Eastern reflector, 3 June 1910

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In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity- Advertising Rates Application
Pitt County School I We have needles, bobbins end were presented to the
manufactured by The A. G. Cox shuttles, for any sewing machine graduating class by Peele,
Manufacturing Company are in the country. Also superintendent of public
comfortable, neat and
durable. Terms are liberal.
When in the market come to see
us, have the desk for you.
We are carrying a nice line of
Coffins and Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
threaders, the very f r of Martin county.
affected eyes or dark
Harrington, Barber C
We have put in an assortment
of patterns for all styles.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Eugene went to
For spring dress goods,, Cox left Saturday
embroidery aid see j to attend the closing
Z, , . exercises of Meredith
New lot just in. went A
Harrington. Barber Co-, attend the
For rice fresh see R. V. -g of F. W. t. .
on Tuesdays. j F- Harrington and B. F.
and Saturdays. Manning vent to Kinston Tues
For cold drinks of all kinds
at H. L- Johnson's fountain. Misses Johnson, Lu-
Just received, a nice lot Hughes, Magdalene and
ladies and shoes. Hulda Cox left yesterday for
Barber Co j Greenville to attend the E. C. T,
The is the Kind S.
you need. See us. Miss Kittrell, who has
A. iV. Ange Co. been in the school of music at
We call attention to our came home Saturday,
new S. L. Ange and wife, who have
K. W. been spending some time with
For nice fresh herrings j Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ange. re-
see A. Co. turned to their home at James-
ville, N. C. yesterday.
Straw hats are going fist, buy i Miss Mattie Fagan and Roy
one, don't be W. Ange Smith, of who have
been visiting Misses Kate and
Leave your orders for H. Chapman, returned
L. Will be delivered
anywhere town.
Minting and oil cloth, the
floor. Lu; some, cover it over.
Before buying, see my line cf
post cards, H. L, Johnson.
Field peas and peanuts for
Miss Lela Roach, of
who has been spending sometime
with Misses Kate and
Chapman, left yesterday tor
Greenville, to attend the summer
school at E. C. T. T. S.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stokes, of
spent Sunday with
sale by A. W. Ange Co., Win- j Mr and R. G-
N. C Miss Mamie
To reduce our stock before in has been attending to E. C. T. T.
we will offer for came home Friday,
time, cheap, for Misses Lessie King, of Durham,
gingham fie, calico, Bethel, are
worsted dress goods, to
percales, to
motor cloth, waist
; lawn, mohair
to table peaches, pie
peaches, shirts.
shirts, shirts,
shirts, Call and see what
we offer. A. W. Ange Co.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are rendering good service
in the undertaking business.
Coffins and cheap with
excellent hearse service.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. has sold this season ever
planters and
guano sewers which would
ally indicate a large cotton crop
this year.
New lot of dry goods and no-
just in. Better while
they cheap.
A. W. Ange It Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Beef, sausage and fish, going
cheap. R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street.
Let us frame that for
you. Any size frame,
A. V. Ange Co.
You will never regret when
you purchase a buggy,
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man-
Co., Win
N. C-
How is your soul Let
us show you our new lot of
shoes. Harrington. Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
for sale. R. D.
We have purchased the
know as the
Milling and Mfg. and will
be ready very soon to grind corn,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. W. Ange Co.
Fresh corn herrings at
Barber ft Co.
We are now in position to do
every day general
repair work promptly.
Harrington Barber ft Co.
visiting Misses Eva and
Bell Langston.
Rev. B. F. Huske will preach
at the Episcopal church next
Sunday, the at 3.30 p. m ,
as the council at was
in session at the time of his reg-
High School Commence-
Winterville, N. C. May
The tenth session of Winter-
ville High school closed Friday
evening, May 20th. This session
has been one of the best in its
history with respect to the
of students enrolled, the
character of the work done, and
the deportment of the pupils.
Mention was made in Thurs-
day's issue of The Reflector in
regard to the Wednesday even-
On Thursday evening at
o'clock the exercises by the
graduating class were held. The
following composed the
Misses Clara
ton, Jeannette Cox, Leona O. x,
Eva Langston and Messrs. A. B.
R. H. K. T.
Ray nor and M. L. Tingle. The
class exercises have become one
of the most popular features of
the entire program, as many
people were turned a. iv not
being able to get seats in the
Friday morning at
were held by the classes at
the flag pole where ivy was
planted and a flag raised by the
senior class. Promptly at
o'clock Hon. T. W. Bickett, of
Raleigh, was introduced in a very
happy manner by Mr. J. Ev-
one of Greenville's leading
lawyers. The subject of Mr.
and We shall not
attempt to give an outline of
excellent address It was among
the best ever delivered here-
scholarly and practical. At e
close of the address, the
At p. m. the annual de-
bate was given by the Vance
Literary Society. The query
was. That the United
States should subsidize her mer-
chant The affirmative
was represented by Messrs. C.
E. Langston. O. H. Cox, and Roy
Causey, and the negative by
Messrs. R. H F. W.
and P. N. The
following acted as
Bickett. Peele and Ev-
The of both sides
acquitted themselves most ex-
and it was difficult to
tell which side had the better of
the contest, but the decision
rendered two to one in favor of
the affirmative by the judges.
The closing concert consisting
of drills, choruses and
mental selections was given by
Literary society
Friday evening at
The crowds at all the exercises
were record breakers, yet every-
thing passed off and
orderly. The next session will
begin Sept. 9th, 1910. The ti us-
are planning many
to be put in during
the summer.
tea y
Take No Substitute.
The fact that bicycle thieves
are round makes it very unsafe
for wheels to be left on front
porches or out of doors at night
Failure to observe this
led to the loss of two wheels
by boys in town last week, in
both instance the wheels bring
stolen from porches where
they had been left overnight.
The boys whose wheels were
stolen are James Brown and Mil-
ton Pugh and they would be glad
of any information leading to
finding them.
N. C, May 1910.
Miss Janie Tyson, who had
spent several weeks with her
aunt Mrs. C. E-
returned to her homo near Rene-
ton Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
and children spent Friday and
Saturday at Ayden visiting
Mrs. Ed. Beaman and Miss
Annie Laura Lang, of
were visiting at Ivy Smith's Fri-
Miss Mary Joyner, of Farm
loiter, of
Josiah Dixon vi J. A. Gardner
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of county, made in th
f on going ed cause, at the April
term, of the
court, undersigned commissioner
appointed by he court in said cause,
will on 6th day of at
o'clock noon
before the court house door in
the I if heat r for the
following tr or paresis
f land to
1st tract. Lying and be in
county of Pitt aid slate of North
Carolina, Swift Creek Town-hip. be-
ginning at a stake in the Cl y
road and running s. w. Si
to a stake, thence s. a. poles t
stake, then a. w. piles to the
road, th n r up and with the
t Cross
thine down the Clay Root road to
beginning, containing
more or less.
Also one other tract in said
and beginning at
s co d corn r and runs s.
w. to the creek road, th n down
said to th; old Flat
ditch, thence with the various corset
of said ditch to Isaac 3rd
comer, then n. w. poles to
the beginning, seres
more or less.
If one other parcel of Ian I in
said c state, be-
at the big ditch bridge on the
lay Root read and down said
road to J. C
line, then a southerly direction with
said line to an ditch,
Snow Hill, were visiting at Lloyd
Smith's Saturday.
I am requested to announce
L Little will be at Smith's
school house next Saturday night
for the purpose of organizing a
local Farmers Union. We hope
the farmers will turn out and
give him an encouraging show
Rev. S. W. filled his
regular appointment at Smith's
school house Sunday and preached
v good sermons morning and
Several of the young men of
our town attended the commence-
at Winterville last week.
Misses Martha Belle and Jessie
Smith, of who had
spent a week here visiting
el to their home Sun-
day evening accompanied by
their grandfather. T. E. Little.
I heard yesterday morning
that there was a Snow and two
Lions at Arthur Sunday, though
it was a very warm day. It was
said that they wore for
The weather has been warm
enough a few days for stuff to
grow, which is very pleasing to
the farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Smith, who
have been sick for more than a
we are improving.
Some of us sit up until after
to seethe eclipse of
the moon until it was completely
ditch to the containing
acres more or less.
Also one other of land in said
township, county and beginning
at the inters of the Gardner
bridge road and the road
and running with the
Greenville road to the Laura A.
land, thence to If. O,
line, the eastward with
If. O. line to the Gardner
bridge road, thence with
the Gardner bridge road to the begin-
containing K air, or less
and being the land upon
mill, store and of I. A.
Gardner is located
Also one engine boiler, saw
mill and grist-mill, being the engine,
boiler, saw-mill and grist-mill
is now located on the tract of
above described and known
the J. A. Gardner mill.
This the 7th cf May,
F. C. Harding,
In Superior Court.
Pitt County.
P. Moon
vs. f
J. A.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county made in the fore-
going at the April term of Pitt
county Superior court 1910, the under-
signed commissioner appointed b the
c will on tin 6th day of Jun,
1910, at o'clock, noon, expose to
public before the court h door
in Greenville to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described tract
or parcel of land
and in Up county of Pitt
an slate North Carolina and de-
scribe J as follows to win Hound, d on
the south by M. O. Gardner, on the
by J. A. Gardner, on the north
by J. A. and M p. on
west by J. A. and M. O. con-
arras more or
Thia 7th day of May 1910.
F C. Harding,
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart. When they
become weak, heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs ox
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try It
years I with what
was trouble,
doctor, told ma I had
trouble. I had
the Dr.
heads, and I
try Dr. Cur. I have
taken bottles, and now I am
not Buffering at all. X am cured
Hit. did ii. I I
the that It attract th. at-
of others who as I did.
M St. T.
Yew Dr. Heart
Cora, and w. him return
bottle If It
Medical Co., led
Do You Own a Piano
If not, and you expect to own
yon owe it to yourself to ex-
magnificent display
shown at the At White
A display really
to a large
a glance you will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of tot e, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you m with prices
that stand and
an I where. F
different makes tr select from, none
of those cheap we-tern department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and t
reputation, in the trade. Four
player pianos of known
we will take your piano in
exchange for one of tr self play-
We also carry the
ORGAN, standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s lit your
When in Greenville visit out
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware Co. store.
close of business March 29th,
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
unsecured 291.48
Furniture and fixtures 1,070.60
Due from 60,768.98
Cash items 897.88
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 640.66
Nat bank and other U. S.
Capital stock 110,000.00
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd
Time of deposits 16,841.81
t s sub. to check 67,880.01
Cashier's 1,104.86
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. J. R. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 4th day of April. 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
W. J.
R. L. Davis,
F. M. Davis,
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints-
easy to put hard to come off. Place
now with them and you will be
E,; Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fall to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street,
WHEN were first Introduced
you had some excuse being
Hut now
If you are it can only be because you do not know the,
facts in the case.
They are used today from the Atlantic to the Pacific for all kinds
of buildings, wider all conditions.
They are fireproof, never leak and last as long as the
building itself without needing repairs.
For further detailed information apply to
YORK COBB. Agents.
D. J. and
Troth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Tear
I O.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
of to be
New Bern. May 80.-The old
the St Cyprian
church, which
was built over
then being the place of worship
for a Baptist congregation but
in later years purchased by the
Episcopalian, has been torn
down. In excavating for the
foundation of the new church.
will be the finest
Episcopal church in Virginia and
North Carolina, six human
tons were found that were sup
posed to been buried over a
century ago. Their bones were
exceedingly large and their
teeth were apparently firm a
as they were when the bodies of
these pioneers were interred.
Raleigh. May 80-The
sort of an impression
exists here that the governor
and of state will have to
assemble the legislature in
special session the state's
credit can be saved in
with the maturity of the
of outstanding bonds
due July can be taken care of,
in view of the fact that after
two separate widely advertised
efforts to float the refunding
bonds, have succeeded in
selling It is
pointed out that even if the
state should the money
there would have to be
authority for this since the
assembly at its last session
provided that the state treasurer
should not have authority to
borrow money for state
although it did provide that
state institutions could borrow
money with the consent of the
council of state.
Seventeen people already here,
seven more expected today to
take the Pasteur treatment under
Dr. C. A Shore, and one dead
are some the of two
mad work at Hope Mills
about five weeks ago. Twenty-
two were bitten by one dog.
Raleigh Times.
Asheville. May
years old, a
dealer of Bride water, near
Hickory, this state was instantly
killed, and Robert Hodges,
also of was seriously
injured by Southern freight
No. while walking on a siding
near the latter city tonight at
7.60 o'clock. was
cut to pieces. Hodges
suffered a broken ankle and
severe internal injuries.
is bowed down in grief occasioned
the sudden death last night
of Cant. F. W. Barnes one of our
most influential, highly respect-
ed. prominent and wealthy
For several days
ed bad not been feeling well, but
he continued to move around.
Last night he visited his
Mrs. Floyd and
while engaged in conversation
with Mr. Davis, he
must be going blind; I
scarcely immediately
fell back in his chair a corpse.
The twenty-seventh
session of the North Carolina
Assembly will be held
in Asheville June The
program, which calls for forty-
six addresses and reports, is an
excellent one. filled with married
air. C While, sad
Hiss Clara of New
There was much interest
Ce With Other Vehicle
Mr. t. Jones brought a load
of Produce to town this morning,
their friends over the report Hg and
that became current here Mon ;,
that Mr. Richard make
Si of Tm inquiry about prices. The horse
Miss Clara Pugh. of New Bern. at something
that will be of great interest learned at the time ex
ran away. Reaching Five
Blackjack. N. C., May 31.-
Several of our people at-
tended the Ayden commence-
A large crowd attended the
onion last Friday
The union seems to grow very
fat We believe if the farmers
will come together and discuss
different subjects they will do
all teachers.
The officers President. D.
H. Hill, president of A. M.
College; vice-president. Charles
L. Coon, superintendent Wilson
public schools;
R. D. W. Connor, secretory
of North Carolina
Commission; executive commit
tee. D. H. Hill, L. Cow.
R. D. W. J. R.
J. F. Webb. Miss Edith Royster,
R. L Moore, A. E and H.
B. Smith.
MUs Anne of Duke
public schools is president the
department of education.
The officers of the department
of superintendence J. Y.
Joyner. Harry Ho well,
Prof. Harry Harding, of Char-
is president of the depart-
of school principals.
The officers of the Women's j married to Hon. E. M. Green, of
Association for the betterment New Bern and a
of public school homes in him night in order to
Carolina President. Mrs. see Mr. White, who was visiting
W. K. of in the city. It was th n that
that the marriage had taken
place in Kinston.
From the Kinston Free Press
of Monday we get the following
was at the home of
Mayor W. D.
morning at 11.30 o'clock, when
Mr. Richard White, of Greenville,
and Miss of New
Bern, wt-r united in matrimony
by the Rev. J. H. G in the
presence of but a few friends.
The runaway couple came in
from New Bern on tho 10.30
Norfolk Southern train this
morning and were met by Mr.
Jim Hines, a particular of
the room's and taken to the
home of Mr. where the
ceremony was subsequently per-
bride engaged to
Points animal was about to great in the future,
turn the corner up Evans street, We glad to see our friend,
when it slipped down on the C. G. For the
Sixth month
Go list your taxes.
Now for more
a-e getting finer and
Jim.-m idea pretty but
a little cool.
Every more teachers
to id--summer
paving and slided nearly across
the street Both the front lg
of the horse were badly skinned
in the slide the paving
But for runaway horse
falling, there would have been a
collision with other vehicle
going d the street the
corner at the and the
might have something
they made their arrangement
to run up to Kinston and be
married. Mr. and Mrs
will remain in Kinston until the
o'clock train when they will
leave for a bridal trip to New
York city and other
After tour they
will come to to make
vice president, Mrs. E. E.
of Raleigh; corresponding
C. H. Me bane, Raleigh;
recording secretary. Miss Mary
K. Applewhite, Raleigh.
Among those who will address
the assembly are the following.
Dr. L. D. Harvey, president
Stout University, at
Miss Jessie Field, their home here,
schools, Page county,
Iowa, Hon. W. J. of
the United States department of
agriculture. Dr. Frank
College, Columbia
University, New York; Hon.
B. Martin, United States depart-
of Agriculture, Washing-
ton, D. O. Clarence H. Poe,
Raleigh, Dr. W. S. Rankin.
secretary state board of health,
Tear Tens.
T payers of the town of
and of
township are hereby notified that
during the month of June can
be found in the city hall, on Fifth
street, for the purpose of listing
taxes tor the 1910.
H. A. Blow,
Taster for Greenville.
T. R. Moore,
List Taker, Greenville Township.
Beys and Is Hell.
you are fighting for
and to
ed Mayor Seidel in address
before the Milwaukee Ministerial
Association at the Y. W. C A.
building. a verbal bat-
and some sharp repartee
the discussion and
after. Seidel had
remarked that when a boy is
offered a ticket he will
shun the saloons. On of the
ministers arose and declared he
wouldn't trust his boy to attend
a baseball game for the very
reason that intoxicants were sold
on the grounds.
manage to drink de-
the minister.
Than it it up to replied
the cultivate and de-
Mayor Seidel suggested that
the ministers co-operate with the
school board in an attempt to
have the doors
thrown wide to
for purposes.
Hon. Harry W.
Hon. Harry . W. Whedbee, of
Greenville, is a candidate for the
judgeship of the third judicial
district to succeed Judge Ward.
Mr. Whedbee needs no intro-
from us to the people of
Pitt county. For sixteen
he has been actively engaged in
the practice of law at our county
During these sixteen
years his every effort has been
to advance interests of hie
county, his state and his party.
A man whose honor is
a gentleman of the highest
type, a Democrat in the truest
sense and a lawyer whose
is unquestioned, he stands
without a peer in the of
Eastern Carolina. The robes of
office could not fall upon
that would carry them with
more dignity and honor than
those of Mr. Whedbee.
Growing of Grapes in
That the United States Depart-
of Agriculture is making a
comprehensive and exhaustive
study of the possibilities of grape
growing in Eastern Carolina
attested by the arrival in the
city yesterday of Mr. C. T. Dear-
viticulturist of the depart-
who has been to Willard,
N. C , where United States
in connection with the State
One department has a test farm of
the ministers declared there acres being used
any need of trying to in improving the grow-
give the boys good, wholesome
when the nickel
theaters downtown eaten d to
thing for you to do then
is to compels with the
replied the mayor. a
moving picture right in
of the or mus
variety of grape. Mr.
Dearing says there millions
of acres of land in this State
veil adapted to this
he has reasons to expect much
from the tests in breeding, etc.
at the Willard
ton Star.
Parents to BUm .
Nearly ever body in America
knows the of
now Lady
Cook, if please, of London.
She was recently in this
c in the of the
suffragette movement, but it is
not that which has caused her to
be widely discussed on this side
of the water, as well as in her
adopted laud. No. Lady Cook
has the
and has given publication
to some real sound thought,
original and. in a measure,
was the
shame of the world might be
avoided if mothers would act
sensibly and bring up their
daughters in the full wisdom and
experience of life. The same
to fathers, too, who neglect
to frank and open with
sons. Says Lady
are deeply to blame
tor s large portion of the miseries
enumerated. If fathers
aged their sons to be frank and
with them as they would
be with their youthful friends,
their advice would
prepare their children to beware
of strange woman whose
steps lead down to Vice
exposed and robbed of its mys
tery would disgust rather than
charm; they recognize
the truth of St- Paul's
teaching that bodies are
the temples of the living
when preserved in purity,
if mothers would only learn to
win the confidence of their
daughters and teach them all
they ought to know of them
selves, thus guarding them from
dangers and instructing them in
sacred duties and responsibility,
how many a girl would have
been saved who is now lost
through sheer ignorance, and
from the foolish and misplaced
modesty of the only one who
could have properly enlightened
There is a world of truth there,
but while Lady Cook's theories
are highly commendable, later
day prudery still stands in the
way of that frank education of
the young in the home. For
mean, shrink from unfolding
that knowledge which has ever
bean surrounded with mystery
sod secrecy, the two very
which make sin and misery
attractive to the young mind.
And who is there with courage
enough to break away from
misguided tradition; to call
rose rose and a spade a
Asheville Citron.
few mouths he has in
We were y much
to see such a large crowd out
ti attend our Sunday
We hops to see many
in r; out next Sunday.
Mrs. W. L. W about the
same. We truly hope will,
be better soon.
The crops looking
better the rain.
weather bean somewhat coo
for the of year. TobaCCO is
looking Veil,
commenced to play a pan
with it. Corn ii doing ,
cotton is being chopped a fast
as the farmers eta get to it
The World Will Then.
A wise mun said. a man
write a better book, a .
better or mike a better h,, and
N. C. June I.
at her horn.; on
from t V.
rendered by Miss
; Lloyd.
Carrie ice and Mr. Frank
which id--d to the enjoy-
and and
were Misses
Jennie Lloyd. Carts Bullock.
i Maude Barnhill. Mamie Blair,
and ix Jones,
Worth, Grimes,
Mr. Mrs.
mouse trap than his
though he build his in
woods the world will make a
beaten path to Ins
other words if he shows r
men a better way they look to
him for help. The
men who are now trying their
best to make large yield of corn
on an acre of land in this
try are going to be greater
factors to the people than the
men who endow colleges and
other institutions.
who are leading for a
yield on the lands are going to
change the methods of farming
in this section and put
on a higher plane The shod
methods of the past will be no
more after these pioneers show
what it is possible for the lands
of this section to produce Mt.
Airy News.
Mayo, Walter Frank
Conn, Tom Andrew. Marvin
Jodie Vanes
Dr. M P
Dr. Dr. V. A. Ward.
Mrs. Charles
r quests the honor
of your
at the of bar daughter
Margaret Cotton
Mr. Ferguson
on evening
Wednesday, the fifteenth of June
Nineteen hundred and ten
At o'clock
St. Paul's Church
Greenville North C
No cards in the city.
Tail's Visit.
President Taft has written
General Julian Curr
concerning his Durham trip at
the laying of the corner stone of
And I the National Religious
School and for the
race, and although he
cannot promise to c me while
congress is so uncertain a pro-
position to him, he has the willing
Al I can President
Taft declares as a last
that I want to The
adjournment of congress
probably all that prevents his
coming here. It was the same
trouble with Senator Bob Taylor.
That gentleman would have been
here July to make the opening
address but for the fact that he
doesn't know whether he will be
free or not The letter from
Taft to General Carr
was signed by President Taft
personally and was very warm
in its u r h a m
a Horn.-.
I -q i its he honor
your ;
at tho marriage of her daughter
Mr. James Clifford Tyson
on the morning of
June the fourteenth
nineteen hundred and ten
at half past seven o'clock .
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Greenville, North Carolina.
No cards in the city.
Or. Hyatt Coming.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha June
6th and 7th, Monday and Tues-
day, for the purpose of treating
disease of the eye and
Ge to City Hall.
The tax list takers begun
their work and are ready to
receive callers. The list takers
for both the town and Greenville
township can be found in the
city hall on Fifth street.
Subscribe to Reflector.
Our Greenville, yours if you
The lecture a over, and Ilia so-
who did talking
ears as followed
out boll to In. far
be could, what sort of an Impression
made. drew to
doorway two old gentlemen who were
making way out
rendered a verdict.
said one of them,
did yon of
beard said
yon It was at all
asked other.
old fashioned way, re-
plied the venerable
don't quite catch your said
It bot It
struck me as than
electricity about It,

Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Anything you can be found at
Call to tee us
if e
Greenville, N. C.
Sickness is
o demonstrate the
value of the telephone
in the farm home. In
any emergency the
phone performs a
which no other agency
can equal. The doctor can be
called quicker than the horse can
can be summoned
instantly. It is invaluable for the convenience and
protection of the housewife.
For information about our
plan write to nearest manager
or to
y Telephone
Telegraph Co.
Henderson, N. C
Choice Cut Flowers
Roses, Carnations, Violets,
an tat mm
artistic it, at
tote .
J. L CC.
For County
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of Treas-
ff to
the action of the Democratic
ft;,., C. T.
Halley's Comet
at rate of
miles par hour, according
C. II. on N. A W, Rt
faS would be doing you
Mid the public an injustice if I did not
you what has Horn for me. It
mot a attack of Acute
it relief in twenty minute and
I was entirely free from nausea, and rain k
three hours.
always keep a with ma on
11.00 at drug stores, J.
prepaid on receipt
Leftwich Chemical
The Reflector does job work.
Far Sb riff.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the of
of Pitt subject to the
Democratic primary.
Local. Newt far
will treat you
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Best In
din, and Ceylon at S. M. Schultz's
Fresh loaf bread at Tobacco
Grocery Co. Phone
wanting me
will call W. J.
Fresh loaf bread at Tobacco
Grocery Co. Phone
lace curtains and
hammocks. Taft
Don't walk Too hot,
phone, per day, that's all
Fresh loaf bread at Tobacco
Grocery Co. Phone
See our paper with mono-
gram E. C. T. T. S.
We will be servant, run
all stay by you day and cash,
night for per day. Telephone.
Desirable building lots for
sale on easy terms,
See Higgs Bros.
Just received a fresh lot of
delicious candies.
Try our Washington City
cream. Pharmacy
White Frost, the most
refrigerator made,
t Boyd Furniture Co.
Rountree round corner roller
tray with skirt tray at-
Parker fountain pens, fountain
pen ink. and library paste at
Reflector Book Store.
White Frost
sale by Taft Boyd Furniture
or doses will cure
any case of chills and fever.
Porch and library furniture.
Battle Axe felt mattresses. .
Taft VanDyke.
I have a nice lot of dry wood
on hand, people wanting will call
me up. Phone
W. J. Turnage.
The most perfect fitting
collar in front is The Belmont
with the Try one.
Sold by Frank
In West Greenville beautiful
residence for sale on easy
See Higgs Bros
position as clerk in
a tobacco sales warehouse.
years Box
Kinston. N. C
Wolverine extra quality hand
force-pumps can be had at
i Plumber Johnston's place of bus-
opposite Hotel Bertha.
Just received a large shipment
of Arrow Brand collars, all the
i new styles and shapes for sum-
, Frank Wilson.
Twenty-six telephones added
to the local exchange since May
1st. Were you one of them If
not order yours at once, don't
worry your neighbor.
Wanted-Responsible men to
handle vending machines in
Penna. References required.
Progressive Machine Co., Hat-
field. Pa.
Ladies and children's
slippers to
to to
Central Mercantile Co.
For Sale-One house and lot
situated in South Greenville, on
street between Tenth
and Eleventh street. For fur
information apply to D. If
Try one of the Arrow
Brand collars for summer,
it meets at the top in
front, fits close and snug to the
neck and has ample room for
the necktie. Frank Wilson ,
Wanted a few regular custom-
for milk.
Mm C. T.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc.
Suite. Baby Carriage,
Parlor suits Tables, lounges.
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach,
es. Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly. Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nut, Candies, Dried Apples-
Peaches. Prunes. Currants,
Raisins. and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
era, Macaroni, Cheese, Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goo-la.
Quality and quantity cheap
Come see me.
Slippers for
Misses and
Children in
White Canvas
All sizes and widths
Norfolk Cotton and Peanut wired .
by J. W. Perry A Co. Cotton Factor.
Today Yesterday
Bar 7-8 7-8
Lot 6-8
aw M
Low Grade
Wired by Cobb
d Broker.
. Co. Banker
I July
May 1-4
July Rib SO
May Lard ,
Cotton Hal rt.
it to
it so
Use Top Dressing
on corn, cotton, oats, pea-
l-A k etc. and increase
tile SO per cent Car load
received by The Central
I Cobb Co.
o. and
If you have any discarded
furniture bring it to me and I will
make it new again.
J. Z. Gardner.
Mattress Maker
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks. Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for county treasurer
for Pitt county subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. I
W. B. Wilson.
A Matter of Economy.
Mr. let your
girl off every
Indeed; It la
Baring. more Is away that j
fewer she
never at the attainment
of a Rood
and House Furnishings
is not too good for you. When you want the
best, and prices that are in reach of your pocket
book we can supply your wants.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If you trade with us wt both make money
Just Received. Consisting of
Hats, Flower Ornaments. Etc.
All Ladies Invited to Inspect this Line Goods
C. T.
The Big Store
a j
Professional Cards
R. L, ft
next door to John
Attorney at Law
Office formerly occupied by J. L.
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
Loan made on Baal
it. I , Greenville. N. C.
U . W. H. LONG
Moore and Long
the ramps, twenty , was ever tattered nod torn
Story of
a Bait
hr Na
The abductor war
about the city,
of the ma
bad drawn the feared Amer-
away on a wild to
passes of More
than that, at o'clock in the afternoon
a second detachment of left
the city for the scene of the riot In
and walked away from toe win-
tossing; a cigarette Into a
on opposite side of room. Then
he looked st bis watch.
man who stood In middle of
the car looking down In
at the fugitives was a tall of
the most picturesque type. No raga-
Harry Skinner. Skinner, Jr
Greenville. N. C
Washington, N. C.
Don't forget you have a standing in-
Baker's Studio
Every g well up to date
Kodak work h specialty.
Dr. F. Fitts, Osteopath
Dr. A. H. at Kinston,
sf hi
rm WILSON'S in
Office I. m. a. .
own i.
V. I.
Attorneys at Law
Practices where
vices required,
ally in the counties of
Craven, Carteret, Jones
Pamlico. and State and
Federal Courts.
Office Broad Street
Phone NEW BERN, N. C.
King arrives in
Edelweiss, capital of and
meet the beautiful of a
11-King dots a favor for
Robin, the young r of
country, guardian is John
an American. Ill Baron
minister of police, interviews King and
warns him against Olga,
invade the royal
park, meets prince and is presented
to fascinating Aunt Loraine.
committee of ten, conspirators
against the prince, meets in an
where the girl Olga
is disclosed one who is to kill Prince
Robin with a bomb.
s on beautiful Countess
who him that d
and notorious old husband. Count Mar-
is against prince.
VII, VIII, IX and X-King visits
house of the witch of gap and
me ts the royal there. He
sees an eye , learning through a crack
in a door, and while for the
person he overpowered and dragged
into a loft. He is confronted by Count
and then taken to the under
den of the of ten.
defends Kin before
tee of anarchists who wish to kill h m.
is brought to the den a d
thrown into the room with King.
XIII King s a jailer, dons his
and. carries into
a boat at in which several of the
anarchist leaders to t.
XIV King manages to get Lora
whom he loves, a- and they hi e
the well laid plans of th
Iron Count were being skillfully car-
I All afternoon and evening men
from the bills and surrounding
country, apparently loath to miss
I early excitement attending i ere
monies en the following day. Sullen
strikers from the camps came down,
cursing the company, but drinking
noisy toasts to the railroad and Us
The city by swarmed with
reveling thousands. The bands were
playing, crowds were singing and
mobs were drinking and in
j the lower end.
At S o'clock In the morning word
, flew from brothel to brothel, from
lodging to lodging house, In all
j parts of the slumbering city. A thou-
sand men crept out Into the streets
after the storm, all animated by one
Impulse, all obeying a single fierce In-
They were to find and kill a tall
American They were to keep him or
bis companion from getting In touch
with the police authorities or with
royal castle, no matter what the cost
At o'clock a stealthy whisper went
rounds, reaching the ear of every
vagabond and cutthroat In
untiring vigil, smoke faded
away. silent watch was over.
word bad sped to every corner
of town It longer
to maintain the for
King. lie no longer In
a position to give them trouble or
The dawned bright and cool
after the savage storm from the north.
don't like looks of
said time and again.
ills men were never so alert as today
and never so deceived.
can't be trouble of any
mused Colonel
lows are ugly, true, but they
not prepared for a
we'll yet sec the day
regrets the economy that
has cut our little army to almost
What have we now all told
Three hundred In the royal guard,
fewer than in fortress. I have
a hundred There you ore.
there are nearly soldiers
off In the mountains on nasty business
of one sort or Gad. if those
of an hour after the re-
turn of frightened, quivering
was grained permission by the
department to take a hundred
men with him in the effort to ever-
more than pistols could give us a
merry fight. There must be a thou-
sand of them. I don't like It. We'll
. have trouble before day's
take and capture the of us ,, . , , . . . , ,.
. , , . . , By o clock the streets in
Batter, rue grooms story hard-If. . . . . . , .
had baa to horrified broth-
before he was engaged in j Cd, U
,, , , ,.,,,, , t be thrown open for the
that was to pass
gloss. A hurried ft ,, rows of people.
Baron was upset. I , half past o'clock ear-
Three had
stolen from beneath hi, nose . to
sneak. He Was beside himself wit. f e of the a score
rage and dismay. This his. outrage t r T
was climax. The old man adored T
the sister of Jack He T.
and by the new.
of the catastrophe. i FEES
Captain Haas of dragoons was I and
I in charge of the relief party. The
was armed and equipped for a
bitter Word had sent to
the capital of
asking the assistance of Prince Dan-
tan the effort to overtake the ab-
A detachment. It an-
In reply, to start from
during for
eastern passes.
Baron rode to southern
gate with white faced, suffering
will undoubtedly receive
a communication from the rascals this
afternoon or be mild
gloomily. will not be slow to
make a formal demand for ransom,
knowing That yon and your sister are
possessed of unlimited wealth. Hello
A man who had ridden up to the
gates, his horse covered with foam,
demanding admission. The ward-
en halted him unceremoniously n
rode forward. They
that be was one of foremen the
employ of the railway
company. He brought the disquieting
news that another strike had been de-
that men were ugly and
th ward, for one year from July let; SaSS S
ISM unless
From the distant castle came the
Bounds of shouts, crawling up the long
line of spectators for the full length
of of Greenville.
Notice hereby given to voters
of the town of Greenville that the
of Aldermen, at it regular
monthly meeting held on the day
of May, 1910, ordered that an election
be held with char-
tar of said town, and the
amendments on Monday, th
6th day of June, 1910, in the various
wards of said town, for the of
electing one alderman from each of
five ward, of town. Th alder-
men elected from the second, third and
fourth ward, shall cont in office for
two years, and those from and
Notice is also hereby given that the
board of aldermen have designated the
following named in ward.
of Mid town f r holding and conducting
election, to
First house square.
Second stables.
Third Laugh of-
fourth store at Five
Fifth office.
Notice it also hereby given that the
books of several wards
of said town will be open at the
place, designated above, on
day, Thursday, and Friday. June let,
and 3rd, from nine a. m.,
to I o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
allowing all titled to register
to do only these persons who have
duly registered will be allowed to
For the Information of the of
the town. I desire to state that
terms of office of the following d
gentlemen, n-w members of the board
of of town will expire
July 1st, 1910, and
rill be chosen at election.
B White.
Second A. Bowen.
Third Ward O. W.
Four h WardE. A. Move.
Fifth Ward- -W. S.
6th day of May,
considered and, furthermore, there
had been severe fighting between
two factions engaged on work.
He urgently Implored to
end troop, out to hold rioters In
la your demanded
harassed minister of police.
replied the He
lied, for he was no other than John
the unsavory husband of Anna
of the committee of ten.
with said-
will go to General
by and good luck,
At that very moment Loraine
comparing note, with
King In room beneath armor-
shop. Count Mariana WM biding
In the trader's Inn the northern
Cotton Factors and handler-
of the avenue to eager throng in
circus, swelling and grow-
louder as the news that
prince had ridden forth from tho
Glad voices cried out
to those In background. prince
was coming
Bonny, adorable Prince
On came tho splendid of
guardsmen, followed by rigid Infantry-
men In measured tread. The great
coach of gold, with Its half score of
horses, rolled somberly beneath
canopy of green, surrounded on
all aides by proud members of the
royal guard. Two carriage from the
royal stables preceded the prince's
coach. In the first were the of
and three fellow members of
the cabinet The second contained
Baron and General Braze.
The curtains In a at the
of square parted gently. A
faced old man peered out upon
the joyous crowd. Ills black
tho scene. A grim smile crept
Into his face. He dropped cur- j
a this rakish Individual. His clothes
barely hung together on his lank
Long, thin lips curled Into a smile of
delicious regard. His sides shook v. lib
quiet chuckle of understanding
He was thinking of other days and
nights of many maids In
lands of countless Journeys
which ho. too. had hod fair gentle
Journeys, yes, but
to be forgotten.
He lighted stub of a tallow can-
Ah. how envied this great, sleep-
wayfarer How beautiful bis mU-
tress now fortunate the lover They
slept, now tired they were Whence
had come
Why he stay here to spoil
their waking He would
surrender his apartment to them.
be tiptoed to bis own comer
of ear. He gathered up bis be-
ancient violin case, a
stout walking stick, a goodly Bleed
pack done up In gaudy cloth, a well
worn pair of sandals with frayed
As gently be stole bar., to
the door. He tossed a kiss to the
sleeping girl, his dark gypsy face
aglow with admiration mischief,
and was about to blow out light
of his Then he changed his
With n determined shake of bis bead
I new flash of the eye. he calmly
seated himself to open his
ragged pack.
At last bis small store of food lay
expos,, i. without hesitation he
ed the pieces of smoked
one part to himself, two to the
Steepen, then miller's bread and
the cheese the bag of dates be bad
bought the day before.
Again blew n kiss to the prettiest
girl be bad ever seen. Snuffing
candle, be dropped to the ground
closed the door against all spying,
civil eyes.
Daybreak found wharf
Coming to an empty flat car direct
from I he quarries, he seated
himself upon Its edge and. with
resignation, set about devouring
bis early meal, all the while Casting
longing, almost appealing, glances to-
ward the next car but one. Busy lit-
engines began chugging
about the yards. The railroad at least
exhibiting, some signs of life.
Down through the maze of side-
tracks whisked the little train, out
upon the main Hue with n thin shriek
of greeting, past the freight
It was then that Sir Vagabond sat up
very straight, a look of mild Interest
In bis Interest gave way to per-
perplexity to concern. What's
the city lie wasted no
time. Clutching his belongings to
side, vaulted from one band, nimbly
lauding on his feet road-
He thought of the luckless pair
the empty
Suddenly be stopped, chin up,
his to his shies. A peal
of laughter soared from bis lips,
Joke was on them. It was rich.
more he thought of their
on awakening the more be laughed.
ills Immense levity attracted
Pour or five men approached
him from the shadows of the freight
houses, unsmiling fellows. They
demanded cf him the cause of lib
seemly mirth. bis mer-
black be related the plight of
the pretty They plied
with questions. He described the
even glowingly. Then the
fellows More than that.
they clapped each other on the buck
swore splendidly.
And so It was that the news spread
over town at o'clock that
King was where be could do no harm.
It was well known that the
would tasks forty miles hour down
the steep grade Into the lower valley.
When King first awoke to
the fact that they were no longer
lying motionless the dreary yard,
he leaped to his feet with n startled
of alarm. With frantic energy
he pulled door, a min-
he stared at scudding walls of
stone so close hand,
Then the truth burst upon him
with the force of a mighty Plow. lie
back, hi. Jaw dropping, hi.
eyes glaring.
God, Loraine We're going
We're ho cried hoarsely.
She shot to feet and lurched to
bis side. fall she almost
Suddenly the train idiot out the
open, farm spattered valley.
fell back
been carried away. Cod In heaven
The Is lie be-
side himself, ; like a madman.
He bad shouted to her that he must
get buck to the city.
would be she cried,
clutching bis fiercely. never
See bun we are
If yon Jump I shall follow. I
won't go on alone. I am as much to
blame as
A flew by.
en kilometers to lie look-
ed at In despair.
going faster and he
I Just then his gaze alighted on the
breakfast stared as If
Was he going mad
Instant later he on his j
knees examining the mysterious feast
She Joined at once. No two faces
ever before were so per-
Don't Buy a Piano Hurriedly
Take Your Time
plenty of it, and be extremely careful how
you spend your piano money.
Terms amount to very prom-
cover a multitude can pet sat-
terms anywhere, but a satisfactory
piano at a precious places.
We have makes under grades and
cation as highest medium and low. Each
grade is characterized by the price we ask for it.
Whatever price you are willing to pay for a piano,
if bought from us, you will be getting legitimate
value, as you won't be deceived in the grade you
are getting. We have several self-player Pianos
at bargain prices.
arc z
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. j
and Kinston, Effective April 1st.
For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
W. J. P. T. Sf. T. C. WHITE, A.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
lie see it
all We've been deliberately shuns-1
We've bean bottled up lien
nut town. Don't touch
it's probably full of pol-;
son. Great a clever guru ;
to fetch the . n i i h . r
of lb.
door. To dying day they were pi u o.
to believe that the food bad been put
there by of the
he. day
lie out ahead. a ROUND
a- I points West, Jack-
a. in.
la nil Florida points.
dining h and
down road a bit-yen.
our same old river They're running
lOW for the bridge. awing
off, Loraine. our
The train was barely creeping up to
the bridge. He clasped In the
of bis left slid
to n bitting position boldly pushed j
himself clear of the car. lauding on bis
feat Staggering forward with the i
he received, he would have
fallen except for a mighty effort A
sharp groan bis lips as be low- i
to the ground. She looked
into his face saw
lug there but relief.
raid the man briefly.
must try to reach that station
back there. There I can telegraph In.
His first attempt to walk brought
out a of
tied on 6th
Nicely furnished,
thing clean and
working the
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J. R. J. G. c
I have d the grocery
II Trip-,
street, and will t-i carry it on
the mm stand. The stick I be
and d t-,
I can fill needs in
J. A.
and Flor
at Hamlet for and
a. m For
ix-T or car. Con-
with for Washing-
ton, Baltimore, New York,
and Providence.
12.06 a. Richmond, Washing-
ton New York Pullman -1 pp-
coaches and dining car.
O. for and
at Washington with Pennsylvania
railroad and B. O. for
and points n et.
4.06 p. m. -For Charlotte,
Wilmington. Birmingham,
phi a and s Parlor car
to Hamlet.
5.00 N. for
Louisburg, Oxford and
6.05 p. m. For Atlanta, Birmingham,
and point. wet, Jack-
, p. m. a.
m., Washington a. in. New
York p. in. Pullman to
car to New
2.06 m. For
riving 8.15 a. in., n i
i m., and New
Pullman car.
For t m. re
and any at on t
any Seaboard Air Line railway
or address,
I C. B. RYAN, U. P. A.
Portsmouth, Va.
H. D. P. A.
N. C.
N. C.

Six Months
Single Copy
rate, may be upon
-t the business office in The
Building, corner Evans and
Third s
From the experience the
is having over the offer to
ell bonds, it does not
look like a good time to put
them on the market.
Entered in the post office at Greenville
N. C., mail matter.
Next week the
will do Wrightsville.
Everybody will be poor now
t tax listing bat
fur as be learned
other county wants to imitate
have commenced
reporting yarns
from the seaside resorts.
hut. like the green apple, should
lie given u berth.
Time to be easting up an in-
of have. June
it the month for tax listing.
Many or them had money to
blow in at the oar even if
none to pay bills.
The Dispatch
must get with the weather
mail if he expects the to
use their bathing suits when
they go to the convention.
been congressman of bit
for twelve making a
very useful member of that
The Republicans have done
enough for the Democrats to
the in the
national election, but the trouble
with Democrats is that they
throw away their opportunities
instead of taking advantage of
hit expedition in
Africa senseless
for slaughter which it mis-
named apart, and having no
more humane or more rational
form of recreation than the
butchery of big game.
Better mean a better
county. People are realizing
this, and that is why the
for good roads is growing
so fast in
The New Journal
be lining up for the Charlotte
Chronicle's medal next time
from the article headed
Lays publish-
ed elsewhere.
To our mind the comet has
what we have thought ell
along, that the N
really know very little about
things above the earth
in good it
growing rapidly in Pitt county,
and the sentiment for a bond
for purpose is
The Reflector believes that
the next legislature pass
a bill giving the people of the
county the opportunity of
by on the
of issuing township bonds to
build Taking up the
matter by townships will he the
Ami row it is 1.1. I.
the University of England
having the Dr. act for him.
The wants to
bow far it i-- to Wrights
The Charlotte Observer and
the Charlotte might
borrow a pair of wings and do
some flying on their own account,
as long at the aviator foiled to
come across.
Those fellows who wanted it
located elsewhere and did not
think East Carolina
school was going to be
a success at Greenville, must
think over again. The school it
really the expectations
of its friends.
Our people should get active
in the matter of persuading the
Norfolk Southern railroad not to
take off the day train between
Washington Raleigh. The
loss of that train would be the would be met for
felt in this section. only a few years more.
are desirable f r
quickest way to get a system of
roads all over the
A matter that Greenville must
get in, that quite
early, is providing a new
tery or purchasing more ground
adjoining the present one. If
the latter can be done, even
Teaches in i
apiece, and in Greenville lit
cents a dozen. Come South.
young This is
Greenville, yours if you come
The fruit crop bids fair to be
abundant year, and if
ville Less thin a week. lo take of it to
Tax luting lime begins June
1st. Al out then pen pie will be
poorer than any other tune of
the year.
put up for use next win-
may the cost of
living materially
It takes money to get a flying
machine man to fly- The fellow
who was to give an exhibition
in Charlotte Saturday, offer-
ed a thousand dollars down
one-half the gate receipts, but
he said it was not enough to
make bis wings
What a we have.
the draw to a bridge is
open so pass over
the announcement i that
it is and
when the work is done so that it
can be dosed the
that it is for pas-
When Greenville real estate is
offered for sale it brings a gin d
Most North Carolina papers
will to next
week while the editors are do-
sale in Cherry Hill, and the
coming of new families and
growing population make a de-
for additional burial lots.
The aldermen should be con-
the matter of getting
more room for the cemetery.
We do not recall a time when
a town election was so near at-
tended by such little interest as
to who are to be candidates for
aldermen Yet there never was
a time
good aldermen worse thin now.
There are conditions to be
in the affairs of the that
will require good judgment aid
a serious mistake made
in getting the wrong men for
aldermen. The peon.-; the
different wards owe it to then
If the following incident which
related to the writer
day is true and the narrator
vouches for its authentic, there
is a probability that the coal
trust will eventually be quashed
Several ago a Mr.
who lives near
hoe, purchased two tons of coal
which he intended to use for
next winter. Having no other
place to put the coal it was car-
into the barn and placed in
an empty stall to which there
no door the incident
was forgotten.
Mrs. Williams has a brood of
fine Leghorn chickens in which
she takes a special pride
these fowls are allowed to roam
st will over the whole farm.
On going out to the hen
s few days ago she was surprised
to find s coal black egg in one of
th nests. The matter was dis-
cussed among the family but
they could offer no explanation
of the matter and supposed it
was just a freak of- nature.
When, on the next day
another similar egg was found
decided that something was
wrong began to investigate.
The two shells were placed on
a piste sad upon being
emitted a pale blue light and an
rise beat and the of
coal gas quickly filled the room.
The chickens were watched
that day and it was found that
one of them was
e the small particles of coal
h had flaked off of original
Preliminary tests of the egg-
shells to determine their value as
fuel have been it is
proved that the hens are the
goo Is. Th eggshells, thickly
impregnated with coal dust burn
a I time and give out
heat. This is doubtless due to
he combination of cos and lime
which contain New Bern
la sf Km at
Reported for
On Saturday evening at her
home on Greene street, Mrs.
John Andrews charmingly enter-
about thirty couples in
honor of her guest, Miss Bessie
Stevens, of Dunn. On arrival
the were greeted and
and cordially welcomed by Miss
Stevens, attired in white satin,
with Mr. Bert James. Fruit
served in the hall by
Miss Mary attired in
pink net, and Mr. Cecil Cobb.
Japanese decorations prevailed
throughout the home and the
soft lights shed by the Japanese
lanterns added much beauty to
the scene. Progressive heart
dice was the game of the even-
and the guests enjoyed it
until a late hour. The young
prise, a gauze fan, was
won by Miss
and the young prise
a pearl handled knife, won
by Mr. Wilson. The guest
of honor's prise was a.
gauss fan. After the presents
of the prises delicious ices
and cakes were served. The
guests departed at late hour
declaring Mrs. Andrews an ideal
hostess and Miss Stevens a
charming guest of honor.
Cheapest teachers bureau in
the country, wants to enroll com-
era. Fine openings
for grades of school work.
Schools supplied with teachers
Durham, N. C.
from a knife, gun, can. tatty rail,
works or of any other i stare, de
prompt f h Bawl
to prevent Mow
p or It's the
surest such w and as
also for burnt, bis. skin
eczema, hods,
or pile. at all
and the selves and to the town to select
j convention. And in not a few the best men possible. Get out
instances the devil and shop between and the primaries
. , , l .-. v tilt I I i ii ,
be State boys wit I give the readers a bat
. , people have in the lire of the,,. . . . . .,
going to Greensboro ought . paper than u editors
to especially please
that city.
And even the j.
lover of graft, bin
fused to let
is a
him his
The fellow who from
Albany to New York, miles.
in hours and minutes, was
certainly going some.
The Reflector is willing to run
the risk of having the money on
hand if you pay your subscription
between now and June 1st.
town. Investments
Interest in the candidates for
the Supreme court judgeship
appear to be lost in the shuffle
over corporation commissioner.
The latter to be the
real contest in the State
were at home.
From Editor Cowan, of the
is in receipt of s
to be held Friday night see
if you cannot awaken some inter-
est in your ward.
The Greenville docs
like the idea out
at midnight to train.
They are kicking because they
post card of a girl in a bathing a night train we are
Though the last one
seemed the least
of any that hat some, we a
have to see any a carnival
does a town.
The fakers s. years
from now may have wonderful
things to tell about this trip of
the comet, and none of will
be here to correct them.
The president he it going
to travel all he pleases, whether
congress pays for it or not. No-
body caret how much he
when he hit own bills.
Some people must love their
dogs than they do their
children, otherwise we do not
see why they keep dogs to en-
danger their own and their
lives from hydrophobia.
I hose who want to see a re-
of the sale of liquor u
loons, call it local self govern-
We expect
et will be bank before
liquor saloons return in North
is the week in which you
mutt do your talking about can
The ward
primaries will be held Fri-
day night, then all will be over
except voting on Monday for the
suit on the beach at Wrights-
ville with the words wait-
for Cowan adds
so am We hope not to
keep you waiting long, and if
nothing happens a week from
today will find on the way.
The selection of Mr. II. A.
White as president of the
of of Greenville
means that new life is going to
be aroused in the organization.
Mr. White is wide awake,
on the question of good
roads and general improvements.
and if he lead the
of commerce to action we
shall be surprised.
When T. Roosevelt lands in
New York about the middle of
the month, he will feel himself
the biggest in the country.
miss it much, either.
blind tigers will be
careful hereafter how they
in contact with Judge Cook.
it their meeting next Monday
the county commissioners
appoint delegates to the good
convention which meets at
next week.
county should be represented at
that convention.
Congressman C. Thomas, of
third district, has declined to be
a candidate for re nomination.
He was first elected in 1898, and
New Orleans it striving to get
the government to select that
city as the place for the
exposition. That Is really a
h better place for it than
San Francisco, the other city be-
mentioned in connection
with it. Besides being more
accessible to a large number of
people, New Orleans u much
nearer to Panama than is
Mr. T. Roosevelt hat got
one time, and it is not
all praise that he is getting on
his trip abroad. The
League of London address-
ed him an open letter Star.
kicking because did not get
Bern Sun.
lust a little in
the case. We are not
kicking because of the putting
of a night tram, but because
of the proposed taking of our
convenient day train. Of
the two the train is much
the best for section-
Greenville ought to cultivate
manufacturing spirit. Man-
give employment to large
of people the
greatest needs of the town.
There are plenty of people who
want to come here and would do
so if there profitable employ-
for them, nothing fur-
employment so readily at
factories. There are numerous
sites for factories with
raw material in easy
reach, and there is why
could not be
in here. If you want to see
Greenville grow faster than ever,
get more factories here.
Hit by Paras Tariff KM.
The removal of on for-
imports of nitrate of soda
by the act last
summer will cause a decrease
in the annual showing
imports for the
custom house for tie
fiscal year ending June 30th. ac-
cording to Collector of
The Progressive
and Gazette
RALEiGH. N. G. and
Weeks-10 Cents
We've got the kind of articles in our paper that you
have been guess-work talk, but the
kind that steers you right.
We wast yea to reed the following series
How to Double Your Com Yields.
How to Grow Live Stock in the South.
in Prizes Our Com Club Boys.
Short Talk About
I. T. CHOWDER. M i O. V.
I Mil III k
I tr m had. tarn u mt
i I Si i mi ml mm
You be pleased and your Give your boy a
chance to compete the we u our Corn dub
Don't let k-a between U out the
below sad it at once.
This Coupon is Worth Cents
Ft mi aw I ma mi I mm
I. I. U
M S -I
I mi . N m
This offer is
to New Sub-
Fill it in and Mail To-day I
Agent of The Reflector for Arden and vicinity. Advertising rates
ear Mm
We are the oldest this column a creditable
Insurance Co. in the world.
one.; Car cement, lime, nails
do a hay at J. R. Smith
teak then wonder at We nave heard it said that
self-praise is scandal
Call us let us consult not all nae v. . . . .
you Ayden Loan Insurance Sit-E we need your Assuming that
i u. W. are going to say one thing which
i. Joyner. of certain, and town
Tucker, of are visiting
Misses and Lizzie Dixon
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Miss Mamie a most
young of Stone
Grille, will be the guest of her
sister. Mrs. J. W. Glenn, during
the summer months Everybody
is and we have one friend
who purely delighted
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Smith Co. ft Dixon.
Dr. J. C. Caldwell, president
of Atlantic Christian College, of
Wilson, will preach in the
Christian church here Sunday
Au experienced blacksmith is
waiting to your horses
mules at J. R. Smith Co Dixon.
Miss Helen Johnson,
of Dr. Hardy Johnson, here
visiting relatives
Now is a good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department-
R. W. Smith.
Hookerton union meets at
Rountree church fifth Sunday.
A special bargain counter has
been arranged in the mammoth
department store of J. U. Smith
V and M. A. of Ayden is one of the best and
Aden, among the most WM
were public spirited towns in the Stole
the com- of North Carolina. We are
backup this assertion
a preponderance of
your collect for at .
personal property. and hay at J. R.
laud, or you .
money on W. J. Boyd made a business
A Loan at Insurance Co. trip to Richmond
it you have to you want to buy.
sea let us drop Ayden lease, sell or houses or
poultry food and daughter, mother or sister, or
hawk killer R. Smith Co's. want to employ additional help.
The heavy rain Wednesday
stopped farm work for a few
days, caused the crowd to
be at the commencement.
Joe Tripp, an experienced
blacksmith and horse has
Our town baa been crowded
visitors for the past few
days who have been attending
commencement exercises of
the Seminary. institution
is a great deal of in
our community and we
for its management greater
success and usefulness in the
Call on us for ceiling. II
Mantling. We guarantee
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Shelton a young son of
Jesse cut his leg right
badly Tuesday in an attempt to
clear his plow of some vegetation.
Dr. had to take several
stitches to up the
Screen doors made to order or
repaired on short notice at J. R
Co's mill.
We heard the address of
Greenville's Mr. W.
taken a at J. K. Smith I p Evans, at the seminary Tues
Co's. and will be glad to I day highly He
have his old customers to ;
on him when they need work
his line.
Several of our friends
attended the district meeting at
Kinston night, and
is a Pitt county boy, and is fast
making his mark as a talented
attorney. In our opinion
he credit and we
attribute it to him with
Found-Near J. Ii. Smith Co.
store, a purse containing several
pieces of money. Owner can
report a enjoyable occasion. , ,,,.,,.
It have news items, tell same by identifying it.
this and help us to make Larry W. Smith.
At the Close of Business March 29th, 1910.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Duo from 60,902.86
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,288.09
bank and other
U. 8,785.00
Surplus fund
or sell what you have, there is
no better medium than the col
R. W. Smith
Rev. G. T. Adams preached in
the Baptist church here Sunday.
At the debate at the seminary
afternoon Mr. Grice
won the medal which was
to him by P. K.
At night D. V. Denton won the
for the best oration, which
was presented by J. R-
Tingle. Mr. Waters won the
medal offered to the pupils for
making the highest average in
his studies, which was presented
by Prof. F. C. Nye.
have for sale the
scats out of the old Methodist
church, x ft long x f
long also good pulpit
Stancil Hodges.
Dr. J. C. Caldwell in
the Christian church Sunday
Ninety day and rust proof oats
R. Smith Co's.
Miss Fannie Hardy, of Green
ville, is visiting Mrs. Asa E
crows, owls and minks,
beat remedy for cholera,
indigestion and weak-
keeps them free from
causing them to pro-
duce an of edits.
a package at J . R. Smith Co's.
Mrs. J. Proctor, of Grimes
land and Mies Agnes Sp-i , -f
Greenville, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Car nails, barbed wire, lime
and cement at J. R. Smith Lo.
Miss Lila is
Miss May Smith.
and magazines
Ridge Spring and Grifton
play base ball. The boys played
extremely well, but Ridge Spring
beat Grifton to
and belting,
black and galvanized pipe and
other mill fittings at J. R- Smith
Miss Clyde Johnson and two
little sisters, who have been
visiting their aunt. Miss Addie
Johnson, returned to their home
at Vanceboro Tuesday.
Japan peas millet and rape
seed at J. R. Smith Co.
The musical at the Methodist
church Monday night for the
bent fit of the church was largely
attended and much enjoyed by
all present.
Smith Dixon are install-
light meters on their
This is the sensible
thing to do, and then if the
patrons wish to burn all their
lamps all night can d j at
their own expense and not to
the electric company, as the case
has been heretofore.
Marcellus Simmons has moved
with his family to
Cook stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Co's.
Now a good time for some
good concern to open a
grocery store in Ayden.
There is a splendid for
a lawyer to locate here. Just
think of it, not a nearer
than which twelve
J. M. Ormond. of Nashville.
Tenn., Miss Eleanor Or-
of Goldsboro, are visiting
the family of E. Turnage.
Roy and Lloyd Turnage left
Tuesday for Raleigh to enter a
business college.
Miss of Raleigh, has
been visiting at T. R. Allen's.
C. L. of Greenville,
spent Monday night in town.
Ditch, Ch-es
Hit and
it lo Hit
Hanrahan, N. C. May
other day we read a letter from
a sweet little country girl, who
visiting n. s and
in a city. letter was
to her there
are sights in the city for a
try girl to see. she had
told of them and had implored
her mother to extend her time to
stay longer, carefully placing
each punctuation point as it
should be and using capitals
where they indicated,
ended with a P. S Mama
please take all mistakes for hugs j
and And then we
thought how much better t
would be if we all would look
upon all honest mistakes with a
great degree of love and f
K while ago we m re at a
place and chanced to be in a ;
i . . JOSEPH F. W. Jet-
store. The proprietor was in his
busy at desk. In the i
store there was a man. yes, a roar at a
gentleman to have bf-n tot ,.
some silvery threads among his pan with catarrh, bad
steeping the floor. A
traveling man chanced to step in
while he was sweeping, said he
as he passed the man that was
the old
and walked on to the desk where
the proprietor was. After a
I n-ad of your wonderful
After two of
isl can it
until I used your remedy,
, c.
hearty hand shake, and a wry
pleasant he
to sell bis goods. Soon tie
merchant called to man that in my st an
was sweeping and if we and rat
need this or that, the
man soon found that a can
from the man that was sweeping
would check the merchant to,
buying his articles. when
the traveling man went to have your a
the store he shook the hand of Almanac for W.
the man that was sweeping as
heartily as he did at of the love the farm and train them to
Honest labor never till the soil,
a man. and courtesy is Our people were sorry indeed
In Your Homes to Stay I out of place, that Prof. too
lit be bestowed upon an employee well to be us on Sunday.
I in the presence of employer. Hope he is much bettor ere
Li lime t for and all nave eating for desert; Bet take a much needed r. st,
for the past week, peach
Sold by Greenville. this year's peaches, ripe. Jacob c
and manufactured by and delicious I want to say to tassels last week, first we have
somewhat uncouth fellow say to
his best girl as went lo an
ice cream counter and he bought
N. C.
Mr. J. H. was painful-
hurt Saturday but is
not laid up from his injury.
While driving along the street
his bone shied and run the bug-
against a The collision
threw Mr. out, and in
striking his body the
buggy wheel two of his ribs were
the King at
.,, . r the pat kept th
a saucer, with Z
chunking the cake in with one ,,,., a hies lag our
hand aid the cram with the, tat. Paul
other. He looked up at 1.13 girl
said, mighty
Sail, better git you Now,
these were raised
the pies cooked by a maiden lady, p. Linney that one of
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 6,421.89
Deposits sub. to check 60,186.20
f 25,000.00
Total 1120,650.11
Savings Deposits
Cashier's checks
I. J. B. Smith. of the abort named bank, do
is to th. tort of my C,
Subscribed and sworn to
before rat, this 4th day April,
Notary Public.
swear that
. Cashier.
Dr. St. Clare will preach a
special sermon to
Tuesday night at the Christian
Japan peas, millet and rape
seed, ail tine crops for stock, at
J. R. Smith
Walter Browning and sister,
and Miss or
visiting the
of Mrs. Sarah
W. S. Leggett and wife, of
spent Sunday with Mr.
Smith Co. it Dixon will buy
your cotton seed or exchange
meal with you.
Mrs. D. U. after spend-
several with relatives
at Hertford, returned home Sat-
See our line of gents, ladies
,, , . u a .,. selection R.
A Woman's Idea.
how to make herself But
without health it for her t ho
lovely in the face, form or A
weak, woman will be
and and y
in pimples, skin .
and a wretched comp problem of life.
But . ., w q
to women who want health,
beauty and Trey regulate
and if you want to know her
name address box Han-
N. C. and I will give it.
But none need except such
as can produce the very bes
references, or can prove by their
very act that they are worthy
and well qualified to cope with
the best remedies he
tried for killing dogs
lay a piece of cheese by the car-
of a that been kill-
ed by and he says that when
the hungry curs return for a sec-
and find f h and
cheese both awaiting him that
he is j y
I stave me is n . ,
I A tenant of W. death in a few minutes.
We wish to call tow attention to our new line of fall goods which
w. now have. We have token great car. to Tear and we
think we can Tr wants Shoes, No-
and fart that i. carried a
Dry Good.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to you wits
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very price,. Cask or
t ill us aid we will convince you
w of and
M . C IN t . lo wit-
making your
Smith Co.
Long, of Greenville,
here Monday.
Hues of spring pants
for men and boys at J. K.
Mrs. Gardner is visiting
in country.
cotton open
spring cultivators at
J, K Smith Co.
liver and kidney a, y the
blood; , eye ,
pure velvety
lovely food health, m
th m. c at all drug-gUts.
Most people have been
pointed comet did
not have a very long flourishing
tail. It turns out, however, that
it was not that kind of a comet.
Comets, so far as toils are con-
are probably of three
hinds. comets, possum
and rabbit comets, and
the beat way we can the
tails of these several comets is
by quoting from Vest
celebrated banjo song,
on the
race ion has a tail,
tail i-m barf,
De rabbit have no t ii at
A little of heir.
quit his crop week.
evidence that the tenant sys-
has become very
Better learn our to
Chicken Powder
it to Hawks-Life to
Chickens and Tartars
if m m
He has tried this remedy on four
within the past few day, and
in each instance worked
like a It may be that ha
does a little on
and if he doe,
blames Demo-
I take He Nair's
Chicken Powder
and feed my
on with it too.
Look at me and
the Hawk.
a chick of that
old Master, h
been fed on
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North
Kills Crows, and Minke.
Best remedy for Cholera, Gaps,
Limber Neck. and Leg
Weakness. free
Vermin, thereby them to pro-
duce an a of eggs. Price
and to cents.
Manufactured by
W. H H. C.
s sun
Pi talk,.
a, I
I a MA talk, la G.
. a

pi. m ran am
i. LOBs.
West May 1910.
The boy me in midst of final
at least those who
to get x- d by r
grade of r Each day
wt tie being of or
mote. who Lie m re to
g. t h, n e than M the cm
we ex. which be-
gin th; and i rd
Tuesday Mat.
Th it or
hi. the of the
baseball end track season. We
re of the State in
by an easy and
taKe of us a
to claim that of the South.
track team
son, Wake
lost no
clone struck the collie
d. upwards of a
ft- athletic
m.-i , the roof U e
partly torn off rt-
in damage to I
rain. Many of
not a
few of the trees Hart
uprooted five
the large windows in
were broken cut. resulting ,
slight damage to library
below. damage
done at the power
ON j
a. ankle the lea
to ground.
be despair
aid. with grim
don't mind
pain. We'll
atop, my
till we get word to
At a wagon
c r OS a I D the.
paused to rest,
having covered
two miles. Her lit-
cry or Joy
caused h'm to
from the
ten ankle, which
be was
with dubious con-
th cried King.
If be only ,
Palsied, uncertain arm
Carolina, i .
Hat County
g. Johnston and Add. M.
Moore, clerk, on of
h in of loin i
th high-
Loan and
All other Stocks, Bonds
trot she hurled lb. bomb, her hands cub Stock. Bone
b. by a. r fiB ,
H u. tare
years about metals have been
discovered. Most of them, it is
nave been looked upon by
the word and
An ox cart
from the west
i they
r . -W to the dusty
l. . I L
of I, . i. ,
bank of Tar demand loans
P the
lot acres
C, 127.82
paid in
less car.
and hum pd.
or and being UM same .
A. h-------. , I. Ma. U Little, of the bub . .
g two
be referred
gifted with
to by some writer
i vivid
tail to mind their
w i-a, page This i, and sworn I,
poor rarity
of Land.
J. G.
I worth your while.
yon carry us .
Bean would be of use to mankind
I. l J . .
and never as
The promotions and
1910 were recently published
as follows;
mi . j.
d. Brown, first
J. L. Martin, first
and quartermaster;
W. sergeant major; H.
Tice, color sergeant.
And-. W.
j. ft. Bryan, first C.
sergeant. H. P.
N. Dubose
B F.
Sean.; Woe la. corporal; c.
Davit, p t,
W- l
Lieutenants-P. N.
Place w. can
Won over
on shelves, -it of sight.
I and the u .,., e of gallium, aluminum,
i a and tungsten, and
I of in the mils. , Pound of these rarities.
j the electric
one the rare c
been introduced to -he
Br- ; j
sell cash f r,.
court door In Vt noon
owing piece or p. f
and situate in the of I
t a re. ;
This May 24th. 1910.
J B. C
quit so grand as
i fairer.
beloved by every one. She Is
the form of pure met-
ma., faced but i and the
Hie mention of the name, a
his eves.
count be
w no
Are j. ii of
yon net of ray
all cried
aim . am. and why we
-et to
live the farmer, over-
coma by was
oxen with and
tore down the
road to an bravely
in i;,.,,. At
bey learned operator bad
be m unable t. call
In city gate In
far up the narrow mail
It ,,,.,, ,
the were ,., b,
ore, taking j
their places in the sphere of
The little dust-,
covered vials are looming up.
and keen, hard headed
are studying them with a view
to their and the best
m as to their utilization.
J Gordon in the June
. V.
And Provisions
Cotton and
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
. in
Pit. towing or com.
M. F. Wyatt, William
J. p. wow open.
Second D.
T. C. Barber, C. E I
Z f he
h E., f la
. i T
gales If they hid themselves In bed
of the cart, underneath the thick can
rat covering. The lifted
cloth, and they crawled down
the melons.
the cried the anxious
shouted the farmer.
streets roped off.
crowds arc too
fa- I
r-u ii B. tho
R. W. Howell, A. W. . the driver a
Taylor, C. Horn, H. P. Whitted hail
E- L. Sherlock A H n
as as. Bond, through an alley the
First Sergeants- W. M
ton, P. B. in
Sherwood, J.
S. b. Howard, J. C
A-U Faulkner. T.
in town of Greenville
on Pitt tat -s
S. w
about two feet to a
feet to the natty Williams
D. W. Harden
North Carolina
Save on
Get a
MM end h every . You
. .
Brown, W. y crowded few
M. C. E
a b. I s
s c I
n C- S. An- beard glad voice, en;
g. L. W. L out coming.
Bloomer, E. D. W i-, .
J. B. Coward. P. D.
a D. I. j
E. B. Hunter. E J M.
W. B. Marsh, R.
W. T. Nixon, W. H
Parker, H. A. Quicker. J.
E- Latham. J
J. Phillips.
Application will be made to the
board of commissioners for Pitt
county on the first in
July, 1910. to change the s
between and Carolina
bUng hand to a spot
At corner
He had caught of Olga
Th first row of dragoons
Ha looked like on.
Colonel this
terrified girl at bis King
dragging her along b, the hand.
alone Om .
By of the of w,
in book I
Tobacco Hues
Norfolk and Baltimore
C FL I- write.
hi or. court
------id in of Greenville
on the by lot No.
f Um-n-, This
-tat is not only prompt
to Dr. W. J.
mU tot SO
to th. town of
the water
of town la located
th and other
of cash.
16th day of April, 1910
James L.
J. Cobb,
L. H. Pender
N. C.
With in
flues, can please
Plumbing and Tinning
Sold by all druggist.
Our Greenville, yours if
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in main sec
of the town. Five chair,
in operation and each one
over by a skilled barber
place it Inviting,
Our towels clean
Modern electrical machine
dry and Lr
dies waited on at their homer
Cur Greenville, if you
and Chocolate. Fresh at
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work. m
Wort, and i i
mm i J. J. JENKINS.
a. C
For Slate
Ban ea fit. Ban Sap
Pulley wen
of Greenville N C.
Was Wisely
Instead of a fleeting holiday in
a crowded why
not use fund to
establish an
home in the country
disaster had so crippled our re-
sources that one hundred dollar
was all we considered it safe to
risk, and that was absorbed by
moving expenses, a kitchen stove
and a few necessary toed; so
can say that I commenced
without capital or experience,
yet the place was entirely self
within two years, says
Kate V. Saint in The De-
for June. My first
chase was nine old hens and
garden seeds, so we had
vegetables. There were
rhubarb and all sorts of fruit on
the farm, so each week living
coat a little less, and I was able
to buy more poultry. Late in
the fall sale of winter
and young chickens we had
made a cow possible.
farm we found was only
twenty five miles from the city
and a little more than two miles
from tho railroad station.
house was a long, low, old-time
homestead, with lots of out-
buildings. The Master Man's
n ticket cost six
pr month. Of course we had
no horse at first, but our nearest
neighbor drove to the station
night and morning and agreed
to take a passenger for five
a month, which brought the
city trip up to eleven dollars a
month, but as the farm cost only
fifteen dollars, the outlay still
came well within the amount we
had been paying for a city flit.
Therefore, the luxury of a whole
house, plenty and,
healthful, environment
was true economy.
secret of success for city
people is to commence country
home-building with inexpensive
things which give quick returns.
like poultry and vegetables. A
cow also brings immediate re-1
turn, for she provides milk,
cream and butter for the table-
usually several pounds more of
the latter than any ordinary
y can use, so there is
to sell.
Follow advice.
Quaker Oats ii the best of all foods;
t. also cheapest. When, such
men as Prof, Fisher of Yale
and Sir James Crichton Browne,
of London spend the
best part, of their lives in studying
the great question of the nourishing
and strengthening qualities different
foods, it is certain that their advice ii
absolutely safe to follow.
Fisher found in his ex-
for testing the strength and
endurance of athletes that th. meat
eaters were exhausted long before the
men who were fed on such food as
Quaker Oats. The power, of
of the non-meat eater, were
about eight times those of meat
Sir James Crichton Browne says-
eat more oatmeal, eat plenty of it and
eat it frequently. j.
Packed in regular size packages, and
hermetically sealed tins hold
Will Beg a
The first annual commence-
of Higgs Industrial
at Parmele will begin the
29th at o'clock. Baccalaureate
s by Rev. M. M. But-
the h, by Rev J.
T. Gaskill, Tues-
day livening the 31st, address by
Prof. C. E. Askew, of Washing-
ton; Wednesday, June 1st, t
comm address by Prof.
R. J. of Wed-
evening at o'clock, en-
by J. of
Norfolk, for the benefit of the
school. The public cordially in-
President Chance began the
first Inst October under
adverse circumstances. His
has been remarkable, and
he hat the confidence of lead-
ins citizens of the State. There
can be no question that he is
following right lines for the
betterment his people, and the
institution will have a broad field
of usefulness.
If you are nit after using
according to direction, of
a b Chamberlain. Stomach and
Liver Tab eta. you en have money
back. The cleanse and
orate the improve the
regulate the bowels. Give
a trial and get Sold by all drug-
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sod
on a guarantee that if not sat-
after using two-thirds of a bot-
according to directions, your mo.
will be refunded. It i. up to you to
to try. Sold by all
A business recently
sales, or only
and, of course, there were as
many shades of opinion given
in answer as there were writers
participating in the symposium.
The fact is that good advertising
in mediums, for reason-
ably-priced articles of general
consumption, makes both sales
publicity a rule makes more
than enough immediate sales to
pay for itself, and the
are to much
The half-convinced readers of
today's advertisement are per-
by the presentation of
the proposition in a new light
tomorrow. The extra profit to
be derived from the
is lost by spasmodic
N. O, May
Sic transit, in one and night
we might say. we have passed
from general sunshine to floods
of rain, and still the rains descend
in What looked so
promising now looks
drooped and sick. Thus he w
quick we can pass rejoicing
to faces that do not beam to
But amidst the storms
and behind each cloud there is a
silver lining.
We started cut to say that
these flooding rains should teach
our farmers a lesson of drainage
and not to build their n
coo much upon the sands and to
withhold part of their fertilizers
that they throw down
in the to feed it
to their hungering crops as they
need it.
Amidst the roar of thunder,
the of lightning and the
down pour of rain, the birds are
still singing sweetly and we look
up and are hopeful.
Mm th. r w
MT. kept K.
. . It U
are aid Our Is r-
. as
la to
Mis, . .
U of
Sold by
tor n by If I.
sat Imp it.
Saws Pr. food C. U Soy, t
Notice to Creditors.
Having- day qualified a.
or th. estate of King,
this to notify all holding
estate to file said
with me on or before 12th
day of April, 1911, or notice will
be pleaded in bar of recovery said
all Indebted to
estate are hereby notified to
settlement with the under-
This t
the day of April, 1910.
D. R. Little, Ad
of the estate of King.
my little girl. I can't
lend your mother any flour, or
oil, or butter, or or
lamps, or potatoes, or anything
else that the tent you over for;
but go back and tell her I have a
lot of trouble can borrow
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will up th. s, bin-
tick headache, prevent despondency
and system. SM
by all druggists.
If a Bey Minded AN That He'd
Never Have a Bit of Fan.
Parents and
folks a funny lot,
any way you take says
Eugene Wood in The
for June. Do you know why
they made a f ii out your
readmit, a moral and instructive
work like, Skull Hunter of
the Sierras Well, I can tell
you. They saw that you were
having a time. They couldn't
stand that. Oh, that cut them
to the They had a heap
tight rather you gaped through
Life of the Rev James B.
Emery, D. a very
volume, need scarcely say. Just
the minute they saw you enjoy-
yourself pouring coal-oil on
the cat and setting afire,
they'd make you quit it. They
wouldn't let you do a thing that
there was any fun in.
Mind them, and you'd go right
straight to school and come right
straight hack again, like a gal-
slave scourged to bis dungeon.
Mind them, and if there was a
boy that out bis tongue
at you and
girl boy I kin lie you with
one hand tied behind me.
I'll tell my ma
on you yon
would not let on you heard him.
Paste him one on the lot No.
no, Naughty.
Mind them, and you would be
a in school and be
in every, deportment and
all, just like a girl. Mind them,
and you would go right at your
chores without having to be told
more than times;
you'd wait at meal-times till you
were served, like as if you were a
sick person and had no appetite,
and, after supper you'd com-
on y home- work before
the last bite was swallowed, and
not ask pa and ma questions be-
cause they're tired after a hard
day's rest, and it's better for you
anyhow to work, it all out by
your; elf. And when you had
done every example, and learned
what the principal products of
Paraguay are, and committed to
memory that priceless gem to
the effect that a noun is the
name of a person, place or
you would kiss everybody
good night like a dear child, and
go to bed so to be up bright
and early in the morning.
There's no pleasing them.
They'll jaw at Why can't
you play quietly Good land
you make noise enough t wake
the Take them at their
word, and devil-
are you up to now Some
mischief, or you wouldn't be so
still about Suspicious
M in There's no pleasing them,
I You'd think they
were the whole show to hear
them talk, and just because they
feed and clothe you all that,
they've got a right to boss you.
N. C, May 24.-B.
B. Satterthwaite attended I he-
commencement last week at
The baseball game between
broken up by the rain Saturday.
Satterthwaite cam.
home evening from
where she has been
W. S Williams is on tick
list again.
W. B. Ward went to the com-
at d Ford Friday
night He reported that it was
the best the school ever bad.
There was a good attendance
at Sunday school Sunday after-
noon. The hour has been changed
to four o'clock. Would line to
see more next Sunday.
The f are uneasy about
their crops on account of rain.
Len Perkins, section master
on East Carolina railroad, is in
town visiting friends. Always
glad to see our back
Misses Pattie and
Davenport spent Tuesday at
Officeholder To
Durham, N. C, dispatch May
having served in
office for year,
John laws, of Orange county, at
the age of is in field as a
candidate for re-election re-
of deeds, lie is declared
to be the oldest in
point of service in the United
States, and during his long
term has weathered many
cal upheavals. It is not doubted
that he will come out victorious
at this, his latest battle at
claim to distinction
not alone with his political
success. His ex
have given him fame
as well, At the age of he
took to himself a young wife and
only became proud
father of the third child by this
cured saved the lire
of my are the y u
hear shout
Colic. Cholera and Re
This the world over where
valuable r. hi. been introduced.
r medicine in use- for ea
or bowel complaint, has receive I h
general oval. The seer, t of the
as of v. ham her I a Colic, Cholera
i Remedy is it
Sold by ail druggist.
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
j AT N.
At the dote of business, March 1910.
Loan, and
ace. and
and Fixture
Due from
Silver coin, including all
minor coin currency
National k rotes
r U. S.
. -28
profit., et. a d lax- s raid . Time of Sub. to Ft
I, W. H Cashier of the bank, do sol.
swear that above true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. W. Cashier.
bed and sworn to he-
this 5th day of Apr .
Notary Public.
S M Jones.
M. O
Whit a Heap of Happiness it Would Ii Have It P ad hi T
Bring to Greenville Hows t d.
Hard t do work with an aching l-t a
tr owe
you hours of mis r, it d I to ha
or t work. treatment four we. ks. bu did
If women knew Hut bat r I I
Backache e mo from sick kid- ofT The day flee b.-r, 1908,
nave much
Many residents this m
M a L. Cameron, Pay
N C.
I from Do
Pill justifies me in r. g
them. A dull, g
I by twinges through, belching of gas.
loins me fur a long etc . in
box of I them
that a ext day and
one of pain i
the 2nd of D tan took
e Keel ell row. and all
Mrs. M E Maxwell, R. F. D.
No. ea N. Y
is the beat
for written.
It relieves aft. r din r Mistress,
I had but little en t. y r ambition and
caused a
kid Having D Kid-
I to me. I pro-
a box. After taking I he content.,
the in my back and d
h the s
For by all dealers. P ice M
cents Co , Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for th
Remember tho
take no other.
A Pressing Obligation.
writer in k,
it is m.-anti ii perm-i cure
in or chronic, or any
of the stomach r money back.
Mi o tablets by
everywhere at CO cents a Urge
daily newspaper leads by gradual North
, , , P
and stages to
Dr. Hyatt Coating.
Dr. H Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha June
6th and 7th, Monday and Tues-
day, for the purpose of treating
disease of the eye and fitting
Too Soon for Tear
The impression stems to have
gotten abroad that this is the
year when the 17-year locust is
due to pay Baltimore, Maryland
and adjacent territory a visit.
Dr. Philip R. Provost
of the Peabody Institute, was
asked if this was so.
he replied.
He referred his interviewer
to a special report on the locust
prepared by the United States
government According to that
report the 17-year locust is due
in 1919,
Locusts of leaser importance
there may be this year, but not
the 17-year
New North
The Chattanooga Tradesman
reports the following new
tries established in North Caro-
for the week ending
candy com-
land company.
hosiery mill
Stanley-150,000 ice and cold
storage plant
Way lie- lumber
Stray Takes Up.
I have taken up one male hog,
white and black spotted, weight
about pounds, marked one
split in right ear. Owner can
get same by proving ownership
and paying charges.
G. WT Edmondson,
w Bethel. N. C.
Not Quite II
How often you can a
thing dot a T
nail or screw driver or an-
lacking. a good
tool box b p
la a yon and
will that vow tool
box dots not lack a
Of Course
You get
Horse Goods
A Comet Egg.
Greenville comes forward with
a comet too. Mr. Ward,
agent of th
Line, brought one to The R
tor Thursday evening that is
very much out of th ordinary.
This is a soft shell and ha-, a
tail inches
putting off a debt that you own the hen that laid it had been
to business. Every day on a look at the
the interest mounts. Ev. day, and for want of a butter name it
because of added competition, will have to be cal ed a c
the debt becomes to
Many non advertisers The Charlotte can
no doubt postpone the take notice that c
of this obligation they P with Its Morganton egg.
do not how easy it is to
discharge it in install-
The little in
In Superior Court
Dixon vs J. A. Gardner
half-page and the By virtue of a decree of the Superior
spread, paying its it wait Ht. in
,. , . . forgoing ed at the April
grows. The big advertisers of of t. Pit Sap
today sang small at the begin court, undesigned
. . appointed by ho court in said cause,
The they on t of Jun, at
achieved is open to merchants of j .
to the i rust I r for the
following d scribed tr or pare. U
of land to
Lying and in the
county of Pitt . d of
Swift Creek Township, be-
ginning at a stake in the CI y Root
road and running s. w.
I to a stake, thence t. e. poles to
j a then I, w. to the
road, thin e and with the
creek road to Roads,
thence down the Clay Root road to
the beginning, containing acres
more or less.
Also one other tract in said
and slate beginning at
co. d r and runs e.
w. to the creek road, n down
road to th; old Flat Bra
ditch, thence with the various
of said ditch to Isaac 3rd
corner, then n. w. pole, to
the beginning, containing seres
more or lets.
also one other parcel of in
township, c slate, be-
at the big ditch bridge on tho
Root read and ring down
road to J. Dixon C
n with
very moderate capital back
up brains and energy with
advertising in the leading
Bern Sun.
In Superior Court.
North Carolina,
Pitt County.
P. S.
J. A.
By of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county made in the fore-
going at the April term of Pitt
county Superior court 1910, the under-
commissioner appointed the
c will 6th day of Jun,
1910, at o'clock, noon, to
public sale before the court h- me door
in Greenville to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described tract
or parcel of land
Lying and in county of Pitt
sate of North Carolina and de-
scribed as follows to on
the south by M. O. Gardner, on the
it by J. A. Gardner, on the north .
by J. A. and M. O. Gardner, on the line, then a southerly
West by J. A and M. O. V, miner, con-
acres more s.
Thia the 7th day of May 1910.
F. C.
said line to an ditch,
thence upend sad ditch to the
big ditch, thence up and with raid
ditch to the beginning, containing
Commissioner, acre, more or
I Also one other parcel of land in said
township, county and state, g
at the inters- of the
Notice to i bridge road and the road
I and running with the
Having duly qualified before the Greenville road to the Laura A. Causey
tenor court of Pitt county a. land, thence to M. O.
executrix of the will and line, with
of H. W. Martin, M line to the Gardner
notice is hereby given to all persons road thence with
indebted to tho estate to make bridge road to
payment to the undersigned; containing acres more or
all haying against said g land upon which the
J. P-
. stale are notified to present the lime
to undersigned on or before the
h day of May, 1911. or this notice
will be pi ad in bar of rec very.
11th of May, 1810.
Alice V. Martin. Executrix
of Martin.
Subscribe for The Reflector
mill, and of J. A.
Gardner in located
Also one engine and boiler, saw-
mill and grist-mill, being engine,
boiler, saw-mill st-mill which
is now located on . six
acres above aid
the J. A. Gardner m
Thia the 7th day of M.,, 1.10.
F. C. Harding,

In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
I Authored Agent of The Eastern Reflector and Rites on Application
The Pitt School i We have needles, bobbing
manufactured by The A. G. Cox shuttles, for any sewing machine
Manufacturing Company are in the country. Also needle
cheat.; comfortable, neat and threaders, the very thing
affected -es
Harrington, Barber
We have put in an assortment
of patterns for all styles.
durable. era liberal.
When in the market to see
us, we have the desk for you.
Eugene Cannon went out to
his borne new Bonn
We are carrying a nice line of
and Caskets. Prices are
nice hearse
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
C. T and F. A
s a to yesterday.
Fir spring goods,
laces tee us-
N.-w lot just in.
Misses Norms
Evelyn went to Greenville
For nice fresh full see R. D
on Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
M; j Vivian left
for her home at
For cold drinks of ail kinds
at H. L. Johnson's fountain.
Miss Lee Nichols, of Ayden,
was in town yesterday visiting
Miss Hattie Kit
Just received, a nice lot of
ladies shoes.
Harrington, Barber Co
Cox came m from
where ant
attended the exercises
of Meredith college.
is the hind
you need. See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
Miss Bertha Carroll came in
from Tuesday where she
has been attending college-
We call your attention to our
new line of groceries.
R. W.
E. F. Tucker and family went
to Walstonburg yesterday.
For nice fresh corned herrings
see A. W. Ange iv. Co. Winter-
N. C.
a number of our
attended the closing
the F. a. at Ayden.
Straw hats are going fast, buy
one, don't be W, Ange
Mrs. Mollie Bryan went
to Greenville today.
Leave your orders for ice at H.
L. Johnson's. Will be delivered
any e in town.
Miss Olive Butt and
Cox, accompanied by Miss Louise
came in from
Salem Tuesday.
Matting and oil cloth, the
floor, buy some, cover it over.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Miss Crawford returned
yesterday from Ayden
by Miss Stella
who will spend a few days with
Before buying, see my line of
post cards, H. L. Johnson.
Mrs. Melissa Vincent returned
from Ayden yesterday.
Field peas and peanuts for
sale by A. W. Ange Co., Win-
N. C.
Miss Annie of
was in town yesterday.
To reduce our stock before in-
we will offer for a
limited time, cheap, for
gingham calico,
worsted dress goods, to
suiting, percales, to
motor waist
goods, lawn, mohair
wool effects.
to table peaches. pie
peaches, shirts.
shirts, shirts,
shirts, Call and see what
we offer. A. W. Ange Co.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are rendering good service
in the undertaking business.
Coffins and caskets cheap with
excellent hearse service.
Let us frame that for
yon. Any frame.
A. W. Ange Co.
Barber Co.
How is your soul Let
us show you our new lot of
shoes. Barter Co
A nice six key soda fountain
for sale. R.
We have purchased the
as the
Milling and Mfg. and will
be ready very soon to grind corn,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A, W. Ange Co.
Fresh corn herrings at
Barber Co.
We are now in to do
grinding every day general
repair work promptly.
Harrington Barber Co.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. has sold this season ever
cotton planters and
guano sewers which would
ally indicate a large cotton crop
this year.
New lot of dry goods and no-
just in. Better while
they cheap.
A. W.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Beef, sausage and fish, going
cheap. R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street.
You will never regret when
you purchase a
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man
Co., Winterville.
N. C-
Miss Hattie left
day for Greenville to attend the
summer school at E. C. T. T. S.
M. B. Bryan went to Norfolk
B. P. Manning and F. A. Ed-
went to Norfolk Men
day and returned
H. J. Miss Lessie
King went to Greenville
Miss Miriam after
spending Sunday and Monday at
home, returned to Greenville
W. J. Bullock, of Grifton,
spent Sunday with W. and J.
L. Rollins.
Tennis seems to be a popular
game with some of our young
Mrs. F. M. Crawford and Miss
went to Greenville today.
Misses Roland and Lena Cobb,
Mary and Beulah
Flanagan, of Farmville, came in
Saturday to visit Misses
and Cox left yes-
for the summer school at
Misses Cora and Car-
roll came in Saturday to visit
Misses Kate and La la Chapman.
Miss May Whitehead, of
Parmele, is visiting, Mies Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cox went
to Hanrahan yesterday to visit
N. C, May 31.-
Mrs. J. M. Hyman and children,
of Scotland Neck, came down
from Wilson last Tuesday even-
to visit her grandfather, f.
E. Little, and left for her home
Friday. Her mother-in-law,
Mrs. Celie Ann Hyman,
Mrs. Wyatt Eason and child-
of were visit-
her sister, Mrs. Mills Smith,
Our section was well represent
ed at the Union meeting at
Saturday and Sunday.
It ma y be overwork, be
the ore Ha from In-
With a well conducted LIVER
one can So mountain of labor
without fatigue.
It odds a hundred par to
earning; capacity.
Horn be kept In healthful action
by, only by
Do You Own a Piano
If not, you expect to own
soon, you owe it to ex-
the display
i shown at the White
I A display really
to a large city.
Io a glance you will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of tot t, y and
general in a class to
itself, but I m with prices
that stand here and
incomparable am where. Eight
different makes tr select from, none
of those cheap western department
tore stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos of known
We will take your piano ha
exchange for one of ti self play-
era. We alto carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and planes taken in ex-
change, terms to s your
When in visit out
New Chamber Commerce
The directors of the chamber
of commerce of Greenville met
in the office of Dr. D. L. James,
Tuesday night, for the purpose
of acting on the resignation of
Elders Walters and Pittman. of Mr F M Wooten as president
Ayden, are holding a protracted
meeting in the Free Will Baptist
church, at Arthur this week,
and it will continue through
Sunday. We hope that great
good will be done.
We thought the comet would
soon be a thing of the past when
it got in the west but it seems to
to net higher every night and is
more visible now than it was
last week.
Today is my seventy second
birthday. Wonder who will make
me a birthday present.
am requested to announce
that Rev. W. F. Waters, of
Ayden, will preach the funeral
of Mrs. J. B. Rouse Sunday
morning at o'clock.
The resignation was and
accepted, and Mr. H. A. White
was elected
dent of the organization. No
secretary was elected at this
time, tut a subsequent meeting
will be held at an early date for
that purpose. It is also the
pose to arouse more interest in
the chamber and have meetings
oftener than during the past
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware Co. store.
Marriage License.
Register of W. M. Moore
hats issued the following licenses
since last report.
Oscar H. Peele and Katie
Allen J. Cox and Cornelia Es-
Eli Savage. Jr. and Jennie
Randolph and Ellie
Barnhill and Pauline
Kings Cross Roads, May
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith and
children spent last Saturday
night and Sunday with Mrs
Ed Carraway near Fountain.
Little Ethel Reid Parker,
of Falkland, spent last week
with her grand-parents, Mr.
Mrs. W. C. Moore.
Little Miss Nannie Lee
Matthews is visiting her aunt,
Miss Ora Matthews, this week
The people of this community
are taking great interest in the
choir practice at Cross Roads.
We had a little crowd at the
last meeting and hope to have
more next time.
Last Wednesday morning at
four o'clock Mrs. Matthews was
called away. She had been a
sufferer for about twelve months
with heart dropsy.
Mrs. Matthews was years
of age. She leaves seven
to mourn her death. She
had been a member of the
Baptist church for several
years. Those who knew her
best loved her most
New Telephone Directory Oat.
We are now delivering our
new telephone directory, and we
earnestly ask that all users of the
telephone will call by number
instead of name, as it very greatly
expedites the service. It is not
for our own good, but the sub-
that we ask this Owing
to our rapid growth it is
hie for the operator to
all the numbers and have to
look up. thereby greatly
reducing the efficiency of the
service. In calling by number
always call the figures singly, a
call, or a-
280-L. call,
-L. Try this and you will like it
Home Telephone Telegraph Co.
Woodland. N. C. May 31.-
Several our people attended
the at Ayden last
Mrs. Thomas Abrams. who
has been spending sometime with
her daughter. Mrs. A, W. Bar-
went to Greenville Saturday
to spend a while here.
Mrs. L. G. spent a
part of last week with her sister,
Mrs. Ferny Smith, near Grifton.
Mrs. Puss Barber, of Green-
ville, is spending the week with
her son, A. W. Barber.
Miss is spend-
sometime with Miss Hope
We are having some fine
weather this week for plow boys
like myself.
So far Mr. D. D. Haskett has
shown the potatoes this-T
Marvelous Discoveries
mark the progress of
age. Air on heavy
without war
inventions to kill men, and won-
of wonders Dr. King's New Dis-
Ufa When threaten
by coughs, colds, la grippe,
croup, hemorrhage, hay
fever and cough or lung-
For all bronchial affections it has
no It relieves instantly. It's
ears. James M. Black of
N. C . R. R. No. a
it eared Mas at an oust ins cough aX-
A Pig Tail.
A new use has been found for
the phonograph. A certain
of Spray bought a pig a
farmer near and
went to his get on Sun-
day, and upon, the arrival at the
home of the aforesaid farmer, it
was found that he was entertain-
the preacher that day. and
was afraid to deliver the pig. on
account of the minister being
present, but here is where the
phonograph came to the
While the preacher listened to
the strains of good old religious
hymns, the farmer delivered the
pig according to previous tn
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it.
and left, me
clans but ant
sot bad I
em away
I killed pent-
no relief,
had I
la a
t much better, and I
to Improve cared. I
am la and never
an opportunity
sells Dr. New.
end e him return
first kettle N It
at n. o.
At the close of business March 29th, 1910.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nat bank and other U. S.
Capital stock
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd 4,086.89
Time of deposits 16,841.81
ts sub. to check 67,880.01
Cashier's 1,104.86-
Total 1104,918.07
I, J R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. j. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 4th day of April. 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
W. J.
R. L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
now with them and you will be
K Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street,
N. C
WHEN Metal Shingles were first introduced years
you hid some excuse for bring
But now
I ll you do not know the
acts in the case.
Atlantic to the Pacific for all kinds
of buildings, under all conditions.
leak and as long as the
building itself without needing
For further detailed information apply to
YORK COBB, Agents.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to notion.
One Dollar Per
Session Set
Asked Meet ea in
Mailer of Beads.
The General Assembly of
North Carolina is culled to meet
in extra session on Tuesday.
June at o'clock. The
proclamation for it was signed at
yesterday afternoon by Gov
The extra session is called by
the Governor by the advice of
the Council of State, and is for
the of taking action in
the emergency which has arisen
because of the failure to sell the
entire issue of the to
refund the issue of of
1880, which fall due on the first
day of July.
funding bonds bear an in
rate of four per cent and
of the entire issue there has only
been subscribed
yet not subscribed
and it is to provide for this
amount that the extra session is
called. The expectation is that
by increasing the rate to five
per cent that the entire issue
will be absorbed.
There is one chance against an
extra session being held, and
that chance depends upon the
bankers and capitalists of the
State. Governor Kitchin has
written personally to every bank
in North Carolina asking that it
have representatives here at a
conference on June eighth, the
purpose of this being to see if the
remainder of the issue of refund-
bonds cannot be placed. If
there is action taken at the meet-
to take up the
this will obviate the need for the
extra and while
no official statement out. it
is understood that the en
tire issue taken the call for the
extra session will be revoked.
Raleigh News and Observer.
To the the General
Assembly of North
By and with the advice of the
council of state, an extraordinary
occasion having arisen, t, W.
Kitchin. governor of the State of
North Carolina, in the exercise
of the power conferred on me by
the constitution of the State, do
issue this my con-
the general assembly in
extra session on Tuesday, the
14th day of June, 1910, at
o'clock a. m., and do hereby
notify and request senators
and members of the of
representatives of the general
assembly of North Carolina to
meet in their respective halls, in
th Capitol in the city Raleigh at
aid time, for the of
considering the emergency re-
from the inability of the
state treasurer to sell in accord-
with chapter public
laws 1909, entitled act to
authorize the issue of state
bonds to pay the stats bonds
which fall due on the first day
of July, sufficient bonds
to pay the present outstanding
bonds of the issue of 1880, which
mature on July 1.1910, and of
enacting legislation to enable
state treasurer to secure
funds to pay said last
mentioned bonds at their ma-
For information of the
of the General Assembly all
Suite are requested to
publish of this
witness whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
fl Early is
The first of the series of June
weddings which
pie are to see, took place in the
Memorial Methodist
church at o'clock this morning,
when Miss Mary James became
the bride of Mr. William T.
Lipscomb, Jr.
A few minutes before the
hour, wedding
march being beautifully
by Miss Helen Forbes, the ushers,
s. Charlie James. J Burt
James, Burney Warren and John
marched down
aisle. They were followed by
the two dames of honor, Mrs. C.
C. Skinner, of New York City,
and Mrs. Wilkinson, of Raleigh.
They wore white mull over
blue end pink carnations.
The two maids of honor, MUs
Charlotte of filming
ton and Miss Goodwin, of
Philadelphia, wore pink and car-
white carnations. The four
flower girl, Misses Ada James.
Nell White, Francis Whedbee,
and Ella Moseley Wilkinson, had
meanwhile marched in and
formed in front of the altar.
The bride came in on arm
of her father. Col. F. G. James;
the groom entered from the pas
tor's behind the altar, with
his best man. Mr. Alexander L.
Slow, Jr. The Reverend Mr.
Oliver, of Florence, South Caro-
performed the ceremony
assisted by the Reverend J. H.
Shore, of the Methodist church
The bride wore a tan
gown with hat
gloves to match. She carried a
large bouquet roses
and the valley.
Immediately after the
amid a shower of rice
from friends, who had assembled
at the depot, the couple left, on
the Atlantic Coast Line train for
Lake they will
spend their honeymoon.
The affair was a
morning church man-rage.
A very informal rec was
given Tuesday night at the h. me
of the bride's parents exclusive-
to out of town visitors,
of the bridal party,
relatives of the bride and groom
elect The bridal party repaired
to the residence after the
rehearsal at and late
supper served at The
bridal presents, of which there
was a lavish perfusion, were on
display in the drawing room.
The out of town guests present
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Skin-
of New York City Rev.
and Mrs. Oliver, of Florence. S.
C; Mrs. Wilkinson, of Raleigh;
Miss Charlotte Fennell, of
Miss Mary Goodwin, of
Philadelphia; and Mr. Frank
Skinner, of New York City
by the Night
Aldermen I
Five received tho A.
the five the Ph.
G. three the L. L. B., and four
teen M. D., a total of
students degrees.
honorary degree of L. L D. was
awarded to such distinguished
a Dr. K. P. Battle. Dr.
George Winston. President J.
I Foust the State Normal.
E. J. Hale, and Dr.
Thomas Hume. The Mangum,
orators were H. E. Stacy, J. H
L. C. and J. H.
Johnson of the senior class. The
principal commencement
was delivered by Dr. Charles
Foster Smith of the University
of Wisconsin who made an
able address upon in
Commencement lasted four
days, closing Tuesday. It was
ushered in Friday night by the
Y. M. C. A. reception, Saturday
was class day. The class day
exercises consisted in the class
president's address by A. H.
Wolfe, the history by K.
Nixon, the presentation of the
class gift by H. E. Stacy,
reading of the last will d
testament by Hoke and
the class prophecy by John W
Reeves The class exercises
Mack I Extract Address Mist
State. I
Hill M C June 1-1 At 8.00 p. m- the college The board of aldermen met in City. June
HUT, N. U WM regular monthly session, The Atlantic hotel the
The 115th commencement of the night, with all the members of Mr I.
University came to a g whose and had business to con-
did close last morning the session until midnight.
Miss said, in j. . Boyd was granted license
W. W. Kitchin presenter n , . you u not carry on an undertaking
diplomas in the name of the . , yet venture to hope ,,,.
The street committee reported
arts ad presents the high-. in to
bachelor, art., , the J
the world ever has and ever will I property,
admire. optimism the world. and Ba to the sand work
admires and this it is that
man to his highest j The finance
The man who is blessed to have the accounts
such a spirit in storm turns and tax
upward to the where checked up the
h L,,,.,. ,. a, The market
the remodeling of the market
j house had been completed and
I the building put in good sanitary
condition. Ordinances govern-
the market house were
be sun shines, and
though the long be t lick
with he scans the
in eager and not with
despair, for the first gleam o
the dawning light. is
true optimist, what his of
cheer has woo by stern fight-
ills of life.
spirit of true optimism his
wrought every great event in
the world's history and has been
the foundation which --very
great character has developed.
There is honor always for the
successful man and there is credit
to the one who tries and fails,
yet tries again. a min
does not step to enjoy
fruits of conquest, one
disaster overtakes does be
sit and wring his hands in
despair, but rather makes the
obstacles that oppose him step
The cemetery was
to pipes
to such portions of the cemetery
as deemed The special
committee to look into the matter
of procuring more ground for
the cemetery asked for further
The Committee to
storage room for supplies for
the water and light department
was given further time ti make
W. H. Allen was granted
license conducts
A voucher for was
may one attain to
-------1 high serenity, this calm
were held in the afternoon. and
seniors gathered under the rest-
shades of the old Davie
ping stones and over climbs in or of C. S. Forbes
to higher in full settlement of all damage
this tenacity and of a
his property by reason of
raising the street.
The street committee was in-
to take such steps as
The infant daughter or Mr. J.
E Fleming died Friday afternoon
at the home of its grandmother.
Mrs- F. M. Smith, in South
Greenville. The interment took
place today at the Fleming burial
ground in the country.
the Great Seal of the State to be
affixed. Done in the city of
Raleigh this the third day of
June, 1910.
Seal of
W. W. Kitchin,
By the Governor.
Alex. J. Fetid.
Private Secretary,
Poplar, smoked the pipe of
sang songs, and burned the
senior benches signalizing the
passing of the class of 1910 from
University life.
The Beta Kappa society
exercises were held in Gerhard
hall The University of North
Carolina is one the four
of the South that has a
chapter of honorary scholarship
society which was founded at
William and Mary in 1776. The
members of the junior class who
made the required mark on three
year's work for admission into
the were E. W.
ton, president; A. L. Field,
secretary; G. W. Thompson, W.
T. Joyner, G. C. Mann, W. A.
Dees, W. J. A.
H. M. and R. L. Deal.
Phi Beta Kappa address was
delivered by Dr. Wm. Lyon
Phelps of Yale and was one of
the most magnificent ever de-
livered in Gerrard hall.
At the inter society
Mr. Clarence Poe made a
did address on relation of
development of the average
to the growth of the State.
Mr- V. L. Stevenson spoke
for the alumni. J. A.
Highsmith and W. R. Edmonds
poke for the student body.
Sunday Dr. James Y. Fair and
Rev. Plato Durham preached
strong uplifting sermons.
Monday was alumni day and
reunions were held by the classes ,
of 1860, 1886, 1890, 1900,
conscience The answer is are found to protect
There is no royal road, only the the property of Dr.
oath of training, of plodding, of j the sidewalk in front of his home
hope, of endeavor, of la graded with the street.
fixed or optimism
is the faith that leads to achieve-
for nothing be done
without hope .
optimist moves along tor investigation,
progress and it, The board went into the
while pessimist would keep
stand still; the
A claim of R. S. May for dam-
age to properly on Dickinson
avenue because of street grading
was referred to Alderman Bowen
Subscribe to the Reflector.
the world at a
consequence, pessimism in the
of a family is the same as in
the life of an individual;
i m kills tho desire that urges
man to struggle against poverty,
ignorance and crime and dries
up all the fountains of joy in the
is sacred because it is
the arena in which character is
developed, the trials, the defeats,
the disappointments, the
the sorrows no leas than
joys, the satisfactions, the
pleasures and the triumphs are
merely the tools placed in our
hands to chisel out fine lines
of a deathless character.
let me Bay to you, if
you would develop the strongest
character, if the great
eat success you must be a true
optimist without fear and with-
out discouragement, with calm
hope and serene confidence, look
boldly, triumphantly optimistic-
ally to the future.
societies in the annual inter-
, society debate. Then came
which dosed the
1905. Mr. Parker of the
class of 1890, one of the foremost
lawyers of the New York bar,
made a good sound talk on the
North Carolina lawyer. The
club save a play in the
afternoon. At night G. W.
Thompson and C. L. Williams
of the Di and W. F- Taylor
and E. W- Turlington, of the
Phi did great credit to their
with the presentation to
each graduate a diploma and a
The annual communication of
Winterville Lodge No.
A. M. will be held 3rd Thunder,
June at SO
All members to be
present. Visiting Brethren
cordially Invited.
John Cheek.
B. W. Tucker. See.
an assistant police
candidates whose
been previously filed,
and W. P. was pieced,
his salary being month.
A claim of Violet
damage by a was referred
to the water and light committee
for investigation.
The clerk of the board v. as
granted leave of absence from
town for a week.
A petition from property own-
was presented asking that an
ordinance be adopted requiring
the laying of side-
walk on the south side of Fifth
street An ordinance
adopted in accordance with the
The water and light
was instructed to place a
light on Fourth street at the A.
C. L. crossing.
A committee consisting of Al-
Carr, Flanagan and
Higgs was appointed to look into
the matter of personal protection
at the crossings of the A.
C. L. railroad.
Accounts approved by the
finance committee were ordered
By unanimous vote the board
declined to accept the
of E, B, J as
of the third ward, and E. G.
Flanagan as alderman of the
fourth ward that was previously
G. James and , .
R. W. King were presented as was elected u.
trustee of the graded school to The board took a
All out the unexpired term of J. Tuesday night, 7th.
Morton. its
evening, June 4th.
hotel, fully equipped and
in every small ready
for this us occasion, at-
a larger crowd of visitors
than ever before.
improvements in the
hotel and on the grounds add
charm to the natural
of this seat r Con
Crete file platform
have recently been laid. The
grounds and flower gardens have
received very careful attention
and the blooming plants give
a touch of color.
One of the-most attractive
and convenient additions is the
building of a on the
left pier. will prove a
pleasure to boiling, surf, and
as drinks,
candies, and en be
chased here.
interior of the
been thoroughly
n v off every convenience to
us A roost
c of assistants has
gaged, and with the aid of
the man-
feels Rafe in assuring
N expense nor was
considered when the
ball room.
with its eight hundred
lights was transformed law a
Japanese At interval
below the balcony rail were
large red and white fa s,
from the high dome, in the
of the room the balcony
was EU.-pended garlands red
and while alternating.
On the main festoons of
red and reached from
With the begot if effect
was the e parasol
chandelier. From this parasol
many garlands of lantern were
strung. While at
dripping from the ceiling and
from many of lights wire
parasols and
No m-re or
decoration could have been
selected for this i cession- The
faint red not
only the dancers but the
tors, too.
A very beautiful was
led by Mr. W. A. Allen, of Kins-
ton, N. C. The dance begun at
nine o'clock and many attractive
novel were
Seventy-five couples formed a
line for the grand march. Tho
beautiful gowned women were
indeed fair representatives of
North Carolina society.
orchestra, of seven
pieces-, furnished most splendid
Immediately after the
the guests engaged in a sail for
a c tuple of hours. The music
from the orchestra and the
singing on board the boat made
a most fitting climax for the
opening day.
Mrs. Walter Grimes and son,
of Raleigh, have arrived for the
On the noted fisher-
man, Mr. W. L. Kennedy and
wife will arrive, Mr. and Mrs.
Kennedy spend each summer
here, and their private
the India, has been gotten in
for them.

Eastern reflector, 3 June 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 03, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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