Eastern reflector, 29 April 1910

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I of The Extern lot and Vicinity
w. B -I Mi and M. B.
t. Wednesday.
School Dark
In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
Rates Application
Rev. John R. Carroll, who is
taking a ministerial course at
Wake Forest College, spent Sat
and Sunday at H
also services at the
Baptist church Sunday morning
and Mr. Carroll is a
bright and intelligent young
man and hi- intellectual inter-
of the Scriptures gave
us new which seem to
lift us to a higher and
loftier sphere.
The singing class of the Ox
ford Orphan A-y gave a most
delightful concert in the
of W. H. S. last night.
The house was full and the
The is the Kind
you need. See us,
A. W. Ange Co.
by The A. G. Cox. On Saturday night, April h.
C Baptist church, the
can; neat of the Baptist
Wm Sunday school held a most de-
the market a mo to see
v. for SOU.
Mr. n. Mrs A. W.
spun with Mr. Mr
ore carrying a nice line of
Mid Price are
nice hoarse
A. G. Mfg. Co.
Mrs. J. R. Smith, of
Slopping in town yesterday I
received a
Supply of Give us
A. Ange A Co.
Mr. Mrs. J. F.
social meeting. Alter a
consisting of several
and talks by several
of the members, refreshment
of fruits were served
and i very one seemed to e-joy it
most My.
The class is in excellence con
having a large attendance
each Sunday, under the leader
ship of J. E. Green, president;
P N. secretary; Jas.
Braxton, treasurer; and F. C.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The spring rush is coming in.
Better send your orders in at
nice fresh see R. Cox Cotton
Jail, on Thursdays. guano sowers, economic
Win bands- etC-
Mrs b have our careful attention
her .,,. A. G Cox Mfg. Co
The Cunt. School Desks j N. C.
desks for are It you want a useful planter,
comfortable. I combination planter. It
Pr i and workmanship
A. G. Cox Mfg.
to. N. C.
T. attended the
meeting the
tn last
drinks of all kinds
L Johnson's fountain.
C. who been
rime at Louisburg in the
business, earns in Mon-
day to u few days with
his here. We are
to welcome friend Coy back in
mi as he is j and the
he furnishes makes
town stem more progressive.
Just received, a nice lot of i
aim shoes.
Barber Co
Rev. Jno. ii. Carroll will preach
it Sunday
and Air. Carroll
is one of our boys and we ate
to have with us again.
If you want a good plow try
at Harrington,
MUs Norma is
Vending the week with Miss
Smith in
When in of cal;
at U.
J- It- Smith, a
man of Ayden, town
Spring a id t for
th bird A Ange Co,
N. C.
a number of our people
attending the Ayden carnival
F r nice fresh
A. Ange v. Co. Winter
file, N. C.
Miss L a W. H.
S. left
pond Sunday at her borne at
Oak i
Straw are going fist, buy
em-, ii W. Ange
E. and
Vivian the
W. II. S., yesterday
Saturday Sunday with Mr.
plants cotton, corn, peas, etc.
Harrington, Barber Co.
sausage and fish, going
cheap R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street
Let us frame that for
you. Any size frame.
A. Ange Co.
You will never regret when
you purchase a
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man
Co, Winterville,
N. C-
New lot of dry goods an
just in. Better while
they cheap
A. W.
How is your Let
us show you our new lot of
Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
for sale. R. D.
We have purchased the
known as the
Milling and Mfg. and will
be ready very soon to grind corn,
do repair work and dress
Harrington. Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A, W.
We call your attention to our
new line of groceries.
R. W.
Dry goods for the bird.
A W. Co.
For spring dress good,
embroidery and laces us-
New lot just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
J. F. Harrington left
day for Oxford to take little
a Walker to the Oxford
Asylum. Mr.
ton is a very Strong
Mason, and is always on
the lookout for orphan children
around him. Th-s lodge
be congratulated for the
good it is in our vicinity
For and spring
shoes, see my new lot.
A. W.
Wells Browne, of Greenville,
is a wall piper man of proven
He is reliable, keeps
Do You Own a Piano
M to Dr.
ANY of theM and
am inaction the LIVES.
Take No Substitute.
entertainment was by
all that were present. The re
were Our people
seem to show their appreciate
of the orphans.
H. G. near a Rood line, and if he has not
Leave your orders for H.
what you want in stock, he can
it for it, a few days and
L. Will be for you. When want
anywhere town.
K. and L. L.
attended the
at las;
Matting and oil cloth, for the
buy coyer it over.
Harrington, Co.
The singing class of the Ox-
ford Orphan Asylum will give a
in the auditorium of
School on Tues-
day night, April The pub-
is cordially invited.
buying, gee my line of
H. L.
it done let him know what you
want, he can please you.
Mrs. J. W. Harper and
are spending the week with
people near black Jack.
J. L. Rollins and Ernest Cox
went to Ayden Sunday.
Miss Isabel Dawson. of
spent with Miss Doro
thy Johnson.
Mrs. Hatti i Harding, of
is spending the
with Mrs. J. D. Cox.
J. E. Green
night in Grifton visiting bis sis-
N. C, April 19.-F.
Marion Smith, of
had a horse to stray his
home Sunday evening a week
ago and found him Friday three
above on the north
side of the river.
Ivy Smith and Miss Trilby
Smith went to Raleigh Saturday
morning and returned Sunday
We had nice rains Sunday
evening which made good seasons
for n s p I a p t i n g tobacco,
though it is some cooler.
lo have any Sunday
school at Smith school house last
Sunday afternoon on account of
Rev. S. of Grifton,
will attend his appoint
meat at Smith's school house
next Sunday, Providence
permitting We hope all who
can will corns out and give him
Jacob Wilson had a very
row escape from getting hurt
One day last week at the new
church Arthur, by falling
from a stage high, but
was not hurt to amount to any-
April s
Louise Satterthwaite and Rosa
Causey, of W. H. S., spent Sat-
and Sunday with Misses
Eva and Lucy Belle
Miss Esther Jones, who has
been visiting the Misses
returned to her home in Ayden
Monday. Miss L u ac-
companied her.
Chas. who has
been very sick for a month, is
slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bullock, of
Conetoe, at E. E.
Saturday Sun lay.
Miss Mary Kittrell, of Green-
ville, is spending the week
Many of the
hero have to-
Several of our pent attended
the carnival in last week.
Mi's Bertha m last
week in Ayden with her mother,
Elder G. C. his
appointment at Beth-
any Saturday and
Land Sale
acres or land
within yards of the
limits of the ton of
i for sale Monday,
April 1910, being known
Mm lands of the late Frank
Johnston, deceased.
F. C. Harding, Commissioner.
King's Cross R ads. April
Elder Hathaway filled his reg-
appointment at King's X
Roads last Third Sunday. He
J preached a very good sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Randolph
spent last Sunday Sunday
night Mrs. W. S. E. Smith.
Mrs. Hardy Johnston, of
r-- visiting at W. s. E.
Smith's last Friday.
Waiter and his
sister, Mrs R Matthew,
spent Saturday night and Sunday
over in county.
Mrs. Smith and little
daughter, last
wee with their people below
Little Miss Christine Smith
spent a portion of last week with
her aunt, Mrs- Addle
Misses Lydia Tyson and Mil-
from near Green
ville, were visiting in this
i last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fountain,
of passed through this
vicinity last Thursday en route
to Mrs. King's, near Falk-
Miss Irene spent a
of last week in
She was accompanied home Sun-
day by Miss Smith.
Call of the Blond
for put , find- voice in
Is, a I w a .
h patches ii h a in
t in ail i; of liver I
i k e
red d; give clear akin,
Toe experiment of
in weekly installments the best
detective and mystery stories.
which begun by the New
York Sunday World six
has prov d a great success.
newspaper now t
n Sunday, May it. will
of Al
waring the
written by
Ban our.
When the Ledbetter One
seed planter, one bushel of cotton
need will plant three acres.
Came and see the Ledbetter.
J. R. J. G.
energy is tho
force that controls tho or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with,
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and mil we believe
benefit if not entirely,
cure you. Try it.
car away
I on
i tn. a
to up i .
inking Dr.
n era
got ,
col h t
mains Dr.
In a few
I much I
to Improve entirely cured. I
am In again, and
Ina, and a him to return
rice of bottle If It
to benefit yaw.
Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind
Ii not, you to own o
soon, you owe it to ex
the ma
shown at the Fine man White
A display really
to a Urge city.
In you will inspect a
line of piano not alone stand
in character of tot e, y and
general in a class to
but you I m et with prices
that stand n here d
incomparable an- where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
those cheap ye.-tern department
but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged lame and
reputation in the trade. Four
of best known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of sell play-
era. we alto carry the
ORGAN, the standard the world.
Old organs and taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
in Greenville visit our
Next door to Carr At ins Hardware Co. store.
At the close of business March 29th, 1910.
Loans discount
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nat bank and other U. S.
e to.
Capital stock 110,000.00
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. expand 4,086.89
Time of deposits 10,841.81
Deposits sub. to check 07,880.01
Cashier's 1.104.86
Total 1104,018.07
I, R. Davis, Cashier of the bank, do solemnly
swear the statement is true to the of my
J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
edge belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
we, this 4th day of April. 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
W. J. Turnage,
R. L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves. Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
your orders now with them and you will be
Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street.
Greenville, N. C
THEY will not born. not split or curl Ilka wood
x Will not crack and roll off slate. Will not rip at tho seams
like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during high wind
They never need repair and long as building. And
of all, they make the handsomest roof are not expensive.
YORK COBB, Agents.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
lo Effect.
It is Mid to be practically
that the Democrats will
redistrict the state after the
census Is complete. Effort will
be made to arrange the counties
in such fashion to leave
publicans oat in the cold. In
fact there is talk to
this effect. Several clever Dem-
are working with might
and main on redistricting
proposition now. A well known
I o whose name is familiar
I rum Murphy to Manteo, declared
several days ago that the Demo-
en should rearrange things so
t all the districts would return
Democrats, tie said that this
be done, leaving
population in the several
divide the State into
district as
nuns, Gates. Hertford,
Northampton, Dare,
Terrell, Hyde and
Beaufort counties, which, by the
vote for Governor, would
a Democratic majority of
Pitt, Martin, Edge
c Nash. Wilson, Greene,
and majority.
Pamlico, Carteret,
i -i oven, Jones. Pender,
U i pi in, Lenoir, Wayne and
Franklin, Wake,
Chatham, Durham, Orange and
Halifax. Warren,
Vance, Person. Caswell, Rock
Stokes and Surry; major-
Moore, Lee. Randolph, Guilford
and majority,
New Hanover,
Brunswick, Columbus, Robeson,
Richmond, Davidson,
Davis, Wilkes; ma-
Stanly. Ca-
Rowan, Iredell,
Caldwell, Ashe
an. Alleghany; majority,
Union, Mecklenburg.
Lincoln, Catawba, Burke,
Yancey and Madison;
in. j
Polk Henderson,
Jackson, Swam, Macon,
i lay, Graham and Cherokee;
would work like a top,
continued the politician.
would be within the re-
of the constitution,
and would look well. There
v., be one or two long ones,
that would not hurt.
us see bow it would be
Down in the first,
Pitt and Martin would be re-
placed by Bertie and
ton. second would be made
up portions of the present
second, fourth and sixth,
third would fall heir to
Lenoir. The fourth would be
composed of three counties of
the old district and three of the
filth. The fifth would have
counties of the fourth and fifth;
the sixth of the fifth. Sixth and
seventh, and the seventh of
sixth, seventh and eighth.
only change in the eighth would
be the of for
Cleveland would be
taken from the ninth and added
to the tenth, and Union given to
the ninth.
the shake up it would
be found that and Godwin,
Kitchin and Morehead, and
and Grant and Webb
far W.
The Democratic com-
of Pitt county met here
today in the office of Chairman
F. C. Harding, to select the a
for holding township and county
conventions to select delegates
to the State, congressional and
judicial conventions, and to die
cuss any matters that might be
deemed to the interest of the
party. There was a large at-
of the members of the
executive committee, ill parts of
the county being represented.
Saturday, June 26th,
as the date for holding the town-
ship meetings to select delegates
to a county convention to be
held on Saturday, July ind,
this county convention to name
the delegates to the
congressional and judicial
The following resolution was
offered by B. M. Lewis, of Farm-
The Democratic executive com-
of Pitt county in meeting
assembled on April 23rd, 1910.
for the purpose of calling the
county convention and consider
other matters of interest to
the party, take pleasure in
the name of the Honor
W. Whedbee to the
voters of the third
district for the Democratic
nomination at the approaching
judicial convention. Mr.
bee is a man of high character
and a lawyer of eminent ability,
and if nominated and elected
will fill this great
credit to himself and usefulness
to the State.
It was unanimously adopted
and requested that the same be
published in The Reflector
and the Raleigh News and Ob-
server, and that all papers of th
district be requested to copy the
same. F. C. Hard in,
W. L. Brown, Sec.
April Terra
The City
Hall. to Septa.
The following cases have State Superintendent J. Y.
disposed yesterday if sued
April term of Pitt super-
court began Monday morning,
the sessions being held in the
and blanks to the count
superintendents and boards of
education for the state-
to be submitted to the
city hall which had been tender- of
ed by the town since m the
house. The hall Monday in June in accord-
Several Petals Ge
With the lays.
debate between the high
schools of Washington and
Greenville will be held in
auditorium of the city public
school building in Washington
next Friday night, beginning at
o'clock. The contest will
be about an hour and a half long.
Greenville will be represented by
Linda J. Smith and Taylor
Adrian Brown will act as
during the debate.
I very much hope a large
number of people will go from
to hear the debate. I
think the contest will be an
interesting one. and the Green-
ville speakers can present their
aids of the question with more
sass and force if they have some
home people in front of them.
Those who desire to go can
leave Greenville at p. m.
and return the next morning
at a I am informed that a
boat will probably be operated;
it will leave here Friday after-
noon and return after the de-
bate. H. B. Smith,
Supt Schools.
resided in the districts.
new fourth, sixth, eighth
ninth would have no con-
is the best arrangement
that can be made, and I am in
favor of it, for It means Demo-
of the court house. The
will not hold as large a crowd
did the court but it has
been provided with seats so
all having business with the
court can with
some room to spare for
Judge R. B. Peebles is
at this term, and Solicitor C.
L. representing the
The grand jury is composed of
the B. F. Manning,
foreman. M. M- Ewell, Asa
Jones, D. C. Davenport, D. C.
Jackson, L. M. Manning, J. M.
C. Nelson. J. S. Porter. F. T.
Satterfield, W. F. Harris, J. I.
Manning. G. E. Jackson. C. M.
Tucker, J. H. Boyd, J. D. Flem-
J. B. Buck. B. W. Tucker,
J. A. Williams
In beginning his charge to the
grand jury. Judge Peebles said
the States has the best
laws of any country on the globe,
sod no State in the Union has
laws than North Carolina,
but these good laws amount to
nothing unless properly
ed. There are no more
officers for the execution of
than the grand jurors
and jurors, and these
o perform their duties
any man, it matters not
how humble he may be, can
come before the court with a
feeling that he will get justice.
In attention to crimes.
Judge Peebles only mentioned a
few, the capital and
some new laws, mainly elope-
with a married woman, set-
ting fire to one's own woods
wit tout giving two notice
in writing, and the statute in
regard to liquor, making the buy-
guilty as well as the seller.
Turn Williams, assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Will Jone, resisting officer,
pleads guilty, judgment
pended upon payment of costs.
Martin B. M. Butler, refusing
to be vaccinated, appeal from
mayor's court withdrawn,
of lower court affirmed,
fined and costs of both courts.
Nat Lunsford, failing to assist
officer in making arrest, pleads
guilty, fined and costs.
Ike Davis and William Mason,
affray, plead guilty, judgment
suspended upon payment of
Jim gambling, not
Fernando and Willie
Briley, affray.- plead guilty,
judgment suspended upon pay-
of costs.
John resisting
guilty, fined and coats.
Moses Peyton, assault with
weapon, guilty, fined
and costs.
Samuel setting fire to
woods, guilty, fined and
Carl larceny,
pleads guilty of forcible
sent to Stonewall Jackson Train-
Lawrence Joyner, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
sentenced two months in jail.
Thrower, larceny, not
Warren Thrower, gambling.
with the law providing for
a more equitable apportionment
of the second hundred thousand
dollars and the levying of a spec-
tax for the maintenance of
one or more public schools in
every school district for a term
of four months in each year.
At the end of the instructions
Superintendent Joyner
persuasion and per-
will perfect at our
school system. We must be con-
tent, however, with gradual, but
Continuous in the right
direction. Properly enforced,
this law opens the way for great
improvement in the public school s
in the counties where the need
is the greatest for providing
in every district for t least four
months in every year the right
sort of school, with the right sort
of house, the right sort of teach
era and the right sort of super-
vision. Ob-
Markets to
At a meeting of
from the tobacco markets
of Rocky Mount. Greenville.
Kinston and Wilson held in
son April it unanimously
agreed that the tobacco mar-
in these towns would not
open the coming season until
Aug. 18th, instead of the 1st. as
heretofore, and it was agreed
that the same be done and that
due notice be given thereof
through the columns of the news-
E. W. Smith, for Rocky Mount
Board Trade.
E. B. for Greenville
Tobacco Board of Trade.
C. R Dodson, for Kinston To-
Board of Trade.
K. P. Watson, for Wilson
co Board of Trade.
Carolina Club now has its
quarters completed since re
organization, and will hold its
first reception on Monday night
of next week, May 2nd.
to this reception will not
include any male residents of
Greenville who are not members
of the club, but all ladies of the
town will be invited. There
will be a good musical program,
and after the reception there
will be a dance for the young
people, a fine orchestra having
been engaged to furnish music
for this.
Straight Wall at Last.
After laying three brick walls,
two of them in former years, the
town has at got a straight
wall on the line of the Forbes
property on the east aide of
Evans street near the culvert
Altogether there are bricks
i in that to
build a house.
The ball team went to
Washington Monday to play a
game there and were defeated in
a score of to
Oar Greenville, yours
weapon, not guilty.
John D. Cox, colored, and
James secret assault, net
sentenced month.
you Motion new trial overruled,
I Willie Hyman, carrying to Supreme court.
it a ii he
To the What is the
Land System
The Land Title System,
so called from the name of its
originator, is merely the
to land property of the same
common-sense, business
which long governed
transactions in personal property.
is a quick, inexpensive,
and practical method of r
titles to, and dealing with
Under the system, a i
title is examined once for all by
a special land court, or by any
court of equity. After this is
passed upon the owner receives
a numbered certificate of title
similar to a stock certificate,
corresponding to the stub kept
by the registrar, and showing on
its face just what the owner's
title is. For example, a life
estate, a fee-simple, in whole
or in part, free from
or subject to
encumbrances as re mentioned
in the certificate. This title can
never be questioned. It is final.
Subsequent encumbrances, such
mortgages, judgments and
the like are noted on the
so that any one may tell
the exact condition of the title,
without employing a lawyer,
simply by looking at the
end comparing it for safety's
sake, with the stub kept by the
This carries a
teed title by the State, the State
being secured by an assurance
fund collected tenth
of one per cent on the value of
the property registered. You
can then deal with this
of title almost freely as
. with a certificate of stock. This
will put your real estate on same
footing as your property,
and thus add millions of dollars
to the bankable property of
North Carolina. This will be of
great help to the farmers all
real estate owners, by enabling
them to secure quick short
through the bank without
having to secure the services of
a lawyer, as they to do
under the present antiquated
It will help all who deal in real
estate, will promote the develop-
of the whole State by
settling titles, and will induce
home-seekers to our State, be
cause strangers will not hesitate
to buy land the title to which is
guaranteed by the
The faults of the sys-
among many others, consist
of the enormous waste of time
and money due to being forced
to secure the of a law
to re-examine the old
title every time a new deal is
made in land, or any real estate,
and the land owner has to
the bill. I will cite an
One of the leading lawyers of
this State told the that he
knew of a tract of land, twenty-
five per cant, of its value had
been paid to attorneys fees
for examining the same old title,
year after year, and yet there
seemed to be no defect in the
title. All this vends to depress
and makes land slow to
handle. There la always
of uncertainty, more or
lea i, in a real estate deal under
our present laws.
Laws made when lands were
held under grants and sold
far ten cents an acre, are not
suited w the business methods
and commercial requirements of
of a Maw of
Washington, N. C April
A large mass meeting of citizens
of Washington and Beaufort
county, called by agreement be-
tween the solicitor of this dis-
and the board of county
commissioners, was held in the
court house in this city at noon
today for the purpose of
whether the bill of indictment
brought in against the
at the last term of
court for failure to provide
a court house should be
prosecuted. The court house was
filled to overflowing and a great
deal of was exhibited.
Solicitor Ward spoke to the as-
for something over an
hour on the matter in question.
His speech was a delightful
prise to his many and
made a very fine impression
As a result of the meeting, the
proceedings against the board of
commissioners will not be pressed
and the matter is left open as
before. It was apparent that
the temper of the assemblage
changed from one of hostility
to good feelings. The needs of
s new court house for Beaufort
county are apparent to every one
and from such expressions of
public sentiment were heard
it is reasonably certain that Bean-
fort will provide itself with a
proper building in the near
New North
For the week ending 20th the
Chattanooga Tradesman reports
the following new industries for
oil mill, re-
Spencer-$25.000 waterworks
and light plant
Liberty-$20,000 brickworks
Lumberton-$1.000 develop-
company; novelty
New Bern-$100.000 realty
Kernersville 15.000 furniture
Wake Forest-$11,000 bank.
this day and generation.
Many of the large banks in
states where the Torrens system
is in successful operation,
their willingness to
the registrar's certificate
of title without further
tee, whenever offered in their
mortgage loans, and glad to get
From best information
writer from states where
the system has been
adopted, the average cost is
twenty-five dollars for tho
first registration, and from one
a half to three dollars for
subsequent transfers.
passage of the
bill will not make it compulsory
to register your
remains entirely optional. There-
fore, harm can come to no one
by accepting this bill.
I commend this subject to
serious consideration of all who
are interested in the progress
and welfare of North Carolina.
R. R.
Chairman of the Torrens Land
Title Commission.
Bruce, N. C, April
.,. -v
f i
. fl

will produce at a trifling cost the
most perfect imitations of hardwood.
is the best article ever produced
f or the home and there is nothing to compare
with it considering its insignificant cost.
multitude of uses In every
home, but it especially excels for Floors where
it is fast superseding Linoleum, Mattings, etc.
give it a
is extremely brilliant and durable.
is not effected by hot or cold
For Sale by
N. C.
of Condition of
Greenville Banking Trust Co.
the State cf Not th Carolina, at the close of 1910.
Loan discount O stock paid
All i
aid id less
ex- taxes
Due Hanks Silver -n, 387.16 i t-2 D p.
National bunk
whit.- C. n. not
Briefs far Ban
wanting me
will call W. J. Turnage.
The best flour that money can
buy is Henry Clay, at S. M.
Whit Frost Refrigerators for
tale by Taft Boyd Furniture
Parker fountain pens, fountain
pen ink. and library paste at
Reflector Book Store.
Fresh lot of celebrated
candies just received at
Send your orders job
printing. The Reflector Printing
House turning out nice work.
Have you seen the embossed
monogram B. C. T. T. S. paper
at Book Store
Let us show you our line of
toilet preparations
Pharmacy. If
Carpets made to fit your room.
Samples at Taft Van-
Dyke's. if d
When you want loose leaf
ledger outfits see the samples
Book Store.
Five or six doses will
cure any case of chills and fever.
We will pay cents each for
nice grown hens.-A. W. Ange
Co. N. C.
Now that our directory will go
Dress in a very few days, it will
p y u to place your order for a
telephone at once to insure your
name being properly listed,
cents per day places one in your
The telephone directory will
to inn very few
this is the last chance to get
advertising space in same, hive
only a limited amount left and
very cheap.
I, C. S. Carr. of the named bank, do solemnly swear
the above s is true to the b st cf my kn and belief.
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
and sworn to b fore
toe, this day of April, 1910.
Notary. Public.
A M.
R. C.
The Hats off Edict.
A has asked
the ladies of his congregation
to remove their hats next Sun-
day and we venture to say the
innovation will tend to increase
church attendance on that and
subsequent occasions, if the new
plan is adhered to. It every
church would follow this exam-
as as present millinery
styles are in vogue it would be
better. There is nothing that
detracts more from a sermon
the inability of the hear.-r
to see the speaker, and the man
who happens to net behind one
of tie present millinery
at church has mighty little
chance seeing anything be
the aforesaid
ton Sentinel.
For a number of years I have been paying
interest to for money borrowed
which is secured by a mortgage on my property
and not having- made a single payment to re-
duce the amount due him, in all these years,
That I will rid myself of this burden before
old age overtakes me, by securing shares in the
ninth series of the Home Building Loan As-
are now on pay off the
mortgage in I weekly payments and in the
future feel that I am the real owner of my
Aims to vent
Washington. D C April
Senator introduced
in the senate a proposed
in to the railroad interstate
commerce bill now
which will be of interest to North
and which he believes
if adopted will largely remedy
the complaints as to
against North Carolina
towns and cities in favor of
those of Virginia. The amend-
simply prop to strike
out words with reference to
the long and short haul in the
act of 1887, substantially
circumstances and con-
and insert instead of
them the worth natural
and conditions are
substantially It is
thought these will give the re-
lief desired,
court has decided the words
the original act include
as well natural conditions.
of the
will be to exclude from consider
by the artificial
of the power of tale con-
a certain
and de i.- r. d by B E. Pa-ham
and wife t C. S. th.
day of
in the r o deed office of Pitt
c. in book T.
d, et seq the
to pub i. -fore t e
Sou Hour in lie, bu th
t Id. r on May
certain pa u It. of aid
I g in the cf Pit
St;. ii I a d in h
town of Or described
low-. to--.
certain lot or parcel of
I. known I t No. r shown on a
map by P. M in ISM for the
G Land and Improvement Co.,
being the MM deeded to It. rt-r-
of I. C. Arthur and which
ed is i f record the i Hi e i I e
r id died of county in book
Due 4.-5.
That certain lot or i of d
which , to B. 1-.
b H. C M. Cowan and wife by deed
r ed in the register
in book P-7, page
i T at certain MS o par -el of land
known h
Warehouse and also
a -t No o the made
by P. and wan c. n-
to K. A. aid
by Land and
by deed April
h, I- which is of record in the
of deeds in book
W p to
tor pared of land
known No. I on the e.-aid
in p by Matthew, it being the
same lot to bes
by Lumber y,
i y dated August 13th, ,
which is if r c -rd in the said
of s office in book B-6 page Si.
C. Also certain piece or i
o land an I t N. on the
afore-aid map made by K. Ma; the w,
and lot to
by Lovit Hines, re-
Th.- last three or land
above referred the
which was conveyed to B. E. P. J
y Mun and Samuel
by deed which is of record in the
office of the of of Pitt
county in book s-6, pa re
This sale is to sat said deed in
trust. Terms of sale cash.
This 23rd day of April. 1910.
B C. S. Carr. Trustee.
Prices to
Suit an.
. ii.
Norfolk Cotton and wired
by W. Parry Co. Factors.
Law 3-8
Co. Barkers
W him
ft. V
Waco 7-8
July Sib
Ma Lard
; 3-8
Bagging. Ties and Bags.
The Reflector dos work.
Cotton Buyers, Broker
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Mark Twain Dead.
Redding. Conn., April
died painlessly
at o'clock tonight of angina
He lapsed into coma at
o'clock this afternoon and never
recovered It was
the end of a man outworn by
acute agony of body.
Water Damage Sale
We have a small quantity of goods that were
slightly damaged by water during the recent
fire which will be closed out at much below
regular prices. In this lot are some Rugs, Mat-
tings, Dressers, Chairs, etc., that are great bar-
gains at reduced prices.
Our regular stock of Furniture embraces all
that is new, attractive and
such articles as are needed in your home.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If you trade with us both make money
Go back and plant mom
for Th
Dress Goods
Is now on at our big bargain store. If you want
to know what it requires to be fashionably
dressed, and want to dress that way, you should
see our line and buy from us.
We have the most beautiful line of every-
thing for everybody in the city.
See our display window, then price our
goods. The prices are as attractive as the
C. T.
Greenville, N. C.
that they meant tn sill turn
In the end.
Afterward, la his little room, he
la the agony of
The prince, his court, the
-all were to be to Use
King- arrives in
Edelweiss, capital of and
me, ts the beautiful of a
does a favor
Robin, the rot--r of the
country, guardian John
an American. Ill H
minister o interviews King and
warns him the
the royal
meet the prince and is
the lad's Aunt Loraine.
committee ten, conspirators
the prince, in an under-
ground ch m where t e c
is one who is to kill Prince
Robin with a
els on the beautiful
who w him that ban d
and not old h Count Mar-
is against the prince.
VII, VIII, IX visit- Use
of the witch of gap and
me ts the royal there. He
set-s an learning through a crack
in a door, an I while a- a for the
son he is overpowered and dragged
Hit i a I ft. He is by Count
and then taken to the under-
ground den of the comm of ten.
TOE second day his
began King was given
food and drink. It was
time, for be was almost
a day be was
led Into i in- larger room and a
surprisingly hearty meal.
bad Just voiced the
pleasure of the majority by urging the
necessity for physical torture to wring
the government's secrets from the
oner. King, half crazed
by thirst, bad been listen ins lo l lie
fierce dour
that separated Be beard
sudden, movement toward
door of his cell and squared
self against wall, ready to
to death. Then there came a
voice that he
A was con
In of deadly
Ilia heart pave n It was
the since Ida
that be bad beard Hie of
she who still moat la- bis
Ton urn torture him. I
have mid lie la no spy. I say
she was
fled. girl, ire
now. lie must This from
cannot release grant
she heart
bur yes.
When It Is all over be do no
me all of you. If be in
harmed In any way I shall not perform
my part of the work on Hie
Peter Bruins. ire pledged. You
ore sworn. It la
soy this to yon.
It la not n not h It la
spare or Hie
cause must suffer by
Not girl no can bear
every word you
him hear. him know that
I, am to burl the thing
that to destroy life of Prince
I am not to have hire
know today what world will
next wee;. Then the world will say
that was not a beast,
but a deliverer, a creator Let him
blood was running
cold. life f Prince Robin An
assassination thing that will
A bomb
For hair hour they argued with
to torn her from the stand
she bad taken. Then they to
terms King owed
his life to Hits strange girl, knew
him not at all. who believed In Urn.
brought Into the roam
a few later. Be was white
emotion as he faced commit-
tee of ten. Before a word be
to be blurted
Weak as I
would bare fought for yon. Miss Pat-
If have got
that Thunk yon for what
have done to convince these
Only don't do this awful thing
of that dear
Olga cried and cot tied
eyes bands. She was
led front room by William
stood over King, whose
were hold by two stalwart men.
he commanded.
spare yon not for sake, but for
the of cause we serve. Bear
Ton are to be held here a
our are consummated. Yon
will be properly fed and cared for.
Ton bare beard say
that will food for yon
herself, you are not to see
King Interrupted
the least doubt that you will kill me In
end. She may not be her to pro-
me the
Is prepared to die by same
bomb that was all
that Brutus would say la response to
but King sly look,
that went around among, then. Be
as I an. t
end of this sickening conspiracy. Lo-
She. too. was doomed lie
groaned aloud In his misery awe.
There a telegraph Instrument
In the outer room. He could bear
ticking off Its messages day and night
and could bear the of re-
ports they came In or went out. It
became clear to that the wire
connected room
headquarters near In
a branch Instrument In
cave above the
On bis third be beard com-
discussing conditions at the
count Is mare afraid of
man than of all aver-
red Peter Brutus, bus reasons tn
hate and fear the That la
be desires the death of our
oner. Be baa said time again
over wire that King will some
way and play the deuce with
our It does not seem possible,
however. We have absolutely
It Saturday la the
26th. Nothing could be to stop
us In four said one of
Marians will be ready on
Be bus said so. A strike
will be declared on the railroad
25th. Bin the strikers will the city
with grievances. Saturday's
will bring men from
and mines to A single
blow, and we have So spoke
must cannot
ed William and cry re-
Iterated by half n dozen voices.
The next morning, after a sleepless
made Ids de-
attempt to
He knew two armed men stood
In the outer room day and
door lo the stairway leading into
armorer's was of iron and
heavily the door opening Into
sewer was even more securely
bolted. there was a great
door at foot of the passage.
The keys to these two doors Mere
never out of possession of William
One of his guards held Hie
key to the stairway door. only .
chance lay In ability to
overpower two men and make off by ,
way of armorer's
When his little opened
morning of King's
long, powerful loot through at
If sped by a catapult. man with
candle and the knife went down ;
like a beef, floored by a blow on the
The American, bis eyes blazing
hope mid
to find himself
face to face
She was
at fright-
eyes, her
lips a a r U her
bands to b.-
breast. Be turn-
has not the
she cried.
I. Ton
have to
escape. lo. ,
A key rattled In
the door.
It swung open two
B as MOT TUX aperture, both
drawn pit- I
The girl leaped between
had the helpless, defeated American.
she cried.
not to kill him-
Peter had risen from the
Boor, half but Be made
a vicious leap at King, knife ready
for lunge.
glad It's roared King,
leaping aside. list shut out. and
went down.
call your
ordered. Is now necessary
to bind fellow's bands. They are
too dangerous to be to
at large in this
All day pared bis little
prison, bitterly lamenting bis III timed
effort. Now be would be even more
carefully guarded Ills were
bound behind bis back. lie
If he bad only Luck
had How was be to
know guard with the keys
bad gone when Olga brought
bis breakfast It was fate.
The I Itself into lb-
toe tn following m
gloomy wake of its predecessors. Two
days more Be began to feel the
madness, ova
not far away. It would follow
that of the prince and of Olga
nova, his friend. be was not
thinking of his own death; be
thinking of the princes life.
Forty-eight hours That
Early that as be lay hit
ear to the crack of the door be beard
them discussing Ids own death. It
to come soon had gone to
reward. was not there to de-
fend bad said that she
praying la room, committing
soul to Cod. King sud-
pricked bis ears, attracted
by t sentence that fell from the lips
of one of the men.
is on bis way to bills of
by time. Be will be
of the way on the safe
Marians wot not to be
until be had found to
draw tray from said
another. time it will work like
a charm. this afternoon
was making ready to lend a troop of
cavalry Into Hie bills to res-
cue. Maria That a clever
only does be go himself.
goes a captain
soldiers from fort. Ha. ha
Is a fox a very exceptional
on to bills with soldiers
to effort s sat up. bis
wise agreed Peter
thickly. wonder what our tine
oner win say to it when the new
oner route to keep him over
Ito I
Finds In Many Minds
spit. Scientific Denials.
Are there things as ghosts
The incredulity with which the
question is often listed is paralleled
the passionate belief with which
the answer is often suit-
ed. That there tire apparitions is
grunted even by the most skeptical
investigators. But whereas the
seer of ghosts believes
they are supernatural the Bolder
scientist soys tire nothing but
hallucinations. Trunk the
English has much
to say of the attendant
stances in most ghost seeing, cir-
which do much lo weak-
en the value of the testimony of the
seer. Almost invariably there are
mysterious noises, by which the wit-
is put in a state of nervous
alarm. Then comes the vision, which
often takes terrifying form. Is the
ghost seer viewing something
and external or is he merely
contemplating image created by
his own imagination Of good
faith of many people who lit they
have seen ghosts there eon be no
question, but Mr. shakes
his head to their credibility.
And yet when the testimony of
people who believe have seen
ghosts has been attenuated to the
utmost people will still believe. Sci-
may discredit evidence, hut it
cannot prove that ghosts do not ex-
Throughout the ages there is a
cumulative muss of testimony
which, though it dues not amount to
proof, yet commands shuddering re-
The stoniest materialism
not eliminate from people's
minds that credence in the
known and the ruble
which has been handed down to
them from the beginnings of time.
Pinto himself accepted the exist-
of ghosts, and he makes
their frequenting of
graveyards. These ghosts, the
great Athenian, long to re-enter the
body in which they could gratify
their desires. It is but
memory tortures them with vain
for the fleshly abode in
which they formerly dwelt. Shake-
full of allusions to the
dwellers in the realm of shadows.
But he, too, knows the meaning of
philosophic doubt, for he makes
Hamlet wonder whether the image
of his father may not be some coin-
age of his fancy. He hesitates be-
tween contrary opinions, but in-
toward belief in the
Re to his
There are In heaven and earth.
Than are of in thy philosophy.
From day to now
we advanced in one particular.
Vie know more of the composition
of the brain tint the susceptibilities
of nervous tissue. Vie are assured
today that a man may honestly be-
he sees a ghost and yet tee
nothing but the projection of on
image within hit own brain. But at
to the existence or nonexistence of
ghosts we tire ignorant as the an-
Egyptian or the modern red-
skin, learnedly as we may,
we cannot eradicate from our mind
that vague feeling, half fear, half
hope, that ghosts may be. Sir
Thomas Browne touches on
with characteristic
Some people, he says, hope to
see u ghost that they nay be per-
of the immortality of the
tout. But he adds that the devil
will never let them see one. for that
would be to turn them away from
Bad Handwriting.
Every man who has his living to
earn or any work in the world to do
ought to be made to
that if he docs not write legibly at
least, if not beautifully, it is entire-
hit own fault and that if he is
made to suffer for it lie only
himself to blame. The pestilent
theory that bad writing is the sign
of a great mind ought to receive no
countenance from men of common
sense. It it sometimes, no doubt,
result of extreme pressure of
business, but in most it is the
sign either of bad training or of a
contemptible perversity in fashion
or of a careless and unstable
which will display itself soon-
or later in things much more
than handwriting. In no
it it to be commended. In
only few cases is it to be even ex-
O. Lit
Trains leave Raleigh effective Ian
12.10 a. m. For
end all Florida points.
dining cat and
m. Fir Atlanta,
Menu Ins points West, Jack-
and Flor tints,
at Hamlet for Charlotte and
m For P-
with a d car. Con-
with ate l- for Washing-
ton, New York, Boston
a. Washing-
ton and New Yo k Pullman sleep-
day and dining car.
Connect -t with
O. i and t West,
st Washington with Pennsylvania
B. A O. for Pitt-burg
st d points we-t.
D. At ant-,
and point W St. Parlor cat
to Hamlet.
5.00 p. m. for
Hen Oxford and
S p. m. Atlanta, Birmingham,
his and points west, Jack-
sud all Florida
ere. Atlanta
p. 4.20 a.
m . Washington a. in. New
York p m Pullman rs to
W- and i a car to New
m. For
riving 8.15 a. m., n . s.
m. Was- i New
Pullman sleepers, and dining or.
For r Pu res-
and any Ii on t
my Seaboard Line railway ticket
C. B. RYAN, U. P. A.
Portsmouth, Va.
H. D. P. A.
N. C.
Norfolk Southern Railway
The Norfolk Railway will sell r
trip tickets to points rod below, and on dates specified,
WASHINGTON, D. C.-Tickets sold 12.13,
and 25th, limited to return to reach slatting point by
RIChMOND. April to May and 2nd,
to return to starting point by May 17th.
ASHEVILLE, N. sold May to
to return to starting by May 31st.
RICHMOND, sold May I and 12th, limited to
to starting point by May
NEW ORLEANS, May and limited
to r to starting point by 23rd.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Tickets sold May a d
to to Stirling; point by lune 5th.
WASHINGTON, D. sold May b,
to return to starting point by June 1st.
ATLANTA, GA.-Tickets sold 23rd and h, limited to
to starting point by June I
your tickets via No-folk Southern through
Raleigh. N. C, Va.
For further particulars, apply to any of the Norfolk
Southern Railway, or address,
H C G P A ,
-wry a. ii.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth,
and Kinston. Effective April 1st.
For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
W J. P. T. M. T. C. G. P. A.
Norfolk and Baltimore
Elegant New Steamers Rooms on Saloon Decks
Table Dinner. cents Club Breakfast. to
service i desired.
leave from foot of Jackson St. daily
at p m., arrive at Baltimore 7.00 a. m., connecting
with rail lines for all paints Est and West.
For further information and stateroom reservations, write
Furniture and House Furnishings
Why suffer with distressing,
when Noah's Liniment will
relieve you.
Quiets the nerves and scat-
the congestion.
One trial will convince you.
Noah's Liniment penetrates;
requires but little rubbing.
Here's the Proof
about five years with
and pain In my aide. The
could rot I tried
Liniment, and the
made me fed better than In many
years. I would not be without a bottle
of Noah's Liniment Id the house. Mrs.
A- See,
suffered for several yearn
with and toothache. She used
about half a bottle of Liniment
and Immediate relief. J. Fisher,
Liniment la the remedy
for Sciatica, Buck,
Stiff Joints and Sore Throat,
Colds, Sprains. Cuts,
Colic, Cramps,
ache and nil
Nerve, Bonn and
fains. Tho gen-
has Noun's
Ark on every
E; thin-. 2.1
old by dealers In
medicine. Sam-
by mall
. Noah Remedy Co.,
For Slate
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
S Work, aid I I I r M C
Fail J-
N. C.
Wall. m stank Cm t. .
Not to Creditors.
Having this qualified
or the of
this is to notify all persona
against to AM MM
claims with me on or I
day April, or this
be pleaded in bar of recovery o raid
and all pt to
estate are hereby t to
immediate settlement with the
This the h day of April,
D. R. Little,
of the estate of
Laid Salt Greenville.
or land
within yards of the
limits of the town of
Greenville, for sale
April 1910, being known
the lands of the late Frank
Johnston, deceased.
F. C. Harding, Commissioner.
Subscribe to The

turn III
Subscription-One Year 11.00
finite Copy .
Advertising rate may be had upon
application t the business office in he
Reflector Building, corner Evans and
Entered in the post office at Greenville
N. C. second-class mail matter.
The of May is not If the investigation about it seriously, we expect
way. An poll tax then has started breaks up Pitt county could show about
means no for the
when election day comes
When you take into
that the comet is traveling
at the rate of thirty miles a sec
it is no wonder that it is
bard to
Pay your poll tax, and vote.
The do business a
while longer
These frost mornings
are giving the fruit crop a scare.
The census enumerator in the
towns will finish taking stock
this week.
When T. struck gay
he had the French capital
Not quite every man who
oilers you his hand these days is
Get busy around the
tor's office and pay your poll tax
this week.
The census man is supposed
to let nobody escape, but some
may dodge him-
Not many days more in which
to pay your poll tax in time to
save your vote.
Peek a-boo waists look chilly
in the midst of these
weather antics
Glad tidings from the Cracker
State. The Georgia peach crop
is reported safe.
You need not believe any-
body who tells you he the
comet. It is not visible.
We want In see Greenville
get on to the factory idea. The
town needs it for it- health.
Charlotte preachers are win-
out. The women are really
taking off their hats in church.
It is a fact that more moon
stills are caught on dark
nights than on moonlight nights.
Bear in mind that this is the
last week in which you can pay
your poll tax and save your rote.
The man who does not even
want an office can let the other
fellow worry about getting one.
Mr. let out his waist-
coat a buttonhole. William
Randolph Hearst has endorsed
The governor pardoned a
who was kicked by a mule,
but it is not said what was done
to the mule.
are those Easter
asks the Times.
Many of them are chasing father
with the bill.
If you fail to pay your poll
tax this week, you can save
yourself embarrassment next
fall by not trying to vote.
North Carolina loses another
excellent man and useful citizen
in the death of Corporation Com-
missioner B. P. Aycock, which
occurred Tuesday night in
in cotton futures, it Will be that many Smiths,
something for which the South
will have cause to feel thankful.
The storm of snow and frost
that extended far to the South
the last few days materially
damaged the young cotton plants
and may the crop to be
quite short.
With a snow as far
south as Atlanta, is cut-
ting some fine capers. We hope
it did not hurt the Georgia
There is good land in
Pitt county that is idle to
The of John W. twice the
Gates to stay out of politics of people the county has.
less you have a barrel of money, look you may,
is good advice these times land you will not find better nor
almost more productive lauds than in
Pitt; nor you a more
conducive climate for work at
Because they are not making all season, of the
announcements is indication
when candidates
Cattle at Hum.
Now and then the newspapers
contain accounts of splendid
beef-cattle brought from the
mountain counties of the State
for sale the markets east of
the Blue Ridge, and people
why since such fine cat
tie be raised there, more at-
is not paid this
blanch of agriculture.
The question is often asked, but
Swain, Guard. acres 6.45
Ed., lot, ., 6.00
Joe, lot, 6.63
Wallace, Jennie, lot, 2.93
Falkland Township
Corbitt, Mrs. A. acres, 6.04
John W. lot, 9.90
Harris, H. R., acres, 36.84
Lewis, Mrs. Haiti L, acres 2.10
D. ., CO acres;
Mayo, Mrs. S. E., acres
that there are candidates for
office Pitt county, There are
from two to six candidates out
for every office, they are
the move.
The Charlotte Observer says
about half the of Meek
county have failed to
pay their poll tax for last year.
People up that way must have
grown tired of lake
very little interest politics.
As Hearst could not get the
Democrats to let him run the
party if he would come back,
perhaps he thought it would be
spiting them if he endorsed
Since J. B. Sherrill. editor of
the Concord Times, has
ed the Daily Tribune, of that
town, he has greatly improved
t. is making it a splendid
afternoon paper, but nothing
else was expected of Sherrill.
Carolina the game from
Virginia at Charlottesville Fri
day, the score being S to for
the Tar Heels- Now let our
boy- go add more
A Brooklyn woman census
taker had been the job
three days before she
two offers of marriage from men
she was interrogating It is
said that she up her job
to take of the new ones
For hugging eight girls a man
in Chicago lined Only
fear of the of that
fellow the
tor, who and murderous
our motives,
keeps us from .
Wilmington Dispatch.
Yes, you had better stay quiet
sometime, for we are keeping an
eye you.
Every now and then some pa-
per remarks must
but it is noticed that he take
his own time about going, and
gays he is going to hold on
twenty-five years yet.
faying your tax the day the
sheriff has his sale will save
your vote. The law says poll
tax must be paid by May first
and that day this year comes on
Sunday, just, one day before the
sale day.
A permit is hereby issued to
the Reflector to stick
to through the cold spell
Thanks, old boy, we shall use
the permit.
You see how it makes Green-
ville look when there is a large
gathering of farmers in town.
Why not arrange for a fourth of
July celebration and invite all
of them to come
A carnival wanted to play in
Concord for the benefit of the
local fire department. The
pie did want the carnival, so
they went to work and took up a
subscription for the lire depart-
as large as the sum that
would been received from
the carnival. And the show-
passed on to another pasture.
The are certainly
standing behind their man, Jack
Johnson, in the coming fight
with The state con-
of colored Presbyterians
in session at Durham, was being
addressed by Bishop of
Columbia, who speaking about
the reaching a higher
standard, Jack
Johnson and Jeffries meet in
California, I hope Jack stops
Jeffries in short And
the convention gave expression
an uproar of applause.
year. The man who is looking
for a good investment in farm
lauds could do better than
come this way.
A permit is hereby issued the
to stick to
through the cold spell
Thanks, old boy, we shall use
Gosh If permit is all the
brother is going to use why we
make a motion to pass the hat
fur his benefit, because he will
get pneumonia sure.
ton Dispatch.
Well, pass the hat quick, and
we will use the residue, if any
there be, to prolong the stay at
At the request of the State
board of health next Sunday
will be observed as sanitary
Sunday in North Carolina, by
the minsters of the various do
nominations preaching a special
sermon on sanitation the
prevention of disease. This is
important matter one
the answer is not to readily j J
forthcoming. What it said as
to the mountain counties might
be said of many other sections
of the State. That fine beef
cattle can be raised in the
section is by the fol-
lowing from the local columns
of the Burlington
lone Miles, beef dealers of
this city, purchased a three
year old Dutch Belt
the farm last week
that weighed pounds net,
pounds to the quarter. They
paid for this one
The News this was the
largest cow ever butchered in
that section. It cost no more or
very little more, to raise that
cow than it would have cost for
of half the same weight of a
scrub species. If one farmer can
raise such cattle, others can do
the me. We want to see
more of them profit by the ex-
of those who set them
such an example. Charlotte Ob
ens, D. N., acres,
Owens lot,
Owens, B. E.
Arthur, L. C, acres;
acres, lot, 6124.04
R. L., lots, 7.81
Brawn, W. L., lots, 20.32
Mrs. C. M acres;
lot. 12.45
lots, 45.81
let 15.60
lot, 4.96
Brawn, John, Jr., lot, Patrick
Our Greenville, yours if you
On the 2nd day of May, 1910 be-
fore the court house door in the Town
Greenville, N. C., I will sell the fol-
upon which the people need in- lowing real estate for taxes due
The question of
health is that concerns
everybody, and the ministers do
well to on this matter to
their congregations.
President Taft had a good eye
ahead when he appointed Gov-
Hughes, of New York, is
a justice of the United States
Supreme court to succeed
Brewer, deceased. Gov-
name was
mentioned as a
possibility, and bis ac
The high cost of living is not
as much responsible as the coat
of high
This is certainly putting of
If the press dispatches are to
be believed, there is a prospect
of cheaper food. From New
York comes the news that meat
has declined two cents, and
have dropped twenty
cents on the bushel.
North Carolina bit a good and
able man in the death of Col.
Paul B. Means, of Concord,
which occurred Wednesday.
While the list of questions to
be propounded by the census
enumerator is long, we notice
that he does not have to ask it
you have seen the comet, if you
have paid your poll tax, nor if
you owe for your county paper;
takes out of the way. Gov-
Hughes will continue in
his position
when bis duties the
court bench will begin.
They believe in perpetuating
the Smith name out in the West
In Spokane, Washington John
Smith wed Mary Smith. The
ceremony performed by
Rev. ushers,
groomsmen and bride's maids
were ail named Smith, and
about three thousand Smith's
from neighboring States were in
attendance. Come to think
Several days ago a truck
grower in an adjacent county
shipped crates of strawberries
to New York. They were quot-
ed at cents on the New York
market and north the
car too warm and many
of the berries were spoiled.
hey were sold to hucksters at
an average of cents per quart.
New Bern Journal.
That might have been the ex-
of the commission man
to the shipper, but it is not
probable the commission man
was doing some stealing and
making report of sales.
Southern truck shippers are
very much at the mercy of the
commission sharks in the North-
Greenville certainly held a
gathering of well pleased farm
Wednesday, who were here
to attend the annual meeting of
the stockholders of the
Consolidated Tobacco Company.
To receive a cash dividend of
percent, making a total of
per cent the company has paid
in seven years, was enough to
please them. The Reflector has
several times referred to the
Farmer's Consolidated Tobacco
Company as the best
the farmers have ever had,
and our faith in it grows strong-
as each year goes by. It
fully demonstrates what the
farmers can do when they come
together to do business for them-
e re i. Not only have the stock
holders of the company made
money for themselves, but the
company has helped every to-
farmer in Eastern North
Carolina. It is no wonder that
the company grows in strength
and popularity every year.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
the State and County for the year
Beaver Dam Township
Acres or Lots, Amt.
Bike, J. L.
S. M., 5.02
Tripp, Mrs. K., 9.75
Williams, 4.06
Atkinson, Amanda, Cog-
Hives, Joyner, Sam, acre, lot,
A. EL, lot,
Cherry, K., lot,
Knitting Mills,
lot. Mills,
Cherry. Peter, acres,
W. J., lot,
Clark, John, lots,
Chit. Allen, lot,
Cherry, James, lot,
Dill. A. T., lot,
Daniel. Mrs. H. E. lot,
stores; lot, stables,
Daniel, Joe. lot,
Daniel, A. K. lot,
Elk. J. I,., 1-2 acres; and
Edmonds, Herbert, lot,
Edwards, Washington, lot,
Evans, Tony B., Iota,
Fleming, lot,
Forbes, lot,
Forbes, 1-2 acres,
Grimes, Luke, acres,
Grimes, Miles, lot,
Eliza, lot,
Harrington, W. EL, acres,
Hardy, F. II. lot,
W. H., acres, I lot,
Hardy. Henry. 11-4 acre, lot
Hardy. John, Brown,
Hardy, Jane, lot,
Austin, lot,
Dr. E. L., 1-2 acre,
j Jenkins, A. S. lot.
Jones, no, 5.24
Cain, Brown, 3.28
Bethel Township
Carson, W. J. acres;
lot, residence, j, .,
Carson. lot, residence 2.87
Edwards, Samuel, home, 12.68
Howard, II. C, lot, residence 3.90
James, M. A. home;
Willis. lot, . 3.75
Carolina Township
James. J. I.,
Page. J. E., Bit,,
Mount, Henry, Sutton,
Corey, Susan J., 1-3,
Corey W. L. F, F. Swamp;
F. Swamp; Jones, 32.07
Dawson, Thor-
Dunn, Thomas, C. Root,
Hill, J. a, acres,
James, Galloway,
Potter, Denton, I.
Stocks. S. A. Guard, L
Allen, Henry, lot, Ayden, 4.89
Buck, J. E., lots, 8.16
Butler, Mrs. R. I,. lot, Ayden, 2.15
Jno. R lot Ayden 3.10
J. K., lot 7.25
J. F., lots, Ayden, 5.94
Greene, Tom, lot W. 3.66
Jacobs, lot, 5.13
W. lot, Ayden, 6.75
Ethel, lot 4.66
Nobles, Mrs. Polly, lot, W. 4.66
Rouse, E. E., lot 3.24
Smith, acres, 6.71
tighter, John, acres, 2.49
Smith, 1-2 acre, N.
Ayden, 4.80
Tripp, J. W., lot, 3.83
Burnett, K. II., lots,
Collins, Annie, lot, 1.62
Eagles, Mrs. M. A. K. acres, 2.55
Exam, W. T., lot, 4.06
Hardy, Caroline,
A. P., lot 7.58
H., lot,
Joyner, A. U, lot, 10.08
Jackson, Charlie, lot, Hal.
King, II. T., 1-2 acres
King, J. K., lot,
Langley, tie, lot,
Mary, A. 18.09
Johnson, Rosa, lot,
Lena, Iota,
Langley, Phoebe, lot,
Lilly, William, lot,
Little, Mary, E.
Lewis, lot,
A. K., acres,
Moore. Andrew, lot,
Mooring, Sam, acres, Shivers
Mooring, 1-2 acres
Nobles, lot,
II. A., acres,
Perkins. J. W. lots.
Henry, lot,
Redmond, William, lot,
Staten, James, lot,
Tripp, J. W., acres, lot,
Thigpen, Mary, lot,
Tucker, Josephine, lots,
J. L. C. II. acres,
Wilson, H. D., lot,
Walker, Edith, lot,
West, Walter, lots,
West, William, lot,
West, Lena, lot
Williams, Warren, lot,
Stephen, lot,
Webb, Evelyn, lot,
Little, Miss Nannie, acres
C. E. Little,
Little, Marcellus, acres,
Bedding, John J.,
J. L. Co., lot,
D. L., 2.14
Swift Creek Township
Cannon, George, acres, 1.70
Corey, W. L. F., acres, 5.62
Cannon, George, Sr., acres, 1.85
Gardner, J. A., acres, 88.31
Louis, acres,
K. L. 4.26
Jackson, A. L., lot, Grifton, 7.74
Perkins, J. W., acres, 14.34
TUCKER. Sheriff.
Agent of The Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
We are the oldest. Call us., phone Let us rent
and strong Life and Fire
Insurance Co. in the world.
Cell us and let us consult
you. Ayden Loan Insurance
Co. Phi me
Mrs. J. L Hart and children,
of are visiting relatives
in town.
If you need a good open or
top wagon or cart call
on J K. Smith Co.
Dr. A. K Hawks, the eye
will be at J. K, Smith
two days only, May
2nd and 3rd. Eyes tested free.
A nice line of coffin and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. i Dixon.
Dr Furman, of New York,
will deliver annual address
at the Baptist seminary May
Au experienced U
waiting to shoe, your horses and
mules at J. R. Smith C j t Dixon.
Charles Willard, of Microbe, is
visiting his daughter. Mrs.
Now is a good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department
R W. Smith.
W. W. Ormond and wife spent
Wednesday night with
J. R. Smith Bro., made a
business trip to Snow Hill and
A special bargain counter has
been arranged in the mammoth
department of J. R. Smith
Hon. Eugene Brooks has been
invited to deliver the closing ad-
dress on the 10th of May at the
graded school.
If you have items, tell
scribe and help us to make
this column a creditable one.
Don't treat him like you do a
book agent, and then wonder at
the feeble effort he is making.
We are not all like Josephus
Daniels, we need your co-opera-
R. W. Smith.
We understand the town
of Farm ville is negotiating with
view of installing an electric
in the near future.
your houses and collect for you.
Will sell your personal property,
land, stocks, bonds, or lend you
money on reasonable terms-
A. den Co.
Rev. D. W. Arnold will preach
a sermon to the I. O. O. F. in
Ayden in the near
Dr. A. A. Hawks, the eye
specialist of Atlanta, will be at
the store of J. R. Smith Co.
2nd and 3rd. Your eyes
will be examined and glasses
fitted free. Remember two
days only.
Cox cotton planter.,
plows and cultivators. at
J. R. Smith Co.
Our town aldermen are having
material at the
of the ditch on Second and
a view of
culverts the streets.
This is a much needed improve-
and we dare will
the re-election of the en-
tire board the first Monday in ll
Ninety day and rust proof oats
at J. R, Smith Co's.
hare for sale th
scats out of the old
church, x ft long ft
Mother mm f
j rated Her Forty
some ins ago there died
cross the in
county. V Jr. M. Sikes, a-
old man . had reached the ad
BR-e and
was the
war- Mr. Sikes had b twice
his last wife r.
or with three children. Th s
marriage took place over
fort years ago, and Mrs.
t her children behind at
d home. She lost track of
The clock at J. R. Smith
store was opened Thursday, also good pulpit.
Mrs. William Manning Stancil ,.
See our line of gents, la
children slippers b-
the china,
her time being
received the other, her time
If you have anything to buy or
sell, let us the Ayden
There i a big run of shad and
herrings at Pitch They
catch more than they can sell,
so are corning up for fall and
winter use,
poultry food and
hawk killer at J. R. Smith
Smith Co. Dixon are install-
some light meters on their
system. This is the sensible
thing to do, and then if the
patrons wish to burn all their
lamps all flight they can so at
own expanse and not to
the electric company, as the case
has been-heretofore.
Call on us for ceiling, flooring
We guarantee
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Snow Hill has recently installed
an electric plant They get
their power from the old Tommie
Moore water mill about two
miles from town. The plant
belongs to Mr. Frank Faircloth.
Cook stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Co's.
Found-Hear J. R. Smith Co.
store, a purse containing several
pieces of money. Owner can
have same by identifying it.
Larry W. smith.
At the Close of Business March 29th, 1910.
and discounts
furniture and fixtures
Due from
Gash items
coin, including; all
minor coin cur. 1,288.09
atonal bank and other
Notes 8,786.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
exP- and 6,421.89
Deposits sub. to check . 60,188.20
Savings Deposits 27,268.90
Cashier's check-
making your selection at j. r,
Smith Co.
lines of g pants
for men and boys at J. F Smith
Corn oats and hay at j. r.
Smith Co.
Japan peas millet
seed at J. R. Smith I ,.
Perkins native , herb tablets
and other patent medicines at
J. R. Smith Co.
and belting,
black and and
other mill fitting at j r.
Car nails. wire, lime
and cement at J. R. Smith Co.
pat magazines
Japan millet and rape
seed, all fin e crops for stock, at
Smith Dixon will buy
your cot ton geed exchange
chicken powders kills
f crows, owls minks,
I tor cholera, gapes,
indigestion and leg weak-
t keeps them free from
miD causing them to pro-
an abundance of eggs.
package at J. R. Smith Co's.
Car cement, lime, nails and
at J. R. Smith Co's.
Remember Dr. Hawks, the
oculist, will be in
Ayden only two days. May 2nd
and 3rd, at J. R. Smith Co's
you want to buy,
lease, sell or rent houses or land,
or want a job for yourself, wife,
daughter, mother or sister, or
want to employ additional help,
or sell what you have, there is
no better medium than the col-
of Reflector
R. W. Smith.
I. J. B. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do so
above me to the best of my knowledge a
J- f Cashier.
Subscribed and to
before me. this 4th April,
Notary Public
J. R. SI
We wish to call row attention to our new of goods which
we now have. W heat team great care t, j w,
wt can supply In Shoes, H Dress No-
Laces and and in fact an- that ha a
Dry o tore.
Come let you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to ft
House and Kite Furniture
at tie very prices. Cask or .
Coma to us and will m
I wouldn't give a cent to hear
Ingersoll on Moses, but I'd give
ten dollars to hear Moses on
Be virtuous and you will be
George Washington couldn't
tell a lie. I can but I won't.
There were no hacks
or omnibuses on the pier. said
it like being in heaven.
To the Indian, soap and
are not as sudden a mas-
but they are more deadly
in the long ran.
When the spider
on to the red hot shovel, he first
They spell it Vinci and pro
it Foreigners
always better than they
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve Yea Any Way. Try Me
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
and bad not heard from
during all these years, or
even knew where they lived
After her husband's death
Mrs. heart began to yearn
to see her children and she em-
ployed Mr. L. P. to hunt
them up. Mr. had a faint
trail to follow, but a few weeks
ago he started out. He picked
such information as he
and after wandering from
county to county he found one
of the old lady's sons and a
daughter living in Pamlico, N.
C. The third child
he also located, but did not see.
One of lost children was
and the other years of age.
He told them about the search
of their old mother, and Mr
I back pictures of
both the children and of seven
Mrs. Sikes was
of course happy over the news,
and as soon as she can get her
pension money as the widow
a Mexican soldier from the
government, and settle her
little affairs in this she
will go to see her long-lost
and perhaps make her
future home with them. Mr.
found that both the
daughters Mr. Sikes had by his
first wife are He did some
good work in tracing these miss-
I hire Are bin
in- Slate.
in mi- Mate art- the
e the insurance
the ming
of Young
end that then was incorporate
during the year eleven
Th report ill show
are white hold
and 3.832 colored
Snares for
the year were MO
withdrawn or matured
fatal in force at the too
the year
The report also shows as total
receipts of the ions
048.11, and of
606,650.17. The associations
rep 661.74169 with
total assets of The
associations report as surplus
45179.791.73. This report makes
a good showing and will show
A problem which H-
elf to every mother with girls to
The exigencies c
the harry and routine of
the environment
make It more
Hi. to strong, healthy
than ever la the history of the world.
Boys raise themselves. Give them
room, Rive them
grow up healthy at least, mu.-h
But the girls present a
How in nay there are
worrying about their daughters.
puny girls, with poor,
appetites, listless, constant
anxiety to the mother. How ah
her problem To
turn for Each case is or
less a study by It-elf. and cannot be
by any general rule.
This la the way one mother
problem. Mrs. MM
Ave., Louis, Mo., in a letter to Dr.
Hartman, daughter
four years of age, a puny, sickly,
child since f he wan I was
Always doctoring her. When we com-
to use she grew strong
Another mother, Martha Moss,
F. D. Chippewa
little eight-year-old
had a bad cough, and was in a general
run-down had several
a decided gain building and
the mother no encouragement.
Joan associations in this State.
They not only enable the work
people of our cities and towns
to lay by something for the
future and to build their homes,
but will also make it possible for
the rapid growth of the cities and
towns by the erection of buildings
tor this clasp of our citizens.
Raleigh Evening Times.
Narrow Buried Alive.
A sensation has been created
in the neighborhood of
Buckingham county, as the re-
of the narrow escape of the
Finally, she got a bottle of
and commenced giving it to the child,
and it proved to he what she
When she commenced taking
tho child hod to be carried.
Now the mother says she is
round all the time.
Her closing words
done a great deal for her. sin- the
only we have, and it meant to
as to have her
I These are samples of many letter
I which Dr. Hartman Is receiving, com-
straight from the hearts of loving
I mothers. While the different
of medicine bickering and differing
OS to theories and remedies,
goes on giving permanent
I relief. After all. It is cures that
people want. Theories are little
Ask your t for a free Peru-
Almanac for 1910.
In Your Homes to Stay
The Mo h Joy for and
fail and Go; a- Grease
t for rheumatism and all aches
and pains, h p all over t-,
land by young and old.
Sold by Pharmacy, Greenville,
N. C, and manufactured by
Greensboro, N. C,
four-year-old boy of
Patterson, a well known farmer, I
from being buried alive. The
Danville Bee says the child was Bridge Away,
taken suddenly ill a few days The recent rain have caused a
ago and suffered from what in The
appeared to be convulsions. pa is
into a state of conscious- y the county bridge
that was mistaken for about above
death. The child was prepared Greenville, was washed away,
for burial and after being placed considerable of the
in a casket removed to floated down to about S
await I miles from town and in
Merry Society.
Hickory Grove church to
the funeral ceremonies.
A number of men and women
of the neighborhood remained in
the church auditorium with the
casket, and prompted by a desire
to get a parting look at the child,
one of the party slipped back the
glass pane from the coffin, re-
vesting the features. The face
was observed to be flushed and
for , , ,
The members of the Merry . .---
Sewers Society met at the home
of Miss Ethel Moore on Saturday
afternoon, April the twenty
third. The meeting was called
to order by the president and the
minutes were read.
The committees reported their
work of the past week and others
were appointed.
The musical
then carried out and the girls
put on their dainty little aprons
and began merrily sewing on a
bed quilt which they are making
for some poor person. After
sewing for about half an hour
delightful refreshments were
served and they adjourned de-
Miss Moore a charming
The Merry Sewers have joined
the circle of The King's
and are progressing very
fast We have a good object in
view and hope to accomplish
great in the future. We
are now helping to pay the ex-
of the little boy who was
to the hospital by the King's
Daughters. We are also doing
other good things which are
badly needing to be done.
member of the party. It was
found to be warm and the blood
evidently was circulating freely
through the veins and arteries.
Horrified the peculiar and dis-
tressing discovery, a physician
was hurriedly sent for. The
child, however, after a number
of tests had been resorted to,
never regained consciousness,
and away to Great
Beyond before the doctor arrived.
The incident, however, resulted
in delaying the funeral for one
day longer, to put at ease all,
doubts that the little one was
really Sentinel.
Net Is f reach.
It stated in Saturday's Re-
that Rev. D. W. Arnold,
pastor of the Christian church
here, had resigned to accept a
pastorate in West Virginia. In-
stead of taking a pastorate he is
going to attend school fur a
course until September, and
will not regular preaching
during the summer.
Chicken Powder
is Death ti to
Chickens Turkey
the low grounds. The part of
the bridge away
about feet long. Mr. G. V.
Smith and another man at
work on it when it broke loose,
and were carried some distance
before being rescued. They had
a thrilling
An Awful
of n vole inn brief interest, and
your interest hi- in eruption will be
as short if use
their quickest cure. Even the
worst s, ulcer. lever sores are
soon He-t
sir- lip.-, chapped hands,
Dies It instant re-
lief. at all druggists.
Killed by
Monday afternoon a phone
message from Bethel brought
the information Mr. H. W.
Martin, who lived near that
town, was killed by lightning
about o'clock. Mr, Martin
was plowing in his field and
was dead when found, lying be-
side his plow, and horse
also dead. Mr. Martin
about years of and leaves
wife but no children.
Chicken Powder
and feed my
on with it too.
Look at and
observe the Hawk.
Died after eat-
a of that
old rooster, which
had been fed on
Powder. Alas I
Kills Hawks, Crows, Owls and Minks.
Best remedy for Cholera, Gaps,
Limber Neck. Indigestion and Leg
Weakness. Keeps them free
Vermin, thereby causing them to pro-
duce an a of Price
and cents.
Manufactured only by
W. H. Tarboro,
U Wt I w
W. II D., U.
. n.

A List if
For the convenience of the
public and to work
of the census enumerators we
publish below a list of the
will bi asked the
bead of every household.
If you expect to be away from
home when the census
tor calls, fill our the blank
and lea the list at borne.
The questions
What is your
What your on your
last birthday, preceding April
Are you single, married,
widowed, or divorced
How many years have
been married
Where were you It
in the United State, state th
state or territory. If van
born in a foreign land, the
name of such aid
Where was father
born If in the United state.-,
state the state or territory. If
born in land state the
name of country and mother
Where was your
born. If in the United States,
state state or territory. It
born in a foreign land state the
name of such country and mother
Io what did you
into the United States
Are a
citizen, or an en
What is your trade or
Do you speak English
If what language do you
What is your occupation,
aid general nature of industry
at which you work
yon an employer,
employee, or work on account
lifers at work, or not, j
on April
The powder to be shaken
into the If you have tire.,
feet, try Allen Foot Ease. It
the feet and make new or t
i Core aching, n
hot, sweating feet.
of all pain and gives a d
comfort. it to Break in
New Try it to day. Sold
lion t accept any
For FREE trial package, ad-
S. Le Roy, N. Y.
Farmville, N C. April
Congressman Jno. Small to
deliver address for
ville graded school May 13th. A
is in store for those who
near him.
There have been very few s
for the past month and a half
that we have not witnessed the
moving of some old house in
order to make ready tor a new
of some kind.
Two were confirmed at the
Episcopal Sunday by
Bishop Strange. Mr. Fulford,
the rector, has closed
work here and at present the
church is without a rector.
The new church the Disciples
is about ready use. They
held Sunday school in it la t
Sunday and expect to hold
in it next Sunday.
The Oxford Orphan tinging
class gave a delightful concert in
the opera house last
received a good sum.
We welcome to our town Mr.
G. B. Ford, recently of
who is to be The Farm
ville Enterprise The press
machinery is all new and clean,
every piece of it. We hope it
may s be morally clean and
that no enemy of our homes, our
school. State or churches
ever find sympathy in the editor
or any of its e
look tor first issue of The
Enterprise next ween. As we
are to nave a paper of our own
shall my writing for The
We hops our correspondent
will change his mind about
many weeks were write for The
during the year
out of work
Are you able to read
Ar- you able to write
you own home or
rent same
Is your home owned free,
or mortgaged
Professional Cards
Are i o
Are you
i- ; the
i. I my or
Office R. L. Smith
and next door to John
buggy Go's new building.
North Carolina township.
Pitt i Henry Harding, J. P.
W. ton H. B
M. B. the defendant in
the v.- Mill, d n .
notice that a in the
entitled was aid
defendant on the day of April
He iv Harding, a of
the i of Pitt North Caro-
for the mm I 56.77. due to the
plaintiff by the by e-
c summon
for.- s-id H. J. P.
at his e in G e-n i
Pi t county. No th Caro-
n 13th day of May, 1910,
when where the defendant. II B.
i requested to appear d
answer or demur to the complaint of
the or the
be granted.
Thin 18th day of 1910.
Henry Harding, cf t
Administrators Notice to Creditors.
Haring qualified of
E. late of Pitt
c this is to persons
having t; . estate of the
aid t exhibit them i the
ed prep, proven on let
before he 7th of April. 1910. or this
will be pleaded in bar of their
r e-
Drains indebted to
will phase make i
to d.
This the tits day or April.
C. E. Tripp,
of Mary K. H deceased.
North Carolina I
lilt In Superior Court.
Ned Annie
The deft above named will take
notice that action entitled a above
baa been c d in the Sup-nor
e- art of county obtain a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony.
the said defendant further take
not that he is r quired to mt the
next term the c of t
county to be held on the eighth Mon-
day after the first kin h, it
being I be day f May, 1.10, at
the court bob- . county n
Greenville. N. C. and or de-
to the c la or
plaintiff apply t lie for
the r demanded in raid
Thia day of Apr
b. C
Julius Brown, Attorney fur i lain-
of the Condition of
in the Stale of N. C, at dose of March 29th.
North Carolina , .
vs Notice
Burton A. Mitchell
The ant v.- d will
notice that an a entitled a I
been d in the Superior I
of ; c for the
f d th i of i
Ii n p
defend n aid t e s
will that he is re-j
to appear at the term of
court of Pitt to be
held on th- I a t
if March, t being the
May, at the d
house in county in
North C and n or
to the comp ac ion or the
plaint i t ill apply o lie court for the
his April,
Superior cu if
Entry of Land.
is hereby th t K. R
baa he of
April filled an y of vacant
lands in dice of the register of
deeds tor Pitt in the
words and K. K.
and c aims fol-
i piece or of land situ it
in the of ard in Be h I
t t. Beginning in
I ranch e and
r ii ring with the public r. ad T y-
mill on the road,
mar y n r h with i c-
i to the r a west-1
y co at bridge,
v. M. Moore.
Re i cf
By D It.
Ai y and pen life to
or I i i lie I i ii cove ed by
or any p rt th- re if are Iv
to their protest in
with the , the lave-
i c of a r re n w thin thirty
days from the hereof.
Thin i Mr,
W M. M o e. Entry Taker.
of Real Estate.
By of a power of i ale contain-
ed in a cert in mortgage
ed and c d by Jo, Jr.,
to Maria Foreman dated the 8th day
of ard duly in
th register's office in Pitt county in
page a i. will
on Saturday, the 14th day of May,
1910, at 1- o'clock no n expose to
public Mile before the court h. use
door in Pitt the
highest d-r for cash, th- fol
house and lot Io b the pa- eel
of land ed by Ma Foreman to
Joyner. Jr on th 8th of
April and d in said deed
as low at the south west
corner of Joe a lot on I street
thence in an d
about to a e,
in a about
ii J feet to a stake at a co then e
in a we- direction feet
fit e northwest corner on
Pitt street extended, thence in a
northerly n the e
i o Pitt street feet to a
corner the g. 1-4
an acre more r las and the
same lot to Mania
I. C. Arthur id w See book
M page t. r office in Pitt
c This is made
the t of s id m deed.
This d-y of 1910.
Mara Foreman, Mortgagee.
F. C. Harding, Atty.
Overdrafts secured and
unsecured 1,6-6.81
Al. otter Stock, Bonds
ard 2,400.00
House .
j . .
Demand loans
Due from and 76,129.16
Items 8-7
Gold ,
Silver coin, all
minor 86.61 17,867.61
Ne I b- no es
Capital stock paid in
Undivided profits, lets cur.
expenses and taxes pd. 6.388.40
Time Car. of den. 786.06.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having this day
qualified of the
of Purnell before O. C
Moore, clerk of Superior court,
notice is given to all per-on-
indebted to n d estate to mire
mediate with the u
signed and all persons
holding claim- inst said estate are
notified that they must file
their again t estate with
the administrator en or
before the lib of April ll. o-
be in bur of
r on said claims no. j
the t me . st
Thia the A 1910.
W. J
of th- of
F. C. y.
STATE OF H CAR County of Pitt,
I, Jas. L. Little, of the above-named bank, do that
the above statement ii true to the beat of my knowledge and belief.
JAS. L. LITTLE, Cashier.
J. A. Andrews,
Subscribed and Io before me,
this 2nd ray of April, 1910.
H. D. Ba Notary Pub
B. W.
J. G.
To Know Your Needs
In Cotton Gin Machinery, Engines and Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills, Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
J. Paul Simpson, Gibbs Machinery Co.
Phone N. C.
i i in both
you dumb
There are fanciful dreamers
think and as though
there were nothing- in politics
except This
out of some great
policies of government involving
the personal right of citizens,
otherwise, the rights of Greenville,
the person in government.
Partisan politics is largely based
upon this kind of sentiment All
great that have arisen
in American politics were
founded upon some great moral
question business as a
consideration. When
the republic was first established
there were as well as
n patriots. There were those who
Attorney at Law
Office occupied by J. I
D. h. cum
N. Carolina
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
Loans on Real Estate
Dr. Office. Greenville, N. C
Moore and Long
believed in H Is last f
R. L.
form of government while
there others who had
no sympathy with Washington,
Jefferson, Hamilton and other
founder. The fathers differed
In some policies relating to
bat business was
less a strong factor,
ally in partisan J
The questions relating to the
establishment of government
settled and later political parties
were organized still more on
sentimental and moral questions,
but business was also a consider-
don The great moral questions
of the day also settled and
the politics of our time is
or should be, and business
pure and simple. The n .,,,, ,
who nowadays that h.
cuts no figure in politics is SKINNER A
Greenville, N. C.
Office on Third street, formerly recap-
pied by Dr.
By v of the i f
t-o c of
and delivered
No. A. V. A M.
L. J. one
Jul- t. t e
dated tic lit fay of
and d in the n is-
of de d office of Pitt
Ni-th Gar i-aye
et s q in hook p
2.4 c t f the expose
t i before th- house
door in ville t-i the highest bi
on , a certain
or p I in land and I i g in
th- county of Pitt aid S. t- of North
Carolina and in of G e
known as Masonic T. m
pie g
feet and en by
said s on the lot No.
on which the c e of
a n d, on lot No.
on the west the formerly
to Dr. W. J. Blow, except-
a of said fret. re
h for I to the town of
ad upon which the water
stand pipe of town i j
At the time and place we will
nil th brick and
sail lot, tn at y -ml de of tr. st.
Term, of h.
16th day of April, 1910
James L. Little,
Root, J. Cobb,
Lard Sale.
virtue of a p we- us a
n by
and Wife, Ma
s c f No r, r.-
in J-8, page , Pitt
c , we tell f r cash
at the door of th.-
office in Greenville
on lb 16th May, ,
Mini In , p op
g o-i the A. C. L. rail
j right of y ft thence south-
. ward with s id lit of way eighteen
poles to a i-t
e st to the Tar river r ad to a stake,
thence h tie western
of said nail fourteen poles t a
e, the 1-2 west to a
on the A. J L. right of
way at i containing six
acres m
This the eh v. nth day of April.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
Superior court clerk of county
administratrix of the estate of N. T.
Cox, o c notice hereby given
to all indebted to the o
payment to
. all having claims
estate notice
l hat they must present the to
the for on or
26th of M
this notice will be plead in bar of
This day of March, 1910.
Sarah A. Cox,
Land Sale.
By virtue of power contained in
a certain duly executed and
delivered on the of June,
by Daniel and wife Marinna
A Daniel to J. R. Davenport, said
duly record, d in the
of Deeds of Pitt
county, book J-S the under-
signed will expose to put lie sale to
tin highest bidder for cash, before
the court house door in the Town of
Greenville, N Carolina, on Monday i
the 18th day of April. 1910. the low-
ed lot or pared of land, to
Situate in th county of Pitt
id described One town
lot in the town of known
lot No. beginning at the corner on
the east ride of W. H. on
Main street, and tunning with W. H.
Ross lot feet, thence north
feet, thence west S to the
be.-inning, containing quire If.
This the of March,
J. R Davenport Mortgagee.
Skinner Attorneys.
a n ltd
We Take Your Plumbing
In Hand
immediately we get your order ard
it along; to completion without
delay. Prompt and reliable
work denote methods, ard the ma-
we ploy are made by best
and speak for
You have nothing to
to having us to do
your g.
Greenville, N. C.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Take Place an
the Eighth.
On Wednesday afternoon at
bar home on Greene street, Mrs. I
H. A. White enter-
six of her young lady
friends announce the engage
of her niece, Mary.
James, to Mr. W. T.
Jr. The young ladies
had no intimation of what
in store for being
asked to around with-
their and spend a while,
and the suspicions of neither
aroused as they arrived and
found others there.
After spending an hour
with their needles
The family that eats
plenty of
Quaker Oats
is a healthy, rugged
The most popular
in the world be-
cause it does most
and costs least.
treed From Committee
chatting, the hostess asked them i F- C. Harding. Esq.,
to repair to the dining room with, Dem. Ex. Com. of Pitt Co.
her. As they were passing Greenville, N. C.
across the hall and heard from Dear
the piano a few strains of I Having announced myself .
Cornea the the first inti for Democratic her daughter Mrs. G. W.
came of what was in nomination for the office of Sen-1
Woodland. N. C, April 20-
a few days with her aunt.
j Hope Craft, near
IT. A, Nobles and son. Luke,
I went to help organize a Sunday
school at which in
future will be known as Glendale.
The school will be held at
o'clock each Sunday afternoon.
are a fine time
this setting oat
Owing to bad our
was small at Woodland
Sunday school last Sunday.
J. L. Nobles went to
Saturday evening to visit his
daughter. Miss Mollie, who
taken to the
A. W. Barber is very much
pleased with his young plow boy.
Mrs. W. R. W. Nobles and
daughter, Miss Adelaide, went to
evening to visit
store, and entering the room the, for Pitt county, I do not- ,,
secret was revealed. The room proper to serve
had been beautifully decorated, I member of the committee which provided at all
everything being in pink, time for holding the with a bottle of
table, flowers, napkins, and county T era is no telling
cream and cake all to nominate the my i
of this color. date, and which the
Above the table was suspended
a huge wedding bell, and at each
plate were heart shaped place
one bearing the initials
and other
There were individual
pink cakes on which were two
other small heart-shaped cards
tied with pink ribbon, one of
these bearing the names of e
couple and tho other the date for
marriage. The napkins
bore the same letters in a heart,
these with the cards all
hand painted.
When all had taken their
places around the table the
hostess offered a toast tn the
coming bride, each of the guests
following a all
which were appropriately re-
to by th-; bride elect.
The announcement
with it much interest, for the
young couple are well known.
manner and method of conduct-
such and
therefore, hereby tender
resignation as a member of
the central executive
deem it not say
that I have no to
make as to whether the commit-
tee shall order a voting primary
or a delegated convention, ard
beg I hat in passing upon these
important questions that the com-
tee will have in vie at only the
of the party arid will
adopt that method which, in the
judgment of lira committee, will
Kite the greater degree of
f to the voters.
L Blow.
is coated.
Y breath
Headaches come go.
symptoms show
is the trouble. To re-
in case
is most in all of
sprains and
Sold by all drug st.--.
James is a daughter of cause is the first thing.
Col. and Mrs. P. G
and and
, Tablets will do that Ea.-y
Mr. is a son of Mr. and to take most effective. Sold
Mrs. W. T. Both by all druggists.
have a host who
extend them many good withes. of
The board cf commissioners of
Prompt relief in all cases Thomasville have
throat and lung trouble if you made good. They pissed an
use Cough Rem- ordinance requiring the near-beer
Pleasant to take, soothing saloon of the town to close at
and Sold by all They
from citizens who were
The Orphan Concert willing make affidavit that the
thing was a nuisance after night
fall. The saloon man complain
The singing class of the Oxford
Orphanage asylum gave their
concert night in Me-
Baptist church and
an excellent program.
The audience was very large,
filling the church to standing
room. The collection amounted
to which added to the
amount received at the stock-
meeting of the Farmer
Consolidated Tobacco Company,
made a total of The Ox-
ford asylum is doing a great
wort and Greenville people are
always for the singing class
to come here on its annual tour.
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tat lets assist nature in
driving all impurities out of the
system, insuring a free and reg-
condition and restoring the
organs of the body to health and
strength. Sold by all druggist.
l other utensil kept u
-n, Hus from
a in I ft is a
knew that
where your health
U I Why sot
FOR A wick
ICE Fawner
It Is so
Mis mil,
rooking, or the
of lea snit whole.
A let run
And tare
j Pow.
. i. L
Sol I by all good
Th- C i . I C.,., Is Roy, a, v
ed that he could not make a
living out of the business if
hours were cut out, and
off. red to surrender his license if
that part of the money he
for his license not yet
would be returned to him. This
the board promptly agreed to do,
and did. So we have no near-
beer joint now.
Weaker men would have
yielded to the pressure to
recede from the position
they had taken, but. the
board stood pat and hence th.
happy riddance of an evil that
was constantly growing
dangerous and deadly. All honor
to these guardians of the
right They have done well,
and the good citizens of tin
town will them honor in
stead of rebuke. It mutter.-
little what others may do or say.
Charity i Children.
Worse Than Bullets.
Bullets often caused
to the eczema. L.
W B got in
tho army,
forty years.
cured me when all
he writ a heeler tor sorer,
b. i a, cuts, wound ,
bruise and
for Side River.
Mr. D. C. been an
pointed enumerator to take
census of that
ville township lying on the
side of He will
the work next
up a Safe
A safe,
diamonds and money
to be worth between and
lost in a hurricane and
tidal wave which destroyed the
town and seaport of
in Calhoun, Tex., in 1875. has
been recovered from the gulf.
was situated on
from safe was
owned by James a
e'er, who packed all his valuables
and money in sale, which
with his home eras swept to sea.
He and his daughter lost their
It was at tho time
safe worth of
jewels and money, and for many
years a reward of was
offered for information of the
Frank Bauer, who has system-
searched for the treasure
for many years, located it nearly
a mile from the site of the
home. It was in about,
twenty of water and buried i
several feet in sand. By
t the chest was located I
and divers
If. C, April 21-
Miss Estelle who has
just returned from
spending this week with her
sister, Mrs. i. P. Fleming.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Washington
spent Friday night here visiting
is in town
visiting h -r J. J.
was preaching at
Baptist Sunday mom
was mis-
discussed under
heads, command, faith and need.
Elder spoke in such a
way ail who herd
the need of missions. He
showed us from
all people belong to any
religion were not equal to
heathens. Those that
cannot go as should
give liberally.
AT N. O.
At the close of business. Mar. 1910.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and
Demand loans 4.000.00
Due from 6,2111.24
Silver coin,
minor currency tUM
Nat bank no-es and other
Capital stock
203.17 1,400.00
1.173.58 Undivided profits, less
nob s
j expenses and taxes pd ii
Time of deposit 1,002.30
Deposits subject to ck I
Cashier's checks
outstanding 75.47
I. F. A. Cashier of the above-named bank,
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed sworn to be-
J. E Green,
A. W. stage,
sworn to
fore me, this day of April,
1910. R. H. Hunsucker.
Notary Public.
J. F. Harrington,
Save From the Grave
given up hope, r
year I sutler n. a
severe writs Mrs M.
. ix Tern
the , in m. chest be almost
.- d not d any
work, but Dr. Ki k's Ne
bu m.- like a new a n.
It s the be t m e fur the
up, bronchitis an I h
Io. and g
cough, yield to this
me Try it. c
b free. Guarantee i by all Drug-
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, March 1910.
Overdrafts sec. and
and Fixture,
Duo from A
Silver coin, including nil .
minor c-in currency
National k rotes
r U. S. J
Surplus 0.00
a d taxi a
Time Or of
Sub. to 67.73
I, W. H Cashier of the above-named bunk, do sot
swear that the above statement is true to the best, of my
W. H. Cashier.
She aid With a
Mr. B. W. is
The nets of
limp is that yesterday
Mr. out of public
knowledge and belief.
bed and sworn to be-
my this 5th day of Apr.,
T. Carson,
M. O Blount,
Robt. Staton,
Tax Sale Far
No is given that the prop-
of the fol g will re
at auction the
office. at noon on
day. May 2nd, 1910, ti t-e taxes
due town of c, for
Taxes. C st. Tot-1.
Barrett, C. G.
kindness of heart vent out to
he curd
without loss of tin; and a
medicine which i
Iain's Colic, cholera and
Remedy mt only cures
hut produces no
pleasant after effects. It never
fails is pleas and safe to
take. Sold by all druggists.
Federal Grand Jury.
The following compose the
grand jury at this term of the
C. S. Carr. Pitt county, fore
man; C. F. Washing
ton; N. T. Everett, Martin; J. F.
Harris, Hyde; J. P. Fleming.
Pitt; J. B. Johnston, Pitt; J. J
Carson. Pitt; Charles
Beaufort; Albert Miller, Beau
J. L. Martin;
Davenport. Washington; W. W.
Mason, Beaufort; P. Mar
Paul Spruill. Washington
George N. Jackson, Washington;
George N- Jackson,
Crawford Spruill, R. D.
Adams, Beaufort; W. H. Stancill,
The Demon the Air
is the germ of La
in. i
lack of appetite, energy and
d then E -c
ti i Hitters d tonic, blood
and of
Liver i
prov d try won .
en d up d
restore n and g ml Spirits
of If tr
d by all
soothe, end words of
consolation to a which
hitched by the bridge to rear
end of a and was ripping
and an
was by The
mule after in th
over and breaking two of its
wheels apparently give heed to
the earnest to bu quiet
and Mr.
ad juries was his suit
when the sou of a
put out om; his
iron-shod front feet on the lop of
left foot and
put a pressure thereon at about
half a ton, us a lawyer would
say, and for a apace of time
long enough for Mr.
to have uttered a cuss
words had he been a cussing
man, which same however he is
not. Now you know why Mr.
limps. Monroe En-
. w. ;,
Blount. O. L
W H.
II G. H.,
Joyner, Windsor,
A L.
I- n ins. Ben.
Vine-i, Ben.
i o
I ii
W. H Tax C Her tor.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Oak
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc.
Suits, Baby Go-Carts,
Parlor suits Tables, Lounges,
Safes, P. end Ax
., f. Snuff. High Life Tobacco. Key
ii West Cheroots, Henry George
s Chen Peach,
j, m. Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
ii Jelly- West, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
l Oil, Cotton Seed Vi-J Hulls.
Garden Seeds, Apples,
Nut-i, Candies, Apples-
Na-v Wooden ware, and Crack-
y I era. Macaroni. Chere, Best But
New Royal Sowing Machines
and numerous ether goods.
w Quality and cheap for
Come me.
How often you net a
or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our
Is a you could desire, and
we see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
You get Harm s
Horse Goods c
I Corey
People who
fermentation of after
and indigestion, and seek relief
in large chunks or
are killing their stomachs i m
just as the victim of
is . and injuring re
pair every i in his
Whit the stomach of y
from indigestion needs is h good
th t much,
put strength, sod
into it, aid make it sturdy to
digest a hearty meal without artificial
The be-t n fur n
ever i-
C ward A Woo en, and
Io d up the
t an i cure indigestion, or money , ,,.,
back. H. Miles Shoe Co. Inc.
Is named
a Id in small tablet form in large
for only to cent-.
stomach tablets.
I hey never fail
a s, best for liver,
For the convenience of my cu-
tom t and At, I have put in a
No B.
D. M. JONES, Salesman
Tobacco Flues
L. H. Pender
With experience in
fines, he can yes
Plumbing and Tinning
Our Greenville, yours If you
a N. C.
Iron Fencing

in Charge of F. A.
The Eastern Reflector tor and Rates on Application
is the Kind, ITEMS
lee us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Cf . I Wilson, spent Friday night at C.
It y want a useful planter. E.
Mr. and Mrs.- Ivy Smith went
to Marlboro Saturday and return-
ed Sunday.
Miss Lou Crawford and T. E.
Ch .
. tar
apply ;
. n.
received a full
Give a
A. V. Ange
. days, i
. It
Smith. Cox. Vida butt
too n r. u With
for fresh B D.
Johnson I I. u a Matt-
ed the cl Ml-
Cora Carroll's
i . Mils school house.
Ft ail
at H. L Johnson's fountain.
Miss May who
has be teaching near Carolina, j
came Wednesday.
a men lot of
W. I. U I .
. The A. G. Cox you nerd.
,. at
neat and
en liberal,
n see
tie n.-k you. planter. It
and Mrs J. plants Cotton, corn, peas, etc,
, near Harrington, Barber
Mi- and fish. going
R. W. at Johnson
nice line of i railroad street.
rice.-, are i u frame that for
mom i Any Bi frame.
Co. A. V. Ange Co.
ha- never when
Mrs R A
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man
Co, Winterville.
New goods and no-
just in. Better while
A. W. Ange Co. j
How i your soul Let
us show you our new lot of
Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
for Kale. K. D-
We have purchased the
l know as the
and Mfg. and will
j ready very soon to grind corn,
j do general repair work and dress
I timber.
Harrington. Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. W. Ange
We call your attention to our
new line of groceries.
R. W.
Dry for the
A. W. Ange Co.
spring dress goods,
embroidery and see us-
New lot just in.
N C. April
-Rev. C. B. cf
Little attended church at Marl-
Miss Agnes Smith spent Sun-
day at home.
Rev. S. W. filled
regular appointment at Smith's
school house Sunday morning
and night
the organs,
late the Bowels. Baa an
la malarial their
the item that
niter coated.
lake No Substitute.
Mr. D. D. Dead.
Mr. D. D- Gardner died at
o'clock, Sunday night, at
his home on Third street, after
an illness covering several
months. He was years of
age, a native of Wilson county,
and moved to Greenville some
twenty years ago.
Mr. Gardner was twice married,
his first wife being Miss Olivia
Davis, of Lenoir county. By
R. A. Smith, of Farmville was marriage there are six living
here Sunday.
Miss Janie Tyson, from near
Winterville, is visiting relatives
Joe of Farmville, was
here Sunday,
F. M. Smith lost a nice horse
last week with lock-jaw.
Misses and Ellen Smith
returned from Farmville Friday.
T. E. Little went to Scotland
Neck Tuesday.
to spend and i Harrington. Barber Co-
at nice spring
If you want a plow try see my new lot.
the a. Harrington, I A-W. Ange Co
Barber Go's. i Wells Browne, of
x went to a wall paper man of proven
today. He is reliable, keeps
When in need of groceries line, and if he has not
at H. L. Johnson's. stoat you want in stock, he can
Spring and pants for i i i for you it, a few and
the birds. A. IV. Any it Co
Winterville, N. j.
For nice fresh corned
W. Ange v C.
ville, N. C.
Straw are going flat, buy
one, be W. Ange
Leave your orders for ice at II.
L. Johnson's. Will
anywhere in town.
Matting and oil cloth, for the
floor, buy cover it over.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Before buying, see line of
post cards. H. L.
for th. see
A. W. Ange x Co.
Eugene spent Sunday
at his near and
returned Monday.
C. T. Cox M. B. Bryan
went to last
Prof. G. E. and
family came in to
spend a few with Mr. ard
Mrs. A. G.
R. H is all
It is a boy.
Miss after
spending a few days re
turned to where she
is attending E C. T. T. school.
B. F. W. Tucker,
L. L Kittrell and c
are week i s
In order to reduce
we will the next dais
offer special bargains in
dry goods, notions etc.
R. Co ,
Winterville. N C.
Hattie went to Green
ville today.
J. J. May yesterday in
attend the Federal court at New
Bern a juror.
G. S. Porter from near
Jack in yesterday.
C. to G
hang it for you. When you want
it done let him know what you
want, he can please you.
Fresh herrings at
We are now in position do
every day land general
repair a
Harrington Barber Co.
To reduce our stock before in
we will offer for a
limited time, cheap, for
worsted goods, to ;
percales, to
lee m cloth, waist
goods, lawn, mohair
to table peaches, pie
peaches. shirts.
shirts. shirts.
shirts. Call and what
r. A. W, Ange Co.
A. G. Cox Manufacturing
C. are rendering good service
in the undertaking business.
C. caskets cheap with
hearse service.
The A. G Cox Manufacturing
Co. sold this ever
cotton planters and
guano sewers which would
a large cotton crop
this year.
Miss Jaunita Dixon,
n-d to yesterday
where is attending C. T
R-v. A. conducted
at. the M. E. church
Register of Deeds M. Moore
h. issued the following licenses
since la fat report.
S J. Tripp and Bessie
Luke Aim
Braxton and Elizabeth
of Mai's
Friday night, the public school
taught by Misses Cora and Sadie
Carroll at school house
closed with an excellent concert
consisting of drills
and choruses. Every part
well rendered which showed the
excellent drill that the children
had received from their teachers.
These two young ladies are doing
a fine work in that community
and their constituents are stand-
by them, which is their duty.
They also have a fine Sunday
school with good attendance.
and preaching every first Sunday
in the afternoon.
This community is to be con-
on the rapid stride
that it is making in education
and morality. They have some
talent also in their children, as
was shown in their entertain-
Friday night.
The attendance was estimated
at five hundred, which bespeaKs
their interest in their school.
April 20th. 1910
Mr. J. I. Thomason Supreme
Deputy F. M. C,
Wilson. N. C.
I beg to acknowledge receipt
of check for from the
Mystic Circle, in settlement of
policy in this order, by the late
A. P. Branch. Full
was made within ten days from
date of mailing claim.
Mrs. Annie H. Branch,
Mr. Branch was a member of
the Mystic Circle fifteen years.
Wilson Ruling No. was
organized twenty years ago and
is one of the best beneficial
orders. Their rates are based
on The National Fraternal Con
table, which is considered
by insurance experts, as correct.
If you want insurance
at full protection cost with-
out the investment feature, you
would do well to see I.
Thomason, State Deputy. If
you want investment see the
Banks or Building
Loan. Times.
to Greenville
Mr. Plato is has just
c; an earnest invitation from
the Bryan Grimes Con
federate Veterans at Gr
N. C., to r a., ad-
dress at the Confederate reunion
on May 10th next.
of the Confederacy join
the veterans in extending the
invitation, hit. Collins look
over the t proceedings
the business of the
. and Will accept the
if he finds it possible to do
so.- Free
children, Messrs. J. Z. Gardner,
of Greenville; W. D. Gardner, of
Snow Hill; A. D. Gardner, of
Oxford; Mrs. M. E. Hamilton, of
Wilmington; Mrs. H. O. Abbott,
of Hamlet and Mrs. C. G. White-
of Bethel.
Some years after the death of
his first wife he married Mrs.
Willie ,. of Martin
who with three small
children survive him.
The funeral will take place
Tuesday afternoon at
o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. H.
Shore, the interment being in
the Episcopal The
pall bearers will be Messrs. Sam
Flake, A. C. J. A.
Ricks, F. E. T. R, Moore
and Paul Mi trick. Daily
tor, 25th.
The Call of the Blood
for purification, finds voice in
boils, complexion, a jaundiced
moth patches and blotches on the
regal of liver trouble. Bat
Dr. New Life make rich
red d; give dear akin, rosy cheeks,
fine complexion, health. Try them.
at all druggists.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha, May
2nd and 3rd, Monday and Tues-
day for the purpose of treating
disease of the eye and fitting
Stray Taken Up.
I have taken up one black sow,
weighs pounds, hole in right ear,
slit in left ear. Owner
get same by proving ownership and
g expenses.
J. B. Oakley,
Greenville, . C.
Sunday there was a heavy
storm in Carolina township.
Parties who saw it tell us the
hail stones were very large and
enough of them to- the
Heart Action
There are certain
that control the action
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it
-Far rear I what I
tees at I heart
the Dr. earn
Into I to
Dr. Haw
not at
this aid it.
the has, that it will Che at.
Dr. Heart
we him to
fines Co,
now I
I am eared
writ Oil. la
Do You Own a Piano
H not, and you to own
soon, you owe it o your.-ell to ex
a mine the ma nil ice
at the w
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance yea will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of c, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you I m with prices
that stand her ard
incomparable an where. Fight
different makes tr select from, none
those cheap western department
store stencils tut each one a stand-
ard, cf
reputation in the trade,
player-pianos of known
We will take your piano in
exchange one play-
also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s sit your
. When in Greenville visit our
Next door to Can- At Atkins Hardware Co. store.
close of business March Nth,
Loans and I
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from A
Gobi coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nat bank U.
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profits lees
cur. exp and taxes pd 4,686.89
Time of deposits
Deposits sub.
Cashier's 1.10486
I, J R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
J. K. DAVIS. Cashier.
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 4th day of April. 1910.
J. A. Mew born.
W. Turnage,
It. L Davis,
F. M. Davis.
The Up-to-date
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
your orders now with them and you will be
Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street,
Greenville, N. C.
THEY Bot burn. not split or curl like wood shingles.
Will not crack and roll off like slate. Will not rip at the scams
like tin. Neither they rattle during wind storms.
never need repairs and last as long the building. And last
of all, they make the handsomest roof and are not expensive.
YORK COBB, Agents.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Get Debate
The Henry Grady Debating
society of the Greenville graded
schools triumphed in de-
bate. Its representatives,
B. F. Taylor and L. J. won
a splendid victory night
the contest with Washington.
This makes the second place the
society has won, it having been
the victor in the contest
last spring.
The contest Friday evening
was held in the auditorium of the
Washington public school build-
It was presided over by
Supt. N. C. the society
of his school being represented
by Messrs. Charlie and
Enoch Simmons. The judges
were Rev. M. T. Plyler. of
Washington, H. E. Austin,
of Greenville, and Supt. K. G.
Kittrell, of Tarboro.
had the affirmative
side of the query, which was as
That the
United States Should Subsidize
Her Merchant Marine in Terms
of the Humphrey A sum-
of the principal speeches
of the Greenville speakers was
given in Friday's
Their rejoinders were both well
composed and well delivered.
The first negative speaker was
Mr. Meekins. He chose for his
principal part of the query the
fact that as a nation we are
being legislated to death. That
the people are all the time being
slowly but surely deprived of
their rights. That special inter-
are striving continually to
secure the passage of special
privilege laws, and the
law is one of these. He showed
that while the merchant marine
is inadequate, there is no justify-
subsidies as a means of
The second speaker was Mr.
Enoch Simmons. His speech
was carefully thought out, and it
was a splendid piece of work.
He reviewed the history of our
cross-sea service, showing that
the United States had never been
a maritime nation. That we have
concerned ourselves with our
internal development, and have
left our marine problems to
English and Japanese seamen.
That we have not lost by this
policy, as can build and
operate ships very much
than we can because of cheap
labor and cheap raw material.
He contended that as a nation
we can better afford to devote
oar attention to conservation, to
internal improvements, and to
defensive problems than to try
to place large sums of money at
the heads of snip owners in an
attempt to compete with England,
Germany and Japan.
After the debate the judges
retired to a private office and
balloted The first vote was
unanimous for the affirmative.
In announcing the decision, Rev.
M. T. Plyler complimented the
speakers, declaring that he had
heard many a debate in colleges
and universities that were not so
While the committee was out
making up its decision, Supt.
introduced Supt. H. B.
Smith to the audience. Mr.
Smith expressed his appreciation.
of the cordial treatment he and
the Greenville party had
ed. He spoke of the importance
of public speaking and debate as
a part of education, that
he was triad that the schools were
giving it more attention, and
that the towns were beginning
to enter into contests with eat
The audience was attentive,
Body Fed
Early Thai
Mr. Stephen C Wooten. a
young attorney here, was found
dead this morning just before
o'clock, in his room at the Taylor
boarding house on Dickinson
avenue. Mr. Wooten attended
court Wednesday, going to his
room early in the evening. Not
going down to supper, Mr. B. F.
with Taylor went up to his room about
o'clock to see if he wanted
anything. Mr. Wooten told Mr.
Taylor that he did not care fur
any supper, as he did not feel
well and wanted to retire so
to get up early this morning and
prepare for some business he had
in court today.
Not having come down by
breakfast time this morning, Mr,
Taylor again went up to Mr.
room a little before
o'clock. Opening the door he
saw Mr. Wooten lying across the
edge of the bed his feet and
being up on the bed and
head and shoulders on the floor
It was seen at a glance that he
was dead.
Coroner Laughinghouse was
notified and when he went to
examine the body he deemed an
inquest unnecessary, pronouncing
that Mr. Wooten had died of
epileptic convulsion- He
had a struggle during the
convulsion, from the position in
which his body was found,
his neck was broken by his hear.
and shoulders falling off upon
the floor. It is thought he
been dead several hours when
Mr. Wooten was one of those
badly injured in the
accident on the 5th of
when Messrs. J. L. Fleming
and Harry Skinner, Jr., wen
killed. After the accident Mr.
Wooten was for some weeks in s
critical condition, but finally re-
covered and resumed his law
practice. He was apparently as
well as usual, with the
of occasionally having s
Stephen C Wooten was
years of age and a son of Mr
A. M. Wooten. of
township. He was born ii
Edgecombe county, his
moving to Pitt when he
very young. He attended Whit
sett institute and then the
taking up the law
at the latter. After obtaining
his license about three
ago he came to Greenville u
practice his profession;
remaining here a while he mover
to Farmville, where he
ed a few months, when he in
came to Greenville and resumed
practice here.
Mr. Wooten is survived by hi.
father and mother, severs
brothers and sisters.
was advised of his death be
phone this morning, and a broth
came down to take charge o
his body. The remains will b
taken this evening to the
of his parents near Fountain arc
the interment will take
tomorrow in the family
His Roost April Tern in
Walter Johnson, 12-year
son of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. John-
son, died Sunday night at
home near ton.
Session The City
The following cases have been
John Henry larceny,
pleads guilty, judgment
Edmond Wooten and Eugene
Moore, larceny, plead guilty of
temporary larceny of horse,
judgment suspended upon pay-
of costs.
Willis Grimes, assault with
deadly weapon, rot
Ben Smith, selling liquor,
guilty, judgment suspended upon
payment of costs.
Jarret Darden, breaking,
pleads guilty, sentenced three
years to roads.
Lewis forcible trespass,
plead guilty, fined and costs.
Lewis assault with dead-
weapon, pleads guilty,
Chanel Hill. N. C, May
The memorial services to Dr.
Eben Alexander, the late dean
of the university, were held in
Gerrard hall Sunday afternoon.
The exercises were very personal
and simple, as simple as the lite
of the great man in whose
they were held. Rev R. W.
opened the services with
a beautiful prayer. Dr. Kemp
P. Battle presided in an
introductory address spoKe of
brilliant mind, statesman
and the beautiful home life
The board of county
was in regular monthly
session on the d, all
being present. There was
much routine business to
f Dr. W-. C. Took Test of
Dye far Diastase.
Dr. William Cobb Whitfield,
who took a dose of
dyes. Saturday morning,
hat practically recovered from
trans- the poison and is able to be out
I The accident occurred about as
of Dr. Alexander. Mr- A. court
Wolfe, president of senior
class, spoke feelingly of the
love of Dr. Alexander.
Prof. W. S. of the
department of Greek, with simple
eloquence interpreted the life of
Dr. Alexander. He found the
outstanding characteristic of his
The following turns Dr. Whitfield who w; s
were ordered paid by the Buffering with s slight attack of
For county indigestion, asked his sister to
home superintendent; hand him a bottle of
superintendent health which he had observed on a
Supreme court shelf on the back porch. Mess-
bridges and ferries out the required dose Dr.
, , to be expressed by the
men. suspended upon payment of of
Lance Wooten, carrying con-
weapon, guilty, fined
and costs.
Little, assault with deadly
weapon, not guilty.
Thomas Gray, larceny, guilty,
sentenced ten months on roads.
The fine of imposed
Nat for failure to assist
officer in making arrest, was
stricken out; also the fine of
against Lance for carry-
concealed weapon.
James Staton, selling liquor
guilty, sentenced six months on
n roads.
Solicitor announced
co the court death of Stephen
J. Wooten. member of the
sympathy, an tender-
and something more. He
this same fine quality
whether at the Court of Greece,
in the dean's office or on the
streets of Chapel Hill.
principal address was delivered
by Mr. Josephus Daniels, the
gifted editor of the Raleigh
News and Observer. Mr. Daniels
spoke for the trustees and
alumni. In an interesting and
comprehensive manner he sketch-
ed the life Of Dr. Alexander.
Sprung from forebears who were
pioneers in the founding and
building of the city of Knoxville,
a high honor graduate and
loyal son of Yale, chairman of
Whitfield took what he thought
house jail to be medicine. But no sooner
witness tickets had he taken it than he knew it
commissioners email- to be
pox sundries county revealed fact that the bottle
stock law county roads had been filled with of
roads dye. by some member of the
road; Green- family, some weeks
ville roads medicine having been
Some corrections were made in UP- In the anxiety lit
taxes erroneously listed, and of their the ladies
s-me from takes forgot the fact. A b tile
The treasurer and
was propel
a dye re-
, , the faculty of the University of
Greenville bar. on motion it professor of Greek i
the University
of North Cam-
Ambassador to
and throughout the debate an
during their stay in the city, th
Greenville were
every consideration. Those
attended the debate are loud i
their praises of Washington an.
her splendid type of hospitality.
ordered by court that
this court adjourns for
day, it adjourn tin honor and,
memory of Stephen C. La,
. . a. Daniels paid a rare encomium to
man. Mr. Daniels gave
his address a personal touch that
guilty, fined and costs.
Lena Grant, bawdy house,
guilty, judgment
pended upon payment of costs
and defendant leaving the
John Henry Clark, larceny,
found to be insolvent,
to pay cost.
Will Ward, assault with deadly
guilty, sentenced five
on roads.
West Pitt, selling liquor, n i
Joyner. assisting prison-
in escape, not guilty.
Andrew Harris alias Andrew
embezzlement, not guilty.
Oscar Grimes, selling liquor,
Her Ids of
A little girl in conversing with
of her little friends Sunday,
v hi expressing her views of the
of being drowned was
to make the
I don't want to be drowned, for
he fishes might eat me and then
would have to stay out of
leaven until the fishes were
and eaten by somebody
and then they were to die
go to Heaven, or if to the
place would not get there
Old Soldiers.
I would like to know what
and regiment J. L.
joined and fought in
he civil war and any other in-
about him that any of
readers may possess. His
family and friends desire
to know where he died and
I will thank any
for this information.
B. H.
April 30th, 1910.
added much to its interest and
charm. He told of Senator
hesitancy in approving
President Cleveland's appoint-
of Dr. Alexander and h
the old general was fir-ally won
over by Dr. Winston's appeal t
his love for his alma miter and
his state.
Senator lived to bless
the day he approved Dr.
appointment. The people
of Greece and the press of both
countries voiced the opinion
Dr. Alexander was perhaps the
best minister that any country
ever sent to Greece.
Tulane University of New
Orleans is making arrangements
for a debate between
Tulane, North Carolina, Virginia,
and Missouri. This
debate will require two years for
completion. It will be one of
most significant debating con-
tests engaged in by any of the
American universities.
such cities as New Orleans,
Nashville and St. Louis to
mention Chapel and such
states cm Louisiana, North Caro-
Virginia, Tennessee and
Missouri, this de
bate will be interstate and
national in interest and
Carolina lost in baseball to the
navy to won from George-
town to and from Wake
Forest to In the Wake
Forest game only men faced
Hedgepeth and not a single man
got even the semblance of a hit.
dent of health filed monthly j the Dr.
reports. aware of the real
Saunders was admitted of the bottle. Prompt
to the county home. action prevented serious results
The following were drawn to Dr. is practically
serve as jurors for the civil rumor that Dr. Whit-
of court May hid given bis father, Col.
W B Pollard, J T N. i. Whitfield, a dose of the
Hodges, J I W E Tucker,
B J Skinner,
L J L Roberson, S
S Nobles, J T Matthews, E C
King, P T Atkinson, J D
Stephen J G Taylor. E
S Norman, Frank Harris.
The board look a r to Fri
day. May 6th.
is absolutely and
allow me space to reply
to the of grand jury
to Superior court appear-
ed in your issue of Monday, May
the 2nd
In this report the committee
of grand jury stated that
the j they had visited the county home
and found everything in good
Re elected Board
of Directors.
The annual meeting of
stockholders of The Horn- Build-1
Loan Association was held condition with the exception of
Tuesday night in the mayor's the attention.
office, considerably more than
a majority of the stock being
represented. There was
business before the meeting
except hearing a report from
the auditing committee of the
standing of the for
the past and the election
of a board of directors. The
present directors were all
re-elected, as
R. C. D. C. Moore, H.
A. White, H. W. Whedbee, C. T.
D. J. Whichard, S. T.
White, B. W. Moseley, R.
C. Laughinghouse,
C C. Vines and W. A. Bowen.
There was a row Monday
night among some colored
women gathered in a restaurant
run by on
Fifth street, and the
was one woman being
stabbed by another.
National Report.
In a statement issued by the
National association it
is estimated that the acreage
planted to cotton in the Southern
states on April had been in-
creased by seven-tenths of one
per cent., as compared with the
same date last year. In
Atlantic states a small increase
is reported, while the valley
states show a slight decrease be-
cause of the spread of the boll
weevil. Texas shows a slight
increase and Oklahoma about
per cent not as much as
in March in either state.
This is explained by the scarcity
of increasing the
acreage in corn, oats and alfalfa.
Reports to the association show
that per cent, of the crop has
been planted. The greater part
of the which were up be-
fore the recent cold weather
were killed except in central and
southern Texas, and it is
mated that 14.000,000 acres
outcome should be replanted. With aver-
severely age weather a loss of per Our
cent, in yield is produced. come.
Whoever gave this information
to the committee sent there by
the grand jury did willfully and
This is not the first time that
the grand jury has been selected
a a cover for false
made against me.
Men who select this method of
the character of
those who doing their duty,
are cowards of the lowest type.
I will state further I have
visited the county home since
this report, without an ex-
every inmate has ex-
pressed themselves as being
perfectly with the med-
attention they were getting.
Wm. Fountain,
Supt. of Health.
Great Conference of the Methodists.
Asheville. H- -From
all parts of the country where
there is, a conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church.
South, delegates have poured in-
to the city today for the quad-
general conference, which
begins its three session
tomorrow morning at o'clock.
Bishops Wilson, Hendricks,
Key, Candler. Morrison, Hobs
and Atkins are here, but Bishop
Fitzgerald, it is feared, will not
arrive as he is very feeble.
Fourteen extra Pullmans have
arrived in the city, each with its
full quote. Going several miles
out from Asheville, each train
was bearded by a reception com-
and the handling of the
delegates was thus greatly
Greenville, yours if you
. m, f . a. I .

Eastern reflector, 29 April 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 29, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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