Eastern reflector, 28 February 1913

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T dost In the world we
do with all our
Mrs. when she and
husband decided, after much die-
to mo from their house.
which was too Mk now
that the children had all pone any
to of their own.
won't to hi our
turf, to nay of all tho
we hare stored In tho
Tick at the you need
then turn a hand man
In the suggested Hem-
Tilt. Charles, you wouldn't want mo
to sell all our old keepsakes, would
assuredly. What earthly use
U any one a lot of old books,
and that no one ever
looks at except at house cleaning;
ix. they do anybody any
I don't propose they
admitted Mrs. Hemming,
f hate to part with some of them.
my dear. Tho
fact la. It will be a relief you when
are rid of all that old
I could select Just a few
of the oldest things and we could put
the tit In the storeroom of tho apart-
You know there's a nice big
I know It. Harriet, and I'm
planning to keep golf clubs there
and my fishing tackle. So If you
please, won't fill up that storeroom
with n lot of useless
After the second hand dealer's visit i
Hemming said to his hope
were sufficiently
let In the attic
nearly answered
Mrs Hemming are a few lit-
that it seems a to
ell. such
r mind enumerating them.
Harriet. I shouldn't be Interested In
a list of crippled furniture or ancient
what I thought or keeping was
the two old-----
Harriet, we decided to get
rid of all Our old stuff. Don't let Han- ,
kins leave a thing tomorrow when he
comes with his
When the wagons drove away load-
ed with furniture and
mostly of a peculiarly Inartistic
Mrs. laughed away
her regrets. was she
aid to herself. would been
illy to keep that ugly
About a fortnight after they were I
settled in their apartment, Hemming
home one afternoon carrying a
largo box.
have a little present for you.
he with boyish pleasure.
You'll surprised when you see
what it Is. I was passing Devlin's an-
shop this morning when some
things in tho windows caught my eye
and took me back about to years to
the time when I was courting a
pretty girl In her grandmother's
best parlor, which was lighted with
green glass lamps. There, my dear,
what do you think of He
drew from the box two
lamps of old i
and decoration. they
you think of anything, liar
me think
of a lot of the answered.
much did you pay
let i cheap.
You see. one of his I
them up for or nothing In an
out-of-the-way Vermont
where antiques aren't appreciated
he sold me the pair for
Harriet, I'd have given if he'd
I'm glad he didn't ask
replied Mrs. Hemming, I sold
these same lamps to three
weeks ago for
Scott Are. you sure they're
the same
course I'm sure. I'd know them
you bought then In I was
brought up under those
dollar apiece And I snapped
them up for tho mused
Hemming, trying not to look sheepish,
and I'm glad you re-
Mrs. Hemming. they
were what I hated to part with most.
I wanted to keep them and I'm awfully
Clad to have them
Popular Usage of the Word la Opposed
to Its Definition, Which
Two men got Into an argument re-
meaning of the word
One of them had used the
as the police uses It. to
describe the red glare In the sky
made by a fire at night. The other
man objected to this, asserting that
the word means In-
stead of Thereupon they
applied to the and found
them agreed in defining
wan. ghastly
Hut the Oxford Dictionary
caught up with the new and popular
manning of the word with this
with a red glow or glare
amid darkness of lightning
Hashes across dark clouds or flame
mingled with
Hut this seems to he gratuitous of
the Oxford Dictionary. The word
started out it seems a I-at in
adjective meaning It
was used of the complexion,
much as Is used. Then it
grew to have the meaning of
But Us transition Into the
meaning given it today seems to
have been due to the willfulness of the
press, which found It a handy word
to describe a phenomenon for which
no other word had. apparently, quite
Generally Considered Inalienable, but
New York Magistrate Who Fined
Student Thought Otherwise.
Compared to tho Inalienable right to
males n tool of yourself, tho right of
free speech, which loudmouths pro-
Um moat cherished one, is of
small concern In average person.
nil places whore some restraint
on tho former might ho expected Mew
York la the Inst that would thought
of. Tel In the night court n Columbia
student, caught by start constable
In the not of Standing still under
umbrella while tho Man shone
overhead, was fined and warned
that tho penalty for tho next offense
of similar genesis would a
In the workhouse, Tho man,
of course, was Qualifying for n
He looked was the
intention. In which he
quoth the police magistrate
ponderously, fraternity a
to order a man to make an ass of him-
and he expressed the wish that
the whole chapter could be haled Into
court that he might fine them all. Con-
In how many ways New York
Invites young men to make asses
themselves, and how many persons In
that town. In fact, do make asses
themselves without molestation, why
should tho line drawn at a practice
apparently so Inoffensive to public pol-
icy as tho one
Crowd Proved to Be Very Human
When Cripple Long Blind Was
Wheeled Up.
All his life he had boon lame; near-
all his lite ho had been blind. But
always he could hoar, and the thing
ho liked best to hear was martial
music by tho band. He beard It
The Homo for was
on a side at root, out of the way of
bands. Tho operation that restored
his sight was followed shortly by a
big parade.
said he. shall see the
fellows that play tho
The line of march was twenty
blocks away, but to a strong-armed
orderly who was used to wheeling a
chair treaty blocks was
untiring. The policeman on the edge
of the crow was far more formidable.
can't take that boy In
ho said. crush the life out
out of him. We can't do anything
with a crowd like this on parade days.
They're a
they're very said tho
orderly. Then he told the story of
the newly opened eyes.
said the policeman.
He stepped back. Others also step-
back, policemen and members of
the Right up the curb they
went, the boy and the orderly. A few
who had hold their places since sun
up grumbled a but the eager
look of the boy who had never seen a
uniform conquered and they made
way. Then the bands came, dozens
of them, and every bandsman seemed
to play his best for the boy In the
chair. It was splendid; so
Hint the boy and the orderly and the
mob laughed cried together.
Truly, the mob was very human.
Old Tims Article Tells Difficult
Duties and Requirements of Their
In their of the
authors. Miss Nutting and Miss Dock,
, quote from an article written in 1764,
which gives an Insight into what was
I required of the trained nurse in the
eighteenth century. The article
occupation is as important tor
; humanity its functions are low and
repugnant. All persons are not
adapted to It, and the of
ought to be difficult to for
tho lives of patients may depend upon
their choice of applicants. The nurse
patient, mild,
ate. She should console the
foresee their needs, and relieve their
tedium. The domestic duties of the
nurse To light the tires in the
wards and keep them going; to carry
and distribute nourishment; to
the and doctors on
their rounds, and afterwards to re-
move ail dressings, etc.; to sweep the
hails and wards, and keep the persons
of the patients and their surroundings
clean; to empty all vessels, and
change the linen; to prevent
noise and quarreling and
to notify the steward of
everything they see which is wrong;
to carry out tho dead and bury them;
to light the in the evening, and
visit the sick during the night, and
to watch them them
every aid which their state requires,
and treating them with kindness and
Brief Holiday.
Joy Is like a bird flight, which
dips in passing and touches us
with Its wings. It comes from out of
a far country and it tracks Ha way
on high. After that brief hovering
It will recover Its former attitude,
speed, and song. Its throbbing heart
passes high over our throbbing
lei and frozen hills. As watch
that High of wing
wish that somehow we might cap
that and teach It
dwell among men. Why should It
I hot never abide We would
have that joy abide so fixedly that It
would become a peace. The holiday
season Is like . that It stoops
a little out of space, draws near our
dim earth, and sheds Its brightness
among men. As swiftly II came,
swiftly It goes again. And yet each
year It draws more close and
for a longer time; Its radiance Is re
to us more clearly, full
grace and Weekly.
Fine of Man Who Attempted Suicide
Would Have Been Larger Had
He Succeeded.
One evening, several years ago, In
gold mining camp In the Transvaal,
man, partially intoxicated and sup
posed to by Jealousy, at-
tempted suicide. Ho first took
but this not proving strong
enough h tried to hang himself, but
prevented, and handed over to the
sheriff to be kept in safe custody for
the night, and to b tried before the
acting gold commissioner, a shrewd
and solemn Scot, the next morning.
There being no law to prevent him
from commuting suicide if he thought
fit, but it being considered desirable to
punish him In some way. It was
ed to bring a charge of drunkenness
and disorderly conduct against him
To this the prisoner pleaded guilty
the gold
without the ghost of a
delivered the following extraordinary
shall fine ye for
drunkenness; but I'll just ye to
that I what
attempted to and had ye succeed
ed In your attempt, your
would bin much
than It
Irish Athlete Ran In No Time, for the
Stop Watch lad Actually
An Irish who was training
for a mile race, which he had very
high hopes of went one day.
accompanied by his man, Pat, to have
a trial ill a field convenient to his
own house.
said his master, as he
handed him his watch, that you
I note correct time in which start
who, by the way, was very
proud of his young master's prowess
In the athletic arena, assured him that
he would make no mistake.
Now, It happened that by some
lucky chance the watched stopped at
the precise moment which he
started to run.
Having put his best effort Into the
race, the athlete finished almost ex-
time, he shouted, breath-
Pat Immediately pulled out the
watch, and, on looking at It for the
first time since the start, an
of surprise, mingled with pride,
overspread his features.
he answered,
have beaten all records, for you have
done It in no
Turk With Wife Would Be Safe.
Monti is the only country In
where u wife may regarded
a perambulating life Insurance pol-
icy. The Montenegrin is intensely
for women is carried
to such a pitch that although the very
word Turk affects tho native as a red
lag does a bull, yet a Turkish traveler
finding himself in the wilds of Monte-
would be absolutely safe If he
were accompanied by his wife.
Life Is patriarchal. Thorn are no
towns, only villages. There
of half a dozen houses. In each
of which three and sometimes four
generations of a family live together
Travels, in spite of this patriarchal
life. tho men gloomy and taciturn,
with eyes open for treachery and
their right hand on their revolver.
London Daily Mirror.
Girl That Is Popular,
The popular girl in the school
will generally be a girl who In
games and outsiders often wonder
why this should be the case Tho
son Is that to play most games well
a girl must unselfish; she must
for her and not for her
own honor and glory, and she carries
this out unconsciously in bar daily
life. You do not find her thinking
that no else Is of any use In the
world, or putting on airs because she
lo be better looking than
her companions. She is and
natural and content to and
and is as strict In her code of
honor as her brother Is in a public
school Such girls will win
be rich In friends, and wherever they
go they carry with them a breezy
spirit of Joy good fellowship.
Speed of Animals.
According to naturalists, no animal
is known lo have exceeded the speed
attained by tho famous race-horse
Instantaneous photographs
show the full length of one complete
stride as about twenty-six feet. In the
stride of the fastest racers the hind
and limbs are raised
higher than the shoulders, and
from this relatively groat height
brought downward and forward, wide-
separated from each other, as a
sportsman says, avoid striking the
fore The ham which is hunted
has not in reality
tho speed of dog. The dog. on
the other hand, does not attain the
speed of the horse. The giraffe is said
to run at the rate of fifteen meters
per second under the most
favorable conditions. The elephant,
going at the rate of two yards a sec-
carries a weight approximating
carried by six
To Catch Foxes.
If you are particularly anxious to
a little surreptitious fox catching try
the following, It is the of I-up-
ton who speaks. In his
Notable the soles
of your shoes with a piece of fat
swine's flesh as broad as your hand,
newly toasted or a little broiled at
the Are, when you go out of the wood
homeward. And in every of your
steps cast a piece of the liver of a
roasted and dipped In honey,
and draw after your back the dead
carcass of a Your fox cannot
resist all this, but sure to have
a man nigh thee with bow
to shoot at him. or by some other
means to hit flood fun this
a country house party at loose ends.
Microscope In the Kitchen.
The use of the microscope Is
mended In the kitchen. If not of the
ordinary house, at least of those
an army of servants and
by wholesale. In hotels, boarding
houses, hospitals. Jails, its use In our
complicated modern life Is becoming
essential, and the need is upon
the necessity of determining the de-
of of food Tho chef
has no excuse for not knowing what
ho buys If he provided with a
In starchy substances the
will soon revealed by the
microscope if the grains of starch
do not have the form in the
potato and It rice. The same thing
may be said of the spices. Pepper
can be adulterated only with peas or
ground beans, ard fraud also
may be readily The rule
may almost universally applied to
ail foods that pass through the
en, end especially the kitchens of the
wealthy. Coffee under the microscope
does not look like chicory In structure
and chocolate made with peanuts does
not look Ilka pure
Bowl of Mush.
A famous doctor a good
howl of mush and milk for your break-
fast, and you will not need any
Indian corn contains a large
amount of nitrogen, has qualities
assimilated, ard is fattening. It
Is cheap, and has great nutritive prop-
as well. A course of Indian
meal In the shape of mush. Johnny
cake, hoe cake, corn bread, etc., fol-
lowed by copious of water,
or, bettor still, cow's milk, to which.
If Inclined to dyspepsia, a little lime
water may be added, will make life
now a burden worth living, and you
need no other treatment to correct
your nervousness and brighten
vision and give you sweet and peace
Make Living by
One occupation by which a score of
Britons are said to earn their
Is that of By
the rabbinical law no Jew la allowed
to kindle or mend any Are on the
bath, and In certain places in England
where Jews very numerous this
prohibition makes it that
persons shall be employed from sun-;
set on Friday to the same hour on
Saturday la a from house to house l
lighting Area and lamps and attending
Revolving Houses.
A Parisian Inventor has conceived
tho Idea of having small houses which
will turn on their axes built in
try districts for Invalids, thus furnish
a change of scene, of light, and of
air. There Is, he thinks, no reason
why some rooms should always get
the sunlight and the remainder be
always damp and unhealthy. The
idea Is not entirely new.
ago a revolving house was built In
Normandy. The door was constructed
of thin boards which glided over each
other as the house was turned. On
one occasion these spread out
like an opened fan. closing the exit.
The inmate, terrified by his
had the house pulled down
r's Weekly
Queensland's Rifle Fish.
There Is said to exist In the waters
of Northern Queensland a fish
about ten inches In length and
averaging a pound and half In weight,
which possesses the remarkable pow-
of shooting Its prey.
The as It is called. Is
alleged to swim leisurely about the
stream a few Inches below the
face, on the lookout for files and
other Insects that settle on the float-
leaves and twigs or on the surface
of the water plants.
When the gets close
enough for the purpose. It discharges
at Its victim s tiny Jet or ball of w I
which. If shot straight knock the
Into the stream, where It Is In I
,, .;. Baikal in by the shooter
Frightful World.
times are nerve-rack
wrong now
when we entered a
house we used to be met by one of
those awful bear heads on the rug.
now they're Introducing Chinese-
to a Berlin
specialist knitting In bed Is an ex
antidote for tired nerves.
I should say
that the fellow rho spent Urns
knitting In bed have a beautiful
What la known as the
is seldom occasioned by actual exist-
external conditions, but In t h e
great majority of cases by a dis-
by t a course of
regulate the LIVER
they bring hope and to the
mind. They bring health and
to the body.
Washington Birthday Celebration
Rehearsals are In progress for the
Washington birthday celebration to
be given In the court house Saturday
night, by one of the circles of the
Methodist church. And it Is going
be something Interesting.
You Believe It
Some say that chronic constipation
cannot be cured. Don't you believe
It. Chamberlain's Tablets have cur-
ed not you. Give them
; trial. They cost only a quarter
For sale by all druggists. adv
Members Should Attend
There should be a large attendance
of the members at the service in the
Baptist church tonight, as it Is like-
some action will be taken in pub-
condemning tho assault made
upon the pastor Monday.
for Dandruff
Ton Will Be Surprised to See How
It Disappears
No more dirty coats from dandruff
heads. stops dandruff. Apply
It any time with tips of fingers. No-
smell, no smear. sinks into
the pores, makes the scalp health,
Makes the hair fine and glossy.
is prepared by E. W. Rose
Medicine Co., St. Louis. Mo., and Is
regularly sold by all druggists at
per bottle. But to enable you to
make a test and prove what It will
for you. get a 25-cent trial bottle
fully guaranteed, or your money back
at Pharmacy.
Reward, f
The readers of this paper will be
to I, that there is at least
, it science has been
l, in all stages, and
II i arm t me Is the Only
cure now known to the medical
being a constitutional
. a treat
Ia a I taken lo-
upon blood
i n s r the system, there
. s .- r of the
h i , i- -it by
n .-el curative p- v.
.-I . tin isl l It
Sou Railway
ll it OF THE
Direct Lines to All Points North,
East, South and West
Low Round Trip Fares to
Land of the
Convenient Schedules,
Lighted Coaches, Complete
Dining Car Service
If you are contemplating a trip b
any point, before completing arrange-
for It will be wise for
you to consult a representative of
Southern Railway, or writs the
who will gladly and
furnish you with all
as to your best and
schedule and most comfortable was
in which to make the trip
N, C.
General Passenger Agent.
Washington. D.
On account of the to be held
In the court house on Friday evening
the Washington birthday celebration
will be postponed until Saturday
22nd, at which time It will be
held In the auditorium of the court
hr-use we want everybody to make
a special effort to go, even though It
Is Saturday night.
Old Bay Line
Baltimore Steam Packet
Dally, including Sunday between
II, k II I till lit
Equipped with Unit-
ed Wireless and
modern convenience. Cuisine
Portsmouth, Sundays,
Portsmouth, week pint
Norfolk, dally . pro
Old Point . pin
Tickets sold to all points North.
The Best Cough Medicine
have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ever since I have been keep-
says L. C. cf Mar-
hurry. Ala., consider it one of
the best remedies I ever used. My
children have all taken it and It works
like a charm. For colds and whoop-
cough it Is For sale
b all druggists. adv
Divorce From Voting
YORK. Feb. divorce-
suit filed Mrs. Daisy
against William H.
tie former lightweight
champion come up In court
today for trial. The couple were mar-
In Denver ten years ego. Mrs.
for an absolute divorce-
en statutory grounds.
home grown potatoes ft
J. O. Proctor Bro.
N. C.
Why not buy the
dent and Health i ct
The issued by the NEW ENGLAND
dent CE than any
the same money.
We adjust claims our e.
Moseley Bros., Agents
W contracted for
a th n sets of Harness,
in YOU a
th it of interest to
This Harness is the
Best we could Buy
Our terms, as usual,
are made to suit your
Come to see us.
Is Must I lad Healthful, tile Mun.
N. C FRIDAY K, 1913
Latest Victim of
Mexican Rebels
Taxation Question is Big
Problem for Legislature
MEXICO, D. F., Feb. Mr.
Through the
of the different countries represented
in Mexico we have been allowed an
Plans Are On Foot to Tax Rate in The Slate. It is
posed that Corporation, I Be Made to E
Share Burden. Gov. Craig is Very Much
SYDNEY, Australia, Fob, An-
other was added to the list of
tic tragedies by the news received
of two
Four lamas Bryan,
RALEIGH, Feb. first of the to perform and hence the has
bills of the house finance committee, pally been due to too much work
tho revenue bill, was introduced In divided authority. Other states have
the house this morning by Chairman found It the pan of wisdom to create lure today of the death .
of Buncombe. Others are a tax commission to enforce rev- of the expedition commanded by
Dead Man Was Brother Late of hours from last night no he HUM acts, and it now seems that the Lr. Douglas
Occurred o .- h. w w .
Near So Reads
at o'clock, to seek safety, but we
are about as bad off, as we do not
formulated In tho committees.
has come for
The party left Tasmania In 1911
accompanied by a large body of
o m m i Governor Craig is concentrating his
K can not et the by big Problem of the present effort w readjust the tax laws of the men to explore g
. . . . .,. tin. southern ma
; . . w .
know where safety is in this country, The question of taxation is the one
Mi H Feb. we can not get to the by bl of the present
a brother of tie late rail, nor to Vera to take the boat. important than the in fact he Is giving his time the
dent has been shot and killed near are to try get out or referendum, or a state-wide j almost to
Monterey, according to reliable by but doubt primary and the leaders are question and the
. ,. they will get far. No measures ha in his
Is Mated Secretary of lite
and for
Matter Ventral.
Feb. was
mine men to .
a , positively tonight in high
around the mag-
the freight rate pole.
Once again the British army Is
quarters closely identified
the Incoming administration of
Wilson, that the following
,.,,,,.,,. question and the tax question and it
received here their efforts on measures he succeeds in bis he will have by of a brilliant had been de-
Wilt, an escort of men, had any before the while confronting with the present done the a great service. There b E S. of
It is said, was attempting to join the and those caught at the place North Carolina, will fa no need for anyone to get fright- Secretary of State, William Jen-
L the produce the necessary revenue to run for It is not the purpose to WM a Captain Law- Bryan, of Nebraska.
the state government without raising raise tax rates; in fact. It is hoped Secretary of the treasury, Wm. G.
the tax rate. Members of the finance that material reductions will be made perished while returning of New York,
committee, it might be safely predict- by a more equitable d
rebels holding Laredo, were
Le was overtaken by troops sent by began man had to say as
General Trevino. The report, do not the bullets and shells flying in
whether was killed directions of the c presume.
In action or was executed. there has more p id have plans on foot to reduce the of the burdens of taxation.
a action or was .-----. L
took place between P W tax in the future.
. . . in wild and bombard
The bill Introduced today refers to
taxes on corporations, franchises, in-
and special rates. The
Villa and As the d
It Is hard to estimate how
rebel leader In the Laredo . . ,,,, .
is a of have been specs, .
General Trevino, the government ex- baa on question of property taxation, both
that the trouble In that vicinity Sunday morning and almost a steady
soon early n a subsequent measure to be In-
Emilio in conjunction with w lib , the The
. . i I ELL i. a bills, will it appears, be
. j . ., k better than it is a
his brother, Raoul, a ow be
a counter revolution at San
in the state o in the ex- W
of uniting the rebels about M
with In the Laredo
t. let.
Wilson Resigned The
Governorship Hew
Jersey Yesterday
Immediate peace In Mexico Is slight
Rebel activity in the north has in-
creased government's efforts
enter arrangements with the
appear to have failed.
Whether tho rebels, whose center
ed numerically Is not known. Already
communication with the frontier has
been stopped, that region between
Laredo and San being
practically isolated.
In the south, tho con-
burning and raiding and an m .
tack on a military train between Oz- being killed,
and Mexico City leaves little
doubt as to their attitude toward
the new administration. The attack
I am afraid there will be a
massacre of every American who can
be in this country. The con-
arc ripe for anything.
I was caught last Sunday In the
home of one of my friends near the
rebel headquarter and had to re-
main there until today. The house I
was In was very badly damaged by
shots and the roof tore off by bombs
i exploding above it. Most of the
the of have time we wire in the cellar. The
was cut off; the electric lights
, , food gave out and for
., it certainly looked
n. It Is to be alive, but
to be tied up
ban we foreigners are. So far I
have not learned of very many Amer-
A number have
been killed In their homes, but not
many from the streets. There Is be-
a joint effort made today among
of the ordinary ambush type a the foreigners to get together in
The train was stopped by a burned a section of the city where the two
out bridge and tho fighting continued partial fighting will declare a neutral
more than two hours. ZOne and respect same for the pro-
One of the demands of the of the foreigners. I shall
made today by commissioners rep- make my headquarters at this
resenting that faction of the rebels. we may still have weeks of
that all officers be ad- uncivilized condition,
to the regular army establish-1 it Is a shame and a crime to de-
with corresponding rank, same the beautiful building In the
having assumed the title of general. they have been for the past
To this the government strongly ob- church steeples blown down, soon us I think It sale to go out in
he commissioners left to trimmings from beautiful dwellings the worst lorn-up part of the city, and
their chief and soon word a over the city blown off, public will send you some as Boon as I finish
back that the con- buildings bombarded, and the worst them. I enclose under
the revolution still in of n our new Y. C. A., building some newspapers. I will write
The government has sen forces south glories high and one of the finest more fully about the conditions U
ward toward along the in the city was taken by the soon as the same Is settled. It may
line of the Central railway, a portion forces as one of main be only a few days, and I
of which, destroyed by rebels, will be posts. All the Mexican buildings weeks, and worst
arc flat roofs, and they have an edge come after they stop fighting, as In.
To oust the antagonism of the around the top of the roof from to poor soldiers will he half perished
however, the feet high. The soldiers use the and will have no food, there been
believes there will be no difficulty house lops on each side to fight from three thousand turned
concluding peace and these edges the top out murderers, robbers and all other
with Juan Andrew and Julio the buildings are used for breast- classes, then will come the many
the two most prominent bad- works and some them the cannons and low crimes. All business has
in the state of Guerrero. Nor are put behind. For the reason that been suspended for
definite and have enough
power them to enable the
revenue acts be carried out. It Is
generally the finance
committee will recommend the
of a state tax commission, com-
posed members, whose duty
it will be to carry out the terms of
the revenue and machinery bills. If
the creates this
and there is little real reason
why it not be created, the
responsibility will depend upon
it to see that the taxes are properly
levied and collected.
of in this
commission, it is believed,
necessary. Those who have
seriously investigated conditions are
of opinion that one of the causes
of the resent In the state treas
is due to divided authority
now in f e of
the tax laws. This authority has hen-
been vested In the corporation
commission e Mate treasurer an- IS
the stale auditor. T
Is now burdened to
limit with its efforts In regulating the
controlling public service corpora-
and. therefore, Is not able, no
matter how zealous the members
be. to give the tax matters the at-
that they should have. The
state treasurer and the state auditor
each have their own duties
TRENTON, N. J., Feb.
dent-elect Wilson resigned the gov-
of New Jersey at one o'clock
today to take effect at noon on
day, March Tho governor wrote
his resignation In his own hand and
sent it by Secretary to
S. Crater, the Secretary of State.
the same time he sent a ;
lo both houses of the legislature,
them of his act.
shall have the pleasure of being
a private citizen for just three
remarked Mr. Wilson. he
added, with a smile, shall celebrate
the fact by turning a handspring just
to show that I have no dignity of of-
Mr. Wilson will attend the
s at when his
J,. president or
tic stale sen
the south pole with Scott. Postmaster General, Albert S. Bur-
also has suffered a of Texas,
great lose by the death of Dr. Secretary of the navy,
a prominent scientist and sportsman. Daniels, of North Carolina.
After winning the ski jumping chain- The foregoing s and positions
in Switzerland In 1908 he said to have advanced entirely
his services to Dr. beyond the of conjecture
i Lieutenant was the expert gossip and become finalities in the
the expedition on surveying and forthcoming cabinet list, places
sledging The wireless messages in the cabinet are said to be reason-
hitherto received from the Aurora ably with the exception of
not slate the cause of his death or portfolios war and agriculture,
that of Dr. I The name or Representative A.
Professor David, who was a Mitchell Palmer, of Pennsylvania,
her of Sir Ernest which has been prominently mentioned;
pole expedition, received the follow- m connection with the attorney gen-
wireless dispatch Adelle now is definitely eliminated.
it that a cabinet position
Douglas and several of his was tendered to Mr. Palmer and de-
missed the Aurora, which had i
gone to fetch them the com- put nm
or Captain J- K- This owl
happened owing lo the unfortunate pies
Seek In
Lieutenant R. E. S. the
city of London. Regiment of Royal
and Dr. who was ski
champion Switzerland in 1908 are
both dead. All the others are well.
and six other
of his party will winter
on Land.
, very successful sledging ex-
were made during the so-
of Dr. and his com-
In the
I last previous message received
I here the Aurora arrived on
and said all were on
board the vessel, it would appear
i e i
in -PI
I-op mm hi
therefore, that Dr. Douglas
I with some of his companions, must
landed and gone on an
from which they were unable to
25.-- back In time to rejoin the Aurora
elder the ice compelled her to leave.
ITHACA, N. Y. February
a whose
I Francisco and Gustavo, were
killed in the overthrow of the
administration in Mexico, believes
that tho surviving members of his
family will seek refuge in the United
who obtained his degree .
from tho Suite Agricultural College get their names
hist week, is confined lo his room in m the new directory.
club, having
the Dr
low Telephone Directory
Copy for a new telephone directory
Tor the local exchange is in the hands
of the printers. Persons
putting telephone any time
soon should see Manager Phillips
and numbers
am afraid will collapsed under the weight of
entire cabinet had been
but had
concerning of the
personnel, probably the two positions
war and agricultural now remaining
Concluding those who are believed
tragic events In Mexico City. He has Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be Hotel
wired his young brother. Carlos, who Bertha Monday. March 3rd. lo to be Included In tho cabinet list
Is studying St. Joseph's Academy, diseases the eye and fit glasses, new the name
Milwaukee, lo Join him there Jennings
once and tho latter Is to I looked upon
on his way east today. learned has been in press Democrat
name of William
secretary of stats
us definitely settled,
leaders, both in the sen-
The two young men. the youngest are all at and this as one of
Bind For the reason that been suspended for days and will member, of the family, will has been In such an ex- the
Z doubt M Z Is from tops of building, until a government can take hold hold council as what they shall do. cited and hysterical condition since further . Another reference
there much doubt that arrange lain, m Everything Is Both wailed In vain for some the news fellow-members of the with was of
St to word from their and their remaining with him
army. I will lake picture, a. tell who will become but they have day and night.
was Of
Albeit S. of
Texas, as general.

to buy Stalk Cutters,
Disc Harrows, Drag
Harrows, Smoothing
Harrows. Pulverizing
Harrows, Corn Plant-
Wire Fencing, Gal-
Prices the
west Come to see
us for any goods you
need. We carry a
complete stock.
We appreciate your
The Taft Boyd Furniture Co., has
been succeeded in by the Higgs
Taft Furniture Co. The latter
all business of the former, and will con
to do a general furniture business
as heretofore.
We are better prepared than ever to
serve our and invite them to
call upon us often.
Greenville, N. C.
i i par b
i. n . oat
. l
; lo In ail it
m i n n Lo the medical
C Col b
Halls Catarrh cur.- token in-
directly upon Um blood
the dis-
giving in.- by
up the and
nature tn doing work. Tho pr
BO In pow-
that they One Hundred
fr fuse It to ran.
list of t
CO, Toledo. Ohio
Take Li. i count
Saturday With Lawmakers
One Of Much Business
Important Matters Ab Ready to Be Submitted to The House.,
Just a Matter of a Short While When The State Will Not Be
Confronted a Deficiency And The Scheme of Progress
May B; Carried On Without a Break
tin in i k
lurches, and Serial
SheriffS. I. Dudley.
Clerk Superior C. Moor.
Register of Bell.
B. Wilson.
H. M. Lewis. W. E. Proctor, T.
Spier, J. G. Taylor.
C. Chas. C.
all the Courts
in Building on
Street, Court House
Feb. to issue graded school in,
flag the state's revenue at bonds.
v. .
Office second Hour Woolen Is needed lo carry on I
without increasing creating highway coin-
sag taxes on real property is
in the revenue and
bill, just completed by the Joint
Senate and house committees,
DOW ready to be submitted to the
. the bill
conies from I i . The col-
lion I now amount
I, i i dollar of I
in Pender county.
HIlls drainage
as to Bear as of
wan and
H b bill
Main meat in Currituck sound.
bill to prated
e operators by pro-
Mortal Carolina
s. j.
at La
u Coon
H. F.
t I and Accident
on fourth street, rear
Wilson's store .
at Law
in S;
Practices his services
A Horn, j at Ian
from street
. .
The or
more m at all
M. Wooten.
C. Tyson.
L. Carr.
of T. Faith.
Bow en, J. Tunstall.
f. Davenport, I. F. Tyson. Z.
H. C.
Water and Light
Superintendent -H. L. Allen.
Fire D.
Baptist. C M.
C. C Pk c. W.
n. Sunday
bill J. c. secretary.
i l- new the Sunday school.
B v. i hi unending the ad for the
have moved Chairmen Cook and St. Dallas
and their members to a school for juvenile Hector. W. A sup-
r best endear,
Man calls n,,.
on the county farm In
from Incomes, and
i in e sources of revenue that
their just proportion of
government in rears,
year from ii
t. Bet at a I
and machinery act i
school; L. H. Pender.
clerk; H.
Iredell at Sunday
r w o pastor.
Will E.
House bill amending the
county road law.
House bill to continue a public ferry
House bill the law as to
He pay of road over-
seen. Greenville No. A. F. and A. M.
in- ,. . . ii w. m ; L. H. Pen
to i ibis nun h and more.
u. has i. . dead .
letter, a year, l Sharon No. A. F. and A. M
House bill amending the road f- B. W. M.; E. E.
. I.
weigh each, warranted
pullers. G. T. Tyson. R, F. D.
North Carolina
at Law
as ii lo place in the
at toast 1100.000. The mi t N
i lax has netted only but House bill amending the law as to O. O. W. P L
ii will be made to yield at least Pr of tie Wilson county survey- H. Pender, Scribe.
or. Tr River Ho. K. of
There an other legitimate House bill Increasing the salary of C- c- B- Ellington,
ways of making wealth pay its Just the county or Craven and ad-
proportion and machinery has ding to his duty. hap tor R. U.
Senate bill providing court
la believed the checks and for Wake county. Covenant No. I. O. O. F.
Senate fixing The salaries of the
N. G.; L. H. Pender, Sec.
Greenville Camp No. M. W.
of A., every 1st and 3rd Wed-
Julius Brown, con-
J. F. Stokes, clerk.
Tribe No. I. O. R.
Meets every Friday night. J. J.
Jenkins, Sachem; J. W, Brown. C. of
Mr. A. Will has purchased
Persona familiar with the tax prob- elegant home of Mr. R. U Griffin i
lain declare that light Is breaking at the comer of Third street and Car
Nor,., The state. say. kins lane. ;
A car of Maine seed potatoes, red President; Mrs. J. L.
placed in the bill lo do this. It
reaching corporations and ,,
a. least will
If the suggestions of In- providing a court
Young to make county.
ail Insurance companies come
with a license tax are acted upon, the Items
If, t, state will add nearly a year
Attorney at Law to receipts. It Is believed this
in front room of the will be done.
i Just north of Court House
Carolina of white
bliss, J. R. Smith and
r for
V W.
at Law
I Home, law
Old Bay Line
Steam Packet Co.
Dally, including Sunday
ed Telegraphy and ever
modern convenience. Cuisine
Portsmouth, Sundays. BOO
Portsmouth, week days r,
Norfolk, dally . ;
may be carried on without
Member- of the finance committees ,
have held sessions
bill will not announced until it
is rend iii the halls of general
assembly. Not a single member of
the committee what the
Mr. Jesse F. Hart of has
his farm at that place to his
brother, Mr. Clarence Hart, near
each moving the same day this
Car load of wire fence, and all kinds
en, secretary.
The Kings A. L.
Blow, president;
Mrs. J. O.
and machinery bill will contain.
of hardware. J. It. Smith and
The house convened at Mr; Jacob had resigned
o clock by Speaker Connor. Prayer M rural carrier at Ibis place and
l-y Rev, Mr. Harrell, of returned a similar Job at
,,., . . ,. a j. Tucker, Harmon
,,., ,
passed and ordered enrolled, ,.,,. in our
previously passed the stockholders of the Ayden
Change township boundaries in ., c,,, ,.,
annual meeting Friday. The
earnings were per cent. i.
All kinds of mill linings, hardware I
Hate law for War
Incorporate and
Northern Company.
bonds by the town of
Our arrangements
In wedding outfits are equal
to the best. Nothing finer In
pot plants, palms
and ferns In great variety.
Rose hushes, and
evergreens, hedge plants and
shade trees. .
com- J. I,. CO, N. C.
J Jr. for
and vicinity.
. Black Mountain
Tickets sold to all points North. ,,,,, low of
Cherokee county.
to borrow money.
Bills Introduced out of
Amend charier of ho
overslept himself, hurried to the store
Of Arrival
and dynamite. J. It. Smith and
A good joke Is going on Mr. Wilbur
who clerks for Mess. Hart
Jackson. Ho awoke Tuesday i
morning and law through the window
the bright moonlight and mistook
Remember we sell the best Stalk Cutter on
Syracuse Chilled Plows, Cultivators and other
STAG SEMI PASTE PAINT-1 gallon makes
if it's Hardware line, we hi
1.11 a. p
p. m MS p M
Ml a. in. . m
a. m. a m
iii. p m
Prohibit sale of cigarettes In
and began sweeping out, and when
Important Bulgarian Victory
Reported at
Create n lunacy commission
for Madison Bounty,
mission to
b n s
cotton and .
duct. We now occupy the
mi i o,
will be to have our ,
on in.
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
rid Season, I
i ii ii.
For i. i mo
ate the liver, I in,
M ad
,. from your
you feel better. at once
at all ad
S s
II. Ill Ml ,
sun With
The Iii.
Hew York,
i i start t Mini
la in
i i i iii to four
H U i . H be n in.
-It moo
with la where It
hi i .
The I Series
1.0 1.1
. N. C
he looked at his ho saw
It was Just one o'clock. He threw LONDON, Feb.
The house adjourned o'clock and for London of Pasha, tho Turkish
Until Monday morning ll O'clock. ex-grand Culler, thus far has had n-
Iii v. ship stiff, cracked corn and definite result and the positions of
my ., j. r, Turkey and the Balkan allies remains
was called i order at Our city salons have wisely put Unchanged.
wagon on the sue.,, are in circulation
Rev, R, moving rubbish. and ,.,,,. , Bulgarian
adding lo i,, and is silent re-
sanitation and looks of It and, according to an
our and ail. ft, in
Johnson and family will important bus
and make their home pencil either or
Senate bill ratifying call for also- , ,, along tho lines.
ha, r,,,,, , , to
, i . i of . neutral at
n . Therefore, th.
road bond foreigners must remain Inside
,;.,,. . the city ,., . .
for road work bearing it refusal to permit them to pass
. mm and . j. is. Smith the Turkish
bin allowing Lincoln county dispatch from Con-
pi tax.
and the
Taylor, i a of j
church Rule B,
Bills Passed Final Beading
III for water and bond
by Si HI I'll.
bill rail
.-is and Nat hi Hie
. bill
Homo hill for
I a county.
Wife on Trial
received here, brings tin
i i road
bill b . i y,
working muds In CHICAGO, III. The ease I I has
Charles alias Conway, a making an of-
road aid l;
if its troops
Lilian Rent
for trial.
i . are i ed with the
in defend
ii i operate
and sewerage . M a Haiti- ; bringing
more hi Ira . who was robbed mil
tale bill root October Inn of tho
rooming at dispatch
railroad making
Band i I Lea for ,
i i. county, Baltimore lo purchase her Allies
Si mile bill authorizing tho town of advantage of curly
Death Trice ten Have
I pastes for hauling a like kind and
quantity of freight in the
and for a longer distance where
the longer haul, whether Interstate or
the shorter
Military Orders Were Thick And
Fast Yesterday
Messrs. Tucker and
Cherry were callers In town Fri-
day night.
Messrs G. A Kittrell and E. F.
of said shorter distance be- ,. went to Greenville Thursday.
lug within Middle Stale. Ales, Th. I car load of first
Mississippi River Fret
Sec it be the duty of
. the North Carolina corporation com-
the . .
flour received at Harrington, Bar-
and Company.
Messrs. L. A. Manning, Luther Win-
Feb. gate and R. Sutton went to Greenville
an aw as a i
Buyers of cot ion and
duce. We now former
will be glad to have oat
The roll of honor for the public
school at Cross Roads for the
i mission forthwith to readjust, and
hulling of and the do- , do.
posed heads of the Mexican republic H North Car- orders flew thick and fast today In Saturday.
in Mexico City yesterday, the list of of President prom-1 M J; even-
those who have paid the MM price. h for Raleigh on business,
riling Mexico Increase, to seven Z most con-
names, since Just a little more than Many , -t Galveston. e con
century ago. when Miguel equally many , port to Mexico, all equipped
R the parish priest of for foreign service and ready to ex-
order, 1st Manning.
Bill Again Defeated Keel. Smith Smith,
feeble hand of the viceroy. , . March
An obscure country pries. By Mr orders were I
conspired with his own parish in the Favorably. w depart-R Manning. Julius
of In 1810. and lo week and were
News and to insure assemblage of second Norman, Nannie
The house committee on vision of the reorganized army at Lloyd Lee
res. arose as the of Mex-
and clutched control from the
the fall of that year when he rang
the bell of his church to call the
to war. an army of fifty thousand tons and grievances yesterday after- in the neighborhood of Bryan Parker,
rallied to his standard. He pressed had de, U Smith, Roland
on toward Mexico City with constant- . The completion of the orders to Parker.
b Increasing numbers until he had rm over the entire second division in- 6th Smith. Clifton
a following of 100.000 of patriotic but bill to leave to a vote of the people cf tended warning to Corbett.
men. I the county of Pitt the question of Cc that there will be no departure, The highest average was made by
A force of only six thousand voting as to whether a bridge from the established policy of Mattie Smith, Roland Parker and
ran soldiers of Spain delivered constructed across Tar river be- during the remaining week ton Corbett.
defeat in January, 1811. and teen Greenville and Washington and of President administration.
,. . ,,., , In If it ft
Why not buy the Best
dent and Health Insurance
policy issued by the NEW ENGLAND
CASUALTY CO., Riv-s more
dent INSURANCE than any other company,
for the same money
claims our OWN office.
Moseley Bros., Agents
he waged guerrilla warfare
he was caught and shot in July.
drove to the to whether If constructed it should All plans for the possible sending
be near or at Ferry troops Into Mexico will continue
near Grimesland. with the same minuteness of detail
The bill was introduced by which characterize official or-
The list of presidents and emperors Cox. of Pitt, by request. had the present acute condition
of Mexico which have to the I It was stated that the senator and arisen in Mexico at any time earlier
rifle's thus opened is as fol- representative from Pitt were neutral the strife which as rent the re-
on the question. Appearing for the public since the first uprising against
bill was Attorney Albion Dunn, who more then two years
earnestly contended that the bridge ago. This course is based on the
be at He stated that ground that any cessation in the
the old board of county commission- days or even hours of the Taft
had ordered the bridge built at administration might be seized hold
Ferry. That the board re- by Mexican malcontents as an op-
elected had refused and re- for a strike at Americans
the order, although a long which could not be adequately over-
petition asking it had been presented should officials here relax their
Miguel R.
tor, 1811.
Jose Maria Y. pres-
Francisco Xavier president.
Augustin de emperor, 1821.
Maximilian, archduke of Austria,
emperor, 1867.
Francisco I. president.
Jose vice president.
Justice made a significant
to the house in connection
his introduction of the bill to prevent
charges by railroads on
freight, to be applied
certain circumstances. He
Investigation as a member of
the special committee appointed by
governor baa revealed a situation
with respect to Interstate charges so
eminently unjust that It la startling.
The correction of the abuse of which
I refer, will of Itself more than
all the effort that has been made
this general assembly and hie ex-
the governor, with the
of correcting the abuses
by the railroads in violation of
the economic principles announced by
this general assembly that no greater
charge be made for short haul freight
than Is made for long haul where the
freight is of a given kind and
and the two hauls are in
the same direction and where the short
haul Is Included In the long haul.
bill which I Introduce. Is In
judgment, economically and legally
correct. It deals with the purely in-
transit situation with respect to which
this general assembly has power to leg
Must Stop Discrimination.
passes through North Car-
on long interstate hauls at
charge which discriminate against
state and the interstate charges
over part of the distance that the
Interstate freight passed, are too ex-
to be tolerated.
position has not been taken
by me arbitrarily or without
but is the result of thought and
consideration as thorough as I am ca-
of giving the and if I
were a member of the N. C. Corpora-
Commission I could not
more thoroughly than I have
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are Its from an in-
active LIVER.-
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
t can be kept In
by, and only by
signed his commission as Vice-
of New France.
them. vigilance.
Mr. J. J. of go far the state department has
too championed the bill. given little thought to the question
Opposing the bill were County tr political recognition of the new
Commissioner B. M. Lewis, ex-Gov- government in Mexico, inclining to
Jarvis, Secretary of State J. ; await further developments In the
Grimes, Superintendent of the situation and willing to regard it
Penitentiary J. J. Mr. by the recommendations of
Alston Grimes, County Commissioner Ambassador whose course so The Democratic members of the No
W. E. Proctor. They emphasized far, under extremely difficult and legislature will celebrate the
the fact that the county commission- circumstances, has met with inauguration of President Wilson by
era had settled the matter and it the unqualified approval of the de- giving a banquet on the night of
should not be interfered with by the March
legislature. The committee evidently Mai. Gen. William H. Carter, who re-
took this view, for It promptly made commands the second was
an report. ordered today from Chicago to Gal-
The Fence Trouble This will be the second time
As soon as the bridge trouble was that this officer had had the honor
settled, the no fence trouble began. commanding a complete division
There were over Pitt county troops within the limits of
present nearly all of them being the first being in the case of mob-
supporters of Senator senate of 1911. when the Mexican
bill to repeal the no fence law act of trouble became acute.
Senator Evans had a bill passed the Items.
senate to repeal the law. It went to
the house and got an unfavorable re- WINTERVILLE, Feb.
port. Later it was sent back to the slippers, have them and if we
committee. Representative Clark can't fit you we will smile. A. W.
passed a bill in the house providing Ange and Company.
a vote of the people of all the old Miss Blanche Cox went to
and new fence territory as to Saturday.
peal. On these two bills there See Harrington, Barber and Com
Lap Robes
Special Sale of Lap
Robes for the Next Ten
In order to clear our
stock, we are offering
our entire line of robes
at COST.
These are exceptional values and it
be to your interest to to see us.
much cross firing between the senator for your a new lot Just
and representatives and many arrived.
ed questions from the delegation. Rep I Messrs. Hardy Johnson and Ashley
Clark asked the commit-. Spier went to Greenville Sunday
tee to report Senator bill and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Abbott return-
bill unfavorably. He desired to ed from Tarboro Sunday night where
offer as a substitute a bill providing, they spent a few days with relatives,
for a vote of the people in the new j We have a choice lot of sewing mi-
no fence territory and if they voted to chines on hand at very low prices,
repeal the law of 1911, then upon J A. W. Ange and Company,
their building a fence around their Miss Lizzie Cox of near Cox's Mil
free range territory, they should be spent Sunday with Miss Olivers Cox.
allowed to have It, the maintenance of j A car load of American woven wire
the fence to be at the of fencing, barbed wire and fence stretch
pie within the no fence territory, Harrington, Barber and Com-
Both bills were reported unfavorably,
and Representative Clark's substitute j Mrs. J. L. Rollins and Miss Hazel-
was reported favorably. ton went to Greenville Monday.
Mr. E. F. Tucker made a flying trip
Another Interesting discussion was to Greenville Monday evening.
do It heard before the senate committee on Just received a new line of low
,. .,, ii i nave. Another influential delegation quarters shoes; don't fall to pet a
la not a bill introduced In a spirit of from Pitt of them; you will miss n bar-
but la the result of appeared to press the house bill to gain. Spier and Jackson,
judgment after mature deliberation I township to vote a Spier and Jackson, dealers in dry
and is to correct what I regard as bond issue for good roads, goods and notions; meat, flour, lard.
Just, circumstances. It Senator Evans earnestly opposed the sugar, and all kinds of up to date
adopts an arbitrary rule for the de- j bill. Thorn, -if groceries.
termination of maximum rates, but showed that out of 1601
the maximum rates proposed to be had sent petition for the right to WINTERVILLE. Feb. B.
fixed by the bill are entirely adequate on good roads bond Issue. They t. Cox went to Ayden Thursday,
to the railroads for the services not asked Senator Evans to be A new line of hardware and mill
their guardian. This bill had passed supplies Just arrived at A. W. Age
Mr. Justice gave Illustrations of the the house and was supported by Rep- and Company.
Interstate freight rate he Is Clark and Cox. of Green-
endeavoring to correct In rates to committee promptly reported attended the party at
cities from Cincinnati and to the bill favorably by a vote of to Thursday night.
Farm Machinery
Because it
us to sell and
North Carolina Points from
natl, the long coning through
this state.
Full Text of
The Roadsters and Overland shoes
for men all others. Spier
Old Age
Old age as It comes In the orderly Jackson,
process of nature Is a beautiful and j Miss Helen Smith left Friday to
The full of the bill introduced majestic It stands for pend several days at her homo near
today by Mr. Justice to knowledge, wisdom, counsel.
charges by railroad companies That is old ago as it should be, but j Car of red. white, and cherish cob-
on freight to applied old age as It often Is means poor bier potatoes. Harrington. Harbor
certain is as torpid bowels, a sluggish Mr-land Company.
Section no railroad com- a general feeling of health, Miss Tucker and brother left
or railroad companies hauling despondency misery. This In Friday evening to spend the week end
freight between two points most every Instance Is wholly homo.
iii tho slate of North Carolina, and Ono of Chamberlain's Tab- A car load of Maine grown seed
the entire Is within the lets taken Immediately after supper Just arrived and can sup-
slate shall charge or receive for such will Improve tho digestion, up your wants. A. W. Ange and Co.
haul for a given kind of quantity of tho liver regulate tho bowels. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Abbott went to
freight sum tho rate That feeling of despondency will give Saturday.
or received a way to one of hope good cheer. Indies, misses and children shoes
railroad company or by druggists. adv of latest styles for by Spier
If there is any Doubt in your Mind let us
Prove our Points to you on
and on all our Farm and Garden Implements

Series of Building
and loan Association
Matures Today
Roma u
ah .,, on the at
i m i- slum tad White
Only Comment
mows mm is cum
To las
el the Marti
This Which V ft small
in or about i
v longer Aral i i
which a large The
doing Hue work ;
to the
H Matted
in Hie Pastor
, ,,,,.,.
I Where a unjust and in-
Fob, , personal mad
Wilton was to evening upon OUT
Rev. C M, Rock, one
barber and pool tender
the of Greenville, and. where-
II s bad, ho when be ,
as our pastor and our church
learned the through . , . at
Associate, Press dispatches. He r- .,, ,,,, ,.,.,,,, b,
hoar the near that and Snare
bad been killed iii
i k upon a mini-
o I Gospel a ho In the i
ins obligation and
e it the
i the Memorial
Mr. H. A. White, Agent,
Maryland Casualty Co.,
Greenville, N. C.,
I desire to thank you and your Company for
check in the sum of in of my
claim on of injuries received
when out of my buggy last August.
Yours truly,
W. A. TEEL, Jr.
Mr. H. A. White, Agent,
Maryland Casualty Co.,
Greenville, N. C,
Please accept thanks for prompt settlement
of my claim on account of recent illness. This is
my second claim against and in
both cases same were handled to my entire
Yours truly,
W. H.
trained from laying b
maintain his policy of
until he bad taken
While nothing come from Mr.
Wilson to Indicate what attitude
viii be. he baa himself
Informed of by n
all a keen I
in th. of in the
Mr. Wilson it is known, had hop. I . . . ,
i on ,
would and amicable with- , ,
out the
Slates. II .
, of law i
the i
sonic i
. .;
; our
yet lovingly,
I ill- i
have and
the pool room
run In rear of the bull.
and Fourth
i, i- an um
Mr. H. A. White, Agent,
Maryland Casualty Co.,
Greenville, N. C.,
Please accept thanks for check covering in
full my claim for against the Maryland
Casualty Co., on account of sickness.
Yours truly,
Have an Early
Choice if you
plan to buy
We have before o Ye red such n splendid chance for com-
a offered gM that a real
that will surely pl.-.-me.
styles that are best from the best manufacturers
at honestly Ion prices.
Legal Notices.
o I ;
ha could at II hi . if at on
their I n a I I
require the
the new administration.
Mr. w said tonight hi
calved m communication
administration concerning Mexico
ii reported hero that of t
cabinet have volunteer. I
before Mr. Wilson Immediate
. have been so d
I the
with some of the
fore t U
no in
the situation.
went to church
men i C M .
governor planned to I
With the J,
ling and i
i ;
n our pastor, a
upon a
r i
Born i.
C .- to
publisher, j
i .
The land is the only Casualty Company
maintaining a Claim Department in North Caro-
The Maryland writes nearly three times as
much business as any ether Casualty Company
in North Carolina.
The Maryland issues a better policy than any
Company doing business in North Carolina.
Represented by
Evans St., Greenville, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.,
O Mm i
B inking Trust Company
Loans and
N Bond
K. and t
and due from
I. i
C L L .
I .
i paid r I
. .- ed mi
and Ax snuff,
B ;
. I I
Capital stock
Undivided 11.490.53
Loans and 3303.833.80
Real estate 400.00
Cash 5.911.93
Cash and due from banks 101,638.30
Attention to all Business
to us.
. t
i .
B Dam, Arthur,
a only Merchant
Has n . in r I Ha lee a
Royal iii. s, when
I I Bod
to on them
Full line hi newest samples
n lied
V. to V.
w en e you
work I you I can't, j
say. I v you are weak. rm.
and falling In h I by
day. but win must irk . a
sled I I, UM
. , hi
II,,. will
; on LIN ;
o the
i ; i ho ill I
Special trail
n was la C required i
. large you expect
title death of hi I lend this great
to tone In Bin 1874 be boar
and vigor in four prevent
break down and you Don't
be weak or ailing
ll benefit from
Ive pi n B
Premier vi- Ha
v v .
. in Mil . n
u, c.
, . M,
. . i,
i ; .
will be
; i original
final ting ,
light of April
-I with
B Agent,
you should .,;,. u . , .; .
lea, and Man i I IV and I
an; has made tens o
millions of dollars.
Die great opportunity knocks
but once at every nun's
c Are you
lo , ii
. S
i , l j
on mi
I i n I if G e ii ill
Hank In time
K. ii. s, i J. FORBES, Cashier,
done ii., for Robert i. ii- Dominion
their glorious health and in Albany today to
Try them. Every la h. the of honor at the annual
to satisfy. Only DOc at all drug- dinner of the of M
of all upon payment tea at time
to attend should in Mn o
at once Writ th undersigned for reservation or an Information.
will give yon Important Information c with agent, or
r th y
I a O W. I I i. All
v, l j fail to
VI i -c i 15.1, positive-
to p cost.
and take care of you or your part;
In the best manner possible.
H. S.
Raleigh. N.
W. J.
North Carolina. County Having duly qualified before the virtue of a decree of the
the Superior Court, tho clerk I Pitt county as of county In special
p annexed.
Henry Cox and Cox, of the estate of Shade Jackson, de- et the under signed coin-
hereby given to all will sell for cash at
Having qualified administrator
or the estate of Smith, Jordan Cox, Aaron Cox, Gar- ceased, notice
ed, late of North Caro- wife Ed- persons Indebted to the estate to make auction before the court house
Una, this is to notify all persons wards and fie Edith Edwards
Immediate payment to Hie undersign- Greenville on Monday. March
ii, the following described tract
of Edward Smith. an
Notice Is hereby given that
in th land
The defendant above named and
all oilier persona Who Claim any in-
in and to the Ervin Cox
as described in the tiled in mortgage deeds ex-
the above entitled notion, will lake and delivered by W. H.
notice that an action entitled as above and wife Sydney F, to F. J.
has been
poles to the third corner of said Lot
No. i, thence south 1-2 west
pole in a knot centered
by three pines, thence south weal
By virtue of a power of ale contain pole to stake centered by
poet oaks, thence north i 1-8,
poles to the beginning,
more or lea, and being
the lot allotted to Ervin Cox In the
ill the superior i- . to Cox n
Pitt county; to sell tor par- the Jordan Cox land.
h lit ,, x. fit--- I. L. .,,. 11-1 . ,,,
Board of Commissioners of Unit land known in the registers 1.1
its regular session on the division of the lands of the late MM county In Hook 0-9, page
Monday in January, It being the Cox as Lot No. lying in Con- and the Undersigned, as
ii day of January, ordered an for division .,, ., ,, ,,,,.,, ,,,
election to be held In the following the heirs at law of the late Jordan B . .
territory la Creek Township, Cox who are brothers and U ex-
Pitt nephew and of the late Ervin public sale before the court
Beginning at a point opposite W. defendant will lake house door In to the
corner, on notice they are required to an- .-ash the following de-
the South Side new road, and the super- , ,
court Pitt county, North Care- Property to wit.
certain lot or parcel of land
situated in the town of Greenville
This February 1918.
J. H. JAMES, Commissioner.
IS ltd
running thane With the south side of ,.
the said new road to the main public
road, leading Cross answer or
to the complaint or petition hied
Roads to Indian Well Swamp, thence ,. ,
across the said road to the line be- ,, t, t
tween u. it. Bland and W. W. Gard- m, X ,
thence with th said line. t a r l-,,, ,
ditch the corner W. W. ,, ,,,.
TAKEN taken
I up two male hogs, weight about
each, and one female, about
I same weight, all unmarked.
are black and white the
reddish. Owner can get same
proving ownership and paying tin
I N r
Raid, thence with the
ditch W. W. laud. It,
O. land, thane with
ditch across M. Gardner land to
a, land, thence up tin-
said ditch to m. Gardner land,
thence with U, O. back
fence continuation of the same to t
course to the north aide th Green- ill. iii
Clerk Superior Court.
K O. and
Aims, for Plaintiff,
lying on the Ml side
street bounded by
on the by Tar
e north and by the Reuben Clark
and Emma Clark lot on the south and During the Register of
being the same lot conveyed to W. Deed Bell Issued marriage license
Reuben clerk and the following
Clark of record by WHITE
deed recorded in book P-9, page T. and T. Bur-
virtue a Deed of ex- In county, roughs.
a undersigned by E. D. Also of and plant Benjamin
being recorded In being and constituting . mill plant Clark.
vine and Vanceboro road, thence with Book R-9, page and of the
the north side said mad and east- M u Min consulting
direction to a pathway leading day, March on o'clock engine, saw mill, belt-
x place p. m., in front of the In tag, coupling, pulleys and all
Bethel. N. c. sell at public auction machinery and mill appurtenances
south aide raid road, and alone tallowing described ,,,, , , , .,
said road to the a or land lying In Pitt .
Louis Smith a corner the J. county, Mat -if Carolina at- referred to
joining me Henry Howard will be made tor the inn-
Andrew, Grime lot. alt pose of satisfying terms of said
n Tarboro St, In Bethel, and ,;.,
on resided on Sept
A. Gardner land, thence
course with the Smith land to ditch,
thence an eastward court with the
said ditch the east corner of the
Held, thence With the line Of said lot containing
Will j and Ethel Mat
John Stanley d Eva Mills.
J. B n a Ella
ClO Sid I e
Ban G Cox
Can- and Annie
Cox and Brow
tin present fence said Held, t
This the day of February, 1913
point opposite the of
Fish Hole. In Swift Creek, thence
to the present stock law
Th election to he held on
Tuesday in March, 1913, It being
the 4th day of March, 1913, at Gard-
Cross Road for the purpose of
ascertaining the will of th qualified
voters in the above described territory
as to whether
an the same land sold to
aid by John Carson and Harding Pierce, Attorneys.
This 1913.
O. HOWARD, Trustee.
Having duly qualified In-fore the
Superior Court as i-
tin- Stock Law- shall I. W, King, de-
territory ceased, notice is hereby given to nil
cording Io law as In such cases Indebted to estate Hi make
and provided, that Ashley Bach- ,.,. . . . v .
is appointed registrar and will
bare the registration honks open on baring claims
the day of February, 1918, and against said present them to
until Saturday. for th undersigned for payment on or
registered on the regular reg- or win tie pleaded In bar
hook of Swift Creek Town- recovery.
ship, which book was used at the gen- day of February, 1911.
era election in
This the day of January, 1913,
Boat Com a. Pitt
mi . clerk.
of W. King.
North Carolina, Pitt County
In tin, Court, Before
s. Everett, Administrator of
To whom these tits may
II appears Io B -i of S ate
Sermon Io
Quite a large congregation I-
the service In the Baptist church
Sunday night. hear the annual
to th which
CERTIFICATE OF w delivered by Rev. C M. Rock.
The local lodge marched In
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, a body from their lodge to the
Department state. and occupied the front pews,
To all in whom the presents may Mr, to the order was
the best of the kind has been
appears Io my heard here, lie gave a recital
by duly authenticated record pf the story of Damon and
proceedings for the voluntary on which the order founded,
dissolution thereof by the unanimous then taking up its principals
consent all de friendship charity and benevolent
posited in my office, that the definition of these that was
and Feed Company, a corporation and II- com-
et this stale, whose principal mended the great good have
i. situated in the town of Greenville, to humanity In exemplifying
County of Pitt, State of North true friendship, and bad th r Bo
Una E. being the agent In their noble work.
therein and In thereof, upon
v loin may lie has Mall Kilters Hens
r Hie requirement few ago some one entered
of 1905, entitled th home of Mr, David Fleming, who
r preliminary to on South Evan street. Mr,
l PI g was away the
ti- in work. Fleming
, c II
of th an cal sou
Ward, Deed, fa Joe Langley, Henri . ,. . ; . Carolina, do he a long ind
,,,, , r the d
f . e February. 1913 I and I led I
of nil and hi n
i the ,,; to the
vi -m . R
.,,,, . of- n ii
I I, in the consent the record of pro-
Ward, Tom Ward n
-1 and e .
T e above named will
take . in at
above sen cod in
court of Pitt county to at
the land to th I
John Ward, to create
Indebtedness of
state; and the said defendant will
take notice they are re , North
, ear at office . . , .,
clerk of n superior Bl
in iii -ii III on or n who
day of Mart . 1913, and an- may be baa compiled , H
ever or demur to the complaint In U ml of Chapter A D . 1913
. I -i- BRYAN B
I i I B of S t
said or the plain
tiff will Iv ii- th court
relief n still
This the d I.
Clerk S
I are now In night, at I
,. by law, I
In e l , m
d led a tn
of Men .
I rue I
i . ,
Now J. Brynn I to Christ she was a
do hi i-l t court of
I , I
Mil I
i. In
. , . of
n d
e d
. , .
court of r In writing I
in corporation, by all
Of I I
Hod .
, . Mn on file In
g .
, . house door In the I
I,,,. .- .
situs's I tn C .
v p. and not
a- f ill
I. I
v ; ii, hi . of the lands
I n rune
with the hi No S. SO W
pol a to . -in Bi I
to a n h a B
In W B
with said ; line U
the beginning r i can
p. more or less, and being on Are I t ii It
the same lot allotted to . 1- i to out.
for and then tn
Hodge Viol Hodge and I no
Hodge in the division of land
of late Mill, which further danger home. The
will appear by reference to
k. ,
led L.
. .
or .
. I .
I I;
put. x.
.;. I. I
corner. In f
to a sweet Bill
r . . ii,,.,
. in, pat
I . , Ins In
i i
res mo
. land H to Will.
men staved around the building aid wife I
n and la
. I
Out of
the Duke's
Mixture Sack
iii house Mr, m
nit L.
I T. M
I .
. um I
a Mi CM n
L. W I II , it
II v, , p
and J W B
h Cl Co
ever It hi n keen-
C. of Mar-
Ala., consider it one
thinking there was Taylor arbitrator In
best remedies I ever used. My
on page In the
the of Pin
This Kb
Hereof and Pierce,
t a ltd
broke nut again o'clock
In the morning and gained such head
way that it could not be checked
damage to 38.000 resulted
Mr Cox curried f MO Insurance o
Term of sale. cash.
This the 21st of Fob, Id
Harding and
the plant with Moseley j
vision or land of that known children have all token It and it works
as the En-d Milk land, h a Charm, For colds whoop-
Ion will appear by reference to Book lug cough u a For sale
s ; i-ago and of b- n
Many men are
getting untold
pleasure out of
Duke's Mixture sack.
One package hold
many of pure, mild
or, if please.
It will cigarette of
the good old-fashioned kind you
roll yourself.
Duke's Mixture, made the
Myers Tobacco at Dur-
ham. N C, it the favorite with
the tobacco that
who the true taste
mild, selected tobacco
brand the leader
Its kind. what you will, you cannot
it better granulated
get the big one
Sc. And nub ,,,,
you get a book of, . , ,
present coupon. U.
Save the Present Coupons
. the coup, i own.
desirable article
hie for men. boys and
thing for every of
Special February and
Our n.-. illustrated
. II be lent f to
semis as name and ad.

f rT- r
Premium Dept.
Bad Spells
Buffered, during girlhood, from womanly
writes Mrs. Navy, of Walnut, N. C. last, was
almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. had three
doctors. Ail the time, I was Betting worse. I had bad
spills, that lasted from to i days. In one week, after
gave a trial, I could eat, sleep, and joke, as well n
anybody. In weeks, I was well had been an Invalid
for weary years relieved me, when everything
r i i
V t
If y are w i i k what would n
to in , Navy did For i
than . purely I Ionic
has been it; i , sufferers
They it of real value in and
suffer I A r .
and helped so i Is i I
use, at -i, by j u. Try it. I
. .
. .
la I . i .
A i
S- ; l i
lighting d-.-vice for all hit
Will not blow out or jar out, Equipped with
thumb screws, that it is ea or
detached. Throws a clear light . I I i ahead.
Extra large re l danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when detached makes n
good hand lantern. Strong. Durable. Will last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
In. in .,
Saturday, 82nd, Mr, and T
Mr, J S. Norman, a son. V V a I i VI , I n I t t . .

Published by
U J Editor.
year, . .
may be had upon
at the business office
The R. Building, comer
and Third streets
AM of thanks and resolutions
sf respect will be at
cent par
Communications advertising
dates will be for at three
cents per line, up to lines.
Entered as second class matter
August 1910. at the post office at
Greenville, Carolina,
act March 1879.
FRIDAY. 1913
Again It becomes the pleasure of
The Reflector to note the advance-
of a Pitt county boy. Mr. C.
J. Jackson, who was raised near Win-
and who for a year or more
has been director of religious work
in connection with the Young Men's
Christian Association in Nashville,
Tenn., has been made slate secretary
of the Y. M. C. A., of Tennessee. The
paper of Nashville speak most high-
Mr. Jackson. From one of these,
the Association News, we take the
Tin- State Committee secures a man
for Slate Secretary who is by nature
and training prepared and equipped
for the arduous duties of the office.
Mr. C. J. Jackson, who is to assume
the State Secretary
1913. graduated from Wake
Forest College. N. C, in 1909, and
entered the secretaryship of the
Young Men's Christian Association
in September. 1909, as Secretary of
the Student organization at the
of Tennessee. After one year's
service in this position he was
by Mr. State Secretary, to
become Field Secretary for the Slate
Committee, which position he held
August, 1912. During this term he
gave much time to the financial prob-
of the state committee, where
rendered very valuable service.
From August, 1912, to February
Mr. Jackson has been Executive
Secretary of the Nashville Y. It C.
A., and so comes Into his new office
having had one year's experience as
Student Secretary, two
in State Work, and several
experience in an important
position with one of the largest City-
Associations in the state.
In addition to the personal qualities
Mr. Jackson possesses that make him
a valuable man as State Secretary,
and enable him to render efficient
service, Mr. Jackson has the
of being personally acquainted
with every employed officer of the
Young Men's Christian Association In
Tennessee and Is familiar with the
problems before the associations Of
the state.
In his work as Field Secretary Mr.
formed the
and won the friendship of many bus-
men over the state and so the
State Committee feels that In
him for State Secretary it has
thereby rendered service to all the
Young Men's Christian Association
p Tennessee.
We yesterday that over three
hundred hills had already been In-
in the legislature, when we
should have said over a thousand and
three hundred. But the larger
does not make the percentage of
beneficial ones to the state any great-
Not to pass a primary law
will be playing to the Republicans.
Not to pass a search and seizure law
Will be playing to the liquor inter-
est. It looks like the legislature of
a Democratic and prohibition state
ought to know what to do on such
. Congress would not even cut off
of the list those pensioners who
ready have an annual income of
or more. It is a disgrace to the
government to pension the wealthy
and undeserving, especially when
there are so many other needs for
It cannot be told In advance What
the senate is going to do with the
search and seizure bill that has
ready passed the house, but If that
body wants to stop the importation
Of whiskey for blind purposes
it will pass the bill. The bill Is being
opposed only by those who are Inter-
In selling liquor.
Greenville should be opening her On the Repeal of the Tobacco Ti
eyes to the fact that the work of The Madison Herald in an editor-
and deepening the channel of headed Constituency you Is
j s a shows the
Tar river has started, and will be .
insincerity of some of those great
pushed to completion, if this work of the state who are
ls to prove advantageous to up river out their love to the
pi In is, there must be a boat line es- poor tobacco farmers. It does seem
on the river. Steps should rather misleading to preach to the
be taken to accomplish this and have farmers that an anti-trust law- will
, . reduce the price of tobacco when it
the boats to begin running as by everyone who
Boon as the channel is completed. the to study the question that
I the American Tobacco
A member of the in alone has robbed the tobacco farm-
. . of North Carolina of more than
discussing a bill for Jury reform, and T f
referring to the opposition of law- patriot is so pure that the
yen to the proposed reform, said prices the farmers get are their most
The State of North Carolina needs concern.
to drive back to the plow many weeks ago when I introduced
. the lower house the general as-
who are going into the professional entitled an act
Wise words indeed, for not
or scraps for the scrap
book, is a very neat book of a hundred
pages by the West Boy Publishing
Company, of Cleveland, Ohio. It is a
splendid collection of phrase and verse
collected from the scrap-book of the
Many a man will let his children
short of food and clothing In or-
keep a dog. or Is even willing
U fight for his dog, yet he raise a
howl if asked to pay a tax on the dog
of the first is the way the
News and Observer puts It. Say.
Charles, you ought to send a bill
against him before the grand Jury.
to prevent the sale of in
a few good farm hands are spoiled North such a storm of pro-
by into possession of a pro- test came up in the way of petitions
, from the tobacconists and the
license. could mislead
the proposed law seemed to be the
Those shareholders in the series most unpopular ever heard of. The
of The Home Building and Loan As- farmers and the future prices of their
relation that has Just matured, will were then the only
. . . the many tobacconists who grow rich
get their checks next Saturday, and produced the
it will be an example of what other i introduced a few
people might be doing If they had day later a resolution asking for
shares Better be thinking about it repeal of the tobacco tax by which
when the next series opens the first he North Carolina tobacco farmers
lose seven million dollars per year.
I not a word was said or has been
by any of the dear friends of the
bank In a Connecticut town la farmers in support of a measure
donating a book with a would surely give them relief.
, . How is that for consistency
one dollar to the credit of every. R can be
baby born In that town this year. Not denied that the North Car-
only a good for the tobacco farmers are
but it gives the tots a start on against by the levy of this
road to wealth at the beginning.
tax. The tobacco tax Is not a
tariff, but is rather a tax of eight
cents per hundred pound on all the
The New Bern Sun has come to the tobacco that they raise, which must
conclusion that It does not care which come out of the pockets for
route the Atlantic Coast Line takes internal revenue. If this revenue HI
for a northern connection from that levied against every state as it is
. ,. against North Carolina, we would not
city. Just so It takes some route there a
Introduces Bill to ;
Highway Commission For
Pitt County
Representative D. M. Clark has In-
a bill in the legislature to
create a commission for Pitt
county. A copy of the bill has been
sent The Reflector, but owing to i's
great length we do not have space
to give it in full. We can give only
a synopsis of the different sections
of the bill, but if any one wishes to
read the entire bill it can be seen
by calling at The Reflector office.
I Section one provides for a highway
commission composed of three
of the county to be appointed
by the county commissioners for two,
four and six years respectively, each
to serve until his successor is elected
and qualified.
Section two places all roads, cart-
ways and bridges along public roads
the county under the exclusive
and control of the highway i
I Section three stipulates when the
term of office of the commission shall
I Section four provides for the fill-
of any vacancy on the
I Section five provides for the
of one member of the commission
as secretary and treasurer.
I Section six fixes the salary of the
secretary and treasurer at not ex-
per month, and defines
bis duties and directs as to the de-
posit and account funds.
Section seven stipulates that after
the qualification of the highway com-
mission, the county commissioners
shall turn over to them all road ma-
stock, Implements and
property now in use, and that the
county treasurer turn over to the
secretary and treasurer of the com-
mission all taxes levied and collect-
ed for road purposes.
Section eight directs the county
For ail forms of
gout, Neural-
Kidney and
Gives Quick Relief
It stops aches and pains, re-
Swollen Joints and muscles
tho excess acid and In
safe and In Its No
other remedy like it- Sample
free on request.
Dollar per or mat
I paid upon receipt of price II not
I in your
The other day folks were chuckling
over the pretty weather the ground
hog had let slip in. but Just look at
what he is giving us now.
neat, scalds,
worn, Me
but it does seem to be a
of the worst sort to make thirty-
live counties in our state pay such
Ex-Governor Jarvis advises that the
state sell the Atlantic and North Car-
railroad. He is usually right in
his conclusions.
The Durham Herald puts it right
in if the legislature will pass
the compulsory school attendance
law it will solve the
Instead of being given a fair trial
was given no trial at all, but
was shot down like a dog on the
street. Mexico is almost intolerable
to even think about.
and is not long about It.
The Wilmington Star calls .
to the fact that the high cost an enormous tax on their Principal
, when there are half or
of living gee. contrary to the that not pay
of gravitation exemplified in the tax at all, and only one of
goes up must come twenty-four states that raise to-
pay as much as one-half the
we pay. If other farm pro-
that ere long Congressman Small
send word down the line that the proportion to our tobacco crop
beginning of operations on the we could not grumble, but wheat, corn
building Is to add more bus-
duty of the commission to purchase
. applies at wholesale, or at the best
price obtainable, through sealed bids.
Section twenty-two provides that at
commissioners at their June meeting biennial general election there
tic- to the already scene.
hay, cotton and other crops raised
those states that do not raise to-
are not taxed. In fact the
tobacco crop Is the only one that is
Put a good steamboat line on Tar at all. North Carolina thus
Just as soon as the channel Is pays a greater tax on farm pro-
deepened and widened, and you will ducts than any other state, and
i hi . of her tobacco raising
tee a difference In freight rates that , kM, i-
have the burden to bear. i.
each year to levy a special tax for
road Improvement and maintenance
of public roads; said tax not to be
less than ten cents nor greater than
thirty cents on each one hundred
valuation and not less than
thirty cents nor greater than ninety
cents on each poll; also empowers
the commission to purchase all
equipment for improving and
maintaining the roads.
I Section nine gives the commission
to contract all or any part of
the road construction
Our boys at home had the side of
the debate with public sentiment
against them, but as for speakers
they showed their metal and that they
are not to be excelled. That the neg-
won in most of the triangles,
and In all of this section, shows the
bearing of public sentiment
has a dreaming police-
man. He dreams where stolen goods
are hid. then goes to the place
In the dream and finds the
goods. The thieves will
want to keep shy of that
So far over three hundred bills
have been Introduced In the present
legislature and a large majority it
tin in are nut worth three cents to in-
state, being local measures that ought
to be looked after by the counties.
Governor Wilson is winding up
fairs in New Jersey this week to be-
come president of the United States
next week.
The Wholesale Liquor Dealers As-
is striving to head off the
Webb bill. That shows where it
With war so much nearer home as
Mexico, the among the Turks
not attract the Interest it once
The government pension
is now above It
If one of the things that keeps grow-1
Sentencing a bunch of National
Cash Register officials to Jail for
the anti-trust law, Is going
down after them some.
Every municipality ought to take
steps to get rid of the street beg-
gars who go In bunches from town
to town and make themselves a
; The former President of Mex-
who now resides In Paris, may
looking at the trouble back home
with some satisfaction.
New Jersey, under the
of Governor Wilson, has
ed lo quit being the mother of trusts.
; The government Is going to change
the size of and make some
that will not fit slot machines.
v ill be worth talking about.
If Pitt county had good roads and
creeks were drained, there would .
be no question of having
really sincere allow me to suggest
enough for anything the county Mk the to pass
Justice to the tobacco farmers
cl North Carolina
Now. to those true friends of the
tobacco farmers at a
be elected by the qualified
of the entire county one road
supervisor for each township.
Section twenty-three makes it the
duty of township supervisors to at-
tend the meetings of the commission
in January, May and September, and
each other meetings as they may be
notified to attend by the chairman of
commission. Compensation for
attendance upon such meetings not
lo exceed two dollars per day and five
per mile one way.
Section ten authorizes the Section twenty-four provides that
to create and fill any position work of repairing roads in he
deemed expedient for proper road townships s may not be done by he
construction at a price not to exceed convict force, shall be done by the
lone thousand dollars per year, or township supervisor with hired or
may hire an engineer by the month free labor, the nature and
or by the Job; to prescribe duties and plated case of work to be first
fix compensation of such employees, submitted in writing to the commie-
I Section eleven gives the commission such work in a
as to designating the road. I not to exceed one hundred dollar.
to be built or improved, considering for any one year,
the needs of the whole county, with Section twenty-five place, the com-
the view of benefiting the greatest of supervisor, for time ac-
employed working bands on
the roads at not exceeding two
of people.
Section twelve provides for enter-
resolution and then write upon any uncultivated land, near
and senators to follow
The weather bureau is promising It up by repealing this tax. and
fair weather for Inauguration day. take off the shoulders of our
co farmers the greatest burden they
ever borne.
per day, and requires an accurate
account of time and expenses.
Section twenty-six provides for fill-
vacancies of
but the ground hog may put his
and break It up.
Some who do not want to miss
j of the preliminaries, are
taking themselves on to Washington
for the Inauguration.
The work In progress along Evan,
certainly give. Greenville an
air of Improvement. And we hope
And the senate did not think
The Income amendment by
which our government will receive
about one hundred million
annually has Just passed. Surely
the tobacco farmer, can now be re-
f this unjust discrimination.
or adjoining the roads for the
pose of cutting timber, or digging
stone, gravel, sand or earth
to construct the work, or to dig
such ditches as may be necessary; Section twenty-even and twenty-
and properly safeguard the right, oft eight empowers the commission
the owner, of lands with fully investigate any and all crosses
ion for adjustment of any damage of public roads, and to require own-
that may arise.
Section thirteen give, the
power to re-locate, widen or
change public roads or
part, thereof, after giving due notice
legalized primary a good thing
but a majority of the people think
Sentiment here is not In favor of
women voting, nor of being Judge, of
a debate.
I It is the fellow, who want to keep
more liquor than the law allow, who
are opposed to the and seizure.
Raleigh has more people beside
Plain who are afraid
come out in the open.
unless you have and
then some.
its of such crosses to keep them free
from danger or damage.
Section twenty-nine authorize, the
commission to borrow not exceeding
ten thousand In any one year
parts thereof, alter giving nun
with proper safeguard to adjacent If found on the
The has all melted away and
farmer, are busy at work again.
Mr. Teel of Everetts was in
town Tuesday.
The quarterly meeting at the M. E.
church was held Sunday and Monday, j
two very good sermons were preach-
ed by the presiding elder. Dr.
Mrs. M. O. mount left Saturday for
Baltimore. She went by Richmond
to spend a few day. with her sons
who are at college there.
We are glad to state our sick ones
are much Improved.
Mr. J. R. Bunting has a slight at-
tack of rheumatism. We hope he will
soon be better.
Mr. J. D. of
Sunday In town. He leave, the
of March to take charge of a
now bank at He Is an
old Bethel boy and all wish him
not start lo the well.
Many families have moved In since
the new factory has been started and
houses for rent aft In demand.
land owners and provision for ad-
Justing damage if any arise.
Section fourteen makes it ml-
to obstruct the commission-
engineer or superintendent in
their work.
work, the same to be repaid out of
the road fund.
Section thirty provides that any
member of the commission be a civil
engineer, he may be employed to do
the engineering work on roads.
Section fifteen gives authority the combined pay of
the discontinuance of any her as engineer and member of the com
road after due notice.
mission shall not exceed twelve
sixteen provides for keep- died dollars per year,
accounts of the road funds and Section requires ho corn-
disbursement of same, and making mission to hold regular meeting, on
quarterly written reports thereof to the last Thursday In January. April,
the county commissioners. July, and October of each
Section seventeen requires the sec- not to exceed ten meet In
and treasurer within ten days
before the first Monday in December
of each year, to out and cause
Ito be published In a newspaper In the
any one year, compensation for at-
upon meetings throe dollars
per day.
Section thirty-two gives the com-
of discretion to appoint any
preceding year member to superintend the
Section eighteen show, how of road, and bridges, three
stock and road Implements and ma-liars per day to be allowed
may be used and being kept service but in no event to exceed one
Watch the result when you will,
the right will always prevail sooner
or later.
It H better kill the dogs than
to run the risk of people being bitten
mad one.
The inauguration of
son Is the next date or consequence,
sign In the front
window of tho Water and Light Com-
mission office, attracts attention
of passers. It how easily tho
light, can operated and the
advantage of having them in homes
good condition.
Section nineteen provides that all
male prisoners In the county Jail
be assigned to
work on the roads.
Section twenty the com-
mission lo apply to the Judge of
hundred dollars In any one year.
Section thirty-three designates the
county room In the
curt tho place In which the
commission shall hold He
Section thirty-four
qualification and
President Wilson will or it i.- lo keep
ed Tuesday of next week.
la dim light burning all night.
mission i, .---
court presiding in adjoining highway commission shall repeal on-
in tho same district which parts of the road law of 1905,
do not provide for working convicts chapter as In conflict there-
on their roads, to sentence such con-
to work the roads of Pitt Section thirty-five provides that
the cost to be paid out of the road net shall no affect township
fund of county. elected for the respective
Section make. It the In
former Vice-president. Suarez, Is
Also Slain
version, to a group of persons fol-
lowing. Shot vote fired at the es-
out of the darkness. The
closed In and ordered their
out of the car.
Thirty of the guards surrounding
while the remainder
disposed themselves to resist an at-
tack. About men. some afoot and
MOM mounted, threw themselves upon
Thirty Students of University
Will Participate In The
Inaugural Parade
red by General Julian S
of Durham, and Dr.
of Chapel mil.
A band of thirty students from the
University of North Carolina will
march in the inaugural parade of the
line formed by representative colleges
and universities from all over the
nation on the event of the
of President-elect Woodrow
the eon.
Million Dollar Fire Sweeps
Over Columbus,
COLl Ga., Feb.
caused a property damage of
-ire They Tried To Escape
An Attempt Male Te f it
HILL. Feb.
the detachment guarding cars and worthy to men of let
the exchange of shots lasted and of peculiar Interest to all Mr. T. P. Cross, of the de-M were
the attacking party fled. North Carolinians is the project put pertinent of the made an burning bare late today, but were en-
he dead of and Suarez foot by Dr. Henderson. before Catholic League under control. No further dam
the University of Carolina city Wednesday. This so-age to property is expected.
the placing of a memorial in the is interested in the revival The lire started at o'clock last
The official of name of o. Henry in
President Huerta given out at the
Them. Two
Others Slain
MEXICO Feb. 23.-
and Jose Suarez are
the new Hall literature language, night, when flame, shot out from ear-
History at Raleigh. For the Professor K. K. Graham, dean of era different places in the building
; of raising fond, for college of liberal arts of the the Atlantic Company.
I together the cabinet to re- ed memorial to North Bret is on the pi water supply It
and ,, Dr. Henderson la Southern Conference on red I
n detained at the palace h. state wide appeal for Education, which eon net In control the
war depart- buttons from all sources and all Richmond April i I J
dead, m a midnight ride under guard
meat, ware take,, t the penitentiary i. r ,.,
with previous appeal has been headed by O.
on. as the of which that es. oral Julian s. ran-, Durham
yesterday . II
Violin Solo
p i
Approval I i
ether of
from the national palace to the pen-
tiny killed.
Tile surrounding the
death of the deposed president and
vice president of the republic are
unknown, except as given in official
accounts, which do not in all
conform. Tho only witnesses were
those actually concerned in kill-
The provisional president, tin.
Huerta, says the killing
of the two men was Incidental to a
light between their guard and a
attempting to liberate them. The
of foreign relations, Francisco
V adds the prisoners
Attempted to escape. Neither makes
n definite as to which side
the fatal shots. It Is not
that neither knows.
An official Investigation been
lo determine the
and promises have been
the guilty will be punish-
i r for its i.
i.- corded by strong i I Mr. I
from mi n of rs
the automobile, had
t, p,
tacked by
and near. Edwin i. church in the co
ls i I; H. P. violin solo I ion I
were at- ii. biographer; C. i
up and the e- of the University of Virginia; most i
W P. V, of Trinity Col- Sh. v
a and the and on
the group grew larger Historical Society; and E. K. Ora- Ina Baker.
prisoner, tried to escape. An hem of the of Car-I
exchange of shots then took place, in extend hearty approval To
which two of the attacking party were paying tribute to the name of the D. C, Feb. Ar-
and two were wounded. prince of short-story tellers. on the appeal I lo compress company's cs-
The in Greensboro in O. Henry Frank Morrison and John twice and
damaged. spent a portion of life in the Old Mitchell. American Tl dis-
The president and his cabinet have North state and bis eminence as a officials under tail
n solved that affair shall be con- letters accords him first contempt of court in i
to the military Judicial author- that section of the Hall of History with the Bucks a Range Com burned will partially cover
Hies having to do with the attempt, reserved for literature, in his appeal IV case, will begin to In tho loss, ii stated today,
against military prisoners, such a to the people for aid In the move, of appeals of I let of
. i rel com t.
; . ha re i turn . d an In-
was of in- origin. Pi
started at I
the fire de ton was
prisoners were
biles were badly
and so went, Dr. Henderson thus ably Columbia. It is expected tin
may make . strict Investigation for hi. South has will occupy two days
with the direct Intervention of the many literary shrines, for Hie most
military prosecutor general. part unnoticed and
has erected a bust of at its
n Trial for Killing Brother
i MM Hies
u d afternoon the
d of and Mrs
J. S. Spain, on It. D. route No.
NEWARK, N. j., Feb. Joseph died tetanus. Two weeks ago Bun-
fol young men.
an women in active
s mid hut-int.
era and girls at school . , d
Nobody in the family is left by The
from young i Ideate
F. Day. with strange
On Misery Subscribe now and
make sure of this remarkable story.
and Richmond is was arraigned in court to- day while at play, the little girl fell
If you are interested in pianos to a memorial to Foe's day to trial for the alleged on some boards through which nails
people are, it ls worth while mother. The municipality of of his and a nail sunk In one
iii . m lo piano exhibit In York has Just issued special The tragedy occurred June and of her knees Medical attention was
who store next to Taft bends Tor sum of five thousand was the result of a and all that seemed
Mr. B. B. Houston, who is In charge dollars lo remove collage at the brothers. The accused claims h for the healing of the wound was
palace arrest on Tuesday of the exhibit lakes pleasure I. show- Fordham, Immortally,, by a North acted In self defense, firing the She to be getting along , J
las were placed In an automobile visitors through the exhibit and North Carolina ls now afforded the shot only after his brother had until Thursday of the past week
was accompanied by another explaining every detail of the man- opportunity lo pay just tribute to the tacked him. tetanus, or lock-jaw developed thronged the auditorium
and by under of these excellent pianos, makers of her literature. Of all and alter two days of intense suffer- of the eighth an-
having one of the different native authors, he who has won the Relegation lo the little passed away. show of the Omaha Automobile
mt . makes of the piano on dis- most generous measure of Quite a largo delegation went Annotation The
With Instructions not to outdistance play, there are specimens of tho is William Sidney Porter, popularly here to Raleigh today to be present Mr. and Mrs. II Randolph of , , V, I ,
the escort, the cars moved slowly. No parts showing Just how the as O. The appeal for at the hearing before the York, who returned
occurred until they had reach pianos are made and why they contributions for the erection of the committee on the bill to repeal the. from a winter trip to Switzerland. display
d a point near the penitentiary whore good. The is the memorial Is directed to the whole Pitt county stock law of 1911. Both came to Greenville this moraine unit seen her of pleasure cars and motor
In an open place the attention largest and makes more pianos than people, O. Henry was a rep- of the question were represented e
was according to any other factory existing. and subscriptions in the delegation. Lie
morning and
the of his sister, Mrs. An-1 trucks, motorcycles, and auto-
If Your Back Aches and Your Kidneys are Weak,
Get the Kidney Remedy That Has Been Proved
GOOD Again and Again Right Here in Greenville.
Greenville People Tell
Are YOUR K Weak
First read testimony learn what
Kidney have done for others.
Then If your back aches, if sharp pains strike you When Stooping
or lifting; if you are lame in tho morning, tire too easily; ii you
have spell, and nervous despondent and Inclined to n
over trifles; If tho kidney secretion, are highly colored and lull of
sediment. If passages are too frequent, scanty, painful or scalding, It
Is likely that your kidney, need attention.
Take a sample of the urine lei ii stand for . I a
sandy, like sediment lo I
there Is evidence enough to eel the kid
Mrs. D, Worthington, Wash-
St., Greenville, N. c.
have been so greatly
Kidney Pills that I . glad to
recommend them. My back
nearly all the lime and I could not
rest well. The Kidney
caused me annoyance and it was plain
in be seen that I from
trouble, Kidney Mils,
that I got from the John i. w.
Co., i and
i proved i i g
Mrs. Joseph s. Wash-
St., X. C,
from dull, nagging
and l had headache, and pain i
through my kidneys, i . spoils
annoyed me and I untie,, that the
kidney t wore unnatural.
Kidney pro, trod from
I. Woo en Drug Co., bra
me prompt i time m
a i i . hi u ed them, acted s
good . fore I know
. pills live claims
Mrs. I,.
Ave., Greenville, N. C,
Kidney Pill, are by no means a new
remedy to me. I have used them
have found that they a remedy of
treat merit. Kidney complaint and
backache made me mi and
was not until got Kidney
Pills from the John . Woolen Drug
i found relief. Recently I
of this remedy and
and i
i. W, Lawrence, Washington
St. Greenville, n. r., am
pleased to make the fact known that
have been greatly by
Kidney Pills, l got from
the John L. Woolen Drug Co. Too
frequent passage, the kidney
annoyed me and I often noticed
i i the flow scanty, took
Kidney a. i led and
i ii. ii. kidneys have In
much heller
deputy sheriff, l s
i fat i v. c. says;
. a my back
and did not do work
. i
Fill John l. Woolen
Co., I l
l i iii I
i .
Fannie I Pitt SI.
n. c. feel vi
for the relief I got
Kidney rills, procured I
i. Wooten Drug Co
I and I b much
iii, a.
end take kl i
; Is line .
me relief from these

Letter From Wilson
N. C. Feb. Edi-
As It has been some time since
I hare written I guess that some of
what I am going to write will be old
l, some, though some of it will be
new to some.
I left Scotland Neck Jan. and
came here to make Wilson my borne
and like my new home very well. I
bare been working in the hardware
lore Mayo and Watson since I've
been here until the last day or two
In the place of Mr. Howard Mayo, who
went off to Raleigh to get married and
married Miss Rodgers. one of
the belles of on January
about S o'clock p. m., and left
mediately after the ceremony for New
York and other cities to a few-
days of honeymoon and return-
ed back to Wilson where they will
their home Feb. 1913.
A man from Raleigh, who was at
work on the addition to the Bricks
Hotel fell a few days ago from an up-
and was killed in-
He died before they could
set him to the hospital and it was but
a very short distance
think Wilson is noted for Are
alarms. think they had four in
three days week before last and they
bad three in one day last week and
one of was caused by an ex-
of a base beater in the
hall Mr who lives OB West
Nash street, but the damage
Blight. Only the rugs, carpets and
window shades were consumed and
some damage to the stair There
has been little damage reported
The Stork Law Question
Raleigh. N. C. Feb. 1913.
Editor Reflector.
Believing that the people of Pitt
county who are Interested in the
stock law question, have a right to
know the status of the local stock
law bills pending in the legislature,
I wish to give the following
I All bills introduced in the senate
Mr. Evans or myself have been
killed, except the following; which
has passed the house and is now
before the senate, and as to this bill,
ii will give the desired relief to those
people who are opposed to law
in this particular territory. And I
will say further if Mr. Evans is
sincere In what he claims to be his
desire to settle this question, he will
pass this law through the senate
the strife, and does not want to give
the people a fair chance to settle the
matter among themselves at the
lot he. of course, will defeat the
bill. It Is now in his power to
defeat or pass this law.
Chapter 1675. of 1905. Up-
on the written application of a ma-
of the qualified voters in any
district, territory or well defined
boundary, made to the board of
commissioners at any time,
sitting forth that the citizens of said
district, oh boundary are
within the stock law boundary, and
desirous of being released from
the laws governing said stock law-
boundary, it shall be the duty of said
to submit the question
of stock or to
been here.
Mr. R. K. Privett. of Wilson, a
member of the Atlantic Coast Realty
Company came home from
Saturday evening where he had been
advertising in Farmville. Standard.
Arthur, Smith Town, Brace,
Falkland; Fountain; etc.
the qualified voters of said district
from any of the lire, so far since IT. such
the majority of the votes cast
ball be against stock law. then the
said district or territory shall be re-
leased and free from the operation
of the stock law; provided, the ex-
Incurred in changing the fence
in such boundary, district or
so released be paid by the prop-
THE STUMPS, holders in such boundary, dis-
the Southern as a Met or territory, and the commission-
Mental rule, or on an average, pro- e, of the county levy the tax to pay
smaller yields per acre than the the same on the property holders
farmers In other sections, they re- of such boundary, or
as much per acre for the pro- so released, but they shall not
ducts of their land. Their profits or be further liable for keeping up such
yearly earnings arc less because they stock law fence; Provided, that m
cultivate fewer acres at a larger ex- any territory where now
MOM per acre. This is due no election against stock
to their failure to use sufficient work- shall be held In less than two
stock and labor-saving implements. Tom the date of the election
The reasons for this failure to use stock aw In said territory;
more labor-saving implements are Provided, further, that If no stock
many, but perhaps the most law should carry, it shall not take
one is that the conditions of our effect until six months from the date
fields is such as to make their use Its Provided, still fur-
less profitable or at least more stock law or
cult. Small fields of irregular shape v shall take effect during
with stumps, gullies and open ditches season. This section shall
are serious obstacles to the the counties of Jackson,
use of the larger and better la- Graham. Swain. Clay. Macon.
devices. Randolph and Pitt counties.
It takes time and costs money to re- Tn the
move these obstacles lo cheap has been a law for several years
v. Ion of the land, but the time has
when the should he re- except Pitt, and I simply pro-
moved from all fields. It to amend this law by placing
costs less to t. than lo provisions. This has
low them to remain . the land. The
crops may be grown Oil land a law ls Evans
occupy and the extra . of a- through the senate.,
which they cause will I fir CLARK.
their in a year or two. The
stump-puller should be on ever
where there are stumps on the land. If
there are not enough stumps to
The Kimball Factory Piano Exhibit
A Beautiful Display
at Greenville, N. C.
Ayden Items.
N. C, and
is. Grover has a little
the purchase of a slump-puller, or If
the farmer Is not financially able lo Mr- Hoe delivered his lee-
toy one alone, he should set to work Methodist church
to get his neighbor to join with him Tuesday night, on Sunshine, to a
the joint purchase of a machine. audience, which was enjoyed by
Too often when we feel that we are
not able to do a certain piece of work and
allow that lo serve as a reason for and Testaments at R. W.
d none of It. Stumps should be
removed as fast as possible and a of vs-
fOod stump puller Is a great help in She
clearing the land of stumps wherever our graded school two years ago
and whenever used. Why not join and made many
with your rand a stump- Mr W- manager of our
puller or buy one alone. If you can. Informs us he has
and clear a few extra acres this win- Installed about one
Three Days More
If you haven't called to
see this display, direct
from the Great Kim-
ball Factory, don't
wait as it will close
Saturday night at
OPEN DAILY and Until P. M.
Next Door to Taft Vandykes Look for Big Sign
We are showing sample pianos from the great Kimball factory to advertise them.
as you know, is a problem that confronts every manufacturer. A number of piano concerns have us-
d almost every phrase In the English language to express the value of their pianos, such as high grade,
in the better at any and on. These are sometimes used by
concerns that build absolutely the cheapest Junk on the market, and they have become such public
properly that there Is nothing for a really high grade manufacturer to say that would express the
quality of his pianos, hence the unsuspecting purchaser cannot tell the difference In the
quality of a cheap piano an. a high grade piano when the advertisements read the same, so we have
discontinued most of our and will concentrate our efforts on showing one of every-
thing we build and g the mechanism of our pianos In such a clear way that you can sec for
yourself that our pianos are all we claim, and you will know as e do that we are building as good
pianos as money, brains factory facilities can possibly produce.
These demonstrations are very Interesting, as we have practically our factory right here in the
city for your Inspection, and It la In charge of experts who have spent years to acquire this knowledge
After the close of the exhibit all the pianos will be sold at the billing price In order to leave one each
of samples here to refer to from time to time in securing other sales.
If you have a piano you should visit this demonstration to know more about It. If you are s
musician you should know If you expect to have a piano day. this will give you
valuable Information about how to select a piano. Come now, don't wait, time ls short. It closes Sat-
night. March 1st, at P. M.
tor It will Farmer.
new phones.
will be made lo organize -i
Tune Gets a Four Sunday school at the school house
Guarantee From Ban- Mr. H. E. Ellis next Sunday
an article Is sold a druggist Dynamite roofing of all kinds at J.
who is willing to give it his personal R- Smith and Bro.
guarantee. It's a mighty strong proof Mr- R c Coward ls remodeling his
of rial merit. residence on 2nd street.
Tint's exactly the case with Dr- Hardy Johnson Is moving to
eon's Liver Tone. It Is a Ayden.
tasting, vegetable remedy for a slow Rev. J. H. Griffith of will
and sluggish liver. Since Dodson's services the Ayden Episcopal
Tone came on the church
sale of gone down. Lent.
The reason Is simply
W s Pimples Go.
How Clear the
Fare of Pimples and all Other
With the finger tips apply a little
to the skin, then see the
and blackheads vanish. is
liquid, not a smear, leaves no trace,
each Thursday night during just simply sinks In and does the
work. You will be astonished to
The road master of this division how quickly eczema, rash, dandruff,
Tone Is and harmless and here Tuesday looking after liver spots, salt rheum and all
guaranteed to our side track made longer, which other skin diseases are cured.
ROCKY MOUNT, Feb. A Washington's Birthday Party. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
the shooting scrape at Sandy The of the Junior Class of Having duly qualified before the
Cross late Monday afternoon, when the Teachers Training School superior clerk of Pitt county
Grover a Nash county con- George Washington's birthday as administratrix of the estate of
and farmer of In true colonial fashion on Saturday
section was shot and wounded by evening. Dressed in the picturesque make
Clay Strickland, a young white man. costumes 18th century the class to the undersigned, and all
employed with the Nashville road had trouble carrying their persons having- against said
force, Mr. last night passed sues. to other days and other are notified to present the
away In a Richmond hospital a. a The stately minuet danced
of his wound. Following by eight members the class, and 1914. or this notice will be
shooting Mr. was rushed the old fashioned Virginia reel made plead in bar of recovery,
to a Richmond hospital by Dr. J. P. tho amusements of the Colonial per- This 22nd day of February, 1913.
The two men were arguing very real. The proverbial cherry
over the cutting of a new road through tree of was also In
some of property and after evidence and the hatchet again did its
a few hot words, Strickland pulled fatal work. Among the guests were
of Arlen Moore.
Having qualified the super-
court clerk of Pitt county ad-
Is often uncertain, sometimes j needed. is put up by the E. W. Rose
dangerous and no druggist wants to Car cutlers, disk Medicine Co. St. Louis. Mo., and Is his revolver and fired once, the the county superintendent, members
guarantee that It won't knock you out harrows, rakes. J. R. Smith and Bro. regularly sold by all druggists at let penetrating abdomen of the faculty and representatives of
of a day's work and maybe send you the largo bottles, but you can and lodging In the back. Strickland the various classes. All were
to bed. Ton Believe It Vet a liberal size trial bottle for only Immediately departed for parts in the success of the f y of Oscar
Pharmacy sells Dodson's Some say that chronic constipation cents. And this trial bottle ls known and as yet no clues have been evening as well as the Ingenuity and ,
Tone and guarantees II. For cannot be cured. Don't you believe You surely will find a found as to his whereabouts. The adaptability of the class. estate to make payment
and your children, It's a Chamberlain's Tablets have cur- wonder. Get a bottle from remains of Mr. were the and all persona
to this city today on train No. and February M
will be taken to Ms home at Sandy Hugo, the V
Cross this afternoon. The funeral French novelist, born the of 1914. or
are not known. The de- May i, this notice will be plead bar of
ceased was about years old 1816-Napoleon escaped from the Is-
This 26th day of February. 1911.
think to keep a bottle always In the ed not you. Give them Pharmacy,
trial. They cost only a quarter
Pharmacy will give you by all druggists. ad
year money bark If you think aT King Ferdinand, of Bulgaria,
Liver Tone la not worth the today.
your liver working and of William F. Cody
liter will not keep you from became president of United years old today,
Is good to go by. States.
r,.,.,., ., ,. ,.,
we have a
of twelve
among the rest
people in the eastern
part of north
and invite those
who wish to get bet-
Wilson Is Nation's Chief;
Democracy Now Supreme
Simplicity And Dignity Mark The
Inaugural Ceremonies
Ml Remained At White House In
Muslim Scenes Of The
MM Congress Had
Washington, March
Wilson cabinet is com-
and It remains only to
formally send the nominations
to the senate, either today If
the ceremonies permit, or else
Until actually nominated the
list Is unofficial, but the list Is
definitely accepted to be as
Secretary of William
Jennings Bryan, of
Secretary of the
G. of New
Secretary of M.
Garrison, of New Jersey.
Attorney James
Reynolds. of Tennessee.
Secretary of the Jose-
of North Caro-
Secretary of the
Franklin K. Lane, of
Secretary of
F. Houston of Missouri.
Secretary of Rep-
William G.
of New York.
Secretary of
William B. Wilson,
of Pennsylvania.
unmarried. He leaves a mother
land cf Ella.
and father, brothers and
John P. St, John, former governor sisters to mourn their loss.
five of Versailles, ending
the war.
became president of the Unit-
ed today amid imposing
monies and tumultuous scenes of
popular greeting.
Standing at the historic cast front
cf he took the
oath of office and in his brief
address uttered a fervid
appeal lo nil patriotic men for
and aid.
Is not a day of ho
declared, Is a day of dedication.
Here muster, not the forces of party
but the forces of humanity. Men's
hearts wait upon us; men's lives ham;
Ii the men's hopes call up-
on us to say what we will do. Who
shall live up to the great trust Who
dares fall to try I summon all
honest men, all patriotic, all for-
ward-looking men to my side God
helping me I will not fall them, if
they will but counsel and sustain
Vice President Marshall had been
in the senate chamber
only shortly before and at the con-
of President Wilson's
procession where Mr, Taft said
good-bye to President Wilson and
prepared lo leave at once for
Ga President Wilson shortly
took his place lo review the
Crowd is Noisy hut Respectful
Tho party proceeded down Penn-
avenue slowly until It near-
ed the and then four black
horses drawing tho presidential car-
broke Into a trot and troop-
escorting II spurred their horses
a canter. Thus the cavalcade gal
loped up Capitol Hill. While the
crowd along was
it was respectful and orderly.
The carriages and their escorts
Whirled up to the main entrance of
the Capitol to greetings of the
massed multitude in the stands and
the less fortunate who were perched
upon every point of vantage.
When President and Mr.
son approached president's room.
Mr. turned to the President-elect
Mr. President, here's your
The two men passed Inside, and as
they did so Mr. spied Mr.
an outside In corridor and
ed him to enter.
don't know whether I can come
i there or said Mr. Bryan.
not president, you
j I'm still
ed Mr. Taft, I invite you in. Mr.
Bryan entered.
I When Mr. Marshall entered his room
he found an Immense of Amer-
I can Beauties on his desk, sent by the
Democratic Club.
Administer Oath lo President-Elect
At this point the Inaugural
from the stage of quiet
and solemnity of the senate chamber
one full of color and animation as
out-door exercises of administer-
the oath lo the new President be-
at the east front of the capitol.
In the shadow of great dome an
stand lo hold thousands hail
teen erected. At the front and center
this vast stage were arranged the
seals for President Taft and
dent-elect Wilson. Chief Justice
White, who administered oath of
office, was sealed at the right of the
Flanking this
group were the associate Justices
of the supreme court, the
senators mid former senators.
Back of them were ranged the
of the house of representatives
and tho ambassadors and ministers
of foreign nations. In groups here
and there were governors of slates,
many of them with their showy staffs
of military and civil officials.
of retiring cabinet, officers
of the and navy represent
lives of various branches of
-I government also had their
places on broad platform.
Facing the inaugural platform I
dense crowd of spectators packed the
wide plaza and struggled for Vantage
point, while further back the long
lines of military and chic
t took position to await for-1
of the parade.
With Ibis setting of animation, all
was directed lo the two
figures of the
about to take the oath
Of Office, and Chief Justice of the
I Supreme Court, ready administer
I oath. These two, rising from the.
feats, stood together the center of
platform, the Chief Justice with
Bible open his hands, tho Pros-
i dent-elect with uplifted hand.
I Slowly the Chief Justice repeated
the oath as It Is prescribed by the
do swear that
will faithfully execute the office of
President cf United States,
will to the best of my ability,
serve, protect and defend the
f of the United i
M lit
Craig Led The
State's Line
Greenville Soon To Be Connected With Great Inland
Waterway System; H ill Begin Work Immediately
of Oscar Johnson.
President Kisses
I The President-elect repented the
word for word, and kissed the
open Bible. It was over. A new
president had come Into office.
Al moment of conclusion of the
a presidential salute of twenty-
guns boomed out the news that
a chief executive had been In-
Within a few days the United
Slates Engineering corps will begin
survey of Tar river In accordance
with provisions made by congress
last year In the Rivers and Harbors
bill to make it a uniform depth of
tin feet from Greenville lo Washing-
ton. When the survey is completed
I the dredging work will probably be
Immediately, within a few
I months Greenville will be directly
connected With great Inland
system by a navigable
ten feet in depth, which will mean
a great deal to business Interests
here. So far has been no pro-
vision made by the local Interests lo
utilize opportunity thus offend
to become Independent In a large de-
of the high freight rates
ed by the railroads, but we feel rare
the wide awake business men of
Greenville will not delay much long-
In taking up matter of pro-
ample warehouses and
to encourage and accommodate
transportation lines benefit by
cheaper freight rotes which would
be Inevitable.
John H. Small In an address
I before tho Fifth Annual convention
of the Atlantic Peeper Waterways As-
at New London, Conn. Sept.
4-6, 1912, trend of water-
way development throughout the en-
tire world recognizes the proposition
that deepened channels do not
bring water-borne commerce. Other
conditions must exist. Being free
Introduction of water
carriers depends upon public enter-
prise, etc.,
the citizens those
ought to insist that,
without more hesitation or delay.
through public these
i shall once begin the
i ample water
terminals when completed must
have certain Qualifications, not only
ample frontage, but commodious
h, modern appliances for
transferring freight from the water
carrier to the or to
railroad car. so equipped that they
shall In large degree be com-
mark, trading place, not
only for through commerce, but for
local commerce of their respective
communities; and, as I said, they
should be under, controlled and reg-
by, the municipality of the
of public which they
serve. There should lie physical con-
between this water terminal
and all railroads serving the
community. If there should be mo.-e
than on line, and physical con-
should preferably be by a
belt line, also owned by the
and subject to the use of nil
railroads, under such wise
as serve the public and
be Just lo the
When intra-coastal waterway
or Inland waterway from Boston to the
of Mexico Is completed It will
directly connect rivers In its
course. There will be established In
all probability n great seaport
terminal at the Harbor of
Refuge, Cape Lookout, and the ad-
vantages Greenville North
Carolina towns located on rivers gen-
are Inestimable.
Greenville Is within a miles of
both Norfolk and Cape Lookout as
a glance at the map published with
this show and we should not
to prepare to receive benefits fro.
this fact.
falls with p. o, gold
Thousands Represent the Tar Heel
State In Great
nor Craig Returns.
Craig leading North Car-
contingent In the Inaugural pa-
today, followed by
and three companies of North Carolina
National Guards the Tar Heels were
cheered from the time they left
until they broke ranks at
end of long and tedious march.
Governor Craig rode a handsome
horse Judging from the way he
handled animal he must be an
expert horseman. He staled tonight
however. It was the first time he had
been on a horse in many years,
In his younger days he had
been considered an expert,
P. D. Gold. Jr. of Greensboro,
was appointed an aide lo represent
North Carolina in civic division,
showed great nerve and coolness
when his horse reared, fell and threw
Greensboro man after he left
the senate building. Grabbing
up his silk hat Mr. Gold was again
in the saddle by the time the horse
had regained Ms feel. Thousand of
i along- route cheered the
North Carolinian when he
mounted his horse, struck SOU'S
into his side, galloped away, and soon
caught up with In which
he had started again look h'S
place front row of horsemen.
Governor Craig and staff will
lave for home tomorrow.
There thousands -n, Car-
here. It is impossible get
the names of but few. They are
mattered from one end of the
. other. was unanimous
however, of nil whom your
talked to that this
the greatest Inauguration ever wit-
in Washington both as to the
shown Hie thousands
Of people who lined the f n iron
end In the number In attendance
toes lo Jail
Husband When lie
KINSTON. March 4- When Amos
Harris, a young white man, was com-
to Jail here In default of bond,
wife, despite the kind offers of the
sheriff to lake tier lo his own home or
have accommodations reserved for
hat at a hotel, surprised the authorities
by Insisting upon sharing the same
fare as her husband. Mrs. Harris
spent a night in a cell.
Amos and Harris were
rested on a farm In Pitt county.
the husband was employed, by officers
of Pitt, at tho request of the sheriff
here. They are both charged with
the complainant. Mrs.
of nil Caswell St. alleging
that they took tin In cash from her
A hearing was given In case by n
Jersey M. E,
Many leaders in the de-
nomination, both clergy and laymen.
were present here today at the open.
or the annual session of New
Jersey Conference of the Methodist
E church, Bishop Joseph F.
Berry. f Philadelphia, is presiding.
The announcement of the ministerial
assignments will be made first of
next week. An unusually large
of changes is expected.
June It has been decided upon as
American League Championship flag
day and June It as World's Champion
ship flag day In Boston. Chicago will
be Red on the first
dole and New York on the second.
magistrate, who Amos
lo Jail in default of bond, to await
the superior court. The woman was
held In recognition. The of
Harris to secure ball from his Pitt
county employer o.- others were
The case of young wife,
r .- excited
some sympathy.

Eastern reflector, 28 February 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 28, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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