Eastern reflector, 1 July 1910

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I mm ,
In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
of The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
The Pitt County School Desk
manufactured by The A. Cox
Manufacturing Company are
comfortable, neat and
durable. Terms are liberal. I Fresh herrings at
When in the market come to see Barber Co.
us. w hive the desk for you. We have needles, bobbins and
M. B Bryan sent to Norfolk shuttles, for any sewing machine
in country- Also needle
We are carrying a nice line of threaders, the very thing for
Coffins Caskets. Prices are affected eyes or dark days
right and can hearse Harrington, Barber
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. We have put in an assortment
K L cut to Green- of patterns for all styles.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For spring dress goods. How is your soul
cotton planters and Rollins.
guano sewers which would Refreshments consisting of
ally indicate a large cotton crop cream and cake were served.
this year. Several selections of music were
rendered before the hour of
parting when each declared that
embroidery and laces see us-
New lot in.
Harrington, Barber Co-
R. v. T. H. King, of
conduct- the funeral service at
the burial of G. E. Jackson. He
preached also Thur.-day at the
Baptist church.
r nice fresh fish see R D. ,
on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturday.
Mr. ltd Mrs. . H. Rouse
W. C. of Middlesex;
of Carey; C. J.
Jackson, of Knoxville, Tenn; and every day land general
J. L. Jackson, of Greenville, work
tended funeral of G. Harrington Barber Co.
Jackson. i jot and no-
For cold drinks of all kinds call; just in Better while
at H. L Johnson's fountain.
us show you our new lot of
shoes. Harrington. Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
for sale. R. D-
We have purchased the
as the
Milling and Mfg. and will
ready very soon to grind corn,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. W. Ange Co.
We are now in to do
M. G. Bryan want to Grifton
Just received, a nice lot of
ladies and shoes.
Harrington, Barber Co
Miss Annie Bell, a trained
nurse who had charge of the lit-
sick boy of Abram Cox, re-
turned to her at Washing-
ton today. She won many
A. W. Ange Co.
Car load of top dressing for
cotton just arrived.
A. W. Ange Co.
Winterville, N. C.
Land Plaster for sale.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Winterville, N. C.
Miss Janie Kittrell returned
Sunday from Bethel where she
a most delightful evening had
been spent.
N. C. June 21.-
Miss Mattie Little, who had
spent more than a week with us,
returned to her home at Wilson
last Tuesday evening.
Miss Ruth Cobb returned from
Wilson to Friday,
accompanied by Miss Rosa Kin-
of Wilson.
Miss Bettie of
Wilson, is visiting at
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaman, of
Farmville, were visiting at Ivy
Smith's Sunday.
Jack Harrington, of Greenville,
was visiting in Smithtown Sun-
Miss Flanagan, who
is attending the summer school
at Greenville, came up Saturday
evening and spent until Monday
with relatives and
J. S. Fulford has been very
sick for more than a week, but
has taken a slight change for the
All of the crops that escaped
being drowned from the recent
heavy rains, as well as oats and
wheat, needs the attention of
the farmers all at one and the
same time.
Mrs. C. C. Cobb and Miss
Bettie went to Green-
ville Monday.
Amount for Public Build-
On Saturday the omnibus bill
in congress which carried with it
an appropriation of for
the erection of a public building
in Greenville on the site already
procured by the government,
passed the house,
bill went over to
before o'clock this
A little
morning a couple with
intentions, accompanied
by a few few friends, called at
the residence of Mrs. Anna Pat-
rick, on Greene street, where
Rev. E. N. Johnson has a
room, and inquired if they could
get the services of the min-
When the to preform the ceremony.
the senate All things being found agree-
Monday, through the efforts of the minister united Mr.
Senators Simmons and Green, of New Bern,
and Congressman Small, and Miss N. Harrell. of
was added to Greenville's
making the total for
building which was con-
curred in by the house when the
bill went back for ratification.
The last congress had already
appropriated for a site,
which brings the whole up to
Our people heartily appreciate
the good efforts of Senators Over-
man and Simmons and Congress
man Small in
Eure. The left on the
9.20 Norfolk Southern train for
the home of the groom in New
Bern, first sending a telegram to
the parents of the bride at
Eure advising them of the
Reflector. r.
popular remedy never to
effectually cure
Constipation, Sick
Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result la good appetite
y and easy to
Take No Substitute.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chester
Beaman request the honor of
behalf of Greet at the marriage of
Congressman Thomas, of i their sister. Ada Louise Tyson, to
the third district, was also very Young Swain, on
friendly to Greenville and helped W evening, June twenty
much in the matter. This nineteen hundred and
means that Green-
ville is to have a handsome pub-
friends during her short stay, has been attending a lawn party
who regret very much to see her
The is the Kind
you need. See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
O. W. Rollins went to Ayden
We call your attention to our
new line of groceries.
R. W.
Miss Janie Kittrell left Thurs-
day for Bethel to visit Miss Lillie
For nice fresh corned herrings
see A. W. Ange Co., Winter-
ville, N. C.
Straw hats are going fast, buy
one, don't be W. Ange
Leave your orders for ice at H.
L. Johnson's. Will be delivered
anywhere in town.
Matting and oil cloth, for the
floor, buy some, cover it over.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Before buying, see my line of
post cards. H. L. Johnson.
Field peas and peanuts for
sale by A. W. Ange Co., Win-
N. C.
To reduce our stock before in-
we will offer for a
limited time, cheap, for
gingham calico,
worsted dress goods, to
suiting, percales, to
motor cloth, waist
goods, lawn, mohair
wool effects,
to table peaches, pie
peaches, shirts,
shirts, shirts,
shirts, Call and see what
we offer. A. W. Ange Co.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are rendering good service
in the undertaking business.
Coffins and caskets cheap with
excellent hearse service.
Let us frame that for
you. Any size frame.
A. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Beef, sausage and fish, going
cheap. R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street
You will never regret when
you purchase a Hunsucker buggy,
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man-
Co., Winterville.
N. C-
A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. baa sold this season ever
given by Miss Lillie Bunting.
Misses Hattie Kittrell, Miriam
Johnson and Dollie
came in Saturday from Green-
ville where they have been at-
tending the summer school.
Misses Kittrell and Braxton
returned Monday to resume their
J. L. Rollins left yesterday for
to visit to his grand-
Miss Leasts King, of Durham,
came in yesterday from Kinston
to Misses Eva and Lucy Bell
Miss Crawford spent
Sunday in Greenville visiting
Miss Hargett, of Richlands.
came in a few days ago to visit
Misses and i Cox.
O. W. Rollins C. Cox
went to Ayden Sunday.
Miss Maude Louise
who has been the guest of Miss
Cox. left yesterday for
her home at
Miss Cox left yesterday
for to visit friends
W. B. Wingate returned
Thursday from a visit to Fair
Haven, Mass.
W. B. Wingate who has re
been appointed assistant
rural carrier, began work today.
Rev. H. N. Blanchard. of
Greensboro, conducted
at the Baptist church Sunday
morning and night.
For the last few weeks the
home of Dr. B. T. Cox has been
the of social life for our
little village, Miss Maude Louise
of Salem, being the
of Miss Cox, who
several evening ago, gave a six
course luncheon in honor of Miss
and on Monday evening
June 20th, a delightful party, as
a fitting climax of the
social functions.
After a few minutes spent in
very pleasant progressive con-
there were various
amusements, the most inter-
of which was a drawing
contest that engrossed the at-
of each one for sometime.
Miss Cox was the winner
of the first picture, and
the booby was won by Mr. Jesse
Ed. W. Grimes-
land, filled his regular appoint-
here Saturday and Sunday.
There was a large crowd at all
the meetings. W. H.
Laughinghouse also was with us.
Miss Lula Mills, from near
Simpson, was the guest of Misses
Stella and Bertha Gaskins
day and Sunday.
Mrs. A. Clark, of
returned home Sunday after
spending a few days with friends
and relatives here.
Miss Ruby Gwaltney, who is
attending the E. C. T. T. S. at
Greenville, was the guest of Miss
Lula Mills Saturday and Sunday.
We are sorry to say that the
recent rains have damaged crops
considerably in this section. To-
is one of the principal
things damaged. Corn and cot-
ton are in the grass, but watch
the farmers and they will destroy
some of the grass.
The Farmers Union will meet
again Friday night.
There will be preaching here
Saturday night and Sunday.
Annul Clan of
Baptist Sunday School.
The class of Memorial
Baptist school will run
its third annual excursion to the
capital city of the State on
Thursday, June 30th. Take a
day off and go with us to see the
many places of interest and
sights around Raleigh. We pass
through several counties on the
route, giving you an opportunity
to see the different lands and
crops planted along the
Norfolk Southern railroad, and
also compare your home sec-
with others.
That afternoon there will be a
league game of ball between
Raleigh and Wilson which you
have time to see before the
train leaves.
The fare for the round trip is
only for adults and for
children under years of age.
W. S.
J. W. Bryan, I
J. B. Little, Com.
J. F. Stokes,
W. P. Edwards, I
at o'clock, Christian church.
Farmville, North Carolina.
There is a nice display of Par-
fountain pens at Reflector
Book Store, and they are the best
School Ice Plant.
The ice of East Carolina
Training school has
been completed and the first
block of ice was pulled out of
the tanks Tuesday. This first
block decidedly a novelty
and attracted much attention
from the and others who
were present to see it. Mr. O. E.
Warren, the nurseryman, had
provided a handsome bouquet of
cut which were frozen in
the middle of the block and it
made a beautiful picture through
the clear glistening ice. After
being on exhibition a short while
this block was sent to ex-Gov. T.
J. Jarvis with the compliments
of the school and faculty.
Stomach and Liver
Tablets gently the liver and
bowels to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse tin- system, cure constipation
sick headache. Sold by all drug-
Tat Mikado Revival New York.
The have put the
on at the Casino
Broadway, New York,
with an all-star cast New York
is going wild over it, and every-
body is whistling it. The New
York Sunday World, ever alert
to supply its readers with the
most popular music, will give
two songs from the Mikado.
One is Little Maids From
School Are and the other
is He's Going to Marry
Yum Words and music
complete. Sunday World June
and July
Mr. L. C. Kim Dead.
Her many friends here ate
sorrowed at the death of Mrs.
Lou C. King which occurred
Tuesday night at her home in
Farmville. Mrs. King lived in
Greenville for many years and
had a host of friends and
here She was a daughter
of Alice Joyner, and leaves
a mother, one sister, two brothers
and three children. She was
twice married, her first husband
being Mr. B. S- Atkinson and
her second Mr. John King,
Mrs. H. B. Harris, Mrs. B. F.
Tyson, Mrs. C. J. Forbes. Mrs.
E. A. Jr. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Cobb and Mr. J. F. King
went to Farmville this afternoon
to attend the funeral.
The Up-to-date Hardware
is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put hard to come off. Place
now with them and you will be
E Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street, N. C.
To Palate Growers.
We strongly urge, those of our
friends who have not as yet dug
their potatoes, to dig at once
and store away in some cool and
well ventilated building, as after
so-much rain there is danger of
rot should they be allowed to re-
main in the ground longer.
-It is useless to try to sell or
consign with the market in its
present condition.
The buyers will not now give
There are not many more days, u per barrel f. o. b. Greenville,
left for tax listing, yet the list as for consigning, it means
takers tell us that not many of, present outlook, you
the people living in town have get nothing, with perhaps a
People Wait
WHEN Metal were first Introduced years
you had some for being
Rut now
If you are it can only be you do not know the
facts in case.
They used today from the Atlantic to the Pacific for all kinds
of buildings, under all conditions.
They are fireproof, never leak and last a long as the
building itself without needing repairs.
For further detailed information apply to
YORK COBB, Agents.
listed. Just why they wait to
get in the rush of the last few
days of listing time is not easily
explained, but it seems to be a J
habit they have fallen into.
When you know a thing must
be done, it is just well to
along and attend to it
bill sent back to you for the
Keep your potatoes at home,
and you will later get something
for them. Moseley Bros.
Subscribe to the Reflector.
including elective
Among the for Women in the South.
in Liberal covering nine departments, and
in Education and Bible, which count for the A. B. degree.
Music, including Piano. Pipe Organ, Violin and Voice Culture. School or
including and of
winch students college Culture under a trained
director. Full literary course per year, including literary tuition, board, room,
light, heat, t ordinary medicine and all minor
In the Club, to less. Next Sept. 1910, Address.
R T. VANN, Present,
Raleigh, North. Carolina.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth la Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Fer Year
VOL. No.
by Delegate. From
Parts of the
The Pitt County Sunday School
Contention met in Jarvis Memo-
rial Methodist church this morn
and was called to order at
After singing, be
Showers of devotion
service was conducted by Rev.
E. N. Johnson, who a part
of the 11th chapter of Numbers
and commented thereon, and
The enrollment of delegates
showed there were about
representing over twenty Sunday
Rev. E. N. Johnson was elected
temporary chairman and Z. T.
Broughton temporary secretary.
Mr. J. Van Carter, general
secretary of State Sunday School
Association the
on the work of the county
A round table was held on the
organized Sunday school work in
which a large number of
gates took part.
The afternoon session of the
Count Sunday School
was opened with prayer by
Dr. Peden.
attending to some
tine business the association
listened to one of the finest ad-
dresses on the elementary de-
of the local school, by
Mrs. the
East Carolina Teachers Training
School, it has ever been our
to hear.
Following this address one
by Dr. J. W. Bryan on the or-
adult class, who, like the
speaker who preceded him.
touched high water mark, show-
the improvements in the
methods of today in comparison
to methods of former days before
the advent of the organized adult
classes into our schools.
Rev. E. Peden, D. D of
Ayden, then gave a strong talk
on training, giving
some ways of doing this much
needed work.
A abort season of prayer was
held, led by D. J. Whichard.
The committee on nomination
of officers, made the following
report which was
President, Rev. J. H., Shore.
Vice president, H. J. Langston.
Secretary and treasurer, Z. T.
Executive committee, J. H.
Shore, H. J. Langston, Z. T.
Broughton, Miss Lillian M.
Munn, H. C. Ormond.
The committee on constitution
made their report which was
adopted. This report
mended that semiannual
of this association be held
is March and September.
committee, on time and
place of next reported,
naming Sept. as the time
and Greenville as the place,
committee on
th following report, which
Pitt County Sunday School
n in its first
d b g leave to j.
Hear Report for Part
Re-elected for Next Year.
Greenville next
for the past session and make delegates to the
arrangements for the next yea. gT Jg
Those present at this meeting
Y. Joyner, of Raleigh,
chairman; T. J. Jarvis. of Green
ville; A. of Scotland
Neck; Y. T. Ormond, of Kinston;
J. C. Parker, of Trenton; and R.
B- White, of Franklinton.
President Wright made his re
port to the trustees, and great sat
expressed over
year's work. The spirit chat had
dominated both the faculty and
student body
The report showed a total
enrollment of for the
school year. in the regular
session and in the spring and
summer school. Five states and
thirty nine counties of North
Carolina were represented among
the students.
Three counties adopted the
summer school here for their
teachers in lieu of holding a
county institute of their own.
Upon the recommendation of
r resident Wright all the regular
of the past year were
re elected for coming year,
Mrs. Kate R. lady
Miss Sallie J. Davis, teacher of
Miss Mamie E. Jenkins, teach-
of English.
Miss Fannie M. Bishop, teacher
of music.
Miss Maria D. Graham, teacher
of mathematics.
So far as heard from there was
no test of strength for any
dates for Supreme court judge
or corporation commissioner.
township endorsed J.
H. Small for congress.
Following is a list of the
gates from township that
have come up to this
of Mart
Capt John King died about
6.30 o'clock. Saturday afternoon,
at his home near Falkland, of
pneumonia. The funeral took
place Sunday afternoon, con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. Morton, of
Farmville, and was largely at
tended- He was years old
last February.
In the death of Capt.
Pitt county losses one of it
and most influential
He was a native of the county,
and for more than half a
after reaching man's estate lived
on his farm near Falkland, with
to Bo and Wei Pretty Solemnized t
Rocky Point. N. C. June A very wedding was
The Rural Letter
annual convention to o'clock In the R form-d
held at Raleigh, July and church at by
Claude Jones
C. E. Fleming
L. P. Dudley
M. G.
C. M. Tucker
J. F. Evans
J. W. Brooks
W. P. Clark
R. L. Little
H. A. White
E. A. Jr.
F. D. Foxhall
C. S. Carr
G. James
S. Carr
T. White
W. Tucker
L. Blow
L. Wooten
W. King
S. Mooring
on near -.--------
the exception of four years
5th, promises to be the most in-
yet. are a nu-n-
of attractive s, chief
among them being th presence
of Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General who will visit
the North Carolina session at
Raleigh, on and the
South Carolina convention at
on the 5th. Gen.
is at the head of the
rural free delivery system and is
V. C. Fleming;
J. G. Taylor
C. L.
Side Rim.
B. E.
W. B. Stocks
J. W. Vincent
J. O.
W. D. Pruitt
A. M. Moseley
J. L. Little
F. J.
J. I. Smith
D. C. Moore
D. E.
O. W. Harrington
Frank Wilson
W. H. Long
D. L James
L. C. Arthur
O. L. Joyner
Henry Dixon
W. L. Smith
J. R. Jacobs
W. E. Tucker
Alston Grimes
W. P. Clark
J. J. Elks
J. Cox
W. H. Porter
W. L. Wootten
H. C. Venters
L. Edwards
Miss Birdie teacher
of Latin.
Miss Kate Lewis, teacher of
drawing. wan
Mrs- J. Ogden, a. stocks
teacher of household economics. c. Galloway
Miss Emma R. Jones, clerk,
Mr. W. H. teacher
of school supervision and
Mr. Herbert E. Austin, teacher
of science.
Mr. C. W. Wilson, teacher of
pedagogy and bursar.
Miss was elect-
ed as hospital attendant.
Mr. L R Mellows, A. B. of
Yale, was elected head of the de-
of English.
It was decided to create a de-
of primary methods,
the teacher for to be elected
Before leaving the trustees
carefully inspected the entire
school plant, and expressed much
pleasure at its
Dr. J. E. Nobles
Delegates. Alternates.
E. Proctor
after the war that he engaged in
merchandising in Tarboro. He
was an even tempered man.
firm in his decisions, yet
I without harshness, ever
the highest to-
others. For twenty five year.-
be was a magistrate of his town
ship, and was looked up to as a
leader. He was a staunch Dem-
and always took active
interest in the conventions and
affairs of his party. He
this in State
senate, and was one of the first
judges of the county Inferior
court when that court was es-
He was a of
the Christian church and lived a
faithful follower of Christ.
Capt. King was thrice married,
his wife being Miss
Joyner, second Miss Bettie Cobb
and third Miss Fannie
His last wife died about eight
years ago. By his first marriage
there survived one daughter.
Mrs. B. R King, of Goldsboro;
Jesse C. Wilson
W. A. White
j. A. Smith
Dr L. E. Ricks
N. H.
C. A. Faucett
Alex. Gray
J. B. Galloway
L. A. Arnold
Macon Haddock
J. A. Mills
G. W. Venter
J. U. Gray
O. J. Galloway
carriers. I know each one in our
grand old would to
shake his hand.
Willis G. Briggs,
our checks, will make us a talk
We'd all like to hi hand.
too. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt ban
just written me that h.- will b.
there on the fourth and make u.
an lecture. You
know there is no class of citizens
in North Carolina more interest-
ed in good roads than the rural
carriers. Dr. Pratt is doing
great work for his State just
now, more than any-
other State official. Hon. John
H. Small is expected on toe 5th
to tell us of his rural parcels post
bill that was recently introduced
in congress. Clarence H Po.
who by pen and speech is
so much to el our i be
loved State in a mental, moral,
physical and will
make us a short talk on the 5th.
And the Raleigh boys are going
to give us a smoker to which
number of the editorial
marriage are Mr. G. of profession have been invited.
I ll sill
Delegates. Alternates.
R. R. Fleming
M. T. Spier
W. L. Nobles
D. A. James
I. H. Little
G. It, Mooring
C. G. Little
A. Mooring
J. P. Fleming
j. p. Davenport
G. Z Kicks
S. a
L. S. Barnhill
B. B. Whichard
A. B.
Washington City, Mr. E C.
King, of Falkland, and Mrs J L
Fount-in, of Asheville; by hi
third marriage Mr. A. B. King,
of Goldsboro. Mr. S. V. King,
Charleston, Va and Mr. John
King, of Falkland. All of hi
children were with him during
the last few days of his illness
and when the end came. He is
also survived by one brother,
Col. V. M. King, of
and two sisters, Mrs. C. V. New
ton, of and Mrs.
Nannie Moore, of Farmville.
body assembled desires to thank
the people of the said Methodist
church and the said
for said kindness,
Bo it That this
extend to the pastor,
stewards and member i i
in deepest
for of
Thai this association also ex
papers its thanks for the inter, ht
i hey have taken aiding the
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
had issued the following licenses
since last report.
J. S. Smith and Elizabeth
Lonnie and Flossie
Louis and Bettie Mills.
Harper and Pattie Jones.
Quiet Hone Tab
A quiet but pretty home mar
took place at o'clock this
morning at the home of Mrs.
Mellie Harriss, on Dickinson
avenue, when her daughter, Mies
Lena, became the bride of Mr
B, P. Christian, of Portsmouth,
Va., the ceremony
formed by Rev. J. H. Show, P j
tor of the Methodist
The attired in a j
handsome traveling suit of tan
cloth with hat to
Mr. Christian la a
And an old time
with Webster's elementary
as text book will be
a feature of the occasion. Col.
Joseph Robinson, of the Golds-
Argus, and Mr. Clarence H.
Poe, will umpire the game and
award prizes to him that
down and him that
the The
railroads will reduced rates
for the occasion from the second
to the sixth of July.
The Capitol Inn will give
per day rates, which is about as
cheap as you cm stop at
so brother carriers don't fail to
go to Remember as a
body. heave, oh, we
have a pull and a long pull, a
strong pull and a pull altogether
means much. And after hearing
Dr. Pratt talk on good roads you
will go home and enthuse your
people on the subject, talk good
roads, act good roads and spend
a few dollars showing an example
and thus got a little leaven and
leaven the whole State.
Secretary N. C. R. L. C,
pastor. Rev. Conner.
The contracting being
Mi-s Juli Elizabeth
daughter of Mr. C. E. of
and Mr. Peyton
Tunstall Anthony, a prominent
wholesale merchant of Green-
ville, N. C, of whom are
popular in their respective com-
Mr. W. S. Rhodes, of Hamilton.
N. C, was best and Miss
Eva K. sister the
bride, was maid of honor. Lit-
Miss Letha K. Fir. of
Pa., the bride,
was flower girl. Messrs, Harry
L. Mock, Lindsay Walter
Edwards and
The bride was attired in a
white satin c trim-
med with pearls fringe and
carried bridal rises and of
the valley. The bridesmaids wore
exquisite pink Empire gowns,
trimmed with crystals and wore
large pink and black hats. Little
Miss Letha Fair wore a beautiful
pink dress and hat and carried a
basket of pink carnations Lo-
wedding was
b Miss Mary El
Q a number of relatives
and friends were present from
out of town. After the
a reception was at
the bride's horn, after which
the bridal left on tin
train for Washington, D. C, and
Virginia on an extended
wedding trip. They will reside
at Greenville. N C. Their may
relatives and friends
a long, happy and prosperous
Compromise Verdict of Degree
la the Fames Case.
ton, N. C. June
The if State of North Caro-
E. E. Powell, for the
killing of Chief of Charles
W. Dunn, of Scotland Neck on
March lust, care to an abrupt
this when -x-
Charles B Aycock. of
counsel for the defendant, an-
that after careful con-
by and consul-
with the family of the de-
the defense had decided
to accept a verdict of murder in
second degree and await the
judgment f the curt. Solid-
or. John H. Kerr stated that the
state was Willing to pt this
Judge G. W. Ward who is
presiding, stated that ho approved
his opinion that the
pi s
Breaks an Arm
Mr. L- H.
Willie Fleming and Viola bride
James Jones and Ida E, Rives, j many
A Bright Girl. Th
The other day th editor was
merchant of Portsmouth, and serious and
tin people of in making known
the i; rial meeting purposes
church, Gr M- C. i w
j. the goodness of their
Id r t ; u I i W B
of th
s, R fl o
tor aid Ayden freewill
so kindly lent to
the use of
notices, etc., and;
Whereas, in its
visiting horn i where there
Is a cute little girl of about four
The statistical woo
report that Hi re were d.
present, representing
i v a
one of Greenville's very j this morning. He v a A t
They re- th river
, . j bridal of gasoline boat, v .
to the m i
. .-, A. n the
. t
Greenville, pa bride I He. r.
with . but the good
f go with
the action
i hat it as
jury v.
d a
en f
take to
I, the
six thirteen
and fourteen
Alter a few congratulatory
remarks president an I
secretary the ass
ed with prayer by B. F- have us bettered on
of pretty curly auburn hair.
little miss took a look over our
way. and turning to her moth r.
said look at
that man's toying, with
one of her own pretty by
comparison. It was a July
compliment, even If she dosing on
the hair might well
Banks WOK
Bank of
Greenville Ba St Co.
ville, will nil ob of
and will h
Dr. Com.
it-. H, alt will be iii
Heat E July
id y d rut
for the of rig
diseases of the
c i ; i o a r.
The es
, . . I i .-.
. ;, d thirty
. on.
, i i n
, . but us
at this tin
; ,
,,, the i the
pi . On of tn sud
, illness of a juror y
i n c m j I snort
until this-
before I
eye fitting morning. m ill had
considerable t bring
The .
Z a Our , am If you M. to
com f.
. ad Oaf

J. R. C.
J-ft. 3.0. MOVE
J an . .-i . ,,.
. ,
V A contract.
. out, ,
. f. n i;. .-.
i-ii--r i-m,. n j
h . ,,
I ,
He C
i- i-.
Come in and o
Your Vacation
Prepare for your by an accident ticket In THE
I K in CO. of Hartford. Conn. Pay for
death. per week week If injured. Costs Si
II ills mt or for ten
Dry Goods. Dress Goods.
Anything yon need can be found at store.
Call to tee as
Greenville, N. C.
Notice to Contractors.
The board of commission-
and building committee of Pitt
N. C . will entertain soiled
for the erection and completion of
the new Pitt county court and
jail, in city of Greenville, in the
public square, in accordance with plans
and prepared by
bum, Co. Architect,
Washing ion. D. C. A of plans
will be on file with the register of
deeds and at the office on
and after June 10th, 1910.
Bids will be until o'clock
a. in- July 11th Each bid must be
accompanied by a certified check on
some well known bank, made payable
to J, P. chairman, in the
sum off 1.000, as evidence of
faith if their bid H accepted they will
enter into contract at once and give an
accept-be guarantee company bond
in the sum of fifty per cent, of the
contract price f.-r the faithful per-
of the contract. Should they
fail to into contract, the cluck
will be forfeited to the county as
liquidated damages by reason of delay.
Separate bids will be entertained for
the court the jail, the steel
cells, heating apparatus or for the
whole. Each bid must be sealed and
ad to the register of deeds of
Pitt and plainly mark- d
for court and The com-
missioners reserve the right to reject
any and all b
J. P.
Chm. Board County Commissioners.
Business Re-
Bargain Column.
All coining under
this head will be charged for at the
rate of cents per line, average six
words to the line. All advertisers
who haven't an account with us
should send money with ad.
tops at ii If. Schultz.
C. B.
D. D.
en slash for
presents. Pharmacy,
will call W. J.
Having as administrator
of J. L. deceased, late of
N. C ibis in n notify all persons
having claims against the estate of the
said deceased, to exhibit to the
undersigned, within twelve months
from this date, or this notice will be
pleaded in bar of their recovery.
All persons Indebted to estate
will please make immediate payment.
This 23rd day of June. 1910,
F. G. James Son.
Wan anted to Cure
Cholera by
N. C.
Reduction Sale
Racks and Tables still hold some of the
most attractive patterns that we have been
selling all the season. Not a pattern will be
reserved, but all will go at reduction from
to per cent. There is no profit left for us,
but it is your time to get a good suit at a
Regular Suits REDUCED to
Regular Banister Oxfords reduced
Regular Queen Quality Oxfords,
Regular reduced to . , 2.45
Other Oxfords reduced in proportion.
The Man's Outfitter
lime. Central Mercantile Co.
lords reduced to C. S. Forbes
sale on terms.
pen ink, and library paste at
Reflector Hook Store.
once between and TOO bushels
Of oats. Apply office.
residence lots sale on easy
terms. See Higgs
I, Nil SI I'll.
leather reduced to
C. S. Forbes.
any case of chills and lever. Price
on hand, people wanting will call
me up. W. J.
suits reduced to others
in proportion. C, s.
We have it randy for delivery at
any time. Central Mercantile Co.
City every day, ii is delicious.
located to Main street, equipped
with water and lights. Apply to
Mrs. Chas . Skinner.
day will be delivered anywhere ii
the city tonight. Phone 269-L.
handle vending machines in Penn-
References required.
Progressive Machine Co., Pa
only, best Granulated Sugar
at per pound. Not over lbs.
to one customer.
Central Mercantile Co.
telephone i to six in
towns, besides
county telephones. Can't be
In North Carolina.
and lot situated in South
on between Tenth
and streets. For further
Information apply to D. M. Clark.
best ii Hue Iron to-day. Skill-
ed workmen busy making them up.
Phone your orders to No. or
write me at once. Located at Green
villa Supply old stand, n
A C h. Depot. J. J. Jenkins.
parts of auction puts
mo In a position to your
Hues In any quantity, at your
farm. Located at Greenville Sup-
ply old near A. C L.
J. J. Jenkins.
HI ;.
or traveling; to sell
our line of linseed oil, exclusive or
side line, on a large commission;
splendid opportunity for the right
mun Address The American Oil
and Trust
We sell
Nothing but
And are in a
Position to
Show best
Quality and
Telephone No.
Norfolk Cotton and wired
by J. W. Perry Co. Cotton Factors.
Low Middling 147-8
I . ,.
Low ii 6-8
Strictly Prim U
Low Grade.
Wired by Cobb Bros a
and Broker. Norfolk
July Oct
May May Corn July Rib Sept July Lard 6-8 7-8 1242
Co., Banker
Grow Mai reported
1- A G. M
Mi. fl m 1-4
48th Annual Convention E.
Boston, Mass.
reduced fares via
Norfolk Southern Railroad, June
to July 2nd. Travel via Norfolk and
Steamer. sea
include meals a- d state
while steamers. For
information, apply to D. V.
Conn, Agent Raleigh, or
H. C. G. P. A., Nor-
folk, Va.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
New Orleans.
and House Furnishings
is not too good for you. When you want the
best, and prices that are in reach of your pocket
book we can supply your wants.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If you trail with us both make money
Wiley Brown
Assigned to S. T. Hooker
Must be Sold in
The National Bank has leased the
building and these Goods must be
moved out. To do this quickly all
goods are marked down at and
below cost.
Notions, Shoes,
Trunks, Clothing, Etc.
Sale Will Begin at O a. m.
Remember the Place and Come for Bargains
Wiley Brown
Professional Cards
Office R. L. Smith
sublet, and next door to John Flan-
Buggy new building.
. . I. Carolina
formerly occupied by. J. L
. . Carolina
W. C D. M. Clark.
Civil Engineers and Surveyors
. . Carolina
Loans made on Real Estate.
Um-in . . Carolina
L. I. Moore. W. H. Long.
Greenville, . . Carolina
. . I. Carolina
Harry Skinner. H. W.
. Carolina
. . N. Carolina
When Washington, I. C,
Don't forget that you have a standing
invitation to visit
well kept up-to-date
Kodak work a specialty
DR. F. FITTS, Osteopath
Associated with
DR. A. H. at
announces the opening of an office in
over Frank Wilson's store.
Tuesday, Thursday, and
8.30 a. in. 1.00 p. m.
of Value to t nil and
Vegetable drawer.
Too little attention is paid by the
housewives of North Carolina to the
canning of fruits and vegetables This
Is an art that needs to be cultivated
and the State Department of
is making a commendable effort
in that direction. It has just publish
ed a bulletin on the home canning of
fruits and vegetable, which should
be In every farmer's home. The
is written by the
S. B. Shaw, and It Is
worth quoting form. In rural com-
says Mr. Shaw, it is
the case that during the win-
Instruments That
In th.
In an old tower In there
Is a room set apart especially for the
preservation of the curious
of torture used during the
certain period historically referred to
as the middle ages.
In that room you can see thumb-
screws of the most approved pattern
closely along shelves filled
with and for
gossiping women. horrid relic,
called the Is a
cylinder on one side of which stand
out two or more score of sharp Iron
spikes. In days of old when an of-
fender had been to undergo
a he was stripped naked
months the most delicious and bound down
wholesome fruits and vegetables are
absent form the dally bill of fare.
Possibly some tomatoes are canned,
some fruits preserved or dried, but
the most nutritious vegetables and
the palatable fruits are allowed
In this position the was
slowly up and down bis back,
the number of times depending upon
the gravity of the crime and the word-
of the sentence.
In several Instances the poor victims
to spoil In the garden and orchard prodded so full of holes that they
died before they could be removed
from the plank. When was In-
tended the number of not
N. I.
Attorneys at law
Practices where
vices required,
ally in the counties of
Craven, Carteret, Jones
Pamlico. and State and
Federal Courts.
Office Broad Street
Phone NEW BERN, N. C.
because of the impression that it is
impossible to keep them. This is a
mistake. It is Just easy to keep
corn, peas and beans as it is to keep
peaches and fact which
has been demonstrated by
packers who have canned almost
every variety of fruit and vegetable.
When the supply of fruit and
Is the family needs
and a market la not convenient in
which to dispose of this fresh pro-
duce, the surplus may be made a
source of income by selling it in the
form of canned goods. Sometimes
those living near a convenient mar-
experience difficulty in finding a
ready sale for their produce on ac-
count of the glutted condition often
existing in the markets of large
es. In conditions of this kind, grow-
can provide themselves with can-
outfits, suited in capacity to
their needs, put up a clean, reliable
grade of goods, market
as they do their green stuff,
and turn to profit that which other-
wise might have been a complete loss.
There seems to be a belief by the
general public that there is some-
thing mysterious in the commercial
canning process. The great secret of
this process is a careful observance
of two and com-
sterilization. It is possible for
every housewife to run a small
factory in her own kitchen, and
on the farm. This both economical
and desirable. Fruits and
can be ill glass jars or
tin cans at home cheaper than
can be purchased in the form
commercially canned goods, and the
flavor, texture and quality of
home-made product can be made
superior to the of the aver-
age factory.
This bulletin not only full of de-
tails as to tile process of canning all
kinds of fruits and vegetables, but
Iron and a postal card
addressed to the De-
at will get it. The
Chronicle urges all its tanner read-
to a copy. Tin-re's money
but double length spikes,
red hot. were put In the surface
i be cylinder. This mode of carrying
it capital punishment was hardly as
expeditious as the guillotine, but It
was equally certain.
State Normal and
the State for the
men if North Carolina. Four regular
Course to Degrees. Special
Courses for Pull Session
begins September laid. de-
siring to enter ply as early as
For and other in-
J. I. Pros. Greensboro, N. C.
a Wing Spread Than
That of Many Small Birds.
The largest known to
Is found only In New
and specimens are worth any-
thing from Slim upward. The male
measures eight inches across
wings and the female not less
eleven Inches, a whig spread exceed-
that of many small birds.
story of discovery of
Ibis Is a curious one.
says the Wide World Magazine. A
naturalist saw a specimen perched on
the top of a tree and. failing to
It by any means, finally
hot It.
Prom fragments be decided that
the was entirely unknown to
science, and he forthwith fitted out an
expedition at a cost of thou
sands of dollars lo go In search of
magnificent Insects.
Two member of the party fell
to and an-
other was rescued only lo the nick of
time. In spite of this Inauspicious
to his enterprise, how
ever, the naturalist persevered and
succeeded In obtaining a
number of perfect specimens.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce a
candidate for sheriff of Pitt
county, subject to the action of
Democratic primary.
6.6 J. Cox.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for sheriff of Pitt
county, subject to the action of
the Democratic primary.
S. I. Dudley.
For Surveyor.
I to submit myself to the
discretion of the democratic
voters of Pitt county at their
coming primaries for County
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of sheriff
of county, subject to the
Democratic primary.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for county treasurer
for Pitt county subject to the
action of the Democratic primary.
W. B. Wilson.
For Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of Treas-
of Pitt county, subject to
the action of the Democratic
primary. C. T.
May 1910. d w
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston, Effective April 1st,
For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
W. J. T. M. T. C. WHITE, G. P. A.
Norfolk Southern R. R
An Extraordinary Shower.
Daniel the Irish
once complained in house
of commons of a report of a speech
in a London newspaper which, he
aid, put into his mouth opinions
he had never expressed. Ho vowed
that if the editor did not apologize
he would move that he brought
to the bar for u breach of privilege.
Next day the reporter of the speech
waited upon and gave a
most remarkable explanation. He
stated that during his walk from
the house to his in Fleet
street the rain streamed into his
In great lush a in
battle. a ago
gave u story by u New York
of the slaughter Of Twenty-Sixth
Regiment, Gettys-
burg, This regiment belonged to
division of Hill's corps and
was under command of
K. It its
loss In the famous charge
on the afternoon of
July Another New York Soldier
contributes a story to the Sun as to
how the slaughter came about.
early dawn of he
writes, our skirmishers were
sent out the details from the 125th
New York and the Ohio wen-
placed somewhat to the right, that is,
nearer to the village than the position
of the respective regiments on the
ridge, and were beyond the
burg when charge was
made. of falling back to the
Hue of battle on the ridge the
of the regiment named wheel-
ed and took position behind a low
fence running at right to the
line, and as the
swept by not feet away the
kept up an Incessant
lire on their left flank, which
it to give away and bunch toward th-
liter until the Confederates were
probably tiles deep, with our
, , , butteries on Cemetery Ridge working
pockets and obliterated the notes of guM double can.
lug speech. and the Infantry pumping lead
accept the explanation said
let L m
me say that it must hove been h so but ,, M.
very extraordinary shower of rain, j Than no mm
for it not only washed out of your u h ,.
notebook the speech I delivered,
but washed in another of an entire-
air the deal-
all Oiled In months of
April May. That accounts for
Hull- remarkable resilient
-I- the sir of months better
are the spring mouths,
Origin of the Letter V.
The letter V may be regarded as the
remain of one of the
used Egyptians In
of picture writing
A animal In their country was
I horned viper, a
of which stood for V. The
ultimately found that for the
practical purposes of everyday life It
Was a waste of time to use elaborate
mid Invented n kind of
shorthand to meet the occasion.
this I lie spake was reduced Co II
a Vi to represent horns
and body. The Phoenicians adopted
Ibis teller, from we gel our
V by loss of dash, leaving only
the little horns of the original
lure. This snake Is still common In
Egypt and Is probably one men
In shall
be ii by the way. an adder In
the that horse so
Hint bis rider shall full
Travelers tell us It Is still addict
ed to Ibis unpleasant
Pullman Car Service
N. and Norfolk, Va.,
beginning June 5th.
The only local sleeping car line between Raleigh Norfolk, via Wilson,
Farmville, Greenville and n. without change.
Read Down
Read Up
Ni. IS
In H
II m
Southern Railway Ar
, Hen- S A. L. i, Ar
R. S. and P.
Raleigh, Union Station Ar
vi i Ht-on
New Bern, via
Kinston, via
via Wilson
The o Diderot's by
Catherine II. of Russia.
Empress Catherine u of j
a great reader and u lover of
One of services to letters In
was pun-base of libraries of I
Voltaire and She a warm I
friend and admirer of these
philosophers, and their work
ed her she was to
new of politics govern-1
Voltaire's library
Is now u part the Rut- Close made at Norfolk with all lines diverging,
In operated daily between Norfolk and New Bern via
and dally, except Sunday, and New
a. m.
NORFOLK, Park Avenue j p.
palace, and In
Is statue of Voltaire.
Nos. an I
story of purchase of
I sleeping cars
and Norfolk. Makes at Wilson A. C. U
., . . . I, . I. ., .
library Is Interesting. It Wilmington, Mount, Ne-v via
creditable lo tact and her makes din ct connection at Raleigh with R. S. Ky., to
G i
chase should remain with Diderot until; New Bern, N. C.
his death. Thus Diderot, without .,,., , ,, ,, .
lug Paris, became Catherine's librarian ION,
In his own library. As librarian
be w-its n yearly salary of r
tine year I Ills salary was not paid.
Then wrote to her librarian
that she could not have or
library surfer through the
of n treasurer's clerk that
should send him the mm Hint she had
set aside for the cure and Increase of
her library for years. At th i end
of that period she would make new.
A check for
accompanied this letter.
Norfolk. Virginia.
only way to make the mass of
mankind see the beauty of Justice Is
by them pretty plain ins
the consequence of
Is activity of today and
ID assurance of
Wet Weather Camels.
Camels are very sensitive to
the region of tropical rains
are usually absent, If tiny
come Into such with re
suits of the rainy season are great Ii
feared. The great humidity of
explains the absence camel from
the northern slopes of the Atlas and
from well This
sensitiveness expresses Itself In the
character of races. The
est. most noble looking camels, with
short silk-like hair, are found the
Interior of deserts, as In lbs ,
region In north Africa, and they can
not be used for to moist re-
Even In south of Trip
the animals are shorter and fatter.
with long Nile
lands and coasts It Is the same.
These too. are less serviceable
as speed and endurance.
The Eyes of the Musk Ox.
The skull of bull musk ox Is re
for of the
eye orbits, which project sufficiently
beyond the plane of bones
to compensate for the
would otherwise make In the
range of vision. The musk ox. bow
ever, does not seem to rely greatly on
keenness of sight, fur less on unite
of bearing, for the ears are of
small dimensions and are completely
covered by the growth t fur
about them The organs of went are
evidently more highly developed, and
exact of the hunter his
Just Imagine
have women on
n woman sitting n
long argument by n lawyer
was the answer she re
Wit Is Judgment la em-
The makes the
flames, but the other give the must
The Old Soldier That Asked Fer and
Received Assistance.
General Robert U. Lee was sitting
on the of bis Lexington home
one engaged conversation
with- some friends when u man. ill
clothed covered with dust, appear-
ed the gate and timidly beckoned to
Apologizing to his friends. Lee rose I
at once and went to the gate. Very I
soon his purse appeared, he J
seen to give the man some money.
HI friends, knowing the extent
bis charily In any case of suffering,
real or apparent, looked on with some
Impatience, for they knew bow slender
his means were and bow many
calls of I be same kind came to
who was one of
them ventured when be bad returned
to bis place.
of our boys In
the half nulling answer, for the gen-
knew the remonstrance which bis
friend longing to make.
regiment and company did
belong persisted the friend,
If possible, to unearth the
fought on the oilier
General Lee's calm answer.
N. C
Completely Renovated and Many New Features.
Opens June 1st.
Surf Fishing; in America, Dan-
Tennis. Riding. Extremely low Excursion
Rates. Unsurpassed Perfect.
Through Sleeping Car via Golds-
and Morehead, N. C.
Write Frank P. Morton, Mgr Morehead City, N. C.
for rates and handsome booklet.
C. T.
At the
Big Store
is where mothers teach their children to for
Big Bargains in Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods,
Dress Goods, Notions and Millinery. That is
where everybody goes.
He it Try Kim
Chinese Business Honesty.
I With due respect for others,
Is most honor-
able and upright business man the
world today. Ills business principle
are founded entirely upon honesty,
and be lo policy th
Insistence n chase after
dollars If he bus to resort to low
tricks to get them. Of course a little
thing like a falsehood occasion-
ally does not bother him so much, but
It Comes to plotting
to defraud some one the task be-
distasteful. of
Japanese Id Initiative and foresight,
he Is unlit their superior when
Is A Japanese doe
not think twice before deciding to get
the best of you. He calculates
lire liable to change your mind or
get of reach If he indulges In a
little Mental debate the propriety
Pulley bowen
Home- of .
Subscribe to The Reflector.
j-W. PERRY CO to the Public
Cotton Factors
Bagging- Ties and
Subscribe for The
I have opened a shop in
ch repairs
furniture, and
I have any
furniture bring it to me and
mike it new
J. Z Gardner.
; Mattress Maker and
f I

Published by
D. J.
.; one
Six . .
rates may be
application at ll. business u
The Reflector corner Brans
All cards and
of will h
cent per word.
The traveler, the editors, the
doctors, the banker and
the lawyers at
But of then got ahead of
the editors on a good time.
Running a man and his
down is no way to help a
town. We have known people
to leave Greenville for that very
Si a.
. Asa aka aLb
Communications adv
dates Will I
cents per line, U
Entered at , at On
N. C. as second claw
FRIDAY, Jr-Y. l.
done ad-
Tl e abundant lit crop ought
to go to the CM.
is going to give the
State convention a farewell
this says the
Times. Must think the
are coming hack to
July Reduction Sale Begins July
If it does not look like Harry
W. Whedbee is going to be the
next Superior court judge of this
we do not read the In-
Only a few build air .-hips,
but any of us can build air
The do the claim-
show goods.
President I gets much
bettor pleated have
enlarge hid smile.
Bobbing dental offices of
teeth to he a new fad with
the profession
The result was ton close in
Wake for the News and
to announce it in red lines.
A red rose is
not red Greensboro News
It is. sou believe it,
try us.
Texas sent forward the
first bale of Dew cotton, it
brought a pound in New
From the way building mate-
rial is being placed several
parts of the town, we take it
that Greenville will have many
n-w buildings before summer
has ended
With Mr. Roosevelt to retire
into solitude for two months and
soon to adjourn, if Mr.
can also be induced to
keep the country may get
a little rest spell.
Birmingham been added
t the list of cities that have
adopted the commission form of
government. All cities and
towns of consequence will come
to it after a while.
Governor Hughes of New
York took a run up to Oyster
Hay to try to get Mr. Roosevelt
to lend a hand toward pulling
him out or the mud, but he got
no promise of help from that
AS is our usual custom, we will begin our July Reduction
Sale on Saturday, July 2nd.
WE are offering reduced prices on all Spring and Summer
Clothing, low cut Shoes, Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts, Summer
Underwear and a special lot of Hosiery.
THERE are many pretty styles and desirable patterns to
select from and a visit to our store will convince you and save
you money.
THESE goods which we are offering are this seasons styles
and made by the world's best clothes makes, positively
to give satisfaction or your money refunded.
All 025.00 Suits t
All 22.50 Suits reduced to
All 20.00 Suits reduced to
All 20.00 Suits reduced to
All Suits reduced to
15.00 Suits reduced to . . .
12.50 Suits reduced to . . .
10.00 Suits reduced to . . .
15.00 Mohair Suits reduced to
10.00 Mohair Suits reduced to
Big Reduction in Odd Coats, Coats and Vests and Odd
Eclipse and Negligee Shirts
This Seasons
grade i
grade reduced
tirade reduced
reduced to . . . Cents
All grade in Bummer I reduced
grade In Bummer Underwear reduced
have both lints and short Shirts,
Athletic Shirts and Knee Drawers, don't tail to
Bee them at these juices.
All reduced to . Cents
Straw Hat in our store is one half price.
The Raleigh pipers that help-
ed to make the split are now
Buying let us Such is
politics. ,
declares that he
may never make an
cal speech. not, and
then again he may.
Uncle Joe Cannon goes home
saying he has no ill will toward
Time to cool must
have done him good.
The recorder and chief of
lice of Charlotte had a scrap
over the primary, and the latter
is looking another job.
Station or rank cut no
when they want to elope. A ,
daughter of of ill
New York i ran away from home
and gut man d. She M
the news home and was
reduced to . .
5.50 Boy dell's Shoes reduced to .
4.00 I low aid and Mister Shoes
id Shoes reduced to.
d to
3.00 Shoes reduced
2.50 Shoes reduced
have these Shoes all styles, all leathers,
E W.
congressman of the fifth Virgin-
district, has unseated
and his place given to M.
-an, con-
When an item hat the
Bay date line now, readers will
take notice to see if
has said something.
Ohio Democrats have
luted Governor by ac-
This brings him for-
ward prominently as a
date for the presidency.
The Republican, Smith, who
Some are asking what the contested the seat of
of commerce has on tap man Webb tie North
for the meeting next Monday j Carolina district, got only pains
night. The way to find out The
In celebrating the one
and second anniversary of
Dayton, Ohio, The Daily
of that city issued an edition of
over pages. It is one of the
largest, finest and best illus
papers ever published in
the United States.
United States Senator Gore,
I the blind senator of Oklahoma,
startled senate Friday with
announcement that an effort
had been made to bribe him
connection with the fees of
Indian The sen
ate ordered an investigation
of the matter.
YOU cannot afford to pass unnoticed if you are among
those who would save when the opportunity presets itself.
Men we advise you to come.
FRANK WILSON, The King Clothier
sure is to be on baud.
Colored soldiers are giving
trouble again, and there may
be a repetition of the
ville affair. have
been tiled with the of
misconduct, oil the part of color-
ed soldiers the Twenty-Fifth
committee of congress decided
against him.
The postal savings bank bill
before congress has passed both
the house and
awaits the signature of the
president to become a law. As
it was one of his pet measures,
are many who do not So far as primaries Republicans Just keep it in mind that the
him his policies, the State last their State convention
day too the vote for the Taft administration, July 4th, and
judgeship, the tabled a
test was so close between Judges endorsing the
Manning Allen that it will that will
take the State U keep the colonel from
decide which one gets the
States stationed the signature will soon be forth-
at Fort Wash.
there is no shaking the
that just now Theodore
stands in the fore-
front as the biggest man in the
country, possibly in the
world. If he decides to express
himself, the next Republican
national convention is ti
do exactly what he says- He
can be absolute dictator of the
party if he wants to be-
After noting that Major
says we look like he
dues we ask some of our friends
of the press association to kind-
propose name as
the one to wrest the mendacity
medal from Squire Sherrill, of
the Tribune, and as
are a member of the committee
to make next year's award, we
pledge our support.
ton Dispatch.
Wonder what
the buys are going to give
Editor Whitehall, of the
Reflector, tells all
who haven't a good word to say
for to crawl in a hole
and pull the hole after them.
Good philosophy, but better ad
vice for personal safety, because
Editor is apt to kick
in a hole a person who talks
about his live
Say, you better drop
off of us, old mail.
worth while
going on at that
nation. Here is the way the
Charlotte Observer sizes up the
The situation as regards the
contest between Associate
Maiming Judge W. R,
Allen for the Slate Supreme
court has not clarified consider
ably since Saturday night,
altogether as quiet as he started
out to be for the next two
We hear that there is a move-
on foot to try to get the
incoming board of aldermen to
give Greenville an Sun
withstanding that is to let cold
details have been forth- and cigar vending places stay
coming. The early returns Sat
night from the counties
open and sell goods on that day.
voting oil the State ticket It is to hoped the aldermen
that Judge Allen had very
best of it, but
matter yesterday after
the heat of battle had cooled,
to poi to a convention
between the contestants,
much the
will not yield to any such en-
treaty, for to do so would not be
creditable to the town. There
is no I of such places to be
open such things to be sold
apparently, though Judge Sunday.
Allen's manager claims a com
lead which
to great extent by returns
received by The Observer
Based on claims made by the
respective of the two
candidates on the counties winch I
have themselves, i
Editor W, C, Dowd, of the
Charlotte News, re-
for the legislature, and will
he a candidate for speaker
Judge Allen has received house. Mr Dowd
twice before been a candidate
Justice Manning while the for speaker, and it by
primary votes of counties will
be divided. This accounts for
of the Mi counties of the
State. What the other wilt
do will only be known when the
a small majority. He is in
every way for this
honor and should have it, and
the house would honor by
Authorized Agent of The Reflector for As den and vicinity. Ad rates furnished
We are the oldest C. Manly Morton, after
and strongest Life and Fire a few days here, returned u
Insurance Co. in the world. his home at Wilson
Call us and let us consult Call us, phone Let us rent
you. Ayden Loan Insurance your houses and collect for you.
E, . I Will sell your personal property.
a. u a f stocks, bonds, or lend you
Mrs. Addie Tar- money on reasonable terms-
who has visiting Ayden Loan Insurance Co.
her brother.
family of her brother,
Turnage, returned horn i
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or call
on J. R. Smith Co. Dix n.
Mrs. T. R. Lee and children,
of are visiting her par
C. C. Bland and
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Co's. mill.
Mrs. Mitchell and s of
Winston, are visiting their
brother, J. W. Glenn.
Now a good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department-
R. W. Smith.
Car K Elite and other
for top dressing at J. R.
Smith Co's.
Cook stoves and repairs for
same at J. R Smith Co's.
W. J. Boyd and family return-
ed from Edwards. Thursday,
where they attended funeral
of Mr. Boyd's father.
You can find almost anything
you want in shoes, hits, dry
goods, notions. trunKs,
school book, furniture, hard-
ware, crockery, lime, cement,
screen windows an groceries at
J. R. Smith Co's
and Al-
ton Bland, of Rocky Mount, are
visiting Miss Rosa Bland.
If you have news items, tell
this scribe and help us to make
this column a one.
Don't treat him like you do a
book agent, and then wonder at
the feeble effort he is matting,
Elder T. E. H. C. Or-
C, E. Spear, D. G.
and Misses Daisy, Edith and
R. C. Cannon Sons
exhibition at their store a cab-
variety-raised by Jesse
Cannon, here in Ayden.
Rev. C. C. Bland is a practical
man and model farmer. He
raises his own supplies, such as
are adapted to this climate. This
year he had some wheat in rows
which he will thrash about
, , i bushels per acre. After
Beulah and Lillian he
Munn attended the Sunday I surplus,
school convention at Greenville . money Bland
y . is an ex-Confederate soldier, and
Lime, Lime. just made m record that
arrived. J. R. Smith Co. down the history,
Emma Byrd, who has having leaped upon the breast
been visiting Misses Eva and and replaced the colors at
Ella Hart, left Wednesday for port Fisher, which was a brave
her home in Florida via act heroism. This deed now
ville. j forms a part of our own North
If you have anything to buy or Carolina history. A few minutes
sell, let us drop it in the Ayden after this he lost a leg and has
We are not iii
Daniels, we need your coop, township.
It- Smith. Rev. B. F.
H. L. Coward, of Greenville,
was here Friday.
Milk churns, preserve
milk coolers Mason's
jars at J. R. Smith Co's.
Mrs. M. E. of Rocky
Mount, is here visiting relatives.
J. F. paints, varnish,
cites and at J.
R. Smith Co's.
Mrs. O. C. Nobles and children,
who have been visiting relatives
at Rocky Mount, have returned
Car cement, lime, nails and
hay at J. R. Smith Co's
Claude Lamb, a small son of
Mr. L. H. Worthington, fell
from the of a box car and
landed on the coupling on his
head, cutting a severe gash as
well as knocking out several of
his front teeth. Fortunately no
bones were broken.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for township constable,
subject to the primary of Con-
J. T. Keel.
filled hid
Mariam Williams, an old col regular appointment in Si. James
woman, died here suddenly church here Sunday night
was very j was the guest of W. J.
industrious and had many friends i Lime Lime
among the white
just by J. R. Smith Co.
At the Close of Business March 20th,
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Due torn
Cash items M
Gold coin 40.00
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,288.00
bank and other
Notes 8,785.00
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profits,
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 5,421.80
Deposits sub. to check 50,180.20
Savings Deposits 27,208.00
Cashier's checKs
outstanding 287.02
Total 1120,550.11
Total 1120,660.11
I. J. R. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
the above statement is true to the beet of my
Subscribed and sworn to
mt. this 4th day April,
Notary Public.
We wish to call your attention to our new of fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great care In buying this year
think we can supply your want in Shoes, Hats, Dress Ginghams,
carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cash or Installment.
Cm to us aid will convince you
been a cripple since.
Corn oats and hay at J- R.
Smith Co.
Mr. Hodges, wife, and
Roland and Stancil, spent
Sunday with relatives near
you want to buy,
lease, sell or rent houses or land,
or want a job for yourself, wife,
daughter, mother or sister, or
want to employ additional help,
or sell what you have, there is
no better medium than the col-
of Reflector-
R, W. Smith.
E. G. Cox, of Greensboro,
in town Saturday and arranged
wit l J. R. Smith Co.,
to exhume, and remove two
of his children who are buried in
country and bury them here
in the cemetery. The Cox family
have erected a magnificent
on their lot to mark the
last resting place of Hon. E. V.
Cox and others of the family.
chicken powders kills
i awns, crows, owls minks,
remedy tor cholera,
indigestion and leg weak-
keeps them free from
causing them to
dace an abundance of eggs.
a package at J. R. Smith Co's.
Miss Essie Ferebee. of
ford, is visiting at
in Ghent.
Car nails, barbed wire, lime
i and cement at J. R. Smith Co.
Mr. ebb. of Morehead, who
j was here some days ago
after consulting his better
judgment has decided to cast his
lot with us. His office will be in
the old post office building, which
has been nicely fitted up.
Protect your house against the
filthy flies, and mosquitoes by
nutting in a set of the improved
screen windows and doors made
by J. R. Smith Mfg. Co.
Our colored people have an
academy of music or hall on
First street, where they have a
or vaudeville every other
night during the week. They
have a good brass band with one
woman who blows a cornet,
something out of the ordinary.
They have reserved seats for
white people and preserve the
best order during the exhibition.
and magazines
at J. R. Smith Co.
Make your home cheerful and
rooms comfortable, by using
on the walls. A stock
of assorted colors at J. R. Smith
and rubber belling,
black and galvanized pipe and
other mill fittings at J. R. Smith
Carney who moved
here from last fall to
with Ayden Lumber Ca.
left Monday for where
waters are deeper, pastures
greener and wages higher.
See our and cent bargain
counters, J. R. Smith C.
Joe Patrick and Miss Carrie
Johnson spent Sunday in
Miss Lucy Hodges and Mr. and
Mrs. Moseley, of Kinston. spent
with J. R. Turnage.
Lime, cement hair, trowels
and Mason jars. J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs. Frank Burroughs, of
Scotland Neck, arrived last night
to spend a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G
For Sale-Several thorough-
bred Berkshire male pigs. Apply
at once to J. R- Smith Co.
Misses Jimmie Davis and Lena
Dawson were to have started
yesterday for Nashville, Tenn.,
to take a special teachers course,
but Miss Dawson was taken sick
and the trip had to be postponed.
poultry food and
hawk killer at J. R. Smith Co's.
Julius Brown, of Greenville,
spent night in Ayden.
Call on us for ceiling, flooring
We guarantee
J. R. Smith Go's. mill.
If the Hanrahan correspondent
will let us know more definitely
what information he desires or
point cleared up regarding the
marriage of the late Henry
Smith, we will try to oblige him.
Screen doors made to order or
repaired on short notice at J. R.
Smith Co's mill.
Guy Taylor and family spent
Sunday with friends in Lenoir
Coal tar, roof paint, at J.
R. Smith Co's.
Miss Georgia Coy tor, and Miss
Ethel Tuten, who are attending
the training school, spent Sunday
We will repair your tobacco
trucks, wagons, carts and other
farm machinery on short notice
at J. R. Smith Co's. Mill.
Rev. G. C. pastor of
the Free Will Baptist church has
just closed a very successful
meeting in Kinston.
Grain cradles and cultivator
-weeps at J. R. Smith Co's.
Use of These Woods the
Washington, D. C. June
Recently a citizen of
county asked roe to secure
information from the Fore.-
service relating to the
of shuttles these an
manufactured almost
from dogwood and
of which there must be a
quantity in North Carolina, am
other citizens may
engaging in their manufacture,
I will ask you to publish the
pended letter from an official
the service, to
Very sincerely,
H. Small.
R-v. C. O. Armstrong filled
Mr. appointment at
Free Will Baptist church Sunday.
E. M. Swain and Miss Ethel,
Heath are to be married
Wednesday morning at on i
Lie street and spend their honey i
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for township constable
subject to the Democratic
of township.
Daniel Smith.
Jesse Braxton and Miss Nina
Dixon will be married Wednesday
at The above couples
are not all. The marriage bells
continue to ring here.
The columns of the Ayden de-
are open for any
mate ads. even campaign.
solicited, now is the time to
subscribe for the best daily in
Pitt county. R. W. Smith.
Washington, D. C, June
Hon. John H. Small,
House of Representatives.
Washington, D. C.
Your letter of June 18th, ad
dressed to the Forester, has been
referred to this office for
Available data on the
of shuttles in North Carolina
include statistics on pools, bob-
bins, skewers and picker sticks,.
though these articles are not all I
made in the same factories.
Dogwood and persimmons are
used almost exclusively in the
manufacture of shuttles, because
of the physical properties of the
woods which, when made into
shuttles, wear and do not
splinter. Dogwood is cut chiefly
in Tennessee and North Caro-
while persimmon is cut
largely in Arkansas, Louisiana
and Alabama. Approximately
feet B. M. of dogwood,
and feet. B. M., of per-
are used in the
factories in North Carolina. The i
average cost f. o. b factory
dogwood averages
the average cost of persimmon
a thousand feet. The raw
material is purchased by tin
in the form of logs, bolts.
billets and sawed squares.
The future of the business is
undoubtedly assured and will
probably increase in volume i
with the continuous addition to j
the number of spinning nulls,
particularly in the south.
course there must exist always;
the possibility of
in spinning, but it does nod
appear that the shuttle
method will be supplanted. The
demand for shuttle and
varies with the prosper-
in the spinning industry
though undoubtedly with good
selling connections
before engaging in business
no serious interruptions to the
demand should be encountered.
Very truly yours.
Franklin H. Smith,
Acting in Charge of Wood
busiest little things aver made are
Dr. King's New Life pill
Is a sugar coaled globule of
that changes weakness Into strength,
languor energy, brain-fag Into
power; curing Constipation,
Headache. Chills. Malaria.
cents at all druggists.
Flour Cora
Mr. I have as com-
arranged flour and corn mill
as twenty experience in the
business would assist me in
building. I bought the very
latest improved and the very
belt machinery to be had. am
making as fine Hour as any mill
in that makes a pure
straight flour. If you have any
wheat that you want turned
into flour, I will be pleased to
serve you. Yours truly,
Washington, N. C,
How delicious were the of boy-
hood. No pies now ever so good.
What's changed the pies No. Its you
You've a strong, health stomach
the vigorous liver, the active
the regular bowels boyhood. Your
digestion Is poor and Maine the
food. A complete ton-
up by Electric Bitten of all organ
of Liver. Kidneys,
them. They'll restore
your boyhood appetite and
of food and fairly saturate your
body with new health, strength and
vigor. in all druggists.
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
I desire to announce to my
friends and the public, that I
will be at the Gum warehouse
the coming season. I want to
thank my friends for their form
patronage and hope to have
your support hearty co-
operation in the future,
you that every pile of your
tobacco shall have my personal
attention, and every effort made
to please you. Come lets make
the Gum headquarters for the
farmers. Jno. L. Gibson.
t s
hey See That
Folks Mis. f i
N. C, June
What is Wall we
it's anything that
of the ordinary, that alt
he folk, and
might not know about.
we country d-d hungers
lave the advantage of you ho
d streets but
by walls, in
beauties of
It was on last Saturday even
two natural
scenes attracted our
As the sun was just him-
self behind the western
sent up a
somewhat in a that
far surpassed the she-n of
And ab-jut
the same night as old Luna, the
queen of the night, was lifting
herself from old ocean's bed,
causing high tide on th. bar. she
seemed to have a to vie
with the orb of day. So she.
too, sent up a streak of light that
did not take on the bow shape,
but looked like glistening waters
shot up from a fountain.
heavens ire the glory of
God. and the
His handiwork.
I wish you city people
have seen these lovely displays
nature, then some of the boys
would have et mined to
out on the farm where they can
behold nature in all her
Will you not do it. boys, yes and
girls, too The country is a
place to live, but we are
married, girls, but there
some splendid fellows all round
ab And to boys w
would say there are- lots of most
excellent girls in ibis section,
though we can't put it us did
the editor when that letter was
in the post office. We have but
one, and she is too young to leave
her mama.
There are things that happen
sometime that provoke a
and at the same time our
sympathy. Now the train does
not stop at our station unless it
is flagged, and the railroad rule
book says that any object that
can be s en swung across the
track is a signal to
two short toots of the is
an answer to signal, but
object swung up down
track is what railroad men
know an a and
to go forward, even faster if
needs be. One day last week a
somewhat aged colored lady
came out Grifton in
morning, and picked
until about p. m. Then
she came and took a seat
our inviting oaks to cool, refresh
herself, and wait for the train.
She serenely sat there for about
two hours and until ten
minutes before the train came.
Then it was that she bethought
herself to wain over and talk a
while a white lad . for she
loves to talk with her white
friends. The time passed so
quickly that the train was in
yards of the station she
heard it. She ran to th-i side of
the track jerked her straw hat
off. and gave it several swing
up and down the track.
course the train kept on, and if
any difference got faster. She
gathered up her two peck baskets
filled with berries and tramped
off behind the train facing a
heavy thunder storm. At
we could but see the ridiculous
side of the episode, and then we
were her.
Crops are responding to the
glorious sunshine and the farm-
are beginning to have an
occasional smile
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me
On account of my absence from
town the board cf education will
not meet next Monday. It will
meet on the 3rd Monday In
W. H.
Clerk of Board.
was of i he never-say-
kind, the kind that you most
when a bad COM, cough or
disease . or
cough syrups, cod oil or doctor
have failed, don't lose heart or hope.
Take Dr. Now Discovery. Sat-
guaranteed when used
tor throat or lung trouble, it has
saved or hopeless
masters colds, obstinate
roughs hemorrhage, croup.
hay fever and whooping
COUgh and i the moat safe and
remedy for all bronchial
Me. Trial bottle free
all druggist.

M I Mil i i I in bat
I feet v. Never
From the report of the
and banks in
a twenty lion in
force he cheek the
King onslaught at the gates,
from worry and ,., of .,, Trillion King all tin In wind t
I could understand th. abominable. ., be off the mountain and the recent
He was of road, having stolen pat sentries meeting of the Bankers
race that did thin. n and danger at this record
on the the moment Hit soul from scouts outside city , a. . . . .
sickened day by day. John was not they bad been scattered tn U
equally unhappy, but more and by par- Number National Banks in
often found him upon a tics. He In more dancer from -he State
rack at the top of ravine, on men be would help, they who were .,. it
lighted pipe in In watchful defender, of dumber of Companies,
upon It bare been o'clock ha
J up. King our time will crossed king's highway, a mile or
he to Be. more above rates, and
I Then night the down Into same thick
r posed ate Ph.- that bad protected him and Total number of bank- in
T In and a memorable night not long
M to daybreak before. . . . . . .
a run of f At s o'clock a dripping threw i National Banks members of
in awe and laughed the Association . .
T s with exaltation confronted by a I Trust State and
progressing under the startled guardsman Inside the ., . ,
t of the Was bis undoubted and not MM . Of
bravery Us effect the MM Me a the Association . .
susceptibilities of the friendly cry a be advanced toward
tressed man. calling his name.
I The Brand of a voice In sharp out- Ten later he was
Chatter vs in bis i the of the I
of as a bright and racked Into his
me- t as n i of could see other pickets la news of the coming;
git vi d a Join A few Mar I attack. The colonel lost Bo time
yo I r were routine out the sleeping guardsmen
. is John . Hues and mid In
an An- can. HI H
IN. b C. Bur
kl Nod
ifS man and two I to those already on duly at
inter j.
John was staling When the sun over the
ares him . the
era IV- Sing n
park meets th. , bills he saw a rest-
to the lad's S Aunt woman walked t of dragoons
to the g
committee of pal
of the witch of look gap and Haas threw
me la the eh Me in great neap for her
be sprang forward for the to ride forth.
oil husband, Mar. eager greeting iii balls trashed Into the facade.
s the pr roe. edge the I circle, draw her sear Yawning assures, gigantic holes, mark
I, III. g t the ed the of the ugly
sets ii u h i , was talking
Mr the M
in a I
he-s .,. r-m, for
f the f ten. colder more fatigued than I. she
XI d-fend- K ii ; foe f lifting her tired, glorious eyes la
tee hists who to kill h'm. John who stood beside her.
Is brought to d -We have come from They
thrown Into the room King, much I might enjoy
a jailer, dons , WM so ready to
tor- share
, b at which severs
anarchist leaders ah u. lo
XIV Ki. manages to get U
whom he a and thy hie mistake I lie fervor In hit
in s. car. XV wait, cm the glow his eyes.
from Nearly nil of Hie win
been by
who shot from he of palaces in
and about avenue. Two of the
smaller minarets were In ruins. A
t huge pillar the lower I
gone. The e had plowed up
by a single shell
gasped la
f right
We were if lied to
North the
Superior Court, U. C. Moore,
R. C.
virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County, made by
D. C. Moore, clerk. In the above
named entitled cause the 8th day
of June 1910. the undersigned com-
missioner. P. C Harding, will, on Mon-
day, the 18th day of July, at
o'clock noon, expose lo public sale,
before the court house door In Oren-
v to the highest bidder, for cash.
lbs following described lot or par-
of laud, situated In the town of
N. C. situate on south
flue of Queen street, the
lot of A I. Jackson on one side and
the lot of and Gardner on
tbs other, beginning at A. L.
Jackson on south side
street adjoining the lot of A. Jack-
son on one side and the lot of
and on the other, and begin-
at A. L. Jackson's corner on
street and runs with his line
to the canal up canal to
and Gardner s line, thence
Dawson and Hue to
The Bank of Greenville
R. L. DAVIS, President J. A.
J. L LITTLE. H D. BATEMAN, Asst Cashier
R. L. DAVIS, of R, L. N C.
J. A. ANDREWS. Greenville. R c.
W E of J. O. Bro. Grimesland, N. C.
R. W. KING, Greenville, N. C.
J. R. MO YE. Merchant Greenville, N. C.
J. G. MOVE, Greenville, N. C
R. R.
S. T. i Prop Warehouse N. C.
R. A. of Fountain Co. Fountain, N. C.
B. W. Cotton Buyer and Ins ville, N. C.
W. B. WILSON, Merchandise Broker Greenville. N. C
LITTLE . Greenville, N. C.
Business Cordially Solicited
at o'clock. Our reply brought Queen street,
the shells. Mr. King. It was terrible. 2.1 to and
After the Ural it three being the I owned
j street earner with a bomb to Mil
Prince Robin as he in a
K n an I a e i . If into
r in the car. start
back in an cart w the
when almost in fro i girl Olga.
thrown, hut
ere i es to the M
were here. I am
not I to Count It
knew It would come.
let rue tell you bun glad I
sin some day
day. when I am truly, wholly
ii in of the city XVII and free from him. John I know
goes from the easts to will and I yon know
not T . s of th prince's m near, what I shall say Both
Tabs being n- in the hills .
force o s He finds and were exalted. No other
s . between them touching
six. ,. uppermost
TUB minds.
below the i--, for the far-
Haas and and tent made ready
bis ere able study the and her maid,
the city. The tin- story was soon told,
an on any one sitting the great lire,
st the well guarded gates ,., listeners, she her
we places of for
prince and his friends. They are hi
the stone tower beyond castle. The
most courage i- Count
the and the
ladies of the household. Alas. It was
hunger we feared the most. To-
day we should have resorted ts horses
flesh. There was no other way. W
knew th i f would come someday.
John was there. And now It II
This shall be our day, thank
Attendants sped the tower, shout-
the battle tiding
The prince down
narrow Iron stairs his room
above, shout leg to
King. No man so welcome.
besieged hand
J. C, and C.
This sale Is to I lot .
of making between J.
C. and H. I.
This the 18th day of June, 1910.
was at ones A tone of
men. no matter how well trained
or bow determined, not be et-
to surmount walls that
often Wit the attack of as many
thousands. delaying
until a few thou and loyal though
poorly armed be
She hod been seized on the night
of the ball BUS started across her
father's garden, escape had be-
come only through aid of
Josephs and girl's father. Farm-
S told them of the newly
army and of lb leaders. She
brought Into against city to sinks her way to
pealed at to and ,.,, f destroy her
John to give them any as-
of men were without do- that her own knowledge of
lay Into the hill- and to call plans might provide
the panic stricken, wavering Wt gave
Into the fold. John Tunis headed no end of consternation among
company that Struck into the wall tUt. i,, deliverers of the city. It
district f making them nil the
Marians, as If realizing the nature tho absolute necessity
of the In the hills, began regaining control
a furious assault on the gates leading upon them. She
to the castle The watchers In the hills Count had
could see us well as hear the word that the
that raged almost at their feet, so to Duke to Intervene
before many days, acting on bis own
The next morning Captain initiative, In the belief that he could i
to his followers that Mariana ,,, government of to
begun to shell the castle. Big p.,,,,, privileges so much
guns In the fortress were hurling great country. re-
shells over lbs city, dropping them In tn forestall
the park. On the other baud. Colonel ,. ,
during the night had swung of the gOT-
three t,. the top of the
wall; they were stationed at Intervals hp and u. , .
along wall, commanding every
point from which an assault might be
That recruits from the farms
sod villages began lo straggle Into the
camp. They sere armed with
ordinary shotguns nut unique
swords, and aged
lances. Ail were willing to die the
of the little the
close of the second day
men were above the city.
Late John rode Into
camp at the head of a great company
to deal with situation.
grand duke may send a large
force of men across the border at
the countess In conclusion.
Is sure to make a de-
assault as soon as be hears that
the begun. He bad
hopes of starving them out. thus
the castle from destruction, but as
that seems unlikely his shells will
soon begin to rain earnest upon the
dear old
King listening with
wide open ears. An she finished this
Before C. Moore.
D. Johnston. F V. Johnston, J.
R. Johnston and Si.
of of the clerk of
the court, made by D C.
Moore, clerk, on th.- 25th day of May,
in the above entitled
com will, on Sat-
the 25th of 1910,
-i. . .; and Even the Duke sale the c
of h on crutches, had a
greeting fur him. Tears stream-
ed down the old man's clicks w
King t Id him of bis daughter's sat.-
arrival is friendly camp,
Hut n was staring
at the narrow staircase,
were descending slowly.
The former was white and evidently
very weak. lie leaned on the girl for
Count offered the
was shot last
through shoulder. He Is bravo
to give as you may see. It hap-
on terrace. There was nu
unexpected fusillade from the house-
tops. placed himself between the
marksmen and Miss A Millet
that might have killed her Instantly
track in the
King never forgot the look Lo-
eyes as she came down the
Joy and anguish seemed to
combine themselves la that long. In-
tense look.
She gave him her look
her tired eyes went straight to bis
heart drew his face
set in n frown of displeasure.
she asked, without
taking her gaze from his eyes.
is Well He vi HI see you
you. was her next
question, low and quavering.
and Lo-
he said softly. me. did
stand between you
house door in to the high-
est for cash the t Mowing
A scribed tract or parcel of land, to
on the edge of the north-
bank Tar river at a point where
three formerly near-
site the lower of the big
r ck and at right
h th- river to the
old father and Perkins line, thence
down slough to Parkers or R. d
Banks or thence d. said creek
to the river, thence up the river to the
beginning, ii r more
of and being the same tract
parcel of lard by E. C.
low v fr. m the of Titos
A. deceased, b the
conn tract of land described ins deed
from E. C. to S O.
d Dee ls-0 record-
id in the registers office in Pitt county
in book V page This sale to
be made partition, will bet St
o'clock m. on the day of June,
F. Harding, Commissioner.
from the province, lie bad prediction be silently to
retaken town of ., ,, . , .
the fortress the entire
fighting strength of the neighborhood.
More than that, he had
and conveyed to the provisional camp
two of big guns that stood above
the gates at the fortress.
Marians trained two of his big
feet and, without a word to any
one, stalked off In the darkness.
looked after him and shook but bead
be happy on fellow's ac-
count when daybreak comes and we
are really at be said to
on the In the blue. From the who knew of King's
he threw many futile shells , , . . ,
toward their place of I B
did no damage; Instead of death, they ,
brought only laughter lo the tat
camp. Under cover of night th two . . . . , . .
cannon, were In a The tack of mean, to
commanding southeastern communicate with the occupant, of
city gate. It the plan of new j
to bombard gate, tear- stress to Captain Haas If the de-
lag it to piece, with shot I a. to the
The knowledge that had ml from the out-
big except stationed In side they could do much toward Its
fortress most consoling to by making a fierce
He could not destroy, I A
the castle with except dash the castle ground,
chance. U. could drop
the from
she said, dropping
her eye. as If la
deep pain.
you have
not broken your
promise to
nor have
broken my prom-
Is a brave
man I can't help
saying said the
lines suddenly
P e a n g bl.
face. Swiftly he
turned to En-
go. extending his
band. band,
sir. to a b r a v
Sickness is
to demonstrate the
value of the telephone
in the farm home. In
any emergency the
phone performs a
which no other agency
can equal. The doctor can be
called quicker than the horse can
be hitched up. Neighbors can be summoned
instantly. It is invaluable for the convenience and
protection of the housewife.
For information about our
plan write to nearest manager
or to
Borne Telephone
Telegraph Co
Henderson, FL C
By virtue of the of sale con-
two c deeds of trust
executed and delivered Greenville
No. A. K. AM. to James
L. sag Robert J. Cobb, one
dated l t. toe
dated the lit day of September,
respectively record. in the
of deeds office of Pitt county,
North in book page
ct a. and in book Beg
et s q the undersigned will expose
to before th court house
door in ville to the highest
on Tuesday, a certain
lot or p land being in
the county of Pitt and of North
Carolina in the town of e
and known as the Masonic
pie property, fronting oh Third
and bounded -en tho by
said on the eat lot No. D.
on which tho c of Pitt
Stout, on th north lot No.
on the west the formerly
to Dr. W. J. except-
a of lot SO feet square
h- for to the town of
Greenville and upon --h the water
stand pipe of said town is located.
At the time and place we will
sell th brick other debris upon
said lot. to y of tr st.
Terms of
This 16th day of April. 1910
L. Little,
Roi . J. Cobb,
Norfolk and Baltimore
Elegant New Rooms on Saloon Decks.
Table Dinner, Club Breakfast. to cents.
service if desired.
Steamers leave Norfolk from foot of Jackson St. daily
at 6-15 p m arrive st Baltimore 7.00 a. en.,
with rail lines for all points East and West.
For further stateroom reservations, write
C. L. CHANDLER, G A. F. R. T. P. A.
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
For Slats
or Tin
Roofing, Tin Shop Repair Work, and
Tobacco Flues in Season, see
h. c .
la Urn Whits Stan Mars stock. to aw.
at him a moment and thin turned
Ignoring the friendly hand. A
hot flush to brow.
lingo's response was s short, bit-
Our Greenville, if you
to Lodge.
The firm from whom the
Knights of Pythias
purchased costumes, pet, have
presented the lodge with s
flag. The members that
have it are very much
pleased and appreciate
Choice Cut Flowers
Roses, Carnations, Violets,
sat Is tin
Mass Rim Rims,
i Kiln
la inn
J. L CO.,
Tomb Stones
Iron Fencing
Fake Cheats
Oat st
Over is
poured into the coffers of those
who exploit and adv f
consumption cures, according to
a statement today by the
National Association for the
Study and Prevention of Tuber
and for this vast sum
the victims receive nothing in
return, but are often permanent-
injured and in the majority of
cases cheated out of the chance
of real cure. Worse still, most
of this money is paid by those
who can least it.
The National Association
investigated several hundred
so-called and
for tuberculosis no
being advertised throughout the
country, and finds that
than a year is being,
spent in soliciting the patronage
of the public. examination,
it has been found that great
majority of con
harmful and habit forming
drugs, such as morphine, opium
and chloroform. None of them
will cure consumption. The
only cure for this disease that
has been discovered is the
combination of fresh air. rest
and wholesome food. All of the
attempt to destroy
the bacillus without
these or to stop the progress of
the disease in some mysterious
way are branded as frauds, and
Three classes of are
by the National
Association. In the first claw
re included devices and drugs
which can be bought for any sum
ranging from ten cents to five
dollars at a drugstore. The
United States Department of
Agriculture has just issued a
bulletin in which some of the
moat used of these and
remedies are analyzed and con
The second of
includes the
or companies of
who for a considers
guarantee to cure
by some secret method of
which they are the sole
tors. There are nearly one
hundred and fifty of these
institute frauds ins the United
States, cheating the people out
of millions of dollars annually.
In the third class f
are placed a number of home-
made remedies, either
through ignorance or
have been advanced as
treatments for tuberculosis.
Some of these are, onions,
ons, rattlesnake poison, coal dust,
lime dust, blood, dog oil.
milk and even
alcohol. These will not cure
consumption declares the Nation
Association. No drug,
or other material has yet
been discovered, which, when
eaten, inhaled or injected into
the body, will kill the germs of
tuberculosis. Fresh air, which
contains more oxygen than any
known, will destroy
the germs of tuberculosis, if it is
breathed for a Ions
enough period, and if rest and
wholesome food are employed at
the same time to build up the
Soreness of the muscles, whether
induced by violent exercise or injury.
la quickly relieved by the
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment.
This liniment Is equally valuable for
muscular rheumatism, and always
fords quick relief Sold by all drug-
by me.- I
ICE Powder I
to It
Our U
CREAM la to Make.
two pf
Sols S your
by II
fur. Food Co., t. M. T
There is no prob-
of increased cost
of food if you eat
Quaker Oats
An ideal food; delicious;
appetizing; strengthening.
Compared with other
foods Quaker Oats costs
almost nothing and yet it
builds the best.
Packed In regular ma and her-
sealed tint for
N. C. June
Mrs. and little son,
of Ayden, spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Mrs. E. E.
Miss Annie left
Saturday fur Woo to be
present at the thereon
Misses Lee and
Rue Patrick are visiting their
grandparents, Mr. Mrs.
Mi.-s Jones, of Ayden,
right with the
Shocks, who has been
sic for with is
Miss Leather of
den, is visiting her grand-
father. E E
Misses Cox and Louise
by Gordon
Johnson, of Winter ville, spent
Sunday at Charlie Langston's.
Mr. Lovelace, of Wilson, spent
last night with E E. D
Teething have more or less
which can be controlled by
giving Colic, Cholera,
and Remedy. AH that Is
necessary Is to give the prescribed
dose after each operation of the bow-
els more than natural and
oil to cleanse the system. It is safe
sure. Sold b all druggists.
Woodland. June
Miss May Smith, of Ayden. is
emending the week with Miss
Mr. and Mrs. W. A
spent lust Saturday night at D-
W near
Misses Rena and Rosa For-
lines and Pattie spent
Saturday in Greenville at
Mrs. Will Moore's.
We are some fine
weather after such a wet spell.
Plow boy, like- myself, and
the grass are having a battle
this week, a-id we need help. It
looks we may pain at last.
When the fulls to perform
Its functions, the bowels become de-
ranged, the liver and the con-
causing numerous diseases.
The and liver must be re-
stored lo a condition.
Stomach and Liver Tablets
can be depended upon to do It. Easy
to take and most effective. Sold by
Potatoes sad Tomatoes.
Mr. D. D. who for
the last few years has been the
champion potato and tomato
grower of this section, is
to hold his own with these
products. He brought a
of each The Reflector, Wed-
evening, that were
usual in size and quality. We
never saw a basket of finer
white potatoes some of them
being almost as large as cocoa-
The world's most
cine tor bowel is
Iain's Colic, and
Remedy. It has relieved more
suffering, and saved more lives
than other use. In-
valuable for children and adults Sold
by all druggists.
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in main business sec-
of the town. Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place, u inviting, razors
harp. Our towels clean.
Modern electrical machine for
dry shampoo and massage. La-
dies waited on at their hornet.
no it sow
Should wait until it Is toe
The appalling death-rate from kid
disease la due most cases to th.
fact that the little kidney troubles
neglected until they
serious. The alight symptoms
place to chronic disorders and th.
sufferer goes gradually Into the
of diabetes, dropsy. disease
gravel or some other serious form
kidney complaint.
If you suffer from backache, head-
aches. If the kidneys
are Irregular of passage and
unnatural In do delay.
the at once.
Kidney Pills are
for kidney cure when
others fall. Over one hundred thou-
sand people have recommended them.
Here Is one of many cases in
S. Butler. Harvey St.
Washington, N. C. am well
pleased with the results that followed
the use of Kidney Pills In
case and highly recommend them to
other kidney sufferers. I was
to dull my back, accompanied
by sharp twinges through my lions
Kidney Pills removed
trouble and benefited me In every
Bale by all dealers. Price
cents. Co., Buffalo
New York, sole agents for the United
take no other.
to Announced
The task of record-
the thirteenth decennial
census of the United States has
progressed to such a point that
within a few days the census
bureau begin to make public
the population of the larger
of the country.
The figures for the cities con-
or more people will
be given out first- They will be
followed later in the summer by
the population of States by
ties, which also will include the
cities of more than persons.
Chapter R. A. M.
have a beautiful lodge room in
the new Winslow building. It
is splendidly arranged and
furnished. The carpet is
red. and the furniture dark
mahogany. The chairs for
are upholstered in leather, an A
opera seats are placed around
the room for members. The
room well ventilated,
lighted, and all arrange-
of train, automobile or buggy may
cause cuts, bruises abrasions, sprains,
or wounds that demand Ar-
greatest healer.
Quick relief and prompt cure results.
For burns, boils, sores of all kinds,
eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore
eyes or corns, Its supreme. Surest
pile cure. At all druggists.
Death at
A telephone message came to
Mr. this after
noon announcing the death of
his nephew, Mr. Joseph Ward,
of Robersonville, of typhoid
Mr. Ward was years of
age, and a man of bright
prospects and promise. He was
brother of Dr. Jesse Ward, of
Robersonville. Dr. Vernon Ward,
of Bethel and Mr. Walter Ward
who formerly lived in Greenville.
Mr. W. A. Hyman, of
must have a hen that had been
looking at a balloon instead of
being a comet gazer. He sent
The Reflector an egg that is
about the size of a man's finger,
two inches long, and shaped
very much like a balloon.
In a brood of hatched
by a belonging to Mrs. Z. T.
Vincent, there was on chick
without eyes, or even an
in the head where the eyes
should be.
Stray Taken Up.
have taken up a hog, light
color, weight marked
and square in right ear. Own-
can get by proving ownership
and paying charges.
Peter Grimes.
Greenville, N. C. R. F. D. No.
Get a High-o-
I outfit to-day.
Pour a few drops from the bottle
the Inhaler that comes with each
and breathe It or times
i day.
Immediately you will know that Hy-
soothes and heals the Inflamed
But does more soothe
heal, It kit's germs, these per-
pests, that are at the root of
ill conditions.
year suffered terribly with
used one bottle of
ind my catarrh was
A complete outfit, including
bottle of a hard rubber
Inhaler and simple
use. costs only If you now
own a Inhaler, you can get
in bottle of for only
cents at Coward Wooten's.
Guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup,
and sore throat, or money
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
AT N. C.
At the close of business, March 1910.
Loans and Discount,
Overdrafts sec. and
Furniture and Fixture.-,
Due from
Silver all
minor coin currency ;
National and ,
U. S. notes J
j Capital Stock.
j .,, Surplus fund,
Undivided profits,
I a- d taxes aid
a i
I, W. H. Cashier of the above-named bank, do
swear that the above statement is true to the of
W. H. Cashier.
Norfolk Southern will Give Pi is For
Best Cora Grows.
Raj sigh, June 23.-The L
silver loving cup
by the Norfolk Southern
road company,
department of agriculture to th.
North Carolina farmer boy who
exhibits the finest ten ears of
corn himself, has been I
received at the department of
agriculture here ready for
this fall to winner
for the first year. The plan is
for it to pass ea-h year for u
series of years to the winner for
that year, the name of each
year engraved on the
the cup. It is a hand-
some eleven inches high
and mounted on an elegantly
ebony base. The front of the
cup bears the
awarded to the
North Carolina Boy Making the
Best Exhibit of ten ears corn
of his own The first
boy to win the cup twice will
its owner.
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to lie-
this day of Apr,
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public
S XI Jones.
U. O Mount,
and retail timer B V K
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture dealer. Cash paid for
Hides. Fur. Cotton Seed. Oil Barrels.
Turkeys. Eggs, Oak Mat-
tresses, etc. Suits, Baby Carriages, I
Go-Carts. Parlor Suits. Tables,
Lounges Safes, P. and
Ax Snuff, life Tobacco,
West Cheroots, Henry Ci-.
gars. Canned Cherries. Pa
Syrup, Jelly, Meat. Flour, Sugar
Coffee. Soap. Lye. Food. Mat-
Oil Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds Oranges, Apples.
Candies. Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currants. Class,
and China ware, Wooden ware. Cakes
and Crackers.
best Butter, New Sewing Ma- i
chines, and numerous Other goods.
and quantity for cash.
Come to see me.
in i a in
Groceries r
Ami Provisions
Cotton g
son re
Honda kepi
in SI ck.
Produce Bo. mid Sold S
D. W. Harriet, m
North Carolina
Weak and miserable. If you have
kidney or bladder trouble, dull head
pains, dizziness, nervousness,
in back, and feel tired all over,,
get a package of Mother Gray's
Leaf, the pleasant herb cure. I
It never fails. We have many
from grateful people who
have used this wonderful remedy. As
B regular It has no equal. Ask for
Mother Gray's Leaf at drug
gists or sent by mail for cents.
free. Address, Tho Mother
Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y.
New Carolina
The Chattanooga Tradesman
reports the following new
tries established in North Caro-
Una the
iron work-
plant; really com-
Farmville oil and
fertilizer company.
Ramseur lumber com-
Unionville lumber
Wadesboro-$100,000 develop
S. J.
Nicely furnished, every
thing clean and
working the very
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics n specialty.
duly qualified before the
. c ark Pitt county as
executrix th- will ts-
of W. Martin
notice is hereby to all parsons
indebted to tho to make
to the ; and
all persons claims I
estate a-e to pros the
to the On or he ore the
day of M-y, or
be pi ad in bar of very.
May, 1910.
Alice V. Martin.
ltd of H. W. Martin.
Opposite J. R. J. G. Move
The State's college for training in-
workers. Courses
culture, Horticulture. Animal Hus-
and Dairying; In Civil
and Mechanical
In Cotton Milling and in
Industrial and
culture teaching.
Entrance examinations at each
county seat on the 14th of July.
7-21 West If. V.
Executors Notice.
Having qualified as executor of J. L.
Tucker, deceased, late of Pitt county,
N. C, this is to notify all persons
claims the estate of
exhibit them to the under
red before June h. 1911, or
this notice will be plead in bar of their
recovery. All persons indebted to said
estate immediate
This June 9th, 1910.
C. J. Tucker, Executor.
F. G. James Son,
First Blossoms
This morning, June 24th, Mr.
J. E. Everett, lives miles
from town, brought in the first
cotton blossom of the season.
Randolph Bros, of House, also
sent in a blossom today by mail
that reached here on 1.12
Muscles. Son
mIS,. ArK
Firm Scores Again.
York Cobb, contractors of
Greenville, have been awarded
the contract to erect a
building for Country club of
Raleigh. The reputation of this
is getting wide spread, ant
they are doing much work.
By virtue of power me by a
mortgage died Washington
Edwards d wife, I
on the ; and
register- D I, Pitt
county registry, i sh II sail to the
b. for c at the
hum.- door in . at noon, on
the nth day of June, 1910, it be-
Mon g d. scribed
Be in the town of
g at the south west corner
of the on street
extended, thence a southerly
y two fret to a stake,
t. r. thence in westerly
two hundred a d forty
fact to ti e Williams north
we t on thence in
a ion about, fifty two
feet to a c entwining one f
of an acre, more or
This the 14th. day of May, 1910.
S J. Everett Atty. E, S. Brown,
Not Quite I
How often you can gel a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Hare a good
tool box be prepared for
emergencies. Our Hue of tools
is a could desire, and
will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
administrate- of the of Stephen
C. Wooten deceased, notice is hereby
given to persons indebted to the
to make immediate payment
to the and all persons
having claims against said estate are
notified to present the same to the
undersigned for payment on before
the 2nd this
notice will be plead in bar of re
This 2nd day of June, 1910.
of Stephen C. Wooten.
Sale of Land.
By virtue of u decree of the r
court of Pitt county in special pro-
No, cunt ed. J. A Gray
You get Harness
Horse Goods i c
J. P.
Mitchell et sis, the ed corn-
missioner will sell cash before the
i court house door in Green noon.
on Saturday July 2nd the
lowing described, piece or pa eel of
land, situate in the county of Pitt art-1
in township, adjoining the lands
of Pope, J. R. Evans, Ira P- r-
, and Lewis H. con-
fifteen acres and being a part
of the Porter land. Said . sold for
This May 24th, 1910.
J B. James.
Stays Taken Up.
I have take up two spotted pigs, one
male and one female, weight
pounds each, mark d low in
right ear. Owner Re a by
proving ownership i i charges,
C. I fin
Greenville, N. C, D,

In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
corn herrings ed Sunday from
t . i i , ti. . Cox n ton Barber Co.
manufactured by The A G. Co and
Company . w;
comfortable, neat and for any machine
Terms are liberal, j the country.
the very for
are hive the desk for you. affected eye. or dark day.
returned Barber Co.
, . We have put in an assortment
a nice line of patterns for all styles.
Coffins and Caskets. Prices are Barber ft Co
right and can furnish nice hearse I How is your soul Let
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. , us show you our new lot of
F P. Cox is the Barter Co
this week. A nice l
For spring dress goods. for sale. R. D-
embroidery and laces see us-1 We have purchased the
New lot jest in. ; the
Harrington. Barber Co-, Milling and Mfg. and will
Mrs. Lucy Hester and family . be ready very soon to grind corn,
t. visit bar sister, do general repair work and dress
who lives near Greenville.
For nice fresh see R D., Harrington. Barber Co.
on Tuesdays, Thursdays. A nice lot of matting just in.
and Saturdays. A. W.
Horace Manning, J. W. are now in to do
per, K. G. Chapman, j Ending eVery day and general
Oxford. N. C, June
Mr. fur-
to the criticisms of Judge
Graham by friends of Mr Le,
who seem to base their can
where she the Roberson-
P. A. Edmondson went to
Greenville yesterday.
F. F. Cox went to Black Jack
Miss Chapman returned
home Sunday after spending
some time with Misses Sadie and
Cora Carroll.
Miss Mamie Chapman came
home Monday from Greenville
where she has been spending a
few days visiting friends.
We have received several requests
tr receipt for tomatoes
whole tor salad, which printed
two jean ago. reprinted rear. It
proved that all who
tried It are loud In it praise,
that the tomatoes are Just like
In a
graphical lines. I think I Select perfect tomatoes of
satisfied all reasonable men size, full, rip. to. no. soft skin
. m k- -11 Skin them by scalding, then pack In
the West would be well ,. Fut the, care
Corporation Com- fully and do not
mission in the person of nu the jars so full that the topmost
Brown, of Surry COUnty. I fruit press against the lid. Put a
Now to capacity as a public
servant, and especially as a
WHO seem Dana i- are Just
claim entirely upon gathered, when used
graphical lines. I think I Select perfect tomatoes of
J. D.
Vincent, Vance Vincent, Paul
Harrington, and Misses Mamie
Chapman and Cox attend-
ed the Sunday school convention
at Greenville yesterday.
For cold drinks of all kinds call
at H. L. Johnson's fountain.
Mrs. J. F. Harrington is very
Just received, a nice lot
Ladies shoes.
Barber Co
C. S. baby who has
been very sick died Thursday
and was buried in the cemetery
in the afternoon. The family
have our deepest sympathy.
The is Kind
you need. See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Tucker
and family left Wednesday for
Oxford and Henderson to visit
We call your attention to our
new line of groceries.
R. W.
H. J. Langston went to Green-
ville yesterday.
For nice fresh corned herrings
see A. W. Ange A. Co., Winter-
ville, N. C.
W. Rollins went to Ayden
Straw hats are going fast, buy
one, don't be W. Ange
ft Co.
Miss Ruth Harget went to
den yesterday.
Leave your orders for ice at H.
L. Johnson's. Will be delivered
anywhere in town.
Little Bessie Jackson,
of the deceased G. E. Jack-
son, is very sick.
Matting and oil cloth, the
floor, buy some, cover it over.
Harrington. Barber Co.
M. G. Bryan went to Green-
ville Thursday.
Before buying, see my line of
post cards, H. L. Johnson.
Mrs. B. T. Cox went to
Field peas and peanuts for
by A. W. Ange Co., Win-
N. C.
repair work promptly.
Harrington Barber Co.
New lot of dry goods and no-
just in. Better buy while
they cheap.
A. W. Ange It Co.
Car load of top dressing for
cotton just arrived.
A. W. Ange Co.,
Winterville, N. C.
Land Plaster for sale.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Winterville, N. C.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are in
position to give you the best to-
trucks and flues for your
money. They have made ex-
tensive preparation for their
manufacture this season and can
fill orders promptly.
Beef, sausage and fish, going
cheap. R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street.
You will never regret when
you purchase a Hunsucker buggy,
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man-
Co., Winterville.
N. C-
On Monday evening, at the
home of Mr. A. G. Cox a
of young people were enter-
in honor of Miss Ruth
Richlands. During
the evening of mirth and
delightful ices were
in a very dainty manner.
R. L. Abbott went to Conetoe
J. L. Rollins went to Ayden
Misses Eva Langston and
lie Braxton left yesterday for
Greenville where they have been
attending the summer school.
Miss Janie Kittrell returned
Monday from Greenville where
she has been the guest of Mrs.
E. V. Smith.
Miss Lillian Stokes, of Stokes,
came in Monday to visit M
Janie Kittrell.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ange
Sunday at visit-
W. Rollins attended the
Braxton Dixon wedding today.
Mies Cox, a trained nurse
Cox Endorsed for That
We as Democratic voters of
Pitt county, wish to express our
appreciation of our efficient clerk
It has been our pleasure to give
him our loyal support in
conventions and general
elections in the past, but we
think it best to change at least
every years, provided a new
equally well qualified can
be secured.
We suggest J. D. Ox as that
His excellent training in
and State University; his
long experience as Justice of
Peace the and County Surveyor,
making him so familiar with the
duties of the office and the ex-
we would be glad for Mr.
friends to explain his
on several public questions.
First, I see from the files of the
News and Observer, March
5th and 6th, 1909, that the
bill to establish inspection of oil
in this state, and prevent
of oils, upon our
people, was introduced by Hon.
R. L. of Allegheny,
and opposed by Mr.
W. T. Lee, of both
before the committee and on the
floor of the house. He said,
among other things, it would be
of no practical benefit, but would
breed a horde of office holders,
appointed by one man,
would unduly pry into the
of the merchants, would
cripple or drive out all the
pendent companies and raise the
price of oil to the consumer.
The attorneys for the
dent companies,
Lee, and Mr. J. H. attorney
for the Standard Oil Company,
all opposed the bill, but Judge
Graham and fifty-nine other
Democrats voted for the bill,
while Mr- Lee and fourteen other
Democrats and sixteen
water. Put on the lid and seal it
then put the Jar la a kettle of
hot water, deep enough to come right
over the top; leave It there, without
any further cooking, until the water
becomes cold, then wipe the Jar and
In a cool dark
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets gently stimulate the liver and
bowels to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse the system, cure constipation
and sick headache. Sold by all drug-
-h U a Heavy
a t
The LIVER U the seat of nine
teeth all disease.
go to the root the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
end restore action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
The body of the colored boy.
who was drowned
in river off the wharf,
Saturday, found Sunday
It drifted about
a mile d the river and was
floating on the when
Jailed For Assault.
A few days as a colored man
named George m was tried
before C. D. Rountree on
the charge of criminal on
a colored girl named Nina
Cherry. The evidence such day u
that was committed to few mi
jail without I ail. He was car- one of
over to Kinston to remain minus u nose as result of a
in jail there until the next term lick in the face with a beer bot-
of Pitt Sup court.
Nose Knocked Off.
had a row Sun-
St, Peter's church, a
lea from town, in which
them came out almost
character of the man cans voted against it
especially fit him for the duties
of this office.
He has always been loyal to
the best interest of the Demo-
party and the people of
the county, having served in
at s financial loss, so we
feel that we ought to nominate
him tor clerk of Superior Court
and no man in the county will
poll a bigger vote and no county
in the State have a better clerk.
Let us nominate J. D. Cox-
Richard Wing-ate,
J. F. Harrington,
B. W. Tucker,
A. G. Cox,
C. H. Langston,
John R. Spier,
J. F. J.
C. J.
W. L.
W. W. Dawson,
B. F. Jenkins,
J. R. Turnage,
J. B. Pierce,
R. W. Smith,
L. H.
R. C. Cannon,
J. R. Smith,
F. C. Nye,
G, Tucker.
J. W. Harper.
A. W. Ange.
What has been the result
Only ten have been
appointed, one from each con
district, by the
of the board of agriculture
from that district, the quality of
oil has vastly improved; the price
of toil has decreased cents per
gallon; the number of
dent oil companies in the state
has increased from four to
teen; and the state has received,
in eleven months, since the law
went into operation,
and above all expenses of
the law, as will be shown by
the books in the office of Hon. B
R. Lacy, State treasurer.
Judge Graham voted aye. Mr
Lee voted no.
This will give the people some
idea of the point of view from
which the two candidates view
the responsibility of the corpora-
to the people and the right
of the State to exercise
ion over them. More anon,
ltd S. D. Booth.
Hugh Smith, of Green was Kinston, came in Sunday to
in t j j take charge of the two sick girls
To reduce our stock before in , ,,. deceased . E. Jackson,
we will offer for Mia Clara Forest, of Ayden,.
limited cheap, for Sunday and lay vi
Be, calico, -r-; . brothers, W. W. and B.
D. Forest.
mil percales, to
cloth, with Mr U. Iv Jack ,
.,. S. C. Can I
east lien, I i
pie ti W h , Mm a n
Shift Call and see
N. C. June 28.-
C. R. Townsend. of Greenville,
was in Smithtown one day last
L. A. Cobb, of Kinston, came
to visit his brother,
C. C. Cobb, of Norfolk, came j
Saturday to vis t his brother.
Haddock's Road. June B. P. Cobb
filled his regular a of Snow Hill, and
Sunday. tan of Dunn, were visit
Re had a marriage in our at Ivy a day or two
Sunday. of
and WU Will n are Ernest e Forbes. ,
th it-
left Friday
v dug fa Mid
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line cf Wall Paints
easy to put hard to come off. Place
with them and you will be
Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting o Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street, , N. C.
fir I intra
ill .
I c yon
know the
p kinds
A. W, Ange Co.
The A. G.
Co. rendering
in th t b
ens., limn beam .
Let us frame for
you. Any size frame.
A. V,
A new lot of lamps in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
. b pi to
I about
,. ail
i p lied
. I.
; to urn I
V. C. r d U
a visit Hill. He
the teachers
Annie return-
Mr. -v.
A t
of Mr.
city, of
clerked some
in C i
to Norfolk. were
Falkland for inter-
before going to her
home in
Mrs. C. L. and r
children, of
to visit and
S. W- of
attended his
house Sunday
. Smith an i Mia
the Sunday
C. B. is Ins
. I ;. . i. I of
. , ,
If it can w
. .
. m 1.-
, . , . , ,.
If II I .
ii m apply
Supplement to The Reflector
Old Samurai Blades Are Looked
Upon as Sacred.
A Female
I. Steel
a It In
If one were In n In
Japan and to one
of the old that net to
lacquered rack In a
f honor there t formula of
etiquette would be followed by the
Be would so to and return
a little of hand.
This ha would wrap about the
the cheat bed a word be-
fore but bare band to the
Then, with tile band
the alls. handle and
the of left
the lacquered from the rack, the
boot would lift the to
the lore of hie forehead and bow It.
AU this la and with
utmost Tn of
for no but and
own name Id the
la to the
of the handle by a hand which
nape It la peace. The bow la meant
for the spirit of the who
that weapon. The Is
for lbs sword of the
In the cos-
and aptly called by
steel Bible of
But this Is only beginning of
formality. When the Japanese boat
the blade be does It
the edge toward his own body the
point directed from bis guest.
When sword In
bis own he be careful to
keep outer edge always away from
the direction of hie friend I be boat.
If be to examine both of
the blade moat turn bis back
so will the menace of
The Way to Keep Skin In
A great many to
on ground
of their
they jump for a moment into
a tub of cold water. A a matter of
fact, it is quite possible to perform
this feat days in the year
and yet to miss entirely real
purpose of
The plunge or shower is ex-
in its way for to whom
Matthew i.
Of Cod is meal mi B seam
Is l
us keep In memory that the Sf
sometimes this
of people whom
world of mankind to be associated with
soon to Inaugurated. Lot us
She Is a Wonderful Woman
In Her Own Way.
Twenty I
Ingle Plate Work.
The high standing of it
do modern thing. The primitive
weights and measures of the Chi-
world were computed from
and earliest bars or
of known to
were determined by hollow
bamboo canes of length,
perpetuated in tubes
hating stops within to be pulled out
at the will of the player.
The Spaniards Mexicans
different parable pi, tore. the subject
w. a photograph of a from th. th.
south, the east and the west. Internally extern fa
The mustard would no, be great among
i, is. for the -f-f Z VS.
the t. extent, lb. ,. . I.
y. For these it is invigorating
As s cleansing process
it is hardly enough, because getting
clean does not merely letting
water puss the surface of the
body. To he really clean one must
sure that the millions of tiny
pores, by of which the skin
does its for the econ-
are kept cleared of waste prod-
and in good working condition.
The skin is one of the most
of the scavengers of the
system, but one expect it to
do its work properly if its myriads
of tiny holes through which it gives
off waste matter are blocked.
Th waste matter is largely given
off in perspiration, which is
coining through it all the time,
whether sensibly or insensibly. If
this perspiration is chocked the
products are driven back into
the system, with the result that the
other organs of elimination, the
kidneys or the bowels, are asked to
do double duly, and duty is
not demanded of any organ long
without a bill having to paid
somehow, some time.
To keep the skin in perfect work-
condition an occasional bath
that really washes it is called for.
This bath should take the form of
She Then. a Medicine
Hits Every Time and
Is Than a Cotter's Visit.
He Old Jump.
M, Aunt Julia is really a wonder-
the low
an. feel
desk, -she hasn't any from
but when It cornea Is
raring n k she give the
ordinary doctor a of ten years
him a block. Aunt
Jails has
Basal interrupted the
don't menu anything of the kind.
I You go over to Aunt
as the
the Japan China,
western i porters and jewelers had
Church of Christ I. I .
of n
has become the hold of every foul
dean and hateful 1.3-1 The I. that there I. .
Julia Is pretty
About Mime things.
day old Mrs. blew
Into Hie spend the afternoon,
Julia happened to soy
In Aprils. Mrs.
thinks she knows more then
n . plenty of good
edge be directed bis mUd a small brush and, above
friend I all, a good rough towel, for the final
After the is more important bear and. by believe the
the sword is to Its scabbard.
and the owner receives It The skin is renewing itself all the
time, with the result that it is
ways giving off minute scales, and it
Sid of the Church will bring about
Improper X, m a, and as. bis I ago, when she a s
process by which. . ,. called m, down and
be Church Int. the wrong A. a ,, r, no such word .
. H would entire mas. Thus nearly ,,. ,, -I mean
ha. or . ,,
or twisted by error, of dark
of obtaining , r, u h s ,,.
the Gospel offer of
of the . w . , . .
the spirited is these which largely
light with a clean, dry nail
rush and prove this. Use the
brush vigorously anywhere on the
skin and observe the minute dry
particles that will fly off. It stands
to reason that a into
cold water and a gingerly dab with
a smooth towel are not enough
to these scales. In
sot, if one were so placed that it
temporarily impossible to gut a
bath the skin could be kept in con-
by vigorous dry rubbing so
far all the purposes of health de-
other bow and places it one. on
rack. ,
Th. of the I. no
thing. With the spirited .
who not the pores. Any one can stand in a
of chivalry and of
band them, tho doll-
of ha. a
Is a phi-
of the sworn less stem
the use of the weapon.
In the old days th.
fighters wore and th.
armor seen In the
curiosity the hoy
shining must to kept
free from spot and corruption, so must
bis soul to ever clean. Neglect of
brings rust; neglect of the soul
Impure character.
Then held not
a. a guardian of per-
honor, but as s
disciplinarian to punish whenever Its
possessor from the
path of spirit of
of true which la over-
bearing or vulgar deportment, but
sternly repressive.
Mo knows when the forge
for lighting weapons set up In
dawn of history nor who
the who
reds of a primitive folk
by tempered of the
Made. There Is In
of swords st of Nara
lbs worn by tbs Crown
who complied the
of article. In A. D. M,
oldest sword known In Japan. From
that weapon.
not curved all other
th r-rise he will surely be unwilling to he for It.
God hi Pt treasure II. offer. It for to any
n.; The buyer I. the Lord and those who accept bis In- ,.,.
tho of their earthly Interest, hey ,,., ,
tor. In bis the rt; of be on- , , is doctoring
b-.-sin, ., of
Tbs biding of th. is
pearls before they w.
our Lord not your
not understand yon. they will think you fool-
may do you Injury. thou
It thyself before Make your of thing. Io him
to who in secret will reward you openly.
great respect for the stone
and they regard it a. an
against disease. In some in-
stance, the finder of s piece of
to be endowed with
powers, such a piece
being regarded a holy thing fall-
en from heaven.
The Chinese their
carvings so they
often be prevailed upon to part with
a chance to buy of the tress-
says Harper's Weekly.
When an unusually large piece of
jade is found in China the emperor
calls s council of the of his
dominions to into
shape it had best be carved, as, ow-
to its extreme hardness,
form selected must follow
the outline indicated by the natural
formation of the specimen.
The artist chosen to perform the
delicate task is not altogether to to
envied. It is true that if he
he will be made a mandarin,
but success depends upon his work
being approved it ha.
subjected to public for a
whole year If at the end of that
time his work should condemned
his reputation as is
The task Itself is no light one.
With a thin piece of finely temper-
ed brass wire the artist may
for a week without having anything
to show for hi pains. Twenty years
bar. not been too
for a piece of carving.
Much jade now comes from New
where many superstitions
attach to it. Grotesque figures of
jade having glaring red ere
worn on the breasts of warriors in
the North island. Hatchets, sabers
and of are owned by
She brews her remedies, she eastern of rank, to to
doesn't think anything Bl a down as precious heirlooms
Well, they for five
minutes or so. and their language be-
to make the fall off the
I was thinking of In
a hurry call fur the cop., when Mrs.
left house by of the
Window and jumped three fences
all touching them her to get
home. A lot of saucepans sad other
household utensils past
seemed to stimulate
sort of woman Aunt
Julia Is. Now. If you to go ever
and talk to her about herbs I won't
She hasn't
lilt of use for drug store medicines.
were much more in vogue in ancient times
person unless II like to hi,
palace of Abyssinia. A dose of
her colic medicine will make . nun's
inside, feel us though he had
, ,. . , . ., carried them to the market, where they were highly lowed a porcupine.
had colic summer,
estimated. The e J , , , me smoke service
cross pearl he had ,,, , , ,. Sometimes. over the old pi
quite rejoiced to sell or trade all
the owner of pearl,
I dream that Aunt Julia la handing me
An old minister returned to hi.
alma mater after forty years
old he
A In
The clumsy man was covered
with confusion plunging for-
ward as the car started with a jerk,
he knocked down an umbrella rest-
against feminine garments and
heard the handle snap beneath his
beg ten thousand par-
he stammered.
i. of no said a
sweet woman's voice, of the
a woman in there who
all blurted the awkward one
to an acquaintance as he fell out on
the platform to cool and collect his
wits. broken her umbrella to
and spoke as if I'd
handed lief a present. See; the
MB to fall of the ToM- in gr,,,
In middle f the that's my wife, said his
is an unbroken his-
of art of the
Twelve of recorded ., .
the last month I buy her
tbs sword in . ,
Tb. Japanese blade, placed almost
ST of she
, is but in this particular
instance she's been suggesting for
And only pump. Ho said he bed
kind, and believed
Aunt Julia went over there one
day and looked at tho old man's tongue
poked bin In ribs tapped
him with n tuning fork and said she
could cure him Up o quick it would
bis bend swim.
you can cure man o he'll
to of some use In tho Mrs.
of th. Kingdom represent, gospel menage
on a par with the Damascus product
la art and utility, differs from
Arabian weapon one material detail
of having a
uniform high temper
remarkable flexibility
Damascus the Japanese
two tempers, s bard
a new umbrella.
said the awkward one.
Far up in the mountains of
there i. a gigantic spider which
A smile broke over the ancient
one, face.
and the old
Annie Laurie was a real
tho daughter of Sir Robert
back Into the sea saw . . . Kingdom -m . The well
IS a bright yellow web, each
, by
. Jan.-. thread
floss. The net which this
blade Is bard J from these is,
temper, to eight feet across.
a milder tamper, sufficient to give net j, on mainstays or guys
knew by of it It was
real and you can't Imagine
how glad that didn't have
take It. When she went over Io
. ,. old she Insisted on my
Our close, the Lord's that all who are M help hold him down.
in. thing, pertaining to the Kingdom Mt la The M ,,,., ,.,, .
Anybody could see He got s
at the dark of the In desperately in love with her. Meet-
east corner of a graveyard and slewed I it a ball in Edinburgh,
them over a slow are. the broth j became wildly enamored of
made from them would have warp- her. but, owing to his father's bitter
respecting the things
which from ten to twenty-five
. A .
to beat double with the enough to
of a toad; It I. rigid. w.
as U he had encountered a
low hanging These
low webs are collected by the
woven into pretty mat.,
screens, etc.
ad to to In today of
which turn out
only lb.
country la filled with
prised relics of past and the.
are relics which lb. will
A one of old
keen and blue white la
lb. day It was forged, would sell
hi. house, even himself
be would tort hi.
for money.-Japan
the Tumble.
he when he pro-
Ethel-No. I don't so
Ho must have
was an earnest suitor
to for some grant, who
would give no ear to his suit.
fell st his feet, and then
granted it. One that
by said afterward to
pus, a philosopher and yet so
base as to throw yourself at a
feet to get I
pus answered, fault is not
but fault is in Dionysus,
who carries hi. ears in bis feet
Norfolk and Baltimore
New Steamers Dining Rooms on Saloon
can. en.
II desired.
is leave from loot Jackson St. daily
p Z t 7.00 a. m.,
with rail all point East and West.
For and write
C L- CHANDLER, G A. F. R. T. P. A,
smell of when Aunt Julia
look lb. cork from the bottle, a
pale green sweat broke out on
brow. But him by lop of
head and pulled month
and my down about forty
kilometers of her done, and
when II Into his
be let out one and streaked
out of doom like a professional Man.
runner When we found him n
couple of hours later he
In creek. lib h full of h c
trying to bis vital, cooled off.
defy any regular practitioner b
make a quicker rare u
Mason In New.
of I
really very hard Io la
sen and It
ply It
opposition the political intrigue
which caused him to the
try, affair ended In nothing save
the production of the immortal
song. Later on Douglas returned
to find his sweetheart the wife of
another, whereupon, instead of
laying down to Douglas mar-
Elisabeth Clark of
and the happy father of a
Among men noted for wonderful
memories were Hilton, who was said
to be able to repeat Homer; Pro-
who boasted Mat he
could repeat the whole of Bible
a few verses; Ufa
who mad. th. same boast about
Dr. a friend of Sir
Walter Scott, who could repeat an
act of parliament on hearing it read
but once, and a London reporter
who took no but could write
out an unexpected debate verbatim.
Henry Clay could not a
of a poem, but
forgot a name, a or an

Nobody Busted, Nobody
Nobody Had a Fire
Means Anything to You
Read This m Profit
Is Heavily Overstocked. He Needs the Money
and is Compelled to Unload
To all the world Mon.
and Tues. July 4th.
No goods sold and no
one admitted until the
opening, Wed. July 6th.
Succumbed t
Been struck
It is Compulsion
The stock of C. T.
H. C, is turned overt. THE AMERICAN SPECIAL
SALES CO., of Atlanta, for days, to be sold without
limit r reserve, absolute and complete. The stock
must be turned into cash for whatever it will bring.
You all know in worth
more than in these prices.
l the Inevitable The Final Blow has
The Day Has Come It is Not Choice
The Entire Stock Must do Moth-
Ton get the benefit.
Read, see the mighty and crushing prices; they tell the
Story how one makes your gain. The goods
are here, and if the Baring of dollars means anything to
you will be here when the doors open,
DAY morning, JULY 6th, at 9.00 a. in. sharp, when the
mightiest and most marvelous selling out event ever
known will begin.
Money must be had at all Remember tins-
no matter what you have seen have never
seen anything like this. It will pay you to lay every-
thing aside and travel miles to attend this Greatest
Sale that has ever occurred in this section.
Hop the first train, ox cart, automobile, horse, mule, or
take and get here opening day or soon.
Herald the news everywhere, so that all may come and
share in the great harvest of bargains.
If yen do not come to this of you will
miss the greatest values in low priced that
you have ever had an opportunity to buy. That is all.
Read these items. These arc prices that will clear the
store as a wave sweeps the deck of an Ocean
Read, Digest, Mark, Ponder, Realize, Profit, Wonder, Watch, Wait, for the GREAT LIQUIDATION SALE.
Commencing July 6th, a. m., Ending July 16,10 p. m.
Rain or Shine. Price. That Will Bewilder and Bewitch the Most No Price to Small Our Only Thought U to Sell Quick Every Dollars Worth of Tab
large Hand
chiefs, plain
extra largo white ton Hand-
Men's Socks, blue
heel and too,
Silk Box, Mack
worth pair Liquid
Sale price.
flue specie
pair .
light or
dark patterns Sale
Fear-In- he nil or String all pure
silk, SO and
values, now
Men's heavy work Shirrs, double
stitched, reinforced par's. Also Fan-
Shirts for men, newest
tilings in Madras French O Q
Gingham, to and O
line Shirts, new patterns,
or detached
coat cur, positively
for men, new stock; shins
and drawers, positively worth
cents, pries Q
worth Si the suit,
sale Dries per garment.
actual value
Sale price.
Drawers, knee length,
Liquids- on-
ark or tan,
i. doable
These values In New Summer style
mid fabrics will make a
Suit,, fancy mixed fabric, and
pure worsteds, elegantly tailored;
positively worth
each. Sale price suit for
flue Suits, the latest In
nut make, in plain, fancy mixtures
and stripes, actual value
each. Liquidation f-
price .
Suits, new fabrics and cut tail-
to a T, positively worth
Sale price.
Suits, special quality
well tailored and made to sell at
each. Sale price
Suits, fancy mixed fabrics,
for dress or school wear i
Liquidation Sale price. I f f
Suits, positively worth
each. Sale o Q
Men's Pants In fancy mixed through
through woven patterns
finished, worth
Price for this
for men
Vests, ribbed taped
neck, actual value and f
Sal Pries.
and full length, fast
black or tan Hose, guaranteed
value, pair. V
Ladles quality Hose, in black, tan
or fancies, Liquidation Sale
and Hose, assorted col-
ors, plain and fancies; i q-
Liquidation Sale price pair
Drawers, knee length, lace
trimmed; cents value
Sale price, pair.
Corset Covers and other muslin
all lace and
trimmed, many beautiful styles,
worth from
hundred Muslin
cut full and well made, deep lace and
Insertion flounce, worth up to
and each
Sale price.
In this department you will find all
latest Spring Creations In
bead gear. your its now.
trimmed hats, regular price
sale price.
trimmed hats, regular price
trimmed hats, regular price
price. .
trimmed hats, regular price
sale price.
trimmed regular price
sale price.
trimmed hats, regular price
fall to see the
Men's heavy work Shoes, or
double sole, London cap, positively
worth pair. Sale T ,
fine Shoes and Oxfords In gun
metal or box calf, cut, act-
value Sale I
Low Cuts for men. patent
or gun metal leathers. O
Sale price per pair.
Men's values In all
leather, button, O
style, pair for.
Shoes, kid, patent cap
worth Sale
Shoes and smartest
Summer styles, worth
Sale price.
Shoe, and Oxford,, In black,
kid, patent and tan, worth up
to all the new Q
styles, lasts, sale price
high grade Oxfords, ties and
pumps, the mid-summer
style toes and lasts, kids, pat-
and Una, positively worth
Liquidation price
P Pair.
Standard Calico, best prints, new
spring patterns In light or dark colors
positively worth yard. Liquidation
Sale price
Yards for . .
Bleached Domestic. full yard-wide,
soft finished, extra bleached cot
ton, actual value lie yard, Liquidation
Sale price
Yards for . .
Lawns, beautiful fresh patterns,
dainty colors, worth yard.
Sale price
Yards for
wide Brown Sheeting, worth
cent, per yard
Yards for . .
Thousands of Lawns, Batiste
and India In plain and fancies
Positively worth to
per yard; Liquidation fir
standard Percale, light or dark
patterns; Liquidation
Sale price per yard.
standard apron check,, Id
or red, Cr
values, at per yard.
Ores, best quality and col-
ors; It
other wash goods. In all the newest
and best colors
actual per
yd; Liquidation Sale price
Sale price.
Ticking, best quality, heavy
twilled, blue stripe,
Ticking worth yard
White and hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, regular
price sale price.
Good thread,
price sale price .
Pearl Buttons, reg-
price sale price
Safety pins regular
price sale price per
card .
Hooks Eyes, regular price
cents, sale price per
card .
Coed Talcum Powder, regular
price per Or
boa .
India Linens, beautiful fabrics
worth yard, removal In
Sale price.
Silk Tissue and
In white and colors.
Positively worth and
yard. Liquidation Sale Q t r
price . W
Imparted English Mohairs Salt-
silk finished, plain and fancy,
actual values, cents
White Piques Reps,
worth U cent,
I and la all
colors, regular
In solid and color
regular price cents
Lawns, patterns, reg-
pries cents, sale
Price .
While Lawn, regular price
While Lawns, regular price
sale price.
Black and Fancy Taffeta Silks. 36-
Inches wide, guaranteed,
regular price sale
Price .
Big Assortment of China Silks,
price to cents. O
sale price.
LADY customers enter-
our store after
morning, July 6th, we
will give a ten yard
of wash
gen Is, absolutely Free.
MEN an elegant Dress
SHIRT each, Free.
Merchandise without merit cannot stand the test of ex-
tensive advertising. The merchandise comprising this
stock is new and modern, not an old or gar-
or article in the lot. C. T. is Green-
largest, most popular and progressive merchant.
Consult your own host where your money
will do you the most good. We will give you from to
worth for every dollar you spend. Nothing reserved
or held hack. You buy at less than wholesale prices. We
have told you the plain, old fashioned, unvarnished truth,
bard-headed facts. ounce of fact is worth a pound
of Buy here; don't be misled by so-called bar-
gain baits, in line and be on hand the day.
Everything in the store will go exactly as advertised.
gets these bargains. We don't care who buys
them. Get your full share. These prices will bring thou-
sands of people from far and near to attend the sale of
T. Stock. Only experienced sales
to wait on you, and YOUR MONEY BACK FOR ANY
Read the Name
Before Entering
American Special Sales Company. Liquidating the Stock of
C T.
My 6th.
as TEN
U Wat
ilk year Instant
Look For The
Big Red Sign
H. C.
D. J. HARD, Editor
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
T Stats.
By Wire to Th
Bar Harbor, Me. Jul
W. Fuller, chief justice
of the Supreme court of the
United States, died suddenly
here today of heart failure.
Chief Justice Fuller wee born
in Me. Feb. 11th. 1833
and was admitted to bar in 1856,
practicing for a while in Augusta
moved to Chicago in 1866.
Became chief justice October
8th, Before this he had
taken a prominent part in
national politics. He
tho oath cf office to
six presidents of the United
Harrison. Cleveland,
Roosevelt and Taft.
He married twice. His Brat
wife living but a short while.
Harried again in 1866 and
wife died in 1904.
D. C. July 4.-
The Slot the death
of Chief came as
a ft, . He
left here , , home
on tho
ed he assigned t
th.- full
the Oil and To
are to be
out. For the first
years a
ways Id favor of good and
enjoyable part his
G-. Fall sad Mi FORWARD AS USUAL . th. Bar, U.
men In t id road
Sunday afternoon
Below are the d legatee and I Flanagan, a little eon of Mr. E. j t
alternates named by the county G. badly rail lamas. I i
.-. . . i. h hold of me i
to Pitt
in the State, congressional
and judicial conventions. The
are for the county
as a whole as they were named
by the several townships.
. Alternate.
H. W. W. A.
Ivey Wm.
With another boy he was
about the end of the
street south of the
graded school. Graham
wincing the outside of
guard rail, and losing grip fell w.,
The chair
to be
J. A. Staton.
I. H. Little.
E. Proctor.
Alston Grimes,
Dr. B. T. Cox.
R R. Cotten.
Ur. C. C. Joyner,
P. D.
H. A. White.
F. O. James.
It. W. King.
J. J. O. W. Harrington
U J. Chapman. J. P.
M O.
H. A.
J. B, Galloway.
U W. Tucker,
A. O. Cox.
J. H. Cheek.
T. R. Allen.
W M. Smith.
J. T. Thorne,
Dr. J. E. Nobles.
K. B.
C. C. Vines.
E. G. Flanagan,
et I. the hold of the Milt, .,,, M
Hall, t an example
I. -d MM that the c.,,, v W H
an ,
When the as tailed or- its roads Thai
president. H. A. White, la a from a
. the there u, oath par-
several feet to the branch below, The chair that , .
striking on a pile of concrete and; there were to be of
his body rolling Into the the i. r.
f Mr W B
water mere. m d ,,. , ago , .,. .
Greene was passing about that who .,., to m,,, M, ,
gentleman over a good of
showed him the
people, las re-
gave him
tractive climate. d i
mid All
which I in
the condition of
convinced the I
oral who had
time, BOt the hoy OUt of Carolina Good Roads
i i perilous and carried at he asked
him to the home of his parents to a report of that
The little I Mr- .-
tao blocks away. i
bleeding profusely a m and not be-
deep CUt On the forehead, ,.,,. enthused on the
right wrist was broken and of good roads, it was u
and One knee hurt He great and meant groat thing.,
chief justice will be P
W. H. Elks.
W. B. Wilson.
M. O.
S. M. Jones.
W O. Stokes.
L. R.
J. C. lower.
W. L. Clark.
W. E. Tucker.
H. C.
Rufus Galloway.
J. R. Gray.
W. E. Proctor.
J. H. Clark.
J. H. Cheek.
Jesse Cannon.
J. K. Spier,
A. G. Cox,
fitted here that
appointment will go to Gov-11 f
of New York, who J
as recently appointed
The death of Chief
Fuller makes to
on the Supreme court bench
which the president will fill.
Justice Moody retiring.
J. H. Cobb.
D. J.
J. F. Nelson.
H. V. Staton.
J. S. Brown.
a C.
C. O. Little.
W. O. White,
J. Marshal Cox
Jesse P. Wilson,
Macon Haddock,
Jesse H. Smith,
L. E. Ricks.
D. O. Berry,
C. H. Rogers.
W. F. Hart,
W. b.
our . . me
ed to him. that the good roads move- ,
. III till . . . I I . J
In county begun th
flees, that Is Chamber of
He said he
else that coal be
would not appeal lo his people
we perfected big ways. We
thing, more at- for H. W. W for
that would Increase the than Other place, ii we i judge of the district, at
the judicial called to
la Patterson, Good la this entire county,
a of that would increase the , ,. ,.
Interest of the community and hope to bring people
On Saturday afternoon Miss county than good roads, and , n.
Carr, gave a delightful that they always Increased the on the theory, people
Sail, on the launch owned by Dr. of property. He said that if roads mug, ha.,. a that
R. L. Carr complimentary to could not township r
, . , he hoped that Greenville would
Misses Helen , . the
Selects la Stale.
and Judicial
The Democratic county con-
to delegate to the
State, congressional and judicial
met today in the
halL The convention- was
called to order at noon by Chair-
man F. C. of the c
executive committee, and the
was called by
Secretary W. L. Brown.
It found that all
were well
A. L. was unanimously
elected chairman of
the and W. L.
D. J.
Upon th chair Mr.
f speech.
H. A White offered the
adopted amid p-
That the of
,, . . n ii
the roads Greenville roads People
Patterson, Martha Stevens, and township. The far from M the county come
and Hackney, Of good among the is slow , and the
Mi.-c in but the among roads. would
who are th guest of Pattie
Fire in Palace.
Hy Cable to The Reflector.
Paris. July 4-A wing of
Palace in St
Petersburg, containing
of untold value, to-
day according to a dispatch from
No royalties
king in the palace at the
A Pierce,
c , Tucker.
yr Moore.
R. J.
W. T.
j. r. Davis,
R. It Jo;
T. C.
S. J.
O. L. r. I
J. Smith.
D. J.
D. Wilson.
W. B. Wilson.
It. W. King.
M. O.
W. B. Wilson. Jr.
W. J.
C. E.
W. C.
W. A. Shriven,
J. F. Harrington.
C. H. Langston,
J. C. Cook,
J. A. Forbes.
J. L. Warren.
R. I Belcher.
W. A. Pollard. I
J. Y. Honk.
J T. Lewis.
V. H. Allen.
J. F.
C. Moore.
E A.
O W, Harrington
Julius Brown.
As. . I .
J. B
In growth, but the spirit was among good roads. would
Wooten The boat left the Le have an object lesson, that would
L a personal Investigation by asking the all incredibly lime make the
wharf about five o clock he came roads. , ,,.
after a few miles ride up the What they thought or a very .-
liver crowd Of m good and he said that all ready established f. roads, sad
landed and games. They ass and conditions were In of suggested an good
returned to Greenville about b In some form campaign could procure a
. ,. . . . or other. The convict system has tin- near future.
eight thirty with many for , ,
of their mat enjoyment. That
I Those on the Misses owner was
Lovelace, Helen OB the road question than the
eon, Martha Stevens and larger property owner, but they were
Hackney, of Wilson.
Carr, Pattie Bruce
unnecessary to
1-r owner was crowd, the
. were we willing to the price, that
he most heartily approved Dr.
suggestion we
and gel work, and
so rapidly. The fire
origin, and the
reach The palace
was built in 1711 and contained
a collection of paintings that was
famous throughout the world.
By Cable to The Reflector.
The Hague. July -Sir James
Winter, ex premier of New
today began
of New case
before the tribunal. It
la said his presentation of the
claim may take several
Left Over Taken up
Wire to The Reflector.
Washington. July t. be-
came known here today that before go-
to Beverly. Mass. President
Insisted that all left over business be
taken up early In the next session of
White Mountain and
Forest reserve, ship sub-
siding, Injunctions,
of rail roads are the principal mat
that will be taken up.
J. O. J. Pit mad.
O. B. Jesse A.
Ed. E. O.
to Convention.
W. C. Askew.
A. L. Blow.
Julius Brown.
W. L. Brown.
R. E. Belcher.
W. B. Boyce.
M. O.
J. R. Bunting.
W. J. Boyd.
C. B. Carr.
D. M. Clark,
Dr R. U Carr
H. U Coward.
O. A. Clark.
R. R. Cotten.
M. Crisp.
A. O, Cox.
R. C. Cannon.
Dr. B. T. Cox.
John D. Cox,
J. Marshal Cox.
W. U Clark.
J. H. Cobb.
L. J. Chapman,
J. F. Davenport,
It L. Davis.
Dr. Joseph R. W. King.
Dr. W. W. K. C. King.
J. R. Davenport. W. H. Long.
F C.
W. J.
J. N. Hart.
J. I,
J. J. Harrington.
O. W. Harrington.
T. Hooker,
O. K Harris,
B. B.
T. E. Hooker,
D. Horton.
D a Harper,
W. A.
J. R. Harvey
J. F. Harrington,
J. A. Harrington,
D. J. Holland.
F. O. James.
Thomas J.
J. B. James.
Dr. D. L.
Dr. C. C Joyner.
R. L. Joyner.
a. M. Jones.
M. A. James.
V. Joyner.
O. L. Joyner,
J. C. Dr. D. ill.
S. E. Gates, Ur J. Morrill.
Joseph W. M. Moore
J. J. May, Dr. J. E. Nobles,
W. L. Nobles, N, W. Outlaw.
C. C. Pierce. W.
John Pierce, W, K. Proctor.
J. P. C. D.
Dr. U C. J. II.
J. R. Smith.
Dr. M. M. Sauls. John Staton,
J. J. M. T. Spier.
L. W. Tucker. II. F. Tyson.
J. Tyson.
H, A
W. E. Tucker.
H. Venters.
H. A. White,
a T.
D. J.
R. Williams.
T. Tyson.
John T.
J R. Turnage.
C. C. Vines.
G. W.
J. I,.
F. M. Woolen.
W. B. Wilson.
mot-tat City on the
9th day 1910. and the
., are so in-
of. And to
convention a Boo.
H. W. to the
to Pitt
is the plan of
Up n motion
it -d to ho-
led us quota to the
cent and there
is too late tor us to
the list cf d. legatee today, but
print them Monday.
after reading the
of delegates
would not j to the of roads and road would
good roads by taxation, but every- lo pay the on the K.
body was III subject f building road, ; on bonds i-1
now. He said no one could appreciate that Let us
sandy muds more than h. that tho What we want go utter It j ; Is open to
wear Mid on nun and beast were from to V- on Tuesdays Wed-
a luxury than oar people could and at and we can Friday of week
afford, that improvement of our Ha said for man .,, ,,,, ,,,., lull ling, on the
roads getting at the bottom poses the road pro- comer of Fifth and
uplift of our race, and our country. ,. 1.- for the streets, In the paved .; a hall dollars was the
It would a great moral, social, streets. Ho said II was s.,, donated to the
and that th- w build the roads ,, .; hall of the
I civic must educated b to lira best to right and waste any r ,.,, r tall the and
means of getting said us been done In many counties.
after coming from horns W. A. Bowen moved that a test; .
miles the country sandy ; be taken to indicate feeling
his hear, and pride f . commerce m re- lug was on
he to good roads. Mr off- ale,
air-els. and his hope ruse lo the ,.,,. ,, amendment to the motion. r M. woolen,
of feeling some day th, which was accepted, that we vote on II.
people In the country would enjoy, ,.,. as to whether w. were By motion . ., to. lag a
he luxury of sand and the , favor a reasonable bond Issue, b. market
of good roads. which motion -as carried with . he,
of and Pit. county had ,., vote. -he
bond, appointed the following
her motion was made ear- toe to make full Investigation . In
W. L. Woolen. bi, proud of , .,,. for
Every Democrat in the county worK ,,, getting the East Another motion was ear-
Whether name in the Carolina Training School. rM that the chamber of subject and report to the
foregoing Hat, Who Will go to Such had required call a county meeting on the Mon- II. Austin. I-. Be
will he named a and but day of August and the chair an- Couch. ,,,,,,
will De a s ,,,, , . ,,. to The to h.
gate, and Will allowed tO ,, work con. , . ROod road, of the chamber was that
participate in the convention. of The following flies. Prof, called special at-
distinction will be made be- of would he aroused for were appointed on that to the Illustrated lecture of
tween delegates and good roads, which would touch not OH. J. Prof. Austin to be at
Negotiations are being made for few people but every member of our D. J. O. Joyner, C. school next Monday night. The
human He said we mus, get T. F. M. Women. R. C. Pisa, endorsed
a special train to leave then, J. . Hart. J. Hard., M. Austin's work, expressed the hope
early Saturday morning, July he pM lady m town would attend.
to go to Morehead by tea or
that we were behind them.
The chamber of commerce then took To show that the movement for good
that we were behind them. I l as i .
eleven and return that i Hr w. e. Praetor, also a delegate up of better service roads u universal to vocation tho
night after the adjournment Of and a member of the board of county over Norfolk Southern Railroad, following were
t And it IS also commissioners, was present and stated Mr R. O Flanagan gave the detail, t doctor.
convention. And ., hp , ,,,,. , .,,., , u present working, and how tobacconist. J bank officials.
being endeavored to De SO wag he be Improved, and minister. M merchants. civil
ranged that any the delegates u , ,., upon motion by Mr. the sec- l census enumerator. . farmers.
may to remain Mr D, J. fourth was lo write a let. post master. visitor.
Z a. at Morehead during the good read tor each of our senators, to the The merchants were In
J. R. Davenport. W. H. at . -y. d , IO ,,,,,. feature of the
I. Dudley. DO permitted to return On P rail- movement because no can be
I Market.
By Wire to The Reflector.
New York. July op-
from one point lower to live
points higher today. The New York
options are In good request sod ruled .
draw. July. I Alston
a O. M Mooring.
W. F. Evans.
J. Everett.
W. H.
B. G.
F. D. Foxhall.
C. Forbes,
F. J. Forbes.
R. R. Fleming.
J. I.
I. H.
W. at. Urns
Dr. H. A.
D. C. Moore,
H W. Moseley.
W. a
C T.
. , i ,, it e to stale of congress, rail- movement because no progress can be
the regular Sunday night who paper road ,, . m Nor. mad. m any community
from Morehead. If these , w. of its merchant, ah
arrangements Can be perfected, ,.,. although It took a fight to get A motion was made by Dr Laugh- progress to the community den,
notice will be duly given in this would not to their the officer, cam- much
condition prior to bond issue for be of commerce take up than any other class. know
paper. If Una arrangement can- . h f on southern what is good for a e m
., if arrangement can- prior to the issue nor o-e . . . .-.-
L H be w of schedule, on the Norfolk Southern -hat I. good for a e
DOt be bad the , of m Greenville, h- any other business me,
Pitt COUnty Will be Compelled to of w not the amendment that a con-, art- It w
in time to reach . meet tee of three be appointed to Invest-
other business
of i. -P-a . . i an enthusiastic m-- g. and
leave On Friday in time to w, and would not meet tee of throe be appointed to subject of good roads
Morehead for the convention, the men were sud make a report. Th. MeOW- county u no to doubt.

Eastern reflector, 1 July 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 01, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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