Eastern reflector, 29 November 1912

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Mr. a
Rev. C. K.
church ho in here assist-
in the noting in the
is a preacher of ability and
force and his an much en-
d. His subject Tuesday after-
noon was
Wan Who Ha showed
man who fall I
chance and he never finds ;
and I k
stands by Ma
of d is l
and too
Christiana waste their I la
hall iv. ll -l las
r i with
. C
to out
i where I
, v d Ho I
nut to go
i .- tub
a-. to II the la
i .-
parable of
s. I com-
. . I . ;., , T I I In .
c i v ii t be in
their Be d l I el
are God says arc.
i ere be a Mi I In c
ii,. . a i salvation, for
i RU en in
who e
Morality and good
in but will save
until outside of I f In C rial
be i aught In I
of love baa for
r . d the
here In what we
call an land, with wen
a large of the people
unbelief In Christ, many even
within the shadow and wand of our
Two services held snob day.
and p. m.
on Reel
Th ii i u i k I
cl n . Mr i. C Arthur
on I of th
caught on tire. Mrs. Arthur hi
Pd be up Stairs and looking
window on kt
roof. Help from the premises
celled in and with a few bucket
v Bra put out before it
could do much damage,
.- it -tn alarm
the old gone the city hall
rang, inn the Bra whistle the
not Mow
. a E. at E. C. T. T. S.
C. ML pastor of the
Baptist Tabernacle. Raleigh, con-
ducted assembly exercises the K.
C. T. T. S. Tuesday He
made a talk that rang with optimism
and prophesy. He said the
Southerner, who had been an alien to
his own house for M years, was now
coming back his own. The con-
in and
of South will the nation
i he canal
Will make the south
the Gulf will
Mediterranean Bea of the World. Ail
i arc loot tor an out-
through the Booth.
Carol a th
two sections, la In a position to take
I ., ; i In thing are to
Angle are def lined
t. be missionaries of the world.
.- the
n and the
. all these
I . s mil ha i It At
ton blood We, as Southern
and should b
. .,.,, and
Mr. a all place In
mi III ill SALE
Mother and Daughter fail to
Appear Against
abduction against Jack John
pugilist, was dismissed before
. Una
o, the
led lo
i .- real, had beet . him.
i i girl and hi Mn I
of who
for . Mai
i re
. case was .
Sal i . . i-. rime
I town i Ire oil n I
I Run
. . rid we
i- .
I . . T . .
n In e .
i all of
i Pitt County.
Time Short
Th It lo mind i
Reflector lo om Mate
v who h
B, Mn,,. of an execution directed el respond, I II I there la III
U. . from w. s. Cox. Paper can
j ,. of Pitt county, In the ah. em ray their s-
,,;,,, I will. Saturday, within
23rd of at I o'clock
, Mill. said county, sell to
I bidder, for cash, on- send along
Cr.,., bicycle, one cook remittance
one Harrow hop. white and black
spotted. TO said
the right, title and which Th. Norfolk Southern railroad Will
I the defend- special for
, m the above described per- those desiring to attend the Thanks-
day football game in Norfolk
th- teams of Washington
st n
I i i;
and of Virginia and A. and M
of North Carolina. Additional Pull-
mans will on from Raleigh to Nor-
folk on Wednesday night for the re-
turn trip Thursday night. The
HAMPTON, Va., Nov -The an- road tare for the round trip la
the auspices of the Hampton Nor- Harvard has an advantage over
and Agricultural Institute open- h's in Its team baa
here y and will been practically for six or
tomorrow. A number of well known en weeks, i Yale has been
are hare i ad log more than usual
dress sessions. shifts.
this store, have we been
in a position to offer you the values
in Men's and Boys Clothes as we
are t id aid the estimate
of it was clearly shown by the bus-
we did last week.
Suits and Overcoats
We wouldn't say so much
about values, but there's a value in
every Suit we have to offer you.
and Overcoats look
mighty good the they are worth
more money than we ask.
I guarantee all garments to be just as
if any garment does not prove to be as sold your money will
be cheerfully refunded.
Shots, Hats, Men's and the things for the
men and little men, look this store up.
of II
ii ii i i null lunar i a
the north side of Tar River,
id, miles
twenty-five acres, and
o is a splendid road frontage to
n of the tracts there are
and the purchaser will
id begin farming on January
is the best land in Pitt County,
the price that the best land in
claim, however, that there is nu
i be had, and at the present
that are selling as well as
These farms are situated c
on the Greenville and Tarboro r
Greenville. Each tract ;.
is beautifully laid off, so that
each farm that will be offered.
dwellings and plenty of
have nothing to do but move in
We do not claim that this
and we do not expect it to bring
County would we do
tobacco and peanut land
Lime, know of no two farm pro
We wish, especially, to your attention to the house
tract en which there are two tobacco barns and pack houses, in
. to ether necessary buildings. In this tract, there are
twenty-five acres, and the two tracts adjoining can also be ad-
to this tract, which will make a total of about sixty acres.
The present occupant of special tract raised eight acres cf
fine tobacco this year, which he sold at a most excellent.
The terms of this sale be in reach of any man who de
to own a farm, one fourth cash, and the
in six yearly come due one, two, three, four,
and six years from date, with six per cent interest; or, if the
purchaser prefers, a cash on the day of th
sale will be accepted, and an ad on or before Dec
ember 20th, with the six yearly payments as above mentioned.
It matters not whether you are an investor, home-seeker
or tenant, this is a splendid opportunity to buy a farm which will
pay for itself. The money that you are now using to pay the
rent on land that you are cultivating, can be applied to payments
on this property; and, we nave that a great many ten
ants can make the payments on one or more of these farms, and
still have money left from that mount which they have had to
pay as renters heretofore. If u are a man who has been rent-
land ail your life, and have paid enough money to own a val
farm, take of opportunity to mend that mis
take, It is never too late, and it makes no difference whether
you are old or young, you cannot possibly make a mistake in try
to own your own home.
At the expiration of six years, you will own a piece of
property that will have been pail for with money that has never
you the time making the same living that you were
making as a and in addition to the fact that you have
paid for a farm, you will have received the benefits of the in
Teased valuation of the property, which will be about one bun
died per cent, if history repeats itself in real estate, as it
done for the last six years. have no reason to doubt this, on
other hand, we have every reason to believe that farm lands
will advance more rapidly in the next five or six years than ever
before, in the same length of
There will be an OYSTER ROAST given to those who at-
tend the sale, absolutely and music by an excellent band.
Everybody is cordially invited to attend.
This sale will be open to both white and colored people;
each tract will positively b of price. We
only make the terms, and the purchasers make the price.
Atlantic Coast Realty Company, Inc.
. i IS
. Of s v
. . .
. .
. IS SI ll-
i ill; BEST
. . VIi
HUi .
Ii E L
i wish
I It
be M.-i I ., .
i . ; u
Russia s Championing of
Interests to Culminate in War With
Europeans Fear
i ll l BE-
i and
arc now i
iii nm l med In
of the
t . i c II
which ii n
I. .
lip which place a portion of the gar-
of the Austrian of
in been lent,
j Near I
I Greece, is.
troops occupied the
road lending to the Turkish
I Mr Navigation
Not Th
i alts a still open i
gallon in hall past Ion this morn
. treats of an alack
on the forts guard
i, ,. ii ,. i . . Used land sac of I .
inn them, the o ii would
Greek to sail
it. i i I,,. e, i I
Change War
H t
; II
i in Balkan .
Atlantic Coast Realty Co., Beat the Southerners by Even Dynamiters Were Going to Destroy Maryland Representative Active Fig-
by Thorough Busing Methods ten Giant in
run us
i in-
no i. .
Mill Si III I
ll nil .
In The I Will
I . The Him,.
TUB WAs ts
riVE I cox.
Co , s I
; i .
urn in con I nil tin
a , ,,. . . , . , i , . . . .
Desi He Austrian denials , .,,, ,,.,,.,.,., .,.
a i on I i. . . n, i. v . t i.
reported of the ,., r, ,,. Kn,. ,
army the The ,.,, will be kept In close touch
army i., ,. . . , . , . tracts
Ii . ,. .
ii was i e keen on
declares Be army , , , v.- maul- Maine
and the Knight, on the Tennessee, led
1.1 .,. The
. Senator
st the ,. . Marj la id, . lead-
I con nu
III Ii ii- Hie . ,
, diet
luted, id of
. . I
c I
. .
I ; .;. . .
, .
. id of going from
Serves lo ho
large numbers. , own band on grounds
The while Montana, which destined ,,,
i. is resolved to await for Beirut, Mas started for Bald,
the return Hie troops op- the entrance of the Suez Canal.
the Turks and an change in the Itinerary will added another feature lo
to be expected it easier for crullers to re- the sale.
in a few days. their coal bunkers, pending what moot Impressed the attend-
situation has become arrival in the Mediterranean of
the changed attitude of the collier
Greeks Island
foreign minister, after having SMYRNA, Nov, IS, The are
II, New k Ohio
; h -i HI do Island m
sin Total
Southern Alabama
I, Arkansas Florida Georgia
Kentucky Mary-
land Miss Nov. Mexico I,
North Carolina Oklahoma South
Carolina Tennessee B, Texas
. . l or
on witness ad,
. . . mill weeks, , Bf
is up em do n the
en 1.- laid ,; Bourke
Attorney Miller. late In September.
in April, 1911, before compelled retire
a J.
and myself fl
headquarters in
J. II. Mi-
talk at the
was the method employed
the company dispose the land, s. West Virginia Total
in ii people saw an organization per-1 The argument might be offered
from the campaign after
that aim he returned to his
home where he died at
polls as to the after blowing
up four jobs planned fur over Senator
n suffered from neuritis, the
often making his work in
dared suitable as a basis for further reported have occupied the largo
negotiations the Austrian proposal Turkish island of in the Aegean
guaranteeing a free port on Bea and close to this city, it is
tie Adriatic Sea and a the and most beautiful is-1
way through hut without lands of the Levant with a
rights has now abandoned of about 50.000.
every detail; a set of
redound In the benefit of the
, cf Arizona. New Mexico Company, u
, are not southern states. If work
Austria is now disposed to push the
matter n decision because If war is
Inevitable she wants to take
age of her mobilization being more
advanced than that of Russia.
Arming The Ports
here that the forts are being
hastily armed with heavy guns by
the war office. Information
has also been received that all the
troops who can spared
from and haps been
recalled to the capital.
of Warship a to
LONDON, Nov. loss of the
Turkish cruiser is a severe
handicap to the. Ottoman
In chief, according to special dis-
patches from the front. The guns
of the other Turkish warships are
almost ineffective for the purpose of
stopping the advance.
The battleship which
was formerly employed for de-
of and latterly In the
left flank of the lines has
now been dispatched the Black
Sea In order to strengthen the men-
aced right Bank of the Turkish army.
Considerable activity has been ob-
served among the Bulgarians who
have brought up some siege
guns which are being rapidly place I
representation of the
man disposing of the property and in ., ,, ,,.,
parties acquiring it. in the congress most of the
This Real Estate Company has committee chairmanships are held by
hi equaled by con- Democrats, in fad there a.-
only committees of
J. said the
He said I should go
promptly enlist as
senate arduous and painful.
go then
soldier, as already had served in
the an war. asked
he expected me to take
Big Fire Destroys Half a
Town Near Asheville
. V I t I In
w live of New York and For. . down there ,
Affairs. by rm chance to steal
Conference year
ii e two best
ill the south.
members added during
for all purposes.
Rev. K. M. Hoyle. pastor of
Memorial Methodist lakes up
to the annual conference in
a splendid record of his
here during the past year. The fol-
lowing notes taken from his report , h.
lave gratifying to the church
I Number of
the year,
Total collections
A reduction was made
in the church debt.
The Sunday School has been graded
and Interest largely increased. Th.
class has and
the There are ten other
classes making a total of over In
the Sunday school
The congregations have steadily In-
Mr. Overton has tendered a
lot to the church on condition that a
parsonage be built on it. The pastor
says Mr.
the company as well as its treasurer,
Mr. W. . Morion, are always to be
found lbs sales home of-
here in is under the
, .-lit guidance Of Mr. Hazel
The success of this company Is
just does business In a
live of New is
I r- southern Democrat will
succeed Mr. in the
as chairman the Committee
on Foreign Affairs.
I'm a wagon load In
lake much lo
Idea and told BO, hut he
he would take it up later.
The company has a sale every day
land apart from the benefit Greenville
derives from being advertised by such
a concern, as all financial matters are
attended lo from the home office, our
town grows financially.
Ibis Week Limit
About weeks ago The
tor notified those of Its subscribers
who were more than a year in
rears that notice had been given by
far Heel Seeks to Recover
Biggest Claim From
Southern I I,
An Average Yield of Fifteen Barrels
Pet Acre
A or corn on Mr. I. Joy-
farm, about three miles west
of attracted much
comment during growth.
It was on the roadside and grew and
Various estimates were placed
upon its probable yield. It was on
land that had been In clover.
There were ten acres of earn.
Mr. Joyner recently harvested this
corn and measured the yield of one
acre The yield was an even sixteen
and two-thirds barrels, which would
make one hundred, sixty-six and two-
John a,;
Assaulter, Committed
to Asylum
thirds barrels for the ten
Nov. Mr. Joyner also had thirty acres
perhaps the largest damage suit of low land In corn which he thinks
Instituted in th county has better than the ten acres upland
has as well made I been brought by Renter Bros., of ho put reasonable estimate of
parsonage will be Hading as the American average of barrels per acre
Mill, against Southern entire forty acres which would
position lo the I ill . .,.,,., t ti, Mrs . j . . ,, .
account m sirs, way Company and John six hundred barrels.
quarters at health, Mr. Hoyle had been ,, ,,.,,
LONDON, Nov. special dis- thinking of asking for a transfer to
patch from the i, Western North Carolina
paper unless their subscription was
brought up within the time specified
the postal laws, .-,, once mail-
ed a nm to all subscribers a year
or more in arrears each week
since attention was called to it is
MILWAUKEE, WIs., Nov, John responded and
who shot Colonel Roosevelt, but there
was taken to Northern Who have not done so.
tor the the
Judge Backus having committed him go to those who have not
at confirms that the but about fifty of his members American Hosiery Mills was set on
Ionian troops captured go, together and offered to pay by sparks from an engine own-
prisoners during the last engagement expenses In tbs mountains four month-j by the Southern Hallway Company
with the right wing on the ,,,, if he Would consent to which was the
lines. The Bulgarians here. This shows the great They further allege the
ho left six Held guns and one machine esteem of the church for their and manufactured goods,
pin n the field mill bis family our people gen- goods In of manufacture, to-
are suing for That's good corn fanning, and Mr
The allege that the does other farming
Iii occupied by the
Or Hyatt Cumins
Dr. O. Hyatt will at Hotel
Berths Monday. December ind to
treat diseases of eye and lit glasses.
II Std-m-W-f
lo the institution on Friday after a
commission of alienists adjudged him
has changed in demean
or sines sentence was pronounced
disease chronic para-
and probably incurable, may re-
In Ins spending rest of bis
Ills In the However, should
he ever lie pronounced cured he will
be returned to Milwaukee and tried
for the attempt on Mr. Roosevelt's
Mr-. While to
paid If you this notice marked
or a mark by your name on the pa-
is lo call your attention
the date and notify yon that your
name must he dropped unless you
pay this week. We prefer not m
slop sending any paper, but the
laws compel us to do so unless
subscription is paid within the
prescribed limit. stopping the
paper does not cancel the amount
and shall take steps to collect out
of those who force us to drop
from the mall list,
circuit Is to
Whit,, has returned after he had dismissed his con-
I in Philadelphia and will leave last night and had stepped
today for to Join Mr. down from the pulpit to shake the
White, who is DOS in Of those who remain. I alter
The Of this popular
couple has been
speak to the pastor, is th
a cause for two Hopped up to
by then many friends and they ear- the Rev, Dr. W. Starr, pastor of
with them to Greenville lbs best Trinity Methodist church pretending
Another special dispatch from An- orally hope the conference will re- with in the enter Texas, I M
Heart say. Austria Hungary Is Mr. Hoyle to Greenville and keep wore worth ,, , ,, , ,, . , J . J n'S
watch guard and relieved kits
Using a striking force at Port him here the full time.
will he
Greensboro News.
bis watch.

Legal Notices.
Anti-Trust to Receive
Masterful Sermons at
Episcopal Church
The Kl. Rev. Robert Dish-
North Carolina to
Meet in Raleigh
text Month
RALEIGH, Nov. annual
As Result Early Morning
Affray Negro May
About one o'clock morning a
o, of Carolina visited Green-
yesterday and was a guest
the handsome no rectory.
row iii which knives were brought
meeting of North l Farm-
Into play with result to one
Union 1.0 hold la th city
auditorium, December ll and IS. Seltzer. All
At both morning and evening .,,.,, in charge of ,,, parties connected with the cut-
Si. Paul's Episcopal Church, tor the convention ting affray are of colored variety.
Strange preached to large con .,. wort tor the past A front the owner-
,,.,, i,,,,
Place In The
Legislature la
. . t. II la an
toad that I a e already In pro-
p I a number of b
to be in approaching
legislature and campaigns being
planned tor enactment Into law,
that will give the a dis-
atmosphere, at
least as to measures proposed it not
bills actually passed.
A distinct advance in anti-trust leg-
is being hinted at, a complete
revision Of the suite election law. a
primary law for all parties.
blanket form of govern-
and Initiative and referendum
laws for cities to be optionally adopt-
ed, the application of the Torrens sys-
of land titles and a variety of
Indication are mat Hon. E. J.
lice, former speaker, who is returned
from will espouse
arable amount of
other churches. To u program and the entertain between Frank James and Jim
, of comment upon ., delegates, who will attend ban. Prom words to knives thrusts
two sermons is be- the It is estimated that was an the
end our scope. Hi. fame as a preach n ore I tan one thousand farm, re will handy. Hanrahan proved to
Of and feeling of be In the City at this time to attend he the most dexterous with the ear
love and Will which hi. the convention. tr. Mi before interference
voids car, all Bishop The meeting of the executive com- could be brought Into play with an,
b- a divine gift developed In a will probably be held Monday degree of success James had
mind. Hie Influence evening. December . The other com stabbed repeatedly. His wounds are
upon a congregation Is not entirely ml lees will meet Tuesday morning of such a not are that he is not
yet the kind of at- and the opening session of the eon- peeled to live.
traction emanated iron, those we are will be held a. Both men are under care of the in-
bound to love bee-use of the love afternoon. It is expected that cal police authorities.
they express for us. A wonderful Kitchin or his representative
preacher of the Gospel of love, will deliver the address of welcome.
. . in the Master and,, which occurred
Redeemer. Strange stands the city and I . home
out as the ideal carrier of a message Dr. II. e was a good and once
brings contentment, peace and the North Carolina r
well wish towards fellowmen and to the address of welcome.
low women. His voice finds an
the hearts of his listeners because David -II take David W.
the chord it strikes stands for what- field to California for an
ever best in the,,,. It revives what- ft of Return of
ever feelings may lay dormant under. H
pressure of the struggle lite. N rawer e for the year
,. to mind that after ail there will second lean
is but one way to live, and la to season, is
will attend the following places
. i nuts CM the dates named for the purpose
The title selected for tie
is but one .,,.,
Con and that his course In a life, performing the Victor Jacob is wrung the music
tare Will have a specific bearing on ,,, imposed by the Maker, to a book by De and M
United States contest whose burdens a production which is to M
that will be two yens hen. when heavy to us and having implicit made by Max In
Senator terms expires and .
presentation of a French in Her-,
he will standing tor
and election.
preached a sermon is exceptional
the colored church in For the role in The Spy
It is sieved that Mr. Justice will ,,, Charles has engaged Cyril
be in the race and that legislation recently in T. e New
undertakes or accomplishes Will be CHICAGO. Nov. 22-Announce- His part will be that now ac ed
factors in that contest, ll is under- was made at the Woman's m London by George
stood that he will not consider M Avenue Hospital of the successful version known as
Nov. at Ayden.
Nov. at
Falkland. Nov. at Fountain.
Carolina. Nov. Stokes.
Bethel, Nov. at Bethel.
Swift Creek. Nov. at
Nov Hell's X Roads.
Heaver Dam. Nov. Arthur.
Nov. at
S I DUDLEY, Sheriff
Of-e rings
The Safest
speakership of the House this lime outcome of a case of skin grafting
H. and Julia Marlowe
S. M. Schultz
at all.
Among some of the strong and m ,, .
men in the senate of of Menominee. Wis. caused home on Island. I for
will be found W. of Mar- an tar tubercular ulcer the house are underway. Mr. and Mrs.
and retail grocer
dealer. paid
preferring to lead on the in a large Hap of the skin of .-.
a terrier was placed over a will hereafter spend their vacation In Seed
wound on the arm of Mrs. H. W. America It is their Intention to build key.,
Nominee Wis caused t home on Island. for
. VI. -r. I-- O,
by an operation
tin, who has had considerable leg s-
K. Daniel,
of Halifax, who lacked only a few
votes of being nominated for
ant governor before the state
contention at Raleigh the past
summer; A. Ward, of New Hera
and A. Walls, of Iredell. sponsors
of the first liquor legislation that Win
. ,. expect to occupy
Hot a rare one. took , .
, . . coming summer,
place several days ago and Mrs.
Johnson has returned to her home
their new
The first announcement
Suit., Baby carriages, par
suit., tablet, safes,
and Sail Ax High Ltd
tobacco, Key West Hear,
, coming season of three weeks canned peach
taking with her the dog winch had g UM ,,
contributed to her of . p, lye, toot
had to keep the skin and , ho office of the oil. cotton teed meal
alive while we transferred It from the the date of oranges.
to our Dr. An- . . . . .- .
who performed the opt ration
the first performance Is two months
which the remaining one-third of akin ,.,, house,
could be I from the dog with-
out harm.
dog was nourished largely
dim lit k to
put effect In the state and ch
led to North Carolina
prohibition by an
majority; Bel-
or one of the la 11-
of the Fear
r S. ant from h
l. Scott. Jr. Graham, long a
i I Bi I III .
. . the farmer in de-
pend aft.
la; W. i ; ;
who presided at the i De i- m
h. i d C tat
K n PH I I Nov. The
ii i p. Co all round ; la .
en of Cab C.
, ,; and b. i i as I. In N Kl
, our II. Hickory. I V
RAISE loop water, not far
n, la, i from the M Miss
College family laid I ml h had
illy reticent I pa
r j C Con few and had taken even-
. held In Farm
ed the suggestion
said today; we sewed
of the skin on the arm and left the NEW LOCATION
remaining third on the dog. Then we j Benjamin has
bound the dog and patient together for his brokerage bus-
a plaster and them in i same building where Dr.
this position for seven days, after . . ., located, front of the
nuts, dried
china wars, were,
new Royal
other roods p
cheap for rash Com-
me II
into Now Stable.
Corner 2nd ind Street
S M S H n II T
,. Nil
M -i- i
I It
a i i
Only n Eire Hero
hut the crowd cheered, as, with
burned hands, he held up a small
round box. he
Salve bold.
ha everything beat for
Right also for boils, ulcers, sores.
pimples, eczema ruts, sprains,
Surest pile It In-
ruination, pain. Only H cents
a, all
your harvest money
is in this
at these two men. They have been
to market their cotton. One put his
in the hank and the other one t
They were held up on the way home. The
Billy fellow who wanted to take his money
home had to to the robbers. The
other was able to them the
His money was in the bank.
i lesson from your harvest money In this bank like all
farmers. It Is safest It when-
ever Jon please.
The National Bank of Greenville
N. C.
P. P. P. J. Forbes Cashier
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop F
Work and Flues in Season, See
J. J. JENKINS Green-
the educational committee to i
with which to endow Atlantic
Christian College WU on,
school is fine work and take-
high rank among the denominational
The convention i I ill
officers for the coming
J. W, Hines. of Rocky
vice president. E. A. of
Greenville; treasurer. L. J. Chap-
man, of w. c
Manning, of W
Automobile would lie a to Her
We understand that Mrs. D. M
wife of fie pastor of Jarvis
Memorial church, has been
nominated In the contest for the auto-
mobile at Pharmacy and
quite a number of friends are giving
her their votes. people of the
are aware of the
of Mrs. Hoyle's health, and know that
automobile would be a to
her in providing a means to keep her
out more in the fresh air. While not
act of charity to give her the rot
it Is a thoughtful to do so.
and a kindness most be
The honor roll for the public ll b
at King Cross Roads for the
month, 16th, is as
Ruth Lillian
Smith. Joseph Forbes.
Second Floyd Peden.
Third Ashley
Anna Forbes.
Fifth Christine smith.
ll, ml Parker, William
Sixth Tyson,
Smith. Clifton Corbett
The highest WAS made by
Clifton Corbett and Parker,
Mamie Ruth Smith.
OXFORD. N. C, Nov. The fol-
lowing announcement has been
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Hill
announce the engagement of their
Maud Clay-
A Great Mr William Milton
when Its foundation is undermined of
and f the of North Carolina
attacked, quick pay la .
follows nO the firs TM-to-be Is one of Oxford's
Dr King's New Life accomplished society and n
b taken to tone the stomach gifted musician and vocalist. The
and liver, and bow. groom-to-be Is a successful lumber
Ma. Pleasant, easy, and only dealer and popularly known through-
X at all adv out the state.
f I I
TWENTY YEARS of Successful Banking
Bank of Greenville
AMONG OUR DIRECTORS are some of the most Successful
Men in Pitt County.
WE INVITE YOU to be numbered our DEPOSITORS
sang g I I ill
as well satisfied with the re-
suits of his lour, which devoted
My virtue a power of sale
county will be compelled to pay bis
Such a question as this should
LAND SALE to an inspection public In a certain mortgage deed, Views it receive the opinion of th.
By of a decree of super- buildings and an of the executed and delivered b W. M be at Boy. pie and bridges across
court made in special proceeding . municipal government in and wife Page, to Mr. n
No. W. Forbes, chief European cities,
Forbes and others. Ex Fade, the
undersigned commissioner will sell
for cash public auction for
on December 2nd, 1912,
Henry Edwards, dated the day of Much to oar surprise we lean or at meetings
December, and recorded In the Count I and legally advertised. The tin
book U-i, page the on . from
will, on Honda the the II month, passed an the pant, that public matters
camber, 1912, at o'clock, noon, ex- at a bi not smack of the
pose to public sale, to the bid far . r r variety.
before the court hos , I i vi Indulge the hope the
door in Greenville, following do- thirty Thing the bids have been n
scribed panel of land i. gO a on It, is an bid
and being in Greenville This question of building . bridge the Hoard received a
township, Pitt county. North Caro- across Tar river between Greenville more mature and l
Bonner's Lane and Clark street and John Alice beginning in s stake, the cur- and Washington has been dis matter will be allowed to p. o
fronting on Lane feet by, James A. and Jennie of Julia Hail s hi In , u- i. many years and many i r for the solution
nil mi Clark street feel, upon heirs at law of Sylvester the held in J. J. laud and have been mads for and Incoming Board. . do
runs south east poles to an against It. The lack of has would be i- to the
old ditch at several small sweet kepi it solved until the present. In an I
then south with said of tho above referred to, we . upon then which
money has d not ear. to wear until i
North Carolina, County,
In Superior Court, Before D.
before the house in Green- Moore, Clerk.
ville the following described real es- Benjamin of the
in the of Green- estate of Sylvester
ville which formerly belonged to the
late John J. Forbes, to
lot lying on corner of
Alice Hemby. widow, and Willie G.
Francis S. Hemby, Dennis D.
property are several houses and be- deceased.
property conveyed lo By virtue of a decree of the super-
J. Forbes by Amos Williams by court Pitt county, made by D.
dated Dec. 12th, which deed Moore. Clerk, in the above to a pine, wondering If the
Leading Pitcher Philadelphia Nation-
Whose Has Made Him
the Sensation of the National
League This Se.
of record In the of cause on the 2nd day of No- nor. thence with bis line, a small found, or has the spirit of borrow. our,
Register of Deeds of Pitt county in at o'clock, noon, ex- branch lo a slake, his gotten into the blood Of the
Book B-8, page and Is hereby to public sale, before the then lo D. I. fathers.
to for an accurate house door in Greenville, to corner, several small pines The matter has been
highest bidder for cash, the follow-laud a white oak then north west at least before two different Boards
lot known as the Lewis Kinging described tract or parcel of poles to a stake, thence northwest- prior to the present one and on both
lot lying in that part of Greenville
known as Little Washington, bound- Lying and being in Beaver Dam
ed by tho lots of Jackson and the mouth of the ditch
Bottle Tucker and others and being the middle of tho lane and runs
the lot conveyed to John J. about yards lo a stake on
by Lewis King and wife dated Jan-
7th. 1207, by deed which
pears of record in the of Reg-
of Heeds Pitt county in book
page reference to which
another ditch, then northeast with
said ditch about three hundred yards
to a stake, then north parallel with
first line to a stake, then west to the
beginning containing acres, more
deed is hereby made for an accurate less.
Also a one-tenth undivided Inter-
lot known as the William jest in and to a certain tract or par-
lot being fully described eel of land in Beaver Dam township,
in a deed from W. H. Hanrahan Unbounded on the north by the Craw-
J. J. Forbes dated Oct. place, on east by land of J.
course poles to the begin- it was the opinion of tho
containing acres more or Commissioners that if a bridge
This sale Is made to satisfy the
to he built that Yankee Hall v as the
proper location. The reasons for
terms of said mortgage deed.
This the 2nd day of Nov. 1912.
that view were based upon the fact
that it was halt-way ground be-
tween and Washington, I
and more centrally located for the
convenience of Pitt county citizens.
On the north side no less than live
roads meet the vicinity of Yankee
Hall and it affords the most
lent point for the traveling public
Having this day been duly
pointed administrator of the estate of ,,, road. from the
Walter Gardner deceased, by the from
clerk of tho superior court of Pitt from the from
which deed appears of record In tho the Elks land and others and having duly qualified th road, to cross the
office of the Register of Deeds of and on the south by the Nichols land bond as such, notice is hereby ,,. Simpson.
and by Henry and to all persons holding claims
and on the west by Lawrence said estate to present them On the other hand a
containing acres, more for payment, duly authenticated. at Boyd'S Ferry would
on or of November. a route between
Said lands will be sold subject or this notice will be plead In on , sides of the
the Dower interest of Alice Hemby, bar of their recovery. All persons Md would the
widow of Sylvester Hemby. This to said estate are urged to of COunty people and
will be made for the purpose of pay- make Immediate payment to mo. g comity folks living in
This the day of November, 1912. owning land across
of November.
Pitt county In book 1-4, page
and is hereby referred to for an ac-
curate description. Thin lot
lot known as the Sheppard
lot and tho same conveyed to J. J.
Forbes by H. S. Sheppard and wife
by deed dated Oct. 8th, 1890. which
deed appears of record In the office off and discharging the
of the Register of Deeds of Pitt of the estate of the said Selves-
county in book A-6, page and Hemby.
hereby referred to for an accurate de-1 This the 2nd day
This lot also lies in Little 1912.
Washington and being x C. HARDING,
H ltd Commissioner.
lot lying in that part of
Greenville known as Little Washing-
ton known as Hooker lot and
being the game lot conveyed by Os-
car Hooker to J. J. Forbes by deed
dated Dec. 19th. which deed
pears of record hi the office of the
Register of Deeds In book 0-8, page
which deed Is referred to
Churches, Lodges Social
I. Dudley.
Clerk Superior C. Moore
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore.
B, Wilson.
Chas. Laughing-
P. D
J Holland. J. J. May. B. M. Lewis
E. Proctor,
e is a lot o . ,
the major and the minor goes, not
so much in things that done
as In the way of doing them II
to me from what I have
my short stay in the big circuit,
that the players save themselves more
that is, do not waste so much
as they do in r
and then have something in re to
make plays Just when j
I Did you ever nonce best
plays of each close g s. em to
come just when they at- n., It
do . just so. u. ti they real-
happen, for the players keyed
up to the greatest pitch and they do
things at the critical sine. I ll M they
couldn't do If they tried under any
other circumstances.
It was a condition Just like that that
brought on what I think was tbs
greatest play I ever saw life.
The play was one Charlie
our manager, made In Cincinnati this
season. This may sound as If am
trying to con the manager, but he'd
make the same plays whether he was
manager or not. was catching,
of course, and Reds were giving
us plenty of trouble to bold back
North Carolina. Pitt County.
In the Court.
Eva Mills Va Johnson Mills
Tho defendant above named will
notice that an action entitled
for us above has been commenced in the
an accurate description. This lot Superior court of Pitt county for an
fronts on Clark street feet and absolute divorce; and said de-
runs hack 1-2 will further lake notice that
lot In said town known as he is required to appear at the next
the river. In fact should the bridge
he built at Ferry the
will land in Mr. Proctor's field
less he dedicates his cart path and
bridge across Creek lo
J. J. MAY,
of Walter Gardner,
Jarvis and Blow, Attorneys.
Having qualified as the r. Proctor's bridge. will be
of the estate W. Flake, de- compelled to build two bridges c i.
ceased, all persons owing said estate of one. and in event
M. Woolen.
L. Carr.
Chief of T. Smith.
E. Nobles, B. B.
n, W. A. Bowen. J. S. Tunstall J
P. Davenport, II. F. Tyson, Z. P. Van-
the county. the county H c Edwards
Water and Light
a part of lot No. the plan of term of the superior court of
said town, lying on the corner to be held on the 20th day of
Reed and Third streets and fronting January, 1913. at the courthouse of
on Reed street feet and on Third said county in N. C, and
1-2 I answer or demur to the complaint
Said will be divided to suit said action or the plaintiff will
purchasers If before sale. to the court for tho relief demand-
Will please settle the same at once the burden of two bridges
and all persons to whom the said es- cost
is indebted will present the same concerned, there can be but little
Within twelve months of the dale of difference in the building of a
this notice or the same will be plead-
ed in bar of their recovery.
Oct. 1912.
Administrator of W. H. Flake, least, looks as if Pitt county people
W. F. EVANS. Attorney. a
Beaufort county citizens. Shall we
L. Allen
V. Overton.
Baptist, a M
Rock, pastor; C. C. Pierce, clerk;
Grover Alexander.
county has Just recently contracted
to pay half the cos, for a bridge down wT, and them from winning out.
In the same action which. say the day c T and Cut-
They were hitting regularly
regular pastor. ting down lead we bad plied up
Episcopal, St. Dallas early in the game. Every Inning they
Oct. 29th, 1912.
ed In said complaint.
This tho 20th day of November,
Clerk Superior Court.
By A. T. Moore, D. C.
Hy virtue of the of a G and son.
Judgment rendered at the Sop-I for plaintiff.
1912. term of Pitt superior n
court, In a case therein pending en-
titled, Elizabeth J. Smith vs.
Harriet E. Smith. Jesse Smith. Leon
Smith, N. Smith. Linda J. Smith.
Grace K. Smith and H.
the undersigned commissioner will
expose to sale, before the court
house door In Greenville, to the
highest bidder, on Monday, the 2nd
day of 1912,
noon, a certain or tract of land
lying In the town of Greenville,
of and Fourth streets,
beginning at the corner of Wash-
street and running thence with
Fourth street feet to W. H.
line; thence with his lino
to Tyson's line; thence with
Tyson's line to Washington
street 1-2 feet to the beginning.
It being one half of lot known in
town plan as No. containing by
estimation one-quarter of an acre,
more or
Terms of
This Nov. 1st. 1912.
Wm. H. LONG.
Jersey Hogs. My herd combines
the blood lines of King of Cols, that
for that sold
for 15.250. Tip Top that sold
for Defender the Champion
Helen the etc. Pigs
and breed sows can be shipped at
once. Pigs each. lo weeks
lo months each. D
L. Farrior. Raleigh.
From the Drudgery
of Ironing
The Imperial
Flat Iron
The Work
In Half
the Time
now borrow more money to build an-
other bridge to put out Pitt county
Tucker, rector.
of Sunday school.
R, V. Lancaster.
shoppers and traders within a very p M cert
Z. Memorial-Rev
Oct. 28th. one Sandy sow, weight t of course a man who I M . .
about pounds and one shoat. color , Washington from .
clerk; H. D Bateman,
have a good J
k I secretary. good, it looked safer,
20th. Finder of above named interested more in the
will receive reward by ,., traveling from the Car-
me at N. C, Route and sections into the
L A. ARNOLD of Pitt county across the
river and vice versa. Taking these
people into con-id- ration there is no
choice for a crossing but Yankee
Hall, and if a bridge is ever built,
good and civic righteousness
will demand and put it
Possibly we should have stated In i
Brand Home
BERLIN, Nov. Brand Whit-
lock, may of Toledo, and Mrs. Whit-
lock, who have been making a rather
easier, at one-tenth the
Cost of the old way; besides saving
strength, health nerves of house-
wife or servant. Heats itself from
the gasoline or denatured
Better and cheaper than gas
or electricity. No wires or tubes In
the way. No waiting for irons to
heat, no struggling with cold irons,
no walking from hot stove
The Imperial
Flat Iron is hot all the time. Heat
instantly regulated.
Burnt Five Hours
for One Cent
Safe, cleanly, odorless. Use In-
doors or out at home or traveling.
Always ready. Light, beautiful.
Costs little. itself in three
months. Money-back Guarantee.
to com and it.
I have taken up hogs,
female Berkshires and one barrow,
marked fork in each ear;
two black color and one spotted; all
in good condition. Owner can get
same by proving ownership and pay-
R. F. D. Greenville. N.
Greenville No. A. K. and A. M
-R. Williams. M.; L. H. Pender
Sharon, No. A. F. and A u
tho that we were opposed to j E. Griffin, Sec.
the order made by the Hoard at its Greenville Encampment No. I
special session on the 14th. We do aV-B. W. C. P.;
not think the county is able with its H Pender. Scribe.
bonded Indebtedness and other ex-
to look after, to borrow
to build a bridge at Fer-
for the of such a few
even though some of them are
the pretty big fellows. There are
scored or came near it, and it
looked as if were going to lose a
game that we thought was already
won. In the seventh and eighth Inn-
they came so near scoring that It
took a couple of beautiful plays to
stop them; and when we got Into the
ninth inning and the first man went
two runs to the
Then a couple
Chapel I hits put them back within reaching
-Rev. W. O. pastor. distance and they began to reach too
Free Will Baptist-Elder Thomas E hard- man
. , . they had runners on second and third,
with one out, a hit meant defeat for
us after all. You can Imagine were
pretty sore. The batter hit a long fly
to center, away out. It was not hard
for to catch the ball, but go-
out as he was it didn't seem
for him to throw out the fast
runner who was walling at third for
him to make the catch before start-
home with the rim.
managed to gel beyond the ball
and circle so as to catch it
condition for the throw, and as It
touched hands he cm loose as
hard as he could for the plate. II
was a great throw, considering his
and the distance, the ball
didn't quite reach and was bounding
a bit away from the plate when
made his play. He saw that If he
waited the runner would score. He
ran in, scooped the ball the short
Tar River No. K. of
Woodward. C. C.; A B.
K. of R. and S.
Greenville Chapter No. R. A. M
-J. N. Hart, H. P.; E. E. Griffin. Sec
Covenant No. I. O
Having duly qualified
superior court clerk of Pitt county era things more urgent than the F.-Meets every Tuesday night. E. G
as executor of the will convenience of these few to which the Flanagan. N. G.; L. H Pender. Sec.
lament of H. S. Congleton. deceased, county should, lend its attention. I Tribe No. I
notice Is hereby given to all persons There is no spontaneous demand for R- Sachem; J. bound, and without trying to turn
indebted to the estate to make such a bridge; the public has not
mediate payment to the undersigned; asked for It; It Is only the craving
and all persons having claims against of individual benefit that desires It
said estate are notified to present th- The county cannot afford the
same to the undersigned for payment of public money to develop
on or before the 12th day of property; the treasury must be
1913, or this notice will be plead used for urgent county needs and
In bar of recovery. our money spent always with an eye
This 12th day of November. 1912. to the public good. The
L. R. WHICHARD. sage of the order at the special sea-
Executor of H. S. Congleton. violated the spirit of these
ltd lent truths and should he
mil-. A majority of the present Hoard
BAY retire In their
Steam Packet
Dally, including Sunday,
Mall steamers
Equipped with Unite
Wireless Telegraphy and every n,.
convenience. Cuisine
Portsmouth, Sundays pro
week pm
Norfolk, dally pm
Old Point pm
to all points
have no right or business to attempt
to the hands or set a policy for
W. Brown, C. of R.
threw himself backward, slid along
to the plate on his back with his hands
stretched Into the base lire, his face
Nous- -Miss Lillian Carr, under th runner's feet, and
Ward Moore, secretary
Daughters of T
. Jarvis. president; Mrs. J. L. Wool
The Kings A. L
Blow, president; Mrs. O.
Sans Mrs
tagged him out. The play saved the
game, and I believe It is the most
less bit of nerve and bravery I ever
saw anywhere, besides being wonder-
from any standpoint.
1911. by W O
Seal's Unerring Instinct.
The Instinct of the seal Is marvel-
Frank Wooten; Secretary Mrs. Geo. It will leave Its on the
morning, and, going down
Dunn, day.
D M Clark, secretary. J l l
in the evening It will locate Its
End of Century Mrs. If. H. same
the new Hoard. If the present Board President; Ml. H. W, Moseley hundreds of thousands of other baby
desires to proceed under a snap Secretary. seals, notwithstanding the ice may
Hound Table Mrs. K. R. have been wheeled or drilled fifty or
Civic League Mrs. T miles during the day from wind
A. Secretary, Mrs. T.
Iron are Sold and Guarantee
extensive tour of sailed for and Canada.
New York today on th CAM H. ft I Office, No. Main St
;. Mayo- A X. ft w- BROWS, JR.
they should not have waited so
long. To he sure If a bridge is real-
to be built. It will be carried out
in an orderly manner. Why
bids be Invited when no plans and
specifications have been drawn Why
all tills unnecessary haste
The whole matter Is one of no
and tide.
Candid Confession.
Sometimes the will has been used
for purposes of confession. Thus we
L Party find J. of Eng-
c for president of the United land, who leaves his landed to
tie moment to the whole people of stales In years old today. his yea, I may say,
the county and while some few will Major Sir Bryan Baldwin myself, she
receive practically the whole an English baronet who fought with marry no man. for fear to meet
fl, of a bridge a. the proposed Americans in the
still every payer In th War. old today.

HI MM. I It,
J . i . LA
. . . . .
Turkey e K
ready for Hie
THE The is being
bullied nor bin . to do your shopping ear-
i brother in
at least iii a little prise m van. o
Just dip- Remember to cut
The wind may blow a and give Austria Um protection for tin- orphans on Thanksgiving
you may as to many do. that you she may i I e entrance o o
nine control your emotions and the Adriatic Bea. Hut by
your u known to nations, lei
show least as much Interest In and the territorial strip
as a sailor does ah i H requires.
sail and Moral
It would curtail
mall privilege
ii and Impressed Iowa the I of six
the v that wrote nine- and other literature
. would be
lo In the i do- u i n
T the third it T g of During the past
i matter
mis . .
alee .
application i i
la, H
i . . t-U
Do not forget a liberal donation for
. ring
Ail card
U. ; i Obi
if a in the midst dollars during the last
The of a human n th
midst Hie is like Chat of a ship on s- I been seat Re stand in the capitol square
tor for signature an county, worth of the
Vi in Time
Be la tat-
g a monument
i the court
b a ought to
counties have
piled C . ti
d If Pitt lakes hold of the
natter, as undoubtedly will do. it
be carried through and a
be three things which
too wonderful for me; yea four which
i an eagle In the air;
v up your mind that your own congress to purchase the
way at shall be by home of Thomas Jefferson and pro-
the rudder of conscience, and learn BerTe M a tor the
I u i passing a lesson of of the nation. Any one
use n your own life. this petition can call and
ill. AIM id V
e in, who went out from that
in follow lei- I'll people are
now than ever be-
. i and the time to raise the money
for the monument is now.
lie iron is News
There should be many in Observer.
who sign the petition.
way of a Serpent a rock; way in a little kingdom of
a ship in the midst of the sea. and states, is about twice
way of a man with a
the slate New Hampshire,
Everything else is high but the
i rice of newspapers. They go at the
Same price as when living and cost
This is My Birthday
Flank K. Realty
Captain Prank. E. S. N.
was born in Win., Nov.
At sunset a long train of ears wait- us, a hall
of labor did not cost half as from the
at present. Tel there are sub- M His
ed on a bridge as a sailing ship passed city. early career in service on
. who are hard to get to nay ., .
oil absolutely various ships of the old navy. From
for their paper and some beat the ho um. .
bout a single port mini was on at
publishers out of the price altogether, the library of war records office in
national capital. His first coin-
through the draw.
The snip sailed up the river toward
the cold Winter sun; another ship
ailed passed II going in the opposite
Only one wind was Vet.
these ships and which
wind, moved by
east a-id ore went west.
It i.
without a single poll
and and p.-
parity have been and
by the Turks a
Sen la bus heroically
rower one In the
of the
It may be of use to you in your ca-
and civilization, has
to think for a few minutes about t, ls
these two ships and the lesson at and
they young men.
Tl e man who Bailed, In his life's is ow heroic lit- with a line
journey, toward failure and disaster Male conquered In . suspend Judgment
looks always with envy, sometimes one d bravest war
intense sensation of Injustice, at the
man who passes going in
the opposite direction.
Morehead City and New have oM .
, . , bill he
been worked by a cheek flasher. ,., ti. and th
i an old and often exposed game. . miser Charleston He reached the
grade of captain in and the i
year was given command of i
the battleship Wisconsin in the i
around world cruise of the J
fleet. Since Captain
Beatty has been in command of the
n at Washington. D. C. and
superintendent of the gun
have the satisfaction of knowing you are getting
the very best quality you can possibly procure
anywhere the money.
Many a cheap, shoddy shoe hides be-
hind a nice appearing, pleasing-to-the
eye style, but a few wear will
prove the inferiority of the quality of
the materials used and the careless-
exercised in their making.
We look to quality first of to it that
the leather is right, the linings substantial and the
general construction the best procurable any-
where. We depend upon you for our business,
and you depend upon us for square dealing, we
are in duty bound to give it to will.
Our new season's styles for ladies and gentle-
men, and boys and girls are ready for your
but some sharp fellow comes around
and work it. The wise
thing to is never cash a check for
Charlotte way they do
loon; blind
from the abut- Up and
environment of centuries and
into trade and nu
upon payment of costs. One man
convicted there in two cases Was in-
a thousand dollars.
This Date in History
Vet the forces that move men bound
toward success are exactly the same To the end that God may help those
as those that move other men to fail-
humiliation and defeat. her conquering
question i.
Turks the Province Ai-
which you use the forces you Hie seaport
M on all a
on the Adriatic Sea. lie port and
order suppressed In
Frame by Louis XV
our ex-presidents are to be look- states Congress met
Annapolis, Md.
Public funeral in Milwaukee of
Solomon Juneau. founder of
the City.
started on his ex-
1899 British defeated fie Boers In
the sanguinary battle of Moil-
ed after all right. Besides they
i, make for themselves, the Car-
corporation is set aside
an annual pension for
A Francisco man had his Bu-
of the . of common wind a country,
which blows. all belonging to Turkey, wishes ed
Tin, ships pas. each with sails her bl
filled out by same wind, rile
fen i in lion u tor
by the and i e bus glorious-
. won u by . more
Legal Notices.
. i . . i
hi. is ;
i for ha II
i I
re I Al. i i. ill . i . ,. ,. ;. a
Is ill u . i of
varying em and o .;. .
.-.,. BO .;. . . . .
. . . lurks tun i in
r in In- no matter what a dog e
-a. u .- on
. ., , on , . l . . . have e of I r dogs I
. . II may east the veiled i
a, ,. north . . to h r-
m m y can I . who have no yard The aM
b; i . steering, to i ind hampered watch
. . territory, to take the
ii . to beat again the wind v
iii the . lies In i goo r
in the face of an bum, i fewer to death and o-
hard beginning, or your seize
ult to DID
By an I .;. i r-
in a proceed-
pending r entitled
., Mamie
. . el ago John Ken-
la i Kennedy, el and be-
t No Ml on i of
; ii Kill offer fur c
i ton bush i quarters court door
on Di 1312, o'clock,
the or I bed Inn I,
i the late l.
on the road Just west of
the in Greenville, bong land
conveyed Mac k. Hardy by B,
and Feb. 1900
in Book M-8, page
containing 1-2 acres or thereabout.
Terms of sale cash, or 1-2 cash
and balance in months secured by
I on i aid I
For nearly fen years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks
of Tread way, suffered with womanly troubles. She
last, I took down and thought I would die. I
could not sleep, I couldn't eat I had pains ail over. The
doctors gave me up. I read that had helped so
many, and I began to take it, and it cured me.
saved my life Now, can do
If you are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from any of
the pains peculiar to weak women, such headache,
backache, feelings, in arm, side, hip
or limbs, and symptoms of womanly trouble, you
should try the woman's tonic. ed from per-
vegetable ingredients, Can is the best
remedy for you to use, as it can do you t good.
It contains no dangerous drugs. It has no .
Ask druggist. He sells and recommends C. . i,
W- I .- Advisory Co. Ci
k. tent I b
With the ling
G Hi.
upon some lbs . mi .
is and ch and g an automobile and
baa nearly people and is I
ii territory square done In
in a coast line of
miles on the Adriatic and has
two famous ports In Trieste and Pitt co
Flume. i the . one
lint little ,; m need If there were
i ., It lead i- blood I r
ally in domesticity,
of children and lifelong devotion. and n uses to bull- has
a . e is i dosed by the I s l Hun- the town,
rite human pass in leads to gory, she moves and n o good to talk about,
murder, suicide, theft, Io almost on to o
forms ii. i rime. And brave Bulgaria, the is on the right
Th is another passion called am- of and rest- In starting prosecutions against
on Victorious arms, halts medicine of the country
This human force ambition the gates of in i,
t Lincoln's to It she is right Bond roads sentiment is taking
Nov. 1912.
Coward Drug Co.
But In all in us i. i,. , exists
can be made to u i in th
rig . force u
can be in our i II,
will in strong and the band on II
hi pro
here is i cert a ti e In i
being, i bi love. . e lea .
Having qualified as administrators
in John Brooke, d of
I N, C, Is to certify all
person claims against the
of i to
ii to us months
i. it Ice ill be
. In ii their recovery.
All Indebted Io said state
ii ate i i
N th,
i C
to any.
All Fountain
Full of
Kodak Supplies
Drug Co.
Hill -j
a republic. will eland by her hen. ill
The same force guided Benedict her Just demand.
Arnold seeks to betray the nation. n is to he hoped the
Consider yourself a i an i ; sentiment of Europe e.
on the sea or lite in., . , diplomacy, which is
the herald and arms, will lake
Id of the people and It
If In annul to local
come in hi.-, ,.
For the purpose of dividing tin
i among the heirs law of the
late v, ii. Flake, undersigned
Hell public auction on
d December the borne
of said W. II. Flake, situate
Hue went of
ti about S acres,
land of I W. Allen others,
with ail buildings appurtenances,
an Ally.
Stoves, Malleable and Cam-
i emu Wilson Wood Healers, Hot I
g Coal
d If it's the Hardware line, we have it.
j v v., .-71 w Sis
Subscribe to The Reflector
Reflector Advertisements Pay
J Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winter and vicinity
Advertising Rates on Application
N. Nov. St ,. , ,. ;
Mr. Knurl, and Mrs. K. for the fence
U. went to Wed- up. that looks the b.
M- only fence that when
ll Us cotton you wain guinea or cot- put up can Le taken down
need that TOO have tor sale conic satisfactorily. In i words I
The Pitt County Oil handle the I
Company will lake care of you.
Messrs. II. B. and A. U.
sent Kinston
Bee Harrington, Barber and Com-
our steel beams.
plows and castings, also
plows castings.
More beet and better beef for the
same money at R. W.
-Miss of Cox's Mill was
in town Friday evening.
A new lot of buggy robes Just in
A. W. and Company.
Miss Willie Baugh went to Ayden
When in need of cotton seed meal
or cotton call on the Pitt
county Oil Company, they are here
run the goods.
Mr. M. T. Spier returned Friday
night from
Harrington. Barber and Company
are headquarters for paints,
and nails.
U. W. made a business trip
to Thursday buying cattle.
Mr. L. L. gin house
near here was totally destroyed by-
lire Thursday afternoon by a match
sinking in the
spread very rapidly as the building
was very old and dry. Ten or twelve
bales of cotton were partly burned and
about bushels of seed. There was
insurance on building.
at once. head of
beef cattle
Mrs. J. Cox went to Greenville
The Mother's Club met at the home
o Mrs. J. H. Johnson's on
evening. A large number were
and Poultry
Marie Cabin ,,,. appear in
Frank has bi for
part in
j H. Reeves Smith has scoured a
Dust of
I Grace La Rue is to appear in
ville in Record
adapted to
taste, is to be in London.
Holcomb's sketch.
Last is be played again.
The new play by Louis X. Parker
for is called Paper
Lewis Waller and Madge Tither-
are to appear together In
I Charles has been engaged
I to play a prominent role with Mrs.
in High
Norman K. Hackett is to appear
a dramatization of O. Henry's story,
Pauline Frederick has returned to
. a c. f V
The thought I'd ask
you see I'm a worried about
that bill
Mrs. Idea
you worry any more. Why, I d owe It
to you forever I'd cheat you
out of it
pun .,
he ate his
should say so Why. he's
on tunes or
sucker and which the and is work
as the
I Kidder is to go in
with a version of her
former play. Sans
It is said that Bayard play
Fight.- he rewritten and
that Helen Ware will be the star.
and Paid has made
a success in Chicago that it may-
run there for rest of the season.
Edwin Milton Boyle's new play,
is to he pro-
by H. early in the
During Two Weeks Each
Three Gold Watches
with Pendants,
Three God Bracelets,
Handsome Diamond Ring.
A Grand Prize for the
Leader of each Contest
on Points.
you give me another
Miss Charming Really. Softly,
you've bad nearly all so far and
you know. Its Just
to spite Miss Lovely. We've had e
the famous French actor,
The man who buys his goods of
mall order house looses money and
his mistake when he examines ls Produce in Paris, and
the stock and finds what excellent author. Edward will
Values and up to date goods he gets
at A. W. Ange and Company.
attend rehearsals.
Robert is preparing to
in York
early In the spring. Florence Rock-
veil he his woman.
Twelve thousand dollars a week is
raid to be the cost of the Sarah
Nor. Messrs.
Million. J. and K.
church, made a lying trip to Green-
ville Saturday evening
Miss Pearl Hester has taken road which will tart
the school at Corey's school house Its lour from Chicago on December .
near here. Henry Miller is to produce a new
Barber and Company Inlay called by Harry
are receiving shoes now to suit the Smith, author of Bump-
weather and the purse. In this latter play
Messrs. Tinker. Charlie Hope Crew make her debut
Tucker, and Walter Cherry of near a star under Mr. Miller's direction.
Greenville were here Sunday.
Sewing machines at A. Ange
and B lea day free trial
Bill convince you they are
The Buggies
by a. ;. Co Manufacturing
are popular. Never
have n .-, many want
this make of buggy. There is
reason for Ask the man who
buys them.
Seal's Unerring Instinct.
The of the seal Is marvel-
It will on the
Ice In the morning, and, going down
through a hole, remain away all day.
swimming in search of food Return-
In the evening it Will locate its
offspring In the same among
hundreds of thousands of other baby
seals, notwithstanding the tee may
have been wheeled or drifted fifty or
sixty miles during the day from wind
and tide.
dear, you mustn't say
you founded a you must say
you found a book
why do you say Mr Car-
founded a library Is It because
It's a lot of books
Last Nigh
o Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the Chances arc from an in-
With a w conducted LIVER.
do of Inner
v fatigue.
it a per cent u
tarn capacity.
. .- by
The young people of ha
in opportunity last night to e .
Impromptu dance the Carolina
Mr. J. of spent If
J. u. Ferrell, president the At-
Real Estate Company, the
hand which was here yea-
v. . o
will S
Jones it .
married. h
Y, i, somebody done tor
him was a lottery,
he's a s to
lake a chance
Saturday evening with Miss Lillian
who also companied
home from here returning Monday
If cotton you want ginned or cot-
seed that you have for sale, come
l The Pitt County Oil
Company will take care of
Miss Grace Mr. II. John-
son Sunday with
Mr. Ci. A. Kittrell went to Kinston
Saturday night.
More heel and better beef for the
same money at It. W. Dall's
Miss Tucker and Mr.
ton Cos spent
if your look is not it.
ale, made music the Club from
nine to eleven.
Many couples attended and a
was had.
Must Believe It
get a good one from A. W. Ange
v . C x of near Cog's Hill,
v n Friday evening.
When in in id meal
Him hulls call on the Pitt
County Company; they are her,,
u good
M. B Bryan and C. I.
made n Flying trip tn
Ayden Sunday evening,
at once. of beef
cattle It. W.
Dr. T. Cox morn-
for Baltimore where he goes to
carry a to the hospital.
a new and complete line of buggy
harness can be found in our show
room. See us before you buy a
A. fl. Cox Co.
Prof. John Carroll, Miss Nettie
Mies, Miss Dora and Mrs.
T. made a flying trip to
Monday evening,
Um in.; Bi and n;
in and I
. H I
When Greenville People
Till it So Plainly
When public endorsement is made
by a representative of Green-
ville the proof Is positive. You must
Read this testimony
Every sufferer of kidney backache and
every man, woman or child with kid-
trouble Will do well read
Mrs. l. Hang live,
n's kid-
are by no means r. new remedy
me. i have used them on differ-
occasions and Lave found they
are a great mi Kid-
complaint and backache made me
mini-able and it was not until I pro-
cured Dean's Kidney Pills from the
John I-. Woolen Drug Co., that I found
relief. Recently I again got a sup-
ply of remedy and it helped me
s promptly effectively as
For rule by all dears. Price GO
Co., New York
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the
no other.
. I vi iv. HAW'S mus
ii .;. K. and
Hi Wedding
c .
is morning at the M
Helen and a Paul
The is daughter of
C. n, for j
and leader In
Attention is called in of I. r
Hardy home place, advertised in 10-
paper. is . ,
for come hoar, Io Invest In
Greenville real
II ltd per col
a mOat Snowflake, sue am a
1st Contest opens Sat. Nov. closes Sat. Nov.
2nd contest opens Sat. Nov. closes Sat. Nov
3rd contest opens Sat. Nov. closes Sat Dec.
Winning names will be announced and
presented to successful contestants on the Mon-
day following the closing day of each contest
In each and every one of the contests a First
and Second Prize will be awarded, provided the
lady contestants fully comply with the
and regulations of the contests, as set out
The young lady scoring most points in all three
contests will be awarded an extra prize at the con
of the Third and last contest, consisting of
a handsome diamond ring. This over and above
whatever ether prizes she may win in the
Rules of the
lady, married or single, residing in Pitt
County can be a candidate in any or all of the
three contests.
names must be sent in by tilling
nomination blank to be found at the bottom
this announcement, and mailing to Contest
in any of the three contests does NOT
bar the winning contestant from participating
in the oilier contests.
may secure their subscriptions
anywhere, there being no division into dis-
prize in each will awarded
in the young lady scoring points or over.
Second prize to be awarded in each to
scoring most joints after the
leader. However, she will not qualify for a
second prize unless her score shows or
more points, lint it is distinctly understood
that in order to win a first prize a contestant
must have a score of points or more.
The young lady scoring most points in all
three contests will be awarded a grand prize
consisting of a handsome diamond ring, over
and above other prizes which she may have
earned during the three contests.
r. The contest manager will decide all points
which may arise in the course of the contest.
and candidates in entering these contests
agree to abide by all rulings which he may
For Subscriptions either new or old
The Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good lantern around
the the yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. Ii gives a clear, bright
sunlight on tap. It is strong, durable, compact, handy.
Doesn't leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and Will
last for years. Ask for the
At Dealer
;. months year points
year pears points
years years points
Bra points
N. J.
,, New
Mail or Bring to Contest Manager,
Reflector Office
at once.
Address . as a can-
in nil the Reflector Contests.
My is .
Address .

We invite inspection cf cur
stock of Breech-Loading Guns,
Rifles and Pistols.
We have a collection which
you can select one to please you,
consisting of Ithaca and Tryon
Guns; Marlin, Savage, Remington,
Winchester, Stevens, and Hamilton
Rifles; Smith V Colts,
Mauser, Harrison and Pis-
Q Be sure to call on us for fire-
arms and ammunition.
J. R. J. G.
The I tor tin
Japanese costumes such
as are worn in professional perform-
of the Mikado, will be furnished
by a professional costumer for the
opera to be given at the Teachers
Training School.
In the background the play will
be seen cherry blossoms,
lanterns, parasols, a tea-
-whatever will help to create
an illusion that will make the
feel they are in the fairy king-
of Japan. Colored lights will
Increase the charm of the scenes.
The flitting coquettish airs of the
little maid of Japan and the lofty
manner of the exalted
will be clearly presented.
Town or Country
B. K. Phone
Fifty Team in Priesthood
Tout Nov. is
jubilee n Ti-x-
s took place in the
town of county.
many cf the clergy
and laity to
the of fifty years of
in the priesthood by tho Rev.
Father of the local
Catholic church.
or of will break any
case of chills and and If taken
m a tonic the will not re-
turn. adv
at Law
fifth door
from street
a. m. daily, Express,
. in Daily, for Plymouth
City and Norfolk. Broils
Car Service for all
mints North ant.
p. Dally
I a m Dally for Wilson mod
Pullman Sleeping Car
North. South aid
a. m. Dally, except
Wilson and for ll
p. Dally for Wilson and
sigh. Broiler Parlor Car Service
For farther Information and
of Sleeping Car space apply tr
J. It, Agent, Greenville
W H. W. W.
at Once to
Phone Greenville, N. C.
First Boston American
League Team, Is
One of
Ail-Around Players.
you ever see a ball player
to make a play, co u nil
his arm eras swinging to throw, and
turn the flay and the game D
down Wall, did, and It resulted la
tho greatest play ever saw. The
lay was made so quickly and so
Idly was It thought OBI that the
men who made it thought me
off By Catt, am was still
when op the el f thorn.
I was playing third base then, Gard-
was on second, and Joe Wood was
pitching. We were ploying the High-
landers a and Wood
pitching well. We were all the time
Just about to make rims, but we B
could make it came down to
the seventh Inning with the score
to nothing;, and it looked as If
the game belonged to whichever team
was lucky enough to score a run.
think It was Cree who opened the
seventh Inning for Mow York with a
two-i hit. Speaker made a fine
Third World's Champion
Athletics. Who Has in-
to the Greatest Third Base-
man of the
A fellow is Inclined to think that
the all I saw Is the
one that wins the know that
the play always seem- greatest
me is the nth out tor
the other no whether it
is a pop or a great atop or catch,
especially it we are one run ahead and
ire on a
the play I ever saw,
and the one remember most v;,
Mop or catch or throw, but a
play that Eddie mi de on
bases last bi n . Ho made it at the
right time, won the came for us and
gave tie beat I timing and
tunning ever saw.
Al the time lie made the play the
pennant race wasn't over by a whole
lot. We were ahead, but not enough
to feel comfortable. Both Detroit and
wore going well, and as you
know It doesn't take much of a change j
in the luck to turn things
A few bad breaks of luck and some
you've been thinking out of
comes along and there you are. forced
to fight for life again. There Is so
much luck In the game that no team
can stop hustling for a minute until
it is won.
We were playing and alt
though we had boon beating them
I or-
Coal Suit.- arc
attractive both in Cut,
Style Prices.
all fast regular
and at . .
All fast serge colors, reg-
and is Lot
Don't in ask for
l button black and tan
Standard Fashion Pat-
terns told by Kg.
the housewives of Greenville are most intelligent
found why they refuse to pay more
for other brands, when they can buy at moderate cost
he purest and most wholesome Baking Powder made.
I 1st It.
cotton .-n
We now
Co. and
he glad to ave em ;
Professional Cards.
play on the ball, and got it back to
second Just In time to lose a close de-
I thought the runner was
out and we kicked a bit, for It looked
as if the might cost us the
game. It was almost a that
the next batter would sacrifice, or try
to, and the cinch went through. He
bunted hard and fast down toward
second. I forget which was bit-
after Cree that day, but he was
fast, and the bunt seemed to turn
the game upside down. It
seem for Gardner to get up to
It In time Wood had been planning
to cut off a bunt and make the play to
third, and was moving In when the
bunt wont past him to his left. He
turned and chased after the ball
while Gardner was coming forward at
top speed to reach It. Wood jumped,
stuck down one hand, and grabbed the
ball. a snap throw he might
have caught the runner going to first,
and he actually had started to make
the throw when he seemed to have
new Idea. I heard his yell
and like a flash he snapped
the ball to Gardner, who had stopped
ten feet from him and was in perfect
position to make a throw to third.
The ball scarcely touched Gardner's
hands when I saw It winging at me
like s flash. whichever of
the Highlanders It rounded
third and was ten feet up the line
Jockeying for a lead to try for
home If the bunt rolled past Gardner,
and all I had to do was to grab the
ball and plaster It on him as he tried
to get back.
Wood had seen In a fish that he
only had a desperate chance to cut
off the runner at first, and he figured
that the other runner would be
to turn start for home
He knew- be couldn't stop, turn and
make the throw- to third In time, so
he snapped the ball to Gardner, who
i the Idea In a tenth of a sec-
and shimmed the hall over to
me lust In time New York got an-
hit that Inning, but couldn't
core, and we counted one later and
beat them one to nothing.
lull, by W. U
steadily their pitcher had us troubled
and we were forced to put on
ounce of steam to make It safe. It
was tied up in the sixth and in the
last of the seventh Collins beat out a
slow infield hit. There were i
at the time and I was bat. I r.
curve ball on top somehow and It
bounded over the pitcher's head and
rolled down over second base I had
hit when I saw Collins start to run,
and he was half way to second when
the bat met the ball. He turned sec-
end base at top speed and went on to
third. The baseman Stopped
the ball about ten feet back of second,
with one hand, and too late to make a
throw that would catch Collins at
third, as he picked up the ball
with his right hand he stopped, took j
a look toward third, and seeing there
wasn't a play, he threw the ball from
his right hand into his glove, showing
his temper because the hit had gone
through. That quarter of a second if
temper was enough. Collins had slow-
ed up turning third base and seemed
to be stopping, but over his shoulder
he saw the fielder wasn't watching as
closely as he should have been, and in
a flash he was going for the plate at
lop speed. The second baseman Jump-
ed back Into position to make the
throw, and threw perfectly to the
plate, but too late, as Collins slid
of the plate and scored with what
proved to be the winning run. It la
that kind of Quick thinking that
makes Collins such a great player,
and it Is that kind of taking
of every false move by the other
team that makes the Athletics a win-
1511, by W. O.
I. M.
Office second floor in Woolen building
on Third St. opposite court house
Greenville, North Carolina.
L. I. Attorney at Low Long Carolina
Attorney at Law
In Edward on the Court
House Square
North Carolina.
Attorney Law
Office formerly occupied by
Attorney Law
en Wonder
From far away come re
putts of u wonderful new
hat is believed will vastly benefit the
people. T. of
writes King's New Dis-
is doing splendid work here.
It cured me about five times of
coughs and colds, also my
brother of a severe cold In his chest
more than others, who used
It on my advice We hope this great
medicine w-ill be sold in every drug
store In For throat and
lung troubles there Is nothing bet-
A trial will convince you
its merit. and Trial bot-
free. Guaranteed by all drug-
gists, adv
J I.
H. w. M. D.
Practice limited to diseases of the
Bar, and Throat
Washington. N. C. Greenville. N. C
Office with Ii. James, Green-
ville, day every Monday, a m to S pin
W. C. D. M. Clara
Civil Engineer at Law
w. r.
Attorney at Law
Office opposite R. L. Smith Co's.
and next door to John Flan-
Company's new building.
Greenville. North Carolina.
Presence of Mind.
A man who. with his wife, em-
ployed on a farm In Shropshire, re-
found himself In a bad
when, In attempting to evade the
onslaughts of a savage dog, assistance
came In the shape of his wife.
When the woman came up dog
had fastened his teeth In the calf of
her husband's leg and was holding on
for dear life. Seizing a stone in the
road, the wife Brag about to hurl it,
the husband, with wonderful
of mind,
Mary Don't throw that
stone at the dog. Throw It at
London Answers.
In the Old Days.
Eve had Just tied a of ma-
leaves about her ankles.
on earth ore you up to. my
am trying on my hobble
skirt, return d the part-
of his with a sweet
s Weekly.
Ground for Hope.
hear that daughter eloped
with his
and wired his forgive-
What did he do that
lie thought new there might
lie a chance for to use
If you've a lot and desire to build
on it we can you. We will ad-
you the money build and
you can repay us the same as rent
o much a month. Call and let's talk
over and let us show you how yea
can own own home at little
no extra expense.
B. V.
Life. Fire. and Accident
Office on Fourth rear Frank
HUT lit THE 14TH
Attorney at Law
Office In Building, Third It
wherever his
Greenville, North Carolina
lit WHY
Attorney at Law
North Carolina
TI. Ward C. C. Pierce
Washington. N. C. Greenville. N. C.
at Law
Practice In all the courts
Office In Woolen Building .
Greenville, North Carolina.
Still With
The Mutual Life Insurance
The Strong-
est and Beat
i u
and Hot Water
Gasoline Engine s
. Electric Li-.-ht
t om prepared to do your work at
Reasonable me or can.
Phone No.
Pitt County Leads The State,
in material prosperity, in
good year of 1912, according
to reports from men who have traveled the different sections of this State,
and are well illustrated in the growth of her largest banking
Beginning in with the modest Capital of this bank has grown steadily and
safely, until now, with
it is equal to if not larger than any other bank in the entire First Congressional
The best part of this es in the fact that the larger portion of the Bank's Deposits have been placed there by FARMERS- the
Z f J r Tr itS are FARMERS, advance,
or the helps in the of the whole community.
We strive not only to earn dividends for our Stockholders, but to use the for the greatest benefit to the community.
Come with us, we want your business.
r President K. II. HIGGS, Tire-President C.
Had Io Account of
Trouble Caused Heating
Union Advocates it as
In Two
The sexton going to the
early Monday morning saw
Sunday proved a real feast to the considerable smoke issuing from
In the Baptist No alarm was but
Rev. C. E. Maddry. of Tabernacle people called
church. who had been preach ll
v Mat a Bleeper or sill under the
Young farmer From dear
the meeting of the of the heating furnace had
week i poke four times Sunday and caught on lire and burned in two.
his sermons were much enjoyed. The doubtless been on tin
one Sunday night on Final but air could
especially forceful and T
All it run chi's Of The Wide ,., ,. The Plant was but recent-
Help The Cause of There were several re-j completed not quite two weeks ago,
Good Roads quests for prayer and some at of making the con-
foundation under the furnace t
not thought necessary to remove
At the morning service one was
the wood and build up from the
The following resolutions for bet-
roads were passed by the
Local, Farmers November
Whereas, the Local Farm-
a long
I realize that the progress . ,.,,,, ,. .,. . . , fortunate.
to off today because . ,
of any community depends its the derangement of the heating ere started at once
resources and on its Mr. Maddi left this at- foundation to
his home. The ls
will follow III
Calved us a candidate for baptism. , and , WM a,
Much regret the church end and one midway. The middle one
friends, tho announcement for these catching on fire shows the
continuing the a few days long its timely discovery was
for them.
We believe that tho natural re-
sources of Craven are
If b any county
in the slate and we further be-
Hint the capacity tor handling
these resources in a gnat measure I
lies with the people of the county
Whereas, the people of Craven Brown,
are unreasonably handicap-1 D. Boyd
by the bail roads of said county
meeting with
and next work it was
aid he members and lo
In Hie church.
Marriage Licenses
and Lee
I friends to inn,,, their interest.
A few nights ago a large barn on
i of Messrs, Alston and
Bryan near
id i by together with
out barrels of com and a lot
J. It. and Olivia War- I id stuff. Tho is about
to such an that it cost the V. .,;,.,, ,
and men thousands I M. and Willie Jones, Insurance.
and thousands of dollars every year It. II. Rouse and Van-
to their produce and from
market over the present roads that l. L. and
would be unnecessary n we had J. E, Hammond and Fannie
proved public roads, mid, i and
Shortly after S o'clock this morn-
Humbles, a young farmer
about three miles from Ayden in
the direction of Ridge Springs, com-
suicide. A little before he
attempted his life, he entered the
room where his wife was and after
speaking some matter of way words
with her. took a gun with him as
he left the room. His young wife
suspected nothing, merely thinking
that her husband was going out hunt-
Instead Humbles went into an-
other room, propped the barrel of the
gun his head and with the
help of broom handle acted on the
lived with his wife and
mother and the only motive for his
rash act. as far as could be
morning, finds source In
family misunderstanding, over which
tho young tanner had been brood-
in g.
taken by pair of mules shipped from Missouri by
me and sold to John Richard BarnhilL
Train with Main
Tearing his from he back an
Ohio man Ragged a train saved
from a wreck, but ll. T. Alston.
Raleigh, N. C. mice prevented i
with Bitters, was
Whereas, progress and
the county demands, that, COLORED
if we arc to keep pace With the times I David and terrible plight when I began to
and hold our own among the other lug. he writes, stomach
counties of the stale, and help the
state hold its own among other states
of the we must Improve our
road equal if not superior to other
counties, and
Moses and Lucy Williams, back and kidneys were all
Williams and Mary Harrison. affected and liver was in a
condition, but four bottles of
Had of Fiscal Year Electric Hitters made me feel like
is ls the last week of the pres- a new man A trial will convince
.,, , a new man a win convince
Whereas, we believe that the amount in county affairs, and you of their matchless merit for any
annually lost by the farmers of the busy times around the court I stomach, liver or trouble,
county would in a short period of offices getting matters in shape Price SO cents at all druggists. adv
time put every road In the county new year which begins next
in such excellent condition as to Monday.
make Craven county the banner
county In
therefore, be it
I Premiums
Some inquiry has been made
the Merchants Association to when tho premiums awarded at tho
any other organization that last Pitt county fair will he paid
Resolved, that, we heartily endorse Craven county, that Treasurer J. B. Tucker authorize.
movement that has been made that It will likely be at
looking toward the bettering of the. . MoTe
public roads of Craven county, and the ready
we fully realize that piece-meal work a to be known t, send out.
, . , ., , . . . . as the Good Committee,
e possible time. Therefore, for Z
this reason we favor the Issuing of , T T ,
Craven county Good Roads bonds in of
n sum sufficient to place the leading , WT
roads in the county In a highly N. C.
condition, so that travel could It P m M
. . j. . Court House In New
pi- made with the least possible . . . . ,
. that a copy of these I Tun Able
Resolved. 2nd, that, we urge 1ST
cry member of this organization to f and
give his support to this cause, and
also to support and aid In every V
. , , ,. , M J- who was
possible any Individual. Arm or or-1 , ,, , ,, , , ;
that has for Its , D p ,. ,
t , R M. delivered w. able discourses,
tart, w. Arthur . , h
ask the support and cooperation of ti, r. .
n , n S and at the evening
the New Bern Chamber of Com- .,, . .
Secretary, vice Value a
In , Mr,,
Nov. o Fri-
day evening from to ten. Mr. and,
Mrs, A c. cox entertained In honor
Mr. and Mrs, I. Cox. win, have
n from bridal
trip. Quito a number or invited
guests called and were welcomed
the front door by Prof, and Mrs. Nye,
who showed lo the parlor, where
they were received by Mr. i
A. G. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy
Cox, Miss Dora Cox and
In this room
were the many wedding presents d-
the were Invited
the hall where Misses Carroll
served sandwiches, after which
the guests were invited Into the din-
room by Mrs. Robert Wyatt and
Mrs. Frank Here the guests
were served with delicious Ices.
These being In yellow and white, the
color scheme of the house.
The hospitable home Mas tastefully
decorated with a profusion
chrysanthemums and ferns, many
candles with chrysanthemum
being used. The dining room
was especially attractive, with its de-
of yellow chrysanthemums,
the table with its handsome
cloth over yellow, with the
to the corners, with large
bunches of chrysanthemums, a large
cm glass vase tilled with choicest
Chrysanthemums and lace ferns form-
cit the centerpieces. Both the
mental and vocal music by Mrs. Hoy
Cox added much to fie pleasure of the
evening. The presents were too
and handsome to mention them
all. but among were several
Checks, a deed to house and lot, china,
sliver and cut glass. It was indeed
a most delightful evening.
Just received a load and one hundred head
more on the road from the same place the prize-
winners came from.
Only dealer in this section that ships direct
from stock farms of middle west
See me before buying as I can save you
J. E. Winslow
Horses and Mules, Buggies, etc.
r .
sell the best Buggies and on
the market for the money
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
Hrs. I,. Mooring Dead
Mrs. norths Mooring, wife of Mr.
J. L. Mooring, of Stokes, died this
morning. She was u daughter Mr.
W. K. and besides the
band and father she is survived b
one brother, Mr. J. H, two
slaters. Mrs N. D. Warren and Mrs.
J. A. Crandall, sister.
Miss Olive
Harness, Lap Robes and Bicycles
We you to look at our stock
Held Id the Sooth compete for purses and trophies la
Ga. Nov. the annual trials of the Continental
a week or more of field in pros Club. The two
poet, dog owners and their handlers events on the program are U
with of honor th- All rare vita
assembled here In numbers today attack.

i toe
that juror No
; .
. ,. . conn r
i I
. . ii . ;, , I I
i . on slant I m o No
m ii one II
his cl Mil M
, i sad persecuted by yellow In
. . i Hi he
have to stand or foil on th.
i i strangulation
v m-
.-. recess for luncheon taken.
ball I
One Field
of Day-
a i
to i
I i
I are I
who think i
will do If I to get It. At the
, . y be o k
lo change the plan I
r . ;, ling aide ma a
I think Milan our
,. v life I In
I g, and it was a play that re-
in every de
of the ii
The Detroit team afterward
and the i i
I i . r
Ii incl
to J to recognize the hi
Cast Heavy Vote
For Commission Gov-
. u i in the
. . .
In I
ill. . o Common-
ulna id cam i
In Virginia. Governor
Is chairman tin board.
c, i, Woodrow polled
45.267 more than Tall
Roosevelt. He also polled
than were east Bryan in 1908. As
with the vote tor Bryan an I
Taft in 1908, the Republican i
howl a shrinkage
Cohan and
ht out
ill .
banded on th
d. and hill b
I ed two J double
, . . I to be
greatest rota of his
II ,. in
a of v
with White . i l I
I ii . If you ti a
great of ball and
,. mi ii i of each
. i
I Mi the
play that I think was the beat and
I ever saw i i
wan on I e th Of i
when hipped a hit
-------j The Lad
. here this season are con-
have the newest and most
, i season for even less
H a r
large number of these
garments we yet have
,. . j of our handsomest
garments for your
Having received
shipment of Shoes to
add to our enormous line
a, n us to fit any member of your family- and
person who -res. Any leather desired in Buttons, Lace and
ma. didn't baby cut all
Willie Den why can't he cut hit
c f. . . la the
w I n i
lied at t e
play . but Detroit had run-
on second at II
out course our Id was i d
In to try to s t e run at the i late,
and the outfield I as as It
, i. i , m e and a long drive b i
ii.- The batter hit a
hi line By to center, almost square-
over ii base II was a hit
the second baseman or short
could have reached by bard work hi I
been back, but being close they
hadn't a chance and it looked as if th i
ball was going safe. Cobb on
second and the name of the
other runner won't toil
sound as it him.
Anyhow, Milan came in as hard as I e
could come, and he can come some.
He scooped the ball by a wonderful
running itch, right off his shoe
bin us he i aught it he lost ins
and started to fall. Instead of
trying to catch himself he simply
duck.-d head, rolled a
and came up to his feet in position to
throw. While lie was turning I
he thinking. It would
look to one I Milan r
would have thrown home, on the Idea
that the runner on would hold
the bag and start alter the catch, W
snap the ball to second and try to
double up the runner there before ho
could get back. He didn't do either.
He cut loose the bill as hard as he
could lo third base. It happened that
Milan knew Cobb's quickness and
that would see the catch and
gel back to before he could be
doubled. He figured the other runner
would start home before the ball was
caught, calculating H couldn't
caught. And that Is exactly what
happened. The runner was off third
and going home. Cobb was sliding
back to second, and Milan made tho
double play the only way it could
have been made. And I'm certain
he didn't time to look at third
before he threw, but figured It out In
his head taming a somersault
and catching the ball.
1311. by W. O.
The Little
Sweet James, do
you you'll get very sick while
you're us
Old Rich do you ask,
Sweet Little pop lays
they'll all weep crocodile tears when
you real sick, and I want to
right down between third and short,
a hit seemed certain to go
b to left Held without being
touched. The ball was hard and
was bounding rapidly when
v. back and out as as ho
could, slum, down his love hand.
i, i the i all and it
straight Into hands in top of
third I The play was so quickly
saw hi was out,
. by a k be tried to delay
I i j eh and jockeyed around be-
the to let Callahan reach
i tie played It beautifully, but
. i . . h a a chance. jump-
ad back Into u- line, and before Mo-
or., n co even a start
. ,. Conroy whipped the ball to Me-
,. i am l was lo . d out
ire be bad moved five i et. So
i. i was the play ma as
soon as touched
shot down to second so far ahead
Cal Cal was able to turn
and gel back to first base ahead of
the throw. The play must have been
made ill than four sec i. Is from
the time the ball was hit. as Callahan
came down to fir, I fast and wasn't
fifteen feet around base when he
was farced to slide to k t back ahead
of tho throw to
At It turned out the play saved the
game Washington as neither team
scored In nine innings, and Washing-
Ion beat them out one to nothing in
the twelfth. If Callahan had even
reached second on the play Chicago
would have won. as followed
up the the play a base hit that
would have scored the runner from
second easily.
Mil, by O.
m I m , . MI
This Is a splendid
. tat
Shall I sent It
No. Put it away
Why It Was So Hot.
A savant who devotes him sell to so.
subjects tolls me the number
of degrees centigrade is not everything
In producing the torrid hear has
been reigning and day We have
often had as n any without suffering
nearly so severely, The peculiarity
is the great richness of
in the ultra-violet
rays It is these that give sunstroke
man and beast, bring forth lies in
myriads, though they massacre ml-
and spoil our tempers, making
us wicked as though we suffered from
letter to London
year farmers Use money
by the first is offer-
ed without looking over our lines
the most practical, and
on the m -l-
We carry a stocK or repairs tor the ma-
we sell, which is to be considered In
buying machinery. -J-
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
An Eye for Figures.
what did you think of the
I he ocean is nothing but
waste, water, but beach
was g
Advertisers Find Results Try One
Agriculture is the Most the Most Healthful, the Most Noble
m hue it e
Negro Pugilist is Given Necessary
Marriage Paper
II He True The Whole Affair
Is Antagonistic To Public Pol-
icy And Morals to n-
e rally
CHICAGO, Dec. John-
son, the pugilist, today
ed a license to wed Cam-
the white girl who has been
troubles In the Federal court.
The wedding Is set for tonight.
first made his application
t-i . C. clerk of the marriage
license office. Miss Cameron was not
him when the prize lighter
slated that she would not
of age until February, the fol-
lowing a Mil of the in such
cases of not issuing a license
the girl is present to swear to her
age. declined to Issue the permit
Johnson then appealed to Robert M.
clerk, who
Mr. and Johnson went away
grinning with the document safely
towed away.
Johnson explained to tho county
clerk that the records in court show
that the Cameron girl is more than
years of age. Johnson give his
Own age as A considerable crowd
followed him in and out of the build-
and on his pilgrimage from one
to another.
The impending marriage will not
affect his before tho
court, according lo Johnson's
Tho prise fighter said a moving
concern had agreed to him
to make a film of the wed-
ding, winch is scheduled to take place
at the home of his aged mother, on
the South Side, the ceremony to be
performed by the of St. Mark's
African Methodist Episcopal church.
bad a long talk Miss Cam-
explained that I had been blamed for
ill treating her and that we might
well be married right away. She
is alone In the world now. Her
mother has left her and her
quoted aB saying he wants to
have nothing more to do with
When Chief of Police was
Informed that a moving picture con-
had arranged to photograph the
wedding he declared that if legal
means could be found he would not
permit public exhibition of the
whole affair Is antagonistic
to public policy and morals general-
said Chief
WASHINGTON, Dec. hard-
ships of life of a sailor are not
as great as they are pictured to be,
according to
of San Francisco, president of the
Dollar Steamship Company, who
before u of the
senate Commerce Committee to rec-
several changes in tho sea-
men's involuntary servitude act, which
passed the House at the last session
of Congress.
Captain Dollar declared that every
thing had been done to put the life
of a sailor on a higher plane, but
tho class of seamen was such
they refused to take advantage
Representatives of the
Union replied that the enactment of
the bill into law would benefit ship-
owners and operators as It would en-
able them to employ better men. Cap-
Dollar said that his company
owned by American capital, was op-
crating under the British flag forty
per rent cheaper than could be op-
under the American flags, us
the laws of Britain were not as
stringent as those of tho United
Democrats May Prevent Pres-
Declares Lynchers of
Black Brutes to go Unpunished
says the Supreme of South Carolina,
No One Will Need or Receive Trial.
Before Governors Conference in Richmond
mo eon rue
RICHMOND, Va., Nov. the
name of the state of South Carolina
Governor nerved notice to the
conference this afternoon
that lynchers of assailants oil PORTLAND, Ore., Dec.
white women In his state would go Women exercised their newly
Taft sent more than recess
to the Senate today and
immediate indications of a movement
among some of the Democratic sen-
to prevent their confirmation be-
came evident.
Senator Gore, it was said, would
the active support of col-
leagues in heading the movement.
The campaign is directed especially
against nominations which It . claim-
ed, have been postponed time to
time, thus bringing the new terms
close to the beginning of the Demo-
Democratic Senators claim that the
President already deprived the
Democrats of the privilege of appoint-
fifty thousand postmasters by
placing them within the civil service
law by a single order.
Most of the Senators
expressed themselves favorable to
ti but
several Progressive Senators, whose
assistance had been counted on, did
not appear willing to co-operate, it
was understood.
unpunished. Governor warm-
defended his use of the pardon-
power as well, declaring that in
twenty-two months he had pardoned
or paroled approximately per-
sons, and that he hoped the number
at the end of the second term would
said all over the state of
South Carolina and I say it again
he declared, I will never
order out the militia to shoot down
their neighbors and protect a black
who commits the nameless
crime against u while woman. There-
fore, in South Carolina, let is be
that when a assaults
a white woman all that is needed is
that they get the right man and they
who get him will neither need nor
receive a
Governor justified Hie use lie
had made of his pardoning power, he
said, by conditions ho had found in
penal Institutions in tho state.
walked through the penitentiary
of South he said,
found it a tuberculosis incubator,
where poor devils were dying at their
tasks, making money for oilier
poor devils who had no choice
but lo stand work or take the
lash. Just the other dry Jim Roberts,
a from Charleston stopped me
as was walking through and re-
asked permission to speak
to me. He told me that he had been
kept in jail for years for steal-
a watch
said, you are telling me the
truth you will eat your Christmas din-
with your folks at He
said, I have no
I replied, will eat it
away from And he will. An-
other had served U years and
months for stealing A Judge
wrote to me that he bad sentenced
death a man when he did not be-
the man had been convicted be-
a reasonable doubt.
acquired right to vote In a half
score of Oregon cities
in all places played a con-
part In the result.
Newport, through the women's
vote, remained but
the women lost,
the ticket being success-
Oregon City's woman
date for mayor was overwhelm-
defeated. Three other
cities municipal elections
and i case to per
cent of the voters were
T. W. C. A.
The Y. W. C. A. services at the
Training School were conducted by
Mrs. Dec. 4th. con-
the study of the of th-
or of which
was begun in the prayer meetings
held during the week.
Miss conducted an laws will not allow mailing
service on the evening of Dec papers at tho usual postage rates to
The subject was who fall to pay their
may be a for it may combine lion within a year and those neglect-
ill elements belonging to a classic. to do this after being notified
, are the ones we have had to part
with. If any mistakes have been made
farting Tine
Much as we dislike to part with
them, are this week dropping
some names from The Reflector sub-
lists, both dally and week-
This was necessary because the
Pick-Pocket Pardoned; Will
Go to Position In
convicted of having
at Charlotte during
dent Tuft's visit on May
was pardoned today by the governor.
Lamont returned all the money he
had stolen, but received in the
penitentiary, His wife died
week at his home in Chicago, and
members of the Illinois Legislature
and other officials made affidavits as
to his previous good character. Two
business concerns in Chicago wrote
the Governor they would give
employment If he were pardoned.
FORT WORTH, Texas, Dec.
J. Deal Sliced, was today found
guilty of the murder of Al. G.
Sliced shot to death Jun.
13th, in Fort Worth, soon after
had returned from Winnipeg, Canada,
with his wile, with whom Al. G.
Jr., ton of Boyce, had
Sneed claimed self defense and also
a the part of the
to rob him of his wife.
Al Jr., was killed by Sneed,
in Amarillo, Sept. last. Sneed
will be this charge in Feb-
The families Involved in the two
tragedies are wealthy and have had
prominent purls In the of
Texas. After the elopement Sneed
spent n a chase across the
lo his wife.
first trial on the charge of
killing Boyce was a disagree-
The demonstration Sneed and
his attorneys over the verdict was
Walter and r
Jr., defense lawyers, were
fined for throwing their hale over the
chandeliers in Die court room.
Sneed emitted a cowboy yell, the
court refused lo censure or fine him.
Mrs. Sliced awaited the verdict in
a downtown hotel, Sneed telephoned
the news lo her.
Greece Has Not Yet Agreed to an
The Mikado Monday Night
The Mikado which will he present-
ed next Monday night In the auditor-
of the Training school by the
pupils, promises much to all who at-
tend. People need not hesitate about
buying their tickets and they had
rote me that he had sentenced to ,.
cure good seals, for the presentation
this beautiful play is going to
prove of more worth than the
of admission. play given by
Introduce Bill tor the Re-
peal the News-
paper Law
of North today n-
a bill providing for the re-
peal of the newspaper publicity law
which was attached to a rider to the
appropriation bill at the re-
cent session of congress.
The constitutionality of the law is
now being questioned before the
Court of the U, S., by certain
New York publishers.
death a man whom he did not be-
should put to death. He
did not believe It at the lime, nor I
does he believe It now.
are the errors of injustice
I am trying lo right with my power
pardon I am proud of my
the pupils has ex-
and the Mikado promises lo
surpass any former effort.
Hon. A. C. Will Address
Teachers Association December th
Takes ugh Error
At the recent Pitt county fair some in dropping names from the mall 1st.
one through error took a pair of all that Is necessary Is to call our
white Bantam chickens belonging attention to it and proper correction
Tho next meeting of the Pitt
Teacher's Association will be held
on tho second Saturday, Dec. 14th.
The topic for the meeting Is the Prob-
of the Rural School. Hon. A.
C. director of the Division
of Rural In the United States
Department of Education will address
address, papers are being
pared by who are in
vital touch with rural school
A strenuous effort is being
made to have one of best meet-
the Association ever held.
The adaptation of the rural school
to its peculiar mission one of the
Appeared it The End
Of The Most Se-
Hindrance An
SOFIA, Dec. 3.-The will
be signed today at on the
lines of or without
Greece being a to it. according
to information from author-
quarters here.
Greece will be left to continue the
war alone against Turkey if she so
in Obstacle
LONDON, Dec. was
the obstacle which to
wreck the parleys between the
of Turkey and of the
Balkan allies when they first opened
and appear-
ed again at tho end of
as the most serious hindrance
the attainment of an agreement.
During the session of the
gales the Turks absolutely refused to
the surrender of the strong-
hold of and when the
subsequently yielded to them
on tills point the Greek delegates
Shrank back and demanded time in
which to submit question to the
government at Athens
The reason for the Hellenic
any such submission to the
desires of Ottoman representative
not far to seek, according lo the
opinion expressed in diplomatic cir-
It Is pointed out it is obvious
that if the Bulgarians sacrifice
possession of Adi n
Interests of general
expect their allies share their sac-
and the in this
tin he to give Bulgaria com-
in the shape of territory
conquered by the Greeks,
and and which they had
staked out for themselves.
Hence the wail from Athens that
any concessions to Turkey will
danger tho fruits of victory gained
by the all those of
Greece and
Alabama D. A. H. Conference
fourteenth annual conference of the
Alabama division of the Daughters
of the American Revolution convened
In this today and will continue
in session until Saturday. A
feature of the three day's program
will be unveiling of a memorial
lo the Revolution soldiers buried in
Jefferson county.
the Teachers. Dr. is rec- livest topics now under consideration
ts one of the best by the educators and leaders
Notice is hereby given that Policies
No. and No. of In-
Company of the Slate of
Philadelphia, Pa. have
from my office Without
my knowledge, consent or signature,
and any loss or claim under
above policies and numbers and in
the above stated company will not
be admitted as they have not been is-
in the regular course and form
Any or parties holding the
for January Courts
The hoard of commissioners
drew the following lo serve us
ors for two terms of January
Criminal term beginning
Allen, J. H. Oakley,
J. Norman. II. Norris,
H. B. Nelson, J. H. H.
D. Jones, Alonso Dall, R. Davis,
K. J. Jones, E. D.
Dudley. W. J. Lewis, F. II. Foxhall,
J. F Dall. J. F. W H Vail-
W. W. John
Moore, It. L. Harris, P
D. A. James, R. L. Johnson, I. J.
J. Crawford. R. Gal-
J. B, J
way, H Tyson, H. Bundy,
lie John B, J- R.
Bunting. O. R, Baker,
Civil term beginning Cur-
J W. Brooks. D.
numbers are requested to re-
turn them to my office as they have Flake. A. J. B. W,
, .- . . AH persons been Issued In due course. J. J. Stokes, W. J.
another exhibitor. Whoever be made. Every subscriber get- connected with rural education, Interested In the problem are In- C. L. WILKINSON. A. Manning. W. R. J. C.
chickens will oblige by the paper should watch the believe we have been to attend the meeting, for the Insurance Company of Moore, D. J. J. J. Oakley,
ties in country on the problems out the country.
them to the president or secretary of after name and not let it get a fortunate in securing him for the they be teachers or not.
,, fr. yr I meeting. In addition to Dr. Mona-I H. B. SMITH.
the State of Penna. Penn.
O. F. Oakley. J. A. James, W. A.
White. E. F. Little, J. E.

Eastern reflector, 29 November 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 29, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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