Eastern reflector, 2 May 1913

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NEW YORK. April la
An Expression
To the Editor of the Gold
The Ides has gone abroad la
to the road bonds, that they may
be purchased by wealthy men
and are free from taxes
the will of J. P. Morgan made public , , , . ,
. lute a mortgage on all the
yesterday centered today In the , ,. , . ,,,.,
. . . , i In the country may be sold If the
Question of the value of the , .
i bonds are not paid at maturity.
tier's estate and In what disposition
his son would make of the vast col-j
or Morgan art treasures.
Less than was
d for the specific bequests made t.-1
Mr. Morgan, the rest being the
portion left to the son without
mention of the amount
Some estimates made today
the total estate as high as
but according to a member of
the firm of J. P. Morgan and Co., not
even the son himself can tell within
many millions the actual value of
day. but up to this time Ur. Small
has not received the final count
Department of State
To all whom the presents may come
Whereas, it arrears to my
faction, by duly authenticated record
eyes of Ignorance. Is It possible the proceedings for the voluntary
what marvelous and
doing scan be seen through the
any one capable of evolving such a
theory should be informed that these
bonds, if held by persons or
rations In Vance county, will be list-
ed for taxes to the full amount of their
value, dollar for dollar
It Is. of course, full true, that the
county must pay these bonds, but Is
paid by a sinking fund which
from year to year by setting
dissolution thereof by the unanimous
consent of the stockholders, deposit-
ed In my office, that the Davis Motor
Company, a corporation of this state,
principal office is situated in
the town of county of Pitt,
state of North Carolina R. Davis
being the agent therein and In charge
thereof, upon whom process may be
has complied with the re-
one per cent of the amount of of Chapter of
I the bonds. Any property In tho entitled
appraised by the state for the,, ,
Monday in May. 1913. for your last
year's taxes if you to
them, This has been the case since
before the oldest man In the com-
can and will
ways be so.
There Is nothing new, dangerous
or hazardous in the matter present-
ed to you. And if any citizen
such rumors and reports seriously, it
is his duty to investigate the grounds
fears and find what the real
tax the question will
main open.
J. P. Morgan declined to say today
anything in regard to the disposition
of the art treasures, but it was In-
that he might have a state-
some time this week.
The treasurers were left to the son
with the hope he will be able
In such a manner as he thinks best to
make a permanent disposition or dis-
positions of them or such portions of j Gold Leaf,
them as will he a substantial carrying
out of the intentions which I have
cherished to render them
permanently available for the pleas-
and instruction of the American
J. P. Morgan, the testator's son. Hr
Godwin Says There Is
Doubt lint That 4th Post-
Hill He Filled By
i several conferences with
L. P. Hamilton. that , not
his sons-in-law and Lewis Case Lei-
yard, the Morgan attorney, tiled their
oaths as executors today. Mrs.
the widow, and three daughters.
Miss Morgan. Mrs. and Mrs.
Hamilton, and J. P. Morgan have
waived citation and tho will prob-
ably will be admitted to probate to-
The petition to the makes
the formal declaration that the value
of the real estate and personal DU
arty Involved In would to the
each case.
to the Issuing of this
Now, Therefore. I, J. Bryan Grimes,
Secretary of State of the state of
North Carolina, do hereby certify that
the said corporation did, on the 17th
day of April, 1913, file In my
a duly executed and attested consent
in writing to tho dissolution of I
corporation, executed by all the stock-
holders thereof, which said consent
and the record of the proceedings
aforesaid are now on in my said
office as provided by law.
In Testimony Whereof. I have here-
to set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at Raleigh, this 17th day of
April, A. D., 1913.
of State.
Enters Suit Against Aliens
have the slightest doubt that every j ROANOKE, Va April civil
fourth class post office in the suits for damages for tho widows and
try would be filled by Democrats orphans of the officers of the Carroll
when the department final-
got through with the arrangement
of the postal service.
Mr. Godwin said that Postmaster
county circuit court, shot up March
of last year by the Allen clan, have
been docketed in the Wayne
circuit court to be heard by Judge
Mr. Morgan's will was filed for pro-
bate shortly before o'clock this
General told him that while I Walter R. Staples at the July term,
some kind of an examination would be Judge Staples presided at the
held for fourth class postmasters, of the Aliens and sentenced Floyd
that examination would be so easy and Claude to die In the electric chair.
and Sentence was passed September
but the death penalty was not inflicted
until last
Tho suits for damages are to
am in favor of filling every
class in the United States I cover money from the estates of Floyd
with said Mr. Godwin.; and Claude Allen and Wesley
filling these offices with Demo- Edwards. The families of Judge
will place me In the class of
the then I am a
of the rankest
Mr. Godwin said if the postmaster
Thornton L.
Attorney William Foster and Sheriff
Lew Webb are plaintiffs In the
Attorney R. H. Willis, of the
Arm of and
principal counsel for the Aliens In
This morning while to
Greenville from his home In general had left the doubt ;.
township, Mr. John Rives, with his I his mind about ousting the Republican , .
wife and little daughter, narrowly es- j fourth class postmaster he would not their long fight for life and liberty
caped a serious accident when Just have given out the above Interview, j following tho tragedy, said
across the other side of the riv-r never was more confident of any-1 that It is likely he will submit to Pros-
bridge. Mr. Rives, with the thing than I am that these Stuart of
of his family, was In a buggy and cans will be ousted when the Anal county, tho document now in his
was met by a runaway log team of test said Mr. Godwin Mr. session, in which Attorney L. O. Wen-
two mules. In attempting to clear i Godwin said he was opposed to the of Richmond, sets forth
e rear wheel was hit by the plan of holding any kind of grounds on which Dexter Goad, clerk
for the fourth class offices, but of the Carroll court, may be
after going over the proposed for his part In the courthouse bat-
wagon and torn off, throwing Mr.
Rives and his little daughter out. Ho
received slight bruises on right leg
bat the little girl escaped Injury.
Always To and Over The Precipice
with Mr. he was perfectly
satisfied that the offices would be
filled by Democrats regardless of the
Mr. Godwin called at the treasury
The tragedy in Goldsboro Is too department today and secured the
savory, too pathetic to dwell upon, promise of the supervising architect
bat It should not be passed without that work would be started on the
once again holding up the moral of Wilmington custom house within
certain punishment for unrighteous- day. Mr. Godwin had the
and reward for righteousness, ton project advanced to the class of
Through its vale of tears the tragedy largest building projects which
lands as a warning. It should the department believes will make It
press upon the minds of those who possible to start work on the
would sin in such manner that shame building Some time during
is linked to torture Just as It Is
for the night to give away
to the day, and vice versa. The pleas-
of evil-doing Is hut temporary.
It soon tilts away and then the
July at the latest.
Representative Small said today he
would recommend for appointment as
Mr. Willis said that because of th
press of other business he had not
yet examined the opinion
carefully. He said, however, that it is
likely the paper will be submitted
Stuart Campbell, prosecuting attorney
for county, with a summary of
evidence on which it is based, and
pointed out where witnesses can be
reached who will testify In support of
the version of Goad's part n
the courthouse fight and the
stances leading up to It.
Annual Meeting Bf Stock-
The annual meeting of tho stock-
holders of the Farmers Consolidated
Tobacco Company was held today in
tho Star warehouse, with a large at-
At this meeting a
was adopted the
dissolution of the company in
with steps taken at previous
meetings, and a distribution
of assets, amounting to per cent,
was paid to the stockholders, the
being reserved until some
affecting the company Is set-
It is expected that an addition-
per cent or more will be paid
as soon as these matters are ad-
The dissolution of this company,
being carried on for ten years,
in which time the original
were paid per cent in
is to be regretted, and many of
the farmers connected with it were
heard to so express themselves. Still
there had arisen conditions under
which it was not wise to continue
without a change in policy, and op-
position arising to a proposed
of tho company on a some-
what different basis, dissolution was
considered as tho best step under
these circumstances.
Mr. O. L. who was
dent of the company during its
and who at personal sacrifice
threw his whole energy into building
It up, labored unceasingly for Its
and the large benefit the farm-
derived from it was due mainly
to his efforts. No one more
than he that a lack of earnest co-
operation led to the dissolution of the
company. It Is cause for
to the farmers, however, that
in the sale of the property Mr. Joyner
purchased one of the warehouses, the
Star, and will continue to run it. His
association with the business will
mean much for the strength and ad-
of the tobacco market.
Not Halting on Lumber Dealers
Mr. G. B. W. Hadley started out
on a plan not to be delayed in the
building of his new residence. In-
stead of having to depend on the
dealers to get material when they
felt Inclined to deliver it, he sent
out to bis own land and had the
cut and extra good quality and
plenty of it. As a result the work
on his house is proceeding rapidly.
Auto Cuts Down Pole
Sunday Dr. T. O. and his
wife took an auto trip over near
Whichard to visit friends. In the
Mrs. took another
I lady out for a ride. In crossing tie
I railroad track the car stalled. The
la-lies intending to crank the
car so it would go on. A man at
station near by vent to assist than.
The man got d the car and
it a push, when off the
started right by itself. The car struck
line for a telephone pole and
cut it down. No damage resulted ex-
for the telephone pole.
Roland Jenkins, of Greenville spent
Wednesday night with Miss Fannie
Fresh corned herrings on hand at
A. W. Ange and Company.
Mr. A. II. Braxton made a flying trip
to Greenville Monday.
See Harrington, Barber and Com-
for your summer dress goods,
ladies and gents silk hose.
Miss Fannie Lee spent Wed-
in Greenville with friends.
Mrs. Charlie of Ayden
spent Friday in town visiting friends.
We have a plenty of peanuts and
field peas on hand. Get our prices be-
fore you buy. A. W. Ange and Com-
Misses Selma Fannie
son and Harriet Leary went to Green-
ville Thursday afternoon, also ac-
companied by Prof, F. C. ye.
Mr. Jack Holton of W. H. S. went
to his home near Ayden Friday.
Seed peanuts, seed field peas, at
Harrington, Barber and Company.
Miss of Green-
ville, was in town Friday afternoon,
to attend the Meredith Club held In
the Literary hall.
Mrs. wife of Mr. J.
who moved here about the
first of the year from Greene county,
died Sunday night. The funeral took
place Monday afternoon.
Buys Interest In Store.
Mr. H. L. Hodges has purchased
the Interest of Mr. S. L. Stough In
the Shoe Co., and is now as-
as a partner in the firm with
Mr. George He Invites all
his friends to call there when they
want anything in the shoe line.
Mr. W. H. Dall, Jr., has completed
his new stable and garage building
postmaster of Elizabeth City Dr. An-, on Ninth street, and has Just filled
drew L. Pendleton. Dr. Is his garage with a car load of
alterable, the cold and harsh climax engaged in the practice of mobiles. Tho Ford Sales Co
must he raced. Degradation, bitter- profession. The also received a car load of new a i-
suffering all just In Mr. Small's district Is this week at their
varnish of sin, and it Is The for this office Washington street.
only a matter of a few days be preferential
tho Is scratched off and the It has been agreed that the man
ugly, horrible surface revealed. vote , and j p r Snow
the wages of sin Is test will be recommended by Mr. are among the visiting attorneys at
Small, The election was held court.
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow-
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de-
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag-
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.
Messrs. W. A. Darden. of Farm-
Is no Dispatch.
that led all other banks in this section in increase in business during the
Started in 1901 and has been going forward ever since
O. II. AN, E. B. II I S, V r r o, ., C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Agriculture Is the Moat the Most Healthful, the Moat employment of
M. Mil hit
mm pal
Suspected Him of Squealing to
District Attorney
Fire Ballets His
Murder Occurred Two Blocks
From Where
Was Slain
of to the district
Jerry known as
the met his appointed
death on 41st street near Broadway
early today.
He was shot down by gangsters
who sent bullets Into his body.
The occurred only a couple
of blocks away from the of the
murder of Herman Rosenthal last
July, but the gunmen had less luck
than the Rosenthal murder crew.
Five policemen who were In the
mediate vicinity heard the shots and
pounced upon five men whom they
accused of tho killing. The police
allege that the men they caught are
members of the Paul Kelly band of
gangster of which Jerry was an
adherent. They saw that Jerry had
recently fallen under suspicion, how
e'er, that he was thought to be re
vealing the gang's secrets to District
Attorney Chas. S. Whitman.
None of the men caught were arm-
ed but witnesses said they had seen
them throw revolvers away and three
of the guns were found in a garbage
can nearby.
James one of tho prisoners,
was severely beaten by the officer
who caught him. The police say that
another prisoner, was
under arrest two years ago In con-
with the murder of another
member of the gang under similar
Tarboro Business Man Sen-
lo Twelve
TARBORO. April H. Den-
ton, one of prominent
business men, was Monday sentenced
by Recorder Fender to twelve
months on the roads for selling
the sentence following the
raid ever made in the state, it
Is declared. Thirty-nine barrels cl
liquor were found at livery
the stuff being valued at
appealed to the
court and his
bond at
When the officials
When tho Tarboro officials
ed to a raid on place,
they thought they would find a
couple of suit cases full of liquor,
as they suspected a by the
name of The astonishment
of the officers was tremendous when
they uncovered thirty-nine barrels of
liquor and saw evidence of the
of hundreds of bottles of the stuff.
explained that ha lent
Bryan the money to buy the stuff t
a satisfactory rate of Interest, and
then put in a claim tor the
It contended on part of
his attorneys, Messrs. F.
of Rocky Mount and Henry A.
of Tarboro, the liquor was
Joseph Kills His Cousin
Claude In
Greene County
April today
from Snow Hill tells of the killing In
Greene county of Claude by a
kinsman, Joseph The
good friends and were almost
inseparable, but were under the In-
of intoxicants at the time of
the killing. The men sat from
o'clock in the evening until midnight
the home of Joseph At
c clock Joseph bade Claude good
night and went to the dining room,
a short distance removed from the
dwelling, to eat. Upon returning he
saw through the window, It is
ed, Claude making Improper advances
toward his wife, who was attired for
the night and seated before the fire,
having the care of a sick baby, which
In bed In the room. Not heed-
the repulses of Mrs.
remonstrances of Joseph, who order-
ed the offender from the house,
Claude angrily the right
of the husband to Interfere with
conduct and started to attack the lat-
Joseph, it Is alleged, seized a
shotgun and tired at Claude, Inflict-
fatal injuries. He died at
o'clock. Joseph sent neighbors
a physician and the sheriff, five
miles distant. A magistrate
ed a bond of the slayer, which
the coroner's jury deemed sufficient.
The were cousins and well
known farmers In Greene county.
But Progress of Measure
All Hope For Asheville Men Has
Asheville Street Railway Will
To Operate Cars
A large advertisement today calls
attention to tho opening of the
series of The Home Building
and Loan Association next Saturday.
Already a large number of shares
have been spoken for in the coming
series and it is going to be the
est in the history of the association.
This Is Just as It should be, for there
Is no Institution doing more for the
community than this association. In
two matured series It has paid stock-
holders about In cash fend
mortgages, and It Is earn-
C 1-2 per cent net. As an aid
to people in building or buying a
or business house, nothing
equals It, for the money that would
to be paid for rents is very near-
enough to make all payments
to carry it through the build-
and loan association, and In a
little over six years the obligation
Is wiped out and the property be-
longs to tho owner. And as to a
savings Investment, the fact that It
pays such a large net per cent on
so small weekly deposits should
peal to every one.
Go right now to the secretary's of-
or phone him, and have your
registered for shares In the
series. You will be glad If you do
Operation on Darkest
LONDON. April second ab-
operation was today perform
on the Duchess of wife
of the Governor General of Canada
and aunt of King George. Her con-
ordered shipped and stored prior
to April I, when the blind tiger
and seizure act became
and that Denton could not
hi held under this law. The re-
however, took the opposite
position and sentenced to
twelve months.
m be watched with In-
through Its several stages. If
Denton out In the
the case will likely be carried
to the supreme court.
Through The Republicans Offer,
ed Amendments To The Various
Paragraphs In Chem-
WASHINGTON, C, April 29.-
debate and heated wrangle
today marked the beginning of the
reading of the Democratic tariff bill
in the House for amendment.
on the perfection of the meas-
was slow, but the talk was
and on one occasion brought
Speaker Clark on the floor with a
All day the Republicans offered
amendments to the various paragraphs
in the chemical schedule and every
amendment was voted down by the bis
Democratic majority. Several amend-
offered by the ways and means
committee to correct the phraseology
of bill were adopted.
Tariff Commission
Most of the talk of the day turned
on the records of the Democratic and
Republican sides of the House on the
question of creating a tariff
Republicans, led by
Mann, of began
attacks on the various provisions
tie first of the bill, the chem
schedule, by declaring that tho
in the rates showed the
need of the investigations of a tariff
Republicans In the
shouted Mr. Murdock, the Re-
publicans In this chamber now, were
only pretending to be for a tariff
commission. They had their chance
to write that bill Into law then and
failed. They will never have
The Republicans grew excited and
Representative Gardner shouted there
was no foundation for Mr.
that the Republican leaders
were In a conspiracy to defeat the
tariff commission
Gesticulating wildly, Mr. Gardner
the opinion of
Shirley of Kentucky, as to the
truth of the charge. Mr. Shirley be-
most of the Republicans op-
posed the bill.
Then Representative Gardner,
a finger at Speaker Clark, de-
to know whether ho believed
the charge. The Speaker strode to
the center of the hall of the House and
Judgment la that there never
was a Republican leader In this House
really in favor of a tariff
Mr. Gardner sat down and
Speaker went on. He declared he
against a tariff commission reporting
to and responsible to the President.
the House that should have
he said.
of the chemical schedule
was completed shortly after six
clock and the was recessed till
April demand
for adequate protection for its strike-
breakers and property, made to
city and county authorities by tho
Power and Light company,
a reply by the mayor that he and the
police authorities stood ready to meet
all demands made upon them and
Claim Health Is an announcement by the street car
Poor And That will Refer
Live Out His Two Years
company tonight that it would op-
Its cars tomorrow with
men were the chief develop-
WASHINGTON. April 29.-Attorney of the day of the
of motormen and conductors
General will not on street
a pardon for W. K. company was
nor both of on , ,
were convicted and sentenced to two p and g
years each In the penitentiary for , , business
Irregular banking methods which I
resulted in the failure of the First I request of the street
national Bank of Asheville nearly company a special session of the
years ago. It was stated at the de- i
tonight that every word Of
the evidence had been weighed care- and ho
fully and the department officials k J
convinced that no mistake had been
made, and they were determined that was their men and
the law should take its course. of car
of bordered; Girl
Factory by Negro
in Feeble Condition
The report of the physicians who
from mob violence.
It is reported on apparently good
authority that strikebreakers are
made an examination of to do- quartered in the company's
whether his physical condition car a week's provisions
such as to warrant a This afternoon a
of pardon was received at the feet high was erected
department today. The doctors say car yards only
I is in a feeble condition, of a single track being left open.
and that it is their opinion that he company officials stated tonight that
could not live out his two they arc not anticipating any
if sent to the penitentiary. from they be
don Attorney Finch said it would not for any emergency.
be necessary for Breese to remain hi is unchanged,
prison the full two years. With and the company main-
good behavior he will be entitled to
ask for a parole in months. Hence
tho department officials do not
the report of Asheville physicians
warrant them recommending
ency In the case of Breese.
Taft Refused to Pardon Men
Former President Taft refused to
their original attitude.
offers of arbitration have been
made by Interested citizens but so
far without result Union officials
stale that they are still willing and
anxious to submit their claims to a
board of arbitration.
Beyond small gatherings of the cu-
Bad Weather For Berries
WILMINGTON. April cold
rain, coupled with hall In the Chad-
operated against the
picking of and cur-
tailed the day's movement, If It did
not also greatly damage crop.
To what e-tent damage was
has not been learned. The
movement was cars in the
Carolina berry territory.
pardon Breese and Dickerson unless; and of
K could shown that they were In are quiet tonight, and
a state of health that their of do not an-
would put their lives v any trouble tomorrow, when
Jeopardy. The only hope which has th car Its
been held for men Is now gone. caTS strikebreakers.
they must serve time in the pen- j
Representative has re-
J. I. for
as postmaster at
Stuart W, Cramer, of Charlotte, who
was recently elected president of
American Cotton Manufacturer's As-
said tonight that he Is yet
hopeful that the Underwood tariff bill covenant Lodge
will be modified so as not to make No , F celebrated
such a radical reduction In the cotton tile 94th anniversary of the order. A
schedules. Mr. Cramer said if the
bill is passed In its present form I
would be very disastrous to the mil-
ling Industry the state.
Odd Fellows Celebrate
Anniversary last
Hun And Three
about twelve o'clock at Saratoga, In
this county, while Mr. Isaac Rogers
and three boys were sitting under a
shelter watching the progress of a
storm, lightning struck near the
Mr. Rogers was burned about
the face and hair was singed and
he had to be taken home on a bag-
The boys were stunned for a
The storm continued for twenty
minutes and during Its progress
came down In torrents, hall as Mg
as marbles peppered down, thunder
very Interesting program, as
e a day or two ago, was well car-
out under the direction of Noble
Grand F. J. Forbes. Thia embraced
some good speeches and splendid
tongs. Mr. P, G. Morris represented
Phalanx Lodge of Washington, and
was among the speakers.
A feature of tho exorcises that
could not carried out as
planned, because of the Inability of
principal to be present, was the
presentation of the veteran's medal.
Dr. D. L. James, lo whom was as-
signed the presentation speech, ex-
plained that the lodge was present-
the medal to Mr. J. J. Cherry,
the oldest member of lodge. Mr.
Cherry has been an Odd El
years and was a member of the old
bore before Covenant Lodge was
originated. Dr. James re-
A Shirt At The Home Of Negro Jan-
Believed Police To
Worn The Right
of tho police to establish the identity
of the person or persons who billed
year old Mary and placed
her body in the basement of Na-
Pencil Company's factory here,
where It was discovered early Sun-
day morning, have so far been
and tonight the case is as
of a mystery as ever.
events of Interest in con-
with the case occurred this
afternoon. First came the arrest of
Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the
pencil company, on a blanket
of suspicion. Frank is allowed the
freedom of the police station, having
employed a policeman as special
The second of the
was the finding by
of blood-stained shirt at home
of the Newt Lee. night watch-
man. Who reported the of
the girl's body to police. It Is said that
Leo admitting owning the garment,
but claimed not to have seen it
more than a year. police con-
tend that the blood-stains are com-
fresh. In support of the
theory that the carried the
body to the basement, detectives
point out that the stains on
beck of the shirt.
Equally worthy of note was the
transfer, late this afternoon, on a
writ of habeas corpus, of J. It Grant,
bookkeeper, charged with
murder, to the custody of the
and his removal to the county Jail
It was alleged by Grant's lawyers that
their client was being subjected to
at the station, from
which he would be relieved If us-
charge of the sheriff.
Detectives are said tonight to be
working upon a possible clue furnish-
ed by tho discovery of finger prints
upon the sleeve of dress worn by
Miss when she was killed. It
is stated that these prints are clearly
outlined and may prove of Importance
In establishing the Identity of the
Senior Day K. C. T. T.
Today Is at East Car-
Teachers Training School. The
assembly exercises this morning were
conducted by them; this afternoon
they are planting the senior tree with
due and tonight
and Mrs. Wright will give a
to tho Seniors. The entire school
and town is filled with the spirit
of the class of 1913.
rolled and nasties of to Mr. Cherry taking pail In
it is feared many Initiation years ago. and how
plants In the tone of the storm from that day to this he had
are killed. the principles of the order ex-
pounded by this
At tho conclusion of the
program refreshment served
and the assembly spent a while to
social mingling. During this one of
Mr. A. It Ellington's largo
gave musical selections.
Quite a number of attend-
ed th-
Odd Fellowship Is strong in Green-
ville, and the lodge is constant-

Rev. W. I Johnson lit the
Baptist Church Last
Rev. N. Johnson, of Wake For-
est College and pastor of the
church there, came to Green-
ville Sunday evening from
Nook, where he preached that morn-
and occupied the pulpit of Me-
Baptist church at night. Mr.
spoke on Era of Church
answering tho question,
what are the people of today most
In be briefly mention-
ed education, then amusement, then
money making, bringing out some
points In connection with these in
favor with some as each occupying
the chief place in the public mind.
Neither of these, he declared, held
first rank of interest, but the fore-
most popular thought is building
something. We art Just beginning
the era of building extensively, and
everything is getting in line with
The speaker then went into the
need of adequate church buildings,
especially in educational centers. Re-
fen to Greenville he said in this
particular town stood almost at the
head in North Carolina, but there are
other points where this advantage It
woefully lacking. In this connection
he especially referred to the need at
Chapel Hill and Wake Forest.
said educational centers are not
Good Road
In i
from North Carolina Good
Roads Association Lexington, N. C
Speaking to the delegates in at-
at the annual American
Road Congress, Woodrow Wilson,
governor of New Jersey and then Can-
for the presidency the
States, used these
nation is bound together by its
means of communication, its moans
of communication create thought. Its
means of Intercommunication are the
means of its sympathy; they are the
means by which tho various parts
it keep In touch with one
A study of the development of
demonstrates that in the
exact proportion that the education
and enlightenment of a people ad-
so does arbitrary government
recede. The theory of the divine right
of kings lasted as long as the
units could be kept in
of the strength which they could
exercise if acting together.
As roads were built, and various
Limits of for ordinary accidents
and for travel accidents, will be
given in ail policies that were former
based on and limits issued
Premium rates remain the same.
All renewals cf policies now in force will
be given advantage of these increased val-
are not filled with evasive language and
vexatious clauses.
COMPARISONS with contracts issued
Evans St., Greenville, N. C.
for the present, but are communities were brought Into
dealing with conditions twenty-five i tact with each other, absolutism
and fifty years ahead. Tho began to disappear from
In are In the formative Christendom and the of the
and are to the making of began to be a factor,
d generation, hence their en- years of road building In France.
should ho so from 1740 to 1790, when the
ard and not going Louis built miles of military
Southern Railway
William II. Taft, former President of
must have pro tr brought the people of the United states and now a
In this formative period. French provinces Into Mich close at the Tale University law school,
or else they will ho lost to the with other that the French deliver his first lecture at the
Schedule In Effect April
N, Tho following schedule
published as information only
are not guaranteed.
of the state.
Revolution became possible. When
university Saturday afternoon. His
In closing he mentioned the work. Napoleon later extended and perfected be Questions of Modern
. Convention has system he dug the grave of
ken to provide an adequate of France and made its gov- Col. Roosevelt is to make
Forest, and eminent the people, by the u in the
said that before leaving Greenville pie, for the So today France House York Friday
I to present the need of this first of all the nations of the , Dis
y to some our people. He earth In the wealth per capita of its
,; over today for that par- people and in the general distribution a,, metropolis.
East Bound
a. m. daily,
Pullman sleeping car for Norfolk.
a. m. daily, for Plymouth,
City and Norfolk. Broiler par-
car service. Connects for all
points north and west.
. p. m. daily, except Sunday, for
suffrage parade that is to take place
Elegance in House Fur-
Without Ex-
Our Furniture stands the Test of Time. It Is built of the Best
material. True wood n workmanship. Good enough to be
handed down to your as heirlooms. If your home is not
as cozy and comfortable as you like It, why not come and
complete Its furnishings bereT
You will find Just the thing to give your dwelling a touch of
luxury, without excessive
Greenville, N. C.
red substantial en- o the land. There are few, if an v. of Sunday school workers
ant tor the building. fortunes in France as fortunes Um a Q
v ., and enjoyable counted on this side of the Allan- from York
i e service Sunday night was
solo sung by Mis. W. M. In
j government the state can have no
higher duty than to provide for the
and well-being of its
a. m. daily, for Wilson,
and west. Pullman sleeping car
to attend the World's Seventh Sunday , service. Connects north south and
School Convention which will be west
pie. Not a part of its people, who
in chosen localities, but of all
its people; equalizing their burdens,
and accelerating their growth along
lines of material, moral and
prosperity. The
of energies necessary to this end
Announcement has been made by
the Norfolk Southern Railway Com-
owners of the Atlantic Hotel,
at City, that they have leas-
ed this popular seaside resort to
Wand and Cherry, proprietors of aM communication; of the pro-
fusion Hotel in this city, for a market, of the preach-
with the members of his
of the merchant with his
held in Switzerland, early In
July,. Prior to the
the American delegates will make
a tour of Egypt and the Holy Land.
Many noted men of the nation will
gather in St. Louis Wednesday to
attend the unveiling of the Jefferson I-. Hassell, Agent. Greenville, N. C.
memorial monument on the site of W.
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. General Passenger Agent,
The exercises of the unveiling will W. A. WITT,
a. m. dally, for Wilson and
Raleigh. Connects for all points.
p. m. dally, for Wilson and
Raleigh, parlor car service.
For further information and
In sleeping cars, apply to J.
of live years.
Both Mr. Bland and Mr. Cherry
are well and favorably known to the and a tho
majority of the traveling public, j a.
In, been engaged in the
hotel bus-
a number of years and that
tho Atlantic Hotel will prosper
their management there is not the
least doubt.
In an interview given a Journal
reporter yesterday, Mr. R. A. Cherry
who is In charge of the Gaston Hotel,
stated that be and Mr. Bland
make a number of repairs and
before opening the More-
load City resort and that it was
can only be brought about by ready g tor the General Superintendent.
American Peace Congress, which will NORFOLK, VA.
begin its sessions in St. Louis Thurs-
day. Representative of the United
Plates, Canada England will meet
at the congress to discuss arrange-
for the celebration in 1914-15
of the 100th of peace
among English-speaking peoples.
And this can only he achieved by
the consistent Improvement of the
universal channels of communication
the public highways. Every class
cf people has Its own argument for
better roads; each occupation can
define its own requirements in the
way of improved facilities for trans-
but it is the task of states-
men so correlate the various
1.30 for Setting of IS
Fine prize S. C. White Leg-
horns and Black S. C.
and Buff and Bar-
red Plymouth Rocks. Some of the
Other notable gatherings of the week my
will Include tho twentieth annual
that the benefits of fuller
and freer Intercourse, each with the
meeting of the International Kinder-
in Washington, D.
the Southern Conference of Woman
and Child Labor, in
and the twentieth annual meeting of
the National Convention of Women of
Canada, which will assemble in Mon-
a i ,. , . , . .
their Intention to make It one of , Thursday for a session of eight
most popular seaside hotels the
state. The hotel will be opened for
the season on June and will be in
charge of Mr. Cherry thorough
competent hotel man taking bis
at tho Gaston during the few
months that ho Is away.
In tho past this hotel has been con-
ducted by tho owners and they have
given City an excellent
train service during the
months. This same service will
continued. The big motor car will
placed the lino between New
Bern and point and will make
trips whenever necessary, in
to this there will he special
trains operated there each Sunday
and the low round trip rate from all
points on the Southern line
will he in effect
With the addition of the Atlantic
Hotel Messrs. Bland and Cherry are
now the proprietors of seven popular
In this state, the Gaston in
this city, the Alton. Ricks and Cam-
bridge at Hooky Mount, the
at Washington, the Wand Raleigh
and the Atlantic at City-
New Bern Journal.
end of all. In this way
only can the functions of govern-
he properly adequately
Education advances; wealth
tho refinements of human
existence multiply; the comforts and
pleasures of living are enhanced when
the means of communication are pro-
so that communities as well
as individuals can The
opening and maintaining of facilities NATCHEZ, Miss., April
for this communication can not be ling threatened break tho main
left to the communities lower Mississippi river levees along
they could not, with their lack of the west bank in upper Louisiana
Greenville, C.
J. C. Lanier
;. Flood Waters Driving
Persons From Their
White Men
Assaulted by
Saturday afternoon a bunch of noisy
in front of Mr.
knowledge of tho requirements of came an early hour this morning I near the A.
each other, act with the unanimity when the Lake St. John levee, miles
C. L. depot. Mr. John
In the Stomach
If you continually complain of
pains In tho stomach, your liver or
your kidneys arc out of order, Neg-
lead to dropsy, kidney
diabetes or disease
Thousands recommend Electric Bit
as the very best stomach
kidney medicine made. H T. Alston
of Raleigh, N. C, who suffered
pain the stomach and back, writes
which is necessary to achieve results, north La., went out, turn of
and asked the to stop their
One of the used In-
words about It and Mr. Park-
It is necessary, therefore, that the the flood waters loose upon the
state assume control and bring to tine farming lands and villages of
bear the best intelligence, the com- lower and pariah-
educational the cs.
most thorough experience, and the Approximately 20.000 persons
most profound statesmanship that the be driven from their homos as a ft-
highways of the state and nation be suit of their which will flood
construed and so maintained as a territory embracing about
to make them of the highest benefit square miles. The property damage
to tho people and establish them as will total several hundred thousand
tho coefficient in the
of Twentieth Century
Sick Headaches Away
Sick sou gassy
biliousness disappear
after you take Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They purify the blood
and put new life and vigor In the sys-
Try them and you will be well
satisfied. Every pill helps; every
box guaranteed. Price
mended by all druggists. adv
The break in the levee at Lake St.
John development at 3.20 o'clock this
morning. People living the
vicinity of the and In
nearby towns were advised to flee
fully two before the crash
came. It Is not believed loss
of life has resulted from the break.
Six river steamers and a score of
motor boats were dispatched to the
prone of the crevasse from Natchez
end early this morning for
In rescuing people from the flood-
struck him. Another
directly behind Mr. struck
him a savage blow In the back of the
head felling to the pavement In
tho fall. Mr. face was
badly cut and he was rendered
conscious from the blow.
Mr. C. C. started out
to tho assistance of his brother, when
the same assaulted him and
badly Injured one eye. Tho
who hailed from Greene county, fled
the country. Before day Sunday
morning ho was located and captured
by Policeman Clark and brought to
steamer Anglo Saxon
wrecked off Race, with
loss of lives.
To be successful, a store must be above all things
honest. If we would be successful in our bid for
your patronage we must offer you something you
have not been used to getting at the store where
you have been dealing. l
We must either base our plea on a higher
quality for the same price you've been
used to paying or by offering the same
quality at a lower price o o o o
Since the establishment of this business
have built our reputation on quality. We
made it our hobby our rapidly increasing bus-
is due entirely to its influence.
In selecting our stocks we insist upon only the
very best of leathers for upper and
must be right and the styles in perfect keep-
with the season's fancies.
Sporting Goods
New York Han Claims Fish Trust Ex-
At New Bern. Forty
Of I. i- And
Negro Arrested
skate claimed its first victim here to-
day when Ellis Meekins, the year-
Old son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Meek-
ins, who reside at 1-2 New
Front street, died from Injuries re-
el from a fall sustained while he
was skating on Pollock street last
Sunday night. The young man, In
company with several companions,
was skating on Pollock street
some one playfully threw a small
strip of wood across the sidewalk.
Not seeing this obstruction
went down the sidewalk at a pretty
fast clip and when his skates
the stick ho was thrown to the
pavement with great force and his
hip and three ribs were broken. He
was taken to his home and medical
attention rendered, but he did not
rally and yesterday congestion of tho
brain set in and death occurred a
few hours later. Several accidents
have occurred lately to roller skat-
but this Is the first that has hail
a fatal culmination.
Ernest H. a New York
dealer, has created quite a
among the dealers this city
by declaring that the fishermen here
are combined that there Is a
trust here. Mr. Lenders claims that
he wants to start a new Industry
here and ship eels to the New York
market. However, lie claims that it
will impossible for him to secure
herring which are used as bait for
this species of the water food on a-
of the fact that the local deal-
have banded together to prevent
an outsider coming to this city to
start business, and that they have it
their power to prevent him from
getting this bait. The deny
every statement by the New
York man and very bitter In their
denunciations of him.
The Craven county board of com-
missioners received notice Saturday
from the state board of health that
on May Dr. G. F. Leonard, an ox-
pert in the treatment of hookworm
other Intestinal diseases, will
rive in Craven county to conduct a
six dispensary for the treat-
of these diseases. This is tie
second time that these dispensaries
have been conducted in this
shipments of liquor from Nor-
folk Richmond continue to pour
into New on every train from
the north the express people are
Jubilant over the large amount of
business which they are doing. The
majority of the whiskey arrives on
the afternoon train and it Is not
unusual thing to sec from to 4.10
four-quart packages unloaded on on
plan warn m
Opposes Special
Does Not Wish To Resort To
Any Such Drastic
After Saturday's report the follow-
cases were disposed of before the
criminal term
Sarah Phillips, selling
pleads guilty in two cases, judgment;
continued on payment of costs and
bond for good behavior.
Mack Mobley, selling liquor, de-
declared insane and danger-
and ordered confined.
John C. James, selling liquor,
guilty, pleads guilty in another case
of selling liquor and for resisting of-
sentenced six months on roads.
Simon Phillips, selling liquor, pleads
guilty, sentenced six months on roads.
A. K. for contempt cf
WASHINGTON, April court, the case which attempt was
debate oil the Democratic tariff
ion bill will end In the of rep-
tomorrow night. The
measure will taken up on Tuesday
under the five minute rule and be
read paragraph by paragraph for
amendment, the being that it
will pass the house within day
and go to meet longer consideration
In the senate. Republicans and Pro-
characterized in the de-
bate last week as two pronged
minority, are planning to
bard the measure with amendments
until Democratic Leader Underwood
with his overwhelmingly majority
pulses their attack. With two minor-
leaders, however, Mann for the
Republicans and Murdock for the Pro-
directing assaults upon the
Items as they are brought forward,
progress necessarily will be retarded
longer than usual.
up the bill under the
minute rule will afford the first op-
In more than halt a con- ,
t ., , ,. the grand Jury
to test the working of a three, .
organization, tho new
being entitled to majority
made to get the deputy sheriff to de-
a fined
The grand jury made the following
To tho Honorable O. H. Allen, judge
Tho grand Jury for this term of
court, in submitting their report, bes
leave to first thank your honor and
the officers of the court for the
treatment we have received
your hands while In the discharge of
their duties.
We have examined the Jail and
find that the same is kept In a
condition and no complaint has
been made as to the proper treatment
of the prisoners.
He find the court house is good
condition and well kept
We recommend that the county
commissioners have the sidewalk on
the east side of the court house re-
We further recommend that twenty
four coat and hat racks be placed In
also the
Bary number In tho jury sleeping
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow-
Rakes Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de-
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.
room; also the other sleeping room
be furnished with necessary furniture.
recognition for offering amendments,
. i case of two tied juries
the pending measure. It being the . . , , .,
. , ,. , i. have room to take care of them.
determination of the majority to
tan the passage of the tariff bill, any
attempt to filibuster will be checked;
by special rule if necessary.
Majority Leader Underwood is
to suppress efforts of anxious
Democrats to bring in a special rule
limiting amendments. He has an-i
that he does not wish to
sort to any such drastic measure, but
has further declared that the
try Is entitled to the new tariff law,
as it possibly can be enacted and.
that undue delay will not tolerated.
This being the attitude of the ma-
leader, the bill is expected to
pass the house before May
Democratic opposition to tho bill
on account of free raw wool and free
sugar in three years is not now ex-
to develop much strength in
the though a few Democrats
win not vote for tho bill, having
been released from the pledge bind-
them to the party measure in the;
caucus. The Republican minority will
amendments to every para-,
graph of wool schedule, the
gar schedule, the Progressives also
will many amendments to all
the schedules and both minorities will
present amendments to tho
features of the bill. Amend-
that would change the
in the income tax and its ad-
features, also are to
The public records of Pitt county
are well kept and in good condition.
We have examined into the
of tho county home for the aged
and infirm and we report that the
mates receive kind and courteous at-
from the superintendent
are well provided for with the
that they need tho houses screen-
ed and we recommend that the county
commissioners have It done soon
We have visited the convict camp
land find the prisoner properly
for and kindly treated, except they
need more clothing to change in When
they come from work wet and
furnish them medical attention when
W. K. TUCKER, Foreman,
Court Proceedings
The case against Jasper
charged with setting lire to the oil
at was taken
Wednesday afternoon and occupied
In trial. This was followed
with the homicide case against tho
little Tyson boy charged with the
killing of the Moore boy while they
were on their way home from a party.
The case against
ed in a mistrial, the jury falling to
The Tyson case went to the jury
The same defendant plead guilty to
a charge of embezzlement for which
four months on roads were added to,
his sentence.
The grand jury a true
bill against Sam charged With
killing his brother.
Wilson sits And Car-
flowers lo Poor
Unfortunate bey
this forenoon, but a verdict had not
trucks tho , .,. reached when the report for to-
me Dig me Demand .,
company uses in wet i
goods to their down town office. It I lie the house work, the son-1
Is that express and continue
till money orders are rent to the measure. This
from this city each day in the now deluged with
, payment for from manufacturers and other
I is nil i i
rings on the id bill
can be
. l to
Thus far II I
condition has existed only
search and seizure act and ;
bill went Into effect.
Forty-three barrels of
here several ago to on
Smith, by p. s
Co. a liquor dealing firm C
f. are now being held In sad it Is
city pending shipment to , .; .; g
the coming m to be d , , considers Ion
posed of by the government V no- , . delayed.
said to be J. II. Smith In the senate this week, the sundry
it is known had similar civil bill, re-1
of from the X , will come up. This n
Southern warehouse, was I ,,, , . ., by Taft,
n Charge of retailing. The It of funds
found in in t Ice for
i laced It under lock
will be done with I hi .
y Is a of with
of or labor or-
ii s for
ii n law, win meet some real
passed the after con
many. The got . i President Wilson
It will be sold, la an- opposition In the senate Is not ex-
that the shippers will en- to he effective.
to reclaim It. having
their intention of sending an
legal talent to Raleigh on the day
set for tho trial of tho case.
Straits at It
day was written.
Other cases since last report arc
Perry Atkinson. Belling nor,
pleads guilty, sentenced twelve mi i
mill y, sentenced h on
t- i ,.
i Suitor
guilty to earring c
pen, pleads guilty.
. . .
In the i of I P.
. i . , tin
a t i .
i the
, i are as
J. and Andrew Moore,
affray, plead guilty, Judgment
pended on payment of costs.
Willis selling liquor, pleads
guilty In three cases, sentenced
mouths on roads.
Lev Sutton, carrying conceal I
Cough Medicine for Children
Too much care cannot used in
selecting a cough medicine for
It should be pleasant to take,
contain no harmful substance be or cold,
most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough as we can see
There is no use our j weapon selling liquor, sentenced
around the We might as months In jail with leave lo
cut with It first as last. We want out.
to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem- Tuner Sugg, selling liquor, pleads
tho next time you have a guilty, sentenced two months on
There Is no reason so far i roads.
you should not James, selling liquor,
and charity Mrs. Wood row
Wilson was demonstrated, it
out by an unannounced and
visit a few days ago
y the of the dire.-t
from the White House to the
or a poor boy dying of tuberculosis.
Cary Grayson, naval
and aid to the president who spends
spars moments caring for the sick
of the poor told the president's wife
of a particular distressing case while
discussing the remedy which Dr. V.
P. claims he has discover-
ed for the cure of tuberculosis. Dr.
said ho knew the little
low was In the lust stage of
and though there was little
he was trying to prolong bis life.
v . on v. ; touched, Collect-
I, ., ., ;. . , . flowers from
the i lei I e ac-
of the
i i
. I will
i of the
question of
i ,, , horse
to of the
, F
r TO I
lined I
v t of
of at I Carolina
ibis is to certify all
i against the i dale of H de-
i paged to exhibit them to the under-
signed at my home In town-
ship, county. North Carolina, on
or before the 10th day of April, MM,
or this will be pleaded in bar
of their recovery
All persons Indebted to said estate
of Henry C. Harris will make
immediate payment.
This the of 1913.
of Henry C. Harris.
A ltd .
Gave Up Hope
Buffered five years, with awful pains, due to woman-
writes Mrs. M. D. from Chad-
N. C. grew worse, till I would often faint
I could not walk at all, and I had an awful hurting in my
side; also a headache and a backache.
I gave and thought I would die, but my husband
urged me to try so, I began, and the first bottle
helped me. By the time the third bottle was used, I could
do all my work. All the people around here said would
die, but relieved
For more than years, has been relieving
woman's sufferings, and making weak women strong and
well. During this time, thousands of women have written,
like Mrs. to tell of the really surprising results
they obtained by the use of this purely vegetable, tonic
remedy for women.
strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or
vents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles.
If you are a woman, begin taking today.
Special ard 64-page book. k m tree. J
ft w
For i.
U J Lanterns
Strong and Durable
Under All
Cc a
Gives t light ,
. cl D
Don't low i at in the Don't Lea ;.
N N.
m N w .
Remedy meets do so. This preparation by Its re- sentenced months roads,
and Is a with tho mothers of markable cures has gained a world Ed Forbes, selling liquor, guilty,
young children everywhere. For sale by all druggists.
ad j sentenced months on roads.
Carolina. county.
In the superior court, the
S. J. Everett, of Jno. Ward,
deceased, vs. Joe
Ward, Tom Ward, N. Dennis Ward,
Lucy Ward and Ward.
By virtue of authority vested In mo
by an order made and entered by the
clerk of the superior court In
above special proceeding pend
therein, I will on Monday, the 2nd
Hay June, sell to the highest bidder
for described
Lying aid being in the county and
state above referred to, the town
of and known as tho John
Ward lot, being near the Atlantic
Coast Line railroad and described
fully In the deed from A. O. Cox to
John Ward, book 1-7. page Pitt
county of con-
one-half of an acre, and with
a small house on same.
tat cf April. 1913.
ltd Commissioner.

Published by
D. J. Editor.
nut year. . .
months. i
Adverting may be bad upon
application at business
Tue K. . corner Evans
and Third
All cards of thanks resolution
respect will be charged
per cord.
Communications advertising
will be three
per line, up to fifty lined.
as second class matter
August 1910, at post office at
North Carolina, under
act if March
The Reflector dislikes to mention
a matter that hints of trouble, but
if there is not a change In the con-
duct of some colored people around
town trouble is likely to occur. They
seem at times to almost take
session that portion of Dickinson
avenue from the terminus of Ninth
street to the Atlantic Coast Line depot,
and people are often annoyed getting
and from trains. In addition to
complaints of this, we have heard
people who live beyond the railroad
say dreaded to come
street after night because of
to work their way through
bunches of them. This is a
that should be corrected, and
the better class of colored people
should help to correct it.
It you kept up with the daily
record of the term of criminal court,
last week, you will see that Judge
Allen was correct in the statement
in his charge to the grand Jury at
the beginning of the term, that if
all the whiskey cases were removed
The miserable failure of the
water company to meet the
In the fire that destroyed the
News and Observer's plant and build-
Is Justly condemned by the
of Raleigh and elsewhere that the
story has been read.
A strike is on among the street
car men who are de-
an increase in wages from
to cents an hour. A street car
company that pays its men only
cents an hour ought to have a strike
on its hands.
The Rocky Mount Transcript advises
that it is safe to take off, as
cold spell in May is mostly a
Just wait about two weeks and
will be prepared to say whether
not it is a hoax.
Not Get
A Guarantee
Now and then In the progress of j from the docket there would not
a court over which he presides, enough left to keep the court busy
O If. Allen stops long enough to for two days. In looking hack over
deliver a Ho never i the reports for each day It is
takes the time for this without that there were seventy two
it worth while for what he dining the week, and of these
is always timely and carries a good were whiskey cases. In addition the
lesion with It The other day grand jury found true bills in
he was about to pass sentence on cases for selling liquor that ha
man, as an appeal for mitigation
counsel for the defendant called at-
to his being an unlearned
man, one could not even real
and w-as no doubt Ignorant of th
gravity of the offense with which he
charged. Judge Allen paused
and looked at the de-
and said a pity a
splendid looking man physically who
cannot read. A great wrong h
done somewhere that such a fact ex-
I will repeat what has been of-
ten said that begets
crime, and here is a striking example
of it. If that man had been trained
and his ability turned in the right
he have been a
for good. Yet expect some of you
people who are listening to me,
ed against a school tax In your com-
Be ashamed of it if you
did for you are helping to cause
such examples of ignorance as this.
There Is no place that more than a
court room brings to light the real
conditions that are to be found in a
county, and both preachers and teach-
can here see the greater need of
the good work they are
go over to next term for trial, and
many of the convictions for affrays
and carrying concealed weapons grew
out of liquor.
You have heard folks say that the
young sport with a new buggy and
good horse, trying to drive by every-
body on the road, was a fool. But he
is not a circumstance in the fool
line to the one driving an automobile
along the road and trying to speed
by everybody. One tried it up near
Shelby, the other day, with the result
that he nearly killed two young lad-
hurt himself and wrecked his car.
A few days ago Davidson county
held an election on the question of
Issuing bonds for good roads,
and It was defeated. In commenting
this the Charlotte Observer In-
that it Is best work up
to good roads township by
The township unit is the way to get
good roads, and when one township
leads off others will follow until th
whole county is covered,
As had been from former
expressions the railroads declined to
I II recommendations of the
FIRE state freight rate commission.
We doubt if there is a citizen of I the railroads think it will be two
North Carolina in whose heart there years before another legislature
was not a feeling or deep regret up- and they can gouge the
on learning that morning that the, much longer. The governor
plant of the Raleigh News and Ob- call an extra session and bring them
server had been destroyed by fire, to terms.
The Bra started about six o'clock.
Thursday evening, and in a remark-
ably short time had practically
ed out the magnificent new building
and splendid mechanical equipment of
the paper, together with its mailing
lists and valuable records. The fin-
loss is estimated at
about half covered by Insurance. The
News and Observer was the pride,
not only of its editor, Secretary of
Navy Daniels, but also of
all people in the state. While all
sympathize with Mr. Daniels In this
great misfortune, they rejoice that
mediate steps have been taken to re-
store plant and building as quick-
as possible, and that through a
temporary arrangement with the Ra-
Times the plant of that paper
will be used so that not an issue of
the News and Observer will be
If It Is true, as has often been said,
that an unhealthy summer follows a
mild winter, too much attention can-
not be given to cleaning up before
warm weather sets in.
Don't get uneasy if you see a man
wearing a long face for a few days.
II will pass away after he has bad
his annual interview with the tax list-
Every man who conies this way
would not be talking of Greenville's
progress unless there was something
in it. People are not blind these
Did you wake up this morning with
something on your mind for Green-
advancement Bring it to the
front if you did and push it.
The excess of four thousand dollar
income to be taxed is not causing
people around this quarter to lose
any sleep.
In addition to the untidiness and
bad looks, piles of rubbish and old
lumber In back lots of the business
section are a menace to property.
Swimming Is prohibited in that pond
on The Reflector corner, though it
may look inviting for a plunge.
Blind tigers had as well get. their
eyes open to the fact that they
quit the business.
Article Of Merit That In Hold
These Days Is
i. n a ran lee Often Means
There is very little excuse for any
person to claim that he has been
on a purchase. Fifty
ago the buyer had to look out, but to-
day it is unusual to find a merchant
who will not return the money for any
article that has proved unsatisfactory.
An excellent example of this kind
of fair dealing is shown by the clean-
c guarantee that
give on Liver Tone.
These people loll us that any person
who pays for a bottle of
Liver Tone and docs not find it a
gentle and most pleasant liver tonic,
harmless, but a sure reliever of con-
and a perfect substitute for
can get his money back just
as nick as they can get it out of the
money drawer.
Dodson's Liver Tone has practically
taken the place of It is ab-
harmless, sure in its action
and causes no restriction of habit or
diet. No wonder the drug people are
glad to guarantee It. while other rem-
that Imitate the clams
son's Liver Tone are not guaranteed
at all.
For The Weak And Nervous
Tired out. weak, nervous men and
women would feel ambitious,
full of life and always have a good
appetite if they would do the
thing for Electric
Hitters. Nothing better for
liver or kidneys. Thousands say
they owe their lives to this wonder-
remedy. Mrs. O. of
Vestal Center. N. Y., regard
Electric Hitters as one the great-
est of gifts. I can never forget what
it has done for Get a bottle
yourself and see what a difference
will make In your health. Only
and Recommended by all drug-
look today.
Bank Consolidation
Handsomely engraved announce-
are being sent out of the con-
of the National Bank of
Greenville and the Bank of Green-
ville, that becomes effective May 1st.
The consolidated bank will take the
name of the National of Green-
ville and occupy the quarters of the
One Thing Every
1913, by The Associated Newspaper School, Inc.
One needn't go far Id the streets decadence. His real name was
cf sunny Italy to find a cherub. Per- John
haps that is the find so the He is more gen-
many of them In the paintings of the orally known as II This
Italian artists. Black-eyed, radiant, name, as is very common among the
they look out from their pictures with Italians, i name of the place
smile of children who have in which he was born. Early In life
known no sorrow, and that Is the I he was sent to Rome to complete
way the children In the children In I training in the profession in which
the streets of many of the Italian he showed promise, and there he de-
I his talent for painting. He
to the
group of working chiefly in
and Naples, who believed
Raphael and Michelangelo and Titan
had reached the highest point of de-
to which are aspire.
They reasoned that since they might
not hope to surpass these men, they
might produce a fine picture by com-
the peculiar excellencies of
each of the three. They set as the
goal of their picture tho effort to
Raphael's grace with Michel-
strength of drawing and Ti-
tan's beauty of color. Some of them
did succeed in bringing forth very
respectable pictures. But that which
they failed to safeguard was the
deadening effect of copying. For
what they produced often far con-
any characteristics of their
own In the reaching after the char-
of these mighty ones that
their pictures remained but weak
empty Imitations of the work of
other and greater men.
To this school belonged Guido
whose great picture of Aurora is In
the Palace at Rome. This
is one the pictures In which
artist of this school has come not
far short of producing a remarkable
day a different human Inter-
est story will appear in The
tor. You can get a beautiful intaglio
reproduction of the above picture, with
live others, equally attractive,
1-2 Inches in size, with this
In a well
known authority covers the subject
of the pictures and stories of the
week. Readers of The Reflector and
will know
History, Science, and Travel,
and own exquisite pictures. On
at the Reflector office, and Ellington's
Book Store. Prince, Ten cents. Write
to The Reflector for booklet ex-
plaining The Associated Newspaper
School plan.
These should not be
with biblical cherubim,
although they are the outgrowth of
the cherub Idea. Strictly speaker,
the and cherubim arc the
two orders of placed in
nearest the figure of Deity.
In the earlier Italian paintings they
seen merely as faces or heads
with six wings, either rob
or blue In color. The wings of the
red, because tho
are the angels of love, and stand
nearest the figure of God. Tho wings
of the cherubim were blue, the
being the angels of knowledge,
and they are placed next the
But as early as the time of
we find that there
had crept in a perversion this Idea,
and we find cherubs as little winged
babies, used in the pictures of the
Madonna to help out the
The artist who painted the picture
of which the cherub here shown
formed a part is not one the
figures of Italian he
belongs rather to the period of the
After lie journeyed across the con-
In confer with the California
legislature relative to tho proposed
land law that body did not
accept the suggestions of Secretary
of state Bryan. The may
he obstinate enough to bring on
pleasantness between tho United
States and Japan.
Before being brought hack to
North Carolina. Smith,
false banker who recently fled from
Wilmington and was captured in
has got to be tried in Ala-
for embezzlement charged
against him there. He must be a
bad one all around.
Raleigh is stirring up another
stench in administration the
city, this time In the department of
the city tax collector. Perhaps when
the commission government goes in-
to effect the affairs of the city will
be bettor conducted.
Tho papers have got Jack Johnson
in Jail again. Ought to keep him
A contributor to the Wilson Times,
speaking of tho sympathy expressed
for Mr. Josephus Daniels in the de-
of the News and Observer
plant and building, says what
a great business enterprise needs i l
a time like this is cash, and If every
subscriber would send In at once a
year's subscription of the News
and Observer would have rash
enough without the D
to place the plant In first class q
That la a sensible suggestion an I w, a, on Man,
those who act on II first will be Row f,. ., tax .
Editor J. W. Noell, of the Roxboro
Courier, has been added to the list
of North Carolina men
recommended for postmaster. Con-
Stedman has selected him
as postmaster of
The spring onion has to l.
the piece on the dinner
Something else good for Greenville
Is coming and we can soon tell you
about it.
The straw hat. the peek-a-boo waist
and low shoes still have a hard time
getting on their Job.
A good way to disperse bunches of
loafers would be to try the vagrant
law on them,
Don't he deceived by a few bursts
of sunshine, but stick to a while
This Is the open season for earth
Can you call a dentist a stump
Honor Roll
The honor roll for the public
school at Kings Cross Roads for the
sixth month Is as follows i
First Lillian Smith, Mag-
Manning, Fulford, Bertha
Bessie Eastwood, Joseph Pea-
den, Joseph Forbes, Roy Manning.
Second Martha Little, Julius
Third Ethel Norman. Pearl
Norman, Nannie Bryan Parker, Mary
Jane Forbes, Lloyd
Fourth Robt. Lee Corbett,
Ben Ashley Atkinson, Sam Eastwood.
Fifth Mamie Ruth Smith,
Annie Forbes, Susie Fulford, May
Belle Tyson.
Sixth Christine Smith,
land Parker, William Forbes.
Seventh Leona Tyson. Mat-
tie Smith. J. Clifton Corbett
Those having made exceptionally
good marks on examination
Maggie Manning, Julius Smith, Ethel
Norman. Nannie Bryan Parker, Mary
Jane Forbes, Lloyd May
Belle Tyson, Smith. Roland
Parker, Clifton Corbett.
hen in mi--in Quickly Cured
sister's husband had an attack
of rheumatism in his writes
a well known resident of Newton.
Iowa. gave him a bottle of
Liniment he applied
to his arm and on the next morning
the rheumatism was For
muscular rheumatism you will find
nothing batter than Chamberlain's
Liniment. Sold by all dealers.
of Slate
I ate of Dissolution
To all whom these presents may come
Whereas, It appears to my
faction, by authenticated record
of the proceedings for the voluntary
dissolution thereof by the unanimous
tit of the stockholders, deposit-
id in my office, that the Davis Motor
Company, a corporation of this state,
whose principal office Is situated in
the town of Farmville. county of Pitt,
state of North Carolina R. Davis
hi the agent therein and in charge
thereof, upon whom process may be
has complied with the re-
of Chapter of
1905. entitled
to tho Issuing of this
Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes,
Secretary of State the state of
North Carolina, do hereby certify that
the said corporation did, on the 17th
day April, 1913, file in my office
a duly executed and attested consent
in writing to the dissolution of said
corporation, executed by all the stock-
holders thereof, which said consent
and the record the proceedings
aforesaid are now on file In my
office as provided by law.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here-
to set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at Raleigh, this 17th day of
April, A. D 1918.
Secretary of State.
Most Prominent and Effectual Core
for Had Colds
When you have a bad cold you want
a remedy that will not only give re-
lief, but effect a prompt and
cure, a remedy that is pleasant
to take, a remedy that contains
injurious. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy meets all these requirements.
It acts on nature's plan, relieves the
lungs, aids expectoration, opens the
secretions and restores the system to
a healthy condition. This remedy has
a world wide sale and use and can
always be depended upon. Sold by
all dealers.
Schofield Boilers
Built of Quality
pound per inch with
an elastic limit not Show
no of fracture after heated
hot and in water. Catting are
at rung,
killed mechanics. All sizes and
Free from all
Cures II. lorn, Cm
The worst no matter of how long stand inf,
are cured by the wonderful, old Dr.
Healing Oil. Ii rein-tea
at i tUM, -c,
B U.
Training School Popular
The president and members of the
faculty of the Teachers Training
School are in demand as commence-
Wright delivered tho com-
address at
Friday morning and at Galloway's
Cross Roads Friday evening. Mr.
spoke at the latter place in
the morning.
Mr. Wilson delivered an address at
the closing of the school at Edward
Cure for Stomach Disorders
Disorders of the stomach may De
avoided by the use of Chamberlain's
Tablets. Many very remarkable cures
have been effected by these tablets.
Sold by all dealers.
BETHEL, April closing
exercises of Bethel High School will
be held on May the eleventh to the
thirteenth. On Sunday, May at
eight o'clock p. m., the baccalaureate
will be preached by Rev. M.
Bradshaw, of Wilson, N. C. On Mon-
night at eight o'clock there will
he entertainment consisting of
songs, etc. and two con-
tests for gold medals from the
mediate department. On Tuesday, May
at o'clock a. m there will be
two contests for gold medals by
from the high school department,
and at two o'clock there will be an
experimental talk by Prof. A H. Pat-
Dean of Applied Services of
the University of North Carolina.
A cordial invitation is extended to
every one.
Mr. Dean one of the bright-
est Ms in High School,
had the misfortune of getting his
right arm broken last Sunday while
cranking an automobile. We wish
him a speedy recovery.
The of Ibis community were
glad to get the rain which fell today.
All kinds of vegetables were needing
rain very badly.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Quinine. It
and Headache and off the Cold.
refund money if it to cure.
GROVE'S on each boa.
J. R. J. G.
When Yon Paint
Use PURE Paint and
Use Pore OIL to add
to it at one-half the cost of Paint.
OIL-that's way I -A M. SEMI-MIXED
But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. M. PAINT
ready for use is NOT put into the Paint when it's
pared for the Consumer who buys it.
The ADDITIONAL quantity of OIL is put into the Paint
by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY.
gallons of LINSEED OIL with every
gallons of L. M. PAINT
and MIX the Ola, with the PAINT.
the Paint thus made costs more than per gallon
the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory
Then return whatever you used, and get back Ml you
tor the WHOLE of the money yon to Pointer.
Tax List
For 1912
W. B. Williams, J. Branch. 4.90
Dock Marlboro 5.41
William Raspberry, Perry . 8.11
Laura Main, Perry,
J. R. Owens, 1-2 O. . 3.11
John E. C. R.
Marlboro. 2.84
May and Emily Wooten,
Marlboro. 2.20
Root. May, C.
Joyner, Cotton . 2.21
Edgar Joyner, Burnett. 6.71
Moseley and Wooten, acres Gard-
taxes 16.30, coat 11.30, total
John Moseley J
cost 11.30, total
Sarah May, lot Fountain, taxes
cost total
J. A. Newton. acres Moseley, taxes
cost total
W. R. Owen. Fountain, taxes
cost total
J. O. Owen. Fountain, taxes
cost total
Lawrence Joyner, Mary F. 1st. acres Parker, taxes
Walnut cost total
A. L. Joyner, Burnett, N ft Parker, Fountain,
S. It. It. 11.831 cost total
at the Court House door in town Joyner, I Geo. 3.11
of Greenville, N. C, on Monday, Hannah Johnson, Cotton . 4.61
6th day of May, 1913, at o'clock, m. j Joyner,
I have this day, levied on the fol-
lowing described Real Estate to
satisfy the taxes due to the state of
North Carolina, and the county of
Pitt, for the year 1912, and
Real Estate so levied on will be H. i Main . 9.64 J. B. acres Fountain.
taxes cost
W. H. Sheppard, lot Fountain, tax-
es, cost total
Ell Savage, lots Fountain, taxes
cost 1.30, total
W. T. Barton, H. R., lots vacant,
tax cost total
J. C. Bridgers, lot Fountain,
cost total
Will Barnett, acres tax
cost, total
J. L. D. Corbett, lot Stamps, tax
cost total
Corbett. acres Dupree, tax
cost total
Millie Dupree, lot Falkland, tax
2.94, cost total
Tinker Dupree, lot vacant, tax,
cost total
unless said taxes and legal charges,
and expenses arising from the failure
to pay the same within the time re-
quired law, are paid by that date.
S. I. DUDLEY, Sheriff.
Sarah Rodgers, one lot R. R. St.
Travis Allen, col., one lot, Pitt
King. 1-4, Arthur. 3.10
Delia Ann .-. 1-2, J. Daniel 2.20
Jason Joyner H. C. Cobb.
Wilson. 7.30
W. R. Jackson, E. W. 3.11
Matilda Hines, Main . 6.71
J. T. Bundy, G. Berg. . 67.92
J. A. Burnett, Wilson. 12.34
6.57 J. I. Baker, Main, Pine,
I Mrs. C. L. Barrett, Main .
4.20 Robt. Atkinson, W ft S. .
J. j , i lot, E. St. . 4.24 Fannie lot 5.20
J. W. K lots, Lincoln, C. J. Parker . 8.10
9.2 i
lot, Dudley, lot, Lucas;
lot, Res. lot Adams
Nettle. lot. Clark St.
Phoebe Nobles, Perk.
Sam Joyner, lot, Hodges-----
Ida Jones. lot, H. 5.03
A. S. Jenkins, lot, Arthur .
Eliza Gray. home.
Annie Collins,
John Cord., lot C. ft
Robt. Brown, English
Chapel, 1-4 English .
W. L. Brown, lot Res.
J. T. Allen, lot
Williams, lot B lane .
Louisa Williams Est, lot, Pitt
West, lot Main . 6.66
J. J. Perkins, Est., Britton 3.54
W. M. lot Webb, tax,
Mrs. Alice V. Martin, Creek,
lot R. R. 12.24 J- C. Edwards, lot vacant, tax
Riley Jenkins, Home . 4.43. cost total.
Jones, lot Pitt . 6.00 Willie Fields. lot Webb, tax,
M. A. James, Home, cost, total
J Bullock. 61.00. Gorham, lot Webb, tax
Notice is hereby given, that the
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
at regular session, on the first
Monday In April, 1913, this being the
7th day of April, 1913, ordered an
election to be held in the following
I Saw Folly And Hope I Conquered
Since writing my last In which I
promised to write a story, I have
seen the folly of attempting such a
thing. Just at this time. minds
and I trust the hearts of the think-
people of Pitt are too ab-
In the of good roads
IN PITT COUNTY, said Election eVen give a
for the purpose of y.
whether the Stock Law shall be re-
pealed, or not. in said territory, as
provided by Section 1675, of the Re-
conception among scenes of by-gone
days. So I shall proceed to tell of
things that I witness each day.
of 1901, and as amended by last Saturday afternoon I
I of the General Assembly of
Bald territory being described o
said territory being
those proportions of Greenville, Bea-
Dam, and
Swift Creek Townships, lying between
the line of the Old Stock Law
as prescribed by Chapter of the
time for one hour to sit on my front
porch and watch with keen
the as they traveled over
what months ago was sandiest
toughest road that was in
knowledge. months ago sacks ill
would have given two mules
all they could drag and at the end
Public laws of 1905. and as It existed Would be bad as
to January 1st, 1912, and the line they had two but
of the new stock law fence, as set out Saturday
j Mrs. Laura James. 8.06
7.85 J. A. James, Home
B. C. Gardner, Rollins 5.24
Elliott, lot
17.36 Carson N. R., lot Tar-
8.33 3.04
3.78 Carson Heirs, lot
B. Carlyle, lot
cost total
cost total
Williams, Home .
J. K. Page, 2.66
3.10 T. H. Blount 4.00
Abram Williams, lot, Clark St. 4.67 W. J. Bryan, Jenkins 15.10,
Mrs. M. L. Warren, lots, J.
in Chapter of the Public Local
Laws of 1911.
The said election to be held on th
Second Tuesday In June, 1913, it be-
tho 10th day of June, 1913.
polling places for said election to be
at Ayden, North Carolina, and Winter-
ville, North Carolina. That the
of No. and Swift
Creek Township, embraced within tho
above described territory, Is and shall ,
be known as the Ayden precinct and
qualified voters of said precinct
wishing to vote in said election, shall
vote at Ayden, North Carolina That
tho portion Beaver Dam, Greenville
and No. Town-
ships, embraced with the above de-
territory or district, is and
hall be known as the Winterville
t and the qualified voters
within the said precinct wishing
to vote in said election, shall vote at
Winterville, North Carolina.
That there will be a new
for said election, and all parties
An Expert Hog Raiser
Since writing the
reference to profit in hog raising I
have found a man who surpasses my
calculations. Mr. E. B. Caps, of
son, N. C. keeps one sow and this N
how be manages, sow
in November one this litter Is re-
served for a temporary breeder the
second year he has the following re-
He has the pigs from
gilt, say seven on an average, and
the pigs say ten from his old sow
which will be a year old at killing
lime and the second farrow from his
old sow six months old the Brit
makes him thirty-six hundred pounds
of meat and the ten twelve hundred
making forty-eight hundred
pounds of meat which at ten cents
per pound brings four
and eighty dollars. Besides
has about one hundred pounds of
lard and twenty-seven livers over.
Mr. Caps tells me that he actually
did that well last year and that as
now has his sow and sixteen
for next year. He always uses a
sire of one of the recognized breed
of hogs.
Who can beat Mr. Caps Here Is
a man who Is really doing something
worth while and he lives in the no
fence territory and pastures his
upon good land and does not shut
them up in a little woods lot and
tell them to root hog or die.
White. 20.87
II. D. lot, St. Gus Sutton
Lewis Forbes, 6.89 j
j Walker G. Gray, Cobb. 6.70 j
Hathaway. Nobles . 1.76
Mary lot, Clark St.
J. W. lot 2nd St.
Fernando Shivers .
Miles Short, lot Greene St. .
Ida Rodgers, 1-2 Fleming .
J. W. Perkins, lot Lucas, Hos.
Lincoln, Dudley, Res.,
3.10 Maggie Sutton, Sutton
Maggie C. Swamp 1.41
Alfred P. Road
L. S. Moore
cent and best of all. the people are
happy and would not be back as they
were S months ago for any
Now, a word to my Ayden friend;.
I love you as I love my own people,
have watched your splendid
growth with a peculiar interest and
desiring to vote in Mid for want BOund
be required to register. That Jesse of warning. At this critical mo-
Cannon has been appointed Registrar you
for the Ayden precinct, and R. I. of let
has been appointed Reg- has come you
pulling on that road sacks of
guano, barrel of flour and
and with seeming perfect ease,
What wrought such a change It
was this, the people of Grifton and
Centerville community said, we and
our team have suffered long enough.
So they went in their pockets and
built a sand clay road that would be
a credit to any city or community.
Ii Is true that to Pitt's ex-chairman
Is due much credit Mr. Jesse
as he has ever led in all pro-
movements, led in this, but
the people with one account follow-
ed as he led. The result has been
that all property along this road has
advanced from per cent to per Hash And All
for the Winterville precinct,
in the history of your town. It is
8.06 Lawrence Moore. 3.10 Road .
Arthur Mills, 1-2 Corey . 2.66 Road
2.20 J. B. Hill. TR. Joseph Parker. 2.66
G. Hudson, 1-2 Black Jack 16.80,
J. L. Gibson. 30.78 TOWNSHIP.
Adams. 35.78 Mrs. W, B. Gibson. C O-----11.06 Ned Est., H.
Wm. Redmond, lot, Reed St . 5.84 J. L. Gibson I. J. Gibson, Abram K.
Jesse Peyton, New Road. 1.41 Frank Johnson,
Lula Peyton, lot St. 2.20 John Caw S. 2.66 w. G. Hathaway Hill . . 1.93
Nettie Peyton, lot Reed W. B. Edwards. 8.18 Henry Hardy 15.06
St . 1.97 Zeno T. Evans,
11.11 Downs, 1-2 D. 1.52
Jessie Clark. 1-2
I W. S. Clark and son Creek 32.13
I Frank Battle, Hill . 1.43
III. C. White, II. 13.90
Mrs. Ella lot Ricks Mat Sutton.
lot Schultz . 45.40 Wm. Chapman, C. Swamp, . 1.41
Frank Norris lot 13th St. 5.78 Stanley Chapman, Creeping
Nettie lot Perk., . 2.43
Samuel 1911, 1912 lot Per- Sarah Cox, 1-2 C. S.,
kins. . 15.19
Andrew Moore, lot Pitt Turner Branch.
St. 7.31 j
Mrs. S. E. lot
cant. lot Manning, TOWNSHIP
Meadows. lot Forbes, lot lot 6.35 Burnett H. Hunger, Land .
Smith, lot Fleming, lot j L Est., 1910, 1911 Mrs. Bessie Manning 1-2
9th St, lot Abbott. 70.85 and , Grifton. 2.21 Moore, W. C. .
Henry Knox, lot 1st St. 6-97 L. F. 26.84 c- O. Moore. Land . 3.10
said Registration Books will be open- Grifton
ed on 10th day of May, 1913. and line road
rinse i on the 31st day of May, 1913.
This the 10th day of April, 1913.
W. L.
Chairman of the Board of
of Pitt County.
BELL, Clerk.
concluded the
purchase of Louisiana territory
from the French.
Oliver Smith,
Joanna Mills. M .
Mrs. C. J.
J. Robt. King, lot Clark St. m. A. Tucker, Richard Little, N. R. 3.71
Laura King, lot 13th St. 4.00 RoM .
King, C D. 3.10 c R Home, lot 3-4. 6.29
Nathan and wife, lot Ayden. 34.54 H. Faulkner, O. 10.70
Greene St. 18.231 j B Patrick, E- E- Dall, M. G.
W. W. Humphrey, lot Greene 4.65 T lot Winter V. N. R. 3.64
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. a CO., Toledo, o.
We. undersigned, have known F. J.
for the lost years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all
transactions financially t
out any by Arm.
Toledo, o.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu-
surfaces the system, Testimonial
sent free, price pr S lid
PUN for con
Frank Hopkins, lot Ree lot
Pitt. 6.93
Henry lot Arthur, lot
Clark St. 4.72
Jane lot St. 6.03
G. F. Morrison, lot Ayden . 2.50 Ives L. Co., F. If.
Manning and lots.,
Winter .
B. F. Manning lot
Ayden . 9.73 Ed Hill 1911 and 1912, S. 3.96
Austin Harris, lot Pitt St. . 4.35 I Joe o, winter . 4.02 Morris Little S 33.79. 6.09
Joe Lang lot So. Ayden 3.30 J. J. Redding P B 8.0
William Harris, 1-4 Ar-
W. B. lot 14th St
lot Mill
Ed Fleming, lot Ravine----- 10.61
Wm. W. Foreman, 1-2 lot Pitt
St. 3.93
Charlie Jacobs. lot Grifton 2.20 h. B. Redding 1911 and 1912
A. D. Johnson, lot. 8.63
J. E. Jones, lot Ayden. 10.31
F. F. Guthrie, lot Ayden . 11.30
J. A. Griffin, near Ayden,
Ayden. 67.45
D. R. Foreman, 1-5 lot Pitt St. 5.93 pub Co
Isaac Foreman 1-5 lot
Pitt 3.93
J. E. Forrest, lot South Green-
ville. 4.46
Mrs. A. M. Flake, D. Ave. . 8.94
Wm. R. Edwards, lot C.
St .
R. D. Edwards, Brown 6.70
Addle Humphrey 1911 1912 29.35
Jane Hardy cost . 6.03
Frank Hopkins cost
J. B. Edwards
lot front C.
Allen Carr, Pitt St. 4.56
Peter Cherry
J. S. Cockerel.
G. E. Cherry. lot College-----12.85
Hettie Bynum. lot Reed St . 2.43
John Brown, Jr., lot Pat-
rick. 6.78
C. M. lot Old Perkins 12.56
J. W. Eason, Pitt, Marlboro 7.30
Mary Dupree, Perry. 2.96
M. C. Cotton. Maine. 3.46
Mrs. Addle Corbett, Church St. 2.20
Phillip Bynum. Perry
Emma Battle, Perry.
Richard Blount, Maine St.
Joseph Blount, Main St.
Mary Atkinson, Main St .
Sam Williams, Perry
J, T. Wilson .
D. D. .
All. e Marlboro .
Hot For
When a recommends a
remedy for colds, throat and
troubles, you can feel sure that be
Alfred lot knows what he Is talking about. C.
Mrs. Va. Early, lot Ayden . 10.90 I. Druggist, of Marlon, Ohio,
John A. Dawson
Hardy Davis 1-2 Ayden . 1.91; know Dr- Discovery
Daniel. 1-2 Ayden . 1.91 lB the lung
Parrot near Ayden . of a
W. B. Dennis, lots Ayden 11.91 cold after all other rein-
John D. Cox, col., lot Ayden u the
Abram Chapman, col., So. 5.93 any bronchial, throat or lung cough.
David 6.65 a BOttle on the
D. W. lot Grifton. 6.16
Henry Allen, col., 1-4 So.
for everyone In the family to use.
It Is a home doctor. Price and
Guaranteed by all
lot Fountain, tar department of the United
cost total established by act of
Nathan Sanders, acres congress,
tax cost total
Betsy lot Fountain, tax
E. F. Vines, Dupree; tax
cost total
Thomas Vines, Fountain, tax j established
cost total at under the post-
ed in Saratoga county, New
York, this being the beginning
of the Prohibition movement in
the United States.
Mrs. Margaret James, lot Home,
2.20 taxes cost total
3.11 W. L. Johnson, lot Stamps,
1.91 cost total
4.81 W. L. Joyner, lots Stamps, taxes
4.24 cost total
7.02 Gaston Bass acres coat
16.31 j total
I,. Long. lot Fountain,
cost total
master general.
cable ship
brought into Halifax tho re-
mains of victims or the
Piles Cured In to Days
OINTMENT to cur my of Itching.
h- application given Bug gad
at Grifton and have carried it to Elm
Grove church, within 1-3 or miles
from your town. Now, it is up to
you people to take up this splendid
work and carry it right Into your
town. The chairman of the board
of county commissioners Is anxious to
have the work done, but these men
who think and do things these days
j are trying to help those who try to
help themselves.
God helps the man who tries ti
climb higher. Only those who
sink In the ruin. Soon after I came
HOW'S This Pitt there was a political party
We offer One Ra- that sprang up and there was a six-
teen years old bright eyed country
girl who lived miles from Grifton.
Her mother had died and she had
made her home with a splendid man
and wife. One of the noblest women
I have ever known. Now, these
splendid people had been a little mis-
guided so they Joined hands with the
third party and, of course, this girl
in her tender years, advocated the
that her foster parents stood
by. But defeat came to the party
the election. So her playmates
on the morning after tho
election got them up a doll and
the girl politically. I wrote tho
funeral march that the children sang
, as they marched to the grave. This
sweet spirited and lovely girl was
f with me for a few days. I
did not write It because I disliked
the girl, but I hated the cause
Ignorantly represented I want-
ed her to tee lite In a different light,
ten years after I wrote that funeral
. ode led this same girl to the altar
and we there promised each to take
the other for better or worse.
So If what I have written has been
offensive to any one, think not that
I dislike the man, but the stand that
some folks against those things
that are for the uplift of alt
I say I detest such a stand.
There are some who seem to be
concerned about my real name. Well,
my given came In this
Back In 1857 an episode occurred In
the halls of congress between a
Carolinian and a man from
that caused my father to
name me for tho South Carolinian.
So until who are concerned
about my name can tell who I was
named for I shall put it
Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Ellington
the honor of your presence
st the marriage of their daughter
Mr. Ernest Fleming
Wednesday morning, May fourteenth
at eight o'clock
Memorial Methodist
Greenville, North Carolina
At Home
after May the twenty-first
South Church
Rocky Mount North
No cards sent in the city.
No matter what the trouble,
ma, chafing, pimples, salt rheum,
instantly irritation.
cure comes quick. Sinks right In,
leaves no trace. is a vanish-
liquid. Your skin fairly revels
with delight the moment is
plied. Greatest thing on earth for
is prepared by E. W. Rose
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and l
sold by all druggists at a bottle.
But to prove to you Its wonderful
value it Is now put up in liberal size
trial bottles at only cents and is
guaranteed to do the work or
money back. Sold at
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by C. R. Cannon and
wife to Richard Wingate on the 6th
day of October, 1910, which mortgage
was recorded in the office of the reg-
of deeds of Pitt county in book
R-9, page the undersigned will
sell for cash at public auction be-
fore the court door in Green-
ville on Wednesday, May 14th, the
following described tract of land sit-
in the county of Pitt and In
Howell corner in Conetoe
creek and runs his line north
west poles to the main road,
thence with the road south east
to a stake near T. A. gate
poles, thence south east
poles along a ditch east poles,
thence south poles, thence south
east poles, thence south east
poles to the main run of Conetoe
creek at an ash, thence with the
creek to the beginning, containing
acres or and being the
land conveyed to the said C. R. Can-
non by the said Richard Wingate and
this was taken to secure
the purchase money.
This April 12th. 1913.
F. G. JAMES and SON.
Stray Taken Up
I have taken up one male red hog.
weight about pounds, marked
crop, silt and in left ear.
In right car. Owner
can get same by identifying and pay-
charges. If not called for In
twenty days the hog will be sold.
H. F. D. N. C.
The man who Insures his life la
wise for his family.
The man who Insures his health
la wise both for his family and
You may Insure health by guard-
It. It Is worth guarding.
At t h e first attack of disease,
which generally
through the and
Itself In innumerable ways,
And save your health.
On account of increased practice
Dr. will stay In Greenville all
day Mondays and Fridays but his of-
hours will be from a in. to
p. as the afternoon will be de-
voted to work done outside the
or by appointment. Patients wish-
treatment the either
In their homes or at the office should

to buy Stalk Cutters,
Disc Harrows, Drag
Harrows, Smoothing
Harrows, Pulverizing
Harrows, Corn Plant-
Wire Fencing, Gal-
Prices always the
lowest. Come to see
us for any goods you
need. We carry a
complete stock.
We appreciate your
Bob ii and Mrs. H. T. Ogles-
by went to Greenville Wednesday.
See Harrington, Harbor and Com-
for your paper lining for to-
barn building, also rubber
rooting and ship stuff.
Mr. M. T. Spier went to
A new lot of slippers and
at A. W. and Co.
Nannie and Fan-
went to Greenville Wed-
Miss Cox, by
two of her pupils, and
Wheeler Tucker, came home Friday
evening and returned Saturday.
Miss Grace Cox went to
s Harrington. Barber and Com-
for your engine oils, auto oils
and lubricating oils.
Miss Esther Johnson returned home
Friday evening after spending
days with her sister near Kin-
A large crowd attended the Little j
Folks commencement at W, S.
Friday night.
A new lot of pants just In at A.
Alice and Co.
Misses Kate Watson, Lillian Car-
roll and Mrs. R. T. Cox took a trip
to Saturday evening.
Miss Nettie Liles went to Green-
ville Saturday evening.
Prof. John R. Carroll went to
Mr, C Cox went to Greenville
Saturday evening.
Miss Bagwell of Greenville
came In Friday evening to visit Eliza-
beth Spier and returned home Sat-
Select Their Favorite Prison, Then
Commit an Offense to Insure Win-
and professional
who have passed thirty years do not
fall each year when the winds of
blow to their winter
It Is then that each of com-
some offense, well knowing that
he will get a penalty of six
Imprisonment The delinquent so
times his offense that he will not be
liberty until the mo of April, in the
warm of spring. He
his winter quarters wisely, for
ho knows the good and had prisons.
because of its valued one
luxurious accommodations, occupies
the first rank among prisons. This
year the temperature was such as
bring about some true knavery on the
part of these beggars and vagabond,
the month of August were
forced to commit some offense In or
to assure themselves a shelter.
So la Santo, the antechamber of
was gorged with prisoners for
whom the tardy rays of the September
proved a cruel irony. II the mag-
show clemency and condemn
these derelicts to only six months of
prison the disaster of these poor
Us will be complete, for they will, with
out pity, thrown Into the street
the open month of it
Tea Drinking a
A foreign critic hunting
a cause for this apparent
of the once mighty people Brit
some have had mock
to on the subject of tea drinking
for nowhere else Is the so
versa us In the British Isles. Worn
en and children drink tea off and
during the day. Business men
to their work at Intervals
partake of their tea. And In most In
stances the brew Is
strong. It has been estimated that
each person In Great Britain, on
average, takes a daily dose of
grains of alkaloid and 9.7 grains
consumed la tea. Tills
that the average tea drinker
half as much alkaloid nearly
much tannin as the Maximum allowed
by the British pharmacopoeia for ac
occasional dose. of course
many thousands of people drink I
groat deal more than the
Still With
-Old Reliably
The life Insurance Co. I
New fort.
For this the fifth season solicit your orders, la
undeniably evidence of the satisfactory flues I make, my sales
have from to pounds material In five years.
Solid Car
already bought for this trade. Will make this
at Liberty To avoid delay let mo have
order at once.
Royal Irish Constabulary Bear Off the
Palm From All of
the Earth.
According to those most entitle
to speak on the comparative
of the police, the Royal
Constabulary bear off the palm from
all policemen In all other parts of
the world. Dean Hole Is quoted in
the London Chronicle as contributing
the following tribute to the
of the noble Irish
London police are well favored
In appearance, but if the Royal
Constabulary were to take their
for a week there wouldn't be a
female servant to warranted heart
whole In the
London goes, to the rural
for Its policemen largely, and the re
suit Is often as amusing, not to
exasperating, as that which arises Is
New York from the employment
foreign car conductors, sublimely g
of city streets and neighbor
hoods. The Chronicle writer tells
on encounter with an Inexperience
policeman who was asked the where
abouts of a famous firm In the
to which query the new bob
of a Bullet.
Experiments with
moots for measuring the velocity
projectiles have shown that the
goes on increasing after the
has left the mouth of the cannon
Leaving the muzzle with a velocity
of 1,474 feet a second, a projectile
been observed to Increase Its
to 1.689 feet a second within th
first six feet. It Is only after
traveled yard, that the
tile's velocity becomes reduced
tho speed It has on leaving the
This Is ascribed to the
of the expanding gas being felt r
some distance beyond the
Advice About Reading.
Be sure, then, to read no, mean
Books; the spawn of the press
In the gossip of the hour. Do not read
what you shall learn, without asking.
In the street and the train. Dr. John-
son said he went Into stately
and good travelers stop at the
best hotels; for though they cost more
they do not cost much more, and
there Is the good company and the
best Information. In like manner the
scholar knows that the
first and last, the best
thoughts and facts. . . . The three
practical rules, then, which have to
of or are Never read any book
that is not a year old. Never
read any but famed books. Nev-
read any but what you
Community In News.
At n friend's southern hunting ledge
his wife has learned that her
on the telephone Is accompanied
by the click of receivers along the
Every one is obviously listening
what she On one occasion
a telegram telephoned t. the
lodge, and the following day, when
her husband met a rural neighbor on
the road, the latter drew rein to con-
said ho, didn't ketch
pert that telegram we got
Mr. Grey accordingly enlightened
his Ignorance York
In the sense of
la an old term. The quota
in Sir James Murray's
is from Captain
It has lately been found In the six
century records of
the west of Ireland. The municipal
rulers of that fighting
from has become
for pluck and readiness to defend
hottest of that an
person giving to the
should shillings and
his body put into
Varying Melting Points.
The melting points of various heat
resisting materials have been
determined by tho United States bu
of brick
lo 3.137 degrees Fahrenheit;
bauxite brick. 2.841 to
brick. degrees; mag
brick, bauxite
degrees; de-
pure o
pure silica, n car
bide, beginning to decompose at
degrees, does not melt below
Farmer's Suggestion.
A Florida farmer who was raising
strawberries for the market sent a
shipment to New York and the com-
mission merchant wrote that the
berries were too ripe, consequently
poor prices and small return checks,
so next time the grower picked them
earlier and the results were about the
same, as the New York man said they
were too green for tho market; so the
next shipment the man pulled up the
plants by the roots, packed them In
boxes and said, can pick them
when just right for your particular
Made and Rats Fight.
For keeping premises in Soar Lane,
Leicester, for dog and rat fighting.
Walter was at Leicester yes-
under the protection
or animals act. and for assisting him
and Albert Martin of
Leicester, Joseph Ward of
and James Mason of Birmingham were
fined It was stated
on Dosing day terrier were
placed in a rat pit and a number of
I were killed. All the competing
v. ere badly n and In one
r .; two were seen hang-
bleeding laws of a dog
Phone Greenville,
Hill What bus lo do
our Selling
is out of the ordinary
And Stands Something rare,
And we for
linked with Care.
between the- National Bank of
Greenville and The Bar k Greenville
May 1st, 1913, continued
under the Charter of
I. C I upon
, . C.
A postal addressed Greenville will reach inc.
l-. v . . t
I. . I
Greenville Office lo
and Fridays
Office over Frank Wilson Store.
Phone connection.
we I and n
II t did at
i ii. Electric i h r
-Mild and Improved Iron the
Brat dose. I now feel like a
It v.-ill improve you, too. On-
and Recommended b
all druggists. ad,
We ran assist you to own I
and tho terms will lie as.
If not easier, than paying rent, I
to build or buy a boon
quite enough to
it win be to advantage i
let us how v ,. can
ran. It'll be money In pocket
Tine Of And
8.18 a. m. 1.18 p. m
p. m. n, a
3.18 a. m. 8.80 a.
8.88 a. m. 7.81 a. m.
a. m. 4.17 p. m.
I Into New
I Corner and Evans
i Has
I Baggage and
Phone No. Night or Day
Meet All Trains
to 11.1 Foil lib front of
It. I. Smith's stables,
S. T. HICKS, The
For all Kinds
of Shoe Repair-
call on Flow-
Shoe Shop.
We cordially invite the and friends of both Banks
i g this the largest an . strong Bank in
c. I.
you for your patron; we remain,
J. L. LITTLE, President. F, G. Vice-President.
W. E. Vice-Pres. F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
M. L. TORN AGE, JAMES, Teller.
E. A.
J. P.
J. G.
Personal Mention.
The Daily April
Miss II. J. Nobles, of Middlesex.
BE AT THE E. C. T. T. S.
The Edgar Allen Poe Literary So-
is fortunate in securing noted
musicians from the Peabody
of Music in Baltimore for the
recital on May This Is the first
opportunity to hear professionals
that the public has been offered by
the school.
Mrs. Theodore who his
a dramatic soprano voice of
to attend the funeral of a sister of
Mr. Thomas who died that morning.
Mr. Sugg, of Way Cross, Ga.,
who bad been visiting bis brother., in
Sunday morning. I Ult most
spent Sunday with Misses and , , , j church in Baltimore. She has
been his step-daughter. Mrs. , concerts at
L. M. Hoyle left Sunday evening. other m.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thomas left
Mary Kittrell.
Mr. C. M. Warren
morning from Wilson.
Mr. J. E. Fleming went to Wash-
Mr. W. A. Fleming, of Hassell, was
here today.
Mr. J. P. Jr.,
dairy and poultry agent of the land
and Industrial department of the
Southern railway, is spending a
cation with his parents, near
ton and was In Greenville today.
Mr. Wiley Brown went to
ton today.
Mrs. Mann, of Hyde county, who
was visiting her brother, Mr. R. L.
returned home this morn-
Her daughter, Miss Maggie
son, who was also visiting here, left
this afternoon for Carthage.
Col. Harry Skinner and Mr. J. n.
Cox went to New Bern this morning
to attend Federal court
Mr. D. C. Beach returned this
morning from Raleigh, where ho went
to see how his children, who are
Pasteur treatment, are getting
Mr. K. W. Outlaw returned this
morning from Goldsboro.
Mr. K. W. Cobb returned
day evening from Richmond.
Mr. Don returned Sunday
zoning from Savannah.
Mr. H. L. Alien went to Richmond
Mr. J. A. went to Tarboro
Mrs. Skinner went to Rich
Square today.
Dr. and Mrs. T. O. left
this morning for a trip to Baltimore
and Now York.
Miss Emma Jones spent Sunday
with relatives in
Mr. D. M. Clark went to Weldon
Mrs. W. B. Murphy, of Tomahawk,
ii visiting daughter, Mrs. R. H.
Wright, at the Training School.
Mrs. Frank Kohler and Miss Hen-
returned Saturday
from Washington where they
spent the week.
Rev. E. M. Hoyle returned Saturday
evening from Durham where he went
to assist in a meeting.
Mrs. King with her
Mrs. Winstead of Rocky
Mount and Mrs. S. C. Wells, of
eon. came down Sunday to attend the
service in the church.
Mr. H. I,. Carr and daughter, Miss
Mildred, returned Sunday evening
from Baltimore where the latter had
been In a hospital.
Mrs. George W. Woodward, of Dur-
ham, Is visiting her son, Mr. G. J.
Sunday evening for Lynchburg, Va.,
Mr. S. J. Everett spent Sunday in
Mrs. Olga Hartz Owens,
who is a Peabody graduate, is In
constant demand for recitals at clubs
and society musicals. He recited at
Seek Lower Public Rates club, Baltimore's lead-
Mont., April woman's club, was considered one
other of cities and the most enjoyable features
throughout Montana conferred here
today on plans to secure a
the rates charged for lighting, heat-
and power purposes throughout
the state.
the winter. After this season
Mrs. Owens expects to reside In New
York where she will continue
musical work. Her appearance here
follows a concert given at the Pea-
Miss Ethel Lee, cellist of Wash-
Fire Rubbish and who has the
some unaccountable way Arc, honor of being the first graduate in
caught in a pile of trash and rub- In will
lumber the lot behind trios with the violin and piano, as
C. T. store this morning; as in solos. Miss Lee took the
caused an alarm to be of the Peabody cello
ts No resulted, but if it tor, Bart during his absence
had occurred in the dead hours she appears frequently in concerts
the night there is no telling what
might have happened.
in Virginia and Maryland and Is
list at Grace Episcopal church, whose
services draw large crowds
every Sunday.
Conductor Assaulted Mr James
at on the Norfolk Lewis, tenor, will at-
cm road, some assaulted ,.,,.,
Conductor S. L. Singleton Sunday ., thoroughly
morning. One of the assailants shot and will of
him and another used a knife. For-
the bull from the pistol
struck a buckle on the conductor's
HAVING the stock of Merchandise formerly owned by G. M.
Mooring Son, we beg to announce to the public that the entire stock
is rapidly being converted into dependable merchandise. A portion of the stock
has been withdrawn from sale, while some new stock is being added.
This stock consists principally of Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions and Farm
Supplies, of the variety, and will be offered to the buying public at a
We will not conduct a sensational cost sale, but our stock will be sold on
MERIT alone.
from the most melodious con-
of the great composers.
belt, doing no damage and he
only slightly cut on the back
the knife. We did not learn
cause of the trouble nor If the
were arrested.
If you want the very classiest work
ever done on collars, especially
stylish close-fitting collar, try our
New Process of shaping. Just
discovered. Nothing like It col-
before. We pay postage
anywhere In the state.
Greenville, N. C.
Masons Tonight
Sharon Masonic Lodge will hold Its
regular meeting tonight, and there
some special business to claim the
attention of members.
Raby Show
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Methodist church will give a Baby
Show next Wednesday afternoon, be.
ginning at o'clock on Mrs. C. T.
lawn. They will have
Norfolk for sale. Go out and
spend a pleasant afternoon,
When Your Automobile
All Kinds of Accessories and Supplies
Gasoline per Gallon
Greenville Motor Co.
To Observe Centenary
NEW YORK, April Unite I
Singers of New York has completed
final arrangements for the mammoth
Richard Wagner Centennial Concert
to be given tomorrow night the
Hippodrome. Tho program will he
given by a chorus of voices, and
orchestra of seventy-five musicians
with Mine. as solo-
Mayor Gaynor will be the guest
of honor at the affair and will de-
liver a short address.
To Try Bribery Cases
The eases of tho several members of
the West Virginia legislature under
charge of giving or receiving bribes
In the recent contest for the United
States are expected
up for trial hero this week.
Five members are under Indictment
for alleged felony and eight are
charged with misdemeanor.
For Big Reclamation Project
Bids were opened by the Interior De-
today for the construction
of miles of canal in the Milk riv-
Irrigation project Montana. The
Is to built under treaty with
Canada, the Milk River flowing for
miles through that country be-
fore getting into Montana.
Look to Plumbing
You know what happens In a house
in which the plumbing is poor con-
In the house Is
able to contract typhoid or some
fever. The digestive organs per-
form the same functions the human
body as the plumbing does for tho
house and they should be kept In first
class condition all the time. If you
have any trouble with your digestion
take Chamberlains Tablets and you
are certain to get quick relief. For
sale by all druggists. adv
To Create Strength And For
Rundown, debilitated people, those
who need strength, or who suffer
from coughs, colds or
may find help in these letter;.
Dr. C. L. N. F,
cases where the curative
of cod liver oil is needed,
prescribe which I find to be
far more and
than other cod liver preparations. It
is a worthy cod liver preparation in
which a physician may have every
Dr. I. B. of Thomasville,
Ga., have used in
family and In my general practice
with the moat satisfactory results. It
Is exceedingly beneficial to those
with bronchial or pulmonary
troubles and to create
Dr. W. N. Rand of Evans Mills, N.
Y., want to say that I have
used and prescribed my
practice and It will do all you claim
for It and
return your money If
fails to help you.
Greenville, N. C.
Want Ads
S. M. Schultz.
Olds Gasoline engine. S. T. Hicks.
and women lo handle our self-sell-
household article and earn
to and t day In spare time;
no talking; they sell themselves.
ii tiling entirely new. Write to-
I -s at
postpaid. Address ROBERT
for Greenville tobacco market. Sal-
per week, from opening;
of market until closing for Christ-
mas holidays. Must
competent. Reference required. Ad-
B. B. Sugg, Chairman Com-
An Evening With China
The Young Women Christian As-
spent an enjoyable even-
with China last evening. Miss
Graham's Mission Study Class had
collected quite a number of picture. j
of China, bringing out the habits and
customs and showing a good many
the bridges, walls and temples.
Mr. Austin showed the pictures with
his lantern, while Miss Graham ex-
plained them. Before pictures
were shown Miss Graham made a
most interesting Introductory talk on
conditions in China.
Florence formerly ass-
with Cecil Lean, is to be star-
red next season.
On account of Increased practice
Dr. will stay Greenville all
day Mondays and Fridays but his of-
hours will be from a. m. to
p. m. as the afternoon will be de-
voted to work done outside the office
or by appointment. Patients wish-
treatment the afternoon either
their homes or at the office should
phone hours. Phone
Smith Hurt
On Friday night Miss Smith,
daughter Mr, Mrs. J. S.
was painfully hurt by a fall.
Smith Is having some repairs made
to his residence on Greene street,
the floor of the front porch was torn
up. Miss Apple went out the porch
f carry In some ferns and in the,
darkness fell through the floor on the
timbers underneath. While painful-1
bruised and shocked, fortunately
she was not seriously injured.
May Irwin is investing her profits
from by In New York
real estate.
Attorney at Law
In Edwards Building, fifth
from street
North Carolina
Skating Rink
Special Attention Will Be Given the
and Children.
Afternoon to Night S
B. Riddick Son
Life, Fire, Sick and Accident
Office on Fourth street, rear Frank
Wilson's store.
Yard, or
For Burns, Bruises and Sores
Tho quickest and surest cure for
burns, bolls, sores.
and all skin diseases in
Salve. In four days It
cured L. H. Iredell, Tex.,
of a sore on bis ankle which pained
him so he could hardly walk. Should
be every house. Only Rec-
by all druggists,
Quality Shop
Steam and Hot Water
Engines t
Electric Light Outfitter
Moved to Fourth street, front of
R L. Smith's stable, formerly
pied by Chinese Laundry.
that led all other banks in this section in increase in business during the
Started in 1901 and has been going forward ever since
S. CARR, Cashier.

AYDEN, April
called for Thursday night, May
1st, p. in. to nominate a mayor and
Our town commissioners are haul-
clay to sand clay Main street.
The meeting in the M. E.
is still in progress. Large crowds
attend each service. Rev. Mr.
MB is an able exponent and his Gos-
singer, Prof. is an
up to dale musician.
The i. O. F. celebrated their
ninety-fourth anniversary last Sun-
day evening at the Baptist auditorium
with fitting songs and speeches, ail
by local talent.
Mr. J. L. Little and family of
Greenville spent Sunday here attend-
the meeting at the M. E. church.
All kinds of hardware,
mill fittings, lime, cement, windows.
doors, and furniture at J. R. Smith
ard Pro.
The unexpected has happened. Mr.
Robt. has a
nice touring car. Who will be the
Mr. Elias Turnage. is making some
repairs to his residence on Main
Old Uncle Richard Carr. an honor-
able old is I k
Mess. Harrington and
unloaded several earn of
sand and other material to build
the large stables for Mr. R Wingate,
on Third street.
If you need a bicycle or any parts
of one see J. R. Smith and Bro.
Our graded school closes next Fri-
day night. The exercise-, will be
held at the auditorium. Dr. J C.
Caldwell will deliver the
There is a great treat in store for
nil who can attend.
All kinds of rubber and metal roof-
Red paper at
J. R. Smith and Bro.
Don't forget, the town
next Thursday night Lay aside all
and nominate good men
for these positions.
The Ayden Lumber Company have
started repairing their road beds and
in a few days all will be astir around
the mill.
Mr. G. F. Cooper, who has so faith-
fully served the people as salesman
at J. R. Smith and Bro. has resigned
that position and will go with the
Ayden Lumber Company as engineer
on the log train. Mr. Cooper has
made many among the lame
scope of his He la
rated as a first class dry goods sales-
We are to report the Improve-
of Mr. Ala
Rev. C. Armstrong and wife.
who have in. teaching In
county, are here on visit to his
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Arm-
strong on Lee street
Our truck farmers report
recent frosts have wrought havoc
among potatoes and early garden
Mrs. Mary Dickinson
with her parents MM Grifton.
Miss Bertha Dall has succeeded
Mr. G. F. Cooper as saleslady at J,
R. Smith and Bro.
Mr. Robt. H. Allen of Greenville
is here, it being his first visit to
Car lime for building purposes at
J R. Smith and Bro.
J. B. of Greenville is vis-
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Captain Johnson, our section mas-
was stricken with paralysis last
week and was taken to the hospital
at Rook Mount, where he Is In a
Critical condition.
Oats, corn, hay, cracked corn and
feed at J. R. Smith and Bro.
Quite a number of our people at-
tended the missionary rally at Riv-
Sunday. Sermon by Dr. J. C.
Caldwell, of Wilson, X. C. Timothy
church and Riverside church have
been cooperating each yeah, giving
a big dinner and having two services
on these occasions.
Mr. Lisa is very low at
the home of his father, Mr. Joseph
on Lee street.
AT E. T. T. S.
Helen Smith, accompanied
cousin, Hubert Worthington, spent
Saturday night and Sunday at
home near
See Harrington, Barber and
for your paper lining for to-
barn building, also rubber roof-
and ship stuff.
Miss Fannie Leo and broth-
Montgomery, spent Saturday in
A new lot of slippers and shoes at
A. W. Ange.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cox attended
church at Sunday.
Miss Cox returned home
home Monday morning after spending
a few days with her in Grifton.
Messrs. M. T. and G. X.
Johnson took a trip to Greenville
Monday morning.
See Harrington, Barber and Com-
for your engine oils, auto oils
and oil.
Misses Anna and Corrinne
hon went to Greenville Monday morn-
A new lot of pants Just in at A. W.
Ange and Co.
Commencement at W. H. S. begins
Wednesday night and ends Friday
The public is cordially
Misses Kate and Lillian
Carroll went to Greenville
Good Road
Grand Old County Pitt Furnishes
Her Share
Although the Teachers Training
School has made a reputation In
dramatics and has brought to
the best speakers and lecturers
available, it has never offered any
entertainment of a professional
The literary societies deem it
their privilege and duty to supple-
the work of the school by
big something of artistic or literary
value each year.
The Edgar Allen Poe Society de-
serves great credit for taking the
initiative In giving the school and
public an opportunity to hear
of note In the be
m My I.
Weakness and Less of
The Old Standard strengthening
Malaria and up A true
nil For children. Me,
Col and Rave of
Grifton. went back Sunday night
spending the week end at the
home of Miss Cox.
See Harrington. Barber and Com-
for your pumps, points and
Messrs. John Cooper. Robert Jones
and Walter Braxton went to Green-
I Tills Saturday.
If you want glass cut or pictures
see Walter D. Forest at A.
W. Ange and Co.
Miss Lizzie Cox was in town Sat-
to attend the Ball game.
Rev. Livingston Johnson of
came Sunday and preached two
j excellent sermons, one In the morn-
, at and one In the evening
If you want a good set of harness
or lap robes it will pay you to ex-
A. W. Ange and Co.
Misses Esther Blount, Mabel Claire
Brown and some other young people
were here Sunday and returned on
the night train,
Mr. Bryan came in from
Elizabeth City Monday night to see
Harrington, Barber and Company
can supply your wants In paints and
oils In all colors.
Misses Dora Cox, Kate Watson and
two of the W. H. S. girls went to
Greenville Tuesday.
Miss Alma House who has been
spending a few days at Mrs. If, T.
returned to her home at
See Harrington, Barber and Com-
for your engine oils, auto oils,
and lubricating oils.
Miss of W. H. S.
Monday night In Ayden.
The A. C. C. boys of Wilson and
the boys of the W. H. S. played ball
here Saturday afternoon. They had
a good crowd out and the score was
six to six.
North Carolina, Pitt County
In the Superior Court, Before the
Ella C. Jefferson and R. V. Jefferson
N Pearl Jefferson, Ella C. Jefferson.
I. P. Jefferson. Loraine Jefferson, and
I Jefferson.
I By virtue of authority vested In
me by an order made and entered In
above entitled Special Proceeding,
I will on May 6th. at o'clock,
noon, sell at the court house door In
Greenville, to the highest bidder for
cash the following described proper-
Beginning on the north side of
street as shown on said plat,
at a point one hundred and feet
east of the Inter-
section of Ward and White
as shown on said plat, running thence
in an easterly direction along the
north side of said Ward street fifty
feet to the west line of lot
north along said line one
hundred and ninety-nine end 25-100
feet to the south side of Fourth street,
west along Bald Fourth street
fifty feet to the east line of Lot
and thence south along said
line one hundred and ninety nine and
25-100 feet to the point of beginning.
This April 1st, 1913.
ltd Commissioner.
Health a Factor In Success
The largest factor contributing to
a man's success Is undoubtedly health
It has been observed that a man is
seldom sick when his bowels are reg-
Is never well when they are
For constipation you will
find nothing quite so good as
Tablets. They not only
move the bowels but Improve the
petite and strengthen the digestion
are sold by all dealers.
If any farmer in Orange
will take a few minutes he will real-
that he himself is each
year an enormous tax or loll to bad
loads; and it is a tax which not only
does not yield any return at all, but
does himself and his property a
Suppose we taken a man whose
property is assessed at
the proposed bond Issue If the
maximum rate Is charged of cents
en the worth of property his
road tax for the year will be 13.50,
no poll tax and no labor tax. At
present his road tax Is 12.50 and
days on the roads and proportion of
the poll. Rating his labor at per
day, he is now paying tax and
part of his poll. the bond is-
sue he will pay less tax than M
is now paying. the present
system he is paying what I have re-
to above as the enormous tat
to bad roads. Let us sec what it is.
A man who owns worth of
property usually has a team of two
horses or mules. Say this man lives
miles from market, and makes one
trip a week during the year. Ha
usually makes more than this. In
going to market over the present sys-
of roads he can only haul one-
to one-fourth the amount which
can haul over a good road. It
I Mm one lo three hours longer
to go and return from market than
it would over a good road; so that
en each trip we will say he loses
throe hours of himself and team in
going to market and carries only
half a load. Thus he would have
I to make two trips in order to get
i the amount to market which he could
i carry over a good road with one trip,
and on the two trips he would lose
I six hours. Now any man and team
Is worth at least cents hour.
Then six hours lost at cents an
hour is which each farmer
practically loses in each trip when
he markets his produce. Averaging
his trips during the year at would
make bis tax to bad roads
which Is about what the average farm
paying tax on worth of
property loses during the year In ac-
i time of himself and his team,
loss of time In not being able to
carry a full load, to say nothing cf
the wear and tear on his team and
harness and vehicle, the lack of op-
of attending church when
desired, the impossibility of his
reaching school regularly, and
lack of opportunity for carrying
on the social intercourse which is
necessary to the life of every
man being.
I Another tax he pays to bad roads
is that In case of severe illness it
Is practically impossible to obtain
j a doctor in any reasonable time, so
his family is constantly running
a risk of losing their lives in cases
; of emergency because of the
I cal impossibility of getting a
there within a reasonable time
over the poor roads. All these latter
phases cannot be reckoned in dollars
and cents.
If you own less worth
of taxable property you can divide
the above sum and get what you are
paying to the bad roads. If you own
more than worth of property,
you can multiply the above
and get your tax to bad roads.
you going to submit to this tax long-
because it does not come in ac-
pennies out of your pocket It
comes out of you, out of your team,
out of the net earnings of your farm,
and in reality out of your pocket.
The foregoing applies
Greenville township In every respect,
the Increase in taxes. We pay the
mud tax and the loss of time tax,
but these can he eliminated and our
roads put In first class condition,
and our road taxes will be no more
than they are now.
We can issue In bonds
build roads, and Instead of
Increasing th they will be re-
for the labor system of
working every countryman on the
roads six day., lo the year will
away with In Greenville town-
Have you signed one of the
asking for an election on the
bond Issue If you have not, get on
the progressive side by doing It at
Constipation Cured
pr. King's New Life Pills will re-
constipation promptly and get
your bowels In healthy condition
again. John of Pa.,
are the I ever
used and I everyone to use
them for constipation. Indigestion and
liver Will help you.
Recommended by all drug-
I i mi- Much to the Making of the
-Illy by the
known Locally
It has been said many times that
Norfolk should belong to North Car-
While this Is not likely to
be, the prosperity of Norfolk Is due
largely to the North Carolinians lo-
in that city and the business
that goes there from this state. Of
the who are helping
to develop Virginia's city and
making it the chief port on the At-
coast. Pitt county has con-
her share. Because some of
these are our close kin Is no reason
why The Reflector should not talk
about them when they deserve it. and
let the home folks know something
of their success and achievements.
Connected with Co.
wholesale dry goods and notion deal-
are three of the boys who stand
high in Norfolk business circles and
are foremost In all matters of pro-
Mr. H. W. Is pres-
of the company, Mr. C. L. Which
ard secretary and treasurer, and Mr.
W. R. head traveling man.
The business was established in 1900
and each year since has shown
did growth. A few years ago a hand-
some four-story building was erect-
ed In which to carry on the business.
Their trade covers a large territory.
It was not merely to speak of their
mercantile success that prompts this
article, but to tell of some other
things these boys have found time to
do to advance Norfolk. Not a great
while ago It was seen that a trans-
Hue was needed up one
the adjacent rivers to open a
trade territory for the city. Mr. C.
L. threw himself Into a
movement for this and largely
through his efforts the boat line
established and Norfolk is reaping
the benefit of It.
During the past week Norfolk has
been all astir In a whirl wind cam-
for a great chamber of com-
to push the city forward, and
In a three campaign by a com-
of two hundred, there wore
hundred business men added
to the membership of the
That Is going some, and shows
what getting together and pulling
together will accomplish. The Nor-
folk papers were full of the campaign
and the boys came In for
mention among the most ac-
workers. And right in the midst
of this Chamber of Commerce cam-
there came an announcement
of a large new enterprise for Norfolk,
which had been landed by the work
of these We will let the
of Thursday tell the
story of this. That paper
with the spirit of the
men who working to establish a
Chamber of Commerce here a large
pants factory of Pittsburgh, Pa has
decided to locate In Norfolk. The
agreement was signed In New York
city this morning and word to that
effect was received by C. L.
ard at the meeting of the committee
now working to build up the
The fact was announced at
the new Chamber of Commerce meet-
the name of the concern
is withheld at the request of the
of the firm It Is rated at
and is said to be one of the big-
plants of the kind In the United
States. It will occupy the Progress
Building at Water and Jackson streets
and will begin operation on July
Several hundred people will be em-
The pants factory was secured for
Norfolk over strong opposition from
other large cities and much of the
credit Is due to C. L. and H. w
They were assisted by
Henry G. Barbee, H. H. Trice and D
II. Goodman. Negotiations were b-
gun two months ago and ended today
when the agreements were all signed
and the building leased.
a that the factory in
question was contemplating the es-
of another factory H. W.
got In touch with the
of the firm who were known to
him and besides setting forth the ad-
vantages of Norfolk sent them news-
paper clippings of what was being
done by the new Chamber of Com-
The of the men at the
head of the organization was also
stated by Mr In a few
days a letter was received from the
concern In which It was stated that
members of the firm were
pressed with the spirit of the people
here and that Norfolk would be con-
After some correspondence
representatives of concern visited
this city; looked over the situation
and inspected several available sites
for the purpose.
In the meantime several other cities
fighting for the factory and It
was not known until a few days ago
that Norfolk had won out. The
referred to, while located in
Pittsburgh, Pa., has two branches In
Now York city and two In West
Write Mr that tells bow
it to Compost Hep, that
tells all about borne-made fertilizer.
w rite NOW. While wait in r for it,
your or druggist to
to that yon can start your heap soon
the Book arrives. Big .
earn. It is cheaper to in case
If wont orator
1st data.
cans M-G, Kl r
On Fertilizer
let all that One
go to and scrape it up,
it all together, soil and RED
PULVERIZED LYE. In ail it will
be converted into the fertilizer
that money can bay.
Home-Made Compost will a lot of
money; it will
t will prove the mat work you
or halo can do. BED DEVIL
LYE while you
sleep, the only stuff that will do the
packed in big 414-inch cars,
air-tight, never fails, never
Prepared Bight For Compost,
Off I Al your
dealer for DEVIL
LYE at once.
ma. are. .
M. Mia, Ma.
Male Makes Fine Speech
On Good And Tells What
Kind Of Roads To Build
On account of an unexpected and
unavoidable turn in of slate,
Gov. Craig found it impossible to be
present Saturday afternoon as had
been advertised and expected. Hut
I am free to say that I regard North
Carolina as having the best
and as the very best stale to live
in. And I do not believe that there
a better county in the or a
place where there arc brighter pros-
for a young man than Vance
Gold Leaf.
Wonderful Skin Salve
Salve is known
sent as his substitute Dr. Joseph everywhere as the best remedy for
Pratt, State Geologist one of the all diseases of the skin, and also for
best road experts in the United States, burns, bruises and bolls. Reduces In
r. Pratt was introduced by Mr. M. and is soothing and heal-
T. Hicks, who in his characteristic J. T. publisher
style put in some tolling blows for News, of Cornelius. N. C, writes that
good roads. Dr. Pratt said in
That the problem before us was
one box helped his serious ailment
other remedies fulled. Only
like a considering a prop-; Recommended by all
that the directors presented
the stockholders. The commit-1
tee had prepared the bill and Having qualified as administrator
submitted it to the citizens of Vance of Major T. Jefferson, deceased,
county. Every citizen of the county of Pitt county. N. C, this Is to
a stockholder in the enterprise, all having claims against
as he would hate to pay his part an the estate of the said deceased to ex-
would in turn receive his part of the them to the undersigned within
benefits from the roads built. And twelve months from the date of this
each citizen therefore bad a vote in or this notice will be pleaded
the adoption of the bond Issue. It was In bar of their recovery. All persons
a business proposition and a sound, indebted to said estate will
one which no set of men with bus- make Immediate payment.
the 29th day of April. 1913.
JULIUS BROWN, Administrator
S. J. EVERETT, Attorney.
ability. especially farmers,
could afford to reject.
This bill provides for which
would be sufficient to put good roads
Into every nook and corner of the
county. We have no need In this conn
for macadam roads, which were
from ten to twenty times as
In Cost
To paint the woodwork of a room
one coat with L. and M. Semi-Mixed
site to build as Boil roads, more ex- Use quart of paint made
pensive to keep up than the soil mixing part of Turpentine with
roads and would give us no better o parts of the L. and M. Semi-Mixed
service. There are three kinds of paint. This part of pure Paint
soil or dirt roads, the sand clay road M
which was composed of per cent painters costs about
clay and per cent soil, obtained Total
by hauling sand to a clay road bed compare this with the cost of ready
by hauling clay to a sand road bed mixed paints. But outside painting
in the above proportions, and prop- a, of Linseed Oil to a gal-
mixing them. The top soil road on of L, and Mr. Semi-Mixed Real
which is made by using the soil paint This will make 3-4 gallons
ready nature in the eat pure Paint costing about
and making a surface of It to
about or inches thick. Then; by J. R. and J. G.
the gravel road, that is built of
obtained from creek bottom or the
gravel banks or pits near the stream
beds or in what is known as the flood
Wile. N. C.
The law applying to
minors, to those minors under seven-
Any of those three types of roads years of age, is being discussed
give an absolutely hard smooth n B being called attention to
over which the maximum load the law Is now easier of enforce-
can be hauled for days In the year. consequently should be pro-
And after they have built the lay-1 of good. As amended the law
man can hardly tell one from the not only prohibits people from selling
by traveling over it. The chief
reason for building any of these par-
types in preference to the
is the nearness and convenience of
proper materials to make it out
Our neighbor township,
or giving to the-youth
seventeen, but It empowers
of the law to stop a youth, If he
Is puffing a cigarette, inquire his age
and If he Is under seventeen years to
demand of where he obtained the
cigarette. If he refuses to tell he
ton, has built soil roads of the can be arrested, as he Is guilty of a
clay, lop soil and gravel varieties, do- j under the law. If
pending on which material could be tells who sold or gave him the cigar-
most cheaply. All of them then a warrant can be
giving excellent service and were built tor such person. This Is about as
at a very low cost. There is no strong as the law could probably
son. whatever, why Vance county With make it and it will work well, pro-
cannot have the officers are alert and enforce
roads township has. the law. What Is apt to make it a
There being no doubt from a
or practical point of view but that
Is the proper type of roads for
dead letter, however, is the
or lack of moral courage of
of the law. If the officer has
this country. Henderson township moral courage enough to pursue the
pays by far the greater portion of under the given him
tax, per cent, I am informed, law, he can accomplish a world of
all the other townships in the county good, hut If he turns his head the
pay only per cent. Of all this tax
and all of the roads built, the farmer
will get direct benefit while Hen-
will get the Indirect benefit.
It will help the county, and every
man and every business, occupation
Industry In it.
It will mean that of for-
capital will be brought Into the
county and spent. Not only will It
for good roads, but that amount
will be spent in labor and supplies to
build the roads and consequently put
Into circulation right here. We are
paying today right here In Vance
Iv a mud tax of some or
every year. All of which can
and will be saved to the people of the
county by good roads. The
of 1913, a bill
the Issue of bonds amounting to be-
tween and millions of dollars.
of which hope you are go-
to vote to Issue right hero in Vance
county on next Tuesday. Build good
I mads and In ten years the wealth of
county will doubled. I have
been In every state in the union and patch.
law will be a failure. While a boy
smoking a cigarette Is a disgusting
sight, yet the public docs not heed It,
an much as other offenses. It does
not attract and hold as
much. Consequently It will be so
for officers of the law to pass
over the matter. Exercise moral
age and the evil will be greatly re-
Whatever rights a grown per-
son may have In the smoking,
cigarettes, and no one should
to curtail this privilege, there
can be no reason why mere children
should be allowed to Indulge In cigar-
smoking. It Is the lack of moral
courage, often times through thought-
that causes this. Now and
then there come along people who
are not afraid to assert themselves
and they see a smoking a
cigarette, or a dumb animal being
treated on the streets. It Is
often the case, however, that
people, though possessing courage, re-
from Interfering when they see
Agriculture la the lost I . int. Most the Most
R. C, MAY , 1913
Good Road Election
Ordered by Commissioners
For Greenville Township
To Issue Fifty-Thousand Dollars
North of Bonds
Petition Presented To Board On Mon-
day By Nearly Five Hundred
Voters Of Said
The following resolutions were
passed by the Board of County Com-
missioners at regular
Office of
of Pitt County
Greenville, N. C, May 6th. 1913.
Whereas, a petition In writing, In
the following language,
the Board of County
of Pitt County.
for the purpose of laying out.
establishing, preparing, grading, con-
and Improving In any way
the public roads in Greenville town-
us to order an entirely
registration for said election and In
all other respects fully compiles
the provisions of the Act of the Gen-
Assembly of North Carolina, en-
titled act to provide for the work-
of public roads of various town-
ships and issuing bonds for
which said act Is also denominated
as House Bill No. 1886, and Senate
Bill No. 1799 and which was duly
ratified March the 11th, 1913, and
WHEREAS, by the provisions of
said act the County
Ask Him Questions Regarding the
Cotton Schedule
To Grow
Of Plant
While Anxious To Keep Pledges Ho
Wanted To Feel Free To Oppose
Any Detail That Might
Menace Industry
are empowered and authorized to or- Overman held a conference with Pres-
an entirely new registration of Wilson today on the cotton
the voters of said township, by sit-
thirty days notice of the same,
Now, Therefore,
Be it ordained by the Board of
schedule of the House tariff bill
may have an Important bearing on
the reception of the House measure
when it reaches the senate. He sought
County Commissioners of Pitt ascertain whether or not the pres-
North Carolina, in regular month-; allegiance to every item
If meeting assembled, on Monday, the bill as a test or party regular-
5th day of May. 1913, at the Tho senator declared that his
house in Greenville; was
1st. That an election shall be Senator Overman said after the
In Greenville township, Pitt that he told the president w. A. C. C.
North Carolina, at the usual voting It was claimed that there were many v, c T ,. u C
The annual meeting of the stock-1 Work has commenced to move away
of Homo frame building near the factory
Loan Association was held Tuesday
night In the court house, with Pres-
It. C. Flanagan providing.
An of the company real at
this meeting showed its affairs In
fine condition Its business grow-
larger all the
Secretary H. A. reported
of tho John Buggy Co., to
make room for the enlargement of
the buggy plant. It is their purpose
to put up another brick building
largo as the present one, which will
tho and capacity of Um
factory and make it the largest of
Its kind anywhere In this section of
that shares wore Issued In state. The vehicles
series which opened last by this firm have such a
bringing the total number for excellence that their
a little above practically all the South At-
matured during the past year,
one of these reaching maturity four
weeks ahead of tho average time with
A rising vote of thanks was ex-
tended the officers and directors for
their splendid management of tho as-
The board of was
re-elected as R.
Flanagan, D. J. H. A.
J. B. James. D. C. Moore, S.
T While, B. W. C. OH.
states, and It Is to meet the
demand that they find It necessary to
double the capacity of their plant.
Will Visit
The Canal
place in said township, At
the county court house In the town
of Greenville, North Carolina, on Sal-
ship, as is provided in House , ,
1886. Senate Bill No. of the
Assembly of North Carolina,
session of 1913.
the undersigned qualified
of Greenville Township
North respectfully
your Honorable Board to sub-
to the qualified voters of Green-
ville township, the proposition to is-
Thousand Dollars
worth of bonds to run for a
of forty years, at per cent
Interest per annum, payable semi-
annually. and that your Honorable
Board order a new registration for
has been presented to us. the Board
of County Commissioners of Pitt
County. North Carolina, in regular
monthly meeting assembled, on this
the 6th day of May. 1913. and,
WHEREAS, the said petition is
signed by of the qualified voters
of said Greenville township, which
this board finds as a fact largely In
excess of one-fourth of the total
of voters of said township, and.
WHEREAS, by the provisions of an
act of the General Assembly of North
Carolina, ratified the 11th day of
March, 1913, and entitled act
provide for the working of public
roads of various townships and
bonds for the It is made
the duty of this board upon
to us of a petition In writing,
signed by not less than one-fourth
of the qualified voters of any township
by requesting us to submit to the
the question of issuing Fifty Thous-
and Dollars worth of bonds,
bearing Interest at tho rate of
cent per annum, payable
ally, and to run for a period of forty
years from date of issue, for the
pose of laying out, establishing,
repairing, grading, construct-
and Improving in any way, the
roads of Greenville
2nd. That at said election, all
those qualified to vote, who are la
favor of said proposition to issue
bonds for said purpose, shall vote n
ballot on which shall be written, o
printed, the words Road
and those opposed to said proposition
to Issue said bonds for said purposes
shall vote a ballot on which shall
be written, or printed words
3rd. That in order to ascertain
accurately, the number of qualified
voters In said township, an entirely
new registration of tho qualified voters
of said township is ordered to be made
and for that purpose the registrar
herein named, is ordered to keep the
registration books of said township
open for the period of days,
preceding the said day of election,
and to give notice of the same in
some newspaper published In Green-
ville for tho period of thirty d I
and also by posting notice of
at the court house In said town for
thirty days. That In all other re-
the said election shall con-
In the cotton schedule us
It exists In the House bill,
that would seriously Injure tho cot-
ton manufacturing industry In North
Carolina if allowed to remain In the
tariff measure.
Mr. Overman did not say that
exist, but asked whether
or not the president thought a
tor. If he should discover an
in the bill and correct, would
he violating the pledges of the party.
Mr. Overman did not frame his exact
question or the president's reply
but stated that the Interview was
Senator Overman explained that
his reason for seeking the president's
views were that while he Is anxious
t.-. keep the pledges of the party tor
tariff on everything down to a com-
basis, he wanted to feel free
to oppose detail that might men-
ace any Industry. He understood
from the conference that It was not
the desire of the president to
on the passage of the Underwood
measure regardless.
qualified voters of Bald township ducted under tho general
where said petitioners reside, a prop-
to bonds, for the
pose of laying out, establishing, alter-
repairing, grading, constructing
and improving In any way the public
roads of said township, within thirty
days to an election to be held
in said and to submit to tho
qualified voters of said township the
question of issuing bonds to the
amount, exceeding at the
rate of interest exceeding per
cent payable and to
run for the period exceeding
as may specified in, said
petition, and
WHEREAS, the said petition fixes
the amount of said bonds at
Thousand Dollars, and the
rate of Interest they shall bear at
five per cent, payable
of the slate, relative to the
of township constables.
4th. That for the purpose of hold-
and conducting said election. 01-
en Warren, Jr., Is hereby appointed
registrar, and O. W. Harrington an I
H. Dall, Jr., hereby appointed
Judges of election, who will
by taking tho oaths prescribed by tho
General Election Laws of the state,
and who conduct aid election In
accordance with tho said
Election Laws of the state and they
shall make their returns to this Board.
5th. It Is ordered, that a notice of
said election be posted at the court
I, at Greenville, North Carolina,
the only polling place in Greenville
township, for at least thirty days
prior to the date of said election, and
that the same be published In at least
Independent, giving notices of said
election, the date thereof, the amount
of Bald proposed bond Issue, rate of
interest and period for which said
bonds shall run, which shall be th
notice of said election required to
he given by aid act and shall he
headed of Election, Upon I
Proposition to Issue Road
Bonds by Greenville Township, North
and shall be signed by the
Chairman of this Board and attests
by the Clerk of This Board.
6th. That this election Is called
and shall be held and conducted
the provisions an act of the
General Assembly of North Caro-
ratified the 11th day of M
After the adjournment of the an-
meeting, the met and
unanimously the following
n. c.
D. J. vice president.
H. A. White, and treas-
J. B. James, attorney.
Is Again
Simon Williams, colored, better
known as Williams, la in the
tolls again. Simon has somewhat of
a reputation tor liquor selling. On-
about two months ago he
ed a year's on the roads for
blind and no sooner was h
given liberty than he went right back
lo his old trade. Ho was caught In
the act again and when hauled in
for preliminary trial could not pro-
the required bond and is again
In Jail to await the next criminal
term of court. This Is the came
g-o who. When In before, was
caught liquor light In the
but It ll a bet that Slier-
Dudley n t going to give
ii to repeat that trick this
Attempts Blow Up Hotel Crowd-
ed Tourists
Many Americans Among The Of
Hostelry. Accused
Of Setting Fire To The
Parish Church
LONDON, May opposing tho
woman's suffrage bill in the
of Commons today. Premier Asquith
said he would resign if his colleagues
in the cabinet ever suggested that
they did not feel justified In following
a government the bead of which was
opposed to them.
caught early this morning
the police in the act of placing a
bomb at tho entrance to the Grand
Wilson will make a trip to the Pan- Hotel, which Is crowded
Canal after congress adjourns. can tourists, was brought up at Bow
Ho is anxious to tho great water-
v. before tho water is let In. Which
will tome time this fall.
Mr. Wilson to leave Wash-
as as congress completes
its work. He will make tho trip on a
class war vessel. After spend-
about a week on the canal he will
r n.- ii north and go to his
residence at Cornish. N. H. While
the itinerary has not been arranged
on the return trip the president will
probably leave the war at
street police court later in the day
and remanded by the magistrate for
further inquiries. She gave the name
o Ada Ward.
The bomb was in the form of a tin
canister to which attached a light-
ed fuse. A placard bearing the words
for was wrapped
round It.
The Grand Hotel is situated on
Apply Torch to Church
St. Catharine's, the parish church,
either Newport or Boston and proceed In the southeast of Lon-
to Cornish by train or automobile. wrecked by Are this
The main purpose of the Presidents
trip will be to gather Information as
to tho best method of governing the
canal after completion. The
work has been finished and
all that remains is the completion
of the removal of the slides, the lock
gate mechanism and the fortifications.
has again been visited by a mad dog
This time It was a four months old
setter pup, and his victims are H II,
I manager of tho
and the outrage placed by the
police to the accounts of militant
The edifice was well alight before
the fire was discovered and the roof
crashed in Boon after the a-rival of
the firemen.
The pastor of the church saw three
women In the building shortly
the fire broke out. Ho assumed they
were the church was
kept open for private prayer through-
out the day. A number of hassocks
were found saturated with oil.
Florida Women Want Right
by the defeat in the
lest week of their resolution for a
WASHINGTON. May hot constitutional amendment granting
spell Is about to be broken by a cold suffrage to women,
one. I all parts of the state here
In the language of tho weather today to urge the senate to pass, a
sharps there will within the next permitting voters to set-
hours be a general change la tho question at tho 1914 election
distribution of atmospheric pressure.
and fixes the length of time of said four issues of some newspaper pub-
bonds shall run for forty years in tho county, In the
from their date of issue and also re- Pally Reflector or The Pitt County
1913. entitled act to provide for Mattress factory; Lawrence Cooper.
the working of public roads of the ht year old son of W. J. Coop-
townships, and Issuing bonds or and a boy living miles In
for the and the country, near They
this Board Is directed to give In the jail went to Raleigh Monday to
name of this board any other or fur-1 the Pasteur treatment,
notice of said election that Tie jog WOrk In town ten
herein especially provided for. as he jays ago and Immediately
may be advised are required by said going Into the country, where
act. to the end that any no-1 after biting the boy, it was
contemplated by said act may killed. His first attack was on Mr.
he given the qualified voters of Green-
little boy. whose thick out-
garment w-as torn but the skin
was not Mr. Stovall
Resolutions similar to tho above kicked him, making him loose his
were also adopted granting hold, when he attacked him, snapping
an election on Issuing him on the band. The dog was next
000.00 In bonds for the Improvement
of Its roads. Both elections will be
held on 5th of July.
seen at Mr. Cooper's home, where
Lawrence, to drive him
home, was bitten also.
the North American continent.
This will cause a reaction
to temperatures over the
tic states, the Ohio and Mississippi
Valleys and the lower Lake region.
The forecaster at headquarters who
tills all the other forecasters what
kind of weather to serve to their
constituents, looked over tho reports
Ii- his today, ordered the
la mercury to turn about and Issued
the usual warning to straw hats and
summer attire.
To Form Selling
Ky., May
co growers from every district in the
United States assembled here today
and began the movement for a national
selling organization. That the mar-
still Is In the hands of certain in-
despite the efforts of the gov-
Sail on World Tour
BOSTON. Mass., May
throe score of bright boys, member.
of tho Boy Achievement Club of
America, sailed from port today on
a trip around tho world. The young-
who formed a and healthy
looking party and attracted
attention, were selected
competition from the boys In
many large cities between San Fran-
and Boston.
HOUSTON. Texas, May ac-
of a man h's a
Paul R. Row en, observed by a woman
barber at the hotel where he
stopping and tho story she told
police, caused his arrest here last
Bowen Is held on suspicion
the charge being on
from Georgia, police, saying
eminent, was asserted. The Bowen In connection -with
delegates report the destruction i the finding of the murdered body a-
of a large part of the tobacco Mary in an Atlanta pencil
crop due to the floods. i factory.

Eastern reflector, 2 May 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 02, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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