Eastern reflector, 29 September 1911

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Carolina Home and Farm
The Canada Has
Witnessed in a Long Time.
OTTAWA, Out. Sept. The hot-
test political campaign Canada has
witnessed the days of Sir John
and the -National Policy
was brought to a whirlwind finish
n day with rallies and
in virtually every city, town and ham-
lot from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Tomorrow the electors throughout
the country will express their
preferences and on their verdict
depends the fate of the Liberal gov-
which, under the leadership
Sir Wilfrid been in
office for fifteen years, and also the
fate of the proposed reciprocity pact
With the United States, from which
Sir Wilfrid stands sponsor.
If Sir Wilfrid returns to power, the
reciprocity bill will be passed soon
after the re-assembling of
next month, and at an agreed
date both Canada and the United
States will put the necessary tariff
changes into effect.
if the opposition wins a majority,
Robert L. its leader, will be-
come premier, reciprocity will be
dropped and Canada will remain a
tariff country desirous of con-
present tariff relations
with the United Slates.
The polls will open at o'clock to-
morrow morning and close at
o'clock in the afternoon. Unless the
voting at huge is unusually close it
is expected that the outcome will be
known by u p. m.
campaign is the last in which
Premier will participate, ac-
cording to, his declaration made at
beginning of the struggle. If he
wins the contest, he will hold office
continuously for a longer period than
Sir John MacDonald.
The campaign has been hotly con-
tested in ail the provinces, and
conditions in certain sections
of Dominion are regarded as
highly favorable to Liberal party
the result cannot be accurately fore-
casted. Upon the whole, disinterest-
ed observers seem inclined to the
opinion that the government will ear-
the country by a reduced ma-
The claims of the two sides on the
eve of tin- elect ion are about as fol-
The opposition declare they
will gain seats from the government
in the
New Brunswick and Prince Ed-
ward Island-in Quebec, Ontario,
Manitoba and British Columbia,
while Saskatchewan Alberta will
remain with the government as at
present. The Liberals, on the con-
maintain that they will increase
their large majority in the
sections of Quebec
and the provinces, and will
make gains in Ontario through-
out the West.
Practically the reciprocity agree-
United has been
the sole issue of the campaign. The
Liberal s i ml speakers
have d its advantages,
while the opposition denied its
material ; the com-
lo i I limit- to the commercial
unity and mil independence of
Canada, a.; a towards Con-
and as a far step tO-
separation from the mother
The Conservative campaigners have
Confined themselves largely to the
sentimental side of the reciprocity
question. The British flag, the
of British connection
and protests against closer re-
with the United States have
formed the basis of Conservative
speeches. The Liberals, on the other
hand, have sought to keep the fiscal
aspect of reciprocity to the front and
have accounted as the
of the Conservatives that
will lead Canada away from
England and to the United States.
It is conceded that if the
have succeeded in convincing
a majority of the electors that
tends toward annexation the
government will b defeated. It like-
wise seems certain that if the govern-
speakers have satisfied the
annexation is impossible,
the government will be returned by
a substantial majority and the
agreement ratified.
province of
Quebec is regarded as the pivotal
province in the election. Here Henri
the opposition nationalist
leader, has vigorously denounced
Premier as too imperialistic.
Through his paper, Le of Mon-
and in speeches, he has de-
that betrayed
independence to Great Britain
by enacting a law for the creation of
a navy, which eventually will lead to
the conscription of the young men of
In addition to the con-
opponents of the govern-
return are Clifford
former member of the cab-
Robert Rogers, minister of pub-
works in the Manitoba govern-
and head of the conservative or-
in the Prairie West; Rich-
ard premier of British Col-
and Premier of New
Liberal governments are in power
i-i Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Is-
land, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Al-
They have given the govern-
and reciprocity all possible aid
in the campaign.
WHETHER you feed or sell your hay, it should be baled.
Baled hay takes up much less room and nets a better
price than loose hay. It is always ready for any mark-
et at top price, while loose hay must be sold near home, at what-
ever you can get. ,
Conducts a Good Sale.
Although a comparative stranger
in Greenville, Mr. J. J. Gentry has
been conducting his sales in such a
way at the Gum warehouse as to
cause favorable comment by those
who have witnessed his sales. Mr.
Gentry is comparatively a young man,
strong physically, and his manner of
conducting his sales shows that he
knows his business from start to fin-
He is a bard worker, and
leaves a pile of tobacco as long
as there is a prospect of getting a
bid on it. A farmer who was on his
sale a few days ago, was heard to
fellow Gentry is go-
to win his way in
For bowel complaints in children
always give Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Remedy and
oil. it certain to effect a
cure and when reduced with water
and is pleasant to take. No
physician can prescribe a better
remedy. For sale by all dealers.
Our New
Mr. M. Clark was admitted to
practice law in the Superior courts
North Carolina Monday. Mr. Clark
granted his license recently.
was presented to the court
b A. L. Blow and took the oath
before Judge Carter.
have many points of strength, simplicity, and convenience found
in no other presses. They are equipped with a compound lever
and a toggle joint plunger, which gives them great compress-
poker. A pound pull on the sweep of a I H C
press gives pounds pressure in the bale chamber.
The bed reach is only inches high and very narrow. The
bale chamber is very to reach over to tie the bale.
If you examine an I C H hay press you will appreciate its
value as a money saver and money maker.
For I H C hay presses, clover leaf manure spreaders, weber
wagons and all other farm machinery and hardware, call on
Hart Hadley
Greenville, N. C.
The Witty Irishman.
An Irishman wanted an empty bot-
in which to mix a solution, and
went to a druggist to buy one. Se-
one that answered his
pose, lie asked how much it was.
said the clerk, you want
the empty bottle it'll be one cent, but
if you have anything put in it we
don't charge anything for
that's fair
ed the Irishman; in a
Child's Nose Cut In Two.
Late Tuesday afternoon a little son
of Mr. D. L. Smith, one of the rural
mail carriers out from Grimesland,
was playing in the yard with a tin
bucket. The little fellow fell over
on the bucket, striking his nose
across the chime, and cut his nose
in two. He was taken to a physician
in Ayden for the wound to be sewed
Three Things for Men.
There are more than three, of
course, but C. T. wants to
impress the fact that his big store
is especially strong on three things
for men and boys.
When it comes to clothes, he has
the Smart Clothes, that
stand at the head of the class. They
are of the right quality and shades
for fall and winter, and they are made
right. The man or boy in one of
these suits will look right.
Then he has the 5-ply linen collars
and cuffs, the very best made, and
they can be had nowhere else.
Lion Brand shirts are known every-
where and are not surpassed by
any. The man or boy does the right
thing for himself in going to Mun-
ford's for these articles.
Tell the average man a joke and he
will say, reminds Then
he'll get busy and you will have to
listen, and it servos you right.
On Sunday a colored man
who lives on the farm of Sheriff S.
I. Dudley, about five miles from town,
found a large rattlesnake in his yard
and killed it. The snake had nine
Agriculture U the Most Useful, the Most Healthful, the Most Noble Employment of Man.- George Washington.
And Preachers, Through Force of
Habit, Oiler Strange Prayers.
few of us, even those who read, ever
stop one moment to think on what we
have read.
In the Methodist literature each
month has an opening service laid
down. The opening service for Au-
gust among other things had a verse,
a couplet of this verse read something
I can cool one ache or
Then I shall not live in vain.
Evidently the author of these lines
wrote, or intended to say, soothe one
ache or pain, but a typographical
error made him say cool Instead of
soothe. During the past month I
attended several Sunday schools that
used this opening service, and each
and every one read it just as printed,
s I can cool one ache or
Without a wonder the Methodist Sun-
day school of your city read this for
the whole month of August without
once thinking that a pain is not
something to be cooled.
A while ago I heard a preacher get
up and preach a powerful sermon,
urging sinners to repent and be
ed just now and made much effort to
impress all who had not accepted
Christ that now is the day to accept
Him and to be saved. And then he
called the congregation to prayer
and made a most feeling prayer and
wound it up by asking God for Christ's
sake to at last save us all in heaven.
When he his service I
asked him when a man was saved
He said when he confessed Christ
and accepted Him as his Savior.
Then I said why do three-fourths of
your preachers always wind up your
prayers by asking God to save us at
last He said of habit; we
did not Just as many who
are called on when the husband has
been taken and a widow left, I have
heard preachers of note pray that
God would be a Father to the father-
less and a husband to the widow;
God cannot be, and has never prom-
to be a husband to the widow.
He can and has promised to be a
Father to the fatherless and a friend
to the widow, but not a husband.
So in my last, my bad copy and
not the operator, made roe say that
dudes and other creeping
things existed where once stood a
town built up entirely of the
racy of that I meant to con-
the idea that that town was en-
depopulated by all human be-
and that only doodles, little
insects that live in the sand, and other
creeping things now inhabited that
once proud and beautiful town. And
not that the offspring of those
were dudes and creeping things.
The Rev. S. B. of the M.
B. church, south, closed a series of
meetings at this place last Sunday
night. He reorganized a church, re-
claiming part of the old members
that were scattered like sheep with-
out a shepherd when the church went
down. He also received four who
had never been connected with any
church. Quite an interest through
his earnest preaching had been
aroused among our people, but he
had to close his meeting here Sun-
day night to begin a protracted meet-
at Gum Swamp. May much good
be accomplished.
The way we got dudes out of
doodles was you put instead of
With Liberal Donation To The
President J. L. Wooten, of the Pitt
County Fair Association, has
ed C letter from the State
Department, advising that the
department will come to the aid of
the county association making a
donation to the premium list of the
county fair. This donation from the
state promises to be a liberal one,
and still further assures the success
of the county fair to be held on the
2nd and 3rd of November. In
to the donation by the State De-
of Agriculture for the gen-
exhibits at the county fair, they
make a special donation for exhibits
in the women's department.
At the meeting of the governing
board of the county fair to be held
on Friday, the premium list will be
revised to include the donation of
the State Department of Agriculture.
In the meantime the people of the
county should be getting something
ready to exhibit at the fair. Do every-
thing you can to help make this first
fair a success, and to show what Pitt
county can do in the way of a display
farm products, stock, poultry, pan-
try supplies, fruits, vegetables, and
woman's work.
Finds City Profusely Dressed ;
President Taft arrived this morn
in Topeka, the first important
on his day's schedule, he found
city profusely dressed in patriotic
tire and an enormous crowd on
to do him honor. A party of
representatives of the
Kansas accompanied the
from while another p
of state and city officials and lead;
citizens of Topeka was in waiting
the station to greet him when
stepped from his special train. Ai
the welcome formalities had been
eluded the president was taken
charge by the reception
and escorted by a parade through
decorated streets of the
town district. At the conclusion
the parade the president deliver
brief address at the of
corner stone for the State Sold
Memorial Hall to be erected in
city. At the conclusion of the
gramme the presidential train
for and Leavenworth.
The Colored School.
The Industrial graded school, for
colored race, of which C. M. Epps is
principal, will begin its ninth
Monday, October The last
session was a decided success and
the principal, assisted by Amy D.
Bowen, and Claudine Edmonds, will
use every means to carry the work
to greater success.
For bowel complaints in children
always give Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Remedy and
oil. It is certain to effect a
cure and when reduced with water
and sweetened is pleasant to take. No
physician can prescribe a better
remedy. For sale by all dealers.
To lie Held in Greenville Next Sun-
day Night.
Rev. It. L. Davis, superintendent of
the Anti-Saloon League of the state,
will visit Greenville next Sunday
night and address the people of this
community at a union service to be
held in the Memorial Baptist church.
Mr. Davis will tell why the jugs, the
blind tigers and the near-beer
loons must go. Everybody men,
men and invited to hear
Foxhall Has Highest Average of
Season. ;
Yesterday the average made
Star warehouse was
the highest made during the
season. The entire sale, .
scrap, averaged nearly f-
any warehouse in the
to beat this.
Elsewhere this paper, you
see an itemized list of a few
sales which we made, and J
are making every day. Come on
your next load, for you know
Star beats them all when it
to getting the most for your ti
F. D. FOXHALL, Manager
The man who agrees with us is a
mighty level-headed follow.
is always more or
prevalent during September. Be
pared for it. Chamberlain's C,
Cholera and
prompt and effectual. It can
be depended upon and is
to take. For sale by all deal .

Gave Am Interesting Programs Kan-
The class of Winterville
church had charge of the
services Sunday night, September
in place of the regular preaching.
They had an excellent program
ranged, consisting of the
Jesus With Thy Church
Unison recitation of the National
Motto, Platform and Slogan of the
J. D. Cox.
the Bible
Means to Young by G. H. Cox.
Address Young People
Should Read and Study the
I L. Bennett.
People and the
Temperance C. Causey.
People and Pub-
R. Carroll.
Every part of the program was well
rendered and the large crowd that
filled the church went away saying
had greatly enjoyed the service
The class is living up to its mot-
to, do They have an
enrollment of sixty members, a good
set of officers, and are going rapidly
forward, accomplishing great good
Much of the success of the program
due to Miss Liles, teacher of the
who very kindly assisted
with the music.
Mr. Grows Them la Wake s
Pitt or Beaufort Counties.
Farmers Express Opposition To The
We have received some letters from
tobacco farmers expressing
to the petition of a number of
merchants of Greenville to the To-
Board of Trade, asking that
double tobacco sales be put on the
market, which petition was publish-
ed in The Daily Reflector a few days
The farmers writing these letters
opposition to the petition give
reasons why they do not think double
sales are expedient, but as a dis-
of the matter Just now might
have a tendency to produce friction
between the merchants and the
a thing that should by all means
be avoided, we think It best not to
publish the letters referred to. It
a matter that we believe the To-
Board of Trade will
handle in a manner which they
think will best meet the interest of
all concerned.
Talking about grapes, there is
nothing in the earth or in the waters
underneath the earth so good as
grapes. from that the
nectar of the gods was made. But
when the gods made a
they made it those who had
the pains to cultivate the vine or their
near neighbors to whom they wished
to give a taste of the most delicious
thing that the Almighty ever made. It
has but one draw-back, is it a
virtue; that it cannot be shipped safe-
and profitably. Therefore, for a
long time the people have been trying
to get a grape having the delicacy and
sweetness of the with
properties that would make them keep
for some time after being taken off
the vines. The pioneer of this work
is Mr. Henry of Beaufort county,
who grew the grape to
and Mr. James, of Pitt county,
also grew a grape that has came into
great popularity. These grapes are
very nearly as good as
but not quite.
Our friends in Pitt and Beaufort
have a notion that they have a
on growing these grapes, but
yesterday Mr. H. E. Springer, who is
the owner of Mahler's vineyard, east
of Raleigh, sent the News and Ob-
server a basket of James grapes grown
in the Mahler vineyard that were Just
as good as Mr. ever grew in
Beaufort county, or Mr. James in Pitt
county. The truth Is that Wake
is ideally located, and If it is not
on the site of the original Garden of
Eden, It is Just as good a place. South
and east of Raleigh you can grow
cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, water
melons and grapes In
Wake county Just as well as you can
in Beaufort county, and north and
west of Raleigh you can grow crops
to perfection that are grown in such
western counties as Catawba and
Rowan. Therefore, we have the com-
of soil and climate In Wake
county that embraces all sorts In the
state from the seashore to the foot
of the News and
Pitt county is the home of the
James grape, and the original vine
is doing business at the same old
stand. The News and Observer may
think this celebrated grape comes as
near to perfection up that way as
here in Its native home, but a test
of the original will prove the
Marriage Licenses.
During last week Register of Deeds
Moore issued licenses to the follow-
M. H. Bradley and Ina Johnson.
Will and Clarissa An-
Stanley Little and Emma Joyner.
Greenville B. Trust Co. Depositor.
The United States treasurer has
designated the Greenville Banking
and Trust Company as the depository
for money deposited In the Postal
Savings Bank at the Greenville post
Some Cotton Pickers.
The family of Mr. J. D.
of Steel Creek, stands unchallenged
as the champion cotton-picking family
of the county, and, perhaps, of the
state, The other day four members
of the family picked 1,528 pounds of
cotton, enough to make a heavy bale.
The above amount was picked in
one day by four of Mr.
sons, namely, Roy, Ben, Cecil and
The quantity picked by each one
was as Roy, Ben,
Cecil, and Harvey pounds.
Charlotte Chronicle.
Let us hear from Pitt's champions.
Greenville The Best Market
This has been a big week and a
good week on the Greenville tobacco
market. It brings a price here that
puts money in the pockets of the to-
growers. There is not another
market the east that can touch
The Bank of Greenville
Capital Stock 50,000.00
Greenville, N. C.
A Record of Years of Successful Banking
Among our directors are men who hove made a remark-
able success of their own business. Having been
successful with theirs, they will handle
yours with safety.
R. L. DAVIS, of B. L. Davis k Bros., C.
W. E. PROCTOR, of J. Proctor ft Bro., N. C.
R. W. KING, Greenville, C. -f k V-
J ft Genera V. C,
J. G. General Merchant, H. C.
B. B. FLEMING, N. .,,.
T. HOOK Lit, Prop. Liberty Warehouse, Greenville, N. C.
B. A. FOUNTAIN, of Fountain ft Co., Fountain, N. C.
B. W. of Moseley Bros Greenville, I. C.
W. It. WILSON, Merchandise Broker, N. C.
JAMES L. LITTLE, Greenville, N. C.
A small account opened now may grow in-
to a one--Accounts Invited
R. L. DAVIS, President JAMES L. Cashier.
S. T. HOOKER, H. D. BATEMAN, Cashier.
When You Want to Buy a
See Sam White Piano Co
Greenville, North Carolina.
They will sell you a first
class instrument cheap and
on easy terms. They are
home people and will treat
you right- Visit our store.
Royster stock and Powders
Is the best Stock and Poultry Powder used. Always gives
results. Guaranteed cholera cure for hogs. Sold by
J. W. Bryan, Greenville, and other dealers
Forty-four states have adopted an
age limit for the employment of
The average wage of school teach-
in Kansas has more than doubled
in the past ten years.
During the last two years the In-
Brotherhood of Stationary
Firemen has gained members.
Organized labor in Atlanta, Ga.,
has purchased a site and will soon
begin the erection of a
The highest oriental wages. are
paid In the where the
ordinary laborer, gets from twenty to
fifty cents a day.
Fewer women over sixteen years of
age the Southern cot-
ton mills than In the mills of the New
England states.
During the last year the Boot and
Shoe International union
has paid in sick, disability and death
benefits a total of
In the various metal industries of
Belgium nearly half the men work
from nine to ten hours a day, and the
majority of the rest work from ten
to eleven.
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ken-
Louisiana, South Carolina and
Tennessee have laws requiring all
employers to provide seats for their
In the United States the average
productivity of the is
a year, while in England the
average productivity of the workman
is only a year.
For quite a while our state has
been doing all it could to stamp out
this dread disease. Among other
things it has published and sent out
free literature for the education of
the people. Much has already been
accomplished along this line, but,
alas I how many have never been
reached, how many have never been
helped Our state must have the co-
operation of its people to ever ac-
the results desired. And no
organization can do more than a
band of united, determined women.
Perhaps you are not interested, you
say, well, my people, or my
family are well and strong; there is
no need for me to do any
Think again, are you sure you can
say that six months from now And
does not the health of your neigh-
concern you
The Civic League has been work-
for a year or more to some
interest the cleanliness and gen-
sanitation of our town. We have
always had from our mayor and
town officials the heartiest co-op-
but we did not have as many
women as we wanted, because we
wanted every woman in town.
The league will meet for re-organ-
Thursday afternoon at
o'clock at the home of Mrs. L. C.
Skinner. We ask every woman who
is interested in the welfare of her
town to come to this meeting. If your
neighbor does not take this paper,
won't you tell her of this meeting
and bring her
In addition to our local work, it
our aim to take up the study of
tuberculosis; and at an early date
we will have Dr. of Raleigh,
to address us. Won't you come and
join us
MRS. A. M. P.
The American Brotherhood, an In-
dependent organization of black-
smiths in New York, has, by
vote, decided to affiliate with
the International Brotherhood of
Blacksmiths and Helpers.
The average wages paid to skilled
women sewing machine operators in
the United States varies from
to a day. The same class of la-
in France, Germany and Switzer-
land receives from to cents a
At a recent meeting of the United
Hebrew Trades, in Manhattan, N. Y.,
it was decided to aid the tailors in
the organizing campaign they are
now carrying on to get all the trade
in the country into the union, as a
preliminary preparation for a gen-
strike in 1912.
The action of the In-
union in the adopting a
label to distinguish its products from
those of ill-paid convict, Asiatic or
child labor, was gradually followed
by other labor organizations, until
or living in the United States Is far
are seventy-nine union la-
greater than in any other country.
Look At The Date.
Some are coming, but we are wait-
for YOU to come in and get a
Reflector subscription receipt or send
us a remittance. Look at the date
after your name on the paper.
Genius is largely energy well
Dr. Alexander Belief That
Farmers Will Hold for Cents.
the farmers of North Caro-
hold their cotton for
Dr. H. Q. Alexander, president of the
state division of the union,
was asked Saturday afternoon.
Dr. Alexander re-
course there are some
who cannot hold. They have incur-
red obligations which have to be
met and there is nothing for them to
do but dispose of enough of their crop
to get rid of pressing obligations. Of
the remainder, however, I am
dent that the great majority will hold
their cotton for cents. The or-
is making a constant and
I believe an effective campaign of
education with the view to bettering
the condition of the farmers, instruct-
them as to the production and
marketing of their crops and other-
wise looking after their best inter-
have received several inquiries,
mostly from officials of county locals
throughout the state, asking about
the financing of the crop. My replies
to all these is to have the county
locals appoint influential committees
to wait upon the local banks to see
ii funds cannot be secured at home
for the financing of the crop, the
securities being the warehouse re-
have added that if sufficient
accommodations cannot be secured,
then to communicate with me so that
can get in touch with others higher
Dr. Alexander is assured that the
Condensed Statement of
The National Bank
At Close of Business September 1911.
Loans and
Overdrafts . . 3,201.18
U. S. bonds . 21.000.00
Stocks and bonds . 2.500.00
Furniture and fixtures. 7,136.00
Ex. for Clearing house. 3,639.84
Cash and due from banks. 33,278.02
I per cent fund . 1,050.00
Total .
Surplus . 10,000.00
Profits . 1,810.55
Circulation . 21,000.00
Band account . 21,000.00
Dividends unpaid . 91.42
Cashier's checks . 425.41
Deposits. 115,240.12
Buck's Cook Stoves
and Ranges. The
great White
line of Buck's Cook
Stoves are fully
guaranteed to bake.
We have also re-
a fine line
of Mirrors and
the frames are
all new and
from the old
Leather Couches to please you. to see us.
Yours truly, Taft VanDyke
General Merchandise
Buyer of Cotton Country Produce
A stock of fancy groceries, one
nice up-to-date Counter,
good stand and good trade
established. Want to sell at
once. Will sell for part cash,
balance on easy terms. Reason
for selling, other business to
look after.
Nicely everything clean
and attractive, working the very
best barbers to none.
J if. A i G. MOTE.
farmers of the South can realize on
their crop if they will only market
It slowly and
Experience gives you a look back
which never seems to help you at a
look forward.
to be that hare never been
Jest bring to Winslow's Stables.
A man begins to think he has a
genius politics Just soon as he
is introduced to a boss.

d a
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
Advertising Rates on
Rev. C. M. Rock, of was
In town Wednesday.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing com-
have a good lot of wire fencing
on hand. We notice the farmers are
needing some along now about
fencing off peanut patches for hogs,
etc. .
The Greenville boys came over
Wednesday evening and played ball
with the Winterville High school boys
here and the result was to in
favor of Winterville High school
The Mercantile Company is
still offering bargains in dry goods,
notions, shoes, hats and caps. They
have also just received a nice line
of underwear of any kind or style
for gents, ladies or children.
Mr. J. L. Jackson, of Greenville,
was In our town Thursday and Fri-
A nice line of crockery at
A. W. Ange
Mr. and Mrs. Ange, of Jamesville,
are spending a few days with their
son, Mr. A. W. Ange.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing com-
has Just opened up an extra
nice assortment of buggy robes. Go
down and select one before they are
all picked over.
Mr. J. R. Smith, of Ayden, was in
town Thursday.
A car of stoves, heaters and ranges
just arrived at A. W. Ange
Miss Evelyn Sutton returned Thurs-
day from a visit in Greenville.
When you need that made-to-order
suit, overcoat or pants, come to the
Union Mercantile company and let
them take your measure. They
to fit you or your money back.
They don't want your money until
your are fitted and satisfied.
Mrs. J. R. Smith, of Ayden, spent
Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Eliza-
beth near here.
The farmers want carts and wagons
to go to moving now. The A. G. Cox
Manufacturing company has the
of making the best on the
market. If you want a
you had better see them and place
your order.
Rev. M. A. Adams is holding a
of meetings at Ayden this week.
Remember the Union Mercantile
company ticket proposition for cash
trade. For every of trade they
give you a ticket worth cents and
they redeem the tickets in part pay-
on any of their jewelry. That
ticket also gives you a chance at a
Miss Manila Chapman returned
Thursday from a visit to Miss Annie
Have you been down and let your
buggy wants be known to Hunsucker
do it before the big rush comes
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing com-
makes the buggy that will
please you if strength, style and
are pointers about a buggy.
Mr. W. R. Percival, a well known
dry goods salesman of Virginia, was
in town Friday. Everyone is glad to
see Mr. Percival, even some of the
Harrington, Barber Co. have re-
a large shipment of rubber
rooting. It is a good time to get it
and stop the leaks in out buildings.
Mrs. W. E. Cox made a trip to
den yesterday.
A nice lot of rugs and blankets at
Harrington, Barber
Mr. H. A. White, of Greenville, was
in town yesterday attending a meet-
of the Pitt County Oil company.
Every man can't get rich, but every
man can save something. No matter
how small your income may be, if
you make up your mind to lay up a
part of your earnings every week, you
can soon laugh at hard times and
poverty. Bank of Winterville.
Mrs. B. T. Cox went to Ayden yes-
and returned this evening.
See Harrington, Barber Company
for your suit of clothes before you
buy. They will save your money.
Mr. B. F. Manning, our clever cot-
ton buyer, went to Snow Hill today.
WINTERVILLE, N. C, Sept. 2.7.
Miss Julia came in Sunday
night to visit Miss Elizabeth Adams.
Free sewing machine at A. W. Ange
Miss Eva Langston, who has been
teaching at Gold Point, returned to
her home Sunday night.
A habit of depositing your spare
money regularly will pile up a for-
tune in time. It is not too early or
too late to begin to save now. We
will be glad to explain any banking
terms fully and give you any other
help we can. Bank of Winterville.
Miss May Smith, of Ayden, was in
town Sunday.
Large small rugs, wide rugs
and narrow rugs, but all cheap at
A. W. Ange
Miss Rosa of Greene
county, came in Saturday and will
assist Mrs. E. F. Tucker in her mil-
Harrington, Barber Co. have just
received a car load of salt and the
price is low. Come and get your
salt now.
There will be services at St. Luke's
Episcopal church next Sunday at
o'clock, p. m., by Rt. Rev. Robt.
Strange, bishop of East Carolina.
Your correspondent spent last Sun-
day in Beaufort county, where the
people not only stay, but live. He
was treated royally and had a pleas-
ant trip, but would like to make the
trip No.
See those blankets and comforts
at Harrington, Barber They
are something nice for the money.
Mr. J. E. Greene and Miss Vivian
Roberson visited friends in and near
Ayden Sunday evening.
Come and see Harrington, Barber
Co. for mowing machines and rakes
before you buy one and they will
save you money.
The and classes
had a social gathering on the Winter-
ville High school campus Saturday
night. The campus was beautifully
arranged and lighted. Cream and
cake were served and all had a pleas-
ant time.
Come and see Harrington, Barber
Co. for your dress goods.
have a nice line and they are cheap.
They have broadcloths, voiles, Pan-
and silk waist pat-
terns, also black silk taffetas; all go-
Mrs. J. L. Rollins left Saturday
to visit her parents near Kin-
and left keeping
Rev. R. C. filled his reg-
appointment at the M. E. church
here Sunday morning and night.
Mr. Robt. an old W. H.
S. boy, spent a few days in town this
Messrs. A. D. Cox, E. F.
and J. W. left Monday
morning for Bertie county on a hunt-
Misses Pearl Hester, Lizzie Cox and
C. T. Cox spent Monday evening in
the country.
Mr. M. B. Bryan, of Kinston, was
in town Tuesday.
A crowd of our young men attend-
ed the show at Ayden last night and
counted back.
Mr. B. F. Manning, our clever cot-
ton buyer, made a trip to Snow Hill
The weather is not very cold now
we know, but it is going to be colder
we believe. That is why we have
opened up such a nice line of buggy
robes of all styles. Better make your-
self a present of one now. The A.
G. Cox Manufacturing Company can
show them to you.
What is nicer for a young man than
a nice buggy and harness. They
want a buggy and
too. Right now, Mr. Man, is
the time to buy your boy a nice
turnout. You owe it to him for work-
so hard for you all the year. The
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. can put him in
Coffins, caskets, and hearse service
can be had from the A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. Be sure to let them know when
you want any undertaking done.
f and and The Eastern
Rockefeller Institute Discovers Se-
rum That Will Save Life.
us take one of the best
examples of the Rockefeller
work, Dr.
of epidemic spinal meningitis,
and his discovery of an antiserum for
its writes Walter Pritchard
Eaton in Munsey's, for October.
discovery alone has already
saved, as the figures show, hundreds
of human lives, and will go on
thousands more. It was the re-
of long, patient, careful
with animals, chiefly monkeys,
in the laboratory.
two hundred animals were
sacrificed in all. Without such
the discovery could not have been
made. Unless you consider, then, a
monkey's life as valuable as that of
your son or daughter, it is hard to
see how you can argue against vi-
and animal
mortality was as high as eighty
per cent before Dr.
It was truly a deadly malady,
and still remains so unless
la prompt and the antiserum injection
Contrary To
Crop Large.
are plenty of white cotton patches
around here and very few hands, so
the farmers are having lots of
getting their cotton picked.
Mrs. M. A. Whichard, who has been
visiting relatives in Norfolk for the
past two weeks, returned home
There was a crowd around here
last Saturday who went fox hunting
and they had a large trail, plenty o
music from the dogs, but ended up
with every body tired
Mr. J. L. Perkins one of our clever
merchants at Stokes, has just install-
ed a large boiler and engine to his
fine plant which makes his power very
The school at Swamp will
start next Monday with Miss Maude
Mooring as teacher.
Mr. R. D. Congleton and family,
Mr. T. M. Mooring and family and Miss
Maude Mooring spent last Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Whichard.
We are glad to note Mr. H. S. Cong-
is making his usual visits to
town again.
Mr. Frank Fleming, of Stokes, came
down to see us Sunday for awhile.
A many from around here at-
tended the revival meeting aft Oak
Grove last week.
From the report of guns we hear
some time, -there must be lots of
snakes in the woods, as our people
are all law abiding and wouldn't
shoot anything else.
From the quantity of grapes brought
to market for the last few days It
looks as if those who have grapes
here will have to go lacking, as they
will all soon be gone. They have
brought a good price, which has done
the farmers lots of good.
Schedule Changed.
The Norfolk Southern passenger
train schedule, of the train arriving
here from Raleigh in the evening, has
been changed minutes, now
Raleigh at p. m., passing
Greenville at p, m., and reaching
Washington at p. m.
European Syndicate to The
Money. y
As the result of a conference in
Montgomery, President C. S. Barrett,
of the Farmers union, announced that
a syndicate has
any amount of money up to
seventy-five million dollars to finance
the South's cotton crop. The deal was
made with the personal
of the syndicate. The money is
to be loaned at six per cent, and the
cotton is to be put up as collateral.
Details of the plan are to be perfect-
ed by a committee to be composed o
one Southern banker and two
of the union.
Denials of Low Assessment in Forsyth
Pitt. Davidson, Wilson
Witnesses Before Corporation
mission Declare That in
Counties The Land Values
Been Put at Fair Figures.
Popularity is won by the very
that lose us friends.
This popular remedy never falls to
effectually cure
Constipation, Sick
And ALL DISEASES arising from a
Liver and Bad Digestion
natural result is good appetite
fa solid flesh. Dose small; elegant
. and easy to swallow.
No Substitute.
When the railroads filed with the
corporation commission sometime
ago a mass of affidavits from
ties through which they operate,
tending to show that real estate had
been assessed upon an average basis
of value of from to per cent.
of actual value, the commission de-
to test the value of these
davits and see what the officers of
these counties would say about it.
So four counties were selected,
from which affidavits were filed,
the lowest average of assess-
and it happened that his fell
to Wilson, Pitt Forsyth. and David-
son, and the county assessor and
chairman of the board of
of these counties were sum-
to appear before the com-
mission yesterday.
It appears from testimony given
the commission yesterday that there
has been about the same average in-
crease In assessed value of farm
land in each of these counties this
ear as was made by the
in assessing railroads, and it also
appear from testimony that farm
lands are assessed in these counties
at a fair conservative value, taking
into consideration the wild and
wastelands, the unimproved lands,
With regard to Wilson county, as
to which the affidavits secured by
the Atlantic Coast Line bad been
withdrawn there was a letter of ex-
from Mr. W. P. Anderson,
that he had supposed he was speak-
of improved lands near Wilson.
There were two affidavits from
county, but one of these was
withdrawn and there was only one
that was met. The evidence from
Forsyth county and from Pitt
was a direct opposition to the
affidavits submitted by the railroads,
and special instances were met by
full explanations. Altogether an
showing was made as to
the counties and the fairness of the
tax assessments made.
As to Values in Pitt.
The commission next took up the
matter of the assessment of lands in
Pitt county, there being present Mr.
J. P. of Grifton, chairman
the board of county commissioners,
and Mr. R. W. King, of Greenville,
ex-sheriff and the county assess r.
The investigation to tax values In
Pitt was based on affidavits of citizens,
used by the Atlantic Coast Line in its
petition for a reduction of tax value,
and stated that tax values in that
county ranged from to per cent
of the true value of the land.
Ex-Sheriff King testified that
had been deputy sheriff ten years,
sheriff four years, chairman board of
county commissioners two years and
id the county assessor. Had visited
T practically every farm in the county
Newborn Co. O.
Tour prices on
and wheel ha been red. Pleat
I Wheel, with
Wheels with m inch ill Steel Axle. All of
Wagon Company's make.
hare found these wagons to be Terr durable,
hare now in dally MM Tennessee bought from
i. W. Grainger about years ago and cart
of the I have been using for twenty fir
. v truly,
y V i
Read What Mr, Kennedy Says
fl and then come In and let us show you the superior qualities of the
You will find just as Mr. did that these wagons
are stronger and more durable, because they are made from better
material and are better ironed than other wagons and that's why they
give such complete Come In sad see as.,
T. W. Co.,
of satisfactory service; the stamp of approval
of hundreds of thousands of wagon users;
and the highest laurels a wagon can win are back of
every The only way such a
did record could possibly be made Is just the way It has
been made for the by putting the
very best quality of wood stock Into every part, ironing them
perfectly and painting them handsomely and durably.
You make no mistake in selecting the
Made only by the KENTUCKY WAGON MFG. CO., Incorporated. Louisville, Ky.
THIS PICTURE is made from an exact photograph of the
wagon and while It is a truthful illustration in
every way, it isn't possible to show up all the points of superiority
of these wagons by any cut, however good. You must see the
to really appreciate its splendid qualities.
Don t fail to stop in and inspect it the next time you are in town.
We are distributors of the and Wag-
ons for Lenoir, Greene, Pitt, Jones, Craven, Onslow arid We
buy in car loads, get the lowest possible freight, and sell on the closest margin.
If not convenient to come to see us, write us stating size and style wanted
and we will name lowest price delivered at your nearest shipping point. Let
us have your inquiries and orders, and we will make price and terms
factory. Address,
T. W. Company.
Kinston N.
to fix values except those he
visited before. Think the value of
something like an acre Is a fair
valuation for the county. Lands are
not of uniform value in the county.
township is, perhaps, half in
woodland timber cut off, such lands
worth only an acre, the township
average being something like an
acre. township, across the
river, has in it various creeks and
some lands worth practically
It is a long township and a
great deal of It is owned by three or
four parties. Its lands are valued at
pretty much what they will bring.
Property in the county was in-
creased this year about per cent
over the valuation of last year. The
valuation of nearly an acre is an
increase of about an acre. By
townships the average tax values for
1910 and 1911 and the increase in
percentage is as
Townships 1910. 1911. Increase
Per Cent
l 50.0
Mr. King testified that he had gone
around with the assessors on
Lands ran up from to
an acre. There are many acres of
lowland and undeveloped land. The
average In the county is an
acre. Pitt is one of the best counties
in the state, but its average is re-
by large acreage of waste lands.
In Greenville township the Eureka
Lumber company bought large
acreage for taxation at an acre.
As to Mr. D. E. House giving an
Carolina .
Falkland .
Swift Creek
affidavit of lands valued at per
cent he said that Mr. House later
said he did not know the purpose of
the affidavit. Mr. House is a real
estate dealer and says he regrets
the affidavit, that he thinks prop-
is valued enough in Pitt and that
it ought not to be increased. As to
Ur. E. A. affidavit of a
per cent valuation, he and Dr.
had always been regarded as
in high prices for land. Mr.
O. W. Harrington was the township
assessor in Greenville and he could
not see how he could have reached
the per cent valuation. Ex-
Sheriff L. W. Tucker knew the
he thought, but witness did not
know the basis on which lie said a
1-3 per cent.
Commissioner Travis here said that
Mr. King would see that a to a
1-3 per cent valuation in Pitt would
be unjust to other that what
was wanted was a true, conservative
value, and that if Pitt had been as-
correctly it was due that this
be shown.
Mr. King said that in his opinion
the property of the county was as-
at its true value, that the in-
crease was about per cent, that land
values had been increased from
about to and
that some acres of land not
listed before had been put on the
Mr. J. P. chairman of the
board of county commissioners, said
that he was not informed as to the
whole county, but that in his town-
ship, Swift Creek, the values were fair
and just. Col. Harry Skinner had
gotten up the affidavits of the values
of lands for the railroads, and Colonel
Skinner had appeared before the
board and asked to have his own
properly valuation reduced. It is
hard to obtain the true valuation of
farms as many things enter into the
calculation, good lands, poor lands
and the , crop raised. On some lands
not enough is raised to pay expenses.
Prom a table prepared by the register
deeds, with the returns not com-
for 1911, he read that In Pitt
county in 1910 there was listed
acres, assessed at or
an average of an acre, while in
1911 the incomplete list showed
acres assessed at
or an acre, a gain of
an acre, a total gain on the
list of per cent and the other
land to be listed would Increase this.
It the lands in his township were
sold he doubted if they would bring
the average value.
Commissioner Travis suggested that
Mr. King and Mr. obtain
affidavits of citizens as to values of
lands and file these with the com-
mission and that Township Assessor
O. W. Harrington be asked on what
basis he had assessed values in Green-
ville township and how he had reach-
ed his estimate of per cent
in the county, that he was
the of the corporation
commission it desired to know
about this. he commission agreed
to furnish Mr King and
with the affidavits as to the values
being from lo per cent and will
await counter-affidavits In the mat-
News and Observer.
Bishop Winchester Consecration.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Sept.
Several Episcopal bishops and clergy-
men have already arrived here to at-
tend the consecration of Dr.
Winchester as bishop
tor of the diocese of Arkansas. Bishop
Tuttle, of St. Louis, will preside at
the which is to take place
Friday morning in Trinity Cathedral.
No man has so many offers of as-
as the man who needs none.

The Carolina Home and Farm and The Reflector.
and Junior Suits and
Coat Suits
Our new fall styles of suits and coats are now here, exclusive and classy. Severely
plain tailored, and also fancy trimmed, in all the newest fabrics, serges, fancy
serges, mannish effects, and fancy mixtures, in all the prevailing shades. All lined with
guaranteed satin, and finished with dress shields.
These both suits and coats, are made by expert tailors have acquired
a reputation for skill. The styles are absolutely correct and up-to-date. For these
made garments we quote the following low
An inspection is solicited whilst sizes and colors are complete. We would advise
you not to purchase your fall garments until you have visited our store, and have been
convinced that our styles are the latest and our prices the lowest.
J. R. J. G.
For High Prices
On Cotton and Cotton
Seed See
East Carolina Teachers Training
A state school to train teachers the public school of North
Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition
free to all who agree to teach. Fall tern-, September 1911.
For and other information, address
Robt. H. Wright, President
Greenville, N. C.
Tie Carolina Home and Farm and Tb Eastern Reflector.
Matters of Interest by Our
The Cold Storage and Commission
Men Reap A Harvest Off The Farm-
of The Sugar Trust
hi Robbing The Government.
Clyde H.
farmers of Pennsylvania sold forty-
eight million dollars worth of
toes in New York last year, but they
were not worth forty-eight million
to the Pennsylvania farmers. That is
what the New York consumers paid
for them. The Pennsylvania farmers
got three and three quarters mil-
This statement was made by
of the Pennsylvania grange who
visited New York City to investigate
market conditions.
These discovered that a
cold storage chicken, weighing a
pound and a half, sold for a dollar
in Madison avenue. For that same
kind of a chicken the farmers
ed twelve and a half cents a pound.
The farmers bought apples for five
cents each, and offered to sell the
vendor from whom they bought them
all he wanted for two dollars a barrel.
Eggs which the farmers sold for
cents a dozen brought forty-
five cents when sold to the New York
This vast difference between what
the farmer gets and what the con-
sumer pays represents the unearned
profits that flow into the coffers of
the railroads, the express companies,
and the food trusts. The railroads
get theirs in the form of excessive
which must be exacted in order
to pay the dividends on watered stock.
The express companies get theirs by
reason of the fact that one supine
Republican administration after an-
other has refused to put them under
r. decent regulation, and the food
trusts get theirs by maintaining
necessary cold storage houses, through
which they manipulate the supply, and
create artificial
Nearly all the perishable food sup-
plies which go to the cities are
by the express companies or by
the equally monopolistic refrigerator
lines of the food trusts both being
owned by the railroads. Thus the
consumer pays a double haulage bill.
As soon as these products reach the
cities they are turned over to the food
trusts, who put them in cold storage
and keep them there until a
is created. Then up go prices.
all the eggs stored in New York
City were placed on the market to-
said one of the
price of eggs
would fall
What is the remedy
Democratic of congress be-
that one remedy lies in the
strengthening of the interstate com-
law, to enable the government
to of the own-
of the criminal food trusts and
transportation monopolies.
It is sufficient that the farmers, for
the first time in years, are
on the high price question.
They know that while their products
command more than they did a few
years ago, there still is a tremendous
gap between what they get and what
the consumer pays. They propose to
find out where the trouble lies, and
it is more than certain that their In-
will lead them to the
headquarters of the unpunished trust
magnates who control the railroads,
the express companies, and the food
Way To Stop The
For years and years the sugar trust
is known to have stolen from the gov-
By means of weights
and tricky springs to cheat the
scales, and by bribery of government
officials, this trust divert-
ed into its own coffers millions of
dollars that should have gone to the
government in revenue. The trust
was caught red handed in its thievery,
yet no body was punished; no body
went to Jail.
The government finally put a stop
to the revenue stealing. The doctor-
ed springs were taken away, and the
corrupt customs collectors were dis-
charged. This forced., the trust to
adopt new methods in order to main-
its inflated dividends, so- recent-
it sent out a wail about a
and now sugar prices are almost
as high as they were during the Civil
war. The sugar trust is determined
to get
Where The Money Goes.
What becomes of all the money the
big trusts extort annually from the
American people Everybody knows
they exact millions in tribute each
year, and a stranger from Mars, were
he to read the newspapers of this
country, would wonder how the trusts
could get strong boxes big enough to
store away all the money they take
from the people.
Recently an enterprising
figured it out that American
majority of whom are
the daughters of American trust mag-
their broken down titled
foreign husbands to enjoy the income
from one and three quarter millions
of dollars.
This money, if spent by parents in
America by whom it is earned, would
educate approximately a million
each year. Or it would give em-
to two hundred thousand
American workmen at good wages.
The Day of Reckoning.
The of appoint-
ed a committee of three of its
to argue against the Sanborn in-
rate decision when the case
reaches the Supreme court. The com-
was appointed because the
governors feared the right of the states
were in danger of being violated by
the highest court of the land. Each
member of the Supreme court, when
he takes his oath, solemnly promises
to project the rights of the states,
as well as those of the nation. Why,
then, should the governors be
Why should they consider
it necessary to tell the highest court
what its duty is
The very fact that governors
the necessity for such action
indicates that it isn't only
and who have become
suspicious of the Supreme court, and
of the whole judiciary system.
No Sales Friday.
Remember, farmers, that the Green-
ville tobacco market will take a
on Friday, circus day, and
there will be no sales on any of the
warehouse floors that day.
S. M.
Established 1875
and Retail Grocer and
Furniture dealer. Cash pd for
Hide. Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkey., Eggs, Oak Bedsteads
Mattresses, etc. Suits, Baby Car-
Parlor Suits,
Tables, Lounges. Safes, P. Lori-
and Gail Ax Snuff. High life
tobacco, Key West Cheroots, Hen-
George Cigars, Canned Cherries
Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Flour, Sugar, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds. Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes, Currants, Raisins
Glass and Wooden-
ware, Cakes and Crackers,
best Butter, New
Royal Sewing machines and
numerous other goods. Quality and
quantity cheap for cash. Come to
see me.
Phone Number
S. M. Schultz-
Drug Store in Town
Is what they say about us, and
there is reason for it. We
carry the BEST of everything
in the drug line. Our
are given careful
by an experienced
and our cold drinks are
served from the handsomest
and most sanitary
Soda Fountain
We carry a full assortment of
Toilet Articles
and everything you could ex-
in a complete drug store.
John L. Wooten
Drug Co.
Bulbs, Cut Flowers
and Plants
our importation of French and
land bulbs are now arriving.
By planting early you get the best re-
We are leaders in choice cut
flowers for weddings and all social
Artistic floral offerings, fine decorative
poi plants, Rosebushes, Hedge
plant, Shrubberies,
and Shade trees.
Price list on application. Mail, phone
and telegraph orders promptly executed
J. L. Company
Phones Raleigh, N. C.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of N. Y.
Insurance in Force
Jan. v
Annual Income 83,981,241.98
Paid to to
date 66,761,062.28
H. Bentley Harriss
Office opposite R. L Smith A
Stables, and next door to John Flan-
Buggy C new
. . Carolina
office formerly occupied by -J. L.
Greenville, N. Carolina
W. C. D. M. Clark
Civil Engineers and
R. Carolina
In Building
Greenville, N. Carolina
I. I. Moore, W. H.
Greenville, N. Carolina
N. Carolina
Greenville, K. Carolina
Practice limited to disease of the
Eye, Ear, and Throat
Washington, N. C Greenville, S. C.
Greenville office with Dr. D. L. James.
a. m. to p. m., Mondays.
Office la building, Third St
Practices his services are
N. Carolina
Washington, N. C. Greenville,
Greenville, N. C
Practice In all the Courts.
Office in Wooten on Third
Attorney at Law.
Office of and Clara
Greenville, N. C.
Central Barber Shop
Located in main business of town,
Four chairs in operation and each
one presided over by a
barber. Ladies waited at their
Winterville, N. C.
Handles Tombstones and Monuments
of all kinds. Also, all kind of Iron
and Farm Fence. See him before
buying. He will save yon money.
ft Vi

The Carolina Home Farm the Eastern
The Carolina Home Farm tan T Batten Reflect.
Published by
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor.
Subscription, one year.
rates be had upon
Implication at the business office in
The Reflector Building, corner Evans
and Third streets.
All cards of thanks resolutions
f respect will be charged for at
per word.
Communications advertising
will be charged for at three
per line, up to fifty lines.
Entered as second class matter
August 1910, at the post office at
North Carolina, under
of March 1879.
says onion sets. So
the hen.
Taft's platform is only large
enough for him to stand on.
The aviation route takes them off
as quick as any other.
It looks like September Is going
lake it hot for us to the end.
Tiling a petition a man should
he is doing.
ma predicted cool wave appears
den with warmth and humidity.
is also climbing up, the price
i; trying to catch up with sugar.
en desire to take part In the con-
cert they might let it known.
Christmas, just three months ahead,
ready to do early.
At the way the price is going there
will be less sugar in the pie.
It is a dull day for Wilmington
hat does not chronicle a murder or
We hope the prediction that lower
sugar will come in two weeks is
The clock tower is the emptiest
Poking thing about the new court
Michigan needs a Solomon to tell
who is. His mother will not
own him.
President Taft sees a plenty ahead
-C make very uneasy about land-
Wonder if the president would like
to have another extra session of
Here's wishing Joe King, of the
Durham Herald, good luck on his
semi-annual fishing trip.
A bill was lost In New York
and when it was found twenty nine
people laid claim to it
The president and congress may
feel that the laugh is on them since
Canada turned down reciprocity.
And all the extra session of con-
seems for since Can-
rejects the reciprocity bill.
It is said of nearly every rascal
that he belongs to a
It was lucky that the ice tea sea-
son was nearly over when sugar took
such a leap.
If you see a loafer remind him that
there is much cotton in the fields
which needs picking.
The fellow who predicts a hard
winter is already in evidence. Some-
body please swat him.
About all the investigation in the
Hawkins case showed is that the
young woman is dead.
If the loafers cannot be induced
to go and cotton, they might be
sent to work the roads.
When one goes wrong it is
to add was of a prominent
The recent advance in sugar puts
a profit of in the
of the trust.
The oil inspection law passed by
the legislature has been declared
The Durham Sun says jail the trust
magnates. The jails may not be large
enough to hold them all. Then what
After what Canada has done Mr.
Taft may feel like the re-
of his trip and going home
to weep.
The flies should take notice that
summer has ended. If they do not
get out of the way soon, Jack Frost
will come along and bite their toes.
If no hitch comes before the time of
execution, Warren county will be en-
titled to the premium for promptness
and order in dealing with a criminal.
The Greensboro News on Tuesday
was a edition of thirty-two
pages. It boosted Greensboro and the
many industries of that city all right,
. .-
Good schools and good roads are
requisites to a good county. Pitt has
the schools, and the roads are com-
Canada having voted against
with the United States, won-
what President Taft's is
going to do now.
The editor has been touched by the
expressions of sympathy from the
brethren of the press and other friends
in his recent bereavement.
As radium has declined in price to
a grain, now might be a good
time to secure your winter's supply.
We would not advise purchasing more
than a pound.
Hendersonville continues in the
lime light. Two more murders have
occurred there since the Hawkins
The columns of The Reflector show
that it is recognized as the best ad-
medium in all this sec-
Any excuse will do when the trusts
want to squeeze the people, so the
failure of reciprocity with Canada is
used to push up the price of food
All the things that were to come
out of the Hawkins investigation at
Hendersonville, did not come. The
whole thing was a big farce except
for the reporters.
Organized effort is being made to
count for much in many towns in the
state, but this is another rope that
Greenville is slow to take hold of
and pull for something.
Whether a wife has the right to
scold her husband or not, as the
Kansas judge says, they will scold if
they take the notion to do so. And
in most cases the husbands deserve
what scolding they get.
We are prepared to say if
people are tired and disgust-
ed with the Hawkins murder
bet those in other sections
of the state are.
President Taft had an easy day,
is the way a news head line express-
ed it. Most any one could have an
easy day on his salary and all junk-
expenses paid.
the folks who have money would
make up their minds to establish
them. Surely the town needs them
bad enough.
As much money as the farmers are
now getting for tobacco, business
ought, to be better and The Reflector
ought to be writing more
There's always a not a
then an Free
And frequently both an and a
And excuses sometimes come
along without
Almost any of them might be call-
a steal trust
The San Francisco millionaire who
is having a big wall erected at his
suburban home to keep out
toes, should not forget that
toes can fly and may go over the
wall unless he puts on a cover as
There are several things in the way
of manufacturing enterprises that
might be in Greenville if
Since the defeat of reciprocity in
Canada wheat has jumped up two or
three cents a bushel. This means
that flour is going to follow sugar
and coffee in going high. First thing
you know people will have to atop
eating anything that trusts con-
Some folks get in a big hurry.
They started the rumor that Judge
W. J. Adams was going to resign, and
notwithstanding he denied the rumor
citizens of Lee county have selected
a successor to recommend to the gov-
for appointment. That is go-
With cotton at cents per pound
the cry of to the is a
good one, but with sugar and clothes
at their present figures another good
one is to the
ton Dispatch.
But the trouble with this is that
cotton is not cents a pound, and
sugar keeps soaring.
Early in the game there were
rumors that Gen. J. S. Carr,
of Durham, was also going to enter
the race for United States senator
for this state, making five candidates
for sure with a possibility of more.
But General Carr has set the mat-
at rest so far as he is concerned,
by making the announcement that he
will not be a candidate.
With the flour trust making us
knead the dough all the more, the
sugar trust robbing us of the very
sweets of life, the ice trust melting
us, the coal trust freezing us, the beef
trust making life tougher for us, and
the refusing to pour oil on
the troubled waters, a fellow can well
wonder if he will have anything left
for Christmas.
People have little regard for
man life just so they feel they are
getting their money's worth. A
crowd attracted to a county fair in
Ohio by aviation feats, were
pointed because the aviator feared to
attempt a flight in a disabled ma-
chine. They taunted him with cries
of coward until he made the attempt,
ending in being roasted to death in
mid air before their eyes. The crowd
he football season will soon be-
on its death score.
he government goes after the
and the trusts go after the
No officer is reported to he trying
arrest that tramp comet for
Returns from the recent Maine
have got over on the dry
Cotton has got to ten cents and
looks worse. The farmer who
Ada is going to get a better price.
Taft crossed the Mississippi, and
was almost as much fuss over
i as Washington crossing the Del-
We hope the advance in price of
will lead Pitt county farmers
to plant more of it. This county can
raise all right.
There needs to be a stronger pub-
sentiment against the selling of
whiskey. Blind tigers should be made
to fear to do business.
Speculating in money is not doing
the community the good that would
e to it if the money was invested
in manufacturing enterprises.
is promising to give out a
statement soon that will create a sen-
Better cut it out. He has
already had a chance to tell it to the
If everybody else who ought to be
doing so, tried as hard as the news-
paper men to make business for
Greenville, you would soon see more
business coming here.
The game warden of Craven county
had some hunters arrested for shoot-
squirrels out of the season. That
is the way to go after them if the
is to be observed.
a check on the way the sugar trust
was advancing prices. Now it turns
out that those same planters have
sold out their holdings to the trust.
They are going to probe into the
assassination of Premier If
more is not found than in the
of the Hawkins murder at
Hendersonville, they had as well not
We are not prepared to believe the
prediction of the Birmingham Age-
Herald that in ten years there will
be a state in the union with state
wide prohibition. the contrary we
think that in ten years the govern-
will have stopped the inter-state
shipment of liquor into a prohibition
France has suffered a great dis-
aster in a fire and explosion that de-
one of her best battleships
and caused the death of more than
three hundred of the crew. K re-
calls what happened to the United
States in the destruction of the Maine
in Havana harbor.
With two circuses, a tent minstrel
show and a carnival, all inside of a
month and a moving picture show
every night, Greenville ought to
complain of having nothing to see.
Kansas was glad to see the
president that warring Republicans
forgot their differences for the time
and all joined in a big reception.
That was just one of the things look-
ed for in planning the trip.
Only a few days ago there was a
I boost that the large holdings of the
Louisiana sugar planters would put
No, sir; the interest in good roads
is not waning at all. The sentiment
in favor of a bond issue for building
roads in Greenville township is some-
thing that is growing every day, and
the more people look at the
in its right light the more ready
they are to become advocates of the
proposition. Good roads must come.
A hearty welcome to the faculty
and students of East Carolina Teach-
Training school. May those who
are returning, as well as who
are here for the first time, find this
the best and happiest year of their
school life. We are proud that there
is such a school here to offer
and we rejoice that they have come
to help make the school a success.
Not long since it was told how the
town of Hickory had raised a fund
of to secure manufacturing
enterprises. Now it is stated that
photographs have been taken of the
best farming scenes in the county,
Catawba, and that these will be shown
on moving picture slides at a land
and irrigation convention to be held
in New York. No wonder Hickory
and Catawba county are for-
This way of Greenville getting
three or four months good trade
the cotton and tobacco market-
season, is poor dependence from
a business standpoint. This town
needs and should have
enterprises with pay rolls that
will make business for twelve months
in the year. Until the people wake
up to this situation Greenville is not
going to have the business that ought
to be here.
with sudden illness that requires an
operation, to be subjected to the
of being carried elsewhere and
the delay in receiving proper
Lives that could be saved are
too often sacrificed for this reason.
It is not because our local physicians
are not as good as any, but owing
to the want of hospital facilities.
Some years ago there was much in-
around in securing a hospital
here, but suddenly that interest for
some reason was allowed to drop. It
should be revived and not permitted
to lag until a hospital is secured.
A who owns eight
houses expressed a willingness to
pay cents a week toward the sup-
port of his 70-year-old mother, and
a brother who owned two houses did
not want to pay anything. A judge
before whom they were examined as
them each per week for
their mother's support, and made
give security to pay it. Those
two sons ought to have been sent to
the chain gang.
Up at Monroe, in Union county, they
are agitating a proposition for
bonds for good roads in the town-
ship similar to the movement here for
building roads in Greenville town-
ship. The same condition prevails
there as here, that Is, that the road
taxes the people are already paying
and getting no roads for it, is
to provide the bond issue and
have roads. People all over the state
are awaking to the realization that
this is the way to get roads.
M. E. Conference.
LeROY, N. Y., Sept. Gen-
Conference of the Methodist
Episcopal church met in annual
here today, with Bishop Joseph
F. Berry, of Buffalo, presiding. The
conference will continue over next
Worcester Music Festival.
WORCESTER, Mass., Sept.
Music lovers from all over New Eng-
land are here to attend the annual
Worcester festival, which opens to-
night and will continue over
row and Friday. The works to be
produced this year include
the Mass
la D Major, and the last
named a new work by Max Roger,
which will be sung for the first time
in America.
Something that Greenville needs
and needs badly, is a good hospital.
Life is too valuable for people taken
The dealers are now robbing the
cotton farmers and the government
through its crop estimates are help-
them do it. Because the present
crop is opening faster than usual it
is being picked and marketed faster,
and the bears who want to buy it for
as little as possible are pressing the
price down, claiming that the receipts
indicate the large crop estimate made
by the government. As soon as the
cotton has passed from the hands of
the farmers to the dealers, then they
will discover that the crop is
short and prices will push up. The
decline in price now is costing the
South millions of dollars which the
speculators will make out of this
Digestion and Assimilation.
It is not the quantity of food taken
but the amount digested and
lated that gives strength and vitality
to the system. Chamberlain's
and Liver Tablets invigorate the
stomach and liver and enable them
to perform their functions naturally.
For sale by all dealers.
It Catches The Ladies.
Had you noticed that advertise-
of J. R. J. G. about
their and coat suits
L again on fourth page and see
it. This firm has the goods, a line
that cannot be surpassed, and you will
find everything in their store just as
Two Hundred Thousand Pounds
The tobacco market had another
break that was all round two
thousand pounds today. You
just cannot get ahead of the Green-
ville market anywhere. Tobacco is
bringing high prices here, and the
farmers bring it to this market know-
that they are going to be treated
right. Watch The Reflector every day
and see what the Gum and Star are
doing for the farmers who sell at
these houses, and you will not be
surprised that Greenville is leading
all other markets.
Law Benefits The Criminal.
The law in this state was made
for the benefit of criminals; at least
this is the way it looks. A
in a murder case has
when he can stand a juror
aside without any excuse whatever.
This privilege was given him years
and years ago when the court, if the
prisoner was unable to employ an at-
had no power to assign
These challenges in the first in-
stances were allowed him in lieu of
counsel, but when the law was
ed, as at present, making It really in-
on the court to assign
for his defense, he was still left
with challenges. Along in the
seventies another change was made
and the defendant is now permitted
to testify in his own behalf, still he
is left with the under hold In the
High Sales at The Star.
Here are some of the sales made
at the Star Tuesday, on which day the
average of the entire sale, including
scrap and everything, amounted to
nearly cents.
For W. E.
1-2, 1-2, 1-2,
1-2, 1-4,
1-4, 1-2,
For M. L. 1-4,
For C. E.
1-2, 1-4.
For John 1-4,
For Boyd 1-3,
1-2. Average,
For W. C. 1-2,
1-2, Average,
These excellent sales should con-
every man of intelligence that
the Star is the best place to bring
his tobacco.
F. D. FOXHALL, Manager,
Star Warehouse.

The Carolina Howe and Farm Raster
Friends of Good Roads Are
aged Growing Sentiment
To the Citizens of Greenville Town-
The road law enacted by the
gave the citizens of Green-
township the right to vote on
the issuance of bonds for the purpose
of building and maintaining good
roads in Greenville township, and this
law required a new registration.
The first Monday in September a
delegation of citizens appeared be-
fore the county commissioners, ask-
them to call an election agree-
able to the above law. The
asked for a certified copy of
the law. It was necessary to write
to Raleigh to get this, hence no ac-
was taken by the commissioners.
When this certified copy came it was
found that the law as originally writ-
ten had been amended. This was a
great surprise to the friends of the
measure for they had no idea in the
world that the law had been changed.
The Mooring Amendment, as it is
called, nullifies the original law in
so far as it relates to a new
It is custom where bonds
are an issuance in an election to re-
quire a new registration, and this
action has, and does, prevail all over
North Carolina.
The advocates of good roads in
Greenville township feel greatly en-
A great many who
ed the movement in the beginning
have changed their views and are
ready to vote for bonds to build and
maintain good roads. Let every one
who favors good roads continue the
good work of winning friends for the
An election of this kind usually
arouses some feeling and interferes
with business. We do not want to
go through with It but once. Due
notice will be given when the
is called to vote on bonds for
the purpose of building and maintain-
good roads In Greenville town-
ship. Our work should be so effect-
and our victory so overwhelming
that after the election It will be hard
to find a man who would be willing
to admit that he voted against good
President, Greenville Township Good
Roads Association.
Forced to Leave Home.
Every Tear a large number of poor
sufferers, whose lungs are sore and
racked with coughs, are urged to go
to another climate. But this is cost-
and not always sure. There's a
better way. Let Dr. King's New Dis-
cure you at home. cured
me of lung writes W. R.
Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., when all
else failed and I gained pounds in
weight Its surely the king of all
cough and lung Thousands
owe their lives and health to it. Its
positively guaranteed for Coughs,
Colds, Croup
all Throat and Lung troubles.
Trial bottle free at all
druggists .
between my home and
depot Reward for its re-
turn to J- C.
Practical Results of Good Roads.
The construction of good road
any will
That the market value of the
real estate situated on or near the
good road will be enhanced in value
and in many instances properties
which could not be sold even at a low
figure have found a market when they
were connected with the neighboring
town or city by means of a good
That rural free delivery will be
extended as good roads are construct-
ed and is practically dependent upon
good roads, for which the construction
of good roads there will be an increase
in population of the earning capacity
of the adjacent farms, which will
mean a greater amount of mail mat-
to be delivered.
That farmers will be able to
take advantage of market
in buying and selling.
That the farmer, fruit grower,
and others will be able to economize
time and force in transportation be-
tween country and market.
That the wear and tear on their
horses, harness and vehicles will be
That tourists, capitalists, in-
and others visiting any sec-
of the state will be much more
favorably impressed with the financial
of any manufacturing en-
or any commercial value of
any farm or timberland by driving to
them over good roads. If these same
places have to be visited over poor
roads, they will lose more than half
their value in the sight of the pros-
investor, as his thoughts have
been so entirely taken up with the
bad road over which he has been
compelled to In-
Salaries of Pastors.
There appears to be an increase in
restlessness among pastors. No doubt
there is in most cases a good reason
for much of it. Salaries, in very many
cases, are inadequate. The support
of a pastor with one or two children
will not do so where there are more,
and the time comes when his children
must be educated. This state of
affairs explains very probably why
the minister who said recently in our
hearing that he had received of late
a call and already had three
cations for his place. The hard ex-
of many of our pastors who
are often forced to live on a salary
too scant are not known. When the
day comes that his children have to
be sent off to sad day is
not known either. So we find the
if it is not on the surface, for
seeking out another field and a larger
A Dreadful Sight
to H. J. Barnum,, of N. Y.,
was the fever-sore that had plagued
his life for years in spite of many
remedies he tried. At last he used
Salve and
has entirely healed with scarcely
a scar Heals Burns, Boils,
Cuts, Bruises, Swellings,
Corns and Piles like magic. Only
at all druggists.
No Market Friday.
Circuses and tobacco sales are
things that do not mix well, there-
fore tobacco sales on the Greenville
market have been called off for next
Friday, 29th. Haag's circus will be
hero that day, and everybody around
the market wants a day off.
Coast Line
The Standard Railroad of the South Ramifies the
Garden through the States of Virginia, North Carolina
South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida
Four Famous York and Florida
and and West Indian
Line Florida
Dining cars--a la carte service. All year around through
car service from New York to both Port T cir-pa
Key., connecting steamships to and from Havana.
For beautifully illustrated bookies and copy cf the
W. J. Craig, T. C. White,
P. T. M. G. P. A.
Wilmington, N. C.
New Plumbing Firm
We ere prepared to do all of up-to-date Steam end Hot Water
Heating. Our Mr. Hicks it a first practical plumber and has just finished
up the plumbing in the new Pitt County Court House.
We are prepared also to estimate the cost of and installing water works systems
in country residences and farm houses.
Repairing Promptly Attended To.
We are here to serve if you want good work done and first class fixtures installed
We will not put in any other. We ask a share of your
Phone No.
Direct form the West. Come to see
me if you need anything in my line
Horses, Mules and
The Home of Women's Fashions
Pulley Bowen
North Carolina
can expect good sales when you
with C. R. Townsend at the Plant
Warehouse, Farmville, N. C.
Beaten Badly, and Bobbed of Thirty-
Saturday evening a young man,
named Hamilton, of Wilson county,
went to Farmville with the intention
of visiting an uncle who lives near
that town. It seems that in Farm-
ville he connected with a blind tiger
that made him linger longer than was
good for him, and also put him in
that condition that made him make
too free display of money that he
had with him. The lingering extend-
ed so late into the night that when
the midnight train passed Farmville,
Hamilton had not proceeded any fur-
towards his uncle's -than the
track of the Norfolk Southern rail-
It was pretty soon after this train
passed that things happened to Ham-
that he will not forget soon.
He was set upon by several
badly beaten and robbed. The
evidently had seen the money
and made up their minds to possess
it. Hamilton says that he was rob-
bed of He also said there were
several in the crowd that beat
him, and that their actions indicated
that they must have thought they had
beaten him to death.
A boy who saw the assault started
towards Hamilton, but some pistol
town and report the matter to the
police, and an officer went out and
found Hamilton in a badly wounded
condition and took him to a doctor.
Two Claude Vines and
Tom Vines, have been arrested, and
the officers are on the track of others
who are charged with being
Good Roads Benefit Everybody.
Had Lee county good roads a
able class of people would come in,
buy up all available land and help
develop and build up the county. In
some sections of Lee county one can
travel for miles and hardly see a
house. This land should be turned
into good farms. This can be done
by building good roads through it.
The real estate owner should favor
good roads because they would en-
the value of his property. The
farmer should favor them because
they will make it easier for him to
cultivate his crop and market his
produce. The merchant and business
man should favor good roads because
they will bring them more business.
The professional man should favor
good roads, because if the community
is prosperous he will stand a better
chance in the community. The labor-
man should favor good roads be-
cause they mean more jobs and bet-
wages. We don't know of a class
citizens that good roads would not
benefit. The quickest and most
way to get good roads is by
bonds. When you have
vote for bonds for good roads
and make your county second
to none in the Ex-
The Health Officer.
The September number of The
Bulletin of the North Carolina Board
of Health opens with an editorial on
the importance of the alertness of the
health officer. It takes as an instance,
the prompt reporting of a health
by a physician of three cases of
typhoid fever in one family. Then
the health officer set to work. He
found the three cases of fever in a
home equipped with public sewerage.
While there were nearby
face privies on neighboring lots there
was no typhoid fever in the surround-
blocks. All the children had
sick about the same time, which
indicated a common origin. The home
was supplied with city water, the
monthly analysis of which showed it
be pure. v It at last developed that
the children had bought ice cream
from an itinerant who sold
on the streets regularly. His
place of business was investigated. It
was found that he obtained his milk
from an exceptionally sanitary dairy.
The water used in washing the vessels
was obtained from a well. A sample
of water from this well was taken
and sent to the state laboratory of
hygiene for analysis. It was found
grossly polluted. These authentic cir-
leave practically no doubt
as to the origin of these three cases
of typhoid fever, one of which
fatally. While for some, alas
there is nothing but tragedy connect-
ed with that well, there is for many
a life-saving lesson to be drawn from
its fatal depths. It will poison no
more. It would have poisoned no
telling how many had not a doctor
shots from the frightened
him away. He did, however, go the sphere of his larger
responsibilities, and, through the
agency of a health officer, traced the
poison to its source and sealed it.
The health officer fills an important
position in every community. If he
is alert and energetic, he is a bless-
if he is indifferent and neglect-
he is worse than of no use, for
be stands in the way of a better man
at the peril of the
The Primitive Baptist As-
will meet with the church
at Flat Swamp next Saturday, Sun-
day and Monday.
Stone Structure Seldom Endue Over
Builder Says.
thing I learned during a re-
cent visit to Europe was that the av-
life of a stone building is not
more than said John H.
Bryan, a builder of Chicago, at the
Raleigh. I was interested
in construction work, and gave more
attention to this part of Europe than
I did to the examination of art gal-
and the tombs of famous men.
The buildings of Europe are no bet-
in their than those in
this country, I don't think I saw a
building in Europe that is better than
the capitol in Washington.
nearly all of the older cities of
England I noticed that the town halls
which had been constructed, in many
cases, years ago, were beginning
to collapse. All of them had been
patched up, and it was evident that
they would not last a great many
years longer. I do not think there is
any doubt that the capitol building
here will be standing years
now if it is not destroyed, but it will
not last longer, nor will the treasury
building, which is the finest exam-
of its style of architecture in the
United News.
The Best Pain Remedy
NOAH'S LINIMENT give relief for all Nerve, Bone
and Muscle Aches and Pains more quickly than any
other remedy known. IT is
triple strength and a powerful, speedy and sure
PAIN REMEDY. Sold by all dealers in medicine at
per bottle and money back if not satisfactory
Cured of Rheumatism
had been Buffering with rheumatism
three years. Have been using
and will say that it cured me com-
Can walk better than I have In two
years. Rev. S. B. Cyrus, Donald, C
For Cuts and Bruises
working at my trade I
get bruised and cut I find that
Liniment takes all the soreness out
and heals the wound Immediately. Edward
Ryan, Swansboro,
Rheumatism In Neck
received the bottle of Noah's Liniment,
and think it has helped me greatly. I have
rheumatism in my neck and it relieved it
right much. Mrs. Martha A. Lambert, Bea-
Pains In the Back
I suffered ten years with a dreadfully
sore pain in my back, and tried different re-
Less than half a bottle of Noah's
made a perfect cure. Mrs. Rev. J.
D. Point Eastern,
Cured of Neuralgia
five years I suffered with neuralgia
and pain in side. Could not sleep. I tried
Noah's Liniment, and the first application
made me feel better. Mrs. Martha A. See,
Richmond, Va
Stiff Joints and Backaches
have used Noah's Liniment for
stiff Joints and backache, and I can
say It did me more good than any pain
Bronchitis and Asthma
has been suffering with bronchitis
and asthma and a very bad cough. Was
confined to his bed. Some on e recommended
Liniment, and I rubbed his chest and
back with It and gave him six drops on sugar,
and he was relieved Immediately. Mrs. A. L.
Holly Street, Richmond,
Better Than Remedies
have obtained as good if not better re-
from Noah's Liniment than we did from
remedies costing 15.00 per bottle. Norfolk
and Portsmouth Transfer Co., Norfolk,
A woman's idea of a striking gown
is one that hits her husband's bank
When Greenville Citizens Show The
There can be no just reason why
any reader of this will continue to
suffer the tortures of an aching back,
the annoyance of urinary disorders,
the dangers of serious kidney ills
when relief is so near at hand and
the most positive proof given that
these ills can be cured. Read what
a Greenville citizen
Mrs. Fannie Moore, Pitt street,
Greenville, N. C, says, feel very
grateful for the relief I have received
from Kidney Pills which I ob-
from the John L. Wooten Drug
Company. Backaches annoyed me
and there was much lameness and
weakness through my lions. My kid-
did not do their work as they
should and the kidney secretions
bothered me. Kidney Pills
gave me relief from these symptoms
kidney complaint and improved my
condition in every
For sale by air dealers. Price
cents. Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the
take no other.
Breaks Connection of Evening Trains
At Kinston.
The local agent of the Norfolk
Southern railroad requests the Free
Press to call the attention of the
public to the announced change in
the schedule of the westbound even-
passenger train, which has been
leaving this city at Effective
Sunday, it will leave the Kinston
at p. Free
This means that there will be no
more connection between Atlantic
Coast Line and Norfolk Southern even-
trains at Kinston. Heretofore
the Atlantic Coast Line passing
at p. m., reached Kin-
in time to connect with the Nor-
folk Southern westbound train. The
railroads seem bent on making; mat-
worse instead of better for the
traveling public.
which never seems to help you at a
look forward.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to return heartfelt thanks
to the many friends who were
kind during the recent sickness and
death of my daughter, May Best, es-
to the physicians, and to the
and classes of the
Baptist Sunday school.

T- Borne Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
. , . i
Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and
I Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity.
W Advertising rates furnished
AYDEN, N. C, Sept E.
B. Joyner and Dr. E. L. of
Edison, Ga., are here attending the
ministerial conference at the Semi-
Mr. Joseph Gaskins has purchased
a tract of woodland from Mr. Ben.
Allen James Smith, west of Ayden, at
per acre.
Bring us your cotton, we gin It,
give you bagging and ties, take care
of your seed, buy or exchange them
for meal. L. L. Kittrell.
Mr. Richard Wingate has purchased
that part the late Fred White es-
known as the W. B. Smith tract.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith went to
We are glad to hear that Messrs.
Grover and Alfred Forbes
are recovering from a recent attack
of typhoid.
Mr. John Hart returned from a
pleasant trip to Morehead Thursday
evening and brought with him a box
of fine mullets. He reports a large
catch and a pleasant trip.
The meeting at the Baptist church
continues; one young man accepted
Christ at the sermon last night
Mr. Alex. Dawson, of Institute, has
been here this week attending the
Union conference. He reports fine
crops and cotton all open and pick-
Mr. Richard Wingate has purchased
the farm of Mr. Levy A. Worthington
near Bethany, for This shows
that Mr. Wingate can handle real es-
as successfully as he can deal
in houses. He has bought, developed
and sold several farms in
parts of Pitt county in the last few
years at a satisfactory price to both
buyers and seller.
If it is hardware and mill supplies,
building material, cook stoves, and
ranges, Bee us. J. R. Smith and Bro.
Mr. Peter E. Hines tells us he finds
life insurance more profitable than
There was a planter from Louis-
here a few days ago and sold
one merchant two cars of choice
syrup and molasses, direct
from his farm. So in days we
will have a sweet town.
We don't understand much about
the or the
initiative, referendum and recall, but
we do know that the present system
public school books is a farce,
and non-sensible piece of fool-
and works a hardship on the
poor parents who are of limited means
Why not adopt a set study for ten
years and let the teacher compose
the committee to select them Of
course, they know better what the
people need than people in Alaska
do. I feel sure that all book dealers
will agree with me, and especially the
Graded School Opens.
The graded school opened
day, with an unusually large attend-
The teachers for the different
grades are as
Miss Powell, 1st grade.
Miss 2nd grade.
Miss Rice 3rd and 4th grades.
Miss Munn, 5th and 6th grades.
Miss Pierce, 7th and 8th grades.
Prof. principal and teacher
of 9th and 10th grades.
The News Around That Busy Neigh-
HOPE WELL, N. C, Sept.
large crowd attended Sunday school
at Hope Well Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and sister, Miss
Lula, were visiting at Mr. Sam Smith's
Mr. Cox spent Saturday night
with Mr. Leslie Cox.
A run-mad dog was In our neigh-
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. were
visiting at Mr. Richard Worthing-
ton's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips were
visiting at the home of his brother,
Mr. J. A. Phillips, Saturday and Sun-
Miss Esther Jackson left last Mon-
day for College, where she
will enter school.
Miss Clara Smith, of Pine Hill,
spent Saturday night and Sunday with
Miss Charity Worthington.
Miss Alice Phillips was over in
Greene county visiting friends and
relatives last week.
Mr. Lonnie and sisters, Misses
Lela and Mamie, were visiting at Mr.
Richard Worthington's Sunday.
Mr. U. S. Jackson Saturday
with his daughter at College.
Messrs. Guy and Thad Can-
non were visiting at Mr. R. M. Worth-
Mr. Sam Wilson purchased a fine
piano for his daughter last week.
Mr. Jerry Worthington spent Sun-
day in
foremost. At the present congress
the farmer and farm life forms the
general topic, with especial reference
to the question of soil fertility, the
maintenance and improvement.
During the three days of the con-
addresses and papers will be
presented that will command the at-
of the nation, not only because
of their importance to the agricultural
interests, but because of the
of the men who will present
Beginning with the opening dis-
course tonight by President Taft on
the general subject of
the thousands of interested auditors
who will fill Convention hall
row and Wednesday will listen to ad-
dresses by noted men who know how
the natural resources of the country
have been wasted and who are best
qualified to speak on the subject of
their conservation.
Secretary Fisher and former Sec-
Garfield will speak on the
same general subject assigned to
the live stock industry, child life on
the farm, and the farmer and the
President Taft. Senator Joseph L.
of Kansas, who was former-
assistant postmaster general, will
tell of Farm and the Postal
and Senator Gilbert N.
Hitchcock, of Nebraska, will on
Charles S. Barrett, of Georgia,
president of the Education
and Co-Operative Union of America,
will be heard on the subject of
ting Out the Middle Dr.
W. Wiley, the famous pure food
expert, will talk on Health of
the Other speakers on sub-
of general interest and Import-
will include Governors Hadley,
of Missouri; Stubbs, of Kansas;
of South Carolina; of
South Dakota, and Kitchin, of North
An imposing array of agricultural
experts will deal with the practical
side of farming and farm life. Form-
Governor W. D. Hoard, of Wis-
who is America's foremost
authority on dairying, will talk on
and Sail Other
noted agricultural experts and their
subjects are as Live
Stock Farm and Soil Dr.
Frederick B. Mumford, of the
Prof. L. G. Hopkins, of the University
of Illinois; of
Prof. E. M. Ten Eyck, of Kansas State
Agricultural College; Trend of
the Conservation Dr. W.
J. of the bureau of soils of
the Department of Agriculture.
In addition to the problem of soil
fertility the congress will discuss
good roads, the country school, the
country club, the farmer and the rail-
roads, the farmer and water
the country club, the rural
home, co-operation among farmers,
Twenty-five states are represented
by delegates at the congress. Some
of them are represented by their gov-
and the others by delegates
appointed by them. Numerous or-
also have sent delegates,
among them the American Live Stock
Association, the Grain Na-
Association, the American In-
of Mining Engineers, the Pa-
Northwest Association of
the Nebraska State
of Commercial Clubs, the Cleve-
land Live Stock Association, and the
Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Water Way
Association. The Dominion Govern-
has given evidence of its inter-
est in the congress by sending W. V.
Atkinson, forester to the Canadian
commission of conservation.
My store will be closed on Mon-
day, October holiday.
Pres. C. S. Barrett, of Farmers Union,
Will be Heard.
KANSAS CITY, Sept pres-
of President Taft, Secretary of
Interior Fisher, ex-Secretary James
R. Garfield and Dr. Harvey W. Wiley,
together with half a dozen governors,
several United States senators and
many of the foremost educators,
experts and business men
of the nation, at the National
Congress which opened in
this city today, lends added dignity
to a convention the importance of
which to the country at large can
scarcely be overestimated.
This is the third conservation con-
to be held. The first was held
in Seattle in 1909 and was devoted
chiefly to the conservation of the
of the forests. In St. Paul last
year the public land question was
As people get older they can have
a good time without making a fuss
about it.
A manly man is one who centers
his affections on one a
As usually treated, a sprained an-
will disable a man for three or
four weeks, but by applying
Liniment freely as soon as
the injury is received, and observing
the direction with each bottle, a cure
can be effected in from two to four
days. For sale by all dealers.
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, September 1911.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts . 147.58
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures . 831.09
Demand loans . 1,500.00
Due from banks and bank-
. 895.27
Cash items . 96.93
Gold coin. 50.00
Silver coin, including all
minor coin currency. 932.82
National bank notes and
other U. S. notes. 1,434.00
Capital stock paid in 25,000.00
Surplus fund 125.00
Undivided profits, less cur-
rent expenses and taxes
paid . 676.16
Bills payable . 10,000.00
Deposits subject to check.
Savings deposits . 32,910.33
Cashier's checks
. 199.21
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, Stancill Hodges, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be-
lief. STANCILL HODGES, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 6th day of September, 1911.
Notary Public. J. R. SMITH,
1913. R. C. CANNON,
My commission expires February Directors.
octal and Xe
D. J. Whichard, Jr. Reporter
At Sixes and
An atom met a molecule
And things began to hum;
A microbe howled and tried to rule
A spry bacterium.
An animalcule up and fought
A gay,
And when the germ the monad caught
There was the deuce to pay.
A devil knocked a cold
By some demoniac means;
A phantom pitched a goblin bold
Right into smithereens.
And you may well believe me when
I here declare with might
Of lobster I'll ne'er eat again
At o'clock at night;
New York Sun.
served with tea and sandwiches.
Score cards were given and at the
close there were several to cut for
the prize. Miss Martha Taylor being
the lucky winner was presented a
beautiful picture. As she received
one of the visitor's prizes, she
the picture to the next high-
est score, which was Miss Mattie
King. The visitor's prizes were
dainty little handkerchiefs, the needle
work of the hostess.
Ices were served at the close of the
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Brown
request the honor of your presence
ac the marriage of their daughter
Lucy Royce
Mr. James Burton James
on the evening of Wednesday, the
eleventh of October
at half-after eight o'clock
First Presbyterian Church
Greenville, Tennessee.
At Home
After the twenty-fifth of October,
Greenville, North Carolina.
Revival at Christian Church
Begins October 2nd.
Mr. H. C.
of Rocky Mount, N. C, has been
engaged to hold a revival at the
Christian church, and as he has held
other very successful meetings In the
state, it is expected that he will make
the evangelistic services here very
helpful and profitable. The revival
will begin October A very cordial
welcome will be given those who at-
Complimentary to Misses Taylor,
On Friday afternoon, September
Miss Smith delightfully en-
a number of her friends at
Progressive Rook, in honor of her
visitors, Misses Martha and Annie
Taylor, of N. C.
As the guests arrived they were
met by the hostess, assisted by her
sister, Miss Mary Smith, and were
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Keel died Saturday afternoon
at their home on Eighth street. The
interment took place at o'clock
Sunday afternoon in Cherry Hill
cemetery, the funeral service being
conducted by Rev. J. H. Shore. The
pall-bearers were Messrs. J. L.
Carper, C. S. Carr, T. M. Hooker, H.
A. White, R. L. Smith, C. W. Harvey,
J. L. Starkey and Z. P. VanDyke.
Pretty Home
On Wednesday morning, September
1911, at eleven o'clock, friends
witnessed at the residence of Mrs.
Pattie Vaughan, a beautiful home
Don't Suffer
I had been troubled, a little, for nearly writes
Mrs, L In a letter Ala., I was
not taken down, until March, when I went to bed and had
to have a doctor. He did all he could tor me, but I got no
better. I hurt all over, and I could not rest At last, I tried
and soon I began to improve. Now I am la vary
good health, and able to do all my
wedding, when Mr. James H. Ran-
of House, N. C, was united
in marriage to Miss Pattie Vaughan,
the charming daughter of Mrs. Pat-
tie Vaughan.
The house had been decorated for
the occasion with ferns and potted
plants, and promptly to the strains
wedding march,
played by Miss Mabel Vaughan, sis-
of the bride, came the little
boys, Francis M. Vaughan, Jr., and
Leon T. Vaughan, Jr., nephews of
the bride, bearing the ribbons to
form an aisle to a beautiful arch
under which the bride and groom
were to stand, then came the bride
gowned in blue with hat,
gloves and shoes to match, carrying
a large bouquet of white asters,
leaning on the arm of her sister,
Miss Emma Vaughan, of Whitakers,
who was handsomely gowned in
white voile over with
bead carrying pink asters.
The bride and maid of honor were
met at the altar by the groom and
best man, Mr. Leonard Randolph,
of House. The words that made
them man and wife were spoken by
Elder A. J. Moore. After the
the bridal party left in auto-
mobiles for Hobgood to take the
south bound train for Port Tampa,
Fla., and other points South.
The handsome and useful display
of presents betokened the esteem in
which the young couple were held.
Among the out of town guests
were Mrs. F. M. Vaughan and
of Misses Ruth Moore,
Emma Vaughan and Elder A. J.
Moore, of Whitakers; W. L. Vaughan,
L. L. Stancil, Charlie Stancil and
Miss Carrie Simmons, of Washington;
Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Register and Miss
Sewell, of Tillery; L. A.
Randolph, P. E. Randolph, and Mr.
Shelton, of House; Miss Roland
Jenkins, of Greenville; Mr. and Mrs.
Leon T. Vaughan and children, of
Neck Common-
Southern Physician Urges That Black
Clothes Be Abandoned.
Southern physician of
skill and eminence urges that
all outward symbols of mourning
should be says Munsey's
Magazine editorially. many
years he has expressed his views. He
has won over a large number of
who see no reason why the heart
should advertise its sorrow by the
insignia of gloom.
are, or have been, people
wiser in their generation. The
mans of the days of the republic
wore blue as a sign of mourning. It
is the proper thing in Asia Minor now.
The Turk mourns in violet, and the
Persian in pale brown. Until a
French queen the present fashion
in the latter half of the fifteenth
white was the color of grief in
Europe, as it is now in
Both Of Them Connected In Green,
Mrs. Sarah E. Davenport died a few
days ago at her home in Hamilton.
She was years of age and a sister
of Mr. D. C. Moore, of Greenville.
Mr. LaFayette Moore, of Hamilton,
died Wednesday. He was the father
T. W. Whitehurst, of Green-
Dr. Hyatt Coming.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be at Hotel
Bertha Monday and Tuesday,
2nd and 3rd, for treatment of
diseases of the eye. ,
You may wonder why Is so successful, after
other remedies have failed. The answer Is that is
successful, because It is composed of scientific ingredients,
that act curatively on the womanly system. It is a medicine
for women, and for women only. It builds, strengthens, and
restores weak and ailing women, to health and happiness.
If you suffer like Mrs. Fincher did, take It
will surely you, what it did for her. At all druggists.
Write Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Teas.,
for Special and 64-page book. for teat Inc. J
Greene County Couple Marry In
Preferring matrimony to a school
session's Interruption, Mr. Q. M.
Holden and Miss Virginia Wood
of Snow Hill, surprised their friends
this morning by stopping over in
Kinston and being married, the
being performed in the par-
of Hotel Tull by Rev. F. S. Love,
pastor of the Methodist church of
Miss left home this morning
on her way to the East Carolina
Teachers Training school at Green-
ville. Mr. Holden arranged to come
along with her, and, upon arriving
in Kinston, the couple secured a
and were married in the hotel
parlors, several of their Snow Hill
friends being present and witnesses.
The groom is a young traveling
man of Snow Hill, and handles goods
a Baltimore house. He is well
known in this city, where he has
many friends. The bride is the
of Mr. W. H. of Snow Hill,
and is one of Snow Hill's most
daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Holden
spent the day In Kinston and return-
ed to Snow Hill this evening for con-
of their friends and rel-
Free Press, 25th.
The bride is a of Mrs. Charles
Laughinghouse and Messrs. W. H. and
George of Greenville, and is well
known here.
Grand Millinery Opening.
I. P. Lee and Co., will be as-
in the fall work by Mrs. W. B.
Greene as head milliner and Mrs. M.
T. and Mrs. Louise Greene as
assistants. It is our purpose to give
our customers better values and bet-
service than any previous season.
Our fall opening will be on Tuesday,
October 3rd.
Farmers Ought to be Flashed.
The large quantity of tobacco com-
to this market and the high prices
at which it is selling, Indicates that
the farmers will be flushed with
money by circus day. This Is to re-
mind them that It might be well to
call by and get a receipt from the
newspaper man before they feed the
Burglar Proof Safe,
The Greenville Banking Trust
Company has just put in a large new
safe that is guaranteed to be proof
against burglars. It is what is known
as the cannon ball safe, being almost
round, and the compartments for
keeping money are in a large ball that
revolves on the inside of the safe.
The weight of the safe la about
pounds. There are less than a
dozen safes like it in North Caro-
Yes, Bury Him.
Bury the croaker out in the woods
in a beautiful spot in the ground,
where the woodpecker pecks and the
bumblebee hums and the
straddles around. He is no good to
the city push, too unpractical, stingy
and dead; but he wants the whole
earth, and all of its crust, and the
stars that shine overhead. Then
him off to the roost
and bury him deep in the ground;
he's of no use here, get him out of
the way and make room for the man
that is

pp pi
The Carolina Hoe and and The Reflector.
Statistics of The State That Are In-
We have received from the North
Carolina Agricultural Society a
little booklet that is a bright gem
in its class. It is but full of
facts and figures about North Carolina
and her great state fair that will be
held for the fifty-first time at
on October 1911.
There are only eight small pages and
a neat, very tasty cover, all of a size
to fit in the ordinary envelope. Cuts
a view of the fair
grounds while the fair is going on
and Lincoln flying in his Cur-
over Niagara Falls.
There is an appreciation of North
Carolina that carries a point In
paragraph, a fact in every sen-
clothed in a style as attractive
as the story tells, and all in one small
The marvelous progress of the
state is told in a comparative table
the to be exhibited for the
first time in the South. It has fig-
at the great world expositions
and been a topic of discussion among
clergymen and scientists.
But aside from all this little book
is valuable for the information it con-
and is well worth preserving.
Write for a copy to the State Fair,
E. Secretary, Raleigh, N.
In The State Campaign Against Hook-
worm Disease.
The state and county dispensaries
for the free treatment of hookworm
diseases are attracting wide-spread
attention. Fifteen eastern counties
have made necessary provision to
have them. In four of these counties,
Robeson, Sampson, Columbus and
Halifax, the work was completed
about three weeks ago and an aver-
age of victims of the disease
were treated in each county. The
counties of Wayne, Onslow, Cumber-
land and Northampton now have the
a similar alignment of statistics of
manufacturing industries. In ad-
there are comparative values
of farm land and buildings,
and machinery, labor and fer-
In a brief review of the work of
the state fair the booklet calls at-
to the fact that it is char-
without capital stock, its real
property being held in trust to
cure a bonded debt, any profits made
going into a surplus which is spent
in improvements and increasing
The construction of the re-
concrete agricultural build-
at a cost of the new build-
for women and other betterments
last year are touched upon, as well
as the modern poultry building to
be ready for the coming fair. Fig-
show solid carloads of ex-
last year against in 1909;
separate entries against 1,201,
and net premiums paid
against As evidence that
the fair is recognized as one of the
greatest gathering points for pure-
bred stock in the South, mention is
made that the Society of
America is this year offering its
prizes at the Raleigh fair, which
is one of only four Southern fairs to
be so honored. It is stated that by
resolution of the executive committee
all questionable shows and doubtful
games have been forbidden the
On the amusement side there is
borne the news that the fair has con-
with Glenn H. Co. for
flights each day of the fair
on a guarantee-to-fly basis, the
tor to be Lincoln or Hugh
Robinson. is the
who flew under the bridge at
while Robinson did likewise at
Cairo, under a railroad bridge
over the Ohio. These two were the
only to finish in the cross-
country race from New York to Phil-
and both were stars at the
Chicago aviation meet, where
made a new record for
Another attraction mentioned is
California Frank's Wild West show
with its fifteen carloads and
Then there is The Great Cal-
star high-wire specialist.
Special mention is made of the
painting, the Shadow of
dispensaries in operation. About one
of crop figures for 1905 1910, and hundred people are being treated
daily at each of the dispensaries.
Pender, New Hanover, Brunswick,
Craven, Pitt, Warren and Hertford
counties have made provision for the
dispensaries and will be entered as
soon as possible. and per-
haps two or three other counties will
take action the next first Monday.
The dispensaries remain in a county
usually six weeks. The good results
of their work are so apparent that
after the dispensaries move to new
fields the local doctors busy
continuing the treatment.
A New Physician Enlists In The
Dr. T. E. Hughes, of Magnolia, has
given up his private practice to ac-
an appointment as district
rector of the campaign against hook-
work disease. He is a Virginian by
birth, a graduate of Richmond Col-
a medical graduate of the
of Virginia. He took his hos-
training at Johns Hopkins,, and
in the city hospital at Wilmington.
During his short stay at Magnolia he
won the hearts of the people. Six
physicians, eight laboratory men and
a clerk now constitute the state forces
engaged in the North Carolina cam-
They are now pushing the
dispensary work because in this way
the most gratifying returns are ob-
The Greenville Banking
and Trust Company
Capital Stock,
Appointed by the United States Government
Depository for
Of the Greenville Post Office
Legal Notices
Wiley's k
President Taft's of
Dr. Wiley will be searched in vain
for a single word of praise for the
valiant work that official has done for
the people. Nor does the president
have a single word of censure for
the notorious whose methods
are running the food bureau and
everybody in it, Dr. Wiley included,
astounded the members of the Moss
investigating committee. After this
committee was discovered nobody knew
better than Mr. Taft himself that he
would not dare to mete out to Dr.
Wiley the re-
commended by Attorney-General Wick-
The Wiley served no
other purpose than to afford the
dent a favorable opportunity to play
politics on the eve of his departure
into the hostile West. Dr. Wiley had
already been vindicated, a thousand
times over, in the minds of the
We have on sale at our factory the
Columbia, Rambler, Crescent and Fay
Bicycles, for ladies and Gentlemen, boys
and girls. bicycles are known the
world over for their easy running and
We guarantee them. If you are
thinking of buying, come to see us.
School Books For 1911-12
Every in School and General Stationery Supplies
at lowest possible prices, also a complete line of Holli-
day Goods and Toys, China, Glass, Tinware, Etc.
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Shop Repair
Work, and Flues in Season, Sec
Greenville. N. C.
North County.
In the Superior Court, August term,
The- Nicola Lumber Com-
W. J. Kittrell, surviving
partner of Keene Kit-
W. J. Kittrell, in-
and R. H. Gar-
By virtue of the powers contained
in a certain decree, entered in the
above entitled cause, by Hon. Frank
Carter, judge riding the Third Judicial
District, on the 25th day of August,
1911, the undersigned will expose for
sale, before the court house door, in
North Carolina, on Mon-
day, the 2nd day of October, 1911, the
following described personal and real
1st. That certain tract, piece or
parcel of land situate in the town of
Grifton, described as follows,
and being in the town of Grifton, state
aforesaid, Neck
and described and defined as follows,
Lying on the south side of
Moccasin river, bounded on the east
by John Leary's line to Lenoir street,
up said street to Nottingham and
line, thence with said line
to Moccasin river; then down said
river to John Leary's line, containing
three and one-half acres, more or
2nd. One fifty-horse power Atlas
engine and boiler; one grist mill with
all appliances, fixtures and equipments
connected therewith made by B. S.
Starr; one shingle machine and saw;
one saw husk, and
Simon saw, all belting, pulleys, shaft-
and milling fixtures of whatsoever
name known or called situated and
located on the lot of land described
3rd. power Erie Engine
and boiler; one Edger machine; one
log hauling machine; one old field
dry kiln piping and all fixtures
pertaining to said dry kiln; one 40-
horse power re-saw and boiler; one
Clark Center Crank Engine
one Baldwin and Bolton Band
Saw-Filing Machine and six band saws
for the re-saw, together with a lot
of wire cable and rafting dogs used
in rafting and delivering the logs to
the mill and a lot of appliances used
with the said filing machine, also all
machinery and personal property that
is in any wise connected with the
milling plant of the late Keene and
. Kittrell and W. J. Kittrell, including
all logs on yard or out on the banks;
and also all the rights of Keene and
Kittrell and W. J. Kittrell individual-
to the standing timber on certain
lands situated in Lenoir, Greene and
Pitt counties, which were conveyed
to the Nicola Lumber Co., by deeds
V from J. F. and wife on the
, , 7th day of October, 1911, from J. F.
et June 1911, and W. J.
, Dawson on the 4th day of April 1907.
, By direction of the decree herein-
before referred to all of said property,
real estate, machinery, timber, cut logs
standing timber as
fully described, will be sold in bulk.
Terms of sale cash.
By virtue of a power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed,
executed and delivered by J. S.
and wife, to A. Savage and George A.
dated March 1902, and re-
corded in the register's office in Pitt
county, in Book K-7, page
The undersigned will, on Monday,
the 16th day of October, 1911, at
o'clock, noon, expose to public sale,
before the court house door in Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, for cash,
all the right, title and interest of J.
S. and wife, which are a one-
seventh undivided interest in that
certain lot or parcel of land,
ed as Situate in the town
of Greenville, beginning at the east-
corner of lots No. at the inter-
section of 12th street and Washington
street and runs with 12th
feet to a stake; thence
and parallel with Wash-
street feet to the dividing
line of lots and thence east-
with said dividing about
feet to Washington street; then north-
Beaver Dam township, Pitt
with Washington street about
feet to the beginning, being the
eastern half of lot No. and con-
one-fourth acre, more or less,
as shown on map made by P. Math-
in 1892, of the William Moore
land, then owned by the Greenville
Land and Improvement Company, and
being the same conveyed by the
Greenville Lumber Co. to T. A.
as appears of record in Book C-6,
page in the register of deeds of-
in Pitt county. Also one-seventh
undivided interest of J. S. and
wife in one other tract or parcel of
land on south side of 12th street and
east side of Greene street, beginning
at a stake where Greene street and
street intersects, and runs south-
with Greene street
to a stake in the dividing line between
lots and then with
said dividing line about 1-2 feet
to T. A. land; thence north-
with said line about
feet to 12th street; then west-
with 12th street about 1-2
feet to Greene street, the beginning.
It being the whole of lot No. and
western half of lot No. as shown
in a map made by P. Mathews in 1892
for the Greenville Land and Improve-
Co., and contains nearly 3-4 of
an acre, more or less. It being the
same deeded by L. Hines, receiver of
Greenville Lumber Co., to T. A.
as appears in Book N-6, page
hi the register of deeds office of
Pitt county.
This 14th day of September, 1911.
In the Superior D.
C. Moore, clerk.
E. E. Griffin and wife
Julia F. Griffin, M.
Cherry and wife, Annie
Cherry, and E. H.
William F. Cherry.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made by
D. C. Moore, clerk, in the above en-
titled special proceeding, on the 11th
day of September, 1911, the under-
signed commissioner will, on the 16th
day of October, 1911, at o'clock,
noon, expose to public sale, before
the court house door in Greenville,
Pitt county, North Carolina, to the
highest bidder, for cash, the follow-
described parcel of land,
Lying and being in the of
Greenville, situate on the north side
of Third street and west side of Co-
street, adjoining Third street
on the south and on the east,
and lot known as the W. H.
ton lot on the north, and lot known
as the lot on the west, con-
1-2 acre, more or less, and
being the lot upon which Mrs. Mary
formerly resided.
This sale is to be made for the
purpose of making partition among
the heirs-at-law of Mrs. Mary Foley.
This the 11th day of September,
less. The second tract lying and be-
county, adjoining the lands of
Willoughby, George Hemby, Robert
Cobb, and others, and containing
1-2 acres, more or less. This sale
will be made for the purpose of
partition among the heirs-at-law
of J. R.
This the 16th day of September,
North County.
In the Superior court, before D. C.
Moore, clerk.
E. E. J.
Cash and wife, Laura V.
Cash, C. E.
Joseph Tripp and wife,
Bessie Tripp,
Lena May
and L. R. I
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made by
D. C. Moore, clerk, on the 16th day
of September, 1911, in the above en-
titled special proceeding, the under-
signed commissioner, will, on Monday,
the 16th day of October, 1911, at
o'clock, noon, expose to public sale,
before the court house door in Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, for cash,
the following described tract or par-
of land, The first tract
situate in township, Pitt
county, North Carolina, adjoining the
lands of Luke Theo-
Slaughter, W. H. Williams, and
others, containing acres, more or
North County.
In the Superior court, before D. C.
Moore, clerk.
R. E. Jones and wife, Ger-
Jones, W. J. Man-
and wife, Anna E.
Manning, and others,
Jarvis Nina
Whichard, Which-
ard, and Andrew Which- J
By of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made by
D. C. Moore, clerk, in the above en-
titled special proceeding, on the 25th
day of August, 1911, the undersigned
commissioner, will on Monday, the
25th day of September, 1911, at
o'clock, noon, expose to public sale,
before the court house door in Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, for cash,
the following described tract or par-
of land, Lying and be-
in the county of Pitt and state
of North Carolina, and adjoining the
lands of S. M. Jones, John A. Man-
and T. J. D. Whitehurst and
the R. M. Jones home place, and be-
the same land conveyed by R.
M. Jones and others, recorded in the
register's office in Pitt county, in
Book page and containing
acres, more or less.
This sale is to be made for
among the tenants in common.
This the 25th day of August, 1911.
Letters of administration, with the
will annexed, on the estate of Sarah
C. Hanrahan deceased, having this
day been issued to me by the clerk
of the Superior court of Pitt county,
notice is hereby given to all persons
holding claims against said estate to
present them to me, duly
for payment on or before the
23rd day of September, 1912, or this
notice will be plead in bar of their
recovery. All persons Indebted to
said estate are requested to make
mediate payment to me.
This the 22nd day of September,
Administratrix, with the will annexed,
of Sarah C. deceased.
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
By virtue of the power and author-
contained in a decree of the
court of Pitt county, in a
proceeding, entitled J. Y.
son and others, ex pane, I will on
Saturday, Oct. 1911, at m., sell
at public auction, for cash, at the
court house door in Pitt county, a
certain tract or parcel of land, situate
in township, being the land
conveyed to Patsy Ann Anderson by
Joseph Pollard, by deed, recorded in
Book B-B., pages and of the Pitt
county registry, and therein
ed as at a water
oak stump and running north east
poles to a white oak stump at
corner of ditch; thence north east
poles to gate post in old lane;
thence north west poles to a
stake In F. Spain's line; thence
due west poles to oak stump;
thence south west poles to gum
swamp; thence with Bynum
line to the beginning, containing
acres, more or Said land known
as Anderson land.
This September 1911.
The undersigned, having day
qualified as administrator of the es-
of John James Moore, this is to
notify all persons holding claims
against said estate to file the same
with the undersigned within twelve
months from the date hereof, or this
notice will be pleaded in bar of re-
of said claims; and all per-
sons indebted to Bald estate are no-
to make immediate settlement
with the undersigned.
This the day of August, 1911.
Administrator of John J. Moore.
F. C. Harding, Attorney
Hour For Meeting Changed to
Each Sunday Afternoon.
The Men's Prayer League did not
have a very large attendance Sunday
afternoon, but those present heard
an unusually good talk by Prof. W.
H. on the subject of
and The other appoint-
ed leaders for Sunday were prevented
from being present
The hour for meeting hat been
changed to o'clock, and next Sun-
day's service will be held in the
church. The subject for that day
is the Lord Requires of
Text, Leaders,
Messrs. A. B. Ellington, H. B.
and R. H. Wright.
Next Sunday ought to be made a
rallying day for the league. Cooler
weather is promised by then, and the
men of the community cannot spend
an hour more profitably than at these
Need To Stop Work.
When your doctor orders you to
atop work, it staggers you, can't
you say. You know you are weak,
run-down and failing in health, day
by day, but you must work as long
as you can stand. What you need is
Electric Bitters to give tone, strength
and vigor to your system, to prevent
breakdown and build you up. Don't
be weak, sickly or ailing when
Bitters will benefit you from the
first dose. Thousands bless them for
their glorious health and strength.
Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed
v satisfy. Only at all Druggists
Having qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of the estate of Dr. G.
F. Thigpen, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment
to the undersigned; and all persons
having claims against the said estate
are notified that they must present
the same to the undersigned for pay-
on or before the 18th day of
September, 1912, or this notice will
be plead in bar of recovery.
This 18th day of September. 1911.
Administrator of G. F. Thigpen.
S. J. Everett,
Banking On Chestnuts.
The hay is scarce and high, Irish
potatoes so scarce out of the
that they are considered a rarity,
except by the very wealthy, and then
only as desert, but if old Jack Frost
will hold off for a little while longer
there will certainly be a bumper
chestnut crop in this neck of the
Not Word of Scandal.
W. P. of Wyo., who
marred the call of a neighbor on Mrs-
told me Dr. Kink's New
Life Pills had cured her of obstinate
kidney trouble, and made her feel
like a new Easy, but sure
remedy for stomach, liver and kidney
troubles. Only at all druggists.
First we wish for rain, then we wish
it would atop.

i y
rm Sear Fares end The Eastern
f Matter In The
We have now attempted to explain
the phenomenon called of
the and to point out a practicable
remedy, roll the green ma-
crop; disc it a number of
times in the opposite direction to the
rolling while yet green and sufficient
in order to cut it into small bits;
plow it under; disc it once or twice
after plowing, depending on the
amount of material on the land; with
the disc pet at a slight angle in order
to pulverize and mix the cut-up veg-
matter with the whole soil
and allow the land to set-
a few weeks and receive one or
more good rains.
We shall now take up in succession
and discuss the value of a number
of humus-forming materials, other
than animal manures, and then point
out methods of handling them In con-
with different crops.
In a previous chapter we the
average chemical analysis of a large
number of samples of green In
we found this material to con-
pounds of nitrogen. pounds
phosphate, and pounds of pot-
ash per ton. All of these constituents
are taken from the soil by the roots,
built into the tissues of the and
given out again to a succeeding crop
when the rye decays.
A crop of green rye weighing eight
tons to the acre Is easily grown on
the average farm in North Carolina.
This amount of green rye
rated with the first ten inches of a
ten acre field would furnish to the
soil of this Held, in a readily available
form. pounds of nitrogen,
pounds of phosphate and pounds
of potash.
This is as much nitrogen as would
be furnished by tons, of an 8-2-2
fertilizer or loads of cow
manure. The phosphate In this
amount of green stuff is equal to that
contained in 1-2 tons of an 8-2-2
fertilizer or in tons, or loads, of
fresh horse manure. The potash con-
In this material is equal to that
found in tons of an 8-2-2 fertilizer
or in tons of horse manure.
Sufficient rye to seed the ten acres
will cost around whereas, it
would cost to haul and spread
the tons of stable manure.
In the above we have mentioned
merely the plant food constituents
rendered by the rye and
have not taken into account the vast
amount of holding
and improving the texture of
the soil. Be sure to sow quantities
rye this fall for plowing under
next spring before planting. Next
week we expect to discuss the use
wheat straw and green corn as
North Carolina Department of
Is The Tows Doing Its to Tax
We notice that the mayor calls at-
to the sidewalks of our town
and asks that the owners of the prop-
clean the same of weeds. This
is right and should be done. At the
same time while many have complied
with this request all the summer and
have kept their sidewalks clean, the
town has never been near with their
men. the whole summer to touch the
streets, to clean or to cut down
weeds and in some places, in mid-
of streets weeds stand nearly as
high as your head, left there to breed
sickness and give fever. This is
where people live and pay taxes or
rather folks do. whose streets are
kept clean of weeds. If tile town
does not know of such, they can go
west of the A. C. L. track, on Fourth
street. This or all other ought to be
kept clear of weeds. In fact, it seems
that the town care little about doing
for that end of the town what Is just
right to those who live there.
No water for fire protection; end of
Fourth street Is left in darkness, no
no yet we are ex-
to pay taxes to the town. It
is right and just.
Founds at The Gum.
Today we had another large sale
at the Gum, and prices were never
better. All of my were high-
pleased and were convinced that
the Gum is the place to sell If
highest price is wanted.
I want again to express my
to those of ray friends and
acquaintances for their patronage,
and to those who have known only
a short time, want to extend to you
the warmest welcome possible. We
are making friends every day, and
would like to number you among
them. We have no hesitancy in say-
that we know our business from
start to finish, and will see that you
are satisfied If you will bring me your
next load.
-Vow, to those who have never pat-
me at the Gum, I want to
urge you to come to see me and bring
me a load. You can never tell what
I can do for you, unless try
J. J. GENTRY. Manager,
Gum Warehouse.
Association Train.
On next Sunday. October trains
on the Washington branch of the At-
Coast Line will make stops at
Manning siding for the
of people attending the
Association at Flat Swamp. Man-
nine siding is about half way between
and Oakley and is within one
mile of Flat Swamp church.
have a word of confidence In
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, for I
have used it with perfect
writes Mrs. M.
Md, For gale by all dealers.
Large Crowd of People.
Without doubt never has
seen such a crowd of people as were
here to see the Mighty Haag Railroad
shows. Both In the afternoon and
evening the tents were crowded with
people, and In the afternoon hundreds
could not secure tickets as the ticket
wagon was closed long before two
o'clock. Every train during the day
brought people to see the show, and
long before time for the parade to
make is appearance on streets
they were crowded with people
awaiting It, and not one was
disappointed, as Mr. Haag spent
plenty of time and money on his pa-
making It second to none. Nev-
in the history of have
there been as many pretty girls, fun-
clowns and good music In one
parade. The Times is
It voices sentiment of the people
It says, give us
like Times.
The Mighty Haag shows will be in
Greenville Friday, Sept
How To Get More Out Of
Your Hay Crop
you feed or sell your hay, it should be baled.
Baled hay takes up much less, room and nets a better
price than loose hay. It Is always ready for any mark-
et at top price, while loose hay must be sold near home, at what-
ever you can get.
have many points of strength, simplicity, and convenience found
In no other presses. They are equipped with a compound lever
and a toggle joint plunger, which gives them great compress-
poker. A pound pull on the sweep of a I H C
press gives pounds pressure In the bale chamber.
The bed reach is only inches high and very narrow. The
chamber is very to reach over to tie the bale.
If you examine an I C H hay press you will appreciate Its
value a money saver and money maker.
For I H C hay presses, clover leaf manure spreaders, weber
wagons and all other farm machinery and hardware, call on
Hart Hadley
Greenville, N. C.
Between The Two Great Divisions of
the Church in America.
adjust certain differences that
have arisen between the two great
of the Baptist church In
ca, a joint conference was begun
today by representatives of the North-
Baptist Convention and
of the Southern Baptist Con-
Difficulties growing out of
recent New Mexican organizations
form the principal matter in dispute.
Some New Mexican congregations
withdrew from the Northern Baptist
Convention, and joined the Southern,
with, it Is claimed, the co-operation
of some Southern leaders. The ac-
has produced considerable
which it is hoped will be re-
moved by the present conference.
Window Display.
There Is a display in one of till
front windows of Hart
hardware store that attracts all
It Is a mechanical figure of
girl standing at table which she i
polishing with liquid veneer. Th
girl holds a can of the veneer J
hand, gives It a shake, pours or
of the liquid on a cloth,
the top of the table, and then
her head in satisfaction over the n
A hypocrite is like a can
do the most mischief while pointing
to high heaven.
When a man is hie own he
can't help from winning the fight.
Gentry and Cannon.
It will interest you to come by
Gum warehouse and see the w
Gentry and Biggs Cannon sell
They cling to the top always and
are best pleased when they are
lug their patrons.
of 1,200 among the best
people in Eastern North
Carolina and invite those
who wish to get better
acquainted with these
good people m a business
way to take a few inches
space and tell them what
you have to bring to their
are and can be
had upon application.
of and is
ed by the best farming
country. Industries of
kinds are invited to
here for we have
to offer in the
way of labor capital and
tributary facilities. We
have an up-to-date job
and newspaper plant.
Agriculture Is the Most the Most Healthful, the Most Employment of Washington.
N. B. Hill.
By President Robt. H. Wright to the
Curd of Thank.
We desire to return our
thanks to the many friends who
kindly offered their services
the recent sickness and death of or
lion Cm Provide Efficient Teachers For
Her Public Schools Money And
Houses Do Make
Teacher Must Be Prepared.
purpose of this school and the
purpose of your stay here are one
and the same. It may be of some
service to all of you and of much
service to some of you, to know why
the state has established this school,
why the tax-payers of North Caro-
are called upon to contribute
each year to Its maintenance. It may
you to clarify your promise for
me lo give you an outline of the
development in North Caro-
this question it is necessary to
you a brief history of public ed-
am not going to give you
to hurt you, but just enough
to slate our problem.
For many years we have had set
aside a part of the taxes levied each
year for purposes.
These schools In the more
communities were sandwiched in
between two terms of subscription
school. But the free school was taught
by the teacher employed for the sub-
school. During the public
school term almost all of the children
the community went to school, and
during the subscription term only the
children of those parents who helped
pay the teacher's salary, attended the
As a result some of the
in the advanced
more rapidly than others. It was not
right to the child that he should be
handicapped in life, simply because
his father could not, or would not.
provide for his education. It was I
not long before people saw that
youths were worth more to the
than unlettered. It, there-
fore, soon became apparent to all
that the state owes an elementary
education to each boy and girl in its
borders; will pay to give
them this education. Put this down
as The first point this
Carolina has realized that an
education should be offered
to each boy and girl in the state, and
that this education should be pro-
for by taxation.
shall not always select a passage
because of what I wish
k about, but I have done that
hand or thy foot offend thee,
off, them from
better for thee to enter
rather than
two Met to be cast
eye offend thee, pluck
that you give yourselves over entire-
with all of your faith, all of your
hope, all of your mind; yes, all of
your faculties, in the purpose for
which you are attending school.
In bringing this about, three men
stand out clearly above the others,
Charles Duncan first
president of the State Normal and In-
school at Greensboro; Ed-
ward Anderson Alderman, the first
president of the of
and James Yadkin Joyner. our
State Superintendent of Public In-
The next movement in our state j
was for better school houses. This
began several years ago. Those of
you who were with us last year re-
member there stood a building Where
they are now making an excavation
for a new building on Fifth street,
between here and town, a little wood-
en structure used as a plunder house.
This house ten years ago was the
best public school building in Pitt
county. It has been destroyed to give
place to a larger, more commodious
building for commercial purposes.
Where this building last stood for
school purposes, is now erected a
large, commodious brick structure that
about Ten years ago
the public school property of Pitt
county was worth not to exceed
000.00. Today It is worth over
What is true of Pitt county
is proportionately true of each other
county in North Carolina.
Men began to realize that if their
children were to attend school they
must provide good buildings, well
lighted and furnished. The school,
f It is to add to the efficiency of our
youths, must take care of the
man as well as the mental man.
As a result of this movement for the
past live years we have averaged over
one new building per day for each
day in year. The State Depart-
of Education baa drawn up
plans and specifications for these new
buildings. The work in school house
construction is one of the most
public ever
by our people. In this
movement. Former Governors Charles
II. Aycock and It. B. Glenn and Supt.
J. Y. Joyner stand out
The Woman's Betterment Association
too has done a wonderful work along
of better houses, inside and
out, better, grounds, etc. etc.
Third and last comes our
1st. The state realizes that it
should provide the means for an el-
education for all the youths
v its borders.
2nd. To do this b houses must
be provided.
3rd. The state, people everywhere,
arc realizing that money and houses
do not make schools. To accomplish
the end toward which we are
the state must see to it that each
Improved house has In It one or more
efficient teachers. This Is North
Carolina's educational problem to-
How to provide efficient teach-
for her public schools.
I have said our problem Is to
cure money to pay efficient teachers,
but I think that statement Is wrong.
It we can put enough well-trained
teachers into our public schools to
make our people the true
worth of a good teacher, then the
To PHI To Work For The
My attention has been called by
the president of the Pitt County Fair
Association. Mr. John L. Wooten, to
the fact that premiums are offered by
that association almost everything
grown on the farm, especially
co. I have seen the premium list
of the county fair, and. although it the following as related to us
was Incomplete at that time, It was by Mr. S. of Blount
a most creditable one and every Said he. rambling in the
lien of the county ought to feel a L. of
I pride and take an interest in this . . ,.
, . ., . . ,. , Thursday afternoon, in search of
laudable undertaking. Every
the county who is so fortunate a hunt-
to have a good crop of tobacco ought, ground squirrels, thinking
K n force The
Au Old Man Who Takes
by all means, prepare an exhibit for try my marksmanship as soon as the
the county fair, which will be held
here early in November. Those who
contemplate making an exhibit at the
state fair can at the same time
pare an exhibit for their county fair.
The officers, board of governors
committees of the Pitt County Fair
Association are entitled to the co-
operation and support of every
in the county. These men and
women are devoting their time and
attention to this movement purely
from patriotic motives. There is no
reward attached to these of-
and. these citizen are going
about the work to make It a success
for the honor and credit of Pitt
The citizenship certainly cannot do
less than co-operate by making ex-
of best they have,
this is done it will be found that
where Pitt county sits Is the head of
the table in the state's family of
Occupants Walked Several Miles to
Call Help.
On Sunday Dr. C. Laughing-
house with Messrs. Tom Dupree and
Norman Warren, with his colored
started out to Flat Swamp in
his automobile to attend the
About eight miles from town
one of the rear axles to the
miles wrung two and dropped the
car to the ground. The stop-
so quickly that no one was hurt.
The party had to walk several miles
to reach a telephone and send In a
call to town for help. A team had to
be sent out to bring in the disabled
law is off, I came near a tall gum
with a thick top. and nearly hidden
by the foliage of the tree I saw a
squirrel's nest. While thus standing
and gazing at the nest, I heard a very
strange noise Inside the nest. I stood
a while with hair on end and hat push-
ed nearly off my head, trying to find
an open place to run. when to my
We notice in your paper of
2nd a most timely article en-
titled Cooks taken
from the Charleston News and
We agree with the writer that It
Is a disgusting thing to think of
loafing around streets and,
dives, and stations. . every one
knows they are being fed from some
White person's kitchen by the cooks.
We are told there is a law against
vagrancy; is it utterly impossible to
that law If so. then why
don't the law-makers repeal It If
it can be enforced w all know
it should then why not enforce
it That would go far toward
the labor problem and high prices
when we would have more producers
and fewer
We have heard that there is a Civic
League in Greenville, composed of
its good women, and suffer us to say
we believe there are none better on
earth. Would it be amiss to
consternation a few yards from my L .
feet there fell to the ground a snake. I , they m
Ticket Agents.
MARIE, Out., Oct.
Upwards of members of the
Canadian Ticket Association
were present here today at the open-
of the association's twenty-fifth
annual meeting. The sessions will
continue three days, with President
Joseph F. of Montreal,
II from It
Into life with
,. having, two will provide the money necessary
, . Ito secure the services of the efficient.
All over state, school trustees
are asking about voting special taxes
better salaries and longer terms.
quickest way to vote a special
tax Is to put a good teacher In the
Why this school Do you see
the answer to this question Our
realized that all the money
public education was failing
to bring Just returns unless
money spent to train
were doing all they could
but they were not doing enough; so
state planted this school here to
do one train young
women to teach la the pub
lie schools. This is the only state
school In North Carolina with this
purpose. Do not misunderstand me,
I would not discredit- the work
done by our state colleges, and our
denominational colleges. But let me
reiterate what I have said, this Is the
only school established by
for teach-
It la the , direct result of
the movement for efficient teach-
for our schools.
people helped in work, but there
are two men tower above others
In this movement; Hon. J.
Joyner M. H.
Do problem more
teachers This school
is ye to help you prepare to meet
great movement in our
educational problem. Your
Individual problem is to make an
teacher. thy hand or thy
foot offend thee, cut them off, and
cast them from Remove all
obstacles and on to the com-
of your purpose and children
yet unborn will come forth to bless
So tremendous size was his snake-;
ship that I looked towards his head
and behold to my great surprise he
had a long, beard. Thought
what on earth shall do Must I at-
tempt to kill a monster of this kind
Then I kinder to get my
courage to at least a standing point
after a little
and great effort on my part, I
struck the monster a blow
with a ten-foot pole that I carried
with me, which blow killed his snake-
ship so dead he scarcely wiggled. It
was one of those blows that a
man gives when hemmed In with no
chance to run. When saw for sure
that the monster was dead from head
to tail. cautiously approached his
head to see If I could by any means
discern what kind of a beard that
was. By careful examination I found
that It was the half of a squirrel's
tail projecting from the snake's
mouth. Then I ventured to measure
I the snake and found that he was three
ax helves In length, species what is
known as the chicken snake But it
seems that this one preferred
for his diet.
A more wonderful story is fold of
a snake that was captured some time
since by one of the Hanrahan boys.
After killing the snake he found a
glistening hard egg-shaped substance
inside the snake, which, when he had
carefully cleansed he handed to his
aged mother and on receiving it she
found that youth and vigor was return-
So this wan was put up to the
highest bidder. There is a widower
who has a beautiful country home
near Ayden. Some years had pass-
ed over his and the frost of
winters had somewhat streaked
his hair, but being a man of much
wealth he bid higher than any of his
neighbors could bid and secured the
wan. So did
It change his entire being that now
be is as erect as a military cadet,
bis steps are as steady and quick as
One of years. Before he was con-
tent to ride behind a medium swift
horse. Now he spins over the county
In an automobile at a gait.
Once the malls were swift enough
to carry his messages, but now he
often visits the central telephone of-
his messages may be
ed more hastily, for are all
gent, at this time, and If they are
answered satisfactorily she will have
the chance of a lovely country home
or a mansion In the select portion of
her choice of cities. And furthermore
she have a span of horses at her
command or an automobile if she
desires to speed. Any age
to for with hie win he can ad-
to suit any within this
Is the one feat-
fully realized
a truth when
planning talking civics and home
economics to include in their plans
a discussion of Cook's
or pan as the case may be
our opinion if one woman sets
her head on doing a tiling she usu-
ally does it. If several united,
Is bound to be done.
Ladies, does the problem of the,
appeal to you
An I Gather of
CHICAGO, Oct. Import-
ant gathering of insurance
annual meeting of the Fire Under-
Association of the northwest
convened at the Hotel to-
day with a large attendance of
in addition to a considerable
number of prominent fire insurance
officials from eastern cities. J. D.
Browne, president of the Connecticut
Fire Insurance Company, delivered
the annual The
over tomorrow and provides
tor numerous papers and addressee
from representatives of the various
branches o, the fire insurance
and commercial interests as
The System Hus Met With Bitter
BOSTON. Mass., Oct. house
labor committee, of which
W. B. Wilson, of Pennsylvania.
Is chairman, came to Boston today to
begin an investigation of the workings
the Taylor piece system which the
has proposed to Install
In all of the United States navy yards
and arsenals. The system has met
with the bitter opposition of the labor
unions and its Installation at the
Watertown arsenal recently resulted
In a general strike of the machinists
employed there. .
He said, is not good for man to
I I bad better close -and
not tell on that preacher who rode
the whole afternoon In the low lands
of looking his near eon-
alas he could not And them. So he
alas he not And them. he
had to appoint another day and find
water enough In the public road. The
preacher believes in sprinkling, but
like Paul, he tries to be all things
to all perchance ho may
be In saving some
Hence he did not know the creek
very well.
The Very Large
Mr. H. C preached to an
audience at the Christian church last
night that almost filled the house.
listened very attentively while
be discussed, in a most Instructive
and Interesting way,
able Sin He is Quite proficient as
song leader, and there was evident-
much Improvement singing
and tested by the audience by leaving
it sing in sections.
Mrs. C. C. Ware sang most accept-
ably a beautiful solo, well
adapted to the occasion.
was well prepared
well delivered. He. said that some
people thought that the unpardonable
sin the single rejection of Jesus
Christ when under the conviction of
sin, but showed that one might reject
Christ many and yet be saved
if they did not continue In their stub-
and disbelief. Again he
others thought that the
unpardonable sin Was suicide, but
that the Bible did not so de-
Others think it is drunken-
etc,. But the Bible expressly
says unpardonable is the
Bins against the Holy Spirit Then
the evangelist explained that there
had been three dispensation the
world's, history, the
Jewish, and the Christian, that
In and Jewish
until the birth of
world had messages of pardon ff-om
God that after the birth of
to Pentecost they had these
messages from God and Christ, and
that we have had
these messages from God. Christ and
the and that the Bible,
which rules and guides us today, is
distinctly expression of the Holy
Spirit. Hence to reject the Holy
it the last messenger
the last that
be. Is to-sin against the Holy
and God's entire plan for the
redemption of And to
infect the offers of the Holy
Spirit unpardonable sin, for in
the the case it is
able. speaker then vividly
troth by a word picture
the murderer,
sentenced to hang,
led -to e scaffold, and being banded
s he Is about to be
pieces sullenly scorn-
it goes on to his death,
a stirring exhortation
to hear the good tidings of
the Holy Spirit, has been the
power of God unto to so
The meeting last
very marked interest in the work be-
done evangelistic
and on every hand were heard
expression; Of the evangelist's
and consecration.
The Is to continue through-
out this week, and most, probably all.
of week. There will be special
each evening. The prospects
fine for a real one
who will attend. I assured of a warm
welcome from members of this
comparatively small, but prosperous
church. i
n Ad
Same Opponent for
R, I, Oct.
Democratic State convention of
Island met In tins city today and
named candidates for the offices
to be filled at the November
A Waterman was placed
at the head of the ticket as the can-
for Governor. Mr. Waterman
Hie opponent of Gov-
last year and was de-
by a small vote.

Eastern reflector, 29 September 1911
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 29, 1911
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Joyner NC Microforms
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