Eastern reflector, 20 November 1914

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Stray Taken North Carolina,
Taken up at my farm, white and I'm County,
black potted, mate . weighing In the Court.
about or SO pounds, unmarked A. Randolph at I R B
Owner OM get same by identifying trading under the firm name f
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. Will last for ears
At Dealers Everywhere
and paying all costs.
T. U
n. C.
Taken I p.
Ford Supply Company
Frank Lilly,
Notice of and Warrant
The d in th ah rt
Grain Privileges
and calls are the safest
I method of trading in wheat
II oats your loss Is
absolutely limited to the
bought. No further risk.
Positively the most profitable
Open an account. You
open an account You can I
notice on the put or calls on bushels
heifers one dark red with Macs day October, a summons in the said or you can buy both
and white spots and spot in . , , , w, ,. . the defend- for or as many more as you wish
the with the mark of crop the ,,,,;. superior an advance or decline of cant gives
Richmond. Va.
Norfolk. Va.
car and spill the left, the other
light red with white across
shoulder unmarked, owner can
ii by paying all coats,
On Washington road, between
Smith and Hodges Creek.
i informal North Carolina I you to take
the sum of two A movement of cents prom.
thousand two Hundred thirty three ft j Write for full and
on a note and for. references.
sold and delivered, which sum-
North Carolina,
In the Superior
defendant will
IV S. Avers
Thai a summons in above en-
titled action was Issued the
defendant on the day of September,
1914, this court Martin
for divorce, which summons has
ii in d to be found in Martin
U . and the defendant will take
that the complaint was Held In
i office of the Sup. Court on
the 7th day of September, de-
a divorce absolute, upon
stated therein, and he will
further take notice that be i-i
I an or to said com-
Hi tin rein
grant. I
This i ob r,
Clerk of Superior Court
mons is returnable to the December
term of Superior Court, com-1
on 14th day of
1914, held in the Court House, In
i r. in said State and county.
Tin defendant will also take notice
ii a warrant of attachment was Is-
sued by said Clerk of the Superior
Court, on the 29th day of October
1914, against the property of said de-
which warrant is returnable
lo the December term of the Superior
Columbus, Ohio.
Address mail to Lock Boa
North Carolina.
County. .
in Superior Court.
Z v Hooker
W. L. P. Corey and wife
X II Corey.
virtue of a decree of the Superior
Having as
tin- estate B. J. Mills,
late of county. North Carolina,
this is to notify all persons
claims the estate of the said
d to exhibit them to the
at N. C, on
before the 10th day of November
or tills notice will be pleaded in
of their recovery. All persons in
dented to said will picas,
immediate payment.
This day of November 1914
Administrator n Mills d
. . as. d.
i lilts I, EVANS, Attorney.
Struck by Train.
Nov. arm-in-
arm along the Southern railway
miles from here,
morning, Sawyer, of I
and Claude Wade, of High Point, two
runaway lads from the State Deaf and
Dumb school at Morganton, were
struck by the of passenger
Court of made at the
for at the time and ; 1914 of County No. and almost instantly killed.
place named for the return of I Court by His Honor R. B. The tragedy occurred at the month
above mentioned, when and in the above of a cut and near a bend in the
the defendant la required the undersigned Com
appear and answer or demur to the
the t demanded will
l. grants i
i her 59th 1914.
. if Court
It law.
Tin Count
ruder and d the authority
When the train swung around a
will, on Monday, the 7th curve the engineer at the throttle an
la, . December 1914. at o'clock the two boys hut a short distance is
Noon it being the first Monday In Tout of him and made every effort t
December, 1914, expose lo public bring bis train to a snip or warn the
i,. re the Court House Door In Green- impending harm but with-
to the highest bidder fir cash out
lilt traits or par I
I mil to
Majority Friend. Thought Mr. decided w
take his advice, I did not have
Hughes Would Die, But
One Helped Him to
interesting ad-
vices this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes
writes as was down with
stomach trouble for five years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
any confidence in it.
I have now been taking
three months, and it has cured me
haven't had those awful sick headaches
since began using it.
I am so thankful for what
has done tor
has been
found a very valuable medicine for de-
the stomach and liver. It
that thought surely would die. is composed of pure, vegetable herbs,
I tried different treatments, but they contains no dangerous ingredients, and
Notice is hereby given that W.
Ricks, N. C.,
this day executed a Deed
Deed of I i
by A. Reddick, of the County of
and State of North Carolina, to Harry
Whedbee, Of said County and State
which duly recorded In the office of
the r of Deeds of I'm county
in M-9, pages said Deed
of Trust having been given to secure
for benefit of rs a certain bond of even date
W. A. Jr., Trustee, and all per- and the said Reddick having failed to
sons indebted to said W. H. Ricks satisfy said bond; and the bolder of
are hereby requested to make said bond having applied to the under
mediate to the undersigned signed to sell the lands to said
Trustee and all persons holding claims , bond. Now pursuant thereto the
the said W. II. Ricks are here will sell at the Court
by requested to file an Itemized, door in Greenville. Pitt County. North
tied Statement of such claims with the Carolina, on the SOU. day of
Trustee. her, 1914, at the hour of M. to the
This the 24th. of October. 1914. highest bidder for cash, following
w. A. Jr., Trustee, described land, being In County
i,, I North Carolina
-Adjoining the lands of M.
pi ream of the
tie was not sufficient t .
break deafness placed by
b in w Master's touch and the trail
state North Carolina, and could be the lads had
brushed from the track crumpled
Situated in dying.
Town p, county, bounded on th. it is stated boy- ran
, ii upon mo by .,. r s. Worthing from the school Saturday aft-t-
and when their absence was
heady Hilt
Bern, Nov. 9- All
arc now complete for the fall
reunion of the Bodies of
the Ancient and Accepted right of
which is to be held
New Bern tor three days beginning on
did not seem lo do me any good.
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep,
my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised to try
and quit,
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by and old, and should be
kept in every family chest
a package
Only a quarter.
Why You Should Always Use
Bee Brand Flavoring Extracts
Because they are better than Pure Food
Laws require
Because they will go further inferior goods.
delicacy flavor i
Because Purity Quality is absolute.
Because they are unreservedly guaranteed.
Ward. T. A. Carson, and Others,
and containing ninety live more
or less, and the same being my home
place, and also the who's and
tracts of land I bought
In Superior Court the heirs of Gray Blount, now
Before A. T. Moore, Clerk, known as part of the Gray mount
Leila E. Williams
North Carolina,
ton and Jam- Edwards; bounded noon
tho Weal by the lands James Nelson noted searching parties were
and Dennis Branch; and on the South but failed to find them.
by another tract land of w. L. V.
and on the East th,
of Amy containing
more or less and being tract
land on which the said W. I,. K
Corey and wife now reside.
Second Situated in
Township. County on the
side of Fork Swamp, adjoining the
lands of Gaskins and others
containing acres more or less and Tuesday. November A large . .
being the land deeded by Farrow of Masons from all parts of th.
to Providence Cooper Hale are expected to be present and
Cannon Mills and by them conveyed participate in this re-union and to
Samuel Gray lo W. L. F. Corey, by. the various degrees which will o.
which is of record in the Regis- given fro.,, the fourth to the thirty
t, rs in County in Hook On Tuesday degrees from th.
fourth lo eleventh will he I
Situated in On following day they will he con
Township. Pill County, in James Po- from eleventh to the nine
containing acres more or and on Thursday those who do-
leas and being the land grants up
to the said w. i P. cony by the thirty-second win have then conferred
North Carolina by Grant up.,,, th. On Wednesday evening s
nil ere. n
Diamond, c.,
on Ml., ,
Hill SALE OR A Kill
sell for cash or
May terms. Address Calvin Mills,
H. Routs 3-
1-14 Dec w.
Jones ii.
. prop r on or be-
1916., or this notice
p ail in bi r of i .
Sept. nth. 1914,
B Attorney.
Is the Basis of all
i. the hull of all rood farming. Writs
the in the
on Farm,
of purr lime.
A postal will gift you
Administratrix of the estate
of K. F Williams
vs. .
Court of County made by A
Verla Williams and Leila Williams
minors and heirs at law of E. F.
Williams, deceased.
By virtue of a decree of the Super
T. Moore. Clerk, on the day
1914, the undersigned Com-1
will on MONDAY, the 7th.
day of December, 1914, expose to pub-
lie safe before Court House Door
In to the highest bidder tor
. the following described tracts
or parcels of land, to
and being In Falkland Town-
Ship. Pitt County, North Carolina an I
being No. in the Division of the
It. P. Williams laud and beginning
u stake in the Snow Hill near
the crossing of Pasture Branch and
. with said road N
. N IS 1-2 E polos; th I
E to a a, rot
i i said ditch S W
. a et gum, T. I. E.
r liars i c then s E
ti . Ionian line; the ,
N 1-2 E poles a stake; then
I w to a i
to the b
1-2 a res more or I
other tract In said ow n
C an I BI b
r ma 13-4 W to plat
Reference is made to the deeds
the heirs to J. A.
for a full description.
This 29th, day of November
lo ltd
Hie County Confederate
Will be unveiled in
Friday, November 13th, with
Governor Locke Craig will deliver
the address on this Interesting
This is a County affair and all the
of the County, who can, an
to present and do his
part In making it a great and memo,
able i of the County
i very old federal i Veteran mu-n
come and bring his family. Special
. i i; will be made lo provide
tor . t.
which is of record in the office of SI which all of the local and
Register Deeds of Pitt County, in visiting members of the lodge will b-
Book Y page present, will be given. This will h
Fourth Situated in Swift the only social event of
Creek Township, County during the week hut a number of
the lands of Nashville Wilson. W r events have been arranged for th
it. Bland, it. H. and Salli, benefit of the visiting lodge
Bland, containing more or less, j
Fifth Situated in Swift NOTICE OF
Creek Township, Pitt County on both. December 1914 Si I
of the Washington Road adjoin- ,, M before the Court-house door
last above mentioned and ,;,.,.,., m,. N ,. Board Of Coin
the lands of K- of County will rent or
wood Cox and Others, containing ,,, ,,. bidder for tie
acres more or 1915, the following tract of land.
These lands will be sub-divided an A certain tract or parcel
sold In lots of or acres yin.
to suit the Township and on the North Bids
This the 2nd day of November, 1911
C. C. PIERCE, Lin,,. n the West side of the Green
Commissioner , am, ,., on ,,,,
H S PIERCE, Attorneys. of the Greenville and Tar-
I road, adjoining the lands of c
T. Randolph Bros., i. w
Perrel and others and being a part
the Susan Brown tract of land, eon
s,; acres more or less.
acres of said land Is cleared
Whereas on the day of September
I II I. he Spirit
home of our worthy Bro I. C, Craw- , a suite of there I
i claimed his beloved wife a ., ., dwelling I nm and stab
present and we trust the children his three tobacco on said
their teachers will attend.
This Nov. I
For .
Now then be II resolved laud, also an overflowing well I
That In the death Bro. Crawford good water. The A, C. L. o
lost a loving companion B
. . true ml ii no
; on earth.
i hi as lo Bro
in i our hi fell sympathy in
That humbly submit the will
Spirit and Say Oh
Hall Lake.
Ball Pity, i
i corner ., . of the National
Association, whit h me, I
In a prong of b; then tomorrow, has together
down the run of Jacob's Branch to , ,,, men pans of the in thy will be done ours,
r of President J. F. who ,,, resolutions b-
the, with hit line n w as an early arrival, said ,, our Tribe.
to a sink- at J. i to me s m era is opening h g h
then BO I E poles to the breeders, the o .
containing acres more which can be grasped for publication.
. The two tracts constituting and We our; submitted.
No In the Division Of the II P. opportunity, ind branches of
Williams land, which was allotted to industry are getting
F Williams by Division Deed dated
the 14th. day of June. 1907. as I Will.
pears of record In the Register's Of ; N. J. Nov. II The contest
lice in Pitt County, In book T page over the estate of the lute Lillian
I Nordics Will have its first airing In
This sale is made for the purpose curt tomorrow, when two wills
of Baking the estate of he submitted tor probate In the
V. Williams, deceased. I tor of which, cut off her b
This day of November, 1914.
Blinker Meet.
Toronto, Out. Nov. II The annual
I band, George W. It while meeting of Canadian
F HARDING. she was at Thursday Island last win- Association opens here tomorrow
Commissioner In the South Sens Madams bead office of the Hank of
i Attorneys Nordics mads her new will. to
. said land, much to the ton
Venice., thO Same. The person
renting will he required to i
., for I be Board re-
serves the right to reject any or all
bids. Further Information can be
from member of Board, lira
Roll, or Julius Brown. Done
order or the Hoard of C
This the lib day of November 1911
GREENVILLE, v November I I
oh HUN-
in. K i I E IN
Ft H
R A I Si
State Union
Holds its First Meeting
In Greenville Wednesday
Address J Welcome and
Feature first
Morning This
Mr. r. s. Barrett, Mr. M. Rhodes
Dr. V. Joyner Makes
to on
I ill. n Subjects.
The seventh annual meeting
Worth Carolina Slate Union
met here this morning at l.
in spacious auditorium of the
Training School. A large number of
delegates were present, nearly all if
the officers of the Union and a largo
amber of visitors from out of tie
State were at this first meeting.
The meeting was called to order
by the President, H. Q. Alexander, Of
Mecklenburg county. A. U.
of the Presbyterian church
lead in prayer.
Mayor J- B. James welcomed the
Union to the city of Greenville a
short speech In which he gave them
the freedom of city.
President Wright of
Training School extended the greetings
f the Chamber of Com
and or the Training School to
the Union
Mr. J. C. Galloway, representative
f Pitt county in tho
welcomed the Union behalf of the
heal Union.
Rev. Cobble responded to these ad
dresses of welcome of the
After addresses of welcome
had been finished there
prominent visiting delegates called up-
n lo address tho Union.
Ono of the most prominent of
ailed upon to speak was Charles S.
Barrett, of Union City, Ga. President
f tho National Union.
Mr. Barrett his address dwelt on
the beauties of western North Caro-
and on tho great things of this
He toM something of his work
m connection with Unions,
what they are trying to do and what
they want to do in tho future. He ex-
pressed himself as delighted at being
at this meeting and that
the farmers are Just coming into
own and that much good will
result from this meeting.
Mr. U. M. Rhodes, president of tho
Tennessee State Union
Batman of tho Hoard of
r the National Union was next Intro-
to the audience.
Mr. Rhodes confined himself mainly
lo facts and figures showing how tho
farmers feed the world and in so doing
only a small living themselves
Until the farmer gets his due they
are going to have a hard lime. One
of the main objects of Union Is to
and bring about cooperation
among tho farmers. When this has
been done the income of the farmer
will have risen from the low figures
representing it to a good
The Union should receive th
Dr. Joyner praised the Union for Its
In bis work. He credited
with giving generous support lo
the two recent education laws passed
in this state. He urged the farmers
to adopt the Community Service worn
advert in tins State saying It I
in. an more to the farmer than
anybody else. Ha cited examples
flowing how tin- have lost
because some well-read man
I t the advantage of their ignorance
lie urged the employment of
country grown and teachers
will look alter Community work.
ho Union is one of the greatest forces
n education In this State and has a
great future before it.
Aft. r several announcements ad-
for dinner was taken an
at o'clock the Union re-assembled
tor executive session. Tonight's sos
on will be at the Court House.
Rev. J. ID. Daniel toes indications Launch Movement
Total Loss Aggregates
Building Harm
Sail m experienced this evening b
six and seven o'clock the most
disastrous fire in years, the total loss
Tho four-story
building on Main street known as the
Caspar building and belonging to O.
F. and two adjacent dwell-
belonging to P. H. were
totally destroyed and
damage was done to the main build-
and a storage house of tho P. H.
Danes Knitting Company. It is said
that loss Is largely covered by In-
The fire Is thought to have
originated from an electric motor on
the third door of the Caspar
used for running the elevator.
The Caspar building was four stories
high and extended from Main street
through the entire block to Church
street. It was valued at The
Insurance on It was Part of
it was used as a storage house by
Coleman Bros Tobacco Company, who
had pounds of tobacco It,
valued at and fully covered
by Insurance. Another part of th.
building was used by the Click mail
order business, with a stork
partly Insured. Tho building
was wrecked.
Two dwelling houses th,
building valued at
Insured, were destroyed. There s
tome loss to the P. H. Hades Knitting
Company's building and also
damage to the stock of
Attend Conference With
Excellent Report
Rev. J. H. Daniel Pastor of
Church, lei, this morning
tor Washington, N. to attend the
-North Carolina Conference, which
convenes there today.
With him be carried a most excel-
lent report from the Greenville Church
Which he has served for the past year.
in- church has enjoyed a most pros-
year, and all financial
have been met.
Along all lines the church has made
pronounced gains. During tho yea.-
the congregation have been excel-
Sunday School Mas mad.
gains, and there has
members to the Church, seven were
lost through death and removal,
a not gain of
As a special offering the
School has contributed to the
Orphanage, the Church paying a like
amount. The Aid Society do-
special mention having raised
while the Missionary Society
has raised 099.42. From a Financial
this has been the most sue
year in the history of tin
The total amount raised in cash and
negotiable paper, being more than
probably the largest amount
raised in Greenville for religion
purposes in the same length of time
During the year a ten room parson-
ape situated in a most desirable
has been completed, and is now
occupied by Mr. Daniel family.
Tho Board of Stewards, reported
that every account against the
had been paid immediately on
and that the Pastor's salary
bad been paid in advance throughout
the whole year.
Mr. Daniel says he has spent a hap y
year in Greenville, and hopes to be
and to this hope the
of the community, without regard Ml
say Amen.
this Vanishing
To Help Sufferers In The
War Zone Europe
Rust of Author of Old North
to be Presented
Washington, Nov. IT All
reaching governmental de-
par Here the de-
which overtook business
In the United States when
the war norm burst in Europe la
vat hopeful outlook for
American ventures was summarized
today by Secretary in a
tor to the chamber of commerce of
the nil. in which he de-
the worst be said and admit-
can be said respecting exist
business difficulties In America
our conditions still remains not only
n vi bright, but
In many both pros
pen i,
cannot but with
the misfortunes that have befallen
industries In all the
said Mr. there-
fur should be so much more grate-
that no like fate threatens out
own country. No observer of the
large movements of our commerce to-,
fails to recognize the gnat
that has been made lo
business conditions within the last few
weeks and which is still progressing
course of exchange has be
come more normal. Clearing house
certificates arc being retired.
sums of emergency notes have been
withdrawn and with the opening of
the federal reserve system great ad-
supplies of loanable funds
have become available. There Is no
longer serious concern over our
financial future.
has begun to move, and
existing arrangements promise relief
from the shadow which so long has
lung over the South.
who wants to, may read plain
acts which show on every side no;
only a marked hopeful feeling In in-
but tangible facts on which
such feeling rests. All problems
not worked out yet to perfect
on many sides mills
are busy and factories running full
t me of overtime; the number of
employed is steadily getting less.
of and Sans
Drainage Association Today
Asks to
i ii, seventh Annual ii of tit
North , l
meets today and tomorrow
he arc to be h Id In
opera house. A large numb r
i ales are en from all t v i Hi
ii, in points in Virginia
South Carolina.
Drainage work In ibis State is
a new tiling bin already s i
much interest is being taken that it i-
drainage districts will
represented at this meeting, Even
the Piedmont and the far
part of the iii be re-
presented as there are live drain-
age operations being carried on in that
part of the State.
Among the features today's pro-
gram by the Mayor of
Wilson, by the chairman of
Commissioners, by the president of the
chamber of commerce, Joseph Hyde
Pratt, president of the Drainage Ass.
and others.
The officers will make their reports
committees will he appointed.
lion William A. Graham,
of Agriculture, will speak
Agricultural Benefits from Drainage
Mr. II. E. of the Norfolk
Southern, will present th. railroad
bide drainage.
Mr m E. Sherwin, Professor of Boils
at the Slate Agricultural
College will speak on tile Drain-
Mr H M. Drainage Engine-
r of the Unit, suites office of Drain-
are Investigations on Importance and
Principles of Drainage
With these able speakers on pro-
gram for today a very interesting
will be held.
Should t
In I his Wort Human-
sake. Committee Be-
i. Contributions,
Newborn, N. C, Nov. 17- Just inside
of tho gates of beautiful Cedar .
cemetery in this city is seen a grave
with an Immense marble
slab. Strangers passing that way
ways inquire whoso body rests I
and are Informed that there lies all
that Is mortal of William the
author of that glorious
Tho of William Gaston is No more, for me. in soft marshy soil
known to every school child North will bloom the bright Bluebell.
Carolina and there Is no doubt but as No w i ,,, n the old Oak tree.
Till In Carolina again dwell.
A BoiS Lamentation.
No More I see tho Dogwood
No mom cotton or tobacco stalks,
As long as I remain in this Northern
the sunny Southern walk-i.
of States Deputy Mar
shall Donald Cameron, who deserted
Ms family and was found In company
with the alleged in a white
slave which ho
come up for hearing tomorrow in
District Court. Cameron Is
charged with bigamy and
Wife No. Is a pretty French girl of
Lawrence, Mass., Malvina
on whose evidence, secured
Cameron a few years ago, an alleged
white-slaver was convicted and sent lo
prison for a long term. During th
. trial, the attentions of Cameron to
hearty support and aid of all pretty witness the cause
it means their salvation.
best in Ibis country and It fast
they have sung tho refrain of
melody and have reached tho
Boston, Nov. remarkable chorus and lifted up their voices In
Tho Old North
Tho Good Old North
that they have thought of Its composer
wondered if he had received the
proper recognition for his work of.
love and devotion to his native heather
William Gaston. while his is I
known throughout the length and
breath of North Carolina, has so far
been shown no public appreciation or,
no great memorial marks the spot
where his bones lie but on Tuesday,
November amends will be
tor this when a bust him will bet
later dismissal from tho government placed in the House of f
No will wand, i on the bank of
tho Tar.
Or hunt in the
Ur eat the wild and luscious fruits.
Which In Pitt County are found
I want to be where Maidens are fairest
Where soars Ml Mitchell's Summit
Where my Dear Old Mother, is wailing
for mo,
in down In the Old North
Wallace Mack
log about a change In conditions
Supt. J T. Joyner of Public In
In was
upon In address the Union.
Mr. Clarence Poe, of editor
I ins I I m w, mi the Progressive tor.
is one of th. service, lie left his home, at will the I .
saying he was going to Canada to en- grace that hall. Mr. II Alexander, of
list for the war. He was traced to the William was born in New president of the l
i homo of tho girl, and the Corn 1778 and many I landing the m
police found him hidden there will Journey to the capital city to at-
under a bed. I tend this unveiling
Mr. Arthur J. Hughes, of
I i in town today.
Man Arrested
A Witness.
New Nov. 17- A ease of
usual interest in New Bern Was start-
ed yesterday, when William
white, of was arraigned
United Commissioner
Charles IV Hill yesterday morning on
a warrant charging bin, with
dating a United States witness
lo tho District Court, in viola
Don of chapter and of the
code. The preliminary
was continued for the government,
hi order that the witnesses might DO
summoned The defendant was re-
leased after giving the required b. I
of two hundred and fifty dollars. The
airest was made in New
day morning by United States Deputy
Marshal Charles H. Ange.
he . originated about
weeks ago. while the government
witnesses, In ease against Walter
Brock, colored, of near Vanceboro
were lo New Bern to
the November term of the District I
Court. It Is alleged that
Mated to the that ti. ,
hearing given I I
Commissioner Hill, hoy had Bed on
Brock, and he was going to New Bern
t pay cot, ill the and mail
beat h out of them, It is also
that was under th
influence of whiskey at time he
made the remarks.
i t th. Club
transform i list If a ten
an n y. b
Mouse, is chairman.
This commute appeals to
ville people fur donations for tin H
Th i i- holidays v ill
l, ii re at season ti,
the whole world should be
ens and but how can We spend
n joyous Christmas we are
and do not respond to the
hi from over the waters
II the people who arc able, res-
pond to The Hollar Christmas
that is being agitated in nearly
. in the union much will
he alleviated. Any no mat-
how small, will be thankfully re-
and committee promises
that H will the proper
s iii lime to be used for Christmas
ho please push the movement on.
sending donations as early as possible
lo Mrs. I . she will
very you send her.
Every hoy; girl; every
i woman; In the United
has heard of terrible how
Belgium, a neutral country, has
been the ground for the most
battles In the annuals of bis
bow that her country has
laid waste, her art treasurers
her men wounded and killed
but. above all, how that thousands of
innocent women and children are left
homes, without food, without
are crying to yon
help, will you Co in
Mil I I I TI.
It a meeting of The Sans i
Book Club on Tuesday, Nov it was
derided since the armies of
i-re very In lo I I ads ind
bandages for lb. wounded that the
Club Contributed some materials
Linking those.
The Wish all the people in
lo co operate with then.
mil aid the taxed hospitals.
Vim are asked lo contribute old
linen sheets, pillow cases table clothes
handkerchief, old underwear, cotton
goods, absorbent cotton, in fin I
kind of white goods., except woolens,
flannels and that these article I
You send them not
later than Tuesday, that ,
I,. o
,,. where will be cut and I
Into bandages and pads
Send your contributions lo any
the ladies named below
J. i
Q, B W,
in., of the I
will bold I sale of fan. t
etc., on Thursday, Dec. 10th. Dinner
upper will be served. IS H

.- .-
O. J.
la it hereafter. This I
i I MOM for us sooner
it the better.
Columbia, Carolina's Capital
i in the of bite
law enforcement Last
were o a to what
be allowed to do on
even bad extra cooked o
an rear. . . flee
m, told U tort u
rate mar be bad upon law, so And now a
at office la ., . . .
Building, corner h pap. blamed It OB Presbyterians
u The enforcement of laws is right, if
win be tar at they an not meant to be enforced
per not been passed. When
Communication. law is passed enforcement
will l, at throe .,;, ,,,
line, to HI j
,., u . tad matter ---------o
, ma i the office at t BASE
. ii-. Carolina, under .,, ,. M,. s the set
the beginning the new
j system Inaugurated by the govern-
through the regional banks. All
H I of the country are looking
November will be forward to this to mark a relief In the
I In State On that the
iv hare to preach since scare cam-
, the relation Of the Church I on and It give a general impetus to In-
v .-. i
Fr N. r
to physical suffering and
i. . mil
. . d In i UP In
lead in such They are
among the heal educated men
community and are leaden In up
lifting movement They are fellow be owes a for at least a
------1 ii,. to by other people i
. business activity. A good way
to would b i
every one who been hoarding
money up on that day, talc
money of it-- hiding
make a liberal deposit With his bank
Then if be owes any debts give the
and in ibis
i i . to do invaluable
furthering the of prevention
Thai the minister will
. this a there la no doubt
they ire in many already
work along this line l hi true min-
does confine his ti
., . but other good
,. .- i unity and ibis won
i i I vital
ii .
of Health
. . . . ii
I and i
n, ml ward
I a while
. .
ii Hi of a ii
i i
I . CO I
erred Many
led and lid II work
i and s i ll ill
i ibis I'll Te is pro
lily no person win. ha heard
mi Red I'm hi d h
land i u I ii Every
, Ii this State m per
. afflicted with dread
In for pi hi
ire have Sanatorium
the of people who
tuberculosis which la
great amount of good
a campaign in
p i in do very much m ire II
any the above mentioned a id
is what the Sunday
month been apart for and
m full observance all over Hie
v that rail
us in our in this
will In a material aid for
good work.
A recent dispatch . an American
has. since the war begun the
manufacture of chemical porcelain
mat present Indication are that this
a splendid to
and hold all of American
all of this ware was
purled from Germany and had a
In this country It was
pan Of it and let him also some-1
thing to deposit. It is time for every-
body to have confidence now, and the
best way to show it is to put money
in circulation.
Wilmington is having annual
com show with coed exhibits an
who will be here
v . k to will see
remember things in Greenville
How about g the town in gala
Ir ,. ,. Put up
banners, Hags, bunting or any
i d, . the town, Thee.
. from all over tic State
u in certainly report
Other dies have -i. coral I
, then and Greenville should
reported two losses lately
. death of Lord Roberts, one of
, . lb n the day. and
the the blowing up of the Brit-
Roberta died pneumonia and it it
ii how was
i gag shout lbs 13th
being unlucky did not get In Its work
here last week The day pass-
. without S break, in fact the
celebration was highly successful
of small children
burned with great fr.-
v dollars spent in
pun ha ii Ii i
the lives your children
who voted
should now
tint by defeating the amendments
they caused the State to have a bill of
for which there is nothing
Marked Down Prices On
Men's and Boy's Clothes
and Overcoats-
Every Suit in the store, including all the new
patterns that we have been showing this sea-
son will go at a REDUCTION of
Fully Off
Our Regular Suits will go for
Our Regular 25.00 Suits will go for 20.00
Our Regular 20.00 Suits will go for 16.00
Our Regular 7.50 Suits will go for 13.50
Our Regular 5.00 Suits will go for 11.75
Our Regular 2.50 Suits will go for 9.75
Our Regular 10.00 Suits will go for 8.00
Bays and Trousers Reduced in Same Proportion
now is the time for to buy that Fall Suit. The winter
is beginning to come, and you have an opportunity to buy your
clothes at after-season prices and get a full seasons wear.
O is larger it ever was at this time, every clothing rack taxed to ca-
with patterns aid exceptionally good values.
Those who take rare of the
visiting farmers next week
requested to
hose in charge of the entertainment.
North Carolina.
Under and by virtue of the authority Allen of
inferred upon me by the provisions
, appear In another column of a certain Deed of Trust executed a,
by A. of the of ,,. Greenville,
Watchful seems to Carolina, to Harry by her
of said County and State from which a
to do in cotton situation
All of the plans have about
corn crop
glee It the of
ii feel like there Is no danger of a
fond famine in this country this year.
Improved method for
which duly recorded in the office of She is
the Register of Deeds of Pitt county of as
I out but the price is rising. i M-9. pages said Deed from aboVe mentioned
I Of Trust having been given to secure very for her ago.
If broad daylight were to a bond of even date therewith; j , of Allen's re
dispel the darkness almost any night M having failed to achievement Mr. J. H. C
. , , . . satisfy said bond; the holder of , . ,, N ,
some people would certainly be caught .
In an awkward position
amount of explanation would bond. Now pursuant thereto the
j will sell at the Court House
I door in Pitt County. North
November I pinned a
no , ,, ,,. , a
ten out
I Carolina, on the 30th day of
A that
and which she and he.- M s.
Hart, picked from their field. Mi-,.
Allen Is years old and Is In fairly
Safer Terribly
Around on her feet all won-
a woman has backache, headache.
Joints, weariness, poor
sleep and kidney trouble. Foley Kid
Pills give quick relief for these
troubles. They strengthen the kidneys
take away the aches, pain and
Make life worth living
Try Foley Kidney Pills and see how
much better yon by
her. at the hour of M. to the d bad
This huge amount of corn makes fled ., h., dedicated to
of B J Mills, deceased. ,,,.,.,, land
Isle of Pitt county, North Carolina. ,.
this is to notify all persons having M. ;, a,
The bunting has struck this
memory of the Confederate sol-
of lilt county November on
claims against the estate of u p T. A. and others. c
deceased to exhibit them to the ninety five
N. ft, en t my
. v j. . r . .
before the 10th day of November
place, and also being the and
a daughter living with her
there was no clay here adapt- , i from
to this purpose but a clay has beer. I . the heir, of Gray Blount,
gives results that are
i the standard and already a good
is being done
the the , will please
are giving him attention The immediate payment
This day of November
There is no doubt but that
hunting and fishing will
their rounds once the
In his work.
idea of a public defender is
ire plenty Of eases like this one
The are inclined to
rather than to go to the trouble to.
make what they need. If this war will gaining ground rapidly and it con
free this country from its dependent there will be another of
on other countries It will be s great to draw his
of H Mills, if
tine two horse farm located three
II will mil's from Bethel The laud is adapt
to the raising of tobacco, peanuts
to us. We ought to make also deprive a lot of young ,.,.,, ,,,
of our supplies in this country and if of their appointment to defend
more American, were like Edison we In
would already be making all of our
bis carbolic a.
by the
his own acid
War en
is thing-
known as part of the Cray let ll
t a he'd, bat at the
Reference Is made to deeds from , Pi s.
the Blount heirs to J. A. . yo w.
for a full description. I build up, make t-
This 29th. day of November M
Keep as
by s-i
an- Tar
lag. a lessen the of
tbs Toe
i,. . . and fer what and Tar
U be require, to furnish his team., j foe -ill do- c
be making all or out people will c c.-. d, r h
on bad been importing . rumor the sinking J M ,. J d la
when this was North Carolina, which ha. at J b, all mi
war he to make bee. n-ported certainly Bethel. N C
a, and will ad a lot of I I. It Md Tour, if you come by
K. of Deed. Bell
M. It. Hooks and Susan Jane Proctor
I,. Z. Fleming of Atlanta and
Ward of Greenville.
W. and Martha
of Greenville.
Dave Wilson Cannon of
John H and Alice Moore of
Best and Parker of
Heaver Dam.
Moore and Bessie Moors f
lived down th
in the big while house
With raw
cheat, lanes, ye
Tar and gales
It. The dose helps, It leaves a
as glides
down throat, yea feel better at
sate i. e
by all dreg
How To To
t aw
w lake doe. m
end and
round about. We were nil
sprung from the and grand
father rolling In money, and In
firm He was seventy-six.
While grandma lived th
stuck pretty closely Together,
her it was a case of catch
can All of us wanted
money am not ashamed
to say I did. with my husband trying
to make ends meet on fifteen
hundred However. liked the old
lean, where;, that en, of n Sarah R
and that Jim
son. were simply after his money But
he saw through them.
infirmity came from gout,
not old age. Ho got so bad a, last
that his temper was quite altered, and
Instead of stopping lo chat with us
he, used to swear and look the other
way It was that tabby Sarah's fault;
he knew she was after his money
end, a. I said to Fred, he would
things right when he came to die.
And then a terrible thing happened.
Grandpa was ordered to Atlantic city.
to get gout cured by sea air.
He v ii so pleased the though
reel i . . if his that
he quite Jolly and Invited
is s; to
e I was at At-
I he said stayed at
Ah, the daughter of
Mrs i our landlady, was a
beauty, and no mistake, if it hadn't
been your Mother,
I didn't think he ought to talk
way, one I-g in
the other in grace. old
whispered to her hue
band afterward.
Well, off went grandpa, with his
man. duly to the by
ell of us. only wanted to see
him made comfortable. The rest were
after hi.-, money
And we heard, grand-
Pa was married.
The blow staggered us all It an-
he had found his old
the landlady's daughter, with whom he
must have carried on something
while poor, long-suffering grandma
alive, married her a week's
courtship. We were shocked by
news that we held a little meeting
at Jim Simpson's
friends and relations, and re-
that aren't says Jim
and thought that smart of him
get to keep the money the
family. He'll leave a cool two
thousand to that designing minx,
has been playing on the
of the old
isn't a I Inter-
June, are you one of us. or
he asked sarcastically.
I've got to I groaned.
And then ho outlined his plan. We
Were to have the marriage declared
Invalid on of grandpa being
In a of senile decay, and the
estate put Into court and equally dis-
Jim bad a lawyer friend
who would arrange the detail., and as
as grandpa came home a doctor
i V horn knew was to his fool-
try lo trap him Into an ex-
of lunacy, so that we could
make out a case.
II sounded good to me. was sorry
for grandpa, because I d the
gentleman, but it right that
we should lose our inheritance Just
Ur. because a designing minx had taken
advantage bis w. And so I
took ll hard alien said to me, on
the way
Jane, you're as bad a the worst
We had quite a quarrel, but brought
Fred round to reason by asking how
Johnny was to go to college. He hadn't
thought of know men
Will, we all assembled at the
to meet grandpa. felt it was
to do that; besides, we want-
ed to ace the minx.
creature is sure lo have
red says Sarah to me; she had
got to ho quite friendly since our
scheme for grandpa's benefit.
The train puffed Into the station, and
you can we all aflutter
with expectation. And there wasn't
e y red haired minx on the train. In
fuel, we couldn't grandpa either
for a long time, until a silvery haired
of about seventy years assisted
him out of his carriage. And then
grandpa saw us and up a whoop.
are my dear nephews and
nieces. be I
been telling you about Whoop It up.
and boys, I'm as fit a two-
year-old. except for this foot
of mine. All com to
And, would you believe it, this was
landlady's daughter. You see. we
had somehow not thought that grand-
pa's adventures at Atlantic City bad
nearly fifty years before. And
her hair was reddish under the sliver
after all.
It appeared that she had Inherited
the hot-1 and had made a fortune
of It
as my wife Is richer than I,
not ray will, which divides
property equally among my dear
grandpa if they
up to her. grandma win
L take them her relations,
And he looked at us with such a
sneer Hut of course he
that for J
W. O. j
In Superior Court.
i; for A. T. Moore, Clerk,
of the
estate of T. U Williams, d
Williams, Widow,
J. M Williams, L ii. i
wife Willis Du-
Wife Q. H.
and wife Ron.
Williams and Leila William,
being minors without guardian.
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
of County made by A.
T. Moore. Clerk, in the above entitled
cause, on the 4th day of November,
1914, undersigned Commissioner
will on MONDAY, the 7th, day of De-
o'clock noon, ex-
pose lo public before the Court
House Door In Greenville, to the high-
est r for cash, the following
tract, or parcel of land to
and being in Falkland Town-
ship, Pitt County. North Carolina and
Hill and Road in Falkland
Township, County and running
up Snow Hill Road to a
bridge across a ditch to IS. F. Will-
corner; then up said ditch B
ti K poles to another ditch E. V
William, other corner; thence up the
ditch about poles to T.
Williams comer; thence with said
Williams line F. pole, to the
Greenville Road; thence up said road
to the beginning including dwell-
in.- and Other houses thereon, con-
acres more or
Also one oilier parcel or tract
land III said Township. County and
state beginning on the public road
beginning at the Fork of the Snow
leading from Snow Hill to Tarboro
and east of Otter's Creek and fork of
the Old Mill Run running with
said road S W S
s w poles; then S 1-- W
poles; then 1-2 W poles lo a
stake Mrs. H. P. corner-
then N 1-- W poles lo Old
Mill then down the various
courses of said Mill Run to the mouth;
then down Otter's Creek to the County
Bridge on Hie Tarboro Road; then
down said Road to beginning con-
acres more or less. The
tracts above described
lot No. ill the Division of
lands of the late F.
This sale will be made for the
pose of making assets of the estate of
T L Williams, deceased.
This day of November,
1- c. HARDING,
By virtue of authority of an order
the clerk of the Superior
Court, approved by the Judge of the
5th Judicial District, I will Mil to th
bidder for one-fourth cash
lite remainder payable in one, two and
three year, from date, with Interest,
at the Court House door, at o'clock
noon, on Monday, the Si day of
December, 1914, the following
tract of land;
Being Herbert
or lot No. In the Guilford
land division, found in Book No.
Page Record of Land Division, of-
Clerk Court.
Beginning a on the public
road and runs to Patience heir.
line North poles to a
slake; thence North Seal
to s thence South
poles to a large South
Has, poles to the head of a ditch;
thence said ditch lo the road;
thence with said road to beginning
containing sixteen acre, more or
This the day of November,
By virtue of a power of sale
in a certain Mortgage
executed and delivered by Bill
to Tuning Brothers, dated the
26th, day October. 1918, and duly
recorded In the Registers Office In
County, In Hook Q page
and also by virtue of a of sale
In a certain Mortgage
Heed executed and delivered by
Patrick to Turnage Brother, dated the
day of April, and recorded
In the Register's Office In County
in BOOk F. page the under-
will on Monday, the Till day
of December, 1914 expose to public
sale before the court house door In
to the highest bidder for
cash the following described tract or
parcel of land, lo wit;
tract land in Beaver
Township, beginning at n stake on
the old plank road. dividing line
between Amos Blount and Pa-
trick and runs N K pole, to J
a pine stump, thence
N 1-2 E 1-- poles to a
thence N B poles to B corner
pine, theme N E poles to U
stake, then N F. poles to a
in old Nicholas line. Thence S
W SOU to a stake, the dividing
corner, thence S 1-2 W poles.
n straight to the beginning. Be-
the same land conveyed by
Mount and wile to Silas Patrick dale
of August 80th 1905, a. will appear
of record In Hook P s. of Pill
Norfolk Southern
Schedule in October Ill.
N. schedule figures j
are sot guaranteed.
a. m. daily,
Pullman sleeping car for
a. m only, for Plymouth.
i--a City and
Parlor Car Service to
Norfolk. Connects for all points
and West
i, . daily, Except Sunday for
a m. dally tor Wilson, Raleigh
and West. Oar
and West
u. as. daily. Except Sunday, for
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects for
p. as- daily fer Raleigh and all
Bar further and
Sleeping Care, J
L Hassell, Agent. N. C.
ti. S.
Five and
the Fire
color pale red, with some
white, about, one and two years old.
Older one has ear mark, m
each ear. Owner can get same by
paying all costs. R. K. Willoughby
Greenville, N. C. Route .
ll i; ltd
Ne. While the Raster is
in war we are lucky t
received all of Imported balk
from Frame anal Hyacinth,
Tulips, and in great rarities.
Place your order early.
Choice Cut I for .
No. Roses, Carnations,
and Chrysanthemum,
flowers. Our art in wedding arrange-
is of the latest touch.
finer in Floral Offerings funeral
Tot Plants i.
No. Palms. Norfolk Pine
many ether choice for
house culture. Rose bashes, ever
greens, trees, and
hedge plants.
Mail, telegraph telephone order.;
promptly executed by J. I
Ce. Raleigh, N. .
Green House
Wow Cold as the dickens
Why do you put up with such a nuisance
You don't have to- if you furnish your house
with a
Cole's Original
Hot Blast Heater
build only one fire each winter,
ll is never out from Fall till Spring.
You gel up dress in rooms
warmed with the fuel put in the night
This is not possible with other stoves
Burns anything- coal, hard coal
or wood.
Come in and see tin- great fire keeper
and fuel saver.
e on
without . .;.
See the
Quinn, Miller
This is made to satisfy
term of said Mortgage Deed.
Tuts the day of November
n ;,
Touring Cars F. B. Detroit
F. L Detroit.
We have several hand Ford and
Cars, almost as good as new, for sale cheap.
Ford Supply Co.
Greenville, N. C.
J. t.
treat all animals. Calls
or night. at S
. Smith's stables with hospital
vice. Day phone night
limited to diseases of the
I Threat
The. Hating et
with r. B. L.
ill. N. C. Monday.
Rose N. C
Dr. II W Carter that
and aye glasses an furnish-
ed free all pay hie regular
fee of fa dollars fer the examination
of their eyes.
Corner and Streets
made Roth Dag
Sand u Tear
Strawberry Plants
Plant now, N lints per
Cut Flowers funeral design.
short notice. Orders taken for Shade
Tree, Crape Vines,
and Narcissus
to Shippers and
Freight in North Carolina,
Headstones or
The new freight rates, both local
and made effective by the laws
North Carolina, October 13th, 1914
are file with all agents of this
Agents will furnish upon
full information to these rates.
Asst. F.
B D.
Member el
Material tarried
Fine Piano
Regulating, Re-
. .
Greenville. N. C, Last Week
As previously announced, the Company is buying a
bale of cotton at cents a pound for each direct and sub-dealer in
Overland Cars in the cotton states, and another bale for each car sold
by any dealer and paid for within days from Sept. 16th.
In addition to this I will personally buy another bale at cents for
each car sold in the Greenville territory and paid for within the time
Buy an Overland Car, and in this way help the farmers relieve the
depressed price of cotton, and at same time help yourself by get-
ting the best Car for the money
Four Cylinder Touring Four Cylinder Touring.
Four Cylinder Roadster Four Cylinder Roadster
Seven Passenger Six Cylinder
Largest stock of parts ever carried in North
W. H. Jr.
Greenville, N. C.
State Distributor.

A of acres in good location. Kith Rail Road
Siding on place;
Three hone crop two tenant
Pack house two tobacco
Good tobacco cotton and peanut land.
Apply to
Real Estate Agents.
We Hate War But
Love The Warrior
T. IV.
i it area
Father, Son and
With the stroke of
massed the Pit
Court Friday, November
I joined in song of
i i praise 11- i
the monument erected
or Tin County lo the
memory of the courage, the and
or put County men were
. proper Is
PM C ml t
. by two
Allen a
. . called, Mr.-. Clemmie Allen
Bearer Dam township, years of
. . only living woman in
. .; v who sent son to
army stood with
. r son of Bryan
. an the grandson of General
; m i, Major General of the
Army. These two, re-
presenting four generations held
r i- with which the fell was
by the bronze a bill was presented and passed
i soldier. At th authorizing the Board of County Com-
ti cords tightened and veil of Pitt County to
II and from the thousands of gather-1 sum of from tin
Cooper stands v
feel Beneath the capstone, on
b there is engraved the
l monogram is a bronze replica of
great seal of Confederacy, in-
laid. The in tinted
b bronze U i.
private r standing at parade
rest, The face the spire carries
engraved Confederate flag.
The south of the monument
tarries the inscription
ate on the north side
the words, n the
front is tins inscription.
Heroes of
not lo reason
but to do and
The side carries rip-
lion, by people Pitt
County in grateful
courage fortitude of her Cos-
Raising I be Money.
For a r i i mi
Chapter, Daughters
Confederacy have longed for
i ; i lion of i mi to the
of Ho- men gave their hearts and
pi of South n
the dark of the War
States From time to time these
devoted women would a little
money and it against
i . Master at
minutes after was a ten-
hash over e
Bl of Carolina
Teachers Training
j the . of Phi
County people, from i I
r of i
Camp, Con rat
Veterans and the Chapter,
Daughters i Cot i y com
Mr. Jarvis in the asset I
to r. remind I the
in la Europe
and called upon human be-
to lift up b art
God in sat his
upon ibis nation pi
and plenty. C, M. Rock was
; and
. ed i
upon people
In bi half of the Hi t a
. ; Pitt i Hon.
Harding In language
r the i rat.
Soldier and the cons at and loyalty
rate In this ad-
Mr Harding, pros i th
lo called at-
lo ii. in i la gift ;
a lilting memorial val r of
rate I
fashioned and i token
love and devotion
of i i -y.
Col. Board i
County accepted tin
gift and trust for of
County. The paid
tribute in the of the
Always happy ill of
subject matter d address and
always eloquent Id kiss delivery, Locke
i Governor of Carolina was
the guests of v a
. r 1914 the guest
ii members of u B. Sing-
chapter, of the Con-
For an . n great gather-
listened lo the address
of Governor ii an
occasion a ever to be re-
membered by Pitt people.
Expressive of gratification
being invited to and after
being presented t b audience
Master of Hon
governor Craig
went at the heart bis theme
the sinking one fun most
impressive to mind is
universality of law
i bang, able law. log is destroyed.
Nothing is lost. leaf falling o
Today la In
the midst
when their desire should be ground in day and
At session of the state
visitors came the words of praise
in behalf of the r of the
President Wright of the
Carolina Teachers Training
lo M I Mien a
l r lull
Hiding . of the i
ground . the south .
i of
granite is the
man and i h
at me tells I
story It lives, t
. ii h arts a and
I is men, who more
years ago left their firesides and
heir families to strive for those
a ii them seemed to be
I-. . love and or h i
betokens, men
. ii age and of faith I their
own country, South and
ii were willing lo If
be. This generation, looking back
v i- the monument to the memory
,. hi Ir i me an i
he County Mi i was the
work of a North Carolina
Coopers of Raleigh light
work given unto
a lo do. Designed by Mr. a
funds toward the erection of a
suitable monument when people
the county had raised a
sum. Immediately after passage
Mils act Daughters of
at the
j the assistance Mr. E. It.
Rail a campaign of
was and the entire .
Program For The Pay.
i program for is
A was
A-- to order by lb.
Master Ceremonies, Hon. Thomas
Jordan Jarvis,
Prayer, by Rev. C M Rock.
Music by the band.
Monument presented Present-
address on behalf of
of the Confederacy,
Chapter, by Hon. V C. Harding,
The Monument i i th
Board of Commissioners i
County, address by Col, F. t;.
Music by band
His Excellent, Locke
Governor of North Carolina,
Music by the band,
The Monument
Singing of the I
Hon. Thomas Jordan Jarvis
there neat simply
changes form U may produce
another form of higher
law i.- ID the physical
world it is also universal In
moral life. Is no heroism
lost. No sacrifice b lost. None is in
Why v. Why
honor all other men
do not We hate
hi III It.
terrible, war. Those
miles across the sea are
This treat nation, the American poops
should be grateful there sits at
the midst of an horrible bloodshed
the bead of this, the public
on a mi baa the
the manhood, the character to say
that he is determined that tins republic
shall remain Bl
Everybody lores s soldier. But
hates war, When General
Grant stood In Berlin sod viewed the
ii as they
filed in front of the reviewing stand
of strong, masterful
German turned and
ed into the face of the American n-
i expecting some word
. and quietly, Cram an
inquiring glance. Then
words of spoken reply
Sin. i Grant had fell
glory of war. He had stood In
forefront of
bad heard the of a multitude.
but with the memory of II all, be said.
Sire, i .
We hate war. but we love the sold-
Why The reason is
parent. The gives to tin
manifestation of the highest
manhood. War brings us in
with men who fight, are willing to
fight, to live, to die, for the conviction.
This can never be destroyed. This
is more enduring that bronze or
tower. This spirit is what men
love, will ever love and ought lo love
The county of Pitt and the people
i North Carolina can do no greater
to themselves, can do no great-
. r service lo the present generation
and ran leave no more valuable
age to the future than to perpetuate the
memory of the heroism of their sold-
Many of those valiant
passed over, but here in the County
of Pitt there lives one. whose voice
is as trumpet like today as was
fifty years ago and with the same
genuine courage be still stands for the
hist for his people. May Thomas
Jarvis live many years lo direct
and lead his people to larger, r
life Then again, there is present
re today, a woman, who sent to the
front in those dark days, a son. She
lives lo sec the cause lo which she
gave that son glorified and here today
she sees the veneration the people of
another generation have for her son
and the men who with him.
We are reminded of lime when
the heavens were cloud-blacken, d
from battle smoke. We see
marching past We hear the tramp
Of numerous hosts as they go to the
front. We see the mother, kneeling
v. the father. In his new uniform,
and together they weep over the cradle
of the new born infant. Then
goes and she
is proud of the courage, the character
of her husband.
The new era has come. The era Of
peace. We will never forget men
who made this era possible. The
men Who gave us peace. Heroism
men of conviction was never lost. The
times of world conflicts must come
If the South had proven recreant In
great day of trial W would have
been the disinherited heirs of an es-
and n out In sorrow and con-
because the South was
worthy of her trust I plead for the
promise given to law of
universal development. South cl 1.1
lay upon the altar her fairest son
The county of sent armies, fully
equipped and they went to the front
to live or to die. The following
They followed Captain offer
Captain, tine man deserves to be
mentioned, not simply upon ibis
it takes a man to stand in the face
the avalanche. It takes a man to
stand amid the wreck of matter and
the crash of worlds. When the boys
had already surrendered this man
ordered another charge
The life sacrificed for the
of tho South came from North Caro-
and that life saw light of
first in Pitt The last commando
in order a charge went from
i lo have been the
. the spirit of Pitt. The
of the Confederacy were never
surrendered they were destroyed
it, -i men of the the
bravest, unconquerable
the mi a of South.
Mere, today, iii the presence the
war, In the presence
mothers -i. i declare to you
that the vain., to the South of
was worth all it cost. de-
hire that you would not revoke the
Ice, It could for
who their lives, I believe they
would not r sacrifice.
ibis point in the address
Governor the rising breeze
. the folds of the vi which
covered the monument and gave the
throng the vision
bronze figure the Con-
federate soldier, standing at r
rest. H seemed that chance freak
i I the wind was a token and as if
i cure i the soldier was
statement of the speaker.
in a moment, Governor con-
Disaster, he said, dues not
always destroy. Floods, may come
Bros may burn, untimely
may dismay, all will come again
industry forever wails the power of
nature to renew and rebuild, but
the land cursed with cowardice in tie
matter of the protection of their home
is no rejuvenating spring.
We love the flag. Hag of
country and every Veteran lure today
would march to the end of the card
lo defend it to us Dixie has been
allowed by immortal love. You cam
home with no haired in your soul.
You came home With determination to
re-build build a greater
and new South. We are satisfied that
we are citizens of a great republic,
the greatest ever existed and her
glory is our glory. Ail hail to you
today. Men and women of Pitt all
hail to you. This day shall remind
future generations wherever
armies marched, taught, and fell there
were the men of Pitt. They were
front on the firing line.
Concluding his address, and about
to be seated. Governor Craig was
greeted by a pleasing short address
appreciation on part of Mrs
J who handed the Governor
a cluster of beautiful
The Veterans.
Immediately following the exercises
the Confederate Veterans and their
wives were guests dinner, served
In the Court House by the members
of the George Chapter,
Daughters of the Confederacy.
Influence Was All Right. But Colored
Man Showed How There Might
Be Too Much of It.
Senator Simmons of North Carolina
served one term in the house of rep-
sway back in is-c, and
was tor n election. This is
b l secured a post
Office for James City, a solid black
town, got appropriation for a pub-
building Nev. In across
river, and . appropriation for a road
lo the national cemetery near by. A
was nominated against
us. bin early In campaign Sim-
mons went to James City and had a
big meeting. All the colored brethren
for him opponent
said nothing during the campaign.
. p until tho
election. Then hi
held a meet at this is what ho
Is all right. Ho
he went up to the White,
House and he
Cleveland. want
for a over at James
over to treasury
and git it, Pretty
Boon be goes up and
. land. for the road
to I ho national cemetery In my
right over to the treasury and git
it, He's got plenty
of influence, plenty, but lemma tell
you niggers such a things
too much influence. Some day
Simmons will go up to the
House and Cleve-
Cleveland, want all them
niggers down in my district put back
in and he'll do It. and then
you niggers be. I ask
That settled it
Va Virginia i Richmond-Nor-
W. W.
The standard
Tickets on sale for all trains
her 26th., and for trains scheduled to
arrive Richmond at or fore p.
m. November 26th, and for trains
scheduled lo arrive Norfolk by or be-
fore p. m. November 26th, All
tickets limited reach original starting
point later than midnight of Nov-
ember 27th, 1914,
Corresponding low rates from other
points. Apply to nearest Ticket
Agent, or write
Pass Mgr.
Gen. Pass. Agent
Wilmington. N. C
My son Anderson now II years
old having deserted me without cause,
all persons are hereby forbidden lo
shelter, feed or employ him under
penally of law.
This 18th day of November. 1914
Ayden, n. c.
ii ltd.
Writer Thought That He Had
Jones, But He Was Very Late to
In the Held.
Severn years ago I an essay
for the Atlantic Monthly on The Hun-
Worst a place Id
the list I selected a book In my
entitled Poems on Several
published in 1749, by one
Jones, a poet whose name was v
known to me till I his verse.
The pages wore so fresh that I
the belief that was the only
reader In n and a half. I had
pride of possession in Jones.
It was some time after that I come
across, In Walpole's letters, an allusion
to my esteemed poet. It seems that
Colley when he thought he was
dying, to the prime minister
bearer. Mr. Henry
Jones, for tho vacant laurel. Lord
Chesterfield will tell you more if
I was never more my
life than when I the
and ray friend Jones
of a demand for the reversion
to the laureateship.
It seemed that Walpole was equally
surprised, and when he met Lord
the eager question
Who is Jones, and why should be be
recommended for the position of poet
laureate Lord Chesterfield answered,
poet would not take the
post and a worse ought not to bare
It appears that Jones was an
Irish bricklayer and had made It
custom to work a certain number of
hours according to an
rule lie would lay a layer of brick
then a lino of poetry, and
so on till his day's task was over.
This accounts for the marvelous even-
of his verso.
This was a small discovery but
It gave a. real pleasure for should I
meet my Chesterfield he and I
at once have a common Interest.
We both discovered Jones, and
quite M.
In the Atlantic.
Dog's Suicide After Re
What was apparently a
attempt at by an Airedale
was witnessed by a large number
of visitors at County Dublin.
The primal off the
pier of Into sea and
was sinking when some fishermen
When let it go the terrier made
a dash for the other pier, lamped into
the sea. sod was drowned.
ON account of the financial conditions that prevail we strongly the citizens of Greenville and the Farmers of Pitt
to repair from buying any class of merchandise except groceries; it is for your own good and protection that you keep what
cash you now have on the man or woman with the ready cash who is always prepared for emergencies and who can
ways take advantage of an where cash is inquired. So we earnestly urge every man woman and child in this county to
save every dollar possible so that they can take advantage of the wonderful buying chances at the Great Fall Clearing sale at B. J.
Pulley's Big Store which commences Thursday morning, Nov. 19th, and continues until Saturday Nov. 28th. Unheard of bargains
are to be offered in every line, every dollar you this mammoth sale will do double duty. Watch for the big handbills for
all particulars
Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
Stray lip. North
Taken up at farm, and County.
black spotted, male hog, weighing
about or M pounds, unmarked
Owner can get same by Identifying
him and paying all costs.
T. L.
N. C.
10-24 -ltd
In the Superior Court.
I. A. Randolph and E S
trading under the firm name of
Supply Company
Washington. D. C.
Richmond, V.
Charlotte N. C.
Charleston. W. V.
Char lo. ton. S. C.
Taken I i.
heifers one dark rod with
by paying all costs.
On Washington road,
Smith bridge and Hodges Creek.
Frank Lilly.
Notice of Summons and Warrant, of
The defendant In the above entitled
Pitt County. .
In Superior Court
Z T Hooker
W. L. F. Corey and wits
N. Corey.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
Court of Put made at lb-
October Term. 1914 of Pitt County
Superior Court by Honor R. B
Notice Is hereby given at the
regular meeting of Hoard of Com-
missioners of Pitt held Monday.
there was file
with said Hoard, asking that s
Public Road be laid out In
Township follows
at some point
Tar River and Creek on the
road running from the New Bridge ts
The defendant In the above entitled Washington road, and the
action will take notice that on the Peebles, Judge Presiding. In above n.
day of a summons In the said entitled cause, the undersigned Com , J
and white spots and e spot in will, on Monday, Mr
the with mark of crop h day of December 1914. at o'clock Hall now owned by Mr. Daves
right ear and split the left, the for Pi Count J North Caro It being the first Monday and ending at some point. the
light red with white acres, K -pose to public
shoulder unmarked, owner can get ft . at the r.
63-100 dollars, due on a note and for, to the highest bidder for cash. m ,,, b h a d a h
goods sold and delivered, which sum- the following described or par g
returnable to the December of land, I Monday. December and all
term of Pitt Superior Court, com-1 and , tearing to be heard are
on the 14th day of
held In the Court House, lo
Carolina, Greenville, In said State and county.
Pitt County. The defendant will also take notice
In the Superior Court, a warrant of attachment was is-
sued by said Clerk
NOTICE. Court, on the 29th
You Need a Tonic
There arc times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to take the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands weak,
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can cat most
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
Why You Should Always Use
Brand Flavoring Extracts
x. Because are than Pure rood
Laws require
Because they will go further than inferior
Because their delicacy of flavor i
Because Purity and Quality is absolute.
Because they are unreservedly guaranteed.
A k of
I i It's
bill the roil of
at all
a c,
M X, . Mala.
farm. Will tor or
N. C koala J
Clear aft r.
Baby's i L
,.,. i-. . L .--------.-
Pitt and Slate of North Carolina, an present on said date, done by
specifically described as order of the Board, 4th
Situated in of November 1914.
Township, County, bounded on B m
was la- j by f s F Worthing Hell. Clerk
of the on and Jam, ,. j -law
day of October James Nelson
i the West by the lands of James Nelson
1914, against the property of said de-and on the South
Lula Ayers
V. r. Ayers . . i ,,
The above defendant Will take which warrant is returnable by tract of land of W. L. F.
to the December term of the Superior
That a summons in the above en- Court for Pitt County, at the time and
titled action was issued against the place named for the return of th
defendant on the day of September, summons, above mentioned, when and
out of this court to Martin County where the defendant la required to
for divorce, which summons has appear and answer or demur to the
returned not to be found in Martin complaint, or the relief demanded will
and the defendant will take be granted,
notice that the complaint was field In This October 29th 1914
On Monday December 1914 at l
Corey and on the East by the lands j i. before the re
of Amy Hines, containing acres Greenville. N. C, The Hoard of Com
of Pitt County will rent r
more or less and being the tract of
land on which the said W. L. K
, Corey and wife now reside
Clerk of Superior Court.
said office of the Superior Court
the day of September, 1914, de-
a divorce absolute, upon
grounds stated therein, and he will
further take notice that he Is required
to answer or demur lo the said com-
plaint or relief therein demanded
will be granted.
This the 26th day of October, 1914.
m i surest method trailing in
, . . , oats, your loss la
Clerk of Superior
drain Privilege.
and calls are safest and
Second Tract; Situated in
Township, Pitt County on the Baal
side of Fork Swamp, adjoining th.-
lands of Josephus and others
lease to the highest bidder for the
year 1916. the following tract of land
to-wit A certain tract or parcel
land being and lying in Greenville
Township and on the North Side of
Tar River about one mile from
lands of and on , of ,,
containing acres more or less and, . u,
being the land deeded by Farrow
Cannady to Providence Cooper
Cannon Mills and by them conveyed to
vine and Bethel road and on
North side of the Greenville and Tar-
road, adjoining the lands of
Notice is hereby given that W. H
merchant of Greenville, N. C
has this day executed a Deed of , .
Assignment for benefit of creditors
sons indebted to said W. H. Kicks
are hereby requested to make
mediate payment to the undersigned
e and all persons holding claims
against the said W II. Ricks are bore
by requested to tile an Itemized,
statement of such claims with
undersigned Trustee.
This the 24th. day of October, 1914.
W. A. Jr., Trustee
In lid
absolutely limited to the
bought. No further risk.
Positively the most profitable way
or trading.
Open an account, can buy in
puts or calls on bushels
or can buy both
Cannon Mills and by warn ,,, Randolph Bros, J.
Samuel Gray to W. L F. Corey, by j and part ,
Deed which la of record in the, Regis f
tor. Office in Pitt County in Rook more or Abo
I of said land Is cleared and
Third Tract in a good state of cultivation, there l
Township. Pitt County, in James Po- a good dwelling house, barn and stab
containing acres more or and three tobacco barns on
less and being the same land granted land, also an overflowing well of
to the said W. L F. Corey by the good water. The A. C. L. ad
State of North Carolina by Grant joins It and it has a spur track ad
which is of record in the office of the Joining said land, much to the con
. . .
for or as many more as you wish
An advance or decline of cent gives i
Teel. Jr. and all per- i
A movement of cents profit.
Write for full particulars and bank
H. IV.
I i Ohio.
Register of Deeds of Pitt
Book Y page
Tract- Situated in
Creek Township. Pitt County adjoin-
the lands of Nashville Wilson, W
I Bland. R. II. and
Bland, containing more or less.
Fifth Situated in Swift
Address all mall to 1420.
Creek Township. Pill County on both
sides of the Washington Read adjoin-
the tract last above mentioned and ad j
joining the lands of R. Mar
wood Cox others, containing
acres more or less
of the same. The
renting will be required to furnish
for the rent. The Board re
serves the right to reject any or all
bids. Further information can be had
i, any member of the Hoard, Bras
Bell, or Julius Brown. Done by
order of the Board
This 4th day of November 1914
County Attorney.
These lands will be an I
sold in lots of or acres pin's
Pill County.
b Bask W all
i, ha t-ad Writ, far
I. by the best the United
on Faro, get price
of the purest lime. Don't bay sand,
etc. A postal will give
May Escape Tax.
Providence, B. L, Nov.
i aldermen meet tomorrow night
they will decide whether former Unit-
States Senator Nelson W. Aldric l
owes for taxes In Providence,
or whether his contention that he was to suit the purchasers
Lot B resilience at the time the tax; This the 2nd day of
was assessed, Is valid. The assessors j C. c.
In Superior Court claimed taxes on 11.000.000. of ,
Before A. T. Moore. Clerk, property, but the city HARDING Attorney.,.
E. Williams unanimously voted to remit the lax.
Administratrix of the estate
of E. P, Williams
Court of County made by A
Williams and Leila Williams,
minors and heirs at law of F.
Williams, deceased.
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
T. Moore, Clerk, on the 5th. day of
November. 1914, the undersigned Com-
missioner will on MONDAY, the 7th.
day of December, 1914, expose to pub-
sale before the Court House Door
In Greenville, to the highest bidder for.
cash, the following described tracts
or parcels of land, to
and being In Falkland Town-
ship, Pitt County, North Carolina and
being Lot No. in the Division the
H. P. Williams land and beginning at
a slake in the Snow Hill Road rear,
the crossing of Pasture Branch and
running with said road N E
poles; then N 1-2 E poles; then
N E 1-2 poles to a bridge
a ditch; with said ditch S W
poles to a sweet gum, T. U B.
F. Williams corner; S E M
poles to a stake, the Jordan line; then
N 1-2 E poles to a stake; then
S 1-S W to a white oak; then N
E poles to the beginning con-
Mining 1-2 more or leas.
Also one other tract In said Town-
ship, County and State beginning at
stake Emma J. corner and
rails S 3-4 W to a poplar
in a prong of Jacob's Branch; then
down the run of Jacob's Branch to a
stake, corner of W. R. Williams
then with his line N 3-4 E poles
to a stake at Emma J.
then 1-2 B to the
beginning containing acres more
or The two constituting
Lot No. In the of the H P.
Williams land, which was allotted to
B. F. Williams by Division Deed dated
the 14th. day of June. 1907, as
pears of record in the Register's Of-
in County, in book T page
This sale is made for the purpose
of making assets of tho estate of R
F. deceased.
This 5th day of November, 1814.
HARDING Attorneys.
Honey and
Croup scares you. The loud hoarse
croup cough, choking and gasping
for breath, labored breathing, call for
. , Honey and Tar Compound
will master the croup. It cuts the
immediate relief. The very dose,
thick mucus, clears the phlegm
opens up and eases air pass-
ages. Sold by all druggists.
have Patent
They cross under the
horse's body and hold the
blanket firmly in place.;
Burlap Blanket
On, of
and Harness.
We Are In The
Cook Stoves, Heating
Stoves and Ranges
Buggy Robes, Horse Blank-
Shot Guns, Pistols, and
V-Crimp, Galvanized and Rubber Rooting
Greenville, N. C.

For Ten
. Only.
Worth of Goods to Sold at Prices
In r to reduce ck d clear cut lines that we will not handle in the future. Cost and regular prices forgotten in this
of prices for this Mammoth Fall Clearing Sale. Our cf ard shoes, and slip-
a full Dry Goods, Dress Goods, and Silks, Cloaks, Skirts and Suits, Millinery, Ladies and Underwear,
Mens and Boys Underwear, Socks, Shirts, Pants, Blankets, Suit Casts, Club Etc.
Thursday, Nov. 19th to
. i .
Read The List Some of The the List When You Visit the Store.
Ex Brand-all wool, Regular .
Essex wool, Regular i value for .
Clifton Mills, Regular value for .
Clifton Regular BOo value for .
Clifton Regular value for .
wool, Regular value for .
Clifton Mill and Regular 11.00 value for
Clifton Mills and Regular tOo value for We
for .
Regular sellers for .
Regular sellers for.
Regular for .
for .
. S
ladies, i i gad I aid Arrow
Regular value for Regular value for lie pair
Silk Hosiery Silk, Regular Me. value for .
Silk Hosiery Silk, Regular value for .
Silk Hosiery Silk, Regular value for .
Silk Hosiery Silk, Regular value for .
Hosiery Silk, value for .
Regular value for .
for .
Regular for . Ia
Regular I value .
Regular f 11.10 for.
and Regular M
values for .
Regular for. We
Regular K .
Regular -I
SOc. -7
1-t Per Tare
la Per
Regular prices your choice . Ma
Just received frost lurk all latest be
tee no appreciated
Red Fox Pillow Muff, Regular I M for .
Red Fox Neck Piece, Regular price for .
Hare Pillow Muff, Regular for .
Black Hare Neck Piece. Regular price. for . IS-Mi
French Lynx Pillow Muff, Regular Price for .,. 17.79
Near Seal Neck Piece, Regular price for .
Trench Pillow Muff, Regular price for . Ml
French Neck Regular price for .
Tiger Muff, Regular price for .
Tiger Neck Piece, Regular price for .
fail aspect these velars. See the la Natural
Made in coat style, pockets, buttons In Black and nil
colors, all sites . Tr, De and
Colors, and all sixes
Regular price sale price . e
Mercerized Silk, Regular and for .
your friends u chance save sums Tell them about this
and the wonderful bargains.
MENS Kl lilt I S
Regular value for
Regular value for
Regular value for
Regular for .
Hi values for .
Regular values for . Me
la Beer Skis, Plash,
value for
Regular value
Regular value for
Regular IS so value
Regular value Tie
Regular Ma
Regular value for
Regular value for
Regular value for
Regular value for
Ike we ere during this big isle ere regular
feeds advertised breads and manufacturer of food reputations.
He have not added our stock any cheap shoddy goods question.
able la order to enable us offer bargains. We are fit-
Inf bargains class foods which compote our regular stock.
Newest Patterns Designs
Regular value
Regular value for.
Regular value for
Regular value
H for
Regular value for .
Regular H value for.
Regular value for .
Regular value for.
Regular value for .
Regular value for . Me
Regular value for .
Mo value
Me value for . Mi
for .
Sixes Latest Shape
Regular value for. ear a
N. T.
value, Sale Price.
Regular and per yard lie
Regular value for
MO Greta, An Size
be value fer . I 1-1
lie for.
value . lie
M value for. lie
lie. lie, and lie per
ill -Ilk
Select Pro-
Regular value for .
Regular value for .
Regular value for .
Regular value for-----
Regular value for .
Regular value for .
j President, Regular value for Me
Regular value for II-
, Napoleon, Regular value for .
Jefferson. Regular value for. He
Tear dollars do doable duly
this big
Regular value per pair for . Te
Regular value per pair for . He
Regular value per pair for .
Regular value per pair for .
I Regular
Latest Styles
value for
value for .
for .
value for .
value for
value for
value for .
Regular value for .
I for . lie
A large assort-eat of
Regular lie yd value
Regular per yd value for . I
Regular per yd value for .
Regular per yd value for .
Regular and value for and
Regular value Me
Regular value
Regular value
Regular 2.60 value
Regular value KM
Regular value Jr
la store Is marked
figures and at
Telephone orders not
vet these yon must come
end for the-.
We will wait on country merchant every night between and I o'clock
and sell good at advertised price. Terms cash and no whet-
ever on sale prices.
Ultra Brand
Regular per pr value for .,
Regular per pr value for .
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Please Remember the terms
of the Sale are CASH.
fit eat ea
all in a splendid assortment of patterns
Regular fer .
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for .
N. c, FRIDAY November
Justice Bows Her Head
Weeps In Very Shame
Statements From the
Bench to Jury in the
presenting the defense.
The second trial of ease opened
last Thursday morning and the case
went to the Jury Saturday evening
o'clock. This trial did not 00-
i much time, for the reason that
much testimony Introduced was not
under certain rulings of the
Judge on the. bench at this term.
of Legal Talent.
Possibly there was never a
array of talent in a
criminal case In this State -certainly
never in Pitt County. The suite la
represented by Solicitor
II. s. Ward, Harding and Pierce, W.
justice the crowning purpose of R . Dunn. the
Civilized and attorney. Harry
Peebles Jury
They Agree This Afternoon They
Hill he To Pay
Their Own
American Troops How on
Way Home From
Vera Cruz
Governor Thomas J. Ex-Go
William K.
and Son, Brown, W, II.
Long, Outlaw, v. M. I.
I. Moore, and Judge Manning.
The defendants attorneys included
two i . , cat state
i x-mayor of the
bows her head and weeps in very
In Pitt County.
With a ease on trial, the Jury
suable to agree, the people who
beard the trial its very beginning
and who have, because that trial,
felt ii and by
of the apparent fact that a faro . county
being enacted, there la In or u . .
today, among those ,.
with the facts t r. all Ian
that . r. .,,,
d peculiar at-1
Solicitor Abernathy r- in
, i a Ii h he received
in open court, when Solicitor Ah
rose to address the Court, III
bis official capacity as the attorney
for the stale, the is shock-
ed and shamed with the
rebuke Sit opinion ha
been requested.
Hut was merely one of the In
of the trial.
This morning, the Jury, after being
enable to agree on a verdict was
told In open court, by the Judge on
the bench, that unless they agreed
upon a verdict before o'clock this
afternoon, they would be heN, at their
cost for board and lodging
a verdict was rendered,
though it took them until the last day
the year 1914.
Quietly, for there was the fear
the august presence upon every man,
did the people from the court home
and across the yard. Then, out m
tho open, men again, they stopped in
and discussed the Incident--
What it all mean Is the Judge
striving to coerce the Jury The
has been heard many times to-
Inserting His
Standing before the Judge
Is the Jury of twelve men, they
were sworn to hear the testimony In
the case and on their oath to bring
In a verdict. Since Saturday
those twelve men have had the
ease, they have considered It In the
light of the evidence
to come before them. They have not
upon a
They are ordered to state they
Individually but
Then they hear this
from the don't think
ought to be a mistrial. This
ease ought not be tried again. If
a small minority Is for conviction
they ought to yield. If a small minor
Is for acquittal, they ought no;
to That is my view about It.
Justice weeps again
This case is that of the State
against S. M. Pollard, charged
killing Chief of Smith at Farm
in January Headers
The Reflector are familiar with the
facts shooting and the former
trial of Mi Pollard reuniting in
I and sen
t, of five years in the
Jed to
Court and Pollard was given a no v
trial based upon the
of certain objected
lo at trial the all r
from Judge which
i n this t thO
court criminal cases would be taken
up trial in order in which
were docketed with the exception of
jail cases and submissions. The I
o the State against Pollard was No.
on the docket and the county Jail
had prisoners for trial.
Of The Beginnings.
Early in the week Solicitor
asked the Judge if it would be
to take up the Pollard case
Pollard being out on bond and was in-
that the case would be taken
up in Its turn. Last Wednesday even-
after reaching the end of the
Jail cases, there remained a
case, with tho defendant in Jail
and Solicitor Abernathy announced
his Intention to ask for a verdict at
murder in the first degree.
Immediately, Judge Peebles ordered
the case continued until January,
tho defendant In Jail and announced
the next case to be the case against
S. M. Pollard. Attorneys for the
filed a motion at once for
a continuance, accompanied by
davits establishing the absence of two
Important witnesses, both being men
who were present at the scene of the
killing. The motion was denied and
the case ordered to trial.
Change of Venue Refused.
Tho next move was the filing of an
on the part of the State ask-
for a change of venue or
a special from another county.
This motion was based on the facts,
that the prominence of the defendant,
the. political standing of attorneys
the defense and tho former trial of
the case with the publication the
testimony, would operate against u
fair trial In this county. The
was denied. The special
another county was refused. The
then asked for a Special I
this county to try the ease and this
was also refused.
The Trial
Thursday morning the case t.
trial. The State was A to
traduce the testimony t the
trial by the witness lb
at this time the two witnesses who o
basis of the
i for a
Attorneys tor at tin
opening of the case admitted the
lug with a deadly weapon and I
on Page
Vera Cruz. Nov. American
forces of occupation evacuated Vera
Cruz today alter having been in
session of the city for seven months
The Withdrawal of the Americans
greased without disorder. At
clock they commenced going on the
waiting transports, and by half
one they were practically all on board.
As the Americans withdrew
can took possession
of the city. There little
little and no trouble
of any kind.
Washington, Nov.
troops, alter Vera Crux
last April, the city and sail-
ed for borne today. Officials here ex-
tomorrow Will see the Mexican
flag floating again over the ancient
fortress of Juan and the
troopers well on their way homeward.
patches early today from Major
General said bis furthered
outposts had been withdrawn at
o'clock; at ten troops
railroads the approaches to tho c ;
were withdrawn and at eleven the em-
was on in earnest.
General sailed tor Calve
ton noon. He reported i-
is troops under Gent u
en r. taking possession of city.
Occupation of the Mexican pent
reprisal for insult to ting
has cost the United
more than a score of lives, some III
battle and some from disease, and. ac-
cording to some estimates, as
ten million dollars. But Mexico
will be to pay no Indemnity.
Administration officials want
fact to stand out as an added
of the disinterested of
United States for her southern neigh-
General established his
headquarters on board tho transport
Cristobal at an early hour this morn-
and all the organizations of Us
command began at daylight tho work
of moving out their equipment
to final evacuation. Every
thing progressed smoothly and In ac-
with previous arrangement.
Ministers are Sent u to
During the
Coming Year
Comparatively Changes Here
I Year Been
Successful, Ken
lime Added.
Leo frank Denied a Hew
by Justice Lamar
in Supreme Court
Washington. Nov. -Justice
today refused to issue a writ of error
to bring to the Supreme Court,
review the conviction of M. Prank
for the murder of Mary a
girl, in Atlanta. Ga, III 1913.
Attorneys applied to Justice
for writ on the ground a right
under the Federal Constitution had
been denied when the
verdict was returned during his ab
from the e room.
Horn Ale gander for
Frank, stated he was unable tee say
whether the application for the
he presented to other or
in,; until had consulted with his
ladies Assisting Ii
till Nations
m m phi. for
Washington, Nov. final
Hi Conference was held here
today was taken up mainly with
the announcements of tho appoint-
of the different members of the
Several made reports
bi i the report of
committee on Sabbath observance
. r better Sabbath observance.
A law pro rid for r
co Of tho was advocated.
and congratulated the church on the
work of the Methodist Orphanage.
The Hoard of Missions reported.
They urged greater zeal and effort
of the board to be held at
January 15-16. Also a country
church conference to be held
College. The report showed a
financial year, the mm
for foreign missions being and
home and conference missions
Dr. R. C. was appoint-
ed to preach the next opening sermon,
Rev. K. H. Davis alternate.
The statistical reports were made
No of local preachers and members
preachers licensed during the
year, Infants baptized. adults
baptized, 2.826; Leagues,
members, Sunday schools,
officers and teachers, scholars,
contributed for missions, for-
home and conference,
church extension. for
American Society, support
of presiding elders,
bishops, number of
church buildings.
Indebtedness, pastoral
charges. parsonages.
Indebtedness. dis-
district parsonages, value,
Indebtedness, collect-
ed for all purposes,
Perhaps the most of all
L. J. A. Instructor In i addition on profession of
French, Joined the territorial troop. the largest number brought
his native town of Mans In past years.
I- ranee, and is In charge of the office tho adjournment of the N
at that depot of the French Conference Monday, tho
Dr. Alfred an assistant Instruct for year wire real
or In Harvard Medical School, Is at-; tor the Washington district are.
. . .- -11.1 . . . . J
New A n
lac k for
until he had consulted wan battlefields Is
Henry Peeples, who is In . ;,;. , ., , ,.
suburbs of the city. here by tremendous
Justice Lamar, In denying the
cation, explained bis action In written
i, formal opinion.
between all
and Pi who
Frank, i. announced no further
would be today Tie I
still have the choice of apply-
lie , C I. c.
the writ they sought on w
from or they may
as a whole when It hi art
motions . Mi
There were some Indications, how-
ever, that the st move In tho light
fir Frank's life might be directed to
obtain eh
Georgia or the .
Pardon Board,
Vet Hopeful.
Ga., Nov. still have
hope that the death sentence against
tile will not be declare ,
orders from the warning
. Ii. A m , u
retched Red Cross head-
quarters supply
absorb t a, bandages,
and ale, and
b Is In-
three weeks ago
. rat om there have tin,
. while wounded still
re ti Rod
Cross reports. Many deaths from
, an,
In i ii hospitals
necessities are like the
of kings Gauze and anti-
serum are very difficult
gel and cotton is
Many American manufacturers are
not exec ,
M. Frank In county Jail here
Four Teachers In War.
Cambridge, Mass. Nov.
members of the Harvard faculty and
five graduates of arc seeing
service In the War.
J. of tho depart-
of architecture Is In Paris as a
1-1 subject to call should Paris
be again endangered. He Is devoting
own fortune to Red Cross
Allard has rendered
as an Interpreter, and Is now station-
ed at In Hospital N
today, when told that Justice Lamar
in Washington had refused to grant a
writ of error to take his case before
the United States Supreme Court for
review. The prisoner declined to make
further comment.
Following receipt here of the news
of Justice Lamar's decision, Solicitor
General Horsey said he would take
steps st once to have Frank re-sen-
The State Supreme Court is expect-.-d
to hand down a Wednesday
and the solicitor general plans to
still unable to till huge orders. One
manufacturer estimated that more
than of bandages and
had been shipped to Russia.
Austria Germany and France
since the war began. One large or-
for surgical instruments has been
placed In New York by
No restrictions are made by the
Red Cross In making shipments Of
medial supplies as fast as they can
be purchased or donated. Great
of hospital clothing supplies and
surgical dressings are being receive,
Frank brought
county Superior Court next Friday
Saturday to have him re-sentenced and
the date set the third time for bis
the Fulton here from voluntary organizations
Mrs. Patroness.
New York. Nov. the benefit
o, lb. Dig Sisters, a ll.
women throughout the country. The
French line steamship company is
forwarding free of charge all dona-
of supplies for the allied soldiers
Still those in charge of the relief
work say nil this response constitutes
of which Mrs. William K.
is president, there will be
a dance tonight at the
Mrs. is one of the
Inched to the medical corps of th
Austrian Army.
Four expedition.
N. w York, Nov. Congo Ex-
sent out by the American Mu-
of Natural History In
with the Belgian Government has
completed Its four work In
according to advices receive
hi re Over was expended
the museum The collection gathered
consists of 5.000 specimens, exclusive
,. ;., I more
, pages of and many photon
Herbert Land who bad charge of the
will remain in Africa
Presiding L. Reed.
Aurora E.
Ayden Circuit Jr.
Bath Circuit Lewis.
Bethel Circuit H. K.
Elm City J. M- Ashby.
limit-Y. K. Wright.
John P.
Fremont Circuit J.
Greenville- J
v Daniel.
circuit w. P, Con
Circuit P. A.
III Circuit C. E Dur-
Nashville Circuit J. W. Autry
Rocky R
C. Craven.
South Rocky Mount J. C, Humble,
Stantonsburg Circuit -D, A. Cu-
Spring Hope Circuit W. T.
Swan Quarter- R. R. Grant.
I, Glass.
Vanceboro J
Washington E M. Snipes.
-If. Bradshaw,
Former Greenville pastors
assigned as
Fir- church F.
supplies for which the
Europe are appealing
hospitals of
k Elder Raleigh
i , Plyler
n B John.
Spring II M ore.
Weldon J a
The Sans Book Club wishes
to thank the people in Greenville-
who have contributed to their Obi
Campaign and also the people
out of Greenville who have so kindly
sent us packages by parcel post.
We shall continue collecting all
kind of white for you can I
from the above notice how badly It .
needed, look through your closet.-,
trunks, etc., and send us the White
goods for bandages
it does not how badly worn
It eel it on.
If you have do way to lend you
donation to tho lad named below, If
you will them they will tot that
it is called for.
v,. ,
to the K la Nevi
v., , i no ban I-
, ; It r in
Be old en n.

Eastern reflector, 20 November 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 20, 1914
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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