[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
Advertising Rate on Application
Bag. A. If having them day, any way
G. Cox weal to Greenville Tuesday you want them.
evening. Mr. Mrs. K. I. Abbott visited
A. W. and Company are yet fiend near Tarboro Sunday. J of
selling for Come and see us when you want b Of
dollars. good machines Kit gains. We can save you
Now is the time for you to coma to on bate, cape, Area sinus,
Harrington, Barber and sweater coat.
and get your choice in good, Union Mercantile Company.
cheap rugs and buggy robes. Mr, W. J. Wyatt returned home
Alter the of Win-
Twenty Reforms Which the National eminent may be responsive to the
the will of the people.
I Meeting. That the policy of the
At the recent meeting of the merit should encourage home owner-
Union in ship of land and to that end alien
Ir. H. y. Alexander, president of. ownership of laud should be
the North Carolina
was made chairman of the committee I That corporation should not
on legislation and drafted a notable be to own more land than
platform which the en- I needed for the conduct of their
approved. Here is the business and not at all for
platform In purpose.
The election of United State That individual ownership
under Gen. of Arizona to year
Don, began their attack on the u, w he for
l force under Gen. Ho-1 . ,
at Corinth. Mass. to Congress and ran
Robert E. Lee became and Senator
will charge ten cent
Cashier's checks.
Dr. II. T. Cox went to Greenville
the state where he spent the sum-
Abbott, manager of the
Oil Company, tells that the four
new seventy saw gins recently In-
judges by the people,
The election of United State
by ill the
I We endorse the income In-
taxes as a method of
i of Washington Col-
warships began a
of Tripoli.
This is My Birthday
Carl Hayden, who has the
of being the
of the new state of Arizona to
land should be restricted by national house of representatives.
Dated taxes and absentee hues was horn in Tempo. Arizona,
IS. That Immigration should be her After graduating from
effectually restricted, Normal School of Arizona in 1896
That legalized primaries shall he attended l-eland Jr.,
take place of political where he distinguished him-
That stringent corrupt as a member the football team.
act should be enacted by the Upon ills return to Arizona after com-
for honors as a vote getter.
That, the rules
national government and all the his university career young
of lower states making it a felony with heavy, succeeded his father in the
Now is the time get oysters any ,,,,,, . tag ,.,.,,.,.,
both to the customer and company.
make it impossible for the Speaker bribes.
and chairmen of committees block
way you want them at W.
or legislation.
Miss Mary of Mr Thad Nichols of
who has been pending several was pleasant caller in town Sun-
friends hero returned home day night.
Thursday morning. Harrington, Barber and Company
Dry goods and notions of all de- have a well selected stock of men's
at the right price A. W. caps, and children's clothing, also a
and Company.
Mr. It. I. Abbott made a
it to Thursday evening, Mr. Fannie Jenkins and two dough
Harrington. Barber and Company Roland and Hattie Lee, of Green
at Mr. M. T.
That a parcels express he con-
ducted by the government for the
made benefit of the people.
That public schools
conducted not less than
That the banking laws b
1.1 the Interest of borrower as well
as the lender.
Thai Congress shall Dot year and elementary
gale to individuals or corporations tare domestic science
the to regulate the circulating
nice line Of matting, oil M to Is. That county agricultural high
vis- and carpeting national hanks. schools should he established in
S. That th.
that years before had built the
flour mill in Arizona. His public ca-
began ten years ago his
election as treasurer of ids home
shall Following this, he was twice
six months. elected sheriff and upon tile
Sir James premier of On-
years old today.
William leader and
member of parliament, GO year old
noted Eng-
years old today.
With Hie Boxers.
Sentry, the former
who was a in his day. is
stricken with paralysis at his home
Mike Gibbon has passed up a
match with Sullivan. He
t. box Mike Glover at on
October 15th.
Another Irish middleweight.
Thomas, has arrived In New York, is
anxious to show Gotham funs what
can do.
natural resource, county where practicable
have the nicest line of cheap service- ville. spent Sunday
able glassware on the market. Spier's.
A. Luther The weather will soon he cold, hut
and Sam Smith made a By-, you will heavy cotton flannel
to Friday.
You Can gel one pound cans of
iron. coal, petroleum, beds
and Water powers be reclaimed from
corporate monopoly and be
the benefit of the people.
That the initiative, referendum
outing and all kinds of underwear. adopted by the national, legislation pending in Congress
Messrs. Walter Cherry and
in. That our agriculture and me-
college shall provide
course in marketing and
-O. That heartily all
tee for twenty per can at wood Tucker Of near Greenville were
W. in town Sunday evening.
Mr. J. It. Kittrell, of Greenville. More beef, fish and sausage going
was in town Friday on business. low down for cash. it. W. Hail.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. CO. baa farm I Messrs. M. Bryan and
and poultry wire fencing in all Wilson, of Greenville, were pleasant
heights. We are agents for the fence callers in town Sunday night,
with weld that j See us for bargains on
Strange will give services buys pants, overcoats and jumpers.
at St. Luke's church Monday, the work shirts and in fact anything in
at eleven a in. and again in the even- the wearing line. Come and give
All are cordially invited to a trial. Mercantile Company.
come. i Mr, Stephen Walters made a short
thousand pitch pine visit near Black Sunday,
hub blocks. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., Win-1 Messrs. II. G. Tuck-
N. C. and W. Meek went to
Miss Tucker left Friday even Monday.
to spend Saturday and Sunday We gin your cotton in about ten
near Simpson or minutes and the short time
end that gov-, promote vocational education.
Clark Chief
in the Democratic run-
MM a Kile lo
and then it by fifing him
a majority f ever t lie pulls
men and n
Has There Another I
Has there been another conference
like that of the Chief Attorneys of
the railroads in 1902 and is this at-
Date in History I
legislative assembly ever
held in Canada met at Halifax.
called a public
and condemned the
duty on tea and taxation
Pal lament.
1730- Major army of-
hanged us n spy at Tap-
pan, X. V.
lack the result of It Have the prepared to resist
leaders of F. M. Simmons Income sol
desperate at his defeat they have Sunday school in Texas
decided to aid the railroads in their established at Felipe.
on Judge Clark If so. the society organized i
people will undoubtedly again re-
Coffins, caskets and hearse service, you have to wait is not baring, as it this Mack . ,,
always at your command at A. seems be amusing watch the November by giving Judge lark an-
Cox Mfg. Co. Unloading Which Is within live min-
Mis Mamie Chapman went to Pill County Oil Company,
ville today. Rev. John H. Griffith, of Kinston.
came in Monday morning to attend
Oct. F. service the Episcopal church.
C. attended the Union meeting Mis- Cox, a trained nurse
at Fallen Creek Saturday and Sun- from Kinston who has been spending
day. some time with her parents here, left
See Harrington. and Co Monday where she goes
puny for your pumps, piping, and Dr. Dawson in his practice
point, they will save you money. I After October 1st the Hank of Win-
Mr. J. T. Smith made a short ea-
Greenville Saturday.
. Bishop strange held services in the
Hardware of all description at A ,. ,,,,
W. Ange and Company. . ,,, ,.,.,.
Mr. J. R. Adams made a Hying trip He was assisted in it
to Kinston Saturday. services by Rev. Tucker.
Oyster time is here. W. of Greenville.
oilier majority of over
Unitarian minister, died in
Born in
R. I April
The Great Eastern
Carolina Fair
Oct. and Nov.
in Premiums Given Away Mock Poultry,
and oilier exhibit
Fur Hook Ail tire,
For some time, the friends of Sen-
Simmons, rendered desperate at
the certainty of hi defeat have been
using against Judge Clark
the same attack, the Southern Rail-
state chairman of the Dem-
party sat down In Judge
Clark's office and wrote out with his
own hand Hie statement I have just
given This was written in the pres-
of Hon. B. R. Lacy, now state
treasurer and that statement as wit-
by him is in Judge Clark's
way and American Coin- session now and was published in
made on him in 1908. Mr. when lie was assailed by the
O. Carr, one of leaders, has Southern and American To-
come out into the open and public-
made the charge over his
The Charge the Railroads
is also known that in Judge
Clark accepted the nomination from
the Republicans and was elected to
the Supreme Court bench while Con-
nor and other Democrats refused to
accept such nomination and that the
distinguished judge wrote many Inti-
mate letters to Gov. Russell during
hi administration, commonly
a Hum
Judge Connor was not nominated
that year by the Democratic party as
Judge was. but was offered the
by the Populist and Re-
publican parties against the
Democratic Nominee. Judge
well. and of course, refused to run
against the regular nominee of the
Democratic party.
Mr. friends have doubt-
overlooked the fact that Justice
Connor and Justice Walker in
were nominated by the Democratic
party and endorsed by the
Read the Fact can party Judge Clark was a can-
Judge Clark was nominated for of- that year and nominated by
flee in The reference must be the Democratic party and bitterly
to his nomination in If you re- fought by the Republican party, yet
call the fads or will look up the news no one questioned democracy of
paper you will find that ill either Justice Connor or Justice
Judge Walter Clark was nominated
by the Democratic party for supreme r, regard to the letters which .
court judge. The Populist and He- railroad attorneys and
publican parties endorsed him thus friends charge Judge Clark with
sail at i H i
making his election certain and
accepting their en-
Judge Clerk sent for F.
M Simmons, who was state Chairman
of the Democratic party at that time
asked for his advice. Mr. Sim-
mons told him all means to ac-
th. endorsement as it
insured his election and that for Seaboard Air Line and the
no Democrat should run the risk of Chief Attorney for the Atlantic Coast
being defeated by refusing endorse- Lisa a conference one Sunday
brought forth
Judge Clark asked F. M. Simmons letter In their attempt to defeat
to put that In writing and he would Th, repudiated
accept the endorsements. Mr Sim mis attack the railroads en Judge
writing to Governor Russell, it will
be recalled that this whole matter
was thrashed out in 1902
when Judge Clark was a candidate
for Chief Justice. It is sufficient i,,
say that lime, the Chief At
in North Carolina for
Southern Railway, the Chief
The Bank of Greenville
At the Close of Business Sept. 30th, 1912.
Loans and Discounts 198,268.5
Overdrafts 2,441.64
Banking House 4,200.00
Furniture and Fixtures 4,327.32
Cash Items . 23,896.47
Due from Banks 157,806.10
Total .
Capitol Stock
. 15,887.14
Deposits Increased Over in
Thirty Days
s. r. flea
i. Cashier.
it. last, Cashier.
Agriculture la the Mont Ike Most Healthful, the Mt l Washington.
Interesting Clause About State-Wide
Stock Law
At Their of fetal
Farmers Drew
and Offered Set
Turkey Is Surrounded by Her
Corresponding of the National Democratic
Mediation so Ear
ed lace- War From
all Sides of Her
lieu I in
The Carolina State
Convention, in annual session
bled Auk. 27-29, through its com
offers the following
i. We recommend that the nest
legislature pass an act, authorizing
a stale wide dog-tax, the proceeds
of which to be appropriated to the
i. we a
Male wide Stack law for North Car-
It. That We favor the discussion
of scientific, marketing along with
scientific production at the Institutes.
Resolved, That we desire to ex-
press our appreciation of the co-op-
between the Department
of agriculture, the a. and U. college,
and s. Department of
culture and we further a
thorough unanimity of action on the
part of these institution in all things
that pertain to the agricultural de-
our great state. And
ll the further sense tills body
that there should be a competent
demonstration agent in every
of the stale who shall act as
Commissioner of Agriculture.
. Resolved. That we desire to go
on record a being In thorough
with the Girl's Tomato Clubs
and Roy's Clubs that are doing such
great work in our state.
Resolved, That the action of the
Southern Commercial Congress re-
questing each state to send two rep-
to to study the
subject of agricultural credit was
wise and timely.
Resolved, That this Convention
appoint a Committee to confer with
the State Department of Agriculture
and see whether the
can in any way better meet the
need of the people of the stale in
their various localities.
Resolved, That Convention
go on record In our legislature to not
divert the inspection tax from
to which it i now applied; but that
same be left In the hands of the
Hoard of Agriculture to be applied
by to the use and need of the
farmer of the state along
horticultural and raising
Resolved. That the same com-
appointed to confer with the
hoard of agriculture in reference to
Institute, further with
that hoard in reference lo eradicating
hog cholera.
Resolved. That the
and their wive and their children
endorse the movement to erect a suit-
able memorial to Dr. S. A. Knapp
who did o much for the farmer of
the South.
It. Whereas. Roads are
for the development of
county, and,
Whereas, there is a great awaken-
in the improvement of our high-
way throughout the state.
Therefore. He it Resolved. That it
is of the Farmers
of North Carolina that the con-
of the state should be put to
work on our road, of wok-
Montenegro. Oct. J.
Montenegro formally declared war
on Turkey this morning.
The declaration of war was
to the by the Montenegrin
charged early
Heavy lighting is already in pro-
along the frontier.
Nine battalions of Turkish troop
which were proceeding from
to along the Montenegrin
tier were attacked late yesterday by
a detachment tribesmen.
The lighting began outside
and continued all night with vigor.
The battle was in progress this
Toners Make Representations.
Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct.
Russian ministers at noon
today made joint representations to
the Bulgarian government on behalf
of power.
They informed the Bulgarian gov-
that the powers strongly dis-
approved of the warlike attitude of
ho Balkan states and urged upon
them tho prompt cessation of the
military concentration.
They advised the government to
leave lo the cabinet of the great
powers the task of assuring
Diplomats are Passport
Montenegro. Oct.
the charge
at Constantinople, has been
ordered to leave here today.
The Turkish charge here
been handed hi passport by the
Montenegrin government.
Turkish frontier
Belgrade. Oct.
reached here today that Montenegrin
troop had crossed the Turkish
The Parliament today voted
an extra credit of for
purposes and the merchants of
city are making large donations
to the funds being raised for the as-
of poor families whose bread
winners have called up for mil-
Premier speaking at the
conclusion of the debate in the
Parliament, declared the
treatment of the in Mace-
had gone from had to worse and
that the Balkan state could no long-
endure the suffering of their
brethren across the border. He In-
that the Ottoman government
should be compelled to carry out re-
forms in the province of Turkey in
mi, a.
j ,
Kansas. He Favors the Labor
The Women s National Democratic of which Mrs.
son and Mrs Thomas R. Marshall, wives of the leading Democratic
dates, are honorary president and vice-president respectively, and
Mr. John Crosby president, has opened at Broadway.
New York city. In charge of the corresponding secretary, Stephen B.
Ayres, wife of Congressman of New York.
The work being accomplished dally by Mr. and her corps of
Is not for the campaign moment only, but foundation
building for the future of Democracy. It Is the first woman's
political movement to be organized In the States and, as such,
appeals to thinking women everywhere
ha not declared for or against the question of equal suffrage nor
should it be expected to do o any more than it would the question
of Mr. Ayres from her post a of the league
are simply good Democrat banded together for greatest good to
the greatest of American housewives, who today are required to pay
more in country for American goods than they would have to pay for
the mm goods In a foreign land
She la especially interested In the tariff on articles In constant
one and has developed Into quite a speaker at the mealing
tariff committee nation
One Case Yellow Fever
Brought in Recently in
Hew Orleans
developed case of yellow fever was
taken from British steamer
when the vessel arrived at
station at the mouth of the
Mississippi Iver today. The patient
A most unfortunate accident
is a Greek who boarded yesterday evening as the A. C.
at Santos. Brazil.
The patient was placed in the de-
ward of the Marino Hospital
and the Chaucer was placed in
for six days. Dr. Corbett, of
the quarantine stated there j instantly. The fatal accident
were no other suspects aboard the took place at a point between Par-
steamer, but that all member of the male and almost opposite
I,, train due in at
swept from the track the live-year
old daughter of Thomas
a hand the road, and killed
I A. M.
N- C Oct.
, . i ion Sen-
Simmons and Mr. Albion Dunn
presenting Gov d
joint debate here today. Dunn open-
ed ill ii speech of one hour. Thomas
for one hour. speakers
fifteen minute rejoinder. Dunn
i em fully into the record Sena,
In and
inn. showing how Ibo votes
upon lumber, coal, iron and rec-
were absolutely lo
Democratic principle.-. He made Con-
Thomas his vote
on reciprocity and the ship
contrary to vote
these questions. In the course
hi remark be laid down
proposition If North Carolina N
to protection will
be ii the state, on the
contrary ii. to remain in the D mo.
faith and hold to Democratic
principles, then Simmons ought to
b. defeated. He further showed, i
the of good Democrats,
Governor has made
faithful public and is need-
id in United States Senate to up-
hold and carry out the program of
President Wilson.
Thomas, in an hour's rejoinder,
the charges dodged the
issues absolutely tailing to explain
conduct and rota of Senator Sim-
mons in upholding the hands of Sen-
in bis trust legislation,
Dunn's rejoinder, he showed
that Thomas had refused to meet tin-
issue and proved in the lace the
record Senator Simmons bore Con-
Thomas would never be able
to explain vote on those
Thomas in reply still failed to meet
referring t the youth his
the charge record,
and hi own vast superiority us
debater. This was amusing to the
supporters of Governor Kitchin when
they knew that Thomas
to Dunn opened and
he was allowed ail in rejoinder
according to those present the
was there with the goods and
Thomas has yet failed lo answer.
After debate there ninny
favorable comments upon the
produced Kin-bin's
and It is currently reported
that many advocates left
the court house Kitchin converts.
Mm of Hie i- i
trolling the Market
I In ii
would lie subjected lo close ex-
in competition with free labor.
Resolved. That we request the
General Assembly the
Department of to send
two representative to to study
the question of agricultural credit.
Resolved. That we reaffirm our
Interest in an endorsement of the Tor-
system registration and
that we hereby recommend the pas-
sage of such an act at the next
of our legislature
line faille
Monday evening Sheriff S.
received by express two fine
cows. years old. to add to
his dairy stock. He bought the cows
n the northern part of New York,
near the Canadian line, paying
the place where the live.
The child was ill the middle of the
track when the train hove in sight
and the mother of the infant, who
had probably the track toper-
Dud- the child to leave her place of
danger, took ill the situation a
glance and made a brace effort to
reach her daughter, hut before she
could it. the cowcatcher
of the locomotive hid hit the child
for them there and the express and thrown her quite clear of the
charges amounted to 188.35. making
the cost of the two cows do-1 The engineer immediately stopped
Not long since Sheriff Dud-j the train and with the help of some
bought a high grade Dun in the passenger picked up the
that cost him He believe girl, already dead the
having tine and carried her lo the house
For Lower
This was the date tentatively filled
by the commerce
for express companies Jo
show cause why the new rates fixed
by Hie commission not now
be adopted them. Hut a the new
post system has raised some
complication in the adjustment of
the rates, which the
as well as express
will take some time to straighten
out, it i regarded as likely the
hearings on the new rates will go
over until December.
According to passenger the engineer
of the train stated that he did see
anything of the child on the track
II being already quite dark when the
fatality occurred.
Mr Manning, the father of the lit-
lie girl not at home be
accident took place.
NORTON, Oct. Thai the
men who have been moat am
in building up trust are
also n i y men who have i- u
most successful in n M
tin ii labor the i on
i. ilium Governor Woodrow Wilson
in an hare today devoted
to what he a
pi power grail Inti i
sat now dominate our i
you he asked.
Hie objects
lion is to control the labor
And do you imagine y I
ever s. i deliberate plan for giving
the workingman anything compare la
in the way i wage the proportion
the profits which they
pocket They do not have to give the
laboring man any more than hi can
I get ill inn of the
Ami they do not give him any more,
As a matter of fact, some of the
highly productive Industries in
this country pay very lower
wages than the unprotected Industries
And some of the
tasted wagon an
below tile living male
time the prices they are
so great can build new
factorial out of then- every
second year. It is one grand-
est pieces of bluff and humbug that
has eve. been known in the history
Of political deception.
want lo widen the market for
American labor. to tee
exist in which men will
for American labor. I want again
to see a time come when we
realize highest priced labor
in the world is the cheapest labor ill
tin- world, what produced l-y
brains and Intelligence and skillful
touch is a great deal cheaper than
is produced by stupidity
dullness the whip the master,
you this, labor
U to date, is the cheapest in
world I can prove Lt. American man
compete In foreign mar-
in the sale of goods
ed in those markets, near those mar-
is by that receives only u
tin- remuneration of American labor.
NOW, what does that mean It mean
they can afford lO pi American
workingman three times much and
still undersell their competitor in
foreign markets, the Am-
workingman is mid the
amount of his wages depend upon
protective tariff. II It
depends upon him. It depends upon
what is inside his thinking And
when you once gel a of
lated monopoly, than you gal a sys-
of controlled labor, forget
that. Narrow line of
and you stiffen the lines of labor
control. You have no now a free
market your labor any more than
you have I free market for your com-
for under I hi system of
monopoly regulated or unregulated,
monopolist can determine the
amount of goods lo be produced, and
therefore determine the amount Of
b and the
that the goods are lo
This Entire Stock Must
As Our New-Store is Neat Completed up Cur entire Stock here
best styles possible. Winter is h
We know it means us to threw such a Meek as we have upon the mere
One Lot Shirts, Patterns, Special
One Lot Shirts. Special Price.
One Lot Shirts. Lion Brand, Best
Made. Special Price.
One Lot Shirts. Lion Brand, with or
without Collar, Special Price.
One Lot Shirts, Stiff or Soft Front,
Special Price.
Triangular, the Best and Only Five-Ply
Collar Sold Here. Easy to Slip Tour
Tie in, Looks Neat When You Wear
It, Wears Longer After You Buy it.
The Very Newest Styles in Silk and
Cotton Hosiery, Supporters. Handkerchiefs,
Buttons, Pins. etc. for Ladies, and
Fancy Silks. Regular goods. Special Price
in Solid Colors, sells for our
Special Price.
Best Ribbons in all colors. Regular
goods, Special Price
Pine Val Lace, Regular Price Special
Fine Val Lace. Regular goods,
Special Price.
Heavy sells for special price .
All Laces and Embroideries Reduced.
Why not buy one of Handsome
New Coats The Price is Low and Quality is
Our Shoes to Ht any member of the family.
You will get the best and it will cost you the least.
One Lot Fancies, Regular Price special pi
One Lot Grays, Browns and Tans, Regular Price
One Lot All Wool Best Styles, Regular P
One Lot All Wool Black and Blue Worsteds, Re
One Lot All Wool Plum Novelty Worsteds, Reg
One Lot Black Unfinished Worsted, Cut in very
Price Will -Make You Buy
One Lot Knickerbocker Suits, Special
One Lot Knickerbocker All Wool Suits, Regular
One Lot Knickerbocker All Wool Suits, Regular
Price Reduced on all Suits, EVERY SUIT
One Lot of
at HAL
f fir i j i
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company
E. G. FLANAGAN, President
E. B. HIGGS, Vice-President
C. S. CARR, Cashier
R. O. C. T. C. Laughing-
house, R. C. Flanagan, J. L. Hassell, W. A.
Darden, H. A. White, S. J. Everett,
J. R. E. B. Higgs, A. M.
Moseley, D. W. E. G.
Flanagan, R. L. Smith
in this Bank are under the care and supervision of the
above Gentlemen. We want your business.
Capital Stock, the largest in Pitt County
Mr. and Mrs. S. of
Vanceboro. who have; been visiting
their sisters. Mary
ton and Sallie Evans, returned home
Mr. Walter C. Johnson, of Wash-
spent Sunday here with his
people and returned home this morn-
Mr. Hyman returned Sunday
evening from Scotland Neck.
Mr. D. M. Clark has returned from
New Bern.
Miss Nellie Williams went to
son this morning.
Mr. W. L. Rice went to Oxford to-
Mr. John Mayo, of Bethel, who was
visiting his daughters, Mrs. J. S.
Mooring and Mrs. F. J. Forbes, left
this morning.
Messrs. J. T. Timberlake and Tom
Hatching, of Wilson, spent Sunday
Rev. C. M. Hock left this morn-
for Concord, where he is to hold
a meeting this week.
Rev. Livingstone Johnson, of
who spent Sunday here, left
this morning.
On with tobacco sales again.
Greenville Lodge A. F. and A. M.
meets tonight.
County commissioners in session to
The ladies or the Round Table will
meet with Mrs. F. R. Stretch Tues-
day at p. m.
a in
Va. Oct. b.
Quite a Dumber of friends and
gathered at the home of L. H.
In tills place last even-
to witness marriage of his
two daughters, Louise, to Sidney F.
Thornton, of this county, and
to Charles Wilkinson, of
Greenville. N. C. who was
by S. E. Gates, of Greenville,
as best man. while Miss Frances Ham-
was of honor for his
Miss Bessie Wood, of Concord.
Va. acted as maid of honor for the
other bride, with Thornton
best man. Rev. J. R. per-
formed the ceremony
Speaks In the Baptist Church.
Rev. Livingston Johnson, of
secretary of the mission board
of the Baptist state convention,
the pulpit of the Baptist church
here Sunday morning and night. Dr.
Johnson was to speak at
the woman's missionary meeting here
two weeks ago. but was prevented
from coming, so on Sunday morn-
made the talk that he intended
to make on the former occasion,
dealing mainly in the part the
men are in the missionary
work of the state and In helping to
build churches. The talk was full
of Interest. Sunday night he
an excellent sermon on
Two-Fold showing that God
was the giver of both physical and
spiritual life, that He was the God
of both and cared for His children
through the physical life In
for the spiritual life and that
s the physical life grows It broad-
ens and merges into the spiritual
Mr.-. Eliza Hurt
BALTIMORE. Md. Oct. at-
tempting to alight from a moving York
road car at Fayette and Charles
streets this afternoon, Mrs. Eliza
of Raleigh, who is
visiting the of Win. H.
man, at ill.-, fell to the
streets, striking her head and badly
cutting the left side of her fare and
bruising herself. She was picked up
by a patrolman and taken in the
Mercy hospital in an ambulance. Her
physician stated that her injuries were
not serious. She is resting easy to-
Mrs. is the mother
of our townsman. Dr. c. Laugh-
Her host of friends here
at her former home regret that she
met with such a painful accident
Mr. W. A. Fleming, of Hassell.
was here today.
V. W. C. A. Services
Prof. C. W. Wilson conducted the
Y. W. C. A. services at the Train-
School on Sunday evening. He
made a strong talk on Help
Watch Them
Frank the
begins a series of unique advertise-
today. It will pay you to
watch these and keep up with his
seasonable offerings.
Well Dressed
C. S. Forbes has a large advertise-
calling the attention of those
who want to be well dressed to his
superb line of suits and overcoats.
His stock was never better than now.
have the satisfaction of knowing yon are getting
the very best quality you can possibly procure
anywhere for the money.
Many a cheap, shoddy shoe hides be-
hind a nice appearing, pleasing-to-the
eye style, but a few wear will
prove the inferiority of the quality of
the materials used and the careless-
exercised in their making.
We look to quality first of to it that
the Leather is right, the linings substantial and the
general construction the best procurable any-
where. We depend upon you for our business,
and you depend upon us for square dealing, we
arc in duty bound to give it to will.
Our new season's stylos for ladies and gentle-
men, and boys and girls are ready for your
W. A. Bowen's Store
Greenville's Authority on Wear
Friday, September
New Fall Styles in Tailor Made Coat Suits,
Cloaks, Dresses. Shirt Waists, Skirts and
We have a Complete Stock of Ready-to-Wear
Goods, we have improved the making it stronger
and larger than ever before.
IT. ft hi It KS I
N. C. Oct. 1912.
Notice Is hereby Riven to the pub-
lie that our lands, lying alone Tar
River have been posted according to
law and all persona are forbidden to
trespass on any of our lands with or
without gun or dog, for any purpose,
whatever, without permission.
W. C.
i Heater
Cold weather Is coming and In a
large advertisement Talk and Van
Dyke are doing some talk
that people who want to keep warm
should consider. Read the advertise-
J of is
Victim. Lying in lied
I the covers pulled tightly up around
neck, C. Robertson, a banker
j of N. C. was found
dead in bis room at the
hotel shortly after o'clock
day morning with gas from
Jet. Coroner John O. Jeff era. gave
a certificate of death due to
asphyxiation. The body Is now
held for relatives.
The odor of gas issuing from Rob-
room was first detected by a
waiter at the hotel. With the
aid of the clerk and the waiter, a
Into the and by the
dim light of a Jet, which was burn-
very low. he could see the of
the southerner lying In the bed. The
windows were Immediately thrown
open and It was found that the man
was dead.
Wheat, Corn and Ribs
by Cobb Bros.,
Open Close
December wheat u 1-8
December corn . 3-8 1-4
January ribs . 10.20 10.35
Greenville cotton . 3-4
New York Cotton
by and
Open Close
October . 10.60 10.48
January . 10.81 10.65
May . 11.04 10.89
Mr. Robertson was well known in
and Pitt county, and his
death is much here.
Shoe Repairing.
I am giving personal attention to
this line and with new machinery
and additional help can do your
work promptly.
At Sam Flake's Harness
Millinery Millinery
HATS f embraces all the -Newest
Styles for this Season, lie Sure to see the Pattern
lint- which will he on beginning FRIDAY,
87th, showing the Correct for this season's
Silks, Embroideries, Laces, Dress Goods,
mid u full and complete stock of Staple Dry at
the Lowest Mm
Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes
Shoes in all Leathers and all Styles. Boy's
and Children's Shoes. Men's Shoes in all
Styles. Our Shoe is complete in all Lines.
Greenville, N. C.
the uninsured man is scared stiff.
Not alone for his personal safety
but also because of the
that the burning of bis homo means
ruin for him. If he a policy In
the company we represent the lat-
fear wouldn't enter Into
if a fire struck his place.
Pender Tyson
Ins. Agent. Greenville.
Saved Ills Wife
She's a wise woman who knows
Just what to do when her husband's
life is in danger, but Mrs. R. J.
Vt. is of that kind.
Insisted on my using Dr. King's New
writes Mr. P. a
dreadful when was so weak
my friends all though I had only a
short time to live and it completely
and colds, It Is the most safe and
cured A quick cure for coughs,
reliable medicine for many throat and
lung bronchitis, croup,
whooping cough,
hemorrhages. A trial will convince
you. cents end Guaranteed
by all druggists.
To the Voters of Hilt
I hereby announce myself as a can-
for Register of Deeds,
pendent of party Your
support will be greatly appreciated.
K. C.
Specialties Bulbs and Cot Flowers.
Flower Pots, all
woman were scarce and the from Edward Murphy and one or two
question of organizing a home re- betrayed party In the sen-
FARM a New Jersey It to Demo-
RM and EA
The country churches are In need
Published by
D. I. Editor.
WORTH CAROLINA of necessity give
with. That Trust was formed and per cent on larger. If
blight fell upon this section worse 1st was to die In United States
than war. famine or taxes. The chief government would receive no In-
by which that Trust has main- tax from his
men of this land were glad to win in other states as well as to of two things especially. They need s upon ,, reduce taxation on tie
their own self-respect not to arm to worship oftener. and they farmers has been maintaining the On annual Income of
him for another betrayal. need greater variety of gifts in their unjust and discriminating tax upon year in the States he pays
o pulpits tobacco. to the government not one cent of
Lay preaching would supply both other agricultural product pays income tax. If he were living in
,., ,. ,. butter England he would pay his
North Carolina Is to be brought to great needs. A live commit- n . . d b , on
. . cotton, are all There is a bonus income tax and is out one
anything that wore a petticoat. But
with the present day dense
and the struggle for existence
in keep competition with other men.
this crude form of family life must
the front this year in the Christmas tee could, without much effort, and
year . . Hue
Six months.
rates may he bad upon
application at the business
Reflector Building, comer Evan
and Third
All cards of thanks and resolutions
respect will changed i r
per word
on sugar. There was a tax of cents men in the lulled States
A evil of Hie present day Campaign for the sale of Red Cross cost, arrange to double the bin it was re- between and
the delay of marriage until one or Seals All the profit from the sale preaching of most churches, moved us The tax on tobacco Indeed the graduated
th of the reaches middle these little Stamps goes to earn especially if the was removed once from to ti cents. Income and inheritance tax would
Hut the Trusts promptly soul enough produce more here than In England
Senators and members to Congress because by reason of the control of
and a sufficient lobby to put the tax our national legislation by the
age. More and more it is the fashion on the work against tuberculosis. meat has been launched in
for man to wait until he is thirty- Ai the direction of the National As- nearby town. A Sunday in
aim u line n
live or forty before he enters for the cure prevention country at some old church rich Q s ,.,,, re- Trust since the we have a far
Thai means that a man Is of lube Mr. Secretary with memories and an when I spoke there, a prom- larger aggregation of the wealth of
Charities of Char- hour in which to talk to eager farmer told me that taking all country In a few hands than in
initiative In listeners in the pews, is a pleasure of and the price
-late by many a city man. it
be is toe old to be
forty or forty-five before his babies the
i along and that when his sons has taken
Communications advertising
will be three and daughter are passing through work and is now organizing
line, up Lu lines
any country In the world,
average sum received since the Indeed I should favor not only sub-
formed the average price lax for lax on to-
. on which i ill be would greatly enrich the city man's hag g Q
as second class matter them. And these delayed from all the leading cities own it would greatly benefit therefore, has been pay which falls upon the wealth
august 1910. at the post at marriages are nine limes oat of the slate. Acting under the the church; would make stronger an average of cents per pound era country, but make
-North Carolina, under
sot of March W,
I lie city and
From of pulpits In all
for tobacco. to the farmer Who the graduation much steeper for I
lakes all the risks of the seasons, of believe that when a man's income
labor and of the prices and S cents exceeds per year or
would give
caused by material financial of the state committee, Mr. My- the lie between
and provide tor family. But If In state. Through these subject which has in many
bride brought with her an income Red Cross Seals will grown by
equal to earned or possessed by be put on sale in every presented In the same old
her husband ibis condition would be In and educational matter ,. years. paid mm , because by of legislation in the in-
changed Instantly and more very great Importance in sermons last protested means of it the government was the few and against those
marriages would take place. In all work will be put out. It the colored congregation when told made to forbid an wealth and to
seriousness, this is a question Is a big undertaking, but the results by their bishop that must pay
the American father of undoubtedly he well worth the their pastor. Too often it is the
is becoming harder will then proceed to organize a country.
as the years go on tor a local committee In every and Much an arrangement give or ,,,.,,
man to earn enough to start town Of more than six d pop- lie spice variety Io religion, a has worked on shares with the mm the taxation ought to be per
farmers getting one halt of the pro- cent for every knows that these
being coeds Of the tobacco crop without vast sums could not be acquired hon-
for done but that they have been
out of any love that the Trusts by the control and
for consumption will be exposed and
denounced on Tuberculosis Day,
This is part of the pro-
gram for the movement announced
by the National AsSOC for the
Study and Prevention of
in. or of tobacco except by the Whom It should properly be returned
Trusts. A farmer who made Dy a heavily graduated system tax-
worth of tobacco at an average of that would discourage and end
old ideas i. not the same old g no an. wholesale injustice against the
The Hist step toward true reform
will be the abandonment of the
plan of admitting to college
effort. same
The public may to hear more texts. other in cash to pay gov-
of this as time goes on. other suggestion along this eminent tax. The result was to break
Last year 100.000 seals were sold line and we are through with this up all manufacture and sale by the
It Is expected this year phase of our Sometimes
of the people.
in the state.
to raise this number to and he lay preacher cannot be had. Is
Kentucky has a new law under their richness and variety
r lib h convicts receive regular wag- there Is. tho it would be an
which would have controlled the COt-
plan, as it works out under
system, makes college matriculation
a once too easy and too difficult. It ion of the south and farmers
is too easy those who are drawn do lion in most churches and a . on an
up, cog by cog, through twelve years If the convict has ii tam- gallon might have to grow to the of cents per pound to
school attendance marked by the of earnings are method. We refer to what is called cotton, or any other price that they
Literature giving informal ion on
and alleged for
consumption will be to clergy-
men all over the country and an or-
crusade against the traffic in
these drugs and devices will be in-
The literature will be sent
to ministers either directly from the
National Association office in New
York or through the many stale and
local associations
scattered throughout country, it
Is estimated over 100.000 clergy-
men will lie reached In this way
From actual records on Hie ill the
a Of The National Association, it
is estimated that the volume of bus-
i done annually by the various
concern sell take remedies tor object, lighting each more than they America, from England, from the
farmers;. Suppose the tax cents
per pound on cotton had been laid
and the farmer before he could gin
A tariff for revenue only
such rate of tariff that will produce
the greatest revenue for the govern-
Thai would mean a moderate
number of the services and add to ad to pay It. A cotton mill Trust
We think would have been speedily formed
duce revenue. II requires, of course,
some skill and experience Io fix that
rule on each article. But is what
ought to be done honestly and fairly.
What is really done is that the tar-
barons by their control of
the rate on such articles as
and eager, have to be families than they are on the outside. have some of the greatest been laid on wheat and corn, an el-
Obliged to walk part way Instead of U fellow who o- preachers In the world to preach in Trust would have been form-
their seat In he educational does not support his family, our little backwoods
marked a clever lady one day.
By substituting for present In North Carolina Demo its are have them come from all parts of w business.
ed that would have kept price of
, those at the dictation of the
men who would have had the capital
goods. They form Trusts to
competition among themselves, the
high prevents competition from
abroad and the result is that while
the government gets about
per year from the tariff, the tar-
barons are said by experts re-
The tax upon any agricultural pro- six times as much or
amounts to well over o .,. the enemy. To I is one mission field and even from ,,,., is odious .,,, ., it , people in the
The number of these rem- nation, is not alone to test the the disgusting things In on to preach to us. especially so when one article is sing- added price of their goods. Put down
now being used so-called date's In a minimum with the present day method of led out for taxation. Tobacco is as the tariff to a revenue basis, without
is over BOO of requisite studies, but office seeking The State needs to KEEP IN say protection and the government
, . ,. in And . . , oilier product. There is no would still continue to receive
are The farmer, are daily drawing lo against It and and the people would save
by National both , ,,,,,. ,., sums ,,., , in for u would have long since been re- which they are now
in the class are included . Sin an tobacco sales. Not a few of pealed except for enormous pow- paying annually to the tariff barons
hundred of devices and drugs which nation should be mainly but not vii-u there are good roads all them wad this money in their pock- exerted the Tobacco Trust and and the higher prices given by pro-
can be for any sum ranging it should be conducted a .,. ,.,. a., home ,,.,. industries over national leg-
from ten cents to live dollars at a W persons who f Nor,,, ., to the danger of T off s
drug store. The second class of vary sufficiently in their point, ,,, , ,.,, ,.,,, ,.,,, ,.,,,. of ,, , I have . told by men who know rainier would not merely receive
view to make a test a fair one. This the Trust was formed cents instead S cents on an v-
includes the
or companies of
who for a consideration
to cure consumption by some
secret method which are the
sole proprietors, There are nearly
one of these institute
frauds In the Culled Slates, cheating
tin- people out of millions of dollars
In the third class of arc
placed a of home-made
dies, which either through ignorance
or superstition have been advanced
as treatments for Some
these are onions, lemons, rattle-
poison, coal dust, lime dust.
blood, dog oil. milk
and even alcohol.
None of these remedies will
consumption, declares The National
No drug, gas or other
. rial been discovered,
when eaten, inhaled, or in-
Into the system, will kill the
germ, without doing
bi nous Injury to the body. The only
real cure tuberculosis
ed by The National Association con-
of the combination of fresh air.
good and rest taken under the
d of a competent physician.
should secure iii advance
as complete a description of can-,
as possible from the school
he has boon attending or from other
sources. ibis prove favorable
railroads, you will see this the garden other ways. There are good banks there were to- but he would be free as in tor-
spot of the world. It is outing, too. convenient and they are in position factories and now there are years to manufacture and sell his
to protect the money against none under the own tobacco either by himself or by
Politics Is not much help to any- loss much better than are the farm- been Informed by forming companies In each neighbor-
who know more about the bus- hood and gel a largo part of the
than I do that putting the av- between the and the
body except the fellows who gel the era themselves and at the same time .
on ail moral character, In-
habits, the studies he
s. Other folks had better give will pay Interest on long time do- ,,,,, at X cents and odd cents which the tobacco Trust
more attention to tiling that pay posits. Tuesday it was reported that the tax that the cost of now takes for its profits.
for rations and clothes.
a man lost his pocket book with manufacture is a cost of cents,
thousand dollars in it, but
very searching.
Evading no responsibility which his
post as leader In the nation as
well as III the puts upon him.
Governor Wilson gives a reason of
national importance as well as a
reason of state Importance why
Smith. Jr. should not return
to the senate
The New Jersey reason for
Smith this undeserved honor is
that he is the opponent of the
course upon which the manhood
of the state is embarked and that his
election would mean the return of the
machine winch he is the humbled
The national reason goes back to
the time when the Wilson
bill was being in sen-
ate. Says Governor Wilson.
Smith was one of a small
It seems a strange thing that with
all the varied discussion of suffrage
and the sex question, of the en-
for sex equality has men-
the money question as it affects of
marriage. The Continental theory who at n
that marriage is family business and Juncture in our ,.,
that it Is the duty of the parents to defeated program of the
see to the marriage welfare of th. now
young couple, finds no echo on this f a and
Bide the ocean.
b BriM and no-man the
still the pioneer idea. In old days, malevolent three who. with some help
Even if you look at consumer
as paying tho tax or a part of it is
grossly unjust for tobacco is taxed
Without regard to A mil-
consumes about the same
Quantity a year as a man in overalls
with the result Morgan
to voting in the senatorial primary. not take such risks with the money IV belong to that great cigars at a piece pays
Trust. The loss to the farmers is
pursued and the degree of proficiency
attained in very short exam-
would suffice. More doubt-
would require correspond-
minuter treatment, until,
, ,, . ,, amend roe. ruling on eligibility lost his pocket book and money. Do and for the hundreds millions held
the man who should present . .,. . .- .-.
an entire stranger, with meager
the process would become
total of and
ed article is sold at an average of
The indications are that the state we could not get the report affirm- . . . . . . .
between and coins. The
executive committee Will ed and Tuesday night another man between the two account for
get together again and somewhat was crying the street over having the that Buck owns
you work so hard for. Put It
President Venable of the University it be
ll not the situation any bet- ,., , need
by scoring the newspaper for
publishing the new., in connection f ,,,,,
with the hazing. Brooklyn said Jimmy Archer recent-
we would have the pennant won
ll a man has had seven years of hands down.
uninterrupted opportunity to do some
thing and didn't do it. what hope have
we that he will do ii if given another
All the other good thing getting CLARK THE HE
on the bill fare this time of the THE TOBACCO
year does not stop Bob call judge Clark
for pie. Store ill
and at Burlington. At all places
, ,. , . he earnestly advocated the repel of
Its time some or boys
cent per pound tax upon to-
talking about putting on.
oven greater than these hundreds of
millions which the Trust has made
because there Is the cents per
pound on tobacco which the govern-
has taken as Its share and the
restriction upon production by reason
of the business having made
unprofitable to those who raise to-
exactly the same tax per year as a
laborer using the same number of
the cheapest quality of tobacco.
Ought such I tax to stand Such
a tax would not have stood if one of
you who raised tobacco or myself
who have never used it but knows
what justice means had sat in the
senate for the last twelve years. If
Political Advertisements
I had sat in the House for years
Some will say that the government member from the finest tobacco
must have revenue and therefore district in tho known world. I would
there must be a tax on tobacco. If ,,, this
this were true and the government s r,
must raise money upon raw products j., t. and he ought to re-
why not the burden shared and there It is because of such
cents put on sugar. cents on cotton; us this that other states are
cents on the wheat and corn of I rapidly retiring their members and
k on Saturday at putting now ones and the sooner you
well and at hay But is It here in North Carolina and
unjust of all taxes because put a man Senate who will
rails upon the farmers and working for the interests of those who
people who already pay far more than fields, the better it will he
their fair share of the burdens of
chilly mornings are a owe to the farmers and the Repeal this tobacco tax
; working men everything we eat or
, . , ,. m wear or use. yet th. entire weight of
I he election is only a month off.
I government is made to rest upon
Then the agony will be- over and some. none of
may go to work.
able to organize and to
of the taxation thrown
and the Cultivation of tobacco
and you will have the most pros-
farming section In all the
The bellow of Bull Moose did
them by the classes who are better
able and ought to pay taxation. w
truth is this very taxation of
go up to four
times their present value.
button made against the farmers pound or at, least, every
the tobacco section of North Carolina., ls rt can manufacture their own to-
When the illegal tobacco trust was ll as they used to do and get
not cause much flurry in North Car-1 Q, Ought to Pay it There are two sources of wen
been ever in open and
defiance of law, both
Come to Greenville and boost ad national, the tobacco sec-
of North Carolina was most
which we should turn.
las of raising tobacco. A no less
the town.
prosperous on the planet Lands were
going up and the people had more
In where they will be that the graduated tax
a graduated and inheritance tax one upon and Inheritance If grad-
third of the revenue of the heavily enough will stop the
are raised from that manufacture of millionaire and
tax ranges from one per cent consummation most devout-
Co and . talk is now money sue. to C- . t for
North Pitt County.
In the Superior Court, before D.
C. Moore. Clerk.
Sarah K Cox, of George
W. Cox. vs. Marie
I f
State of North Carolina, Pitt County,
A. V. Woolen enters and claims Passed by Class of the
the following piece or parcel of
Situate in Swift Creek township, de-
scribed and bounded as
the lands of J. M. Wooten
and lies between the lauds of
Sunday School
Whereas It has pleased our
Father la his infinite wisdom
to take unto himself the spirit of our
beloved friend and member,
By virtue of a decree of the and the Allen Johnson C. Pierce, who departed this
twelve acres, more or less. ,,. on Friday 27th. 1912;
court, made the above en
titled cause by D. C. Moore, clerk of
the superior court of Pitt county, on
25th day of September, 1912. the
Undersigned commissioner will, on
the 28th day of October, 1912.
at o'clock noon, expose to public
sale before the court house door
to the highest bidder for
cash, that certain lot In the town of
at a stake on
street and runs with Mason Lodge
line feet, then at right angles,
with said line CO feet lo Gibson's
thence feet with Gibson's
line to a stake, thence with
Street feet to the beginning, con-
1-4 acre, more or less.
Also another parcel of land
in township, Pitt
beginning at a large pine and duns
south in. east 7-10 chains to a
large pine. Nora Buck's
and Cora corner, thence with
Cora line south 1-2. east
28.7 chains to a sweet gum. her
on the hill and near Cow Swamp,
thence south 1-2. west 1-4 chains
to a knot, an old in
the mouth Of Long Branch, thence
up the run of said branch to the
mouth of the ditch in said branch
If 1-4 chains, thence up said ditch
4-5 chains to a stake R. If.
and James C. May's corner,
thence north east 1-4 chains to
small gum bush said May's corner,
thence with said May's ditch north
west then north west 1-5
chains to N. C. Cox's thence
with said Cox's line north west
chains to a stake at the head of a
ditch on the path leading from Nan-
Cox's to the main road, then with
said N. S. Cox again north west
f. chains to a stake, said Cox's
then with said Cox's other line
north 3-4 east 8.4 chains to a
stake on the east edge of a ditch,
thence with said N. S. Cox again north
o west 2.28 chains to a post oak
thence with Cox again north 1-4
cast 13.3 chains to the beginning,
containing acres, more or
This the 25th day of September.
ltd Commissioner.
This 25th day of Sept.
W. If.
H ltd w
North Carolina. Pitt County.
W. A. Taylor and J. C. Taylor
Samuel and wife Jacky
Ann Edwards, R. B, Randolph. L. A.
Randolph. J. H. Randolph, Robert
Staton, J R. Bunting and
Supply Company.
By virtue of a decree of the super-
court of Pitt county, made in the
above entitled cause by His Honor
IO. B. Kline, judge at the superior
term. 1912. of the superior court of
Pitt county, the undersigned
will on Thursday. 31st
day of October, 1912. at o'clock
noon, before the court house door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder for
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt
as administrator of the estate of Al-
Harrington, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted
lo the estate to make Immediate pay-
to the and all per-
sons having claims against said es-
are notified to present the same
lo the undersigned for payment on or
before the 26th day of
1913. or tills notice will be plead in
bar of recovery.
This 26th day of September. 1912.
of Harrington.
Having qualified as executor of the
estate of F. M. Dupree, deceased, late
of Pitt county. North Carolina, this
to notify all persons having claims
against the estate of the said
ed, to exhibit them to the undersigned
at Greenville, N. C, on or before tho
20th day of September, 1913, or this
therefore, be It
Resolved That as a member
of this class lie was noble, faithful
and true, exemplifying in his life the
ideals and teachings of our school.
Hue in heart and soul and faithful
lo his creator.
Resolved That by his death
we. the members of the class
o the Sunday School, bale
I lost a most loyal devoted
Resolved That, although we
are deeply conscious of our loss, we
rejoice in the memory of a life and
a manhood of strength and purity.
Resolved That a copy of those
resolutions tie sent, to his family to
whom our hearts and sympathy go
out in their hour of bereavement a
copy be spread upon the minutes
t is class and a copy be sent to The
Daily Reflector.
J. L.
K. W.
, ., .
Insane Doctor
Shoots Down and
Kills Boy
L. a well known
of Va , near
held up a party of boys on the road
near today and commanded
them to up so he could kill
to a special from
One of the boys instead of
turned and ran. drew
a revolver and shot him in the leg.
He then turned the weapon on the
other boys, killing one, the others
escaping unhurt
was arrested. He is be-
lo be insane.
Mr. T. now store
Which is being built on the site off
the one destroyed by fire last spring.,
is completion he is
notice will be pleaded in bar of their making plans moving in-
recovery. All persons indebted to to it. In going to this handsome new,
said estate will please make he wants to open there with The Johnny
ate payment. entire new stock of goods
the 20th day of Sept. 1912.
A. D.
Executor of F. If. Dupree, Deed, h
out and in order to do so and avoid
the trouble expense of moving.
is closing out his present stock
All Tarried
All the creations of the Johnny J.
Jones Shows an- new and utterly
attractions old style
traveling midway.
Instead of repulsive
snake muscle dancers,
pictures, living and other per-
are offensive to all
pi of refinement and subversive
Of the public morals, the visitor will
sec clean wholesome high class
will in no way
offend the most fastidious.
Information from other cities In
answer to inquiries vouch for the
truth of the foregoing statement.
The New-berg, New York.
said shows. if. no use
Shows are the finest as regains
moral tone, and good measure
for the money spent that this city has
Phoenix building store of
FARMS FOB SALE of j. R. j G. at feel skeptical can rest as-
offer for sale at public ,.,,,, mU-s. It la not old and one
Johnny Junes exhibits arc all that
real sacrifice prices. It is nut old
at Simpson. N. C. on Oct. 15th. at Be is
o'clock a. m. a certain tract of prices, for
land on South side of Norfolk South- ., of n in ,,,
R. R. at Simpson. X. C, and had to buy over start-
from to acres. Also i,,,,,,. all Hie
other farms for sale. he Is now ottering are
W. L. Agent. new just
I received the fall and winter trade
are Include in this before-moving
In recent years has saved
I thousand of dollars to the people
by bis special never be-
fore have they had an opportunity
For sale In the town of Ayden. N.
C, exceptionally fine, large
lots. See John H. Coward, or
K. C. Coward. N, C. or ad-
dress W. A. Harden. Ayden, N. C
North Carolina, Pitt County.
Ill Superior Court.
Kin ma vs. Robert Heed.
To Robert Peed, defendant In the
above entitled You Will here-
by take notice that a civil for
divorce has been Instituted in the
county of Pitt, by Emma Peed, the
plaintiff, against Robert Peed, the
defendant divorce and the said
Robert Peed Will hereby take
that he is required to appear at the
next term Of the Superior court of
for real bargains superior
to this Look over the prices quoted
In his page advertisement and
advantage of them before it Is
too late.
the various agents claim for them,
no to which tent the foot
steps lead.
From the quantity joint of view
they consist of more individual
a greater of merit-
features and Infinitely more
marvelous free acts than any other
aggregation and all are wholesome.
Pitt county which convenes at the
court house in Pitt
, on the Hub. Monday after the 1st
cash, expose to public sale the it being the
lowing described or parcel Of. m, u.
land, to .,,. or demur to the complaint Hied
Lying and being .,. Bethel town- ,,,
ship, Pitt county, so.,.
beginning at cypress , ,.,, ,. ,
Creek, Noble s corner in sad. ,,,,,, ,,,
and runs thence with I fl
line north SO. east poles to a de.
pine, then north poles to a pine J
This the 7th day of October. 1912.
D. C.
Clerk Superior Court. Pitt Co.
In the Gum branch, then down the
various courses of said branch to the
creek, then with said creek to the be-
ginning, containing acres, more
This the day of Sept. 1912.
i ltd w Commissioner,
Ayden. N. c. Sept. 1918,
My friend, A. J. Move, writing for
the Progressive Farmer of recent
dale, co-operation among the
farmers. Wonder if he to the
Hue, lei the clips fall where
If I not mistaken, he
holds Block in the Consolidated To-
and does he sell all
with tho company. If
not ho Is not practicing what he
Oh. he lives to near
market that has money and pays
so much more for tobacco titan
Greenville, if one is fool enough
swallow all the hot air ware-
housemen blow out from that little
market, that suppose he soils his
tobacco there. My friend must
know is impractical with
our system of tenant farming. Its
so hard to get folks who will Stick
and who know the right thing and
will do it. I
Look at Subscription Kale
You people who are getting so
much tobacco money along now.
ought to be at least evening up with
the man. Look at the
dale after your name on The Re-
and sir If its not time you
were coming in or making a remit-
The might to be
without attention being
called to It. There are some who it
will be necessary lo take from the
list ii they do gel the date
ed soon. Do not force the paper to
slop going to you by your neglect
to pay. dislike consume space
to prim a notice of ibis kind, but
when the date primed on the pa-
per after each subscriber name no
one should wall to be written to or
to be culled on personally to pay his
subscription. d-w
You'll a realty
good table.
Lounge, etc- Now is
the time to get
For the den, cozy corner, bedroom, drawing room.
We offer you the best Selection -and, oar prices
are lowest.
Let's Show You
The Great Eastern I
Carolina Fair
Oct. and Nov. I
iii Premiums Away fur
it u
For Premium end Address
X, P.
North Carolina, Pitt county.
the Court.
The Greenville Manufacturing
Company, vs. Manson
By Virtue of an direct-
ed to the undersigned from the i
Ask Your Neighbor
The undersigned having this day
as tho es-
of Nannie K. Little, before l. C.
Moore, Clerk of the Superior Court court of Pitt county, . ,.
P county, notice is entitled action. I Will on Ion-,
persons indebted lo said es- day, lull day t
make immediately I ., the court MM- f
loll About It
Homo tho public ex-
of people, should
be evidence beyond dispute for every
Reflector reader, of the merit
. ,. .,,
sell lo the high-
late to
undersigned administrator and of said county.
persons holding
estate are hereby notified lo all the right, title and in-
same with said administrator said Manson Mara-
twelve from the date hereof t. has in the follow-
or this will be pleaded in bar described real estate,
of recovery of said claims. j one house and lot in what
This the 3rd day of October. known us Perkins Town in
C. H. Greenville, being
Meet line
Is, Mil
first tin- Teachers
Association will held in Green-
ville Saturday. October at II
o'clock, is an exceedingly
meeting and it is earnestly
desired every teacher in the
county shall be present I am con-
a number of you have
not yet begun your schools, but I
ask you not to lei this fact keep you
away from the meeting. Plans for
the entire year will be made at this
gathering and the matter or what
the schools lake in the
county Pair w-ill also be decided.
hope for a great meeting. Your
presence is desired.
W. II.
County Superintendent
Dr. II. J. Dead
Dr. R Grimes, who had for
many years been a practicing
in died a few days ago
from an operation following an
strangers residing in tar-away places lack of appendicitis He was years
the following. W is survived by his and
Mrs. Moore. Pitt St. daughters. Mrs. Mayo and Will
N. C. feel very Kill. Dr, Grimes was
for the relief I have received Trinity College and alter-
Dona's Kidney Pills. which I wards took u medical Si the
from the John L. Pennsylvania from
Co. Backache annoyed me and be graduated In 1876.
there was much weakness
In 1623, a copy Shakespeare sold tot In 1886
Oliver Wendell Holmes was offered this same book for But
had been put out at interest in it
would have amounted in 1886
Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank.
Greenville, N. C.
S. T. Vice
II. B. l, IS. I.
Administrator -state of Nannie as m m
Si avenue at the f
corner A. M. Moseley and run-
E Little.
west thence north.
the kidney bothered me. trouble ahead if not removed, so does
touching the of
Kidney Pills gave relief from these loss of appetite. It means lack of
complaint and loss of Strength and nerve weak-
u in every If appetite fails, take Electric
For sale by all dealers. Price j Bitters quickly to overcome the cause
Application will be made the m
Governor of North Carolina tor th. others fee, to . of take
pardon of D. W, on property of B. J. Puller; thence
of his III health feet , Co , cur.
, ,, along avenue feet to the. ft .
This . Remember the of Lincoln. Neb. been sick
HARRY This day of October. 1912. o
from Everetts, Martin county. S. C.
acres. cleared. J. A.
Events. N. C. arc
This day of October. 1912
S. I. Sheriff.
S ltd
For Highest Prices on
Call on
Phone Greenville,
Bitters put him right on his
Born feet They have helped thous-
afternoon. Oct. 1912. ands. They Rive pure blood, strong
My. such averages us the farmers to Mr. and Mrs W. L. Best, a nerves, good digestion Only cents
on their tobacco sales, at all adv
. mm
Subscribe to The Reflector
The Carpet From
without to reply.
slowly and proudly to hr tent,
disappeared within. She looked
neither st nor at George. So
that George, his soul tilled with
unlucky sense of chivalry
had made so easy a
to her would riot accept his
liberty at the price of Ky-
to whom he owed not
And If she had had to
ask one of th two. George would
hare been the natural selection, for
ah trusted him Implicitly. Perhaps
still lingered la her mind a rec-
of bow charmingly be had
spoken of bis mother
could have set out for Cairo
as she could have grown
pair of wings and sailed through the
The fate that walked behind her
was malevolent, cruel, unjust. She
had wronged no one. In thought or
feed. had put out her hand
neatly to the world, to laughed at.
distrusted, or Ignored. Was It
that s little more than a month
she If not happy. In
the sense she desired, at least In u
peaceful state of mind, unions her ca-
and roses at Her
world had been. In this short time.
reconstructed; where once
Lad bloomed a garden, now yawned u
and the psychological earth-
quake had left her dizzy. That Ma-
homed, now w rough to a kind of Ber-1
rage, begin reprisals at
did not alarm her; Indeed, her I
feeling was of dull, aching In
difference. mattered now.
Hut and were keenly
alive to the danger, and both agreed
that Fortune must go no farther.
under his bitter raillery and
scorn for sacred things,
a latent magnanimity, and It
now pushed up through the false lay-
era. it's my funeral. Go tell
her. You two can rind the way back
to canal, and there you will
bare no trouble. Don't bother your
wad about
what will you
my grimly.
you are offering the cow-
part to me
fool. It's the girl. What do
I about the rest of You're
es brave as a Hon. When you put up
year data the other night, you solved
that for yourself. For God's
ate. do It while I have the courage
to let Don't you. understand I
love that girl better than my heart's
blood, can have It drop
by drop. and go quickly He will
lie yon food and
go. She knows you better
will she trust me as she will
you old top, will
novel let me go till he's taken his
pound of flesh.
called. we want
appeared at the flap of the tent.
here will go back with you.
Go, both of you, before
he Is wrong. He's
the one to go. He was hurt worse
than was. Pride doesn't matter ail
a time like this. You
Fortune shook her head. or
none of us; all or none of she re-
And having witnessed
and overheard the scene, laughed, a
laughter to that which had
struck the barmaid's ears
He had not studied his white man
without gathering some Insight into
his character. Neither of these men
a poltroon. And when he had
made the offer, he knew that the con-
would erect a barrier over
which none of them would puss vol-
So much for pride as the
Christian dogs knew it. Pride Is a
fine buckler; none knew that better
than himself; but a wise
man does not wear It a all times.
Is It to he demanded
of Fortune.
shall I say to
you was
tired. He saw that argument, would
be of no use.
or none of And Fortune
looked at with all the pride
of her race. Is not because you
wish me to be free; It Is because you
wish to see one of my companions
made base in my eyes. I will not have
will of He could not
repress the Ore of admiration In his
own eyes as they took In her beauty,
the erect, slender figure, the scorn
upon her face, and the fearlessness In
her great, eyes. Such a woman
might have graced the of the
Great Caliph. He had had In mind
many little cruelties to practice upon
her, that he might see the men writhe.
Impotent and helpless to aid her.
In this tense and dramatic scene, a
sense of shame took possession of
him; his pagan heart softened; not
from pity, but from the respect which
one brave person gives free handed to
was not a bad man,
was he a cruel one. He had been
terribly wronged, and his eastern way
had but one angle of to avenge
himself, believing that revenge
could soothe his outraged pride and
reestablish his honor as he viewed It
from within. Had the courier re-
turned with the Holy It Is
not Impossible that he would have lib-
them all. Hut now he dared
not; he was not far enough away. To
then, and swiftly as the
exigencies desert travel would per-
One beacon of hope burned In
Uh breast. Toe might be at t
and In mat case he could
dispose of his own goods
and chattels seek new pastures
t would come doubly bard,
he never could regain the position he
was to lose.
Nine hundred pounds
a comfortable fraction over; the
dog would have nothing
in the end for his pains. It would b-
the Called a good Joke
A week Christmas.
not one of them recalled the
Perhaps It was because years bad
passed since that lime when it
anything to them. The old year
out neither did they take
note of this. Having left behind
and were for
Sometimes they rode till day and all
Bight, sometimes but half a day,
again, when the water
rested the day and night. Never a
human being they saw, never a
van me or crossed them. In this
week, secret of the desert
became theirs. They saw It gleam
and waver and under skies of
brass, when the north wind let down
and a breeze came over from the Per
Gulf. They saw it covered with
the most amazing blues and
greens. They saw it under the rarest
and a fleet of billowy
clouds; under the dawn, under the set
of sen, under the moon stars;
unfailingly the Interminable
Chi I Of sand rock and scrubby
hush, readjusted its
countenance to each change in the
sky. George, who was a poet without
the gift of expression, never ceased
to new charms; and nothing
As Caravan Passing
pleased his fancy more than to see the
cloud-shadows scud away across the
sands. Once, toward the latter end
of day, Fortune cried out and pointed.
Far away, palely jet distinctly, they
saw- an ocean liner. She stood out
against the yellowing sky as a magic-
lantern picture stands out upon the
screen, and faded similarly. It was
the one and only mirage they saw, or
at legal noticed.
Once another caravan, composed
w holly of Arabs, pass. d. What hope
the prisoners had was Instantly
snuffed out. Before the strangers
within hailing. hustled
his captives into his tent swore
he would kill either George or
if they spoke. He forgot Fortune,
however. As the caravan passed she
screamed. Instantly
his hand rOUgh over mouth. The
sheik of the passing caravan looked
at the tent, smiled grimly and
passed on. What was It to him that a
white woman lay in yonder tent His
one emotion was of envy. After this
the became apathetic.
Upon the seventh day, they wit-
the desert's terrifying anger.
The air that had been cool, suddenly
still and the blue above
began to fade, to sums a dusty, cop-
color. The camels grew rest-
less. Quickly rose out of the
horizon saffron clouds, approaching
incredible swiftness. Little
whirlwinds of sand appeared here
and there, rose and died as if for
want of air. veered the car-
toward a kind of bluff composed
of sand precipitous boulders. All
the camels were made to kneel. The
boys muffled up their mouths and
noses, and gave
to his captives. Fortune buried
her head in her coat and nestled down
beside her camel, while George and
used their handkerchiefs.
George left his camel and sought For-
tune's side, found her hand and held
It tightly. He scarcely gave thought to
what he did. He vaguely meant to
encourage her; and possibly he did.
The storm broke. The Bun became
obscured. Pebbles and splinters of
rock sang through the pall of whirling
sand. A golden tone enveloped the
little gathering.
Had there been no natural
they must have ridden on, blind-
and desperately, for to have re-
st ill In the open would have
to await their tombs. It spent
Its fury In half an hour; and the
clearing air became cold again. The
caravan proceeded. The hair of
one was yellow, their faces
and their garments.
When camp was made that night
It found the captives The
girl and the two sat moodily
about fire. Fatigue had dulled
their bodies sod hopelessness their
minds. The men were now.
This is to give notice that the books of Pitt county,
for the general election to be held on the 5th day of November. 1912.
are now open and will remain open until sunset, Saturday. October
All unregistered qualified electors should register on or before the
said date of Saturday. October
The tor the townships ire u
Heaver Dam . S. W.
. L. C. Harrow
Bethel . J. A. Staton
. W. S. Galloway
Carolina . Jas. S. Fleming
No. i. Jesse Cannon
No. H. K. Kills
. J. T.
Falkland . I. B. Dupree
Greenville . W. I-. Brown
. Jas. H Wilson
.-nut Creek . W.
The registrars will their respective voting places every Sat-
in day.
Those who have removed from one township to another since the
last general election mid shall have resided there for four months or
more, next prior to the election, will be required to register in said town-
This October
Five 1913 Models
from to
Two Carloads
Horses and Mules
Buggies, Wagons and Harness
What adds more to the en-
of the family than
a PIANO in the home
No dealer can place one in
your home for less money
than we can.
Our prices and terms are
sure to please.
Sam White
Piano Co.
They are Coming
is i s ill ml,
See us before you buy if you want a real
-Call on
Farmville, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
When better cars are made,
Buick People will build them
Be Sold In a Few Days
entirely new and selected very carefully in place before you the very newest end
, you must have goods, why not
V ,
f the people. we a-e forced to do so in get in our new quarter;
Special Price.
Special Price.
Price Special Price.
rice Special Price.
lest styles in every respect. The Be-
e Special
e, and Special
Suits Will Go
Kid Buttons, sold for special price. .
Kid Lace, Pat cut Tips, sold for special
Old Comforts, sold for special
Patent Leather. Velvet Tops, sold for
special price.
Top Button and Lace Patent Leather
and Tans, worth and
special price.
Patent and Tans, Buttons and Lace, worth
Patent Button Fox Tops, worth and
Our and Shoe in any leather
you desire, special
The U. S. Shoe, stronger than the law, if
not all leather your money refunded.
The Great TED Line, last the long-
est, and wear the best. Every Pair
All Wool Bergen, worth special price .
All Colors Worsteds Sold for and
Best Shades in Mohair, sold for special
White, Blue and Black Serge, worth
special price.
Best Outings, and all reduced very low
Best Patterns in Ginghams,
and Get your pick while they are new
Flannel, Cotton Flounce, Home-
spun, Suitings, etc., all at reduced prices.
and Union Suits,
Suits, heavy or light, all at a price
that will induce you to buy. Get your win-
Underclothes now
If you at all particular in regard to the
latest and best in Feminine Apparel, a visit to our
veil stocked store will prove to be both instruct
and entertaining. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended yon to come and inspect our well tailored,
hand tailored
Coat Suits
and Skirts
We have a large stock for you to select from
and more are continually arriving. The newest
styles are beautifully developed in our selections.
The coats embody many new features and stylish
effects. The materials the best to be obtained at
popular prices. You will find our goods in every
respect worthy of your choice and purchase.
V C.
The Pair Grounds and Buildings Will
Open Wednesday and Thursday
Including Admission to the Fair
on October 1-th W
inclusive, good until mid-
night. October 21st
No. i and will
make all slops on the Raleigh Dis-
a Pall Wee October
Tram No due to leave
Station week tan at 8.40 p. m.
Fair Week. October 15th to
will leave Raleigh at CM p in and
pass all intermediate stations to Wash
one hour all t
a Special Train
Service trod X. C
to Raleigh and return.
lob.- 1-th
Leave p. m
stopping Stiltons to
haven, arriving about
Gave Up Hope
suffered five years, with awful pains, duo to woman-
writes Mrs. M. D. from Chad-
N. C grew worse, I would often faint
I could not walk at all. and I had an awful hurting m my
side; also a headache and a backache.
I gave up and thought I would vile, but my husband
urged me to try so, began, and the first bottle
helped me. By the time the third bottle was used. could
do all my work. All the people around here said I would
die, but relieved
Reflector Want
or Ml will v. cast
Chills and and if then
at a tonic the Fever will aM return.
D. Tel. Co.
and hominy. S M.
Greenville. X. Q,
u c.
will cure yon.
sufferings, and making weak women strong an
For more than years. has been
lie .- .---------
well. this time, thousands of women have written,
like Mrs. to tell of really surprising results
they obtained b the use of this purely vegetable, tonic
remedy for women.
strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or
vents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles.
If you are a woman, begin taking today.
w a OR
I r white or colored; one to
operate a two horse crop, the
to operate one horse crops. land
good buildings desirable
It Smith and Son.
Co .
Hunt tor V. lei
Mid W
For apply nearest
w W
We want to show you quality goods at
moderate prices. Come to see us.
S. M. Schultz
and retail grocer a U
dealer. Cash paid tor Hide
Fur. Bead Oil.
Oak Mattresses, M
carriages. OBI
lounge, ante Lot
and A Ax anuS. High LIT-
tobacco. Key Hear
George canned
Jelly. Meat. Nan
sugar, coffee, lye, rood
match . oil. cotton meal J
Is garden oranges,
candles, dried reaches
; prunes, raisins, an
china ware, wooden ware, an
macaroni, cheese, beat but
new Royal Sewing Machines u
will cure you.
Winterville Items.
n Mr J D
III to id
the week home.
received a Sue lot rump
pork. I. W.
A of W II S. boys were
coming from tin- show Friday night
Oct. Mr.
hart Wed-
salt M A W.
and I
Mi.-sis. Tucker and Char-land
Tucker, Dear and broke bis army. We hope II
In town Wednesday. will not aim
Bee Harrington. Barber and Com- a car load of all kinds
pan your the; prices at A. W, Ange
quality for cents per yard
Mr. J. U weal to Messrs. Walter Cherry
on wood Tucker near lire
Come. Come, Come The fall is
here. Come out to the
Mercantile Company's store and get
your part the they have
in for you. inion Mercantile
Mr, ii W. gave a Sunday
school lecture in the church
Wednesday v. very
much enjoyed all present.
and Dur-
. Near Falkland,
C alt, X. C.
that word Is
i Dr. Liver Pills an J
Arc constipated
of these many others
inaction of the
Take No Substitute.
in gin it sat-
other ,
cheap for Com- -i j
me. U.
Bulbs, if you Please
is the to get nice beef,
fish and oysters at a low price for
cash, W, Hail.
Quite a large crowd assembled
around the depot here Friday morn-
lag. It was show day ill
Con and see the nice Jackets
and Company. They
Sirs,, taken I in Knees
I bar, take, one Th,,. often much truth in the w
Billy bluish color, with long S face is her but
hair Owner can gel aM where pimples,
by proving and or other blemishes
figure n Impure blood is hack of
tog an the need of Dr.
J. K. MAY. King -New Life Pills. They promote
On Farm, near Greenville, and beauty. Try them.
ltd all druggists. adv
. Our new stock of French and A. W,
land arc now arriving and to are cheap
plant early insures fine I Fannie Lee Spier went to
Remember make the finest wed- Friday evening to her
ding bouquets floral designs. aunt.
, Mail, telephone and or- Harrington, Barber and Company
promptly executed by the leaders In quality, pries and
Styles in dress goods. It will
pay you to see stock.
Mr. C. T. COX took a pleasant
Phones Raleigh, to Greenville Friday evening.
I. L. Co.
Agent for and Vicinity
If you your meal smoked in
tin to fifteen minutes and smoked to
perfection. and let us convince
you that our liquid smoke will do
the work. Union Mercantile Com-
Mrs. B. t. Tucker went to Green-
ville Saturday morning.
Just received a new lot of fresh
cured mullets and we are selling at
a low- price. K. W.
Mr. Walter Cherry of near Green-
ville was in town Thursday evening.
The revival at Reedy Branch Is
drawing a large crowd this week.
Miss Tucker spent Saturday
and Sunday at her home near
EVERY year some farmers lose money
by buying the first is offer-
ed them
We carry an up-to-date line of farm
and machines that we know will
give you absolute satisfaction. They are
the most practical, economical and
on the market.
We carry a stocK or repairs tor the ma-
chines we sell, which is to be considered in
buying machinery. -I-
Our desire is to give you the best service
possible and we will do everything in our
power to merit your patronage. See to it
that YOU do not lose money this year.
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
town Sunday.
For meat. Hour, laid, sugar and
canned goods o fall kinds, phase
us as we can save
money, futon Mercantile Company
Messrs. M. B, and Claude
Wilson of Greenville callers in are in a position
town Sunday night.
Km- men and boys clothing, t- Rev, M. A. Adams preached his
and rain see Harrington, two regular sermons In the Baptist
Harbor and Company. church
Messrs. J. COX and C. I. Mi- A new lot of shoes in at A.
weal to Greenville Monday. w. Ange and Company.
The County Oil Company in- Mrs. B. T. Cox and Mrs. II.
the patronage of those within Tucker went to Monday.
hauling distance of when Cora and Ann.- Carroll
ii to cotton being ginned, as Mill were in town Monday,
Mammoth Celebration
And Open Air
All Next Week, Commencing
Money that isn't out at interest and
is not doing tho owner
much good. Money deposited with
us and drawl Interest from
the start. One of these days you will
want to buy a home. A savings
count us will help you and If you
haven't all the money you need, we'll
lend you the balance.
MM 2nd,
I Still With
s Th Life
I sat and Beat
Johnny J. JONES
Shows Located on Lot
Is tin Most the Had Healthful, the Moot I in
M M.
Roosevelt in Mercy's Hospital
Chicago, Resting Easy, Wound is
Pronounced Serious by Physicians
With Complete Rest the Ex-President ill Completely
in Two Weeks-Fear That Bullets Sent to Destroy
Life Might Have
Been Poisoned
All Plans For Third Party Campaign
Have Been Abandoned by His
Two Souls With but a Single Thought j g Late
Have Scored Real slate in
Heavy Victory
a great over
Turkish troops was to
day by Peter of Montenegro
in a telegram to his former tutor
The dispatch was
victory. Ton thousand
Turks with artillery it
was timed this morning.
Hopeful l State.
Made by Physician
Chicago. Oct. fol-
lowing was
h surgeons
hurt la
a deep Wound in the cheat. The
wound was not probed. The
point of entrance to the
right of an inch below the level
of the right nipple. The range
of the ballet upward and
inward, distance of four Inches
deeply in the chest wall. There
was no evidence of the bullet
penetrating the cheat wall.
M; temperature
respiration Mi count
at a. in. No
to remove bullet is
at present Una, Condition hope-
fill hill wound so us
to demand absolute rest for a
number of
men when shown the
official issued by the
attending Colonel
Roosevelt seemed to think con-
most favorable.
CHICAGO, Oct. Col,
wound is a wound,
but is a serious wound ill the Cheat
said the bulletin this after-
noon by physicians
Chicago. Oil. Colonel
shot by John an a-
In Milwaukee, night lies
today in Mercy
Half a dozen of the most and
Skilled In Chicago led by
Dr. Iota Murphy, made X-ray ex-
of the Colonel's wound and
announced that bullet did not
pierce the lung, but had lodged in
the cheat. They have got planned to
taken to the District
Court in Milwaukee this morning for
preliminary examination,
The action taken on
of District Attorney
who Issued a warrant charging
with shooting Colonel
With intent to kill.
Judge N H of the
District Court, Immediately after
the of ordered
Professors K. head of the
Chemical Department of
University, to make a chemical ex-
of the bullets remaining in
the WOUld-be revolver.
Judge announced this
action was taken to determine
j ballet which entered
Colonel a body had been
poisoned. The Judge that his
action was prompted by memories of
the bullet which killed
and also by a personal de-
sire to give the surgeons at Chicago
ever personal aid In treating Colon-
el Roosevelt s wound.
for news of Colonel's
condition a large crowd gathered in
front of the hospital soon after the
presidential candidate entered. In
of Its the throng was quiet.
Managers for Colonel Roosevelt an-
early in day that all
plans for continuing his campaign
had been his
car. which he has used since the
of his trip has been released.
Medical men after reading the of-
statements Issued by surgeons
attending the former president were
the opinion that he would be able
lo leave hospital within or
days. With the bullet removed they
said, the Colonel would require ab-
solute rest for that period to insure
The hero of the attempted
nation, the man who is given credit
for having prevented from
bring the second shot for which his
linger was the trigger, is
K. Martin, the Colonel's
ah through the present tour
Martin the Colonel's elbow.
More than once Colonel Roosevelt
baa reproved him for being
In Mich. when
Martin threw himself a man
who was pushing forward and shoved
him a putter he was rebuked by
Colonel Martin declared
the man at Saginaw and
the Last night in Mil
Martin was at the Colonel's
dhow. get Into the ear
said Martin. you go re-
plied the Colonel.
was within seven feet of
the Colonel when he raised Ills hand
With the gun in and leveled at Col.
Roosevelt's breast. He tired and In tin
Instant Martin leaped on him and
hurled him lo the ground with one
of his arms twisted around the
sin's neck.
saw Martin leap OB the man like
a wild said who
was also with Col. Roosevelt and
grasped the revolver around
the hammer so the weapon could
Martin Is a former fool ball player
and no match for him.
He tried desperately to pull the trig-
of his weapon hut could not
Martin held the barrel pointed harm-
toward the sky. and
a special policeman wrenched tho
gun away from and then the
surged forward murderously
on having man's life. Mar-
tin an Joined in dragging
the man to under Co.
hurt the don't lei any
one hurt . Colonel
and his orders were respected.
Important Witness In Becker
Case On Way to New
fork City
In New World.
Pitt County Willingly Helps I President Reviews
Wilson Campaign
On the Hudson River
Mr. C. C. Pierce, in charge of the NEW YORK. Oct in
Pitt County Woodrow sunlight on the deck of the May-
With the Secretary or the Navy
at his right. President this at-
reviewed the Great Atlantic
Oct. search
the Canard liner when
put in her one her way to New
I York failed to discover Coupe.
witness wanted to testify
Lieutenant Becker, or Assistant
Attorney Ford, who was sup-
to be accompanying Coupe back
to New York.
If they are aboard they are under
assumed names, De Ford probably a
saloon passenger and Coupe in the
second cabin. Passengers said that
i man resembling Coupe in the
cabin, but all the officers de-
that either was aboard. Possibly
Coupe is traveling disguised as a
man or a foreigner.
NEW York. Oct. total es-
Of the Colonel John . I
Astor will many millions
less than been supposed.
was indicated when a messenger from
the office of Carter. and Mil-
burn, attorneys for executors,
lo the Slate Comptroller's of-
Albany with a check for
160.000 representing the transfer tax
as computed on the present estimate
the value of the estate by the ex-
j editors.
This amount of lax indicates that
the executors have computed the in I
of the estate, after till debts,
of executors and other
have been eliminated, at
Previous estimates of the
value of the estate have ranged from
to with the
real estate
as Marshall Campaign Fund, has been
busy of late ill behalf of his
and his report tO date is interesting. to sea alter tin-
It certainly Indicates how strong the In Hudson.
being I The flagship Connecticut the Bf-
mile line and each Bred
the presidential salute of -i guns as
ii passed the presidents yacht off the
Democratic are
thought of In this country.
Greenville .
From Ayden .
Statue of
From .
From Grifton .
Front Whichard
Prom Bruce .
Total from county
Post Office Will Only Pay
For Lost letter
First lakes Stand
Against New Publicity
registered Idler contain
sent from New York to
the Commercial Hank of Milan was
stolen between Turin and Milan.
The police traced the letter from
the French to Turin and are
now hunting for the thief or thieves.
Tho office authorities have
notified the bank that compensation
for the of the letter la limited to
Second Trial of K. i. Lewis
Mo. Oct. 16.-K. G.
Lewis, tho City publish-
and promoter troubles with
attention and resulted ill a con-
in the United States District Court
today to trial for the second
lime on charges of using the malls
to defraud In the first trial of the
case, which was about yen
ago. the Jury failed to agree.
NEW YORK. Oct. In a
suit brought the Poet office
department and the Attorney-General
to restrain them from enforcing the
new publicity law for
have been tiled Morris and Plane of
Broadway, counsel for the Amer-
lion. of which the Journal of Com-
is a member, are attorneys.
The new law is alleged In he Invalid
on the ground it deprives news-
papers of their rights.
led Soldier Years Old
London. Oct. 16.- The observance
a week or so ago of the 80th birthday
Lord Roberts served to call
today to the 85th birthday of
another noted soldier, General
Sir William Gordon Cameron. Gen-
Cameron begin bis military ca-
nearly ago and took
par in almost every Important war
and expedition in which
arms has been engaged from
the Crimson war In the until his
retirement from the In 1885,
TRENTON, N. J. On. One of
the first things Governor
son did today was to read the news-
paper accounts of the attempt to as-
Col. Roosevelt He sent
the following telegram to the Colonel
at Chicago.
accept warmest
and congratulations
your wound is not
Governor Wilson went to
ibis afternoon lo consult a throat
specialist. Hi. throat has re-
covered from the severe strain of
making many each -l on
bis recent western trip. The Got
will return to Princeton tonight.
Lynchburg Holds Enviable
Record in the lax
The Australian Government
Adopts Measure to In-
crease takers
NEW YORK. Oct. Theo-
Roosevelt, accompanied by Theo-
Jr. left New York for Chicago
on the Twentieth Century Limited at
this afternoon Th-
was made by George W. Perkins.
Parliament has just voted to
gram a prize to the parents each
child horn In The
adopted on second leading and
foil a bonus of tor each
Obit, The native blacks and Asiatic
residents of Australia will nil
by the law-.
New School for
Ky. Oct.
Lincoln Institute of Kentucky, a new
institution for the education of
In the trades and practical arts.
formally today with In-
exercises. The
starts on Its career with several new
and well equipped buildings and A
force of competent teachers.
Meeting of
Ont. Oct. large
attendance marked the opening here
today of the twenty-fourth annual
convention of the churches
of Ontario and Quebec The sessions
will continue rive or six days.
LYNCHBURG, Va., Oct. con-
with the enforcement of the
laws, n was ascertained that a
remarkable record In collection bad
been made here. Every of
in Lynchburg for city
since the levy 1908, up
the present one, now In course of
has been paid. For eight
Collector N. has
able to mi omit do
of real estate assessment
resort to returning
delinquent for non-payment.
Reunion of Manama Veteran
. Oct. Ill Si ll .
nit flags . to in
honor of the rate
Alabama, bus. . initial stab i
under I;
. An all n i two
program line en I
The presence of ti
sons, daughters and other
and the veterans
helped to swell the attendance.
Southern Hi I
o-1 The
tor the main the
new Methodist
in ibis city wot laid with in-
exercises conducted in the
of a huge gathering
churchmen and educators represent-
the entire south,
It is generally conceded that the
best photograph ever taken Of Wood-
row Wilson. Democratic candidate for
la which baa been re-
produced as a large sized
printed on heavy art paper suit-
able for framing. This picture will
In mailed, in heavy pasteboard tube,
any address upon receipt of ten
cents in stamps by the New York
World, Park Row. New York City.
for Ibis art e
and see what Gov. Wilson really looks
Americana and French
began the battle
at Yorktown.
with the