Eastern reflector, 16 August 1912

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f Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Rf den and Vicinity
Advertising rates on Application i.
Ayden Items.
Aug. meeting St
the Christian church continues.
Organ is at his Much Interest
is manifested and many are being
added to the The meeting
will continue all this reek.
Our town was full of visitors
Thursday, the occasion being dis-
meeting of I P. This was
said to he the bent represented
in its history. The next district
will be with Covenant
No. on
There will be baptism at Ridge
Spring St
Lime. rubber and metal roof-
stoves and furniture J. R.
Smith and
Old people tell us this is cold-
est August of their experience.
We would suggest to repair and
repaint the present school building
and build double porch all around
it, also build the flues from
ground and cover it with tin and
beautify the interior by painting
doors and with some
doors and ceiling with some cheerful
for sale.
Sam Pierce, While cranking an
yesterday said it kicked and
broke his arm. Dixon dressed
it and Sam is all smiles today
B little local news and tin n
considerable relish. Wherefore we
cull upon everybody everywhere who
happens anything at any time
worth knowing and telling to shoot
it in forthwith and at once to
editor of the Reflector. Same will
be appreciated.
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
g Rates on Application
Winterville Items.
H A round Standard
STAN It Aug. Mr, Josi
Cobb and Miss Tucker hero
to Sunday to en-
joy the day there.
Several of our folks of here went
to Marlboro church Sunday.
Mr. Charlie Tucker of here and Miss
Julia of Burlington went to
City Sunday, report
nice time and say they enjoyed their
night's ride.
Mr. Wilbur of Ayden puss
ed through n route for Mi.
Smiths id spend the day. one
heard say be would sell his farm
near lo any one wish
cs to buy. This is a chance for some
young hoy that wains a farm and
girl also.
Messrs. Leon and Marvin Jones el
here went Id City Sunday
Miss Rosa Tucker who has been In
Richmond for several months in
spending a while with her mother
Mrs. N. E. Tucker at the
Mr. Allen Edwards of near Or
was a pleasant caller hero
Sunday lo spend the day With
aunt. Mrs. W. H. Elk.
Mr. John Anderson here while
working a mowing machine came
very near losing one of his lingers
Ho was trying to the
of the machine and caught his finger
in causing a bad wound
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols spent
Saturday Sunday with Mrs
tr parents. Mr. and Mr T. It.
Oneal of
Mr. Hen Savage of spent
Tuesday afternoon at home Of
Mrs. X. E, Tucker.
Mr. Carl and Curious
lotto of were visiting at the
farm Tuesday night Won-
WhO Went lo See.
There was an Supper
Mrs. N. K. Tucker's Wednesday night,
given in honor of her daughter, Miss
Tucker who has been in Rich-
for the last year and Miss
of Burlington who la
spending a few weeks at the
town Items
We sorry to hear Mr. Lu-
Hail's baby is sick. We hope
it will soon be well again.
Miss Mary who been
spending some time at Mr. J. If.
lo her home in
Greenville Wednesday.
Mr. W. W. went to
Winterville Thursday.
Miss Tyson, who been
visiting near returned
Mrs. Agnes passed through
town Wednesday.
Mr. Bill Craft and Miss
spent Saturday night M
Roach Corey's, near Ayden.
Mr. G. W. paid Ayden u
visit Thursday.
Miss Bertha Dall spent last week
with her brother. Mr. Luther Dall
Mr. Oscar little son. tan-
ton, is very sick.
Willie who has been spend
some lime Mr. W. B, Manning's
i home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corey visited
In Saturday at Mr. Jno
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith attended
church at Branch Sunday.
Misses Mollie and Clara Jane
Nobles spent the latter part of
week it their grandfather's, Mr. Eli
Mr. and Mrs. II. Skinner spent
from Friday until Sunday visiting rel
near Ft.
Miss Clara returned home
Sunday from Mr. Henry Sermon's.
re been visiting.
Burns to King
SASKATOON, Sask. Aug. Tom
my Hums who has not done any
fighting since his defeat by Jack John
sou Australia nearly four years
ago. Is to reappear in the ring here
tomorrow night in a fifteen round bout
Bill who hails from
Vancouver. The contest will ha in
th. nature of a try out for
who if lie can regain
his old form he will claim the chain
title upon the retirement of
Jack Johnson.
Police Chief-
annual convention of the Chiefs of
Police Association of Wisconsin began
this city today with headquarters
at the St. Charles Hotel. The
hit will two Jays.
t trout
Bethel Item-
Bethel, t ti heal In this neck
if the woods.
Many come and many g I, lull the
bust come back.
Mr. F. Stokes the Reflector i i-
was here Thursday, pick-
up cash for The Reflector Com-
Mr. H M. Clark, one of our lieu
was here Tina
doing the handshaking stunt the
regular political style. Our people
like Mr Clark and are going for him
Mr. M O. is erecting a store
west Of Hotel which when com
Is to he the equal of any store
in Pitt county.
Our Road Supervisors have
chased a splendid road machine and
bonds or no bonds. Bethel township is
going lo have good roads.
In behalf of The Reflector in this
section this scribe tenders
to the excellent write tips of
court news of last week We do
this because our people are
interested in If. and
shout our county seat.
Mr. M. Jones suggested to us
a few days ago that h
U hat the I raveling Man find- t round
l ill.-
Illy F. Blokes
Editor My trip to Win-
Tuesday was interesting from
two standpoints cash for the pocket
and e Interesting news for the
leaders el tins sheet.
The political situation is warming
up and assuming shape. Dr. B. T
who mi efficiently represented
Pitt count In lbs legislature of 1909,
is again candidate for the
Winterville is enthusiastic
him and there is any doubt
that he win be nominated by sub-
majority. The people of this
little town believe Clark
and Com will make a splendid
live ticket
Mr. W II Allen, a of the
anti-ring end of the party, was in
Winterville Tuesday liberally
Unit his friend and candidate
for the senate would address the cit-
town and neighbor-
hood the burning issues of the day.
next Saturday. The two Hills are
live wires and lo come in contact with
either means political shock. Some
limes however. Hie shock has an
awful rebound. Thus It was when
Mr. Alien requested one s. s Smith
vote for Will if i under-
stood Smith, his reply was something
like Ibis If I had to make a choice
between swallowing a red hot wedge
and voting for Will I
try the Now must have
been shocking to a man of my friend
Mien's yet, be Ii an old war
nor the game and no doubt is
well prepared for such reports even
from a plain farmer like Sam Smith
As for United States Senate, II s
N. C. Aug
Mr. D. Cox returned Saturday
from Fairmont.
Miss Myrtle of Trenton, is
visiting Miss Myrtle this
We have a nice fall stock of
hand and at the right price.
A. W. Ange and Co.
Misses Esther Johnson Pearl
Heater who have been attending the
Training school came DOOM
See Harrington, Barber and Coin-
puny for your Simons am Atkins
faction cross cut saws.
Mr. Preston and sister.
of Ayden. were visiting
at Rev. MA. Adam's last Sunday.
We are selling pants at a greatly
reduced price, you will do well to
our stock before buying.
A. Ange and Co,
After spending a short while at
Miss Laura v. Cox returned
home Monday.
Misses Winnie Scott and
of are spending
week with Mrs. A. D, Johnson.
For fruit jars and rubbers, see
Barber and Company,
We are glad to welcome the
on Mercantile Co. int., our list of
advertisers. It is the merchants who
advertise that sell good.- and The Re-
is the place to do It, for
Its wide circulation it is bound to
results. Try them
an ad if you wish quick results.
Winterville won both games of a
double header from
day, Won first game score of
v L. Fleming was baited
the box in innings Features of
games, catching of and
triple play by and Kittrell.
Batteries for Winterville, Mi-
ll and for
At four o'clock the evening game
beg u with much enthusiasm on both
sides, for the were deter-
mined to win one victory for tin-
day, but when Kittrell and Smith
both scored In inning it calls
id a melancholy look to coma upon
tin- visiting learn Which lasted through
game. was allow-
lo score once In third but held
by pitching and
catching of until
ninth when another was added to the
All Hie time
adding stars lo
roving around In their brain was
wish that girl was
After many and inter-
games refreshments were
Some one has said that all things
but a circle come to an end so the
hour of departure came all too soon
and after thanking our charming
hostesses for the delightful evening
they had given us we bade them
good night and winged our way
homeward to dream of the Joy of
between and
Drug Co.
the Best
Used in Our
Superior to any.
Alt Soda Fountain
Toilet Articles,
Full Lin of
Fountain ,
Kodak Supplies j
Mr. Harper of Black Jack
was here Friday visiting his brother.
Mr Johnnie Harper.
Miss Lela Roach of was the
guest of Miss Kale week
if you good flour and at the
price come to see Harrington,
Barber Company.
Miss Laura V. Cox returned from
Messrs. H. G. Chapman and J.
Cox spent Thursday at X
Roads visiting Mrs. Chapman,
Mrs. Hugh
Just received a Car load of lime
A. W. Ange and Co.
of Mi. Pleasant who
has been attending the Training school
was here a while Tuesday much
to a certain young lady
We cm hear melodious
sound of the wedding lulls, as they
peel out across square.
Work on the gin and sub depart-
at the Pitt county Oil Mill has
began ill full. They are going to
install four seventy saw gins and an-
engine which means
will be able to handle the cotton
raised in this section. The prospects
are for another full crop.
We are needing lain in our Sen
lion. The corn Crop is suffering
on account of the drought.
Just see the pans now A
Ange and Co. They are having
a special Summer sale.
Cox is planning for
y house party next week.
Quits B crowd of young people at-
tended the revival at Ayden Thurs-
day evening, While a few of our
young ladies were Inking lessons on
curing tobacco.
The best apple vinegar always on
hand Harrington, Barber and Com-
Alt, r being detained for several days
homo team was on account of sickness, Mr. W. G.
crown until I Morris of Wilson left yesterday for
his home.
Drug Co.
N. Carolina
Wreck of the Latest
Zeppelin Airship Destroyed
reached four.
Winterville, Kin- Prof. J. I. Olive is here visiting
I. Batteries Winterville, II. his many friends which be won
and his slay here Winter.
and Umpire Miss Belle Stone of Apex
When in need anything in up
to date groceries and crockery ware,
in a good price, s, , the Mer
Misses Lena Dawson of and
Mary Powell of Whitakers were vis
Miss Cox last evening.
Miss Annie Cox's Mill is
attending house at Dr.
Cox's this week.
If you have good beef cattle and
huge notify It. W Hail, the market
Tin- Mercantile Company are
offering a lot of summer goods
at greatly reduced prices.
it. w Hail's market is the place
for Dandruff
Miss Ethel Carroll this week
All. r spending I few days wit Ii b
son Mrs. s. L, Ange returned to It
home this morning.
II. left this morning
for w here he expects to
spend u few days
Young Democrat Mr. J. L.
will be ready to cast his ballot
Bryan in
Mrs. W J and children of
Crest came in this morning to
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., wants 1.000
pitch, blocks for cart hubs.
Remember we have perfect
I, the poultry and garden win
of this brand cannot be beaten. Come
A. G. Coy
.--. , .
copyright. 1918. by Press Association.
ZEPPELIN surely bus bad link with his airships The re-
cent wreck of an explosion of gas, when
soldier were Injured, several of fatally, recalls series of mis-
fortunes to his dirigibles The Zeppelin I was wracked on Aug.
after making n Might which astonished the world The Zeppelin II.
wracked In windstorm on April 1910 On June gs, the sums year, the
I was wrecked In a gala Oh the following Sept. the Zeppelin
VI was destroyed when stern motor blew up, On May HI. this year, the
II was III n gale and completely demolished. The
was lying at anchor before balloon shed when a strong gust of
wind lore u from Its moorings The ship broke In middle, a few
later It exploded, lire and was entirely burned
for fresh beef and groceries, which to see us before buying,
are going at low prices for the cash Mfg. Co.
Look for the big cut of Hie A. is the first result
G. Cox Mfg., Co. which will appear of but the A. G.
in a few days. Cox Mfg. Co., is doing something on
The Tar Wagons have stood high grade buggies and
the roughest test. The A. G. Cox see them and they will show you.
Manufacturing Company made Coffins caskets and hearse service
still more Improvement on this wag- always your command. Lei us sell
on and they want yon to come down you when in need. A. G. Cox Mtg
and look it over Now Is the lime to Co.
place your order tor a wagon, for Miss Carrie Chapman of
yon are going to need one and later left this morning niter Spending
tin- rush comes, you might while here visiting
not I
B able to ii right at
you will need Ii.
honor of their guests Misses
Most of the farmers of our section
Will finish curing next week
There be regular services In
the Baptist church tomorrow morn-
Ion Be i See Bait
No more dirty coats from dandruff
heads. slops dandruff, Apply
it any time with tips of lingers
smell, no
the pores
the hair One and glossy. last night. week, of which body he was vie.
is prepared by B. W. Roe imagine if you can, the beauty of resident He was mad.- a
Medicine Co., Ma. and is Park when by the dainty touch of the executive committee for
sold by all druggists at
par bottle Hut to enable you to
Maude Louise of High Point and evening.
and Mary Cutler of Washington,
Messrs. James and Will Powell Bring t oil cut loll to
of Whitakers and of; Senator It. It. of
smear sinks Misses and in town today. He attended tin
makes the scalp entertained their many friends good roads convention In
make a test and prove What It Will
do for you. get a M cent bottle
fully guaranteed or your money
II Pharmacy
Automobiles are getting almost
could as buggies.
of Misses and next year. Senator Gotten talks en
hands the most exquisite little of tho work in
lantern were hung here and j the interest of good roads at lie
there to assist the twinkling stars meeting, He Is trying to
lighting up the pathway of the ladies I bring the nest convention to Green
as went from to corner and we hope he will
make with the this The will have a large mod
handsome young men who were look- em hotel by then and can take cure
as though the uppermost thought of the convention.
person out of each nine who apply r
Life Insurance, is If you thought
you not get Insurance; would you
want it then
Is almost entirely responsible for the inability
so many men to purchase this much
needed protection.
line of Hardware and Paints. Farm-
Implements of makes, Sporting
If it's in the Hardware line, we have it.
Buyers of cotton and
duce. We now former
Mercantile Co. r.
, . to, r.
Agriculture Is Most the Healthful, the Has.
M M.
Over President Taft's Head the
House Passes Vetoed Wool
Republicans Cast Their Vote With
the Democrats
mil HI
mi out i mi
President i ban
II. I.
vote With
narrow margin of Bra votes the bone
my announcement of
for which I would stand If
to Ins legislature, l advocated the
Initiative mid and have
written two articles explaining this
splendid of direct popular gov
teal however, that some of the
people of county do not exactly
understand the advantage of the sys-
and therefore in the way of fur-
explanation to say
The Referendum not only provides
that no stock law, bond Issue or any
other law that vitally affects the pea
shall be passed without the con-
sent of people lull ill the event
Auk Hal ,
her a petition con
the Ian lo a vote at the ballot box.
And unless the law receives a
majority of the votes cast it
be stricken from statute
under tins system no law can Show Wrath in
be upon people without I
consent of the majority of
tied votes. Thai is. if the people
by the use of the Initiative the
k Lawyer, a Hotel Man and
Police Official
such a law is passed then the the people.
pie can a law though the eighteen Detroit
should refuse lo do so. Bond for Graft
I an, opposed lo any bond Issue yen Their Anger on
law unless submitted to a vote Town
in,,,,,,., v, . a B II in.-
today passed the wool tariff revision of -V Harrison, the cloth o. ,,.,.
bill over President veto. The convinced that a
vote, to SO was made possible on -heck sometimes gives
a couple or more citizens Can M
publicans who voted with the have added that thereafter they
ii ass
v of twenty one He and a couple or more citizens of
is who voted with the added that thereafter they
The announcement of fully investigate the worth of,
success created a wild out a check for hundreds before Sees a Mark
i. . . in tr Oil i I i I lull
in the house and amid great lug It for payment. On a rainy day
confusion the Republican leaders pro a few weeks ago Harrison wen up .
tested that Speaker Clark must count to Insurance office of W. L. Long f the United Stales produce.,
w. voting ten members who answered over Harrison's store, to loaf with more whiskey and rum and smoked
present to their names, a ruling which Long u while, bong bad a couple more cigarettes during the fiscal
would have defeated the Democratic of rocks on bis desk which be used 1912 than ever before in the his
program by overcoming the live vote for weights one being a piece of the country, according to the
margin and making impossible the re of talc and the other a reddish colored annual report of Royal
cording of the necessary two thirds stone with a few small quartz In It, g, commissioner of internal
vote of the house. This the speaker neither rock being of any special val submitted to Secretary
d lined The two men were Joking today. Tho consumption of
than g hour after the wool various matters when Harrison asked i was exceeded only by the
hill had been In the what he would take for beer drinking fell off
the conferees on the sugar bill met two rocks. Long said about percentage.
., . for blank Check Tl,.
Alleged Sender of Set Been
accused of sending an infer
machine addressed lo Miss Ollie
of this city and which
ed in the express office here, serious
If Injuring two officials of the com
DETROIT, Mich., August
mingled with threats and
counter charges were heaped upon
Edward deposed clerk of
common council committees by the
accused Officials when
in police court today with
eighteen aldermen for arraignment
on bribery charges preferred In con
with the street
deal. confession, in
himself land the aldermen
I now under arrest, was the principal
has not been arrested. i of around the
There are scores of people, accord
to reports, who have seen him In
many different places at the same
The unprecedented smoking of II.-
cigarettes exceeding the
record of 1911 by nearly
HIP ii . .
and disagreed. They determined to Harrison asked for a blank check and
report to the and senate that was handed one of the Commercial
it had been found impossible to reach National bank's blanks. He filled It ,,. ,., .
a compromise between the for and signed his name. treasury officials, who were
and bills. When Long picked up the check , for the enormous in
This action la expected to mark says he told Long he might as crease.
. a. in. II ii
ill.- v . .
end of sugar tariff consideration In well tear it up; that it was worthless
the present session and the excise because he had no money In the bank,
men Continued lo talk III ii
tax bill which was framed to
up revenues that would been
by the reduction of the
tariff, probably will remain in
conference when congress adjourns.
While Democratic and Progressive
leaders of the senate do not believe
the wool bill can be passed in that
body over the president's veto, they
Will continue the demand for action
on cotton tariff measure.
The veto on the wool bill came as
a surprise lo the Republican leaders
of the house. When they discovered
that defection from the ranks was lo
be expelled it was too lute to prevent
Not In the memory of the oldest
of house has a tariff measure
ever been over the president's
veto by the lower house Neither
Speaker Clark or Majority Leader
recollects such an occur-
When Speaker announced
vote and declared the bill again bad
been passed the president's veto to
the contrary notwithstanding there
was a wild outburst of applause from
the Democratic Bide. The tumult was
Increased by demands of u ball
Republicans ruling was
vein while the check lay on th
desk. Harrison was called back to
the store and left Long's office with
out thinking lo destroy the check.
Some days after the check Incident.
Long closed his Insurance office
left A few days later Harrison was
surprised when a representative of
Stored warehouses the country
over are 263.780,070 gallons of
and rum, the greatest on record.
In Kentucky alone are stored
gallons, which exceeds the
amount of and rum in the
whole United Slates eleven years ago
The record production of these
cants for was gallons,
or 13.000.0110 gallons greater than
The consumption of
lime, but there are no developments
since names of and his
alleged Intended victim. Miss OHM
Hoover were first given the public.
Miss Hoover is a daughter of Mrs.
Howard Maxwell and niece of United
States Court clerk J. II.
Is believed to been lo-
In Asheville.
Miss Hoover, who Is a demure
Is stenographer for the Stanley
Printing Company. She had not re-
attentions favorably
Immediately after bearing
of the explosion left and has been
traced to Asheville. There seems no
possibility of his escape.
the bank called upon for 1912 gal
exhibited Joke check and asked
If he wanted to put up the money
to pay It. Harrison explained
the check was out as a Joke
and later, after consulting Counsel,
ordered protested. Tho check was
endorsed by W. L. another
Long and and Co. and
had been by the Champion
hank of Canton, Attached to the
chock was a little slip asking that
Ions, the nearest approach to the re
cord of 134.031,000 gallons in 1507.
The consumption of beer for 1912
was only 62.108,733 a
of over 1.108.000 barrels, as
ed with 1911.
the Champion bank be wired If the
check was not paid, in accordance
with Ibis Instruction. Cashier
of the Commercial Immediately wired
the Canton bank that Check bad
been protested,
The next heard from the cheek was
that the decisions must rest on
a yea and nay vole.
Representative of New when Mr. a lawyer at Can,
York. Democrat supported Mr. came to two or three
stead and Mr. Gardner In their con-j ago in the Interest of the Canton
while Minority Leader Mann bank and the Canton folks who
the speaker's position. The the check. Ha got little
speaker, when the debate broke out here, however, returned to
With renewed vigor. put a Canton with nothing more than the
ling was tin- it, rocks for which Long bad
ambiance You may talk ail you want, be Jed Mr. Smathers said that Long
order was restored nM no intention his brother In Canton and did
Gardner of or Minority Leader Mann appeal not leave there for days
that constitution provided that Lg w nU followers to by the He the check was cashed. Hut the HISS
n two third rote house w party and protective tariff sage sent by Mr. was deliver
necessary and that ten He urged upon them the lo the wrong bank at Canton
voting present should be counted, to remain with the minor Long bad left before it was known
they had recorded their presence or,.,. guard great ii.-ii the check was worthless, II
the house. American Industry, which ho said, is now tho purpose of those who
It. pr, Penn- he destroyed under the terms dotted tho check to Institute
of the Democratic bill. proceeding against him if the
Mr, Underwood, who followed Mr. money Is not recovered, II being the
Mann and closed the debate exhorted opinion that he Is guilty of fraud in
wavering Republicans to Join with knew the check worth
Democrats in passing the bill less.
court room.
You dirty dog. said Alderman
one of the accused, when
he noticed entrance to the
court room.
How could you say that I ever ex-
changed words with you in regard to
the deal You know it
false. When you take a man's honor
away from him you may us well take
his life,
started to go away.
You dirty dog, again yelled
then walked into the
court clerk's office. The first
person he met was Alderman
another one of the accused.
All you lack is a little more hair
and then you would really be a dog.
said shaking his fist In
As other aldermen began to hurl
Imprecations at the deposed clerk
Prosecuting Attorney Hugh Shep-
herd and bis assistant seized
by the anus and directed him into
the private office of another court
official and the door was closed in
the faces of the aldermen and spec
tutors who had crowded around.
Bach of the eighteen aldermen
dared that confession was
of the murder of Engineer Holt of the All Of the aldermen are charged
Southern Railway. Tho having been implicated in a plot
made three previous attempts to to force the Wabash railroad to
them various sums for their Influence
III putting through the a res
ard, a who was serving a
thirty year term for murder, was shot
and killed by a guard today when he
attempted to escape from a convict
camp near Aberdeen. Shepard was
convicted at Durham three years ago
Congress supported
one of the foremost
These ten members who voted
ruled the speaker after a lengthy
Another War in Sight For
Turkey in revenge for
of Bulgarians at in
miles to the southwest of
is demanded by the Bulgarian
Excited mass 111.-clings being held
feeling runs higher and
The massacre is generally credited
The youth of Bulgaria is extremely
Inflamed. Demonstrations against
Turkey are being organized at many
.--.-. ,
examination of precedents, are the president, who be
as being present only to ha could dam back the demands When you gel that check
lute I quorum The constitution. the people with veto cashed, remember the newspaper
interpreted hi needs.
street for th
benefit of the railroad Company.
it is alleged that nine of the alder
men actually received bribes, not
from road officials but who
posed as such. The nine others, it
Is charged, agreed to accept certain
minis, but failed to collect at an
pointed time According to the pros
edition, alleged trap was
a short lime after nine aldermen were
and also after the time for
I the others to receive their share of the
money had expired.
j attorney shepherd and
detectives claim marked hills
were found on several of the
alter they had hen arrested and
charging promise to
accept a bribe were Issued late yea
for the nine aldermen
The complaints were sworn to by
Year the System Has
Keen Lev on Gambling and
NEW Aug.
extorted from gambling and
in New York city is said
to way into the pockets of
higher up who are the real heads
of the graft syndicate that provides
police protection for a price to
Information has placed in the
hands of District Attorney Whitman
by private detectives working with
him on the Rosenthal case that these
men higher up are a lawyer, a hotel
proprietor who claims strong political
affiliations and a police official.
Two police inspectors also are
to be profiting richly from graft.
District Attorney Whitman now
. convinced that Jack Rose told the
truth when he said that at least
was collected from gambling
houses one section of New York
The district attorney is not willing
to hazard a guess on the total amount
of blackmail extorted but he is con
that it runs into millions.
The private investigation is still be
ling continued into the police black-
I mailing system of which Mr. Whit-
man Is learning more each day. It
appears that for a year a perfected
system has been in operation by which
all gambling houses and disorderly
houses have been put under the
The investigation already has shown
that there always has been police
blackmail through Intimidation, by
which police officials fattened their
batik accounts, but when It was re
organized better results were
shown. Private detectives reported
to the district attorney that under
the present system of doing things
were protected from the
complaints of victims, being one
of boasts that one of the men
higher up was Influential enough to
prevent the trouble.
Whether or not such Influence could
be delivered is being investigated.
District Attorney Whitman is said
been with a list of
prominent persons who played in
various gambling houses Is said
these persons may be subpoenaed to
give information.
I An important witness In the Rosen
case has found by District
Attorney Whitman and he will not
be called upon lo appear before the
grand jury hut will be kept until
Him The Key
Sheriff R. W. King says It was
so hut today that th- was Edward R. former secretary
boiling over. the council committees, also
ed With bribery, who recently made
. the what latter
ii lined a full which
ii.-s all of the aldermen accused;
may be basis for the
, of former aldermen and which
he said as far as knows, com
the history Of grafting by
of the city council, for over a
decade past. No warrant for
arrest bus been issued.
An opera singer should never let a
note go to protest.

Scholar and Statesman, Democratic Candidate for President.
, ., . r . I directly the nomination or
Appreciations of the Loathsome
II author of this circular
Innuendo Being Lately Circulated
Author fella in
is I
I Mil II
The Issue Before the People people will when reminded of it I
Mr. By the merest trust I am serving the best Interest
an unsigned paper containing the of the people in recalling their
above heading came Into my hands these times, i cannot believe
yesterday and I set to work the people are willing to be led by
to unearth its author and to a circular whose author is ashamed
learn who is circulating it. have to sign It. which has for Its purpose
not been able to rind out anything and intent to disrupt the Democratic
about who wrote but I have so. party and bring the same con-
Information it is being that were brought about by
ti i former disciple of methods by Marlon Butler
and more recently a stealth; Re- prior to 1888,
publican. Indeed it is tit and proper
that such a vile and slanderous pa-
per should only be circulated by a
pupil of the loathed, bated and recent
outcast Marion Butler.
It is a part of the political history
of the past years that when
Marion turned traitor to the
Democratic party he began by
denouncing the men whom the people
elected to office,
Tl a pupil of Butler seems Io be
his example and fol
lowing In his disgraceful footsteps
this unsigned paper is n
i i hood and a I
that the people
will ask them
t few
I bi
selves their
such questions as
Who wrote this circular
Why is it n u signed
Whit is its purpose
What credit we to give cir-
which the author himself did
not think enough of it to lei be
known that he wrote it
Would not an honest man speaking
what he knew to be the truth have
been glad to have signed It
SI we encourage such
notice a point or two in the circular.
It stated In paragraph that those
who prompted Mr. Cotten to pass
the law are deserting him like
rats leaving a burning barn. Now
that is a He out of the whole cloth
and I charge that the author of that
circular knew it was a
lit when he wrote it. The men
with u very few sign
ed those petitions favoring the stock
law are honest men and gentlemen
and to say that they would desert
any friend or man who had responded
to their wishes is to brand them as
cowards and ingrates I think
I safely say that if Mr.
was a candidate tor
with Hill only as an
not one of the signers of those
petitions out of a hundred would de
Cotten vote for
Then there is bond question
over which that bastard circular lit
goes into conniptions.
beat the to it
the last time and had a little word
Inserted into the bill that resulted
in defeating its effectiveness. Sub-
lime. Isn't it A feat of that kind
might be gloated over by an
nary toad frog Hut Little did
Such a pity that Little Hilly was
not asleep then as he was when the
stock law bill slipped through
Though lie knew of the effort being
made to get the stock law passed
yet he was not sufficiently interest
ed in Its effect on the farmers in the
territory covered by the straighten
of the fence as to utter one word
of protest. No. so far as am in
formed, did he until an opportunity
presented itself for him to put his
hands into the pockets of the
and the lucre extracted there
from, augmented ; the advantage
gained by reason of his
for the prosecuting petitioners, have
put hint in the running as we mid
him today And up until last
day it looked as if he was not going
to have any opposition. I felicitate
the Democracy of county that
this office hunting, money grabbing.
W. F. is now near
bag a head on collision.
Hut back to the law. Why
didn't Will lilt his voice in
protest against it to so
would have done some good He
knew of the petition; he knew that
the bill had been sent in fact,
ii he had been other than the hypo-
that he is making good in prov-
himself to he. he would have given
the alarm, aroused the and
In less time than hours have had
a cross petition bled with Mr. Oil-
ten and had he done so, no
law legislation would have been pass
ed by that legislature, thus saving
the farmers of that unfortunate coin
time, trouble and expense.
Hut Little Willy was slick. He fig-
that the farmers of that com
were not intelligent enough
to get on to him. To pull the wool
over their eyes was dead easy. Thus
he thought and thus he did. He
got your money. Mr Partner, by tell
you that you had a winning case,
when he knew you didn't Result;
you Hilly gained Not content
with taking your money, he Is now
denouncing your party and asking
you to elect him to office. And. for
what To repeal the stock law leg
of Now that is the
veriest tommy rot. I want to tell
that that law will not be repealed
Well may every section of the county Have you asked your congressman
prepare for the stock any free seeds
who inspired that sentence Is
a deliberate Juggler of the truth. And
the proof of the assertion is hereby
demanded in the name of two thous
and honest Democrats.
knows these things am
them would not put his name to the
pernicious insinuations which it con
Therefore, this circular is a
and gratuitous insult to the
Intelligence and honesty of every
Democrat who took part in the
primary both of two and four
years ago. tn next Saturday, Aug.
17th. there will be another Democratic
primary held and every Democrat
will have the opportunity of attend-
this primary and casting his
vote for the of
dates of his choice. I appeal to the
Democrats of the county to attend
this primary and rebuke the in--ii who
are seeking to obtain office through
the means of unsigned circulars in
tended to mislead and deceive the
people and I appeal to them to unite
iii selecting men office of clean
lives who do not stoop to low methods
deception that they may themselves
be put in position. When the people
this county atop to think they are
swift to do the right thing Dem-
of Pitt county. I beg you
,, until the voters I'm county decide
Land System
by Clark
To the Having advocated
tins measure in candidacy for
the House of Representatives, I think
a system that Insures a man's title
would not be out of place.
No harm can possibly come from
a insures a man's title
to his own property and allows him
to borrow money on that property
without the Inconvenience ex-
of each time having his title
looked up and mortgage drawn. And
at the same time gives the lender a
perfect lien.
The Torrent System has been adopt
ed by several states and has without
an exception proven a perfect sue
tor those who wish to use it.
There is nothing that succeeds
success and experience is our best
teacher. The system Is not
but Optional, so no one could
possibly raise an honest objection.
unless they do not understand
workings of the system.
if the system is adopted by North
Carolina a land court will be organ
lied and maintained on the funds con
by those wishing to take
advantage of the conveniences of said
This court will proceed to
gate and perfect the titles come
before it and give certificates for
the number of acres of land owned
by each participant.
are similar to stock certificate
in any corporation the resist r
books will be kept by the
tor of deeds of each county, just as
the registration books are kept by
the secretary of each corporation,
Having received this certificate of
title the land owner is given the
advantages ill borrowing money or
selling property, as Hie owner of
stock now has.
The owner of real estate can de-
posit his certificate of title with any
bank borrow money on Ills
without the extra expense
each time baring looked
Now; but I wrote him to find me
two or three good summer boarders
you lose anything on
the football game
should say so; I had to
pay a fine of for exceeding the
pad limit in getting
will use your time between now
Saturday in thinking over these
and then be protest at tin-
rote and nominate men
for the legislature who will he all
honor to the county, capable
faithfully and well of whom
may be proud as your represents
the legislature of
I know by years experience
sheriff the office of county
to do it
Listen to the bastard's If the
anti-ring ticket goes down in defeat.
and mortgage drawn. If it is sir-
ed to sell property, a transfer of Hi
certificate and an entry made by th
register of deeds is all is
Our present system require
the private examination of the
this could also be one of the require-
of the System In the
form of a rider attached to the
of title.
I believe the System trill
put more money in circulation, an
make it easier and less expensive
for those who need money to get it
The above Is a general outline of
the System as l understand
it and if am wrong would like to
he corrected and better Informed,
Of nurse the details of the system
and argument in Its favor cannot
be gone Into very fully here.
II you would like for me to work
for this system I appreciate
very much your support.
D. M.
. . Governor.
For Governor.
of Buncombe.
E. L.
For Secretary of State,
of Pitt
For Treasurer.
of Wake.
For Auditor,
of Randolph.
For Attorney-General.
T. W.
of Franklin
Superintendent of Public In-
of Guilford
For Insurance Commissioner,
of Vance.
For Commissioner of Agriculture,
of Lincoln.
Commissioner of Labor and Print-
For Corporation Commissioners.
E. L. TRAVIS, of Halifax,
P. PELL, of Forsyth.
Just ices Supreme Court,
WM. HOKE. of Lincoln,
GEO. H. of Beaufort
of Beaufort
For Presidential Elector.
of Pitt.
upon our citizens and of- highest
who are serving well and faith Importance to of tin
l the ts to
I Saturday in the i-
of five men for the
commissioner, who. when elected
will have the and tin
. of t i men whom the
i m ., and I
I , . , ,, , in i d n n
V ,.,, Butler began hi . In unsigned circular that is
,. the state crying program of the ring should
. Ml, o tiled i elected to further extend the stock
It law territory until it
will Important position In t manner
imitation of his evil example county and
lily to discharge the duties a this
road menu
i, shall
, t ii edit upon
and upon the county.
I. W
i . ti i,. net have read I
to circular that it being
county broad catted our the The
,,. the whole paper is effort for
make the people believe we beneath Marion Butler's lying
i Pitt county, even It hit best days and it is prob-
. th, paper will know that the able that this falsehood is on-
He out of the whole things i even the author
cloth and did have th- r. this slanderous circular shudder
put n ii. iii- II and refuse to put his
, only a could v en a man in the
j it. to hit own bus- of that i the
I . j.,, ,., ,.,. people of Pitt not know that then possessor of more than
they know me la no i, thing at ring rule In In was so sensible its
T . . . for Six years, with ; In this i and falsehood con-
In which I he I tied tin, that he lacked the
m . -hood to sign his name and so
i ,. in at the thing must roam
i, , nor don. and of I e In a bastards garb. However, Its
my it in the welfare of people them Two y i so title to is dean
people I notice this circular at Hie D n nominated as s the right of the
all. It is well known that follow i in i voting and who caused it to be tinted h
Butler in an evil hour great . people elected them. The pan ask the raters the Democrats part
upon the. people of Not it . two go nominal him for an I
, . p, of Pitt, I at . . . .; , ., o gentleman,
sure well remember the campaign o ticket and in several Instances Ii capable th
,,. .,,, i. i which it required county officers How it writing Mien a circular, had ii
i and united work to restore . n. party ruled i I written I. swell,
to the people the ring when the voters iii every sec- have such a coward at t.
lugs of good g lion of the county have the have left off his signature.
all the of going to the primary and As this is ii short letter i can bat
as I do and
I VERY year some farmers lose money
by buying the first is offer-
ed them without looking over our lines
We carry up-to-date line of farm
and machines that we know will
give you absolute satisfaction. They are
the most practical, economical and
on the market.
We carry a stocK or repairs tor the ma-
chines we sell, which is to be considered in
buying machinery.
Our desire is to give you the best service
possible and we will do everything in our
power to merit your patronage. See to it
that YOU do not lose money this year.
GREENVILLE. North Carolina
Greenville Tobacco Market
Welcome Tobacco Farmer
Within two days from issue of number the Greenville
Tobacco season will be officially opened and u few days later the
sing song f the auctioneers, the rapid pencil and pen scratching,
the heavy rattle of cart wheels bringing in the loads, the overtime
working of 111.- bank clerks and a generous flood of money will make
it a cert ti inly.
Farmers from Pitt and adjoining counties will again bring the
fruit of their labors, the piles will be methodically arranged in the
spacious floors of our five magnificent warehouses well be sell-
tobacco. When the fray is over, after many weeks of incessant
toil the exchange of the crops for the crisp bank certificates and
the silver dollars, it's a sure bet that Greenville lead
Eastern North Carolina once more.
It is not a spirit of jingoism makes set down that state-
Greenville has led the market before and naturally with
the Mg crop already housed and ready to be sold, ii is not risking
much if we say that once again market make a mark for it-
self in tobacco selling.
On the other hand conditions in this part of the and
offered by the people making tip the Greenville market make
up a combination that cant be beat. Five warehouses with an
proximate capacity of feet of selling space throw their doors
wide open to tobacco farmer.
Seven enterprising firms on the market represented by capable
buyers ready to go to the limit for their concerns. So wonder that
n conservative tobacco man on the market says that Greenville can
handle one million and over pounds f tobacco every working week
Factories lined with the most modern giving em-
that represent many thousands of dollars every season
greatest ease the of the
Who Is Who
and Where
l ti
bas been operated by Mm to Imperial Tobacco Co.,
by It it strength the market is almost
by safe to say bi as much as that of the two other men-
there on. With the Honed As a matter fact.
into consider-
are here ready to handle with the
wonder, we repeat, that taking all these fads i
the Greenville tobacco market has led and will again lead this
season for the Entire Eastern North Carolina.
Every year additions are made to our warehouses and the
newest machinery erected in our factories to keep tip with the ever
increasing demands of our plowing market. Moreover, this season
an entire new warehouse has been added to the already four
ones, and will find in this new warehouse improve-
such its very latest arrival have made possible.
Managers of our warehouses pay the most careful consideration
to the mutter of the auctioneers that actually sell the tobacco. No
nun that holds a position in any of the houses has not been engaged
after his worth to work in ibis market had been ascertained
all manner of doubt. This again has a great deal to do with the
success of our market. Met trained for efficiency in the position
they occupy. At the head of each warehouse men of integrity,
men whose close acquaintance with the tobacco makes them
valuable friends of the when be to dispose of bis crop
through them.
For years past, Pitt and farmers from other counties
have found it to their advantage to bring their tobacco here. There
is not a mote shrewd man than the farmer and he soon buds out
whether it is to bis advantage or not to market his product here
or there. For ibis reason the growth of the tobacco market in
Greenville is in a measure a great to the men and
who compose it. The endorsement of the tobacco farmer, implicitly
given by bis coming i Greenville, is valuable both for the men on
the market and the farmer.
We are told that fourteen million pounds of to-
will be sold this season. We would like to see the prophesy
In the meantime we welcome to the Greenville market all
those funnels whose confidence in the honesty of treatment accord-
ed them here has made Greenville their market in the name of
the Greenville Tobacco Market we invite all those others who here-
have not had an opportunity of availing themselves of the
great advantages offered the tobacco here.
We wish to thank those who. through their timely help
with information have made ibis page possible. Of course, in
helping us they are helping themselves, perhaps because of that
proverb -The Lord helps him who helps
Nevertheless, we heartily appreciate their
trust that the tobacco season will
remembered for its prosperity.
lie one long ti
Compare Figures of 1909 With 1912.
pounds were pound
tor r on an average of or an
I figure by
19101,101,000 pounds were Bold R X
It. Bookkeeper
American Tobacco Co.
Boat, H. A., Buyer
Export Leaf Tobacco Co.
Brown, B. A. Weigher
Star Warehouse,
J. F. Manager
Center Brick Warehouse.
Bowling, L. H. Bookkeeper
Beasley, H. w. Asst. Bookkeeper
Star Warehouse.
Caution, it. T. Auctioneer
New Warehouse.
ii. W., Auctioneer
Gum Warehouse,
Cooper, c. It. Buyer
Export Leaf Tobacco Co.
Clayton. W. H. Bookkeeper
Tobacco Co.
Q. A. Factory Foreman
American Tobacco Co.
Dull. w. II. Jr. Cashier
Duke. T. A. Asst. Buyer
i in Tobacco Co.
Ferguson, E. Buyer
American Tobacco Co.
Flowers. Fred, Asst, Buyer
Tobacco. Co.
U. General Manager
k. ii. Tobacco Co.
Fox, J. ii . Floor Manager
Liberty Warehouse
Foxhall, F. i . Manager
Star Warehouse.
B, General Assistant
Gum Warehouse.
J., Manager
New Brick Warehouse.
Gorman, N., Manager
New Brick Warehouse.
Gibson, J. L., Floor Manager
Star Warehouse.
Gray, W. A. Factory Foreman
Export Leaf Tobacco Co.
Hooker, S. T., Manager
Liberty Warehouse
Hooker, F. B Asst. Bookkeeper
Liberty Warehouse
Hughes. J. E., with
Hughes, Meade Tobacco Co.
Hutching. J. Jr., Factory Foreman
T. A. Person Co.
Harris, G. E. Asst. Bookkeeper
Center Brick Warehouse.
B. O., Buyer
Imperial Tobacco Co.
O. L., Manager
Gum Warehouse.
Guy Asst. Bookkeeper
New Brick Warehouse.
W. T. Asst. Manager
Liberty Warehouse
Lang. J. A. Cashier
Liberty Warehouse
II. S. Manager
New Brick Warehouse
Meade. W. with
Hughes, Meads Tobacco Co.
W. H. Factory Foreman
E. B. Tobacco Co.
E. A., Buyer
Tobacco Co.
Pruitt. W. Factory Foreman
Imperial Tobacco Co.
Person. T. A. Buyer and GenT Mgr.
T. A. Person Co.
Pierce. S. T., Asst. Bookkeeper
Perry. H. E. Bookkeeper
New Brick Warehouse
Rice. W. I. Auctioneer
Center Brick Warehouse.
H. S., Bookkeeper
Star Warehouse
Skinner. W. I. Buyer
Imperial Tobacco Co.
smith. J. I., Asst. Buyer and
T. A. Person Co.
Spain. S., Bookkeeper
Center Warehouse.
Smith. Guy, Floor Manager
Cum Warehouse
A., Auctioneer
Liberty Warehouse
Thompson, S N. Bookkeeper
Liberty Warehouse
Tyson, R. A., Assistant.
New Brick Warehouse
Thomas, E. B., Sec. Treas.
E. B. Tobacco Co.
Thomas, W. C, with
Hughes, Meade Tobacco Co.
Woodward, J. Bookkeeper
Imperial Tobacco Co.
. Watkins, J. . Auctioneer
average of
After many alterations crop
value New Gum bis
will throw open its doors this Liberty.
season to the farmers under tin- man-
of Mr. O. L. the
President the Farmers Consolidated
Tobacco Co., and u man widely
throughout Eastern North Carolina
for his lung connection in tobacco cir-
In this house everything
been done to equip it with a view to
making it as good, If not than
all the other warehouses in Green-
ville. The following will make up
the force at Hie
O, L Joyner, Manager.
N. I. Young Assistant Manager.
It. W. Crenshaw, Auctioneer.
Guy Smith, Floor Manager.
L. H. Bowling. Bookkeeper.
s. T. Pierce, Assistant Bookkeeper.
J. II. General Assistant.
On mid Operated
The Ni w Brick Warehouse, the lat-
est addition to Greenville market
Is everything that the latest building
devices can make Light, air.
space, automatic scale, convenient in-
for farmers and their
horses. In each every detail
that Will leak- Ibis new a
for tobacco tanners The owners
of this house are well-known
s T. Manager
W. T. Solicitor end Asst,
H. A.
Thompson, Bookkeeper
F Hooker. Asst. Bookkeeper
II Pox, Floor
J. A. Lang, Cashier
the market this up to lately there was no difference
in at between this and another large
was established in
with the following C.
C. T. T. Anderson,
B. B. Lewis. E. C. W.
loins and II. A.
The representatives of
E. II. Osborne Buyer.
Fred Flowers, Asst. Buyer.
Ill MILS. A tO.
Among prominent
Greenville is of Hughes, Meade
and Co., In They
are buyers leaf tobacco on order
and they arc also extensive export-
They employ a large tone and
own and operate an extensive plant L
equipped with the very latest
Leaf Tobacco Buyers and Exporters,
As its name Implies this does
a buying and business and
pays an important i art in the Green-
ville market. Ii operates
here a most modern plant win-re many
employed throughout the
for the steaming and packing
of the leaf. They have a very strong
capital and Ir business i
every year. Members of the
John E. Hughes, of Dam
This. W. Meade.
W. C. Thomas.
Like American Tobacco Co., the
Imperial Tobacco Co. of Great Britain ,,,,,,. branch of one
The officials of this company in this
season's market
Geo. Cooper, Buyer.
a. Boat, Asst. Buyer.
W . II. ton, Bookkeeper.
W. A. Gray, Factory Foreman.
This is on.- of the strongest
I s in the world and are well re-
presented here in Greenville. Com-
upon the of business
of the
liked by the farmers of this section of and Ireland is too well known to re-1 concerns In the tobacco
the slate, having worked in this mar- any comment here. Like the would be B waste time, -is
before and having established also, this company has a ,,, nature of then- transaction is
most enviable record for integrity in most complete and extensive plant extensive for us even to attempt a
their dealings. what has been said here Io take care of the tobacco II t ,,., sketch.
and everything points j buys and its dealings In this market T. American Tobacco Company's
out that way. the New Ware-
house is going to make good from the
of the Now Ware-
Gorman and Gentry. Managers
B. T. Cannon, Auctioneer.
W. E. Perry, Bookkeeper.
Guy Assistant Bookkeeper.
II. G. Assistant Manager.
I. A. Tyson. General Assistant.
Clay Wilson. Night Man.
are comparatively responsible for ,,. n Greenville Ibis year will be
its success. The Imperial force Ibis
B. It. Ferguson. Buyer.
year will
R. O. Buyer.
W. I. Skinner Buyer.
Geo. J. Woodward. Bookkeeper.
W. H. Pruitt Factory Foreman.
T. A. I Hike, Asst. Buyer.
It. Bookkeeper.
G a. Factory Foreman.
This is one of the oldest established
in the market, its birth dating
Owned and Operated the Farmers
The Star of oldest tobacco
warehouses in Greenville and also
one of the largest, owes a great deal
its popularity and success to tin
efforts of its manager, Mr. F. D,
Foxhall, who is acquainted
with most of tobacco farmers
Within a radius of many scores of
miles. It is u large, well lighted
and ventilated warehouse, and
volume of sales this warehouse is
credited with speaks well the force
working the sales there. It was ill
this warehouse that the Pitt County
Fair was held last year.
This force at the Star will
be as
F. Foxhall, Manager.
J. U. Watkins. Auctioneer.
J. L. Gibson, Floor Manager.
E. A. Brown. Weigher.
II. S. Bookkeeper.
II. N. Beasley. Asst. Bookkeeper.
Since its establishment in this with a capital of
bus been doing a magnificent it began business. They are
business in the Greenville market, tobacco on order or
ways keeping ahead of the times by This firm has had a most
Installing the most modern
since its establish-
In their factory. Capitalized at men, ,,., proved of great value
and with still the addition of market, In this concern
more machinery this firm is ready pounds tobacco
take care of pounds of tobacco of force of
daily. One of the additions . Th,. mark of 2.000,000 lbs.
to their factory consists a large ,,,.,, help has
Philadelphia Textile Drying by this
which will enable this to easily, p Co. are operating
handle the amount of pounds connections cover-
daily designated above. bot, ,. Stales and all
additions are machinery which markets of world,
the tobacco of any sand ., trade of a very
that may have clung to The have reached to and
Is composed of the is
T. A. Person. Buyer and General , ,,, For
Manager. their factory has
J. I. Smith. Asst. Buyer and Book- . n ,.,, they are now ill
keeper. I, Io handle double the to-
Jr., Factory
Slur Warehouse
Wilson. Clay, Night Man
New Brick Warehouse
owned Operated Brink
Rice and Spain
This warehouse, close by Atlantic
Line Depot. Is. because of the
warm, honest and courteous treat-
accorded the farmer, one of the
most of the so-called
pendent houses. Throughout tin-
nine years of us establishment the
volume of sales has been on the In-
crease under its present manage-
good things are expected of the
Brick Warehouse.
The following lone will conduct the
F. Manager.
W. L. Rica Auctioneer.
i Spain. Bookkeeper,
Harris. Asst.
Alt hough a comparatively new
when classed with such concerns at
the American Tobacco Co., and the
taken rare of in previous years.
T this are well
Known to the tobacco farmers doing
business here
E, It. General Manager
It. Thomas, Treas.
W. II. Man
or on an average of Tobacco Board of
Gum Warehouse
Owned and Operated by
is. T. Hooker, Proprietor and Man-
The Liberty Warehouse has the
of offering more selling space
than any other warehouse on the
market. Without annex it has a
feet capacity. There may be
something on the IS, Mr
Hooker says that he does not believe
it. This will make the 13th
season this popular warehouse
Mr. Tobacco Farmer
Above firms will do their best
for you if you only do your
best for yourself by bringing
your crop to the
Tobacco Market

Tho old method of feeding and morrow will miss an opportunity of j
clothing and then kicking your bettering their own condition. Con-
FARM and back where you Small has arranged for this
I only purely In the interest of the
barbarous. The new way of as- farmers and has secured some of
Editorial of Human Interest
Published by
these economic victims to help the leading men in the government
is not only logical, but agricultural and good roads depart-
COMPANY, humane.
to come and make addresses.
social organization of today can
hope to be an effective agency for
Adverting rates may l
application at the business .
The Reflector Building, corner
and Third streets.
The tilings that they are going to
,, lightening humanity's burdens unless do in unraveling the
it has a department thoroughly con- in New York, seem to be the
Tenant with local industrial things that they don't do. the
and as familiar with police on the side of the murderer,
lies under the head of supply as they it is not that anything will be
are with opportunities under the head done to ward clearing it up.
All cards of thanks
respect will be charted i
cent per word. point should be emphasized in
advertising this
dates will b charged for at three
cent per line, up to Hues.
The department is one is distinct
as second class
August 1910. at the post office at
Greenville. Carolina,
act of March 1879.
The holders of the Democratic
Men who seek em- primary to be held next Saturday.
net Hiking charity, should allow no known Republican
in that primary. It is their
service to guard the ballot boxes
the province social gUard
than charity and unless the particular
removed the
Some years ago a pessimist sent out
the Is life worth living
This once answered by a wit-
doctor, who That depends
on the
The line of health is liable
to distortion by various causes, sue
charitable is
bureau III own ends by
only reaching the drills of life Instead
of that substantial strata of clerical
professional and semi-professional
men which form the liner machinery
of industrial life.
Men seeking employment will not
g;. to a charitable bureau to be put
on lie- right track, however
meaning that institution may be. It
is a peculiar tact a charitable
institution of the referred
to. conducted ill the same building
with a employment
would In a large number of cases
fail to attract indoor men and skilled
The Ural analysis of handling the
out of works would be the
of the unemployed and the gain
of facts of high value in tile after
treatment of the question. The first
division would be men and women.
Under those heads by little, save
,, the dead
Mr. M. has taken charge
of The Independent as editor and
manager and that paper Is again
its under his guidance
We wish him success.
Of course building material has to
be put on the streets for convenience
when work is in progress, but it
ought to lie placed so as to cause
little obstruction as possible.
It is certainly true that actions
speak louder than for one
paying of a debt is louder and more
eloquent than a hundred promises
to do
Russia from to
Italy from to
Thus our representatives to the
great capitals, where much is expect-
ed in the way of entertainment, are
forced to scrape along on salaries
insufficient to maintain dignity of
their country.
It follows that only men of means
Can he to these posts, and
the list of ambassador to the
powers is therefore a list of million
In his report. Mr. Flood says that
one of our most distinguished am
confessed that lie was
to spend more that his
year's salary in refitting and furnish
a house which was Inferior in
respect that that of his
After two years the house was
sold he was obliged to repeal the
In I he plea for lit quarters for our
who favored a move
were defeated for re-nomination. This
is usually the case in counties where
there is no progress. Some old cod-
go around and talk about in-
creased taxes until they scare those
who know no
preach of Our gen Ire
Interesting are those in
report of Representative Flood, for
the affairs, on the
bill, showing how inadequately our
diplomats are paid and housed
compared with those of other
For we pay ambassador in
a year while Great
pays hers In Peters
burg. Rome and Berlin the British
ambassadors receive from to
the French from to
pays her
ambassadors from to
ambassadors the report declares that
the usefulness of an ambassador as
r consul depends upon the respect
which he Is held in the country
v here he resides. In the great
t of the public knows
the British, French, German.
and Italian legations, but those of
the United States are unknown.
Mr. hopes his bill
half a million for suitable
residences the of Mexico.
and will pass.
Certainly it is time that the United
States placed Its diplomatic
on a par with other countries.
lie What makes you think she is
not a girl to make friends
She I never hear any
about Opinion.
And is a purely vegetarian
restaurant inquired the dyspeptic.
Yep. answered the waiter. There's
no rheumatism in this
Vacationist Where does this road
go to
Farmer been bud-
an Inch in time,
I understand you have been clean-
up the city.
Yes. replied the crooked official;
we clean up something over two
million in one
errors in diet and excesses, men- and other
a, ell as physical. revealed.
Ti,. adjustment of the complex
phases of life as
in our imposes new duties ways
obligations, for such life whilst It is now
grants to the favored few such respecting man or who
like fables, it reaches has either mistaken vocation.
on other extreme the very low-; common prudence s,.
cm depths of
being successfully handled now in
, but it is not his life
Interesting. It is the
Wilmington is not stopping with
pulling blind tigers, but is after
male vagrants as well. Forty two
of the latter were arrested in one
There are some things besides pol-
that should occupy attention,
lull some people do not think that
about it.
By L.
As was predicted, the price of cot-
ion is tumbling now as the time for
lie- new crop approaches.
id of investing In property have
financial shipwreck. How they did
is Immaterial, pi to themselves
demands they should in-
come producers.
II is a real problem and its
may require an
fort to aid the down and outs. The
difficult task is to aid those, who,
is nut degrading. Neither
is hunger or physical suffering, but
they form convenient stepping stones
lo ,, condition where the animal In-
of survival cancels teach-
of society. Give us bread,
the , of the starving workers of
Paris. They got none, and fail
neck I whoso owner had innocently
How funny that they should
want why don't they eat
cake dissevered from her delicate
body, spurted jets of blood
over the Place de La
She had no obligation to provide
bread any one. The rains came
lo make flowers grow for her
orations. The rude working M
her to rule and for her
husband to trample on.
She an aristocrat and so
be They were the head of their
class. The class contaminated
,. th., touch of common people.
They lived only for themselves and
ii no obligations except to
Old Guard, they can die but not
render. They do die. through
starvation, on a tea
and toast basis. Neat but thread
bare they And one can not
help them. honest worker is
a much easier problem. He may be
rough and even brutally frank as
to his needs, his earnestness is
in doubt, And society needs him
It is only another case of the
peg In the round hole. There has
been a misfit somewhere.
The bum who has selected as a life
task the position of treasurer to a
working woman, who feeds her
I children and pay rents, whilst he
loafs, is a much easier one for the city
to with.
The police are his natural enemies
he says so-it is to the
Kl-l-s Hutched In Racket
On Sunday a lady ill town found
a of eggs in her yard. Thinking
eggs were newly laid she put
them in a bucket and plied the buck-
et In the pantry. While in the pan-
try Tuesday she heard several
that she at first thought was
mice squeaking. The noises kept up
and the lady began an Investigation.
Looking In the egg bucket she was
surprised to see biddies picking their
way out of the shells that enclosed
them. They were hatching by them
selves right in the bucket.
Then David Livingstone went to
are a vicious, boneheaded darkest Africa a diary and col-
article which are continually of and spoiled the
their without any warning peace and happiness of the male
whatever, and rolling under the very
darkest corner of the bed.
This disgust-
habit is com-
to the hone
collar button,
which will catch
a man in a full
dress shirt and a
c. Ii iii-
make him,
crawl under a.
low hung re aW with
buttons by surrounding
themselves with a leather belt, which
allows the trousers lo drag gracefully
Authoress a cook
I think you will suit me very well
What Is your name
Cook- Concordia. from Schiller's
Bells You've read the Hells of course.
Will you have a biplane or a mono
plane asked the salesman.
What's the difference
With a monoplane I believe you
hit the earth a little quicker when the
smash Courier
The most difficult tiling in the
world to photograph is a small boy.
remarked the photographer.
Why is that asked the assistant.
Because he never looks cheerful and
dresses up. too. explained th
them to the American pants button.
At first the natives wore these but-
tons in their ears and noses giving
them the weird effect of a
clam bake, but now you can travel
from one ml of Africa the other and
see nothing but strung
in a half hearted manner
round open faced buttons of an effete
Somewhere about that the
German t was dying and of the body politic that
his last request was for mole light make him move on.
II has come, tile .,, the Society will lie the gainer when help
days of Louis and Marie rather than punishment will be th
are gone No one can now controlling factor in civic govern-
lo themselves. All have places
ill society, with the exception of
very few. such as hermits, who pin Right at time of year farmers
outside it. are following the old custom of
What then, is the cost of a life, ,,, time and money in having fodder
and is it worth what it costs, A pulled. There is no work about the
man life been compared to a farm that hands hate to do worse
bank, where you can only get out than pull fodder. We hear that they
what you have previously put In are now generally charging one
with accrued interest per day for this work. That price
Tho wealth of others, the work alone makes it unprofitable to th
of others, the pleasures others, for there are very few hands
the follies, crimes and diseases o can pull and save a dollar
Others all are mutually reacting worth of fodder in a day. But a
The Is on all lo help Ilia greater loss than this comes through
needy, not dire i girts, as- depreciation of corn from which
slating them become sell support the fodder is pulled
The Houston Chronicle In d recent
editorial in a civic I In- of
tibia Date in History
August II
1750 Ports Ontario and de
sloop captured the Amer
sloop Argus in the Eng-
a new record by
trip from Halifax to Liver
pool in days.
new Louvre, in Paris,
inaugurated with great
by Napoleon HI.
David G. Farragut
died. Horn July a. 1801.
Ferdinand of for
proclaimed ruler of
of the Peking legations
by the forces of tho allied
somebody with
came along and draped man
first pair of pants.
History relates that the
If a man is smart, he never has
occasion to mention it.
But more good tilings come to those
who go far after them.
seldom abides with a
man who loves his home.
A smart boy tries to practice
in the use of toilet soap .
A woman who marries for spite has
to take it out on her husband.
people act foolish and get
sore because others notice it.
It wouldn't take long for most
wear buttons for the sole to ,,, what they think of you
In his heart.
Buttons were
unheard of until
criminal Instincts men
his and suspenders, n order
be on the safe side.
was the happiest epoch harassed purpose of embittering their husbands for you
man has ever known. From shut who are obliged to chase up and too old ,
time to this he has had to gear up his down the back of a shirt waist sever- ., ,., , do a.
trousers with safety pins, wire nails, times a day. This is one of the synonymous with the things
lag screws and patent rivets, while penalties of marriage which is
his wife attends the Shakespeare club many a thoughtful bachelor to ., ,.,. husband always lets
and holds forth on mural art. I falter on the blink. have her own way she'll give him
credit for having poor judgment.
Press Comment
turn. etc. There are exceedingly few Chicago News.
citizens in the State who are not
by the action of the state far
beyond the cost of them In taxes. The n
tax rate in the State is low, especially I
illy Sloane
when It is remembered that property down by the sounding
V. hat He Get Fur Our State assessed at from one third to one sea
The News suggested that its real value. No patriotic man sobbing sea
withstanding the great increase in protest against paying his the water's wet and the air Is
of the State that there has No honest man will shirk them. What
been no reduction in the rate
The News should remember that
While the State's revenue Is probably
twice what it was two decades ago
that the Slate Is doing much
more with the Income that it was at
time. around you. man.
Twenty years ago the State was
we get In return for the taxes we
ls about the best value we get for
any money we
By the soulful, sea.
And there's plenty of fog and sand
and sky
And the sand flea rages and fish are
The grocer, of course, is on the Job.
At The Primaries.
It had been a hard day at the polls. And that's why the sea and the
The addition of nearly a thousand thus sob;
pending a negligible votes to the poll made the Hut the water's sweet and the air Is
. for education purposes. Would, prolonged proposition. free.
H. Atwood made ,. t
flight from St. Louis ow,
to Chicago, beginning
to the Atlantic coast.
The hospital facilities for the labor a
other unfortunates
Well said Mrs. cost you nothing to see the sea.
her husband returned from his.
Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of
Germ in years old
Earl of a din descend-
ant of William years old
Ernest author,
list and naturalist, years Old to-
a teller, how songful sketcher of Jersey fame
vote go Gets happily Into the summer game.
sere entirely Inadequate then. Would . or He nips an ankle or nips a nose.
you have the State make any poorer hundred and And loves the open-work style of
provisions for these than it is for hose.
four wash lists and a sings his way through a peek-a
Department of bill, ,
State Building.
It Is alright for a State
to favor the good roads
And all men envy you
As soon as the day is done
The sketcher's shift is at one begun.
But, still, we're down by the Bounding
Every test hat
that where the blades are left
he sulk, the difference in the
the corn is greater than
and urges ii the duty of each mun the worth of fodder,
gel fobs for the
ployed. Some of it is ii pro, s and The farmer of Pitt county who
Ii herewith attend meeting here to-
was Simply existing years ago.
Today it is doing a magnificent i
live work adding greatly to the pros-
pi not only of the agricultural
classes but of the people of the Slate
generally. Would you have this work as we And the waters wet and the air Is
prepared to have one that be free-
It takes money to do things. North thorn The
. ., .,. , in the Slate l lie
Carolina is doing things, state ,., have about all they The crafty crab and the cooing clam
can carry Herald. which no fisherman gives a
Can be produced tor the price of
With The Hovers.
Frank Klaus will lake another trip the greatness of her
to France as he has signed to meet and is going about utilizing, . .
in Paris, IV, r, them. Her population, her Industries
Smith, tho Australian mid and her wealth are multiplying, in of the charges If one must sordidly stop to cat;
eight, has arrived in this commerce and
and is willing to take on any of our
boys at the weight.
who de
lotted Tout recently,
In every
other line she is developing a
that far surpasses that of practically
every section of the country.
I of the state gets some
made against Mr. Blouse they would
never have made Governor.
In half a dozen counties where a
spent building was the Issue,
on beans and pork
Or one may fallen
That are tinned and labeled in
New York
the water's wet and the air is
t as nothing to see the is i
That will bear the
closest inspection
as to genuine
Dinning Room
Bed Room, Drawing Room
In addition, you'll find our showing in-
the best choice and widest variety in
Buffets, Sideboards, and Rock-
Prices are Prices-reduced
Tucker passed over short bridge on sentiment of the people by
Sunday evening and got fooled. the dry bones of Marlon Butler,
Mr. Wyatt Tucker and Josh Branch some man who In the past voted
passed down Williams street like a for Butler has helped to circulate the
kite Sunday P. M. circular and those tame men helped
Mr. Wilson was all smiles to nominate and elect Mr. Tucker to
Sunday evening. He saw his girl, the high office of which he now
Guess who boasts of having held for six
Mr. Marshall Williams spent part I shall speak tonight at
of Sunday evening out to Cross Roads, night near
under the grape vine. Mill and Friday night at Black
Mr. Cox was all smiles Jack. I Invite Mr Tuck.-is favorite
Sunday, H is baby doll Bat- lo at any or all of these
night. and I will prove the charges
The bean have got at of the circular to his fullest
Mr. Mis. m. o. an. ml , Y, only that, i to speak
our have almost for- in Greenville tomorrow at a time and
home for Harris street and for place be later announced and pub
N. C. I guess you know to answer these critics who wait
who it Is.
Town Items
Messrs. Leslie Smith. Thad Nichols
and Jasper Joyner visited at Mr. J.
B. Sunday.
Mr. C. L. Tyson spent from Friday,
until Sunday with his father. Mr.
Tyson near Arthur, who is very
ed services at Ayden Sunday night.
Nobles Town farmers nearly
through curing tobacco.
Miss Naoma spent last
week with Miss Beulah
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Taylor alt, lid
ed preaching at Grove Sunday.
Mrs. James Avery is on the sick
Misses Jennie and La Rue
hon visited at Mr. J. ii. Sat-
night and Sunday.
CAM, Hill
the eleventh hour lo whine and
endeavor to voters.
Important Hint The Mine Ex-
Mr. think now is the prop
time to call attention of our vol-
W. Worthington is off on an ex necessity and Importance
baseman was. Then In a close ,
It often happened that a fast man
a slow one to me. I hod to rush la.
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
g Rates on Application
to Norfolk. a and Judicious
Roy Worthington was in this neigh of county commissioners.
hot-hood Sunday. The old board has been wise, core
Miss Blanche Roberson. from economical in management
is visiting at Mr. J. They have erected the handsomest
C. R. Townsend. the tobacco man. the pride of
passed through town last week. all the people of Pitt county and the
admiration of all visitors at the ex-
low price of
Reliable and Experienced First
Baseman Aids St. Louis.
Presence Expected to Inspire
Other Players With Confidence
to Make Them Per Cent.
Better in Fielding.
Black Jack Items
eighty thousand dollars and have
Winterville Items.
Laura V. Cox left this morning for
Ahoskie where she expects to spend
a few days visiting friends.
Prof. John R. Carroll and Mr. S
U. made a trip to
The Union Mercantile Company are
opening up new goods daily. We ask
you to come and give us a look. Prices
are right.
We keep a full supply of doors and
windows on hand all the time at the
light price. A. Ange and Com-
Harrington. Barber and Company
are giving some very good bargains
summer pants, you will
save by seeing them.
Her many friends will note with
pleasure that Miss Blanche Cox who
left a few days ago for the
hospital to undergo an operation for
appendicitis Is convalescing very rap
idly and hopes to be with us again
Harrington, and Company
carry a complete line of hardware.
Miss B. Cox took her Sun-
day school out into the country
for an outing last Thursday.
Mr. W. Brown of Greenville was
in our city last Saturday.
H, J. LangSton left Saturday for
Wrightsville Beach via
where he anticipates spending his
summer vacation. Here's hoping
Henry a good time bathing In the
waters of tho Atlantic.
Carload of lime Just arrived at A.
W. Ange and Company.
A new lot of shoes Just in at A.
W. Ange and Company.
Mr. R. C. Cawsey one of our clever
young men, made a lying to
Miss Rosa was visiting in
Ayden Thursday.
Misses Johnson and Olivia
Cox made a business trip to Green-
ville Monday.
Harrington, Barber and Com
for your Simons and Atkins
perfection cross cut saws.
Mr. J. Cox our clever surgeon
Is in the section for a few-
days this week.
Things In South Winterville are
different this week since the
house party at Ur. Cox's has broken
After attending the house party
Miss Cutler of Washington returned
to her homo Monday, being
by Miss Maud Louise
of High Point Miss Lena Cobb of
BLACK JACK. Aug. farm administered tho affairs of the county
through this section are through in a true business like and
curing tobacco. They all seem to manner.
be With their years work. The office of county commissioner,
All that we can hear at this time is in my opinion the most important
is fodder rattling in the field. office in the county and we should
There was a mad dog killed near consider well in whose hands we
Black Jack last week. place our financial affairs. They
After having such a dry spell we have the adjusting of all the mat-
all were to see such a fine and all expenditures. They lay
our tax rate and all our tax
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Clark of Grim monies, which I am told will amount
spent Sunday with relatives u one hundred and twenty
and friends. thousand dollars, this year and
Mr. F. U. Foxhall of Greenville, possibly more next year. They can
was in our section last week. even issue bonds in case of necessity.
Mr. L. C. Mills Black Jack lost without leaving it to a vote of the
f beef cows at once. R. W. tobacco crop last week by people and have other Important dis- hat lost
For groceries, up to date, for t powers, allowed by various confidence.
For groceries, up to date, cheap Ml- J Ai who has been to rulings of our supreme court. Such Is not the case this season,
for the cash, come to see the right work home bust week Therefore, every thinking
farm fence wire.
U. R. Jackson and mother, left
this morning for their home at Wake
Highest cash price paid for chick- run-
hides, tallow and bees wax. R.
If you need beef, fish, barbecue or
anything in market line don't forget
R. W. has the goods.
to buy another head
Ask any member of the Browns to
give one reason why Wallace's club
not finish last and be will an
Not that the Browns figure Stovall.
single-handed, will lead the club out
of the depths of the sub-cellar, but the
players to a man believe that the pres-
of Stovall on first will give each
member of the infield sufficient
to make him a per cent bet-
ball player.
Since Tom Jones was traded to De-
for Claude there has
been a big hole around the initial
sack at Sportsman's Park. The play-
have had no one to
True, there has been no less than
twenty men tried out at first, but they
all failed, and many them were so
work at Norfolk came home bust week Therefore, every thinking man Stovall is a great fielder, and his pres-
to visit relatives and friends. He should consider into whose hands will Inspire
left Sunday afternoon. important office is to he placed.
Miss Dorothy Mae Dixon left for
groceries, up
the cash, come to see the
man. R. W.
On August Is Mae Dixon left -h -J f-,
many relatives and a few invited and Norfolk who have made a sue- , Join our .
friends gathered the delightful in their own affairs we can Jimmy Austin. so en-
country home of Mr. J. Carroll to Messrs. W. V. Clark and W. N. these men of affairs to take to know that we have a real
witness the marriage of his daughter, left for Norfolk and Wash- and not carelessly place first baseman after having had so
Ethel May. lo Dr. Memory City Tuesday. n responsible positions men who many goals dancing around that bag.
Squires of Wake Forest.
Promptly Miss Mimic E,
Cox. a cousin of the bride, skillfully
rendered Lohengrin's wedding march
as a processional. The bride attired
in a becoming traveling suit of
on the arm of the groom
entered from the parlor to the porch
Which had been made beautiful with
flowers and potted plans for the hap-
occasion. Standing under a wed
ding bell, suspended from an arch
of green and white, the marriage
vows were spoken, the bride's pastor,
Rev. M. A. Adams performing the
Mendelssohn's wedding march was
used as a recessional after which
amidst the congratulations and good
wishes of many friends the happy
couple left In an automobile
We had a large Sunday school Sun lave n, bandied own success-
day evening. We cordially invite you want office, for office
nil to and help us out in the its emoluments. Would not
good work. De and business like lo so
Several of our people attended the as to have these men elected
Ice cream supper Saturday night at n,,. board of our state
Jim near Red Banks. Bra appointed, three
There will speaking at Black ,,,,,, for two years and the
Jack next Friday night by our next two four thus
N. C. senator. You all are cordially experienced men who knew the
to hear him. business, on each returning
board and not entirely new.
Cox's Mill Items. men every two years. Ii
is our duly to select experienced, able
do you know I have seen
game after game lost when the play-
were afraid lo take any chances
with their throws because of crude
of whatever particular man we
happened to have on first.
had that
will cure you.
Mr. came out to Cox's Mill
Sunday afternoon In his auto.
night ROM Harris.
colored girl
Bunnie Stokes, Miss
Stokes, Bertha Stokes and Mag-
Evans all were with him.
Mr. Jim Haddock of Smith's Mill
for formed a circle on Cox Mill late Sat-
where they took the
trained, successful, business men to
Laugh- the business of the county , of
these men owe it to the people tO
serve them, even at some personal in
convenience. I ask all men to stop,
think It over before they vote.
train for New York and Niagara.
Mr. Willie Wilson and Sadie
Mrs. Squires is a woman of strong took a trip down
a graduate Meredith afternoon.
College and has been a member of Mr Williams was lonesome
the faculty of same institution for Sunday going down Wilson
the past two years. She possesses
Card From Mr. Evans
With the primary
so close at Hand. I am not surprised through
son removed one of the balls and
perhaps, fatally wounded by
Peyton, a colored man. Tho girl
came here from New Bern about a
month ago and on Sunday night with
other parties, was going along the
street to church. Peyton came up.
took hold of the girl and shot her
twice In the back, both balls going
the body. Dr.
rare Intellectual gifts and
Mr. Lewis Stocks and Miss Bertha , , ,,,
at the attacks being made upon my
candidacy for the state senate through he sees no prospects of t
and as the time is too living
your paper;
Christian character. Because of these were giving on his new
she will sadly missed in the so- J. B. W.
intellectual and religious circles wag a for one has
of her home town. his time
Dr. Squires is a dentist with a well M. Carroll Mg
established practice and his , on , all
personalty and Christian character afternoon.
out in print I cannot now be drawn
into a controversy in which my op
have the advantage while I
m out town filling my appoint-
She was taken on the train
Ibis morning to New Bern.
Peyton has not yet been caught,
though officers are searching for him.
will cure you.
First Baseman Stovall.
glove tho pill, steady myself and shoot
as straight as I could or else the
baseman would let It roll to the
didn't have confidence In the man
at first and consequently my work
suffered. This year I know what
can do. I can take more chances
with my I have more
and consequently more dash,
and I'll head off a lot of fast men
last year got bits on grounders
towards third.
nothing so good to a ball
club as one man's confidence In the
ability. If you know the man
on first or second or third Is playing
the game all the time, you can
more chances, throw faster and work
with that recklessness which wins
ball games. I think we'll win a lot
games this season with Stovall. not
because he's a bitter and a good
fielder, but because the other Infield
have confidence In him and their
game will be better as a com
have won for a host of friends.
Colon He direful In
in Their Ballets
PRIMARY HILL HOLD ALL DAY. Sunday with Misses and Velma
Williams and Velma returned home
with them to spend tho week. Don't
cry H.
Mr. Coon Williams spent part of
Tho Democratic primary of this out to N.
to nominate candidates for the Mr. Joe Stocks and sister, and
of legislature, county and township Ethel Braxton were driving down
and township Braxton street Sunday
Mr. Thad Williams to W Inter-
Sunday morning taking
Jones to Sunday M. He
hitches up along side the rabid Jno.
Mr. and lister p the Pitt County
Annie spent Saturday night and Mr. Tucker, It makes
Conetoe, and Miss Cox
Winterville. core and township
Rev. Mr. Burgess of Ayden hold all day next Saturday. 17th.
a series of meetings in the Method The polls will open at o'clock, a.
1st church last Sunday evening. A
cordial Invitation is extended to all
to come out and help make the
a success.
Mrs. J. L.
morning and was buried the ti, three boxes. One
Monday evening. will contain the names
ill. and close at which will
give everybody ill the county an op reported a fine time,
of going to Hie polls and
voting. There will be three ballot Williams and Annie pal
infant child Mr. and at each precinct and each voter through Cox s Mill Sunday P.
Rollins died last be entitled to cast one ballot in The wedding bells are ringing
Of the Stocks Cross Roads, near Mills School
f house. There will be a wedding
Mr. Johnnie Moore and Miss Eva
a team of horses that excites the cu-
if the wonder of every
The statement of Stokes that I knew,
about the law petition is absolutely
a yarn of his own make. He has
ready accused my brother of having
signed petition and has had
eat his own word; he Is in the
predicament as to the charge
against me.
As to the circular complained of,;
it does no mailer who wrote it. but
that It been secretly circulated
is untrue, I Will assume all
for every sentence In II and
If Mr Tucker's and Mr.
lo the things said
therein against the men responsible
for the k law and salary bill there
iii mentioned, I will meet them In
open debate at any time not conflicting
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are Its from an In-
active LIVER.--------.
With a wall conducted
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent
ones earning capacity.
can be kepi in healthful
by, and only by
Umpire Billy Evans Tells Why Con-
tests Nowadays Require More
Time Than Previously.
are games longer In the
place, the lively ball makes more
vouchsafes Billy Ev-
ans, the second place, I have no-
that In batting against this live-
lier ball almost double the number
fouls have been hit, either of the long,
raising variety or those which carom
off the bat against the stands.
addition to this, there has been
another vital change in the game. In-
stead of walking up and slamming
away at the first good ball
the average batsman of season
makes each pitcher work to the limit.
Unless they are over the plate they
pass them along. I have never before
noticed so many Individual easel
where the batsman stood up
three balls and two strikes
Want Ads
The Daily Reflector's
Bargain Column
Advertisements Inserts
under this head at the rate
of live cents per line.
or doses will break any I
of Chills and Fever; and If taken then
as a tonic the Fever will not return.
Mr. was sick on last legislative and county can- soon.
so there was no service in the who with the The farmers are through curing to-
church but trust that he will executive one tho names on our Street.
be able to be with us again tonight. candidate for township of There was a loud game of base ball already made. It
We hod a good shower last night the and constables, and tho l Saturday evening. is Hint such a
Which settled tho dust and other the names of the township exec and Mrs. L. K. Williams were ,, over contain
everything to take on new life committee. All the names of her father, near Black ,,,, ,,, ,,,. circular now. when Mr.
morning. candidates for the some office will Sunday. i Tucker heard me boldly declare the
Farmers are busy pulling fodder this i, the same ticket and the voter T. one of our good ,,. ,,.,, months ago
week. Will erase the names such as be In a made by me lb, anti-
Mr. C. J. Jackson of not wish to vote for leaving Thursday at o'clock In the morning. ,,, last March.
Tenn., left this morning after spend marked on the ballot those for whom J- William on why not Mr, Tucker come
few days hero visiting friends , wants to vote. The voter should Thursday afternoon. He leaves a , .,,, . untruth lies
Railroad Scheduler
He leaves
relative. careful note of this so as to In the Mislead of that, he
A. O. Cox Manufacturing Co correctly Mil his ballot for the can- loss- We sympathize With her. avoid the issue by piously shouting
barb, poultry and of his choice.
Mr. Walter Buck Mr. and Hying to work upon the
ill . i
III a. i
a. i
. I
p. m.
a r
room with large garden In
the prettiest part of Winterville.
ply to C. T. Winterville, N. C.
Finder return to W. J.
man yeast, at M.
If you want Framing
Pictures Enlarged at
beat them all, Dickinson
Greenville. N. Oh Is the place.
J. E.
Are Bret at War
There are two things
at war. joy and I lies. Hut
Salve will banish piles. II
soon subdues tho Itching, Irritation,
or swelling. It glee com-
fort, Invites Joy. Greatest healer of
burns, bolls, cuts, bruises,
scalds, pimples, skin eruptions. On-
cents at all

NEW YORK. July in the back, made with long
h. a feature the seashore and a collar or
wardrobe and while each collar rather deep and ding
brings out admirable modal. In and
material, summer's I. not too narrow.
. . the whole trimmed except tor w hue
more than usually in e. In . ,,
. . ,, .,., .,. Marl buttons and a binding white
the serge . .
. i, . . on all the edges has an extra
has been Been . man odd phase. , ,
The maker, have tor of at U worn b,
combined the wool material with the a woman good
finest linen, letting the coo. linger,,, coat n
. ., serge are coed. too. and when
material from the upper part of the
bodice and sleeve and ., successful . hue and detail e pro
, , , i to lie over popular slum
or Bounced or embroidered
Lire or petticoat under a tunic at which ha. been
the serge i. than the a multitude cheap made mod
combination of ear., and tulle or uncommonly food
and and while there coat suit . . and
may be two opinions as lo the sue elective In its o flat
, , . ., , tab. fastening; both coat and
com of the combination if baa been .
. . .,.,,,. ,,, skin down the front each tab hat
accepted in Pans as t. .
lie i a I
accepted in Pans as ms . .
., . , , , button and in It. odd mo
chic II s in t
. pis I'll Hi.- and
frock It. be.
and it moat useful. . , ,
The white tailored The which not et r
a wide range in point elaboration I
but for general the more
models are the moat effective,
perfectly plan beautifully
coal. and running
Virginia to forage Baseball one hundred from a score
RICHMOND, Va. Aug. Mas. Aug. were in their seat, today
row is to be forage day in Virginia, visitor, are coining to at the ,
and in it. Old week to to Che order
on establish a precedent for annual tournament of the
Kate, to follow. Governor an The tour.,, of Illinois chairman of the
has issued a lo the farm will begin at the Notional national commute.-. The convention
era of the stale urging them to grounds Monday and name a presidential ticket and
in the courthouse town of their will continue through the
counties and views The participant. will Include
and Information on forage crops with representing the union printer, of
. view to increasing the and Chicago. Philadelphia. other utilities the .
variety of the and other Cincinnati. Lout. referendum awl recall d
New York and Boston. Many novel m oiler of political re
features have been arranged for the form.
entertainment of the visitors. One of.
these will be a daily paper of literal
adopt a that will for
the of railroads
forage In Virginia
of In
have little
whose roll back Illy In ft r FALLS Ont. Aug. , , other I I
to show a facing In i of the order of Sons f of National Inion
in and Often to display a p,,,,,. annual meeting League.
here today with an attendance of
local lodge.
throughout Canada. The meeting will
continue its sessions until the end of
the week. is making a
strong effort to secure next year.
fanciful little wain of
Bluff on white silk Sometime,
bolero no but be-
tween its open fronts foams a ca.
of soft or fine lingerie and
lace above a deep gash girdle.
T LOUIS, Mo. Aug.
Show me some tiaras I
want one for my wife.
Yes sir. About what price
Well at such price that I can
Do you see woman with the tiara
is my Pearson's Weekly.
N. C. Educational Institutions
Helen. Stock Show
the water is
popular and some of the
tailored float imported models of costume,
Into long white serge which have com. over
To Dedicate I. . . P. Temple
EDMONTON, Alia. Aug. IS. Can.
Western HAMILTON. Ont, Aug.
Show was formally opened lo than 1.000 Odd Fellows representing
day lion Duncan Marshall, minis all of the local lodges of order
tar of agriculture The .-s in Ontario and some from the neigh
is largest of Us kind boring Provinces gathered In
ever attempted In His section and ton today for the annual grand lodge
. great display of cattle, meeting The big feature of the con
horse, sheep, will be the dedication of the
and pet stock, A five day meeting Odd Fellow, temple
the Western Canada Racing Circuit completed In city. The
is being in connection with the ceremonies will be hod
N. C.
Enrollment during the past session represent-
in North Carolina and Virginia. A Faculty of
men women of successful Courses Mus-
r and Bible. Prepares for College. Locution and con-
surrounded by the influences.
Next session begins August For
. S. Principal
The House of High Grade Merchandise
Potato Balls sponge Padding
Work into a cupful of cold mashed Two of milk one third cup
a teaspoonful of melted but of flour stirred smoothly into the
When the mixture Is white and milk. S.-t in boiling water, and Stir
light add the beaten yolk of one egg steadily until the flour is cooked.
ad season to taste. Make into halls When well cooled add a tea
between floured palms roll spoonful of melted butter;
thickly in flour and fry in plenty of teacupful or sugar; and yolks of
lard. Take a split spoon and shake three eggs beaten to a froth. Before
off fat and pile on hot dish. baking fold In the white of eggs also
well beaten. Turn pudding into
u buttered dish and put in oven in
dripping pan half full of boiling
water. Cook twenty minutes. Serve
at once with whipped cream.
Ladies Coat Suits
Muslin Underwent
Ready to Wear Goods
Fine in all
Style, for Men.
Women and Children
and Laces
CO O -3.
Fine Woolen I Goods.
Percale, Ginghams, Prints,
Long Cloth, and
all the Brands of
Staple Dry Goods.
Men's Furnishings
Yen Will He Pleased
With The Goods
at This Store
A Leading Boarding School for
Established Lit-
Business. Normal. Music, etc.
Excellent buildings and all advantages. Noted for Health. Near Greens-
N. C. Three Literary Societies; College Hand. Leads in Athletic.
Good board at about cost. Reasonable tuition rates. Graduates In . eat
demand. yearly from Carolina counties. A lat
will satisfy you in every Beautiful with views, ate.
Sent free Write today Address the
President, W T Whitsett. Ph. II.
Fall Session. Begins Sept. I
Special given to Mathematics, the
W. A.
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
classics by teachers of long
deportment of pupils consult the
Expenses moderate. For Ml
GRAHAM. Principal
science, and
ice For grade of preparation and
of the University and the col-
. S. C.
Daily Reflector Pattern
Dutch Bread
Pour cupful, or sort bread sponge.
one and one-half cupful, of sugar tor
a little less I, one cupful of currants
and raisins the raisins., two
eggs beaten separately, not much
flour. Do not knead, but stir with I
wooden spoon, then set it to rise
and when twice its original size, bake
in braid pans.
Have you any lobsters
Yes a fresh lot
Haven't you any that are riper
Those look so
Evening Herald.
Street .
Town .
Size . No.
Fill out the above blank,
ten cents in stamps or coin,
and mail to The Reflector Com-
Greenville. N. C.
Every Pair a Bargain
The season grows late and we
are disposing of our large stock of
the season's latest styles in shoes at
Look our stock over and save
money by your purchase
It costs you nothing to examine
these goods and a very small sum to
make your
if tame for Snail
Comprising pattern mm and
skin pattern Kins blue voile
with of green satin and fan
buttons was used for the develop
net employed
under and yoke portions. Th
and skirt are cut in
B and years.
I. require yards of Inch mat-
for the size, for the entire
Costume with yards of inch ma
for the tucker.
This illustration rails for two
patterns which will be mailed
any address on receipt of cents
each pattern.
East Carolina
Teachers Training School
State School to Train Teachers for the Pub-
Schools of North Carolina.
free to all Who Agree to Teach. Fall
Term Begins September 1912. For Cat-
and Other Information, address
N. C.
for of Deed a
To the of Pm
I take method of announcing
myself a candidate for the office
Register of Deeds of Pitt county,
to your consideration and
l. Should you nominate as your
i will appreciate It I
for what you have done for me
the past. Should you see fit to
someone else, that will
lessen by appreciation for what you
have already done for me and m
love for the people of Pitt county.
Very respectfully,
For Register of Deeds,
desire to announce that I will b
i candidate for of Deed, be
fore the Democratic primary con
ration which ever may be called
the county of Pitt I be ,.
and appreciate the support of m
friend, and citizens of the county
of Deed.
announce en
for the o.
Deed, of Pitt county, to
action and approval of the Democrat-
primary. I to thank my
for the given four
gear, ago and earnestly for
the coming primary.
For Register of Deeds.
I hereby announce myself a
ate for Register of Deeds of Pitt
subject to the approval and
action of the Democratic party.
For Register of Deeds,
I hereby announce myself a
for Register of of
subject to the approval and
stolon of the Democratic party.
J. C.
For the Legislature.
I hereby announce myself a cm
for the House of
subject to the action and
of the Democratic primary
May 10th, 1912.
For the Legislature.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for the House of
subject to the action and
of the Democratic primary
Pitt county.
May 1912.
To the voters of Pi it
We want name it man for County
from the North, side of
the county, a man of business and Hint
Is fully qualified to till the place and
If elected will look after the Interests
of the county. Nominate and elect
him and you will make no mistake.
That man is John G Taylor.
For County Commissioner
I hereby announce a can-
from the South side of Tar
for County Commissioner of
Pitt county subject to the action and
the Democratic voters of
the county
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as a can-
for County Commissioner of
county, subject to the action of
he Democratic primary.
i St
For l Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a
date for County Commissioner of Pitt
county, subject to the approval and
action of the Democratic primary of
the county.
June 1912.
For The Legislature
announce myself a can-
for the House of
subject to the action and
of the Democratic primary
Pitt county.
For The Legislature
I hereby announce myself a
date for the House of Representatives,
subject to the action and approval of
the Democratic primary of Pitt
N. C.
For The Legislature
Having been endorsed by the anti-
element of the party
I announce myself a Candidate for
House of Representatives, subject to
the action of a voting primary of the
Democratic party under plan of
the questions
people I Stand upon Hie
I- platform of principles;
No extension of the law
pt by a vole of the people In the
territory affected.
The repeal of law
of the last legislature.
The Improvement of
roads without bond Issues.
Against any bond issue in Pitt
county for the next two years except
n towns and then only by vole of Hie
people effected.
Improvement of Hie county home,
A legalized primary for North
If you desire the above
be upheld most earnestly solid
your voles.
For Male Senate
Having been endorsed by the
ring element of Democratic party,
I aim myself a candidate for
the State Senate, subject to the ac-
of a voting primary of the Dem-
party under the plan of or-
the questions con-
fronting the people stand upon the
platform of
No extension of the stock law
by a vole of the people in
The repeal of the stock law leg-
of the last legislature.
The Improvement of the public
without bond Issues.
i. Against any bond Issue in Pitt
county for next two years except in
then only by vote of the
people effected.
a. Improvement of the county home.
A legalized primary for North
Initiative and Referendum.
ii hi desire the above principles
be upheld, I most earnestly solid.
i it ltd
For I Commissioner
I hereby announce myself a can-
for county commissioner of
county subject to the approval
and a of the Democratic primary
of county.
W. L.
for the nomination
for Governor of New York on a plat
form favoring a new direct primary
For Constable l Thomas R who
I hereby announce a can- It.-,.,,.,.,,, nomination for Con
for constable of Greenville i ,,. ;,,, ,,,, ,,.,., ,.
township, subject to approval and widely known u the secretary
action of the Democratic primary.
Democratic nominee president. Ohio in Kit, By who l, sire and hope and longing prate
has accepted an imitation to r. the governorship of The secret of Immortal youth
the commencement address at Val- New York; and by Theodore Roosevelt. And nature us Into truth,
on August was a candidate for Vice
Judge Egbert K. Woodbury of James dent in 1900 while governor of New q
town, N. Y. has announced his York.
Frank H. Funk who has
Beguiling benign intent
been no
tested by the Progressive party In To and ,,, ,
Illinois for governor, is a practical
farmer. He operates a tarn, of more Kr of Rood
than MM acres in fl ,,.,,,.
nearly all ow which is under high M u, d
National Conservation
Yale in During Int-
c liege days he was celebrated as .
T Smith clerk to the player, being left tackled on
committee on manufacturer, and the Famous Yale Lean of
I private secretary to Senator
And more
Shall its i on the other side.
been nominated by .
I hereby announce myself a ,,.,,, . ,,,,,,., .
date township. If Oar only die
I do all in my power to if Wilson is elected Fulfilling sure prophecy;
the people in a satisfactory I President he will be th. And every wish for better thing.
vote to b. exalted lo office, j An beauty nearer bring
Andrew Jackson a Presbyterian.
as were Polk. Urn Cleveland, j For fate is of love;
Miss n Dougherty of Providence
the to ran State
Office in Island. She has h.-.-i
nominated the Socialist,
of state the November election.
The Historical Society
B has been with a
S banner which was carried by the ad
is pretty well off
isn't he
bat he know
did you mean
going to get married.
Philadelphia Record.
and rapport, am.
Yours to serve.
E d-w
The Reflector wants your Job work.
Michigan Democrat, will hold their
State in Grand Rapids on
Dayton, Wyoming, has followed the
example of Kansas, ill
electing a woman mayor.
Thomas Avers of Pierre S.
made formal announcement
of Henry through
New England States at the time Mr.
clay was . candidate for President.
is I., be the only in
Political rumor In Ohio that
N. Wright editor of the Cleveland
Ledger ad an ardent Roosevelt sup
porter probably will become . can
or. the ticket for
State, senator to succeed Theo
D. term w-iii expire
d in 1915.
N. W.
Attorney a. Law
office formerly occupied by J
candidacy on the Democratic platform The decision of Woodrow Wilson
for United Slates senator from South ,,. the governor-
Dakota. I ship, but remain In office, follows a
Governor Thomas it. Marshall the precedent by Governor Hayes of
For County
Subject to approval by the Demo-
voters I hereby announce my-
self a candidate for the nomination
of County Commissioner of Pitt
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as a can-
from the north side of Tar
river for County Commissioner of Pitt
subject to the action and
of the Democratic primary of
Pitt county.
has seen account of other business en-
to turn over the agency of this ex-
machine to the
John Buggy Company.
We are also agents for the celebrated
Indian Motor Cycle.
The John Flanagan
Buggy Co.
Agents for best make N Cl
bicycles and tires
W. C D. m. Clark
Engineer Attorney at
Civil Engineers ml
II. W. CASTES, M. D, In Effect to Beaufort and More.
Practice limited to diseases of the head City.
Ear, Throat. j The seashore season Is now open
Washington. N. C. Greenville, N. C. and summer excursion tickets are
Office with Dr. D. L. James. Green- sale at all stations to Morehead City,
Tills, day every Monday. to pm N. C. and N. C, good to
return until October 31st.
Attorney at Las
Edward. Building on th. Court
House Square
North Carolina
For Constable.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for Constable of Greenville
subject to the action and
of the Democratic party.
For Countable.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for constable of Greenville
subject to the action and
of the Democratic party.
For Constable.
to announce myself a can-
Ive for Greenville con-
subject to the Democratic
I hereby announce myself n can-
for constable of Heaver
township, subject to to action and
approval of the Democratic primary
Subject to the approval of the rot-
in primary in
Pitt county, I herein- announce myself
candidate for Hie Home of Rep-
B, T. COX.
For Senator.
to approval by the
rotor. hereby announce my-
self n tot
of Slate Senator for Pitt
K A L. OW.
Notice is hereby Riven that the
partnership heretofore existing be-
tween I. II. and S. T.
doing r plumbing business under th.
name of Ponder and Hicks, been
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
will hereafter be
In the name of T. Hicks.
July 22nd. 1912.
B. i .
R. C. H.
Buggies, Wagons and Harness
Horses and Mules
Phone No.
Office floor In Woolen betiding
on Third St. court house.
I- Moor
Attorneys at Law
North Carolina,
lire, villa.
Attorney at Law
To and f
I lake this method of announcing
myself a candidate for business In
everything relating to Heal Estate
and Insurance. Should you see fit
to nominate your candidate will
appreciate it and serve you faithfully.
am special representative of th.
W H Lon Co-Operative Realty Co. and
agent for the Equitable Life
Society of the United State. I
am prepared to handle all kind, of
Are risks, lake charge of your real
estate, collect rents, get
fur farms, negotiate etc.
-North Carolina
Office with II.
I rear Frank
, N. C.
F. Tyson on 4th street
Wilson's store, Green-
Attorney at Law
In building. Third at
Practice, wherever his
North Carolina.
W. F.
Attorney at Law
opposite R. Smith ft
tables and next door to John Flan-
Buggy Company's new building
North Carolina
Life, Fire. Sick and Accident
on Fourth street, rear Frank
Get complete Information from any
ticket agent.
W. W. G. P. A.
Norfolk. Ya,
For Sale
A few Berkshire pigs for
ate delivery. The beet that can ho
W. H. JR.
Greenville, N.
When yon want the beet,
are at your services.
ii Ice Carnations,
and Wedding
the Latest Styles.
Floral offering, artistically arranged
at notice.
at A. M. Stables
Greenville, N. C.
Phone Night Phone
Will attend calls Day or Night.
H S. Ward C. C.
N. Greenville. N. C
V Mill ft Y.
Attorneys at Law
Practice In all the
In Wooten building on
n . North
3rd St. 2nd Moor Wooten
N. ft
Notice is hereby given that the firm
Of Company, of Green-
ville. North Carolina, composed of
V. and II.
Mines, bus this day dissolved by mu-
consent. Jam.-s M. has
purchased entire interest of Z.
V, in business and will
continue the business Id the of
nines M. nines.
tin- day of July. 1912
ill lid w
I. L.
Morehead City and N. C.
excursion tickets now on
Hie lad week end fares will become
effective Saturday,
For specific and complete In-
formation apply In W of th
N. ft
Agent for Greenville and
W. A. Taylor enters and claims the
following piece or parcel of land in
the county of Pitt, Bethel township,
described and bounded as
Adjoining land the Eureka
Company and W. A. Taylor on
the north, land on the
weal and south and the M. Q, Man-
nine land the e. .-.
tow hundred and acres.
more or
This day of 1911.
U Std
S. M. Schultz
and retail grocer and
paid for Hides,
Fur, Colon Sued Oil, barrel.,
keys. Eggs.
Oak bedsteads.
Sulla, carriages, go-carts, par
suits, tables, lounges, safe.,
and Gall Ax snuff, High Life
tobacco, Key Cheroot., Henry
George cigars, canned cherries, peach
es. syrup. Jelly. Meat, Hour,
coffee, soap, lye. rood,
oil. cotton Bead n
bulls, garden
nuts, candies, dried
prunes, glass
Chin. ware, wooden ware. and
macaroni choose, boat but-
new and
other Quality and
W Come to

Summer Footwear
person out of each nine who apply r
Life Insurance, is If you thought
you not get Insurance; would you
want it then
Is almost entirely responsible for the inability
so many men to purchase this much
needed protection.
North Car
Kind That Mother
Greenville Banking and Trust Co.
Resources over
makes the lightest, most wholesome and delicious
biscuits, cakes and pastry. Try it.
All Grocers sell it or will cl for
A cordial invitation to inspect
our stock is extended to all
who desire neat, stylish and
comfortable shoes at
low prices.
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and Flue in Season, See
Uncle Sam Deposits with Us.
The State of North Carolina with Us
Why not YOU
Your account will; receive the i
treatment, whether large or small.
The Largest in PITT COUNTY
Greenville N. C.
The Bank Greenville
J. R. J. G.
Greenville, N. C.
IS I. S.
SOW Aug must
economical housewife, one who
can pay all the necessary
hold expenses on a
week, has been brought
to through an alimony suit
ill a court. Mrs.
of is-
tells In her appeal to the
limit how she ran her
band's home successfully for
weeks on
That hard to do
she adds, but it. was harder
still when they parted, to have
husband out at her
that was no wife for a poor
Learn Telegraphy
and earn to per month.
Thousands of operators needed.
MOM fascinating and educational
work. Positions all grad-
Write for cat-
School of Telegraph,
Main Street,
S. C.
With its of OVER
One Quarter of a Million Dollars
R. L l,
H. D.
Indian Killed on Track ft B
Near an Indian wen.
And on that date we will be open and ready
with our large NEW BRICK WAREHOUSE,
built on the lot from which Ware-
house was burned. It is the best arranged,
best lighted and largest Brick Warehouse in
this section.
The members of our firm are
to you; both are known as judges of the weed,
and as both will run the sales, you can rest as-
sured that you will get full value for your to-
With the best and largest Warehouse,
plenty of cash to back us, and our knowledge
of tobacco, we know we can please you, Bring
us your first load, and if prices will hold
we will sell the balance of your crop.
Gorman will still hold the leaf
business he has always had, and with his large
steam plant hopes to be able to care for all his
friends tobacco.
HOUSE and be convinced that we are your
Having qualified before the super-
court clerk of Pitt county as exec-
of the Last Will and Testament
of G. Little, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted
to the estate to make Immediate pay
to the undersigned; and all per-
sons having claims against said es-
are notified that they must
sent the same to the undersigned for
payment on or before the nth day of
August, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery.
This 9th day of August, 1912.
Executor of W. G. Little.
to sleep on a railroad track and was
killed by the fast He paid
for his with his life.
Often its that way when people neg-
coughs and colds. Don't risk
your life when prompt of Dr.
Discovery will cure them
and so prevent a dangerous throat or
lung trouble. completely cured
In a short time of a terrible
that followed a severe attack of
writes J. R. Tex.
and I regained pounds In
hat I had Quick, safe, reliable
and guaranteed. and Trial
bottle free at all druggists.
Democratic Candidates
to Creditors.
Clara Burney and Emily F.
Johnson, having qualified as
of the estate of N. S. Roach, de-
ceased, before D. C. Moore, clerk of
the superior court of Pitt county, no-
is hereby given that all persons
indebted to the said estate are hereby
required to make Immediate settle-
with the undersigned
and all persons holding claims against
said estate are hereby required to file
their claims with said duly-
verified within twelve from
Still With
The Mutual Life Insurance B
Just The Strong-
est and
Into New Stables
Corner 2nd and Evans Street
Transfer Man
Baggage and Express
Phone No. or Day
. .-. .--------0 Meets All Trains
the rate hereof, or this notice will be g 88888888888888888
leaded, la bar of their recovery.
This the 25th day of July, 1912.
of the estate of W. S.
Roach, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
D. M. Johnson, having qualified
as administrator of the estate of Sus-
an Button, deceased, before D. C.
Moore, clerk of the superior court of
Pitt County, notice is hereby given
that all persons indebted to said es-
are hereby required to make
mediate settlement to the undersign-
ed administrator and all persons hold-
claims against said estate are
hereby required to file their claims
with said administrator duly verified
within the twelve months from the
date hereof, or notice will be pleaded
n bar of their recovery.
This the 16th day of July, 1912.
Administrator Of the estate of Susan
E. Sutton.
I have a passenger Touring
Car for hire on reasonable
terms. Will carry passengers
anywhere in town or country.
or to neighboring towns.
Day Phone, Night Phone
Ml i lure
Plumbing, Strum and Hot Hater
lid's Engines;
Electric Light
Watch the Reflector Grow
Flying Men Fall
to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles Just like other people, with
results in lose of appetite, back-
ache, nervousness, headache and tired
listless, run-down feeling. Hut there's
no to feel like that T. D. Peebles
Henry Tenn., proved. bottle of
Electric he writes, more
to e me new strength and good
petite th-n all other stomach remedies
I So they help everybody.
folly to suffer when this great remedy
i will help you from the first dose. Try
it Only cents at all Druggists.
I am prepared to do your work at
. Reasonable price. See me or call.
Steam Packet
Dally, Including Sunday,
Mali steamers
Equipped with Unties
Telegraphy and every
convenience. Cuisine
Portsmouth, Sundays pm
Lt. week days pm
Lt. Norfolk, dally pm
Lt. Old Point am
sold to all points North,
I. f. C. Harding, chairman of the
Democratic Executive Committee
Pitt county hereby certify that the
persons registered as
candidates the nomination for the
respective herein designated to
be voted for In the Democratic primary
to be held in Pitt county on Saturday
the 17th day of August, 1912,
For the Julius Drown, W.
F. Evans, Alex L. Blow.
For the House of
D M. Clark. II. T. Cox, E. B.
T. L. Williams, S.
Carson, N. R Corey
For SheriffS. Dudley.
For W. B. Wilson.
For Register of J. J.
Bell, R. L. Little,
J. C. Gaskins. T. R. Moore.
For County
S. Porter.
Shade Allen Stocks.
Montgomery T. Spier.
W. L.
G. Taylor.
II. M. Lewis,
G. T. Tyson.
B. Proctor.
J. Holland.
J. J.
L. Smith.
T. Keel.
J. P.
J. R. Overton.
For W. C.
For Coroner. Chas. Laughing-
Heater Dam Township
Justices of the S. V. Joy-
J. W. Smith. C. E.
key Smith, James Crawford.
Executive Smith.
S. V. Joyner, G. T. Tyson. W. M.
J. H. Cobb.
Justices of the D. C.
ow, W. C. Cobb, T. H. Page.
R. I. Moore.
Executive D. C. Bar-
row, T. H. Page, T. E. Parker. J.
Tyson. W, A. Hyman.
Bethel Township
of the W, J. Sober
eon. S. M. Jones. Cornelius White-
II. W. James.
Thus F Taylor.
Executive S. T. Carson.
M. O. Blount. Robert Staton. M. A.
Carolina Township
of A. James,
s. C. C. ti. Little.
Executive I. H. Lit-
L. H. Simon
ton. J. l. m. a.
J. I. James. John S. Overton.
I Township
Justices of the J. S.
Alston Grimes, W. S. Cox
E. Proctor. Alston Grimes, W.
L. Smith, Shade Allen Jesse
II. W. F. Carroll
Justice of the s. c. Car-
loll. H. I. F. Ber-
wick. D. G. Berry, T. R. Allen, R.
F. Jenkins. J. S. James.
C. S. Smith, J. S.
Moore. J.
Precinct No.
Executive J. R. Turn
age. II. M. Sauls, Dr. W. W.
son, Pierce. R. W. Smith.
Precinct No.
Executive A. G. Cox,
T. C. H. Lancaster. A. W. Harper, B.
F. Manning, H. E. Ellis, R. L.
Chas. J. F.
Harrington, Walter Nobles.
K Ink In ml Tun n-hip
Justices of the J. H. Smith,
F. G. Dupree. Abner W. H.
Moore. P. T. Atkinson.
Hugh C. Smith, Preston
Executive W. H. Moore,
F. Q. S. M. Crisp, R. R.
Cotten, J. H. Smith.
Justices of the Hen J. Skin-
It. E. Belcher. R. L. Joyner,
W. A. Lewis.
Executive B. M. Lew-
is, J. W. Holmes. T. C. Turnage, J.
R. Davis. J. T. Thorne.
Greenville Township.
Justices of the A. Mayo,
P. King, J, L. C. D.
J. W. E. T. For-
L. Patrick, J.
L. J. L. Harris. W. L.
Executive Julius Brown,
J. W. Brooks, M. G. X. T.
Briley. Joseph
Parietal Township.
Justices of the R. Over-
A. J. Ira II. Moore.
Bar- H, Ross. W. A. Williams.
R. Bake-.
Executive T. Spier,
J. R. Davenport, J. R. Overton. J.
P, Fleming, J. J.
Swift Creek
Justice of the Peace S. Pitt-
man. W. A. S. E. Moore, J.
F. Smith.
S. Paul
Executive Committee K. A. John-
son. W. F. Harding, P. S. Moore. J.
A. Stokes, K. F. Cox.
The foregoing is s true list of all
candidates registered for the Demo-
Primary of August 1912.
This the day Aug. 1912.
Hem. Committee Pitt Co.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heartfelt
., George thanks and deep appreciation to each
W. Venter. J. Marshall Cox, J. every one of our friends for the
shown us during the
A. D. J. K. o-d death of husband -ml father.
T. Brown and Children.
Executive W. L. IS
Agriculture Is the Most Net Healthful, the Most Employment of Man.- George Washington.
Salvation Army Head Peacefully
el Earnest So-
Is Hi- Eldest Son.
Whole World Mourns
Booth, general and commander
id Chief of the Salvation Army, passed
away at 10.13 tonight. He was born
la In 1899,
The veteran Salvation Army leader
was unconscious for forty eight hours
previous to his death. The medical
bulletins had not revealed the serious
of the general's condition, which
for a week past, was hopeless.
Twelve years ago General
an operation for the removal
of a cataract in his left eye. For two
days after the operation indications
Justified the hope of the general's re
Then, however, septic pols
set in and from that time, with
the exception of occasional
the patient's health steadily declined.
The general recognized that the end
was near and often spoke of his work
as being finished.
Throughout the commander in
chief's illness son,
Booth, chief of staff of the army and
Mrs. Booth, gave their
tiring attentions to him both night and
The aged evangelist died at hie res
some eight miles from London, where
he had been confined to bed ever
since the operation.
Public interest now centers in the
question of a successor to late com
Under the constitution of
the Salvation Army the general
his successor. That General
Booth did several years ago, placing
the names in a sealed envelope which
was deposited with the Salvation Ar-
with instructions that
if should not be opened until after
his death. While nobody knows what
name the envelope encloses, the gen
belief among the Salvation Army
is that it will prove to be of Brain
well Hi nth, who for years has
been its chief of staff.
Where General Booth will be buried
has not yet been decided. While every
English member of the Salvation Army
is convinced that no man was more
worthy of interment in
Abbey. it is not expected this honor
will be awarded to General Booth by
the Abbey authorities. It is the gen
belief that the commander in
chief's last resting place will be along
side that of his wife, who years
ago was buried in park, Stoke
The Search For
In Central Park, New York
The Greenville Hanking and Trust
Company, one of Eastern North Caro
I Una's most progressive banking in
is about to erect a mag-
bank building on the lot re-
purchased on Main street.
Hooker and Anthony are present
the site but will find a new
home sometime between now and the
fall when the building operations will
be started by the Greenville Banking
and Company.
Mr. C. S. Carr Is already In re-
of the plans of the new build-
These were shown by him to
a Reflector representative this morn
and we can Buy that
they leave nothing to be desired, both
in magnificence and solidity of up
and In the distribution of
the offices.
When this building Is completed
Greenville will have further occasion
to be proud of the Greenville Bank
and Trust Company and the
rectors of this institution will have
something to show for their faithful
Proceedings of Criminal
Term of Court
The following cases have been
ed of since last report.
John Tucker, selling liquor, guilty
carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, fined and
Ben Bell and Annie Chapman. F.
A., not guilty.
Matt Duke, false pretense, guilty.
Ashley Moore, assault with deadly
Complimentary to De of
On Tuesday afternoon at the home
of her mother on Evans street. Miss
Mary Lucy Dupree entertained de
light fully In honor of her guest.
Mary De of Norfolk. On
rival the guests were welcomed by
the hostess and presented to the guest
of honor. Cherry smash was served
by Miss Marguerite
The home tastefully decorated
with potted plants and asters. Baa
of asters were suspended from
the chandeliers.
Tables were set for in
the parlor and for In the
Little Misses Josephine and
Willie Skinner presented the guests
with attractive score cards. The
games were played with much en-
At the conclusion of the
games Miss Forbes was de-
winner of the prize,
a deck of cards and Miss Hilda
of the prize, a box of
handkerchiefs. The guest of honor's
prize was a The vis-
prize which was won by Miss
of Rocky Mount, was also
a After the
of the prizes a course of Ices and
cakes were served. Salted almonds
were served throughout the games.
Quite a number of out of town guests
added much pleasure to the after-
noon. Beautiful vocal selections were
rendered by Misses De and
Arlene Joyner.
weapon, not guilty.
E. R. Owens, abandonment, pleads
Judgment suspended
Upon of costs.
Ben Bell assault with deadly
pleads guilty, suspend
upon payment of costs. Same de
pleads guilty of carrying con
weapon, judgment suspended
upon payment of casts.
Will Chapman, assault with deadly
Weapon, pleads guilty, to
months on roads.
Jim carrying concealed
weapon, guilty, sentenced twelve
months on roads.
selling liquor, guilty.
Kit ARM Mil All
Photos by American Press Association.
For was conducted by or more entail
elastic of Pun one evening this summer, with
eminently results. The searchers were New York
and who. thanks to Park Stover, had one of tin
meadows of Central park for their hunting ground. When the In
presence of 50.000 scoured the in rain, a bugle
sounded and a diminutive herald announced that the and of
Fairyland would show themselves to their subjects. Immediately a big may
pole shone with lights, which were matched with thousands festooned
from the part trees, and their majesties were disclosed, surrounded by elves
fairies, who were Intermingled the attired
who it merrily In varied folk dances until the lee cream and cookies
were Two the features of the pageant Is expected to
lie an animal affair- are pictured above the and in their chariot
and some up to dale cowboy fairies in sombreros.
First Bale of New Cotton
Reaches Norfolk
NORFOLK Va. August first
bale of new cotton for the season of
1912-13 arrived In Norfolk this morn
It consigned to Savage Son
and Company and was shipped by R.
J. Blackwell. of Marion, S. C, where
it was raised. It came in over the
Atlantic Coast Line Railway.
The grade of the new cotton was
strictly middling and sold to
George and at
cents a pound. Cotton dealers look
upon It as an indication that the crop
this year will be of exceptional quail
Let year the first bale of new cot
ton was received in Norfolk on Ail
gust 12th almost two weeks earlier
than this year. In 1910 the first new-
bale was received In Norfolk on August
a few days Inter that this year's
first bale.
Iowa Hibernians Meet
The Iowa state convention of the An
dent Order of Hibernians was held
here today with an unusually large at
The proceedings began
with the attendance of the delegates
at solemn high mass following which
the business session called to or
by President Dennis of
Iowa City.
I Wreck Injures Eight
N. C. Aug.
Train No. collided with five freight
cars standing on the main track at
Morganton, N. C. at a. m. yes-
slightly injuring the follow
I. Allison, white, engineer.
N. C. left leg
ed and cut and right wrist sprained
. T. W. Muse, white, fireman, real
deuce, hurt in breast and
both knees bruised.
I W. M. Still, passenger, age Kn. res
I Charlotte, both skin
Mrs. M Still, passenger,
Charlotte, both skin-
bruised and skinned, age
N. L. age residence
Atlanta, head bruised.
II. W. Clifford, aged residence
two Inch gash about left
Martin Merry, age residence
slightly bruised on right arm,
D. C. Wilson, age residence
Connelly Springs, left shoulder slight
new York, Aug. blanket
charging murder in the
Ural degree was returned the grand
i n late this afternoon Police
Lieutenant Charles Becker four
gangsters in connection with the
of Herman
Lefty Louie, Lewis,
Frank and Gyp the Blood.
was again the central
lire in the Rosenthal murder case to
day when he appeared before the grand
jury to repent the Story he told Dis-
Attorney Whitman ill which lie
corroborated In many essential details
confession of Jack Rose,
Police Lieutenant Becker in the
killing of the East Side gambler. Her
It was this story of that
Sir. Whitman desired the grand Jury
to hear before returning further in
ill the Rosenthal
counsel, Bernard Sandier,
declared that his client was in
the grand jury room that
would make a clean breast of every-
Other witnesses examined today
were the clerk of a hotel at Far Rock
away, where the gunmen celebrated
after the shooting and a
who made a group picture of
them there.
Detective testified in regard
to the police, hunt for the murder
Charles S described as
Becker's press agent, also testified.
These witnesses it was said com
the testimony desired by the
district attorney before he asked the
grand Jury to present a In-
Sam first act this morning
was to give the keeper of the West
Side prison a list of articles he de-
sired to alleviate his confinement.
These included an quilt,
six pairs of white silk socks to be
chased at exclusive Fifth avenue
haberdashery which
a pair of slippers and many
toilet articles.
Acceptance Speech Interrupted by
Pretty clothes sometimes makes
girl forget things her mother used to
, teach her.
m School Opens
Aug 21.-The Win
High School began yesterday
its thirteenth annual session. Al-
though a week earlier than the open
on any previous year, the enroll
men reached This number will
be largely Increased in next few
days, many letters having been re
calved asking rooms be held just
a little longer. A new dinning ball
with a Mating of is near
completion. The buildings are
repainted and otherwise improved mid
athletic ground has been put in
good condition. A spirit of hearty-
good will prevails among the students
and faculty and the school has
ready taken on the atmosphere
work. The growing Influence and use
of the institution is very en-
to its and the
of far greater growth de-
makes its future- bright
A large number of were pres-
at the opening.
I of Acceptance Marred by
I Which
Casts Ilium Over
oils Occasion
a, Aug
Five were seriously Injured
and were bruised and cut In
Collapse of a grand stand this after
noon during the formal notification
of Gov. Thomas B. Marshall of his
nomination as Democratic candidate
for vice president. The injured were
quickly carried into Indiana Dem
club nearby or taken to hos
and the notification ceremony
The grandstand had been set up on
tho asphalt pavement directly back
of the speaker's platform. Alton B.
Parker of New York representing the
notification committee was in
midst of his address, when the grand
stand swayed and sank slowly to the
street and men and women in the
seats were piled together among the
timbers of the structure.
Several thousand people, massed In
front of the speaker's platform crowd
ed about the fallen stand and many
men helped the unhurt to scramble
their feet and bore the injured to
the club house where they were cared
for by hurriedly summoned physicians.
Thomas national commit
of Indiana quieted the crowd,
shouting that no one was seriously
hurt and Mr. Parker went on with his
He was followed by
nor Marshall the nomination
At the close of tile governor's address
this distinguished guests of the In-
Democratic club who come
for the ceremony were taken to the
home in
Sealed in front of grand stand
When it fell was a row of men
ill national politics ailing them
former vice president Charles W. Fair-
banks Lewis Nixon of New
ed States Senator Gore of Oklahoma;
Thomas Samuel M. Ralston.
Democratic candidate for governor of
Indiana and W. T. Republican
candidate for governor. The crowd
was listening intently to Mr. Parker
when the grandstand, col
men and women tumbling together
lapsed and a great shriek went up from
among the parted planks and scaffold-
Any young man is hero who
nerve enough to write a love letter ti
a woman school teacher.
One chair is ample during courtship
but after marriage a five-room ft a
may seem too crowded.
Greenville Tobacco Board of
Trade Elects Officers
At the annual meeting of the Green
Tobacco Board of Trade, held
Aug. the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year.
E. II Ferguson, president.
Geo. B. Cooper, vice president.
A. Hyman, secretary-treasurer and
supervisor of sales.
N. Y. Aug.
dent Sherman's formal notification
of bis by the
can national convention took place
here today and was made the occasion
for a big demonstration.

Eastern reflector, 16 August 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 16, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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