Eastern reflector, 20 May 1910

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON .
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector And Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
The Pitt County School
manufactured by The A. G. Cox
Manufacturing Company are
cheap; comfortable, neat and
durable. Terms are liberal.
When in the market come to see
us, v. e have the desk for you.
Cannon went to
We are carrying a nice line of
Coffins end Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice hearse
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Prof. H. F. Brinson came in
We have just received a full
supply of furniture. Give us a
tail. A. W. Ange Co.
M B. Bryan went to Bethel
Fit nice fresh fish see R. D.
on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
W. went to Bethel
Wednesday and returned Thurs-
For cold drinks of all kinds call
at H. L Johnson's fountain.
Miss Miriam Johnson went to
Ayden yesterday.
Just received, a nice lot of
ladies shoes.
Harrington, Barber Co
Miss Evelyn Sutton went to
Grit ton yesterday.
If you want a good plow try
the at Harrington,
Kate and Chap-
man and Mrs. F. C. Nye went to
Greenville yesterday.
Spring and summer pants for
the birds. A. W. Ange Co-,
Winterville, N. C.
R. O. and F. D. Fox
hall, of were in town
For nice fresh corned herrings
see A. Ange Co. Winter-
ville, N. C.
W. C. Percival, our clever
salesman, was in town
Straw hats are going fast, buy
one, don't be W. Ange
Ralph House, of Aurora, is
pending a few days here.
Leave your orders for ice at H.
L, Johnson's. Will be delivered
anywhere in town.
The A C. L. train was delay-
ed here about two hours Thurs-
day afternoon on the account of
the water plug blowing out
totally disabling the engine. A
new engine was suppled from
Matting and oil cloth, for the
floor, buy some, cover it over.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Prof. G. E. Lineberry
secretary of the Baptist
State convention, who is spend-
some time in Eastern North
Carolina, came in last night.
Before buying, see my line of
post cards, H. L. Johnson.
Rev. N. H. Shepherd, of
was in town Wednesday.
for the see
A. W. Ange Co. Winterville,
N. C.
Ola came in
Ayden Wednesday with a severe
attack of rheumatism.
Field peas and peanuts for
ale by A. W. Ange Co., Win-
N. C.
J. D. Cox is spending the week
at Washington and
in the interest of the Beaufort
County Lumber Co.
We call your attention to our
new line of groceries.
R. W.
Miss Dora Cox went to Green-
ville yesterday.
The is the kind
you need. See us,
A W. Ange Co.
C. S. Smith spent yesterday
in selling baggies, to-
trucks and flues for A G.
Mfg. Co.
For spring dress goods,
embroidery and laces see us-
New lot just in.
Harrington. Barber ft Co
J. S. Ross and Evans of
Ayden, were in town yesterday.
Dry goods for the birds.
A W. Ange Co.
Ed Tripp. of Ayden, was in
town Thursday.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
If you want a useful planter,
see our combination planter. It
plants cotton, corn, peas, etc,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Beef, sausage and fish, going
cheap. R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street.
Let us frame that for
you. Any size frame.
A W. Ange Co.
You will never regret when
you purchase a Hunsucker buggy,
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man-
Co., Winterville,
N. C-
New lot of dry goods and no-
just in. Better while
they cheap
AW. Ange A Co.
How is your soul Let
us show you our new lot of
shoes. Harrington. Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
for sale. R. D.
We have purchased the
know j as the
Milling and Mfg. and will
be ready very soon to grind corn,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A W. Ange Co.
For nice and spring
shoes, see my new lot.
A. W. Ange Co.
Fresh herrings at
Barber Co.
We are now in to do
grinding every day and general
repair work promptly.
Harrington Barber Co.
To reduce our stock before in-
we will offer for a
limited time, cheap, for
gingham calico,
worsted dress goods, to
suiting, percales, to
motor cloth, waist
goods, lawn, mohair
wool effects,
to table peaches, pie
peaches, shirts.
shirts, shirts,
shirts, Call and see what
we offer. A. W, Ange Co.
The A G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are rendering good service
in the undertaking business.
Coffins and caskets cheap with
excellent hearse service.
The A G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. has sold this season ever
cotton planters and
guano sewers which would
ally indicate a large cotton crop
this year.
Misses Clyde Chapman and
Olivia Cox spent last night with
Miss Myrtle near
Miss Nina Smith went to
Greenville yesterday.
Mrs. Lula and little
daughter, of Seven Springs, are
spending a few days with Mrs.
Evelyn Cox.
J. E. Greene, Miss Cox,
D. R- Jackson and Miss Dora
Cox attended the Japanese
operetta at E. C. T. T. School
Monday night.
Quite a number of our people
attended the closing exercises
of Ayden graded school Monday
Mrs. J. F. Harrington and
Mrs. J. S. Ross, who is visiting
her, went to Greenville
Prof. G. E. Lineberry left for
Raleigh Monday.
D. S. Chapman came home
from Greenville yesterday morn-
and left in the afternoon for
Rev. G. of Ayden,
will preach at the Free Will
Baptist church Sunday at
o'clock p. m.
C. J. Jackson, corresponding
secretary for the class
at Knox ville came in last
night to spend a few days at
King's Cross Roads, May
H. S. Tyson attended church at
Red Banks Saturday and Sunday
and returned Monday.
J. I. Allen and family spent
Saturday night at his mother's,
Mrs. G. T. Allen, who is right
We had a large rain Sunday
and some hail but not enough
damage the crops.
Elbert Tyson, from near Stan-
was in our section
C. E. Case and W. W. Worth-
spent some time with Mr.
J. L. Mathews near Farmville,
last week and returned home
We are glad to know that the
young boys of this community
are taking a great in
Miss Lanie Tyson is spending
the week with her sister, Mrs,
Joe Brown, near Macclesfield.
The singing class met at King's
Cross Roads Sunday with a very
large attendance of both young
and old. will b singing
at the church every second and
fourth Sunday afternoon at
o'clock. Everybody is invited.
Some of our farmers are plow-
up and planting over their
cotton. They say that they
haven't, got over half a stand
of eat
whatever be rt t
c awe the food to
the body, five
Take No Substitute.
Do You Own a Pi
North Carolina, I
Pitt County. i In Superior court.
S. J. Nobles vs J. A. Gardner.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court made in the cause at
tho April term, Pitt
Superior the
appointed the c will on the
day of June 1910, at o'clock, noon,
expose to public rd the court
house door in Greenville to the highest
bidder cash, the d
tract or parcel of Lying
and being in Swift township, in
the county of I aid State of North
Carolina, and bounded as
Beginning at I ditch on the
Greenville road leading from
Cross to bridge,
thence with .-aid
ditch to the old Flat Branch ditch,
thence westward with said Branch
ditch to the division line between Isaac
lend and the
ands to the Greenville road, thence
with said road to the be-
inning containing acres more or
This the 7th day of May. 1910.
F. C. Harding,
May 10th, 1910.
Messrs. Moseley Bros.,
Greenville, N. C.
We thank you for your quick
and satisfactory settlement of
the by fire of our store at
Cox's Mills. H. A. Moore Co.
P. S. Moore i
J, A.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county made in the fore-
going cause at the April term of Pitt
county Superior court 1910, the under-
signed commissioner appointed the
c will on the 6th day of Jun ,
at o'clock, n , expose to
public sale before the court house door
in Greenville to tho highest bidder for
cash, the following described tract
or parcel of land
L;. and in the county of Pitt
sun state of North Carolina and de-
scribed as follows to Bounded on
the south by M. O. Gardner, on the
east by J. A. Gardner, on the north
by J. A. and M. O. Gardner, on the
west by J. A. and M. O. Gardner, con-
acres more or
This the 7th day of May 1910.
F. C. Harding,
Harris re License.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licensee
since last report j
Richard Moore and Lizzie
Wiley Andrews and Hattie
George Wilson and Emma
Samuel Cage and Ella Smith.
us Moore and
Josiah Dixon vs J. A. Gardner
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county, made in the
cause, at the April
term, 1910, of the Sup nor
court, the undersigned
appointed by i he court in said cause,
will on the 6th day of 1910. at
o'clock noon expose to public sale
before the court house door in
to the highest for cash the
following described tr or parcels
of land to
1st tract. Lying and being in the
county of Pitt and state of North
Carolina, Swift Creek be-
ginning at a stake in the Cl y
road and running s. w. poles
to a stake, thence r. e. poles to
a stake, then . w. poles to the
road, th-r. e up and with the
creek road to Cross Roads,
thence down the Clay Root road to
beginning, containing acres
more or less.
Also one other tract in said township,
county and state beginning at Isaac
d corner and runs s.
w. to the creek road, down
said road to the old Flat Branch
ditch, thence with the various courses
of said ditch to Isaac Canine s 3rd
corner, then n. w. poles to
the beginning, containing acres
more or less.
ore other parcel of in
aid township, state, be-
ginning at the big ditch bridge on the
Root road and down
road to J. Dixon's C ward
line, then a southerly n with
said line to an Id ditch.
thence up and with said ditch to the
big ditch, thence up aid with said
ditch to the beginning, containing
or less.
Also one parcel of land in said
county and stale, beginning
at i he inters of the
bridge road the road
and running the
Greenville road to the Laura A. Causey
land, thence to M. O.
Gardner's line, with
M. Gardner's line to the Gardner
bridge road, thence with
the load to
containing ti acres more or
and being the land upon the
mill, store and of J. A.
Gardner is
Also one engine and boiler, saw
mill and gristmill, being engine,
boiler, saw-mill and grist-mill which
is now located on the of six
acres above described and known as
the J. A. Gardner mill.
This the 7th d of May,
F. C. Harding,
The Progressive Firmer.
No other medium published is
so valuable to the Southern
farmer as the Progressive Farm-
and Gazette, of Raleigh, N. C.
Send them ten cents for a ten-
trial subscription. Each
copy will aid you materially in
your farming operations Frank-
speaking, every number is a
guide post on what might other
wise be a rugged road to pros-
for the agriculturalist.
Try Progressive Farmer and
Gazette for tan weeks; you could
not invest a dime elsewhere that
would pay you a bigger dividend.
II not, and expect to own
soon, owe It to yourself to ex-
the magnificent display
shown at the White
A display really
to a Urge city.
In a glance you will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of tot e, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you I m M with prices
that stand and
incomparable an where. Eight
different makes tr select from, none
of those cheap department
will treat you
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it
retain tare away
and left me on the
of I skilled
but sot no permanent
got so bad I had to live up
I Dr.
In a few day;
I muck better, and I continued
to improve until entirely I
am In and never
Myrtle Creek,
Yew runlet mm. Dr.
and we him to return
bottle If It
benefit you.
Medical Co, Elkhart, lad
store but each one stand-
ard, of and
reputation in the trade. Four
player- of but known
We will your piano in
for one of these self
We tho carry the
ORGAN, the standard the world.
Old organs pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to S your
When in Greenville visit our
Next door to Can Atkins Hardware Co. store.
close of business March 29th,
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 294.43
Furniture and fixtures 1,670.60
Due from 60,763.98
Cash items 897.38
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 040.56
Nat bank and other U. S.
Capital 110,000.00
Surplus 6.000.00
Undivided profit less
cur. exp and taxes pd 4,086.89
Time of deposits 16,841.81
Deposits sub. to check 87,880.01
Cashier's 1.104.86
Total 1104,918.07
I, J. K. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
J. K. DAVIS, Cashier.
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 4th day of April,
J. A.
W. J. furnace,
R. L. Davis,
F. M. Davis,
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
now with them and you will be
Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street.
win Dot burn. Will not split or Ilk wood
Wilt not crack and roll off like slat. Will not rip at the
plain tin. will they rattle during wind storms.
They never need repairs and last as And
of all, they make the handsomest roof and are not expensive.
YORK COBB, Agents.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
D. J. Editor and Owner
la Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
class exercises
Scats. Has Brit
In the of East
Carolina Training
school, Monday night,
the of the grad-
class of Greenville graded
school. The auditorium
filled with an audience that
showed much appreciation of the
exercises. The program as
and His Per fa
Miss Spain
to helm Tell
Arranged by
E Great
and I Milan Can
Cradle of
Vale. C sharp minor
Essay The Jingle the Guinea
U Allie
Wedding music Jensen
Bridal Song
Round Dines
and Spain;
I Greene and
Literary Address
Prof. E. C. Brooks
of Durham, N. C
diplomas ti the
class of
The read by the young
ladies were excellent, showing
much study and careful
and the musical selections
were faultlessly rendered.
The introduction of the speak-
of the evening by Mr. S.
J. Everett, and he used the op
to pay high tribute to
Greenville, and Pitt county, as
well as to the speaker who is a
son of this county.
The address of Prof. Brooks
was a gem showed the mas-
scholar and orator that he
is. His subject of
mature minds to lay down rules
for the government of youth.
Be said that old age not
look at life from the view
point as youth. It is the
of the old man to say that
are not what they were
when I was a The speak
quoted several expressions of
this kind, some of them dating
far beck twenty-five
years, where men
in their time had uttered
this opinion, and added
they true, I would like
to know what the schools really
were before the period of
Under divisions
to to
with one's
Prof. Brooks discussed
his subject most entertainingly,
showing how in these respects
all are alike, all must be doing
something, and all are looking to
tho same end, though different
results may be reached.
At the conclusion of the ad-
dress Mr. F. C. Harding, chair-
man the board of trustees,
in beautiful words presented
diplomas to the graduating class.
Misses Allie Estelle Greene,
Agnes Spain. Hilda
Exum and Nannie Bowling
and Alfred M. also to
graduates in music. Misses Allie
Greene, Hilda
and Lillian Carr.
the presentation of
concluding; the young
lady ushers, their arms just load-
ad with flowers, advanced to
the stage and presented these to
the graduates as tokens from ad-
miring friends, this scene bring
s round of from
the audience.
In bringing the exercises to a
close Supt. H. B. Smith a
brief statement in reference to
Dies at His Hess.
The entire community was
greatly shocked Monday evening,
when tho announcement
made that Mr. George W. Baker
had died suddenly h o'clock
at bis home on Fifth street.
While Mr. Baker had been in
poor health for some years and
could get about but little, his end
was not supposed to be so near.
He was up usual Monday, and
only a abort while before I is
death was out looking at gar
den. Suddenly he complained f
a very peculiar feeling, went in
the house and had a
summoned. physician
rived quickly and administered
medicine, remarking that he
thought the patient would be all
right in a abort while. the
doctor about to leave he
turned to look again at Mr. Baker
and noticed that he was dying,
and quickly he passed away while
sitting in a chair.
George Washington Baker was
about years of He
s native of Bertie county and
raised on the farm. In his early
manhood he engaged
in became
quite successful in this business.
As his business grew he extended
his efforts to other towns, later
having an interest in stores
in Lewiston, Greenville and
Rocky Mount, making home
in Lewiston until about four
years ago. His business in
Greenville was in the firm of
Baker A- Hart, Mr. Hart coming
here from Bertie county in 1886
to establish and manage
bard were store here.
The business here brought Mr.
Baker to Greenville occasionally,
and he made many friends here.
In 1904 he married Miss Lina
Sheppard, of this town,
to make his home in Lewis-
ton about two years after mar-
When his health broke so
that he could not take, active
part in looking after business, he
moved to Greenville and made
home here. He is survived
by a wife and one child, two
brothers and one sister.
The will take place at
o'clock this evening, services
conducted by Rev. B. F.
The interment will be in
Hill cemetery, Messrs. C. h.
Smith, J. N. Hart. B. W. Mose
J. F. Davenport. R. O.
J. A. Ricks, W. M.
W. I. W. M.
King, A C, T. E.
Hooker, W. D. Pruett, J. A. An
drew, and E. E Griffin acting as
Dr Speak, to of the Slayer Nellie
Graded , Plead, far Her See s Rested
A immense congregation Elisabeth City, May
Jarvis Memorial which was started some
dist church night, filling weeks ago asking the gov
both the main auditorium and pardon James Wilcox is still
school to hear being circulated and it
the sermon by Dr. well, j stood is being freely signed by
president of Atlantic Christ in the ladies of the city. Jim's
college, Wilson, to the soliciting names to the
class of Greenville graded school.
The preliminary service
conducted by Rev. B. F.
Dr. Caldwell's The
Relation of Religion and
ti He when God wanted
a great work performed He did
not select an ignorant man for
that work. with Moses
who received forty years of
intellectual training in the c
of and forty years of
spiritual training in the land of
before him to
lead the children of Israel for several years,
Sm. -.-I
Egypt, he cited numerous
from the Scripture end
history where men who had
accomplished great achievements
had been specially prepared and
fitted for their work.
wished ti impress
upon the mind of every hearer
the importance of the passage of
Scripture his life
shall find it, and he that
his life shall lose In em-
this he used a number
of illustrations showing that the
life must first be lost in the
pursuit of an undertaking before
it can be found in full accomplish-
Dr. Caldwell's sermon was
truly a magnificent one, express
ed in beautiful language and
forceful illustrations, and he held
petition and pleads for her son
as only a mother can. There is
the greatest sympathy for this
loyal m and there are not
many mothers tr other ladies
who can refuse her rt quest and
it is expected that when the can
been completed that the
petition will carry a formidable
array of names signed thereto.
Wilcox was convicted in
court here in 1902 of
Nelli. to whom
he had been paying ardent st-
sentenced to be hanged. Appeal
was made to the Supreme court,
which granted a new trial on
technicalities brought out by
able counsel. The sec-
trial was removed to Per-
county, adjoining
county, where a great
Oat Negro Badly
Saturday night there was a
shooting scrape down on Pitt and
Front streets. the
bridge, in which Leon Patrick,
colored, was shot and badly
wounded by John James, colored.
There had been previous
trouble between the two men,
and Saturday night Patrick
himself and went to the
home of Jam-s. Patrick used
threats and language in
front of house, when the
latter fired at him once through
a window. shot did not
strike Patrick, but James went
to his door and fired a second
shot which struck in
lower bowels, inflicting a serious
After the shoot James went
in hiding had not been found
up to this morning.
it has pleased Al
mighty God to take from our
midst our beloved brother, D. D.
Gardner, we bow with humble
submission to His holy will,
. . . , . , pray that while e have lest a
legal battle fought in of
Wilcox was convicted of
and sentenced to ., be led by this
penitentiary for years. He of God's
finally was placed in the State
penitentiary in 1903. The
of this was one of the moat
sensational ever known the
South and attracted much utter
throughout the country.
Wilcox is said to have made a
m idol prisoner for the past few
years and is now given every
consideration in the power of the
J- r VS.,
the closest attention of the large I penitentiary authorities.
the defaulting bank
cashier of New have
charge of the electric light plant
Free Will Baptist.
The time is fast approaching
when Rev. E. U St. Claire
be with us again. He will on
Wednesday night fill appoint-
at Chapel.
He is an able speaker and no
doubt but he has an excellent
sermon prepared to deliver to
the people of Greenville. There
is a treat in store for all who
can hear him. The public is
cordially invited.
the school. He said the enroll
past session bad reached
and while the work of
year had been the most
yet that school
needed, and he hoped the people
would soon provide the funds for
these to be added.
The entire exercises were truly
enjoyable and reflected great
credit upon school.
rectors sad Officers Re elected.
The annual meeting of the
of the Bank
Greenville held today with a
large attendance. The reports
of tho officers were read show-
the work cf the bank since
its capital was increased to
ten-and months
ago, and there were many ex-
of gratification at tho
flue results shown. A cash
of per cent paid to
the stockholders out of the earn-
and a balance of nearly
passed to the undivided
The following directors were
R. L. Davis, J. A.
Andrews, W. E. Proctor, R. W.
King, J. R. J. G.
R. K. Fleming, S. T. Hooker, R.
A. Fountain, B. W. Moseley, W.
B. Wilson and James L. Little.
Immediately after the stock-
holders adjourned, the directors
held a meeting and re-elected
the following
R, L. Davis, president
J. A Andrews, vice president.
James it, Little, cashier.
H. D. Bateman, assistant cash-
B. L, Wilson, assistant book
Reflector 16th.
to nobler and higher works of
humanity and love.
Be it resolved, 1st. That white
Brother Gardner was unable to
attend the class
for some we who survive
may t by his life, and
shed a tear over his memory.
Resolved 2nd.
e with his bereft family who
are now mourning his decease.
Resolved 3rd, That a copy of
these resolutions be spread upon
the minutes of the class
Woodland, N. C , May
J. L. Nobles went to Kinston
Wednesday evening to bring his
little daughter. Molli . home.
She has at the hospital
for the last five weeks, and we
are glad to know that she is
getting along so well that she is
home again.
Miss Lela who has
been spending son, m in Kins-
ton, returned last Wednesday.
A. W. Baker finished setting
tobacco last week.
Mrs. S. M. Manning and Miss
Clara Nobles went to one
day lust
Linn Hobgood is
a boy.
A large crowd of old school-
mates and Sunday school
went to see
Las just returned
hospital, Sunday evening
Heb. r Barber family, of
Greenville spent Sunday with
brother. A. W Baiter and
W. A. Noble is in feeble
health, hope h. will improve
Miss Kinnie is spend-
a few days in Greenville.
Mi s Irene is spend-
a few days with Miss Fanny
Smith near Grifton.
at the penitentiary and are said of Memorial M. E. church
i.-i and also a sent
the family and that a
line of work.
outcome from the petition
will be watched with a great
deal of interest by all of
E and a great many
throughout the State a-id tine
where who followed the
of the sensational trial.
Subscribe for The Reflector.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
issued the following licenses
Ephraim and Annie
M. L and E.
Alligood Warren and
Adam Daniel and Emily My-
Whereas on the 26th day of
April, 1910, the Supreme Ruler
the universe summoned our
brother, Stephen C. Wooten, to
the debt which by nature we
all sooner or later have to pay
therefore be it resolved by the
class of the Methodist
That in his death the
class lost a useful and
faithful member.
That the community has
lost a good useful
one who was liberal minded and
always kind and sympathetic
in his dealings with his fellow
That we extend to his
parents and relatives our deepest
That these resolutions be
spread on the minutes of the
class, a copy be sent to
his parents and a copy sent to
The Reflector for publication.
Julius Brown, i
F. Taylor. Com.
J. S. Norman.
copy be sent to for
Wiley Brown.
K. Coin.
Nicholas Mallory
A Perfect
At Baker
Store may be seen the
Century a real labor
Works easy, light draft
short does beautiful
work. See what the farmers
say about it.
Greenville, N. C, May
Baker Hart.
Dear using
the New Cultivator for
two days, and it has been doing
fine work so far I am well
pleased with it. I consider it a
great labor tool.
M. T. Spier.
We have a few of these
left. Will be glad to v
them. Baker Hart.
Just received two cars of good
corn that will keep, one car of
yellow corn and one car of white
milling corn. F. V. Johnston.
Our Greenville, yours if you
To White et Pitt County.
The Board of Education of this
county has adopted the summer
course for teachers at the East
school, beginning on May 24th,
as the teachers institute for this
county. Under the law you a-e
compelled to take this course of
study or you will not be eligible
to teach in this or any other
county in North Carolina during
the next year. I would advise
that you be present at the begin-
of the term.
W. H.
Co. Supt of Schools.
May 1910.
Little Harry a
Little Harry, age about one
year and months, son of
Mayor and Mrs. H. W. .
died at Thursday i
at their home in West Greenville.
The child had been sick for
weeks, much of the time
in a critical condition. Several
times during the sickness its life
was of yet f
lies caused hopes for its recovery
to spring anew in the hearts of
the watchers by the bed- But
other complications in the last
day or two were more than i he
little sufferer could stand, and
the end p Thurs-
day night The heart
parents have the of
on in great sorrow.
funeral take place
Saturday interment in
Cherry Hill cemetery,
is Second Degree.
The jury in the Kelly case at
Washington et tied up, a
verdict not having not having
been reached at o'clock this
afternoon. went into the
court room today and asked
judge for a fuller explanation
between first and second degree
before going to
press a message was received
stating the jury had returned a
verdict of guilty of murder in
the second degree. Kelly was
sentenced to years in the pen-
The Reflector does job work.
Fine Address.
Prof. J. H. Highsmith, of
Wake Forest college, delighted a
large congregation in
Baptist church here Sunday
morning in his address on the
Higher The speak-
said that every person created
by God had a mission in life, and
that mission should be sought
out and properly filled. If men
would seek their true mission
there would be fewer failures in
life resulting from trying to fol-
low the wrong calling, endeavor-
to do that for which one
not fitted.
Prof. Highsmith sang a
solo that was much i j
Sunday night be
service at East resell-
Training school.

g Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Anything yon need can be found at our store.
Call to ice us
J. R. J. G.
Greenville, N. C.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston, Effective April 1st,
For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
W. J. P. T. M. T. C. WHITE, G. P. A.
i ii ilium i
Nicely furnished, every
clean and
working the very
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J. R. J. G.
Locals News far I
will treat you
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Paris green at
Best In-
and Ceylon at S. M Schultz's
Greatly reduced prices on
I ready made silk dresses.
Pulley Bo wen
Cream, sweet milk, buttermilk
and sour milk, for sale by Mrs.
L. Phone
Send along your orders for job
printing. The Reflector Printing
House is turning out nice work.
Choice Cut Flowers
Rates, Carnations, Violets,
m Our
stunt. Is M
MS to
st awes.
Is past
J. L k CO.,
Halley's Comet
ft course at the of
per hour, according lost
C II. engineer on N. W. Ry.
would be
and the public an if I did not
you what has done for not, It
cured mo of u of Acute
it me relief in twenty and
I was entirely from nausea and pain in
always keep a bottle with me on my
For Dyspepsia and pa-
there h nothing better than
at drug stores, or
prepaid on receipt of price.
Manufactured by
Leftwich Chemical Co.
Lynchburg, Va.
PHONE No. 238-8
For the convenience of my
and I hare put in a
No B.
JONES, Salesman
W. H. Miles Shoe Co. Inc.
to The Reflector.
wanting me
will call W. J. Turnage.
building lots for
sale on easy terms,
See Higgs Bros.
All colored lawns reduced,
qualify quality
Central Mercantile Co.
Our stock of millinery is com
and we will appreciate
your patronage in this line.
White Frost, the most
refrigerator made,
Taft Furniture Co.
We are overstocked in men's
low shoes and offer them at re-
prices. Pulley Bowen.
White Frost Refrigerators for
sale by Taft Boyd Furniture
Ru-rs, mattings and art squares
at prices right at Taft Van-
Five or six doses will
cure any case of fever.
We have just received a new
and line of umbrellas
and parasols. Pulley Bowen.
Carpets made to fit your room.
Samples on at Taft Van-
Dyke's. d
See our lire of men's
which we are offering at
Best value possible for
the price. Pulley Bowen.
In West beautiful
residence lots for sale on easy
terms. See Higgs Bros
I have a nice lot of dry wood
on hand, people wanting will call
me up. Phone
W. J. Turnage.
Complete line of men's under
wear- See us if in need of any-
thing in this line.
Pulley Bowen.
Reduced prices, 1-3 percent-
off on all val. lace, em-
Central Mercantile Co.
Big line of ladies ready mace
skirts in navy blue and black
Panama. Also black voile
Pulley Bowen.
For he and lot
situated in South Greenville, on
street between Tenth
I and Eleventh streets. For fur-
information apply to D. M.
I Clark.
Nice stock of children's slip
all thee and all leathers, at
lowest prices consistent with
; good quality. Pulley Bowen.
Use Hubbard's Dressing
on corn, cotton, oats, pea.
nuts, potatoes etc., and increase
the yield per cent. Car load
just received by The Central
Mercantile Co. d w
We can repair, and make them
cook good as new, any kind of
cook stove or range. No matter
how badly worn. Phone
Jenkins Tin Shop
When in need of sewing
machine needles to fit any
machine, regardless of name,
you will find them at Pulley A
For house now
by Rev. D, W. Arnold, on
the college property west A. C
L. railroad, near depot. Posses-
given after 15th of
month Apply to J. B. Little at
J. J. O.
Greenville, N. C.
milk shakes and
at Pharmacy.
See our line of black
silk underskirts which we are
offering at the low of
and Exceptional values
at these prices. Pulley Bowen.
Our stock of ladies slippers is
complete in every
pumps in patent and dull
leathers. Pulley Bowen.
Big line of tailor made
coat in woolens and wash
materials, which we are
at a very low price. Pulley
When you want ice, phone the
office we will try to give good
service and prompt delivery-
Ice, Wood and coal.
Greenville Ice Coal Co.
Ladies muslin underwear, con-
of corset covers, gowns,
underskirts, chemise, and hand
some suits to match. Pulley
Our special crew of installer
will only be here a few days
longer. If you place your order
at once for that telephone we
can put it in without delay. We
charge nothing for putting them
in and only cents per day after-
wards, in your residence.
Land Sale.
By virtue of power given me by a
mortgage made by Washington
hid wards and wife, Edwards,
on the day of April, id
registered in book D page Pitt
county registry, I sell to the
highest bidder for at th court
house door in Greenville, at noon, on
the thirteenth day of June, 1910, it be-
Monday, the following described
Being in town of Greenville,
at the south corner
of the Joe lot on Pitt street as
thence a southerly
about fifty two feet to a stake,
to a corner, thence in a westerly
about two hundred a d forty
feet to the Betty Williams north
we t con on Pitt street, thence in
a southerly direction about fifty I
feet c one fourth
of m acre, more or less.
This the day of Hay, 1910.
S J. Everett Atty. E, S. Brown,
If it's Suedes
you want
Let us
show you
Norfolk Cotton and wired
by J. W. Perry aV Co. Cotton Factors.
Sir Low Middling
low Middling
Low Grade
Wired by Cobb Bros
and Brokers. Norfolk.
j tube
May 1-2 1-2
May Corn 601-4 60,1-2
May Ribs
July Rum
May Laid
reported by
Dissolution Notice.
All persons are hereby notified that
the co between J. J. Ford
myself, trading under the firm
name of Beth I Grocery Co., N.
C., has been dissolved by me selling my
entire interest in said firm to him. I
am now connected in no way with the
said firm, neither am I responsible for
any of its future obligation.
This April 18th,
J. J. Carson.
Cobb x Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Grain
and Provisions.
to New York Chicago
and New Orleans.
and House Furnishings
is not too good for you. When you want the
best, and prices that are in reach of your pocket
book we can supply your wants.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If trait with us we both make money
Low Prices Still On
I have left few more great bargains to offer in
HATS, SHOES and Gentle-
men's Furnishings at the great COMET SALE
Duplicate numbers will be given with every
purchase, as usual, and on Saturday, May 14th,
we will give to the holder of the lucky number
a hat of his or her own selection.
of the prize money Saturday, 7th,
Rev. colored, New Town, holder of No. 4307--1 st prize
Mrs. A. W. Hooks, R. F. D., Winterville, holder of No. 92652nd prize
Miss Marie Rice, Greenville, holder of No. 10610-3rd prize
C. T.
The Big Store
Mothers who value their own com-
fort a- d the welfare of their children,
should never be a box of Moth-
Gray's Sweet Powders for Child en.
for use throughout the i They
break up cold., cur.- con-
ion, teething disorder.
stomach troubles. These powders
never fail. Sold b, all drug stores,
Don't accept any substitute. A trial
package free to any m r who will
address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
A Useful Femur.
Excited you aware,
my dear sir. Ibis
la the femur of an
Farmer I always
It odd like. It
don't match other pout nohow.-
A Strong Cup.
Quest cheap
here, waller. I I mid you
bring me a strong cup of coffee
what's the
with that cup You couldn't break It
so ii
are you about a trip
to Europe It would coat your
band 11.000 or
So. I expect to compromise
m a sixty dollar
your wife a lover of outdoor
should say so. She's
Free Press.
Ore or two Tablets D
Away Distress From Stomach
Get a cent of Mi o tablets
today and learn for your, elf how easy
it U to put your out of
in ct condition.
Mi stomach tablets give instant
do more.
They build up the- stomach so quickly
that in a few i an s holding,
he head-
ache and will entirely
Mi-o-i a stomach tablets are
teed to cure ind and all.-
ills t mo back.
h been d with my
for two years. tried everything
I heard cf. atom ch t
did me than worth of
The are the be st III the world
Pa., Fib.
r large ox f Mi-o-
n, who tee th
The Sphinx.
of tin-
don't know; hill. Judging a
I don't be-
It was very
Not one case in ten requires
internal treatment.
there is no swelling
or fever Noah's Liniment will
accomplish more than any in-
One trial will convince you.
Noah's Liniment penetrate;
requires but little rubbing.
Here's the Proof
a resident of Rich-
Va., the, past four
X traveling Eastern
Carolina, where I contracted ma-
and rheumatism. Recently I
used Noah's Liniment with beneficial re-
and take In recommend-
to anyone suffering with
. cold and had a at-
tack of rheumatism in my left
and could not raise my arm without
much pain. persuaded to try
Liniment, In less than, a
woo was entirely free from pain.
feel Justified In speaking It In
highest terms. A. Dorchester,
Is best remedy
for Sciatica, Lama Back.
Joints and Muscles, Sore Throat.
olds. Strains, Sprains. Cuts. Bruises.
Cram pa,
and all
Bone and
Aches and
ulna Noah's
Ark on every
Id by la
medicine. Sam-
mall Ires,
Remedy Co.,
Mr. B. E. Parham has placed in my hands for sale his splendid
Warehouse Property
All of this property except the warehouse site will be divided into lots
and sold at public auction on the premises on
Beginning at O'clock, A. M.
This property is situated between the Atlantic Coast Line and Norfolk
Southern depots, and is in the business of that part of Greenville
known as Tobacco Town. It consists of lots fronting on Dickinson ave-
which has concrete sidewalks and paved street; lots on Ninth street
which is a sand clay street and the main thoroughfare of Tobacco Town-
lots fronting en Tenth street which is the broadest street in and
leads direct to the Atlantic Coast Line depot. A railroad siding can be ex-
tended across Tenth street into this property which makes it very
valuable for heavy traffic.
To give an idea of the demand for places of business in this locality
Higgs Brothers have recently built a brick block containing five handsome
stores just in front of this property and they were occupied as soon as
finished, and there is now a demand for more.
This is a rare opportunity to buy a business site, for this property is
absolutely a safe and paying investment.
Li i
Remember the date of sale, Tuesday, May 1910.
Furniture and House Furnishings
Stars as Fin Mars stack
. MO
N. C.
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
Tin Shop Work, aid I I r y u I y q
in Season, tea J J C Ii I n
kiss, N. C.
8-16 am
i Subscribe to The Reflector.
of the Town of
Notice is hereby given to the voters
the town of Greenville that the
of at regular
monthly meeting held on the 6th day
I of Hay, ordered that an election
Le held with the char-
of said and the various
amendments on Monday, the
6th fay June, in the
wards of mid town, for the of
one from each the
Ii v. wards of mil to n. he alder-
elected from the second, th r I and
fourth wards ah I c in office for
two and those from the Hi at u d
filth wards for one year iron July 1st.
Notice Is hereby fit en that the
board of n have designated the
following named pi in wards
of said town f r h g and conducting
election, to
First IN house
Second Ward Winslow's
Third Laugh of-
I Fourth Ward- store at Five
Fifth Ward Jesse office.
Notice is alto hereby given tho
ton books of the several ward i
of s id town will open at the various
d l above, in
June 1st, i
2nd aid from ass, , .
to licit p. m., for the of
allowing ail use titled to register
. o so. o. . in who have
will allowed I
of of I
tho town. I desire to Male that
term- of i Hi the i , named
n w m moors
of u I town
Norfolk and Baltimore
New Dining; Rooms on Saloon Decks
Table Dinner, cents Club Breakfast. lo
service ii desired.
leave Norfolk from foot of Jackson St. dally
at p m., arrive at Baltimore 7.00 a. m., connect, g-
with rail lines for all points Et and Wast.
For further information and stateroom write
Pulley bowen
of C
July lit, 1810, hi d t
will bu at
First W-rd-J. B White
A. Howe .
Third Ward D W. r I e.
Four h A M
Fifth Ward-W S.
This tho CM of M . II .
II. W.
to Curt
Dysentery by
N. C.
. . i , f
I w

tn r
Year 11.00
Stable Copy.
rates may be had upon
application t the office in Ta
Building, corner Evans and
Third a re.-l.
eds a larger
law territory the south aide
of the river, are two things man;
people id Pitt count; are think-
and talking about.
The sisters failed to get their
request the of the gen-
conference in to
be put equality with the
laity in church work.
With potato and garden
we what the outcome
will be.
People of should
hasten to respond to the appeal
made in Tuesday's Reflector by
Prof. R. H. Wright, president
of Carolina
school. It is desired that
all housekeepers who can take
which she may well feel proud.
and before it is too late some
means should be adopted to per-
record for coming
generations. In this connection
The Reflector is going to offer a
suggestion that it believes
better than erecting a
to begin
the erection of a new court
P. so that preparation can be
close by and huckleberries soon for the many applicants
follow, there is a better prospect, for admission in the school. It
Who was locking for this other
cold spell in
A political ling more in
Imagination reality.
While I be
high, it . no
cost of
r to die.
boarders during the summer
school advise him of the number It is the purpose of the
they can accommodate and the board of commissioners
and building to make
defying the meat trust
A Los man got in jail
talking in bis sleep. While
doing the stunt he talked of a
he had committed, and it
led to an followed
ought t fill every person
Greenville and Pitt county with
it a handsome building, one that
will be the pride of the county
and ample for years to come.
It is the wish of all people of
they hare not been
to the Baptists in the of j
touching on Far the
pride the East Carolina that this be done, far the
Training school is is amply able to do
with such phenomenal success, j There is no better place for per
The s opened last fall recording the
if the earth the
comet will speak as they pass.
Wake county warming
for the next mass meeting Sat
The kaiser Teddy
met and raised their mugs to
The more talk good
toad the sooner the good roads
will co
Between school commence-
and gazing, folks
are getting short on sleep.
More in Pitt county
are talking good than you
would imagine.
The fellow who does not wan
an office i having the least
worry about it.
Greenville will show up
right in population when the
census come In.
Don't fret When the comet
is gone ll may be something
else to keep you awake nights.
To curtail if you
can, is about the solution
to the high price of i prob-
is giving out about
as much cool weather as any
that the oldest inhabitant can
It does not take the comet to
supply either gas or hot air, as a
plenty of these can be run up
with any day.
Raleigh letter writers, discuss-
both sides of the meet-
are helping the papers of
that city till space.
Congress is about as much
afraid of the proposition to
change the date of the
inauguration us a North
Carolina legislature is afraid of
There are not a few
people, chiefly colored,
a ho believe the world will come
to an end when the comet and
the earth pass each other to-
tn earthquake shock that vis-
Angeles Sunday, was
enough to frighten the people
somewhat, remembering what
happened to San Francisco a few
years ago.
We heard one young re-
mark that she did not mind get-
ting up every morning now to
see the comet as she would have
the first closes this week
The during the
reached the 24th
the first school for
teachers ill open, and already
more applications have come
than the school dormitories can
cat events valor of the
county than on the walls of this
court house, the time to
plan and arrange for this is be
fore work the building begins.
In constructing the courtroom
or halls, or slight
accommodate. It is the duty of . ,, , ., ,,
emus c in be made in the walls
for the placing of historical and
person Greenville who
can come to the aid of the
school to do so, in order that
none who apply will be turned
away for want of a place to
board. Be quick in your re-
to the appeal of Prof.
memorial tablets, and on such
tablets the history of the county
could be given. This would add
both to the appearance and in-
of the court and to
prepare the walls for the tablets
would add to the cost of
the building. As to the tablets
these could be placed
from time to time as they might
be provided for by popular sub-
Delivery Threatened.
The chief return the fainter
gets from the big Federal tax he
pays is the rural delivery
of mail to his home I here are or otherwise. A county
still many farmers u are historical society or committee
given this who de- could be appointed to collect the
serve it and need it. In a re- for the Mil see that
cent in the senate, Sena- . , ,
. . . . , they were properly arranged, so
tor Simmons called attention to
August. county
over nine routes had may be preserved and easily
to wait seventy five years to see; been approved,
it again. not a single new route had We would like to see this
established, and adopted and invite ex-
It is getting close time also on the the pus- of opinion from any one
the press convention at authorities had recently dis- who may feel interested in it.
Wrightsville. but far instigating
has been no intimation that the-
lit to b
Wilmington must be long on
for new routes. The sens- dry feed, but short on the liquid
properly suggested that variety of so much re-
Dispatch has pass- to be applied else-
ed the hat
With all his faults, T. Room
v It is just about the biggest
mun the whole country, The
president himself could not
command more attention on a
Than is plenty of money in
cent blind
invitation from the
the billion dollar the
fad and luxuries and
necessary, but for the he
Miry carrying of the mail to the with them,
people who live in the rural dis- hoPe editors of the
the Taft administration Salisbury Post,
I ha-contracted a spasm of econ-j News will leave their thirsts at
the Phil-,
When people attend school lupines, the navy, the army,
and listen to I but not sufficient
the literary addresses in money for rural delivery routes
day and time, they hear some-
thing worth while. It gives
of the great educational
progress that has been made.
With so many voters over the
having failed to pay their
poll tax, election forecasts can-
not be nude as close as formerly.
When you count up the time
wasted money spent in try-
to get in office, there is not
much pay in running after one
The Times says
county has taken unto
herself a terrible reputation
among the plain democracy of
the state for a general place
for Yes, and for
Bacilli tint Lease.
This seems to be the The of Thursday
policy of the Taft session of the Southern Baptist
But it was adopted convention at Baltimore, accord-
Indiana and Ohio ending to the press dispatches.
other doubtful Northern development of
were honeycombed with these favorable to
News and Ob-
The conference at
Asheville sat down on the
to exclude users of to-
from the ministry. Most
preachers, and some other folks,
too, have to deny themselves so
many that they should be
allowed to use a little tobacco if
they to.
All eyes are again turned on
Raleigh today. We hope the
second mass meeting will result
in no war worse than words.
Scientists say the comet is
not going to harm us when it
passes the earth, so you can
calm your fears on that score, if
you had any.
The second Wake mass
meeting was pulled in Ha
Saturday without opposition
from the opponents. There was
a large attendance and a full
county ticket was selected to
recommend to the county
The recent reunion of
on Memorial day,
reminds us that at the reunion
a year ago a monument was
started to a popular
I script-ion to erect a Confederate
monument here. Several sub-
were made and pub-
in The Reflector shortly
after the reunion, but
the contemplated movement
lagged. Nothing was said
about the matter at the recent
reunion that we have heard of,
so it is taken for graded that
the movement about
where it did a year
In Pitt county the matter of
perpetuating the heroes of the
Confederacy the part the
county took in the civil war,
well as other historic events,
Stack Will Help
The increase of raising
la the South means the
of many advantages that it
hard to enumerate them all at
It means that we are to get
two profits from our crops in-
stead cf profit from
growing them and another from
feeding them
It means that we are to begin
building up our lands instead
running them down.
It means that we are to use
fertilizers more economically and
get better results their
means that we. are to become
businesslike farmers,
keeping in closer touch with
markets and the business world.
And still another advantage
which has been little thought of,
is that it will make for a greater
stability and efficiency in farm
labor. Stock raising will demand
the services of laborers all the
year round, and by affording con-
employment, and it better
wages than are now paid, we
shall a more intelligent and
more profitable class of farm
It is to be hoped, moreover,
that this result will give yet
another blow to the old false
idea that cheap,
gent labor is a help to any
community. A laborer who
is worth a will
you a bigger profit than a labor-
who is worth only cents a
day, just as surely as a invest-
will bring more interest
than a cent investment.
Raleigh Progressive
Farmer and Gazette.
u . This
L Arrange for the disposal
of waste water used in the
kitchen. See to it that neither
water nor decaying food
tied upon the ground about the
back premises.
Use lime and whitewash
freely. Old fences and out-
buildings will be greatly
ed with the fresh covering.
Stain all bare floors. Floor
stain is inexpensive and durable.
Insist screens be put
up to the doors and windows
the whole should be
screened; the kitchen and dining
room must be.
Freshen the old plastered
walls with i coat of or
Kit her material
comes in a variety or colors and
may be easily applied.
Look after the health of
the teeth in baby. Most of the
disagreeable and dangerous
symptoms attributed to teething
are due to indigestion caused by
bad K- L, Stevens,
in Raleigh Progressive
Farmer and Gazette.
Leon Evan, aged about
years and oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs Leon P. Evans, about
miles from Greenville, died Fri-
day night of peritonitis. The
little boy had an of measles
from which be was recovering,
he ate some peanuts which
brought on peritonitis and
ed his Leon was a bright
boy, bis death a sad shock
to hi. parents and many friends.
The funeral took place at
o'clock this afternoon.
Our Greenville, yours if you
will call W J. Turnage.
for nomination. Now if
tho primary rejects the been too long neglected.
of the mass meeting The county has made a record of lessons appear to be that
with other denominations
and to reaching out for broader
The first was shown by
action looking to the abandon-
of the use in Southern
Baptist Southern Baptist
schools of the international Sun-
day school lessons, land the
second by the apparent
to admit in
the southern body churches in
territory hitherto left entirely
to the Northern Baptists.
The apparent wish to sever
relations with all
national bodies was tempered by
the earnest efforts of a consider-
able element to give formal
to the work J if the lay-
men's missionary movement. At
Thursday night Rev.
George W. Daniel, of
said that the Southern
and an
adequate schema of missions and
can under present
become a world r in
missions, and it upon the
to a-y.
objection to the continued
of the international Sunday
The Progressive
and Gazette
Weeks-10 Cents
We've got the kind of articles to our paper that you
have been talk, but the
kind that steers you right
We want you to read the i
How to Double Your Core Yield.
How to Grow Live Stock in the South.
in Prizes Our Cora Club Boys.
Short Talk s About Fertilizers.
You will be and continue your Give a
to compete the grand prises we art our Com Boys.
Don't 1st ten cents stand between ill out the Coupon
below and mail it at once.
This Coupon is Worth Cents
Write l
Fill it in and Mail To-day
Agent of The Eastern for Ayden and vicinity. Ad rates famished
We are representing the oldest
and strongest Life and Fire
Insurance Co. in the world.
Call us and let us consult with
you. Ayden Loan Insurance
Co. Phone
Call us, Let us rent
your houses and collect for you.
Will sell your personal property,
land, stocks, bonds, or lend you
money on reasonable terms-
i Ayden Loan ft Insurance Co.
the Methodist church,
to his home with rheumatism.
Car cement, lime, nails and
hay at J. K. Smith Co's.
Claude Thrower, colored, was
taken to jail Monday, being
Mr. Misses Lens Hines, bound over to court charged with
of Greenville, were in our town, who been teaching in a suit of overalls
Tuesday. county, have closed their schools day night. He was for a
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. R. Smith Co. A Dixon.
Joe Tripp and Bessie
daughter of J R.
were married at the
home of our townsman, Henry
Manning, on the 4th Sunday,
Rev. G. C. officiating
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on with a
nice hearse at your service st
J. R. Smith Co. A Dixon.
Miss Elm has been
taken to Kinston hospital for an
An experienced blacksmith is
waiting to shoe your horses
mules at J. R. Smith Co Dixon.
Now is s good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department-
R. W. Smith.
Capt D. G. Berry is attending
a meeting of the grand lodge of
Odd Fellows at Goldsboro. this
A special bargain counter has
been arranged in the mammoth
department store of J. R. Smith
Joe Tripp, an experienced
blacksmith and horse has
taken a position at J. R. Smith
Co's. mill, and will be glad to
have hie old customers to c ill
on when they need work in
bis line.
If you have news items, tell
this scribe and help us to make
this column s creditable one.
are home again.
If you anything to buy or
sell, let us drop it in the Ayden
F. C. of Henderson,
is here looking after having a
telephone line built between
Ayden and Winterville just off
the away of the railroad.
which will
line several miles.
hawk killer at J. R.
Dr. C. C. Cannon and wife,
who have been visiting at Jesse
Cannon's, have returned to their
borne st Spring Hope.
Smith Co. Dixon are install-
some light meters on their
system. This is the sensible
thing to do, and then if the
patrons wish to burn all their
lamps all night they can so at
their own expense and not to
the electric company, as the case
has been heretofore.
T. L. Will ham, of Wilson,
was here Wednesday.
Call on us for ceiling,
Wt guarantee
J. R. Smith Co. Dix-o.
Screen doors made to order or
repaired on short notice at J. H.
Smith Co's mill.
Cook stoves repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Co's.
J. R. Smith Co.
store, a purse containing several
pieces of money. Owner can
Don't treat him like you do a same by identifying it.
and other patent medicines at
J. R. Smith Co.
Miss Smith, of Middle-
sex, is visiting her brother,
J. T. Smith.
J. C. Jones spent b
with his parents st Granger.
The census enumerator is in
Ayden at work this week
E. E, Worthington, an old
citizen of Ayden, has moved his
family to Greenville.
Miss Mary Kittrell. of Green-
ville, was here Saturday to visit
book agent, and then wonder at
the feeble effort he is making.
We are not all like Josephus
Daniels, we need your
All our lady graded school teach
who live away from Ayden
left for their respective homes
Wednesday to spend
Guess they will again, as
they were all re elected.
Larry W. Smith.
Miss Clara Smith left Tuesday
to visit friends in Kinston and to
attend the exercises f
R. Wt Smith. Rev. J. W. Tyndall's school.
and rubber
black and galvanized pipe and
other mill fittings at J. R. Smith
Rev. J. B. Bridgers. pastor of
At the Close of Business March 20th, 1910.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Due from 60,902.86
Cash Items
Gold coin 40.00
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,288.09
bank and other
U. Notes 8,786.00
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 6,421.89
Deposits sub. to check 60,186.20
Savings Deposits
Cashier's checks
. I. J. R. Smith, of named bank, do that
the statement is true to the bast of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to
before me, this 4th day April,
Notary Public.
similar offense last court in
Corn oats and hay at J. R.
Smith Co.
Turnage has bought one
half of the J. E. Window lot on
the corner of Lee and Third
streets and expects to build a
nice residence on same at an
early day.
I you want to buy,
food and lease, sell or rent houses or land.
Smith Co's. or want a job for yourself, wife,
daughter, mother or sister, or
want to employ additional help,
or sell what you have, there is
no better medium than the col-
of The Rt
R. W. Smith.
Charles who
so sick some weeks ago, was on
our streets Thursday.
have for sale the
seats out of the old Methodist
church, x ft long x ft
long also good pulpit.
Stancil Hodges.
Mrs. Kate Richardson and
Mrs. Maggie Griffin, of Durham,
and Mrs. Edith Branson, o.
Villa Ga., are visiting
t sister, Mrs. N. J. Ormond,
at the home of Elias Turnage.
Ninety day and rust proof oats
R, Smith Co's.
Guy Taylor returned Thursday
evening from Maple Cypress
and says that on the way he
was caught in a severe hail and
rain storm. The hail extended
over the section between Maple
Cypress and end
did much damage to crops.
chicken powders kills
crows, owls and minks,
best remedy cholera, gapes,
poop, indigestion and log weak-
keeps them free from
causing them to pro-
duce an abundance of
a at J. R. Smith Co's.
Mrs. L- C. Gardner and Mrs.
A. U. went to Green
ville Friday.
for nails, barbed wire, lime
and cement at J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs. Henry Harding, of
ville, came Friday to visit the
family of Elias Turnage.
and magazines
at J. R. Smith Co.
R. W. Smith has a little son
at his home,
Japan peas, millet and rape
seed all fine for at
J. R. Smith Co's.
Mrs. Corbett is quite
sick at her home on Lee street
Smith Co. Dixon will buy
your cotton seed or exchange
meal with you,
Mrs, A. and boys,
of Kinston, are visiting Mrs,
H. C. Ormond.
See our line of gents, ladies
and children slippers before
making your selection R.
Smith Co.
Elder of
preached a special sermon in the
Baptist church here Sunday
night. He was on his way home
from the union meeting at Hat
lines of spring pants
Jones, the revivalist,
came up here and stumped Ten
against B
It was an old-time
comrade who r-poke with his
pipe in his
said Bob. reply-
to him. me the par-
governor. But as for
Brother Sam Jones, he has said
in the pulpit many a tin e, and
you've all heard him, that if
hadn't been for the pardoning
power as exemplified by Lord
and Savior, he'd been in
that held Jones,
hadn't anything more to
against pardoning, for he
had preached pardon and
N. C. May
Misses Ruby and Christine
Smith, T. E. Little and
Smith went to A. J. Flanagan's
Farmville Saturday and
returned Sunday evening.
Mrs. C. L n and son.
Johnnie, from near
were visiting at Mrs. Am a
A. L. Flanagan, from
Farmville, came Sunday eve;
to take Misses Martha B- e
and Jessie Smith over here to
for a few days.
Mrs. Anderson, cf
LaGrange, was Mrs.
Anna Sunday
W. S. Rankin says one
of the
year of age. J. S. Fulford had
one to die before last
was about one year old and
Calvin Joyner had one to die last
week that was months old.
A very old woman
died in oar neighborhood last
week by the name Charlotte
Anderson. She was ii years
Dr. Laughinghouse came Pun
Very Bad Cough.
Stopped It.
But the night
Bob told another
old auntie he said
this in his big. solemn voice,
she she
I want my
is h. I
he a good nigger,
no He's a
want him
plumb out of ham
Toe Designer for June.
In Your Homes to Stay
for mm and
fail and the Grease
t for rheumatism and all aches
i pains, highly p all over the
lard by young and old.
Sold by Pharmacy, Greenville,
N. C, and manufactured by
Greensboro, N. C.
We with to call attention to our new line of fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great ears In this year and we for men and boys at J. R. Smith
think we can supply your wants m Shoes, Hats, Dress Ginghams No-
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried In a . ,,
Dry Goods Store. E-
let us show yea.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
I Mrs. i. M.
de under little
tear old, was bad
attar sot
i f fever, was a
worse at
would up oat el
in J cough until I feared she could
Nothing that we give seemed
do her any good. I I hen to
send for Dr. Hartman's book
Tho Ilia of which I
lime commenced
her ha lakes one
in nil, through which
day tO See Mrs. Mills Smith who
taken seriously sick that bat since tarn
evening but ii considerably eat
I kind of food without tad
Is well Md happy
Mills Smith been on the girl can be. our
for some days but is hew x
better at this writing.
Mrs. C. C. Cobb, of Norfolk, cs i consider it the Am
ramp and a I coughs o
came is at
B. P. Cobb's at j similarly
TO F SCAR n that tax-yam
, Hwy Bad It f family
Are the Church t ,
and Left for Fear of Its Ass your Druggist for a free Peru-
Washington. D. C, Almanac for 1910.
comet is today
toward the earth at the rate of J
forty miles a second. At
Naval observatory, in the midst To ea Monday, Hay 23rd.
of telescopes and other j next Monday the opening
Hall and his game of Eastern Carolina League
corps of spent several between Wilson and
hours with the comet thin be played at Wilson,
According to Prof Hall, this opening game the Nor-
the comet will side Southern railroad will run
swipe the earth Wednesday train from Wash-
But the sky sharps agree to Wilson and
there is no cause for Washington at 12.45 p.
According to observers m . Greenville at 1.40 p.
the caudal
comet this
appendage of at Wilson at p.
morning stretched returning leave Wilson p. m.
Few Brokerage
J D. Smith and F. H.
have formed a co partnership for
a merchandise bro
business here under the
firm name of Smith
These are both active young men
who know how to do business.
For the present their c will
be in the building with
for some or across
the heavenly way or about
On Saturday and Sunday
nights, after sunset, will be
j the best time to see the comet.
It will appear these evenings
just of the point in the
western sky where the sun sinks
behind the horizon.
Down in Virginia many
arc and dread of
the news that the comet is to
c has caused such an
of joining the church
never was known since the old
camp meeting day
The round trip fare
Greenville will
Stray Taken Up.
I have taken up one black sow,
weighs pounds, hoe in right ear,
crop and in left ear. Owner can
get same by proving ownership and
g expenses.
J. B. Oakley,
R. F. D. H. C.
i ltd
We are prepared to furnish yea with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cask or
Cami to us will convince you
filled Mr.
appointment Sun-
Cox cotton open
spring plows and cultivators at
J. R Smith Co.
T. of Washington,
spent Sunday with Mayor Bar-
Japan peas millet and rape
seed at J. R. Smith Co.
Dr. St. Claire, of Georgia, is
spending a few days with us.
Canton, Ohio, May 17.-With
a roar that was heard three mile
away a battery of seven boilers
At the plant of the American
Sheet and Tin Plate Company
exploded this
from twenty to thirty men no
injuring about Among the
injured are a half dozen it
i said, will
morning. Others, physicians
cannot recover their
The Call of the Blood
for purification, finds voice in pimples.
boils, complexion, a
look, moth patches and blotches on the
V In. all of liver trouble. Bat
Dr. King's New life Pills
red d; give clear akin, rosy cheeks,
fine complexion, health. Try them.
at all druggists.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Dr. Perkins native herb tablets Can Serve You Any Way. Try He
Chicken Powder
it Death to Hawks-Life to
Chickens and Turkeys
or TIE
No Danger at All.
New York, Tuesday,
Prof. Dr. Harold of
Columbia, is one who
does not believe comet
will injure the earth Wednesday
night. He said the head of the
comet will not come nearer to
the earth than 14,000.000 miles
and the-1 I pass through
its He said the timid may
take new hope, as tho earth will
continue to do at the
old stand.
People of and Pitt
county will on morning,
st the closing of Cast
Carolina Training
school, have the opportunity of
hearing the matchless r, x-
C. B. cock, who win de-
liver literary en
I take ale Died after ea-
Chicken Powder a chick of that
and feed my old rooster, which
with H too, had been fed on
Look at me and
observe the Hawk, j Powder. Aim
Alas I
Kills Hawks, Owls and Minks.
Best remedy for Cholera, Gaps,
limber Neck. and Leg
Keeps them free
Vermin, ceasing them to pro-
duce an a of eggs. Pi ice
IS and cents.
Manufactured only by
W. H. Tarboro, N C.
Graduate Nurse
la Um
Will Silk.
. Ca it.
k la

Story of
I.-J I. b,
b, Hal
e to B.
I w
, -I By the way.
of bow w. t.
l yon from
to If. .
bat I
, tat. to of
marrying -om- ,
Son on. ,,, ,
pucker her
I know would hare .
roost of B m
t a ,, t be
In cur
ha. hi
Ton any u well know
I cant bear the I of that
dreadful old cried, abject
in her
He united bU teeth and turned
Late In Anna Cramer
appeared before
by two of the men. Crisply ah corr
girl to come forth.
was In outer room for
better part of an hour listening to
Anna Cramer and
praise. f the
Count Into The
IT.- arrives in
me U n I i of
King d a
i c . tin nor nil r of the
. John
an Ill II ion
o inter
Warns h m ; . i t n g ., the
the royal
meets the pr is d
a the f. n-i g Aunt
ten, c
mil the m Is in an
ch m t e
is d o e who is to Prince
Bo in with a tomb.
C I I on i .
, who
and ant i h d. Mar-
a g the
VII, III. IX and X Kl-g visits the
of the of Go moll and
me is the t oval I . h I I there. He
sets Hi i ye . I h crack
in a an t v a. a chin; fur the
he is ard
int a I ft. Me is toil by
and then taken to the under
ground den of the f ten.
XI d f ml- Kin.- c
tee of . who to kill h m.
is to the den d
into the room King
XII King a a jailer, don. hi
and. carries into
a b . r several of the
o leaders to
1.1, .
r be-
his coat
Hour, first
i I.- i
I whoa be awoke.
and -f came to
s. sat His hand,
free It had not been a
ho was lying over
nod Itself
that all. crept
across the Boor. In the ha
found her and touched the garment.
she bock enthralled
Afraid to for fear of
Ins lier. he for an hour or
till, time his brain wit.
like rand ii new found de-
f to perform miracle. the sake
of lovely. creature
He was prince, the r-
of he
of . in the fate
had More fur her.
may have the promise
what it i him I
Lad the
the .
him to tin- r iv .
He awoke h r
words of i
ears. Tin
and threw himself
plan the r
deceive the
A in the padlock,
man Spools Pi the doorway.
Is the man
Then he came and a
of said
bitterly. hours It
be nil over. oh.
Julius in the food for
the prisoners, letting It on the floor be-
tween then.
Is usually the duty of our friend
Julius to observed
to fellow prisoner.
queried from the
castle, peering at the man. Juli-
us of tie
said Julius
snarled William
when lie turned to address the
young lady. he; to Inform you.
madam, that your slay Is to lie
yon will be removed to more
pleasant that a friend has
prepared you. As for yon, my
to and
deeply deplore the
fact that you arc to remain.
we next Rather In the room a
new dispensation will have
You may he Interested to hear
what we have to out
With a profound how to the lady
and a leer for he departed, bolt-
the door d Instantly
wan her aide.
Idea ha. come to he n his
think I n
what la It you Intend to
dot Please tell me. I know.
Ton heard what be raid about
this got to do with
your plan to
at The point Tm try-
to at i, ton-,
pretty rough on a hero to
for some other fellow to up
think I to ,
he said, star-
lag gloomily at the food he had put
aside. -Ton are quite sure you prom-
that marry
I did not promise him I'd
Mid you had
did net allow me time to Sn-
I meant to say that I prom-
to let him know In a day or two.
That U Mr. Then was
suspicious In her
bar. he demanded.
don't mean to Oh.
I wonder-1 wonder If I have a
a ghost of n
very Incredulous,
-What I. It that you are going
to let or
That was question I com-
when the caught
course he I. In your own
said dually.
She an
has no one told you my name-who I
she asked.
the aunt.
all I
more Ills aunt than
Jack Is bis
are you.
am sister, a New
Yorker bred and born, and I live not
more than two from
stared at her In
you are a
or he began again,
very plain New York-
she said, laughing aloud.
are not are you DoM
It open your romance
cant that
bathed girl's face and freshened
her u occurred to I but
she was being for a of
the redoubtable and
put the question plainly.
raid Anna not
here. You ore g to
He not be Count after
tomorrow, but Citizen one
of people, one of
Little did they know
and will come for you
said with
an evil, smile.
beginning to tremble
with fear that would not be
returned to their room when door
was she In.
Some time In the tense, suffocating
hour, of night they beard the
of ninny footstep.
about the room. There
hoarse, guttural, goodbye and
well wishes, the croaking of henry
door. the dropping of Is Its
King, who had boon
alertly, realized that but two of
the men In room.
and Julius Sputa.
An by mother. King
was under the suspense. The
time was ts slowly
when lie was to attempt the
net in nil
He had told of hi i pita. She
knew the part she was to play. And
If all went well-ah.
Suddenly be Started to hi. feet, his
Jaws sot. eyes glean g. The
graph Instrument was
outer room.
The undersigned haying day
. the of the
tale of before U. C
Moore, clerk of Superior court,
notice is given to all
indebted to said i state to make
mediate settlement with the u
and persons
claims estate are
hereby notified that they file
their again t with
the on or
t-fore the of April. 1911. or
notice will be d in bar of
r. on n
the , t
the h of A r I.
W. J. traitor,
of the estate of
F. C. Alt,. m
Land Sale.
Report of the Condition of
n. the State of N. C at th do of 29th. 1910.
I ill
urn. cured
All ob Stocks.
id e
A Fix. St j
Hue from U and
QoM loin
coin all
A S. note. 16.076
i in
Undivided lex cur.
ard pd.
n .
Tot. I
By virtue of a p riven a
deed, by
and wife, loin , on I he twenty-
d day . f No. ember, end re-
I J- U of the bank, do th.
and to Mm me.
pole, to a thence 1-2
t to the Tar r ad to a
thence northward with the western
edge of said road fourteen pole, to a
the north Hi 1-2 to a
on the A. C L. railroad right of
way at the containing
seres m- re or less.
Thia the v. nth day of A
. Mortgage-.
S. J. Atty.
Sale of Knitting Mill.
By virtue of a d of the Super or
court of t made in the
of C. um- et
against O Kn mi Is,
l-e ed receiver at
c n, before the court house
door In Greenville. N, C,
1910, thee tire plant of the
Commercial Knitting mil.,
plant of four of
Una of April, 1910.
II. D. Ba Pub
J. . Andrew.,
b. w.
J. G.
Taking bis girl. I wood
was in real dismay, be water work., electric fight
against the bands en inc. boiler. knitting m-
, m chi- e.
J I in; machine.
I plant and I aid folder and all
,,.,, . tools, in
All the a. it Start. connection with the sad g m III
,. . . , ,,, Terms, one third
It an lo rapidly i cash, balance in six or eight months to
over a Hold with
row before h crop comes up
id th keep
dun sign f It
a scratch to destroy
. from the you keep
May 1910.
F. G. Jam-., Receiver.
Greenville. N. C.
North Carolina I , . ,,.
Fannie Milch II
u you Keep v.
up A-
the you kill ail the grass defendant will take
a-o . that a entitled as above
a e the limit d
, where they rail for the purpose
; the for the d
.-. tor a b the p ff the
the s I to turn a lit and that e h , rd
of rover and he that be is re-
quired to appear the term of the
up more court of Pitt county to be
ard has He
1.1 do again, nay of Into, at cot
have an
I that run d- to the comp iii ac ion or the
row. before
Norfolk Southern Railroad Co.
to r to starting point May 23rd.
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J -Ticket, J May 16,17
to to tuning point by lune 5th.
D. May U, and
to to starting point by June 1st
apply of the
Railway, or address,
H. C G. P. A.,
Norfolk, Virginia
ma whole or
body was
no. don't It Just
way me think It out. Let
me It through my head.
be mild, a thrill in his
voice. a just the
same. never ho in my
life mis It to
black as It was. I thought I couldn't
win you
I'm looking at It
differently. I don't mind you
I'm love with you-desperately
In It's with me ever
i Unit day In the I loved
as a or u princess
bone. Now. I'm
flag to
the better of me Just now. but I'm
the with nil of
If I out of this place
want you to
that from this very minute
am trying to win you If it ll.-s In the
power of any American to win n girl
has suiters among the
you really In
mean every word of It. I do love
cannot talk about It now, Mr
fluttered, moving
from him a sadden panic.
he went over to her.
standing near the candle.
at the flume, with a strangely
expression In her eyes.
be was
hasty. Inconsiderate.
quite took my breath
An Awful Eruption
of a brief and ,,.,,,. , ,
Basra u
their care. Even the
worst ., fever are
hauled by it Best tor burns, cuts,
son lips, chapped hands,
and piles. It instant rt-
at all druggists.
Our Greenville, yours
if you
queer little
he murmured.
Her troubled resumed It.
of the
won't me to my fate be-
cause you think I'm going to marry-
He grew very sober.
yon and I hare one chance In a
By v of th
his 12th -f
D C. Moore, .
Superior of county.
, . r .- h township,
ad and delivered bf Greenville I v M. B
No. A. F. A M. , B
J. Cuba, one , n will
dated t, ant other that a in the above
d tug 1st of September, 102.1 action issued mid
and respectively record, d in the day
of deed, of Pitt Harding, a of
in book page North Caro-
et a. q and in book pan I the
2-4 et q the undersigned will expose by the by ac-
t before th- court house
door in Greenville to the highest bidder re H- J-
on May 24th a certain l in
It or p re I land lying and being in Pitt county, No-th
th county of Pitt and of E
when where the defendant. M B.
You to save mo icy. Yo want a fr. e piano. We offer you the
make your fur and at
our store lo.- for lo-a than pay You . t
best rood, end h every cash we g free
tea you to gal this piano ab-
r -n M mu i.
Carolina and in the of e
an I known Masonic
fie fronting on Third street
i feet and tn the south by
said a on the eat lot No,
on the court of Pitt
d. on lot No.
and on the iv the formerly
to Dr. W. J. Blow, except-1
apart of kt SO feet square,
beret, for i to the town of
a d upon which the water
stand pipe of Bail town is located.
At the time and place we will
brick and other debris upon
aid lot. to Mid do of tr. st.
Terms of sale cash.
15th day of April, 1910
James L. Little,
Robt J. Cobb,
is to appear d
answer or demur to the complaint of
the or tho demanded
be granted.
This the day of 1910.
Henry Harding, Justice Peace.
And Provisions
Notice to
Having before the
court of Put county
the will and
of H. W. Martin,
not is hereby Riven to all persons
ind. to make
to the and
all claims against
are notified to the
to tho on or the
18-h day of May. 1911. or this notice
he pi ad in bar of
Thia day of May. 1910.
of H. W.
Our Greenville,
yours if you
Cotton and
vs on
kept ton
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
you Hie to have it in home Pi your g with
rave all he tea yo can, an I get your friends to help you. You
can net the piano if you only try.
farmer vent to market.
This farmer
panned jet
And find the market
unfavorable for your
produce The farmer
who has a telephone in his home can telephone
first The useless trips thus saved are worth the
cost of service.
Under our plan the service costs but a trifle;
the farmer owns the instrument and the equipment
For information write to our nearest Manager
for pamphlet or
line Department
Henderson, N. C
by Sal
N. C. May 10.-At
the election held today, the main
object which was a much needed
school, Parmele was de-
after a hot and
contest by a of three.
The votes stood as
Number registered,
of white votes for
number of colored
school making a total of
Number of white votes
school, number of colored
votes against school making a
total of and a majority of
The leading citizens of the
town are unanimous in their
opinion that any
the value of education can realize
the for this school, and
feel that all other matters should
have been given con-
How car. we make re
The children of today arc the
men and women of tomorrow; on
them the future, and
they have a right to the best
preparation to meet life's prob-
that can be given to
A little money expended on
education a investment,
and a cultivated mind will I i
a far better profit than a
piece of ground. A school
town a thrifty, growing, enter
town. Can Ibis said
of Parmele
This graded school will be one
of the leading features of the
fall election and it is to be hoped
that everyone will put aside
fish interests and come out
strong for community, and
give the children a chance to
cultivate their minds instead of
cultivating the fields.
J. L
The farmer today buy. a much
larger proportion of the loud that
on the table than he did ten years ago.
It's a good thing that is because
he has a great variety to select from.
He should, however, use great care
lo selecting for the beat result, in
health and strength.
The widespread tendency in the
to increase the amount Quaker Oats
eaten is duo very largely to the recent
demonstrations by scientific men that
the Quaker Oat. tad man is the man
with greatest endurance and
greatest mental rigor.
Farmers should give this subject
careful thought and should increase
the quantity of Quaker Oats eaten by
themselves, their children and the
farm hands.
Packed in regular site packages,
and in hermetically Una tor hot
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets will clear the sour
sweeten the breath and
create a healthy appetite. They
promote the flow of gastric juice,
thereby inducing good digestion.
Sold by all druggists.
Death a Child
The four months old child of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Willis
yesterday afternoon at the home
of Mr. T. Carver, on Cleve-
land street.
The baby was brought here
some days ago on account of
illness of Mrs. Willis, the mother,
who is in desperate condition in
Greenville, N. C. A series of
convulsions carried it away. The
funeral services will take place
afternoon from the residence
of Mr. Carver. Mr. Willis came
in morning on the earl
train from Greenville. Tho
burial will be in Maple wood.
Durham Herald.
Why Boys Beat Men Cora.
Why i it that the boys who
join the corn clubs make such
yield, while the average
Corn yields of the South remain
so low these boys
h iv- the of good land,
rile men on the
same sit. of laid.
The i- to the -lion is
not haul to find.
employ modern ideas, up
information, and approved
of cultivation.
Know nothing of corn
to begin and know that
they do not. Many of the men
know nothing of corn growing,
don't know it. boys
have nothing to unlearn and all
to learn. They go about their
tusks ready to learn, and read.
and the literature of the
question with minds open to
instructions In they learn,
and practice modern, scientific
methods of cm growing, and
succeed. The man
follow same course to
large yields.
The face that these boys are
more open to instruction, that
they learn more readily because
of no prejudices to overcome and
no long formed habits to change,
brings home to us the importance
of agricultural instruction
rural schools. To fit the teach-
of our schools to the life of
the pupils is
the of farming can
reach the hearts of all the
When will our rural
authorities wake up to this fact
and attain the courage to act
Raleigh, N. C, Progressive Far-
mer and
N. C. May
and Mrs. Ward, of Washing-1
ton, spent Sunday with Mrs. B.
B. Satterthwaite.
Paul Davenport. Howard j
Hodges and Sugg Fleming
to Grimesland Sunday
R. R. Fleming went to Tar-
on business today.
Mrs. W. E. Warren and Miss
are spending week visiting
their sister, Mrs. G. H. Little.
Mrs. Fannie Fleming and
daughter. Miss Emma, were in
town Friday visiting Mrs. J. P.
Ada Ward
spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. J.
The farmers were made to fear
Saturday and Sunday by the
heavy rain.
The carnival at Washington
this attracts very many
people around
The work of
Stomach and Liver
Tablets is to light
No remedy for liver
troubles was ever
known before. Thousand bless
them for curing constipation,
sick headache, biliousness,
dice and indigestion. Sold by
all dealers.
hesitate about giving
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to
children. It contains no opium
or other narcotics and cm be
given with implicit confidence.
As a quick cure for coughs and
colds to which children are
it is unsurpassed. Sold
by all druggists.
Is for
J. D. Smith, who has been
with J. Higgs for some
years salesman, has engaged
in the merchandise brokerage
business for himself. Mr. Smith.
is a hustler and we predict for
him great success.
John U, Rockefeller would go
broke he should spend his en-
ti.-it income trying to prepare a
better medicine than Chamber-
Colic. Cholera and
Remedy for
dysentery or
It is simply impossible, and so
says every one that has used it.
Sold by all druggists.
and a quantity of condensed
milk, U fresh milk cannot be had.
Vi lint milk . . .
cold to make on
On, parts
all together thoroughly and
freeze. heat or cook it;
don't add This
makes two quart, of delicious ice
cream in minutes at very small
and YOU runt.
H . J.
packages at all grocers.
Tho Game Part Food Co, to Roy, II. Y.
Yon Try It.
The for Busy Shop-
The Rifle .-tor is a good place to
do your talking to quick reading
buyers,, Some of the merchants
use this column with of
decidedly improving their hales.
You try it and see the result.
An Ideal Husband
is patient, even with a wife,
for ho knows she need. help, the may
end run-down in
trifles annoy her. If aha i.
excitable, with
of appetite, headache, nits,
cons or fainting and d Is
aim Electric Hitter.- the most
remedy for ailing women.
Thousands sufferers from female
troubles, troubles,
and weak kidneys have u them and
healthy and happy. Try them.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Or. Drake Here.
Dr. R, H. Drake, eye specialist,
is at J. L. grocery store,
will remain until Saturday even-
May Eyes tested free.
Notice to
Having this qualified
or the of Kin.-.
to notify persona holding
against said to file mm
claim, with me on or the
day f April, lull, or will
pleaded in bat of recovery
cl and all p to
estate are notified to make
immediate with the under-
Thia the 11-h day of April,
U. It. Little,
of the
The Devil of Debt.
The devil of debt seems to be
on the heels of almost everybody.
The par's in debt. Ditto
the typewriter. Ban with the
and the
As for the superintendent,
he can't remember when
he wasn't. The boy
would be in debt if anybody
would trust him. And all of
them complaining and
edging the miserableness of their
condition. Debt is a mortgage
on your salary. Debt is a
to a young man's weakness,
a grown man's failure in the
of Life. Debt is discount-
tomorrow's opportunity for
today's good time. Debt is a
quitclaim deed to your
confidence, children's am-
and your own
Debt is a guaranteed
policy against happiness
what are we going to s .-
a chorus of young fellows and
business men and aspiring
women, and laborers and
and managers, and street cir
conductors, and hundreds
Do without it It will take
backbone. It will take
genuine courage. But you'll he
able to hold your bead
that's more than you can do now,
and you know it. Ex.
A of rheumatism, or a
twinge of neuralgia, whatever
the trouble is,
Liniment drives away the pain
at once and cures the t
quickly. First application gives
relief. S d by all dealers.
Died at
Mr. George Pittman died Tues-
day at his home above Falkland,
in this county. He was said to
be years of age.
A Man Wants to Die.
a liver and
But Dr. New Life Pills
poisons the bring hope
and c cure all liver,
and kidney troubles; impart health and
vigor to the weak, and ailing.
at all
Lodge at
About twelve members of Tar
River K. of P. went to
Farm ville Wednesday night and
returned this morning. While
there they instituted a
lodge with seventeen members.
Lion Fondles a Child.
In a savage lion fondled
the hand that a child thrust into his
cage. to a child sometime,
great when least regarded. Often it
c m s through colds, croup and whoop
They say that
Dr. King's New Discovery could have
saved. few dot a cured our baby
of a very bide as of writer
Mrs. George B. Davis, of Plat Rock.
N. C. always it to him
when h take. cold. a wonderful
mo for Beat for coughs,
colds, la grippe, asthma,
lung. Trial bottle free.
Guaranteed by a
Nat A
When the
bill, which carries
was on its final passage in
the senate, one of the
of that august body was moved
to remark that service as good as
the gives could b
provided st an ; cost of
and that a
managed as a
some of the great railway sys-
could furnish a better get
vice for lower figure aid
still a good profit for its
stockholders. No doubt the
gentleman was well the
mark, but. unfortunately, it is
not to be expected that public
business should be transacted
with the same regard for the-
same degree of economy as ob-
in the management of
affairs. A consummation
devoutly to be wished has
been effected in no big country
in n age, so far as we have
heard or read. But certainly
valid reason why the
of the United
Mates be administered
with less economy and less
than those or
The Dominion, with a much more
sparsely settled territory, with
greater distances to cover and
with much lower rates on
and third class ma, operates
department at an
annual of a million dollars
and over, while our yearly de-
from fifteen to
millions. It is a safe wager
th-t if the Canadian government
had management of our
affairs, it would give th-
country good service as
that row obtaining and at a cost
but little, if in excess of the
mentioned by the senator
quoted above. Virginian-Pilot
A Regular Tom
was Susi g trees and
always gel-
cuts. a.
burns tr But laws
Her mother j let a plied B n's Ar
Salve an i cured her quick. s
beatable boil-,
old corn , or Try it.
at all
Change in
R M. has been
government local
observer and river re
porter to succeed C. V. Y
who recently resigned,
to move away from
A New an Old One.
How it. an be In Greenville
The Ii c . aches at h a dull,
feeling, making
and piercing s
the r. of I he
and again loin- r-
is N use t or apply
a p to I in is condition.
t re ch th cause. Iv; ,
the bad hack for a new and
on-. i i. would do
to profit by
Savage. Church
N. C, Tor so no time
my kidneys wore disordered, the at
ages of he g
scanty i it times painful. I h d
in m . I if I
slurp gs caught mo across
the back, making it hard for me to
After trying a of
without relief, pro
cured y Pills and began
use. removed the aches
and pains and regulated the passages
of kidney sec I am pleased
to d Kidney Fill, in
return tor the benefit I have derived
from their
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents Co . Buffalo,
York, sole agents for United
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
AT N. C.
At the close of March 1910.
and Discount
e and
Due from ft
Silver coin, including all
minor MB. currency
National k r and f
V. J
I fund,
II Undivided ex.
a d taxes aid
Time Or of
j Sub. to
1.3 l
I, II. Cashier above-named bank, sol
swear that above statement is true t the best my
belief. W. H. Cashier.
swum to be-
this 5th Apr., B M Jones.
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public.
Robt. Staton.
Not Quite
How you ran get a
or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergent lea. Our
Is a you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a
useful article.
I Of Course
You get Harm
Horse Goods ; c
J. P.
I. I.
N. C, Hay II.-
The Jacobi Memorial
dedicated this eras
the scene of a brilliant g
when M
Evans, of G m st
charming and popular
ladies, the bride of Mr.
D. Davis, both ha-i u j
been from the ins j
and to
their nuptial tho balls
of beloved alma mater.
The vast auditorium was crowd-
ed its utmost capacity with
friends an relatives, and do
bright illuminations and
rate of tie
whereon a chancel of p
plants and w s con
made a I of rare
beauty. Prior to the ceremony j
Miss Pearl
As the
with the exquisite tone of
real artist that she is To the
strains of the bi march fin m
Lohengrin the attendants enter
ed in the following
S-a lie Mr- Leslie
Davis, of Beaufort; Miss Mamie
Best with Mr. T. R- Andrew,
of ; Hattie
with Mr. E. Moore, of
Miss Giant
ton with Mr. J. L. Frank, of
Miss Mamie
with Et Davis. ,
ii while lingerie earned
pink carnation lied h pink
The dame of boner s
Mrs. H. G. Wore
a pink gown endear
pink maid
Lydia the of
honor, was in Hue mes-.
saline, and held pink roses. Mr.
Winston Daws, of Raleigh,
brother of the groom, acted as
lust man. The beautiful bride,
handsomely gowned in Duchess
satin with pearl trimmings, and
bearing a shower bouquet of
ill i. s of the was given
away by Mr. W. T. Harrison,
Rev. D. H. the
words making the two man
wife, using the ring ceremony.
The couple left on an
extended tour to northern cities
of interest, taking with them the
best wishes of the entire com-
as was evidenced by the
galaxy of gifts that filled an
entire room at the Dude's home.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis will make
Wilmington their future home.
Professional Cards
N. c.
k. L
and dour to John t
Attorney at Law
o by J. U
d. m.
Greenville, N. Carolina
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
I n Real
Ir. Greenville,
A. U.
and Long
nit i v i i, i v n
N C.
KiN i
v He N. C
Dr. F. Fitts, Osteopath
Ail will
Dr. A. H. at
in Is
over AliSUN'S
I. m. to o.
Taken Up.
is hi given that I have
taken up from tho low Tar
river, opposite the of Haul,
and marked with
a slit in the r tar an i a hole in the
left. The owner can i hem by
applying to tho undersigned and p
costs of advertisement.
This April 5th
ltd F. E. Brooks.
I hereby announce a
candidate for the i of sheriff
of Pitt county, subject to the
Democratic primary.
and retail Grocer
and Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Errs, Oak
Suits, Baby
suits Tables,
P. and Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry
Canned Cherries, Peach,
as, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
j Jelly, Meat, Flour, Coffee,
Soup, Lye Matches,
Oil, Cotton Scud Mb and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges,
Nuts. Dried Apples-
Peaches. Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
era, Macaroni, Cheese, Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
Stray Takes Up.
I have taken up one male hog,
white and black spotted, weight
about pounds, marled
split in right et r. om- can
get same by pro. ii.
G. W.
w Bethel. N. C.

. .
In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
j Agent of The Eastern Reflector for and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
The Pitt County School j they tie cheap.
manufactured by The A. G. Cox; w Co
Manufacturing Company are
neat and
durable. liberal.
When in the market to see
us, we nave the desk for you.
The comet is stilt visible ct
We are carrying a nice line of
Coffins and Caskets. are
light and can nice hearse
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
C. J. Jack sop,
of the Y. M. C. A. at
after spending a few
d at home returned to
For spring dress
embroidery and laces see
New lot in.
Harrington, Barber Cc-
Miss L a of
to spend Sat-
with Misses
Kite and Laid Chapman.
tor fresh fish see R. D.
on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
J. B. Carroll went to Greenville
For cold drinks of all kinds call
at H. L fountain.
Miss Miriam Johnson went to
Ayden yesterday.
H. T. attended the
grand lodge of I. F. at
and reports an excel-
lent time.
Just received, a nice lot of
ladies shoes.
Barber Co
Mrs. J. S. Ros and children
returned U; Ayden Thursday
after spending time with
Mr. and Mrs J. F. Harrington.
The is the Kind
you need. See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
Some of the Ayden were
in our town yesterday.
We call your attention to our
new line groceries.
R. W. DalL,
The here
will begin of receiving
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Beef, sausage and fish, going
cheap R. W. Johnson
stand, on railroad street.
Let us frame that for
Any size frame.
A. Ange Co.
You will never regret when
you purchase a Hunsucker buggy,
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man
Co., Winterville.
N. C-
How is your soul Let
us show you our new lot of
shoes. Harrington. Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
for sale.
We have purchased the
know the
Milling and Mfg. and will
be ready very soon to grind corn,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. W. Ange Cc.
Fresh corn herrings at
Barber Co.
We are now in to do
grinding every day land general
repair work promptly.
Harrington Barber ft Co.
Misses Annie Dixon and
Beulah were
visitors in town yesterday.
For quality and sweetness
are unsurpassed.
Miss Lucretia Washington is
visiting Mrs. Maggie Butt.
Miss Chapman went to
yesterday shopping,
Floyd Dixon, of Ayden, is
spending a few days with Mr.
and Mr. J. H. C. Dixon.
Mrs. J. F. Harrington went to
Greenville yesterday to spend
some time with her sister, Mrs
J. Harris.
Rev. E. L. St. Claire, traveling
evangelist, failed to fill his
night on
The written by the gifted
and beloved Mrs. Robert R Cot-
ten, of Bruce, has been set to
music by Mis. E. C. Duncan, of
Raleigh, and was produced with
telling effect at the recent meet-
of the North Carolina
in Henderson. It has three
choruses, one of which
come all loyal women, love
the Old North State.
Join with u in the effort to make her
truly great;
uplift all her people, by nobler
thoughts and
For aspiring effort which onward,
That rings like n trumpet. But
What Is the
Is occasioned by act n ex to t
lag external but la the
great majority el by a AU-
which any be
by try a of
They control and regulate the LIVER,
They bring hope and to the
mind. They health and elastic-
to the body.
N. C, May
Mr. and Mrs Wyatt
spent Wednesday night at Ayden.
Mrs. Bessie Cannon and little
daughter left Thursday for
we don't like the word to visit her sister.
It has a masculine sound,
a, for example, when Tennyson
speaks of parliament of
man, the federation of the
Why not change the
name to or simply to
sisters- Richmond Times-Dis
continue until Saturday. They
have excellent programs for
every occasion and we are sure
all that are present will go away
feeling that the time was spent
very pleasantly. The school has
done excellent work this year
and we venture to say that
it is second to none in the State
in high school work.
For nice fresh corned herrings
see A. W. Ange Co. Winter-
ville, N. C.
Straw hats are going fist, buy
one, don't be W. Ange
Leave orders for ice at H.
L. Will be delivered
anywhere in town.
Matting and oil cloth, for the
floor, buy some, cover it over.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Before buying, see my line of
post cards, H. L. Johnson.
Field peas and peanuts for
sale by A. W. Ange Co., Win-
N. C.
To reduce our stock before in-
we will offer for a
limited time, cheap, for
gingham calico.
worsted dress goods, to
suiting, percales. to
Cc; motor cloth, waist
goods, lawn, mohair
wool effects,
to table peaches. pie
peaches. shirts.
shirts, shirts,
shirts, Call and see what
we offer. A. W, Ange ft Co.
The Cox Manufacturing
Co. are rendering good service
in the undertaking business.
Coffins and caskets cheap with
excellent hearse service.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. has sold this season ever
cotton planters and
guano sewers which would
ally indicate s large cotton crop
this year.
I New lot of dry goods and no-
just in. buy while
to come home.
The merchants here are now
closing promptly at o'clock.
Get busy, commencement
We have needles, bobbins
shuttles, for any sewing machine
in the country. Also need e
threaders, the very
affected eyes or dark days
Harrington, Barber Co. J
We have put in an assortment
of patterns for all styles.
Harrington, Barber ft Co,
North Carolina, I
Pitt County. In Superior court.
S. J. vs J. A. Gardner.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court made in the foregoing cause at
the April term, 1810, the Pitt
Superior court, the
appointed by the will on the
day of June 1910, at o'clock, noon,
expose to public sale before h court
house in Greenville to the highest
bidder for cash, the
tract or parcel of land Lying
and being in Swift Creek township, in
the county of and State of North
and bounded as
Beginning at ditch on the
Greenville road leading fro-n
Roads to bridge,
thence run southward with said
to the old Flat Branch ditch,
thence westward with said Branch
to the division line between Isaac
land and
to the Greenville road, thence
with said read to the be-
ginning containing SI acres more or
This the 7th day of May, 1910
F. C. Harding, .
Black Jack. N. C. May 17.-
We are having some cool weather
now in May.
Misses Edwards and Lil-
lie Buck spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Miss Lena
J. H. Clark spent Sunday out
home with his parents.
Elder filled his regular
appointment at Black Jack last
Sunday. There was a large
crowd out to hear him.
Misses Martha Williams, Lena
Dixon and Martha Clark and J.
S. Dixon and W. V. Clark at-
tended Grimesland commence-
They all reported a fine
J. S. Dixon, of Blackjack, has
a large crop of onions. He ex
to feed his little friends
this fall.
As so many people are getting
married around Black Jack we
expect another wedding soon.
Miss Janie Clark, from near
Cox Mill, spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Miss Dollie
We are glad to say that Mrs.
W. L. Clark is improving some
It looks like we are going to
have some rain soon. Farmers
through this section an getting
in much work sow.
New North Carolina Industries.
For the week ending the 11th
Chattanooga Tradesman reports
the following new industries es
in North
Graham-110,000 drug com-
cotton oil
Roaring mill.
Raleigh-Woodworking plant;
publishing company.
house company.
In Superior Court.
North Carolina.
Pitt County.
P. S. M ore ;
J. A. Gardner.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county made in the fore-
going cause at the April term of Pitt
county Superior court 1910, the under-
signed commissioner appointed the
c will on th; 6th day of Jun.
1910, at o'clock, noon, expose to
public before the court use door
in Greenville to the highest bidder for
cash, the described tract
or parcel of land
Lying and beta in county of Pitt
an state of North Carolina a d de-
scribed as to Bounded on
the south by MO. Gardner, on the
east by J. k. Gardner, on the north
by J. A. and H. U. Gardner, on the
wast by J. A. and M. O. Gardner, con-
more or
Thia the 7th day May
F. C.
The crops throughout this sec-
are very good considering
the cold weather and we
have had.
Superior Court
Josiah Dixon vs J. A. Gardner
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county, made in the
for. going ed cause, at the April
term, of the Sup
court, the undersigned commissioner
appointed by court in said cause,
sill on the 6th of Jun , at
o'clock noon expose to
before the court house door in
to the highest for cash the
following d scribed tr or
i f land to
1st tract. Lying and being in the
county of Pitt ard state of North
Caro int. Creek Township, be-
ginning at a stake in the Cl y
road and running s. w.
to a slake, thence s. e. to
a then b. w. piles to the
creek road, then e and with the
creek road to Cross ids.
thence down the Clay Root road to
beginning, containing
more or leas.
Also one other tract in said township,
and at
a -co d corn r and runs a.
6.1 w. to the creek road, n down
road to th old Flat Bra-ch
ditch, thence with the various
of said ditch to 3rd
com it. then n. w. to
the beginning, containing acres
more or let-a.
one other parcel of Ian I in
township, county
ginning at the big ditch bridge on the
Clay Root road and down
road to J. Dixon's C -ward e
line, then a southerly direct n with
said line to an Id ditch,
up and with said ditch to the
big ditch, thence up and with said
ditch to the beginning, containing
sens more or lea.
Also one other parcel of land in said
township, county and state,
at the inters, of the
bridge road and the road
and running with the
Greenville road to t h; Laura A.
land, thence to M. O.
line, thence eastward y
II. O. line to the r
the Gardner bridge road to the begin-
containing acres more or leas
and being the land upon the
mill, store and residence of J. A.
Gardner is located
Also one engine and boiler, saw
mill and grist-mill, being the
boiler, saw-mill and grist-mill which
now located on the tract of fix
acres above described and known as
the A. Gardner mill.
This the 7th day of May.
F. C. Harding,
Election of
Asheville. N. C. May
election of three additional
ops for the Methodist church was
announced this morning, when
the fourth ballot taken
day, was counted. They are W.
Nashville; Dr. R.
G. Water ho use, Emory, Vs., and
Dr. D. in, of George
ton, Texas, All are connected
with college, except Dr. Lam-
beth. On the fifth ballot there
no election. On the sixth,
James H. of
ham, was Thia com-,
the ejection of
Do You Own a Piano
If not, and you expect to own .
eon. yon owe H to to ex-
the magnificent display
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
Ia a glance you will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of tot e, y and
general in a class to
but you I with prices
that stand here ard
incomparable an where. Eight
different makes tr select from, none
of those cheap western department
tort stencil, but each one a stand-
aid, of acknowledged fame and
reputation in the bade. Four
player pianos of best known
We take your piano in
exchange for one of ScH play-
, We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s your
When in Greenville visit our
D. J. WHit-HARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware Co. store.
close of business March 29th,
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 294.48
Furniture and fixtures 1,670.50
Due from 50,788.98
Cash items 897.88
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 640.55
Nat bank and other S.
Capital stock
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd 4.086.88
Time of deposits 16,841.81
ts sub. to check 67,880.01
Cashier's 1,104.86
I, J R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 4th day of April, 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
W. J. Turnage,
R. L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves. Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
now with them and you will be
Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street,
BY not Will split or curl like wood
Will not crack and roll off Ilka Will not rip at the
like plain tin. will radio during wind
d and last long tho building. And
of an, they make handsomest Tool and are not expensive.
YORK COBB, Agents.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Ex-Got. Aycock Fine Adorn
Wright Makes Slate
The first session of East Caro
Training school
came to an end today and closed
with appropriate exercises, be-
at o'clock.
As Was Bishop played a march
on the piano the following passed
down the aisles of the crowded
auditorium and took seats upon
the President Wright
with ex-Gov. U. B. Aycock, State
Superintendent J. Y. Joyner,
County Superintendent W. H
Hon. Y. T. Ormond
member of school ex com
Mr. F. C. Harding, chair
man trustees Greenville graded
school, Supt H. B. Smith of the
graded school, Rev. B. F. Huske
and Rev. J. H. Shore.
The students of the school then
entered, singing for Caro-
as they marched in,
seats in front at the
of the song, The girls were
all dressed in white and
a handsome picture. The
of exercises was as
Prayer by Rev. B. F. Huske
Chorus-a. Welcome Spring
b. Gondolier's Song
G. Hoffman
Address by Hon. Chas. B. Aycock
Chorus-I Know a Bank
E. Home.
North State
Benediction by Rev. J. H. Shore
President Wright
Hon, Charles B. Aycock, who
delivered the address. In begin-
Gov. expressed
regret at the absence of Gov.
Jarvis in whose mind this
was conceived, and paid
him a tribute as governor, U. S.
minister and Senator, but said in
c Id age he is doing his greatest
work in the advancement of
education and Christianity.
am going to make a speech
which I expect some of you have
you have may
the Lord have mercy on
Governor Aycock then took
up his theme of education
was known as our educational
and he would
repeat what he bad uttered
times before, that he is in
favor of educating everybody,
end he would go even further
and say he was in favor of
everything. Education is
not only good for people, but it
it good for animals and
tables. We call it improving the
Irish potato when we increase
its value as a food product, but
we are only educating the potato.
We call it breaking a mule when
we go about training the young
animal for service, but we are
merely educating him. If
is good for potatoes and
mules, it is better for folks.
If we educate everybody,
it mean everybody will be equal
Not at all. One star differs from
another star in glory. It is not
for us to say who will be greatest
and who will be least, that is for
God to determine. But it is our
duty to give all an equal chance
and then let God choose the
greatest from among them. If
we educate everybody, some will
continue to e and some
will continue to split rails.
There are big jobs and little
jobs, but it should be the full
man to his respective sphere.
If a thing is worth having it
be paid for. and you must
pay for before you get
them. Payment must made
in If any of you ex-
to become groat, you must
pay the price in labor and self-
denial in advance. You cannot
obtain the magnificent view from
Two Trains a Day.
It announced yesterday
. that effective with the first train
the mountain until you Raleigh-and Norfolk Sun-
day. June 5th. the Norfolk
first toiled and suffered in
climbing over the boulders in
order to reach the top. The
glory is worth the effort, but
dies not come without effort.
Universal education is
You cannot get the best
for your child without making it
possible for to get the best
my child. Give your child
tie highest education possible
and put him in a
where no one else is educated.
what have you accomplish
ed Nothing. Your boy to
make the best use of the
given him must be surround-
ed by those who have been given
equal opportunities. Do we
train a horse for by put
ting on a track by himself
No. He must be put on the
track with others in competition.
Your boy is not to run a
race alone, but others around
him must be educated to push
him to development Yes, we
must educate everybody. If yen
want the best for your children,
you must give the best to every-
body else's children.
Following the splendid
dress, President Wright
some in regard to the
school- He referred to the tact
that to establish the school the
the town of Greenville and
of Pitt had contributed
and the State had
a little less than
Ground was broken and work on
the buildings began July 2nd,
1908, and the first session of the
school opened 5th, 1909
Six erected ard
while, all the equipment for the
school had been ordered in time,
it had not arrived at the opening,
but temporary arrangements
were male for carrying on the
work until the equipment
rived and was installed.
During the session just closed
students were enrolled and
per cent of these agreed to
teach two years in the public
schools, thus obtaining
tuition without charge. The de-
taught in the school
are English, mathematics, his
science, pedagogy,
household economics, school gov-
and music. The
mental music department is not
free, but this has been
to be added next session.
President Wright expressed
gratification at the work of the
first session, and appreciation of
so many people showing their
interest by attending the com-
exercises. He also
said that during the year
of the faculty had made
addresses at educational
gatherings in this and other
In addition to the regular
two courses of ten weeks
each will be conducted for train-
teachers for better work in
their schools. The summer course
for teachers begins May 24th,
and for course more
have already come in than
rooms can be provided for in the
East Carolina Train-
School is already a greet
institution, and the people of the
State have every cause to be
proud of Reflector.
Southern railroad will inaugurate
Pullman sleeping car service,
leaving Raleigh at p. m.,
riving Norfolk a. m. Return-
leave Norfolk p. m ,
riving Raleigh a. m.
Four see
cars, electric
lighted throughout, have been
secured for this service. These
trains will receive connections
at Raleigh for from Greens-
Durham and
and make connection at
son for and from Wilmington,
New Bern and via Golds
Also for and from Rocky
Mount and Weldon. The cars
placed in service will be the
most modern equipped in service
on any line.
Effective on the some day Pull-
man broiler parlor car service
will be operated between Norfolk
and New Bern, leaving
a. m., arriving New Bern
p. m., connection arriving
Raleigh p. m. Returning leave i
New Bern a. m. and
a. m., arriving Norfolk
p. m. These cars be also
electrically lighted.
Effective on the same date,
through Pullman sleeping car
service will be inaugurated be-
tween Winston Salem and More-
head City, leaving Raleigh at
a. m., arriving at
City at a. m Returning
leaving Morehead City at p
m. arriving at Raleigh at
a. m.
Effective the same date train
No. at present leaving Golds-
at p. m. will leave at
Of Third Followed by Two Late Twenty More or Injured
J by Miss and Mr. Wilson j None Very Seriously.
The undersigned members of One of the most Elizabeth City, May
Bar at Greenville, of the season given afternoon a Norfolk
Carolina, the evening in hall, through train was
ions of Hon. Harry W. to the house per wrecked between and
of Pitt county, and believing ties of Misses Mary between fifteen and
that be would make a most ex- Carr. The hall b ; twenty slightly
judge of the Superior . decorated with Japanese injured. The left Eden ton
court, unhesitatingly and with and American flags, and at and before reaching
great pleasure present his name the music furnished by the going at a speed or
Tarboro orchestra. miles, a rail split and the
The German began at engine jumped the track.
o'clock, led by Mi s Olive a long train with i-. The first
rill, of Snow Hill, with coach in the
Wilson, Jr., the following and turned over. In
couples being roach the were rude-
Miss Stephens, of Dunn, from seats,
with Frank W. Wilson.
Miss Mary with Lin
don Hill, of
Miss Anna Pearce, of Warsaw,
with Jim of Kinston
the Democratic Judicial con-
of this district for
nation as judge to fill the vacancy
by the resignation of
H. Guion.
Mr. Whedbee is in the
of life, and with an experience
of years in active practice.
He is well equipped the law,
strong in character, patient,
firm, sympathetic and of such
temperament as
a an upright judge.
iron flying in d ff rent
r were cut about
the face and and
severe bruises sprains.
None, however, were thought to
IV its Ruth of Durban, be
The district would not make a Norm Warren.
mistake in nominating and elect
him as a Judge of the
Court, and we believe that
he would make a record upon
Bench of which the entire State
would be proud.
Chas. C. Pierce,
F. C. Harding.
Julius Brown,
H. Long,
S. J. Everett.
W. F. Evans,
F. G. James,
J. B.
F. M. Wooten.
N. H. Outlaw,
With Disfavor.
Monday printed
an extract from the Raleigh
p. m., arriving at Morehead and observer showing
City at 9.50 p. m.
The Norfolk Southern Railroad
is to be congratulated upon in-
i retaliation of this service which
will bi a benefit directly to
Raleigh and place the
facilities of Eastern North
Carolina equal to any in the
world. This progressive
of putting on the trains to
op the travel, not waiting to be
forced by circumstances, argues
well for the spirit of those who
are backing the enterprise, and
speaks eloquently for the promise
of a help to better conditions
for the of a whole State
It is felt that this will be a
popular movement, and it is to
hoped that it will be a well-
News and Observer.
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last report;
Julius Barnes and
Cornelius Sutton and
Woodman Blow and
William Stevenson and
Richard Forbes and Ferebee
Nathan and Gertrude
The Enterprise, a paper
in the progressive town of
I ville, made its initial
com- on Friday, The paper is four
lodge pages of six columns, and the
number makes a good
schedules of new trains the Nor-
folk Southern will nut or. be
Norfolk and and
Norfolk and New Bern to begin
June From the standpoint
of that an-
locked good. But
we since hear it rumored that
the putting on of these new
trail s taking off of
the present ones. If this is ti
it looks anything else but good.
The new trains will that
portion of the load this side of
the sound at night, and while
this would make no material
difference with through pas-
it would greatly
inconvenience the towns and
local travel on this part of
the road to have nothing but
night trains. We hops it is not
the intention of the Norfolk
Southern to take off any of the
day trains, for the present
of the trains, especially
between Washington and
is a great convenience. The
towns affected should ask the
railroad officials not to take off
any of the present day trains.
Mis-i Janis K of Clinton,
with Chas. James.
Miss Lucille Mann, of
ton, with John
lids with A ex.
Miss Lillian Burch with Bascom
Miss Tyson with Marl;
Miss Greene with Cecil
Miss Mary of Wilson,
with Patrick.
Miss Bessie Helen, of
with Mr. Murphy, of
Miss Smith with S.
E. Gates.
Miss Margaret Blow with
Miss Clara Hines, of Kinston,
with Willie Wilson.
J. Higgs an-,
Joe son.
Mesdames James
Little. E. H H. L
Carr and R. A. Tyson.
The dance closed about
o'clock, and afterward Frank
Wilson entertained house
parties at a late lunch,
being laid for twenty.
Lucille Cobb also mined a
party of the dancers at lunch.
the dance and the lunches
were very
Mrs. E. K. Conger, Eden-
was perhaps the
injured. thrown
through s and fell on her
face, s. cuts
and a terrible jolt. Dr. John S.
of this city, was the only
physician on board and he
all aid within his power.
Late moon a train
cane cut from
carried the to
in Norfolk. trains
have been tied up ill day and no
mail from the has been
received since the train
this morning.
Dr. frays the scene of
the an awful sight
suffering cuts
and that it mi-
that no fatalities re-
Favor of
There will be a special
of Greenville
No. A. F. A. M. on .
day night, May 30th, for the and shows substantial
pose of conferring the second patronage by
degree. A large attendance is MM people.
desired. L. H. Fender, W. M. editor.
Take Interest Tow Work.
Nothing truer than this from
You may be very sure that, if
you do not find yourself growing
in your work and your life
Local of Mill's School House
No. F. E. and C. U. of A.
May 23rd. 1910.
Whereas it has pleased Al-
mighty God to take the wife of
our worthy brother, Augustus
Evans, we bow in humble sub
mission to His will, and
pray that while he has lost
one who is most dear to him, that
will look to Lord who
giveth and taketh away, for help
in his bereavement, and for favor
and health to bring up those
children left to him by his be-
loved wife to be useful men and
Resolved That we
with our brother who is
now mourning the loss of his
beloved wife in his bereavement.
Resolved That a copy of
these resolutions be spread upon
the minutes of the Farmers
Union, and a copy be sent to the
bereaved family, and a copy be
Tuesday afternoon a d
livery case was tried before
H. Harding, the p u ties being
H. A. Gray V
son. Gray sued fir the
difference in f eight bales
cotton, delivery of v. Men bad
agreed upon at cents
and the price at which it was
worth at the it should have
been delivered, Carson
failed to make delivery.
The two points set out by the
defendant were that it was a
gambling contract in futures,
and that as the contract had not
been made in writing it was not
valid. Testimony offered by the
plaintiff showed that while the
contract had not been made in
writing there were several com-
witnesses to a verbal con-
tract to deliver the cotton.
The judgment of the court
in favor of the plaintiff on the
ground that Carson being a farm-
engaged in cultivating cotton
he evidently intended to make
delivery of the cotton at the time
of entering into the agreement,
hence it was not a gambling
contract; and that the evidence
clearly showed the existence of
a parole contract even though it
was not in writing. The
took appeal.
broadening and deepening, if to The Reflector for publics
your task is not a perpetual tonic,
G B. Ford is
you have not found your place.
If your work is drudgery to yon,
if you are always longing for the
lunch hour or the closing hour to
release you from the work that
bores, you may be sure that you
have not found your niche. Unless
you go to your task with greater
delight than you leave it.
J. Marshall Cox,
W. H. Hinson.
Denmark Seymour.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Bertha June
6th and 7th, Monday and Tues-
Grand Old
Washington was honored yes-
and by having ex-
Governor Thomas J. Jarvis, of
Greenville, in the city. He was
here engaged in a law suit.
This distinguished North Caro-
is looking well ard bids
fair to be spared many more
years to his State. is b
ed from the to the
sea. May his evening be his
v.,., j . for tho purpose of treating
course then it belongs to of the eye and fitting brightest and
other person. 24th.

Eastern reflector, 20 May 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 20, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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