Eastern reflector, 25 October 1912

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Wife cf the Nominee. Honorary
National Democratic League.
. V
Thomas K. Marshall, of vice-presidential nominee th
Democratic Is a keen student of affairs and as the constant
ion of her has had an exceptional opportunity of specializing on
human nature A very practical and far reaching result of this peculiar In-
In the family of the has no children of her own-
la found In the long list of humanitarian bills passed by tie Indiana
during bar regime as governor A bill to curtail child labor
heads the list, which numbers twenty, and every legal
for the Immediate relief of labor, especially that pertaining to
and children.
The Marshall BOOM, like that of tho Is a home of books, and
yet one does not feel Its walls. On the contrary, one
very much at home there the moment Mrs Marshall appears upon the scene,
and. If possible, more when Mr. Marshall comes In.
They arc such chums, this governor and wife, and
where one is the other Is pretty sure to be found They have traveled all
over the country together, and If the Woman's National Democratic league
has anything to do with It they will soon be going to Washington together
Mrs Marshall ll honorary vice-president of the league keenly Inter-
acted In Its work, not because It Is part of the campaign, but because she
recognizes the permanency of the movement to educate women In the
of Democracy.
Oct. -Miss
of near spent
Saturday and Sunday with Miss
Oysters any way you want them,
good treat every day R. W.
Mr. J ll. Cox well Ilia
The I on ate
inviting you to come
them for low prices on
. dress underwear and
hosiery. Mercantile Company.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Primitive Baptist association
If it is pictures that yon want l
see Hen or Stephens at A. W.
sags Company. They will give
you close ea work.
Dr. Walter Dawson was
if town Sunday evening with his
and he was accompanied
back home Misses Cox, Howie.
who ml
Saturday and Sunday the
Harrington, Barber and Company
have just received a good fresh Car
load of new Hour from the mills.
The revival the Free Will
church closed Sunday morning.
Mr. Walter Cherry of near Green-
ville was in town Sunday.
sausage and everything
the grocery line going cheap for
cash. It W. Hail.
Mr. M. H Bryan of Greenville was
i visitor in town Sunday night
Mr. COX who been spend-
some lime at home returned to
Mr Nichols of
was a visitor in town Sunday even-
and night.
A large lot of hardware and dry
goods just received A. W. Ange
and Company.
Miss Helen Smith and Miss Helen
who spent several at
home with Miss Smith returned to
school Tuesday evening.
We are continually gelling in new-
goods, such as hoes, shovels, forks,
rakes, traces, plows, in short,
most anything in the hardware line.
Mercantile Company.
Messrs. A. O. B. F. Man-
It. T. Cox. J. F. Harrington
went to Greenville Tuesday.
Messrs. A. D. Jamie
Smith. Joe C.
Lawhorn and C. E. Langston hit this
EVERY year some farmers money
by the first is offer-
ed them without looking over our lines
We carry an line of farm
and machines that we know will
give you absolute satisfaction. They are
the most practical, economical and
on the market.
We carry a stocK or repairs ma-
chines we sell, which is to be considered in
buying machinery.
Our desire is to give you the best service
possible and we will do everything in our
power to merit your patronage. See to it
that YOU do not lose money this year.
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
On of the the Woman's National Wilson and Marshall
evening en route for Raleigh.
Harrington. Company
have received a car load of
and dairy salt, they can supply your
A large number went over to Ayden
Tuesday night to attend the Cox and
Kittrell marriage Wednesday morn-
Rev. C. W.
spent several
hours hero Tuesday
will cure yon.
Brown made his historic
raid on Harper's Ferry.
or o doses will any case
i Chills and Fever; and it taken then
u a tonic the Fever will not return.
will cure you.
v. . a., u. .
Woman's National Wilson and Marshall and president the
Wilson and Marshall Woman's in Texas. Is in New York, where
she will remain during the rest of the presidential campaign In connection
with the work of the national organization at the headquarters In the Fifth
Avenue building. Mrs. Johnson east with her husband, who is one
the most prominent politicians, most successful lawyers and most
orators In Texas, to attend the Baltimore convention. Mr. Johnson was
chairman of tho Texas which, as Is well known, was solid for
Governor Wilson throughout the famous sessions He will ac
participate In the campaign, delivering a number of speeches for the
ticket Mrs. Johnson has been spending the summer In the east and will
remain here to do all In her power for the advancement of the Democratic
and the election of Wilson and Marshall
i H
Lincoln. Garfield and were assassinated while in office.
Lincoln was shot In Ford's in Washington, April 14th,
1885 by John Wilkes Booth.
was slot in the Pennsylvania depot In Wash-
on July 2nd, 1881. The assassin was Charles Jules
was shot twice September 1901, while In the
Temple of Music the American Exposition, Buffalo. N. Y.
assassin was Louis
Jackson was shot in the Capitol at Washington. January
a house i R.-, Lawrence he-
cause the pistol of the assassin missed fire.
A Value
In Every Suit-
Our clothes not only look right, fit right, and are right,
but there's a value in every garment.
PATTERNS- lock this FALL. Every colorant
weave is now displayed on our racks and the cost to you is more attractive
price g so low for clothes you get.
Many men who are older will want these snappy patterns, l are a
rt extreme, but we have geed styles for all ages.
As soon as you're ready we want to show you pattern u are thinking
about; and style and we'll lit you correctly in the style and pattern
you want.
In fact we sell everything that is good in Men's
and Boy's Wear.
Agriculture Is the Most the Healthful, the Moil Employment Washington.
M St
Witness For Defense Is Admitted
to Chair
up Will Take All
Case to the Jury
Probably Sometime
New York. Oct. defense In
the case of Police Lieutenant Becker
charged with the murder of Herman
that it rested at
noon today, but Justice God taking it
into bis own hands reopened the
and recalled to the stand
who had previously testified
for the defense.
were certain questions put
by the defense to this witness which I
excluded before. I now permit you to
put those he said to John
F. Becker's chief counsel.
Mr. said he to
put the questions now, as he prefer-
red to let the case stand as it was.
I direct the District
to ask the witness those
said Justice Goff. the In-
of the
Mr. vigorous objections
were disregarded.
The action of the defense in an-
that it desired to rest was
sudden and unexpected. Mr.
had said less than an hour be-
fore that he expected to call Becker
to stand
The morning session had been
en up mainly with testimony Intro-
to sustain with testimony of
the defense that the informers. Rose,
Webber. and had
Becker to save them-
selves. Character witnesses were
then called Mr. an-
he was through.
By tho court's direction
Sullivan was recalled.
did Rose say to you in the
Council asked District At-
of Sullivan.
said preservation is the
first law of nature; I had to testify
against Becker to save my
What did Webber
said. am the happiest man
In the world. That
dead and I don't have to worry
about his getting me now. Now,
Jack. It's been fixed up by the
District Attorney for you to
orate us when we testify. We are
all Jews and what do we care about
that Dutch Becker,
Rose say anything else to
he said that he and Webber
and and were going
to Becker, and I said
Why you what do
you mean by He said.
you know, self-preservation Is the
first law of
Sullivan said he took no part in
the assassination of nor
in the alleged conspiracy of Rose,
Webber, and lo as-
the gambler.
Webber said to me,
only way you can get out for you
to do as Mr. Whitman says and swear
you saw Becker at Forty-second street
and Sixth avenue a few hours after
the murder. If you do that you will
get out Ike we will, after the trial.
If you don't you'll be indicted and
spend six months In
Webber offer any money to
corroborate him
he said. God's lake, Jack,
say that you saw Becker as we will
BAY, Oct. week
of absolute rest is all that is
ed, in the opinion of his physicians,
to put Colonel Roosevelt in the best
of condition.
At the end of that time If he fol-
lows the strict regime which has been
for him, it Is expected that
he will be able to take up the cam-
in the closing days.
The Colonel reached Hill
from Chicago shortly after o'clock
today and walked unassisted up the
stairs and went to bed, expecting to
remain there most of the day. When
the automobile carrying Colonel
Roosevelt reached the house, the col-
stepped out, declining assistance.
mighty good to be home
he said.
While a week was set as the period
of absolute rest it was explained that
for a considerably longer time Colon-
el Roosevelt must avoid hard work
and will be for him to
attempt to make many speeches.
Several weeks will be required for
the complete healing of tho wound
and the knitting of the fractured rib.
Want Eastern Star Home
thirty-firth annual meeting of the
Iowa grand chapter of the Order of
the Eastern Star which settled down
to business here today, is featured
by a spirited contest of
to secure the Eastern Star Masonic
home. The home was formerly
ed at Boone. but it was destroyed by
fire last spring. Boone is making a
strong effort to it rebuilt there,
while and Cedar Rap-
ids are offering strong Inducements
to secure the institution.
Uncle Sams Post Office Men
Frame Law on Paper Circulation
From Now on no Subscriber Owing a Publisher Over a Year's
Subscription Will Not be Able to Receive Paper Without
Getting the Publisher in Trouble
Warfare to be War's
Dr. Coming
Dr. H. Hyatt will be at Hotel
Bertha Monday. November 4th to
treat diseases of the eye and fit
Turks Fleeing in Panic
Athens, Greece, Oct. turk-
army is fleeing In panic from
on the way to the Turkish
town of in the north, accord-
to a semi-official statement Is-
sued here today. The Greek troops
are said to be pursuing them vigor-
When the Turks precipitately
the town of it Is
said, they left behind them their stuff
maps and a million cartridges. They
also dropped during their retreat
much of their clothing and most of
their engineering implements.
The total losses of the Greeks
the first day's engagement are
given as one captain, two sub-officers
killed and several wounded.
The Turkish artillery fire upon the
of was without ma-
effect which point they
barded heavily.
testify. If you want any money. I'll
give yon new and when you
get out we will go Into the hotel bus-
I'll put In and we'll
the profits evenly. All you
have to do is to lie for me; if you
Us It's all right. If you don't you'll
go to
Now and then of late The
tor has asked its readers to look at
the date after their name on the
paper and if it showed them in
rears to send in a remittance lo
bring up their subscription. It has
become necessary for us to call at-
to this again, especially those
subscribers as much us a year In
rears and give notice that the paper
will have to stop going to them
less they pay at once.
We have Just received a notice from
the Third Assistant Postmaster Gen-
right of publishers to extend j with
In good faith credit on subscriptions
of the expiration of their
unless such subscription, be
expressly renewed for a definite time,
together with an actual payment of
subscription or a bona fide promise
Of payment, will not be accepted at
the pound rate, but will be accepted
at the transit second class rate of
one cent for each four ounces or
fraction thereof, prepaid by tamp
In order to bring The Reflector list
up to a compliance with this law.
which cannot he disobeyed, we are
mailing a letter to every subscriber
who is as much as a year in arrears,
request for immediate pay-
We do not believe sub-
is recognized and will not be abridged warns us to violate the
although all subscribers are law. so we ask every one to re-
as expiring with the period to the letter with a remittance
for which they were obtained, never-j Just as soon as it is received. If
in order to give an letter fails to reach you. look
to secure renewals, copies of date after your name on the pa-
will accepted for
mailing as to subscribers at the us-
second-class rates of postage for
a period of one year from the date
of expiration; but copies sent to
persons after one year from the date
per and send on a remittance. It Is
not a matter that can be put off,
as we must comply with the law.
and unless your date Is brought up
at once the paper will have to stop
going to you.
President Taft Must Resume
Duties, His Vacation
Now Over
Mass., Oct.
dent Taft will return to Washington
for the winter next Sunday. Mrs.
Taft will remain in until
November the fourth.
The President will go back to the
by way of Cambridge Springs.
where, on Saturday, he has a
speaking engagement. He will visit
at Mile Bate
Aviator Fall; Escapes
from a speeding and
death, William
an aviator, today was re-
the congratulations of his
friends at the army aviation field at
College Park. Md. The accident
late yesterday when
In demonstrating a machine ordered
managers are revising plans and
arrangements the wind-
up of the presidential fight.
The inquiry to Colonel Roosevelt,
the voluntary withdrawal of
nor Wilson from the stump and the
fact that neither President Taft nor
Vice-President Sherman have taken
part in the active work of the cam-
have resulted In changing plans
in all three of the chief political
The ensuing two weeks will wit-
a concentration of activity in
the sections where the respective cam
managers believe the outlook
is most favorable for the capture of
disputed ground. Governor Johnson,
Progressive vice presidential
is to fill in most of Colonel
Roosevelt's proposed engagements in
the East and the Democratic leaders
are rushing a number of their chief
speakers into Pennsylvania and New
York to take up the work planned or-
for Governor Wilson.
The Democratic campaign will
in Pennsylvania from this time
forth according to statements made
Black Pugilist How Has to
Face Representatives of
Uncle Sam
Newark, N. J. November and . , coM
go from there direct to Cincinnati , , and one of
where he will cast his vote. Although , w hurled from , ,,
Plans are Indefinite it I. expected a Mt
resident will go back to Washington The ,.,. ,
the and spend the time
remaining before Congress
at a speed of approximately miles
writing his annual message.
I an hour, was
escaped with a few bruises.
CHICAGO, Oct. Federal
grand jury today began its
into the Jack
Cameron affair with a view to learn-
whether the pugilist has
violated the Mann act by causing the
Cameron girl and other young women
to be brought to this city for illegal
The first witness to be questioned
was Mrs. of Min-
the girl's mother, who has
been waging a fight to induce her
daughter to quit Johnson.
Lucile Cameron, who has been held
in the Rockford. Jail. In default
of bonds, and her mother
at the Federal building and
While they waited to be called into the
Jury room the mother again pleaded
with the girl to give up the
and also to tell the Jurors
all she could regarding her relations
with him.
Jack fight promoter, who
was wanted in connection with the
case, appeared at the Federal build-
and said he was ready to tell all
he knew of the affair.
A search was made for him
day, but he could not be located
said Johnson and Came-
girl had been bis home only
twice. The lime to meet her
mother, he sold, and the other time
when the champion came to ask him
to look his planned fights In
Lucile Cameron will, according to
present plans, till her story of her
relations with the Immediately
after her mother has completed her
Mayor Harrison today ordered the
police to the music
and other forms of entertainment in
the on the south
side immediately stopped.
Peasants of the
of Are
by the Turkish
LONDON, Oct. armies of
Bulgaria and Greece
to clear their way to their main
objective points the Turkish fortresses
and the
last a town on the Grecian
Greek armies have crossed the
frontier at two points. In
at the western end. they have
occupied the heights of
at the eastern end they are
pursuing the Turkish troops to their
base at where an
battle is expected to be fought and
the taking of which by the Greeks
would carry them apparently nearer
the and Salonika road.
The armies are probably
the hardest fighting at the pres-
moment. They are operating to-
ward and and fur-
north in district of
and have on contend not only against
Turkish regulars but also against the
Turkish who are fierce
Arabian tribesmen. One of
their armies has advanced as far as
the outskirts of the
town between the
tier and
Tin- have secured posses-
of the mountain pass leading to
No news of Importance has conic
from the Bulgarian frontier today and
this leads military authorities to
that King Ferdinand will not at-
tempt to rush the fortress of
but will mask it and
round it to the cast or to the west.
The reported intention of the
army to give the
go-by and to head direct
is dismissed as Impracticable
by military men.
The distance is same as that
lo Mukden, in Manchuria,
which look Japanese army a year
to cover.
Tho town of Is still
held by the Turks although it was
rumored today that Bulgarians
had the outer positions. This,
however, lacks confirmation.
The western Bulgarian army, like
the armies, is fighting against
large bodies of tribesmen, assisted by
Turkish artillery and from all ac-
counts there has been sonic stiff
skirmish in which tint Bulgarians
have been victorious.
The warfare In this region is of a
merciless Character, as the
or Bulgarian tribesman,
are fanatics.
The Montenegrin army apparently
inactive at present.
The representatives of the powers
continue actively to confer and It Is
now suggested that In
the Balkans might occur ea Her than
was hitherto thought ,.
It however.
that one big battle must lie fought
before the powers can t any de-

Political Advertisements
You have read the speeches of Sim-
mons defending the per cent
tariff for which he admits voting
in but a careful analysis of the
bill shows that the average
rem duty carried by that bill was
11.42 per cent of per
as compared with 12.61 per cent
Hon Jas. A. Lockhart. of
spoke at Madison Saturday
in behalf of Judge Walter
Clark's candidacy for the Senate.
We gather from the extended report
of the speech given in the Charlotte
Observer by a staff correspondent. of lumber, but the aver-
that it was a warm number. It will i Mt n, about per
The duties carried by the 1909 act
vary from to per cent, the lower
duties being on the heavy articles.
Some reduction made on
be recalled that Senator Lockhart and
Governor Kitchin passed a few com-
through the columns of the
and Observer last year. Mr.
Lockhart charging that the Governor
had lost his nerve when the was
made against the trusts in 1909. At Telegraph
Madison Saturday he renewed his
charges with increased emphasis and
brought out some startling history
and express, -x desire to meet Gov-
Kitchin fee to face and dis-
cuss his back-down.
Mr. Lockhart said he had
to make. years ago Mr.
Kitchin came to and open
ed the campaign and in that Speech
Mr. Kitchin said. Elect me governor
and I will put the trust officials be-
hind prison bars and in
believed him. knew that he
had failed to do anything while he
was in bill he had told me
that he did know how and that if
be could be made governor he would
be an independent and active
nor i trusted him and supported
him. l spent money for carriages,
hired a brass band, paid for the
the tickets and l worked tor
him. it is he offered to repay
but wouldn't lei him and told
him that I did not want money;
but that I did want him lo be t man
the people of North Carolina, and
fulfill his promises to the people.
The first suspicion of Mr. Kitchin
came to me when the convention was
in Charlotte four rears ago. and then
it was that Mr. Reuben of
county, came to me in
the Hotel and said that he
was afraid we were making a mis-
take and that Kitchin was in the
hands of the American Tobacco Com-
His closest friends were the
dose of that big corporation.
They were apparently backing
I believed in Kitchin. Then
age duty left at about per
M feet.
The following are some of the
covered by the lumber tariff
and the duty on
Per cent duty.
Act 1897 Act 1909
Railroad ties .
Casks and barrels .
Packing boxes .
Willow furniture .
Butcher skewers .
Willow baskets .
Window blinds . free
Chain .
Beds .
Tables .
The act also advanced the
tariff on shingles from cents to
cents per
The method usually adopted by the
Simmons forces is to draw attention
away from any unfavorable state-
by making an attack on its
but ill this case the above is
from a public document of which
Simmons is one of the authors.
They might, however, go to Wash-
and cot a line on the Public
Print, r who sent out the document
and cast aspersions on his character
and political affiliations.
While you arc home today get out
your pencil and paper and write
down the cost of your tables, beds.
chairs, and all your household fur-
that is made of wood and then
per cent of that cost.
If you own the house you live in.
per M feet on the lumber
use and cents per 1.000 shingles
and add this to the per cent on
your furniture.
Your family has probably used very
few railroad ties and telegraph poles
so you will not have to take account
of the reduced tariff on them.
Call your wife and children around
you and show them what the tariff
cost you. Tell them that it is what
have paid by reason of the
Republican Speaking
The County Candidates of the Republican Part will
speak at the following times and
Friday, October 25th, P. M.
Friday, October 25th, at Night.
Black Jack, Saturday. October 26th, P. M.
Bell's X Roads, Tuesday, October 29th, A. M.
Falkland, Tuesday, October 29th, P. M.
Fountain, Tuesday, October 29th, at Night.
Farmville. Wednesday, October 30th,
Arthur. Wednesday. October 30th, at Night.
Gardner's X Roads. Friday, November 1st, P. M.
Ayden. Saturday, November 2nd, P. M.
We cordially invite the public to come out at the
above mentioned places and hear the County Candidates
Noted speakers will be with them to discuss the
important issues that confront the people.
Chairman of Republican Executive Committee.
See our Display of
It will pay you to
shop here where you
can form an opinion
of true values
Have an unlimited choice of the best grades
Exceptional bargains in odd pieces besides com-
the prices.
Let's Show You
as the deadlock continued, Mr.
came to me again and begged me to
withdraw my influence from Mr.
Kitchin. but still I believed in him.
and I still though he was all right
until I. as the Senator from Anson no, a platform at Denver
county Introduced the bill known as lumber and such a
from a Clark or Kitchin
tariff for which Simmons voted
and is what you would have to give
them if a man like Judge Clark had
been in the Senate.
Your wife may ask you if Simmons
the Lockhart anti-trust bill. I was
not its author. It was drawn by
Reuben U. of Buckingham
I was told by William Walton
Kitchin that the people of North Car-
did not want any anti-trust leg-
and that the people of Rock-
county had defeated
because of his interest in that
man would constitute an at-
but your wife is thinking of
what she could buy for the home and
the kids with the money which went
to the lumber Trust by the vote of
In spite of all this, you will go out
and vote for Just because
you have a against Kitchin
and Just as many nun are voting for
trains Leave effective July
a. Atlanta,
Memphis and points West, Jackson
ville and Florida points,
at Hamlet tor Charlotte and
with coaches and parlor car. Con-
with steamer for Washington,
Baltimore. New York, and
p. Richmond. Wash-
and New York
sleepers, day coaches and
car. Connects at Richmond with
C O. at Wash with
railroad and B. ft for
burg and points west.
p. Atlanta. Charlotte
Wilmington, Birmingham, Memphis,
and points west. Parlor cars to
p. m. No. tor
Henderson Oxford and
Washington a. m., New York
p. m., Penn. station. Pullman
arrive to Washington and New
B. BIAS, P. A. Portsmouth, V.
H. S D. P. A.
Raleigh N. C.
Plenty of
I lend you any amount of
money you want over at
1-2 per cent. Loans made
tor B years. No security will
be acceptable other than
proved farm lands In Pitt Co.
Apply to
Don Gilliam, Atty.
Office in Jno. L. Wooten's New Of-
To the Voters of Pitt
I hereby announce myself as a can-
for Register of Deeds,
pendent of party affiliation. Your
support will be greatly appreciated.
office of United States
Said Slew.
Kitchin said to me slow. Kitchin because they have a
the people don't want anything done. Simmons.
I went out from his office disgusted since the beguiling or this light the
and undone and my confidence in W. politicians supporting both Kitchin
W. Kitchin was gone and gone for- Simmons have purposely nourish-
and I am opposed to nominating cultivated every source of hard
kind of a man for the exalted because know from ex-
that when you get bitterness
into a man's soul, he does not stop to
think and can be led to the polls and
to vote against the interests of
himself his ho. and his family.
They know that f the people ever
stop and think for themselves and
take a look the platform
Which Walter Clark is running, he
will be nominated by an overwhelm-
Every man in North Carolina knows
absolutely where Judge Clark stands
on every important issue and how he
will vote on every clash between the
interests of the people and the inter-
of the trusts.
Send Walter Clark to the Senate
and he will go after the per cent
duty on the chairs and beds and
tables which the poor man has to
buy, even if he to neglect those
railroad ties and telegraph poles
This Is straight talk but if you will
get away from the harangue of the
and the newspapers and
think for yourself, you will know
that It Is the truth.
Oklahoma D President
NORMAN. Okla. Oct. Dr. S.
Brooks, formerly superintendent
of the public schools of Boston, was
inaugurated as president the
of Oklahoma today. The in-
was witnessed by a large
assemblage, the president
many universities and colleges
throughout the country and
or alumni and other
the University of
dent Lowell of the Harvard
President Hill of the
Missouri and Dr. Clayton. S.
Commissioner of Education were a-
the noted educators in
Fortunes In Faces
There's often much truth in the say-
face is but its
said where pimples, skin
blotches, or other blemishes
figure it. Impure blood Is back of
them all and shows the need of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They promote
health and beauty. Try them.
cents at all druggists. adv
To The W
is given a list speakings
by the Democratic candidates for
Senator. House of Representatives
and County officers the next ten
days, closing Nov. 2nd. Look over
this list. See when they speak at
your precinct. Fix the date and the
hour in your mind. So order your
work that you can be there. Then
TALK about the speaking. Mention
it to your neighbor. If you have boys
who ought to be Interested in tho
welfare of the country, take them
you to the speaking, then TALK
TO THEM about the needs of your
country. It will do TOO good. It
will do good, whether
they can vote or not, they must some
day be voters. The whole country
is going Democratic this year and
you certainly want to know the
upon which this party stands.
You can learn these principles by
Attending these speakings. It will;
do you good to meet aid know your.
candidates. You will not regret it
Speaking at
The Democratic county candidates
had a good crowd to hear them at
on and
cue dinner enjoyed Just before the
speaking. Mr. F. C. Harding, pres-
elector for this district, was
With the county candidates and made
la opening speech of the campaign,
giving a forceful discussion of local
state and national issues.
Chairman C. C. Pierce, of the
ts executive committee, was present
and introduced the speakers.
In 1623, a copy Shakespeare sold for In
1886 Oliver Wendell Holmes was offered this same book
for Hut been put out at inter-
est per in 1623, it would have amounted in
1886 to
Make Hank your HANK.
Greenville. N. C.
E. L. DAVIS, President S. T. HOOKER, V
H. D. Asst. Cashier J. L. LITTLE,
S. M. Schultz
Wholesale and retail grocer an
allure dealer. Cash paid tor Hides,
Fur. Seed barrel,
Oak bedsteads, Mattresses, eta
Suits, Baby carriages, far
suits, lounges, safes.
and Ax snuff, High Lift
tobacco, Key West Cheroots, Henry
George canned cherries, pesos
apples, syrup, Meat, flow
coffee, lye, food.
matches, oil. cotton seed meal aid
halls, garden seeds, oranges, apples
nuts, candies, dried apples,
prunes, currants, raisins, glass
china ware, wooden ware, cakes and
crackers, macaroni, cheese, best but-
new Royal Sewing Machine and
numerous other goods. Quality
quantity cheap for Com
ma. Pass U.
October 29th.
Having qualified as the
tor of the estate of W. H. Flake, de-
ceased, all persons owing said estate
will please settle the same at once
all persons to whom the said es-
Is Indebted will present the same
within twelve months of the date of
this notice or the same will be plead-
ed In bar of their recovery.
Oct. 1912.
Administrator of W. II. Flake.
W. F. EVANS. Attorney,
in ltd
Farmville. Tuesday
, iv .- .--.
do. you may regret if you do o clock.
, , Tuesday night.
CHAS C PIERCE, Chairman. p. m.
M B X Roads. Friday.
Co,. Mill, Tuesday. October Hid, ,.,. Meeting of Hall
. , .,.,. her 1st 7-30 CHICAGO, Oct. 21.-The an-
Wednesday. y ,,,,, of ,,. Ass, r
. ,. w 2nd o'clock. Railway Engineers began
Fountain. Thursday , ,,.
o'clock. . at Mi Auditorium hotel.
Arthur, night. ,.,,,; by ,, the
Saturday October 26th. go-round and the wheels with leading railroads of the United States
Buy Oranges, Grape
direct from the Grove. Get
best fresh fruit and save extra
freight charges mid-
man's profit, commission
man's commission and other
expenses. I can All all orders
In any quantities for above
fruit on short notice. I also
grow sweet potato drawers and
vines of all varieties. Orders
for potato plants are
being placed now for next
spring planting. If you need
sweet potato plants for next
spring and summer give me
your orders now First come;
Hist served. Slate
Hank Orlando. Fla. The
Pt Back, or win r
Para, Fla
Whiter I la.
The Great Eastern
Carolina Fair
Oct. and Nov.
In Premiums Given Away for Agriculture, Stock Poultry,
and Other Exhibits
For Premium Book and Information Address,
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work and Flues in Season, See
J. J. JENKINS Greenville,
Mr. Zeb Forbes, who lived about
two miles from Greenville, died about
loss appetite. It mean, lack of o'clock Monday morning with a
loss of strength and nerve weak-low chill. He was In town Saturday
neat. If appetite fails, take Electric was taken with a chill here which
A Log on the Track
of the fast express means serious
trouble If not removed, so does
Bitters quickly to overcome the cause
by toning up the stomach and cur-
the Indigestion. Michael Hess-
or Lincoln. Neb., had been sick
over three years, but bottle of
Bitters put nun right his
feet again. They have helped thous-
and. They give pure blood, strong
nerves, good digestion. Only cents
at all druggists.
was followed with a more severe
this morning. Mr. Forbes was about
of age and unmarried. He
was a brother of Mr. II. A. Forbes.
o and also leaves several
This week If
adv than last.
likely lo less
Visit to
o'clock Saturday morning
when the bell from the South build-
ins; began to peel out its melodious
tones, the students gathered st the But for s little sleuthing the fol-
building where they formed lowing might have appeared In the
into a line and marched to the Me- Want Column of The Reflector to-
Hall. two home-
At the head of the procession mar- from When
chief marshal of the exercises. .
Dr. C. L. Raper, followed by the In- were jail.
band. Next in the marching young lady and gentle-
side by side was ex-President Kemp man. Suspicion that they were in
P. Battle and President F. P. Venable Return to Mayor Woolen and
and in succession members of the
faculty. Then on came the classes
following their respective banners. Heres how I, happened. The train
The graduate students were in the of piloted by Mr. E. B.
lead and then came the seniors, jun- Rice, arrived in Greenville Saturday
sophomores, freshmen, law, med- afternoon and the Mayor and other
and pharmacy students, were do he we,.
This procession was led to
Hall where the exercises
ed. Divine guidance was invoked by
Rev. T. D. Moss, pastor of the Pres-
church. Following the in-
vocation the University hymn was
Dr. Venable in his introductory re-
marks expressed as a hope for the
future of the a marked
growth in power, service and an ex-
of all that is line worthy
and high.
His annual report of registration
of the institution showed that the to-
registration in all departments
was Divided into classes these
figures represent the
freshmen sophomores
ors seniors graduates law-
list, medical and pharmacy
He then read telegrams of
from the various colleges and
also a cablegram from our mission-
in China.
The committee on arrangements
were very fortunate in securing
of the distinguished alumni us
speakers for the celebration of the
anniversary of the University.
The speakers were as Mr.
W. H. Swift of Greensboro, subject.
The Revelation of the Alumnus to
the Mr. W. P. Stacy, of
Wilmington, subject, Things
That Count in the Great
Mr. J. K. of Elizabeth City,
subject, on
come stunt. The Ohio delegation was
taken over the greatest, finest, most
thriving, most progressive, most
if you town In the
whole world. Some of the points of
Interest visited were the court house
and Mine Host Dudley's Hostelry. The
party Inspected the last named place
with care and from there repaired
to the Carolina where a well
trained pair of feet beat some rag
time and home sweet home with
from the nearly pensioned
pianola. Mayor Wooten got some
for from the top pocket of is
coat and distributed them around the
male branch of the aggregation.
What between the groans from the
pianola and tho fragrance from the
Flor sheer roots, the whole
did not miss a couple of home-
seekers until nearly time to go see
Captain Amines the It
was on leaving the club that a young
lady and gentleman members of the
party were missed. The mayor did
some strenuous brain-box work. Ev-
asked everybody else. Great
Meanwhile cries of Murder Fire
etc. coming from the jail attracted a
turnkey, who unlocking the
massive door found leaning against
It. a couple of strangers, young and
frightened, who begged to be let out.
A few words explained the situation
couple were able to join the party at
the Bertha. Mayor Wooten
Greenville, Yours if You
Fraudulent Of-
for Protection of
Health and Life.
William Jennings Bryan Analyzes
Record of Third Term Candidate
Promises to Shield
Them Against Discrimination by
No Message In Behalf of People's
in Seven and s Years
T. R. President.
Solomon that the borrower Is
servant unto the lender. If this
plies to one who borrows Ideas Mr.
Roosevelt does not the
for be has not only borrowed
from the Democratic party as few pub-
The political tentacles the third
term candidate have been extended In
direction from which might be
voters Irrespective of
race, color or previous condition, of all c men an
party, but be has shown himself
, . ungrateful for the Ideas
en. Of course It will not be contended
that Idea can be patented. It Is the
only thing. In fact, that Is not subject
to monopoly.
Mr. Perkins, with all his fond-
for the trust, would not contend
that a monopoly In Ideas could be
termed and made subject to regulation
by a bureau appointed by the
dent. Mr Roosevelt, however, has won
his popularity by the advocacy of
previously advocated by the
Democrats, and still he Is all the while
assailing the Democrats bitterly and
has shown toward them a hostility
that Is hard to explain.
To show the extent of his borrowing,
let me enumerate some of the things
which he now advocates that were ad-
by the Democrats at an ear-
lier date.
vocations, factions and trades Into the
Progressive fold. By specious prom-
cunningly to each the
colonel beckons them to follow with
bleating approval wheresoever his bell-
adjutants may lead In order
that Theodore Rex may again sit In
the White House.
Tempting bait Is thrown to the work-
people In the wage, to
the Socialists in the enlargement of
government ownership to the
en In the furtherance of suffrage
to the farmer In blissful bet-
of rural etc. Now he
to the quacks, those true and
hitherto men of predatory
wealth, offering them tenderest regard
and freedom from prejudice or
The following pol-
Is offered for protection of our
favor the union of all the
agencies for fundamental govern-
dealing with the public health
Mr. G. G. Stephens, subject.
Prof W. S. Bernard, sub-,
Jed, Alumni The
speeches were short on account of
having several speakers, but each man
seemed to give his best the few
he had the Heed. These speeches
were sifted, so the audience
only the finer part. The Song of the
Alumnus was sunk and the
by Rev. W. A.
pastor of the Methodist church.
Wake Purest n
The first foot ball game on the
gridiron for this season took place
Saturday between Carolina and Wake
Forest. It was Indeed very Interest-
throughout for the fact that the
game seemed to lie on the balance.
Six times the Baptist boys were on
the ten yard line and seemed d-
to carry the ball on.
Dr. Parker, Trinity, at
the Methodist
One of the ablest sermons ever
In Greenville was the one
delivered tho Methodist church
last night by Dr. Parker, professor of
theology at Trinity
Professor Parker had for his text.
have meat that you know not
but or meat Is to do my
each time the Tar Heels fought them The distinguished visitor
back amid the cheers from both sides, cussed In a most comprehensible man
hen the were not on the the meaning of his text going at
length into the generally wrong in-
held there was plenty amusement fur-
by the college yells and the
college band.
The games were most over and
It seemed that each side would
the victor, until Captain
the People Rule
Take his paramount Issue of the
present the rule of
the people. The platform adopted by
Into a single national health the Democratic national convention at
without discrimination against or for Denver four years ago contained the
any one set of therapeutic methods,
school of medicine of school of healing. the people Is the over-
such additional powers as may whelming Issue which manifests Itself j
be to enable It to perform in all the questions now under discus-
efficiently such duties In the protection
of the public from preventable Here is the very phrase which he
eases may be properly undertaken employs, and It Is not only declared to
by the fundamental authorities. In- be Issue, but the overwhelming Is-1
eluding the execution of existing laws sue. It was dwelt upon by the
pure food, quarantine and dates and by other speakers during
subjects, the promotion of campaign, so that Mr. Roosevelt, then
action for Improvement president, may be assumed to have had
of vital statistics, tho extension of the notice of It. He not only refused to
registration area of such statistics then that It the paramount
with the health activities, issue, but he displayed
of the various states cities of the, activity In urging upon country
Mr. Taft, whom he has since declared
Thus would votes for Theodore Res to be the agent of bosses and the
my of popular government.
It would seem that he ought to make
some slight of his
Indebtedness to the Democratic party
for suggesting this Issue to him. At
least, he might put the issue In quota-
He Is now advocating the direct
election of senators, but if he ever ex-
be multiplied.
Insults Educated Physician.
This quack plank of the Progressive
platform not only Insults the
gent voter, but wounds the
physician, in that It places the latter
In the same category with empirics of
and low degree, rubbers, sun .
,. j pressed himself In favor of this reform
magnetic and other healers and r . . . .
.-.-- earlier than two ago the fact
has escaped my observation, and I
have not only watched carefully, but
waited anxiously, for some favorable
expression him.
of the Master's will.
People Will swerve from the path of
Christianity as marked for them by-
he the Lord In their worldly pursuits for
got getting or overlooking that path
the ball safe ill his dutches, broke which will finally
the opposing line and made a yard goal crowned with glory.
dash for the goal. The game
of the ease with which
them to a
He spoke
that path
ed with Wake Forest Carolina
school from
plays here Saturday.
In tho mayor's court this morning
A. B. Baker was held for trial by
the superior court. Night Policeman
had arrested him last night
at the carnival grounds as Baker, who
was under the Influence of liquor,
snatched u revolver his
pocket and was about to level It
against Thomas Watts, a man attach-
ed to the J J- Jones aggregation
linker was charged with assault with
weapon and with carrying a
concealed weapon held under
bonds of each.
could be traveled If people would real
study the Lord's will. If they
would really perform the task set for
them by Him.
Quite a large congregation gathered
at the Methodist church to hear Dr.
Parker, members of other churches
going there to hear the learned
Sofia. Oct. taking the town
of Pasha, the Bulgarians
commenced operations at two points
simultaneously. General
army with as a center, at-
tacked the light wing of the
forces and occupied the villas of
which dominates
Pass. The Turks were forced to full
ha Into Pass this
also they were soon compelled to de-
As they retreated they blew
up tie railway bridge over the River
Maritza. cutting off communication
tin t State Concert In Honor of
Fair Oct. 21.- Preparations on
Pill county came near off of great magnificence have
all the prizes in the White Leghorn In en completed for the gala concert
class of poultry exhibited at the in be given tomorrow in honor of
slate fair. Mr. J. J. Jenkins made birthday anniversary
In this class and won the German The
1st. two 2nd and himself given personal
one 3rd. Mr. J. B. Tucker also to all of the details of the
second prize in this class. Both A long list of
of these gentlemen have some line sinners will participate In me pro-
poultry, gramme.
all other pretenders who fatten upon
the credulity the helpless sick
their terrified relatives. The Sun has
adverted to the outrageous violation
of propriety and justice which
the medical laws of several Long Fight For Popular Election of
states in the Union, the last Instance of Senators,
which we In the medical reg-
of the canal zone and which Tho Democratic party began the
the bull moose platform threatens to light for tho popular election of
upon all the states of the Union, tors twenty years ago this summer.
These legislative enactments require house of
all persons who propose to become at Washington passed for
physicians not only to pursue a more or a resolution submitting
lean thorough course of preparatory necessary amendment. Since that
education, but also t- be trained In all a similar resolution has
branches of and. besides, to other
subject to a rigid examination by in by another Dem-
of the state. All these serve con-
to protect the public against Ignorant grosses had elapsed, by three
pretenders and would perfectly fair can houses, and, last, by the present
did not the very same enactments ex- Democratic house. During the twenty
the latter from the provisions the reform has been
plying to educated practitioners. Democratic platforms, tho plat-
forms of 1900, 1904 and 1908. and it
Favor for has been by the legislatures
of nearly two-thirds of the states. Mr.
Thus do our sagacious legislators Roosevelt must have known of the
themselves In the Interest of which was being made by tho
the cormorants to whom they grant pl secure the popular election of
special privileges, because, forsooth, senators, and yet he took no part
they claim to without th During this time he was
There Is now no discrimination president for seven and one half years,
against of There- It quite certain that a ringing
fore the special protection demanded message from him would have brought
for them by the bull platform victory to the people's cause, but no
gratuitous and Intended only to entrap came. Four years ago the
votes. The belong to no convention which he controlled
school. Now Theodore Rex nominated Mr. Taft rejected,
dignifies them by a special provision a vote a resolution
and, expressing a most tender regard this reform,
for their sensibilities, promises to Mr did not say any-
shield them discrimination by He neither rebuked the
educated physicians. convention nor the
This platform would raise the quack strong plank which was Included In
and healer above the men who dally the Denver platform. Mr Taft
exemplify their personal and went so far during tho campaign of
superiority by some unselfish as to say that PERSONALLY he
devotion to the public weal. In his was INCLINED to favor tho popular
eagerness to placate the Influential election of senators by the people, but
Mr. Roosevelt would Mr. Roosevelt did not even Indicate an
have oblivious of the that the Intention In that direction. Now, when
educated physician tho only real the reform is practically
altruist in the community. Instead of amendment being before the states for
arousing the public conscience declares himself fa,
favorite this self appointed re- or of It. Would it not be fair for
former the crying shame and him to indicate in some way his
exemplifies again that no of tho long continued fight
need he be bound by
prior professions.
President Taft has won the approval
of the quacks and healers by his med-
regulations of the canal zone;
he ice this Machiavellian policy.
generations win substitute
for Politic
strange bedfellows indeed. Be-
hold Taft and Roosevelt under the
same York Sun.
Horses and
Another Load on the road,
be in last of week.
Horses and Mules
Buggies, Wagons and Harness
We sell the best Buggies and on
the market for the money
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
Harness, Lap and Bicycles
you to look at our stock
waged by the Democrats behalf of
this reform before he espoused It
T. R. Income Tax.
Mr. Is favor of in-
come tax. How long His first
of It was during his sec-
term, and then It was suggested
a means of limiting swollen for-
not as a means of raising
revenue. The Democratic in
Cook Stoves, Malleable and Cam-
Ranges, Wilson Wood Heaters, Hot
Blast Coal Heaters.
If it's in the Hardware line, we have it.
Phone Greenville, N. C.
of cotton and pro-
duce. We now the
Co. id
will be glad to have our i a

a Woodrow
do not ignore the fact that
Published kg
who upon January ,, a Democratic ships. It the very de- muM or too
THE an
WOODROW MM by a considerable
I reading of a great day If the people to of the lax to the weal-
In the year 1775 when certain farm- give credit to whom credit la due. thy, which are their proper
took their In their they to the Democratic proportion. exceedingly sensitive to change, ha
gathered In little along candidates for and The Tax bill passed by the of kind hag been to precinct, are
road that led from Lexington in place their stamp of approval on the House provides for the extension of however, ill-advisedly. upon to But should
lac I Massachusetts to Boston, and there record of House of Represent- the Corporation Tax law as to the way
lay in order to intercept lives. include Individuals, firms, co-partner- , , Want
to look after registering for the com-
election. Only those becoming
of age since the last election, or
who have changed their
year. . .
lets months,
ma; he had upon
an errand aimed at the liberties of House has passed tariff bills which purpose of transferring tax deny we act we
the colonies; and I rave often heard would have reduced the high cost burdens from those less able to car- fa d .
j. .,. . . l, ,,, , th. r . day and will likely amend Its
The state Democratic executive
committee will meet in Raleigh Thurs
that day men speak the em- of living a year
them to the of the
who have heretofore
like men who know what they
ruling as to to rote
We. Every -.- , about , , ,
and Third street. are going to be embattled farm- degree for masses from a proper share of taxation a theory
again in the history of this . vetoed by president. support of the government. change, we he
and try, not with guns in their hands, but Th. Free hi. present burden of indirect tax-
All card, of h
reaped will charged at
sent per
will be charged for at three
per line, up to fifty lines.
as second class
August M, 1310. at the a.
-North Carolina,
act of March 1874.
FRIDAY. 1912
The Free List bill, pass-
only at such a rate and In such a
with ballots in hands who are ,, by the House, would have saved way as will least Interfere with the
going to come back and claim the annually. come of Der ear normal and healthful course of corn-
sovereignty which they with the bl removed the duty from A net But e
rest of the people of the implements, of which Per would not on that account act with timid-
States. worth were exported and A we did not know our own
I don't want anything say to be
worth were Imported
understood as embattling the farm- fiscal year sewing ma-
against any other great legitimate
interest in this country because our
task at the present moment Is the
task of understanding one another so
thoroughly that there will he only
fence wire, bagging and cot-
per year would pay nothing
on the first 15.000 and per year
We stand ill the presence of our political life,
awakened nation. Plainly it is a The farmers of tills country are
new age There are two great things, a interesting position. I
ton lies, lumber, laths, shingles,
meals, flour, salt, leather, shoes, etc.
Under our tariff law a barrel of
Hour valued at abroad is taxed
one cause, only one purpose men . rent ad our ,.,
acting together can live all the level. or m
minds, for we are certain of our
ground and our object. There should
be an immediate revision and It
should be downward, unhesitatingly
should begin with the
which have been most obviously
ed the entire lax.
valued at per pounds
Bo Your
That the present high tariff on and to
costing the people , ,,,
two cents per pound or over ,. and to prices
annually, according to Mr. C. A. elsewhere in the markets
president of the Federal of and it before
to do. One is to set up the rule of have seen the interests of a great Company, a concern or be ex-
a tax equivalent to
Justice and right in such natter many classes specially regarded
the the regulation legislation, but must frankly say
and the prevention of monopoly. I have never seen the Interests
The business of government is to Hi,, farmer very often regarded in
separate and And one of the greatest
of wide The Imposition upon the farmers of
Initial task this year is to get our country that has ever been devised
government in such shape that we the present tariff legislation the
can use It for our own purpose, not United Stales. have not heard any-
anybody in particular, bat body hut orator on stump say
everybody ill general. We want the tariff was Intended for the
to establish a real partnership be- benefit of the farmer. When the
ween all people and Federal State was granary of the
government instead of between the farmers were looking
interests and the Federal govern- for protection and while they were
men W must effect a great re-ad- looking everything else had
and get the forces of the and of every-
whole people once Into play. that they had use was raised
independent of the Trust
tended to every item in every i
When Greenville gets a new opera
house, something that Is hoped for
before a great while, our people can
find better entertainment than they
have had In the last few years.
After listening to what all the
have to. say, Just make up your
mind that Greenville is the best to-
market In the bunch and you
will be right.
Usually the few days preceding a
general election is the time for
springing campaign lies. While you
can keep on the lookout for them.
It Is well to pay no attention to them.
It is simply the way
some people talk and some
only this amount which affords any opportunity for
print about
when they themselves helped to put
This hill proposed to remove this
entire tax.
The Democratic wool bill propose
to reduce average rate of
on manufactures from 90.10 per people are talking good
cut to . par cent market, of the enterprises of that in this
of tills measure means That practically no American labor country; until special favors of every undergoing a great
that the will pay I employed in the sugar fields sort shall have been absolutely with- change in county.
annually collected by the govern- monopoly, for special privilege
a office the very men whom they ac-
as revenue and the balance is limited groups of beneficiaries, or for
extorted by the Tariff-favored subsided control of any kind In
150,000.000 more for clothes of the western states
drawn and every part of our laws
year than they would hare
President had signed it.
That the per capita consumption of taxation shall have been transform-
ed from a system of governmental
he State Is pounds, which
A wool tut. valued abroad and means an exaction from each fain- patronage Into a system of just
Again let us remind you that If
you have an idea of buying property
cents upon Its entry Into
the States, under the present
law, would been taxed
only cents.
Flannel underwear valued St
of five persons of annually charge which shall MIL you are not ,
whore they will create the
den. When we shall have done that.,
we can fix questions of revenue and
of business adjustment in new spirit
get it cheaper by putting It off.
as a result of the Tariff
That when a pays
or a carload of sugar of it Is CM x questions of revenue and
of business adjustment in new spirit
must come down. He had better
per dozen is taxed under ad rate upon this
and with clear minds. We shall then
The tariff question, as dealt with ham, until now Is tin- . , . be partners with all the business men
. . , ho , , present law at the equivalent M of life. In comparison with y
our tune, has not been business, to lake a legitimate ,., ., . ., . ,,, . . . the country, and a day of freer, I
,. u Th . of about per is as
II has been politic. The tariff has
become a system of favors. while you were feeding the world,
schedules have been determined In was feeding the trusts. I
committee rooms and conferences. intention of
The tariff becomes a matter of legit- to the farmer that he go In
business only when the up. All that I am
standing it represents is between the you is that you break
leaders of Congress and the whole your own and live there,
of the Sates, instead of And , wan, you , examine very care-
between the leaders of Congress and character of the tenants who
small groups of manufacturers, de- nave been t. The rent has
The Democratic bill proposed to re-
duce to per cent. A suit of
ready-made woolen clothing worth In
Europe Is taxed under the pres-
law at the equivalent ad
rate of per cent or The
Democratic bill proposed to reduce
this tax from to per cent and
save the consumer per suit.
The cotton bill reduced the
Sugar per ct.
Champagne . per ct.
Automobile. .
Rare Paintings and
Diamonds .
more stable prosperity
shall have
been trying to do something all these
years to get it down.
Some people are very glib throw-
out challenges when they think
will call them. But how
of forming rings or machines, quiet they get after being called.
And all because they happen to
fer with the talker or newspaper In you don't have it your pock-
That the export price of Is particular man for h et when perambulating a
now per pound less than the particular office. There Is entirely crowd your pocket will not get pick-
domestic too much torn-foolery and rot dished ed.
That through the removal of the out in this campaign and it grows I Wilmington has raised more than
per ct.
per ct.
per ct.
in nave u. lie rail m . . . ,,
special recognition and demanded of you and not of T duty between 1891 and 1894 the price more disgusting as the election draws half of the the city started
That Is the heart of have paid the which j out the cam-
t inn t
whole affair. It Is at bottom a enabled them to live In your house
of good faith and good morals. your premises.
Our conviction as Democrats. Is The intimately concerns the
the only legitimate object of tariff this country It makes a
duties is to raise revenue for difference to you that
support of the government. We vetoed the Steel Bill. II
the a to you In the cost
as the most example f every tool you use
afforded special favors of 1110-
upon the and It is very
advantages which the that a Democratic House of
of the Republican party Tar-
shown themselves willing to Bill over the President's
to those to whom they looked Te farmer aB
campaign contribution. Th changes ,, tariff as
which we make should be made only
anybody else.
of tariff burden, under this
schedule from not less than
to about for a year,
or a saving of about for
a twelve-month period.
Men's cotton half hose valued at
eighty cents per dozen pairs whole-
sale are taxed under the present law
at the equivalent ad rate of
about per cent. The Democratic
cotton bill proposed lo reduce this
to per cent.
It to reduce the tax on
cotton thread from an equivalent
rate of per cent to per cent.
pound, increased 2.1 per learning that every man has a right fund,
cent the first year and per cent hi. own opinion In this day and ,
Greensboro wont let automobiles
off their mufflers In own. Guess
they don't want to catch
From the way the price of beef
keeps advancing, people will have to
become to a
A of ready-made cotton cloth-
port at
is taxed under our present law
and healthful course of commerce Representatives With the
ill such a rate and in such a way as
will least Interfere with normal
and manufacture. There should be
What happened in Congress which mg a
has recently adjourned The House
per cent ad or a suit.
an immediate revision downward,
should begin with the schedules most
obviously used to kill competition
a Senate which is not Dem- Thia bill to re-
passed the Free List per
Bill. It put agricultural implement., he per suit.
lumber, shingles, salt, bagging and
free Hat. V
to It It was vetoed by the
dent, because, consciously or to 22.42 of domestic production while the
he not the people
per cent. This revision,
the States but those who have .
have held their power in trust for in a twelve-month raw on
and raise prices in the United The bill revising the metal
, . on happened . .,,,., , ,
and should be extended to every Item I
which affords opportunity tor
and special advantage.
favors shall have been ab-
withdrawn and our law. of
taxation transformed from a system
patronage Into a
tern of just and reasonable charges
which shall fall where they will
ate the least burden.
The Republican party doesn't pro-
pose to change any of the essential
conditions which mark our present
Mr. Roosevelt proposes In
during the three years In contrast generation.
to an average annual Increase
the present Tariff of per cent New forward with a
That the cost of production has no tobacco organization that
relation to the selling price of do- lg the field in
sugar and that the domestic with the American Tobacco
sugar producer in arriving at a Bell- Company. The new company
price bases his price on the several large cigarette
, Pitt county's corn cribs will be
of imported sugar plus the . .
. full to overflowing when crop
and not only adds the duty but n
Is housed.
I adds the freight from seaboard to There many who are
distributing markets as well nm over w j put
is shown by the following be nominated for United States of he for
of wholesale
New York .
New .
San Francisco . Cane
Salt Lake City . Cane
than for the success of the Demo- g, the put
ticket. That is one of the bad
results of holding the primary In con- m mm down Jobs
with the election. now who off of after
the coming election.
If a pick pocket touches a man he
and beet sugar which I office, Vet there are
of people who let the WilBon shows himself a man equal
the entire from and t. the occasion.
being sold In New York and W after do not a
Philadelphia made from imported even a ballot It
own purposes. period more
The revision of the chemical
hundred people In New have effected a saving to
It is not a high aspiration In some
respects, but the fellow who comes
So many politicians when they are out of college a crack ball player
held an Indignation meeting to ex- American consumers of out after office declare they are friends stands a better show of making his
press their condemnation of the mis- by reducing the price of all chem- of the farmer. Even President than the one who gets into the;
Throw yourself in the breach and
help boom the cannon for the Pitt
county fair.
You may call this a campaign,
but there are plenty of
One of the best thoughts in
with the present campaign Is
representations of Senator F. M. and at the same time got to so about himself, overcrowded profession.
Simmons. That I. but a t government would have The friend, of th farmer are the
of the thousands throughout North ones who do something to make hie According to an exchange Blanche that It will be over two weeks.
The bill placing sugar on the free condition better and give him stress, has expressed c
. , , approval on election day.
but to take it under the legal
of the government and to reg-
It. to take the very men Into
list would have saved during a desire to marry an editor. If Blanche; Greenville has not any too many
no, 15.000.000 the cannot claim that he has would wives of a few ed- people, but some here are not worth
The Indications are that Locke The tariff tax on sugar Jone the contrary he has and learn what they have to to the town the room they occupy.
partnership who have been making will get the largest majority to about 1-2 per cent lo a Prey of live on she might recall her wish. o
it impossible to carry out great any governor of the state has The amount of sugar con- I Interests
They all find out that this is
by which all of us wish ed in many years. Do your part to n continental United States
to help the people. We don't swell the n 1911 was about pounds
to disturb the industry of other
There are but two more weeks of Greenville. Yours If you
The new series of share in The the campaign and they will be filled Or
and the application of 1-2 cents per Home Building and Loan with work for Democracy.
The Raleigh fair was somewhat of pound to this consumption affords to begin the first In No-
Roosevelt Is rapidly recovering In
spite of the doctors.
pie these men have establish-
ed which makes It matrimonial bureau this year the estimate of as rep- should be a large one. This, in both attendance and Interest the
that we should give ourselves a free en couples from other town, were resenting the saving to the people. I association is accomplishing Raleigh fair Just closed was a Pin your faith to Greenville and It
Held of service.
married there Thursday.
The House passed a bill providing measured good for
be on the right spot.
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and
Eastern Reflector for and vicinity
on Application
WINTERVILLE, Oct. F. See R. W. for beef, fish,
C Nye left Wednesday morning for sage, oysters, barbecue and anything
Weldon to attend the Baptist Roan-
In the grocery line and he convinced
that you can get the best goods for j
Come and see Harrington. Barber cash.
and Co. for your shoes, as they have
a complete stock as they
a complete stock on hand now and
are in a position to save you money.
Dr. B. T. Cox went to Greenville
If you are in need of a good sew-
machine this you will find at A.
W. Ange and Company; they have
from to each.
Mrs. J. R. Johnson made a short
trip to Ayden Thursday evening.
Messrs. A. O. A. D.
A. C. Jackson and H. B.
Judge Clark ha the best to be chosen Senator in the
He is Pledged to earnestly contend for an amendment to the
Interstate Commerce Law that will prevent the against
North Carolina in freight rates which now costs the farmers and mer-
chants of this State a year.
He is pledged to contend for and expects to succeed in
returned annually pensions to Confederate Soldier, and widows
for them to spend, the which this Slate is sending as a war
contribution to pay pensions to Federal Soldiers.
on tobacco which will give the farmers cents additional on every
pound of tobacco they sell which the manufacturer now has to take
Monday on business.
Mr. J. S. Rosa of Ayden was here
Mr. L. L. Kittrell of Ayden
In town Tuesday,
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The i
Eastern for Ayden and Vicinity
Advertising rates
AYDEN. October can exhibit at the fair on Nov. and
mm. . ., . , . boast of one of the best cotton mar- Every community should be
He Is pledged to earnestly urge the repeal of the cent tax. . .,. ., .
in the east try us with your next resented.
bale. j Ladies hat., baby caps, veils
Mr. J. J. Lawrence is now the hair netts and a store full of bar-
proprietor of Hotel Annie end will gains, cement, lime, roofing and
Mr. C. L. went to Kin- off for Government tax. This will also destroy the Trust by leaving
farmer or neighborhood free to manufacture tobacco. It will save
the farmers of North Carolina a year.
He will advocate Land as in Germany and other
tries by which the Government loan money to the farmers, small
merchants and working men at low rates of Interest. The Government
now furnishes the National Banks w their money without charging
Interest. Why should It not the farmers, merchants and work-
men money at low rate of Interest as in Germany
give you good service.
Mr. Henry Brooks and wife of
are visiting their daughters.
Mis. M. G. Taylor and Mrs. Dick-
Mr. J. C. Jones who has been quite
sick for some days is able to be out
wire. J. R. Smith and Bro.
Messrs. Simmons and hitch in lime each served twelve years In
The Of Public
And The of
went to Greenville Thurs- manufacture an of
. eating liquors, Just a. the majority
Mrs. Jesse and Miss Mamie proper He
Chapman went to Greenville Thurs- the of ,,.
The Union Mercantile Company are
opening up some beautiful china and
ware. Come and look at
those bureaus and water sets; they
are beauties.
Mr. Lee Smith a pupil of W. H.
S. was called home Thursday morn-
on account of his father's death.
We extend to him our deepest
thy in bis trouble.
at once. head of
beef cattle. It. W. Dull,
N. C.
Quite a large crowd from here at-
The Hon. Thomas Settle. In his i done nothing about any of these things. They do not
speech at Greenville, advocated Premise to do anything now If elected.
small communities, as villages B- advocate a graduated Income and inheritance tax by
and townships, the privilege of voting the will contribute heavily to the support of the
Government, whereas nothing is now raised from them in that way.
The friends of Judge and his alike, know that he
ran he relied upon after election to urge these measure, as strenuous-
as he doe. now.
liquors, is a crime per and
the basic principle of all good govern-
is the extirpation of crime and
no in can make a crime
gal, or justifiable. Carry his
out and we would have no
government than Arabs I
make no progress arts and I
science and but very little in pop-1
He claims to be a j
can but he is far from being one.
In principle T writer voted
ticket and aided with his small
In framing the platform, one
plank of which, was strongly for the
Miss Janie Kittrell of Ayden were OF HEALING
married n the Baptist church here
last Wednesday morning at a. Osteopathy is the beet answer to
m. Rev. C. W. Blanchard of Kin- this universal demand for a natural
officiating. They left on the rational method of eradicating
o'clock train for a bridal tour west. air, sunlight, exercise.
Both very popular young people correct mental attitude,
and all other common sense aids
have many friends who wish them
a long and prosperous life.
Mr, C. J. Smith continues very
sick at his home near Ayden.
Plenty of school books and school
It Is reported on good authority that an emergency call was sent
in from the Tenth District to the Simmons Headquarters this week. at
The call was based on the Clark wave which is sweeping that district
and In a desperate effort to stem the tide appointments have been made
for Senator Simmons and Cameron Morrison and other speakers have
been rushed into that District.
The Clark wave is not only strong in the Tenth but is sweeping
throughout North Carolina and Walter Clark will be the next Senator.
Raleigh. N. C.
to health, the osteopath considers of
vast importance; but the
feature of osteopathy is
order in the body; perfect nerve
and blood supply mean health. Me-
disorder, nerve in-
Mrs. Mary Love Lakes of Norfolk and poor supply mean dis-
i at D. G. Berry's.
Mrs. Gardner is to her
bed with neuralgia.
However, osteopathic theories
hut little interest lo sick people.
tended the carnival at Greenville of the and
Thursday night. of another principle was
The weather is now turning colder. the people
directing our attention to heavier
wearing Harrington, Bar-
and Company are in good position
to supply your wants along that line.
Mrs. Henry Staton, of Bethel, spent
The right of the of this stale to nominate Senator was
demanded and driven through by Judge Walter Clark. He wished his
be uniform throughout the for that office acted upon by the people of leaving pastor and now have approval
nation. These principles j, machine process in the Legislature. The Primary gives to service twice each Sunday. -7 ,
ever been changed our majority of the people THEIR RIGHT to name THEIR j The handsome new Methodist. ,
with Mrs. M. G.
state t
advice to Mr. Settle is to put himself
in harmony with the party or get out The Democratic State ordered two Senatorial Primaries,
of it. for there is no hope of ever the first on 6th and the second on November 26th. A
carrying the state with that kind of of the votes cast is necessary for a nomination,
He claimed that candidates In the first primary will be Judge Walter Clark, Sim-
t and Kitchin. If no one of these men receive a majority
in first primary the second primary
will he between the two highest. lowest man Is dropped.
A VOTE FOR CLARK Is a vote Simmons and against his
receiving a majority In tho first
A TOTE FOR CLARK is a vote against Kitchin and against his
receiving a majority in the first primary.
Thursday night
It Is hard to stop Colonel
from making a speech and crime.
hard to understand why A. W. , t , m
and Company can give people such , , and by -h
bargains. state, are empty and the per
The Pitt County Oil Company will of jg much and
gin your cotton any day in the , favor.
and any hour in the day between e
sun up and sun down. They give the a other ,
highest cash price on meal, exchange
Dr. M. Sauls has Installed one of The most Important question to them
the handsomest cold drink they are the only ones vitally
in the country and has made other interested, is. will osteopathy aid me
improvements to his drug store. in getting well Do follow a
Rev. John H. and wife treatment or course of treatments
Spray. N. C has arrived and has one capable of thinking fairly can
church for a
for nearly
a high cent-
age of its cases. The record Is
one when we remember
church will be dedicated the 3rd Sun-
day at o'clock. Rev.
F. A. Parker. D. D. of Trinity Col-
will preach the sermon. A large
crowd Is expected to be present.
If It is hardware, belting, lime and hag
cement you want, call on J. R.
Smith and Bro.
that most of these cases are those
which have been pronounced Incur-
able before to osteopathy.
What is osteopathy doing right now
u been doing These. I
suppose are the questions the
price on proportion to the time that has . ,. ,
for your Come and see ,, dry He L
Mr. J. D. Cox went to Greenville ,, ,. hart
ed that perjury had greatly Increased . .
Friday to attend the call meeting of , our and
the board of governors and lady
of Pitt county fair.
Mr. J. R. Turnage has purchased;
Mr. J. A. Harrington's property on
Lee street and will proceed to build
It up with business houses in the near
future to be used by his progressive
firm. I
pie wish to have
pie of this site and should lie
It, as a good citizen, he
have the perjurers all arrested, FREIGHT BATES voted against the Mils.
We are displaying a beautiful line and to tho is shipped from New Or-
of ladies and gents sweaters, coats; gang and work upon Va, through
and children's la- he a cheaper rate than it
and Gent's gloves. A most hand of t can a, Cotton
some line. Union Mercantile Co. and we would have good Is shipped from Memphis. Tenn. to
If you should need any good m a through- Norfolk. Va, cheaper than it can be
don't fail to see R. W. the We know of a,
. of the kind or we would report It We would give a long list of such
WINTERVILLE, Oct. the proper officers at once. He discrimination against Charlotte and
Johnson went to Ayden Saturday ha, our own bu, our
to spend a few days with relatives. enrich others. We know merchants and are
The Union Mercantile Company is are not patriotic as well ware of the unjust and
inviting your attention to the be do money against them
low prices and good quality. See Q houses in other states and know they have been unable
them before buying elsewhere. when we had for to get relief by repeated appeal to n
Misses Lilian Thompson and greater part of what they sold. Republican Interstate Commerce Coin-
Carroll went to Kinston Saturday from other stales and as more mission,
then used than now, the tax In May. and again In June,
Better get you a heater at A. much greater than at 1911. bills were Introduced In Con-
Ange and Company. Jack frost will hence we are gaining many thous- to make It Illegal lo charge less
catch you. of dollars as it is. We expect for a long haul for a short haul
Mr. J. B. Johnson and son. Hardy to have a law passed forbidding and In both Senator Simmons
I AYDEN, Oct. a re
a few weeks we knock again
Mr. Guilford Harris died at
it of
Hundreds of coses of asthma
have been cured. Most of the cases
rheumatism, no matter how long
I standing, are either cured or
cases of paralysis have
to the treatment when there
seemed no chance of a cure.
cases of chronic constipation
and chronic
have been cured.
He did to In the face borne near Hanrahan last Thursday.
. . . . face of the fact the oldest man in and other disorders are hand-
that the platform upon which he was He . . .,.,. .
elected senator in 1906 said- community, having raised a large manner. In-
The d of rail- of
of the rail , , n pured or
roads against Carolina cities a tree ll
and towns and In favor of other points Mr entombed one-third of the epileptics who
have no greater natural and his leg was broken, tried osteopathy are well.
Is Injustice to the since sufferer. Bright's disease unless the patient
r n. Li. J ,,. t . I,.,. t . net t h
Peace to his ashes and sympathy too long, yields to osteopathic
treatment. In short, there are but
All kinds of hardware, mill supplies. I few diseases, especially the chronic
building material and fire arms at diseases, that have not been success-
J. R. Smith and Bro. treated by osteopaths. One of
Johnson went o Greenville Saturday
Come and see Harrington. Barber
and Company for your nice clocks,
buggy whips and buggy robes.
Miss Leona Tucker and Mr. Jasper
shipment of liquor Into dry territory j .
very soon and will greatly -r-1 r-
crease our gain He argued that lo KnOW Them DY Their
cal option would decrease the con-
of liquor and blot out the
blind tigers, greased pigs, joints, and WHEN KITCHEN SPOKE IN
front row on platform was occupied, we
are informed, by politicians and officeholders.
went to Kinston Friday on business.
Today and tomorrow and every day
Edwards spent Saturday and Sunday illicit places with equally
at home. names. But again the facts
Fannie Lee Spier visited are against hint. There are more
Mends In Saturday these fearful places In local WHEN CLARK SPOKE IN CHARLOTTE
Sunday. than prohibition territory.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. We once lived In a county of which
the county seat had local option and
a small majority licensed the twenty
n the season you can get oysters saloons the place. Yet there were
any way you want them at R. W. n places where It was sold on the
sly than were licensed and almost
The Methodist Sunday school went every merchant kept the vile stuff
over to Ayden Sunday morning to the in bis to treat his liberal
of the Methodist church, and sell him a supply if he I
The high cost of horses and mules desired. The remainder of the
should cause every farmer to buy one had prohibition and no places
of those good horse blankets at A. liquor was sold clandestinely.
W. Ange and Company. are glad to record that since that
Mr. M. B. Bryan of Greenville time county seat has voted dry
spent Saturday and Sunday with his the great benefit of the place.
option has been a very
We Just opened up a nice failure wherever tried. We The rand of
recto by such means a. are and
hie within the limitations set by the
constitution of the
Walter Clark will fight to relieve the
merchants and manufacturers or Mr- u- Manning, of greatest recommendations to this
North Carolina the Grove, has sold his farm to Mr. Ne- method Is that it is tonic and con-
per annum drain which they now have mire Harris, of and Mr. not destructive. Rundown,
to pay by reason of freight Manning has purchased a portion business men; weak, de-
nations an he will never be found late Cox farm st- people who have no definite
the side of the railroads as against Johns church and will move are always helped. And the
the people. year. Mr. Manning help one gels from osteopathy is not
Clark for Senator one of Possesses stimulation, but good, hon-
ltd greatest charms that ever strength. Osteopathy stands for
lightened a human soul, that of a growth and makes each
clear conscience and a clear mind, part of the body do Its own work
is fortunate In just as nature Intended.
this man of God locating in their
Dr. J. W. Taylor, of Greensboro,
once an is here looking son's store.
his property and other interests. I F FITTS.
Our tobacco market has closed I Kinston and Greenville. X. C.
for the season, after enjoying a lib-
patronage. I
The colored graded school opened Aged Lady Dies
Monday morning. Mrs. Dudley died Monday
School books, and other supplies night the home of her daughter,
at J. R. Smith and Bro. Mrs. J. W. on Dickinson ave-
Mrs. John H. Smith, of Winter- She was ye-r. of ago and
Greenville office hours 9-12. Mon-
day and Friday mornings.
Greenville office over Frank
tho front row contained two two Con-
federate a machinist.
the front row on the contained an at-
of the Southern Railway, an attorney of spent Sunday in town
the Southern Power Company, the Cashier of
the American Trust Co. and
the editor of the Charlotte Observer.
leaves two Mrs. Murphy of
Spark plugs, carbide, compression Greenville and Mr. J. H. Dudley, of
caps, grease, auto oil and other ac- Washington. She was an aunt of
at J. R. Smith and Bro. Sheriff S Dudley and Messrs. D.
j There seems to be difficulty In get- c. and Ernest Dudley, all of this
steam and heating coal, which j town. The funeral took place till
is a great inconvenience to our afternoon the Dudley grave-yard,
sens and about B miles from town.
advocated, as a stone
Rev. Mr. Parker, or Durham, preach
ed the dedication sermon In the
Methodist church here Sunday.
Mr. Henry Cameron, an old ex-
Central States Field Trials
and setter, tho
product of years of careful breeding
of over gaiters, over shoes, for Individual option and Sumner and Lincoln, in the to prohibition, but never before, heard Confederate soldier, died at his home
Indies and children. The ground Is purplish tinge in the complexion and Helper, Caseins M. prohibition used as a stepping stone near last Thursday. He training, are entered in the on-
getting wet and you should keep your the would be governor do not com- Clay. Frank and Harlan, In the lo option Finally what is the well stricken In years. trials of Central Slates Field.
roil perjury, he has decided in- favor who formed and led the Party of Temperance Republican In Mr Rollins is wearing an Club, which began today on tho
feet dry.
this state, under existing conditions
unusual blushing smile, it's a hoy. preserve, near this city.
Misses and Ora Nichols and it. use and has carried it out to glorious victory all favored
brother, Mr. Thad Nichols, of practice. We feel sure that he Is All the Republican Coat la-1
spent Sunday aft he accuses his op- dents, notably Lincoln end Our own conclusion Is lo spit on the and at j. r. Smith i Notable Wedding In Ottawa
. of up a great moral with possibly one exception, have fa- whiskey plank In the platform, Bro. OTTAWA. Ont, Oct. 23.-Many per
Harrington. Barber and Company question to call away the the destruction of the liquor the name of Thomas Settle off of the Mr. Richard Wingate has sold bis Hon. of attended the wed
have received their new fall stock the people from their blunder, on traffic and It Is surely ticket and all who as he Cox farm to Mr. Geo. ding here today of Miss
of new pants, and they are good other questions and holding the in- for any man to try at this late day does and thereby show that we can consideration, These gen- daughter of the Hon. W. R.
and moral people In the to change the principles of the party not be delivered to the god of wine, are both hustlers. tho Dominion minister of
Mr Waters made a fly- party, for the best element In his own on this the greatest reform of the by any party or convention. Show your personal Interest in land revenue and Mr. C. A.
trip to Black Jack Sunday. party favored and voted for the law. age. We have often heard local op-
county and arrange to have an a prominent lawyer of that city.

If you are at all particular in regard to the
latest and best in Feminine Apparel, a visit to our
well-stocked store will prove to be both instruct-
and entertaining. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended you to come and inspect our well-tailored,
hand tailored
Coat Suits
and Skirts
We have a large stock for you to select from
and more are continually arriving. The newest
styles are beautifully developed in our selections.
The coats embody many new features and stylish
effects. The materials the best to be obtained at
popular prices. You will find our goods in every
respect worthy of your choice and purchase.
We want to show you quality goods at
moderate prices. Come to see us.
J. R.
J. G-
What adds more to the en-
of the family than
a PIANO in the home
No dealer can place one in
your home for less money
than we can.
Our prices and terms are
sure to please.
Sam White
Piano Co.
r. n.
second floor In
OB Third ft, opposite court
L. L Moor
. J.
in Edwards Building on la
Lodges Social
Attorney at Law
formerly occupied by L
Practice limited to of the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat
Washington, N. O, Greenville, N. C.
Office D. L. James, Green-
ville, day every Monday, to pm
at Law
building, it
Practices wherever his services an
. Berth
I. Dudley.
Clerk Superior C Moore.
Register of M. Moore.
B. Wilson.
OIL Laughing-
P. D ;
J. Holland, J. J. May, B. M.
W. E. Proctor.
W. C D. . Clark
Engineer Attorney at La
Attorney at
Office in Edwards Building, filth door
from street
North Carolina
Id. Woo let.
C. Tyson.
L. Carr.
Chief of T. Smith.
E. Nobles. E. R
W. A. Bowen, J. J.
F. Davenport, B. F. P. Van-
Dyke, H. C. Edwards.
Water and Light
S. Spain, C. L.
W. Tucker.
L. Allen.
D. Overton.
W. F.
Attorney at Law
Office opposite B. L. Smith A Co i
stables and next door to John
fan Boggy Company's new building
Greenville, Sorts Carolina
at Law
H. B. Ward C. C.
N. o. N. C
at Law
Practice In all the
la Wooten on
Greenville, Carolina,
Baptist, a M.
Rock, pastor; C. C. Pierce, clerk;
C. W. Wilson, superintendent of Sun-
day school; J. C. Tyson, secretary.
regular pastor.
Episcopal, St. Dallas
Tucker, rector. W. A. Bowen
superintendent of Sunday school.
R. V. Lancaster,
pastor; P M. Johnson, clerk.
E. M. Hoyle, pastor; A. B. Ellington,
clerk; H. D. Bateman, superintend-
of Sunday school; L. H. Pender,
Rev. W. O. pastor.
Free Will Thomas E.
Peden, pastor.
Kinston, N. C. Greenville, N. C.
All curable diseases successfully
treated without drugs or surgery.
Chronic diseases a specialty. Office
over Frank Wilson's store.
Office hours 9-12, Monday and Fri-
day mornings.
B. F.
Life. Fire, Sick and Accident
on Fourth street, rear Frank
Wilson's store
Grimesland. X. C, Oct. 1912.
Notice is hereby given lo the pub-
that our lands, lying along Tar
River have been posted according to
law and all persons are forbidden to
trespass on any of our lands with or
without gun or dog. for any purpose,
whatever, without permission.
W. C. Faucette.
Greenville No. A. F. and A. M.
R W. M.; L. H. Pender,
Sharon, No. A. F. and A. M.
f. D. E. Griffin, Sec.
Greenville Encampment No. L
W. C. P.; It
H. Pender,
Tar River No. K. of
Woodward. C. C.; A. D. Ellington
K. of R. and S.
I Greenville Chapter No. R. A. M
-J. N. Hart, H. P.; E. E. Griffin, Sec.
Covenant Lodge No. I.
every Tuesday night, E. O.
j Flanagan. N. G.; L. H Pender, Sec.
Tribe No. I.
R. Sachem; J.
W. Brown, C. of R.
Bulbs, if you Please
Our new stock of French and
land Bulbs are now arriving and to
plant early Insures fine flowers.
Remember we make the finest wed-
ding bouquets and floral designs.
Mall, telephone and telegraph or-
promptly executed by
J. L. Co.
Phones Raleigh,
B. J.
Agent for and
Lillian Carr, pres
Miss Ward Moore, secretary, j
Daughters of T
. Jarvis, president; Mrs. J. L. Wool
n, secretary.
The Kings A. L
Blow, president; Mrs. J. Q.
Sans Mrs.
Lewis Skinner; Secretary, Mrs. W
L. Hall.
Dunn, president;
D. M. Clark, secretary.
End of R.
fries, president; Mrs. E. B.
Round t R.
Pres.; Miss Nellie Denny, Sec.
Civic Mr. T.
A Person; Secretary, Mrs. T. B.
is put up in Sanitary Tin Cans that protect
packed in flimsy, unhandy paper package
that do not protect. Insist on having it.
Ail good Grocers it or will get It for yo.
Coward Wooten Drug Co.
Used In Our
All Soda
Toilet Articles,
Full Urn
Kodak Supplies
Drug Co.
The Average
Gentry Gorman
Has been slightly over
for the past few weeks
Gentry Gorman
Sell your Next Load
They will Get the Highest
Market Price for it
i m
can be replaced at once, the owner
nothing but a little
Rut the uninsured house
may never be rebuilt, especially if
the owner Is In moderate
stances. Don't the loss of the
home you have worked and saved
Have us insure it at once.
Pender Tyson
Ins. Agent. Greenville.
T. I C I
Steam Water
Electric Light Outfitter
I am prepared to do your work
Reasonable price. See me or call
bone No. CO.
Missouri In Session
State Association of Missouri
met for its annual convention in this
city today and will In
until Friday. A notable list of
speakers appear on the program.
now to acquire
by starling to save. Have you
realized that our way Is the sure
way. Its easy if you will only em-
brace the opportunity. HONEY
GROWS when Invested in our shares.
We the public stock in our
The relation of a Bank to Its depositors is most
confidential and baled upon Implicit confidence. When
you arc thinking o a banking connection consider the
prominent and of this Bank, with its
history of six and one half years of practically the same
Then think a lit further and consider the standing
directorate and Its assets of and the fact that
this is the only National Bank In Pitt County.
Then think of Its various kinds Savings Accounts
its Depart Safe Deposit Department
and you are bound to realize that Its equipment to serve
is complete In detail.
Then the It is the Bank for you, the In-
in which you are Justified In placing your
funds with the satisfaction that every confidence sacred-
We have not our service. You will have to
be personally tainted with this to appreciate it.
Capital and Reserve,
E. fl. James, V. V-Pres. F. J. Forbes, Cashier
The Two Main Functions
of a Bank
1st, To provide a safe place for the deposit of money for
safe keeping.
2nd, To place a large portion of its funds out on good
distributed as well as possible throughout all lines of
industry, so as to do most good in the of the Whole
FACT that the United States, and the State Governments have select-
ed this Bank as their Depository in this section, are sufficient evidence
that the Bank fulfills the first function.
Our Loans and Discounts of
made up of Merchants, Doctors, Lawyers, Mechanics, Professional
Men, and all other classes who use capital, give some indication of the extent
to which we are assisting the community.
In starting your bunk account, you should select a good strong bank, able
to assist you in time of need.;
With Resources Over Half a Million Dollars, we are able to meet all
Reasonable Requirements Q
We Want
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company
E. G. FLANAGAN, President
E. B. HIGGS, Vice-President
Dynamite Caps Invade
Home and Do Some
A few days ago Mr. T. G. Man-
who on Rural Route No.
bad one of his hands badly
ed by the explosion of a dynamite
cartridge. Sonic days before the ac-
Mr. Manning's children found
several dynamite caps and had been
with them. Mrs. Manning
picked up some of them that the
children had thrown down and think-
they were empty pistol
threw them in the cook stove to get
them out of the way. An explosion
followed that blew off the top of the
and came near setting the
kitchen on fire.
Later Mr. Manning picked up an-
other cap In his yard, thought be
would get It out of the way of do-
damage by slicking a match to
It. There was another explosion and
a piece of the cap went through his
left hand badly injuring it.
Pitt County Fair to be
Held November
A meeting of the governing board,
township committees, director and
assistants in the woman's department
of the Pitt county Fair was held in
the court house last Friday. It was
intended that this meeting should dis-
cuss and determine the plans
for the fair to be held in November,
but a circumstance arose that for
the time looked like the fair this year
would have to be called off. even
so much preparation for it had
The matter was referred to a com-
with instructions that If the
fair could not held on the dates
first planned and advertised that no
fair be held at all this year.
Not knowing Just what would be
the outcome, The Reflector gave no up
Well Deserved
The Praise That From Thank-
Greenville People
One kidney remedy has known mer-
Greenville people rely upon It.
That remedy is Kidney Pills.
Greenville proves it re-
Mrs. Joseph Ill S. Wash-
street, Greenville, N. C,
have taken Pills
with the most satisfactory results and
I know that they are a good kidney
medicine. About a year ago I was
by symptoms of kidney com
plaint. I suffered from dull, nagging
backaches and I also had
and pains through my kidneys.
spells annoyed me and I noticed
that the kidney secretions were
natural. Kidney Pills,
from the John L. Wooten Drug Co.
brought me prompt relief and a short
time ago when I again used them,
they acted as effectively as before.
I know that this preparation lives
Carolina Township Man Did
lot Let Family
Mr. J. A. of Carolina
township, committed suicide Monday
morning by shooting himself with u
gun. Between S and o'clock he
took his gun went out the door
he was going to kill himself.
His wife and children followed him,
trying to prevent him from
himself harm, when be told them
f they did not leave him alone he
would kill every one of them. Then
going a short distance In the yard,
and with his family looking at him,
he prepared the gun, placed the
lie of it against his left breast,
sprang the trigger with a long slick
and sent a load of buck shot through
his body. The load entered Just be-
low the heart and came out under
the shoulder.
No reason can be for Mr
self-destruction except
that be had been drinking hard and
was noticed to be quite drunk on
Sunday. He was about years of
age and leaves a wife and seven
children, the latter ranging in years
from month to years.
Steam Packet
Dally, including
Equipped with Unite
Wireless Telegraphy and every mod-
convenient. Cuisine
Want Ads
meal and hominy. S. M. Schultz.
acres. Near Falkland. Benjamin
Craft, N. C.
lies and Narcissus bulbs now for
Christmas blooming. Mrs. D. D.
shoals, weight to
pounds. W. S. Williams.
N. C.
seed oats for sale by Jose-
Cox. Winterville, N. C.
report of the meeting of Friday,
deeming it best to wait for an of-
statement from the committee,
as lo whether the fair would be held.
Instead of having to announce that .
the fair for 1912 had been called
off. The Reflector is asked to say to-
lay that the will he held Nov.
14th and 15th, the date first named.
With this announcement let every-
body get busy for the fair. There.
is not much time left now for prep-j
and the governing board.;
For sale by all dealers. Price
Foster Co., Buffalo, New
York, sole agents for the United States
In wreath. Finder kindly leave
at Reflector Office.
few choice flowers, at and
per dozen. Miss Mary Bunn. corner
Greene Fourth streets. ltd
committees, and ladies of the
man's department can hardly get to-
again until next
week. But the people should go
right ahead getting their exhibits
And remember the dates for the
fair, Thursday and Friday, 14th
Ontario Sunday Schools.
HAMILTON, Ont., Oct.
well-known Sunday school workers
present from all over the province,
the 47th annual convention of the
Ontario Sunday School Association
assembled in city today. The
sessions will continue three days and
sessions will continue throe days and
experts from both the United
States and Canada. An important
feature of the convention is the mus-
which s In charge of
Prof. E. of and
Prof. Roper of Winona Lake,
In Church
On third Sunday In November
Rev. C. M. Rock, the pastor, will
begin a series of meetings in the
Baptist church. Rev. Charles E. Ma-
dry, of Tabernacle church. Raleigh,
will come to assist and do the preach-
during the meeting. Mr.
Is remembered by many Greenville
people who heard him deliver the com
sermon at the Training
school last year.
Yards Officer In Conference.
with a new policy adopted
by secretary Meyer, the commandants
of all the naval stations and navy
yards In the States and
lions at Guantanamo. Cuba, assembled
at the navy department In this city
today for the purpose of considering
of administrative improve-
It is planned In future to
hold such conferences twice a year
Hill Brothers
Slate, Tin, Metal Shingle and
Galvanized Iron Hoofing
Manufacturers of
Cooking and Heating Stoves
Shop Near A. C. L. Depot
I o
I have a passenger Touring
Car for hire on reasonable
terms. Will carry passengers
anywhere In town or country,
or to neighboring towns.
Day Phone, Night Phone
Still With
I Life
Just The Strong-
est and Best
Into New Stables
Corner 2nd and Evans Street
Transfer Man
Baggage Express
Phone No. Night or Day
Meets All Trams
E or doses will break any case
l Chills and Fever; and If taken then
is a tonic the Fever will not reran.
Price tic
die. Nice puppy. J. W.
for Christmas blooming; get them
now. Mrs. Haskett.
Saved by His Wife
She's a wise woman who knows
Just what to do when her husband's
life is in danger, but Mrs. R. J. Flint,
Vt., is of that kind.
Insisted on my using Dr. King's New
writes Mr. F. a
dreadful when I was so weak
my friends all though I had only a
short time to live and It completely
and colds, It Is the most safe and
cured A quick cure for coughs,
reliable medicine for many throat and
lung bronchitis, croup,
whooping cough, quinsy,
hemorrhages. A trial will convince
you. cents and Guaranteed
by all druggists. adv
Sunday Morning Marriage
On Sunday morning Justice C. D.
was called out of the
list Sunday school of which he Is
supervisor, to perform a marriage
The squire went to where
the couple was in waiting and per-
formed the ceremony as they sat on
the buggy. The parties were Mr.
ZenO Stocks and Miss Lana White-
both of this county.
a least with a special view of co-or-
the administrative work of
Portsmouth, pm
week days pm
Norfolk, dally pm
Lr Mat nm
sold to all Nona
East West and Canada.
Office. No. Main St.
J. IV. l,
Socialist Speaking
Mr. II. F. Kendall, of Washington,
Cm national organizer of the So-
party, spoke in the court house
here this afternoon. But very little
notice was given of his coming and
only a few people were out to hear
Tennessee Odd Fellows Gather
Tenn. Oct.
From all parts of Tennessee,
of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows are arriving in
to participate In the annual
meetings of the grand encampment
and the lodge. The former will
convene tomorrow and the grand
lodge will meet on Wednesday. The
the woman's auxiliary of
the order, will be in session from
i announce that
candidate the office
I not
i; I.
Town or Country
it. f. Phone
Greenville. Sept. 1912.
Notice Is hereby given to the pub-
that our lands lying along Tar
River have been posted according to
law and It Is our Intention to prose-
cute any one trespassing on any of
our lands with or without gun or dog,
for any purpose whatever, without
L. H.
Narcissus. Tulips, etc.
Mr. It. l.
i, II
have the satisfaction of knowing you arc getting
the very best quality you can possibly procure
anywhere for the money.
Many a cheap, shoddy shoe hides be-
hind a nice appearing, pleasing-to -the
eye style, but a few wear will
prove the inferiority of the quality of
the materials used and the careless-
exercised in their making.
We look to quality first of to it that
the leather is right, the linings substantial and the
general construction the best procurable any-
where. We depend upon you for our business,
and you depend upon us for square dealing, we
are in duty bound to give it to will.
Our new season's styles for ladies and gentle-
men, and boys and girls are ready for your
Subscribe to The Reflector

Legal Notices.
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
Court, Pitt county, made by H
W. Judge, a certain civil
action pending in said court, May
term, 1912, entitled J. A Stokes and
R. L. Hum tier vs. J. A. Gardner, the
undersigned will, on
Monday, the 11th day of November,
1912, at o'clock, noon, it being the
let day of November Civil Term, 1912
of Pitt County Superior Court, expose
to public before the court house
door in Greenville. Pitt county, to the
highest bidder, for cash, the follow-
described tracts or parcels of land
to and in Swift
Creek Township. county. North
Carolina and described as follows to
at a stake on the Clay
Root road and running S. W 1-2
poles to a stake, thence S K
poles to a stake, thence S W
poles to the Creek road, thence up
with the Creek road to Gardner's
Cross Roads containing acres more
Also one tract of land in said tow n-
ship. county and state beginning at
Isaac Gardner's second corner
runs S to the Creek road, then
down said mad to the old Flat Branch
Ditch, then With the various courses
said ditch to Isaac Gardner's third
corner, thence North West
to the beginning, containing acres
more or less.
Also one parcel of land in said
township, county and state, beginning
at the Big Ditch on the Clay
Hoot road and running down said
road to J. Dixon's place
lice, thence a southerly direction with
said Dixon's line to an old ditch,
thence up with said ditch to the big
ditch, thence up with said ditch to
the beginning containing acres
more or less.
Also one other parcel of land in
said township, county and state, be-
ginning at the intersection the
Gardner's Bridge Road and the Green-
ville and running
with the Greenville road to the Laura
A. land, then South to M.
Gardner's line, then
with M. Gardner's land to
Gardner's Bridge Road, then with the
Gardner's Bridge Road to the begin-
containing acres more or less
and being the land upon which the
Mill, store and residence of J. A.
Gardner are located.
Also one other tract of land in said
township, county and State adjoining
the Lazarus Dawson lands, W. H.
Clark, J. Dixon and J. J. Moore
lands, containing acres more or
less and being the same lands deed-
ed to the said J. A. by Sam-
Cory, reference to which deed is
hereby made for an accurate
Also one other tract of land in said
township, county and State bounded Oil
the South by Swift Creek, on the
by J. Dixon, on the North by J.
H. Collins and M O. Gardner and on
the West by M. Gardner, contain-
acres more or and known
as the Loftin lands.
Also one other tract of laud in said
township, county and State, begin-
at the big ditch on the Greenville
road leading from Gardner's Cross
roads lo bridge, thence
running S with said ditch to the old
Flat Branch ditch to the division line
between Isaac Gardner and Charles
Gardner to the Greenville road, eon
taming acres more or less.
Also one other tract of land in said
township, county and state and bound-
ed on the South by M. O. Gardner,
on the by J. A. Gardner and on
the North and on the West by J. A.
Gardner and M. O. Gardner
acres more or
This sale Is to be made under and by
authority of the Decree of the Super-
Court above referred to.
This the 10th day of October, 1912.
and Cora Boyd's corner, thence with
Cora line south 1-2, east
chains to a sweet gum, her qualified as administrator of the es-
on the hill and near Cow Swamp, of Nannie E. Little, before D. C.
thence south 1-2, west 1-4 chains Moore. Clerk of the Superior Court of
The undersigned having this day
Hill Be Held In Ben Next
, Everything has been completed for
to a knot, an old in Pitt county, notice Is hereby given u Great Eastern Carolina Fair which
the mouth of Long Branch, thence , persons Indebted to said October 29th, 30th,
up the run of said branch to the to make immediately payment to and November 1st, 1912.
mouth of the ditch In Said branch undersigned administrator and all I Tuesday. October 29th will be
If 1-4 chains, thence up said ditch holding claims against Every Naval Reserve
4-5 chains to a stake R. M. estate arc hereby notified to tile the and company Eastern North
llama and James C. May's corner. administrator have been invited to
thence north east 1-4 chains to , twelve months from the date hereof , military that will
u small gum bush said May's corner. this notice will be pleaded in ,, day Ten
thence with said Mays ditch north a; recovery of said claims. have a ready signified that they will
west 3.6. then north west 1-5 This the 3rd day of October. 1912. It,, here
chains to N. C. Cox's thence h. LITTLE,
with said Cox's line north west Administrator of the estate of Nannie
chains to a stake at the head of a Little. ltd
ditch on the path leading from Nan-
Cox's to the main road, then with
said N. S. Cox again north west
ii- to a stake. Cox's
then with said Cox's other line
north 3-4 east M chains to a
ditch Swift Creek township, de-
scribed and bounded as
the lands of J. M. Woolen
State of North Carolina, Pitt County.
A. V. Woolen enters and claims
the following piece or parcel of
stake on the east edge of a
thence with said N. S. Cox again north
S west 2.28 chains to a post oak
thence with Cox again north 1-4
east 13.3 chains to the beginning.
containing acres, more or
This tho 25th day of September.
ltd St Commissioner.
North Carolina, County.
W. A. Taylor and J. C. Taylor
Samuel wife Jacky
Ann Edwards, R. E. Randolph. L. A.
Randolph. J. H. Randolph. Robert
J R. Bunting and Macclesfield
Supply Company.
By virtue of a decree of super-
court of Pitt county, made in the
entitled cause by His
E. B. Kline. Judge at the superior
term. 1912, of the superior court of
Pitt county, the undersigned
will on Thursday, the 31st
day of October. 1912. at o'clock
noon, before the court house door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder for
cash, expose to public sale the fol-
lowing described tract or parcel of
land, to
and being In Bethel town-
ship, Pitt county. North Carolina, and
beginning at a cypress in
Creek, Noble corner in said
and runs thence with
line north east to a
pine, then north poles to a pine
In the Gum branch, then down the
various courses of said branch to the
creek, then with said creek to the be-
ginning, containing acres, more
This the 28th day of Sept. 1912.
ltd Commissioner
The parade will start down town
and on arrival at the fair ground will
be formally opened with a speech by
Governor Francis D. Winston.
mediately after the speech there will
lake place a military contest follow-
ed by a sham battle.
Wednesday, October 30th. will be
Tickets, allowing
free admission this day have been
Issued lo each school child in
lies between the lands of North Carolina. If there is a
teacher who has not received these
tickets, please notify J. Leon
and the Allen Johnson lands.
twelve acres, more or lees.
This 25th day of Sept.
A V.
ltd It
Hams, secretary of the fair. New
N. C, at once and tickets will be
mailed lo them. There will be all
kinds of sports, for the children.
October 31st, will be the
There will be an auto-
mobile parade In the morning. A;
o'clock will lake place the horse
show. At a foot ball game be-
Bern and second team
M. Col
November 1st. will be
Having duly qualified before -y,,
superior court clerk of Pitt county A
as administrator of the estate of Al- Friday,
deceased, notice is -Farmers
hereby given to all persons indebted farmer, will race their horses,
to the estate to make Immediate pay- there v be
to the undersigned; and all of ever offered the
sons having claims against said in North Carolina.
Honor late are notified to present the Th Eastern Carolina Fair
to the undersigned for payment on or and win have
before tho 26th day of Sept ember, advertised, so you can't afford to
1913. or this notice will be plead in opportunity lo see the
bar of recovery.
This day of September. 1912.
of Harrington.
Stubborn Case
under the treatment of two writes
Mrs. R. L. Phillips, of Indian Valley, Vs., they pro-
my case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak-
I was not able to up, when I commenced to
I used it about one week, before I saw much change
Now, the severe pain, that had been in my side for j,
has gone, and I don't suffer at all. I am feeling better than
in a long time, and canned speak too highly of
ff you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any
of the troubles so common to women.
is a builder of womanly strength. Composed
of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the
womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up
the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system
has been in successful use for more than years.
Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they
received from it Try it for your troubles. Begin today.
lo- I Of rt. Medicine Co.
far tad Mine book. Home Treatment m
Vermont Sunday Schools
The open sen-on for Game
Vt., Oct. large at- Several Inquiries have come to The
. Reflector as to when the same season
marked the to- , . . .
opens In Pitt county. The dates
day of the annual of the
scribed in the game laws of the state
Vermont Sunday Association. are between 1st and March
This is the day the The meeting will last three days and 1st
will have as speakers W. C. Pearce.
of H. S. Conant of
and several other Sunday School work
national reputation.
greatest Fair ever pulled off in
tern North Carolina.
A Real Fair And Everything Will He
The Pitt county fair is perhaps
have taken up eight spotted
that have been going in my field for from held
over a month. Weight, about everything It
pounds. Marked crop and ls tree. There is no charge
slit in right ear and under bit in left.
Owner can get them by paying dam-
October 1912.
N. C.
B. F. D. Box
either for making exhibits or the
attendance. Several hundred dollars
will be paid in premiums for
its, but the money for these
is made up by voluntary do-
Small Fire Night
A little past o'clock Monday
night, the shriek of the fire whistle
aroused the population. It was
caused by the burning of a house
just beyond the southern limits of
the town and near the Norfolk South-
railroad The building was
totally destroyed and another a short
distance from it had a narrow es-
cape. The burned house belonged
to Mr. W L. Rice and was occupied
by colored people. There was a small
Heard in Greenville
Ron Had Hacks Had Been Made
Ills Corrected
All over Greenville you bear It.
Kidney Pills are keeping up
the good work. Greenville people are
telling of bad backs
sound again. You can believe
the testimony of your own
They tel It for the benefit of
you who are suffering. If your back
aches, I feel lame, sore and mis-
if the kidneys act too
or passages are painful,
scanty and oft color, usu Kid-
Pills, the remedy that has helped
amount of insurance. It could not so any of your friends and
learned how the fire started. Follow this Greenville citizen's
advice and give a chance to do
t Good Farm for Sale, Notice and
A good farm containing one
and fifty acres. Three Horse
Crop in Cultivation.
One 8-room dwelling house, good
barn and shelters. 4-room tenant other for two days.
house and kitchen.
One tobacco barn.
For further information apply to
Robersonville, N. C.
North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the Court.
The Greenville Manufacturing
Company, vs. Manson
By virtue of an execution direct-
ed to the undersigned from the
court of Pitt county, in the
above entitled action. I will on Mon-
day. 11th day or November. 1912. at
o'clock noon, at the court house
door of said county, sell to the high-
est bidder for cash, to satisfy said
execution, all the right, title and in-
which the said Manson M
the defendant, has in the follow-
described real estate,
one house and lot in what
Is known as Perkins Town in West-
Greenville, being Roosevelt
avenue and described as
Beginning at Roosevelt avenue at the
corner of A If. and run-
west fee; thence north, For Sale
touching the property or Higgs Bros.
and others feet to a corner of the
property of K. J. Pulley; thence on an
feet to Roosevelt avenue; thence Bern
along Roosevelt avenue feet to
Mr. Hugh Pittman of No. same for you.
hip the victim of a serious ac- T. R. Moore, Evans St.,
nations from the people, Saturday morning. It seems N. C, can recommend
ed by a donation from the state had a fuse cap, as are used Kidney Pills, for I have used
department. Nor are there j in blowing stumps with with the greatest benefit. I was
any side shows, concessions, fakes, which he had been carrying for more troubled by lameness In my hack and
or clap-trap of any kind to catch the than a year. This morning he my kidneys did not do their work as
people and pull money out of them, ed pants and had this cap and a shoe they should. I got Kidney Pills
Not only are these strictly buttoner, both in his hand and the John L. Wooten Drug Co.
barred from the fair, but the alder- sent as one old said, and I had not used them long before
men shut them out of the town on pro against the and I received relief. I can say that this
the days the fair Is open There are that spread consternation. remedy acts just as represented,
exhibits in abundance which the It tore off two of his fingers with For sale by all dealers. Price
pie come to see and enjoy being such force that they were blown In- Co.
That his face to such a depth that it New York, sole agents for the United
Application will be made to the
Governor of North Carolina for the
pardon of D. W. on account
of his ill health and
This September 30th. 1912.
HARRY Attorney.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior Court, before D.
C. Moore, Clerk.
Sarah IS. Cox, Executrix of George
W. Cox, vs. Marie
By virtue of a decree of the
court, made in the above en-
titled cause by D. C. Moore, clerk of
the superior court of Pitt county, on
the 26th day of September, 1912, the
undersigned commissioner will, on
Monday, the 28th day of October. 1912,
at o'clock noon, expose to public
Bale before the court house door In
Greenville, to highest bidder for
cash, that certain lot In the town of
at a stake on
and runs with Mason Lodge
line feet, then at right angles
with said line feet to Gibson's
feet with Gibson's
line to a thence with
street feet to the beginning, con-
t-4 acre, more Ices.
Also another parcel of land
township. Pitt
beginning at a large pine and duns
south east 7-10 chains to a
large pine. Nora Buck's
This 7th day of October. 1912.
S. I. DUDLEY. Sheriff.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior Court.
Peed vs. Robert Peed.
To Robert Peed, defendant in the
above entitled You will here-
by notice that a civil action for
divorce has been Instituted In the
Land fine for raising to-
cotton and corn. Will sell
cheap on easy terms.
N. C.
A in i
Fur The
I Fair
Greenville, N. C, Oct. hi, 1912.
Since It Is settled that we are to
have the Pitt county fair and I am
county of Pitt, by Emma Peed, the en the committee that manages the
plaintiff, against Robert Peed, department I wish to say to
defendant, for divorce and the throughout the county who
Peed will hereby take notice tend to exhibit their favorites that
that he is required to appear at have at my office the latest
next term of the Superior court of ed edition of American Standard
Pitt county which convenes at the of which I or Mr. M. H.
court house In Greenville, Pitt also on the committee, will
on the 10th, Monday after the 1st b- glad to let them look over and
Monday of September, it being the copy the written description or
11th day of November. 1912. and an- pets. This book contains full page
or demur to the complaint filed half tone illustrations of all the
the above entitled cause and the recognized breeds of land and water
said Robert Peed will fur- fowls and Is the authority by which
take notice that If he falls to all American poultry shows are
answer the complaint within the Judged. will also be glad to offer
time require by law. the plaintiff other advice and assistance I
lo relief do- to Interesting re-
in the complaint.
This the 7th day of October, 1912.
hiding the best specimens of their
favorite breed. Let everybody bring
some of their best, since young and
Clerk Superior Court. Pitt Co. old are Interested In beautiful fowls.
ltd i J. J. JENKINS.
is the kind of fair Pitt county holds, took the service of a doctor to
The dales for the fair are November the finger Remember the
14th and 15th. Southerner. other.
year some lose money
by buying the first is offer-
ed them without over our lines
We carry an up-to-date line of farm
and machines that we know will
give you absolute satisfaction. They are
the most practical, and
on the market.
We carry a stocK repairs tor the ma-
chines we sell, which is tore considered in
buying machinery.
Our desire is to give yon tho best service
possible and we do everything in our
power to your Se- to it
that YOU do not lose money this year.
. . n
Agriculture Is the Mutt the Meat Healthful, the Most
r N. C 11111.1 V
Victorious Greeks Have Turkish
Fortress Entirely at Their Mercy
tun mu
Guerrilla Carried on by
Turkish fortress
been placed absolutely the
the invading Greek army which
captured the denies
the key to situation.
The Capture of the town of
itself is only a question hours.
The whole of the Turkish, army
around will be ulT when
fulls and will he unable to
communicate either with or
lies to the north of the town
on the way lo to
which a railroad runs.
plan of
of Balkan allies appears
lo be working with almost perfect
smoothness. This is due. according
military critics, to the unprepared-
of the Turkish army.
The armies of
Greece and Montenegro are now in
possession of a large portion of
Turkish railroad system and also of
the roads, while those lines
and roads which they do not
ally command they are threatening.
Interest the war still centers
largely In tho eastern area below
where the
Turkish minister of war and com-
In chief with four armies corps
h holding the line from to
According lo the latest reports he
has been set task of trying
stem the advance of the victorious
Bulgarian troops and he is credited
with the statement that he will re-
turn the victor or perish in the at-
tempt. appears to
a perilous position with the
on his right flank at
cutting him off from army
while the destruction
the bridge over the river
Prevent Ha from obtaining reinforce
supplies from
Should the great turning movement
now being attempted by the
fight be driven to the west toward
leaving Constantinople at
the merry of the invaders.
In the meantime the Greek.
and Bulgarian armies are moving up-
on The Greeks already are
within striking distance of the Turk-
town of only fifty miles
from the railroad from
Tho of by the
Greeks would not only threaten
hut cut off the Turkish
under Pasha, which was de-
by the at and
Is now concentrating at
The capture of by the Greeks
would enable them to effect a
with the Bulgarian army com-
down from and
n a through the Valley and
concentrating at and With the
who are advancing upon
All the passes through the
dope mountains leading to the Salon-
and railway are also
i. Bulgarian
The report from Con-
that the Turkish town of
has from the
decks Is not credited here.
going among the powers. The
British minister at Monte-
in company with the Monte-
foreign minister, visited King
Nicholas yesterday at and this
regarded as undoubtedly In
with the conversations held with
the ambassadors of the powers In
London by Sir Grey, the
British foreign minister.
The diplomats are still hopeful of
avoiding any complications between
the powers.
Jailed with Joe
prize at
Johnson's by
sheriff In Philadelphia hoard hill.
Forced by law to settle bill for
nursing his brother, presented by a
colored woman.
Arrested violating speed laws
Boston and tilled.
Pleaded guilty of violating speed
in Huston and again fined.
Arrested in for an old debt
Sued for injuring young white
man while recklessly racing on the
roads at Crown Point, Ind.
Arrested London, Ontario, for
exceeding the speed limit. Han down
another machine. Paid tine.
Arrested San Francisco for
Arrested in Terre for threat-
to hit constable who had an
attachment on his baggage for lump-
theatrical contract.
Held UP and forced to pay costs to
show at Gardens, Pitts-
In Boston, charged with
assaulting driver and break-
windows in cab.
Arrested in New York, charged with
assault on another Held In
Arrested on charge made by
man and lined in New York.
In York charged with
assault on white woman. too
lo appear. Discharged.
Arrested and fined in New York for
reckless driving.
Sued by sculptor in New for
for bust ordered but not paid
Sued by New York doctor for
Arrested for assaulting witness
against him in smuggling case.
Arrested for speeding at Newcastle.
England, and fined
Arrested in San Francisco for dis-
orderly conduct.
Arrested In San Francisco for
less driving. Sentenced to twenty-
five days In Jail.
Sued for rent of apartment in
Sued for printing bill of
New York.
Arrested in Chicago on charge of
abducting white girl.
Summoned to court for operating
automobiles in Chicago with a
youthful robbers held up a south-
bound Missouri, Kansas and Texas
train south of today, com-
sized tit own mi its to
Although Mayor Wooten
come from be was the
Star at the speaking in
Through an
and Bulgarians sure that Stronghold will be
Captured in a few days, Rendering Movement of
Turkish Troops near border an
lies Capture Prisoners.
Mr. Thompson Was Murdered at
His Very Home
express and cars mid run
ahead, then blasted
rifled the express safe.
Company officials believe the rob-
in is got several dollars
setting lo a trestle near
of the bandits bad iv
trouble iii flagging train to
the threatened to
destroy the trestle before their work
the moved
Covering the engineer fireman
With their revolvers they ordered them
from the locomotive cab. J. A.
the train conductor, leaped from I
and he was lined up beside the
A also tell
to his and was made to
Stand beside the conductor.
While one robber held tho line of
the other two uncoupled the
engine. and express cars
from the coaches. They then ordered
the trainmen into the cub ordered
engineer to open the throttle.
The locomotive, nulling the two ears,
Shot across the bridge. What
remained of the structure fell Into
the water a minute the can
had passed. The passenger coaches
vice left Standing Si the brink of
the stream.
Half a mile on the other side of
the bridge the bandits ordered the
engineer to The in the
express oar was dynamited and ran-
Their work completed, tho robbers
fled to the wood-covered hills with
their plunder, officials fear
several thousand dollars was stolen.
The alarm was soon given and
were sent from and
Other posses left an hour
later on special trains from
ester and According to
the descriptions given each of the
bandits was less than years old.
witnesses claim to have Been
one of the robbers twice make trips
the express safe, each time with
his arms piled high with sealed pack-
ages of currency. found
the outer wrapper of one of these
packages which had contained
consigned by the Southwestern
National Hank of Commerce, of Kan-
City to the National Hank of
Greenville, Texas.
N. J. Oct.
on the announcement that
F. Ryan had contributed
the Democratic Congressional cam-
fund Wilson
have no control over the Con-
campaign. It is an ab-
distinct thing, handled by
snot her set of
Governor Wilson Spake today at
and Orange For the re-
Wednesday, Cape May Court House,
N. J.; and Burlington;
Thursday, Madison Square
New York, at Friday night,
Rochester, N. Y.
dead body of Fred a prom-
and Influential farmer of
township this county, was
found by the roadside late yesterday
afternoon. Just before dark, near
Creek, about eighteen miles
from this city. Ills horse and
were found Without a driver some
little distance away by some children
and this led to a search, which re-
Thompson, freight agent
Southern Railway, with
here, was shot and killed by W. K.
noon today.
, The shooting which at the
candidates scheduled to or , ,.,.
the people of were unable u,,,,,,, , . caused S big local sen
last night.
the engineer to detach .,., , . , . Rial.
series of circumstances, en-
unavoidable, the different
reach that town last night.
Mr. F. U. Wooten. however, Journey.
ed to that progressive and
delivered strong address In behalf
Democracy, To an audience
numbered about hundred Mr,
Wooten explained the failure of the
Candidates lo appear ill a speech
to an hour long discussed nation
and politics and policies clear
the duty and of
every good to turn out in
the Ming election and defend
the only party that has outlived
the political storms which this
try has undergone, The party that
the last hundred years has been
by and tor the people.
Mayor Wooten dwelt at length on
the evils of the tariff as enforced
under a Republican administration,
making it impossible for a man to
have the same chance in any enter-
prise to accomplish that which has
been achieved by tho few favored
ones at the shade of a tariff with
high protection.
He urged every one present to be
all mutters concerning the
government of this country,
that no matter how humble
one's position his share in man-
of the affairs of the nation
was us important as the duty of a
Stockholder In any company towards
the company of which he is a part
The lent its undivided at-
to our townsman, who in
closing his speech clearly showed
a ridicule that recently set up
ring- rule-in -Pit
At Training School
The Senior Class of the Training
School met on Tuesday
the purpose of the election of its of-
Miss Lee Smith was
Miss Hat tie
Miss Mabel
Miss Lolls recording sec-
Miss Lula treasurer.
Miss Greene Day, reporter.
Miss Josephine Tiller. critic.
President Robert II. Wright met
With the class on this afternoon to
discuss the privileges they had
tor. He left when business
began to be discussed before
class had adjourned for
the seniors hail been tiled in the of-
and a copy sent In the class
A live discussion of the plans for
ho year followed member
contributing some idea by which work
together the senior class
Its thirty hi number, will be able
to accomplish much classes before
have dreamed of.
wan taken into custody
by a policeman accompanied t
Wile. Went to
A doctor was summoned
afterwards and effort h.
being made in remove Blair to a
sanitarium for treatment.
had nut reported at his desk
LONDON, Oct. cap-
ore of the town of by the
Bulgarian troops very little news
received from region
future of Turkey in Bu-
be decided within a few
has been
where tin
rope may
A short
message trout bow-
ever, says Bulgarians i
a military train on i. .
Constantinople to
This indicates that the Bulgarian in-
have cut the railroad, isolating
its base accomplish-
one the greatest strokes of the
The Bulgarians have been pushing
forward, to
for several days and this reports, from the eastern side
Mr. Thompson addressed a note of
dismissal. In turn sent another
Dots back Thompson, a min-
later Thompson received a
phone call and left his
office, in the meantime in-
his servant to close up the
house. Mrs. was not at home
at the time.
Later arrived and neigh-
were startled by the sound of
four shots. Police forced the door
and found Thompson dead.
crouched in one corner of the library
and muttered, killed my best
WASHINGTON, Oct. short
meeting or the Cabinet was held to-
day just before President Tint left
for New York lo bold a
fl With Republican and
ti witness the launching tomorrow of
the battleship New York.
The conference will be held at the
Hotel Manhattan tonight. Chairman
of the Republican National
Committee; C. P. Taft and Henry W.
Tan. brothers of the president, and
other leaders arc expected to be pies
flit. The president will leave New-
York at midnight Wednesday,
in Washington early Thursday.
The cabinet meeting today brought
only three members to the executive
Secretary Knox. Secretary
Stimson Secretary Meyer. There
a general discussion of
topics, hut details
and other Questions were for
future meetings.
The Illness of Vice President Sher-
man was discussed sorrow was
expressed by the president and
of bis official family.
Active diplomatic negotiations are of the week he will speak as suited in finding the body.
Ir. Coming
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be at Hotel
Bertha Monday, November 4th to
treat diseases of the eve and fit
glass, s
RALEIGH, Oct, Powers,
aged eighteen years, lies
wounded in the Wake Fores College
hospital as the result Of two pistol
wounds Inflicted by II
Rhodes, a freshman the college
Powers Is the son of a prominent
physician, but not a member of the
student body. Rhodes declared that
the shooting occurred about midnight
he returned a meet-
Powers and S companion, both Of
whom were masked. The companion
bed and his name has not been
hope entirely destroying
i defeated at
Ai the same time Hie Bulgarian
armies are carrying out a wide, sweep-
movement, reaching almost to
shores of the Black Baa and still other
columns are completing tho
Circle around How far
these combined movements have been
successful the outside world is not
informed, hut the Bulgarians assert
that the fate of is
Despite the perils of the situation.
however, Turks have not lost hope
of retrieving themselves. According
a dispatch from Constantinople re-
here today by way Of
sufficient Turkish
reinforcements have now reached the
front to enable Turkish
to assume the offensive
Is stated that three Turkish col-
are to be supported by other
Turkish troops being taken water
Turkish ports on the Black Sea.
Whether they will be in time to do
any good is problematics,
The says, too, that tho
Turks have recaptured front the
Bulgarians, In view of the big events
in tin- eastern region of the
war the achievements of
arm have been somewhat lost sight
The whom Europe
did not expect much, are now iii
session of virtually the whole of old
and in conjunction with tho
hold the part of
district of The
columns have obtained
of the. Turkish railroad from
its northern terminus, to
are following the de-
Turkish army to far-
to the south.
The Bulgarian co-operating
with the army in the western
pan of peninsula has occupied
and threatens to OUt off tho re-
treat of the Turks to the south.
The Creek army, too. Is making
Its capture Pen-
is considered of the utmost
Importance for with in
Greek hands the whole country to the
north is accessible the ad-
of the Greek army and the way
is left open iii the
base in far western region.
The Greek plan is clearly In effect
t junction of the Greek arming and
then march on The Greek
crow ii prince's army is now within
striking distance of that
In the first place of course, the
Creeks must sever be-
tween and and
might force against the former

Eastern reflector, 25 October 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 25, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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