Eastern reflector, 28 March 1913

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C. T.
MARCH 1913
We have subdivided into small the C. T. PLACE THE You will have an opportunity to purchase any amount of land de-
sired, from one acre up, at YOUR OWN PRICE.
One fourth cash, balance in equal installments due in one, two, three, four, and five years, with interest at six per cent, on the deferred payments, or a
liberal discount for cash on the deferred payments.
MR. You can find no better place to put your money where it will bring such a splendid return, and, at the same time, be perfectly safe.
MR. Own your farm. It is never too late to start; it makes no difference whether you are old or young. Now is the time. You can buy some of
splendid land, make your payments and then have as much money as you have now. In addition to that you are paying for and improving something that is your very
own. The land will pay for itself.
GREENVILLE is one of the most thriving little cities in Eastern North Carolina and always affords a ready market for your crops. It has good schools, churches,
etc., the advantages which your children and yourself can enjoy, as the land is only approximately one mile from the Court House air
No County in the Tar Heel State can boast of better soil. Do you realize that our population is always increasing, but that no more earth is being made That in
itself calls for increased valuation every day.
TOBACCO, COTTON, PEANUTS CORN and all kinds of truck crops grow abundantly on this BIG BARBECUE DINNER WILL BE SERVED FREE
to all attending the sale. Hear those w a BURTON BROTHERS, Auctioneers. Excellent music by our own brass band. Get on the road to
independence. When in doubt buy Pitt County dirt.
RE If nil
Admiral ion
Grand Admiral Alfred
1734 a signer of Imperial secretary for German
the Declaration of navy and one of the most prominent
cc, born In Londonderry. figures in the official life of the em-j
Died in Philadelphia. Juno was born March He,
to Pharmacy for till.
Safe, Reliable
Your Money Hack If
started his naval career In early
youth and at the age of had
en in tho service until ho
the high post of chief of staff to the
command of the Baltic naval station
In 1897 he became secretary for the
. Livingston. and year
ho was made a minister. In 1903
1813 David famous mid
and born in
Scotland. Died in
Africa May
one of the early justice of the
U. S. supremo court, died n
Washington, I. Horn In
New k Nov. 1757.
given In Savannah in
honor of General Lafayette.
MM captured by a
force under Sir Colin
1884-Gen. Godfrey to whom
the city of Richmond 1-
died in Philadelphia. Born
in Nov. 1835.
of the Keystone Na-
Bank of Philadelphia.
first presidential prefer-
primary was held In Norm
he was made a Grand Admiral. He
is a great favorite of the Emperor,
who has a high opinion of his states-
as well as his ability as r.
n officer and administrator.
Admiral as
Camp- of as a probable successor
of the empire.
Otter ain't Curs
The worst cc,. no . ho,
re cured by the wonderful, tillable Dr.
Oil, It relieve,
and Heals at the sum- turn .
Is coming to the front. The nice
roads the convict force have
made are such an addition,
want to the school building paint-
Mr. W. has been
We glad to see him out
Mrs. J. P. Dawson and children are
It-Ming friends and relatives In Kin-
shall have an organ for our
school In a few days. We have been
ceding It for some time.
Mr. J. A. Smith went to Greenville
Mr. W, K. Morris WM in Ayden to-
The play or comic drama Aw-
also a sketch from Oliver
HI be given at the school
Friday, 28th. All are In-
Admission cents.
Need To Seek Afar. The
Is At Your Poor
No need to to hunt
up proof, because you have it here
It home. The straightforward
of a Greenville resident like that
given below bean an interest for
man. woman or child here
T. R. deputy sheriff, 91-
street, Greenville. N. C.
was troubled by lameness In my
back and my kidneys did not do
work as they should. I got
Kidney Pills from the John L.
Drug Co. and I had not used them
long before I got relief. I can say
remedy acts just as
Now we
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents. Co. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name
take no other.
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents. Co. Buffalo
New York, sole agents for the
d States.
Remember the
no other.
There are few remedies that gain
the confidence of druggists as
son's Liver Tone does.
Pharmacy sells it and backs up the
sale of every bottle with the money
back guarantee that the price will
refunded if it falls to give com-
Tone costs cents
a hot lie. II is the safest and best
remedy tor torpid liver, constipation.
biliousness, etc. that has ever been
in this city. It takes the place
it and does not lay
up as a dose often
dots. A bottle in the house is as
pond as fifty cents in the hank. If
t u or your family need a liver tonic
you have medicine ready If it
fills yon gel your money hack.
Hi aura to Liver Tone
when you ask for It. There are
of II may disappoint you.
Is Dominated With EASTER
Arch Install Officers
At n convocation of Greenville
Chapter No. Royal Arch Masons,
held Tuesday tight, Past High Priest
It. C. Flanagan conducted the
of the following
F D. High Priest.
R. II. Wright, King.
I. It. Meadows, Scribe.
S M.
K. K. Griffin,
It. Williams. Captain of tho Host.
II. Austin, Principal
H. Royal Arch
W. Ward, Master Third Veil.
W. II. Master Second Veil.
C. C. Vines, Sentinel.
D. J. Whichard. First Veil.
Stops Scalp Itch
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take LAXATIVE Quinine. pith.
mod and Colo.
. W. GROVE'S nature .,, I,. -k.
Central Development
The secretary of state has Issued your
And Eva Scalp
Cared if nick
It Is simply wonderful how
goes after You rub a mile
of In with tips of the lingers. It
gets right down into the glands.
s them, stops the itch, and makes
tin- load feel fine. No, it Isn't
is a fine, clear, vanishing
quid. You don't have to even wash
hands after using And
a wonder is for eczema, rash,
pimples and skin afflictions. A
H cent trial bottle st
Pharmacy Is guaranteed to slop any
charter to the Central South Develop-
Company, of Messrs.
B, Sugg, O. L. and others
being tho While the
principal -is of the company j skin irritation.
will be buying and selling real estate. Is prepared by K. W. Rose
both town and country, It will , Medicine Co., St. Louis. Mo., and la
also have an eye to securing sites regularly sold by druggists at a
for the location of factories and bottle. But to prove what it will
development of this section of the it t expense. Is now put
South by Inducing settlers to come up In trial bottles
and the entire offering is brand new. Going
into our new store just before Christmas, all
of the stock has been purchased since then
and with an eye to what was most stylish
and for the season in
We have what will male you well-
dressed and in best style. In
we are especially strong, and never had a
more beautiful line.
In Shoes, Hats and White Goods
we can suit every taste. You never saw a
better line of White Goods than here, and
our Low Shoes are marvels of beauty and
The Big Store will Take Pleasure in Serving You
C. T.
Reflector Advertisers are Offering Real Values
i- the the Mi rt-a.
Destructive Floods and
Heavy Snow Storm In
Wake of Omaha Tornado
Wilson is Not Prepared to Put
K. On it
Hut Has Left With Him by
Omar W.
wood. Democratic
dent Wilson let it be known today
that he has not yet put his stamp of
approval on tho tariff bill left with
him by Representative Oscar Under-
wood, the Democratic majority leader,
after a three last
The president Indicated to his vis-
that he had only begun to study
tho measure but that before the Dem-
met to decide whether
they should revise In a sin-
bill or by separate schedules, he
would make known his own
as well as his opinion of the
The income tax problem and its in-
details are also being carefully
considered by the president. He dis-
cussed these in a general way
Secretary of the de-
Col. E. M. House,
Austin, Texas, and Secretary
who were at the white house to-
Mr. Wilson also Is giving some at-
to the possibility of getting a
currency measure before the country
during the extra session of Congress,
and It was said that the conference
tonight touched this subject to some
Diplomatic Appointments.
Little Information was forthcoming
today concerning diplomatic appoint-
It became known Unit Dean
Fine, of Princeton
University, would not accept the am-
to Germany, which had
been offered him by President
eon. Prof. Fine is now Munich
on leave of absence and while he U
one of the President's Intimate
friends and has been strongly urged
to accept, the great expense involved
Is said to have been the reason for the
John K. three times mayor
of N. Y. probably will
be the next collector of the port of
New York. He is said to he the molt
likely of those under consideration.
Shakes Hands with
The President today received an
army of school teachers, the usual ex-
crowd of the Easter
He shook hands with in thirty-
five minutes, among them from
Toronto, Canada, led by Dr. James I.
Wilson, superintendent of schools in
that place.
Congratulations to
Duke of St. old
Dr. S. Luther, president of
Trinity Hartford, Conn.
years old today.
Rear Admiral Albert who
goes on the retired list of tho United
States today, years old today.
Dr. Hugh professor of
theology In Union Theological
Seminary, years old today.
F. and Marcus
A. Smith elected a first United
States Senators from Arizona.
Sever Cold Weather Adds to
Misery of the Homeless
Morehead Thai
Conditions Will More
In Wreck-
ed Zone
KANSAS CITY, March mes-
received here today from Leslie,
Ark., sixty miles north of Little Rock,
says a tornado in that vicinity last
night killed eight or ten persons.
I Reported Killed My Tornado
ST. LOUIS, March per-
sons arc reported to have been killed
In the tornado that struck
Ilia., miles here,
last night.
OMAHA, Neb., March
from the cold and awe inspired by
the nature of their work, scores of
men, women and children today
in the sow to the dead or
injured bodies of relatives and
who lay burled beneath the wreckage
of their homos and buildings which
were crumbled eggshells by th-;
tornado Sunday, swept with
dealing force over Nebraska and Iowa
killing more than persons In
Omaha alone.
Tho latest reports this morning
give the number of injured at
while the death list has not Increased
over the night report of
Sixteen additional bodies were
en from the a pool
ball, this morning, making the total
thus far recovered from that place
The building, after being wrecked
by the tornado, caught on fire from an
overturned stove and burned.
Snow Hampers Work of the
The snow storm which seriously Is
hampering the work of rescue, began
shortly after midnight this morning
Mid la continuing with gathering force.
More than three inches of snow
the debris In the of the city
was struck by the cyclone,
Privations of the storm are
being greatly increased tho
snow storm which is following so
closely in tho wake of the tornado,
Woman tugging at heavy beams, hop-
against hope to find the living
bodies of dear ones beneath the tons
men gruffly cheering
their sorrowful mates; shivering
wrapped about with shawls and
blankets, were the scenes which at
sunrise this morning greeted tho fed-
soldiers as they patrolled the
district, aiding in the rescue
work and the an I
unoccupied homes from conscienceless
Sufferers Clothes and
Later city officials gathered within
the lines drawn around the district by
the soldiers and distributed
and other necessities among the
More than has been sub-
scribed their by tho
city commissions and equal amounts
by citizens who attended yesterday's
meetings of commissioners and other
The Injured at hospitals are
the best attention.
of and Council Bluffs
volunteered their services and
trained nurses have willingly followed
the example of the physicians.
The snow which according to re-
ports is falling with blizzard like pro-
portions from Colorado to Central
Iowa, has seriously Interfered with
that slender thread of telegraphic
communication which yesterday after-
noon was established from Omaha to
the outer worn. Practically no In-
formation has been obtained this
morning from portions of
Nebraska an
The fact that such Intense suffering
is being caused here by the present
In spite of heroic efforts be-
made by the city to provide for
and protect all who have been made
dependent on it, caused Governor
Morehead to fear that the conditions
within the state arc in deplorable
shape. He stated that he would hasten
action before the state legislature to
secure sufficient funds for the
care of storm victims.
Some residents of the district de-
in their belief that at least one
hundred bodies are burled in the ruins
of houses and brick building., of
amusement places which were known
to be tilled with pleasure seekers on
Easter Sunday,
Torn From Arms of Mother
Among the searchers last night an
today is Mrs. W. W. Sherwood. Ill In
bed Mrs. was holding her
week old babe in her arms when the
v descended upon her little e-
The home was the in-
torn from the mother's arms and
blown away and so far It has not been
found. In spite of her weakness and
suffering from injuries she sustained
In the storm, Mrs. Sherwood, aided by
her friends Is hunting the hospitals
the Improvised about the
In Ralston, a suburb of this
Edward his wife and three
were sitting in their homo chat-
ting on Easter Sunday when the tor-
suddenly carried them and their
homo to Palo Creek, one hundred
yards away and dropped them into the
water. Mrs. Mote was and
her baby recovered lute yesterday
under the wreckage the
Die Clasped in Others Arms
H. E. Said and wife, bride and bride-
groom of a month, were In Ham
house. Warned of approaching death
by Mr. Ham, the two solace in
each other's arms. Thus they were
found dead. Mr. was Slightly In
When the tornado rushed upon
Omaha nuns were in tho
Heart Convent. Seeing its approach
they hurried from the live story
and sought refuge In the home of
just across
the street. No sootier the last of
women left the convent than the
building collapsed with a crash.
The girl students at the convent
were spending their Easter Sunday
their homes or with friends.
of them In the building at the
Capture all the Fortified Points
Hope of Saving
Virginia Clansmen is
March -ill
lodge of Odd Fellows in
street railway In New
England from to Cam-
bridge, opened.
of tho Confederate States
of America.
of Representatives pass-
ed the first Interstate commerce
Charles as-
Allies to Insist
era I in are Order-
ed Hack to their Posts of
SOFIA, Bulgaria, March
Turkish advanced positions and all the
fortified points to the cast of the fort-
of were captured by
the Bulgarian besiegers this morning.
Allies to Insist upon
COLOGNE. Germany, March
The reply of the allies to the
m pram the
will propose that the future frontier
between Turkey and Bulgaria should
run from on the Sea by
way of above to th I
Gulf of an Inlet of the Aegean
In this way Bulgaria would be ex-
from the Sea of in
accordance with the desire of the
Bulgaria, however, and the other
Balkan allies Insist on the payment
mi Indemnity by Turkey. They are
willing to suspend hostilities at once,
if Turkey surrenders the fortress of
and her
Turkish Ordered Hack To
The military governor of the Turkish
capital published a notice today warn-
all Turkish officers absent from
any army on leave or for other
sons to return to their posts.
The bombardment of is
to have been stopped on or-
from tho government.
acted on the advice of the
French and Russian ministers who
the premier that the
powers had to unalterable
that must belong LO.
the state of Albania.
Civilians Can Leave
Montenegro, March ts,
-Tin- Montenegrin government In re-
to the note,
agreed today to permit the civilian
population of leave the city
This was the most radical of Austria's
At the panic time Montenegro In-
forms Austria that Montenegrin
government has a note t
powers protesting against
which it calls a breach
of neutrality
RICHMOND, Va., March
Governor Mann's emphatic
statement that his action is final, at-
for the condemned Aliens,
who have Just returned from Wash- f Cl IllS
are today preparing to make a
appeal to the governor, pleading
that certain legal phases of the case
be considered.
Four Justice of the supreme
the Justice
While and Justices Hughes.
and their pleas and
that no question
It Is said today that Senator Swan,
son after whom Claude Allen is
ed, has approached Governor Mann
personally asking for clemency for
the younger Allen.
Greatly Stirred
Propose a Conference, and Eighteen
Have Promised to Attend. Vic-
tor Their Choice For
movement to bring all Progressives
i in the House into a compact third par-
organization stirred up
the Aliens, father and son, will die Progressive-Republican and In-
electric chair Friday morning, j dependent circles of the House to an
there is no longer doubt Their unexpected degree. Up to tonight,
to last decree and eighteen members of House had
lighting to the last ditch, have reach-1 notified Representative William II.
ed the end of their rope, no of Illinois, the active lead-
man agency will prevent the in the organization plan, that they
lion of the law. which demands the would attend the proposed conference
of Floyd and Claude Allen for St which Victor
participation in the shooting up dock is to be made the Progressive
of the court at last March, i Choice for speaker.
The final legal effort, which was
reeled toward saving the life of
Claude by an appeal to the United
Stales supremo on the plea that
the man's life had been twice j
thus depriving him of the
rights guaranteed him under the con-l
was abandoned yesterday
after Messrs.
Tho altitude of many of those
Progressive-Republicans, denominated
by Colonel
v It. has not yet been determined. A
partial canvass of many of these who
been prominent in the ranks of
the insurgent Republican forces for
the last two congresses but who are
had been successively turned
Associate Justice Hughes.
Announcing their determination ti
carry their petition to each of the
other seven Justices In the effort to
secure a writ of error and a stay
execution for the younger Allen,
officially members of the new Pro-
party, showed today that the
majority of them had not decided
whether they would take part in th-
Progressive conference.
While the Progressives, as
by Mr. bale
attorneys remained in Washington ail plied direct for recognition as a .-. p-
day yesterday, but after a party in the distribution of
decided that further effort was us.-- committee places, the Progressive-
b and it.
So far as the executive channel is
concerned, Governor Mann sealed the
doom of the condemned men several is the leader. Some
weeks ago and has had no hesitation
in stating since his official
was Issued that it was absolutely
Io Officers
Realizing almost Impossibility
of his escaping the clutches of th-
officers Mr who en
night shot Mr. Will D. Smith,
near Ayden, quietly walked Into tho
office of the sheriff Tuesday afternoon
surrendered to Sheriff
Ernest Dudley who escorted him to
the Jail where he Is now confined to
outcome the wound in-
by a bullet from a revolver In
his hands, and tho day for hie trial.
Chicago, March
enormous damage caused by tor-
in Nebraska. Iowa and
I Indiana brought out Hie State-
from Insurance companies
that losses thus far this year
on Insurance breaks
nil records, while fire losses
are smaller than usual.
Tornadoes do not usually
come so. early in tho year. In-
agents say that the
storms In south last week
were unusually destructive
and that Nebraska storm
will pile up the losses. Figures
on the policies affected by tho
Omaha storm are not yet
but It Is said that many
buildings destroyed were pro-
by tornado Insurance.
One eastern company collect-
ed In premiums on
such policies In Nebraska alone
Dr. Hyatt Coming-
H. O. Hyatt will be at Hotel
Republicans are still dependent upon
tho regular Republican organization
of which Mann of
was added to the Progressive
plans today by the rumor that
the Republican leaders were Inclined
to withdraw some of the com-
places from the
Republican members.
The date for conference
of Progressives,
set for April was changed to-
day Io April Representative
will go to New York within a
ft w days for a conference with Col-
Roosevelt- The latter is expect-
ed to semi a personal message to the
Progressive gathering. A portion of
Ms recent letter to Representative
made public today, fol-
Hear Judge
for you; I am more than
pleased with what you have done. It
would be an thing to run
Victor as our for
the and I that, a
you have suggested to him, ho will
announce himself as willing to accept
tho nomination of tho Progressives
for this position.
I think II would be a good
thing for the Progressive party that
our men should act together and
should consult one another freely an-I
In addition that they should keep in
closest touch with
so as to net substantially on tho
same lines, the Idea that they
may ultimately Join With us We
Bertha Monday, April 7th, to go ahead with our organization
diseases of the eye and fit glasses. Its a separate, distinct national party
Don't you think this Is

WAR is
m m m i i
Penn Mutual Policies Best
comparison of premium and values of
i. Payment Life at the end of the third
at age of the leading life insurance doing
business in North a, showing Hie
Turkey Entrusts Her In- Crowd Rushes forward lo Shake
to Powers
is Hand
Message Pr.
Sara lurk Mi Bus
So Hi
hilled Tow Him la
A Dime Hi- It Old
CITY, March
was the verdict returned this
no hopes of obtaining more
has entrusted her interest to the
Pens Mutual
of the last week appear to make the . Dy grand Jury in the
conclusion of Balkan war a Harden Stokeley. who killed
t-r of only a few days. Turkey, J. Ponton a prominent young
n. business of for re-
fusing right a wrong done his
rears old sister,
good offices of the powers and the Word was
allies have accepted the offer to the Jury
meditation. Representatives of the an agreement and was
powers today handed the Bulgarian ready report An immense crowd
;. i scheme embodying has- around the court build-
is- for meditation. Their plan in- j the day. when the
eludes two provisions which the .,,,. to the jury and when
allies likely will object. demand that a verdict had
for Indemnity i.- vetoed and the pow- ,,, every inch of space In
era that 1- must court room was parked in a
.- i I proposals are ac- . D eager spectators.
cc . a dramatic one. Ra-
. however, aged father of the
lilies will is I . i. who hail remained about the
the terms no offered. The war has , an waiting for the
. to a deadlock. Fight- . u.,, i lake boy
; n Urn e ha to i Id home In
Indecisive. which the Amid intense silence the usual for-
proposed to reduce to sub- were gone through with and
mission in a few days, seems to be ,.,., ,;,,, words
holding Mi as strongly as ever . D by foreman of the Jury.
,. and a wireless , , anal curtain in a
m from there t lay declares . The crowd constrained
the Turkish command I no longer. The aged father of
thought surrendering. ; tab I ward and In a
Terms Agreed Powers a- , clasped to his
Basis for -i n the spectators, the ma-
I J In sympathy with
of the lied on On j ard also, The
i . a and ; and of the youth, whose
. . i been
e a number
of . i them.
era take note Tl I I
by l . ml was received with
i and point out to I was a popular,
i t and In fact,
begun I the counties, was favor-
young v.
to I of fail young girl was
Charges, interest daring grace period.
Pays no dividends until the expiration of the second year.
PENN premiums on its Nineteen-
Life Policies are than the premiums charged
by New York Companies on the Twenty Payment Plan.
For further information apply to
Evans St., Greenville, N. C.
Ion I he as
In En
I to I
. i , ,
no verdict was
more popular, j
in i l mid gel it of
The Bank of Greenville,
Greenville, N. C.
f you would like to place your deposits where
these three essentials exist, come to this bank.
Twenty years of success by conservative manage-
Save you
Money on
Don't buy the new suite or
piece of Furniture need
until have seen our the prices. The
following we select at CEDAR CHEST, CLOTHES-
Elegance in House Fur-
Without Ex-
Our Furniture the Test of It u built of Best
material. True In wood and workmanship. Good enough to
handed down to your in as heirlooms. If your home la not
as cozy and comfortable you like It, why not come and
complete Us furnishings hare
You will find the thing to give your dwelling a touch of
luxury, without excessive
Greenville, N. C.
R. L. Davis, President . S. T. Hooker, Vice-Pres.,
James L. Little, Cashier.
n i f t n
Sale cf Traction Company
I lion of
shall be fixed
Tl of l
i n all
i but
. in the In Pal
DURHAM, Mar b definite
n R. H, Wright that
the Durham in Company ha I
. in sold to Henry I. Doherty, or
Xi w has hi ii the talk of the
opinion la the
railway of Durham, the
i bl in
financial the districts be
i r to them.
Turk, i 1- to asked i lake part
In tin . of this
The i at the
Ice plant and the general electric
lighting i by this concern will
Called From Church And
of steps
level ; He of city that
i been n i
Mr. Wright has stated that he has
no plans for the future, hut
will probably spend his time looking
after bis real estate and machinery
business. Ha thought probably he
would go to New York for the greater
part of the time, but will consider
Durham his home, since he has
great many interests in local con-
and in Durham real estate.
For the past two months there have
March out
Of church by an usher while attend-
divine services at
this morning. Henry walked been all kinds of rumors about the
Into a fusillade of bullets, fired by ,,,, Durham Traction
Hardy Three of and the greater number of
the bullets took effect, the thought that the would
dying almost Instantly in front of the the Southern Power Company,
church. Nothing could be learned till late yes-
Witnesses state that no words pass- afternoon, when Mr. Wright
between the two men prior to the made the signed statement announcing
shooting. They assert that Hardy the sale for publication. The for-
began firing as soon as his president would give no idea of
cousin appeared in the doorway of purchase price, but the general
the church. It is reported that the Inference around Durham Is that It
killing is the aftermath of a violent must hate been In the neighborhood
quarrel between the two men several a quarter of a million dollars,
weeks ago. The slayer was arrested
about two hours after the killing and
lodged In the county Jail. He refuses
t make any statement
St. lo Honor
ST. LOUIS. Mo., March
Louis business men have completed
arrangements for a big banquet to-
six night to welcome Charles
I have opened in The Advance Office in Ayden, a
am prepared do nil kinds of Tailoring, Cleaning and Press-
of top suits for Gentlemen and Ladies.
I make a of cleaning hats and gloves.
All work
N. C.
For Slate or Tin, Tin Repair
Work and Flues to Season, See
J JENKINS Greenville, NO
Professional Cards.
. C. Harding Chas. C.
Practicing in all the
Wooten on
street, fronting Court Home
t. M.
second floor in Wooten
on Third St. opposite house
at Law
from street
Greenville, Carolina
S. W.
Attorney at Law
I Bee formerly ed by
Attorney at Law
n on Court
Attorney at Law
In front room of the
Just north of Court House
North Carolina
Life. Fire, and Accident
Office on Fourth street, rear Frank
Attorney at Law
For tho time
months the voters of Michigan are former secretary of commerce Office In Building, Third
to be given an opportunity on April and labor, who has returned to this
to pass on a proposed women city to resume his law practice. The
Practices wherever service
I banquet will be a affair.
North Carolina
Attorney at Law
Took Wrong Train
There is a good Joke on a young
man who rooms near the Norfolk
Southern depot. He went to bed
Saturday night with plans all
laid to take tho Sunday morn-
train for Raleigh to spend
He was dreaming about his trip
a train coming in the station
awoke him. He Jumped out of bed,
began hustling into his clothes to
catch the train. He slipped on his
pants and coat, put his socks in his
took a shirt and In
his hand and reaching the
train Just before It pulled out. He
dodged Into the baggage car to finish
toilet and coming out In the
coach when a of
about three miles had been covered,
to discover that he had taken the one
o'clock train bound to Norfolk. It
looked rather far to get off and walk
back, so he kept on to Washington
where the trains meet and there took
the train back to Raleigh. This
gave him start enough to reach
and has made tens of
millions of dollars.
The great opportunity knocks
but once at every man's
door. Are you ready
to seize your
if it came today. Have
you Start
saving, be
The National Bank of Greenville
Only Hank In Under
F. G. JAMES, Put, F. J. Cashier.
Time Of Arrival And Departure
Northbound Southbound
8.18 a. m. 1.18 p. m.
Ml p. at p.
1.15 a. m. 1.10 a. m.
1.11 a. m. 7.16 a. m.
a. m.- 4.17 p. m.
Alleged Fratricide on Trial
NEWARK, N. J March
ed of slaying his brother. Joseph Fer-
was arraigned In court today to
stand trial on a charge of first de-
murder. Tho two bothers
said to have engage din a quarrel in
the vicinity of their home Juno
Met, which resulted in an exchange
of blows. In self
ed brother la to have pulled a
revolver from his pocket and Bred
the fatal
At the regular meeting of the board
t county to be held
he first Monday in April a
will be presented for the
of the public road lead-
from Bruce to Bluff. All
persons Interested and wishing to he
card should be at that time.
Clerk Co. Coma
larch 1913. d-w last
On account of Increased practice
Dr. will stay In Greenville all
day Mondays and Fridays but his of-
hours will be from a. m. to
p. m. tho will be do-
voted to work done outside tho of-
or by appointment. Patients
treatment in the afternoons
at their or at tho
should In office hours. Phone
connection. t
Winterville Items.
March W.
L. line I hi are in
any ea rt you up
M. r wen lo On
For to mention It is
Bl Pitt Co. Oil CO ,
close th books at once all
to this company are or
gently requested to make
Tho spring and summer dress
goods are arriving Harrington.
r and store now, and
it will pay you to come and see
before you make your purchase.
Mrs. J. L. Rollins made a flying
trip to Greenville Thursday.
We have a complete line of dry
goods and notions Just in. A. W.
and Co.
Messrs, Ernest Cos and S. S. Smith
went to Greenville Thursday.
We the public to come and
Inspect our line of spring goods an
be astonished the low prices. Cox
and House,
Mrs. Frank of Washing-
ton, N. C, spent several flays with Mr-,
M. T. Spier last week.
If you want shad. and
barbecue, don't to sec it. w.
and especially on Saturdays.
Mrs. G. A. and Miss Esther
Stone went to Ayden Thursday.
For all kinds of groceries and shoes
and notions, go and sec W. L. House;
he can save you money.
Messrs. Reba Everett
spent Saturday and Sunday at home.
Seed potatoes and onion sets at A.
W. Ange and Co.
You will save money if you will
buy your groceries and shoes from
Cox House.
Miss Cox of Is spend-
some time at her home here.
Colo cotton planter, fertilizer
distributors, peg harrows
cultivators at Harrington, and
Misses Clara and
went to
For those who came first the
County oil Co. b ;. I r tons i
prime cotton seed meal at
Mrs. Mabel i I HI
Cos v., to I I
If ; f for
R, W. he is still
ill i I
i ; .
Bl Conditions
Guadalajara, March ISIS,
or Rich
The i
i North l
I came here .-, to look which I
r my Interest In and
found the general conditions very, W, G I N C
good; better than I have i crop I I
seen before. n
In the city has . affected Ibis v. k. n. C, re-
of Hie country at all. The his
immediately the
president a, soon as of N. M. u. ,, ad. K. C, sold
change. is one or the tobacco from acres for He
cities in the re- ,,,, . ,.,.,.
Geo. It. i. Tr. N. C
glows tobacco for i acre I I
sells for per a
Ed Bass, Wilson. N, sold acres
public and I find the very best Hi
Icon people here, even the lower
class are more intelligent than other
parts of the country, I have taken
good rest here after my excitement
in the capital city and am fine
condition for business again. Washington, V
Now, by view point of the present BOld tobacco seres
of the country, what
should be and what are
to be, Is, there Is only one solution
and this will come sooner or later. h sold for
The country is too much divided to a
ever gel together on a solution
P. A. Hodges, N C. n
per acre for tobacco
cost Inn per acre to grow.
V. II. Wilson, N. C, sold
inns tobacco for
Richard King N. made
i profit or over from 1-2
acres of tobacco.
S. W, Smith, Wilson, X. C.
ed per for acres of
a total return of
S. F. Freeman, Washington. N. C, j
received nearly from acres
of tobacco.
W. X. Webb, Wilson, N. C
his crop of acres of tobacco
c x. c sold ii
acres or tobacco for per
grown a cost of per acre.
the trouble unless the power in charge
exterminates the opposing parties,
rebels, classes, or whatever you might
call them. country can only he
controlled by a ruler such as old
and take the bead of
every man who opposes the govern-
Who would be an honest lead-
what party should be In power,
who are the rebels, bandits, etc.
is the question of today in
All people, foreigners, and
I believe Mexicans of tho best class
who really feel interested la the
welfare of Mexico are waiting
lo see what Wilson will say
about tho
I was somewhat optimist as to the
results of the new administration,
but they arc not killing them up fast
enough for me, and I am afraid an-
for all forms of
Sciatica, Gout,
Catarrh cad
and pi in, re-
He r r . in, it.
of if ,.,
a roar
. .
HEW, i
WORM, Etc., healed t tho
Per Dr.
Southern railroad. Thousands of
acres of rich idle tobacco land,
Nearly pounds of lo the farms referred to above.
other big flame going to up still the coming planters and
my mind it is bet-
C crop of 1912, . vi raging about
to kill them, then say. if we had
mi they would have started
revolution than lo them alone ,;
for distribution among the conditions In
a part i I served
end afterwards it be said as It v. I I l and I
old Q when hi . ., ,, .,
I I , , , .
. i
him. b, , eve.
DI again If M hod pounds, at ago
I first
the et and dill not kill
to buy Stalk Cutters,
Disc Harrows, Drag
Harrows, Smoothing
Harrows, Pulverizing
Corn Plant-
Wire Fencing, Gal-
Prices always the
lowest. Come to see
us for any goods you
need. We carry a
complete stock.
We appreciate your
I i r am
J. K.
I Felix . and n total
lured in
. i ,
en i ,
i i
i . . your patron-
They also I all kinda of to control the pi ;
The Winterville High School base-
ball team will play Ural came on
the home grounds next a
tie noon when Hoy cross bats with
the strong Kinston team. We home
boys are ill good condition and
to put up a great game against
their fast opponents. will
do the twirling slant for Winterville
and Tucker will probably do the re-
Either or
will pitch and Tyndall
will catch. A fast game is expect-
ed. Everybody come. Game called
p. m. Admission and cents.
The of the season for
tills vicinity was played here
day between tho teams of Greenville
High School and High
School, resulting in a score of to
in favor of the Winterville boys.
Doth teams played well and there
were no special features except the
heavy hitting or the Winterville boys.
Tabulated score la
ft, II. E.
W. II. S.
O H. S.
Greenville, Flem-
and Tuck-
New in Public Library
The Heart of the Hills by John
The Judgment House by Gilbert
The Amateur Gentleman by Jefferey
The Parasite, by Helen Martin.
Little sister by Elisabeth Rob-
The Happy Warrior by
Three of the town, Tho End
of the Century, The Round Table and
The San recently
presented to library Lord's
Light of History, S very valuable set
Of reference books.
The library Is open until further no-
from to
th people will
ling in be kindly i
to my friends, I am,
Sincerely j
II. B. T.
era of local tobacco licit. digestion, and gel rid of all the
above from your system. They will
i rim lion, there Is m get you well again. at
growing tobacco along the Norfolk l druggists,
. .
Hearing on storage
NEW A, March
The Railroad Commission of
bi tan o hearing lo this city
in the case of the t chamber
of commerce and others the
railroads doing business in Louisiana
The purpose of the the
roads Is to bring about establish-
of a uniform mileage rate to
nil points In state.
The Original Fuller Johnson
Is the only practical machine for trans-
planting TOBACCO, Cabbage, Sweet Po-
Tomatoes, Strawberries, Nursery
Stock, etc., better than by hand. They start
sooner and mature more evenly.
Great saving in time and labor, great increase in yield per acre. Set your
plants when wait for rain. Each plant watered at the roots,
covered with dry earth no baking. Ever for every
purpose, every adjustment desired. Perfect working qualities. Easily
handled. Very light draft.
to of far.
consolidated tobacco
Notice la hereby given to all per-
sons professing to hold claims of any
kind against tho Farmers
ed Tobacco Co., to present the
to II. Sugg, Auditor of the
Greenville, X. C, examination
payment before the day of
April, J. This action is ;
necessary by the fact that steps are
being taken to close up the affairs
the and have the
n i. President,
W. Dal, Jr. Secretary.
Che only Merchant Tailor
in Greenville.
Has moved rear of
Royal store, where
those his services will
ready to wall on them.
of very newest samples for
and suits made to order promptly
from up.
clothing cleaned, pressed, and
your work and get
he beat. Phone and work will
e for when desired.
The of
Stomach trouble, lazy liver and de-
kidneys are the cause of
Get your stomach, liver, kid-
and bowels in healthy condition
by Bitters and you
ill not he troubled with lite pains
if rheumatism, lei B, Allen, a
. i
In from
rheumatism, liver
I i.
. II until l n ,
rs, but four i. I. won-
. cured me
Maybe your pains come
and kidney
Electric Bitters will giro you
relief, I and Rec-
by all druggists.
The Mutual Life Insurance
J. C. Lanier

The Japanese empire baa taken of-
at certain bills pending before People as a rule are so easily fool-
FARM EASTERN California legislature that are ed that a man with almost any kind
considered hostile to the Japanese in of a fake can come around and induce
Published by
There is one
AYDEN, 22.-146 creeks,
fact that cannot swamps and wells have all
overflowed recently. If Mr. House la
pass will withdraw her support from to him.
that stale, and declares if the bills them to hand over their good money too strongly emphasized, and that Is,
I ever going to drain Swift Creek now
One of the slickest on the that while you want to make IS, high
the Panama exposition, refuse to road recently visited Concord, and neighborhood a reading neighborhood, water mark.
lac and prohibit print below what the Tribune it must be tie right sort of Nancy Haw slips, Maine grown seed
D. Editor.
Six mouths.
Adverting rates may b bad upon
at the
The corner Evans
and Third streets
subjects from having any con- says about him, so that if he should A semi-weekly or edition potatoes and day oats. J. R. Smith
with the fair. strike any where in this section of some city daily, its news columns B-
pi. may know In advance that he a, stories of suicides and
a murders and scandals and railroad
hay. J. R. Smith and
The announcement comes again a I murders and scandals and railroad m left Friday taking
n that ex-Governor Glenn and man who registered at the St and criminal trials, and its Mr w T the
Justice will both be candidates for Hotel yesterday morning as C. advertising columns filled with shame at Mr. Hart's
Senator place two years of Baltimore, a of patent health has been impaired for some
distillers and
tie stand on the street and offered for,
H M. T. left Wednesday
word candidates if they so desire. beautiful a paper want R q
tales will L at three
per line, up to lines
as second class matter
August 1910. at the post office at
Greenville. North Carolina,
ad March 1879.
but we believe It will be a waste in water. Ills sample was a beau-, help you at all. Nor will a cheap for an operation.
time and effort. The people of North
Carolina will hardly be willing to
see as useful a man as Senator
put out of office.
No farmer who has never owned
or used a manure spreader can
any adequate Idea of its real value or
what a luxury, so to speak, it is to
own and operate one of these ma-
chines. With a spreader it Is so easy
to haul out the manure and
the same very evenly all over the
field, and to do so v hen it ought to b
done, as as it is made and a load
accumulate and there Is a field ready
lo receive it. I think more about the
value of farmyard manure, and it
Greenville needs more men like Mr,
J. H. Randolph, who came back to
this last year after an extend-
ed sojourn In South America where
he made a snug fortune. He is malt-
investments that count in the Up-
building of his old home town. A
found a lot of shot with which ha
filled the so as to hold it
steadily on the bottom of the jar.
en geranium cuttings of Wandering
were also there. These were
men like him would give us by
He had It In a glass jar, and it monthly, with sensational stories and The Society at the
looked as as could telling articles and will debate Tuesday Re-
He did a land office business until advertisements in solved. The North was In
about noon today, when it was freeing slaves.
dentally discovered that his bulbs j. w. Webb has resigned as
were pure fakes. He occupied a chief of police and Mr. J. Moore is
yesterday at the St. Cloud Hotel the best local paper, the best farm ow billet and wearing
In this was found this morning the papers, the best magazines, even if the
that the flowers were I the best magazines, even if Dynamite, and per cent
up purpose of sale There do clean, whole- and caps. Guns, pistols and cart-
ably edited papers
that stand for progress, for improve-
and for high ideals.
This Is no but Prosaic
HANRAHAN, March After ma-
thought and earnest
I am truly sorry to say that I
am forced to the conclusion that there
are those who like to sling ink and
put their in great big
as as was the
Artificial Mayflower that adorned the
hat which took the premium at a tack
party given at the Hanrahan school
building some time since, and were
the real brain manifested In
this prided articles put In the hull
of a mustard seed, that gray matter
would have more space than would
a bull frog have In the gulf of Mot
I have watched carefully the
articles In your paper for some time,
and have utterly failed to see one
that singled which dealt in person-
at all, save one that in wind-
up did mention the name
of Clark and that In a praiseworthy
hut the one who loves so dear-
to display his name at the end of
his cherished articles Jumps at the
conclusion that some fellow Is hit.
So ho begins to howl, and deplores
fact that that was pub-
saying It would n ten-
a city in a short while.
stuck on the bulb and to the flower.
of Police was notified
Mrs. Julia Gold, wife of Elder P. fake and promptly advised the
D. Gold, of Wilson, died Saturday at
gentleman to move on, which he pro-
to do just as promptly,
an advanced age. They recently however, until he was forced to dis-
their golden wedding. Many, ,.,.,.,, money paid him by several
friend throughout the state are persons who were fortunate enough
rowed at her death.
he around before he could get away.
He sold hundreds of the fake bulbs
and today.
The Durham Sun certainly has
me to conserve and to of kindness In its make-up s safe to say that unless
date more of it than did before a j this little article catches up with him
, I. In n he will find just as many in
got a Furthermore, ma- gel me a pun,. u t ,,,,,
in memory of her who had
been dead more than a year.
can be made to go twice as far.
and will do twice as much good
that spread by hand with a k
Jordan IV Wells, in The Progressive Reflector's friends, the
Farmer enterprising advertisers, are pushing
it on toward the coveted goal of a
TWO-HORSE MIST regular S-page paper. We hope they
The vital need of most Southern ---------0
farmers is more and better A little bird tells us that some
cry and what Impresses one most In folks are laying plans that will give
looking over the of the south, is The Reflector an opportunity to tell
the almost total lack of of another big enterprise for Green-
farm machinery. The or villa many more new moons
pound mule and Boy Dixie plow does come.
; never can. mean good farm-
Tho heavy mule and disk or Or. It. B. Pitt, of Old Sparta, died
gang plow should replace them a Tuesday. He was prominent both in
fast as profession and In politics, and
The two-row. or check-row com several times represented
planter and pivot-wheel riding county in the legislature.
should replace the hand
and one-row planters. And Saturday night a burglar broke Into
on the level lands of the south, the the office of the Raleigh Times, but
six or seven foot cut mower will be got Ho must have been aw-
towns as he found in
The place to keep your eye on is
the one that Is progressing as Green-
ville is doing.
Talking about the Black Hand, you
can find almost any small boy with
Maybe the question mark on the
new hats means guess the price.
New York can also develop a scan-
in hair.
The of
One of the most pliable situations
imaginable is where a boy grows lo
be IS to years old and finds it
e; to work to make a living
without ever having been required be-
fore to do any work or
barn any particular trade or acquire
any oilier habit than tho habit of
Idleness. There is in mind a case
u ht a man was a most successful
People not in close touch with the
a better investment than the four or ml green to think of finding money cotton mill superintendent. Ho were life at Virginia Beach will find
ridges. Car wire fence at J. R. Smith to help Instead of weaken the
and one claims was hit. Well,
The Ayden Lumber Co., are who are sadly in need of
lug repairs lo both mill and track. helping to a higher plain of life and
In fact. In this plan to make your long we will hear the there is anything In life that
neighborhood a reading neighbor- whistle, which will add new life to j any Other II
hood, very first idea to get rid of, Ayden. as they usually work feel that I have been
n I mental in helping some fellow to a
is that you must have cheap reading a t .
The Hookerton Union meets at the higher lire.
Christian church here next Saturday. I NOW, in conclusion let me say lo
We never ran make the what lo have n town full of who Is so glib In trying
It ought lo be, you never can make tors, delegates and ministers. w Written,
neighborhood what it ought Ladies trimmed hats, white better get some second grade
h. eel rid of the
be. until the farmers I rid of the Is. And until then If he
Idea their minds are not worth
feeding. A man has got to believe In We will all be insured bye and bye.
himself more than that, must have if the agents continue to work,
more respect for his brain and his March Christian
Church will have their union
Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
body It; to come,
mind and his children's minds de- Mr ,, guest
servo tho best Intellectual food he of Miss Bessie Sunday.
can find- and plenty of It. He would Smile May Cannon and May
not let his children go with two meals Smith returned lo Wilson Monday
a clay when they need three. Why.
. , , Mrs. J. A, went lo Green-
should he compel them to get .
along with only an occasional MUs to the
or semi-monthly feast of C. T. T. S. Monday evening after
food Instead of seeing to it that spending a few days here.
the best papers to be had come to Fred Cannon
ville Monday,
his home every week Mr , A Md weft,
No hard and fast rule can be laid Greenville Monday
down, but a reasonable minimum can Misses Clara Paul and Brown
be fixed and we would say that Saturday evening.
man is doing right by himself or his Bo
. Mrs. Clara has return
family it spends less than a .
year for papers, magazines and books s h. went to
for each horse he for dine to preach Sunday.
papers and for books for the one- Several of
mind, before he can amount to any-
thing. He must believe his own
farmer; for papers and
for books for the two-horse farmer,
Five dollars a year per horse for pa-
a year per horse for books
provided the right sort of papers
were In our town Sunday.
fire foot Also the wide two-horse around a print shop.
rake will do much faster work than
the narrower S. No need of any one In the ores-
paid lo a year salary.
lie had a line lot of children and the
girls grew up to be industrious and
reliable. Ills boys were not required
in The Progressive Farm- age being worried over de- work, at and
of Ella Wheeler Wilcox. years old they found themselves
that meat eating will be a thing of income other boys of their
age had and not accustomed to work
for wages or a salary either. The
modem theory of prohibiting child la-
or other labor which encourages
done or no work during the row.
winter should be prepared for the
s- c ire Strain or the had spring
The Greenville High ball a child to grow up in idleness, is one
work. We do not expect a race- team losing the three first games
horse or an athlete to do good work the season, is no reason tho boys
without training and the work horse are not going to turn the table first
ill no different In this respect. Begin thing you know.
ti feed a little more gradually
Increase the feed and work so ts Raleigh Is right down in earnest
to have the animals In better lo get the commission form of gov-
the very hard work comes It is something every
in the spring. Many an animal is municipality of consequence ought f
made less for tho whole sea- have.
son with muscles soft, a long o
coat of hair and unaccustomed to a Quite a contrast with the spring
full ration he Is put to the hardest weather down this way. are the heavy
worst to the modern race. This
superintendent's son when hunting
job, being asked what he could do,
said in particular, but will
Every boy ought to to
learn trade at U or years of
age. It should lie the business of the
State that proper restrictions were
put about all young apprentices, but
to forbid them working, lo learn how
sun of work the first warm clays of sleets of tho last few days out in t make a living in subsequent lief, is
spring, which are always the most the west Ian everlasting injury to them and to
trying tor man or Pro- children. No successful pa-
Farmer. Around this way the new use tar
try to do There is the rub j As Ur he distinguished
when they come really lace to face under i water
With lite and the father Is dead l
gone. the injury that was done is a
them in idleness is
parts of the world and has had
a surprise awaiting them when the
visit tho popular resort again this
During the quiet winter months a
vast change has come about at tho
pleasure Center and the visitor will
scarce believe his own eyes when the
enlarged and improved Virginia Beach
greets the guest pleas-
Since the close of last season with
Its record for popularity and attend-
more than a quarter of a mil
lion dollars has been spent In new-
building construction at Beach.
years of
handsome dwellings and bungalows,
lave been completed, or are
the south and go far to
dispel the ignorance that the
our schools has cursed
with. No man who is not poor
enough to starve bis body is
enough to starve his
Admiral Sir Charles Campbell
Vice Admiral Sir Charles Campbell,
one the distinguished veterans of
the British navy,, was born at St
Andrews, Scotland, March
must spread his name the con-
of some gob, lei him tell about
corn his raised on one
Honor Hull
The honor roll for the public school
King's Cross Bonds for
month is as
First Maggie Manning,
Berths Little, Smith.
Lillian Smith, Joseph Turbos, Roy
Stunning, Joseph
Second Addle Manning, Mar-
Little, Julius Smith, Preston Mo-
Third Bryan Park-
Ethel Norman, Little, Pearl
Norman, Mary Jane Forbes, Nannie
Edwards, Floyd
Fourth Robert Lee Corbett,
Sam Eastwood.
Fifth Susie Mamie
Until Smith, Anna Forbes, May Hello
Tyson, Roland Parker.
Sixth Christine Smith,
Seventy Smith, Leon
J. Clifton Corbett.
The following pupils deserve es-
mention for having done
good work during the
Smith, Ethel Norman, Julius
Suit ill. Estelle Mary Jane For-
bes, Edwards, Smith,
May Belle Tyson, Roland Forbes,
Forbes and J.
per- In his long career Ad-
j n Campbell has seen service in
It is generally conceded those
having best public roads
are tho most prosperous. In spite
the hindrance caused by poor roads,
Pitt is remarkably
keeps but
think how much rapid this pro-
could be. Only a few days ago
an auction sale of farm lauds show-
ed prices ruling from to per
acre and it was for laud not rated
us extra good. True this aver-
age laud and mil far from town, but
county had good loads, s
many interesting experiences. He
made the trip around the world
tho when that ship was
commanded by the Duke Edinburgh,
second sou of Queen Victoria. He
was present at the taking of
and the of Crete and was
course of erection.
In addition to
for recent building improvements
the Beach, the casual visitor
not lose sight of the fact that only
year ago the Norfolk Southern over would be equally
mad spent over fifty thousand good, if not better, than this
in building mammoth new Pitt has much laud as pro-
it was connected with markets
Cation and of which I
opened up a choice building and
possibility northward and by good roads, many
will be just as acceptable as any
e-r large Income to make it possible for
transport officer during Lord lo ,.,,. Investors and settlers would
campaign against ,. ,. . . .
, , ,,., . this way.
the course of an expedition
to force his children to accustom
is the name of an ex- kind.
bright little paper published o---------
by Greenville High School and print- Tho Evening Times now prints
by The The first Raleigh in capital letters. That fits
just out is as spicy as can be. all round, for it Is capital, you know.
Tho matter and contributions is by
members of the class. It is the If Greenville had more working and supporting
pose to bring out the paper monthly along with the other good things, her young men. because tho young
young man from to to get a he
The location of the state rifle
at Beach and the expenditure of
On next Tuesday Raleigh Is to vote
along without himself working. dollars for Its
of income every man ought; that and for nU Improvement by the state still further Ku establishing a com-
and In the case referred to tho girls
role action was decorated With the , f permanent mission form of government that
state Is looking
with interest to the
themselves to at least enough work Distinguished Service Order. construction in tho city and the whole
to lake care of themselves and served as aide-de-camp to
families. girls usually do better Victoria and to King Edward. Summarizing the various expend- , ,
the outcome of the
The sentiment of
during school term.
growth would be more rapid.
n cannot get anything to do. It is
a most pliable situation and must be
extremely humiliating to the young
From the Charlotte Observer tells A big New York swindler who was w, BaT, accustomed to live
of a county farmer who had captured In New Orleans, Is said to on the tile ti tide of some of their
father's salary to ultimately sag down
and be supported by sisters.
Charlotte Chronicle.
so much cotton lying around his be suffering with a
farm, that five bales of it were stolen Nothing strange about that.
and ho did not even know of it e
later when he went lo The waiters turn up their noses at
mini u. W, i. some folks are the new as readily as at the, For Weakness and Lets of Appetite
rich they do not miss it if old kind. They regard anything
lose a little. I than a quarter as cheap. I i
The smallest electric dynamo in the
world was recently exhibited before
an association of Paris electrical
engineers. Tho model was perfect
lit every detail and in working order.
It Is so small, that Its base will bare-
cover the of an American
penny. Exchange.
g the various
by the different Interests at
Beach, all planned and spent government for municipalities is
In a little over a year, and we have
the startling figure over four
thousand dollars, nearly half c
million, used in evidence of faith and
that Norfolk's favored resort Is
forging to the front at a pace gratify-
to the most optimistic.
The Greenville Hanking and Trust
of Deeds W. M. Moore
growing generally throughout the
country. The cities are Hist adopt-
it, and the time Is approaching
when every town of will
look to this as the best form of gov-
Piles Cured la to Days
Your will refund money if
fails any case of lulling.
Blind. Protruding Pile It day.
Company has received from the gov- has received the gratifying news that sail Rut, SOc
a shipment of the new But- he Is a a on having been
They tho first lo born to Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
For and children. He. come here and are quite a of
forget the ball game
row between Greenville and
Conducts Another
Big Land Sale
The streets of our town yesterday
reminded one of circus
the occasion being tho sale of
Just across the river
by tho Atlantic Coast U. ally Com-
a while the hour
set for the auction of this land out
of town people from around
thronged tho streets and listened
tho band of the Com-
as paraded several streets
of tho town, previous to their de-
to the farm.
sale began at o'clock
with nearly a thousand people on the
grounds and with the Burton Broth-
as the company
long disposing of the tracts sell-
all but six. The highest pries
paid per acre was
Shortly after noon n lino barbecue
dinner was served and those In
tho Croat to the
fullest extent.
It Is Indeed a lo attend
the sales conducted by
genteel business
methods of Rolling real
Mr. II. S. who
id advertising campaign for
sale, showed his efficiency
In drawing n crowd.
From Pistol
Reports as lo the condition of Mr.
Will Smith, who on Sunday
was shot by Mr. Chas.
a son of Mr. Ben about
three miles west of Ayden, Is very
gratifying, gad it is now thought the
inflicted by tho pistol ball Is
quite as serious as was first
thought by the attending physician.
The whereabouts of re-
mains a mystery to Sheriff Dudley
and his corpse of The search
for tho would-be murderer continue
and officers have hopes of soon round-
him up.
Wilson News
Winterville Items.
March 26- W. L.
House can fit you up in anything in
the hardware line at any time. It will
pay you to him once.
Mrs. B. C. Cox went to
Lime, cement and it
A W. Ange and Co.
Miss Jenkins of
spent Sunday night with Miss
Lee Spier.
Harrington, Barber and Com-
for your low quarter shoes.
have them for both ladles and
Tho new merchant next door to II.
O. Chapman, a good place to go for
fountain drinks, cigars and tobacco.
Call and sea us. Cox and House.
Miss is t of Ayden spent
Saturday evening
who first Pitt
County Oil Co., has a few ions of
prims cotton meal at attractive
Just received a fresh lot of flour;
It goes cheap for cash. It, W. Dall.
H. W. Dall went to Washington
Mrs. S. S. Wilson of near Ayden
spent Sunday with Mrs. J. H. John-
If you want shoes, notions and
at the right price call in and
see U House, he can give you
Jess-- I. Rollins, John P.
S. S. Smith went to Ayden Monday.
Miss Johnson of Greene
county, spent Sunday with Miss
If you want to get real out
of your sowing buy a sewing ma-
chine at A. Ange and Co.
Mr. Tucker of near
ville was In town Sunday.
A good price of labor saving farm
implements, tho tooth harrow;
get them now at Harrington, Barber
Miss Carrie and daughter,
Hell, of Ayden, spent Sunday
with Mrs. H. T. Cox.
We sell Cosby shoe. pair
guaranteed to give satisfaction. Cox
and House.
For reasons useless to mention It
Is necessary that the County Oil
Co., close their books at once. All
persons to this company are
HI requested to make
Mis. It. T. Cox and daughter,
went to Greenville Monday.
Messrs. R. W, Tucker and G. Tuck-
went to Raleigh Monday.
It. Dall buys Seattle and
beef and fish.
Company have bicycles
and repairs for sale.
Don't fa
Don't fall to get prices on all kind
feed stuff at Company
before you purchase and they will
save you money. Field peas a spec-
WILSON, H. C March will
again to write a few little Items.
The fire alarms are not so frequent
they were when I wrote before,
I don't think we've had any since
Miss and Miss Mat-
lie went to Bureau a few days
ago and spent two or days
relatives and friends.
The Mr. George Smith
held a ten days meeting at the
Christian church which closed last
Friday night with ill additions. Ho
did some very good preaching. He
seems to be over good
preacher All enjoyed his
and spoke In tho highest of praise to
Good Friday was somewhat a rough
day but Sunday was
and pleasant, enough
lo up for It. They
exercises by tho Sunday school
the Christian church Sunday
night and also at tho Methodist
Mrs. M. II. Lewis of Middlesex is
spending some In Wilson with
her Mr. and Mrs. B, Mayo,
and other relatives and friends.
Mr. W. C. Mayo of Petersburg, a
traveling salesman, was In town yes-
and last night and left this
morning for other points on tho N.
S. road up toward Raleigh.
I had the of meeting two
of my friends from Pitt one day last
week. Mr. J. R. of Greenville
and Mr. Frank Davis of
Miss Mary Flanagan of
who is teaching Middlesex,
the day Miss Little Sat-
while on her way lo
to pay a visit to the home folks. It
was a very pleasant greeting to mo
when I mot her and said
for I think It was
about tho first greeting of the kind
I've had since been here, and I
sounded very pleasant to me.
It has rained and rained some
more and bus kept tho ground so wit
that my garden seeds the house
yet and now looks like It is going
to rain some more, but I hope It will
wait long enough for mo to plant
of my seeds.
T. E. L.
Miss Judith
Yesterday evening at o'clock
at the Second Baptist parsonage, Mr.
A. I'll and Miss
were quietly married. On-
a few of the intimate friends of
the young were present, as
the marriage a surprise lo nearly
J. T. per-
formed the nuptial cords. The young
couple will make their home in this
for the present.
Mrs. Is one of the city's real-
charming attractive young
ladles. She came to Durham from
Oxford, N. C, and since coming to
this city has made many friends.
Besides her friends In Durham, she
Is also well known throughout the
state and will receive the
Mr. holds a responsible
with The Sun. been em-
ployed here for tho pail two years.
He Is one of the city's popular young
who has many friends and
is genial lo all. Since coming to the
ho has made Tho Sun a very
efficient man with all who
will offer congratulations to him, tho
entire Bun heartily
him on his slop Into the field of
Mr. is well known to the
of Greenville, having served
Tho compositor nil
manner previous to his ac-
of a position with Dur-
ham Sun. Not only Reflector
force, but his large score of friends
here for the young couple a long
and happy voyage on sea of
Without Allowing a
i- Seen In News of Day In-
New York Is Our Fore-
most European Capital.
In the news of one day In New York
And that a man by tho name of Isl-
ire Steinberg pleaded guilty lo big-
In court of a Judge named
that a youth named
wag drowned; a
named was convicted of keeping
disorderly resort; a girl named Anna
was a principal witness in n
murder case; n Lo
In domestic sensation; a
Miss Bella brought a breach
promise case; a Governor named
sent a message to the legislature;
was the star of
n foot nice; another runner named
Abed made a fast trial spin;
and a Mr. Max figured In a
hotel scandal.
Tho names of
stencil, Jensen, Yo-
human. Mile-
are the first lo assail eye on turn
lug to n page of advertisements.
In another generation or two these
will be good old American names
Meanwhile New York will to
be our lore-most capital.
CHAPEL March In-
ability of the Trinity College, Con-
baseball nine to land a sin-
safe lilt from the twirling of the
University of North Carolina team,
Combined with an abundance of cost-
errors by the lads, read
their overwhelming defeat today by
a score of to
Carolina's youthful pitcher. Ben
cock, run the gauntlet of their defeat
throughout the nine in-
and it was only by a bunt In
tho second inning that a lone run was
tallied to their credit.
To the credit of Aycock Is the dis-
of pitching the first no hit
on home grounds in a couple
of years, the last man to so
was Stewart.
pitching staff proved weak, and
It was in the second Inning a
change was made. Swift substituting
for Warner.
Johnson, Carolina's hefty slugger,
nailed a bagger In the second In-
sweeping the bases and added
to the cosily errors commuted
Trinity, six runs were credited to the
Tar Heel's tally sheet in this inning.
In the sixth inning tho only other
Startling play of the game was re-
corded when Captain
bagger, followed in close
by Johnson's second two base hit.
Score H. H. K.
Carolina .
Trinity . o
Summary Two bast hits, Johnson
Three base hits. Stolen
base Williams, Hart, Shel-
ton. Murray. Base on off
Warner off Swift
on bases, Carolina Trinity
Hit by pitched ball, Bailey, Leak.
Williams. Hit. off Aycock off War-
off Swift S. Struck out, by
Aycock S; Warner Swift Time
of Umpire, Henderson.
Against Gardner
Iowa Teachers
la., March
The annual convention of tho North-
eastern Iowa Teachers Association
began hero today and will continue
until Saturday A large attendance
and unusually attractive program
of papers, address and discussions
combine to give promise of one of the
most successful meetings In tho his-
of the association.
beard several men say that It
a little about midday
The people of the town are
to the sessions of the confer-
In Methodist church.
Taming of the Shrew
This Shakespearean play
will be presented by tho pupils of
Carolina Teachers Training
School in the school auditorium next
Monday night. 21st. It Is almost need-
less lo advise the people of
lend vicinity that a real feast
them in the presentation of this play.
Past along this line ha i
learned them to expect something of
a high order announcement is
for a play at tho Training
The students have been hard
at work on the
order to insure us coming up lo
high mark by the
Beats are being cheek-
ed off at the store of the John I.
Wooten Drug Co. and these who COS
template attending should go early
lo Insure tho best scats.
William A. Junes
William A. Jones, of tho few
soldiers of tho
now sitting in Congress, was born
Ir the town of Warsaw, Va., March
Near the close of the civil war.
when he was but fifteen years of age,
he the Virginia Military In-
and remained until tho
of Richmond, serving
cadets who became fatuous In history
for the part they took In the defense
ct the capital city of the
After the war Mr. Jones enter-
ed the I of Virginia and
graduated In Ho was admitted
to the bar the same year and has
since been engaged In the practice of
law In his native state. Since
he has been continuously a-e the con-
representative of the First
district of Virginia.
German Diplomat, Who Got the
Declares Fair Sex
women lire liars mid
In their sense of moral
and is the opinion of
la, unmarried attached lo
German embassy at who
rived on the recently.
According to fellow passengers, th
baron formed his views on
when his attentions to Miss Katharine
of Chicago did not meet
hearty response,
woman cannot recognize the
same moral responsibility as a
said the baron. marriage can re-
main a happy one for more than a
year. By that lime a mail will
faith In his
Than, turning to Miss the
have had a trip. But
to have you for a Wife If could
You are too
Returning to tho the
is and
worthy, She her mind too
frequently. Woman has no feeding re
quiring her to tell the truth,
many a man and wife are comrades,
but In Here the
are proud and selfish and the
men suffer for
Eugene F. representative
ii congress of the Eighth district of
Jersey, years old today.
Major General Adolphus W.
C. S. A., retired, famous for his Arc-
tic explorations, years old today.
lint, tire
The no of ton Handing,
are cure by wonderful, old able
v in. n
hi Meant a W Nap, Not s Wee
After Charles Myers, a Mason
barber, had finished up the
he raised the chair, and his customers
head fell over to one side. Tho barbel
hi in up and him
a little.
were said Charley
I agreed th
gentleman In the chair. you'll
have to come to my place am
take one
don't returned Charley.
do I. I'm the new preach
at tho First Street
York World
You are hereby requested to moot
In the commissioners- room In
County Courthouse on
March at o'clock a. m. for tho
purpose of electing board of
and other officers for 1913, and
sunk other business as may advise for
the good of the association.
Done by tho order of the executive
this March 1913.
D. J. J. U Wooten.
and w till
and half cotton seed, at per
bushel. T. M. Moore. R. F. D.
N. C.
A case much interest was heard
here afternoon, before Judge
O. H. Allen in chamber, s
In February, 1912, a Mr.
merchant o. Norfolk, was assaulted In
his store there. Mr. H. E. Gardner,
a North Carolinian whoso home Is
in Beaufort, was suspected of
madS assault and a warrant
issued for his arrest. The sup-
position being that Gardner had gone
is his homo in Beaufort, the warrant
was sent to an officer there. This
officer knowing that Gardner was at
his home at the time of the assault
on was alleged, declined to
arrest him and returned Hie warrant
Time went on and It was learned
In Norfolk that Gardner was at work
for the Norfolk Southern railroad la
Requisition was made by
the governor of Virginia on the gov-
of North Carolina, armed
this a special officer from Nor-
folk went to to Gard-
being arrested Gardner
applied for a habeas corpus and this
was set for a hearing here before
Judge Allen Tuesday.
Senator M. L. Davis of
counsel for Gardner, Policeman
of Beaufort, Policeman Bran of
New and other citizens of Beau-
fort were here to attend this hear-
Mr. and tho Norfolk of-
Bear also being present During
progress of the hearing Judge Allen
asked Mr. If he could Identify
the man who assaulted him and
answered that ho could, slat-
that the man was then present
In the court room. Being to
point out the man. pointed at one
in a group near by. Senator
Davis then It. B, Gardner to
stand up, and a different man arose
from the one who had been pointed
out. Senator Davis and tho others
i Beaufort and New Bern
declared to court that they per-
knew- the man standing up
to be R E. Gardner to he tho man
who was standing up. as Mr.
pointed out another man
being his assailant. The
also declared Gardner was
at home in Beaufort the
occurred In Norfolk.
Judge Allen ordered Gardner re-
leased from custody and dismissed the
mailer. Gardner returned to
In One Day tor-
OMAHA. Neb. March
the dead and work reconstruction
occupied tornado stricken Omaha to-
day. Paying last rites occupied the
time of thousands of persons. Fun-
were held in all parts of the
I Many of the bodies recovered from
of Sunday's storm were car-
ed for at undertaking establishments
and a greater number of funerals
j were held from those places.
Whenever possible, friends of
in families look care of bodies and
had prepared for burial.
In many instances churches were
demolished In the districts covered by
I the storm and others were so badly
wrecked us to prevent thorn being
for burial services Nearly
funerals were held Many bodies have
been sent to out of town relatives
During the night the work of
continued. Only one body was
reported recovered, that of another
burled In pool
hell debris The authorities are
slops to uncover all of the wreck-
Freckled Girls
It is an absolute fact, that one SO cent
will either remove your freckles or cause
them to fade and that two jars will even
in the most cases completely
cure them. We arc willing to personally
guarantee to return your money
without argument if complexion is
not fully restored to its natural beauty.
line, fragrant and absolutely harmless.
make hair prow but will
remove TAN, PIMPLES and
FRECKLES. Come in today try it.
The jars are and results absolute-
certain. Sent mail if desired.
Price Mammoth jars
For sale by
Skin g
of James I of England
and accession of Charles I.
Bradstreet, the
famous colonial governors of
New England, died in Salem,
Mass. Born in England In
1866Th federals commenced the
of Spanish Fort, one cf
principal defenses of Mobile.
B. Fall and Thomas B.
elected first United
States senator from Arizona.
English poet
laureate died. Horn In 1774.
H. Burnett inaugurated
first governor of California.
and France concluded
agreement on the Nile
men killed In a coal mine
explosion Okla.
Greenville Hours to
and Fridays
Office ever Frank Wilson Store.
Examination is free.
J. V.
North Carol
Che only Merchant Tailor
in Greenville.
Has moved in rear of
Blue Store, where
those needing his services will find
him ready to on them.
Full of very newest samples for
and made to order promptly
from up.
clothing cleaned, pressed,
your work and get
he best. Phone and work will
e Bent for when desired.
n. c. march
X. t.
Moseley Bros., Agents
Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines The Wonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Porter
The Quinine drives Healing Oil. An Antiseptic
out Malaria and the builds up
the System. For Adults
You know om me taking when
TONIC, for V. v
out the South as the Malaria, j
Chill and Genera
Strengthening it is a; as
bitter t but .
last the bitter the
lo not dissolve in the mouth hut lo i
in the stomach. ,
your Druggist. We mean i
Surgical Dressing discovered by an
Old R. R. Surgeon. Prevents Blood
Thousands of families know it already,
and a trial will convince that DR.
OIL is the st remedy ever
Wounds. Hums. Old
Carbuncles. Granulated IX Lids,
Son Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and
nil wounds and external diseases whether
slight or serious. Con Dually people are
new uses for this famous old
remedy Guaranteed your Druggist
We mean it.
There is Only One
Look tor signature V. GROVE a
Thai Is
box CoM in Day.

Legal Notices.
Having duly qualified
Conn clerk of Pitt county u
executrix t the last will mid
of J. II. notice
Is I to all mi t-
to the make
payment to and
u I
estate i I t I
to the I on
before the r
Ibis notice will be plead In bar i
This 6th r March, 1913.
S r. of J, n.
Having i super-
i l c Pitt ad-
of the of Oscar
Johnson, d is hereby
given to . . ii . to the
i to
to the and . all persons
Inst the estate
notified to to the
; i or I
the i 1914, or
this notice v. ill bar
i el r.
.-. . Oscar
cum at the mouth of a branch,
lie Little's comer, with
lie line north. B MM
feet to the beginning containing
acres, more or loss. It being In;
No, on the map the survey at
the Miles Little land, made by
sad In Ms ch, 1908,
t public auction Saturday, April
I n A. M. I will sell
Public Auction on premises known
its the Carolina Warehouse lot,
in lots.
This trait about one acre,
i Is one of the finest locations In
the City of Five lots, each
f. fronts Heritage
one lot l feet, fronts
and one lot feet,
fronts street. The right
i served, after selling It in lots, to
I it tor sale a whole.
T Strictly Cash.
Private before sale will be con-
1-n-w A V.
n Greenville, N. c.
Skin Diseases
Nearly every skin disease yields
quickly and permanently to
Salve, and nothing is
better for hums or bruises. Soothes
By virtue the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage from
J II. Miller and wife to J. R. Harvey
and Co. dated May 11th, 1907, and and heals. Joan of
recorded In Dock T-S, page In I Mich., says, after suffering twelve
the register of deeds office of Pitt g skin and
county the undersigned will sell . . ., ,, .
cash before the court house door
at noon on Thursday.
April 10th. the following de-
scribed lying and being in
the county of Pitt and town of
ton. and known designated as
One lot which is fully de-
scribed In a certain deed from C. C.
House to J II. Miller, said deed bear-
date April 17th. 1905, and duly
recorded in the register of deeds
cured him. It will help
you. Only Recommended by all
Having qualified as administrator
of J. S. Mooring, deceased, late of
Pitt county, this is to notify all per-
claims against t;. i
1st u i to them
to the undersigned property proven
within IS months of this date,
notice Will be pleaded in bar of
n eon
All persons Indebted to said estate
Us March 12th, I
r ;. JAMES and SON.
H ltd
mi in OF OF u.
By virtue of a power of sale
i In a certain mortgage deed
delivered by s. P.
ell and Lucretia to G. S.
. J. Dixon, which said mortgage
deed appears of record in the
Pitt county book
M-7. page the under signed, as
i e, v, ill on Saturday, the
day of April, 1918, at o'clock
expose to public sale before the t
house door In Greenville, to e
I t l for cash, the follow-
r property, to
a tract in Swift crock town
i ; Pin county, adjoining the Ian Is
of j Causey, Archibald Dudley,
an ; others, i ginning at a
stake, ti corner and runs N
IV to a N
SO to n stake; n S V.
1-J to a stake; then S K
poles to a stake; then S its W
s E poles to a
stake; then s W polos to Ore
line; then with said line to the be-
ginning, containing acres, more
sale will be made for the
pose Of satisfying the terms of said
mortgage deed,
This the 20th day of March, 1913.
G. S. and J. J. DIXON.
HARDING and PIERCE, Attorneys.
North Carolina. Pitt county.
In the superior court.
Peter Langley vs Langley.
The defendant above named will
notice, that an action entitled
flee of Pitt county May In as ,.,, commenced In the
book M-8. page 4.9. Sold to court of Pitt county, to ob-
I v- CO defendant will
. further notice that she Is re-
o Mortgagees. .,,,,,,,. t
JAMES son. ,.,, superior court, which
on the 28th day of April.
t the court of Pitt county.
In , N. C., to or de-
Having duly d
to I said action
the plaintiff will apply to the court
of the estate . . , . ,.,,.
by given I
the estate to
i .
on i F
i ltd
ll d .
i r I
Nor I i .
Stomach Trouble Cured
There Is nothing more
than a chronic disorder of the
It Is not surprising that many
suffer for years with such an ailment
when a permanent cure Is within their
reach and may be had for a trifle
one year says P. II f
Beck of Mich., bought
a package of Chamberlain's Tablets
and since using them I have felt per-
well, l had previously used
any number of different medicines,
hut none of them were of any
For b all druggists,
mini or i
I .
. N I V I, Ward
Bi me
the court In I
t i N. t entitled proceed
, , ., consent , , rein, will on Mi
-I ;
T. Spier the sen member of I ,
run or I Lying and being In the county and
. . , Ms i referred to, In the town
name. , and John
. , . , Ward lot. being near Atlantic
Spier and Jackson tn Coast Line railroad and described
be paid by M. T. Spier at ill in the i i A D. Cos to John
counts owing the firm to be paid ti book 1-7. page Pitt county
M. T. Spier of deeds office, containing on---
., , . . . fourth of an acre, and with a small
Ms the 10th day of March. 1913, i on
A. JACKSON. This the 16th day of March, V
ltd Commission, r.
Mrs. Eaton Either k Held
Or Released
Hi About 1-2 Allies Of
Sunday Night.
A shooting ended the
of a bridal party, and will, it Is
believed, cause the death of the groom.
occurred Sunday night between the
hours Of and o'clock about 1-3
west of when Chas. M.--
Lawhorn shot Will D. Smith.
Sunday at o'clock Mr.
daughter was married to
Smith, and while there were no s,
objection, the match displeased
lather of the bride to the extent that
ho refused to witness the ceremony,
The young couple, knowing how Mr.
fell as. to their marriage,
bad planned to go to some neighbor-
home for the ceremony, but hear-
of their Intentions, the father Said
he preferred that it take place at his
home, as long as were
ed to wed. So it was there they be-
came man and Wife in the presence
several friends and relatives.
After the marriage the couple went
to the home of the groom where a
upper had been spread for the
Was a frequent visitor
to the home of young Smith as he.
and the elder Smith
bad for a lone while been boson
friends, and night ho to
tie home after a long with
Mr. Dave Smith, the father of the
red i room el
bridal party and Ii wore
, lie seen I to bi In
1.1 nil it,
his i In-law,
b the root whet
I from bis i
i .
; under the
th, bull low the
t and pi i hi
his i i of recover
are n t at all I as the
out d If, not II b many
complications of diseases, would no
doubt cause bis death.
Immediately after the shooting.
the would-be murderer,
lift the room and depart, d for parts
A Picture of Contentment
All men look pleased when they smoke
this choice tobacco for all men like the rich
quality and true, natural flavor of
A Card
In justice to myself and also to
Mr. Spier I want to say to my friends
and the public generally that the dis-
solution of firm of Spier and
Jackson was not caused by any dis-
agreement or friction whatsoever be-
tween us. on tho other hand our
business relations has been
pleasant and my withdraw-
to my declining health, and I ask
my friends and the public general-
to give to Mr. II T. Spier the
surviving member, the same merit
of confidence and patronage the
future BI in the
in me
by that mot to
me I I wife
Little . the of-
In I
ll auction
to the highest bidder at the court
i i door in the town of
on the 19th of April, 1913,
o'clock, noon, the following de-
scribed tract of real estate, lying.
being situate in the county S
Pitt and state of North Carolina, to
A certain tract of land left to the
Id Sam by bis father Miles
Little and deeded to the said Sam
Little by Ma.-o. Little and
and described as Be-
ginning at an Iron stake corner of
Will Little, Little and Sarah
Little, and running with Sarah Lit
line degrees and
seconds to a in
creek with gum pointers.
Sarah Little's thence down
the run of Creek to a
Department of State
Certificate of Dissolution
To All to Whom These Presents May
Whereas, It appears to my
faction, by duly authenticated record
cf the proceedings for the voluntary
dissolution thereof by the unanimous
consent of all the stockholders, de-
posited In my office, that The John
Flanagan Buggy Company, a
ration of this state whose principal
office is situate at No.
street, in the town of Greenville.
county of Pitt. State of North Caro-
M. Hooker being the agent
and in charge upon
whom process may be
with the requirements o
i 1906
oral I
i-suing of this Certificate of ii
Now. Therefore, I, J. Bryan i
of of the State
North Carolina, do hereby certify that
i id corporation did. on the day
of March. in my office a
duly executed and attested consent
writing to the dissolution of said
corporation, executed by all the stock-
holders thereof, which said consent
the record of tho proceedings
aforesaid are now on file In my said
office as provided by law.
In Testimony Whereof. I have here-
unto set my hand and affixed my
seal, at Raleigh, this day
or March, A. D., 1913.
Secretary of State.
Scarcity of
Mr. L. K. a of
township, tolls us that In
his section, and all through from
den to Vanceboro, there Is going to
sin- la Charged With The math of
The Hum
Witnesses Will Be
ed To
PLYMOUTH, Mass. March
In the case of Mrs. Jennie May
who is charged with the
of her husband, Rear Admiral
Joseph G. Eaton, by administering
poison, will be presented before the
gland jury which will meet in spec-
session here tomorrow. The Jury
will determine whether the widow of
the admiral shall be Indicted or
lowed her liberty.
than witnesses are expect-
ed to appear before the grand Jury.
Those who have been summoned In-
the neighbors of the Eaton
family, in the town of and
county authorities and who
have been concerned In the
As intimated at the time of the
Mrs. Baton, some of th con-
with case believe a
commission may be appointed
mini hi r.
l . v ;. ., has
conducting th Us lion Is
said to have l will C f
s Q, th , re-
; such a
i spent today quietly at
the county jail. She received no
did not attend the
in the jail.
Si eh was continued today in an
endeavor to locate tho source of tho
arsenic alleged to have caused the
death of Admiral Thus far the
authorities admit they have not learn-
, l where the poison was purchased.
a scarcity of tobacco plants. He
said that Is due to seed in the plant
bids failing to come up and what few
plants did come up are inferior.
the farmers who saw no pros-
of getting plants, conceited their
for for tobacco. If
this plant condition Is general It will
mean a small tobacco crop next sea-
Chapel Hill
CHAPEL march
gaging the attention of the high
pupils of the stale and of par-
Interest to budding young
in all the schools for the next
three weeks is the annual state
championship track
Held meet at Chapel Hill on April
Definite plans have been out-
lined by the Greater Council of the
University, the Athletic Association
and the alumni of the institution, for
the gathering together of young
from all sections of the state
on the above mentioned dale.
and literature
bearing on the meet have been
mailed tho principals of the high
schools and preparatory schools of
tho inviting in
this the first athletic contest of Stats-
Wide significance and scope lo high
school lads. The purport of the meet
Is to add to the training of
young athletes in North Carolina and
give additional stress to the
the development the phys-l
of the future citizens of the state.
to the same degree as the
bating of North In I
Its recent successful con.
at the training of the intellect In
tactics of so does this I
propose lo strength n the body
high school pupils, thus
the Whole makeup of the Individual,
contest Is open to all the
and secondary schools of
the stale. The events of the meet.
win he tin in yard dash.
yard run, yard rim, mile.
yard low hurdle, high Jump, broad
pole vault, pound shot put.
pound hammer throw. Individual
as well as school prises will be
swarded for the best exhibitions In
this meet. The state championship
will be awarded in engraved i up.
visiting during their
sojourn In Chapel Hill will be
by the Greater University
Smoked in pipes by of
known to smokers as
We take pride In Duke's
Mixture it Is our leading brand of granulated tobacco
and every sack we make Is a challenge to all other tobacco
manufacturers Every sack of this famous
contains one a half ounces of choice
tobacco. In every equal to the yon can buy at any
price, and with each sack you a book of cigarette
papers FREE
If yon not smoked the Duke's Mixture made by tho
Tobacco Co. st Durham, N. C try it now.
Get a Camera, with the Coupons
Save the coupons. With them you can get all sorts of
able suitable fur young and
Sid t men. women, girls. You
delighted to see what you get free with-
out one cent of cost to you. our Dew
illustrated catalog. At a wt
wilt mend it free daring September and
October only. Your name and address,
a postal will bring it to you
from mat
other or by
Premium Dept.
Bad Spoils
suffered, girlhood, from womanly
Writes Mrs. Motile Navy, of Walnut, N. C last, was
almost and had to give We had three
doctors. the time, I was Getting worse. I had bad
spells, lasted from to days, one week, after I
gave a trial, I could eat, sleep, and Joke, as well as
anybody. In weeks, I was well. I had been an invalid
for weary years relieved me, when everything
If you are weak and ailing, think what It would mean,
to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more
than years, this purely vegetable, tonic women,
has been used by thousands of weak and ailing sufferers.
They found It of real value in relieving their aches and
pains. Why suffer longer A remedy that has relieved
and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for
use, at once, by Try ft, today.
Write Advisory Dent- Medicine Co.
for Special book. Hoot toe
Strong and Durable
For Fishing,
and Hard
Use Under AH
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to clean and
Don't blow out in the wind.
Easy to Light.
Don't Smoke.
Don't Leak.
N . w N.
Miss Fanny Crosby, blind
writer, years oM
Miss Margaret only
of Mr. Mrs Andrew Carnegie.
years old today.
Selected as a legal depository by the State Treasurer of N. C,. also by the Treasury Depart-
of the United States as a depository for Postal Funds.
This Bank made the largest gain in deposits last year of any bank in Eastern Carolina.
E G. Flanagan, Pres.
E. B. Higgs, V-Pres.
C. S. Carr, Cashier
Social and
Personal Mention.
Mis. Hattie White returned
day evening from
Mr. David Dixon, of spent
Sunday lure.
Miss Louise Fleming went to
Sunday evening to attend
a party Miss Agnes Cotten
Timberlake at the borne of her grand-
Col. and Mrs. It, K. Cotten.
Miss Jamie Bryan returned to
son Sunday evening. here she is
Mr. Mrs. H. S. of
Wilson, spent Easter bore with, his
father, Ur. Henry
Mr. s. came
morning from Maysville, Ky., where
be has been engaged In tho
s i,
Mr. o. it. Bowling came down from
Wilson Saturday evening to spend
Easter with his parents.
Mr. Wiley Drown came home
from Wilmington Saturday evening
to visit bis parents.
Miss Mary Brown Came home from
I In Greensboro to
with her parents.
Mr. Brown came home from
school Durham to spend
With his parents.
Mr. S. J. Everett and little son
spent Sunday with near
Oak City.
Messrs. Willie Gray Lang and
Jr. spent Sunday in
Mrs, Rowland and Mrs. H.
W. and little son spent Sun-
day and today with Mrs, C.
Mr. R. II. Tucker, who is teaching
at spent Saturday and
Sunday here.
Miss Roland Jenkins went to Win-
Sunday evening and returned
Mr. I. left for
a visit in Virginia.
Miss Mary of Baltimore, Is
visiting Mrs. H. K. Austin.
Miss Annie Nelson of Fail-field Is
visiting her uncle, Mr. It. L.
Mrs. C. W. Gold of Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J G.
Tho Colored Teachers Association
of County held a very Interesting
session Saturday at the colored graded
school building, Teacher Manning
Moore, President and Principal It.
Kearney of School, Sure.
conducted by Tea t
Method of Teaching English
mar by Principal C. M. Eppes.
Teachers considerable
.-t by asking questions.
v. Cherry,
Unwell. S. E, Hanson.
and Brown.
Method of Teaching Arithmetic, by
Principal S. Brown, Vol-
on this were Teachers
s. K. Dawson, Cox and .
How t i; Tc ti r
i ii, s by Principal
Mis. who was absent. Com-
method was by
Ai tin next meeting, fourth Saturday
in April. Principals Brown and Eppes
Dawson and
will discuss character building and
phonies, respectively.
The teachers unanimously elected
. M. Eppes association reporter.
Great desire for an Institution
pressed by all teachers after this very
hi I meeting. Reporter.
Mrs. Dudley Dies
This afternoon the funeral
sen ices over the body of Mrs. W. C.
Dudley arc being held at tho
on the coiner Third
Pierce streets, conducted by Rev. H.
pastor of the First
For some time past Mrs. Dudley
has been HI a complication of dis-
eases, including heart trouble. She
experienced a sudden turn for the
worse last Thursday and in spite of
every possible effort to prolong her
life, she grew rapidly worse until the
end came yesterday morning.
Mrs. Dudley was born July
i her maiden name being Le-
Full es. She was born and
ed In put county, near Greenville.
About years ago she was married
to Mr. Dudley, a prominent
business man of the section. The
family moved to Washington years
where Mrs. Dudley has
since. About eight years ago her
husband died. For sometime previous
to her death she bad resided In tho
home of her daughter, Mrs. II. A. Wat-
sou, at the corner of Third and Pierce
is survived by three sons,
Messrs, W, I. Dudley. Dudley.
Claude Dudley, all of Washing-
ton, and by three daughters, Mrs.
Hugh A. Watson, Miss Pearl Dudley,
and Miss lone Dudley and by three
sisters in the vicinity of Greenville
Shakespearean and Stalely
in i a of
Who does not tho songs of
long ago Taming of tho
will offer two delightful
Shakespearean lyrics, Mistress
and was a Lover and His
The State Gavotte, danced by six
gay cavaliers and their ladles, guests
at the wedding least, to the measures
Of d by Louis
will be u most attractive
At the Training School March
Murder Trial Begins la
DALLAS, Texas, March
case of J. A. under Indict-
for the murder of Captain J. L.
White, was called for trial In the
criminal district court today.
ton is alleged to have mid fa-
tally wounded Captain White In tho
offices of the Republic Trust Company
on February The victim
of the in and
one of beat known citizens of Dal-I
las. One of the principal wine
at the trial will Silvers,
I. president the 1st
who was shot and wound-
ed at the same time that Captain
White was killed.
Where Ike barn things to do
and ,
and then home and make
tin play
For Bread mid Batter,
ill., it's u how many
limits give them the Hist
let Bakery Feed tho Kids
An Enjoyable Easter
Easter Sunday us as
weather as could wished for.
All of the churches had large
and the special music at
as well as the excellent sermons, was
greatly enjoyed.
Subscribe to the Reflector
On Trial for Killing Farmer
John Woodruff was arraigned tho
circuit court here today to stand trial
on an Indictment charging him with
tho murder of H. last
October. While on a hunting trip
Woodruff and two companions are
sold to have trespassed on the grounds
of who was a wealthy farm-
ed the hunters off
Us premises and In th- that
ensued Woodruff Is alleged to have
shot and killed the farmer.
Opened to
SPOKANE, Was. March
first parcel in a total of nearly 30.-1
nun acres of government land which
will opened during the next six
Weeks In eastern Washington was i
public entry today. Rich
farming, grazing and timbered lands
are included in the area. The
est parcel, comprising 22.114 acres of
timber land in county
will opened to entry May I. The
thrown open today consists of
1.413 acres of grazing and farming
land Douglas county.
Little Hoy Tries to Share
Little Justus Everett, year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Everett, was
Interested In watching his father shave
The other day he slipped up
climbed on a chair that enabled him
to reach tho top drawer of the dress-
got his father's razor went
about imitating the shaving stunt. A
scream up stairs attracted the
of his mother hastening
there found the little boy still stand-
on the chair and there was blood
on his cheek. As soon as he
his mother he cried out me, I'm
killed. I'm Tho blood
quickly washed off when it was found
that be had cut Just a little
on his cheek, it gave him
a fright that he will likely wait
ho begins to grow some Heard be-
fore trying to shave himself again.
March 1918.
Miss Estelle who been
visiting her brother Florida, re-
turned Friday.
Mr. F. P, Savage, of Tarboro, spout
Tn, with his sister, Mrs. J. Paul
Mrs. J. P. Fleming, accompanied
by Miss spent Tuesday and
Wednesday ill Greenville.
Mrs. and
ti r. Miss Louise, spent Tuesday In
Washington as the guests of Mrs. g.
w. l. Nobles of Greenville,
v in town today on business.
Nellie Wilson is spending the
week with Mrs. j. j.
Messrs. Julius II. L.
Hodges of Greenville spent Sunday
In town.
Messrs. J. J. and J.
R. Davenport spent Monday in Green-
Mrs. Ward Mr. Tom
Moore visited Mrs. J, J.
nit. K. is, t.
ill turn e limns to
Mi and Ft
Office ever Frank Wilson . st
Phone connection.
Examination is tree. -M
Ring Found Alter Two Years
Something like two years ago, Mrs.
C. Tunstall lost a diamond ring,
the jewel disappearing from a dress-
her room. Suspicion rested up-
on a colored girl who worked In the
homo and when accosted she said
did have tho ring but became
frightened and threw it away. Search
was made where the girl said she
threw the ling but it was not found.
then told several different stories
the ring.
Later the girl was arrested on tho
but on the trial
I denied nil that she had formerly
said about the ring, saying she was
ired and did not know- what
and there being no evidence
that she look ring she was ac-
the ring was found near
where the girl said In her story
that she had thrown ii. The person
finding it recalling Mrs.
la I two years ago, took the ring to
I it was readily Identified. Mrs.
Tunstall was delighted to get the
ring showed only a little in-
jury from being burled so lone, a scar
on the band looking like it had been
stepped being the only damage.
We can you I own your own
and the terms will be as easy,
not easier, than lag rent. If you
to or buy a and
Quits do so,
will to your to rail
id let us r
It'll be In your pocket.
Finns C,
John I. Martin, of
national Democratic
Is slated to be sergeant-at-arms
of the States senate
Cabbage Plant
OF nit in
The following varieties Jersey Wake-
Held, Charleston
and Large LoU Drum Head.
Tills selection should eon-
headings through
Prepared for shipment a . from
at per thousand.
Over at 11.00 per thousand, f.
b. Greenville, K. C. supply
orders say
Count and satisfaction guaranteed
L. C. Arthur
H. t.
White Sale
Going In
At unusually Low Prices
are being closed out for below
It pay you to trade
Wholesale and retail and
dealer. Cash paid for hides,
Fur Cotton Seed Oil barrels.
Oak bedsteads, mattresses, etc.,
Suits, carriages, go-carts, par-
suits, tables, lounges, safes,
and Gail Ax snuff,
Life Key West Cheroots, Hen-
Cigars, canned cherries.
peaches, apples, syrup, Jelly, meat;
flour sugar, coffee, soap, lye, magic
food, matches, oil, cotton seed meal
and teed Oranges,
nuts, candles, dried apples
peaches prunes, currants, raisins,
glass and china ware, wooden ware,
cakes and crackers, macaroni, cheese
best butter, new Royal Sewing ma-
chines and numerous other goods
Quality and quantity cheap for cash
Come to see me.
Shank, the Indianapolis
who gained fame rough his
tn reduce the high cost of
by I . ids of i
. i selling them in the markets
.- coal price, announces that he will
mi the vaudeville when his
term expires,
r. T. II I t h g
Plumbing, Steam Hot
Gasoline Engines;
Electric Light Outfitter
I am prepared o do your work at
Reasonable See me or call,
Mo. if
Host known Cough Remedy
For forty-three years Dr.
New Discovery has been known
the world as the most
table cough remedy. Over three mil-
lion bottles were used last year.
Isn't this proof It will get rid of
cough, or will refund your
money. J. J. Owens, of
S C. writes the way hundreds of
others have twenty
ears, I find that Dr. King's New
is the best remedy for coughs
and colds that I have ever
For or colds and all throat
and lung troubles, it has no equal.
and at all druggists.
When Your Automobile
All Kinds of Accessories and Supplies
Gasoline per Gallon
Greenville Motor Co.

Bulgarians Capture
Turkish Stronghold
The Allies Fairing
Their May Into The Great Fort.
i. At The in
The Bayonet
LONDON, March Pasha,
the commander In chief, com
mined suicide after the capture
the city, to a news agent
etch from Soda.
March M- The
fortress of taken by
storm b; the Bulgarian this morn-
after fighting of the most terrible
character since Monday.
At an early hour this morning Ares
were in various sections
the red city. The maddened
population, had been
battered by the almost Incessant
bombardment for a period of over
five months was fleeing about
streets from one to another, not
knowing where lo
The great artillery arsenal In the
city was burning and barracks
lying between the hospital and the
northern forts were also ill flames.
The Bulgarians In strong force grad
the city and by rush. Infantry-
men near enough to pr.
pare for the b,
On ail combine i
of the on the ever res
was continued.
The Bulgarian infantry had reached
within yards of the main tori
five o'clock list evening.
themselves there while am-
munition and were brought
op from the rear and preparation
were made for the final assault.
The entire line of fortress.
finding the eastern aide of city
was captured by the Bulgarian after
It Will Save
They took an ocean voyage for
honeymoon. The second day out
was the
of an ocean that was guaranteed
to be without variableness or shadow
of turning and wondering if
could by any human effort ;
position abroad en
the stateroom
It is lunch
have yours brought here or will vol.
to it on
have it lard
will ave
that word Is
refer to Dr. Liver Pills and
Arc you
Troubled with
of the
Take No Substitute.
District Conference
Convenes In Jarvis
Memorial M. E. Church
Thousands Perish In
The Flooded District
I Congregation In Attendance At
Opening Sen ire. Kev. In. S. F.
Mercer Hill This
Rev. Dr. S. K. Mercer, president
of Carolina College, Maxton, N.
C, will preach at the Jarvis Me-
church this evening at
o'clock. Dr. Mercer is one
of the first of the North
Carolina conference and no
will be beard by a large
The forty-seventh session of the
Washington district conference of the
M. B. Church, South, convened in the
Jarvis Memorial Methodist church
o'clock with
J. T. D. D-, the presiding
the district, in the chair. Kev.
K. II. Broom, secretary of the last
conference, called the roll of the
. i i. and lay delegates and quite
a number answered being present.
After the roil call several more
arrived. By tonight nearly all
the preachers and lay delegates will
be in attendance. The opening d-
services were conducted by
presiding elder. Kev H.
was unanimously re-elected
committees on Quarterly con-
records and public worship
v ere selected.
at o'clock tomorrow by Rev. A. D.
Dr. F. X. Parker, professor of Bib-
Literature at Trinity College,
arrive tomorrow and preach at the
night service.
The following delegates are here in
attendance upon the W.
T. Phillips. J. F. Watson. T. E.
J. R. Chancey. R. H.
j. F. M. J. F.
J. W. Autrey, W. J. Coving-
ton. J. J. Lewis, T. J Williams. I.
M. Glover. L. P. Howard. J. C. Bras-
well. E. W. Smith. J. II. Westbrook.
J. Thompson. H. K. Lance. J. U
s. II. Tyson, w. H. Apple-
white, II. Watson. J. M. Ashby,
I,. O. Wood. R. S. Wells. H. K.
A. C. Monk. J. T. B. J.
A. A. Joyner, B. C. Glenn. T. It.
Jones. A. B. R. H.
J. W. Hoyle, M. It. Wilkinson, J. W.
Mayo, D. W, Gaskill. A. Burgess. Q.
s r. tar, J Edwards, H. C.
ten, it. Bridgers, J. T.
S. W. Andrews. R. L. Wool-
aid. D. H. Futrell, M. O.
. W. II. Atkinson. E. A. Darden.
M. T. Plyler. S. K.
leer. A. D. Wilcox. I. S. Massey.
I Other delegates and visitors are yet
to arrive.
Presidents Appeals For Help
For Ohio And Indiana Sufferers
Where Are
DAYTON, O. March
Is The dead
no one can even estimate. Beneath
the yellow sea that is, seething through
the once gem like city may sleep
probable that after a lapse of seven
years a heroic act of George P.
Crutchfield. of Guilford county, will
be awarded by the Carnegie Hero thousand drowned or mayhap too
Fund commission A representative death list may not exceed one thous-
the Hero Fund commission was
in Greensboro and today So one can picture the sickening
inquiring into of the case.
It will be remembered that about
years Mr. Crutchfield saved
situation. Last night Dayton was a
marine hill. Fires lighted the sky.
Humiliated the rushing waters and
death J. C. Moore, who was be- swish of rain and of rush-
gored by a bull. Moore had been
gored and frightfully injured by an
Infuriated bull when Mr.
appeared on the scene. Without count
torrents sounded a funeral re-
for the unknown and
ed dead.
Fifty thousand people jammed In
personal cost and probably death the Upper floors of homes,
Mr. Crutchfield attacked the bull with
his knife. He was badly
ed hue succeeded in severing the an-
vein. When the people
In the vicinity of the encounter reach-
ed the spot, they found Mr. Moore
badly hurt and in almost a dying con-
Not far away in an
gas. no fresh water, no heat, no
food. This is the situation today.
John H. Patterson, of the National
Cash Register Company, car-
building boats, ho himself
has saved mill hers of lives.
is under water and
there is no food. Country people are
scions condition was Mr. Crutchfield taking them food. Twelve hundred of
while nearby was the bull in its death I lodged and fed in the,
snuggle. Mr. Moore has never National Cash Register plant. Scores
The Senior
, The class of will present
Committee on quarterly inference of m
record, are R. H. Grant J W. Au-1 j, M
,, BANKS. Ma,,. i- Several of promises to be In
, . , , . .,,,. , . . , , . up to the Training school
section attended the land sale . Governor T. J. Jarvis and A., .
. , v, standard. The success of this first
the river yesterday. B , ,
. Shakespearean drama will
Eva Sermons has returned; to examine
for life.
He will be an invalid
Recommendation for
Following the announcement of
Postmaster R. C. Flanagan's
last Friday afternoon, three
candidates for the position as his
began a canvass among their
friends, as was announced in
day's paper. A little later Mr. John
W. also entered as a mission.
of automobiles and boats are carry-
the marooned to safety at many
points, but to o'clock this morn-
no boat could venture Into
heart of the city.
Tho awful story of Dayton's de-
can only be told when tho
flood subsides.
The water dropped two feet this
morning, but there is much
water. Not a telephone Is In
Cleared L. Cherry.
for a direct assault en the city itself.
COLUMBUS, O., March According
to information reaching hero from
at p. m. that town is be-
swept away. The Y dam is re-
potted to have been blown up.
Frank a Baltimore and Ohio
railroad man. of who is
in Columbus, after a telephone com-
with his wife in
ville, told Governor Dix of the re-
said his wife reported that
are being drowned like rats
in a
Death Estimated Al
Governor Cox received the follow-
telegram from his secretary.
George K. who to Dayton
may run as high as two
thousand. Property loss
four miles Difficult get
anywhere near center of city
up to second story of Phillips House
Worst calamity In the country since
Village Reported Destroyed
confirmed report that the
Stratford, five miles below here, was
overwhelmed by the Hood and that
about two hundred were
owned, was brought here today by
a farmer living on high land near
This Is the first Information from
Stratford since the flood. The report
cannot be confirmed.
Reported at Peru
SOUTH BEND, in I. March
official report received today by May-
or P. of South
Mr. Tucker was a pleas-1
and attractive manner by Rev. W. business management is contributing, Congressman John H. Small 1,300. According to
Swan Quarter. N. small part in making the play came here this morning to go over tho reports it more than likely
T. of
speakers subject was War j assured success for Monday night, a COE- and even hundreds of persons
day evening.
Miss Olive Kittrell, from near
sen, spent last week with her sis-
t. r. Mrs. W. A. Cherry.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cherry spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
. Q near Simpson.
Miss Tucker is visiting In
Greenville this week.
Misses Bessie Brooks and Olive Kit-
spent Wednesday night with Mrs.
Mr. Walter Cherry was another
caller in Sunday evening.
Mr. P. A. our singing
teacher from near Farmville, met with
the singing class Friday evening at
the lied Hanks school house. Tho
. will meet again next Sunday
at two o'clock, we hope to
a large attendance. The pub-
He is cordially invited to attend.
Mis. A. Tucker and Mrs. J. I.
spent yesterday at Mr. J. W.
Messrs. Tucker and
Cherry were callers in
last evening
of the and his text was taken; next. In no way could the class hope a of wag not counted among the dead
from chapter and 12th to give so difficult a performance with-1
From the very beginning speak-
gained the undivided attention of
his hearers and Interest never lagged
on the part of the listener through-
out the discourse. The sermon was
well prepared and handled in such a
way as to draw and hold those who
v ere present. Mr. Is a
of magnetism. He is a
worthy ambassador of the lowly
and has a bright and
future in. his high calling.
After tho the conference
went into a short business session for
the purpose of fixing the hours of
meeting. It was decided to meet
a. m. and adjourn at o'clock for
to reassemble at p. m.
and adjourn at will. All during the
we- k there will be public worship
also at p. m. As already an-
Rev. Mr. Mercer will be tho
preacher tonight.
This morning at o'clock Rev.
out his general supervision, in ail
the class feels deeply grateful to
who In any way are lending
their aid.
i held in the court house. The question of in some of the country districts.
Alessandro Bond, the faced tenor,
appeared In a concert Raleigh
Wednesday night, before a
a primary was freely discussed, Con-
Small stating clearly his
position and leaning to a primary
it the sentiment here against
available early this after-
n based on these reports were as
Near Cincinnati, to Day-
this ruled that no primary would be ton 1.300 to 1,500; GOO to
held ill this Instance. Delaware to
He then took up tho application of to Sidney to Hamilton
tho three candidates, making most to to
reference to the to
very large audience. As a singer I and merit of each, and after Total, Ohio 1,890 to
Bond is great and he kept his hear- j summing these up, stated that as to Newcastle to
era delighted from beginning to end could receive the appointment and to I.
of his program. In must make a selection, he would
to his superb voice, he is of i make recommendation for the
pleasing personality and every move-1 of Mr. D. J. as
every expression was in keep- postmaster.
Mr. John Allen has just complete Dr. L. Massey, editor of the
tenant house at the same Christian Advocate, delivered an
place he had one destroyed by fire eloquent and thoughtful discourse he-
. i Us ago
As Scores Of Greenville People
Wailing doesn't pay.
If you neglect kidney backache,
Urinary troubles often follow.
Donna Kidney Pills are for kidney
backache, and for other kidney ills.
fore a highly appreciative audience.
The conference has already began
its business in earnest and while
tilings are going on smoothly they
are being done with dispatch. The
presiding Dr. is a mod-
el in the chair, while firm In his ml-
nevertheless he Is pleasant
thoughtful. , Greenville is entertain-
the members in royal style. The
hangs upon the
a warm and cordial welcome
Greenville citizens endorse them.
Mrs. Joseph S. Wash- greets the visitor on nil sides.
street, Greenville, N. C, I the Washington district conference
Bend. suffered from dull, nagging back- has a membership of church
today that three hundred and I also had headache and property valued at
were drowned at Peru, that no bodies through my Dizzy school enrollment of paid last
had recovered and that there annoyed me and I noticed that rear to all purposes or
was less than one block of the entire the kidney secretions were 17.33 per capita.
city that was not under water. i. Kidney Pills, procured j Among the distinguished visitors
Sewn Drowned Fremont Co attendance are Rev. Dr. Parker,
Ohio March a professor of Biblical Literature.
were drowned at Fremont, . College, who is scheduled to
before. I know preach on Friday night; Rev. L.
Pills live up to Massey. editor of the Raleigh Chris-
this morning, according to reliable
word n here. Wires arc down
buildings in a big
flood An a for help
s. here.
Pa., March 20.--
The Pennsylvania senate today take no other.
voted 160.000 to the
sufferers of Ohio.
when I again
a. t. as good as
that Dion's Kidney
the claims made for
Tor sale by all dealers.
Co. Buffalo.
Ne York sole for the Unit-
d States.
Remember the
with the singer's art. .
The people In his
were Mrs. S. J. Everett. Mrs.
C. M. Rock. Mrs. Lina Baker,
Arlene Joyner and
and Mr D. J.
This appearance of Bond was on
of the concert course under the
if Meredith College, an
that is doing much to
the highest in art.
Funeral This afternoon
The funeral of little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Flan-
who died Wednesday, took
this afternoon, the services being con-
ducted by C. M. Rock. The pall
bearers Messrs. C. Carr. H.
A. White. C. S. Forbes, W. H. Ball.
Jr. R. L. Smith, T. OH. Dupree.
W. Ferrell, S, T. White. P. T. Anthony,
P. S. Warren, Frank Wilson. M. L.
Turnage, O. B. W. Hadley, L, star-
key, A. It. Ellington. C. Laugh-
W. I. Best, F. J. Forbes.
L. James, K. A. Jr. F. M.
Woolen, C. W. Wilson, E. B. Higgs, J
II Keel and K. W. Harvey.
President Wilson will be the guest
of honor at the Gridiron Club dinner
I April
j Colonel Roosevelt is to attend n
j Progressive conference in Albany, N, of
C, March a,,,,,.,, Cross to send eon-
Three of the last seven presidents
to to Scatter-
Total, Indiana to
Grand total, to 2.987.
Wilson All
cans to Aid the Sufferers
dent Wilson today issued the follow-
appeal to the nation to help tho
sufferers In tho Ohio and Indiana
terrible floods In Ohio and
Indiana have assumed the proportions
of a national calamity. The loss of
life the infinite suffering
ed prompt me to issue an earnest
peal lo all who are able, In however
Teachers Meet at Fremont
Advocate; Kev, Dr. Mercer, pres-
of Carolina College. Maxton;
Rev. E. C. Glenn, of Bar.
It. II. Broom, of Washington, and
The conference will be on session
until Sunday.
A business session of the
b.-can at o'clock this morning, and
after devotional exercises
by Rev. J. W. Autrey, Interesting re
Turk With Wife Would Be Safe.
Montenegro is the only country In
Europe where a wife may be regarded
a perambulating insurance pol-
icy. The Montenegrin Is intensely
Respect for women Is carried Secretary of the Treasury, is one
of tho States were sons of
Arthur, Cleveland and
Henry F. Is tho first Dem-
New has sent to the
lulled States senate In more than
sixty years.
Congressman Richmond P.
Is about ready to begin his active
campaign for the seat of States
Senator Joseph F. Johnston of Ala-
whose term will expire March
Secretary of State Bryan has ac-
an Invitation to be the guest ;
of honor at the second annual ban-
in New York next month of tho
Society of the United
John Williams of Richmond,
Va. who has been appointed
at once to the Red
At Washington or to the local treas-
of society. We should make
this a common cause. The needs of
those upon whom this and
disaster has come should
quicken everyone capable of
thy and compassion to give immediate
aid to those who laboring to res-
cue and relieve.
to For This
Reliable And Get
Your Money Ruck If
It Falls
There are very few remedies that
gain the confidence of druggists as
Dodson's Liver Tone does.
Collate Observes
ST. PALL, Minn. March
FREMONT, Neb. 27- Fremont twenty-fifth anniversary of found- ports were made by several of the pas-
Is entertaining during the remainder of the agricultural college of tho tors of work in their respective
of this week a largo number of pub- University of Minnesota was fields.
He school teachers and ed this afternoon with Interesting ex- At o'clock an excellent sermon
who have assembled here for crises which wire attended by many was preached by Rev. L. S.
annual convention the East and Invited guests. Preside. editor of the Advocate
Central Nebraska Teacher George E. Vincent of the university; This afternoon business
The program provides for the presided and among the of the conference held,
discussion of a wide range of were former Presidents William E. The tonight will be by Rev.
relating to educational work. and Northrop. S. E. Mercer, of Carolina College, and
women is .--------. t hanks 111-
to such a that although the very of leading financiers of south. sells It and backs up th-
word Turk affect, the native as a red For a number of years he was ores- of every bottle with he money
rag doe a bull, yet a Turkish traveler
finding himself in tho wilds of
would be absolutely safe If he
were accompanied by his wife.
Life l patriarchal. There no
towns, only villages. There
of half a dozen houses, in each
of which three and sometime four editions of the police graft
of the Seaboard Air Lino Rail-
the politicians In New- York
city tho opinion la gaining
tint if Whitman
meet success In
back guarantee that the price will be
refunded If It fails to give complete
Dodson's Liver Tone costs cents
bottle. It is the safest and best
for torpid liver,
biliousness, etc., has ever been
which aim lour , , , .,, ,.,.
generation of a family together. . Is pretty sure to be nominated for this city. It takes the place
Travels. In of this patriarchal mayor next fall. of ea and doe not
life, find tho gloomy and taciturn,
with their eyes open for treachery and
their right hand on their revolver.
London Dally Mirror.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
and and off the
.-unit money it it fail cure.
. J. on
lay you up as a dose of often
Breaks an Arm. dues. bottle in the house is as
Mr. Joseph Fleming, who conducts good as cents In the bank. If you
n dairy here, met with a painful or your family need a liver tonic you
dent a day or two ago. He was out have the medicine If it falls
In lot driving COW to you get your money
barn, when his became tangled Be sure yon get Liver
in a hoop and threw him to the ground Tone when you a- k for it. There are
with inch force to break right Imitations of It that may disappoint
arm. you.
Is the Hot, Ike Healthful, the Most t Mum-
MM I Ml.
C, I. 191.1.
Aroused From Our Peaceful
Slumber By Fire
Second Conference Asked for by
Wilson Has This
Careful Consideration for
Committee Meets.
Wilson and Representative Underwood
were In conference for hours
the White tonight for the
i ii over features of the pro-
posed tariff revision. The confer-
was asked for by President
con, who had been studying the new
tariff bill for several days and
himself with many questions
which controversy have been
raised in the preparation of the Dem-
revision measure.
Other conference which to fol-
low with Mr. Underwood and Sen-
chairman of the finance
committee, will the of
the sugar, wool and agricultural
schedules, so far as the party leaders
can settle them, and will decide then
whether one general bill or
schedule bills shall be passed by the
Tho opponents of free sugar, chiefly
representing tho cane growing sec-
of the south, have made strong
representations to the President
the last week, tho removal
of the duty from that product, and the
president has been weighing the
upon this and other tariff
Since his first conference with Mr.
President Wilson has gone
over the tariff bill in Immediate de-
tail with Secretary of the
department of commerce, for
tariff views he has high regard. It
was not thought that any detailed
rates would be under consideration at
tonight's conference, but that the
general questions as to the free ad-
mission of raw materials and the ex-
tent to which the duly should be re-
moved from agricultural products
articles largely consumed by tho pub-
were fully.
Efforts to bring the senate and the
house In accord before the details of
the new tariff bill becomes public are
to be made late this week. Senator
Simmons will ask
In tho Senate finance committee
meet Friday for the preliminary con
of the tariff. Al that time
it is thought that a copy the bill
prepared by the house ways and means
committee will be submitted to the
senators considered In
Should the senate committee deter-
mine that certain features of the bill
will not be acceptable in the senate,
efforts will be made to have the draft
of the bill changed by the house com-
or by the Democratic member-
ship of the house when It meets In
next week, so that house and
senate may be brought a complete
accord as possible In support of the
house hill.
one o'clock
Tuesday night, the Are department
called to the
section of the town. A large single-
story fronting on Pitt
belonging to tho heirs of Adelaide
Foreman, colored, and occupied
Knox, was on fire. When
the department and citizens reached
the scene almost the entire roof of
tho house was burning furiously.
While at the time it almost looked
like the house beyond saving,
but with two good streams quickly
brought into play and work
of the department, the matter of put-
ting out the Are only a short
time, though the roof was practically
ruined. There was no Insurance on
the building.
It could not be learned how the
fire started, but those reaching there
first said It was burning In one of
the rear rooms and there
lo other rooms.
Of Dangerous
Explosive Unearthed By
Ind., April
quarts of believed to
bare been burled by E.
confessed dynamiter, have been
unearthed near here by the flood
of the White river. They were
found yesterday along the Boyce road
near the Lake Erie and Western
Railroad east tho city.
Road commissioners who were In-
the damage to the high-
way noticed two or three peculiar
cans in a field. They called over a
well digger working nearby and he
said they contained
Light more two-gallon cans of the ex-
plosive were recovered.
In his confession as-
he buried the
in the cinder grade of tho Big Four
railroad east of this city. He said that
when he returned for It the had
disappeared and accused a union of-
of taking It.
The cans floated through the yards
of the Indiana Wire and Steel Com-
Raleigh lady is Recipient
of a Black Hand
win Erect Large
The Furniture Co. will
begin the erection of I
building on the corner of
Dickinson avenue and street.
The building will have n large glass
front on streets
April of
Raleigh, the Black Hand the of
April Is a dangerous day for was
found scrawled on a handkerchief
with black borders and miniature
fin and skull and bones left In the
I onto of n young woman In
a suburb, today.
The threatening omens were carried
to Col. John In tho hope that
he would prosecute, but as no federal
laws were violated, the commission-
could nothing but consolation.
The name of the recipient of tho
threat was withheld, but It was learn-
ed that a married woman, who Is said
to be Jealous of her husband, is prob-
ably responsible for It.
Check Spread of Dangerous Blaze
With Dynamite
lieu ii People Were Rescued From
Toward the Gulf
SPRINGFIELD, Ills. April L-Ad-
General Dickson late this fore-
noon received a telephone message
from Major A. Parsons, cf
Cairo that water was flowing
the Railroad
embankment known as tho drainage
district levee and that the company
had abandoned hope of preventing
the of the district.
The Hooding of the drainage district
which Is above Cairo, probably will
relieve the pressure on the levee which
the city. It will flood a tor-
ten miles square with from
to feet of water.
it probably would recede. The fall.
he said, would be slow Bret because
of the large amount of water above.
Garrison Home
had accomplished all the good be
could in the flood district,
of War Garrison left Cincinnati for
Washington early today. Owing
high water the secretary will be
compelled to take a circuitous route
to reach Washington. He will go by
way of Knoxville. Tenn., Bristol and
Lynchburg, Va.
What Are ton Going lo Do
Fire broke out in the Hooded residence
district here early today and threat-
an entire city block, but the
flames were checked by the use of
Eleven persons were rescued from w
Cairo's Fate in Balance
CAIRO, III., April Ohio riv-
steadily through the night and
this morning stood at a point be-
tween 68.2 and
The population was a stir early and
fact that the had
the mark caused con-
anxiety. All expected that
the day would prove the crucial one
the fate of the city.
The crest of the Heed Is expected
to reach here today and If the
hold it is the belief that the worst
will be passed. Much trouble was
experienced during the night in tho
drainage district along the Big Four
levee. Three times slides occurred
and only valiant work on the part
those watching it saved the day.
Dozens of carloads of sandbags were
placed about the weak spots and s
the burning buildings Fire engines
placed on barges pumped water on
the flames.
State Fire Marshall Allison direct-
ed tho work of firemen.
Flood Now Sweeping Toward the
river at Cincinnati this morning was
at a stage of 69.8 feet, 19.8 feet above
Hood stage. It will probably remain
at about this during next
twenty-four hours and then begin to
fall slowly.
At the river Tuesday
morning was within 0.3 feet a stage
of and still rising. The Cairo
was 53.2 feet, 8.2 feet above
Hood stage. Following is a statement
of the forecast stages along the
from Cairo to New Orleans
made on the assumption that the
will hold and that no more rail
Memphis feet within the next
eight or nine days, Hood stage feet;
Ark., a minimum stage of
feet Greenville, Miss. to feet,
Hood stage 4-
slightly over. Hood feet;
Water seeped through under the
concrete wall and In tho main
street of Cairo today hut the levee has
shown no signs of weakening. A big
force of men worked all night
sandbags and oilier hold-backs
along the city front.
It is expected the mayor and sheriff
here will give the military complete
control of situation. Word
received from General Wood at
by general relief com-
that the situation would be
handled the same as last year.
Refugees continued to leave the city
all night and crowds are still walling
at the depots to get out.
Anxiety at Louisville
was felt over few inches of ad-
rise for the river
before the crest of the Hood reaches
hero late today or early tomorrow
with a stage of feet.
Major General . A. Logan, Jr.
of quartermaster's department.
and Lieutenant Simon II.
Jr. and Sixteen men who arrived her
Natchez. Miss., 50.5 to 51.5 feet, flood Hamilton, o. expected
Lady Breaks Arm.
This morning Mrs. Allen
who lives in South Greenville, fell
down mil Walking her
and broke small bone in one arm
Mrs. is about years of
stage feet; Baton Rogue. 4.1
to feet. Hood stage feet; Donald-
La. 32.3 to 33.3 feet, flood
stage feet; New Orleans 19.0
Hood stage feet.
The Hood is expected to reach New
Orleans between April and April
and at up river stations
of Cairo Doomed
Ky. April
a break In drainage district
at Cairo at midnight, the citizens
committee gave the district as
loomed and Sheriff wired
Governor Dunne requesting mar-
Hal law be declared, according to a
received here Cairo
early morning. The plan Is
compel everyone to aid In the defense
of city.
The nine Rise
CINCINNATI. April I -The Ohio
river here rose two tenths of a foot
during night and early today the
-late was tin s feel. Weather Fore-
. said he expected
rival lo another tenth, after which
lo have federal relief work well
under way at lower river points before
the swell reaches that section.
Ohio, almost Bankrupt
Wilson received today the following
message sent by Major T. Kennedy
by special messenger from
three-fourths under wale
No very little coal, food scarce,
financial aid. city almost bank-
The Betel
The stockholders of tho Proctor
Hotel Company held their
meeting, Tuesday night. In the office I
of the Secretary. The report of tho
building Committee showed that the
entire cost. Including tho adjoining
Stores and which belong to the
company, will be about
is expected to have the hotel com-
and ready for opening by the
first of The stockholders elect-,
ed the hoard of directors for the
The opportunity lo have good road.
has been offered every township in
tho county and each township
now choose for Itself between the old I
of working by taxation and
modern method of improving its
at once by bond Of the
two systems much can he said, an
a brief outline of the principal points
of difference between the old
lets method and the up-to-date mod-
way will hero be given.
the old system of Working
the roads with the money raised each
year by taxation we been pay-;
fifteen cents on every 1100.00 of
property, cents on
poll, yet our roads In a de-1
condition now and have been
almost from time Immemorial. It ls
true a bill was passed by the
just adjourned, making some,
slight changes in the details of elect-
the road supervisors and the
labor system, but Us main
feature an increase of the road taxi
from cents to cents on every
of property and from to,
cents on every poll, or In other
words an Increase of 2-3 per cent,
In the present road tax Of course,
it to reason that any increase
in the road fund will mean
work on the roads, but taking Green-
ville township as an example,
2-3 per cent increase In Its road
tax would add to Its present
fund only about and it Is.
well known that little or no
improvements could be made
throughout the township with such a
According to the sworn state-
of tho county auditor the pres-
of cents on the
of property and cents on each polo
will raise from the 1912 taxation
and amount has given
us no better roads than we had one.
two or three years Will an In-
crease of 2-3 per cent in the road
added to our present fund do any
materially for us In the way
of permanent improvements Regard-
the old system of working the
roads following was made
by the last Grand
find that the Supervisors of
public roads in most of the town-
ships do not visit and Inspect the
roads of the county as they are re-
by law to do. Nor do
give them that attention which they
should receive; nor do they make
their reports to the court as Is their
duty to do. Only four townships
submitted reports to this term
of superior court, Green-1
Title, Beaver Dam and B 1-,
In some of townships the Sup-1
report that the Overseers,
take no Interest whatever in the pub
lie roads and make no report to the
supervisors. We think that some ac-
should be taken by the
authorities and this evil, for evil
Is. should be remedied.
We further state upon Information
and observation that the general
of the roads and public bridge,
are in a deplorable condition. For
slate of affairs we believe
lime of next grand
Jury would be well occupied in
bills of indictment against
persons responsible for this neglect
Now, let us consider for a moment
the bond issue way, plan by
which least half counties of the
state have secured and are now en-
good roads. To begin with I
bond Issue does mean an i
in the road tax one cent. It doe.
mean, however, that borrow
000.00 and build good roads,
and pay ofT the debt In
years, all on cents on the
property and cents on the pol I
and with no Increase whatever in the
present tax rate. This can be done.
As an example, suppose a man pay-
per month f-r house rent
would be able to borrow for
forty years, would It not be well foe
him lo build his own home and then
of paying out the per
month as rent, use It to pay Inter-
est on the and create a sink-
fund that would , for his
in forty years time for which he
had borrowed the money, pay-
for his home with the original
per month rent money The
two cases are analogous, only
difference being, good roads are per-
improvements and will
farmer big dividends with-
out his having to invest one cent more
than he already pays for road tax.
Which Is the better, the old
with an Increase of 2-3 in
road tax and no permanent
or the bond issue with
no increase in taxes, but permanent
hard roads to travel on. and market
produce over
Tho question might now be ask-
ed, how can get this CO
with Which to build our roads The
answer Is very simple. Upon the
presentation of a petition to the
county commissioners signed by one-
fourth of the qualified voters In any
I the county commissioners
will submit an election in town-
ship to determine whether a major-
of the qualified voters want a
bond issue or not. If the majority
want the bond issue the rest is
enough. Of course, we not
space here to go Into details, tho
system Is nothing more than a re-
of the matter to the people
and as to tho procedure, refer
you to the law.
It had been rumored, however,
Pitt county had been denied
these privileges of self government
which are given under the state
w road law. Such rumors
without foundation and cannot be
substantiated. Tho law applies as
fully to county as It does lo any
county In the state and nothing what-
ever passed at the legislature
exempting from Its provisions.
As to the road commission, or old
system law, that seeks to increase
the road tax to cent on the
of property and cents on the pole,
which has already received mention
in this article, we beg to advise that
Section of that law reads as fol-
this act shall not apply to
any township that has or may here-
after issue bonds for the Improve-
of the roads within its
Of course, Is one more ob-
yet to overcome. When the
opposition have gone to the last
ditch and have left not a staple
text upon which they can interpose
an objection, they launch back on
ill. uppers and twisting ton-
belch forth mellow
word Hut in
case It is gratifying to know-
that not only this particular law re-
the inspection and approval
of Judge Council and other
attorneys for the state, but that
bonds have been Issued three
or four limes under almost this
law as a county wile Instead
a slate wide act.
Think or what ROADS would
mean to yon and then think over tho
proposition and act accordingly. We
will be glad to answer any and
questions for those seeking
Res peel fully.
Concert Real Wednesday
If yon wish to see something of tho
work that Orphanage Is
for orphan children, attend tho concert
on Wednesday. April 9th. at East Car-
Teachers Training School.

Eastern reflector, 28 March 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 28, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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