Eastern reflector, 13 October 1911

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Authorized Agent of Carolina Home and Farm and
Eastern for and vicinity
Advertising Rate on
Should ii
X. C. Oct. a large shipment of
Mi. J L. fox returned to Fairmont women's and men's
last week after spending a days for fall and winter, and they
with his better-half at home. are in a position to save you money
Harrington. Barber and Company's In shoeing up your family. v
pant department is complete now and Miss
they will take pleasure in showing her H
you through and save you some in
in making your purchases. cotton w
Rev. W. K. CM of Wilmington, spent; A w Ange
night with his mother.
It a little hard to bring the
Men's League up from its
summer attendance. Though
Sunday was an ideal day so far
as goes, the show-
ed but little increase over what it
had in the heat of mid-summer.
The men of the community must not
hat miss by absenting
themselves from the meetings. The
league did much good through last
later, and there is yet opportunity
for it to do much more.
Last Sunday the subject for dis-
was the Lord Re-
quires of and three most excel-
lent talks were made by the leaders.
Messrs. A. R Ellington, H. B.
and R. H. Wright. The
other organization In the school It
glad to welcome you.
Many of you are away home
the first time. is new
, to you. You will miss your home
our people, you. young are
to occupy a most important place.
You are here to prepare yourselves
for the tasks that will soon confront
you. arc here to help you as best
Opens With Fifteen Per Cent increased
pie. I would not give much for you j we may. into the spirit of the
if you did not. Some of you will school and let tat spirit of the school
think of going home. would not give
anything for you if you do go. Love
your home, but love it with that
one in every particular,
manhood that you to make
the most possible of your life.
The safety of the American
is based upon the love of the home
that is deep seated in hearts of
i -.-
sues lean has been on the resting upon each of and
K. E. Cox.
Union Mercantile
Co. carries
of and stock
When in need of something
is good for your stock see them.
U Vivian Roberson left Friday
for to spend
Barber and Company
have the latest styles in men's and
boy's hats foe fall and winter and
you will do to see them before
you buy.
Mr. Harvey A. Cox returned home
Wednesday He
will spend a while at home.
Don't forget that we are your
friends, brother farmer, and that we
have bought a lot of extra good shoes
for both Sunday and everyday wear,
we can fit up your whole family. Come
to see us. brother.
Quite a lot of W. K. S. girls left
Friday evening to spend Saturday
and Sunday t home.
The cheapest and best line of rugs
ever brought to this town are on dis-
play at Barber and Co's.
store Com end make your selection
while they last.
Mr. J. S. Roes. clever In-
man. was In our town Fri-
When In need of underwear, neck
wear, hosiery, toilet powder, etc., etc.
The Baton Mercantile Co. will be
glad to fix you up.
One of our young men complains
every Monday of his eyes being sore.
You all can guess the reason.
You can get your cheap now at
Barber and Co's store.
They have unloaded a ear and in or-
to move same quick, will sell
Our fail-
ed to send in a letter Saturday as
usual. He was out of place. Guess he
was out squirrel hunting.
Mr. Roy T. Cox and nineteen
from here attended the Flat
Swamp Association Sunday.
Mr. J. A. of Grifton. was in
town Sunday.
Mr. Manning has accepted
the bookkeeper's place with the Pitt
County Oil Co.
Rev. M. A. Adams filled his regular
appointment at the Baptist church
Sunday morning and at night. At the
night service several made a
of religion.
We realize the most valuable asset
of a bank is that of public confidence,
and we have furnished our depositors
every safeguard and protection for
their friends and we shall continue
to do so in future as In the past.
you are not a depositor, call and
let us talk the matter over with you.
Bank Of
Bishop Strange held services at the
Episcopal church yesterday evening
and administered the right of con-
to three young ladies.
A car load of salt Just arrived at
A. W. Ange and
Mr. Elma Worthington and Miss
Beulah of Ayden, pleas-
ant visitors in our town yesterday.
See the and children's cloaks
at A. W. Ange and Co's They are
Mrs. Levy Holliday. of Grimesland.
is spending a few days with Mrs. B.
W. Tucker.
A nice line of hats at A. W. Ange
The correspondent to the Pitt
County News and Miss Esther John-
son were visitors In the country yes-
sick list for several days. We hope
there is nothing serious.
The one sure way to have money
is to save it. The one sure way to
save it is by depositing it in a re-
bank. Call and see us.
aft Of
Messrs. Harvey A., and C. T. Cox
the power to choose between right
and wrong, was strongly presented.
Next Sunday afternoon at
o'clock the meeting will be held in
the Methodist church. Subject,
is the Man Whom God
Text. Job Leaders. Messrs. M.
W. Wallace. F. M. Wooten and T. J.
were visitors in the country i
day evening, much to their pleasure. Help make the attendance larger at
Time will not lie-she reveals all
things. Just so have the superior . ,
qualities in the Hunsucker buggy INFORMAL RECEPTION,
bean revealed. For a good many years
this buggy has stood the test and W. C. W The railing
what has been revealed is to its
it. Come to see the A. G. Cox
Company and get your next
Mr. ii. B. Bryan, of Kinston. was
in ton n yesterday.
Men s clothing, line of cloth-
Harrington, Barber Ca's
they are pricing them way down,
and can get a good suit of clothes
for lit tie money. Come and see them.
The Young Woman's Christian As-
at the Training school be-
active work as soon as school
opened. Miss Best was
elected president in the place of Miss
Agnes Smith, who failed to return.
an informal reception was given
mi Saturday evening to the new
dents to which all the students and
the faculty were invited. All had a
President Wright Inspiring
Address St mien Is at the First
dispel Exercises of the Session
Extends Cordial Welcome and
Them to Help the School Grow.
There was a Splendid picture
at East Carolina
Training school this morning, when
the students assembled for the first i
chapel exercises at the beginning of
the third regular term of the school.
While the school was advertised to
open on the 16th, the first two days
were occupied in the registration of
students and assigning them to class-
es, so that the regular work did not
begin until this morning. It was
gratifying to see the faces of many
Of the former students, as well as
so many new ones. There were by loving parents to keep you
many for registration that this work I May you at all times act as one
bad not been completed when of the sacrifice. And may you
have womanhood enough to bend
every energy to each duty and thus
enter into you. Put into this year
your best and this year will en-
large that self.
He followed this with some an-
as to tie hours of
etc. and dismissed them for
their work.
The Reflector Joins in extending a
cordial welcome to all of the faculty.
lie American people. Recently a man officers and students, and again ex-
to defame the good name presses the wish that the session Just
the lady of the house in one of our upon may be a mot success-
American homes and the gentleman i
the house gave him a severe
thrashing. The took the
case to court and the judge dismissed
case with these de-
served the beating you This
the home is protected by the
and should be loved by all right
thinking citizen.
To you. the home is the best place
on earth and it should be. May your
stay here be a credit to that home.
May you so live one and all. that
each day here will add honor to that
home. Many are the sacrifices being
Mr A W. Ange left yesterday for jolly evening getting acquainted. Each
to spend a few days with, one was tagged with her name so
his father, who is sick. was no need of introduction.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co.
can show buggy robe that will
please your trite, children and all. It
not only looks good, but will keep
you They have a complete
line See them and buy.
Mr. B. F. Manning, our clever cot-
ton buyer, went to Farmville today i
in the interest of the fleecy staple.
The Rev. Claudius F. Smith will
hold services in St. Luke's Episcopal
Church beginning Monday night,
and will continue through
On Sunday evening Prof. C. W.
Wilson conducted the public services
the assembly hall. He an
excellent talk on the value of Chris
work in the school.
Of Memorial Methodist Sun-
day School.
On last Sunday morning the
class of Jams Memorial
night. October 13th. All Sunday school elected the fol-
are cordially invited to these I lowing officers for the ensuing six
Such services are called a
mission In the Episcopal church.-
Mission implies many sorts of a j
to the patient whom
we attempt to arouse; second, to de-
liver, these latter are more especial-
of two classes; those Interested
and zealously at work for the Lord
and those who are Indifferent. To
preach a mission means lo address
all these by reviving the care-
less and Indifferent by deepening the
earnest adherents and by opening the
eyes of those who have not beheld the
goodness and mercy of an all-loving
Father. The members of St. Luke's
church desire the earnest prayer.-
Christian people that our God may
bless these services, the preacher and
those who come to hear.
President. O. M. Clark.
Vice-president, F. R. Stretch.
Secretary, Harry White.
Assistant Secretary. Guy Lanier.
Teacher, J. H. Shore.
Assistant Teacher. A. B. Ellington.
Treasurer. Wiley J. Brown.
Reporter, J. B. James.
class work began this morning, so
the exact number in attendance can
not yet be given, but it is consider-
ably larger, fully fifteen per cent,
than at either of the previous
It was a pleasure also to note the
presence of familiar faces in the
faculty of the school, only a few new
being seen among them. The
faculty is as
President. Prof. It. H Wright.
Pedagogy. Prof. C. W. Wilson
School Management, Prof. W. H.
English. Prof. L. R. Meadows.
English, Miss Mamie E. Jenkins.
Science, Prof. H. E. Austin.
Mathematics. Miss Maria D.
History. Miss Joyner Davis.
Latin, Miss Daisy B. Waite.
Primary Methods. Miss Bab
Drawing. Miss Kate W. Lewis.
Household Economics. Miss Eliza-
highest type of
develop for th
Your stay here is for the
knowledge you Will acquire.
edge is But let me say to
you to-day knowledge alone may be
power In the wrong direction. Each
human being has an individuality, a
personality that colors, enters into
and shapes everything that person at-
tempts. I have known a woman to go
into a new environment and make a
reputation as a singer and as soon as
her personality became known, her
reputation as a singer was lost. Not
that she could not sing as well as
before. the personality destroyed
the art. I have seen people who at first
In an unknown environment were dis-
failures but when their character
became known they became a great
power. Personality adds to or sub-
tracts from the power that comes;,,, col.
through knowledge. In the spirit by
Helping Those Who Help Them.
However the people of Concord may
have stood as to reciprocity with Can-
they certainly seem to have a
strong leaning towards reciprocity
with home folks, and as they appear
quite willing to make the first tender
why it does look as if they might be
right in their conclusions. A specific
Concord wanted a new railroad
depot, and the people of that town, as
we understand it. had long contend-
ed for such. The Southern railroad
had declined to furnish such, but at
ante time desired to rush its trains
through Concord. Here is where the
folks of Concord balked. They were
perfectly willing to allow the the
privilege, but thought that they should
be allowed something In return; not
in money, but in a needed railroad
which they deemed Just
necessary to their town as it was
necessary the trains to rush
through Concord in order that pas-
may save time and reach their
destinations sooner. So Concord made
a rule that all trains must stop first
upon entering the town, the same as
I at a depot. This put a in
arrangements for through trains, and
so now Concord, it is reported, is to
have a new depot and the trains
can rush through without
unless flagged. Concord evident-
knows its
the school you will find the real force
that helps to make success or fall-
Advice to Lawyers.
One of the most interesting
cations is West Publishing Dock-
of law
,,,,. The cur-
President Wright Talks At The Train-
President Wright Is giving a
Of most helpful and Interesting talks
at the assembly exercises at
school on the purpose of the
student at East Carolina Teach-
Trailing school, which Is one
Vice to lawyers when addressing the
School Music and Voice, of the lives of those who the lat
token from the columns of a con-
Why are you here Why did you j
not select some other school There j promulgating your esoteric
is springing up each year from and in articulating your
great field of the public and the grad- sentimentalities and amicable
May It.
Piano. Miss M. Bishop.
Writing. Prof. Chas. S. Coon.
President, Prof. R. H. Wright.
Bursar. Mr. J. B.
Lady Principal, Kate R. Beck-
Physician. Dr. C. OH. Laughing-
Superintendent of Infirmary. Miss
R. Beaman.
Stenographer. Miss Emma R. Jones.
Custodian of Records, Miss Ola S.
When all had assembled in the
after devotional exercises.
President Wright addressed the
dents, as
To the Students of tile East Caro-
Teachers Training
It is with peculiar pleasure that
ed schools in our state, many who
are to be transplanted to the
for higher learning that they
may grow into the perfect plant In-
tended by the Great God of this
or psychological
beware of platitudinous
Let you conversational com-
possess a certified con-
a compact comprehensible-
verse. Each institution stands coalescent consistency and a
eminently for some one thing, and it Concatenated cogency. Eschew all
ii this draws young men and of flatulent garrulity.
N. C, Oct.
Mrs. Levy Holiday and sister. Miss
Mary Proctor and Miss Lizzie Gal-
of Grimesland. are visiting
friends in town this week.
Wagons have surely been going out
from the plant of the A. G. Cox Man-
company for the past three
weeks. There are none like the
and the farmers are realizing
this more and more. Better place
your order for a buggy right now.
Mr. Adrian Brown, of Greenville,
has taken a fancy to our town or
some one here. He Is here right often,
much to his pleasure.
A car of salt Just arrived at A.
W Ange
Mrs. J. D. Cox is on the sick list
this week. Hope she will soon be
Should Make Exhibit
A few days ago I received a letter
from Mr. J. W. Gravely, of Rocky
-Mount, calling attention to special
premiums offered by the State Fair
Association this year to tobacco farm-
for exhibits of tobacco, and ask-
me to take the matter up and en-
to get the farmers of Pitt
county interested and to make
at the coming state fair. As
I was. not informed as to the require-
premiums offered, etc., I wrote
him for Information, and have the
following letter in
to yours of the 30th ult.
the premiums are offered on smokers,
fillers and wrappers, lbs. of each.
The premiums range from to
The tobacco will be sold during the
week following the state fair and the
proceeds turned over to the owner
thereof. Upon these conditions it
pears to me that quite a number of
would send up exhibits. I
think you will do your farmers and
the tobacco interest of the state a
good service by getting a nice exhibit
from your county. Send all the
to Col. E. Raleigh,
N. C, prepaying express charges.
I hope you will give this matter
little time attention as in
my opinion it will do much good to
the tobacco
I hope a number of our tobacco
growers will take an Interest and de-
to make an exhibit this year,
for I believe they can take some of
these premiums. I should be glad to
render any service in this
I can. and will any further
desired, upon request.
women to it. This particular Jejuna and asinine
stands for but one thing. It Let your extemporaneous de-
has but one mission and every en-scanting and
is bent to that one purpose have intelligibility and veracious
to make more efficient teachers for vivacity without or
the schools of Carolina. The. bombast. And. further-
fact of your presence here is sedulously avoid all
evidence that you intend to be- profundity, pompous proclivity,
n teacher, than which I think vacuity,
will, the purpose of the school. of Is no higher calling given man; vapidity. Shun
in the early days i this morning to Wei- for w not Christ himself known prurient and
you to the school Great Teacher pestiferous profanity, or
What is the spirit of the true teach- apparent. In other words, talk plain-
Is it to make money that. Don't use big
North Carolina, it is said as not her
at night, approach some of the thrifty, u, ,. . .,,
live. towns you see in the r M
biasing electric lights. tho of us ,
grow. We wish you not only . . .,. Who Are Brawn Pill
beginning is back
after the war. for there are three
stops in the development of public
education In North first,
the realization of the state of its
obligation to the children; second, the
period of provision of school houses;
third, the provision of efficient teach-
This school is here for the last
purpose and the students arc here
to that purpose.
our state to train young men
women to teach in the public schools
But a crooked politician usually
Harrington, Barber Co. have just advocates the straight ticket.
sneering terms, as
watch bast Carolina Teacher. Train- What ,. ,,,,, ,, of
lug school grow, but to help us to
grow. This murks tho beginning of
our third year and the enrollment is
than ever before in the history Um , am ,,,
our school for the third day of the . ,, i , , j ,
Things Thai Are Happening In That fall term. It . , ,
to fight the demon of ignorance with
I am glad to see so many familiar bookish but a burning de-
Tile following Pitt county
lave been drawn to serve as jurors
young struggling humanity to help October term of Federal court
teacher Is it not a burning desire
goes out of the soul toward
N. C. Oct.
Rev. Mr. Carraway. of Ayden. was
able to fill his regular appointment
at the M. E. church Sunday evening.
A large crowd was disappointed.
Miss Mary Clyde Pulley of Fair-
returned to her home today,
after spending days with Miss
Velma Venters.
Mrs. Hunter, of Fairfax. Md., Is vis-
relatives In this neighborhood.
She Is accompanied by her sister, Mrs.
Johnson, of St Augustine, Fla.
Mr. O. W. Venters went to Wash-
Mr. Leroy Venters went to Winter-
Several of our young people attend-
ed the ball game at Cox Mill
day evening
Miss Annie Nelson, of
spent Sunday with Miss Velma Vent-
faces with us. I am glad so many
of our former are able to re-
turn to us for further Instruction,
are twice and thrice welcome to
these halls. May this prove to you
sire on the part of one soul to help
other souls to higher, truer, nobler
living. It Is the spirit of the second
command God gave to man to subdue
the earth have dominion over the
spent in school. Many of our form-
students are not with us, but are
facing the stern realities of practical
life. Of these, seventeen are
ates of this Institution. Last May we
gave diplomas to thirteen, during the
we added four to the list.
You see from this that this school
stands, not for so many years
here, but for so much work
completed. These seven-
teen young women have the stamp
of the school's approval in the form
a diploma. We confidently expect
them to make of the best
teachers in the state. Many others
for a lack of funds, or for other
are teaching in our state. All are
It isn't the working for a living. doing better work than they could
that provokes us, It Is the kind of have done without the training they
living we for our received at the hands of the faculty
It requires nothing more than school.
very best year you have ever fish of the sea. and over the fowl of Grifton.
to be held New
For week beginning October 24th
H. A. White, John D.
Pierce. Ayden; James S. Hines,
den; W. B. Nobles. Jo-
For the week beginning October
P. M.
G. Greenville; John Z. Brooks.
the air, and over every living thing
that moves upon the The
soul of the true teacher must be fill-
ed with the milk of human kindness.
There must be a love for ones fellow-
man. The reward of the teacher is in
the lives of those taught. One life
turned by you Into that path that en-
ables It to reach its most perfect
stage of development is worth more
than all the salary you will ever
Premium List And Rules Governing
Elsewhere In this paper is published
the revised premium list of the Pitt
county fair to be held In Greenville
on Thursday and Friday, November
2nd and 3rd, together with some In-
formation concerning exhibits. From
this list It will be seen that the North
As I look over the vast sea of Carolina Department of Agriculture
inanity about over this great will pay half of the general
state of ours, and as I realize the and also In premiums to the
prosperity and happiness of our women's department. In addition to
people depends upon the schools the Pitt County Fair
our teachers If you will offers some special premiums.
then as I turn to the teaching force I These premiums ought to Insure a
how inadequate tie large and creditable exhibit of the
ration offered or required, my heart products of the county. Read the
aches within me. But when I glance; Hat through and also see the large
little study to new and val-1 To you young women, who are here back and see where we stood five on Every-
liable ideas for your s ore. for the first time, let me say, you are years ago and where we stand today, body come lo the fair.
If he Iran behind the Counter Is , indeed welcome. The management of. my heart is made glad within me
IT , great near I A great re ch
. d like a literary societies. Young we are going to do many that they have no time to
of 1,200 among the best
people in Eastern North
Carolina and invite those
who wish to get better
acquainted with these
good people in a business
way to take a few inches
space and tell them what
you have to bring to their
attention. flOur
are low and can be
had upon application.
ma. It has a population
of and is surround-
ed by the best farming
country, of
all kinds are invited to
locate here for we have
everything to offer in the
way of labor capital and
tributary facilities. We
have an up-to-date job
and newspaper plant.
Agriculture Is the Most the Moat the Most Employment of
N. C, FRIDAY, Mil.
Some Facts Concerning the Los
Angeles Case.
Charged With Complicity
In Alleged of An-
Times Building Thai Wrecked
The House and Killed
The J. and
James B. members
of the International Association
of Bridge and Structural Iron
The in
the alleged dynamiting of the
Los Angeles Times building.
Oct. 1910. resulting in the
death of twenty-one men.
Chief Counsel for the
Attorney John D.
Chief Counsel for the Defense
Clarence Darrow, of Chicago.
Number of Witnesses to
Estimated Cost of the Trial
Our Boys for
The Session.
Pitt County club held its meet-
this yew Monday night the
Y. M. C. A. building, twelve of the
members being present. The meeting
was called to order by J. C. Lanier.
Jr., last year's president.
were then received for the office
of president for the coming year.
Mr. Bruce Hooker was nominated and
unanimously elected to this office,
after which he proceeded to preside
over the meeting and the election of
the other officers followed. Mr. Loyd
Horton was elected vice president, and
D C. Moore. Jr. secretary and treas-
The business of the club was
then transacted and immediately after
the adjournment the boys gave some
yells for Pitt county.
The Pitt County club is increasing
in numbers every year and It is now
one of the largest clubs represented
at the university. Through such an
organization as this the boys are
brought into closer touch with one
another and arc Inspired with the
grand old Pitt county spirit. The
club this year has a membership of
fourteen, the largest In Its history.
This speaks well for Pitt county, and
for county progress.
TO err it oft.
since the trial of the officials of the
Western Federation of Miners tor e
alleged assassination of
of Idaho, has a trial
this country excited the interest in
labor circles and among the public
generally as. is manifested the
case of the brothers, who
are about to be brought to the bar to
answer for alleged complicity in the
dynamiting outrage that resulted In
the destruction of the Los Angeles
Times building and the death of
men working there, on October
1910. The long and
waged by the Times against the labor
unions and their methods, the con
of E.
that an organized band of labor
leaders made a business of destroy-
the lives and property of
to the labor unions, and the
active and generous support given
by the American Federation of La-
and other labor organizations in
aid of the accused men, have fed the
popular Imagination and led the pub-
to believe that the trial will re-
In startling disclosures.
The specific charge upon which the
trial will proceed is covered by in-
number relating to
the death of J. Wesley Reeves, an em-
of the Times at the time the
building was destroyed. The
teen other indictments will be set
over pending the trial for the alleged
murder of Reeves, who was private
secretary to the general manager of
the Times.
The lines of battle planned by
Clarence J. Darrow, chief counsel of
the and District Attorney
John who will conduct
the prosecution, already have been
pretty clearly revealed. The prose-
will first seek to
that the Times building was de-
by an explosion of
Then will come the testimony of tel-
to establish the number of
corroborating evidence and the
confession of This will
be followed by the identification of
witnesses who will swear that they
knew J. B. as J. D. Bryce
in Los Angeles and in San Francisco
during September and October t
year. An endeavor will be made to
trace the accused almost to the Times
building, where the explosion occur-
Tobacco Sales
Things are moving along at high
speed and at high prices out on the
tobacco market. The warehouses are
having large sales again this week,
and the farmer who brings his to-
to the market goes
home more than satisfied with prices.
Further Advice to Those Preparing
Themselves to Teach.
I spent the morning hours last
week stating our problem. From
what I have said you see the State
has established this school and Is
maintaining It to help you. Yes. but
it is to help you to prepare yourselves
to do a definite work that its turn
will help the State through the train-
you give the children in our
schools. Your stay here is intended
a period of self-improvement along
all lines that will help you to become
the most efficient teachers possible.
What then, should be your attitude
toward the school Should It be self-
Should you assume that all we
do Is for your Individual advance-
your individual happiness,
your individual prosperity along all
Hues that tend to develop successful
teachers In other words, to use a
quotation, should you be a
all in Granting
the purpose of your stay here is a
selfish one. you cannot benefit it by
taking the highway of selfishness.
The street to efficiency in teaching
must be paved with deeds of help-
to Service for others
You are not experimenting on your-
self when you take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for a cold as that prep-
has won Its great reputation
and extensive sale by its remarkable
cures of colds, always be de-
pended upon. It is equally valuable
for adults and children and may be
given to young children with implicit
confidence as it contains no harmful
drug. Sold by all dealers.
red. The case against J. J.
will be centered upon correspondence
furnished by and books
found at office and the
clocks and wire found in Indianapolis.
In matter Detective William J.
Hums will be called as a witness.
The will attack the
that the building was destroyed
by dynamite, will assert that the ex-
was caused by gas and will
call experts. In attacking the
confession the will
call witnesses to establish an alibi
for the brothers. In every
instance where the are
identified by at a certain
time and place the is expected
to call witnesses to show that the
men were in other localities. Ex-
perts on handwriting will be called
to prove that letters alleged by
to have been written by J.
J. were not written by him,
but were written by some person who
attempted to simulate the writing of
the union leader.
Unless ail signs go astray the trial
will occupy weeks. The
alone will subpoena witnesses.
These will come from all parts of
the States, about of them
from San Francisco and vicinity. Dis-
Attorney Fredericks estimates
that the prosecution will summon a
similar number, bringing the total up
to The cost of service on these
witnesses and the expense of bring-
them to Los Angeles, probably
will make the trial the most
that the country has ever known.
Mr Darrow estimates the probable ex-
of the defense at
It is believed II will cost the prose-
not less than 1500.000.
to .
alone will develop you the
spirit of the true teacher. Lot the
motto of this school, sink
deep into your hearts and become
real factor In your lives. But you
may say. There is nothing I can do
work for myself. If your
school, when you begin to teach be-
comes a success you must love your
school. If your school, while you are
a student, becomes a success you
must love your school and work for
We need your help, your love and
your encouragement. Don't let any
occasion pass without saying a good
word for your school. I have
ed many letters
is so enthusiastic about the Training
School that I have decided to send
my daughter Miss is In-
in the school. Take an ac-
Interest in everything the school
undertakes for your good. Get up
enthusiasm for all kinds of school
activities. Come to me and talk
anything you and your school-mates
are interested in. Come to me with
It, for I am held responsible for the
entire policy of the school. You will
find that am always willing to
ten and if I do not agree with you,
I am willing to tell you my reasons.
I take It that you arc young women
with ideas that are worth consider-
do not believe in that war that
often exists between students and the
head of educational institutions. I
believe in a of the
student body as well as the co-opera-
officers and teachers. We have
no secrets in this school; our
are all open to you and the
sons for these policies are yours if
you want them. Co-operation win
us the greatest school for you
in the country.
The Great Exposition Shows With
Many Startling Attractions.
The Johnny J. Jones Exposition
Shows will exhibit here the week of
Oct. 16th, with a constellation of
new top notch sensations, features,
acts and novelties. All brand new
for the return engagement to our
city. Nothing better In the way of
high class and refined tented amuse-
will appear here this season.
Grand galaxy of the greatest train-
ed wild animals In the world today.
regarded everywhere as the acme of;,
success, honestly, reliability and re-
The exposition shows
are larger and better than ever be-
fore and need no introduction. The
feature attraction is the wild
a doubt the best
on tour today. In the out pouring
of breath arresting events none is
more Wonderful than the perform-
of a of
leopards, pumas. Jaguars, polar and
brown bears, introduced by the
youngest and most successful of all
animal trainers. Master Charles Hus-
ton. Zoologists of note have con-
tended for years that it was an
possibility to subdue these monsters
the Jungles, let alone instruct
them. The fallacy of such a con-
is readily apparent by the
presentation of a group of these Jun-
terrors, fearful in aspect, In
what is universally admitted to be
the most remarkable animal act in
the world today. No hasty choice of
words is adequate to accurately de-
scribe their performance. Truthful-
it may be said that they do every-
thing but talk. Without noticeable
suggestion from their trainer, these
huge beasts assemble In imposing
pyramids, the most thrilling and awe-
inspiring spectacle ever seen. The
shows are all new and needless to
say, clean, moral and Instructive.
The aggregation is composed of
high class attractions, two of the
most thrilling sensational free acts
In the country and two brass bands,
including the famous Royal Italian
Band, without doubt, the best mus-
organization In this country to-
The sensational free acts will be
given on the grounds dally at and
p. m. Royal Band concerts
every afternoon and evening on the
public square.
Saloon Trying to Slop
Shipment of Booze.
The Anti-Saloon League of Amer-
has Issued a call for a national
conference to meet in Washington in
December to be In session from the
12th through the 14th. for the
pose of taking stops to secure con-
legislation to regulate or
to prohibit interstate traffic in
The issued by the
league has been signed by a long list
of Influential men throughout Amer-
the signers being especially
from eight prohibition States
of the
It has been found in the
territory that the greatest ob-
to the enforcement of the State
prohibiting the sale of whiskey
been the looseness of the inter-
state traffic laws, which allow the
shipping of any of booze in-
to the dry territory and making the
State powerless to prevent this. The
name of Governor W. W. Kitchin
heads the list favoring the confer-
and among the other North Car-
signers are T. W. Bickett, at-
J. Y. Joyner, super-
of education, R. B. Glenn,
ex governor. V. P. Venerable, pres-
of the State University, L. L.
Hobbs. president of Guilford College.
Henry Louie Smith, president of
Davidson College, W. C. Newland.
lieutenant-governor. and Walter
Chief Justice of the Supreme
The leaders of the great temp.-.
movement believe that In this
move lies great power for good in
doing away with much of the evil of
the sale of whiskey In dry States and
local option sections where the
loons are not allowed to exist. The
league urges all temperance
ties and other organizations to send
representatives to the conference.
The Line lo Operate a
The Atlantic Coast Line will
the National Good Roads train
over its system, starting out from
Richmond. November 23rd.
This train will consist of two coach-
es, one of which will contain models,
operated by electricity, of road work-
machinery of various characters,
and forms of various kinds of good
roads. These will he displayed in an
attractive way, and open to the pub-
The other coach will be equipped
for lectures and views.
A private car will accompany the
train for the accommodation of the
Two government road engineers, and
a representative of the American as-
for highway Improvement.
will accompany the train, as will also
a representative of the Atlantic Coast
The train will make one to
two stops in each county in the states
of Virginia. North Carolina, South
Carolina. Georgia. Florida and Ala-
through Which the Atlantic
Coast Line runs. Free
and lectures will
be given each stop.
The object of this train, is to
highway improvements, and give
practical Instructions in the build-
and maintenance of improved
roads, with a view of reducing the
cost of farmers In the moving of their
crops to the railways
The public are Invited to
in every way. and to attend these
Notice of the itinerary of this train
be published in this paper
Portland Welcomes Taft.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. a
liberal display of flags and bunting,
Portland Is In readiness to extend
a suitable welcome to President Taft,
who arrives here early this evening
and will remain until after midnight,
when he will depart for the South.
The local has for Its chief
features an automobile parade through
the business section of the city, an
Informal dinner at the Portland Com-
club, and a public address
at the armory.
In As Well As In Prices Of
The Reflector has all along been
telling the public that Greenville had
the best tobacco market In the state.
If any further proof Is wanted It hi
given in the following item taken
from the report of the department of
Raleigh, Oct. to
gathered by the department of
agriculture and made public today,
pounds of leaf tobacco were
sold on the various markets in North
Carolina during the month of
Greenville heads the list with
over two million pounds, Kinston is
a close second and Wilson cornea
third, these three markets being In
a class with more than a million
pounds sold.
New Industries.
The Chattanooga Tradesman for the
week ending October 4th, reports the
following new Industries established
furniture com-
lumber company.
handle factory.
lumber company.
lee plant.
Rocky Mount publishing
Statesville- Construction company.
Overheard in Venice.
It romantic. John, said
she. as they sat in the little Venetian
garden, sit here and listen to these
Italian troubadours singing their
lads bathed In the
replied John with a
deep drawn sigh. sometimes
wish they'd bathe In something be-
sides moonlight, don't you. It might
be less romantic, but It would be a
darn sight more
Circus Haste.
The most entertaining feature in
an otherwise perfect and most praise-
worthy circus program is the con-
excellent melody throughout
the entire performance by the big
John Robinson shows band of thirty
soloists, each and every exhibition,
I while the is being seated,
this coterie of instrumental-
will be heard In a concert pro-
gram of half an hour's duration that
cannot be surpassed for exquisite and
harmonious melody. This musical
feature is quite in keeping with the
strong circus acts that follow.
The big shows come here Thursday,
Don't Hide Light and Blame
Is For Not It.
As easy as it is. and as many times
as people have been asked to do so,
it seems that they just will not tell
the newspaper man when they are
going away or when they have visit-
ors. Yet the newspaper man Is
ed for not getting these things in the
paper and does not know about them.
The Reflector loves to talk about its
town folks, to print news items about
them, but it is impossible to find out
all unless some are told us. This is
not said Just to up space. We would
like to print the news about you or
that you are interested If you will
help us get in touch with It. Just
pick up your telephone or send us
word, and Bee if you do not think It
makes the paper more Interesting.
This Is as much your newspaper as
One of the hardest problems the
summer girl has to solve Is whether
she get another wear out
of a
Pear Tree Blooms Twice.
On the place of J. Jr . near
Cox Mill, is a small pear tree that
has budded, leaved and blossomed
twice this year. The spring crop of
leave and blossoms came along in
due season and off some
weeks ago. Now the tree Is again
I full of new leaves and blossoms.
Now la Possession Court
On Tuesday afternoon the contract-
ors formally turned over to the board
of county commissioners building
committee the new court house and
new Jail the buildings being
completed and ready for reg-
The county officers are moving into
their quarters in the court
and will soon have their of-
fices arranged.
The November term of court will
be held In the new court house with
Judge Hurry W. Whedbee presiding
over the court held In It.
A woman has done a big shop-
ping when she his spent a tenth as
much on as on her car fare and

its First Was October 5th
Addressed Ms-
Home is What
Mother, Children and Teacher-
Make It.
It was Jut two MaiL
October 5th. since the doors of this
Institution v ere opened for the re-
Ion of students. of
I em not to roe the
that cornea to me this morning
on seeing so many of you here pres-
Two years ago today, this school
opened, and it an anxious
as well as with many
others, because we did not know then
just how- strong a hold this school
or would take upon the
people -North Carolina, and
what would be character and ex-
of the patronage given to it. Its
mo work for exceed the most
expectation of those who were
. in its organization, and
your presence here today is further
I this school is here and
That i has a place to
it in to perform
and it going to perform It. I shall
k to long, young women,
. i beg th it you will give
, and Junior Suits and
Coat Suits
Our new fall styles of suits and coats are now here, exclusive and classy. Severely
plain tailored, and also fancy trimmed, in all the newest fabrics, plain serges, fancy
mannish effects, and fancy mixtures, in all the prevailing shades. All lined with
guaranteed satin, and finished with dress shields.
tin school believed that there was . your very closest attention and
and a school of character our memories the words
Ii working I .; to your this morning.
it establishment, but this I inherent, self-
tested when the school did open, virtue,
therefore they bad some I father, and
to What would be the results. If I children and teachers
they had such care it all vanished, N happiness of
use it has been clearly demon- largely upon
that the demand for a I that houses the Inmates
lot school for teacher was There may be envy,
than the most earnest jealousy, bate, and even hell In a
of the measure conceived. This f ere bi peace and
bas been shown by the attendance and in a cabin. Nor, is
i i that the school has self-propagating, self-
of the people generally, and in a but the
the faculty, the
The first two years show an enroll- make if. Nor
mi of one thousand and ten. and ; tits upon
the beginning of the present term is the building. There
larger by fifteen or twenty per cent n i bi d school In the
than last The personnel of I and there may
student body is also unusually fine II of usefulness
i the spirit the very best. This
for teacher training and I i . Is purpose
tie people are this, as Is of you, if not of yon,
shown by the fact that last year ti h teachers Therefore, II Is
per cent of the you . chosen purpose,
paid tuition. This year only two per in lift home builders and
e are paying tuition; the other and pray till me
ninety-eight per cent are preparing wide of vocations
to c mi Id be u ion pi r-
t commencement last May. i full usefulness than that
young ladies received diplomas and a school build-
as having completed the professional these homes and of
course. At the close of the summer are to come the men
term on the 29th of July, four other and shall dominate the
young ladles received diplomas. world of these homes and these
means that hero work accomplished schools are to co. the men and
is what counts in securing diplomas, men are to lift up the world
and not time of residence. The sum- i lint II nearer to the Throne
mer term of the school stands for God, of these homes and
the same earnest work the reg- .- i and women
term does and counts as much with add to that the
for the student if the work hi sue- I joy the id and
i fully done. to and tin
i . courses offered to those I to I and you arc
teach are so arranged i take i ling the char-
students may enter at the beginning then men and women who
of any quarter and do successful the world, and l
v r no
I i well . that
These both suits and coats, are made by expert tailors have acquired
a reputation for skill. The styles are absolutely correct and up-to-date. For these
made garments we quote the following low
An inspection Is solicited whilst sizes and are complete. We would advise
you not to purchase your fall garments until you have visited our store, and have been
convinced that our styles are the latest and our prices the lowest.
As today marks the third aim
of the opening of school, the i and on. It will
student body was assembled . . . ions long after you
a. m. in the beautiful auditorium
the school and that Old , dirt for the
Governor Jarvis, whose efforts have ,,. buildings was
done so much for the Institution and turned II day of July,
whose heart is so wrapped up in .,,. and by the day of October,
detail of any kind which has for 1909, all these buildings had been
its purpose the success of the school. , . , furnished and .
spoke to the student body. President p, and ready for admission
Wright said In part In presenting Gov. Btu I m sure us you walk around
I the buildings and grounds and look
In my talks to you this week I have I them you be struck with
tried to make it clear that our ed- their real architectural beauty and
problem today is how to their completeness construction.
secure efficient teachers for the Yet, the time will come when these
schools of our stale. Our people have
realized this and as a result of this
recognition the state has establish-
ed this school for the sole purpose of
buildings shall hi no more, and
ready the process of disintegration
has set in, and you may walk around
here and See evidences of the begin-
young men and women of this disintegration, and bye
the profession of teaching. Two men
who have been prominent in bringing
this about, live in the town of Green-
ville. One of these has been
dent of the Eastern Division of
Superintendents since its
He has fully realized the
for well trained teachers for
he has given the better part of his
life to the work of teaching. That
person is a member of our faculty.
I refer to Mr. W. H. super-
of schools for Pitt county.
There is in Eastern North Carolina
a man who has not only a state wide
reputation, but he has a national rep-
He has held the very best
positions of honor that the state of
North Carolina could confer upon
him. More than that, he has held
if important under our Fed-
government. This man realized
that the best thing for the people he
loves best is good schools, and that
to secure these It is necessary for
the state to make provision for train-
her teachers, so he threw all of
his soul and influence into the work
and was largely Instrumental In
this school established. He has.
the foundation of this school,
been a member of the board of
tees, and chairman of the executive
committee of this board. The person
to whom I refer needs no
to the students of this school
It is, therefore, with pleasure that I
present to you Governor Jarvis.
As the governor arose to speak the
and bye time shall come a time when
these buildings shall be no more, but
the work you are to do in building
homes and schools and character is
to live on, and on, and on, and on for
ever. So. I charge you that you have
chosen for yourselves the noblest
work of life and as you perform that
work, so will he the home and the
school and society in which you
Now, this to you is the period of
preparation, and is what this
school is established Tor. and that's
why you are hereto prepare for
this great work that lies before you.
Are you going to idle away your time
while you are here Is that what
you came for As much as I would
regret to see any young lady leave
this school I stand here and solemnly
declare f there is a young lady In
this who came here to spend
SO many months and Idle away your
time, the very best thing you can
do is to go to see President Wright
and tell him that you are not going
to work, tattle up your account, pack
your trunk and go home. Now, I
you solemnly, that is the best
thing you could do, but if you are
here to yourselves for this
great work that stands out before you
and which you have chosen. I declare
you there is no place in North Car-
that you could go where you
can have opportunities for that
P than right here. You are
at the place.
I beg . ., , .-,, hour
. hard work, In this prepare
i. . have an able
have a willing faculty you have a
sympathetic faculty, you have a
that loves their work and loves
you. They love the slate and they
hue and they love humanity.
and they want to equip you for this
work, and If you are not equipped, it
is your own fault. He women. Have
sonic individuality about you. Learn
the books, learn what is in the books,
but more than that, learn to have
some opinion of your own about these
books, and then how to teach
what is in the books, and if you go
away from here with Individual-
if you go away from here well
grounded in what these books teach,
then you go out into the communities
in which you are to labor, you will
labor efficiently and every
that is fortunate enough to
cure your services will be well help-
and placed In their onward march
in this life. And. in conclusion, I
beg of you again to use every hour
and every day and every week and
every month while you are here in
fully preparing and equipping your-
selves to do well the work that you
have chosen In your mission In life.
In the hearts of the students, even and every and every week and
though probably a number of them every month while you are here in
Old familiar Men of The
and Peddler.
did I think when wrote that
on how few of us think on what
head, would get into a dis-
with a man on whom great
ministers of our state have confer-
red the degree D, U. Hut when I
write I endeavor to think, and though
but a clod-hopper, when forced on the
defensive; I know that I shall stand
until I fall, though one with D. D.
S. should array himself against
I want to say just here that I love
the II, B, Church, South, and when
hut a I solemnly promised to de-
and to abide by her doctrines,
to help to support her
all of which I have tried to
and to perform with a fixed and
steady purpose since the day that I
took the vows. love her true min-
with all my heart, no man
has a higher regard for the ministry
than have, unless his capacity is
greater is mine and there is
none of her ministers I have a
greater respect for and more implicit
confidence In their Christian char-
great zeal in the Master's
cause than I have for the A. U.
love him almost as
a father. In his great zeal and
emotional make up he has displayed
the Game weak point that I said in
article so many of us showed. He
did not stop to on
had read. He begins by calling me
your witty
the first time I ever was accused of
an attempt at wit, be very
serious when he writes on some sub-
I must say that I was never
more serious than when I wrote the
article to which he refers, because
I wanted to teach a sad truth, and
that truth is too fen of us mortals
think on what we read. at
Well, there is a record in the
that one was saved at last,
and that was the thief on the cross,
and I think he has but few stars in
crown. He says there is no bet-
prayer that and himself
can offer than God for
Christ's sake will save us at
or he adds us at Quite
a difference in receiving and saving
So think that still a better prayer
for Brother Betts and for
would God. for Christ's sake
keep me saved and steadfast in Thine
own cause, and I hen at last Thou
will give me a place thy right
I meant no thrust at Hie preachers,
but they of all men should think, and
I only to show that even
Trenton, In Jones county. This
highway leads through a dense
without a house on side
for a space of seven miles. A lonely
and road was. Hut one
blight and lovely day. a thoroughly
consecrated and very zealous preach-
chanced to pass way. riding
in a buggy, or spring wagon, and
at the thickest and
late place in that road the earnest
her overtook ii bag peddler. The
peddler, In his broken language, ask-
ed the kind preacher to let him ride.
The man of God readily consented
So he deposited his pack In the hind
part of the vehicle and got up. The
preacher was In earnest about the
peddler's salvation. So had only
gone a few yards when the kind
preacher laid his arms around the
peddlers neck, as only this preacher
can do, looked him earnestly in the
eyes, and said to man.
are you prepared to die ac-
In this manner in such a
place he took the preacher to be a
robber Instead of what he really was,
a true and faithful man of So
he jumped out. ran and left his pack
with the preacher. The preacher did
not think how that would sound to
u stranger In such a place as that.
Now. If Brother Betts can't Just re-
call who that preacher was. If he
will turn to his Bible and read the
old prophet Nathan's reply to the,
young man, David, when Nathan told
David about taking that poor man's
lamb, he will find answer as to
who that was.
What I have written. I believe Is so,
Only in defense of yours, U-Know.
Not So In Washington,
An example of the difficulty In
getting business men of Green-
ville interested in matters pertain-
to the welfare of the town was
shown Tuesday night. A of
Chamber of Commerce was called
to consider an Important matter and
there were exactly men In at-
they did not always think and now Reflector.
I tits one other case to Illustrate my
point and I am through.
Shoal ii ago slate
convicts built a highway leading from
what is now known as Cove City and
Just move over here, neighbor.
The husbands all go to the Chamber
It is the most and
discouraging of all troubles.
Nine cases out of ten can be
cured by Noah's Liniment.
Where there is no swelling
or fever a few applications will
relieve you. It
does not evaporate like other
Is the beat remedy for
Sciatica, Lam Back,
Joints and Sore Throat, Colds,
Strains, Sprains, Cuts,
Colic, Cramps,
Neuralgia Toothache,
and nil Nerve, Bone
and Muscle Aches and
The genuine has
Noah's Ark on every
and looks like
this cut, but has RED
band on front of pack-
ago and
always In RED
Ink. Beware of
Large bottle,
cents, and sold by all
dealers In
Guaranteed or money
refunded by Noah
Remedy Co., Inc.,
Richmond, Va.
are organizing
Aged Citizen
John a minister of the
Primitive Baptist church, died Wed-
at his home in
s hi p.
He was about years
Two Shows
town surrounding
try has been billed for Johny
Commerce me to be here UM
go to the Woman's Civic Betterment 16th. and John
meetings and the which Is coming on the 19th.
President Taft Cut No Ice on His
Western Trip
Ike Country u
Shuns i That
Illy Clyde H.
dent hub been In the West. The
have listened to his defense. And
they still believe lie did wrong in
honest efforts of both
branches of congress to reduce the
awful COSt Of living in the United
Such is the tenor of the news that
have come over the wires from the
special correspondents who either ac-
companied or trailed Mr. Taft on his
Arthur Helming, Washington
respondent of the Chicago Tribune,
interviewed hundreds of westerners
found that the people generally
liked Mr. Taft personally, but
disapproved his record as
Angus the celebrated
Washington correspondent of the Phil-
North American, Re-
wired from Topeka,
as Taft did not
make a dent in the surface of strong
progressive sentiment in the state of
Kansas during Ii is visit
It developed, too, that a great many
men, in all walks of life, candidly
admitted that next year they proposed
vote for a Democrat for president,
notwithstanding they always before
bad voted for a Republican. A great
many of these referred to the
record the Democrats made in
congress last session, and frankly ad-
that since the Democrats bad
deed Distributing
I'm i Laud.
Traveling through the Piedmont
section it is not unusual to see large
Macks two or years old rotting
to the ground. As the farmers do not
need it for bedding for their live Block
and find it very poor roughage, they
content to let It lie in the field or
around the barn lot as worthless
good for nothing but to be
burned or rot where It lies.
A ten acre Held of wheat that yields
bushels will produce tons of
straw and chaff. This straw has
about pounds of nitrogen, 4.4 lbs.
phosphate, and 12.8 pounds of pot-
ash per ton. These amounts were
necessarily taken out of the soil and
should be returned together with the
large amount of organic matter
contained In a ton of straw.
Should the straw from this Hire
Sold be put back into the land the soil
would receive an application of
pounds of nitrogen. pounds of
and pounds of potash. This
Is as much nitrogen as can be gotten
from three tons of an 8-2-2 fertilizer
or tons of fresh cow manure. The
potash made available in the amount
of straw is equal to that in tons
of an 8-2-2 fertilizer or in tons
of fresh cow manure.
Wheat straw, old hay, dead weeds
cut when cleaning fence rows, ditch
banks, etc, should he spread evenly-
over the poor places in the field
the fall and allowed to weather
and rot during the winter. In the
spring this rough material may be
easily cut to pieces with a disc
and plowed under.
Last, year u good farmer in David-
son county spread a lot of rug weeds,
coarse grasses, etc., cut from around
his tobacco barns and cow stables,
over a very poor land in the fall on
which lie had sown rye. He did this
to get out of the way and
with no i of its possible fer-
value. I saw the rye in
spring Just before it was cut, and the
result was astonishing. The crop was
as thick on the ground as it could
stand, well tilled, mid about feet
high. Just ii few steps away where
no mulch of any kind was used the
rye made but an Indifferent growth
and was thin on hind. Another
in Randolph county last year
thoughtlessly spread tome straw,
weeds, coarse, dirty grass over
a spot In his wheat Held, and in
TO stay
a board thinks If ,,, .,,, . .,,,
. ii is a son of a Joke, Chairman to And ins crop looking
Hon a Citizen Found Com-
If you from
urinary disorders
From any disease of the
He cured and stay cured.
Kidney Pills make lasting
people testify.
Here's one case of
Hardison, Fifth street
N. C, says. had trouble
from my kidneys and the kidney
passed too frequently at
night. In the morning when I got
up. there was lameness across my
loins and I also Buffered from back-
ache. Kidney pills were pro-
cured from John L. Wooten Drug
Co., relieved all these
kidney complaint and restored my
kidneys to a normal condition. At
the present time I am free from back-
and I have no hesitation in
Kidney Pills the credit for
bringing about this
given January
o More Trouble.
On December 1910, Hardison
take pleasure in confirming
my former statement In praise of
Kidney Pills. This remedy
made a permanent cure in my case
and during the past two and a half
years have had no need of a kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price
Cents. Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the
take no other.
K. L. Smith Co. z
and door Flail
Buggy .; new
occupied by i
S. J.
in Building
L. I. W. a i i
How To Get More Out Of
Your Hay Crop
limited to of Ike
ye. Ear. and
Washington, N. U s. c-
office with Dr. D. L. James
s. m. to p. m.
land. Instances may
shown real ability to govern, and
govern well, it was no more than their
due should be given greater
That Tariff Board is a Pencil.
Is It fair to judge President Tail's
tariff board by what the chairman of
., . . . j,,. v,. Kin-prised to mill his crop
Emery, or the tariff board, iii though ha had spread tons of
inK a banquet the American As- j manure over
of Woolen and Worsted. , multiplied
Manufacturers at Mew city, , ,,.,. ,,,,
hay, old straw, flooded grass, mixed
-There are certain things are ,,,.,, ., ,.
vary difficult to get, and one thing, in . ,.,.,.,. ,, w,.
that according to the platform of ,,,
Republican party-and incidentally ,,,. , ,,.,, w M
dues not mean anything to me. Jug, .,. ,.,., , grow
except that I have been given the Job . ,,,. g ,. , ,
according to that to try ,,, of taM
meet the of production. I thank; ,,, .,, ,. ,,,.
you all, you did not
Eiffel Issued During The
Register of Deeds Moore issued
marriage licenses to the following
couples during last
Herbert and Au-
J. and Hodges.
H. H. Proctor, Jr. and Alice
H. G. Lilly and Bertha May
Evans and White.
Jack and Jennie Clark.
Henry Newton and Jennie Phillips.
Alfred Mayo and
plow under prior to seeding the
i frankly say, ,.,,, , ,, ,,.,,.,
right this Idea of settling ,,,,, f u m.
When a chap along and
a broom or a driver, it
la a good, sale guess ha won't
bring them back. He will lay them
down somewhere else and forget
Lams back is the most com-
forms of muscular
A few applications of Chamberlain's
will give relief, For sale
by all dealers.
to The Reflector,
things on cost alone is all
Von must not think I am joking about
this thing, but there Is a Joke about
it. and joke is have no
powers w The tariff board
has no powers. There Is really no
such a thing as a tariff board. The
law that for certain purposes the
president may employ such persons
as lie sees lit. I am one such per-
sons. That Is and
And was because of this board,
even the chairman of which treats
as a joke, President Taft vetoed
efforts of both brunches of con-
to reduce the cost of living.
The I Stales Is not the only
nation suffering from excessive pro-
The rigid protective policy
of Germany, though not nearly so
tic as that of the United States, has
so increased the cost of living as to
compel the moat severe economics on
the part of the wage earners. The
families of the masses cannot afford
the luxury of meat. Horses, and ,
dogs, killed in large numbers for
consumption as a food.
Wages are not Increasing in Ger-
many, nor are labor conditions being
Improved. In the last five years
returns show that, making due
allowance for Increase in population,
that employment of females in Indus-
trial occupations where male labor
Is to extent supplemented, has
Increased over per cent.
hen mi
The only prominent Republican
progressive who persists In declaring
that Taft ought to succeed himself as
president Is Senator of Iowa.
This senator, it will be recalled, was
one of the famous family of Republican
OUt and led to live stock if land Is
not in need of fertility.
J. I.
-North Carolina Department of
To On Account Slate
From Trip.
Elisabeth City .
Hertford . 5.90
. 5.55
. 5.30
Columbia . 5.85
Plymouth . 4.85
. 4.85
Washington . 3.95
Oriental . 4.75
Beaufort .
Morehead City . 5.05
Newport . 4.75
New Bern .
Dover . 3.25
. 3.00
La Grange . 2.65
Greenville . 3.35
. 2.95
Wilson . 2.20
Tickets sold October 14th, to 21st
inclusive, limited to October 23rd.
Ample and convenient schedules
Via Norfolk Southern
Get information from near-
est ticket agent.
Q. P. A., X. S. R, R
Norfolk, Va.
A stock of fancy groceries, one
nice up-to-date Counter,
good stand mid good trade
established. Want to sell at
once. Will sell for part cash,
balance easy terms.
tor selling, other business to
look after.
N. C.
A who was con-
lined In the prison at in
Beaufort county, set lo the build-
Central Barber Shop
Kl I
. Proprietor
Four In operation each
one presided over by a skilled
barber m at their
I everything clean
j and attractive, the very I
best to e t
J it- J HOTS,
There Is more Catarrh In or
the country other discuses put
together, until the last few
was supposed to be Incurable. a great
many years It a local
lug a nights ago in an effort to disease local remedies, an I
., . ,,. , . . constantly falling to cure local
trust busters, and as such men drew escape. prison was destroyed, treatment, pronounced It Incurable,
own one of the famous fees which land West was burned to death.
Mr. disbursed with
Office In building. Third Kt.
wherever Die are
V Carolina
N, C. Greenville,
Greenville, N. C
Practice In all the Courts.
Office In Wooten on Third
WHETHER you feed or sell your hay, it should be baled.
Baled bay takes up much lest, room and nets a better
price than loose hay. It is always ready for any mark-
Si top price, while loose hay must be sold mar home, at what-
ever you can get.
fears many points of strength, simplicity, convenience found
no other presses. are equipped with a compound lever
and a toggle joint plunger, which gives them great compress-
poker. A pound pull on the sweep of a I H C
gives pounds pressure in the bale chamber.
The bed reach Is only Inches high and very narrow. The
bale r is very to reach over to tie the bale.
If you examine an I C H hay press you will appreciate its
as a money saver and money maker.
For I H hay presses, clover manure spreaders, weber
and all other farm machinery and hardware, call on
N. C.
C. M.
civil Engineer
Civil Engineers and
X. Carolina,
Established 1875
dealer. paid for
Hides, Fit, Cotton Oil Bar
Turkeys, I- Oil
etc. Suit. Baby Car.
Tables, Lounges, F. Lori-
and Gail Ax Snuff. Life
tobacco, Key Cheroots, Hen-
George Cigars, Canned Cherries.
Applet, Syrup, Jelly,
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currants,
Class and Wooden,
ware, and Crackers,
best Butter, New
Royal Sewing and
numerous other goods. Quality and
quantity cheap rash. Coma to
Phone Number
-S. M. Schultz-
Condensed Statement of
The National Bank
At Close of Business September 1911.
Loans and
Overdrafts .
. 21.000.00
Stocks and bonds .
Ex. for Clearing house . 3,639.84
Cash due from banks .
per cant fund . 1.060.00
. 10,000.00
. 1.810.55
. 21.000.00
Herd account . 21.000.00
Dividends unpaid . ,
Cashier's checks .
Bulbs, Cut Flowers
and Plants
our imputation French and
land built, now arriving,
cu best re.
Vi e are leader, in choice cut
Dowers weeding, ard all
lire decorative
pot plants. Hedge
plant., Shrubberies, Evergreens
and Shade tree.
Price list on Mail, phone
and telegraph older, promptly executed
L. Company
Phone. N. C.
a lavish It that the
that was on the
Taft has anything to do
ions hurt be-
treatment. Hull's Catarrh
Cure, F. J. As
Co. Toledo. Ohio. Is tho only
cure on the market. It is taken In-
In doses from to a
spoonful. It acts on the blood
; and mucous surfaces of the system. They
proceed Is Its
The Sun Is now the organ of
J. Morgan, et and
is entirely possible Its walling I otter one ease
. . . . I falls to cure. Bend for circulars and ti
means nothing more than that
and his gang hate to be distrusted r. co., Toledo, o.
w York Sun In their pillage of the people.
Hold by
Take Hall's Family Plus for
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of N. Y.
In Force
Man. . 1,464,024.396
Income 83.981.241.98
raid to Polio to
date 66.76
H. Bentley Harris
New Plumbing Firm
Wests to do all kinds Hot Water
Cur Ml. Hick. l. , class d P., ,,,
up the in raw County
are prepared also lo estimate the cost of and
in country turn houses.
Repairing Promptly Attended To.
We here lo serve if you want good first class fixture, installed
e will not put in any other. We a of your patronage.
Phone No.
I You can expect good sales when you sell
with C R Townsend at the Plant-
Warehouse, Farmville, N. C.
The Reflector Co. Prints It Neater

Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
Advertising Rate on
comma with
WINTERVILLE, X. C, Oct. A. W. Ange Co. they have them nice
J S. Rosa, of Ayden, spent cheap.
day in our town looking after some Harrington, Barber Co. have re-
insurance, eel d large shipment cf pants and
The grocery department of endeavor to save you
ton. Barber store is complete, money on all your purchases.
Hue cf groceries, heavy and bells will soon begin to
and will sell you as low as anyone i times,
for first quality goods. I See Harrington, Barber Cu. for
Miss Dorothy Johnson spent They have a
and Thursday visiting friends j stock, for ladles, gents and is is the very practical one
A nice lot of calico and Herbert Cox spent Sunday at
gingham Just arrived at A. W. bis borne near Misses
night at the Christian church
aunt her good-sized crowd assembled
to hoar Mr. and
the worship of the hour. The in-
Of the occasion was
i.;, as i of Mr. R. v. Hope,
minister the Christian church at
X. He conducted the
devotional services. Miss
sang a beautiful solo which ad-
materially n he edifying strength
Of the service. evangelist's sub-
Mr. J. L. Jackson, of Greenville,
was in town Wednesday.
Where is the money you have been
earning for several years back You
spent it and the other fellow put it
iii She bank. Why let the other
low save what you Start a
bank account if you have but
to begin with. Bank of Winter-
They carry a full and well selected
Plain and fancy crockery, plain and
fancy glassware at Harrington, Bar-
Messrs. Charlie and Tuck-
were in town Wednesday.
See A. W. Ange nice line of
cloaks before you buy.
Several of our young people at-
tended church at Salem Sunday night.
Harrington. Barber Co. can sup-
ply you with your baling wire and at
the lowest prices.
Mr. W. B. Mathews. of Scotland
Neck, came down Wednesday night
Dorothy Johnson and Grace Cox ac-
companied him.
Rev. C. F. Smith, of Elizabeth City.
In Monday morning and is hold-
a series of services at the
pal church. He is delivering some
good sermons.
Mr. C. T. Cox and Miss Esther
Johnson visited Ayden Sunday even-
waste each tear.
And Criminal, for
I he Hulk l it
To the Citizens of North
After a consultation with and the
approval of our governor. I. as In-
commissioner of this state,
and has opened up a barber shop and October th as
will be glad to have all give him a pay in Carolina.
call- The Are waste in this country is
There is plenty of complaint each
the high cost of living, but one s and criminal,
they sell
at the Union Mercantile
will convince you that
cheaper than the other fellow.
Prof. W. H, of Green-
ville, was in our town Thursday.
Mr. Josephus Cox left Friday to at-
tend an association at South Creel;.
The Union Mercantile Co. have Just
received a new line of pants. Come
to see them before buying. also
take orders for suits and
price and lit.
Miss Johnson, of Ayden,
spent yesterday with Miss iV.
Don't forget the services
Episcopal beginning Monday
night, October 9th, and run
for the bulk of it is preventable. At
the Convention of Fire Marshals I
of America and the National
. U i Tin- text was Mk.
The typical oriental scene of the
man borne of on the
pallet, for whom an opening has to
be made In the roof that he might
be gotten to Christ and healed, the
crowd so large and unyielding
and about the house, that
they must take this unusual measure
to reach Christ, was described well
by the preacher. He said that one
of the greatest things about the in-
was the celling forth of
Christ's sympathy. Pain and
row are universal, and Christ
universal sympathy toward it
all. After these preliminary remarks
Mr. said that this miracle
plainly teaches us the power of co-
operation. Each one of the four that
bore the palsied man had his corner
to carry. There must of necessity
miserable failures in the home and
in the church if there is not the right
co-operation. Each member of the
family must realize and meet his or
her obligations, and emphatically the
same in the church. A pastor may
have all the virtues of John, Peter,
and Paul rolled into one, but without
the adequate co-operation of sup-
porters, he will inevitably fall. And
this co-operation must be in Christ,
for He said and I will make
you Ushers of and He said to
His when they
all night without results.
of Insurance
Fire Prevention Day is being d
and observed In a large number of
I states by proclamations of govern-
ors and otherwise, and October 9th
la designated, the day of the great
C Are. The loss by lire in
j North Carolina is practically
over three
doll . per hour, end more than
i i y Insurance, it
practically in
Commissioners, and when they did so
Pitt County Fair
Pitt Co. Fair Association
k s
N. C.
Nov. 2nd
a Pitt County Exhibit of
State Department of Agriculture offers in
Premiums for Women's Department, as well as
Liberal Premiums in other Departments.
Exhibit entrances and Premiums Open only to Citizens of Pitt County.
No charge for entering Free to Everybody.
old Pitt County Cornet Band will be specially to furnish
should music at this fair.
his corner, God
in faith, easting their nets, they were,
amazed at their success,
envy no man of
concerned in carrying our own corner IX THE STAB WAREHOUSE. Till AMI FRIDAY, AMIS,
well. The speaker cited an Instance J WHITE A LIST.
a riot in when a few
held , check Q. WHICHARD, J- L. WOOTEN,
they wire better armed, or more
courageous, but because were
disciplined and orderly under an
And all workers in
i i this .-. a could be d
care. caPtain
their co-operation must travel i
same direction lo a common good.
mat i
Friday, October 13th, by Rev, Claudius .
, North Ca should Join heartily
this day in a
r v often is tin
Governor David P. Francis, of
contrary seen n
and one another
should be can led
bravely and IS CHICAGO
notable speakers to be heard during President Venable made a short ad-
three sessions are Secretary of dress In which he told of the
mer in caused the students
you with a buggy, wagon,
wagon body, curt, cart bodies,
addle, buggy harness, buggy robe,
don't fail to come down to see us, or
let your wants be known by writing
or phoning to the A. G. Cox
Company, Winterville, X.
. tin rubbish and de-
to rum a fire Is i i d,
their chimneys,
are three cl
I of church shirk-
Rues, i , ; s. and
that the; an i for the winter Br s.
There are .;
ii the Churches of Caro-
l Una. and there are shirkers who are
willing that others do their
States Represented by Got
and Other Prominent Wen.
to renew its fight for a
Governor Judson Harmon,
Ohio Congressman of Al-
former Governor Joseph
Folk, of Missouri. Congressman Jo-
Cannon. Of Illinois, and O. P.
chief of the Bureau of
cf the Department of Commerce
their own accord to establish a
system of self-government; of the
slow growth and development of the
earn the mayors of work Md
inland waterway system Lake Labor.
towns and the chiefs of
singing, and even
t in and their men.
i times.
the paying some-
also the
Mr. W. B. Mathews. of Scotland. d,,. ROod will work just all right for
to spend one day at least in a and
and dangers, and having every man- Pt work
ace and condition which will bring conclusion It was
about a fire promptly remedied declared that the secret of
Fires arc not only destructive to
property but a menace to the
lives our people. Fires have
ed the death of seventeen persons
during the present year In North
Carolina, to say nothing of the loss
in property.
Let our school and
Neck, has opened a barber shop
the post office and will for one week
shave every one cents each. Give
him a trial.
In regard to buggy harness the A.
O. Cox Manufacturing Company has
the latest style that has been gotten
out. It is a dandy. Come down and
examine it.
Don't forget that Mr. W. B. Mathews
will shave you cents next
week, October 9th.
Mrs. J. L. Rollins returned Saturday
evening after spending sonic time
with her parents near Kinston.
Harrington, Barber Company
have a nice, well selected stock of
teachers examine our school build-
as to safety from fires and ways
escape in case of Let
boards and of state
hospitals, and orphan
Tonight o'clock Mr.
Will preach another of his best
mons on is in Thy
Everyone Is invited to come out and
enjoy this interesting meeting. Solo
each service.
clothing on hand, and will sell them I home, and other like Institutions, as
cheap. Come and get a suit as owners of our hotels, facto-
they are all gone and save money. and carefully inspect
Mrs. J. R. Smith and daughter. buildings under their charge, and
May, of Ayden. spent Saturday in
our town.
A new lot of pants just In at A.
W. Ange
Mr. M. B. Bryan, of Kinston,
Sunday in town with Mr. and our state building law
inspections are required In the
that all conditions likely to start
Arcs are removed and that proper
escape are provided in case of fires
for the inmates entrusted to their
First Meeting Will be Held Saturday,
The first meeting of the
Association will be held next
day, October
Not many of the schools are In
therefore. I want to specially
request who are now teaching
to be present. The teachers whose
school have not yet begun are earnest-
requested to be present in order
that may have an enthusiastic
meeting to begin with. Come
pared to express your choice between
Michigan through the Mississippi
river to the Gulf of Mexico, the Lakes-
Deep Waterway
will begin its sixth annual con-
In Chicago tomorrow with what
i promises to be a record-breaking at-
Secretary Thomas H. Love-
of the association Is in receipt
of advices Indicating that nearly
delegates and visitors will attend
the gathering. Every state In the
Mississippi Valley and most of the
middle western states, it Is
will be represented by large
including governors and
other state officials and committees
the legislature, aside
from the representatives of numerous
commercial and industrial
which have committed thorn-
selves In favor of the great waterway
. reject.
Western and northwestern states
touching navigable tributaries of the
Mississippi also will be well
The gulf states and the south-
west, Including Texas and Oklahoma,
lave shown a marked increase of In-
in the project. Among the
governors who have promised to at-
t-nil the congress are John Burke,
cf North Dakota, Charles S. Osborn.
cf Michigan, Chester H. of
In our
inspections the two adopted and the Nebraska, Joseph H. Carey, of
We have provided every known lire district and
safe-guard for the protection of our all buildings In our cities and j two adopted spellers. It has not been B. F. Noel, of Mississippi. Au-
depositors. The best of everything and I especially urge all chiefs heretofore me to E. Wilson, of Kentucky, C. L.
Is what offer them. We lire departments and building teachers to take an Interest of South Carolina, B, F. Car-
your business. Bank of charged with this duty, association and I trust it will of Iowa, Emmett of Ala-
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. and as all officials, property own- be necessary this year. Meeting J. Y. Sanders, of Louisiana,
P. A. Jr. of Stantonsburg. came In an, mid Insurance agents especially be held in the graded school Herbert S. of Missouri, and
Saturday night to visit Mr. and Mrs. interested in the prevention of fires, and will be called to order S. Deneen. of Illinois. A
The most Important work of the
meeting will binge on resolutions
committee appointments, and it is
proposed to organize an executive
committee which cannot fail to
the attention of congress in the
matter of deep waterways. The lakes
to-the-gulf project is the largest and
most important scheme for an inland
waterway that has ever been proposed
in this country and would benefit
more than one-third of the
states of the union. An Initial min-
of feet depth is advocated
for the Mississippi river and its
with an desire for
I dual depth of feet. The
wishes to furnish the central part
of the United States with a waterway
which will enable the movement of the
largest freight and passenger vessels
to serve the expense from the Rocky
Mountains to the 2.765.-
square miles. The region is among
the most productive in the world, and,
with water transportation to compete
with rail, it will have the advantage
of unequaled facilities. The Illinois
and Mississippi rivers will be the
main arteries of the proposed system,
with the tributaries as laterals. In
general, the plans provide for a great
system of waterways to connect all
Interior states, with outlets on the
great lakes and the Gulf of Mexico.
K. M. Sire make good use of this day. only a. m.
will spend a week or two here. I to improve fire condition,, bat
A chance for some one to get our people to a proper care In
good paying proposition to see tire prevention.
Be present on time.
W. H.
Barber Cf before they
close the deal on their milling plant.
Rev. E. St. Claire, of Ayden. was
over Sunday and preached a splendid
in the Free Will Baptist
Insurance Commissioner.
n j
If you want a new buggy robe, see
no a statewide
on h of Columbus Day.
special Invitation has been extended
to Canada to participate In the con-.
County Superintendent of Schools, i pros and It Is that several
public officials of the Dominion and
Celebration of Hay. of the commercial organizations
AUSTIN, Texas. Oct. will be represented.
At the initial session to be held
in the auditorium tomorrow the open-
will be delivered by W.
K. of St. Louis, the
dent of the congress. Among other
thousand persons. Including members
of the Catholic military
of Laying of Corner
to be Celebrated-
The formal Inauguration of the
dent's council, the executive head of
the system of student, self-govern-
In vogue at the University, took
place last Thursday in Gerrard hall.
W. system then established through .-cars
living vicissitudes till now it
come to be looked upon as a
part of life at the University;
and finally, of the manner in which the
council works in co-operation with
Hie lie then Introduced the
following men who will form the
council for the R. A. Freeman,
president or the senior class; O. Huff-
man, president of junior class;
C. E. president of the
sophomore class; Allison.
president of the second year medical
class; A. C. Webb, president of the
class; Cyrus
from the law class; C. E.
representative from the sen-
class; and R. M. Hanes, rep-
from the student body at
Next Thursday is a holiday com-
the 118th anniversary of
the laying of the cornerstone of the
University. The birthday of the
state's educational plant will be fit-
tingly observed. Exercises will be
held In Memorial hall, many alumni
and friends will visit the University
and alumni associations all over the
country will hold reunions. Dr. C.
Alphonso Smith, once professor of
English at the University, and now a
teacher at the University of Virginia,
who has won distinguished fame
In Germany where he spent a year
as Roosevelt professor, will deliver
the address of the occasion. A re-
port of the condition of the University
will be made by President Venable,
and short addresses will be made by
representatives from the academic
and professional schools.
The University defeated
Forest College In the first game of
the season last Saturday by the score
of to The game was a fierce
battle from start to finish and the
University team was taxed to its limit
to defeat its rival. Captain Winston
and Will played great ball for
Carolina; Utley and Joyner starred
tor Wake A large Md
the game, about two hundred Wake
Forest students coming over in a
to cheer their
The good die young, f
especially to resolutions
By virtue of a power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed,
executed and delivered by J. S.
and wife, A. Savage and George A.
dated March 1902. and re-
corded in register's office Pitt
county, in Book K-7, page
The undersigned will, Monday.
the day of October. 1911, at
o clock, noon, expose to public sale,
before the court house door in Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, for cash,
all the right, title and interest of J.
S. and wife, which are a one-
seventh undivided interest in that
certain lot or parcel of land,
ed as Situate in the town
of Greenville, beginning at the east-
corner of lots No. at the inter-
section of 12th street Washington
street and runs with 12th
street feet to a stake; thence
and parallel with Wash-
street feet to the dividing
line of lots and thence east-
with said dividing about
feet to Washington street; then north-
in Heaver Dam township, Pitt
with Washington street about
feet to the beginning, being the
eastern half of lot No. and con-
one-fourth acre, more or less.
as shown on map made by P. Math-
in of the William Moore
land, then owned by the Greenville
Land and Improvement Company, and
being the same conveyed by the
Greenville Lumber Co. to T. A.
as appears of record in Book C-6.
page In the register of deeds of-
in Pitt county. Also one-seventh
undivided interest of J. S. and
wife in one other tract or parcel of
land on south side of 12th street and
east side of Greene street, beginning
at a stake where Greene street and
street intersects, and runs south-
with Greene street feet
to a stake in the dividing line between
lots and then with
said dividing line about 1-2 feet
to T. A. Forties land; thence north-
with said line about
to 12th street; then west-
with 12th street about 1-2
feet to Greene street, the beginning,
it being the whole of lot No. and
western half of lot No. as shown
in a map made by P. Mathews in 1892
for the Greenville Land and Improve-
Co. and contains nearly 3-4 of
an acre, more or less. It being the
same deeded by L. Hines, receiver of
Greenville Lumber Co., to T. A.
as appears in Book N-6. page
in the register of deeds office of
Pitt county.
This 14th day of September, 1911.
By of a
Court of Pitt County made in
Special Proceeding No 1692. entitled
John H. Manning, B. F. Manning. W.
S. Manning et made on
the 22nd day of September. 1911, the
undersigned Commissioner will sell
tor cash, before the court house door
i in Greenville on Monday. November
6th 1911, the following described
lands That tract of land which
was conveyed by a deed from
ton Manning to Eliza
dated Oct. 16th, 1872. and re-
corded in Book, T-E page situ-
in Township on the
east side of Hen-coup Swamp ad-
joining the lands of the late
ton Manning. Senior, and
Smith, at the in
branch on William Smith's line
near a sweet gum. said Smith's
and running With said Smith's
line south west 1-2 poles to a
thence south east poles
a stake; thence north 1-2 west
s poles to the first mentioned ditch
at a bridge; thence with said elite b
to the acres
more or less, being the home place
where Luke lived at the
time of his death.
Said land being sold for partition.
Tins Oct. 2nd 1911.
will annexed.
C. Hanrahan. deceased, having this
day been Issued to me by the clerk
of the Superior court of Pitt county,
notice is hereby given to all persons
holding claims against said estate to
present them to me. duly
tor payment on or before
23rd day of September, 1912, or
will be plead in bar of their
recovery. All persons Indebted to
said estate are requested to make
mediate payment to me.
This the 22nd day of September,
Administratrix, with the will annexed,
of Sarah C deceased.
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
Having before the
court clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of the estate of Dr. G.
IF. deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
th County.
. In the Superior D.
C. Moore, clerk.
E. E. Griffin and wife
Julia F. Griffin. M.
Cherry and wife. I
Cherry, and E. H.
William F. Cherry. I
By virtue of a decree cf the
court of Pitt county, made by
D C. Moore, clerk, in the above
i . d special on the th
d September, Mil, the under-
signed commissioner will, on the 16th
day of October, 1911, at o'clock,
noon, expose to public sale, before
the court Greenville.
Pitt county. North Carolina, lo the
highest bidder, for cash, follow-
described parcel of land,
and being in the town of
Greenville, situate on the north side
of Third and west side of Co-
street, adjoining Third street
on south and on the cast.
and lot known as the W. H,
ton lot the north, and lot known
as the lot On the west, con-
1-2 acre, e or less, and
being the lot upon which Mrs. Mary
formerly resided.
This sale is to be made for the
purpose of making partition among
the heirs-at-law of Mrs. Mary Foley.
This the nth day of September,
North County.
In the Superior court, before D. C.
Moore, clerk.
E. E. J.
Cash and wife. Laura V.
Cash, C. E.
Joseph Tripp and wife,
Bessie Tripp.
Lena May
and L. R.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made by
D. C. Moore, clerk, on the 16th day
of September. 1911, In the above en-
titled special proceeding, the under-
signed commissioner, will, on Monday,
the 16th day of October, 1911, at
o'clock, noon, expose to public sale,
before the court house door In Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, for cash,
the following described tract or par-
of land, The first tract
situate In township, Pitt
county, North Carolina, adjoining the
lands of Luke Theo-
Slaughter, W. H. Williams, and
others, containing acres, more or
less. The second tract lying and be-
county, adjoining the lands of
George Hemby, Robert
Cobb, and others, and containing
1-2 acres, more or less. This sale
will be made for the purpose of
partition among the heirs-at-law
of J. R.
This the 16th day of September,
Stray Up.
I have taken up one male hog,
black and white spotted, weight about
pounds, marked left fr.
round hole In right. Owner can get
by proving ownership and pay-
R. F. D. No. Greenville, N. C.
North County.
In the Superior Court, before D. C.
Moore, clerk.
Harry Skinner,
tor de Don of Riley
Grimes, deceased.
Tom Grimes. Freeman Lit-
tie and wife. Henrietta
Little. Violet Ellison. Ed.
Tel fair, Grimes and
wife. Mary Crime. Rom- I
and Julia Tel-
fair, and all known and
unknown heirs of Riley
Grimes, deceased.
The defendants named above, and
all known and unknown hell's of Riley
Grimes, deceased, are hereby notified
that the plaintiff In the above case
has filed his petition to sell 3-4
acres of land, of which the late Riley
Grimes died seized for assets.
This is to notify said defendants to
appear before D. C. Moore, clerk
court of Pitt county, in Green-
ville, on or before Wednesday. De-
15th, to file an answer to
the said petition, else judgment on
that day will be entered ordering
said land to be sold for assets.
This the 10th day of October, 1911.
D. C. MOORE. Clerk.
Superior court of Pitt county.
By virtue of the power and author-
contained in a decree of
court of Pitt county, in a
proceeding, entitled J. Y.
son and Others, ex I will on
Saturday, Oct. 1911, at
at public auction, for cash, at the
court house door in Pitt county, a
certain tract or parcel of land, situate
in township, being tin- land
conveyed to Patsy Ann Anderson by
Joseph Pollard, by deed, recorded in
Book I-., pages and of the Pitt
county registry, and therein
ed as at a water
oak and running north east
ins poles to a while oak stump at
corner of thence north east
poles lei gate post in old lane;
thence north west poles to a
in F. Spain's lino; thence
due west poles to oak stump;
thence south west poles to gum
swamp; thence with Bynum Teal's
tho beginning, containing
acres, more or Said land known
as Anderson land.
This September 1911.
North County.
E. B.
Sarah Sounders.
The defendant,
Walter I
Walter Rodgers,
above named, will take notice that a
special proceeding entitled as above
has been commenced in the Superior
court of Pitt county to partition the
land described in the petition filed
In the office of the clerk of said court.
And said defendant will further take
notice that he is required to appear
or before the 10th day of
1911. to answer the petition filed
with the clerk of this court and de-
to the same In said special pro-
or the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief demanded in
said petition.
This 9th day of October, 1911.
Clerk Superior Court.
By virtue of u decree of the
court of Pitt county, made
1911, In a certain
proceeding therein pending, entitled
Warren and others versus G.
A. and -ed as case
No. 1680, will, on Monday. No-
1911, at o'clock, in., be-
fore the court house door In Green-
ville, sell at public sale, to the high-
est bidder, that certain tract or par-
of land In the county of Pitt, on
the north side of Tar river, adjoining
the lands of J. A. J. C. Ty-
son and others, containing about
acres, on the north side of the
canal, It being the land devised by
the late Benjamin Pollard in his last
will and testament to his grandson.
Joseph A. Lewis, and his children.
Term Cash.
the 30th day of September.
A sliver hook is good in fishing for
farm for rent to person who can
furnish team. Royce E. Tucker.
estate to make immediate payment
to and all persons
having claims against tie estate
are notified that they must present
the to the pay-
on or before the 18th day of
September, 1912. or this notice will
be- plead in bar of recovery.
This 18th of September, 1911.
Administrator of G. F. Thigpen.
J. Everett.
North County.
W. H. Harrington
E. A. Kline.
By of an execution directed
to the undersigned tram the Superior
court of Pitt county. In the above en-
titled action. will, on Monday, the
6th day of November. 1911, at o'clock
p. m. at the court house door, in
the county of Pitt, sell to the highest
bidder, for cash, to satisfy said ex-
all the right, title and inter-
est of the said E. A. Kline, in
to the following described
Two large iron pile hammers, and
one pile hammer cap. This sale will
be made for the purpose of satisfying
said execution.
This the 9th day of October. 1911.
Sheriff Pitt County.
Reorganizes And Elects New Of-
On last Sunday morning the Ba-
class of Memorial Baptist Sun-
day school had a reorganization. A
class was formed out of the
older men, the class
ti be composed mainly of young men.
Several new members were added to
the class by advancement from
the Junior as.
The class elected
Cecil Cobb, president.
D, J. Jr. vice president.
B. secretary.
William Bagwell,, assistant
s. l. treasurer.
Prof. L. if. Meadows, teacher.
said the
your is devoted to
Ya-as, I be said the old
kin lay down on
grass for hull U no
Harper's Weekly.
A torpid the whole
system, and produces
. Costiveness,
Sallow Skin and Piles.
There Is no better remedy for these
common diseases than DR.
LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove.
No Substitute.
Berkeley, California, is to have a
employment bureau.
There are now unions in the
Hebrew trades of New York City.
Thirty-five states of the union have
established bureaus of labor
Palestine is making preparation to
entertain the next convention of the
Texas State Federation Of Labor.
Telegraphers em the Grand Trunk
Railway are preparing demands for
the n em scale
. . .
Win Pi Ti II
mouth he -ill on In-
topics before a public gather-
T . mine
land, have d tin it b ea in la-
of a for the abolition of the
system in use now.
Labor unions throughout the state
Illinois received ballots
the referendum vote on the formation
of a labor party In state
union of San Francisco,
California, has established a co-op-
bakery, where French bread
ii baked by union workmen under
union conditions.
The Missouri State Federation of
Labor is working to obtain a pardon
for John T. Fitzpatrick. of Kansas
City, who killed a non-union hack
driver during a strike several years
ago and is serving a life sentence.
In Melbourne. Australia, facing the
public garden, and immediately in
from of the legislative hall, there
stands a gigantic memorial pillar
erected by the working people in com-
of the adoption of the 8-
hour law.
There is a powerful movement In
Germany, headed by Fraulein Pauline
Warner, to require all girls, regard-
less of station, to do compulsory do-
service, as the young men
required under the law to do com-
The union sailors of the Great Lake
preparing a lengthy report em the
of their craft, to be sub-
congress, In support of the
bill to be Ii i I m an early date
union the
I England, win e present i
fully completed. a year
will be expended on government labor
agencies In place's throughout
country, within an as large as
New York, Pennsylvania and New
Jersey, with about the
of states.
Plans have been drawn publish
In Manchester. England, half-penny
daily newspaper, devoted to the la-
and Socialist movement, and
called the Sun. unions and
other organizations are being Invited
to subscribe the necessary capital of
for the enterprise.
At the session of the trades
ion congress of England the following
was unanimously Hie
lime has now arrived when man
must be a member of a union or his
trade and when the date is fixed, no
one will work after that time with
87th Annual Tour Years Ahead of
of America other Exhibitions
and the World-Famed and Wonderful
Wild West Exhibition
Both Shows united, and exhibiting to-
under Canvas-Canopied Areas.
Special army of M-m and Horses.
Presenting I Program of Stupendous Feats of . Superb Horsemanship
acrobatics, wonderful novelties, exciting races, teal western
I net ions Indian massacres, educated elephants, female
. i, riding sets, from th- four corners of the earth.
Be Happy
Happy the girl, or woman, who has never suffered from
any of the diseases of womanhood Or, If she has been a
sufferer, happy Is she if she has learned of the wonderful
benefits of woman's tonic
is a gentle, tonic remedy, for women's ailments.
It Is a natural harmless, purely vegetable.
It has been in successful use for more than years. It
has cured thousands. It should do the same for you.
r The
Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, says, think
there is no tonic on earth, as good as used it
with the very best results. I had backache and nearly
everything a woman could suffer with, until I took
Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I shall
always recommend to other suffering women. I
can't praise it too highly. As a medicine for weak, tired,
worn-out women, is safe and reliable. Try ft, today.
Instruction, St-p book. -H q, Mat int. H
The Forte cf Generation, the Experience of Years.
A Wild Show, in Steel Complete
Collection em White CUnt PoUr Bear. Three Herd
Win- in Numbers; Everything New
and Novel in Art.
A World of Fun for Old and Young
Head of the Finest -veT World F Act. Company of Ex-
U. S. Cavalry. A selected Co. Zouaves, Genuine Indians, Cowboys and Cow-
tIs, Mirth-provoking Clowns, in number. Champion Middle-Weight Back Lifter,
Camel Herd. Musical
Given Free Upon the Public Streets at O'clock L Si.
A mile lout;, wide open dens of
hundreds of horses, richly costumed char-
kings, knights, ladies soldiers, of
cattle, etc. claims and stirring buds,
second Section of parade consists of the Wild West Indians, eon-
boys, Arabs, stag catches, Indian hands on
Co. Ex. S.
How To Get Out Of
Your Hay C
you feed or sell your it should he baled.
Baled hay takes up much less, room and nets a better
price than loose hay. It is always ready for any mark-
et at top price, while loose hay must sold near home, at what-
ever you can get,
have many points of strength, simplicity, and convenience found
in no other presses. They are equipped with a compound lever
and a toggle Joint plunger, which gives them great compress-
poker. A pound pull on the sweep if a I H C
press gives pounds pressure the hale chamber
The bed reach Is only Inches very narrow. The
chamber is very to reach over to tie the bale.
If examine an I C H hay press you will appreciate Its
value as a money saver and money
For I H C hay presses, clover leaf manure weber
and all other farm machinery and hardware, call on
N. C.
The Reflector Co. Prints It Neater

Interesting Attractions Have
Been Secured.
Much Is being over
the state with the approach of
the great state fair dates, which will
be October as the fair
this year promises to surpass all
former With the many ex-
and the amusement attractions
along with the many free attractions
and other features, the fair promises
to be of unusual interest to every
true North Carolinian.
Mr. Geo. C. Hall, of Raleigh, was
in the city today in the interest of the
fair and was very enthusiastic in his
remarks about this great week.
fair this said Mr. Hall,
eclipse all former occasions in many
Continuing he said.
has been left undone this year in
booking some of the largest exhibits
and attractions. The coming Hon.
Judson Harmon, who will speak at
the fair grounds Wednesday, will
be a big event, no doubt, but what a
record-breaking crowd will be at the
fair on that
The state fair has closed a contract
with the Glenn H. company
for flights at the grounds
every day at the fair.
A contract has also been
ed fur the exhibition on the fair
grounds of California Frank's Wild
West shows, the biggest and best
of the kind on the road.
The Great Calvert, known the
country over as a peer among high-
wire specialists, has also been en-
gaged. He has been seen before at
the fair, and he more than made
Passed Away Main
Mr. Richard Claudius White, aged
years, and youngest sou of Capt.
C. A. White, died about midnight Sat-
night in the hospital in Kin-
where he was taken a few weeks
ago for treatment. The were
brought home on the Atlantic Coast
Line train Sunday morning, and today
were consigned to earth again.
The death of this young man is
so sad. But recently he was the
robust and
with every promise of life and every
to make life pleasant.
Bat the latter part of July he was
with pneumonia, and
cations following this, he lingered and s.
Disease Carried Season to Sea-
son mi Seed of Infected hulls.
The North Carolina agricultural
experiment station has issued the
following bulletin with regard to a
serious cotton
There is a disease of cotton which
is yearly attracting increased
throughout the cotton belt. It
is known as cotton
It is most easily recognized when
on the boll, where it forms ulcer-
The miraculous painting, the
Shadow of the will be on ex-
for the first time in the South.
A great free attraction will be the
of These little
lows will perform many interesting
The foot ball game to be played
Thursday between the mighty A. and
M. team and will be an-
other great feature.
It is expected that this will be the
banner year In the history of the
great stale fair and that the attend-
will break all records. as only
a few of the many attractions and
features have been mentioned in this
fought through several weeks of In-
tense suffering only to be overcome
at last by the monster, death.
In the summer of 1910. he married
Clara Pugh. of New Bern, and
t. the young wife and infant daughter
his death is saddest of all.
Early this year Mr. White
chased the drug business of Coward
Woolen and was carrying on the
business with much success.
Dick White had a host of friends
and they all are deeply grieved at
his untimely death. Beside the wife
and child and aged he is
rived by two brothers, Messrs. S. T.
and J. B. White, and one sister, Mrs.
Lula Fleming. His mother died six
weeks ago. after he was taken sick,
and owing to his condition he was
never told of her death.
The funeral service, conducted by
Rev. J. H. Griffith, of was
held st o'clock morning at
the residence of Mrs. Lula Fleming,
sister of the deceased, the interment
following in Cherry Hill cemetery.
The pall bearers were Messrs. C. S.
A II. Moseley. F. J. Forbes,
Charles Home, F. M. Wooten, B. S.
Warren. B. House, George
John and R. C. Flanagan.
Hill lie in on Thursday,
October 19th.
with all large tented
races are given on the hippo-
track, but generally these are
prearranged that they are
uninteresting. No race has any fas-
unless it is on its merits.
When it comes to races the John Rob-
big shows combined which
Will be here Thursday, October
has s program of racing events, trials;
tots, which, as they age. be-
come pink in the centers. The spot
may enlarge so as to affect the whole
hall. The diseased part of the boll
usually fails to and often the
contents rot. inquiries from
sections of the state are being
received almost daily at the
station concerning the disease.
It has also been especially severe in
Alabama and Georgia during recent
years, so severe in the latter state
that the legislature has made a large
special appropriation for its
Although the disease is seen and
re more prominently in the
bolls, it also occurs on the leaves
and stems. Cotton growers should
know that this disease is carried
from season to season the seed,
and that seed from a sick boll, even
though very slightly diseased, may
raise a diseased plant, and this in
turn may spread the disease to the
whole crop of the next season. There
is no satisfactory treatment, and the
one point to be remembered is that
seed from diseased fields is likely to
carry the disease. In fact, almost
sure to do so. Even seed from clean
fields which has passed through a
gin in which diseased cotton has
been ginned is dangerous. It is of
Utmost importance for the grower to
be sure that his cotton seed does not
come from a field or from a region
where this prevails.
Industrial Institute
The Industrial Institute,
for the training and betterment of the
colored youth, will begin Wednesday,
October 11th. It will be remembered
that this is a work that President W.
C. Chance founded just a short while
ago. and he is laboring earnestly to
skill, endurance and strength that i
are not fixed but in every one of the
events the is only the conquerer.
There will be elephants,
camels llamas, zebras, and j
emus in startling bursts of speed. The
and ponies of the John
Robinson stables under the guidance i
I of the most prominent jockeys in this
I country will try conclusions. Men I
will race against horse, horses against
the members of his race to n
higher plane. Prof, chance has just
from mi extended trip
the North where he has had
in his effort to Interest well
disposed persons. He feels sure that
he will be able to begin building very
so n.
Selma Kills, a Columbus County Hoy,
Takes Sew Lease Life.
Selma Kills, a Columbus county
boy, sixteen years old, who lives near
Fair Bluff, was brought in the state ,.,. Gives Aid to Strikers.
and county dispensary July 25th on race horse, horses against j Sometimes liver, kidneys and bow-
He was unable to sit , nM els lo on .,,,
up or walk. He had been in
health for six years, unable to
work or to go to school. He weighed
only sixty pounds and had an
ulcer on his left leg.
A microscopic examination verified
the belief that he was a victim of
the severest type of hookworm
Treatment was begun by Dr.
but as he had to move his
hospital. Dr. C. W. Stiles, scientific
secretary of the hookworm
was prevailed to complete the
treatment at the Marine hospital In
Selma made a splendid recovery,
can walk or run, and Is now at his
home in good health. He gained ill
pounds, now weighing pounds, and
the quality of his blood has increased
from per cent to per cent of
normal. He is an enthusiastic work-
in the hookworm crusade, but is
only one of the thousands who are
finding restored health and pleasure
as a result of the campaign.
Seventeen of the eastern counties
of the state have provided for these
known outside of this hippodrome
track. and six horse Roman
chariot races In which man is
to work right. Then you need those
pleasant little
King's New Life give them
against woman and the latter does natural aid and gently compel proper
Amis Awful Tragedy.
Timely advice given Mrs. C.
of Wis., No.
prevented a dreadful tragedy and
ed two lives. Doctors had said her
frightful cough was a
cough and could do little to help her.
After many remedies failed, her aunt
urged her to take Dr. King's New Dis-
have been using It for
some she wrote, the aw-
cough has almost gone. It also
saved my little boy when taken with
a severe bronchial This
matchless medicine has no equal for
throat and lung troubles. Price BO
cents and SI. Trial bottle free.
by all druggists.
hi Your Date
Reader, look at the date after your
name on the margin of this paper
and see If It is not time you were com-
after a subscription receipt. The
date ought to be a sufficient reminder
without the necessity and expense of
nulling you a statement. Help us
give you a good paper by making
not always win. Hurdle races, flat
races, sack races, obstacle races, foot
M, races, races girl's
races, monkey races, mule races, don-
key races, goat and pig races. All
of them are events and as
interesting as any that occur on the
association tracks.
The races of course take place near
the end of the program and are a fit-
ting conclusion for the best perform-
that you have ever attended. The
performance this year far exceeds
that ever given by this colossal
and this is saying
The entire performance is of
three hours duration and there is not
one dull moment. The performance
either In the afternoon or at night is
never slighted with this show. It is
given In full and every advertised
feature and more than Is advertised
Is faithfully given. The reputation of
this show Is such that it cannot afford
to be otherwise than honest with its
patrons. This has always been its
policy since its organization eighty-
sown years ago and It Is not at all
probable that it will at this late day
start deceiving when its success Is
attributed to fair dealing. There is
no show in the world today that has
done more lo elevate the tented
than the John Robinson.
action. Excellent health soon follows.
Try them. cents all druggists.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
It's Don't Exist.
No one has ever made a salve,
or balm to compare with Buck-
Salve. It's the one per-
healer of cuts, corns, burns,
es, sores, scalds, bolls, ulcers, eczema,
salt rheum For sore eyes, cold sores,
chapped hands or sprains its supreme.
Unrivaled tor piles. Try it. Only
cents at all druggists.
Is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Chamber-
Tablets are essentially a
medicine, intended especially to
act on that organ; to cleanse It,
It, tone and Invigorate It.
regulate the liter and to banish
and effectually.
Sale dealers.
leave Raleigh Jan-
a. Atlanta, Birmingham
Memphis and points West.
ville Florida points,
at Hamlet for Charlotte
with coaches and parlor car. Con-
with steamer for Washing-
ton. New York, Boston
a. Richmond. Wash
and New York Pullman
day coaches and car.
Connects at Richmond with C.
at Washington with Pennsylvania
railroad and II. O.
and points west.
p. Atlanta. Charlotte
Wilmington, Birmingham. Memphis
and points West. Parlor cars to
p. m. No. for
Oxford, and
Nor Una
p. m. No for
O. for and points West.
Memphis, points West, Jack-
and all Florida points
Pullman Arrive
a. m.
Arrives Richmond a. in.
Washington u in. New York
p. Penn. station. Pullman
to Washington and New
C. B. i. P. A., Portsmouth, Va.
H. MM Ml, D. P. A- Raleigh, X. C.
I Lodges and Social
Clerk Superior C. Moore.
SheriffS I. Dudley.
Register of M. Moore
B. Wilson.
C. OH. Laughing-
P. D.
J. Holland. J. J. May, B. M. Lewis. W.
M. Wooten.
C. Tyson.
L. Carr.
Chief T.
Fire D. Overton.
E. Nobles, E. B.
W. A. Bow en, J. S. Tunstall, J. F.
Davenport, B. F. Tyson, Z. P.
VanDyke. H. C. Edwards.
Water and Light A
White, C. OH. R. L.
G. Couch.
Baptist, M.
Rock, pastor; C. C. Pierce, clerk;
C. W. Wilson, superintendent Sun-
day school; J. C. Tyson, secretary.
C. C. Ware, pastor;
J. G. Latham, clerk; C. C. Ware,
superintendent of Sunday school; J.
A. Lang, secretary.
Episcopal, St. rector at
present; H Harding, senior warden
an secretary of Vestry; W. A.
of Sunday school.
Methodist, Jarvis J
Shore, pastor; A B. Ellington,
clerk; H. D. superintend-
of Sunday school; L. H. Pender,
Robert King,
pastor; P. M. clerk; P.
M. Johnston, Supt. Sunday school;
Miss Olivia House, secretary.
Rev. W. O. pastor.
Greenville No. A. F. and A.
H. Williams, W. M.; L. H. Pender.
n, U. D. A. F. and A. M.
H. W. M.; E. E. Griffin,
Greenville Chapter No. R. A. M.
R. C. Flanagan, H. P.; J. E. WIns-
low. Sec.
Covenant No. I. O. O.
Brown, N. G.; L. H. Pender, Sec.
Greenville Encampment No. I.
O. W. C. P.; L.
Pender Scribe.
Tribe No. I. O. j
It. Sachem; J. L.
Brant, C. of K.
Tar River K. of P.-G. J.
Woodward, C. C; A. B. Ellington,
K. of R. and s.
Tar River Ruling No. F. M.
W. Brown, W. R.; J. W. Little.
W. C.
L. Hall, president;
If, R. secretary.
End of E. O.
fries, Pros.; Mrs. E. B. Sec.
president; Mrs. W. L. Hall, secretary
Round K. R.
president; Mrs. S. J. Everett,
Civic W. H. Ricks,
president; E. V. Smith,
Daughters of L
J. Jarvis, president; Mr I. L.
en, secretary.
The Kings A. L.
Blow, Mrs. J. G.
. C
rioter 1911
FAIR, 1911.
and Men's Corn
Tomato With Big Prizes.
N. S. Schedule
N. following schedule fig-
published as information ONLY
and are not guaranteed.
East Bound
a. m. Dall, Pull
man, Sleeping Car for Norfolk.
a. m. Dally, for Plymouth, Eliza-
beth City and Norfolk. Broiler Car
service connects tor all points
North and West.
p. m. Dally, except Sunday,
a. m. Daily, for Wilson and
Pullman Sleeping Car
ice connects North, South and Wen
a. m Dally, except Sunday, for
Wilson and connects for
a potato.
p. m. Daily, for Wilson
Broiler Car service.
For further Information and res-
of Car space apply
to J. L. HASSELL, Agent. Greenville.
N. C.
Supt., Q. P. A.
Norfolk, Virginia.
When You Want to Buy a
See Sam
Greenville, North Carolina.
They will sell you a first
class instrument cheap and
on easy terms. They are
home people and will treat
you right. Visit our store.
The Sam White Piano Co
Fancy China and Glassware
We have a beautiful line of Fancy China and Glass-
ware. Come in and look at pretty goods. We have the most
complete line of Dolls. Toys, etc. in Greenville. You can
also find school books at
Agents for Victor Talking Machines.
Genera Merchandise
Buyer Country
The Home of Women's Fashions
Pulley Bowen
North Carolina
Roofing and Sheet Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and in Season, See
Greenville. N. C.
is Mil of
The Reflector's Article Friday to be Issued For Delinquent
Misleading Taxpayers.
I mi Modern lines
Out-Still Ike Windows
Need a
The article in The Reflector Friday
in attempt of prisoners
to cut out the new Jail was in some
misleading and calculated to
Ice a wrong impression, as facts
found later have proven. The
that came to us, and on which
; article was based, had no wrong
on the part of the informant
the manner of expressing it. that
prisoners came near cutting
i created the impression
;. the urn ace was of more con-
i than it n The two
ii. eel state menu in the article
. . the loners
nearly and the
fastenings of ;. cell bad been cut near-
In two.
The editor, In company with
L. Woolen and J. Move, two of
t. building committee, and Sheriff
S i Dudley through the jail this
morning to make a complete
The is true as stated that
. had been handed through the
v to prisoners by on the
outside. the main purpose of
the previous article was such
as this might be prevented by the
placing of s wall or proper protection
an that persons outside not
communicate With II was
also found that the prisoners had used
these flies, but it was on the fasten-
to the outside window of the ex-
corridor and not on the cell.
; was also found that the cutting
the prisoners had done was
not exceeding a sixteenth of
an Inch, and they had worn out two
hies on this much cutting in several
work. As it would require
through many inches of the
i kind of steel to get out of the
Jail, which would require weeks of
and almost without
the Impossibility of making an
by this means is clearly
The jail is constructed of material
ii ill is practically impregnable to any
kind Of tool, and the arrangement of
the cells is such as will keep the
prisoners in absolute safely. It is
only the prisoners are in the
exercising corridor which they are
permitted to use in the day time that
they can even get near an outside
window. There are peep holes
through which the officer can.
observed the prisoners, see all the
cells and corridors and note just what
the prisoners are doing at any time.
is also an automatic arrange-
by which the cells can be open-
ed or closed and locked without the
Officer coming In contact with the
prisoners or even going in the apart-
they occupy.
All of the cells have perfect
arrangement with convenient
lavatories and baths. It does not
look like any jail could be more par-
feet. At the same time The
still holds the opinion that means
should be provided to prevent any
outside communication with the
It does not appear that a
wall around the jail is needed, but
the windows of the exercising
should have some means to
prevent access to them by persons
at i iii mm
J. K. and
Mr. IT. Succeeds Him
lo Hold in City Hull
The board aldermen met in reg-
monthly session Thursday night.
the mayor and seven members of the
board being present
Rev. c U. Rock and Ur. U. U. Over-
ton appeared before the board in re-
to conditions in West Green-
ville reaped to lights and sewerage,
The matter referred to a com-
consisting of aldermen
and Edwards.
Mr. M. Clark appeared In re-
i to a eel through the Sugg
properly and this was referred in the
street committee.
The committee reported the culvert
On Fifth street adjoining the Training
school grounds hod been extended,
and some street work had been
A petition was read from the La-
Aid Society of the Methodist
church, asking for the use of the city
ball in Which lo hold a bazaar, and
on motion the request was denied.
The old stock watering trough on
Dickinson avenue near the Atlantic
Coast Line was ordered be replaced
with a new one.
A communication from the Civic
League asked the co-operation of the
aldermen in keeping the town clean
and hi a sanitary condition. The
board expressed its willingness to do
this and Instructed the mayor lo re-
ply to the communication to that
The tax collector was instructed lo
procure warrants for vagrancy against
ail delinquent lax payers who are not
Alderman J. B. Nobles, of the first
ward, tendered his resignation as a
member Of the board lo take effect
meeting. A motion was passed
asking hint to Withdraw his Social Impurity,
lion,, and upon his declining to do u s high for those who an
the resignation was accepted to live clean lives to set
regrets of the board. Air. W. themselves In array against the strong
was placed in nomination to tide evil that is flowing through
Nobles, and unanimously our land. It is a great deal harder
elected. today for . young to
The resignation of Dr. Nobles than it ever was before,
vacant the of mayor-pro- impurity is condoned In young men.
and Alderman F. Tyson was and they they can wallow
of for
Month- Jurors for
her Court.
The Board of County Commission-
I on the first Monday with all
the members present
The following aggregate sums were
ordered paid the purposes
For paupers county home
feeding jury jury tickets
conveying prisoners and in-
sane court f
house jail bridges
and 1118.68; printing and
small pox reg-
deeds 6461.40; corporation coin-
mi .-inn clerk court
opening gates 111.40; officers salaries
and postage, sin register
deeds clerk superior court
general roads 72.0; county
law roads
roads Falk-
land roads roads
in Creek roads
iV. A. Forbes not being able to re-
his duties as road i
i mi. T. Moore was elected for one
county officers presented their
reports for the past month. The col-
were as By register
of deeds by sheriff 169.04;
by clerk court
The following were drawn lo serve
as jurors for the criminal term of
Superior com,, beginning Nov.
Lloyd Smith, Carson, J.
J. Cray. J. B.
Frank Edwards, Robert
Smith, I. s. Porter, E. w. Faucette, n.
c Berry, J. n. Stocks, it. J. Little,
F. A. Allen. Franklin
Edwards, O. W. Harrington, J. K
Forest. S James
W. L. Hall, C Mayo. J. J. James,
R, J. Smith. D. M. Clark.
L. B. II Bryan G. A.
w. I. Best, W. H. Smith, J. C
Tyson, J. Little, J. L. Cherry.
C. Ross. J. S. Ross. Joan W. Venters.
The following were drawn to serve
as jurors for the civil term of court,
beginning Nov. John Daven-
port F. A. if. 1.- J.
L, Mooring. W. C. Jack-
con. J. L. Langley, Richard Harris,
Jr., E, II. Owens. J. F. Carr, Q. E.
Moore. A. Teel, Oscar Tuck-
K. W. Cobb, P. Davenport, R.
T. J. H. Harris. Jr., C, P.
led to fill vacancy.
The officers made their reports for
the month and bills approved
by the finance committee were allow-
In Men
of The Community.
The attendance at the meeting of
the League In the
church. Sunday afternoon was
some larger than on the previous Sun-
day, yet not as large as it should be.
The subject for the meeting was
is the man whom God
Two of the appointed lead-
were absent, but Air. F. M. Wooten
made a splendid talk, followed by
some others in brief remarks.
The meeting next Sunday after-
noon will be In the Presbyterian
church. Subject, Serve Him With
a Perfect Text, I
Leaders, Adrian Brown.
H. II. Smith and J. W. Bryan.
The men of the community miss
much by not availing themselves of
the opportunities for good offered in
these meetings.
Training School V. IV. A.
Rev. C. M. Rock, pastor of Green-
ville Baptist Church, conducted the
Sunday evening services of the Y. W.
C. A. He made a helpful talk on the
purpose of organized Christian work.
He gave three reasons why the
should enter into such
first, for the sake of self; second, for
the sake of third for glory
of Clod. Spiritual development should
come first. This passes out beyond
self, drawing in others. He said the
Y. W. C. A. had been of distinct
to Greenville. He closed by
a few practical suggestions for
effective work.
At the close of the services,
cation blanks for membership,
the nature and purpose of the
were given out to be signed by
new members and collected later.
A neat bulletin board for Y. W. C. A.
notices has been placed in the main
hall of the administration building.
From time to time, artistic posters
announce special features.
To Persons
Interested In
of Cotton-
The Sale
The best plaster. A piece of flan-
dampened with Chamberlain's
I Liniment and bound on over affected
parts Is superior to a plaster and
costs one-tenth as much For
Bale by dealers.
At the request of Dr. H. Q. Alex-
president of the North Caro-
Farmers Union, unite with him
in a for a conference us to the
best mode of selling the present crop
so as to procure and maintain a
price that will be remunerative to
the producer.
All persons interested In the mutter
are requested to meet at Raleigh, on
Wednesday, the 18th lust., the time
and place of meeting to be published
in the city papers on the day of the
assembly and the evening before.
Commissioner of Agriculture.
ii. q.
President North Carolina
Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 1911.
in tilth and Still find the way open to
what is regarded as the best so-
Nor Is this all. nor the worst
Afore time society looked with
upon a young woman who even
allowed a breath of suspicion to
gather about her, and conduct that
was even indiscreet was enough to
shut the doors of pure homes in her
face. Now it is different Girls whose
conduct is more than indiscreet are
allowed all privileges and given
all the honors of those who arc mod-
est and womanly, is worth
while for us lo mince matters. The
social standards have been lowered.
The sense of honor of the olden time
is now laughed out of court. Moth-
anxious that their daughters
shall receive attention, shut their
eyes to what they know is wrong and
dangerous and allow their girls to do
things that would not have been
In the preceding generation.
Our colleges, especially for boys,
are said to be centers of social de-
The faculties, forgetting that
they are responsible for the moral
as well us the mental welfare of the
student body, refuse to interfere,
though the night is filled with wild
orgies, and the young men make them-
selves beasts of tho field.
The core of the trouble, however,
is in the home life. That Is the cit-
our safety. Parental laxity
Is the of our time. It fathers
and mothers will not protect their
children, who will It requires sense
religion and grit to stand against the
foolish and dangerous demands of our
modern social life, but it is worth
the price. We need more
parents. The rules of the homo that
are regarded as hard and cruel need
to re-established and rigidly en-
forced. What seems grievous to a
boy or girl now will In the years to
come bring him the highest joy
and Children.
The Program This Morning
With Address Major Robert-.
Vt, Oct.
In all her history never saw
such an of distinguished
and women as was here
to attend the Inauguration of Dr. Guy
Potter president of the
University of Vermont One d
o, more of the prominent colleges of
the United States and Canada sent
representative scholars to do
honor to the man selected to succeed
the late President H. H. and
to carry the policies of that
d educator to their supreme
some of the foremost sol-
learned societies of Amer-
. distinguished delegations;
who have made their mark in
ii re-
again to bid ii
to alma mater on
i . I . Is about to make
now guiding band. Altogether it
a most memorable day In flu an-
u historic town and a historic
The tor the day began
ibis morning with an
come by Mayor Robert Roberts,
and was followed by the
of messages of greeting from the
many educational Institutions
Win n these formalities were
concluded the assemblage listened to
brief addresses delivered by
of the tinted educators present.
Norman w. Win. of the
Toronto, spoke for the for-
universities, and President
O. Thompson, of Ohio State
presented ii. greeting of the
state universities. Among the other
prominent speakers Were the follow-
Arthur T. Hadley, for
Association of American
W. W. Jordan, for the
cultural mechanical colleges and
stations; Dr. Andrew f.
West, of Princeton, for the
ties Of the east; President J.
James, of the University of Illinois,
for the universities of the west; Pres-
John N. Tillman, of the
of Arkansas, for the
of the South; William
A. of Wesleyan University,
for the universities of New England;
President John H. Finley, of the Col-
of the City of New York, for city
colleges and universities; President
Harry A. of Mount Holyoke,
for the woman's colleges, and
dent H. of Boston
for colleges
oil or speakers were heard In be-
half of t United States Bureau of
Education, the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Learning, the
educational and religious press and
the public schools of Vermont, linker
University, Upper lows University and
Miami University, three of the
with which Dr.
been associated in his career as an
educator, were specially represented.
The inauguration exercises took
place this afternoon in Strong The-
with Hon. Lyman, who has
been acting president of the
presiding. An academic
across the campus preceded the
exercises. The Bishop of Vermont
opened the ceremonies with prayer.
Vice President delivered
address ill behalf of Hie nation, and
Darwin P. of Now York,
spoke for the board of trustees. Other
speakers represented- the the
faculty and the student body. Gov-
Mead administered the oath of
Office, following which the new
dent delivered his inaugural address.
Dr. Guy Potter, who has become
of the university, which is
now in its 120th year, was born In
Kenton. Ohio, in 1865. He was
in the Ohio Northern
Baker University and the Ohio
University and later
sued special studies In Europe. When
twenty-five years old he was super-
of schools In Fort Scott,
Kansas, which position he held for
five years. he became assistant
superintendent of public instruction
in Kansas. Next lie was appointed
president of Upper Iowa University,
holding that position until 1902.
that year he accepted the presidency
of Miami University, where he remain-
ed until his recent election as
dent of the University of Vermont.
Don't trifle with a cold is good ad-
vice for prudent men and women. It
may be vital case of a child. There
better than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for coughs and
in children. It Is safe mid sure. For
sale by all dealers.
The Bank or
Capital Stock 50,000.00
Greenville, N. C.
A Record of Years of Successful Banking
Among our directors are men who hove made a
able success of their own business. Having been
successful with theirs, they will handle
yours with safety.
K. I,. DAVIS, of K. I. Bails Bros kT, C.
J. A. N. C
W. K. Kill, of Proctor k a.
U. H. Greenville, N. C.
J I. Cesar Greenville, I. C
General Merchant, C,
K. It. C.
s. i. Liberty N. c.
II. of Fountain Fountain. R.
IV. of Moseley Bros V
W. II. WILSON, Merchandise Broker, Greenville, . C.
A small account opened row may w ii
to a large
R. I,. DAVIS. President JAMES L. Cashier.
S T. HOOKER, H i Asst Cashier,
Buggy Roles and Horse Blankets
Just Received.
We have on exhibition most beautiful line ever shown in
If you will look cur stock of buggies, and harness and
want to buy, we an sure to sell you.
On account of the low price of cotton, we will offer our entire stock
lower prices than we have been asking before.
I ash o- red it.
The Greenville Banking
Trust Company
Capital Stock,
Appointed by the United States Government
Depository for
Of the Greenville Post Office
Mrs. Queen Judson Carroll
the honor of your presence
at the marriage of her daughter
Pattie Lawrence
Mr. Henry Walter
on the afternoon of Wednesday
the twenty-fifth of October
at half past five o'clock
at Church of the Good Shepherd
Raleigh, Carolina.
Will be at home after the tenth
November lie Norfolk.
Chesapeake Line
To Baltimore
Elegantly Appointed Perfect All Out-
tide Staterooms. leave Norfolk daily t I I P-m-
from foot of St., it r. r .
with for all For further particulars call or write
f- H. St. Norfolk, Va

Published by
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor.
Six months, . . . .
certain death to the club than to put
ii the lockers Really It would be a
the town to have a
club It. and it is hoped a majority
the members will see the wisdom
voting down such a proposition,
persons both in and out of the club
ho are opposed to the lockers should
use their influence against placing
in the club rooms.
rm stokes mum,
The article in another column We are glad to
rates may lie had upon
application at the business la
The Reflector Building, corner
and Third streets.
All cards of thinks
of be at i
cent per word.
es will be chained for at three
cents per line, up to fifty lines.
as second class matter
August at the post office at
Greenville, Carolina under
act of March
Carolina am.
By a vote of almost two to one.
or to be exact, to Carolina
club at a meeting held Tuesday
to consider the question, voted down
the proposition to place individual
lockers in the club rooms. The mat-
had been agitated some days and
after its defeat by so large a rote
the club almost at once took ii turn
for new activity and increased Inter-
est. It was followed by discussions
and Interesting talks, in which many
members took part, as to the best
means of adding more members- to
the club and enlarging
mm. A commercial spirit
awakened looking to better organ-
among the business men of
the town for the purpose of bringing
trade here, the establishing of more
enterprises, and the provision bet-
tar accommodations and
tor those who wait the
Something that doubtless would have
ii. every business man in town
tO hear, was the discussion
the lack of activity and
and the want hotel
by which much Is lost to the
A large committee was appointed
to make an early canvass among the
business men of the town who are
withholding their support, with a
view of inducing them to become
members of the club and unite with
it in helping to advance the Interest
the community, In addition to
this soliciting committee, another
was appointed to prepare
ii circular letter to the business men
the town calling attention to the
need of the town and their duty to
Join with the club in helping to pro-
mote the welfare of the town.
Ii is certainly the duty of every
business man in the town to do this,
and the solicitation of the commit-
tees should meet an early response
Greenville Is now at that stage
when an united effort Is needed to
make the town go forward, and new
and enthusiasm in Carolina club
can be made a great factor in this.
The club has been of too great service
to the town in the past for it to
allowed to go out of existence. The
men of the should rally to it
and through it make things to
pass In Greenville.
Greenville has numerous needs, and
The Reflector from time to time calls
. . in them in the hope that
somebody able to do so will the
need and supply it. This time we are
going to speak of a need in the mer-
line, one that holds out a
splendid opportunity for those who
Invest in it to receive remunerative
returns. Greenville needs more mer-
chants who do what is called a time
business, that is those who supply
farmers and tenants through the
and summer and collect their
accounts when the crops are harvest-
ed in the fall. There is a large
amount of business done each year on
tills plan, and the number of mer-
chants doing that business at pres-
is not sufficient to meet the de-
Greenville is in the center of
a large fanning section and because
the town cannot supply all the time
trade of this territory much of It goes
to other towns, when It would come
here if the need could be supplied.
There is a splendid opening here for
one or more large time mercantile
establishments, and those who come
to engage In it will it an easy
matter secure a large trade
Another lesson that Greenville
to learn is to feel as much lo-
in home people and home
ii M enterprises as is shown to out-
The home people are the
who make tile town and pay
be They slay here and do
Daily News making its visits again
A few weeks ago the plant of the
paper was destroyed by fire, but a
new plant has been installed and the
appearance of the paper is better I
It the order of the board of alder-
men of Greenville is put in effect
that warrants for vagrancy be issued
against delinquent tax payers
are doing nothing, some folks had
better lookout and get busy.
An Ohio man hitched his wife to
a plow her because she could
If Greenville i to receive a it man ought to be
of the good things passing around,
she must at least put herself in a re-
attitude. Enterprises and
business are like people in some re-
for an invitation. In
the pact Greenville made some
efforts along this line that did
much for the town, but we should
not rest too long on past achieve-
Be up and after something
else. The town ought to be kept go-
forward all the time without even
a let up for rainy days.
Insurance Commissioner J. R.
calling upon the people of the state
to observe October 9th as Fire Pro-
Day. is most timely. The sea-
son for cold weather is approaching
when people will begin using fires
in their homes and places of
and a little forethought to ex-
flues and chimneys to see that
they are in good condition may
vent loss. It is also wise to remove
such trash and waste as might cause
a fire. Much of the loss that occurs
each year might be prevented with
proper cave
here, and are the ones who
keep tilings going. With the
it Is not so. He conies along
i scoop up the beat everything in
reach and moves on to another pas-
. leaving behind but the
memory having been here and
i longing after what he look away.
, nothing for your town but
sup h for his own benefit. If you
any business to give out, or any
favors to show, the home folks who
Stand to your elbow- are entitled to
The municipality, the but
men and the individual should
all practice
Do you people of Greenville who are
not shareholders in the Home Build-
and Loan Association consider
seriously what that institution is do-
tor Greenville, and the
It gives you for making a good
Investment and at the same time help-
your town to grow Look around
and see the number of houses that
have been and are now being built
through the aid of this association
and see if it would not be well for
you to Join in this good work. A new
of shares will open the first
Saturday In November, and that will
be a good lime to start.
Why should the government take
such interest In the prevention of
disease, and get license and receive
revenue from the whiskey traffic
which Is a greater curse to
and destroys more people annually
than any disease By wiping out
the manufacture and sale of
liquors, more lives would be
saved, more manhood preserved, more
poverty and disease prevented than
b any other agency.
From accounts In the papers we
take it that the train of Richmond
boosters which several places
In North Carolina this week, was
principally a boost for the Richmond
liquor dealers. It was really an In-
to North Carolina, a prohibition
state, that those Richmond boosters
should have brought along a car load
of whiskey to give away as samples.
We shall not he surprised if that
trip loses rather than gains North
Carolina trade Richmond.
Though Carolina club has only be-
tween fifty and sixty members,
should be morel the entire town is.
or should be. Interested In what it
Is and what does. Because there
has for some time been shown, even
among the members themselves, a
want of Interest the club. II a
meeting not long since some one ad-
the Idea that to place
lockers In the club would arouse
more interest and cause a larger
There are advocates of this
change In the club, and there are
and to settle the question by
vote of the members a no, .
be held tomorrow night at
With cotton low and tobacco high
there may be such a change In crops
next year as to spoil prices again.
The wise farmer will plant moder-
of both the so-called money
crops, and go in heavy for grain, meat
and hay crops. To raise all the need-
d supplies should be the first thought
of the farmer who wants to come out
well at the end of the year.
to buy feed for man and beast at
high prices out of the money received
for cotton and la not a safe
way to farm, even if this advice
does come from one who never farm-
Understand that some Durham
people are talking about coming
down and looking at Pitt county's
new court house. The gentlemen will
receive a cordial welcome if they
come. can show them the best
court house and Jail In the state, and
no doubt our excellent board of
commissioners can give the Dur-
some good pointers In build-
An Important change is to take place
with the Charlotte Observer on the
of November. The Observer
Publishing Company will be
and a Interest pass to
other hands. MaJ. J. C. Hemphill,
who for many years edited he
Charleston News and Courier, will
become editor of the Observer, and
Mr. A. E. of the Columbia,
will become publisher and manager
of the paper.
Locke has made the formal
announcement of his candidacy for
governor in 1912, though that was
hardly necessary. We all regard him
as a candidate, and what is more most
of us are for him. It Is something
The Reflector very seldom does, take
sides for a candidate is
nominated but does not mind saying
that it favors Locke for gov-
tied to the heels of a kicking mule
and a cannon cracker touched off
under him.
Greenville's greatest weakness is a
lack of organization and co-operation
among the business Interests. So
much could be accomplished In this
direction with the proper effort
The government is now after the
coal trust, and if the same experience
follows as with sugar it may give an
excuse for an increase in the price
As bis family have picked out a
place In which to the
wife murderer, hope of his
getting a new trial must have been
The number of people reported to
have lost their lives in the dam break-
at Austin. Pa., last Saturday, has
dropped from eight hundred to less
than a hundred.
The always to do its
best for Greenville, and if Greenville
had the same spirit of trying to do
her best for herself there would be
more doing here.
When Major Hemphill becomes
editor of the Charlotte Observer.
wonder II be will still be the
Mecklenburg Declaration of
Farmers should be careful to at
least save all the peas they will need
seed and some to spare. They
should remember that last spring seed
sold for to per bushel.
Somebody wanted to know If The
Reflector had a hammer. Sure it has
and that hammer the nail on the
head oftener than It misses.
To a Deep-Sea Flower.
O. deep ocean's wave
O, dark the will beneath
Yet thou didst live and thou didst
And thou didst wait thy earth
And. dying, thou didst rise to give
A newer, finer breath.
Didst rise at word no man hath heard
To finer, final breath.
As if it were a little thing
To dwell beneath an ocean.
None come to admiration bring
Nor bear thee dreams of motion.
Where thou wast born thy foots did
Mud-loved In deep-sea bottom.
Till o'er thy breast the storm should
The song that the ocean.
O thou whose pulses throb the tides
Of vaster, -master
Stir thou the senseless silt that hides
Thy face from unlit leas
Move thou the muddy mass that hides
My soul in sunless leas.
Till from my breast thy mighty tides
A spirit frees
And when to what sea.
On what weird wave I ride.
In midst of what vast mystery.
On swell of what new tide.
If one who waits by sea
Should draw me to His side
By that strange beach should stoop
for me
I shall satisfied.
T. J.
Mass. July. 1911
Automobiles have declined in price,
but they yet too high for the or-
purse without mortgaging the
Grapes are about all gone, but frost
will soon put the flavor on the per-
and take the pucker out of
The Investigation as to how Senator
of Wisconsin, got his seat,
Is making the public forget Senator
for the time being.
The shoveling of coal has be-
come a familiar sound and predicts
a preparation for cold weather.
In Honor el Mr.
On Tuesday afternoon from to C
o'clock Miss en-
a large number of lady
friends at a Japanese party in honor
of her guest. Mrs. Hoskins.
High Point.
The home was decorated in
evergreens and potted
plants, the arrangement of color
on chandeliers. walls and
tables being most beautiful.
Upon arrival the guests were met
at the door by Misses Willie
and Mattie King, in
Japanese In the hall
smash was served by Misses Liz-
Moore, Ward Moore and
The guests then repaired to the
parlor where the hostess and guest
honor received.
The game of the afternoon was
progressive ft there being eight
tables of players At each
the guests were presented with
Japanese favors, these being tiny
skeletons, crabs, parasols, fans, trays,
lanterns etc.
At the conclusion -of the game
block cream and cake were served.
If the president carries out his
to take a rest, may be the
country can also get one.
every member should be present either
In person or by authorized proxy. Not
one should fall to be represented In
that meeting
The Reflector is frank to say that
it believes nothing would mean more
The leniency of Judges Is not
ways well applied nor appreciated. In
Guilford Superior court Judge O.
H Allen, before whom three young
criminals were convicted of larceny.
gave them a sentence of twelve
each, and directed that they lie
eat- serve the time .,.
the roads. Parties willing to hire
the boys were readily found, but two
of them run away the very first night
after being taken from the custody
the officers. One of them was re-
captured and put in Jail.
A South Carolinian under sentence
of death for the murder of his wife,
professed religion, and the Judge be-
fore whom he was tried ordered the
sheriff to take the prisoner to a church
where he could be It is all
right for the man to seek salvation,
but a start in that direction earlier
might have saved the life of his wife.
Georgia has bobbed up again with
a lynched This time the
will howl.
This year's like the schools,
are having the largest attendance in
their history.
The members of the North Caro-
press have a heartfelt sympathy
for Secretary J. B. editor of
the Concord Tribune. In the death of
his aged mother which occurred a
v. Those who have had
such know what he has
There are some folks In Greenville
whose name ought to be changed to
The Italians have captured Tripoli.
It remains to be seen they will
do with It.
Wednesday at the early hour of
at the home of Mr. W. L. Hall,
just outside of town. Miss Kate
and Mr. G. H. Johnson were
quietly married by Rev. B. F. Huske,
Miss Whitaker. who was formally a
nurse at St. Vincent hospital. Nor-
folk, came down Sunday evening to
visit Mrs. Hall.
Mr. Johnson followed Monday with
a small party of friends, and It was
in the presence of these few that the
happy couple were made one.
They left after the ceremony for a
northern trip.
Announcement is made of the en-
of Prof. H. B. Smith, of
Greenville, and Miss Wright,
of the marriage to take
place the latter part of November.
Mr. Smith is a native of Greensboro,
but has lived In Greenville several
years as superintendent our grad-
ed schools. Miss Wright was once, a
teacher In this school, and is a sister
of President R. H. Wright, of East
Carolina Training school.
The announcement of this approach-
marriage Is attended with much
Interest, for both are well known and
have many friends here.
of Idle Land.
Recently Toe Wilmington Star
lamented that so much land in East-
North Carolina lay entirely idle
and unused. In similar vein the Le-
News discusses the situation
found in the western half of the state
Most Caldwell county land owners
hold much more than they t
cultivate profitably. tracts of
land in Caldwell. says Te News,
could be cut Into two, four. six. or
even eight or ten, smaller parcels and
become the more valuable with each
division. Small farms make near
neighbors, bring good schools, better
roads, more congenial and friendly
communities and are better in every
way. The progress of the times de-
intensive cultivation and
farming, and that is
employed the soil becomes more pro-
and valuable. Many land
owners In this county can afford to
most give away parcels of land in
order to get good near neighbors and
friends. Ten good live. farmers
on and properly cultivating ten
farms of acres each are much
better than one man trying to manage
and cultivate a farm of 1.000 acres.
And the division may be carried much
further, for twenty farmers make a
richer and better community than
How cheap and abundant land
make for poor cultivation every corn-
pa between American and
European farming shows. As the de-
for land grows greater and its
price rises an altogether different sort
of farming is pursued. Hence the
very cheapness and abundance of land
in the South have tended to keep
progress back. Our lands, on the
average, are decidedly more valuable
and better cultivated than they were
twenty years ago, but we still have
too much for our own present good,
whatever the future value of the
plus may be.
One particularly unfortunate result
of over-large holdings, as the
observations show, is to promote
and thereby render less de-
rural life. The isolation tends
to keep away productive settlers who
might otherwise come, to drive the
rural population into the towns be-
cause of the social hardships involved,
and to operate unfavorably In every
way. It occurs to us that the
plan of homes at the corners of
such farms as The
News recommends would go far to-
ward solving the problems presented
here. In this way the farmer and his
family live in or villages, not
alone near the center of their own
farm. Of course if the farm is not
larger than one family can properly
cultivate to dispense with a central
site would count for almost no In-
convenience at all. The farmer and
his family would gain advantages
most beyond
which they would doubtless have had
long ago by the means described but
for the excessive size of their farms.
When we get more people and more
in the them In spite
of the unattractive conditions which
few people and few farms create
farmers will at any rate live closer
together. The attractiveness of South-
farm life will be enormously In-
creased, and the special dangers that
have led many to advocate rural pa-
will almost altogether
Any picture of a pile of debris
will do to palm off as a photograph
the Austin disaster.
Is The World Growing Better
Many things go to prove that it is.
The way thousands are trying to
help others is proof. Among them is
Mrs. W. Gould of N. H.
Finding good health by taking
Bitters, she now advises other
sufferers, everywhere, to take them.
For years I suffered with stomach
and kidney she writes.
medicine I used failed till I
took Electric Bitters. But this great
remedy helped me
They'll help any woman. They're
the best tonic and finest liver and
kidney remedy that's made. Try
them. You'll see. at all drug-
And Roosevelt Is going after a
whale. There'll be blubber over that
Next week the great state fair at
Whit goes the money Is a
Wednesday at the home of Mr.
W. L. near Simpson, his
daughter, Miss Bessie Mr. F. E.
Brooks were married. The couple
came to Greenville on the Norfolk
Southern train and took the Coast
Line here for Richmond, to attend the
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
executor of estate of Zeno. T. Evans,
deceased, notice Is hereby given to
all persons Indebted to the estate to
make Immediate payment to the
and all persons having
claims against the said estate will
take that they must present
the same to the undersigned for pay-
on or before the 6th day of
1912, or this notice will be
plead In bar of recovery.
This 6th day of October, 1911.
Executor of Zeno T. Evans.
Before slapping some people the
wrist be sure that there is a vacant
cot at the hospital.
The more they are neglected the
happier some husbands are.
have a circulation
of 1,200 among the best
people in Eastern North
Carolina and invite those
who wish to get better
acquainted with these
good people in a business
way to take a few inches
space and tell them what
you have to bring to their
are low and can be
had upon application.
is the
of Eastern
It has a population
of and is surround-
ed by the best farming
country. Industries of
all kinds are invited to
locate here for we have
everything to offer in the
way of labor capital and
tributary facilities. We
have an up-to-date job
and newspaper plant.
Is the Most
the Most Healthful, the Most Noble Employment of Washington.
v in. mil.
Contest is Now to All
Women of Greenville Pitt
Energetic Ones Will
W in These Prizes.
used as you need them, just as you
The announcement that appears on
page of The Dally Reflector
today, of the Brand prize distribution
to be made by it. baa never been
Governing Beard Getting Everything In
Whatever your Station in life, what-
ever the size of your income, there is
something in this list
Which is bound to interest you. This
is your Opportunity to start your-
right with Hie world. Dame op-
equaled, either interest or Import- j knocks but once on every
by any similar announcement Moor, she is now loudly clamoring at
ever made this territory yours; but do not ask her to knock
is Ami Hew tan
I lire It.
DEATH farmer.
Is tile only animal that makes him-
self ridiculous by worry. The
gists teach us
All Teachers Invited to And liability to only ii
The prizes offered for
is op-
do not. let it once
In securing subscriptions to u
the Carolina has no place in this date and
I ally Reflector and
Home and Farm and Re-
are of royal value, and the
conditions under which they will be
distributed are so liberal they
are bound to enlist a vast number of
contestants to the effort to possess
They aggregate In cash values
more than and each of these at-
live rewards will make special and
Do not be bashful, enroll your name
and you can take one of the big
awards which will be given.
of Officers and The Hoard of
The Reflector has bee
Bring Their
of Agriculture Graham Will Make
Opening Address on Thursday
Fair Free to Everybody.
The governing board and township
committees of Pitt County Fair As-
held a meeting here Friday
office of President J. L. Wooten
to further discuss details for the first
county fair to be hold here on
Thursday and Friday, November
It was gratifying to hear that so
much Interest has been aroused all
over the county in the fair and that
there is every indication that it is
going to be a great success, both in
exhibits attendance. As
asked be
powerful appeal to ambitious young j print the names of the officers and admissions
women of the section Car- board of governor of the Pitt should
Una included within the contest Fair Association, so that persons At
The contest in which these mag-
prises will be distributed is
opened to all women, married or
single, residing in Pitt county. They
do not need to be subscribers to The
Dally Reflector and financial stand-
counts for nothing. All that Is
required is that they be of
the territory included in the contest
that they be of good repute. No
of The Daily Reflector may
enter this contest nor any direct
of their families.
The Daily Reflector will give this
elaborate schedule of prizes in order
to got the mime and merits of their
before the newspaper rending
public In this section of the state. J- Cox.
persons con-
making exhibits at the
fair may know whom to look to for
Information. They
President, J. L. Wooten.
Vice President. A. J.
Treasurer, J. Tucker.
Secretary, D. J.
Hoard of R, Bunting,
W. W. Bullock. J. H. Cobb. J. W.
Crawford. J. A. G. Cox.
S. I. Fleming, J. F. Evans, B. M.
Lewis, J. C. Galloway. R. L. Little,
C. G. Little, Dr J. Morrill, J. G.
J. L. Perkins. H. G. J. P.
w. M. Moore, J. R. Turn-
age. M. T. Spear. H. A. White. Carl
Turnage, C. J.
Director of Woman's Department
animals that possess associative
Numerous experiments made
upon lower animals serve to prove
that much of their apparent
gent action is purely Instinctive, her-
They do not reason
gently. The lower forms of life seem
utterly unable to profit by experience;
they have no associative memories.
and, or course, they are not addicted
to worry. In ascending the scale
animal life Interesting problems are
encountered when we reach the ant
tribes. It seems highly probable, too,
that wasps actually possesses certain
powers of associative memory.
And so the higher we ascend in
the scale of animal life the greater
the tendency to worry, that is. to
row to look with fear and
Y. a.
Pros. Trees Students Work
Together in Harmony.
An impressive service for the
of new members of the Young
Woman's Christian association was
held In the assembly hall of the Train-
shot. He shot one squirrel and Miss
three, and two others in the W
tree mad,, their escape. of
Mr. died Sunday night bright talk that
Now it is a curious fact that man N. C. W. F.
Hart, of Morehead City, is here look-
alter some work in South Ayden.
Master Wilbur is the crack
When some men drop a hint It
sounds like a ton of coal going down
n chute.
The worst cotton pest Is the low
They have resorted to this contest in
order to engrave indelibly on the
minds of the reading public of this
territory Hie name of their paper,
and this privilege they are
ling to pay royally. While the
and such a contest
is enormous, nevertheless the man-
of this newspaper feels
titled., of the great amount of
advertising which will result in the
How To Votes.
. Fill out the nomination blank which
appears in the page ad., with your
name or that of some lady friend
whom you would like to sec win the
piano, the Victor or one of
the handsome gold watches.
This nominal ion blank will count for
votes as a starter towards the
There is o coupon in each issue of
paper good for ten votes. Clip
these coupons from the paper, till
them out and bring them to the Con-
test Manager of The Daily Reflector.
As soon as you can, see the Contest
Manager and ask him for a receipt
book, then start gathering
from your friends. All the new
subscribers and old subscribers pay-
in advance, or on their arrears,
will get votes at the time of their
payment, so Instruct all your friends
to be sure and ask for their rotes,
Collect the money the spot and
bring It to the Contest Manager In
The Daily Reflector office, or mail
money order or draft to the same,
and make it payable to The Reflector
company. You will receive a vote
Coupon each subscription you
turn In. vote coupons are good
a any up to the close of the
Contest, fl you can poll them at
once or. id them in reserve to be
Any of these will give you any in-
formation possible about the fair.
They want all the people from their
respective communities to come to the
fair, and as many as can to have ex-
The Programs For Next Sunday
The Men's Prayer League an
Interesting meeting in the Presbyter-
church Sunday afternoon, with
splendid talks by Messrs. Adrian
Brown, H. B. Smith and R. M. Hearne.
The meting for next Sunday after-
noon will be held in the Christian
church. things that
the Lord
Messrs. J. F. Stokes, J. L.
Bishop and O. K. Warren.
Returned Ami Borrowed It
A young lady went visiting In her
neighborhood and it rained. She
rowed an umbrella to go home and
after the shower went back to re-
turn It. While on this mission she
I allied too long, another rain came
and she had to borrow the same um-
again. That time she decided
to wait until next morning to return
the umbrella.
Gives Aid to Strikers.
Sometimes liver, kidneys and bow-
time the Pitt County Fair Association,
aided by the State Board of
will give liberal premiums for
Those persons who are to make ex-
should let the president or sec-
of the fair know as far in ad-
as possible, so that the
space can be provided for
them. Also the most of the exhibits
should be here by Wednesday even-
November 1st, so they can be
ranged that night ready for the open-
of the fair Thursday morning, and
all exhibits should be In by
The fair will open to the public at
o'clock on Thursday, November
and Hon. W. A. Graham, state com-
missioner of agriculture, will deliver
the opening address at o'clock.
The board of governors at Friday's
meeting renewed the invitation to
manufacturers and dealers in farm
machinery and farm implements to
make exhibits at the fair. This Is
open to all manufacturers of and
dealers In any kind of farm
On the premium list that has been
sent out. attention has been called to
Hie omission of some crops that might
have been included, so the premium
committee decided that any merit-
article exhibited, even If not
mentioned specially In the premium
list, will be properly rewarded.
It was decided to make the second
day of the fair, Friday, a school day,
and an Invitation is extended to every
teacher In the county to bring their
schools to the fair that day. It will
be worth to the pupils to see
and learn what their county is doing.
It Is hoped to have a school parade
that morning, and details of this will
be announced later if the plans for
the parade can he perfected.
Now, If people all over the county
take hold and do their part,
and are going to be great
days for Pitt county.
The governing board will meet
again on Friday. October 27th.
You are not experimenting on your-
self when you take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for a cold as that prep-
has won its great reputation
els seem to go on strike and refine mid extensive sale by Its remarkable
work right. Then you need those
pleasant little
King's New Life give them
natural aid and gently compel proper
action. Excellent health soon follows.
Try them. cents all druggists.
cures of colds, can always be de-
pended upon. It Is SQUally valuable
for adults and children may be
given to young children with Implicit
confidence as It contains no harmful
drug. Sold by-all dealers.
misgiving that the future
holds In store, or to be unduly
concerning the
ties and problems of the present.
Van The Only Animal That
Of course the fact that man is the
only animal that worries is but a
demonstration of the superiority of
the human mind over that of the
lower animals. Animals are not
en to looking backward, and, as a
rule, they do not look very far into
the future; on the other hand the
mind of man sweeps back over past
ages, and. from the page of history,
as veil as from the perplexing
dents of the present, forms those con-
which cause him to look with
fear and trembling Into the future.
The causes of human worry are In-
deed varied, but in the last analysis
they are usually found to consist of
sonic form of Irritation, anxiety or
fear. It not frequently develops that
numerous habits of life and physical
practices are contributory to the
habit. The use of alcohol and
other forms of psychic and physical
transgression are often discovered to
the handmaidens of worry and
sorrow. Lack self control is an-
other great cause worry, A strong
will would cure nine-tenths of this
unnecessary form or grief.
Whatever the Immediate cause
worry a tor our own gen-
welfare, material prosperity and
mental happiness, or that of our loved
ones, must be recognized as the real
cause of all our worry. worry
lest we may lose or fail to obtain
those material blessings which will
make us and our friends happy.
The desire for happiness is gene-
ally found to the real, fundamental
cause of worry. But is It not
that we should forget that under
no circumstances can worry ever con-
tribute to our happiness On the
Other hand worry and anxiety never
Tail to detract from the enjoyment
of life, to destroy mental peace,
not Infrequently they store up for the
future that which will everlastingly
destroy the very happiness for which
arc wont to worry.
Many good people entertain the
false notion that the procession of
material riches can bestow happiness
upon the soul. They are tally
of the Idea that riches are
essential . tin joy of Accord-
they toll in anxiety, endure
hardships and experience much men-
torture In their to pro-
themselves with supposed
essentials to life happiness.
of paralysis. For a long time he has
been a prominent figure around here.
making shingles, well hollows, etc.
and at election time he was always
true as steel. The last rote he cast
was for Governor W. W. Kitchin. In
his early manhood he was married to
Miss Martha, the youngest daughter
O the late Mr. White, who with
a large Family survive him. His
remains were deposited In the family
near here today, there to
await the morning.
A lull supply hardware for mill,
gin and term. J, Smith s lire.
Mr. Barnes S. has
ed a nice touring car.
Let us gin your cotton. We win
haul It, gin it. furnish bagging and
ties, buy your seed, or exchange them
meal. L. L.
At a meeting or the stockholders
and directors or the Pitt County- Oil
mill, our townsman, Mr. L. L. KIt-j
was elected president. This,
however, will not conflict with his
work here. We congratulate Mr.
on his recognized ability and the
oil mill has made a wise choice.
We regret to learn that Mr. John A.
Branch is very sick at home near
The family of Mr. J. left
Saturday morning to make their home
St Black Mountain. We are to
see them go. as they arc some of
den's oldest and most substantial
landmarks. This change was caused
by the ill health of Mr.
There Is a new arrival at Rev. Mr.
Caraway's on Fast avenue.
There is a new cotton buyer on Lee
street, young Mr. Britt. We expect to
see the fleecy staple go higher.
Rev. Lewis Is holding a
of meetings here in the new
Methodist church. He is striking
from the shoulder and holding
up the blood stained banner of King
He is doing some fine
preaching. He Is loyal to his state
as well as to his Master, and paid a
glorious tribute to Rev. Sam Jones
Sunday morning. Be is a strong.
forceful and speaker. Much
rest Is being manifested In this
Our people are emulating the ants
and busy bees by laying in their sup-
ply fuel for winter use.
Mr. Eugene Cannon, of Ayden, and
Miss Carrie Smith, or Reedy Branch,
will be married on the 18th and take
a bridal trip Washington City and
other northern cities, Mr. Cannon is
one of our most popular merchants
and Miss Smith is one of Pitt's most
accomplished teachers. They will
make their home In Ayden. We wish
for much happiness.
We heard I here are candidates
tor Initiation In the I. O. F. This
shows that fraternity is gaining favor
in our community.
Mr. John II. Trip, spending a
days with his parents at More-
Mr. Richard
Richmond to buy horses and mules
tor the Ayden market.
We bops to see ex-
come up with parts of
county fair
and If any this section has any-
thing they wish Send up and It
Is not convenient for them to send
It, leave it at J. It. Smith
store mid we will label and see it
evinced his Interest in the
development the students. He
rend a Scripture lesson. John
verse if it
seems evil with you to serve the Lord,
you this day whom ye will
serve, whether the gods which your
fathers served that were on the other
side cf the flood, or the gods of the
in whose land ye but
tor me mid my house we will serve
Today in this Christian land we
arc facing the same conditions that
the Jews faced each individual
must make his own choice. Every
human being is religious his
and has a natural longing for
good as well as for evil. This spirit-
side of man must he fed as well
as the physical or mental sides. In
state school conditions are such
that denominational lines cannot be
drawn, but there is rare opportunity
for working together in Christian
Is stronger than
any doctrine. Each Christian should
be a member of some church but all
should be able to work together
the full, true spirit of Christ.
He closed by saying lie hoped every
student would cast her lot among the
Y. W, C. m workers and would thus
help develop a well rounded, noble
Christian womanhood.
The music especially lining.
There were three numbers besides
the Misses Marguerite Davis
and Joyner sang a Miss
Davis a solo. and. at the close the
service, the full school sang a chorus.
Timely advice given Mrs. C.
of No.
prevented a dreadful tragedy and
ed two lives. Doctors had said her
frightful cough was a
cough and could do little to help her.
After many remedies tailed, her aunt
her to take Dr. King's New Dis-
have been using It for
some she wrote, the aw-
cough has almost gone. It also
saved my little boy when taken with
a severe bronchial This
matchless medicine has no equal for
throat and lung troubles. Price SO
cents and Trial bottle free.
by nil druggists.
Rev. Mr. Spiegel united In mar-
yesterday at the parsonage
Mr. W. Bowling, of Pitt
and Miss Millie i. Crumpler, or
township. The groom is a
prominent farmer Pitt county and
the bride is highly esteemed In her
community and is a r to Mrs.
J. W. of this
properly entered.
The Seminary has recently Installed
another nice piano to accommodate
the largo music class of -Miss Jennie
Music has charms. Mr, a. F.
ban purchased a nice piano.
We have oil. lead and ready-mixed
paints and a line building material.
Cot our prices. J. R. Smith Bro.
Several left this morning for the
state fair at Raleigh.
Be sure to send something to tho
Pitt county fair, and attend yourself,
and feel proud of old Pitt.

Eastern reflector, 13 October 1911
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 13, 1911
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Joyner NC Microforms
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