Eastern reflector, 23 August 1912

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Summer Footwear
person out of each nine who apply r
Life Insurance, is If you thought
you not get Insurance; would you
want it then
Is almost entirely responsible for the inability
so many men to purchase this much
needed protection.
North Car
Kind That Mother
Greenville Banking and Trust Co.
Resources over
makes the lightest, most wholesome and delicious
biscuits, cakes and pastry. Try it.
All Grocers sell it or will cl for
A cordial invitation to inspect
our stock is extended to all
who desire neat, stylish and
comfortable shoes at
low prices.
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and Flue in Season, See
Uncle Sam Deposits with Us.
The State of North Carolina with Us
Why not YOU
Your account will; receive the i
treatment, whether large or small.
The Largest in PITT COUNTY
Greenville N. C.
The Bank Greenville
J. R. J. G.
Greenville, N. C.
IS I. S.
SOW Aug must
economical housewife, one who
can pay all the necessary
hold expenses on a
week, has been brought
to through an alimony suit
ill a court. Mrs.
of is-
tells In her appeal to the
limit how she ran her
band's home successfully for
weeks on
That hard to do
she adds, but it. was harder
still when they parted, to have
husband out at her
that was no wife for a poor
Learn Telegraphy
and earn to per month.
Thousands of operators needed.
MOM fascinating and educational
work. Positions all grad-
Write for cat-
School of Telegraph,
Main Street,
S. C.
With its of OVER
One Quarter of a Million Dollars
R. L l,
H. D.
Indian Killed on Track ft B
Near an Indian wen.
And on that date we will be open and ready
with our large NEW BRICK WAREHOUSE,
built on the lot from which Ware-
house was burned. It is the best arranged,
best lighted and largest Brick Warehouse in
this section.
The members of our firm are
to you; both are known as judges of the weed,
and as both will run the sales, you can rest as-
sured that you will get full value for your to-
With the best and largest Warehouse,
plenty of cash to back us, and our knowledge
of tobacco, we know we can please you, Bring
us your first load, and if prices will hold
we will sell the balance of your crop.
Gorman will still hold the leaf
business he has always had, and with his large
steam plant hopes to be able to care for all his
friends tobacco.
HOUSE and be convinced that we are your
Having qualified before the super-
court clerk of Pitt county as exec-
of the Last Will and Testament
of G. Little, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted
to the estate to make Immediate pay
to the undersigned; and all per-
sons having claims against said es-
are notified that they must
sent the same to the undersigned for
payment on or before the nth day of
August, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery.
This 9th day of August, 1912.
Executor of W. G. Little.
to sleep on a railroad track and was
killed by the fast He paid
for his with his life.
Often its that way when people neg-
coughs and colds. Don't risk
your life when prompt of Dr.
Discovery will cure them
and so prevent a dangerous throat or
lung trouble. completely cured
In a short time of a terrible
that followed a severe attack of
writes J. R. Tex.
and I regained pounds In
hat I had Quick, safe, reliable
and guaranteed. and Trial
bottle free at all druggists.
Democratic Candidates
to Creditors.
Clara Burney and Emily F.
Johnson, having qualified as
of the estate of N. S. Roach, de-
ceased, before D. C. Moore, clerk of
the superior court of Pitt county, no-
is hereby given that all persons
indebted to the said estate are hereby
required to make Immediate settle-
with the undersigned
and all persons holding claims against
said estate are hereby required to file
their claims with said duly-
verified within twelve from
Still With
The Mutual Life Insurance B
Just The Strong-
est and
Into New Stables
Corner 2nd and Evans Street
Transfer Man
Baggage and Express
Phone No. or Day
. .-. .--------0 Meets All Trains
the rate hereof, or this notice will be g 88888888888888888
leaded, la bar of their recovery.
This the 25th day of July, 1912.
of the estate of W. S.
Roach, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
D. M. Johnson, having qualified
as administrator of the estate of Sus-
an Button, deceased, before D. C.
Moore, clerk of the superior court of
Pitt County, notice is hereby given
that all persons indebted to said es-
are hereby required to make
mediate settlement to the undersign-
ed administrator and all persons hold-
claims against said estate are
hereby required to file their claims
with said administrator duly verified
within the twelve months from the
date hereof, or notice will be pleaded
n bar of their recovery.
This the 16th day of July, 1912.
Administrator Of the estate of Susan
E. Sutton.
I have a passenger Touring
Car for hire on reasonable
terms. Will carry passengers
anywhere in town or country.
or to neighboring towns.
Day Phone, Night Phone
Ml i lure
Plumbing, Strum and Hot Hater
lid's Engines;
Electric Light
Watch the Reflector Grow
Flying Men Fall
to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles Just like other people, with
results in lose of appetite, back-
ache, nervousness, headache and tired
listless, run-down feeling. Hut there's
no to feel like that T. D. Peebles
Henry Tenn., proved. bottle of
Electric he writes, more
to e me new strength and good
petite th-n all other stomach remedies
I So they help everybody.
folly to suffer when this great remedy
i will help you from the first dose. Try
it Only cents at all Druggists.
I am prepared to do your work at
. Reasonable price. See me or call.
Steam Packet
Dally, Including Sunday,
Mali steamers
Equipped with Unties
Telegraphy and every
convenience. Cuisine
Portsmouth, Sundays pm
Lt. week days pm
Lt. Norfolk, dally pm
Lt. Old Point am
sold to all points North,
I. f. C. Harding, chairman of the
Democratic Executive Committee
Pitt county hereby certify that the
persons registered as
candidates the nomination for the
respective herein designated to
be voted for In the Democratic primary
to be held in Pitt county on Saturday
the 17th day of August, 1912,
For the Julius Drown, W.
F. Evans, Alex L. Blow.
For the House of
D M. Clark. II. T. Cox, E. B.
T. L. Williams, S.
Carson, N. R Corey
For SheriffS. Dudley.
For W. B. Wilson.
For Register of J. J.
Bell, R. L. Little,
J. C. Gaskins. T. R. Moore.
For County
S. Porter.
Shade Allen Stocks.
Montgomery T. Spier.
W. L.
G. Taylor.
II. M. Lewis,
G. T. Tyson.
B. Proctor.
J. Holland.
J. J.
L. Smith.
T. Keel.
J. P.
J. R. Overton.
For W. C.
For Coroner. Chas. Laughing-
Heater Dam Township
Justices of the S. V. Joy-
J. W. Smith. C. E.
key Smith, James Crawford.
Executive Smith.
S. V. Joyner, G. T. Tyson. W. M.
J. H. Cobb.
Justices of the D. C.
ow, W. C. Cobb, T. H. Page.
R. I. Moore.
Executive D. C. Bar-
row, T. H. Page, T. E. Parker. J.
Tyson. W, A. Hyman.
Bethel Township
of the W, J. Sober
eon. S. M. Jones. Cornelius White-
II. W. James.
Thus F Taylor.
Executive S. T. Carson.
M. O. Blount. Robert Staton. M. A.
Carolina Township
of A. James,
s. C. C. ti. Little.
Executive I. H. Lit-
L. H. Simon
ton. J. l. m. a.
J. I. James. John S. Overton.
I Township
Justices of the J. S.
Alston Grimes, W. S. Cox
E. Proctor. Alston Grimes, W.
L. Smith, Shade Allen Jesse
II. W. F. Carroll
Justice of the s. c. Car-
loll. H. I. F. Ber-
wick. D. G. Berry, T. R. Allen, R.
F. Jenkins. J. S. James.
C. S. Smith, J. S.
Moore. J.
Precinct No.
Executive J. R. Turn
age. II. M. Sauls, Dr. W. W.
son, Pierce. R. W. Smith.
Precinct No.
Executive A. G. Cox,
T. C. H. Lancaster. A. W. Harper, B.
F. Manning, H. E. Ellis, R. L.
Chas. J. F.
Harrington, Walter Nobles.
K Ink In ml Tun n-hip
Justices of the J. H. Smith,
F. G. Dupree. Abner W. H.
Moore. P. T. Atkinson.
Hugh C. Smith, Preston
Executive W. H. Moore,
F. Q. S. M. Crisp, R. R.
Cotten, J. H. Smith.
Justices of the Hen J. Skin-
It. E. Belcher. R. L. Joyner,
W. A. Lewis.
Executive B. M. Lew-
is, J. W. Holmes. T. C. Turnage, J.
R. Davis. J. T. Thorne.
Greenville Township.
Justices of the A. Mayo,
P. King, J, L. C. D.
J. W. E. T. For-
L. Patrick, J.
L. J. L. Harris. W. L.
Executive Julius Brown,
J. W. Brooks, M. G. X. T.
Briley. Joseph
Parietal Township.
Justices of the R. Over-
A. J. Ira II. Moore.
Bar- H, Ross. W. A. Williams.
R. Bake-.
Executive T. Spier,
J. R. Davenport, J. R. Overton. J.
P, Fleming, J. J.
Swift Creek
Justice of the Peace S. Pitt-
man. W. A. S. E. Moore, J.
F. Smith.
S. Paul
Executive Committee K. A. John-
son. W. F. Harding, P. S. Moore. J.
A. Stokes, K. F. Cox.
The foregoing is s true list of all
candidates registered for the Demo-
Primary of August 1912.
This the day Aug. 1912.
Hem. Committee Pitt Co.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heartfelt
., George thanks and deep appreciation to each
W. Venter. J. Marshall Cox, J. every one of our friends for the
shown us during the
A. D. J. K. o-d death of husband -ml father.
T. Brown and Children.
Executive W. L. IS
Agriculture Is the Most Net Healthful, the Most Employment of Man.- George Washington.
Salvation Army Head Peacefully
el Earnest So-
Is Hi- Eldest Son.
Whole World Mourns
Booth, general and commander
id Chief of the Salvation Army, passed
away at 10.13 tonight. He was born
la In 1899,
The veteran Salvation Army leader
was unconscious for forty eight hours
previous to his death. The medical
bulletins had not revealed the serious
of the general's condition, which
for a week past, was hopeless.
Twelve years ago General
an operation for the removal
of a cataract in his left eye. For two
days after the operation indications
Justified the hope of the general's re
Then, however, septic pols
set in and from that time, with
the exception of occasional
the patient's health steadily declined.
The general recognized that the end
was near and often spoke of his work
as being finished.
Throughout the commander in
chief's illness son,
Booth, chief of staff of the army and
Mrs. Booth, gave their
tiring attentions to him both night and
The aged evangelist died at hie res
some eight miles from London, where
he had been confined to bed ever
since the operation.
Public interest now centers in the
question of a successor to late com
Under the constitution of
the Salvation Army the general
his successor. That General
Booth did several years ago, placing
the names in a sealed envelope which
was deposited with the Salvation Ar-
with instructions that
if should not be opened until after
his death. While nobody knows what
name the envelope encloses, the gen
belief among the Salvation Army
is that it will prove to be of Brain
well Hi nth, who for years has
been its chief of staff.
Where General Booth will be buried
has not yet been decided. While every
English member of the Salvation Army
is convinced that no man was more
worthy of interment in
Abbey. it is not expected this honor
will be awarded to General Booth by
the Abbey authorities. It is the gen
belief that the commander in
chief's last resting place will be along
side that of his wife, who years
ago was buried in park, Stoke
The Search For
In Central Park, New York
The Greenville Hanking and Trust
Company, one of Eastern North Caro
I Una's most progressive banking in
is about to erect a mag-
bank building on the lot re-
purchased on Main street.
Hooker and Anthony are present
the site but will find a new
home sometime between now and the
fall when the building operations will
be started by the Greenville Banking
and Company.
Mr. C. S. Carr Is already In re-
of the plans of the new build-
These were shown by him to
a Reflector representative this morn
and we can Buy that
they leave nothing to be desired, both
in magnificence and solidity of up
and In the distribution of
the offices.
When this building Is completed
Greenville will have further occasion
to be proud of the Greenville Bank
and Trust Company and the
rectors of this institution will have
something to show for their faithful
Proceedings of Criminal
Term of Court
The following cases have been
ed of since last report.
John Tucker, selling liquor, guilty
carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, fined and
Ben Bell and Annie Chapman. F.
A., not guilty.
Matt Duke, false pretense, guilty.
Ashley Moore, assault with deadly
Complimentary to De of
On Tuesday afternoon at the home
of her mother on Evans street. Miss
Mary Lucy Dupree entertained de
light fully In honor of her guest.
Mary De of Norfolk. On
rival the guests were welcomed by
the hostess and presented to the guest
of honor. Cherry smash was served
by Miss Marguerite
The home tastefully decorated
with potted plants and asters. Baa
of asters were suspended from
the chandeliers.
Tables were set for in
the parlor and for In the
Little Misses Josephine and
Willie Skinner presented the guests
with attractive score cards. The
games were played with much en-
At the conclusion of the
games Miss Forbes was de-
winner of the prize,
a deck of cards and Miss Hilda
of the prize, a box of
handkerchiefs. The guest of honor's
prize was a The vis-
prize which was won by Miss
of Rocky Mount, was also
a After the
of the prizes a course of Ices and
cakes were served. Salted almonds
were served throughout the games.
Quite a number of out of town guests
added much pleasure to the after-
noon. Beautiful vocal selections were
rendered by Misses De and
Arlene Joyner.
weapon, not guilty.
E. R. Owens, abandonment, pleads
Judgment suspended
Upon of costs.
Ben Bell assault with deadly
pleads guilty, suspend
upon payment of costs. Same de
pleads guilty of carrying con
weapon, judgment suspended
upon payment of casts.
Will Chapman, assault with deadly
Weapon, pleads guilty, to
months on roads.
Jim carrying concealed
weapon, guilty, sentenced twelve
months on roads.
selling liquor, guilty.
Kit ARM Mil All
Photos by American Press Association.
For was conducted by or more entail
elastic of Pun one evening this summer, with
eminently results. The searchers were New York
and who. thanks to Park Stover, had one of tin
meadows of Central park for their hunting ground. When the In
presence of 50.000 scoured the in rain, a bugle
sounded and a diminutive herald announced that the and of
Fairyland would show themselves to their subjects. Immediately a big may
pole shone with lights, which were matched with thousands festooned
from the part trees, and their majesties were disclosed, surrounded by elves
fairies, who were Intermingled the attired
who it merrily In varied folk dances until the lee cream and cookies
were Two the features of the pageant Is expected to
lie an animal affair- are pictured above the and in their chariot
and some up to dale cowboy fairies in sombreros.
First Bale of New Cotton
Reaches Norfolk
NORFOLK Va. August first
bale of new cotton for the season of
1912-13 arrived In Norfolk this morn
It consigned to Savage Son
and Company and was shipped by R.
J. Blackwell. of Marion, S. C, where
it was raised. It came in over the
Atlantic Coast Line Railway.
The grade of the new cotton was
strictly middling and sold to
George and at
cents a pound. Cotton dealers look
upon It as an indication that the crop
this year will be of exceptional quail
Let year the first bale of new cot
ton was received in Norfolk on Ail
gust 12th almost two weeks earlier
than this year. In 1910 the first new-
bale was received In Norfolk on August
a few days Inter that this year's
first bale.
Iowa Hibernians Meet
The Iowa state convention of the An
dent Order of Hibernians was held
here today with an unusually large at
The proceedings began
with the attendance of the delegates
at solemn high mass following which
the business session called to or
by President Dennis of
Iowa City.
I Wreck Injures Eight
N. C. Aug.
Train No. collided with five freight
cars standing on the main track at
Morganton, N. C. at a. m. yes-
slightly injuring the follow
I. Allison, white, engineer.
N. C. left leg
ed and cut and right wrist sprained
. T. W. Muse, white, fireman, real
deuce, hurt in breast and
both knees bruised.
I W. M. Still, passenger, age Kn. res
I Charlotte, both skin
Mrs. M Still, passenger,
Charlotte, both skin-
bruised and skinned, age
N. L. age residence
Atlanta, head bruised.
II. W. Clifford, aged residence
two Inch gash about left
Martin Merry, age residence
slightly bruised on right arm,
D. C. Wilson, age residence
Connelly Springs, left shoulder slight
new York, Aug. blanket
charging murder in the
Ural degree was returned the grand
i n late this afternoon Police
Lieutenant Charles Becker four
gangsters in connection with the
of Herman
Lefty Louie, Lewis,
Frank and Gyp the Blood.
was again the central
lire in the Rosenthal murder case to
day when he appeared before the grand
jury to repent the Story he told Dis-
Attorney Whitman ill which lie
corroborated In many essential details
confession of Jack Rose,
Police Lieutenant Becker in the
killing of the East Side gambler. Her
It was this story of that
Sir. Whitman desired the grand Jury
to hear before returning further in
ill the Rosenthal
counsel, Bernard Sandier,
declared that his client was in
the grand jury room that
would make a clean breast of every-
Other witnesses examined today
were the clerk of a hotel at Far Rock
away, where the gunmen celebrated
after the shooting and a
who made a group picture of
them there.
Detective testified in regard
to the police, hunt for the murder
Charles S described as
Becker's press agent, also testified.
These witnesses it was said com
the testimony desired by the
district attorney before he asked the
grand Jury to present a In-
Sam first act this morning
was to give the keeper of the West
Side prison a list of articles he de-
sired to alleviate his confinement.
These included an quilt,
six pairs of white silk socks to be
chased at exclusive Fifth avenue
haberdashery which
a pair of slippers and many
toilet articles.
Acceptance Speech Interrupted by
Pretty clothes sometimes makes
girl forget things her mother used to
, teach her.
m School Opens
Aug 21.-The Win
High School began yesterday
its thirteenth annual session. Al-
though a week earlier than the open
on any previous year, the enroll
men reached This number will
be largely Increased in next few
days, many letters having been re
calved asking rooms be held just
a little longer. A new dinning ball
with a Mating of is near
completion. The buildings are
repainted and otherwise improved mid
athletic ground has been put in
good condition. A spirit of hearty-
good will prevails among the students
and faculty and the school has
ready taken on the atmosphere
work. The growing Influence and use
of the institution is very en-
to its and the
of far greater growth de-
makes its future- bright
A large number of were pres-
at the opening.
I of Acceptance Marred by
I Which
Casts Ilium Over
oils Occasion
a, Aug
Five were seriously Injured
and were bruised and cut In
Collapse of a grand stand this after
noon during the formal notification
of Gov. Thomas B. Marshall of his
nomination as Democratic candidate
for vice president. The injured were
quickly carried into Indiana Dem
club nearby or taken to hos
and the notification ceremony
The grandstand had been set up on
tho asphalt pavement directly back
of the speaker's platform. Alton B.
Parker of New York representing the
notification committee was in
midst of his address, when the grand
stand swayed and sank slowly to the
street and men and women in the
seats were piled together among the
timbers of the structure.
Several thousand people, massed In
front of the speaker's platform crowd
ed about the fallen stand and many
men helped the unhurt to scramble
their feet and bore the injured to
the club house where they were cared
for by hurriedly summoned physicians.
Thomas national commit
of Indiana quieted the crowd,
shouting that no one was seriously
hurt and Mr. Parker went on with his
He was followed by
nor Marshall the nomination
At the close of tile governor's address
this distinguished guests of the In-
Democratic club who come
for the ceremony were taken to the
home in
Sealed in front of grand stand
When it fell was a row of men
ill national politics ailing them
former vice president Charles W. Fair-
banks Lewis Nixon of New
ed States Senator Gore of Oklahoma;
Thomas Samuel M. Ralston.
Democratic candidate for governor of
Indiana and W. T. Republican
candidate for governor. The crowd
was listening intently to Mr. Parker
when the grandstand, col
men and women tumbling together
lapsed and a great shriek went up from
among the parted planks and scaffold-
Any young man is hero who
nerve enough to write a love letter ti
a woman school teacher.
One chair is ample during courtship
but after marriage a five-room ft a
may seem too crowded.
Greenville Tobacco Board of
Trade Elects Officers
At the annual meeting of the Green
Tobacco Board of Trade, held
Aug. the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year.
E. II Ferguson, president.
Geo. B. Cooper, vice president.
A. Hyman, secretary-treasurer and
supervisor of sales.
N. Y. Aug.
dent Sherman's formal notification
of bis by the
can national convention took place
here today and was made the occasion
for a big demonstration.

Summer Footwear
How They Brought the News
From Chicago to Washington
A cordial invitation to inspect
our stock is extended to all
who desire neat, and
comfortable shoes at
low prices.
J. R. J. G.
Greenville, N. C.
Greenville Banking Trust Co.
Resources over
Uncle Sam Deposits with Us.
The State of North Carolina with Us
Why not YOU
Your account will receive the same courteous
treatment, whether large or small.
II The Largest in PITT COUNTY
t m ii
The Bank Greenville
committee at THE WHITE HOUSE
Greenville, N. C.
Hank to Public
In addition to Resources of i tin- protection
its double liability of stock
fear account cordially
candidate has
S. T. HOOKER. Vice
No presidential Is really launched until tin
formally notified of his nomination. Person who have had no K
practical experience In may why ii wouldn't do th
candidate and the Just as ranch good if he received the
from the newspapers or saved bin and bis wife's by getting
answering the notification by mull, but the politician don't see the matter
that light Bo Hoot and tour hundred odd friends went to the
recently, and a few well chosen words Mr. Knot told n.
president be had been Then Mr. successfully con
coaling his surprise at the announcement, road his acceptance In twenty type
written pages. The notification pronounced tin- presidents title to
nomination -as clear and the title of any candidate
Mr. said that the occasion was
gratitude the victory for the right
JAMES i. little Cashier
II. I. Cashier.
political conventions m
tor the expression of p
which won
We led the Town in pounds
with an average of
Gentry Gorman
We can n ;
length to which Editor ii- . of
The Monroe Journal i n I
will go In his pursuit
Senator In i of
he effort to Increase the u the
carriers, he says it .- serving
the ii was intended to serve,
-or making them work like beavers
tor Senator Simmons, who press
agents are claiming tin for
Ami On the like toot-
tic is the fantastic scheme lo i the
to millions
tor the alleged improvement of
over which rural i run.
This is o campaign measure pure and
Farmers In a way to take the place of
simple and is Intended to catch the
old free seed graft, which has
out as means of winning
rotas, Then he concludes one
reason we are lo Sen-
Simmons It he bi be-
in Increasing the burden of the
,, by all .-in h schemes n lead of
ii vine to make taxes lighter by hop-
down extravagance waste.
If this should I good
Overman should be r
given Salisbury a and
tor having disbursed In
town for road Improvement to the
Federal Cemetery. Every
clamored for t. n I II
to nun the Cons man
for securing i
The reclamation of the
swamp lands, the deepening of
channels end the d n i lent of
waterways ill a species i graft
to cab h i. It is n
upon the I people
of a Stale n
This is My Birthday
Drug Co.
Raymond the French
whose visit to the Czar of
is now a leading subject of dis-
In European chancelleries,
was horn in France,
1800. He studied and
literature In Paris and took his de-
us soon as he was age, He
was appointed secretary the ad-
conference and became a
friend and associate of M. and
the late Jules Ferry. His political
career began with his election to the
chamber of deputies in He
several tunas In various cabinets
and has twice held the premiership.
II, is regarded as one of
the most distinguished and perhaps
the most versatile figure In French
public life, being a lawyer,
artist writer ad
an and a member of the French
Only the Rest
in Our
Superior to any.
Alt Soda Fountain
Toilet Articles,
Full Line of
Kodak Supplies
Site Coward- Drug Co.
fT . f
person out of e; ch nine who r
Lite Insurance, is If you thought
you not get Insurance; would you
want it then
Is almost entirely responsible for the inability
c t so many men to purchase this much
needed protection.
m m i if--a--g mm
Wisconsin Postmasters Keel
MADISON, Wis. Aug.
consul League of Postmasters began
its annual convention here today with
a large attendance of members, Post
William A. of Madison
delivered an address of welcome and
W, ii. Jack-
son responded for the visiting post
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and Flue in Season, See
Greenville. N. C.
ii re m the rs l Witt
The Hague.
m editor insiders the Moth
them enough to .
by of that
bishop in America, horn
in England, Died In
Va., March
Anthony Wayne defeated
the Indians near
in Ohio.
taken by
. C. An.-.
s of
. i II lb , Benjamin twenty third
to Vic, .
Watch the Grow
A .
in Indianapolis March
horn North Bend, O, Died
in Man b
1847 i army routed
ea i Anna at
en. i strongly fortified place
in the of Hex
-Final proclamation
hostilities the civil
man is seldom 1908 United BI battleship flee
, N B
of his
In the tad i P I to
leaving tor where
ceremonies lo bi held
i Senator d of
I is chairman of the
and ill I lion ail-
In dealing with the
ed and difficult question of the
reform our banking and cur-
laws ii is plain we
ought in consult very many per
sons besides the bankers, not be-
cause we distrust Hie hankers,
hat because they do not
bend the business
of the. country,
are Indispensable servants
of ii and a deal ti
make It hard or No mi rs
plan will meet the re-
no matter bow
,,. i ed Ii should he u
m ii and plan its
well, elastic is hands
as an
i t 1.1 their bust
,, . . Wilson's
Speech Accepting the
, Nominal
Mrs. always pay
W. Why not
Mrs. Judge from Mrs.
experience. She kit her
have the she
from her grandmother lie lost
M all in
ton, and Company are offer-
some very good bargains in
They come as ghost and phantoms,
not to stay;
As fleeing visions the night tiny
Or daylight trances, aping the
we may bow knees to them
and pray;
Misses and Cox Dishonored outcasts of the dolorous
made a trip to the dentist at Green-
ville Thursday, but nothing doing, for
the Dr. had a gnat in his
Miss K. Cox made a flying
trip to Greenville Wednesday.
The largest rain of the season fell Glories that hurt and treasures that
Labor Notes.
ire now organizations
the California
Federation of Labor.
in I- i . i the Build
ling Laborers International
Their Ben- of America will meet in
Terre Ind, Sept
I The International Alliance The
The afternoon meeting of farmers Stage Employers of the United
Thursday, proved of as much Inter- states and Canada the present lime
They lurk, and chow with perilous as the forenoon session, and had comprises locals and two
design a lager as many farmers branches,
Their Dead Sea apples and their had by that time got away from the labor throughout Australia is
wine. tobacco sales. Mr. J. A. uniting to tight the bill pending In
to In- III d
and Paints. Fain
here Thursday afternoon.
Cotton will prove its quality In a
few days.
If you need beef, barbecue, or any-
thing in the market line don't forget
K. has the goods.
Misses COX and Maud Louise
returned from a visit
to Washington Wednesday.
Harrington. Barber and Company
stave received another largo ship-
of Hall Mark dress shirts for
young and old men.
The series of Meetings in the
have been stopped
Monday night on account of the pas
tor being ill. but will begin Sunday
night if nothing prevents. A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
Politics have been at a high pitch
for the past week in our town
the contest for slate senator- tH,
ship, but we think that it will
in today when the ballots are counted.
Highest prices paid for chickens. .
hides, tallow and bees-wax. It. W.
Mr COX made a business trip
In the Capital Thursday.
Little Miss Grace Cox has been ,
spending a short while at Mr. W. F.
Carrol's near Mill this week .
Mr. B. Green our Jolly A C. .
L. agent made a trip to Grifton .
day afternoon and returned
day. t
Mr. R. T. Cox is all smiles this .
morning. Guess why He made a
Hying trip to last evening. .
that's all.
Hudson's Liver Tone at A. W. ,
and Co.
If you are In need of a good, up to
date sewing machine see the W. C. ,
Free at A. W. Ange and Company.
Mr. A. W. Ange. our Jolly merchant
and cotton buyer, made a business trip
to Greenville yesterday.
Mr. Lam Taylor of near Kinston
was visiting his daughter. Mrs. J.
L. Rollins last Wednesday.
The thirteenth annual session of Win
They come as ghost and
Yet the lure
Is hard for hungering spirits to
Old Gods are these, of ancient rites
Craving the from which they
erstwhile fell
Still finding secret worship homage
And smoldering hot desires that
serve them well.
Arthur L Salmon, in Pall Mall
His Brother Head
Mr. H. II. received a
gram Sunday afternoon announcing
death of his brother. Hr. D. S.
of Columbia S. C.
New Gum warehouse sold 16.-
lbs., with an average
Gorman and Gentry sold 44.-
lbs., with an average of
Star warehouse sold
lbs. with an average of 12.04.
Liberty warehouse sold 2.-
mi in lbs. with an average of
Brick warehouse sold
39.000 lbs. an average of
were furnished
a representative by
the different managers of the
Mr. and Mrs. . IV. Baby
Passes a way
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
X. V. Outlaw will be pained to bear
The thirteenth annual session or win , . tax that costs more than both of these ,,,,
High School will begin Tues- that they are today grieving the , , ,, p
day, August with bright prospects of their infant son I m of on your,
for a fine opening. A large force of Intestinal trouble which start-1 Yon measure horsepower by
hands arc busy potting the buntings ed late Saturday evening developed, of
and grounds in excellent serious disorder that, a day oM
The large dinning hall will soon necessitated an operation, e
United Slates department of the Queensland legislature for com
lure assistant in of farmers industrial peace. The
work, prohibits strikes under heavy
a most Interesting talk on this until time has been given for a
work . He said every government arbitration board to at-
ought to be rich and could be rich tempt settlement.
If be would farm intelligently and The worker's Insurance law be
use Improved methods. There was came effective In recently
never a in the history of the with ten million wage earners on
world when fanning offered better op- rolls its provisions. Ten
and held so many prizes thousand Liverpool dock workers
as now. but these prizes come to the went on strike to signify their
man who studies his business and lion to method of collecting the
knows it from the soil up. The same premiums from the workers
duly devoted to fanning that is themselves.
to equip one for any other pro- statistics show that,
will bring greater while tie of living of a railroad
for nothing else pays such good re- employee hi States Is
turns as intelligent farming. Take a fifty per cent higher than that of
hundred boys and educate half of corresponding in d
them for and half for oilier Kingdom or on the Continent, on a
professions. Start them out in this average for all lines of work,
world and lake stock ten years later. is twice great
and you will find that the fifty far- is reported that a new wage
can buy the others ten times carrying wage
over. It pays to know your increase for the eight thousand
and to know how lo farm. miners in the State of Wyoming
At this point Senator it. it. Cot just been signed by
ten, president of the county good the operators and
roads association, look charge of the United Mine Workers of America, Th
meeting. just concluded will remain
Prof. M. Stacy, of the chair of R force until Sept
civil engineering of the University The hotel chambermaids New p. m. Dally, except Sunday for
North Carolina, spoke on the sub- York City, of whom there w
of good roads. He said when thousands, are being urged by labor WESTBOUND
man comes to speak lo farmers representatives to form themselves a. m. Daily for Wilson and
they usually wanted to know what he a union so their grievances.
had to sell, so he would tell them in which Includes, among other things
that was not his mission. hours and unsanitary and
as he was anything, He comfortable sleeping
said he came to discuss in a general may be effectively and promptly all
way a system of county public high- with.
ways, and hoped that those wanting Comprehensive plans to
better roads would get their heads employed in the iron and steel
together and devise means to gel industry of this country are about to
them. roads can be had in launched by the American
Pitt county without one cent of ad- ration of Labor. The campaign to
expense over what they are bring the Of
now paying. You pay a road tax n country into the union is about
and you pay a free labor tax. that Is. to begin with the holding of organ
have to give so many days a year to meetings Simultaneously in the
road work. But there is one other and town having an iron or
If it's in the Hardware it. j
of and
duct. We now
Co. r
will be clad to have our
on us.
i, m
a. m. daily,
has Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk.
a. m. Daily, for Plymouth,
officials of City and Norfolk. Broiler
Parlor Car Service connects for all
points North and West
Pullman Sleeping Car service
North. South and West.
a. m. Dally, except Sunday for
and Raleigh. Connects for
p. m. Dally for Wilson and
Broiler Parlor Car Service.
For further Information and
ration of Sleeping Car space apply to
I. L. HASSELL, Agent, Greenville.
Gen i Supt. Pass.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Company, of Green-
j North Carolina, composed of
V. and James M.
has this day dissolved by mu-
consent. James M. has
The Finest. Newest, Largest and Best
Equipped Steamships Flying
Norfolk and
Steamers leave Norfolk dally, in-
Sunday, from foot of Jack-
son street, at p m.
B and Ry. la Ry.
July July
July July
Aug. Aug.
Aug. Aug.
V .
Oct. Oct
Final Limit Fifteen Days From Date
Very low round trip rates also on
to Atlantic City, Baltimore,
and all northern resorts.
For any Information write,
Norfolk, Ta
be completed. are here
There will be some change In the carry out such an operation as was
family Mrs. W. J. Wyatt will teach needed, prompted the parents to take
the fifth and sixth grades. She baby to hospital. Kinston
had sixteen years of ex- was tried but a negative answer was
Mies Lillian Thompson of received from that town, the hospital
Va. will be lady being taxed to The
and teach the primary grades. She distracted parents then attempted to
comes highly recommended, having reach Goldsboro and after many
bad nine year's experience. Acuities boarded the train to
Louise Carroll of Clinton. N. C. will make connection in Kinston for Golds
take the place of Miss Their brave attempt to sate
son in the department. She the baby, was however as he
has taught at Benson for the past died In Goldsboro at o clock this
two rears very successfully. We re morning.
mi very much indeed to give up The baby's body was brought back
Misses and Roberson and this morning for Interment here
Prof. Olive who have endeared them Our heartfelt sympathy goes to the
selves to us by their faithfulness, bill sorrowing parents.
We are fortunate Indeed in
the services of the above ladles to Oklahoma Labor Federation
take their places. SHAWNEE. Okla., Aug.
The Union Mercantile Company delegates representing the
calls your attention to their new and cities and towns of Oklahoma as
up to dale line of dry goods, and here today for the annual
state convention of the Oklahoma
Anything in the way of nice Jewel of the Federation of
All those that have tickets come Labor. Sessions will continue through
and take them up and see who the the greater part of the week and will
watch belongs to. Union Mercantile devoted to the consideration of
Company. numerous questions affecting the in
We Just received a nice and of organized labor. State Pros
up to date line of collars and ties. C. called the gather
We have them for the birds. Union m to order and delivered his annual
Mercantile Company. address.
and see us before buying
road, and the mud tax is greater than
the direct roads.
He then went into a discussion of
different kinds of roads and how to
construct hem. The building of ma-
roads are being discontinued was then lifted by two persons.
because of their expense and the sand
clay road Is so much cheaper, hence
mud road over a
In caring for a helpless
but one who can sit in a chair and be j purchased the entire Interest of
moved from place to place, It is often V. in the business and will
hard surfaced difficult to know how to move her continue the business the name of
easily. I recently saw a device which ; If.
to solve the A This the 8th day of July. 1912.
of crash about a yard long was passed ; Z. V.
the knees and pushed JAMES M.
back under the thighs. The invalid ltd
one on the right took the end of the
crash in the left hand, slipped the
I am an Instructed delegate, lie said.
Not understanding politics,
talk about this class right maneuvered a York
the right kind of arm- on Times.
sand and the rig lit kind of clay are
combined it makes an ideal
hard surfaced road. For this there and
should he clean, coarse sand and
sticky, plastic The clay hinds,
the sand and holds it together
giving n firm body.
Prepare the road bed and put on
Catholic Societies to Meet
Ky., Aug. i
of delegates and visitors,
the clergy and laity of the
Ill-nils, taking the crash in the right
hand. The invalid was then lifted
pain from one
chair to another. This particular In
valid was suffering from a very pain
fill disease. Various plans had been Catholic church throughout
tried for lifting her, but this was the country are pouring into Louis
only one. -Harper's Ha- , attend the eleventh annual
the layers of sand and clay, thorough- convention of the American Fedora
mix them by harrowing or of Catholic Society. The gall
leave It until the next rain, and doctors and lawyers will be formally opened
right then you will see the longest comes under the hear of buying ex row wild a solemn
mud hole the county, and hear mass the cathedral,
most everybody abusing II. When are you going lo take your
Hut wait It is going through a vacation
puddling process and out of this will Taking it now.
come the hard surface. Of course the Why, you are at the office every
length of time necessary for this de- Jay.
ponds upon the proportion of cay and know It. but my wife's
Steam Packet
Dally, including Sunday, between
Hall steamers
Equipped with United
Wireless Telegraphy and every mod-
convenience. Cuisine
Portsmouth, Sundays pm
week days pm
Norfolk, dally pm
Old Point pm
Tickets sold to all points North.
elsewhere anything in the genera
of merchandise.
tile Company.
twenty annual convention of
the Loyal Order of Moose which be-
a week of festivity In this city
today, has an attendance es
United t 20.000 visitors who come
By direction of the Executive Com-
i I county a convention of the
and Canada. A spirited contest is on
for the honor of entertaining next
the Republicans of Pitt
called to meet ill the court house in
year's convention of the order.
Greenville. N. C. at m.
Saturday. August Hi
or the purpose of electing delegates .
Republican convention at In the
Charlotte, N. C, September Ml Boston, Mass. Aug.
The several primaries or the Hotel, lo-
are hereby called to meet at their In Copley Square, opposite
respective voting precincts Boston public was formally
August M. ll at opened today. The hotel Is under
for the purpose of electing management
to the county convention
G. W. Secy.
Plaza Hotel
in New York city and takes rank
the largest and finest hotels
in America.
Trams Leave effective July
A. Al.
a. m. For Atlanta,
Memphis and points West, Jackson-
ville and Florida points,
at Hamlet for Charlotte and
Old Week Neil Hampshire.
CONCORD, N. H., Aug. Atlanta,
tires aglow- on her hilltops THE WILMINGTON MAIL-No.
the Granite State will tonight bid a.
to the
sand and if too small a quantity Post.
has been used a little more
may be necessary. , Excellent Cleaner
.,, Prepare a of
Hankers In Session
hundred men high In
world of and
lied In Pueblo today for the annual
convention of Colorado a linkers
Association. A two days program of
papers, addresses and discussions has
been prepared for gathering.
Welcome In the hundreds of her sons
and daughters returning for the an
celebration of Old Week.
For a week to come family reunions
and will be in order in city, town
Hour as you would Hour and water and hamlet throughout th
tor gravy; dip the articles in and New Hampshire idea Of p
thoroughly, hang them up Old Home Week fourteen years ago.
Since that time it has been adopted
by numerous slates and by several
of the Canadian provinces.
without shaking till dry, then by
shaking gently all dirt will conic
out with the Hour This will
lively not injure or fade the most de
fabrics, laces, ribbons or ostrich
plume ill any of the light shades.
Hen. Institute
Cat., Aug. 17.-
is to entertain during the next five
days the annual slate convention of
the Young Mens Institute, a Catholic
lay organization with a large
voters, not quite as many as had by Ironing ill this After tin delegates arrived in the city today to
been giving In linen has Carefully washed, attend the gathering. The delegates
this if sue the tabulated vole, showing boiled and rinsed, wring dry as will attend church services tomorrow
what each received in roll up In B dry sheet, and leave morning and later In the day there
the precincts. for one hour; then Iron till thoroughly will be a parade and mass meeting
Laundering Table Linen.
The Primary cheapest and most ordinary
Saturday's Democratic primary in table linen may be made to take shade
Ibis county brought out some over as a beautiful as the finest damask throughout California.
The man who stops to argue eel
anything worth
When its your turn to face the
old to scales of Justice usually go
George K Roberts, director of
The canvassing board will meet to- dry, The linen escapes the wear and
morrow lo go over the official returns tear of swinging in line. keeps its
III cases where there was no shape better. Home
a second will be held
on September seventh, when only the
two highest candidates for each of-
in primary will be
voted for.
Mr. of
N. Y. will be In Greenville during the
tobacco season. He Is with the
The business sessions will begin Mon-
and continue until Friday.
S. T. II I r K S
with coaches and parlor car. Con-
with steamer for Washington,
Baltimore, New York, Boston and
Richmond. Wash-
and New York
sleepers, day coaches and dinning
car. Connects at Richmond with
C. O. at Wash with
railroad and B. O. tor Pitts-
burg and points West.
p. in -For Atlanta. Charlotte,
Wilmington, Birmingham, Memphis,
and points west. Parlor cars to
p. m. No. for
Henderson Oxford and
Washington a. m. New Tor
p. m . Penn. station. Pullman
arrive to Washington and New
C. B. fl. P. A. Portsmouth, Tn.
II. S II. P. A
Raleigh N, C.
Love heads the list of sweet things I
that soon turn sour.
The easiest way for a woman to
hold a man is to hold him off.
If you accept charily some one is
sure to say you don't deserve It.
If you would strike a man favorably
dent aim Us
Steam and Hot Water
Electric Light
I am prepared to do your work at
a Reasonable price. See me or call.
Phone No.
stranger, that
lick creation There's 400.000.000.000
tons of water coming over there every
Britisher why
It There's nothing to stop

INA HOW DEMOCRATS HELPED According to the way men
I fit w B of the talk and act. they must think It lit
and FARM and Labor of
House of Representatives, pointed
Published St
out in a recent speech in the House
that the labor interests of the
try had received more consideration
from the present Democratic House
had come to them for many
Hi laid special stress on the fact
the Democrats had restored lo
government employees the right of
constitutional privilege
had been taken away from them
by executive orders under both
and on the further
that the Democratic party had
one year. . .
Hz months.
rates may be had upon
at the business office In
The Building, corner
and Third streets.
All cards of thanks and resolutions
at respect will be charged at
cent per
sens per Hue. up to lines.
Entered as second class matter
August 1910. at the post office at
Greenville. North Carolina,
act of March 1879.
The number of people applying to
i laboratory of
treatment for bites from mad dogs baa bin, to protect
the. treatment of labor. Mr. Wilson
tiled fifteen specific measures
to labor that had been passed by
tee House at the present session
the request of the workers of the
Prominent among the list is the
hour bill, extending the opera-
ton of this law to work done for
government as well as work done
government; the anti-injunction
Increased to nearly two hundred a
year. The laboratory has been treat-
such patients for about four
Prior to that time they had to go to
northern cities for the treatment. The
amount saved to the state by the lab
oratory from the work done can not
be accurately determined. An
mate of the saving places the figure
per patient or something like
annually. In this connection
should be borne in mind that the
total amount appropriated by the
stale for the laboratory is only
annually. This work has thus far been
wage disputes; the contempt bill, to
provide for trial by jury In cases of
indirect the bill creating
., Department of Labor and the In-
of Taylor and other sys-
of scientific shop management,
which impose undue on
working men.
Governor Wilson has quieted the
fears of the business interests that
tie short of a crime for anybody else
to have a different opinion from
theirs In regard to candidates for of-
It is right along this line that
politics causes some people to lose
their heads and both say and do very
foolish. Such need to awaken to the
realization that this is a free
try and every man has a right to think
and act for himself and favor whom
soever lie pleases for office.
e see that Saturday's
in this county made any new ad
of that method of selecting
candidates tor office. On the con
have beard numerous ex-
favoring a return to the
old method of nominating
A primary that is not
legalized is little less than a farce. .
A cartoon in the New York World
indicates that the statute of Justice
on top of the hall is to
ed. Recent disclosures of graft and
official corruption there gives rise to
he suggestion that something ought
to be gilded to give the city at least
one bright spot.
The date line the
judge taking a plunge every morning
dues not appear in the paper now like
it did just about eight yeas ago.
There are times in some men's lives
when the least Incident connected with
them is flashed out with news.
were not many surprises In
the primary even though some can-
might not have received as
If politics could he for
a long time there might slip in an
opportunity to think about something
the tariff may be reduced too sudden many votes as they were expecting.
in the event of Democratic success
carried on by the laboratory
any extra or special appropriation and Governor Wilson recently had a con
without cost to the state. It is about with Congressman of
time, is it not. that some action is New York, who has made of
being taken to enable the laboratory the most tariff speeches ever
to continue such a benevolent in Congress and it was Those who are now out of the run.
As it is. the virus for giving between them that the proper and can get to looking for
the treatment is procured from Wash sate thing to do with regard to and after the next primary some
D. Why should not the com tariff is to cut It down tin can do likewise.
legislature make arrangements the proper level is reached. In j
the production of this virus at home fact it will be easy to ascertain just j The lower house of passed
where it can be procured fresh and at what effect each successive cut has. the wool bill over President's veto,
a moments notice Delay in price conditions and wages. when it came to the senate that
this treatment sometimes proves by easy stages the tariff for private body sustained the president.
fatal. profit can be turned into a tariff for
What is really needed is a strict and this process is sure to
For the Farmers
Men can take a sudden drop In
state wide dog law requiring the 11- result in a reduction In the cost of popularity by getting on the opposite
and muzzling of all dogs
This would in a few years stamp out Governor Wilson is not anxious to
one of the most terrible diseases injure any man's business. He will
known to man. insist, however, in the event of his
The money loss suffered in this election, that all business be legit-
slate from rabid dogs alone can not and that the false foundation
be estimated. Scarcely a week goes be taken from under the tariff trusts.
by that does not bring Its report of But he will make it a gradual pro-
horses cows, mules and other domes and one that will not disturb
tie stock that have been bitten by either business or the country in gen
mad dogs. These animals usually
succumb to the rabies or
as it is more virulent in the
animals than in The only law
now on the statute books regarding
mad dogs is one mad
dogs or other dogs bitten by mad
of our industries
is not only one of the prime causes
the present high cost of living.
dogs to be killed under penalty of gm
But even this is in many places
a dead letter law.
In many parts of the state sheep
raising would be a profitable industry
were it not for the stray cur. In
nearly the entire state hunting would
be i pastime worth while were it not
for this same unmuzzled, unlicensed.
stray cur that makes his daily and
nightly raids on our game. Eliminate
i dogs and there will be more game
to hunt How much longer will we
continue to think of worthless
curs found around cabins than
we do of the welfare, safety and prospers
of our most substantial citizens
o the future fertility of our soils
making the owners
responsible for all damage the dogs
do levying a license
to the laboratory for the the last time Saturday that Hieing
treatment of people bitten would In a the last payment on maturity, The
very short time stamp out begun business the first
is now the case of England, I Saturday In May, 1906. hence has ma
Germany and Australia. It its first series in weeks.
the state and during the hunting three weeks less than the
the raising of sheep all over average time of maturity with build
loan associations. There are
about of these shares
and Secretary II. A. White says he
will have bis books ready to begin
them off in a few days.
wonderful how sorry you think
is because he dot I
of the present unsatisfactory
of labor. This can be demon-
by a little arithmetic.
Various prominent
conclude, and their conclusions
are by the reports of the
United States Commission and the
published figures of the National
Tax Returns, that about
of outstanding stock
represents water. On this stock,
of about are be-
paid, amounting to about SIS a
or nearly an American
Holders of first shires in
The Home Building and Loan
passed up their pass books for
there would be game to hunt.
Tim doctor who is attending the
Astor heir is said to be getting
per day for his services and will be
on duty six weeks. No physician
mid be allowed
charge for his service even if the
babe born in the possession
three million dollars In his own right.
side of a question to some other man.
The record of lines at their term of
court indicates that Judge Cline has
no admiration of the pistol toter.
Out in California a woman has
the stump for Wilson. The com
should help her down
There will be another three weeks
hustle from now until the next
on September seventh.
Governor Marshall has found out
that he was nominated for the vice
The man who got left in the
can attribute It to not getting
enough votes.
Do not try to put on somebody else
the blame you should bear yourself.
Yes, they all had a right to run.
but of course all could not be elected.
The thousand dollar a day Astor
doctor ought to move to Charlotte.
This in History
Feed in Its to Mill
The progress made in the develop
meat of dairy cows is indeed remark-
able, and apparently there is no up-
ward limit to what may be
in this direction. It has taken
years of intelligent effort on the
part of the farmers and breeds to de-
animals capable of inking the
remarkable records now so
met with and which have become so
common In fact as not to excite any
degree of public comment When we
consider that the cow in a state of
nature seldom produces more than
enough milk to nourish her calf and
compare this with what been ac-
we are bound to be
pressed with the debt of gratitude
we owe the development of scientific
principles as related to animal breed-
and feeding. The knowledge of
these two subjects has made it
for us to accomplish what has
already been done and of course.
those who have studied the subject
realize that only a good beginning In
agricultural science has been made as
think of a cow which has given
i much as 119.7 pounds of milk a
day and produced over pounds
of this highly nourishing and
beverage in one year. One would
suppose the limit of possible pro
had been reached in such an
animal, but it appears now that the
very cow that made this record is
being surpassed by one of her
which has already given nearly
pounds of milk and made over
pounds of butter In a period of
six months. This cow is giving
pounds of milk a day and now start-
her seventh month of continuous
production and bids fair, therefore,
to beat the world's record of
pounds of milk In a year. This re-
as already pointed out. been
brought about by two factors in the
hands of skillful and capable men
a fundamental insight an in-
of the elementary
breeding and a thorough
of the best methods of
and utilizing the natural food-
stuffs available for the manufacture
through the highly organized dairy-
cow of milk and butter.
What should such a cow be fed
First of all. the production of milk
depends on a highly organized
system. The fat milk is pro-
by the growth and atrophy, as
it were, of millions of fat globules in
the ultimate cells of the udder. The
oilier constituents of milk are form-
ed directly and indirectly from the
blood which has of necessity
ed its surplus of nutriment from the
food consumed digested and
lated by the cow. It is impossible for
the cow to make rich milk and to
orate It in large unless she
is properly fed. The reasons for this
are perfectly obvious and therefore,
bring us down to a consideration fin-
ally, of what the cow needs and how
best to combine the foods to
late the production of milk and but-
An analysis of milk shows that it
consists largely of water and it has
been proven that succulent food,
either grass or substitutes therefore,
should constitute the basis of any
for a dairy cow. She will give
a larger quantity of milk for a long-
time when this is done than If she
is fed on dry feed. It
appears also that milk contains large
quantities of protein and since the
Cow is capable of manufacturing milk
because of her highly organized and
sensitive nervous system, she must
be fed abundantly on this element.
To withhold It will result in a great
reduction in the How of milk and will
cause her to Ultimately dry up. This
Is one fact which has been establish-
ed beyond the point of controversy.
From what sources shall the pro-
no derived There are many
foodstuffs which may be used, but
the farmer is seeking for tho
which is cheapest and will furnish
B, L.
of a six course dinner, wreathed
HOUSEKEEPING in smiles and a pink tea gown. Some
is something that
is to the
June bride in ex
change for the
privilege of gel-
ting married
a large red
wedding bell in
the front parlor
It consists of
physical culture
exercises which If
followed up prop
op every muscle in the human body.
Some women become so muscular as
the result of close contact with single
banded housekeeping that their
contradict them except
over the long distance phone.
A woman is said to be a good house
keeper when her husband can bring expectancy to forsake the continuous
home two famished friends without performance and congest board
valuing and find Ills wife at the houses and hotels.
women object to this habit and try
to get even by serving cereal
garnished with two fried eggs.
Wen a woman keeps her house so
that the neighbors won't think they
have strayed Into the she is
referred to In terms of deep emotion
every husband whose wife refuses
to work over eighteen hours a day.
Man is a queer bird. He will work
from to and then play golf, but
if his wife gets through with the Iron
before p. m. he will suggest
it would be a good thing to set
bread and frame up a batch of
cookies before retiring.
As a rule, housekeeping begins at
a. m. and continues without in-
until the roll is called up
yonder. This is causing a great many
women who wish to live out their
In Lighter Vein
he's generous to
I'm afraid dear he
has too many
Will you please help an old
An old survivor of what
Of the winter of 1912
is it that
sons all walk in the straight and
they tool that their
father sowed wild oats enough for the
What's your missus kicking about
inquired the housemaid from next
This is her night out but I told her
I had an engagement
City Journal.
Why do your oxen have blinders
There are no autos or railroads around
Yes I know; but there are the sum
Press Comment
Bad State of attain
The controversy between State
Chairman Webb and County Chair
man Huffman. Of emphasizes
the fact that the friends of the sen
candidates are using every
means to promote the interest of
their friends and are using the or
to the interest of
their candidate. Commenting on
this custom the Statesville Land
mark says it is wrong,
hurtful and unfair under oil cl.-cum
and so it is. Hut that fact
does not keep the custom from
and charging that such Is be
done in the interest of the can
of Mr. lends of
the two other candidates have had
Chairman Webb explaining. And his
explanation always explain fully and
to the Simmons men
and never to the and Clark
followers. F that Chairman
Webb should have so soon stirred
up the friends of Governor
and Judge Clark, and that Ills ate
ions always meet with the hearty
of the Simmons men. We won
how long It will be before he gels
the Simmons men out with
Salisbury Post.
all played out and need a rest,
But still I work the
I cannot travel east or west
Mr. Ward Spoke first and was neatly
summer Introduced by Mr W. A. Self. Mr. Ward
a young evidently a com
man the state. He snaps with
my bankroll's played out,. magnetism like a live
His voice is strong choice
Detroit Free Press words discriminating, his mind a
store house of choice quotations,
large quantities of milk rich In his satire is us cutting as Voltaire's
butter fat. The remarkable cow refer- ledge of political conditions complete,
red to In the early part of this and his courage of conviction Bryan
tide has been fed what Is known as His speech along like
a balanced ration. In the absence a river. He tells a story well, and
of the balanced ration her powers to his satire Is cutting as
yield would be seriously impaired. He is himself and can
There are thousands of persons ways speak better when the ladies
corn or corn and If only one are out. He never seems to lock
throughout tho south who maintain the house, and the latching-strings
cows on their lots or on their farms, hang outside nil over him. His
They are falling to secure the best frankness and openness are refreshing
returns from them though they are He looks you straight in the eye.
often feeding very costly rations. The The next Governor after will
trouble they experience is due to the come from the If that neck of
that they are often not feeding woods should be gone over with a fine
enough protein or securing It comb, a more available man for
the most economical source not found that this
The writer plenty of farmers young of Little
who are still feeding corn or corn Democrat.
him the largest Quantity of this con-
at the lowest relative cost.
He may use, for Instance, wheat bran.
pats, beat gluten meal or cotton
seed meal. The question now arises
o willed Is the cheapest and most
desirable. This Is not difficult to
i . he everyone who has had ex-
in feeding cotton seed meal
realizes this concentrate furnish-
ed the protein iii the cheapest form
in larger amount than any of
the other. It is true that It should
defeated the I be fed to secure the best results In
and Spanish forces at association with grass or silage, but
August -21
Hazard Perry, American
naval hero. born. Died Aug.
it. Durand the first Amer
lean engraver, in
wood. N. J. Died there Sept.
First British, under Sir
the Hungarian patriot
escaped from Austria.
historic Charter Oak. at period of time With advantage. It
Hartford, Conn., blown down true that if some bran or corn is
a storm. fed with cotton seed meal that good
allies in China repulsed the results may be anticipated for a long
and bran when cotton seed meal fur
the needed protein at a much
lower cost and will prove more sat-
in a ration for cows than
concentrate Is lo be fed. it is infinitely
better to feed cotton seed meal at
the rate of from to pounds per
pound cow when giving two gal-
ons of milk per day.
Those who have not fed cotton seed
meal or who are not combining it
With other concentrates
used in the maintenance of cows
are making a mistake, for they are
failing lo supply the adequate
of protein to stimulate the flow of
milk to the highest degree while re-
the cost to a minimum.
in the absence of these, hulls and mix-
ed hay and other dry forms of rough-
may be used for considerable champion, years old today.
periods of time With advantage.
think like you do. Suppose you swap
pi tees see what he of you.
Tia-ping rebels and captured
Indians massacred the
while settlers at New Dim,
Taft signed the Ari-
and New Mexico statehood
period of time, but where the meal
alone is fed under the conditions
mentioned in proper amounts it fur-
an almost ideal ration. We
have known cows to be fed on cotton
silage, hulls and pas-
grass for several years and re-
main in perfect health, while
A Modern Martyr.
The days are in the budding
The oysters and the sausage
To hear the nothing else
Is mine alone.
The husband, brother of the son.
To me will be a joy no more.
They only care for games they've
And show the score.
The genial host, tho Joyful friend
No longer In merry jest;
Hut tells his troubles without ends.
I eldest.
I landed on the green in four;
Then putted out in eight.
this I hear and plenty more,
Early and late.
Hut if I hint at a new gown,
Or fuss around about a hat.
told by hubby a
Enough of that.
Now, is that fair, or Is it Just.
Thai coif comes always last and
Meet ,, . ,,. , ,. , .,
For talk clothes I really must.
MONTREAL, Leading In Or I shall burst
men from all parts of the Life.
Dominion assembled today for the;
annual convention of the Canadian was Just hit by
Underwriter Association, the ;, taxi
of which will continue until rigid. Willie, telephone
Congratulations to-
John Fritz, the father of the steel
industry In the United States.
years old today.
J. Marshall. American chess
William II
II. Dall. noted American
years old today.
for a taxidermist.
D. Cox left this morning for Fair
after spending his summer
cation at home.
Mrs. W. J. of Ayden. was
visiting at the home of Mr. J. D.
Cox's on last evening.
See Harrington, Barber and Com-
for a pair of good pants. They
are selling them real cheap, now.
Misses Esther and Helen
Adams made a flying Green-
ville yesterday.
After spending some time at Hen
visiting friends and
tiles Mrs. B. F. Tucker returned
this week.
Don't forget it. W. Dall is still
the market business and ran fur
you with beef, barbecue and all
kinds of fresh meat.
Laura V. Cox. our missionary
to Mexico, left this morning
con Arizona where she will slay until
it is thought safe for the missionaries
to cross the border. This is her near
est point to
co, where she was teaching last year
when compelled to return to
oil account of the rebellion
From this point the situation can be
thoroughly understood before an
tempt is made to cross. Our best
Wishes go with Miss Cox and we bid
her God speed in the good work which
she is trying to do among those
The Pony corn the best on
the market, will shell one bushel per
minute, for sale by Harrington. Bar
and Company.
Call or phone R. W. for fresh
meats and fancy groceries.
Miss Dorothy Johnson Was visiting
in Ayden this week.
A new lot of shoes and rubber
goods, just In at A. W. Ange and
Messrs, J. F. Harrington, A. W.
and Josephus Cox left Sunday
for Baltimore where they will
chase their fall stock. These are our
leading merchants, so watch The Re
Hector for their ads.
Trunks, bags, and suit cases at A.
W. Ange and Company.
Miss E, Cox delightfully en-
the members of the II. Y.
P. I. at her home on Monday even
The home was beautifully deco
rated with potted plants and
lanterns. The evening was spent
very pleasantly playing games which
were in after which re-
were served. After bid
ding the hostess good night, the
Couples began to disperse for their
respective homes, feeling proud or
being a member of the B. P. U.
Miss of Green-
ville was visiting Miss Cox
this week.
Miss Isabelle Pearson of Is
visiting Miss Jeanette Cox this week
Editorial of Human Interest
The say, you have
marked down the bottles of hock,
thought I brought two.
The It's too early In
the evening to think I saw
Some men had rather run for office
than earn a decent living.
The kicker Is usually headstrong
Love levels all It is on
the level.
if a woman want lo be mar
it's a sign she is.
it's not consistent to speak ill of a
man If you know him well.
Much of a woman's self-confidence
is due to the lit of her gown.
With II his wisdom Solomon prob
ably fell every time one of his wives
asked him if her hat was on
Chicago News.
American woman, wife of a
wealthy manufacturer, of Grand Rap
Ids, Mich., is authority for state-
that American husbands are a
on their wives and women folks.
Especially Is this true she says when
it comes to traveling.
The an man. according to
this representative of the gentler sex,
does not know how to entertain the
women of their parties, does not know
row to order a meal for them and
many ways hampers them in the tree
and pursuit of pleasure
that they dearly love. This is an
indictment that comes not from the
feeble effete but from the
strong and virile West. And
Tho Indifference of the average
American man to the social
and pleasures of their women
has been the throne o
has been the theme of one novel and
of many, many years. The American
male animal is interested in
in business, in building and
Creating and battling in a crude and
savage mercantile warfare. What little
time ho has from Ills strenuous days
he spends in sleep and rest. He seems
to think that by handing over to the
woman of the house so much money
every week or month or year and
telling her to go out and enjoy her-
self he has fulfilled his obligations
to society. Hence the discontent of
women, and hence the savage charge
that American husbands are the
When American civilization has reach
ed a point where it is more or less
settled, then the men will study the
little virtues and accomplishments of
society. And then we will hear less
about men being in the way and the
delights of travel without them.
Senator Gardner Gives Reason
For Supporting Wilson.
Too Long They Been Fooled
by False Demo-
The reasons why those engaged In
agricultural pursuits should support
Governor Woodrow Wilson for
dent are strongly forth by Senator
Gardner of Maine, in an ad-
to farmers.
Senator Gardner is a practical farm-
one who farms bis own farm, and
he Is probably in closer touch and
sympathy with country life and Its
environments than any other man in
public life.
For twenty-five years Senator Gard-
has been actively In
the National Grange and for ten
he was the master of the State Grange
of Maine. A few years ago he
within a close margin being elected
Governor of the Pine Tree State.
A little less than a year ago, when
Senator Frye. who had
Maine In the Senate tor thirty years,
died, Governor honored Mr.
Gardner, and recognized the
interests of the country by
pointing him to the United States Sen-
ate, where he has made a most credit-
able record, devoting particular
to the welfare of the great rural
population of the country. He la now
a candidate for and will
undoubtedly be successful.
In his address Senator Gardner
No conceited girl can understand
why every man she meets isn't In love
with her.
What Sherman said about war also
applies to politics.
II won a nice light the cut above shows what you have been
look We also make the buggy you want end one will give
you service.
Come down and let us show you our styles of buggies.
To the of in
one of you and for renter
part of my life in
tho practical duties of my
farm for yearn
officially work through board of
um the National Stat
four year U
of th National and
as tho
which the in
members and
n power m-var held before,
I I am in position to from
standpoint one know the
farmer and hi needs, it la he-
Of this that am to ad-
dress you.
For farmers have Justly
of being required to pull at
short end of the yoke of unfair
and unjust In legislation
and transportation. ind at the present
time the farmer re. charged with being
the cause of the cost of when
as n matter of fart taking
the amount Invested In the
hours devoted to hard labor, and .-very-
tinner with th detail of
CUltUral life -they an, as a whole, the
poorest paid Mass of in this
try, while relatively the most Important.
Partners Have Been Deceived.
all recent years farmers have
been told a blessing has been
theirs the no-called protective
tariff, and yet to find a market for
crops they have bad to COm
in the markets of the world where
the is fixed. suddenly It dis-
covered that the farmer Is the sols
for of living, and
happens The President with
a total disregard for the interests of the
submits a plan to open up to
competition with the farmers of
States the products of
while careful to preserve the tariff,
or more correctly the tax. on
all the firmer to buy. which, as
clearly Anything can. exposes
hypocrisy and of the claim
that the tariff Is any benefit to
compared with pro-
ducts. ,
Now. the farmers of this country
opportunity to themselves that
has never appeared within my
as the Democratic has been
compelled by the force of public opinion
to nominate a man for the presidency
who is beat equipped for that nigh office
of any have been nominated or elect-
ed Lincoln. A man that I
of from a personal acquaintance with and
it knowledge of fitness; a man of great
natural ability, splendidly educated, set
theoretically nut practically, a
of Intellect remarkable for Its of
every condition with which he la con-
fronted; an Indomitable courage to de
and above all a great broad tend-
ency with and sympathy for all Glasses. I
He will make one of the most
Presidents ever In the House, J
through whom none will be refused a j
hearing, however humble. DOT fall to re-
Justice et his He is truly a
marvelous man and I wish every
Id the States could know him
know him, and supplementing all
Is the addition that his home
Is one of perfect
None can meet the splendid Mrs ,
her refined, cultured
with their perfect n hut j
must feel that tho whole of Wood- ,
row Wilson was to ;
All n great need in the present crisis In .
the history of our country, as were
Washington, and
coin, and would advise the farmers
upon my reputation a man. If you ,
to protect own Interests
those of your if you want to
render the possible good to yow
country and future generations; If
want to contribute your the end j
that popular government under shill
not perish from the earth, then see that
the Woodrow Wilson l
President. o.
Via Norfolk and Southern Ry.
This will positively be the last and BEST the sea-
son at such low rates.
A n lie n t be given to visit all the Summer Resorts
and other points of interest.
Join us and take a dip in waters on the At-
Ladies children will very best at-
This will opportunity to
The longest in this country.
Separate Coaches For Colored People
UNDER GOOD MANAGEMENT and will prove the most
pleasant of the season.
There will be plenty of room for all. We will run rain
or shine on schedule time.
Leave Stantonsburg at.
Leave at .
Leave at .
Leave Arthur at.
Leave Greenville at.
Leave Simpson at. ,
Leave Grimesland at.,,,,
Leave at.
Leave Washington at.
Arrive at Norfolk .
R. J. Little.
R. N. Nichols
A. L. Potter.
for Dandruff
People Trust It, Says
Wilson, and It Must
Make Good.
Vein nm t Se Hen
more dirty emits from dandruff
heads. stops dandruff. Apply
any time with tips of fingers. No
no smear. sinks into
the makes the
makes the hair line and glossy.
is prepared by K. W.
Medicine Co. St. Louis. Mo., and is
sold by all druggists at
per bottle. to enable you to
make a test and prove what it will
do for you, a SB cent trial bottle
fully guaranteed or your money
Prom Mr.
I wish lo heartily thank
pie all of the county who
voted for me in the primary Saturday
and them their effort to
me for Register of Deeds Is
fully appreciated.
Se Girl. N Wilson at
tho White at flirt
i-i dally lulled upon to demonstrate
ability as a ready speaker.
There is not a day passes but
be delegation who cal
him their support.
in speaking political machines i
the Brooklyn Democratic flub dover-
Wilson are bad.
but an organization may be very es-
for instance, I have been
b;. an here in
New Jersey while best work
a machine use. political
for the ends of Us
bars. No members of our
would lb of doing that. Pub-
opinion in Ne Jersey has drawn
the distinction it has killed the ma-
chines, and ii m going to keep the or-
seems to me that o are stand
int in the presence something high
or than allegiance t the Democratic
party. The has
pointed In the Republican party, and It
is to the Democratic party.
Thai party is willing to the way
toward those things which must be
gentlemen seem to find it
, personalities nut
tic, on; n seems to me
is done politics Is debased.
who are in search of reform
are now resorting to the Democratic
party, because, for my own part, I do
ow where else they will turn
expect the results. There is no
the strength and
of a the splendid
part is that Democratic party is
me more genuine pleasure to re-
such greetings from men in
who have least tested my
ties. Because you have known ins
at close range and It you be kind
enough to vouch for in. perhaps
rest of the country win be credulous
of your report.
have spent a great deal of time
since became governor of New-
defending your character, it was
supposed in the old days, when the
board of guardians was in
the that you were all of you
disposed to give monopolistic
trusts of the country a
welcome in New- Jersey.
Jersey was known as the
mother of trusts -a very trouble.
questionable family- and l had to
spend my time outside New Jersey as-
tin- people of the Union it
had been the fault or the
of people of New Jersey that
there were certain gentlemen who had
undertaken to carry the Republican
party In pockets and to
Independently of the rank and tile
of Republicans In
Jersey is progressive, but
United States Is progressive, and we
have hen- merely a delightful sample
of the people of the United
Now, these people are not In tit en
destroying bid are bent
on setting everything In order; they
are bent upon Justice; they are bent
upon seeing lo it that the people u
are m me
meat, as I was trying to show
other day. And the Democratic party
is now placed under a peculiar
Ii has to prove that it as
the worthy Instrument of that zeal
the part of the people of the United
Slates. If it does not prove It now it
will never be another chance to
prove ii No party proves
faithful to Ideal will ever
be trusted by the people of America.
And therefore we are standing at a
turning point in OUT politics. must
make good or go out Of business. In
vernacular, ii is a case of up
shut because words are going
to be Nothing will be hon-
th carrying out
such programs as sensible men may
unite In for the
Wilson will make the most
president who has ever occupied
House. He Is a

The Trial
ck at
Don't appear halfway decent, don't the Chicago Evening
talk at all if ii something Heat the memory
so many of us will find In a low and lulling key,
ten if Won't Talk.
There is really nothing more trying
than l In the average house
is one period
are to he
breakfast over matter that
later In the day don't bother a bit.
Then it we can only make our
elves look presentable . gel
good start with the masculine
hold. It
perturbation when guests are he ,,
catered to the first meal the .,,,., u ,. are cog-
To begin matter how pet o . ,,.,,
our disposition be. the
hours are harrowing. We
know we don't look our best, we
really t the gait the day,
later by a smart toilette
dinner gown.
The man with
of we would much
rather be left alone than forced lo
make conversation over the n
selves will
fairly early
attire and a head
i,. make i hit the morning count
e than any Impression made
From a feminine standpoint ran
really appreciate the attractive
Preach woman prefers lo
have her In bed.
She oar, really it with
slumber attire and hair
till in hairpins. If had to R I
up and make a and costume
presentable there is r
r-use for her being In
the morning
course American women
rarely breakfast In bed. unless are
really ill. And know it Isn't
to look or feel as Jealously III
Till my feet go marching on
Through tin- twilight and the dawn,
Backward through the paths
Into that enchanted clime
Where the blossoms never fade.
Where the sunshine the shade
In dapples on the grass
the orchard that
Rent the drums memory
Till thrill the soul of n i
Into long forgotten whiles.
And l foot the miles
Find the meadow and the brook
And the vine hid forest nook.
Till world that was of old
World aglow with rose and
Lures me with hopes, forsooth
As it did when had youth.
, on,, who finds n girl or a woman
. . the breakfast table, will
. this a favored woman and
will be far more likely to commit
than In the electric light, sol
., d i to see before in. i
Early morning is a trying time
w. ran make it less so if we try
e., winsome and ,, , , ,, , ,
still Instead of endeavoring to
late conversation that will not be
and which Is always
painful effort In the cold gray dawn
I out one
The August criminal term Pitt
court opened this morning
with Judge E. B. presiding
Solicitor C.
lug for the state and A. M Bean,
The drawing of the grand jury
showed some absentees because of
some others had ex-
for not serving. The grand
jury sworn In for the term is com-
posed of the follow
F. j. Forbes, foreman, J. B, Rives,
j. it. Bell J. K. Cobb, B. K. Jack-
son, A. J. Flanagan, W. J. Sermons,
Lafayette Cox, l. K. Gregory, J.
Cooper, J
has seen account of other business en-
to turn over the agency of this ex-
machine to the
John Buggy Company.
We also agents for the celebrated
Indian Motor Cycle.
The John Flanagan
Buggy Co.
Agents for best make . N C
bicycles and tires
It. it the drums of memory
It,,, Let the roll a
Call the boys I used to know
wondrous long ago
we are home
us boast, and do, and
,,, Having neither fret nor
us laugh the far page
Where is told the tale of age
manning, -i
gate, K Q. Barrow. J. T. Ni
Bailey Phillips. W. s. Tucker. C
This is Judge court In
and his charge to the grand
was listened to close
lion and Interest Be said it gave
pleasure to come to the eastern
part of the state and since hi
Beal the drums of
Till the old song comes to
Till I murmur d tunes.
Hum contented olden
And the days all are
Till my vinos with
the days that were, mad, new
As I And my pathway through
Ail the veer railing ways
tn the living yesterdays.
Pig Cake
Three .-bus. three fourths cup but-
one cup sweet milk, two large
cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking
powder, one cup ties, rut small and
roll in if the latter is not
enough a more flour Hike
in a loaf.
Sponge rake
Two cupfuls of brown sugar, four
eggs, one pint Hour, two thirds CUp
water, one and one hall teaspoonful
baking powder, one tablespoon of
ginger, one teaspoonful extract
the eggs and sugar to
for ten minutes, add the water,
the Hour sifted with the powder and
tin. extracts; mix into a smooth
Cruller. Sponge and hake in a quick oven
These dainties are quickly and minutes.
made. A piece of butter about
the size of an egg. a nutmeg, a cup-l I have faith in the plain people.
of sugar and three eggs are to yd led the politician. z
be made stiff with flour, rut in fancy You can't stir up any sentiment
shapes and friend in boiling lard. n favor of reciprocity here, howled
After taking out, sprinkle with a little man In one of the rear seats.
sugar. Chicago Record-Herald.
Daily Reflector Pattern
State .
Fill out the above blank,
ten cents In stamps or coin,
and mail to The Reflector Com-
Greenville. N. C.
What adds more to the en-
of the family than
a PIANO in the home
No dealer can place one in
your home for less money
than we can.
Our prices and terms
sure to please.
Sam White
Piano Co.
he had found only courtesy and
shown him. He express
ed pleasure at seeing the grand jut
before him composed of comparative
young men. Then addressing them
to their duties as grand jurors
lie referred to the Importance of the
position they held not a drudgery
ii privilege, Quoting Black-
stone he gave their duty as laid down
by the great expounder of law and
s. ill it the same today.
He said it was necessary to go In
to the criminal law code, as In this
day of schools, newspapers,
graph and telephones, the people them
have advancement In
until there is a
man but who knows What B violation
Of the law is He said the shoot
f gambler should not alone
come up for Indictment and present
meat, those as well
who gamble in futures and those who
are amenable to anti-trust laws. The
child labor low was referred to which
declare It unlawful for any child
under years of age being employ
ed to work In I factory. The law
restricting the sale of cocaine,
and kindred drugs was
because the sale of these drugs.
especially In large places has
a curse to the state The time to
stop it Is now.
Summing up his Charge Judge
Said be believed the Jury before him
would show equal justice to the Inter
Of both state defendants in all
matters coining before them. There
thousands or men women and v
children in Pitt county who will lie
down with it feeling of peace and
safety tonight because they believe
the court and jury are here to carry
out the law and protect them. Ha
would only ask that each juror plow
the furrow straight doing his
honestly and fairly in
with law not in accordance to
any personal opinion be may hold,
whether it he a matter or stock law,
prohibition, or any other matter. Men
who violate the law should be pun
regardless of what personal
opinions may be in regard to that
we do our duty to en-
all the laws just as they are
given us by the law making power,
can have no assurance that the
graver laws so necessary to
of life and property will
forced. Every juror should be able to
walk out face the public with the
declaration. have done my full
duly in upholding the law and help-
to make Pitt county and North
Carolina better to live Me urged
upon the grand jury the spirit of
these few days to the
service of their state and county do-
duty for the protection of
with habit or panel back on skirt and the life, property and lights of
with full length or shorter sleeve. liens just as would wish then
The popular design has the sleeve own to be
cut In one with the waist and with In referring lo Institutions of the
,, seam at upper part or the arm. county on which grand should
tending over the The waist report, he knew before getting hen
and skirt closed at the front Pitt had the best conn house
and are joined at the waistline a the and he from seeing
deep shaped collar Bushes the neck it that no report is on that
edge Panama, voile, serge, wool it is a credit to the people
mixtures, corduroy, silks and wash county, but he would be glad
fabrics are all equally desirable, know if when they visit the county
this design The pattern is cut in home they could report Pill COM
r, and inches had done as well for
bust measure, it requires 8-8 yards as should be done.
of inch material for the Inch Judge is comparatively
young man of pleasing appearance and
a pattern f in ills. he ha mad- upon
to any address on receipt of of Pitt county Is most
In silver or Tying.
R. C. H.
Buggies, Wagons and Harness
Horses and Mules
Phone No.
simple Stylish
s Semi Princess Costume,
Every Pair a Bargain
The season grows late and
of our large stock of
the season's latest styles in shoes at
Look our stock over and save
money by your purchase-
It costs you nothing to examine
these goods and a very small sum to
make your
N. C. Educational Institutions
N. C.
Enrollment during the past session students represent
ii- counties in North Carolina and Virginia. A Faculty of
women of successful experience. Courses literary. Mils-
c and Bible. Prepares for Location healthful and con-
surrounded the highest moral influences.
Next session begins August For address
Boor In Wooten
on St. opposite court house.
Excellent buildings and all
X. C. Three Literary Societies;
flood board at about cost.
demand. Students yearly from BO
will satisfy you in every
Sent free. Write today Address the
President. W T I'll.
A Leading Hoarding School for
Students. Established years. Lit-
Business. Normal, Music, etc
Noted for Health. Near Greens-
College Hand. Leads in Athletics
e tuition rates. Graduates in
forth Carolina counties. A
with views,
m . c.
Fall Session. Mis, Begins Sept. .
Special attention given to English, the sciences
classics by teachers of long experience. For grade of preparation and
deportment of pupils consult the of the University and the col-
W. ff. IT AM
st Lew
Office opposite R. I. Smith A Cos
stables next door to John Finn-
can Buggy Company's new building
wife thinks wicked
for me to play poker.
It U the you play It.
I- L Moors W. H. Lour W. C. D. ML Clark
LONG Engineer Attorney at Law
Attorneys at Law
North Civil sad
Attorney st
II. W. . D
Practice limited to diseases of the Eye.
Bar, Nose and Throat.
N, C, Greenville, N. C.
with Dr. L. James, Green-
ville, day every to pm
The , of civilization in west
ward mused the philosopher.
Y.- th.-re t,. he little left
N w answered the cynic.
Buffalo Express.
For Sale
A few Berkshire pigs for
ate delivery. The beet that can b
W. H.
Greenville, N. C
Attorney at Law
In Edwards Building on Court
Attorney st Law
In building. Third st
Practices wherever his services are
North enrolls.
If you want Framing
Pictures Enlarged at prices t
beat them all. Dickinson Ave.
Greenville. N. C, Is the place
N. W.
Attorney at Law
formerly occupied by
Expenses moderate.
JOHN Principal
For catalogs address
The House of High Grade Merchandise
Ladies Coat Suits
Muslin Underwear
Ready to Wen- Goods
Ladies Furnishings
Fine shoes in all
Styles tor Men.
Women and Children
Silks, Embroideries
mid Laces
Woolen Dress Goods,
Percale, Ginghams. Prints,
Long Cloth. and
all the Best Brands of
Staple Dry Goods.
Men's Furnishings.
Will lie Pleased
With The Goods
at This Store
3rd St. 2nd floor Wooten Bldg.
st A. M. Allen's Stables.
Greenville, N. C.
Bay Phone Night Phone
Will attend calls Day or
W. A.
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
H. Ward C.
Washington. N. Greenville. N.
Attorneys at Law
Practice In all the courts.
Office In Wooten building on
B. F.
Life. Fire. Sick and Accident
S mice, on Fourth street, rear Frank
Wilson's store
S. M. Schultz
Wholesale and retail grocer and
dealer. Cash paid for Hides
Fur, Bead Oil. barrels,
keys, Eggs.
Oak Mattresses,
Suits, Baby carriages, go-carts,
suits, tables, lounges, safes,
and Gail Ax snuff, High Lift
tobacco, Key West Cheroots, Henry
George cigars, canned cherries, peach
es, apples, syrup, jelly, Meat, Hour,
sugar, coffee, lye, rood,
matches, oil. cotton seed meal
hulls, warden seeds, oranges, apples
nuts, candles, dried apples, peaches
prunes, currants, raisins, glass an
china ware, wooden ware, cakes an
crackers, macaroni, cheese, best but
new Royal Sewing Machines
numerous other goods. Quality an
quantity cheap for cash Com- o
me Number M.
Which is the most danger-
the automobile or the
Well, runs
ever more people the automobile.
Cincinnati Inquirer
are you king up bot-
is inter-
In a plant some kin I i
to be able to converse
l. him about
A e a
for a donation I
What's use Buy
worth of funny clothes and
the coin.-
i remix
Linotype Boy Not as U
a Proofreader
In our issue of the -7th. ult., we
published a notice from Mrs. J. D.
cox. director of the Depart
or the Pitt County Fair. By
one those misfortunes which are
well a matter of overlooking, the
i pool came to the desk with the no-
Signed Mrs. B. T. Cox. instead
j. ii Cox, A- tin
Hew roofs and the mistake
by unnoticed. We
for ii and promise lo in
look out for in
alien tor
. that
. ,, W. W.
dot nor, for pardon for
John I i led at the Jan-
of superior court. All
of such
the known
to i men.
This A II
I'm going to
What for
the next time r after
bride no little i an
ii Fr Press
la guided by in
tuition she It i I
and than reason or wisdom.
A . ea what makes a
reception is wear
a a gown will ex the envy
pry other woman
you want the best.
we are at your services.
Choice K.,
Violets Wedding is
the Styles.
Floral artistically
st short notice.
II. L Co.
N. C.
n. j.
for Greenville and
SEE oil
We are prepared to do any repair work on
biles. We have class workmen and
our work. We also have full line of accessories,
will be glad to order any parts to automobiles.
We carry a Presto-O-Light tanks for sale ex-
change. We are the TOO
and cars. We expect to keep new cars on
for sale all the time. People wanting work done or
in the market for cars
please see us
East Carolina
Teachers Training School
Slate School to Train Teachers for the Pub-
Schools of North Carolina.
TUITION free to all Who Agree to Teach. Fall
Term Begins September 1912. For Cat-
and Other Information, address
Greenville, N. C.
For inn
that beer is higher.
I right, you mean that
schooners are York
fathers know
didn't have lo;
That will bear the
closest inspection
as to genuine
You'll never make friend by going
looking as if you hadn't
on earth.
Dinning Room
Bed Room, Drawing Room
In addition, you'll find our showing in-
the bast choice and widest
Buffets. Sideboards. Arm-Chairs and Rock-
a l
. I
EVERY year some farmers lose money
by buying the first is offer-
ed them without looking over our lines
We carry an up-to-date line farm
and machines that we know will
give you absolute satisfaction. They are
the most practical, economical and
on the market.
We carry a stocK repairs tor the ma-
chines we sell, which is to be considered in
buying machinery.
Our desire is to give you the best service
possible and we will do everything in our
power to merit your patronage. See to it
that YOU do not lose money this year.
I -n

Governor Marshall's Wile Bas the
Memory Names.
some of the and take c. re
of hi. first. So hen you UM
him making a speech.
.-he., be does not Stay mar
be hurries to m and changes
people have that
u ad
,. He Knot Hi wile thinks It is
o his health
than out the time polio
,.,, comet, m she is in most
h r
The Notification ct the Indiana Ex
For Democratic Vice
Honor. . Record Breaker.
Of Democratic National Publicity Bu-
Indianapolis.-. about the time
thousand of Mends of Governor
Thomas Marshall were anxious-
-o his hand in con-
on bis a. can
for vice pr. on
ticket, a stalling woman step.
before and if one could have
whispered in his ear
would have been something like
burr Tom. and change your
Manual forgot to shake
the enthusiastic friends
he ha, carried out the orders of
has honored four of her sons
on the
ticket, -he crowds that
greeted Governor in big
coliseum in state fair grounds,
on Tuesday were the great-
t to the history of the party
The west wanted to show the east
what be don. In notification
and. Ml. Marshall was
happy, of course, over the honors for
bar husband. as also worried.
tor her husband conies mighty close
to being father, husband, son and part
oar all In one. And when a woman
baa combination on her hands to
for she baa every right to be
Will never gain
my honor, as a hammer thrower,
to not built that way
all the country was reading
the rigorous words of Governor Mar
shall which told voters what he
Democracy to do in carrying
out the pledges for the next four years
It's worth while to know what pan a
woman la taking in the affairs of the
-how Tom Marshall hap
to be in the position In which he
The good people of Columbia City.
Ind. never thought Thomas Mar-
hall Ni a man For for-
years he had lived with Lit parents,
both his father and mother.
who were invalids, which was the
son Governor Marshall was not a mar-
man He felt his duty was
to his parents.
Meeting Mrs. Marshall.
After the death of his parents
Marshall dived deeper into his
law practice, and one day an urgent
took him to Angola. Ind Hie
ties called him to the county clerk's of.
Bee. and there met Miss Kim-
daughter of the county clerk, who
hr father in the office
that day Marshall
more business around the country
clerk's office in Angola than any law-
la half a nearby counties.
Marshall was forty mo
years of age when be was married.
lira. Marshall being nearly twenty
year, bis Junior
The Marshall, had been married
only a few week, when the future vice
president was called to an adjoining
on a case that would consume
five or six weeks of his time
I did not want to be starting
off like that Governor Marshall ex-
plained to a friend one day. I Just
told Mrs that I thought she
should go along And she did
then Governor Marshall has
made a trip without Mrs Mar
shall going They have traveled
all over the country together; go
to banquets and political meetings to-
until friends of the Indiana
executive refer to him and his wife as
It not
explained one of his friends.
not a delicate man. his constitution Is
set of the type.
-When he get. Into a political
fee his weakness He gives all
that In him, and that will toll on
any man. Mrs Marshall soon
that the governor would become
In making a speech and the
next day voice would be husky,
he be bad better give up
Home Prevails.
home is typical of -he
It is a home of book and
Hill one not feel Una
of th. Marshall said he always
felt eating when he entered the
Marshall home in Columbia i .
the executive mansion at
Mrs. Marshall believes in a
and the prevails
If Governor ever occupied
the White House people would not
know that historic institution.-
Claret an admirer Marshall
would have it a real home. People
would even in the
midst of the sold and glitter.
But It is net only as a wife and
mistress of a home that Mrs Marshall
shove her ability She is a politician
and a cue. She also has a re-
markable memory
Governor Marshall has earned the
reputation being in a class of story
. era all b himself. He can
but he forgets names. A
name is something to be cast aside
Governor Marshall, and it
one of the resets of his life, it he bas
any The governor is no, a
man. He i. somewhat a fa-
but II he could he would like
to remember but. not having
that ability, he does not worry, for
Mr- Marshall It the name remember-
of fan
She has a ability along
line Not only does she remember
last name, but any combination of
. met at nature to her.
and the carries -his ability on down
children and cousins of any one
seeking governor
the governor la shaking
and trying to remember whether bis
. r or Smith Mrs Marshall
n the ii n and
ask l all relatives
Ideal Partners.
Governor Marshall bat no brothers
slaters and bis parents being dead
leaves barren of
I s
Governor Marshall's friends are en-
over his home life When
he has started on talking of his wife
a new light in the executive
to the surface.
come near being ideal married
was talking to Tom one
explained one of his most intimate
friends were leaning back, and
Tom had been telling some of his good
stone, to illustrate topics of
our conversation We were waiting
for Mrs Marshall to come back from
a shopping tour, and I happened to re-
mark that I liked Mrs Marshall bet-
time met her.
now that's the way she
strikes m. he said, have
been married some years, and
as time goes that is s long or short
period, lull a. you think. To me II is
but a fleeting day Then I Hunk back
over my married life and find I have
grown to know Mrs. Marshall batter
every day A man must Lot only love
but he must also respect his
In this her In all things
She must wonderful qualities to
make the and respect deep-
and better each day That's been
fact that Mr. Marshall has
teen In sympathy my
my life it
rt. Marshall it satisfied with
her domestic duties alone. She
to do her share In of the
and business world. Mrs mm
shall is said to have discussed m
with her husband his actions on
the Baltimore convention, and when
seen that Marshall was the man
who was to go on the
Wilson he wanted to knot
bis wife thought about it.
-II went be any harder than being
Governor of Indiana, and the
thinks are Hie man It only agrees
she said, and
tiled the matter with Governor Mar-
Mrs. Marshall had the honor be-
the List woman in Indiana to hold
an office She was appointed county
clerk Steuben county by her lather
and held that office a number o
When Governor Marshall and Ins
wit,, were about to married she de-
her last Official eel the
Office would be to make out the mar
license. Governor Marshall ac-
companied to county
and watched with
care as she noted the records In the
bock and tilled out the license and
watched her as carefully signed
her father's name, with her own as
Mrs Marshall, having blotted the
ink. said. Now we can
laughed Governor Mar-
shall . . ,
Why, we are all explained
M-s. Marshall, pointing to the license.
-Yes, but have to pay for re-
plied Hie governor. all right for
you to make it out. but It's up to me
to pay And he did
Mrs. Marshall
and, having established the practice of
going with her husband on all Ml
be they short or long. mi
ii a point to carry along some
Mrs. is as much a
us the governor A -lam a
a seine of the bills that have been
,. by the It'll Indiana legislature
. Insight into the go i
To curtail child labor.
iv sale cold storage pro-
am ti
To n hygienic us s
med ill i I I
To vent at I th.
To regulate sale of cocaine and
pr drugs
To provide free tor u-
To establish public
To Improve pun rood lam
To i
provide police court ens.
To prevent traffic in slaves.
To permit schools
require medical supplies as part
a train equipment
Marshall has also played
n active part in providing for
of labor, as is by the
To create a bureau of inspection
for workshops, factories, mines and
To establish free employment
To require full train crews
To require safety devices on switch
Court Seal
As there will be no
court held during th.
civil term
August jurors summoned
for that week need not attend.
Clerk Superior Court
s m
I picnic was
c. Aug.
given on Monday at
Conetoe Creek in honor of Miss Ada
little, of Washington and Sal-
Its smith and Myron Height, of Rob-,
Bunting's house party.
left Bethel about
eleven o'clock In two huge wagons
yells and songs given
much spirit on the way Lunch
was spread s la carte not long after
arrival of the party and lemonade
was enjoyed throughout the day.
lunch guests were entertain
ed by playing rook, boat riding and
automobile spins.
Those who composed the party
Misses Height. Bailie
Smith. Ada Little, Mantle
Maud Velma
mount. Bunting and Estelle
Jones; Messrs Marvin BlOUnt.
Bunting. Van Taylor.
Blount, Davis Bullock.
T A. Andrews. J. I. and
Bra C. O. Griffin and M. P- Man
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Stilton. Chap
At lour o'clock the picnickers re
turned having had a gay and
r- -i
i M
n -c -t g
e -i -i -i S c -i
. Johnson, having qualified
s ., ti
administrator of the estate of Bus-
an E. Button, deceased, before D. C.
Moore, clerk of the superior court of
County, notice is hereby given
all persons indebted to said es-
tats hereby required to make
mediate to the undersign-
and all persons hold-
claims against said estate are
required to Ale their claims
with said administrator duly verified
within the twelve months from the
date hereof, or notice will be pleaded
n bar of their recovery.
Tins the 26th day of July.
administrator Of estate of Susan
E. Button.
S m
To require headlights
To require standard cabooses.
To provide weekly wage. etc.
Ind Marshall has con
suited with his on all these
He Is quoted as saying a
can't go far wrong In taking the ad-
of a wile If she is his partner as
well as his wife.
Having qualified before the super-
court clerk of county as exec-
of Will and Testament
W. . Little, deceased, notice it
given to all persons indebted
to the estate to make Immediate pay
meat to the undersigned; and all per-i
sons having claims against said es-
late are notified that they must
sent the same to the undersigned for
payment on or before the 9th day of;
August. or this notice will be,
plead in bar of their recovery.
This 9th day of August. 1912.
Executor of W. G. Little ,
x -I -I
. . ,
-J ;
The divided Republican party is
like boy against
Wind There will be a lot of blaster.
hill it will not take votes away from
Wilson and Marshall
Having exhausted his supply of ad-
in denouncing Taft, Roosevelt
is now leading a campaign of
of one who does not
agree with himself
have pulled against the
end of the yoke long
Wilson and Marshall promise to see
the pulling Is made more nearly
n v. a. hum
Taken lo a Hospital in
North Carolina. Pitt County.
undersigned having this clay
tried as administrator of the estate of
Zeno T, Evans, deceased, before
C Moore, clerk of the superior court,
of county, notice is hereby given
all persons who are indebted to
estate to make immediate settle
with the undersigned
and all persons holding claims;
against said estate are hereby
to file their claims with
administrator within IS months from
date hereof or this notice will
pleaded In bar of recovery of said,
This the day of August.
of Estate ad Zeno T. Evans
F, C. Attorney.
g S c. t TAYLOR
. x
In with hers. Ours is not a
one sided life We have been part-
i and that's the way it should be
In this world
Mrs. Marshall has watched over his
administration of the affairs of Indiana
Jealous are There has been
of spectacular in his ad-
ministration. It has been a sane gov-
The laws that be has fought
for and won show the spirit of the
man They are uplifting They deal
with the improvement man. woman
and child
While Marshall is
id as a executive,
nevertheless, he Is a fighter. He be-
longs to the old fighting stock of
Marshall not a dodger
He has his opinions, and he lets them
h know. While he is an organization
he knows that are
cot can mis-
,;,. If make he
thinks It Is h's duty to ear so and get
the saying over at the
On Tuesday Mr. William Teel and
son. Mr. W. A. Teel, were coming to
town from their home B few miles
across the river. When near Part
cross roads the gilt to the
broke. This lightened the
horse lie run the buggy into
fence. it unit throwing both
the occupants out. The elder Mr
Teel escaped Injury, but his son
a dislocated hip and was also
thought to be injured Internally.
was taken on the evening train to I
hospital In Richmond, accompanied
by J, E. Nobles
Notice to Creditors.
Clara O. and Emily F-
Johnson, having qualified as
es of the estate of S. S. de-j
ceased, before D. C. Moore, clerk
the superior court of Pitt county, no-i
is hereby given that all persons
indebted to the said estate are hereby;
required to make immediate settle-
with the undersigned
and all persons holding claims against
said estate are hereby required to file
their claims with said duly
verified within twelve from
the rate hereof, or this notice will be;
pleaded In bar of their recovery.
This the day July. 1811.
of the estate of W. B.
Roach, deceased.
.- O W I-
. .
C. for received votes.
Last Excursion of Season
Probably last excursion of this
season to Norfolk will be rim on
Wednesday of week. and
Athlete- Rood Au
John and other point- as- will be found in this paper
here today to compete for will have two days
honors in the twenty fifth annual track at ,. place
The fare for tin
eating, persons of s
great by oat
these pills. It been
they will promptly the
the and , ,,,,, ,,, .
lag. coated. provinces Athletic As
Take No Substitute.
and field championships of the Mar
pleasure at the
around Norfolk.
Murderer lo he Shot
Nev., Aug.
is to be shot to to
morning at the Nevada State
Penitentiary. His is the first sentence
to death by shooting ever Imposed in
Nevada and was made possible by the
law passed by the last
a condemned person the choice
of death either by hanging or shooting
Agriculture Is the Most Useful, Most Healthful, the of Washington.
H. vi . nil
M Mill K IS,
Early Returns Greatly Favor Judge
Holders lock Bones Will
Their Curd
American Bar Association today
a that
I Jones
seal t-
complete from todays Dem-
primary in South Carolina.
Show that Ira B. Jones, former chief
of the state supreme conn.
leading Cote i. the
bent In the race for
from only a
of Hie total precincts had been re-
at X o'clock tonight. Jones
then had 1.600 more than J.
T Duncan, the third candidate, has
polled a light vote.
United States Senator Benjamin it.
according to early returns,
is leading both his opponents. J.
and N. B. Dial.
According to the state primary law.
a majority Is necessary to secure the
nomination. In the event that the
leading candidates fails lo get a ma
a second primary will lie held
for the two leading candidates.
Returns are coming in slowly and
Indication are that the of
s- feral of the contests will not In-
known until tomorrow.
At with about voles
heard from-about per cent or the
probable is about 2.300
votes ahead of for governor.
returns indicate the
Of Representatives in
the second. Aiken In the third, Fin-
Icy in the firth. Representatives El-
and J arc run-
close in the sixth.
Early Bulletin.
Charleston, Aug. par-
returns from thirty-one counties
give Jones 20.680.
boxes out of in Greenville
give Duncan
Jones for governor; Dial 1.043,
7-44. 3.029, for United
Slates senate.
precincts out of eighty-three In this
county give for Jones
Columbia, s. Aug.
precincts out of 1,800 in all parts of
Carolina, give for
Misses and Adelaide
of and Lucy Oliver, of
Olive, who have been visiting Mrs.
W. T. returned home this
Retain Sags
EL PASO, Tex., August -y.
Mexican rebel raiders and a
In Third foiled ti
apply for , stationed
M. ex, banged shots
n I ad d
ranch, four mil. s from th. r
and miles
and were making with head
IT mi
leered u
Mill he Placed Lock
win he
First N. C. Cotton belies
perfected by Postmaster Hitch-
cock today whereby the
of the new law prohibiting the
delivery of mail on Sundays will have
no serious effect upon the handling
Important mail matter.
Holders of lock boxes at and
second class will have
to them as usual although n
mail deliveries will be made by Cl
Hers on the street or at
windows. Mail for hotel guests and
newspapers will be delivered to then
their lock boxes by a
arrangement of having that mail
soiled on the railway mail cars before
I reaches its Such mail
will be regarded as transit matter
mid will be distributed immediately
upon arrival at the offices of
thus practically insuring a
speedier delivery to the addresses
than heretofore has been the case.
This distribution will require a
minimum of Sunday work and the
of other received
i Sunday will be made after mid-
night of Sunday so that It may be
delivered by the carriers on their
first tour on Monday.
After all day conferences the
experts of his department
General Hitchcock tonight issued
statement explanatory of his ad-
ministration of the new law. His as
Is that there Will be no em-
to the business public
and that, through the arrangements
he outlines, urgent mall matter ill
reach its destination promptly. Or-
necessary to Mr. Hitch-
cock's plans Into effect will be issued
immediately. The, postmaster
appears lo be some
regards the provision n.
the postal bill relating to the
of mail on Sundays. This
vision does not require the closing
of post offices on Sundays, which
WOUld be quite impossible, owing lo
the fact that the mail has to
be sorted and also the mail collected
in cities for dispatch lo other
Ions. To stop the movement of
this mail would mean a serious clog-
of whole of mail
ml consequent
to the public.
membership Ir race In made
known in application. Attorney
General George W. in
a heated debate declared i.
recognized the status as
of William Lewis, horses.
the general and two
members who have been
members who have been unseated
by the executive Committee. The ace
question precipitated a fight which
was abruptly ended by an appeal by
former Secretary of War Jacob U.
Dickinson, t lit further discussion
would bring criticism of
Immediately Mr. jump-
ed to his feet and hope
will pass, for it
the legality of these members.
It was I who was chiefly responsible
for bringing the subject up.
Scores of members protested against
adoption of the resolution, saying it
bad always been the policy lo exclude
members. Others said while
this resolution allowed the present
members to remain, it would
Wants Prosecution to Success-
Thomas K. Marshall, former Vice
President Charles Fairbanks and
Daniel G. Hied, the New York multi-
millionaire one of the pioneers
the tin-plate industry in America
are to be central figures of a gather-
to be held here early next month
in celebration of the twentieth
vi of tin inauguration of the
fist American tin-plate plant. All
preclude the admission of more o
because the fact of their
Picnic on the
the report received i
day by General K. v.
Lieutenant H. it. Johnson, command-
K. Third Cavalry
announced additional
would be rushed lo seem
report did not slate whether any
the raiders or cavalry men were
wounded. bas been summoned to Inquire into
To i I police blackmail will be Investigated
Ind., Aug to their real
Editor it was
fortune to be present at a
plantations last Friday, In-
eating and enjoyable to be,
with these working people, made
race would be made known to the ex-
committee. The resolution of
fired by Mr.
Whereas, three persons of the col-
race were elected to membership
this without knowledge
upon the pal of those electing them
that they wee of that race and are
now members of the association
That as it has been
contemplated that members of the col-
race should become members of
association, the several local
oils are directed, if at any time any
of them shall recommend a person
of the race for membership
to accompany the recommendations
with a statement of fact that ho is
such a
Fifty-four lawyers, with at least
one from each state, today completed
for presentation to association
a report denouncing as dangerous lo
the country, all movements for the
recall of judges Judicial divisions
notable named were
sent in 1882 when the fist tin-plate
plant was formally opened in this city
with an oration by William y.
at that time Governor of Ohio and later
President of the Slates,
Campaign is to be
Rattlesnake Bites Washing
ton Child
Ryan, York Broker, Killed
NEW Aug. Thomas F.
Ryan manager of a New York broker-
V., Aug. IT.- Tin.
bales of new Carolina cotton
arrived in yesterday, con-
signed to J. W. Perry and Company.
It came from South Mills was
brought to this city through the Dis-
The arrival of the three bales today
Is one day earlier North
cotton reached Norfolk year and
days earlier than in 1910.
The grade of three bales Is mid-
go firm, was killed today while op-
an automobile which he was
using for tin- first time. His wife
and their two Children, as well as A.
C his wife sou were
seriously Injured.
The accident in the Oranges
in Jersey while the party was on a
its way to the
Dorothy, the four year old daughter
Of Mr. and Mrs. Sam who
reside about one mil,, from this city,
while visiting he mother at
county, was bitten by a
ground rattlesnake yesterday after-
noon on ankle. The Rule girl
was to this
on Washington and Va.
train and treated by Dr. p. A
Nicholson, she is now at home
of her brother, K. M, Hodges, on
Fourth street. Her physician thinks
that unless blood poisoning develops
she will in probability recover
CHICAGO, Aug. Joseph B.
vies of Wisconsin, secretary of the
national Democratic committee, to-
day issued a statement In which he
declared the Democrats purposed es-
a new record in campaign
management this year and Gov-
Wilson's campaign would be
made with less expense than had at-
tended the election of many a city
are running our headquarter
in York and Chicago in
business said Mr.
ham auditing departments in
both offices a continuous
is being kept of all receipts and dis
even petty office
tuns accounted for. Our books are
open to Investigation now and Hill
be until and also after
District Attorney Whitman, who has
discovered that one the grand jury
panel fifty business men is
owner a hotel used tor disorderly
The insists that the
extraordinary grand jury shall, not
have a i with
the police graft system and is
be Will challenge the prospective
grand jurors in open court.
The news that Police Commissioner
Waldo publish a list of owners
of gambling and disorderly houses
has caused a panic among the owners
who hare deluged the police
with frantic not to
make their names public,
iii many instances the owners make
the protest on the ground that they
did not know that then property had
in let to undesirables.
grand jury can never saw a din-
served at any picnic, i
barbecue, fresh fish and all
eatables that goes to make up a
holdings . B, ,,.,. ,, o. a
There were about res-
was part the i for
Senator Cotten, the landlord, to make
them a short speech alter dinner.
This he did in his usual pleasing and
graceful way to the perfect
and enjoyment of all. He com-
the crowd on their good
management and good behavior and
said much lo encourage them that
will long be remembered by all pres-
Mr. Cotten takes much interest
in the health and welfare of his ten-
Music and dancing was next on
the program and was fully enjoyed
Much credit is due Mr. J. C. Hum-
and Mr. S. ft Martin, man-
agers ibis picnic for their
energy In seeing all well fed and
given a good time generally.
Tins community is well pleased
With the work being done on the
road by Mr, Allied Forbes,
manager of convict force
the murder the gambler, Herman th
This district attorney's office has
aid that counsel in th, case Po-
lice Lieutenant Becker, indicted for
TORONTO, Ont. Aug As the
concluding feature of bis three
In Toronto Duke of Con
naught held a review of the boy scouts
. t Canadian National Exhibition
Water Gap afternoon. Tonight his Royal mo
Ryan lost control white driving Highness, accompanied by the
over a newly oiled road and the. car cheat of Princess
slipped turned turtle He was Patricia, leave in a special train for
Pinned under the machine, luff Sling the West Their trip will last until
a broken neck which Instant October and will lake then I
. Mer-
The entire k Dry
company, which recently
Into bankruptcy, was yesterday sold
to T. i prominent mer-
chant of Greenville, x. C.
will be remembered the
closed Its doors Several Weeks
go on account of voluntary bank-
proceedings J ii Cheshire
Has appointed trustee The sale
sale was made by him.
who will
for business within
Rosenthal, is preparing to ask for
change f the ground
Becker could not get a fair trial here
because of the Inflamed state
lie opinion,
John F. counsel for Po-
lice Lieutenant Charles Becker, In-
murder of Herman
Rosenthal, today obtained a delay in
the case until September t, by sen in ;
writ stating the proceedings.
The writ as on Assistant
District Attorney Rubin and Judge
of Court General
before whom Becker
to have been arraigned today for
pleading. Supreme Court Justice
Amend issued the writ.
Becker was arraigned last i
for pleading, hut his counsel obtained the sec
hi adjournment until Today,
still professing lo be lo go
on, Mr. obtained lit
oil the ground he I.,,
lime in make motions he
deem necessary,
Mrs, Lillian Rosenthal,
the murdered gambler, is preparing
to bring suit against Lieutenant Beck-
for for till
of her husband Her lawyer bases
he of a lot of heavy
mules and big steel plows furnished
b Senator Cotten, good progress is
being made; the county commission-
no mistake in sending Mr.
Forbes and his convicts up here
II people all over the county
could be induced to take the interest
and lend a helping hand Mr. Cot-
ten is doing In the matter good
roads. We soon see a great
all over the county with-
out Increasing the taxes or bond is-
is accomplices would
not In i it
Webber's poker rooms, on
mid Door tin- northwest
street and
., where the slayers Herman
gathered n minutes be-
drove to the i
on the morning murder, July
were raided closed last night
hi Inspector and a
Since Webber's an
in the West Side prison on the
charge complicity in murder of
his hopes in this s,. on Rosenthal, puke, rooms which
. technicality which he believes will ,.,.,, ., ,.,. , , f,.
possible for him to win ;,,,., ,
escapes earn,, lion in the j.;,,,,. , ,,,. ,.,,.,, T.
games have conducted by a man-
The point is the requirement in a ager who gives his name as Kirk
criminal case testimony of Brown and who has made dally re-
open the must be corroborated, it ports the profits lo the proprietors
next few this point Which Lieutenant Becker iii bis cell
days, is a well-known and progress- may enable him win free-
business man of Greenville despite the confessions Hose.
n in business there for many ; Webber and
who I In a civil suit, however, a
it Becker
Pacific coast.
has b
years and is recognized as one
far Baikal had success In business of ft
News Observer. win a verdict and the fact that the at News.
a woman gets so old that com
no longer have any charm
a woman never reaches

Eastern reflector, 23 August 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 23, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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