Eastern reflector, 6 December 1912

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i toe
that juror No
; .
. ,. . conn r
i I
. . ii . ;, , I I
i . on slant I m o No
m ii one II
his cl Mil M
, i sad persecuted by yellow In
. . i Hi he
have to stand or foil on th.
i i strangulation
v m-
.-. recess for luncheon taken.
ball I
One Field
of Day-
a i
to i
I i
I are I
who think i
will do If I to get It. At the
, . y be o k
lo change the plan I
r . ;, ling aide ma a
I think Milan our
,. v life I In
I g, and it was a play that re-
in every de
of the ii
The Detroit team afterward
and the i i
I i . r
Ii incl
to J to recognize the hi
Cast Heavy Vote
For Commission Gov-
. u i in the
. . .
In I
ill. . o Common-
ulna id cam i
In Virginia. Governor
Is chairman tin board.
c, i, Woodrow polled
45.267 more than Tall
Roosevelt. He also polled
than were east Bryan in 1908. As
with the vote tor Bryan an I
Taft in 1908, the Republican i
howl a shrinkage
Cohan and
ht out
ill .
banded on th
d. and hill b
I ed two J double
, . . I to be
greatest rota of his
II ,. in
a of v
with White . i l I
I ii . If you ti a
great of ball and
,. mi ii i of each
. i
I Mi the
play that I think was the beat and
I ever saw i i
wan on I e th Of i
when hipped a hit
-------j The Lad
. here this season are con-
have the newest and most
, i season for even less
H a r
large number of these
garments we yet have
,. . j of our handsomest
garments for your
Having received
shipment of Shoes to
add to our enormous line
a, n us to fit any member of your family- and
person who -res. Any leather desired in Buttons, Lace and
ma. didn't baby cut all
Willie Den why can't he cut hit
c f. . . la the
w I n i
lied at t e
play . but Detroit had run-
on second at II
out course our Id was i d
In to try to s t e run at the i late,
and the outfield I as as It
, i. i , m e and a long drive b i
ii.- The batter hit a
hi line By to center, almost square-
over ii base II was a hit
the second baseman or short
could have reached by bard work hi I
been back, but being close they
hadn't a chance and it looked as if th i
ball was going safe. Cobb on
second and the name of the
other runner won't toil
sound as it him.
Anyhow, Milan came in as hard as I e
could come, and he can come some.
He scooped the ball by a wonderful
running itch, right off his shoe
bin us he i aught it he lost ins
and started to fall. Instead of
trying to catch himself he simply
duck.-d head, rolled a
and came up to his feet in position to
throw. While lie was turning I
he thinking. It would
look to one I Milan r
would have thrown home, on the Idea
that the runner on would hold
the bag and start alter the catch, W
snap the ball to second and try to
double up the runner there before ho
could get back. He didn't do either.
He cut loose the bill as hard as he
could lo third base. It happened that
Milan knew Cobb's quickness and
that would see the catch and
gel back to before he could be
doubled. He figured the other runner
would start home before the ball was
caught, calculating H couldn't
caught. And that Is exactly what
happened. The runner was off third
and going home. Cobb was sliding
back to second, and Milan made tho
double play the only way it could
have been made. And I'm certain
he didn't time to look at third
before he threw, but figured It out In
his head taming a somersault
and catching the ball.
1311. by W. O.
The Little
Sweet James, do
you you'll get very sick while
you're us
Old Rich do you ask,
Sweet Little pop lays
they'll all weep crocodile tears when
you real sick, and I want to
right down between third and short,
a hit seemed certain to go
b to left Held without being
touched. The ball was hard and
was bounding rapidly when
v. back and out as as ho
could, slum, down his love hand.
i, i the i all and it
straight Into hands in top of
third I The play was so quickly
saw hi was out,
. by a k be tried to delay
I i j eh and jockeyed around be-
the to let Callahan reach
i tie played It beautifully, but
. i . . h a a chance. jump-
ad back Into u- line, and before Mo-
or., n co even a start
. ,. Conroy whipped the ball to Me-
,. i am l was lo . d out
ire be bad moved five i et. So
i. i was the play ma as
soon as touched
shot down to second so far ahead
Cal Cal was able to turn
and gel back to first base ahead of
the throw. The play must have been
made ill than four sec i. Is from
the time the ball was hit. as Callahan
came down to fir, I fast and wasn't
fifteen feet around base when he
was farced to slide to k t back ahead
of tho throw to
At It turned out the play saved the
game Washington as neither team
scored In nine innings, and Washing-
Ion beat them out one to nothing in
the twelfth. If Callahan had even
reached second on the play Chicago
would have won. as followed
up the the play a base hit that
would have scored the runner from
second easily.
Mil, by O.
m I m , . MI
This Is a splendid
. tat
Shall I sent It
No. Put it away
Why It Was So Hot.
A savant who devotes him sell to so.
subjects tolls me the number
of degrees centigrade is not everything
In producing the torrid hear has
been reigning and day We have
often had as n any without suffering
nearly so severely, The peculiarity
is the great richness of
in the ultra-violet
rays It is these that give sunstroke
man and beast, bring forth lies in
myriads, though they massacre ml-
and spoil our tempers, making
us wicked as though we suffered from
letter to London
year farmers Use money
by the first is offer-
ed without looking over our lines
the most practical, and
on the m -l-
We carry a stocK or repairs tor the ma-
we sell, which is to be considered In
buying machinery. -J-
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
An Eye for Figures.
what did you think of the
I he ocean is nothing but
waste, water, but beach
was g
Advertisers Find Results Try One
Agriculture is the Most the Most Healthful, the Most Noble
m hue it e
Negro Pugilist is Given Necessary
Marriage Paper
II He True The Whole Affair
Is Antagonistic To Public Pol-
icy And Morals to n-
e rally
CHICAGO, Dec. John-
son, the pugilist, today
ed a license to wed Cam-
the white girl who has been
troubles In the Federal court.
The wedding Is set for tonight.
first made his application
t-i . C. clerk of the marriage
license office. Miss Cameron was not
him when the prize lighter
slated that she would not
of age until February, the fol-
lowing a Mil of the in such
cases of not issuing a license
the girl is present to swear to her
age. declined to Issue the permit
Johnson then appealed to Robert M.
clerk, who
Mr. and Johnson went away
grinning with the document safely
towed away.
Johnson explained to tho county
clerk that the records in court show
that the Cameron girl is more than
years of age. Johnson give his
Own age as A considerable crowd
followed him in and out of the build-
and on his pilgrimage from one
to another.
The impending marriage will not
affect his before tho
court, according lo Johnson's
Tho prise fighter said a moving
concern had agreed to him
to make a film of the wed-
ding, winch is scheduled to take place
at the home of his aged mother, on
the South Side, the ceremony to be
performed by the of St. Mark's
African Methodist Episcopal church.
bad a long talk Miss Cam-
explained that I had been blamed for
ill treating her and that we might
well be married right away. She
is alone In the world now. Her
mother has left her and her
quoted aB saying he wants to
have nothing more to do with
When Chief of Police was
Informed that a moving picture con-
had arranged to photograph the
wedding he declared that if legal
means could be found he would not
permit public exhibition of the
whole affair Is antagonistic
to public policy and morals general-
said Chief
WASHINGTON, Dec. hard-
ships of life of a sailor are not
as great as they are pictured to be,
according to
of San Francisco, president of the
Dollar Steamship Company, who
before u of the
senate Commerce Committee to rec-
several changes in tho sea-
men's involuntary servitude act, which
passed the House at the last session
of Congress.
Captain Dollar declared that every
thing had been done to put the life
of a sailor on a higher plane, but
tho class of seamen was such
they refused to take advantage
Representatives of the
Union replied that the enactment of
the bill into law would benefit ship-
owners and operators as It would en-
able them to employ better men. Cap-
Dollar said that his company
owned by American capital, was op-
crating under the British flag forty
per rent cheaper than could be op-
under the American flags, us
the laws of Britain were not as
stringent as those of tho United
Democrats May Prevent Pres-
Declares Lynchers of
Black Brutes to go Unpunished
says the Supreme of South Carolina,
No One Will Need or Receive Trial.
Before Governors Conference in Richmond
mo eon rue
RICHMOND, Va., Nov. the
name of the state of South Carolina
Governor nerved notice to the
conference this afternoon
that lynchers of assailants oil PORTLAND, Ore., Dec.
white women In his state would go Women exercised their newly
Taft sent more than recess
to the Senate today and
immediate indications of a movement
among some of the Democratic sen-
to prevent their confirmation be-
came evident.
Senator Gore, it was said, would
the active support of col-
leagues in heading the movement.
The campaign is directed especially
against nominations which It . claim-
ed, have been postponed time to
time, thus bringing the new terms
close to the beginning of the Demo-
Democratic Senators claim that the
President already deprived the
Democrats of the privilege of appoint-
fifty thousand postmasters by
placing them within the civil service
law by a single order.
Most of the Senators
expressed themselves favorable to
ti but
several Progressive Senators, whose
assistance had been counted on, did
not appear willing to co-operate, it
was understood.
unpunished. Governor warm-
defended his use of the pardon-
power as well, declaring that in
twenty-two months he had pardoned
or paroled approximately per-
sons, and that he hoped the number
at the end of the second term would
said all over the state of
South Carolina and I say it again
he declared, I will never
order out the militia to shoot down
their neighbors and protect a black
who commits the nameless
crime against u while woman. There-
fore, in South Carolina, let is be
that when a assaults
a white woman all that is needed is
that they get the right man and they
who get him will neither need nor
receive a
Governor justified Hie use lie
had made of his pardoning power, he
said, by conditions ho had found in
penal Institutions in tho state.
walked through the penitentiary
of South he said,
found it a tuberculosis incubator,
where poor devils were dying at their
tasks, making money for oilier
poor devils who had no choice
but lo stand work or take the
lash. Just the other dry Jim Roberts,
a from Charleston stopped me
as was walking through and re-
asked permission to speak
to me. He told me that he had been
kept in jail for years for steal-
a watch
said, you are telling me the
truth you will eat your Christmas din-
with your folks at He
said, I have no
I replied, will eat it
away from And he will. An-
other had served U years and
months for stealing A Judge
wrote to me that he bad sentenced
death a man when he did not be-
the man had been convicted be-
a reasonable doubt.
acquired right to vote In a half
score of Oregon cities
in all places played a con-
part In the result.
Newport, through the women's
vote, remained but
the women lost,
the ticket being success-
Oregon City's woman
date for mayor was overwhelm-
defeated. Three other
cities municipal elections
and i case to per
cent of the voters were
T. W. C. A.
The Y. W. C. A. services at the
Training School were conducted by
Mrs. Dec. 4th. con-
the study of the of th-
or of which
was begun in the prayer meetings
held during the week.
Miss conducted an laws will not allow mailing
service on the evening of Dec papers at tho usual postage rates to
The subject was who fall to pay their
may be a for it may combine lion within a year and those neglect-
ill elements belonging to a classic. to do this after being notified
, are the ones we have had to part
with. If any mistakes have been made
farting Tine
Much as we dislike to part with
them, are this week dropping
some names from The Reflector sub-
lists, both dally and week-
This was necessary because the
Pick-Pocket Pardoned; Will
Go to Position In
convicted of having
at Charlotte during
dent Tuft's visit on May
was pardoned today by the governor.
Lamont returned all the money he
had stolen, but received in the
penitentiary, His wife died
week at his home in Chicago, and
members of the Illinois Legislature
and other officials made affidavits as
to his previous good character. Two
business concerns in Chicago wrote
the Governor they would give
employment If he were pardoned.
FORT WORTH, Texas, Dec.
J. Deal Sliced, was today found
guilty of the murder of Al. G.
Sliced shot to death Jun.
13th, in Fort Worth, soon after
had returned from Winnipeg, Canada,
with his wile, with whom Al. G.
Jr., ton of Boyce, had
Sneed claimed self defense and also
a the part of the
to rob him of his wife.
Al Jr., was killed by Sneed,
in Amarillo, Sept. last. Sneed
will be this charge in Feb-
The families Involved in the two
tragedies are wealthy and have had
prominent purls In the of
Texas. After the elopement Sneed
spent n a chase across the
lo his wife.
first trial on the charge of
killing Boyce was a disagree-
The demonstration Sneed and
his attorneys over the verdict was
Walter and r
Jr., defense lawyers, were
fined for throwing their hale over the
chandeliers in Die court room.
Sneed emitted a cowboy yell, the
court refused lo censure or fine him.
Mrs. Sliced awaited the verdict in
a downtown hotel, Sneed telephoned
the news lo her.
Greece Has Not Yet Agreed to an
The Mikado Monday Night
The Mikado which will he present-
ed next Monday night In the auditor-
of the Training school by the
pupils, promises much to all who at-
tend. People need not hesitate about
buying their tickets and they had
rote me that he had sentenced to ,.
cure good seals, for the presentation
this beautiful play is going to
prove of more worth than the
of admission. play given by
Introduce Bill tor the Re-
peal the News-
paper Law
of North today n-
a bill providing for the re-
peal of the newspaper publicity law
which was attached to a rider to the
appropriation bill at the re-
cent session of congress.
The constitutionality of the law is
now being questioned before the
Court of the U, S., by certain
New York publishers.
death a man whom he did not be-
should put to death. He
did not believe It at the lime, nor I
does he believe It now.
are the errors of injustice
I am trying lo right with my power
pardon I am proud of my
the pupils has ex-
and the Mikado promises lo
surpass any former effort.
Hon. A. C. Will Address
Teachers Association December th
Takes ugh Error
At the recent Pitt county fair some in dropping names from the mall 1st.
one through error took a pair of all that Is necessary Is to call our
white Bantam chickens belonging attention to it and proper correction
Tho next meeting of the Pitt
Teacher's Association will be held
on tho second Saturday, Dec. 14th.
The topic for the meeting Is the Prob-
of the Rural School. Hon. A.
C. director of the Division
of Rural In the United States
Department of Education will address
address, papers are being
pared by who are in
vital touch with rural school
A strenuous effort is being
made to have one of best meet-
the Association ever held.
The adaptation of the rural school
to its peculiar mission one of the
Appeared it The End
Of The Most Se-
Hindrance An
SOFIA, Dec. 3.-The will
be signed today at on the
lines of or without
Greece being a to it. according
to information from author-
quarters here.
Greece will be left to continue the
war alone against Turkey if she so
in Obstacle
LONDON, Dec. was
the obstacle which to
wreck the parleys between the
of Turkey and of the
Balkan allies when they first opened
and appear-
ed again at tho end of
as the most serious hindrance
the attainment of an agreement.
During the session of the
gales the Turks absolutely refused to
the surrender of the strong-
hold of and when the
subsequently yielded to them
on tills point the Greek delegates
Shrank back and demanded time in
which to submit question to the
government at Athens
The reason for the Hellenic
any such submission to the
desires of Ottoman representative
not far to seek, according lo the
opinion expressed in diplomatic cir-
It Is pointed out it is obvious
that if the Bulgarians sacrifice
possession of Adi n
Interests of general
expect their allies share their sac-
and the in this
tin he to give Bulgaria com-
in the shape of territory
conquered by the Greeks,
and and which they had
staked out for themselves.
Hence the wail from Athens that
any concessions to Turkey will
danger tho fruits of victory gained
by the all those of
Greece and
Alabama D. A. H. Conference
fourteenth annual conference of the
Alabama division of the Daughters
of the American Revolution convened
In this today and will continue
in session until Saturday. A
feature of the three day's program
will be unveiling of a memorial
lo the Revolution soldiers buried in
Jefferson county.
the Teachers. Dr. is rec- livest topics now under consideration
ts one of the best by the educators and leaders
Notice is hereby given that Policies
No. and No. of In-
Company of the Slate of
Philadelphia, Pa. have
from my office Without
my knowledge, consent or signature,
and any loss or claim under
above policies and numbers and in
the above stated company will not
be admitted as they have not been is-
in the regular course and form
Any or parties holding the
for January Courts
The hoard of commissioners
drew the following lo serve us
ors for two terms of January
Criminal term beginning
Allen, J. H. Oakley,
J. Norman. II. Norris,
H. B. Nelson, J. H. H.
D. Jones, Alonso Dall, R. Davis,
K. J. Jones, E. D.
Dudley. W. J. Lewis, F. II. Foxhall,
J. F Dall. J. F. W H Vail-
W. W. John
Moore, It. L. Harris, P
D. A. James, R. L. Johnson, I. J.
J. Crawford. R. Gal-
J. B, J
way, H Tyson, H. Bundy,
lie John B, J- R.
Bunting. O. R, Baker,
Civil term beginning Cur-
J W. Brooks. D.
numbers are requested to re-
turn them to my office as they have Flake. A. J. B. W,
, .- . . AH persons been Issued In due course. J. J. Stokes, W. J.
another exhibitor. Whoever be made. Every subscriber get- connected with rural education, Interested In the problem are In- C. L. WILKINSON. A. Manning. W. R. J. C.
chickens will oblige by the paper should watch the believe we have been to attend the meeting, for the Insurance Company of Moore, D. J. J. J. Oakley,
ties in country on the problems out the country.
them to the president or secretary of after name and not let it get a fortunate in securing him for the they be teachers or not.
,, fr. yr I meeting. In addition to Dr. Mona-I H. B. SMITH.
the State of Penna. Penn.
O. F. Oakley. J. A. James, W. A.
White. E. F. Little, J. E.

I It'll
One .- Bate the
; on mi I
has accomplished without
In Hens B
From Chapel Hill
I U Meet
been concluded for the
meeting of American So-
of Mechanical which
CHAPEL HILL. Nov. The will assemble head-
that assistance mm i ., .
been attained tore launched by the literary quarters In this city tomorrow for a
;. no-opera- of the of North f, Z
,, , .,., ,.,. , . , that the sessions this year com-
a few weeks to form a . of
. ., , Ti i m Carolina a weens ago to
That War is union ,. urn
selects am of Carolina ha thus
are tar met with admirable success. The
methods of bringing about which provides for the
co-operation. Wars are of schools for
and great cues built ,,,, up in attacked.
A Fall
when its foundation is undermined,
and if the of
the proper use of U n
j roper use
tat. Urn m eat m ad Pitt J- , T
lie Ink- Should the money to W to schools. the state.
The be lacking then i, must be -he school,
ed patriotic and the bone of Charlotte, Mates
reward Greensboro.
v ., We Happen to have just now, the on, Oxford Le-
Montenegro. Nov. SO
follows. nO the first signs of
Dr. Kings New Life Pills
should be taken to tone the stomach
and regulate liver, kidneys and bow-
els. Pleasant, easy, safe and only
cents at all druggists. adv
bombardment of the Turkish Co
CO e .
funds with which to build and other foremost schools of
the slate. The committee
bombardment the tomes, roads. stale. The committee
of was rammed by the MOB- , , of debating have been a
Buy Oranges, Grape
necessary to the development , . ,
I'm county, therefore in our case we the to be I
resort to and county ed. the prize that hi lo he awarded. O
,,.,., and county .
Kins have ,,.,.,,,. , which and other technicalities towards
Bear to mean good roads and the union a thorough-going one.
. . i -j. . The the
the operations of the i
at my.
the of our ambitions. nominally the Me-
Other and have grown mortal will be a contribution
The government Las ,.,.,. ad prosperous through this 00- of Tau
M three d to proceed operative spirit Other counties have pa debating fraternity, which chap-
l Sofia to take part in eventual good campaign, and Ur Car-
peace negotiations. ell reads n th nothing more debaters.
to begin with than organ- The North Carolina At
will be In at
LONDON. Nov Now. has been
Vienna that peace between l by
. Prof. W I . I . of
by. . ,. . ,, , .,,.,.,
knocking and I . on the will be
. H
,.,. v
. , . .
It or- i
direct from the Grove. Get
best fresh fruit and save extra
freight charges mid-
man's profit, commission
commission and other
expenses. I can fill all orders
in any quantities for above
fruit on short notice. I also
grow sweet potato drawers and
vines of all varieties. Orders
for potato plants are
being placed now for next
spring planting. If you need
plant; for next
I r give me
. order, now. First
n n ed State
Bank of Orlando. . The
Writer Park Hank, of Winter
Ink Fla.
Offerings .
RB the best or
i g i
W . B.
i ;
of April, between the
bi to I .,,.,.,,,,. r. it- if North l i and
B n ill till pen
. . t
e to this great- North Carolina i i and
. Any new In
he l a of
and Mb recount. It. notable i
S. M. Schultz
grocer and
. developing and In the I bate. In Hide.
.,.,,;., i Austria G total of thirty debate, with Octal barrel.,
Hungary and Russia, the two gr i
The Safest
Ire. dun in i om
that they desire to maintain
not an to their
preparation, for war
I.,. from Pennsylvania Egg.
Oak eta
Suite, Baby par
suits, unite,
and muff. High LIT.
tobacco. Key
George cigar., canned
e. Meat, floor
and PI
., u When I Carolina has lost only .
created In a new hotel. It This is a record unsurpassed In
aroused enthusiasm and put its southern
to work and now the hotel is In a e contest held by the track
diplomatic world is anxiously construction. The hotel a great department of the last
awaiting confirmation of the toward, a greater Greenville. Wednesday, a member of the
views In the vet the has but begun man class won the medal as the .
capital to the parlor car behind the u undertook In do. against coffee,
what the did toward, getting competitor. The winner made the matches, oil. cotton Med meal
Diplomats feel that once Greenville a new hotel, II do lo- mile run within M. of time hull., garden orange., apple.
Lave been definitely adjusted end .;. wards getting good roads for nil The advanced the not., candle., dried
allied Balkan nations are in a pod- county. II cm a co- department have a prune.
to calculate their gain, movement for good roads, society for the purpose furthering china ware, wooden ware, cake, an
be , much better chance of However, if there be any Interested pharmacy In North Carolina and for
th. gull at Au. who are not member, of the Club the purpose of discussing subjects .,. new Royal Sewing
and It I. or If there be of the Jo druggists. ti. society other goods.
generally Bulgaria would who to the Club undertaking has been fittingly named In honor of quantity cheap for cash. Com o m
then be In n better situation to bring such a movement, then why not an one of North pioneer ,, i
Influence to beer In favor of Independent good roads organization of several years ago. the
compromise. of Club and non- Mr William Simpson, Raleigh.
The that
ha. to. . pt , . W field
in the peace
I is. during the past week, conducted
to he held who are in no- a Bible In he
capital. Is taken to ale .,, to do and would like to d, church, of Chapel Hill.
Balkan allies possess information to advance good roads in the F. P. was lo
Pi to an early settlement. county need an to .- trod with the office of a
Observers here. r. a.- no
id to he r a. lo
the of the negotiation.
prefer to wait until some kind
an has been reached be-
i the Bulgarian, and Turks or
tin question of fate of the Turk-
lab stronghold
with and encourage i
Suggestion submitted,
AYDEN, Nov. Floyd
his fifteen birthday Wed-
evening at his home on Main
The arrived at o'clock and
fir a couple of hour, the Line was
pleasantly spent with various
Sam games and contents, which wore on-
executive committee
Association of State
ties at Its annual sessions in Wash-
ii II C this week.
Into New Stable.
Corner 2nd and Evan. Street
Phone No. Night or Day
Meets All Trains
; v
your harvest money
is in this bank
Look these two men. They have been
to market their cotton. One put his
in the bank and the other one didn't.
They were held up OH the way home. The
silly fellow who wanted to take his money
home had to to the robbers. The
other was able to them the
His money was in the bank.
Take a lesson from your harvest money In this bank like all
other farmers. It is safest place It when-
ever you please. i
The National Bank of Greenville
Greenville, N. C.
V. James, J. P. V-Pres. F. J. Forbes, Cashier
mi m n
is. i
Buyers of
We now former
will be clad to h. W
on us.
. .
Martin county had u
homicide, Mr, Bason Rogers killed
Mr. Sam Flint. The scene the no-
was near the Intersection
into with a vim.
At tin- of the games, refresh
menU were served and many piano
and vocal lions were rendered
Misses Olga and Isabel
the three Martin
god Pitt, at Mr. home
The parties had some words
an which led to a personal en-
counter, in which Mr. seems
The young host was the recipient
i f many nice gifts.
Those present Misses Olga
Holton, Johnson, Selma
Fannie Lee Patrick.
to have gotten the worst of It. He Isabel Martha
then got his gun and M . Fannie Noble, Cannon,
Flint The shot went wild but mount and Annie Belt Smith,
the second proved fatal. N. C Messrs
Mr. Rogers was given a Jack
hearing and released under bond. Noble, Henry Cony
Mr. Flint was n man living Brown, Henry and Bl-
Mr. Rogers and distantly con- . smith of N. C.
marriage though not mar-
himself .
Heard I en Mile
We heard some people who live ten
at from town say the distinctly
The Society will hoard the lire whistle when it blew
, public debate Friday Wednesday morning.
a public debate Friday evening. Dec
at 7.30 p. m. The public- ll
ally invited. u
The query Resoled, That but the crowd cheered, as. with
Organizations in the United burned hands, he held up a small
States have become a menace to our round box. he shouted,
free institutions and should be con- Salve I hold,
a tit subject for special has everything beat for
by Congress. Right also for bolls, sores,
O. T. Tyson. Robt. enema, cuts, sprains,
Ariel.,, C. D. Surest pile cure. It subdues In-
Earl Dawson. Street kills pain.
S. Roberson all druggist. adv
And that our customers have remembered us
with a liberal share of business; for these and
many other blessings
We Are truly Thankful
The Bank of Greenville
j i i i i i i i i i n i i .
i m
Legal Notices.
Having this . i
Gardner deceased,
dark r r
and having
given bond as
given t b
Boot page e to
which deed is hen
e sold to
said mortgage
Motor Car is Used by
in Man Hunt for Negro j
Hat anal I d as administrators
said present then to Brooks late of
payment, N. C, this is to certify all
on or I th day November, persons claims against the
1911, or this notice will be of the said deceased ;
bar of their recovery. All persons ii ti--a i, twelve
us said estate are urged to from date or notice will b
make immediate payment to inc. in bar cf r recovery.
This the clay of November, 1913. All person. Indebted to said
J. J. MAY.
of Waller .
Jan is and Attorney.
E W t
Having as the
tor of the estate of W. Flake, de-
all persons owing said e
will please settle the same
and all persons to the said .-
is indebted will the sane
within twelve months of the date of
will phase make Immediate payment.
M Nov. 1911,
F. O. JAMES a son.
i ltd
B Virtue Of an order of the Super-
court, made in a special proceed-
pending therein entitled
Mamie K.
this notice or the same will be plead- Parker, against John Ken- is of them can-
ed in bar of their recovery. h. not recover.
in i I pursued s
and his ; i
n lot i I
tin court at earl
and shot him to death.
The . I Um was
Hams, who shot i farmer's then
her near Rhine
yesterday. When i.
a man limit was bi
friends the n ,
vealed his hiding place lo
Di i o pi i
mobile and started for .
The mob soon took up the
l in the sheriff n I shortly
Her midnight and at I t.
the mob by hiding his ;
vault containing records, instead
placing him in the county Jail.
The mob l i the
and dragged from the hid-
place and him lo death.
Neither the victims aw
Git State Eleventh in Ex-
port List
New Laws I,, lad lucre a.,. ,;. Needed Slop
Administrator of W. II. Flake
V. F Attorney.
from farm, near about
Oct. one sow.
pounds color
black, weight about pounds. Sow
ex to find
Kinder of the above named
stacker will receive reward by
at Grimesland. N. C, Route
I have taken up three hoes, two
female and one barrow,
marked fork In each ear;
black color and one spotted; all
in good condition. Owner can get
same by proving ownership and pay-
R. F. Greenville. N. C
II ltd
in James Kennedy, et and be-
No. 1711 on the S. I. docket of
will offer for public sale
before the court house door in Green-
ville on Dec. M, at o'clock,
the following described land.
The residence of the late I. C.
Hardy on the plank road Just west
the town of Greenville, being the land
Conveyed to Mary K. Hardy by E.
O. and wife Feb. 1900
and recorded In Hook M-S, page
containing 1-2 acres or thereabout.
Terms of sale cash, or 1-2 cash
and balance in months secured by
mortgage on said lands.
This Nov. 1912,
W. F.
ltd Commissioner.
By virtue of a power of sale con-
mortgage deed, executed and
delivered by K. Warren and
wife I. Warren on the
day of Jan. 1913, and duly recorded
it- the office of the register of deeds
of county in book D-10. page
undersigned will, on Mon-
Having duly qualified before to public
superior court clerk of Pitt court
as executor of the last will tea- Greenville, to the highest bidder, for
lament of H. Congleton. deceased, following described tract or
is hereby given to all persons
indebted to the estate to make No- and in
mediate payment to the undersigned; of Potion of the town of
and all persona having claims against Greenville known ac and
beginning at the southwest corner of
Lot No. and and run-
on or before the 12th day of to
1911. or this notice will be plead Lot- So- of
In bar of recovery. 29- east
12th day of November. 1912.
L R. 3-4 feet to the beginning.
Executor of H. S. Congleton. No
ltd town of Greenville known
beginning at the
northwest corners of Jarvis and
thence with Jarvis
street 1-2 feet to Third
thence with Third Street north
1-4 feet to Lot. thence south
said estate are notified to present th .
same to the undersigned for payment
North Carolina. Pitt County.
In the Court.
Mills Yd Johnson Mills
Tho defendant above named will
notice that an action of No- and
above boon in tho
1- fee to Fourth street,
Superior court of Pitt county for an Fourth
absolute divorce; and tho said to by J.
will further take notice and Warren
he Is required to appear et the next
term of the superior court of said
county to be held on the 20th day of
January. 1913. at the courthouse
and dated Nov. 9th and registered in
Hook W-9 page n tile register's
office in Pitt
This sale Is made for purpose
county In N. C. and with terms of said
answer or demur to tho complaint deed
In said action or the plaintiff will
ply to the court for the relief demand-
ed In said complaint.
This tho 20th day of November,
Clerk Superior Court,
By A. T, Moore. D. C.
F G. James and Son,
for plaintiff.
II ltd
the BOth day of November.
F. C.
of Sale of Personal
We, W. A. and wife. Car-
Hymen, will expose to public
sale on the day of
virtue of a mortgage
and delivered II, A. and,
wife B. A. lo W. B. a,
which mortgage
the Office Of the Register of Deeds of hogs, chickens
Pitt county m Hook M-9. pages corn, peas and farming
New Board County Com-
The change in county affairs from
the old lo the new fiscal year look
place today. The old board of com-
missioners met to close, up the bus-
coming before them and at
turned over to successors.
Three Change, look place In the
personnel of board. Messrs. J.
P. chairman, D. J.
land and J. J. May, retiring. Mr.
Fed four years,
all of that time being Chairman
the board. Mr. Holland six years
Mr. May four years. All of them
have made excellent commissioners
and looked faithfully after the inter-
of the county.
B. It, Lewis and W. B. Proctor. Mr.
Lewis has served about three years,
first being appointed to succeed Mr.
May, and then re-elected and
Mr. Proctor was first appointed to
Mr. N. T. Cox. deceased, and then
re-elected twice. The new
. I . III. X C, Nov. The
. i Cam
In Was D. C, I i
It Is
. 1913 will I
pate Co and i
u. lion Ii T
low I
North Carolina, particularly;
and some more val-
fin fish, shad herring.
At tin- convention held In Kan Be r i
December, 1911, the following Cacti
v. re convincingly brought
That North Carolina, instead of be-
first in the output of her fisheries
as is ranted the abundance of.
Inland water and their
adaptability of maintenance of com-
n fisheries, bow holds eleventh
place among states of the
this ascendancy or the
Slates, particularly Of Virginia. Mary-
land, Connecticut and ha
been achieved entirely though en-
of such regulations as
would, allow reasonable catch from
their fisheries and yet preserve a
sufficient number of fish so the
Supply of each succeeding year would
steadily increase instead of diminish
That this decrease is undoubtedly
due to with all kinds
apparatus, not only at the Inlets but
the sounds and rivers.
That the oyster Industry In North
new board two of the reached its lowest
remain. are caught and
That instead of North Carolina sup-
plying her home market with Bab and
oysters, this is now being largely sup-
plied from other states, by
That instead of our fishing Industry
are Messrs. M. T. worth from seven to eight nil-
J. G. Taylor and W. L. dollars per year, it is worth less
Mr. Spier has had experience as S than two million,
commissioner, serving one some
years ago.
That instead of our oyster industry
The others are
farmers and business men there Is every R
the people can look for a good ad-
ministration of county affairs tho
of the Incoming board.
The new board organized by elect-
Mr. W. L. chairman
and began their duties promptly.
Busy Year For Men
That Throw
in they clam to
The marriage
And registrar
To a state paper
We hold the record for the state
beat them to n
Just twelve months we issued knots
To four hundred and eight
It may be timely, never
For dear Pitt to up and
The record's mine for my books show
I issued 4-3-4.
mi, of December, 1909. of Personal estate con-
appears of record of household and tin-
and the undersigned will sell
for cash before the court house door
Greenville on Saturday, the
day of December, 1912. the following
described tract or land situate- In said
county and state and
township, bounded on the east
Run and the Spier
the south by Tar river, on the
by John Fleming's heirs and on
north by the lands of Fernando
and known as Far
1.000 acres more or
the same land sold to the f
H. A. and wife K. I
by W B, and all
the tract will be sold at said
acres which has been e
off to J. F. Davenport by deed
ed Feb. 19th, 1910. and recorded
Terms of sale. cash.
W. A. and Caroline
d and W
From the Govern-
it North Carolina
Nov. The Governor
has been requested by tho Postmaster
General and the secretary of
to have selected iii this state
suitable road about fifty miles long
over which there is delivery of mall
by rural carriers; and he been In
formed by them that when arrange-
are made by the stale of North
Carolina or any of its local
ons to raise tho United
States will set aside additional
from the appropriation granted by the
Congress for such purpose, and that
government will expend tho sum
thus provided or so much
of it as seems wise, for tho Improve-
and maintenance of the road
The governor will call this matter
lo the attention of the Legislature and
Um ha hopes that the
counties of the or other sub-
to he, Is is worth less than twenty-live
And the conclusion arrived at was
that the wisest policy to pursue
be to establish a fisheries commission
with powers sufficient to enforce the
laws, to do away with obsolete laws
and to make such regulations as the
various section, of Tidewater North
Carolina require.
Average For
Pounds of Tobacco Fig-
at Over
Mr. E. Thomas, secretary of
o Greenville Tobacco Hoard of
Trade, gives us the following
of sales on the Greenville
For the month of November
pounds for an aver-
age of 184.09 per hundred.
For the season up to December first
pounds for an
average of
These figures speak for themselves
and over two million dollars being
paid out for tobacco In a little over
months Is something to think
Steam Packet
Dally, Including Sunday.
Mall steamers
Equipped with
Wireless Telegraphy and every mod
convenience. Cuisine
Portsmouth. Sundays pm
iii week days pm
Norfolk, daily pro
Old Point pm
sold to all points
East. West mid
Office. No. Main St.
J. BROWN, in.
Promoter John J. Day, of
WIs,. is trying to Stage a bout between j
by, of I
.,. .- ,,, ,,,; iii ii . BUM-I
divisions desiring lo avail themselves matter show-1
of the government's appropriation will their readiness to raise the
Fisherman's Luck
for Duke's Mixture
tobacco a reel That's surely a
coil, -it ion tin- the way you can
i. . them
All smokers should know Duke's Mixture made by
at Durham, N. C.
Pay what you will, you cannot better
for than the ounce and a half sack of
Mixture. And with each of these big sacks you
get a book of cigarette papers
Get a Good Fishing Reel Free
by saving the Coupons now packed in
Mi i ore Or. if wants any one of the hundreds
of other articles. In the list you will find something for every
member of the family. Pipes, cigarette cases, gloves,
cameras, watches, toilet articles, etc.
These handsome presents cost you
one cent. They simply
express our appreciation of your
still get the same
big one and a half ounce sack for
enough to roll many cigarettes.
During November
only, we will tend our new
illustrated of
FREE. Simply send us your
name and address.
., four roses
end other or
Loin. Mo
Bad Spells
I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly
writes Mrs. Navy, of Walnut, N. C last, I was
almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. We had three
doctors. All the time, I was getting worse. I had bad
spells, that lasted from to days. In one week, after I
gave a trial, I could eat, sleep, and Joke, as well as
anybody. In weeks, I was well. I had been an invalid
for weary years relieved me, when everything
If you are weak and ailing, think what It would mean,
to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more
than years, this purely vegetable, tonic women,
has been used by thousands of weak and ailing sufferers.
They found it of real value in relieving their aches and
pains. Why suffer longer A remedy that has relieved
and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for
use, at once, by yr-M. Try it, today.
w Co. Teas.
Special sad two. Horn tor nut
For the
is the most compact and efficient
lighting device for all kinds of vehicles.
Will not blow out or jar out. Equipped with
thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or
detached. Throws a clear light feet ahead.
Extra large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when detached makes a
good hand lantern. Strong. Durable. Will last for years.
At Dealers
N. J.
.- ,

i. in ii
i I i Ins
.- v
have made inch Ire-
PAD .;
Lit v, , of dollars m-
. that to look at
I .,,.,., .
., ,,,, the warning I Or. 81-
o la hi. I
The Idea the problem i In-
. . . . ,,, rot mI find are said Dr.
u , ,. lie. ., N Md , lecture
b. ha a bead equipped Charing Cross hospital. London.
., .,,,. .,,. I erroneous. Some advance baa been
. i. mm and is still making
v i- from now men iii
the to born.
will come It that Um have on-
ii,. husk the surface. Much great-
we tee husk i
,, labor unions. mutt .,, mad. before la-
That . which .,,, ,. men ,,,, ire ,. ,, o can be said to be an-
Russia and her Bests from the But discontent main w d them in-
ha. been held for Mm and through he
in mom u,. to n id to
mu had u ,
it U
T. a .
and ,,,,. ,;,,, to
By and by he of lying
on his Discontent his con-
n make, him wriggle and
The eastern gate la the Dardanelles, A, ,,., ;., In turning
the little ship of water separate.
advertising In Europe from Asia. he ,.,.,. contented then, there
would no men on earth only
, i inks sud resolution , Mediterranean.
M sill h. el i i
Entered second
North Carolina,
cl March J.
by the Turks.
And Turkey has kepi the
greater and more closely united The marvel, of recent scientific
to crawl. ,,., , have blinded .-ye of the
Crawling traveling hand, and trusts the who In bis Ignorance believe.
la. Md her European lower form. . an- cl.,, industries and prepare the germ of a disease it found
only because the European it used to satisfy us In , Will b. and isolated thereby the disease
en wished it. fearing to disturb tho old evolutionary owned b, ,,, is to la in a fair
is called the balance of power. say. by people
But the unman infant-thanks ., eliminate
inborn It discontented With which is I stupid, out of dale form
crawling. With much trouble and of barbarism, leading to
risk and feeble tottering, be thievery and adulteration.
Wilson that he
Turkey, in possession of the Dar-
Wat harmless. She could
Mr. Wilson announce, mat . ill nothing, having no Cores
call an session of ,.,,.,. ,,., the powers of the
to convene not later than April Mediterranean Prance. Italy, Spain.
There be held In Washington.
North Carolina. December and
the annual convention of the
North Carolina Fisheries Association.
i. i this convention is dis-
cum way. and mean, of saving tho
. the from it
it great decline and ii will l-
cur. and recommend certain
to the Incoming
Dr. ii- P. Moore, the
Bureau of baa been
detailed lo assist the convention in
deliberations Dr. Moore is man
ii wide experience and eminent
and has already visited the state
a number of times In the interest of
great phase of conversation.
The statement comes from a town
up the not near so large as
Greenville, that the weekly pay roll
of it. factories Is n. week.
That Is what Greenville needs, and
when we the turn
loose large weekly pay rolls you will
see a vast difference in the volume
of trade.
cured and controlled. Or. Plainer
points out that tills is far from the
fact. Not only are vast major
. of infective diseases under
control but modern civic methods of
as he The
will be held for th
i.- the tariff.
We have urged upon Mr.
son the for an extra
because seemed be no
doubt Of its course. To have waited
until the congress elected Pres-
Wilson convenes
weeks from now. would have
been to postpone the inevitable tar-
revision until the spring or sum-
of yea of the next gen-
election for The
of the Harrison ma
that mistake with bill
and the fate of the Cleveland con-
With Wilton Mil, are
she held the
and away from
which the great
thing- and Europe wanted no change
that England would not
Russia have Dardanelles.
and the other powers would
I not let England have that passage
, a scale larger
So everything safeguarded
, of t race.
Turkey m Europe,
,,,, ,,., Turkey and murder
Europe wanted peace of ha. reached of hit
development. Re to be
ii ml
, .
th, human beings together
s armies o, middleman and b, J .
The solution of the problem, de-
Is through the
schools of investigation such as
th, Rockefeller and Carnegie
We can Imagine those Bermuda
parliamentarians put up some of their
beet when
son was there as a spectator
listening at their discussions
the ground Ht is able to every day the number of t lies,.
the sun and stars and the who live on the work of others,
Of a man Discontent is hit compel ail ever-growing number to
mainspring every enter the Holds Of useful production.
. . ,. ,. , Just at present Jewel
What discontent does in the These laboratories with vast
, stands out most prominently in
, life a child. It does on a much Um and with train-
Id head is trade .
larger scale in the life of a man-
.,, Men have argued and fought and
in i
voted and made speeches and ,
But Balkan peoples, living tree people wt
their mils and mountain. Contentment, apathy are of ,, ,
born . free women, no, poised In . a career t. , ,, ,. , .
their childhood by the air of the man or a nation.
a bringing about that awful tragedy in
.- th., . ,
If they wished to for a new in ti, no ,. .
warning against ,,,,,.,,,,, ,,,,.
to tad pal Ai of toe,
for all hi vain.
The more they talked and paraded,
the heavier were the duties.
I But when the watt Free
Trade will have it. for the
control legislation.
And we shall have Free Trade,
the trusts will want II soon.
A trust
sums their disposal and with train-
ed specialists at work on vital prob-
are bringing to the world re-
of Inestimable value. And thus
is time science will find the meant
of controlling the dread ills of
man flesh.
News Washington says there
does not seem to ho any doubt
that Senator of North Car-
will lie chairman of the senate
finance committee.
Where you make your living Is tho
place you ought lo spend your
Greenville and county are
not helped any by the money that
is tent away.
Mr. J. It. James, the new
dent of Carolina Club. Is one of
live wires and things may be
looked for during his
The trusts will soon own all the
courageous men of the Balkan. III. The nation that no longer wig-
commission two or t degraded e is , condition as serious as all the manufactures, they
that some of them have been convict-
. and sentenced to death,
they would have adopted that course
by electing Mr.
Hut they voted for Mr Wilson and
for action. They expect something
frightened before them and of the motionless Infant want freedom from the duties
like seventy-live thousand of the
to Constantinople-if powerful The man or which .,, now ,,,,,, on the
, . i people petitioning the governor
western Europe does not forbid. discontent there is in of for-
to Interfere with the
danger in th. situation for all to a nation or lo Individuals, a great Clothing Trust.
I n s it
to be done. Among other thing, they u , of the power that brings The , cloth-
, . ml
hope for prompt, judicious and
great European disturbance that would Improvement
modification of the tar.
in a carefully calculated to
fit all the people of the United State. , ,
j England would fight rather than let
-employers, producers, laborers and
r ; , . I . .
now must pay u duty on wool
as a young man declared protect the American farmer who
that his one hope In life was to sheep.
In a special sent out from Wash-
giving available fund, for
North Carolina
Greenville I. put down for 125.000.
Vice President Donnell of
Carolina Club, says he is yet hunt-
for a joke. He may find it and
have ready by next meeting.
Seventy members present at the
annual meeting of the Carolina Club
Monday night was a good showing.
Men love an election.
All the active members of the pres-
congress who took part in
Tills should mean that work on the
arouse dissatisfaction . How long do you think the
. . . a.,. government building here can com-
The constant aim of men In Trust will tolerate this duty on a
many. France and Italy would tight other, in writing for wool
have tho Dardanelles.
before next year very
rather than let have
that i
x. far advanced and we feel that Con-
newspapers, even in writing novel., How long do you the Trust i gee ,
tag moderate tariff bills on which be to arouse engaged In making clothes
the Democratic party appealed to the fear, the of , ,, ,. our reader, will will on that
country one year bill, which competition at tome on have the aim to makes the
President Taft Adriatic-which is one the great crowd dissatisfied. j of the will he retain
the new congress. They can revise branch of the Mediterranean flood. can ed. of J
The only thing that can prevent j there not be
enough for discontent and
I But one thing after another the
enough for change. I m ,
Greenville ha. plenty of room for
more people, but not the houses.
Some of the kind who will come and
build are very much desired.
Oxford beat the other towns to it
as the meeting place of the next
their work in the light of later
information and in accord with newer
of revenue required by the
government and a carefully revised
bill should pas. the house by May
next. The senate will be slower, but
as s majority of the present a. costly for the victorious
tor. voted for the bill, signed by
Speaker Clark in the house last year,
there i. no reason to doubt that the
more Democratic and more
senate will act with reasonable
Our one concern i not that Con-
will do not see how
it can. Our fear that it will neg-
trouble. and perhaps a very great
war, is common sense.
The people of Europe do not want
The statesmen know that a war is
Because farmers did so well and
so much money on their to-
crop, this year. It should not
lead to over-cropping on tobacco next
year. The crop this year about
a large a. could be cultivated and
Three hustling week, will bring
Christmas. Have you started the
Hull. .,.
A majority of the people half m be freed f, well with available labor and
as for the nation conquered.
It should conquer Eng-
destroying English credit, and
English value., Germany would
loss In consequence that would
cripple her for half a century.
It ought to be possible for the
not only lo avoid this
war on a big scale, but to end
and ten. of thousands half fed.
Children run over daily because
they hare to playground but the gut-
Me. of noble aspiration, kept down
by hard work and poverty.
Children left locked up alone all
day while their mother, work for a
lien, uncertain of future and
the order given.
The trust, are going to do a great
deal of good to tho of the
In time. They will end by
universal government ownership
of monopolies upon the people.
You will always find Pitt county
marching at the front. Recently
. , county was claiming the
of their children's future, engage on licenses with
it Our fear i. that It will neg- war on a big scale, but to end ,
can. ,,, , a constant for wealth that issued during the last fiscal year.
and neglect prefer- the present little war with Justice to . ,.
reciprocity i that , better with for
card Demo- the men of the Balkan., and . , , ,
in the end of a a year. And we are going to claim
that it will, by even to the miserable Turk. I
radicalism or old stock U ought to he possible for the real- that U the record some other
of general prosperity now due.
The house will have a greatly in- substituting an international ponce
The nous, . , should discontented. court houses now being built In
Democratic majority. The f land and sea for the frightful stand
, men will armies and great navies and for- You should remember that the be
La the of world's achievement, and handsomest In the state. them
be other armed force on this plan- change, have all come from after completion, then come and
and ,,,, you ,, ,, what Pit, county ha. and you
ed the exploded theories sir.
to attempt more might prove a loss
rather than s
Bishop Denny, who presided over
the North conference in Pay-
the preacher, to
keep out of debt, even if they had
to sell their personal effects In order
to do That I. mighty good advice
for laymen and other folk. n. well
a. preacher.
Too much speed on too poor tracks
Is about the substance of an opinion
given by the Interstate Commerce
Clark says on with the
good campaign. That I. the
right note
The Baptist State Convention will
be held in week.
Congress getting very close to
the billion dollar mark.
Ye., there are some turkey, left for
If your business i. worth boosting,
boost it.
you w. -mm cum, . Commission a. to the cause of many
, ant war perfect because you happen to minds u. too. that the Charlotte Ob- railroad wrecks. The whole world is
prosperity now due. to lie , , new g and ,,,
The house will have a greatly in- substituting an poll, . houses now being built In whirl, many lo the end.
Bryan quarreled with Speaker Clark
and Representative Underwood for re-
to inject Into the recent tariff and Hungary have half
Germany has a million soldiers. as a breeder of discontent your
Prance ha. a million soldier., the human beings around you.
Everything will depend the
prudent and patriotic leadership of
Russia ha. a million.
Ono single International army of
Congress has been asked to pro-
for some odd million
Tho old board of commissioners of more for running the govern-
county left a handsome the present fiscal year than was
whirl, many to the end.
Mr. Bryan made in two weeks
reporting the Republican and Demo-
national conventions.
are plenty of the pencil pusher, who
would glad to get that much for
two years work.
Any town that I. large enough to
be governed would be governed by
a commission form of government.
meant and patriotic leadership or --.-
M He ha. sow the ex- a million, backed by the moral to in the splendid year. And twenty million
and the reserves of all the built In of la for
v . in a peace compact, could for- The new board also ha. th. ed pensions. If would cut
he existence of any unity of making their name.,,, the head of the pension graft and giving, remember that ft a
c eloquence Into the cold, exact term. I a way,
navies. Such an as tho county ought to have, would curtail the mail
. ., . . lit,.,,
In preparing for your
fighting navies. Such an as me .--------
The North Carolinians army would permit no fighting of the present so much money would not have
to for -n Norfolk Ration to he maintained on be a good county home to be for t. meet government
the armed police with- and good
and Richmond.
Oh. my goodness Some of the pa-
government per. have gone to talking about
t law t
The calendar has reached it. last
Be early and buy early.
Pat the former big
pitcher, ha. been appointed
of the Lynn New League
I The Ohio State League may admit
and Charleston. W. Va., In
order to form an eight-club circuit
for next session.
The League produced
a big of heavy the past
a even half hundred player.
hitting for or
i Manager George Staling., of the
National, has announced the
purchase of Drummond Brown, catch-
from the Vernon Club, of the
Coast League.
It Is that Johnny the
catcher last man-
ager of the Boston willing
to invest real money in a minor
league franchise.
First Baseman Boston American
League Team, Who I.
One of the Greatest
Ail-Around Players.
Did you ever see a ball player start
to make a play, change his mind while
hi. arm was swinging to throw, and
turn the play and the game upside
down Well, I did, and it resulted in
the greatest play I ever saw. The
play was made so quickly and so rap-
Idly was It thought out that the two
men who made it almost thought me
off my feet, and I was still wondering
when I finished up the play for them.
I was playing third base then, Card-
was on second, and Joe Wood
pitching. We were playing the High-
landers a close game and Wood was
pitching well. We were all the time
just about to make runs, but we never
could make It came down to
the seventh inning with the score
nothing to nothing, and It looked as If
the game belonged to whichever team
was lucky enough to score a run. I
think it was Cree who opened the
seventh Inning for New York with a
two-base Speaker made a flue
Manager Washington American Base- Third Baseman World's Champion
ball Club, Who Accounted Athletics, Who in-
One of the Field- to the Greatest Third Base-
of His Day. man of the Country.
To me a great play is one In which
the player keep, his mind on what is
lo follow while making some hard me-
When a fellow Is ex-
tended at full speed to reach a ball
and catch it, and keep hi. head, know-
exactly what to do when he makes
the catch or stop, and doe. It, he is
playing the game. have found that
the successful players are the ones
who think out plays In advance, who
calculate ahead of time what they will
do If they get the ball and what they
will do If they fail to get It. At the
same time they must be quick enough
thinkers to change the plan like a
flush If the opposing side makes a
false move.
I think Milan, our little center field-
made the best play I ever saw In
my life this year in a game against
Detroit, and It was a play that re-
quired quickness In every department
of the game.
The Detroit team beat u. afterward
the play generally lost sight
A fellow is inclined to think that
the greatest play he ever saw Is the
one that wins the game. I know that
the play always seems greatest
me Is the twenty-seventh out for
the other team, no matter whether It
I Is a pop fly or a great stop or catch,
especially If we are one run ahead and
there are two on bases.
But the greatest play over saw,
and the one I remember most vividly,
wasn't a stop or catch or throw, but a
play that Eddie Collins made on the
bases last season. He made It at the
right time, won the game for us and
the bes,. exhibition of timing and
running I ever saw.
At the time he made the play the
pennant race wasn't over by a whole
lot. We were ahead, but not enough
to feel comfortable. Both Detroit and
Boston were going well, and as you
know It doesn't take much of a change
in the luck to turn things
A few bad breaks of luck and some
team you've been thinking out of It
comes along, and there you are. forced
to fight for life again. There is so
much luck In the game that no team
can stop hustling for a minute v
It is won.
We were playing Boston, and ab
though we had been beating them
Utility Player Washington Club, Who
Is Rated One of the Wisest and
Most Thorough Student.
of the Game.
The greatest play that I recall, and
the one I think was the greatest I
ever saw. was made this season In an
extra Inning game between the Chi-
and Washington clubs. Not only
that, but It was the greatest game of
ball I ever six plays In It I
that might any one be called the
greatest, according to the way a man
looks at It. First, caught a
home run while running straight out
nearly to the center Held fence; then
Walker caught a fly off one ear while
turning a back somersault; Lord made
two great one-handed stops on the
line back of third, and grab-
bed two line drives and started double
plays. Every one seemed to be trying
to pull off the greatest stunts of hi.
life in that game and It was one
steady succession of wonderful plays,
with White and Johnson pitching mag-
ball. It Is as If you took a
dozen great games of ball and crowd-
ed the most sensational of each
Into twelve innings.
Then Conroy and the
play that I think was the best and
fastest that ever saw.
was on second base with one out
when whipped a fast bit
play on the ball, and got it back to
second Just in time to lose a close de-
I thought the runner
out and we kicked a bit, for it looked
as if the decision might u. the
game. It was almost a cinch that
the neat batter would sacrifice, or try
to, and the cinch went through. He
bunted bard fast down
second. I forget which one was hit
log after Cree that day. but he
and the bunt seemed to turn
the game down. It
seem possible for Gardner to get up to
It In time. Wood bad been planning
to cut off a hunt and make the play to
third, and moving ha when the
hunt went past him to his left. He
turned chased after the ball
while Gardner coming forward at
top to reach Wood Jumped,
down one hand, and grabbed
ball. By a throw he might
have caught the runner going to first,
and he actually had started to make
the throw when he seemed to have
new Idea. I heard ht. yell
and like a flash he
the ball to Gardner, who had
ten feet from and In perfect
position to make a throw to third.
The ball touched Gardner's
hand, when I saw it winging at me
a flash. whichever of
the Highlander. It rounded
third and was ten feet up the line
Jockeying for a big lead lo try for
home If the bunt rolled past Gardner,
and I to do to grab the
ball and plaster It on him as he tried
to get back.
Wood had in a flash that he
only bad a desperate chance to cut
off the runner at first, and he figured
that the other runner would be
to turn third and start for home.
He knew he couldn't stop, turn and
make the throw to third in time. o
he the ball to Gardner, who
grabbed the idea In a tenth of a sec-
and the ball over to
me in time. New York got an-
other hit that Inning, but couldn't
score, and we counted one later and
beat one to nothing.
Mil, by W. O.
In the Old Day.
Eve had Just tied a of ma-
about her ankle.
on earth are you op to, my
asked Adam.
am trying my new hobble
returned the part-
of his Joya, with a
of. That the way. Most of the
great play, are unless they
win or a game.
The score was tied at the time the
play was made, but Detroit had run-1
on second and third and only one
out. Of course our Infield was pulled
In to try to the run at the plate, t
and the pulled a. close as It i
dared come and a long drive beat-1
us hopelessly. The batter hit a I
short line to center, almost square-
over second base. It was a hit that j
the second baseman or short stop;
could have reached by hard work had
they been back, but being close they
hadn't a chance and it looked a. if the
ball was going safe. Cobb on
second base, and the name of the
other runner I won't tell because it
might sound If I him. I
Anyhow, Milan came In a. bard as I
could come, and be can come some.
He scooped the ball by a wonderful
running catch, right off hi. lace.,
hut as he caught it h. lost hi.
and started to fall. Instead of
trying to catch he simply
ducked hi. head, rolled a somersault
and came up to hi. feet In position to
throw. While he was turning that
somersault he thinking. It would
look to any one that Milan either
would have thrown home, on the Idea
that the runner on third would hold
the bag and start after the catch, or
nap the ball to second and try to
doubt, up the runner there before he
could get back. He didn't do either.
He cut loose the ball . hard . he
could to third base. It happened that
Milan knew quickness and fig-
that Ty would see the catch and
get back to second before he could be
doubled. He figured the other runner
would home before the ball
caught, calculating It couldn't be
caught. And that exactly what
happened. The runner off third
and going home. Cobb sliding
back to second, and Milan made the
double play the only way It could
have been made. And I'm certain
he didn't have time to look at third
before he threw, but figured It out In
hi. head while turning a somersault
catching the bail.
nil, by W. O.
The Little Pitcher.
Sweet Little James, do
you you'll get very sick while
you're with u.
Old Rich do you ask,
Sweet Little pop say.
they'll all weep crocodile tear, when
you get real sick, and I want to
Infielder Boston American League
Club, Who Is Considered One of
the Fastest Fielders Either
at Short or Second.
The play I ever saw was
one made. It was the
fourth great play of game, and
every one of them was made by
Speaker, but the fourth was the best.
It was during the series against the
Chicago White think in August
of the Boston grounds, and
anyone who saw that game will re-
member seeing one of the greatest ex-
of ever given.
The White were hard-
much harder than Sneaker
kept catching almost everything they
hit and making about as sensational
running catches as one often sees. Be-
sides that, he had pulled off two great
throws during the game and his field-
kept Boston In the game all the
way. A couple of long I
remember was by us ahead
late In the game, but still the White
weren't beaten.
I don't exactly remember who was
pitching for Chicago. I know that
either Walsh was pitching or else he
Entry of Vacant Land
State North Carolina, County of
Bell, Entry of and
i ii phi county,
Carolina, enter, and
i la in to the following described piece
reel land m Bethel
county, North Carolina
being vacant and
l land, and subject in entry,
Hounded on north and teat by
lauds of Johnnie James; oil
south by John A. Parker lauds, now
owned by Janus and Charlie
on treat by tho
lands n. If. . containing tarn
acres, more or less.
Entered this the 4th day of
The above entry tiled with me
on the 4th day of December,
by James.
ltd Taker.
Frank Baker.
steadily their pitcher had us troubled
and we were forced to put on every
ounce of steam to make it safe. It
tied up In the sixth and In the
of the seventh Collins beat out a
Infield hit. There were two out
at the time and I was at bat. I hit a
curve ball on top somehow and It
bounded over the bead and
rolled down over second base. I bad
hit when I Collins start to run,
and he was half way to second when
the bat met the ball. He turned sec-
base at top speed and went on to
third. The second baseman
the ball about ten feet back of second,
with one hand, and too late to make a
throw that would catch Collins at
third, and a. he picked up the ball
with hi. right hand be took
a look toward third, and seeing there
wasn't a play, he threw the ball from
hi. right hand Into hi. glove, showing
hi. temper became the bit gone
through. That quarter of a second of
temper was enough. Collins
ed up turning third base seemed
to be but over hi.
he the fielder watching a.
closely as he should have been, and In
. flash he was going for the plate at
top The second baseman Jump-
ed back Into position to make the
throw, and threw perfectly to th
plate, but too late, as Collins slid back
of the plate and scored with what
proved to be the winning run. It I.
that kind of quick thinking that
makes Collins such a great player,
and It I. that kind of taking
of every false move by the other
team that makes the Athletics a win-
1911. by a.
Drives Off A Terror
The chief executioner of death in
the winter and spring
advance agents are colds
and grip. In any attack by one of
these maladies no time should be lost
in taking the host medicine obtainable
to drive it off. Counties thousands
have found this to he Dr. King's New
Discovery. husband it
has kept him from having pneumonia
or four writes Mr.
George w. Plane,
for and croup- we
have never found ts
teed for all bronchial affections. Price
and Trial bottle free at
all druggists.
This Date in History
bade farewell to the
of hie army.
national convention met
in and nominated
William Henry Harrison for
1.59-Province of Queensland,
Buchanan, in his an-
contended the
south had no legal right to
cede and the government no
power to prevent secession.
Inside Glimpse.
Magazine la a splendid
story, but I never heard of the author
before, did
Assistant- Shall I Mat It
Ma, Put H away
Presence of Mind.
A man who, with his wife, Is em-
ployed on a farm In re-
found himself in a bad
when, In attempting to evade the
onslaughts of a savage dog, assistance
came In the shape of his wife.
When the woman came up the dog
had fastened his in the calf of
husband's leg and was holding on
for dear life. Seizing a In the
road, the wife was about to burl it,
when the husband, with wonderful
presence of mind,
Mary Don't throw that
stone at the dog. Throw It at
London Answers.
right down between third and short,
a hit that seemed certain to go
through lo left field without being
touched. The ball was hit hard and
was bounding rapidly when
went back and out as bard as he
could, shoved down hi. glove hand,
scooped the ball and It
straight Into hands on top of
third The play was so quickly
made that he out,
and by a quick atop he tried to delay
being touch and Jockeyed around be-
tween the bases to let reach
second. He played It beautifully, but
he never had a chance. Jump-
ed back Into the line, and before
Connell could even get a good
back Conroy whipped the ball to
and was touched out
before he had moved Be. feet So
rapidly the play made that a.
soon touched
he shot down to second so far ahead
of Callahan that Cal was able to turn
and get back to first base ahead of
the throw. The play have been
made In lea. than four seconds from
the time the ball hit, a.
came down to first fast and wasn't
fifteen feet around the base when he
was forced to slide to get back ahead
of the throw to
At It turned out the play saved the
game for Washington a. neither team
in nine innings, and Washing-
ton beat them out one to nothing in
the twelfth. If Callahan had even
reached second on the play Chicago
would have won. as followed
up the the play with a base hit that
would have the runner from
1911. by W. a.
Ground for Hope.
hear that miter's daughter eloped
with hi.
and wired his forgive-
did he do
said he thought now there might
he a chance for him to use hi.
Why It So Hot.
A savant who devotes himself to
subjects tells me that the number
of degree, centigrade Is not everything
In producing the torrid beat that has
been reigning and day. We have
often had as many suffering
nearly so severely. The peculiarity
this summer It the great richness of
sunlight In the ultra-violet Invisible
ray. It I. these that give sunstroke
to man and beast, bring forth file. In
myriad., though they mi-
and spoil our temper., making
u. wicked as though we suffered from
Letter to London
was sent to bit for one late In
the game. Anyhow, It was who
hit the ball that gave Speaker the
chance to make his great piny. I
think we were one run in the lead
and I remember there was a runner ,
on second when Walsh came to
bat. Now when that big fellow lean,
against a ball with hi. full the
fence, aren't far enough away to bold
the ball In the lot. And this time he
certainly hit one. It looked as If it
would go to street, via the
subway, when It started out to left.
I remember our pitcher threw down
hi. glove In anger. . he thought sure
the ball In the bleachers. But It
MM a little too high. Speaker
that ball at bl. best clip and
he going some. Still It didn't
look If he could even get close.
He kept going on and on until I heard
the crowd yelling for him to look out,
fearing be would bang Into the bleach-
fence and break a few legs and
The ball falling almost on top
of the railing the bleacher.
Whether It would have dropped Into
the or hit the fence and bound-
ed back past Speaker I can't
It never had the chance. Speaker j
whirled, almost touching the
gave one look at the ball, Jumped
and grabbed It; and although he
the fence when he
made the try, he never touched It.
He to and dodge to escape
hitting the fence, and the runner went
from second to third on the catch, and
seeing Speaker starting to throw,
turned for the plate. Speaker drove
the ball on the line to me, and all I
had to do was to make a short lob
throw to catch the runner at the
plate, this turning . home run Into a
double play.
1911. by O
An Eye for Figures.
what did you think of the
ocean a
waste of water, but the
Sparrow an Office Pet
A sparrow Is kept as a pet In a
coal office and fur-
lots of entertainment. Jonah
la the name, and the office
Is the only home that he has known
since he fell out of the family nest.
He can sing and scold, and when he
Is mad ruffle, his feather. In a most
Indignant manner.
In the world did you ever
to merry that horrid man In the
all my
tell that he was rich
pretended that she wanted
We have the agency
for and vi-
for the widely-
system of Loose Leaf
Ledgers, Binders, and
Transfers, Indexes and
all ruled forms. Pull
line of samples ready to
show customers.
Parker Fountain
We sell exclusively
this famous pen, the
best made, and Special
Pen Ink. The
people who make the
pens know how to make
the best ink for use in
Engraving and
W e represent the
best makers of
ed Cards and Wedding
Invitations, Embossed
and Monogram Station-
and have samples
on display. Christmas
orders for these should
be early.
Typewriter Ribbons
and Carbon Papers.
Call at our Business
Office for all the above.
The Reflector
Greenville. N. C.

Professional Cards.
F. M.
Office second floor iii Wooten building
Third opposite court
Greenville, North Carolina
L. W. Lout;
Attorney ill
Greenville, North Carolina
S. J.
at la
in Edwards Building on the Court
House Square
Greenville, North Carolina.
We invite your inspection of our
stock of Breech-Loading Guns,
Rifles and Pistols.
have a collection from which
you can select one to please you,
consisting of Ithaca and Tryon
Guns; Marlin, Savage, Remington,
Winchester, Stevens, and Hamilton
Rifles; Smith Wesson, Colts,
Mauser, Harrison and Richards Pis-
l Be sure to call on us for fire-
arms and ammunition.
V W.
Attorney Law
formerly occupied J-
ill law
ii. w. t v if. M. D,.
Practice limited to diseases the
Ear, Note and Throat
Washington, N. C. Greenville, N. C.
Office win. Dr. L. Green-
ville, day every Monday. a. m to pm
Engineer Attorney at Law
W. r.
Attorney at Law
opposite R. I. Smith Cos.
stables and next door lo John Flan-
Company's new building.
Greenville. Carolina.
Life, Fire. Sick and Accident
Office on Fourth street, rear Frank
Wilson's .
Attorney at
Office In Building, Third Si
Practices wherever his services an
Greenville. North Carolina
Greenville. North Carolina
We have as good tobacco and cotton lands as are to be found, and
at prices and terms which will mike it pay you to see us-before you
buy. We have other farms of all sizes. For further particulars call on
or write to
Attorney at Law
I Office In Edwards Building, fifth door
Churches, Lodges and Social
SheriffS. I. Dudley.
Clerk Superior C. Moore.
Register of M. Moore.
Coroner-Or. C OH
P. D.
J. Holland. J. J. May. B. M. Lewis.
W. E. Proctor.
M. Wooten.
C. Tyson.
L. Carr.
Chief of T. Smith.
Aldermen E. B. W.
A. Bowen, J. Tunstall. J.
F. Davenport. It. F. Tyson. Z. P.
Van Dyke. H. C. Edwards.
Water and Commission
Spain. C. OH. L.
W. Tucker.
L. Allen.
Fire D. Overton.
Baptist, Memorial Kev. C. M.
pastor; C. C. Pierce, clerk; C. W.
superintendent of Sunday
J. C. Tyson, secretary.
J. J. Walker, pas-
B. A. Sr. superintendent
Sunday school.
Episcopal. St. Dallas
Tucker. Rector. W. A. Bowen. sup-
Sunday school.
M. clerk.
E. M. Hoyle. pastor; A. II. Ellington,
clerk- H. D.
dent Sunday school; L. H. Pender.
secretary. ,
Rev. W. O. pastor.
Free Will E.
Greenville No. A. F. and A. M.
R. Williams. W. M.; L. H. Pen-
Sharon No. A. F. and A. M.
F. I. Foxhall. W. M.; E. E. Griffin.
Sec. ,
Greenville Encampment No. I.
o. F. D. W. C. P.; L.
H. Pender. Scribe.
Tar River No. K. of J.
Woodward. C. A. B. Ellington.
K. of R. and S.
Greenville Chapter No M, R. A. M.
J. N. Hart. H. P.; E. E. Griffin,
Covenant No. I. O. O. F.
Meets every Tuesday night, K. G. I
Flanagan. N. C. ; L. H. Pender. Sec.
Tribe No. I. O. R.
MS. T. Hooker, Sachem; J. W.
Brown, C. of R.
Lillian Carr. pres
Miss Ward Moore, secretary.
Daughters of T.
J. president; Mrs. J. L.
en. secretary.
The Kings A. L.
Blow, president; Mrs. J. G.
Sans Club-President. Mrs.
Lewis Skinner; Secretary, Mrs. W.
L. Hall.
Dunn, president;
D. M. Clark, secretary.
End of Century Club- Mrs. R. O.
Jeffries, president; Mrs. I, B.
secretary. ,
Round Table Mrs. K. R. Heck-
with. president; Miss Nellie Denny,
Civic Mrs T.
A. Person; Secretary, Mrs. T. B.
H. S. Ward C. C. Pierce
Washington, N. C. Greenville. N. C
Attorneys at Law
Practice In all the
Office in Wooten Building Third
Greenville. North
ii i
If you've a lot and desire to build
on It we can help you. We will ad-
you the money to build and
you can us the same as rent
so much a month. Call lei's talk
It over and let us show yon how you
can own your own home at little or
no extra expense.
Low Quality
A combination that can't be found only in
t H.
Still With
The Mutual Lift
Just The One Oldest.
est and Host
Ail good sell it or will get it
S. T. II I C Ii S
Steam Hut Water
Electric Light
I am prepared to do your work at
Reasonable me or call.
Clothing and Shoes
The Ladies and Misses who have purchased
their suits and cloaks here this season are con-
that they have the newest and most
garments of the season for even less
Having sold such a
large number of these
garments we yet have
some of our handsomest
garments for your
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work and Flues in Season, Bee
I. J. JENKINS Greenville,
Subscribe to The Reflector
I have opened an Oyster House
C at wharf and will handle
the beet grade of Oysters either I
by measure or la the shell.
Send down your I
Having received
shipment of Shoes to
add to our enormous line
already in stock enables us to fit any member of your family-and especially
the well-dressed person who cares. Any leather desired m Buttons, Lace and
C, T.
Pm -f I in material prosperity, in the
lit good year of 1912, according
to reports from men who have traveled the different sections of this State,
Her progress and prosperity are well illustrated in the growth of her largest banking
Beginning in with the modest Capital of 10,000.00, this bank has grown steadily and
safely, until now, with
stands equal to if not larger than any other bank in the entire First Congressional District.
The best part of this lies in the fact that the larger portion of the Bank's Deposits have been placed there by FARMERS; the
of its customers are FARMERS; and the majority of its stockholders are FARMERS, and whatever advances the welfare
of the farmers, helps in the of the whole community.
We strive not only to earn dividends for our Stockholders, but to use the for the greatest benefit to the community.
Come with us, we want your business.
V. G. President. V. II.
. S. I Mil;,
Under the Public School Law of
this State there Is a provision for the
The Problem
The current issue of the Bulletin
of the North Hoard of
yearly celebration of one day set over mostly lo Liquor
an for featuring the proud history Problem and the Public and
o. North Carolina and promoting strong array of evidence and
and this day la known as men is submitted show liquor
-North Carolina community.
North Day will be is
this year on December 6th, and
the state Hoard of Education-has
hated its- observance this year to the
memory of the late lamented Charles
Brantley Aycock, who gave so freely
of himself in all the years of hie car-
from young manhood to his very
breath, to the canto of public
education, and who as the chief
of the State was known
Educational Governor of North Caro-
it is a recognition of his
great service to the education of the
masses, as well OS to this great son
North Carolina himself, that North
Carolina Day this year should he de-
voted to honoring his memory in the
of his native State, that
the children of all her schools, from
the mountains to the sea. should he
permitted to contribute their mite to
the fund for a permanent educational
I is to be hoped that the children
of native be
to contribute generously
this fund, for, while Charles Brant-
Winterville Items.
Nov. J.
i. Cox left Tuesday evening for
Southern Pines, and other
points to visit relatives.
Turkeys are what we want and a
plenty of them too. A. W. Ange
handled by pub-
liquor is an accessory cause
Of per cent of all crime, the
cause of per cent and the
sole cause of per cent of all crime;
and that liquor kills one out cf every
adults, one out of every males,
one out of every seven and one-half
adult males and altogether in
the death of citizens of the
United States every all
of these facts are shown there should
be no need to seek for further
against traffic in liquor, seed that you
or lawless.
North Carolina Is enjoying greater
prosperity and a more general
of the statutes since the
law went into effect than it ever
had before. Thousands of men who
honestly believed that prohibition
I would injure the state and voted
Messrs. Stephen Waters and
Cox went to Norfolk Thursday and
returned Friday.
Harrington, Barber and Co. are re-
shoes now to suit the weather
and the purse.
Mr. Fleming from Green-
ville was a visitor in town Wednesday.
Mr. John R. Carroll spent Thanks-
giving in Greenville.
If its cotton you want ginned or
have for
come to Winterville. The Pitt Co.
Oil Co., will take care of you.
Miss Nettle Liles spent Thanks-
with Vivian of
More beef and better beef for the
same money at R. V.
Want Ads
at S. M.
against it. would now work and See our wire fence. We have the
for it if it were an
The law real thing. A. W. Ange Co.
being violated, of course. Just as a student of W.
law murder and larceny
H. spent at her
children of but that is no , Ayden
Stale in every county Of Miss Mamie Davis of K. C. T. T. a
the Slate in their behalf, he was of the
childhood of Wayne county. It was
here he was born and spent his life,
and but for his having been Governor
lie would have been buried in the soil
of his native county.
Hut because North Carolina Day
has been devoted this year to
Governor Aycock in the schools must
he considered as independent of
lint In unison with the of the
Memorial which
in charge the raising of an
Memorial, that shall be of
service to the educational advance
men of the youth of the State for all
time, and thus shoving to generations
yet unborn the North Carolinians
of his day and time the
great man that he was, and how they
responded to the creed he preached the
education of the equal
right of every child born on earth to
hive the opportunity burgeon out
all that there is within
Bulbs, if you Please
Our new stack of French and
land Bulbs are now arriving and to
plant early insures fine dowers.
Remember we make the finest wed-
bouquets and floral designs.
Mall, telephone and telegraph or-
promptly executed by
J. L. Co.
Phones Raleigh,
B. i. JR.
for and
or doses of will break any
case of chills and fever; and If taken
then as a tonic the Fever will net re-
turn. Price adv
Salisbury took a whack at locker
clubs, several of them having to pay
fines of
The it Again
Friday Squire C. D.
tree drifted as usual around to Dr.
Me. drug store to while away
the time. Hut it wasn't for long be-
fore a message came to advise him
a couple was at his house waiting
to get married. If there is one thing
the likes than
it Is a job of that kind, lie
home where he found Mr.
Clark and Miss Mattie Downs,
both of waiting for him
to say the words and to use his own
expression he them up
Ii. H. and Agnes
Jas Watson and Minnie
Sylvester Clark and Mattie Downs.
Thad Cannon and Stocks.
Walter Joyner and Aria Smith.
Moses Arnold and Clara
Nelson and Matilda King.
Jesse Staton and Lizzie Smith.
J. A. Hunter and L. Moore.
Jodie Wilson and Sack Best.
w Wonder
From far away Rico come re
ports of a wonderful new discovery
hat is believed will vastly benefit the
people. Ramon T. of
writes King's New Dis-
Is doing splendid work here.
It cured about live times of
coughs and colds, also my
brother of a severe cold in his chest
and more than others, who used
It on my advice We hope this great
medicine will be sold in every drug
In For throat and
lung troubles there is nothing bet-
A trial will convince you of
its merit. and Trial bot-
free. Guaranteed by all drug-
acres in and near Vanceboro. N.
for cash or on lime. They are
convenient to the farm life school.
J. W. Stewart, New N. C.
pay good price. N. J.
Mrs. L. H. Pender.
grape fruit, oranges, bananas, to-
at S. M.
acres land, rood tobacco and
well timbered. Apply to H
I. Coward.
stacks Fodder, and Ox. W.
A. Nobles. R. F. D. Greenville.
spent Thanksgiving with Miss Lina
Wade, a student of W. H. S.
When in need of cotton seed meal
cotton seed hulls call on the
Co. Oil Company. They are here
with the goods.
Mr. A. H. Corey came in from
Washington, D. C Wednesday,
where he has been attending school.
Mr. S. I. Thorn, a student of
ii. s. spent Thanksgiving at Rocky
Mount. ,
at head of beef
cattle. R. W. I.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Rollins of
spent Thanksgiving In town.
Mr. Dixie who Is attend-
school at Chapel Hill returned
Wednesday night to spend Thanks-
Harrington, Barber and Company
are the leaders in staple and heavy
groceries, and see them.
Dr. B. T. Cox returned home
Thursday evening from
Misses Olivia Cox and Helen Smith
made a flying trip to Greenville Friday
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. agents
for the fence that Is to put up
that looks the best, Is strongest and
ho only fence that when put
up can be taken down and moved sat-
In other words. II
handle the Perfect Farm
and Poultry Fence.
Miss Mae Smith of Ayden was in
town Friday.
Miss Cox. a teacher in
ton graded school came in Friday
spend Saturday Sunday at home.
A new and complete line of buggy
harness can be found in our show
room. See us before you buy a
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Mr. J. D. Smith is spending some
lime with his mother, near here, Mrs.
Winterville. Good location on rail-
road in business section. Six room
dwelling and ground enough for
Apply to David Sutton. R. F.
Greenville, N. C.
Ann Smith.
For the purpose of dividing
among the heirs at law of th.
late W. H. Flake, the undersigned
v ill sell at public auction on Mon-
day December 9th. the home
place of said W. H. Flake, situate
about miles west of
containing about acres, adjoining
the land of J. W. Allen and others,
with all buildings and appurtenances.
F. Evans. Atty.
Farm For
acres, SO acres cleared,
ed miles west of Grifton In Lenoir
county. 1-2 miles from two district
schools. worth of
included. 8-room up to date
cottage, tobacco barns, tenant
houses and other out buildings. Con-
the finest farm In that sec-
all clay subsoil. No sand. A
bargain to quick buyer. Easy terms.
J. F.
Ayden. N. C.
Ii I Id
Flagged Train With Shirt
Tearing his shirt from back an
Ohio man Sagged n train and saved
It from a wreck, but H. T. Alston,
Raleigh, N. C. once prevented a
wreck with Electric was
in a terrible plight when I began to
he writes, stomach,
head, back and kidneys were all bad-
affected and my liver was in a
bad condition, but four bottles of
Electric Bitters made me feel like
a new A trial will convince
you of their matchless merit for any
stomach, liver or kidney trouble.
Price cents at all druggists, adv
Lave the satisfaction of knowing you are getting
the very best quality you can possibly procure
anywhere for the money.
Many a cheap, shoddy shoe hides be-
hind a nice appearing, pleasing to the
eye style, but a few wear will
prove the inferiority of the quality of
the materials used and the careless-
exercised in their making.
We look to quality first of to it that
the leather is right, the linings substantial and the
general construction the best procurable any-
where. We depend upon you for our business,
and you depend upon us for square dealing, we
are in duty bound to give it to will.
Our new season's styles for ladies and gentle-
men, and boys and girls are ready for your
Before buying your holiday goods see
n cur line of Chafing Dishes,
Carving Sets and a large assortment of
brass goods, decorations and other
suitable for Christmas.
Prices will be Seasonable.
If it's in the Hardware line, we have ii.
Coward Drug Co.
I rod it Sc
Only, But
Used In Our
Superior lo any.
Toilet Art kits,
Kodak Supplies
Drug Co.

ma m
analysis of
CHAPEL HILL. N. C. December
extraordinary interest to North
Carolinians each year is the annual
report of the of
of North Carolina setting forth
a general statistical survey of the
On or more student of the
with reference to the counties
that they largely represent, the per
cent of students from the state,
of the parents of the students,
and the religious affiliations of the
students, etc. The total enrollment
in all departments for I he session of
1912-13 is SIS. only of this
coming from other stales and
countries. The slat of Florida con-
tributes to this list, and far-off
Persia sends students to this
The remaining from
foreign territory hail from
districts of the country, embracing
a wide scope of territory from
state of New York to the Star
State Relative to the representation ,
Crop Difficulty Aired
Court Leads to A
I'm i
u H. had
Indicted W. W Sr. and Jr.
the inn crop without i IS GREATLY SHOCKED
of rent.
The case was aired in court in the. Va
early afternoon and the hearing over. I
were Mil in the hall trial of Allen for the murder of
Of the court house v. hen a light en-; Prosecuting Attorney If.
sued in which Mr. head In the court house
split open with a hickory stick f o'clock
I. . curt of
Greenville. N C. could never he county,
its geographical situation a defendant already been con-
reason. reason, its high of second degree murder for
for the Ian and those that the death of Judge T. L
resent it moral reason. and is under sentence to
For. who being at tho Carolina Club years in the penitentiary
last Bight could overlook the Cacti entire day was devoted to the
or our deep reaped for the selection of jurors. The was
of the law In the words of the summoned from several
poet to the right of seventy-live being present At
Lawyers to the loft of Lawyers moon sixteen of the panel had been
d and ten had been accept-
going out coning in
then a few to spare. lad
Hut stepping out of our or. of Va. on
For a year the sitting capacity summoned in the
of the Club was never so taxed as trial, dropped dead in the de-
last night before the ,,, u Be about to take the
was called order members , return home. Apoplexy is
pan to appear and directly after the to have been the cause of
meeting was declared open and had been
of previous were ,,,, as a juror and as lie about
a motion made and carried , ,. he informed the
that members to the ball that he had been troubled
room, the crowding In the reading room affection which he had
demanding it Over seventy-five strong ,.,.,. relieved and which might in-
members lined the ball room with his duties as a juror,
with Guilford and Wayne
ties tie for honors
sending ten or more students to the;
University, are the
heads the list with the fig-
Orange is a close second
greatest animation and Interest Another juror was selected from
was evidenced by all M each ,., a shock when
Johnson is next rank with ,
Forsyth Wake
and Rockingham tie with
each; Durham Alamance and Hun-;
the Hoard of governors m last ,
abject was brought up before the convened this afternoon to hear
club. his death, which occurred a few
business as was transacted moments before.
tie with each; Beaufort and
Davidson tie with each; Iredell.
New Hanover and Granville have
each; Union Cleveland Wilson
There arc ten counties in the
two meetings was read to the
Winterville Items.
and approved. Committees appoint- A.
, ed at the last general meeting made a trip to
and Cumberland Saturday to see his best
state unrepresented by any students
this year. According to church
the division of the student
body Is as Methodist
cleared for action. Action meaning
the election of new officers, such as
A good buggy harness at the right
what you want. We have it
president, vice president, secretary
and treasurer and a new board gee A
governors. The Brat question com- Co
inK a new- rm, new
Christian Hebrew f new
Lutheran II; Moravian B; Quakers of
year some farmers lose money
buying the first thing that is offer-
ed them without look over our lines
We carry an up-to-date line of farm
and machines that we know will
give you absolute satisfaction. They are
the most practical, economical and
on the market. -I-
We carry a stocK repairs for the ma-
chines we sell, which is to be considered in
buying machinery.
Our desire is to give you the best service
possible and we will do in our
power to merit your patronage. tee to it
that YOU do not lose money this year.
GREENVILLE. North Carolina
German Reformed Disciple
Roman Catholic Christian Science
Armenian Saints Holiness
no church affiliations
. . , presidency two
The destruction according to the n
occupation or profession of the
The point was battled in all its pros
and cons and finally put to a vote,
a majority deciding that the salary
remain as during last year. For the
nominations were
placed. One in favor of Mr. J. B.
ere of the students at the
James and the other on behalf of Mr.
of general
Invites the public to and
inspect them A square deal
to all.
Mrs. II. T. Cox left Sunday morn-
for Bethel to visit Mrs. Henry
NOW is the time for you to get TOO
g n re saving machine for Christmas.
ere,,. Mr. s w
however withdrawn noon,
Mr. J James was ,
to Succeed Mr. Albion Mr .,
Don. name was offered for w Mn w you
the vice presidency to succeed Mr.;
.-,. , . . , money.
Frank WOOten and there being no, ., , , . ., ,.
. I Mr Waters a n-
other for tins Mr. . ., , ,
,, ,, , . , . trip Simpson
was elected vice president, . . . . ,
For the best stalk cutters see Mar-
by acclamation.
is as follows; Farming
law medicine an
manufacturing min-
teaching public service
railroad and shipping bank-
contracting lumber deal-
real estate
traveling tobacco bookkeep-
brokerage engineering I;
insurance livery printing
architecture i
The of secretary was con-
by Messrs. W. ant
Dow Ballots Were cast
count being made, it
I; mining photography
and tanning I.
barber and Company.
Mr. Walter Cherry of near Green-
vile was in town Sunday.
Messrs at. B. Bryan and h.
Ernest Lister, elected governor of
the State of Washington, is a native
cf England.
William succeed John A.
Dix as governor of New York on New-
Year's Day.
John who is finishing Ills
third term as governor of North
struck it rich when the The
Merger penetrated rich ore.
following I
North Carolina, Pitt county.
H. L. H. J. Mills, P.
P. and Wife Sarah and
is mentioned for a place in the Frank Mills. VI Ada Mills. In the county of Pitt and
Wilson cabinet. of a decree of the superior state of North Carolina, respectfully
tiled to the Hoard County
missioners of Pill county at reg
session held Holiday.
North Carolina. Pitt
To the Honorable Board of
of Pitt
We, the undersigned landowners
w tho hereinafter de-
Appointments by Conference For The
Washington District
Tho North Carolina Conference,
which on Monday closed its annual
session in Fayetteville. returned Rev
K. M. Hoyle to
, went to Greenville Sun-
found that Mr. Outlaw had been
ed to succeed Mr. M a
Clark, by a vote of to
Mr. A. J. Moore, the was
court of Pitt county, made by D. C.
Moore, Clerk on the day of No-
The revised figures that In the on Monday the day of Jan-
next Congress the Southern Demo-L, , ,;, noon, expose
have a membership in the . , . , . .
public sale before the court house
petition honorable Board to es-
a Stock Law Territory by
the Territory already made
A national conference of leaders of
A national conference of leaders of
the Prohibition party has bee called,
to meet n lie 1912- in above Pitt county and hit hide in the
January. the undersigned now established, the addition-
Territory by establishing a Stock
Law Fence.
at a point opposite W.
northwest corner on
the south side of the new toad and
running thence with the south side
of said new road, to the main pub-
re-elected by acclamation. Upon a
motion of Mr. H. A. White which car-
the Board of Governors
House and the Senate together about I
equal to that from all other sections In Greenville to the bid-
of the country. toT described
Woodrow will be the sixth property
to occupy the White In township. r road Cross
When you need some good grocer- of Pitt county. North Carolina, adjoin- j Well Swamp, thence
and barbecue see I I religious faith were Presidents Bitch- the lands of James Harrington on road be-
Johnson, Cleveland and and Alfred on w B, Bland W.
man Harrison. and Gardner, thence with line to a
David H. Francis, former governor corner of James north east corner of W.
Second door from bank
Mr. Thad Nichols of
Was In town Sunday.
II,. i ,. ., . . , .
served during las, year. ls ow Missouri and of the land, lying In the fork of the Gardner's field, thence with said
on a pair of shoes and Harrington. . Cleveland, Is Water Hole branch and Alfred w. W, Gardner's land
by The
church in Greenville. and Company are receiving
The appointments for this of is composed of
Messrs. R. H. Wright, Dr.
James. C. T. If, L. Turn-
are as
Presiding T.
Aurora J. W. Hoyle.
Ayden Ambrose Burgess.
J. B.
Bethel D. A.
Elm J. M. Ash by.
H. E.
Fair tic Id and E. C.
Fremont R. R. Grant.
Greenville, Jarvis E. M.
J. W. Aubrey
W. J. Coving- on
Ion, supply.
Mt. Pleasant J. J. Lewis.
Nashville J. L.
Rocky Mount, First L. P.
Rocky Mount, Warren and Clark
age, B. W. Moseley and K. B.
Various members of tho board
y tried to be excused from a
term, but the members would not
mentioned as a possible successor to new road, It being Irene u M. q. Gardner's land, thence with
as American of her father's Bad across M. G.
This sale is to be made for the Q, a. Gardner's land, thence
purpose of making partition of the up Had ditch to M. O. Gardner's
Mr. J. K. of was
in town Monday evening.
A new line of buggy robe.-, horse
blankets just arrived at A. W. Ange
to Great Britain.
The Whys and Means
Committee of the House, which will proceeds among the tenants in thence with If. O. Gardner's
shape into the tariff policies of
heed their reasons for wishing to
Mr. Albion Dunn, the retiring pres-
read a report to the in
and Company.
Mr. M.
Just arrived a new line of W. H.
shoes, come and give them a
In s lucid manner he explain- look before buying we
ed the present standing of the club; can you
the efforts of its officers to make its
life a success and adding a few
suggestions as to the manner In
which its policies could be carried
the Wilson under-
, numerous changes In its member-
T. Spier went to Greenville .
ship on March
Friends of John T. who Is
Democratic national
for West Virginia and a close political
of William J. Bryan, would
not be surprised if he received the
of Postmaster-General.
Thompson, the new treasurer
of the States, is years old
and Jackson.
The Tar Heel Wagon,
ed by the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., are
going some. Let them know it when
This the 30th day
ltd Commissioner.
back fence and a continuation of the
of November, same course, to the north side of the
Greenville and Vanceboro road,
thence with the north side of said
road an direction to a
pathway leading to J. A. Gardner's
Loftin place, thence across said road
to the south side of said road, then
along the south side of said road to
the Lewis Smith land, a corner of
Lillian Russell, noted as A. Gardner's land, thence a south-
This is My Birthday
and light opera anger, was born In
you want a wagon and they
From the treasurer's report you the strongest and most
members could not but gather wagon on the market.
carefully and wisely the
To Try Woman Killing Husband
DALLAS. Texas. Nov. Dee.
-m a native of West Virginia. Since Clinton, Iowa. Dec. 1861. Her maid-
his early youth, however, he has re-en name was Ellen Louise Leonard
funds have been used.
The club closes the
year with a
J. B. Thompson.
H. E. Lance.
Spring Hope B. F. Watson,
Swan Quarter and W. J.
Tarboro T. E.
Vanceboro T. I,
membership of residents and of Mrs. Minnie under
indictment on a charge of de-
murder, was called In court here
today for trial. Mrs. is
out of town.
In Ohio, where he began life as
a coal miner. His public career began
with his election to the Ohio
In 1902.
The Northern that be
and she was educated In a convent
school In Chicago In which city her
father was engaged In tho printing
business She made her debut in
1879 as a member of a Pinafore corn-
represented wholly by Democrats In For several years thereafter
the next are Oregon. New was a popular singer of ballads
Montana, Colorado, Tony Pastor's In New
ward course with the Smith land, to
a ditch, thence an Eastward course
with said ditch to the northeast
of the Loftin field, thence with
the line of the present fence of said
field to a point opposite the mouth
of the Fish Hole in Swift
Creek, thence to the
present Stock Law Fence.
Your petitioners further ask that
the above change in the present
used of having shot husband as and Nevada. In to these. Fame came to her when she Stock Law Territory of
e stood at the telephone In the Nebraska, Ohio. the Opera Company, made by order of the Board of
Winter Sports Begin at
N. C. Dec. c
most pretentious program of winter j,,, . .
sports in the history of this resort Hotel where he was employed and New York will each have one of which she continued as don- Commissioners of Pitt county in or-
was ushered in today with the open- The tragedy Is said to have Democratic representative In no until the of her own that said change may be per-
, of the ninth annual December from Mr. Jealous, Senate. h-TS
Washington R. H. Broom. If tournament on the links of the of her husband's alleged at-1 Key selected by the Demo- opera 1913. by
Wilson U. Country Club. From now to other women. of Nevada for United senator, is eat successes a member Of the Respectfully by
the middle of April there will a descendant of Francis Scott Key, Weber and Fields aggregation. The above petition will
of golf, and I who wrote The has been four times married, at the t m
r Ariel's rather Dead be a succession of tennis m i i -.- , . . ,
Superintendent H. L. Allen of the shooting tournament. In which Ala. Dec. Spangled Banner. On his mother's Her husband Harry County Commissioners of
Water and Light plant, was called experts from many sections of the Richmond P. Hobson deliver-, side he ls related to Chief Justice I a musical conductor. Her second to De
to Dunn Sunday by the country are expected to take part, ed the oration at the unveiling here John Marshall of the Supreme Court husband was Edward Solomon, a January, o.
illness of his father. Informs- As usual, the most notable event on today of a memorial in honor of the United States. The new Sena- and her third. Signor By order o
cat Illness of his father. Informs- As usual, the most notable events on
two came Monday that bis had the golf calendar will be the St- Val-
today of a memorial in honor of the United States. The new poser, and her third. Signor By order of
,, t , , , .- Revolutionary soldier, burled In tor was born forty ago In a well known tenor. Lest. June County
.- . here tournament. In February and county. Delegates to the burg. where his father was a was married to This 2nd day
with Superintendent Allen tn the United North and P. A. R. now In here, attend- celebrated lawyer. Key U a P. Moore, a
competitions in March. the exercise, in a body. w
lawyer and mining man recently paper publisher.
Agriculture U If . ,;.,. ., ,,,,, ,, M .,.,
DEED AM ON i Till.
But Two I Jen in Control of
Largest Financial Institution
Official Money Trust Inquiry Eliciting Facts
CHICAGO, Dec. Id.-A. ,. formal . he
opening of the ,
conference here today Colonel ,.
repeated and n c
u Secretary today got down
of the supreme court of , study of the objections
Idaho in ruling Progressive electors ed by Sir Grey in the lengthy
from the ballot In the November transmitted last night by Am-
v, , i i j . minister for foreign
quoted colonels have . .
, ,. shipping from paying
been cited for contempt, would have
been cowardly, said the colonel.
Boise Capital said
Colonel Roosevelt, he only . ,
paper that had the , ,,,,. of
the I hold that it
would have been cowardly no, to have
such an decree.
The severest criticism the paper con-
however, was in a GT on
from mo. provision trust owned ships
did not. It half strong
WASHINGTON. Dec. lO.-The first New York when small
as to com nitration and tor
money credit was heard today or the accommodation
he banking and currency com-lot their Mr
of the money was needed on the
Ah York stock exchange for
. N m the Corn Exchange Hank, purposes; that country banks
York and chairman of the kept sums on deposit in ties
York clearing house committee, York and when the homo
occupied the stand throughout for money became strong the
PRESS York of money rose
the country the
the charges, put their
Mr. Mr. out in call loans on the York
into the record evidence of exchange. All of these loans are
agreements by which live men on stock exchange collateral
two of New York's elicited. Mr.
Institutions, the Banker's Trust and the witness did not get along
Company and the Guaranty Trust
ire to run- or miss
l Mi
BRISTOL, V,, Vera ,,,. f
Ethel Millie, daughter of Mr. and was
Mrs. J. II. Willis, of Stone
Company, with aggregate deposits of
nearly The
Sir. said, was controlled
by H. P, George Case
and Daniel G. the Guaranty
Trust Company by H. P.
this morning u letter
Woodrow Wilson at Bermuda,
the date Of December
the time for his to
The in charge of
well together and throughout the Is mysteriously missing, follow.
the colloquy between the two, time r,, i
after time, became heated. Mr. Prowl J ,
. j , . , I of her engagement to Dr. Henry
appeared evasive and insisted a prominent
lengthy explanations T of the
led to the far from
tolls, either by exempting It from
charges or remitting the toils paid.
contends that section of the law i
violation of the
came here w
Mr. ,, . Dr M Pro.
canal P. and William P. was pursuing. When Mr. , ,, e, K the city t ho. of
Tee men hold and vote all of on. to the Mr. i ,
of the Hankers Trust Com-1,., Wilson was Several
the stock of the companies
enough to allow a board of directors
and under trail agree-
have absolute authority over
Hie Interests of toe companies even
that It be submitted to arbitration at or merger of other
Mr. also received from
and gave notice that it that wore to
enough; It was worse than the or-,
bad decision. I hold that the
decision was outrageous and It was,
the duty of every honest citizen
protest against It and denounce It i
In strongest terms. Now the
court cited Publisher Sheridan and
other for contempt. The court
has it within its power, by
apply to ships of all nations. Great
Britain might desire to supplement
her protest
Now that proposal for
has been presented, the
means of which the question might
presented to the Hague are a
of interest. The existing
treaty between the States
heavy fine, to ruin the
only paper In Idaho with the strength
to hold out It.
and Great Britain expires by
next June. If the controversy
were delayed until then there would
lb no treaty tinder which the dispute
Mr. a description of
of which money was attracted to
to the influence of j. p.
and Company, Mr. objected
and tie lawyer grew bitter. Finally
pinned the Witness down to the ad-
mission that tho Morgan Influence
might have aided the company. Mr.
connected Up Messrs.
Case and Porter with the
placed their
that Mr. should be entertain-
ed in the home in which he woe
Allen Jury Seems to b
Hopelessly lied Up
Over Verdict
Express People Ire Puzzled
Over Parcels Post
Va. Dec. NOW YORK. Dec.
the In tho trial of officers of the express com- ed on train No. over the Norfolk
It is believed Miss Willie M
doped afternoon with a prom-iT . l
men, young real man
burg, lo whom she was engaged prior
to her foment to the
It is understood after she
broke her engagement with the Lynn-1
titling man that the latter became
very despondent and that his business
partner Miss Willis to help
him bear the disappointment.
She wrote him a length- letter, it
is said, explaining her action in
breaking the engagement This was
Followed by a letter from him asking
lea, he be invited lo the wedding. by
. . .
and be Will sleep In the room in
he first saw the light.
Dr. is one of the successors
Dr. Joseph It. Wilson, father
the president-elect. n the pastorate
of the First church and
it so that he a classmate
the president-elect at Davidson
for several years and they
have kept up
The manse has recently been
passed after this is not known. V. like the
but it Is said that they arranged a In Wash-
meeting afternoon and hand-
Z be In any case a the of Com- M Western.
V T I V frill ft . . I i t -i i . . r th. t. . i. Li . i .
party pay the line that may be in-
and that we send the best
special agreement approved by the Attorney Foster, of Car-
lawyer, obtainable to Idaho to do not know what effect
the case and to give It the widest ,. he Argument In the case was concluded have on their business,
publicity. The action of the Idaho
court la not only against the whole
of the United State, and
There is a set of
They frankly confess that girl and the man in l
for the parcels post system with great I got trace of the
hotel Sunday
and there is a variance of ,
ion as to whether a majority of the afternoon and after October, last the Interstate Com-1 came here presumably buy
senate would permit the case to go
Several senators, among them those
the people should use every effort to
combat the outrage.
. . k considered the best in the up-
It Is to prevent Just such
that the
Colonel Roosevelt made It plain that
be program of the party
does not contemplate making terms
dinner recess was given to the Jury Commission gave a hearing to a wedding trousseau and was thought
of the companies to have been visiting the wife of
of considerable value even Without its
Interest in Mr. Wilson's coming has
increased and all classes of citizens
at o'clock. At the Jury
. . the might how reasons, If a local
tiled back into the court room, re they could, why the express did not,
. j .- ,. , through their foreman that should not be reduced.
Progressive party advocate COuld not Walter D. Hines. for
of Judicial would
It. case at the Hague.
Mrs. Fleming Dead
Mrs. Fleming, wife of Mr.
are co-operating to make his here
the hardest workers in arranging for
the occasion are prominent
they wished farther In- companies, said that It would not be
Meanwhile Secretary Knox will to to H. Fleming, died about o'clock
of the party rates on the eve of the Inauguration morning at their homo
pare a reply note. It that the stenographic copy of the of
be of the same tone as
the Republican party, as a party,
She had been In feeble health
was Minister Grey's communication,
larking any elements of
Today was a regular meet-
He said in effect that the new party
has come to stay and expected to
eventually attract to It. banner, the
Progressives who now give
. . . . ., end the subject up for
to the Republican and , . , . ,
. . discussion by President Taft,
Secretary Knox and the rest of tho
president's official family.
View, of Press
LONDON. Dec. newspapers
As to leadership Colonel Roosevelt
the events of the next two or
or three year, could be trusted to
develop tho best man who must be
Law Suit of Local Interest
the new parcels post system, which street.
of Judge D. W. chief might materially reduce the business some time. Mr. Fleming was
witness for the prosecution, read of the companies. Final action was about years old and besides the
to them. Court was adjourned until postponed pending further hearings, aged husband ls survived by one
. tonight, at which time seemed to us to be daughter, Mrs. J. J. Turnage. She
this will compiled with unfair to compel us to change our also leaves and three I The law suit between ,
and the matte, of a verdict further rate, at the time when the govern- , Messrs. J. T. and W. L, Me ,,
considered by the Jury. ,,. ha i.-n. . . and Mr.
Worth While Giving
It la not staled where its
have been established, but
today all refer to the Panama Canal Sensible Christmas I
practically put a Mr. Guilford so far been the feature the
in the field against Carson and Miss civil term of com,
said Mr. limes, today.
all of this county. She was of
its local interest town
fact Is that we do not know I member of the Primitive attended the trial which lasted
what effect the new parcels post will at Great Swamp. throughout two entire days.
refuse it.
John K. associate Just It
of the United States Commerce court,
years old
would have no
convention of the Wisconsin and for Mr Cols. Skinner and
I II .
cannot conceive a difficulty poor, the lonely, the the old the Association, which met Dunn.
i . t t, v. I i v. . . I
more suitable to arbitration by, and the Add-I
General Sir John Hart Dunne a States and Great embodied in
veteran of the British
army, year, old today. i
ed strength to the arm of such an will urge upon the Democrats
organs-lion and free course to the selection of Bennett Clark, tho
, . . sentiment embodied in It. pledge. It year old son of the speaker a. par-
r M-0 of the House of The
I Congress.
g and care of mall car
the dairy cows, the different systems of In the put in operation
making butter, problems of in St. Louis.
and tests are President directed
matters scheduled for considers-1 Otis to open the ports of
the Philippines to commerce.

Eastern reflector, 6 December 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 06, 1912
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