Eastern reflector, 16 February 1912

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Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and I he
eastern Reflector for and
Rates on on
North County. By virtue of a decree of the
In the Superior Court D. C. of county, dated Jan-
Moore, Clerk. made in a certain special
I William Minton and wife. Bessie proceeding therein pending entitled
. H. Mills, administrator of
mm. deed versus h. h.
North Carolina
Pitt Count,
the Clerk
In the Superior Court
of a decree of the
court of Pitt counts, rendered
in a special proceeding or
therein pending, entitled Mary
administratrix of Geo. II.
N. C, Feb. The A. G. Cox Manufacturing Com
Rev. C. . Harris spent Sunday at pan always carries a full line of
where he held services. electric welded farm
Miss Kate Brown, of Kinston, was lug. poultry fencing can
in town one day mis real In Inter- also be at their place,
est of the Orphans Friend at Ox- Several of our good people attend-
ford. ed mission meeting at Ayden Thurs-
Barber Company are day.
tor beet x. Cos Miss Sarah
made a pleasant trip to
Miss of Ayden. spent evening.
Sunday in Wu with her aunt, Mrs.
North County.
A. G. Cox vs. Harris. R. L. .,, Davenport; Mills and others. will, on Friday,
Griffin, N. S. Avery. John Griffin, Will wife. Briley. vs. 23rd. 1912. at o'clock m.
John Williams and wife Lou Walter Davenport and sell at the court house door deceased, vs.
Williams. Maggie B. Stocks. Nan- Greenville to the highest bidder and wife. Magnolia Hath-
Braxton. Pattie Braxton. Janie virtue of a decree of the cash, that certain piece or parcel away, Jesse W. and wile,
Clara Braxton. Elisha B. court of county, made by land in township. Annie Howard and
Jones, Griffin. Avery. t Moore. Clerk, on the day Pitt county, known as Lot No in the others, heirs at law. the undersigned
Mary Avery. Riley wards. of January the undersigned division of the lands of the late Wash- commissioner will, on Thursday. Feb-
Bettie Edwards, Ellen on Saturday, Mills, bounded and described between the hours of
Edwards, heirs at law day expose to Beginning at the last and o'clock. In the town of Green-
Reedy Branch
ville, before the court house door.
J. H. C.
A new lot shoes and dry goods
just arrived at A. W. Ange
Mr. J. V. Cox came in Saturday
For your grubbing hoes, axes,
and bush blades see Harrington, Bar-
Among the new arrivals In town
night from Fairmont and returned is a Mrs- E F-
We curry a complete line of buggy . Chapman is spending
Can you with most f-
grade harness, and our prices are Cox s
Miss Mamie Chapman, who is teach
near is spending the
week end holidays at home.
; . and being u . . .
la the above special proceeding and of North Carolina and
pending before the clerk of the u-in Township, adjoining the
court. will sell on Monday. j. h. Briley, William Dav-
noon, at the court house W. D. and others,
in to the highest containing acres more or
for cash. that certain tract This sale is made for the purpose
land In Pitt county, formerly making partition among the ten-
as the home place of Felix Braxton ant
right. Call in and we will show you
the harness and prove, too, that our
prices are
See Harrington, Barber The stockholders of the Bank of
for your garden seeds. They met in the of the
now have anew lot. u on Friday evening. February
Mm Sarah Barber, who is teaching and after listening to a very
in Greene county, m called home factory report from Mr. C. T. Cox.
to her sick mother is cashier, of the year's work, declared
some today. dividend of per cent., which was
Don't forget It is time to cut stalks I laced to the surplus. The same of-
and A. W. Ange Company has the Beers were re-elected for the coming
There was regular services in the At the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Methodist church Sunday by its new Smith, near here. Miss Nina Smith
pastor, Kev. who delivered Mr. Doctor were
sermons. i on Wednesday evening by
It will pay you to see C. Harris. Both are very
Barber Company your poultry popular v th us and we wish them
netting. happy life.
he lived and died, adjoining the
lands of G. B. Ellis. Joshua Cox,
Bryant Tripp and others and
on Gum Branch, a description of
which is to be had by referring to
load from J. to Felix
ton recorded in the register's office
of Pitt county in book page
containing acres more or less,
saving and excepting therefrom
acres, said farm being in the
section of Pitt county.
This the 12th day of January.
Strayed, a white cow with small
red spots on body and red neck,
marked swallow fork half moon
in right ear. A small yearling left
with the cow. Suitable reward for
Route Bethel. N. C.
branch to a stake pointed by small township, N. C. and more
maples and two small pines in said y described as
branch. It being the third corner of I Adjoining the lauds of R. D. Whit-
Lot No. thence with the line of the Edgecombe county line;
Lot No. north east poles to ands Gary Manning and Mrs.
. stake on a ditch; thence with said E. containing
ditch N W . poles to another acres, more Cr less, being the lands
small thence up the winding of o ,,. late u and the
the 15th day of January. 1912. small ditch to a stake, a corner being more described
C Commissioner. Lot- thence with the line book D on page Put
i t tit r t .-, I . i ii. .
North County.
in the Superior Court.
J. T. Allen. N. W. Tyson,
and G. B. Harriss,
J. W. Allen. Jr. and wife,
Allie Allen, H. Allen and
wile. Mary P. Allen, Henry
Allen and Allie E. Allen.
Joseph J. Allen, Elma R.
Allen and J. W. Allen, the
last rive being minors.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of county, made in
said lot S. SO E. 2-5 poles to the be-
ginning, containing acres, more
or less. Said land will be sold sub-
to charged upon the
same for In favor of Lot No.
assigned to Mills in the
vision of the lands of said Washington
This the 23rd day of January. 1912.
Jarvis and Blow, Attorneys for
By virtue o the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage executed
Augustus Blount and wife. Cherry
to A. G. Con, on the 1st day
of May, 1908. which mortgage was
recorded In the of the reg-
deeds Pitt county, in Book
-v page the undersigned will
i for cash, at public auction, before
lie court house door in Greenville,
Tuesday, February the follow-
described land, Two
land in town-
ship, being the two tracts described
in a deed from A. O. Cox and wife, to
Augustus Blount. said deed dated May
one tract containing acre.-.
N. C. Feb. One Held In
W. B, and little daughter, day.
of Ayden, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. The first of the farmers institutes
F. M. Smith. for Pitt county this season was held
Miss Carrie Nichols is visiting lei- in on Wednesday.
near Snow Hill. day was cold and disagreeable and
The old store that was once known the roads very bad, so that the
as Cobb's store and later known as was not large, but the pro-
C. D. Smith's store is being moved gram was carried out and those pres-
to Arthur by Mr. L. A. In heard much to them,
the rear end of this store is the old Mr. A. L. French, a
post office, known as county, lectured on live
Some time ago Arthur Joyner. son stock bow to make this
of Mr. A. A. Joyner, was bitten by a pay. He spoke on the
pet dog. The dog wt mad a few ages of better drainage,
days ago. Mr. Joyner went to Mr. S. B, Shaw, of Raleigh, as-
Monday night with his son to horticulturist of the state de-
have him examined for hydrophobia, of agriculture, spoke on the
Mrs. Walter Gay returned to Farm- horticultural line and gave valuable
ville Monday after spending several Information as to the proper of
days here with her parents. Mr. and fruit trees.
Mrs. M. Smith. I Mr. E. S. of the
There will be a Valentine party at Stales department of agriculture and
Smith's school house Wednesday agent of farm demonstration work in
night. February for the benefit of North Carolina, lectured on the
the public school. Everybody Is of growing all needed sup-
Invited to come. I piles on the farm and general farm
Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor Mr. II, Winslow. of the United OF SOUTH
exercise, insufficient of States department of good PITT
rood, constipation, a torpid liver, a moat practical talk on this w Webb, his administrator or
and anxiety, are the most common most important subject, bringing the I assigns, or any person
causes of stomach troubles. Correct facts home In showing where Pitt I Take notice, that on the first day
I have taken up two sows and
three borrows, unmarked, will weigh
out pound each. Owner can
same by proving property and
all charges.
N. c.
county registry.
The said land will be sold subject
to the dower rights of the widow,
Mrs. Mary E.
This January 1912.
Ward and Pierce, Attorneys.
North County, In th
Susie S. Harris vs. Henry Spencer
The above named will
lake notice that an entitled
as the above has been commenced
in the superior court of Pitt county
to have the dower of the plaintiff
ands of her late husband. H. S.
virtue of a of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed
the above entitled case, at January executed by Riley Jenkins to M. C.
term, 1912. by O. H. Allen, presiding. Manning on the 12th day of March. ,,
the undersigned Commissioner, will said mortgage deed is Prescribed
on Monday, the day of February.,. , register's office to WU
1912, expose to public sale before the put county. book O page he is
court house door In Greenville, to undersigned, will on to appear before the clerk of the
the highest bidder, for cash, the 24th day of February, at superior court of Pitt county at bis
lowing described tract or parcel of expose In Greenville. N. C. on Man-
kind, the court house door in Feb. 1912 and answer
and being in Greenville , MM cash, , complaint or
township, county, North Caro- following described tract or in said action or the plaintiff
Una, and described as follows to- ,., of m , P
Beginning at an Iron in being in Bethel town- demanded in the said complaint
lane m the Williams line and put North Carolina, and This Jan II
running a s. to an iron being the land where Riley Jenkins I c
a wire fence on the back of ow being the same land Clerk Court
the Held. Thence a straight line to purchased by the said Riley Jenkins F JAMES
an iron in Brown's line; thence
Brown's line to the run of the
branch; thence with said branch to
M. D. adjoining the,
lands of H. S. Smith, deceased. Shade
Briley, the Matthews land, Frank Pol- .
for Plaintiff.
line; thence with said Bar- , l , , .
line lo the Williams line; and Sad tract , TO
the Williams lino to the beginning. T The undersigned having
to which deed is hereby made for an
accurate description.
This Jan. 1912.
A. G. COX,
Owner of debt.
F. G. James and Son. attorneys.
having this day
about acres, more or T sale is made to satisfy. .,.,.,
terms of said mortgage de. d. as administratrix o
This the 27th any of January, 1912.1 ; T b-
F. C. HARDING. . L Mortgagee, for D. C. Moore, clerk supreme court
c- f hereby given
TOWS FOB SALE, all persons indebted to said estate
STATE OF SOUTH Under and by of an order Immediate settlement with
the superior conn, made 12.1911, and n
. , . , i in a special proceeding en- , . , . ,.
To C. C. Held, or any person interest- j Allen administratrix vs. claims against said estate
E. Corey, et the same are hereby to file their claim
Take notice, that on the first day number upon the P. S. with Hie undersigned within It
i May. at the court house docket of said court. I will offer for the or
door In the town of L. sale Hie court house door of .
sheriff in for the to the highest bidder, for cash, be bar of
of Pitt, did expose to public sale at o'clock, noon, Feb. 1912, the cover.
I This the day of January, 1912.
, Administratrix of the estate of B. F.
fee ,,,,, .
came the thereof; the said son avenue, adjoining the lot of W. F. C Harding, Attorney.
lots were taxed or assessed in the M. Moore, J. J. Corey, and others
name of C. C. Held for the year 1910, known as the residence of the late E TO CREDITORS.
and the tune of redemption will ex- . n let Mn as
pile on first day of May. Mil , th MM
more or less, and known as the Sam- w Tucker, sheriff in
u. I Stock share of the W. H. Stock;, f
tract of land; the other piece contain-;,.,,.
one acre is known as a part th, f
Warren Braxton hind, township. Said lots were sold at said , scribed as
described in a deed from G. S. G. for ,,, due for , and
Nine and wife, to A. G. Cox. reference ,,,, at , the southeastern
tract of land; the other piece contain- described described real estate, sit-
one acre is known as a part 0- Falkland in the town of Greenville, de-
This the of January. 1912.
J. J. HEARNE, Purchaser.
North Carolina.
Pitt County.
To G. Morrison. Morrison or
any person
Take notice, that on the 1st day
d take Chamberlain's county is losing in not having May- at court May, 1911, at the court house door
your habits an
Stomach and Liver Tablets and
will soon be well again. For sale by; At the same lime there was a meet-
all for women at which Mrs. Charles
of Raleigh, lectured on
Items. bread making and common diseases;
AYDEN N. C., Route Feb. Miss Lucy Webb, of Warren
Messrs. and Stokes are county, lectured on the tireless cooker
our champion bird hunters. r household matters,
killed Thursday after- There I much to be
Corey and court clerk of Pitt co. as
Also one-half undivided remainder executive of the estate of Alex
interest in fee after the life estate deceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the estate to
eastern side of Dickinson avenue and make immediate payment to the
being a corner lot lying in the S. E. and all persons having
angle where new street recently claims against said estate are
opened intersects Dickinson avenue that
my for payment on or
The said above described lands as before the th day of January
the town of Greenville, the town of Greenville. L. W. th , being the or notice will be plead In bar
r. . .-. fl . i . th mill ii .-.- ST
m i t. ire i t i t I ; tile I
W. sheriff in and for the in and for the county property of J. R. Corey at his death. recovery
of Pitt, did expose to public sale of expose to public sale the. w. F. EVANS,
the following described piece or par. described One lot In i Commissioner.
eel of acres in he town town-1 This, January 1912.
township known as a part of the lo, Bold at
Luther Jo;, being the for the due for year and
allotted to his daughter. Bettie mo at undersigned be-
of Alex Grimes
Lewis. Said land was at said
sale for taxes due for the year 1910. lot was taxed or assessed in the name Sugg, blocks
learned at I at which sale the undersigned G. F. Morrison for the year 1904 Stocks vs. John David
these Institutes for farmers their purchaser the said land and 1910, by order of the Fred Jones and wife. Wholesale Co.,
was taxed or assessed in the name era of said county; said lot not Bonnie Best Dall. was dissolved by mutual consent
The firm doing business under
Miss Berths Holloway, of A of flannel dampened with NOTICE OF SILK Or BEAl ESTATE
-ho has been visiting here.
and bound
By virtue o
iv of sale con-
returned home Monday. Miss Bessie the affected is superior to tabled in mortgage deed County.
Harper accompanied her home for a any plaster. When troubled with executed by J. A. Gardner to II. A., Superior before C.
lame back or pains In the side or the day of April. Moore. Clerk.
1911, and recorded in the office of Haddock, administrator
of Mills, Martha
Mines and Annie U a trial and you are certain lo Hi of Deeds of Pitt county in
R. Kim-ell. of are visiting i more than pleased with the prompt book page the undersigned
at Mr I I relief which it affords. Sold by ail will on the 11th day of Mar.
. , Italian o'clock, noon, expose to
Mr. Wait.-r Bland, of Turkey dealers.
pent Sunday here. in to the highest bid-
Mr. Frank Holloway, of Gum Swamp for cash, following described
spent Sunday here. Having as administrator tract or parcel of
Mr. Stokes
, W. J. will continue the
j under the same firm name.
in Pitt county, North assuming all liabilities and as-
and in Greenville Township, sets of the firm and all debts due the
beginning at a stake on the New Kt payable to them.
road. S. Sermon's corner
Mills, I. F. Mills, Fred
Mills, Mills, Macon
and wife,
Mills and Maggie Haddock
Ex parts.
virtue of n decree of the
wont B. X. of Joseph deceased, court of Pitt county, made by
Pitt county, North Caro- c. clerk In the above en-
late of Pitt county, N is to am beginning at Gardner's bridge ,.,.,.,.,, on the
no all persons having claims running eastward with the run January, 1912, the
and runs south east poles to
a stake centered by maples, then
north I west poles to a stake In
the Held. J. J. Sermon's line, then
with his line north west so poles
to the Greenville and New road.
thence southerly with said road to
the beginning, containing acres
W. J.
From my farm between
more less being owned by Parmele one cow, pale red color,
marked half moon under each ear.
. i . ,,,,,., ,,,,,, -m.
FOB SALE against the estate of said deceased of Creek to J. F. s administrator of the estate of , ,., ,. .
,, ., r corn tor bounded on the south by Ed s ,,,., ,,,,
Halts four-ear Prolific corn ,.,, ,, by the of 1912. at K HARDING Conn on
sale. Grown 1-2 foot rows, of l main road leading from ,,,.
. to
before the court house door in Green-
Inches in the row, making it a good bridge to Maple Cypress,
.,,,. ,.,. i r SI of recovery. All persons northerly with said road to the be- ,,,,, bidder, cash.
corn. M per 11.70 m pr aM , containing forty acres. of the late
This sale Is made for the purpose
of making partition among the chain collar when she dis-
appeared. Suitable reward tor re-
W. G.
Parmele, n. c.
per 1-2 bushel; St per peck .
Grown and selected by
W. K. WOOL Kit.
. r, R. V. No. I.
tot l
Having duly before
make immediate payment
This st day or January,
Administrator D, B. If,
. I. .
I ave taken up a spotted hog
more or less. Samuel Mills that certain tract or Superior court clerk of Pitt county.
sale is made to satisfy the parcel of land In us administratrix, with the will an- swallow fork in right ear.
terms of said mortgage deed. put county, North Carolina, adjoin- of the estate of Jane L. God- h ,.
This the 6th day of Feb., the lands or Jesse Haddock, Cal- win. notice Is hereby given to all
II. A. HART. Mortgagee, via Mills and Others, containing about persons Indebted to the estate to ownership and paying charges.
P C HARDING, Attorney. acres, more or less, also 1-9 make Immediate payment lo A. K.
i. .,,, . Interest of th and any persons having u K D Greenville. N. C.
. t Id Mills the tract of land adjoin- claims I
You arc probably that u .
always results a cold, but How to cure a cold Is a question . Is m danger a ,.,,,, on or,
you never heard of a cold resulting in which many are Interested man Will risk her life to protect It ,. or before the day of January.
White fowls. to
per trio. Pens to
Treat- Poultry Farm. Falk-
in pneumonia when now. Cough Rem- No great act of heroism or risk of day of January. 1912. or this notice will be plead In bur of
Cough Remedy was used. Why lake has won Its great reputation life is necessary to protect a child;
. . II . I. I . I . b i I I I , I T L V
the when this remedy may be Immense sale by Its remarkable from croup. of
for a trifle For sale by all deal- of colds. It can always be depended Cough Remedy and all danger Is p Attorney.
upon. For sale by all dealers. avoided. For by all dealers. i
I recovery.
This of January. 1912.
of Jane L. Godwin.
, , .
a i
Agriculture Is the M-st the Most Healthful, the Most Washington.
now or
IN M H. C FRIDAY, 1912.
Meeting Similar To One Held Id
At Hell Attended Mass Meeting Com-
Is appointed to Present Ben-
to the City
to Clubs Should lie
in Every Sell-
Clubs Should Forfeit Licenses.
respectfully ask that the board of
of the city of Charlotte re-
fuse the further granting of license
to so-called social clubs; that we fur-
request that every drug store
and social club convicted of selling
liquor contrary to law shall forfeit
dwelling on the liquor situation and
proposing various ways by which to
remedy the alleged general violations
of the law; the state of things as It
now exists was by some charged
against the representatives of the law,
the recorder and the police force, and
by others to a lick of public sentiment
to clean up the town, while Recorder
D. B. Smith said that he would offer
a resolution that the meeting send a
delegation before the board of alder-
men next July to ask that all license
for another year to drug stores and
social clubs be turned down. I
will go with you If you said
the recorder.
Men Confer.
of the National Trotting
got together at the Murray
Hill hotel today and began their bi-
at which the laws
governing the light-harness racing In
this country are laid down. The
matter up for consideration this
year is the oft-proposed plan of equal-
records made on mile tracks and
those made on half-mile tracks.
existing conditions the mile tracks
are rapidly disappearing, and unless
relief is forthcoming it Is that
they will soon give place to two-lap
rings everywhere east of the
Valley. Some talk is heard of a
move to repeal the rule banishing
hopples, but the general opinion seems
lo be that no such attempt will be
made at the present meeting of the
Oklahoma Gives Wilson
an Boost
Friends of Gov. Wilson Did Not Expect Much Support
From That State In Spite of Previous Beliefs
New Jersey Man Is Put Ahead of Champ
Clark According To Returns
News From Western State Bring
To Wilson Men Who Relieved That
Oklahoma Would Be Solid
Friends Wilson. Feel
Sure That He Has
Of The Five Legislative Districts.
unexpected as it was gratifying, the
of primaries is
causing a jubilation among the friends
association and that if it is made it of Governor Woodrow Wilson in
will not be successful.
Norwegian Lutherans to I nil.-.
MADISON, Wis., Feb.
negotiations that have been in
progress for several years, a
committee representing the
Lutheran synod and the United
Lutheran Church of
America met in this city to arrange
the final details of Ian for uniting
the two branches into one
The union will effect nearly
half a million Norwegian Lutherans,
the most of the Illinois.
Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North
and South Dakota and Nebraska.
lire Company Elects Officers.
At the monthly meeting of Hope
Fire Company, held Monday night,
new by-laws were adopted for the
government of the company. The fol-
lowing officers were elected for the
C. Tyson.
H. Evans.
New rubber coats, hats and boots
were distributed to the
Change and L. Directors.
At the meeting Tuesday-afternoon
the directors of the Home Building
and Association, Mr. E. G.
Flanagan resigned as one the
rectors because of other business that
occupied bis time. Mr. C. S. Carr
was elected to succeed him.
Wedded by Cardinal
Farley officiated at the In
St. Patrick's Cathedral this morning
which made Miss Marlon Edith Regan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B.
Regan, the bride of William Gunther
Gardner. British Vice Consul in this
city. The wedding was attended by
nearly 1.000 guests was followed
by an elaborate reception at the
Hotel Knickerbocker of which Mr.
Regan, rather or the bride. Is the pro-
Washington tonight. Clark's hopes
are correspondingly deflated. Know-
as they did that Clark's
had set the time the primaries,
Wilson men had regarded Oklahoma
as barren of Wilson strength and had
not claimed a single delegate in the
which Champ Clark's workers
had referred to as the of
Missouri's favorite son candidate.
Today Wilson men are fairly
their candidate has carried three
of the five legislative districts and
that as more Instructed votes
than Clark. They believe that
knowingly the Governor of New
developed enough strength in
Oklahoma to give him six or more of
the ten votes which will be instructed
at the slate convention next week.
But whether or not has
Carried a majority of the state's con-
votes is generally
ed in Washington Wilson
nun have won a sweeping gain.
T they have surpassed
Clark in the state of which his man-
agers had assured him as confident-
as they had his own Missouri, but
even a tight race this state would
afforded them all the
they could desire.
The result of the Oklahoma
blocks at its first move long,
thought out on the part of Clark's
manager to stampede the Democratic
party for their candidate.
Confident that at time
could bring about the withdraw-
of Governor Folk in favor of the
favorite son of his state, Clark men
sometime ago turned their energies
to In Oklahoma.
They developed enough strength In
both states to fix the primary date
whenever they wished. It was then
they their plan for a coup
d'etat that they hoped might result
in victory in the Baltimore
of Mr. Bryant by
the Side of the Head.
KINSTON. Feb. driving
along Trenton rood. Sunday morn-
Mr. Henry Gray, of Jones county,
discovered the body of n man covered
in snow by the side of the road, and
uncovering, it. saw that it was Mr.
Bryant Parker, also of Jones county,
frozen stiff, and dead. dead
man's pocket was a bottle of whiskey,
and the surmise is that he started to company.
walk from to his home, nine
miles, Saturday evening,
the severe snowstorm that
Saturday night. Overcome with
cold, he probably lay down, as is char-
of those benumbed with
and met his death.
Mr. Parker was about years of
For the week ending February
The Chattanooga Tradesman reports
the following new industries
in North
bagging com-
textile plant.
lumber company.
drug company.
Granite company.
gas plant
High automobile
grocery com-
lumber company.
lumber com-
furniture com-
Milwaukee's Anniversary-
Seventy-five years ago today the
of Milwaukee was organized.
with Solomon Juneau as first
dent of the board. At that time the
village boasted of a population of
age, the son of Mr. Benjamin which has since
of Jones county, and a brother according to the
of Mr. J. N. Parker, of this county.
He was not married.
last census.
You are probably aware that
always results from a cold, but
you never heard a cold resulting
in pneumonia when Chamberlain's
Remedy was used. Why take
the risk when this remedy limy be
bad for . trifle For sale by ail deal-
Chicago's Oldest Citizen.
Hamilton who succeed-
ed to the title of Chicago's oldest set-
upon the death Fernando
Jones some months ago, celebrated
her eightieth anniversary
today. Mrs was born inside
old Fort Dearborn and has resided
In Chicago all her except for
short periods when she was with her
husband at the front during the
Mr. n. Gorman, who was prom-
on Greenville tobacco mar-
last season, spent the day
Greenville, having arrived this morn-
from Richmond, where ho re-
turned this evening.
Mr. Gorman will have his own
warehouse next year in Greenville.
Wisconsin Telephone Convention.
Madison, Wis., Feb. -The an-
meeting Of the Wisconsin Slate
Telephone Association began in Ibis
city today and will continue over to-
morrow. The Wisconsin workmen's
compensation net, the construction of
rural lines, and the different methods
or accounting and handling
are among the leading subjects
scheduled for discussion.
The young ladies of the Greenville
social set entertained Thursday night
at the Carolina Club in a leap year
dance that was attended and
which proved very successful. About
twenty couple enjoyed the dancing
from to a little after o'clock.
The decorations the ball room
were most appropriate. Electric
lights were shaded and hearts or many
sizes and degrees of hue
bung from every available support
to remind the young men that there
was danger of declarations, not of
Independence, but very much the
way. As It is no proposals are
Full credit should he given
Misses Smith, Cobb, and
Forbes for preparing the club for the
evening. Or course Messrs. Gales
and Kittrell also helped to decorate
and reach such places as made a
ladder dangerous for feminine reach.
Altogether a delightful was
spent and the young ladles
proved they are capable
to keep up with the young men i our
community, when it comes to social
After the dance a lunch was given
at Mrs. Cobb's, complimentary
Miss Myers with Mr. Chas. James.
Miss Roland Jenkins with Mr. M.
Isabel Morton, of Roberson-
ville, with Mr. S. E. Gates.
Miss Forbes with Mr. D.
M. Clark.
Miss Smith with Mr. M.
Miss with Mr. C, War-
Miss Mae Ayes, Washington, with
Mr. Oscar Greene,
Miss Estelle Greene with Mr. R.
Hood, of Goldsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forbes.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Forbes.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Dr. and Mrs. L. Skinner.
Mrs. It. J. Cobb and
Mrs. B. II.
Messrs. Hurt Doll
in ti and Norman Warren.
Farmer Attempts Suicide.
farmer years old, with a wife
and ten children, living near Organ
church, Rowan county, attempted
it is alleged, with a shotgun
this morning. Mr. Post had been
bothered considerably of late by rel-
over some land and had been
unable to sleep for three nights. This
morning early ho entered a small
room at his home and in some way
fired a gun. A part or the load enter-
ed his neck, producing wounds that,
while painful, are not necessarily fa-
Death of Mr. R. C. Charles, of High
High night at about
o'clock Mr. R. C. C. Charles died at
bis residence on Elm street, after a
lingering illness of six months,
caused by n stroke of apoplexy seven
months ago. The funeral services
were to be held this afternoon at
o'clock at the First church,
Of which the deceased was a faithful
member. His remains were laid to
rest in the city cemetery. He was
aged years and months. He Is
survived by his wife and a grown
Missouri Boosters Meet.
Mo. Feb. state
immigration convention assembled In
this city today to plan an aggressive
campaign to attract Immigrants and
capital to Missouri. The
which will continue In session two
days, is largely state of-
railroad Immigration agents
and representatives of numerous com-
and Industrial
There's s Difference.
They come, they go, I don't know
How moving in and moving out
Helps, except to keep them on the go.
keep the people all in doubt.
never move, I never rove,
have no fear, I have no strife.
Nor never change, but always shove
Along the same Old Mutual Life.
With the Mutual Life of New York.
How to a cold is a question
iii which many are interested just
now. Cough Rem-
has won Its reputation and
sale by its remarkable
seven-inch snowfall
Saturday night had Raleigh consider-
ably snowbound Monday, and when
the moiling began toward noon, root
troubles developed, especially on
of the buildings In the business
section. The ears had a hard
time getting started and the line from
Greenwood to the country club was
not opened operation the
cars all.
When her child is in danger a
man risk her life to protect it.
No great act of heroism or risk of
life is necessary to protect a child
from croup. Give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and all danger Is
avoided. For sale by all dealers.
Misses Mines and Staples, by cf colds. It can always be depended
Misses Smith, Moore, For sale by all dealers,
and Mrs. Dunn. The broke up
Pitt County Fair Association.
The executive committee Pitt
County Fair Association met hero to-
day and selected Friday, March 1st,
as the date to hold a meeting of the
association to receive reports of the
officers for the last fair and plan Tor
holding another next fall. The
official call will be
published in a few days.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Liniment and bound
on to the affected parts is superior to
any plaster. When troubled with
lame back or pains In the Bide or chest
give It a trial and you are certain to
he more than with the prompt
roller which it affords. Sold by all
W. Major, attorney general.
Is n tor the Democratic
ion to
Mrs. Cobb's well satisfied with an
evening which had brought forth so
much happiness and enjoyment.
The guests at the dance
Miss Mary with Mr.
Miss Lucille Cobb with Mr. J.
Miss Mary Smith with Mr. Cecil
Miss Ward Moore with Mr. Win.
Miss Staples, Virginia, with Mr.
Alec Blow.
Miss Clara Hint's, of Kinston. with
Mi. John
To View Construction.
ed public officials of both the United
Canada were Included
among passengers who Bulled for
Panama today to view the progress of
construction on the canal.
Two members of President's cabinet,
Secretary the Interior Fisher and
Postmaster General Hitchcock, were
among those In party. Canada
was represented by Clifford
former Minister of the Inter-
and many years a leading
figure In Dominion.
Girl ill Spencer M Not
Spencer, Margaret, the 8-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rufus
was seriously burned at their
home In Spencer Monday. While
playing around an opt u lire the child's
Clothing ignited and its hands, chest
and neck were frightfully burned. The
parents were absent at the time. The
little one's condition Is critical.
Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor
exercise, insufficient of
food, constipation, a torpid liver,
and anxiety, are the most common
causes of stomach troubles. Correct
your habits and take Chamberlain's
Stomach Liver Tablets and yon
will soon be well again. For sale by
all dealers.
All day with anxious heart and won-
I listened lo the city; heard the
Echo with human thunder, and
the sound
Go reeling down streets and dis-
The headlong hours in their wild
Shouted and sung until the world
was drowned
With one more
All day II surged but nothing
could bear.
That night the country never seemed
so still
The trees and grasses spoke with-
out a word
To stars that brushed them with
the silver wings.
Together with the moon I climbed
the hill
And in the very heart of Silence
The speech and music of
Louis In Hampton
Columbian Magazine.
He is a brave man who will the
parson with a short-haired woman.
N. C.

Began Yesterday
Of The National Lay U played, cans-
Mr. W. C. Doughty Of lug much Next came the
cw Conducts Year Each girl
V C, Ob. IS.
convention of
Missionary Movement In In
cit yesterday evening.
C of fork,
of the N
i . movement, conducted the
. ill i Ice.
i i in
. .- i its
himself mar and
them and hath sinned our
is a he
died. Mis face was turned
westward. do not know whether
tradition true. Inn it has u a
help to my own In-art many times to
think that Christ turns His face to-
ward the weal and the Christian
Men of America d in work
us study for while the
face of Jesus Christ. Remember first
that fare was illumined.
useless you and I let Jesus
Christ reach the unreached parts of
our hearts, it is useless for us to at-
tempt to reach the unreached parts
of tho
N . Feb.
Agues and Trilby delightfully
en.-i their friends. Friday night
February nth. at their home in
It was a Year and
the girls having only one year in
four, or more, took of
As the guests arrived the bays
were taken to an out house arranged
for than. Soon the girls sent their
cards wanting to them to the THEN TRIED HIMSELF FOR IT
Punch was served among a forest
of leaf pines by Misses
Joiner and Wynne.
Alter all had gathered in the par-
Judge J. H. Texas, An-
Al a convention city
history is interesting. The first
Democratic contention ever held as-
there in Andrew Jack-
son being nominated there for Pres-
for second term. It was
the scene of the nomination of Mar-
tin Van Huron in and again in
There, also. James K. Polk was
named, 1644, Lewis in
and Franklin Pierce in The next
convention which named Buchanan
was held in Cincinnati, O. The con-
of met in Charleston but
an adjournment was forced and it
Bethel Items.
BETHEL, N. C. Feb. F.
C. James is today receiving
on having attained his
birthday. Dr. has for some
weeks been in rather feeble health,
but we are glad to note that he is
some better. His many
him many more years of life and good
Snow in this section was about
to Inches deep on the level and
followed by a drop in the temperature
to degrees above zero. Who said
Miss Olivia was called
home last week on account of death
in her family. Her many friends
greatly with her in her
No school Monday on account of
severe weather.
Mr. J. L. of
was a visitor to our city Tuesday.
Mr. Mayo spent Tuesday in
town on business,
The young people have greatly en-
joyed the snow. At least a dozen
sleighs were huh on the streets lion-
bad one minute to propose to a boy.
The voted tor the girl
made the best. Miss
b the r,
calved a h cushion
a prise. It , resented by
I to Miss
I row. the girls slim
La made of i , In
a partner tor sup-
per Tin
a dad i ours
supper. Mr. Adams delighted
the crowd rendering some classical
mush .
el the crowd de-
parted, declaring they had spent a
pleasant evening;.
I Those present Were
Carmen, and Hay-
belle Flanagan, Tucker, Nan-
Carrie Belle and Battle Smith.
Smith, Annie Tyson, Hi
Joiner and Wynne.
Joe and Clifford Richard Joy-
Dr. Paul Jones, of
Royal Adams, of Winterville; Carl
Arthur Tinker, Jasper Joy-
It. ;. Willoughby, Aaron and
David Turnage, Tyson. Jim
Hob and Leslie Smith.
Di and Ty-
son, of King's Cross Roads, were vis-
at Mr. Tyson's Friday
Mr. Mark Smith came home Friday
evening from Winterville High School
to spend a few days. Mr.
Adams accompanied him home,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and
He daughter are visiting
near Farmville.
Mr. and Mn. C. C. Cobb and Mr.
and Mrs. Ned Laughinghouse and
daughter spent a few days of last
week farm.
Messrs. David and Leslie
went over near Snow Hill Saturday
and returned Monday.
w , Baltimore that the delegates
I,. Man. Then r, ,,, where a took place,
I red and ,
II, o a line
laid ii. c by the pro-slavery
MIDLAND, Tex., Feb. faction.
lug the of Hoy Bean, the
justice ill- who u
i ago n as
law .-i the P J,
Thus Baltimore is associated with
history tho Democratic party,
both in its strength and weak
has oiler equally interesting
Henri was
nominated for there.
Ion, Scott was nominated for
e an . ,, ,
II convention of
in was
n Dal that Abraham LI
Reversible Disc Harrow
The All and Most Serviceable Harrow for
Orchard and Vineyard Work Ever Made.
Ii a bans, clear and vine. The
i n i-.
I each I the at
The gangs also be i an
I i . . r, id II an
. . .
comments on It rulings arc to I
lightly made even the on
.--i thought
Jule Driver, who was present, No
had the offending
been made than be and
are liar,
Th i not hesitate.
court will stand
announced Judge I
whip the man who has just called US
Then It happened. Those who Wit-
the light say the judge scored
the greatest number of pugilistic
points. A few minutes later the Judge
n convened court, lined himself for
lighting and paid the tine. The court
Men went back to work and its dig-
was not further ruffled.
n for President for the
sec I, city rich in
Ir rally deserves the
I ii upon it by the Di in-
party. On Dally
New s.
in Tenth.
Tie formation of the
Buncombe County Roosevelt Club
here Saturday afternoon seems I
in favor
During the week
the club formally and
nothing much was known
strength of the movement very little
was thought about It by the backers
of Mr. Till, as tiny did not r
it formidable. In fact the movement
was considered more or less of a
that was being
launched by those of the party who
had inadvertently or otherwise been
nosed of the pie counter during
the present administration.
Honor Hull.
The honor roll of
i .;. follows
1st Smith. Lillian
Smith, Nannie Bryan Parker. Julia
2nd Mary Jane Forbes.
Norman, Robert Lee Corbett.
3rd Forbes, Mary
Belle Tyson, Roland Parker.
4th Smith, Ratter
Smith. William Forbes.
nth grade- Leona Tyson.
Smith, Clifton Corbett.
Christine Smith. Anna Forbes. William
Forbes. Clifton Corbett. Roland Parker
SMITH, Teacher.
I Point
Happenings Standard.
STANDARD, N. C. Fob. B. Mr.
ii i i son, G .- i
US a
Mi J i b, Leon B,
; in to
I I he
play i ii; opera house.
M i mi Cobb here who is at-
E the II
B to the i u
with mother. He was
by Mr, Mark Smith.
Dr. Prank of Norfolk, bid as
for a laying he
WOUld soon
For your garden seed and farm-
Louisiana;. Besides entailing a loss
of between u lire
in early Tuesday morning
endangered the o guests
and caused the Hooding of several ad-
by the de-
The cause of the fire is
unknown, except it originated
on the third Hour the hotel and
was discovered Tho
t Boor gutted and the roof
. was burned, bin heroic
. the
Ice and had i
lug nil tin i
in We
Passed Serious
We are glad to learn cadet I
Wilson has been pronounced entire-
out of danger by the attending
and no doubt will soon hear
that his entire recovery la n fact. In
the meantime we want to
family for this news and
Wilson for the game light that
he made against the combinations
that were against him.
s we are es-
strong on Farm-
Implements and
Machinery. We cordial-
invite your inspection.
Come to see us
We are headquarters for the
Our entire line is backed by an
We have the
that are best by test. Therefore
we do not hesitate In backing them.
One trial of any of the above
convert you. Give us a trial
J. R. J. G.
Was Locked In Local Jail When
Fire Broke Co
Locked up I- of
Kin- which Destroyed Iowa Prop-
mill Market. .
morning in the
public and although the Are
turn to county , ,, ,, ,.,.
answered to the call,
Death Mount,
the had gathered
that both market and town
. . , ,, , building were destroyed. Mr.
C. Baker ran the market which
trip to Monday and re- wag ,,,.,,,, ,,,
I R, i a
i in S lost
of I a well-known young man
had a narrow i bi
burned to n I of
exploding la p while
ii M .-. K. IV, A; seated near an open lire, causing iii.-;
ion died on , morning . e, All was
o In North ill the whiskey became heated by the
r .-i ,. en extending The explosion
morning In the home for a time,
train today the were taken and II required heroic torts on the
by a number i to put out the
and and from before the clothing was burn-
there they will bi l to the fa ed from the body the young man.;
burying ground .
tamed Tuesday
Owing a peculiar circumstance,
K. s. Nichols, a farmer the neigh-
lust his life the Ore.
afternoon Nichols
under the Influence liquor the
I through the streets
Green fills,
Where garbage Is a thing unknown; policeman, Waller Langley, saw the
I paused flower beds necessity of locking him up, more for
To ask for ii bud they had own than anything else.
TIm opinion is the
me through every garden arching him, failed to And
The and walk; that be had on his
from that plan- and Interment will be
made afternoon, The I
as forty-two old and
by a bereaved husband, a
Mrs. A. W. and an
mother and ah brother, Mr. W. Then
Knight, of in this
Never any
keep you pa
in our ii. i.
Fear of Burglars if you
are few Items which appear
paper more Important u
than the
Ami their wonderful way or living
Would make I people talk.
for grass they bad scraps of paper,
Their the grew in
The that nourishes in
prizes in all foreign lands.
person and upon waking hue
night for some unknown reason, he
Bred the contents or the cell.
The building was a good
two story, the bottom being used for
the and the top as hall.
The cell was the Inside of the
hail ho as to prevent parsons from
giving prisoners assistance through
the windows. When the lire first
at I published below. In the first place,
folks will Is from a of Greenville, and
hi tomorrow to hear an can be thoroughly relied upon, in
address by C. K Welch, second place, ii indisputably
Cincinnati, a large audience is as- proves Kidney nils do
Mr. Welch because of the I their work thoroughly and not
that best known Read this
in.- prominently In the affair, Re-
In the . ,, Q
is the homo ,
George Suggs, the premier ,,,, M
Cincinnati Mr. Welch , , ,
Secretary , , . . . ,
. . , recommend them. My back ached
chamber i commerce ha is . i n . . j . .
i nil the lime I could not
slides made w ,,.,.,, ,,,
,, , ,. , . ,. rest well. The kidney secretions
Mews or I lie team the Tar j , ,. , ,
caused me annoyance it was plain
valuables and jewelry
on the most
scientific modern burs by world's
greatest safe makers. proof against
lire, etc,
are dangerous. A box costs
of Greenville
With barrels galore, in
Will be your example Frank Carter, since
That you will regret and to Wilson has Stated that
congested civil Is had enough
IV. up broom and shovel , but a congested criminal docket Is
The of enlist; worse, and u is my Io . Mm
Show the world, no town Green- the criminal docket or com- very near
and he has kept his word, for
In the Old North State exists. only a few cases have remained
trial Suit.
friendly suit
of the city of Winston vs. the
via Hank and Trust Company, where-
in the plaintiff was suing to compel
the defendant to comply with the con-
tract to take of th
bonds recently voted, was decided in
favor of the city today after It had
been argued before Judge Frank A.
Daniels in the Superior court
j to he seen that I was suffering from
kidney Kidney Pills.
which I got from the I.
Wooten Drug Company, relieved my
aches and improved my
greatly. I cannot praise
this remedy too
For sale by all dealers. Price BO
New York, sole agents tor
Remember the
take no other.
ere s a Reason
C. H.
men, women and children mill
worker at Lawrence, Mass., were out
of work because of a to
vent a cut in their and a
week wages. Mrs Evelyn Walsh Mo-
Lean, of the baby that is heir
to gave a dinner
to guests at Washington, the
The hostess at this banquet wore
diamonds that actually cost more than
a half million dollars. In her hair
was displayed the Hope
diamond, which cost and at
her throat another widely celebrated
gem, of the which was
larger than the Hope diamond.
The cost per plate at the
dinner was One item in the ex-
the In-
creased hand in hand, revealing the
intimate relationship of one to the
Story of the Extra
J. Hill,
protectionist of Connecticut
made a speech in the house recently
which he considered a gem. He ex-
tolled the law to the
skies, proclaiming in a loud voice it
had nothing to do with high prices.
Mr. Hill thought so well of his speech
that he named it Story of the
and sent it broadcast
among his constituents, asking them
to read it and to comment upon it.
Some of the comments, however, were
not what Hill expected. The fol-
lowing comment sent in from a
dent of Stratford, Conn., for
was yellow import-1 must have been a severe Jolt to Mr.
as from abroad at a cost of each. Hill's
One of the highest paid mill work- wife and I came to New York
en at Lawrence would have to work j by having with us seven
years to receive the cost of that yards of serge cloth, which was to be
banquet. The earnings of a dozen made into a dress for my wife. This
Lawrence workers for half a century
would not have purchased the
cloth cost In I and was
declared dutiable by the customs of-
77th of Foundation of
Literary Societies
worn by Mrs. A Lawrence On those seven yards or cloth
worker would have to labor years I was obliged to pay a double duty
to pay for the yellow alone. a duty on the weight and a duty on
The strike of the men. women and the cents a pound and
children at Lawrence, and the j per cent ad These duties to
a plate dinner at is SI, making the cost of the
striking example of conditions exist-
under our system excessive tax like this is unjust and ex-
protection in the year of our Lord aim cannot be If
1912. Neither the Lawrence this is a sample of the provisions or
nor the dinner present tariff law am not
They are but samples of prised the
similar Must rat ions which prevails with regard lo
could . cited it space permitted, and I hope the Democrats will sue-
Only recently. Wm. M. Wood, the end In changing this law with some
or the woolen trust, whose em- regard for the Interest o con-
are now on Lawrence.
mil Take Place Friday
and Trains Will be la
Connection With The
rations for the reception of the vis-
to the college on the occasion of
the seventy-seventh anniversary of
the and Lit-
Societies are now being carried
to completion. Besides work done in
the society halls, the library room
has been repaired by a new building.
The date of celebration is the
sixteenth. A i it many visitors are
expected. There will be a special
train operated from Raleigh, leaving
that place at p. m. and Wake
Forest at m. of the same date.
At p. m. on Friday, will
cur the annual debate. The query is
That the Right to Vote
Should Not be Restricted on Account
of Presiding will be W. J.
Phi., while H. C. Griffin. Eu.,
will act as secretary. The speakers
are as Affirmative. A. C. Al-
Phi, and Samuel Long, Eu.
it. R. Blanton, Eu., and J. C.
Brown, Phi.
was arrested for knocking down and
running over a pedestrian with his
of Reel Trust.
The beef trust packers declare that
automobile When arraigned In court during the years 1907. 1909 and
he was asked how many automobiles 1910 their net profits from fresh meat
he owned, and he replied he didn't were only one-eighth of one cent a
know. Imagine a man so rich he pound.
doesn't know how many autos he has
on hand.
Fortunes which make it possible
for one woman to wear a half a mil-
lion worth of diamonds at one
time, and which enable a man to
possess so many automobiles he can-
not keep track of them, necessarily
through the power to place a
In 1907 the retail price of fresh
meat was from 11.8 to 13.3 per cent
higher than in 1900, while the price
of cattle declined in that period from
to And while dressed
beef was half a cent a pound dearer
In 1910 than In 1909, the price of
beeves was lower, declining from
hundred pounds In 1909 to
price on the things which the coin- In
people must have in order to Any self-respecting cow, says tho
live. New York World, the right to
It is significant, in this connection, i wonder who get th extra difference
that tariff, the cost of living, her price on the hoof and
a plate but her price dressed.
An mint Morin
Held Services,
On account of s- snow
norm which raged our all
Saturday night and
Greenville got up Sunday morning none or the local churches
a twelve-Inch snow on the
ground. Something in the way of a
big snow was expected, for it began
just niter dark Saturday even-
am kept coming thick and fast
through the night. The dry. hard
i held s. Ices,
The streets were impassable. I be
snow being quite in many places.
Even in the late afternoon it was i
hardship to be on the street, where
the cold wave turned the snow
ground was a receptive place for the ice that
snow, and II looked like every flake and dangerous.
stuck and counted.
While records are not at hand for
comparisons with previous snows,
this Is the largest that has visited
this section in many years, and the
people were not prepared for so much
of it.
Sunday was a beautiful day.
It is to be hoped, that, weather per-
the attendances at next Sun-
day's services will more than make
up for Sunday's inactivities.
How to Cure Hums.
My method of curing hams is as
Trim them neatly and make
with the temperature ranging as high , , a
as HO. but after night it urned much
colder and pushed the
egg. them in this and let them
remain four or live days to draw all
down to the lowest stage of the win- .,
In fact the lowest It has been skim cold
here in thirteen years. Mr. O. E. War- return o
ran says that at Riverside Nursery brine to them,
thermometer registered degrees, and ,,, a
night Policeman W. H.
the dyspeptic from many
. of and enable him to eat
lie They prevent
i he to assimilate and
. i . b give appetite,
lid muscle. sugar
No Substitute.
Mow YORK, Feb.
point to a spring season of tailored
less sombre tone than
those of last year. The buyers, on
the strength of Paris advices, are in-
vesting heavily the light shades
of fawn and sand and brown and
gray suitings in all
soft light tones are shown. There
arc many attractive possibilities among
tho light toned suitings. Rough and
loosely woven fabrics are sill pop-
but there is a noticeable
val of interest in the smoother,
closely woven stuffs.
A very light weight covert cloth is
acceptance in Paris and is
Quite practical as well as attractive.
The light Weigh cloth of the
class are liked, too, as are the
Bedford cords; and toned lawns
and light grays in those cloths
en diagonals and in these light
mixtures and of serges fine and
course, hard and finish, there
is no end.
revere collars upon many
the beat looking summer-winter
models of tailored type, some orig-
detail in this collar often con-
the chief claim
novelty; but on the oilier hand one
finds an occasional suit or striking
smartness which is collarless, these
latter models usually crossing in
front to fasten down the left side and
having more or less of B Russian
The white collars and cuffs
of the winter tailored suit, a mode
soon by over popularity,
is likely to have it successor In the
collars and cuffs or white linen or
cotton which in various de-
of weight and roughness goes
under the of terry,
and As its heaviest
it is blood brother to Turkish
As its lightest it makes one
of certain silks and pongees,
though course in terms of cotton
and linen.
There is also a reversible fabric,
or which nobody seems to know the
exact name. On the right side it re-
the lighter and looser
sponge in weave. This is
shown chiefly in a deep cream,
pale biscuit, with smooth reverse
surface of warmer color, sort old
blue or rose or voile or green and
it makes particularly good looking
long coats for warm weather wear.
The ecru, cream and kindred tones
of white are Increasingly In demand
n would seem that we are to
have the white season of re-
i years, though the dominating
I whiles are really white all,
even the sheer muslins are prone
take on a yellowish tone There
. lovely line cotton or
ons in these ecru and yellowed
and this material promises to be more
j modish it was last season.
Many pretty little cotton crepe
simple character are
; nil these show the
touch black which is one
or the most pronounced Parisian fads
in connection with white. A note or
black in one form or another enters
into almost every French frock, but
the erase for black lulls is latest
phase of this tendency and effects
every type or frock.
of black molasses and an ounce
says o'clock he read one , ., ,
In front of drug store that u. , .,,,
was degrees. The correct tempera- . , ,,.,,.
lure was perhaps about the figure at ,
Riverside. smother the tire with
there was much snow-hall- cedar we
big. and several rude . were ,,,.,, ., am, ,,
all over with a thick mixture black
The foremost scholar in politics is
the guest of Richmond today. Because
of the man, but even more because of
the message, the people of Richmond
welcome Governor Wilson and will
give no ordinary attention lo the
things that be will say and the advice
be will give. A singularly gifted
expounder of true democracy, he is
surpassingly filled to point out to-
night the democratic opportunity
lo Indicate to Democrats the way.
wherein they must walk and the
things they must do in order to re-
the government the nation
lo the safekeeping the party which
been power for a decade
hang and
j molasses and black pepper. Wrap
The Poor Man Has u ;,, brown paper and put each
I know a man years ago went ill a cotton Back and dip it in lime
into without u penny for an and bang In a dark smoke-house.
old piece land that grew nothing The will improve till a year
on its deep sand but sprouts, old.
land would come as near railing treat shoulders in the same way
lo sprout peas as any land in the and sides, except the sides re-
world. Today, after years of hard main in brine half lime the
work, he can drew bis check for do. Jowls treated in this way are
thousands, has home, for boiling with tin nip greens
barns and has refused per acre in the spring W. Massey, in The
bis laud has bought more, and Progressive Farmer.
now works nearly acres,
times as many as hands, State-wide prohibition is led
Smuts on Job.
The Roy Scouts took the
to show their grit at the cotton
yard fire Saturday afternoon. The
boys charged one of the reel stations,
run a line of hose, played a
stream on the burning cotton bales
and worked like regular firemen. They
slack to it. too. even If the water did
freeze on their clothes. The
are determined to make themselves
Iceland has no Jail, no penitentiary,
ere is no court and only one police-
an. Not a drop of alcoholic liquor
is made on tho Island, and its
people are total abstainers, they
will not permit any liquor lo be
ported. There is an illiterate per-
son on the island, a child ten
years old unable to read, the system
of public schools being practically
perfect There are special
colleges, several good news-
papers and a printing establishment.
Woodrow Wilson is not a
phenomenon be is a fact. lie is not
Incident; he is a cause. No pres-
day speaker so clearly slates true
Democratic principles; none so clear-
translates the ancient and
mental philosophy of relation
one man with another man In terms
or present-day understanding, For
staling and discussing the political
and economic questions which have
arisen in the nation he Stands head
and shoulders above all oilier
He reduces volumes to an
gram; he speaks into a phrase a great
popular issue. In plain and homely
he points the problem and
simply suggests solution.
. nor Wilson is easily the most not-
thinker of the period.
sequestered academic shades he
called to the democracy of
New Jersey, the things he
in that campaign were so keen,
in. and i
at national
and what he lays to-
will he borne lo
uttermost pans of the republic.
I Backache
Sloan's Liniment is a great
remedy for backache It
penetrates and relieves
pain rub-
bing lay
it on lightly.
Here's Proof.
Kid my back hurt in the Hoer Wat
and in San two mo I
was a in the same
I all kinds of dope without
Two weeks I saw your
in a store and Rot a to
try. Tin- first application
relief, now except for a little
out almost
is the bet remedy for
rheumatism, neuralgia,
sore throat and sprains.
Miss E. Rim
ii, urn j bot-
it and it is
Sold by all Dealers.
Price, and
mill makes s moderate fortune every and hated by the liquor element, and
year, takes brains and energy they use means in their power
the has these will to or break ii down, every
ii success in forming while sort falsehood or
who is content to scratch Ion of Its on. hf ,.
ii chattel mortgage j eat deal i take the
little though and study . mi
of his business us the mule be works have Burn state-
will always have poor land, poor from North Carolina, where pro- . r
mules, no implement but o on Into effect two years
pick plow, and will do more ago. Chief Justice Walter Clark,
bard work than man studies the Supreme court of the state fur-
aims for higher things. W, P the following facts from the
Massey, In The Progressive Farmer, court records for the same
been reduced per
Ii the cent; murder in the degree has
Whore does the consumer come in declined thirty-two per cent.;
here The advance of cents per twenty percent.; larceny forty per
gallon In the price of kerosene oil rent.; manslaughter thirty-live per
gasoline, has just gone murder In second degree
to effect, recalls the fact that the per cent.; minor from
great corporation was charged twenty-five to fifty-five per rent., and
with a monopoly of crude decrease of violations
oil products has been dissolved by laws fifteen per
the mandate of tho United Stales And yet, the liquor league men will
court. Perhaps there would say that crime has increased
be less Significance in this material and that more liquor Is con-
advance In price If It had not been sullied now than before. A
stated that It was ordered percentage will explain whole
by the corporation which has matter, for Satan is not only the
gone out of existence. It Is of lies, but also the whole liquor
so suggestive of the mutability of the and Presbyter.
decisions of human courts that
stock of the dissolved and presumably
concern is now quoted at wrong with this sen-
an advance on the figures quoted be- Tommie years us men
fore the dissolution was uncomplainingly buttoned up
where does the i.
come In. and how Is he benefited word uncomplainingly
Greensboro Dally News. lo be left out. Bazaar.
The sixty-two greatest saloon
ties in Texas, having one-sixth
of total population of
have, according the last attorney-
general's report, covering the years
of murders, or nearly
one-third of all the murders In the
suite, or twice their proportionate
share. The dozen strongest
counties of the suite, also con-
one-sixth of the population,
furnished ti of the murders,
which is but one-fifteenth of their pro-
share. The group of so-
loon counties had five times as many
murders, population considered,
group of prohibition counties.
American Issue
asked small boy,
does a man have to do to be
my son. for one thing he has
to get up enough patriotism to get
out and deliver free of charge a lot
of that any lecture bureau
would glad to pay for
ton Star.
Home Paper,
would you mind letting mo
look over that newspaper when you
are through wouldn't ask you, on-
I was raised paper in my
home town and the sight of it
me homesick as the devil. I
remember how I used to go out in
from of the house before breakfast
and fetch ii for the folk when I was
a little shaver. Thai my first
chore. I recoiled how the newsboy
would roll up and put a In
ii to keep ii light and give ii a
over the fence, along about daybreak;
and sometimes you could hoar ii go
hump on front door and then you
could be sure of Uncling it nil right
the dog didn't find first and
ends off.
I saw you open paper
just now was like slopping back
thirty years. haven't changed
the type or ink even
has the same old homey smell it used
to have. believe if were blind-
folded and you held that paper under
my nose could tell you the name
Of ii in one guess. Same old head-
lines. See, same old personal col-
same old polios notes, old
ladies advert for hired girls,
same old corner that turn-
ed to first when we were
jokes, too. I reckon. It's like an
old from home that when you see him
you think time must have overlook-
ed him. somehow, and left him with,
the same kindly face he had in
old days.
through with it, you
Then I'll take it along and when I
sit down to read It tonight It will bat
like turning lb. clock back thirty

y . .
Published by
P J. WHICHARD. Editor.
Mix mouths, . . .
rates may be bad
application at the business office In
The Reflector Building, corner Mai
and Third streets.
All cards of thanks resolutions
at respect will be charted at
cent per word
will be char zed f-r at three
cents per line, up to fifty lines.
Entered as second class matter
August at the post office at
Greenville. North Carolina,
act of March 1879.
The fact that one of the foremost,
if not the foremost, newspaper pub-
in the country, Is coming
South, means a great deal in
what progress the Southern
States have made in the last few
William Randolph Hearst, news
Tammany has been raging for years,
ever since Hearst became a power in
He has scored
against the tiger and we hope he
will live to see his object of wiping
out Tammany. His fight against the
New York lines, which kill
many people annually on Death ave-
Is about to bring
the desired effect
Hearst has accomplished all this
absolutely single handed and with his
own funds.
Whatever be his aims in politics,
they are always clean, and we don't
know but that he might have done
as well, if not better, than many
men who had held high official
The newspapers of the South should
welcome Hearst in their midst
It seems to be a characteristic of
Greenville, that one fire must be
closely followed by another brace of
tires and although seldom has this
characteristic, or hoodoo, failed to do
what was expected of it. we are
to say, that for a town that has
had the sad experience that Green-
ville has had with fires, our fire fight-
facilities are way below par.
Just the same as with the hotel.
We need it badly, but as long as we
keep on the practice of that absurd
politician and orator, that prompts the proper M-l
Phased the Atlanta Georgian, and to plunge the
men. who not only Inter-
in trying to cut the cotton sere-
age, but who will see that their
counties are thoroughly canvassed.
We expect to reach every far-
mer In Georgia.
and Mississippi have
Into line and are arranging for
their South Carolina
which was the first state to start
on this work. Is more than one-half
canvassed now. North Carolina Is
also at
That the Rock Hill plan is meet-
with such success right at Its
beginning; is most gratifying and It
is to be hoped that every farmer
on the subject will sign the
pledge and once he has signed it will
stick to it. And after all this should
not be hard to accomplish in the face
of the prices the cotton farmers are
getting for their product
It must have been Indeed a great
disappointment to some of them. And
It certainly was too bad that when
the idea of that great money crop
suggested Itself to them, the idea of
overproduction did not accompany it.
As it is. the majority of farmers will
have to acknowledge that the price
they have had to pay for the lesson
has been a pretty steep one.
It would be Interesting to find
lout just exactly to what extent and
how many of them have really prof-
by the cotton crop of last sea-
conducting demonstration pots
averaging three each. The two
largest demonstrations the past sea-
son were one for forty acres of corn
that produced fifty bushels per acre
ind one of a hundred acres of cotton
that grew a bale and a quarter of cot-
ton per acre. The demonstrators are
supervised by the local agents who
in turn are Instructed by district and
The demonstration work has hearty
co-operation with the A and M. Col-
the Union and other
progressive organization. The state
department of agriculture is now co-
operating financially and otherwise.
Local aid for the work for the pres-
season amounts to
This shows that the people are inter-
in the work.
Taken as a whole the outlook Is
very bright for reaching and
in a practical way the mass of
farmers in the state.
Americans who have visited
France must have felt proud of
signs in certain buildings.
of the It must
have reminded them of home and
town with
will send John Temple Graves, a
Southerner, to take the leadership
and plant the Hearst standard In the
Hearst is an example of a busy-
rich man. One of the few examples
this country can offer. All Hearst
had when he went to New York, not
so many years ago. was a
The men pushing the Rock Hill
darkness because the moon is W-k arc
posed to come out. will stay far
This was the qualification given
the extremists of his own party by
President Taft at the 26th Lincoln
dinner of the Republican Club at the
New York.
hurry us Into a condition which could
no parallel except In the French
Taft was referring to Roosevelt's
friends and their talk of a boom for
the former president. The president
It la to be that the present
political activities, In the face of the
approaching presidential elections,
are tying up our public men. For In-
stance, Just before the Watterson-
wrangle, Postmaster Hitch-
cock announced, the government own-
ed telegraph lines.
Since then little If anything has
been heard about it. Previously a
parcels post system was noised out.
but also, no doubt, owing to the up-
in political circles, the noise
made by this proposal was drowned.
Yet all the while we could do very
nicely with a parcels post. Instead,
private concerns, the express com-
are gathering all the change,
that we represented by the govern-
should be getting. There
no doubt as to the advantages of
parcels post Well managed
tries have had parcels post many-
old country many months men
money to teach the Boers the doctrine
And, by the way. all the other
were unanimous in disdaining
Britain's right to where her
interests were concerned. But. of
course, she was the only one there.
Where is old Henry gone
to recover For about two weeks hi
name had been a fixture In news-
papers throughout the states and now
little, if anything, is heard from the
peaceful Louisville editor.
That batch of proofs he offered
show to the court of honor must
have gone to seclusion
with him.
In the meantime Governor Wilson
does not seem to have lost any
ground. In fact, he seems to be do-
very well after the political ope-
ration of to which
was subjected. Wilson's followers,
the country over, are doing some hard
work for their man, and in spite of
the rumors that there Is nothing t
It but Taft, we might yet see
nominated and giving the Whit
years and the people of such countries House Man a hard time of it
are entirely satisfied and largely pat-
the system.
Perhaps If it were to be known who
represents the express in-
in Washington It would
easy to know why the parcels post
proposition did not receive the
a ., .,.,.,., .------- towards its accomplishment. In the
I the success and progress of the South; about the recall of judges d j we are paying exorbitant
charges on parcels we send
express and sometimes we are even
overcharged, as was stated not many
days ago by Commissioner Lane.
We must say it with shame. We
in also occasion to make a few re-
M any
farmer and for this reason
I farmers should lend an attentive ear
the absurdity of such a move.
Taft's allusion to revolutionary
behind other towns, and we will be
made to suffer.
At the Norfolk Southern depot and f ,, done sh conditions such as could only find a
bales of cotton representing more independent In the French revolution,
ran a risk of being totally destroyed I R to be quite timely, and in fact.
last Saturday evening. Had the fire I of our to refer more to present day
certified been at time ll immeasurable. In fact it would be conditions than as a piece of
That rumor that Underwood is go-
to do some hustling In the South
and then retire in favor of Harmon
seems to have the New Jersey men
looking around. Whatever truth
there may he in the rumor, If it were
ever to materialize at the
it would not be the first time
that delegates were bound and gag-
and then turned over to the man
they were always intended for. In
any case let us hope that the South-
delegates will have their eyes
wide open and will know how to act
are a free country. We are supposed to the best interests the South
check for twelve million dollars and
a check suit In those days he was
,. ,,, fire takes any
-what is called a It would
the chances are that there would to gay that the South information, this to be verified by a
been very little to fight, as once only , people passing review of happenings in the
divorce themselves from the erroneous last months of President's ad-
be Interesting to know from Hearst
himself what attracted him to the life
of Journalism. A young man with as
much money as he had when he left
idea that they are going to make their ministration.
brave efforts of the voluntary
men. the element will get away by giving the rest of the Seldom, If ever, has the attorney at
And this is certainly calculated hag not Washington been as busy as in the
c .,
the most optimistic on
California for the east, would never
think of a life of strife, such as is
that of journalism in the large
rob all sentiment of safety forgetting at the same time last few months, in the prosecution
the South will have to go to the on interests that as we are allowed
rest of the world and buy something to know more and more about them.
Why. we haven't even a proper fire For we could a of affairs for the
produce it If only our people would smaller Interests that Is a thorough
alarm. At least the one we do
. alarm, wt -c
In fact any other young man would i
have settled down to make the endeavors to apply some of that energy they are shame In regards to how the small
f it And the best would have lB WOnder in exchanges of fry of the business world Is treated.
hear it. On the other hand, whoever .
to make our own laws, choose our
own representatives, but when It
conies to starting something that will
in any way hurt the interests, we
are just as free as the Harem-wives
of the Sultan of Turkey.
No sooner do we start some move-
to better conditions, wires are
pulled, conferences held, etc.,
and the project goes down practical-
before it was up.
It really means a condition of gov-
when the time comes.
The Whiteville News recently came
out with a handsome 28-page Illus-
edition setting forth the ad-
vantages of Columbus county. It is
a creditable piece of newspaper
work and was compiled mainly by
Mrs. Helen Gantt the daughter
of Editor T. Larry Gantt.
pretty good, considering the
Hearst bad at his command.
People who do not like Hearst, and
hear it On the other hand, whoever
rings that bell when calling to a fire,
be Instructed and the word;
line .
be passed about this, that the
few. often say,
there are a
anybody with that much money
would I succeed at This
is unjust For years after his advent
Into the newspaper world Hearst lost
a great deal and it was simply by
using good Judgment in the hiring
of his men that Hearst got where he
is today. will his en-
say. could afford to pay
for Of he could pay
for them. But why Is It that he
chose the best men in the states to
put at the head of his newspaper en-
Bid he not use some
and of sense In the
he made And it can't be said
that all men Hearst has with him to-
day were made when he engaged
them. There are a good many whom
Hearst took under his wing when
only the right kind of development
would help them reach the degree
of usefulness to the Fourth State.
that they have reached today.
papers are again
speak his enemies. Hearst papers
are yellow simply in that the news
they give their readers are straight
Roods. But with this
feature of his papers,
Hearst manages to give newspaper
readers articles and comments on
subjects by the best writers
America has.
Is as changeable in politics
as the also say his
Still Hearst has stuck
to a party until the health of that
party was falling or of its
bad deteriorated. He has
ways stool for what is fair to the
common people and In no Instance
can It be said that Hearst has not
teat the full force of his publications
to wager war in the interest working
the common people. Witness
the gas fight In New York.
Hearst and his own lawyers did for
the people of New York something
which It was up to the municipality
to accomplish, but which such a body
ever thought of doing. His Ugh.,
free New York from the evil of
Secretary Wilson has received the
The talks of intervention abroad
time that some big interest was
concerned in any manner were
ply brazen activities that called up-
i i- . i i ii ii a
bell be rang in a certain manner that on the patriotic feelings of the people
will make It most clear that the
sounds it sends forth are in order to
work of the department in North Car-
to serve the very unpatriotic methods
of the parties interested. It would
Demonstration work is only highly interesting to find out
years old in North Carolina, yet It exactly why a certain almost
warn volunteers of a fire, and not
as though it was announcing a so-
gathering or a court house recalled before the
We have a good water department. and for the, mentioned gentleman had time to
but our means of availing ourselves of , reach the steamer was to take
Many farmers, advanced In age. de-
him to the country in which he was
to represent the United Stales. It Is
of this water supply are so negative
that, as a prominent Greenville man
puts it simply like having a
barrel of water in the center of a
burning room and no receptacle to might have displeased certain
get at It and throw it against . . of It is also
the fact that demonstration work true that he was candid enough to
did not begin several decades ago statements at a dinner
Durham is preparing to build a
i would be satisfied with one a few
rooms less than that, if our folks
would Just get busy and get It
They keep on indicting druggists
in Greensboro for violating the pro-
law. If a druggist sells 11-
he ought to be made to take his
And we want it to be perfectly
This is not casting any de-
remarks on our brave fire-
fighting volunteers. They always do
their appointed duty with the
greatest eagerness and courage. But
these private citizens, who so
stand ready to protect our
and Interests, should receive
the willing support of the town
No expense should be
spared to make our lire department
enjoy the fruits of Its teachings, there- General of capital. It is also quite
by reaping the benefits of more that after using the recall
crops produced at a administration is now
cost of cash and labor. Many farmers they tried their best
who have been in the work one keep him quiet when he made an
state that as successful farmers they to give his views on the sub-
are only one year old. J Washington.
The work is based upon sound. The wholesale dynamiting plots dis-
well-trained and essential principles. covered In Indianapolis do not mean
such as a deep soil, plenty of that the country is sailing in a sea
improved seed, intensive oil although most
of crops, etc. That the work.-s as. china has been battered, blood-
stained and dismembered by all these
progressive and civilizing nations and
a v ,
hundred room
eminent weakness that would do .
honor to any of the South American
Republics we try to invade every
time they pull for better government.
And with us It is a case unpardonable.
because we know a good deal better
than the alluded republics.
How long is this rule of the people
for the money going to last I
would be a little difficult to answer
with any degree of certainty, but it
is a It will not last Charlotte already has several large
forever, and that there will be an for mot
is going after them. Greenville has
only one In the ordinary class and is
finding it hard to awaken Interest in
a one that is better.
From the way we read of blind
tigers being sentenced to the roads
several other counties and towns
must have taken the cue from the
last term In Pitt.
awakening for the better.
After over three thousand
rule in China, the Manchus have
the throne and In the words of
its late rulers of the
Empire Is vested upon the people of
In the last score of years China
has been the of foreign
which under the motto of
send troops, doctors,
es, and to crowd in a few
months a kind of progress which the
accomplishing the
The prosecutions against the beef
which it was designed, Is shown trusts furnish an example
thoroughly able to cope with all em-
As the matter now stands our prop-
and lives are in danger and
he speediest measures arc
to place us within a line of safety
by means of an efficient
The Rock Hill plan movement is
acquiring momentum in Georgia. Al-
ready a live campaign over the malls
been started by Its manager in
hut state. Mr. Frank Weldon. who
a in charge of this campaign Is
writing a letter to all the mayors of
towns to appoint com-
of three men their
-owns to engage the Interesting
of a smaller cotton acreage.
Mr. Weldon had this much to say
for the progress of the movement In
are trying to get
a number of ways. For instance, the taken all of this to finally wake
average yield of corn In North into the up and make look
for the past forty years ha. of wages and long
been a little less than fifteen bushels hours of work against Immense prof-
per acre. The yields under demon- for a few shareholders is another
methods were as in which the present
1908, bushels per acre; in 1909, can look for and
bushels per acre, and in 1910 them.
bushels per acre. The rec-
for 1911 are not complete yet.
but will probably be greater than for
1910, notwithstanding the fact that a
severe drought cut off the yield
through the central part of the state.
The demonstration work stands for
Lawrence, Mass. with Its recent
strike and riots furnish an ideal quiet
spot for the present administration
to go and in peace, an invitation
to reflect on the greatness and fair-
of Its actions.
Of course it is quite timely to re-
the growing on the farm everything member such mighty upheavals of
needed there in the way of home bud- the common people, as that furnished
piles. The careful records kept by the French nation right now. And
the work show that these can French people have more than
grown for very much less than mar-; one example to offer. After ridding
prices. The matter, therefore, is j themselves of the costly kings,
in economic one. Lad Wt with them another
The organization in North Carolina great shackle. Something which stood
at present, consists of a state agent. In the way of their progress and
two district agents, fifty-one local though the undertaking was colossal,
agents and over three thousand far- and naturally the obstacles
which shows that the
Chinese were only dormant been
the success of the short revolution
wagered against the Manchu rule by
the more progressive Celestials.
We are now assured that the re-
public will be strongly established
far away China, and that quite
capable of looking after her affairs
will take the reins of the government.
It is to be hoped that, now that China
has shown herself as capable of man-
its own affairs, other nations
will look out for the sign off
the and allow the Chinese
people to recover the greatness they
lost through oversleeping.
It Is curious to recall another case
of by the rifle route.
Britain had some Interests in South
Africa, and those interests had to be
taken care of from the barbaric
used by the Boers. It took the
Colonel Roosevelt sent a young
lady the tail of a rhinoceros as a wed-
ding present. To keep up the fad he
might send the next one the horn
of an unicorn.
We leave it to Whichard to say
how many feet deep the last snow
was In News.
We've done and said, and It was
deep a plenty.
There will be something else a
way to announce for
Greenville a short while, even If It
Is not a new hotel.
With a strong law and order league
organized Raleigh, something else
may be expected to be heard from the
capital city.
No dogwood blossoms In sight yet.
Greensboro News.
No, but the dog would blossom If
It could.
Snow or no snow, this is
Greenville, Yours of You
If the snow would only go.
We would not have to shiver so.
Some people are like the ground-
hog In running from their shadow.
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
Advertising Rates on Application
WINTERVILLE, N. C Feb. Miss Elizabeth Adams is spending
a c. J. Harris went to Walston-the day in Ayden.
burg today to fill his regular
If you are contemplating the
chase of a manure spreader, gasoline
engine or cream it will
he to your Interest to see Harrington,
Mrs. C. R. Rollins, of
spent Saturday night in town with
Mrs. H. L. Rollins and returned home
If It Is anything in tools or farm-
implements, you will them
at A. W. Ange
Mr. B. F. Manning made a trip to
Snow Hill Monday, looking after the
The oil can, the best can
far oil, is sold by Harrington. Barber
A Co. under a positive guarantee to
give satisfaction or money refunded.
Miss Sarah Barber returned to her
school in Greene county Sunday,
spending a few days with her moth-
Mrs. E. E. left today to spend
a week at Seven Springs
A first class fertilizer distributor
for sale by Harrington. Barber
Rev. W. J. Fulford, of Ayden. was
in town yesterday evening.
Minnie May who has been
teaching at Galloway's Cross Roads,
came home Saturday evening.
Mr. J. L. Rollins spent Sunday with
his sister in
Harrington. Barber Company are
selling the stalk cutters In a
hurry. They continue to come In.
Miss Mantle is spend-
i few days during the snow with
Mrs. M. G. Bryan.
Messrs. J. F. Harrington and S.
G. Nye left Monday morning for
Heading. Penn. They will be gone
the balance of the week.
If you want a stalk cutter or a disc
harrow, examine those at A. W. Ange
Company's before you buy.
Cox returned Monday
Messages and Papers of the
Presidents Compiled In a
Series of Eleven
An Encyclopedic Index Sets Forth
Important Questions of Gov-
From the
of the Re-
All kinds of garden seeds and 90-
seed oats at A. W. Ange Co.
Mrs. M. A Adams left Tuesday evening from a visit In Grifton.
morning to spend some
Harrington. Barber Co. are head-
manufacturing and
so on Indefinitely.
It la a great privilege for an
can citizen to possess this work, be-
it is the reservoir of historical
knowledge, and it will inspire
to a greater degree any
reads It or occasionally refers to It.
It la a matter of pride to Amen, ans
to know that Uncle Sam sits at the
head of the diplomatic table of the
Part of creed of American is
and should be to believe that be is n
of greatest country on earth
it is one thing to believe and loudly
voice this belief, but It Is nobler
to have a knowledge of it based
on facts. When yon have read or used
extensively for reference the
sage and Papers of a
record shows Sam at work.
you will wonder great
made and at wonderful
the government itself affords to its
citizens, and you will realize why the
greatest Individual come to
who live under protection of
stars and stripes. The
and Papers of the Is a big.
vital work, brimming over with
of vast importance and intense
Interest to every American citizen. It
Is made more by its
rial embellishment, it Is fairly ablaze
Illuminating historical pictures.
The language employed Is at the
same time simple and exalted. Each
When Washington Ml
Sept on the balcony of the sometimes be reasonably Interposed.
Federal ball. Id Wall street. New
then the capital of the United States,
be became president not of
United States as map would show
today, but of a little segment of this j States ft
great most of which be did other Important foreign
no, during hi. know existed ; M the Lewis and
The portion of which be expedition and points out the need of
In Jefferson's sixth annual address
he reviews the disturbing conditions
our foreign relation, due to the persist
of pirates in the Bar
Mr. J. F. Stokes, of Greenville, was
in town Monday evening.
Now. how about your rival or re-
The fundamental element of good cit-
in a republic Is knowledge of
the origin and development of the gov-
an understanding of the
ties which devolve upon the electors
and their representatives and a
for shoes for both old and disc harrow for pulling your I g of the govern
land in good fix for crop See, and
Edwin of Ayden. was in Harrington. Barber Co. h
town Tuesday evening.
Rev. C. J. Harris has moved his
has called to his service
best ability, together with that of
his cabinet members his scholarly
friends, to make each message a mas-
of It. time, that It
at all.
president Is shown in one of a series
of outline maps in the front part of
volume where evolution of our
territorial extent Is developed.
great fundamental Idea,
Hamilton brought to bear and which
had sanction of Washington were
a firm determination to pay in full the
foreign debt, to fund domestic debt
at par and to assume the state debts.
Then came the establishment of
excise tax. which was bitterly Opposed,
particularly In state of
declared to be Wished
subservient of pence, liberty and
right, of and amounted
to what In known n. the
requiring 15.000 militia to put
down. Then there was beginning
f the tariff by the establish-
of a protective first
government coining mint
at then arose
mooted questions of con-
or of the
constitution. These were simple days
and yet stirring times. The farseeing
wisdom prompted Washington
a settlement and fortifications near the
mouth of Mississippi. This mes-
sage l one of greatest historical
documents from the pen of Jefferson.
It is said that, while the spoils sys-
belong, to Jackson's time, never-
Jefferson started it by making
many political removal, from office.
Interesting side lights of history of
the world of this country are
thrown on the canvas by the reading
Jefferson's addresses. Hamilton was
killed in a duel by Aaron Burr. Zeb-
like penetrated the Rocky
bis name immortalized by the
discovery of Pike's peak. War
declared against Tripoli. aDd the
attacks of Tripoli mid other north
African states were suppressed and
peace made with them by Commodore
Perry. England and France were at
reason why the United States
was able to make the Louisiana
chase on such favorable terms or to
make it at all.
Napoleon speaking of the of
the territory accession
strengthens forever the power of the
United States, and I have Just given to
England a maritime rival that will
sooner or later humble her
England asserted the right to search
American vessels and to Impress sett-
spent Wednesday night in town.
civic life. This is true knowledge of
the history of the coon
and most helpful phase.
to Issue Ills
arising from war between England
and Prance then going on. is worthy
of the study of every school child.
recall of the Trench Minister Genet
would be translated every known ,,, various other I men. foreshadowing the or HO
and read in every civilized countries J called
court of the world, an unction which j ,, reference to our Interns-
right, duties make the
of our own state papers a birds-
eye study of contemporary important
ha. never been vouchsafed to any
set of authors on earth.
In opening volume we find, as In
, , each volume, the end sheet and lining I events throughout the world.
Mr. C. T. Cox and Mis. Mantle- history of the country n a Tue hardships of pioneering,
visited Ayden Monday and most helpful phase. view of a map or plan of constant Indian warfare or
We to have I Such a work is the and , the minor alluded to here
I A nice lot of dry goods just arrived papers of a series or In Washing- here zest and romance to the
Mr W H. Rouse, of A. W. Ange I volumes, containing 8.043 large ton displayed. story as told by the early
ht in town. , I Mr. Luther Wingate. who for piece is a splendid portrait of the lion Vermont. Kentucky and
s and work shirts pat three years has been in the u g our readers will I. who. under or first
at Harrington. Barber army, home Monday. a somewhat detailed review of an of the Fifty second address of John Adams
Miss Olivia Cox is spending a few Harrington, Barber Co. carry a library. Such congress while chairman of the com- a warning that has come
days with friends in Grifton. large lot of peg-tooth harrows and . f r the house, com- down the century to
Plant bed cloth and fertilizers it will pay you to see a and edited the work. Then comes , day
A. W. Ange them before you place your order. . interest our . of the followed by a to note from the
Laura Salisbury, of Miss Mary returned . renewed spirit of patriotism of House, both in I referred to
and Mary of Grin- home Monday evening, after spending ten color, the preliminary note ed I .,, extensive
are spending a days or two with a few days with Misses Eva and Lucy and papers
Miss Eva Langston. Langston. in chronological I The ,,, or several president, j proclamation deliver-
public from the beginning of our history. I as chief Justice of
Then comes a faithful color the United States. Marshall's
of famous painting fixed an elastic Interpretation of
received a nice lot of fine white goods on
and notions.
Learn to
With Your
There is no better place to begin
that community co-operation than
right here in some movement for bet-
roads for your community. Nor
is there any better method of
CLOSE by the respective
dents. Each president in turn through
. . . I hi. various official addresses,
Hold Final . and messages reviews the
I depict, the present and forecasts
The council of the Federation of the this country in a way
Women's Clubs which began its and moat ft-
highway improvement, we may gong here Tuesday night closed o the nation and
add, than with the simple slit-log a day m the court house Friday and welfare of Its
better still, the improved j Besides the members of j
steel drag, which at apiece there were club; be Been that this work
been pronounced the cheapest of present from constitutes a first hand
road makers. In Northampton towns, and this meeting being public of United States
N. C. splendid results have of the town ladles were also in written each sec-
attained by paying farmers by the attendance. I ,, by the particular man most suited
hour for dragging roads after rains
the same plan that has worked
constitution which made possible
the expansion of territory and a lib-
in police regulation needed for
well in Iowa. The same system is in
successful operation In Catawba
Declaration of
followed by a reprint of the
of Independence, the articles of
confederation and the constitution, j the law and order of such a govern
these being given as the preliminary It was during
document, in the foundation work of, and while the French
the nation. The various other I non going on that commissioners
Illustrations need not be alluded to gem to Paris by America were reject-
detail. ; ed except they, French
Hut. general, it la to be noted that j be bribed, which gave rise to
a faithful reproduction of official I famous saying.
The chorus class of the Training Whom the Information. portrait of each president is In j for defense, but not cent for
school gave several vocal selections, Ma most available and j at the beginning of the
and Mrs. W. L, Hall sang a solo. for the fronted with I The alien sedition laws were
With Mrs. Cotten presiding responsibility-j tissue which Is a suitable and a treaty with Napoleon out Monroe's annual
Aaron Burr tried for treason for
planning to establish an independent
empire west of Mississippi.
concluded his official career, a.
Washington had done, by refusing a
further election.
We find a facsimile reproduction of
Madison's declaration of war against
Great Britain which brought on the
war of 1812, and his state papers serve
s a most illuminating history of the
times during that second trial of the
young strength. Perry's
on lake Erie, the heroic death of
Lawrence, the burning of
and all other public buildings at Wash-
the Hartford convention, which
gave expression to a number of
son two weeks after peace bud been
declared, illustrating slow methods
of news the final
treaty of peace at Ghent are among
the Important event, of this period set
down In by President Madison
It was during Madison's term that
the Spangled was writ-
ten by Francis Scott Key. to whose
memory President Taft recently paid
tribute. We turn to the title
Spangled encyclopedic
Index volume and find there a story of
this patriotic song.
It was in relation to our foreign pol-
icy that Monroe specially distinguished
himself by the pronouncement of the
so called Monroe doctrine. The mere
force of executive utterance amount-
to international law Is well illus-
thus early in the history of our
country. It Is the Monroe doctrine
that opponents of world peace seize
upon to show the weakness of
peace policy Not only Is the Monroe
county. Concerning the work there, the talks of the others of for Instance. wag made. i, seen how j b
Mr. EL L. Shuford tells us In a note ,, remarks and , on of the parents of the of United States con- la under Its nip
Just hope is. that were from the various . of the United States. gained in the official papers of Adam.
another year, we will drag all of departments of the council h; ,,, , ,
public roads after rains all over an of ideas, the dis- of the
county. If we can get plan participated in by a historical
working shape, can have representatives of visiting clubs, j . ,, of
all roads dragged in the first; the of the Federation being a complete cross
half day after rains, which will give gong to a dose at
to better roads for a community
should include plans for using the
Progressive Farmer.
Preceding each administration Is a reflects the side of foreign bis-
concise, interesting biography of the I as well During
Among interesting papers j formally transferred to the MS
George Washington la the first Thanks- city of Washington
volume. Monroe had to deal with the
Seminole Indians in first war.
gave Inspiration to cues only an , M
greater advancement their work. volumes. only a key that
The visitors gave many expressions .
T of governmental saying In part. I Adams, who took upon himself the re
is In every country the I of pence with France in
of pleasure at their In Green- or
of i of
the many shown In the third annual address reference I . of frontispiece. In addition
them. Both the town and our Train-
There Is no advantage planting
potatoes in the fall. In my ex- school were revelations to them. is told of every subject .-
I found that they and they
too early and got In of these with them to their homes. the of the
the best time to plant them Is The members
February, though, of course, in evening for their respective j of me work for
lower South and in Florida they are homes. l of
planted earlier. But I have seen I the to turn at will to where
in north Florida badly frosted The Reason. is to be found,
that were planted January. Feb- boatman, says Punch, came to- j The list of subjects, treated in
Is much safer nearly all his patron and announced that order. Is much too large to
lions of the South and these and would not be able to enumerate this review. A few of
times got caught by March taKe her out fishing that evening, but the more Important, however, our
in North F. Massey, In that Peter's nephew would take her j banking system, our Judiciary system.
The Progressive Farmer. f she wished to go. the tariff. Monroe doctrine. Panama
the lady answered. hope postal Having, banks, the pro-
Peter's nephew Is cleaner than posed parcels post, system In
fact that the central bunking Idea talk
ed of today la not new.
Congratulations to
Carl distinguished American
artist, years old today.
Edwin noted Boston publisher
and peace advocate, years old to
Charles F. Johnson, United States
senator from Maine, years old to-
Dally Globe of St. John. N. B.
years to far
Lieut. Gen. C. Irvine Walker, com-
la, ma'am; he's
Youths Companion.
general. Interstate commerce, the right
of franchise. Including woman
digest of all treaties be-
tween the United States foreign
I countries, foreign relations, neutrality.
Fiction. intervention. Important supreme court
Why do fairy stories end. . they decisions, establishment of
we need no more here than to call
attention to the valuable fact that here
it Is In permanent. accessible form. A
leading metropolitan newspaper In
making an exhaustive review of this
publication fare
well address should be a household
it Is well nigh Impossible to conceive
. good foundation for United State,
history. Including the colonial period,
without making the Intimate acquaint-
the seat of was term General Jack-
son Invaded Florida, which was then
Spanish territory, and took possession
of it He was officially rebuked, but
publicly applauded. The purchase of
Florida was afterward completed for
the sum 1821. The
settlement known is the Mis-
compromise was to in
This period was known as
of good A treaty was
made between this country and
England for the suppression of the
slave trade The same year General
Lafayette made his celebrated visit to
America as the guest of the on
Invitation of the president and at
request of congress, and as a reward
for his friendship assistance to
the United Stales during the
war he was presented with a
section of land and
John Adams was distinguish-
ed by great learning, lie favored In-
Improvement, prophesying that
future generations would be more
grateful to the founders and builders
Of the government on account of ex-
for that purpose than for
any other.
The state papers of Adams are rich
in historical facts, lofty style and
most w peruse.
In Jackson's second election the
convention appears for the first
time the political history of the
United States.
Jackson was regarded the father
of the though It did
la made to faith and confidence In to the portrait of Jefferson and a re-
a. Illustrated the fact production of Monticello. Virginia, his
that subscriptions to the stock of home, there is a four facsimile
the Bank of the United States were reproduction of parts of Jefferson's
completed In a single day. This mes original draft of the Declaration of In
sage Is Important as bringing out the dependence.
Jefferson had to deal with the con
tinned plague of piracy, upon which
So much bat been said praise of, discourses are interesting and In
Washington's farewell address. In his first Inaugural ad
be declines a third term, that dress he reviews the question of
and makes recommendation.
The territory was
chased from Napoleon for the sum of
an event which had much
to do the problem of territorial ex
and which called forth from
Jefferson In bis second ad-
dress a clear discussion of the freedom
of the press.
Jefferson's first annual message he
makes a statement that would be
of all of Washington's state pa-1 commerce and navigation, the
prosperity, are the
and lived happy ever origin use of various bu- They are the history of his time. four f
deportments, every war. for it has been that govern- thriving when left most free to
.,.,,. of statesmen, established by Washington, individual Protection from
old of depart-; organized by Hamilton and then i
democratic by
after r
replied Mi. -c-
of the United they arc fairy
Veterans, years old today, Star.

Editor Daniels, Pi the News and Ob-
lakes Statement
Daniel-. Na-
Carolina. on Po-
Situation in the
Hilton, lie
-The South to in, de-
the Tar Heel editor, -and
is In no mood for pol-
or putting out
sons. There are of able
Southern men make
great presidents. Texas has
one in in
and North Caro-
The admirers of these men hate
no Idea of them as
son candidates, not
one of them permit it in
this crisis the is
upon the tie of a
The Southern
people are for
belie ting that he he
and elected.
N. S.
Fifty Bales of Cotton Partially Des-
Saturday afternoon about lire
was discovered in the cotton yard of
the Norfolk Southern railroad, where
two biles of cotton were
to Norfolk.
It is the tire was
from sparks from the engine
arrives at
the Norfolk Southern depot at x
At any rate, as soon as the Are
alarm was given and x
responded by some of the
Three hose were put in commission x
and with hardly any pressure, it was x
by the strenuous work of
Bremen, that the fire to x
. bales which were in flames. Al- x
i together, out of the bales await- x
shipment, only a quarter were par- x
destroyed, with an approximate x
loss of worth of cotton, x
it insured. The shippers were x
Messrs. Jesse Moseley Bros, x
L. Hall. x
l in their efforts to put x
a stop lo the tire were Mr. U. M. x
Bass, of the of Messrs. Jesse x
Spell I and Beth Hooker, the latter x
unfortunately having his right hand x
but painfully bunted. The x
, work of the Bremen is to be com-
minded in this, as in other
Home Role la Sight.
x Mile Stones tn The Fight For
x Home Role.
x Government As-
x established In
x Dublin.
x motion In the Com-
x mons in favor of home
x rule defeated,
x for home
rule took definite shape.
Stewart Par-
leader of the home
rule party.
entered into
with Glad-
Introduced his
first home rule bill and
delivered a famous speech
in support of it. The
bill was summarily re-
Salisbury in a
speech ridiculed the
in favor of home
rule in Ireland.
was re-elected
leader of the party.
died and John
K. Redmond succeeded
him as parliamentary
for giving
home rule separately to
Ireland, Scot-
land and Wales reject-
ed by the
his second home rule
bill, which passed the
House of Commons only
be killed by the House
of Lords.
Liberal Government.
in a desperate position,
sought an alliance with
the Nationalists. The
latter agreed to support
the budget and other
government measures
with the understanding
a rule bill
would be introduced and
measure was passed
limiting the veto power
of the House of Lords,
which removed the last
great obstacle in the path
of the Home Rule move-
x x x x x x x x x
Governor WoodroW Wilson is
choice of the large majority of the
people of the Southern States for the;
Democratic nomination for the If there exists or if there does not
and that he will have more a a combination of financiers con-
than two-thirds of the delegates from trolling the access to the great res-
the South at the Baltimore of money by banks and in-
is the opinion of Josephus companies, country wants
editor of the Raleigh News and know
Observer, and Democratic national j The belief that such a combination
committeeman from North Carolina, of organized form and definite in-
is no reflection upon any can be found may be wide-
the candidates for the Democratic J spread but is hardly entitled to
presidential nomination to say that once. Belief, however, in a practical
not in years has any man so quickly concentration of control of money and Parliament of King George, which
Obtained popular confidence upon the credit, little the less effective for be- was prorogued on December last,
record of promises kept, deeds per- without form or organization, is today. The opening
formed, and rare statesmanship dis- more widespread and more to be proceedings was marked with
played as Woodrow Wilson, the gov- as probable. ceremony, owing to the court
of New Jersey. He has the A public Inquiry here can do for the Duke of Fife.
scholarship and the philosophy of harm and may prove of great service I The session promises to have a
government of the Jefferson school; for more equitable and democratic notable place in British history Al-J
the courage to oppose bossism and conditions in business. ready it is popularly spoken of as th
control Of government by big But it must be a sober inquiry to rule from the
Bess displayed by Jackson; and as a effect of any value. It must not that, Unless all signs go wrong.
thorough-going and relentless foe of be one conducted by loose-headed pol- will see the enactment of a measure I
graft, even in his own party, he seeing as that will make home rule for
displayed the qualities of Tillman. walking and Seeking an accomplished fact, after more than
On the Stump, he wins and charms and results for pass-thirty years of unceasing agitation
with an incisive clearness that gives campaign consumption. lighting.
him no competitor among the And the regular committees The end of the long light Is
rants for the presidency, His pro- banking and related subjects are the in sight. The Irish Na-
Is based upon belief in ones to conduct it. They are the com- party holds the balance of
popular government and his which the House itself hail power in the house Of Commons and
of the way is to remove the ob- made up best qualified to go into by throwing its Strength with the Lib-
that now deny rule by matters. To wave them aside has helped keep that party in
people. No man in this decade has In this case would be for the House power, has sustained the gov-
appealed to the popular imagination to Impeach its own ability to perform eminent in the crises. Now,
or so won the public confidence as the function taken from the Speaker. in accordance with u definite under-
Blow Becomes Bride of
Mr. J. C. Butner.
At o'clock this morning In St.
Paul's Episcopal church, there was
a beautiful marriage In which Miss
Lottie Blow, daughter of ex-
Senator and Mrs. A L. Blow, became
the bride of Mr. John C. Butner, of
Cleveland, Ohio. The officiating
clergyman was Rev. B K. Huske, of
New Bern, a former rector here, the
impressive ring ceremony being used.
The chancel of the church was beau-
decorated in green and white
palms, ferns and ivy being abundant-
Mrs. Sam T. White presided at the
organ, playing the wedding as
the bridal party entered, and
Serenade during the ceremony.
The first to pass up the aisle to
the altar were the ushers. Messrs.
Alex Blow, Jr., W. B. Wilson, Jr., Al-
Dunn. J. W. Ferrell. Charles
James, and Dr. C. Laughing-
Next was the dame of honor, Mrs.
H. S. Fulford of Hertford, sister of
the bride, dressed in light blue cloth
suit and carrying a bouquet of car-
The bride entered with her father,
ex-Senator A. L. Blow. She wore a
tailored suit of violet and carried
bride roses and a shower bouquet of
of the valley. As they neared
the altar the bridegroom with Mr. W.
H. Jr., as best man, came
through the vestry and met them.
The couple left on the afternoon
Norfolk Southern train via Wilson
for the home of Mr. Butner in Cleve-
land. Greenville regrets to give up
this charming and popular young
woman, but the best wishes of all
go with to her new home.
Alter rehearsal in the church Tues-
day night, Mr. and Mrs. Blow inform-
ally entertained the bridal party and
visitors at their home on Pitt street.
At this reception the wedding gifts
were on display, and the large
and beauty of these bore evidence
of the popularity of the bride and
Woodrow Wilson, and York World. standing and agreement, the
those who are looking for an government is lo return the favor
of government by bosses for their persecution. Introducing a home rule bill. A
own benefit and the enrichment of r returned Parliamentary struggle is anti-
Mr. C. Daniels who
what Is called or where he went
before the measure is got-
look to Governor Wilson. Mr. the candy kit- shape, but its
ideally lilted, as the man for the big ,.,. ,., , was indict-
nevertheless as-
job that America wishes to have
done Wilson has shown that he
bow to do it by the
ed for passing a worthless check for
sin ed.
i dollars says that the matter The provisions or the home rule
to be . case ho introduced by Mr.
ed record of the New Jersey ,.,,., ,,,,,. , a man staple topic of
r his than anything In all . lore. In some of
Why a was tor Important i i an-
from Fire Chief. the check that i
doubt illy
e was Is clear, Mr.
I i In your Mond u yon , e bound to
I the water press. was poor at ,,,,, m ,, bond of Moo probably
the tut day afternoon tire at the h,. ii want to take final
cotton yard. As I was one of the jurisdiction In the matter though it
at this lire, I would like clear acted on-
to correct this error. We had direct bis rights.
v. ill t
I second home
i bill, while in other n , ens
there ill I
It is certain that the ministry in-
tends to provide for the creation of
an Irish parliament to sit at Dublin
and lo of two chambers, the
pressure and It was fine. In fact, n teems that according to the branch lo be made up of about
too strong and was scattering dance purchased a members and the popular branch
burned cotton so it was ordered cut Syrian of Greenville, have a membership of probably
down the chief. So people should ,;, fruit and confectionery twice that number. The
know what arc knocking about
before they start lo knock.
C. B.
Assistant Chief.
business and the price was agreed of the Dublin parliament will be con-
upon giving a check on the lined lo purely Internal affairs of
Branch Banking Company of this city
for as part payment.
cam to Wilson to
Scotland Neck. the balance of the money
a very serious, and it is feared, a when he returned to have the
accident occurred, at the home papers fixed up informed
of Mary and Lizzie Smith, when him of a mortgage on the soda water
their sister. Mrs. Thomas F. fountain and Insisted that he also
son. of Twin Falls. Idaho, who, with assume this indebtedness.
her five children, is visiting here, w is
badly burned. Mrs. Robertson was
standing in front of an open grate.
refused because this was
not the agreement In the trade, call-
ed the deal off and asked for the re-
when her took Are, and turn of his check for 110.00 which
assistance could be had. she was refused to give, alleging that
almost entirely enveloped
she being severely
from head to foot.
.;. tea Ma la the km
burned stepped to the phone
and stopped payment on the check
upon which payment was of course
seldom refused.
then had him Indicted for
But a slow-going man
overtaken by opportunity.
The best way to sympathize a check for ten
men Is to shake thorn. son Times, 10th.
Ireland. According to plans
it shall exercise no control with re-
to the navy, army or militia,
and foreign policy, coinage, military camps
or coast lighting, and will he for-
bidden to establish or endow any re-
or deal with any mat-
This latter provision i- Intend-
ed to meet the charges of the
that an Irish parliament would
make the Roman Catholic the state
religion. Whether the Irish
will control the exercise
toms is a point not yet determined
But whatever the decision In this
It certainly will be
by a provision for free trade
between Ireland and Great Britain.
Ireland is expected to continue to
have a representation in the Imperial
parliament, but probably In greatly
diminished numbers.
the direction of Prof. N. W.
Walker, professor of secondary ed-
in the University and direct-
or of the summer school, extensive
plans have already been made where-
by the University during
session of 1912 will offer to the
teachers the most interesting and
useful courses in professional train-
it has been able to give since the
establishment of the department of
education In Instruction will be
Offered in all the subjects required
to meet the demand made upon teach-
by the general school law of the
state. In addition, there will be sup-
to add to the in-
of the school. Among the
will be Hon. P. P.
commissioner of education of the
Tho summer school of last year
was perhaps the most successful
since the establishment of the sum-
mer course, students were in at-
Instruction was given by
six professors of the University aid-
ed by six other teachers from the
principal colleges and high schools
of the slate. The school has
conic to be one of the most import-
undertakings of the University.
Ii has been the custom during the
past several years for the Junior class
to give a dance, known as the Junior
Prom, In honor of the senior class.
The class of has. however,
the From and Will give instead
lo the men who will grad-
next June. The objection to the
dance was based on the fact that a
large majority of both upper classes
do not dance, The Prom was. there-
fore, to be unrepresentative.
Ill Mead an elaborate reception
will be given. The undergraduate
of the University has been In a
most interesting state of excitement
ever since the proposition to abolish
the dance came up. The matter has
been settled satisfactorily to all con-
Not a single member of the class
which the University sent to
to take the Supreme court
for license to practice law failed
The embryo lawyers on the hill have
been very happy for the past week.
Lust Wednesday night the class gave
a banquet to the newly made lawyers.
Some excellent speeches were made,
and a general celebration was held.
Bank of
Greenville, N. C.
Capital Stock
To Loan on Good Commercial
Accounts solicited and we
especially invite you to call
R. L. Davis, Pres. J. L. Little,
We making special offering in floor covering tins
and the immense variety of design and patterns will
enable you lo choose prices you plan to pay.
We call particular attention to the carpets and rug
prices named. Shop secure the best choice
Taft Vandyke
Uncle Sam
Postal Funds
for this section of the State
P p
Our Capital Stock is
The Largest in Pitt County
jot i-
The Invalid.
know that bull player who
had a glass arm, a weak knee and a
game oho fin-
In five games during the sea-
What about
working In a stone yard
through the
Mr. Business Man
goes into 1,400 homes six days a
readers. The Eastern Reflector,
our weekly edition, goes into 1,200
readers. .
Can you figure out why an ad
in either of these papers won't pay
Sea of Well Now
Washington Correspondent
The the News and Ob-
The 8th and 9th will long
be remembered as days
In the annals of our city.
The coming of the council of the
N. C. Federation of Women's Clubs
brought it more than temporary
server will be glad to know that Mr. pleasure. We shall see lasting
Thomas J. Pence, whose arm from in many
broken by a fall on the ice two weeks
ago, is now out of tho hospital and is in the history of our town
at his office. Since his accident a better spirit spirit
of spirit of loyalty
to our town and its
it that precluded dissensions and
cheer and kindliness held high
Even our streets and public build-
Ta tint
church of Durham has undertaken the
support of additional
In the foreign fields. of these
will be sent to Korea
and one to Africa. The, church
ready supports tow missionaries in
Cuba and two in Korea.
Washington service has been furnish-
ed by Mr. L. Ames Drown, of Green-
ville. N. C, who was the News and
Observer correspondent at the
before his graduation. For
some months he has been on the
Sun. where he made good. He
ill for some time be the News and put on their clean diets, and we
Observer's Washington correspondent
and Mr. will furnish occasional
The above beads the editorial
of today's News and Observer.
We are heartily glad to hear of Mr.
L. Ames Brown's success in the
that it was
Our guests were busy women. They
bad work to do and they did it; yet
time left for much social enjoy-
The receptions tendered in
the council by the Carolina
Club and the Training school were
two a trio that have never been
He Won't Limp
No more limping for Tom Moore, of
Cochran, Ga. had a bad sore on
my instep that nothing seemed to
help till I used
he writes, this wonder-
healer soon cured Heals old
running sores, ulcers, bolls, burns,
cuts, bruises, eczema or piles. Try
it. Only rents at all druggists.
atonal capital and ha can be sure of i I In Greenville. The third of
wishes In the brilliant was held on the evening of the
before him. eighth In the home of Mrs. C. T. Mun-
librarian of the Hound Table.
it .- useless to attempt In detail a
description of the decorations; lei ii
suffice that exquisite taste was deli-
expressed In simple elegance
WITH about
I III II in number, were received In the
HIGH POINT, N. C, Feb. 14.-The by Mrs- K- Miss Marv
Hill brothers, whose trial for the conducted them to the
shooting of their father on the 3rd
came off today in record-
court, were bound over to
court, under a bond of two
punch table, presided over by Mrs. W.
L. Best and Mrs. am White. Here in
the soft glow of crimson-shaded can-
beneath garlands of red roses.
dollars each. In default of women refreshed themselves
meeting their bond, they were taken orchestra, screened
to Greensboro jail this evening by the above dispensed
local police on train No.
The guests were then introduced to
the receiving line by Mrs. C.
Mrs. was
Several Couples Brave Weather And assisted by Mrs. Sidney Thomas
tin License to Wed.
During last week the following
couples took out marriage
W. H. and Julia Duke.
Charlie and Mamie R. Sum- lira. Richard Williams and
the following members of the council;
Mrs. C. C. Hook. Mrs. A. Kimball.
president of the Round
Table; Mrs. Robert Randolph Cotten,
president of the N. C. Federation;
Mrs. R. O. Jeffries, president of the
End of the Century Club; Mrs. Mark
C. K. Smith and Minnie Langley.
Joe H. Edwards and Little.
Preston Dupree and Ada
Miss Clara Cos. Mrs. M. L. Mrs.
T. B. Tyson. Miss Edith Royster, Mrs.
B. K. Hays. Mrs. C. and
Central Ba Shop
in Ii f
by a
id w
warn a -t
w. r.
at Law
Office opposite K. L. Cos
stables and in doer to John Flan-
Buggy new building
I. W.
Office formerly occupied by J. L.
. . Carolina.
When you want tile best,
we are at your services.
Wedding in
the Latest Styles.
Floral offerings artistically arranged
it short notice.
When In need of pot plants, rose
bushes, evergreens, shrubbery, hedge
and trees,
or telephone your orders to
i; N. C
In Edwards Building on the Court
House Square
L. I. m W. Lone
Honeys at I a
w. M. Ii
. . Carolina
Practice I to eases
Eye, . . and Turn.
v c. Greenville, N. C.
Ora will L
Horn a a .,. m. to n. in,
A , lot of AND III
I also sell and tut Window Glass, an;
no charge for cutting.
Gardner's Shop
Office In building. st
Practices wherever his services are
Greenville, . . Worth Carolina.
Greenville, . North Carolina
W. C. D. . Clark
Civil Engineer Attorney pt Law
Civil Engineers and
fl Ward C. C.
Washington N. c.
Attorney, Law
in all the
Office In Wooten building on
Greenville, Carolina
John Henry Little and Clark. J- Woolen.
John Graham and Mary J. Ward.
A. R. Sherwood and Bettie Moore.
Ernest Phillips and Ada Stancil.
Win. U. Sutton and Fisher.
After a few moments of social con-
tile guests repaired to the din-
room where Mrs. J. W. Higgs
Misses Lillian Carr. Lizzie Higgs and
Carlotta served a most de-
in Honor of Mrs. J. James salad course. The color
Hill Top house was the scene Tues- scheme of red and white here, as in
day morning of one the most en- tea-room, was perfectly
Joyed mid-winter parties when j
W. A. and Mrs. Tom Branson departure Mrs. H.
entertained for Mrs. James Burton E- Mrs- s- J-
James, of Greenville, N. C. The Ricks to the
some homo was decorated cup that cheers, hut not
with palms and ferns. Six tables is to give here the full
were arranged in the drawing which included the mom-
and library for forty-two. The score of Century, the
cards were tiny heart-shaped Table, the San and En-
tines. The Mrs. James, was
tie Nous Clubs, the Civic League, and
presented with a lovely of Daughters, the faculties of
sweet peas. Al the conclusion Carolina Teachers Training
the game an elaborate and delicious school, and the graded school, besides
buffet luncheon was
a number of town guests, among whom
Mrs. Wiggins, of Boston. Mrs. Patter-
was attractively at- of Wilson. Mrs. Martin, of Hick-
tired in a vie.; cloth with others,
M w. a. wore Mrs- chancing hospital-
gown of Mark lice over memories
royal blue with blue fringe. guests and the
Mrs. Branson was lovely In an clubs-the End of the Century,
gown of old rose chiffon With over
blue and silver trim- for the beautiful
tribute paid by her to their honored
Twenty-four ladles enjoyed this hos-
Mrs. Andrew Johnson Pat-
assisted in Almost Lost Life.
S. A. Slid. Mason. Mich, trill
never forget his terrible exposure to I
a merciless gave me a
Millions of Frost Proof
Cabbage plants for sale. The follow-
Jersey Charleston Wake-
field, Succession, Large Lute Drum
This selection should give you con-
heading through the entire
Prepare for Shipments in lots of
from 1.000 to 10.000. per thou-
sand; over 10.000 per thousand.
F. B. N. C.
Can supply order of any size.
Count and satisfaction guaranteed.
Green Wile,
E. M.
Office second Moor in Woolen building.
on Third St. opposite court house.
Tenn. Democrat. Feb.
. . r. -B
Didn't Appreciate it.
Mrs. we never
who our best friends arc.
know dreadful he writes,
ed severe pains In my chest, so It
true. There's the was hard for me to breathe A neigh-
low I won you away from. Ho hasn't gave me several doses of Dr.
spoken to me Trans- King's New Discovery which brought
great relief. The doctor said I was
on the verge of pneumonia, but to
a Good Worker. continue with the discovery. did
blamed my heart for severe two completely cured
tress In my left side for two Use re-
writes W. Evans. Danville, Va medicine for coughs, colds, or
I know now it was Indigestion, as W or lung trouble. Price
Dr. King's New Life Pills completely cents and Trial bottle free.
cured Best for stomach, liver by all druggists,
and kidney troubles, constipation.
headache or debility. cents at all
Stray Taken
I have taken up one black pig.
about pounds, marked hole
A woman is too dull to understand in right ear and slit In left ear.
why It Is that when her husband Owner can get same by proving
could run the house on half what she ownership and paying charges,
does It costs him to order a meal at w. A.
restaurant more than she could feed R. F. D. Greenville, N.
whole family on for a week.
You have been passing our
daily, no doubt noticed
our windows. concluded to
bring in suit which really needs
cleaning, but have neglected lo do
Let us save you the trouble;
us right now. We call for and do-
liver. No extra charge.
Frank Hopkins
M. C
M. Schultz-
Established 1875
and and
Hides, Fur, Cotton Oil Bar-
el-. Cat-
P. Lori-
Gail Ax I Ht
tobACCO, V
From t Soap,
Seed Mi pd
Nut. .
i 1.1 i
i i
a l kl
Cm Seal i
Sew r i
i i i
p for , lo
the ale heard 00-
tore a terrible earthquake, that warn
coining peril. Nature's warn-
are kind. Thai dull pain or ache
n the back warns you the kidneys
a,, attention if you would escape
chose dangerous maladies, dropsy,
or disease. Take El-
Hitters at once and sec back-
ache Hy and all your best feelings re-
turn. son received great bane-
Ill from their writes
Mich,, is
a great kidney Try
it, cents at all druggists.
you approve of sell-
vegetables by weight
if you'd get more
I was fascinated by a golden
did you marry the
found I buy bunch of
for two
A Choice. Courier-Journal.
would you rather
No; Alonzo. a girl Isn't
or i smokeless an angel because she Is a high-
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and Flues Season, See
Greenville. N. C.
General Merchandise
Payers of and country produce.
Central Mercantile Co. store will be
on us.
We now occupy the former
glad to have our friends call
Hereafter tip loots
Every . is not a Cloverleaf
that locks like one. You judge a Manure
Spreader by its Ice's because there are many
features which are found in the construction of
one machine that are not found in others.
Manure Spreaders are the most easily op-
the strongest and best machines on the
market If will examine one critically you
will with us that the
the best machine ever looked at. Drop in.
Let us discuss the manure spreader proposition.
Let us explain the many meritorious features
found in Cloverleaf construction. Better still,
buy one, then you will be in a better position to
know why you can't judge a manure spreader by
its looks. If you are not ready to buy, call and
get a Its filled with valuable
on soil maintenance and fertility. We are
reserving one for you. Won't you call and get
it today
Hart Hadley
tn tut
NOAH'S LINIMENT relief for all Nerve, i
Muscle Aches Pain-, more quickly than . .
remedy known. IT
triple and a powerful, speedy and sure
PAIN REMEDY. Sod by all dealers in at
par bottle money back it not
will iv it mo c
-t. Van m l two
Rev, B. E- c; rib, Donald, c
For Cuts and Bruises
While working my I
id I
Noah's I all
. In the wound Edward
in Neck
nun U me greatly.
bl It It
Mn. Martha a. Lambert, Bea-
Pains in the Back
ten with a
re pan in my beet, and triM re-
Lena than half bottle of
perfect mire.
r o yew I mO I
In .
fir I
a. See,
Stiff Joints and
have Noah's Liniment I r
joint-mil t can
it did then pain n n e-
Bronchitis and Asthma
son has been with
and and e very bad cough. Wee
to hie bed. Borne ore i o
Liniment, I rubbed and
back with Ii and save
relieved Immediately. Mrs. a. L,
Holly Street,
have obtained good If not better re-
Liniment n we did Iron
per bottle. Norfolk
mid Transfer Co., Norfolk,
Woo. on Writ
I. this ad.
The Home of Women's Fashions
Pulley Bo wen
North Carolina

Index contain an Interesting article
giving the of
through legal
la 1831 William Lloyd Garrison loom-
ad Into prominence as an
Jackson had to deal with Indian
trouble In the Black Hawk war and
In the second war-
la 1836 Texas rebelled against
to and established an Independent re-
In the compiler's sketch of Andrew
Jackson due stress Is laid upon the
fact, too often overlooked, that An-
drew Jackson had attained distinction
In civil as well as military life before
he was nominated for the presidency.
declared May 1848. Thai war Is
folly treated In the encyclopedic Index
volume, and the history of It la told In
Folk's various addresses and messages.
The treaty of
brought the war to a close In 1848, by
By virtue of the power of sale con-
North Carolina
Pitt Count,
Before the Clerk
In the Superior Court
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, rendered
war a . . , , or .
term, of which treaty HUM sold Mary
by Augustus Blount and wife. Cherry
for that territory which to A. Q. Cox. on the 1st day administratrix of B.
now comprise. California. Nevada. May, 1908, which mortgage
most of New Mexico L J.
and a part of Colorado and blade,, on Monday, the 4th
the boundary of at the t before others, heir, at law, the undersigned day of March. 1912, at noon.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage deed, ex-
and delivered by J. Fulford
and wife, Pattie Fulford, to W. A.
Pollard and B. A. Joyner. trading as
W. A Pollard A Company, on the 4th
day of January. 1911. and duly re-
corded in the register of deed, office,
In Pitt county, North Carolina, in Iowa. Senator
Birthday congratulation, were In or-
today for the latest of the
Cummins, United State. sons-
Book V-9, page the undersigned
will expose to public sale, before the
court house door In Greenville, to the
The proviso was an attempt
to exclude slavery from any territories
to be acquired, from Mexico. While
this proviso of passage. gave a
the court house door in Greenville,
on Tuesday, February the follow-
described land, Two
tract, of land in town-
being the two tracts described
in a deed from A G. Cox and wife, to
A metropolitan paper In reviewing ; b, war WM Augustus Blount, said deed dated May
this work take leave of this
Invaluable collection of the messages
commissioner will, on Thursday, Fob- two certain tract, or parcel, of land
born sixty-two years ago In the
of Pa. In early youth
he followed his father's trade of car-
and with the money thus
1912. between the hour, of j lying and being in the county of Pitt learned he was able to take a two
and o'clock, in the town of state of North Carolina, and In I ,
ville. before the court house door. I Beaver Dam township, and described ears course College,
at public auction, to the follows After leaving college he worked for
bidder for cash, the following All that part of the tract of several year, as a railroad
tract or parcel of land, lying land known as the Hooker
and being situated In Pitt lying on the south side of the
soon to the slavery question In ,. known as The N. C. and more and road not
and papers of Andrew
first ever Riven to the an
extract from his farewell address,
which, few readers, we imagine,
will dispute deserves to be treasured
by the aide of Washington's farewell
Van Inherited the panic of
which had resulted from wild
speculation during Jackson's
and precipitated by Jackson's
Specie Circular Right here, in pass-
we may call to the attention of
readers the splendid article on panics
In the encyclopedic Index volume, and
a of all the panics, with their
causes. Is given from the panic of
In 1837 the independence of Texas
recognized by the United States.
It was during the administration of
Martin Van that the
institution was founded Wash-
and the article under that title
In the encyclopedic Index Is commend-
ed to our readers.
The campaign of 1811. In which
Henry Harrison was elected to
succeed Van was marked by
the novelty of stump speaking and
processions. The attempts to belittle
Harrison on account of his humble
gin were taken up as catchwords, and
the eider log cam-
became the hurricane
Harrison's short term gave little
opportunity to distinguish himself.
His death supposed to be due to
the annoyance of office seekers who
believed In the Jackson spoils system.
Tyler vice president under
succeeded to the presidency on
Harrison's death.
An important boundary dispute was
settled by a treaty known as the Ash-
treaty, negotiated by Lord Ash-
of Great Britain and Daniel
Tyler's administration saw the close
of the war
rebellion, which occurred
Island, forms an interesting
chapter in the history of the growth of
franchise. The vote had been given to
landowners possessed of a certain
amount of property their eldest
sons. who led the rebellion In
favor of popular suffrage, was declared
a traitor to Island, arrested and
Imprisoned, but afterward honored
when his party succeeded. The story
told in the encyclopedic Index vol-
and the presidential discussion
cited In chronological place.
In 1842 John C Fremont, the
was sent by the government to
find the path across the Rocky
It Is Interesting to read his bi-
and note his troubles,
once court and bis glories,
being honored by the government
achieving success.
In the presidential campaign of 1844.
In which James K. Polk was elected to
succeed Tyler, the issues were the an
of Texas and the Oregon
boundary dispute, in which Polk's ad
used the famous campaign
Polk was known as the first
candidate ever nominated by
prominent party.
The tariff question was dealt with,
resulting In a lowering of duties.
Polk's various discussions of this old
and new question are very interesting
and Instructive.
The most notable event of Polk's ad-
ministration is the war with Mexico,
not strictly start with him. The en-
tire number of removals all the
presidents prior to Jackson were only
seventy-four. Jackson removed 2.000
In one year. The got
its Dams from an utterance of Senator
of New York in the United
States senate In 1881, the victors
the Jackson a
strict constructionist and opposed to
national banks. It was during Jack-
son's administration that occurred Urn
famous debate, in
which contended that the fed-
government was a compact en-
Into by sovereign states, while
Webster maintained that the
was an Instrument of the gov-
created by the sovereign
of the United States, which
the national Ideal. This nation-
ideal was supported by Jackson, for,
when South Carolina attempted to nub
lily the tariff by to
duties at the port of Charleston. Jack-
son threatened the state with force.
The Mormon church was established
by Joseph The encyclopedic
described as covered by the dower of V.
Adjoining the lands of R. D. Whit- Cobb. and excepting an undivided one-
or. He must have been a pretty good
man at the business, for he was of-
a position as chief engineer of
one of the western railroads. But the
accurate description.
This Jan. 1912.
Owner of debt.
F. G. James and Son, attorneys.
success was due largely to his military to which deed is hereby made for an
Taylor recommended a protective
tariff for the protection of home Indus-
tries and for the insurance of good
wages for labor. Taylor's term was
cut short by death.
Fillmore's recital of the history of
his time is of extraordinary
because the country was on the
eve of its greatest crisis. Fillmore
rather leaned toward the slavery doc-
and signed the fugitive slave act
and other compromise measures, which
lost him the favor of the Whig party
in the north. The Fillmore fugitive
slave proclamation Is partially
in facsimile. This proclamation
is as Interesting as fiction when looked
back upon across the bloody chasm of
war which reversed its flat.
President Fillmore adduced
arguments In favor of a tariff
for revenue which might properly
amount to a protective tariff.
Fillmore advocated internal Improve
of the late Geo. B. and the j Hooker which was assigned to and became a student
same being more described V. Cobb. widow of W. L.
deed book on page of Pitt Cobb, as dower, the interest in this
county registry. tract to be sold Is a fee-simple sub-
The said land will be sold subject to the dower of V. Cobb.
in a Chicago law office.
Mr. Cummins did not become a res-
of the state that later was to
to the dower rights of the widow.
Mary E.
This January 1912.
C. C. PIERCE. Com.
Ward and Pierce, Attorneys.
By virtue of a power of sale con- North County, In the
in a certain mortgage deed
executed by J. A. Gardner to H. A.
Hart, dated the 26th day of April.
1911. and recorded in the office of
Register of Deeds of Pitt county in
book page the undersigned
will on Monday, the 11th day of Mar.
1912 at o'clock, noon, expose to
Susie S. Harris vs. Henry Spencer
The above named will
take notice that an action entitled
as the above has been commenced
In the superior court of Pitt county
to have the of the plaintiff In
as For more particular him governor and United State.
description see conveyances recorded j senator until 1878, when he removed
in the register of deeds office of Pitt from Chicago to Des and form-
ed a law partnership with his brother.
public sale before the court house j lands of her late husband. H. S.
door in Greenville, to the highest allotted to her as prescribed
for cash, the following law and the said will
tract or parcel of further take notice that he is
ed before f the
township. Pitt county, North
county. as Mortgage of J.
S. Fulford and wife to W. A. Pollard
Co., Book V-9, page Deed of
J. H. Cobb. to J. C. Cobb, Book
E-8. page and deed of R. J. and
J. H. Cobb., to J. S. Fulford.
Book H-8, page
Sale to be made to satisfy said
mortgage deed. Terms of sale, cash.
This 31st day of January. 1912.
2-ltd Mortgagees.
Moore Long. Attorneys,
Greenville, N. C.
ad a Gardner's bridge PUt at of Pi
with J Mon- special
virtue of an order of the
Pitt county, made in a
g pending therein,
entitled J. Evans, Mamie F.
Lucy C. Baker, et. vs.
Una an
of Swift Feb. 1912 and answer
line, bounded on the south by to the complaint or petition
line and on the west by the filed In said action or the plaintiff, John Kennedy, James T. Kennedy, et.
main road leading from will apply to the court for the and being 1711 on
to Maple Cypress, thence lief demanded in the said complaint
This Jan. 1912.
Clerk Superior Court.
for Plaintiff.
and recommended that some bridge
, , a lino ct northerly with said road to the he-
means be found of a line of containing forty acres.
communication between the valley or
the Mississippi and the Pacific on ac-1 a made to satisfy the
count of the growth of terms of said mortgage deed,
territories on the Pacific in wealth j This the 6th day of Feb. 1912.
and population and the consequent In-1 Mortgagee,
crease of their social and commercial ltd
relations with the Atlantic
The treaty with Eng- NOTICE OF LAND SALE.
land was agreed to. the terms of which North County,
have been somewhat In dispute recent-1 In the Superior Court
because it dealt with the then
posed canal, but. broadly
Interpreted, would be effective as to J. w. Allen. Jr. and wife,
the canal, which was discuss-
ed in the newspapers recently as to
whether the United States has the
right to police and control the Panama
canal without an Infraction of the
Among the Illustrations in the Fill
Allen. D. H. Allen and
wife. Marv P. Allen. Henry
E. Allen and E. Allen.
Joseph J. Allen. Elma R.
Allen and J. W. Allen, the
last five being minors.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made In
the above entitled case, at
more period of history which lighten term. 1912. by O. H. Allen, presiding,
. . m I the undersigned commissioner, will
up the work and give It a tinge Of day q February
is the cartoon entitled Ridicule expose to sale before
of Jenny Popularity In court house door in Greenville, to
Louis Kossuth. the great highest bidder, for cash, the fol-
lowing described tract or parcel of
The undersigned having this day
duly qualified as administratrix o
estate of E. F. deceased be-
for D. C. Moore, clerk supreme court
of Pitt county, notice is hereby given
to all persons indebted to said estate
to make immediate settlement with
the undersigned and all persons
holding claims against said estate
are hereby notified to file their claim
with the undersigned within
months from the date hereof or this
notice will be plead in bar of re-
This the day of January. 1912.
Administratrix of the estate of E. F.
F. C. Harding, Attorney.
leader In the European struggle for
liberty, was in 1851 aided to escape
from Turkey by the United States gov-
and visited America, being
heralded as a great emancipator. Ref-
to this historical event, throw-
a side light on foreign history. I.
given in the encyclopedic Index vol-
The purchase was arranged
by treaty with Mexico during
administration and added considerable
and being in Greenville
township, Pitt county. North Caro-
and described as follows, to-
Beginning at an Iron mob la
the lane In the Williams line and
running a S. W. course to an Iron
at a wire fence on the back of
the field. Thence a straight line to
an iron in Brown's line; thence
with Brown's Hue to the run of the
branch; thence with said branch to
line; thence with said
line to the Williams line; thence
the Williams line to the beginning.
Before many years had passed he had
established his reputation as one of
the ablest lawyers In the
Ten year, after his arrival in Iowa
Mr. Cummins was elected to the state
legislature. He was elected as an la-
dependent candidate, which was not
a very in those day.
He voted with the Republicans on all
matters, excepting He
was a believer in high license, as a
more practical temperance measure
than prohibition, and subsequent leg-
seems to have approved his
judgment, for high license with local
option now appears to be the settled
policy in Iowa.
When John H. Gear, known as the
old of the Republican
party In Iowa, was the end
of his long career in the United States
P. docket of said court. I will offer
for public sale before the court house
door in Greenville, on Monday, the
4th day of March. 1912. at o'clock
m., the following described tract of senate, Mr. Cummins became a can-
,. ,. . . for the toga. He was success-
on the north by the , , . .
plank road, adjoining the lands but three vote
T. R. Moore and others, and known election and established his place
the Isaac Hardy home place, being among the foremost leaders of
the same conveyed to Mary E. Hardy 1901 came out for o,,
by E. O. and wife, February I , , . . .
1900. and recorded in Book M-8, governorship. It was Cummins against
page containing 1-4 acres, field. He stumped the state and
or less. won in the convention of 1.600
Terms of sale, cash, or 1-2 cash gates b. a of eighteen. He
and balance In months to be . , . . . . . . .
served his first term and was re-elect-
cured by mortgage on said land.
This February 1912.
W. F. EVANS, Commissioner.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county
as administrator of B. F.
ed. During his administration and
under his leadership the reform move-
made great headway in Iowa.
As a candidate for a third term, with
as his campaign slogan, he
swept the state with an old time ma-
that made his master of the
deceased, notice Is hereby given to all , , . .
i a v. j . 1908 Mr. Cummins was elected
persons Indebted to the estate to
territory to the United States. about acres, more or
Pierce declared unreservedly his con- less,
that slavery was constitutional This the 27th day of January, 1912.
and upheld the fugitive slave act. He
denounced bitterly the slavery
An echo of the slavery agitation Is
noted In the manifesto, which
was u recommendation to the
dent of the representatives of our min-
to Spain. France and Great Brit-
the latter being James Buchanan,
sent from Belgium. Oct.
1834, to the effect that the United
States should offer Spain
for and. In event of Spain's re-
to sell, the Gutted States would
be Justified In taking forcible
of Cuba rather than see It
But Pierce did not
think it to upon this rec-
and Pierre our
North County.
In the Superior Court, before D. C.
Moore. Clerk.
Jesse Haddock, administrator
of Samuel Mills. Martha
Mills. I. F. Mills. Fred
Mills. Mills, Macon
and wife,
Mills and Maggie Haddock
By virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt county, made by
C. Moore, clerk in the above en-
titled special proceeding, on the 29th
day of January. the under-
signed administrator of the estate of
Samuel Mills, will on Wednesday,
the 28th day of February. 1912, at
State of North Carolina.
Pitt County.
To G. F. Morrison. Meta Morrison or
any person
Take notice, that on the 1st day
of May, 1911, at the court house door
the town of Greenville, L. W.
Tucker, sheriff In and for the county
of Pitt, did expose to public sale the
following described One lot in
the town of Ayden, town-
ship. Said lot was sold at said sale
for the taxes due for the year 1909 and
1910, at which the undersigned be-
came the purchaser thereof, the said
lot was taxed or assessed the name
of G. F. Morrison for the year 1909
and 1910, by order of the
of said county; said lot not
been listed for taxation by G. F.
Morrison of any one else, and the
time of redemption will expire on the
first day of May, 1912.
This the 29th day of January, 1912.
J. F.
make payment to the
and all persons having
claims against said estate are notified
that they must present the same to
the undersigned for payment on or
before the 5th day of February, 1913.
or this notice will be plead in bar of
This February 5th, 1912.
of B. F.
to serve out the term of
William B. Allison in the United
States senate. He was re-elected to
the full term the next year.
the tariff was renewed soon
after he entered the senate, Mr. Cum-
stood up and said things which
started what became known as the
The Idea a
of tariff on monopolized products
La and others took up the
idea and made admirer, of Mr. Cum-
took up the Idea and much
of It, but It was Cummins who
Close and admirers of Mr.
Cummins believe that the
North County.
By virtue of the power of sale
contained In a certain mortgage ex-
on the 13th day of movement, as the idea
1902. by E. P. Stokes to Fred Mills.
has come to be known, may sweep
which mortgage is recorded in book
H-7 at page Pitt county on a show-down he
try, the undersigned will offer for could greater strength among the
sale on Saturday. March 9th, at Progressive Republicans than Sena-
m., at the court house door of toT
Pitt county, the following described
minister to Spain, resigned In noon, expose to public sale
an interesting ,, of both as to
shivery our subsequent relations
with Cuba. In the campaign of 1800
the Republican party was born and
John C. Fremont nominated, but de-
by James Buchanan, a northern
It would be interesting to trace this
review through the remaining
of Buchanan. Lincoln and on
down to Taft. In which each president
devotes his own best intellect and calls
his service the best assistance of bis
scholarly friends and cabinet members,
but space forbids. Enough has been
said to give a fair Idea of how
n history this Is of each ad-
ministration. Its authenticity Is not
to be questioned. The use of this work
for school children, either for refer-
or for collateral reading or for
n well n Its
use for progressive, ambitious
cans, young and old, out of college, as
on aid to Individual success, ob-
the 1-9 undivided Interest of the late
Samuel Mills in that certain tract or
parcel of land iii township.
Pitt county. North Carolina, adjoin-
the lands Jesse Haddock, Cal-
Mills and others, containing about
acres, more or less, also the 1-9
undivided interest of the said Sam-
Mills in the tract of land adjoin-
the lands of Mills. Calvin
Mills and others, containing about
acres, more or less.
This the day of January, 1912.
Administrator of the estate of Sam-
Mills, deceased.
F. C. Harding Attorney.
Having qualified as administrator
D. B. N. of Joseph deceased,
late of Pitt county. N. C, this is to
notify all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased
to them to the undersigned
within one year of the date of this
notice, or this notice will be pleaded
in bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate will please
make Immediate payment.
This day of January, 1912.
Administrator D. B. M.
Julius Brown, Attorney.
tract or parcel of land lying in Pitt
Bounded on the south by W. B.
Bland, on the north by C. H. Stokes
and others, containing sixteen
acres, more or less.
This sale is made to satisfy the
terms of the mortgage above refer-
red to.
This 5th day of Feb. 1912.
FRED MILLS. Mortgagee
HARRY Attorney.
Halt's four-ear Prolific corn for
sale. Grown In 1-2 foot rows.
Inches in the row making it a good
germinating corn. per bushel;
per 1-J pot peck .
Grown and selected by
W. K.
N. C R. F. D. No.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county.
as administratrix, with the will an-
of the estate of Jane L. God-
win, notice is hereby given to all
persons Indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to the
and any persons having
claims said estate are notified
that they must present the same to
the undersigned for payment on or
before the 29th day of January, 1913,
or this notice will be plead In bar of
This 29th day of January, 1912.
of L. Godwin.
The Cummins policy
regards the leading Issues of the day
may fairly be defined as a mean be-
tween the views of President Taft and
those of Senator a little
more advanced than the former and
at the same time not so radical as
the last-named.
Senator Cummins believes In re-
form, but he does not believe that
the proper way to remedy the exist-
condition of things Is to destroy
the corporations and make war on
the railroads, a speech delivered
before the Roosevelt Club in Denver
sonic years ago he expressed his
views on the subject of reform as
not fear the title of reformer.
Stray Taken Up.
I have taken up n black and white
spotted female pig weight about ; upon the
or pounds, marked with a round
hole in each oar. Owner can got same
by proving property and paying the
L. S.
R. F. I. No. Greenville, N. C.
.-u to be cultivated In
tobacco. Good 3-room furnished.
None but good man need apply. Ad-
dress Box R, F. D. Greenville
N. C.
Having duly before the
superior court clerk of Pitt co as
executive of the estate of Alex Grimes
deceased, notice Is hereby given to
all persons Indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to the
and all persons having
claims against said estate are
ed that they must present the same
to the undersigned for payment on or
before the th day of January 1918,
or this notice will be m bat
of recovery.
word. The reformer who destroys
is the enemy of mankind. The
mer whose cry la is the
benefactor of his race. In a country
like our. whose foundation stones
wore laid by the hands of patriots,
and whose structure is cemented by
the blood of heroes, where Justice and
equality have been the watchword of
our Commanders, what we need Is
not revolution, but evolution. We
need reformers who recognize that
what we have Is good, but that It may
be better; men and women who devote
their lives not to tearing down, but
to building
Skate For Title
BOSTON. Mass., Feb. a
of the fastest skaters In the
, Bi Canada In
this city to take part In the
speed skating championships,
of Alex be pulled off In the Boston Arena.
i j
Agriculture la the Most the Host Healthful, the Most Noble Employment Washington.
Senator Cannot With Success
Upon His Return From Winston-
Salem, Governor Strongly
Comment on Sunday's Newspaper
Article of Senator
sot Untruth of Mr State-
his return from Gov-
Kitchin, commenting on the
of Senator Simmons in Sunday's
Senator Simmons nor
of his defenders can deny a single
fact as to his record and his change
of opinion stated by me in my speech
last Friday night. I defy them to
quote the statement of a single fact
which they wish to refute and under-
take to deny it. They may
columns of collateral matter, but
they cannot dispute any fact as to his
rote or speech which I mentioned,
for I was careful to take every fact
pertaining thereto from the records.
These statements made by me will
stand every test and remain
en to the end.
Simmons reference to
his Snow Hill speech
me as he seems to admit his change,
and undertakes to explain it He
virtually admits that he once
against a tariff on lumber when it
furnished no protection, but that now
since, as hes conditions have
changed and thereby interfering that
the tariff now furnishes protection to
the lumber interests, he has also
changed. That was the very charge
upon the lumber question that I made
that is, that he is now against the
position of the Democratic party. He
does not deny he violated our nation-
Curtain Fall.
NEW YORK, Feb. Lenten
season ushered In today with the
customary special religious services
in all Catholic and Episcopal churches
in observance of Wednesday. The
day likewise marked the end of the
winter social season in the metropolis
The exodus of society leaders to the
warmer climate of the South, as well
as to the resorts of southern Europe,
is on in earnest and for forty days
at east there will be little doing the
ranks of high society.
Henry Belcher Died at
O'clock This Morning
Vitim of Fatal Pistol Shooting in Breathes hit
Last early this Morning. Makes Anti
Statement Damnable for Nap Burnett.
Provocation whatever for
The he Declares.
Farmers Meet at Salina.
SALINA, Mass., Feb. large
and representative attendance mark-
ed the opening here today of the an-
convention of the Kansas
of the Farmers Educational and
Co-Operative Union. The presence of
several of the national officers and
well known agricultural educators
promises to make the meeting one of
the most successful in the history of
the organization.
Alpha Delta Phi Meeting.
The Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, found-
ed at Hamilton College 1832, began
Its eightieth annual convention here
today as the guest of the Amherst
chapter. The meeting will last three
days and will have as speakers Pres-
Benjamin Wheeler, the
University of California, President
Harris, of Amherst College, and C. S.
Whitman, district attorney of New
York City.
T. R. TO
Action of President Taft Work of
Southern Society Dinner.
The Southern Society of Washington,
organized a year by prominent
lawyers, military officers and govern-
officials who now make Wash-
their home, has completed el-
arrangements for its first an-
dinner to be given tomorrow
night at the Hotel Raleigh.
Bryce has accepted an
to respond to the toast
At six o'clock this morning Henry
Belcher, who was fatally shot Mon-
day night at by Nay Burnett
died In
Early yesterday morning he made
a Statement incriminating Burnett
for the shooting and further saying
that Nichols was almost as much to
blame for whole thing. Late yesterday
afternoon, at about p. m., when told
that his life could not be saved he
had a notary public brought to the
side of his bed and in his presence
and that of Dr. C. C. Joyner, made
what may be called an
statement, which hardly varies from
the one he made In the morning.
Burnett and Bill Nichols
came into my store. Burnett
walked behind the counter, pick-
ed up a revolver, and without the
slightest provocation, shot me
down. I dragged myself to the
house of Mrs. and was fol-
lowed there by Bill Nichols, who
with pistol in hand, threatened
me, using such violent language
ob to cause Mrs. Jones to re-
him. However, the only real
active part Nichols took was in
resisting arrest from the police
officers summoned to my store,
where both men remained after
A representative of The Reflector
called at the local Jail and had a short
Interview with the accused man and
They were both aware of the state-
made by the dying man, but to-
tally disclaimed his story of the shoot-
met Belcher In
at about Monday night
and at his invitation drove over
to Marlborough with He
had a loaded gun with him. We
did not carry any weapons.
Along the road Belcher emptied
his gun. He was and
in fact, has been drunk
for about a month. When we got
to the store he offered us some
corn whiskey which he got out
of a barrel with a tin dipper. He
also brought out a two-pint bot-
of rye, one of them
Nichols tasted the corn whiskey,
but according to their story, did not
drink any.
re-loaded his gun when
he got to the store and commenced
Here Nichols made the statement
that he did not really know how Bel-
was shot. In fact, all he knew
of that part is that did not shoot
Burnett was positive that Belcher
shot himself, and he can't understand
why Belcher should accuse him of it.
Inasmuch as their relations had never
been bad.
I had shot him, would I have
waited there to be
This he repeated and
further said am as innocent of this
shooting as you addressing the
Both men appear to be in fairly
good spirits, in spite of the grave
charge against them. Burnett seems
to be the slightest bit nervous.
A. W. Hicks, of Spencer Bank, Sue-
by T. Edgar Johnston,
A W. Hicks states
tonight that he has resigned as cash-
of the Spencer branch of the
Bank and Trust Co. and that
he has been succeeded by Mr. T. Ed
gar of Salisbury, who has
already entered upon his new duties.
Mr. Johnston has been in the employ
of the same company at Salisbury as
manager of the insurance department
for several years. He is a good
man, is well and favorably known
in the community, and the Spencer
bank will doubtless continue to grow
under his management Mr. Johnston
has been familiarizing himself with
his new duties for several days.
Held Fast by Man Sees
Train His Foot,
Click, of Ashe-
a brakeman on the local east-
bound freight train, with his foot ac-
locked a and
realizing escape impossible, fell to
the side and braced himself to
vent his body being drawn beneath the
train, and calmly watched the train
pass over his foot, crushing It to a
pulp. Several people saw the
dent, but could offer no assistance.
He was taken to at once.
Fortunately, a few days ago, he took
out an accident policy for 1.000.
P. if Florida, Declares
for New Jersey Man
was held at Old
Pork, about nine miles from here, this
afternoon, the funeral of Capt. R. T.
who died yesterday, after
an illness covering most of the new
year. A large number from Maxton
and vicinity attended. He was one of
Robeson's oldest and most esteemed
citizens and was the head of a home
long noted for its hospitality. Much
sympathy has been expressed for his
excellent family and especially his
beloved wife, widely known by the
Scottish Chief readers as
Congressman Page Relieves That
Taft Has Allowed Himself to lie
Led Astray by Some
Thai Friends of Theodore
Will now Brow Adherents From
WASHINGTON, Feb. with-
of th presidential nominations
for federal Jobs in North Carolina
and the consequent precipitation of
tho hottest fight in the annals of the
Republican party in North Carolina,
has been tho chief topic of
in the Tar delegation today
and fie opinion prevails that as a
political move It was bad politics.
Representative Page, with others,
believes that Taft's blazes the
way for a considerable rise In
strength In the
provident evidently reasoned
hit he was certain of the North
Kindness Office.
Mr. William Haywood. the enter-
prising grocer of Evans street, has
opened next to his grocery store an-
other office where he will push ex-
the sale of his talking ma-
chines. Mr. Forrest, representing the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Com-
of New York, has also desk
room In the new store.
and Library Workers.
Wis., Feb.
Janesville is entertaining for three
days the annual convention of the
Wisconsin Library association. It Is
the twenty-first annual meeting of the
organization and the largest in point
of attendance in the history of the
Cities, towns and col-
throughout the state are
Don't explain yourself too much;
give the world a chance to think well
of you.
SPENCER, Feb. and
Davidson county authorities, who have
diligently Investigated the supposed
suicide of Lacy Dayvault Hines, whose
clothes and watch, accompanied by
a note Baying he to end
It were found on a pier of the
Piedmont toll bridge, near Spencer,
Sunday afternoon at o'clock, are
fully convinced by today's develop-
that did not commit
suicide by plunging from the bridge
Into the river, and that the
leaving of the clothes, watch and
note on the bridge was merely a
hoax to throw his pursuers, who
wanted him for passing worthless
drafts, off the track while ho made
his way to parts unknown.
control of the state
said Mr. Page, he took this ac-
full confidence that his hold
Carolina delegation, ever
is finally successful In gaining
Elizabeth city. Feb.
of much Importance and in-
to the planters of
county will be tho institutes
to be held in this city Wednesday,
February at Salem Thursday.
These meetings are being widely
advertised and it is hoped that the
Farmers, with their families, will turn
out large numbers. It Is a notable
fact that the planters of this section,
and, perhaps, In most sections, do not
appreciate the value of the
Institutes, which arc held yearly by
the state board of agriculture, and
the attendance, as a rule, Is far from
encouraging to the men who are sent
out to assist the farmers and their
families in their work and farm-
life. At these Institutes, practical talks
are made by practical men and much
Dr. Hyatt Coining. valuable Information is offered the
Dr. H. Hyatt will be at Hotel farmers and the planters are well re-
Bertha Monday. March 4th. for tho paid for the it consumes in
purpose of treating diseases of the knocking off from work long enough
.- ,
Again One-Teacher Schools.
Association adopted stir-
ring resolutions at their meeting yes-
stressing the unsatisfactory
results obtained from a one-teacher
school and petitioning the county
board of education to consolidate dis-
wherever feasible and to take
no steps to creating new districts of
one-teacher schools. Also, it was re-
commended that wherever pupils lived
too far to permit of their convenient
access to school attendance, public
conveyances should be provided for
the board's discretion.
I Favor Wilson Ever
Since Heard Him HI
Speech at the American Bar
Association at Its Annual Medias
in Chattanooga, In
Nathan P. Bryan, of Florida, who it
was claimed, favored the nomination
of Speaker Clark is in congress one
of the strongest supporters of Wood-
row Wilson, for the Democratic pres-
nomination. The Florida,
senator says he has no second choice
and Is confident Governor Wilson will
be nominated in Baltimore. In sup-
port of ideas ho issued the fol-
lowing statement
Democratic party is
In having within it so many
strong men of size. They
are to be congratulated upon that
fact that the rivalry between them for
the nomination Is friendly. This at-
I have no doubt will continue
so that after Baltimore convention
shall have given us the nominee h
will receive the support freely given
of those who are candidates urn
well as a united militant Democracy.
In Florida the voters will be
en the opportunity In a primary
to be held April to
their choice, which will be recorded
In the convention by the delegates
chosen In like manner at the same
I favor the nomination
of Governor Wilson. I have been
for him since I had the privilege
hearing his great speech delivered to
the American Bar association at It
annual meeting in Chattanooga In
1910 in advocacy of criminal
against individuals who In con-
trolling trusts and combinations
late the provisions of the anti-trust
Hospital Opening.
Goldsboro Owing to delay In re-
the full equipment and fur-
that would make the build-
complete, the new Goldsboro hos-
will not be opened next Thurs-
lay. as had been planned by the board
of directors some time ago. In order
to sure that everything will
complete and the Inside furnishings
compare favorably with the splendid
building that has been erected
site the Odd Home and Or-
the date for the opening
ceremonies has been set for Thurs-
day, March
Going Is Press.
Within a very few days the
phone director; Will be going to press
and parties desiring changes of
should communicate at once with
the manager of the exchange. Mr.
NEW BERN. Feb. mis-
carriage of Justice in the late trial
of Baker Bryan for murder, in which
the Jury on last Saturday night
in u verdict of
culminated Sunday by the clergy of
this city. In one instance mayor
was held by name
and also the police were condemned.
This stirred tho city and resulted in
a call for n mass meeting at the court
house last night. The ministers, pro-
men others spoke of
the disgrace to the city and county
and what must b done to remedy the
matter. Tho meeting was presided
over by Mr. L. H. Cutler, Sr.
Bale of Cotton Picked Pp.
Karly in January I picked up an
unmarked bale of cotton floating in
Tar river. Owner can get same by
proving ownership and paying the
R. D. D. No. N. C

Eastern reflector, 16 February 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 16, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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