Eastern reflector, 15 July 1910

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In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
K C. July th. 1916.
C. Cox went to Ayden Thursday,
manuring Company an- cheap; com- A new lot of
neat and durable Barber A
Pitt Count School
by The A. G. Cox
desk for
are liberal. When in the
to fee us, we tin
Miss of Stokes,
ha teen visiting Miss Janie
left. Thursday evening
r home. She was
d part of the way by F. F.
Miss Janie Kittrell.
We are a nice of
fins and caskets. Prices are right and
can furnish nice hearse service.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Cora- Herrings at
ton. Barber Co.
We hay. Needles. Bobbins,
Shuttles. Sewing Machine In
the country. needle threaders,
the very thing for affected eyes or
dark Barber Co.
C. T. Cox. one of our Jolly young men
came In Monday from a trip on the
road. He brings the same loud laugh-
that seems drive away the blues.
We have put In an assortment of
Patter fOr all
Barber Co.
How la your soul Let
show you our new lot of
Harrington. Barber
A nice six key Soda Fountain for
sale.-R. Dall.
Miss Mollie Bryan Pox came In Tues
day from Bethel, where she has been
Johnson Defeated Yesterday
Round-Meaty Spent
Reno. July Thousands of
people left last night, but there
are thousands
And sure enough
Wants It That Way, Bat lac
lie a i Are Else.
Hanrahan, July week
you put such a long head over
what we wrote that many of our
country friends failed to find the
is what
we country people ch to call
everything written from
cross roads place Several
asked us what the trouble
last week with Hanrahan, as
there was nothing in The R flee-
from there. We told them
that there but we suppose
when they glanced at that long
head they thought it was some
astronomical write up or a zoo-
F. A. left Thurs-
day to attend the big
picnic at Hill, near
Par Spring Dress Goods.
Embroidery and Laces see
A ,. haVe the establish-,
W. Rollins, who a known as the Carolina Milling
position A. W. Ange Co. and Mfg. and will be ready Boon
fit me has left US general repair work
a position with J R. Bar-
of Ayden. 0-car is
; i j , i i I, j a crown or our people went
a good-natured fellow and
we are going to miss him, but
of them stranded. Jeffries is
going back to his farm. He
takes his defeat in the beat of
spirit and admits he was out-
classed. He says he knew he
was defeated from the seventh
round. He has gotten out of the
fight nearly Johnson
has gotten about The
amount of money that has been
spent on the fight is enormous.
we want to congratulate the J.
R. Smith Co. upon their good
luck in securing such an efficient
For nice, fresh Fish, fee It. D. Dall,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and
B. D. Forest, has been work-
in interest of Pitt Co.,
Oil Co. for the past year, but we
are glad to see him back in his
old position with A. W. Ange
Co. He will fill the vacancy
made by W. Rollins.
For cold drinks of all kinds, call
at H. L. Johnson's Fountain.
R. L. and Ernest Cox
took in the excursion
train Greenville to Raleigh
Thursday. They a
good time.
Just lot of
and Children's
Barber Co.
Miss Ruth after
spending a few days visiting
and relatives here re-
turned to her home, near Rich-
lands, Thursday. Ruth was
such a pleasant girl we want
her to come to see us real often.
The is the kind you
need. See W. Ange Co.
Come to see The A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co. for Tobacco Trucks and
We cull your attention to our new
line of W. Dall.
Mrs. E. B. Thomas, of Green-
after spending a day or
Misses Kate and
Chapman, returned to her
yesterday morning-
nice, flesh, corned Herrings,
. W. Ange Co.,
M Blanche Cox. who hat
b visiting her sister, Mrs.
James, near Robersonville,
returned home today.
Straw Hals are going fast, buy one,
don't be W. Ange Co.
John R. Murchison, a clever
salesman of Wilmington, was in
our town yesterday.
Leave your orders for Ice at H. L.
Johnson's. Will be delivered
where. In town.
Mrs. A. G. Cox is spending
the week in the country.
Matting and Oil Cloth, for the
Buy some, cover it
Barber Co.
Before buying, see my line of Post
L. Johnson.
Field Peas and for sale by
A. W. Ange d Co. N. C.
To reduce our stock before
we will offer for a limited time,
for ginghams,
Calico. Dress Goods.
to He; Suiting. Percales,
S to Motor Cloth,
Waist Goods, Lawn.
Mohair Wool
to Table Peaches.
Peaches, Shirts, c;
Skirts, Shirts,
Quite a crowd of our people
to Morehead City Sunday.
A nice lot of Matting Just in.
Ange Co.
Cant, J. W. went to Nor-
folk Sunday and returned Monday.
We are now in position to do
grinding every day and general repair
work Barber
K. F. Tucker returned Monday from
Dover, where he has been visiting
A new lot of Dry Goods and Notions
Just in. Better buy while cheap
A. Ange Co.
N. Johnson and Dowdy
Smith went to Greenville Tuesday.
Car load of Top Dressing for Cot-
ton Just, W. Ange Co
N. C.
H. A. White, one of Greenville's
clever business men was in town
Land Plaster for
Co., N, C.
F. A. and C. T. Cox went
to Tuesday.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are in
to give you the best Tobacco
Trucks and Flues for your money.
They have made extensive
for their manufacture this sea-
Caused by the Fight
Miss Rosabel Taylor of spent
the day visiting Miss Mamie Cox
Beef, Sausage, and Fish, going
at Johnson stand
on railroad street.
J. R. Johnson. M. O. Bryan. F. C.
and J. H. Cox attended a picnic at
Monday and report an ex-
You will never regret when you
purchase a Buggy,
by A. G Cox
Co., N. C.
Miss Doughty of KInston.
came In today to visit, her brother, O.
C. Doughty.
Washington D. C, July
Washington today is taking
stock after a night of rioting
between whites and blacks,
which began immediately after
word was flashed that Johnson
was victor over Jeffries. One
hundred and thirty five arrests
were made by the police. Thirty
live men are in city hospitals,
three of are in
precarious condition. Fifteen
riots occurred during the evening
and night, but were suppressed
by the police. The riots
ally occurred on Pennsylvania
avenue and in the very shadow of
the capital. Negroes were pulled
from street cars, chased and
beaten. From New York and
many other places come reports
of similar riots.
Marriage Solemn
There was solemnized in
son can on your orders prompt- Raleigh Sunday night at half
past nine o'clock, a marriage,
the news of which will come
a surprise to the many friends
of the young couple. The con-
were Mr. C.
Scott Harris and Miss Annie B.
Lewis, and the ceremony was
performed at the home Mr.
Percy B. Fleming, by Rev. R. S.
The young couple are well
known and have many
Raleigh, all of which wish
them much success and
The bride is from Kin-
and has for time
held the position as stenographer
in the office of the North Caro-
Home Insurance Company.
The groom is an energetic
y business man of this city
and has for a long time held a
responsible position in the office
of Mr. John C Drewry. Raleigh
News and Observer.
Away in the Pros Life
Shirts. Call and see what
W. ft Co.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co.
re rendering good service In the
Collins and
cheap with
Let frame that picture for you.
Any W. Ange ft Co
Was Buried Sunday
Mr. Roy T. Evans died
day afternoon at his about
a mile from town, and was buried
Sunday in the Evans family
grave yard.
Mr. Evans was some over
pears of age, and was a son of
the late Mr. Amos Evans. He
was a photographer by profession
and was a self-made young man,
having advanced from a small
beginning to be one of lead-
in his profession in Eastern
North Carolina. Last fall he
hurt his leg by bruising it with
an from which
formed which later developed in
of the bone and
caused his death.
In 1903 Mr. Evans married
Miss Sallie daughter of
Mr. Isaac and is
by the wife and two
one having died about
month ago while be was in the
hospital in Richmond.
He is also survived by two
brothers, Messrs. Guy and God-
Evans and two Mrs.
Will Forbes and Mrs. Charlie
Kittrell. He was a member of
the Christian church, and his life
was that of an upright and just
The funeral service was con-
ducted by Be. R. H. Settle, of
World-Wide Against Their
Exhibition In Shows.
By Wire to The Reflector.
New York. July is a
nation-wide movement turning against
exhibiting moving pictures of the Jeff-
light. Secretary Shaw,
of the Christian is leading
the movement against the exhibition
of these pictures. He Is getting in
with cities all over
the country. Seven have already pro-
pictures and many others In-
Raleigh, Atlanta and Wash-
in the South, have taken
action, in the meantime,
at the light are being brought
from Reno In special cars
and are being developed Till
they reach New York Friday
ion will made by owners as to their
method of lighting opposition to
It was declared today, how-
ever, on good authority that there la
likelihood of a legal battle In the en-
to force pictures Into those cit-
which have barred them a re-
of race riots, which followed the
prise tight. The president of the
picture company la on the train
with pictures, hot his attorneys here
are Investigating the matter.
the turn-
loose came Wednesday night at
o'clock just about the time
most of the people la ton and
surrounding country had retired
and were about to be fanned into
peaceful slumber by the
zephyrs. It was there that that
unearthly sound broke in up n
the stillness of the night. Our
space is entirely too limited to
tell the half that was dine.
Were these people frightened
Yes, not only the woman and
children, but the bravest of the
brave. Did they look for it
No, but barricaded themselves
behind their doors. Many of
them shot at the air until they
had no more cartridges to shoot
with, and then they bid them
selves as best they could, and for
once offered up their supplies
to the Mo.-t High. Was it
only the minded and tint-
that imagined all sorts of
things No, those that are
highly and one that
stands at the head of one of the
most learned professions, was on
his front porch cooling after a
hot drive, when the blast
Was he Of course
not, but he hastened to his closet
and when h; had securely barred
the door, there on his knees
the devotees of the mother
church believe in kneeling when
they he promised hit
Maker and St. Peter that if they
would only call Gabriel
for this once that he would
surely attend church
vices next Sunday morn-
And as they had been
somewhat slow in building their
chapel, and his people could not
worship there, he would do the
next best thing, would go and
worship with the people of the
daughter of the mother church.
He had found tut
Sunday that it was not
trumpet but only a detestable
concern attached to a stream
boat, but he kept his promise
and went to the Methodist church
Sunday morning.
other things happened.
Some serious, others ridiculous,
but space forbids. Indulge us
enough to say that the keeper of
the railroad bridge, instead of
responding by opening the bridge
to the blast given as a signal for
this, leveled his sun at the
fiery eyed as she came
in sight, and emptied the con-
tents of his repeating rifle
straight at her bow. Now in all
we hope that who
ever has the authority will make
that captain take that thing off
of his boat.
Too much space already but,
Mr. Editor, we do want to say
that we feel like taking off
hat and giving three cheers for
the new board of commissioners,
of in that they have by
high license closed one of the
corrupting places, called a
near-beer that has exist-
ed for sometime in our midst
Go a step further, gentlemen,
and see that all business
are closed on and please
fix that bridge
N. C. June 30.-
of the most beautiful and
impressive marriages ever wit-
in was solemn-
in the Christian church
evening when Mr Wesley Yount
Swain, of Henderson, led to the
altar Miss Ada Tyson,
this city.
The church was moat elegant-
decorated with cut and
color scheme being
green and white. The bridal
party marched through the
placed arches and the bride
stood beneath a
belt of white flowers and rose
Miss Mary most
sweetly and with Mrs. John
Stanley Smith presiding at the
organ and to the soft of
A the whole
system, produces
Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rhen-
Sallow Skin and Pile.
There Is m better remedy for these
LIVER PILLS, trial prove.
No Substitute.
and Miss Rosa Hooks,
center aisle; Mr, Hugh Lassiter
and Mr. W. J. ride
aisle. Misses Gladys Barrow
and Novella Horton, flower
girls; Miss Annie Laura Lang
ring bearer. Then came the
bride with her bridesmaid, Miss
Brown, down the center
aisle and was met by the groom
Mendelssohn's march, on the arm of his best man, Mr.
the bridal filed in. e T. J. Young. at the altar.
party entered Rev. The gowns all were very
C. Manly Morton, officiating mm I ant a beautiful, carrying out
from the scheme. The-
H a p M-t, bride a gown of white satin
M. and Mr. A. C. Monk embroidered with pearls and
down center aisle, Mr. J. T. carried a shower bouquet of
and Mr. J. M. Young, bride's roses and of the-
c -inter aisle; Miss Sallie Keel and
Mr. is H. Harris side
Miss Lucy Moore and Miss by
Lang, Center Mr. J. P. Special to The Reflector.
Carr and Mr. J. Y. Monk, c., July h.
aisles; Miss and for congress by
Miss Annie Perkins, aisle- c- Harding of
u. . . ville. was made chairman of the con-
Mr. T. C. and Mr. J. H. A large crowd was in
Darden side aisles; Miss Mina dance.
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put hard to come off. Place
now with them you will be
B Special attention is called to cur line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street, i, N. C
A certain writer has said that no
newspaper which took truth for Its
standard would make a pecuniary
The might return the
compliment by remarking that
minister who told the truth about his
congregation, alive or dead, would
the pulpit much than on
Sunday afterward. The press and
clergy go hand In hand with the
brush, rosy spectacles
magnifying little and kindly
throwing little deformities Into
The pulpit, the pee and the
are partners In
C Lodges. j
WHEN Metal Shingles were first introduced
yon had some excuse for being
But now
If you it can only be you do not know the
facts in the case.
Atlantic to the Pacific for all kinds
of under all conditions.
They are fireproof, never leak and as long as the
building itself without needing repairs.
For further detailed information apply to
Among foremost colleges for Women in the South.
Course in I Arts covering nine and
in Education and Bible, which count for the A. B. degree, .
including- Piano, Pipe Organ, Violin and Voice Culture. School of
including Decoration, Designing and of
which prepare students for college Culture under a trained
director. Full literary course per year, including tuition, board, room,
right, beat, nurse, ordinary medicine ind all minor fees, 1210.10-
in the Club, to foB lest. Nest session begins Sept. Id, Address,
Including elective
Rain, North
D. J. WEI-HARD, Editor
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
never cease to try; an two continents being cut
deathlike apathy has been replaced in twain, where men are learning
by a national seal for health and that an undertaking to be done well
OF TEACHER I MARCH that Is satisfying to even the or indeed to be done at all. must be
FOR HEALTH. most demanding. This zeal is break- performed under the auspices of
into country wide expression, In and sanitation,
all sorts of forms and ways. The most fertile lands on this green
The Measure of a Man Is What he in,
Not What he bus.
It takes so long to learn how to live;
so long to get even a glimmering of
what life is for and what we ought to
do with ours. We are. so prone to
live in the future, to fret ourselves
about it. We are so busy yearning for
the joys we imagine other people have,
and worrying about the troubles we
For Time Hie Democracy of
First District Places I hi. Honor
This Worthy Hi
The congressional
convention of the first district of
Imagine we are having, that we make North Carolina, met Wednesday after-
of the one thing we are noon at Edenton, and was called to or-
by Dr. C. Laughing- the Movement, New earth of ours has not been made the
house lo the Summer School Philosophies, Material abode of man, hitherto he has been
Students at East Carolina Teach- dearth Cults of every conceivable compelled to go away from them and
School. kind, are means to an end, and that seek the cold and uninviting North,
end is the preservation of the body, because he could eke out a living
Ladies and I am free to Winter has told us that where disease producing germs could
confess that I stand abashed in the Collins composed the not. Where disease producing
realization I am about to address he was raCked by sick- are perishes,
great developing power in North and pain one but hygiene is banishing the sure endless regret. at 3.15 o'clock p. m , by Dr. A. I.
Carolina. The power that Is taking another deserted him. because diseases of the tropics and Is I And of all the the limit is Pendleton, of county.
the North Carolina child and putting none of them could bear opening up for human habitation, rich , to permit someone else to make our chairman Of the district executive com-
it in the way of making a man and a Ms We cannot deny that men lands where dates and bananas have, standards for us. Haven't we T. J.
woman that is bigger in mind, in soul and astonishing hitherto grown unseen by human Can't we think for ourselves was required to ac as
and In body than its father or mother. render faithful service eyes, it is destined to give mankind want things we don't need, many secretary.
Everybody realizes that from the grist nature, under new world, equal to that which man don't really care for, Just because The attendance upon the convention
of the public school the rank and file would more excuse their now inhabits and many limes one else has them, and wouldn't was large, the roll II counties
of the constructive citizenship But, fertile. Where grain will wave if we did have them I showing all but Hertford, Hyde, and
must come. Everybody from the gov- such rare roses bloom the whole year through j To struggle and strain to make a show being represented.
or the State to the boy that in a rule re- and where children will wax healthy when all the neighbors know it is Chairman Pendleton named P. C.
mails his letters, realizes that the . . t measure and merry lands which have hither- only a show, and would respect us a Harding, of Pitt count, as
that even a
moral, material and o means do- to been uninhabited because of dis-
cal development of the State depends average and women. The ease, it is making
upon you. Go to a his In shielding man from his unseen en-
progressive idea that the and energy upon his ills, in preserving his family not ask how big a house we hail the temporary chairman lo chair,
public aught to know, is not and a stock of in completing his mastery over the from, nor how many university de- Mr. Harding made
until it receives the energy that would otherwise be avail- powers or nature. have won, nor what is our and
teacher's seal of approval, along with am, study of hygiene Not. what we have, nor ready to proceed to or-
the teacher's guarantee that it will be ill health in a sanitation is equal in Importance but what are. And
inoculated into the youth the State or a individual, that or astronomy, geology and our measure of everybody but. On motion the
not only that it may live tor the a that will In purging the- mind of man BU-j RIdgway In The
heap more if we had the courage to chairman or the convention and
be ourselves Death's standards J. H. LeRoy. of
ought be life's standards. Death and J. F. of to escort
but that the young may explain and Dy everything else in which slum the j for July,
teach it to the old. ignorance. This of history has hampered his moral de-
was made permanent, l. J.,
of Pitt, H.
j being added an
manufacturer is hopeless unless come common knowledge and Pasteur In discovering j on Court and
technical and Industrial education is convinced the world strong the relation to diseases of the Infinite-j There was a motion
made a part of the public school cur- are all absolute small things called disease pro- of counties called for . naming
has its future in Business men. scientists, politicians bacteria did much as 011- members of the
your hands. The leaders of say of educators and In the overthrowing or ad W. D. Pruden Staled I
are crying out social better- are joining hands and every day lions and the belief In evil spirits.
., v no
is not on solid ground until the are making the a splendid Hygiene touches the bodily and j construction of a new court house resolutions, as It la usual
public school Arcs the youth or the conscience. welfare of the individual, new Jail. adopt the our
land for bolter tilings. The j donated to public State and mankind as a whole. The I A large number of contractors were tonal and State as plat-
does not hope to sober the old , gave in progress of civilization depends upon
fellows; they may vote and legislate she has Increased her spend- the advancement of it.
all they please, but unless the boy and mg for hygiene per cent, as against My friends, I could go for a week
themselves or their firms, ., speech against this motion, but it
i We could not get definite Informs- carried. He also tin ,
girl in the school is convinced that per cent, for all other purposes, and not you the wonder- bids P-
alcohol is the principal source of all first federal appropriation was tor things that hygiene
the ills, poverty, disgrace, crime, disc- and went to build a marine have done, Is doing do I;
and retrogression that flesh is hospital, and last year the Federal will not take your time. You
heir everything that is done to pro- government set aside heard enough already to convince you
its will come naught. the public health. Congress will this that what attention and you
The Baptist say that, unless the pub- Vote on addition to the president's can giro to its service is well worth
lie schools teach Baptist doctrine cabinet, and that addition will be a while. Let me ask you. can I depend
Elected of the
Fraternity Installed Tuesday
N. C. July a
that their hope is lost, secretary of the national board of upon you to help educate the public present at Grimes-
The same belief is shared and Carolina gave In both young and old. in this a subject Lodge A. F. No. at
the campaign other is;
nations. Christian Scientists included.
Mr. donated millions. ; m . ,, year
which was carried, the
or the national and slate conventions
1908 be adopted the of
this convention.
counties were as executive
committee for the
Beaufort, J. F. Tayloe;
E. Overby; J. X. Pender;
Currituck. W. II. Dare. J.
judicial Sorehead City
Places Honor
for Solicitor.
The Democratic hosts of the third
judicial district met at Morehead City
Saturday afternoon to nominate can-
for judge and solicitor of tho
district. The convention met at
o'clock and was called to order by
Mr. R M. Green, Craven, chairman
the district executive .
who requested Mr. A. Ward, of
Craven, to preside as temporary chair-
man. O. G. Dunn, or Craven, and D.
J. Whichard, of Pitt, were made
The convention, without
nary at once got down
to business by making the temporary
organization the permanent officers.
The roll of candidates was called,
showing that all in the were
represented, and there no con-
test or Irregularities In of the
Upon the roll call of counties for
nomination for Judge, Mr. E. Hen-
or Craven, arose and
the name of Hon. D. L. Ward. He
brought the first laughter of the con-
early in bis speech by
to his candidate as Peter's
, without spot or in the
midst the laughter this provoked
some one Interrupted mean
Caesar's restated the
speaker, then I had
Peter on the
Seconding speeches in behalf of Mr.
Ward were made by Mr.
of Greene; Mr. W. T.
Mr. M.
When was reached Col, F.
I arose and presented the
Hon. H. w. Whedbee. He also
, interrupted by laughter when he used
I the word when can-
was intended. He explained
Carolina gave in both young old. in this subject , A F AM No . . . fay ,,.
to public health, in she gave which is conducive to more communication Tuesday Gates. W. I. cross; force
and prosperity than any other witness the installation of R pronounced an error as the
subject of hygiene is so large one thing you can give attention to. the officers elected for the ensuing year G man from Craven had made, Mr. T.
of dollars for the eradication or hook I can not more than give you an Teach them that marshes and mad
The installation was conducted l
worm diseases in the South. incomplete index of what is being make and j.,, Williams, Post Master
T. B. Wilson; T, b.
Winslow; King; Washing-
Warren of Craven, seconded
the power of the public school, he done. Take the growing convey malaria Both malaria
has made your great general. Hon. that is being placed on child hygiene, can avoided by
of Greenville Lodge No. The tot-
lowing officers were
Y. Joyner, president of this the rich health literature which proper screening of houses and by the J, C. W. M W E. Proctor
I am not throwing sprung into existence in less than proper drainage or pools, mud g w . w g j. ; J. O.
of Mr. Whedbee.
A ballot was then called tor. result-
like. them
Proctor, Treasurer; A. O. Clark, Sec-
I . Pru-
of B. Bin lea, c
e In an unhealthy body. to . in n Mr. Small
Ion M in
i-ht. i
, , co lam .
ibis honor had b laced upon
i him for the seventh . . In Ids
. It
When say that the State will be just a decade, the organization or a large holes and tin
what you make it. You are the mass or the people health filth promote Hies and promote w. S. S. I
her It has not under the influence or the fever; the fly ranks as one of the j j Phelps, C. BUCK,
been a week ago since I heard a mutual tuberculosis association, physical loathsome of all creatures, all, j r. Tyler.
friend say, that Ideals and ambitions cation societies, the awakening health that its feet are Na is one the
implanted by old Mr. Williams, a pub- interests of religious constructed us to catch end carry ail most flourishing lodges of the Masons
lie school teacher, Into head, heart the education the masses through kinds of producing . Carolina, II always
body and soul of Chas. Aycock was the combined efforts of health officers, which the distributes on every- beagled of some of the Ma-
the foundation or the greatness of medical men. ministers, lay organize- thing on which he crawls; that if The ceremonies Tuesday
North Carolina's education governor, and the can simply typhoid genus bare a, impressive Mid much
What constitutes a State Not speak of these, as each of them are of counted fool of one fly; tea r i. present S ;
or factories or churches or rail- importance as to demand them they be V- Gnu
roads or agricultural progress, it is rate treatment Nor have I even tried except, the fly is excluded from the . . . of
.,., and won,. ,. to foretell the possible bearing of house. This can be done by cleaning w The
, ,. . , . . . . morals no r.,,,,,,.
an. women. and vast health movement on our up the promises surrounding
in body. Strong in soul, In state and national future. As I refer house and by screening doors am
Von mod the wisdom to this I ant very deeply Impressed windows. Teach that P
or the of Job, the that the world Is In every way getting been proven by actual experiment
Strength v. Sampson, and I say all better, and unless we in North Caro- that flies multiply wonderful
in reverence, the goodness fore- Una keep abreast of this necessity tor One By has boon in a
of God, discharge the groat progress, our will be found room where there was a of
responsibilities that conditions have lagging behind. food, from this one eggs
pieced upon you. There is no doubting tho fact ton million Hies have been reared in
nil agree that your purpose is the call to health undoubtedly five weeks, And the housekeeper
to nun and women. You have everywhere been hoard. is a Call pay no attention to a
had lesson attar lesson in training to sacrifice and to per- wonder where the conn- from,
the mind and soul. In your mind's and public. The call to service Teach them that consumption Is
eye When communing with yourself, has tho rumbling undertone of and that nothing will cure
you have doubtless seen the vision or the call to all along but sunshine, fresh air and
your boys and girls becoming the ages, and I stand here tonight to food leach thorn that small pox can
In Roosevelt In call upon you to help our our only be conquered by vaccination;
Edison in invention in law. present and our future, In the leach them hook-worm
Osier In medicine, Alderman and Ale- to make physical perfection one of the Is not a disgrace but a curable disease
in in art, moat Important that la sapping tho State's in
but sane In that The signs of an advanced nil classes society; leach
Is a sound mind must have a sound show beyond that measles and whooping cough are res-
body. It is Hue today as when the sanitation Is destined t be for more deaths and lite i-rip-
formulated the adage years more and more of a voice and power plea than all tho wars that have hap-
years ago. You, like the In the versatile functions of a govern- In years, that proper
mans, have to bear In mind the day is an can prevent them; teach
child a body as well as a mind; demand for more extensive learn- them to their eyes, n . .
that this the temple or all Hint in human biology. The or examined, Many a child
you are training, and it should sanitary engineer is developing with is considered a because hi
least receive sufficient attention to most astonishing rapidity. Medical can not see, c because he can
make it with the material men are called upon here, there and not hear, a because he Is not well
it contains. Training an intellect everywhere as hygienic educators. All enough to think. to
and a soul to perfection in absolute great undertakings, Involving human more time out doors, make them
of the training and de- life has to be advanced through for and the culture education and
and protection of tho body, and sanitary supervision. The delight, comes the
Is tho completing of a beautiful armies of tho crusader have given of the Sky with Its stars, the bud-
car I'll and protecting it from tho in- place to ideas as exemplified by Japan ding loaves With their unfolding
of battle and hogs, by just an which multiplied three fold the tills, the of birds ti tin
for a fence Doctors have tier of Its hygienic officers ten- Of worms. to study
been along this line for told their power and took a stand way lives men and women who are
years and have a few In advance of human progress, enough to care tor their own bod-
and a few sociologists, Just The value can demonstrated because they are convinced
as is always tho case among those through the undertakings at Panama, healthful happiness goes hand in hand
ton, S B. J. S.
The members co n-j
. , , , .- c, as
mil, retired and i . s .
of Gates, . County
nomination of a r for con-1 Craven,
in order. of com- Greene,
lies called until
was reached, -h. . J cm
and in -i I
pointed to l s
and worth
man. Hon. John II. amid On motion
Whedbee . as
h. ,; i r; roll of I. was again call-
nomination of Mr,
unanimous amid
the greatest of I
lays crime i he door of physical
deformity and disease.
Tench them Just become
practically, In just that pro-
Now in co lei Impress
you Hint you have ii In your own pow-
more than any other
tho of con-
serve the physical waste In the State.
If you do this, you will have your re-
ward, for who preserves strong
are tho teach ;
the outspoken and active
f III i
pointed lie
, of
m ii it of In the j
in xi nation . . Ion.
. . ;,
; .
en Ion of re of
for solicitor, when
IV, . Are d II, Carteret, arose
, res Hon. .
Seconding speeches
de Mr. J. .;. of
ind Mr. B J. Everett, of Pitt.
. E. I of Craven,
Mr, .
. n, on .
a shout of
. of the
. to
G. Fowl
. I,
Greet U. A. e.
J J, A.
I . T. tho,
, C,
he con
lent of
Mr. H
champion tor a physically stronger ,, P, . r,
then shall humanity be .,,,., pointed out that the United looted
lead to victories yet undreamed. Ami vs as chairman.
the teacher will be indeed and in , the
truth the Instrument through which ,,, ,. con- of th.
is answered the of ,. ; ., ,. , . , , of Ci
give us men. The lime demands . convention to our n, and Greene, was held.
Strong minds, great heart-, true lo u, hit, , and Mr. E. M. On Craven and
get the government to also M., Leslie Davis of Carteret
the Dismal Swamp canal and is candidates tor the
It as a free through fare. Mr. H.
Ward, Bi t,
the r. solution, and n motion I
M -ii whom the Of Office docs not
n whom the spoils office can
who possess opinions and a cue U an
who have honor; nun who will
not lie;
Men who can stand before a
And dam his treacherous flatteries
without winking;
Tall men who live above
the tog
in public duty and private
Work for Greenville with us.
in, X. C, July Friday
A resolution ,. adopt t evening Miss Maude L. Patrick
Dr. A. for tho work he n, ; her In hon-
done during the last two years ,,, Miss Mary L of Ne
no chairman of . Bern, N. C.
committee. i The lawn and porches were
foregoing should lighted wit rim
appeared in yesterday's paper, but and decorated with .- of
tin editor back home from potted plants.
Edenton, Hie printers already The evening was
so loaded up with copy that It had amusements, after which u
to be left over for today.
fill supper was served on the lawn.

How seldom it is that one can purchase for a
small figure a fabric that will give entire
faction, both in looks and wear. Brilliant in
colorings and will not fade, though in contact
with either sunshine or shower, in fact a beau-
SILK that will wash like white linen re-
its beauty of color and quality.
is the only Silk that will do this. Have you
seen this
New Fabric
Many will try to imitate this new creation of
the manufacturer's art. Few will succeed.
J. R. J. G.
J. R. J. G.
Style Leaders Greenville, N. C.
Your Vacation
Prepare for your vacation by buying an accident ticket in THE
CO. of Hartford. Conn. for
death. per week for weeks if injured. Costs
per or for days
A Plucky Encounter With
Two Big Man
T, Clark, a well
In bad a escape
from a meal tor two bun
while exhibition
at Flu. lie had to
be sewed up a big sack, heavily
weighted with sand, and be thrown
Into the buy near the navy yard, from
which bag he was to by cutting
bis way out with a knife and swim
At mi time a took
out some distance from shore, and
after tied up In be was
thrown overboard, lie had hardly got
more than thirty feet below the
face something bumped against
the sack, and Instantly the Idea
flashed through his mind that it was a
shark. Before lie could do anything
there was u bump from the other side
of the bag. In u moment or two be
had cut his out and was rising to
the surface, still the knife In
his band. Once something cold grazed
bis leg as be was rising.
On reaching the surface be was
greeted with cheers, but noted with
j dismay that there were no bouts near.
lie started to swim toward the near-
est one when the water parted a few
feet to one Hide and be could make
out the long black tin of a shark. The
monster bended at once for and
as ho was about to dive to escape Its
clutch another shark dashed In.
As the first shark turned over on its
side In order to bite Clark dived be-
low the surface, then up tinder the
shark, and drove the knife time after
time into its vitals, It sank to the
bottom. As be came to the surface
gasping for breath a manned
by excited sailors from the nary yard
ran alongside, and be was pulled
aboard just in to escape the sec-
Free Press.
Prof. Herbert E. Austin Interest-
Illustrated Lecture en the Ely
Means of Extermination.
Monday night in -he auditorium of
But Carolina Training
School. Herbert E. Austin, a
member of the faculty, gave a
that was of Incalculable to the
public. The rain of the
and evening prevented many of the
town people from attending, but out
of the at the summer school
the who went from town there
was a good size audience.
Prof. Austin's w is the
fly, the of pest and how
to exterminate it. as-
of Mr. F. W. the
who took his machine
over for the purpose of u
which Prof. Austin had procured
the occasion, the lecture was illus-
which added much to its in-
and effectiveness.
The lecture and illustrations showed
how rapidly the fly, a natural breeder
in filth, will increase, and how it car-
disease and death into the homes.
Statistics show
more people than war. The
nation of flies Is evidence of the ex-
of filth, for it is only under
such conditions that they breed. To
exterminate them the breeding places
Why Not
Prepare for your vacation
buying an Accident Tick-
et in the United States
Co., of New York.
Pays for death,
per week if
Costs only per week.
will cost only
per week, pays for
death and per week
indemnity if injured.
reward will be
paid to any company that
will issue a better policy
than that of the United
States Casualty Co.
Norfolk Cotton and wired
J. W. Perry Co. Cotton Factors.
Low Middling
Low Middling
Co-. Bankers
and Broker. Norfolk.
Greenville, N. C.
How About Your Home
Is it comfortably If not you
would find it interesting to visit our store and
look over our stock of FURNITURE and
HOUSE-FURNISHINGS. Everything needed
from Parlor to Kitchen at prices that will make
you sit up and take notice.
The National Bank of Greenville
At The Close of Business. June 1910
Overdrafts . . . 1,902.28
United States Bonds .
and Bonds . .
Furniture and Fixtures . 3,210.42
Cash and due from banks 44,856.65
Capital Stock
Surplus and profits
Circulation . ,
Bond accounts
Dividends unpaid
Bills re-discounted
s ,
It Starts Growing In the Open, ho and every
Finish. Ground. take
Most people of the north suppose house
peanuts like potatoes, on the j female fly will lay on an av-
roots of the vine. Others with equal . ,,, . .
confidence state that they hang from .
the branches like pea pods. Both are eggs
right, both arc wrong. The peanut hence it is how rapidly
starts the and sunlight above Increase, From one fly in a till
ground In the shape of a flower grow-surrounding there will soon be mil
at the end of a long tube. After lions of Oles, and these carry germs
the fall of blossoms this tube, or the and by coming in con-
elongates and bends down- tan with the food communicate
ward. pushing Itself Inches Into the .,. M ,,,, , ,.,,, of
ground. If for any reason It cannot
do this It dies In a few hours. But
if It Succeeds to burying itself to Its garbage cans
own satisfaction the ovary at the base ex-
of the peduncle slowly enlarges and from sick rooms, all of which
forms the familiar pod, which Is there- disease germs, are the breed-
fore dug out of the ground. i places of and too much
Scattered over the roots of the plant, cannot be exercised regard to these,
however, are numerous warts or should be disposed of in such a
In which, by the aid of a good ,, ,,. fly propagate.
can be seen myriads of ,., . IO ,,.
minute organisms. These . i . ,. .
bodies, though they get their
from the plant, contribute materially M you
to Its supporting by collecting nitrogen
from the air and holding it In storage, Prof. Austin was In-
to to supplying it to tho plant; and being heard by I
as need requires, These many public school teachers it
often contain, by should be far reaching
a greater supply of this to- lug u sentiment that will mean war to
greatest and
The native country of the peanut ha. house
long u matter of dispute, but the
department of agriculture states that i Q
the weight of seems to be in
favor of Brazil. Thus the peanut Is Hill
added to tho four other plants of great
Importance that America bus given to ,. , ,
the cotton, corn, Civil
tobacco the potato. j Term
If you do not transact your business with this bank, let this
be an invitation to become one of our satisfied customers.
The Only National Bank in the County.
You Are Probably Planning
a Vacation Trip
Line Steamers
P- M. for
BALTIMORE with direct rail com Eastern Chics and
resort points.
Elegantly Appointed Steamer.
Simmer Rates.
I For further and stateroom write
C. L. CHANDLER, G. A. F. R. T. P. A,
The Literary Squire.
Traveling Inspector
the now. boys,
who wrote
Timid Boy sir. It wasn't
Traveling Inspector same even-
to his host, the squire of the
thing happened
today. win questioning the class
and asked a boy. wrote
let V he answered tearfully,
sir, It wasn't
Squire loud and prolonged
That's good, and
suppose the little devil had done It
all the Answers
Into Hat
The expression Into a cock-
ed Is familiar to every one. but
perhaps Its origin la not so generally
known. Cocked hat a of
the game of bowls In which only throe
pun were set up at the angles of
a triangle, In bowling tenpins
all were knocked down except the
three at the corners the set was said
to be Into a cocked hat.
whence the popular expression for de-
anything of Its main body,
character or purpose.
you believe there Is
a In this world as
coarse, bat some other fellow
ways has Ledger.
The county commissioners have
drawn the following Jurors for
August criminal term of
J. Rives. H. P. Brown, W. R.
A. I. James. W. H.
J. Oakley, Oliver J. Fred
Mills. S A. Stocks. H. C. Venters, L.
Mills. L. Phelps. A. L.
It D. K. B. Whichard. J. T.
Humbles. J. Smith. J. B. Patrick.
F. B. B.
W. T. Hart, ft L. Tyson, J. a Williams.
H. B. Bynum, A. J. Flanagan. A. J.
B. B. J. T. Moore,
C. D. J. W Allen. B. N. Boyd,
Jesse L. Cherry, E H. J. H.
D. M. Johnson. Iredell
The following were drawn for the
August civil
Haywood Smith, ft
Oscar W. H. Skinner, F.
P. Rodgers, B. A. Byrd. B. T. Heath.
N A Buck. B. R. May. C. W.
H. C. Smith, W. B. Wilson. O. A.
J. J. Moore. C. P. S. O.
J. H. Collins, Charles Dowdy.
By Cable to The Reflector.
Ayers, July fourth
International Conference opened here
today, and will probably continue
for six weeks.
His Own Writing.
Dean Stanley's handwriting
atrocious. The lute Lord
handed in an amendment to the
Tory reform bill of Lord Derby.
The clerk at the table could not
read it. nor could any one else. At
last Lord scholar
and an accomplished man of let-
was asked to rend it himself.
He explained that, though he could
not pretend to read the text, its
purpose was to enact that no man
should be admitted to the poll
less he could sign his own name u.
legible handwriting.
May Corn 1-2
July Ribs
July Lard
Cotton Masks . reported
Cobb Bros. Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers in
Stock, Cotton, Grain and
to New York, Chicago and
New Orleans.
and House Furnishings
is not too good for you. When you want the
best, and prices that are in reach of your pocket
book we can supply your wants.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If you trade with us we both make money
Wiley Brown
Assigned to S. T. Hooker
Must be Sold in
The National Bank has leased the
building and these Goods must be
moved out. To do this quickly all
goods are marked down at and
below cost
Notions, Shoes,
Trunks, Clothing, Etc.
Sale Will Begin at O a. m.
Remember the Place and Come for Bargains
Wiley Brown
At the close of business J 30th, O
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
Banking house, furniture
Demand loans
10,000.0 i
Due from banks and bunkers 1.03
Cash Items
Silver coin Including
coin currency
National bank notes and
U. S. notes
Capital stock 125.000.00
Surplus fund 19.500.00
Undivided profits, less current
expenses paid 2,494.55
Notes bills 000.0-1
mils payable 45.000.00
Time of 36.019.74
sub to check. 71,849.85
Cash, checks 88.48 107,958.07
State of Carolina, County of
I C S Carr, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of July. 1910.
ANDREW J. MOORE. Notary Public.
It Columbus the For Hie
of Discovery.
Europe knew but very lit-
of eastern northeastern
of the most learned
of the time that Asia
stretched eastward Indefinitely, and no
one Imagined that it had eastern
roast washed by the ocean. It was
eastern Asia was a
land vast Inhabited by
monster and dragons. This
was the opinion that still prevailed up
to within of the time of Co-
At this time two Venetian merchants
of the name of went on a vast
trading expedition to the uttermost
parts of Asia. They were gone many
years. Upon their return the son of
one of them, a young man named Mar-
co wrote out a full account of
their travels, described the empire of
the grand khan Chinese
revealed the fact that Asia was
bounded on the east by a vast ocean.
He described this eastern mi-
with all Its vast cities and its
wealth of precious stones and spices.
It was from reading this book that
the Imagination of Columbus was fired,
and he the bold Idea of
reaching this eastern coast of Asia by
sailing toward west the
So when he discovered he had
not a doubt that he had landed upon
the coast of Asia and that he looked
upon the same scenes that Polo
had gazed upon years before.
To Select Delegates to State, Con-
By direction of the Republican Ba
Committee for Pitt county,
notice Is hereby given that the
voters of the several voting
of Pitt county, are directed to
assemble at their respective
at 3.00 p. in., Saturday, July 30th
the purpose of duh A
and alternates to the county
which by direction -it ti-
committee is hereby culled to
meet in the town hall, in Greenville.
N. C. on Saturday, August 1910.
12.00 in.
The various precincts are entitled
to the following vote the county
At the close of business June 30th, I O
Loans and discounts Overdrafts secured 62.02 Furniture and fixtures 1,173.53 Demand loans Capital Muck Surplus fund 1,450.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 198.10
Due from banks and bankers 1,434.58 Gold coins payable 10.000.01 Time certificate of deposits 1,002.20
Sliver coin, Including; subject to check 10,493.28
minor coin currency 202.12 National bank notes and to banks and bankers Cashier's checks
U. notes 0.6
State of North Carolina, County of .
I, F. A. Edmondson. the nod bank, do solemnly swear
fie it Is true best of knowledge
F. A. EDMONDSON, Cashier.
A. W.
Subscribed and to before d-v f July-
K. II. Notary Public,
My commission expires March 1910.
A school organized and maintained for one do-
fined and women
The regular session opens Thurs-
day. September
For and information, address
ROBT. H. V RIGHT. President,
Greenville, North Carolina.
J S.
New is Sui While Star u Fin Mote room larger Come to lee me.
C. T. store
Is where mothers teach their children to go for
Big Bargains in Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods,
Dress Goods, Notions and Millinery. That is
where everybody goes.
He it Try Him
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
Roofing, Tin Shop Repair Work, and
Tobacco Flues in Season, see
Pulley bowen
Home of Women's Fashions. Greenville N C.
R. C. FLANAGAN, Chairman
Republican Executive Committee.
Greenville, N. C, June 1910.
In th. Majority of Coses It Is
Eight Foot.
The average term of elephant's
life, although there Is no precise
on the point, is seventy or
eighty The elephant Is not in
full vigor and strength till thirty-live.
The most ready way of forming an
approximate idea of the age is by the
amount of turnover of the edge
of the ear. In young animals, some-
times up to the age of eight or nine
years, the edge is quite straight. It.
however, then begins to turn over, and
by the time the Is thirty the
edges lap over to the extent of an Inch,
between this age and sixty this
Increases to two inches or slightly
Extravagant ideas are held as to
the height of elephant. Such a
thing as nu elephant measuring ten
feet at the shoulder does not exist In
India or Burma. Sanderson, an ad-
authority on the subject, said
the largest mule he ever met with
measured nine feet ten and the
tallest female eight feet live Inches.
The majority of elephants, however,
are below eight feet, mid animal
rarely reaches nine feet, the female
being slightly shorter than the male.
The carcass of nu elephant seven feet
four Inches tall weighed portions
gave a total weight of 3.000
elephant weighing two tuns
be common enough. The shin
about three-fourths of an huh thick.
Sheriff Guy Is responsible for n court
of session story. Ones when the pres-
lord Justice, Clerk, was conduct-
a Jury trial ho made n small Jest.
The audience- thought it Its duty to
laugh. shunted
In measured tones. nothing
Prim Evidence.
The late Lord Morris one
gave a characteristic
of tho meaning of fade
he said to the Jury, saw
a man coming out of it public house
wiping his-mouth, Unit would he
fade evidence that he had ban
ins u
Kind Words Moan Much.
Cultivate kindness of
Well of your fellow look will
charity upon the in
lives. Do a good turn for as op-
offers mid. Dually, don't for-
get the kind word lime.
How much a word of kindness, en-
or appreciation menus to
ethers sometimes and how little
costs us to give it. We do not
lo wait for some special occasion.
When calamity overtakes a friend
words of sympathy and
are offered sincerely enough, yet in
certain respects as a mutter of course
Such an occasion for expression
on our part, and we naturally respond
But why wait for occasion Why not
speak the kind word when there Is
special occasion
dig Deportment Store Are Managed
an Army.
to like the manager
explained when I went to him to as-
certain by what system he handled
Use big department store. us-
managers are generals. I he
department heads colonels.
floorwalkers and so on down
the line Only matters which are out
it the ordinary routine are brought to
the In chief.
is Italic on
Each Individual knows
work he hits to do. If he fails th
failure reacts directly upon Thus
each In turn is responsible to one
above him until responsibility
readies Ibis In the filial
sis I am responsible the If a
girl lies a bundle wrong or I here Is a
with a customer I am directly
responsible, have probably
known nothing of the incident. I pass
the actual administration of authority
and responsibility right down the line
until the person who is ill fault feels
it personally. hundreds of
things happen In this store every day
of which I have no knowledge, and I
don't need to know about them. So
long as I lie man to whom I have
gated the authority delegates It in
nun l some one Who how to
use it properly why
I should Interfere.
is the way it should lie. I
should Hot consider that had
system if it were otherwise
system must be so perfectly organized
and every man know and live up
to his responsibilities so sincerely
I could walk out of today
and not return for six
tel view with Manager of New York
Store in Bookkeeper.
The Rural Mail Comes Once a Day
The Telephone keeps you in touch with neigh-
friends and the city every minute of every
day. Progressive farmers throughout the South
are installing telephones in their homes and
our service.
The cost is low; the service is satisfactory.
Write to our nearest Manager, or
Line Department
Henderson, N. C
Subpoena on ill lull
Ire Members.
Wire to The Reflector.
Chicago, July Subpoenas for
nifty witnesses who iii be called be-
fore the Federal grand jury in the
beer trust Investigation are being
today. This probe ii- aimed at the
millionaire members of trust, W.
S. assistant to attorney-gen-
is expected here to-
morrow to lake personal charge of
the Investigation.
Professional Cards
Garment Worker's
By Wire The Reflector.
New York, July -A stampede of
manufacturers la sign
with striking garment workers
today and of tho union
predicted strike would be
won within three i. hundred
and twenty-live employers have
signed and
number of have
Office Opposite R. L. Smith
stables, next door lo John Klan-
Co new building.
. . X.
Office occupied by. J. L
. . S. Carolina
The Roman Senate.
The Roman senate bad for many
centuries but members, selected
the patricians, or aristocrats.
The of senator was life.
The body was practically supreme
mutters of legislation and
The majority votes decided
question, and the order In which
voting took place was Invariably de-
by rank, beginning the
president and ending with
tors. Tho senators wore on their tunics
u broad purple badge of dis-
like a modern decoration
and they tho exclusive right of
precedence at theater, the
all other public gatherings.
Eating Away Island.
Strength is not U con-
maidenhair fern, yet Ii its
have lint room they
break the III the plant
grows. of gross will the
curbstone between which they spring
out of their place, and in ii single
night a crop of small mushrooms have
lifted n large stone Indeed, plants
have been known In break the hardest
rocks The Island to the
northwest of Madagascar. Is becoming
smaller and smaller through the action
the mangroves grow along tin-
foot of the cliffs. They cat their way
Into rock in all directions, Into
gaps thus formed the waves force
way. time they will probably
reduce the Island to
Tho Error.
one verse of Star Span-
I can't do it.
n passage from
can't naturalize yon, my
I was born here, lodge. I don't
want lo be I'm after n
city Journal
The State's college for training in-
workers. Courses in
culture, Horticulture. Animal Hus-
and Dairying In Civil
and Mechanical Engineering;
Cotton Milling and Dyeing;
Industrial and In
culture teaching.
Entrance examinations, at
county scat on the 14th of July.
West X.
J. W. Perry CO.
Cotton Factors and
Ties Bags.
id shipment so-
The Rind clear off or I'll
set the dog at you.
The Tramp- Ah. deceptive Is
two I've
slept In your burn, eaten of
drunk of elder, and now
yes treats me as an otter stranger.
iV. C. D, If. Clark.
Civil and
. . .
S. J.
Dr. Office
Greenville, . . x. Carolina
L. I. ii lore. W. ll.
Greenville, . . S. Carolina
Practice in the courts. up
in Phoenix building, next u
i. L. James
Greenville, . . . .
Between stationery and
A difference of one letter.
But if your stationery
Is well printed, up to
date and businesslike,
such a we can supply
you, your trade will
not be
Etc., Keep Business ON
That's the hind we print.
Greenville, . . X.
Harry H. W.
. . x. Carolina
Greenville, . X- Carolina
Choice Cut Flowers
Carnations, Violets,
Our Specialties
In ill
floral and bouquets in
mast artistic at notice.
Shade Rosa lights.
and Plants
m by
J. L. CO.,
ft C.
Wholesale and Grocer and
Furniture dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed. Oil
Turkeys. Oak Bedsteads, Mat-
tresses, etc Suits, Carriages,
Suits. Tallies,
Lounges Safes, P. and Hail
Ax Snuff. High Life Tobacco. Key
West Cheroots, Henry Ci-
gars, Canned Cherries,
Syrup, Jelly, Meat, Flour, Sugar
Coffee, Soap, Lye, Magic Food,
Oil Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds Oranges. Apples.
Candies. Dried Apples. Teaches.
Prunes, Currants, Glass,
and Cakes
and Crackers. Cheese,
best Butter, New Sewing Ma-
chines, and numerous other goods.
duality and quantity rash.
Some see me.
Attorneys at
Practices where
vices required,
ally in the counties of
Craven, Carteret, Jones
State and
Federal Courts.
Office Broad Street
Phone BERN. M. C.
Work Greenville us.
State Normal and
men if North Carolina.
Course loading Degree.
K Session
begin September d-
s early as
For other in-
. Pres, N. C

Published by
D. J. ti II
one year,
Advert rates mar be upon
application at Ike business In
The Reflector Building, corner
and Third streets.
All cards of thanks resolutions
of respect be charged tor at
cent per word.
date will be charged tor three
cents per line, up to line.
i . . post office u-
X. C. sec i lass
Greensboro will jot another pull at
the delegates.
The Judicial convention at More
head City comes next, and after Sat-
you can call Judge Harry
Those fellows who want Jeffries and
Johnson to fight again must not know
when they are humbugged.
You cannot do anything better than
for roads. Get all your
interested in coming to the
roads convention in Greenville
the first Monday in August.
I ii
Al roads for Pitt
Judge Whedbee sounds
Perhaps Hi no will let them shew
the pictures there.
Keep you i to the tor pews
from Charlotte.
For one, we got a banker-
tor a machine.
Johnson is In danger
talking himself to death.
People getting killed by air ships is
no more than might be expected.
Next time the mayor Newark may
be careful In trying to keep e law.
Hi d his r . i and
now y ;., v i;
y ;. ,;. ; I hi lie
in Charlotte, and r
Conventions this year seem to .
afflicted with
ha i , ;
cot on sh . . .
price next fall.
People sometimes buy from a
articles which they could pot
from the home dealer a less price.
Monday August 1st, Will be a great
day for Pitt county. Everybody is
coining to the good roads convention
that day.
And the fifth district
convention got into a deadlock
over making a nomination that had
to adjourn to another date.
When y i all I II ; . y n
you owe, you hi l mi p i;
man who v I . C nit,
Man certainly i bit ail
i brow In
Pitt is not fully prepared to under-
the action her Sister county.
Greece, toward her candidate for Judge
iii Judicial convention.
The governor of Nevada says the
fight was great. As he was sponsor
It, he had to say something like
The result of the conference was
will run as can-
for Governor of New York.
This will likely gain
The Reflector the support it deserve.
New Sun.
From now until the first Monday ii.
August every man in Pitt county should
talk the good roads convention which
meets in Greenville on that day. It
Is going to be a big day for Pitt
the folks are all going to be
Norfolk is preparing to grow in re-
number of population, if not In
actuality, by annexing all the adjacent
suburbs. As the people of these sub-
really belong Norfolk, most
them doing business or getting sup-
port there while living ins
limits, the city ought to be given the
benefit of counting them among her
should begin at once to
wage war upon the fly. This
dangerous peat can be exterminated by
the multitude of
places that infest the town. Prof.
II. E. Austin has started a good work
by giving a lecture on Ike and
it should both the city
ties and household to action.
Away with the files
i was high, mark of oval
v ions record col r o
. .; , lei when the i Ii.
Ion. Cl
i . acclamation
i n d It.
We are glad to u Me signs of pros-
apparent la the case of our
contemporary. The of
Greenville. The Reflector Company
boa been incorporated and Mr. D. J.
s president and continues
to edit the paper. A latest model Lin-
machine baa been purchased
and other equipment added. The Be-
in doing good work for Greet.
ville and Pitt county and deserves the
hearty support of
Free Press,
Several of tie
of the Stats held
convention, in the Hon. John H
was .
and also Ii
second. In the third Dr. J. M
r. ii, . r a
continued through
In the four h Hon. .
Among other things Greenville
should not overlook the necessity for
factories. The town needs them.
There will be no trouble in getting
people to locate here if the town has
the means for giving them employment.
factories to give employ-
to a thousand laborers would
double the population of the town in
h short while. We have the school
facilities of which people want to
take advantage In educating their
children, but the heads of families
must be able to find employment if
they move here.
As predicted yesterday, the
convention at Edenton
Hon. John H. Small by
This is Mr. Small's seventh
shows the
high esteem in which he Is held by the
people of bis district. As he said In
his speech of acceptance, he regards
himself as the servant of the people,
and that is truly what be is. The dis-
has never been ably and
faithfully represented than by Con-
i who
tied i .
this v r, I
lie be,
The i . Ion c mi I his
week ion you will
l the n
i. ill; .
from the i
. ft.
was i u u thing
x to ho ling long con-
When an gets busy on
i in doing the right thing
once mote,
know in a few days
one v is doing cl .;
Supreme court
You may count on Judge i
Whedbee making a record
when he goes upon the bench.
A woman. Mrs. has
entered the race as Republican can-
for governor of New Hampshire.
Charlotte is not going to care if the
State convention also gets in a dead-
lock and stays there for some time.
If those fellows succeed In crossing
the Atlantic ocean in their air ship,
faith In the flying machine will Jump
By the fifth district congressional
convention adjourning to a later date,
N i for ard
. . . Leland B d I .-.
.; t i. j . r.
hi of the In a n .
all i In tin i.; i
. iii in. lie i pretty
V noted .
, ., . u i
iV i . .
. . , , i,.
The bad influences of the Jeffries-
Johnson tight at Reno are to go
for some time through moving picture
shows. Makers of picture films paid
Jeffries and
the privilege cf featuring the fight,
and did not hesitate to say they ex-
to a million dollars from
the investment. As long as public
runs to things they will go.
we arc glad that in cities n
campaign has already started looking
to the suspension of the fight pictures.
To the picture will not only
have a demoralizing effect, but
cause race strife.
county cause to proud
the recognition her delegates re-
at the congressional convention
In Edenton Wednesday. Mr. V. C.
Harding was made chairman of
convention and proved an idea pro-
officer that largo body. Mr.
I. j. was one of the Mere-
of the convention. And while
j In the fifth the convention Is In i alphabetically Pitt count; stood near
toot of tin- list, all passed
roll call waiting for our townsman,
he k d malt in whoso s. Everett, to make the
With modesty we are glad to
say that the average North Carolina
newspaper compares very well with
those of any other State. Within the
past decade there has been a mar-
advance in the strength tone
the press . There a time when
editors discredited the profession
by pauperizing quite agree with
Editor King of tie Durham Herald
who remarked to us the other day that
he had patience with a newspaper
man who gave color to the belief that
the business is conducted Within plain
view of the poor house. Mr King re-
marked that if he could make as much
money at anything else as he can in
the newspaper business he would quit
the paper go Into that business.
Not only are our papers in good
condition, generally speaking,
but they are free from cant
It is not always so. At
one time in the history of the business
editors could hardly call their souls
their own. They feared to speak the
honest truth lest might
be hurt. Thank God, that day is pass-
Our North Carolina newspapers,
as a rule, are candid and courageous
in their expression of their opinions.
They are leaders rather than follow-
of public sentiment. They do not
wear other people's collars any more.
Most of them are owned by the men
who run them, and the others are
allowed latitude enough for a full
play of their consciences. They are
independent and self-respecting gen-
and they know their rights
and knowing, dare maintain them. Of
course, there may be exceptions to the
general rule. Here and there may be
found a or a toady, or a
rabbit at the head of a paper, but we
are speaking broadly, and we re-
to know that our papers both
daily and weekly are stronger, more
high-toned and more influential right
now than they have ever
and Children.
i t. i. all ;
up .
. .; I;
to i . r I . i I
. .
The trim In.
Vi in. id dent tin
. i
not. sanding the no ;.
con m hi rec i a
man for position.
it la Urns to th ii i and
Johnson light and let ii n sink Into
mi spot
. i be a long .
m they lo i fight.
While is making no
hurry in the appointment of a
to the late Chief Justice Puller,
and will likely wall until the fall be-
fore doing so, Indications point to
Hughes New York, as the man
who is to receive honor.
rite i I t . I . ed I Hi
. i -.-. coat . hi Hits St Hi
. . I .; iii vi
lent, ii. convened a in
Th bi .
; i t; .--; i was In n wk
. i
a Tl e I ;.
com Ion in I
. I nominal a i
tor, and third district
convention at Got was j .
a candidate
You can count North Carolina
good wherever she appears.
The speeches of and
State Superintendent Joyner before
the National
In were not surpassed by any
made before that body.
The Reflector has recent-
added a Linotype to Its equipment,
and the of The
has greatly improved. In addition to
this they have added a
The people of Greenville should
appreciate this Improvement and give
of the fight speech of the convention. And
being from exhibition in bis speech was one that in every
oil cities and towns, say did credit to his county and
going wage Ugh the the distinguished gentleman whose
And In this fight he presented to the convention
will d more than I IT- to receive unanimous nomination.
i . . . . -------o
r ;.,. of the
-l , appreciation of
, . i paper has
u ling III modern ad-
ding i r i-
. by paying pr-i-n,
ii. of out such
in improved paper is much
before, and we must depend on
the to help us II
. I ii .
Mond the I
com i ill m
the construction of the new court
;. i and m v Jail for Pitt county.
Before the I i; lei the
tor i in calls attention to a
recently made In the panel the
the Interior of the court should
lie provided with niches fur mural
tablets upon which to perpetuate the
history of the county. There la do
more appropriate place for
cur for future gen-
speaks of Greenville as
the greatest future or any
town in Eastern North Carolina, and
it is true. The feeling Is In the air
this town must go forward, and th
spirit of Improvement is taking hold
of the people in earnest. Hardly a
day goes by but what one hears
plane for development,
and some tiling is going to come
Any who nave been con-
making investments In
will find no better to
act than right now.
you want and appreciate a good
do your part.
The has about got its new
equipment In proper running shape,
in appearance the paper is not yet
what we want to make It, but
will continue In this
The new recently
added Include a Lin-
machine, an Eclipse Folding
extra Chandler and
Job press,. and a e
quantity of new Job type. equip-
not us to gel
. bettor paper containing more read-
matter, but also the plant
In position more and better
printing. We want patronage of
the people In all departmental of the
business subscriptions,
job printing, These increased fa
have been added ill order lo
give a modern printing and
publishing plain, and your patronage
U wanted to help maintain this. We
want to make The Reflector the pride
Greenville. Pitt county and Eastern
North Carolina. Will you help us
Tenth District.
By Wire to The Reflector.
N. C. July one
o'clock ibis morning, after being In
session since the afternoon of
day, the tenth district congressional
convention J. M.
Jr., ballot by majority.
Subscribe for The Reflector.
As The Reflector has predicted
from the time Hon. Harry W.
bee. Pitt, was mentioned as a can-
for Judge of thin Judicial dis-
he was nominated by the Judi-
convent Ion. His friends present-
ed His name to Governor and
urged bis appointment as successor
to Judge H. when the
latter resigned, but the governor as
to act Otherwise, On lbs very day
appointment was made, the
Democratic committee or
In session and upon
learning of the action the governor
it once adopted a resolution
Mr. Whedbee and recommended
to the people Of the district
nomination as Judge approval
which ibis resolution and re-
commendation m t, and the
ii created throughout the district,
i Hide ii look that
ii nominated by the
And o ho was.
I county hi proud that
comes to one of her citizens and can as-
sure i of the district no mis-
take was made in nominating Mr.
for this high office, lie
ll every qualification of intellect,
and character to make a model
Judge, and he will occupy the Judicial
i a it with credit to lo his
and lo the Slate.
s Tomatoes, Etc.
Charlotte Men.
Strange, Isn't it. how people run to
In different specialties Take the
line of fruits. Mr. Fly Henderson
runs the plums. He has some really
wonderful trees at his home In
Pealing a plum that
is a wonder In color taste.
Sir, John specialty is
Ho has of the
In Mecklenburg never sells
a cherry. He grows them chiefly for
his own delight and the delight of his
friends. Prof. Alexander Graham is
the lg crank of the State. His home
Is surrounded by a fig farm. He ban
the varlet graded so that he Is not
out of Mrs from early spring until the
first killing frost in the fall. Mr
Dan Johnson's specialty is grapes, of
the James Variety. Mr. George
an conducts a potato kindergarten at
his home farm on South Tryon street.
Mr. Wm. Taylor Is the tomato ex-
pert of Charlotte, and Mr. Walter
Myers beats, them all on poaches
There In one Charlotte man who con-
fesses to a love for damsons, but does
not his name published and we
don't blame him. The damson is
of prof and the
of nightmare. of the tad-
dints have the in their respective
lines ever grown It Is only wast-
time and wounding their vanity
to get Into an argument with them
about Chronicle.
What I it in n- of den Say About
Good Will be
Heard From.
Mr. Whit J. Hardy, member of the
good roads committee appointed by the
Chamber of Commerce, to visit the
of the county and in-
the people In good roads, made a
trip to Ayden Tuesday and following
are some of the expressions
business men. In regard to good
Dr. Joseph good
roads, bonds necessary to get them.
want some the good things in
life, not after I
Mr. Richard favor
good roads the township
Mr. W. H. Phillips, or us
Mr. E. Turnage. or E. Turnage
Sons. realize the necessity of
good roads, no real progress can be
attained without It is a
or what is the best method. The
main thing is to get the people to-
and discuss the
Mr. E. L. Turnage, that the
township plan should be adopted and
am strongly In or good
Mr. J. R. Turnage, could
be better for us than good
Mr. J. W. strongly fa-
good roads. It Is only a question
of the best methods. If I was a good
speaker, I would come to your meet-
and make a
Mr. W. II. ought to
have them by all
M. E. T. Phillips, favor good
roads and will do all can to bring
Mr. Edward L. Brown,
cation of true
Mr. J. R, Smith, good roads
by special lax, cost being paid
each year. Our present tax is eight
cents, it ought to be increased at
Mi. it. w. Smith, there any
t banes to build good roods, I am with
We will give lull expression of the
people on all aides, If short
are sent us.
From Height
. falls
Gale Responsible.
By Cable to The Reflector.
Berlin, July ;.
carrying balloon. de-
by the aviator of that name-
was dashed to the ground today In a
gale near Cologne. Ail five
i in were killed.
was piloting the
ii Cologne and when
the disaster occurred The balloon
plunged from a great height, falling
. th startling speed. Ail the
were . la the wreckage
their bod . so crushed and man-
that they were Identified with
much difficulty.
T the aerial disaster in
a decade and is a harder blow to the
nett and science than the re-
cent of Count Zeppelin's ma-
Hundreds of Others in
By wire to The Reflector.
Now York, July 13.-Six persons
were severely Injured and more
a hundred others badly shaken up
and bruised when an express train
in the Island Transit
Railroad ran into an open switch
today. Officials of the road believe
the switch was opened by some one
with the Intent of causing a wreck.
Patted. After Shooting
the Woman.
Wire to The Reflector.
New York, July carrying out
a suicide pact they had entered Into,
shot Mrs. Antonio
three times today. The
then tried to shoot himself, but either
his nerve or the cartridges would
explode, h run away. The
woman tried to shield the man until
found out he had not killed
himself, then admitted that they bud
agreed to die together. The
has a husband.
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
Ayden. N. C. July 1910. You
an find almost anything you Rev. R P. Pittman. one the
N. t. i-. .
K F Hardy returned from Whit- want in Shoes. Has. Dry Goods. No- students, is here for a few days,
u r night where he had Trunks, School Books. Food and Hawk
summoned to bedside of his Hardware, Crockery. Lime. Killer t J. R. Smith
mother Mrs. Hardy, who Cement. Windows. Books Cook Stoves I
was was visiting her daughter. Mrs. Screen Windows and Groceries at J.
who was very sick,
but Is some better.
We are representing the oldest and
R. Smith
Mrs. Washington,
is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
strongest Life and Fire Insurance Co. J. A. Davis, in Ghent.
In the world. Call us and let us con- j Our city aldermen are building a
suit with Loan Trust i culvert across Second street,
Alonzo who has been par-
and unconscious for the past
week, died Sunday night.
Call, on us for Flooring Ceiling,
and Scant-
ling. We guarantee satisfaction.-J.
R. Smith Mill.
Co. Phone
On or about the 20th of June my
white female bobtailed rat terrier
dog. strayed from Hotel Has
a black spot on his back, is very
smart, and answers to the name of
Information leading to
his recovery will be rewarded. W.
S. Blount.
Rev. J. N.
Car Nails, Barbed Wire. Lime and
Cement at J. R. Smith
How would a pump nicely fitted up
in the middle the street with a
house over it. like our neighbor
town's. This would
be an oasis and panacea in the desert
of our Sahara, and a blessing to the
set of the Improved Screen Windows
Doors made by J. R. Smith Mfg.
Wm. Forrest, Edwin Tripp and
Worthington, left Monday for
I hereby announce myself a dumb beast,
date for Township subject to I your house against the filthy
the Democratic primary of Content-j and by putting in a
township. W. Allen Cox
Mr. H. G. Mumford us he was
In his private swimming pool Sat-
evening and running
the bank, drew out a large cat
fish, and enjoying the tun, kept pull-
them out until he counted nine-
teen. Being anxious for the
one. he reached further back and
handed out another very large one.
which ottered fight. Mi. Mumford has
a sore, swollen hand as a result This
Is Int actual fact.
If you need a good open or top Bug-
Wagon or Cart, call J. R- Smith
We have a element of
emigrants. While two
were shooting crap or playing seven
up. the looser beat the winner's nose
steak, and in the some one dealt
the other a violent blew in the back
with the blade of an The
refused to have It sewed up. and keeps
loafing around town and looks sad.
A nice line of Coffins and Caskets
always on hand with a nice hearse at
your service at J. R. Smith Mill.
J. H, Tripp went to Morehead Sun-
Now Is a good lime to advertise In
the Ayden department Set; R. W.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Cary
Jo Is or the list.
Car K Elite other Fertilizers
for top dressing at J. B Smith
Gentlemen give me something to
do and we will guarantee a day cur-
Stoves and repairs for Sams at
j. it. smith
Fran; Burroughs of Scotland Neck,
spent night town and re-
turned Monday.
and Knoxville
Patterns and
J. R. Smith Co.
A composed of W. F. Hart
and wife. Jesse Cannon. Clarence Hart
Thad Hart, Luther Cox, Jesse Hart,
and Jasper Smith, and others left for
Florida and Cuba
Gaudy and Rubber Belling, Black
and Pipe and other mill
at J. R. Smith Co.
To the ladies or the Did you
know you could cook and keep cool
these hot days with electric current.
Sec our and cent bargain
it. Smith Co.
Lorenzo is placing ma-
on -i lot near the park tor an-
other dwelling soon.
We are glad to know Mr. D. is
able to be out again. He baa been
confined for some time with
Lime, Cement, and
building material at J. R. Smith
Do your Hading J. R. Smith
and get B chance the valuable
given away.
Lime, Cement, Hair, Trowels and
Mason Jars.- J. R. Smith Co.
Lightning killed a nice horse for
Cox, an old colored woman.
Monday evening, while standing in the
for thoroughbred
Berkshire mate Apply at once
to . R. Smith Co.
M. E. who has been visiting
at returned to his home In
Rocky Mount, this morning.
I hereby announce a can-
for township constable, sub-
to the action the Democratic
primary of township.
A. L.
Son of
Screen Doors made to order or re-
paired on short notice at J. R. Smith
Miss Thelma Johnson Is Visiting
relatives In
Coal Tar, Roof Paint, at J. R.
Maj. Henry Harding, of Green-
ville, was In town Thursday, attend-
big the installation of Masonic
and barbecue. The
We will repair Tobacco Trucks,
Wagons, Carts other farm
on short notice at J. R. Smith
I. F. Johnson, w. M; w s. Jack-
son, S. D; Wm. Prescott, J. T.
Hart, Treasurer; S. Alphonso Jen-
kins. Secretary.
Grain Cradles and Cultivator Sweeps
at J. R. Smith
Mr. S. I. Dudley, a prominent stock
farmer of Durham, was In town
Thursday, and purchased some
hogs from J. R. h Co.
For hereby announce
myself a candidate for township con-
stable to the Democratic
The stockholders of the Free Will
Baptist school met last Monday mid
dedicated the school to the
nation made other changes that
arc conducive to the best interest of
the school. Prof. J. E. Sawyer
on the spot and we interviewed him
found all the sterling Co.
At Close of Business Juno
. Capt lee
and tells us the crops are
looking much nicer all over the
since the warm weather set in.
Commissioner J. J. May, was in our
town Tuesday preparing to take
idiotic colored child to the hospital
for the Insane at Goldsboro.
Milk Churns, Preserve Jars. Milk
Coolers, and Masons Fruit Jars at
J. R.
J. R. Smith Bro. are remodeling
the store next to the
for millinery. This is a good
stand and will find a ready demand
when completed.
J. F. Paints. Varnish, Ker-
fee Cites and J. R. Smith
Rev. L. L. Smith, one of the Semi-
nary students, called to see us Fri-
What become or the strange child
say he saw her.
Car Cement. Lime. Nails, and Hay.
at J. R. Smith
It is J. Ollie Cox who wants to be
Constable instead J. Allen Cox
I hereby myself a
date for township constable, subject
to the primary town-
T. Keel.
Mrs. E G. Cox and children arrived
yesterday from Greensboro. They
will make this their permanent home.
Mr. Cox moved his family from here
about three years ago.
Lime Lime Lime barrels
Just R. Smith Co.
Miss Mary Johnston, of Greenville,
is visiting at W. J. Boyd's.
-T ii . I buy.
sell, or rent houses or land, or want a
job for yourself, wife, daughter, moth
or sister, or want to employ
help, or sell what you ha.-,
there is no better medium than Tie
W. Smith.
Dr. R. held number 1420,
and was the winner the 27-piece
set of silverware at M. M. Saul's drug
chicken Powders kills
hawks, crows, owls, and minks;
remedy for cholera, gapes, In-
digestion and leg weakness, keeps
them free from vermin, thereby
them to produce an abundance
of eggs. cents a at J. R.
J. J. Harris z Co. have Installed e
large iron sale. They have hope in
the future.
W. U and I. F. Man-
returned yesterday from
buy a good
hand jointer and R. B alt
Listen to this story i t a --om-
gentleman who
ling l had business la a pub-
place. Several
around, and a few
One E . than
twenty-four, you i
ought to have bee i last Sun-
day at--------where w had a most ex-
citing poker game going on did the
boys it was a the way
In the
do you play on
asked young man.
Why. there is no barn It; b Idea
have such in veil-
away the time, an i you stand a
good In
This was i man's
open, frank and unblushing reply.
This happened In a town of
people full of so-
clubs and . A by-
stander telling the
truth; you would be astonished how
many boys In this torn . playing
poker and shooting dice every Sun-
day about in the clubs secluded
And yet the town men re trying
to solve the Condition he rural
youth. And they I to the
criminal neglect town people are
participating in many instances with
the youth of tin- town. Is
no harm In playing on a
is a estimate
f ethics, but c in setter than
this be expected if the yen i arc
lowed to Bin s in idle-
day aid night,
of small mid large,
going light on r K nose Of
police and otter authorities of
the law.
Al late, wait next
generation reveal to
J A talks to
How delicious were the pies of boy-
hood. No pies now r . so good.
What's changed the pies Its you
You've lost a strong. stomach
the vigorous liver.
the regular bowels of boyhood. Your
digestion Is poor you blame the
food. What's A ton-
up by Electric Bitters all i
of . Liver, j
your boyhood appetite I
of trod and fairly your
body with new health, strength and
at all
He Also Stir
East Train.
lug School its Fear.
As . i
committee of the board trustees of
the Carolina Training
School, ex-Governor J. of
Greenville, . i i
day, to confer with ate Treasurer
Lacy about funds tor school
in speaking of the hi ; Governor
school has been a
success unparalleled In history of
the State. It has been Only two years
since we broke the ground for the
building aid since then beau-
buildings been erected, In-
the administration
two dormitories, the refectory, the in-
and the els power plant,
for lighting and healing the entire
buildings are e
with up-to-d and modern eon-
and are furnished with sub-
and comfortable furniture
first session of the school
opened October 5th. and on
May 20th. with an enrollment of
pupils. On May 24th, the ten week's
summer session I to
actively engaged In teaching. This is
a . I actual
and class work for teachers on
taught In the common
schools. The t the sum-
mer school is U really inter-
said Governor
the school and tee s
pervading the school;
and t-e If I ; ii there
will toll in i I p ration of
the teachers work when they
return to up I In the
schools this fall.
that to Ii
all this in two . ; asses any-
over in any
Institution in Slate. We
are always glad to have an; body visit
the school who will do . and we
look forward to s greater work
for fas session witch opens
News and Observer.
Loans discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Cash items 17,455.22
Gold coin 2-0
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,841.80
National bank and other
U. S. Notes
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, loss
our. exp. and taxes pd. 061.53
Deposits sub. to check 89,204.44
Savings Deposits
I, J. It. of the above named bank, do solemnly swear at
the above statement is to the best of my knowledge and
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to Correct
before this 0th day July,
Notary Public.
We wish to call your attention to our new line of fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great care in buying this year and we
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Hats, Dress Ginghams, No-
and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cash or Installment.
Conn us will you
ion essential for an able educator.
it the Baptist will rally to the sup-
port their money and
cannot even dream what the
results will be, but are sun- with the
able corps of assistants a
success is guaranteed.
Han om Forrest and family, of Rocky
Mount, are visiting in town this week.
Prof. T. E. Peden, left Tuesday for
Portsmouth, Ohio.
of the Ayden Depart-
Open for any legitimate
campaign. Business solicited,
Is ho time to subscribe for the
i . In county- R.
The cloak at J. It. Smith store
stopped in Mrs. Harris
received the 1- of decorated
china, nor time being Mr. W.
Edwards of county re-
the prise, a tills um-
Time Mrs. Sarah
Maiming, third, a box American
ii you have news item, toil this
scribe help us to make col-
n creditable one. Don't treat
like you do a book and then
wonder the feeble effort h is
We are all like Josephus
Daniels, we need your co-operation
U. W. Sin I Hi.
Dr. K. L. apostle of
education, Is in town this week and
tells he has already secured
thousand dollars endowment,
notes, for the Baptist
and is meeting with great
unions other people, as
as the Free Will Baptists. There
seems to be a great awakening
among the Intelligent people for more
and better schools.
Cull us. phone Lei its rent your
houses ind for you. sell
your personal Property, Land. Stocks,
Bonds, lend you money on
Loan Insurance
Rev. L. M. n Free Will
evangelist, from Fla,
lectured Will Baptist His-
at Seminary Thursday
it was u gem from start to
finish. Among ills other
he is a 83-degree Mason. He will
in-each at the Free Will Baptist
Sunday morning at II o'clock. There
Is a treat in store for who hear
Lime I Lime barrels just
K. Smith Co.
Mrs. M. of Rocky Mount,
Is visiting relatives at
Mr. F. Cox, of
was in town Saturday and told ho
day. He is doing evangelistic work
since commencement.
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
State licensed specialist.
a examined .
; . t n .
c C
relieved of i . Sci
as follows for
d Hotel
. ill Hi
Fr .
ii ; Horton.
Of SI-
;.; and
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
You Way. Try Me
J. H.
-y. day.
The Busiest little i arc
Or. iii. a New Life Pills. Every pill
i sugar coal globule health,
i vi ; res is i i h,
. j i ii -v. Constipation,
i at all
Mini In Another State.
A prominent business man in an-
Sale who interest in
and is a regular reader
of lids semis us a letter which
the following much
-I notice change In The
tor, and it makes very
appearance. The people of
tile ought your's and
The Reflector's work, cannot
Imagine anything that bits ever done
more for any town The Reflector
and The Reflector man have for
Ci i The P.
,. up-
ed the
. rot ed
. ,. .
; . ,;. . of wave
., . i ; ; i lier
; .
Ii. C .
life i . an i
S ; .
The crew
.-, Liter
. .
Workmen ills Residence Demand
Increased Wage
Wire to The Reflector.
Warwick, Neck. N. J. July
strike is on today among the laborers
on country estate Senator
lob, where hi.-, great stone residence
being The strikers
demanding per an
Mr. c. Burton end wife cents. The;, declare that
Monday from a visit in cost living makes it Impossible
county. I for them to gel along wages.
en is -10
force that c the or-
digestion and
elimination. yon
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, be-
cause you lack
energy, and the
of rebuilding and
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it.
nervous system gave
com left me on the mm
f me grave. I u-t. t
but got no i lief.
I not HO bad I had Up
I Miles
in n
better, I
in Improve unlit cured, i
urn in
W. Ml
Your Or.
and we lorn u return
bottle It
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Ind
. . . . . ii . V
of Mi .
i u
. ho en-
.-. Barn .
arrival t by
the with Mr. . i
were to the ; .; ts of honor.
Progressive conversation van
i .
the midst i f the com an
II Interesting i lest n hi id. S
Lillian and Mr.
showed Ir at.
and cut for the prise. . v .
with young gentleman, who was
it to
Is do-
of the
P. Tames, H. w. ii. A,
white, . Flanagan, C. Vines,
D. Foxhall, L. W. Tucker, R. W. King
and Dr. J. E. left this morning
Tor Charlotte, to attend the State con-
.; gold bit pin.
late speech, he r
acts of .
Mies Cobb the o-.
Ai the conclusion
Ices and by
Gertrude Critcher Lillian
Mr. Livingston Brown,
the honor of your
the o r
Mr. William i
the evening of d . Hie
the twentieth of July
nine o'clock
Si. Paul's Episcopal Church
Greenville, North Carolina
N. cards issued to friends In town.
Owing to the of tin church.
requested not attend.

I hereby announce myself a can-
Tor sheriff of sub-
to the action of the Democratic
primary. J. MARSHAL COX
FOB sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for Iberia of Pitt sub-
to the action of the Democratic
primary. S. DUDLEY. i
beg to submit myself to the dis-
of the Democratic voters of
Pitt county at the coming
for County Surveyor.
W. C.
Nothing of Mom,,, In the World Has
Without TolL
Even If work comes not as a bless-
per we have to be considered
as part of the primal curse in which
man was bidden to earn his bread in
the sweat of his brow, and which the
minority of mankind seem to think
did not include themselves. What
right has any created thing to wish
to evade It
Is there a thing known as ab-
solute rest among all the powers and
agencies of the cosmic universe, the
very names of power and agency
plying action
Are not the four elements constant
at their never-ceasing, never-resting
always Interchanging labor Does
one drop of water pause in the roll of
the ocean, one tongue of flame hang
suspended In the fire, one cloud stay
motionless in the wide heaven, one
county, subject to the Democratic
I hereby announce myself a can-
for county treasurer of Pitt
county, subject to action of the
Democratic primary. B. WILSON
hereby announce myself a can-
for the office of Treasurer of
Pitt county, subject to the action of
the Democratic primary.
I hereby announce myself a can- atom of the brown earth cease to dis-
for the office of sheriff of Pitt Integrate, to molder, to crumble, and
change for Us new state
Is not the seed ever germinating,
the flower ever blooming, the fruit
ever ripening, sunshine falling, rivers
running Do the planets rest in their
courses, the earth in its revolution,
the tides In great swimming All
the atoms and impulsions of nature
are constantly rendering their tithe
of service; and why. then, should any
of us. as much an atom of nature as
stick or stone Is, and moved by
quickening as much as tide o.-
should we halt at our work
and bemoan our fate that we have our
share of work to do
Even while we bemoan ourselves
the work of the Universe goes on
In our own bodies, and the
changes that bring on old age daily
within us and about us. There is
something marvelously strange in
view of the industry of all natural
forces that the human race, or any
portion of It. should be the only thing
to rebel at the necessity of labor, in
some degree at least.
Hut apart from all fancies of the
kind, it is a fact that there has never
been anything of moment in the world
accomplished without work. What
an immensity of It must have been
Business Re-
Bargain Column.
All advertisements coming under
this head will be charged for at the
rate of cents per line, average six
words to the line. All advertisers
who haven't an account with us
should send money with ad.
tops at S. M.
will call W. J. Turnage.
I desire to announce to friends and
the public, that I will be at the Gum
warehouse the coming season. want
to thank my friends for their former
patronage and hope to have ft sup-
port and hearty in the
promising you that every pile of
your tobacco shall have my personal
attention, and every effort made to
please you. Come, lets make the Gum
headquarters for the farmers.
Trunks. Taft VanDyke.
hereby announce myself a
date for Constable of Greenville town-
ship, subject to the action of the Dem-
primary of the township.
I hereby announce myself a
date for Constable of Greenville town-
ship, subject to the action of the Dem-
primary. G. A. JACKSON
I hereby announce myself a
rate for Constable of town-
ship, subject to the action of the Dem-
primary. AMOS F. LANG S
Iron on hand and can till your
orders either by rail or deliver to
wagons. Flues in any quantity and
size you want on a minutes no-
ties. Phone Greenville Supply
old stand, near A. C. L. Depot.
J. J. Jenkins.
parts of surrounding section puts
me in a position to deliver your
Hues in any quantity, right at your
farm. Located at Greenville Sup-
ply old stand, near A. C.
Depot. Phone J. J. Jenkins.
The undersigned having duly
before the Superior Court Clerk
of Pitt county as executors of the lost
will and testament of John King, de-
ceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to the
and all persons having any
claims against the estate are notified
that they must present the same to
the undersigned for payment on or
before the 11th day of July, 1911, or
this notice will be plead in bur of
This 11th day of July. 1910.
Executors of John King.
spotted male pig. marked crap left
split right. Owner can get same by
paying costs and proving rights.
Mrs. W. H. Evans, Greenville, N.
Friendship and Lave Clave Eyes When
the Casual is Blind.
Our dear ones, they may
done to complete those conquests over look to outsiders, arc beautiful
to us if we think of the., looks at all.
The Difference
Bad Beads
Between Good
Front and Loss.
Good mads predate money
and productive possibilities beyond
our conception.
roads produce financial draw-
backs, and produce Impossibilities be-
Good mails means prosperous farm-
In it with profitable diversifying
Bad roads men farming In the same
old rut. with cost of transportation
too great make diversifying of
crops possible or profitable.
Good roods tin farmers
so close at horn . the
and profit of
is missed.
Good end good schools make
country life the Ideal life to live.
Had roads and bod schools mike
men leave the country and
come to town, in order to avoid the
roads and bad schools always cause.
Come to Pitt County's Good Roads
Convention which be held In
Greenville, en August the 1st,
Come, and help make your count
What It ought t be, and bring
everybody else with yon.
in Lit August the 1st,
the raw materials of the earth in the
ancient desert ruins, temples, and
aqueducts, in the modern tunneling of
the mountains and stretching of rail-
roads across continents
money that you pay for our
labor we send said the Chi-
to some agitator against them
the work remains for And
Our friends, too. have passed the
stage when we their looks.
Looks may lead to love, but
It. We love our friends
tor what are. but in each one we
Having this day qualified before D.
C. Moore, clerk of the superior court
of Pitt county, its administrator of the
estate of D. D. Gardner, deceased. All
persons are indebted to said estate are
hereby notified that they are required
to make Immediate settlement with
the undersigned administrator, and all
persons holding claims against said
estate are hereby notified to file their
claims with said administrator within
one year from the date hereof, or this
notice will be plead In bar of recovery
in said claims.
This the day of July, 1910.
of D. D. Gardner.
Completely Renovated and Many New Features.
Opens June 1st
Delightful Surf Finest Fishing in America, Dan-
Tennis. Motoring, Riding. Extremely low Excursion
Rates. Unsurpassed Perfect.
Through Sleeping Car Service, via Golds-
and Morehead, N. C.
Write Frank P. Morton, Mgr., Morehead City. N. C.
for rates and handsome illustrated booklet.
North Carolina. Pitt the
Superior Court, D. C. Moore,
S. Rasberry,
R. C.
By virtue of a decree of the
Court of County, made by
D. C. Moore, clerk. In the above
named cause on the day
June 1910, the undersigned com-
may be the or the mouth; or
the hands. It be the Voice; the
so the act of work remains In its the laugh. It may be the poise
fee; upon the character tin worn- the carriage; but something we are
she Home
If New Orleans is selected as the
Panama Canal exhibition city, it is
proposed to have a beauty show with
u prize of for the prettiest girl
in the United States. A contest like
that would arouse tremendous
against North Carolina, because
one of her girls would get that money
without half
Census enumerators say Little Rock
county. Arkansas, holds the State rec-
for large families. Mrs. Abraham
years old, is the mother of
fifteen children, all living. Mrs. Laura
years has twenty two
children living, while two are dead.
Mrs. Maggie Howard has been mar-
nineteen years and is the mother
of seventeen children, all living.
Hartford Times.
. .-.
of the I
The Merchant's Association as a
state organization is doing a good
work for Interests of the
whole state and Is to do
greater work In the future. The
opening of permanent offices In
for the transaction of the
of the means much
to this city, and marks another long
step forward by the
Kl .-tires mi it in tin railed
co to the lost year
. ,
I . I
. . is, and
ii, T is magnitude
in try cm ;. hi r-
. . i . ; d I these
early about
. worth of products.
;. , branch of diver-
agriculture so Important to the
ill The fer-
of the coll best be maintain-
ed by the liberal of barnyard ma-
and the dairy herd not only
makes this possible, but dairying is
also more remunerative than other
branches of farming when properly
carried on.
Dairying has made wonderful pro-
since the advent of the modern
creamery and the consumer of butter
has not only been by being
furnished a more wholesome and pa-
article of food, but the wife in
the farm home has been relieved of
the drudgery Incident to making
fer on the farm. Where formerly the
cream was ripened and churned into
butter under conditions conducive
to fine quality In the finished product
and in the majority of cases by
skilled hands, now the most of the
or cream is delivered a mod-
em creamery where conditions are
suited to purpose of making but-
and the result has been a won-
improvement in the quality of
our dairy products. As the quality
has Improved consumption has in-
creased and the progress of dairying
has been remarkable during the past
The perpetuity of country's
greatness depends upon Increasing
the production of farm products from
year to year, a result which not only
furnishes our people with food but
maintains the prosperity of our farm-
communities. Increase In
can only come through Improved
methods of agriculture and soil
When it is considered
that the cow is the foundation
for soil improvement and farming
prosperity, her importance is best
understood, and In her should
not be confined to her owner. She Is
an Important factor In the develop-
and prosperity of our country.
find some superlative physical missioner. F. C. Harding, will, on Mon-
day, the 18th day of July. 1910, at
o'clock noon, expose to public sale,
before the court house door in
ville. to the highest bidder, for cash.
the following described lot or par-
rel land, situated in the town of
N. C. situate on the south
of Queen street, adjoining the
lot of A. L. on one side and
the lot of Dawson and on
the other, and beginning at A. L.
Jackson on the south side
street adjoining the lot of A. L. Jack-
son on one side and the of Dawson
and Gardner on the other, and begin-
to find.
I Have you ever seen In one list the
adjectives we are wont to use in speak-
of a friend She may be pretty.
attractive, distinguished, de-
charming, fascinating, stun-
Interesting, inspiring, superb
splendid, glorious, she may be
pathetic, helpful, restful, kindly, M L- corner on
street and runs With his line
Norfolk Southern R. R.
Pullman Sleeping Car Service
between RALEIGH, N. C, and Norfolk, Va.,
beginning June 5th.
The only local sleeping car line between Raleigh and Norfolk, via Wilson,
Farmville, Greenville and Washington, without change.
Read Up
Read Down
Daily En
Ht. I
Hi. It
He. IS
. i
S A. L. Ar
R. S. and P.
Union Station Ar
vi Wilson
New via Goldsboro
via Goldsboro
via Wilson
Ar NORFOLK, Park Avenue
p. m.
a. m.
p. m.
tender. For ail
these a hundred other reasons,
choose our friends, and no two
will agree exactly their
Of ether. But with a world
of beauties of bodies and
it would seem that everybody
should a host of friends to ad-
mire and treasure if he have an eye
for beauty
If one cares to make a good
to be found attractive and
beautiful, health Is a first
And the second plain, old
cleanliness. A healthy, clean,
person neatly dressed, however Dim-
ply, is bound to be attractive. But
the wellsprings of beauty are In a
woman's heart
Her body's beauty is but a poem
Written by God about her Soul.
Her gown is the binding for the
poem, which, if It serves Its purpose
truly, will suggest the of
poem, and at the same time Will
harmonize with the other
on the shelves of life's library.-
J. In The
ii Mire of
At their recent meeting the board
of county commissioners granted
petition for a slight change in the
boundary line between and
Carolina townships. The change was
for the purpose of straightening the
line and for convenience. Only about
of land, known as the
lands, are effected by the change.
Subscribe for The Reflector.
hilling One Man and Injuring
Others at Cabot, Pa.
By Wire to The Reflector.
Butler, Pa., July terrific pow-
explosion occurred at Cabot, Pa.,
near here, today. man was killed
and Injured. The explosion occur-
ed in the of Standard Plate
Glass Co., which contained
pounds of dynamite and pounds
of blasting powder. The blast blew
buildings to bits and shook the country
far and miles around, causing people
to rush from their homes In fear of
an earth quake.
to canal thence up the Canal to
Dawson and Gardner's line, thence
with Dawson and Gardner's line to
Queen street, thence with Queen
street feet to the beginning, and
being the brick store and lot owned
by J. C Rasberry R. C.
This sale Is to be made for the
pose of making partition between J.
Rasberry and R. C. ten-
in common.
This the 18th day of June. 1910.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is a you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
I Of Course
f You get g
Horse Goods i c
J. R.
Tomb Stones
Iron Fencing
Work for Greenville with us.
Close connection made at Norfolk with all lines diverging.
trains operated between Norfolk and New Bern via
and daily, except Sunday, Raleigh and New Bern via
Nos. and carry Pullman sleeping car be-
tween Raleigh and Norfolk. Makes close at Wilson A. C. L.
to and from Wilmington, Rocky Mount, New Bi Kinston via Goldsboro.
makes direct connection at Raleigh with P. S. P. Ry. to and
with Sou. Ry. to and from Henderson.
For complete information, or for reservation of sleeping car space, apply
to either of the following G. T. Can. on. agent, H. L. U. T. A.,
Raleigh, N. .; W. J. Williams. Wilson, N. C; F. Goldsboro. N.
C; L. Greenville, N. C, H. L. Myers, Washington, N. C, T. H.
Bennett, New Bern. N. C.
II. C. W. W.
Norfolk, Virginia.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Between Norfolk, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston, Effective April 1st,
.; For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
W. J. CRAIG, P. T. M. T. C. WHITE, G. P. A.
Taft Van Dyke
Taft VanDyke
Art Squares, Rugs,
and Carpets
are Sanitary and can be scrubbed and clean-
ed as good as a floor. They are especially
nice for dining rooms, hall ways, Libraries
and Reading rooms. We have them in most
any size you can mention up to I feet.
We will be glad to have you call at our
store and see them. We have also another
lot of Velvet and Body Brussels.
Yours truly,
Taft VanDyke
The has never In-
praises for the man-
of the Baptist Orphanage,
at Thomasville. Whether In normal
times or in times of distress, it is of
the best. It is particularly success-
from a financial point of view.
Always under a strain, but always
making both ends meet, the
Is now out of not owe
a dollar. In making this gratifying
announcement, Editor Johnson says
in Charity and This is the
first time sine the writer's
with the Institution began,
teen years ago, that this statement,
at this season of the year, could truth-
fully be made. One reason for this
the treasury has not been raided this
year to make a deficit in the build-
fund. Heretofore, much of the
current fund was divert-
ed from Its purpose, to pay off work-
men, and this drove the treasurer to
the banks and forced him to pay in-
on money that should have
gone into the running expenses of
the It appears that the
orphanage needs more room. It Is
now caring for children and the
institution is crowded. A call will be
made for the addition of another
making the eleventh home to
the orphanage group. During the
past year, there were only two deaths.
The average health record has been
high. The splendid Infirmary which
bears the noble name of
has vindicated the wisdom
of Its builders. The small pox was
stayed In its beginning. The only
cases it had were those that
oped at first. As to the record of the
institution. Charity and Children
years lie behind the Or-
They have been eventful
years. More than a thousand
have found happy homes within
its walls. Upon Its bosom
these homeless ones have laid their
heads secure and safe from the
pests of sin that raged without. The
kindness of the Lord has marked every
step of the long and winding way.
Indeed the lesson the orphan-
age has brought to the world Is that
in spite of the blunders, the folly and
even he opposition of men the Lord
has led it safely on and kept watch
above His In the Thomasville
Orphanage, the Baptists have an in-
In which they may well take
Quaker Oats
is the world's food
Eaten in every
country; eaten by
infants, athletes,
young and old.
Recognized as the
great strength
Delicious and economical.
racked Id and in
tins hot climates.
Already and Maj Nation
By Wire to The Reflector.
New York. July the clonk-
business of the complete-
tied up by the strike of 70.000 men
and women, plans were made today
for extending the strike throughout
the country unless the efforts now be-
made for peace meet with success.
Fully more will be ordered out
If a national strike Is called, involving
in large
The strike Is already the largest In
a single trade ever known in New
York. Leaders of strike say they
are prepared for a long If
Teething have more or less
which can be controlled by
giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera.
and Remedy. All that is
necessary is to give the prescribed
dose after each operation of the bow-
els more than natural and then
oil to cleanse the system. It Is safe
and sure. Sold by all druggists.
or smith j
Convention In Deadlock Nomi-
By Wire to The Reflector.
N. C. July ten
o'clock this morning there was no In-
of any break In deadlock
over the nomination for solicitor of
this district. The convention has been
in session ever since 1.30 yesterday,
with adjournment from six to eight
o'clock this morning. The leading
candidates are and
Smith, both of Charlotte. Over live
hundred ballots have been taken.
Capitalists or syndicates who in-
vest in large tracts of fertile South-
lands subdividing them Into
small farms prepared for cultivation
and them with suitable
homes and buildings, will discover
a new and broader Held for enter-
The eye of the world Is now on the
South and the possibilities of this
country were never so generally rec-
throughout this country and
Europe. With homes and farms
ready for producing crops at once,
and capable of making money crops
practically every month in the year,
there will be great Inducements for
to come south. If the
people who are going to Canada from
our northwestern States knew that
they could buy homes and farms on
easy payment and get assistance
for their settlements from promoters,
we have no doubt the tide of
would turn this
to North Carolina. Therefore, the
opportunity is ripe for the establish-
of colonies or for the sale of
farms ready for operations.
Southern lands produce in
dance nearly every crop grown In all
other countries, and above and be-
all that, the lands are peculiar-
and especially adapted to the great
est money crops In the
vegetables, etc. As the world's de-
for cotton alone are now tax-
the labor capacity, as the
world also affords a universal mar-
for tobacco, and as the greatest
cities of America are the near mar-
for all Southern products, It is
a safe prediction that land values will
increase as a logical consequence
North Carolina land Investments
are especially attractive because
arc only twenty-four hours by
rail from Item
of people. This Is only a hint
for the man who would like to salt
down lit th
ties .- In.-
and on
Wilmington Star
Get a
outfit to-day.
Pour a few drops from the bottle
into the inhaler that comes with each
outfit, and breathe it in or times
a day.
Immediately you will know that Hy-
soothes and heals the Inflamed
Irritated membrane.
But does more than soothe
Growers of fruit and vegetables In
the vicinity of Wilmington are
one of the most prosperous
seasons on record. A resume in a
recent Issue of The Carolina Fruit
and Trucker's Journal furnishes some
interesting figures. From the region
mentioned a total of 425.000 crates
of strawberries were shipped during
the season just closed, showing a
gain of from to per cent over
that of 1909. value of the
strawberry crop will not fall short
of The fruit and truck
growers will probably receive another
million for their potatoes, lettuce,
green corn, peaches, plums, and
huckleberries, making a very
total of that will
thus be distributed within a radius of
one hundred miles from Wilmington
as a center.
The growth of the trucking Indus-
try along the South Atlantic sea-
board has been one of the marvels
of recent years, and has contributed
no small part to the prosperity at
present enjoyed by Wilmington and
other cities conveniently situated to
the gardens. The Industry has been
in the State of N. C, at the close of business. lone 1910.
and heal. It kills the germs, those per-
severing pests, that are at the root of greatly stimulated by the Increased
all conditions. use of through refrigerator cars.
Last year I suffered terribly with
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
House 200.00 I
Fix. j
Demand loans
Due from Banks
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, all
minor cur.
Mail bk notes
9,097.00 j
Capital stock paid in
Undivided profits, lets cur.
expenses and taxes pd.
Notes and bills A.
Bills payable
Time of ,
sub to , e,,.
STATE OF CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
I, L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
JAS. L. LITTLE, Cashier.
Subscribed and to before me,
this 7th day of July, 1910.
H. D. Bateman, Notary Pub
W, B. Wilson,
J. G.
R. W. King,
catarrh. I used one bottle of
and my catarrh
Helen Cal.
A complete outfit. Including
a bottle of a hard rubber
pocket inhaler simple directions
for use. costs only If you now
own a Inhaler, you can get
an bottle of for only
cents at Coward
Guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup,
sore throat, or money
No Nomination Yet Reached In Fifth
District Convention.
By Wire to The Reflector.
Greensboro. N. C, July fifth
district congressional convention at
today took a recess until
o'clock, with no nomination yet In
sight. The last ballot taken, which
was the 396th, stood Stedman
Jones Royster
After three ballots this morning Mr.
Mebane withdrew and his vote scat-
variously, but soon returned to
him. On the 292nd ballot Stedman
reached votes, within six of en-
to nominate, but dropped back to
votes on the next ballot.
which bring the Northern markets
hours closer to the producer, get
his produce to the consumer In most
attractive condition. It is probable
that coat counties are better
adapted to this particular form of
agriculture than any other section
of the State, but trucking, especially
for local markets, also pays well In
other regions. A beginning has been
here in Mecklenburg, and
though the enterprise Is somewhat
young to justify optimistic Inferences,
it is quite within the range of
that Charlotte will one day be
the center of a busy trucking region,
with as remunerative results as those
now obtained farther east.
cation of crops is coming rapidly
here as elsewhere in the South, and
trucking appears to offer a very
avenue for its
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, June
When the stomach falls to perform
Its functions, the bowels become de-
ranged, the liver and the kidneys con-
causing numerous diseases.
The stomach and liver must be re-
stored to a healthy condition.
Stomach and Liver Tablets
can be depended upon to do It. Easy
to take and most effective. Sold by
all druggists.
of train, automobile or buggy may
cause cuts, bruises abrasions, sprains,
or wounds that demand Ar-
greatest healer.
Quick relief and prompt, cure results.
For burns, bolls, sores of all kinds,
eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore
eyes or corns, its supreme. Surest
pile cure. At all druggists.
Rockefeller Celebrate Birthday.
By Wire to The Reflector.
Cleveland. July D.
feller celebrated his birthday to-
day, and spent the day quietly at his
home. He received a few friends and
a great many messages of
and good wishes. He is in the
best health, and says he feels like
be will live to be a hundred years old.
Soreness of the muscles, whether
induced by violent exercise or injury,
is quickly relieved by the free
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment.
This liniment Is equally valuable for
muscular rheumatism, and
fords quick relief Sold by all drug-
Who Lost a i
A plain gold linger ring was found
in Raleigh June 30th, and was said
to have been lost by some one who
went on the excursion there.
The loser of the ring can get a letter
containing particulars by calling at
The Reflector office and paying for
this notice.
Stock Higher.
By Wire to The Reflector.
New York, July stock mar-
displayed decided activity and
strength at today's opening. The
first prices showing gains ranging
from fractions to over a point. St.
Paul's Pacific fend
were the strongest of the railroad list.
Higher prices brought In a little sup-
ply of stocks and there were some re-
Grain and Pork.
Chicago. July was an
easier feeling In the wheat market
at today's opening, and the volume of
trade was small. Corn and oats were
some lower. July wheat, corn,
oats, September perk,
Cotton Quiet.
New York, July cotton mar
opened today rather quiet
easier, three to eight points lower.
Aggressive support was given August
and September on call by bull traders.
July, 13.32; August, 14.78;
September, 13.32 bid; October, 12.72;
The returns for the first nine months
of the current fiscal year Indicate
our sales to Japan for the full
will be about or practical-
what they were In 1902. The de-
of nearly per cent, front Ina
average of the three years preceding
Is only In part to be attributed to de-
crease In Japan's total Imports.
1902 American sales to Japan
or about per cent of the
total Imports of the country. Our
share of the total has now fallen to
about per cent.
The war of 1905
carried our exports to Japan up to
that year, and the sales
for the next three years averaged
about The sharp drop of
recent months Is not easily to be
The decline In shipments
of raw cotton accounts for about
and the remainder appears to
be accounted for by a decrease in
general shipments, a decrease of
hundreds of dollars in some items,
of thousands In other items and
of thousands in a few others.
The decline in raw cotton and an
appreciable decline in wheat flour are
probably due to high prices for those
commodities. It Is probable that de-
In a considerable list of
article Is to be accounted
for by an Increase In Japanese
sf these articles. A part of
the drop Is, of course, due to the
general decline In Japanese imports.
The fact seems to be that we are not
holding our own against our
In 1900 our sales were about
out of a total Importation
of The present
for the current year sales of
about out of a total of
The world's most successful
cine for bowel complaints is
Colic, Cholera and
It has relieved more pain
and suffering, and saved more lives
than any other medicine in use. In-
valuable for children and adults. Sold
by all druggists.
Having qualified as administrator
of J. L. Keene, deceased, late of
ton, N. C, this Is to notify all persons
having claims against the estate of the
said deceased, to exhibit them to the
undersigned, within twelve months
from this date, or this notice will be
pleaded In bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment.
This 23rd day of June, 1910.
F. G. James A Son.
Should not wait until It Is too
The appalling death-rate from kid-
disease Is due In most cases to the
fact that the little kidney troubles are
usually neglected until they become
The slight symptoms give
place to chronic disorders and the
sufferer goes gradually into the grasp
of diabetes, dropsy, Bright's disease,
gravel or some other serious form of
kidney complaint.
If you suffer from backache, head-
aches, dizzy spells; If the kidneys
are Irregular of passage and
unnatural In do not delay.
Help the kidneys at once.
Dunn's Kidney Pills are especially
for kidney cure whore
others fail. Over one hundred thou-
sand people have recommended them.
Here is many cases in this
S. Butler, Harvey St.
Washington, N. C, am well
pleased with the results that followed
the use of Kidney Pills In my
case and highly recommend them to
other kidney sufferers. I was subject
to dull pains in ray back, accompanied
by sharp twinges through my lions.
Kidney Pills removed my
trouble and benefited me In every
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents. Co., Buffalo
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the
The noise of hammer and saw Is so
deafening it reminds us of the navy
yard. Buildings going up before and
behind us.
Loans and Discounts,
Overdrafts sec.
and Fixtures,
Due from Banks
Silver coin, including all ,
minor coin currency
National bank and f
other U. S.
Capital Stock.
1.304.74 Surplus fund,
I Undivided profits, less ex.
and taxes paid
I and bills r.
I Time of Deposit
I Sub. to
i Total
I, W. H. Cashier of the above-named do sol-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
W. H. Cashier.
knowledge and belief
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me this 7th day of July,
1910. S. T. Carson,
Notary Public.
M. O. Blount,
At the close of business, June 1910
Last Mark of Respect Paid the
By Wire to The Reflector.
Chicago, July minute guns
booming a last tribute of the nation
to Melville W. Fuller, the body of the
distinguished jurist will be laid to
rest late today In cemetery
beside the grave of his wife.
Five of his associates on the
Court Bench, and one who la
soon to take his place, will be present
at the funeral and follow the body to
Its last resting place
Federal courts and courts In
Chicago were closed throughout the
day and all business In them was
Mothers who value their own com-
fort and feel the welfare of their
should never be without a box
of Mother Powders for
children, for use throughout the sea-
son. They break up colds, cure fever-
constipation, teething die
orders headache and stomach troubles
These powders never fall. Sold by
all drug stores. cents. Don't ac-
. , ., . any substitute. A trial package
something Ilka any moth who will address
York Olmsted. N. T.
fun. he Ark OM
Ca. Ya. ml If, aW
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures
Due from banks and
Cash Items
Gold coin
Silver coin. Including all
minor currency
National bank notes and
other C. S. note
Capital stock paid In
profits, less cur.
ex. and taxes paid 11.20
Time of deposit 975.75
Deposits subject to check 1,616.62
Cashier's checks
Stale of Carolina, county of
I, W. E. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
W. B. Cashier.
G. W.
Subscribed and sworn to 8th day of July, 1910.
D. F. LANG. Notary Public.
My commission expires July
His Fifth
His hands already stained with the
blood of four men whom he has killed
James B. Allison, formerly a member
of the local police force, shot Floyd
M. driver of the city patrol
wagon, live times yesterday afternoon
and then to make sure his terrible
deed struck him on the head with a
heavy hammer, killing him Instantly.
The tragedy In the shop of
I. R. Coffey on College street shortly
before o'clock and was unprovoked
so far as Immediate cause tor the
killing could be seen, although from
reports and from the testimony
brought out at the
Inquest held by Dr. E. R. Morris, it
appears that the same woman who
was the cause Allison's killing a
man named Roberts of Eagle Terrace
about a year ago was Involved In
this Citizen, 7th.
A Rapid Job
If you don't believe The Reflector
has a Job press that can do some fast
running, step up into the printing
room see the new press Just in-
stalled with a Jenny motor to run it.
The motor has a speed attachment
that will run the press anywhere be-
tween and 3.000 Impressions per
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets gently stimulate the liver and
bowels to expel matter,
cleanse the system, cure constipation
sick headache. Sold by all drug-
Death of Margaret Byrd
On Tuesday morning. June 1910.
between the hours of seven and eight,
the death angel visited the home of
Mr. and Mrs. I, U. Joyner. and took
from them their baby, Margaret Byrd
aged eighteen months. She was
sick July 1st, 1909. and was never
well any more.
Margaret was a sweet and loving
child, and the pride of her mother
father, but God in His wisdom
know best and took the dear one
home to rest.
Let us not weep for dear little Mar-
for has prepared a place
for His loved ones above.
A One.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton and
. l vs on
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
Work for Greenville with us.

In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON I
Agent of The Eastern Reflector tor Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
N. C, July A new lot of Lamps Just
The Pit County School Barber Co.
Toe A. U. Cox Mn- Mrs. Albion and Miss Dora
ore com- Haddock, who has been the guests of
durable. Terms i Mrs. A. W. left yesterday to visit
are liberal.
.; II
red any-
. the market.
come to us. we have Hie desk for
A. W. Ange, Alton
Kid Misc Dora Haddock, pent Wed-
visiting LaFayette Cox.
an- nice f
cud caskets. Prices are and
can famish nice hearse
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Mica Hargett, of Richmond.
is Visiting Misses Ethel and
Spring Dress Goods.
Embroidery and Laces Ci.- Sea
lot Barber i Co
Mies Lucy Hell Langston, and her
Miss Lessie King, of Durham.
were in town yesterday.
For nice, freak Fish, v. nail,
on I
H. Jackson and family, of
Cary, came in Thursday to
For cold of call
L. ;. e until
Mr. J. L. Jackson. of Greenville, was
in . y.
Just in A i. e if La
u. Call In i Hat
Barber Co.
Ai.-. W F, C la i. the
week In town i . ; . tin l.
r PI Is the kind you
lie.- i. Si . A. . i
Mr. He i ox to
call your i I o new
line Gs iV.
Mi ; Kittrell u Tues-
day re she has
been the c. T. s.
For h. i K in l Hen
A. C
X. C.
C. . Smith r I
trip in Craven
of C i . Mfg. C i.
w are g . . . i n .
don be . A. . Co.
day from a visit to and
. .
ion's bi .
Where In to .
. c. July
Mr. C. T. Cox left . i
. ,. .,; , ft
Matting Oil for the
Buy some,
Barber Co.
OS .- . ; c , ;, ,
I I . I . ;, I
Smith . a. i;
.- i ., i ; i ,;.
Before bi . ; .
Cards. .
Mr. M. B. ; ,,
Pea in I Pea .;. by
W. .
n-o v for a II ed
die-; fl r I . ;.
Calico d . .; i
g to tic;
Wall G .,.
. Pi
Shin . ;
Cos .
Ice I ,
Kb c ,,
Q . ,
I. Danville, Va.,
vi i Or in I Sunday.
H regret when yon
a Buggy,
by A. Cox Manufacturing
OH Winterville, c
g. sud Mrs. l. l. Kittrell attended
Sam age, Fish,
PP R. W. Ball, at Johnson stand
oh railroad
Mr. Allen Cannon Miss Lee
Nichols, of Ayden, Sunday vis-
lung Muses and Kittrell.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are in
to give you Che best
Trucks Flues for your money.
They made extensive
their manufacture this
near Haddock X Roads.
Fresh Herrings at
ton, Barber Co.
Mr. A. G. Cox left today to attend
tie State at Charlotte.
We have Needles. Bobbins, and
Shuttles, for any Sewing Machine in
the country. Also needle threaders,
the very thing for affected eyes or
dark days Harrington, Barber Co.
Mrs. F. Tucker returned
day from Henderson, where she has
been relatives.
We have put In an assortment of
for all
Barber Co.
Mr. K. A. wife, left to-
day for
is your soul Let us
Show you our new lot of Shoes.
Harrington, Barber
Miss of
who been spending time with
here, left Saturday for
People who have not kept In touch
with the progress of developments in
most of the southern states will be
surprised to find how much is really
being accomplished, even at this lime
when business is supposed to be
along at a rather slow rate. The
only feature of southern enterprise
which appears to be at all below
normal is cotton manufacturing. The
railroads are generally gaining
ground. is active building in
the traction field to connect cities
Prospect for Very Short
County Poorest on
Small Plant Bad Stand.
its issue of July 11th. the New
Orleans Times-Democrat gives a re-
port of the condition of the cotton
crop, based upon correspondence
throughout the belt, from
which the following summary is taken
reports favorable
the States of Oklahoma
A torpid liver deranges the wool
system, sod produces
Sallow Skin and Piles.
There Is no better remedy for these
common diseases than DR.
LIVER PILLS, as trial will prove.
Take No Substitute.
Haste Paper.
With the gradual but ever
price of all qualities of paper, the
nation is confronted with a problem
Texas and distinct deterioration a
the remainder of the
by electrical lines. A single project
of suburban extended
from Anderson. S. C. to Durham, X.
C, involves an expenditure of
Probably the most
in the whole Held of southern
industry Is the extent to which local
capital labor is its way
into the smaller enterprises. These
have arisen to meet the needs of
markets in a much larger
demand been created by the in-
crease In the buying capacity of farm-
throughout the remainder of the belt
the west, the Held, as a rule, are
clean and well worked. A general
rain would prove
A nice six key Soda Fountain for and the of the mill
Among these are wood-working es-
foundries, Implement
factories, plants,
and repairing; construction o
sale -R. U.
Mr. a blind man. will give
picture show in the school
i. Thursday night. Ho prom-
. . good show we hope
. of people will attend.
have purchased the
as the Milling
and Mfg. will be ready soon
. do general repair work
i timber. Harrington, Bar-
v came in
. n Greenville.
A Matting just in.- A
W Co.
Rev. A, Adams, of will
vices the Baptist church
in .
now in in
. II every day and general repair
work Barber
. Co,
Li and Chapman
I Goods and
. is in. Bi Her buy while
A v. Co.
Eu and little
Bell, of Wilson, came in yes-
. vis Miss man.
. I ti for sail.- Harrington
I'd. Winterville, x C.
Mr. went to Ayden
Rev. F. of Greenville,
yesterday and assisted in the
a la ll night.
Miss Jones to Ayden
Mr A. w to
In Beat Season hi iii-
famous Atlantic Hotel it ire-
now In the n hi of i
th bi most
y. The
ell known i
In th very number
a an k
I ; .
son and can fill your orders prompt-
of our people went to More-
l City Sunday.
Bar load of Top Drafting for Cot-
ton Just W. Ange Co
N. C.
vehicles and the of Hour am
feed mills. TO might be ad-
vegetable canning establish-
many of which take up an
Increasing pan of fruits and veg-
Brown in south.
Growth in such as
has helped to transform the entire
range of southern O;.
of the changes is teen in the tendency
to concentrate the employment of la-
and capital upon a. smaller acreage
Parallel with bas come
policy providing for
of a which
A third change is the gradual
i farm produce to the
of the and cities, with
regard to the current demands if
mill population tor food
This given a Impulse t.
dairying. I n Men of live stock
for meat II . and the growth
i n d . conveniently i lark
able fr point of lion.
The . g ailed for banks,
. i tr . a
s and for various
forms of utilization of surplus
resources, which with depart.
from a purely agricultural to a
growing coin-
organization of the
With have coma the
of ;. i . talent among
the . in the capacity
with which .-. enterprises and
have in the main been con-
ed. Held of opportunity tor
business talent In tho South be-
coin one the nu . g i
; d by n i a
a tun I ties. I
of the Mississippi river, and
in the Slates of Louisiana and
continuous rainfall has multiplied
the farmer's difficulties, resulting in
deterioration over large areas, and
greatly increasing the Importance of
seasonable weather henceforth and of
a late
has been some abandonment
of cotton acreage, but insect activity
appears to have been largely confined
lo previously infested
The Greenville correspondent in the
Times-Democrat made the following
report for Pitt
X. C, July the
June report there has a
ration of about per cent, in the cot-
ton crop in Pitt county. The
r of the season so far has been ex-
bed, the weather and
rains causing small plants, poor stand
ail low condition generally.
have appeared in this section
then is a small insect, supposed
lo be the root louse, that has cause
many plants to die.
The condition of the crop Is the
poorest this sect ion has ever had for
the time of year, with the plants
smaller than ever known for the
week in
paper Is collected and used to
age. There is no more needless ex-
than that involved in scat-
waste paper. This paper If
gathered together may be used in
making more paper or may be used
to commercial advantage Many
ties are beginning to realize this great
waste which may be avoided and
ed to the advantage of the city. The
gathering of waste and bailing the
same has been profitable to a number
of cities and would be worth a trial In
The country is being
flooded with pamphlets go
straight to the waste basket. Save
this waste paper and you will help the
groat conservation
Salem Journal.
Success of
The Prize
The cake baking contest, Friday
conducted by Mr. John Stan-
berry, was a success in every way.
Quite a number of ladies entered the
contest, and the display of was
much admired by the many
The prize winners were as fol-
First J. L. Little.
Second J. B. Cherry.
Fourth B. Williams.
Fifth E, G. Couch.
Sixth L. C. Arthur.
Seventh J. A. Ricks.
After the prizes were awarded the
cakes were removed to the
Theater and sold at auction for the
benefit of the public library. Those
who saw the display of cakes,
will not have any doubt in
future as to the superior quality of
Gilt Edge and Royal flour and
Mr. left on the night
train for Washington to conduct a
similar contest in that place.
Accident In
to Jail.
Robert Hanrahan, charged with as-
sault with a deadly weapon. Bryant
and Arch Wiggins, charged
with housebreaking, all colored, were
brought from Pitt county Saturday and
lodged Jail here to await trial at
Greenville court in
By Wire to The Reflector.
Detroit, Mich. July party of Shelters Fire Works Plant
persons were hurt, six fatally, when By Wire to The
a construction ear on the Everett, Mass., July terrific
railway .-. special carrying which occurred today shut-
large number of people a the plant of the East Everett
Works Co. The loss
i .- all
. .
I I ilia
i to be
I ea of
on all tin .
. In the hotel
;. i .
i. id Sui in din
ed one a
i tat
., c.
h Mb . ,
and i ill one
i couples pan
and Miss I tobacco
ii g, . . . . i proves at least
Tobacco i.-. one of our sup .
but . .,,,. ,; i;.,. poor nun
chi a, . Pi p
lure i i. la from -1
per int. great
r than It I
N. i; , cot u .
mo demand-
Tl .
it now
i, or two for a
ti . that the
ti t elf-
and to
. . i . I b lo ii s
. .
II I, l I
. . acquired more
late it hive
r i
ii g lb dancers. A ti the
there wore moonlight Ball-
parties, ova of them taking along
elaborate lunches.
Col, Prank Morton, the
i of the Atlantic Hotel, h-.
nothing undone tor the pleasure
and comfort of guests.
A number of Greenville
spent Saturday Sunday
The Popular Han,
The man wins
popularity by being all things to all
mi n. wins bin popularity very
often by shut when
IS ought out, and by
doing things when he ought to do
them. The man who nays things and
does OS be
in ti. in ca ;
widely In this and Eu-
rope, if the a-, quality of the
cigar baa raised, II la .
that there ins been some movement
in suppose ad-
even although ii ad-
that large combinations
can turn out abettor article than
the small manufacturer with a larger
margin of t o
There i a peculation worth
the In here, and
very little in London. The students of
economics would inclined to watch
such tor the
Indications pt a contraction hi business,
sufficiently d a curtail-
of Hie on s.
have the work and the Re-
has facilities for doing
work. Let's get together.
He Hope V ill Heed
Lighten Our Work.
The Reflector has quite a number of
correspondents In various parts of the
county, efforts in helping to
make their county paper more Inter-
are wry much appreciated.
we want to give them a few
which If they will heed will
greatly lighten our work this end
of the line.
Look carefully for news that is news
and do not put in items of people in
the same neighborhood calling on each
other for the afternoon or night. Only
give person items when people
from a distance come to your neigh-
or of people of your section
who really go away for a visit, storms,
tires, deaths, marriages,
Improvements of consequence and
TOp conditions are always Interesting
and should be noted.
Write only on one side of the paper
and in a large, clear band. Do not
jumble words spell every
word out in full, be careful to have
names correct, and plenty of space
between the lines. Baa writing close
together is a trial to the printers and
sometimes copy to git in the
The Up-to-date Hardware
r is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We a Ml Line of Wall Paints
easy to put hard to come off. Place
now with them and you will be
Special is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants, them a call.
c. ii.
Awarded to Central
On the board of com
o warded the contract for
building the new court house and now
Jail for i i t county to the Ci Car-
n Ca . i i., of Greensboro,
far i. Th re hid-
d in for the i . i from
i. bid of the company,
i the up to
At the i- can i e seen
county have
public buildings i will meet
the of the county for
years to come. Work will begin
the an early date and they I
will be pushed to completion as rapid-
as i consistent with good work.
The commissioners and building com-
have in getting the
contracts lot this early, and they will
look well alter the details of the work
as ii progress i.
Will Locate Greenville,
The Reflector is glad to
Mr. Albion Dunn, of Scotland
Neck, Is to locate in Greenville
Ural of August, and will engage
In the practice of law here. He will
an Office In the new
will gain a good citizen in his Coming.
. M
Little and Stella
went out In Mr. Joseph
this afternoon to attend the I
birthday party or little Miss
Metal Shingles were r; years
V, c . tor being s
Hilt II
If arc it can only be you i. M know the
fact in the case.
They arc used today front the Atlantic to Pacific if all kinds
under all conditions,
never leak and la t a long a the
Itself without needing
For further detailed information to
O v
Among the foremost fir Women in the South.
Arts covering nine departments, and including elective
courses in n and Bible, count for the A. decree. School
Organ, Violin and Voice Culture. School of An.
on Third Street. This town including Decoration, Designing and of F locution A. ad. my
prepares at t under a trained
director, full literary per ii eluding Uteri tuition, . m,
light. Mat, nurse, ordinary medicine all fees,
in the Club, to less. Next Sept. 1910. Address,
Prayer meeting In the churches to-
Mr. and Mrs. Ned
I and child, went to New today.
R T. VANN, President,
Raleigh, North Carolina.
D. J. Editor
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Year
VOL. No.
I t
What of Bethel Say About
Good Section, Will be
Heard From.
The Bethel people are also talking
good roads, and here are expressions
from some of them.
Mr. M. O. Blount, want good
roads; I favor the township
Mr. S. It, Jones, thing that is
needed ail right enough; I have been
a good roads man a long time. Each
township should levy Its own tax.
Dr. V. A. Ward. certainly favor
good roads; mighty good
Dr. P. Manning, is la
favor of good roads. Think we should
have the township
Mr. W. J. Smith, is something
that is very Important. ought to
have better
Mr. J. E. Drown, to have good
roads; believe iii them myself. Don't
know what is the
Mr. G. It. need the
good roads
Mr. C. D. get
roads good enough lo suit
Mr. G. L. Moore, want good
roads. I approve of the best plan,
but we can't work fast enough. All
of the roads should be worked by
Mr. W. T. ought to
have better roads by all
Mr. M. G. Ford, want to see good
Mr. B. R. am in fa-
of bettor roads, on the township
A few more expressions of Ayden
that Show the sentiment of
the people in regard to good
Mr. J S. favor -fool
road, by best
Mr. R. L. Knot. advocate
Mr. J. T. Keel. am in
Mr. J. S. thing for
Mr. It. C. Cannon,
to haw goad
Mr A. K cannon. need good
Mr. II. Coward, favor
Mr. like good road
an. hi favor of
Mr. S. Hodges, favor good
Dr. M. M. Sauls. heartily favor
anything for good
Mr. J. am for more roads
Mr. C. Smith, favor good roads
Mr. C. Coward. up good
Mr. W. K. Move. us have good
roads; bonds if necessary and lei our
children help pay It, they will enjoy
Mr. any man in the
world wants good roads. It's
D. Mark roads it,
what we
Mr. W. Blount, in favor of
good roads and have always
Mr. G. W. favor good
Mr. J. IS, Jones. favor the good
Mr. John Dennis, favor good,
roads by best
Mr. Guy Taylor, favor good roads
Mr. A. L. favor Let-
Mr. J. J. Edwards, always have
favored good roads; the question Is
what is the best
Mr. J. A. Willis. favor good roads
Ir, J. T. Smith, Jr., want hard
roads, well
Mr. U. favor the town-
Mr. J. H. Pierce, think we ought
to have good
Mr. J. J- can say
anything against good
Mr. C. L. Tyson, would like lo
see good
We will give full expression of the
people on all sides, if short
arc us.
Application will be made to the Gov-
of North Carolina for the par-
don of John Adams and Lam Adams,
convicted at the January term of
Superior Court Pin county, of the
crime burning unoccupied how
and to the State prison for
a term two all persona
who approve the grant lug of
pardon are Invited to forward their
protests to the Governor without
This July
The List as by the Demo-
State Contention.
The State convention by a
vote confirmed the nomination
of judges made In the various dis-
and in advance ratified the
nomination to be in the
district In August In
district there was a deadlock between
E. B. of Ed-
Jones of Caldwell, and T. B.
el Wilkes. and the
in The
in the other districts to elect
this year
Second B. Peebles, of
North Hampton.
d W. Whedbee. of
Fourth M. Cooke,
Of Franklin
Sixth district- Frank A. Daniels, of
Tenth district mill F. Long
of Iredell.
Eleventh district-H P. Lane, of
ion in August
Fourteenth H Justice,
of Rutherford.
S. Ad-
ams, of Buncombe.
Sixteenth S. Fer-
in the districts not
there are no elections this year.
High Point Enterprise
Cantaloupes have come to help out
the breakfast proposition.
Governor kitchen Appointed Mr.
who nun by
the t urn cut ion.
A noon Sat u lay an Inter-
occasion In the office of
or Court Clerk. Moore, it be-
administering the official t.
lion. Harry W. the new
judge the third judicial district of
North Carolina a number of
gathered to witness the
as soon as the oath had
solemnly administered and Judge
Whedbee had his signature
thereto, they showered congratulations
upon wishing him every honor
and success ill judicial career.
Judge Whedbee will hold his
court at Jacksonville, in
beginning Monday. 18th. He was
nominated judicial convention
just a week ago. the subsequent
resignation of Judge . L. Ward, fol-
lowed by Governor appointing
I he nominee of the people, causes him
at once to enter upon his career as
His elevation to tho Superior court
bench mode it necessary for Judge
Whedbee to tender his resignation as
mayor of Greenville, office he
held for sometime, and that
nation has been sent to the board of
aldermen. It reads as
To Hoard of Aldermen of the Town
hereby lender my resignation as
mayor of the town of Greenville,
C. to take effect at July
I regret the necessity of having to
take this course Just at this time.
I ho; ed be able assist you
fully organizing board
business for the year, but my
straightening out and mapping out tax
for appointment serum
following iii of
lion. L. Ward, has made it a
that make my
Permit me to each Individual
member of the for their uniform
kindness and me
my continuance in office is mayor of
Greenville. My -as both of-
and I to say that
, c Dean meal
town i had a
more of aldermen, and
hope that your every ail will
to the public welfare and growth
our city.
Allow me lib a from the may-
lo suggest that you continue
the y of making
; . i when you make them at all.
has always taught me that
Wisest course to pursue
public matters.
Very respectfully,
Hurry W. Whedbee.
The Program a Delightful Our Thai
Credit I All
Part Therein.
Every occasion that gives an in-
sight to the character of work being
done at East Carolina
Training school, is enough to arouse
increased pride in that splendid
Since the regular term of the
school closed a summer school has
been In progress that has been at-
tended by more than three hundred
public school teachers, a more
earnest and enthusiastic body of
teachers has never been brought to-
In one place. To begin with,
the very best Instructors were
to do teacher training, and
their work has been of
as to inspire the lo en-
and arouse in them an am-
and determination to put forth
their best efforts.
Cue of the special instructors for
this summer course is May
of one of the super-
visors of music in Baltimore city
schools and director of music in
High school. Her work here has
been Instructing the teachers
music for public schools, and how
well she Is accomplishing was
shown in the musical given Monday
night, program of which was as
Lord Is My
Vocal Hut Smith.
Lillian Walters.
There were forty or fifty voices in
the choruses, these taken random
from school and when ii was
ed that Miss had been
only four weeks, and
only a part of each day being de-
voted to music in its regular order
among others studies, the excellence
of the program was marvelous. The
voices blended with such harmony
and perfectness Of time and
as would have been creditable
of practice, instead of
only a few weeks.
At the conclusion of the program
the audience was asked lo join in
singing and the
um fairly rang With this grand slate
The musical was planned and
en complimentary to the people of
Greenville, only a of them
took the advantage the
lo enjoy and bill fur
the presence of those attend-
tin- summer school the
would have been small. Every seal
in the auditorium should have been
for those who tailed lo go
certainly missed a feast good
Murderer Escapes Without Leaving
Clue to Reign of Crime
Driven Residents
By Wire The Reflector.
Chicago. July C.
president of the
Railway, was shot through the heart
and instantly killed in his summer
home in early this morn-
by a robber. Tho burglar es-
caped left no clue to his
Servants and women of the house
were aroused by the pistol shot, and
when went down to investigate
found Mr. lying on his face
in the hallway. The front was open
and an investigation showed that it
had be n prized open with a
assassination is the climax to
a reign of crime that has driven
dents of the fashionable Shore
suburbs almost to a of frenzy.
Mrs. that her husband
heard a noise on the lower Boor,
and Mi. went down to learn
the cause, was shot as soon as
he reached the lower door. She was
the only person awake in the house
time, but the shot aroused
Mr. was years old, and be-
his career us a telegraph op-
age of rising through
various promotions until he reached
of lines.
v. n JACK
What g
Going on Down
u Record v Wheat and
Hurt Ill Beat.
Black N. C. July 1810,
W. of
tilled his appointment here
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Mills, who is attending
the E. . T. T. S. at Greenville, spent
Saturday and Sunday at home. She
was accompanied by her friend. Miss
Maggie Who is also attending
the training school. They returned
Mr. w. l. Clark left this morning
for Baltimore, to see ills son. J, H.
Clark, who has been there for more
than weeks.
The Union Fri-
We hope to see a large crowd
out to the meeting.
We had quite a large crowd
lo our Sunday school Sunday. We
invite you to come
We had one of the largest rains
of the season Sunday night.
Crops are better, corn and
cotton especially. Tobacco has com-
the growth. Some of
Hi are not putting in any
W. U. King in to till
that one of his neighbors, Mr. w. s.
K. Smith, of Falkland township, calm-
in lo see him Monday, and while here
Ml. Smith told what lie had done in
raising wheat and outs this year. His
record is a good one. and worth Other
Hying to reach.
Mr. Smith harvested 7- bushels of
wheat from acres, one of these
acres be used pounds of CI
and the yield that acre was
bushels, the other two acres
be used pounds each
With a yield of bushels per acre.
acres in he threshed
We have heard of chick
ens. three-legged chickens,
even mi occasional one adorned
with four legs, but not until now
so far as is do we
lo have noted existence Of
one that had a single leg Mr.
I, J. Elks, of township, tills
us that one of his hens
with a hatching of recently,
.- -i lie- inn was
bad but one I Others this par-
chicken was as well funned as
any I ho blood
A Lady Vina in The
Mr. John family and
guests, motoring in lost evening from
Ocean View, had a rather trying ex-
The; struck tho storm and
running lain a small on
car flooded cud Stopped
about miles from Suffolk. A
phone message from a ti farm
brought Dr. D. L. to the res-
cue in his touring car. When the
rescued reached ho Dr.
car found the run swollen
over the bridge and They
back got in U
four a- over another road.
Mr. the
were so big and so had to
dip a handkerchief oil of tho
lamps null rub their faces
hands to keep from being almost de-
Suffolk Herald.
Miss Manning, Of Greenville,
was one pf the referred to
above. She says it was a thrilling
experience the party had. but afford-
ed then much amusement after they
had reached their in
I Completely Tied up Had u
Freight Train l Moving
Wire to The Reflector.
Montreal, July 10.000 em-
idle and freight completely
tied up throughout the entire system
as a result of the strike the Grand
Railroad, the actual combat
of opposing forces began today, with
efforts of the company operate
traffic. Employees of freight trains
were provided with arms and
to protect prop-
of the railroad. Tl. strikers.
however, are not Interfering and
there has been no disposition lo
Many strike breakers are being
rushed in, but as yet there are few
capable train crews and not a freight
train is running, While passenger and
mail greatly behind time. The
chief effort of the strikers is to get
the engineers lo join them. The rail-
road has already lost thousands of
In perishable
Taken Melt a Train,
Mr. James on ex-
to Ci .
and suffered a painful be-
fore gelling b in after
eating dinner he lo the surf
remained in , . quit
white. On the return i Rom on
the train was.
attack of cramp colic ca. near
dying In fore I. ill i
is much Improved la lay.
Timely Assistance Witt oM
Her U.
Mr. Fleming, who lives a
few miles from town tells US an
accident, or what came near
an accident, occurred at In
home a few days i The Incident
looked Serious, tut
after was
Mrs. Fleming out In the yard
looking alter laundering
and had a colored girl helping
Tue went to the well, the old
fashioned o; en hind. i draw some
water, and losing he balance tum-
bled head Orel i . curb and
down sue I. Mrs I
called for help i ml
Oil the I as Mr.
Fleming looked a . the
the girl i lie arc
head Up from I valor. He
lowered tho p an i I lie girl
of tile Well
I for l
. a lint n
.- ii., she
for Farmers in Con-
i With Roads Meeting
His Letter Explains.
There is every indication that
good roads convention to be held In
Greenville on first Monday in Au-
gust is to be a great occasion for
Pitt county. In this connection the
following letter from Congressman
John H. Small, makes some timely
suggestions and shows his interest
this good
Washington, X, C, July is,
Mr, H. A. White.
Greenville, K.
Dear Mr.
Referring to good roads meet-
for Monday, Au-
gust 1st, I j i for a road
engineer from r .-;. Dept of Ag-
Mr. Lester to be
that and
lake a talk, I If de-
e mi; do I can at range for
Mm to over . . oilier day and ad-
ii.-e with your and people re-
is. i hi definitely
decided v, bold our
g on that day. If it
vi . o we
vii devote the forenoon to
topics exclusively, and the
the n i i ting,
do think of I Will also be
present. Very sincerely,
Early Saturday a swinging
hall lamp in the home of Miss Kit i
Hi went wrong and look lire all
Inside of the oil fount, With sum i
difficulty the lamp was taken down
out the street where
it continued to burn until fount
Race iii
The management of
cell i Now I
for a I- line I
race, la, . I; a
o'clock, i I u in
e inn excel . with I
prizes in ti. .
i i. on
i . .-l road pi the grand
id and that
there to I no tic i chart
good i id I-
ii la c that a l
a i i u et b iii in- en-
from all the nearby counties.
All farmers are urged to enter theft
favorites and ; tor
and everybody la invited lo witness
this Interesting event.
The toad c On
. red
v. In .-;. , of i
Oil S i i
gust, at I . i i.
and to ; with r
in t a i
in i i
Secretary. man.
i -.- Of or
in of n F. c.
there was a meeting
of i Di .-
i of the o. . Bleating being
call J for the purpose of
whether a vote primary
i convention should be held to
i nominees for offices.
Four members the committee were
so e fl full
There m i iii. at of the
test Ion before the committee,
made on both
v as la.-. it I
Iii i iii g for i pr i
on, doomed it boat
ii. Hie vote on i r aide,
i a- In ting of the
.- decide the mat-
i, so . was taken until
Wednesday, 27th.
II .
I Has I
up i i
ti in i Th lie
s go,. a
I . . I . iii,.
. i Labor an I the
. I i;.
labor have i on i Tl a
I . , . is
In i a in Samuel
i .
i . , of . e. n a
. . will
put on a u lion the fed-
Ion will remove I I . o of the
lo push of I e
the I lion.
Hie i ant case now I
i ire i. c i
is. Mil ell and n i
. labor war. I of a
. by . e p
me Lodge Current
iv, Lodge, No. it. i. ti O.
installed the following new
for the current fiscal
W. H. Johnson N. G.
C. Bradley, V. Q.
D. D. s.
It. It. s. X.
ti. C. Moore, K. s. v. u.
u Brown, U s. Q.
C II . V. O.
u. Holmes, W
I., Ponder, Con.
J. l; Corey, o. G.
ll. B Harris. I. G.
i. j Chap.

Eastern reflector, 15 July 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 15, 1910
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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