Eastern reflector, 30 August 1912

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Governor Marshall's Wile Bas the
Memory Names.
some of the and take c. re
of hi. first. So hen you UM
him making a speech.
.-he., be does not Stay mar
be hurries to m and changes
people have that
u ad
,. He Knot Hi wile thinks It is
o his health
than out the time polio
,.,, comet, m she is in most
h r
The Notification ct the Indiana Ex
For Democratic Vice
Honor. . Record Breaker.
Of Democratic National Publicity Bu-
Indianapolis.-. about the time
thousand of Mends of Governor
Thomas Marshall were anxious-
-o his hand in con-
on bis a. can
for vice pr. on
ticket, a stalling woman step.
before and if one could have
whispered in his ear
would have been something like
burr Tom. and change your
Manual forgot to shake
the enthusiastic friends
he ha, carried out the orders of
has honored four of her sons
on the
ticket, -he crowds that
greeted Governor in big
coliseum in state fair grounds,
on Tuesday were the great-
t to the history of the party
The west wanted to show the east
what be don. In notification
and. Ml. Marshall was
happy, of course, over the honors for
bar husband. as also worried.
tor her husband conies mighty close
to being father, husband, son and part
oar all In one. And when a woman
baa combination on her hands to
for she baa every right to be
Will never gain
my honor, as a hammer thrower,
to not built that way
all the country was reading
the rigorous words of Governor Mar
shall which told voters what he
Democracy to do in carrying
out the pledges for the next four years
It's worth while to know what pan a
woman la taking in the affairs of the
-how Tom Marshall hap
to be in the position In which he
The good people of Columbia City.
Ind. never thought Thomas Mar-
hall Ni a man For for-
years he had lived with Lit parents,
both his father and mother.
who were invalids, which was the
son Governor Marshall was not a mar-
man He felt his duty was
to his parents.
Meeting Mrs. Marshall.
After the death of his parents
Marshall dived deeper into his
law practice, and one day an urgent
took him to Angola. Ind Hie
ties called him to the county clerk's of.
Bee. and there met Miss Kim-
daughter of the county clerk, who
hr father in the office
that day Marshall
more business around the country
clerk's office in Angola than any law-
la half a nearby counties.
Marshall was forty mo
years of age when be was married.
lira. Marshall being nearly twenty
year, bis Junior
The Marshall, had been married
only a few week, when the future vice
president was called to an adjoining
on a case that would consume
five or six weeks of his time
I did not want to be starting
off like that Governor Marshall ex-
plained to a friend one day. I Just
told Mrs that I thought she
should go along And she did
then Governor Marshall has
made a trip without Mrs Mar
shall going They have traveled
all over the country together; go
to banquets and political meetings to-
until friends of the Indiana
executive refer to him and his wife as
It not
explained one of his friends.
not a delicate man. his constitution Is
set of the type.
-When he get. Into a political
fee his weakness He gives all
that In him, and that will toll on
any man. Mrs Marshall soon
that the governor would become
In making a speech and the
next day voice would be husky,
he be bad better give up
Home Prevails.
home is typical of -he
It is a home of book and
Hill one not feel Una
of th. Marshall said he always
felt eating when he entered the
Marshall home in Columbia i .
the executive mansion at
Mrs. Marshall believes in a
and the prevails
If Governor ever occupied
the White House people would not
know that historic institution.-
Claret an admirer Marshall
would have it a real home. People
would even in the
midst of the sold and glitter.
But It is net only as a wife and
mistress of a home that Mrs Marshall
shove her ability She is a politician
and a cue. She also has a re-
markable memory
Governor Marshall has earned the
reputation being in a class of story
. era all b himself. He can
but he forgets names. A
name is something to be cast aside
Governor Marshall, and it
one of the resets of his life, it he bas
any The governor is no, a
man. He i. somewhat a fa-
but II he could he would like
to remember but. not having
that ability, he does not worry, for
Mr- Marshall It the name remember-
of fan
She has a ability along
line Not only does she remember
last name, but any combination of
. met at nature to her.
and the carries -his ability on down
children and cousins of any one
seeking governor
the governor la shaking
and trying to remember whether bis
. r or Smith Mrs Marshall
n the ii n and
ask l all relatives
Ideal Partners.
Governor Marshall bat no brothers
slaters and bis parents being dead
leaves barren of
I s
Governor Marshall's friends are en-
over his home life When
he has started on talking of his wife
a new light in the executive
to the surface.
come near being ideal married
was talking to Tom one
explained one of his most intimate
friends were leaning back, and
Tom had been telling some of his good
stone, to illustrate topics of
our conversation We were waiting
for Mrs Marshall to come back from
a shopping tour, and I happened to re-
mark that I liked Mrs Marshall bet-
time met her.
now that's the way she
strikes m. he said, have
been married some years, and
as time goes that is s long or short
period, lull a. you think. To me II is
but a fleeting day Then I Hunk back
over my married life and find I have
grown to know Mrs. Marshall batter
every day A man must Lot only love
but he must also respect his
In this her In all things
She must wonderful qualities to
make the and respect deep-
and better each day That's been
fact that Mr. Marshall has
teen In sympathy my
my life it
rt. Marshall it satisfied with
her domestic duties alone. She
to do her share In of the
and business world. Mrs mm
shall is said to have discussed m
with her husband his actions on
the Baltimore convention, and when
seen that Marshall was the man
who was to go on the
Wilson he wanted to knot
bis wife thought about it.
-II went be any harder than being
Governor of Indiana, and the
thinks are Hie man It only agrees
she said, and
tiled the matter with Governor Mar-
Mrs. Marshall had the honor be-
the List woman in Indiana to hold
an office She was appointed county
clerk Steuben county by her lather
and held that office a number o
When Governor Marshall and Ins
wit,, were about to married she de-
her last Official eel the
Office would be to make out the mar
license. Governor Marshall ac-
companied to county
and watched with
care as she noted the records In the
bock and tilled out the license and
watched her as carefully signed
her father's name, with her own as
Mrs Marshall, having blotted the
ink. said. Now we can
laughed Governor Mar-
shall . . ,
Why, we are all explained
M-s. Marshall, pointing to the license.
-Yes, but have to pay for re-
plied Hie governor. all right for
you to make it out. but It's up to me
to pay And he did
Mrs. Marshall
and, having established the practice of
going with her husband on all Ml
be they short or long. mi
ii a point to carry along some
Mrs. is as much a
us the governor A -lam a
a seine of the bills that have been
,. by the It'll Indiana legislature
. Insight into the go i
To curtail child labor.
iv sale cold storage pro-
am ti
To n hygienic us s
med ill i I I
To vent at I th.
To regulate sale of cocaine and
pr drugs
To provide free tor u-
To establish public
To Improve pun rood lam
To i
provide police court ens.
To prevent traffic in slaves.
To permit schools
require medical supplies as part
a train equipment
Marshall has also played
n active part in providing for
of labor, as is by the
To create a bureau of inspection
for workshops, factories, mines and
To establish free employment
To require full train crews
To require safety devices on switch
Court Seal
As there will be no
court held during th.
civil term
August jurors summoned
for that week need not attend.
Clerk Superior Court
s m
I picnic was
c. Aug.
given on Monday at
Conetoe Creek in honor of Miss Ada
little, of Washington and Sal-
Its smith and Myron Height, of Rob-,
Bunting's house party.
left Bethel about
eleven o'clock In two huge wagons
yells and songs given
much spirit on the way Lunch
was spread s la carte not long after
arrival of the party and lemonade
was enjoyed throughout the day.
lunch guests were entertain
ed by playing rook, boat riding and
automobile spins.
Those who composed the party
Misses Height. Bailie
Smith. Ada Little, Mantle
Maud Velma
mount. Bunting and Estelle
Jones; Messrs Marvin BlOUnt.
Bunting. Van Taylor.
Blount, Davis Bullock.
T A. Andrews. J. I. and
Bra C. O. Griffin and M. P- Man
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Stilton. Chap
At lour o'clock the picnickers re
turned having had a gay and
r- -i
i M
n -c -t g
e -i -i -i S c -i
. Johnson, having qualified
s ., ti
administrator of the estate of Bus-
an E. Button, deceased, before D. C.
Moore, clerk of the superior court of
County, notice is hereby given
all persons indebted to said es-
tats hereby required to make
mediate to the undersign-
and all persons hold-
claims against said estate are
required to Ale their claims
with said administrator duly verified
within the twelve months from the
date hereof, or notice will be pleaded
n bar of their recovery.
Tins the 26th day of July.
administrator Of estate of Susan
E. Button.
S m
To require headlights
To require standard cabooses.
To provide weekly wage. etc.
Ind Marshall has con
suited with his on all these
He Is quoted as saying a
can't go far wrong In taking the ad-
of a wile If she is his partner as
well as his wife.
Having qualified before the super-
court clerk of county as exec-
of Will and Testament
W. . Little, deceased, notice it
given to all persons indebted
to the estate to make Immediate pay
meat to the undersigned; and all per-i
sons having claims against said es-
late are notified that they must
sent the same to the undersigned for
payment on or before the 9th day of;
August. or this notice will be,
plead in bar of their recovery.
This 9th day of August. 1912.
Executor of W. G. Little ,
x -I -I
. . ,
-J ;
The divided Republican party is
like boy against
Wind There will be a lot of blaster.
hill it will not take votes away from
Wilson and Marshall
Having exhausted his supply of ad-
in denouncing Taft, Roosevelt
is now leading a campaign of
of one who does not
agree with himself
have pulled against the
end of the yoke long
Wilson and Marshall promise to see
the pulling Is made more nearly
n v. a. hum
Taken lo a Hospital in
North Carolina. Pitt County.
undersigned having this clay
tried as administrator of the estate of
Zeno T, Evans, deceased, before
C Moore, clerk of the superior court,
of county, notice is hereby given
all persons who are indebted to
estate to make immediate settle
with the undersigned
and all persons holding claims;
against said estate are hereby
to file their claims with
administrator within IS months from
date hereof or this notice will
pleaded In bar of recovery of said,
This the day of August.
of Estate ad Zeno T. Evans
F, C. Attorney.
g S c. t TAYLOR
. x
In with hers. Ours is not a
one sided life We have been part-
i and that's the way it should be
In this world
Mrs. Marshall has watched over his
administration of the affairs of Indiana
Jealous are There has been
of spectacular in his ad-
ministration. It has been a sane gov-
The laws that be has fought
for and won show the spirit of the
man They are uplifting They deal
with the improvement man. woman
and child
While Marshall is
id as a executive,
nevertheless, he Is a fighter. He be-
longs to the old fighting stock of
Marshall not a dodger
He has his opinions, and he lets them
h know. While he is an organization
he knows that are
cot can mis-
,;,. If make he
thinks It Is h's duty to ear so and get
the saying over at the
On Tuesday Mr. William Teel and
son. Mr. W. A. Teel, were coming to
town from their home B few miles
across the river. When near Part
cross roads the gilt to the
broke. This lightened the
horse lie run the buggy into
fence. it unit throwing both
the occupants out. The elder Mr
Teel escaped Injury, but his son
a dislocated hip and was also
thought to be injured Internally.
was taken on the evening train to I
hospital In Richmond, accompanied
by J, E. Nobles
Notice to Creditors.
Clara O. and Emily F-
Johnson, having qualified as
es of the estate of S. S. de-j
ceased, before D. C. Moore, clerk
the superior court of Pitt county, no-i
is hereby given that all persons
indebted to the said estate are hereby;
required to make immediate settle-
with the undersigned
and all persons holding claims against
said estate are hereby required to file
their claims with said duly
verified within twelve from
the rate hereof, or this notice will be;
pleaded In bar of their recovery.
This the day July. 1811.
of the estate of W. B.
Roach, deceased.
.- O W I-
. .
C. for received votes.
Last Excursion of Season
Probably last excursion of this
season to Norfolk will be rim on
Wednesday of week. and
Athlete- Rood Au
John and other point- as- will be found in this paper
here today to compete for will have two days
honors in the twenty fifth annual track at ,. place
The fare for tin
eating, persons of s
great by oat
these pills. It been
they will promptly the
the and , ,,,,, ,,, .
lag. coated. provinces Athletic As
Take No Substitute.
and field championships of the Mar
pleasure at the
around Norfolk.
Murderer lo he Shot
Nev., Aug.
is to be shot to to
morning at the Nevada State
Penitentiary. His is the first sentence
to death by shooting ever Imposed in
Nevada and was made possible by the
law passed by the last
a condemned person the choice
of death either by hanging or shooting
Agriculture Is the Most Useful, Most Healthful, the of Washington.
H. vi . nil
M Mill K IS,
Early Returns Greatly Favor Judge
Holders lock Bones Will
Their Curd
American Bar Association today
a that
I Jones
seal t-
complete from todays Dem-
primary in South Carolina.
Show that Ira B. Jones, former chief
of the state supreme conn.
leading Cote i. the
bent In the race for
from only a
of Hie total precincts had been re-
at X o'clock tonight. Jones
then had 1.600 more than J.
T Duncan, the third candidate, has
polled a light vote.
United States Senator Benjamin it.
according to early returns,
is leading both his opponents. J.
and N. B. Dial.
According to the state primary law.
a majority Is necessary to secure the
nomination. In the event that the
leading candidates fails lo get a ma
a second primary will lie held
for the two leading candidates.
Returns are coming in slowly and
Indication are that the of
s- feral of the contests will not In-
known until tomorrow.
At with about voles
heard from-about per cent or the
probable is about 2.300
votes ahead of for governor.
returns indicate the
Of Representatives in
the second. Aiken In the third, Fin-
Icy in the firth. Representatives El-
and J arc run-
close in the sixth.
Early Bulletin.
Charleston, Aug. par-
returns from thirty-one counties
give Jones 20.680.
boxes out of in Greenville
give Duncan
Jones for governor; Dial 1.043,
7-44. 3.029, for United
Slates senate.
precincts out of eighty-three In this
county give for Jones
Columbia, s. Aug.
precincts out of 1,800 in all parts of
Carolina, give for
Misses and Adelaide
of and Lucy Oliver, of
Olive, who have been visiting Mrs.
W. T. returned home this
Retain Sags
EL PASO, Tex., August -y.
Mexican rebel raiders and a
In Third foiled ti
apply for , stationed
M. ex, banged shots
n I ad d
ranch, four mil. s from th. r
and miles
and were making with head
IT mi
leered u
Mill he Placed Lock
win he
First N. C. Cotton belies
perfected by Postmaster Hitch-
cock today whereby the
of the new law prohibiting the
delivery of mail on Sundays will have
no serious effect upon the handling
Important mail matter.
Holders of lock boxes at and
second class will have
to them as usual although n
mail deliveries will be made by Cl
Hers on the street or at
windows. Mail for hotel guests and
newspapers will be delivered to then
their lock boxes by a
arrangement of having that mail
soiled on the railway mail cars before
I reaches its Such mail
will be regarded as transit matter
mid will be distributed immediately
upon arrival at the offices of
thus practically insuring a
speedier delivery to the addresses
than heretofore has been the case.
This distribution will require a
minimum of Sunday work and the
of other received
i Sunday will be made after mid-
night of Sunday so that It may be
delivered by the carriers on their
first tour on Monday.
After all day conferences the
experts of his department
General Hitchcock tonight issued
statement explanatory of his ad-
ministration of the new law. His as
Is that there Will be no em-
to the business public
and that, through the arrangements
he outlines, urgent mall matter ill
reach its destination promptly. Or-
necessary to Mr. Hitch-
cock's plans Into effect will be issued
immediately. The, postmaster
appears lo be some
regards the provision n.
the postal bill relating to the
of mail on Sundays. This
vision does not require the closing
of post offices on Sundays, which
WOUld be quite impossible, owing lo
the fact that the mail has to
be sorted and also the mail collected
in cities for dispatch lo other
Ions. To stop the movement of
this mail would mean a serious clog-
of whole of mail
ml consequent
to the public.
membership Ir race In made
known in application. Attorney
General George W. in
a heated debate declared i.
recognized the status as
of William Lewis, horses.
the general and two
members who have been
members who have been unseated
by the executive Committee. The ace
question precipitated a fight which
was abruptly ended by an appeal by
former Secretary of War Jacob U.
Dickinson, t lit further discussion
would bring criticism of
Immediately Mr. jump-
ed to his feet and hope
will pass, for it
the legality of these members.
It was I who was chiefly responsible
for bringing the subject up.
Scores of members protested against
adoption of the resolution, saying it
bad always been the policy lo exclude
members. Others said while
this resolution allowed the present
members to remain, it would
Wants Prosecution to Success-
Thomas K. Marshall, former Vice
President Charles Fairbanks and
Daniel G. Hied, the New York multi-
millionaire one of the pioneers
the tin-plate industry in America
are to be central figures of a gather-
to be held here early next month
in celebration of the twentieth
vi of tin inauguration of the
fist American tin-plate plant. All
preclude the admission of more o
because the fact of their
Picnic on the
the report received i
day by General K. v.
Lieutenant H. it. Johnson, command-
K. Third Cavalry
announced additional
would be rushed lo seem
report did not slate whether any
the raiders or cavalry men were
wounded. bas been summoned to Inquire into
To i I police blackmail will be Investigated
Ind., Aug to their real
Editor it was
fortune to be present at a
plantations last Friday, In-
eating and enjoyable to be,
with these working people, made
race would be made known to the ex-
committee. The resolution of
fired by Mr.
Whereas, three persons of the col-
race were elected to membership
this without knowledge
upon the pal of those electing them
that they wee of that race and are
now members of the association
That as it has been
contemplated that members of the col-
race should become members of
association, the several local
oils are directed, if at any time any
of them shall recommend a person
of the race for membership
to accompany the recommendations
with a statement of fact that ho is
such a
Fifty-four lawyers, with at least
one from each state, today completed
for presentation to association
a report denouncing as dangerous lo
the country, all movements for the
recall of judges Judicial divisions
notable named were
sent in 1882 when the fist tin-plate
plant was formally opened in this city
with an oration by William y.
at that time Governor of Ohio and later
President of the Slates,
Campaign is to be
Rattlesnake Bites Washing
ton Child
Ryan, York Broker, Killed
NEW Aug. Thomas F.
Ryan manager of a New York broker-
V., Aug. IT.- Tin.
bales of new Carolina cotton
arrived in yesterday, con-
signed to J. W. Perry and Company.
It came from South Mills was
brought to this city through the Dis-
The arrival of the three bales today
Is one day earlier North
cotton reached Norfolk year and
days earlier than in 1910.
The grade of three bales Is mid-
go firm, was killed today while op-
an automobile which he was
using for tin- first time. His wife
and their two Children, as well as A.
C his wife sou were
seriously Injured.
The accident in the Oranges
in Jersey while the party was on a
its way to the
Dorothy, the four year old daughter
Of Mr. and Mrs. Sam who
reside about one mil,, from this city,
while visiting he mother at
county, was bitten by a
ground rattlesnake yesterday after-
noon on ankle. The Rule girl
was to this
on Washington and Va.
train and treated by Dr. p. A
Nicholson, she is now at home
of her brother, K. M, Hodges, on
Fourth street. Her physician thinks
that unless blood poisoning develops
she will in probability recover
CHICAGO, Aug. Joseph B.
vies of Wisconsin, secretary of the
national Democratic committee, to-
day issued a statement In which he
declared the Democrats purposed es-
a new record in campaign
management this year and Gov-
Wilson's campaign would be
made with less expense than had at-
tended the election of many a city
are running our headquarter
in York and Chicago in
business said Mr.
ham auditing departments in
both offices a continuous
is being kept of all receipts and dis
even petty office
tuns accounted for. Our books are
open to Investigation now and Hill
be until and also after
District Attorney Whitman, who has
discovered that one the grand jury
panel fifty business men is
owner a hotel used tor disorderly
The insists that the
extraordinary grand jury shall, not
have a i with
the police graft system and is
be Will challenge the prospective
grand jurors in open court.
The news that Police Commissioner
Waldo publish a list of owners
of gambling and disorderly houses
has caused a panic among the owners
who hare deluged the police
with frantic not to
make their names public,
iii many instances the owners make
the protest on the ground that they
did not know that then property had
in let to undesirables.
grand jury can never saw a din-
served at any picnic, i
barbecue, fresh fish and all
eatables that goes to make up a
holdings . B, ,,.,. ,, o. a
There were about res-
was part the i for
Senator Cotten, the landlord, to make
them a short speech alter dinner.
This he did in his usual pleasing and
graceful way to the perfect
and enjoyment of all. He com-
the crowd on their good
management and good behavior and
said much lo encourage them that
will long be remembered by all pres-
Mr. Cotten takes much interest
in the health and welfare of his ten-
Music and dancing was next on
the program and was fully enjoyed
Much credit is due Mr. J. C. Hum-
and Mr. S. ft Martin, man-
agers ibis picnic for their
energy In seeing all well fed and
given a good time generally.
Tins community is well pleased
With the work being done on the
road by Mr, Allied Forbes,
manager of convict force
the murder the gambler, Herman th
This district attorney's office has
aid that counsel in th, case Po-
lice Lieutenant Becker, indicted for
TORONTO, Ont. Aug As the
concluding feature of bis three
In Toronto Duke of Con
naught held a review of the boy scouts
. t Canadian National Exhibition
Water Gap afternoon. Tonight his Royal mo
Ryan lost control white driving Highness, accompanied by the
over a newly oiled road and the. car cheat of Princess
slipped turned turtle He was Patricia, leave in a special train for
Pinned under the machine, luff Sling the West Their trip will last until
a broken neck which Instant October and will lake then I
. Mer-
The entire k Dry
company, which recently
Into bankruptcy, was yesterday sold
to T. i prominent mer-
chant of Greenville, x. C.
will be remembered the
closed Its doors Several Weeks
go on account of voluntary bank-
proceedings J ii Cheshire
Has appointed trustee The sale
sale was made by him.
who will
for business within
Rosenthal, is preparing to ask for
change f the ground
Becker could not get a fair trial here
because of the Inflamed state
lie opinion,
John F. counsel for Po-
lice Lieutenant Charles Becker, In-
murder of Herman
Rosenthal, today obtained a delay in
the case until September t, by sen in ;
writ stating the proceedings.
The writ as on Assistant
District Attorney Rubin and Judge
of Court General
before whom Becker
to have been arraigned today for
pleading. Supreme Court Justice
Amend issued the writ.
Becker was arraigned last i
for pleading, hut his counsel obtained the sec
hi adjournment until Today,
still professing lo be lo go
on, Mr. obtained lit
oil the ground he I.,,
lime in make motions he
deem necessary,
Mrs, Lillian Rosenthal,
the murdered gambler, is preparing
to bring suit against Lieutenant Beck-
for for till
of her husband Her lawyer bases
he of a lot of heavy
mules and big steel plows furnished
b Senator Cotten, good progress is
being made; the county commission-
no mistake in sending Mr.
Forbes and his convicts up here
II people all over the county
could be induced to take the interest
and lend a helping hand Mr. Cot-
ten is doing In the matter good
roads. We soon see a great
all over the county with-
out Increasing the taxes or bond is-
is accomplices would
not In i it
Webber's poker rooms, on
mid Door tin- northwest
street and
., where the slayers Herman
gathered n minutes be-
drove to the i
on the morning murder, July
were raided closed last night
hi Inspector and a
Since Webber's an
in the West Side prison on the
charge complicity in murder of
his hopes in this s,. on Rosenthal, puke, rooms which
. technicality which he believes will ,.,.,, ., ,.,. , , f,.
possible for him to win ;,,,., ,
escapes earn,, lion in the j.;,,,,. , ,,,. ,.,,.,, T.
games have conducted by a man-
The point is the requirement in a ager who gives his name as Kirk
criminal case testimony of Brown and who has made dally re-
open the must be corroborated, it ports the profits lo the proprietors
next few this point Which Lieutenant Becker iii bis cell
days, is a well-known and progress- may enable him win free-
business man of Greenville despite the confessions Hose.
n in business there for many ; Webber and
who I In a civil suit, however, a
it Becker
Pacific coast.
has b
years and is recognized as one
far Baikal had success In business of ft
News Observer. win a verdict and the fact that the at News.
a woman gets so old that com
no longer have any charm
a woman never reaches

Head la I
Sneaker Clark I fell
, Man I This ought to
. . that is nothing wrong with a
ho I. anxious U. meet las
. while have art criticism and with
to make men in D
have to believe bees
M When to it. I have never made
this the party. I believe i
. i,
As A Result Worthington May
Congress of the members
ENGAGE M Kentucky Representative Has Been
two member to
;,;, adjournment demands
Congress of the member, whenever wrong dump baa I
I Thai my position is the correct
one, have a heart and cons,
out favor of partiality.
i desire to express my thinks to
who supported me in the last
primary whose votes pave me
a decided lead in the contest and
ought-to-be quietude Sunday
was disturbed by the ringing
. f was disturbed me ringing
, , about bearing shoot
that put
both physicians
, , It
In Jail
contributed two to
this gathering. Representative God-
.- Representative
Webb let home night alter
having been here all the summer and
believing would adjourn
morning. Most of the other
Hiding in the Hark I Int. r.-t , ,. ,,., ,.;,,,,.
Had Pinned I . M , ,,,,. ,.,. M,,
. ,,,.
flew w v,,,,,,,,,,, , g to take
me to maintain it I
have made a pubic and have
not sulked from my opponents. I
still desire that the people shall
pass upon these rumors and
against me; and if
have made error have at all times
Invited opponents to meet me with
denial. In further evidence
of my desire to have the people in
ran I
, engaged in
the tie going
. . i i
, aid
it eight
I . now and cut off i
v. t n i of
. , . Clark hurried to
Heb. was
ere l
k i
g II was thought
could I've I
. but t morn-
. .,, . t living ind has
i slight chance of
Hi; II called on
WASHINGTON, Aug. Bl- charge the national head
, . mil Major Stedman laughingly
Kentucky, chairman of remarked tonight leaving
th, House Committee, so as to head Greensboro that he and Godwin were
proposed legislation, too young to be worried about the
been disclosed to Mr. Johnson, and heat In Washington Mr Godwin will
. statement baa put the Ken leave for state tomorrow morning
and bis on guard. driving his automobile through we
I know about said Mr country.
all I ., . id rat. ,,.,,,,,,. ,. Roads Walter
. road their ,.,. ,., back I page told Senator
feat the people can tricked and
tooled through false by
men who will not meet
t victory
the to be held September 7th.
s M ltd It
o I he Voter- of Pitt
i To you who supported me I wish
say that I most sincerely
ate whatever you did m my
termed and my w. ,,, ,
by m utterances, I have mailed Mr ,. , ,.
Blow, my opponent In coming
, , Luther Braxton and
v.- Wiles
Smith went on a round-
Mysterious Shooting
would experts to North Caro-
a Washington man , ,., for con-
Ion he d on strutting roads under the Simmons
on. h . soon as he received the proper
mobile Party
had been following information ti. lb. state is lo what
Mr. Hi
k feral i- over to
. kill
Bed up In I
It absolutely true i I
v .;. be
I do care lo say now.
What do you propose to d
Nothing, unless an
o the have all the
i Ion ; to go Into
Mr Johnson been
hive made appropriations
road building II la understood
r count is one of the conn
I . i . under the
Ion Mr. hill and it is
,. than probable that work
Will be started at some point in
I. f, Evans On the Primary
doing any taking
. F G. I
. counsel.
d it was
after dark when they i turned. When
lug half way to
the ear whet
In rum
This attracted a dog In
l to ,.
Interpret his
, lo the Int. of
struck both the Iowa a,
. . too tor
To those who for reasons best
known to themselves did sup-
port me. I wish to say feel-
of friendship for you Is none the
shaken I hope you will look
upon me and feel towards me the
way you would have fell to-
your own choice II nominated.
i to Impartially represent all
he people of Pitt count.
m. Corey very gracefully withdrew
hie right to call a second primary
and has thereby eliminated a
second contest between us.
I., an
COL M IA S C lug S
rote I n did a tea
. nil
g .
l all
i i and
of the I
lion equivalent l
. I
. seeking
I n j i-
i .
. on N
i got C
, no R
i i Mate. J
A . to
J. L tin
, . T ins J l
. n E
S T, carter and U W M
L in-
I . I the of-
i ill
O. B t
, .
I .
H . lit
I I. ii ii
in is
in in- I
p In the Hi i.
,,., Fin i two nU
Raged ind W. P Poll- k. In I
,.,, by ., w.
I . in ind R
i ,. the have no op
i on
la i I .
. a
th. d run
. known and era i
I th. ii
,., i. road
n- To Democratic voters of
Information come lo me a
should i be it. I
the nomination State Senate.
,,, i would heroine an Independent
While not In the
, defeat. I desire to state
this rumor was started for Hie
,.,. of some friend
into voting another candid I
, registered in the Democratic prim r
s,, all other candidates, p edged
to by its result,
speaks for
Mr A. I- Blow.
N C.
Dear Sir a
M Hear
being second In the race
for the Senate in primary
just had and having called for a sec-
primary to decide between you
and I for the nomination. herewith
extend to you an invitation ill the
nature of a challenge to enter with
me a discussion of those
confronting Hie Democratic
Pin .
-Information has reached me of
n effort on your pan to obtain
than yourself to
vines and Jack were here a
matter. ,, ,.,,. tor din-
deeming i. nothing hut fair that the m ,.,
men shall hear from he ,,, ll.
camped half way
position and In order
,. both candidates may be heard t m ,,
under the same and
tin I trip
young men of Tarboro. Messrs.
; abide by its result,
. ;
by the same audiences, l extend to
you this opportunity show- the
people wherein I or any of my
friends have misrepresented you or
your record In the circular of which
you look exception In your letter to
The Reflector n few Issues ago. Not
only that, but i think ii your bounden
lo show where the untruth lies
which you
I we upon dates
lo be by agreement In the differ
,., and there hold an or
debate of those matters
which we seem lo be at variance,
As lime
Washington tomorrow.
Many Of the foremost shots of Ilia
weal faced the naps today I
opening of the annual Pacific
handicap tournament The
which will last is
being conducted under the auspices
Portland Qua Club. One of
notable features will be a com-
petition between teams of men
each from and west
. abort l ask an Immediate
Hotter a slip th
fool th n slip
For Inn j. u,. through
postal r general and the
Mrs J. W of the I department.
and General Hitchcock and
wound . F morn s, Had conference
the win, s, Simmons lite last
and told the senator II was their
. made no as to the to begin work on roads with
i . an though in n Keri lime and
. ,. rational cam. ,,,,, be taken in sum.-
,. ,., . left night North Carolina counties where
ts unknown. The husband la already been appropriated for
ad refuses to talk The Simmons Mil
provides that the got shall
w Blow Accepts Invitation
I .-
I, is expected an expert from
,.,, ,,,.,. of public roads will be lent
to North Carolina a. time next
1812. week lo make an Investigation and
. i. what In the state
the first work on will he started.
Representatives Webb.
. man and Small remained on duty
house the all light session last
Mr Webb was busy trying to
, . keep the pro is-
Democratic m the general deficiency bill pro-
received tins morning. comp, , . of
l reply I beg to say that your . was
Is accepted. n by Senator Overman, The
, , purpose of expediting . K WM but t
. . ,, for such Joint . , ; . .,,,,,,. , depart-
ion l will meet you at the office ,, any way the
I p r. Harding, Chairman , , , . down , tin old building
i, Executive . . ,.,,, , , structure, as
i . . . if . t
lo Mailer- in
IV. I.
Mi w. F. Evans
a I
,, o'clock tomorrow evening
when and where I trust we ran agree
. time and place when
. . ., shall b
under which they
Very respectfully,
. It
n lo Vote on
,. , on
i for lb i it. of
lion will b
i . , i n
the administration of ill
five commissioners. n
I, elective, The recall feature
,. In
. h-
tog subject to a petition of pi
cent the registered voters
.,.,. Johnson lake
Jo ; m lb P
. , , for vice president, Washington.
to .-. on o lout
t will pro two n n I
. . i large section
. The most attention
. Governor Join
. . ,, de . first
, .
, .
hill introduced
go Over-
,. n s ii here and
. be row night
as adjourns. Ben-
,,, Simmons will go lo Sew York
where lie will hold . conference
acting chairman
, ,, s, S . collie
New York for n as
as Important
., ,. kepi senior senator in
die Democratic
Mr. re
The , . in primary
., . held Saturday, The following
. , ,,,.,.,, delegates to the county
convention, which next I
.,, . ;, i d. I Bates to the
Meets in w. Br Ham Skinner H
i ., W J Warning.
., II I
,,., .,,. . th. Henry T. Mar
. Sons of was opened ton. C. L Harris.
, , m
local branches
,, ll rough.
K. Jolly,
it. C. Flanagan. W. B, an
B. t. Jolly selected
, i
l I Of
Training School
to Train Teachers for the
of North Carolina.
to all Who Agree to Teach. Fall
ins September 1912. For Cat-
Information, address
ROBERT H. President
Greenville. N. C.
One of Final Acts Long Drawn
Mu-t CM H ml
better urn i inn
Mail Et-
Without warning and apparently with
out knowledge the national
in dying enacted piece leg-
which, ii is now eat is no lour.
the delivery his Itinerary
either letter or newspaper, on th governor
i an Intention concentrating
lo cents under the attention on York.
fee. The perhaps
the stringent enacted th
ska GIRT, J.
nor Wilson's plan tor
only a few campaign
addresses and no tours met
the approval of the members
ii the campaign committee with whom
governor conferred national
headquarter in
York today.
I am on i speak on particular o
announced Governor Wilson.
i the Puritans, ii makes our
recent alleged
look like child's play and it puts
congress in attitude having slept
i .- fully while Minority Leader
slipped through a piece i leg-
which will make the
national the laughing stock
of bis constituency when be comes
home fresh from hon-
ors and
Intimation of the
law y had passed was given many
members -t Congress by the
of yesterday. The Inkling
of the law came in the form of In-
postmasters from
Washington Sunday morning
met inns to
appropriation for
year ending June 1913.
hereafter of the
and second lass shall not be op-
en on for t ti purpose of de-
livering mall to the general public,
hut provision shall even
vent the prompt delivery special
delivery mail.
this you will
general delivery window
link discontinue all
by carriers on Sundays. You
will note, however, that special do-
livery mail is expected and you will
therefore arrange to have on duly a
sufficient force to handle thin mail
matter promptly.
department desires to reduce
the Sunday work to the minimum
as many of the as
possible may ; complete day of
on Sunday. You should there-
lore only g
of clerks to report for duly on
that day In order that transit mail
the mail collected for dispatch
may handled without delay
no mail la dispatched on a
Very early collection should he made
Monday morning and the mail for
local delivery distributed before the
carriers leave for their
towns ill North Caro-
affected by the law
Chapel Hill.
Charlotte. Durham, Elisabeth
City, Goldi-
boo, Greensboro. Henderson,
Hickory, High Point,
Lexington, Laurinburg,
Monroe. Morgan ton, Mi. Airy,
New Hem. Oxford. Raleigh,
Rocky Mount. Sal-
Wilmington, Wilson, Winston
Salem. Greenville.
and New Jersey with a
on Day in Buffalo.
have a speech in m i . bout
said governor.
I have Intended to get out
tor some
The governor is to speak outside
of w y for the first lime
when he addresses the State
at Williams Grove. Pa., on Thursday
Of this week.
The governor said he had talked
campaign finances with National
Treasurer Wells and Messrs. Morgen-
and Crane of th finance com-
He was in conference Just
two hours and had to rush to the
Pennsylvania station in a i
catch a train.
Chicago Auk C.
Sullivan, of Chicago, former National
Committeeman from
Governor Wilson would
make one speed in Chicago during
the campaign.
Mr. Sullivan also said that
nor Wilson would speak at Kansas
City, Louis and Lincoln. Neb.
in the conduct the
duct the u ii
not but injure the future i
hose behalf it is ex
. d.
In ting Sena
The Is
o e b
date s, but do s pi o to
happily mistreat other two Nor
ill this pa . a at and abuse
d it.
In Its anguish because
The Durham Sun
ate, a possible,
t of the tit
The Sun
Id the Demo rat i ;. y
In North Carolina today there are
in the Republican There is
conservative, Mr.
son and Mr. represent the
at; Mr. Simmons
and friends represent the
As Mr. Wilson won in the
gr at Baltimore com
I of ins j want pro-
h and do not want
to compromise with the Republican
so will Mr, win
b he belle es In the
i mo
The Sun knows full that th
Democratic party in this is not
divided, there are factions, ill
stands as a II for
of the Democratic ticket from
constable to President. More than
this, The Sun also knows and knows
that when
has concluded the friends
of th- three candidates will stand
I unitedly for the success of the Demo-
The statement of The Sun is
called for and is calculated to create
wrong Impression. Charlotte
s s
Colonel Roosevelt
ltd State
Arthur E. the
for President, Is only
Used lime to Advantage
speak at
early in
Robin, who is in the Tombs awaiting
a within a black
sentence following his conviction for
grand larceny in connection with the
W. formerly the star orator
of Tammany Hall, has declared
If In favor of for
William J. Bryan has promised to
stump the state of Indiana this fall
the interest of the Democratic
and State tickets.
Col. John T. Democratic
national from W.
has announced his candidacy
for the seat of United Slates Senator
wrecking of the Northern Hank, is
said lo have made another fortune
through speculation which he carried
on while a prisoner.
With a view that Robin could
valuable information in the case
It Is said that more representatives
Hyde the former
dent of the North Hank was
sentenced after his conviction, but
If kepi In the Tombs and the
day tine, I s he occupies a
room in the criminal courts building,
which is equipped with a
and typewriter. Here it is said, he Congress have voluntary declared
has his wrecked fortune. I for this year
ever before in Hie history of Hie
Meeting Government
To Progressives of Pitt I The Democrats had votes In Hi.-
There will lie a meeting of those Electoral College four years ago.
who propose to vote for Theodore They have votes In the next
for president in the court Electoral College In order lo elect
house iii Greenville, the the President.
ill August. I Kentucky the largest number of
The of this meeting is to Pennsylvania
appoint delegates to the progressive come second with and Mary
convention which meets in Charlotte land, Sew York. Missouri and
on of Sept., next And to take come next In the list,
such notion upon other matter as Comparatively person no
may properly before said con with the fad that since All
Jackson no President of the
Horrible Experience Par-
outside their burning home White
Oak Mill Village, two miles from
Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. John
heard the dying moans of their
live year old daughter and saw the
Dames envelope be body, unable to
The family of father and mother
three children were awaken short
I before midnight by neighbor cry-
lire. The mother caught the baby
in her aims while the father carried
a old son from the burning
Terrell attempted lo return
the sleeping daughter but was
driven hack by the flames.
Let all those who are dissatisfied Slates served two cons
with the old attend. terms except Gen. Grant
The meeting will be called to or-
promptly at o'clock a. m.
A. J.
A woman can believe, anything she
lo believe.
Your opinion of a man depend
deli.-e at a whist
deal on his estimate you
Us easier to get people lo listen to
advice than It is induce them to us.
Sometimes it a woman
has reasons lo thankful because
her husband's neglect. ml
fur Joint
Alex L. BlOW and W. K
contesting candidate for
Democratic nomination Sen-
ale, will people of Pill
County in Joint discussion of political
question following limes and
places in Pitt
August Arthur, at lo
o'clock a. in.
Friday, 80th, Falkland,
p. ill.
Saturday, August Greenville,
a. m.
Saturday. August
p. in.
Monday. September, Bethel, at
p. m.
Tuesday. Sept.
a. m.
Tuesday, Sept. Stokes. p. iii.
Wednesday, Sept.
p .
Thursday, Sept. Jack, at
p, iii.
Friday, Sept. at
Rev, Aaron s Watkins. the
party candidate for Vice
of the states, will lie
formally notified of his nomination
his home in Ada. on Sept.
Representative John W,
the thirteenth Sew York District, who
been the whip of
House for serial years, has decided
he iii again be a candidate for
The Contest for Republican no
mutation tor governor of
setts this year is between Joseph
Walker, former speaker of the Stale
assembly, and C. Benton.
former member Of the governor's conn
The women are lo vote this year
tor President In the state of Colorado
Wyoming, Idaho. California and
Washington, The six State have a
total of thirty-eight voles in the
This piece Blue Enameled White Lin-
ed Set with every Berlin
This is truly the most wonderful opportunity ever offered the people
of Pitt County to obtain FREE this blue enameled white lined set of kit-
cooking utensils exactly like above reproductions.
Modern, sanitary utensils such as these an incentive to
every good housewife and are articles that all may be proud to possess.
This wonderful offer will last ONLY thirty days, so come NOW and
purchase your V Berlin Cast Range
Possesses every feature of
durability and economy
which can be claimed for
other ranges
Oven perfectly sanitary
having white enameled
oven door and rack,
easy keep clean as
All doors and dampers,
extra well fitted, give
perfect control of heat in
Fire backs warranted
for years.
The cost to the union of the button
worker's at la.,
Which was called off,
The of the government
car nun Southern I statistical bureau of the
and allied Iii department labor, at
lion with other crafts of the ,,.,,, ,.,,,
lions In New York State, with a
This is
federation, have secured
renewal agreement In which i
,, Increase in and be-
working were secured. decrease 6.648, or a little
Twelve member of the St. Paul I
union went to St Joseph's
orphan asylum on a recent Sunday
cut hair of eighty-eight or
boys there of charge,
this sacrifice of their for
the good of
r SO,
i i International Typo
report an Increase of
3.138 during the year.
bureau at Ottawa, Out., have
received an Increase of a week, the good of the union and Number member on pension roll,
lady is the latest labor in general. loss. earning of member
addition to the ranks of la- Steps were taken n meting of during the year. 65.8794108, an
in San Francisco, Cal. operator In Hoboken to crease over last of
A movement la under way for range for the a world- Average . of member
a home for disabled wide union telegrapher an increase over last
The League, for members the and a resolution l lo put per member,
many years an Influential factor Union question forming a union a report Just issued by sen.
Illinois polities, has decided lo the lo a referendum vote all operator Frank of the executive
no active part In the present campaign of disease mortality the In the world. council of the American Federation
because of dissension in Its member York Slates Department of Ai Retail Clerk's International of Labor ii appear that during the
ship caused by the formation of the Health asked tile co-operation of convention, recently held in seven month Of the current
party. labor unions throughout the State. Columbus, O., ii was decided to in cal year of federal labor
of Montreal Canada and it from one and trades unions, which have no in-
d with various unions have decided cud to the oilier. An army of men but are
o honor the memory of J. A. will start at once with the Intention dilated with the American Federation
It Is estimated that new
voters will appear ill the general
next November. There will
male enfranchised founder of the Montreal Trades of placing a local union in every of Labor have received in strike
age alone and about women
find nearly citizens.
and Labor Council, by creeling a moil town and city in the Dominion.
fits, on the basis of a week a man,
According lo the latest returns an aggregate of

Published by
D J Editor.
r . . .
Six mouths.
Adverting rates may be bad
. .
Reflector Building, corner
ind Third streets
All cards of and resolutions
of respect will charted at
cent per
ill be charged for at three
per up to fifty Hues.
as second class matter
August 1910. at the post office at
Greenville. North Carolina, under
act of March
It is- a
tie lAnd ms
good it pi a
man who I
. i not i anything; he
. .;. something Ir-
baa n I for v i n In some
receive i slue
back In other words, all
II bis give up
i and for
endless chain, The It-
i .- n o in the
i than the wagon l t d i the
So Ion i
i for and money
of d
i mi em l. la
He a pi i
a . bay bu so a
to sell, for money Is
t- um
bu; i on
i. I . I And sun-
i a con
of his at Bell In
,. d to
And no pose the moo d
Then f I lb has
the community,
not buy goods.
it may man himself is to
blame it may be that he bus I
into the habit sending
away to son; distant
when he I sired buy commodities
ii. i. is hi r. unreasonable i to
expect it to be close at hand to .-
a a exchange when he
desires to sell. In other he
furnished some other community
v It . medium of exchange Instead
keeping the medium of exchange
urn here it ill
b he requires Its
ii very foolish. v.
m a the man do Maybe lie
lie goods
way, But, if his Bend-
. of i
i In i
an I lei . pm of I .
be see I b hen
to i
, i i
money for is
; . ha e to I
the i
get the money k .
PI win
. . i .
irk l I i
i i .-- . simile-r ;
. i not on the book
i; embraces
p II
. ; to legit
l i public
in course h
followed few countries ,;
, i. n Hi
i I States It v be on i
. i
Mr. on go ids
hat undo ire
i- i t does no
frequently us I n
i law v pro pun-
. . I . ., ,,.
that any one making trade rep-
intending to mislead
able to imprisonment up to one real
and to a penalty up
marks or to one of these
In during
the years there were more
than one thousand convictions
this law.
This law was first enacted In Ger-
many in but was amended In
As amended the law with
i assertions as to one's own goods;
false weights, measures and
i privileged
trade business or
eta and pro
Most men would resent the enact-
a property qualification for
s They say. and they are en-
that, they live in
this town, they should have a hand
in running it, whether they are for-
it possession of this world's
or not. Tins is entirely true.
Q ii iii. e la no liege does
i with it a duty K it is
man's privilege to help govern the
town is vote, it is duty to help
promote its by his aid.
So seem to think
movement for tin- town's Improve-
come from men means
and the burden of both labor and ex-
should be borne by them.
As i iii of I w I, citizen
should be willing to give his time,
la and Ins motley to
ext hi. to making this a bigger and
tow n
l here nobody can do
Each should be e to
his opinion and his ideas for
t He should be
isl i of the town's advantages. He
home so that I I
in j he spends
. but iii be Invested In
the for the
In tins manner lie will not ;.
hut will pro-
mi own welfare. The
who help in secure new Industries
his town does secure
now mark is for
but for his labor.
neighboring farmer who helps
the town to grow helps create a
market in which to soil and .-.-
for greater and nearer
it is a fact that every dollar saved
by money away from the
community most of the
thought to be me saved at
all i does the sender more than u
worth of detriment, in retarding
the development the town and In
keeping remote from him and
conveniences for transacting
us n in I enjoying life.
i in i . hand it will be
nearly every dollar of the
merchant or home manufacturer Be-
res from his neighbors Is
in replenishing and Increasing Ms
stock, in enlarging his in
building stores or
using it primarily for his own
but Indirectly for the
I people of the i
Ind duty, then, n
. town hut to himself and
II i better ton n to Hi
. i ii a better
tin ion to do
Let us get ii th
other Let us
i laving loll ea a doll i Ii
i -ii Ii
id man a In
is i t lot good men
i gold town Let
B end our money lex ally, so th II
will be deposited In hanks and
on II n. ii in
Lei us i I to
mi v. here II ill bull l
u ii i
ii I i n prop-
worth and own u
which to Hi i
give thirty cents for any
He is denying that he had any .
big contribution made by
Of the interests as he knows he in
living today and he had full
In discussing the real facts about
flies, the state board of health in a
bulletin now in press,
are the creatures afflicting man-
After taking this stand the
board proceeds to explain that
only objections to Hies used to be
because they were torments.
the authority,
ed about the breedings places,
habits of life, and the possibility
of his carrying nauseating tilth on
his body from stables, garbage cans
and privies to our houses, our per-
sons and our food. Then it was that
lea extremely disgusting. lo
say the By far the greatest
to Hies, however, now comes
from the fact that know con-
that, besides i discomfort
and carrying Kith, they spread
amounts of disease. Besides
actually dropping bacteria and tilth
from their feet and legs, may
disease by discharging their
vile, disease either
or Indirectly upon their
In summing up the remedy the
states that Immediate pro-
and probably for many ,
t come we shall to resort to
screening all doors and windows,
the time will come when om
municipal authorities will waken up
to the gravity of the situation and
abolish files abolishing their breed-
places Then we shall pass and en-
ordinance requiring the screen-
of all manure and the general
use of sanitary privies. Until then.
however, the Individual may do much
with wire swatters and sticky fly
paper In the fly traps in the garbage
day night a bill passed eon-
ding from midnight
on Saturday to midnight on
Sunday night no article of mall re-
a or second class post-
shall be even to the
extent of placing ,. in a box except
be articles bearing a special de- ., mm h M.
livery stamp which will be delivered
There are plenty of babies just as
good, just as pretty and Just as sweet
as the Astor youngster, but It Is not in
recorded that any other has been
born in the possession of three mil- we have found the oldest
. ., , t . living advertisement in North Carolina
lion dollars in his own right. How- , . , , . .,,
the First issue of the He-
we know ;, man right here In took a
Pitt county Into Whose home twins modest space in which was set forth
come, who says he take the wares carried in Stock Weeks,
three million a piece for them, but years went by will, no Change.
Alone- in the fall of Cleveland was
elected president and in the excite
meal of making up the paper that
week the foreman that purlieu
is going hack to some advertisement The typo was
his canards of eight ago. it was reset in
new type. Hut it kept right on. Then
just a year or so ago paper in
edge a l o. .,,,
the Standard Oil to his cam- was set on the ma
; 1904. Roosevelt knows that chine and the old type again worn
year was bought by big contributions in the junk pile. Still
no change has been made in either
the wording of the advertisement or
the in which it was displayed.
edge the contributions at the time Thirty four years without a
I were made, we believe it a ii-cord for the
n certainly for the state. Hut we were
. , . . , , , ., about to forget was one change
Congressmen have packed ,
made. Five or six years ago a
grips and none home for the cam- phone in
; Those who are candidate whereupon the merchant in
again win take the stump their question bad added to his advertise
respective districts. men number
ville Sentinel.
And what's more the advertisement
The royal road to health bads not ,.,, in
. the way of big pills or little pills. ,. Be does it,
or patent medicines, but for It has made the store and his
by the homely road of correct habits name as to the people of Tilt
County as the advertisement Itself.
He does some in the
Ex-Private Secretary Loeb may try --i,,,,.,,,, for mentioning
to prove Roosevelt Innocent in the specials, but his regular advertise
Campaign matter, but they suits him and is just what ha
are two of a kind. v And he uses the same
Lock Box Patron May He
n- Hi-inn.
the was issued from
Washington me the
of mail on Sunday
ill all first and second class
being among those affect-
Postmaster R. C. Flanagan has
taken up matter with the post-
with a view of per-
him to put important letter
and newspapers in the lock of
patrons Ibis office on Sundays. In
this effort of Postmaster Flanagan
meets with approval. Greenville
Who lock boxes post-
will continue to get their
mail on Sundays.
In Have Pure Mill,
CHICAGO, ill. Aug. pas-
of all of Chicago's milk
supply that comes from dairies not
approved by the health commissioner
is required by a new city ordinance
that came into effect in Chicago to-
day. Physicians and health experts
are of the opinion that a strict en-
of ordinance w-iii re-
in a material decrease of infant
Lawyer to Begin Meeting
annual meeting of the American Bar
Association was opened in this city
today and will be continued through
tomorrow and Thursday. President
S. S. called meeting to
order and delivered his annual ad-
before an attendance of several
hundred eminent representatives of
the bench and bar of the States
and Canada.
There may be something brewing
letter head
in his business,
so near
and bill head
His name Is
household word to
out which will come
for Greenville. Hen
ii will roach toe boiling point soon.
an opera any reader of this paper that
is boiling is not necessary to call it here for
the readers to know who is referred
larger towns are coming for-
. id with protests against being de-
lived of Sunday malls.
Canning vegetables fruits is
something that should be going on
on every farm in Pill county.
usual. This law means there
will be no more Sunday mails
to patrons. As it is general,
no harm should result to business
because of the non-delivery of mails.
On the other baud it is a step toward
Sabbath observance that ought to ox-
tend until It stops the running of
trains and boats and closes I
place of business Sunday. Th
fact is country has drifted
far from hooping the Sabbath and a
swing back to uniform observance of
the day will be beneficial.
The scarcity of
the high cost of living.
Tins neglect on our part not
ting every building with good,
able screens has merely come to
a habit, handed down from the years
that have passed and the time ha
to offset it.
screen habit.
you ever attempt to spend the
night at the home of a friend whose
house, although appeared
Inviting and cool by day
Th plan of attack is comparatively
Keep s and covers over re-
In Municipal Problems
WINDSOR, Int. Aug Dole-
gales from widely separated sections
of the Dominion assembled in Wind-
today for the opening of the an-
convention of the of Can-
Municipalities. The sessions
will last throe dies and will be de-
voted to papers, and discus-
dealing With a wide range of
subjects. proposed new
ion railway act. the OWn-
of power plants, the cement
is adding lo situation in western Canada, public
health and municipal finances
some of the leading topics.
San Hench Slum
With an entry list of blue-blooded
dogs from all the famous breeding es-
on the coast the
fourth annual bench show of the Lad-
Kennel Association was
today in the Dreamland pavilion and
will be continued until Friday. The
show- contains more entries and a
greater variety of breeds than any
of I ho previous of the as-
The best town on all the map Is
The biggest asset of some
dates is lying.
This Date in History
forces under Darks aim
Hawkins sailed on an expedition
against the Spanish settlement
in West Indies.
Lovelace became gov-
of New York and New-
John the victor of
the battle of horn In
Londonderry N. H. Hied
Manchester N. II. May i
Sena who found
ed tin
i Review
TORONTO. Out. Aug -The
great Imperial review of cadets from
all over the Empire was held
by the Duke of this
at the National Ex-
In this Forty corps,
comprising a total of nearly ca-
marched in review past His
Royal Highness and a party of dis-
guests. England, Ireland.
Scotland. Wales, New Zealand,
and as well
all of Canadian provinces were
Wing i Reunion
handled of the lineal descend-
ants of the widow. Deborah Wing,
and her four sons, who settled
in Mass . in gathered at
the auditorium this city today for
the eighth annual reunion of the
family of America,
ed family association was
Massachusetts ten years
ago and numbers thousands of
through the country. The pres-
reunion is the Oral that the
has held ill the west.
Warehouse Movement
the of Loving if
can't have what we is the name
Of a new song. Fifteen cents in
to Globe Music Co. Broad
way, York, will get a copy.
ATLANTA, Ga Aug. -Plans
handling the cotton crop and n
movement looking to
of California, lion of the National and
died at Horn on Elevator Company were at
is land of Nov. a mass convention of the Georgia
1713. Union in this city today,
force Indians laid The warehouse project, which
to Fort Wayne, Indiana ready has taken definite shape in
Leo Tolstoy, famous a number states regarded as the
Russian novelist and most advanced step yet by
born. Died Nov. in. 1910. farmers of the country in the line of
and everything likely lo The steam locomotive was ad co-operation for mutual mid
n breeding pi for file to passenger sonic- tor protection.
window and America, on
the Ohio road.
Leigh Hunt. famous English
writer, died. Born Oct, la. 1784
u every
door -i
fly from t
i the Kansas Platforms
Use ; , iii, i in resumed offensive with the provisions of tin
Virginia Tourney
V i . Aug.
of firemen far and near
arrived Roanoke today for the
twenty-sixth annual convention and
tournament of the Virginia State Fire-
Association The business of
the convention will be devoted lo the
prize competitions and races which
are the leading features of the annual
an To Curb
Aug. The
annual meeting of the nil
Association began a
two s, bore today. A law
tic practice of auctioneer
and for their disbarment in
any of the sections are violated
will be drafted by the convention and
submitted to the next legislature
ii request for its enactment.
I of I. people
for i i E ii. I i
This is My Birthday
a, ii hen I u is
James r. Lloyd
Representative Janus T. Lloyd, win
received a with
Honor w, take the liberty us- out opposition the hand of the
. from a personal let- Democratic voters of the First
t . to hi- editor, which district and against whom
Republicans failed to nominate a run-
was born in Canton, Mo.
who received me more cordially l
in the new Kansas primary law the councils
the several political parties as-
in today. The party
councils are made up of the congress-
men, member of the state legislature.
electors county chairmen. The
principal business of the party council
is to prepare the state platform.
Slate chairmen also are to be select-
oil and arrangements completed for
the coming slate campaign.
Aug, Demo
ii State convention of Georgia as-
bore today to ratify re
suit of the primary and
to frame a party pi Delegate
from every county of the State filled
tin- auditorium when the convention
was called to old, l at lo o'clock this
i county i
stirs up much I
I my it i eh
other candidates
. I found a people any
August After furnishing his
your in Pitt and I shall never college education in I he
I come back lo you in just for .-. At ;. Newland
three weeks when I hope we shall De studied law and was senator from Nevada, ; year old to-
. , . . i i- i. led to the bar m 1882. Since 1885 day,
gently enlarge cur snort jut delight- . ,, , , ,
ha been engaged in practice Storer formerly prominent
ml ,, j., Mb., In the diplomatic service of the United
ho served as prosecuting States, years old today
If would got among ;., for four years. elected Dr. Elmer E. Brown, chancellor of
would find that very few i, Congress n ind ha now re Ne and
,,, anything he bis district continuously States commissioner of
about those campaign contributions
fifteen years. To the public at cation, years old today .
Representative Lloyd in per Dr. Frederick P. who
s best known as the chairman of recently became president of Texas
will i, , Christian year old to
pare with town m the Mate. , committee
Professor Snooks- Anal your ah
minded husband didn't forget to
bring home his umbrella this time,
s, e
His Henry, when you left
home you did not have one. Judge
What brought about the
iii. both the husband wife final
l discovered that were employ
same detective to
g each other Satire.
Real Estate Man And what a place
for a bungalow primeval
Virgin wilderness, absolute seclusion,
Jones that's Just the
kind of ii place everybody tip
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
Advertising Rat es on Application
, your bitter wailing.
Lit your sickly frown
My your liver is ailing
Don't let that affect your heart.
Luck, you say. has blessed another
Who has oil been blessed before
But there's luck remaining, brother.
There is always plenty more.
Since the man muttered.
Calling luck a stubborn jade;
Ever since the first swain stuttered
Love to an unwilling
Ever since the sky blended
With the on a hill
Men have thought luck was ended.
But there's plenty of it still.
Luck is like the love a mother
Lavishes upon her son;
From a store that's endless, brother.
Through the ages it is won;
Ever sine man first abused it
Luck has been ill ample store,
And no matter who has used it
There will still be plenty more.
Chicago Record-Herald.
ton. Barber and Company's new stock
Of goods are arriving daily; come and
see them and save money; they will
convince you that it will pay you to
do so.
Miss Janie left yesterday
for Norfolk to resume her work as
trained nurse after spending her
cation at home.
You can got be. I every day in the
reek at It. W. Hail's market.
Olivers Cox and Clyde Chap
man returned from a short visit lo
G Sunday morning.
The new stock at A. W. Ange and
is something line, just
stop in and look it over.
Messrs. A. Ange J. P.
Cox returned
Sunday from the northern markets.
have been buying their
fudging from the freight is
being drayed into each store, we must
think that the New York and
more markets felt the effect of our
baling visit.
SO more good cat-
It. W. Hail.
Harrington. Barber and Company
ii. era it bids fair to do greater work
the future than in the past
Mr. L. G. of Wilson, was
here Saturday shaking with
his many friends which he won while
here in school.
The Y. P. held a public
mooting on Sunday evening at which
time the following was
Opening hymn. No.
Words of welcome, by
dent. Miss Mimic K. Cox.
Scripture reading. II. Timothy.
Prayer. Prof. John R. Carroll.
a. Song. No.
Talk, II. Y. P. V. in Broad
F. Carroll.
Paper. value of B. Y. P.
V. Miss Horn K. Cox.
Talk. and use of the
Bible in the Y. P. Prof. John
It. Carroll.
Offering. Duet. Misses and
Closing hymn. No.
II. Benediction. A. G. Cox
Messrs. A. G. Cox and Pix-
on made a trip to today.
Wedding bells are for
As previously announced in the
of The Reflector and ac-
with the schedule given
that time. Messrs. Blow and
candidates for the State Senate, met
debate yesterday afternoon at
Bell's Cross Roads.
Hut a scanty crowd gathered, there
being approximately sixty people when
speaking began. As is
result in encounters of this kind,
on- time of a rather per-
nature wore uttered, but buried
political phraseology, which
the over did not give a clear
vi, either speaker.
I Ware Free
For thirty days Taft and
will give free a It-piece blue
ware set with every
Berlin cast range sell. See their
large advertisement.
Has I
Mr. W. It. Wilson received a
gram Tuesday evening advising that
his Mr. C. B. In d
passed the physical
nation to entrance In Annapolis
Academy. He passed tile men-
examination some months ago.
His friends congratulate him. This
is Mr. Wilson's third son to enter
the army and navy service.
Large Crowd Went
The excursion train lo Norfolk this
morning was nearly an hour
getting off. There were six coaches
and a refreshment car In the train and
all wore practically rilled when it
left here. The outlook was that more
i would have o be added to
accommodate passengers from
Baggage and
Phone No. Night or Day
Meets All Trains
Pleads Summer Conference
assembly of the
General Conference. In which
seven yearly meetings are
opened at today
and will continue until September
Religious education has been select
as the principal subject for dis
Prominent among the
speakers are Dr. John W.
ham. of Manitoba University, Prof.
Paul Pearson of Swarthmore College.
Prof Thomas A. Jenkins of the
of Chicago. Amos of
New and Silver W. Stewart of
Luke Superior Mining Institute
Mich. Aug
annual meeting of the Lake
Superior Mining Institute began here
today and will continue until the end
of the week. Daily sessions are to be
held for the discussion of mining me
uniform mining laws, working
lion's compensation, safety appliance
and other subjects. Between sessions
members will visit the various mining
ranges in this vicinity .
Go Right at It
Meeting Iowa
Ia., Aug.
tenth annual meeting of Society
of Iowa Florists began this city
now in position to save you on
ant all. money on your purchases with an attendance of members from
in way of dry goods, shoes and many parts of the State.
Hats, caps and buggy Whips at a m m ft
Union Mercantile Company. bang
KIM Daisy Porter of Simpson, left fir ,
Sunday after paying a brief visit to ., noise
Miss Minnie Mae Q
The Co. are head-
will not hold their mid-week
quarter for up to date jewelry.
Tie revival at the Methodist church
is session and all are cordially
to each service.
II you desire a shoe to suit and
III. are able to supply your wants
out of our immense stock.
Tie Y. M. C. A. met Saturday
evening and elected the following of-
for this
S D. Thorn, president.
S O. vice president.
A. II Hartsell, secretary.
I. treasurer.
P C. Bright,
R. Adams, musical
Tie V. M. C. A. is doing
prayer meetings tonight.
Greenville Ins some pretty good
lady Chauffeur who handle their cars
Still With
The Mutual Lite Insurance
Just Strong-
est and Best
I have a passenger Touring
Car for hire on reasonable
terms. Will carry passengers
anywhere town or country.
or to neighboring towns.
Bay Phone, Night Phone
That will bar the
closest inspection
as to genuine
Dinning Room
Bed Room, Drawing Room
In addition, you'll find our showing in-
the best choice and widest variety in
Buffets, Arm-Chairs and Rock-
Prices are
If you want Framing
Pictures Enlarged at prices
beat them all, Dickinson are.
Greenville. N. C. the place
J. E.
Benedict Family Reunion
j ELMIRA. N. Y. Aug.
eleventh annual reunion of the Bone
family, comprising the deacon
of Thomas Benedict, who came
I over from England In the early
of the seventeenth century and
one of the founders of Conn
held today at Grove Park in this
city. Many member of the family
wort In our town and under the sup- association
of this excellent corps of of- eluding several
in attendance, in
from distant places.
Friends Bad Neighbor in
Will Show Yen a Way
Get at the root of the trouble.
Rubbing an aching back may relieve
But won't cure it if the kidneys are
You must reach the root of
Reach the cause; relieve the pain.
Begin at once with Kidney
Are recommended by thousands.
Here is a statement from a resident
of this vicinity.
Mrs. James Garris, Twelfth street,
South Greenville. N. C, am
pleased to add by endorsement to the
many already given in favor of
Kidney Pills. For a long time I was
troubled by my kidneys and I suffered
intensely from backache and pains in
my shoulders. Headache and dizzy
spells bothered me and I rested so
poorly that when I got up in the
morning. I was In no fit condition to
begin my work. When I read of
Kidney Pills, i immediately
got a supply from the John L. Wooten
Co., and to my delight; they
did me a world of good. I can now
rest better at night and my hack and
kidneys do not bother
For sale by all dealers. Price
Foster Co. New York
Ml agents for the United States.
Remember the
no other.
We can live without
We can live Without halls.
We call live without prisons.
With their massive walls,
We can live without mansions.
With their archways and high
But civilized men
Cannot live without homes.
FARMS small.
medium; we bars an ever Increasing
demand for all. Letters are coming
from all over the country, even from
Mexico. Canada mid South Africa.
from parties who are writing in re-
purchasing farms In North
Carolina. If your farm is for
all on or write us why you should
with the K. A. Karin
v. Greenville, North Carolina.
B. F.
The Insurance and Realty Co.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Office on Fourth Street, Rear Frank
Wilson's Store
B. F.
Life. Fire. Sick and Accident
on Fourth street, rear Fran
Wilson's store
S. M. Schultz
and retail grocer and
dealer. Cash paid for Bides,
Fur, Seed Oil, barrels,
keys, Eggs.
Oak bedsteads, Mattresses,
Suits, Baby carriages, par
suns, tables, lounges, sales.
and Gall Ax muff, High Lift
tobacco, Key West Cheroots, Henry
George cigars, canned cherries, peach
es, apples, syrup. Jelly. Meat, lion
sugar, coffee, soap, lye, food,
matches, oil, cotton seed meal and
hulls, garden seeds, oranges, apples
nuts, candles, dried apples, peaches,
prunes, currants, raisins, glass and
china ware, wooden ware, cakes
crackers, macaroni, cheese, best but-
new Royal Sewing Machines
numerous other good. Quality and
cheap for cash. Come n
me H.
The House of High Grade Merchandise
Ladies Coat Suit Muslin Woolen Goods, Ginghams, Prints,
Heady to Wear be Pleased the Goods Bought at This Cloth, and
Millinery Ladies Furnishings Fine shoes in all Stylos for Men, Women and the Best Brands of Staple Dry Goods. Men's Furnishings. You Will He Pleased
Silks. The Goods
and at This Store
W. A.
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
Rooting and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and Flues in Season, See
Greenville. N. C.
A Leading Boarding School for
Students. Established years. Lit-
Business. Normal, Music,
Excellent buildings and all advantages. Noted for Health. Near
N. C. Three Literary Societies;
Good board at about cost. Reasonable
demand. Students yearly from
will satisfy you in every
Sent free Write today, Address the
President, W T Ph.
. C.
. College Band, Leads in
tuition rates. Graduates in free
Carolina counties. A school
Beautiful with view,
Greenville Banking and Trust Company
Some of its Achievements during the past year in progress and service to the
INCREASE IN CAPITAL STOCK efficient and frequent supervision.
from to This to- LARGE NUMBER
Bethel with double liability j- t , j-it .
B . distributed in sections
now depositors protection . .
the largest given by any the county. No bank in this section
in county. IS backed by so large a number of sub-
TORS from to and requiring APPOINTMENT BY U. S. GOVERN-
monthly meetings, thereby securing more as depository for postal funds
embracing not only several offices in Pill PURCHASE AND of
County, but extending to other counties. Cannon most
including Washington. Belhaven, Vance- expensive and claimed to be the best
Hookerton and bank made
as one the banks in which the State s
. , ,
money is deported. I W f
E. G. FLANAGAN, President
C. S. CARR. Cashier
B. HIGGS. Vice-President

Governor is Off Boost His Own
file Male Offered ii Reward
The Point sender
Infernal Mm
of an adjutant general to
late ; . i i-
to bill
i minute d
days He tonight,
least tor I
don Smith m
general; also l
where wish I
the appointment of Major C
Bros n. of . i . m
. President's Secretary I.
still-- Mutt
Kit ml
OYSTER BA. N. , August
Colonel Roosevelt Knew
in matter of John
II on to R
cud fund m what
President said to
I . n i rim an and hat Mr,
man Bald to m Roost
i I Bi . contributions
tatters lo I W Li
Is prepared i i I
S i p
contributions i i an
Colonel Rot t
Loeb told me List
be hear A Tin . Bl that he was
lo He between Hen down
i V I Roosevelt said ti
d to t
I told
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are from an in-
active LIVER. .
With a well conducted LIVES
one can do mountain;, of
without fatigue
It adds a hundred per cent t
ones earning capacity.
can he kepi
by, and by
R .
nor noon to go o
a I of
Ed Pi iii man Colonel Roosevelt was ;
wan . . of Mr Loeb's I
i mat I . lug the
i . . .
I. m s
young won High Point, II was would i ever asked Mr Loeb lo
and created Bald Mr Roosevelt. am
mi i that tin
disappeared and effort to lo I I chooses to do so.
hare I. I l made my
Governor lenient about Mr. I In Mr
I i let it eat only
Cox, who was In Lei on my written i s, yet the i n
of lo listen to the spot,
and sentenced to two by Mr and Mr. Mr. Kernel
n ids being taken on the as to what Mr. said took
.,. i place that Interview I shall be glad
tin- solicitor assisting slier- to have them to listen to Mr. Loeb, who
and others. The re la con- present it the Interview,
on good behavior. Loeb heard Mr,
Dr. V. Joyner returned to Ills we lo gel Mr Bliss or Mr.
today after an absence to contribute funds to and Mr
I i raises I lint
Mn Fatal
Fearful and u
with shotgun
this city on the K
by pal place. at-
tack ii on John K
Claude l kens and as suit
Mr. Ki i in- Is in K
i Hie the are of p
not mortally wounded
U kens is held In the i i
Ms In I
condition the wounded
i occurred
. n i lock and
here was on I
lied while at I
lime of l most distressing,
. ring iii section
t said
n hen he his s i
i insult, a whole load
Into iii. side Mi r-
ill to pulp, while a of
Into the body.
greater quantity of lo if
Mr. K. arm i to been
i being lied on
i VERY year some farmers lose money
by is offer-
them without looking over our lines
we carry an up-to-date line farm
and machines that we know will
give you absolute satisfaction. They are
the most practical, economical and
on the market.
carry a stocK repairs tor the ma-fr,
chines we sell, which is to be considered in
buying machinery.
Our desire is to you the best service
possible and we will do everything in our
power to merit your patronage. See to it
that YOU do not lose money this year.
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
Night Express
a. m. dally,
American Hosiery mills, which was re
burned down and s
elated with brother, O Ker- Sleeping Car for
They were operating a- w- Dally, for Plymouth,
to make brick for r City and Norfolk. Broiler
destroyed factory and yesterday
afternoon Kerner went in
Parlor Car Service for all
days In eastern part the Odell for campaign I neither i the making plant to lave a points North and
state in the Interest education. nor I ever so much as ditch dug around It, there l in- p. m. Dally, except for
lie at spoke of Mr. rain storm i W a
county Friday In support a local to m and Mr. Loeb him-,
lax and high school combination telephoned t either Mr, Bliss or Are Ever at War WESTBOUND
mi Saturday delivered an address Mr. There are two things a. m. Dally for Wilson and
Mills. request of me. U; war. Joy and piles. But Pullman Sleeping Car service
A charter was Issued today to Loeb also telephoned to Mr, I Salve will piles. It North, South and West.
Company Benson Bliss and Mr. subdues the itching. Irritation t f r
Johnson county, the object being to Standard Oil contribution. or swelling. It glee com- and Raleigh Connects f r
6.00 p. m. Dally for Wilson and
and deal In etc. making in my behalf same request fort. Invites Joy. Greatest healer of
The authorized capital is with that I had made directly in the two j burns, bolls, cuts, bruiser, eczema
paid in by Alonzo J. and telegrams that have been scalds. pimples, skin eruptions
II. Godwin, W. I. Boon. J. II. Boon published and receiving
same at all
I had received no
and R. T.
The Ellis of Kin Standard ii money had been
is chartered with author ed or would
and paid in J, II. El-I Concerning the statement made by
L. If. and Horace Randolph yesterday In tobacco you may know the market
Alleging that the Wake Water in which Mr. Hearst urged is doing something for them. That
puny had violated its franchise in and Mr and el talk is being heard daily in
ring i patrons water, a to tell Col- Greenville.
was served on the had to .
tins afternoon and attitude to the Standard Oil Cone North
police Justice to Company was the same t- prank Wilson, The King
Broiler Parlor Car Service.
For further information and
Price of Sleeping Car space apply to
When hear farmers boasting i HASSELL. Agent,
of the good prices the., receive for W. R. HUDSON, W. W.
Gen Pass.
answer the police Justice to Company was precisely the same i.
accusation. For two years the water election as after election as any- i.-n morning for Ne York, to
situation In this city has critical one can And by turning to purchase fall and winter novelties in
and this it will be recalled, of the newspapers at the and furnishings.
conditions were that consumers o, passage of the of Await his return as he will he sure
Wei,, requested to use sparingly of rations bill before was nominated to have something new and op to
water. The hoard of aldermen o. elected when the Standard Oil op- date lo show you.
took matter up with the water posed law and I cot II through I
company, who in turn said making the of the Bland- j
would place the situation before rd Oil people opposing the law and
bondholders, In the of remedy- showing their activity.
ire conditions, hut was done, j for any connection of mine with
The mayor water committee, the Standard people before or
believing that he water was r election any human is
to the customers in an unfiltered con- come lo make anything public about
mule an Investigation today It of any sort, kind or description and j Trains effective son
with that the warrant was it I had appeared before the commit- A. M.
served this afternoon. lee today. I would have testified to a m Pot TICKETS SOLD ON
The Finest, Newest, Largest and
Equipped Steamships Plying
Between Norfolk and
Steamers leave Norfolk dally. In
eluding Sunday, from foot of Jack
What adds more to the en-
of the family than
a PIANO in the home
No dealer can place one in
your home for less money
than we can.
Our prices and terms are
sure to please.
Sam White
Piano Co.
in. Km Atlanta,
Memphis and points West. Jackson-
ville and Florida points,
lions at Hamlet for Charlotte
William A. Lamb, veteran of three y of it which bad an
wars, died at bis home. Pace collection or knowledge and
morning at the of SB iron; my letter and letters
years. The funeral was held from of mine dealing In any shape or way
church Sunday with the and I should have
o'clock. fol- delighted to have Mr, Loeb who no a.
lowing In City cemetery. Mr. Lamb has been my private secretary,
was horn in Montgomery county An- pear and give every particle of
gust and had lived In that he ho
eight Tor many years. Colonel said that lie had
Mr. Lamb's first military service received today a telegram from Sena-
wag In the Mexican war. At its close advising
he was with the United states of th lo him
Indian campaigns In the Die telegram said
and took In several if hi should testify II would have
with the When Con fed lo he at considerable later date.
Issued Its call for solders
Lamb again look up the musket and Indian killed on Track
rendered valiant service for south. Near III., an Indian went
B and O. Ry.
with coaches and parlor car. Con-
with steamer for Washington
Baltimore, New York. Boston sod
is of Sale
p in-For Richmond, Wash- low round
and New ale City, Baltimore, Phil
sleepers, day dinning
to sleep on a railroad track and
killed by the fast He pale
his carelessness with his
car. Connects at with
C. O. at Wash with
railroad and B. O. for Pitts-
burg and points West
p. Atlanta, Charlotte
Wilmington. Birmingham, Memphis
and points west. Parlor cars to
p No. for
and all northern resorts.
For any Information write,
W. H. T. P. A
Norfolk. Va
Steam Packet Col.
Daily, Including
Mall steamers
Equipped with Unites
Flying Hen Fall
victims to stomach, liver and for
troubles Just like other people, with Often its that way when people neg
results In loss of appetite, back- coughs and colds. Don't risk
ache, nervousness, headache and tired, your life when prompt use of Dr
listless, run-down feeling. But there's Discovery will cure there I
no need lo feel like that T. D. Peebles, and so prevent a dangerous throat or,
Henry Tenn., proved. bottle of lung trouble. completely cured a Richmond am. Telegraphy and every mod
Electric he morn in a short time of a terrible I Washington a. m., New York convenience
to give me new strength and good up- that followed a severe attack of p. m. Penn. station. Pullman ed.
than all other stomach e. writes J. R Watts, Tex. arrive to Washington and New Portsmouth, Sundays pm
I So they help everybody. its I regained pounds In weight York. week days pm
folly to when this great remedy hat I had Quick, safe, reliable B, RYAN, G. P. A. Ta, Norfolk, dally pm
will help you from the first dose. Try and guaranteed. and H S D. P. A. Old Point pm
It cents at all bottle free at all druggists. Raleigh K. C. to points North.
We are prepared to do any repair work on
biles. We have class workmen and guarantee
our work. We also have full line of accessories, and
will be glad to order any parts to automobiles.
We carry a tanks for sale and ex-
change. We are agents for the
and cars. We expect to keep new cars on hand
for sale all the time. People wanting work done or
Gates, Sugg,
Cook Stoves, Malleable and Cam-
Ranges, Wilson Wood Heaters,
Blast Coal Heaters.
If it's in the Hardware line, we have it.
Summer Footwear
has seen fit on account of other business en-
to turn over the agency of this ex-
machine to the
John Buggy Company.
also agents for the celebrated
Indian Motor Cycle.
of Greenville
Greenville. N C.
Bank Offers to the Public
In addition to h et
double of stock holder
our account cordially
The John Flanagan
Buggy Co.
LITTLE Cashier
II. It. AL Cashier.
A cordial invitation to inspect
our stock Is extended to all
who desire neat, stylish and
comfortable shoes at
low prices.
The Behind I lie Dough
in leavening lightest, most
wholesome- and delicious biscuits, cakes and pastry.
lb. lb. lb.
All good ell or will gel you.
Norfolk, Va.
Professional Cards.
J. R. J. G.
Greenville, N. C.
t. M.
Office second floor In Wooten
on Third St., opposite court house
L. L Moore W. H.
Attorneys at
Attorney st
North Carolina
S. I I C I
Steam and Hot Hater
I am prepared to do your work at
o Reasonable price. See me or call.
hone No. CO.
The Reflector wants your Job work.
Reflector Want Ads.
for Automobile transfer, s
II. W. M. D
Practice limited to of the Eye.
N. C. .
Office with Dr. D. L- James. Green-1
villa, day every Monday, to pm
S. J.
Attorney at Law
In Edwards on Court
S Hill.
young in ii to to can-
in town and
Good lo right parties Eat
chance promotion. Call this eve
Pill Street
We Are Still In Lead
at Law
In building. st
Practices wherever his services
Wilson. A
Greenville. 0-02
Arrive Norfolk. a. P.
Leave Norfolk P. M. Sept.
X. C. M
Our average Monday,
day, was c. and to-day was
the largest sale in town, it is
just as good
All Grades now are Selling well
and market is in fine
Attorney st Law
j formerly occupied by
W. C. . Clark
Engineer Attorney at Law
H Ward C. C.
Washington. N. Greenville. N. r
Attorneys at Law
Practice in all the courts.
Office in Wooten building on
WE a good position
every teacher ii i completes her
preparation at Littleton College.
We have scholarships for young
women desiring preparation teach,
who are sufficient means.
our scholastic year begins Sept.
is. For and
Information address. J. H.
X. C. v -11
where you will have Gentry to Pull
and Gorman to Push for you.
W. E.
Attorney at La
R. L. A Cos
stables and next door to John Flan-
Buggy Company's new building
North Carolina
Gentry Gorman
3rd St., 2nd floor Wooten Bldg
yon mat the best,
we are st your services.
Violets and Wedding l
the Latest Stile.
st short notice.
L. Co.
N. C
D. J. J K.
Agent for and
WE a good paying
position lo even young woman who
our course in
and typewriting as as her prep-
has been completed and fur-
Instruction In English and
without additional charge
FOR and further In-
formation REGISTRAR,
College, Littleton, X.
Simpson .
Greenville J
Tickets sold and 87th.
via Norfolk Southern
,,,., good on any regular train.
and limited to return until
Ask my for particulars,
W W P, A.
Every Pair a Bargain
The season grows late and we
are disposing cf our large stock of
the season's latest styles in shoes at
Look our stock over and save
money by your purchase-
It costs you nothing to examine
these goods and a very small sum to
make your purchase.
Most men willing to as
reformers- if the are allowed to pick
the straight point.
V C.
Vail Session, Begins Beat I
Special mention given to English, Mathematics, the science, and
classics teachers of long experience. For grade O i
of consult the faculties of tho University and the col-
leg. Expenses moderate. For catalogs address
N. C

Good Roads Movement to be Launched by
Carolina Club
After ,. ks stifling heat, which period activities in
to be of the question, ll
Club campaign for Improvement tor count
and community.
n is the object Ibis institution to enthuse Pin
and better things and their energetic v kl
of the hotel proposition Ins fall gives evidence what
Carolina Club can accomplish when it starts.
no tho members ire anxious to see accomplished.
Good Roads and an era House. As to the matter good
the idea been more or leas, on the minds the
for some time, but. somehow or other tin
to to after them has been lacking This however, ex-
something will be
As to the is understood
who has recently purchased a choice lot In town would as Boon
erect an Opera House on it then anything else. All he
wants is the proper spirit from the people who later will pat-
. ;.,
At early date the Carolina club is to bold a meeting when
than matters will be properly threshed out and it seems
strong campaign will be started to get and
era House -.-.
Cigarettes are
i bad for women
Mrs, Woodrow Wilson Has D
Views on Subject. .
Wife Candidate Civet
Cut Letter Taking Stand on
Are Veteran Stars Preferable to
Collection Newcomers
nut will
Would He Alexander.
Gregg and Johnson In Preference to
or Walsh
it a big league manager bad hi pick
today between of veteran
and a of youngsters
which would lie select Would be take
Alexander. Gregg, Johnson,
Joe Wood In preference to
Bender, Plank, Booker,
and Walsh The problem
would about drive him to the home for
the mentally Infirm. He would want
them all. He couldn't work them all.
of course, fact, if be bud either
quad be would suffer embarrassment
of riches, but be would most
desire having the entire Lunch sit on
the bench If only for the purpose of
looking pleasant.
crowd, with support,
would be capable of winning a pen-
If they were all In condition at
the same time, but some managers are
Inclined to the belief that six star
pitchers cannot be worked in turn and
kept In good condition. True, the
club has more than that.
but none of I hem has more half
that number of beavers who can be
truly called stars, and they figure
Baseball men. as a rule, accept with-
out argument proposition that Ms-
Is the greatest pitcher In the
world, they base it upon the fact
that be has been great for a decade. It
seems that the old followers of the
while always willing to admit a
young pitcher's capabilities whenever
be displays them, do place a man
In the category of truly great until
he has established himself by more
than one or two service.
Alexander and Gregg are
counted wonderful young pitchers, but
they are first year men, The
are that they are truly great.
but that stamp will not be placed upon
them by the baseball world until they
have demonstrated their fitness for a
place In the ball of fame by longer
Ed Walsh Is certainly a groat pitch-
year the big
has gone along and stood all tests.
Napoleon Is counted truly
great. of the Slants claim
that be la one of tho best left handers
of all times, and he bases It largely
upon the fact that the southerner has
been great during all the years of bis
Bender and Plank will have
place In hall of fame. These.
too. established their class-not one
year, but year In and year out. and
there Is no Indication that they have
commenced to decline.
One of the new generation of pitch
era who are still regarded in the light
of youngsters, but who cannot be de
recognition as among the greatest
Of the time, la Walter Johnson, the
Washington speed marvel, There are
who believe that
eon Is the best pitcher In the country
today, but that sort of proposition
would always provide a long
Jack Is not so much of a
as some of others named
with him. but he Is no youngster from
the standpoint of service, and what he
has done for the world's champion A
gives him the right to be men-
with the greatest of tho great.
and left
have two years. The
regarded us
now lie
are In favor the
They are young have
ability. The real I up to them.
men will you no
j matter bow much a young
pitcher may have lie cannot be truly
great until be had the experience
that makes him wise
Bussed Ford of Hie Yankees and Joe
f the Boston Red are ac-
knowledge great young pitchers. Ford
had one splendid year and has
pitched consistently good ball, even
when losing, in picking ant a list of
the best heavers in game today
many would hesitate before leaving off
the name of Wood
The promise the present hold-
a future of greatness
unknowns as
Tyler. Hugh
Claude Joe
George Rimer Brown
Rube Benton, Jeff
Allen. Casey and half a
dozen others. They may lie the Ma
and of another era. but the
old baseball man who was trying to
win a pennant would probably Just a
soon have a Brown or a Rill
Donovan or a George Mull In around
as several of these fellows of future
a Golfer.
Freak has taken up goat
New the first lime
Wilson became the
candidate Mrs.
Wilson appeared She attended
her husband's dally conference
with reporters although
mi- requests that
be urn quoted written about in the
What Mrs. Wilson wished to have
was that II she be-
comes first lady of the Land she
not as has said in a widely
interview, have packages
of cigarettes In her personal desk at
the White House and in
I m t l her callers.
Through Governor Wilson. Mn
son asked that be given to a
he had written to the editor of
State Journal at O.,
an i Interview
her in which she defended cigarette
as for women, The Interview
come lo her in a letter signed
Madam l can think
of any r calamity to the young
the nation than to read such
a preachment .- our Interview offers
tie in I am a and see
men lose their Jobs almost every day
because they are Incapacitated for
by the use the cigarette II
smoking this for strong men
will it do for girls
The was indeed a
dial of the woman
till credited to Mrs
writer for a syndicate
newspapers asked Mrs Wood-
row Wilson if she agreed null Her
of tin
log cigarettes women She
exhibited three boxes,
plied in the corner her desk, all but
shouldn't n woman
she enjoys she queried.
w by she just as mi
to a cigarette as a man r
agree with Mrs t
existing prejudice against
smoking is to the last silly and ab-
Champion Practices
on Thames Meet With Barry.
Great la being attached to
tie- coming sculling contest
Harry, the challenger, and the
Dick Artist. Though
Ibis Is s to take place on
July bus I nut on the
Thames learning the deviating water
course and hardening bis muscles In
preparation for the contest. In which
the and a side are the
Is described a veritable
Hercules whose power has been ex-
pended not only In sculling, but hue
also made him champion cyclist and
very nearly the champion shot of
yet, despite the apparent inter-
est. Barry is great In
the which be
as expenses to ever
trip up from and I- so
winning is next to
until source of Hie
amount is. in clear view. This
was made in view of the fact
that waived Ills right . race
on homo waters, where
In- strongly in fa-
n English
acclimated, have a fear of the
depressing fogs
Osteopaths Prevent Operation on
Jumper's Knee and Preserve
Those who admire the high Jumping
of the California wonder. George Ho-
do not near
knife to ending
career of the Stanford man
three years ago
his knee, and In doing this a minute
portion of tin. ligament broken off,
Occasionally this bothered the jumper.
and about eight months ago be went
to doctors for advice. Nothing
would satisfy them except an opera-
went to Had
his athletic mentor, to tell him he
was to undergo an operation on
was liberated, but shortly
afterward the knee worried him again,
and be went to an osteopath for treat
Then began a long siege, which
resulted in the Injured member being
entirely cured after about had
been expended on it. the pro-
of osteopathy were working on
the jumper's leg they took great in-
In the wonderful sinews that de-
so much spring.
i ii ii ii
R. C. H.
Buggies, Wagons and Harness
Horses and Mules
Phone No.
the matter with
young Mr looks like
been In a scrap.
Lobster-He has Mr. Catfish asked
where he could get weighed, sad
told him to try Mr. Rock, he had
is a question
of manners, not morals. It promotes
good fellowship.
women feel a cigarette
calms their nerves and helps their
brains Into working order. Personal
smoking diffuses my thoughts Instead
of concentrating in. I an Joy it as I
enjoy after dinner coffee. Both are
pleasant ways of ending finishing
both add to conviviality and good
The editor of the Ohio State Journal,
it ins clear, bad been much incensed
at the apologies for the cigarette
among women attributed to Mrs.
son, as he wrote on Aug. an
rial in which he culled for the
of Governor Wilson or a repudiation
from bis wife If there was no mis-
take about it. he wrote. Wood-
row Wilson shouldn't be mistress of
the White
If the Ohio editor was
Mrs Wilson as certainly not less
After the reporters had said tiny
would publish her letter lo the
Ohio editor she asked for an hour's
time in which to write one. This was
what she
have just received a
the Journal, with your
rial entitled Women.- and i
beg i.-ave to deny Indignantly the
statement that I approve of women
smoking cigarettes. The Interview
upon which your editorial was based
is s pure invention I intensely dis-
like the cigarette smoking habit for
won.--. In fact, so strong is an feel-
on the that my real danger
lies In being unjust and In my
Judgment of who differ with ins
in respect.
no woman our
household ever has or ever will smoke,
apart from the bad taste of it. I
believe with you that It has an .;.
injurious effect on nerves.
Drug Co.
Thinks Barry Only Brave
of Philadelphia Team,
The latest sensation In the American
league, Chick of the Nationals,
has come out with the Statement that
has caused all kinds of through-
out the circuit and especially between
the Tigers and Athletics. He says the,
Athletic are yellow.
is but one man on the
Infield who will not flinch
a Is taking the
man la Harry.
linker and will all sidestep
when you come In. Yet they are
ways squealing when they get hurt.
In my opinion Barry Is the gamest
player In Athletic
Only the Best
Used in Our
to any.
Ail Soda Fountain
Toilet Articles,
Full Lint of
Kodak Supplies
Drug Co. I
Buyers of cotton and
duce. We now
ill be glad to have our
of Nationals Is Said
Be Tired of Handling Braves.
resignation of Catcher John
Ming as manager of the Boston Na-
league team is expected within
a short time, according to
made by close friends of the backstop
These men claim that Johnny has re
told I hem of bis
with the way he is compelled is .,.
run the Braves and has es
pressed his disgust with what be terms The undersigned having this day
the old fashioned Ideas of John Mont, as administrator of the es-
Ward, president of the club of Sylvester If. Hemby, notice I-
to o make immediate pay
All persons indebted to said estate to the undersigned; and all per-
will please make Immediate payment. having claims against said es-
the 23rd day of August, 1912. are notified that they must
W. THOMAS. the same to the undersigned for
Administratrix. on or before the day of
P. G. James and
Son. Attorneys.
August. or this notice will
plead in bar of their recovery.
This 9th day of August. 1912.
Executor of W. G. Little
S ltd
hereby given to all persons indebted
MM County,
National league team, who lust undersigned having Ibis day
year was the best home run hitter , and holding Hied as administrator of the estate of
that organization, breaks an average against said estate are Zeno T. deceased, before D
of fifty bats a season. The Cub star notified to die the same duly C Moore, clerk of the superior court
uses bats with the smallest handle of with the undersigned of Pitt county, notice is hereto given
that are produced The stick Is of, on or before the 27th day of lo all persona who are indebted ,
second grow,,, ash and weigh, for,, Angus,. or notice win be estate make
Pleaded in bar their recovery of the with the undersigned
to Row Mm; . holding claims
Fort William rowing
wired Eddie Human of Toronto
and Jack of Minnesota, world
famed scullers, guaranteeing expenses
to row a race on the
river July for 11.000 side.
best lust year.
This the 28th day of August. 1912.
Administrator of the estate of
at, Hemby.
F. Harding. Ally. ltd
, Mrs Woodrow Wilson i lard Iron, Mr. Little
Governor Wilson, in approving the I to return my
Retire to Creditors.
I. M. Johnson, having qualified
as administrator of the estate of Sus-
an K. deceased, before C.
against said estate are hereby
lo tile their claims with
administrator within months from
date hereof or this notice will be
Pleaded in f recovery of
This the 15th day of August. 1912.
of ad Zeno t. Brant.
F. C. HARDING, Attorney.
get a
from your last
It wasn't worth
former, if be continues, gives evidence
of being the all southpaws.
The same is true of Alexander,
though is at s start this
Card From Hr. IV hie hard
I take this method if sincerely
thanking the people of the county for
the handsome vote given me in the
primary as a candidate for the
the Interview
do not think it was
Invented, There ,, rather
well Known writer who signs herself
Mrs. Wilton Woodrow, she no
doubt has been confused with Mrs
Mrs Wilson Woodrow a as to serve
married to a relative of Governor
son. and It Is understood that
on the matter of who
are different from those
in the household of the
can late. .
It is reported that paper, which are Having qualified as administratrix
supporting the bull have w w j A ,
touts of An deceased, late of
Stokes. Pitt county. X. C. this is to
notify all persons having
Pie of Pitt county for . handsome Pitt County, notice is hereby
vol. for Register of Heeds give,, . that all persons indebted to said es- lo Creditors
he primary on Saturday. ,;, ,. ., , ,,, . ,
As vote puts me on the list for mediate the undersign- Johnson, having qualified a
IT, . ,. , V re ceased, before D C Moon- clerk of
J court of P
best my ,, said administrator duly verified is hereby given that all person,
within the twelve months from the indebted to the said estate are hereby
dale hereof, or notice will be pleaded required to make Immediate settle-
n bar of their recovery.
This the 25th day of July. 1912.
Administrator of the estate of Susan
E. Sutton.
Yours truly.
And they
gets lo
Wonder now the colonel likes being
Having qualified before the super-
against the estate of said deceased court clerk of Pitt county as exec-
exhibit them to me within twelve of the Last Will and Testament
this notice, or ibis notice G. deceased, notice, is
will be in bar of their hereby given to all persons Indebted Roach
with the undersigned
and all persons holding claims against
said estate are hereby required to file
then- claims with duly
verified within twelve from
the rate hereof, or this notice will be
pleaded in bar of their recovery.
This the 25th day of July. 1912.
estate W.
Agriculture Is the Most the s, of
M Mill W
Bold Attempt to Destroy Prison and
Striking Coal Miners Cause Meas-
Rebellions Prisoners are w
nil Manner mid
Hack ll
lacking Police
JACKSON, Mich., Sept. till
before noon
entered the prison bull pens nun
liberated fellow
pi B.
hour Inter prison
ties had the convicts apparently cow-
ed by the Jackson
companies and firemen and
officers who hurried the
after the outbreak.
There were no ;.
property damaged.
When the prisoners reached the
yard tiny began ruining everything
within reach and fearing they would
net the factories on the city
department is now aiding In an en-
to the rioters.
Hundreds of and others
are on the streets surrounding the
prison and the special police hastily
summoned are having trouble ii
the crowds orderly.
About convicts were In the bull
pens which were opened by the In-
mates and practically every prisoner
secured weapons some kind soon
utter gaining their liberty. Knives,
hammers, barrel etc., were
us. d by convicts In an endeavor
overpower the guards stationed in-
side the prison walls.
tin seeing fire department en-
prison yard of the riot-
back Into the prison, while
others hid In various factory
building, hoping to step over the
an opportunity presented Itself,
it is said that during the great ex-
scaled the
walls and are now at liberty. As
fast as the members the local
Guard companies are
up are being rushed to the
on in automobiles, Ml militiamen
going to the heavily arm-
One convict railing to hall
when ordered, was shot down ls a
after noon
prisoner was running the yard
when told to stop and refusing he was
dropped with a from the gun
In the hands a deputy
the local prison officials
oral is not yet come
by noon, as in addition lo
two local companies, number-
men, the Lansing com-
M. N. O, order
so characterizations
piled Colonel Roosevelt an at-
tack by Nelson A. Miles, former gen-
the Army.
. . ; . ate tho Po-
. candidate the pi
all follow E
the In 1-
. be nevi . won, depriving
HI-. and hi role n just lain.
Insolent who
and In political
affairs of the South Re-
who Inter-
in domestic as well as foreign
-the demagogue, who is
eating dissension and
among the laboring classes,
There is no character mare
able than a Tel there is a
man railing against the trusts, who
when iii office prosecuted only few
that he thought unfriendly t him, and
protected the great majority of trusts
of our country, and personally,
ally helped to create and establish
the trust now in
Conditions in the Border Demands
Milt CAM-
Unless Otherwise Advised By His
rebels at
and l
Strikers, in-
rest Is Pell
will, hi-
in In v,
Two Accidents in Spencer
One Fatal
Sept. Huffman,
aged years, one of a construction
tores on the Southern Railway, was
killed and J. W. n fellow
workman, was seriously Injured In
Spencer yesterday. The accident was
caused by the falling of a scaffold
feel high, to the ground,
both railing with the timbers.
roll on his head and
heavy plunk fell end wise on his
chest, Inflicting a deadly blow. Ho
was carried lo a hospital and died In
I . , lo which place his .
was sent. Mi was given
I, , id attention and will n over.
ill V. . V . pt.
;,. Hal law was proclaimed In
., 1- along
., creeks thin
The ; e V
Is a mountainous stretch of about
from river to the
county line and about eight
wide. The ;. Ill commission
under whose Jurisdiction
now is.
who have been
cock's conferees and the court-martial
i with Lieutenant Colonel
S. Wallace, of Judge ad-
The decisive move was precipitated
by the destruction of railroad proper-
by the miners, who tore
up tracks, In an attempt to stop th
shipment coal. There are more
than live thousand the strikers, all
of whom are declared to armed
with rifles.
The express office at Cabin Creek
was broken Into and hover, of
and rifles were broken open b
the but before could
get away with the put
In an appearance and captured
Two machine gnus. thousand
rounds of ammunition and more than
u hundred rifles, consigned to a coal
company, were confiscated.
ah wires from the strike have
been and communication between
various military posts is
Mexican o Re- N-
I to New
or Be-
Herder state u
. t
W v.-i IX, Si A
I dug
arms mil lieu. V ill , ,
; II . ., .
S. Id I A
. straits,
l a to tin War I men I
today nil
along as
Rebels Town Ia
. n if
captured by the rebels today without
He was eased, he said.
attitude toward I
lid, is ;.
The Federal forces, commanded
Sam to the hills and
hut the of
The governor sold hi was looking
WIt lo Local
N t York. an
Ki was met
lives when ship
.- ind .
refused n u I
ml In bud i with
Two detectives Coupe as
tit,, steamer and Informed
forward lo bi
in York
, , tomorrow before the work-
small g ,,, Wilson League, his
rebels have secured badly needed pro-
visions, aims and ammunition.
,,, speech on the in m Monday before the
York Press Club, and hi ad-
dress at the State Fair In Syracuse,
All of these constitute, for the pr
his New York engagements.
Oxford Farmer Kills Brother-
OXFORD. tragedy
curred near the western of
Oxford yesterday, resulting In the
death in W. P. Wilkinson, one the
most prominent farmers Oak Hill
township member of the hoard
county commissioners.
Milton Hobgood, farmer Oran-
county, fired the fatal shots.
The trouble over fact
Milton Hobgood and his wife did
get along well together, and she
with sister, Mrs. W I-
and was on her way ho Hi
morning to spend some
VICTORIA, B. C. Sept. 4.- The
fourteenth mm ml convention tin
Canadian Association began
in this cits today with unusually
large attendance. The program
pared for the convention extends
,, three days and provides for mi-
the practical r
h. many leaders in forestry and
In Camilla and the
Sir hard and a
number other public r.
Liking active hart in the
No Office Holder Wanted
Convention toes to
O. Sept. I. The
Ass., of
the Second and Third assembled
., to. for Its annual convention
matters relating the
duties of Ha- postmaster end
of the postal service will
brought fore the convention
,,., down to
. . r about
Exodus Americans
Europe Began
poi Hi ; In
convention adopted resolution
, . n r
or national should he
., delegate lo state
be held Charlotte k
This action was . Inn
Attorney A. K and Po
Reynolds, whose friend
their names on the as
ed to this city. Every man
could 1- induced to as n special
guard is being rushed to the prison.
lust being armed,
The supply of firearms at
on has been exhausted and In
mads are being made on the
the various hardware store, of the
A number of newspaper correspond-
cuts are said to have been sworn In
H deputies and are unable to send
to their papers, every
beta, oath to remain
silent regarding conditions inside
The British
4.-The annual
meeting of British
which is Important event
the year In connection with s. entitle
Ha today In Hall In
research In the United Kingdom, began
this city. Professor E. A. Schafer,
the eminent
called gathering to order and de
his The
address was on the subject of the or
of an was containing the
announcement discovery of
argon st the Oxford meeting
twenty years ago.
. Awaits
Minn. Sept. t.
Progressive leaders Minnow
t., have completed all
tor Colonel Roosevelt's to the
Twin The third party
candidate is scheduled lo
rive here from shortly
after two speeches, one in the open
at the Minnesota State Fair In
the forenoon, and one at a luncheon In
Minneapolis afterward.
The speech t the fair grounds prob-
ably will last hour, and will be a
speech for the Roosevelt
campaign In the
Una I-
Benson Mond i I
. . WIni nil Cl
lotto clubs following Vi
and C
I ,. won morning
and games
and respectively. The An-
team has been In I lead
May I. m hod pennant only
, ,
both Winston and Charlotte In t.-
Tho race between
Winston and Charlotte for second
place has been on for a month.
, .
e. will
since the
t g
. ., s
. v ill . into
More than I
will sail I I
week In ml
alone. Tl will m
. ships.
Attorney Whitman,
k. wanted him to return as
., witness the trial e 1-
. r. He ill
I them to a station, where
consultation was hi Id, then
,. hotel
not going back to Ai
Coupe at
Coupe . n I r. ply I. r y
only people who I
, n . till . and
doubt n whether they are
anxious lo gel me bin
have been manager
hotel in York and I
know he continued
there is a sin
man to be relied upon. In my
, tide my and . m
be Iii. g my
i i . going h. ii
. g friends i
Ml, ard Coin lo Pros-
out from I city,
father has n
outer Jury.
New Sept. I
. .
., ,.;,. I ma n
Mini d d I
. the
, c. Bull Will Have
Ohio Dealers
LIMA. Sept 4.- Hay shippers
from various parts of the as-
here today and completed
the of Ohio Hay
Shippers The purpose of
the association is to protect the hay
and Shipping interests with
respect to transportation and mar-
GREENSBORO. Sept. Th. Pro-
here tins afternoon. Colby,
was the principal
While it is generally understood
that n stale i will be placed
In the field, a Gubernatorial can-
and president electors will
Iredell Mean, Wilmington, is
I rial Victor
r Victor A
I. outlaws . W
Hill orders
March for
Allen is tin lat In tried
those taken Into the
Floyd and Claude, father and
son. under death sentences
Ail, n his be n s. in eighteen
and Ed-
wards to fifteen years. Allen
and Wesley Edwards, the alleged
, pleaders In the raid on the court
house which killed six people, arc
still at large.

Eastern reflector, 30 August 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 30, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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