Mort-
gage Deed.
This the 4th. day of January,
W. H.
Harding Pierce, Attorneys.
By virtue of power vested in me by
that Deed of Trust executed to me
by W C. Smith, of record in the
Office of the Register of Deeds for Pitt
County, in Hook T-10 at Page I
shall sell at public auction to th-s
highest bidder cash at the Court
House door in Greenville, on the
day of February, 1915, at o'clock
M., following parcel of
real estate, lying, being
iii Greenville County
and State of North Carolina, to-
I arm No. Twelve on
part of land formerly owned b
Mrs. Annie Anderson, and fully
In Map Hook at Page
the Register of Office for
County and containing Three and II-
This January 4th Mil.
Albion Dunn, Ally. Mt
Sate North Carolina.
County of Pitt
Under and by virtue of the
conferred upon me by the provision .
of a certain mortgage, executed by
Dawson, and Ida
of the County of Pitt and State
North Carolina to W. H. Arnold, of
said county and State, which is duly
recorded in 0-9, page of
Register Deed's Office of Pitt
thy undersigned will sell at public
auction at Court House door
Greenville on the 16th day February
1915, at the hour of M. to th
highest bidder for cash the following
piece or parcel land, situate in id-
county and State aforesaid,
particularly described as
in Township, Pitt
County, on road leading trap
Black Jack to Calico and bounded b
the lands of Edward Mills, W. I.
Smith and others containing acre
or lean and being the land
which Marcellus Dawson and Ida
Dawson resided in 1910. Reference
made to Hook 0-9 page of the Re-
of Pitt
This the 16th day of January,
Harry Skinner. Ally for mortgagee.
Hew Cure a Couch.
coughs demand Instant
treatment. They show ii serious con-
of the system and re weaken-
Postmaster Collins, B
I, I look Honey and Tar
p on January 8th stray Compound for a violent
of his narrow graze of death how- red white spotted, no completely exhausted
C. R.
this grew to concern. She draw
r to him and her hand trembled
as .-he touched his r-m unconsciously
In moonlight at the door
Roger frankly confessed
love, an hour later The kiss of
a happy betrothal was Interrupted by 1918 Simpson. N
Mr Alden He
was i Buckling hilariously.
ho explained, group- I
feathers has Just been leg I WANTED I , I Mill It
ward hound by hi better half at the price and to suit
end of a john-t-n
less than J half a bottle stopped
i Try It. For sale by all
it has
a of
we hArm ah
It the ate the Meat
B. .
Fitting of Entire War
fifth Street Fronting
lo Be Used For
Senate Passes The Making Prince Wales Belief Fond County Commissioners Hold
Closed; those Contributing Session; Recorder's Court
two Judicial Districts
the State
to the Cause
ii. Be Holding Their
i All Points
i I Fierce Attacks
FA 2-The Germans
been efforts the last
few the extended dead
lock eastern and western
The; delivered a series
attacks, preceded by
activity, on the allied lines in
Wanders art and, while in
they thus won
preliminary Vantage, before
concluded the
British or have regained
trenches lost, and In
some cases the German
In these according to
and official reports, the
suffered severe
j on
the Belgian in
a severe which
that moment has arrive
another to get across the
and to the French
In kw French have
ed the ml station at one
f the Germans military centers b-
hind their lines.
It Warsaw.
Heavy have been
against lit lines in Central
Poland. by Hanking move-
north south, Field
Marshal made a
desperate I apparently ll
to break through to
Warsaw IT J not only gain It
great mils political advantage
but at tho same
release Ho on Hungary and
Bait in each of which r
tho troops arc slowly
The ins west and southwest of
i lie been a
first wen hut the
rt declares that
by am regained
most of lb -e lost grand. TIM
adds tin Germans losses
The official account
says oil e righting
A was
large It he English channel
Notice was given recently that at
f meeting of tho Board of Aldermen
tho offer of a tons road
building material made by a Virginia
concern bad been accepted. com
located at the Cement
Company, is selling a special
Mud of gravel for road building which
they claim will make a road far
to the clay variety and as
good if not better than the regular
Macadam. Believing that a trial will
be sufficient to secure for them
offers the company is giving
to the city of Greenville one hundred
tons to use as a test.
Tho material has already arrived
and been unloaded but because of th-
bad weather conditions no
has been to put it down.
The street authorities have about de-
to put this gravel road down on
the street in front of the and
the work will be done soon as con-
will The
furnishing this material claims
one ton will build four square yards
of roadway seven inches deep. Th
city has all of the needed equipment
except a road roller and probably one
of these can be borrowed either from
the county or elsewhere.
Raleigh, Feb. bill to The Prince of Wales Belief
the State into two Judicial districts closed and tho following is
Washington, D. C. Feb. --A plan
guarded with tho t secrecy, was
adopted by administration Democrats
of the Senate in caucus tonight to
break down opposition to the govern-
ship purchase bill. The pro-
gram includes
which will be actuated
row afternoon in tho Senate, and ac-
cording to leaders of tho party, is
calculated to bring support for
measure to offset Monday's demo-
Alter reaching an the
adopted resolution
every member to secrecy.
Kern, caucus, to-
that secrecy was
the obvious reason that to
the plans public might tr
frustration. It was reported later
that included in the plan was .-ii
agreement to amend, the bill lo con-
form With suggestions fro. i
sources made within the few
will get into tho Mil hi
Senate again Sena
tor Kern. Is nil
can be Tho opposition d
con tide to us what they Intended
do last Monday. For r
on we divulge our
was tho main topic of discussion M
the Senate Much debate
was devoted to the passage tint
bill and tho continued up
the vote on the bill. The vote was
strongly in favor of tho passage
bill all amendments were
lost. The two districts as formed
under this bill consist of forty-eight
counties in the Western
in the Eastern.
Senator Harding introduced a nil
to authorize the commissioners of
Ayden to issue bonds to
water, sewerage and light and law
taxes for the same.
Tho proposition to establish
courts in the several counties of the
State caused considerable discussion
in tho House yesterday and from the
general trend of debate, there seems
to be rough sledding ahead for
measure. It has already passed the
Senate but the House does not look on
the bill with any great degree Of
or. Amendments were sent forward
exempting tho counties of Wake, Gas-
ton. Hertford, Iredell Transylvania
Bertie, Camden, Polk. Rowan and
Graham from the operations of
bill when it finally went over for
final action a number of other
had amendments ready or wore
preparing them to exempt their
Mr. bill to simplify tut
form of deeds and mortgages brought
out a lengthy discussion and it i
went over for final disposition
a list of who have contributed
Tobacco Board of
Trade 100.00
Greenville Banking At Trust
Hugh, Thomas Co. 60.0
Gentry Gorman
Johnston Foxhall
J. A. Clark, Jr.
Smith Sugg
a A.
. F. Health 2.00
Taft VanDyke
W. B. Wilson
W. L. Best
J. L. Starkey 2.01
California Fruit Store
Hart Hadley
A. B. Ellington
J. H. Boyd, Jr. ,,.
J. G.
J. R. B. G. 3.0
Question Passed Up
The County Commissioners
day ended a two meeting in
which the usual amount of routine
work and business was disposed of.
Most of the matters under
were not of great interest to the en-
tire county but were local matters
Ono thing of importance was a -.-
solution bearing on the Recorder
Court for Pitt county. At a former
meeting the Hoard had expressed it-
self as in favor of such a court, but
at this meeting a resolution was
adopted rescinding their former
or recommendation and
that they would not I
the formation of such a court tot
this county. By this action the mat-
is now up to the members of th.
this county. It is
not known what action they will take
on tho question
A fuller report of the will
be given later.
J. Key Brown
J. W. Ferrell
J. Whichard
L. W.
J. J.
Dr. J.
A. K.
Frank Wilson
F. D. Pennington
W. H. Long
C. Home
G. G.
J. W. Bryan
Prosecutor on Carpel- r. O.
Albany. N. V., Feb. 3-District A. White
Attorney Thomas of w. H. Bail, Jr.
county prosecuted the Reflector Company
trial of William V. a W.
of N. Y. who Henry Sugg
set free by the despite weight-
evidence, must answer today to th-
that he was neg-
and derelict in his
Governor Whitman is taking a
Internal In charges, which
arc brought by the father of Bun
M. murdered man
Young Newman had married the
v-as that ho thought the son-in-
law had wronged his
testimony H a young widow, In
fort net father, formed one
if most sensational chapters in
murder trials.
on page four
Hank robberies have beet
occurring with a great FT
In the west during
months. Many of them are h aid
daring and remind one of old
To Begin
Chicago, Fit. win begin
boon on the new subway
which nu appropriation U M-
voted. Tho contracts are be-
rushed so ground can bro-
ken soon and employment be pro-
for many men now Idle.
Prayer meetings in the churches to
W. C.
O. l. Joyner
R. B.
J. I-;.
W. B. Proctor
II. B. Smith
J. R. Smith
Greenville Wholesale Co.
I. W. Tucker
W. B.
Watt Harris
J. R, ; J. G.
Moseley Bros.
D. Overton
J, ii. Tripp
Smith Town, Fob. Mars
Smith and R. B. Willoughby attend-
ed the Union con
veiled at Ayden Saturday.
Miss Lena of
is spending time with her bro-
Mr. C. B.
Mrs. C. L. Tyson of spent
today with Mrs. R. A.
Mrs. C. B. Marshburn Mrs.
Fred Smith of Farmville vis-
in our town last week.
Mr. Ivey Smith lost a right
able Saturday morning.
Our teachers. Misses Berth i Joy
Una Wade, are preparing to
present a very Interesting play at
Smith's school house in February
date will be mentioned next week,
Mrs. A. A. Joyner is seriously ill
at her granddaughters, Mrs
in Farmville.
Mr It. M. Starkey while vi
Mrs. W. U. t
i very hard fall and is t.
bed from the painful Injuries he re-
Mrs. Ellen and lit
daughter arc visiting at Sheriff Ai
in Ayden this week.
Mr. W. G and family.
Farmville spent the week end at Ml
F. M Smiths.
few of our farmers are preparing
their plant bends.
j. l. n
I,. P.
Reuben Walls
j. r. brown
Optional of Greenville
I. Of
Farmers Union Warehouse Co. IS
J, W. Brooks
Mot n
Reflector Co.
Total II
fund has been collected for tin
purpose of helping to relieve the ill-
tressed widows and children of
armies and navy. The Import
Company., wishes I.
who have n
his and to express Its
elation of generous gift
Many Leading Ladies the
Also Discuss Subject at
Suffrage Will How-
ever Be Fought on in The
Assembly the
sent Session.
Raleigh, Feb. hours of
equal suffrage, oratory, equal
rage fact, equal suffrage energy
could not convince sixteen men yes-
afternoon of tho efficacy
the cause. These sixteen men were
the seven of the Senate Committee on
Laws and the nine of the
House Committee on Constitutional
Amendments. They reported the bills
now before the General Assembly
favorably, at the end the public
hearing and the vote was four ti
three for the Senate committee and six
to throe for the House committee.
H was a hearing, too, like none
other Of the present session. A
hall, with a sprinkling
men, but otherwise overwhelmingly
feminine listened With rapt
throughout, while r. Anna
Shaw, of the
Suffrage Association. expounded th
principles a complete democracy
ported freedom, and thorough rep-
They not only listened
they applauded, the logic
i with the ridicule, and they
drank in the wisdom the leader
the cause. With sharp analysis,
sound r. pounded straight to
the fundamental principles of
she flayed custom, she laid
in the shade, and hanged iii.-
She wt-s not the only one either
Mrs. a Henderson, president
of l Equal Suffrage in
Carolina; Mrs. T. W.
of Davidson; Mrs, T. G i d-
no, of Raleigh; Mrs. Al
of Mrs.
of Charlotte -all of them
in full fearlessness, cutting away the
the keen of
their discernment, and attacking
problem with earnestness to convince
and to achieve what they believe to
their just rights.
Robbed Again.
Durham, Feb. Tho West Dur-
ham was robbed last it
for the second time within two
months robbers obtained in
and stamps.
were made to blow open
which contained about
without races. The robbers used
and partially
the safe. ,. i

rates sear
All aorta Sal
ha J el
per Use, n
cause It to fall and now by the
of mm- Democratic Senator
MM that the bill's tote it
Cakes another unexpected move .-
made In favor of the bill on the Pro
vote for it secured the out
Com- will result in a victory for the
X i explanation is -in
i the reason for this wholes.
these men bad
1- I ill up until it was stated how
lay would vote and then It was sh
that be nine Senators had deserted
ere voting with the Ion.
. tail at the seat at
u of I.
Squibs From Other
Of course the legislature could Io
a groat deal of work in forty
and yet we have known it to remain
In session the full sixty and leave
mighty little to its credit.
recent government statistics Herald,
it has been found that all classes of
live stock in this country are I man says the war has
in numbers. These show a blessing in disguise for the
tat the number of beef cattle has In- grower. Well, they consider the
3.4 per over last year's guise perfect. Columbia State
The greatest increase is
In the number of swine Which Something Hone at last
shows a gain of per cent. Other longer can it be said of the g--n-
lasses of live stock have shown goo I assembly that it has done
also, in view of these facts it The house has passed a resold-
seems that the prediction that cent urging the cotton growers o
meat and shoes would soon be a the state to curtail their crop
reality has no foundation In fact. II cent Greensboro News.
merely the statement of some per-
sun who did not know the truth abort Varying Opinions.
situation. If the present agitation i Some people want the legislature
in favor of stock raising does any good . adjourn in forty days to save
is certain that next year's figures Others favor forty days, because
will show even bolter gains. they think the legislature might JO
a , something it should not do. Others
MALARIA don't care whether the session lasts
Today we are beginning a series of; forty days or sixty days, Just It
questions and answers on malarial as little as
fever These question are taken from ton Star.
i supplement of the Public Health
aorta which has been prepared for the j Leads the South.
of schools. These questions are Rowan is the only county in the
T Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. 31st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your with This
Bank For Safekeeping.
A OF k
In town would probably frighten
oldest Inhabitant, but we are prepared
for the necessary remedies even far
that and are supplied with the fresh-
est stock of drugs to compound any
kind of a doctor's prescription with
the newest discoveries In medicine
or drugs of any description. Our
service is prompt and mistakes
unknown here.
have a leak ear
They are richly la
best seasoned woods,
will surely please the
crank of a
Oar are
also an to those
who wish Parlor and
Room to have an air of com-
If yon require
any whatever la the
Furniture line, or Carpels
here and save
some mosey securing;
Taft Vandyke
Evans Street.
Greenville, N. C.
Drug Company
very instructive indeed, deal with
all matters connected with this lever.
South to set aside a building, and a
large, valuable one, well equipped
questions on prevention use of the people of
destroying the mosquitoes which trans- county and there may be
Mr the germs While this fever Is very such a
and severe In hot, wet prove done of
it Is one of the easiest to prevent j Salisbury on
and eradicate if the proper steps ,, of January of
taken. We are these quo-1 ,,. , our Lord out on,.
Hone to help spread this useful know-1 or , ,,,.,, ,
lodge and we hop you will read i
If this had been a political meeting
or a murder trial the newspapers
would have sent special
here and given It much space.
i order's Court in Pitt county, and a .,,.
force pointing the way to a
day in the county, a way for
to or no attention
was paid to it.
be by them
There is such division of opinion
regard to the of a
For Rent
Atlantic Coast Realty Co.,
on Greenville
and Tarboro
Greenville, N. C.
is a matter
have the careful thought at
builder. If you have decided
this spring, or are who
your present heating system.
before purchasing, and we will
give you the of our e-
in this matter.
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber.
Seeing vs. Photographing.
The relative of the
photographic plate and the human eye
has been the subject of recent Inter-
experiments by Professor P. O.
Nutting, of Rochester. An extra rapid
plate was used for the tests. A source
of light that could be at
will and to any degree was placed
twenty feet away from the plate and
from the eye. The, professor
that a light so dim that It required
three hours to produce a Just
Image on the extremely
plate was easily visible to the human
eye after resting the latter for three
minutes In total darkness. other
adds Professor Nutting,
Image on the retina Just visible after
partial adaptation to darkness would
Just produce an Image on a photo-
plate after an exposure of one
hour. The retina fully adapted to
darkness Is still a thousand times
more sensitive than this
many have expressed
against It since reading the resolution
of the Grand Jury, that the County
Commissioners will consider the mat-
again at their meeting Monday and
may withdraw their previous
to the Legislature for
establishment of such a court. In view
of the action of the Legislature in p-i.-
for more Superior court judges,
there Is no necessity a Recorder's
Court, and to have one here would re
suit in needless expense to the
far the larger part
I of the county are against It,
The man who was robbed Friday
while counting his money did not sh-
good Judgment in two
First, it would have been the part
wisdom to have left his money In the
bank where It would have been
That, however, is of little moment
the great and good work begun in
progressive Rowan will appeal to
and they will follow us in a real
service to humanity.
If we mistake not it means the
of a new day in North
Una with Rowan leading the march
Salisbury Evening Post.
Has Its Share of the Proof That Kid
Sufferers Seek.
Kidneys weak
Distressed with urinary Ilia
Want a reliable kidney remedy
Don't have to look far. Use What
people recommend.
for Second, as long as Greenville has Its cases,
did not have his money In the j Here's one man's ex
I decided to carry it home, he should j p . , . ,.,.
let L. J. of Third tell
not have been counting In the j H , had
of and tempting then My back ached and I had severe pains
to rob hi
spite of all that baa said
and written on subject of keeping
money out of the bank some men still
persist carrying their money around
with mom. Then when they lose It by
being robbed on having stolen
have no one to blame except them-
Again we repeat the oft quot-
ad advice deposit your money id
and It out, It will help
It will also help the hank at the
in my Headaches and
spells were common and In the morn
I was sore and stiff. The kidney
secretions were to frequent passage
scanty and contained sediment which
resembled brick-dust. Friend
mended Kidney Pills to me and
I got a box. They relieved me very
much, putting my back and kidneys
good shape.
Price SOc, at dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
Donas Kidney same that
Mr. had. Co.,
Props., Buffalo. N. Y.
The ship parches bill a
fee doomed to defeat. First
threatened to
Practicing In all the Courts
Office on
street, Court Hi
What Bernard Shaw Bald.
Shaw once gave expression
to one of the finest things he or any-
one else ever said. Here It
yourself clean. Remember you
the window lights through which you
must view the
You may try to convince yourself
that It will not matter to the outer
world whether or not the windows of
your life are kept clean. But
Is one thing as certain as anything
can be certain, and that Is that It
matters to you, whether It does to
anyone else or not, for If you cannot
get the right perspective on life and
upon all various beauties that Ufa
gives out, then you are cheating your-
Everything matters that has to do
with your happiness.
English Physician Advice
Those Who Suffer From Lack
of Sound Sleep.
Many men and women, especially
those past their first youth, find
procuring sound, restful
so necessary to keep mind and
body fit Although physically the
body Is tired out, brain Is as alert
as ever, and perfect oblivion Is
An English physician gives some
Interesting advice on the matter.
he states, one of the pen-
of the Increasing strain modern
life throws our brains. The
man who works with bis muscles and
lives In the open air Is rarely a
of sleeplessness.
essentials for a good night's
rest are mental repose, s requisite
amount of muscular fatigue, comfort-
able body heat and plenty of
most difficult to secure Is
lessened brain activity. An excellent
plan Is to a brisk half-hour's
walk just before bedtime, followed by
a hot bath and a rubdown, and then
a cup of warm milk and a biscuit or
two as one Into bed.
In addition, the mind be
on some pleasant but not ex
citing topic, a night's rest Is assured
to all but the most chronic sufferer.
type In which the sleeper
awakes an hour or so after
fallen asleep usually means that
more outdoor muscular exercise Is
Touring Car F. B. Detroit
F. O. a. Detroit.
We hare several hand Ford
Cam, almost as good as new, for sale cheap.
Ford Supply Co.
Greenville. N. C.
New Bird of Prey.
A gamekeeper a little while
ago was feeding his hand-reared
young wild ducks when an aviator,
bound for over at
Notice Farmers
Is what you need your Farm II This wonderful little Bull
delivers IS II P. at the I II. P the draw Bar, and do the work
of or i horses when properly operated It polls Plows, Seeders, Harvest-
Drills and then grinds feed Saws Ola Cotton, or an-
other stationary Belt Work on the farm, the Price of this Tractor Is
the Price of one good f II factory, will evil
Hit M for Information writ.
Johnston, Porter Peck,
Farmville, N. C.
Distributors tor Mil
no great Away went the flap-
In all directions, quacking la
terror, the younger and feebler ones
scuttling to the hedges and those
which could fly making for the river.
When the had passed and
the field was quiet again some forty
birds straggled back, but three days
later there were still as many miss-
The downy duckling. Just out of
the egg, dives or seeks shelter In-
when the shadow of a large
bird, a hawk or a heron, passes Its
pool, and no doubt these ducks
thought that some gigantic and noisy
bird of prey was swooping upon them.
That gamekeeper does not like
Jar Opener,
A hint to Old scissors
make a very serviceable fruit Jar
opener. Anyone who has struggled
with the obstinate top of a fruit Jar
will appreciate any little aid to the
opening process, and here Is Take
an old pair of scissors and grind the.
broken ends concave, as to fit the
side of the Jar top when the scissors
open. Then bore holes near
end of each ground prong. A stout
piece of wire should then be Inserted
in the boles and fastened securely so
that It will Just reach around the Jar
top when the scissors are held open.
Now, by pressing the shears together,
the wire will take a death grip on the
fruit-Jar cover, so that It Is easily
removed. The device also comes In
handily In the canning season, when
the wants to screw her tops
down firmly.
Detects Listeners
A motor-driven telltale device for
party line telephones has been patent-
ed, which will give conversing parties
the location of any subscriber who
may while they are using
the line.
The rising receiver hook at the In-
station starts a motor-driven
signal wheel which gives the coda of
the station attempting to use line.
The motor cannot be or the
circuits Interrupted until signal la
Four the best varieties veils
f the beat
varieties of Botch hyacinths.
Best varieties of tulips.
hyacinths, whits narcissus---Hue g
Cat Mowers all
Kinds la
Blooming Pot Plants la var-
Rose bushes, Evergreens, shad
trees, Hedge plants and
Mall, telegraph and telephone
promptly executed by J. U
ft CO. Florist, Raleigh. N. C.
Store Greenhouse
Ha, M
Mo. t p.
no. a
w t a
ho. t -n a. i
to. II a.
Max H f a. m
Norfolk Southern
Schedule Elect October 4th,
N. B-Cast following
published information ONLY
and are not
a. m. daily.
Pullman sleeping car tor Norfolk.
a. an. daily, lot Elisa-
beth City
Parlor Car to
Norfolk. Connects for all potato
North and Watt.
I p. m. dally, Sunday
a. m. daily tor
and Want. Pullman Car
Service. Connects North,
and West.
i a. m. dally, Sunday,
Wilson and Raleigh. Connect
t; p. m. daily tor and
For further information
to Bleeping Oars, .
L. H. O.
J. O.
J. C- .
Miss Ethel Skinner who is teaching
,. the week-end here
I; relatives.
Mr. A. E. of Fan i
. i Mr. and Mrs, M. w.
At arrived here
. make of Borne time with
. Mr. J. B.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fleming have
I ,,, Greenville from
are now located on n
,.,.,, They are the parents of Mrs.
i s
Mr. S. is in Raleigh
Rev. J. Fred Jones, Slate Si ere-
of the Church
here as the of Rev. J, J.
Mr C. Carroll, Of The Ayden
Dispatch, in town Saturday n
for a short while.
Rev, n. ii. returned
Ayden where he attended
of the Hookerton
Mrs. M. Moore went to Gold
born afternoon.
Miss Mildred Faulkner of i; h
returned home Saturday evening.
Ur. and Mrs. Paul Jon of Farm-
. i, la I night with relatives
II of
.;. v
Thai people love
evidenced by the largo
,. which attended the of
In the Baptist church Sunday
The church was not only
. mined back at the door be
. there was not room for them
Inside. And that Greenville
.,,. talent can make wood music
evidenced In the
program rendered by the choir
. voice other churches
,,; The program arranged
, p, about an hour, and consist- I
organ selections, three solos
two anthems, one duet, one
with and one hymn, all
I ed I harmony u
.,, attention the an
be reflected
, on the face every heat-
. n was a splendid program and de-
. service.
Gardner Lawson Musical Comedy
Company, ten people d by Geo
Gardner famous comedian and a
chorus of Ribbon
headed by May Lawson. This Is one of
the labs ever In
and cents
This company has closed a
week In and the fol-
lowing taken from exchange
that i
As funny as ever and supported by
a company that excels his
visit here, George Gardner opened
week's engagement at the
yesterday under such conditions
bias fair to break all attendance re
cords for the week. I'll
was right there with tunny
and be had the audiences convulsed
with laughter every he was
on the He seemingly grows bet-
with each visit to this city, and be
will add hundreds
new friends to his local list this week.
George is not the whole show.
though, by any means. Pretty May
is back again iii- head of
the nine Ribbon Beauties and the
evolutions, dances and songs
gallon would be hard to beat
anywhere. The opening bill,
Black was full of nonsense
good music pretty Bills and many cos-
changes, it la different from
any bill yet shown here and if the
the week Is op to the
standard el the opening number
there will be some In
or Auditorium patrons
Ion the battle
Writer Tells of Various Distances
at Which Bodies Can
Be Distinguished-
Some of the enterprising
. n writing some
wonderful tales from alleged Inter-
I men and others
in the I says th Ai p I
I Journal. One of the best
o this- ma t I aiming
heir the enemy one mile
the bull es on the
coat as an aiming point, in order to
make bits I follow-
I in
a little light on he yarn. Men of
ordinary and under ordinary con-
id can distinguish
troops At yards
the parts of -i man's body are
distinctly, Including general lines
of the face; slight menu are per-
Me; the minutes details
uniform, such as buttons, may be
., ZOO yards the outlines of
ice are d and the rows of
buttons are invisible, but the color of
the facings, a
., .,, V, I, ;. IS
re dot, all movements the
I . and an is a still distinct. Al
Sou yards the movements arms
are still parcel III
all details ear. If the be
c be counted, and
may be tin d, Al i
yards the men cannot counted
Individual movements are
able. At 1.000 yards n line of
I men resembles a broad line, the
I form width of which is broken above
by the line of heads and below by the
line Ii
Costly Rites Practiced by the Maoris
Meet With Disapproval of the
An appeal to the government of
New- Zealand to represent to the
Maoris the manifold advantages of a
man's over
the expensive native one
Is contemplated as the result of the
serious effect of these trying
but picturesque ceremonies in the
North island. One Tango
and his brother took up acres of
land a place called put up a
house and a milk shed, and Invested
in cows, then set about clearing
the place, which was in heavy scrub,
After much labor they succeeded in
bringing best part of the section
into a state of productivity. They
had milked for three years, and were
earners of a comfortable little
Income, when Tango's brother died.
As Is . monster was
convened, and it t over
thousand dollars. top of this
father passed away, many
creditors. Tango was to clear
this off also. He then discovered that
he was ruined. Taking heart again
be went to another place and started
afresh. There, in time, ho -as able
to invest in cows, and in every
again proved his energy and In-
Recently, however, a Maori
child belonging to the little
died, and a big has been
arranged, the expense of which will
fall upon the same unfortunate
Probably Ben Bolt Would Find It Hard
to Recognize His Sweetheart
in Modern Maid.
Injury l Villa i Denied.
Washington, Jan. -Denial re-
ports General Villa had been
wounded was received u.
department today from
can agent at El Paso, Ca
others that Villa himself
,,. telegraphed
WM all right and had been
Ob, don't you remember sweet Alice,
Bolt, when her hair was a beau-
brown You never In the world
would know her as she looks today
with a cane and a gown.
Her Paris-made curls are the new
tint; when called could
trust eyes, for she wore a
nightcap, the Parts hint.
rosebuds mid pink ribbon ties.
Sweet Alice Is now on the stage.
Ben Holt; she begun at the end of tho
row. She smiled with delight at the
public each night, and now she's
hit of the show. She dances a tango
that sets them a-whirl, with a dip and
a kick and a glide. You'd never be-
the same little girl that tho
song wrongly Stated had died.
She's a cigarette case on the end of
a chain, where the old fashioned
wore a fan; has a Hat and a maid and
Pomeranian pup; her motor is olive
and tan. And down I then, r
place where she plays, her pictures
are hung by score, and they've
fitted mo with about a
electric lights and sweet Ala I name
up over the I sou, in
If Allowed to Become Round In
Life the Condition Is Hard to
Remedy Later.
Piles Cured In to i Days
m If
lads in
Doctor who Is n
of note tests his patients this novel
-way before giving them a general
such as ether or
form. Seated In a chair, the patient
Is instructed to take a deep
and, with tho mouth closed to
his breath as long as ho can. The
longer he can hold It the less danger
will there be from the anesthetic.
should he net able to suspend
his as long as twenty
the Is. as tho doc-
tor says,
Monastery at
The monastery
was founded by Irishman. Hut
mountaineers know it chiefly
the homo of Father a
an eighteenth century pion-
climbing, whose great ambition
was to ascend the highest local peak,
monks suspected tutu as an atheist
of his scientific tastes, as t
French spy because Of his climbs and
maps. When the invading French de-
180.000 francs from them and
secured a reduction of
they held his proved. Tho
French burned monastery, and his
perished. The Austrians
him. Finally, aged seventy-two
and no longer able to climb so high
If, Wistfully watched
chamois hunters conquer the for
The general appearance of one
dieted with round shoulders and flat
chest, is familiar to the observer.
The head projects forward, the
droop and the chest Is narrow
mid The shoulder blades stick
out prominently and abdomen pro-
Children With round
are as a rule below average
In muscular development and lack
rigor, are clumsy In their
and walk heavily.
There are three kinds of round
shoulders, the ordinary round back,
round hollow back and the round
back due to forward displacement of
shoulders. During the years of
growth, posture will usually take care
Of Itself. If constant changes are
lowed. Change is Instinctive and auto-
in the child and the varied
are sufficient to lead it along nor
lines. If, from Inherent weakness
or tho confinement of school life with-
out the relief of games and play, tins
normal development be hindered, tho
result will soon show In the spine.
Tho causes of round shoulders are
those general conditions which pro-
duce muscular or constitutional weak
rapid overwork, bad
air In schools or the home, acute Ill-
unhygienic surroundings, or gen-
luck of exercise. It Is probable
that a weakness of tho will Is a more
Important cause than weakness of
the muscles.
Round shoulders are not likely to
he outgrown, as the victims usually
become and structurally
set faulty position, with flat-
chest walls and distorted figure.
Dr. William J. Woman's
By Peter Radford
Lecturer Nat
The economic distribution of farm
products is today the world B greatest
problem and war, while U has
brought Its hardships, has em-
the Importance of
m American
an I I lees to give the farm-
the com Of the govern-
and the business men the
solution of their marketing problem.
This r. ill will, In a measure, com-
us for our war losses, for the
business Interests and government
have been In the main assisting at
most on the production
Bide Of agriculture. While I ho depart-
agriculture been dumping
tons of literature on the farmer telling
how to produce, the has
been dumping tons of products in
nation's garbage can for want t
The World Will Never Starve.
At no time since Adam and JEW
were driven from the Garden Eden
have the inhabitants of this world
suffered from tack of production but
some people have gone hungry from
day of creation to this good
tor the lack proper distribution
Slight variations in production have
forced a change in diet one local-
has felt Pinch of want,
another surfeited, but the world as
whole has ever been a land
We now have less than one-tenth
the tillable land the earth's surface
under cultivation, and not only
have this surplus to draw on bu
it Is safe to estimate that in case
dire necessity one-halt the earth
population could at the present time
Lock their living out of trees
of the fores., gather it from wild
vines and draw it from streams. No
one should become alarmed; me
world will never starve.
The consumer has always feared
that tho producer would not supply
him and his fright has found
on statute books of our states
and nations and the farmer has been
urged to produce recklessly and with-
out reference to a market, and
less of the demands o the consumer.
Back to the Sod.
The City people have been
each other to move back to farm.
t Very few of them J
welcome our cousins back to
the soil and this earth's surface eon.
16,092,160.000 Idle acres of till-
able land where they can make a
living by tickling the earth With a
forked stick, but we do not. need them
so far as Increasing production Is con-
now have all the producers
we can use Tho city man has very
erroneous ideas
The commonly accepted theory
that are short on production is all
wrong. Our annual Increase in pro-
far exceeds that of our in-
crease In population.
The World as a Farm.
He wish announce are
erecting in the Hie
most complete plant hi
Eastern t b.
prepared build in
line the
to Ike smallest head
w yon are buying, Id us than our large assort-
,,, artistic and on same. We can save yon
.-. and give yo. th. best class el work that Is pat, obtain
anywhere. Reside Ike
marble, granite and building
given to line of the
us for and price.
Greenville, N. C.
Scotch Not
The harp was the Highlander's In-
before the bagpipe. That
point was Insisted open by u Scotch-
man of fifty years ago, the lord ad-
of th time, who
to disclaim hit country's
for the s, and to sh a
disk, i Eng-
He paled to
often mentions , . not
once In his only Scottish
drama; It is In n and York-
shire that he the
James iv's accounts an Item
for while our Edward
I had his pipers, and from his
time on n of such
officials constantly recurs. Most Eng-
are thankful to have given
the pipes safe conduct across the
S. M Sc
Irons, Heaters, Lights and
Proctor Hotel Building. 10-48-U.
An old e was relating to
a s experiences during a drive
down the mountain after dark. He
seen two wild-cats lighting.
fought and he
said, all de time
up In de air, till by
clean de to
on to nil
do time
asked the skeptical listener
on exclaimed Rastus
scornfully. de top one
on to de bottom one. do
ladies or gentlemen, front of
Training School. Apply Mrs. B. ;.
g. conveniently located. Apply
this office.
water and light, on Ches nut St.
near Coast pot, is
p, On
FOR SALE Bushels
per bushel I
one on to do top .
one, of
the Profess Healer who Is know;
as tho Worlds Wonder, who is re-
ported to The r to i
US kinds aches and pan
any disease by simply passing
bis hand over body and Instantly
relieving pains and in proper
,,. ts. His headquarter
in Rocky Mount, E. Thomas
street. But is here in Greenville lo-
Herbert Edwards, the colored
barber-8 house, Clark Sat-
consult him regard
color, -ii i ; nM
license o do business. Office
farm. hour. a.
tree Tims reasonable
i pi r farm well .-elect
lib It.
streets Saturday a
,,,.;. ii box containing
clothes. Finder will I re-
I to Go A.
of on pale
p, and in
.,. party giving any
will he
i. any has purchase
not me.
X. r.
find two billion acres of land in
cultivation. amount there s
acres on the
western and acres on the
eastern in cultivation.
This estimate. Of course, does not. in-
grating lands, forests etc.
where large Quantities of meat an
produced. .
Tho world's annual crop
mates fifteen billion bushels
reals billion pounds
and sixty-five million tons of meat.
Tho average annual world crop for
the past five years, compared with the
previous live is as
Cast Half Previous Half
Corn 8.55.000
Too world shows an In-
crease m cereal production per
cent during the past decade, compared
with the previous live while tho
world's population shows an increase
only three per cent.
gain In production far exceeds
our Increase In population, and
It is safe to estimate that tho farmer
can increase production per
cent a remunerative market can
found for the products. In textile
tho world shows an increase
during the past half decade
per cent against a
Increase three per cent.
The people of this nation should
address themselves to tho subject of
improved facilities for distribution.
G A S P A t r, A C A R M V A
New Orleans Mobile and
above ti a
on February
by l
t I . A N T I C C 1ST I. I B
The South
a want an
to- W. J. Turn-
. r Moore. Day Phone
i. lot
j. c
Tampa. Florida
New Orleans, i t
Mob Ala.
Proves it.
Offer. Cut out this ad,
.,. with cent
, HI . and UM
. . Foley's Honey and
i. r Con pound tor coughs, colds croup
PI Foley Tao-
I ,. in your town by all
1st s.
Phones BAT aW.
Over-production and crop mortgage
force tho farmers Into ruinous com-
petition with each other. The remedy
lies tn and in
. limited, -it
purchase . February 28th, but an
, i final return limit
March 15th may be obtained by de-
positing tickets prior to expiration
upon payment
Schedules, reservation, etc., I
,.,, Atlantic Line Tic-
Agents, or Address,
T, c. WHITE.
Passenger Agent
Wilmington, N. C.
Io The Public.
In order to reduce my Block of
marble i will give a reduction m
price, those who are Interested m
buying tombstones, we can be found
tho same old stand,
guaranteed. Call to see me.
I. C
Strawberry Plants
them M per
Cot Flowers and funeral designs en
abort taken
Trees, R

Owen Murphy
4th. 4.-J
If ts be
mid nail rail
1.1 in-, reasonable. u-
a trial vb your repair work n
Fresh . Buck-
wheat, Pan-
Quakers Corn
Post Post
en, Porridge
Cereal, Hour,
S. M.
Durham, Jan. SI William Jenkins
pi old i
w run over and hurl by
a high powered automobile driven b.
Edgerton, of Chapel Hill, Deal
resulted In a minute after the
accident, which occurred during the
middle the afternoon, near
cemetery a mile from the city. Ed-
carton was returning from Chapel
Mill with a load of passenger on
car. Eye witnesses say the
was unavoidable and the driver blame-
less. The came around the real
end a Blow moving car and
stepped squarely In front the ma-
chine, the driver sounded bis siren
the car was on the man the
short blast had died away. He
hurried to the hospital, out
died within three minutes altar reach-
that institution. No warrant has
been sworn out against Edgerton as
yet. Jenkins was employed by the-
Durham Star Bakery, was an elderly
was respected by a large
number of white people and
Whenever You Need a Tonic
Take Grove's
The Old Standard Grave's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
General Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic properties of
mid It the Liver, Drives
out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and
Builds up the Whole System. SO cents.
Buy your Cow Peas,
Beans and Seed Peanuts
before they go higher
Sweeps Texas,
Arkansas and
Much Damage Dene
Dallas, Tex, Jan. The eastern
portion Texas and parts of A--
Oklahoma early today H
the effect a severe windstorm,
v at Tyler. and
Garland lily. Ark., assumed the pro-
portions of a tornado Palling temp-
also were noted. No serious
delay traffic or communication
lines were reported.
No death had been reported today.
Tyler, Texas and Ark., re-
ported the greatest property
At Tyler, the damage is estimated at
approximately and at Mal-
Marshall. Texas and the
suffered loss from wires
blown down and outhouses damaged.
Jefferson, Gainesville, and
Texas reported severe winds. At
Okla. the temperature according
tn unofficial figures dropped de-
during the day while Enid
Okla. reported snow an Inch
At Garland City, several frame
houses were blown down and prop-
damaged was estimated at several
thousand dollars. No one was In-
At fifteen small buildings
were wrecked and the plants of
lumber companies damaged
one was injured.
gone to attend prayers. The children
frantic. Th; wind attained a
velocity of fifty-two- miles an hour
here. Several structures were
roofed, electric and telephone lines
put out of commission and a small
tug to a wharf on the
front was sunk.
Oregon Farmers Meet.
Corvallis, ore., Feb.
rural life in the slate
will have its inning at the Oregon
agricultural College conference.
Which opened here today and will ex-
tend through the week. The whole
town and the college was today turn-
ed over to visiting farmers and home-
makers, lectures and practical de-
in husbandry, dairying,
horticulture, home economies, poultry
animal industry and planting began to
day, and thousands of farmers were
in attendance.
Your complexion needs
for i.-m, tad
d IS Time,
bloom lo
ad wrinkle. Improve look,
or daily
A It gel f
cold la
Twenty Children injured.
New Orleans, La,, Jen.
boys and girls of from four to six-
teen years of age were injured here
today when a building connected With
St. orphan asylum c
lapsed during u heavy wind storm
Georgia Columbus, ill. and
Oscar are in the hospital in
a dangerous condition the girl with a
possible fracture of the spine and
boy with severe injuries about the
head. The others received fractured
limbs, bruises and cuts.
The building destroyed was a raise
tow-story frame structure which
being converted into a recreation
building for the inmates the or-
The space underneath had
been enclosed as a playground.
Fifty children were in the
about the noon hour when the
storm reached its height. and the
lidding began to sway. The nuns had
Wealthy Sew Yorker Slays Wife,
Two and Commits
New Jan. with a
magazine rifle equipped with a
Herman a wealthy real
estate operator, despondent over fin-
reverses, today shot and killed
his wife and two daughters as the
slept, and then killed himself. His
son. Lester, high school student
was the member of the family
left alive. So completely did the
until several hours Oil
device muffle the reports of the
weapon that the tragedy was not dis-
covered until several hours later, when
the son found under the door a note
from his father requesting him to
telephone relatives.
The quadruple killing look place in
an exclusive apartment house on Ceil
Park west.
Coroner after an
stated that evidently
bad planned the tragedy for several
days and had executed it With c lain
The sou informed tin
coroner that his lather had brought
the rifle home nine days ago.
What She Wanted.
want to stop my baby's
said a young mother Tuesday,
won't give him any harmful
She bought Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound. It loosens the quick
stimulates the mucus membranes
and helps throw off the choking
eases pain and gives the child
normal rest.
Cause of Malarial Fever
Q. What Is Malarial fever
A. A disease of man, common in
What is malarial fever some-
times called
A. Chills and fever, bilious fever
Q. Is this disease found in the
ed States
ft. Yes. Along the coastal n
front Connecticut to Texas, over near-
all of the Mississippi Valley, and
in a number of valleys on the
Q. What causes malarial fever
A. The presence of certain small
organisms in the blood of the person
who has the fever.
Q, What do you mean by an
A. Something that is alive and
has the power to reproduce its kind.
It may be alive as a plant is alive,
or alive as an animal is.
Q. Is the organism which
malarial fever a plant or an animal
A. It is an animal, and in the
blood is said to be an animal parasite.
Q What do you mean by a
A. An animal or plant that lives at
the expense of another, like the mis-
love vine, rust on corn, or
hookworm, flea, etc. The malarial
parasite lives in man only by feeding
on the blood cells of the man.
Q. How do you know that these
parasites are found in the blood
those who have malarial fever
A. with microscope we
can see them in the red blood cells of
a man sick with malarial fever.
Q. What do you mean by red
A. They are very small bodies float-
in the blood, shaped much like a
biscuit, with thickened edges; they give
the blood its red color, and are a most
important part of it. They are
to life.
Washington, D. c. Feb.
tractors are this week preparing their
bids for the erection of the
plant to be built by the gov-
for furnishing power to
government buildings in the White
Mouse section of the city. The power
Will be transmitted through subways
branches. Work will begin
in the spring and will proceed rapid-
Though it started ugly. Sunday
turned out to be a pretty day
Practice of
Bye, Bar, A sue and Threat
The of Glasses
Office wish Dr. L. James,
N. C. every Unary.
Home Washington, If.
Comer Fourth and Evans Streets
Paste. Made Both Bar Sight
Send m Tr
HIM-, ti A I'll I
Practicing in all the Courts
Office In Wooten Building on Third
street, fronting Court House
at Law
Office la Building, Third St.
Practices wherever his services are
Greenville North Carolina.
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law
and Drainage Cases a Specialty
In office formerly by
S. J.
at Law
In Edwards Building on the Court
Still With
The Mutual Life Insurance Co.
of Sew York.
To Start Station
Chicago, Feb. will be-
gun soon on the new
ion Station for it Is reported that
Chicago bankers stand ready to fin-
the five million loan necessary
to start work. Some 25.000 men will
be employed, and the work will ex-
tend over several years. The content
plated station will be the largest in
the world.
Columbus, o. Feb. l- A
convention of Ohio farmers was open-
ed here today, for the discussion of
crop conditions and rural subjects.
Agricultural committees from
of commerce are cooperating,
and a goodly representation was
sent form the rural districts.
an have been pro-
and many topics have been as-
signed to prominent speakers.
. ti K
Clock Made Long Ago In Ireland With
Wheels of Wood, Still Keeps
Good Time.
Work in
a Warm Room
you take your
sewing upstairs, take
the heat along too. The
Perfection oil heater is
carried anywhere. You
draw it up beside you and
work in comfort, even if the
room has no other source
of heat.
The Perfection is solid, good-
looking, easy to clean and take care
of. It is smokeless and odorless.
At hardware, furniture and general
stores everywhere.
Look for the Triangle trademark.
D. C It C
For three generations an old grand-
father's clock by W. Nash of
East Eighteenth street has count-
ed off the seconds, according to a Kan-
City correspondent of the
York World.
Seventy-five years ago the mother
of Mr. Nash, then a young girl, sent
back to her old homo in County Ty-
Ireland, for things for her
new home. She was to marry an
Irish lad she had met In the new
Most important of her orders was
one for a clock to be made especially
for her.
is an old clockmaker at
she told her sweetheart,
clocks are the finest to be
had. Ills name is Jonathan Frost and
his clocks, they Bay. will last
The clock came at last. It was in
a case of cherry wood, grand to be-
hold. But Its most interesting part,
at least to our modern eyes, is the
The wheels, with one exception, are
of wood. So carefully were they
carved and of such fine, hard wood
were they made, that today the old
clock still keeps almost perfect time.
There Is one small wheel it. the
Only twice has It ever had to be re-
then a thorough cleaning
was all that was necessary. In 1859
it was sent to a clock repairer, L.
In Platte City, Mo. And
years later, In 1909, It was sent again
to him. Although he was then an old
man. his hands were still skilled In
the repairing of delicate machinery-
However, the old clock was once
more merely in need of cleaning and
It was soon sent back to the home of
Mr. Nash, where it is now ticking as
cheerfully as ever. There is no
cation that it will cease soon. It re-
quires winding every hours. There
is also an alarm, which is as good as
ever. The clock has outlived Its first
owner by many years, as well as a
number of others In the family.
hi Elves
river, rising fifteen feet an hour hail
reached a stage of 29.2 feet here
morning. River men have warn
of a 40-foot stage.
Local weather bureau officials as
there is enough water In
to cause feet of water here. That
would force several hundred farmer.-
from their homes in the bottoms.
Advance Hove By Germans
truss ant pa
t, I II I I. I.
New Orleans. Mobile
Sifting the at The Fair.
San Francisco, Calif., Feb a
chain of outposts encircling
to meet army of crooks
and expected to make this
their gathering place to the
Exposition crowds, the police
detective agencies expect to keep
desirable away from the Fair. The
railway will and the police
of other cities will sift the
for known crooks.
parts of the country, who know the
crooks when they spot them, are on
the job. It will be hard thing for th--
to gain to I
the fair and polished crooks will
meet enemies at every turn.
day. and the French report
an attempt to torpedo the
hospital ship. Asturias. The German
submarine, 1-21. which recently
three steamers in the Irish Sea, ha.
not been seen since Sunday and it
is presumed she has withdrawn
Traffic in those waters, however, con-
restricted, ship owners prefer-
ring to keep in port all but the
steamers, which, it is believed, can
elude the submarines.
The Germans have issued a warn
that an attempt will be made to
sink their transports and have ad-
vised neutral shipping to keep
from the north and west coast
Forts Destroyed.
Copenhagen newspapers have a I
Constantinople report the Anglo-,
French has destroyed four Dar-
forts and that there is
panic in the Turkish capital, when
I defeats suffered by the Turks in the
Caucasus and Azerbaijan are be-
What She Wanted.
want to stop my baby's known
Tickets will be sold for
above from Greenville
on February II. M M
and at fares named below.
by the
The Standard of Son
Tampa. Florida
New Orleans. La .
Ala. .
Pensacola, .
Tickets will be limited, at time of
purchase to February but a
extension of final return limit
March 15th may be obtained by a-
positing tickets prior to
and upon payment of
said a young mother Tuesday, I TO
won't give him any harmful DESTROY A
She bought Foley's Honey and Tar h All North Carolina
Compound. It loosens the cough quick
stimulates the mucus membranes. other international problem incident
helps throw off the choking war was thrust upon the
States today by the action of
For Schedules, reservation, etc, la-
quire of Atlantic Coast Line Tic
Agents, or Address.
Passenger Traffic Manager.
Wilmington. N. C.
eases pain and gives the child
normal rest.
Pill County
W. L. Bailey
In the Superior
March Term, 1916.
Notice of Summons
By virtue of the power of sale con
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by S. T. Carson
and wife J. Carson to
on the day of March 191.1
duly recorded in the Pitt County
Registry in Book E-10 page the
will expose to public
the Court-House door, in
N. C, to the highest bidder on
Monday the first day of March 1915 at
p. m. a certain tract or parcel
f land lying and being In Bethe
Township. Pitt County. N. C, and de
scribed as Situate at o-
the Town of Bethel and
known as tho lands formerly owned by
. H. Andrews and Margaret Andrews
and being two tracts, both
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by S. T. Carson
wife J. Carson to Bethel
Banking and Trust Company on the
day of February 1913 and duly record-
ed in Pitt County Registry In Book
E-10 page the undersigned will e
pose to public Bale, before the Court
House door In N. C. to the
highest bidder, on Monday.
1916 at p m. a certain tract or
parcel of land lying and being in Bot-
Township. Pitt County, N. C,
described as follows, At or
near the Town of Bethel and being
two adjoining tracts and known as the
G. H. Andrews land and both
together containing 1-2 acres more
Prophet Delivers Opinion
That We Ar Facing a Very
Hard Winter.
John Drake, the town-
weather prophet,
a cold winter, says a Reading
dispatch to the Philadelphia Rec-
will be a white
he said. am positive that the
day season this year will not be green.
It Is a difficult matter to say whether
there will be enough snow for sleigh-
A number of local forecasters agree
with Drake in this respect, saying that
surely the will be deep this com-
winter, because the weeds are so
very high. From the sections where
there was a frost recently It Is re-
ported that the tips of the leaves on
the hickory trees point skyward. If
the tips curl downward when touched
by frost, a mild winter Is certain, but
when they turn upward It Is a sign
that they are winter leaves and that
there Is going to be plenty of wind
blowing and plenty of snow whirling
among the trees.
This is known as off for
chestnuts, but the twigs are unusually
loaded with burs. This Indicates to
some folks that surely a hard winter
is ahead. It is said that Providence In
this way provides plenty of food for
the squirrels to store away In the
low trees.
1-2 acres more or less or less, and bounded as follows
Siege of Fort Erie.
The siege of Fort Erie which
British had maintained for more than
a month was ended years ago
when General Brown, then In com-
of the fort, made a brilliant
sortie to destroy the enemy's outer
defenses. The attempt was made by
men, and with complete
Inflicting a loss of of the
enemy. The Americans lost killed
and wounded. Four days after this
engagement General Drummond, the
British commander, relinquished the
siege end retired with his army. On
November the Americans abandoned
and destroyed the fort Its ruins,
which now mark Its site, are scarcely
discernible. During many months of
the War of 1812 the fort figured con-
In the warfare along
Niagara river.
and bounded as On the North
the Bethel and Flat Swamp road
n tho East by the W. W. Andrews
land, on the South by the land of
Carson and on the West by the Bath
and Greenville road. Tho
t T. Carson being sixths nu
ownership. Sale made to sat
said mortgage deed, terms of sale
This the day of January 1916.
Brown Attorney.
To my friends and I
be at Mrs F. Lee's store until can
get the place I have rented. All per
sons owing me are to call
hire and settle.
l mum
tho East by what Is known i the
W. Andrews land, on the South by
lands of J. J. Carson, on West
the and road. The
Interest of said T. Carson
undivided interest or ownership. h
having purchased the interests of
following heirs at law. Frank An-
Gray Andrews,
and Rosa Nelson. Sale made o
said mortgage of sale cash.
This the of January 1916,
Julius Brown Attorney.
Zinc Kept Busy.
The sine smelting capacity of this
country has Increased out of all pro-
portion to home consumption, accord-
to estimates prepared by the
States geological survey, which
places the estimated annual maximum
capacity of our smelters at
short tons and our apparent
at 149.363 short tons. In other
words, Is another Industry in
which we are prepared to take up
all the trade which Europe has
dropped at just a moment's notice and
with little difficulty. We are
ready to supply the world with all the
sine It needs.
A lot of stable Manure. Apply to
With a pack of spread In front
of him, Jerome A. Grant, forty years
old, a tailor, was found dead In his
room at Baltimore. It la thought by
the police that he had been sitting on
the side of bis bed playing
when he
been out of work for
tome time, but Intended going la
North Carolina in a few days,
fee bad obtained employment
The Daily Reflector this month
gins a new method of collecting sub-
from its subscribers living
in the town whose papers deliver-
ed by carriers. In the past It
been the custom to make out bills
monthly, most of the subscribers
to pay by the month, and n
out by a collector. By the collector
failing to or find some of the sub-
the bills would be turned
back to the office uncollected.
when another month expired and the
amount added to the bill it often
caused a contention on the part of
the subscriber that he had paid the
previous, a loss frequently resulting
to the paper.
To avoid this and loss
the method of sending out the
by a collector has been discontinued
and hereafter the subscriptions
collected by the carrier boys on
their respective routes. Each carrier
is provided with a card for each sub-
scriber on his route, the cards
twelve coupons to represent
twelve months of the year. As the
subscription each month is paid
corresponding coupon will be torn off
signed on the back and left with
subscriber as a for the
paid for. In this way the subscriber
can always tell by looking at the
card just what he owes.
In making these collections month-
th carrier, Instead of looking up
the subscriber at random as a
collector had to do. will take the card
the residence or place where the
paper is delivered and
will expect payment to be made
To facilitate this the subscriber Is
asked to leave the amount of the sub
cents a month, with
some one at the place his paper is
delivered, so the carrier will not
have to call more than once for it.
The carriers will begin the first
each month to collect for the month I
just past, and will be given only
the tenth of tho month to make re-
port on all subscribers on their
routes. Tho carriers will be
paid a commission on the collections
made, hence the subscribers by -r-
to pay promptly each mo-mi
on presentation of card will
courage the boys in their work, and at
the MUM time help the paper
also avoid any contention or annoy-
over accounts.
This week the carriers will start
out collecting for the month of Jan
and on their first call will also
take a statement of whatever the
subscriber owed previous to tho first
of the year. We hope the subscriber
will promptly pay th back dues,
then keep up regularly with
monthly coupon payment.
Van Horn, who operating on
Canadian side of the border, dynamic- defendant above named will
ed the railway bridge over the St j that an action entitled as
river, and then escaped commenced against him on
i 21st day of January, 1915, by the la-
A few hours later, in a room at a
hotel here Van Horn submitted to
rest, but immediately
himself an officer of the German army
and set up the claim that he had com
an act of war and, having fled
to a neutral country, could not be
legally to an enemy of
The Canadian authorities took a
different view of the matter and
mediately instituted proceedings to
extradite tho prisoner on a charge of
destruction of railroad property.
Pending outcome of these
Van Horn is held at the
office here in custody of a
The bridge which Van Horn sought
to destroy was not greatly
Within a few hours cars were shunted
across one at a time the
walking over on the Ice By morning
officials said the bridge would
of summons out of the Superior
Court of Kit County, and that said
action is brought by Plaintiff
against the defendant for the non-pay
of the sum of Three Hundred
Forty One and 35-100 Dollars, due th
Plaintiff by the Defendant, on
of non-payment of a certain check for
Bald amount, given by the defendant
to the plaintiff on the 20th day of
January, 1916, and drawn on the Green-
ville Banking Trust Company, of
Greenville, N. C, upon which
the defendant caused payment to be
stopped, the amount thereof, and
indebtedness evidenced thereby
now due, over and above all counter
claims and set off; And the defendant
will further take notice that he la to
appear at the March Term of the
Court of Pitt County, which con-
at the Court House in Green-
ville, on the 2nd Monday after
Monday of March, 1916, and file answer
u , . or demur to the complaint, and r
be strong enough for trains to use .
will further take notice that If he
it without uncoupling.
to appear and answer or demur at
The St. River for some
forms the boundary
Maine and New Brunswick
bridge is owned jointly by the Main.
Central and the Canadian
Railways and is on the direct route
of the Canadian Pacific from
Canada to the maritime
Over this road have been shipped
large quantities of war materials f
tho allies which wore dispatched from
St. John and Halifax.
to tho police. Van Horn
a man of middle age, and of military
bearing, told them that he left tier
many five years ago and for the
four years had been managing a
Recently he
said time and place, the relief demand
ed in complaint will be granted.
The defendant further take no-
j that a warrant of attachment
Issued from the Superior Court of Pitt
I on be 21st day of January,
against all the property of the defend
of every description, in Pitt conn
especially any and oil
kept and maintained by the
with the Greenville
Company, which warrant is return
able lo the of Pitt Superior
Court, when and where the defendant
is required to appear answer, or
the relief demanded will be granted.
Clerk Superior
plantation in Mexico
made attempts lo return 1-22
to his native
Joe and Charged With j
Attempted Assassination
Two and one. half miles from Green
on Saturday the 13th day
I February 1916, at IS o'clock
Wilson, Feb. Mr. Joe house door in Greenville
near the town of Bailey, on the Nor- hall u, the highest bidder, of
folk Southern railroad, and his half cash and the balance
were arrested a nil two years, the farm known
days ago and placed under Augustus Forbes home place.
bonds for the alleged attempted on road containing
of Mr. Two Acres more or lean.
of Bailey, on Christmas Eve night of
1913. A shot was fired through a win
This Is a splendid farm about acre
cleared and has a splendid
at Mr. Grover. Joe was necessary buildings for Mt-
st tho time and farm. Title guaranteed.
detectives were on his trail but
being unable to get sufficient evidence
to convict gave up the hunt liter,
however, father and son were arrest-
ed and gave bond for their appear
tH am. at the next term of
H. W.
Piles Care la U

Of Or
Of -I
By of tie power vested m.
y the terms of a certain deed
executed by J. II and
Florence dated January I
and registered in Book L-W
ITS, Registry, win
for sale to highest
tab on Monday February 22nd. It
I- M. before the Court Door
n the town of Pitt Conn
N. the described tracts
on ex.
By virtue of authority in ate
by a mortgage made by J J.
to Macon on 2nd
day of January. IS and having
qualified as administrator hereby o
fer for sale on the 3rd Monday of
February 1915, being 15th day
for cash to the highest bidder
at the Court door la
ii the following described pro-
Situated Swift Creak
county, lying on and adjoining
the two roads that cross at
Cross Roads of three
is. tract of thirteen
the second tract of one and one ball
r parcels of land,
and being in county acres, and third tract of three acre
of North Carolina, near ill i
town of Falkland, and being No.
X. i, and on plat of land former v
by It. B. Gotten which plat
b record in Pitt County Register of
Office in Map Book Number
page to which plat reference Is
hereby made. Said lots or parcels of
land contain
This sale is made for the purpose
Hie bond described in tho
more or less being the three parcels
land described in a deed fro-n
Claude Clark and wife Vary Clark to
J. J Wilson, dated the 2nd day o
November 1908 and recorded in book
S-S. page
This the 14th day of January 1915.
R. A
N. W. Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that R
above mentioned deed of trust and has this day sold all of
two other bonds, one secured by deed
of dated January 20th, 1913
In Rook L-10. page
other secured by deed of trust, dated
January 20th. 1913. and recorded
Book L-10, page All three of
aid deeds of trust name undersigned
as trustee.
This the 21st. day of January. 1911
Attorney. l-21-ltd-8 w
How To Quinine To Children,
is b name riven to
i . It is a Syrup, pleas-
ant to take and does not ii b the
take it and know it la Quinine.
Also adapted to adults who cannot
lake ordinary Quinine. Does not nor
n.- nor in the head.
the next time you .-let for any
original package. The
name blown m
entire interests in the Little
lace Company, of
ville. N. C, to A. B. and M
W. Wallace and from this date
the said R has no further
Interest in said ,.
This the 1st. day of January
A. E.
M w
. ltd.
North Carol las
a the Superior
January Term,
vs. Notice of Sale
W. V. F. Corey and wife N J.
By virtue of a decree of the Super. .
court made in the above entitled cease
by His Honor W
Presiding at January Term. 1915, Flit
County Superior Court, the undersign-
ed commissioner, will on Monday,
day of February, 1915. at
clock Noon expose to public be-
fore the Court House Door in Green-
ville. to highest for cash, UM
following described tracts or pan els
of land,
First Situated in
Township. Pitt County bounded on the
by the lands of S. F.
ton and bounded en
tho West by the lands of James
son Dennis on the
by another tract of land of W. L. F.
Corey and on the East by the lands of
Miss Cook teacher
High School, has given
work, which the doctor advised
her to do on of a throat trouble
and she left today for her home at
1-aCross Va.
bold of slumps wish
as it is the cheapest way, we
have a large shipment. A. W. Anne
We have a large shipment of so
potatoes that will arrive in i
I, days. Come to see us to buy your
ft J, C. Vincent
Mr. Mark Smith a former student
of High School was in
town yesterday visiting bis many
If ii is hats, and caps, that you want
we have them, the styles that will suit
you. Harrington, liar her Co.
Mr. A. t;. Cox killed hogs yesterday
Ami Mines, containing acres more t and among tho number was one pork-
or less and being the tract of land on L. pounds In the
which the said W. I. F Corey and
wife now reside
Second Situated in
I have taken up one ox about three
years old, marked under bit in ea.-h
ear. Owner can same by paying
with price and lumber to suit F. V
The Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
At dealer everywhere
C. Charlotte. N. C
Township, Pitt County on the East
Bide Fork Swamp, adjoining th
lands of Josephus and other.-,
containing acres more or less and
being tho land deeded by Barrow Can-
to Providence Cooper and Cannon
Mills and by them conveyed to Sam
Corey and by Samuel Corey to
L. F. Corey by Deed which is of re-
cord in the Register's Office In Pitt
County in Hook page
Third Situated in
Township. Pitt County, in Jame
our motto quick sales
small profits for cash for cash
loud at D. Forrest Co.
We carry at all times nice fresh
and oysters, also a nice line fine
C. Vincent Co.
State North
I of Pitt.
H. Brown. of F. It
Annie Stick-
Green, F. II.
and others. Heirs at law. and dis-
of F It.
C, Harding, of J, J. Per-
kins, Bernard, Arthur
Bernard, Bernard, and
Juliette Bernard,
Henry C Parsons and
Parsons, Successors of C. S. Par-
sons Sons.
Holeman Bernard.
an action entitled as above has been
commenced In the Supreme Court of
Pitt County for the purpose of en-
forcing an alleged lien of Judgment
upon a certain tract of land situate
In the own of Greenville, on the
of Fourth Pitt Streets, said
action being based upon a
alleged to been rendered In fa-
Come to see us to buy your salt for r F Satterthwaite. to the
packing your meat. have a largo
supply. A. W. Ange Co.
Re. Mr Lane of Ayden will hold
vices here Sunday at tho Methodist
church, the public is invited to
A nice line of dress and work pants.
containing acres more or ,
less and being the same land granted . ., .
. ., r, v us. Harrington, Barber Co.
to the said W. L F by ,
state of North Carolina by sure to get our prices on heavy
which is on record in the office and fancy groceries when in town or
the Register of Deeds of Pitt county
in Book Y-3, page
Fourth Situated in Swift
Creek Township. Pitt County, ad
joining the lands of Nashville
B. Bland, R. H. and Sal-
lie Bland, containing SH acres more or
Situated in Swill .
you will lose money for the dollar
brings it's value at B. D. Co-
Mr. W. If. Manning and Mrs. Mattie
were united in
Thursday evening at o'clock They
will make their home here in
Creek Township Pitt County, on
We have on hand plenty of plant bed
sides of the Washington Road adjoin-1 Cloth prices right and quality l
tho tract last above mentioned, teed. B. D. Forrest Co.
adjoining the lands of E. H. Gar-1
Hay wood Cox and others con-
acres more or loss
The above lands will be sold la
tracts and also in
of the separate tracts and also as
a whole.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed
executed and delivered by John
king and wife Maggie to
The tract above described L Moore on the day of December
been sub-divided into eight and duly recorded in the Pitt
county Registry in Book Q-10
the undersigned will expose
and calls are the safest
surest method of trading in wheat,
or oats. Because your loss is
absolutely limited to the
bought. No farther risk.
Positively most profitable way
of trading.
Open an account. You buy
puts or calls on bushels
grain for or you can buy both
for or as many more yon wish
An advance or decline of cent gives
you the chance to take profit
A movement of cents profit.
Write for full particulars and bank
R. w.
Columbus, Ohio.
Address all mail to Lock Box
of C. S. Parsons Sons, against T.
J. Perkins, and which is claimed
the to be a part of the home-
stead of the said J. Perkins; and
this action is brought for the purpose
of subjecting the said lands to
for the payment and
of said judgments;
And you are hereby summoned to
appear before the Judge of our Super-
Court, at a Court to be held for
the County of Pitt, at the Court House
in Greenville, on the second Monday
after the first Monday of March, It be-
the 15th, day of March 1915, and
answer or demur to the complaint
which has been bled in the office of
the Clerk of Superior Court; and you
will further take notice that if you
fail to answer or demur to said com-
plaint within the time prescribed by
law, the plaintiff will apply to tho
Court for the relief demanded In the
This the 29th, day of January. 1915.
J. D. COX.
Clerk of Superior Court.
end lands will be sold ac-
cording to said sub-divisions and also
as a whole.
This the day of January. 1915.1 Public sale before the Court-house
C. C.
Norfolk. Va.
W. Va.
S. C
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with the woman's
tonic says I began to use
my back and head would hurt so bad,
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of I began to feel like a new I soon
pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water milL
I wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. J still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic. cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It been helping weak, ailing
more than fifty years.
North Carolina
Pitt County
By virtue authority contained In
two certain mortgages executed by
Prime to Turnage Brothers
One bearing tin- date of 1-
1st. and recorded in Book
L-lo. an page and one
date of May 2nd. 1914 and in
Book Q-10 mi page of Pitt
Registry, the undersigned
will on Monday. February
1916, at o'clock Noon before the
Court Door in Pill County,
the Town of Greenville, sell to the
highest bidder cash the following
described pan el of land ;
and being in Creek
Township. Pitt County, Carolina
and beginning at two pines and
oak, William Smith's corner
thence with William line S
w poles to a stake Smith
W poles in like in line,
corner, bis line s
smith ; corner then with ins
line N W poles to a
corner, then with
line N W poles to a
stump in said line thence to the be-
ginning containing n acres more
less and being the same land
door in Greenville, N, C, to the high-
est bidder, on Monday the first day
of March 1915,, at 12-30 p. m. a
tract or parcel of land or
lots of land lying and being in the
Town of Bethel, Pitt County, N. C.
and described as Being
numbers S and described on a
certain map made by V.
and recorded In Book T-9 page
f the lit Bounty and be-
same lots to said
Wilkins by deed from It. J. Grimes
and others by deed dated Jun. 1911
and recorded In Book T-9 pages
and of the Pitt County Registry,
to which reference hereby
Sale made to satisfy said
deed, terms of sale cash.
This the day of January 1918,
G. L.
Julius Brown. Atty.
In order to reduce stock
marble i will give a redaction In
to o are In
buying tones, we can be found
at the row I stand, m
guaranteed, Call me.
C. I
By virtue of the power of sale con
mined in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by S. T. Carson
and wife Lucie J. Carson to The Bet-
Hanking and Trust Company on
day of April 1913 and duly recorded
in the Pitt County Registry In Book
K-10 page the undersigned will ex
pose to public sale, before tho Court
House door in Greenville, N. C. to
highest bidder, on Monday March
1916 at p. m. a certain tract or
parcel of land lying and being in
Town of Bethel, Pitt county, N. C, and
described as Situate on
But side of Main street and
tho lands J. R. Bunting on the
Ford on the East, B
T. Carson on the South, being fee;
wide on tho front and same on back
and upon which the repair shop stood.
Bale made to said mortgage
deed, terms of cash.
Brown Attorney.
By virtue of a power of sale contain-
ed in a certain Mortgage Deed executed
and delivered by J. A. and
Ethel Everette to W. H.
Jr.,. dated the 15th. day of August
1914, and duly recorded in the Re-
Office in Pitt County, in Boon;
A page and also by of
a Mortgage executed and delivered by
A. to W. H. Dal I. Jr.
dated of , 1914, and duly
recorded in the Register's Office fa
Pitt County, the undersigned will, on
Saturday, the day of February,
1915, at o'clock Noon expose to pub-
sale before the Court House door
in to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described tract
or parcel of land,
one undivided
of J. A. Everette and also th
life estate of E. A. Everette in the
fifth undivided Interest of the
said J. A. Everette in that certain
tract or parcel of land situated in
Township. Pitt County, North
Carolina adjoining the lands of Tho-
mas Haddock the East; the liar
land on the West; the Evans laud
the South and the land on
the North and containing
This sale is made for the purpose
of satisfying the terms of said Mort-
gage Deed.
This the 4th. day of January. 1915.
W. H.
Harding i Pierce, Attorneys.
Lecture at
A lecture was given
lost Friday evening in the new
sol by Dr. M. E.
u the Hookworm
the State of Health. Grimes-
is Showing considerable Interest
on January stray work, and has an active
red and while Spotted, no foot looking to tho bl-
ed by Deed from Haywood Cox In marks. Owner ran get same by of the sanitary condition-
Get a Bottle Today
I Prince dated, dated tho II costs.
of November, 1908, and recorded c. it
in the Register of Deeds Office In L. A, HUDSON,
I County, In Book B-9, on page and Jan. 20th. Simpson, N,
j being; same land described In the I
above mentioned mortgages I
by the said Prince lo th,
laid Turnage
sale is lo satisfy the terms n
above mentioned
I This the 18th day of January, 1915.
Pierce. Attorneys.
of the town. A League i
the school n, and n Mothers
Club, have been organized.
Sale of North Carolina.
County of Pitt
Under and by virtue of the authority
conferred upon me by the
of a certain mortgage, executed b
Dawson, and Ida
of the County of Pitt and Slate
North Carolina lo II. Arnold, of
said county and State, which Is duly
recorded in Book 0-9, page of the
Register Of Deed's Office of Pitt
the undersigned will sell at
auction at the Court House door
Greenville on the 10th day of February
1915, at tho hour of M. to the
highest bidder for cash Hie
piece or parcel of land, situate in th
county and State aforesaid, and mote
particularly described as
in Township. Pitt
County, on the road leading
Black Jack to Calico and bounded by
the lands of Edward Mills, W. I.
Smith and others containing acres
more or less and being tho land
which Marcellus Dawson and Ida
Dawson resided in 1910. Reference
made Book 0-9 page of the Re-
This the 16th day of January. 1915.
Harry Skinner. Atty for mortgagee.
to l ore a Cough.
coughs demand Instant
treatment. They show a serious con-
of the system and are weaken-
Postmaster Collins, N.
. I took Foley's Honey and
Col pound for a violent
Mini completely exhausted me, and
less than a half a bottle stopped the
Try It, For sale by all
c It
t U .
a C.
He v
h the lost the Met the .
Russians Claim to Have
Won Important Battle
By Fierce Bayonet
Shilling Thousands Considers The
Men to Check Russian Advance
in Carpathians
j Chapel Hill. N. C, Feb.
visiting committee of the
committee visited the
Monday. entire student body
Jammed the chapel to hear the
speak. President Graham
Introducing the
Greenville Branch College
Women Holds Regular
i i P J II J I meeting is to let the
Revenue Headway of . u,
I . of North Care-
Being Maria
see the representatives of North Care-
line not yet In the
Senator P. acted
The Greenville Branch of the South-
Association of College Women h I
its regular meeting yesterday aft.
in the parlors the
Dormitory at the
Tho purpose of the association
New Bern,
the course the ease In which
Jesse Creel, white, is being tried tor
his life on a charge of
Cannon Fulford, Judge Carter called
a ball in the din and read
statement which he had prepared
he which calls upon Solicitor
Hours Without Any Chance
court convenes tomorrow
First, to unite college women in
The Rattle Bow Being One f
The Greatest the War.
On Both Sides
London, Fob. i The a
armies are
another series of battles for
ion snow-covered Carpathian
passes to decide whether the Russia
will commence another Invasion o
Hungary or part of
an they have evacuated
The Russians have issued two
Hal reports of the operations claim-
the better of the lighting. Th-r
right wing has crossed the mountains
and has been engaged in a battle no
and on the
an side of the Carpathians and on foe
edge of plains which sweep down
to Budapest.
Trenton Bear Threatened.
This army, too threatens the rear
of the who, g
entered to east nave
suffered losses in a battle with
Russian force,
fighting has occurred
the G n side Of
pass, the
mans raptured tho heights in the re
of only to drive i
back after a bayonet light, which
Russian report describes as
precedent in
say this battle
The Germans brought
South for the higher education of W
Raleigh Pen U By a vole of the Second, to raise standard
to fifteen, the Senate a of education for women; Third, in
faced In turn each member of the . and to
talks were full , j,,,,,,.,,,,,, ,,,,. p---
humor and provoked almost
passed the bill for th-
examination and of tear.
its Three hours of debate
the passage of tho bl
on both side Issues warm
for the rabid this gave
and spirit to the out
liberations. In the end. when Mia
roll call was asked on the bill ex
Initiation after explanation was
Senators In opposition lo the in
it re
in House.
The House resolved itself Into a
committee of the whole Jay. Mi
chairman and made rapid
progress in consideration of the
act. Of the sections the
act were adopted much
show opposition. The live set-
refer to the objects for
taxes are levied, p rate of tax-
corporation taxes payable to
Treasurer and repeal of
of tax exemptions, From
to is included the Inheritance tax
rate, liability collections, etc. In re-
to this tax
Hate Same
Section provides an ad
tax of twenty-three and
cuts State purposes, four cents
tor pensions twenty C
leaving nineteen cents the
ties. To this provision Mr
of Cabarrus, the leader of
applause. Practically every
the i him
self in favor of th r
f the which is an annual
fund of and a four-year per-
building fund of a
Charles I, Raper, professor of
economics will probably spend
week In Tennessee conferring with a
schools and
graduates of class A coll k are
for hip In this as
This branch, though but recently
organized has begun to work in
. i it is part of tho work map-
out for the year to study the
needs of the schools of Pitt,
ti met with the
The between
Carter and Solicitor
over the of State vs.
a young white man
Washington, N C, who i chat
with murder having so it la all
the death of James
near this city a tow ago
. driving his automobile.
case has been continued again and h ; I
arranged with counsel for the
to have this done.
in this statement rend out In I
in Tennessee . Q
special commission appointed by ,
of Tennessee to , ,,
problems of assessment and taxation
This commission has instructions t
report the best bill it ran devise t
of Recess
I lie Carried To The
Next In Senate Falls.
Cannot Be Broken
Washington, C. I
and Democratic Insurgents
the bill, with
the aid Senators mid Ken
progressive Republicans who
this afternoon, Judge Carter ca d
anon Solicitor to
. ,. Senate to adjourn tonight
In writing and submit In him at in- .
continuous session m it-
opening of tho court tomorrow
. history had lasted
full fact, as lo why this ca .
with inn, in his work His talk was J has been continued and to explain ill
in brief, the statistics of Pitt in com- full his action In attempting to con-
with those of other
the legislature early in I, th. Pr ,,,
Raper has been Invited to , of P,
with this body as long a time as he
Heavy fr Bowlers.
Minn. 11-P
18.000. in cash
be up tho crack bow
who up today
some to her discredit. He said fa-
that the old cry little red
schoolhouse on every ha
been taken too far and that Pitt has
This made uncertain than r
which the
the case the present tern on
without consulting Mm ,.
. houses conceded today that an
leaders There were
. . , session seemed There
O. Feb. -A d . p
gathering of church work, ,,,,.,,
me. here today, under the a.
of the Mission
many school houses. What
in to bear the National
needed is consolidation money
resources for most to II
of tho International most and not a
association. The meet will last at man's door. Instances were
cited where consolidation to especially
their best reinforcements to aid the i publicans in the and
and themselves led the sent for an amendment giving
tack. Racked by heavy artillery ties cents. Mr. King want-
assaulted the Russian position on to known ho much this would
heights, but found I to and Mr. re
selves under an tire from that ii would to awl
the Russians on parallel hills nil In his county Cab arm The
were cut off from the main J however, by I i con,
column, Russian infantry then at- and voted down the
February From Wisconsin, Mill
Iowa. North and South
Illinois and Canada, and even from
teams of
are here for the tour Tic
palm Tor traveling goes to the Victor-
C. team which are due in a
days, and are wild to be feats
bowlers in n t
the Mar.
cracks and the two
favorite;, while
st. sod bow-
In trim for the big
tacked, driving them back at the poll t
of bayonet.
the Russians had regained their
old positions, leaving the
amendment by a large majority.
only an made to the original
bin v Mr. Douglass
toes in the collection of inherit-
taxes by the clerk of the
cording to their report the fund
bodies of dead j IX.
similar lo j a report was received on
The here seems in .,. Constitution to
been as desperate and i homestead exemption.
before the Warsaw indications breakers are ahead for
the week, sod so as pi when it op n
judged, by and unofficial n the
ports, has is refused a
tor th- The would stop any a
turned the on th- kinds of on Sabbath In
border of Bail w I to.
M a another Import date will
needed schools being located
within a mile and a half of each other
with enrollment of each not ox-
twenty, and as low as
Other phase i I the work were
en op. It deemed advisable
t . Inaugurate at this time of
on Illiteracy-
campaign by Moonlight
School Movement, but
plans to study the on during
spring preparatory to
was made that the
. . . i the old magazines and
Newark N --eh. Arthur from the School to
r. suspended th. rural o , can then,
weights and measure, who especially to p
denial charges of m cutting.
I,,;, in in destroying records
of the county sealer's office, will was served
given hearing here today the
on both
will be heard
the Baptist and r.
Ian Churches discuss
A report eon
Which has been traveling and
country church conditions ill be
submitted before the convention ad
tomorrow. Prof. Harold v-
of the P. Bureau i
will speak on Country
which he bus studied in torn
lea and Europe.
chase measure form
Adjournment tonight on a
motion made by Senator
carried IS to niter Senator Not
deploring the had pi.
claimed ins conclusion opponent
of the bill It
The Case t .
; i ugh over the loss
i support the Re
i -his administration I idem t
Senate would admit t
One Killed
Nashville, Tenn., Feb.
raiding a moonshine
r. n. Birthday. Tenn, th. I'd
West Orange. N. J., Feb. 11- Special am
V known as the bushed today by alleged
spent his 68th today John
on hi. Plan, rebuilding his big killed. Now. of I
Sen III Law Was Die.
Trenton, N. j. Feb. cause was i, t
Mar,,,, who killed two broil rs In , break in the Senate Wit-
New Jersey City blacksmith shop, has son had th J-
been sentenced to electrocution with House i plans to get th.
the week When bill the House and a
court of Pardon, recently refused course may be taken though
clemency lo the doomed man, Republicans Insist
H Leonard, father the murder, u, end the . h. no
boy. and father-in-law matter Co Aw
their slayer, m accomplish the
and thank the Court. am the lather.
of both of the boys that Martin killed
ins life won't bring bark my So.
bu, i, would be horrible to think he rs i from
, , . , at, Sew York nun
had escaped justice.
I vicinity. It, I
Scent, at
Feb. U. The ;
annual meeting of the Boy Seoul , cents for
I. called for t, lay In I
After n H. It was not
progress of the , last the com.
measures for strengthening
, scout drill will be
n that were
s a I win .
; in that region. Of .- , . on th. M h Man, rt him A,.
, ,; par, , f ,,, 1001.1- having in manner he
neither rial. bill only by doing a little more posse from h
. . work usual. , at
Di nun, ,.,,.,
here to announced that Columbia I . r f I
. i . . . v . r i , . ft
. in i-ease and la I
will give two
--.- r rs k a. -U i- t
battle in northern part , he C m a g , ,,.
I i i l
and will be joined of Prof. J. of
lion speaks.
at Cook ville,
varsity of K
a . ho ha been hero
oral investigating. j j

Eastern reflector, 5 February 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 05, 1915
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Joyner NC Microforms
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