Eastern reflector, 20 December 1912

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Blankets, Robes,
Whips and
of Accident to Bi Sailors Steal Carolina University to
Joy Bide in Hew- Inaugurate Series
known from ocean to
ocean as the best and
strongest. They wear the
longest Ask for
Tuck Ill Id
V d S
Only the strongest leather
goes into the Harness
we sell
of the rumors of an
dent to the has been ob-
here or at On
contrary the vessel reported by
wireless at a distance of miles
west of at last night
and no mention was made In Oils
dispatch of any accident of any kind.
Tho sailed at
Sunday morning from Queens-
town after taking mails on hoard
from the train which arrived at
a. in.
officials here said today the
had undergone no mis-
hap of any and no cable dis-
patches in the situation had
been received.
The absence of any such dispatch
they Interpreted as bearing out that
the ship has met with nothing to in-
her routine across the At-
Port Sews
Va. Dec. .
A squad of twenty from
the battle
of twenty from , of of
fleet lying in Hampton by recent
line MOOT this morning ,,.,,., , .,
G. H.
CHAPEL HILL. Dec. board
to inaugurate a
while the conductor
were in a nearby room.
A sailor turned on the current and
Point and took possession of a of the col-
trolley car standing on the wharf. la ea lo be de.
at periodic times by eminent
speakers and thinkers of America,
i The of this series of lectures
the car sped from the reservation. Hall Thurs-
oar's crew running frantically by Americas foremost
hind. Edwin Markham, author of that
Realizing what had happened and Mon the
fearing a collision, a passenger ranked Poe and
the trolley rope. Seeing they had been ,,
foiled, the sailors off the geniuses that America has ever
given to world. Mr. Markham
handle and hurled it into
Hampton Roads, leaving the a between poetry
standing on a trestle. The
then took to their
heels and
and science emphatically asserted
conditions DISCUSSED by
We Carry the Best Line of Firearms and
tier too
We have Everything for Everybody in Hardware
Marylanders Visit Training
Today President Wright had a
guests at the Training a
they both were on equal basis
relative to their quest for
hidden truth and that poetry Is truth
and something more than the
the term popularly accorded to.
Stephen B. Weeks, a graduate of
University of North Carolina, and
now a historian in the United States
Dec. of Education, is author
King Charles of in his pf No. of the national ed-
speech from the throne to the assent-1 department, just Issued,
of the Parliament for discussion is the
asked the legislators to give School in
government the support necessary for Of particular local Inter-
of the i Carolinians is the news
forthcoming charges brought Weeks is at present
ed in writing a bibliography of North
Carolina. i
The William Simpson
Society of the University
ed substantial encouragement In Its-
to advance the profession
pharmacy in the state this week
from Mrs. Charles of
Raleigh, in form of a cash prize.
Teams representing the University
J. Charles chairman and II, of Raleigh. Wake Forest
, the Maryland State Normal school S
Balkan hostilities, King Charles pro- in a croSs-country run here
I next Saturday. The fastest
We have the right to hope that a of
attitude will five favorable results , w,
for our relations with the Balkan of
states in their new constitution, and various.
party of Marylanders who
came to inspect the school plant hero
a view of getting data and in
in the
about by the Balkan war.
At the same time he remarked that
with a view or getting data in-1 , ,
. , , the s confidence in the
formation to embody In d,
to building of a large nor-, ,
school which the state of .
land is to locate near In
the party were Ur. M. Bates Stephens,
superintendent of Maryland schools;.
the Maryland Normal;
fulfill their mission.
declared the
King. for moderation and peace
within the limits compatible with the
interests of the
Remarking that bad
commission; Mr. B. K. ,
secretary of the building
commission and Hon. Andrew J.
member of the Maryland
ii bond of
at once to the Training school and ,
they spent most of the day The ,,, of ,
went through the plant
inspecting every detail carefully and ,, , , ,,.
thoroughly. It is an honor to Green-1
We have the
for Greenville
and vi-
We invite your inspection of our
stock of Breech-Loading Guns,
Rifles and Pistols.
We have a collection from which
you can select one to please you,
consisting of Ithaca and Tryon
Guns; Marlin, Savage, Remington,
Winchester, Stevens, and Hamilton
Rifles; Smith Wesson, Colts,
Mauser, Harrison and Richards Pis-
Be sure to call on us for fire-
arms and ammunition.
In China and the
opportunities before the Young Men's
Christian Association and the church
or state will be topic of dis-
t these distinguished It was announced in the speech of New York
should come lo Inspect our school the throne of the an college
to get Ideas for their own and In meat would be invited to vote on of December
abort while the reporter bad the appropriations for military par-. ,,. u. Wilson, chairman of the
Pleasure of being in their company. Poses. Carolina Library I
be was gratified to hear them pay-
high compliment
found here.
to what they.
Help Till- Man
Mr. Charles Haskett, a
that the campaign of state-
Subscribe to The Reflector
if Loose
Ledgers, Binders, and
Transfers, Indexes and
all ruled forms. Full
line of samples ready to
show customers.
Parker Fountain
We sell exclusively
this famous pen, the
best, made, and Special
Fen Ink. The
people who make the
pens know how to make
the best ink for use in
Engraving and
W e represent the
best makers of
ed Cards and Wedding
Invitations, Embossed
and Monogram Station-
and have samples
on display. Christmas
orders for these should
be placed early.
Typewriter Ribbons
and Carbon
A Call at our Business
Office for all the above.
The Reflector
Greenville, N. C.
funeral of Jefferson
In New Orleans.
scope now under way for the
extension of traveling libraries to
party leave Greenville on the sending circulars from his sick pry in North Carolina
o'clock train for Raleigh where they room to friends advising them that with favorable recognition.
will spend the night and tomorrow ht is taking subscriptions to several Two forces. The Teachers
go to Greensboro to Inspect the popular magazines. He well deserves and the state Library and
State Normal school there. patronage In this small way and society, have heartily en-
X the movement and it Is evident
the next body of lawmakers will
take the educational step in hand
and push It to the forefront along
with other progressive states.
Winterville Items. The Kind
Services at Church Anticipating the wants of bus-,
men for the new year that is
There preaching at the nearly here. The Reflector
church next Sunday bas Just got in a large lot of fine
morning and evening. Both services papers. are ha-d to beat when
will conducted by Rev. G. X. it conies to Stallone, y and your or-
of M. C. Mr. for Job printing should come
is said to be a strong preach- this way.
The church will consider
to, a call to him. buying He will
give you bargains.
WINTERVILLE. will. Lena Tucker spent Saturday
find for the next thirty days plenty and Sunday at home
of choice at A. W Our fruit Is the best to he had. d
Ange and Company. also a full line of nice candles on
Misses Clara Braxton and Pearl hand at all times. Spier and Jack-
Hester made a flying trip to Green- son.
Saturday. Mr. Walter of
Just arrived a new-
date dry goods and
Pharmacy has contract-
ed a on the 3rd page of the
Daily Reflector every Monday,
Wednesday end Friday will it to
acquaint contestants for the Howard
automobile as to any change, or spec-
sale announcement wish to
Don't forget look up Con-
test News Wednesday
attendance ma
; Cowers
o. large
opening here
Mr. waiter m ma
w line of up to was in town on business Tues- the annual of the
notions Inspect Fruit Grower's
members will spend three
California Fruit Grower's
them. It will pay you. Spier and a full line of buggy harness Just .
Jackson. I arrived. We are always prepared to to by
Harrington. Barber and Company save you money when you buy your experts and
are receiving their holiday goods now harness from us. A. G. Cox Mfg. questions chiefly
and will have a complete line of con- Co. to citrus culture and viticulture,
and toys,
j Mr. Tucker of near Green-
ville was In town Sunday evening.
I One car load of pitch
pine lumber for cart and
wheel rims. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Remember the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
are agents for the Pittsburgh perfect
farm and poultry wire fencing.
For beef, fish and oysters, see R.
W. Dall. He can save you money.
We carry a complete line of coffins
and caskets on hand all the time.
We can furnish excellent hearse
vice. When need let the A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co. serve you.
HIM Cox. teacher In the
graded school, came In Sat-
evening to spend Sunday at
borne and she was accompanied by
Harden Mr. also
of the school.
Hardware, farm machinery and
gaudy belting at A. W. and Co.
Mr. Thad Nichols of
was in town Sunday night.
In selecting your gifts,
come and see Harrington. Barber
and Company.
See R. W. Dall for all kinds of
freshes, groceries. him a look
Is the Most the Most Employment
Greek and Turkish Warships
in Naval Battle Off the Dardanelles
Peace Negotiations Going on in London Not Very Promising
An Early Settlement Balkan War
Dardanelles. Dec.
Another naval battle was
between the Turkish and the Greek
fleets this morning outside the en-
trance to the Dardanelles Straits.
The firing was very heavy. How
many vessels are engaged is not
Hitch In Peace
LONDON. Dec. obstacle was
encountered early today by the
of the Balkan allies and
of the Ottoman empire, who are
here with the bringing
about peace.
an element quite different from Ger-
decided friendship for Austria.
Delay Hurtful to Turkey.
He went on to remark that
key's historic policy of delaying dis-
would this time only be very
hurtful to Ottoman Interests.
he said, for Instance, had already con-
all that she desired to possess.
while Montenegro, Greece and
within a month would see the
fortresses of and Ad-
capitulate from hunger.
Strongholds Short of Food.
pointed out that
with inhabitants, and
about soldiers in the garrison,
and and each with
about Inhabitants and
could not be
The absence of Greece's signature to
armistice was the cause
of the bitch in the proceedings, and
the delegates found it necessary e terms of the armistice while
adjourn without effecting any real the provisions and ammunition stored
business. j in those places could not last more
They will not meet again until late than weeks.
Thursday afternoon and in the and are
time will communicate with their borne he said, surrounded entirely by hos-
governments. forces, while Janina still has an
After the adjournment Dr. S. opening to the north, but even in that
the leader of the Bulgarian the Greek forces are rapidly
and the president of today's approaching the fortress. h;
meeting confirmed the report that the said, the country is not a condition
question of the protocol had been n provide adequate
discussion without a decision be-
It is understood that the powers of
the Turkish plenipotentiaries do not
authorize them to recognize the
delegates unless Greece signs
Armistice, and therefore, they are
obliged to refer the matter to Con-
proceeding with
the conference.
Greeks Refuse to Sign.
The Greek representative refused to
sign protocol when Invited to do
o today, pointing out that it would
Chapel Hill Boys Defeat
and M. in Cross
Country Run
G. H.
won over our institution, the
A. and M in a cross-country run
make no practical difference, as the to points Saturday evening,
allies were united and the decisions run
reached by the members of the
league would be binding on the
Greeks equal Ty with the other
of the federation.
V. as Mediator.
In speaking today on the subject of
foreign mediation affairs
head of
choice of the United States as
mediator would be an excellent one.
The only fears In this connection are
that the distance of the United States
from scene and its lack of know-
ledge of the complex problem
ting the Balkan people might hamper
its action, while a European country
would find itself in readier condition
having for years followed the
of the different races
ever held in the state.
Collier Cobb, Jr., won individual
honors when he won in a thrilling
finish from Smith of A. and M. by
the close margin of four yards. A
few yards back came Spence and E.
V. Patterson, the former in the lead.
Then came the following club
Horton of A. and M.; Han-
son, Whiting and H. Patterson, of
Carolina; and Hines of A,
and M. Roberts of A. and M. did
not finish.
A. and M. entered five men and
Carolina entered six, the four
counted. The number corresponding
the position each man finished won
his Individual score and the total was
the team score.
Patterson started In the lead but
M. taking and Smith soon denied him of
this privilege and held it to the fin-
hundred yards from the
into consideration, thinks the
man now Europe to carry out the
work of mediation would be Premier
of France who has paid so Smith seemed to have the lead,
much disinterested attention to the I but Cobb gained slightly and both
Balkan conflagration. ran neck to for about yards
If the choice of that statesman, says when Cobb sped up and finished four
should give umbrage yards the lead.
Germany, then an English statesman x gold was awarded to the
might be added, and even this winners.
not be considered as sufficient front of
tee of impartiality, the sense that U road for
all legitimate Interests would be d , race
IN N. J,
Aristocracy Versus Royalty
The following is a correct line the two teams as handed in by the
executive committee of the
League, Is con-
ducting a crusade in New York for
cheaper eggs, announced that a meet-
will be held to consider plans for
extending the campaign to every large
city In the country.
Women generally will be urged to
Join the movement which Is to be
aimed not only at eggs but toward
the lowering of food prices general-
No general reduction In the price
of eggs has resulted from the
so far, but Mrs. Julian Heath,
president of the League,
said today that a number of
dealers have cut prices
Their decision will determine the
future policy of the housewives. The
crusaders maintain that practically
all eggs on the market are cold
age eggs and that as such, they should
for not more than cents a
Washington Egg Dealers Slash Price
housewives rubbed their eyes
surprise today when on entering
Center Market they discovered signs
over baskets piled with eggs an-
the price of the breakfast
table commodity had been dropped to
cents a dozen. The sharp cut in
price followed a meeting last night
of fourteen of the most Important
butter, cheese and egg dealers in the
market at which it was decided the
price tow could be reduced.
The dealers frankly to
purchasers that the eggs at this price
were of the cold storage variety but
contended that none had been in re-
later than April and that
they were equally as good as fresh
laid eggs.
The action of the Al-
In Philadelphia and the gen-
movement In other cities to
break the egg said to
have had much to do with the action
of the local dealers.
William J. Flynn, of the
fork Police,
Service Chief
SEW Clerk Moore
I Col.
B. B. Woodward
en Into account not only by the be- and
but of the great powers, an
Italian statesman might be added to i , , .
. Wake Forest and Trinity were In-
I to enter the race but neither
to the triple alliance. , our I
Italy represents I- that a witnessed the fin-.
of powers, according to tab.
Flynn of New York, today was
pointed chief of the United States
secret service by Secretary
of the Treasury Department, succeed-
John E. now chief super-
agent of the customs service
He will assume his duties
row. For many years Mr. Flynn has
been in charge of the New York
vision of the secret service and
the early of Mayor Gaynor's
administration was deputy police com
of New York.
Roberts appointed com-
of the British
TRENTON. N. J., Dec.
re w Wilson came back to the state
house today in a fighting spirit and
issued a warning to the voters of the
against politicians who have
opposed his i regressive policies and
who, ho would again seek to
control tie state government
soon as he stepped from the
He urged that their plans be block-
ed at once.
have been says the
statement, by the
numerous inquiries as to whether I
would continue to take Interest the
I political affairs of the state after as-
my duties as president and
I realize the significance of these
inquiries. Last summer I warned the
voters of the very
the men who formerly controlled
and discredited our politics were
awaiting their opportunity to recover
their control and were expecting to
find it. What I then said has been
abundantly verified by what has hap-
In the interval.
am keenly aware of the fact that
these men have so little respect for
the voters of New Jersey that they
think all they have to do is to wait
to come back into power. They will
be sorely disappointed,. They can-
not again Impose upon the voters of
New Jersey.
they should In some evil mo-
recover control of the party ma-
they will only ruin the party
and put it permanently out of power.
Every step they take, therefore, to re-
establish their power should at once
be exposed and stopped.
people of the state need not
fear that will become indifferent so
long as their confidence encourages
me to believe that they wish my aid
and my counsel. I in the future
use every proper and legitimate pow-
I have and every influence at my
disposal to support and assist the new
forces which have regenerated our
life during the past two years.
shall not go slack In this
for I understand my duty to be
to stand back of the progressive
forces In the Democratic party every-
where and at every Juncture and
feel that matters I am
particular obligations of con-
science and gratitude to the people
of New
are plenty of persons who
used to own New Jersey and
title is now questioned, who have an
ardent desire to get rid of said
the governor to the Georgia
some of them voted
for me for that reason, because
saw a chance of having me for on-
two years Instead three. It's
very important that the people should
feel that I'm still connected with
New Jersey.
Dr. in Abbott, noted author and
clergyman. years old today.
Nathan It. Scott, former
Stales senator .
yearn old today.
Rt. Guard
Lt. Guard
Rt. Tackle
Lt. Tackle
Rt. End
Lt. End
Quarter Back
Full Back
Rt. Half
Lt. Half Back
Dr. Mac.
Doc Home
Little Roy Dick
P. O Flanagan
Sunny Tucker
Money Little
Matty Duke
Coach for Jar vis
Coach for Clothier.
p. m. Both teams march on
field playing harps and dancing
the turkey trot to the tune.
All preliminaries arranged,
the Royalty choosing Evans street as
their goal. Dr. Mac kicks off for
the boys and the ball goes over the
court house dome, but is caught by
Goat Outlaw who is downed in his
tracks by Long in a
flying tackle. ball is put in
play in the middle of the field and
bucks Little Roy
Dick at Rt. Tackle for yards. On
the next play Col. Harry S. takes
ball around Rt. End for a good gain
and probably would have made touch-
down, but for tho magnificent run-
and tackling of Matty. B. B.
Woodward in an effort at bucking
loBes the ball on a fumble and
for the recover on
their meridian line.
Tucker at Quarter signals for
to take ball. bucks C.
Moore at Center for yards. P. O.
hits Ht. Tackle hard, but
is thrown by Giant Denton for a
yard loss In the next play Fatty
gives an exciting exhibition of
end running and gets by the entire
line, but his toe on the Rock.
As a last resort Long attempts
a forward pass, but Is out of
the game by a slug from Boy
Trusty's Cashier
Court House Lawrence
Long Tom Manning
Thurman Moore
Judge Harry
Tom Hooker
Woodward. The Trusty's Cashier
his place at Rt. Guard. Shorty
Carr then tries for a drop kick, but
the ball drops on his head and Col.
Harry dives over the line and only
misses his man by going feet
his head. In the mix-up Ins.
Moseley recovers the ball, but drops
It while trying to insure the life of
Dr. Mac. The ball is finally
by Lengthy Forbes for the
after a spirited sprint across
the field with Doc Home.
On tho yard line Quarterback
Rock gives the ball to Paul
who bucks Dr. Mac. at Center for
no gain. Here the Rock tries one or
his famous marble slides
Shorty and would have gone for
; touchdown had not the Rev. Tuck-
ed him In time, despair Dinner
Vines Is called upon to take the ball
and tries to become a creeper around
Left End. but Little presents him
with an over-draft and he drops in
his tracks. C. H. Lawrence is sub-
for Paul and bucks
Rt. Tackle for yards.
The whistle blows and the First
Quarter ends. Score 0-0. the
suggestion of the attending
the players decide to
j take refreshments and of
play will not be resumed
, after Christmas.
Picture of Uncle Sam
and Called Kim His
Issued a mall order liquor
bearing the words Sam is Our
was displayed In the Sen-
chamber today by Senator Ken-
yon as an Illustration of the extent
to which he said, the United States
was taking part In the vi-
of local prohibition laws la
Senator Kenyon made tho chief
speech today in of the Shep-
bill to prohibit ship-
sf liquor by channel of In-
commerce across the border
of a state.
Vicious Mule Kicks the
Face of Rider Into
a Pulp
G. Kieth Sinclair, aged a farmer
residing near here, was probably fa-
tally Injured by a mule late
day afternoon.
No one knows how the mule hap-
to kick him In the face, as the
man was found lying unconscious in
his front yard with every bone in
face shattered while the mule
with saddle and bridle on, was
peacefully Mr. Sinclair's
face was mashed Into a pulp.
Rt. Rev. Joseph house, bishop
Anglican synod
years old today.
-v r-
a ,

. . .,.,
LONDON, Dee. Bled.
American to
Britain since at bis London
residence. Dorchester house,
alter noon today from pulmonary
Tile end was Mi's
and their daughter. Mrs Joan
Hubert Ward, were at the
The had been
since y o'clock in morning
at intervals previous
hours lie been delirious
.- of drugs red
to induce sleep.
Sir Thomas Bartow. to I
who was called in last
niter Mr illness became acute
and hi.- regular physician. Ir. William
Hale White, issued the following
as the cause of
fortnight ago the American am-
a slight bronchial at-
tack similar to others which he had
coffered at considerable Intervals.
On Wednesday last asthma supervened
and the asthmatic paroxysm became
very severe, leading to extreme ex-
was hoped he might rally,
as no had
f-oared. With difficulty the paroxysms
of asthma were gotten under control
but Sunday morning the exhaustion
became extreme and he died from
j- at 12.16 p.
Mill Damages Awarded
Boy Who Lost Thumb
a strenuous legal battle the Jury in
the ease of Kiger
suing by his next friend. Charles M.
K vs the
Company, today awarded the ll i
tiff a verdict for
The plaintiff was suing for
for alleged personal injuries received
at the plant of the
Company. It was alleged that while
be as operating a lumping machine
it got out Of order and that as a
suit his left thumb was mashed
and the usefulness of his entire
hand wits permanently lost as a re-
Don't lake it for Granted
That You Have the
Right Number
very musing things retail now
and through
wrong number, which frequently
occurs. The editor's home
rang I little late the other night and
when he answered a feminine voice
asked It late for send
up oil some Of
it was as we had
Done of either. time some
one wanted to lister a little
secret for sister happened
to he In part of the town.
And this is a reminder of another
funny A physician's phone rang.
you any
you any sweet
you any
ma am
what have you
a few
And went the receiver at
the other end.
If you own a building that has a FLUE
built with the
cement or metal, your insurance
rate is just cents per hundred more
than it ought to be .
Experience has taught the Insurance
Companies that flues of this type cause
fires-hence this extra charge
Make a calculation on your pol
and see what this item will cost you
for next ten years.
There's a remedy. You don't have to
pay it. Rebuild your flues with the
brick laid flat, and secure lower rate.
I will furnish full details of con-
for standard flues, and gladly
give information to anyone applying for
name at my office.
Established 1895
Evans Street, Greenville, N C.
The chief executioner of death Id
the winter and spring mouths is
Its advance agents are colds
and grip. In any attack by one of
thane maladies no time should be lost
in taking the best medicine obtainable
to drive it off. Counties thousands
have found this to be Dr. V New
Discovery. believes
has kept him from having pneumonia
three or four writes Mrs
George W. Place. Vt.,
for and croup we
have never found Us
teed for all bronchial affections. Price
and Trial bottle free at
all druggists.
Our new stock of French sad
land Bulbs are now arriving and to
plant insures fine flowers.
Remember we make the finest wed
bouquets and floral designs.
Mall, telephone and telegraph or-
promptly executed by
J. L. Co.
Phones Raleigh,
B. J.
for sad
Reflector Want Ads.
Save Money
S. T. T. Al AMI
Other Addresses Made by Profs.
and Wilson
The meting of the County Teach-
Association was held in the
of the Training School last
Saturday. Considering the cold
weather, tho attendance good.
The presence of classes K and F
the Training School students made
the attendance unusually large
The principal feature of the pro-
gram was an by Dr. A. C.
Director of the Division of
Rural Education in the United States
Department of Education. Washing-
D. C. Dr. made a
address of much value. He is
a believer in the rural school
and its possibilities for service. He
believes that the teachers ought to
lie specially trained and that there
is little hope for better conditions
until they are better trained. He
aid the people must be aroused to
the needs of the schools and that they
must put much more money into
than they have ever done be-
In speaking of the training or
teachers. Dr. paid the
Carolina Teachers Training School n
high compliment. He Mid he had
visited normal schools In part
at the States and had never
found so earnest and so good a spirit
in any of them as he found in the
Training School here.
The speaker urged the teachers to
secure the co-operation of the com-
in Improving the school
houses and grounds and in making
the a center of neighborhood
life and betterment. He told the
teachers of several Instances that
had come under his observation In
teachers had gone Into rural
had revolutionized
life. and Ideals of the
Dr. visited several of the
county school last Friday with Prof.
He said in speech that
he found the teachers doing good
work and that if what he saw was
representation the schools of Pitt
county are of a high order
The distinguished visitor was fol-
lowed by Prof. F. C. Nye. who
en The Teacher and Her to
tho Community. Prof. C. W. Wilson
addressed the teachers briefly on the
problems confronting the teacher of
the rural school. Both
Were practical and highly helpful.
for Soldiers
Superior Court Clerk D. C. Moore
has received the pension checks for
the and widows
In Pitt who are on the state
pension list. The amounts for the
; are the same as they re-
last year. The some
in good time
Baiter a
In the Baptist church Sunday night
the pastor. Rev C. U. Rock preach-
ed a most timely subject on
basing his subject on the
Scripture lesson found in the third
chapter of He said there was
enough matter for several sermons
a subject as important as this,
but now he would speak of only a
few of the evil kinds of tongue com-
met with. The profane ton-
the vulgar tongue, the
tongue, the deceitful ton-
and the quarreling tongue, were
the pedal ones pointed out as
much evil.
Then in closing the pastor men-
some of the good uses the ton-
can be put to in blessing man-
kind through speaking cheering words
to those who are cast down He
truthfully said that a rosebud now
and then in life is far better than a
grave covered in flowers, and a kind
word spoken to one in life is far
better than a eulogy after death.
Marriage Licenses
On Horses, Mules, Buggies,
and Harness
Horses and Mules Received.
of Piedmont and Wagons
Just In
Gar Load
Full Line of Barbour, Hackney, Wash-
Kinston, Ellis, Hunsucker Buggies
J. E. Winslow
The Safest
your Harvest money
is in this bank
Look at these two men. They have
to market their cotton. One put his
in the bank and the other one didn't-
They were held up on the way home. The
silly fellow who wanted to take his money
home had to to the robbers. The
other was able to them the
His money was in the bank.
Take a lesson from your harvest money In this bank like all
other farmers. It is It whoa-
ever yon .
The National Bank of Greenville
Greenville, N. C.
F. G. James, J. P. I'm. V. i. Forbes, Cashier
We. W. A. and wife, Car-
will expose to public
sale on day
at our home in town-
ship, all our personal estate con-
household and fur-
horses, mules, hogs, chickens,
louder, corn, peas and
Terms of sale, cash.
W. A. and Caroline Hyman.
The Ont. Labor
the establishment of n
James H. Clark and Daisy Porter.
Joseph Thigpen and Emma
worth, j
C. K. Edwards and Mable H. Craft.
Timothy and Winnie
Elbert Tyson and Flanagan.
Prank Rouse and Lula
J. I. Little and Norman.
W. H. Perry and Fannie Roberson.
Rufus and Bessie Pea-
George Brown and Mattie Coleman.
Cooper and
J. It. Bland and Susie
Lawrence L. and
Willie Hill and Emma Cox
Allen Carr and Clyde
Windsor Hines ass A.
Wiley Langley and Lang-
Primrose Perkin Mary Harris
Farm wages, with board. In the
States averaged for men,
per month in the year 1866;
1875, in 1909.
Ten thousand labor-
rt and peasants on
at Bart. Italy, better their working
conditions sad wages. ,
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by John C Tyson and
wife Sophia A. Tyson, to J. R. and
J. Q. on the 17th day of Jan-
1908, which mortgage was re-
corded in the office of the register of
deeds of Pitt county In book R-8, page
undersigned will sell for
before the court house door
at public auction on Wed-
January 15th, 1913, the fol-
lowing described tract or parcel of
situate In township, ad-
Joining the lands of Robert W. Faith
and others and lying on the north
side of the public road leading from
to Bell's Cross Roads;
beginning on said road at the bridge
across the Atkinson and Clark Canal
and running In a westerly direction
said road to a point where a
from thence to said line to the
Atkinson and Clark Canal, thence
with said canal to the beginning, con-
it being the eastern
end of the farm on which the said
Tyson and wife now reside.
Said land Is sold to satisfy said
I This Dec. 14th. 1912
J. R. and J. U.
F Q. James and Son. .
Farm For Sale
acres. acres cleared,
ea miles west of In
county. 1-2 miles from two district
schools. worth of
buildings Included, 8-room up to date
cottage. tobacco barns, tenant
Louse- and other out buildings. Con-
the finest farm in that sec-
all clay subsoil. No sand. A
bargain to quick buyer. Easy terms
J. P.
Ayden, N. C.
Union Elects Officers
At the annual meeting of The
of Pitt county, held Dec,
14th. the following officers were elect-
ed for 1913-
W. H. Moore, president.
J. R. vice president.
II. L. Little.
J. W. Martin, chaplain.
J. T. Manning, conductor.
W. J. door keeper
J. L. J. Marshall Cox. W.
K. Tucker, executive committee.
The annual meeting was well at-
tended and several Important meas-
were discussed.
Foils A Foal
When a plot exists be-
tween liver and bowels to cause dis-
trees by refusing to act, take Dr.
New Life Pills and end such
abuse of your system. They gently
compel right of stomach,
and and restore your health
all good feelings at all drug-
The school of
have that teachers in
future be enraged on probation for
a term of five years.
The Bank of Greenville
Greenville, North
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts 711.85
Banking House 4,200.00
Furniture and Fixtures 4,327.32
Cash Items 27,621.25
Cash and due from Banks 160,583.16
Total .
Capital Stock 50,000.00
Undivided Profits . 9,268.23
Your Account Solicited
. . i I
Having duly qualified the
superior court clerk of Put ,,.,
as executor of the last will
of H. Congleton.
notice Is hereby given to all persons
Indebted to the estate to make
mediate payment to the undersign,,.
and all persons claim
said estate are to present the
name to the undersigned for
on or before the day of
1913. or this notice will be plead
bar of recovery.
This 12th day of November.
Executor of H. s.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Court.
Mills v Johnson Mills
The defendant above named will
take that an action entitled
as above has been commenced in the
Superior court of Pitt for an
absolute divorce; and the sail de-
will further take notice that
he Is required to appear the
term of the superior court of said
county to be hold on the 20th day of
January. 1913. Hie courthouse of
said county in X. C. and
answer or demur to the complaint
In said action or the plaintiff will
ply to the court for the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
This the 20th day of November
D C.
Clerk Superior Court
By A. T. Moore.
P U. and Son,
for plaintiff.
North Carolina. county.
H. L. H. J. Mills. .
P. and wife Sarah
Frank Mills, Ada Mills.
By virtue of a decree of superior
court of Pitt county, made by c
Moore. Clerk on day No-
1912, in the above entitled
muse, the undersigned commissioner
Kill on Monday the day Ian-
nary, at ll o'clock, noon,
to public sale before court
door In lo the highest bid-
for cash, the following described
property tow
in township.
Pitt North Carolina, adjoin-
the lands of James Harrington on
the north and Alfred on
the east and north and
on the cant corner of
ton's land, lying In the fork of
Water Hole branch mid Alfred
new road, it being Irene
Mills share of her lather's
This sale is to be made for the
purpose of making partition of the
proceeds among the tenants in com-
This the day of November,
K. C.
I SI Commissioner,
By virtue of u order of the Super-
court, nude in a special proceed-
entitled Sallie
J Mamie K
C. Parker, et against John Ken-
and be-
Mo 1711 on Hi, s. p. do.,. .
will oiler
before nun ;,,, ., dost in G
on Dec. H, ,.,;, r,
the land.
The .; the late i. c
Hardy an the road past weal
the town of being the land
conveyed to B. Hardy by e.
O. and Feb. 1900
and in Ms. pace
containing or ,, .,.,,
Terms of sale cash, or 1-.
in u hi
mortgage on said lands
W. r.
ltd It
Vacant Land
of Carolina.
To Hi.-. ,. Bell, Taker of and
for Pitt
of Pitt county,
North Carolina, enters and lays
claim to the following described plea
or parcel of nutated in Bethel
township. Pitt Ninth Carolina,
the earns vacant and
prated land, and subject to entry
Hounded on and cast by
tho lands of Johnnie on the
oath by John A. Parker hinds. n
owned by James and Charlie
on the west by
lands Of M O. Mount, containing tea
more or i. -s
Entered Mm day of
The above was tied with mi
hi till D IS
Baton James.
IS I ltd Entry Taker.
office of the register of deeds
of Put county in book 11-10. page Stale of North
the Men- et State
day of January, 1913. To all to Ti M la Mai
1- noon, expose lo public-
before the hone. d, . to y s
o bidder, for lion, ,
w for the
by n.
Lot No M and in the consent of all I
the my i i
known and Son. a of
,., the of -boa. principal h aH
and Jarvis streets and run- in the town
thence 3-4 feet to the line State of North
, v of .--n and in
norm .-t to the b, ginning, the of chanter
Also No and in that of -corporal
T l . the kissing of this
as beginning at the of
of Jarvis and Now Therefore. I. J.
lour,,, s Hence with Jarvis . ,.
r .
thence with street north did, the an, of h.
wall t. line and ,.,,.,
1st at ,
Mat to Fourth street , the begin- executed all the
he lot. by J ,,. ,, ,
White and to Battle L. Warren and the record of the
a ed and restored in are SO. on HI, . .
Hook page in register's office as provided
Office la Pitt o In
Tins sale made for purpose , ,, band and affixed
o, the term, of said sail. this 2nd f
A. d 1912
lad day of December. ,,
virtue of power of eon-
I lid tamed la ,. deed ex-,
deli, red Frank Battle and
wife Richard Little on the
of your family
tin many useful presents you
ff tan gel lite with coupons now packed in
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by H. A. and
wife K. A. to W. II. Brown
on the 11th day of December,
which mortgage appears of record
the office of the Register of Deeds of
in Hook M-9, pages
and will sell
for cash before the court house door
In Greenville on Saturday, the
day of December. 1912. following
described tract or land situate in said
county and slate and In
township, bounded on east
Run and the Spier
the south by Tar river, on the
by John Fleming's heirs on
north by tho lands of Fernando
and known as
acres more or less
being the same land sold lo the
H. A. and wife K.
by W. II. and all
the tract will he sold said Bale ex
acres which has been sot
off to J. F. Davenport by deed
ed Feb. 19th, 1910. and recorded r.
Rook M-9. page 491-92, reference lo
which deed is hereby made for an ac-
curate description. Said land sold lo
said mortgage.
This Nov. 27th. 1912.
W. II.
F. G. James and Son.
II ltd
Having qualified as administrators
sf John deceased, late of
N. C. this is lo certify nil
claims against the
estate of said deceased to
it them to us month
from this dale or this will he
pleaded In bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted said
will make Immediate payment.
Mot. 1911.
M lid
The in,; petition as
to Hoard County Com.
of Pitt their reg
session Monday, December
To the Board
of rut
We, the undersigned landowners
within the territory de-
scribed in tin- county of and
slate of North Carolina, respectfully
it ion join Hoard lo es-
a stock Law Territory by
extending Territory already mads
in county toil include in the
now established, the addition-
Territory establishing a Stock
Law Fence,
a point opposite W
W. northwest corner on
the south side of tho new road sod
running with tho tide
of said new road, to
road lend ins from Gardner's Cross
to Indian Well Swamp,
across said road lo the line be-
W. and W.
with said hue to a
ditch the east corner of W.
W. Gardner's Held, thence said
ditch across W. W. Gardner's hind
t. hi, Q, Gardner's land, thence
said ditch a.
land, lo B. A. Gardner's land,
up said ditch to M. O. Gardner's
land. hence with M. O. Gardner's
hack lance a of
same course, lo the north tide or lbs
Greenville and road,
north side of said
road direction to a
leading lo J. A.
thence across said road
lo the hi tide of raid road, then I
along the loath side of said road lo I
the Lewis Smith land, a corner of
J. A. land. a south-
ward course with the Smith land, to
a an course
with said ditch to the northeast
of the field, thence with
the line of present fence of said
held a point opposite tho mouth
of the Fish Hole in
Creek, thence to the
Law Pence.
Your further ask that
tho above change in tho present
Law or Pitt county
be made by order of Hoard of
of Pitt in or-
that change may ho per-
by Hie 1st day of January.
submitted by
The above petition will be heard
the regular session of Board
of Commissioners of
County to held the first Monday
in January, 1913, H,
By order of Hoard of the
County of Pill
This 2nd day of December. 1912.
ltd Clerk
virtue the authority of a day of January, 1911, and duly re-
made on day of corded In the Register of of-
November. 1912, in g special proceed- Bee of IT. in
j lag pending in Superior court, in undersigned will expose ti
cast entitled C. Williams and public ,.,,. i,,.,,,,. .
wire, Nellie L. II. door in to the
and wife, Bat bidder on the day
undersigned commissioner will Mia, certain or par
expose public sale, before the eel of tad lying and being in the
court house door to of Pitt, slate of North Carolina
the highest bidder, on Monday, the and iii Creek township
day f January, 1913, at o'clock scribed
noon, three certain tracts or of the lands of J. A Man
land, iii county of and slate on the and weal by
North Carolina and in the town land and Exam mount
of Greenville described as and Patience Smith on the north and
mi the by J. A.
one jot at C. L. containing H acres, more or
corner on Hi, Union av- and being to
and running in a southwesterly Battle by Richard Little an
j direction With Dickinson avenue
Washington thence Said sale is n
north or nearly so. Washington mortgage deed.
I Street M feet to It. L. This 12th
corner, thence cast, or BO,
line to C. L.
son's corner, thence said
line is feel the beginning, p
ion Dickinson avenue, and being the
on which the late Jane L. Goodwin
Formerly lived and being the same
which was conveyed lo her by deed
Duke's Mixture is one of the favorite for
both pipe and cigarettes Men everywhere prefer it lie-
of true natural tobacco taste Duke's Mixture
It simply the choice leaves of fine Virginia North
Carolina bright leaf thoroughly and
crumbled It's to get a purer smoke or a
more one than this mild rich.
A Duke's Mixture
One and a half ounces of this choice granulated
Boat with each sack you a book
cigarette papers
The Presents are FREE
They do not cost you one penny In each of
Duke's Mixture we now pack a free
present coupon With these coupons you can act any
article describe, in our new
, illustrated of pres-
Asa special offer,
goo J during December
and January only, we
will give you this
log absolutely FREE.
Simply send us name
and address
r lag HORSE
in, k n ,,.
in satisfy
of December
James and Son, Allys.
liners of administration, with
from C. A. While and wife, dated upon estate of
March and recorded ill the deceased, late of
office of the register of deeds of Pitt of Pill, having ibis day been
county, less part by her conveyed, issued lo me by the clerk of the
See Hook P-4, page court of said county and
One other tract, beginning and given bond as
on cast side of Pitt street, at H. A.
I corner and running
with Pitt to Mrs . Stock's
corner, thence in an easterly direr-
with Mrs. line f
feet to a corner Mrs.
line, thence northerly
I direction feel lo it A
corner, a point MS feel from th
I Notice is hereby given lo all per-
sons holding claims against es-
to present lo me for pay-
duly authenticated, on or be-
fore the day of MM.
or notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery, am In-
to said estate are requested
beginning, thence from the beginning payment.
This Hie day of December
J. may. Administrator
cum annexe of
with II. A. line in a Wester-
direction feet to beginning
Ion and being the
by deed from I. S. Shep-
and wife Jane L. Godwin. Waller Gardner, Deed.
Feb. 189.1. and recorded in BLOW, Attorneys.
I nook S-5, page the register ltd
Of deeds office of county, less
the part conveyed by Jane
one other lot. beginning on
the northwest side or Dickinson ave-
corner of the
church lot and a
course with
son avenue 1-2 feel to Mrs.--------
j Stock's line, feet to corner or
in Mrs.
On my one male hog
unmarked, white hind legs.
g. I same by applying and
paving all charges.
C Home
Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for farm use
is the It is made of the best ma-
so that it is strong and durable
without being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy to light and
It won't blow out, won't leak, and won't smoke. It is
an expert-made lantern. Made in various styles and
sizes. There is a every requirement.
Al Dealers Everywhere
N N. J.
virtue power of sou
In a montage
and M. and
I,, w. -H
day mi,
member of Pitt Count
line , ,, ,. , M
and corner of the above de- , , . ,
,. . ,. , , I in the
scribed, thence in norther y . ,
ii . , . . , is requested K-
with tho line of above lie-,,.
u . ,, , . . , ,, be present Saturday, till
scribed feet to t. A .
. j
nor. and corner of . .
lo. . , . . . beginning business,
feel lo beginning .
and being the same conveyed
the lute Jane L. by deed
from J. U. Moore. It.
C. Hamilton, trustees of the I
church, dated Nov. I
and recorded In office of
the of Deeds of Pitt
ill Hook page to which deed
is that
heretofore conveyed by said Jam I
Terms of sale cash.
This land can he sold at private i
sale before dale of sale, if j
e is offered
This December 4th, in
II I lid-law tie
The Hoard or Trade labor
Singes last year nearly
for work and
Couldn't Walk
used to be troubled with a weakness peculiar to
writes Anna of III
nearly a could not walk, without holding my tides
I tried several doctors, but I grew worse. Final y
our advised for my complaint. I was so
thin, my was Now, and I am
never sick. I ride horseback as as ever. am
fine health at
n, i,. an- m, ,
I I Woman's Tonic
the i s arc Its an in-
With a well conducted I I
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue
It adds a hundred per cent
ones earning
by, and only by
have thousands such letters, and more are
arriving daily. Such earnest testimony from those who
nave tried it, surely proves the great value of this
tonic medicine, for women.
relieves women's and weak-
women up to health and strength. If you woman
give i a trial It should help you, for it has
others. It i, made from
surely on the womanly Si.
It is a good tonic Try it I Your druggist sells it
w Co. Ta.
m. , ,
Subscribe to The Reflector

should help you to think. KIAL ESTATE WILL SOT who addressed the
The train rumble, over the switches Something like . year ago county last Saturday
and who la Director of the
and in the dusk a swinging lantern tag about building lots In Greenville. Bureau of
ills that a man is at work, The Reflector advised contemplative Washington, paid the
guiding you safely when your work purchasers that they would not save Training School a compliment
is done. Cant you take an interest by waiting to see if they in his speech. He said lie had
in that human atom, representing the would lie cheaper. Go price a lot to-
normal schools In every part
a week i
TIE lac. SUD Md Training School
D Editor space, lighting us on our journey and be convinced that the of normal school he had
GREENVILLE. CAROLINA toward the constellation Hercules paper knew then what It was talk- ever visited. Uncle Sam's
A black steeple is outlined against about. And the same and Directors are careful In
Subscription. year, . . the dark-blue sky of evening. That hold good today, as a year
. statements tiny make Sin
high compliment from so eminent
source i greatly appreciated by the
is a linger of stone, built by a man you will not be able to buy a lot
business to point toward Infinite price for which it of Training School
The Reflector Building, corner Power. It now points In be obtained now. This not said
and Third the earth slowly in the interest of any one who may
Jean Libel picturesquely con-
All cards of resolutions turns-it will be pointing have Iota to sell, as at this la, gift is
t respect will be charged X at here upward or we do not have any In mind that M. men not
per downward in tin- carpentry of the on the market, hut at the on
advertising universe. In the twenty-four hours Greenville is making you need ,,, that they will be
up as round pleased and
steeple points toward all the price. About the best advice we
as second class matter space, and constantly it give one who wants a home is Cowan have been trying to
M, Wit, at the poet Wisdom and to go ahead and buy a lot and let the some fakes and got caught.
Greenville. North Carolina,
Another way the express companies Items,
have of robbing the people la the,
. , . . i- I Dec. Mr. R.
method they have adopted In remit-1
C. Jackson made a trip to
ting for C. O. D. shipment. They
used to send the money back to ship- Harrington. Barber and Company
sealed packages, charging the a nice complete line of bats; It
consignee for returning the money o
. , . . . Several of our young people attend-
fee of about cents for amount. ,
the basket party at Corey s school
under increasing the fee in
with the amount of the re- Remember the A. G. Cox Mfg Co.,
Now instead of sending the are agent, for the Perfect
may, they collect the fees and Poultry wire fencing.
out of the consignee and remit with Howie and
Elmer W came in Friday
their own money orders by mail to m
the shipper. A. money order fees
are many times smaller than the fees one car load of pitch
collected, it can readily be seen what lumber for cart and wagon wheel
a nice rake off the express companies G Cox
J. S. and
get No wonder they pay several
per cent dividends. you a at x w
O--------- Aug. and Co. begin the new
Observer year on time.
Harrington. Barber and Company
act of March
A week from tonight there will be
a wholesale stockings.
A k
Justice in every corner. building and loan association put him
This is tiresome All right, then a house on it.
we'll stop. But whether we tire or The women of Philadelphia band-
you. together to knock down the high , t ,
As a thinks, so he grows retailers were of
The Raleigh News and
has just entered upon a new volume
and one of Its pledges for the new
are ready to serve you with anything
In the heavy and fancy groceries
year is to do more than ever for the dry Rood and farm
of North Carolina. Thai and fencing, at prices that will pay
Is promising a great deal, for there to come for.
I., not a paper in the state that has Mildred Wilson of near
den is visiting Miss Dorothy Johnson.
Just arrived a new line of up to
after year put forth better
Think, study, use all the hours that for ., and they succeeded. Dis-i
separate your croupy cradle from Ana report says the same women
fort for the progress of North Caro- dry and
If live in the suburbs de- V turn their attention to do
urn hours per Jay to
travel hours per day moans
practically of your active
How make mo of
Una and the prosperity and happiness them, it will pay you. Spier and
of her people, coupled with a siren-1 Jackson.
Insurance Commissioner J. R.
Young is sending out warnings to
two boas, and feel each day warrants to be served on John D.
that th-y boon well and other officers of the
instead of being waste,, those Standard Oil Company, in the case
few. high price of meats, with the
--------o result likely to follow. The
housekeepers can reduce
United States Attorney General the high cost of living If they and
has refused to allow up their minds not to pay the 0.1,, and
lions during Christmas times. Heed-
tills warning may be the
nous warfare for good government
than the News and Observer. Mr.
allow up their minds not to pay the price, I
and stick to It.
hours should be among your best
Never If are dinging to a
strap because companies are l TM for vi-
to exploit you. Never mind if you
are tired and weary when the day
Judge Harry W. Whedbee is
in which the Magnolia Oil Company a record wherever he goes to hold
of Texas, was indicted by a federal court, not only for his ability and
business method of conducting the
court, but also for Ills wanting to
is see the counties progress. He re-
of the Sherman law.
One again. Mr.
preventing loss by lire.
Said a man who comes this way
occasionally, but rends The
tor between visits, never saw
man who talks as much about his
is ended. The tired brain often thinks using the machinery of the great of- stirred the commissioners o. i
better than the fresh one. And man. M Of the Department of Justice to both Durham and he . a
so recently descended from the monkey Instead of prosecute, the mil- because they have such poor courtly
who had to think while hanging head heads of illegal trusts. while both are amply able to
down, ought to have no trouble think- A ,.,,,, could be cited to their needs. Judge,
tag as he hangs from his strap-held has. by means home is In a county ,
UP- prepared opinions, order. P
Some in the cars play card as , ,,,.,. and h
ill this mat- Tho of the currency
see good says there is enough money in
travel Others talk
tens of thousands
much time on this and other new s-
trusts, private
and special privilege. It WM
, r.-ii. in, attorney general, who
. counties coining along and not being for us all to have military hair
A new lot of garden and flower reed
In at A. W. Ange and Company.
j A full line of buggy harness Just
Josephus Daniels has for twenty are always prepared to
years been at the helm of that able you money when you buy your
paper and he truly makes It j harness from us.
I Our fruit is the best to be had. also
a full line of nice candles on hand at
When a body go. way and
and falls In the hands of such a host; R. Dad's Is the place to get
as June proprietor of your oranges, apples and etc. for
Hotel Tull. lie Is sure of being com- Christmas.
, ., . . ,., We are glad to hear that Misses
housed and slept and well
Fannie and Elizabeth Spier arc
fed. This of hotel always re-
fleets credit upon Its town. We re-j We carry a complete line of
that Greenville Is also coming fins and caskets on hand all the time.
along in this particular and that In furnish excellent hearse
,, . , vice. When In need let the A. G.
a few months more our Proctor Hotel
Cox Mfg. Co., serve you.
will be open to do credit to the town. ,, made t fly
0--------- lag trip to Greenville Saturday.
Do let your Christmas presents be For beef, and oysters, see R.
the sensible kind. For example, w-
send I bald-headed man a pair
brushes, nor the Dec. will
content i twentieth century
times each. Some oilier fellow must be
with eighteenth century buildings and of our share around
pay Santa to Investigate the
novelties at Spier and
. stopped Important suits against the
Try Make up your
to your hours of
I till pockets.
It was the The supreme com, of the slate has The Reflector Is to
thinking. The brain, like the only . ,.,,,,, an ,. .,,, , of of brethren of the Press for your giving.
H ion and vicious- property belonging to churches and nice things they have said about It
exercise. It must be methodical ,, said for rental purposes. The court recently beginning a new year. We
and regular. There is no limit to Us wag for decide church and hope to continue holding such good
possible results. You would be glad f exploitation pro- and other purely church esteem from them.
to spend your two traveling hours
acres of rich sugar
is- property is not liable to taxation, hut
ill a gymnasium on wheels. Make the the holds real estate held by
of your homeward car it mental gym-
Each night or morning, take
up some one line of thought and fol-
low it to as far as your
mind can lake you. Learn to observe,
to study, to reflect Don't look at
your fellow passengers as calves look
at each other on the way to the
Look, as a human being, at other
human beings. There they sit
A little In advance of the fire
r season is a safe time to clear away
toothless man a gold toothpick.
the same rule all through and store.
no not give presents that are Don't forget those good up to date
Intel worthless to the person re- sewing machines at A. W. Ange and
them. Have some Judgment Company.
Messrs. W. J. Braxton. J. L.
and Prof. F. C. Nye went
The fellow who is ordering Christ- ft, Is tho place to get
mas had as well make up your oranges, apples, etc. for
his mind to use the opportunity while
. , Messrs. John D. J.
he can. With the prospects of con-
Jackson and James
passing the law to prohibit wont to Greenville Sat-
law of the islands expressly tees of the church and used 0th-
declares that no corporation shall be purposes, such as renting, is liable dead leaves, waste paper and trash
allowed to acquire more than to taxation the same as property held that may have accumulated near fences
and buildings. Proper precaution thing can be done.
such shipments into dry territory, evening,
there are not going to be more than one
another Christmas or two that the Umber for
acres. It was the at- by persons,
general, who sanctioned the
Taft administration railroad
hill, later exposed and altered, In
containing a Joker
Southern Pacific
North Carolina could do more bus-
North Carolina talent Is
the appointment of Mr. O.
the of the A. and If. within her own borders If there
Raleigh, as superintendent of judges were decent freight rates and it did
along this line may prevent a lire.
or recently held unlawful by tho National Corn Exposition take forever lo get a shipment
or hang. Some chatter, others Supreme Court. It was held in Columbia. S. C. in from the western to the eastern
fret, fume, complain, brag, grin the attorney general, whose suit and February
or otherwise express the strange against the steel trust is one in equity
that move us here. of a criminal prosecution.
They are all ghosts, as Carlyle tells At the time of appointment of
The wise housewife is the one who
turns a deaf car to the who
of the state and vice versa.
For the past fiscal year North Car-
paid nearly nine million
you, imprisoned for a time in it was said his selection by calls at the door and says In Internal revenue taxes into
of flesh and a car packed full Mr. Tuft was In recognition of the and So the man of the the national treasury. This shows
of real ghosts passing over the earth desires of the great Industrial trusts says look in the closet and how much of the money goes,
on their quirk Journey lo the grave of the country, who had contributed him that suit of clothes
ought to stir you. large sums to Mr. Tail's campaign Hubby sometimes loses a
o--------- fund and who as a return favor de- or an overcoat by just such ruse.
car load of pitch
and wagon
wheel rims. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
spent Saturday with friends
Miss Helen Gould has at last to- hero
to get married. Unlike Harrington. Barber and Co., are
American she did to serve you with anything In
not go across the water after a
and a title, but takes a
man. We did think Helen for
had better judgment than the most. Miss and Pearl
j them lo Saturday.
A new lot of dress ginghams Just
at A. W. Ange and Co.
Greenville already has her share and Ruth
of people who are waiting for a flying trip Greenville Sat-
to turn up, but we want more evening.
the heavy and fancy groceries, dry
and notions, farm supplies and
that Will pay you
boys are boys, but the very
instinct that prompts them to get a
bis appointment as attorney match and pop-cracker In
them to disregard graver laws when
they grow older, if allowed to go
THE STEEPLE, THE sired that a man be placed
OF A CLOCK in charge of the government
The whose life general Mr. was a trust Just because it la against the
misery Is still a Joke to them For years and years he had aw do, Is the same that
blessed Interest receiving huge fees from
deeply. And the too, with for Interpreting the laws,
tired black face, resting for the from the viewpoint of tho
days slavery-slavery on wage fare of the people, but from the
basis, but slavery all the same. viewpoint of the welfare of the trusts. such issues of The Reflector as
you despise his thick lips. Hut Mr. was a member of out Friday put people to talking,
those lips are carved on every sphinx the law firm of Strong and
in sand and If you could Congressman Henry T.
back far enough you would find the described this Arm on tho floor of
ancestors of that before House of Representatives as fol-
days of the Pharaohs, laying the
of your religion and locating firm of Strong and
The as a part of their
entertainment of the editors,
anted Hob Phillips with a And
the pig was so that Hob was
With a cotton oil mill ahead and
work to begin on the government
building next year, things go right
on looking good for Greenville.
of the kind who will find something
lo turn and turn It.
The man who does not favor good
Spier and Jackson's new goods are
arriving every day. Call and inspect
them. Quality and
Mr. J. L. of Nash county,
roads In this progressive age is In town Saturday on
help tho advertisers too. We
sent out over papers that day.
and on an average five people read
each one of them.
the stars in heaven. At that Is one of these important New
savage., sharpening bones and legal firms to which great
raw flesh. When you see the appeal for aM when they
on the opposite seat, the to violate the laws of the
starred one who has gone down or when they have violated the
the human race while we have gone laws of the
up, think about him, speculate as to 0--------
ultimate your The Philadelphia sisters would con-
Don't merely say to yourself, a favor on housekeepers generally
plain and go on chewing they would their movement
. to put down the price eggs H
The pictures that flash by your car over the country.
The government is about to put a
new nickel In circulation. The old
ones lire good enough, but we shall
not run from the new ones If any
happen to come this way.
Greenville has done well In the way
of development this year, but one
tiling the town ought to put
for next year Is more factories.
People whose corns get stepped or
well, It's because they have corns.
has about struck the
limit of growth In population until
more houses built. You cannot
find a desirable house vacant.
Yes. and then you hear some-
body kicking about something in
Greenville. But what Is the kicker
doing to make It better
The farmer who is looking well
to next crops, has already
commenced plowing his land and Is
going down deep after It.
buck number ought to wear
antiquated label.
Bob Phillips got the pie at
bury and is rubbing H on the other
boys who not there to see him
enjoy It.
Just a few weeks now to the be-
ginning of the legislature. Then
Raleigh will have things going her
way again.
and more useful with each year.
The Virginia courts almost
n farce of the Allen matter before
they quit.
Yep. been looking for it They've
began talking about going after the
North Pole In a flying machine.
If boy and girl knows what
meant when you say It Is only a
For your beef, oysters see
H. W. Dall. He will give you some
Messrs. Tucker. Walter
H. Cherry were In town
Remember the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
agents for the Pittsburgh Perfect
farm and poultry wire fencing.
Mr. Thad Nichols Mr. George
Allen of were here Sun-
day night
Harrington. Harbor and Company
have a line of huts; It will
pay to see them.
Dr. B. T. Cox made a flying trip
to Monday.
Pensions far Soldiers
North Carolina needs more
cal men like Clarence Poe, editor of week off.
the Progressive Farmer.
are ready
It may sound bad to ear th-re but all will not be
many a sock that worth a darn, ready when It comes.
Superior Court Clerk D. C. Moors
has received the pension checks
the confederate soldiers and widows
in Pitt county who are on the state
pension list. The amounts for the
pensions are the same as they re-
last year. The checks some
In good time for Christmas.
published the Milan
decree, forbidding all
intercourse with England.
English under Hugh
defeated the Sikhs at battle
Goo. Will Not
Discuss Appointments in Cabinet I
Did Think About it During His Vacation
Ayden Items.
Dec. Editor
Here Is the other No. sock
have been for. which
makes you a pair
Mrs. Harris of is
visiting relatives in town.
Wilson returned today from his
vacation trip to Bermuda. The steam
ship which carried him
and his party docked here a few min-
after a. m.
Not an announcement as to politic
or anything did the
have to make on his arrival.
going to devote myself to New
Jersey he said.
After a few hours In New York he
went direct to his home In Princeton.
at the East
Carolina teachers rain-
governor .
I At the December meeting of the
Edgar Allen Poe Literary Society on
Saturday night, the program was on
the life of
Biographical Sketch Annie
Poe the Poet .
o as to be on hand at the state house . Clara
Poe the World Author. Fleming
Vocal Solo . Elizabeth
with relatives here will leave for
home Thursday
Mrs. C. Fletcher is spending
few days In town.
We are paying dozen for eggs.
J. R. Smith and Pro.
Mr. W. O. Wingate and Miss Ethel
were married at
this morning and left on the I o'clock
train for a bridal trip.
Dynamite, and per cent
J. R. Smith and Bro.
Mr. B. E. Dall ha.- purchased the
Interest of Mr. Fate
in the E. E. and Co. property
Lee street.
Mr. of near Plymouth
here week and took an option
on the farm of Mr. S. Jackson
Mr. Cox has purchased a
large farm In Creek in Bean
fort County and we learn will move
some time in the early year.
Mr. H. G. one of our
most enterprising young has
sold his farm near here and
chased a large farm near Roberson-
Martin county. Consideration
is a good business
man as well as farmer and we are
to see him leave our community.
Car lime, cement and salt. J, R.
Smith and Bro.
The opera seats In the
are installed and will
comfortably seat besides the
spacious rostrum.
We regret to note the serious ill-
not decided finally on any post of service, developing of Mr. John E. who
Importance has not even chosen common function of been taken to the Kinston hos-
a private secretary. this service should be for an operation and his con-
fog was just lifting when the to count for Christ; it should being so critical, the operation
has been delayed.
It's easy for you to buy your holiday goods
as his stock is so complete
and prices so extremely low
in Trenton early tomorrow for the
regular budget of state business.
The president-elect brought with
him his annual message to the New
Jersey legislature, which meets on Reading
and Lois
January It embodies every plank ,
in the Democratic state platform., ,.,, of Soc
New Jersey Just now in , ,,,
the Governors mind and It Is quite the to , of ,,,, , Tc
likely that until he Is able to com- .,,, ,.,
his program of progressive log- one.
he will not only continue in j
office as governor, but will not take J.
up many of the preliminary tasks of
office tilling with respect to the Pres-i
About Appointments. v
Walker at the Training
W. C. A. services on Sun-
As to appointments Governor day evening were conducted by Rev.
son admits Hint while selections pastor of the Christian
running through his he has He subject
you will find them fitting better
rearing best, end you have
n line to select from that can't be
supposed, in quality, workman-
ship newest leathers,
inns, patent leathers, gun
metal r tads. Tin- shoe of
quality and the kind that wear.
Just The Thing
You Need For
is heavy underwear, cotton flannels, white and
red flannels, woolen and cotton blankets, cotton and
woolen dress goods in all toe newest shades. Your
dollar will buy more goods here Hum elsewhere at our
Store, and our stock s complete for your
making your holiday shopping easy having such a
quantity to select from.
docked and It was much unsolicited; it should be express-
early for a crowd to gather, but a and should bring joy.
handful of friends were at the pier. brought the lesson home by say-
among them the Governor's secretary inK that Young Women's Chris-
Joseph and a reception Association stands for one thing
headed by Dudley Field, who Christian service.
Mr. Will A. Hardy of near Hugo,
Co., Is moving his family here
will locate on Lee and Hart
If it's hardware, guns, pistols, am-
munition, dynamite, caps or fuse, see
us J. H. Smith and Bro.
Mr. L. Kittrell has leased the
of Mr. John Bill Cannon and the
accompanied Miss Margaret Wilson.
The other daughters, the Misses Trustees Meet
Eleanor and Jesse took the Bermuda of trustees or East Car-
trip with their father and mother. Tethers Training School held
Mrs. Wilson and the girls will re- meeting here today to latter will move to Ayden and occupy
main in New York to attend the ban- the plant and examine the an- the residence on the corner of
of the Southern Society reports of the president and bur- and Second street,
row night, when Mr. Wilson will in readiness to submit to the The yelping of the turkeys at this
his first public speech since legislature. Those attending the season of the year calls to mind when
his election. To do so he will re- are J. It. state we were a boy and read a poem In
turn to New York from Trenton late superintendent; Messrs. T. J. Reflector, think Dud Joe was
tomorrow afternoon. J- Leigh. Eliza- author, like
Declaration. Beth City; Y. T. Kinston; Tho turkey mounts the highest limb.
Coats and Suits
full length models of Hue quality in semi-fitting coats, many
and belt effects, self material, broad reversible collars,
sleeves plain or turned cuffs.
We also show ninny colors in gray Johnnie Coals, blues and
blacks, each garment having a guaranteed lining and hand-
C. T.
The President-elect carefully made J. R. Ban-
out his declaration for the customs Clarence Poe.
stating the number or pieces
of and the value of goods
and the
purchased abroad.
During the trip up from
the ocean was smooth as an Inlet riv-
It's near Christmas time.
The that gets his tooth on him
Will surely have to climb.
Monday night to hear the address of
Not since Mr. Wilson was en- ,. of
route to Bermuda four weeks ago, A,
bas there been such a calm, hence for ,
In addition to the student mows got up his winter steam
many people of Greenville and com- the amusement of the boys,
were at the Training; school will sell no more ice cream.
dotes From Chapel Hill
the president-elect acquired with the worth Mr ,
sailors a reputation for luck. man and , ea,
Not only did the exceed from ,
her past the northbound, Mr wag
voyage from the Bermudas, but With North He show-
exception of an Hour Just out- L, the had
aide the Bermuda reefs, when the , especially in re-
CHAPEL Dee, on
the Construction of the crest of the
Blue Ridge was the sub-
of a paper of far-reaching inter-
est read by T. K. Hickerson.
associate professor of civil engineer-
But will make It up on toys. in the University of North
Mr. Lafayette Cox has purchased Una, before the regular meet-
the farm of Mr. Joe Cox. Jr. in of Mitchell
heard frock township. Society. This remarkable highway
Wishing lo one and all of your Is being constructed on the crest
readers a merry Christmas and the Blue Ridge is the work of the
ship pitched in a heavy land swell,
there was hardly a wave to , be
her. Gov. Wilson said he had he by
his vacation Our hands are no
answering letters, of which there was ,,,, , were
about perhaps half of them but are far
for government positions. now than then because
Other passengers began leaving the w, have lo make them
Bermudian us soon as she had docked more and , have ad.
hut It was half an hour later before
happy New Year
the Wilson party left the vessel.
The remained on the pier
tor nearly half hour looking
the baggage.
Knows of Threats,
Of the arrest of three men New
Jersey charged with Bending letters intelligence our values increase.
to Wilson, he said today was as much gold In California
knew nothing. He had never read hundred years ago as Is
tho letters and for this reason will
not be needed to testify at the arraign-
of the prisoners set for
Letters from cranks and others are
always Intercepted by the Governor's
Taft today announced through Sec-
that the post of Am-
to Great Britain, made
cant by the death of
will not be filled by him.
This announcement followed an
curly morning conference between the
ad Secretary
Several reasons were given for
president's decision. He believes that
cent years, there Is yet much that I second month, ending Dec. 13th, is
The standard of as
First Ruth Cobb, Bertha
Little, Smith, Lillian Smith.
Joseph Forbes, Bob-
Norman, Joseph Zola
Second Leonard Manning.
Third Nannie Edwards. Nan-
Bryan Parker, Ben Ashley
son. Lloyd
Fourth May Belle Tyson,
Mamie Ruth Smith, Anna Forbes.
Fifth Christine Smith,
Forbes, Roland Parker.
Sixth Lena Mattie
Smith, Clifton
The highest average was made by
Smith. Map Belle Tyson and
Clifton Corbett.
Appalachian Highway Company, of
which Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, of
Honor Roll Chapel Hill, Is president. This
Tho honor roll for the public is at work at present on build-
school at King's Cross Roads for the a section of road from Asheville
In civilization and intelligence.
Place the most valuable farm In
North Carolina the heart of
ca and it would lose its value by Its
The human mind is our chief pro-
duct, and as we raise the standard
today, but then the land containing
a gold mine could have been
ed from a savage for a red blanket.
The land of Manhattan that contains
the great city of New York once sold
for Its harbor was Just as deep
and the Hudson river Just as long
then as now, but It took human In-
to find this value. The
same island could now be covered
In gold and its value not measured.
North Carolina's greatest need In
the line of development Is to raise
the standard of Intelligence of her
average citizens. It is not the few
brilliant minds here and there that
make us great, but the Intelligence
of the average man. Ours Is large-
the Important diplomatic questions y an agricultural state and the boy
Great Britain and the Unit-1 who is to follow the farm needs as
ed can be handled successful- good training to make the highest
v in Washington by Mr. Knox and In his vocation as do those
James the go in the professions. A great
He understands that President- mistake in our rural schools is with that were much
elect Wilson already is considering tho text books used them were
man for the London post and prepared by people who do not know
tho development of North Carolina,
is at one bound to Increase the
length of the public schools to not
less than six months In the year;
to have a compulsory education law,
and to have text suitable to the
needs of these schools. He brought
out many good points on each of
these, and showed that sentiment
throughout the state is turn-
to them.
It was along these practical
lines that Mr. Poe for the
development of the state and what
said made an impression for good
on his hearers.
Preceding the the students
of the school sang three songs,
not wish to appoint some one who the needs of country life. They deal
can serve at best only a few months, more cube roots and square roots
The president had first been in- than they do In cotton roots and corn
to make an appointment, but roots.
deliberation with Mr. Knox brought Some of the things Mr. Poe said
Fit His Case Exactly.
father was sick about six
years ago he read an advertisement
of Chamberlain's in the papers
that fit his case writes Miss
a decision to th contrary
must come and come speedily for Margaret Campbell of Ft. Smith. Ark.
to Boone, a distance of miles.
Pour and one-half miles of this high-
way has been constructed at a cost
of per mile. The average
width of the road Is feet, with a
maximum grade of 1-4 per cent.
The construction of this wonderful
highway is under supervision of En-
Boys Corn Contest Club I. C. I. II. In the Capitol
Although a large part of the state
experienced the most severe
in many years, the result of the Boy's
j of the capitol and the lobbies
of the office buildings of both the
yield above 1911. Six hundred and
boys have made their re- of the headquarters of an
port with a total yield of bush-
Contest shows an increased average
els or an average yield of 62.8 bush-
equal suffrage convention.
Women adorned with white ribbons
els per acre, 1911. four hundred are out in tares, with business
and thirty-live boys reported with an and dashing from office to office and
average yield of 60.7 bushels. The from committee room to committee
average cost in 1912 was while I They are ,, Na.
It was in 1911. This
cost is duo largely to tho severe
In the Piedmont section, which
reduced tho yield and thereby In-
creased tho cost per bushel.
Two boys made above bushels,
five above twenty-one above
and seventy-live above The
est was made by Richard Brock,
in Wayne county, but his coat of
production was so large that the
championship of the state goes to
J. B. Clingman. a member of George West, Jr., of Kinston, with
the graduating class of the yield of bushels.
of 1912. The two boys making the best re-
schools of east central In each district, twenty in all,
of North Carolina have decided win free trips to the National Corn
to hold literary and athletic contests. Exposition. These trips are given by
between their students at Chapel Hill the Southern Fertilizer Association of
next April. The features of the meets Atlanta, Ga. Many counties will also
will be n declamation contest, a track to this exposition,
meet and a baseball game. On be- Ono girl. Miss Ethel Smith, of
half of the Professor county, competed with the
W. Walker, inspector of secondary There were two other girls
schools, extended the principals of, boys and won third prize in her dis-
the schools of this particular territory the contest In the state, but their
a cordial Invitation to hold this were not large enough to win
hero instead of elsewhere, as has district prizes,
been customary In the past. The work is charge or O.
Perhaps a safe Index to tho high of the U. S. Department of
cost of living and the universally bad Agriculture and A. and M. College.
Conference of the W. C. T. V.
in session here to urge consideration
of bill prohibiting
the shipment of intoxicating drink in-
to states.
Long before the Senate met at II
o'clock tho galleries were crowded
Before the meeting hour the
delegates conferred with both
Senators and Representatives in
forts to impress upon each the views
of the back Sena-
tor Kenyon hopes to get action on
tho legislation before Congress ad-
the Christmas recess .
The conference delegates, which In-
Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, the
national president; Mrs. Ann B.
don, national vice president, and Mrs.
N. Hoge. national secretary,
discussed the situation in mass meet-
this afternoon-
crop conditions of North Carolina In
1911 is seen in the number of
dents at the of North Car-
that have boarded at Commons
Hall, the boarding hall run by the
authorities of the institution
assisted by A. K.
State Department of Agriculture.
I will sell for half cash aid
on easy terms the enclosed part
of my Brice's Creek plan-
situate about four south
of the city of New Bern on the west
of the s de of Brice's Creek. navigable
How to Bankrupt the Doctors.
A prominent New York physician
It were not for the thin
boarding house Is operated upon and thin-soled shoes worn
basis of making bare running ex- women the doctors would probably
the price per month for each be When you a
boarder now being only ten do not wait for It to develop Into
During tho entire fall this pneumonia but treat It at once.
boarding hall has been taxed to Its
full capacity for accommodations and
each month more than students
have taken
board rates.
cough remedy Is intended to
especially for coughs and colds, and
has won a wide reputation by its
advantage of its of these diseases. II is most
Not In many years have effectual and is pleasant and safe to
o many boarded In the hall for the
four fall months.
purchased a box of them and has
not been sick since. My sister had
trouble and was also benefit-
by For sale by all deal-
take. For sale by all dealers. Adv.
Meeting of Oregon Dairy Interests
Ore., Dec. large
attendance marked the opening here
today of the annual meeting of the
Oregon Butter and Cheese
There are between and
acres cleared with abundant
for purposes. The
land Is very high and dry ranging
from to feet above Brice's Creek
w is Its eastern boundary. It
was the General Hatch and
later the Geo. W. Perry plantation
and Is a very fine tobacco, cotton,
hay, truck and grain land and
a very lino grove and splendid water
may had anywhere on it. It la
convenient to New Bern by both
Water and road transportation.
More woodland will sold with
It It desired.
New Bern, N. C
lowed later in tho week by the an-
convention of tho Oregon Dairy-
Association The meeting will be fol- men's Association.

We invite your inspection of our
stock of Breech-Loading Guns,
Rifles and Pistols.
We have a collection from which
you can select one to please you,
consisting of Ithaca and Tryon
Guns; Marlin, Savage, Remington,
Winchester, Stevens, and Hamilton
Rifles; Smith Wesson, Colts,
Mauser, Harrison and Richards Pis-
Be sure to call on us for fire-
arms and ammunition.
Professional Cards.
Office second floor In Wooten building
on Third St., opposite court
Greenville, North Carolina
L. I. W. H.
Hi Law
Greenville, North Carolina
Life. Fire. Sick and Accident
Office on Fourth street, rear Frank
Wilson's store .
l Law
Office In Third St
wherever his
services Kt.
North Carolina
Attorney Ian
Office In Building, fifth door
from Street
Greenville, North Carolina
H. B Ward e, C P
Washington. X. Greenville. N. C
Attorney at
Practice in all the courts
Office in Wooten Building on Third
Greenville. North Carolina
Attorney Law
North Carolina
Attorney at Law
In Edwards on the Court
House Square
Greenville, North Carolina
formerly occupied by
Attorney at Law
H. H. M. ,.
Practice limited to diseases of the
Ear, Nose and Throat
Washington, N. C. N. C
Office with Dr. I. I. James,
day every t a m to pin
w. C. i. M.
Civil Engineer Attorney at Law
Civil Engineers and
Kind That Mother Makes
makes the lightest, most wholesome and delicious
biscuits, cakes and pastry. Try it.
All food Grocers sell it or will it for o.
Attorney at
Office opposite U. L. Smith Co's.
stables and next door to John Flan-
Buggy Company's new
Greenville, North Carolina.
Buyers of cotton
duce. We now occupy
will be glad to have out
on us.
Cabbage Plants
Reduced rate Round Trip tick-
will be on sale at all stations
on the Atlantic Coast Line to all
South Ohio Po-
East the Mississippi
river-, including Washington,
Cincinnati, . Evans-
ville. for all trains mi Dec.
January re-
turning, reach original start-
no later than Mid-
i January 1918.
further particulars,
rates, reservations, etc.,
ply tn Atlantic Coast Line tick-
et agents, or address
IV. Crate T. C. White,
Mgr. Pass.
Wilmington, N. C.
general. ;. In ins
the d the States
shared In the prosper-
according to Lawrence
in his an ma i made public
Kb i
power or the nation.
cap profits
circulation, reached
the year the enormous total of
a high record, showing
Increase 5.69 per rent 1911
and 17.1 per cent over 1908.
Since 1909, the banking power has
creased per cent, or more than
During the last twelve yearn
the number of hanks has increased by
i- pi r cent their volume
business as Indicated by posits
shows an Increase over pet
The comptroller's report consists i-i
mass of with analyses
most of which hare en
In with the rates on
money, which recently have been
soaring, the comptroller simply ob-
selves that the rules wen- normal up
to August with a tightening
money market thereafter.
According to the last condition re-
port, September the comptroller
points out that New York and Chicago
were slightly deficient in the amount
of their legal reserves St.
slightly Hanks in
major portion of other reserve cities
were also slightly deficient. t-i,
country banks an
of the legal requirements
Less than per of the
amount of national bank notes which
the national hanks might circulate
the law has been Issued.
Based upon the September report
the hanks might increase their
by Mr.
The national hanks, -the report in
hold over per cent of
bonded debt of the United States in
the of security for circulation and
public deposits and as investments.
During the fiscal year, 1912, the
banks paid dividends
gating 1120.800.878 or 11.06 per cent
on per cent on capital
and surplus combined. The net earn-
of 9149,056,608, were equivalent
to per cent of the capital and
surplus. During the last Hi
hanks have paid an average annual
dividend of 9.17 per cent on the C
it a I stock.
national hanks, with an
ca of tailed
during the year ended October SI
While eighty-three national
v an gate capital of
were in liquid
For GiftS-
Makes a sensible,
enduring present and
genuine value giving
for the money if your
I purchases are made
For Parlor, Bedroom, dining room; original de-
signs and copies of the graceful, artistic old-period
prices that will make your own appeal
to your sense of economy. Drop in and see
If you've a lot and desire to order any site
The following Jersey Wake.
I field, Charleston
slim and Large Drum
selection should i con-
headings through aimer.
Prepared tor shipment . from Suite, Baby carriages, go-carts, par
I WOO to at BUS per thousand, suits tables, lounges, sates.
Over st 61.110 per thousand, f. and ell Ax High
t, S. tan tobacco, Key West Cheroots.
S. M. Schultz
and retail grocer and fa.
dealer. Cash paid for Hides
fur, Colon Seed Oil, barrels, fur
President-Elect, Wilson leaves
Bermuda, Homeward
tn it we can you. We will ad-
finer you the money to build and
can repay us the same as rent
e a month. Call and let's talk
ft over sad let you how you
own your own home at little or
extra expense.
SHARKS THE 14TH sun i s
Count and
L. C. Arthur
cigars, canned cherries, set
ill. es,
lye, food
matches, oil, cotton seed .
halls, garden seeds, apples
nuts, dried apples,
runes, i raisins, glass
china ware, wooden ware, cakes
macaroni, cheese, best hat-
sew Royal Sewing Machines and
numerous other goods. Quality
quantity cheap for t see
me. U.
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Dee. it
Wilson fail-
fed today lot New York on the steam-
A large crowd of
American and natives of Ber-
gathered on quay and r-
ed Mr. Wilson us steamer
at o'clock.
Before on board sir, Wilson
declared that ha was delighted with
his vacation.
N. C
a still with-
Ike steal Life
Jest Te Strong
eat east Beat
Could Shout Joy.
want to thank from the bot-
tom of my wrote C. M
W. Va the
double benefit I got from
Bitters, in me of both a severe
case of stomach trouble and of
g mat ism. from which I had been
almost sufferer for ten
It ease as though made
Just for
Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water
electric Light
I am prepared to do your work at
Reasonable Prices. See me or call,
No. CO
Jaundice, and to rid the system.
k Bitters h. e no superior. T.
them. bottle Is to
cents at druggists
I have opened an House
at the wharf and will handle
the grade of either
by measure or in the shell.
Send your orders.
or silk
The undersigned will sell at pub-
e ion for cash at the
t I I door In on the 21st day
o December, st noon,
being Sal Christmas,
S the household and kitchen furniture
now located In my home on 3rd
All desiring to examine said
can call and same at any
T between now and sale.
sasH sis
Old Santa
Is Here
Every Day
Our line of Fruit of
will find the best.
In the
Up For
Let us supply you with your
for the holidays. We have
as up-to-date Variety as can
be found anywhere.
When you are buy-
bear us in mind.
j. E. Williams
Lave the satisfaction of knowing you are getting
the very best quality you can possibly procure
anywhere for the money.
Many a cheap, shoddy shoe hides be-
hind appearing, pleasing-to-the
eye style, but a few wear will
prove the inferiority of the quality of
the materials used and the careless-
exercised in their making.
We look to quality first of to it that
the leather is right, the linings substantial aDd the
general construction the best procurable any-
where. We depend upon you for our business,
and you depend upon us for square dealing, we
are in duty bound to give it to will.
Our new season's styles for ladies and gentle-
men, and boys and girls are ready for your
Coward Drug Co.
Only Best
in Our
to ,
All fountain i
Toilet Article,
Full Line
Drug Co. k
Lodges and Social
SheriffS. I. Dudley.
Clerk Superior C. Moore.
of Bell.
B. Wilson.
B. M. Lewis. W. E. Proctor. M. T.
J. G. Taylor.
M. Wooten.
C. Tyson.
L. Carr.
Chief of T. Smith.
Aldermen E. B.
-K. J. S.
V. Davenport, B. F. Tyson. Z
VanDyke, H. Edwards.
Water and Light
S. Spain, C. L.
W. Tucker.
L. Allen.
Fire D.
Baptist. C. M.
pastor; C. C. Pierce, clerk; C. W.
superintendent of Sunday
school; J. C. Tyson, secretary.
J. J. Walker, pas-
tor; E. A. Sr.,
Sunday school.
Episcopal. St. Dallas
Tucker, Rector. W. A. sup-
Sunday school.
M. clerk,
B. M. Boyle, pastor; A. II. Ellington,
clerk; H. D.
Sunday school; L. H. Tender,
Move Chapel
Rev. W. O. pastor.
Free Will E.
Peden, pastor.
Greenville No. A. F. and A. M.
H. W. M.; L. II Pen
Sharon No. A. and A. M.
F. D. Foxhall, W. M ; B, K.
Greenville No. I.
O O. F D. W. C. P.; L.
B, Ponder, Scribe.
River No. K. of
M. Clark. C. C; A B.
K. of R. S.
Greenville Chapter No R. A. M.
J. N. Hart, H. P.; E. B. i
Covenant Lodge No. I. O. O. F.
Meets every Tuesday night. F. J,
Forbes N. G.; L. H. Fender. See.
Tribe No. I. R.
MS. T. Hooker. Sachem; J. W.
Brown. C. of R.
Lillian Carr, pres
Meats. Miss Ward Moore, secretary.
Daughters of T.
J. president; Mrs. J. L.
en. secretary.
The Kings A. L. I
Blow, president; J. O.
S-n Mrs.
Lewis Skinner; Secretary, Mrs. W.
L. Hall.
Dunn, president;
D. M. Clark, secretary.
End of Century R. O.
Jeff rise, president; Mm. E. B.
Round K. R. Beck-
with, president; Miss Nellie Denny
Civic Mrs. T.
A. Person; Secretary, Mrs. T. h
The editor ran over to Kinston Fri-
day evening to attend recital b
the class of Mrs. Lloyd Wooten
one of his daughters being among
her pupils. The recital was very
successful and gave the audience a
real musical feast. Besides being an
accomplished and vocalist,
Mrs. Wooten is an of rare
ability. She has a large music class.
Indiana Roads Meeting
Many good roads experts from all
over the country were present today
at the opening of the Indiana Good
Roads convention. The sessions will
last three days and will be conducted
under the Joint auspices of the In-
Good Roads Association and
various state and local
bodies, automobile associations
and engineering societies.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Coward
the pleasure or your company
on the
anniversary of their
Friday evening. the
from half after eight lo eleven o'clock
Evans street
Greenville. North
L Coward. K. Hook
This Date in History
of of taxed
tea in harbor by
disguised as Indians, the
affair being known as the
ton Ten Party,
first king the Bel-
born. Died Dee in,
opened In New Orleans.
Answers the Call
Will Soon Begin Building
Mr. II. W. Mossier, local
of the Oil and
Fertilizer Company a
force of hands at work clearing off
site near the A. C. L. and X.
S. Junction, which was recently
chased by this company. At an ear-
day the construction of build-
will begin.
A Fine
Do you wish a free trip to Wash-
City on the occasion of
son's Inauguration it so, write
once for particulars. Address
Department, News and
st Raleigh, N. C.
If you have a friend who would
so like to take this trip and have
free ticket, send in Ills or her name
right away.
at Simpson
and Great Ca-
two good plays will be
given at Simpson school Friday night
December the 20th. Everybody in-
Admission, cents.
People Have Found
This Is
A cold, a strain, a wrench,
A little cause may hurt the kidneys.
Spells of backache often follow,
Or some of the urine.
A splendid remedy for such attacks,
A medicine that has thous-
Is Kidney Pills, a special
Greenville people rely n It.
Here is the Greenville proof.
L. W. Lawrence, Washington
St. Greenville, N. C., am
pleased to make the fact known that I
have been greatly by
Kidney Pills, which obtained from
John L. Drug Co. Too
of the kidney secretions
me and I often noticed that
the flow was scanty. I took
Kidney fills as directed and since then
my kidneys have been in much better
For sale by all dealers. Price
Foster Co., Buffalo, New
York, sole agents for the United States
R. J. Urine.
of this sketch was
born July t, He attended school
at Old Trinity College and afterwards
look courses medicine at the
of Pennsylvania.
in he was married
Frames Whichard. He leaves S Wife
and three children, whom he loved
with a beautiful devotion, to mourn
their loss. ii be-
married in Mr. B, L Mayo and
Hie and Addle Lee home
He was away from home waiting
on a patient hi was taken. He
was brought home aim examined
ii Been the only hope eras
an operation. Dr. Moore Wilson,
and Dr. Baker Of Tarboro, were
summoned and they together with
and of Bethel, per-
formed the operation. And though
the case seemed hopeless everything
was dune could be done b doc-
tors and the family and friends, I tut
he gradually rank and on Saturday,
Bent 1812, he at bis home.
The funeral services were con-
ducted from the home on Sunday
by Rev. n. II. Sheppard,
Baptist church.
The following gentlemen acted as
pall Henry Staton, M. O.
Russell T. R. An-
w i. Purvis W.
Wools rd.
The funeral procession, it was Said,
was the ever at Beth-
el, being about a mile long The
floral offering was unusually rare
end beautiful.
While the grave was being filled
the choir tried, with husky voices and
eyes, to sing
Not only has the wife lost a
Voted husband and the children an
father, but the town and
community has lost a good citizen
end a kind friend.
Many, by whose bedsides he has
through the nights as well as day
will miss his helping Hand in their
hours of suffering.
Hut I is God's way and of course
is the right way. It was God's time
and of course the right time. II
Lap Robs
and Buggy Robes
Just Hi Illicit from the Manufacturers, la Dealing Direct
watt the Makers are able In lifter these at
I Low Prices
from Two to Twenty Dollars
We want to inspect our Stork even If visit will net
mean a purchase
and tan. 5-
I lie Best that are Made.
We invite you to look at our stock
Remember the done suffering we will not think
take no other.
of him as dead, but just gone away
to await our coming.
is no death.
The stars go down to rise on a
fairer shore.
Hamilton, Ontario, street railway
are negotiating a per
cent, increase in wages.
Bight hundred New York And there in heavens Jewelled crown
rears have secured an advance in They shine forever
lo for twelve work. N. SHEPHERD.
Apply at Once to
Phone Greenville, N. C.
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work and Flues in Season, See
I. J. JENKINS Greenville,
Two Splendid Sermons The church will most likely
The Presbyterians of the Mr. to serve as its
had two splendid sermons preach- Should he accept the call he will
in the Greenville church rank as a The
day. The minister Was Rev. congregation is very hope-
bur of Concord. N. anxious to secure him.
business in April, 1901, over eleven years ago, with the modes Capital of
its efforts not for the of but for the of
the community, drawing its patronage from the rank and file of Pitt County's prof-
The Greenville Banking Trust Company
Working Capital of
Has grown to be not only THE LARGEST BANKING INSTITUTION in Pitt County, but stands
the front rank with the largest banks in Eastern
on November 26th, 1912, has been EQUALED BY FEW BANKS IN THE STATE.
Provided with every safe guard for the protection of depositors, with ample resources, ac-
Directors, safe and conservative management, we solicit your business.
Uncle Sam State of North Carolina Do
with US.
E. B. HIGGS, V-Pres.
C. S. CARR, Cashier

Blankets, Robes,
Whips and
Below is a list of the winners of Berkshire sow 1st.
prizes at the second annual I'm A J. 2nd. A. J.
county fair held in Greenville, Nov.
Hill and
farm Crop Department
Berkshire sow, over
1st. J. B.
known from ocean to
ocean as the best and
strongest. They wear the
longest. Ask for
V. I and
Only the strongest leather
goes into Harness
we sell
We Carry the Best Lite cf and
Ammunition too
We have Everything for Everybody in Hardware
We have the agency
for and vi-
for the widely-
system of Loose Leaf
Ledgers, Binders, and
Transfers, Indexes and
all ruled forms. Full
line of ready to
show customers.
Parker Fountain
We sell exclusively
this famous pen, the
best made, and Special
Pen Ink. The
people who make the
pens know how to make
the best ink for use in
Engraving and
W c represent the
best makers of
ed Cards and Wedding
Invitations, Embossed
and Monogram Station-
and have samples
on display. Christmas
orders for these should
be placed early.
Typewriter Ribbons
and Carbon Papers.
Call at our Business
Office for all the above.
SALE are hereby made for more
By virtue of the powers contain-
ed in a certain mortgage deed from This Dec. tit 1912.
J C. Williams to M. F. O. JAMES,
dated 14th day of November. ltd Commissioner.
and recorded in Book 1-8, page
of the Register of Deeds of Pitt
county. I the undersigned will expose j
Best dozen 1st, D.
let; 2nd C. J. Berkshire sow-
Best dozen let. L. D. Jr.
2nd J. Dixon.
Best pack dried lot. R. 1st,
Moore. Mi, 2nd, P. T. At-
Best bushel corn on 1st, J.
L. Tucker; 2nd. H . J . Stokes.
Best bushel car 1st, J.
Tucker; 2nd. J K Carroll.
Tea ears Prolific 1st, G.
T. Tyson Greenville; 2nd. W. B,
Brown. Bethel.
Best ears ten
J. Tucker,
Best six stalks Prolific corn ears
1st, G. T. Tyson; 2nd, C
Single ear corn. 1st.
J. B. Tucker; 2nd. C. T. Watson,
Ten ears pop 1st. J. Flem-
Greenville; 2nd. H. C.
Best peck 1st. J. R. Barn-
Best half bushel sweet
1st R. L. Little; 2nd. H. L. Moore.
Best half bushel Irish
1st, J. F. 2nd. W. E. Tuck-
Best half 1st, W.
A. Greenville. No. 2nd, G.
T. Tyson.
1st, W. E. Tucker;
2nd, W. A. Grenville.
Best 1st. W. E. Tuck-
Best cabbage. 1st. W. E. Tucker.
Best 1st, J. F. Pollard;
2nd. 0- T. Watson, Greenville.
Best 1st. W. L. Hall.
Best stalks 1st. W. L.
Randolph. Greenville; 2nd. J. B.
Best peck cotton 1st, J.
Dixon; 2nd. Joseph
small variety, pine at-
1st, S. R. Chapman Green-
Best half bushel 1st.
J. F. Pollard; 2nd, R. L. Moore.
Best half bushel cow 1st. R.
L. Moore. Greenville; 2nd, J.
Proctor and Bro.
Special 1st, R. I. Moore
and Is. W. H.
J. F.
Best collection plain let,
Mrs. J. C. West. Greenville; 2nd,
Miss Smith.
Collection fancy 1st. Mrs. K.
I Greenville; 2nd. Mrs. T.
C. Turnage. Farmville.
Piece 1st. Mrs. J. J. S.
Greenville; 2nd. Mrs. Nancy
Piece 1st, Mrs. Laura M.
While. 2nd, Mrs. J.
Smith, Farmville.
Home made 1st, Mrs. A.
2nd, Mrs. D. D. Haskett.
Drawn 1st. Miss Flem-
Bethel; 2nd. Miss Cornelius
Manning. Greenville.
I Yard homes 1st, Miss
Calf under 1st. J. R. Barn- Sophia Jarvis.
1.111 and Son; 2nd, work b over
Bull over year 1st. S. Mrs M K Wilson.
Greenville; 2nd, Mrs. R. M. Star-
Grade, cow, over S.
I Dudley Piece lace 1st. Miss
Grade 1st, C. W. 2nd,
Tuft 1st, Mrs. W. M.
Knit 1st. Mrs. M.
Windham Bruce.
Piece fancy 1st. Mrs. F.
Greenville; 2nd. Mrs. E. B.
S. I. Dudley.
Twin 1st. L. V.
Herefords. Bull. years
1st. G. A. Stancill.
Grade 1st, G. T. Ty-
son; 2nd, John Turnage.
Jersey Bull, ear and 1st. Thomas, Greenville
J. F. Pollard; 2nd. H. G. work
Aberdeen Angus, bull, years or
1st. G. T. Tyson.
1st. G. T. Tyson.
1st. G. T. Tyson.
1st. G. T. Tyson.
Barred Plymouth
2nd. A. J.
Buff Plymouth 1st.
James. Winterville
White Plymouth 1st, .
White 1st, J. F.
W. L. Hall.
S. C. R. I. 1st, J
; 2nd. O. L. Joyner.
Buck Eye 1st. J.
S. C. Brown
work by children, years
1st. Bruce Tucker. Greenville;
1st, A. J.
Having duly qualified before the Greenville,
to public sale before the court house clerk of pm county Best display farm crops grown by
door In Greenville. N. C on Mon-
day the day of January, 1913.
as administratrix of the estate of one 1st, W. E. Tucker.
E. King, deceased, notice is Host bale 1st. J. B.
the following described tract or par- Persons indebted
eel of land, to make Immediate pay- Joseph Tripp.
certain tract or parcel of to undersigned; and all wheat
land situate in Pitt county. In having claims against said Buck,
township described as adjoining the are notified to present Best 1st, W. J.
land of Hardy G. Parker. Joseph undersigned for pay- Best 1st, Mary E. Tuck-
Walston and others, containing
2nd. Margaret C. Tucker. Greenville.
Best rug. home 1st, Miss
May Holton, Ayden; 2nd, Miss Alma
Stokes. Ayden.
Best piece 1st. Miss Pattie
Dunn. Greenville; 2nd. Miss
Worthington. Winterville.
Best patch on Miss An-
S. Sundry Department
Best 1st, Sam H. Mini
B. ford. Ayden.
Popcorn Thomas Proctor,
Cabinet Milo Smith. Green-
B. Tuck- ville.
Best collection curious and rare
D. J. Whichard.
Best exhibit fall flowers, 1st,
1st, Mrs. J. D. D. Haskett.
2nd, W. E. Best exhibit
Tucker. O. E. Warren.
S. C. White 1st, J. J. Best D. J. Whichard.
Jenkins; 2nd. J. J. Jenkins.
While 1st. Dr. J. Best collection fall flowers, florin
rill; 2nd, Dr. J. Morrill. Miss Mary Bunn.
Pet 1st, G. A. Kittrell. A few special prizes and the school
2nd. J. S. Spain, Grimes- prizes will be added to this,
land. Special Prizes
2nd, Johnny Spain, I By Co. for best bale
J. B.
J. B. By H. M. White, for best colt
ed by Col. Patrick, 1st. Dr. J.
lit, J. F. Pollard. rill, J. M. Clark.
Pair 1st. J. B.
1st, C. W.
the same to the undersigned for pay-
on or before the 17th day of Greenville.
acres, more or less, and being a tract December. 1913. or this notice will
of land whereon L. W. Reasons and
wife formerly resided and being the
identical tract of land that was con-
to J. J. Walston and wife, to
Martha K. Walston married I.
W. as appears of record in
Register of Deeds Office of Pitt
county in Book V-V, page and
being the same tract of land
was conveyed to John J. Walston.
as appears In Register of Deeds of-
Book R-R. pages 134-35. and be-
the identical land that was con-
to Harry Skinner by L. W.
Reasons and wife Martha, by deed
be plead in bar of recovery.
This th day of December. 1912.
of John E King.
ltd It
Will Be
Inaugurated President March 1911
C. M.
Account of the above historic event
which, as we all know, will be
grandest occasion our Southland has
enjoyed In years, The SEABOARD 2nd, G. C.
AIR LINK RAILWAY is making prep I Mule years or
Japan 1st,
Buck. Grimesland; 2nd. A.
Best celery; 1st, W. L. Hall.
Best 1st, W. L. Hall.
Collection satin nuts and
Amos Elks.
Stork Ill-part
Mules under years 1st, J. W.
Martin; 2nd, A. L.
Brood mare and mule 1st, A.
Draft 1st. W. H.
The Reflector
Greenville, N. C.
dated the 9th day of February, 1888. of ,. .,
and recorded In R-4. page
1st. Pitt
to take care of the great 2nd, A. J. and Son.
Colts, year and under
of the Register
Pitt county.
of Deeds office of
By virtue of a decree of the super-
court of Pitt county made by His
Honor Frank Carter, at the
term, 1912. in the cars of J. . B
against S. K. Jackson, the mi-
commissioner will sell for
before the court house door In
Special trains, special Pullman Cars
special Coaches will be required In
large numbers. If you expect to at-
tend this great event you should get
societies, schools and
1st, A. J. Mayo; 2nd, R. J. Mayo.
Brood mare and 1st, J. R.
and Son; 2nd, Clark.
Pair mules, years or 1st,
J. R. and Sou; 2nd, J. R.
other organized bodies of all kinds and Son.
expecting to attend get In line Colts, years and under
at once. Write the undersigned who; let, G. A. Stancill; 2nd. J. R. Barn-
will give you Important Information, hill and Son.
and take care of you or your
in the best manner possible.
H. S.
Division Passenger Agent,
Colts, year and 1st, Dr.
J. Morrill; 2nd, J. R. and
Col. Patrick colt under 1st,
C. J. Morrill; 2nd. Clark.
Driving horse raised In Pitt
Woman Seriously Alarmed. i. j. f. Pollard; 2nd, C. U
A short time ago I contracted a
1st, C. W. Harvey.
1913, the following described real
estate, severe cold which settled on my lungs
lot in the town of be- caused me a great deal of annoy-
where A. L. Jackson formerly i bad
resided, beginning at a stake. S. B. and my were Bore
Wood's corner and running with , he seriously I
line south 1-2, east 1-2 poles; A friend recommended
thence north east feet; thence Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saying
north west 1-2 poles to the had for , bought a
middle of the street; thence with the and relieved my cough the
middle of the street south west , , week , WM
feet to the of and go,.,,,,,,,,,, or
one-half undivided Interest M,
in the stable lot beginning at a stake by a Adv
on Pitt street feet from the
of Pitt and Queen streets and liar Meeting
runs north west feet to the SPRINGFIELD. Mass, Dec.
of A. L. Jackson's store lot; lawyers and Jurists of note
said A. L. Jackson's line south, were present here today at the an-
west feet; thence south meeting of the Massachusetts
east about feet to Pitt Association. The leading feature
thence east to Pitt street feet to the initial session this sow over
the beginning, being the same two an address by Charles. W. Eliot. Joyner,
The New York deeded to K. Jackson by J president emeritus of Harvard
boa organized into a union James, reference to
Ting November.
Stallion, years and 1st, W.
H. Jr.; 2nd, J. Morrill.
Pair I. C, 1st.
Poland China Boar, over
1st. J. O. Proctor; 2nd. Jeremiah
Poland China Boar, under
1st, G. A. Johnson and Bro.; 2nd, A.
A. Savage.
Poland China sow, under
1st, G. A. and Bro.; 2nd. A.
boar, under 1st, H.
G. 2nd. A. W.
sow. under 1st, H.
2nd. H. G.
1st, O. L.
Best collection
Not. 1st,
Showing Receipts and Disbursements
for October. 1912
Water rents 563.22
2nd, J. B.
Pair Wild 1st. J. W. Brooks.
Greenville; 2nd. J. F. Pollard.
White 1st, J. F. Pollard
Pea 1st, J. F. Pollard.
1st, S. R. Chapman.
Best bale long staple 1st. 2nd, J. F. Pollard.
F pol. Light rents
Woman's Department Maintenance.
Pantry Accounts received
Best pound 1st, Miss Velma
Best fruit 1st, Miss Mollie Discounts.
Best layer Miss Total
Best molasses 1st, Miss Disbursements
Dudley. Amt. overdrawn last report
Best 1st. Mrs. Mrs. R. N. H. L. Allen, salary
. A. Haskins, salary
Best beaten Miss Mollie L. T. salary
Bagley. Ed Taylor, salary
Best risen 1st. Mrs. J. O. Geo. Martin, salary
Proctor, 2nd, Mrs, W. Alex salary
J. Proctor. Jess Bradley, salary
Best light 1st, Mrs. W. C. H. L. Allen, payroll
2nd. Mrs. P. M. Johnston. W. C.
Best collection sour 1st, Home Tel. and Tel.
Mrs. J. T. Allen, Greenville. Cornelius
Best apple 1st, Mrs. A. P. E. H. Taft
Turnage. L. Allen, payroll
Best grape 1st, Mrs. A. P. Wiley P.
Turnage. L. Allen, petty cash.
Best collection of
1st, Mrs. L. T. part month salary 45.00
W. C. S. Forbes
-The Henry Co.
A. P. Turnage; 2nd. Mrs. E.
Largest and best assortment Electric Co.
In W. K. White Oak Coal Co.
Southern Electric Co.
Best collection fruits In Mutual Machine Works
Mrs. Win. Hart and Hadley
Best fruit 1st. J. F. Pollard. Harrison Bros, and Co.
Best home made 1st, T. Hyman Supply Co.
L. Smith.
Best collection 1st, Mrs.
T. M. Moore; 2nd. Mrs. A. P. Turn-
Best corn 1st, Mrs. B. T.
Best peach 1st, Mrs. G. V.
Best 1st, Mrs. J. C. Cook.
Best 1st, Mrs. J. L.
Best collection of articles for
pantry or kitchen 1st,
Mrs. Martha Cherry; 2nd, Mrs. L.
F. Evans.
Best G. W. Peed, Ayden.
Best exhibit good tomato
Miss Ethel 2nd, Miss Carrie
Best collection sweet 1st,
Mrs. A. Savage.
Pipe and Foundry
Greenville Wholesale Co.
Inc. Lamp Co.
Chard and Howe
II. L. Allen, payroll
Wiley P.
J. L. Hassell, Freight
H. L. Allen, payroll,
W. H. Ward Freight
Total 2299.12
hands Treas. Nov.
Berkshire boar, under 1st,
J. F. Pollard; 2nd, A. J.
H. L. ALLEN. Supt.
of Liter Complaint.
was suffering with liver com-
sys Iva Smith of Point
Best home made laundry 1st, Blank. Texas, decided to try a
box of Chamberlain's Tablet, and
F. Pollard; 2nd, am happy to sap that I am complete-
cured and can recommend them to
1st, Mrs. W. For sale by all dealers.
Mrs. nettle Smith
Best 1st, J.
Mrs. W. M. Moore.
Best dozen
i the I fill. III
lo ET RE
or AIMED Will
I i
r M II I I. I. I. HI I Hill If, 1912
Cause Race
Clash Between Whites and Blacks
Genuine Christmas Cheer
at federal Prison
full Pardon lo Life Termer
Who Hired A Negro To
And killed The
Wrong Man
Mi PHI Mis
ATLANTA. Ga., Dec. was
a genuine air of Christmas cheer
the inner served today to the
prisoners at the Federal
here. Plenty of roast turkey
with cranberry sauce was set before
Warden Moyer's In the
prison mess hall to the
of the Christmas melodies and
ragtime songs.
Never before in the history of
American penal institutions have the
Inmates of one enjoyed such a spread.
The warden explained to his charges
when they sat down to dinner that
he believed that every human being
was entitled to be happy at least one
slay out of He wished the
merry and
many happy New and he
a responsive chord when he
the hope that they would
fat turkeys, weighing
pounds, pounds
pounds of mashed potatoes and
SO gallons of gravy were provided for
the feast and no one was denied when
he for a second
When prisoner took his place at
table he found before him a plate
high with turkey and dressing
and potatoes. there was a pray-
by the chaplain and then a brief
by the warden while the
sat silent with bowed heads.
A Hash light explosion brought them
of their reverie with a start an
Instant before the big gong clanged
its welcome Invitation to the men
to to Frightful damage was
inflicted upon those Juicy birds at
the first charge. After that it was
Just a question of how much of the
hour and a half allotted for the meal
would ho used up before every plate
was clean.
All the while the prison orchestra
was busy dispensing cheering music
now then the diners would
slop long enough to applaud
for an encore. A quartet of
prisoners had to respond repeatedly
to calls fur more the pop-
of which class was much
proved the demonstration after
prisoner John Sullivan sang
It was also shown that the
had penetrated
the prison walls, for shoulders began
moving over the hall when the or-
struck up for the
Robert E.
appeared to the
prisoners during the dinner In the per
son of Mrs. Emma Neal Douglas,
Atlanta, through whose
there was placed at each man's
a half pound of assorted candy. -1
by Warden Moyer. the prisoners row
in their places and gave three
cheers for Mrs. Douglas, who
a seat among the guests at on-
end of the hall.
When the prisoners marched back
to their cells they were permitted
to take with them the candy together
with apples and oranges which
ed prevented from est-
at the table.
COLl S. C, Dec.
nor gave nearly four-score
convicts their freedom as a
present. He extended clemency In
cases, of whom
were slayers, five burglars, two
two assailants of women, a
highway robber and others convicted
grand larceny and violation of the
liquor laws.
Twenty-live of the men were
life sentences. A full pardon was
granted lo J. Chester Kennedy, who
was in the penitentiary for life for
Kennedy employed a to as-
Marvin N. Holland. When
the latter mistook for his Intended
victim a man named who was
talking to Mr. Holland at the time,
killed him Instead.
Mean And
A In
tine Seen hilled And
Others Injured
RALEIGH, 11.-.- W,
Jointly in yesterday, are
I the the polios for one
i. boy, two Injured
hospitals, three who visited
hospital lo have, minor Injuries
and several young while boys
received powder burns. David
the was killed
afternoon by Paul Collins, a
All The Force Spent It
The man has seen fifty
In his time, but recalls
none more delightful than the last
The good will that always prevails
among the head and departments of
the paper was manifest In expressions
of and every one in any way
connected with the paper received
some token.
For editor it was a happy
and his heart was lunched at
the esteem shown him. When he
leached the Tuesday morning
packages from tho generous and faith-
force up stairs had already
ceded him and found place on his
desk. In addition to this many
friends the shop showed
their love for him in some
The force got Tuesday's paper out
early so as to have the remainder
of that day and all of Christmas for
a holiday and they spent the hap-
They deserved a good Christ-
mas and we are glad they got
College tin- Match
NEW YORK. Dec. annual
tournament of the Triangular College
Chess League got under way In earn-
est at the Brooklyn Chess Club.
Pennsylvania, Cornell and Brown are
the colleges represented. This at the
fourteenth annual tournament in
Which these colleges have engaged.
The prize is a handsome trophy do-
by Isaac L. Rice of this city.
Pennsylvania and Cornell are now tied
in the race for the trophy.
ATLANTA. Ga. Dec Two white a blind tiger. The two became
men were one perhaps la- in a light and rushed separately
and several were hurt to the of tho White
In a race here this ill while other joined In the at-
which a score of participated, look.
The injured white men was stabbed and knocked
cut in , ground by two
legs and hack, union. , attacked him further with large
I Summit tinsmith, cut In lungs pocket knives, according lo the
and back. mutton given by the police. Howe
Physicians said tonight that Turn- then ran to a and the unknown
probably would not live until mans assistance, only to be
morning. Howe, it is though, will .,,, ,., the
survive his injuries, the wounds other while men then Joined In the
received by him not being especially on the and the latter
dispersed soon
Estimates of the number of the police reserves arrived trouble Henry
receiving minor injuries vary from was over the had
three to eight. None of the from the vicinity of the clash.
was captured, they having been Neither the white man nor the
by the white men before the between whom the trouble
police reserves who were called out has been captured by the police Both
as a result of the arrived on are said to have fled before
the scene ended. None of the other whites, who
; of the trouble told the were In the vicinity when police
police that the clash resulted from arrived, have arrested.
trouble that arose when a white man or more and eight
attempted to purchase whiskey from or ten whiles are mild to have been in-
n who was said to be running In the clash.
Looking Forward Visit
of Wilson
Va. With all
Tho police say that practically completed
was accidental. Barber, the of Woodrow
awaits the arrival of
Friday night.
which will mark tile beginning the
is in the as the result
being hit on the with a rock
was slabbed in the chest
with a knife by Prod Harris. He is
also In the hospital. Both the
. I Will recover. The three
who had injuries
the hospital are Their
ale slight.
The killing of occurred in
celebration In honor his
The city is In gala
the and no in
Virginia recent years has t-
Raleigh, near Hubert Smiths ed mm. attention. Elaborate prep-
at the intersection of have been made to extend
Greensboro Boy M With Runaway Accident Fatal to a
toy Pistol, Condition I Young Man at
Critical Waxhaw
stats streets, An entire t
bird shot from a single shot-
gun entered into back.
He died a minutes after being
a crowd of were
with fireworks, pistols, guns
and other things, Collins had heap,
the gnu and was preparing to
again when it was accidentally
discharged, This is tho story the
After the
Dec. Bf- WAXHAW. Dec. Raymond where his mother lives,
all, 12-year-old sou of David fatal Injuries in a He is
reported tonight in a critical condition . . being held pending a complete
runaway accident Sunday
resulting from a wound from a toy .-, .
pistol last night. M standing beside Barber, the hit on
He was playing with the toy when oil the street talking to the head with a rock, was picked up
It exploded, the wad from the powder some friends, ills horse became unconscious on South street. He does
packing penetrating his He frightened and to run. Mr.
was taken to the hospital and an per- Yarborough an effort to slop the
performed, but jive horse. Some say that he succeeded
hope of his recovery. In getting into the while
a royal welcome.
Probably tho must spectacular
of Hie celebration will be the
As far as the police are able to heralding of the arrival Virginia
of the distinguished visitor by the
glare bonfires. From the time
his special crosses the stale Hue
at Alexandra, It arrives in
the governor's approach
will be by hundreds Of-
The ration will bring to
Summon prominent members the
and House
Representatives, stats in-
eluding Governor Mann and hosts of
friends of the president-elect. The
climax of will come
Saturday, when a parade participated
by Federal, state and other
and civic bodies
will be reviewed by the
lug Collins lied to
not know who hit him and for what
Henry Lew-Is was
Harris In East and was the
. He was operated upon by Dr. Ralph thought last he got his hands of a quarrel between the
I and Dr. Dees. The on the lines and ran with the horse two- crested Harris had two scheduled to arrive
was one of the most for a distance. He was either thrown say MM Friday
and delicate performed here In a from the buggy, or fell as he ran would , welcome
long time. The stomach was rendered unconscious. he h
not been caught. escorted to the
There probably many others ha was born, the Pres-
can show results of Christmas Manse, when his father was
ally taken out, the wounds stitched and w to the home of his
and tho boys so far as medical i, Austin, where he was ex-
attention goes, attended to. by physicians who at first
No other Christmas accident Is that the young man was
reported. The day has been as quiet hurt He rested fairly well
all night and next morning asked to
he allowed to sit up fur a while. He
Dr. Hyatt Coming
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will lie at Hotel
Bertha January 6th, 1913. to treat
diseases of the eye and fit glasses.
Logan P. Martin, the prison poet
who Is known as No
at the penitentiary, dedicated the fol-
lowing to the
The Prisoner's Poem
sing a song this Christmas Day.
A song of gladness and of cheer;
A song that drives all frowns
And brings a smile to all who hear.
do some little deed that will
Bring to some sad heart;
And thus the law of Love fulfill.
By acting now the Christian's part.
let the Star of Bethlehem shine
Within those concrete walls tonight;
Our very cells will seem divine.
With and hope Christmas
and orderly here as a Sabbath.
Was The
If Greenville ever spent a more
pleasant Christmas than the one Just
gone by. must be pointed out. The
two days of preceding bad weather
gave way to bright sunshine
and was followed by a
moonlight night and an Ideal
Christmas day. The people were In
condition to fully enjoy the season
They had been prosperous, hence they
bought and were gen-
not only to friends and loved
ones, but also to those less fortunate.
was taken up and seemed to be feel-
much He conversed with
those about him for a time, but sud-
began to gasp for breath
before those about him had time
do anything for him he died.
celebration, but of such Presbyterian
that did not need the en's There he will be received
Several young boys an- D tho M Eraser, as the
on the streets late representative of the society and
with fingers bandaged, but avoided during his visit. Friday
the question of a reporter. They ST. will be a torch-light
wanted to keep their a local street demon
from father and mother. Chief Stall Rn addresses by prominent
said that In his opinion there had to the city.
been less than before morning an
There has been considerable drinking. will take place at the home
stated, but the cold weather had of at which the guest n
the effects of decreasing the number receive all state, county
of drunks Only one person was honored visitors and
rested for being drunk during
day of yesterday.
Thursday morning at the homo of the
bride's mother. Mrs. Smith, on
Evans street. Mr C. E. and
Miss Battle Smith were married by Post
Rev E. M Hoyle. .,.
Distinctive parcel post stamps must
It was a quiet home marriage, on- , on matter
a few relatives and intimate friends beginning January I. 1913. and such
Tuesday afternoon and night and all being In attendance. The bride wore matter bearing ordinary postage
the forenoon Christmas day scores of becoming brown traveling suit. The he treated as FOB dent-elect will hold a public reception
messengers were hurrying through couple left on the A. C. L. train for the seminary. At night an old
the distributing There a trip to Northern cities. Parcels will ONLY be at dinner will end the
were numerous friendly gatherings. Mr. Is a Jeweler here and post offices, post offices, let-
committees After that will
military and civic parade In
the afternoon Dr. Eraser will deliver
from the front porch of the Mary
seminary an address of w. 1-
come to Mr Wilson to which he will
respond Following this, the
HIs bride and local named and
not a few trees and every an excellent young man.
home spread a good dinner. was for nearly twelve years chief op- such lettered or numbered stations card of the sender, otherwise they will
There were not as many fireworks in the local telephone exchange as may be designated by the not be accepted for mailing,
as In past years, yet a plenty, which position she recently resigned, lay, or presented to a rural carrier Any other Information In
Nobody was hurt so far as heard and and Is a very popular young lady, or other carrier duly authorized to lo lbs parcels
disorder was remarkably absent It They have the best wishes of a large receive such mater. effect th
was altogether a good Christmas. circle of friends.
post that goes into
first of the year can had
Ail parcels bear the return at the

Eastern reflector, 20 December 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 20, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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