[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Water HuM to
able and a Plunge la
Height of Luxury.
who lira la and
old do not effect
at the direct heat on
Its luxury of bathing in an ocean that
tea a temperature of degrees.
writes Mr. E. J. In Tropic
la not for the multitude who
the cities that touches
tremulously and aslant.
On November 1908. we bathed at
north Queensland, In shallow
water, on the edge of an area of de-
waded coral reef fully two long
by a mile broad. For three hours a
considerable portion of the reef had
been exposed to the glare of the sun,
and the Incoming tide filched the
heat from coral and stones
and sand.
The first plunge provoked an
of amazement, for the water
degrees hotter than the
air, and It was the hottest
o'clock In the a very hot
day. No thermometer was at hand to
register the actual temperature of the
water, but subsequent at
same spot under conditions
proved that the surface stratum of
about one foot at
Fahrenheit, from four degrees to six
hotter than the air. Below
that, the temperature of the water
seamed ordinary, and corresponded i
that of the water a hundred
yards out from the shore.
On another day, January 1910,
between noon and three o'clock In the
afternoon, the sea, scientifically test-
ad, heated to degrees. With.
bulb burled In sand six feet
from the water's edge, the mercury
rose to degrees very quickly, and
remained stationary Com-
Humorous Incident Caused
Public to Believe Gladstone
a Race Track Follower.
The of the English
Mr. George has Just died
at the ripe old age of eighty-nine. Be
ides his enthusiasm for sport the de-
ceased gentleman was noted for his
resemblance to the late Mr. Gladstone,
and this likeness was once made the
occasion of a practical Joke, which
had the amusing sequel of winning for
the O. O. M. the reputation of having
on Inside knowledge of the doings of
the English turf. Mr. at the
time traveling in Scotland, and
-when passing through Edinburgh his
friends for fun passed round the word
at Waverly Station that Mr. Gladstone
was In the train. At first Incredulous,
the crowd flocked round Mr.
man's carriage, and then, misled per
haps by the dim light, concluded that
the sportsman really was the states-
man, and cheered and shouted for a
speech. Just as the train moved out,
Mr. urged by his friends.
thrust his head out of the window,
waved his hand, and shouted
-Thank you, gentlemen Bo-and-so
will win the And as it
did, the British public,
who were not enlightened as to how
they were duped till some time later,
concluded that Gladstone was a tip-
well worth following, and es-
teemed him accordingly.
Rode Into to Death.
The of a cyclist who
rode at an hour
down a concrete slope into the
names at England, was de-
scribed at an Inquest at
recently. The victim was Solomon
aged nineteen. He had
suffering from consumption.
on a recent Sunday night a man
-walking along the towpath at
saw riding Into the river.
A policeman named waded Into
the water up to his with a pole
and afterwards swam out to nearly
but without finding the
whose body was not discovered
next morning. In a pocketbook
found In the possession of
there was
Contradictory Terms.
An American visitor to Cambridge,
England, sought explanation of some
unfamiliar terms, which a genial Don
delighted to elucidate.
he explained,
tars of a term, and the week
Is the first fortnight In June. A day
of general admission Is day on
which men leave the university, an
ordinary degree Is one conferred by
a special exam., and an Inspector of
art is one who has been an arts
dent for at least six
The Yankee passed a hand across
Us weary brow.
will he queried,
roe In the London train If I ask for
to Cambridge r
said Mr. to his
wife, as ha entered the house with a
package in his arms, re-
i member last week when you secured
ism oh a wonderful bargain In shirts at
Mg cents, and neckties at three for a
replied Mrs.
-Well, don't think I
t your Fee, I have
ht something for you. I
beautiful green and yellow plaid
i material la a shop window on
way and you eighty
i of it st seven cents a yard. The
said It was a great bargain,
. It will make enough dress is to
t M two
t Mrs. had fainted
To the Farmers of
this Section. .
We have twenty head of as fine a lot of Jersey hogs, and female, as were ever
ed in Eastern North Carolina that we are going to give away, absolutely free of charge, to the far-
of this section.
How To Get One of These Hogs
To the farmer, white or who nearest the of of tobacco
that will be sold on the Greenville market this season up to December 1st, will be given the
choice hog in the lot, and to the farmer who guesses the next nearest to the number of pounds sold,
will get the next choice hog in the lot, and so on until the entire lot are given away.
Every farmer who sells a load of tobacco at the Star Warehouse will be entitled to a guess, and
will have the opportunity of getting one of these choice rugs free of charge. Twenty farmers will get
them, and the twenty guessing nearest to the number of pounds sold by December st will be the
lucky ones.
In order that the farmers have an intelligent idea of what will be sold on the market to December
st, we are publishing what has been sold on the up to this time, and also what was sold on the
market last year up to December st. With this information any can form a very intelligent idea of
what the market will sell this year to December st. Every load of tobacco sold on the Star Warehouse
floor, entitles the owner to a guess. If a farmer has a dozen loads, he will be entitled to twelve
guesses, and if he brings a load every day in the week, he will be entitled to a guess for every
load he brings up to December st.
Now, put on your studying cap, take the sale, last year and compare them with this, make your
estimate of what will be sold to December st. this year, bring your load of tobacco, and we will
register your guess on your bill, and keep a record of it also and when the Secretary of
the Board of Trade reports the sales up to December we will then award the hogs to the twenty
farmers who have guessed nearest the number of pounds sold.
Now, remember please, that it d cost a cent to enter this contest.
It is a perfectly plain proposition. We are going to give away twenty
pure blood Jersey Hogs to the customers of the Star Warehouse
who guess nearest the number of pounds of Tobacco that will be sold
on the Greenville Market to December this year.
sales on the Greenville market last year up to December I, were pounds.
The sales to October this year are pounds.
. . p. r I M I What will the Greenville sell this
THE IO- to December 1st.
The twenty farmers coming nearest to the correct answer to this question will
get twenty as fine Hogs as were ever raised in this county.
No employee of the Star Warehouse will be allowed a guess in this contest.
Why Not Bead on a Train.
Many people believe that it is in-
to the eyes to read on a train,
but few seem to know why. The
son is the added strain on the deli-
I muscles of the eyes. The mo-
of the train shakes the paper
book constantly, thus continually
its position and Its distance
from the eyes, keeping the delicate
muscles of the eyes in constant action
to readjust the focus. Extra work
thus thrown on these tiny muscles
as the changing of occurs some-
times a hundred times a minute.
j Some trains now carry library cars
which have the source of light be
bind and at one side of the reader.
The best and newest Pullmans have
side light for reading. The usual
railroad car-lighting equipment, how-
ever, is antiquated. Public opinion
will do much to remedy these
lighting methods. Illuminating
engineers can be secured by railroads
and other public carriers to devise
proper methods of Illumination,
that no excuse can be offered for
proper lighting conditions.
Another cause of eye-strain in
reading on trains Is the poor lighting
usually encountered. Often people
try to read their evening papers on
a train or street-car when the day-
light Is fading and before the car
lights are turned on. Even with the
lights turned on, the situation is not
greatly Improved. The cars are
crowded, and strap-hangers
sway back and forth between the
paper and the source of light Usual-
the light high up In the center
of the car ceiling and Is badly placed
for reading, the light being too far
from the paper and the light rays be-
reflected into the eyes from the
book or magazine.
work on farm this fall. Will fur-
nice cottage, firewood free.
ply Reflector.
a pair.
Jr. Falkland. N. a
d-w law
Resolutions of Sympathy.
the death angel having
visited the home of Bro. James Tripp
on Sept 6th, 1913, and very suddenly
removed his wife. Therefore, be It
Resolved, That we, the officers and
members of Chesapeake Tribe No.
I. O. R M extend to Bro. Tripp our
heartiest and fullest sympathy and
point him to the Great Spirit who
all things well, and can all our
sorrows heal.
That a copy of these resolutions
be sent Bro. Tripp, a copy be spread
on our minutes and a copy be sent
the Reflector for publication.
ltd Committee.
farms at Vanceboro, Cove City,
New Bern, and other parts of Craven
county. J. W. Stewart New Bern,
N. c. m w
earthquake along the
western coast of South
The undersigned having this day
qualified as executor of the Last Will
and Testament of the Ann
Smith, of Pitt county, notice Is here-
by given to all persons indebted to
said estate to make Immediate set-
with the undersigned
tor, and notice Is hereby given to all
persons holding claims against said
estate to present their claims to the
undersigned executor for payment
within twelve months from the date
or this notice will be plead in
bar of recovery of said claims.
This the 24th day of September,
Executor of the Estate of Anne
Resolutions of Sympathy.
Whereas, on the morning of Sept
15th, 1913, the death angel invaded
the home of Bro. J. K. Oakley and
very suddenly removed his
wife, Therefore, it
Resolved, That we, the officers and
members of Chesapeake Tribe No.
I. O. R. M., extend to Bro. Oakley our
heartfelt sympathy In this sad trial
end point him to the Great Spirit,
from whence comes all consolation
and doth not err In duelings.
That a be spread on our
minutes and a copy sent to the
Reflector for publication.
ltd Committee.
cleared, three room dwelling,
tobacco barn. etc. Original growth
oak and G. T. Tyson, B.
The wont cam no matter of how Handing,
re cured the wonderful, old reliable Dr.
Porter- Heeling Oil. It
to pay you the highest cash price
for your raw furs of all kinds. D.
C. Beach at J. R. and J. G.
store. M.
T- r
Agriculture Is the Hull the Most Healthful, the Most Employment of
who to get bet-
A large number of the members of
the party which left here last month
for Toronto, Canada, have returned
to their homes in this town. Some
arrived last Saturday, and others
have been arriving almost every day
that time. Those to
date, and who have not as yet been
mentioned, are Mrs. White
Mrs. Borden. Mrs. J. R. Miss
Agnes Spain, Mice Denny, and Rev.
J J. Walker.
The primary object of the trip was
to attend the National Convention
of the Christian Church, and the final
goal and destination of the party was
Toronto, Canada, where the big con-
was held. Side trips were
made both going and coming, and the
party spent much time in Canadian
cities besides Toronto. Palls
v. as visited, and trips were made down
the St Lawrence River, and from
Albany to New York city over the
famous Hudson River. Every
of the party reports a good time,
and says that there was not a dull
moment during their absence from
town, with the exception of the few-
times when they were visited by short
spells of homesickness.
of the party arc expected
bock almost every day.
Copies of Automobile Law
Received by Local
Officers of the town and county
have received copies of the
bile law, and have been given copies
to carry in their pockets all the while.
It is Important that every citizen
owning or driving an automobile ob-
serve the law, and take notice of its
provisions, as, perhaps, it might
some time save him a heavy fine. The
law received here from
of State J. Bryan Grimes, and
To the Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Po-
Marshals, Watchmen and
Constables of North
Do not permit any automobile or
motorcycle to run anywhere or at any
time unless proper display number
for 1913-14 appears on rear.
Do not permit any person to
ate a motor vehicle of any kind
less such person shall, upon demand,
show license for the current year.
Do not permit any person to at-
tempt to license to another
person other than the one to whom
issued. are also void for any
machine except the one described
Do not permit speed exceeding ten
miles per hour In the business portion
and fifteen in the residential section
of any city or town, and twenty-five
miles on public highways.
Persons violating the automobile
law were subject to a fine of or
imprisonment for thirty days upon
conviction before a Justice of the
Peace or any other officer having
Each of the officers named herein
Is liable on his official bond for fail-
or neglect In carrying out the
ties above Imposed.
Copies of the law and
blanks for registration will be fur
promptly upon application to
Secretary of State,
Raleigh, N. C.
Physician and Policeman
Work Hard to Save a
Van's Life
Nearly Half Million Pounds Were
Here Yesterday
Farmers Are Pleased With What
Their is Bringing Them.
Coming From Long
A blocked sale marked the close of
the tobacco market Many
thousands of pounds had to be sold
this morning because the buyers could
not get to it yesterday afternoon.
Estimates placed upon the break yes-
place the number of pounds
close to half a million, though
of the warehouses think that it was
slightly less than that.
Another large amount was here to-
day, thought a short while after the
noon hour It was believed that the
entire amount would be disposed
Is Now in Full View from the
County Bridge
Fund Wanted to Furnish Lodging
Place for
The members of Hope Fire Com-
have organized and secured for
themselves a hall In which to
their meetings, and which may be
said to be the home. The
hall is within a few doors of the fire
department headquarters, and is very
conveniently located for those be-
longing to the company. Several
people of the town have already con- Officer of La Says Men
funds toward furnishing the I Formed Line Nearest Dan-
Long Cut Across Sand Bars Must
lie of lion
the Work is Being
High water in the Tar River, due to
the recent rains, enabled
the big dredge boat now doing work
In the channel of the stream to
up to the Atlantic Coast Line railroad
bridge last Monday. The boat is at
the present time working between the
railroad and the county bridge
and Is In close proximity of the sight-
seers who wish to go to the bridge
to get a peep at the machinery which
is doing so much for this town.
The fact that the boat Is now at the
bridge, coupled with the oft-
during day. and that none of repeated statement that it will do work
it would have to be carried over to no further up the river, does not
tomorrow mean that the contract is almost com-
prise are still high and are As a matter of fact, the hard-
gradually going higher up. All oft work still p.-.;.
this pleases the farmers Immensely,
and they are delighted at the high
prices that their weed is bringing on
the local market. Many of the
of this staple are coming Into
Greenville from long distances for
the purpose of placing their
co on a market that will give them
a high price, as the reputation of the
market in Greenville has spread all
over this and adjoining counties.
Some of them pass by other markets
nearby, but do not stop, preferring covered will have to
Between the present position of the
boat and th place to which It worked
before able to advance up the stream
lies that section of the river bottom
which will require work than
any other portion.
Much time will be required for the
work still remaining to be done. II
is a straight cut from the
bridge to the curve in the river, and
within that space some of the
et-t sand bars In the whole ten miles
be removed
Buster Button, a white farmer
lour or live miles from town, last
night had bis life saved by the he-
work of Dr. J. L. Nobles
Officer Clark. Tic man
round in the west end of town
his life fast ebbing On his
person WM found a which had
contained medicine, and which had
been prescribed for him by Dr. No-
Mr. Clark Immediately notified the
doctor lifter he found the man.
ton was quickly removed to Dr. No-
office where the work of res-
was All of the
known methods of bringing back lit;
to an unconscious man were employ-
ed to restore to this man his normal
condition. Hot water was pumped in-
to his stomach, and other remedies
applied. Finally the human
spark once more began to be fanned
Into a blaze, and Sutton showed that
there was hope for him.
It developed that the man had been
sick or intoxicated, and that be
had to Dr. Nobles for some
medicine. The doctor gave him a
tonic, with the specific charge that
he was to take a every
two hours and a half. The man,
his drunken stupor, however, drank
all of the four-ounce bottle full in
less than four hours, an amount
enough to last for thirty doses. It
Is believed that had medical aid not
come Just as it did that the man's
life could never have been saved.
room, hut more is needed. The com-
very much appreciates what has
been done so far, but Is very anxious
to have several other contributions
to swell the fund to the amount re-
quired for the completion of the work
undertaken. Any one desiring to con-
tribute will please communicate- with
Mr. H. L. Allen, superintendent of
the municipal plant.
state board of pardons today listened
to arguments on the petition recent-
presented asking for tho pardon
of Mrs. the Reading
murderess. Mrs. Edwards was con-
In 1902 of the murder of
husband. For the past twelve years
she has been confined In the
county Jail at Reading, during which
time governors have declined to
sign the warrant for her execution.
Tho reasons advanced for a pardon
are that Mrs. Edwards, who Is now
years old and the mother of five
living children, would
convicted of second degree murder
ac acquitted had she told the truth
that was by years of
brutal treatment and Ignorant; that
she has served twelve years, re-
and been sufficiently punish-;
that sentiment Is In her favor; that
If pardoned she will lead a useful
and that she Is In bad health.
France, Oct
of the French line, one of the
rescue ships at the
arrived at this port this morning
bearing forty-two survivors from the
on her forward deck. Eight
children three to twelve years old
whose parents either perished or
on board other rescue ships, two
children with their mothers,
sturdy Polish parents and
Hires members of the crew
made up the party.
Lieutenant of La
said that the women and children oil
the placed farthest
from the fire while the men formed
d line nearest the danger point. He
said that everything aboard the Vol-
appeared to be quiet and
organized control.
to come to Greenville to make
It Is believed that the position this
town will take in the standing of
North Carolina cities and towns In
the sales for the month of October
will be much nearer to the front than
was the case last month. The sales
for the week closing last Friday
helped out very materially in raising
the average and in placing the stand-
of this town much higher. It la
said by some that more than ten mil-
lion pounds have been sold here to
the present time, and it is confident-
predicted that this season's records
will go far above those for last year.
States Court for the East-
District of North Carolina Will
convene In the new federal building at
Washington on next
with Judge G. Connor, of
presiding. It is the first court to be
held in the new office building
in Washington, though at this time
there will be no formal opening
The following articles, taken from
the Washington Dally News, will bi
read with
The United States Court for the
Eastern District of North
will meet here on Tuesday of next
week with His Honor, Judge H. G.
Connor, of Wilson. N. C, presiding
This will be the first time that the
sessions of the court have been held
In the court room of the new public
building. It Is to be doubted if
North Carolina contains a similar
hall of justice more for the
purpose for which it was construct-
ed. The room is now finished and
ready for the sitting of the
There are six cases on the
docket for trail and six civil cases.
Several attorneys from afar will be
in attendance. The formal opening
of the building is scheduled
to take a later date. Ar-
are now going on for this
Railway Surgeons in Session.
lessen the number of accidents, both
t. and passengers. Is
as the chief subject for discus
at the tenth annual convention
of the American Association of Rail-
way Surgeons, which began Its
at the Hotel Sherman In this
city today. Other topics to be dis-
cussed during the three session
will be the cause and cure of car sick-
the relation of the attendant
surgeon to the evidence In personal
Injury and the role of the rail-
way Burgeon In preventing damage
It May be Later Still Before
Court of Impeachment Decides
the Fate of
ALBANY, N. Y., Oct
are that the High Court of
trying Governor
may not reach a verdict before Wed-
possibly later. Lengthy
beginning this morning
dealt with the question whether
testimony of Duncan V. Peck. Allan
and Henry U would
be considered as part of article four
of the Impeachment charges, or mere-
as corroborative evidence, and
whether the testimony should be
embodied in an amendment to tho
It was thought that
would be no vote today on the gen-
proposition of the governor's
Between the county bridge and the
railroad crossing is a place which,
with the possible exception of a
row channel, can be waded, and this
will have to be deepened to the a-
mount of six feet, and a width of more
than twenty-six yards.
The work of dredging out the bot-
tom of the river, or at least a part
cf the river's bed, Is accomplished in
a way that to many people is a new
method. The rear end of the boat
s anchored to one certain spot, while
the front Is allowed to swing
From the rear a pipe line, supported
by stretched under it, reaches
from the boat to the bank of the river.
A kind of screw or a cutter Is fasten-
ed on the front end of the boat, and
this protrudes deep into the water,
and as this end of the craft
back and forth, cuts loose the mud
underneath. This Is drawn Into the
pipe by means of a suction machine,
and is pumped over to the bank of
the stream.
Initiation of New Society Members.
On last Saturday night tho
who had applied for In the
literary societies of E. C. T. T. S.
were initiated and became members
of the or Lanier Societies.
A great deal of excitement was
manifested among the applicants for
a few days beforehand, for no one
knew to which of tho two societies
they would belong. The method of
assigning is that the Inter-society
committee with the faculty member-
ship committee shall evenly divide
students desiring admission into two
groups, these groups shall then be
drawn by lot, one for the Poe So-
the other for the Lanier. These
lists are than posted that the eager
applicants may find to which society
Fate has assigned them.
Discuss Elasticity of Credit.
of was the general top-
at the sessions of this, the con-
day of the second national
conference on currency reform. Tho
conference concludes with a banquet
at the Hotel tonight, former
Senator Nelson A. of
Island delivering the principal ad-
made to
King Louis Philippe of
of the Lincoln
at Springfield.
-President Taft reviewed n great
of American warships In
y York harbor.
Memorial Dedication.
Pa., Oct.
exercises today attended the
unveiling, in Memorial
Park near this city, of the monument
erected In honor of tho memory of
General Edward Braddock, who was
killed leading the British reg-
and the Virginia militia against
the French and Indians at Fort Du-
Prominent among who
took part In the unveiling exercises
Sir Cecil A. Spring-Rice, the
British ambassador at Washington,
and Philander C. Knox, the former
secretary of state.
Washington started
on a tour of the northern
bill passed for the -e
of and
, In Ireland.
Lanier Society.
The Initiation of its new members
into the Lanier Society took place in
the auditorium last Saturday night
The exercises were thoroughly enjoy-
ed by both old and new members
From the auditorium they were
en to the recreation hall, which was
beautifully decorated In green and
gold, the society colors, and there a
reception was given In their
by the old members. Weird ghosts
and goblins roamed the room afford-
a great deal of amusement Mus-
was furnished by different young
Later a delicious salad
was served. The departed
one seeming to have enjoyed
delightfully informal evening.
To Hirer
HANNIBAL, Mo Oct. ear-
completion of the six-foot
project between St. Louis and Min-
Is to be urged by the Upper
Mississippi River Improvement
at Its
now in session here. The
was called to order today bf
President Thomas Wilkinson.
pates representing commercial bodies
of Illinois. Iowa, Missouri,
and Wisconsin are In attendance
Indiana Librarians Meet.
MARION, Ind., Oct
Library Association opened its
annual convention here today with
a large attendance of city and college
librarians from all parts of the state.
The sessions will last three days and
will be devoted to a discussion of
library work In all its phases. L. J.
Bailey, of Gray, presided at the open-
session this afternoon.
New I Station.
WICHITA. . Oct, San-
Railroad today began the
of the new union station and yards
in this city, thus marking com-
and Informal opening of
new union station and yards
that have been built here at a
more than
The University of Pennsylvania
football eleven suffered a loss when
it was announced that Harry
veteran tackle of last years .
would not come out for the team
The record score of the college
teams for the season to is that,
made by Beloit against Kalb Nor-
at Wis. The home elev-
en points, making touch-
downs. goals from touchdowns
two goals from placement
Harry the former
guard, has developed n
and well-drilled team at Holy
this year.
Some Harvard enthusiasts arc talk
to odds that the Crimson will
beat both Yale and Princeton Hit
Writhing in Pain Boy Tells
Sweetheart His
County Teacher's
Working For Better Results
ram mar and
School Department
at the Held
Departmental wort tor the
the teachers of the County
Association is to be
OB by organization It its regain
monthly meetings to be held in this
To suffer the agonies of having a
loot underneath
wheels a freight car was the fate
George James Jr., on last
Saturday night at the Norfolk South-
depot was a flagman
train No. and was at
the time trying to perform his duty.
The train was doing some shifting
on the local freight yard, and Dow-
ell was coupling the tube.
He was down between two cars when
the engine struck one end of the
train. The shock was so sudden and
unexpected that the young
no time to get away, and In an
fort to get from between the ears
his foot was run over.
The young man was at once re-
town the present session of
school. This decision was reached at moved to Dr. C. OH. Laughinghouse
i meeting of the association held
bl re last Saturday.
Alter the routine matters of the
meeting were gone through with,
alter the discussions
Office, where the entire foot had lo
be amputated. As soon as lie was
from under the influence of
form he asked to be carried to a tel-
He called over the
his sweetheart ho lives
married in
for the day had been completed, each
the departments of the and to whom lie is to b
representing the primary and Urn weeks, and told her of the
grid. , and the high school M
the various schools, met In willing to trust it to another, tie
separate sessions tor
Maryland Casualty Company
Leads Others Follow
Premiums received by various Casualty Companies in
Carolina for year ending December 31st, 1912, as shown by State
Insurance Commissioner's
Fidelity and Casualty . 67.780.29
V. a. Fidelity and 86.974.6
Deposit .
Indemnity . 26.299.27
General Accident .
Liability .
Ocean Accident . 13.533
New England Casualty. 12,787.63
Royal Indemnity .
Mass. Bonding Company . 8,440.41
O. S. 5.873.13
Southwestern Surety. 4,047.12
Company maintaining de-
In North Carolina.
man. desiring to break the sat
new to his bride-to-be. muttered the
words while his senses were
taken from him as lie suffered the
The young was to a
Raleigh hospital where he will In
r. cued for until he Is well. His fall.-
the work of the new year. Officers
were elected, and all of the work of
getting the movement started was ac-
The officers chosen were
Primary Department -President
Miss Miriam Training
Mis.- Annie Irvine. preacher and is pas-
Hatch Happenings
Greenville Graded
Crammer School
Delia Smith. King's Cross
of the two churches in
Roads; sectary. Miss Carrie ,, u
High Department
; Taylor, Greenville;
is Wiggins, Farmville.
It Is the plans of the As-
to have each of these de-
meet Immediately follow
the meeting of the
elation each month. The meetings
be held in the same manner as
.- of Saturday. The work of the
association In general will be taken
up, discussed and disposed of. and
Oct. and
Mis. J. R. Johnson and son Gordon,
spent last Sunday Kinston visit-
their daughter, Mrs.
Mrs. K. L. Tucker and Miss Kate
Chapman went to Ayden Wednesday.
A large crowd of
attended the circus at Greenville
We are Just opening up some more.
of them Hunt Club shoes. It is use-
raj anything more about teem
for they talk for themselves.
A carload of new flour from the
mills just arrived at Harrington, Bar-
and Co.
For furniture, stoves, matting and
Southern Commercial Congress
Mobile, Ala, October
Promised by Weather Man for tin
Greater Part of the Country
the Caning Week.
fall weather with generally fair Sides
are promised the greater part of art at A. W. Ange and Co.
country for the coming week by th
weather bureau.
Temperatures will average near or
below normal and precipitation will
Hon. John Barrett, Director Gen-
of the Union, and
Dr. C. J. Owens, Managing Director
of the Southern Commercial Congress,
have returned to Washington after
touring the South to arouse interest
in the opening of the Panama Canal
and the fifth annual convention of the
Southern Commercial Congress, to be
held at Mobile, Alabama, October 27-
this convention being an inter-
national celebration of the opening
of the canal to world com-
The theme of the convention
will The relation of the Panama
Canal to the United States, to Latin-
America and to world commerce.
Mr. Barrett and Dr. Owens visited
then the teachers each of the generally light and local
pa. will goto others rooms and. In the north Pacific states, where
hold their separate meetings and
out their programs.
This plan is to be followed in
t i- each teacher in the county may
hare an opportunity to get every-
thing possible out of the
meetings. Work bearing directly up-
on the departments in which the
rains will be the weekly
bulletin says.
The next disturbance of Import-
to cross the country will appear
in far west Tuesday or
A nice new lot of men's and boys every principal city of the south
pents just in at Harrington, were greeted with immense audiences
and Co. land great enthusiasm. The south is
Two teachers for public awake to the possibilities of the
at N. C. Apply great trade expansion that will fol-
to W. J. Braxton. low the opening of the Canal,
R. Croom went to Kinston Mr. Barrett today. Dr. Owens
Sunday night to visit relatives and that in every southern city the bus
Don't miss the Free Exhibit
of the Celebrated
Mai and Ingot Iron
Range at the
Taft Vandyke
Store From
Monday October 13th
To Saturday 18th.
A substantial lunch will be served each day, and this will be
rooked on the celebrated Cameron
Features of Celebrated Cameron Steel Range that are nut
found in any
Four Inch Hues and Inch high with two racks.
Body made of Malleable Iron and Ingot Iron Sheets, lined
with Ingot Iron. door equipped with accurate
to avoid guess work about rooking.
Grates quickly removed through front of and all parts
accessible. The celebrated Cameron
Steel Manges are sold under the following To be
made of best material and workmanship, to draw better,
quicker, and to use less fuel than any other Steel of the
same cooking rapacity.
Expert Demonstrator from factory every day and all day.
is the chance of a life time to have the latest and best
Malleable Iron thoroughly explained to you, and to see
how little fuel It requires, as there is no other Range on the
market that will cook with so little fuel.
Practice limited to diseases of the Eye,
Ear Nose and Throat
Washington, N. C. Greenville, N. C.
Office with Dr. D. L. James, Green-
ville, day every Monday, a m to pm
Attorney at Law
North Carolina
to attend to some business there Mon-
day. He returned Monday evening.
men are preparing to take ad-
vantage of the expansion which will
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cox went ti occur when the canal opens, and
day. cross the middle west about Greenville Thursday evening.
Thursday and eastern slues Fri-
day or Saturday. This disturbance
are Interested will be undertake. ill be attended by rains and be
each of the three divisions. by a general rise in tempera
hearty cooperation of every teacher, It will be followed by con-
the county is desired, and colder weather in the
the outlook on last Saturday, west about Wednesday. There are
is no doubt but that this will be
At the meeting Saturday there were
in attendance sixty or seventy-five
teachers from various parts of the
county, but all of these came form
the twelve or fifteen schools that have
opened to the present time. By
second Saturday In November, the
time for the next meeting, all of
county schools will be open, and
several hundred teachers are expect-
ed here on that day.
no indications at present of a
In the West
Mr. J. R. Turnage of Ayden, was
in our town Thursday afternoon.
Rev. E. F. pastor of
church at Hickory, who has been
spending a few days with his moth-
in Ayden, ran over to shake hands
with bis friends and here
Miss Dora E. Cox went to Green-
ville Wednesday.
I thousands of these business leaders
will attend the Mobile convention.
Governors of the various states vis-
presided at most of the mass meet
lugs held In the capital cities of the
sixteen southern states, and the ad-
dresses of Mr. Barrett and Dr. Owens
were heard by great audiences through
out the south. The speakers left
Washington on September 16th and
returned here October 6th. They vis-
Attorney at Law
Office In Building, Third St.
Practices his services are
Greenville, North Carolina
L I. Moore W. H. Long
Attorneys at Law
Greenville, North Carolina
Attorney at Law
In Edwards Building, on the Court
House Square
Greenville, North Carolina
Office Evans street
Representing Alexander Sprunt and
Sons, Wilmington.
B. F.
Life, Fire, Sick and Accident
Office on Fourth sheet, near Frank
Wilson store
Norfolk Southern Railroad
To Tackle Problem Again.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., Oct.
together by a vigorous
Which Took Place
I ii-l Saturday Night.
A marriage which was very much
of a surprise to the contracting par-
ties was that which took place
Saturday night when Mr. John W
Britt and Mrs. Corey were
quietly married at the home of
bride on Dickinson avenue. Rev. C.
M. Rock performed the ceremony
which made the two people man and
wife. Mr. is a carpenter of this
from Governor Hooper, and Mrs. Corey Is the
members of the Tennessee legislature of a hoarding house. Their
assembled today to further consider friends will wish them a long
the prohibition law enforcement Mill land life.
which the governor is seeking to have
enacted. This is the second
session called for the same
purpose within a period of one month
At the session the enforce-
bills were killed by a filibuster
in the House.
J. B,
Located at R. L. Smith's stables, with
hospital service.
I treat all animals. Calls answered
day or night.
Ray Phone Night Phone morning.
Temple of California.
High degree Masons from every sec-
the state gathered in city
today to participate in the exercises
It the formal dedication of the Ma-
sonic Temple of California, which
recently completed at a cost of
several e I thousand dollars
The visitors also will part in
the annual Grand Lodge meeting of
the order, which Is to begin Its
in the new temple tomorrow-
went to Greenville this morning.
Prof. J. R. Carroll attended the
teachers association at Greenville to-
Prof. F. C. Nye and son Bruce, Richmond, Raleigh, Columbia.
Atlanta, Jacksonville, Birmingham,
Montgomery. Mobile, New Orleans.
Houston, Galveston, Jackson, Little
Rock. Memphis. Nashville, Know ill
Louisville, and Huntington. At Knox-
ville they were Joined by Senator
Duncan Fletcher, of Florida, pres-
of the Southern Commercial Con-
II Ml JONES who spoke on Southern Com-
Congress Day at th Nation-
Conservation Exposition.
Jones, secretary-treasurer of the
International Association of Bridge
and Structural Iron Workers, who
was arrested ten days ago on a charge
of conspiring to transport explosives
unlawfully, was given a preliminary
hearing today before United States
Commissioner Young. The chart;
against Jones the same as the
charges on which thirty-eight of his
fellow-unionists were convicted In
the federal court here last
and sentenced to Leavenworth
prison. arrest resulted from
Information furnished by George E
Davis, a union iron worker, who, up-
on being arrested recently In the
Is said to have confessed to
outrages that the ex-
of the brothers and
Mrs. H. B. Misses Anna
Spain and Addle Johnston have re-
turned from Toronto. Canada, where
they attended the National Christian
F. C. Harding Chas. C. Piece
Practicing In all the Courts
Office In Wooten Building on Third
street, fronting Court House
Attorney at Law
Office formerly occupied by J.
J. W. Little
M Broker
Phones. Residence
H. C.
Schedule in effect August 1911.
N. B. The following fig-
published as information ONLY
and are not guaranteed.
East Bound
a. m. daily,
a. in. dally, for Plymouth,
City and
Pullman sleeping car tor Norfolk.
Car service Washington to Nor-
folk. Connects for all points
north and west
Vest Hound
a. m. dally, for Wilson,
and west Pullman sleeping car
service. Connects north, south
and west.
a. m. dally, except Sunday, for
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects
for all points.
p. m. daily, for Wilson and
p. m. dally, except Sunday for
For Information and
In sleeping cars, apply to
L. Hassell, agent Greenville, N. C.
H. S.
General Agent.
General Superintendent
The only bank in Pitt county under United States Government supervision. Deposit with us when you have money, borrow from us
when you need You v ill receive a cordial and courteous treatment at this bank
Jas. L. Little, President, F. J. Forbes, Cashier, W. E. Proctor, V-Pres.
F. G. James, V-Pres. M. L. Turnage, Asst. Cashier.
An exhibit of the art work of the
Farmville graded school is to be put
on at the Great State Fair in
next week. The exhibit of this
school took first prize at the Pitt
county fair last fall, and a most
showing was made. Indeed,
so well pleased were some of the
officials with the work of the Farm-
ville school, that Hon. J. Y. Joyner,
state superintendent of Public
has requested the school to take
its exhibit to the state fair, and this
is to be done.
The art work of the Farmville
school is under the
ion of Mr. Edward W. Hearne,
this town, and the work that is done
by the there Is some of the
best In any school In the state the
size of Farmville. Mr. Hearne is
himself an artist of considerable at-
and has studied In sever-
of the well known art institutions
of the north. He spent the past sum-
mer in studying in one of the
schools of Boston, and has en-
upon his work at Farmville bet-
prepared than ever to teach the
children under his direction.
Mr. Hearne left Greenville this
morning for Farmville to visit th
school today. He. will spend the
morning and part of the afternoon In
his class rooms, and will go on to
this afternoon to arrange
exhibits lo be made by his institution.
Good report of the work done b
the local Baptist church during the
year just closing will be made at the
meeting this week In Scotland Neck
of the Roanoke Association of the
State Baptist Convention. The re-
port, giving statistics published be-
low, was read to the congregation at
the church yesterday morning, and
was received with interest by the
The value of the church property
was given at The church
has a seating capacity and
has a male membership of and a
female membership of
a total of a gain for the year
of In the Sunday school there
ire twenty-two officers and teachers,
with pupils enrolled, a total or
The average attendance was
During the year the total
amounted to 3,741.66. Of this
the Sunday school contributed
the Woman's Missionary Society,
the Young Woman's
Aid Society,
During the two years that Rev. C.
M. Rock has been pastor of this
church, the church has grown very
rapidly, both in membership and In
the attendance upon the services.
has come to be very popular with
the Christian people of the town re-
of their denomination,
of members from other church-
es often turn out to hear his
mons. He has made himself of the
greatest use and value since he cam-
to and is just now get-
ting to where he is acquainted with
the people and the entire town.
Large Number Purchased by Sheriff
Dudley for His Dairy.
Sheriff S. I. Dudley has Just re-
ten fine dairy cows for his
dairy which Is conducted on the out-
skirts of the town. The cows are
some of the finest ever seen Ir.
Greenville, and furnish an enormous
amount of milk. One of them is
guaranteed to give eight gallons per
day, and others In the lot are
most equal to that amount.
They were shipped here from
Cortland, N. Y., a small town
than two hundred and fifty miles
north of New York city. An attend-
ant from the New York dairy farm
the cows, sleeping In
the cattle car with them, feeding them
and milking then twice per day.
-.-. .
To f i i F I A A I A the of
this Section,
ran .
i fine a. lot of female, as were ever
i id ,
ed in Eastern North, Carolina wen away J absolutely free of charge, to the far-
of, this j
How One of These Hogs
To the farmer, white or colored, who nearest guessing the number of pounds of tobacco
that will be sold on the Greenville market this season up to December st, will be given the f
choice hog in the lot, and to the farmer who guesses the next nearest to the number of pounds sold,
will get the next choice hog in lot, and so on until given
Every farmer sells a load of tobacco Star Warehouse will be entitled to end
will have the opportunity of getting one of these choice hogs free of charge. Twenty will get
them, and the twenty guessing the-number of pounds 1st will he the
In order that may have, of what will be so
1st, we are publishing what has been sold on the market up to this time, and also what was sold the
market last year up to December st. With this information any one can a very intelligent idea cf
what the market will sell this year to December st. Every lead of tobacco sold the Star
floor, entitles the owner to a guess. If a farmer a dozen leads, he will be entitled to twelve
guesses, and if he brings a load everyday in the week. will be entitled to a guess
load he brings up to December t E C E
Now, put on your studying sales last year and them with this, make
estimate of what will be sold to December year, bring lead cf tobacco, end we will
register your guess on your bill, and keep a record of it also ourselves, and when the Secretary cf
the Board of Trade reports the sales up to December 1st, we then award the begs to the twenty
farmers; who have guessed the number of J t f m
Now, remember please, that it cost- cent to enter this contest.
It is a perfectly plain proposition, i. We are going to give away twenty
pure blood Jersey Hogs to the customers of the Star Warehouse
who guess nearest the number of pounds of Tobacco that will be sold
on the Greenville Market to December this year.
The sales to October I, this
f I What will the market sell this
I ML U EL O I IN up to December st. f
The twenty farmers coming nearest to the correct answer to this
get twenty as fine Hogs as were ever raised in this county.-f f
No employee of the Star this contest,
Slag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor hard Wall Plaster.
Atlas O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
When It comes to where Congress
can't Rot a quorum, It Is a sure sign
It Is time for them lo adjourn
Application will be made to tin
called session the General As
North Carolina for permit
to hold an election for the
pose Issuing bonds In the town -i
the proceeds from
sale of said bonds to be
the Improvement of the
plant and streets of said town.
This August 1913.
R. C. CHAPMAN, Mayor
i Arrival
i d p. m
i iv in p. in
a. m a. u
till Hi a ID
it p. m p. B
can Sleep. Fun. Hunt or attend to any work
without being worried by Hie biting or kinging
of other
The undersigned having this day
qualified as executor of the Last Will
and Testament of the Sallie Ann
Smith, of Pitt county, notice la here
by given to all persons Indebted to
said estate to make Immediate set-
with the undersigned
tor, and notice is hereby given to all
persons holding claims against said
estate to present their claims to the
undersigned executor for payment
within twelve months from the date
or this notice will plead In
bar of recovery of said claims.
This the 24th day of September.
of the of Anne
MOt kill
lo street, treat
U. L. smith's balM,
formerly I
j. Phone M.
S. T. The
For the purpose cf
taxes for the year 1913, I will be
at the following places at the time
Heaver Dam Township, at Arthur,. Friday, October 24th, HIS,
Township, Bell's X Roads,. Monday, October 27th, MU,
Bethel Township, Bethel October 25th, 1913.
Township. October 28th, 1913.
Township, Ayden October 30th, 1913.
Falkland Township, Falkland October 31st, 1913.
Farmville Township. Bank. Saturday, October 1913.
Township. October 23rd, 1913.
Creek Township. Bank. Saturday. October 25th, 1913.
S. I. Sheriff
. . p
THE HELL. of the showmen, who In turn buckle
In the beginning we will say that the coveted belt around the body of
FARM EASTERN The the man. While the old fellow
circus itself, and by this we mean waiting for the Joys of his youth to
what Is usually rilled big return to him, the operator wiggled
was all right so far rs we were able and squirmed a little, and presently
It Is that startling accusations
and sensational statements will be
WILMINGTON'S BOAT cups, but the passenger who wish-
Ever since the agitation for lower Ml to quench hie thirst will hereafter
and more reasonable freight i have to make application to the con
made by Governor William started in North Carolina, the people before getting relief. It la
tor he has heard the verdict of the of Wilmington have been talking pity that the traveling public not
a was all right so far rs we were and squirmed a little, and High Court of Impeachment. Threat among themselves of the sufficient sense of economy to
lie. But ls connected the farmer lost sight of him, and has are being made that if the court would result to them by the predate these things when offered
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor the ls not W seen nor heard of the man nor i against Mr. he will do his beat of a boat line from that free of charge.
WORTH CAROLINA. known as the ls ls waiting to drag in other men higher up to some northern port, New I o-
a t feature of restorative powers of the belt to the party ranks. And we are very glad to
t, . . that we refer when we the have their effect, all the while add
All mouths. . .
rates may be had upon words placed over this article. hairs to his white head It.
application at business In I Literally if there be a hell whose over three hundred lot
TO Redactor corner Evans I . , , ,
and doors and whose corridors are on the no more belong to him.
All cards of thanks and earth show one of And these things are not all. Then
t respect will be charged it l
wort entrances. In it are exhibited ere schemes equal-
some of the vilest, most Immoral as which cannot be
sue will be charged for at three. scenes ever conceived in the mind
per line, up to lines
Entered as second class matter
August 1910. at the post office at
North Carolina,
aw of March
Fit I HAY. OCTOBER 1913.
All over America the eyes of mil-
lions of people have for many months
been turned toward the halls of the
national anxiously awaiting
the final news of the outcome of what
Democratic party has seen fit t
then the best tariff art ever passed
any party in the history of the
country. And, while there are mil-
lions of members of the Democratic
faith scattered over the country win
are ready and willing to place their
upon this declaration, the
masses of common people and the
working man are looking with
eyes to the leaders of this
power which has promised
relief from the high cost of
tariff bill has been passed and
is now a law. It is the first the Dem-
have been allowed to make Ir
nearly twenty years, and they
worked hard and honestly In the In-
of people. We do not be-
there is a man in the Con-
who professes to be a follower
of the idea of govern-
who did not vote he honest
thought he should vote. We are
of the opinion Democrats
gone about this tariff revision
business Intending to work a change
in favor of the laboring classes, and
for the people who need the benefits
that they say will
have done.
American teeming millions are
awaiting the result of
i.- been done. The man who has to
man. There are things which will How long will Greenville people sit
shock the modesty of the meanest up and allow such things as
of men, and immorality is seen to come to their town Here is
all sides. Of the part played by the institution which was licensed to ex-
women In exhibition we shall within the corporate limits
speak but Hide here, but not because the town. These gambling tables
it is not bad. were operated in broad day light, be-
fore the eyes of every one who
to look on. It was gambling
and simple. Our will sit
up nights and lose sleep, and will go
White slavery cannot be charge I
because of a lack of knowledge of,
the intent of the women the
red but certain it ls that
practices go on there which should
be prohibited by law. There is as
much harm and but little less de-
in this den than there Is
in the tenderloin districts of our big
cities. In the side show one woman
would sit on a rostrum behind t
on chases of several miles to run down
boys gambling for five cents
or a cigarette stump, and arraign
them In the mayor's court for
of law; yet, here are
experts doing business to the
of ten, twenty, or fifty dollars a
. ,, . . . chance, and they are allowed to go
man who sold pamphlets and leaflets w
v. i. . . on In their unlawful business
which this woman would collect to-1
lasted by men who are sworn to up-
from several piles, these con-
of women and
reading matter.
Post cards were sold which
pictures and scenes which th-
law does prohibit If the proper of-
had nerve and the backbone
do their duty.
hold the laws of the town and tho
state. Outside the tent ticket vend-
display their attractive scenes and
tell you that you can see It all for
the price of ten cents, while you pay
to go In, only to pay after yon gel
inside an additional price to allow
We have no Idea what sort of a that this agitation is now much near-
story Mr. holds locked with- Its fruition than at first
In his bosom, but It would appear to It Is very true that such a boat
be a niggardly act If he were to burst line as ls proposed would work won
forth In wholesale accusations aft-r in the handling of the commerce
his own trial is over, and after the of the whole eastern section of the
case has been decided against him. state. Wilmington la the
if it goes that way. We no longer ed seaport town of North Carolina,
hold out any hopes that the New York and as such holds the key to the Bit-
governor will be cleared of the in so far as there is remedy-
charges made against him, as be of Dy a water route,
little evidence while on the Tho Is now about ready
stand to refute the argument of his to the signs of the time,
Mr. should remember that
he Is not at the end of bis life. He
ought to know and feel that there
ls yet a road that he must travel, and
that if he makes an underhand play
here at the end of his trial, and as a
means of retaliation toward his
mies, he will have to suffer for It, no
point to no satisfactory solution of
the Interstate freight rate
It is beginning to appear that
we must resort to a water rate, and,
if this is to be done, then the soon-
better It will be. We believe
that a boat line from Wilmington to
New York will mean a
saving and that It will be a paying
matter how much his accusers may for
deserve anything he may say.
to Invest his cash In such a manner.
the time he is Impeached, the The of the
But what we especially wish to to take
condemn here ls the operation of your The
what -he average fellow calls a
those who will defend It by say-
and for which we know no;,
that If a man has no better
name. There were no less , , ., . . .
than to fall Into these traps, let him
than three or four of these going on . .
, , bear the consequences. But If a man
during the day, and the money , . .
out of the hands better WaS
Greenville men and Pitt county farm- ed by some
during the stay in th duty the toWn
protect him in his ignorance.
The attention of an officer was call
town would, we believe, pay for at
least one-tenth of tho bonds to he
Issued for the building and Improve- fact h
of the roads In Greenville town
With the aid of a few confederates
in each instance, the operators
these skin games coined the money
rapidly almost as a States
mint. Around each table were two
or three men connected with or
earn his own bread and meat by the by men
sweat of his brow is looking to up and and gal or moral right, it would seem to
what is going to happen, and to lain
whether or not he can, under the
tariff, save an extra dollar or two for
a rainy day. Down deep in his heart
ha has already begun to wonder
plied that he had not been in a
show and did not expect to go there.
He said that last year he stopped the
operations of a gambling table, and
that one higher In authority came In
and looked at It, replied that he saw
no harm in it, and allowed It to pro-
But one officer would no U-
urge the other fellows on. Once to a man who had
about one chances the opera- another officer who was
tor would allow some fellow to win the and who nM
. . ,, , t , . I practically the authority. Ono
ten or twenty dollars to hi
business, and several local men we--
seen to and boost,
about which remarks were heard
officer should not be excused from
tampering with the gambling table
yesterday only because he was In-
whether or not lie did the right thing
when he his ballot for a Demo-
in tho election last Fall, The
party has done its work, and has very fellows might have been and he he
the effect that It was not unlikely that with last year. If he is right,
hired by the show.
Perhaps the biggest
proceed regardless of the re-
If he Is In the right, he
proposition In the side show was
have no fear but that the honest, re-
people of the town will
It well, yet, in the estimation and in
of the common people it Is
being weighed in balances.
have our honest doubts as t
whether any political party can con-j the of by him and uphold him what
the high cost of living, yet if it blocks of wood, there being in one he does.
falls to come down, the of each block a hollow space We went to the side show, but none
had as well prepare to shoulder the of the four block L, one
blame. The average man Is wonder- the operator would hide a little from our and we are not
in where the reductions are to come blackberry, shuffle the ,, ,,,
In. He Is anxiously watching for h a little, and then the are an
chance to lay up a few spare dollar spectators a chance to guess , , They were
should have learned that
Boss Murphy and the Tammany bunch
hold the reins of the New York state
government, and he should by that
time know that he cannot hurt Mr.
Murphy no matter what he may say
against him. His word will not
count for much if the people are will-
to place confidence In the verdict
of the court of Impeachment They
will that In the beginning
the governor declared he was
cent and that the court decided against
him. Many people accepted his
at that time, and failed to have
his word confirmed, and, If they
not already know most of what he
ls going to say, they will place lit
tie confidence In any sort of
that he may make.
If the governor has any sort of ac-
to make or any
to make public, let him
hasten to do it before the verdict of
the impeachment court ls In. Why
did he not go on the stand and make
these statements while the trial was
progress We hold no enmity for
and would be as happy as a
spring If he were acquit-
ting that there little hope else-
where, will not be long In falling In-
to line with the Idea, and we could
have one of the finest trade routes
on the Atlantic coast,
It Is refreshing to note that the Ila-
Union of the city of
Raleigh has started a campaign look-
toward elimination of
schemes and fake performances
at the state fair at Raleigh this month
Many people who have attended the
fair In former years have been shock-
ed at some of the concerns that have
been licensed to play upon the
on these occasions. It Is very
true that each succeeding year
have reassurances of the fair that all
shows and attractions of a question-
able character will not be allowed to
give their performances on the
grounds, but when you got on the
grounds you saw the same old tricks
being worked on the Innocent,
ant people who allowed themselves
to be dragged
The fair Is a state institution. It
but that seems very Improbable j ls not a on q,, to
now. We have our doubts as to k
Innocence and rather think that tin.
court would be correct sustaining
the legislature. The fact that Tarn
Some while we were at
the circus yesterday, left this la
farmers generally raise
about road bonds Issue,
when the circus comes they do not
mind giving away thirty or forty
thousand dollars to the circus. Sc
the Those are exactly the
words used, and, really, do you
the point There Is a point to it, and
a sharp one.
The cashier of the Bank of Ham-
let locked up his safe the other nigh,
and upon the resumption of business
the next morning couldn't work
combination. He forgot the fact that
safe-crackers never unlock safes, and
rather than use their methods, he
sent to the factory for an expert.
The reports were that the expert
was still working on It. Experts don
come from the factory, but are usual-
can and give as little as possible
In return. state should lee to
It that the respectable people who
patronize its big annual show are
many crowd is guilty of more and treatment and shown perform-
higher misdemeanors than does
not excuse And, If Is
guilty, let him bear the consequences.
The state has many suffered
which will be nothing but de-
We don't care to press this
business too far, but the fair
ls burdened with these undesirable
supplementary attractions, and some
one or some body of people should
and is hoping and
block was hiding the berry. each
at the wild west show a few
financial loss because one legislature a movement to have them
would undo many valuable things done The laurels will go to the
Union of
for starting the ball to rolling.
Effective on last Tuesday, the At-
Coast Line railroad company
by a previous session, and the pres-
legislature will make a great
mistake If it refuses to proceed
the establishment of the school for
the feeble-minded at KInston. The
school is needed, and thousands railroad company The will be almost In
dollars have been spent there by all of the convenient cup sight when the time comes that
state can find nothing more to o
with its than to hire
out to the various counties.
After they dispose of
ought to turn In on Murphy and
Tammany Hall.
If the Giants don't win another
game, Mathewson will
saved his fame and reputation.
By the way, what has become of
Dr. Cox bill to abolish the office of
county treasurer
For once In the history of
state the House of Representatives
Is ready to adjourn before the tin.;
Is up.
The railroads are not to be
ed for taking all money we hand
them. Everybody else would do the
same thing.
The freight rate matter may be dis-
posed of, but certain It Is that the dis-
position of it is not at all pleasing
to some of them.
If all of the constitutional amend-
are to be submitted to the
anyhow, why should the
have to pass upon them
If the Just Rate
takes cold feet let it not stop.
Stick those pedestals to the lire and
run the race to the end.
probably will
get the credit for losing the tail
game, but we have honest doubts
about his responsibility for the
of the
We believe Henry Page would make
a pretty good governor, but for the
lore of Mike, let's have at least a
year's rest from political
and campaigns.
state, and the work should be allowed i sending machines on the cars ope
to go on. rated over Its lines. The reasons
A bill appropriating for the . this withdrawal of these con-
and maintenance of the I to public ls that th;
Is redemption in the tariff law J gambler had to lay j but the p,,,,,.,, has just been reported favorably sanitary paper drinking curs To settle a case In court by c
passed by Congress. The poor man or twenty dollars In money. were on the ground of wasted by the passengers. and then continue tin
wants a chance, he deserves a chance guessed right he would not n the and the General Assam-1 The reason given by the railroad would be yet that Is what
sod should have a chance to make a twice as much as he put down, ,,,,.,., M a can do amply justifies the action token by the business men and the legislature
comfortable living and we believe that practically bit we have heard of no than work it. and no one will be justified U are about to do with lag
the Democratic tariff will give him was wrong, he lost all of for that the needed the two making an unfavorable criticism of freight rate matter.
One farmer war seen to
this chance
forty dollars, and a prominent man
When Wilson was of this town handed over a twenty
the newspapers ran streamers dollar bill for which he
across their front pages. When th return. These are only
it goes.
A verdict in the case of
ago when the bill was passed action. It seems that when any
for the establishment of it accommodations, such as this
school, and If the legislature acted accorded to the public, on
The circus was good, and we en-
joyed It, but the side show was
, tie short of a gambling den. We are wisely at that time. It ls certainly trains or anywhere else,
placing the blame, as we do not as true that we need it at the the average person does not
little was inaugurated the and no one can estimate know M I Le, the pas. how to appreciate It A. a matter of
other day. he got a two-line- head. So the amount of money that w car- are gaMy of B, ,, fact, there are many people who mm
out of Greenville by the the support of the institution trains as a means of transport-
people by Just such methods as these. whoever are we the 1915 session of the assembly, who have practically no
Another scheme was a and At , , new edge of what real economy Is. They
The people of the state were very
much more Interested in juster freight
rates than in the constitutional amend-
yet the legislature has dons
but little to remedy either.
was told that he would have to of these paper cups lying
posit three hundred dollars Of course, we don't know how much Every time you hear the dredge th floor where acme careless, and
he could receive the benefits of this trading people do away boat's whistle, you may know that h perhaps drunken, passenger bad
I i I tea It
life giving coll. He went to a home, but the merchants blowing toward Greenville's pros-
drew out required amount, went respects, teem to be content people will take
back, and placed it In the hand, of one they ire getting.
what coming to them.
thrown them.
The Coast Line will not hereafter
refute to these drink
We would like to Inform Horne
of the Rocky Mount Telegram, that the
next time a liquor advertisement
comes to his office addressed to u.
he may take advantage of the order
blank enclosed.
A Petersburg liquor house claims
that a solid express car of fancy
liquor leaves that city every for
various points the south. Shame
on the men who possible
The who objects to the read-
or the Bible la the schools
should withdraw his opposition. Let
him remember that only a small pro-
portion of the pupil, ever know whit
ls going on, anyhow.
Real Estate Agents
Baptist church, and in his active life office.
Board Alderman Held
Meeting Monday
Though holding a special called
meeting the board of aldermen last
night failed to transact any matters
of a very great importance. Six
were present for the meeting
and Mr. it J. Pulley qualified as
from the third ward, be
been elected several weeks ago.
A number of citizens appeared be-
fore the board and asked that the dog
law be repealed. This was debated
for some time and a motion was
made to allow the canines to roam
about the streets of the town with-
out being tied. A vote taken,
and only one member of the board
voted favor of the motion to re-
peal ordinance.
The only other matter of a very
great Interest to the public was
proposal to pass a law requiring all
drivers and owners of automobiles
and motor cycles to muffle the ex-
pipe on their machines. This
will be brought up at the next meet-
and will at that time either be
passed or rejected.
A motion to open up and widen
street between Fifth street
Dickinson avenue was referred to the
street committee.
The tax books were turned over to
the proper authorities. A discussion
was opened as to the building
stables for carts, and wagons of
the town.
Other matters of small importance
were brought up, but these will be
of no Interest to the people.
next regular meeting of the board
will be held the first Thursday night
la November.
his seat was never vacant; was an
ex-Confederate soldier, and had a
splendid war record, was in many
of the most important battles laid
down his arms with Lee at
turned his face homeward with
undaunted courage, engaged in the
cultivation of the toil, and was a
farmer, always raised a
and some to spare. Last Friday
morning he moved out of the old
tenement of clay, and began life anew
that building not made with hands,
eternally the heaven. Peace to his
ashes and sympathy to the bereaved.
There were three added to the
Christian church last Sunday, one
at the morning service and two at
Rev. J. H. Mrs.
Says Complete List of -Pass Lee d Lucy
Was Sot and That ; Hodges returned from e National
He Knows This to Convention at Toronto last week, and
be True. a description of their
Representative D. M. Clark, of were about
county, has written the following , North Carolina delegation to ship from
communication to this paper In de- Norfolk.
of his position with regard to for spools
the bill which he Introduced into tho and schools at J. R. Smith and
House of Representatives on the sec- Bro-
Rev. O. C,
High Honors Won by Sir.
son at University of Maryland.
In a letter to hit father received
here Mr. Bascom Wilson,
son of County Treasurer W. B.
son, states that he has had the good
fortune to lead class In the
of Maryland. The young man
has been studying medicine
well-known institution, and last sum-
mer went before the state board
medical examiners of Maryland, there
being other young men to stand
examination the Green-
ville bey.
It, this data there were many
dents from medical school of
Johns University, an
which claims to be in a
to when It comes to medicine.
bat notwithstanding this, Mr. Wilson
won out over and above all of th-3
young men appearing for the
nation, and made the best record
the entire bunch. The examination
was on the first two work
the medical course, and when the
young man applies for license to
his profession, he will have to
be examined only on the remaining
two years. This speaks well for him,
and his friends In will be
glad to learn of the splendid record
that he la making.
The following invitations have keen
by friends
Mr. and Mrs. William Lang
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their daughter
Dr. Paul E.
Wednesday morning. October the
at half after eight o'clock
at Home
Farmville, North Carolina
day of the special session, re-
quiring the corporation commission
U furnish him the names of all
of the legislature carrying
passes. The communication
Having received considerable
regarding my pass res-
In as to holders of
free passes, and as the newspapers
at the time did not publish a full
statement of facts, I beg to submit
On the 26th day of September, I
Introduced and bad successfully pass-
ed the House of Representative.
a resolution calling upon the
to furnish to the
House of Representatives the name of
every member of the General
or other state official who in
the employment of any railroad, or
who was in possession of a free pass
on any railroad. In obedience to that
resolution the Corporation
on September the 29th, furnish-
ed the names of twenty-two members,
which It termed a partial list Since
that time I have made repeated d
upon the Corporation Com-
mission for additional information,
but each time I have been told there
was no Information to be had. j
r the Corporation Commission
In its efforts to carry out
mandates of the resolution or not
I am unable to say, but I do know I
that a complete list of those
held passes was not furnished, and
I believe the people of North Caro-
are of the same opinion. How-
ever, as I have made use of all of
the authority that I had, and can do
no more at this time. It remains now
for the people of the state to demand
that these exposures be fully made,
and that such a system of grafting
ten cents per mile from the state In
riding to the Capitol on free passes
be stopped. To remedy this I In-
an amendment to the pro-
posed Constitution, which, ratified,
would have allowed the members of
the General Assembly only their ac-
mileage paid out while coming
to and going from the Capitol. But
this, with other similar amendments,
was of course voted down.
If the contentions of some of those
who were caught with the
true, and they really have nothing
to fear from their constituency, then
why does the dog If
gentlemen reported at having passes
and who rode to Raleigh on them did
not have any concern about the In-
formation, why did they fly into
a tirade when It shown on the
floor of the house that they had
ten cents per mile fro them State and
ridden to Raleigh on Southern Rail-
road passes The author of the re
solution ls very grateful for the term
if demagoguery be turn-
the light of Information on such
It may be that the author of the
resolution is no more honest than
other members of tho General
but suffice it to say his price Is
not a retainer's fee or a railroad
and family left
last week to make their home
Kenly, N. C, where Mr. has
been called to a pastorate. We are
to give them up, as they are
some of the salt of the earth.
Rev. E. B. Joyner has moved
family here from Belhaven
will the Seminary to
finish his education.
Mrs. Mary
ed a house and lot in the sec-
of our town.
Mr. T. O. Worthington has
ed a house and lot from Mrs.
on street
Mr. J. A. Griffin Is Installing a com-
system of a Munger ginning out-
fit and will remove all shops mill
sight, brick yard, stables, and
brick-bats from the site It
now stands and will offer to en-
public some valuable build-
Entertainment at the Seminary next
Wednesday night by Karl Jansen.
We are glad to note that Prof. Geo.
W. Prescott Is Improving so he will
soon be back to bis post the post
Mr. E. A. Garris bas purchased n
large track of timber near Elm Grove
church and will locate a saw mill,
and soon will be able to supply the
trade with pine Umber.
Mr. Reddin has sold his
farm near to Mr. Chas.
of this city.
The friends of the Free Will
Pub. Co., are reorganizing and
hope by January to be able to start
business with a printing out-
fit with a modern up-to-date
and machines, and will be able to
do credit to a larger city.
for Uncle Lo Mr. Lorenzo
is assembling timbers and
other material on his property op-
the cotton platform to erect
an automobile Garage x and
will have a lodge room overhead.
ls a large farmer and man-
and owns considerable es-
In both Greenville and Ayden.
We have long expected to hear
called out to serve his county in a
public way, but he tells us he bas
no political aspirations, but we can
see in hie and his able management
some fine that would dig-
a county commissioner. He ls
one of the largest tax payers In Con-
The building committee of the
den graded school are not dead, but
we must think they are sleeping, as
they do not seem to be doing anything
and seem to be taking It fair and
Mr. Albert Horton has bought the
Bill Jess farm from Geo.
Worthington and Bro.
Mr. Oliver Smith tells us that while
Minister Praises
Rev a All Ism. la.
In praising Dr. King's Now Ufa
New Life Pin. are
borne be without
Ne better regulator the
bowel. pill guaranteed. Try
them. Price Me at all
j. c
Office on Dickinson Avenue
W. H.
We are now in position to write Fire, Life,
Accident and Health Insurance and we would
appreciate a part of your business.
attending the reunion at Gettysburg
last summer that he was able to
the spot where he
stood and run during that famous
battle, and cut him a walking stick
from a small tree, where he stopped
to rest and refresh himself during
that then.
My wife, Emily, bas left me and
refuses to return. Thai Is to notify
all persons not to harbor her or in
any way render her assistance. Any
one harboring or employing her will
have to suffer the penalty of law.
This Oct 1913.
Best Pals
Salve when
ed to a cot. bruise, sprain, burn of
scald, or other Injury of skin will
Immediately remove all pain. D. B
Chamberlain of Me.,
robe cuts and other Injuries of
their terrors. As a healing
Its equal
good for you. Only I So at all drug-
i sun wit The Life Co., Hew York. f
J. C. Lanier
Into N Stables
Corner 2nd trans Street
Transfer Men
Baggage and Express
Phone No. Night or Day
Meets all Trams
Rose, carnations and
mums are the seasonable flower bow.
Our art In wedding outfit la equal
to the beet Nothing finer la floral
offerings than our styles.
For winter and
now ready.
Hyacinths, narcissus, tulips and
groat varieties. Plant
early for best result.
Rose bushes, evergreens,
hedge plants, shade tree and
Mall telephone and telegraph or-
promptly executed by
J. L. ft CO.
Raleigh, N. C.
Store phone Greenhouse phone
Richmond found-
Lake Erie, with loss of
It lives
It Is to be hoped that those South
Americana will take a liking to the
Colonel and keep him down there.
Greenville Banking
to pay you the highest cash price
for your raw of all D.
C. Beach at J. R and J. O.
consistent member of the Free Will
Prominent Man of a Died
Near Friday
AYDEN, N. C, October
Prof. F. C. Nye, of sup-
plied the pulpit of the church
here last Sunday owing to the absence
of the pastor, Rev. Mr. whose
son had tho misfortune to lose his
foot in a railroad accident Saturday.
Dr. Hardy Johnson is the proud
father of another baby girl.
We regret to learn of the death of
Mr. Tom E. Cannon which occurred
at the home of daughters near
last Friday morning. Mr.
Cannon was in years;
had reared a splendid family of
and was a man In whom no
guile could he found. Hi word was
his bond and bis weights and meat-
were never questioned. His lite
a continuous sermon, and exam-
was worthy of emulation, was
Three Quarter Million Dollars
United States Depository for Postal
Savings Funds.
Per Cent Paid On Time Deposits
E. G. Flanagan, Pres.
Higgs, Vice-Pres.
C. S. Cashier
J. J. J. G.
We are receiving new style
Dress Ladies
and Coat Suits, Rain Coats,
Silks, Notions,
Dry Goods. Shoes. We in-
your inspection of cur
many lines.
If it is style we have it
We can supply your
J. R. J. G.
Department Store
One half mile of
ear On sand i road.
One mile of Greenville.
Between Winterville and
Winterville and
House and lot one of of business section.
House and lot In West Greenville.
House and lot In South Greenville.
Building lots In West Greenville.
Building lots In Sooth Greenville.
1-2 acres in West line location.
building lots in den, oak grove.
Standard Realty Co.,
R. C. Flanagan, Mgr.
Office In St Trust Company's Sew Building.
Two Thousand
Worth of Auto-
mobile and Buggy
Robes Just Re-
There is nothing like a genuine
EVER SEEN, from tho plainest at to the
silk plush robe at 118.00 there Is a for every
purpose and for every pocketbook.
We buy direct from the manufacturer and know that
we can save you money.
We want the opportunity of showing yon our line.
Come to
Cash or Credit
John Flanagan Buggy Co.
Greenville, North Carolina.
Valuable Land
For Sale
the Ice Inquired
the ordinary man. coming upstairs
from the basement and hunting
In the tool drawer.
It in the His wife .
came across the room to help is a
We offer for sale either as a
v hole or sub-divided to suit the buy-
the Move or Anderson farm
ed about one halt mile from Green-
ville on the road. There art
in the farm cleared and
in cultivation, balance In river lo v
Sc. Per I Pr Inn
A Sure Crop for a Sure Market
win mall you a Booklet on AND CARE of
provided you own or planting a vineyard
Southern Pines Grope Nurseries
producers of
hunt. there Isn't that strange
I was sure it was
The ordinary man's
tone was scornful. He
shut the drawer with a bang. I've
bought one Ice pick, I've bought fifty
If want to have a thing in this house
where I can find it when I want It
I've got to keep It chained in my
pocket with my keys I never heard
of another house like
He put his hands into his pockets
and strode up and down the kitchen
as he talked. the melting
The undersigned having been duly
and produces II appointed trustees of the to the line. Tel-
grown in this section. There is no j District No. S. in township
batter truck land In the county county, by an act of the General
town in the state needs true Assembly of North Carolina
the 4th day of October, 1913, do now.
in accordance with the provisions of
must accompany orders
for want ads, from I
having regular advertising ac-
counts. The rate cents per
as much as Greenville.
It is the most beautiful site in or
around Greenville for a suburban said act gives notice that an election
home. It Is several feet higher than -HI be held in the town of
the town and the broad stretch land, said district, on Tuesday. No-
open country to the south and 6th. 1913. for the purpose
insure a pleasant breeze at the sense of the qualified
It is indeed an ideal spot living
home. Address
Weldon, N.
Mothers Have
Are they feverish, restless,
irritable, dizzy or constipated T D
they constantly pick at their or
grind their teeth Have they cramp
j lug pains, Irregular and ravenous
petite are all sign of
Worms not only cause your child
It kills and removes the worms.
and nothing to chip it hot-1 for a
than fury I suppose you never
dreamed that we'd need iced drinks
this weather. An ordinary woman
would have Been to it that that Ice
pick was somewhere where it would
be handy But your mind Is wander-
off somewhere.
the same way with every tor-
thing around this
stormed the ordinary man. win-
could I ever find the hatchet when
I wanted It No Hatchet after
hatchet I brought home, and yet as
soon as I needed one there not
one to be found You let the children
play with them or sell them for
brooms. I suppose But as far as put-
ting them away In any regular place
and remembering the spot over night
why. I'd drop dead If you ever
such a marvel
I find the garden rake this
spring No I had to go down and
buy out the hardware after I'd
laid in a new outfit last sum-
Interrupted his wife,
know yourself that you lent your gar-
den outfit to Mr. Daniels and he car-
them away when he moved
and you expected me to come
from the office and hang around when El EL Kelly writes in the Toronto
Daniels moved, to see that he didn't Old Daddy Jones a
hardshell preacher back yonder when
I a little boy. He was one of
the old time kind who believed In
choosing as his text the first passage
of Scripture that met his eye when
he opened the Book. He also believed
the Lord would put In bis mouth the
necessary of exposition. And
one Sunday he opened the Book and
eye was greeted with the third
of the one hundred and fiftieth
tery him with the
sound of the trumpet; him with
the psaltery and Daddy Jones
in said district on the
i question of Issuing 16000.00 interest
j bearing coupon bonds, with which to
erect a suitable school building in
district for the white children living
therein, that said bids are to run for
years from January 1st. 1914, to
bear per cent payable at a rate not
I to exceed per cent per annum to
be in denominations of or
multipliable thereof. Those in favor
of issuing said bonds and levying a
tax to pay the interest there-
ion and to create a sinking fund to
the principal, which tax
not exceed on property
and on each poll, will
rived at B. J. Pulley's store. They
have all styles and fashions.
Bank of Greenville, N. C. Ad-
dress Z, care this office.
but stunt its mind and growth
Olva Worn ox i
ten or printed words
line of millinery at B. J. Pulley's
ors and prices at B. J. Pulley's.
reasonable prices at Mrs.
Fourth street
Norfolk or Richmond, Va., and
want a substantial business, consult
Norfolk Business Brokers, P. O. Box
Norfolk, Va.; American Bust-
prove, your appetite, y to P. O. Box Rick-
stomach, liver and bowels The
tons disappear and your Is
happy and healthy, as
ed. AH druggists or by mall,
See us before buying.
Remarkable Feat Credited to King
David by Hardshell Preacher of a
vote a ballot containing thereon the Va.
or printed words
A new registration of the voters for
said election having been authorized
said act and duly ordered, i-----
Is hereby given to all said persons YOUNG MAN FOR WORK
desiring to vote in said election m to keep single entry
they must register therefor within Good store, good place. Ad-
the time prescribed by law, and that cress In own handwriting. Box
said election will he conducted as far
as maybe In the same manner as
for members of the general as-
The boundaries of said district M
fixed by the said act of the genera
assembly by which said election Is
authorized to be held, are as follows,
beginning at Tar river at the
end or corner of Avon Farm and
running the line of Avon Farm
Pole Branch; thence down Pole
Branch to Creek; thence with
Creek to the Beaufort county
line; thence with the Beaufort
Mrs, Minnie Sugg. Std
in office.
Apply to
Experience not
. T. Hicks. Phone No.
amplified and expounded at length t line to Tar river; thence with
on the trumpet, want into history, river to the beginning.
use and capabilities an Instrument That all qualified voters living
of Then ha came to the within said boundaries arc entitled to
carry off my property Hang
Why don't you watch out for a
psaltery, which ha pronounced
And old daddy want on in
a delightful
and my I do not know
Just what kind of a musical tree the
passel-tree ah, but no doubt Kins
David knew ah. No doubt ha had
planted this passel-tree right beneath
window, and in time it grew and
grew until a branch of it grew right
in at King window ah. And
there la no doubt in my mind ah that
things Why can't you keep your M saw it he took up his
, . I bow ah, and ha drew his bow across
to think I am solely u, ah and
responsible for things about this . u,, sweetest
place I don't knew who Is and
If it isn't you You ought to see w. and praise
the place father had at home. There TOt j,
register and vote In said election.
Dated this 11th day of October, 1913.
W. H.
W. E.
Board of Trustee-.
was the tool shed and
a big tool who took
care of It I heard your father say
that he passed all Ms leisure time In
that shed. And your mother said she
never had to think of
father so good about remember-
everything. He kept all her knives
suppose you think I ought to
hang around home sharpening knives,
when I can get a man for half a
to sharpen all we ever owned It
shows how much you think of my bus-
ability. You can't appreciate
never said I didn't appreciate
anything. But you said your
we'll leave my father quite
out of the exclaimed the
ordinary man, warmly. had
to do with the Ice pick being gone.
Here It Is Sunday and no lea I
tell you It's the with the ham-
with the screw driver that
I got last Christmas. never seen
exclaimed his wife.
you remember that you fixed up a
bench In the attic with your new tools
Christmas week and bet your
things are up
what I He
took the two at a time.
here they all are Lucky I had the
good sense to put them away or
they'd been all lost by this time.
Shows what a good housekeeper you
are not to know they're
Dally News.
tho passel-tree
Handsome Is as Handsome Doe.
you don't believe in
Judging a man by his clothes
Indeed That's the
way we judge a woman, and look how
we get
East Texas Fair Opens.
TYLER, Texas. Oct an-
exhibition of the East Texas Fair
Association opened here today with n
busy week in prospect. The exhibits
of farm products, fruits, manufactures
and especially horses and live stock
are the best ever seen here, and
points to a successful fair.
For Weakness and Loss of Appetite
The Old Standard tonic.
GROVE'S S- TONIC, drives
Malaria and but B. true
Forewarned Is Forearmed.
not In business for my
Now that I know you'll
skin me If you get a chance and you
know I'll skin you If I get a chance,
get down to
The Greenville Drug Company
Our line is complete consisting ct
Stationary, Sundries, Soda
and Cigars. Prescriptions are carefully
Give us a trial. If pleased tell
wise tell us. Phone No.
Just the Opening for Them.
you for or against the
strong. I notice the gas
company Is going to hire a lot
of m to go around each month and
read the
Coward Drug Co.
the Rot
to any
All W
or unfurnished rooms, with some one.
no children. Address Green-
prefer mercantile store.
Can and have
had Address X. Y.
Z. other-. ltd
To Prevent Blood
at once the wonderful old reliable DR.
that pain and heals at
the same time. Not a liniment. SOc.
C- i
Hotel Everett
Two Blocks WHITE
II. ST. BET. 17th and 18th
rooms are with tel.
electricity, running hat
and cold
In the center of the selected res-
district and near all
buildings and
Convenient to all car
Quiet, and home like.
For families desirous of spend-
of the traveling public In
search of a up-to-date
hotel at moderate prices.
European Plan per day and
American Plan per day and
For further particulars address
Owner and Proprietor.
Fall Winter
New Buck-
Cream Hominy
Old Homestead Flap
jack Hour
New Honey in glass
Call yours
to please
No Has Made a Clearer
of Them Than
Nelson Page.
was warm, even for late June. At the time when the Dispatch fell There was quite
from a cloudless sky. There was not ham, the outlook
enough breeze to stir the leaves. The for the paper was
white road wound away like some not good. Even
white-hot band. all the ad-
the bungalow, with the In a
shades drawn and a sense of coolness town of twelve
pervading the place, Helen Martin thousand, city
was softly playing arias from printing and
the opera which had the patronage,
music world agog the previous win- But where the
tor. bad outlook came
She had begun her favorite aria of In was with the
all, when there came from the drive- city editor, which
way without a strident chugging, the meant the entire
whir of tires on the coarse gravel.-local
Somebody landed heavily on the In nine months
porch; the same somebody shouted four city editors
a boisterous The same had been killed in
body pounded loudly on the screen the street, and
door, and before she could answer the no wonder that a
summons, pulled It open and stepped contemporary
Into the hall with a said that the pa-
body up yet In this quiet per was rightly
Helen flushed angrily she saw named the Dis-
Smith, the big, young man patch,
who was staying at the In the part of
how could she cried In the country where the Dispatch was
vexation. was
Manners, familiarly known as the- we prescribe moderate
stir in our Plural of manner, In general. and obese of
good behavior and polite deportment torpid temperament, and a few
this writes a. MEN
medical correspondent. swing-1
of ponderous clubs and dumbbells,.
rowing heavy machines, pulling up
weights, walking or miles a day I
chasing a golf ball, etc., are needless
and to anyone.
Of the Number Is the One Who Talk
This Story of His Experience
Few Morning Ago.
against fatigue. Such a
copy the example of Lord Chester- etc. but we are careful
and as there were only one whose was to be re-
or two rented houses, we felt a. the worthiest man In Eng
anxious about a new arrival. of
The new tenants were to arrive on eighteenth century. Nor would any
Monday, and when we young folks true American care to be Beau
gathered at our usual choir practice,
are a
man the other day. was awakened
from a sound sleep one morning by
my wife crying In an excited
Henry, come quick I
very different thing from the severe
and senseless efforts required by
teachers In gymnastics and exercise
people would live long and
says the correspondent.
later In the same century,
a fully discussed. Philip famous as a leader of fashionable
the rising M B, gave his in London, where he was born. should take their exercise under
rotate that they would be two old but died, at the age of a. the advice of a common-sense
an imbecile in at a clan. The wrenching of muscles, ten-
French asylum. One Is apt to think dons, ligaments. Joints, nerves and
of the Scottish physician, John Brown, he proceeds, giving
for his happy way of spare, us all kinds of puzzling conditions,
hours In association with his traumatic neuroses, dislocated
and friends. But the good etc, traceable to if
tor's canine fellowship still left room
In his heart to otter this terrible sen-
with all Its bit
maids, with a number of birds and
cats. Gertie Black, with a merry
twinkle in roguish eyes,
you wish. Nell, It may be a
rich widow with two or three hand-
some sons What an addition they
would be to our
What need I care If It were so
hadn't I Philip Perhaps looked
of the stairs and at once
smoke. Then I shouted,
baby, run to the corner and turn la
an I scrambled back to
room and snatched up some
Then I grabbed little Elisabeth, who
was sleeping with me, under my
and dashed downstairs. la tit
I exclaimed, running here and
to locate the Are. my
was sitting In the dining-room it
the baby in her lap as calm could,
be, with nothing out of the usual
a smile of Joy on her face.
don't you get out of
re only knew where to look for Do you want to be burned I
Henry, what In world
s for hey all laughed, although I and niceties
had not spoken a word In reply.
a central Idea of light and
n Monday the furniture arrived. I One more quotation shall suffice, and
and toward evening a carriage con- It is this from, the pen of Thomas and grind
The house on Its form , hA. to do w,
be. and are many
printed silence could discount truth Una the excitement had so
as a
put In order, and In a . be. and are many
virtue. It made no difference , subsided, no one had whatever
ought to be said m a i
he. severely. Idea Playing the what a man might know-it was what J
piano such a morning as this
you Come on for a little run
car with me. will
was playing the arias from
I love she replied.
and all
snapped he. going down
for the morning mail. I was sure
you'd want to go with
There was something very like boy
Had Two Good Reasons.
Upton Sinclair said the other day
In New
Everybody Is Jumping up and
poverty, has nothing to do with
making girls go wrong. Well, for
my part, I think that such assertions
are too charitable toward modern
social conditions, too charitable to-
with you
want to
me of the
Tot the g
hat one keep on needed only to glance at her to see I pretty marry
something the this. How beautiful she was a , STRENUOUS he septuagenarian
corns of an occasional truth
l up- woman, was ready to acknowledge
going to cry
am If you don't go,
said he.
on taking charge of the paper she at first sight. Her name
not help but feel a certain re- Lee. the minister's daughter Inform,
not to say anxiety. She ed us-Just the name whIch
could not herself slop around In all this lovely widow. About forty, I
a .
and awoke from a delicious
love or money
Draws the
young lady an-
charitably, and she added.
loves money, you
lab disappointment in his last words, sorts of weather and get the news. Of Judge
she conceded. you're course she could edit the paper-any I had Just arrived
going to cry about one could do that, as of a.
Marie Idea of Love
Forth Some Criticism From
American Periodical.
If I loved a man I should love him
completely that I should never
think of anything In which he had
not the first and greatest share. Inches. The skin of its back is
should see his kind looks In and by night looks dark
of should hear green or olive brown. Tho frog re-
Is the matter
I'm not
know where the Are
I There Is no said aha,
did you yell Are for,
what In thunder is It
Charlotte has a
I thought the
was on
remarked my wife,
coolly, as she placed the baby In ha
high chair and started for the
en. don't you put
down Do you Intend to carry has
under your arm all day And you had
better get dressed, too. Breakfast la
Peculiar Japanese
The Japanese frog Is a creature
measuring between and twenty-
-1 am you t go. me thin young ,
She smilingly stepped to the hall ready to swear; but any one would dream What was th
rack for a veil to tie down her thick dare to gather the news. While sit- widow to me, that I should mane a
chestnut hair ting at her desk, the morning study of her toying voice in every note of music motionless during day, with
They sped down the road. Jimmy after taking active control she heard and I called and learned , were , i,. from
Smith ran a car at all kinds of speed. . cough, and looking up saw standing during; our visit hat
They had entered, shady stretch near her a thing that looked like a
of woods, when he slowed down the
car and turned to her abruptly.
he said, sort of a
man Is your
She did not Immediately reply.
mean, what sort of a man must
he be whom you he pursued.
she sniffed.
toll me, Just the
he must be every Inch a man,
and as to his mental make-up, well,
I think I'd like him to be very gentle
city editor. And the Idea that it would and was told i.
should wonder which sentence In up. clinging to Its support by ad-
would please him I plucked cushions and by Its belly, which
flower I should myself If he
Is provided with a sticky covering,
Witness, Forced to Admit Lack
Knowledge of Details, Made One
Telling Point.
would like me to wear and , distinguishable from
live through him and for that surround It. At night-
would be my very eyes and heart begins Its hunt for the
. I moth crickets on which feeds, ton-
We want to thank you, Marie, for, lag covering seven feet of,
letting us know In time, but to be
hat would letting us
well to employ him occurred to Ring-my Philip, as they all , we want be
her No one have the heart to him. Why did I wish he had not been way. mighty few men do. It all
murder that skeleton.
Miss opened an envelope and
So she hired named. reads beautifully, but most men
At parting, she pressed me to can of g their
.,.,,. She loved young folks, i hate to be sung
People who are really, really fond a that had Mt the
like to be left alone much of the time.
of music are temperamental very curred In the hills. A young man
he reminded her. to be named Ralph had killed. In a
fools when they are men. Awful to lair six who pro-
get along with and all yoked a quarrel with him. The deed
she said severely. was full of valor that It was a good
To War on Materialism.
To combat the materialism of the
present age in earnest a society has
Just been founded In Paris by Ed-
Rostand, Maeterlinck and Ca-
and Is receiving the
enthusiastic support of the thinking
A few days after my call
was surprised to see Philip open the marry we don't want to A large number of members
have already enrolled themselves,
among the being some
of the leading figures In French
little gate that led to the cottage, I down to a 90-horsepower
and, after ringing the doorbell, be In- car in a endurance test two
,.,., admitted. Later In the day need to know each other not
It was late afternoon when there thing to print and she It A not u lot of to
came a big box of flowers with a note. later she received another he two her going. A marriage
been thinking over the re- communication from a fellow named i as you Indicate. Marie, would run out
you listed for me, Smith, giving another of old f j ,
the note ran. got valiant Ralph Hicks, i . a
the unbounded nerve to think I fill
them In some small ways. Yours
ever, The Jimmy Smith
Helen began to laugh. Then sud-
she stopped. Instead she flush-
known as the Swamp An-
More than he answered, me.
She has engaged me professionally
, , Too Much
of all he surveyed, and he Need I tell you what ; -As guardians of the public health,
r. pretty active, surveyor E, m
his utter neglect of old
was affable and Inclined to be con- an ten year, older than himself.
thought. The founders calling
upon all who are willing to for
the higher ideals of art, literature and
science, in the face of the decadence,
now threatening French taste, to Join
their ranks.
Several branches, it Is announced,
are being formed In the and suit of clothes you re wearing
a I V. . a half
A well known architect
as a witness In a Long Island
court In a suit over the cost of a build-
The lawyer whose duty it
to cross-examine started to attach
the credibility of the witness.
you know how much a hundred
these bricks
you know how much
cement cost per
you know how expensive sand
Is down
can't that I do
The lawyer looked at the witness
with fine scorn.
yet you pretend to come
and qualify an expert How can
you give any kind of an opinion on
how much this building ought to have
cost when don't know the
of the material It's made
The witness looked at the
with a flash In his eye that boded
he said, don't know
price of needles, nor the price of
thread, nor how much cheap cotton
material cost; but I don't hesitate to
express a solemn opinion that that
about five dollars and a
want to go over to that con-
he asked. a bully
going to the said
she had a quick Idea. She but the Angel said that h. mad worship h. tar neg.
would try him out. They were giving very well, having Just friends l me and
a concert for the hospital at West- got up a shake down of chill. U
and he that Teemed centered In the
They were to play and sing music was about what he need- not blame
from She would ask him to ed. Hicks asked him If a doctor had new to love
take her over. She would how . that sort him, for I soon learn
he behaved. and the Angel that he had too. P p
She dispatched the note and shot the Angel between th, saw t
promptly at the next evening and the coroner declared that
Jimmy Smith was at the In his was , good This was also print and
he skeleton would, once a while
bring in a piece of news. No one us In nameless pain
thought of killing him. yet they mad, mer brought to ma.
to render quite,
a bit of I and laid him up for a day or two, and take tea at
he burst out. fellow knocked him down,
tired to death of to hear him rattle, but otherwise duets
The concert was given In the Or- no damage was done. Still his pool- had; how well our voices b ended my
theater at Westport, Mr. Smith wag often embarrassing. So he own being a flue
seemed to be bored by Indeed. Bald that he believed he would re-j for a cozy
when it was about three-quarters ,,,. urged him to remain a tho piano. She tow me
over and Mme. Brahma was singing a day or two longer, till she could find the two lovely boys
wonderful song. Helen, glancing at H
him. was horrified to find him with unfortunate, against at- so dearly,
bent head, sound asleep. A moment tack. Ho that he was willing. by their
later a very audible snore Induced Two the skeleton came In, ago, of the
her to nudge him Into wakefulness. j and said that his other hip any moment call
she told herself, had been and that the of the
an he sat up blinking. now time for him to go. She paid Just passed, which BUT Ml
The concert was finished. They off and he went out. At this mo- gladdened. I t W
there entered a tall, handsome, would have been willing any
fellow with black, rippling hair. She sacrifice to have
smiled and asked him to be seated. Philip In evening. M
Was possible that so fine a man half past ten I arose to
had come to look for death He
smiled at her. understand your
said he, I am deter-
mined to help you I have had con-
experience In this sort of
moved together down the aisle and
had nearly reached the door when
some one came pushing after them.
my dear, dear so
good, so good of you to come to
hear your own work so poorly done
by us here
Helen turned and gasped. Mme.
great Mme.
say good
was clutching at Jimmy's sleeve, and work. My name is Ralph
She followed us to the door. Turn-
Impulsively, I threw my arms
around her, and kissed her. I had
never done so before. What prompt-
ed me to do so now She returned
he was smiling foolishly, like some j his hand. He the
little, naughty child, caught In mis- one could dare to print the
chief, and looking at Helen out of the And she engaged him.
corners of eyes.
He was still looking very sheepish;
as he presented her to Mme.
should be so proud to
know my said madam.
a wonderful genius, and
only his work. He will go
far. And you turned to
don't deserve to know such a pretty,
On the way home Jimmy i
The people were astonished to read
that Ralph Hicks had token the news
end of the Dispatch. He printed a
card In which he want
that I am going to print the
And he did. There were mutterings
and but nothing serious
was happy In her work, for
her paper was prosperous. One night
were sitting alone In the editor
down the car sufficiently to slip one I room Ralph had ceased to write
arm about the girl. and was musing. Suddenly he got up,
I came down here to the to walked over to desk, and
without embarrassing preliminaries,
said, love you and beg of you to be
was all she answered at that
time, but a sweet understanding
to them.
get away from It all. I was he
said. first name Is Jimmy.
my middle name I use for the public,
fan you ever forgive
dared, that
no do-
God bless you,
Turning abruptly to Philip, she
good care of Nellie; she la
a treasure. Good
I was surprised next morning by an
early visit from Philip. He told me
that Mrs. Lee was dead; he had been
sent for toward morning, to find her
We stood together, and gazed on
the beloved even In
death than In life. A perfect white
full-blown rose nestled In her bosom.
My own floral gift I placed within her
perfect hand.
On her dressing table lay a note
to me; when opened It contain-
ed a draft for with her beat
love. They laid her to rest by the
side of her loved ones, and long be-
fore the first of November the
was without a tenant.
in Quality
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow-
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our d.
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag-
Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customer.
The or Anderson Farm, con-
of eighty-three acres, almost
within the city limits. Great
for investors to double their
money in short time.
The offer for sale either as a
whole or subdivided to suit the
chaser, the or Anderson Farm
located about three-eights of a mile
from the corporate limits of the
thrifty, progressive city of Greenville,
and not more than twelve or fifteen
walk from the business
This property is probably the most
located for truck fanning of
any land near Greenville. Two sand
clay lead from the property
into Greenville and at the present
rat of increase in population
Greenville it will in a very few years
become valuable as building sites
This land is several feet higher than
the town and is the most beautiful
and desirable for suburban homes of
any property near the town. The
land is a light gray underlaid
with clay subsoil and produces
crops common to this section. Al-
though considered at the time we
came into possession rather thin and
run down, we have averaged a little
more than a pound bale of cotton
to the acre during the last three years.
This Is in reality a great
is best town
in eastern X. C. It is conservatively
its property rests on a
solid foundation and in consequence
values that today seem high will
pear cheap almost be-
fore you are aware of it.
If you are Interested call on or
J. S. BARR, Weldon, N. C,
I. Greenville, X. C.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the superior court,
Before D. C. Moore. Clerk.
J. G. Thomas, K. B Thomas. Delia
Whitehurst, James If. Whitehurst,
Virginia Whitehurst. T. H. D. White-
Barnhill, W. O.
Addle Manning and Edward Man-
vs. Thomas.
By order of a decree of the super-
court of Pitt made by D.
C. Moore, Clerk, in the above
cause, on the 23rd day of
1913, the undersigned com-
missioner, will on Saturday, the 25th
day of October, 1913, at o'clock p.
m. expose to public sale In front of
the post office in the town of Bethel,
N. G, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate
certain tract or parcel of
land situated in Bethel township, Pitt
county, Carolina, known as the
Jesse Thomas home place, adjoining
tho lands, J. L. G. Man-
W. L. Whitehurst. James,
Charlie Lewis and others, containing
about acres more or less. Upon
this tract of land is situated one two-
story, six room dwelling house, two
tenant houses, with necessary barns
and stables.
Also one other tract or parcel of
land in said township adjoining the
above tract and also adjoining lands
known as the lands, the R
D. Whitehurst lands, the Cherry lands
the lands of J. G. Thomas, Charlie
Lewis and others and containing
acres more or less. On this tract of
land there are about acres cleared
and the remaining portion is
wooded. The above two tracts are
situated about 1-4 miles west of the
town of Bethel, X.
This land will be sold In separate
smaller lots and aB a whole, to suit
the purchasers.
This the 23rd day of September
P. C. Commissioner.
is hereby given that the drug
business known as
has been to Messrs. J. K.
Brown, and S. K. Gates, who will
take charge of tame October 1st. 1913
All holding accounts against Bas-
Pharmacy will please present
them for collection; and oil
accounts are requested to settle
between now and the time mentioned
and If It Is not done the proper steps
will be token to collect. The
will Immediately proceed to put
Into Judgments accounts which are
not paid by October 1st, 1913.
Notice ii also given that after to-
day no more credit will be given
bin l
September 1913.
By virtue of a decree of the super-
court made In special proceeding
entitled J. W. Crawford et v
Crawford et sale for par-
tho undersigned Commissioner
will sell for cash before the court
door in Greenville at noon on
Monday. 3rd, 1913, the fol-
lowing described real estate,
One tract of land in Beaver Dam
known as the Place,
and being the farm upon which the
said B. F. Crawford resided at the
time of bis adjoining the lands
known as the land on
south, en the nest by W. C. Hem-
by, on the north by Noah
and others, on the east by J. B.
Nichols, being the lands known as
the Polly place,
acres or
one other tract in town-
ship, known as the Anderson place,
adjoining the lands of Stanley Park-
Hemby, Ben
and others, containing
acres more or less. This tract
includes acres of cleared land and
id land, all of which
it accurately described in a deed
from R. J. Cobb and B. F. Crawford.
one other tract known as the
Place and adjoin-
the lands J. W. Smith,
late J. F. Allen, R. L. Nichols I. A
Nichols and others, containing
acres more or
This October 1st. 1913.
J. B. JAMES, Commissioner.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by R. L. Hill and wife
and D. B. Johnson and wife, to F. G.
on the 6th day of March, 1909,
which appears of record
in the office of the register of deeds
of Pitt county in book E. page
the undersigned will sell for cash at
noon on Saturday, November 1st, 1912,
before the court house door in Green-
ville, the following described lot or
parcel of land, situate in said town,
and on the south side of Fifth street
Beginning at a stake on the south
of Fifth street and on the west side
of Reed street extended, and running
with Fifth a westerly course
feet to a stake, thence a souther-
course across said lot feet to
a stake on Reed street extended
thence a northerly course with Reed
street to the beginning. Being the
lot on which the old ice plant for
This Sept 30th, 1913.
F. G. JAMES, Mortgagee.
The undersigned having ,
as administrator of G. W. Gardner
deceased, late of the county of Pitt
state of North Carolina, this Is
give all parties or persons, having
claims against the estate of the said
deceased, notice to present them
the undersigned on or before the 27th
day of September. 1914, or this no-
will be plead In bar of their re-
All persons Indebted to said
will please make immediate
This September 1913.
HARDING and PIERCE, Attorneys.
North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the superior court.
John Braxton vs Martha Braxton
The defendant above named
take notice that an action entitled as
above has been commenced In the
court of Pitt county for the
purpose of dissolving the bonds of
matrimony heretofore existing between
the plaintiff and the defendant; and
the said defendant will further take
notice that she is required to appear
at the next term of the superior court
of Pitt county to be held on the i
Monday after the first Monday in
it being the 3rd day of No-
1913, at the court house of
said county in Greenville, North Car-
and answer or demur to
complaint in said action or the plain-
tiff will apply to the court for tin
relief demanded In said complaint
This 1st day of October, 1913.
Clerk of the Superior Court.
and PIERCE, Attorneys.
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a Ionic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands
By virtue of authority made by D
C. Moore, clerk of the superior court
of Pitt county, In the above entitled
cause, the undersigned
will, on Wednesday, tho 15th
day of October, 1913, at the hour of
o'clock p. m. sell at public sale,
to the highest bidder, for cash, at
the store recently occupied by the
late Montgomery T. Spier, In the
town of Winterville, North Carolina
wares and merchandise formerly own
by tho late Montgomery T. Spier,
In Winterville, North Carolina, to-
with all store fixtures, book
accounts and one piano. Said stock
is new and in splendid
condition and prospective purchasers
are invited to examine the same be-
fore the day of sale.
This the 24th day of September
Administratrix of Montgomery T
within two and half miles of Green-
ville, adapted to all crops, two six
room tenant houses, two
barns, thousand acre posture. Terms
to suit purchaser. J. W. Perkins.
Tho Boot Hot Tonic
chill TONIC I h
Mood, up the and will woo
you to
She of IV- ho- summer.
North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the superior court, before
S. H. Pritchard vs. George
Pritchard, L. G. Pritchard, A.
and M. J.
The defendants above named
That an action entitled as above has
been commenced In the superior court
of Pitt county to sell for partition
lands described In the complaint
ed In this cause, which lands are
situated In South Greenville, Norm
Carolina, and the defendants will fur-
take notice that they are
ed to appear before the clerk of the
superior court of Pitt county, N. C,
on Monday, the 20th day of October.
1913, at tho court house of said
In Greenville, N. C
In Greenville, N. C, and answer or
demur to the In said sec-
or the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded In said
This September 16th, 1913.
Clerk Superior Court,
By A. T. Moore. D. C.
F. Q. JAMES and SON.
Tho Board of Commissioners of
Pitt county will build a bridge across
Tar River at Boyd's Ferry, N. C, and
until Monday, November 1913,
o'clock a. m. the Board will re-
bids for the construction of
said. Said bridge to be steel draw
and modern approaches. Plans and
specifications for said bridge can be
had from the office of the Register of
Deeds of Pitt County on and after
October 1913.
H. L. Chairman,
Hanrahan, N. C
BELL, Clerk of the Board,
Greenville, N. C.
North Carolina, Pitt
In the superior court.
Georgia Ella Coward vs.
To Coward, defendant In
tho above entitled
You will hereby take notice that
a civil action has been Instituted in
the superior court of Pitt county, en-
titled Georgia Ella Coward vs.
ford Coward for the purpose of ob-
divorce between the
and the defendant and that said
action was Instituted on the 3rd day
of October, 1913.
You will further take notice
you are required to appear before the
judge of the superior court, at a court
to be held for the county of at
the court house In Greenville, on the
4th Monday after the first Monday
In September It being the 8th day
of December, 1913, and answer the
complaint which has been deposited
in the office of the clerk of the
court of said county, within
the first three days of said term and
said Coward will further
take notice that it he fail to answer
the complaint within the time
ed by law, the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief demanded In
the complaint.
This day of October, 1913.
D. C. MOORE, C. S. G
for Plaintiff.
Washington and Jefferson has on-
of the heaviest teams In its history
this year, he W and J eleven has
a game with Yale October and ex-
to make a good showing against
the Ells.
Ten touchdowns In
Just minutes, was
the Princeton Tigers
with Fordham.
i game lasting
the record of
In their game
I where health abound.
With Impure blood there can-
not be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
revivify the torpid LIVER and restore
natural action.
A healthy LIVER mean pare
hire Mood means health.
Health means happiness.
Substitute. AU Druggists.
is Very Heavy One and Will
Probably Not be Completed
the Week
Pitt county superior court for the
trial of criminal cases will convene
here three weeks from next Monday,
on The docket is an
unusually large one for this term
and will require time for the
disposition of the cases to be beard,
Is not believed that all of them
will be heard, as there are so very
many on the docket. There are
insurance cases on the docker,
it is not believed that these
will require so much time. Another
Is a suit in which the town is con-
and this will be hard fought.
Judge H. W, Whedbee will preside.
was made out at
a meeting of the bar of the town a
few days ago, is as
Monday, November
M. M. Ewell et
Lumber Co.
Dart Co. vs Skinner-
Garden Co.
J. F. Davenport et vs H, A.
J. J. Haddock et vs
Stocks et
Tuesday, Nov.
In lie Last Will and Testament
of Joseph J. Parker.
S. T. Carson vs Nat. Life Ins.
Co., and Geo.
W. E. Hooks vs Jefferson Stand-
ard Life Ins. Co., et
H. vs W. A. Pol-
lard and Co. et
R. H. et vs A. L.
Wednesday, Nov. 1918.
G. B. W. Hadley and F. J.
vs A. C.
Brinkley and vs N. S
R. R. Co., and Town of Green-
T. J. Stancill vs O. L. Joyner.
W. J. Rollins vs N. R. R. Co.
J. J. Lyon vs A, C. L. R. R. Co.
Swift Fertilizer Works vs Rob-
Taylor and Barnhill et
Thursday, Nov. 1918.
John Cooper et vs Amos Mill
R. P. Cannon and wife vs
Moore et
Richmond Paper Co., vs
pendent Publishing Co.
L. H. vs Oscar
F. A. Patrick vs N. R. R. Co
Sarah C. Patrick et vs N. S
R. R. Co.
Friday, Nor. 1918.
Ode Turned vs N. R. R. Co
R. D. Whitehurst A. L. It.
R. Co.
J. P. Nichols et vs Tar River
Lumber Mills et
R. W. Decker and wife vs N. S.
R. R. Co.
Madison Morris vs Pitt County
Oil Co.
ind wife vs J. M
Julius Drown. vs North
State Mutual Lite Ins. Co.
R. and P. R. R. Co. vs T.
J. W. Ferrell vs J. O. Proctor
and Bro.
Mm I ill NOTES.
John the old Yale end and
track captain, is helping the coaches
develop the Johns Hopkins
squad at Baltimore.
Princeton began playing football in
1869. Yale In 1872, Harvard in
Pennsylvania in 1876, Dartmouth In
1882 and Cornell In 1887.
Dartmouth shown a lot of
of late. The Hanover
eleven is lighter than for some years,
but will make up for this in
For Bilious Attacks, Constipation and
All Liver Troubles. Dangerous
Way Bud-
Liver Tone.
Every druggist In the state has no-
a great falling off In the sale of
They the same
son. Dodson's Liver Tone Is taking
its place.
Is often dangerous and
people know It, while Dodson's Liver
Tone is perfectly Bate and gives Bet-
says Greenville Drug Co,
Dodson's Liver Tone is personally
guaranteed by Greenville Drug Co.
who sell It. A large bottle costs
cents, and If It falls to give easy re-
lief In every case of sluggishness,
you have only to ask for your money
back. It will be promptly returned.
Dodson's Liver Tone Is a pleasant
tasting, purely vegetable remedy-
harmless to both children and adults.
A bottle In the house may save you
a day's work or keep your children
from missing school. Keep your liver
working and your liver will not keep
from working.
NEW YORK, Oct by
lively sessions during the last two
days, the House of Bishops and tho
House of Deputies of the forty-
fourth General Convention of the
Protestant Episcopal Church of Am-
met In joint session today. The
first business was the report of the
mission boards, but above this
routine problems of remarriage
and various changes In
church canons loomed as the absorb-
features of the discussion
both and laity.
The convention now has before It
an unusual program of proposals
for adoption, from which vigorous
demands are voiced from many
sources, particularly tho low church
element, which won Its first con-
test of the convention In the
of Dr. Alexander Mann of
ton as presiding officer of the House
of Deputies.
The House of Bishops will have
before it memorials attacking
and calling not only upon the
ecclesiastical authorities but the
government of the United States to
seek an amendment to the
so federal legislation concern-
marriage could be effected.
Wonderful Stomach Remedy
Is Recommended and Praised By
Thousands Who Have
Been Restored
Unit throe months
G-ill Slum-
of Liver and
physician that
have to submit I
an to get u i
bat your Wont
Secured a full
and took It according; t
s ant
hundreds t.
cine work
don't feel any effects.
Remedy to all my d i I -k
Sufferers of and Intestinal
Ailment are tint asked to Wonder-
Stomach for weeks and months
before they feel benefited. Just try dose
which should make you feel better fa health,
convince you that you w torn be well and
strong, free you from and suffering and give
you a sound and healthy Stomach, as it has
done in thousands other cases. Wherever it
la taken you will hear nothing but highest
praise. Go to your him about the
great results It has been accomplishing In cases
of people to Geo H.
Chemist. Whiting St. Ill , for a
free book on Stomach many grate-
letters from people who have been restored.
For Sale In Greenville, N. C,
and Druggists
The heirs at law of the late Fer-
Ward will offer for sale
public auction for division before the
court house door In No-
3rd, 1913, at o'clock, M
the following described lands situated
In the county of Pitt and In
township, about seven miles east of
town of Greenville, lying on both
sides of the main road leading from
Greenville to
A certain piece or parcel of land
situated in township, Pitt
c N. C, and known as the Jolly
Place, and being Lot No. of the
division of lands among the heirs of
Fernando Ward, deceased, as laid
down on the map of Fernando Ward's
farm surveyed and made by H. F.
Price,, surveyor, In year bound-
ed and described as follows,
Beginning at a gum a corner between
Lot No. M. Spier's land, and the
Little Place, thence East
feet to a gum, corner, thence
S. 1-2 west feet to a stake, W.
G. corner, thence W.
feet to a stake, W. G. corner,
N. 1-2 W. 1762 feet to an
angle In ditch, W. O. corner,
and corner between Lots No. and
crossing the Greenville and Wash-
road feet to run
a corner, down run to
a corner on the canal, thence down
the canal crossing the Greenville and
Washington road to the beginning.
Containing 19-100 acres. For
reference see the Map of
of the Fernando Ward farm made
H. F. Price in August, 1886.
A certain piece or parcel of land
situated in township, Pitt
county, N. C, and known as Lot No.
of the division of lands among the
heirs of Fernando Ward, deceased, as
h laid down on the map of Fernando
Ward's Farm surveyed and made by
H. F. Price, surveyor, in year 1886,
bounded and described as follows, to-
Beginning at the angle of ditch
a corner No. and at
W. G. corner, thence S. 2-05
W. 1486 feet to a small pine, W. G.
corner, thence No. feet
to J. Fleming's corner, thence N.
1-2 W. feet, thence N. 1-4 W.
feet to a stake and pine stump,
Fleming's corner, and corner be-
tween Lots No. and No. thence
N. 2-05 E. with dividing line between
Lots No. and feet to a ditch
or branch, thence down ditch or
branch S. 1-2 E. feet to angle
In ditch, thence down ditch or branch
east crossing nation Avenue feet
to another N. E.
feet, thence N. 1-2 B. feet,
thence N. E. feet to corner
on said ditch or branch between Lots
No. and I thence 2-05 W. with
dividing line between Lots No. and
No. feet to the beginning, con-
acres. For further ref-
see the map of survey of the
Fernando Ward farm, made by H.
F. Price in August, 1886.
A certain piece or parcel of land
situated In township. Pitt
county, N, C, and known as Lot No.
of the division of lands among the
heirs of Fernando Ward, deceased, as
U laid on the map of Fernando
Ward's farm surveyed and made by
H. F. Price in the year 1886, bound-
and described as follows,
Beginning at a stake and pine stump.
L. Fleming's corner and the corner
between No. and thence S.
1-2 W. 1536 to L. Fleming's
thence 1-4 W. to L.
Fleming's corner, thence N. 3-4
W. feet to a cypress, L.
corner, thence 1-8 W. feet
to L. Fleming's corner, thence 1-2
W. to the line of the ten acre piece
that Nobles bought and acquired off
the west end of Lot No. thence with
the dividing line between
and Lot No. to their corner, thence
N. E. to J. J. Nobles corner,
thence N. W. feet to J. J. No-
corner, S. 3-4 E.
feet, thence N. E. feet, thence
N E. feet, thence S. 1-2 E.
feet to the corner between Lots
No. and No. thence with the
line between lots No. and
No. S. 2-05 W. feet to the be-
ginning. Containing acres more
or less. For further reference see
the map of survey of the Fernando
Ward farm, made by ft F. Price In
August 1886.
Farm No. has acres cleared
land one tenant house.
Farm No. has acres cleared
land and two tenant houses.
Farm No. acres cleared
land, four tenant houses, one
dwelling house, well equipped cot-
ton gin, and several out buildings.
Said farms will be sold separately
and afterwards offered as a whole.
Terms cash, but suitable time will
be given purchaser to make
upon application. The
right to reject or accept all bids la
hereby reserved.
For further Information apply to
J. J. Agent,
N. C.
V. O. James and Son.
Greenville. N. C.
Agriculture U the the Most of San.-
n. U, ISIS.
M i-.
Mr. Higgs Says President Tate
Wants it Continued
to be From
Within the Stale, Hut the
Interstate Arc
Still High.
Mr. E. II. of the
Pitt county branch of tho North
Carolina Just Freight Halo
was asked this morning
as to what he believed would be the
final outcome of tho freight
right which has been going on in
this state for the past six or eight
months. Mr. WU in doubt
to tho end of tho move-
but says that ho believes that
relief will come the light
reaches Its culmination.
Since the adjournment the
extra session of the legislature
Mr. Higgs has received a copy
of a letter which President
K. sent to
branches of the Freight Hate
all over tho state, In which
Mr. Tate expresses the desire that
work tho organization may be
kept up. Ho realizes tho value
has been in the clamor for relief,
and says that there is yet a great worn
to he done by the organized forces
of the business men of the state.
The failure to secure the extra leg-
commission to supplement
tho work of tho Corporation Com-
mission has only Inspired Mr. Tate
to greater undertakings In the fight
that Is now on. And then, though an
rate was passed to lower
freight within tho state, there
Is still a big burden that Is being
carried by tho people, which meant
millions of dollars per year exacted
from the people on freight rates on
commodities shipped hero from
other states. This is the next great
battle to be fought.
The Greenville, cotton market
today a slight over
the of t there
la no -cry In the
staple here. The following report, fur-
by Co., will of
Middling IS 3-4; good mid-
December futures at 1.30
and 13.94.
There are about twenty-five bales
on the market today, and all of them
are of a very good quality. Many
the farmers bad bales that measured
a little above the average weight of
live hundred pounds, and the most of
it was of a very good quality.
Had Skull Fractured and Opened Yesterday, Judge
Serious Injuries
The Names of the People Who Are
Coming and
Oct. R. H.
Hunsucker and little son, It. H. Hun-
sucker, Jr., left Saturday morning for
where they will visit j were
lives and friends of Moore county
They will return by the way of
and the fair.
Hit. Dora K. Cox went
this afternoon.
Mis. Mumford, of
who has been Mrs. Elizabeth
Cox, returned home this afternoon.
Mr. J. U. Smith, who Is at present
located at Richmond, tho week-
end here at his old home, with his
people. Mr. Smith is formerly of this
town and has many friends here who
are always glad to welcome him.
Mrs. R. ft Hunsucker went to
den Monday.
Mr. R. L. Little went to Grifton
Saturday night Joe Lang, colored,
got an unusual amount of liquor. Ho
went homo and began to whip his
wife. Tho people nearby being dis-
they notified the policeman
who arrested him. The was
arraigned before Mayor Chapman,
contented himself with Imposing a
lino. This seemed to sober the
ho has since been to stay
Hoy Was Working Fur His Father.
Was Hauling From
the Yards of W.
II. Dull, Jr.
John Simmons, a boy about
thirteen years old, was almost killed
this morning between tho hours of
eleven and twelve o'clock when a
horn ran away and threw him out
on tho hard pavement. The runaway
occurred on Fifth street, near the In-
of Washington street,
was witnessed by a few people who
picked up the boy and Immediately
carried him to the office of Dr. C.
where his
dressed and medical attention
given him.
A careful examination made by Dr
revealed the fact that
th. skill slightly trot
ed in several places, and that
wounds were very serious. One gash
about an Inch long, and so deep
the bone could be seen, was cut Just
above the left temple, and another
place, where tho skull was fractured,
was about an Inch and a half
in length about three Inches above
the left ear. Small fragments of skin
hid the In this place, and these
had to cut away so that th
physician might able to work.
The boy was working for his
ind was hauling brick for W. ft
brick yard. Tho team that he
was driving belonged to his father.
The accident occurred In front of
Mr. W. M. home near the
of Washington and Fifth
streets, and so serious In the In-
juries that tho boy will confined
to his bed for some time, and, If com-
set In, his fight for life may
be a very hard one.
Connor Presiding
there ire Twelve Cases the Dock-
et for Trial, Many
Negro Here Is Wanted in g PEOPLE TO
A was received by CrOWdS
Dudley today asking for the am
at homo without distributing the pub-
Mr. of the local association m
says that President Tate Is a man
who will never give up the fight
something has been done, and he
Is of the opinion that unless the rail-
roads grant some concessions; the
leader of the state forces will carry
the battle to the polls In the next
election. Relief has been had to a
certain degree, but there Is yet much
to do. and the continued co-opera-
of the business men of Green-
ville Is still desired In the matter.
Before Senate Will Confirm Filipino
Recently Named As
Wilson's appointment of four native
Filipinos to tho Philippine
will not confirmed by th
senate until have been
given that the new officials will
their utmost efforts to stamp out
in the
Senator has mad It known
that ho
that ho will every effort to
vent confirmation unless he Is
of their attitude.
It Is understood that Inquiries
been to get Information that
will satisfy the senate as to tho
views of the new
If you looking for a good heat-
or cook-stove of any kind B. D.
Forrest's store is the place to find It.
druggists and oil-cloth,
at A. W. Ange and Co. Prices right.
See Harrington, Barber and Com-
for your glass ware, crockery,
and mirrors.
B. D. Forrest and Company have
Just received a nice line of laces, ham-
burgs, Insertions, and all kinds of
Harrington, Barber, and
can supply your wants In mattings,
rugs and floor oil-cloth. to see
A. W. Ange and Co., If you
in need of a cook stove or heater.
To Promote Industrial
The National Society for the Promo-
of Industrial Education, which Is
a leading In the movement for
the establishment vocational schools
throughout tho country, began Its
annual convention In this city
today. Secretary of Commerce
c. is over the
sessions, which will continue until
tho end of the week. Among the
scheduled speakers are Ida M. Tar-
Governor of Michigan
David commission of
for Massachusetts, and Frank
Duffy, general secretary of the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Join-
ill Speak at High School
Rev. C. M. Rock, gifted and el-
Greenville Baptist preacher,
will deliver a lecture In the High
School Auditorium at Winterville to-
morrow at o'clock on his tour of
the Holy Land. This will be a pleas-
announcement to tho people of
Winterville, for they are a religious
people and no subject could of
more Interest to them Hum the land
the Savior's birth. Mr. Hock Is no
to them, having preached
the animal commencement sermon last
year, and they will be gratified at the
opportunity of hearing him M
be tells of the life
Unchanging Adulation will be
Federal court opened yesterday In
Washington, with Judge G. Con-
nor, Wilson, presiding. It is the
first session of the federal court that
bus ever been held In the new
federal building, and due no-
of this fact was taken by the
Judge, who said that all of the eastern
part of the state should feel proud
tho completion of such a
structure as Is this one. Of tho
first session of the court the Wash-
Daily New of yesterday has
the following to
Tho courtroom In Washington's
now public building was formally
morning with tho sitting
of the United States District Court
for tho eastern district of North Car-
which convened at o'clock
with His Honor Judge H. G. Connor
After the grand Jury been sworn
In with W. B. Morton of this city as
foreman, His Honor prefaced his
to the body with a worthy and
timely compliment to
John H. Small, through whose efforts
tho magnificent building was made
possible for Washington this sec-
Tho court congratulated not
only Washington upon the completion
of such a structure, but the people a
well, having such a building dedicated
for use as n hull of Justice,
e, collector's office, etc.
Judge Connor said that no build-
in In the state could surpass it and
ho felt sure and confident that no
people appreciated Its completion more
than those who In Beaufort
county and section.
After calling attention to the hand-
some courtroom and Us appointments
the court directed Its thoughts to the
grand Jury and their duty.
There twelve cases on the
docket for trial. A large number of
spectators were present to witness
the opening ceremonies. The court-
room must seen to be properly
by the public Handsome
furniture Is Installed and comfortable
Chairs for both lawyers and
i , well as the general public
The room is certainly a
ard untiring efforts of Congressman
John H. Small. He Is not only the
congressman of the first district, but
tho congressman of the people.
the words of Judge Connor. It
was a tribute paid to a
of K. a man work-
here, and claiming Wilmington
as his home. The came from
the sheriff of Craven county,
that was wanted in Ni
Bern for forgery.
He has been in Greenville for two
.; months, and has been doing
concrete work with a local
tor, policeman George Clark, when
notified of the tact that the was
wanted, went to where the man was
working, at the new of the
Furniture Company, and
arrested him, Shortly after the
came here, Mr. Clark asked him on
the streets one day who he was and
where he was from, and he told
the right name, but said that he was
from Wilmington.
He is being held lure awaiting the
arrival of the officers from New Bern,
v ho are expected to reach here either
this afternoon or tomorrow to take
him to New Bern to stand trial for
the offense with which he Is charged.
Event in Raleigh
Sales light today and prices
die highest of tho season. Our en-
tire sale averaged for everything
sold. We made last Thursday the
highest average for one barn of to-
that has been gotten so far on
the Greenville market. Messrs. D. W.
and O. Nobles sold 1308 In
for averaging 42.17. It sold
from to Bring your next
load to Johnston and ware-
Home of High
discussed the administration
bill before the banking Com-
today. Victor of
New York, who championed the meas-
completed his testimony, and Al-
Gilbert, president of the
ton Market bank of New York, took
the stand. Both generally endorsed
the bill, but suggested a number of
changes In tho detailed provisions
Both urged the reduction of the
of federal reserve banks fixed by
the bill at twelve.
Mr. Gilbert presented a table show-
tho resources available for the or-
of six regional banks, to
be located In New England, the east-
states, the south, the Mississippi
Valley, Central West and the
coast. Ho urged that tho bill be
amended to allow tho banks
In the federal reserve board.
Mr. objected to the pro-
vision giving the federal reserve
board power to force any regional
bank to paper for any
region bank. Ho
that this provision would lead to sec-
demands for red-
by Senator Nelson, Mr.
said that he bill provided
for a Bank, of main
i f its
would scatter the of
tho in various
would leave system
domination of Central
appointed by the
Ken Buildings lit the lair, and
Exhibits Are Said to be More
and Better Than
A large crowd Of Greenville
left here this morning for
to attend the fair which is
being held this week. The early
morning train, leaving hero
after o'clock carried a big crowd,
and still others took advantage of tho
schedule of tho train due to
leave at a. m. The Norfolk
Southern which Is tho nearest and
the quickest route to Raleigh from
is offering a special round
trip fare at which also includes
one admission Into the Fair grounds.
The fair this year is said to be the
best ever held, and, In spite of tho
fact that this has been said about
practically every preceding Fair, it
may perhaps be said about this one
without the slightest room for doubt.
Three or four new buildings have
been erected at the grounds for the
accommodation and exhibition of live
stock, cattle sheep and swine,
the Immense amount of floor spare
that has been reserved for the ex-
of farm products.
Mammoth reservations have also
been taken and are being used by the
big concerns to display their
goods. Farming and good roads ma-
are on exhibition in
numbers than heretofore, and the free
attractions very numerous.
One feature of the Fair Is, the ab
of Indecent and immoral shows
or at least a commute which
out at the opening yesterday
around for these attractions re-
port that they nothing would
not be suitable for any one to
The Special free attraction of
Fireworks, which is to be given it
night during tho week, is said to
a most Interesting reproduction of
the destruction of and
The entire event
year promises to be of much Interest
and value than in previous season,
and larger crowds of Greenville are
expected to go to Raleigh tomorrow,
of them taking the II
route in preference to the railroad
wedding of today was that of Mi.-s
Phoebe daughter Mr. end
Mrs. Everett I. and W
son the late
nor Frank New York
which took place this afternoon In the
Of the Heavenly Rest. The
ceremony at the church was follow-
ed by a large reception at the St.
Mrs. E. It left Tuesday
for Raleigh
Mr. and Mrs Leslie Smith,
here yesterday.
Mr. J. W. Joyner. of Farmville, was
here Tuesday evening.
into Donaldson Hot Buried by the
Town, But Her Relatives.
An undo of Annie Donaldson, the
woman who was killed by the
signboard falling upon her In the
heavy wind of last Monday, says that
the woman was not buried at the ex-
the town, was stated In
yesterday's paper, but that he him-
self, with the assistance of a few col-
people, raised tho necessary
funds to defray the expense of the
burial. The man asked that this
he made, and this paper is
glad to do this.
Mrs. Chas. left
this morning for Norfolk.
Mr. B B has gone to Rich-
on a business trip.
With guests from many parts of
world, San Francisco today I
her second festival under Con-
that promise one of tho most
magnificent carnivals ever held in
America. While tho festival I
the name of Mi Gasper
discoverer of tho Bay of Fran-
first governor California
under Spanish rule, tho o
hue been arranged with a view to
especially honoring tho memory
Nunez do Balboa, the Spanish
adventurer who, four
hundred years ago last month, climb-
ed the peak in and viewed tho
Pacific ocean.
One of the features of
the carnival will be a reproduction
the arrival of Sir Drake,
in his little ship, tho Golden
who landed a few north of tho
Golden Gate, and on Juno
look of the country in the
name of Queen