Eastern reflector, 29 July 1910

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In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
j Authored Agent of The Eastern Reflector tor Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application j
K. C July 1910. Mr. J. s. Roes, of was In our
Post master U C. Bryan, to town yesterday.
Norfolk Thursday. Land Plaster tor
Ti- Count School Co- N C.
A. Q. Co Mu-
Company cheap;
Boat durable. Terms
arc liberal. When in market,
come to see us. have the for
Mr. R. L. the book-
for lie Pia County Oil Com-
Wednesday his borne,
G ton, lo spend a days and
afterwards come the summer re-
to spend vacation.
We arc a Dice in-- of
fins caskets. Prices arc right and
can furnish nice hearse service.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Mr. Mrs. S. Byrd went to
Thursday. Airs. Byrd went
down to have her eyes examined and
For Spring Goods.
Embroidery and Laces see
lot Barber Co
Mr. A. Cox returned from Char-
yesterday .
For nice, fresh Fish, see R. Dall.
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Her. M. A. Adams, of came
In yesterday in conduct services in
the Baptist church St
Mr. J. It. Smith, a prominent mer-
chant Ayden. was town Tues-
For cold drinks all
at II. Johnson's Fountain.
Kits Chapman left today for
Point, where ; teach this
lot of
and Children's
Barber i- Co.
Mr. ; ii Joyner, of was
in town yesterday.
The Is the kind you
nod. See us. A. W. Ange Co.
Mr. John Coward and Mi-s Blanche
Cannon, of Ayden, were in town yes-
call your attention cur
line Groceries. V. Dall.
Hiss Cos of Bl Jack, came
in yesterday to .;., Clyde Chap-
For nice, fresh, corned Herrings,
see W. Ange ii Co.
H. C.
Misses Savage and Louise
Tucker, of came In
to visit Miss Pearl Hester.
Straw Hats g . g feat, buy one,
don't Ange Co.
Mr. C. T. Cos returned yesterday
from a visit to and Ashe-
Leave your r for Ice at H. L.
Johnson's. Win be delivered any.
where t. .
X. c. July 1910.
have thoroughly
renovated em i. Ill and have ad-
new and
netting and are in position to make I
and d ;.
Ki . an left
or D Id Pol t, win re she
will b gin i .- hi Monday.
i ii I Oil tor the floor
Boy some, . ii .
Barber ,
; a, Co.,
A, Ed left
Mr. M. G. Bryan returned
day from Norfolk, where he
has been to see his sou. Mr. M. B.
A new lot of Dry Goods and Notions
just in. Better buy while cheap.
A. W. Ange ft Co.
Mrs. Maggie Butt went to Green-
ville yesterday and will be at the E.
C. T. T. S., for a week or two.
We are now In position to do
grinding every day and general repair
work Barber
Rev. Mr. Adams held services at
the Baptist church Sunday and de-
livered an excellent sermon.
A nice lot of Matting Just InA.
W. Ange Co.
Mr. Ed. has sent us a
Jorge turnip, weighing eight pounds.
A six key Soda for
D. Dall.
Mrs. A. W. Ange and Mrs.
and daughter, went to Ayden last
How is your soul Let us
you our new lot of Shoes.
Harrington, Barber
Misses Louise Tucker and
Savage, of Greenville, who have been
visiting Miss, Pearl Hester, returned
to Greenville today.
have put in an assortment of
Patterns for all
Barber Co.
Miss Crawford is spending
a few days at this neck.
Miss Delia of E, C. T. T.
S. came In last night.
We have Needles. Bobbins, and
Shuttles, for any Sewing Machine In
ii.- country. Also needle threaders,
the very thing for affected eyes or
dark Barber Co.
Fresh Corn Herrings at
ton, Barber Co.
A new lot of Lamps just
Barber Co.
Prof. F. C. Nye left Tuesday morn-
for Walt and Stanton-
tug. the Interest of
High School. The new
have come and are being mailed out.
Prof. Nye report that the prospects
for next season, which opens Sept-
5th, are bright. The
dormitories have been moved together
and will be renovated for
the opening.
Sausage, and Fish, going
W. at Johnson stand
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are In
to give you the best Tobacco
Trucks and Flues for your money.
They have made extensive
Hap- Tariff and
Policy of G. for
Public I in i rim
We. the representatives of the
Democratic party in North Carolina.
In convention assembled, rejoice in
the call occasioned coming
election and the opportunity thus of-
to lift up again In the midst of
the people of North Carolina the ban-
of the Democratic party us a sure
standard of their rights and the
failing guide of their progress, and
we reaffirm our to the
cardinal principals Of Democratic
government and congratulate the
people of North Carolina upon the
wise, progressive and economical ad-
ministration of the affairs of govern-
since the return of the Demo-
party to power in this State.
We recommend to the people of
North Carolina the consideration of
the With which the affairs
have been administered the Demo-
officials the clean, efficient
and economical conduct of the State
government from the day of the re-
turn to power of the Democratic par-
rates against the towns and cities of
North Carolina and In favor of the
cities of other
We pledge to the
and encouragement of all legitimate
enterprises and developments that
may be located within the borders of
this State, and In the administration
of the laws no legitimate enterprise
shall be injured.
We condemn and denounce the
tariff policy of the Republican party
as enacted In the
bill, and declare the same to be
the most tariff burden ever
placed upon the United States, form-
in behalf of sectional inter-
and fostering the trusts and com-
of the country at the ex-
of the great mass of the
and in spite of the promises of
the Republican party that prosperity
would follow its adoption, we call at-
to the present commercial
condition of the country, its idle
industries and unemployed op-
We the extravagant and
like national government
by the Republican party, whereby
has been a useless expenditure of
over annually of the
people's money.
We call attention to the failure of
the party to revise the
tariff In accordance with the pledges
of Its platform and Its promises.
We demand the enactment of a
tariff for revenue only to meet the
expenses of a government
WORD that
It refers to Dr. Liver Pill and
Are you constipated
Troubled with
Sick headache
ANY of these symptoms and many others
Indicate Inaction of the LIVER.
Take No Substitute.
N. C. July
Mr. C. L. Tyson of and Mr.
Robert of were
.- visiting at C. Sat-
we reaffirm lie and
of our party upon the questions of
the extension and Improvement and
of Internal affairs
the State and the institutions pro-
the Stale for the care of our
both durable and
and pledge ourselves to the
continuation, up-building and
We pledge ourselves to the con-
development of the internal
affairs of the to the continua-
of the policy of education which
has been carried forward with such
success under the Democratic ad-
to the further
of local improvements; to the
maintenance of the institutions for
the insane, deal, dumb and
and to the extension these
to meet the demands upon the
Suite the needs the
require the care and main-
of the govern
We pledge ourselves to the
aid and assistance of the
soldier demand that
shall ample
lions for comfort Mid care.
commend and approve ad.
sea- w W.
ton lieu nil your orders 11-,. ,., . .
y prompt- and the other officials.
land commend and approve our Sen-
Car of Top Dressing for Cot- and of Congress
ton just W. Ange Co. j for their activity in behalf of the
N. C. people North Carolina.
Internal development and
Prepared Carolina
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis were
visiting his brother. Mr. C. E.
Lawhorn, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manning ware
stopping at C. E. Sun-
lay night.
We are well helped up with Sun-
lay schools Just now. We attend the
Chapel Sunday school at Arthur
a. in., and at Smith's school house
p. in., and they are flourishing
Mr. Smith was a very
proud man last week Just because
t. young gentleman came and took
his abode there. It is expected for
Mm to remain there for twenty-one
Miss Emma Joyner. of
came up yesterday evening and is
Stopping with her sister. Mrs. Mills
Smith She expects to spend a
week here with relatives.
We have been having very nice
rains the last few days and It has
turned much cooler.
Legal Notices
One Woman Supplies a Need
Hates a timid Living
Woman of culture and travel made
a glorious success of teaching
speech. It Is surprising how-
much incorrect speech there is among
educated people. They cling to pro-
Incorrect pronunciations,
wrong use of words, and unmusical
Intonations. The Southerner holds to
the Mesa utterance of his
days; the
flattens all his vowels; the
throws his r's completely out
This woman undertook to correct
such errors and tench a pure, perfect
English speech to a few young
men. She became so successful that
Post Office Ml I lie
It has been said times before,
that the post office, of a town is one
of the best Indications the growth
of the business of that town. Post-
master R. c. Flanagan, has given us
some figures that show what Green-
ville la doing In this particular, and
they are interesting Ly the way of
comparison as well.
For the mouth of June 1909. the
post office receipts were and
for the cam. month of 1910. they were
a gain of 1174.10. For the
quarter ending June 1909 the
receipts were for
corresponding quarter this
376.90. a gain of
For the fiscal year ending
1910, the receipts were
enough to put Greenville well over
the limit that entitles her to free
mail delivery In the city. We hope
will make note of this
and hurry up the free
N. C. SI
The Old North Slate Continues the
March of Progress
For the week ending July 13th, the
Chattanooga Tradesman reports the
following new industries for North
concrete works-
500.000 mines
drug company.
Siler telephone corn-
drug corn-
she was compelled to start a school
Of correct English which has grown Wake Forest-50.000
to his promising
Held Is In every town i plant.
-a.-The for colon on mill.
The Up-to-date Hardware
North County.
In Court.
The defendant above named will
take notice that an action entitled
above has been commenced in the
. to
Be;. t .,;. ,. B.
Cards, ii. L J
g p
Minnie Bell
a , who have been
, Miss Chapman, return-
ed b
To reduce our stock before
we will offer for a limited time,
r ginghams,
Dress Goods,
to Sc; Suiting. Percales.
to Motor Cloth,
Waist Goods, Lawn,
Mohair n,
P aches.
Pie Peaches, Shirts,
Shirts, Shirts,
Call and Bee what we
W. Ange Ai Co.
left Monday
for a visit to Ayden and
ville. We wish her a pleasant trip.
Field and for sale by
A. W. Ange Co. N. C.
Miss Lizzie Cox. who has been visit-
Miss Clyde Chapman, returned
home Monday.
The A. O. Cox Manufacturing Co.
arc rendering good service In the
business. Collins and
cheap with excellent hoarse
Several of our young men went to
Sunday for their annual
Lot us frame that for you.
Any size W. Ange Co.
You will never regret when you
, a Buggy,
by A. O Cox Manufacturing
Co., N. C.
A very timely bulletin of Pig
has been prepared pub-
o the work
was behalf by the Good Roads As-
re; Information with hi North Carolina.
to growth and Wt recognize the great growth end
or the for at this time J Improvements of the along ma-
i ma in culture
by fan and other fruit
of the upper South.
tends to the up-building of any
Citizenship and we take pride in tho
progress that has been made under
Democratic government in the build-
of toads and tun extension ,,
means of at
i, , Superior Court Pitt county to bell
he w . Monday before the I
first Monday September, 1910. It
being the 29th day of August, 1810,
the court house of county In
Superior Court of Pitt county, lo
a divorce from the bonds of Bat-1
Bald defendant
notice he is
The bulletin deals with tho climate
i of the us well as
the sections of the Slate suited Tar
the growth of this fruit. It dis-
cusses the and
the state he other sec-
subj soils tor pro-
planting, cultivation,
mi ;. and
pruning, winter protection.
ting, marketing, uses and
are fully discussed. The
subject of the premature
dropping green or Immature lip
is fully treated and remedies for the
same am given.
A copy of this bulletin be
Secured free by addressing director
C. B. Williams. West Raleigh, N. C.
policy of the Democratic party In the
support and maintenance of the com-
school system of North Carolina,
nil the pledge of the hereto-
fore made of a free
school In district of the State
has been fully met, and we promise
the continued support and Improve-
the public school system of
the State . i Ion of the
same to i . Institutions of the State
for higher education, to the end that
these Institution may placed upon
n permanent of extension and
mi Ii ii consistent with the
growth of the system of the
State end tho population
and demands of her citizenship, and
we the schools of the State
a more liberal instruction in
training aid the
and development of the agricultural
Interests In such schools.
The supervision and control o
public service corporations Is a Wei
recognized right and we pledge our
selves to the enforcement of this
right In the Interest of the people of
the Stale consistent with fair and just
privilege to any person or corpora-
Private inconsistent
with the growth and development of
Internal affairs or the State and the
liberties of the people should not
be allowed. lo Illegal
combinations In restraint of trade,
trusts and monopolies, and favor the
enactment of law as will
credit to Greenville and Pitt county, their existence Impossible.
I know What It Butts n We condemn the unjust and
Greenville, N. C and answer or c.-
to the complaint of the plaintiff,
in said plaintiff
apply to the court for the relief de-
iii the complaint.
This the 16th day of
D. C. Moore, Clerk S. C.
Julius Drown, Attorney for plaintiff.
From One Who Knows Whereof He
Mr. Z. T. who is him-
all the routine of a printing office
self an been through
ant knows it form A
to z., stopped ti is morning
to say. want, to you
on the get-Up and i of I'll-
You have improved it
only a hundred per but fife
It Is finer pat it, and great
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves. Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a fill Line of Wall Paints-
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
your orders now with them and you will be
Special attention is called to cur line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
N. C
discriminations In freight
North Carolina- Pitt County,
in the Superior Court, D. C
Moore. Clerk,
Willis Johnston. P. V. Johnston,
J. II. Johnston and Addie Johnston.
TO l he Court
By virtue of a decree of the
Court of county on the 16th
day of July. in above
cause by U. C. clerk, the
undersigned commissioner will on
Tuesday, the 18th day of August,
o'clock in., before the court
house door in Orel expose to
public sale, lo the highest bidder for
cash the following parcel of land, to
lying and being in the county of
Pitt, state of North Carolina, begin-
on the edge the northern
bank of Tar rive.- at a point where
three hollow trees formerly stood,
nearly opposite the lower edge of the
big rock and runs thence nearly at
right angles with the river to the big
slough, old Parker's and Perkins
line, thence down said slough to Par-
or Red Dunks creek, thence
down said creek to the river, thence
up the river to the beginning; con-
one hundred and five acres,
more less, and being the saint-
tract or parcel of land purchased by
Edward C. from the
of Thomas A. Braswell, de-
ceased, and being the second tract of
laud described In a deed from E. C.
to O. Johnston, dated
December and recorded In
Register's Office of Pitt county III
book V-3, Page
This sale will be had for tin-
pose of a partition among
the tenants in common v.-ho are par-
ties In this cause.
This the 16th day of July, 1910.
C. Commissioner.
be laid without fun bother tho old wood tho
top of your act A ROOF that
but as
For etc. to
the foremost colleges for Women in the South.
Course In Liberal Arts covering nine departments, and including elective
in and Bible, which count for the A. H. degree. School
of Art
. i, rm ii. iv
light, heat, physician, nurse, ordinary medicine and all minor fees,
in the Club, to less. Next session begins Sept. 1910. Address,
R T. VANN, Prudent,
Raleigh, North Carolina.
D. J. Editor
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Pr Year
VOL. No.
Committee Appointed North Caro-
The committee appointed it the re-
cent meeting of the North Carolina
Press Association to take in the mat-
of a State memorial to Bill
met In Salisbury. Wednesday. July
In formal session, an alter hearing
all the propositions it
That the memorial to the la-
humorist shall take the form
of a memorial building, to be one of
the group and a part of the Stone-
wall Jackson Training School, gen-
known as the State
in Cabarrus county, near Con-
That the building, furnished and
as the of the
may direct, to the
for the rescue errant boys,
hall cost not less than and
ball be known as Nye Memo-
That the following newspapers
i designated to receive and
to the fund
r this building, funds to be
transmitted promptly to the treasurer
M Julian, the
The Observer, Charlotte.
The Post. Salisbury,
The Citizen, Asheville.
Tim News and Observer, Raleigh.
The News, Greensboro,
The Star I,
That while committee De-
this memorial should be
Carolina's tribute
the lamented man of letters, it
ms It wise, in order to ensure the
Of movement, and
to permit the friends of
e outside the state an opportunity
contribute to this movement, that
from outside the state
be gratefully received and ac-
while not solicited.
he committee believes further that
made a wise and nappy selection
the form of this memorial; that
thing it might have conceived would
re brought greater Joy to the heart,
the gifted, kindly man. whose
y It is designed to perpetuate, than
e great work of making useful
of wayward boys, and that were
resented with us in the flesh to-
would have the stamp of his
Furthermore the
bespeakS the hearty co-operation
the brethren of the press
, mid all good citizens general
this undertaking, it is a labor of
that baa already been too
g neglected, to the shame of North
Lei us put our shoulders
the wheel and Show the world
at North Carolina do for the
n it delight to honor.
James M. Chairman.
John M. Julian. Treasurer.
R. W. Vincent.
Robert M. Phillips.
Archibald H. Hoyden.
one in Greenville or vicinity
to make a contribution to
object, can hand It In at The
office, and the same will be
In these columns mid
to the nearest paper named
above list.
Other Send In Expressions
They are All Coming.
Mr. J. L. Warren,
my opinion, a complete organization
of the citizens of Pitt county will be
the best means of securing good roads
be present on appointed
Mr. C. M. Smith, Fountain, re-
very much that I can not be with
you at the convention In person, but
will be with you In sentiment, and
hearty approval and sincerely wish
you much success in you laudable
Brother, Fountain.
can expect us to be at the good roads
meting on August first
Mr. R. A. Fountain, Fountain.
have been wanting to see good roads
for a long time, and will be at the
meeting on August the 1st., if
Mr. H. C. Turnage,
to good roads meeting, let me
say that Is has my hearty approval.
am a citizen of county;
am getting old and seldom go far
from home without compulsion.
wish you good luck and much success
In you laudable
Mr. Eason. Fountain. will
be with you if possible on August the
first. think the best way to get
good roads is to levy a special tax.
have the roads worked and then we
will be sure to get good
Mr. W. M. Pugh, Greenville, am
heartily in favor of good roads at
most any cost, but the bond Issue is
the most practical way to get results.
will try and be on hand the Drat
Mr. II. A. White the Victim he
lost About Catching
the Thief.
Dispatches Rapidly and
Passes Judicial In
a Happy Judge.
Ills Training Did Sot
Some of our boys around town
have developed a for box-
Young Chandler was
particularly enthusiastic on the sub-
and seemed to have an air of
a on his shoulder to
see who could knock it oil or take
him up on a light weight challenge.
He been taking on some training
and wanted to show his skill. The
challenge became so pronounced and
galling to the other boys that Sher-
wood decided to him
themselves with a pair of
gloves each, the boys got off on a
private lot, Monday with a
bunch of on each side, and
went at it, with referees and umpire.
There were six rounds,
the honors in the two, a tic
In the third, In the fourth,
and in the next two,
up the the
Now that the challenge has been
met and Vanquished, we would
the boys to drop that kind of
Thai Rapidly Going Ahead in
The editor made a trip up to
Thursday afternoon, and was
both surprised and gratified to see
that town making such rapid strides
along all lines of progress. There
at this time going up In that
town six brick stores, a new bank
building, a tobacco warehouse, a large
cotton seed oil mill, and several
handsome dwelling houses. The new
bank, which makes the second one
there, expects to begin business the
first of August. A large volume
business is done in that town.
About two months ago Mr. H. A.
While began missing money from his
office, the losses varying from
cents to Mr. White became
at the frequency of these loss-
es and set to work to find out the
cause. He engineered o nice bit of
detective work, and while his plans
were a little slow he kept his patience
and was finally rewarded by land-
lug the thief.
A young colored man, Wiley Clark,
has for sonic time been cleaning up
Mr. White's office, going every morn-
to do this work. Being a slick
and observant Wiley had
learned to manipulate the day lock
on office safe . Mr. White began
to suspect this as the one who
was getting the money and went to
work to catch him.
At first It puzzled Mr. White to get
run of the losses, but finally he
mads the discovery that they were
occurring during the dinner hour
when BO one was in the office. There-
upon he engaged one to watch
the office door while he was at din-
and to telephone him Wiley
was seen lo enter the office. In the
meantime some coins were carefully
marked, a record made of them,
the coins placed In a convenient place
in the safe.
And this Is the plan that did work.
Wiley as seen to enter the office
Several different times, and lust Wed-
he was landed. On that day
while White was at dinner, lie
got a call, and upon answer-
It heard the words in
The signal was readily understood,
and Mr. White hurried down in his
automobile. The walked out
of the office before Mr. While reached
there, but the watcher kept him spot-
so that he could not get away
nor dispose of the money he
en. Mr. White took ii hurried in-
of his marked coin, miss d
some of it, had the arrested
and searched, and the marked coins
wore found In his pocket.
The was given a bearing be-
fore Justice H. Harding and In de-
fault of bond was placed in jail.
On Saturday by mortgaging their
home, the parents of Wiley secured
a bondsman for him and he was re-
leased from prison. As soon as re-
leased he was again arrested under
a warrant for stealing a pistol from
Mr. White. Wiley was again taken
before Justice Harding on this charge
and was held under an additional
loud of which he failed to give
and went hack to prison.
Mr. White says that his total loss-
es up about before lie
succeeded In capturing tho thief.
While at times there was an
lo gel a considerable sum, tho
tried to throw ofT suspicion by
only taking u few dollars a lime.
The Reflector has received the fol-
lowing from the members of the bar
practicing at Onslow Superior Court,
which we take great pleasure in pub-
We, the undersigned members of
the bar, practicing at Onslow
court, hereby desire to express
lo Judge H. W. Whedbee and the
people of the State, our Impressions
upon the manner and ability with
which Judge Whedbee has held this,
his first term of court.
He was Appointed, unexpectedly to
himself, and therefore. In order lo
serve the best interest or the public,
to term without regard to
his private interests. He has held
the term and dispatched quite
a lot of business, and has Impressed
everybody Interested In or observant
or his court his splendid ability
and eminent fairness. His readiness
and equipment supply experience, and
he is already so eminent
However Indefinable the
known as judicial
may be, lie has it In a happy
We are to say these things
upon the beginning of his promising
judicial career.
L. R.
T. C.
unit on Mr. H. II. Cot-
en's Destroyed.
o'clock Saturday night.
Mr. R. R.
rm on the river, near Bruce, tho
and destroyed by
The fire was discovered In barn,
some cause unknown, and k-
to the stables, both build-
being entirely consumed. In the
buildings were a lot a corn and tor-
and farm all of which
destroyed. Fortunately all the
were gotten out of the stables
I and saved.
The loss Is about
covered by Insurance.
One dollar looks small when Its the
wrapper of a bank roll, but It looks
mighty big when Us the roll.
Now in Greenville.
Mr. Albion Dunn, formerly
Scotland Neck, who It was recently
announced would move to Green-
Is now here and Is opening his
law In the new build-
Greenville extends him a
dial welcome, and Is always glad to
gain such citizens.
Educational Meeting
Good Roads Association.
Congressman John Small, with
consent of the chamber of com-
good roads committee, has
ranged for a educational
meeting in connection with the good
roads convention Greenville on
next Monday, August 1st. The morn-
session, which opens at o'clock,
will be devoted to the meet-
and the afternoon to good roads.
Both these meetings arc Intended to
impart practical Information to
cal men. They are for your benefit,
you should make It a point lo
New Hanover Superior
Judge Harry W. Whedbee Is this
week and next holding court in
From the Wilmington Dis-
patch we take the following
of him and the impression ht ii
Harry W. Whedbee,
Greenville, who on the bench
about a week ago taking Judge Ward's
place, is presiding and has already
made a Impression. Judge
bee is a line looking man. In fact,
his appearance is what might be
termed masterly one. His face is
Strong, though kindly, and his eye
la firm and steady. He is stalwart of
build an easy, quiet talker.
charge was clear
and forcible. There was nothing
about it. Neither was there
frills, . .-. II was a plain.
logical, and It be stated with
strong of a grand
Jury's duties and the laws they
to upon. He discussed and de-
scribed the higher crimes, such es
arson and felonious assault,
and laid particular stress upon
jury, Which, he said, is one of the
most all crimes, endanger-
life and property. He told the
grand Jury there is no safety for
any one in the enforce-
or the law, and to all
A Farmer Gives Ills Views Macs
He Thinks Gist
obedience to your request. will
be with In the good roads meet-
August 1st.
While I do not favor issuing bonds
to build good roads. I favor better
roads, and to change the ancient
road law that has outlived its useful-
My method is as
That every able bodied male citizen
work the roads three days in each
and every year, or pay three dollars.
That every horse and mule be taxed
fifty cents each, every cart twenty-
five cents, every buggy, carriage and
bicycle fifty cents each. That the tax
now levied on automobiles be a
to the road fund. That short
convicts be kept to work on roads
now. That each township shall have
its amount of road tax spent
territory. That there be a board
five road directors in each township,
and that the roads and bridges
placed in hands of director-.
That ten cents be levied on every one
hundred dollars worth of real estate,
the value may be fixed for county
and State taxes. That the rate of
tax Le only by of
That the lax be col-
by the tax collector as now,
and same paid over CO the
as now. That fund ac-
counts be kept in separate books and
shall only be drawn out by order of
said township board of
That no part of the road shall
be let by contract, but paid for at
market pi ice for labor, per hour.
That the teams and machinery and
camp outfit be kept and used by all
of the townships to get their
pan convict labor. That
the oversell- of convicts keep item-
account of all repairs to
property used by said overseer, and
If any new is purchased cost ti
be borne by each township, their pro-
rate part.
This plan, we believe, brother Edi-
tor, Will give the best results, rs well
as the best satisfaction.
c committee
Add Your to The
The feels that It is
a good enough paper, with to-
day's news today, for all readers to
become subscribers and stop borrow-
the paper from their neighbor.
Tin borrowing reader none In
making the paper hatter and help-
work Greenville and PHI
Come on and gel you on
our growing subscription list.
Just Idle Rumor.
How easy It Is lo get rumors start-
ed. Monday It was all over town that
a boat crossing the sound between
and the beach had capsized
and people were drowned. The He-
phone was kept Jingling for
particulars of the disaster, the In-
learning that there was not
n word of truth in the rumor. The
sea serpent story Is due to come
along next.
People Will Talk-Especially
Mr am
favor of each township keeping
up Its own
Mr. Matthew James,
In favor of good roads the town-
Mr. W. H. cashier, Bethel
Banking and Trust Company. Bethel,
wish to say that in my opinion
that nothing adds i c a town
than good streets, nothing
helps the country an much as good
I favor them, and be-
that they should be kepi in good
condition by
Mr. want
better roads, and I
holes and wider roads, Bud worked
more, that we may rid
Mr. W. J. Little, Parmele, favor
the good roods movement, and hope
there can be some n, ins by which
we may soon have good
Mr. I. H. lo,
favor the good movement
September 10th, Named as
Day Tolls to lie Open
a. to u p. m.
The Democratic executive com-
of Pitt county held an ad-
meeting here today. In the
office of Chairman F. C. Harding, to
further discuss determine the
matter us to whether the county shall
have a delegated convention or a
voting primary to select candidates
Tor various county offices and
the There was a at-
township being i . d.
The first of meeting,
statements by Chairman
Hauling. lo giro a . opportunity
to any person present, not members
of the committee, t to beard first.
Several s Short
speeches, toe st tho wing that
there was near i o equal
t bi m on tho
lion, the feeling nil wanting
i , i was tie b I
the party.
The roll of to ships was called
r r. the the committal
from each to express his views, and
these almost the same equal
of sentiment was shown, the
Idea of doing what is being up-
with every member.
The roll o; townships again
-ailed for the taking or a vole on the
question, and the result was seven
votes for a voting primary, five for a
convention, as near
en. l sentiment as could
have been made without c tie vote.
townships roted For
voting primary, Bethel, Chi-
a Falkland,
Greenville. For delegated
Carolina, No.
Immediately following the an-
; i, vote there i s
B for the voting
to be made unanimous, and this
was carried without a dis-
vole, showing that every one.
regardless of what his individual
t be, was ready to yield to
the will of the majority.
The selection of the date for the
primary was then taken up and
some Saturday, Sept-
ember was selected as the date,
he primary be open from in.
lo p. m.
The entire meeting was marked
utmost harmony, the
. s to which till assented to the will
of the majority Indicated that the in-
of the party was at and
one wished to do Just what
I hope that I will live
old county of Pitt with
from cast to and
in tee this
good n
from north
rump Meeting.
A camp meeting at Grove
camp ground, near will
begin July 28th and continue to Au-
gust 7th.
Capture Platform Con
Wire The
Columbus, July
captured the Ohio Republican
platform Committee, and the platform
adopted by the State convention
is n endorsement of the
Tuft administration, Including
tariff law. The Gar-
forces did not oppose the plat-
form mi Moor of the
but would allow his name
to be presented as a candidate for
governor OB the platform adopted.
Duly two were presented, W.
C. who has the support or
Hie forces, and O. Brown
Who is favored by the men. The
ballot, however, Indicated a dead-
lock. Harding getting Brown
IO choice Ml.
Columbus. t Harding was
for governor on the third
Com Averaging six Ears lo the stalk
Within n Kile City.
A beautiful sight to the
loving people wan u stalk
corn containing eight ears which was
raised on the of Hamilton and
Jones. prosperous the
city. They have leased acres
the old city farm, bordering chiefly
on Walnut creek, two and a
acres of which are in corn which con-
to eight ears to the stalk
and the one brought to The Times
this morning was just a sample
of many more.
Ten acres of their farm are plant-
ed in cotton, from which cue, it not
the Wake county cotton bloom
was produced.
Delegates to the State, Con-
By direction of the Republican Ex-
C n for Pitt county,
notice Is hereby given that the
voters of the several voting pr-
cf Pitt county, directed to
able at their respective
i 8.00 p. tn Saturday, July 80th
the purpose of selecting
and alternates to the county
which by direction of
committee is hereby called to
meet In the town hall, In Greenville.
X. C. on Saturday, August
12.00 in.
The various are entitled
to the following vote in the county
No one is more suspicious of
tics than the average politician.
Often a man Is disappointed the
salary he gels for money.
B, FLANAGAN, Chairman
Republican Executive Committee.
Greenville, N. C, June 1310.
Mule Stolen.
From my stable s In Craven county.
Bear Pitt county line, a mule
buggy Was stolen. is gray col-
or, huge size, blind In right eye. Hug-
. made by John Flanagan Buggy
Co., With red running gear, scar on
back or seal. Mule and buggy were
tracked as tar as Black Jack, in Pitt
county. Any informal ion leading to
recovery will be an ti
runs, .
It. F. U. No. . II, N. C.
We Advocate Roads, Do You Come to the Convention Next Monday, August 1st, and Hear Them Discussed.

J. C.
How seldom it is that one can purchase for a
small fabric that will give entire
faction, both in looks and wear. Brilliant in
colorings and will not fade, though in contact
with either sunshine or shower, in fact a beau-
SILK that will wash like white linen, re-
its beauty of color and quality.
is the Silk that will
seen this
do this. Have you
Many will try to imitate this new creation of
the manufacturer's art. Few will succeed.
J. G.
Style Leaders
Greenville, N. C.
How About Your Home
Is it comfortably If not you
would find it interesting to visit our store and
look our stock of FURNITURE
HOUSE-FURNISHINGS. Everything needed
from Parlor to Kitchen at prices that will make
you sit up and take notice.
and House Furnishings
is not too good for you. When you want the
best, and prices that are in reach of your pocket
book we can supply your wants.
Carter cf Head of
Revolutionary Tribunal.
One of the most striking figures
in the French revolution was
Robespierre, who born
on May 1758. He was tin- head
and shoulders of the French
frequently remaining In the
background, however, leaving the
work of carrying out his plans with
Danton and Marat.
There had been turbulent
tines in France for several
years. The king had made repeat-
ed concessions to the Republicans,
while he cherished schemes for es-
their control, but each
month added to his humiliations
and to the boldness of his enemies.
Finally in September. the
convention was organized,
the monarchy abolished, and France
was declared a republic.
The convention was divided into
two parties, bitterly hostile to each
other, one called the
the other the
Of the former the leaders
were Robespierre, Danton and Ma-
rat, noted for their wickedness and
cruelty. One of the most eminent
of the was
distinguished for his eloquence.
The Mountain party having
in the convention, the
leaders were guillotined.
The reign terror was then in- j
during which the
tribunal, controlled by;
Robespierre, caused thousands to be
seized and hurried to the guillotine.
Among these victims was the tin- I
fortunate Marie Antoinette
Alison in his of Eu-
and day the cars j
incessantly discharged victims
the prison. Weeping mothers
trembling orphans were thrust
without mercy with the brave and
the powerful. The young, the beau-
the unfortunate, seemed in a
peculiar manner the prey of the as- i
fl Fifteen only were at
placed the chariot, but their
Dumber was soon augmented to j
thirty and gradually rose to eighty
persons who daily went forth to the
place of execution.
When the fall of Robespierre put
a stop to the murders arrangements
j Bad been made for increasing it to
An immense aqueduct to re-
; move the gore had been dug as far
as the Place St. and
wore daily employed in empty- I
I the blood of the victims
that reservoir.
The cruel and tricked men con-
in these atrocities almost
invariably met with a violent death.
Marat was assassinated by Char-
lotto The faction of Robes-
triumphing over that of
Danton, caused him and his
to be guillotined, and a few
month- afterward this dreadful
closed by the execution of I
Robespierre himself in
When Robespierre
fatal cur to go to his death his head
was enveloped in a bloody cloth.
his color was livid and his
sunk. When the procession came
opposite bis house it stopped, and a
group of women danced around the
bier of him whose chariot wheels
they would have drugged the day
before over a thousand victims.
Robespierre mounted the scaffold
last, and the moment his head fell
the applause was tremendous. In
some cases the event was
ed to the prisoners by the waving
of handkerchiefs from the tons of
A Crushing Retort.
In a certain New Brunswick
where councilors served
without any s indemnity
whatever, was defeated
in a in the parish of X. and ;
at the session to o lie was,
elected the lot vote I them- j
selves ; t
n ii h
r C. ported tin
If you trade with us we both make money
You Are Probably Planning
a Vacation Trip
Line Steamers
NORFOLK daily P. M. for
BALTIMORE with direct rail com for Eastern Cities and
resort points.
Elegantly Appointed Unsurpassed Service.
Summer Excursion Rates.
For further information and stateroom reservations, write
C. L- CHANDLER, G- A. F. R. T. P. A.
lie believed, he said, that
his service were worth per day
to the electors of the parish of X.
and that if he had not thought so
he would not have ottered his
said a member
who was opposing the increase,
is nothing in that. Three
years ago Councilor C. offered his
services to the electors of X. for
nothing and they rejected
B. C. Saturday Sunset.
Have you ever looked in the bot-
tom of your cup when you have
finished in I. coffee or tea
or in the bottom of neigh-
cup If you have you have
seen a lot of wasted sugar or sand.
The average American is in too
great a hurry to wait for sugar or
anything else to dissolve. The re-
is that he puts about twice as
much sugar as in his
fee, tea or lemonade. The result-
waste is It is
mated that Americans throw away
millions a year by not stirring.
Charleston News and Courier.
Jo Her Principles.
Not to Sh.
Mrs. life had been
haunted for years by the fear that
some she might called upon
to serve as a witness in court. Her
grandmother was a witness once,
and when Mrs. was a little
girl she used to hear all about it.
Grandma, it appears, bad been so
scared she couldn't tell the judge
her own name.
said Mrs. to her
husband, there is anything
more disgraceful than lo be
able to tell your own name I'd like
to know what it
In order lo reduce the
of such a calamity to a minimum
Mrs. would walk on with
deafened ears and averted head
whenever she happened to be near
fire, a light or the scene of an ac-
Only the other day she had
occasion to shut her eyes and ears
to the seething crowd around her.
She was waiting in the Grand
station for Mr. who
had gone around to the baggage
room to cheek a trunk.
Presently she became aware that
something exciting was happening
close beside her. Hastily she shut
her eyes and stuck her lingers into
her ears, but before those
measures could be accomplish-
ed she learned that a female thief
had snatched a hand bag which she
had found lying on the floor and
was being pursued an excited
crowd, -Not being entirely devoid
of the curiosity of her sex, Mrs.
would have liked to know
more, but the old fear of being de-
as a witness held her inert
until her husband's return. Then
she ventured to ask if they had
caught the thief.
said Mr.
they couldn't do air with her.
Every one was confident the bag
didn't belong to her, but as no-
body appeared to claim it they had
to let her
At that Mrs. opened her
am so she said, it
is all over. am to go now.
But, oh. dear me Where are my
purse and hand bag had them
bore a moment ago. They must
have I
use to wonder said
Mr. heartlessly. course
the stolen bag was
Willing to It.
Here tin- lecturer I brew the
screen the portrait of a man well
known In the world, says the
Chicago Tribune.
he Mid. one of the
captains finance. I do not nerd lo
mention bis name. His face Is
to all of Look at his
piled Hie furrows In his cheeks.
I he pouches under his eyes, deep
line about his mouth. face, my
friends, hears the unmistakable and
Ineffaceable Stamp care. Anxiety
has marked It Indelibly. It shows the
trace of sleepless weary days
and bitterly campaigns, with
millions dollars at stake.
brings a limn no happiness. Look
at How many of you. my friends,
would change places How
many of you would be willing to take
his wealth if compelled i assume the
terrible burden of responsibility
Ills hearers rose en
they Shouted in unison.
Zs of Coif.
He bad come over from Trance and
bad Just been asked give Ills views
en the ancient game of
much gesticulation he did so.
said, your game of
I know put on tunic
o red as under-
neath done. strap your sack of
sticks on buck a bey so
small as bag.
scrape a pudding to make
balance a while ball. He make
three bad tries balance him. then
very angry you call aloud,
Then you what yon call address
ball, ma nil, your Is some
times of language to make afraid,
strike, H ball himself
In M long grass.
call aloud for nib lunger
Stick mid beat ground till your part-
my friend. I myself to repeat
what you soy.
my friend, you are n
hut your golf gives me
what you call
For Sale--
Apply to
Moseley Brothers
His Unfortunate Investment.
the old settler In
little town saying, real
bus advanced In this town since
I came here. The corner lot build-
Is on. for sold once for
Is It worth asked the
you bad s chance lo get rich
by Investing In yourself. sup-
pose you bought some real
I bought one lot-Just
has In value, hasn't
over per
was u
so awfully good, said
the old settler gloomily. paid
for It. and It's worth but
In the cemetery. The way I figure It
I've lost a heap of money by not dying
forty Youth's
It I an th
Julia de Loria, the rival of
Andorra la Villa, is the great trade
and smuggling center. It has about
GOO inhabitants only, but can boast
several large and warehouses
full of contraband commodities
openly displayed. As a matter of
fact, the whole nation is more or
less principle. They
have neither import nor export
ties themselves, and they are fully
persuaded of the of free
trade for everybody. France makes
commodities wanted in Spain, Spain
grows articles required in France,
and Andorra lies between these two
nations. What more natural, there-
fore, than that she should give aid
to both her a con-
of course But smug-
in Andorra is rot upon
as a fraudulent business. On the
contrary, it is considered an
and legitimate professional-
most an one that in
higher branches requires many
business capacity,
diplomacy, a thorough
edge of the art of bribery and i
military method for directing,
forces and commanding one's sub-
ordinate.-. For instance, a wealthy
goes over the border into
Spain and buys up cheaply thou-
sands of sheep, which he pays
in Spanish money. They are
en home to his mountain pastures
where they are marked with his
Then, in company with his
headman, he strolls casually
to the French
of which he and his underling
know by drops into the
hut of the commandant of the
dominion; for a chat. Before
the commandant naturally of-
him a and bank-
notes of greater or less value are
left lying on the table. Nothing
definite is said; nobody's conscience
or dignity is compromised. A few
days later thousands of
sheep are sold in the markets of
France and paid for in French
How did they get across the
Ah, that's just the point
The fact of buying with Span-
money and selling for French
means from to per cent profit
without counting the difference
the prices of the animals. In
to sheep, hides, tobacco,
matches, olive oil, superior
ties of wines, salt, sugar and ultra-
marine are the principal
ties smuggled into France. The
that go into Spain are mostly
glass and china fancy articles,
paper and cutlery; also
large number of mules. The lat-
are bought in a wretched state
for almost a song in France, turned
out to grass on the splendid
ran pastures for few and
sold in Spain at the end of the sea-
son for a high World
and Vocation.
Each man has his own vocation.
The talent is the call. There is
one dire-lion in which all space is
open to him. Re has faculties
inviting him thither to end-
less exertion, lie is like n ship in
a river. He runs against
on every side but one. On
that side all obstruction is taken
away, and ho sweeps serenely over
Cod's depths into an infinite sea.
This talent and this coll depend on
his organization or the mode in
which the general soul incarnate
itself in
Business Re-
Bargain Column.
All advertisements coming under
this bead will be charged for at the
rate of cents per line, average six
words to the line. All advertisers
who haven't an account with us
should send money with ad.
BUT can get another
by using our WANT AD.
tops at S. M. Schultz.
will call W. J-
, tin Laud, people wanting will call
me up. J. Tuning
u lot of new corned mullets
at cents per pound.
for the best silverware and cut
presents. Pharmacy
residence tor sale on easy
terms. See
ail kinds, No.
. The Velvet land.
. V. T,
NO. can your needs.
building, suitable for
boarding Terms reasonable
Apply to L. C. Skinner.
situated on Dickinson
avenue. Ii
Bros. Co.
Cotton Brokers in
Stock, Cotton, Grain and
to New York, Chicago and
New Orleans.
must able to carry hook or clip,
piles per hour if necessary;,
must he sober. Write at
N. c.
J. W. Perry CO.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bigging, Ties and Bags.
and shipment so-
In compliance with chapter sec-
of the ordinances the town
of Greenville, every occupant or
owner of a lot on any street In said
town is hereby to clean off
the sidewalks adjoining their prop-
of all rank grass and weeds by
the day August, 1910, falling
to comply with this notice will
subject you lo a fine of for each day
This July 1910.
J. T. SMITH, Chief of Police.
Application will made to the Gov-
of North Carolina for the par-
don of John Adams and Lam Adams,
convicted at the January term of the
Superior Court Pitt county, of the
crime of burning an unoccupied house
and sentenced to the State prison
a term of two All persons
who of the of
pardon are Invited to forward their
to the Governor without
This July
Subscribe for The Redactor.
s. -i
Completely Renovated and Many New Features.
Opens June 1st.
Delightful Surf Finest Fishing in America, Dan
ring. Tennis. Motoring, Riding. Extremely low Excursion
Rates. Unsurpassed Perfect.
Through Car Service, Winston Salem, via
and Morehead, N.-C.
Write Frank Morton. Mgr. Morehead City. N. C.
for rates and handsome booklet.
A school organized and maintained for one de-
finite men and women
The regular session opens Tues-
day. September 1910.
For and information, address
ROBT. H. WRIGHT. President,
Greenville, North Carolina.
C. T.
At the
Big Store
is where mothers teach their children to go for
Big Bargains in Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods,
Dress Coeds. Notions and Millinery. That
where everybody goes.
He it Try Kim
Hew Man and
man Lot Garden of
Brahma made up his mind to
make the and a man and
man, lie made the world, and ho
made man and then the
man and put them on the island of
According to the account
it the most beautiful island
which man can
birds, such songs, such flowers and
such verdure And the branches of
trees were so arranged that when
the wind swept through them every
tree was a thousand harps.
Brahma when he put them there
said. them have a period of j
courtship, for it is my desire and
will true love should forever
Then they had their courtship,
with the nightingale singing and
the stars shining the flowers
blooming, and they fell in love.
Imagine that pro-
fathers or mothers in law,
no prying and gossiping of neigh-
nobody to say, man,
how do expect to support
of that kind. They were
married by the supreme Brahma,
and he said to here.
You must never leave this
Well, after a little while the man
said. believe I'll look about a lit-
He went to the northern
of the island, where there was a
little narrow neck of land connect-
it with the mainland, and the
devil, who is always playing pranks
with us, produced a mirage, and
when he looked over to the main-
land such hills and vales, such delis
and dales, such mountains crowned
with snow, such cataracts clad in
bows of glory, did he sec then that
he went back and told his
country over there is a thou-
sand times better than this. Let us
like every other
woman that ever lived,
Star on Mara lug Mask to m at.
and retail Grocer and
Furniture dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Cotton Seed. Oil Barrels,
Turkeys, Eggs, Oak Bedsteads,
tresses, etc. Suits, Baby Carriages,
Parlor Suits. Tables,
Lounges Safes, P. and Gail
Ax Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George Ci-
gars, Canned Cherries, Peaches,
Syrup, Jelly, Meat, Flour,
Coffee, Soap, Lye, Magic Food,
Oil Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds Oranges, Apples, Nuts.
Candies, Dried Apples. Peaches.
Prunes, Currants, Glass,
and Crackers,
best Butter, New Royal Sewing Ma-
chines, and numerous other goods
and quantity for cash.
to see
Trains effective
3.45 a. Atlanta,
points West, Jackson-
ville and Florida points,
Hamlet for Charlotte and
11.35 a.
with coaches parlor ear. Con-
with steamer for
ton, Baltimore, New
S. J. Nobles
Nicely furnished, every-
thing clean and a tractive,
working the very best bar-
Second to none in
the state.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J J. G Move
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
in business
of the town- five
in operation and each
idea over by a skilled barber.
Our inviting, razors
ham Our towels clean.
Modern electrical machine for
dry shampoo and La-
dies waited on at their
W Tomb Stones
V Iron Fencing
N. C.
12.05 a. Richmond. Wash-
and New York Pullman slop-
day coaches and cu.-.
Connects at Richmond
O. for Cincinnati and West,
at Washington with Pennsylvania
railroad and O. for
and points west.
p. in For Atlanta, Charlotte.
Wilmington, Birmingham,
and points West. Pallor cars to
COO p. No. for
Henderson Oxford,
6.00 p. Atlanta, Birmingham,
Memphis and points West, Jack-
and all Florida points.
Pullman sleepers. Arrive Atlanta
12.45 p. Richmond 4.20 a.
m. Washington 7.40 a. in., New
York p. m. Pullman sleepers to
Washington and dining car
C. B RYAN, O. P. A.
Portsmouth, Va.
H. D. P. A.
Raleigh; N. C.
well alone. We have all we
want. Let us stay
But lie said, let us So
she followed him, and when they
name to this narrow neck of land ho
took her on his hack like a gentle-
man and carried her over. But the
moment got over they heard a
crash and. looking hack, discovered
this narrow neck of laud had
fallen into the sea. The mirage
had disappeared, and there was
but rocks and sand, and
then the Brahma cursed
them both to the lowest hell.
Then it was that the man spoke.
int.-. hut curse not her. It
was not her fault. It was
The supreme Brahma laid.
will save her. hut not And
then she spoke out of her fullness
of love, out of a heart in which
there was love enough to make all
of her daughters rich in holy
and thou wilt not
spare him, spare neither me. do
not wish to live without I
love Then the supreme
said, will spare you both
watch over you your
Owl a That Show a
In Dark.
We are told by some student
there is a species of owl that has a
phosphorescent glow in the dark
and that it is a rare bird.
There he such a bird, but a
careful investigation on the part of
a number of persons who have made I
things a careful study has re-
vealed the fact that certain owls
and even bats and other creatures
that arc known to roost in old
low trees that are in a certain
of decay, producing that
phosphorescent condition often
witnessed, and coining in
with the matter that Mm
glow, the feathers or coating
the creatures become saturate
with the luminous matter and
damp nights give forth a brilliant
inch as i often seen on
slumps, logs and in
localities on ledges of
that from the hillside.
On number of occasions
writer has known persons to he had-
frightened by coming
upon a mass of what is known
many as fox lire. It is more
seen during the
months, during or shortly after a
shower. The brilliancy of the glow
will depend much on the location,
the temperature, and
much is due to the person's
This same glow is often seen
small animals and a number or in-
sects. The glowworms are quite
common in various sections of the
world, and in MUM localities
have a brilliant glow coining from
beneath their wings. The
or lightning bugs arc the most com-
in the United States.
In some countries certain
growths are to give forth
inch glow, and it has been hinted
that some of the crops harvested
and stored in have the
properties and under certain
produce not only the glow
hut actual flame, resulting in
is known spontaneous
destroying the hams and con-
tents. Record-Herald.
This to
at home.
And find the market
unfavorable for your
produce The farmer
who has a telephone in his home can telephone
first The useless trips thus saved are worth die
cost of service.
Under our plan the service costs but a trifle;
the farmer owns the instrument and the equipment
For information write to our nearest Manager
for or
line Deportment
N. C
Announcements Professional Card
l hereby announce myself a
tor Sheriff Pitt
to the action Democratic
primary. J- MARSHAL COX. Mi
. i. I all t .
. next i John Han-
an Due i s bending,
I hereby announce mi a can-
sheriff county, sub-
to of the Democratic
primary, s. U
A Legend.
In Wales there is a legend o
Irish smugglers who arrived
many years ago in r
boat without rudder or oars.
were looked upon, according to the
Irish custom of sending
tors to a sea doom in this plight, a
outlaws. However, they had beer
allowed to land, a spring o
rater bursting forth in the sand
the place was taken as a sign oil
their right to a refuge. But
ill repaid the Welsh. The mer.
lived smuggling, the women
witchcraft, it was not possible
overcome the smuggle in a fray
for each carried about with him a
black fly tied in a knot of his
chief, and the moment the knot
was undone the fly flew at the eyes
of the opponents and blinded them
If the witches attended
a market and bid for anything
one ventured to bid against them.
led by. J. l
. . .
I to myself to the
of Democratic raters of
county at primaries
County or.
I hereby myself a
for office of of I'm
county, subject to the
W. C. J. U. Clark.
Engineers and Surveyors
. .
S. J.
Dr. twice.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for county treasurer of Pitt
county, to action of the
Democratic primary. W. H. WILSON
While having dinner at a friend's
home one evening little George re-
fused, self conscious dignity,
several unwholesome dishes which
William, hi tiny host, devoured
with relish.
William began to
eat a huge of fruit cake,
George him wistfully for a
long Then, leaning his head
on his hand, with a sigh, ho
dear; wish my stomach
wasn't feeing up
Homo Companion.
el ii Hut
The kidneys cry for help.
Not an organ in the whole body so
Not so Important to health.
Ti kidneys are the or tao
When they fall blood becomes
foul and poisonous.
There be no health where mere
la poisoned blood.
o is one of the
i trouble.
It the kidney's cry for help. Heed
Kidney Pills what la
state licensed eyesight
examined free and
at reasonable price. Have the de-
corrected, Bee totter and be
relieved of many headaches. See him
as follows for
Snow Rill, Wednesday, July
Friday, July at
Hole mount.
lit Hotel
July 80th, of-
Horns Office, Kinston, H. C
wanted. , , ,. .,
Are just what overworked kidneys
strengthen and Invigorate the
kidneys; help them to do their
never tail to any case of
disease. , , .
Mrs. ii. Walnut
N. time I
had not been feeling well and
that my kidneys might be disordered,
m my back van very weak and
or the kidney
were Irregular. My husband got m
a iii of Kidney ant
since using them, my bank baa be-
stronger and my hare
been normal. I am now reeling much
i in every way and therefore am
to recommend Kidney
, Jo by all dealers. Price
emits. Co.,
New solo agents for the United
States. , .
take no other.
A Story.
A teacher to her class a
for the best short love story.
Here is one of the MA pool
man fell in love with a lady
mother was a rich toy dealer. Thai
pool man could not marry the
lady because he had no money. A
villain then offered him if he
would become a drunkard. Tin
poor man needed the money
get married with, so he agreed,
when he got to the beer saloon lit
said, not become a
drunkard, even for groat
On the way home In- found a bag o
gold. So young lady married
him. It was u splendid wedding
is its own
London Mail.
One cf the strangest illustration
of the up downs of fortune
conies Paris. A rich
hanker reduced through
unlucky investments to the sum
francs. That amount, was
poverty to him, and, overwhelmed
by the hopelessness of
the situation, he committed i
The then foil to kit
brother, who had for years a
pauper, estranged from his family.
But to him inch a mm represented
incredible riches, and his
was overthrown. In a moment
delirium he jumped Into the
and was drowned.
I hereby announce a can-
the office of Treasurer
WU county, subject to action
C. T.
i. W. H.
. .
Practice the courts. Office up
Starts building, next
Dr. L-
. . . .
I hereby a
date for of to.
primary the township.
I hereby myself a
date for Greenville town-
ship, to lbs action of tho Dem-
primary, O. A.
DE. R. L.
. St Carolina
Harry H. W. Whedbee.
I hereby announce myself a
rote for of town-
Ship, subject to the action of Dem-
primary. AMOS F. LANG
I here by announce myself a can-
subject to the action of the
prim try.
Greenville, . .
Office In building, on Third
Holland is known to all tin-
world as the land of windmills, bin
few people know that tin
. did not belong to Europe
n the first place, hut
a the Saracens. There is. it it
believed, no instance of a windmill
being used in Europe until
the crusades. In a typical
driven flour mill In Asia Mi-
nor the of the wind
are made of a fabric and the
wind as do the of a sailing
Write, phone or
.;. L CO.,
Your Wants
as they are
for everything
in the Florist's
Phone No.
W. S.
Death of u
The daughter, id n
Mr. and Mrs- f- v-
died Sunday
,. , several weeks. Tho
took place II o'clock
the service conducted
by Rev, J. n. Shore. The Interment
in Cherry Hill cemetery.
at law
Practices where
vices required,
I ally in the counties of
Craven, Jones
Pamlico, and State and
Federal Courts.
Office Broad Street
Phone N. C.
. j, r W. M. Moore,
I, , ; . marriages
the ,
I .; nor Letha
C. It. and

Published by
U. J. Editor.
one year.
Six s.
Ail nay be bud upon
op; at business office in
corner Evans
of t and resolutions
reaped to tor at
cell par word.
m m
be In for President
Taft to come down to North Carolina
again and tell them what a sorry set
they are.,
Mr. Roosevelt has been invited to
take a in an If he ac-
that may be one time he gets
a bump.
will to charged tor at three
per line, up to lines.
Entered the office at Gram-
vine. N. C. u second mail
So many people try to live
rather than by labor,
it harder for the others to
get along.
Back to the farm where you can
make something is bettor than merely
lunging on in town and working for
our table for over a week or more.
Come across. we want to
see what you say.
Sand is an road ma-
What it needs is a
to fill the crevices, and to hold
the grains together in a rigid form
that will resist the of wheels
and it makes the best roads.
The government seems to be
at least wish that the fit
the towns would catch the spirit of
those in Salisbury. The Post Is re-
coming in 12-page and
nine of these pages are filled with
advertisements. The Salisbury mer-
chants show that they believe In
ink. and it pays them.
The story may or may not be
but another one is told giving an ex-
ample of the return of bread cast
a hard time in deriding the upon the waters. It Is that some
is Call In a
few and set samples be-
fore them, and they will decide tine
question in a Short order.
There are large bodies of land in
We have materials for good now
JULY , mo.
Of UM the humbug is
Bandy their toll
pay no dividend.;.
Never judge a man's brains by the
of his hat.
A good road doubles the speed and
quadruples, the load with less
Greenville is to
house the
It is real mean in Sam to
turn against women stenographers.
y may be stamped on a
lace and yet leave a wide mar-
Airship owners are not the only
persons Who indulge in Bights of
and all we need is labor
and skill to make them serve us. in-
of serving them.
It is not in keeping with Raleigh
unless a stir of some kind is going
on in that city. The rumpus is now
i Ugh See
worthless and a burden Jo the owners
yet if properly drained, and reached
by good I would easily be worth
one dollars per acre.
Senator Cummins, of Iowa, is deal-
blows beneath the belt to both Can-
non and Aldrich. He says both arc
Airships on ocean line will not
have to contend with the tops of
Looks like some of the teams of
East Carolina I--ague are about to
go to pieces.
If bad luck continues to strike him.
Count may conclude that the
airship business is not
Everybody is waiting to see what
the sixth judicial convention does
when it meets again,
Yes. the has a bill to
present. And he does not wait for the
first of the month to get on his job.
The Asheville police Judge ruled
Dr. roisters had a per-
If the compliments The Reflector
is receiving on its Improvements
ware dollars, we would have a full
pocket book.
The Raleigh News
red letters come along enough
remind you that Its supply of war
paint has not run out.
The Republicans are having a big
wrangle over who shall be chairman
of their State committee. As usual.
Marlon Butler is taking a big hand In
Sandy roads collect their tolls, yet
pay no dividends. Railroads that pay
she largest dividends me the largest
rails, therefore have hard roads and
level beds.
Notwithstanding toe sixth district
selected a cool place for holding the
was about the holiest,
convention on the list.
A South Carolinian has rigged up
a saw on the rear of automobile
and converted it into a wood sawing
machine, utilizing the engine to drive
The county candidates have plenty
of guesting ahead of them for the
next v. as to there will
ii a prim, or a delegate son-
to make nominations. The
Reflector thinks Che people prefer
the latter.
The people of the should not
leave all the work for chamber of
commerce committee to do in con-
with the good roads
It is the duty of every one to
help make the convention a success.
To argue that prohibition Is a farce
and should be because the
law is not strictly enforced. Is no
more sensible than to say that the
law against murder and larceny
should be repealed because they are
not always enforced.
Mrs. Hetty Green, e richest
an in the world, a f. months ago
had a physical break down that alarm-
ed her relatives and a BOO was sent
for to after her business.
Through this sou tie cause of her
break down hi health has leaked out.
at least he says It was due to the
death of a pet dog. Verily, the rich
do have great troubles.
The sixth district Democrats must
be paving the way for a Republican
years ago a Macon. Ga. man c-
Mended a stranded miner, and after
taking care of him, gave him money
to go on his way. To him the
dent was forgotten until recently,
when the news came to the Georgian
that miner had died in the
dike and left him a fortune of half
a million dollars. The reward may
not come every time In dollars, but it
always pays Io be a friend to the
if you want to see Greenville be-
come the best town in the east, you
should be willing to do your part to
help make It so. This cannot be done
by holding back yourself and letting
the other fellow make all the efforts.
Nor can it be done by malting your
own living out of those around and
then sending your money elsewhere
things from home dealers and
home makers. It is all standing to-
for home advancement and en-
each other in different South in a weak position,
lines of business that makes a town I The Chronicle's illustration is
stow. Bo teller than .-.
The constant changes of rep-
in congress, putting out
one man Just as soon as he becomes
useful to make place for another, has
worked great Injury to this section.
Touching on this the Charlotte
In his speech
in the convention was
correct in his statement that the New
England interests control Cannon
and and through them con-
legislation. Why Is
so simply because the short-sighted
of of In
office does not prevail in
This section has had
men there and has had
to keep them there. In
New not g- ts
it want. gives to
of the country Just v hat pleases to
give it. We have mind an Ii.
stance of southern in the
of Congressman He had
attained a position of and
power In congress, ind the
were at the next session he
would have been made chairman of
the house committee on public build-
and grounds, occupying which
position, he have been able to
North anything asked
for in reason. The retirement of
Congressman Thomas. In whatever
light it may be reviewed, is a blow to
the state and other evidences of the
cause of the Smith's weakness In
congress. This can be said with no
reflection upon the
Io succeed Mr. Thomas. We
are stating a case, and putting in
evidence an instance of the folly of
the rotation idea, which keeps the
behooves the and the . to
gel out of this habit of changing her
representatives every four years or
so. While they can perhaps learn
when and how to vote in that time p
The best plank of the Democratic
platform adopted at State con-
held in Charlotte on Thurs- ls for them to
was its declaration for
time. When a good man is sent
roads Ii. State of North Carolina, j to congress he to be kept
Let Pitt County assume her natural j and the longer he is there the more
position for Democracy on this h will
as In all others. j Times.
If something good for Pitt I
does not come out of the good roads a .
convention to be held in Greenville The Nye memorial committee
the first Monday in August, it will of the
.,. . . i , , chose wisely and well in Sails-
be contrary to indications. People n ,,,. . , A , .,.
Wednesday, when a building a
all parts of the county are talking the Stonewall Jackson Training
good roads as never before, and school was decided upon the form
of them have expressed of memorial. It is precisely such
the Intention of being here at the con- M have
made. A lover of this kind, he would
As Is
Good roads mean progress and
prosperity, a ten fit to the people
who live in the cities, an
to the people who live in the
country, and it will help every sec-
of our vast domain. Good roads
like the streets, make habitation along
them most they enhance
the value of the farm lands,
transportation, add untold wealth to
the producers and consumers of the
country; they are the milestones
marking the advance of civilization;
they economize time, give labor a
lift, and make millions In money;
ac wear and Worry
waste; they beautify the country
bring it in touch with the city-
they aid the social and the religious
and the educational and the
trial progress of the people; they
make better homes and happier hearth
sides; they are the of trade,
the highways of commerce, the mail
of information, and the
of communication; they
mean the economical transportation
of marketable maxi-
mum cost they are the ligaments
that bind the country together In
thrift and Industry and Intelligence
and they promote social
intercourse, prevent intellectual stag-
nation, and Increase the happiness
and the prosperity of our producing
they contribute to the glory
of the country, give employment to
our Idle workmen, distribute the
of products of the
fields and the
energy and husbandry, inculcate love
for our science wonders, make man-
kind better and broader and greater
and Point Enter-
to hear this important mat-
rather that wayward or friendless
to represent that district in congress. discussed b-v prominent speakers boys should receive benefits In his
Possibly the Clark and roads specialists. The than that the stateliest shaft
feel rather than see every he . be Fur-
other win they would let it go to come be day.
Now are waiting to hear
the district whose convention
met again today in
We will be thinking about the next
census by the time all the returns
are In for the last one.
We advocate a conservation of en-
and material. it an
for good roads
Texas Is waging a campaign for
prohibition. Here's hop-
It will succeed.
President Taft wrenched his ankle
while playing and la now
i I h hi id tin
Wonder if Dr. Winston has tome
Special brand of lino chickens that
make his neighbors jealous.
As might have been expected,
kept on until the muddied the
The Eastern Carolina ball league
has wiped out the old and start
over new this week
Durham is getting somewhat
over the existence of frog ponds
In the midst of the city.
The safest way to do Is
to stand on the ground and look at
the other fellow go up.
The Record wants to
know, why not dogs That is
easy to taunt men who
make the laws afraid th men
who own digs.
If Pitt county had good roads, and
all her swamps were properly drain-
ed, be a county in
the . hi country i
pass her In wealth.
Greensboro News says way
Bx a crab Ii to devil him to
mind, if you try it on him sup-
he devil you between
and day.
comes forward with the
i fall.
In the , ion crop it
son ling ,., ,.
,; Hi i comes true.
Two loads are necessary to haul a
cord of wood our a bail road-one
load is all that necessary over
a good ii is saving to the
buyer and to the seller.
Saturday night on the crowded
streets of Charlotte one colored
woman cut another to death with a
pocket knife. This will give a
Jury another chance.
That the book keeper of a Louis-
ville bank could make way with its
entire surplus, said to be
indicates that the other officers of
the institution were not attending to
their business.
Wonder If we have ruffled the es-
teemed Greensboro Record. It has
persistently refused to show up
Republican. That is apt to be the
outcome If a three cornered fight is
carried a finish.
Wherever the committee of the
chamber of commerce go in the cam-
for good roads, they find
growing stronger and stronger
In favor of them. It is rare a
man is found who expresses himself
against them. There Is going to
a large gathering in at tho
good roads convention on the first
-M in August.
The great unrest and numerous
throughout country, does
not sustain the Republican claim of
prosperous times. That protected In-
not paying sufficient
g's for the working man to meet the
high cost of living, shows that
i is wrong, so far
I I benefits the laborer Is a de-
Hero is a minister who appreciates
the At a recent editorial con-
We heartily o mi
. n r
county republicans are boasting
they will General Julian s.
and equipped, the cottage will
cost five thousand dollars or more,
and the public is now asked to con-
tribute to its erection.
How many are there who have not
read Bill Nye with delight and a
lightening of life's burdens He was
other could have written
he offered the following his most human-hearted
save an editor from man. We reckon him
take bis paper and pay for It prompt- the real benefactors of
i , , , , , . malty in his generation. His life.
To save him from bankruptcy ad- . . ,
all too sad In some was
in his paper liberally. To , and
save him from despair send him Items his affection for and
of news of which you can get hold, with tills State were close. Here,
To save him from profanity write ho The
. , . deuces of willingness to contribute to-
your correspondence on one . .
ward any proper memorial have
of the sheet and send it In as Large numbers
early as possible. To save him from of people will deem this opportunity
mistakes, bury him. Dead people are privilege. The Observer, as one
the only ones who never make newspapers designated for the
purpose, will be glad to receive and
More towns die for want of conn- Tho
on tho part or business men recently, has not attended
and lack of public spirit than any of
other muss. When a man h. round-about The nominating
Of a homo or a business location goes always come out strong on it.
e incur with the . So. Of them will accent the
the , , ,,
in this the prospects of the place. d all v ,,.,. M,.
The Record note
a careful student's estimate that Am-
public expenditures.
national. State, city, town and
county, have increased since 1897
from one billion dollars to two and
a half billions. This ls at the rate
of per cent, whereas population
has increased
says our contemporary,
due to the In-
competency of the horde of office-
holders supported by-the taxes of the
people. There is hardly a single gov-
in the country, from Wash-
down, that Is not conducted
upon lines that would bankrupt an or-
business undertaking in six
months. The great weakness is the
large number of
for every other reason save
qualifications to render to the public
proper service. Not a small part of
the Increase in nation-
expenditures, especially since 1901,
ls due to activities of the Federal
government, unjustified, in most ca-
by the constitution, and
cases unwarranted by law.
Unquestionably one of the greatest
factors in our trouble-causing ex-
has been unjustifiable and
excessive public But
what dispensers can be trusted to cut
down pay-rolls Not merely
by turning the Republican party out
thought that
the tax-payer obtain
much relief from the tax-eater. He
must make his wish so plainly
dent that even a Republican congress
at work to build it up,
soon becomes Imbued with the
I goes that way through a long
e until way down at bot-
Carr, the Democratic nominee for lo of the column they win divulge
stakes and goes lo work with the
legislature. Instead of flippant talk
like that, the Durham
could boast or some respectability if
they were to Join Democrats In
rending General Carr to the general
assembly matter of county pride.
In the opening of the Centennial
at New Bern, Monday, there was a
mimic reproduction of the conflict be-
the Indians and early settlers
that was more real than Imaginary.
In the guns used were powder
ed with wads and these being fired at
close range the painfully
wounded several of the participants.
same Interest When, however, he
BOSS to a town where every one ex-
presses doubt and apprehension for
future prosperity of the place,
moping about and Indulging In
mournful complaints, he naturally
reals that it is no place for him, and
he at once shakes the dust off his
feet while he pulls out with all
speed for some other place.
Consequently try and make a live,
enterprising town out of the town in
which you live. When you are work-
for or saying a good thing for
your town you are accomplishing all
more for
The at Washington is being
renovated. It will be further and
really more vitally renovated when
the people return a Democratic major-
newspaper man a little envious when next
It is enough to make the ordinary
man a little envious when
he looks at the Salisbury Post, or to Dispatch.
lie name of Tho Man. It was during
a lull in a Slate convention at
some years ago when Judge
Tyler of Wadesboro,
eyes twinkling with fun. got up
and commenced talking about
He kept at It until he had
the crowd calling out him
Name him your
Then the Judge blankly
haven't any took his
seat to let the Joke soak In. It was
the nearest sell-out a convention
Dr. Henry B. of Brooklyn,
N. Y., married a woman In order to
swindle her out of She got
mad and had It put In the papers. How
different are those Brooklyn women
from North Carolina women who iv
have regular frauds for husbands yet
meekly put up with it so their next
door neighbors can't find It
We often wonder why It Is that
people, if they know any good of
their neighbor, to think it their
duty keep the fact a secret, never
to be divulged until their neighbor
has passed away and Is laid in his
grave, and then to be brought to
light when It can be of no earthly
benefit to him. It is not so with their
faults which all more or less
pleasure In magnifying before tho
public. Many a man has been
driven to the dogs for the want of a
little encouragement and a
of his honest efforts to do
right, are not apprehended by his
follow men. If people would take
one hair of trouble to encourage
others in well doing, that they do to
circulate everything they hear de-
of them world would be
much better and many a man saved
from becoming t criminal. Men whose
good deeds ignored by society
and whose fault is
ally harped upon and magnified.
soon loss care
for society, because society cares
nothing for them. They may know
they do wrong; but If It Is no credit
to do right what encouragement
have they to do better. One half of
the criminals in our Jails and
have been made such. In
all probabilities by fie
of their fellow men, who have always
stood ready to condemn every little
without stopping to Inquire
into the circumstances may have
caused the to do Wrong. We
should put ourselves in our neigh-
place surrounded by the
circumstances, then we would be bet-
able to Judge and not to wait till
they are dead before we could say
something good about
burg Times.
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden vicinity. Ad rates furnished
Ayden. N. C, July 1910. Mr. A. L. Harrington ls giving his
Oats and Hay at I R. Smith house Second street a coat of
paint, which adds much lo Its appear-
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cannon spent
last week at Panacea Springs.
Milk Churns. Preserve Jars. Milk i
Coolers, and Mason's Fruit Jars at
J. R. Smith
You can find almost anything you
want In Shoes. Has, Dry Goods,
Trunks, School Books,
Hardware, Crockery. Lime.
Mr. W. B. Dennis is opening a beef
and fish department in connection
with his barbecue stand, and says
he will sell beef at and fish
per bunch.
Protect your house against the filthy
files and mosquitoes by putting In a
set of the Improved Screen Windows
Capt. Britt and children, of windows. Books Cook Stoves land Doors made by J. It. Smith Mfg.
spent a portion of last
week visiting Mr. H. G. Barton. Capt.
Britt was once conductor on a local
freight on this line and made many
friends who are always glad to see
him. He now has a good position
with the A. C. L. Railroad Co., at
J. F. Paints, Varnish, Ker-
Cites and at J. R. Smith
Mr. HIckerson and daughter, of
Alabama, and Mr. A. W. Ange and
two daughters, were visiting here
Wednesday and Thursday.
Car Cement, Lime, Nails, and Hay,
at J. R. Smith
hereby myself a
date for township constable, subject
to the primary town-
T. Keel.
There was an Ice cream social on
the lawn in front of Mr.
last night for the benefit of
the M. E. church.
Lime Lime Lime barrels
Just R. Smith Co.
Screen Windows and Groceries at J.
R. Smith
Messrs. Ray and Lloyd Turnage,
who have been taking a business
course at Raleigh, returned Thurs-
day night.
j Cook Stoves and repairs for at
J. R. Smith
I Car K Elite and other Fertilizers
. top dressing at J. R Smith
Mr. J. J. Hines attended the
at Greenville Tuesday and said
things looked curious to him.
Install your fans, irons and stoves
will saw your wood, pump your
water and keep you cool, so says the
electric light plant. Give us some-
thing to do and we will give you a
day current.
Now is a good time to advertise in
the Ayden department. Ben R. W.
Mr. W. F. Hart and party, who
have been touring the
ton. Savannah, Jacksonville Tarn
Tuesday night. He
says the Southland Is a great place.
Protect your food from the filthy yet Ayden ls more like home to him
flies and mosquitoes, by Using the j any place he saw.
improved scree. R. A of
Smith Co.
The clock
, j f j
Mr. Butler, of Olive
on hand with a nice hearse at
opened at J. R. j your service at J. R. Smith Mill.
Smith Thursday evening amid a
surging house of merry shoppers. It
stood at 9.55-26. Mr. David M. New-
ell receiving the first and second
prize, n set of decorated
china and a large heavy glass pitcher
Mr. Geo. W. B. Garris received the
third, an elegant butter and preserve
,. i to
sell, or rent houses or laud, or want a
Job for yourself, wife, daughter, I
or sister, or want to employ ;
help, or sell what you
there Is no better medium than Th
W. Smith.
Read the locals of E. Turnage j
Sons. a strong enterprising I
firm and know the Reflector is the j
way to reach the people. ;
Chicken Powders kills
hawks, crows, owls, and minks; best
remedy for cholera, gapes, in- ,
moved his family in W. E.
residence on Main and will
enter school at the Seminary, to
pare for the ministry.
If you need a good open or top Bug-
Wagon or Cart, call on J. R. Smith
Co. Dixon.
Mr. Grover who for
several years has been In the service
of the Southern Express Co., was in
town Thursday.
I hereby announce myself a
date for Township to
the Democratic primary of
township. Ollie Cox.
On or about the 20th of June my
white female rat terrier
dog. strayed from Hotel Blount. Has
a black spot on his is very
smart, and answers to name of
Information leading to
his recovery will rewarded. W
J. R. Smith Co. are installing
and cents counters In their store,
selling granite and tinware
down. Large basins and at
Mrs. A. L. Harrington and children,
of Kinston, are visiting relatives In
Mr. Luther Hart, of Brooklyn, N.
Y., returned Tuesday, to be his
brother-in-law, Mr. J. A. Branch,
who is very sick.
Patterns and at
J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs. Robert Worthington has
spending several days In the country
and returned yesterday.
and Rubber Belting. Black
and Pipe and other mill
fittings at J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs. C. M. Holton is spending
the week with friends in Washington.
See our and cent bargain
R. Smith Co.
Ayden. N. C. July 1910.
Misses Lorena and Lizzie Dixon are
visiting at this week.
We are representing the oldest and
strongest Life and Fire Insurance Co.
in the world. Call us and let us con-
with Loan Trust
Co. Phone
Mr. R. C. Cannon, wife and two
daughters, Miss Blanche and
May, left today the
Lime, Cement, and
building material at J. R. Smith
Our politest bow to the city fathers
for the much needed and substantial
work now in progress on the streets.
buy a good second
hand Jointer and R. Smith
a for
stable to the Democratic That
Mrs. Wilkerson. of is vis-
her brother. Dr. Joseph Dixon.
Lost, strayed, or black
and white spotted fox terrier puppy,
about four months old, has short
tail. Disappear about one week
ago. Reward for Information leading
to recovery. J. Raymond Turnage,
Ayden, N. C.
Mr. L. H. Crawford, of Greenville,
was here Sunday.
The columns of the Ayden Depart-
are open for any legitimate ads.
even campaign. Business solicited,
now is he time to subscribe for the
daily in Pitt W.
Miss Clara Forest is spending the
week at Morehead.
Call us. phone Let us rent your
houses and for you. sell
your personal Property, Land. Stocks,
Bonds, or lend you money on
Loan Insurance
Lime Lime barrels just
R. Smith Co.
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me
digestion leg weakness, keeps
them free from vermin, thereby ; Blount.
lug them to produce an abundance All people want a fair
of eggs. cents a package at J. open and the way to do
I Is through a delegated primary.
At the of Business Juno 80th,
and discounts
Furniture and fixtures 010.59
Cash items 17,455.22
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,311.80
National bank and other
Capital stock t 25,000.00
Surplus fund 15,025.00
Undivided profits, less
ear, and taxes pd.
Deposits sub. to check
The little things ever made are
Dr. King's New Life Mils. Every pill
is a sugar coated globule of health,
that changes weakness into strength,
languor into energy, brain-fag into
mental power; curing Constipation,
Chills, Malaria.
cents at all druggists.
Savings Deposits
Cashier's checKs
I. J. It. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
before this day July,
Notary Public.
wish to call your attention to our new line of fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great care buying this year and we
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Hats, Dress No-
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to furnish you with
and Kitchen Furniture
at the very Cash or Installment.
to us and
HT. J. O. Moore is the proud
of a girl.
Do your trading at J. R. Smith
and get a chance at the valuable
Miss Norms Winter-
spent Sunday in town.
J. J. Harris Co. have Installed a
arts iron sale. They have hope in
the future.
The large commodious prize house
of C. J. Smith Son, is Hearing com-
Car Nails, Barbed Wire, Lime and
Cement J. R. Smith
Miss returned from
the training school Saturday.
Lime. Cement. Hair. Trowels and
Mason R. Smith Co.
The five and ten cent counter at
J. R. Smith seem to be very pop
They sell large dish pans and
gray stain wash pans at lo cents
Sale Several thoroughbred
male pigs. Apply at once
. It, Smith Co.
Commissioner J. J. May and wife.
WM on our dry goods market. Mon-
day. Mr. May tolls us that crops are
making wonderful Improvements.
Poultry Food and Hawk
Killer t J. R.
Call, on us for Flooring Ceiling,
it. Smith Mill.
We regret to learn that con-
of Thud is regard-
ed as very serious.
hereby announce a can-
tor township constable, sub-
lo the action the Democratic
primary of township.
A. L
Sin of Aaron
Mr. Jesse F. Hart is very sick near
Screen Doors made to order or re-
paired on short notice at J. U. Smith
Mrs. L Drown left Monday for
a few days at Beach,
Coal Tar, Roof Paint, at J. R.
Messrs. Willie and Derby Tucker,
of Rod Hanks, spent Sunday in
will repair Tobacco Trucks.
Wagons. Carts and oilier farm
on short notice at J. II.
Mr. Brown, our efficient railroad
agent spent Sunday with his parents
drain cradles and Cultivator Sweeps
at J. K. Smith
Mr. M. Davenport spend-
a days from tho road
his family on Second street.
Sr Text
and the best
merchant are synonymous, and the
poorest advertiser is usually the one
who himself in a court of bank
That is what the Hon. Charles W.
Fairbanks, former Vice President of
the United States, said to the
Clubs of America in his
address at Omaha yesterday. It
is a golden text, the wise conclusion
of a very successful business man, a
man who keeps his wits about him,
who docs not jump at his
but who take life us it men
they are, reasoning from
and experience that the most
successful business men are those who
the faculty of bringing their
business fairly and favorably before
the Every man engaged in
business should have what Mr. Fair-
banks said printed In type and
kepi constantly on his desk as a re-
minder when limes are dull and
customers are away there
a. certain means of bringing them
back and making tilings
Yon Set.
Each of us is responsible not only
for bis also in a
certain degree i of those
about him. Too few of us realize
how much Influence some word or
deed of ours have over another.
We do not stop to think when do
or say something wt ought not
to do or say I someone Is
watching us who is tempted lo do
that very thing and he may think
because we do it i. is the proper
thing to do. How often hear
offered as an well, So-
It. guess ii be
Especially is this responsibility
serious one on the part of men as
regards Influence over young
boys and younger men. The mind of
a boy or a man Is very
of this son. Let the average
be in the company of men who swear
and he will swear, Lei
drinking chewing and smoking about
Dim and he will easily follow the
ample of his elders; naturally, he
gives them credit for having more in-
than lie and for know-
what is light do.
ought repaid this not only
as a responsibility, but also an
opportunity for which to be thank-
for It seems to me nothing can
be liner than to know that we have
beer, instrumental in however a small
degree, In helping to keep the young
and young about us clean
and and healthy minded. It is
a great deal to know that
it would be to know that by ex-
ample and Influence have
some young traveler wrong
on the path of life and he
done wrong or made a fool
himself because he saw us do it. and
it the proper
thing to do.
Some people are forever Worrying
over the conduct of others, not pay-
as much attention to their own
as they might. The to do i.
to worry over what others do,
what we do may Influence
How delicious were the pies of boy-
No pies now ever taste so
What's changed the pies Its yo;
lost r. strong, healthy
vigorous liver, i active
the regular bowels of boyhood. You.
digestion is poor and you blame tin
food. What's A Complete toll-
up by Electric Bitters f all
of Liver, Kidneys,
them. They'll restore
your boyhood appetite and
of food and fairly saturate your
body with new health, strength and
vigor. at all druggists.
In Honor of
Tuesday the
and lovely home of r. d
Mrs. c. Forbes v. is ;. s o.
beauty, love and Joy.
The occasion was a
en to the bridal party out
of town In honor of o .-
kins-Brown marriage
place this evening In Paul's
The guests were re i I on I
arrival at the from door by and
Mrs. and the pal-
by Dr. Mrs. K. i. and
-Misses Glenn and in Po I
Delicious and panel wan
served by Mrs. M. II. and
Mis. Fred bes oh ;
laid elegant porch of this
rue decorations In Lie hall were
potted plants of l-
so arranged as lo
give an exceedingly elect.
The colors in the splendid parlors
were white and green so
delicately blend, d
you felt the Impress
The decorations in the elegant
beautiful dining were hand-
some pink and potted
plants, making the room so lovely
that the guests lingered long to take,
in fully its beauty. The color scheme
was carried out In the delicious re-
which were served so
The hostess, Mrs. Forbes, was
in lavender crepe with Jewel
The Miss
Brown, always lovely, never appealed
more charming than i hi aid
ming, gowned in exquisite
wits trimming
and Princess lace.
Vat out of town
Mrs. John Miss Sail o
Ponder. Miss Alice Johnston Pender,
and Miss Bessie of Tarboro;
Mrs. Paul of Salisbury;
Mrs. J. B. Cherry, of Kingston, s.
Y; Mr. A. E. Jenkins. Mr. Lawrence
Jenkins and Dr. H. C. Mendel son. of
The pleasures of the evening were
very much enhanced by the sweet
music so charmingly given by some
of ladies present.
At a late the charm of the
evening had to he broken and as
each one left, the Impression linger-
ed of one of the most
ever spent by a happy and
joyous bridal
Why Stop J
some of us cease advertising
In July and August and call It
my, i am speaking generally, of
course. Nobody wants fur coats In July
or woolen in August. Nay.
let us urge that nobody may want
much of anything in July and August.
but what a notion that demand
ceases or even sufficiently lo justify
the average advertiser In quitting
i or two at a stretch.
a teamster turn his to
grass when lie comes to a hill Does
ho not walk his horses up hill slowly
Should the advertiser the light In
July and August, or should he con-
to do a Hit Io desultory firing
to is to break up that
cumulative effect which is a primary
inducement lo advertise. It is a gap
In the firing line, a cessation of the
rain of argument, a break III
melody of persuasion, a missing
link, a dropped a lost chapter,
a Sahara of silence because is hot,
. u obituary where a little nursing
have pulled the patient through
a break of two small months in the
life line of publicity, a catting off of
the Hues communication, a
drop of the while the play
Is on, a with that eternal
that advertising is reiteration ever-
lasting, world without
Handsome Building Completed.
Mr. H. has completed
I two-story building on Third
et, on the site where his building
burned In the February lire.
. new building ls much handsomer
the one, and Is a credit to
tho town. It has two splendid suites
offices on each floor, besides some
convenient living rooms on the second
floor. II also has bath rooms and it
la fitted with water and electric light
throughout The tenants begun
moving in the building.
Train beaters, as sell as wife beat-
gee into trouble occasionally.
it's one kind of trouble
sometimes but the nicest
most appropriate thing that we
heard of in a long time took place In
South Carolina a few ago. A
couple of boys runaways, from Spray.
C, went lo sleep a ear of brick
when they awoke tho next morn-
found themselves Che
yard Columbia where th
nick been c d for unloading
We know just how felt, but
we have very little for
pie who beat trains Wives, time
else except mules, boys and
arums, and should bi done
great deal of and consider-
Farmer Knows How lo Charge
One farmer, at playing with
along the national
auto highway between Atlanta and
New York as shown i- the
of Mr. J. E. Kent, of Win-
who made a trip to
Sunday in a. mat .
he correspondent to the
Charlotte Chronicle. Approaching a
stream In Davidson county,
Spencer, ho was told by a far-
standing near the stream that
was perfectly passable and all rig t
ford tho waters With his auto.
a point where water
the bearings, the machine
van out or commission In deep
water. The was forced to
employ the farmer to hitch a big
pair of mules to the auto and pull it
for which the farmer made a
charge. Before leaving
he scene Mr. Kennedy learned that
the same farmer Is at sum
and that he makes h a
to tell that the stream is
passable, doing so in order lo get to
them out of the creek, it is
that he ordinarily
or the Job and that lie makes it COn-
to be near the place th D
am so as get the lee,
located on the national highway
which numerous machines pass
daily It is said that he makes
s big profit of the new Industry
brought about by the prevalence of
Cumulative Advertising.
cannot sell this year's
on the strength of last year's
says a writer iii Fame.
week's announcements will not tell
week's products. The potential-
of advertising In the present,
tho past or which is.
those who depend
loan the cumulative power of pub-
only partly tine. Last year's
last week's and yesterday's advertise-
in a Ural-class dally
per Lave left Impression on the
minds of consumers, the influence of
which Will be felt when today's and
tomorrow's announcements appear.
The potentiality of advertising u in
both the present and the past. Tho
most successful merchants are those
rho lei each day's Investment in
newspaper space, contribute to the
of the
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles hart Cure
is- a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
those nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
I with what X
It trouble,
tho doctors mo I had
trouble. I
tho cam
into my hands, to
try Dr. Miles Cum I
throe now am
not nil.
this medicine did it. I writ- His In
tho hope that it will tract
others who i liter as
Main St.,
Your druggist sells Or. Miles Heart
Cure, end we Authorize him to return
of first bottle If It fella
benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind

Must License.
The a Chance to Express
Their Choice.
of the country which re-
their in
U, guise perfumes, essences med-
or drags, have been delivered
a body blow by of In-
Revenue who gave
the Other CM a more
tar ma be
by drug after he
government is
These preparations,
man. well known, wen examined W
of the Depart-
and held to be
medicated render them for
use as a beverage, or to lake
mt of the class
Treasury Department officials mid
they many
preparation, were concocted
fr male la
the prohibition Ian I h
to obtain legally .
I, U that are 40-,
MO druggist. In the
few mare than half Whom lay ,
tax, permits
them to sell the preparations
Other stores to
vend these
quired to pay the tax and the United
states Treasury will b. ed
Secretary has an
order fixing a medication
to govern the chemists of the Inter-
revenue bureau in on
question of the amount alcohol MM
may be la medical
in the future, to may
come within tie requirements law.
Alcohol will be permitted only to the
amount necessary to hold in
all medicine used to extract
or preserve the same. Each
scribed dose of mixture must con-
a normal dose tor an adult of
drugs or medicine of recognized
I nonce a I the county
committee as to whether
re shall I-ave u primary for the
of candidates for county
rs and the or a COll-
Why not a primary Are the can-
or some of their friends so
I raid of the that they
ire unwilling to their for-
tunes to them in a primary, rather
a convention of a few
delegate from each township
t Is a government the
people, by the let all the
have B chance to express their
choice at the primary
It very in this day of
to pack a convention with a
friends; but In the
primary every voter has a chance
gay who he prefers. So give us the
primary, then we all voice our
Z. T.
Is In linking
This kind.
I Hanging in front of the store of J.
L. Starkey is a ham that
the attention of all
ham weighs .
, d the price asked for it is The
hog out of which this ham was taken
weighed pounds gross, or about
North Carolina. Pitt the
Superior Court, before D. C. Moore.
J. S. Rasberry.
R. C. Mi Cotter.
By Virtue of a decree of the
attracts w .
r This Court of Pitt County, made by
passers. Tins , nor u m
just pounds MM cause on the 8th day
of June the undersigned com-
missioner. F. C. Harding, will, on Mon-
, the 18th day of July. 1910. at
o'clock noon, expose to public sale,
pounds and at the the court house door Oren-
rent selling price
have been worth i
calculated to I the highest bidder, for cash.
When folks the following described lot or par-
been worth w. wind singed in the town of
can raise hogs of this kind it N c on the south
there should be money in them. of street, adjoining
. . . on one side and
WILL n. y.
What Mr. C. at Jones does not
know ah. goods, few people know.
He has i. Id years of experience as a
and for the last four
rears Las been 0.1 the road a
traveling representing
wholesale notion and dry goods
lot of A. h. Jackson on one side
the lot of Damon and Gardner on
the other, and beginning at A. L.
Jackson on the south side
street adjoining the lot of A. L. Jack-
son on one side and the lot of Dawson
and Gardner on the other, and begin-
at A. L. Jackson's corner on
Queen street and runs with his line
to the canal thence up the canal to
Dawson and Gardner's line, thence
with Dawson and Gardner's line to
Queen Street, thence with Queen
street test to the beginning, and
being the brick store and lot owned
by J C. Rasberry and R. C.
This sale is to be made for the
pose of making partition between J.
., of Norfolk and Wilmington., c. Rasberry and R. C. ton-
these tents to common. .
the day of Jane,
Of The
she Method.
The indifference of he South to the
value of the split-log road drug Is lie-
understanding. is no
an experiment it is and con-
our only avail-,
able means of good roads
and yet we ignore it almost completely.
We must generations depend on
dirt throughout the greater part
of the South. Hard s roads are
better, but too expansive. In most sec-
for many years to come. In the
split-log drag we have a simple means
Of maintaining our dirt roads in good
condition at a trifling expense, after .
they have been drained, and yet we
refuse to avail ourselves of this proved j
method. Some have explained that
the reason is. that the drag is too
simple, is a fact that one can
appreciate its value who has not N
it used, but II does that
we should learn e If the
split-log drag were nil experiment,
there might be some reason In the
failure or our road authorities to be-
gin use. but when any method has
been proved the best known, by years
of extensive trial the failure to adopt
it. by those having the care or our
roads, is simply Inexcusable stupidity
Raleigh CM
and Gazette,
. and his ambition -an
ever publish a newspaper Recently Mr. Jones secured a pass-
If should be as happy the .,,, a Now York house that is
man who has just escaped a bill col- , with his ambition, and he
still there is some con- ., work for that I to
for the editor. He gets I of His line will be
more good advice about how to Imported laces and cm-
Ms business than all other business and his territory will he
men combined. Ho is often told to he of North Carolina. H.
write Mr. So-and-so. to in his new work.
some grafter, to venture where an-
fear to tread-reveal the mys-
of and perform
feats. , . ., , Col-
are not the duties a new, is an
paper. A is a
institution, as much so as any dry o
goods store, a grocery store or ha. to see
It mm any He
can its neighbor merchant value and he
in Suppose a g
Mr. son too freely MM KW
i and proceeds to take h t . . ,.
the town; upon whom does u, so; . . inside
duty fall to bring this unruly so to he make
justice Not the Who Tho
must say Bill ought to be
kicked death by a h
call him a hell hound a man m
a a drunkard a jackal, a M he Interview D,
a hyena, a viper Why aw. he a
the newspaper, of course. It would J. gentleman. Dr. Logan
do for the merchant or
do this, they might lose the u
port of Bill's father who I a the story short, it was
wealthy and influential man. Yes. To
the newspaper must perform this , Mrs
perilous duty. The Mr. ,. A. Gray.
has nothing to lose and if he gets was W
he ha. a pass port to heave. ft
s r
If ho sins of your neighbor keep you M
awake nights, go to a higher pow- .
with your troubles, or look
Having this day qualified before D.
C. Moore, clerk of the superior court
of Pitt as administrator or the
estate or D. Gardner, deceased. All
persons are indebted to said estate are
hereby notified that they are required
o make Immediate with
he undersigned administrator, and all
poisons holding claims against said
estate notified to their
claims With said within
one year from the date hereof, or this
notice will plead In bar of recovery
in said claims.
This the 8th day of July. 1910.
of D. O. Gardner.
No man, however wealthy he be should be
without a READY CASH RESERVE for some
business stroke which may yield
fortune. , ,
No business is a profitable business
which a man may not draw out some money
and bank it.
Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank.
We pay interest at per cent, on time
The undersigned having duly
before the Superior Court Clerk
of Pitt county as executors of the last
will and testament of John King, de-
ceased, notice is hereby given to all
person indebted to the estate to
make Immediate payment to the
and all persons having any
claims against the estate are notified
that they must present the same to
the undersigned for payment on or
before the day of July, 1911. or
this notice will be plead In bar of
This day of July. 1910-
Executors of John King.
Catawba College and Prep. School
N. C.
At the close of business, June
a different pair glasses and per-
haps Will see no sins.
In a speech the New York
Press Club Henry gives the
quill pushers this Lit timely advice
city editor con-
sider himself a chief of police.
the .-porter. de-
with the law.
should assume the accused Innocent i .
until proven guilty, j the ea
friend, not the enemy, of tho general
The Lynchburg News tells of an in-
in tho career of Senator Daniel
that shows the absolute integrity of
e man. and at the same time ex-
the insidious methods of those
who thrive in the corruption of pub-
Having qualified administrator
of deceased, late of
put county. North Carolina, this is
to notify all parsons having claims
against the estate Of said deceased to
exhibit them m the undersigned on,
or before July Ml, or this notice
will be plead in their recovery.
I AH persons Indebted to said estate
will please make Immediate payment.
W. W. Administrator.
This the day July. 1910.
F G. James A Son. Attorneys.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures
Due from banks and
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin. Including all
minor currency
National bank notes and
other II. note
Capital stock paid in
Undivided profits, less cur.
ex. and taxes paid
Time of deposit
300.00 Deposits subject to check
Cashier's checks
N. C. July 1910.
Miss Langston cams home
from the E. C. T. T S. Saturday
night. Miss Myrtle Koonce, cf
ton, accompanied her.
Misses Georgia and Lon Johnston
from South Carolina, spent
with their cousin, Mrs.
Misses Maria and Julia
James, of the E. C. T. T. S. visited
Miss Bessie of Green-
ville, spent from Saturday
Monday With her sister. Mrs. Char.
Messrs. Jack and Frank Taylor, I
Walter Martin, and Arthur
Barnhill. of spent
day night with Herman
Miss Corey, of Greenville,
visited the Dall Saturday night
Miss is very sick.
Mr. Ernest Langston went to Gold
Point Saturday.
Miss Is visiting
Mr. Oscar has gone to
Misses Verna and Stella Buck, or
are spending some time at
Mr. E. HI
s Halting Better
The Atlantic Coast Line just
completed considerable Improvements
to Us passenger a here.
feet been added to
on the end I
the waiting rooms have been
I. r, d toilet rooms for both
During the earlier years of Major
Daniels In the he re-
a letter from a Certain steel
doing business in the
North, enclosing a check for
and asking him to accept the same as
retainer tee for legal services in be-
half of that concern. At that time
it is said tho Wilson bill was In
and at that time also Sen-
Daniel was on a committee by
which the iron and Steel schedule was
to be formulated. At any rate he was
a conspicuous and influential on
the Democratic side of the Senate.
Major Daniel replied by returning the
check and stating that In view of
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pit county
as of estate o.
E. Jackson, deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons indebted to
the estate to make Immediate pay-
to the undersigned; and all per-
sons having claims against said
are notified to present the same
the undersigned for payment on or
before the day or July. 1911, or
this notice will be plead In bar of
Tills -i.-t of July, 1910.
Carrie A. Jackson.
s of G. E. Jackson.
State of Carolina, county of Pitt. Ml
I W E cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
statement is true to the best of my 00.11
Subscribed and sworn to
My commission expires July 18.1910.
lo larger, aim w
,., to end colored have been provided i of tariff legislation which
T the t agent has of course deal with the iron and
been made more schedule, he deemed It
Taken all around, the changes have ,,, his as a public man.
made a timely Improvement.
Coast Line Railroad.
When the stomach tails to perform
Its functions, the bowels become de-
ranged, the liver and the kidneys con-
causing numerous diseases.
The stomach and liver must re-
stored to a healthy condition,
Stomach and Liver Tablets
can be depended upon to do It Easy
to take and most effective. Sold by
all druggists.
Overman Deported.
Senator Overman yesterday re-
his commission from
dent Tail as envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary a
of the United States govern-
to Mexico upon the occasion of
be latter country's celebration of
the hundredth of Its ex-
as a republic. The
will be in progress from the 7th
to the 21st or September and Senator
Overman will leave for Mexico
City with the five other
of this government early I
the Post.
l desire to ice to friends and
the public, I Will he at the Cum
warehouse the coming season. I want
station as a ,,,.,,. for their former
and out of with the duty , hope to have your sup-
owed his constituent to assume ., co-operation In the
or I as proposed. promising you that every pile of
Daniel should have . . ,
That Major
thus proceeded will provoke no
of surprise In Virginia, or fade -d
In any part of tho country. His res-
to the Insidious approach or
,,;. was simply like Daniel,
simply Daniel's and-
integrity expressing itself In
fact. Some men might be lauded for
thing of this not Daniel.
Daniel would probably resent
thus as the knight
rant of old would have spurned com-
your tobacco shall have my personal
intention, and every effort to
please you. Come, lets make the Gum
headquarters for the farmers.
Having qualified as administrator
of J E. deceased, late of
ton, N. C, this is to all persons
having claims against the estate of the
said deceased, to exhibit them to the
undersigned, within twelve months
rant . from this date, or this notice will be
for not lowering his I pleaded in bar their recovery,
when tile demands chivalry required All persons Indebted estate
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston, Effective April 1st,
p. m.
p. m
For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
W. J. V T. M. T. C. WHITE, G. f. A.
Of Founds Letter to
Richmond Major.
A distracted Tar-heel man ad-
dressed the letter, verbatim
et to Mayor Richardson, of
To mayer of the town dear sir
you to look out for my wife and
my away from Rocky n. c. on
April 1910 he was running as
newsboy from Richmond Va to
n. c. lbs black
hair black eyes dark complexion
built clean shave about feet
and a half
wife ways about pounds
built drupe lite com-
hair yellow brown eyes
age Pall Complexion She wore off
a lite tennis tan coat arrest my
wife and me With kind re-
National Contractor and
MR. Mil
Neck People Closely
to Him.
Genuine regret throughout our
community and county is felt and
expressed at the contemplated re-
move on August 1st, of Mr. Albion
Dunn to Greenville. Neck
and Halifax county in his removal
lose one of its most valuable and
prominent citizens.
Less than twenty-eight years of
age, he stands in the front rank
the Halifax bar. a bar noted through-
out the Slate for its character and
We doubt if any in
the State his ago has so large a
and has attained such marked
success In his profession.
Highly educated, a hard worker, a
close student, an eloquent and force-
speaker, possessing the
of character, courage and
that everywhere command
and respect, and withal a fine
presence, no man is more splendidly
equipped for the good citizen and.
strong lawyer.
Never turning Ms back friend
or foe. firm in conviction, having
both the courage and faculty its
expression, his forceful personality
will Impress Itself upon any
He has succeeded here; he will
succeed there. To the people
Greenville and Pitt county we com-
mend with assurance. To them
we extend our to
him. our best Neck
Most every county in North
has been convinced of the import-
and utility of good roads but
haw appeared to confused as
to the most economical and practical
way of raising funds for constructing
modern highways. Some the
ties have voted down bonds
and levied direct taxes good
roads instead taking the bond route
which makes it less burdensome for
today. Some our
ties are doing nothing In the way or
building good roads rather than issue
North Carolina had such a sad ex-
with bond issues during the
Reconstruction orgies that the
of a bond issue has ever since
been a nightmare to them. However,
hundreds thousands of dollars have
been voted in North Carolina during
the past twelve months for good roads
and municipal improvements, for the
people are beginning to realize that
the most economical way and the
most practical plan for inaugurating
improvements of a permanent nature
Is by the Issue of bonds running long
enough to place some of the burden
on one or more generations who are
to come after us and get as much or
more benefit out of the improvements
than does the present tax-paying gen-
A direct tax puts the burden
altogether on the taxpayers of today,
while a bond issue places a portion
of the burden or posterity which also
shares in the benefits all permanent
Improvements. Neither does the direct
tax produce sufficient revenue to
permanent improvements on
a scale of much consequence, whereas,
a bond issue justifies worthy under-
takings instead of a piddling efforts
which only can be made by means or
The more you cat
the better your health
will be.
with athletes
show Quaker Oats
to be the greatest
strength maker.
d in In
tin. bat St
Local Scents, Training School,
TALCUM POWDER-A Variety of Brands
Complimentary to Misses
or train, automobile or buggy may
cause cuts, bruises abrasions, sprains,
or wounds that demand Ar-
Quick relief and prompt cure results.
For burns, boils, sores all kinds,
eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore
eyes or corns, its supreme. Barest
pile cure. At all druggists.
On Friday evening Mr. Ernest
gave a most delightful
moonlight sail on the Rio
complimentary to Miss Minnie Car-
and her guests, Misses Delia
Johnston Winston aid Essie Which-
ard or Greenville. The young
assembled at Spruill Wharf and
left Plymouth about eight o'clock.
The night was ideal ii keeping with
the merry passengers on board. After
a long ride on Sound the
party declaring the evening
most spent.
Those present were Misses Minnie
and Delia Johnston, of
or Green-
Clara Hampton, Chesson,
Louise Ayers, Margie
Bottle Ayers and Nona and
Messrs. Ernest Julian
Heel. Convoy Mow-
man. Luther Robert Johnston.
Willie Hilliard and
Just The Times.
Of course you have noticed, in re-
cent years, that the young women
seen on the streets, walk faster than
they used to. In the old days I
seemed to be undignified for a woman
to be moving at a fast gait, but
It is all changed and now most or
them simply down the to
the envy or a good many men who
would be put to it to keep up with
them. It is seldom you see a woman
slowly along the street. If
you do so young
Is always accompanied by a
slowly along there Is apt
slowly along the is apt to be
thing they are a courting
sure pop. Make a few observations
and you will see that we are right.
Greensboro Record.
TOILET SOAPS--A Big Stock and Big Assort-
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, June 1910.
of the muscles, whether
induced by violent exercise or injury,
is relieved by the fun
cation or Chamberlain's Liniment
This liniment is equally valuable
muscular rheumatism, and always at-
lords quick relief Sold by all drug-
Loans Discounts,
Overdrafts sec. and d
and Fixtures.
Due from Banks
Silver coin, including all j
minor coin currency y
National k total I
r U. S notes
I Undivided profits, less ex.
a. d paid
., Notes and
Time of Deposit
Sub. to
In Bet
I H. Cashier of the tank, do
swear that the shove
knowledge and belief,
-bed and sworn to be
fine nu this 7th day of
S. T.
Notary Public
The world's most successful
cine for bowel complaints is
Colic. Cholera and
Remedy. It has relieved more pain
and saved more
than any other medicine in use. In-
valuable for children and adults.
by all druggists.
and of
City Clerk Patterson showed an old
record book yesterday tho town of
New Bern, In which the Brat record
was made November 17th,. 1733. or
nearly years ago. It la a book
which the leases of town lots
recorded and the records In this book
continue for about years.
In part of the book is a record
i he assessments and taxes due for
the year and tills is worthy of
much study and by careful analysis
very much light would be thrown
upon conditions at that time.
of the deductions to be made are re-
ally quite Startling, as the total
valuation being pounds or
about the tax levied
was pounds, or showing
a very low per cent, of taxation com-
pared with the present day.
A very curious thing Is that In the
entire tax list there are but names
It would seem that the property or
the city must have been held In a
very Tew hands, and the amount put
down to many of names Is very
large. It is also that a great
part of these names are still to be
found among the well known people
of this city today.
The person having largest
or property In was John
Wright This was
pounds, or about Consider-
the value or money than, that Is
its power, this would be
today to probably three mil-
lions This was will nigh
wealth in those days. On
this Mr. paid a In
Oats Make Many Bushels.
Threshing Completed.
The completion of his threshing for
1910 found General Carr with
bushels of rye, of oats and
of barley.
last year beat all rec-
threshing. General Can-
caused to be made into Peerless flour,
about 5.000 bushels of wheat
near bushels to the acre. This
year there are about bushels of
mixed crop, oats, barley and rye. Tills
is his best and he goes to the
this fall with as good claim to
representing the farmer as any man
there. The Chief trouble will be that
his farm is so much better than most
people's that it Is really
The general expects also to have
about 1,500 barrels or corn, a crop
that is guaranteed to put
pellagra lo the Herald.
Sew Telephone Subscribers.
For the of those subscribers
who failed to insert on the supple-
of the directory tie new
as published, we are again re-
Crank, residence.
Mrs. U.
W. c residence
292-F North, M. residence.
G. A. residence.
A. H. residence.
Brown, Z. W. market.
R. W. residence.
Henderson, U-- In honor
Helen of
Hiss mod
,;,. mi evening,
being about one hundred guests
present, for the occasion the j
; the hostess was
,. throughout with palms and cut
Bowers, while a number of Japanese
lanterns hung out on the
shedding a subdued light on the
happy party of young people gain-
, between RALEIGH, M. O, and Norfolk, Va.,
During the evening a number
the guests engaged in dancing, while j beginning
Norfolk Southern ii R,
Pullman Sleeping Car Service
were out on the lawn.
cal sleeping car line between Mid Norfolk, via Wilson.
Receiving the guests at the . and Washing n. without change.
were the hostess, With Mr. Goo. Coop-
of honor with Hi
Read Down
Ed. Shaw.
The guest of honor was handsomely
attired In white lace over green satin,
While the hostess wore white chiffon
over white satin. I . n
During the evening delicious re-
consisting of Ices, cake
Otter delicacies were
the lawn. The occasion throughout
was d happy one for all fie young HOC
Read Up
; Sunday
News and I
Meeting l Held Witt
Thai In View.
There la to he a meeting next
Thursday In to discuss the
plans for draining Little
creek that runs
township. There are large bodies of
valuable land lying along creek
can be reclaimed by proper
and we hope that meeting to he
held Will set plans on foot that
result in this.
The same thing can be said of
Swift Creek and creek In
other sections of the county. To
drain these the
of lands worth hundreds or thou-
sands dollars. In there are
enough In Pitt county
that would, If drained, support a
twice large as we now have.
In Which
pear la Court
Asheville. X. C, July
T. Winston. the A. and
M. college and the University or North
Carolina, who retired upon a
from the Carnegie fund, and is
his home here, was arrested this
afternoon upon a warrant sworn out
by Stanley a neighbor, upon
the charge he is allowing bis
chickens to trespass Mr. How-
Mr. Rowland, is
of Hetty Green, and with bis father
has lived hen tor many years, being
In Asheville and Cast Ten-
The case is one the most humor-
,,. ever here. It is said tint
Mr, Howland has a tenant, Mr,
Lean, who Is not in very good health.
and that the crowing of Dr.
roosters in the morning
The doctor's have been
running out times at his place and
sometimes cross over the line to
the Howland property.
The case will be heard before Judge
tomorrow morning. Raleigh
News Observer.
Something Thai
a m.
, I ,
Hen- S. A L. Ar
R. s. and P.
Union Station Ar
Wilmington, vii Wilson
New Bern, via Goldsboro
Kinston, via
H a. m.
NORFOLK, far. Avenue
p. m y
J conn, c ion made at Norfolk with all New Bern via
makes direct connection at
e; with S Ky. to
Teething have more or loss
which can be controlled by
giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera.
and Remedy. All
necessary in to give the l
dose after each operation or the bow-
els more than natural and then
oil to cleanse the system. It l sale
and sure. Bold by all
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
gently stimulate tho liver and
bowels to expel poisonous matter.
Its service. Indeed Senator Daniel re
the matter as of little Import-
save as being symptomatic of a
grave national
All . m.
will please make immediate payment.
This 23rd day of June, 1910.
p Q. James Son.
bowels to expel poisonous .,. ,,
the system, cure constipation. SI
and sick headache. by all drug- v. Johnston's
Men make up their minds,
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work,
Roofing. Tin Shop Up Work, I J JENKINS,
Tobacco Flues in Season,
build up their faces.
For the week ending 10th, the
Tradesman reports the fol-
lowing new industries established In
lumber company.
mining company.
I ion company.
Wilmington- paint company
Internal and
in Saddle,
The man who wrestles with the cow
and teaches the calves to such, who
casts the corn before the swine, is
now in the greatest luck, for butter's
the upper higher
than a kite, pork Is up the
seals and beef Is out of sight;
be gathers every day from Po-
land china coop are almost worth
their weight ill gold and are in
the soul. His corn brings him a
fancy price, it's every day and
and he rakes In all kinds of men for
B half loud of hay. The farmer is
In the saddle and when lie comes lo
town, the rest of us by right should
go way back and all
dig or edit a paper, ring an
auction bell or write tunny things
yon must work. If you look around
will see men v ho are the most
able to live the rest of their days with-
out work are the who work the
Don't be afraid of Killing yourself
with overwork. It is beyond your
of i die res, but H
Is because they work o p. m.
and don I gel home until a. in. It h-
the Interval Una my son.
work gives you an for your
meals; II lends to your slum-j
II gives a and grate-
appreciation a holiday.
There are young men who do not
work, bit the world is not proud of
them. It does not know their names
even; it simply speaks of them as
them; the world doesn't
know that they are So
out what you want lo do. take oil
your and make a dust In the
world. The busier VOl are the
harm you will be apt t gel Into, the
sweeter will your sleep, the bright-
and your holidays and the
bettor satisfied the world will with
For complete Information, or for reservation T
c II Greenville, C, B. Myers, N. v. T. h.
Now Bern N. C.
L C. W.
Norfolk, Virginia.
S i an
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Not Quite I
Id. w.
Cm, .-. t
Since the chapter of Royal Arch
Masons has resumed work in new
quarters much interest has hi.
awakened in it. Six candidates were
given the degree at a meeting
held Wednesday night.
, , with us.
What will the politicians do when
of the wire are put underground
Get a
Poor a few drops from the bottle
Into the inhaler that comes with each
outfit, and breathe it in or
Immediately you will know
soothes heals the inflamed
mid Irritated
Hut does more than
and it kills the germs, those per-
severing are the root
all conditions.
Last year suffered terribly with
I used one bottle or
and my catarrh was
Helen Cal.
A complete out lit. Including
a bottle a hard rubber
pocket Inhaler and simple directions
for use, costs only 1.00. you now
own a inhaler, you can get
bottle of for only M
cents at Coward ti
to cure catarrh, croup,
sore throat, or money
And Provisions
, a
; w How often you can b
nail or driver or
IT K Have a
T tool box and he prepared
OS our line of tools
vS we will that your tool
V v
useful article.
Fresh kept ton-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W. Harden I
North Carol In n
I Of
You get
Horse Goods c
J. P.
. .

In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Winterville ind Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
. v
Winterville, N. C. July 1910.1 and Mrs. of
Mrs. Baal . of Greenville, is MOW in Saturday to spend Sun-j BEAVER DAM ITEMS.
ins L. L. friends In town. j
Land Plaster for are buy mm,
Barber Co. Winterville. N C
A CM of Dry Goods and Notions
Just Better buy while Cheap
A. Ange Co.
F. A. Edmondson returned from
art now position to do
grinding every day and general repair
work Harrington. Barber
A lot of Matting just
v. Ange A Co.
Messrs. F. Stokes and I. C.
Moore, of Greenville, were town
Mr. Ed. Worthington has sent us a
large weighing eight pounds.
A nice sis key Soda Fountain for
sale.-R. D.
How is your soul Let us
show you our new lot of Shoes.
Harrington. Barber
Prof. F. C. Nye returned
from a trip on road In the in-
be Co.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Johnston, of
Kinston, came In Sunday to visit rel-
For nice, fresh, corned Herrings.
A. Ange Co., Winterville.
N. C.
We call your attention to our new
line of W.
The is the kind you
need. See W. Ange Co.
U earn. Ernest Cox and J. L. Roll-
went home Sunday
Just nice lot if
and Children's
Barber Co.
For cold drinks of all kinds, call
at H. L. Johnson's
For nice, fresh Fish, tee R. D.
on Tuesdays, Thursdays aid
Miss Laura Cox left Tuesday for a
visit In Ahoskie.
For Spring Dress Goods.
Embroidery and Laces see
Store Broken
Some Very Old People.
We have put on assortment of Justs Barber
Patterns for all
Barber Co.
Mrs. A. Ange, Mrs. Wesson and
Miss H lock to
We Needles, Bobbins, and
for any Sewing Machine
the country. Also needle threaders,
the icy thing tor affected eyes or
dark a Harrington, Barber Co.
Fresh Coin Herrings at
ton, Barber Co.
A new of Lamps just
Barber Co.
Mr. F. A. our efficient
yest wand
forehead. Watch him. and see who
he back.
Saw ago, and PI a, r head
Mr. P. A. return, d Mon-
day from a visit in CRy,
iii with him a pair of brown arms.
We are a nice line of
and caskets. Prices are right and
can furnish nice hearse service.
Cox Mfg. Co.
Mr. Eugene of
visit Monday.
Pitt School
u . by The A. O. Cos Mn-
i g Company ore com-
neat and durable Terms
are liberal. When In the market,
i to see us. we have the desk for
Crawford returned Mon-
day after spending a week at More-
W. Johnson stand
F. C. Nye left Thursday for
a on the road.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are in
to give you the Tobacco
Trucks and for your y.
They have made extensive
tor manufacture this sea-
son and can till your orders prompt-
Mr. Ernest returned
day from a visit to
Car load of Top Dressing for Cot-
ton just arrived. A. W. Ange Co.
Winterville N. C.
Mr. J. L. Jackson, of Greenville,
was our town yesterday.
You will never regret when you
purchase a Buggy,
by a. G Cox Manufacturing
Co. Winterville. N. C.
Miss Alma Cannon, of Ayden, la
visiting henry Corey's.
Let us frame that picture for you.
Any W. Ange Co.
Mr. it. if. went to Green-
ville yesterday.
The A. G. Cox -Manufacturing Co.
are rendering good service in the
business. Coffins and
cheap with excellent hearse Ber-
Mr. E. E. Cox returned home today
after a lung to Seven Springs.
Field Peas and Peanuts for sale by
A. W. Ange Co. N. C.
Miss Olivia G. Cox, who has been
with the . . Friend Oxford
for the I came In to-
day on a
To reduce our Stock before
we will offer for a limited time,
cheap, for ginghams,
Calico, Dress Goods, S
to Suiting, Percales,
to Cc; Motor Cloth.
Waist Goods, Lawn, Bo;
Mohair Wool
to So; Table Peaches,
Pie Peaches. Shirts.
Shins, Call and see what we
W. Ange Co.
Winterville. N. July
Mrs. Maggie Butt, who has been i.
lending the summer school at
came In Saturday.
Before buying, see my line of Post
L. Johnson.
Misses and Mamie
Went to Greenville Saturday.
Bring your wheat to Winterville
flour Barber Co .
Winterville. N. C.
Miss Kittrell returned Bat-
from a visit to Ayden and More.
head City. She told the reporter h
was going to Ayden and
Wise people change their
Matting and Oil Cloth, for
Buy some, cover It
Barber Co.
Mr. Sidney Carr. of Willow, Green,
was in town Saturday.
Leave your orders for Ice at H, L.
Johnson's. Will be delivered any
where in town.
Mrs. W. M. who has been
attending the summer school at Green
spent Saturday and Sunday with
her mother, Mrs. E. E. Cox.
We . agents for the M
and Mowers and Rakes.
y. i Sons Co.
Mr. Alien Cannon, of Ayden, was
pleasant caller In town las; night
How Hap Press that yon
have been needing We have
i e both mounted and
Turnage ii Sons Co.
Mr. P. A. cashier, and
C. T. Cox, cashier-elect, went
Ayden yesterday.
We are position to name you
prices and make satisfactory terms
on Gasoline Engines. Only the best
sold by Turnage Sons Co.
Mr. A. G. Cox went to
Your hay will need bailing this fall.
Don't delay buying a press till it will
be too hue. See us at
Sons Co.
Misses Mamie and Dora Cox left
Monday for a visit in
A vertical lift mower
and a self dump rake are practical
labor savers. We can supply you
with Turnage Sons Co.
Mrs. Short, of Ahoskie, is visiting
Mr. and R. H.
Mrs. Bryan Fox left. Monday
for her norm at
Beaver Dam. N. C. July 1910.
Wilson Joyner's store was broken
into on Saturday night and about
worth of goods taken.
Arthur, the capital of Beaver Dam.
is booming. The fourth store is now
going up and will have a stock of
goods in it by the fall.
Messrs. G. T. Tyson, Robert
Arthur and Mark Smith each have an
acre in fine corn. Their dads are
jealous of the boys in their good farm-
Beaver Dam has her ancient
Clement Allen has passed his
90th mile post in life. Alfred
has years behind hint. Rachel No-
colored, has rounded out
Uncle Tommy Little is young at
Mrs. Allie Joyner carries her years
well, and Betty Pollard is still active
at So you see the water is line
and sunshine bright out this way.
Mr. J. Cobb is leading the
farmers in this section on peanuts.
Democrats In Beaver Dam favor a
delegated primary, and no one has an
to grind.
N. c July
Miss Susie Edwards, of Snow Hill,
is spending some lime with Miss Earl
Mr. R. M. Elks is all smiles today-
its a boy.
Messrs. J. O. Proctor and W. S.
spent Sunday In Norfolk.
The many friends of Mr. J. H. Clark
will regret to learn he Is very
ill in John Hopkins Hospital,
more. Is to he hoped he will soon
be on the road toward recovery.
Messrs. H. A. While and C. M.
Jones, of Greenville, were with us a
short while today.
The new residence of Mr, w. E.
Proctor will soon be completed and
it will be a beautiful home.
The supply Company
have moved in their new store Which
was built In the place of the one lost
i by fire.
Mrs J. II. Dixon. of Burlington, is
visiting Mrs. J. L. Gibson.
Mrs. J. spent Monday In
Greenville attending the funeral of
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Johnston's little
Nebraska Slate Against
by Large Majority.
By Wire to The Reflector.
Grand Island, Neb., July
Jennings Bryan, the Dem-
Candidate for the presidency,
was overwhelmingly defeated In the
convention early this morning,
when by a vote of ii IDS
gab rejected his county option plank,
The defeat of Mr. Bryan was
ally In that it was his former friends
and supporters who wrested the lead
from him when they
ed such strong disbelief in his
The principal figures In the
In the convention were Mr, Bryan.
Governor and ex-May-
or James C. of Omaha.
Governor came out
the fight a complete victor.
Grand Trunk Strikers Trouble
to Railroads.
By Wire to The Reflector.
South Bend, Ind., July at-
tacks on freight trains with
the ditching of six cars, and an
successful effort to kidnap non-union
members of the crew, were the chief
happenings in the last twenty-four
hours of the Grand Trunk strike. The
strikers have threatened to kill all
non-union workers. The mob
rushed a freight train, rolled It Into
a ditch, and later attacked the crew
of a passenger train, who were saved
from capture by Interference of the
N. C, July 1910.
The Fountain boys came Saturday
a week ago and played the
boys a game of ball and went home
defeated. The score was to in
favor of Our boys went
to Fountain last Saturday and took
their defeat, the score being to
In favor Fountain.
Miss Carmine Flanagan, of Farm-
ville. came over Saturday evening to
spend some time with relatives.
Rev. W. S. Summerel, of Grifton,
came Saturday evening lo attend his
regular appointment at Smith's school
house. He preached a. HI., on
Sunday, and Mr. F. of tin
The dairy cow. if able to express
herself in a way which the
family would comprehend, might well
lay claim to being man's best friend.
She might establish such a claim by
calling attention lo the fact that from
lier carcass manufactures more
of the necessities of life than from
any other similar source. She fur-
these necessities to him from
infancy until such a lime as temporal
tilings are no longer associated with
his existence, and she does it
grudgingly and constantly.
In addition to contributing to men's
necessity and his pleasure, the pros-
of agricultural community is
more closely identified with her than
with any other of the domestic
The horse is quite essential
in tilling the soil, but where necessity
requires it the sturdy son of the cow-
can take his place, as he has done in
every agricultural section on earth.
The horse can only furnish labor,
can only return a profit to his Owner
when conditions are right for return-
satisfactory grain crops. It is
a well known fact that the dairy cow-
ls the salvation of the farmer In
times of poor crops as she is able to
convert the rough crops which are
never a total failure, into dairy pro-
ducts which always have a cash value.
In addition to this, she furnishes
skim milk and butter-milk the
calves, pigs and poultry and fertility
for the soil, without which a farm be-
less valuable each year and the
whole country less prosperous.
The elimination of the dairy cow-
would necessitate an almost
readjustment Of man's tastes
and it would mean
told suffering and hardship. Of course
site will not be with but
value can perhaps best be
by contemplating such a loss.
She will continue to be man's best
friend as long as the human family
exists and will keep on supplying him
null his greatest needs just as she
baa done through all the ages.
stimulate the TORPID
strengthen the digestive organs,
regulate the bowels, are
equaled as an
la malarial districts their virtues
re widely recognized, as they
peculiar properties In freeing
the system from that poison.
sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
No Climate Like North Carolina's.
A true story is the following. About
a year ago a merchant in
Owned a very line Jersey cow which
he had no particular need for. so he
loaned the cow to a friend of his out
in the country. One day recently
this friend stepped Into the mer-
chant's store and requested the loan
of some money. He explained that
it had been raining so much his crop
had gotten grassy. The merchant
he was not In the banking
and he was himself and
had to borrow money. The friend
was non-plussed by this reply and
I'll make a paper at the
Last April and during the very An , want you to do
last days of that mouth, too, when merchant replied,
frost and mow laid waste the crops ahead. Tue
In States far south of us; when the out and a came
cold wave swooped down from the back the and Bald.
far northwest. North Carolina ex- on; is The
Just a slight frost or two. merchant went to the bank and en-
nothing being damaged except in the paper, which was a chat-
the extreme western part of the tel mortgage. After endorsing it he
State. The mountains stood as a it to see what was included
barrier between us and the in the mortgage, and, lo and behold
live cold wave. During the past there WM a description of his own
week a hot wave has swept States co-. merchant laughed at the
north of us. Many have of the transaction, but let It
heat in New York. Philadelphia and go through. The merchant had
cities north of us. but no such lo mortgage a cow
death-dealing heat has visited us- and he endorsed
just the good old summer time has the you
been our portion. North Carolina ask ft. A. am, H
climate is the best in all the weather
per whether or not It's a true bill.
S. edger.
There are two good reasons why no
State-loving, self-respecting, reasons- Church.
while men should care to vote the A series of meetings will be held
Republican In North Carolina, in the Baptist church, be-
One is the horrible reconstruction era ginning Monday night, August 1st.,
and the other is the nightmare of the Rev. W. R. Beach of Carey will do the
fusion period. The record of the Re- g. The meeting will continue
publican in South and as- as long as Interest demands. The
In North Carolina entitles it people of the town and surrounding
to indecent oblivion Instead of country are cordially Invited.
Star. Pastor.
District Reaches After
ail Night Session.
By Wire to The Reflector.
July an ail
session, the district con-
convention at o'clock
this morning, on the ballot.
nominated MaJ. Charles M.
as t Democratic candidate for con-
He received votes, the
number necessary for a nomination
Some people the country's
foreign relations as if they were their
own poor
North Carolina Pitt County.
in Court.
The defendant above named
take notice that an action entitled as
above has been in the
Superior Court or Pitt county, to ob-
a divorce from bonds of
And the said defendant
further take notice he is
ed to appear the nest term of
Superior of Hit county to
held on the second Monday before the
Monday of September, 1910.
the day august,
the court house of county in
Greenville, N. C. and answer or de-
A. C. College, at Wilson, filled the Of the plaintiff,
place at night.
We had very good Sunday schools
both at Smith's school house and at
Arthur Sunday.
The people Of our section had a
at Arthur Friday night for the
of the Free Will Baptist church
They realized seven or eight
There was another robbery at Ar-
Saturday night. Some one en-
Joyner Wilson's store by
breaking the door mid carried off a
goods, did not learn bow
Joyner. of Greenville,
who had Spent about a week with her
Sister, Smith, left for
home Monday morning.
has turned green and
some of farmers are not curing
any of the weed this week.
Occupied by Sixteen Young
Wire to The Reflector.
New July the Fire-
men's parade here today a flout of
the New Bern Fire company, on which
sixteen young ladies were riding, col-
lapsed, but fortunately there wise no
serious results.
The German American alliance
was organized at noon. J. O.
of Charlotte, presiding at the
Work for Greenville with us.
in said action, or I he plaintiff will
apply to court for the relief de-
In the complaint
This the 16th day of July,
D. C. Moore, Clerk S. C.
Julius Brown, Attorney for plaintiff.
North Carolina Pitt County.
in the Superior Court, before U. C.
Moore, Clerk.
Willis Johnston. F. V. Johnston,
J. i. Johnston and Addle Johnston,
To the Court
virtue of a decree Of the
Court of Pitt the 15th
day of July, 1910, in the above
cause by U. C. Moore, clerk, the
undersigned commissioner will on
Tuesday, the 16th day of August,
at o'clock the court
house door in Greenville expose to
public sale, to the highest bidder for
cash the following parcel of land, to
lying and being in the county of
Pitt, state of North Carolina, begin-
on the edge of the northern
bank of Tar at a point where
hollow trees formerly stood,
nearly opposite the edge o the
big rock and runs thence nearly at
right angles with the river to the big
slough, old Parker's and Perkins
line, thence down said slough to Par-
or Red Hanks creek, thence
down said creek to the river, thence
up the river the beginning; con-
one hundred and five acres,
more or and being the same
tract or of land purchased by
Edward C. from the
of Thomas A. de-
ceased, and being the second tract of
land described in deed from E. C.
to Susan O. Johnston, dated
December 1880, and recorded In
the Register's office of Pitt county in
book Y-3, Page
This sale will be for the
pose of making partition among
the tenants In common who are par-
ties In this cause.
This the day of July, 1910.
F. C. Harding, Commissioner.
The Up-to-date
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line cf Wall Paints-
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
your orders now with them and you will be
Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
ft V
Evans Street,
, It C.
can be laid without fuss or bother r old the
top o your from r. to A FIREPROOF ROOF that
will last as at tin Itself and Demands
For further paten, etc. to
Among the foremost colleges for Women in the South.
Course in Liberal Arts covering nine departments, and including elective
courses in Education and Bible, which count for the A. B. d School
Including Piano. Pipe Organ, Violin and Voice Culture School of Art
including Decoration, and of
R T. VANN, President,
Raleigh, North Carolina.
D. J. Editor
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Enthusiastic Congress
Bias Small, Road Engineer
Dr. Pratt and Secretary of State.
This has been one of the greatest
days in Pitt county in many years.
It was the occasion of the holding a
good roads convention of all the
of the county for the purpose of
awakening a general interest In good
This movement was started a few
weeks ago by the chamber of com-
of Greenville, and how well
the work of advertising the meeting
was shown In the large crowd of
who came from all sections of
the county.
President Wright, of Bast Carolina
Training school kindly tend-
the school auditorium for the
meeting, and this was accepted with
thanks. There were fully people
in the auditorium when the meeting
called to order President H.
A. White, of the chamber of commerce,
and more came in to swell the attend-
As they come in neat buttons
on which was inscribed Roads
for Pitt distributed.
Anything means progress to
Pitt county never fails to strike a re-
chord in the hearts of her
people. Centuries ago the Africans
played hall with diamonds, not know-
their value. It took the
of civilization to show them
that their plaything were the world's
most valuable articles of commerce.
It Is only as a people becomes en-
lightened, do they appreciate their
undeveloped resources. Pitt county
has long since reached the stage of
true appreciation of her
oped resources and the most efficient
way of developing her magnificent
sections, and as Dr. Dixon, of
den. said, they not waiting until
the are dead to do
It was Indeed an inspiring scene
that th speakers of the
good roads convention.
Congressman John H. Small was
the first speaker, and touched upon
many Interesting topics as well
good roads, and showed the untold
confronting Pitt county In
the way of drainage, developing
power, and so on.
Congressman Small spoke, as fol-
It was most gratifying to
pate such a meeting of mutual
concern to people of town and country.
There was never a time when people
were more willing to give time and
wealth for the betterment of the
in North Carolina than today. We
have met to discuss for action. When
has not been carried into
action is weakened for the next
time. The implanting of thought to-
day should be put into force and there
should be at once organization and
action. We hope that everybody is
here for action.
This Is an economic question of our
country and world, and that state or
county, which devotes most time and
energy to tills question, help the
and country most. Public
demand wise solution. We have
fought fights for the education of our
children and Pitt county rivals any
section or county. Pitt has gone fur-
and has prepared for equipment
of teachers. This school Is a
which sets you above and should
be a source of pride to every one.
Under your superintendent of schools
you have forged ahead.
Your soils are of
value, which should be reclaimed by
drainage. This question so-
Our old plans have been In-
sufficient, but you have a land now
that is leading in the right direction
for most effective drainage.
It Is too late to recall the waste of
our time, but we can in future utilize
what we have for profit and proper
benefit to us and our children. By the
application of proper methods we can
conserve them.
Our soil Is another asset that needs
our attention. We are wasting the
fertility of our soil by bad methods
and they should be renovated and re-
stored to original fertility and no
longer be wasted, but used for the
help of the whole people.
The waters of our country should
receive our attention for fish and
Tar river has had a survey
for the purpose of developing power
the running of electric machinery
In cotton mills sud every other form
it represents more than twenty per
cent, of the cost of every article of
consumption. There are three kinds
of water and
highway. The most neglected of all
are the country roads. In many In-
stances they are no better than they
were a hundred years ago. Why Is
this Neglect, overlooking our
Two fundamental propositions for
our growth and development are
teaching agriculture and mutual work-
together of the town people and
country people for the Improvement of
both. Dr. State superintend-
of schools, has worked out the
agricultural school proposition. Pitt
county public school teachers have
asked for five times as much literature
on agriculture as any other two
ties comprising the fourteen counties
of the first congressional district.
Individuals must Join together in
their efforts. If a church Improves
It Is because they Join together for
work. The same is true of schools,
and If highways are Improved it must
done the same bray. Every
has a mutual direct interest.
Let us got together. Let us unite.
Let us lie patient and pray for the
and disgruntled. Sections
have rivalry, but the sections should
be a basis and put it up to the town-
ships. Let them solve the problems
for themselves. I lay on the
spirit of co-operation and working to-
for our best Interests.
Mr. Speech.
The second speaker was Mr. Lester
K. road engineer of the United
States Department of Agriculture. He
said he had a long ways to
be present at this meeting, on
day he was in Alabama and had been
on the road night and day to get
here. Was tired and worn out, but
glad to be here and see this audience.
Such an audience la rare, and
inspiring. illustrated the inter-
of the people of Pitt county In
good roads by comparison with a
county In Tennessee that wanted to
vote a bond issue of It had
a rich soil and grew tine crops of
In the valleys, which were surrounded
by mountains. The people there
asked how got their crops to
market after they were produced
do you get it was tho
the question which was answered
by a farmer as
make the corn, distill It Into liquor,
we drink the liquor, then light It
America behind in road Improve-
we have miles of road
with only 150.000 miles improved. The
cost of marketing a crop is to
cents per ton bad roads, while on
good roads it is to cents par
ton. In Mississippi it costs more to
market a crop of cotton than it does
to make it
Increased value in real estate will
over pay the cost of Improvements.
Land will Increase in value to
per acre. Say average is there
are acres to the mile, then an
increase in value would be
Per mile. The sand-Cay Is
best and costs from to
per mile. Here it could not under any
Circumstances cost more than per
mile. Then the increased value of
property for one mile would pay for
the building and Improvement of six
miles of road.
Roads are a great help to schools
by dispensing with small school houses
and building large schools on good
roads which are every sea-
son of the year, and to a larger
Before roads were improved in
Durham county there were public
school houses, today has schools
and school houses, which Is the re-
of consolidation made possible by
good roads.
Good roads help the rural mall
service, which Is the best boon to the
progress of country life. It Is the
United States government's mission-
work by keeping tho country in-
formed and in touch with the outside
world. Where the roads are bad t lie
government does not give this service.
Out of applications for rural
routes In North Carolina, only 1,200
could be granted on account of bad
The greatest help it would be to our
country Is the keeping of the young
people on the farm. The country com-
mission appointed by Governor
laid down as one of Its
mental necessities that the country
people must have good roads. The
isolation caused by bad roads was the
cause of a greater per cent of in-
among country people.
tide should turned from tile city
to the country, instead of the country
to the city. The best way to do
Is to build good roads. Men do not
feel this Isolation bad roads
do our women.
When you decide to build good roads
you must first determine upon the
kind of roads most suitable to your
country from the point of view of
cost and the kind of material for build-
that is available. Here you are
ideally situated for the sand-clay road.
Nature has done your grading. Then
the real question is that of drainage
You must get rid of the water. To
do this your roads must slope from
the center to the sides where you
have scooped out ditches which take
the water to lower points, draining
entirely from the road bed. The sand
road Is a bed of loose sand which has
no rigidity. The sand grains must
be bound together by some kind
of cement, which Is clay. To do this
distribute the clay over the sand from
to inches deep and scatter it as
you haul it. To find out how much
clay Is necessary for any given
of sand, take two glasses, lining
one with sand and the other with
water and pour the water into the
sand, and the portion of water that
it takes to fill the glass of sand
the same amount of clay necessary
to make a firm road. After the
has been placed and mixed, cover by
dragging with the split-log drag.
For the clay road, cover i to inches
deep With sand, and mix with a
row while dry, then run over with a
drag. If sand appears
on more clay and use the log drag.
This is the best way to keep up your
roads. The log drag is the most use-
of road Implements. You can op-r
ale the log drag at a cost of cents
per mile, and the roads should
dragged one time each month, making
the whole cost by this method per
year. The old method of shovel
cart cost per year, and not so
good. You must have some fixed
method and use that.
The bug-bear of the situation is the
cost of good coil
involves some species of taxation. It
should be looked at from the point
of view of investment, when you ex-
your money returned with good
pay for Its Let each township
levy its tux and float its bonds.
This involves Jealousy between sec-
lions which often all improve-
Bonds distribute the
on all the generations who enjoy Mil
of th roads. Issue
and sell them tor money to be
in each township, yon then get money
for circulation the community ,
you have roads, roads
than to enough pay
the bonds, and they coat
lug. Good reads encourage
which Increases tho number
have to pay tie bonds. Pay for
for the as you go, then you
do It ail yourself.
Dr. Traits Speech.
The next speaker was Dr. J. Hyde,
State Geologist and president
of the Carolina Good Hoods as-
who The subject cf
good roads divides Itself into two
need roads, and
how to gel them. discuss -he
question of net t There
are three neighborhood
system that we now hare, which
can dispose by asking the
How many miles of road have you
that is good road every day In the
year Not any. That ends that
The other two ways are by
tux. and by bond Issue. Pew
counties in OUT State have sufficient
wealth to furnish enough income by
direct tax. Such counties as Durham,
Mecklenburg. and
have not. In North Carolina the ac-
cumulated wealth In cities Is taxed
for good roads, which is a great help
to our country. This is not true in
other states. By direct tax Pitt
would have to levy cents On
worth of property for a sufficient
income, now. it does not look to
a large future. Tax is generally
in repairing roads, and not good
roads are built by it.
A bond issue does not mean a high
tax, but means a definite sum of
money for the purpose. A cents
tux in Pitt county would moan
per year income. worth of
bonds -would build your roads,
would pay the Interest, leaving
available for keeping up the
roads, and a sinking fund
to pay the off the bonds.
It should a county bond Issue
rather than township issues, because
the towns have more wealth. The
county is helping build Greenville, and
the county should have the benefit
of Greenville's wealth for building
roads In the poorer townships, which
cannot build roads for themselves be-
cause they have . not wealth.
There would more trouble In sell-
lug a township bond Issue, which
would sell at a per cent. Interest
on Eighth
Amounts Drawn
for September Court.
County Executive Committee Adopt
This Method of Nominating
County and Officers.
At a meeting of the Democratic
executive committee of Pitt county,
held in on Wednesday.
July 1910, the following
was adopted relative to the hold-
of voting primaries at all the
voting precincts of the county,
to nominate county and
Be it the Democratic
executive committee of Pitt county,
in session this day, that a primary
election be held for the of Pitt,
on Saturday, the 10th day of Sept-
ember, for the purpose of
Democratic candidates for the
legislative, for the county officers.
township officers and for township
at which
election all Democratic
v-ho are entitled to vole at
election, to be held in November,
1910. Shall he allowed to vote.
That primary election shall be
heal am conducted the several
Hie places that are
ed by law for holding the general
elections, and that the same shall be
opened and kept open from o'clock
a. m until o'clock p. m., In all the
voting precincts of said county; and
the said primary election shall be
held and conducted In accordance
with the plan for primary elections
prescribed by the State Democratic
executive committee.
At the close of the voting, the poll
holders. In the presence of all such
Democrats as may choose to attend.
hall proceed to the
and make a list of the persons voted
for and the office and the number of
votes received by each person for each
of said offices, and they shall sign
such list in duplicate and send the
original thereof immediately to the
chain.- in of the
committee, and the lo
the chairman of township
committee; and for the
cf an.-l me
of said tie
Democratic committee
Pitt county shall meet In the
of Greenville, on the Tuesday
Bald primary election, at
a, m. and shall open, tabulate, can-
end declare the of said
primary election in accordance with
Democratic plan of organization.
That all P who are to be
voted primary election
county township
shall cause to he filed with the
or secretary of the county
executive on or before the
5th day of 1310, a writ-
ten notice of their candidacy, and
snail pay to the treasurer of the
county executive committee such sum
as shall he determined by the
committee of the county, as in
their opinion may be his or their
necessary part tor defraying the ex-
Incident to holding said
That all matters and things arising
In respect to the holding or
elections, arc hereby referred
to the executive committee or
Pitt with full power to act
and their action shall he deemed and
held to be the action of the county
executive committee.
This the day of July. 1910.
Chm. Dent Ex. Com. of Pitt county.
W. L. BROWN. Secretary.
The board of county commissioners
met in regular monthly session Mon-
day, August 1st. with all the members
The following aggregate amounts
were drawn from the For
outside paupers, county home,
superintendent health,
court house. Jail. con-
prisoners and insane.
coroner's inquest, bridges and
ferries. smallpox. pen-
board, listing taxes.
printing and stationery,
maps. register deeds,
commissioners sundries.
general roads. general stock
law, Winterville stock law,
township roads.
A petition was read asking that the
county convict force work upon the
road beginning at Ready Branch and
running to Tar road. distance of
about miles, or in lieu this
make to put said
road In good condition. The petition
was granted and a.
The were drawn
for the civil term of Superior court
beginning September W. H. Elks,
j. K. Warren, Mack W.
Moore. W, E, Lang,
M. Smith,
II. Flanagan. J. B. Tucker, C. M.
Holton, J. W. E.
j. K. J. R. Kay, Clyde Skin-
P. A. Wayne.
The following wore drawn as Jurors
for the term beginning September
M. B. Crawford, Fred J. Crawford,
John C. Lloyd V. Smith,
C. C. J. J- Nobles, A. M. Woolen
J. A. Tripp, J. B- Oakley, Stokes,
J. K. Harry J. A. K.
J. F. Davenport. G.
U. K. Smith. E. F. Cox,
W. II.
of a three cornered
Tragedy Occurred the House of One
Annie fortes In
Trouble, 11- Usual.
This Explains II.
Of course horses ire afraid of auto-
mobiles some farmers are not
pleased with the manner in which
drivers or these machines dash by.
seemingly Without of the
that lives and vehicles are endangered
by so doing. We have heard It re-
marked that it's a strange
horses and mules will turn things
over and leave the road In spite or
everything that can he done when
they meet an automobile pay no
attention to buggies and wagons. But
an old woman explains the mat-
this guess if were to
meet a pair of britches down
the road no man in you'd he
And It's real good logic.
Our Home,
In Honor
f Visiting Young Ladles.
Kinston, Aug. Thursday
morning from eleven till one Miss
a Harper was the hostess a
delightful morning bridge party at the
of her brother, Dr. H. D. r,
given in honor the guests of Miss
Clara Dines, Misses Helen Brooks. Of
High Point; Lillian Carr. of Green-
ville; and Pierce, Warsaw.
The color scheme of yellow was fit-
tingly carried out the decorations
Of the porch tables as In every
other conceivable manner. At the
conclusion the game. Miss Mitchell
was declared the winner of the But
prize, a dainty hand-painted piece of
china. The visitor's prize won
Miss Lillian Carr.
Be Governed Accordingly.
Anyone who does not want to re-
a publication will have no
In discontinuing it, It you notify
the publisher that you don't want
the paper any longer provided you
nothing. continue to take
the paper until you are pressed for
payment and then and
Bay you subscribed for
No publisher wants to force anyone
to take his paper, If ho does not want
the same time he expects those
who take his paper to pay for it
the same as they pay any other
to Trinity.
Miss Sue V. Cobb has been tendered
the position of matron of the woman's
building at Trinity College by
dent W. P. Few. Cobb accepted
the position and will go lo Durham
a days to arrange tor entering
upon her duties as matron when the
college opens in
Free Press.
Men learn from
It is experience v. a woman.-
Off For Camp.
A party composed Of Dr. H. L. Carr.
Profs. Meadows Knight and Messrs
S. T. Hooker. Hooker. W. D.
Hugh and G. K.
left this morning for
Island, below Beaufort, where they
will spend several days In camp and
Balling. They contemplate u big time
and will Bird it. .
About o'clock Sunday morning at
house of Annie on
street, near the market and just
site the city guard house, there was
a tragedy. As a result Luke Harris
a dead, Joe Johnson fled to parts
unknown, and Frank Forbes is
prison, all the parties being colored.
Like all Of kind,
ally among are con-
dieting Stories, the disposition of
race shield Its criminals making the
hard to get at.
Those who arrived early on the
after the tragedy found Luke
Harris dead the of
woman's house, a pistol bull
in forehead above one eye,
through which the brain,
almost Instant
there until
made for the coroner's
inquest Sunday morning, and as the
news or the tragedy spread ever town
after daylight hundreds curious
people to the scene to look at
the body.
Dr. C. OH. county
coroner, summoned r.
ft. Greene. C. B. J. W.
W. P. Edward, W. B. Greene,
and Leon Smith, about S o'clock
began an inquest in the mayor's
witness examined by the
coroner was Rosa a col-
woman Who was confined in the
who testified that she
beard a row going on at the house of
Annie lust across the street.
Frank Forbes told Annie to open the
; but Annie replied that she had
to go to bed. Annie shut the door
Frank broke ll open. Frank
cursed Annie and threatened to kill
Witness tailed across the street
Annie and asked what the mat-
Frank told Annie to tell nothing.
After that Frank and Joe Johnson
went to the stables near by and were
talking. They both went back to
Ann it's house and wanted to get In.
Annie told them to go on. that she
wanted to go to bed. Frank told a
man in the house that he had had it
in for him for a long time. I heard a
gun lire one time. Somebody
-Frank, nave shot I
do not recall the name of the one said
be shot. Frank Cid
see me with a gun If you say
I shot him I will See got
scared and said it was Joe.
and alter I called her again she said
was Joe. Frank went out and hid
D gun near the Stables, end told Joe
go off and say nothing, ha was
anybody as the boy
was dead.
Addle in another colored
man who In Annie's house, said
Luke Harris there
clock, and was Sober. A few minutes
later the shot was find. When Luke
came Into the room Joe Johnson was
Frank was also there. When
Luke came In he spoke to us. Joe
was sitting on a box
ling on a Chair. Frank and Joe Were
talking. Frank had been there half.
an hour when Luke came, Frank was
drinking. saw Joe With a gnu in
his hand. Luke said when he was full-
ling have shot Joe said it
was accidental. Luke did Sire
two minutes, Frank did shoot,
only one shot was lived,
other witnesses examined were
Wright Daniel. Annie Ton
Brooks and Frank Forbes, but there
was much Variance in their testimony.
The verdict the Jury was Luke
Harris to his death from a pis-
shot wound in hands of Joe
Johnson or Frank Forbes, and re-
commended that Addle and
ROM he placed In safe keep-
or under sufficient bond to en-
sure their as witnesses at
the next term of the Superior court,
Frank Forbes was committed to
prison, and Joe Johnson has not yet
been found. The funeral of Luke
took place late Sunday afternoon,
and was attended by a large number
of one or the secret lodges of which
he was a member.
Never kick the man who told yo.
co unless he reminds you that he did.
Try to deserve the good o.
those who think well of you.
A woman likes to be great In poise,
but not on avoirdupois.
Club Meeting Postponed.
The annual a B Club
has been postponed
night. September 1st. By order of
the hoard of governors.
D. L. JAMES, President,
w .-

Eastern reflector, 29 July 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 29, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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