Eastern reflector, 13 February 1914

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-m- r i m
Imitators Take the Dust of
For Colds, Croup Pneumonia. Just rub it on.
Thousands t from who have used it. Money
back if not as
n in a number of cast agreeably
surprised by It always come up to expect ions of it.
Have Preparation a thorough test and ran pay it is. the best
preparation on mark, t for the relief of Pneumonia. Whooping Cough. Croup,
bold in the head and P. SMITH. M 1- Augusta, Ca.
All sell sizes, and
Concord C
I. C. Feb.
Doable appeals in the tap
line cases, in which the Commerce
Court derided against the Interstate
Commerce Commission, came up for
hearing in the supreme court of the
United States today. The govern-
hopes for an early decision in
Hie cases, owing to their importance
and the fact that they have been
dragging through the courts for
tap line eases involve tilt
rights and privileges of sawmill rail-
roads in the southwest particular-
Arkansas, Louisiana. Missouri an I
Texas, running back from trunk rail-
loads to lumber camps. The
at issue is whether such lines
be considered as common carriers
and be subject to the same
as to rates and other matters
as the regular railroads. The de-
of the lumber business In
various sections of the country is
said to depend in large measure up-
on the outcome of the litigation.
Hearings on Exchange Kill.
Public hearings on the Owen bill to
prohibit the use of the mails and
i and telegraph lines in fur-
of fraudulent and harmful
transactions on stock exchanges were
begun today before the senate bank-
ins committee. Representatives of
the New York Stock Exchange,
which the bill is aimed, have an-
their intention of appearing
before the committee to speak in op-
position to the measure. Delegations
from the grain in Chicago
Milwaukee. Minneapolis and other
cities also will be heard.
Counsel for Both and State
Called on the Governor Tues-
day. Made
On Tuesday of this week the
for Mr. S. M. Pollard and those
representing the state went to
to appear before Governor
to their wants known regard-
date for the trial of Mr. Pol-
lard for the murder of
Smith of on the night of
17th, last.
The l for defense asked
that the ease be continued on to the
April term court, while the state
r. mil -i d arty a trial us pot
it will be remembered that when
Mr. arraigned before
Judge is last week at the Jan-
term of criminal court then in
session, that the counsel on both
idea made practically the same
they did on Tuesday, and
after considering the case for a few
hours Judge Daniels stated that he
would recommend the week of Feb-
16th to the as a apt
term, to be used exclusively for
this trial.
When the arguments were
to Governor on Tues-
day, he informed the counsel In at-
that on account of the
lynching in Johnston county, ant
other matters that required his
mediate attention, he would
able to render any decision until the
following day. So on yesterday the
governor wrote the Pitt county
that he would allow the
week of civil court beginning March
to be convened into a criminal
term He said it was the first open
date he could give.
The case is one of the most
that county has ever had,
and there is no doubt but that the
largest crowd that has ever attend-
ed a criminal term of court in Pitt
county will be here to witness the
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take the
Cough and and work the Cold.
it refund money if it fails to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S on each baa,
lie Line.
North Bound South Bound
No. a. m. No. p. m
No. Tl p. m. No. p. l.
Norfolk Southern.
East Bound West Bound
No. a. m. No. a. m
No. a. m. No. a. u.
No. p. No. p. m
Lavas at First sight. Weds. Wife Dies
Leaving Him Fortune.
N. c, -Teaming.
many of the elements of the dime
novel is the story of the pant six
of the life of Gray,
this city. About six months ago
young who is about twenty- one
years old. was employed at messenger
by the Western Onion
Company. One he was dispatch
i with a to be d
Miss Lula Johnson, Lynchburg, Va
who was visiting In West Durham
j. Gray declares that the moment
I Is eves fell Johnson he
knew that it was a case of love
int sight. With the woman
it was apparently the same, for before
the messenger boy had left the house
they had arranged to be married, s
though they had never seen one
another prior to that moment. A
days later the young woman came t I
this city from her home in an auto-
mobile, called Mr. Gray up over the
and asked him to meet her.
which he did, and were married
After riding round for hours
In the machine Mrs. Gray bade her
husband keep the affair a secret, tell
that her people must not find
it out, and told him that she must
go back home, but would send for him
soon. From Mr. Gray heard
more from the young woman till
ho received a telegram five months
later stating that she wan dying, and I
hiding him come to Lynchburg
Since Mrs. Gray's death it has
that she was an heiress to
i DO, ti legacy of an uncle. Through
the will of the dead Mrs. Gray all her
property reverts to her husband, the
former messenger boy. Mr. Gray's
attorney there will be no
in collecting the legacy for his
Gray is the oldest son of
Mrs. Lucy Gray, of this city. They
have been living here for a number of
years, having come to this city from
Young Gray is at present
in tho employ of the and
Myers Tobacco Company.
Services at Red Oak Church.
There will be preaching at Re I
Oak Christian church next fourth
Sunday. Feb. 22nd, by Rev. Mr. Bush,
of Wilson. All members urged to
be present, and the public cordially
Girlhood Days of Melba.
Mme. school days were
in Melbourne, but her holidays
divided between different
try places belonging to her father.
She was particularly fond of
dale, a pretty Australian hamlet, and
she rode, drove, and
romped with an hilarious zest
bewildered the staid villagers. No
prank too wild, no mischief too
disconcerting for her.
remember the time I ever
went said Mine Mel ha re-
was furious to find there
no piano in the house, and re-
to comforted when
mother drew my attention to a
harmonium and a
with these, however, I wiled
away many an hour. It was the
Custom then for a clergyman to conic
along on Sundays and hold service at
principal homestead, and on one
our house was selected. The
worthy man preached a long, and
I thought, vary dull sermon. When
lie had finished he suggested a hymn,
and asked me to play. I agreed, but
I was so wearied by the discourse
when hymn time came, I play-
d with great vigor should
me dance the to the horror
of my mother and father, who sent
PIS to bed for the rest of the
Nellie's childhood was one
revolt against restraint Her
father and uncles were fond of
often sat for hours at the game
During one of these Nellie's
became quite exhausted.
Securing a pair of bellows, she stole
under the table and placing the in-
I in position, blew a mighty
blast Up the leg of her fathers
proceeding that speedily
the party
On occasion stole in-
to the Scots Church to play on the
organ. The verger, not knowing at
her presence, locked the door and
left her there. For several hours
she remained a prisoner.
I lightened and exhausted through
but a passerby
I her and r leased
the older residents of
are fond of recalling
i n spades In which she I
id one time in particular when
I the absence of the driver
I mounted the front seat of
omnibus and drove the vehicle
i streets at pat e sent
in all directions
Madame Melba and the
i Bohemian violinist are to
in Raleigh on February
Canadian labor unions are en-
to have the government
an old age pension system.
The railroads of the United States
employ 699.000 persons and have
an annual pay roll amounting to SI.
During February all locals of the
International Typographical Colon
will nominate candidates for inter-
national officers.
The organized bricklayers in
ton are now receiving a week
an increase of more than
s Over the scale paid in 1888.
Lathers in the northwest will meet
I i Seattle in March for the purpose
or a northwest district
council of wood, wire and metal
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up
the Whole System. For Grown People and Children.
You know what you toting when you take Grove's Tasteless Tonic
as the formula la printed on every label showing that it contains the well known
tonic of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter
tonic and is in Form. It hat no equal for Chills
Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing
Mothers Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging.
Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and
purifies Die blood. A True Tonic Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthens.
No family be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. SOB,
You are Invited to Attend Our Grand
Bethel, North Carolina
Saturday, February 7th, 1914,
A M We shall sell to the highest bidders those D All We shall hold a big sale tor Colored People
Beautiful City Lots on Main and Railroad I D. Whitehurst property located on the
Streets known as the Banting Property. These lots are just across the . . . , L L i- i j
i F. l a j- A. C. L. R. R. near county road has been sub-divided into
street the business section or town, and only a short distance from
the railroad station. Bethel's continued steady growth insure continued each jot be for the highest bid on terms
increase in real estate values. Ask the man who bought Bethel dirt
several years ago if he hasn't a good profit in his purchase. You will that will be extremely easy. This property is splendidly located and
have the same if you buy at our sale. This sale is open to White .
people only.
it is a golden for a place of you own.
Bethel, The tobacco Yes, that is right, you will have a good tobacco market next season. That means more for Bethel, and
increased values in land.
Meet us on the ground. See Mr. Sheppard our special representative and get a chance at those
Valuable Prizes FREE. Music will be furnished by our All Star Brass Bard. World famous Burton
Brothers, Auctioneers. Ladies invited. We sell. Rain or Shine.
Atlantic Coast Realty Company,
Greenville, North Carolina.
people in the eastern
part of north
and invite
who wish to get bet-
M Mill II St.
This City To Experience
Improved Postal Facilities
During The Present Year
Building to be Com-
Short of lime Specified
In Addition to Till-
informs That a
t lie Added.
It like tills is to lie a good
in the way of
postal facilities. Work i
going i well on build-
and the expect to
have it completed short of the time
specified. Everybody will be
this new building can be
for it will provide quarters
and for handling
business here to much better
Then there is the matter free
delivery of mall, that is coming about
the middle of the year. By virtue
the local receipts Green-
ville has been entitled to free mall
delivery now nearly three years. Ev
familiar with the
stances know that tho reason tin
baa not already been install-
ed was that the town failed to
the requirements the government
necessary for this, though former
Postmaster Flanagan frequently
ed the attention of the city official
to be called to their neglect in this
particular. When Mayor J. B.
look the head of the city government
la-st July, one of his resolutions
was that Greenville should be put
in condition for tho Installation
the service. He and Postmaster
who was also deeply in
in it. conferred together
about the work, and when it was
thought the town was in position to
moat the requirement of govern-
the matter was placed
before the department Here the
good work of Congressman John n.
Small in. for lie took the mutter
right to headquarters a month
ago an inspector was sent to Green-
ville to make investigation,
Last week Tie gave ex-
tracts from a letter Congressman
Small Mayor James, that the
Department bad approved the
able report of the inspector on Green-
ville, at the same time giving tie
Statement or the First Assistant Post
master General that as the funds
available for extensions during
current year were
exhausted, it would likely be July be-
fore the free delivery can be install-
The Reflector stated in the
article that the postmaster was at
work on some other Improved
ties for tho local service that it was
hoped could accomplished soon
and one of these also seems assured
for the beginning of the new
year July first. He been making
of the needs of a night clerk
the and the advantage
to the community that would come
through the opportunity of dispatch-
malls by the night trains, and
through assistance
man Small has presented the
of this to the Department. On
Tuesday the postmaster received let-
from both First Assistant
Postmaster General and Congressman
Small, expressing that this
can come July 1st The former let-
reference to your letter of
the 4th Instant, in which you
relative to the
for establishing night service at
office, you are informed that as this
change would involve an allowance
for an additional clerk, the Depart-
is unable to take favorable
ion in the matter owing to the
j limited number of clerical positions
available the current fiscal
year, it la suggested, however, that
vim bring the matter to tin- Depart-
attention about June 1st. next
With a view of effecting the
To get these things- the new
building, free delivery and night
during this year, will
be n gain for Greenville in
mall facilities. To have the nigh
clerk in the office will mean
h mailed after the last daily dis
patch at p. m. and there are nun-1
of such letters every night
instead of having to be held until
j nearly S o'clock next morning can
be dispatched by the night trains and
thus advanced from four to eight j
In other words mail for
Norfolk or Raleigh dropped In
could reach either city
an earlier hour than it now leave.;
Greenville. There wit; alSO he n
In time on the Incoming
mails on these night as
the present arrangement it re
mains in the baggage room at the
depot until o'clock, then has to be
work distributed before de-
livery to patrons, while
night clerk these malls
taken directly from the trains to the
office distributed at once, so
that patrons would find It In their
boxes early in morning as
might call. The change will effect n
great saving in time to the business
men. and carrying It Into effect the
first of July is looked forward to with
Training School Issues
tin For Spring and Sum-
Large Crowd
Is Expected
A bulletin outlining the spring and
summer terms has been by
the Bast Carolina Teachers Training
School and is being among
the teachers of North Carolina. Tins
courses follow the policy of the
hoot, offer courses of study
help the teacher actively engaged
ii. the work, as well as courses of
study to help the inexperienced to
The total hoard,
and all fees, which book
rent, for -e term is
for the spring term
A student taking a course for three
spring or mer gets credit
for a full years of work.
For the summer two academic
are offered. There are four
groups of professional courses which
are divided into sections so as to fit
the work to each student that
Each of the three terms of the one
year professional course is offered so
a student who has taken a spring
term can continue where she left
Many who teach short terms can get
the spring work.
A folder giving a detailed account
of the course in Educational
and Supervision will be Is-
in March. This course Is for
high school principals, county and
Awarded Building Co. r
fa I II
Greenville S. C.
Feb. in Miss
by Smith who is attending the E.
t. t. s. was home on n visit
day and Sunday.
Mr. c. c. Cobb and family, of Nor-
folk, is out to his borne,
Mr Loyd smith, was
In our tow n a while Monday.
There will services at the Chris-
church at Arthur next Saturday
14th. and also Sunday afternoon.
Judging from the plant beds in
vicinity the tobacco crop will be in
Mrs. C. H, and Mrs
Mills Smith attended services
Miss Winnie Brant, Mrs. Ague,
and Master Jack
the day at Mr. Ivy Smith's last Sun-
day, coming over from Ayden on a
Mrs. from Farm-
ville, was her
Mrs. A. A. Joyner. Sunday.
Any one wishing for a good
would do well to come to our
as It Is on a boom In every way.
Ills to Speak.
Mich., Feb. II
Arrangements have been completed
for the annual banquet of tho Lincoln
Republican Club here tomorrow night.
Senator Charles Townsend will he
and among the leading
will be Senator Wesley
Jones of Washington and ex-Con-
James E. Watson of In-
leaders in
k at h
Representative of BOO fade organ
with the embracing entire
would i and representing every line of in-
registered at the. New
lard Hotel today for the opening of
the second annual meeting of tho
National Chamber of Commerce. To-
day was devoted to preliminaries
of the gathering. regular pro-
gram of papers, addresses and
c will be taken up tomorrow
morning and continued over Friday.
The Sherman anti-trust law, with
particular reference to President
son's recent on corporate
and trust control, has been selected
the leading subject for discussion
at the meeting. Among the
speakers who are to he heard
or the are President Van Hi e
the University of Wisconsin, Prof
Harry u. of Columbia
versify, Louis i. of
ton, and P. Fish, former
of the American Telephone
and Telegraph Company
The question as to what constitutes
unreasonable restraint of trade, as
to whether holding companies
interlocking directorates should he
prohibited and as to how the Sher-
man law arc to be
In addition to the trust
the meeting will give attention to
the currency and Income tax
and the development of the foreign
trade of the States following
tho opening of the Panama canal
Charles A. of the Interstate
Commerce Commission will tell the
delegates of tho work Involved ill
caking a physical valuation of the
railroads Secretory Wilson of
tho Department of Is down
for an address the relations of
his to and coin-
Murk to I mi-
tract to be let in the car Pa-
tare let Nome Other
Yesterday being the day
ed for the opening of the bids for tho
erection of the Greenville Cotton
Mills in the southwestern part of tie
city, about a dozen contractors, In-
several from ether cities and
states were stationed near the offices
cf the company, to await the returns
their respective bids.
It the better part of the
day for th officials to go over the cs-
and at a late hour in
afternoon the Building Com-
of Greenville, S. was award-
ed the contract for the main build-
The price being in the neigh-
of thirty-five thousand
This leaves still another con-
tract to he let, that being for th
tenant and several other
buildings, a power plant and
tho machinery to equip the mill
throughout. We understand this will
hi done at as early date as
The contract of yesterday calls for
a building feet With an I.
Also a storage warehouse
feet, in addition to this then
is to in- a reservoir holding one
and fifty thousand gallons
Water, with a tank feet in the
air with the capacity of 50.000 gal-
Work is to begin at once and
Is to he completed by the latter part
of the summer.
Next Saturday will be t day mere
an o Interest In Greenville
and a large crowd i expected to b
re ii is the d iv for the n
monthly meetings the Para
Ion and also lie Ti a A. .
in addition to this it is the
date for a Farm, Institute, it i
also time for holding civil
for fourth-class ; I
asters and rural route carriers.
The its will prove
of interest to the public generally,
Lecturers from the department
of at Raleigh will hold
these institutes and discussions of
farm operations, crops, live stock.
ii household economies, home
conveniences health in the home,
etc., will into
Joyner, Was at
Business College
in mm
Young Joiner H Well known
Pitt Hill lake
Place afternoon
I These are all live topics and will
discussed by practical men and
men in a way.
At the afternoon session a
box will be opened and questions
answered ill a round table discussion
and it will he take B
k to this session.
A year's subscription to a woman's
be given to the woman
over years of age, living on a
farm, who bakes and the
highest scoring loaf of bread. A v. n
subscription to a magazine will
be given to the girl under
age A-ho on a farm, exhibiting
I the highest scoring loaf broad,
of the above will
given In a family. A premium will
also be to the from a
exhibiting bi -t pone of
At the present time laborers an
at work moving several buildings on
the company's property to clear a
right of way for the laying of side
tracks from the mills to the Norfolk
Southern and Atlantic coast Line
tracks. It is understood that this
will lie in the course of two
The following contractors sub-
linker and Greenville, N
n. ii. Norfolk Vs.
Pros., New N. C,
York and Greenville, N. C
Charlotte, N. C.
k. Cecil, Lexington, N. C.
Carter Construction Company.
N. C.
C. B. West. Greenville. N. C.
Burwell Greenville, N. C
Alsop and Newport News
annual state agricultural con-
of New Hampshire was held
in this city today. The leading
of the program was an address
by Prof. W. C. of the
of Illinois.
The fourth annual convention
the North Carolina Al
will be held in N. C.
on Wednesday and Thursday, April
8th and 9th, 1914. The Appalachian
Park Association and the
Hoard Trade are lending their
co-operation, and no effort will
he spared to make this one of the
most interesting and largely attend-
ed forestry meetings ever held in
the south.
The program in i
h prominent men on tin pro
problems of the and
en each subject open to all ii
will be called for
The Bide trips of unusual are be-
arranged for with the land own
en In connection with tho mi I
one a v to the celebrated
. d of the
n here tore-try was practiced In
Hie Slates; ind
trip over the unique logging railroad
Into the spruce forests on the sale of
Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak
of the Rockies which are now be
Such a program should be of equal
Interest to foresters, lumbermen,
landowners, and public men; and
all who possibly can Should plan to
The Grammar Grade division of the
Association will meet in
the graded school building
on Saturday morning
o'clock. The follow-
subjects will he
Sixth and Seventh Grade
Certificates In
Studies in Miss
twenty-three years old, of
N. C who has been at-
a local business college In
city January title committed
suicide early today shooting him-
self through the right With I
revolver. Death was In-
Joyner was in a room at th
time was dressed. He had
just finished eating a bowl
stew when inmates of the place
a pistol shot and upon rushing to his
room found him dead on a bed.
Iii wallet ill his coat pocket was
B brief note written In ink. It
of living.
I r. N, c
Mrs. Joyner, it developed is the
mother of tin Scribbled on
tin- same slit et pap r were several
memorandum notes of phonographic
records which Joyner had evidently
either purchased recently or int-
d purchasing. The title I
made Me Love
II. Have to Get l Out
and Get and Gel y
a pawn ticket in the wallet showed
r had disposed of over-
coat for several dollars. With
hi is i to have bought tile
pistol in- used iii taking his
coining to Richmond
had been rooming at l Fourth
street, This morning when Joyner
failed to show up at breakfast It was
thought that he was Indisposed from
cold, from which he had been
for day. It not
until several i news
of the a- n I v c
No e for I iii Id bi
ascertained Joiner was t
i , and n I d I
la life, I . a
not known.
Ilia viii ills
Funeral This
Feb. 10- News reach-
ed here this morning Roland
second of
I r shot if last In
Richmond, where he was
Ma s College Ha ft a
note he was tired of living
lie was about years of Tho
funeral will be he'd tomorrow after-
noon, II will be recalled
was the star short stop on the farm-
vine team of 1918, in which
ho pulled off some sensational
tin diamond Our town BI a
deeply with his mother in
such a sad hour.
Sunday School Workers
ANDERSON, s. c. Feb.
of Sunder workers was
on today the opening
of the annual convention of the
Smith Carolina Sunday School As-
The convention will con-
three days, during which time
noted religious leaders will
addressee and all phases of Sunday
school work and methods will be dis-
Several days ago
Baker, local contractors, were
awarded the contract for the erection
of a for Mr, B, B,
son, and today they signed up with
Dr. and Mr. F. G James
for the office building to he built
on the lot on Third street to tho
of the Hi Hector office,

mi roe
D. J Editor.
Lt year. . . I
rates be
ind I
i .
-v r- fad i
Beat ,
. i . .
The cold Is
The only thing
men original fin.
In a man's opinion a kiss
to the day when a set of men of postage does not apply, however
who do not consider North
r stats will he assembled in
an the legislative at Raleigh
Meanwhile, it is gratifying to see a
o sentiment springing up all over the
There never area so email state to the selection of leg
II ground hoc enjoys I season he couldn't call his the basis of service,
ii is more than wife little with than on that of personal favor-
i .,,,. a face. North Carolina bet-
bet a in . s.
ping it mean that that any means.
to either letters or other articles
mailed with the apparent
of avoiding
It will teen that while this or
is made that mail which But b
important shall not he delayed
ill livery it not intend
shall mail without
to let the addressee pay
v i mis men to Raleigh to I postage, hence the double rate a
The other I term make laws, rather than for the is charged on the
drove out of Greenville with a pi ind cheap ambition of having of such mall. The sender of
of oil i; attached to their names, can well imagine how the
To the i I ii. the Charlotte Observer.
;. hay Jan-
; or farmer.
w in
plans something new
; a. That is what all
Remorse i the feeling a man has
when bottle is empty.
Marrying an old bachelor la like
buying second-hand furniture.
A man's shoulders are not always
as broad as they're padded.
old fact is be ought mire enough
song . my- bay not to buy any all.
but like o
Raleigh News and
Reversing the It gave an Interesting review of
at . caught bi the ten months of President Wilson's
up to the present. In
fruit i that d this time i i pi
by as made in the
have been fulfilled than
When Harry K. Thaw gel i been known in the history of the
Freedom it id that he d. country. The Wilson
going i In
i hi ; it . t have to
gun . i I
Woman suffragists In New- York
state advised to wear mourning
for six months if they fall to get the
Vote, The promised saving in
maker's has given New
is good at every point, and
the country is gaining by having
such a president and the Democrats
in charge of its affairs.
It is BO easy mail eider p-
to defraud the public that Uncle
Sam is forced to spend thousands of
dollars and to maintain a
large force of Inspectors and clerks
Frederick the well known
journalist, who has been writing a
series of articles for the Chicago
Daily News on the Depart-
tells about the mail order fa-
in a recent article on
The article Is as fol-
I should feel toward him to have
pay h no -t on n
The Department has been
lighting the fraudulent use of the
mails for many years. The first
has passed the bill fort in that direction was to Issue
postal money orders payable at a fraud order against the or
any to which the association guilty of fraudulent
Hi I I
The Immigration bill is making
rapid progress in congress, and
few test votes taken show that con-
i- in favor of the bill by four
to one. However, during the dis n--
of the bill in the house it de-
that one of the provisions dis-
against the Japanese
which la to President
Wilson. When the bill Anally pas-.
I it will probably provide for restrict
Immigrants from all countries
and treating them all alike. The re-
c convention of miners held
Indianapolis heartily the
bill as it Is the imported
from the foreign countries that Is
Hooding this country with more In-
. . . may present them, instead of only and deny to it the use of mails
a new Incentive for stub- than it can provide work for.
at the office on which the order is in the receipt or dispatch
drawn. The new plan Of payment mail matter bill there are many ways
a Broadway ear at any money order Will to get around it that the fraud or-
A man cannot keep his grouch
Ms friends at the same time.
Alas, it husbands were like
sewing machines, and we could
them sent up on trial;
It's so hard to reform a man when
he hasn't any great fault but
a little el all of them.
.-.- is getting so it
without being hitched.
Whoa, there, little Japanese Do
go kicking over the traces,
Man should not be d
tax alone.
You cannot spell piety without
spelling pity, much lens live it.
Might a- we
the wrong Bid of the Street as be put into effect as seen
to hail a man or the wrong side of postmaster general can pare the productive of the most satisfactory
which state of affairs creates a hard-
ship for the American laborer.
as seen as the method of suppression was not
It Is much easier for some men
necessary rules governing the same results in the efforts of the depart- to the devil for a woman
. The Change is expected to to prevent the use of the mall
It buildings did not progress so Increase the use of postal money or- service in the promotion of fraud.
lowly because of the of la- because of the greater Then the department decided to
borers you would see even
houses going up in Greenville than
are now evidence,
in getting them paid.
A tip from Raleigh says that
seat w Ilk h opened today for the
concert there on th
13th was unprecedented in the
institute a system of prosecution
against those who advertise tempt-
bait for suckers and use the
mails in their operations. All sorts
of schemes have been hatched up
Postmaster-General is en- ,,, from their coin
en urging congress to pass one of the fa-
the bill authorizing the government of getting money is
to take over the entire telephone and through the advertising of
telegraph system of the country. All par values and
lo go to work for her.
Train up a son in the way he
should go and then watch him
some other way.
Tomorrow will be the 108th an-
of the birth of Abraham
radium cure is another
penis have lost out in the test-
The U to be banished
from financial us well as penal in-
One-bait the Washington
holders wonder how the other hair
not in,
Thai eminent new Suffragist, tin
Begum of Is quite some In-
parts of the country are approving on dollar selling value. The
on the part of victims in prospect are advised to
the general and thous- remember the story of the Standard
of letters are pouting to Oil and hear again the story of liar-
congressmen and senators from ail are gravely told that there
parts of the country urging them lo is a chance o plank down an honest
support the proposed measure. On- dollar that ultimately will bring in
The Greenville Gazette is a years ago Great Britain took returns that will make Standard
name of a new paper Just started the telephones of the British look like starvation dividends in coin-
here with Mr. C. P. Carroll editor. Kingdom have rendered much
to be published semi-weekly. The better service and at much less cost The stock advertised may that
man to go astray on his predictions
during the ground hog period. There
will be just no keeping up with Feb-
The most dangerous thing we can
think of a little confession.
Cold weather never cured a fever
and a woman's Indifference never put
out the divine fire of man's love.
A Hark for an Old One. How
it Fan be Pone In
number shows a good beginning the public than when operated
The hack aches at times with a dull,
Indescribable feeling, making you
of an gold mine, or of a land weary and restless; piercing pains
private en
We heard two farmers talking, Europe now-
one of them said the farmers gen- telegraph and the telephone, and w
did not take advantage the
all of company owning lands that shoot across the region of the
owns and operates the peep above low tide, or of a company loins are so lame
South ha. found out
one thing we never suspected about
T They be is diplomatic.
it took German engineer to
in that the Panama canal is BOt
deep enough for real hi
By attacking defenseless i
with the sword, Russia's soldiery
Indicate that the military ii
tics are winning general fin or abroad.
Those New York burglar textbook
-lip with telling how to pick All
locks, the government kindly explain-
the In its
pretty weather in January to get a-i
much work done as they could have
This is campaign year, you know-.
the whose political fences
are in a bad way, thinks the
i ailing a fence mass
is a good enough scheme to get his
several years behind in this r.-
These things are natural mo
and should be run in the in-
of the public like the Post
Office department instead of in tilt
Interest of the stockholders as
holding the patent rights to any sort to looP No use to
rub or apply a plaster to the hack if
of device from one guaranteed to
the art of transportation
to one that will make diamonds out
of egg shells.
the kidneys are weak. You cannot
reach the cause. Greenville resident
would do well to profit by the follow-
W. J. K. Seventh St.
Washington, N. C. am glad
to confirm the public statement one
One not familiar with the inside I of my family gave some time ago
work of a haw little Idea telling of my experience with
TIMBER PICKING STARTED. how many letters dropped In the troubled me
The proposition to draft
mall box without necessary stamps
for months and my kidneys were
ordered. The kidney secretions gave
fences mended. The strange thing nor for legislature is meet- due me a great deal of annoyance,
with endorsement,
Editor Hurley may have stretched the
blanket a little n he said he
is there are some people
fall an easy mark to the ruse.
While the farmers are preparing Jarvis was to be brought out
fur a large tobacco crop, they we he sprung the
bear in mind that the hope of j his own little sprint shop in
cultural prosperity s in at any rate, he put
supplies for home good in motion. The stamp
There is nothing lo be gained A Observer is quick t
in raising the so-called money crops for the
and having lo spend all the proceeds and g n with the
for supplies. j, of Salisbury paper's idea for
o--------- strong men in the coming general a
or oversight. Hereto- at night After I had used two
fore If such letters have the name boxes of Kidney Pills, I was
of the person mailing them they have not had to take any
kidney medicine
were returned for postage, or In the i For Ml, y a B
absence of information the ad- I t o.,
was notified that a letter was New York, agents for the United
held without postage and would be States.
Remember the
Home Marriage Solemnized
N. C. Feb pretty
marriage was celebrated at
country home of
and Mrs. B. Mitchell Sunday when
daughter he-
bride of Mr. Louis M.
The already beautiful was
made more attractive by the elegant
decorations, the color scheme being
green and white. The parlor was
d and Illuminated with
candles, artistically arranged
Ivey and ferns.
At the appointed hour the
assembled into the parlor, Mr. Floyd
presided at the piano and
sweetly rendered -Sultans Hand
as Gilbert Jones,
Lloyd Pate, A P. and Dr.
I-. Sp, use entered and the can
dies Following those came the rib-
girls, little Misses and
Hill. The music suddenly changed
to Bridal as the
bridal party advanced to the altar
groom accomplished by his best
man. Mr. J. Fountain. Jr., and
the bride with her maid of honor
Miss Flossie
The bride's costume was of Ivory
satin with a tunic of real lace and
carried a shower bouquet of bride's
roses and maiden hair fern. Her
veil was of white tulle with a wreath
of tiny white rose buds arching her
brow. Her maid was clad in white
-aim. with laces and carried
a large bouquet of carnations.
Rev, J. J. Walker, of Greenville
using the ring spoke the
impressive words that joined
happy hearts for life. During the
services was
played by the pianist as an ac
to the effective words
of betrothal. To the strains of
d. Wedding the couple
left the room followed by the others
it- succession.
The ceremony being over, and
hearty congratulations and hasty
good-byes, the bride and groom
companied by a number of friends
left on cars for Greenville, where
they will make their home.
The bride is one of the most ac-
and beautiful young lad-
of this community and liked by
all who know her for her many graces
and genial disposition. The groom
is very popular and enjoys the con-
of the public to a large de-
Among the out of town guests
present Mr. and Mrs.
Tate and Dr. and Mrs. K. P. Spouse,
of Mr and Mrs. Andrew
Windham. of Fountain Rev. J. J.
Walker, pastor of the Christian
church at Greenville; Messrs. J. L
Fountain. Jr. of Raleigh; Floyd
of Kinston; Finest Jackson and
L. Wilson, of Dover; Miss
of and six well
filled cars of friends from Green-
Immediately after the arrival of
the party at Greenville a reception
was given at the home of the bride-
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Wilson on street. Quite a
number of friends were present and
dined with the happy pair.
Italian Hand was stationed In
rear of the hall and rendered soft
music during supper.
Your Bad
Wonderful Stomach
and Be Convinced You Can
Restored To
take no other.
it mattered not how important they
might be or what business
lions were Involved. the event
Women Play Golf at
N. C. Feb.
eighth annual St. Valentine's golf
tournament for women was started
addressee failed to send under conditions today at
the Country Club. Play
The woman who wants
made and more
not have noted tin
surplus of . Id maids aim
They ought to hurry the completion
the school for -1 It
Kinston in order lo have a place
me, discussing about
One of our nearby contemporaries That paper adds many
its town as the metropolis the Post
Eastern Carolina while their. for a legislature of a strong person-
Rent is carrying numerous The Observer's contention
of that nature. In been in years past. a it Is now, that
Greenville building has been active this state ought to resort to the draft
for several months and still strangers process In order to bring the leg-
are our gates every week up to the highest standard,
Inquiring and begging for houses in for it Is as The New and Observer letters, or perhaps their
to live. Another tally for -it g the best delivered the Postmaster
Greenville. who . is the has Issued the following or- j good farming. Write for
me nomination ii is by the authority in the Uncled
, to and post on on o,. am price
, he the Don't Band
would from jury service that the stale c be . A will you reason.
when notified, then the unstamped
letters were to the dead lotto
in Washington city, where the
were opened returned to the
writer if the letter's address was ills
To obviate the delay in delivery
will continue through the
of the week.
Basis of all
Is the Basis of all
Let us applaud the custom that
congressmen to leave their
the even though
it seriously interferes the horn
Mil of some emotional states
Oh, Low
to give a man a life sentence ,, out and ship to or Me
for just killing thirty-one people. In the law-making Other shall
eluding his wife and four There are few nieces of not unless prepaid at STRASBURG
You can lead a husband lo the res-
but you can't make him or
Its another
woman's husband.
period. There are few pieces of
like Jarvis In the legislative woods of
of North Carolina, but are prepayment double
of and every county amount of shall be col
ought to make a search for this the addressee. The option
quality. The Observer hopes to no or at part
II. Stephens, vice
president of the
States of America, born near
Ga. Died
Atlanta. March 1883.
Tea re not to
Stomach s and
receive any dote H
lo convince
Ailments it f sir. t
remedy nil o . to
has been taken by many thousand of
throughout the land. It I
mid o I c, .
ever end no v
claim it and r
others who may be suit,
and to try It. Mind
yon, Stomach ism
afferent than meet medicines -e r.-t on
market the various
really m by end one do-e do
more to convince the moat
than torn of other medicines. from one
dose amaze and the benefits are entirely
natural, acts on the source and
of . rem ca-
and bile a
chronic the
and tract, rendering the
cry one of May.
It lo a t-i
will be your quick recovery
and praise It s others
are constantly doing. Send for booklet on
Stomach to Geo, H. alts.
Chemist. hums St.,
Far Sale In K. C, by
and Druggists
We have a car
Genuine Maine Grown
Seed Potatoes
Leave your orders with us
Mayor James Alter Those
Conducting Business at
City Market
Mayor James is right I
II regarding tin- laws
of the town, and i
these shall lie
el in th.- future Friday of
he issued warrants for even
conducting a at tin- city
market charging them with ping
unsanitary places, and this morning I
in to appear in lore him and
with a small r. lo
contained la the town
as In hOW
places should l- kept. His
lurch before quits
warned thorn
ii. ii- i- were mended, would have
guilty ones brought
meek . , ., a impose
t committee the
i,, ere rod
to have i
ii. with this nun D
improvement, in conducting
i should do their p I
. u i i I as
i .
Ayden Items.
Will Be Presented
Sheriff Captures Blind
Tiger at Haddock's
we k was a busy one
town and officers in
ins up blind tigers, in fact .
m the arrest
hi some one charge retailing I
being about the only,
. without laurel, a blind tiger
is to he considered the
week up to yesterday morning,
In- would go ill search for same-.
and truss Road.
. place located at a point
and Creek
townships moot, there found one
not blind, as whiskey Jugs,
bottles bottle tops were
surrounding the place bus-
Mr. W, in-
lie found over two barrels
genuine beer
was tin- sheriff's second visit
in Mr. Cox's store having
about a month ago and finding av
barrels of what tiny sail near
beer he Informed the Hint
ho had learned of his Illegal business
warned him against such,
he promised m take, saying
that he considered his legal
. he was nothing stronger
than what found in plan
it that time.
During the latter pun last week
Hip officer learned that Mr. Cox was
a thriving and
ally did after the second and fourth
Saturday's or each month, at which
lime he would receive
to last a COUple of weeks.
being Sun-
day the sheriff when then
good supply of Intoxicants on
hand. the beer he found two
kegs which Mr. Cox said contained
orange wine, Mr. Dudley having
sufficient evidence he made no fur-
When tried before Magistrate
this morning th.- case was car-
over to next term of court
lender bond.
crew of lite Atlantic
Realty Company left
day in their private
for a lour of weeks
calendar wall tilled with dates to
numerous sales before re
turning to the horns oBos,
Play Hill h- Different limn
lay tin- Train-
lag School. Cos-
hie month from tills i . March
the annual Senior play will be
This play in- from
hitherto given at school.
beautiful Greek myth, r
dram I d i. Hi . has
n adopt d and made into a
pageant, l
i i . occur I
; . ii . dryads,
. r
iv dam s in and out
a i i bi
cir, setting tie- world's
ii t love story,
Tl.-mines, iii lot
in mill fitting
woods gardens and Greek Interiors
will produce charming effects,
Music- will harmonize with aM
w to in j i i i, Mi i
Mildly was to undertake
poaching, a professional coach o
New York city, Miss Mabel V. Riven,
managing the play, She bi
costumes and stage properties
New York mid for the class
members of the faculty have
been busy carrying cut the
plans. She will soon
take entire personal charge.
These plays at the school
have become events of great Interest
to the town community,
Th- senior class has been plan-
fall, to
production such that it will Increase
the excellent reputation that the
school has for class dramatic
Minnie and .
entertained at their home on north
Washington Saturday
in honor Misses Clara
and Waldorf, of
These Misses
Harris, Dorothy Mai i J,
Ferrell Peele, Vivian la,
Carroll, Helen Pugh, Clara V. Covert,
Waldorf. Minnie and
Rives; Messrs, Leon Rives,
Hell. P. Hear
Clarence Kin.
i Waldorf
Douglas Ward.
evening pleasantly spent
Instrumental music and games be-
principal entertainment
home was beautifully decorated for
and clarinet the evening
several courses of delicious refresh-
were served,
DEN, Mr. J. II Han is
has purchased the sale stables of
Mr. K. Winslow, on Third street.
This is valuable property. We
Mr. Winslow r I t
inn set of stable, much
than tin- quarters lie ha.- sold, on
corner of Lee and Third streets.
Mr. S. Jackson tells us that
he has caught two molt hi- plant
bed and twenty-lour en bis farm
around his garden, with two of these
Mule trap-. Plenty of them
can he had K. Smith and Bros
Mrs. Henrietta Hodges, widow
the Mr. Rodeos, d u I
near Monday
after a lingering
the mother of Mrs, J. R, spier.
Messrs i
v b member of l Chi
. hurl mill .- i a the
of right Her remains were laid
rest in the family burial ground
afternoon. We extend out
II to
Is good I i a bell tn
ii or any en.
rung P
is declared, mid Mr
Jackson, at t .-; arm
his hi his lion . ht lire
mid i I i. lie
ii., situation. Plenty of those i
farm, school mid church I at
II Smith and
I; . i a ant a nice i ,
c t it from Hi tin
pi city Shetland pony.
I II. II., 1,1.1 k . i
I u auction at
and B
Mr. t that
i i is raging In in-
III i-
f His J. P.
ii . lo i n ;
dropped in M
evening to I
caking of i
i -i I
Ion. C. i.
the ;
he time in blow up your
now, win i an U light-
i a ton dynamite, It.
hid has been d
farm the late It. Had .
which was i Monday
.-id necessitate another sale, is
n valuable farm one will
a the next sale he
March 2nd
A visit through the rural dis-
will convince you Hint our
pie have availed themselves of the
pretty weather and broke Jots of
hind. No end to blowing up
stumps. Plenty of dynamite yet.
It. Smith and
The Masonic brethren held their
regular communication last Thurs-
day, fitting ceremonies,
speeches and usual banquet.
Mr. ii. us
Lumber Company have
received another of men from
the labor bureau, that are proving
workers, and they will expect
another shipment seen, lie also
us th.-y are apt, quick and good
mid that ho is well d
so far,
old spelling
tells lion is ill th.
DuPont says dynamite is the
powder, fur blowing stumps,
Plenty can he had at It. Smith
Sc. P r
, saw
must accompany orders
for want ads, except from those
having regular advertising ac-
counts. The rate is h cents per
line, six words to the line. Tel-
at S. M.
i. T w. White-
and S lO
. ii ii ., i ti
; i ;
. .-. and
cos P i ale
i. -i e v . v irk, N.
i, i i;
lull TWO-PAS
i- r. In good shape
Write . N.
Ml the
the left Owner can
. P Dudley, Greenville, N.
C. S Id
Di. S Hi c.
r Dr. S. Ha
Plumbing Heating Contractor
Moved to New Store on Fourth Street
Allen's Stables
Estimates Given on all Work Large or Small
Repair Work a Specialty
Out of town work will receive our
prompt attention
Residence Phone 385-L.
Office Phone
. . T-. . .
The Universal Car
Prices Touring 550.00 Runabout 500.00
b. Detroit
For Sale
Ford Supply Co.
N. C.
ii pipe, I and In s
T Phone
at Sure Indication
That the Dread Visitor Hes
Been There.
Me . ; of a
a being I . . from
i, offer Rule
to the t bidder, SIX
. DOLLARS bond, I
. 1914, to run
Mil- I N i
I. i I. S. I
, . f.
. .
ltd en
You ;
your tin p em Saturday night
. .
p STOKES, Clerk.
it for rs arc, Pa i
per month. A. A.
Manager, r Building-.
i in. . i
i nine
that one o or
lo flab-
inn and
T wharf In I in n it
a Sag i and a
of the or t
rally bi Eng I over-
custom of flying Saga at
originated as a token of de-
feat. That is. when an army was de-
its lowered down the
. i i c ml pi r annum, p
on tin- clay of Jan-
. la will
lied by virtue of an Act of the
Ai E S
ratify by a unanimous vote .
ail District at an ,; ti m I
nadir said Act, will be Fold in
Of I
These bonds non-taxable.
Sealed bids will lie received by the
r I at his in
N. C. for these bonds till February
1st, A deposit of per cent
Chairman Hoard of Trustees,
foe. ion.
between Saul's Pharmacy
mid store, it
with pearls and i. Row
n in t n
J ml
to give room for the victorious f amount of bid must accompany
army to place is Bag that of
the defeated army.
Prom this the custom grew into fly-
Bag at half-staff when an of-
ti army or navy. died. Later it was
adopted by civilians us we and to-
day, when a man of prominence dies,
of whether he was sailor,
soldier, or civilian, the hunK
at Whereas. In the olden ,.,.,.,. ,,.,,
days, when the custom Started, the up-
per space was left to that the in Effect lull,
victor could put his there, now
Norfolk Southern R. R.
All parties owing taxes for 1913
come forward at once and set-
same cu- I shall proceed to COl
said taxes under distress
s i. DUDLEY, Sheriff,
seems that death Is the victor, and so
tho space Is left. It is, of course, a
mark of respect to tho dead person to
have flags at hull-staff for him.
Plans and iii. aliens for a
and storage warehouse to b
in Kinston, X. C. can be found
the Warden Drug Co. We Invite
contractors to examine and bins
en name. We resume the right to re-
an all bids.
Dick and Marchioness.
Mr. Richard perpetual
grandmaster of tho Order of Apollos,
and some time clerk to Sampson
Brass, Esq., attorney,
was learned in purl. His sorrow that
grown men should not know- it could
surpass only bis surprise that tho
marchioness have tasted beer
in sips. For it was a flagon of cream-
purl that Introduced
into the cellar kitchen that
able night he discovered the little
her eye at the key-
and r tor company set him-
self to teach her it must
rank as one of the greatest not
only in Mr. life, but in all
Purl was then hot ale, well
spiced nutmeg and laced with a
measure of gin.- London Chronicle.
docket this morning
i uses of disorderly conduct
drunkenness and they all received
via was coming to them. One
the number refuted to enter the
guard house when
day night, consequently it required
rough the officers
which, received.
I to notify my patrons and
I have moved by
gun repairing shop to tho store
t opposite Tuft and
Two strong and Interesting
mons were delivered at the Christian
Church yesterday by the paster.
There was one addition to tie-
church morning
Bart tag
week i Deeds Dell
i a d marriage Hi lo the fol
Jones and Etta Williams.
James Joyner
I lay wood Man Smith
Notice is hereby given
day. March 1914, at
the Houses at County Homo
known number one. and three
will he sold public- sale, at the
house door In Greenville,
Drown, attorney.
order of the Hoard Commit j
sinners of Pitt county.
The hoard reserves right to
reject any and all bids.
This February 1914,
B i, LEWIS, Chairman, i
Clerk of the Board.
To Purify Musty Places.
Charcoal and quicklime are the best
To use charcoal, in-
stance, suspend It net bags. Make
a number of bags to hold several largo
lumps of charcoal. These will absorb
all sorts of bad odors gad
mid leave the atmosphere pure and
sweet. Tho power of charcoal Is ac-
cording to Its freshness, and this is
restored by heating;, Once a week
the bags down, empty them a Ore
pot and heat very hot. The freshened
lumps will then serve a new period of
call taken up at my house,
, .-., i ., spot I
his also white about one
fool from end of tall, also under
breast; alien year old, small
Owner can get call idea-
hiving pay all c
it. p, No I, stokes, n c
state in sol
friends Hint we
have opened n in
the opposite
Center Brick m,
ill nil kinds fresh
ten. ctr.
It A CO, 12.1.
Gardener Has Found Really Ingenious
Use for Automobile That
Had Its Day.
do all the old cars Is
a question that Is nuked continually,
there very few persons who
can even approximate the answer
with any degree of satisfaction either
to themselves or to others. But it is
certain where least one of them
gone for it been d
n lawn mower. The reason for
fall from aristocratic to plebeian
work is because its owner has a
really lawn to keep in
trim; he is head gardener for a largo,
golf club and every one knows put-
ting be ;
There was an antiquated t c Under
on the premises that
had ceased to be of any practical val-
for pleasure purposes and tho
gardener the bright Idea of
i making it In the so to
speak. So with help of
steel strips and some chains he at-
no less three law-n mow-
to they were drawn
by horse. The steering Is In.
tact except that the place of this
front wheels Is taken by a heavy
roller; two rollers take place of
the driving
Beautiful Bird of Paradise.
Women of fashion who wear the
bird of paradise plumes do not realize
how beautiful the bird is that
to them Its pride glory. Its
total length Is about eight inches; Its
body, and tail are of a rich
color, which deepens on the breast
to a blackish violet or purple brown.
The top of the head and neck
is of a delicate straw color, the
N. following schedule
published as Information ONLY
are not guaranteed.
Trains Leave
a. m. daily,
Pullman Bleeping car for Norfolk.
a. in. dally, fr Plymouth, Eliza-
beth City and Norfolk. Broiler
Parlor Car service Washington
tn Norfolk. Connects for all
points north and west
p, in. daily except Sunday, for
a. in. daily for Wilson.
and west. Pullman sleeping
service. north, south
i i a. dally, except Sunday, for
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects
for ail pee
p. daily for Raleigh and ail
Intermediate stations.
For further information and
in ping rs, to J
i. II, Greenville N. C.
c Passenger Agent
W. A. I
Into N
Corner tit treats
n t i
Transfer Hen
Phone No flay
J. C. Lanier
m storm
velvet. The lower part of the throat
is covered with emerald green
which reach to the aye, and
; aft II
tend in a band across the forehead
chin fur the eve. which Is
bright yellow. From i Of tho
body beneath the wings a
dense tuft of long delicate
sometimes two feet length,
of tho most intense orange
color extremely glossy, but el
toward the tips Into a pale brown.
proposes, I
or doses will break
any CAM of Chills Fever, Colds
it acts on the
Call tip and don not
; , . A ,

Unloading Car Hay
Car of Gilt Edge Flour
i J. G.
By virtue of a power of sale con-
t a deed of mad-1
by Solomon P. C. Harding,
in the day of January, 1914,
will on Thursday, th
day Of MM, at
o'clock a. in. at the store formerly
occupied Paul Solomon, attested
the Dickerson ave
in the of Greenville, North
Carolina, ear to Ml
bidder for the
stock of goods, and mer-
One Good Thing, and About All, That
Can Be for the Pestilent
In the north of Canada the mosquito
reigns supreme. The swarms that rise
from streams, lakes marshes, as
each comes lo the and emerge,
dry, from the skin he wore when a
in the water,
checked or resisted. Though weakly
blown aside by the wind or driven off
by smoke, they triumph by the force
of numbers.
There is compensation for their
Idle to Make Comparison to the
Courage Required by the Sol-
of the Period.
annoyance, and even for
solo,,,,,,, including all goods, of of
Loots, hats and raps, clothing, important than
doth am all kinds of dry nil trout and bass fry.
also all fixtures stun our feathered game
said ore building. ins the nesting season and insure
In . of said stock taker to the of migrants that
At a give,, distance, j Practice limited to diseases of the
i i v-
All sol desiring to i
i e la of
i I i-
p c H A I
of i it.
Lam I. ;
It, v t tin
offer sale be-
door in n-
m VI i . March 2nd.
of Pitt a.
tract land
of Folk S
rear their broods in the
woods The egg collector, the skin col-
and all the inquisitive, curious
and destructive who would otherwise
invade the woods and marshes during
the nesting season, are warned oft by
that ominous and pi hum. It
is more effective than all the game-
preserving and bird protecting stat-
It insures safety during
helpless time when the mother bird
can only flutter along the ground in
paralyzed terror, drawing the invader ship g
away from her treasured but helpless Bust he more
offspring. While the mosquito reigns
the bird life that ranges the
continent will nest unmolested in
varied northern retreats.
C i
d mi
I C p
v A,
. h,
ii I
Only Saving Ba In
r . is no setter protection than a
place and lei us explain our service to you y
Lo i Dickinson Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.
; en i to P. M
Greenville, N. C.
I ;. stock
ii l C
To Look Always for the Best Is One
of the Main Secrets of Lift's
One who boards a train on a hot
day is usually .- ireful to choose as. at
on the shady side. If we took much
tare to look on the sunny
do to Bit on this would
a far more cod I i peaceful
The host of good habits to cultivate
is of i as a
and glorious II i
i i i. not as s i dimly descried In
i of a pestilential ca
Upturn a stone In the on
e, the away from the
sin., you will
. th . II of crawling,
d creatures that run away
from light because they do not
love it. How different it is from the
beauty of the flow and the v.
of the greensward living in the open
Much la written of the terrors of
modern war. Little is written of the
terrors of the wars of old. Yet It Is
doubtful if war today makes greater
demands on human courage than war
in time of Grant, of Washington,
of of Caesar, of Alexander.
Consider a stand-up infantry fight
in the days of the revolution After
the preliminary and long-
distance musketry practice, the two
regiments toward each other
in close ranks.
frequently at thirty yards, there was
a halt, a smashing volley, and then
a bayonet charge through the smoke.
Bullets days ware large and
of soft lead, and the man who was hit
down. Over him tramped his
comrades or the enemy, shooting and
That th of infantry bat-
for years. To minimize the
courage lo make a good sol- i
under such circumstances is to
fly in the face of common sense.
Modern war requires different
typo of courage from needed of
old. The old touch of elbows is lack-
The old of companion-
The modern Idler
alert, better taught,
l r than the olden soldier
of value. But it does not fol-
low it the modern soldier Is
The man who fought at the
at Bunker Hill and
at and
no need to learn heroism in any
school. It was there already.
D. M. I
Attorney at Law
Land and Drainage Canes a Specialty.
In office formerly occupied y
and Glow.
L I. Moore W. H. Long
Attorney at Law
Office in Building, Third it.
Practices bis services are
Greenville. North Carolina
Owner of Cows Had Not
Thought That He Himself
Go After Them.
r I . lie Local looking toward the sky In life it
is like that. We have nut
H i hi I until we have
learned to look, to work, and to live,
forever On the sonny
B. T, Cox.
R. R. Fl n
in, V-P.
F. A. Edmundson Cashier.
We have just received a shipment of
garages aid he me
The extinguisher is three
inches in diameter, fourteen inches
high and weighs only five pound. It
can be attached to any auk mobile
it also comes with a bracket attachment
for the garage and home.
t cl
r-rd will positively i
and garage.
Ask Agent, then c n tee ard let
show you little
The John Flanagan Buggy Company
Established 1866.
II a I is
i . i . la any one
Is u k ti, run it large
ii said , will U
,.,, in ; j i to the
t r
Ami and warning i hereby
further given, the stock law
the stock la t t
created by Chapter of the
Public I m Laws of 1911 Is
the stock law fence and protected b
law, damaging or unlawfully inter
i. with the same will be prose-
i n provide by law.
By order of the Board of
of Pitt fount,, at their regular
ting 3rd, 1914.
B. M. LEWIS Chairman,
BELL, Clerk.
An Atlanta man tells an amusing
experience he had In a mountainous
, i a southwestern state, where
are notoriously shift
a dilapidated Shanty
fit the noon hour, be inquired as to
the for dinner.
The head of family, who had
. been I on a fall. tree in
his dwelling, made reply to the et
i . he a ed
Onto the table putty
With this the travel
dismounted. To his chagrin, how.
be soon discovered that food
set before was such that he could
not possibly a He
such excuses us he could for his
of appetite, and finally bethought him
self of a kind of nourishment which h
might venture to take and which. WM
sure to be found In any locality. Hi
asked for some milk.
have milk no said tin ;
of the place.
cried the
on earth has the dog to do with i
explained his host
lively, cows don't seem to know
to come up be milked their
The dog, ho to go
Ear Nose Throat.
Washington. N. C Greenville, N. C.
Office with Dr. I James, Green-
ville, day every Monday. a m to t pm
Attorney at Law
In Edwards Building, on the Court
House Square
Practicing in nil the Courts
Office In Wooten on
street, fronting Court House
at Law
. North Carolina
h. r.
Life. Sick and
on Fourth street, near
For all occasions, Roses,
Violets and the lead-
rs. art in wedding arrange-
the I
. offerings to be had.
ting pi I . I Hy-
i, Norfolk pines
other nice pot plants
Rose .-. i gr ens, rub-
plants and trees.
Pail, telegraph and telephone orders
xiii by
I. i Com
Store Greenhouse
and Vicinity
First Attempt at System Began
England Far Back as
Year 1633.
To Convert Gypsies.
In a never-ending, tide, a
million gypsies surge to and fro across
Europe. From east to west they mi-
grate at the beginning of summer, and
west to east in the fall. Nowhere are
they wanted, everywhere are they
eyed with suspicion, but still every
year they wander, and the authorities
of the countries they cross dread their fetch
coming and are relieved when they go.
There is always trouble at the
frontiers. Here the wanderers are
stopped, questioned and often
as vagrants. Hut there is
to do but finally let them go, and
they invariably return next year.
An effort to aid and protect these
gypsies Is being made by a Swiss
clergyman, Rev. II He has
organized a one of the
poses of which Is to Instruct the gyp-
in the Christian religion, for
nomads are all pagans.
How many of us know that the
post office to exist In year
Special messengers
ll n d
common carrier were till then
only means of communication.
After that date a horse post car-
letters along the great into
the re in parts of I. those
who lived near these roads hurrying
out at the sound of tho
horn. And tho remote were
not neglected.
If one desired to send a letter to
some remote town In Yorkshire, one
wen, to then to Bell
ago In. close by, and there
It to the carrier for the country in
question. The messenger from Lon-
don would not penetrate into byways.
Bach country had its of foot-
posts, which linked the outlying dis-
with its chief towns and with
the gnat high roads. London
courier, pressing on to his terminus,
was relieved of packets for remote
regions by the local postman, who.
In turn, passed them on from hand to
hand to their destination. In some-
what similar fashion, though less reg-
Who We Are.
There are many people who think
hat the term
Should be changed to States
because the latter sounds
more dignified and befitting this gnat
country. They do not realize, however,
; that the may mean
the United States of Colombia or the
United States of As a matter
of fact, we are Americans because we
live in the United States of America.
In Spain, however moans
a person who lives in South America.
The Spaniards call the people of this
country or
Tho latter term was most
American Style.
New Yorkers are so accustomed to
seeing things done In their own way
that they never stop to think bow
they done until somebody els
makes a virtue of doing them
way. Two American women who had
always accepted everything at horns
as a universal custom were astonished
to see in a London drug store win-
drugs and drinks. Par
eels fastened American
They wore sufficiently interested to I
step In and Inquire what the
can was
rubber said the clerk,
and deftly snapped a band around a
bottle in the familiar way.
how else would you fasten
they asked.
he said.
conservative English firm would
dream of using anything else. It la
only the stores that make a bid for tho
American trade that will rubber
Cabbage Plants
millions ill
The Jersey
and Large Lute Drum Head,
This selection should
headings the summer.
. Prepared for shipment
Prepared fr shipment in lots from
at 11.81 per thousand;
over at 1.00 per thousand f.
a, h. C. Can
i tilers any size.
Count and satisfaction
L. C. Arthur
N. C.
nary and smoothly, letters Inland
, . top of Its head tin- tho other
were carried over the long and i . . .,. ,.,
journey to the hands for which
were laboriously indited.
Urgent Need of More Water.
If a reason is sought for tho hold
.- Just before which beer drinking has on people It
between the United States and may be found In part in the difficulty
Spain-will, the addition of of getting water to drink. That also
Troy Record. gives tho soda fountains business. Tho
New York Tribune published a
letter from a of New Jersey
who complained that ho could not get
a drink of water in New York city.
His complaint Is just, and it applies to
every town and city. The person who
wishes a cooling draft must pay
money, five cents at least, for it, and
he can rarely get water even then.
Various attempts to meet the lack
have failed, and the discovery of the
theory has contrived to render
the failure apparently final.
He Knew the Type.
Little Hobby, who had been
for a Sunday walk In the purl, was
much Interested in watching the swans
a keeper was feeding them.
he asked, that a papa
.--wan or a
do you mean,
tired looking one over there
with the all pecked off the
tools Slag and
Defeat and Stove and
Ranges. Windsor hard Wall Platter.
Atlas polish Oil ard
cure In nil i. and t
ii is
cure i I ii l in,
i,. inn
i la , i i I i
sell the I
,. of the I .-- i I
I foundation of the u
patient a,
T -i
ii n much f In if
II i they offer Hundred
i .
list of testimonials, , , .
-I CO , V Ohio
Id nil
won't let get any tho bread.
my replied his father
sadly, without even troubling to look,
the papa
Is not,
a Child Needs Most.
after all. a smattering of
mm. ,
which will carry
life, but a ca-
the habits of
our children through
for what they do not want
to do, If it be a which needs to
be done, will to do many
things they do not want to do later
on, If their lives are going to be
worth the living, and the sooner they
learn to stand to their guns the bet-
for them, and all these whoso
welfare will lie In their hands.
Agnes In Atlantic Monthly.
Profanity Once Indispensable.
Swearing was at regarded
as an indispensable
Evelyn Ashley once told Sir Algernon
West that on his father becoming
his sister, said to him. la
seriousness. that you have
Into the title, you must learn to
wear, always did, and
gained great respect by It In tho
Those were the days when tho
shop of Canterbury, calling upon
Lord Melbourne to discuss some
my lord, it will save
bet. we
that everybody everything Is
London chronicle.
New Gar-
den Seed
Flower Seed
Onion Sets
Maine Red Bliss
Irish Cobblers
Seed Oats
Rape Seed
Dr. Hess Stock
Poultry Powder
For Home Sit.
A tract of land, containing from
lo acres, located an railroad.
. i. i- direction, on either railroad, .
few miles from Greenville.
Please your
stating location number of acres
i, red, pries par whether clear-
ed or not, to any member of the Board
of County Commissioners or
t, t of Deeds.
Member of Committee I.
I If
H. ti. University Dramatic
Club Comes to Training
HILL, Feb. Dramatics
t the University of North Carolina
reached highest point
night when the Celebrated
was stag-
ed Gerrard hall before an
of over live bandied persons.
when the curtain rose on the Bret
act, it was at once evident to the
i community that the
Dramatic Club was far
enough advanced In lo
to audience not only a
exhibition of University his-
but an extremely
scenic production quite out
a. the realm of amateurs.
The play, which called for
of scenery, was done with
such rapidity the audience hard-
realized the possibility of the quick
movement. The actors and
were real personalities, living
their part through the entire per-
thing not Infrequently
impossible out of the realm of pro-
The play, which Is English, hangs
the attempt of the wife of an
English magistrate to conceal her real
and the ago of her grown eon
from her husband whom she recent-
married because of the false-
hood that she had told her husband.
W. Kerr, a member of the junior
lass ably handling this difficult role
of Mrs. and W. P. M. Weeks
Washington. D. C, was equally ex-
in hie interpretation of
Charles L. Coggin, re-
by tho people of Eastern
North Carolina for his excellent work
as leading an In Happened
to of last year's fame, was
welcomed by the audience with en-
The of the weather no
doubt prevented a large crowd from
hearing the lecture last night in the
Court House by Dr. Daniel E. Motley,
of New York City, under the auspices
of the Christian Church. And those
not present missed a treat as tin-
speaker's remarks were v
uplifting and humorous. Ha
spoke at length on the rapid pace of
the commercial world and the many
tilings that will occur in V.-
of today have never
dreamed. Kr. an educational
point the lecture was especially
From here Dr, Motley goes to Farm-
where tonight he will lecture to
people that town.
The concert
takes place in Raleigh on
night will undoubtedly be biggest
musical event ever known In
state. It will also be an enormous
success from a social standpoint a.;
prominent society leaders from all
over the state are preparing to par-
in this event.
The occasion will decidedly be a
dress affair. There will be
gowns and dress suits In
from the bottom entrance to the
top balcony, and from the large
advance orders reported by the
florists there will be other
in evidence besides clothes.
A has been issued by
John A. Park, local manager,
scats will he provided in
the although all who con-
template purchasing seats should
communicate with him at once as no
room tickets will be sold.
I. Harmony Conference.
ST. LOUIS, Mo. Feb.
conference of Missouri Re-
publicans was held in this city today
I as a preliminary to the Lincoln Day
Five of the men of last year's cast i banquet to be held tomorrow night
who gained state-wide reputation under the auspices of the
on the program in the more of Young Republicans of
play of this year. And the Party leaders from ail
experience and training of two years the state were in attendance. Speak-;
was quite evident, which gave then era at the banquet will Include for- town of
the marked distinction of case mer Governor Herbert S. and Carolina, on
kW d I. j
Commerce and Labor,
Money to Loan on
farm lands at
1-2 per annum.
The Terrible Case of Mulligan
Down about old Boston town, in the district of Lack Bar.
Mike had his being, and also ran a dray But the
Fates one day got altar they would not let him be, and
so one line morning be the pleurisy. Then follow ed coughs,
sore throat and colds, and finally grippe and boils, and sun-
burn Inflammation got him in their coils. Mike
so got some bruises, bunions, burns and sprains, lie had
rheumatic symptoms and gave bis pains. Neuralgia,
toothache, felons, crowded Lust upon his ills, and
then knocked him off his sills. The doctor said
too, would come mist any day, and it looked Hike
might have a job of riding his own dray. But just as death
began to dance and mourners all looked grim, a kindly good
old neighbor stuff on And so they
took beloved Mike and rubbed him hard all day, and
sings praises now, and Mike still drives his dray,
an- Is Sold and Guaranteed all Druggists.
SIZES 1.00.
Notice hereby given that the
Board of Commissioners of the
of Bethel in regular session assembled
on tho 5th day of January, 1914, or-
an election to be held in the
town of Bethel at Blount Hot
and all citizens desiring to vote
are not already registered and who
desire to vote at said election will
be required to register.
This the 10th day of January, 1914
Mayor of Bethel
of the Board of Commissioners
of the town of Bethel, North Caro
Wherein the quality i-
then a modest price
tin.- comprise the
awaiting few here.
Why not make the i.
rocker, arm
chair or a decorative piece of that mil give the U
lasting n
Prices unchanged here -no Special
Taft Vandyke
To Cure a Cold In One Day
. .
The Greenville Drug Company
of Pare Drags, Chemicals, Patent
Sundries, Stationary, School Supplies,
Pen, Cigars, and
Sick R Prompt Deliveries
Prescriptions Mast Carefully Compounded
J. Key Brown, D.
All In all. the play was an
success and no will regret
seen this marked
training, skill, and experience.
The University Dramatic Club
visit the Training School in Green-
ville on Wednesday night, February
An -At
Mrs. L. W. Tucker and Mrs. J. E.
Nobles were to a boat of
, , ., r, i- and and works off the Cold.
Charles former Secretary of March, 1914. at the regular polling it lo .
place in the town of Bethel on the
o money to cure.
E. W. signature each box.
question or proposition of issuing
Five Thousand Dollars worth
International Bowling Tournament. Light Bonds to bear
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. est at per cent per annum,
. . i i
Ii perfect arrangements and a large
entry list count for success, then tin
annual tournament of the
Bowling Association opened In
this city tonight is certain to be one
of the most successful events of Its
kind that has ever been held in this
part of tho country. Scores of
. purl toe v .
their friends on Monday afternoon bowlers from
from to o'clock, at the home of Winnipeg. St. Louis, Kansas City, St.
Mrs. Nobles on Second street.
Paul, City. Omaha, lies
m. W. -V. I
Little Misses Margaret and Bruce and other cities will compete
Tucker took up the cards.
Mrs. W. I. Skinner and Mrs. J. W. I been prepared for the
Higgs received the and Intro- The tournament will con-
them to Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. j day until Thursday
Nobles. I of next week. One afternoon and
The guests were then ushered one be given over to
the parlor where Mrs. White, afternoon to
and Misses Francs Bagwell and d,, and singles and the evening
Smith served tea and wafers. to
From here the guests were shown i
into the dining room by Mrs. J. G. ii
and R. O. and Open In W
served refreshment,, cream. WINNIPEG. Man., Feb. 11-B
cakes, almonds and mines, by Misses decked In and
Higgs. Alice army of curling enthusiasts tamed
Sanders, and Annie out today for the opening of the an-
given here under the
At exit door stood Mrs. J. R. auspices of the Manitoba Curling As-
and Mrs. B. House. Relation. A large entry list prom-
The homo was beautifully ices one of the most successful even-
the hall in American Beaut, roses of recent years. The tournament is
and ferns, the parlor in violets open to all rinks affiliated reg-
and tho dining room In pink Uteri organized
carnations and growing hyacinths.
Music by the Italian band added
much to the enjoyment of the after-
payable annually, and to run for n
period of thirty years from date or
issue and the tax rate for the the
purpose of paying the interest or
said bonds and for paying said bonds,
shall not exceed twenty-five on
the hundred dollars worth of prop-
and cents on the
poll, the funds received from the
same arc to be used for the purpose
cf building and installing an electric
light plant for the town of
I- .
for the honors and prizes. Fourteen aB provided In chapter of th
j .- u- . . inn
Private Laws of North Carolina 1911.
And notice is further hereby
en that the registration books will
be opened for the registration of
such citizens who are entitled to reg-
and vote and who are not
ready registered, on the 14th day
February, 1914. and closed at sun set
or Saturday the 7th of March, 1914
and that S. M. Jones has been
pointed registrar for said purpose
that on each Saturday during
period the registration books will b.-
opened at the regular polling place in
the town of Bethel and at all other
times during said period opened in
in Canada or the United States.
Wright la
President Wright, of the Training
School, is away today attending one
a of meetings held In
county. H is tho purpose of
these meetings which place In
the different parts of tho county
ring about an uplift In the life o
rural communities. Tho aim Is bet-
better people and better
homes. Pros. Wright is called
lo represent tho educational side and
to talk to tho on subject.
Prof. Wilson. K. C. T. T. took this
place at two of the meetings
Tuesday, March 17th, 1914
C. H. Formerly District Pas-
Agent. S. A. L. Ry. and Chap-
Mrs. C. H.
Via the Seaboard Air Line Railway
All necessary expenses, in-
the cost of the trip.
Including stops at Jacksonville. St.
Augustine, Palm Beach. Miami. Day-j
light ride over the magnificent ex-j
tension of the System, the
Going to Key
and Steamer to Havana. Many side-
trips Included, both in Florida and
Optional side-trip lo Panama Canal.
First class the best hotels
everywhere, Pullman, Drawing-room
sleepers. Dining Cars, and Meals
and Stateroom on Steamer.
Write the
Raleigh. H.
For itinerary and full details.
Coward Drug Co.
Used m O
Preset f ion
. s-- ,
Superior M any.
Kodak Supplies
Drug Co.
Industrial Institute
For The Training of Colored Youths
Courses in Science. Music, and Agriculture. Tuition
to and those who are planning to teach in Pitt,
Healthy location, splendid
railroad facilities. For further information, write.
William Claudius Chance,
President Founder.
February II.
Daniel Boone. the famous Ken-
pioneer, born in
of J
. H
British under Sir Henry
Clinton on
Charleston, S. C.
1858 do.
president of Mexico.
ti. SOc. .
in pint of . r. . t
. --i-
I g , r- d to L r i-i
Um i II v
V.-i- -.-.-
r a. -t. ti .
. i. -.- i
T C Vi. i
.- .
noted Ca-
poet. died. Born Nov.
Baking Powder
Saves Health
Saves Money
River Bridge MARKET
Call to see A. R. STEPP
Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish and Oysters.
Meats always fresh, and we sell for CASH strictly.
Beef Steak . Pr
Pork Steak . 1-J per
. We per
Just across the river bridge. No delivering in
town. We will save you money if you come to us.
Makes Better Food
A. R. Stepp
Cow Peas and Seed Peanuts
Apply to
This Paper has space for
Your Ad also, try one

North Carolina. Pitt County.
In the Superior Court. Before D
C. Moore. Clerk.
Lila Williams Ad-
of the estate of K. F
Verla Williams, and Leila Williams.
i law of E. F
Williams, deceased.
By virtue a decree of the
r court of Pitt county made by
Ii C. Moore, clerk the
court Pitt county, on the 23rd day
H I r. 1913, in above on-
cause the undersigned com
loner will on Monday, the lad
day expose to pub-
sale before the court house door
in Greenville, to the highest
yard, in the cellar, in attic r described
i . I- or parcel land.
and being in Falkland
Pitt North Caro-
and being Lot , in the
the H. Williams land
tinning at a on the
Snow Hill road near the crossing
Pasture Branch and running with
mad north east poles.
then north IS 1-2, east B poles, then
north east 1-2 poles to the
bridge across a ditch, then with said
. south west poles to a
. i gum, T, i. and E. K. Williams
corner, then south II,
to a Poplar in a prong of
north IT 1-2, east poles to a stake
then south so 1-2. west to n
Oak. thence north II, west poles
to the beginning, containing 1-2
acre more or
out- other tract in said town-
ship, county and mate and
at a slake J. corner
and runs south 2.-4. west pol
t a Popular in a prong of Jacob's
Branch, then down the run of
cob's Branch to a stake, corner
W. Williams, then with hie
line north I 3-4, east poles to
stake at corner.
then south east poles to the
I beginning, containing more
After Four Years of Discouraging had gotten so weak I could not stand, or The two tracts constituting
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
At dealers everywhere
Washington. D. C
Richmond. Va.
Norfolk. Va.
Charlotte. N. C.
Charleston. W. Va.
Charleston. S. C
Hr virtue of the power of con- i
Bad in n mortgage
and delivered by Geo. A.
wife to Ida I. Knox to W. C.
James on the 30th of December,
which mortgage was duly re-
corded In the office of register of.
. of in book Q-0,
page the undersign, d will
I The stock
of he Bank
rs . r. Mr. C, T
v area given a at a b
j show their appreciation for his faith
,,,. service The hooks show that a
in Greenville, on Tuesday. i dividend of thirty per was do-
1911, at p. m. a on hail
undivided Interest In the
if tract
of land in Bethel adjoin-
the lands of Reuben James. Jr.
Bailie A- Matthews and others, con-
, and being the land inherited
Bee Kittrell and Company or
auto and Morale supplies also Gas-
and cylinder oil.
When you are in need of tanning
Implements of any kind see a. W
and Co.
Go to Bee and your
Ida I. Knox from her mother Re- mountain butter
a Harris, said Interest being
subject to the lite estate of
us said land known as the
A. Harris tract To
w. c. JAMES H e.
A. O. d
Braxton went to Greenville
Oysters at Ii. W. Hail. Try them.
Misses and
left here yesterday for Clear
Root where they will a few
days with Miss parents.
Remember that we carry one of the
best tobacco on the
market. Our prices arc right for
or time. Forrest and Co.
Prof. F. C. Ne went to New Hen
For all kinds of feed stuff see
and Company.
Miss Harper, of Black -he
By virtue of the power and author-
given by a certain mortgage deed
by C. L. Darren and
Nora Barrett, to R. Garrett
which is recorded in the office of the
r deeds for the county visiting her brother Mr. J. W.
in hook L-10, page the fol- per,
lowing property will he sold at pub- J. Cox and Son. have just received
lie auction, ., nice lot of sporting goods.
A certain house lot in the K. W. Pail just received a lot
Conditions, Mis. Bullock Gave
Up in Despair. Husband
Came to Rescue.
an interesting letter
from this place, Airs. Bettie Bullock
writes as suffered for four
years, with womanly troubles, and during
this time, could only sit up for a little
while, and could not anywhere at
all. At times, I would have severe pains
in my left side.
The doctor was called in, and his treat-
relieved me a while, but I was
soon confined to my bed again. Alter
that, nothing to do me any good.
and I gave up in despair.
Lot No, in tho division of II. P,
which was allotted
At last, my husband got me a bottle ,,. B, r, Williams division deed
the woman's tonic, and I com- dated 14th day of as
, e . appears of record In the register's of-
taking it. From the very first ,. . , . . .
i in county in hook T S. page
dose, I could tell it was helping me. I
can now walk two miles without its ; be for the
. , . I pose of making assets of the
me, and am doing all my , f ,, , and
If you are all run down from womanly sale will also include the dower
troubles, don't give up in despair. Try of K
widow of the said K. F. Williams and
the It has helped at sale will take
more than a million women, in its
years of continuous success, and should
surely help you, too. Your druggist has
sold for years. He knows
it will do. Ask him. He will
mend it Begin taking today.
en your cats book.
fur in
town of Farmville, N. C, bounded on
east by Main on the south
by the graded school lot, on the west
by the Belcher heirs land, on th
north by the lands of W. II.
son, and known as the Nora L.
house and lot and Containing
one acre more or less.
Place of sale, court home door In
Greenville, N. C. Time of sale, two
O'clock p. m. Wednesday.
25th, Terms of sale, rash.
This January 20th. 1314.
J. R. GARRETT, Mortgagee
WINSTON Attorneys.
the entire fee simple title, clear of
all encumbrances.
This the 23rd day of January. 1914
F. C. Commissioner,
HARDING Attorneys.
I Mi DOZES t ll
BETHEL, X, C Feb. Miss Kt
t. lie Jones an easy and
entertained Round
at her home even
of last Eleven members
were p sent.
The Is . a stud
course, South In i Building
of a Southern poets
the i taken and at
i Allen was id
led k i ski I of his life writ-
ten by Miss Bunting.
read by Mr-
I- II by M m e
of n i
by Mrs, a. and i It
hi- I,;. Mrs I
i is t.
foresting, Mu h credit
the program.
i pro i i null
rut for the i Ml
Bunting winning prise, Mn
Paul s the mi prise. Bin
i Ml
and In i
were Mrs
V A. Ward, of an old
member, added much pleasure to the
and by virtue of a power
if sale contained in a certain deed
j m,. ,.
I in and Misses Ward and Bright Jenkins, and hearing dale gist,
era in the graded school, Mrs 1912, to the of a
Paul of Farmville, Miss Par-j certain bond even date therewith,
I r and Misses and and the stipulations contained In
Hy of a power of con-
In a Certain mortgage deed
executed and delivered by W. l. F.
Corey and wife N. J. Corey to
V. Hooker, dated 3rd day of Jan
nary, 1911. and duly recorded in the
register's Office in Pitt county, in
hook V-9, page the
will, on Saturday, the day of
March, at o'clock, noon, ex-
pose to public sale at the court
house door in Greenville, to the
highest bidder, for cash, the follow-
described tracts or parcels of
Lying and being in the county of
Pitt and stats
specifically ii,
nice fresh beef.
Miss Mary who is teaching
at school house Is spend-
the week-end at Greenville.
Mr. U. V. Tucker went to Green-
ville yesterday.
If you want a nice Spring of
chillies or a of pants We
a full line of men's furnishings. B.
D, Forrest and Co.
just received our spring line
paint and varnish, if we have any-
thing that you need in this line our
prices are as low as the lowest,
n Forrest and Co
Program for Department.
Writing- A discussion.
Drawing -Suggestive drawings
for the next four weeks. Miss Allin
Nature can you
do ill your school next month.
Miss Marjorie Herman,
Exhibit of drawings made since
meeting In December, A
picture will lie presented Mr. Ed-
ward Hearne to the teacher
the best exhibit.
High School Department
Completion of the discussion o
of North Carolina and a The main
To be Completed by Jane There
III be is Signal Boxes
Chime Whistle and
Several weeks ago the Board of
Aldermen appointed ., committee
consisting Chief of the Fife De-
D. D, and
B. and A. B. El-
to hid-.; and
mend some lire alarm system for
Greenville, so last week these gen-
reported that they were reed
to submit bids from two
and Mayor Jam, I immediately order-
d a call meeting of the Board for
last night.
At this meeting it was decided f
purchase the tire alarm
Of Chicago. a cost of about
forty-three hundred dollars. Tin
same to be installed not later
the of next June.
There will he eighteen signal boxes
stationed at different part- th
city and a 10-inch steam chime
tie will he placed at the power
that will give the alarm and
of what district the fire may occur
The present whistle will very prob-
ably he retained, and he used for
alarm during the nights, as Its shrill
is more than the one that
to he installed.
The lace of the alarm boxes
covered with a very small glass
which protects It from the prank-
the small hoy. and when an
is sent in necessitates the break-
of the glass, and
i-p-n the pulling down of the
it so nils the gongs at the Station
and electric plant, and the figures
representing the box from which th
alarm appears very
before those in i of
stations. Tins also connects with
the chime whistle, giving the
generally the required Information.
II the all in is phoned in to
o the station the man In charge has
c connection which he puts into ope
ration that gives the i and the
district in Which the lire occurs.
The fact that i is to
a real sure-enough lire alarm System
will, no doubt, meet the approval
all. as at present when the alarm
is given there Is no way to tell in
what direction the lire is. nod ire-
as well as other
Ii backward and forward up and down
the street asking the question
is the
this Installation is
ed we will have a system of which
we may feel proud, and one that
equal any of the small cities, our
size, through Eastern Carolina.
When It conies to a necessity to
advance any movement for the bet-
torment of Greenville, our present
Hoard of Aldermen exert every el
fort possible that the people may de-
rive the benefit therefrom.
all left voting Mis- Jones
said deed of trust not having been
complied with, and upon request of
the lower of said bond, the under-
signed will sell at public for
I. ill on the day of March, 1914,
1889 tin Henry Jackson Hunt, who at two o'clock p.
commanded the federal hereinafter
at died.
of Sorts
When every in goes
wrong and the future looks
black, instead of moping
around go right to your
druggist and ask for
You will find this a short
cut to happiness, because
they will remove the cause
of your trouble which is
nothing more than a slug-
liver. At your drug,
coated or plain.
id. following lands described ill
said deed of trust,
Lying and being in the county of
Pitt, Carolina township. North Car-
and adjoining the lands of
Jenkins, Wade Williams.
Bryant and others, and hound on
the north the lauds of Pollard.
and Waiter Harper, on the east by
the lands of Walter Harper, mi th,
south by the lands of Wade Williams
and on the west by the lands
Jenkins, being all that
tract of land whereon the said
Jenkins non lives, and being a part
of the lands sold to paid Jen-
kins in if i d from John Rollins, as
in res, more or l
This Jan, 88th, 1914,
JOHN T. ROSS, i, i
i id
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally
V as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up
the Whole System. For Grown and Children.
Yon know what you sis taking when you Tasteless chill Tonic
as the formula is printed on every lab I showing that it contains the well known
tonic properties of and It ii as strong as the strongest bitter
tonic sad U in Tasteless Form. It has no for Chills and
Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor so Horsing
Mothers Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without
Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and
parities the blood. A True Tonic Sure A Complete Strengthener
Mo be without it. by your Druggist. We mean It. Me
We will sell public auction at
Farm, one mile
18th, mil, all the personal prop-
the late John Z. con
ting IX S horses, colts
bred, one stallion, standard
bred, about S head of rattle, several
milk about hogs, i
large quantity of Improved
Also one livery out-
in in
Sale to begin promptly at o'clock
Terms of sale, cash.
This 2nd. 1914.
I Administrators
scribed as
FIRST TRACT. Situated in
township, bounded on the north
the hinds of s.
Jane Edwards; on the west tin
lands of Nelson and
Branch; on south by I
tract of hind w i. F. core, and
on the east the lands of Amy
nines, containing acres, more or
less being the same tract of land
on the said W. I,. K j
and wile now reside
SECOND TRACT. Situated in
cod township on the east Bide of .
Fork Swamp adjoining the lands ,,. TO
and others, and duly qualified before the
containing acres, more or less superior court clerk of Pitt county
and being the same tract of land as administrator of the estate of I
conveyed by Samuel Corey to W. I. deceased, notice is hereby
r. Corey by deed recorded In the res- given to all persons indebted to the
office In county in book estate to make Immediate payment ti
o the hook summed up and its
in the high school,
How much history should he taught
aid What should a high
school pupil who has studied An-
i know about and
Rome lei What should be Hie
cue American history in the
high school
Primary Department
High School Hep.
1873 Abdication of King Amadeus of
Spain and of a re-
THIRD tract. Situated in Chi
cod township, on James
seres, more less,
b the land granted the
North Carolina to Samuel Core
appears of record in book Y-3,
i .
FOURTH TRACT. Lying and be I
in Creek township, adjoin-
the lands of Nashville Wilson
W It. Bland, H. Harris and
lie Bland, containing acres,
ill less.
FIFTH tract Lying and
in Swift Creek township and on
both sides of the Washington road,
adjoining the lands or R, ii.
Haywood Cos and others and
containing II seres, more or
This sale will be for the
purpose of satisfying the terms of
said mortgage deed and tho above
described land will be subdivided
Into smaller tracts and will be sold
not ii as a whole and in subdivision
to suit purchasers.
This the day of February, 1914
V HOOKER Mortgagee
ti Id
For Weakness Loss of Appetite
chill TONIC,
ind builds the A
i. y-
Mexican revolutionists
federal troops engaged In bat
In the streets of Mm Ice
the undersigned; and all persons
claims against said estate
i i lifted to present the to tile
undersigned for payment on or be-
fore the day of January, or
this notice will lie plead in bar
This day of January. 1911,
of C. II. ea d
North county.
In the superior
t. 1914.
vs. David Adams.
The defendant David Adams will
herewith take notice that a
has been Issued out of the office
the clerk of the superior court of
requiring him to be present
to defend a suit Instituted by hi-
wife Adams for divorce
that he will take that if
does not appear on or before the Urn
Monday of March, 1914, th
day of that month mid
or demur the complaint filed
the in this I .
will be granted th, release
This 14th, 1914.
Clerk Superior Court
AYDEN. in. Last
while playing on the Boor with a
revolver, at the home
Bonny Pugh, colored, hi two small
children discharged the
weapon, the hall entering the fore-
head, going through and coining
1.1 the back part of the head, on
through a partition In the nous,
through a well curb, and then didn't
stop. The child is getting on tine
Constable Walter Patrick, of
was here Monday on business.
Mr. Gibson, who has been indoors
of late on account of the railroad
wreck at a few weeks ago.
out Monday but much disfigured from
the result.
Mr. David has purchased n
touring ear.
Who will get the job to carry tin
mail on the new rural route through
Mr. Henry of has
moved to and with hi-
daughter. Mrs. In
new home Just completed on Third
Mr. Jasper Smith has purchased
S new Kurd touring car. so as to can
vast territory in the interest
his marble yard.
Fer sale. t a bargain, a pretty
Shetland pony, perfectly gentle and
well harness and saddle. J
Smith and
Don't go west young man to seek
gold, but come to Ayden and In
develop her sources,
worst thing we need Is a hotel, next
a shoe workman, and then the gold
will come of Itself.
Those owing tax to the town
Ayden are notified to settle In
duo time as I shall collect as the law
directs. The books can found at
the of tho Ayden Loan and In
Co. and with me on tin
street C. S. SMITH. of c
Th cam, no how Ion
r I t-y the wonderful, old Dr
Healing Oil. It relieve
. and at I be name time. . H.
W p.-t
On application and a
. i-n Hi
r i i y I I ,. a .
yield to curative properties
a At
. ha hast
Agriculture Is the Healthful, the Host Employment
we haM a
S. A M,
M Jilt Kit IS.
Col. Attends Meet-
Bar Association
Executive Committee
AYDEN, Feb. Joseph Ty-
son, who lived at Mr. C. H.
died Tuesday morning
being rick only a
time. Mr. Tyson was an excelled
Be your own veterinarian,
Raleigh News and
The 1914 annual convention Of He-
North Carolina Bar Association will
meet A Beach. This war- you a salt brick of J. K. Smith and
decided at the meeting of the executive bro. and your horse and cow will
committee of the which do their own doctoring,
was held in Raleigh, and which Messrs F. Clayton and
attended a number of the Alphonso Jenkins left for Rub-
of committee. Those last Sunday on their auto and
Officers Arrest Two Negroes
Wanted in Other
cut A. W. chairman
J. Crawford
Harry Skinner, Greenville; A.
I. Andrews, Jr. Raleigh; Thomas W.
Davis, Wilmington; and Thomas S
The set tor tho meeting Is
Juno which will make three
days In all, tho session to be
told on Monday.
Nothing has us yet done to-
ward tho selection of tho speakers
nor in making out any sort of a pro-
gram for tho occasion. All of this
will be left until later. The com-
having In charge the
of the program la
several speakers and subjects, and It
is supposed that tho principal ad-
dress will be delivered by some of
more than statewide
bought a nice herd of Jersey cattle.
They will conduct u dairy farm near
the of the city this summer
Mr. Richard tells us lie
will in short ship a car of
and mules to Atlanta. Mr.
is to Ayden what Mr. Hob Smith i-
Greenville Mr. Charlie Bevel
Is to hustling all the
We are informed that Mr. D. S.
Jackson, the famous mole killer,
soon open a fancy grocery in A.
den and if lie succeeds in
to catching moles we bet on bis
it. is an ill wind that blows no-
body good, this cold snowy weather
has created a good demand for rub-
and other winter goods.
It surely pa-s to advertise In The
two Young Men Drowned at
In Pantego
has been announced, however, that Dally Reflector. We wrote an ad for
there Is as yet nothing to gives , Messrs J. R. Smith and ad-
out In regard to the speakers or the or smoke
take the place of smoking meat
No decision has been reached as with oak chips, and Mrs. Ed.
to which of tho hotels
will be made headquarters for tin
convention, it being considered that
this is a matter of minor Importance
this distance from the date for th.-
The meeting of the was
held last year in at the Bat-
tery Park hotel, and was one of the
most largely attended in the history
of the organization. It is expected
that the 1914 will be I
Hug of Dr. Wooten's Slayer Drawn
With Special Volts of
One Hundred.
Feb. effort.
ti obtain the release on ball of It.
M. held here for the alleged
murder of Dr. W. W. Wooten last
Tuesday, today were ceased, when
was arraigned In
court on a charge of murder and
the trial set for Thursday of this
week. Both tho state and the de-
readiness to begin
the trial on that date. entered
a plea of not guilty and the
rod i special Ire i
When In the drawing of the
the name of the defendant was
called. It was soon noticed by the
court and the name passed.
ford of Greenville came to Ayden
the next day purchased a quart
of liquid an returned on the
Mr. Edward of Wilson,
was in town Friday and tells your
reporter that he never tho like
of preparation being made for to
All the way from Raleigh to
Ayden he could farmers skin-
pine poles and erecting new
Everybody works but father, ii
what our Chief of Police told three
tramps as they alighted from the
train other morning and father
only had one hour to look him a job,
cue of them went to currying horses
and the others went to unloading r,
oar with a vim. Chief Smith told
them this was no town for loafers,
and they took him at his word.
Mr. Guy Stokes, of Timothy sec-
lion. N. C has accepted a
with J. It. Smith and Bros.,
ml will be glad to have his many
friends call on him.
Cards are out announcing the mar-
of Mr. D. R. to
Miss Annie Edwards on tho morn-
of Wednesday 26th. At homo
after 10th of March.
those owing the town of
i either 1911 or are
tied to collie and settle same, as I
shall proceed to collect by law
Chief of Police and Tax Collector.
Two giving their names
as Walter and Charlie Williams, but
later Identified as Walter Davis, want-
ed by the Kinston authorities, and
Fagan, who the officers of Elizabeth
City. and Washington
been In search for was taken into
custody last night by Officer Geo.
Clark and Deputy Sheriff Ernest Dud-
Tho officers were
time ago that were
thought to be in or near Greenville
and warrants were sent here for their
arrests. Upon receipt of this
tho local officials got busy
and was but a short while landing
them, being located in southern
part of the town near the big mill.
Walter Davis was preparing to
make Greenville permanent quarter-
tor the future, having yesterday
bought furniture and Other things to
furnish a homo.
Fagan is being held for Eliza-
beth City authorities from wine
place ho escaped from the chain gang
during May of last year. He Is also
wanted for the of a
in Washington last month. It could
not be learned for what charge the
Davis is being held.
They are securely confined in the
county Jail awaiting tin arrival of
officer- from the above mentioned
Case Again Jim in
Takes Sew Turn With Arrest
of Branson Mathews.
ASHEVILLE, Feb. ease of
Jim Capps, who is charged with shoot
his wife with latent to kill a
short tie ago after which he turned
is pistol upon himself and tired two
shot into bis own body took an
expected yesterday when tin
arrested Branson who is
alleged to have furnished the
with which the shooting was done
urging Capps to kill wife and end
it all. The who was Injured
still hovers between life and
at a local hospital with slight chance.,
for recovery while the man been
removed from he hospital Jo the
jail. Matthews is being held without
bond, as la Capps. awaiting the out-
come of the wounds of the
BELHAVEN, Feb. town of
Belhaven was shocked Sunday after-
noon the drowning of Leon Greene
and Augustus Anthony, young men
about eighteen years. They were
both line young men and were held
In the highest esteem by all who
knew them.
While rowing In a frail craft u;.
the river toward the cooperage
to see the big dredge recently built
hero to drain Lake
the boat was capsized for some
In company with tho two young
men was but his
to tho cold was greater, and
he held to the up-turned boat till as
came. He was rescued in an
almost unconscious condition Mrs.
T. E Powell, her Mark, and
Johnny who were crossing
the river and were attracted by
cries for help.
Heroic efforts were made, to rescue
the bodies the two young men but
without success. Drug nets, oyster
tongs, ropes and rods with
hooks attached were used. Hundreds
of people Hocked to tho scene with
the hope of rendering some assist-
ill the recovery of the bodies
A crew worked all night to them
but to no avail.
Young Mr. Greene was a student In
the high school and stood well in
class. He was admired by every one
for his genteel manly qualities, and
only recently he had been chosen to
represent Belhaven graded school
the state triangular debate with Ply-
mouth and Edenton.
Mr. Anthony was a student last
year In the same, high school class
but had stopped school this year to
accept u position with the Interstate
Cooperage Company.
The people of the town are in
deepest sympathy the parent's
e young men.
NEW YORK. Feb. Is. A bunch of
the champion New York Giants
In town today preparatory to
starting tomorrow for the training
camp at Texas. Among those
who will make the trip are nearly all
the young players, tho entire catching
stiff and Pitcher
The majority of the old players, ex
who are on the world
tour with Manager will star
far In another week.
world tourists will Join the club the
.-,,.,. Met m March tuna
a series of exhibition
games which will continue until the
regular opens in April.
Nattier In Washington.
Officials and other prominent
of the Knights of from
all parts the States and
Canada are gathering in Washington
to participate in the celebration of
the fiftieth anniversary of the order,
which was founded in this city
The celebration will begin
tomorrow and continue until the end
week, Wilson -l
receive the st the White
House and Secretary of State Bryan
will be one of the speakers at the
anniversary exercises.
Sen ice Examinations.
On Saturday two civil service ex-
were here, for
rural mail carriers and one
fourth class postmasters. There wen
applicants in the rural
class and in the fourth class post
masters. The applicants for the
were as Bethel
S. I, Fountain I. Hook-
I, I,
i. S.
Mrs. H W and
are visiting In
Mr. Austin Nobles, of Ayden, is
In town today.
local Option campaign In Alberta.
plans for a vigorous local option
in Alberta are to be
lated at the annual convention of the
Alberta Temperance and Moral Re-
which met In the Knox
Presbyterian church in this city to-
day for a two day's
of church and temperance
organizations throughout Pi
are attending the
II. II. Warner Is to be starred in
a new play called by
Charles Bradley. Rita has
been selected for the leading female
Gold- While.
In Search of a
Light of
Hurrying Fate and
The Hon. Mr.
Peg My Heart.
The Old Bennett
Ruth Anne, Bryant
And Then Came Jean.
The Responsibility Ruffles
A Senior Co. EM,
At the Little House Brown
Camp Brave Pine.
The Girl From I
The Jean
On the Plains Hit Custer
Camping on Western Trail-
Roger Beach
Boy Scouts on Swift
The Young Homesteaders.
The library open on Mondays
Wednesdays and from to
p. in.
MRS. W. A. HOW EN. Librarian
The beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Ferrell was the scene of
a very lovely and elaborate affair
Tuesday afternoon, when Mrs.
bad a delightful reception In honor of
her house guest, Mn- John II. Small,
of Washington.
The callers were received in the
hall by Mesdames E. B. Ferguson and
F. Wilson. Mrs. B. W. Moseley
Mrs. M. H. showed them
Into the living room where refreshing .
punch was served by Mesdames W
H. Dall and R. O. Mrs. A.
M. Moseley and Mrs. G. B. W. Had-
Introduced the ladies to the re-
line In the library, in which
were Mrs. Ferrell, in pink
lace and pearls, Mrs. Small pink
crepe meteor with beaded tunic
black chiffon. Mrs. J. G. Move, pink
crepe de chine embroidered In roses
Mrs. B. B. yellow
of lace, Mrs. Chas. Laugh-
white crepe and
W. Morton in pink chiffon
Mesdames D. E, House and W
I. Skinner were at the door of
room. Inside this room, Mrs,
P. J. Cobb and Mrs. L. C.
greeted the callers.
Ices and cakes decorated with tiny
pink roses, and bonbons in the form
rose and violets were served by
Misses Francis Bagwell, Lucille Cobb
Smith and Estelle Greene.
Mesdames L. C. H. B,
Austin. H, M. White and F. J
Forbes invited the guests Into the
den, where they were received by
Miss Mary Here Mrs. C.
B, Carr and Mrs. H
A. White served sandwiches from u
brown willow basket, daintily trim-
med with Jonquils and ferns.
Ethel Skinner showed the callers out
by the south door of the den.
The spacious house was a bowel
floral beauty and fragrance. Ban-
of exquisite American and
roses were every where except
in the coffee room, where the color
prevailing being yellow the
dons were Jonquils and hyacinths.
music much to th
of the afternoon.
After the reception was over, the
receiving served a
salad course followed by ice;
of dainty candies, consisting
of spun sugar chestnuts the burr.
cherries and flowers wen- handed
them as tin left the dining room.
The affair was delightful in every
way and many ladies called during
the afternoon
Mr. Eagles
Killed In
Mr. L. D Eagles the Falkland
neighborhood, was the victim of a
serious accident yesterday
which an hour later in bis
Mr. Eagles was a team
mules along the public roads when
they In some manner became
dashing off throwing him out
against the ground with much force,
resulting as above stated.
He is survived by his wile
several children.
Today marked the formal opening
the four celebration arranged ii
honor of the golden jubilee of
Knights of Pythias. The day
devoted to the reception of
tors arrived from all parts
the United state- and Canada Tin
main celebration will take place to
morrow, which will be the
anniversary of the founding of till
order in tills city
Ethel has met with such
success in thats lie has de-
to continue in tin play in;
the remainder of the reason.
daughter of the
late Aubrey has been en
gaged by Henry W, Savage the
play. came
Last week Hope Fire Company mail
i-i. OUt letters to several and
corporations In the town asking aid
to their hall. To pica
irony hate responded liberally. The
names were banded in to
tie Reflector by members of the Pit-
Company for publication
Mrs. l P. Lee and Co, .
Hughes, Thomas and
Mi k .
J v. .
k of P.
L. w Tucker .
V J Forbes .
J L, Little.
National Bank .
Samuel T. White.
Former Townsman Visits Here
Mr C. E. Lincoln, of Greensboro
la-st night and today lore en
route to Kinston. Mr. Lincoln In
Greenville for sometime, lea vim
about eight years ago. He has many
friends lure who were I to
him again.
I on
I nil
, on
i a
I Oil
I on
. ,
Ranking .
Real Estate Dealers.
Feb. -The
annual convention the Kansas Real
Estate t in
this city today and was called to or
i or by President l. R, Lamed
The sessions will last two day and
will be devoted to the of
mortgage tax question,
and other subjects of Interest.
Virginia Sunday Betas
Va. Feb.
ft the
of Virginia arc attending the annual
State Sunday School Convention
which met In this city today for
three session Congressman Car
Glass delivered an address of
welcome at the opening session of
this afternoon.
Root. it. Wright left
moraine for New York to attend
of Educational
V continue tho
week he will spend the week In
Richmond attending a meeting of a
of the National Educational
C. Carr. I Oil
i . ll . I
J. L. . .
T. it. Moore i
Atlantic Cast Co .
C i i
lib v ,.,.
l-el I .
j i . i
Cash . .
Edmonds Karl S p . 1.00
Qua . 5.00
W. s Fleming .
C W. Harvey. Ton CO
T, M. Hooker. I
II Bland .
Hart and . Move
The Reflector win gladly publish
any made to worthy
was here today
f Farmville
Bound Boned
No a m. No. p. a
No. v ii No. B i
East Bound West
No. l a. No. i
No. a. m No ill a hi.
Na. S p. m. . .
i . .-. w

Eastern reflector, 13 February 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 13, 1914
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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