Eastern reflector, 9 September 1910

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

offers to the tobacco growers of Eastern Carolina superior
inducements and facilities in the sale of their tobacco.
This is a Farmers Organization
ninety-nine per cent, of the stockholders are farmers,
living on and operating their farms
This organization is doing a warehouse business for the
sale of FARMERS TOBACCO, and our past record proves that j
we know our business. We are proud of our business and j
proud of our record, and if you will join with us in making a
still greater success, you will be proud of the part you take in it.
uses at Greenville, Kinston,
, Wilson
Groat has Right to
Make Regulations.
By Cable to The Reflector.
The Hague, Sept. award in
the fisheries dispute between Eng-
land and Canada against the United
States, was signed this morning. This
was a triumph for arbitration. It
holds that the British have absolute
rights to form regulations
in New waters, but re-
commends that two notice be
given on the whole. The award is re-
in the diplomatic world as
satisfactory. The decision is
on all questions but one, this
being the question of defining bays,
which the commission refused to do.
By the award the dispute that has
lasted almost a hundred years,
has twice nearly brought England and
the United States to war, is definitely
settled. An Industry of a million
a year Is beyond dispute and com-
questions, which have been
wrangled over since 1818, are solved.
The agreement of British and
can Judges is complete, the only ob-
beg made by Senor
the Argentine representative. The
agreement, it is believed, will prove
satisfactory to all three
countries involved.
Takes a Drink of Carbolic Acid and Is
Hurried to Hospital.
By Wire to The Reflector.
Raleigh, Sept. Batten, a
girl working at the Martin
Hosiery mill, attempted this
morning by drinking carbolic art.
She swallowed deadly
o'clock and was hurried to Rex hos-
At o'clock she was
and the nurse at the hospital
thinks she will recover. But is
known of the girl here, she had been
working in the mill about a mouth
and is to have come from
L. JOYNER, President
Investigating New York Graft.
By Wire to The Reflector.
New York, Sept. climax of
eight months of political turmoil, was
ushered in today when the state com-
mission named to investigate charges
of legislative corruption had its first
public meeting and trained Its guns
on Wall street. The commission or-
from the charges of graft
made in the New York legislature
last January. startling results
are expected as the outcome of the
Mayor Refuses to Take Part In
By Wire to The Reflector.
Milwaukee, Sept.
reached here at o'clock
morning to find citizens, but no
mayor at the depot to receive him.
Socialist Mayor Seidel. was too
true to his promise to have nothing to
do with Roosevelt's visit He sent
word to the Roosevelt party several
days ago that in view of political
ideas expressed Roosevelt he could
not consistently take part in the re-
Pressing Room a
There was some excitement on the
street a little before o'clock this
morning, when smoke was seen pour-
out of Mr. B. P.
clothes pressing establishment. His
place is located In one of the rooms
in the row of frame buildings on the
Dancy property, a very inviting sec-
for a fire.
Large numbers of citizens and the
fire department were quickly on the
scene and the fire was put out before
there was any damage of
except to the contents of Mr.
establishment. The cloth-
of several of his customers on
hand to be pressed were ruined, and
all of his fixtures were more or less
The fire occurred in the back room
of the establishment where the clean-
and pressing are done, and in
some way caught from one of the
small gasoline stoves. The entire
room was in a blaze in a moment.
Messrs. W. B. Wilson Son and
Mr. F. H. who have offices on
each side of where the Are was,
moved out their fixtures In a hurry.
It Is La
By Wire to The Reflector.
Milwaukee, Sept.
swept the state in the primary
and Senator La was re-
nominated tor the senate by almost
overwhelming vole. His majority over
Samuel A. Cook, candidate of Taft
faction, is estimated at to
Locked Up in
Tuesday night a little son of Mr. C.
A. Cash attended the
and fell asleep during the perform-
The boy was not observed and
was locked up in the building when it
was closed. Later he awoke and
raised a yell. Mr. C. W. Hearne was
passing the building and hearing the
boy crying inside, went around and
found the back door unfastened and
let the prisoner out.
Woman Commits Suicide.
By Wire to The Reflector.
Chapel Hill, N. C, Sept.
Louis Utley died early today from
drinking carbolic acid yesterday morn-
with suicidal intent. Her mind.
It is alleged, was unbalanced from
marital troubles.
Ethel Confesses.
By Cable to The Reflector.
London, Sept. has
confessed all she knows about the
fate of Belle Elmore, according to a
report here today. It is said her con-
will be presented to the court
in form tomorrow.
Board of Election Makes Appointment
For Two Years.
At the meeting of the county board
of elections held in the office of H
A. White, chairman, Monday, the fol-
lowing persons chosen as reg-
and judges of elections to
serve for two years.
Dam, Registrar. Ivey Smith,
Judges, Wm.
J. R. Nobles
Registrar. C. E. Parker,
Judges, Jno. G. Rives J. T.
Bethel, Registrar. J A. Staton
Judges, L. L. Brown B. R.
Carolina, Registrar, L. R. Whichard
Judges, Ely Rogers J.
Registrar, J. B. Tucker
Judges, J. C. Galloway W. H.
Harrington, Jr.,
No. Registrar, Jesse
Cannon Judges. D. G. Berry
No. Registrar, A. G. Cox
Judges B. W. Tucker W.
R. Nobles
Falkland, Registrar, S. M. Crisp,
Judges, L. B. Dupree C. C.
Farmville, Registrar, Otto Turnage
Judges, S. J. Parker M.
Greenville, Registrar, W. L. Brown
Judges, W. Harrington
C. L. Thigpen
Registrar, Bell
Judges, W. L. Nobles Joseph
Swift Creek, Registrar, Wm. T. Laugh-
Judges, L. J. Chap
man W. G. Chapman
This the day of September, 1910.
H. A. white, Chairman,
J. S. SMITH, Secretary.
Our Greenville, Yours If You Come
Insurgent Wins In Michigan.
By Wire to The Reflector.
Detroit, Sept. Julius
Caesar Burrows was defeated in the
primaries for by his in-
opponent. Congressman
E. Townsend. Townsend's majority
was given at this morning.
The voting hours of the primary
Saturday will be from a. m. to G
p. m.
First Bale of Cotton.
The first bale of cotton of this
year's crop in Pitt county was brought
in today by Ed. col-
who lives near Parker's chapel.
The bale weighed pounds and he
was offered cents for it.
The hello girl may to live
I wire.

National Encampment
G. A. R.
Round Trip Rates from Greenville
With corresponding tales from other points, Via. the
Date of Sale, September to
S days not to exceed final limit will allowed
on both the going and return trips at Richmond or Norfolk
and Washington, Baltimore and by depositing
tickets on arrival at stop over point with depot ticket agent.
Tickets will be to return, not later than midnight of
OCTOBER by depositing ticket and payment of
Make arrangements for tickets and Pullman reservation well in
W. H. WARD, Ticket Agent, . Greenville, N, C.
W. J. T. T. M. T. C. WHITE, G. P. A.
and House Furnishings
is not too good for you. When you want the
best, and prices that are in reach of your pocket
book we can supply your wants.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If you trade with us we both make money
How About Your Home
Is it comfortably If not you
would find it interesting to visit our store and
look over our stock of FURNITURE and
HOUSE-FURNISHINGS. Everything needed
from Parlor to Kitchen at prices that will make
you sit up and take notice.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
That He be Given a Trial in Regard
to by Grand Jury.
Greenville, N. C, Sept. 1910.
Mr. J. P. Chairman,
Board if County Commissioners,
Greenville, N. C
My attention been called to a
report made by the grand jury of Pitt
county, at its recent session. I quote
from this
That we visited the home of the
aged and infirm, and found everything
clean and apparently in good order.
We further find that the
of the county home and the
superintendent of health are at en-
towards each other; and that
the superintendent of the home and
some of the inmates are also
That the superintendent of the
home has failed to visit the Camp-
bells for at least a month.
We that the
of the home raise a
amount of vegetables to
his family and patients.
We further recommend most em-
that the superintendent of
health be removed at once. This
seems to us the most advisable way
of settling this dispute or difficulty
and we recommend that the county
commissioners attend to this matter
I am addressing you, for the
son that I know of no other person
that I can address a letter on this
subject in order to present my view
of these conditions to the public, and
I will furnish the Greenville
tor a copy of this letter for
perhaps before you have even
seen the same.
I understand that the superintend-
of health is elected conjointly by
the action of the county commission-
and a physician appointed by the
chairman of the county board of com-
missioners, and the mayor of the
county town, and this board
by a physician appointed by the
mayor of the county town and a
appointed by the board of com-
missioners, together with the county
commissioners, constitute the board
of election for a superintendent of
I was elected to the position of
of health of Pitt county
on the first Monday in May, The
board electing me consisted of, under
the regulations recited, Dr. W. W.
Dawson, of Grifton, Dr. J E Nobles,
of Greenville, and the board of county
commissioners then comprising of J.
P. Quinnerly, N. T. Cox, Dempsey
land, B. M. Lewis and J. J. May. At
the election, I received the votes of
Commissioners Lewis, May, Holland
and Cox. and was declared
I have been to the fact
that my administration of the office
has not given satisfaction to my
mies and no one regrets more
than myself. an humble
and having been honored by
this position, I regret that my
should have incited so much en-
and occasioned so many
ed for attacks.
I have honestly endeavored to dis-
charge the duties of the office and
have assiduously attended to my
which has steadily increased,
and hope this has not incited any
jealousy from any source. I certainly
would do no one any harm and I am
sorry to believe that some enemies of
mine have instigated this, won't Fay
investigation, because it ought to be
termed an attack upon me.
I have examined the statutes gov-
my rights in the premises and
I find that the only authority that the
county commissioners have in the
premises is to fix my compensation
This you have done from time to time.
While, at times, not
to me, yet, being appointed to an
office, I compelled to regard yon
as auditors of my account, but I
deny that you have any author-
to follow the advice of the grand
jury to discharge me. Before yo i at-
tempt to take any such unwarranted
action, I petition you to give mo a
fair trial before the board that
me, naming time and place, when
where I will have the opportunity to
be represented by counsel and wit-
to show that I have faith
discharged the duties imposed by the
statutes upon me, and I now lure
enter a protest against any summary
action on your part that shall l-t
to displace and discharge me.
the recommendation of the grand
or anybody else, unless I n trill,
as I now pray. On the trial, that I
request, I will be able show that I
nave strictly conformed to the
regulating my duties. I will
further show all the trouble at the
county home arose out of a willful
neglect of duty on the part of the
of the county home.
When it becomes necessary for me
to file a bill of particulars, I will cite .
instances and furnish testimony to
prove that the result of the confusion
and of any disarrangement at the
county home is chargeable at the doors
of A. L. Tucker, superintendent of the
It is not my desire to make any
charges against the superintend-
of the home, but I am prepared to
do so. I would perhaps be justified
in doing so now, for the reason that I
believe that he and his friends have
influenced the grand jury to make the
report referred to in the beginning of
this letter and all other reports of the
grand jury respecting the same.
I am a law abiding citizen, a
physician, I trust, of good
At least, my profession is of such
moment to me and my family that I
don't propose to have it broken down
in this community by an re-
port of the grand jury or action of
the commissioners without the
of a fair and impartial
in which forum I can be rep-
resented by and by witnesses.
I do not fear such investigation.
the circumstances, I pray for it.
In fact, I demand it, and unless it is
granted me, I shall demand
in another forum from all par-
ties that, in such a manner attempt to
assail me.
Yours truly,
WM. FOUNTAIN, Supt of Health.
Question for Mr. Corey.
We are glad to see the announce-
of Mr. N. R. Corey, as a
date the legislature. He has
many friends that would be glad to
support him, on
long term office satisfactory. Will
Mr. Corey please state at once if he
favors long official terms, and by so
doing, It might mean many votes on,
September 10th.
Harness Repair Shop
and dealer in odd parts of harness, leather and
shoe findings.
How seldom it is that one can purchase for a
small figure a fabric that will give entire
faction, both in looks and wear. Brilliant in
colorings and will not fade, though in contact
with either sunshine or shower, in fact a beau-
SILK that will wash like white linen, re-
its beauty of color and quality.
is the only Silk that will do this. Have you
seen this
New Fabric
Many will try to imitate this new creation of
the manufacturer's art. Few will succeed.
J. R. J. G.
J. R. J. G.
Style Leaders Greenville, N. C.
For Slate
or Tin
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
Tin Shop Work, and I I I T M U U C
Fines in Season, sea J- J-
Personal and Oilier News of That
N. C, Sept. 1910.
Some of the young people of Reedy
Branch and Winterville sections got
up a wagon load and took a hay ride
to our town Tuesday night.
Mrs. C. F. Outlaw, of Wilson, came
down Tuesday evening to be with her
husband, who is holding a series of
meetings at Smith's school house.
Mr. J. T. Smith, of Middlesex, came
down last Tuesday evening to spend
some time with
W. J. Allen, of Grifton, left for his
home Wednesday morning.
Rev. S. W. Summerel left for his
home in Grifton today.
Miss Mabel Tyson, of Frog Level,
and Miss Nichols came
day evening and spent until Sunday
at Mr. Mills Smith's.
Miss Mamie Norman, of Greenville,
came up to spend some time
at C D. Smith's.
Miss Lelia who had spent
the week at C. U. Smith's returned
to her home at Greenville Saturday.
Miss Pearl Norman, of Greenville,
who had spent the week at C. D.
Smith's returned home
Mr. C. Manley Morton and Mr. B.
F. of Wilson, attended church
one night last week at at Smith's
school house.
Mr. John Kittrell, of Greenville,
came up Wednesday evening to visit
relatives and friends for a few days.
Mrs. L. W. Smith, of Smithtown,
returned horn Friday evening from
Tarboro, where she had been attend-
the teachers summer school for
two weeks.
The meeting being conducted by
Rev. C. F. Outlaw closed Sunday night
without any additions, though we had
very good preaching and
until Sunday night, when we
were almost rained out and had only
a few out to hear the last, and can
almost say, the best.
Messrs. Willis and Leslie Smith
wont to Norfolk on the excursion
Thursday and returned Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Lang, of is
visiting at Mr. Ivey Smith's.
Mr. A. G. Flanagan, of Farmville,
came over yesterday to take Mrs.
Pattie F. Smith, Mrs. L. L Weeks.
and Miss Mary Little, home with him
to spend some time in his section.
Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Outlaw and lit-
daughter, Vernice, left this morn-
for their home at Wilson
We had one among the heaviest of
rains yesterday evening about four
o'clock, and it has raining the
most of the time since.
The farmers having a bad
to save their fodder.
Mr. C. L. Tyson, of was
in our town evening.
Now in White Points. More room and larger to see me.
Horn of Women's Fashions, Greenville M C.
tone, and you feel dull, billions, con-
take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver tablets tonight be-
fore retiring and you will feel all
right in the morning. Sold by all
But Thinks Should be Modified from
The Law.
Some days ago I noticed in a copy
of your paper that Mr. the
mayor strongly
the Torrens Land System for
North Carolina, and urged upon the
Democratic voters of Pitt county the
necessity of sending Mr. R. R. Cot ten
to the senate to make this
setts law a law in our own state. At.
time Mr. published this
article, I knew very little of the Tor-
Land System, so replying for In-
formation, I a few of his
points and asked that a clear and con-
explanation of the system be
I have been both surprised and dis-
appointed, that a man of Mr. Bar
wick's intelligence and ability has not
rendered to voters of Pitt county
this much sought information. How-
ever, I noticed in Wednesday's Re-
an article taken from the Pro-
Farmer, and I am glad to
see that Mr. Cot ten or Mr.
have at least secured some
for us on this subject, although
they were not the authors of it. It
docs seem that if Mr.
us to accept this system upon his
advocacy he would have explained
the same; and that if we were ex-
look to Mr. Cotten to pass
this law for us, he would have point-
ed out for our benefit the advantages
of the system, and not waited for the
Progressive Farmer to do this
Now, in explanation of the position
I have taken, I wish to state, that, in
so much as I now believe the Torrens
System is to the advantage; of the ma-
of the people, I am heartily
in favor of it; that is when it has
been so modified that it will fit the
conditions existing here in North
Carolina, and not copied from a bill
devised for a state like Massachusetts.
I do object to sending a man
to the senate upon this sole issue of
so little immediate importance, or of
pledging our legislators to get
through this foreign law, as the Pro-
Farmer would have us do.
It is indeed painful to note the gen-
opinion the Progressive Farmer
has of the profession called law, and
the pessimistic view it takes of our
legislature when composed of a ma-
of lawyers. Yet who have we,
not of the profession of law, who has
made a study of the laws governing
read estate, and is capable of con-
a law for North Carolina,
upon the principles of the Torrens
System, and with a mechanism equal
to that of the law
If we arc to have a Sys-
in our state or county, and it is
to be hoped we will have one, let us
have an adequate law, made by com-
honest lawyers of which we
have plenty.
very truly,
farm a stock hog, spotted color,
marked smooth crop in right oar,
fork In left- Will pay suitable re-
ward for any Information leading
to recovery. J. A. Phillips. Winter-
N. C. R. V D. No.
It is not well to judge the temper
Of a household by the mottoes on the
A man who is; always figuring the
interest on his money isn't necessarily
a man of principle.
Life on Panama
has had one frightful ma-
bas brought suffer-
and death to thousands. The
germs cause chills, fever and ague,
jaundice, lassitude, weak-
and general debility.
Bitters never fail to them
cure malaria troubles.
completely cured me of
severe attack of writes Win.
A. N. C,
I've had better health ever
Cure Stomach, liver and kidney
and prevent typhoid.
by all Druggists.
Subscribe for The Reflector,

Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for vicinity
Advertising Rates on Application
day from Ayden, and
an of rheumatism.
Winterville. X. Sept.
Kittrell west to Green-
Tin- A. G. Cox Manufacturing Com-
are selling a good number
buggies. Tobacco curing is over and
is order.
Mi. i Laura Cox returned Thurs-
ft to Ayden.
A. W, Co. are putting in a
cents counter in their
and ore going to offer some unheard-
of gains on it.
Those wagons
by the A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Company must be what the farmers
want, judging from the way they art
being rolled out.
Miss Esther Johnson returned
lay from a visit in Greene county.
Miss Maggie of Greenville
is visiting friends in town.
Nice heavy hosiery and wort
at B. Car-
roll Co.
It must be near the time for
schools around to open up work
We note that the A. G. Cox
Company are shipping
in any quantities.
Mr. It. L. Abbott, the clever book
keeper for Pitt County Oil Co.,
has been on a vacation, has re
turned to his post again.
We have all kinds of new good
arriving day. Come and loot
at W. Ange Co.
Miss Olivia G. Cox, who have
friends at Aurora,
home Thursday evening.
Messrs. J. B. Carroll Co. are it
shape to please their customers an-
friends, they have just opened up t
nice line of dry goods and shoes.
them for prices.
Our selection of dress goods am
general line Is better
than ever before, and we surely car
give you some bargains.
peals to Barber A
Mr. Allen Cannon, of
over Thursday night.
We have added a and cent;
counter to our and for cash
will give greater values than
before In our town. Come
and Barber Com-
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hunsucker weir
to Kinston yesterday.
Olive Butt and
attended services at Greenville Sun
The A. G. Cox Com-
has some fine hogs they will a ill
they weigh from one hundred to out
hundred and fifty pounds.
Cora and Sadie Carroll, o
Cox's Mill, was in town yesterday.
We know you don't want it and
hope you won't need it, but if you
have to set one, A. G. Cox
Company, they have plenty
of s and caskets on hand,
can give hoarse service.
It is t wet for your walk today, so
you had better ride in a
Messrs, J. B. Carroll Company
have just received a complete line of
nice shins, both for men and boys.
Mr. Kittrell came home
John Cooper,
Law and J. C. at-
tended the district meeting of Red
Men, of the 4th district as
sent of the Tribe.
Shoes for wet weather at J B. Car-
roll Company's. They sell the
Hunt Club shoes at to
Messrs. A. W. Ange Company are
busy opening up a large stock
goods they have just bought on the
Northern markets and their store will
be crowded with fresh bargains.
We are having rain and a lot of it,
might be advisable to come and get
i pair of shoes from us to keep your
off the damp
ton, Barber Co.
Misses Jessie Brinkley and Ethel
Bowling, of Greenville, are visiting
Miss Esther Johnson.
Miss Esther Johnson gave her
friends a party last night, will tell
more about it later.
We have small umbrellas, large
umbrellas and good umbrellas. Come
to see Barber Com-
Mr. C. T. Cox has taken hold of the
department of the Re-
to look after its news and
affairs, he will also send to its
subscribers on Winterville routes who
ire behind in their subscriptions a
statement and will appreciate a re-
to him which will be re-
and looked after carefully.
Winterville, N. C, September 1910
Miss Maggie Brown, who has been
flatting friends here, returned to her
in Greenville Saturday.
Mr. U. R. Jackson left for Wake
Forest to enter college there today.
A. W. Ange Co. will for one week
sell cologne on then
Misses Jessie Brinkley and Ethel
Bowling, who have been visiting Miss
Esther Johnson, returned to their
homes in Greenville Saturday.
A. G. Cox Company
were all smiles Monday. Four new
rolled out into the streets
and took their departure.
Mrs. Lucy Hester and daughter,
Miss Pearl, returned Sunday from a
visit to Ayden.
We have hats for boys, young men
and old men. Come and
Barber Co.
Mrs. Myrtle Holiday and Miss Earl
Proctor, of Grimesland, spent
day night and Sunday with Mrs. B.
W. Tucker.
We have the most complete lino of
pants we ever carried, and prices arc
the Barber Co.
Mrs. E. T. Tucker returned
day evening from Baltimore, where
she purchased a full and up-to-date
line of millinery.
We notice the snakes are
ling some of our friends in Ayden,
over to Winterville, our grass
weeds are all cut down.
Before you buy for the table,
J. B. Carroll Co. They are a
for tho
It you With to cattle that is not
n good beef sec A. G.
Messrs. Amos L. G. Mills,
H. L. and several others left
this morning tor Norfolk.
Come look at our line of parlor
I. hand lamps and those
cooler they are
and will catch your B.
Carroll Company.
Miss Rose Marcellus Jones who has
been visiting Miss Magdalen Cox, re-
aimed to her home near Grimesland
Goods, gods, goods A. W. Ange
Company have all kinds a riving
day and they will go at bargains.
Tuesday a. m., many hearts were
made sad when it was learned that
little Bernice Thaddeus Cox was dead
little Bernice was about two and a
half years old, and Having some fond-
medicine he found some
poison that had been laid away and
took an overdose of it without any-
one knowing it, until it was
that something was the matter
with the little boy. The rather was
called from the office, but the poison
had so fully entered his system,
could be done and death claimed
him about three hours later. We will
little but lie is at rest
and our sympathy goes out to the
home of Dr. B. T. Cox and wife and
tour little girls, whose hearts are so
sad because little Bernice has been
called another home.
Winterville High School opened
Monday morning with one of the
est enrollments in its history for the
first day There is still a large
jet in sight to enter They are
busily getting their courses of study
arranged and in a few days all
be down at work, Several hundred
dollars have been spent, this summer
improving buildings and grounds
The majority of the new students arc
entering well, which shows better
work done by the public and graded
oho from which they have come.
From the present prospects, there will
be a large class to finish next spring.
The music class bids fair to be large.
Old people said they
party th-j
people of our town to her home, in
the continued down-pouring
Everybody knew something
while was in store the e-
it takes more than a shower
to dampen one's spirits when that is
Between and 8.30 toe
two invited guests were received
in I front hall by Miss Miriam John-
. a sister of the hostess. On
each visitor was shown into
the parlor and every one was
to thoroughly at home. The
hospitality which per-
this home soon put every one
at Messrs. Royal Adams and
Ha. Cox and Missed Olive Butt and
Cox contributed instrumental
and college songs from
I to time, and these found a
apt. audience, for all present
fair judges of good music
It is certain each guest made a de-
Impression tit party tar
each one was led in turn to the
end of the hall and placed, between
brilliant light and a white sheet of
paper. Profiles were drawn by Miss
Magdalene Cox, and these were pass-
ed around later so that all might see
themselves as they were It was a
long time before it was decided
was but finally it was
that Miss Jessie Brinkley and Mr.
Roy Cox deserved the prize for their
successful guessing the most faces
Later a telegram game was intro-
and more than one found how
it is to be brief and to tin
point. Ten letters were too small a
skeleton to build much of a sentence
on, but it was surprising hew start-
ling some of the messages were these
sentences formed Thin a wireless
widen meant something for
bade everyone to A
of nuts was passed around and down
in their hearts lay the which
the young men wished to learn. Each
one had a draw, and the nut
the lady Intended fir their
partner. These id. led the
way to the dining CoX
with Mies Esther Johnson, Gordan
mind the people don't Johnson with Cox, Eu-
mind the weather if some fun is going gene Cannon with Miss Ethel Bowling,
on. This was well proven on Friday Bryan with Miss Olive Butt,
night, when Miss Esther Johnson's Royal Adams with Mies Marcia
can be laid without fuss or bother right over the old wood shingles, changing tho
top of your building instantly from a Are catcher to A FIREPROOF ROOF that
will last as long as the end never n repairs.
For further etc., to
Am one the foremost colleges for Women in the South.
Course in Arts covering nine deportments, and including elective
s in Education and which count the A. B. degree,
Mu including Pipe Violin and Voice Culture. School of Art
Including and of Elocution
v. hi. h a stud college Culture a trained
director. Full course per i tuition, board room,
light, heat, physician, nurse, medicine all minor fees,
in the Club, to less. Next session begins Sept. 1910. Ad lies,
R T. VANN, President,
Raleigh, North Carolina.
Herbert Cox with Miss
Adams, Joe Kittrell with Miss en
Adams, Roy Cox with Miss
Brinkley, C. T. Cox with Miss Cl. de
The large cake was the
center of attraction at the table, for
the chance game it offered as
delightful as the of the
cake itself. Each guest chose their
own and it was a matter of
comment as to whose lot the penny,
the ring and the thimble would fall.
Finally it was decided that Mr.
Cox was destined to make the
first leap into the state
for he won the ring. Miss Elizabeth
Adam, was astonished to Had that the
life of an old maid was in store for
her as her success with discovering
the signified. Ready wealth
in the future surely awaits Mr. C. T.
Cox, he brought out the- penny,
the best thing of all. Delightful re-
were served and several
toasts were given to the maid of
the charming host-
The evening throughout was one
enjoyed, and while it was
a Storm in one of the
word, it brought a shower of pleas-
to most of these present.
The Republican executive commit-
Keep Out of Democratic Primaries.
Having been solicited to participate
in the Democratic primaries next Sat-
I wish to warn all
cans against being to just
a by voting for him
That is just a means of getting you
where they will attempt to bulldoze
you into voting their ticket at the
Two years ago such methods were
used, and then how you were abused
and until the election.
Republicans, beware. Have
to do with them or their
Remember the
can convention will held Saturday.
October 1910, and I hen we will have
out good men of one own. They are
the ones to be elected.
Beware of Democratic primaries, a
trick is being tried against
Greenville, N. C, September
Carolina d Seed Co.
This is a new enterprise that has
recently started in Greenville, and
whose advertisement will be found
elsewhere in this paper. The com-
has secured the location former-
used by the Lumber Co.,
on the Atlantic Coast Line railroad.
The building has entirely re-
modeled and a complete ginning sys-
and grist mill installed. They
will also handle feed stuffs and grain
of all kinds, and deal in cotton seed
meal and hulls, various kinds of
seeds. also understand that
it is also their purpose to put in a flour
mill by next season, and if this is
true the farmers of the county should
prepare to plant wheat. This enter-
prise will he worth much to the com-
Again you are appealed to, to give
hearty support to our old friend,
D. C. Moore, to succeed himself for
fourth time as clerk of the
court, of the grand old county
of Pitt. Why you should do this,
seems to be contained in the following
He is a of whom
naught to his can be
he has made good as an officer,
and at this particular time, owing to
the haphazard condition of everything
about the office, due of course, to the
turning of the would
be calamitous to make a change of
clerks good these, all
of which, dear people, kindly con-
sider before you cast your vote for
J. D. Cox, a gentleman who has no
But, the friends of Mr. J D. Cox
contend that it is t custom of ours
relate a little In that the
low on the outside- may have a chance
to get in and good, too; that
long terms in office is not only con-
to the traditions of the fathers,
but to the best interest
of Democracy and should not be
Moreover, If given an
we that Mr. Cox will
make as good a clerk as Mr. Moore
has made, besides being equally as
deserving of honor at the hands of
our good and indulgent people.
Again, It might be further contend-
ed, and perhaps justly that friend Cox
Is in no way responsible for the top-
conditions complained of;
that the last documents and records,
etc., that were burned should have
been in the vault on the night of the
fire, we do not mean to censure
Mr. for this seeming bit of
And lastly, we think that ten
months is ample time for an efficient
clerk to straighten out the business
. the the documents,
and round up everything for his
However, if arc in error,
o doubt some one will kindly inform
us, and even if we are, we- believe
that Mr. Cox Is amply able to con-
the work of putting everything
in, good shape despite the uneasiness
of the other gentleman who is about
to lose a job of years standing.
Now, if there are other rood and
sufficient reasons why frequent
in office should be abolished,
trot out, and if we can't
them, we advocate the
abolition of the elective system and
for the substitution of a plan by
which our officers are appointed to
serve during competency and good be-
That a clean, nice, fragrant com-
pound like -Salve
for Pitt county have decided to instantly relieve a bad burn, cut,
hold the Republican county scald, wound or piles, staggers
Saturday, October 1st, and have tics But great cures prove it's a won-
healer of the worst sore,
called the primaries for Saturday,
September 24th. At this convention
candidates for the legislature and all
county offices will be named.
They are getting a hole in the
ground where the new court house is
to be.
Wood's Trade Mark
Farm Seeds
are best qualities
LOG gives the fullest in-
formation about all seeds
Grasses and Clovers,
Vetches, Alfalfa,
Crimson Clover,
Seed Wheat, Oats,
Rye, Barley, etc
mailed free on re-
quest. Write for it and prices of
any seeds required.
Richmond, Va.
Elder W. K. last
week closed a at Rose Hill
church, near X roads.
There were fourteen additions to the
J. W. Tyndall also closed a
meeting at Oak Grove in Car-
township, with twelve additions.
A farmer who looks over a sale on
the tobacco market should
convinced that this is the to
Horse Away.
Mr. Ashley left his horse
standing on the street, Monday after-
noon while he went in a house to
transact some business. Some boys
came along and frightened the horse
and it run away, tearing the buggy to
A Card of
wish to thank the good people of
Bethel for their kindness to my moth-
and lather during his illness.
Union Picnic.
On Thursday, there will be a
basket picnic at Simpson under the
auspices of the Union. Hon.
J. Bryan and Mr. J. Z. Green
trill both make speeches.
boils, felons, eczema, skin
as also chapped hands, sprains
and corns. Try it. at all Drug-
I Many farmers are now bringing in
tobacco the evening before sale and
spending the night.
D. W.
And Provision
Cotton Bagging and
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
The Up-to-date Hardware
is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a fail Line of Wall Paints
easy to put on and hard to corns off. Place
your orders with them and you will
pleased. ,
Special attention to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of
the best Cultivators made, bath in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call
Evans Street,

. w
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for sheriff of Pitt county, sub-
to the action of the Democratic
primary. J. MARSHAL COX.
I hereby announce myself a can-
sheriff of Pitt county, sub-
to the action of the Democratic
primary. S. I. DUDLEY.
to the Democratic primary, to
be on the 10th day of September,
1910. JNO. T. THORNE.
House of Representatives.
To the Democratic voters of Pitt
I hereby announce myself a
date for the House of
from the county of Pitt, sub-
to the Democratic primary, to
be held on the 10th day of September,
1910. S. T. CARSON.
I beg to submit myself to the dis
of the Democratic voters
Pitt count at the coming primaries
for County Surveyor.
W. C.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for the office of sheriff of Pitt
county, subject to the Democratic
I hereby announce myself a can-
for county treasurer of Pitt
county, subject to the action of
Democratic primary. W. B. WILSON
For House of Representatives.
To the Democratic voters of
I hereby announce myself a
date for the House of Representatives
from the county of Pitt, subject to
the action of tho primary
to held September 1910.
I hereby announce myself a can
for the office of Treasurer
Pitt county, subject to the action
the Democratic primary.
C. T.
I hereby announce myself a
ate for Constable of Greenville town-
hip, subject to the action of the Dem-
primary of the township.
I hereby announce myself a
ate for Constable of Greenville town-
hip, subject to the action of the Dem-
primary. G. A. JACKSON
I hereby announce myself a
rate for Constable of town-
subject to the action of the Dem-
primary. AMOS F. LANG
I hereby announce myself a
date constable of Dam
township, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
W. B.
I hereby announce a
date tor Constable of Beaver Dam
township, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary of the township.
I here by announce myself a can-
for constable of Greenville
township, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
I hereby announce myself a
date for constable of township,
subject to the action of the Demo-
of said township.
Those people who would like to have
the brick in the foundation walls of
the old court house can have same
by moving them at once.
The bricks are sound and can be
easily gotten out and cleaned.
W. H.
Trains leave Raleigh effective Maj
3.45 a. Atlanta, Birmingham,
points West, Jackson-
ville and Florida points,.
Hamlet for Charlotte and
11.35 a.
with coaches and parlor car. Con-
with steamer for Washing-
ton, Baltimore, New
12.05 a. Richmond, Wash-
and New York Pullman sup-
day coaches and dining car.
Connects at Richmond with C.
O. for Cincinnati and points West,
at Washington with Pennsylvania
railroad and B. O. for
and points went,
4.05 p. m For Atlanta, Charlotte,
Wilmington, Birmingham, Memphis
and points West. Parlor cars to
6.00 p. in., No.
Louisburg, Henderson Oxford,
6.00 p. Atlanta,
Memphis and points West, Jack
and all Florida points.
Pullman sleepers. Arrive Atlanta
a. m.
12.45 p. Richmond 4.20 a.
m., Washington 7.40 a. m., New
York p. m. Pullman sleepers to
Washington and dining car
C. B P. A.
Portsmouth, Va.
H. D. P. A.
N. C.
Higher Price Promising Out-
look Greenville Leads Other Mar-
in Price.
Secretary C. W. Harvey, of the
Greenville Tobacco Board Trade,
reports the sales of leaf tobacco on
the Greenville market for the month
of August at 327.113 pounds for
210.24, an of per
For August of last year the sales
were 846.909 pounds for
an average of per hundred.
The smaller number of pounds this
year than last is due to the fact that
this year the market did not open
until the 18th of the month, while last
year it opened the first of the month.
The higher average this year, being
more than last year, makes the
present crop look more hopeful for
the farmer. It also shows the
Greenville market Is pushing to take
and keep the lead on high prices
All through last season the prices
here were points higher than
any neighboring market, and the same
record is going to be made this
is a dangerous disease,
but can be cured. Chamberlain's Col-
Cholera and Remedy has
been successfully used in
of It has never been
known to fail. It is equally valuable
for children and adults, and when re-
in water and sweetened, it is
pleasant to take. Sold by all drug-
of Grand Jury and a Dem-
T article in your paper of Au-
29th, signed by N. R. Corey, in
which he pleads so piteously the
of our present of the
and insists that he is the only
In the county that is competent
to the office, notwithstanding he
hat held it for twelve years.
far as his qualifications are con-
ed, we do not care to differ with
Mr. Corey, but we do insist that Pitt
has a number of men that are
fully competent and we are certain
that it is not best to keep any man
in office for county position longer
twelve years, and by so doing
you will cause indifference among our
party supporters.
Corey also states that some of
the records are lost and rather gives
this a reason that our present
be re-elected.
Toots was a vault in the office
we believe the clerk did his duty in
putting the records In the and
for evidence that we are right, we re-
fer to the report of the fire published
in the The Reflector on February
in which stated that the record,
are safe Also the reports of the
juries for April and August
being one of the show
that the records were all light ex-
slight damage to some books, and
the jury based it's report largely
Mr Moore's statement.
Now, which shall we believe, the
statement published by The Reflector
and affirmed by the grand o
April and August terms of court and
that made by Mr. Moore himself to
the or Mr. Corey.
Kansas Agricultural College Breeding
New Varieties.
The department of the
Kansas State Agricultural College is
experimenting in the production of
drought varieties of corn.
About a dozen varieties of Western
corn which have originated in various
places to the dry western counties of
ore being used as stock for
the experiment. These are now being
close to insure their purity
breeding work.
In addition, crosses are to be made
this summer between the Western
Dent varieties arid an extraordinary
variety of Chinese corn obtained by
Professor Roberts from the United
States Department
This corn has similar drought
characters which enables it to
grow and make a crop where all other
varieties fail.
The grain of the Chinese corn is
inferior, but the effort is being made
to combine tho drought resistant char-
of the Chinese corn with the
grain duality of the Western varieties
When the digestion is all right, the
action of the bowels regular, there is
a natural craving and relish for food.
is lacking you know
that you need a dose of C Iain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
strengthen the organs,
prove the appetite and regulate the
For House of Representatives.
To the Democratic voters of Pitt
I he. coy announce myself a
date tor the House of
from US county of Pitt, sub-
Gasoline Lighting System
see me, sold under
I make a specialty of repairing.
E. D. D DO
Struck a Rich Mine.
S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., says
he struck a perfect mine of health in
Dr. King's New Life Pills for they
cured him of liver and kidney trouble
after years of suffering. They are
the best pills on earth for
malaria, headache, dyspepsia, de-
at all Druggists.
shingles made by hand at
for hearts; for saps, bunched.
O. T. Tyson, Greenville, N. C, R. P.
D. No.
Post Offices New Money
Announcement has been made that
the post office department will in the
near future issue a new form of do-
money order. A principal
of the new form will be a de-
coupon to take-the place of
the advice on the present slips, and
which will be presented with the
money order by the payee or en-
at the paying office.
It is stated that the names of the
and payee will not appear
in the body of the order, but tho
sending of the coupon with the order
will serve to acquaint or remind the
payee of the name of the person en-
titled to credit for the remittance.
The order and coupon together are
somewhat longer than the order
in use, but may be handled
with commercial paper by
banks and business houses. The width
is the same as that of the present
Beginning with the earliest date at
which the government printers can
get the new forms ready and shipped,
the offices all over the country will be
supplied with the new forms. It is
supposed that the old forms now on
hand will be used up before the new
ones are requested. The latter will
probably be put into service at the
local office about the middle of No-
What makes a man enraged is for
his wife to act as if he were.
be Exhibited at The State Fair
in Raleigh.
Mr. J. F. Evans, agent for the farm
demonstration work in Pitt county,
dropped in to say that Pitt county
ought to an exhibit of her re-
sources at the coming State fair. With
this suggestion we entirely agree, for
there is no use of the farmers in Pitt
shutting themselves up and not let-
ting the outside world know what
they are doing.
Mr. Evans says that a number of
farmers who are engaged in the
work this year have
did crops, and they could well afford
to put them on exhibit in competition
for prizes at the fair. In addition to
crops of various kinds, we are sure
that Pitt county also make a
creditable showing in the way of live
stock and poultry. Let the farmers
take hold of and work
now getting something in readiness
for exhibit at the fair.
Bird With Face.
Mr. N. M. Plummer, a prosperous
farmer of Mount Ulla, was in
ville a few day ago exhibiting a
strange freak in the shape of a bird
with human face. It was evidently
of the owl species, but unlike any that
has ever been captured in these parts.
For several years along the back
creek bottoms in that neighborhood
Mr. Plummer says people working in
the field were often startled by a cry
like a human voice, giving signals of
distress, but upon investigation
could be found The bird was
captured last Saturday, having been
discovered by Mr. Plummer while cry-
like an infant, having slipped
upon it unawares. The bird would
not eat, and while exhibiting the fowl
on the streets, the human-like thing
died in his arms, crying Its
voice was clear and could talk plain
than the ordinary
North County.
In the Superior
term, 1910
F. C. Harding, administrator of the
estate of Ellis Adams, deceased,
George Adams, Delia Adams, Jesse
Adams, and Adams, heirs at
law of Ellis Adams, deceased.
By virtue of a decree made in the
foregoing entitled cause, by D. C.
Moore, clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, on the 15th day of
August, 1910, the undersigned
of the estate of Ellis Adams,
will, on Saturday, the 17th day of
September, 1910, at o'clock, noon,
at the court house door in Greenville,
offer for public sale to the highest
bidder, for cash, the follow-
described lot or parcel of land,
Situated in the town of Greenville,
North Carolina, and on the west side
of street, and being the
northern half of lot No. in the
plat of the town of Greenville, being
feet by feet, containing
square feet.
This sale will be made for the
pose of making asset with which to
pay off and discharge the
of the estate of Ellis Adams, de-
This the 15th day of August, 1910.
Administrator of the estate of Ellis
Adams, deceased.
North County.
In the Superior Court, September
term, 1910.
Martin M. B. Butler,
Lillian B. Butler,
To Lillian B.
Lillian E. Butler, the defendant in
the above entitled action will take
notice that a civil action has been
commenced in the Superior Court of
Pitt county, entitled Martin M. B. But-
vs. Lillian E. Butler, for the
pose of obtaining a decree of the court
dissolving the bonds of matrimony,
heretofore existing between the plain-
tiff and the defendant, on the ground
of adultery, and the defendant is re-
quired to appear and answer the com-
plaint of the plaintiff, which will be
deposited in the office of the clerk
of the Superior court of Pitt county,
during the first three days of the
term of said court, which con-
on the 2nd Monday after the
first Monday in September, It being
the 19th day of September, 1910, or
demur thereto, or the plaintiff will
be granted the relief demanded in bis
This the 4th day of August, 1910.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt county.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by W. H. Kilpatrick and
W. J. Kilpatrick to F. J. Forbes, on
the 14th day of January, 1909, and
duly recorded In the office of the
Register of Deeds of Pitt county, in
Book N-9 page the undersigned
will sell for cash, before the court
house door in Greenville, on Monday,
October 3rd, 1910, the following de-
tract or parcel of land, lying
and being in the county Pitt, and
in Swift creek township, adjoining
the lands of Alfred Smith and others
on the north; on the east by E. E.
Powell and C. T. Moore; on the south
by J. E. May; on the west by F. M.
containing one hundred
acres, more or less, and known as
the W. J. Kilpatrick home place. Sold
to satisfy said mortgage.
This September 1st, 1910.
F. J. FORBES, Mortgagee.
F. G. James Son.
New York's Biggest Shaw.
Summer at the
Broadway Is the biggest
show hit of the season. This being
the case, the songs published by Chas.
K. Harris for that show are attract-
lots of attention. Ever alert to
get the best, The New York Sunday
World has secured the of
printing one of the best songs in the
piece. It will be given with The Sun-
day World next Sunday, words and
music complete.
Legal Notices
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by J. A. Gardner to J.
F. on the 16th day of Feb-
1906, which mortgage was duly
in the office of the Register
of Deeds of Pitt county, in Book H-8
page and also in the office of the
Register of Deeds of Craven county,
in Book No. page the under-
signed Will sell for cash before the
court house door in Greenville, on
Monday, October 3rd, 1910. the follow-
described tract of land, lying
partly in Pitt county and partly in
at Gardner's bridge and
running with the run of
Swift creek to J. F. Galloway's line;
bounded on the south by Ed. Jones
line; on the west by the main road
leading from bridge to
Maple Cypress; thence
said road to the beginning, con-
forty acres, more or less. For
more accurate description, reference
Is made to said mortgage.
This August 30th, 1910.
J. F. Mortgagee
F. G. James Son,
Having qualified as administrator
of the estate of Nashville.
deceased, late of Pitt county, State of
North this is to notify all
persons having claims against the es-
of said Nashville to
present them to me within twelve
months from date of this notice, or
this will be pleaded in bar of their re-
All persons owing the said estate
will please make immediate settle-
This 31st day of August, 1910.
Administrator of Nashville
W. F. Evans, Attorney.
North County
In the Superior
Term, 1910.
Peter Wilson,
Alice Wilson.
Alice Wilson, the defendant in the
above entitled action will take notice
that a summons has been issued in
the above entitled action, and that
the said Alice Wilson, defendant in
entitled action is hereby
required to appear before the Judge
of the Superior Court of Pitt county,
on the second Monday after the first
Monday in September, it being the
19th day of September, 1910, and ans-
or demur to the complaint of the
plaintiff in this action, which said
action is brought for divorce by the
against the defendant on the
grounds of adultery, which said com-
plaint will be deposited in the office
of the Superior court clerk during the
first days of said term of the court,
or the plaintiff will be granted the
relief therein
This the 18th day of August, 1910.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt county.
North Carolina- Pitt County.
In the Superior Court, before D. C
Moore, clerk.
F. C. Harding, administrator of the
estate of D. D. Gardner,
Willie P. Gardner, Bernice L. Gardner
Irene Gardner, Gardner, J.
Z. Gardner, and others.
By virtue of a decree of the
court made by D. C. Moore,
clerk in the foregoing entitled special
proceeding, made on the 10th day of
August, 1910. the undersigned
will, on Monday, the 19th
day of September, 1910, at o'clock,
noon, expose to public sale, before
the court house door in Greenville,
to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol-
lowing described tract or parcel of
land, to
That certain tract of land situated
in the town of Greenville,, North
Carolina, on the north side of Third
street, and described as Be-
ginning at the south west corner of
lot No. Nancy Clark's corner on
Third street, and runs
along Third street feet to a point
half way between the houses formerly
occupied by F. C. Harding and B. E.
Griffith, then northerly feet to
Hotel Macon lot. then with the line
of lot No. feet to the begin-
and being the house and lot
where D. D. Gardner resided at the
time of death.
This sale is for the purpose of
assets with which to pay off the
indebtedness of the estate of the said
D. D. Gardner.
This the 18th day of August. 1910
Administrator of the estate of D. D
Having qualified as administratrix
of the estate of Roy T. Evans, de-
ceased, late of Pitt county, North
Carolina, this is to notify all persons
having claims against the estate of
said Roy T. Evans to present them to
me within twelve months from date
of this notice, or this will be pleaded
in bar of their recovery. All persons
owing the said estate will please make
immediate settlement.
This the 30th day of August, 1910.
Administratrix of Roy T. Evans, de-
W. F. Evans, Attorney.
Having qualified as administrator
of Simeon Foster, deceased, late of
Grifton, Pitt county, North Carolina,
this is to notify all persons having
claims against the estate of said de-
ceased, to exhibit them to the under-
within twelve months from
date, or this notice will be plead-
ed in bar of their recovery. All per-
son indebted to said estate will please
nuke immediate payment.
This August 18th, 1910.
IF. G. James Son,
Having this day qualified as executor
of the last will and testament of M.
A. Elizabeth Gardner, deceased, be-
fore the clerk of the Superior court,
of Pitt county, notice is hereby given
to all persons holding claims against
the estate of the said W. A. Elizabeth
Gardner, to present them to me, duly
authenticated, on or before the 12th
day of August 1911, or this notice
will be plead in bar of their recovery.
All persons Indebted to said estate .
are requested to make immediate pay-
to me.
This the 11th day of August, 1910.
Executor of W. A E. Gardner.
Blow, ltd
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by Joseph Haddock and
wife, Annie Haddock, to F. G. James
on the 2nd of December, 1907,
which recorded
in the office of the Register of Deeds,
of Pitt county, in Book W-8, page
the undersigned will sell for cash,
before the court in Greenville,
at o'clock, m., at public auction,
on Monday, October 3rd, 1910, the
following described lands, situate in
the county of Pitt and in
Beginning at a point on
the main road where the ditch be-
gins and running a westerly course
with said ditch and a straight line
to James Haddock's lino; thence with
James Haddock's line a north-
westerly course to Jesse Haddock's
line; thence with Jesse Haddock's
line to Annie Haddock's corner;
thence with Annie Haddock's line
easterly to Mack Smith's line; thence
with Mack Smith's line to the main
road; thence with said road to the
beginning, containing twenty-five
acres more or less.
Also a piece of wood land, begin-
at a tar kiln bed, James Haddock
corner; thence running north with
Dennie Smith's line to the Elk's
thence with J. T. Adams and
J. J. Oakley's line to White Pine
branch; thence with said branch to
James Haddock's line; thence with
said Haddock's line to the begin-
containing twenty-five acres
more or less. Both of the above
s of land being estimated to be
half of the James Elk's tract of land.
This August 13th, 1910.
F. G. JAMES, Mortgagee.
Having qualified as administrator
of the estate of J. R. Corey, deceased,
late of Pitt county, North Carolina,
this is to notify all persons having
claims against the estate of said de-
ceased to present them to the under-
signed within twelve months of this
notice, or the same will be pleaded
in bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said real estate will please
make immediate payment.
This August 1910.
Administrator of J. R. Corey.
W. F. Evans, Attorney.
Once to a while only child has
sense in spite of the fool ways its
parents it.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made in
Special Proceeding No. en-
titled J. R. Harvey, administrator of
J. L. Keene, against Keene,
widow, et heirs at law, the under-
signed commissioner will sell for cash,
at two o'clock p. m. on the premises
in the town of Grifton, N. C, on Wed-
September 7th, 1910, the en-
tire Interest of J. L. Keene, in and to
the steam mill property belonging to
the firm of Keene Kittrell, being
two acres of land in said town of
Grifton, upon which is located a cam
mill plant of the said Keene Kit-
also his interest in said saw
mill plant, fixtures and lumber, and
entire Interest of said J. L. Keene,
deceased, In all said firm property.
Said interest will be sold subject to
the mortgages and other liens out-
standing against said property.
This August 0th, 1910.
J. R. HARVEY, Commissioner.
F. G. James Son, ltd

The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
Published by
U. J. WHICHARD, Editor.
government is about to take steps
to ascertain the number of
biles in the United States. That is
quite a Job.
Subscription, one year, . .
rates may be had upon
application at the business office in
The Reflector Building, corner Evans
and Third streets.
We still hoping that somebody
will chew up the beef
ton Dispatch.
That kind of chewing gum comes
o high bud.
All cards of thanks and resolutions
of respect will be charged for at
cent per word.
Communications advertising Candi-
es will be charged for at three
cents per line, up to fifty lines.
Entered as second class matter
August 1910, at the post office at
Greenville, North Carolina, under
act of March 1879.
The New York World says
bird woman is having ref-
to the flying machine type.
Some of them were already high fly
without resorting to the air ship.
The Salisbury Post comes out bold
and plainly the scientist who
is preaching against kissing.
Same here, me too
The farmer who does not turn his
horse towards Greenville when he
starts out with a load of tobacco, is
forgetful of his best interest.
You can always count on Congress-
man John H. Small. He delivered a
response to the address of welcome
at the Inland Waterways Convention
in Providence, R I., and his speech
measured up to his high standard.
His brethren of the press through-
out the State are pained to learn of
the serious illness with of
Editor John M. Julian, of the
bury Post. He is of the best
newspaper men in the State, is held
in high esteem by all who know him,
and it is the wish of all that his health
may be restored.
In this issue of The Reflector will
be found the financial statement of
Greenville for the fiscal year ending
June 30th, last. A perusal of this
statement will show just what is col-
by the town from all sources,
and for what the money is expended.
is a matter in which every
should be
Mr. Roosevelt is not the first man
who talked too much.
Greater New York has nearly five
millions people. That's going some.
Perhaps the many big Mr.
Roosevelt used in his speeches were
so heavy they his voice
John Brown's bust in hall of
fame in Washington would be a black
spot among the group of notable men
represented there
The claim is made that Edison has
invented a moving picture that talks.
Wonder what will come along next.
If the next legislature does not
knock out the near beer business, it
will fail to do its duty.
Walking is likely to be scarce in
Charlotte. The city already had one
street cat system, and recently grant-
ed charters to two others.
After all the denials from Senator
Elkins, his daughter is soon to be
married to the Duke of And
the senator knew it all along.
North Carolina is not alone suffer-
from this excessive rainy spell Re-
ports from South Carolina and
show that it is as bad in those
Paris has become disgusted with
the hobble skirt and is accusing
America of originating it. One in-
stance, then, in which Paris did not
claim to set the fashion.
A man in Davidson tried to
commit suicide rather serve on
a jury. He is quite different from the
fellows who hang around courts wait-
and hoping to be called on a
The primary for the nomination of
candidates in this county will be held
next Saturday. There are more can-
than there are offices, and of
course some are not going to be
We hope the primary will
no bitterness or
Whatever the result of the primary
may be as to nominations, it is the
duty of every Democrat to abide by
that and support the
In the November election.
years after the war, the
of Kansas have become so inter-
in John Brown that they are
talking about erecting a monument
to him.
Georgia Democrats are so elated
over the choice of Hoke Smith as the
next governor, that they have
for the presidency.
A Charlotte man disturbed a spoon-
couple at Atlantic City, and a
Judge fined him for med-
In a scene.
Just think of it There is Green-
ville dirt that is worth more than a
dollars a foot, yet a big pile
of it can be had for the hauling.
The primary to select candidates
for the various county and township
offices will be held on Saturday, 10th,
It is the privilege of every Democrat
in the county to go to his respective
voting place and express hie choice.
The Louisburg Times wants to
know how can the Republicans afford
not to re-nominate President Taft.
That all depends upon Mr. Roosevelt.
Whether they can or not, they will
afford to do whatever he says about
The Stanley Enterprise calls at-
to the fact it is not the
cradle born Republicans who get the
pie, but that class have to stand off
and look at the converts from other
parties take the places at the
President Taft must feel better
Tho way New Yorkers got fright-
at an unknown aviator flying
over that city late at night is an in-
of the possible damage that
might be done by designing persons
in flying machines. Just think how
easily dynamite could be dropped
from one of the things and a city
destroyed, while those who did it
could fly away and escape detection.
The flying machine may prove, the
greatest of destruction that
has been invented.
They are holding it against Con-
Godwin that he has done
nothing for his district. But come to
think of it, this charge might be
brought against every congressman in
the Herald.
You are wrong there. charge
brought Congress-
man John H. Small, of tho first dis-
He does for his district,
and is constantly at it. In fact there
is no member of congress who comes
nearer on his job days in the
year than Congressman
to see. It was the red headed com-
we had in mind, you chump.
That is a rather queer case de-
by the postmaster of Char-
who wrote the government super-
vising architect to know when money
appropriated by congress to improve
the Charlotte post office would be av-
and received a reply in effect
that while congress passed the public
building bill it made no appropriations
That sounds strange in the face of the
dispatches from Washington when the
bill was passed. was one
of the towns included in that bill,
and if the supervising architect Is
correct in his statement, in the
of the Georgian we are wonder-
we are
An Italian savant estimates that
his own country yields a beautiful
woman in every and Spanish
the same proportion. Eng-
women lead in the list with one
beauty n every 1,200, while
women fall at the foot of
ties considered with one la
every Americans the
is to pass upon,
classing them as a hopelessly mixed
race, but heN does make an estimate
for the single city of New York and
places it as high as England.
almost feel like offering to pay the
expense of a visit by this learned,
not perfectly well-informed,
man to North
That's right, bring him to North
Carolina. And when he conies tell
him to put Greenville on his list of
towns to visit, for here he will find
more beautiful ones, according to pop-
than in any place on the map.
ex-President Roosevelt has
says the Ian administration a boost.
Says tho Greenville
tor Cowan, of the Wilmington Dis-
patch, inclined to resent tho Char-
Observer's imputation that ho
is red headed. Humph He don't
know when he Is placed in good com-
However, as it was the Char-
News and not the Charlotte Ob-
server that showed a tendency to
us, the brother doesn't know what
he is talking about anyhow. So we
it Dispatch.
None so blind as he who don't want
We hear nothing but of
satisfaction from the many farmer
who had tobacco on the large break
in Greenville Friday. Prices on all
grades run considerably higher than
they were last season and it puts tho
better spirits. At no time
in its history has the Greenville mar-
been in a better position to buy
tobacco than now. There Is a largo
force of buyers here, and the market
steam plant facilities for hand-
ling half a million pounds daily.
Having such facilities for taking care
of tobacco gives tho Greenville market
the advantage of smaller and less
markets. Buyers here feel
more certain of not losing any of their
purchases because of weather, or other
conditions, hence can afford to
the very best prices and run no risks
Yet with all tho advantages Green-
ville it is the best market
in Eastern again advise
the farmers to be cautious in selling.
Do not crowd the market and do not
glut the sales. The crop this year
short and it ought to bring a good
price any time. Grade tobacco
properly, give it careful attention In
the house, watch the market and
sell leisurely. Above all, sell in
when you got ready to sell
for here is where you will et the best
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
We would love to see Greenville
have more factories. Needs
The double tracks are getting the
railroads into almost as much trouble
as the ones.
A man called Mr. Roosevelt a liar,
and got over a column write-up in
the papers.
Here's hoping the old soldiers are
having a big time in Norfolk, and we
are sure they are.
They are now measuring the eggs
New Yorkers eat by tho mile, and the
report says the city got away with
three thousand miles of them in
a year's time.
Charles W. Mere-, who is serving
a term in the Federal prison In At-
was placed in a dungeon two
days on bread and water for insole-ice
to an officer. Guess that will check
the- efforts to get him pardoned, at
least for a time.
Again we call attention to the fact
that the sand clay streets in town
need some attention. During and
since recent rains, passing
cut bad holes in several places,
and get worse as the neglect
continues. Something like a split log
drag over these streets just alter a
rain would fill the holes and work out
the bad places. If allowed to go
through the fall and winter without
attention, these streets will be-
come impassible. should be
looked after immediately following
every rain if they are to be kept in
good condition
Hot as that hair pulling controversy
between Editors Whichard and Cowan
has waxed, it has not yet reached the
point where one has accused the other
of violating the puff and rat section
of the code. News.
Now don't you get too busy ming-
ling in this little affair Cowan
an We both know how to
keep our heads on straight, even if
they are red. And even if Cowan does
wear a hobble skirt, he is not guilty
of using either puffs or rats in his
top knot.
wiggling and working exactly as
may be seen in decaying animal mat-
Some of the bolls were affected
very slightly while as much as half
of others was decayed. The part
affected turned black at and had
much the appearance of a bruise
An investigation of the field showed
that fully five per cent, of the bolls
were effected in this
It is greatly to be hoped that the
trouble will not prove to be due to
the boll weevil. The pest has travel-
ed rapidly from its original habitat
in Texas, Out as far as has yet been
reported it had not been found thus
far north. The scientists of th
United States department of
culture are at work endeavoring to
discover the insect which will do for
the weevil what one imported from
Australia did for the San Jose scale
in California, namely, exterminate it.
So Car their effort. have not been
crowned with success, and the in-
of die North Carolina cotton
area with the weevil would prove a
very serious matter. The Richmond
county situation calls for
by State authorities at the
earliest possible moment, since, if
the weevil is Its presence
ought to be certified, while if it is not
much useless a may be
The dispatches are now saying that
one, Colonel Roosevelt, has turned
his face homeward on his journey.
We hope he soon get there and
quit occupying so much space in the
Sometime ago, if our memory serves
us correctly, the name of a brother
of the mayor at that time
appeared in a list of indictments for
selling liquor. Now we see it going
the rounds that a so . of an ex-mayor
of Raleigh has been arrested for a
similar offense.
Mr. H. T. King advises Republicans
to keep out of Democratic primaries.
That is right it is a place, no
has any business. And any
Democratic candidate who asks a Re-
publican to go to the primary and vote
for him there, when he knows the Re-
publican is not going to support
the ticket in the election, is doing
Circuses have a way of tangling
up with fair dates in North Carolina.
Last year there was a big circus in
Raleigh one day of the State fair week
and one struck Charlotte in the
midst of the Mecklenburg fair was
charged with making tho latter a
financial failure. Ringling's circus
slipped in and got a date for Raleigh
on of fair week this year,
and now the matter is before the
commissioners of Wake county on
to revoke the license granted
the circus to show that date. Fairs
are home institutions intended both
to entertain and instruct the people
and circuses should not be allowed
to make conflicting that cause
The Torrens System.
The man who owns a share of bank
stock worth five hundred dollars can
borrow on it any day without
publicity or expense. But the man
who owns a piece of land worth five
hundred dollars cannot borrow even
a hundred dollars on it without pay-
a lawyer to investigate the title,
paying to have a mortgage written,
paying the fees to have it probated,
and recorded, and then the whole
transaction is made public. The Tor-
system changes all this and
makes the transfer of land as simple
and inexpensive as the transfer of a
share of stock in a bank or corpora-
It is a reform that ought to
come in North Carolina and the far-
and merchants are particularly
interested in securing that system.
The Union and other
of county, had a big meet-
a few days ago and passed the fol-
the members of the
Union and citizens of Anson county,
in mass meeting assembled, believing
the Torrens System of registering
titles to be the simplest and best
method, do request our representative
to use every legitimate means to en-
force the use of the System
of registering land
There is no change in the law
that is so much needed in North
Carolina as to replace the present ex-
pensive cumbersome system of
land titles with the simple and
pensive Torrens
News and Observer.
The Boll Weevil Among Vs.
Has the boll weevil reached North
Carolina This is the question ask-
ed in Richmond county Just now, and
no definite answer has yet
been given, there is a bare
that is the case. The term
under suspicion near the Anson
line and its cotton promised
A visitor
Lands Good
Mr. Thomas J. Pence writes from
Washington to his paper, the Raleigh
News and Observer, as
came from Beverly
last night that the President had
pointed Dr. J. A Holmes, formerly
State Geologist of North Carolina, to
the new position of of the Bu i
of mines, which pays
year. Dr. Holmes has been connected
with the United States Geological
Survey since he left North Carolina, a
few years ago.
is a big political significance
to the appointment of Dr. Holmes to
the head of the bureau of mining, Mr.
had practically turned down the
North Carolinian and Prof. Parker,
of the Geological Survey, was in
charge of the work. Dr. Holmes was
ignored largely through tho
mentality of Secretary of the Interior
Ballinger, who charged that he was
too friendly to the
deposed forester. While on the wit-
stand before the
investigation committee
Ballinger said there was a lot
of snakes in this department, and that
he intended to drive them out. It
was the understanding at the time
that Dr. Holmes was one of those he
had in mind. But the Taft mind has
undergone a change and Ballinger
does not stand so highly at the White
House. Recent events in the West, in
connection with the reception of The-
Roosevelt, hart also caused the
President to sit up and take notice
and that Is why Dr. Holmes has been
made head of the Bureau of Mines
and Mining after having been turned
down for appointment. The
of Dr. Holmes is a sop to the
following and the
insurgents of the West.
is the story in a nutshell. In
the meanwhile those who believe in
the recognition merit in the gov-
service have achieved
much greater than any
one except the teachers can
The first few days when the pupils
and teachers are acquainted,
have a very great influence on the
work of the entire year. It is high-
important that the first -res-
should be as as it is
possible to make them. Many a
teacher has lost ground with a class
from no other cause than the dis-
tractions, of the
fixing a lock, or the zounds of ham-.,
mering, of the removal of
and at the time when con-
of the attention of tic classes
means losing or getting a grip on
the situation.
The routine and work of
organization during the first
is bad enough and distracting
enough at its best. No added feat-
of disturbance should be per-
A very great deal can be
prevented. Of no one is to
blame for it. The trouble seems to
be that there Is too much time
the summer vacation In which
to do It and it is put off too long.
The perfection of school work is
made up trifles The discipline
of a year may hang upon such little
things as these at the opening. The
executive school officials may not
realize the full importance of the
need, but every on- of the teaching
organization knows it. Since the
success of the schools depend more
upon the efficiency and good work of
the teachers than upon any other
branch of the service, the others
will help a great deal by making
all possible speed in getting tho
rooms ready before school opens.
Washington Post.
tartar well this year.
ally. The could easily arrange
different dates, they are evidently
trying to catch the crowds the fairs
Home of the bolls appeared to be
spotted. of these was pulled
notes The Salisbury Post,
upon examination the decayed part
was found to be full of small worms,
The Schoolrooms Ready.
Was there ever a community that
had all of the schoolrooms
tor the reception of the pupils on
the day school opened This is a
point In school organization of very
He Favors Substituting Question, to
Vole of the People.
Falkland, N. C, Sept.
The day set for the county primary
comes off next Saturday, and the
in his home township are
solid on naming Mr R. R. Cot-
ten for the senate. We feel time
has come and conditions are such
that Mr. Cotten can and will, serve us
best In the senate. His many friends
over the county wanted him to head
the ticket two years ago, but he yield-
ed to his friend, Mr. Blow. We need
progressive, but conservative
It has been circulated in
some sections that Mr. Cotten wanted
bonds issued to build good roads.
We know he is opposed to this, unless
the people so decide by a vote. In
certain sections, we hear some
of Mr. Cotton's position
on the stock law. It does seem that
his record in the last legislature
should a guarantee on this. We
know Mr. Gotten would not favor
forcing this on people who did not
want it. We have heard him so ex-
press himself. Mr. Cotten is pro-
In all things, helpful to his
county and state, and especially ac-
in promoting the best interest
of the farmers. He himself, one of
the best and most successful farmers
in the county, as well as a success-
business man.
This, with his extensive experience
in state matter, makes him a fit rep-
We call upon the
voters next Saturday cast their
votes for Mr. Cotten for the senate
and they will make no mistake.
Subscribe for Reflector.

The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
If So, Was He a Banker, or a
The following communication sign-
ed to the New York
Herald has been the subject of much
comment in Greensboro, the
being that the subscriber
thereto is a gentleman of this place.
have been coming to New York
every summer for twenty-eight years
and for twenty-eight years the
town has been growing steadily
worse. In the days of the Fifth
Avenue Hotel a cocktail was a cock-
tail. They were good at th old Ev-
too. Go into a Broadway bar
now, order a cocktail and by watch-
the barman make one learn
something new about speed In drink
fashioning. The barman's celerity
must be admired, but the concoction
which he believes to be a cocktail
is a very article. Perhaps
reader of The Herald who en-
joys a really good cocktail
dinner will tell old whether
Is any place on this island
where a cocktail is made leisurely
Just why it should be credited to
a Greensboro man Is not clear. Of
course It goes without saying that
we have men in this town who are
judges of all kinds of
tails especially. It hes been inti-
mated that he is well known; some
say that he is a banker; others that
he is a big prohibitionist; still
that he is just a plain man with
a tooth for good drinks. But. why
people around these parts should
discuss drinks is queer, seeing as
how any kind of a drink composed
of the ardent is not to be had in pub-
New Telephone Subscribers.
Please add the following to the sup-
of your telephone
Best, W. L. Store
Brown. Z.
Brick Warehouse
287-F Critcher, A
T-1116 W. H. Farm
Dunn, Office
Ellington, A. B.
E. B. Tobacco Co. Office
Gum Warehouse.
Hughes. Mead
63-F Jackson, G.
Johnston, P. M.,
210-L King. R.
Liberty Warehouse.
293-F North, W.
Pierce, C. C. Law Office
Peoples Warehouse.
Star Warehouse.
260-P Thomas, E.
299-F Vincent, W.
297-L Wilson, Mrs. M. E.
Please note th following
E . L., from 291-L to
Tunstall, C. D., from 227-L to 286-F.
Wilson, F., from 297-L to 268-F.
Wilkinson, C. L., from to
Silver Wedding.
1885 1910
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Goodwin
request the pleasure of your company
on the evening of Friday, the ninth
of September
from night until ten
Fifty-three hundred and thirty.
You can't keep a good man down
and a bad man sure to turn up.
They arc The Kind That Count in the
Mr. H M. Jones, of Fla.
who has been visiting relatives here
and left Monday to return to the far
South, is an oilier Greenville boy who
is making good. He is a pharmacist
by profession, and while he has all
held a good position in Tampa
upon his return there he gets a de-
promotion by becoming th
manager of one of the largest drug
stores in the city.
When The Daily Reflector started
in December, Harvey was the
first carrier to go with a
bunch of them to deliver, and having
been one of we have
watched his rise in the world with
interest, and feel much pleasure in
the success he is making.
Learning From a Negro.
We ran across an old the
other day who can neither read nor
write, but who has kept his eyes open
and has reached some progressive
conclusions ought to make
some of our white farmers rather
ashamed of themselves by
When he hauled his cotton to
market the other day, this got
a better price per pound than our
white farmers have been getting, be-
cause the buyer said it was about
the best bale that he had seen this
season. The old never lets
a bale lie out in the weather, but
keeps it housed, and when he gins
his cotton he always instructs the
to put good bagging on it.
have always noticed, said the
old in talking to us, that any
thing that looks nice and good no
matter what it is, fetches more
money. The good bagging that I
put on my cotton costs twenty cents
a bale extra, and I believe I some-
times get a bale more on ac-
count of the neat looking bagging,
not to say anything of the better
price I get on account of keeping
the cotton dry and under
Progressive Farmer.
There Is Good In The
A question that you have often
heard used to inspire people
to aspire to higher things is
your wagon to a F. D. Fox-
hall, at the Star warehouse branch of
the Farmers Consolidated Tobacco
Co., says he can this with
equally good effect by saying
your wagon to the You are
sure to strike something higher
when you follow this advice, for Fox-
hall is known as a hard worker for the
farmers and he pushes every pile of
tobacco on the Star floor to the very
highest price.
when Harvested
Just a few bushels of wheat planted in the
ground becomes MANY BUSHELS of grain; so
will the money you put in our bank from time
to time become a BIG SUM. The interest we
will pay you will help it grow
Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank.
We pay interest at per cent, on time
m mm .
Professional Cards
Harry Skinner. H. W. Whedbee.
Greenville, . . N. Carolina
Office opposite R. L. Smith
stables, and next door to John Flan-
Buggy new building.
. . N. Carolina
office formerly occupied by. J. L
Greenville, . . N. Carolina
W. C. D. M. Clark.
Civil Engineers and Surveyors
Greenville, . . N.
Greenville, . . N. Carolina
Office in building, on Third
Practices where services desired.
Greenville, N. Carolina
Dr. Office
Greenville, . . N. Carolina
A Correction.
I was informed yesterday that a
report had been circulated in and
around Greenville, that, John T.
were to be sent to the
he would endeavor to secure
a new county for his I
wish to say that I had not heard of it
before, that I had never though of
such a thing; and would not favor it,
for I do not think it would be best
for the people of the county, and es-
would it be a burden to those
of us who would be in the new county.
Very respectfully,
L. Moore. W. H. Long.
Greenville, . . N. Carolina
Makers of Visible Likeness Only.
Greenville, Nor. Caro.
up stairs in Masonic Building.
N. C.
in all the courts. Office up
tails in Phoenix building, next to
Dr. D. L. James
. . N. Carolina
. . N. Carolina
Attorneys at Law
Practices where
vices required,
ally in the counties of
Craven, Carte Jones
Pamlico, and State and
Federal Courts.
Office Broad Street
Phone NEW BERN, N. C.
When You start
out to buy a cook
stove, for
It's the best
store you
can possibly
The TAFT and
is a mighty safe store and
upon which can
Or are
new, exceedingly attractive
and of the
for these better goods,
these ab dependable
goods t
will quote you price, that will
net a handsome saving.
The State a Successful
The State Convention,
just hold la Raleigh, was a most
successful meeting both in interest
and attendance. On the last day of
the meeting the following officers
Shields, of Scot-
land Neck.
Vice A. S. Wheeler.
I. of
Those attending the convention
from Pitt county were
J. T. A. J. M. L.
Joel W. Farmville; S. M.
Crisp, Falkland; G, T. Tyson, Wm.
Me Arthur, Robert Arthur, D. D.
Haskett, Greenville; J. P.
Grifton; F. A. Haddock, Winier-
Hunsucker Buggies
at my Greenville and Ayden stables. If you
figure on buying anything in that line, come
to see me.
J. E-
Mules. Greenville and Ayden, N. C.
The Best Hour of Life
is when you do some great deed or
discover some wonderful fact. This
hour came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky
Mount. N. C. when he was suffering
intensely, as he says, the worst
cold I ever had. I then proved to my
great satisfaction, what a wonder-
Cold and Cough Cure Dr. Kings
New Discovery is. For, after taking
one bottle, I was entirely cured. You
can't say anything too good of a
cine like Its and best
remedy for diseased lungs,
Asthma, Hay Fever
any or lung trouble.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all
Don't forget my new location at Greenville,
on Fifth street, -2 block west of five points.
Coward Wooten's Drag Store
Benz Cream for Sunburns
A school organized and maintained for one de-
finite and women
The regular session opens Tues-
day. September 1910.
For and information, address
ROBT. H. WRIGHT. President,
Greenville, North Carolina.
Holds Meeting and Elects
Thursday night the annual meeting
of Carolina Club was held in the club
reception room, with a fair attend-
of the members.
The first business was hearing the
r port of the board of governors
the period since reorganization.
This report showed a membership of
US, that the club is free from debt
end has money to its credit The
quarters are handsomely finished and
club was never in such good con-
as now.
The following officers were
L. Hall.
Vice B. Sugg.
L. Turnage.
J. Moore.
Board of C. Pierce,
Dr. D. L. James, R. A. Tyson, R.
Williams, O. C. Gregory and J. S.
Mooring, the president and secretary
of the board.
A committee for soliciting member-
ship was appointed, consisting of C.
T. J. S. Mooring and D. J.
While the club has a creditable
membership, it should be larger, for
it is an institution of which the town
should be proud.
Further Street Improvements
lights en
Granted and Denied.
The board of aldermen met in leg-
monthly session, Thursday night,
seven members present In the
absence of the mayor, Mayor
E. G. presided.
It was ordered that a plat be made
of Pitt and Third streets, Showing
proper width, and to submit it
to property owners to ascertain if
each would give the amount of land
necessary to make the proper width.
D. D. chief of fire depart-
recommended the purchase of
some couplings to fit old hose; end
also a donation to Rough Ready
to help defray expenses of
of delegates to the colored
convention. The board donated
W. S. requested the privilege
of a gun club having target practice
on Greenville Heights. The request
was granted.
J. J. Corey was given privilege of
running a a license
issued to W. H. Allen.
The street committee was
to make definite arrangements
with D. M. Clark engineering
work in connection with the
The water and commission re-
commended that p light be put at tho
river bridge on Pitt street. The com-
was authorized to place tho
light, and one on Second Street
near Short.
Chief of police was instructed to
notify C. W. Harvey remove rub-
placed on street near his prop-
The street commute was author-
to make arrangements for
paved streets swept.
The mayor was instructed to draw
an ordinance requiring the property
owners on Third, Fourth and Fifth
streets, between Washington and Co-
to nut down stone or hurt
sidewalk curbing.
The officers made their reports for
the past month, which were
Petition of W. E. Moore to run a
shooting gallery was not granted.
W. W. Moore was released from the
payment of livery license except for
the time he was engaged in the
The meeting adjourned to a called
meeting on Wednesday night,
Catawba College and Prep. School
How delicious were the pies of boy-
hood. No pies now ever taste so good.
What's changed the No. Its you
You've lost a strong, healthy stomach
the vigorous liver, the active kidneys,
the regular bowels of boyhood. cur
digestion is poor and you blame the
food What's A complete ton-
lug up by Electric Bitters of all organ
Liver, Kidneys,
them. They'll restore
your boyhood appetite and
of food and fairly saturate your
body with new health, strength and
vigor. at all druggists.
Be sure and take a bottle of
Colic, Cholera and
Remedy with you when starting on
your trip summer. It is not on
board trains or steamers. Changes of
water and climate often cause sudden
attacks of and it is best
to be prepared. Sold by all druggists.
A meeting will be held at Ayden on
the 14th last, to consider the matter
of draining Swift creek and Clay
Root swamps. Congressman John H.
Small will be the principal speaker.
A large crowd is expected to be pres-
The question of draining
swamp lands is one that the people
of this county are now taking much
interest in.
Our Greenville, Yours if You Come
vetch and rape seed at F. V. John-
i i

The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity.
Advertising rates furnished
Ayden, N. C, September 1910 Mrs. Joseph returned from
School opened at the Seminary Virginia Sunday night, she and Dr.
September 1st, with marked improve- Joseph spent last week there. The
over the previous sessions. , doctor remained over to have some re-
Corn, Oats and Hay at J R. Smith pairs made to his new home near
Let us make you a cart body, any
kind you R. Smith Co.
Mi. W. F. Hart left Sunday for a
few days trip up in the western part
of the State.
See John C. Noble, at Ayden, and
got a rate on your pack barn and to-
It may be the means of
your year's work for a few dimes.
;. Harrington, who
for some time, died Saturday and
was buried in Ayden cemetery Sun-
day Rev. E. T. Phillips conducted
the funeral services. We extend
sympathy to the bereaved.
Protect your house against the filthy
and mosquitoes by putting in a
set of the Improved Screen Windows
and Doors made by J. R. Smith Mfg.
Rev. Geo. C. at the
of his services fourth Sunday,
tendered his resignation as pastor of
the Free Will Baptist church here.
On or about the 20th of June my
white female bobtailed rat terrier
dog, strayed from Hotel Blount. Has I
a black spot on is very
and to the name of
Information leading to
his recovery will be rewarded. W.
S. Blount.
A large shipment of and cents
goods at J. R. Smith Their
reminds us of Christmas with
the large crowds there trading
Screen Doors made to order or re-
paired on short notice at J. R. Smith
A blind horse kicked Mr. Lorenzo
twice in the side and
chest Saturday. At this writing he is
In A precarious condition, as blow
was near the heart. His team was
in the lot at the noon hour and Mr.
was drawing water when
the blind horse kicked him.
The five and ten cent counter at
J. R. Smith seem to be very pop-
They sell large dish pans and
gray stain wash pans at cents
There was a match ball game be-
tween Monday
which with to
in favor of Ayden We found the Kin-
boys clever and gentle-
men, and invite then, up again.
Do your trading at J, R. Smith
and get a chance at the valuable
given away.
Dr. E. Peden. D. D., returned
Thursday from an extended trip
across the Ohio river.
large shipment for the f
and cents counter just arrived.
yards of calico for J. R. Smith
Mrs and children, of
Call, on us for Flooring Ceiling,
and Scant-
ling. We guarantee
R. Smith Mill.
Lost, strayed, or black
and white spotted fox terrier puppy,
about four months old, short
tail. Disappeared about one week
ago. Reward for information leading
to recovery. J. Raymond Turnage,
Ayden, N. C.
At the opening of the clock at J.
R. Smith Miss Mumford
the dishes. Hr time was ex-
13-44. Miss Annie
horn won the second, a Bilk parasol.
MiSS Nora wen the third, a
box of fancy soap. A ticket is given
with each dollar's cash purchase at
J. R. Smith
I hereby announce myself a can-
for township constable, sub-
to the action of the Democratic
primary of township.
A. L.
Son of Aaron
If you have any wants, let us have
them. The improved Daily Reflector
is a great factor for advertising.
Hon. John H. Small will speak here
an the 14th of September, on the
of draining Swift, creek and
Clay Root swamp. When this is ad-
we will have corn a
plenty and to spars., and all danger
will be dispelled from eating western
corn bread.
Cook Stoves and repairs for same at
I. R. Smith
We are representing the oldest and
Life and Fire Insurance Co.
in the world. Call us and let us con-
with Loan Trust
Co. Phone
Mr. W. R. Harris, of Bertie, is visit-
his uncle, Mr. W. H. Harris.
Prof. W. H. Cole spent a portion of
last week here packing his furniture
preparatory for moving to Blue Ridge
where he principal of the graded
Lime Lime barrels just
lived J. R. Smith Co.
Miss Gertrude Bland, of will
open a millinery store in Ayden this
Wood's turnip and rutabaga seed
at J. R. Smith
committee are getting
and are having the walks and
drive ways all cleaned off and some-
what removing the dread of the silent
Have you ever thought about how
easy it is for your dwelling, pack
barn or any of your buildings to
burn Just as easy as for the other
fellow's. John C. Noble, at Ayden
Raleigh, are visiting her brother, Mr. and have them Insured. He
Geo. T. Cooper.
Lime, Cement, Hair, Trowels and
Mason R. Smith Co.
Capt. Berry has returned from Fay-j is running a dormitory for girls near
and Garland, where he the Seminary.
Beats none but the best companies.
Mrs. a widow lady
and daughter of Mr. W. J, Braxton,
been in the Interest
of his lumber
Patterns and at
J. R. Smith Co.
See our an children's hats,
prices down. Styles the same
as New York and Baltimore.
ed by expert R. Smith
and Rubber Belting, Black
and Pipe and other mill
fittings at J. R. Smith Co.
Your hay will need bailing this fall.
Don't delay buying a press till it will
be too late. See us at
Sons Co.
A party from Ayden were going to
make a tour of Hyde, Dare and Beau-
corn growing districts, on an
automobile this week, but heard all
the former counties were inundated
by reason of such Heavy rains The
trip was abandoned.
See and cent bargain
R. Smith Co.
A vertical lift mower
and a self dump rake are practical
labor savers. We can supply you
with Turnage Sons Co.
Daily arrivals of new goods at J.
R. Smith
The south bound train ran over and
mangled a gray mule for James Jones
Saturday morning. The mule was
just out side of the city limits
grazing and failed to get beyond the
danger limit. The was shot
Sunday morning, and was valued at
We have just received a car of cook
stoves, furniture, carpenter tools,
building material, lime hardware, etc.
J. R. Smith Co.
Every farmer should have
on his pack barn and tobacco
and probably save a year's work at a
small Jno. C. Noble, at
Ayden, about it.
Are you selling out at cost No
mighty low, come and see. J. R
Smith Co. has everything you need
Mr. Cecil Harrington, who has been
to the hospital at Raleigh, returned
Saturday, and seems to be improved.
Lime, Cement, and
building material at J. R. Smith
A small boy of Mr. L. H. Worthing-
ton's fell a moving dray Fri-
day and sustained serious Injury. At
this willing his condition seems
buy a good second
hand jointer and R. Smith
Now is a good time to advertise in
the Ayden department. Sea R. W.
Since the stock law has been
the weeds and grass have
abounded, and snakes are getting
to be plentiful. Two were killed near
Mr. H. C. a few days
ago, and a very large one was killed
Sunday in front of Mr. Ed.
A nice line of Coffins and Caskets
always on hand with a nice at
your service at J. R. Smith Mill.
How about that Hap Press that yon
have been needing We have them
in stock, both mounted and
Turnage Sons Co.
Car Cement, Lime, and Hay,
at J. R. Smith
Miss Annie Edwards, the
daughter of Mr. J. J. Edwards
has returned from her extended tour
Scotland, Europe
and France and witnessed the passion
play at
Milk Churns, Preserve Jars, Milk
Coolers, and Fruit Jars at
J. R. Smith
j. F. Varnish, Ker-
fee Cites and at J. R. Smith
. If you need a good open or top
Wagon or Cart, call on J. R. Smith
Co. Dixon.
We hear that Mr. Joe Jones, of our
town, who owns a farm in Green
county, was drying out his pack house
during the recent wet spell with a
stove, and in some way fire escaped
from the stove, and burned the pack
house and acres of tobacco, which
is a heavy loss to him.
If you want a stalk cutter, hay
press or gasoline engine, read E.
Turnage Son's locals in the Ayden
department of the weekly.
If you want belting, mill fittings,
or any kind of hardware, see us, we
have just received a full line of
cutlery and
pins.-J. R. Smith Co.
Mr. W. E. Hooks and wife, of
are visiting at Mr. R. H.
I hereby myself a
date for township constable, subject
to the primary of town-
. T. Keel.
cell, or rent houses or land, or want a
job for yourself, wife, daughter, moth
or sister, or want to employ
help, or sell What you
is no better medium than The
W. Smith.
buy bushels of
good country corn for milling
; R. Smith Co
You can find almost anything you
want in Has, Dry Goods, No-
Trunks, School Books,
Hardware. Crockery, Lime,
Cement, Windows, Books Cook Stoves
Screen Windows and Groceries at J.
It Smith
Mils May Smith is visiting
at Middlesex.
Lime Lime Lime barrels
just R. Smith Co.
picket fence.
J. R. Smith Co. are installing
and cents counters in their store,
selling granite and tinware
down. Large basins and at
Miss Blanche Cannon returned from
Kinston Monday.
Call us. phone Let us rent your
houses and for you. sell
your personal Property, Land. Stock,
Bonds, or lend you money on
Loan Insurance
We are agents for the
and Mowers and Rakes.
B. Turnage Sons Co.
Belting, lubricating valves, steam
a full of mill fittings,
at J. R. Smith Company's.
The fall is approaching. Now is
the time to put your ad in the Ayden
department of The Reflector.
Another shipment of and cent
goods for the bargain counters at
J. R. Smith
The famous eye specialist will be
at J. R. Smith store September
5th and 6th, to fit your glasses and
correct which causes so
much headache.
J. H. Optician.
I hereby announce myself a Candi-
date for Township subject to
the Democratic primary of Content-
township. W. Cox.
Mrs. S. R. Holland and daughter,
Miss Mary, and Miss Martha
left last Thursday on a tour to Wash
City, Baltimore and other
towns of Interest.
Poultry Food and Hawk
Killer t J. R. Smith
For hereby announce
myself a candidate for township con-
to the Democratic
Coal Tar, Roof Paint, at J. R.
Ten Things to do This Month,
l, sowing whiter oats Keep
working all land intended for win-
grains, making t as fine and arm
as possible.
t. Sow covet crops rye vetch,
clover, rape, etc. whenever you
earn Sow some pasture for the
hogs, and one for the chickens.
Cut up the corn when ripe, shock
loosely and shred the stover if a
shredder comes your way. This, of
if you haven't a silo to
it in.
Save the cow peas, soy beans Mid
other hay crops. Don't neglect even
the crabgrass. Too much hay in the
South is a thing unknown.
Save the beet
selections in the corn field before
cutting, and in the cotton field before
picking. Insure and soy
beans for planting. Save also a sup-
ply of garden
Plant fall
radishes, etc. Prepare land
setting fruit trees and small
Keep die hogs going their best.
Add some grain to what they get in
the pastures. Give the cows some
grain, too, if pastures get dry.
Get next winter s supply of wood
ready, and put it under a
located woodshed where It will
keep dry.
See . about your if they
need improvement, talk it over with
your neighbors and on a plan.
Make a good drag some rainy day.
Visit your help the
children all you can; consult with the
teacher, and then with her.
Progressive Farmer.
i urn. mm.
Gathered From Our Exchanges To-
of Events Just Happened.
Richmond, Sept. G.
a prominent merchant of
Fayetteville, N. C, who suffered a
fractured skull In the fatal smash
which terminated in a joy ride taken
by a party of friends on Friday morn-
shortly before one o'clock, passed
away at the Hospital
here tonight at 7.40, never fully re-
Danville, Va., Sept.
Underwood, wife of John Underwood,
of died at the General hos-
here tonight as the result of be-
run over by a Southern railway
freight train. Mrs. Underwood was
crossing the tracks in the railway
at Reidsville this afternoon and
while dodging a passenger train, was
struck by a freight train coming in the
opposite direction. Both of her arms
were cut off. She was brought here
but never recovered from the shock.
Mrs. Underwood was about years
of-age, and formerly lived here.
Some things are so queer that ex-j
detracts from them.
A torpid liver deranges the whole
system, and produces
Dyspepsia. Costiveness.
Sallow Skin and Piles.
There is no better remedy for these
common diseases than b
LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove.
Take No Substitute.
At the Close of Business June 30th, 1910.
N. C, Sept. 1910.
Mrs. J. H. Kittrell, of Greenville,
who had days in
section, returned home Tuesday
Miss Rosa Smith, of
who had spent several days at
ville, returned home Thursday.
Miss Wattle Little, who had been
visiting relatives in our section for
some tine, returned to her home at
Wilson, Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. and
children, went to C. L. near
Friday and returned Sat-
I am requested to say that all the
members of the Standard local Farm-
Union are earnestly requested to
meet at Arthur Friday night,
l ember th.
J. F. Waters., of Ayden, came
Saturday eventing to attend his reg-
appointment in the Free Will
Baptist church at and preach-
ed Saturday night and Sunday.
We are having very good Sunday
schools at Smith's school house and
at Arthur. Mr. Joe Smith delivered
one of the best and most Instructive
lectures before the Sunday school in
the Free Will Baptist church at Ar-
Sunday morning that we've
heard in some time.
Miss Trilby Smith, of
went to Snow Hill Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Robinson were
visiting at Mills Smith's Sunday
The young people of our section
an ice cream supper at
Friday night.
Mr. C. C. Cobb, of Norfolk came in
Saturday to spend some time with his
brother, Mr. B. P. Cobb, at Cobb-
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. and
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Smith, and others
of our town attended church at Red
Oak Sunday bight.
Now the rain seems to be passed off,
guess the farmers will try to finish
saving their fodder.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures 610.59
Cash items 17,455.22
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,311.80
National bank and other
U. S. Notes 2,184.00
stock 25,000.00
Surplus fund 15,025.00
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 961.68
Deposits sub. to check 88,204.44
Savings Deposits
Cashier's checks
Certified Checks
i M do SWOT
Subscribed and sworn to
before m-. this day July,
Notary Public.
we now have. We have Gingham, No-
n a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
ow Telephone Subscribers.
Please add the following to the sup-
of your telephone directory
Best, W. L. Store
Brown, Z
Brick Warehouse
257-F Critcher, A
T-1116 Bail. W. H., Farm
Dunn, Office
Ellington, A. B.
E. B. Tobacco Co. Office
Gum Warehouse.
Hushes. Mead
63-F Jackson, G.
Johnston, P.
210-L King, R.
Liberty Warehouse.
293-F North. W.
Pierce, C. C. Law Office
Peoples Warehouse.
Star Warehouse.
Thomas, E.
299-F Vincent, W.
297-L Wilson, Mrs. M. E.
Please note following
E . L., from 291-L to
Tunstall, C. D., from 227-L to
Wilson, F., from 297-L to 268-F.
Wilkinson, C. L., from 4.3
A man isn't as lonely without a
country as he is without a
Attention is called to the bank state-
now appearing in this paper.
These show the condition of the
institutions of town and county.
His Act Believed to be Due to
Brought on l Collapse
Greenville was greatly shocked
when it became known, late Monday
afternoon, that Mr. Frank G. Perkins
committed suicide. The tragedy
occurred a little before o'clock In his
office at the plant of the Cabinet
Company, of he was
dent, the factory being located near
the river on the east side the At-
Coast Line railroad opposite of
the city water and light plant
At the time Mr. Perkins was alone
in the office. Mr. T. C. fore-
of the factory, and Mr. Cecil Cobb
one of the employees, healing a pistol
shot in the office and a sound of
something railing, harried there to in-
When they entered Mr.
Perkins was lying Oil the floor near
his desk. A pistol near him on the
floor and a blood stain on his left
breast told the story of the dreadful
tragedy that had occurred.
Dr. Charles Laughinghouse was tel-
for at once and he hurried
to the factory, but Mr Perkins had
passed away when he arrived, death
resulting In a few minutes after the
was fired. An examination of
the body showed that the ball had
passed directly through the heart.
The body was turned over to Under-
taker E. G. Flanagan who embalmed
It and prepared it for shipment to
Boston, Mr. former home.
The body left this morning,
by his brother-in-law, Mr. J. B.
of Pa., who
here visiting him.
Mr. Perkins was a native of Boston.
He first came to Greenville prospect-
about four years ago. and liking
the section and finding much raw ma-
here, he was soon at work to
organize and locate a large cabinet
veneer plant in Greenville. He had a
similar plant at South Bend, Ind., and
was thoroughly familiar with that
line of business. The plant was mod-
in every particular, and from the
start is was a success. He also
a large glue factory in Pa.
Though a small man in statue
frail, Mr. Perkins possessed great en-
and was an indefatigable worker.
He really did more than his
could stand, and a year ago
suffered almost a complete collapse,
physically and mentally. He was
sent to a sanitarium and was away
about a year, returning to Greenville
a few weeks ago. While his
seemed better, it was noticed by his
close friends that he was alto-
himself and at times
much depressed.
Sunday Perkins appeared more
cheerful than he had been recently,
attended the Baptist church that morn
log with Mr. Striker, an visited
friends during the evening. He also
appeared brighter Monday morning.
He boarded at Hotel Macon. but ho
was leave the hotel early
after dinner and go directly back to
his office at the factory, reaching there
about o'clock. He spent the early
hours of the afternoon in his office,
and it is supposed that while under
a spell of melancholy took his life.
Mr. Perkins nude many friends in
Greenville by whom his death is much
regretted. He was of age.
a wife in South Bend and
two brothers in Boston.

The Carolina Home and Farm The Eastern
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern
V. Social Life In the
Copyright, 1510, by American Press
social life and amusements
of the country are essentially
different from those in the
city. have heard people say
that, there is no such thing as social
life the country, but inquiry dis-
closed the fact that they never had
spout much time in a modern, wide
awake farm community. The
of all social life is in the home. It
is in the country that the home is de-
to the highest extent, and it
follows that it is in the
country that the strongest basis for a
healthy social life exists.
The social life of the so called
people of the city does not exist
in the country, and it is a blessing to
the country that It docs not. Such a
social life is unnatural. Social life Is
primarily for amusement, recreation
development. Where is the amuse-
or the recreation in the struggle
for social recognition by a clique
whom a turn of the wheel of fortune
has brought uppermost Where is the
development unless it be the develop-
of heartaches on the part of the
wife and poverty on the part of the
husband Such a where
are measured by money
than by their worth, is
rather than social life.
Outside the circles the so-
life of the city consists largely of
Island and Its
theaters public dances.
Some of these things are all right In
their way. They furnish amusement
recreation. But they do not fur-
Here Is where the great advantage
of country serial life comes It is
not furnished ready made to those who
have the price. Social diversions In
the country are made to order. That
is the reason why some people do not
like them, and that is why a person
who once really gets Into the spirit of
country social life Is never afterward
satisfied with social affairs in which
he cannot have an active part.
The social possibilities of the country
are not taken advantage of in all com-
it is true. In too many
places each family Is content to live
by Itself, with as little Intercourse
possible with the It. la
Ruff most
largely to the town ward flow of
With I be general waking up of
the farming districts is coming a
broadening of social life. In some
places the local church Is the social
center, but too often there are some
members who consider so harmless n
thing as an ice cream supper to help
pay the preacher a sin. As a result
the Importance of the church as a so-
factor is not what it should be.
The most Important centers of social
life the country are organ-
of kinds. Probably
the most important of those, because
the most extensive. Is the grange. The
grange has been in existence for for-
years and numbers present
more than members. those
communities where It has obtained a
strong hold it is very effective in bring-
the people together. In the older
states a grange neighborhood can be
told by the looks of the farms and
The plan of the local grange Is to
hold meet lugs at regular intervals,
usually a week in the winter and
sometimes as as once a
month In the summer. Generally these
meetings are held at the home of one
Of the members. The whole family be-
longs. As u rule, there Is a literary
program in connection with the meet-
where the boys and girls learn to
talk In public. Part of the program Is
devoted to agricultural topics, as one
of the objects of the grange is
In farming. There is always
enough amusement mixed in, how-
ever, to keep the children interested.
In the winter the meetings begin in
afternoon, and the men look over
the stock and talk over their problems
while the children play and the women
In addition to the there are
many local farmers clubs that arc
doing a great deal to bring their
together socially. The only
son that there are more such or-
is the lack of some one to
take the lead. The cities have so long
been the best blood from some
rural communities that many places
there Is precious little left to build
upon. With the changing conditions
that are restoring the farm to u lead
log place our national life there
will be no lack of lenders, and the
time will come when every community
will have its club or grange.
In the Mississippi valley states,
where Industrial co-operation ob-
a Strong foothold,
picnics are one of the principal diver
These are affairs,
nil the people for miles around There
ore speeches and and
to eat, and every one goes home
A number of country towns and
communities have a
once or twice a year, which Is In the
nature of a big picnic, at which
contests predominate.
Local Fourth of July celebrations
give the country boys a chance to
work off their patriotism for a week In
advance in helping to get things ready,
and they enjoy the day a great deal
more than they would n ready made
celebration In a big town, where all
they could do would be to stand on
the side lines shout. The best part
of these affairs Is that they develop
originality and initiative part of
the young people. It teaches them to
develop any Intent ability for leader-
ship which I hey may possess. The boy
who can get together nine boys
on Saturday afternoons and organize
them Into a ball team that can win
from the neighboring township is the
one Who is going to be able to do
tilings when be gets older It Is no
small task to make an effective team
out of nine boys when eight of them
want to pitch and the other couldn't
catch a ball to save his life.
It is the farm boys of today who
will be foremost in the agricultural
communities of tomorrow. One of the
most Important of the social factors
farm life is u
B sys
tern of and corn clubs.
There are a few in Iowa and Illinois,
and more are being organized. The
members of these clubs each have
their plot of corn. They meet around
from place to place, get better ac-
with one another and study
corn growing. Often an experienced
corn grower meets with them and
gives them some practical lessons. In
some cases these clubs are under the
supervision of the agricultural college,
which out letters of instruction
to the boys every two weeks or so. In
the winter a corn contest Is held at
the agricultural college. Some of the
counties have local contests. There
are prizes for the best corn and for the
best corn judging. Often the boys who
do the best work the local contests
have their expenses paid to the state
contest at the agricultural college.
Similar contests In cooking and sew-
are held for the girls. Work of
this kind is an inspiration to the boys
and girls. They begin to see some of
the real enjoyment of farm life.
This work is being extended to the
boys of the cities by means of summer
camps, where the boys are for a
vacation, at the same time getting in-
and object lessons In
culture. Many a boy who otherwise
would have spent his life in town
working for somebody else is thus
started on the way to become an
pendent farmer.
Another big factor In rural social life
Is the country literary society. This
reaches more people than a grange or
a club can reach. Its disadvantage is
that the membership Is so large that
only a few can appear on the pro-
grams. But a great many
and they eagerly avail themselves of
the opportunity. The country literary
society when rightly managed com-
both the social and the
features and is a great uplift to
the community.
Along with these other social factors
come the local lecture courses. The
talent Is not always the best, but usu-
ally it Is surprisingly good. there
are Ice cream suppers, picnics and
fishing excursions in the summer and
oyster suppers in the winter. The
often have a aid society,
where they can meet sew and visit
to their content The men have
a fraternal order or two, where they
can get together on Saturday evening
During the last few years the Y. M. C.
A. has been extending to the country
and a groat deal of good work.
Often clubrooms and a gymnasium
are established, where the neighbor-
hood boys can meet and try their
skill. Where such rooms have
taken the place of the grocery store as
an evening meeting place for the boys
and young men there Is a noticeable
improvement the community.
During vacations, when the young
people are home from school, there Is
no lack of social diversions that
peal especially to them. There is just
as much culture among these modern
young people of the country as there
Is the same classes in the city
and much more whole
The country dances and parties are
well conducted affairs the
of much harmless fun. An
trip to town to attend the
way of the trolley line or In
or In a big sleigh gives
to the amusements.
Taking nil these factors together, the
social life found In the most highly
developed country communities Is
in almost every way to that
found in the cities. The development
of this wholesome social life and Its
more general extension throughout the
Country will be Important factors in
turning the tide of population country-
In buying don't be
afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There Is no from It,
and relief is sure to follow.
ally recommended for coughs,
and whooping cough. Sold by all
N. S. Schedule
The following is the
Norfolk Southern
effective Monday,
August 1910.
daily, pull-
man sleeping cars. Leave Green-
ville 12.41 a. Washington 1.50
a. m., arrive Edenton 3.55 a. in.,
Elisabeth City 5.10 a. m., Norfolk
7.00 a. m.
daily except Sunday. Leave
Greenville 9.40 a. m., arrive Wash-
10.40 a. m., New Bern 11.35
a. m., Norfolk 4.05 p. in.
No. IS, daily except- Sunday. Leave
Greenville 6.30 p. m arrive Wash-
7.25 p. m.
dally, Express,
sleeping cars. Greenville
3.53 a. m arrive Wilson 5.20 a, m.
Raleigh 7.30 a. m. Connect at
son with A. C. L. It R., north and
south, at Raleigh with a
Railway for all points.
No. daily except Sunday. Leave
Greenville 7.51 a. m., arrive
9.15 a. m., Raleigh 11.20 a. m.
No. daily except Sunday.
Greenville 4.14 p. in., arrive Wilson
6.31 p. m., Raleigh 7.20 p. m. Con-
with Southern Railway for
Durham and Greensboro.
N. schedule figures pub-
as information only and not
For further particulars, to
any ticket agent, or J. S.
Agent, Greenville, N. C.
U. C. W, W. ON,
G. P. A A. G. P A.,
Norfolk, Virginia.
Most Greenville People Hare a Weak
Part mid too Often It's the Back
Everyone has a weak spot.
Too often it's the back.
Twinges follow every sudden twist.
Dull aching keeps up, day and night.
Tells you the kidney needs help
For backache is really kidney-
A kidney cure is what you need.
cure kid-
Cure headache and Ills.
Good proof is the following state-
Jackson Baxter, Bonner street,
Washington, N. C, suffered
from kidney and bladder trouble for
a long time. The kidney secretions
were scanty at times, while at others
profuse, and the passages were at-
tended with pain. I had back-
aches and constant, gnawing pains-,
through my kidneys. I was feeling-
miserable when I heard about
Kidney Fills and began their use.
They gave me such great relief that.
i obtained a further supply and since
using this, pains across my back have
disappeared. I can heartily
mend Kidney Pills to anyone
troubled by kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents. Co., Buffalo,
New York, Bole agents for the United
Remember the
take no other.
J. W. Perry CO.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties and Bags.
Correspondence so-
Young Pitt Visits It and De-
scribes Its Grandeur.
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 1910
Having just returned from my mid-
summer vacation, which I spent in
the Yosemite valley, and being so
pressed with its natural
scenery, I will write and give your
readers, many of them whom I have
the honor of claiming as friends, a
slight description of the valley.
The valley is situated in
of the almost in the
middle of the State of California, and
between the eastern and western foot-
hills of the mountains. Formerly
the valley was for
most halt the year because the snows
in that region fell with so much
dance that they completely
passage over the highways,
at present a railway line goes to El
Portal, which is distant only some
few miles from the valley, this dis-
being covered by stage coach
over a highway con-
by the Federal government,
under whose control is the valley,
thus eliminating the obstacles Which
formerly made the trip so disagree-
able. Now the valley can be visited
at any period of the year.
The railroad goes from to
El Portal. It traverses the
valley of the river and
crosses it at various points. On reach-
the foothills of the mountains,
the railways follows the course of the
river, which at times is at a very
great depth below the road, and at
others almost on a level with it. The
line from El Portal to the Yosemite
is traveled, as has already been said,
by means of a stage coach, and is
very comfortable as well as
On the way to the valley, still at
some distance, there Is presented to
the nth. of too Visitor rocks
and mountains of the must is
forms; an far-
has a
camel; another has U.-e f
a and from all these stand
out sharply those palled
The aid.
As the road ascends the grandeur
and beauty of the landscape are en-
look whatever way one will,
he Bees foaming rivulets falling from
high rocks; old and mysterious pines
to the measures of the music of
the waters; here and are seen
mountains, gigantic rocks and
the contemplation of which in-
spires admiration mingled with awe
While the mountains constitute the
element of grandeur in the landscape,
the streams of waters give the touch
of beauty; nothing more picturesque
can be conceived than the torrent, the
pools, the falls of the In
some places it flows below leafy trees,
in others It rests in placid pools, that
it may precipitate itself afterward
with rapidity in
like mantels of foam and drift of
diamonds. At many points
rocks obstruct the course of the river,
fragments of the tall rocks that He
on either side of it; surrounding
them or leaping over them, the water
its indefatigable way.
There are no two sights alike; and
the journey is for the eyes of the
traveler a succession of delight after
delight, such is the variety of the
landscape. is per-
haps greatest and most
rock of the valley. At its left
are the falls of the same name, which
are active only during the summer,
feeding from the melting snows, and
such is the strength and volume of
the water rushing down at the foot of
the rock has been hollowed out in a
deep ravine. Then, there are the
of the Nevada
the and many other
It is difficult to say which is the
best period of the year to see the
valley, since in each season it
its own peculiar attractions
In summer, naturally, the vegetation
is in all its vigor, the cataracts are
more imposing and the flowers are
therefore I rather be-
one can more thoroughly
the valley during summer.
C. T.
and retail Grocer and
Furniture dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Barrels,
Turkeys, Eggs, Oak Bedsteads, Mat-
tresses, etc. Suits, Baby Carriages,
Go-Carts, Parlor Suits, Tables,
Lounges Safes, P. and Gall
Ax Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George Ci-
gars, Canned Cherries, Peaches,
Syrup, Jelly, Meat, Flour, Sugar
Coffee, Soap, Lye, Magic Food, Mat-
Oil Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds. Oranges, Apples, Nuts.
Candles, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currants, Raisins, Glass,
and Cakes
and Crackers, Cheese,
best Butter, New Royal Sewing Ma-
chines, and numerous other goods
Quality and quantity cheap for cash.
Come to see me.
The cradle in which good styles, fashions
and quality are rocked. And it holds good
until this date for Laces, Hamburgs, Lawns,
Dress Goods and Ready-made Shirts.
It has nursed men's furnishings to the
highest in town. See our beautiful line of
Shirts, Ties, Hats, Suits,
and Shoes.
The Friend and Store for Bargains
You Are Probably Planning
a Vacation Trip
S. J. Nobles
Nicely furnished, every-
thing; clean and a tractive,
working- the very best bar-
Second to none in
the state.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J H, J. G
Line Steamers
Leave NORFOLK daily P. M. for
BALTIMORE with direct for Eastern Cities and
resort points.
Elegantly Appointed Steamers. Unsurpassed Service.
Summer Excursion Rates.
For further information and stateroom reservations, write
C. L. CHANDLER, G. A. F. R. T. P. A,
years old to learn lo feed job press-
es. Good opportunity for a smart boy.
Apply at Reflector office.
horse. Carr Atkins Hardware
tops at S. M. Schultz.
Internal and External
For Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back, Stiff
joints and Muscles, Sore Throat Colds, Strains,
Sprains, Bruises. Colic, Cramps, Tooth-
ache and all Nerve, Bone and Muscle Aches
and Pain. The genuine has Noah's Ark on
every package. and 1.00 by all deal-
Sample by mail
Remedy Co., V. Boston,
Buggies. Harness
and Sundries
In addition to our regular business of man-
the best BUGGIES
on the market and doing all kinds of vehicles
repairing, we are carrying a complete line of
double and single harness, in full sets or pieces
of any kind; Lap Robes, of all grades; Whips,
Riding Bridles and Blankets, Pads for Breast
Collars and Saddles, Horse Blankets, Tie Reins,
Halters, Etc. We can supply any of you meeds
in these articles at lowest prices.
Nor. Car.

The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector,
. The.
Tobacco Company
offers to the tobacco growers of Eastern Carolina superior
inducements and facilities in the sale of their tobacco.
This is a Farmers Organization
ninety-nine per cent, of the stockholders are farmers,
living on and operating their farms
This organization is doing a warehouse business for the
sale of FARMERS TOBACCO, and our past record proves that
we know our business. We are proud of our business and
proud of our record, and if you will join with us in making a
still greater success, you will be proud of the part you take in it.
Warehouses at Greenville, Kinston,
Robersonville, Wilson
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco
L. JOYNER, President
Agriculture Is the Most Useful, the Most
Healthful, the Most Noble Employment of Washington.
Not Known Yet if Resignation Affects
Greenville Church.
Twice as Many Present as Last Year
Faculty Delighted With Prospect
For a Year's Work.
Reflector man went over to
Erst Carolina Teachers Training
school this morning to learn how the
is starting its second session.
He found President Wright and the
faculty Just delighted with the pros-
and all were as busy as could
be registering pupils and getting them
properly assigned. Today was de-
voted to registering the old students,
those who attended last year, and It
was gratifying to see so many of them
ready to take up their work again
Tomorrow is the day for registering
new students, a large number of whom
are also present and more coming in
by every train.
The regular school work will be-
gin Thursday morning, at which time
it is safe to that students will
be present. The number of
of rooms for hoarding students
has already reached to say nothing
of the local who will live in
town Instead of the dormitories. This
record, compared with the opening a
year ago the number was is
enough to make everybody rejoice at
the splendid growth of the school.
President Wright says he looks for-
ward to a year of fine work.
The faculty is composed as
Prof. Robt. H Wright, President.
Prof. C. W. Wilson. Pedagogy.
Prof. W. H. School Man-
Prof. Leon R. Meadows, English.
Miss Mamie E. Jenkins. English.
Prof. Herbert E. Austin Science.
Miss Maria D. Graham,
Miss Davis, History.
Miss Birdie Latin.
Miss Nettie M. Allen, Primary
Mrs. Kate W. Lewis, Drawing.
Mrs. Jennie M Ogden, Household
Mrs. Kate R Lady
Coming as a surprise to his con-
the announcement was
his sermon Sunday
morning at Presbyterian church
by the pastor, Rev Ralph C Deal,
that he would tender his resignation
to the official board to take effect
November 1st. After the church
service a congregational meeting was
held at which Mr. Deal formally
made his resignation. Mr. Deal came
to the Kinston church in June 1907
and during his stay here has en-
himself to the not
only of his b-it of the
entire city, and the announcement
of his resignation will be learned
with regret throughout the
Free Press.
Mr. Deal also pastor of the
Presbyterian church In Greenville,
preaching here the first and third
Sundays in each The
here has no intimation as to
whether his resign in Kinston
will affect his Greenville pastorate,
but it is hoped that it will not. His
next appointment here is next Sunday.
He is very much admired by the
of Greenville and It is the wish
of all that he can continue to serve
the church hero .
Little Tot Strenuously Objects to
Compulsory Education.
Train number yesterday had a
coach filled with deaf and dumb
going to Morganton to enter the
school for the deaf and dumb which
opens the fall term today. The
were all lively with one
and seemed to he enjoying them-
selves as do other youngsters and
were carrying on spirited
among themselves using the
finger manual, and they attracted
attention at the station.
There was one little girl, however,
who boarded the train here who
cited considerable sympathy from the
bystanders. She Is the little eight
year old daughter of Mrs. Annie
of White Oak. and is a mute. She
had never before been separated from
her mother and was crying and fought
as strongly as she could to keep from
being put on the train.
The little tot can not speak, hear,
or write, neither does she understand
sign language, but she clearly
demonstrated that she was in no way
In sympathy with the movement for
compulsory education, in her case at
any Telegram.
He and The Girl Show Effects of tho
Prison Confinement
Cable to The Reflector.
London, Sept
case was called again today. Both
Dr. and the girl show
effects of confinement when they
came into court. The usual big
crowd was on hand, a majority of
them being women. Sir Arthur New-
ton, for announced
that he had also been retained to de-
fend the girl.
Dr. Chas. Laughinghouse.
Miss R. Beaman.
Miss Emma Jones, Stenographer.
Miss Ola Ross, Clerk.
New York City Will Send a
By Wire to The Reflector.
New York, Sept. Gris-
con. chairman of the county
committee will go to the state
convention at Saratoga on the 87th,
with a solid progressive delegation,
and all for Colonel Roosevelt. This
tact became final today with the com-
returns from New York
primary election. The chairman-
ship tilt between Sherman and
Is not materially changed by re-
here. Sherman has votes
pledged so far, while the progressives
have statement that
Roosevelt Is not a candidate is not
taken seriously.
Opens Fire on the Preacher Who
Proves Ready to Return In Kind
Both Bound Over to Court.
There was much excitement among
colored people here, Monday afternoon
over a shooting affair that was en-
gaged in between Herman Cherry, a
young colored man, and Rev. Martin
Butler, the pastor of the colored
Methodist church. The trouble grew
out of charges against the preacher
of wrong with a sister of Cherry.
Relatives of the girl for two or three
days have been on the track of the
preacher, had warned him that he
must leave town by a certain time, end
some of the preacher's sympathizers
had been guarding him at night
through fear that he might be attack-
It seems that Herman Cherry, the
of the girl, did not live here
but being advised of the trouble came
to Greenville Monday. Late in the
he was on Reade street, saw
Butler, the preacher, sitting in the
door at the home of Sherman Fore-
man. Cherry pulled out a gun and
began trying to use It on the preacher,
and the also drew a gun and
began firing it. Some say that Cher-
gun would not fire and others
say that it did. At. any rate there
were several shots fired but none of
struck anybody.
After the shooting Cherry came up
town and surrendered to the sheriff
and Butler was arrested a little later
and both of them were taken before
Justice of the peace H. Harding and
placed under bond to appear at a
trial this morning.
At the preliminary trial this morn-
Justice Harding bound both of
them over to the next term of Pitt
Superior court.
In discussing your enemies you are
talking about somebody's friends.
Is It
A few days ago a gentleman i-aid
that he had heard that
population was He gave no
for the rumor, and was In-
quiring as to its correctness.

Eastern reflector, 9 September 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 09, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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