Eastern reflector, 19 January 1912

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

North County.
In the Superior Court, before D. C
Moore. Clerk.
F. C. Harding, administrator
of the of J. J. Per-
kins decease.
J. W. Perkins, R. A. Tyson
and wife, Clyde P. Tyson.
Annie Perkins. K. C. Flan-
wife. Helen Flan-
Virginia Perkins,
Virginia H. Perkins.
White Perkins. Mercer
Tyson, of J.
By virtue of a
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
The firm doing business the
of respect.
court of Pitt county in special
proceeding No. entitled Greenville Wholesale Co. Adopted by Lodge, A. F.
et against Edgar Barn- was dissolved by mutual consent on
sad A. H.
his one-third Interest
to D. S. Smith from labor our beloved broth-
the other T j Buck
D. S. Smith
of the west B Carson's Hue; thence
court of Pitt county, made Carson's line 2-3 yards to
D. C. Moore, clerk, on the 27th day he
of November. 1911. the undersigned. of the
as administrator of the estate of J. square yards.
J. v. ill. on Monday, the
day of January. 1912, at
hill et the undersigned January 1912. S. E. Gates, Whereas find in hi.
sell for cash before the hi. one-third interest in w .
court house door in Greenville on . wisdom, has seen fit to call
I Monday. Jan. 1912 at noon, the
following described two lots or par-
eels of land situate in the town of of the firm. u. o. m death of brother T. J.
lot described fully in a to the
to Albert Ward wife to B. L. T., under loss of a worthy brother, and a faith-
Edgar and L. B. which assuming all liabilities and as- That his family has
de d appears of record in the of the firm and all debts due the
of the Register of Deeds of are to them.
County in book L-4. page Be-1 n s smith
ginning at the north-west comer of
W. J.
The Bank of Ayden,
In the state of North Carolina, at the close of business, December 1911.
the old J. R. Ward lot and runs
street 2-3 thence south
lot culled old Coach shop
noon, expo-,, to public sale, before in. town of
court b door In Greenville, to described fully ma deed from
the highest bidder, for cash, the fol- L
lowing described tract o- parcel of L- B dated Feb.
land recorded in book Y-4. page
Lying and being in Bethel town- Sinning at While-
ship, adjoining the lands of Annie corner on the east side
Randall Frank- and runs east with
and others, and
us land, containing and Main
acres, more or less. This sale Is to a corner of the
made for the purpose of making as- , west with said wall
sets of the estate of J. J. Perkins. to street; thence south
deceased I with James street feet to the be-
This the 18th of November, containing square feet.
his lot Is known as tin- resident lot
F. C. HARDING, B- L- T- and Susan Barn-
J. J. ea-l
Property is sold for partition.
This Jan. 1912.
F. G. JAMES, Commissioner.
Pitt County,
To R. M.
By virtue of the authority of a
judgment rendered at the No-
Take Notice. That on the first day of 1911. term of Pitt Superior
May. in, at the court house door court. a case therein en-
D. Jordan and F. E. Ran-
L. A. Randolph and J, H. Ran-
trading as
against Fernando Stancill the
undersigned commissioner
In the town of James C.
Tyson, town tax collector in and for
the said town of Greenville, did ex-
pose to public sale the following de-
scribed piece or parcel of land in the
town of Greenville. Greenville town-
ship, Situated in the town to public sale, before the court
of Greenville, adjoining the lands door Greenville, to the high-
lots of H. C. Edwards Chas. bidder, on Monday, the 5th day of
on the west; W. H. Doll. Jr., on 1912, at o'clock, noon,
east; Ninth street on the north; certain tract or parcel of land in
Tenth street on the south and known county of Pitt and state of North
as the U. I. Parham and described as
property and being the identical a of the Shivers place,
property on which B. E. on side of Tar river,
stood before It was burned, two acres, more or less,
containing about one-half acre. bounded on the north and east by
or less and being the lands above Geo- Mooring, on the south by W. J.
described. Said lands W sold and the by
said sale for taxes due for the year Fleming.
1910 at which sale the undersigned undersigned commissioner will
I have taken up two sows and
three borrows, unmarked, will weigh
about pounds each. Owner can
get same by proving property and
paying all charges.
N. C.
lost a kind, affectionate, devoted
band and father. That we extent to
his bereaved family our deepest
in this hour of their sad be-
That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the
minutes of our lodge and a copy be
sent to his bereaved
January Thirteenth Nine-
teen Hundred mid Twelve
I hope to see every teacher in the
Having duly before the present next Saturday at the
superior court clerk of Pitt co., as meeting. We are expecting
executive of the estate of Alex Grimes a number of visitors that day and
deceased, notice is hereby given to hops to be able to give you a great
all persons indebted to the estate to meeting.
make immediate payment to the The association of the state high
and all persons having school principals will be in session
claims against said estate are Friday morning and
ed that they must present the same continuing through Saturday and we
to the undersigned for payment on on hope to have a number of
before the th day of January 1913, and those meeting with them
or this notice will be plead in bar
of recovery.
of Alex Grimes
Stray Taken
I have taken up one cow, white
color, about years old, marked
smooth crop and two slits in both
ears. Owner can get by prov-
ownership and paying charges.
December 1911.
Route Greenville, N. C.
I have taken one yearling, reddish
became the purchaser thereof; a fee-simple title to one acre brown color, marked slit in left ear
said land was taxed or assessed in the life estate of ragged slit in right Owner can
the name of B. E. Parham, for the Fernando Stancil in the other acre. , . . .,,
year 1910. The time of For full description source of ownership and
see Judgment In above en- Paying charges.
will expire on the first day of see Judgment in above en- charges.
This January
case recorded on Minute Docket
page in the office of the R. p. D. Greenville. N. C.
clerk of Pitt Superior court and th.- p , . . ,,
I mortgage and deeds referred to
said judgment.
with us.
W. H.
County Supt of Schools,
licenses were issued to the
during last week.
R. M. and Julia Tyson
Williams and Nina Warren
A. James and Mattie Hews
L. Cherry and Letha Harris
David and Letitia For-
Charles Grimes and Nettle Dawson
W. L. Cox and Stokes
President Wilson and Bertha Ryan
Wm. Maggie
Johnie Clark and Staton
Roland and Dall Taft
Arthur and Mary Neal
Andrew Knight and Jessie Robbins
Chas. Anderson and Melissa
Abner May and Amanda
Furniture and fixtures.
Demand loans .
Cash Items .
Gold coin .
Silver coin, Including all
minor coin currency
National bank notes and
other U. S. notes .
Loans and capital stock paid in
Overdrafts . 2.265.65
Surplus fund .
Undivided profits, less cur-
rent expenses and taxes
paid . 2,085.5
Deposits subject to check. 66.499.21
Savings deposes .
Cashier's checks
. 904.64
of North Carolina, of Pitt,
I, Stancill Hodges, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and be-
lief. STANCILL HODGES, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before 11th day of December, 1911.
J. R. SMITH. Notary Public.
R. C. CANNON, My commission expires Feb. 1918.
Terms of sale. cash.
Greenville, N. C. January 1912.
By virtue of a power of sale con-
In a certain deed, ex-
and delivered by Robert
wife, Sallie
to R. L. Smith and
Oscar Hooker, trading as R. L. Smith
Company, dated June 1906. and
duly recorded in the register's of- ,
flee in Pitt county, in Book J-8, a deed, ex-
the undersigned will, on by Riley Jenkins to A. II.
day, the day of January, 1912, at Beverly on the 1st day of January,
o'clock, noon, expose to public 1903, which said mortgage deed is
sale before the court house door In .,., . , , , ,
Greenville. Pitt to the highest duly register's office in
that Neigh
Mention in
Stray Taken I p.
have taken up a male yearling,
black and white spotted; Jessie Smith returned from
can get same by proving own- Wednesday.
and paying charges. C- F- went to Kins-
W. H. HARRINGTON, JR., Thursday.
R. F. D. Greenville, N. C. I Mr- T- E- Little came in Friday
By virtue of a of sale con- from Wilson.
I Mrs. Ivy Smith and daughter, Miss
Trilby went to Snow Hill Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tyson of
Si ray Taken
I have taken up a black and white
bidder, for cash, the following county, in book page Mr. W. F. Walters of
scribed tract or parcel of laud. undersigned, will on Monday, the I g , here Saturday and Sunday.
day of January, 1912, at Misses Lizzie and .
spotted shoat, marked swallow fork
In the right ear, in the left.
Owner can get same by
and paying charges.
ton were visiting relatives here Sun-
day and Monday.
lands of Alfred W. L.
before the court house door in Green-
F. Corey, and others, containing highest bidder for cash,
acres, more or less. I the following described tract or par-
This sale will be made to satisfy eel of land to wit
ad Bethel town-
R. L. SMITH, and
O. HOOKER. Mortgagees.
E. L. owner of debt.
By F. C. Harding, Atty.
Greenville, N. C.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county made on the 16th
day of December, 1911, In a certain
special proceeding therein pending,
entitled L. Gay and her
band. B. F. Gay, against Mollie E.
Owens and I will, on Tues-
day, January 1912, sell at public
sale, before the court house In Green-
ville, a certain lot or parcel of C. HARDING, Attorney.
From my farm between
snip, Pit county, North Carolina, Parmele cow, Bale red
being the land where Riley Jenkins moon under each ear
now lives, and being the same landed a chain collar when she
purchased by the said Riley Jenkins appeared. reward tor re-
of M. D. Whitehurst adjoining
lands of H. S. Smith, deceased. Shade
the Matthews land, Pol-
lard and Gabriel Jenkins. Said tract
of land containing acres more or
This sale Is made to satisfy
terms of said mortgage deed.
This the 18th day of December,
situate in the town of Pitt
county, and described as Be-
ginning at the southwest comer of
lot No. runs the line of lot No.
northerly 1-2 feet;
westerly and parallel to Wilson street
feet; thence southerly and with the
line of Den Murphy to Wilson
thence with Wilson street 3-4 feet
to the beginning. It being known as
lot No. in the Townsend and Wind-
ham division of lots.
Terms of cash.
This the 16th day of December, 1911.
By virtue of a decree at the Superior
court, made fa Special Proceeding
No. 1704, entitled Sadie Turner, et
. against Lucy Elks, et the
undersigned commissioner will sell,
for cash, before the court house door
in Greenville, at noon, on Saturday,
January 1912, the following de-
scribed piece or parcel of land, situate
in the county of Pitt and Con-
township, lying about two
from the town of Ayden, ad-
joining the lands of Ed Harrington,
Joseph Dixon, Mary Ann Vincent, Mat
and others, containing
acres, more or less, being the
of land Inherited by Sallie Ann Elks,
deceased, mother of said tenants In
common from her father, Aaron
Lawhorn, deceased. land sold
tor partition.
This December 1911.
i a JAMES,
To R. If.
Take Notice, That on the first day
of May, 1911, at the court house door
in the town of Greenville, L.
Tucker, sheriff, In and for the county
of Pitt, did expose to public sale the
described piece or parcel
of land, in Greenville township, to-
Situated in the town of Green-
ville, adjoining the lands or lots of
H. C. Edwards and Chas. Cobb on the
W. H. Dall. Jr., on the east;
Ninth street on the north; Tenth
street on the south, and known as the
B. E. Parham warehouse property
and being the Identical property on
which II. E. warehouse stood
before it was burned, containing about
one-half acre, more or less, and being
the lands above described. Said lands
were sold at said sale for taxes due
for the year 1910 at which sale the
undersigned became the purchaser
thereof; the said land was taxed or
assessed In the name of B. Parham
for the year 1910, tho time of
will expire on the first day of
May, 1912.
This the 5th day of January, 1912.
R. W.
tel mortgagee, land mortgage and
deeds at The Reflector office.
N. C.
Mr. T. E. Little left Tuesday for
Scotland Neck, after spending some
time here with friends and relatives.
in ill. Has a Brunch
An organization was effected here
last Friday night that means much
to the boys of Greenville between the
ages of and years of age. It was
a branch of the Boy Scouts of Amer-
and started out with twelve
Rev. C. M. Rock is scout mas-
and the boys were elect-
II. Shepard. captain.
Jack Bryan, assistant captain,
D. J. Jr., secretary.
R. L. Humber Jr., treasurer.
The boys have fitted up a meeting
room over the express office and pro-
pose to have nice quarters, including
a gymnasium.
Funeral of Mr.
The funeral of Mr. W. B. James,
who died Tuesday, took place this
afternoon at o'clock In Cherry
Hill cemetery, the service being con-
ducted by Rev. C. M. Rock. The
bearers Messrs. Frank WilBon,
W, B. Greene, J. L. Starkey, W. M.
Moore, Robert Greene, C. B.
ard. J. B. HIggs, E. V. Smith, W. J.
Charles Cobb, J. H. Manning,
L. W. Tucker, E. H. J. E.
Williams, W. C. and B. J.
Exchange of Courts.
By consent of Governor
Judge O. H. Allen and Judge Justice
have exchanged courts for next week,
and Judge Allen will preside over
the court of Pitt county that being
next Monday.
New for Greenville.
Messrs. and Clark
been advised by the government to
a survey of the site in which
the new building Is to be
erected, requesting the mentioned
i. to make their report be-
fore the 10th of the month.
This Is good news for Greenville
and shows that we are to have a post-
In this town in keeping with the
magnificent house.
R. M. Hearne
reports that the rainfall here for tho
hours ending at o'clock this
morning 1.70 inches.
You Want to a
See Sam White
Greenville, North Carolina.
They will sell you a first
class instrument cheap and
on easy terms. They are
home people and will treat
you right. Visit our store.
The White Piano Co
For nearly ten years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks
of Tenn., suffered with womanly troubles. She
last, I took down and thought I would die. I
could not sleep. I couldn't eat I had pains all over. The
doctors gave me up I read that had helped so
many, and I began to take it, and it cured me.
I saved my life Now, I can do
II you are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from any of
the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache,
backache, dragging-down feelings, pains in arm, side, hip
or limbs, and other symptoms of womanly trouble, you
should try the woman's tonic Prepared from per-
harmless, vegetable ingredients, is the best
remedy for you to use, as it can do you nothing but good.
It contains no dangerous drugs. It has no bad after-effects.
Ask your druggist He sells and recommends
i-put book. for
Dislocates Hip.
This morning while out her yard,
Mr. Z. M. slipped down
on the frozen and dislocated one
hip. Fortunately no bones were bro-
ken, but Ills injury is very painful.
Call by for a Receipt.
The Reflector wants to remind its
subscribers in the country that it
hopes a large number of them will
call at the office and pay their sub-
when they come to town
next week to attend court. Reader,
If you are In arrears for the paper,
be among the number to pay next
We are by Mr. B. E. Rice,
toe land and industrial agent of the
Norfolk Southern, that the
train of visitors which the Carolina
Seriously Hurt.
We learn that the wife of Mr. J.
L. Cherry, who lives a few miles to our town
town, slipped down on the snow here January
her yard this morning and seriously Mr- Pray for
Injured her back.
Bales to Jan.
The government report
able weather.
In New Quarters.
G. and J. R. are now
sued today gives the cotton ginned their new quarters in the White
up to Jan. 1st, out of the last crop, on Five and Invite every-
at body to call there to examine tho
splendid line of goods they carry.
and deed are the making Be sure to read their advertisement
wise men and the unmaking of
The man who has turned his labor
Into capital soon thinks highly of
la this paper.
If the dog saw a squirrel, should
the tree bar
Laud beheaded.
Born Oct. 1573.
Allen, soldier of the
American Revolution, born In
Conn. Died Burlington.
Vt., Feb. 1789.
act passed by the Brit-
adopted the Federal
Penny Postage
Charles arrived at
Kingston, as second governor
the Province of Canada.
Colt, Inventor of the
revolver, died. Born July
meeting was held In Phil-
to raise funds in aid
of the suffering Confederates
In Savannah.
of Marie of
Edinburgh and Prince
Walker Smith
ed as governor of Maryland.
Chamber of Com-
building destroyed by
Eight Companies Militia Guard
Arrests and Convictions
Sentences Varying From One to
Tho Years Follow Riotous Scenes
Mill District In Mass. Town-
Field Battery Brought Into Action
to Clear Streets Mob.
LAWRENCE, Mass. Jan.
of state militia, including
as field battery, commanded by Col.
B. Leroy placed the mill
district of this city under martial
law tonight, after a day of rioting.
due to a strike of operatives in
the big and woolen mills.
At least other hands were
thrown out of work by the stopping
f machinery and the attacks on the
Mills by the strikers. In one instance
a company of militia had to charge
a mob fixed bayonets, one boy
being probably fatally hurt Tail
five arrests of armed rioters were
made during the day, and a few
and mill who were de-
fending the mill gates, were treated
for bullet wounds.
Judge of the local court,
held a session of
the were placed on trial and
guilty. Three were
to two years in the house of
and the other were one-
year sentences.
Fourteen hundred strikers attend-
ed the Ban meeting tonight In the
city hall, an-J twice that number as-
outside, unable to gain ad-
The speakers urged the
strikers to stand together, to avoid
rioting, and to do all in their power
to keep others from reporting for
duty in the morning. same
speakers spoke outside at an over-
flow meeting, and their suggestions
I peaceful methods were met with
Mayor tonight issued an
Die Must ill
Flan of Ownership
Senator Being In Services of Virginia Convicts
the House By Company
Department Refuses to Consider
Shoes in sip.
port Widowed and
Project of
Lines Out From Former
Because and
Has All Depart-
Could For the Time
King Interests Already on the
Settling all rumors that
General Hitchcock has forced
Issue on the administration In order
Senator Started Public Life Military Service for the
mm, of graduates t Last ABDICATION HAS NOT BEEN MADE
Two i-in-s Is I mi hi
To Spend on State
and Sisters,
RICHMOND, Jan. Gov. Mann
Lordlier in his testimony yesterday his belief that the custom
before the senate committee ,. , .
, ., , ., , letting slate convicts out by con-
gating his election was dramatic In
the extreme. He told the story of be and again
quite In tho way he told it suggested working convicts on state
In his speech In February last In in a note which he to
with many homely de- one for convict labor which army, after much fighting, has
j that his resignation would be asked
and that ha would manage a
silent campaign, for Theodore
that all saloons must remain, . . ,. . .
. veil for presidency, the white
, house last night explained Mr. Hitch-
cock's proposal for government
of telegraph lines in the fol-
lowing formal
recommendation by the post-
that it would he
closed tomorrow.
Committee Appointed to Act In
of Skilled Nary Yard Ma-
Defuses to Consider De-
but Hen
l in. Different
Petition Today
Likely to Follow.
department committee which has
been considering the of
navy yard machinists for a wage in-
crease and also for certain other
changes in the order of things at the
yard announced its last
night. As a result, more than
mechanics may walk out on strike
today tomorrow, and tic up the
The Committee refused to increase
the pay of all the men, as
and three different grades of
each with different pay.
In a formal statement, issued at
the navy department, the committee
stated it did not consider that the
department would be in to-
the pay of the
rated as first class
but that owing to the fact that
in the yard are doing
specialized ordnance work of a high
grade, they decided upon provision
for the promotion to this grade of a
number of men who are continually
Chinese Premier Wants Foreign engaged in this work.
lo of Berate-j of the first class have
He Submits lo receiving per day, while
President for this special work has
Must His Retirement In 4- The latter has not
Favor of Premier, Says Yuan to any extent, however.
The committee proposes to make
the promotions from time to time
until there shall be a pro-
portion established But
at no time shall there be more than
Jan. 16.-
transmitted to the legislature today, succeeded in pushing its way to with- o, ,
boots at the age or to W Com- miles of The entire of the in the
support of widowed mother Many, of New York and Chicago, bid j Prince of is in a turmoil. and not than
brothers and sisters, then a boy, m a, many towns have been looted and two-thirds of them in the two upper
a laborer wheeling coal, a house, . . , , . . deserted
and for women convicts at
painter, a street car conductor, and a
building contractor were the
steps he detailed In his progress
to his present position as president
of a national bank. He his
Arbitration Mies Will be discussed
for the government to buy tho
graph lines and incorporate them in
the system appeared in an
earlier annual report submitted by
him to president
some discuss-on it was de-
at the suggestion of the
dent, to postpone . reference to the
matter to another year, and not to
bring it forward then, because of the
recommendation of many other
By a Vole to the Senate De- the postal
to Debate Treaties Openly- bank and- the parcels
Close Door Program Strongly Op-1 is adopted, would take up
posed by the energy of the de-
in making the necessary
WASHINGTON, Jan. the changes.
vote of to senate yesterday,
afternoon decided to discuss the
postmaster general-intended
to bring this matter to the attention
seat In the United States senate. He
the coolest man In the room
while he told the story. His voice
was unshaken except when -he spoke
of his years dead. Then
his eye glistened and his words were
a bit hoarse. The ticking of the clock
was audible between the sentences.
The political sensation the day's
testimony came when he declared
that the faithlessness of former May-
or of Chicago, and former
Senator Albert J. Hopkins defeated
former Gov. Yates in the primary con-
test with Gov. the present I
governor. He said had prom-
to support Yates, and pledged a
campaign fund of which he
never paid.
cents per the convicts to be The reported massacre of 10.000
worked in overall and shirt factories. by rebels in the dis
The convict labor question will ls confirmed,
considered by both houses of the, The province of and
have been hotbeds of the
The house committee on some months. On December
reported favorably on the Land-Bell-18 was received by messenger
Weaver pension bill, appropriating the capital of
to meet the deficit of had been slain in
year's Confederate pension fund.
Delegate Tate Introduced a bill in
the house to place the students at
the province up to that date. A col-
of Imperialist troops has been
operating In the district to suppress
Virginia Military Institute upon an rebellion, but the slaying of Man-
equal footing with the State Normal us has continued steadily.
treaties to open executive sea- , publication
This action was taken after L f
a discussion behind closed doors of After for
upward of an hour. publication, he was suddenly called
When the report of the committee out of town without having done so.
ion foreign relation on tho treaties j conclusion as to the wisdom
and the text of those conventions of
were made public, It was generally L, after
the discussion was to be an As the re-
in the open. There was recommendation
surprise yesterday, therefore, not yet the
having given has not for presidential
notice. took floor to discuss the or by ,
I treaties, and Senator Lodge moved Li
the doors be closed.
Lodge urged discussion In secret.
requiring them to teach on the
stair highway as assistant engineers,
or members of guard.
Gov. Mann today James
B. Doherty state labor commissioner
for two years. Mr. Doherty had the
of the labor bodies
throughout the state.
Wilson in W
MADISON, Jan. a con-
to be held tomorrow the
steps will taken looking to
formation of a thorough state organ-
. Make Their to work in interest of the
I for President. Wilson boom for the Dem-
it is understood that the plans for
the abdication have undergone delay
pending the final arrangements, in-
the place of retirement, the
guarantee of pensions, and other
terms offered by republicans.
It is believed that certain
have been approached by
Yuan Si Kai, and these have
graphed to their government to
whether any measure of for-
mediation, which would result
In foreign guarantees, could be de-
Sun t Give Fledge.
Jan. is
Movement to Roosevelt's Can-
by Steel Trust
In to Stop Steel
Tuft Turned Against
Himself Honey
in Country.
presidential nomination. It to
line may be drawn on the probable
choice of the Democrats of North
in being used to persuade President
. the delegations to the nation-,
Yuan Kai. otherwise, it is point-
out the dangers that might
Incurred In too frank discussion of
Bur foreign affairs in the open.
to presenting it to congress us
Oklahoma Merchants.
large attendance marked opening
FARGO, N. D. Jan. the
--vat a hat he
S. delegations to the immediate., retire in favor of
convention at Baltimore,
chief promoter of the movement is
John A. of this for
many years a prominent Democratic
loader in Wisconsin and a former
candidate for governor.
lion. From the fact that North
will be the first state In the
to declare its presidential
choice this year the eyes of both
are naturally turned in this
direction. The primaries will be
Found Dead.
Hardy Pitt, an old colored man who
bald March when both the Jived alone on Head street, was found
Circulation Managers Meet.
Senator WU equally deter- Democrats will vote at dead In his home Tuesday. One of managers of the
precincts as in a general
ed out, Yuan can indefinitely delay
the peace settlement.
It Is reported that Sun Sen has
received assurance of financial as-
armaments and supplies, in
return for heavily discounted
and other big concessions.
in his opposition to
doors. He pointed out that it
to them, to the president, and
everybody in of the treaties
hat this discussion should be
Senator Cummins Mr.
view, and when the vote
Iran taken Senator Root surprised
some of his colleagues by supporting
motion to open the doors during
Senator Smith, of Michigan, took a
of the Oklahoma association of retail
Ills who lives near Falkland
merchants. The sessions will con-
two days, during which time
the parcels post, the relations be-
tween the Jobber and ad-
methods, co-operative de-
livery and other subjects of Interest
and Importance to the retail trade
will be discussed.
election and will declare their pref- came down to see him. When tho
for the presidential son went to the front door of the
by name. The Progressive Re- old man's home was locked. He
York says today in
political bombshell was
ed in the battle for
control of the next Republican con-
today by the- in
the News that tho Unit-
ed Steel Corporation is behind
a nation-wide movement to round up
delegates for Mr.
is asserted in the dispatch that
President Taft refused a request to
terminate his investigation of the
steel corporation or to quash indict-
against men already indicted,
and that from that moment great-
est combination of capital on earth
turned from him and started its pro-
for Mr. Roosevelt, fully be-
that he would be very friend-
and end. If elected, tho
and of trust officials. George W.
leading newspapers of North
South Carolina met in Perkins, it is declared, is directing
em today and began the annual con- the movement. Agents it is further
of their association. The In- started, are all over the
publicans have been actively at went around the house and opened met at y,,, Board country seeking for Mr.
work for some time in the Interest a back door, and found his father Trade morning with Pres-1 Roosevelt and reporting back to Mr.
of the La candidacy, but lying dead beside a chair In front M in
the present week the Democrats of the fire place. The old man had convention will last two days and
have shown little activity. As North been feeble for some time, and it Is
Dakota ls one of the strongholds of supposed be died while sitting in the
the movement It ls chair before the fire.
to See Canal. or the
CHICAGO, III. Jan. party more to Woodrow Try Former Convict for Murder.
prominent part in urging open sea- of of the Wilson than to Judson Harmon though
Association, many of governor has many warm
them accompanied by their families admirers,
and friends, left this city this morn-
on a special train bound for New
Orleans. From New Orleans the
party will travel to the Panama canal
on the steamboat Bismarck,
the course of remarks
Senator Smith wanted to know why
was that If the foreign relations
of the United States were of such
delicate moment, officials of state
department should less
int than senators, and why
dent Taft felt free to go from one
end of the country to tho other dis-
cussing as he saw fit the treaties
and Hie attitude of the senate con-
Ice Cream Makers at Dallas.
DALLAS, Tex., Jan. cream
case of Charles who ls alleged
to be Ben Cravens a notorious out-
law who terrified Oklahoma some
years ago was called for trial today.
While in the Missouri slate prison
manufacturers from fifteen states last summer was Identified as
-i- a gathered In this city today for the Cravens and was brought here to
which has been especially chartered . . . . .,,., . .
annual convention of their national stand trial for the murder or
for trip.
It's human nature to a
man's follies behind his back and to
approve of them to his face
association. Four days will be spent
In discussing matters of common In-
and at the conclusion of
convention the members will make
n of the lending cities of
ant Postmaster at Red
Rock In 1901.
It's time enough to trust most
when have to.
will be devoted to the exchange of
views concerning canvassing
collections, premium contests
and various other matters in which
the circulation managers are par-
New Art Dedicated.
TOLEDO, O., Jan. a
distinguished gathering from various
parts of the country the new home of
the Toledo Museum of Art was
opened today. The
Is of white marble In the Greek
Ionic and cost more than
museum opens with an
exhibition to which nearly
Stephen's church in this city was the
scene of a brilliant wedding today
when Miss Primrose Colt, daughter
of Judge and Mrs. B. Colt,
and niece of Col. Samuel P. Colt, be-
came the bride of Reed Anthony of
Boston. Bishop Perry officiated, as-
slated by the Rev. Dr. Fiske, rector
of St. Stephens.
124th annual communication the
Masonic grand of Connecticut
all of the leading private collections began here this and will
In the country have contributed over towel row.

At Training School
IN PITT w or
nil are one of the best assets that the
slate could possibly have, both from
an educational and from a
Forward march Has Been . schools m not
only educate the growing and
girls, but their purpose is also to give
and assistance to farmers
chair wives.
A good beginning has been made in
the direction ill the consolidation of
school and the transformation of
North Carolina is making a mar- school pupils, hut this should be
advancement in the line of followed up in the near
the series of meetings to his education at the present time. From tare, and a large number of one
of the Association of to emphasize his point historical standpoint she has bad a teacher schools that are not now bard-
Mr. Harold Barnes Delivers Entertaining Lecture At Auditorium
day Night
at the Training school, Mr delightfully read a few pages from
Harold of
Philadelphia, delivered Thursday
night at the school auditorium his
Hoop-hole Region. He reminded us
The lecture was preceded by greatest American. Abraham
art's serenade two other songs Lincoln was developed
beautifully sang by the young in Southern Indiana, and in
school. Immediately after giving interpretation-recitals of some
the singing Mr. J. Y. Joyner. stale character poetry, proved himself a
superintendent of schools entertainer and mimic.
vast amount to overcome, much more worth existence should be
nearly any oilier stale in the dated and better facilities offered
, union. Her at the close consolidation inevitably brings. While
of the civil war was such that it was I lie required rural school term in
the author from the to look after North Carolina at the present time
the material side of life before the ls gradually being lengthened it will
most amusing-
impersonating some of the char-
be only a shot time until this will
creep up to six. seven and even eight
; educational side could be consider-
it was about 1871 during the
, that Governor Jarvis was j Sine- 1504 there has been a very
nor of North Carolina, and Mr. Scar- marked improvement in the grading
otherwise Indiana, j kindergarten, industrial and
He explained that there schools to established In
a great similarity between that part country, found their home in
of his native stale and our own North Southern Indiana back in
Carolina. An amusing definition of
the terms and Hoop-hole Altogether Thursday lecture
served the lecturer as entertaining and in- lowest productive power per
Introduction to his subject. A his- by attention of any state in the union with
sketch of his native state e repeated the exception of one. It was the poor-
constituting the man part of his his Mt state in dollars and cents, and
In fact Southern Indiana came we everybody present;,,,, most illiterate with one
were very much against rapid
and it has taken many years
to accomplish very much in this
It was only in WOO North Carolina
had the lowest per capita for schools
all the way to Greenville and ably
glad to be there,
represented by one of its sons made Banquet to Visitor,
a most favorable impression on us. Directly after the lecture
Mr. Barnes explained why Southern school superintendents met
Indiana had a right to an Important j President at whose
I It was iii the year 1900 that
I Governor Aycock made a whirlwind
II,,, educational campaign throughout the
with State, and in conjunction with your
head present State Superintendent Joyner,
position the educational world, lie has been since the association that marvelous educational car-
mentioning that many notable char-; was organized. On adjournment is attracting the notice of
in the advanced circle of lot-this meeting the visiting educational circles throughout the
hails from the Hoop-hole Re- dents and teachers were given a ban- country at the present time.
During his lecture Mr. Barnes by the young ladles attending
to recommend the the Training school.
, of Minnesota. The
j of two Republican members
Investigation into The Methods of be left to the Republican
nomination to the House.
The House Rules Committee of which
The per expenditure for
increased from sixteen cents
in 1870 to fifty-one In 1900. This ex-
more that doubled in the six
subject of education by
dents, teachers and educators. They
are using the laboratory of
doing things; are studying problems
from a scientific and practical stand-
point. The slogan of the present
time seems to be only know what
you ought to do, but know how to
do Although an increasing
f county superintendents are now-
being employed the year yet,
number be increased rapid-
until every cunt; superintendent
in the state is giving his time to
the educational interest of his county,
and his being paid t good, living
for his work. Nothing would
improve the condition both education-
ally and materially rapidly than
a realization the conditions
Taking is as a whole, I do not know
of any state where a more rapid pro-
is being made in all of
years following Some one j education, and where the people arc
writing in the Educational Review up to their needs more than
Boston in 1907, made a statement, that
the educators in North Carolina are
using educational methods and
Representative Henry of Texas is NATIONAL BANK OF practices at the present time
chairman, today began bearings on
the resolution introduced a short Elects Directors Mi
time ago by Representative Humph-1
of Washington directing the
The annual meeting o stock-
of a special committee to holders of the National Bank of Green
make a thorough investigation of was held in the of the bank
the Shipping Trust The resolution on the 9th. The following directors
Representative Humphrey directs were elected for the current
an invest into the methods P. G. James, J. P. J. L.
practices of various lines of ships, Perkins, L. W. Tucker, G. E, Harris,
both of the United Slates and foreign J. Nobles, J B. K.
engaged in the United Hams and O. W. Harrington.
States oversea or foreign commerce.
that are better than those used in the
north. Since 1900 under the efficient
direction and supervision of stale
superintendent Joyner and his corps
of associates education in North Caro-
has advanced in a surprising
System and organization
is evident in North Carolina. It will
be interesting to watch her career i
the near future.
It directs an investigation of
American ships and railroads inter-
in or controlling the
commerce of the United States as to
the methods of these lines In forming
conferences, pools, or other
violation of the anti-trust
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
are to appear before the com-
and tell what steps, if any.
previous year. This showed gratify-
gains, the present total
being and deposits
Owing to death In the family of
one of the directors, they did not
meet Just after the stockholders ad-
They have since met and
elected the following
F. G. James, president; J. P. than it has ever been before. The too many are killed, and
have been taken by the government F j good roads movement is in full swing too many birds are killed, and
to investigate or prosecute the Ship-
ping Trust for alleged violation of
the laws. Samuel
the New York corporation law-
also is expected to tell what he
knows of the combine. Others who
have been asked to appear before the
committee include numerous
factors in maritime shipping from
New York, Huston, Philadelphia,
New Orleans and other points.
certain Democrats in
the House have their way an
Into the so-called Money Trust
and Harvester Trust will be linked
with the Inquisition Into the Shipping
Trust, the three inquiries combining
cashier; M. L. Turnage. assistant
cashier; Charles James, bookkeeper.
in North Carolina. In 1911 the south them altogether, but whenever they
pant forty-four million dollars In are plentiful during the open season
the making of good roads. With hunters will be after them,
of Texas. North Carolina;
Adopted by Tribe No.
I. If. M.
Whereas It has pleased the Great are beginning to realize
Spirit and in His Divine wisdom seen
lit to call labor to rest our beloved
brother, J. T. Duck,
That in the death of Brother J. T.
Buck, of tribe has sustained the loss
if a worthy brother, and a faithful
member. That his family has lost a
kind, affection
was far in the lead, spending
than four and one-half million
for that purpose. The people,
I of North Carolina, in rural districts, When Well Known Greenville
Tell It So Plainly.
When public endorsement is made
Franklin's adage, that helps
them who helps and in- by a representative citizen of Green-
stead of relying altogether upon the vine th You must
state educational fund, they are believe It. Read testimony. Every
beginning to vole for local lax, The backache sufferer, every man. woman
statistics compiled by State .
lose lo- , ,.,,, in ,;,
Mrs, L. Dickinson Ave
devoted husband cal tax districts the educational fa-
to make the most sweeping and father. That , ,,, ,, ,.,.,.
rate investigation yet undertaken by bereaved our deep,,, better, but almost invariably the ,, , .
the government. So confident ore thy in ibis hour of their terms are appreciably longer V
leader, that Ibis far- That o copy of these o , t, e ii
. i., , ,.,,, ,.,,., ., . , , , I startling mi to , .,, and have found
be spread upon the minutes an outsider is the since 1902 they are lion of great
Carolina built on n aver- Ki,., ;,, bacK.
e Ion s ill be pd l
, ad v con In i
I Ration committee,
II for it
The I
I be foil
To n
publican n
lenders ml as
Waits Slaughter of the Birds
A lady drops a note to The
ton suggesting the writing of an
have become a necessary part of the on the wanton of
school system. It is around this town. She says
idea that all phases and that the
plans of the educational system bureau the
should be thoroughly correlated and each one worth con.
with another for the purpose of at- to the farmer. They
The cashier made a statement of taming efficient results, and this Idea are being killed now In Greenville
g the Ind for c u
Dec. 31st. compared with the the present time. or away e
Public high schools are springing in possible to step
to existence rapidly in every part of We are not prepared to say If the
the state. Rural libraries are killing of the birds can be stopped,
every month. Corn clubs They have been very plentiful In this
are being organized, and the boys are section for the last few weeks and
not only learning how to take care hundreds of them have been killed.
of the future farms, but they are also So far as known those that have
teaching their parents how to make killed have been used for food and
ground much more productive they make a very palatable dish.
The Oren-
Co., Canton, Ills.,
made the first Stalk Cut-
ever built, over
years ago; today they
are building the best
Stalk Cutter on the mar-
You wight In a Stalk Cutter to do good work. You get fl Id
with J you get strength. The P. O. it indestructible. Beware
light, film stalk will rue the day you bu one. This one will last
life-time. What do the manufacturers themselves think of it it up with an
unqualified That is putting it pretty sore can ask
Come to see us
For Oliver Plows, Disc
rows, Smoothing Harrows,
Riding attachments for
Walking Plows
American Steel Wire Fencing
Don't Forget
That we are headquarters
for all kinds of farming ma-
utensils and sup-
plies for home and farm.
J. R. J. G.
When You Want to Buy a
See Sam White
Greenville, North Carolina.
They will sell you a first
class instrument cheap and
on easy terms. They are
home people and will treat
you right. Visit our store.
The Jam White Piano Co
be spread upon
age of one house every day in
i -able
Hill Is until
i Pills from Jo. I W .
mm. mm i
; H
A el
and nun i
i i I found i
It mi i prompt-
Id . r . ,
i . r i
I i
limit i i l i g , ,,
the name
take no other,
. t a wees
; resolution the In- States Levy for one, Your compulsory Tradesman reports the r
of the Money Trust, is to The was re- dance law, altogether at the present I wing now Industries established
V-ii forth Carolina Industries.
For the week ending 10th t Chat-
i Del before, The women
i their Ural North great credit
F in for their In the
progressive republican. In that the school auditorium. The school of the state.
Represent ire C. A Lindbergh, was United, Your child law Is a most ex-
be named. After a series of Informal by March, Milton time not as effective as It ought to be, N Carolina,
among Democratic and Wallace and the Is still an excellent beginning in the hardware com-
ii seems likely members of I negative by David and right direction, and In my Judgment, bank,
the special committee chosen by the Robert The was it will be only a comparatively short Black
Democrats may be Hardy of in favor of the affirmative. The boys time until you will have a states High furniture
Joshua W. Alex- all did well In this debate. attendance law requiring tho
of Missouri. Henry T. Rainey expect to have debate here of all children during the Plant.
of Illinois, possibly Martin D. with tho society of Washington high full school terms, withe truant realty corn-
of Illinois and C. A. Lindbergh school la spring to that the law is carried in- column factory.
S; E
era ., the V OF
are the most
. mid
I -i ti; -i in each room.
meals on board. for
comfort and convenience.
Steamers leave Norfolk p. in. dally, arriving at
a. m. following morning.
Connecting at Baltimore for ill points NORTH, NORTH EAST,
Very Ion trip rates to
New York Atlantic City, etc.
made and any Information cheerfully furnished
Norfolk, Virginia.
bill causes
Beatrice Fate at the of News
the Mob In 1705.
That belief in and brutal
of alleged bes once
loomed large In ls shown In
Stewart Dick's Pageant the
In 1705 gained
unenviable notoriety from a series of
I the
District of Columbia Bill Has Stormy
That Section
our people attended the sale
late P. Crawford last Friday at
Miss Flanagan, one of the
of old women, and in the school here, went
pamphleteers of the day were kept j home Friday evening, but returned
busy on both sides in defending and Sunday evening through the snow.
denouncing the action of every school teachers with as
The author get up in them as this school
seems that s blacksmith, one nave schools
Patrick Morton, being taken de-
that be was and on Wm yr
his instigation n of old worn- ., . .
Bullied Willoughby, who has been with us
for the last two years, is moving
We Mr,
i pi Ml
inn. Lodges ml
Clerk Superior C.
S I .
M. Moore
en were thrown Into prison.
the and ministers of
Outbreaks el Temper. ,. ,,.,,. by their back to his farm.
Etc. Mark the Passage guards m-iii. who never lei them lira. Willoughby much success
the District of sleep, but kepi them awake by
Calls lag them with puts, these miserable
a Coward Hut women were induced to eon
Later Shake. Hand With Him. anything.
the year 1912.
Mies Annie Tyson, who i teach-
school house.
home Friday and returned ; i r
early Monday morning. We
bear several of the people near Miss
j son s school . r s
woman in Beatrice
Numerous of bad bad singled out by
per, one encounter, and ton for ins special Be
a tumult of sharp words and hot de- said that she la , fer,
bate, were injected into the consider- make some Balls for her. lie.
lug they were for some evil purpose.
refused to do so. and she went oft
mattering Imprecations. When be fell
ill she was beard to say.
blame his e tongue for his
this tissue of trivialities she was
prisoned, and practically tor
Surveyor- c
I Holland, J. J May, B M. lewis
K. Proctor.
y M
Clerk J. C. Tyson
i. L.
T. Smith.
Fire D. I.
K. Nobles. B, B.
IV. A. Bowen, S. Tunstall, J. F.
Davenport, II.
by use yesterday of the
of Columbia appropriation
bill Out the day's proceedings
there unmistakable
on the part of the Democratic
majority not to increase the total
amount by tin bill as reported she acknowledged the mini
from the committee 1.11 appropriations, and magistrates that bad
There may be a Slight reduction in made a wax cf
stuck pins In It,
a long period of judicial
lying she was set free or. in other
words, banded over to the to
work their will on her. Hanged on n
rope between a ship the shore.
he pelted with stones till half
the total, but certainly no increase.
Also it s that in the
house willing lo be real champions
cf the are scarce. Spas-
as -In moved them,
S now then would rise
say a kind wind but there anally to death tin
no member to keep at ii all a door, seems in
lime. days no one was wife against tin
The the day came wildest might Ix
when brought
, of the commit-
tee on District affairs Invited SASH WINDOWS.
of Illinois, to
Outside die I With him for the Probably a c
purpose of settling
Mr. Madden declined
aged to pass bill bind after the revolution of
yesterday. The contests and discus-1 The of the word i-i
grew wholly from tin refusal this sense Is the Dutch a
In Queen Anne's
I bey were yet so comparatively
uncommon as mentioned as a
Mr. Gilbert near Reedy
Branch church, who lived here last
year, was here and
day attending to some business. We
are. wishing Mr. much happiness
at his new home.
Mr. K. Cobb went to Greenville
Tuesday on a business trip.
If you know any thing v, then
why not loll-the reporter of Standard.
We are -sorry hear of the death
of an infant of and Mrs. Frank
Nichole was called to rest at
o'clock Thursday. January The
people extend lo them their
Invention of
Seventeenth Century.
The history of windows
. what obscure, probability is
he prize ., ,,,, i
house worked hard, and they were Introduced I'm--
C L,
Kern Is
.- r
with to
coffee form
An coffee
will show ii
cry twenty like
i I
and Light Commission -P.
I. Spain. C. Oil. I.
II. Allen.
r Memorial r M
k. C C. Pierce, clerk;
W Sun
J. C Tyson, secretary.
Christian no regular pastor.
Si. Paul's rector s;
II senior warden
secretary of Vestry; W A. Bow.-i,
of school.
Hoyle. A B.
, . ,
Presbyterian regular pastor;
M. Johnston, clerk; P.
Pod i
Green No, A. F. A M
It. Williams. W M ; L. H. Ponder
. i A J.
of committee to
of salaries, c
from n c. ;
the bill
to . e t
the house I ii
i ii nil
j special feature of that were
. advertised as In the Tailor,
I for instance. No. ITS. May 27-30.
. there Is ibis
t- -To be in Devonshire Square.
near a very coed Brick
House of Booms of a Floor, and a
good Ball, with very good
dark Closets, whole House being
well wainscoted and with
been, while all others ire Rut on
one side., like half a lit bean.
i These round nu berries always
found on new
wood or previous year's growth at
the end Of the branches.
The old wood produces berries
only or fruit the coffee
tr.-c contains two common But
I or but one round one. The
substance or In the cue ease
nil goes Into single male am
in it Is divided among two
flat ones.
This undoubtedly accounts for the
greater strength and richness of
male In private plant
where trees are carefully pruned
If. Bart
ll VI M I Office below etc. l ,;.;, n. we ,.,.
they passed I ,,,.,, ;.,, the coffee Is
Coldest Waves in Capital
in Years
Prance, where to put them up. of ,, ,,.,.
was Marshal de Low at bis of n,,, Is larger
house at Montmartre. round berries may be seen in all
this. Lister In writes In bis
to had the good for-.
tune here to find the marshal himself. to M
lie showed its his great sash windows.
el Heather at National
Capital Causes Much Suffering
West Continues to in the
of the
From the zero point o'clock
bow easily they might be lifted up and
down stood at any height. Which
contrivance, be said, be had out of
England by a model brought on
purpose from thence, there being
of ibis poise in windows iii France
Origin of s Postal Custom.
The steamship Oregon was hist on
Island on Mar. b 1880. Sue
I ding, W
A F and A. M.
M.; B. Griffin
iv y
The wise old matron says that when poverty
comes in at door love out the window.
Girls, do not make the mistake of marrying
a spendthrift. Before you consent to wear-
the engagement ring ask I has saved his money-no
matter how much. lie man who lives beyond his income
will not make a good husband. Insist on him having an ac-
count at TI US bank accept his ring.
National Bank of Greenville
yesterday morning, and reaching s rammed by a
above, highest tempera- remaining afloat for half an hour, t j
of the day. at o'clock the time which made ii possible to sue,
afternoon, the official thermometer at every person aboard. When her mall i
the weather bureau registered the up and delivered piece
. , with a statement lien ,
period. S degrees below zero. mu.
. . ,, , . had been in the wreck, lust
a midnight. The kiosk on Pen-1 .,.,.,. ,.
avenue, at a point which is i
instance of it practice which is
, by direction of Interim
always several degrees warmer than postal union. The credit
the or tit weather bureau, simple device is believed to be
recorded the temperature degrees due to Edward M, Morgan, at that
below zero at midnight. The needle time In a subordinate position In the
Of the which traces the New York who foresaw that
rise and fall of the temperature a few work with a rubber
throughout the day. went out of forestall an Infinitude of
about p. m. to j complaint-New Bun.
reach for a lower mark than the
provides for.
A brief respite from
old is promised tor today. Accord-
to the official forecast, the
rise, and the iii
be fair. K; ; forecasts
were posted to the effect snow
would probably Tall late lust light
or on Sunday.
The yesterday at the
weather bureau were as S
a m., zero; a. m. degrees above;
p. m. degrees above; p.
m., degrees above; p. m degrees
above; p. in. degrees above;
p. m., degree above; p. m.
degrees midnight, degrees
When Turkey Was
i Tut key at her height was in pi
Were First Seen by White Man,
John In 1841.
II was on June , that John
discovered the of
California Ho was white
man. so far as we know, who ever be-
held those monarch.- of forest.
Nine years later a hunter named
Dowd was nil Into the company of
forest kin by a bear that he was
Chasing, and it was by Dowd that the
knowledge of monster trees was
spread abroad, but to
the distinction of having been Brat
civilized man to gaze upon the wonder
j trees.
The as might;
I quoin are culled, are found
j county. Cal. chiefly In two
the and Mart
I altitude of about 5.000 feel
I above the sea They are probably
I remains of woods belonging
I to a long past epoch
I few of them are led. there being
I a few hundred all told
Those mighty conifers are easily
I most remarkable of all both In
Greenville Chapter R. A M
c. Flanagan. II J E Wins
Covenant No, I. O. O.
D a, X. L II. Sec
i. No I
W. C. L. H
render Scribe.
Ti-rte N- I o
t -v.- ;. J. I
C. of rt
Tar River K. of
C. C; A. B. Ellington
. of K. and k
Tar River Ruling No. F. M
W. W. R.; J. W. Little
W. C.
i. M. Clark secretary.
Cud of E. O.
fries, Pros.; Mrs. E. B. Sec.
president; Mrs. W I. Hall
Round Table- Mrs. K. R.
president; Mrs. S. J. Everett
Civic W H. Ricks
president; Mrs. E. V. Smith,
Daughters of T.
J. president; Mr. -I. I. Wool
en, secretory.
The Kings A I
Blow, Mrs. J. G.
Office opposite H. U
S and next door to i Flan-
North Carolina
formerly occupied by J. L
in Edwards Building
Court Square.
. North Carolina
L. I. Moore W. H. Long.
North Carolina
Atlantic Coast Line.
North- South-
bound, bound
p. in. p. m.
a. m. p. m
bound. bound
a. tn. a. m.
a. m. a. m.
p. m. p. m
Practice limited to diseases of the
Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat
Washington, N. C.
Greenville with. Dr. I- James
a. m. to p. m. Mondays.
Attorney at Law
Office In building. St.
Practices wherever his services are
Fur years So. Haven,
Western stuck show Denver.
DENVER. Col., Jan. an-
National Western Block Show
opened here today and will
of every famous city of the an-
world except Rome. She held
by sword Athens, Corinth. Sparta.
Grecian Thebes, As
Nineveh. Jerusalem.
Mecca. Medina.
Memphis. Egyptian Thebes mid
Carthage, Some were ill ruins, but
the Turk was muster where they
A Frank Preference.
your wife want the
of going to the polls and casting n
ballot as an enlightened and
replied Mr.
rather have a new
age and In bulb They ore from t a
reel III height and I .- -in In K .
Li in Herald averted awful wreck.
hut a queer fact is. he might have
Chinese Complexions. been a wreck, himself. If
A has In la bad not prevented, cured
the waits of bis oh kidney trouble he
on massage In China, lie I had taken other so
for years, without benefit and
also improved my sight. Now,
j at seventy. am feeling For
dyspepsia, indigestion, all
liver and kidney troubles, they're
. C. at Clark
civil Engineer
Civil Engineers and
leave Jan.
nary ,
a. Birmingham
and points
at Hamlet for Charlotte
a. in.-For
with coaches and parlor car. Con-
with steamer for Washing-
ton. New York, Boston
a. Richmond, Wash-
New York Pullman
day coaches aid car.
Connects at Richmond with C.
at Washington with Pennsylvania
railroad and n .-.- O. for
and points west.
p. Atlanta, Charlotte,
Wilmington, Birmingham. Memphis,
Weal. Parlor cars to
p m. No. for
Oxford, and
p. m. No. for
for Cincinnati and points West,
Memphis, and points West, Jack-
and all Florida points.
Pullman Arrive Atlanta
a. m.
Richmond a. m
Washington s m, New York
p m Peon, station. Pullman
i lo No
C. X ti.
Hit Failing.
the tailor,
remind you of a
say not, lie reminds- me of
exhibition is l owe him every
remarks that exquisite complexion
of the young Chinese women is due
not to enameling, us been
peeled, but to careful manipulation of
tho face
begin by a gentle pinching of
cheeks between the tips or their fin- without equal. Try them. Only
which lusts fully ten minutes, at all druggists
then apply lotions on absorbent cotton,
then an unguent, and finish by knead- , , ,, A
the cheeks will, an extreme deli- p, JaB ,., of
Of always from
the nose of the lips
toward Ills Is a harmless Friday morning,
correct process arrived
Greenville. N. C.
Practice In all the courts.
in Woolen building on Third
to liar.
Mr. who up to tin
the history iii-- or-
mis I .
i i
in he
u-e i I .
Jove m
if , i of
-i I .
I b . S by It
physiologically correct process The funeral
which can be recommended In cases, will be conducted from the end of last year had practiced 1st
rarer than they should be, where the church, of which he was n with Col. skinner has taken an of-
is concerning a member, b Dr Hoc John l. Woolen building
lock in the afternoon, and practice
III Mr Oil-
M. ye and a hall and In I In
i . i dill
In i lulled lo hold proved most v
laded or otherwise unattractive com
X. C.
man who
i .
it n
Sit I
-nils nm
iii st colonial assembly
Museum lust opened.
Thomas founder of the
Independent Order odd
born. Oct. 1861.
Robert Harper, twice
date for vice president of
United Slates, died In
more. Horn in Virginia in
The Inaugural address of
of Pennsylvania
ed national
cause against secession.
for aerial
navigation formed In Paris.
died In Boston. Horn
. tin .
i n
I i
If nut

Published by
D. J. Editor.
rates be had
at the business
The Building, corner
and Third streets
All cards of thanks and resolution,
t respect will be charted for at
sat per word.
Communications advertising
be charged at three
per line, up to fifty lines.
Entered as second
August 1910, at the post office a
set of March J, 1879.
The water wagon carries a lead of
ice too.
It will not be this the 4th
This bad as the ground hog
could us.
You will know how to enjoy good
weather more when it comes back.
All of the frozen water pipes hare
not yet got back to normal condition
The fourth district is leading off
with about half a dozen candidates
for congress.
Is it because the tight wads can-
not see from ten to twenty per cent
In a few months
Wade of the Charlotte I U i I II i II I I B S
Chronicle, Is Junketing In Florida
trying to escape the
writes some interesting things about
II II ll
his trip, but his not on learning announce for I Franklin
how to eat a dinner re- the Republican gubernatorial
Madison. WIs., is to Tote next
minds us of s fellow who does not
know how to eat raw oysters
month on the commission form
The Republican state convention
of Maine will be held In Bangor, Apr.
Speaker Atkins of the Illinois house
of representatives has formally an-
his candidacy for the Re-
publican nomination for governor
Senator Owen of Oklahoma whose
Texas is corning. They are build-
a One hotel In Huston, and word
Is given out In advance that It will
be will be forbid-
den to accept gratuities, and guests
will be requested to help the manage-
enforce this rule by not offering term will expire next March be
extra for services. opposed for re-election by former
governor, Charles N. Haskell.
Congressman M. E. of the
Postmaster Hitchcock Is not Pennsylvania district Is mention-
with having placed the el u. possible candidate for
in a paying basis. He t ion st the primaries In Maine next
would have the government take over T. of Water-
telegraph and do as some . . . .
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Mas-
countries have been doing Representative Frank
successfully for many years. Willis of Ohio are to speak at the
telegraph lines would Lincoln In Springfield,
he Just as successful here
. John Hays Hammond of i-
as abroad and might be the means
setts and Governor Robert P. Bass
of giving the people better and cheap- of New Hampshire are to at
service. the opening meeting of the
can in in Feb-
born in
Last week was one of great
William J. Bryan's name has been
activity In The advanced for a position on the Dent-
of our schools met -primary ballot in Nebraska as
. . preferential candidate for the
here and discussed problems of the ,., , ,, ,
greatest Interest to the development
of education In our county.
by a petition placed on file
with the of state.
Professor P. Holden, known as
This is when the automobile stays
In the stable, and the faithful horse
has to take the weather.
Neither the plumber nor the coal
man care what you say, so long as the
blizzard keeps blowing their way.
this weather Is fit for
It to keep people in the chimney
or by the stove.
Meetings were held at the Training the originator of the corn gospel, has
school and many addresses and lee-1 resigned his position as
were made and read.
pals of high schools our county
of the extension department of
the Iowa Agricultural College to be-
come a candidate for the Republican
were told Just what to do to further nomination for governor.
enlarge their circle of education There will be only delegates in
at the close of these meetings they next Democratic State
in Pennsylvania which is less
all left with the satisfaction of time
Boston. Died in Philadelphia
April 1790.
a pioneer
American novelist, born in
Philadelphia. Died there Feb.
under Gen. Morgan
defeated the British under Col.
in the battle of Cow-
pens. South Carolina,
and masked balls
were prohibited In
received its first
telegraph message from
mob of women destroyed the
railroad bridges crossings
at Erie, Pa.
Tyler, tenth president of
the United States, died in Rich-
Va. Born In
Va., March 1790.
Victor Emmanuel. II., king of
Italy, buried in the Pantheon
in Rome.
British defeated the
troops in battle of
of Prussia celebrated
Its bl-centenary.
F. Johnson elected
United State senator from
The Near and she Times.
Farmers now express fear that the
tenants will become
aged with their occupation on account
of the low price of cotton and desert
Hand your cash business to your
local merchant You expect him to
you when your finances
are he does. Ha spends
his profit at home, pays city,
the fields. We do not share In so taxes, licenses taxes, par-
serious a view of the situation. It taxes, Interest at the
a fact that the colored tenants have rents, clerk hire, etc., and
been given a taste of the helps support the school and church-
that is, they have unusual- es. You can't get along without hiss
large returns from their work end nine times out of ten you will-
the last few years when get better goods and save mosey by
was high this year they are trading with News.
the distress which follows on
worse off. however, than their land-
lords, who had likewise been enjoy-
exceptional prosperity in
Sales Day.
The idea advocated
by the Lexington board of trade Is
good one. It is nothing new, having
The now being expressed at a regular
will not want to county of the
down from the temporary state of u w
independence and take chances but w of as
fickle farming again. This is In om counties of the
cry, bat there is nothing in it late custom prevails to this day
the are optimistic their counties are the better for
white neighbors. The situation they Tn In each month
find themselves In Is not unusual. to the county com-
For many years before 1909 they la- meet and on that day in
bored got along on the average counties where the good old
price that was paid for cotton. They custom prevails, hundreds of good
did not own their own horses sad and
moles many of them do they to the county seat If they
rids around in rubber-tired cow- W or
buggies as many of them do
did not have large bank accounts At town they meet
as many of them do now; but they other of the country wan-
kept on The season of lo Purchase pigs, calves, cows
prosperity which they have been en- colts and a
Don M. Dickinson, for many years for the or three
and trafficking Is the result.
Another thing that these
does is to promote sociability.
Friends and relatives rendezvous at
than half the number in the last con-
one of the leading lawyers and poll-1 been by
of Michigan, was Us-j landlords and the chances are that
county, N. Y. January 1846. j the colored tenants are taking the
As an infant he was taken by depression about as calmly the county seat and spend the day
parents to Michigan and at the early for whom they have worked. I Pleasantly and profitably and
age of graduated from the law de-l do not expect them to people of the county are draws
of the state university at the is no place for more closely together by such
We e P The number was Arbor. His ability as a to go. The the place together. It creates a
Of what Importance this education- of cast for j led the Democrats to make for the in the South and and a county
gathering is to our county it, the Democratic candidate for him chairman of their state knows it. He can get along much to be desired,
would be impossible to define. nor 1910 upon which the basis of I committee in and four years j better there than elsewhere and while The board of trade is on the right
flee it to say that in developing representation is fixed. j later he became the Michigan member wages are higher by the day when track. It is to be hoped that they
we increase brain power to be heard at the Democratic national commit- working on some construction pro-j Will not let the matter drop but
dinner of the Grover Cleveland there is an even balance push it through. Let every merchant
In doing so are fitting the coming can up n made Mr. Dick-the farm-life that appeals to the in Lexington put on something
generation with an asset without Washington next month will be Gov- postmaster-general. Two years sense and thrift and en- for these sales days and
in the development of a county, Hadley of Missouri. Governor later he left the cabinet to resume; The relationship it widely and the people will
Educators that took part in the of Maryland, law practice. In he farm hand and the They have felt the need of
conferences lust held in the Fairbanks of Indiana. the United States before the has been In friendliness and some method of getting together, ex-
changing ideas and product, an
Job Hedges of York and John
Training school should be acclaimed Hammond of
as the benefactors and C. Capers, president of the lea-
our county in that they are doing will be toastmaster.
all within their power to give our Governor W. R. Stubbs of Kan-
boys and a chance one of the original
Education. not Just primary M declared favor of
to do without It and admirer of La but believes
march in the line of progress. should not be nominated for
out the higher education offered in, president for the reason that his re-
never seen this kind of weather be-
fore, but there has been worse.
Cold as it is. the trees covered with high schools the young people of the from the progressive leader-
a glittering coat of ice are something county might attain something of would De to
. . . . . . , . a factor for good out of that
pretty to look at body, but with higher education m
the way, they will get there quick-1 Ag.
and In larger numbers. Which Is which after thirty years of
what Pitt county needs to be the constant effort has succeeded in
international commission appointed that community of interest which
to settle the Bering Sea claims and necessary to all
a few years later he was one of the lotto server,
members of the Court of Arbitration
to adjust the controversy between the
United States and the Republic of
A trail Order Deal.
We have been an Instant believer
will take to the plan readily.
Lexington Dispatch.
Why Put Money in Bank.
It Is a good advice which a
It has the point that there
must he something more than talk
to get the hotel.
The heavy snow and freeze may be
worth a good bit to the farmers in the
way of saving fertilizer bills this
year. If so there will be good In It.
Not to be outdone by Charlotte and
Wilmington, Raleigh also got a North
Pole date with Doc Cook.
Sufferers from water pipes
would rather see summer come back
than more freezing weather.
If Greenville is to get that new
hotel this year, her own people must
get busy and show their faith by
their works. Will they do It
In the death of Dr. James
superintendent of the state hospital
in Raleigh. North Carolina and the
medical profession lost a able
most useful man.
In years gone by farmers did not
mind selling wood, but very few of
them do now. Inability to get
hands to cut It may have something
to do with the scarcity.
Cotton at the present of
greatest county the state.
the ballot conferred upon the
women of state, has decided to
continue its organization in order to
Meetings of the utmost Importance .
help the women other states
to our have been taken place; their fight for the franchise.
at the Training school these few past
days, and strange to say although I I I
the most and educational i
trading with home merchants. You ton county. S. C, exchange gives in
Charles Cox. Bee what you buy, get what the farmers to start bank
Charles Cox who has won want and cause a larger circulation; counts, no matter how small the
fame in two widely diverse fields, money at home. One of the amount left over after the years-
railroad finance and the science of most and pointed debts are paid. We
biology was born in Richmond of advantage of buying at -if one money In his pocket
New York, January 1846. Is given the following, is likely to go and he will never
completing his education at from the sample case. It Is an know how it goes; so though yon
College 1869 he became story; have only ten dollars your pocket
with a banking I Down In Oklahoma the other day go to one of your banks and start a
house la New York. His financial a man went into a store to buy a bank account. To have money in a
training secured for him a position saw. He saw the kind he wanted and bank will give one a feeling of
in the auditing department of one of asked the price. It was 81.65, the nothing else can give. De
the railroads and later dealer said. not think that because you have only
he became treasurer of the Lake, said the man. five or ten dollars to start an account
Shore and Michigan Southern Rail- can buy the saw from Sears, the cashier will not want your
Company. Among railroad men Roebuck and company for lit Any cashier will gladly welcome
the country over Mr. Cox Is well less than It cost said you as a depositor If you have but
known as a master of the financial j the dealer, I'll sell It to you on one
side of the railroad business. At same terms as the mall. We hope thousands of our readers
great majority, have seen At to stay j.
dial l y invited to lecturers of
Mime time he has acquired among order house Just the
ill follow this excellent counsel.
a reputation as a said the customer. Having a bank account
I student and an original thinker on can send It along and charge it to ages the saving habit, dignifies
and plant life. For years on tour the dealer said, provides a better
The Jacksonville club of the deep or the charge accounts. You can't do system of paying out money than
Atlantic league has signed of particularly the business with the mall order house specie payments. helps the corn-
able to explain. Here M wilder was pertaining to that way. Fork over the in which one lives, and
evolution on which he la a
people of Greenville have been
nature, the people of Greenville, In a
away. Why this should be is more
than we are
we are a town with vast
With business men of
capacity. With schools that would
o credit to many other towns of the White for 1912. Doc s he , , .
three times the population of ours, snow same next season ; the British cabinet,
,. that he displayed before tho Cubs last a .
and when It comes to discussing .
related to evolution of
the farmer by making him more of
Jacksonville's pitcher last season.
Pitcher Doc White has signed with
ed authority.
Joseph Albert member
years old to-
points these good people of
Greenville become prominent by their
The customer compiled. makes It easier for the depositor to
postage and cents borrow In case borrowing instead of
for depositing becomes advisable
, times.
you have to lend a let- put your money In the
and a money order to mall or- Farmer,
houses, you
Princess Nicholas, wife of the The customer inwardly kept I
son of King George of Greece, to his agreement and paid the Tn
William known to years old today. I cents for I Mr. J. G. Anderson, originator of
absence. Perhaps their silence every fan in the Virginia league cir- Parker Chamberlains Ricketts, pres-1 I'll be he said, but the Hock Hill plan for the reduction
means consent to whatever Is being cult as has signed as man- of Rensselaer Polytechnic In- paid It hand me that of cotton acreage, seems to be meet-
done at the Training school, but we ager ff tho Roanoke team for the years old today. and I'll take it home myself and with success in organizing South
are sure that the educators showing -be rid this Carolina. He is not so much
such interest for our county r. . T We Dy U to you do you however, over the situation la
Owner Joe the Min- may I be brave today, today think you are You're Oklahoma North Carolina. In this efforts to in.
and I'm in Chicago and you will have Governor Kitchen he was refer-
have been a great deal more pleased club, has made arrangements may I be kind and true,
if the attendance of town people had to have his Millers do their spring greet all men a gracious way. to wait two weeks for that to Commissioner That
been as large as the importance of training at Ky. put good cheer the things I Whereupon the dealer hung the official suggested that Institutes
the subject called for. And It can't saw on a peg and put the held from the 17th instant to
be claimed that the meetings were th one-third And love In the deeds I do. his cash drawer. 25th will cover nearly all the cot-
interest in the Worcester club of the May the honest heart of a child be makes he said ton counties of the state, and will
dry, or of no interest to the layman. New league, Jimmy Collins mine. has cost you cents more and taken give the force opportunity for work
cent, though not near what the f. r- of the The la out of for the present. And the grace of a rose bloom; you two weeks longer to get It than on the suggested This would
especially were of a nature Let me fill the day with a hope If you had paid my price In the first simply mean talk and nothing done.
was calculated to appeal to anyone A battery announcer vine, It would be history repeating itself.
who had any pride in his state or a for And turn my face to the sky's glad That story Is not an exaggeration. The Rock Hill plan requires that a
. . , h , . Patrons will be In stalled shine. as any one who has kept strict state superintendent should be
country. Lecturers or such nature new baseball With never a cloud of gloom. count of mall order house pointed, and he In turn should
that not to have heard them means With the golden levers of Love and will agree. It not only costs point county committees, and these
great loss. la Indeed to be Light more in the long run and in the sum committees, when they go to work,
A from a more frigid region Greenville is the only city In the I would lift the world, and when, total, but It wastes a lot of time. It can do something effective. On any
aid be thought we people down here gee flt , more that ball players as Through a path with kindly deeds take as long to write the order, go other, plan North Carolina could he
called this the . chief executives of two made bright, to the and get a money or- at best but loosely organized for
we do. Come again when we have our and gins, j,, John M Ward and , the mM R u we up
snow and you sea for your- of the coming were great performers on the night, to your nearest dealer and buy It Anderson for this stats we would be
elf. county generation. diamond. I I would rest In peace. outright and carry R heats with you. all Chronicle.
mer expected at the time of planting
is far better than 1-2 cents, the
figures around which It hung
for weeks.
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
court of Pitt county in special
proceeding No. 1698. entitled J. H.
et against Edgar Barn-
hill et the
sell for cash before the
court house door In Greenville on
Monday, Jan. 1912 at noon, the
following described two lots or par-
of land situate In the
lot described fully in a deed
to Albert Ward wife to B. L. T.,
Edgar and L. B. which
de d appears of record in the office
of the Register of Deeds of Pitt
County in book L-4, page Be-
ginning at the north-west corner of
the old J. R. Ward lot and runs
street 2-3 thence south
west yards to Carson's line; thence
with Carson's line 2-3 yards to
the Ward lot; thence north with the
line of the Ward lot to the beginning,
containing 1-3 square yards.
This lot is called the old Coach shop
lot .
Also one other lot in the town of
Bethel described fully Ina deed from
Albert Ward and wife to B. L.
L. B. dated Feb.
1888 recorded In book Y-4. page
M. Beginning at
north corner on the east side
of James street and runs east with
said line feet; thence
north with James and
streets feet to a corner of the
wall; thence west with said wall
feet to James street; thence south
with James street feet to the be-
ginning, containing square feet
This lot is known as the resident lot
of the late B. L. T. and Susan Barn-
Said property Is sold for partition.
This Jan. 1912.
F. O. JAMES. Commissioner.
By virtue of a of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed, ex-
by Riley Jenkins to A. B.
on the 1st day of January.
1903. which said mortgage deed is
duly recorded in register's office In
Pitt county, In book O. page
The undersigned, will on Monday, the
22nd day of January. 1912, at
o'clock noon, expose to public sale
before the court house door in Green-
to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described tract or par-
of land to
Lying and being in Bethel town-
ship. Pit county, North Carolina, and
being the land where Riley Jenkins
now lives, and being the same land
purchased by the said Riley Jenkins
of M. D. adjoining the
lands of H. S. Smith, deceased, Shade
Briley, the Matthews land. Frank Pol-
lard and Gabriel Jenkins. Said tract
of land containing acres more or
This sale Is made to satisfy
terms of said mortgage deed.
This the 18th day of December.
F. C. HARDING. Attorney.
Under and by virtue of an order of
The firm doing business under the
the superior court, made Jan. 12.1911 name of Greenville Wholesale Co.
In a special proceeding therein en- w- dissolved by mutual consent on
being number 1697 upon the P. S. sold his one-third
To R. M.
Take Notice. That on the first day
of May. 1911. at the court door
In the town of L. W.
Tucker, sheriff, in and for the county
of Pitt did expose to public sale the
following described piece or parcel
of land, in Greenville township, to-
docket of said court. I will offer for
sale before the court house door of
Pitt to the highest bidder, for cash,
at o'clock, noon, Feb. 1912. the
following described real estate, sit-
the town of Greenville, de-
scribed as
One house and lot fee
on the southeastern side of
son avenue, adjoining the lot of W.
M. Moore, J. J. Corey, and others and
known as the residence of the late
J. R. Corey, and being lot No. as
shown on a map made in dividing the
lands of J. R. Corey and J. J. Corey.
Also one-half undivided remainder
interest in fee after the life estate
of Mrs. W. H. Flake, in and to a
town lot situated on the south
eastern side of Dickinson avenue and
being a corner lot lying in the S. E.
angle where the new street recently
opened intersects Dickinson avenue
and being lot No. on the may above
The said above described lands as
the interest appear being the
property of J. R. Corey at his death.
This, January 1912,
North County.
B. B. Sugg, William and
wife, Stocks, vs. John David
Fred Jones and wife,
Jones; and Bonnie Best
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made by
D. C. Moore, Clerk, on the 15th day
of January, 1912. the undersigned
commissioner will, on Saturday, the
17th day of February. 1912. expose to
the highest bidder for cash, the fol-
The Bank of Ayden,
la the state of North Carolina, at the close of business. December 1911
business to D. S. Smith
W. J. the other
members of the firm. D. S. Smith
and W. J. will continue
under the same firm name, i
they assuming all liabilities and as-
sets of the firm and all debts due the
Loans and Capital stock paid
firm are payable to them.
W. J.
I have taken up two sows and
three borrows, unmarked, will weigh
about pounds each. Owner can
get same by proving property and
paying all charges.
N. C.
Cask items .
Gold coin .
Silver coin. Including all
minor coin currency .
National bank notes and
other U. S. notes .
fund .
Undivided profits, lees cur-
rent taxes
paid .
Deposits subject to check.
92.50 j Savings deposits .
Cashier's checks
880.16 i
Stray Taken I.
I have taken up one cow, white
color, about years old. marked
smooth crop and two slits in
ears. Owner can get by prov-
ownership and paying charges.
December 1911.
Route Greenville. N. C.
described tract or parcel of
In Pitt county. North Car-
and in Greenville Township,
beginning at a stake on the New
Bern road, D. S. Sermon's corner
and runs south east poles to
North County.
A G. Cox vs. Emma Harris. R. L.
N. S. Avery. John Griffin, Will
Griffin. John Williams and wife Lou
B. Williams, Maggie B. Stocks, Nan-
ale Pattie Braxton, Janie
Braxton, Clara Braxton. Elisha B.
Jones. Griffin, Warren Avery,
Mary Avery. Riley Edwards,
Bettie Edwards
aid road to
James Braxton. i -j- j I the beginning, containing acres
of Pitt thereof; the said land was taxed or more or less and being owned by the
Laughinghouse and B A. J d of B. jg heirs.
By virtue of authority ,,,. , Imp of made for the purpose
first day of of making partition among the ten-
in common.
H. C. Edwards and Chas. Cobb on the
west; W. H. Jr., on the east;
Ninth street on the north; Tenth
street on the south, and known as the
B. E. warehouse property
being the identical property
B. E. warehouse stood a take centered by two maples then
v . It was burned, containing about west poles to a stake In
one-half acre, more or less, and being the field, J. J. Sermons line, then
the lands above described. Said lands with his line north west poles
heirs at law W sold at said sale for taxes due to the Greenville and New Bern road.
for the year MM at which sale southerly with
James Braxton, Reedy Branch i the containing
From my farm between
and Parmele one cow, pale red color,
marked half moon under each ear.
Had on a chain collar when she dis-
appeared. Suitable reward for re-
Parmele. N. C.
State of Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, Hodges, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge be-
Subscribed and sworn to before 11th day of December, 1911.
J. R. SMITH, Notary Public.
R. C CANNON, My expires Feb. 1913.
Events tn Our Na-
We mini volumes of
oration odes of quite respectable liter-
sue by an order
to the above special proceeding now
and of
will expire on the
May, 1912.
I have taken one yearling, reddish
brown color, marked slit in left ear
and ragged slit la right. Owner can
get same by proving ownership and
paying charges.
R. F. D. Greenville. N. C.
Dec. ltd
pending before the clerk of the day of January, 1912. j This the 15th day of January, 1912.
court, I will sell on R w. KING, F. C. HARDING. Commissioner.
. . . tO H
February noon, at the court house i
door in Greenville, to the highest
bidder for cash, that certain tract of . North County, In the
land in Pitt county, formerly known SALE. Court.
as the home place of Felix Braxton j By of of sale con-1 Susie S. Harris vs. Henry Spencer
Where he lived and died, adjoining in a certain mortgage Harris.
lands of G. B. Ellis, Joshua to the
above named will
an action entitled
been commenced
which is to be had by referring to 1810, and due the 1st day of Feb. the superior court of Pitt county
deed from J. to Felix 1911, which said mortgage Is record- to have the dower of the plaintiff in
ton recorded In the register's office at page Pitt lands of her late husband, H. S.
of Pitt county book page ., , on Monday the to her as Prescribed
containing acres more or win on , and will
saving and excepting therefrom 255th day of Feb., 1912 at m, before notice that he Is
said farm being In the court house door offer for sale ed to appear before the clerk of the
section of Pitt county. the highest bidder the following superior court of Pitt at his
This the 12th day of January. 1912. piece or of land, In Greenville, N. C. on Mon-
8- X Feb. 1912 and answer or
I have taken up a male yearling,
black and white spotted; unmarked.
Owner can get same by proving own-
and paying charges.
It. F. D. Greenville, N. C.
Then the What It Really
Meant B. Blind.
you ever blind for an entire
evening of your life- blind midst
at a Jolly company who were I but we look in vain for an
and and didn't la the least war f
realize your asked a j one of us with
worker recently. -That was what I bind us all In
happened to me not ago. and th, of great hearted bu-
must say It was a moil uncomfortable Is supreme national
experience. with per- w look an
sous who have lout their sight now as war the
I did before. greatest of ail life's soldiers as its
see. went to call upon a Kt
young girl from my home town those wonderful expeditions
being educated in a private institution travels of
for the blind near here. bad been to settlement of
see her before, so I was prepared up of
for the way her companions crowded reclamation of the deserts
boot me. felt my my hands , Texas. How other-
my fare remarked everything m,.,,,,,,, pastry are our
I on. saying. becoming her o ,,.,,,. hf beauty the
bat she and so , ,,., grandeur of the
Nor was I surprised when my . founded this marvel-
union of states, of these heroes
Lying and being In the town to the complaint or petition
North Carolina, th,,
lug at a stake south side of demanded n said complaint
avenue, feet from J. B.
By virtue of the authority of a
judgment rendered at the No-
D. Jordan and F. K. Kan- course to line feet,
L. A Randolph J. H. Ran- then an course feet,
trading as a curse feet para-
against Fernando the
undersigned commissioner will
expose to public sale, before the court
house door in Greenville, to the high-
est bidder, on Monday, the 6th day of
o'clock, noon,
a certain tract or parcel of land in
the y of lilt and state of North
described as
Known as a part of the Shivers place,
on the north side of Tar river, con-
two acres, more or less,
and bounded on the north and east by
Geo. Mooring, on the south by W. J.
Fleming, and the west by W. J.
The undersigned commissioner will
sell a fee-simple title to one acre
of above land and the life estate
Fernando in the other acre.
For full description and source of
title see the judgment in above en-
titled recorded on Minute Docket
No. page in the office of the
This Jan. 1912
Clerk Superior Court.
for Plaintiff.
with the first line, thence a
course feet to the begin-
being the whole of No.
south of avenue.
This January 6th, 1912.
Terms of sale cash.
R. O. Mortgagee
Donnell Attorney.
I ave taken up a spotted hoe mark-
ed with swallow fork In right ear.
en get same by proving
ownership and paying charges.
A. K.
R. F. D. i N. C.
The undersigned having this day
duly qualified as administratrix o
estate of E. F. deceased be-
for D. C. Moore, clerk supreme court
Of Pitt county, notice Is hereby given, What it
to all persons Indebted to said estate ., know
North County.
In the Superior Court before D. C.
Moore, Clerk.
William and wife, Bessie
Minton; Joseph Warren and wife,
Charity Warren; James
and wife, Nannie Davenport;
Briley and wife, Briley, vs.
Jennie Walter Davenport and
clerk of Pitt Superior court the Davenport
mortgage and deeds referred to in V of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made by
aid Judgment.
Terms of sale, cash.
Greenville, N. C, January 1912.
D. C. Moore. Clerk, on the 15th day
of January. 1912, the undersigned
commissioner will, on Saturday, the
17th day of February. 1912, expose to
public sale before the court house
door in Greenville to the highest bid-
for cash, the following described
tract or parcel of laud
and being In the county of
Pitt and state of North Carolina and
in Carolina Township, adjoining the
lands of J. H. Briley, William Dav-
W. and others,
containing acres more or
This sale Is made for the purpose
of making partition among ten-
ants In common.
This 18th day of January, 1912.
F. C. HARDING, Commissioner.
He Knew It.
He was under examination
by a New York lawyer with refer-
to his qualifications as a juror
in an Important case.
you the lawyer
asked, is meant
the man replied prompt-
me have your definition of
I understand it, I tell
said the man.
friend condoned me through the class-
rooms, pointing out new work and
displaying some fine hue work bad
started that morning, quite us though
see It nil.
on this visit, for the time.
I was Invited for supper
upend evening with the girls. I
was delighted i the Invitation
and enjoyed which was
ed by sighted waitresses In a well
lighted dining room. But after that
experience rime. We walked from
he dining mom Into dim halls, and us
mounted the stairs lo the sitting
room we walked lore utter darkness
I to envy my friend, who
lied lightly by side, while
only grope my way awkwardly.
in the sitting room I for n Chair
and dropped Into It. waiting for the
lights to be turned on. Hut the laugh-
and the went on Bacon-
about me. a few
minutes It dawned upon me that lights
were not an Institution
for the blind the sitting
room no darker for those
then than It had been all through the
beautiful, sunny day I had enjoyed so
much. As my eyes grew h bit n
to the I could per
that the girls bad drawn their
chairs up around mine were bus;,
with embroidery hue making n--
they talked.
rest of the evening I
sat there trying not to let my blind
fret me. not to appear
when the girls, forgetful of my
to make Immediate settlement with -when I tell you know what held up their work for
the undersigned and all persons thing is, know it. That's all aB was time I realize
Pitt County.
To R. M.
Take Notice. That on the first day of
May. 1911. at the court house door
hi the town of James C.
Tyson, tax collector in and for
the said town of Greenville, did ex-
pose to public sale the following de-
scribed piece or parcel of land in the
town of Greenville, Greenville town-
ship, in the town
Greenville, adjoining the lands or
lots of H. C. Edwards and Chas. Conn
the west; W. H. Dull, Jr., on the
east; Ninth street the north;
Tenth street on the south and known
as the B. warehouse
property and being the Identical
property on which
warehouse stood before it was burned,
containing about one-half acre, more
or less and being the lauds above
described. we-e sold
said for taxes due for the year
at which sale the undersigned
became the purchaser thereof; the
said land was taxed or assessed In
the name of B. E. for the
Tear 1910. The time of redemption delay.
will expire on the day of This the 10th day f January, 1912.
This January 1912. for Mack
R. W. . .
holding claims against said estate
arc hereby notified to file their claim ,., want hear any more of
with tho undersigned within of interposed the
months from the date hereof or the question ad-
notice will be in bar of , by
cover. the man Insisted.
This the day of January, 1912. if knew what It was
Administratrix of the estate of E. you are you know what
Williams. I is meant by preponderance of
F. C. Harding, Attorney. define directed the court.
evidence previously ponder-
duly before the
superior court clerk of Pitt co., as
executive of the estate of Alex Crimes Tis STORE WON'T
notice la give, -o
all persons Indebted to the estate to
make Immediate payment to the mi- We Have a Medicine I hill
and all persons having, We Do
claims against said estate are Back Offer.
ed that they must present the Te time you think you need
to the undersigned tor payment on dose of don't take it
before the th day of January 1913, Even If you have token
tills notice will be plead in bar before, this might be the very dose
Application for Pardon of Mack Harris
Application will be made to the
governor of North Carolina for
pardon of Mack Harris, convicted at
tho November term. 1811, of the
court of Pitt county, of the
crime of manslaughter, and
ed to the public roads of Pitt county
for a tern of nine months.
All persons who oppose the grant-
of said pardon are
ward their protests to the governor
of recovery.
I that would you. Its is
ROSA I sometimes by
of Alex Grimes If yOU are constipated
or bilious or if your liver has gotten
and inactive two or
Stray Taken Dodson's Liver Tone, pleasant
I have taken up a black and white tasted vegetable liquid, will
potted marked swallow fork you feel like
the right ear, In the loft-1 we would recommend Dodson's
owner can get same by proving own- Tone In place if we
and paying charges, were willing to fully guarantee it
This January 1818. Bo anybody who buys n bottle of
T. Liver Tone at Pharmacy
N j. it not II
. substitute for may come
There never was a man as Import- the store any day and get
ant as a bride expects her husband back
be it absolutely no bad
You can flatter silly girls by call- Ma harmless for children
them flirts. well as grown-ups.
what it really Is to be
Getting Rid of Fear
is meant in
writes The
self suggestion to I
ends For Instance, If not
dislikes lo do one
conquer the
resolutely saying over words exp-e---
the necessity of doing the thin
at once With pleasure. The lo-
who is to go upstairs th
dark may. Is said, overcome tills
by saying. -I not afraid;
Is nothing can hurt me
The underlying Idea is that the mind
is the rent ruler of the body
by allowing the mind to take command
of a from higher mid in
the lower point of view may
vanquished good accomplished
Christian Herald
Notifying th God.
One of the odd things the visitor
Burma will is large
of hells Then
bells are hung snored
a few feet the ground.
sweet all Burmese be
they tin furnished
The worshiper who comes
before the pagoda strikes one
these bells with s wooden mallet.
Is to attract the attention of the pod
A Kindred Feeling.
we have to use our star
men explained foot
. , .-
for fear we'll lose one them
know jut ho
the young bride. feel that
my best
who so highly
it is true Walt Whitman
chanted the song democracy, but
his chant is n prophecy of
Ideal It Is an exhortation, not i.
manifestation The spirit that
1- striving toward
of this y is beat caught
when exemplified In the lives and
deeds of the men who lived and fought,
conquered and died lighting,
ed by this spirit This is the creative
work of the poet we await.-
Rome. Constantinople and
London Have Suffered.
It Is a thing to kill n city,
and there are some well known
that have so vitality that they
will survive number of disasters.
Take Rome as s first example. No
fewer ten limes has she
swept by pestilence. She bus been
burned twice and starved out on six
occasions. Seven times she has been
besieged or bombarded. But she stilt
flourishes. Perhaps that Is why she
Is called the Eternal City.
Paris has had eight sieges, ten fain
Ines. two plagues and one fire which
devastated It. We make reference
to the number of revolutions, us they
are too numerous to mention.
Paris still sir
Constantinople has been burned out
nine times and has suffered from four
plagues five sieges. There are
tome people who think that many of
he sultana have been as bad for the
us any pestilence yet she,
goes on.
Lastly there is the
London began n of
In a swamp, her early history she
was sacked, burned nil
butchered. She has been de i
mated by plague five times, exclusive
of typhus, cholera and such maladies.
She has been more or less burned See
en times. She Is thriving In spite of
They Ware First by a Man,
John In 1841.
It 1841, that John
Bid Well discovered the
California lie was the first white
mini, so far a we know, who ever be-
held of the forest.
years Inter a hunter mimed
was led Into the company of the
forest kings by u bear Hint he was
chasing, and It mis by Dowd that the
knowledge Of the monster trees was
spread abroad, but to indwell belongs
the distinction of having been the first
, man to upon wonder-
The as the mighty
are called, are found In
county, Cat., chiefly in two
the and the
at an altitude of about 1.000 feet
above the sen probably the
remains of woods belonging
to a long past epoch Unfortunately
few of them left, there being only
a few hundred ml fold
These mighty conifers lire easily the
most remarkable of all trees both in
age and In hulk They are from ti
feel In height from IS to
feet In diameter Herald.

so people act
Mr. Proctor Hill Take Half of th.
of the Stork If People
do Liken lite.
Editor There has been
so much talk and such little action
concerning the erection of a new
hotel in Greenville that the people
have begun to look upon the project
as a pipe dream. We are all too
prone to sit off. discuss and wail for
the fellow to act, and if ho
does not suit us then knock
ville for its lack of public spirit
Hut with the people and mow
we have in Greenville it does
an absurdity tit. tole town to
it wait fur one man who
does not live m town, tn take
the all Important step build
It docs not seem very con-
to expect a nonresident of
town gain only the
Football Games That Were Won
by a Tongue Lashing.
Orders On Treasurer,
board of county
met in regular monthly session on
first Monday, with all the Trainer Murphy Mad the
present. pi to and the and Blue
The following aggregate a Rose to the Occasion end to
were ordered paid out of the treas-1 A Dog Won For Columbia.
paupers, county home
bridges and ferries.
court house Jail court
costs. jury tickets. wit-
tickets, 125.70; premium on
bonds. register of deeds.
clerk Superior court,
I coroner's inquest,
superintendent health,
treatment. constable,
15.26, commissioners, janitor,
lister deed, 1250; treasurer.
I.; Sheriff, gen-
from the Investment, to put era roads. county law,
bis money in an undertaking which roads. Con-
people, although roads. Falkland roads,
revenue and the general benefits that Farm ville roads. Green-
come from city development are ville roads. roads,
to touch. I hope
does depend upon Mr. Proctors additions were made to the
action alone, vet none other seems pauper list for monthly allowance,
so disposed. I F. G. James was elected county at-
I believe we all agree upon at a salary of per year,
necessity of a- larger hotel Tile L. H. Worthington, J. Garris and
no doubt, was adequate Dante Moore appointed fence com-
the time it was built, but the town
has grown both in Import- was ordered that all applicant
since and unless we to be to the pauper list must
can arrange to accommodate the appear before the board or be exam-
that come here they will make it by the superintendent of health.
convenient to go elsewhere. Some corrections were made in
rear ago there no Training taxes where errors had occurred ill
School in i Greenville listing.
i as educational center and The several officer hied their re-
now alter having ports for. the past month, The col-
lo the school receive were as
are we going to allow the Of deeds. clerk
benefits to leak tor lock of hotel court, sheriff.
d convention of
Writing on football in the American
Magazine. tells of
football defeats were turned
Victoria by tongue He j
are instances
a have games all to
the public. These are have
been faced in dressing be
tween the halve, tile team
oil bruised
ed by league or stirred by i
the appeal personal, an apparently
organized and defeated rabble often
becomes n steady bill furious fighting
1805 went to their
dressing room after playing a IS to C
first half Harvard. The tie score
Harvard bad played
football. The bad ripped
the red and blue line to tatters. And
Harvard would as e crushed
if Mike Murphy, the refers
trainer, bad not jumped upon a table
and talked three minutes to the team.
Murphy, like Antony, was no orator.
yon want a lot of eaters
op there in Burton to over the
hash their team made of
be. turn that inside out
on good money at that
be free
counters for weeks if yon let those
dubs get with Myself-II
almost made me cry to see those big
stiffs walk all over you gulped
Established 1875
dealer. paid
Fur. Oil
Sun, Car.
P. Lori-
Ceil Ax SnuB, High Life
J George
Syrup, Jelly.
Meet. Flour. Seep,
Lye. Magic Food,
Seed end Hulk Gr.
Nuts. Dried Applet
c. Prune, Currant. K . ,
G Wooden,
Cakes end
best Hatter, Ne
Royal Sewing machine, and
other ooh. Quality
cheap Come lo
.-, r
hone Number
S M.
Cabbage Plants
Million of thoroughbred Frost Proof
plants for sale. Tb fol
Jersey Charleston Wake-
Large Late Drum
Till selection should you con
heading the entire
rues d
la lots
know how from 1.000 per thou-
Von weren't right over per
F O. B Greenville, N. C
kinds will be here from time to time
which is the best advertisement the
town can get, we it tor th. in.
but t ill not nor will they
be interested In us If they an come,
ii they And a dead town, and no
re to lodge. Our present hotel
accommodations are limited almost
to the daily transients, so what are
we going to do when extras come in
New here is the situation, our
the man of the hour. Mr.
Proctor of has agreed to
subscribe half the stock in a new-
up-to-date hotel for Greenville, to be
built on the corner of Third and
Evans streets. With a capital
of It means that it is up to
the business men of Greenville to sub-
scribe or invest in hotel
stock. Can we do It or are we In- U
different to our future Under some
condition a general collection would
raise almost that much, yet here is
investment for you and for Cigarette, and ride in a
kill now. You've got
Register I to. Think of the crowd. And say. , , ,
lows, if no mother, father, order of
or girl tip then. Just
think of fellows Think of me.
that takes care of you all. I've
got the
cough -d. brushed his eye. with
the back of his hand and faltered
won't be with you very much
longer, and I want you to win ibis
finished pea king and stole ii war
without a word. There was no cheer-
How Keels lo lie
Mr. John j. of
Barre, Pa., having inherited a vast
tune, and having, from tin- days
Of Childhood, longed lo know that
opulent sensation which comes of
having means, is giving, fr one per- i,,. Too hard,
only, an Imitation of John The next half Harvard found u differ
and satisfaction guaranteed
R C.
U. Rockefeller, as he imagines John
U. to be. A cool thousand dollars
is the mighty wad this gentleman
found himself possessed of not long
ago. With it he could have Opened
a bank account and perhaps have
laid the foundation for a still greater
fortune, but he was out for sensation,
and sensation he will have.
special train, at a coat of
team, a team whose
emotions were keyed up to such n pitch
that their fierce football has never
since been on Franklin Held. liar
was dazed, swept away and
u man spoke.
When you want the best, remember
we are at your services.
Choice Hoses, Carnations,
Violets and Wedding Outfits In
the Latest Styles.
Floral offerings artistically arranged
at short notice.
When in need of pot plants, rose
a paying
which no one to
jump at. Are we ever going to wake
up and quit, letting well
alone If we are proud of the court
house we will be prouder of the
Carolina Club is going to work lo
get this hotel and we ask your CO-,
operation. Lei us ourselves u
and accomplish this first great step j J
towards progress. Investigation I imagining that for a
goes to New York, where from n wearing game
Princeton the week before. Many of
the men were There was
a distinct feeling of the hopelessness
of It all when players lay down
upon the floor and benches. Only Hill,
a white bull terrier mascot, showed
signs of liveliness. It was cold in the
seem magically to lead. He will tip
the porters and boys with
princely liberality. He will smoke
remarkable turning or a bushes, evergreens, shrubbery, hedge
between the halves occurred at plants and Bade trees, mail, telegraph
Ithaca in Cornell led Columbia or telephone your orders to
J. Co.
VI X. C.
by to when the teams returned to
the dressing rooms. Columbia bad not
taxicab from the depot to- his hotel
Where he will frolic for a day in an I dressing room, and n trainer shook tin-
expensive suite. He will toss a
for his dinner, take in
a Broadway be taken in, be
to his car by motor, retire in
a private drawing room, and awake
the next morning in
ashes In the stove. He used a poker.
the end of which became red hot. i
When finally he laid down metal
rod the red but the re
ma Bill, deciding poker
was to be played with like stick.
. caught the heated end In his mouth.
; Instantly his lips seared and turned
black. Bill only shook the poker hard-
Two men grabbed him and tried
that there is not a modern lived the life Of his
hotel in North Carolina that Is not he will resume his 00-
at the old stand and
it t . . . , his grip. Ii was then that Coach
be were wiser and were quite well ,. ,, ,,
pitying handsomely.
Think it over and let us hear
you with an application for hotel
Secretary Of Carolina Club.
to do desired to spend a day in
the big he probably would
walk to the depot in his native
climb aboard a modest
coach, snuggle down in the red plush
scowl at the candy butcher, argue
with the conductor over the price of
Honor Roll.
The roll of honor for the public
school X Roads for the out of a dime
I as follow Carrying his grip himself, take a
grade Nannie Bryan Parker, surface car In New York up to the
Smith, Smith. chapel hotel he could find, and pro-
2nd. Rob- Manhattan With one eye
, i., Corbett buildings and the other
.;.,,. Marj Belle Tyson, In which he kepi his
grade Christine Smith.
II i in Forbes
5th grade Leon i
Th highest average was made by
Mattie Smith, Christine Smith, and
Clifton Corbett.
Tyson, Clifton
h men don't riot around as the
Innocent fondly
Mattie In is, not outside Of the best
sellers. They hold on lo their
With both hands, and like John played to
pin's wife, have frugal minds,
though on pleasure bent. That's why
Map Sent In Architect.
The map with all information as to
sewer, etc., with photographs,
report on foundation, have bean ill in-
I'll over to Mr. it. c. Flanagan to be
forwarded to government super-
vising t iii Washington so
Greenville's post
n ; once.
Frightful Polar Winds.
Blow with terrific force at the far
north and play havoc with the skin,
causing red. rough or sore chapped
hands and lips, that need
Salve to heal them. It makes
ed to dog. the Idea. Fish
sprang to his feet built up u
speech around Bill. He compared Hill's
nerve to the team's and. asked the
meD if they were not ashamed of them-
selves. His closing sentence was.
Just play for Bill. Bill.
Columbia returned to field.
Bill, yelping furiously, led way.
All through the half the team beard
barking from the side lines. Said
Von the big tackle, the
game. beard every yelp, It
simply drove u-
Bill's yelping so good
Colombia won out, is
Very often. Mr Fox declares, the
ability of one man lo has deter-
mined outcome of the game, lie
in Minnesota Wisconsin
The has been
ballyhooed most sensational ever
seen That It ended hi u tie was be
cause of He
Fie kicked three goals from the
field. The began with a
series of rushes, end runs
triple forward pusses. The score leap
ed to Wisconsin Minnesota Here
began to kick. Standing on
the thirty yard line, he drove the hall
between posts. Wisconsin's lead
was reduced to three points. Ann In.
this rime from the forty-five yard line.
Central Barbershop
Located main of t n
Pour in and
one presided over by a
waited n at their
PETER COOPER, who when yet alive, to
found Cooper in New City, earned only a
year for the first two years he Was in that He was an
apprentice to a He SAVED the first
years and put it in the bank
Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank
A. K.
Th new merchant in the
store formerly occupied by
B. G. J. R. is
now open and sales are going
on every day.
any day, regardless of the weather
and you will find a store filled with the best
goods that are going at bargains worth com-
We are here to please and save you
A. K.
A new lot of I MUM; AND Mil
I also sell and cut Window any
no charge for cutting,
Gardner's Repair Shop.
N. S. Schedule
m Mint i nth.
January Home
This is the month when people move
around and necessarily you will need new
furniture. We have studied your needs and
have put in a supply, in tact, a car load of
new goods. We can save you many dollars
if quality counts anything in your purchases
Yours truly,
Per Plate,
ii t to Hi in
i 1842, Might
Danger f
ii ii m raid in over-crowding
In to p your
. to deflect o can
. l i ii
day i
the soft and Unrivaled
for cold sores, also burns, boils, sores. I sent the hall true.
ulcer, bruises and piles. Only led IS to The half
all , ended
k lend
after a end run,
The score Minne-
In the half the inns
idled n foot
No wore Mere
lint In i i C
kick i
ii It be bar, ; he
n- bad lb better
M t
ll I
ii it says
N. B -The following schedule fig-
published as Information ONLY
and are not guaranteed.
East Bound
a, m. Dall, Pull
man, Sleeping Car for Norfolk.
a. m. Daily, for Plymouth,
beth City and Norfolk. Broiler Car
service connects tor all
North and WeaL
p. m , Dully, except Sunday, for
a. m. Daily, for Wilson and
Pullman Sleeping Car
ice Norm, South and
a. m. Daily, except Sunday, for
and connects
p, in. Dally, tor Wilson Hal-
Droller Oar service.
Information res
ration Bleeping Car apace apply
t. i. Agent
, ll. ill m. m.
Supt, o. p. a.
Norfolk, Virginia.
Taft Vandyke
and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and in Season, See
Greenville. N. C
General Merchandise
Buyer and Country Produce
The Home of Women's Fashion
Pulley Ho wen
I Car.
on Affairs
Consider flan Presented by Mr.
Head of Mar Department
Changes be Made In Hay Bill.
A comprehensive military plan for
the United Stales will be completed
by the war college and
of the army the end of the
session of congress, accord-
to a statement made by Secretary
of War Stimson before the house
committee on military affairs
Earlier in the afternoon Secretary
caused a sweeping change
to be made in the of a number
of important army positions here la
Washington. The order detached
Brig. Gen. William W.
from duty as president of the war I
college and assigned him to duty
of the depart-
in, of the gulf, at Atlanta, In place
of Brig Gen. Albert I. be-,
comes president of the war college.
The officers, who. under the order,
are expected to leave Washington are
Brig Gen. W. W. MaJ.
Johnson general staff;
C. D. Rhodes, general staff; Capt. J.
A. Twenty-fourth
Capt S. D. Km hick, general BUD;
MaJ. Paul P. general staff;
MaJ. R. B. coast
corps; Capt J. A. Logan, Jr., Lieut.
Col. J. T. Knight, quartermaster gen-
office; Lieut Col. O. S. Stanley,
general's office; MaJ.
Frank B.
office; MaJ. A. B.
Lieut Col. J. T. Thompson, ordnance
office; Lieut Col. George P. Downey,
pay office; MaJ. T. H. Rice,
office; Lieut Col. M M. Ireland,
medical MaJ. I. S. Russell;
Col. H. P. adjutant general;
Lieut Col. B. adjutant gen-
and Lieut Col. John BIddle port-
judge advocate.
Attending Think That
Treatment Would de the Banker
Bad, In Spite of of
A Physicians.
Charles W. Morse, the convicted
New York banker, may not accept
the privilege of treatment at Hot
Springs. Ark., as a prisoner-patient.
in accordance with the
granted by President Taft It is
that Morse declined to
leave the army hospital at Fort
Ga. at this time, possibly
because he believed himself physical-
unequal to trip to Arkansas.
Officials here arc reticent in regard
to the matter. Wardens William H.
Moyer. David Baker, of the Port
hospital, telegrams yes-
explaining the situation.
were laid before President Taft. but
not made public. All for
the transfer, so far the
authorities were concerned, had been
arranged, the time of departure only
depending upon Mr. More's readiness.
Atlanta. Ga Jan. condo-
of Charles W. Morse is growing
weaker daily, and it is impossible to
tell when he will he able to stand
the strain of the proposed trip to Hot
Springs. Ark., according to officials
at Fort tonight.
in close touch with
Morse's case are authority for the
statement that the proposed action of
the government in removing Morse
to Hot Springs for treatment will re-
in little good to the prisoner-pa-
Morse is suffering from
incurable disease, and
it is said the treatment at
Hot Springs will do for him.
It is Horse's wish to make a visit
to Germany, near Carlsbad,
in hope of benefiting his heart,
and thus prolonging life a few years.
presenting the state. Owing to the Pitt had a good ,
severe weather making the roads
most impassable, there was only a
small attendance, and several drawn
to serve as jurors did not answer
when the list was first called.
home. out the bar to
if this was affirmed a number of
bead shakes told him the
V. the county has not a good one she
ought to have and the grand Jurors
The following compose the grand help to
Jury for the W. A. it about Throughout North
man; W. E. Hooker, C. L Tyson. great progress has been
E. Harris. John S. Congleton. J. D. in the improvement of count
Buck, J. H. Wilson. H. V. J-homes and Pitt county cannot afford
F. Buck. W. H. Arnold. C. F. Sum- be negligent in this.
W. H. Congleton. P. Buck. ,,,.,, . .
r, em a . .,. .- I of the Jury system Judge
Williams, Buck War- . bu,
Jr.; A. C Crandall. ff our Hp as
Washington. In his charge to to
grand Jury. Judge Allen laid special y m make
stress upon the oath they had just,, , . . .,
. , , mistake than tho governors
taken, to diligently inquire into all
matters given them in charge; to
keep their deliberations secret among H U I S U i U
themselves, to prosecute no
through wrong motive, nor fail to
Old National Grounds In Louisville
Could Easily be Obtained.
Louisville, Ky. Jan. Louis-
ville obtains a franchise In the pro-
posed league In the
west, of which William
of Chicago, is said to be the principal
promoter, the club probably will play
at the old National League grounds,
I at Twenty-eighth street and Broad-
Not Harm Anybody if set Free,
. I place is about twelve block
farther from the business center of
I the city than Eclipse park, used by
association team. The grounds
men, who will be glad to lease them
for baseball purposes.
HI Wife Trying to Have Case
Brought Before Pennsylvania Court
In of Freedom Thaw and
Guano Plant Burns.
Tarboro, Jan. plant of the
F. S. Royster Guano Company, near
His Will go Immediately here was completely destroyed by fire
Abroad. this afternoon.
I The loss Is estimated at at
Harry K. Thaw, who acquitted but the plant we
of the murder of Stanford White
four years ago on the ground of in- .
by insurance.
In addition to the plant Itself, three
gave an exclusive on
yesterday to a reporter for The
World, who saw him in of the
wards of the state for the
criminal at
The fire was discovered at
o'clock this afternoon, In No engine
room, and before Are department
Thaw is much stouter than he from headquarters, two
was. his complexion Is rosy, bis eyes away at Tarboro. the flames
are clear and have lest the peculiar were beyond control,
rolling effect they had when he was. Fortunately, It being Saturday
on trial in the criminal branch of only two men were In the
the court. He said he building at the time, and they
weighed about pounds. His hair without
I thick, but is becoming gray. es- This the second plant of the Roy-
on the sides. Ho wears gold- company to be destroyed by fire
rimmed spectacles. Dressed In a the last two clays, one of their
. ho Ore mil being burned yesterday.
I turn collar and a plain ,,, , ,,.,,. ,.,
possibility of saving the building
said Thaw, a or their content,
man Is confined behind bars In the None of local the
elate prisons and bore In company would make any
he need friend much more than this afternoon as to the f the
persons do under ordinary condition loss, hut it is know then were
You don't patient abused here unmixed in
as were before tho change of tin- building.
mil on toll piece, All The damage to the mate-
rial, Bel age, lei
Dr. J. W. than 1100.000. and any extra salvage
asylum, recovered will not be more than
happened to pass through ward cover the value of the build-
at this time. Thaw saluted him and The of the fire Is
Dr. Russell returned the greeting known at present
The committee on amusement re-
Prayer League. of working girls of New York
Owing to bad weather no meet- city has been Incorporated recently
of the Prayer League was to Investigate and study and Improve
held Sunday afternoon. The same tho general amusements of working
subject and leaders announced for girls and their vacation conditions.
Minneapolis electrical
ion are making an effort to have
that city chosen as the 1913 meeting
Sunday are continued to next Sun-
day, the meeting to held in the
Methodist church.
I place of the International
I wound healer, but It's no The contest will be between
good as a wrinkle remover. and
prosecute any through fear, favor, or g
affection, etc. .
Judge Allen said he could not
to go In to all the
of all Crimea on the ,,,,,. of In
but would say that a crime is the the Kansas nines are European,
commission of any wrong act that is
forbidden by law, and the duty of street car conductors in
grand jury was to look diligently into make thirty-five cents a
all of these that come to their
ledge, and to look well into the one woman worked to
condition of the Pitt man. now the about
one of the greatest counties in four,
state, and her criminal reputation lies
largely with the grand Juries. He Women reformers of Germany have
expressed himself as glad to see large to wipe out the
and great counties, and has no pa- barmaid evil,
with the disposition to
them up Into smaller counties because, About 120.000 women employ-
some towns want to become a county ed by the French government and
seat A court house does not make toe number is growing constantly,
a town, and It is better to have a large
county like Pitt with a handsome In England and Wales the aver-
court house like has been erected age weekly wage for
here, than to cut the territory Into masons, plumbers, painters, pat-
smaller counties with inferior court term-makers and printers does not
house. exceed a week.
One cause of crime is ignorance
and we educate our people The opening of the first co-opera-
they may know what law and its store in a
observance is. Sometime an Indus- enterprise founded along co-
man, because of his want of operative lines, was celebrated re-
intelligence. Is drawn Into crime with- by the Co-operative League in
out really knowing its consequences. York City.
of criminals come from
the unintelligent or uninformed class. representatives
Pitt county ha made great strides made a demand for an
in educating her people, and if this district minimum wage to be
keeps up as it has in recent years. in to all men
crime is your county should material- working; at the coal face; that the
One thing grand Juror wage of employed
should do Is to see that public school be standardized in accord-
do their duty and pro- .,, proposed,
comfortable school house for St and Minneapolis
the children. School tors ask
are public officers and should perform accept an be.
their Country schools In this April and continuing
day are catching up with the town through the summer until September
and city In efficiency, which j when the rate of pay ,, be
shows that the country Is becoming an houri rate the union
more interested in education and carpenters of both cities struck for
country life Is improving. Good road
and good mail help out this;
I Another fruitful source of crime
use of Intoxicating liquors.
horrible crimes are traceable to this,
The country that
thing must he done in regard to this.
What to do la a some
ling one way and some another. North
has passed a law prohibiting
the manufacture or sale of
In the state. This may be an,
experimental test liquor prob-1
but the people themselves made
the and by a large majority. Now
What are going to do about that.
you going to fail to sustain a
you passed It is dangerous and
contrary to the principles of Demo-
government not to sustain u
law which the people themselves
lo. for a man to
111- .-i .-
to repeal law sell-
g liquor. Some we arc losing
so much taxes on whiskey licenses
so much money tees the
. key. The s
i end lo I I h
iron ii. , a never i where
this or i i engaged It
liquor were an go id tot
th i And
selling liquor now ought lo run
out of state or put on I
Boiling is a disgrace to the
county it is an evil that
must be done with. The man who
deal in it coward the
who is afraid to drive it out Is a
Another cause of crime is that we
do not know how to deal with crime.
punish crime to protect society
to reform Send
a criminal to the roads or to the
penitentiary and you protect society
while Lo Is but If nothing
done In the meantime to reform
the criminal not much
s J
Every Manure Spreader is not a Cloverleaf
that looks like one. You can't judge a Manure
Spreader by its looks because there are many
features which are found in the construction of
one machine that are not found in others.
Manure Spreaders are the most easily op-
the strongest and best machines on the
market. If you will examine one critically you
will agree with us that the
is the best machine you ever looked at. Drop in.
Let us discuss the manure spreader proposition.
Let us explain the many meritorious features
found in Cloverleaf construction. Better still,
buy one, then you will be in a better position to
know why you can't judge a manure spreader by
its looks. If you are not ready to buy, call and
get a Its filled with valuable
on soil maintenance and fertility. We are
reserving one for you. Won't you call and get
it today
Hart Hadley
Banking and Trust Co.
In state of North Carolina, at the close of business, December-b, 1911.
Loans and
Chest Pains
and Sprains
Sloan's Liniment is an ex-
remedy for chest and
throat affections. It quickly
relieves congestion and in-
A few drops
in water used as a gargle is
antiseptic and healing.
Here's Proof
I Sloan's f-w
and can testify to its
it f r June
croup, back and aid
i cam it instant
E IS .
i- I
ll i
i n I
I Price, j
i i
on the
Overdrafts . .
North Carolina Stat
All stock, hoods,
and mortgage .
Furniture and fixtures.
Demand loans .
from banks and bank-
Cash items .
Silver coin, all
minor coin currency.
National bank notes and
other V. note .
Capital stock paid In -----1
Undivided profits, less cur-
rent expenses and taxes
paid .
Notes and bills r
counted .
Time certificate of de-
subject to check
Due banks and
State f North Carolina, Count. of set
I. C. S. of the above-mimed bank, do solemnly swear
the above statement true to the best of my knowledge and
C. S. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 12th day of December, 1911.
EVERETT. My expires 1911
on Writs for price
III; this id.
Farley la t
preparations tor the
Cardinal Parley are virtually c
and Cardinal i
tin- liner Berlin the
ken ks the
win be i in on for b ii i
I. d I bi e the
of the i
hi Id In
a eminent
in- conveyed In lug from
to the Battery, from lib i
point be will be escorted to a
procession to the
residence. The entire route of the
procession up Broadway to Madison
Square and thence up Fifth Avenue
to fiftieth Street will be decorated
with the national of red. white
and blue, mingled with cardinal scar-
let and the yellow of the papal Hag.
The demonstration will con-
over n period of nine days. The
chief feature will be the celebration
of a special In the cathedral and
a great meeting In
A Midnight
To warn people of a fearful forest
tire in the Catskills, a young girl
rode horseback at midnight and saved
many lives. Her deed was glorious
lives are often by Dr. King's
New In curing lung
and colds, i
e ended s pi
n a. i mi a
co i lung W
K. Ti
f In our had died with
and I gained
Nothing so sure and for all throat
and troubles. Price and
Trial bottle tree. Guaranteed by nil
annual convention of the South
Corn and Grain
opened here today to last
until Friday. farmers from
all parts of the state are present.
A leading feature of the week's pro-
gramme will he the lecture by a
number of well known agricultural

Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
Advertising Rate on
rows it will pay you to see them
Something Going On Dona There All for M want before you buy.
The Time. Rev. C. J. Harris left Friday for
Bert Hay.
are loyal heart there are
. r
There are that pure and
to the world the you
A the heat will com back
Mr M B. of
was in town Monday.
Mister, has you about how
easy it is to a young horse by
aid your hie will
in your uttermost
your gilt will be
aid in kind.
And honor will honor meet;
And a smile that is sweet will
A smile is Just as sweet.
A strength
See Harrington. Barber and Com- , a score of heart.
for your American woven wire Had m A
CoX Company and Their faith in your word and deed
Mr. W. B. Percival of Petersburg, get a new set of buggy harness
one of the many salesmen who cone run no risks or ruining a you lg truth, and
to our town was here Monday and horse.
Tuesday. Mr. has many Harrington. Barber and Company
good friends here, especially among are selling the best rubber roofing,
the boys. Messrs. Frank James and Bad
weather cold and Lawhorn have opened up another
you will rind comfort in the harbor shop hero which has for some,
heavy shoes. rubber boots and over- tune been needed as our town ha For life is the mirror of king and
shoes at A Cos. outgrown one barber shop. We wish I slave.
Mr. Stephen Water of then, all the patronage they can Tis just what we are and do;
has accepted a position A. and also wish
Co. give these barbers a trial.
stock law or no law if n pay to
need any wire fencing The A. Q. Barber and Company for your shin-
. Waiter- visa, they good red bean.
ville. N. are agents for the Pills- hand drawn cypress
burg Parted Welded fence On Wednesday evening Dec. lOut, Baltimore
and Will be to you. th home Of the bride's lather, inc school.
B town B Mr. C. T. his daughter, Boa-
the number of traveling ale, man;,, to Mr. Grover n. Mr. p. number has returned
salesmen come here. one Manning. are very popular here Baltimore u he
this week twelve com In on and have a boat of to wish area treated
one train and all of them I., I them a long and happy life.
factor . I wish to thank my many patrons i Mrs
would Then give to the world the best you
And the best will come back to
yon F. H. Sweet.
Ur Key Brown is homo from
he has been attend- j
he vent to have his
; for their kind patronage during the ed from Mount
A. W. and rear and beg to say I ;
Rot. W. Cos of In the harbor t the
A. has return-
Tie explanation
the greatest care and
every ingredient has to pass the
test of own laboratories;
meres k
Reliable Dealers Everywhere
Sales Offices k
Norfolk Va. Columbia SC.
Baltimore Md. Montgomery
Ga. Columbus
Marriage were issued
Thursday With his same old and am prepared to
l; I perfect satisfaction. Willie
ton. and Co. have Barber.
just a large of re-
A little past
atoning the
seven o'clock this
home of Mr. W, H.
II In Win Ward, in Weal Greenville. Mr. George
last week to the following coup-
and J.
G. Manning and Bessie A.
J. C Hook and Mamie Pierce.
W. Rollins and Edith
i Case on
Sen Ice 0-
Pension Bills.
Weather at
ton had I variety of weather to-
day. The day dawned cloudy with.
and Miss Dean were j
Illinois by Rev. C. M. Rock. The
Jan. morning
exhibit of full bred cattle at the
W. and Agatha Summer.
William Tyson and Mary Black.
U. Ora Smith.
John and Martha Best.
and Martha Blount.
Taft and Floyd.
Samuel King and Rosa
Spencer Harris and Mary Shirley.
Arthur and Elvira Rodgers
the Docket
posed of.
Jim Moore, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment service including
pended on payment costs. men who draw pay from Sam
I Jim Moore and Pitt Parker, offices.
H. I plead guilty, judgment suspended tranche-
payment of costs. service throughout
the country are Hocking into Wash
spend their honeymoon.
temperature degrees above zero. armory which
about o'clock the sun came out tee one of the leading features of B
and shone for a few annual convention of the Illinois Tripp.
when a misty rain began and Association the January t the
tied at intervals until , of Mr and Mrs S A
there was a decided jump f IS ft S
rising to degrees. attracting considerable of Mr L R Whichard. of
rain increasing. The thermometer attention among dairymen from all The parlor was tastily decorated with Mrs. Lou Dead.
tonight stands around above Pru of the state. The convention evergreens, and amidst the soft glow Mrs. Lou Abrams, widow of the late
and the rain which is falling is until Thursday and of candle-light, the happy J. T. Abrams. died a little past
The local weather observer j the three days many interesting couple entered the parlor to the o'clock this morning at the home
promises a little milder weather for and instructive demonstrations of but- of wedding of her daughter. Mrs. Will Phelps,
making and testing will be given march beautifully rendered by Mrs. after of month,
as well as several lectures upon S A. Newell. The solemn vow were hue was years of age. and is
dairy subjects by noted expert. Impressively pronounced by Rev. by six daughters, all of whom
Otis Smith, with deadly
weapon, judgment suspended on par-
meat of costs.
Looks Forward lo Warmer
Temperature Shortly.
RALEIGH. Jan. mercury
dropped to only seven degrees last
night here, instead of to zero, as
was expected. The lowest tempera-
In in many years was
two degrees below zero in February day
The temperature rose slowly today,
and indications are that this section
will be out of the grip of the
wave in a few days.
Great number people persist in .
Lumber Dealer, of Two Stales, Bradley, pastor of the married. These Mrs. Will
DENVER, Col. Jan. Colo- church.
and Wyoming Lumber The bride wore a handsome gray
Association began its annual cont suit of mannish cloth with gloves
at the Brown Palace Hotel to- to match and black picture hat. The
good attendance of and groom with best man. Mr.
Phelps and Mrs. John Forbes, of
Greenville; Mrs. A. W. Barber and
Mrs. Joe Smith, of Winterville; Mrs.
T. R. or and Mrs.
H. W. of Rocky Mount
from the two states. The con-R, Congleton, of moth- These were ail at her bed side when
will three days. r of the bride and little Miss Kath- he passed away.
Tripp. sister of the bride, left j The funeral will take place Thurs-
To Improve Streets. in auto for the Atlantic Coast Line afternoon at o'clock at the
Jan. depot. where they took tho o'clock Barbe burial ground about a mile
the issuance of street for homo Broom In town.
having water running all night
prevent freezing pipes and and The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
sank so fast last .,,,.,,.,,,. a ,, B. K. Tripp and has for- the -past-year
that it necessary to cut supply .,, ,,. an n g , served as operator in
off from to o'clock this morning ,,., our
this being done The f made
Frozen and bursting water pipes
to prove the greatest dam g
age. The associated charities
Death In Far Away China.
Baptists throughout the state will
the to learn the sad death in
at Robersonville, where of Rev. Dr. George W. Green.
herself very popular. of the most valued and esteemed
National Civil Service Retirement
Association which is working to
Brown, colored, affray, pleads cure for
guilty. Judgment suspended on The meeting
o. costs. Similar judgment . While ,
against same defendant for disturb- members of the association are
religious worship. of one M
Abe Little, with deadly ;,.,. goes, they arc .,.
weapon, pleads guilty. ,
Wesley B.-ll. assault with deadly of
weapon, suspended on pay-
of costs.
should be
Two systems are proposed
in the bills now pending In congress.
Prank Johnson, carrying conceal- That known bill pro-
ed weapon, pleads guilty, lined for paid out
and costs. the treasury. While th
s assault with deadly for
groom Is a well known pros- workers of the foreign mission board
farmer and merchant of the Southern Baptist Convention.
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
pended on payment of costs.
Lawrence Gray, assault with dead-
weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
three months with leave to hire out.
Nelson Hopkins, selling liquor,
pleads guilty.
Frank Hopkins, not guilty.
Henrietta Bryan, riotous and dis-
orderly conduct, guilty.
Reuben Mobley. forgery, not guilty.
Abe Little, assault with deadly-
weapon, pleads guilty. months on
Henry Belcher
affray, plead guilty,
suspended on payment of costs.
Belcher to pay all costs.
contributory funds from the employ-
es to which the government will con-
tribute a small percentage. Tb
younger element of the fa-
Federal for
the reason that the time when they
would benefit is fax distant and la
the meantime under the contributory
they would be obliged to
up a part of their salaries for many
years in aid of the older
who would become eligible to retire-
The older naturally
are willing to support the of
Contributor pensions as they would
he the first to benefit and also for
the reason that congress is much
more likely to adopt a measure pro-
the principal streets in the city
the strongest argument can
advanced in favor of the bonds Enterprise. Dr. Green had spent the last two
king great precaution to prevent , , J -t-J- decades in the foreign mission
the wharf his labors were highly
c. He was at one time professor
,. ., M improvements within several I Beat
Licenses. , . . .,. . has many friends throughout North
suffering from
of improvement.
have had no real and
on Parrish
exist another winter.
Corporation com-
mission issued of
a Greek eating house and ,
street, has been closed by the police ,
because a man was found drinking
In It The license granted
to proprietor of restaurants In this
City provide that public drinking of
whiskey r intoxicating liquors shall
be prohibited, and the against
the Greeks is one in strict violation
of theM license. If the place is open-
ed again a new permit will have to resources and liabilities of
be grained. and savings banks in North
Bids for the construction of close of business
large new buildings at the University It shows of
of North Carolina were opened
yesterday in the office of John Sprunt
Hill by two committee of prominent
citizen of the state, appointed to
range for the erection of the build-
The contract were not award-
ed for the reason that the bid sub-
were fr larger amounts than
that which had been appropriated by
the legislature. Changes will be
made In the plans so a to lesson the
costs and new bid will be called fr
at an early date.
years and it is already realized lo five on Tuesday afternoon
It I folly to keep patching with honor of her sister. Mrs. Sam
less White.
The house presented a picture of. . .
street there isn't a good pavement and comfort, with no
the city and the people are deter-; but cut flowers and the soft
mined such conditions shall not glow of the with the
shaded electric bulbs casting a
low glow over the scene. Little Rose
received cards at the front
door. The guests were then
by Mrs. Jack Boyd and usher-
ed into the parlor. In the receiving
line near the guest of honor. Mrs.
White. Mr. Fred Forbes, Mrs. George
in the banking and Murk
I go along.
That life must have its bloom.
That now and then the sound
Must fade from every room;
That every heart must know its woe,
Each door death's sable sign.
Care falls to every one. and so
I strive to bear with mine.
Misfortune Is a put of life;
No one who journeys here
Can dodge the bitterness of strife
Or pass without a tear.
Derailment on Norfolk
Norfolk Southern passenger train
these banks, of which there are , the punch Joe
in the state, with II branch , pleasure, breed regret;
The total resource aggregate 68.- Lizzie Jones L joy born
previously. The total capital
stock Is a gain of
for the year. Deposits for the year
and Moore.
Thia the first
time Mrs.
Best had entertained her friends I
her marriage. Judging by the i
number having called despite the In-
of the proves the
popularity of the
NEW YORK, Jan. First
notable wedding of the new year in
New York society was celebrated In
you think somebody ,,, ,,, ,, . . , t
fashionable St. Thomas Church
have rounded up a gain
of for the year. The
amount to a
gain of and deposits sub-
to check aggregate a
gain of
Advertise Seasonable Goods.
would advertise rubber shoes We
The eyes are wet.
Each life tinctured with the pain
Of sorrow and of care,
As now and then comes cloud and
Come hours of despair.
And yet the sunshine burst anew,
And those who weep shall smile.
For Joy Is always breaking through
In just a little while.
Detroit Free Press.
Live Association.
ATHENS. Ga., Jan. large
and representative attendance at the
opening session of the eighteenth an-
meeting of the Georgia Dairy
and Live Stock Association
S. Nobles, assault with deadly for such a system than It
weapon, pleads guilty, MM- to pass the bill calling for straight
pended on payment of costs. I pensions.
Herbert West and John Price,
plead guilty, defendants to give
bond for appearance at next term
and show good behavior.
Lewis Peyton, simple assault,
judgment suspended on payment of
costs. ,
Andrew Jones, larceny. pleads
guilty In two cases. Judgment that
clerk of court hire him out until he
Is years of age.
Lot Billiard, larceny, pleads guilty.
of His
ml II lid at II. me
John Moore Butler, of this place, fa-
known as
celebrated his birthday
today by quietly receiving
his numerous friends at the house
where he boards with his eighty-year-
old a helpless paralytic. Until
a comparatively short time ago Mr.
Butler enjoyed excellent health and
the full use of all his faculties. But
cataracts which formed over hi
eyes made him almost completely
which and owing to his age the doc-
met today in the of the I tor would not undertake an opera-
state college of agriculture in this for the removal of the film.
augurs well for the success of
the two day's convention. Former
Senator James D. Price of Farming-
ton, one of the largest dairymen In
his of the state, presided and
delivered his annual address.
noted authorities delivered ad-
dresses on their special branches of
live stock farming. Following the
established custom the Georgia Breed-
Association will hold It annual
convention on Thursday after the ad-
of the live stock men.
Every time a man Invents a new
s afternoon when Miss Beatrice excuse he Infringe on some other
was derailed near Walstonburg Sat- heard a clerk In one store that did , ,. he
and caused a delay of three not have say there came twelve fellow's patent,
h-, Th .,. ,. . .,. , . became the bride of a man come
Mr. Butler, who was born on
Island where he lived many a
the neighbor of the late Commodore
ha been a hard work-
all of bis life, has never used to-
and liquor only sparingly. He
owned a number of fast horse and
used to drive them to a trotting cart
until about five years ago.
hours. Nobody was hurt. The mis- telephone calls for them
hap was due to slippery. Icy The merchant who
The rails have been replaced and vantage of occasion to
trains are operating over the road as seasonable goods get
on these goods
In two
takes ad-
the trade
A man come home oftener In a
K. a son of Mr. and humor with himself than with
William E. The Rev. Dr. the rest of the world.
rector of St. official- Getting tangled up Is the job of
ed. assisted by the Rev. Dr. William the and them is the job
G, of Massachusetts. of the oilier one In the thousand.
Retirement of CoL Woodward.
After more than years Col.
Charles C. Woodward of the Coast
Artillery Corps, was transferred to minimize the changes in
the retired list of the army today on the ground that frequent
his own application. Col. Woodward result in undue expense to
Conference of National Guardsmen.
ALBANY. N. Y., Jan.
of various regiments of the Na-
Guard of New York assembled
here today for the annual conference
of their state association. The meet-
which will last two will
consider a request to the War De-
is from Maryland and
ed from Point academy In
I The man who never has occasion
to employ a lawyer ought lo save
the officers. The bill before congress
providing for a email salary for
of the National Guard to meet
Incidental expenses will also be dis-
. , . r m a
nil mime on
II II la an
i, c,
Agriculture la the Boat Bust Healthful, the Moil Noble Employment el Washington.
fl, C FRIDAY, J 1914
J. T. Hanrahan And Other R. R. Chief
Victims Of Wreck
That He Did Sig-
Express Train and
Drivers Testimony Ha Not Been
Taken Yet.
investigations are under way to de-
the cause of the rear-end
collision at miles north-
east of here, early this morning, in
which James T. and three
other men high In railroad circle
lost their live. The investigation
are so far without definite result.
The four men were killed
when their private car attached to
the rear of the New Orleans express
was by the engine pulling
the Panama Limited, running SO miles
The coroner's Inquest began here
today. Witnesses were examined by
Deputy Coroner Grant
and the Inquest was continued until
Friday, to enable the crew of the en-
of the limited to testify.
The deputy coroner expressed the
opinion that the responsibility lies be-
tween Engineer Stuart, of the limited,
and Flagman Henry J. of
th express, who lives In Chicago.
testifying at the inquest,
he was riding on the next to the
last car the express, and that when
it stopped at miles
north of here, for water, he ran back
with hi lantern, and a block and a
to the rear gave the on-rushing
limited a signal. He testified bis
answered by the engineer
by two blasts of the whistle.
Chairman Johnson, Of House
Expresses Himself
North Carolina News In Brief
B. F. Tyson And Family Rooted
Out of Their Home
Ben Johnson, of Ken
lucky Chairman of House Commit-
tee Takes Afternoon
His Objection to Clause
Half and Half Flan Assailed.
Representative Ben Johnson, of Ken-
chairman of the house dis-
committee, fulfilled
his promise of several days ago, and
put a stumbling block In the way of
the provision of the district
bill which would allow
as next payment on
the and sinking fund on the
funded of the district He made
a point of order against the entire
paragraph, saying It had no authority
In existing law. This charge is In
accord with statements which have
been made by Mr. Johnson ever since
appointment a chairman of the
district committee.
The house, sitting as a committee
on local affair, plunged Into a
discussion by his objections, which
took up practically the entire after-
noon. Representative Garrett, of
Tennessee, who presiding, took
the matter under advisement. His
decision, Involving not only the legal-
of the proposed appropriation, but
also appropriations that have been
made annually for many years, prob-
ably will be given to the house to-
Mr. Johnson spoke nearly two hours
and received no assistance from any
of his colleague. Representatives
Saunders, of Virginia; Taylor, of Ohio
and of Texas, each made
an effort to demonstrate that the law
had not been misinterpreted.
Anti-Saloon League Convention Fri-
CHARLOTTE, Jan. con-
season of the year 1912 In
North Carolina will begin with the
convention of the North Carolina An-
ti-Saloon League, which will be held
In Raleigh Friday, Saturday and Sun-
day next. A number of speaker of
and national reputation
have been secured to take part In the
program of this convention, and the
leaders of the Anti-Saloon League
movement express the hope that the
attendance upon this occasion will be
the largest and the most
of any convention in the Inter-
est of prohibition and temperance yet
held In this state. The Invitation to
this convention Is open to the entire
state, no credentials are required and
effort is being made to get churches,
temperance societies and other organ-
that favor the object of the
Anti-Saloon League to end
to the convention.
Stock Law in West Car-
Jan. of
Cumberland county west Cape
river, voted on the stock law
today. No exact figures could
be secured tonight, but it is conceded
that the stock law has been carried by
a good majority. The vote
and other parts of
scribed territory are already In stock
law bounds, but all voted on the
Head Steel Combine Asks Stanley
Stanley Board to Hide Figures
Trap Shooting.
ed marksmen from many parts of the
country faced the traps today at the
opening of the fifth annual mid-win-
handicap trap shooting
The event Is one of the biggest
shooting tournaments of the year. A
total nearly added money
offered. The winner of the Pinehurst
Handicap, which will be shot next
Saturday, will take down In cash
and a silver trophy valued at
What the World is by Wire
Master numbers Convene.
plumbers from every section of the
state, several hundred strong, are
here for the annual convention of
the Illinois Master
which opened today. The
plumbers will be here two day.
Features of entertainment are
interspersed with the business
sessions, at which matter of trade
interest will be discussed.
leading subject slated for
The scheduled speakers include
C. W. Mitchell, the Provincial minis-
of education, and Dr. W. C.
ray, president of the University of
About o'clock morning. In
the dead hours of tho night when all
the town was wrapped In slumber,
the family of Mr. B. F. Tyson, living
on the corner of Evan and Ninth
streets, were aroused to find that
their house was on fire. When dis-
covered the end o kitchen next
to the house was burning briskly.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Tyson went to
work trying to put out the fire, and
at first thought they had succeeded,
but the flames had Boon reached and
burst through the kitchen roof and
through tho porch the
house, and they their efforts to
check It progress were fruitless.
At such an hour of the night it i
difficult to awaken people when there
is no fire alarm that can be heard
any distance, hence they were slow
in getting aroused and to the fire, and
the flames had made such headway
before tho firemen arrived that the
building a total loss and
nothing of the furniture was
When the firemen got on streams
did good fr quickly Deal-
down the fire and removing the
danger that seriously threatened
neighboring buildings. The excel-
Week In British Columbia.
British Columbia farmer will have
hi Inning in the capital week.
Beginning today with meeting of the
British Columbia Fall Fair
annual will be held
the week by all of the
In which farmer are Interest-
ed, Including the Provincial
of dairymen, grain growers,
stock breeders, poultry raisers, and
fruit growers. Present Indications
point to an unusually large attend-
To Discuss Child Labor.
visitors arrived In Louisville today to
attend the eighth annual conference
of the National Child Labor Commit-
tee, which will meet tomorrow for a
lour session. The conference
will bring together leading expert
on child labor reform and new me-
In education from all over the
Alabama Republican held a state
convention last August, at which all
factions were represented, and elect-
ed Taft delegates, but this convention
having declared null and void, being
the call of the national committee,
another convention has been called
for March
of the water pressure at this
fire was very noticeable, and was due
to the fast that superintendent Allen
hastened down and cut off the
valve at the stand pipe and had
pressure put on from the pump-
The building was Insured for
but was worth double that much,
and Mr. Tyson had no Insurance at
on his furniture
Tho fire started from an ash pan
or box tho cook had carelessly
left sitting on the floor.
Civil Engineers at Montreal.
MONTREAL, Que., Jan.
of the civil engineering
from many parts of the
ion came to Montreal today for the
annual meeting the Canadian So-
of Civil Engineers. The pro-
will cover three days. The
unusually large attendance combines
with an attractive of papers
and discussions to give promise of
one of the most successful meetings
In the history of the society.
According to James J. Ferrell, An-
drew Carnegie Did Sot Know What
He Was Saying When He Testified
Before Com Declares
Existence of Agreement As to
James J. Ferrell, president of the
United States Steel Corporation, pro-
tested before the Stanley steel
committee yesterday against
unnecessary publicity of
cost of steel products in this
country as ruinous to foreign trade
of domestic manufacturer. The steel
corporation head also discussed with
the committee the
and ideas of trust regulation which
somewhat from suggestions
previously made by Elbert H. Gary,
executive head of the steel corpora-
Andrew Carnegie, and others.
President Farrell asserted that the
which steel man-
assembled to discuss the
trade, had no influence In fixing or
maintaining prices, though he thought
had Influence In maintaining the
stability the market
do not he said,
the prices of any two steel
in the United States today are
think he referred to destructive
said Mr. Farrell.
a matter of fact, steel prices today
are very low. There Is no doubt that
reports will show that they not
getting the cost of manufacture out
of present
Activity In White House Is Of Great
Taft's Friends Will Do Their Utmost
to Instruct New York Delegates to
Chicago and
West Virginia be Thoroughly
For Taft,
WASHINGTON. Jan. Evidence
that the advisers of President Taft
are awakening to the fact that they
mus get their campaign under way at
once if they are to offset the work
that la being done against them
shown by the activity at the white
house yesterday.
For tho time in months there
was evidence that all the campaign-
Is not confined to the various
Democratic camps and to Oyster Bay,
but that the president himself is In
the fight.
Tho word went forth that the
friends of the president were
to the scalp of Bill
the New York State Republican lead-
who has announced himself In
favor of an uninstructed delegation
from that state, and that a fight la
to be waged against him if be con-
to oppose the election of
legates pledged to Mr. reno-
It was stated also that an effort
would be made to elect Taft delegate-
in Iowa, although Senator Kenyon,
now the chief administrator support-
is expected to support his
ague, Senator Cummins. It Is
ed, however, that the
movement in Iowa not likely to
injurious to the cause of the
dent, and that Senator Kenyon at any
moment will be ready to work for
Mr. Taft In the convention should any
move be made to swing the
to any one else.
Slight Damage Done At The Home Of
Mr. E. H. Thomas
Fruit Men Problems.
prominent fruit growers met In this
city today th
th annual meeting of t a Western
New York Horticultural Society,
which will last three day;. The pro-
gram provides for addresses by a
number of noted horticultural experts
New Jersey, Michigan
several other states.
Joseph H. Choate Is
Choate. the eminent New York law-
and former American ambassador
to England, was eighty years old to-
day and the occasion was marked by
the receipt of a number of
message from friends on both
side of the Atlantic. Mr. Choate is
a native of Salem, Mass., but has been
a resident of New York since shortly
after his graduation from Harvard in
School Trustees of Alberta
CALGARY, Alta., Jan. six-
th annual convention of the
of school trustees of the Province
cf Alberta met In this city today for a
two session. The improvement
of rural schools and school
and medical Inspection are the
Atlantic Whist Congress.
play at the fourteenth annual con-
of the Atlantic Whist
began at the Hotel Victoria in
this city today and will continue
the end of the week. The
is composed of clubs In Boston.
New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia.
Washington numerous other
a supply of select Improved
co which we will glad to
furnish our friend upon request
Pill the Star warehouse. Farmer
Consolidated Tobacco Company.
. Practice limited to the eye and fit-
ting glasses. He corrects
which causes headache. Eyes
examined free. Sec him as
for Feb. 6th,
Office at J. R. Smith and store.
Home office. N. C.
The of the people of Green-
ville, especially those on South Evans
street and that vicinity, had hardly
back to normality from the
fire Tuesday morning, when twelve
hours later there was another alarm.
It was about o'clock In the after-
noon when fire was discovered In the
kitchen at the home of Mr. E. B.
Thomas, and the clanging of the lire
rim sent people hurrying in that
It was in the same section,
only half a block from the scene of
the morning Are. The was be-
tween the celling and weather board-
on tho side of the kitchen and
had burned through both, but was
put out with only slight damage to
the building.
A wood box sat between tho front
corner of the cook stove and the wall,
very close to both, and the place that
tho wall burned through was
behind and above this box.
Occupants of the house Bay no fire
had been built In the kitchen after
breakfast was over, so it be
told Just It occurred. It is for-
that it started in the day
Mrs. Jane Godwin Dead.
After an Illness of several months.
Mrs. Jane Godwin, widow of the late
Mr. W. T. Godwin, died at o'clock
this morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. E. C. Williams. She
years of age and is survived by
two daughters, Mr. E. C. William,
of Greenville and Mrs. L. H. Well,
of Old
The burial will place at
o'clock. Thursday afternoon, in Cher-
Hill cemetery.
Change of Firm.
Mr. G. M. Mooring, who not long
since moved from his farm to Green-
ville. associate In the mercantile
business with his ton, Mr. J. S. Moor-
and the style of tho firm I G.
M. Mooring and Son. They are In
the store formerly occupied by the
Central Mercantile Co., In the
building, and carry a full line of gen-
Congratulations to Grandpa W. L.
The Charlotte Chronicle of the 22nd
contains this brief Item that will be
much Interest to Greenville
to Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Jenkins, a
With a batting average of and
fielding average of
The owned by Mrs. the Tilt left
Hyman. fielder In the American league.

Eastern reflector, 19 January 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 19, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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