Eastern reflector, 22 April 1910

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I In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
Author o The Eastern J Application
The is the Kind
A U. With
Peary on the Roosevelt.
think MM of of
the f
i win the If
Better send your orders in M . The P be.
When the for Cox Cotton Planters, the i
i,. . have ti e if guano sowers, economic U i reins B
have our careful attention.
i Owe i a Piano
boot, and to ova
owe it y to x;
the display
at the Fine man White
ii-t toe do f
Take No Substitute.
w c . you need. See us.
by The A. G. U A new lot of lamps
Manufacturing Harrington, Barber Co.
neat The spring rush is coming in.
i Better your orders in Chapel Hill. N. C. April 11.-
On Thursday night two victories
ward added to the debating
dared them r-r . My the University of North
re k -hoe-k ho its- Messrs. C. E
Cox Mfg. Co., ,., 1st- I resin-d F N Cox won a unanimous
N C I ox w .
,;, . a. , decision over a team representing
. ., ,. a ,,, line If you want a useful planter.
v, a . J It . aH. .-
r . A
cotton, corn, peas, .
h. i. -u C.
cheap K. W. at Johnson ,., ,,, if of Washington
u it. sun on railroad street had been n Lee University before an
Tame that for which taxed the
. .- a Any frame. c the grand opera house in
, , , a , i-s i Greensboro.
US a a As w. w ;,,
cm. A. V. w, never when w t. de
u ii that of In
purchase a a, . Carolina the
by A. O. Cox Man ., , , ,.,. ,
to a large city.
U a glance you will inspect a
lint cot alone stand
of tot e. T and
in character of e, y and
general in a class to
but you I m with
that stand here at d
incomparable an. where. Eight j
different makes t. select from, none
of those cheap v department.
re pi
put each MM a stand
acknowledged fame and
in the trade.
kt piano be, i known
will take your piano in
for one of sell ply-
also carry the
AN, the of the world.
and taken in
terms to s sit
Chen in Greenville visit out
. . m-mt .-----. with had ha
Harrington, u. lb t
the University of Georgia after a
contest held in
At the same lime
I Messrs. H. E Stacy and R.
sausage and fish, going measured arms with
K. at Johnson her
m White.
Next door to Carr Atkins Han I ware o. store.
At the close of business
I-. i i, Co,
to C-
New lot of dry no-
., , R D. just in. while
Hie t congress may by law
Ad A- w- An near la
newborn came in yea-1 How is your soul Let
the question.
It was a time for , , . j-;
but ed, That all corporations doing
parted oat inter-State commerce business
a steam cap-, h y fa out
man we It. j . .
was over Federal charters under such con
Loans and discounts .
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures 1,670.60
Due from 60,73.8
Cash items 897.88
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 010.65
Nat hank and other U. S.
Notes 2.837.00
ten; fro . where lei US show you our new lot of
has been for Mr the shoes. Barber ft Co
p,, days. A nice six key fountain
Te County School . u.
j i , , Th. . W-have purchased the
re the desks for you. ard
i of s. or thirty j
feet Just by granted.
n in the i Carolina in thirteen debates
them. left f . University of
on ton I .,.
Z i e oar at t his won all but four. Out of
The was now debate with Washington and L-t
at the I one won
N. O.
March 29th, 1910.
stock 10,000.00
profits lens
cur. exp and 4.086.89
rime of deposits 16.311.31
Deposits sub. to check
Cashier's 1.104.86
I, J R. Davis, Cashier of the i hank, solemnly
rear that the above statement i true to the best of my
J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
a Out of the three intercollegiate
i knew If she debates in which she has engaged
driven any ti. Ill- we being
do repair work and dress
of in
and i-
A ii Cox M;. very soon
N. C.
J. H. Cobb, Standard, was
edge and
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of April. 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
For of
ti. L fountain.
J. i. left
received, a nice lot of
H. Barber i Co
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just. In.
A. W. C.
holds the distinction of having
N. C. April 12-
Mrs. Emily wile of J. B-
Cotten. of was in
town I Fr
If you want a good plow
., . . ,, .,. ago and was buried on Tuesday
the. Syracuse Harrington, . . . u ,
. ., , in the Bunyan Baker course.
m . e ground I. S. n
i-f Washington, i , . . .
was in ton yesterday. HZ Tl
When in need of groceries calla l ,
at Johnson's.
U. B.
Schwas under construction
j -ii lot her death cancer,
was pillows ,
Spring and p for
the A.
N. C.
Our boys crossed oats
i order . the University of Pennsylvania.
tier -IT no i de- she has won three. Carolina
In the
III. r. lei I m batter-
to smash the won twenty-one out of twenty
i.-e between the and Hie eight during her bat-
it-.-- making and of having
for ship rest on. The . . k.
M.-r- up from lost a series. Among her rivals
lift- have been John Hopkins,
ed and Washington Tulane,
and Le.
were in pieces and the Universities of Georgia.
on the Pennsylvania and Virginia.
of which we had
for this
pose. A wire from the battery had. of i The Call the Blood
been one of . ,
primers burled In dynamite, for
wire dynamite were thrust I. W a
W. J.
R. Davis,
F. M Davis,
j buried many years ago. She
house a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
, i moth n . mi
s in -ail of liver trouble, hut
down a U in
B in
Ur. i P
The Miter end wire was then j; give clear sum, rosy die. ks,
with the battery, every one line comp them,
to a no at or.
the far of deck, and a
sharp push plunder of the
THEY will not burn. split or Ilka wood
Will not crack and roll like slate. r;
like plain tin. Neither will they during
They never d repairs and as b. t A en last
of all, they the hands, roof and era .
COBB, Agents.
. . . . L,. current the,
very patient in all of
K . wires
She was one of the Tb ship shook I
best of Every one th t Ilk. u dish of mid a column
knew her thought much of a wen, a,
lulu air.
loll. Tin- of lie
; m of i, e. for
Oar more W the lust tribute
audit, was proven by the
concourse of relatives id.
F. r nice fresh herrings
see A. w Co. Winter
v. .
bit aw going buy
o., don't b W. Ange
ft to.
Leave your orders for lea at H.
L. Will be de
a i, town,
and mi cloth, the
fl. one. cover it over.
Harrington, Co.
call your to our
new line of groceries.
Dry goods for the birds,
A. W. f.
Before buying, see my line of
post H. L. Johnson.
F r spring dress good,
embroidery and laces see us-
New lot. in.
Barber Co-
J. F. Harrington left
day for Oxford to mile
Walker to Oxford
ton is a very strong and
Mason, and is always on
of respect to one that was gone
but not forgotten.
We had another Wed-
followed by some
cool days and light Friday
Saturday mornings.
went to
U. Hampton's
In Paris in tin- revolution of 1830 a
law was by
one the king's
down a copy of the ordinances placard-1
oil oil wall. T he was
was mil. so ran
Nearly a
R. E. has tobacco
plants ready to of i in-
CD. Smith went to Wilson republic of .
. . .;. MM e wills III. ,
Sunday m i.-. r
The busy planting ,, ,,.,. . .,,,
corn and cotton and preparing word or
tobacco for transplanting.
Sons will this week. j,,,, was pa-
We think will de win. died ripe
stamping out the
smallpox in our section. It is Th r-kind
only among the Colored people. The Km la ml an- the
tie has three houses quarantined.
. of the widely
and has vaccinated about all in mt r
the j of lb. pole so.
I miles from i-nil of
ca. A former governor of
F. M. Bowden, who for tin- hue sir
months was assistant operator;
. .
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around
choking sensation,
or rapid pulse, and other
symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart
is a medicine
adopted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the-
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
I J suffered with what I
was when
. me I laid
i I ninny
the Dr. came
i Into my and concluded IO
, try Dr. Heart Cure. I
I taken and now I am
Mil I
n. medicine It. I write la
boW II attract
of who . t
sol Slain Ky.
Or. Milt.- Heart
Cure, and it him Io
of battle if It lain,
if Medical Co., Ind
Mr. J- C. I.
Sale of for Par
About a quarter to
o'clock Tuesday morning I Ir. J. i
North a, I In Superior
Pitt county J Before D. C Moore,
, , kn Willis D. Johnston. F. V. Jo
C. Alb t it the M.
. . . Mr i ,
home of Ins sister,
Greene, on street.
R. j
virtue of a deer, the Superior
. TI court of county, nude by U. C.
was in his year, c
been in feeble tor some b g,,
He is survived Monday Use day of
a ,,.,. April, St e o'clock noon, being
B cay of the ferns of
two sisters. Mrs. M. E. An Superior com t, expose to i
, the l door in
and Mrs. K. r for
one brother. Mr. W. B. following of
j land, to Situate the side
Deceased was a member of the u ,,, hip
church, and a member county Carolina,
a . c II-. i on the no them of Tar at a
of the Odd Fellows, in standing three holy
being one of the oldest and most the edge of
. . , . c the toe. and
faithful member of Covenant .
Lodge. his church, his lodge old aid
and a host of friends be was held Sit Town
in high esteem. said creak to , o the
,. i. . a river to tn. b g. i
The funeral took place at lorn th am.
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, tract or land
,,. In a certain by
Bill c to Susan
tery. The funeral being recorded m the
i -u nil c ii a in in
conducted by the Old will be made
The pail bearers were Messrs. among
G E. Harris. A. C. of Ma Kb. Ilia
Sara Flake, J. R. Corey. Wiley t. u
Brown and Adrian
Stray Taken
I taken up one cow and calf,
color re-I and white, and
in the light, fork and
When using the Ledbetter One under bit in left. Owner tan
,. r. M
One Seed Piaster.
in the We tern on telegraph have
would while
-.---, there If In-con Id have
office here, resigned to accept w
a position with Norfolk
Southern Railway in home
lieu w ,., .-. get
seed one bushel of cotton
seed will plant three acres, N. C.
Come see the Ledbetter.
Subscribe tn Th J. G. Subscribe for The
Mason. is always on Southern Railway in his home . . , s
the lookout for town. Now Bern. He Is spier.- of n k B T H A W M T I U
T we I f
congratulated for th hi leaving Greenville. , ; to food
good it is doing in our vicinity
For nice and spring
shoes, sue my new lot.
A. W. Ange ft Co.
Greenville. ,,.
-it s lull, after all. the
Five will M tin- I
rive coses ow win
cure any case of chills and fever.,
to national puns root and law.
An over many Bronchial Remedial, It rid. th.
system a cold by s. on the bowels. No Guaranteed o
or money refunded. Prepared b- CO. CHICAGO. U. A,
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
St. per
cent Declared Pies dent
The seventh annual meeting of
the stockholders of the Farmer
Consolidated Tobacco Company,
was held today in the Star ware-
house. of the stock-
holders was by the very
large attendance, Pitt, Lenoir,
Greene, Wilson, Beaufort and
Martin counties all being
President L. Joyner
in calling the meeting to order
offered congratulations upon the
gratification the interest the
stock Holders in the
Tn- first business was the state
by Secretary W. H.
of work of the company fir
the past year. This report, much
to the of the stock-
holders, bowed that the directors
had ordered the payment of a
dividend of per cent in cash
as a result of the past year's
work. also contained
a resolution adopted by the
director, in effect that soliciting
of the sale of the cum
be but that
an bona tide
who desires suck in company
nuke application the
in writing, to the directors,
win pass upon the
same it it can be
In his annual report resident
gave a review of the pro-
the company us
organization in October
shoeing its successive steps
development year by year. This
present dividend of percent,
makes a total of
paid in the seven years.
dent Joyner also punted out
the average sales of the
Consolidated Tobacco
as compared with the sales of
warehouse, showed that
had sold for
higher price, each year
thin the other warehouse
Baaed on monthly
made by the secretary of
the Tobacco board of Trade, it
was that the Formers
Consolidated Tobacco
during the past season
per hundred pounds
higher than other houses, pay-
to farmers in round
about mom
other houses paid for the same
quantity of tobacco.
President Joyner congratulated
the upon their
to the company, and stated
that a very small percent of them
had tailed to patronize the com-
warehouses, and they
among those farthest removed
from the markets.
President Joyner also spoke of
the relation of the company to
i its relation to the
stockholders, and the relation of
the stockholders to the
He showed that the
Consolidated Tobacco Company
is antagonist to pa other interest,
tut an organization of
farmers to curry on business for i
He also
strongly a reduction in acreage, I
declaring that prices will be
regulated only the law of
supply and demand. If more
tobacco is Mined the wade
demands, price lie up. and
on the Oilier I, ml it more is
raised than ii Peed-d by the
trade. will
The C. I. h and
E. E. us
they were both
Atty. Bickett Files Op
f is the opinion of
the attorney general in the
the case which
was referred to him by the
Agriculture Department and the
the whole case I am of
the opinion that the Department
of Agriculture cannot grant to
any one immunity from
for a violation of the law,
but I am further of the opinion
that the law does not forbid
bleaching per and that it is
entirely lawful for the
of agriculture to notify
the North Carolina millers that
for the present the Department
Mother Works to Death far
A wise Gotham judge last week
delivered a scathing lecture to a
girl in her who ran away
because mother made her
wash the dishes when her
man was waiting to see
her in the The girl will
doubtless remember her court
experience, but it is doubtful if
she will learn anything from it
The army of
is. unfortunately, growing at a
rapid rate, in the
working and middle classes, since
th- marriage mart has b come
overstocked with femininity
And while this increase takes
place, there is an army of aged
Last the Session Held Fri A I the Are
day .
The boys society of the grad-1 A . for Wash-
ed school, the Henry is assured this
Debating Society, held its final The final
meeting Friday
Newsy Items of Interest for
Bear Readers.
New Bern. April
sea on. Murphy, red, o was par-
, ., arrangements last week by
night. Two for the opening t th. on the recommendation
weeks hence the debate with j meeting last night in the
Washington will be held, and Commerce rooms, at
then examinations will be the which quite a large number of
larder of the day. The boys felt business men were sent,
that could not undertake The will be run
of Agriculture will not insist, worn and weary, start-
a matter of fact, that bleaching down hill toward the
by the Alsop process amounts to sunset.
adulteration, but that fl While you tit and listen to the
which by actual analysis is found sweet which fall ever
Th meeting Friday night
wan given over to declaiming.
The following declamations were
David Moore.
ed by Adrian Brown.
Confederate Al-
to the
; Milton Pugh.
operated under the
Tobacco Company.
The warehouse market will
and in full blast when
of the county physician and
board of county
was liberated on Friday died
Saturday was
sent to the roads fr
i, but b
sentenced, d pneumonia,
followed by It
was seen that rot live
to contain nitrites or any pois-
on es ingredients in such
anon from the parlor doll, you
hear the footfall of mother
ties to constitute a real drudging around somewhere in
menace to the health of the J the back- That is one reason
pie will be seized and the parties why housekeeping is becoming a
selling prosecuted. lost with many young women
might be well enough for Mother does it all.
the slate chemist to say This old world is full of mothers
percentage of nitrates found in who are laboring and loving unto
would be a real menace to death. Every day house-
health, and for the martyr folds her nerveless
ti notify the millers that for the last long sleep;
found to contain s greater per-every day pilgrim shoes are
would be deemed from tied that
Dying Chas. Haskett. men of the city have done valiant
Death f John towards the accomplish
Spain. Ben Ad- of this new enterprise
Whichard. that lave succeeded in
the sale of tobacco for the but a the county
takes and if nothing I officials took Steps to hive him
happens Washington pardoned, which was done by the
fair to have one of the best mar-governor, but the only
Eastern part of Murphy a free man for
State. twenty-four hours.
Ever and anon comes the re-
rd mat rave , ,.
lain r r a list of wedding
their undertaking th- raisers of . .
the w-ed
w-e-u . ,
a.;. t j . j. this little r h
e to it
that the
a liberal of their
T. W. Bickett.
have given lo make
young Bible.
shadows are gathering In many
Mercer a
Chandler r. to
debaters against Washing-
tin delivered their speeches on
the merchant marine quest ion
i the query for the debate. The
is was pleased Hill, N. C, April i
it. representatives The Carolina but
I prepared. leave Thursday of this week at wood-
Friday night's meeting was. the Northern trip. good.
best has to be played are Davidson, fan gift
bad. The boys and Lee.
aim I hops very
matron will learn and
it for future use. It is capable
of attaching to I like
the immortal rays hath
of our child-
Ware, u.- , all tin.
J homes today win re the in
Cs Graham sent a th- front room are turned low.
copy of the opinion along with
the letter to .
of the
J. D
Sentiment is rapidly crystal
against the
The press
speeches and
s tee., no one having
-.-. . , .
., T, , v . A. When to a
and the Navy. At .
. i- Will if P is-d the Km.
d any j the of me trip g the
f them this meeting. at j the sirs,
A half a n ; Half a I lowly I d.
critic of the society was Chapel Hid
pleased to know that such good I other games will close the base
work could be done without hall season. The
assistance. were unexpected aid
, I disappointing. In the
fast pace of two
Fayetteville, N. state in almost every in-
I enclose you a is unqualified in de
of the attorney general's opinion In
in the case submitted to him both the News and me . w- ,, .
association and Evening Times
The action of the depart- j waging warfare on the business. l u tan, away
will be in accordance with aldermen have raised
his opinion he is the legal the license tax to Another
adviser in such matters until nit action taken in
decided by court of competent was the raising of license
Bring we ling go J.
So few tee
The date, five
That may
The -Ex.
School Closing
The Cox taught by
Misses Con and Sadie
will Friday with exercise,
at night. A prise will be given
to one who has- improved
Yours truly.
W. A. Graham.
Mr. J. A L. Dead
Mr. J. A. L. Templeton,
Ayden. who on was car-
to hospital in Ki
died there Tuesday afternoon,
and the remains-, accompanied by
Rev. J. H. Griffith, were
to Ayden for interment.
Mr. Templeton was a native of
England, but had lived in Ayden
for several years. He leaves one
tax drug i tores handling
whiskey prescriptions to
The town of Wilson has just
license tax on tear
beer to
In and other towns
are fighting the
evil, and it is to be that
the legislature authorizes
cities to refuse license to
form of law evasion. The Stan-
Enterprise speaks out plainly
on the question of enforce-
pays when it is
enforced. It does not pay when
it is backed up by a set of
with flexible backbones and
re-elected by acclamation, tickling palates and a long thirst.
President Joyner referred to prohibition, but
a movement among the ware-with those whose business it is
housemen of Eastern North Car-. to Prohibition is prov
to have the market open successful in North Carolina
later August 1st, that date where men right moral
being deemed to early. An ex enforcing the
It seems to us that more gold- , .
, opportunities are the is hoped that
young men of today, especially the team will get over me slump
in the South and in Norm the Northern trip. A victory
particular., rise its
I world man at any previous tune
I Almost V I in
is men The student b is as ever be and one to the one who has made
factories want as and expects a, the bast record.
and r.-; record for tie remainder of Prof. Nye, principal of Winter-
Carolina his a I the and patrons
pros.-ion of the stockholders was
taken and s large majority de-
f of the market not
opening until September.
The singing class of the Oxford
Orphan in charge of Mr.
Brown, were invited to take
dinner with the stockholders.
They entertained the meeting
Ask s Blessing For Coming Crops-
Out Mt. way they keep
up a beautiful custom that it
does one good to contemplate.
In the spring, when
are being for another crop,
a day of farting prayer is
,,,, . and blessings are
with a few selections and a col-1 invoked upon the coming
for them
is observed-this in addition to
the I
i mt ii in every the
I fervid ; towns and cities
editors tor
and colleges want
dents. he list could be
ed at great length.
Una great drawback to many
young man is are unwilling
to begin at the bottom. I hey
have notions and want to
begin at the top. The most
men today industrial
began at bottom and
worked up- is no reason
why a section hand on a railroad
cannot become president of the
road it has occurred.
To succeed in the high places
one must be trained in the school
of experience, must learn to obey
they can learn to com-
Order, system, method
is essential in every undertaking.
The development of our public
school system is offering poi
lions of honor, trust and great
responsibility to men
of North Carolina as well as to
the women. The consolidation
of schools as well as establishing
schools of high grade that re
quire a number of teachers opens
opportunities to young men of
stability, character and
to command. It is no
discredit to them to that
amounted to
At the conclusion of the meet-
in tho Star warehouse, all
adjourned to warehouse
where was served, and
the dividend
checks went Daily the breach.
Reflector Ml h.
meat Saturday with V. P. at
Vi. won
some days ago from Forest
working to the
Virginia Other meets are
arranged with and
Lee and college. A
movement is on foot to have a
state meet at Raleigh.
The student volunteer mission
hand received into member ship
week Les S. Turlington of
the senior class. Turlington
makes the seventh member of
the band. Tho other
are E E. B smelt, A R. Morgan,
W. L J. W.
C. E. Norman and H. R.
The volunteer band is doing a
great work. Besides keeping
of are invited,
Greenville Finn Gels Another
York Cobb this town,
have been the contract
to erect a new building the A.
M. College, Raleigh, There were
fifteen bidders for tho contract,
but the Greenville was lower
than any other, their bid being
The next lowest bid
was the highest was
There quite a
range in the bidding,
Card of
We desire to our sin-
thanks to the bond of alder-
men and to and
men of the town.
the students, do an
deputation worn In the surround-
country in co-operation with
the twenty students engaged in
the rural Sunday school
Carolina has a clean sheet of
debating victories for this
collegiate year. fail
discredit to to that d won
women as head of schools a , and
except in rare instances from and
and we must have men to fill and Stacy Wash-
these places. The youth who has . ,
the national Thanksgiving day
U twice each year
tells of
some other it is more
honored in the observance than
been up to do he
pleases except he pleases to do
right and to obey his superiors
never succeed in these pines
it is a crime to allow them to
i their own way during the
years their character is being
formed They need stem
Donation to Library
who so kindly coop rated with
us in the of the
rest mom for women, which was
recently destroyed by fire. We
wish to say that the place is now
temporarily closed for want of a
suitable room for that purpose,
but it will be re established just
as soon as a can be secured.
A L. Blow, President
Patient Circle King's Daughters.
Mrs. J. G. Secretary.
Mrs. R. Treasurer.
Dr. O Hyatt be in
Mrs. Hooker, of Rich- Greenville at Hotel Bertha,
has sent a contribution of 2nd and 3rd. . and Tue.-
for Greenville i s
. V of the eye and
line to fit them for the that people away
interested in this good
T d

will produce at a trifling cost the
most perfect imitations of hardwood.
is the best article ever produced
for the home and there is nothing to compare
with it considering its insignificant cost.
has a of uses in every
home, but it especially excels for Floors where
it is fast superseding Linoleum, Mattings, etc.
Just give it a trial
-New Briefs far
The that money cm
it at S. M
Parker fountain pens,
pen ink. and library
Book Store.
Have you seen the
monogram E C. T. f. S.
cure case of chills and r.
Price d w so G.
, , ,. . at n
Now that our directory will go ,., H mm r i
mess in wry few day, it
II III How do
f, , Courier Journal
at to injure your,
i arm lifted,
cents per places one in your
It f sensation
is not
that a Mr tun.- an H
trove f nerve.
if a per.-on put lo a
ed or in the staBs of a candle
i a certain
of time, the
art of a
before the of the
a man with an arm
the known -ate of
mission i man would have to live
more fan a hundred ream after
he his
is extremely brilliant and durable.
is not effected by hot or cold
The telephone directory I
in a very few
tail is I he last chance to
advertising in same, have
only a limited amount left and
very cheap.
A Speedy Core for
For by
J. R. G.
N. C.
R. p Condign of
Greenville Banking Trust Co.
the f Carolina, at of busings, 1910.
All r s, Ba
M n it h
and t
loans HI i ii
Duo from . Bare
in no- i
National Ii ml. I an I
other o, not a 7.1
Capital paid in
lest cur-
n ex- and laM id.
Time ear, Men.
p.-. Ii i
I, S. Carr. the above bank, do solemnly swear
th it the s is true to the b st I my kn and belief.
Subscribed and to Correct
mi, toil day cl April, 1910. A M.
R C.
J. Moore,
Notary Public
A Proclamation
For a number of years I have been pay-
rent for house in which I shelter those de-
pendent on me, and It having been brought to
my attention I could purchase a
for those loved ones with the same money spent
for rents,
RESOLVED, That I will take advantage
of this opportunity, buy shares In the
Series of the Home Building Loan Association
are now on build me a home and
be independent in my old
lain th of Mart
Modern Ones.
The record of men for
at an
the history of
the for in the Old Testament
Of, of Haitian is a
sing ii nine cubits loOK,
is i i it sixteen and a half
feet Later are read of of
slam David, i
was and a The j
Mat bulk,
tallest man that has seen
in one
in the of the
late emperor, brought out of
Arabia. He nine feet nine
more modern there was
John child of
who born in Lancashire,
in I feet
inches tall. His hand meas-
seventeen from the
to the up of the Roger,
the palm and a
inches m breadth,
Was in 1701 measured
eight feet seven inches in height. I
hand to the tip of the middle
finger MM twelve inches, mid
hoes wire seventeen inches long.
eight feel four inches. Ba died in
and his skeleton is in the
museum tin College of
porter of Prince of
afterward IV., at
palace, was nearly eight
feel tall.
II, a native of the es,
seven feet six inches, exhibited
himself in London In
Hale-, the
seven mill n
Chang Woo slant,
was seven feel eight when
n years old, when ha was ex-
in London in
to eight feet, he at the
Westminster with
a Norwegian giant,
nine Inches, m June, 1880,
Captain Martin Van
of Kentucky and Ann
Swann of Scot in, each about
seven feet tall, in London
and were St.
Juno IT. 1871,
Marian, the
in was tight feet
inches tall when exhibited in Lon-
don in 1883.
n native of
Austria, eight feet nine Inches tall,
exhibited in London in
n was
feet eight inches when exhibited
in in the age of
., I I . I.
ii. Ii,.
and tit U
et c-
U, BaS
pl. all,, I
iv i it to Us
i End
I y and
t . v S l. a m
, id .
. t i I i I I a . .;
, lit
r. c I on.
rid M
V l- i
tit d i-
d- n U
but r t
n I by I. th
y t ;
daM U
J ,
1st mm
i i In. y,
Live r Pi I
a box . boxer 1.00
c n up
u aide
of n
fr m . IsM Th
in r's
Mi Tea. ft
no it.
Stacy Adams
Many new styles in
Oxfords and Pumps.
and E Widths,
New I of Women's
Oxfords and Pumps
received today. Come
in and let us show you.
Norfolk and wired
J. W. Caw r actor.
Low 5-s r-
U 3-8
Strictly i- c 3-4
lit 11-
raw tubs
July tO
Due Con 7-8
July Ribs M
May Lard
o ton Mai -l. by
acres or more- land
yards of the
limits of the torn of
for sale Monday.
April known
the lands of the late Frank
F. C. Commissioner.
Cobb Co.
Cotton Buyers, Broken
in Stocks. Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Water Damage Sale
We have a small quantity of goods that were
slightly damaged by water during the recent
fire which will be closed out at much below
regular prices. In this lot are some Rugs, Mat-
tings, Dressers, that are great bar-
grains at reduced prices.
Our regular stock of Furniture embraces all
that is new, attractive and
such articles as are needed in your home.
Taft Boy. Furniture Co.
If you trade with us we both make money
Tobacco Flues
L H. Pender
With in
making flues, ha
and Tinning
A Great Show of
Dry Goods
Dress Goods
Is now on at our big bargain store. If you want
to know what it requires to be fashionably
dressed, and want to dress that way, you should
see our line and buy from us.
We have the most beautiful line of every-
thing for everybody in the city.
See our display window, then price our
goods. The prices are as attractive as the
C. T.
Greenville, N. C
Charter Kin arrives in
Edelweiss, capital of and
mets list beautiful of a
II-King; does a for
Robin, the yo nil r of
w John
an American. Ill
police. King and
him the
invades the royal
park, meets the
to the Aunt Loraine.
committee of ten, conspirators
the prince, in an
ch m-r. where t-e
is who m to kill
Robin with a i
who that
and not J h Count Mar-
the prince.
the mos
King. In the kindness of
bis heart, old
woman to keep from fall-
to the door be played
Into hands of very material
agencies under her control. The next
Instant something struck In the
face. Then with a fierce Jerk this same
object tightened about bin neck.
A noose bad been dropped his
head. As be was pulled back hi
bulging swept Hie cell-
Above a square bad
appeared In the celling. Two
bearded faces were leaning over
edge, bands were grasping
a thick rope. He was
Frantically be grasped the rope, lifting
bl i ii self from the floor In the effort
to loosen noose with bis free hand.
A hoarse laugh broke upon bis dinning
ears, the faces drew nearer,
and then as everything went black a
heavy yet merciful blow fell upon his
Not many minutes passed before con-
which been but par-
lost, returned to It was
pitch I he air was hot and
close. Not a sound came to his throb-
bing ears. Witt characteristic
be began to softly.
but articulately, a gruff star
at band. Interrupted
It out, young fellow Swear
a man. not like a blamed canary
The hidden MM
ably an American.
inn demanded the cap-
here. Unit's where you are.
was ti- sarcastic
I am a Chinaman. I was born
la an afterthought-
U th- worst high banded out-
rage I've
save your breath, young
low. You won't have It very so
save what TOO of
mean I nm to stop
asked prisoner.
Something like
find out when the boss gets
good and ready. You wanted to get
a poke at tin- eye. -till you
By thunder, that's like an
never to let things alone. See
what It got you
The old mans eye What old
for you to find out. If yea
can. You've made a poor start
do nu American, happen
to be Bailed up In a deal like
healthier work than making bar-
at-1 was going to say Sing Sing,
but I bear they've changed the
I prefer outdoor
might call It that. I'm wanted
to seven states. The demand for me
That he bad fallen the of
a baud of was quite clear
to King. Whether they were
or more Important operators against
the crown he was of course In no
to decide. Time would toll.
It enough that they expected to
kill him sooner or later. This In Itself
was to convince him be
was not to held for ransom, but to
be disposed of for reasons best known
to captors.
Like a shot the warning of Olga
Hashed into
guard had mentioned old
Good heavens Could ho mean
The cold perspiration
King's brow. He recalled
In the face. But
why evil
be anarchists The reds Olga was
an avowed anarchist. gad. they
think I am a ho exclaimed,
light to with a rush.
snapped the other.
could almost the other a
body grow tense despite the space be-
tween them you a detective
Are yon If you are. Ill finish you up
right here.
on the wrong scent.
By Jove, the laughs on old
So you do know s or.
then Well, what v
or wool
mu-b difference, my Owe young
of a bob-
bing up from behind
He see flickering-shad-
on the well. Two men crept Into
the room s moment later. One of
carried a other
King's ball over bis foot.
ton saw that three were
great, brutal faced fellows, with bared
arms that Bended toll well as spoils.
I The third man grasped prisoner
the feet, swearing In a language of
bis The Yankee desperado took
his shoulders, together, with ear-
j nest they followed the man
with the lantern. He could see that
they were crowding through a tor
narrow passage, depositing
with courtesy the
floor of what proved to be a rather
commodious cave.
Daylight streamed Into this
lent In the upon hi
aide, faced the that
looked out upon world. Near
opening tall, gaunt f
a man. thin shouldered and
back was to the captive, hut
observed the three men.
companions, who sat at Hie hark of
the cave, never Mae
from striking
against sky.
The watcher turned to take In
the altered conditions him.
King saw that he was old. gray haired
and cadaverous. This. then, was tho
he was William
name Is King. I came
from lips of old man.
j May I
you may not Inquire. Put a
gag In his mouth. I don't care to hear
anything from him. Gag and cut
the rope from bis feet. He may walk
from now on.
Three Men to do bis bidding.
King felt hi that Instant that be was
looking for the first time the
of the Iron Count. Marians
dishonored. He lay there helpless,
speechless for many minutes, glancing
at this cruel tyrant. It was enough
Marians suspected of being
In way. To be suspected was to
i was speaking.
looked up. at an executioner.
Iron Count sat upon a near bis
I have met before. you
remember mooting my eye In Dame
think. You
remember. see. Ha. You were
very slow not to have caught such an
old man. I dare say you are wonder
what I Intend to do with you.
that I have you. Well. I am not
man to words. Mr. King, you
are quite young, but the good, die
young. I am very old. you observe. I
will not any that you are to die to-
night or tomorrow or any day. for
do know. I am going to scud you
to a court. Sot an ordinary court. Mr.
King, but one of extreme perspicacity.
I fancy you will die before long. We
can spare you. do not approve of
meddlers. It seems to be quite settled
that you are a police
The steady, cruel eyes fascinated
King. He knew that he In
I am glad you called again at my
temporary abode. Mr. King.
cans are always the sooner
come, the sooner It's over. It
may Interest you to know that I am
very partial to Americans. Were I
a cannibal I could eat them In relish.
I If I bad my way. all Americans should
be In heaven. earth surely Is
not good enough nor big enough for
them, and bell Is already overcrowded.
Yes. love tho Americans dearly. I
should enjoy a similar visit from Mr.
John I expect him to visit me
In before
I should lite to have nun remain mere
his dying
I King shuddered.
Is coming. I most say fare-
well, my bold young friend. My way
Hes to the north.
This Is merely a
land of promise to
me. Yon go south-
ward, to the city
of Edelweiss. But
not through the
gates; oh. no
There are other
ways, will
find. Good by. my
brave Sir
I may never see
With a courtly
farewell. KT be turned
old the tense
muscled c
and directed final Instructions to
the guards. With a curt nod to the
men. be strode out through month
of the cave and gone. Dusk had
settled down upon mountain and val-
One of the men cut the rope that
bound feet
said the Newport man.
eat to lie
Still gagged and
King was hurried off narrow
closely surrounded by
five Baas,
The silent, cautious march down
valley, the gap and along
ridge carried far Into Bight.
This be knew-they were
hills above the northern
gates. vague. k of a
bane loomed up them.
Id s be was bustled across
the road Into a door, then down
a flight of through pitch;, dark-
guided by two of a
of advice now and
then from Yankee saving from
perilous He was Jerked up
sharply with a to stand still.
A dashed suddenly In his face,
blinding for a moment.
Soon he saw that were la a
broad, tare three men In heavy
block beards
with several of his all
were gesticulating fiercely.
His Newport enlightened
between ruffs of the pipe be was
with. chore
say young fellow. We turn
over M these gents, whoever they
ore. You the village gay with
these by the sewer line. I
pricked m his ears.
old inn has had a hole chopped
In sewer here, tell me. and It's
a snap to get Into the city. very
clean or neat, but It gets you there.
Well, so long They're ready. I see
don't monkey when they've
got a thing to
In another moment bis guardianship
was be was being hurried
across the toward an door-
way. Down a few stone steps he was
led by the bearded crew, and then
through n hole In what
to be a heavy brick wall. He
realized at once where he was. The
gurgle of running water came up to
Mas. It was the great sewer that ran
from the hills through heart of the
city, flushed continuously by a diverted
mountain stream that swept down
from above.
He did not know how long they
traversed the chill sewer In time.
however, water got deeper; rare
began to scurry sides of the
circle or to swim frantically on In front
of the disturbers.
At last strange Journey ended.
They came to a niche In slimy wall.
Up into Ibis men climbed. The
above cautiously tapping on what
to be solid masonry. To
Kings surprise a section of the wall
opened before them. He
from above by strong bands and
literally Jerked through the hole, up
steps and then Into a long, dim-
lighted room. In of which
a long table.
was passed on Into n small room
adjoining. Some one. speaking Eng-
told him to alt down. gag
was from his stiff. Inflamed
him some water, said a
rake that be was sure be
u querulous voice.
Hello articulated
j turning to the black boarded, bout
I There was on Instant of silence.
Then spoke, n soft
You will know so much
row. King. Give him wafer.
Ho cannot talk n cry
pushed out Into larger
mom. where be was confronted a
crown of men AM
rd women most intellectual
retired a
to convince
nearly hour be was probed
with questions concerning bis business
tn Threats followed M
were truthful.
Well find a way to make you talk
tomorrow, my friend Starving la not
-You me be cried
-No You will have pleasure of
said s eyed
fellow whom he afterward knew as
Peter Brutus.
He thrown back Into little
room To surprise and
bonds on his wrists were
s match In his box and
struck It. There was no article
furniture. The floor was bare, the
walls green age. A chimney bole
In the ceiling was perhaps the
means by which fresh could
this dreary place. Sleep was claiming
bis senses. He made a pillow of bis
coat stretched his weary bones
relentless floor.
-No one will ever be
his last thought being
of a dear one at borne.
Sickness is
dreadful burning;, itching skin,
whether by in. t
skin, scald milk
crust, us or -there s just
one remedy in the that, c n
atop it forever, and that's H- s
Rocky Tea Because it
because it
purifies the blood.
Jno. L. Wooten.
to demonstrate the
value of the telephone
in the farm home. In
any emergency the
phone performs a
which no other agency
ran equal. The doctor can be
called quicker than the horse can
be hitched up. Neighbors can be summoned
instantly. It is invaluable for the convenience and
protection of the housewife.
J For information about our
plan write to nearest manager
or to
Home Telephone
Telegraph Co.
Henderson, N. C.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc.
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts.
Parlor suits Tables. Lounges.
Safes, P. and Gail Ai
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach,
a Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
y. Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap. Lye Magic Food, Matches.
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apple,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples-
Peaches. Prunes. Current.
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
in. Macaroni. But-
New Royal Sewing
and numerous
Quality and quantity cheap I r
cash. Come me.
Furniture and He use Furnishing
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
Tor Slate
or Tin
Tin Shop Repair Wort, ard
Flues in Season,
H i. Um S. r-f l-
Send alone for job
printing. The Reflector Printing
House is turning out nice work.
Lost or Stolen-Brown spotted
and bobbed Bull Terrier.
nm Disappeared
April 9th. Any
fading to recovery will be
I much appreciated.
Johnnie Hammond.
When want loose let
ledger see tile samples at J
Book Store.
h ca
brine colds,
M, u, tarn
Tea ard quick-; om.- it
Mich too. A
Me aha cups
Try it today- L-
Cotton Factors handlers cf
Ties and Bay a
Th Reflector rm
A Few Reasons
Why It Is Best
Gives relief for all Nerve, Bone and Muscle
Aches and Pains more quickly than any
other remedy known.
peculiar penetrating are
May used with absolute confidence in its
purity for Internal and External Uses.
It is Triple Strength. A powerful,
and sure Pain Remedy, therefore most
effective in producing results.
Not only contains the old-fashioned
but also the latest and up-to-
Recommended and sold under a guarantee
for the in all
forms, Sciatica, Lame Back, Stiff Joint
and Muscles, Sore Throat, Colds, Strains,
Sprains, Outs, Burns, Bruises, Cramps,
Colic, Toothache, and all Nerve, Bone
and Muscle Aches and Pains.
Drug stores in cities and towns, general
stores in the country, and
the bottle, and money back if not sat-
Isn't this fair
s ems
Mica. cents
Proof Positive
Gated at ,
-I bad been win.
for rears. I
Liniment, can
that It eared mo can
i hays m two Noah o
win oil you claim.
k. Cyrus, Donald, h.
For live years t
ride. Cow saw
I in.-d Liniment,
Ilia . i
Manila A. boo,
I cold bad a ax-
of In my
and my arm
much vain. I tried
and In .
tree from pale. A.
important Notice
The Liniment look WM
for Noah-. Ark on every
It la th a
If will not you. send
h we will mail re-
fund money If not perfectly of
have used
Joints and
and I can -y U ms more good than
pain v.
Smith, s. c.
I have boon by
Liniment, u for a
Mrs, W. J.
la Back.
suffered ion years a
fully SON pain In my hack, and tried
different remedies. Less than a
bottle of Noah's per-
cure. Mrs. J. .
wife for
half a of Noah e
and relief. J. B.
la Ike; N. .
received bottle of
and think It helped me
B. I have In my neck and
it relieved II much. Mr. Martha
A. Beaver
have never a we
the equal to Nosh a LIB
for sprain.
and to use on throat, sides chest
for distemper, colds, etc. Richmond
Transfer Co., Richmond. Va.
m--n lo Noah's a trial
and be convinced of wonderful
We obtained
If not heller results Its jaM
we did remedies
per Norfolk and
Co., Norfolk.

THE EASTERN i-. short , the
tax proposition for those
who are delinquent. Failure to
Year SI.
Six Months
Single Copy .
by May first meant to lose
the right to Tote.
rate may be had upon
If they keep on they will get
the matter with Jeff
sure enough, before that
fight with Johnson conies off.
The Mississippi bribery
must be showing a
pretty bad kind, as the
pointed to Ins breast,
punched the trigger with an iron
rod and up
piper were ruled out from I It would have been more in
limy WISH Jo
-t the business office in The
Sector Building, corner Evans list trouble was said to be
Third s
Entered in the post office at Greenville
N. C, mail matter.
Politic is n g eat game.
Bryan is back, and next conies
Mr. is now giving
the Austrian a look at his pres
If congress will not furnish
Speaker with gas for his
automobile he might draw on his
own reserve, as he seems to
have plenty of it.
bearing th sen
must have thought there
as danger of corrupting the
press boys.
Says the Durham Herald
candidates for Judge
job will probably take up little
time of the
The Herald bad a tip that
the governor's mind was made
keeping with his profession if he
had used the office
for the job, or at least
loaded the gun with pied type
that might have been picked up
around the shop.
Now and then the newspapers
make some sent ion of the profit
that would come to North Caro-
through sheep raising
up even before the resignation I What they say is true enough.
T. Roosevelt i doing Hungary
no-, and the folks hungry
to see him.
If Tennessee does not put Gov
on the shelf w
shall be surprised.
The president and the
gists have made tip, and the
hissing incident is closed.
We thought Greenville had a
monopoly on this kind of
but the Wilmington
Dispatch says that that
way the best sign of rain is for
the street sprinkler to come
was bis
A Statesville stole a lot
of corn cotton seed,
Wilmington has stumbled on
a of organized
One of them got
caught and was given a sentence
of six months on the roads, and
as the rest of them deserted him
be squealed and gave the organ
The Durham Herald thinks
then went back and tried to when a judge resigns it is
it to the very people from whom I because he has something
but the one barrier to this in
is the dog. As long as a
people think more of sorry dogs
than they do of sheep, as is the
case with North Carolina, the
sheep will have a poor showing.
The State is losing thousands of
dollars annually oil this on
point, perhaps some day we
will have a legislature that is
afraid of the man who keeps
a dog.
he had stolen it.
of course.
Got nabbed,
Wonder if the census
will ill of
children at home.
Next week may not be the
biggest Greenville has ever had
but it promises to be the clean-
Citizens of
Tenn., hung Governor Patterson
in effigy because he pardoned
When Mew York's one million
stop eating meat the
Gotham butchers may .
troubled to find customers.
The quickest way to get rid of
the census enumerator is to tell
him what, he wants to know and
let him go on.
.-nation to
Raleigh, .,. , matter
of the the gov
got little
If Robin Cooper's lawyer is on
bis job, he will be sure to
have the case tried again before
Governor Patterson goes out
They may tell all the yams
please about the ferocity
of the rabbit, but are not
going to the boys from
him at every
or boxes to catch
The Charlotte News says Pat
should resign. He is not
going to do so, folks of
Tennessee will be likely to put
him out the very chance
they get.
They had a lot of grieving at
sight- We take it that a
good lawyer make more out
of his than he can by
being a judge, and but for the
honor attached to the position
there is little inducement for
one to become a judge.
Surely the Durham Herald
must be mistaken in saying the
recorder of Charlotte sent a bi
cycle scorcher to t he roads for
thirty years.
be a worse crime murder,
and even for the thirty
sentences are seldom
heard of.
Kinston aldermen were about
the white house over the death to pass an ordinance prohibiting
of a pet cow. But as the playing of baseball within
eminent foots the pantry bills the corporate but Judge
there need be no fear H. Allen put in o plea in be-
will fall off. I half of the boys, It goes with-
i m out that from
It it will only stop some of the ,. ,. . ,, .
i i I JUdge is Solid with the boys
attempted bright, but hackney- .
-.-- for anything he
Pitt county will have a
date for judge of this district, to
succeed Judge O H
that candidate will be Mayor H
W. Whedbee. of Greenville,
Pitt is entitled to
in this and if
Governor does the wist
thing Mr. Whedbee Will get the
appointment. There can be no
question of fitness about the
for in legal ability, good
judgment and high
Harry Whedbee is the peer
any man the Nor
will any name with a
endorsement than
his be presented to the
for this appointment. He hat
the esteem of every man win
knows him, and they want
see him receive this honor.
On the 2nd day May, 1910 be-
fore the court house door in the Town
Greenville, X. I will sell the fol-
lowing real estate for taxes doe
State a ml for the year
Beaver Dan Township
or Amt.
J. L.
K. M., 5.02
Tripp, Mrs. N. E., acre. 9.75
Atkinson, Cog-
Brown, Mrs. Nancy A., 2.28
Jones, James, 5.24
Thigpen, Brown, 3.28
Bethel Township
Carson, W. J.
lot, residence,
Carson, lot, residence 2.87
Samuel, home, 12.68
Howard, II. lot, residence 3.96
James, M. A. home;
Barnhill, 28.83
E. C, J. Taylor, 1.43
Pitt, Willis, lot, 3.75
Arnold, lot, residence 3.38
Carolina Township
Chases, Martha A. and bis-
f. 3.00
James, J. I.,
Page, J. E.
Mrs. C. II., 2.49
Henry, Sutton, 2.36
Corey, Susan J. 1-3, 2.63
Corey W. L. K. V. Swamp;
E. Swamp; Jones, 32.07
Abram, 4.67
Hanson, Thor-
Thomas, C. Root, 3.10
Building A Co., lots, 45.81
Britt, 15.60
Briley, 1-2 acre,
lot, 4.96
John, Jr., lot, Patrick
A. H., lot, 13.78
Cherry, L. L., lots. 3.87
Cherry, G. E., lot, 15.99
Commercial Knitting Mills,
lot. Mills,
Cherry, Viola, lots, 8.42
Cherry, Peter, acres, 4.96
CM, W. J., I lot, 4.30
Clark, John, lots, 4.82
4.06, Carr, Allen, lot, 6.86
Cox, Shade, acres, 5.7
Cherry, lot, 3.70
Dill, A. lot, 1.70
Daniel, Mrs. E. lot,
stores; lot, stables, 37.07
Daniel, Joe, lot,
Daniel, A. B. lot, 7.03
Davis, Stephen, lot, 3.77
Elks. J. L., 1-2 and
2-3 acres. 14.02
Herbert, lot, 11.11
Edwards, Washington, lot, 5.30
Evans, Frank, lot, 2.79
Evans, Tony B., lots, 11.98
Fleming, lot, 7.46
Forbes, Richard, lot, 4.26
Forbes, 1-2 acres, 4.05
Grimes, Luke, acres, 0.23
Grimes, Miles, lot. 2.22
Greene. John F, lots, 5.09
Gray. Eliza, lot, 3.28-
Harrington, W. II., acres,
Bat 87.88
Hardy, F. H. lot, 2.05
W. B. acres, lot, 30.93
Hardy. Henry, 3-4 lot 4.02
Hardy. John. acres, Brown, 8.82
remarks about it, let
If yon want to see Greenville
have more population, some
body take -t once
Greensboro News.
Excuse us please, until
of the calendar to give em-
In fact we are going to stick to
through the spell
An earthquake that visited a
portion of America de
many towns and
of people perished.
We do hope the fruit crop is
safe. Most of us are going t
need it in our bill of fare if
meat prices continue high.
to those who want to
cine here. The Reflector has
tried to impress the fact that
j the great need of this is
Some Raleigh Democrats and there will not be
kicked over the truces and is- considerable early growth
sued a cull for a mass meeting population or business until fee-
opposition to the voting built,
ordered by the county ex-
committee. Thus reads n press
Senator Aldrich, of Island
Doesn't this jar you the
dent Taft addressed a woman's will not be a
suffrage meeting in Washington re-election to the
. , . ., , , senate and that he will positive
and some of the delegate, who retire the expiration of his
Judge Jones resigning his
office before catering the race
for another, is different fr m
what some other men have done.
did not like what he said
ally hissed him.
Two state that stand much in
need of a board of pardons are
North Carolina and Tennessee
In fact they are needed in
very slate.
hereby announce myself a
is appearing the
papers now. Nothing like get-
ting before the people for what
They are going to try the
younger Cooper again, but if he
is convicted and sentenced Gov
Patterson will do another
present term on March a. 1911.
We shall breathe a little easy
now, and hope to live a little
s close friends
he word that he will be a can- United
for president again, if the
people want dim. This may
not be the kind of talk the pres-
occupant of that position
likes to hear.
Those Washington
dents who are wiring that
dent Taft is tired of his job,
must be only putting out a feeler.
At any rate it is noticeable that
plant for a term are
The thief who went in the
Carolina Dental Depot at Char
and stole about a A New York printer took him-
dollars worth of teeth, must self off in a rather way.
have thought he was going loaded an old shotgun with
grub enough somewhere and nails, fastened the
I do a lot of extra chewing. weapon to a table so that the
Farmers in some of the
ties of this State are asking the
city fathers of their county seats
through the farmers union to
provide hitching posts in a pub-
lot for their use. is a
good idea and will prove a great
convenience to the farmers who
do not want to put their
up at the feed stables, if they
secure the and is only one
of many that could be secured
through union when the
farmers pull together.
While Raleigh Tuesday i
was our pleasure to be in
which spent a portion of the
with Superintendent J j.
Laughinghouse at the Stat-
prison. It was gratifying i
find everything about the
such splendid condition
his management. While
of improvement was
all about the institution, hit
has also been to save tin
Slate all possible in the way
Laughinghouse, Clerk T. W
and Warden T, P. S- e
showed the visitors all through
the administration
building, the prison quarters,
cattle pig and garden
and the mark of careful man
attention was seen
all. The recently installed
chamber with its electric
chair for executing condemned
criminals was also inspected
Superintendent Laughinghouse
takes pride in the conduct
the prison and State
farms, the institution has
never been under better man
Mill. J. B. acres, 7.20
Hardy, James, Galloway, 3.77
Potter, I. Wee,
S. A.
Weal,; Thoroughfare, 2.72
Henry, lot, Ayden,
J. E., lots, Winterville,
taller, Mrs. R. L., -Jot, Ayden, 2.15
Jno. If., lot Ayden 3.10
If. V. lot, Ayden,
Lake, lot W. 4.98
W. II., lot, 8.05
J. E, 7.86
J. F, 5.94
Tom. lot 3.00
burst, W. lot W. 3.83
let. 5.18
W. S., J Ayden, 5.75
D. Ayden, 4.01
Ethel, lot 4.06
Mrs. Polly, I lot, W. 4.60
E. E., 3.24
Smith, Martha, 5.71
acres, 7.51
laughter, acres, 2.49
Elbert, J lot.
Smith, Earnest, acre, N.
Ayden, 4.80
M. B., lot, Ayden, 10.45
J. W., lot, Winterville 3.83
W. E., 10.88
G. lot, 8.85
in K. EL, lots, 12.28
Annie, lot, 1.62
Mrs. M. A. E. acres, 2.55
W. T., l lot, 4.00
lardy, Caroline, acres, 4.85
A. P., lot 7.58
G. II., lot, 4.85
Joyner, A. L., lot, 10.08
I Rosa, let, 3.88
Moore, Mary, lot, 2.58
Lena, lots, 5.80
Swain, acres 6.45
Why is it that in every town
there are some fellows who will
work hard to scotch the wheels
of progress, while they would
the labor much less burden-
some were to join the big-
crowd which is behind the
wagon pushing it forward The
obstructionists, kickers and
work harder
their way than the builders
up whom they are constantly
opposing. They have the short
end of the lever and, consequent
cannot match strength with
the force at the other end. The
only thing they do is to delay
progress-and to receive the
well-merited impatience of the
men who are always doing
things consequently build
up their
Observer. i
Henry, lot.
Thomas, J. R B. F. lot,
Tyson, Ed., lot,
Joe, lot,
Wallace, Jennie, lot,
Falkland Township
Heirs, acres,
Bryant, acres
Mrs. Jas. A., acres, 0.04
John W., lot, 9.90
H., acres, 36.84
Ed, 1-2
Lewie, Mrs. L., acres 2.16
Mosley, D. P.,
Mayo, Mrs. E., acres
Mayo, C. B., lot,
Owens, N., acres,
Owens Eagles, lot,
Owens, B. F., acres,
Sanders, Nathan, acres,
Vines, Ephraim, acres,
Arthur, L. C, acres;
Batter, K. L., lots, 7.81
W. L., lots, 20.32
Brown, Mrs. C. M., acres-,
lot, 12.45
Brown, Mrs. D. T., 9.83
Hardy, Jane, lot. 6.24
Harries, Austin, lot, 4.35
1-4 acre, 1.80
Hopkins, lot, 5.46
Hefner, Dr. E. L., 1-2 acre, 4.20
A. S., lot, 8.49
Johnson, D. B., l lot, 5.23
Sam, acre, lot, 4.81
Jackson. Charlie, lot, Hal. 3.30
King, H. T., 1-2 acres 19.94
King, J. R., lot. 3.80
Lawrence. L. W., lot, 11.10
Bettie, lot, 1.80
Mary, A. 18.09
Leek, Mollie, lot, 6.36
Phoebe, lot, 3.76
Lilly, William, lot, 0.20
Little, Mary, E.
1-4 acre 3.28
Lewis, Frank, lot, 2.29
A. K., acres, 18.30
lots. 2.08
Andrew, lot. 0.04
Hansen, tote 9.49
Mooring, acres, 3.94
Mooring, 1-2
Shivers, 1.80
Nobles, lot, 1.80
lb mend, acre, 1.77
II. A., acres,
Flanagan, 24.75
Perkins, J. W. lots, 36.05
Proctor, Jesse lot, 8.71
Peyton, Nettie, lot, 2.70
Caroline, l lot, 4.20
Price, lot, 4.70
Sieves, Ephraim lot, 4.28
Henry, lot, 4.79
William, lot, 0.26
James, lot, 4.26
Tripp, J. W., acres. lot, 12.38
Tripp, lots 17.83
Thigpen, Mary, lot, 3.28
Tucker, Josephine, lots, 7.12
J. L. C. H. 2.63
Vines. 1-4 acre, Patrick 4.12
W. II., acres, 22.18
Wilson, H. lot, 8.41
Walker, Edith, lot, 3.28
Washington, Major, lot, 4.23
West, Walter, lots, 8.13
West, William, lot, 4.05
West, Lena. lot
Williams, Watson, lot, 2.79
Williams, Warren, 3.80
Woolen, Dolphin, lots, 4.26
Stephen. lot, 3.80
Webb, Evelyn, lot, 6.24,
Clark, J. n., acres, 6.68
Little, Miss Nannie, acres
C. E, Little, 5.41
little, acres,
Redding, John J., acres
Belcher, 5.70
J. L. Co., lot, 5.68
Whit-hard, D. I, 2.14 acres, 4.03
Swift Creek Township
Cannon, George, seres, 1.70
Corey, W. L. F., acres, 5.62
Cannon, George, Sr., acres, 1.85
Gardner, J. A., 38.31
Louis, acres,
Harding, W. F., acres, 16.02
E. I 4.26
Jackson, A. L., lot, Grifton, 7.74
Perkins, J. W., acres, 14.34
Wilson, Wash, acres, 4.78
L. W. TUCKER, Sheriff.
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
We are representing the oldest. Call us, phone Let Cox cotton planter.
and strongest Life and your and collect for you. wring plows and cultivates at
Insurance Co. in the world, j your personal property J ,
Call us and let us consult j or
you. Ayden Loan Insurance j
Co. Phone
If you need a open or
top buggy, wagon or
on J. R. Smith Co.
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Au experienced blacK smith i-
waiting to shoe your horses
mules at J. R. Smith Co Dixon.
Now is a good time to
in the Ayden Department-
R. W. Smith.
A special bargain counter has
been arranged in the mammoth
department store of J. K. Smith
If you have news items, tell
this help to make
this column. a creditable one.
Don't like you do a
book agent, and then wonder at
the feeble effort he is making.
We are not all
Daniels, we need your co-opera-
K W. Smith.
Found-Near J. R. Smith Co.
store, a purse containing several
pieces of money. Owner can
have same by identify it.
Larry W. Smith.
The Orphan concert given in
the Methodist church Monday
night was fine, and we must say
that it was the best entertain-
they ever gave here. The
Dr. A. A. Hawks, the eye
specialist of Atlanta, will be at
the store of J. R. Smith Co
May 2nd and 3rd. Your eyes
will be examined an i es
fitted free. Remember two
days only.
The Methodist conference
meets here, on the 26th. art
expecting a large delegation
from this state and some from
R. L. Griffin returned
day from a trip to Dr. i e
is suffering with a wart on his
face below his temple.
money on reasonable terms
Ayden Loan Insurance Co.
have for sale the
seats out of the old Methodist
The clock in J. R Smith Co's x ft long x ft
store was uncovered Thursday at
p. m. amid a store full Hodges.
It stopped at Mrs. See our of
Elbert Smith won the piece and children slippers before
set of china, her time your selection R,
second prise, a large oil
time Mrs. lines of spring pants
Corbett won the third for men and boys at j. R.
prize, her time You get
a ticket with dollar and hay at J- R.
chase. Smith Co.
If you have anything to buy or Japan peas millet and rape
sell, let drop it in the Ayden at J. R, Smith Co.
column. Dr. Perkins native herb tablets
poultry food and and other patent medicines at
hawk killer at J. R. Smith Co's. J. R. Smith Co.
Call on us for ceiling, flooring
We guarantee
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
you want to buy,
lease, sell or rent houses or land,
or want a job for yourself, wife,
daughter, mother or sister, or
want to employ additional help,
or sell what you have, there
no better medium than the col-
of Tue
R. W. Smith.
Cook stoves and for
same at J. R. Smith Co's.
Sunday morning early
carnival train pulled cut for
Rocky Mount. crowd here
Saturday evening and night
were estimated at
it reminded us of the time a hen
an old farmer manured his corn
with herrings and the dogs
scratched them up. When asked
whose th-y were he said, they
were my dogs, your dogs, all the
neighbor dogs, and five hundred
dogs I never saw before, but
there was lots of strangers to
be seen.
Miss Velma if
Kinston, day
Mr Stancil Hodges wile and
son. spent Sunday in Washing
At the Close of Business March 29th, 1910.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Due from 50.902.86
Gash items
Gold coin W
Silver coin, including all
coin cur. 1,288.09
bank other
Notes 8,785.0
stock I
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
exp. and taxes pd. 5,421.89
Deposits sub. to check 60,186.20
Savings Deposits
Cashier's checks
and rubber belting,
black and galvanized pipe and
other mill at J. R. Smith
Car nails, barbed wire, lime
and cement at J. R Smith Co.
and magazines
at J. R. Smith Co.
Japan peas, millet and rape
seed, all fine crops for stock, at
J. R. Smith Co's.
Co. Dixon will buy
your cotton seed or exchange
with you.
chicken powders kills
hawKs, crows, owls minks,
indigestion and leg weak-
keeps them free from
causing them to pro-
duce an of eggs.
a at J . R. Smith Co's.
Car lime, nails and
hay at J. R Smith Co's.
A. L. Blow, of Greenville, was
in our town Monday on business.
Messrs. Dudley and
three prospective sher-
were all in town
Mr. of Norfolk, is
visiting his parents here this
R-member Dr. Hawk-, the
oculist, will be in
I Ayden only two days. May 2nd
I and 3rd, at J. K. Smith Co's
J. Carl Jones spent Sunday
with his parents, near
laundry was
running on short time Monday
smoothing out Saturday night's
work. Still considering the
crowd we never saw be-
better than we had here
during the carnival week.
Wells Browne, of Greenville is
a wall paper man of proven
experience, lie is reliable, keeps
a good line, and if he has not got
what you want in, stock he can
get it for you in a few days and
hang it for you. When you want
it done let him know what you
want. He can please you.
Party List of These Who are to Work
The has been able to
a partial list of the census
enumerators for Pitt county as
Beaver Dam township, J. R.
Nichols, for whites only.
township. W. W.
lock for whiles only.
Bethel township. B. M. White-
and another man named
Whitehurst, initials not learned.
Carolina township, u. N.
township. Raymond
and initials not
Falkland township, J.
Smith, whites only.
Greenville, town, Henry
Swift Creek W.
Purser, whites only.
The following appoint
for work exclusively
among that
Falkland township, a mm
named W sent from Black
Farmville township, Rev. Joe
sent from Greenville.
Greenville, town, C. M. Epps-
Greenville township, north of
river, a man named Cherry.
township, a man
ed son sent from Con
From some of these appoint-
can be judged the kind of
census that will I e taken in this
Supervisor Meekins, of this
district, was to have met the
Pitt county enumerators here
Friday to start them out on their
work, but did not come.
I. J. R. of the above named bank, do solemnly M
shove statement it true to the-bast of my know ledge and j,,
Subscribed and sworn to
before mt. this 4th day April.
Notary Public.
swear that
stair of
i- do until the
From Carnegie Trust Co.
With Jersey City
Tom Brown, a messenger
in the employ of the
Trust Comply, stole
the money week.
ago with a Jersey
City girl went to Los
where he was arrested yes
and brought back to ans
the charge of abduction a.
well as grand larceny.
J. B.
the Carnegie Trust
said most of in.
money taken baa been returned,
and mat as boy was under
bond by
Guaranty and Surety Company,
of Hie
would We
The Title Guaranty and Surety
Company have agencies an
the important towns and in i MRS j c.
the States, is the B-T j. G. pokes, of the
third in in the United States i of c-
A personal bond, . . . ,. j .
r i
given, be years, and nothing
soon as there is seemed to do bar any good until she
for I
provision M Si.,
IS. therefore, and she la In flesh every
questionable. and she a woman
C. L. Agent, boy, ten years old, was pals
Greenville, N. C. j tad had hut little life. Be to
Title Guaranty Security Co.,
I ltd
In Your Homes to Stay
The Joy for croup and
fail and the Go s Grease
t for rheumatism and all aches
I pains, h p all over toe
Li d by young and old.
For mounted
engine with saw
gin and condenser, and one
Brooks cotton press. Good con
W. H. Galloway,
N. C.
the day his mother bewail.
To-day his is rosy, and he i out Ii
running and jumping with
rest of
Stomach Trouble Relieved.
Mrs. T. J.
Indian Territory, am happy
to tell you that I keep from my old
trouble; feel no
symptoms all. I am able to do my
Work, and drink what want, and
rejoice that I found a sure In your
valuable which I t
Ask your Druggist for a free
North a, I In Superior court Almanac for
Pitt county Before D. C. Moore,
Willie O. Johnston, F. V. Johnston, DOGS VERSUS SHEEP.
J. ii. and M. Addle Johnston. I
By virtue of a decree of the Superior Farmer Sells Stock
court of W t county, nude by D. C.
Moore, c on the cay of starch, i
in the f g led special
pi i. e
o. m z; th day of up he finds something about
Sale for Par
Nearly every paper one picks
. and persons being
county expose to bitten by them. Heath from
N. and by
Greensboro, N. C.
ft hydrophobia is the most horrible
the low nit ed tract f form of death one could imagine
land to Situate on the side j i,,. on. t
of Tar in town hip, aM Person
lit county Carolina, worth more to a community than
on the no edge of Tar river at a j
point where three trees formerly
blood nearly op the. edge of persist in keeping the useless
yesterday old ard everybody and everything in the
line, thence down, ad sh ugh ;, They are
Yet people will
to Return War
Relics to Their Rightful
Governor Kitchin
received the following letter
from Mr Benjamin Page creek to rive-, up I the most animals we
dent South Side Trust have ard
Company, of Pa.
I tract or of land la.-1
. in a certain executed by
in my possessions C. to Johnston
flat-and musket which came and recorded in the
, i s office in Pitt county in book
me from my father who This win be made
paymaster in the War of the j among tenants in
in 1862 on the This the day of March,
gunboat F- c Harding, commissioner,
possession of the same at
One Shot and Very Serious
Late Saturday night out at a
restaurant run by Thad Barnhill,
just beyond the southwestern
limits of the town, there a
crowd of and they got
into a free-for-all fight. Oscar
pulled a gun and began
pumping it in the face of George
We wish to call your attention to our new line of goods which the latter being hit with
we now have. We have taken great care In buying year and we and m a very
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Hats, Dress No-
Laces and and In fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Stare.
Came let M show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
are prepared to yon with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cask or
to us and we will convince you
condition. One of the
Jones in the mouth,
knocking out teeth,
shattering the jaw bone and
lodging somewhere in the back
of the head; the other ball
his nose and also lodging
somewhere in the head.
Island during a
of the officers and men of
that vessel, where a camp was
surprised. The obverse of the
flag is, I believe, the regular
Confederate and the reverse
shows the arms of North Caro-
and on the inside the figure
of an officer on horseback with
the inscription.
some time I have intend-
ed to write you, believing that
possibly there may be some
survivors of the regiment and
they would like to have this fl
Chicken Powder
is Death to Hawks-Life
Chickens and Turkeys
m nil
better off without any
Only last week read in The
Democrat, where a
man wild out his of
and was to quit to
raise sheep, the worth-
less had almost bis
flick When one thinks about
it, it is civilized p. o-
pie will feed, fondle and k i-p the
inn but
they do and will for th-in
as quickly as for u child. Kill
I them out and the fed
consume pigs
and let your raise tome
Chicken Powder
feed my
and musket, and in these days the Hawk
of peace and good will I want
them to have it if they
News and Observer.
Died after
a chick of that
old h
had been fed on
Powder. I
An Awful Eruption
of a volcano excites brief interest, and
your Interest skin eruption will bi-
as short if use
quickest cure. Even the
worst ulcers, lever sores are
healed by it. Best tor burn, cuts,
b. chapped hands,
It instant w
. all druggists.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last report.
G. II Smith and Jennie Ford.
and Line Buck.
Haggard Kill-
J. J Gregory and Hardy.
Warren Williams and
Graduate Norse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Kills Crows, Owls ard Minks.
Best remedy for Cholera,
Limber Neck. Ind g and Leg
Keeps them from
Vermin, thereby causing them to pro-
duce an a of ice
Manufactured only by
W. H. N. C.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me
The of Mr.
Tripp. Saturday
were liken nit.
interment H leaves a wife and
three children.
U -sail f lie W
to The Reflector.
. n.
or 1-

Mothers who their own com-
fort a d the welfare of their children,
never be without a box of Moth-
Sweet Powders for Children.
for use throughout tie .-on. They
break up con-
g disorder,
and stomach These powders
never fail. Sold b ail drug stores,
accept A trial
free to any who will
Allen S. Le N. Y.
Riga, to Older Don
The State Supreme court has
banded down the following de-
in the case of State vs.
Clifton, from Robeson
Indictment and conviction
for unlawfully, willfully and
wantonly torturing, wounding
and killing a dog. Evidence we
offered that the dog was running
he replied to and
We requiring police to kill all
dogs running at large. Defend-
ant was a police Held
that towns have the right to pass
such an ordinance, requiring dogs
to be muzzled and r quiring
ice officers to kill any dogs run
at large, and that it was
error for the trial judge to refuse
Ladies Coin Active Work Toward
The Civic League met
day at the home of
Mrs. T. A. Person. It was much
regretted that Mrs. Will Ricks,
the president, was absent n
account of sickness. Mrs. Ed
Higgs, first vice president,
pied the chair.
Rt ports were heard from
committees, and they were
One lady on the wire screen
and loose paper committee re-
every man interviewed
in her territory as saving that he
always all waste paper,
that none ever blew out from his
premises. large and that there was a
asked ail this paper town ordinance in Lumber
comes from
presence of K R.
Mas indeed
Her suggestions and wise
Counsel along some lime upon
we v our
attention was most
v e welcome her to
We were to place
four other names on cur roll, and
we trust those will not tail
to attend Hie meeting at
at Mrs. u L. Jo tier's Tuesday
afternoon at due notice
of which will be mailed.
An excellent article on
Selection aid Care of
was read by the secretary.
things therein stat d made
us all up and take
The following letter from
Mayor was read, and
warmest thanKs fur ex-
pressed by everyone present
Greenville, N. C, April 1910.
Mrs. T. A. Person,
Secretary Civic League.
N. C.
My deaf
I beg to inform that at the
of Aldermen,
held on the night of 12th,
Hist, the communication of your I
league, of
Disease was brought
to the attention of the board
with the letter addressed
to tie by u as secretary
of Civic
men directed
North Carolina Greenville
Pitt Henry P.
W. H. ton H. B
M. B. the defendant
above entitled n will
notice that a in the
North Carolina I
Pitt Count v. In Superior Court.
Ned Walston vs Annie Walston.
The above named will take
that an action entailed as above
ha in the Sup-nor
entitled was m. id e of Pi t county to obtain divorce
defendant on the of April
Harding, a of
the of Pitt c v. North Caro-
for toe sum I due to the
plaintiff by the said by ac-
e which summons
before before aid H. Harding, J. P.
at his e in G
flit county. No
. n the day of May.
when and where the defendant. M B.
to appear and
answer or demur ti the complaint of
or the
be granted.
This the 13th day of April, 1910.
Henry Harding, Justice of
Administrators Notice to Creditors.
Having; qualified of
Mary E. deceased, late of Pitt
e this is to notify all persons
Cairns tie estate of the
aid ed t. exhibit them to the
ed properly proven on sir
before 7th of April. 1910. or
none will be pleaded in bar of their
r. c v
p i to a
will make i
to th- d.
This the April. 1910.
C. E. Tripp,
of Mary K,
f r m I he bonds of matrimony.
the will further take
not that he is r quired to at the
nut term the r of Put
county to be held on the Mon-
day niter the first M v of War. h, it
bring- the day cf May, at
the court in county n
Greenville. N. C and answer or de-
to the c in a. id
the plaintiff
Report of the Condition of
the of N. C, at the dose of business, March 29th. 1910.
a and discounts
Overdrafts d and
All otter Stocks, Bonds
and ea
Big. House I
A Fix. I
apply to court for Demand loans
the complaint.
This i th day of April
D. P. Mo-ire,
Clerk Superior i
Julius Brown, Attorney fur j
Due from Banks and
I ash Items
Gold coin 623.00
Silver coin, all
minor cur.
I. b
A US. notes
7.788 G
North Carolina .
Pitt c. , Superior
Fannie Mitchell j
to ft, special instruction
quested by defendant, that if
there was an ordinance in
force and the dug was in
obedience to it, the defendant
was not guilty. A police
who in good faith kills a dog
under color a municipal
cannot be said to do so
willfully within the meaning of
statute upon this in-
Upset a Lamp.
Wednesday night in
office N. W. Outlaw
and J L on Third
Mr. turned
over a lamp lint came near
causing a he hurtling oil
d out on the and fl or,
hut was put out before
doll- to
Professional Cards
Office R. L. Smith
and next door to John
me to i , . ,
that the in .; . i
full power
make u
m -i r,
Mr. E
. .
M t has
. , to put in
i.- in
i., i . way a
t. chair-
Attorney at Law
Office occupied by J. L
D. M. CU
of the
me that it is the purpose
of this committee, when the;
building to
it as indicated in your letter.
In respect to that of
your asking that
a clean up day appointed, the
board has appointed a clean up
week, beginning on Monday,
April 18th, and that
whole week except when the
horses and men are needed for
cleaning the paved streets. The
chief of police is directed to give
notice in The Daily Reflector of
the days that the town horses
and wagons would be in certain
portions cf the town in order
that all of the occupants of the
lots may have the rubbish, etc.,
upon the streets for
removal by the town carts.
The board will always be glad
to cooperate with your league
in any way possible to clean up
and keep clean any and all
of our town.
Whedbee. Mayor.
Saved From the Grave
had about given up hope, after
nearly four years sutler from a
ere lung-i writes Mrs. M.
L. i ix of Tenn
the pain in chest would be almost
e and I not d any
work, but Dr. Ki New Discovery
has made in feel like a new person,
it the i ii. e ii fur the
stubborn colds, la grippe,
croup, bronchitis ant h ran
tenets and a
cough, yield to this
Try it. Me
bottles free. by all Drug-
N. Carolina
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
Loans made on Real Estate
Ir. i Office. Greenville, N. C.
U I. W. H. LOW,
Moore and Long
a u ft, L K N c
Greenville, N. C.
on Third street, formerly
pi.-d by Dr. Bag-well.
Hurry Skinner. Skinner, iI
. Whedbee.
LAWYERS. wile N- C
of Real
By virtue of a power of i ale contain-
ed in a cert in
de d by Irvin Joyner, Jr.,
to Man dated the 8th day
of A and duly in
office in county in
book Q-S page the reigned will
on Saturday, the 14th day May,
at o'clock to
public sale the court
in Pitt the
highest Li-- for cash, th- Col
house and lot to wit. bring the
of land ed by Ma Foreman to
Irvin Joyner. Jr., on th-. 8th of
April and d in deed
as at the south writ
corner of Joe a lot on street
in an
about it tn a e.
will in a direction about
notice that an a d a-i j feet to a rt at a co
has been in the Superior in we direction about feet
court of I c for the on
of d v o j as extended, thence in a
I the if n I the e stern
Cup stock paid in
Undivided profits, lets cur.
and taxes pd.
Time Car. of
STATE OF CAR INA, County of .;
I, L. Little, the above-named bank, do that j
the above statement u mas to the beat of my knowledge and
L. LITTLE, Cashier.
J. A. Andrews,
Subscribed and sworn before me,
this 2nd ray of April; 1910.
II. D. Notary Pub
B. W. Moseley,
J. G. Hoy,
and that the i mt
will further t that he re-
to appear at the term of the
court of Pitt county to be
held on a the 1-t
of March, t the
May, lain, at the co re
house in county in G
North C or demur
to the comp in a-ii I ac ion or
he court for th-
relief in
day April, 19.0
i. clerk
Superior -f county.
Entry Ml Land.
Notice in hereby th t K. R
Whitehurst has ha th day of
April filled an entry of vacant
lands in office of of
. in
words s tow K. K.
H or I of land
o- Pitt street feet to
corner the 1-4
in acre , and the
sane to F
L. C. and wife See book
M-- p office in Pitt
made to
he terms said mortgage
This the of April.
Mar a Foreman, Mortgagee
Harding. Atty.
Land Sale.
By virtue of a
died, by Edmund
Kin in , on
day f mil r-
in boo J page Pitt
c , shall .-ell f f cash
the highest at the
deer's office in Greenville
on the 16th day May,
in the county ,
mill on opposite road,
then n V h h i m e- u f. a
I the n r n a west-
y course t
being Mr i ma or
rt. M. Moore.
Re liter cf Deeds.
D B.
Any and all pen tit-e to
or ii in Ian I covered by this
or any p rt thereof are
notified to file their in writing
with the entry i against the
i g of a nut thirty
days from the
This t-th,
W. M. Entry Taker.
i e U Tar river r ad to u
northward with Mi- western
, i road fourteen poles ti a
the co north ; 1-2 a
stake on the A. J L. a right of
f and containing six
the eh nth of April,
Everett, Atty.
By of the of con-
a trust
and delivered
No. A. K.
L. Robert J.
t. y. t e
1st of s
and respective. i in the
of office of Pitt c
i .
s q mill in hook
2.4 t-t a q the will expose
t i before th court
door in ville ti the highest
on , a certain
i t or p or land and hi in
th county of Pitt and of North
Carolina and in lire town of e
known as Masonic Tim-
fronting on
feet and in the south by
said on the lot No.
on which the c e of
d. on north lot No.
and on the west the lot formerly
to Dr. W. J. Blow, except-
a p. rt of said let
h. for I conveys I to the town of
e ad upon which the water
stand pipe of said town is treated.
At the same time and place we will
th brick and other l upon
sail lot. tn y said de of tr it.
Terms of sale
This 15th day of April, 1910
James L. Little,
Robt. J.
True tees.
iv qualified
r t i. of Mo-o
j this is tn n all persona
said to file said
Id with me on or tie 12th
April, lull, or this I
be I in of recovery o
all p bled to
estate are hen-by i to mike
immediate settlement with the under-
This the h day of
D. It. Little.
of the of
Notice to Creditors.
Hiving duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt as
of the estate of N. .
Cox, d erased, notice ii hereby given
to all pen indebted to the estate o
mm payment to the under-
signed; i, mi all person having claims
i g mat estate will notice
that they must present the
the for payment on or
before the day of i, or
this notice will be in bar
This day of March, 1910.
, ,. Sarah A. Cox,
I N. C.
By of the power contained in
a .- duly executed and
delivered on the day of June,
r; Daniel and wife Mariana
A Daniel to J. ; Davenport, said
mortgage duly in the
Register of Deeds of Pitt
county, bask J-H page the under-
signed m expo., to put lie sale to
bider for rash, before
the court house door in the Town of
Greenville, North Carolina, on Monday
the 18th day of April, 1910. the low-
ed lot or parcel of land, to
Situate in th county of Pitt
aid as One town
lot in the town of known
lot No. beginning at comer on
the east side of W. H. lot on
Main street, end with W. H.
Rosa lot South thence north
SO feet, thence west to the
beginning, containing
To sad Terms
of e rash This the of March,
mo. J. R Davenport. Mortgages.
D. W.
I Groceries
j And Provisions
I Cotton
stock, Country
Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
Know Your Needs
In Cotton Gin Machinery, Engines and Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills, Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
J. Paul Simpson,
Phone N. C.
Gibbs Machinery Co.
Columbia, S. C
N. C. April, 14-
R. R. Fleming went to Norfolk
to attend the North Carolina
There has a large fire in
branch which burned
over two thousand acres of
ground. It burned trees, fences
and sometimes threatened
pie's houses. Mr. Lam Ross,
while out to mi
saw a rattle snake cross the
. L road which he said was big a
three-year-old baby, being about
twelve yards long, and had
seventy five rattles. He made
out to count the rattles but fled
in great terror. How is that for
organized a base
ball team. It has not played any
this season but will be ready by
twenty third. Look out
Greenville, G r i and
Jim Satterthwaite has been
confined to his room on ac-
count of chills. He is very
much better now and we hope
be will be well soon.
v W. S. Williams and Fate
Whichard while going to Green-
ville. Wednesday, were left in
the buggy, by the perch pole
breaking, causing the horse to
get away and running about
eight hundred yards.
This contractor got results.
Some ago a build-
a railroad a warm climate was
troubled a great deal by
among the laborers.
He turned his attention at once to
their and found that they were
getting full rations meat were
art water from a stream near by.
He issued orders to cut down the
amount meat and to increase greatly
the quantity of Quaker Oats fed to the
He also boiled Quaker Oats and
mixed the thin water with
their drinking water. Almost instantly
all signs of stomach disorders passed
and Ins men showed a decided improve-
in strength and spirits. This con-
tractor had experience that taught him
great value of good oatmeal. SI
Packed in regular site packages,
and in hermetically sealed tins for hot
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, March 1910
should be
loss of time and by a
medicine which Chamber-
Colic, and
Remedy not only cures
promptly but produces no
pleasant after effects. It never
fails and is pleasant and safe to
take. Sold by all druggists.
Th Stat Flag-
Tuesday was a State holiday,
made so in commemoration of
Whereas Co Lodge No
O. F. has been called
upon to yield the will of th
Almighty, and gives with sorrow
a member, Brother Jas
C. ha been a
faithful Odd Fellow twenty six
years, joined this Ind-
by initiation of twenty second
day of April. He was a
good citizen, an honest,
and a good O Id There
fore be it resolved,
1st, That we extend t the
bereaved family of Brother
our heartfelt sympathy
and commend them to God, our
father, for comfort in this their
of deepest sorrow.
2nd. That we will wear our
badge of mourning in his
memory for thirty days.
3rd. copy of
resolutions spread upon out
minutes, a copy be to t he
family of brother and
a copy lie The K fleeter
for publication.
L. H. Pender, .
L. j Com.
Ii. C. Moore.
Woodland. N. C , April 14-
Rosa is spending
a few with her brother,
Henry near Arthur.
Miss Mollie went to
Monday night for an
for J. L.
and J. L. Nobles
All who are interested and
want a Sunday school at Piney
Grove are asked to meet out
there next Sunday morning, the
7th of April.
Mrs. Eli Craft spending a
few days with her children this
week, Mrs. J, L. and
Mrs. J. L.
Every family and especially
those who reside in the country
be provided at all
with a bottle of
Liniment. is no tell nut
when it may be wanted in case
of an accident or emergency. It
is most excellent in all cases of
sprains and bruises.
So d by all druggists.
Banking House,
Due from
Silver coin,
minor coin
other U. S.
less cur. ex.
OF NORTH CAROLINA. County of Pitt,
I, G. T. Gardner, Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
swear that the above statement in true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. G. T. GARDNER, Cashier.
the declaration by the North
Carolina on April
1776, of independence of Great
Britain. Because of that event
the State flag bears the date
as well as the
date of the Mecklenburg
What percentage of
of North Carolina know
that the flag contains this legend,
and how many who are aware of
the reason If the number were
known, it would cause surprise
because of its One
cause is the infrequency with
which the State fl is displayed
to tho public. It is seldom seen
except on
and then not nearly to the ex-
tent that it should be. Tues
day there have one
s above every public
building in the State.
should the flags have been seen
over public school buildings.
There is a State law requiring
the flying of the flag over c.
buildings on specified
but is neglected.
Charlotte Observer.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 5th day of April,
1910. R. F. JENKINS,
Notary Public.
John Z. Brooks,
C. J Tucker,
W. W. Dawson,
We Take Your Plumbing
In Hand
L-et your order are
work our methods, the I
immediately we yo
push it along to completion without aM
necessary delay. Prompt and
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver assist nature in
driving all impurities out of the
system, insuring a free and reg-
condition and restoring the
organs of the body to health and
Sold by all druggist.
J. H. Savage, who has been
carrying on an installment fur
business in one of tho
stores in the Proctor building,
has made an assignment, F. C.
Harding being named
The assets are reported at about
1600 with liabilities about
Your tongue is coated.
breath is foul.
Headaches come and go.
symptoms show
stomach is the trouble. To re-
move the is first thing,
Chamberlain's and
Liver Tablet will do Easy
to take and most effective. Sold
by all druggists.
Go. Pardons
Nashville. Tenn., April
While the court of
Tennessee today was confirming
the conviction of Col. B.
Cooper for the slaying on No-
1908. in a Nashville
of former U. Senator
E. W. Governor PaN
rote a full pardon for
the defendant that in
his belief Colonel Cooper not
The Supreme court re-
re-trial case
Robin convicted of the
same crime as his father.
The situation is tense tonight,
because of allegations by friends
of that politics entered
into the case. It probable
that Robin Cooper ill never be
retried, it is Both Coopers
had been sentenced to
we a i ploy are made by the boat
and speak for
elves You have nothing to I
to having us to do I
Greenville, N. C.
Pulley bowen
Home of Women's Fashions. Greenville
Subscribe to The Reflector.
a of condensed
it fresh milk cannot be had.
la Mai . . .
A. u
ail thoroughly and
limit heat or cook it;
don f else. This
n at delicious ice
U at very small
d ow if puma.
its V,
at all
ran rats C, la Ray, N. Y.
Worse Than Bullets.
Bullets have often caused i
to s than the I.
W He., got in
the army, suffered
Salve cured me when all else
ulcers boil wound ,
bruises and at all druggists.
IS. 1849.
I want some of your readers
to tell how it was around Greens
That was a very early
spring around Raleigh. Sprouts
on flak, hickory and persimmon
trees were six inches long. It
snowed that day. That night a
heavy frost did its work. Next
day gardens, and forests
showed its work. You could
smell the withered leaves of the
forests. A. D. Belts,
Greensboro Record.
Bankrupt Played Join.
Raleigh, April -The bank-
case of C- J. Rhodes,
merchant of Wendell, this
county, was up for the first
meeting of the creditors today
B. Cheshire, Jr. was
selected as trustee, Bus
being the referee. The as-
sets amount to in cash.
It is in this case that a laugh-
able joke is told on Deputy Unit-
ed States Marshal R. W. Ward.
He went to Wendell to serve the
bankruptcy papers on Rhodes.
He stopped a stranger to ask
where Rhodes lived. The some-
what indifferent reply was that
the house just the grove
was the dwelling; that
Mi. Rhodes was not at home, but
that he could see Mrs. Rhodes.
Marshal Ward the
stranger if lie would be kind
enough to hold his horse while
he walked up to the house, a
it would be impossible to drive
the buggy. stranger did
this and received the of
Mr. Ward. A little later at a
store the Deputy Marshal
asked of a group of men where
Rhodes had gone. They replied
he had not gone anywhere
and that they noticed him only a
little while before holding the
deputy's horse. Greensboro
Judge lo
approaching resign
among the judiciary of the
State was I of yesterday,
and while the information con-
this does not come from
official sources yet it is on
reliable authority.
The resignation is that
Owen H. Guion, of Nd
Bern, the resident judge of the
third judicial district, composed
of the counties of Pitt, Craven,
Greene. Carteret, Jones and
The date at which
resignation is to become f fleet
is not known, but after it
Judge Guion will resume the
practice of law in As
yet there has come no reports as
to attorneys of the district who
will become candidates to sue
We are sorry to hear of an
accident that befell Mr.
Harper near Black Jack
on last Friday morning. He was
overseer on a new road between
Black Jack and Chocowinity. He
was ii g a tree to get a log to
place the road to stop a
wash. The tree was in the act
of failing and Mr. Harper stepped
to one side for the tree to fall. It
seems that his feet became en-
tangled in undergrowth and
at the same time a of wind
changed the course of the tree in
falling. The tree struck his.
back and tell across his lower
limbs, both bones in
one of his It its. He was taken to
his Mr Harper.
Dr. Jones, of is at-
tending Mr. Harper he is
doing as well as could be expect d.
Harper is young
man, and a member of Black
Jack church. prayers of
people are earnestly;
asked in his behalf.
The Demon the Air
is germ of La Gripe e.
A Cold Storage
In Year Home
You can be too in r a
as much of Illness in a can
y o refrigerators.
We have a I V e m
makes of . sad hive ed a
we rim y mar. the c sanest
and most a ma
No are e with th nth, seam
a. d they can be k p s a
less far years to One t e-e refrigerators
I soon pay for Itself in of ire I
Before you buy .-i
of ref iterators. cost
no more kind.
J. H. Jr.
AT N. Q.
At tin- close of business, Mar.
Loans discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and
Demand loans
Due from and
in, list.,., i
effects arc weakness, including
of appetite, and minor currency
with Ivor m kid- Nat bank and other
The greatest d then is E y g
Capital stock 15,000.00
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes pd 215.58
Time of deposit 1,002.20
Deposits subject to ck 10,437.26
Cashier's chocks
outstanding 75.47
Total 124,180.46
Hitter tonic,
and of Stomach,
an I Kid. have
en the nerves, d up em aid STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County,
restore health and after j j p A Cashier of the above named
an attests of Grip. If Miner
h Duly Perfect
d by all
If , a a
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of
I. F. A.
my knowledge belief.
Sale For Farmville.
No Is hereby given that
of the person, will -o
sold at the
, noon on
day. May 2nd, 1910, t taxes
due the town of e, for the
Taxes. C St. Total.
Barrett, C G. II
L. tin
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 2nd day of April,
It. H,
Notary Public.
J. E Green,
A. W.
J. F. Harrington,
w. G
Ii G.
H The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of March 1910.
W. H Wilkinson, Tax C Hector.
Overdrafts sec. an-i
Due from A
Prompt relief in all cases of
throat and lung trouble if you
use Chamberlain's Cough Rem
Pleasant to take, soothing
and healing in c If Sold by all
Subscribe to Reflector.
Terrible Croup.
My little boy, who is four old,
has suffered a lot with croup. On
we thought he
After trying H the old time remedies
and in -at of the new, I came home one
at midnight, and wife said,
boy has croup
mi get a of More
I laid, we will circulate
our money they all Will g. t some
I hastened to an all night g store,
it home. In minutes he
was breathing easier. In fifteen min-
he was sound asleep. It broke the
croup so quickly it scared me.
Anyone wishing to cure croup of
a I hope I a trial.
Wishing the best of success
which you I remain,
E Clark. WM St. S. E., Wash-
D C. Oct. 1909.
it a r -in ark a lily effective rem-
in of croup and it should be in
every home where there is a croupy
Full how to cure
with outfit
outfit including in-
haler costs at
and at Jno. L, Wool en. It is
guarantee I to catarrh,
and colds.
Not Quite
How often you van gel a
thing done
nail or screw driver or
Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergent lea. Our lice of tools
is a you could desire, and
we will sen that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
You get
Horse Goods l c
J. P.
National k rotes and
U. S. notes
Capital 7.500.00
Undivided profits, least
ad taxes SI
Time Or of
Bab, to 167.73
I, W. II. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
sweat that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. W. H. Cashier.
m-3 this
sworn to be-
day of Apr.,
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public.
S M. Jones.
Subscribe for Reflector.
Nicely furnished, every
thing clean and
working the very
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
J. R. J. G.
Mr. Purnell Tripp, a
merchant on Fifth street, died
this morning at his home in
South Greenville.
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in business sec-
of the town Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber-
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
Modern electrical for
dry shampoo and La-
dies waited on at their homes.
Our Greenville, yours if you
For the of my
and friend. T Vive put tn a
telephone, No. Ft
D. M. JONES man,
W. H. Miles Shoe Co., Ire.
A S f

I of The Extern lot and Vicinity
w. B -I Mi and M. B.
t. Wednesday.
School Dark
In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
Rates Application
Rev. John R. Carroll, who is
taking a ministerial course at
Wake Forest College, spent Sat
and Sunday at H
also services at the
Baptist church Sunday morning
and Mr. Carroll is a
bright and intelligent young
man and hi- intellectual inter-
of the Scriptures gave
us new which seem to
lift us to a higher and
loftier sphere.
The singing class of the Ox
ford Orphan A-y gave a most
delightful concert in the
of W. H. S. last night.
The house was full and the
The is the Kind
you need. See us,
A. W. Ange Co.
by The A. G. Cox. On Saturday night, April h.
C Baptist church, the
can; neat of the Baptist
Wm Sunday school held a most de-
the market a mo to see
v. for SOU.
Mr. n. Mrs A. W.
spun with Mr. Mr
ore carrying a nice line of
Mid Price are
nice hoarse
A. G. Mfg. Co.
Mrs. J. R. Smith, of
Slopping in town yesterday I
received a
Supply of Give us
A. Ange A Co.
Mr. Mrs. J. F.
social meeting. Alter a
consisting of several
and talks by several
of the members, refreshment
of fruits were served
and i very one seemed to e-joy it
most My.
The class is in excellence con
having a large attendance
each Sunday, under the leader
ship of J. E. Green, president;
P N. secretary; Jas.
Braxton, treasurer; and F. C.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The spring rush is coming in.
Better send your orders in at
nice fresh see R. Cox Cotton
Jail, on Thursdays. guano sowers, economic
Win bands- etC-
Mrs b have our careful attention
her .,,. A. G Cox Mfg. Co
The Cunt. School Desks j N. C.
desks for are It you want a useful planter,
comfortable. I combination planter. It
Pr i and workmanship
A. G. Cox Mfg.
to. N. C.
T. attended the
meeting the
tn last
drinks of all kinds
L Johnson's fountain.
C. who been
rime at Louisburg in the
business, earns in Mon-
day to u few days with
his here. We are
to welcome friend Coy back in
mi as he is j and the
he furnishes makes
town stem more progressive.
Just received, a nice lot of i
aim shoes.
Barber Co
Rev. Jno. ii. Carroll will preach
it Sunday
and Air. Carroll
is one of our boys and we ate
to have with us again.
If you want a good plow try
at Harrington,
MUs Norma is
Vending the week with Miss
Smith in
When in of cal;
at U.
J- It- Smith, a
man of Ayden, town
Spring a id t for
th bird A Ange Co,
N. C.
a number of our people
attending the Ayden carnival
F r nice fresh
A. Ange v. Co. Winter
file, N. C.
Miss L a W. H.
S. left
pond Sunday at her borne at
Oak i
Straw are going fist, buy
em-, ii W. Ange
E. and
Vivian the
W. II. S., yesterday
Saturday Sunday with Mr.
plants cotton, corn, peas, etc.
Harrington, Barber Co.
sausage and fish, going
cheap R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street
Let us frame that for
you. Any size frame.
A. Ange Co.
You will never regret when
you purchase a
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man
Co, Winterville,
N. C-
New lot of dry goods an
just in. Better while
they cheap
A. W.
How is your Let
us show you our new lot of
Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
for sale. R. D.
We have purchased the
known as the
Milling and Mfg. and will
be ready very soon to grind corn,
do repair work and dress
Harrington. Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A, W.
We call your attention to our
new line of groceries.
R. W.
Dry goods for the bird.
A W. Co.
For spring dress good,
embroidery and laces us-
New lot just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
J. F. Harrington left
day for Oxford to take little
a Walker to the Oxford
Asylum. Mr.
ton is a very Strong
Mason, and is always on
the lookout for orphan children
around him. Th-s lodge
be congratulated for the
good it is in our vicinity
For and spring
shoes, see my new lot.
A. W.
Wells Browne, of Greenville,
is a wall piper man of proven
He is reliable, keeps
Do You Own a Piano
M to Dr.
ANY of theM and
am inaction the LIVES.
Take No Substitute.
entertainment was by
all that were present. The re
were Our people
seem to show their appreciate
of the orphans.
H. G. near a Rood line, and if he has not
Leave your orders for H.
what you want in stock, he can
it for it, a few days and
L. Will be for you. When want
anywhere town.
K. and L. L.
attended the
at las;
Matting and oil cloth, for the
buy coyer it over.
Harrington, Co.
The singing class of the Ox-
ford Orphan Asylum will give a
in the auditorium of
School on Tues-
day night, April The pub-
is cordially invited.
buying, gee my line of
H. L.
it done let him know what you
want, he can please you.
Mrs. J. W. Harper and
are spending the week with
people near black Jack.
J. L. Rollins and Ernest Cox
went to Ayden Sunday.
Miss Isabel Dawson. of
spent with Miss Doro
thy Johnson.
Mrs. Hatti i Harding, of
is spending the
with Mrs. J. D. Cox.
J. E. Green
night in Grifton visiting bis sis-
N. C, April 19.-F.
Marion Smith, of
had a horse to stray his
home Sunday evening a week
ago and found him Friday three
above on the north
side of the river.
Ivy Smith and Miss Trilby
Smith went to Raleigh Saturday
morning and returned Sunday
We had nice rains Sunday
evening which made good seasons
for n s p I a p t i n g tobacco,
though it is some cooler.
lo have any Sunday
school at Smith school house last
Sunday afternoon on account of
Rev. S. of Grifton,
will attend his appoint
meat at Smith's school house
next Sunday, Providence
permitting We hope all who
can will corns out and give him
Jacob Wilson had a very
row escape from getting hurt
One day last week at the new
church Arthur, by falling
from a stage high, but
was not hurt to amount to any-
April s
Louise Satterthwaite and Rosa
Causey, of W. H. S., spent Sat-
and Sunday with Misses
Eva and Lucy Belle
Miss Esther Jones, who has
been visiting the Misses
returned to her home in Ayden
Monday. Miss L u ac-
companied her.
Chas. who has
been very sick for a month, is
slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bullock, of
Conetoe, at E. E.
Saturday Sun lay.
Miss Mary Kittrell, of Green-
ville, is spending the week
Many of the
hero have to-
Several of our pent attended
the carnival in last week.
Mi's Bertha m last
week in Ayden with her mother,
Elder G. C. his
appointment at Beth-
any Saturday and
Land Sale
acres or land
within yards of the
limits of the ton of
i for sale Monday,
April 1910, being known
Mm lands of the late Frank
Johnston, deceased.
F. C. Harding, Commissioner.
King's Cross R ads. April
Elder Hathaway filled his reg-
appointment at King's X
Roads last Third Sunday. He
J preached a very good sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Randolph
spent last Sunday Sunday
night Mrs. W. S. E. Smith.
Mrs. Hardy Johnston, of
r-- visiting at W. s. E.
Smith's last Friday.
Waiter and his
sister, Mrs R Matthew,
spent Saturday night and Sunday
over in county.
Mrs. Smith and little
daughter, last
wee with their people below
Little Miss Christine Smith
spent a portion of last week with
her aunt, Mrs- Addle
Misses Lydia Tyson and Mil-
from near Green
ville, were visiting in this
i last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fountain,
of passed through this
vicinity last Thursday en route
to Mrs. King's, near Falk-
Miss Irene spent a
of last week in
She was accompanied home Sun-
day by Miss Smith.
Call of the Blond
for put , find- voice in
Is, a I w a .
h patches ii h a in
t in ail i; of liver I
i k e
red d; give clear akin,
Toe experiment of
in weekly installments the best
detective and mystery stories.
which begun by the New
York Sunday World six
has prov d a great success.
newspaper now t
n Sunday, May it. will
of Al
waring the
written by
Ban our.
When the Ledbetter One
seed planter, one bushel of cotton
need will plant three acres.
Came and see the Ledbetter.
J. R. J. G.
energy is tho
force that controls tho or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with,
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and mil we believe
benefit if not entirely,
cure you. Try it.
car away
I on
i tn. a
to up i .
inking Dr.
n era
got ,
col h t
mains Dr.
In a few
I much I
to Improve entirely cured. I
am In again, and
Ina, and a him to return
rice of bottle If It
to benefit yaw.
Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind
Ii not, you to own o
soon, you owe it to ex
the ma
shown at the Fine man White
A display really
to a Urge city.
In you will inspect a
line of piano not alone stand
in character of tot e, y and
general in a class to
but you I m et with prices
that stand n here d
incomparable an- where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
those cheap ye.-tern department
but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged lame and
reputation in the trade. Four
of best known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of sell play-
era. we alto carry the
ORGAN, the standard the world.
Old organs and taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
in Greenville visit our
Next door to Carr At ins Hardware Co. store.
At the close of business March 29th, 1910.
Loans discount
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nat bank and other U. S.
e to.
Capital stock 110,000.00
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. expand 4,086.89
Time of deposits 10,841.81
Deposits sub. to check 07,880.01
Cashier's 1.104.86
Total 1104,018.07
I, R. Davis, Cashier of the bank, do solemnly
swear the statement is true to the of my
J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
edge belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
we, this 4th day of April. 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
W. J. Turnage,
R. L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves. Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
your orders now with them and you will be
Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street.
Greenville, N. C
THEY will not born. not split or curl Ilka wood
x Will not crack and roll off slate. Will not rip at tho seams
like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during high wind
They never need repair and long as building. And
of all, they make the handsomest roof are not expensive.
YORK COBB, Agents.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
lo Effect.
It is Mid to be practically
that the Democrats will
redistrict the state after the
census Is complete. Effort will
be made to arrange the counties
in such fashion to leave
publicans oat in the cold. In
fact there is talk to
this effect. Several clever Dem-
are working with might
and main on redistricting
proposition now. A well known
I o whose name is familiar
I rum Murphy to Manteo, declared
several days ago that the Demo-
en should rearrange things so
t all the districts would return
Democrats, tie said that this
be done, leaving
population in the several
divide the State into
district as
nuns, Gates. Hertford,
Northampton, Dare,
Terrell, Hyde and
Beaufort counties, which, by the
vote for Governor, would
a Democratic majority of
Pitt, Martin, Edge
c Nash. Wilson, Greene,
and majority.
Pamlico, Carteret,
i -i oven, Jones. Pender,
U i pi in, Lenoir, Wayne and
Franklin, Wake,
Chatham, Durham, Orange and
Halifax. Warren,
Vance, Person. Caswell, Rock
Stokes and Surry; major-
Moore, Lee. Randolph, Guilford
and majority,
New Hanover,
Brunswick, Columbus, Robeson,
Richmond, Davidson,
Davis, Wilkes; ma-
Stanly. Ca-
Rowan, Iredell,
Caldwell, Ashe
an. Alleghany; majority,
Union, Mecklenburg.
Lincoln, Catawba, Burke,
Yancey and Madison;
in. j
Polk Henderson,
Jackson, Swam, Macon,
i lay, Graham and Cherokee;
would work like a top,
continued the politician.
would be within the re-
of the constitution,
and would look well. There
v., be one or two long ones,
that would not hurt.
us see bow it would be
Down in the first,
Pitt and Martin would be re-
placed by Bertie and
ton. second would be made
up portions of the present
second, fourth and sixth,
third would fall heir to
Lenoir. The fourth would be
composed of three counties of
the old district and three of the
filth. The fifth would have
counties of the fourth and fifth;
the sixth of the fifth. Sixth and
seventh, and the seventh of
sixth, seventh and eighth.
only change in the eighth would
be the of for
Cleveland would be
taken from the ninth and added
to the tenth, and Union given to
the ninth.
the shake up it would
be found that and Godwin,
Kitchin and Morehead, and
and Grant and Webb
far W.
The Democratic com-
of Pitt county met here
today in the office of Chairman
F. C. Harding, to select the a
for holding township and county
conventions to select delegates
to the State, congressional and
judicial conventions, and to die
cuss any matters that might be
deemed to the interest of the
party. There was a large at-
of the members of the
executive committee, ill parts of
the county being represented.
Saturday, June 26th,
as the date for holding the town-
ship meetings to select delegates
to a county convention to be
held on Saturday, July ind,
this county convention to name
the delegates to the
congressional and judicial
The following resolution was
offered by B. M. Lewis, of Farm-
The Democratic executive com-
of Pitt county in meeting
assembled on April 23rd, 1910.
for the purpose of calling the
county convention and consider
other matters of interest to
the party, take pleasure in
the name of the Honor
W. Whedbee to the
voters of the third
district for the Democratic
nomination at the approaching
judicial convention. Mr.
bee is a man of high character
and a lawyer of eminent ability,
and if nominated and elected
will fill this great
credit to himself and usefulness
to the State.
It was unanimously adopted
and requested that the same be
published in The Reflector
and the Raleigh News and Ob-
server, and that all papers of th
district be requested to copy the
same. F. C. Hard in,
W. L. Brown, Sec.
April Terra
The City
Hall. to Septa.
The following cases have State Superintendent J. Y.
disposed yesterday if sued
April term of Pitt super-
court began Monday morning,
the sessions being held in the
and blanks to the count
superintendents and boards of
education for the state-
to be submitted to the
city hall which had been tender- of
ed by the town since m the
house. The hall Monday in June in accord-
Several Petals Ge
With the lays.
debate between the high
schools of Washington and
Greenville will be held in
auditorium of the city public
school building in Washington
next Friday night, beginning at
o'clock. The contest will
be about an hour and a half long.
Greenville will be represented by
Linda J. Smith and Taylor
Adrian Brown will act as
during the debate.
I very much hope a large
number of people will go from
to hear the debate. I
think the contest will be an
interesting one. and the Green-
ville speakers can present their
aids of the question with more
sass and force if they have some
home people in front of them.
Those who desire to go can
leave Greenville at p. m.
and return the next morning
at a I am informed that a
boat will probably be operated;
it will leave here Friday after-
noon and return after the de-
bate. H. B. Smith,
Supt Schools.
resided in the districts.
new fourth, sixth, eighth
ninth would have no con-
is the best arrangement
that can be made, and I am in
favor of it, for It means Demo-
of the court house. The
will not hold as large a crowd
did the court but it has
been provided with seats so
all having business with the
court can with
some room to spare for
Judge R. B. Peebles is
at this term, and Solicitor C.
L. representing the
The grand jury is composed of
the B. F. Manning,
foreman. M. M- Ewell, Asa
Jones, D. C. Davenport, D. C.
Jackson, L. M. Manning, J. M.
C. Nelson. J. S. Porter. F. T.
Satterfield, W. F. Harris, J. I.
Manning. G. E. Jackson. C. M.
Tucker, J. H. Boyd, J. D. Flem-
J. B. Buck. B. W. Tucker,
J. A. Williams
In beginning his charge to the
grand jury. Judge Peebles said
the States has the best
laws of any country on the globe,
sod no State in the Union has
laws than North Carolina,
but these good laws amount to
nothing unless properly
ed. There are no more
officers for the execution of
than the grand jurors
and jurors, and these
o perform their duties
any man, it matters not
how humble he may be, can
come before the court with a
feeling that he will get justice.
In attention to crimes.
Judge Peebles only mentioned a
few, the capital and
some new laws, mainly elope-
with a married woman, set-
ting fire to one's own woods
wit tout giving two notice
in writing, and the statute in
regard to liquor, making the buy-
guilty as well as the seller.
Turn Williams, assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Will Jone, resisting officer,
pleads guilty, judgment
pended upon payment of costs.
Martin B. M. Butler, refusing
to be vaccinated, appeal from
mayor's court withdrawn,
of lower court affirmed,
fined and costs of both courts.
Nat Lunsford, failing to assist
officer in making arrest, pleads
guilty, fined and costs.
Ike Davis and William Mason,
affray, plead guilty, judgment
suspended upon payment of
Jim gambling, not
Fernando and Willie
Briley, affray.- plead guilty,
judgment suspended upon pay-
of costs.
John resisting
guilty, fined and coats.
Moses Peyton, assault with
weapon, guilty, fined
and costs.
Samuel setting fire to
woods, guilty, fined and
Carl larceny,
pleads guilty of forcible
sent to Stonewall Jackson Train-
Lawrence Joyner, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
sentenced two months in jail.
Thrower, larceny, not
Warren Thrower, gambling.
with the law providing for
a more equitable apportionment
of the second hundred thousand
dollars and the levying of a spec-
tax for the maintenance of
one or more public schools in
every school district for a term
of four months in each year.
At the end of the instructions
Superintendent Joyner
persuasion and per-
will perfect at our
school system. We must be con-
tent, however, with gradual, but
Continuous in the right
direction. Properly enforced,
this law opens the way for great
improvement in the public school s
in the counties where the need
is the greatest for providing
in every district for t least four
months in every year the right
sort of school, with the right sort
of house, the right sort of teach
era and the right sort of super-
vision. Ob-
Markets to
At a meeting of
from the tobacco markets
of Rocky Mount. Greenville.
Kinston and Wilson held in
son April it unanimously
agreed that the tobacco mar-
in these towns would not
open the coming season until
Aug. 18th, instead of the 1st. as
heretofore, and it was agreed
that the same be done and that
due notice be given thereof
through the columns of the news-
E. W. Smith, for Rocky Mount
Board Trade.
E. B. for Greenville
Tobacco Board of Trade.
C. R Dodson, for Kinston To-
Board of Trade.
K. P. Watson, for Wilson
co Board of Trade.
Carolina Club now has its
quarters completed since re
organization, and will hold its
first reception on Monday night
of next week, May 2nd.
to this reception will not
include any male residents of
Greenville who are not members
of the club, but all ladies of the
town will be invited. There
will be a good musical program,
and after the reception there
will be a dance for the young
people, a fine orchestra having
been engaged to furnish music
for this.
Straight Wall at Last.
After laying three brick walls,
two of them in former years, the
town has at got a straight
wall on the line of the Forbes
property on the east aide of
Evans street near the culvert
Altogether there are bricks
i in that to
build a house.
The ball team went to
Washington Monday to play a
game there and were defeated in
a score of to
Oar Greenville, yours
weapon, not guilty.
John D. Cox, colored, and
James secret assault, net
sentenced month.
you Motion new trial overruled,
I Willie Hyman, carrying to Supreme court.
it a ii he
To the What is the
Land System
The Land Title System,
so called from the name of its
originator, is merely the
to land property of the same
common-sense, business
which long governed
transactions in personal property.
is a quick, inexpensive,
and practical method of r
titles to, and dealing with
Under the system, a i
title is examined once for all by
a special land court, or by any
court of equity. After this is
passed upon the owner receives
a numbered certificate of title
similar to a stock certificate,
corresponding to the stub kept
by the registrar, and showing on
its face just what the owner's
title is. For example, a life
estate, a fee-simple, in whole
or in part, free from
or subject to
encumbrances as re mentioned
in the certificate. This title can
never be questioned. It is final.
Subsequent encumbrances, such
mortgages, judgments and
the like are noted on the
so that any one may tell
the exact condition of the title,
without employing a lawyer,
simply by looking at the
end comparing it for safety's
sake, with the stub kept by the
This carries a
teed title by the State, the State
being secured by an assurance
fund collected tenth
of one per cent on the value of
the property registered. You
can then deal with this
of title almost freely as
. with a certificate of stock. This
will put your real estate on same
footing as your property,
and thus add millions of dollars
to the bankable property of
North Carolina. This will be of
great help to the farmers all
real estate owners, by enabling
them to secure quick short
through the bank without
having to secure the services of
a lawyer, as they to do
under the present antiquated
It will help all who deal in real
estate, will promote the develop-
of the whole State by
settling titles, and will induce
home-seekers to our State, be
cause strangers will not hesitate
to buy land the title to which is
guaranteed by the
The faults of the sys-
among many others, consist
of the enormous waste of time
and money due to being forced
to secure the of a law
to re-examine the old
title every time a new deal is
made in land, or any real estate,
and the land owner has to
the bill. I will cite an
One of the leading lawyers of
this State told the that he
knew of a tract of land, twenty-
five per cant, of its value had
been paid to attorneys fees
for examining the same old title,
year after year, and yet there
seemed to be no defect in the
title. All this vends to depress
and makes land slow to
handle. There la always
of uncertainty, more or
lea i, in a real estate deal under
our present laws.
Laws made when lands were
held under grants and sold
far ten cents an acre, are not
suited w the business methods
and commercial requirements of
of a Maw of
Washington, N. C April
A large mass meeting of citizens
of Washington and Beaufort
county, called by agreement be-
tween the solicitor of this dis-
and the board of county
commissioners, was held in the
court house in this city at noon
today for the purpose of
whether the bill of indictment
brought in against the
at the last term of
court for failure to provide
a court house should be
prosecuted. The court house was
filled to overflowing and a great
deal of was exhibited.
Solicitor Ward spoke to the as-
for something over an
hour on the matter in question.
His speech was a delightful
prise to his many and
made a very fine impression
As a result of the meeting, the
proceedings against the board of
commissioners will not be pressed
and the matter is left open as
before. It was apparent that
the temper of the assemblage
changed from one of hostility
to good feelings. The needs of
s new court house for Beaufort
county are apparent to every one
and from such expressions of
public sentiment were heard
it is reasonably certain that Bean-
fort will provide itself with a
proper building in the near
New North
For the week ending 20th the
Chattanooga Tradesman reports
the following new industries for
oil mill, re-
Spencer-$25.000 waterworks
and light plant
Liberty-$20,000 brickworks
Lumberton-$1.000 develop-
company; novelty
New Bern-$100.000 realty
Kernersville 15.000 furniture
Wake Forest-$11,000 bank.
this day and generation.
Many of the large banks in
states where the Torrens system
is in successful operation,
their willingness to
the registrar's certificate
of title without further
tee, whenever offered in their
mortgage loans, and glad to get
From best information
writer from states where
the system has been
adopted, the average cost is
twenty-five dollars for tho
first registration, and from one
a half to three dollars for
subsequent transfers.
passage of the
bill will not make it compulsory
to register your
remains entirely optional. There-
fore, harm can come to no one
by accepting this bill.
I commend this subject to
serious consideration of all who
are interested in the progress
and welfare of North Carolina.
R. R.
Chairman of the Torrens Land
Title Commission.
Bruce, N. C, April
.,. -v
f i
. fl

Eastern reflector, 22 April 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 22, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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