Eastern reflector, 15 April 1910

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I In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
I Do You Own a Piano
Agent The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity-Advertising Rate on Application
i M. B. Bryan The is the Kind STATE NEWS.
m need. M,
A para U a heavy cuts
a light pane.
The LIVER to the seat of
tenth, of ail
Pitt C School
by A. G.
cheap; comfortable, neat
durable. Terms
When in the market
us, we have the desk for you.
A. W. Ange Co.
A now lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The spring rush is in
of Condensed for
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly lately
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Asheville. N. C. April 4.-A
to the Citizen from
liberal. I Better in at I Murphy states that Dan Bird, a I to the system and
t come to see for Cox Planters. I full blooded Indian, was shot and j j.
simplex guano sowers, economic instantly killed at that city
back etc. Orders will, Ed Sneed. a night watchman at
the Murphy Planing
him with a knife
he shot in
Miss Crawford
in Ayden have our careful attention.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., who surrendered to the
N. authorities, claims that
II you want a useful planter.
our combination planter.
plants cotton, corn, peas, etc., defense.
Harrington, Barber Wilson. April
Be. f, sausage and fish, going
Cheap R, W. at Johnson Rowe were b n by a m d u
stand, on railroad
Let us frame that for
Any frame.
A. Antic Co.
Mrs. Cells Dawson. of
returned yest after spend-
We are u nice line of
Coffins and Caskets, are
and can nice
a i v ice. A. G. C ox M Co.
L A. Manning went out to
Iv Wednesday.
We have just received a full
of us a
A. W.
P. ;. Jamil aid J
prominent banker of Greenville,
Kite in
For nice fresh Bah see R. D.
Take No Substitute.
If not, and you e to own
you owe it o to ex-
the ma display
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance you will inspect a
line pianos not alone stand
in character of ten e, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you I m with prices
that stand here ard
incomparable an- where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
of those cheap v department
to Greer.-
on Tuesdays
The County School
you. They aid
some time with Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. C x.
Sutton went to
Greenville yesterday.
I. L Rollins, Miss Kate Chap
near Both men
were sent to Raleigh where they
took the Pasteur treatment, be-
discharged December as
cured. List Friday night Artist
was taken violently ill when
physicians were sent for and
a thorough examination they
diagnosed the case as
Between paroxysms of the
most intense suffering the victim
begged those about him to kill
Ayden, spent Sunday-
Mr. and Mr. A. W.
durable and comfortable-
and workmanship
guaranteed. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. Winterville, N. C.
Prof. G. E. former
of tho school here, came
to spend a while
with friends.
cold drinks of all call
at II. L Johnson's fountain.
R, L. Rollins ard Ernest Cox
to last night. , merchants of Ayden. were
a nice lot of .
Q shoes.
and Mrs. H. F left him and put him out of his mis-
yesterday for Wilson to attending, He frothed at the mouth
the Sunday vomited up the t of
there. It seven men
Misses Edith and Beulah Mum- to hold him, who after a while
Loner, of Ayden.
Sunday visiting Miss
J. R. and R. W. Smith,
i. Barber C
Th . U. ft will cross
i with the iv G. f.
t-d y.
If you want a good plow try
the at I
Miss Mamie Wynn, of Jack-
When in need of
a; H. L. Johnson's.
Spring r for
t he A. W. Ange Co .
N. C
Fr corned
see A. W Ange Co., Winter
N. C.
in town Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. W. M. Forest,
of Ayden. spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Forest.
What is the trouble Our
Winterville boys failed to go to
Ayden Sunday.
R. L. Abbott spent Sunday
in an I returned Monday.
B. G. Taylor, of Ayden, was
in town yesterday.
H. D. Bateman, a prominent
bicker of Greenville, was in
town yesterday.
W. G. Morris, our
has resigned and ac-
a position with L. P. j
and King's Cross Roads, April.
self The farmers were very glad to
have rain last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Chat lie Moore
Artist Julius
spent night and Sun
day Mr. end Mrs. W. C.
Several of the people of this
attended the concert
at Shivers Hill last Thursday
report a grand
Some say it was the best
co cert that had never been
give there.
Mr. and Mrs. Washington
Smith and daughter, Miss Irene,
spent lat Sunday with Mrs.
Edd Carraway near Fountain.
J. R. Smith and son, Lee. of
Greene county, were visiting in
their old neighborhood last week.
We were delighted to have them
with us.
We arc very glad to learn that
Robbie Smith is improving. The
doctors think he will be able t-
be out in a few days--.
Mrs. Allen Moore spent last
Saturday with her daughter.
Mrs. Frank Parker, who is right
Misses Lillian and Reid Parker,
of Falkland, last Saturday
night and Sunday with their
grandmother, Mrs. Allen Moore.
The members of the King's
Cross church have
chased an organ for the
The community is much
pleated with it. W.
Smith will be the organist.
took him to Eureka tied, where
he died a few hours afterward
in the
By Attractive
Wilmington, April, the
presence of a few close friends.
Miss Ella Jacobs, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Jacobs, an-
her engagement to Mr.
Thomas J. Moore, of Greenville,
N. C, a prominent young man,
who has made his home in
for the past several
years. The announcement came
as a pleasant surprise to many
friends hire and hearty
have been extended the
y. couple. Miss Jacobs in
six of her young lady friends
to spend the evening with her.
re was a bowl in the center
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, acknowledged lame and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos of known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of self play-
We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and taken in ex-
change, terms to s lit your
When in Greenville visit out
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o.
At the close of business March 29th,
Loans and discounts i
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 010.68
Nat bank and other U.
Capital stock
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd 4,086.89
Time of deposits 10,841.81
sub. to check 07,880.01
Cashier's 1.104.86
I, J R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 4th day of April. 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
W. J.
R. h Davis,
F. M. Davis,
purchase a J .; a
the dining table in which
Morris is a bright an . , . .
. a present for each of
young ladies. a ribbon
was pulled the present was draw
man and we hate to give
by A. G. Cox Man
Co, Winterville.
N. C-
Straw hats are going fist, buy
ore, W. Ange
ft Co.
Leave your for ice at H.
L. Will b.
anywhere town.
Matting and oil cloth, for the
Ho if, u none, cover it over.
Harrington; Co.
We call your attention t our
of groceries.
R. W.
Dry goods for the bird.
A. W. Ange the
Before baying, see my lino of
post card, M. L. Johnson.
F r spring dress
embroidery and see us-
Ni w lot in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For nice and spring
my new lot.
A.-W. Co.
of inter ville lodge No. A.
F. ft A. M next Thursday night,
April Work in 3rd
Visiting brethren cordially in-
to attend.
H. Cheek, W. M.
B. W. Tucker,
from the bowl. When
Jacobs ribbon emerged
was seen attached to the end
handsome engagement ring,
was and the young
p present covered the bride
The Call of the Blood
for purification, find voice in
boils, i-h I w a .
look, moth patches . a -u
s- in- -all liver trouble, tut
Dr. Life a ma. e rich
red d; give clear skin,
fine comp Try them.
at ah druggists.
o of Greenville .
Amid wild cheers from a
crowd of enthusiastic fans, the
Training school team went down
in defeat
hands of the town boy
The teachers started
in first their
usual vim, one man
rubber, but this was
checked until the sixth when
two more were male. The
in the
were piling them up th
tie final score being u,
D. spent a of list
we-k it
F. of Ayden, came
Saturday evening and held the
. business arid meeting
night, and preached a
very go id n on Sunday.
We a very nice run Sun-
day to the delight of the
farmers. They have n en
good weather for work for
two or three but it was
getting too dry for some of the
R. E. is getting
along v. well with his broken
R A. Smith, assistant police-
i, .-.-
THEY will not burn. Will not
or curl
Will not crack and roll ofT like slate. r. i
like plain tin. Neither will they rattle
They never need repairs and last as lone
of all, they make the Ere
; .-
YORK COBB, Agents.
New lot of dry goods and no- pitched . all of was in our
while opponents b. at i f th,
they cheap
A. W. Ange Co.
, is your soul Let
you our n-w lot of
. Harrington. Barber Co
A nice six key fountain
. W -lo.
We have purchased the
known a. the
Milling and Mfg. and will
he ready very to grind corn,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of just in.
finish, totally bewildering ten of
tho batsman allowing only
four Holiday pitched a
steady game throughout, but
errors behind him with
the nine off his delivery
two or three weeks has caused
everything to grow so fast that
I think it will take the
until the of May to
get Some of the trees
have leaves that are very near
grown now, and it is only the
fifth of but when the
the school boys in the rear. up in the
Score by I nineties it warm enough for
B C. T. T. S in our neighborhood.
Greenville Oil COO Dr. Fountain was called to visit
Holiday a-d Brawn; a rd family on Mr.
Hi. Place by Dr.
Who Hearers.
There disappointment
among the many farm-rs here
Saturday when it was learn, d on
I In Superior
county bi fore D. C Moore,
Willis D. Johnston, F. V. Johnston,
J. B. Johnston and M. Addle Johnston,
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
Dirt of county, nude by D. C.
, n, n H i in tho led
that Dr. Q. H.
dent of Union in will on Monday the
North Carolina, could not be here I ZS. Vt
county Superior t, expose to
tale the i h use door in
the for
sh the following ed tract of
to speak as announced, being
detained by sickness The
farmers assembled at the Star
warehouse and heard some short
addresses by local speakers.
Later those who remained
until the afternoon got a
anyway, a. Dr. J. M. Temple-
ton, of Raleigh, came in on the
and at spoke in
Dr, Alexander's place. Many
heard him with much pleasure,
as he is a fine speaker.
For good dry wood at a
cord, or cut ready for use or
cents a load, call phone
A. L. Potter.
Take a look at our window, so-
the prices of suits allowing this
week, then come in and see the
quality. Frank
The King Clothier
Be sure to we our line of low
cut shoes, all leathers, sites, last
and shape, from to
The King Clothier.
land, to Situate on side
of Tar in town hip,
county Carolina,
on tho northern f Tar river at a
point where three formerly
stood lower edge of
tho big and at
with r to the big
the old Parker's d
lit e, thence down uh to Park-
Red bank- thence
said creek to rive , e up the
river to b
more or less and th
tract or if land last
In a certain by Edward
C. Y. to gut an O. Johnston
Dec. in the
office in in book
Y-a. pace in. This will be
among tenants in com-
tho I day of
H F. C. Harding,
Stray Taken Up.
. taken
color, red and
I have taken up on
one cow and calf,
marked crop and
the right, swallow fork and
in the. left. Owner can get
proving ownership and paying
W. K,
S ltd
Greenville, N. C.
for The Reflector.
Lanier and Haskett. Struck out
by Holiday. Lani-r,
place yesterday, and when
begot there found two or three
case. The house i. quarantined
Brown and Dodd. Time is in order m the
A. W. Ange Cc. Umpire, Dr.
An over many Cough. and Bronchial U rids
system of cold by acting as a on
money Prepare by B CO. U. f. A,
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Tear
VOL. No.
Faculties of the
School and Ike Graded School.
On Thursday evening;, at his
residence on Sutton lane. Prof
W. H. who is county
of education and
a member of the faculty of East
Carolina Training
School, was at home to the
ties of this school and of the
Greenville graded school.
While Greenville is noted for
brilliant social entertainments,
and has had many that were
truly delightful, it is no dis-
to say that in plan
and uniqueness this
any that has occurred here.
The guests being mainly those
connected with our educational
interests, every feature of the
entertainment in keeping
with this idea and carried out
most impressively
The beautiful and w-U
ed decorations of the home, even
to the flowers, portrayed the
colors of the
and old gold of the training
school,, and and white
the graded school. I a some in-
stances the colors of e school
were prominent to themselves,
and in others were mingled to-
with harmonious effect.
The were white
violets and Span
iris, with a variety of pot
plants and ferns, the festoons
and being and
All the rooms were very at-
tractive tic d c
rations, but the dining room was
On the table
was a piece of purple
lace cover, on which was a cut
glass bowl of violets and car
p. At each end were silver
candelabra with yellow lights,
and extending from the electric
to the corners of the
were draperies of white
with bunches of violets
The guests began arriving a
little o'clock and were
received at the front door by
Prof. with his
Those who assisted in receiving
the guests were Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Whichard in the parlor,
and Rev. B F. Huske with Miss
Eula Cox in the library. In the
hall California fruit punch was
by Misses Janie Brown
and Whichard.
After some time had been
in pleasant mingling to-
and listening to delight-
tongs by Miss Olive
and f. H. E. Austin, a
contest was introduced by
the host. The arrangement for
this was in full keeping with the
marked features of the enter-
The contest was on a
folder, the first page bearing
an embossed monogram of E. C.
T. T. S. underneath which j
printed the quotation from Lord
Bacon books are to be
tasted, others swallowed, and
few to be On
the corner of the inside page
having the blanks to be filled out
were beautiful hand painted for-
get-mo not. in the colors of the
schools. The contest supplying;
the names of
very interesting. The first
a copy of
poems, was won Mr. I
C. M. Jones and presented
by Prof. R. H. Tho
a book, went
to and was
Prof. H. B. Smith.
The meet, wire then invited
to the dining room re
s. by
Willie J Essie
liven haw theft-a-
Just Wait I hew two of Bible f Religion. Meats Sag-
j Falls Flat
There are a great many people j The Emmanuel movement
do not know the to do with the treatment of
origin and the of by a combination of re
word Indeed, there mental suggestion and
are some Sunday school workers j and in which it was
to whom will be a bit of i hoped an effective cure had been
new information. Since the for neurasthenia and other
word is now a most of the nerve system,
usual one in the vocabulary of has proved a failure at St. Luke's
Sunday school workers through
out the entire will be
well to know how we came
have it.
In the 20th chapter of II
Chronicles will be found the
story from is
secured. fly it is Th
Kingdom of Judah was
ed by an army of its enemies.
Good King pray id
unto Jehovah for
hospital in San Francisco, ac-
cording to a statement made by
Bishop Nicholas, of the Episcopal
church- The local experiment
has lasted a year. Every effort
has been made to test the efficacy
of the prescribed The
hospital's psychopathic ward has
now discarded and Dr. A.
B. Shields, D. D., the clerical
of the institution,
has sent in his resignation
and the Lord answered this live May
prayer by the hosts Bishop Nichols thus accounts
the enemy, so that they fell
and slew each other.
when King Jehoshaphat and his
people went from Jerusalem out
to the scene of the camp of
they found most of them
slain and the remnant fled.
They also found so many jewels
and riches that they were three
days gathering up the spoil.
tor the of the treatment
at the
discovered that it was
possible to secure re-
suits by placing patients in a
psychopathic ward associated
with a All the depress-
influences of the
bore down upon them. The I
constant atmosphere of suffer-
com-s the verse, as ling made a cure impossible and
on the fourth we forced to the
day they assembled in the valley
of for there the-v bless-
ed Jehovah, therefore too name
of that place was called the
Valley unto this
The margin translates
this as
Mr. Marshall A. Hudson
organized bis class for young
men. he wanted a name fur
conclusion that we
The San Francisco experiment
has been watched by
medical men throughout, the
Daring the next few months
will be held in
In carefully reading his of the Ohio Valley, art
came upon this word for the purpose of
and seized it tor his
class. The spelling of the word
was changed slightly, so as to
the best works of
each particular section. When
competent judges shall have
permit mining of monogram , passed on paintings and
design is so which they con-
well organized Sunday schools aider entirely representative,
today. j steps will be taken to assemble
ha. indeed been a real ah the works so selected and cm-
to thousands, and bracing them in a collection
literally hundreds of thousands I which shall be representative of
of young men ail over Ohio Valley for exhibition at
America and the world. the Ohio Valley Exposition, to
not but bless them, when it has
brought them into the Sunday
school and to tho and to
In like manner, the young
ladies have a most appropriate
name for their classes
The word is
from two Greek words, and
mean. of
The history of the derivation
of these two great words in our
modern Sunday school and
life will make an interesting
item for the scrap book of the
reader of this E.
in Presbyterian Stan-
lures were in equal keeping with
the i, fir everything
seemed to be successive steps of
surprises for the guests. On
each plate were individual white
cakes and the ice cream in
the shape of open books, the
cover of chocolate and of
vanilla, with purple and yellow
mints and salted English
nuts. Following the refresh-
each guest received as
souvenir a miniature book
embossed title, which was filled
with violets, much
merriment being afforded by
each reading the title of the book
It was near midnight the
delightful occasion ended, the
upon taking their
great pleasure
Unique Henry
the entertainment.
be held in Cincinnati August
to September Not only will
the latest works of leading
artists of this section be shown,
but efforts also will be made to
cure masterpieces that were pro
in the past and which have
passed out of the hands their
and are now owned by
art connoisseurs in various
of th; country. Tho Ohio
valley, from to Cairo,
boosts of a number of famous
artists, and there is no doubt
that all of them will be
by their best works at
the exposition, forming an ex
that will prove unusually
attractive and interesting. There
is a of southern artists
following a similar plan for the
of their works, although
the matter has not yet assumed
definite form.
New North Carolina
For the week ending G the
the Tradesman re-
port, the following new
for North
Elizabeth City-$30,000 farm-
Bait company.
bottling works.
Goldsboro-$50003 garage
Farmville-Printing company;
warehouse company.
The best flour that money can
Clay, at S. M.
Buy Meet at Held Night
la Until O'clock
The Board of its
monthly meeting Tuesday night
with seven of the members pres-
Much business was trans-
acted, holding them in session
until twelve
L. Brown. C. T.
B. F. Patrick. James Brown. J.
J. Corey, R. A Tyson and F.
James appeared before the board
in respect to paying for the
and curbing abutting their
Time in which to pay
for curbing was extended to Jan-
1st, 1911, for James Brown
and J. J- Corey, as they had
previously paid for their pave-
C. T. B. F
Patrick and Mrs. P. E. i
were given three years in which
to pay for and curbing.
K. W. King asked for the
usual donation to the old
n union to be held May 10th and
A petition from the citizens on
Fourth street was presented,
asking that a sand-clay pavement
be put on their street. The street
committee was instructed to be-
gin work on same as early as
possible, provided the property
owners will place heart or stone
curbing their property
under direction of the committee.
Privilege was granted M. Con
to run round
for not 1- than fifteen days at
per day.
T. S. Norman appeared before
the board and that his
taxed The matter
was until tho county
commissioners ac. upon it.
A request for lire -t
from one of the suburban dis-
of tho town was referred
to the fire committee of the
board to investigate aid report
at the next regular meeting.
The committee appointed to
establish u property on let
corner of Fifth and Washington
streets recommended that the
lino established by com
be sustained. Mid
Mat tho said committee be dis
charged. The report ac
J. J. was granted
liege run boarding house
balance of this year
license tax.
C. L. Wilkinson appeared be-
fore the board and asked
an ordinance relating to surface
privies adopted. The
is published elsewhere.
D. D. Overton, chief of the
fire department, reported that
the by the town
had arrived and had been placed
on the reels
Chief Overton and Alderman
W. S. were instructed to
have the hose reel house recently
destroyed by fire replaced as
cheaply as possible on the old site
near the John Flanagan Buggy
Co. property. The matter of
providing apparatus for drying
hose was referred to the fire
committee. The matter of pro-
suitable fire alarm was
also referred to this committee
to investigate and report at the
next meeting.
The week beginning Monday,
April was set aside by
board as clean-up week. Chief
of Police Smith was instructed
to notify the citizens.
The clerk was instructed to
notify property owners on
Evans, between Fifth and Tenth
streets, that they must put down
heart or stone curbing abutting
their property on a line to be es-
by the street commit-
tee. The committee was
instructed to fix the sidewalk, on
Washington, N. C,
Presbytery convened in-
city, this evening at eight
o'clock. Mi t rs and delegates
have been arriving on every train
today and the indications are
very promising for a large at
This evening's meet-
began with devotional
after which the opening
sermon was preached by
lice, of Raleigh. Mr
White delivered a strong and
interesting sermon taking as his
text, Isaiah 53rd chapter and h
verse. We Like
Hive Gone
-Iv after the close of
the devotional exercises the roll
call of the Presbytery was
and a large delegation found to
be present, Presbytery
then went into the election u
moderator and It-v. K. C. Deal.
of was unanimous
elected to this important office.
After the el. the body ad-
for the and will
begin its business session torn r
row morning at ten ck. The
Presbytery will hold a three
session, devoting the day
sessions to business ard the
night sessions to devotional ex-
and popular meetings.
One of the principle features o.
this session's work will be that of
home and foreign missions, and
a strong effort will be made to
induce interest in th
important work. R. B
Glenn will deliver an address o
home missions at a missionary
rally on Wednesday evening.
Rev. C. F. of Chink
will address the
Presbytery on Thursday in b. half
of mission work in the
The ladies missionary union of
Albemarle Presbytery will alto
hold its business meeting during
the session of in
Methodist church which has
kindly been it their dis-
Albemarle Presbytery is
one of the most influential rod
bodies in North Carolina,
and is of s of
ablest divines in the State.
Newsy Items of for
Says he is Oat of Politics.
Washington, April 11.-Col
Harry Skinner, who spent
several of last week here,
says that he is out of politics a.
far as office-seeking it concern-
ed. But, the colonel's friends
say that he must run for con-
According to
Headlight, a man in Wayne
has just b- r
by his for a
eight ago. At that
time he a
containing quite a sum of money.
Knowing the owner, lie kept the
to has all
these of
the money. Recently he
It his to return the
ard i's contents,
which. The Headlight any, he
Pays Dividend and Panes Good Sun
At a meeting of the
of tho National Bink of Green-
ville, held April 12th, 1910, the
cashier reported the
six months, ending April 11th.
of which a percent
semi dividend was order-
ed paid to the stockholders and
the remainder to be reserved as
undivided pr
This completes the fourth year
of the bank's business, during
which time has
in dividends and it has
910.000 surplus and
undivided profits. A record of
which it may well feel proud.
Evans street as they see fit.
The clerk was instructed to
have Accountant W. L. Hall
swear to his report of th Water
Light and the
same be filled with the town
Application of Jasper C. House
as keeper of the market house
was ordered filed.
Application of Andrew
for restaurant license was refer-
red to the chief of police for report
at next meeting.
Jim Tucker was granted license
to run a restaurant.
Accounts for the past month
were approved an ordered paid.
Annual and Elects
The ninth annual meeting of
the of the Greenville
Banking Trust Co., was held
Monday, and th
J. R. Spier, president.
C. S. Carr, cashier-
Andrew J. Mo ire, assistant
cashier and bookkeeper.
N. O. Warren, and
paying a handsome
dividend to the stockholders.
was passed to the bank's
surplus, making tho total surplus
This is a most credits
be shewing for an institution
nine years old.
Greensboro. N. C, 12.-
A carload of an I office
equipment shipped from Greens-
to Raleigh, transfers the
active operations of the
Tuberculosis Exhibition to
the central portion of the State.
Early this week headquarters
were established in
and for five weeks a v
campaign of education will be
conducted. Cooperating
will b- in every
town and every within a
hundred miles or s of the
city. Several state wide
conferences will be held, having
interest to groups of people
throughout the entire
wealth, and in general, the ex
Raleigh will mean
much more than merely a local
to the exhibition from part
of the State may b addressed
simply to the Tuberculosis
Special Train to Wilton.
Special excursion rates and
train Tuesday April 19th
from Washington,
Greenville, Farmville and inter-
mediate stations to Wilson, N.
C., account performance of Land
of Nod Theatrical Co. in the
greatest spectacular pro-
ever presented. Call on
ticket agents for complete in-
formation. H. C.
Land Sale Near Greenville.
acres or more wood land
lying within yard s of the
limits of the town of
Greenville, for sale Monday,
tho land, of the ;. frank
Johnston, deceased.
F. C. Harding,
d w
a t
I J f
V S a
., .
.; ;

will produce at a trifling cost the
most perfect imitations of hardwood.
is the best article ever produced
for the home and there is nothing to compare
with it considering its insignificant cost.
has a of uses in every
home, but it especially excels for Floors where
it is fast superseding Linoleum, Mattings, etc.
. La
Just give it a trial
is extremely brilliant and durable.
is not effected by hot or cold
For Sale by
v. J. G.
Greenville, N. C.
v. . mm liaise
; I i
Parker u- n
Dasie hi
h re
He or X
cure any OH I
corn a- by J- K.
you the d
E C. T. T. S p p r
at K-fl Store
Semi along rs j
printing. K Hector Printing
House is nice
Save your fruit trees by using.
Brown's air j
for by Carr
ware Co. d
services begin
17th. pastor
v Rev. A. J. Parker, of L
of Condition of
Greenville Banking Trust Co.
la the Slate cf Carolina, at close business,
All r S Bonds
and K
Due from
Cash items
Silver including U
m-no- min
National bank i and
other U. . not a
I Don II
I 87.16
Capital stock paid in
profits, let cur-
rent ex- and tax pd.
Time ear,
D i 7,14.871
The New Form of City
Miss., and Co um-;
S. C are the first t-
Southern cities east of to
try the commission form of gov.
has not yet
voted on the matter, but the
result of the election i said to he
a foregone
came severe
years ago the affairs of the
were taken out of the hind
the ward politicians and part
had long controlled
there as in most other in
cities-and the government m
vested in a commission cf at e
business men. The results n
the way of economy, is ,
and were
satisfactory that the
plan was continued, and the
has spread from city to
until it now bids to
one of the most notable
merits of twentieth century
tics in America. We hope to st
a great many other cities
the idea, and we should like to
have some plan worked nu
whereby the same principle
might be applied county
Senator Aldrich has
a good business commission c Mid
save a year in our
present National expenditures.
Farmer aid
Entry Vacant Land.
i- n th t K. R
ha he of
April an y of vacant
lands in he of of
deed for Pitt in the
words mid K. R.
enters e fol-
i win i or I of land
i i the county of Pitt and in He h I
t Hi at canal in
Cu I ranch it t c and
r with the public road T y-
nil on the
n r h i in Way e-
the r a west-
y ti at bridge,
w M. Moore.
Re of
By Moore. D R.
Any and all claim life to
or i i i land coveted by
o.- any p rt thereof are
notified file their protest in
with the entry o the
i g of a rant thereon w thin thirty
from hereof,
i This Mb,
W. M. M. ore. Entry Taker.
The On of C
N. C h a no male solicitor in the
There is a man c aiming to be
i solicitor, who is Mn impostor, and
we Rive reward for inf.
ti n to his arrest. He re-
in and it
near by town
now one is hereby
E. L. Parker, Clinton N. C,
A Wise Step
to Take
Step Into Our Store
Permit us to show
you Styles,
and Shapes,
that are different.
We carry a line of
Shoe Polish, Laces
Rubber Heels and
Arch Cushions.
Norfolk Cotton and Peanuts wired-
by J. W. Perry A Co. Factors.
Middling 6-8
Low Middling S 1-2
Middling 1-2 1-4
Strictly Prim 3-4 S-4
Prim U
Wired by Cobb Co.
and Brokers. Norfolk.
Dec Corn
May Ribs
July Ribs
Mai it. by
A JiG. Man
Mrs. Kate Hall hive, kept
i years, am the mother of four
I would not p house
e woman, Why Drives
sickness, brings and hap-
to whole family. It's the
world's health server.
Jno. L.
Cotton Factors handler
Bagging, Tie and
Correspondence and
The Reflector doe job work.
Mb bros.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions.
New York. Chicago
New Orleans.
a specialty Wilmington, N. C.
It all slim
intern organs, the
and the blood. Such is
Rocky Tee, most
cue of bad
constipation and liver.
Jno. L.
Water Damage Sale
We have a small quantity of goods that were
slightly damaged by water during the recent
fire which will be closed out at much below
regular prices. In this lot are some Rugs. Mat-
tings, Dressers, Chairs, etc., that are great bar-
gains at reduced prices.
Our regular stock of Furniture embraces all
that is new, attractive and
such articles as are needed in your home.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If you trade with us both make money
I. C. S. Carr, of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the cf my kn and belief.
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to b fore Correct
me, this 5th day of A
R C p
Notary Public Directors.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
A New Directory Soon.
We now up our new
Telephone directory, arm
to receive con
tracts for same. All who wish
to the same space as last
year will please notify the man
We will be glad to ll
space to any one desiring it
years directory will be even a
better advertising; medium than
last year, as we have added
about one hundred new
and it will b- in
Falkland and throughout Pitt
county. Call the or
leave word with the chief
tor. Home Tel. and Tel. Co.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
Mid Kinston, Effective April 1st,
For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
AV J T. M. T. C. WHITE, G. P. A.
Narrow from Fire
A night or two Mr. Z. W.
Brown was out
street to his home. In
the mill plant of B. E.
Co , on the Fifth street,
he saw the reflection of a
behind one of the buildings,
there to investigate
a pile of straw burning. He
pulled the straw away from
the building and stamp.
the. fire out. If he had
h minutes the building
would have been in a .
There is hardly a that
was tie
building and net on fire with in-
New Spring Goods
Have Made Their Appearance
and you can find here
almost anything in
Don't forget this store when out shopping
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Yours for fashions,
The white sale at
Monday, April 11th from,
p. m. Norfolk cream will
C. T.
Greenville, N. C.
Fire and Water
Damaged Sale
We have a quantity of water
damaged goods, consisting of
Furniture, Matting, Rugs, Carpets,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,
Lace Curtains, Window
Shades, Pictures,
Trunks, etc.
we are selling from to
per cent less than regular price.
We also have a new lot of Fur-
received since the fire.
We are getting in new goods daily
and invite you to come to see us.
We will try to please you.
Story of
l here,
a t. me s
a n few days.
Mm. II Tin K I'll set
I e I have to
kill and tot
At that
TAFT and
The Rural Mail Comes Once a Day
The Telephone keeps you in touch with neigh-
friends and the city every minute of every
day. Progressive farmers throughout the South
are installing telephones in their homes and
our service.
The cost is low; the service is satisfactory.
Write to our nearest Manager, or
Henderson, N. C
b But
1503. b,
in-e. in
c of
me n- i e of
dies a favor for
the yo r of
, whoa John
an American. Ill B run
warns him . the
the royal
meets the and is t a
the g Aunt Loraine.
V-Th f ten,
the p lose, mi- in an
I ch in where t e i O g
is s-d who is to kill Prince
a tomb. VI
e k on beautiful i i go-
me who w him ht. d
a id not I h Mar-
la the
VII, IX -XV K visit, the
Hobbs his
He lo return to
hut. His friend be In
desperate need of
Then, with his heart III month, be
lowly to retrace bis steps, walk-
where be bad moment
before. A lorn In road roused
to draw rein sharply. A
ahead five or six men were
with u riderless bay horse.
As be drew It struck him
forcibly that men were not what
be hod thought them to Le. They were
on looking lot. more like
he bad seen In town earlier In
day. Even be turning
new thought over In mind one of
them stepped out of little knot
and. without n word of warning, lifted
bis arm and blank at
little Englishman. A hall whizzed
close by bis head. Ilia horse leaped
to the side road
most unseating
nut Hobbs had blood In
veins. What is mar to the point, be
bad a revolver In his packet,
lie Jerked It out second
shot from picket, prepared to ride
upon An later
half a dozen revolvers were
at turned ones
and rode In the opposite
whirling to fire twice at unfriendly
group. Ram was out of
The only thing left for to do was
to ride ones to the city and give
the alarm
Suddenly his swerved and
leaped furiously of stride,
but recovering himself In-
the he
beard the sharp of a firearm far
down the unbroken ravine Ills left.
A second came, this from
right and close hand. His horse was
staggering, down he
Crashed. swinging clear barely
lo time to being to the
ground. A stream of blood was
the side of the poor
Aghast this unheard of
the Interpreter knew not which
way to turn, but stood there dazed
n third abut brought him his
senses. The bullet kicked up dust
near lie scrambled for
heavy underbrush roadside and
darted off Into roadside,
In his hand, his heart palpitating
like Time and again us he tied
through the dark he heard the
shouts of men In distance
At III o'clock next morning Colo-
a company of soldiers,
riding from the city gates toward
the north In response to a rail for
help from honest herders who report
attacks an alarming
nature, came upon stiff,
u really was a .
track In a clever brigand j
has of
th hills Is more disturbing than this,
coming on top .
other Is all the more to under-
stand- I mean e of
the Countess said Huron
pulling In
plain perplexity we must not
atop here Will you come
me. Mr. to tower I shall
send cut my man to work on the
case i f the It U n most
lug thing. still have hope that she
will In person to
think said gloomily.
This looks like abduction-foul play,
whatever you choose lo call It. She
has never left her father's house In
Just this manner before. I
baron, that Marians has taken
tray by force. She told me yesterday
that she would never go back to
If she could help It. I have already
you suspicions regarding his
designs Catching
eager gaze of the prince, he
changed the word to
cheeks white
turned upon
might leave the rescue of the countess
to the proper
she said calmly. think It Is your
as on American lo bend the
March for Mr. Kins. If Count Mm-
has spirited his wife pray
Who hits a better
are sure that Mr. King la
dead or In dire need of she in-
Is competent
to conduct he said shortly.
Colonel forth
on lie may be
able to give any of
bis time to the
search for Mr
King. It is out-
to refuse
don't ref mi
he exclaim-
ed. tell
you I
it my duty as a
man to
what strength I
have lo service
of u w o m u n In
trouble. Come.
baron; we will go
to the
Count In-
proposing that a
second party be
sent out once
Instructions to raze the witch's
hut if necessary.
shall happy to lead the
young Count
bowing deeply to the young lady her-
at once. Take ten
turned suddenly to resent-
girl. lie said gently as
the others drew away, be hard
With me. don't
I she said stubbornly.
are in love
can't it. must do nil I can
looked into his eyes for
n moment.
she hang-
her head.
she smiled brightly up Into his
face. your way.
that am her friend
The guard about the was
bled. Order the strictest
care of were Issued by
Count Baron began
to see things in a different light.
Things that had puzzled him before
now seemed dear.
But late in the afternoon n telegram
brought to which upset all
of their calculations and caused
minister of police to swear softly
pure disgust. It was from the Count-
Marians herself, sent from Tor-
a station far down the railway.
In direction of Vienna, it was self
am going to
there to cud my days. There
Is no hope for me. go voluntarily.
Will yon not understand why I
leaving Edelweiss You must
It signed
I was He caught
the glance of and
flushed under sudden knowledge
by two clever secret men.
boarded the train for west. A
man stood In the
on the station platform smiled
quietly to himself as train pulled
Then he walked briskly away. It
was the lawyer.
A most alluring trap had been set for
party that bad gone to
charge of Count re-
turned at nightfall no wiser than when
It left barracks noon. Hiding
bravely, but somewhat dejectedly.
Bide handsome young officer in
command a girl gray. Now she
coining borne with them, silent,
subdued, more so than
She allowed the count to see.
and his men had
been scouring the bills for bandits.
They arrived at the witch's a
few after and his
company. Disregarding curses of
old woman, a thorough of
the place was made.
The old woman's story, reflected by
the grand inn. was convincing so far
s It went. said that the young
man remained behind in the kitchen to
puzzle himself over the smoke mystery
while she went out u her doorstep.
The man with the horses became
In the St t. of North Carolina, st
close of business. Mar la
Loans and discounts I
Overdrafts secured and
unsecured 1.4
U. S. Bonds to secure cir-
I Furniture and i
from Nations i auks
Due from Slate
and Bankers X
Due from re-
serve agents I 81.19
Checks and other cash
for clearing
Notes of other
Fractional paper currency,
and cents
-tender notes
Redemption fund with U.
S. Treasurer p- r Cent,
t -m
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
Undivided I. cur-
rent expenses, taxes paid
National bank notes
frightened when she lo ex- i u
to H n d. A
few later gentleman j Individual deposits
emerged to find las horse gone, j subject to check , i-
deserted. Cur. big. he
the glen In pursuit his friend,
that was the last she saw
t outstanding
Bards burrowed
One Seed
When Ledbetter O-e
seed planter, one bushel of col ion
reed will plant three acres.
Come and see the Ledbetter.
J R. J. G.
Wells Browne
Hang Wail Paper
That you might as well
poke down a lat hole and
expect good results, a i to give it to
one who d know any more
about paper hanging than a rabbit. When
Sour will paper pops loose and
own in the fact in
the face, you have made a mistake
a d waste your Next time
you contemplate papering house
talk to Wells Brow. e. He is h-ad-
q rs in this line He is ,
reasonable in his prices, and ready to
good anything that wrong
with ins w New goods in,
and a season ahead. Paste
in next time you
in his line, come to s
house on Ave. below
KM P an tell your troubles to
o That little brick triangle
g is the place. ,.,
Greenville. N. C.
Total S
State of N. C, County of Pitt,
i, F. J. Forbes, cashier of
named bank, do solemnly swear
the above statement is true to the beat
my knowledge and belief.
bed and sworn to before me
this 6th day April,
Notary Public.
K. . J-MES.
H W.
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in roam business sec-
of the town Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber
Our place is in razors
sharp. Our clean.
electric l machine for
dry shampoo and La-
dies waited on at their homes.
Nicely furnished,
thing clean and
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J. R. J. G.
Mr. not Mr .
from the trails of the town. The robe that this man also under-
nut Ions In lb sub- why she WU
lie of she lo
i v not be near lilt
Norfolk and Baltimore
Elegant New Steamers Dining Rooms on Saloon Decks.
Table Dinner, cents Club to cents
service desired.
Ste rs leave Norfolk from Jackson St. daily
Son at p m , arrive at Baltimore 7.00 a. m., connecting
with rail lines all points East and West.
For and stateroom reservations, write
off ill one.- for the witch's hovel, send-
with a small, instructed es-
the where
gloss In Mr.
and certain
The c.
to the surprise No
reported. MM the
who pule
in hills there some
bin that nil.
Bang II all. rt
II el. I tel.
few. there's lawn devil
Walt Hie colonel
He'll boW news f. i
H he will.
sure s
.-. ii near the
n r the from
He ii I i . I . i
-in lulu i
Ids under
i tail
I. lie
I n His
board a in -i
heart swelled in the nest
moment A resolve
Within him.
We don't need n key to that,
sold the baron Indulgently.
I will I hat she his blamed
consideration f, r u she Steals
War In the dead of night without n
word. I'd say. Well, we
run devote attention to Mr.
II styles.
. i
., , u Hurt
. i
i mi
1910 Brought Many Changes
And among them was a big change in the
style of Furniture. I watched this care-
fully, and I did not buy until I was ab-
sure I was getting the newest
and best to be had. Consequently, I am
offering the furniture buyers of Green-
ville and adjacent country I
The Most Artistic Stock of
ever shown them,
find it to your best
store in the White
Points, and exam
You will therefore
interest to visit my
building, near Five
my stock before
J. H. BOYD, Jr.
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work. or T
Tin Shop Wort, and
Flues in Season, see
Finn. R. C. I

of speculation we know of hi another as the outcome of an
instance where a, young lady was argument over the payment for
offered a dollar profit on a spring a ten rent meal. We did
hat which bought and some know that living anything
else wanted. like that cheap the
but this murder over
D. J.
Year 11.00
rates may be had upon
application t business office in
Reflector Building, corner Evans and
Third s
Entered in the post office at Greenville
H. C, mail matter.
It is getting close to the time
for census questioning to begin.
With the average buy now
base bull is bigger than lie
Guess this cold snap
you glad you did not take Yin
There will be questions
plenty when the census
tor calls.
The New Bern Sun
that the next
Will be
Former President Roosevelt
convinced even the pipe that he
a- not the habit of taking
Jim Jeffries, the
came very near a knock-
out by getting next to a live
President Tuft has called on
his colleagues to stand by him
No doubt he feels the need of
The farmer with plenty of
chickens in his barn yard need
not worry much about where his
money is coming from.
Just now it is that between
. seasons time when the coal man
and the ice man both get a
whack at you.
The Wilson
that either i.
dogs should
running a large
s declares
or the
The Record is the name of a
new weekly paper just started
at Black Mountain, and it makes
a handsome appearance. Ron-
B. Wilson,
so small a matter shows that
life out there is even cheaper.
Maybe there is no significance
former Put in the fact that practically every
boy, is editor.
The of North
bull team met defeat twice
in succession at the hands of the
losing the games at
and Charlotte
of the
son Gold Lear, is another of the
who think the press con
at Wrightsville. June
8-10. is too for swimming.
and Teddy have met
talked it over, and the lat-
accepted the
to make a speech when he
sets back home. Then some
thing will be said.
Republican paper in the State
spoke approvingly of Governor
action in the
case are great it
comes to anything out of which
they can make future political
The women of New York are
up in arms against the meat
sellers. A mob of fifty, the
leader with a big raided a
butcher's shop and put the
owner to flight
Now it is the Pullman car
rates under discussion with a
view of trimming. the
good work goes on the wings of
the porter might also be clipped
to good
Speaker Cannon lost out
again, and could jot get his
measure through congress for
to be provided for
the speaker and vice president
The insurgents voted with the
Democrats the
and will have
to get to the capitol just like
the other fellows.
Every year just this
time the warning it raised that
those who fail to pay their poll
tax by the first of May will lost
their right to vote. Thia is a
State law, based oil the
that citizen fails to
pay pill tax is the
person to cast a the
in t no of officers to conduct tin-
affairs of eminent Even
bear his
of government expenses, yet
many put off paying taxes as
long as possible, and would
pay at all unless to do so
Wireless telegraphy his again
proven its great value. A
channel took a distress
message was picked up by an-
other steamer which hurried to
the scene and transferred the
nine hundred passengers from
the burning steamer without a
single mishap to one of them.
Several counties in Michigan
u whack at saloons a
days ago by voting some three
hundred of them out of business.
In Greensboro. Thursday, two
were killed by the
in of a deep sewer ditch
which they were helping to dig.
A hearty welcome to the vis
Odd Fellows here in at-
upon the district meet-
Greenville opens wide her
doors to them.
Greensboro has had a mild sen-
some comic pictures
advertising show. The bill-
poster who put them up was
fined a and costs.
A South Carolina woman made
ate of her as a hiding
place for money which her
band had stolen.
n to the game.
building committee hare select-
ed to draw the plats
for the new court house and new
jail, so It will no great while
Perhaps the Pullman company before things are moving toward
goes on the idea that the upper- buildings over on the square
story is as good as the lower. Pitt county will have u court
since by an extra tip of which every citizen
the porter you can get a stop H proud-
Ladder to to quarters.
Raleigh aldermen have come
The Western Union Telegraph to that those who
Company has decided to increase must pay for the
the pay of rather than ; The license tax on
to increase dividends to stock- which sell whiskey
holders, sounds more like prescription been
ed from to tin-
lax on near-beer oils has also
Information comes from been made double the
that officials of the bunk I license heretofore.
which Dewey robbed
have withdrawn their opposition
to Ins for pardon.
He may expect his liberty soon.
Every laboring poor man
buy himself a town lot.
get that paid for. and work
to make the necessary improve
A little here and a lit-
there will in due time pro-
duce you a home of your own,
and place you out of the land
lord's grasp; remember that
fifty dollars a year saved in rent,
will in a very few years pay for
your home, and the money it
costs you to move shift
about, without a loss of
and time, pay the interest
mi a five hundred dollar
against Property,
you call gradually it
to nothing. ll buy
way risk
it If you you are op worts
you succeed,. care-
man is sure to do, have
made a homo and established a
basis equal to another's which
will start you in business-
S. O. Ledger.
This is where building and
loan associations come to good
advantage- They enable people
to build bonus for themselves,
the home can be occupied
and the money otherwise going
for rents will pay off -the in-
the right thing.
From t lie way the commission
form of municipal government is
being discussed all towns of con
sequence will come to that plan
sooner or later.
It takes two pages of the State
Democrat, of Raleigh, to publish
the tax sales of Wake county.
Folks up that way must be very
negligent about paying their
The Mississippi senators had a
row right in the senate chamber
over the bribery investigation,
and forthwith instructed
newspapers to keep quiet about
it, but the newspapers told their
readers just what had happened.
Putting the precinct meetings
Saturday tub-night, is
certainly clean politics, the
way we see
Maybe the idea is to take the
tub along to the meeting and
give politics a cleaning.
The visitors were here at-
tending the Odd Fellows dis-
convention, found out in
reality that this was
Greenville, yours if you
In the r of entertaining
her guests, Greenville leaves
undone for their pleas
and comfort, and this char-
trait of our people was
fully shown on this occasion.
The Washington Post talks like
the government investigation
of bucket shops means the finish
of those gambling institutions.
Then if toe cotton, grain
stock exchanges are taken in
band and closed, it will be an-
other step the right direction.
Mister Roosevelt is credited
with the assertion that if a re-
is tendered him on his
return home, he wants it to be a
affair, and not merely
a local matter. Sure, Mike.
No doubt he feels large enough
for the whole country to run up
to New York to greet him.
April 0th is the forty-ninth an-
of the surrender at
which marked the
close of the war between the
North and South.
standing nearly half a century
has passed since that conflict
ended, it is remarkable that the
Northern pension role growing
out of it contains more names
than there were soldiers on that
Nearly four years after it
curred, the military court of in-
that has been investigating
the shooting up of Brownsville,
Tex , by the soldiers
there in 1906, upheld the
charges preferred against the
soldiers. This has been a much
discussed matter through the
four years, with repeated efforts
to get the discharged soldiers re-
instated, but as tho of
the court is final the matter is
probably ended.
One thing very needed
North Carolina is an
high school every county
at point convenient to the
capital. That an inter-
est is being awakened better
agricultural instruction is
parent to every we be-
county schools for this
pose, with experiment farm
attached, are matters of the
near future. Farming is now
about the best surest It
which a man can engage,
and when our boys are learned
the principles of real farming
they will prefer this to other
avocations. The professions are
already so overcrowded that
much success in this line is a
rare exception; -Merchandising
is so overdone and competition
so strong that only a few find
profit this direction; but
there is abundance of room for
the good farmer the field
will always yield a good return
for his labor. Let us have the
agricultural schools in every
c unity so the boys will learn to
love the farm. Such schools
with farms attached could be
made practically self
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last report;
Chat. L. Parker and ha
W. H. and Dolly
Jones and Henrietta
Jack Stewart and Jane Jack-
John Diggings and Matilda
Williams and Hattie
Use t Harrows
At this season of the year and
a later, narrow and weeders
should play a very important
in farm economy. As
laud is broken half day's
waking should be harrowed, to
any clods that may be
before they dry out Rod
hard. Pulverizing is
done at the proper rime,
mt if clods are left to become
they may De in the way in
planting and cultivating for a
considerable time. The harrow-
also helps to keep the
in the soil, and makes it
The thoughtful and
farmer in section
f the country know b that we
invariably a tight
luring the summer, be
in thus early to k
in the soil for use.
Since plants take only
when in we
know that it there is no
in the soil there is no food there
that can be used by the plants.
Of course, the yield of the crop
is cut off under such conditions.
In many cases, and especially
on light soils, the weeder may be
tiled as effectively as the barrow
after breaking. The better
the use of the weeder, is
the seed are planted. Even
before the young plants are
out of the ground, weed
and seed grass are getting ready
to come up with them. The
weeder dislodges these seed,
destroys them, and at the same
time helps the corn or cotton
seed to get through. Thus
hive the young crop ahead of its
By repeated use of th
weeder time a rain ts
noxious seed to germinate, wt
may never see the much dreaded
coat of young, vigorous grass.
The work of the weeder is
A man and a horse can
easily cultivate ten acres or more
per day. Furthermore, the
teeth, or fingers, of the weeder
work among the young plants
and weeds
have to be gotten out by
expensive hand hoeing, if a side
plow had been used instead of
the weeder. On stiff, heavy
soils, a spike toothed harrow
s um tutus does better work
than the weeder.
Probably the greatest caution
to observe in the use of these
implements it to run them at
the proper time. After the grass
forms a green carpet over the
field, it is then too late for the
weeder. The implement will
destroy some of the grass, but
will cultivate the remainder so
grow all tie
Just us after a rain as the
soil is dry enough to admit the
weight of the horse without
packing, the should be
run over every acre that needs
it. We may do two or
three work before the soil
is dry enough to admit the
or deeper running
Harrows and weeders are not
intended for breaking land, but
for the the surface of
plowed soil. When a weight has
to be placed on the harrow to
force it into the soil, then we
know the land has not been
properly broken, or that it has
become too hard for the use of
the harrow.
C. R. Hudson, State
Ce operative Demon-
women and the want ad.
F. C. T. Ce.
Wednesday. 29th, is the date
for the meeting of the
stockholders of the Farmer's Con-
Tobacco Company. Not
only will it be en occasion of
interesting to the stockholders
hearing the report of the good
work of the company the past
Reason and receiving th
dent checks, but there will also
be r basket picnic in connection
with, it making it a day of enjoy-
as well.
Ledbetter One Reed cotton end
corn planters, for sale by J- R.
G. Move.
Girls Vale f
The present woman in
business employs just as up-to-
methods a man. declares Pro-
in The
When she
goes after a position does so
her might The frank
adoption of masculine methods,
in order to teat the men st their
own game, modestly
by the young Bryn Mawr
graduate who published the
following enticing advertise-
Situation you
looking for brain For an ex-
correspondent who
writes convincing letters, letters
that get what are sent to
get A clever woman who can
write clever ads or clever talks
on any subject and from any
point of view Some one expert
in the use of stenography and
typewriting A hybrid from the
university and business world
One who knows peoples
and who can meet all com-
of the two with
describes me exactly.
Is it surprising that she was
swamp d with answers.
Women who attain success in
the most masculine of industries
and financial positions are
multiplying. The
prepares the annual
report on the cotton crop for the
government a woman, who
is said to have increased her in-
come from eight dollars a week
to ten thousand dollars a year.
Trenton. New Jersey, has re-
reported fifteen business
women whose occupations are
scarcely feminine. They include
barbering, wholesale tobacco,
real estate, undertaking,
jewelry, piano-dealing, in-
shoe repairing, banking
ch etc. South Chicago's
situation is more spectacular, if
less creditable. In addition to
women doctors and p dice,
woman runs the wont saloon and
the best undertaking
establishment, so that, from birth
to death, even by broad
way which to
a feminine hand may
Of Carolina-
ion Will be Held is
The next annual session of the
North Carolina
will be held in Asheville,
June to 1910. It will be
the twenty-seventh see
of that and the
program announced by the
promises to be one of the
best in its history. Some of the
best known educators of this
and other states will appear on it-
Delightful social features are
being prepared, and already the
teachers are beginning to look
forward with eager anticipations
to their outing in Land of
the Si- A thousand teachers
will be present, and Asheville
win set out its best for
The social and recreation
will be delightful, but there
will also be work enough, and
reel work at that The pro-
gram provides for forty-one ad-
dresses, reports of committees,
etc., besides the general dis-
end the general
es of the organization. That
the addresses and discussions
will be of high order is evident
from a list of those who will
take pert.
to Free
The amount of post office re-
now entitles Greenville to
free city delivery, this
en to towns where annual re-
reach For the
fiscal year just closed the Green-
ville post office receipts amounted
to some over
will be made for the free
delivery here.
st of
he Eastern Reflect for Ayden and vicinity. Ad Rising rates furnished
We are ting
and strongest a
Insurance Co. i i Um
Call us end let is com
you. Ayden n I
Co. Phone
Mrs. Roberto
has been here o i a vii
parents, Mr. a Mr
to her home in i
If you need a got
top ton O
on J. H.
D. G. Berry, W. J
I. F. at
A nice e of
caskets alway t on
nice hearse a t
J. R. Smith C- . Di
Elias e Tor
proud of a
Au ex Raced I
waiting to mu yo
mules at J. R .
in the Ayden i
been arrant ed in
If you hew n
this scribe t be
this column a a
Don't treat. Aim
book agents and t
the feeble
We i-et all
Dan . Is, wit seed
ere competing w
land, fencing,
building, etc.
leading from P
two blades gr
one is a
store, a c
have by ii
Mr. f
moved his family to Cox cotton up.
He i. engineer for end
your houses collect for you. Miss Ella, of
id Fire
. Loan Insurance Co. a J-
i open or
cart call
meeting of
die Thurs-
if the
by boy.
horses and
e to advertise
. W. Smith.
Wingate has bought H. J. Corbett. who had his
home- damage
stead two miles from
store was uncovered Thursday at of
It stopped at 6.56.-. .
Elbert Smith
act of chins, her time j fl
second are
painting, time
occupied by the com
at Bessie Corbett won the
her time J, our line of gents, led.
t lot
If you have any thing to buy or
sell, let us drop it the Ayden of the
of Ayden, Ayden Loan
it, Co. on
from Sift, Methods
conference on truly i
poultry food
hawk killer Rt J- R- Smith Co's.
Mrs. Ed. who
i counter here on a visit to
he mammoth I parents. Mr. and airs. J. A.
before the mayor's court
morning for conspiracy.
decoyed one Charles
and Cox shot at him
times. Sunday night-1
a. were gentlemen of color.
Capt. Levi Walston
n had been to attend the
burial of brother.
K. C. and wife spent
Sunday in Lenoir.
We are to hear that
The high dive was the
amusement Tuesday evening.
Car c lime, nails and
hay at J. K Co's.
J. is
um police during the carnival.
our town is a moving
of we have not en
UM disturbance so far.
A child of Mr.
quite sick with
J. R. to. have
a line bargain in then
store with useful
way below cost.
is suffering
i carbuncle on bis
Mrs. Moon, of Burk. Va., o
been spending um.
daughter. Mrs.
returned Saturday-
Drag a Great
White R crowd of
citizens were discussing
work of the road drag, refer
made to the
had recently appeared ii
a neighboring written
rural carrier, in h
stated that a piece of road s.
bad that he had M take to
woods while that
bad been pit in such
R few hours with a drag that
he could pas over it in a fast
trot with perfect ease.
and are just as good as th
are to
Rev. L. T. Cordell, used to
travel over roads the mom.
ho continued,
could hardly have been kepi up
by the tools, but
road drag they were easily
kept in go id
Mr. Cordell thinks a
properly made and properly
drag a section of rood can t
condition by the
employment of one band than
with or hands Using the
f J. R. Smith
items, tell
p us to make
editable one.
you do a
hen wonder at
he is making.
like Josephus
R W. Smith.
J. A Griffin, J.
Ed Harrington
can make th
meat- clearing
n new R ad
to J. R
; who produces
in place of
J. R Smith Co.
Owner can
W. Smith.
Davis, returned to her home in
Washington Wednesday.
Call on us for ceiling-, fl wring
We guarantee
J. R Smith Co.
a busy age.
Hues of spring pants
for men and at J. R. Smith
Where is our retail
u a
at X R.
w-ll, Ml
tor your V
I -I will Fl l
of advancing the your
do think Pi the bent
have any time.
I began
hare been It.
really that every woman In
the world to have
hand all the lot If h
her; If
it her; If
t to a constant id to the
both f.-r
An Eruption
a brief and
a use
care, tn
B, i r MM
.,,. by it. Bet
o hand,
It r-
Some of the delegation to
Washington City in the interest on on b of
an appropriation for the pub- to woman.
lie in Greenville got u gR-g
Saturday afternoon, others
Sunday evening. They were
much by their
before the
committee, report the
bright for
included in me
bill now pending.
Pitch is
of herrings and shad Maj has
room lb his hotel.
quite a source con
Japan peas millet rape
at J. Co.
so many Chicken
come is a
they come.
f trains native herb
Bk, Philadelphia,
am well now. I can
work and
have U n for years, and I do
my lire. I .
Tin- I can to take your medicine.
Loans and
Furniture an
Due bk
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin,
the Close of Business March 20th, 1910.
I, J. R. I
the above
before me
think we
a, 60,902.86
k aDd
Capital stock 25,000.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
exp. taxes pd. 6,421.89
Deposits sub. to check 60,136.20
having. Deposits 27,208.90
Cashier's checks
outstanding 237.62
Notice-If you want to buy,
lease, sell or rent houses or land,
or a job for yourself, wife,
daughter, mother or sister, or
want to employ additional help,
or sell what have, there is
no better medium the
I Pitman, who has been I
at board- and
led the train here have lei
her home , Mo.
Willis are s
s-me at J. R. Co s.
W. fas
Sid- Sunday convention. ail
mill at J. K.
Car nails, barbed wire,
and cement at J. K. Smith i-o.
and magazine
Smith Co.
peas, millet and rap
seed, ah fine crops for stock, a
Smith Co- will bu
your cotton seed or
meal with you
crows, owls and minks,
b st tor cholera, gapes,
indigestion and leg weak-
keeps them free from
causing them to pro-
duce an of eggs.
a package at J . R. Smith Cos
Joe C. Tripp, while loading a
well machine on a
bis balance and a drill fell
on bis foot and leg. Fortunately
were broken, but he
I was on crutches for awhile.
I For Rent-5-room house, good
I pump, well, garden, wood MOM
barn, end shelter u.
T Ghent, near the Baptist church
to attention to o foe. county
ft was in town Tuesday and tell.
us he has plowed out
Store. corn crop,
e let us show you. fr u A
several acres of tobacco
Miss Mable Gilbert, of Grifton.
is visiting Mrs. Julia Nunn this
The stockholders of the
co Warehouse Company held
their annual meeting on the 12th
with gratifying results.
We are now in the midst of a
John and Jim were
Story f Rabbit
Mr. R. T. Ashcraft is far from
g st the of a
a cat in the effort to
one of her In
leaking of the story Mr. Ash-
raft said that it reminded him
an occurrence, several years
on tho farm, a mile east
of his late father, W. J.
While walking in the
New Deputy
Dr. J. W. Perkins, of Green-
Ville, has appointed
United States marshal for
North Carolina district.
an Ideal
Ask your a
Almanac for 1910.
ind has entered upon the duties Shot to a
. am -ii
He will make his
in New Bern.
stables in Braver
L ., township, a buck herd
a short distance from his years old. with we.,
sworn to
, this 4th April,
Notary Public
SMITH, Cashier.
home, he he came
cross a chicken snake, at least
test long, that had a
in its mouth. Toe
and just
s he arrived on scene a
aether came galloping at
speed through the woods.
Ind Mr. Ashcraft affirms, and
is a man whose word cannot
doubted, that that
rabbit did not do a thing but
l imp on the snake with both
feet and bite and scratch it until
he reptile was glad to release
baby rabbit, after which th-
i other and her baby trotted
t nether through the woods, and
lived happily ever afterwards.
Mr. Ashcraft killed the snake.-
In Your Homes to Stay
The for croup and
fail and the Go.
t for and all
and pain., p all over th.
land by young and old.
Sold by
N. C, and manufactured by
N. C.
mane and tail Reward for In-
formation to
F. M Smith,
R. F. D. Greenville,
ltd w
Nice for Sale.
Cheap-My house and lot in
lot. Terms reasonable
Fire at Middlesex.
Passengers coming down on
the N. S. train this morning
told that a big fire was
Middlesex when the train passed
there. No particulars were
learned except that seven stores
Chicken Powder
is Death to Hawks-Life to
Chickens and Turkeys
of mt u
About time
was l at
languor,. Ma. on
am. -r . -r
and ,
I i Unto Into I he
. oat of
i. laid band on lb in.
own. you
band ,.,,
the r. In louder .
want you take s
yelled. you lake a la a
I wan .
how plenty row tn
fellow n he look
while drummer
rm tun
and i hi.
man. well. R
ins . your
r the
will for a-Kn.
pet u
I take this method of notifying
the voters of Pitt county that l
am a candidate for the House
of Representatives at the
Democratic primaries subj--ct to
the action of said primaries.
desire to all of my friends
their support.
Stephen C.
Chicken Powder
and feed my
on with It too.
at me and
cam e let MS snow you. .
Trip p, Hart Co., Ayden, N. i
An Old. Old
my wife lay
And other bait MM
Died after Rat-
of that
old rooster, h
been on
We are to
House and Kitchen
Cask or
to us m. we will confines
Mr. C. N. of Falkland,
died Sunday afternoon,
years. He was a good citizen
and useful man. Several Green
ville Masons attended the
today, he being a member of
Kill. Crow.
Best remedy for Cholera. Ga. a,
Limber Ind g and Log
Weakness. Keep, them free
Vermin, thereby them to pro-
duce an a of egg. I rice
Manufactured only by
W. H. Tarboro. H. C.
I. I lit t
i fl f-i .
Graduate Nurse
North Carolina.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me

The district
of Odd Fellows met with
Lodge No.
Quite a large delegation attend-
the meeting. Ten of the four-
teen lodges were represents
The encouraging reports a
in from the different lodge-,
showing progress and growth
made every Fellow feel glad
The program of the
ti well gotten up
splendidly carried out. Tb
session was especially in
as we hid the pleas-
of listening to quite a
her of
The address of welcome b
Brother Julio Brown, o
was q lite a
rt by even
r was ably
to in of the visitors b
r N. L Simmons.
The Progressive Farmer and
Raleigh. N. C-. offers
I in prizes to Southern boy
who make the biggest
yield on an acre this year.
pr z s are offered partly
v the publishers of The Pro
Farmer and
partly by its advertiser.
id ran ice all the way from gold
and two wagons to
pus and Jersey calve.
As these offers are open to
in all parts of the South.
US publishers are anxious
as many boys a possible
the readers of The Re
I Boys under who
like to win one of the
should send a at
Farmer and
The antiseptic to shaken
-ho-a. If you
aching feet, tr F Bate It
fact and new or t
tweeting feet. Kali- vet and
of nil p in and Ki ea rest a d
use it to Break in
New Try it to-d y Sold
I t ace pt tub
Fr FREE ad-
re a n S. La Roy. N. Y.
Health is Worth Saving Some
Greenville Know How
to ave It
Greenville people take their
in i h h n la by neg the
a n know treat o
need hep. S k d- ya are n-
fur a vast amount of g
an l i I tut it no to
r in if r when
a and ones and
w k ya can be and p r-
n a e t y b, the of
a. i he I wing I.
no gr or Ii .
lira. . A. 50- Heritage
St. N. C, found
Don Kid y I- to h an
d ard
a- e. My back p i me for long
j time my w re n iii-
N. C.
i i as v ,,
of other Execute of the
Off red toys far bet corn .
j my be writing Hon. me a. and I now
Lodge N. one n Martin U S of
,. , , . U. V. , The kidney r
Washington. D. C. la
cf c Lot- ii the Town
By virtue of power an I author
-n d in the will and
late Dr J N. which
i-of cord in the
of the Superior court i f P e
in ill o. p inc u-
will on Monday, April
1910. before the c in u-v door n
two or p-n la of
land in the town of F
county, N. C, bounded and ate
Fuel Lot s A
m at
co of I t N. and runs
Mat Ii e of lot No m nor dire
Ii in feet to tr e i-l No.
hence the Ii-- f lot . o. in an
e dire ion feet h at
feet to church
to be-
No. of the Town-
tend A n n
the exit tide of
at th tr lot No
on d the a of Iota
Not. ill and II feet, th.
a in a
feet to property, then e
with C t In a -X feet to 3rd
here with 3rd ii feet
Terms of ca-h.
the d at March. 1910.
M. A.
Jan it A Blow, attorneys-
Report of the Condition of
in the State of N. C, at the close of March 29th. 1910.
. and
All Stock,
A Fix. . j
Demand loans
Due from Bank
I terns
i coin
. Silver coin, all
minor cur.
I b no ea
AU S notes
Si-S. 203.24
Cap in
I. t cur.
ix, aid pd
Time Car. 785.06,
to ink. ow
Tot I
Sir. who
in hi; mid
of the visitors. All were
following sped
were ably
Constitutes a id
Worse Than
have lea
i to a L.
W. B Me., got in
, the . n.
. t
S Ive i me hen all
,, , ,. i
Does j, ,,, east,
District let.
ins by Brother P.
C. Harding. G. Morris, D. L.
F. Scott
Stephen Wooten, E. A
M and Brother Shelby.
Brother D W. Arnold made a
I in
every w and am now fr. m
he a d am able to r. .-i w- II.
I am t live Ii. Kidney
F. tale by deal rt.
York, for In- United
the id
II no her.
v virtue of a power of tile in-
ed n a i to deliver-
ed to K L S i i y
on v arch 1908 and re. in
U-11. in the of deeds
office of Pitt y, the
I offer i-ale at the hi
door c- univ to the hi heat bid-
de- for c ah on the day of April,
, at m., the g
N. j de tract r i of
.,.,, Adj the of I Mi
Carolina Milt. w. L. Smith and
Pitt County in Superior Court t, g acre more o-
C S. W. and being t me land In ugh
fen I tale of ton King on the
n t that it ed at H Jack to Vanceboro
splendid address for the good
the or and we suggest that
he same to the N. C.
for publication.
Ayden was selected far next
of meeting.
Tn following were
of By
vice president; E E
Covenant, J. r
A of thanks was extend
to Tar Lodge K. of P. j
their kindness in the
use of their hall to the
Also a vote of ti to
for their
and royal entertainment.
After ref
were served in the city hail fol-
lowed with hearty shakes,
and promises i. u -t
August in n
D G. Haw. Pres.
E E. Griffin,
N. C. April 7.- in Super or
u h a e n tout of In to obtain a This to terms of p, id
I L K. t. U carrier. of , d b. This
f Stokes, has purchased ma from me defends t; def. i
th r lake i o . t at he R. L. Smith,
t at Hie of W. F. attorney,
t e or court said to
be he d on the h M relay the
OF H CAR County of Pitt,
I, L. Little, of the above-named bank, do a ear that
the above to beat of my knowledge and
J. .
B. W Mose
J. G.
d and to before me,
this 2nd of 1910.
H. D. Ba Notary Pub
to carry mail on. He
says he likes it all right, and it
only sort Cents a day to
Mr. and Mrs. G Z.
spent Saturday night and Sun-
M hi- av in Ma i. g the
2nd av of . th c
house of d county i; e, N.
C. an or demur to the com-
plaint i act on, or Hie p a n
day friends near Black Jack.
Miss Fannie R from Th s of
u j l C Moo
Teach The Children How to do
Knowing how to do anything i
the secret of success. There
so many tired mothers in the
homes today dreaming of the
time when their daughters and
sons will be . up and
them, not realizing that now is
the time to be teaching the child
how to
every opportunity to
m in the belief that
that they are essential to the
happiness of the home while
they are little instead of making
them feel that they are in
way and can do nothing.
It requires patience and much
precious time to teach the child
any thing, but it is the only
source to independence. The
introduction of domestic science
and agriculture in our public
schools will do much, but the
foundation must be laid in
homes. Children always take
naturally to all kinds of work if
we begin to teach early
enough The trouble has been
that the mother in waiting for
them to get to
begin has lost most
time that can ever in the
lives of her children. Meantime
they have learned much that
was obj and formed
habits would never
known, had she led them gently
and wisely into lives of service.
Mi s. Sue V. Hollowed, in Raleigh
Progressive Farmer and
Stokes, is spending wee
visiting Mrs. W. C Chauncey.
Ed r preacher at
rent Saturday
night with W. C. H-
preaches at every
y morning, and at
ton at right.
Sam Gray, fishing at th-
bend. a in a skim .
pounds. How is
Fate Whichard. from South
a. an engineer on the log
train, is in town visiting
Wednesday while the
was raging Mr
horse broke away from the p
where he was tied, and began
running down Main street.
dust being so severe the animal's
eyes became full and he stopped
in the-street because he was
able to see where to go.
Ex Sheriff W. Harrington
has been in town u
taxes for the past few days He
says that lie is making a clean
G. A Sm,
Notice to Creditors.
y q before the
. e k of Pi i in a
of th last I and
if Mote . notice i
i i a i e in . d to
tie the e I . make t
me i in-hi d . II
i- ii th.-
t i Hi tent
to u foe p
t . r lie t h
Ma eh. , or i n tie p tad
in r r-
this o Ma c .
i f A Mo-e.
North Carolina i
Hit In Superior Court.
Ned Annie
The will take
tiled at above
ha been c mm. d in the Sup
r of Pi t county to obtain a e
fr m
the e I take
not he is r at
term c of Pi t
to be held on ti. h h Mon
nay aft. r the first M m . f ear h, it
being t day May. I at
Ina t a in county n
N. C. and r r de-
to the c in . id at lion, or
th- plaintiff apply t emit for
said romp Hint.
Th a day of Apr I ml
D. . Mo re.
Clerk Court.
Julius Brown, Attorney for taint ff.
Notice to
i the Pu-
cur c era of Pitt co.
last a d t
I U deceased, n- tn-e i-
hi given to a i p-r d to
no payment
cl inn g th-
that must
them t the in for m- t
on or re the day f March
, thin e will in
of recovery.
Tut h of March,
. . G. Executor,
f. J. Ev. Atty.
Stock Owners
The best remedy for Sweeney,
From the Grave
ad about g
four years n,
Administrators Notice to Creditor
qualified at A mini of
Mar. E. U Pitt
c, i t i . , this to
Wind Puffs, claims of the
Capped Hock, Shoe Boil, Galls, aid i exhibit them to
had about given up hope, Colds, Distemper, Shipping properly proven on .
four year. tuners from a Fever, all forms V Rheumatism hi
severe i Mrs M. . w , a of their
Thrush, Corns Spa-
the i in m would be ls S A Indebted to estate
I not d. any We do not claim that NOAH'S make i
work, but Dr New LINIMENT will cure every case mm
like a new K. ts day of April. 1910.
lit ma. e for the . C. E. Tripp,
throat and J a II percent- of Mary K. deceased
colds, hay fever, la grippe, age of such are curable. We
h are positive, however, that if
Ty it. U c and cure can
b free. Guaranteed by ail Drug- he effected.
Notice to Creditor.
a liniment w
consider equal to Noah's Liniment
., . . ,.,,. i on and
Having duly before the Richmond
Superior clerk of Pitt Co., Richmond, Va.
of the estate of N.
Cox. d- notice hereby Than
to all pert indebted to the estate o all
payment to
have obtained
. from Its
than we did from
Norfolk and Portsmouth
D. W.
I And Provisions
Co, Norfolk,
and all I. having claim We
.-state will notice
hat they mutt the lame to
he for payment on or
he 26th of M or
notice will be plead in bar of
r every.
of March, 1910.
Sarah A. Cox,
Id of N. T. Cox.
Mr. London I owned
Let me you our pamphlet
actual reproduced,
you by
a. bottle or a gallon tin
and If you are not
convinced II la
beat remedy you
ever I will
gladly return your
money. Either
sent on receipt of
your Tea. I d guarantee a cure or
refund their money. I It's Nature Liniment a
1st with
I. or bat- S
and only for the Mood
Mountain Tea cured
where remedies fa lie I. Try
it with yourself. Jno. I. Woolen.
trial. Noah L.
Martin. Noah
Remedy Co., Inc.,
Cotton and
Fresh Goods kept con-
in Country
Produce Bought and Sold
North a
aT .
To Know Your Needs
In Cotton Gin Machinery, Engines and Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills, Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
J. Paul Simpson,
N. C.
Gibbs Machinery Co.
S. C
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, 1910
Loans and
Banking house. Furniture, cur. ex.
Due from
minor coin cur s
other U. S.
I, G. T. Gardner. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
f wear that above is true of my
knowledge and belief. G. T. GARDNER, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 5th day of April,
1910. R. F. JENKINS,
Notary Public.
John Z. Brooks,
C. J Tucker,
W. W. Dawson,
will bloom luxuriantly in the
if it is watered generously.
do by a faucet put in a
place, or s pipe in the ground J
to screw your hose onto. We will Ox
up an attachment for your hose that
will make sprinkling pleasure.
Greenville, N. C.
la tan Star Hue tee stack. sat at,
Pulley bowen
Home of Fashions, Greenville C.
Dr. Sari it
Members of the Maryland
Academy of Sciences, after
study and much calculation,
have concluded that
comet will not be as brilliant as
is popularly supposed when it is
the earth. May
They argue that the
comet will have receded some
what from the sun so that it will
have begun its fading process,
and dawn ard twilight will inter-
with its brightness.
Dr John K Hooper, chairman
of the astronomical section, says
that the coma surrounding the
nucleus will appear large and
will be high enough in the
sky the last of May to
be above the low mist and smoke.
comet is now com
toward the earth and will
appear above the western
or very rapidly for
several days and then appear to
move more slowly in a southerly
direction, i April and the
early part of says Dr.
Hooper, the comet will appear to
move very slowly, and in the
last of May it will be visible in
this s. During this period,
says Dr. Hooper, the comet will
appear somewhat stationary.
A th present time, according
to Dr. Hooper, the comet is ob-
d the sun. behind which
it passed March at a
of miles from it- In
other words, he
the comet is at present
miles from the earth
The following prepared
by Dr. Hooper shows the
distances of the comet at
dates and the approximate
time of the visibility of the
comet both morning and even
April I
Quaker Oats
is the world's food
Eaten In every
country; eaten by
infants, athletes,
young and old.
Recognized as the
great strength
Delicious and economical.
racked la
Apr I 1.30
-0 1.40
Apr I
May i
May lo
u 2.00
sh be
without of t me and by a
medicine which Chamber
lam's Colic, and
Remedy not only cures
but produces no
pleasant after It never
fails i pleasant and safe to
Sold by all druggist.
Thai ii Best Way to Defeat
Pretest of High Prices.
There is very little
in sight toward
the prices, Pro-
FranK J. of Co-
University in The
for May.
farms were cultivated t
profit, prices of
ties were much higher
being made for th
then purchasing power of a
than now. And prices will
have to go considerably higher
than now before th use farms car
again be profitably cultivated.
It would that in
meantime the people will be ob
to to the
changed conditions. This
involve a lowering
the standard f living, the in
crease of he rural as compared
with urban population,
development Eastern
lands local
everywhere throughout the
country, and the
of our present expensive system
It will inevitably be
by considerable
particularly in the cities.
suffering due to process
adjustment may undoubtedly
somewhat alleviated
action on t he part of
government with reference to the
viola ion of laws in,.
monopoly and restraint of trade,
and i-y removable at once
all duties on d products.
until the adjustment ha.-
been made, prices will
continue to increase, and, after i
has been made, I remain high
they used to be. For ii
is hardly conceivable that
cultural commodities can per
be sold at the s to
which the present generation
has been accustomed unless some
almost revolutionary changes in
agricultural are made.
the Board Con.,.
At the regular monthly meet
of the Board of County
on the first Mon-
day all the members were pres
The following aggregate
amounts were paid from the
of health
home bridges
and ferries insurance
court jail
smallpox conveying
prisoners and x
insane f print
and supplier
capturing distillery
tickets law
general roads
Falkland roads Greenville
roads roads
Farmville roads Bethel
roads Beaver Dim
The following persons were
appointed tax lit takers of
townships for the year
Beaver Dam, S. V. Joyner
D. C. Barrow.
Bethel, S. M. Jones
Carolina. S A
J J. Elks.
H. J. Langston.
Falkland, J. H. Smith.
Farmville, R. L. Joyner.
Greenville, T. R. Moire.
M. T. Spear.
Swift Creek, J. Z. Gaskins.
Several poll tax exemption-
e. iS-v
Sc-34 SUit I
i- i. Ml s-w a trial
Write . PPr.
. J
-v. s I J
; -a V- j
At the of Mar.
Resources Liabilities
Capital stock
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures 1.173
Due from and
Oath items 1.40
Silver coin, including
minor currency
Nat bank and other
Undivided profits, lees
expenses and taxes pd
Time of deposit 1,008.90
Deposits subject to k 16,437.26
Cashier's checks
outstanding 75.47
Mil. N. C. April 7.-
A nice rain fell even-
there was right much
d with t. No was
done some fences were
blown down.
Many of the farmer are well
up with th work, most of
are through planting corn and
are now busy preparing their
land for ting to ac r d i la f
cotton. will be no in
crease in tobacco or cotton
in this section, but there has
been m ire wheat, oats and corn
planted than ever before.
people are learning that they mot
raise their own supplies at home.
they do that we will
be a pr and
people and not before.
I. F. A. Cashier of the above named bank,
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the of
my and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to
fore me, this 2nd day of April,
R, H. Hunsucker,
Notary Public.
J. E Green,
A. W. Ange.
J. F. Harrington,
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, March 1910.
have put their land in better fix
than ever before.
Prof. Nye. of High
school, will speak at
of Miss Nina Dixon's school at
the school house Friday
night, April h. All are invited
t. be for there is a rich
and corrections in property taxes j treat store f them. We hail
were pissed up. a nice school for five mouths d
board adjourned to Tues- praise Nina very much
Loans and Discounts,
They MA
e and
Due from
Silver coin, including all
minor c-in currency
National k and I
U. S. J
lay, 11th.
Every family and especially
those who reside, in the country
be provided at all
with a bottle of
Liniment. T ere is do
when it may be warned in case
of an or emergency. It
is most excellent in ail ca-o-s of
sprains and bruises
Sod by all
4.091 It
Ci Stock. S 7.600
Undivided profit,
a d taxi t rid 1.8.12
Time of
Sub. to
A company for the erection of
the third tobacco warehouse in
Farmville was organized last
Saturday. The following officers
were Ben Lewis,
dent; J. T. Thorne, secretary
and treasurer. The style name
of the company will be The Dir-
den Warehouse Company. Mr.
James H. of our c
is the principal stockholder and
moving spirit of the effort
Again Greene is the looser Mr
Darden is a young man of
did ability and will be a
valuable addition to that
of tobacconists in Firm-
Can made in
at cost of
Ono Cant a Plots.
contents of package
into a quart of milk freeze.
Ni coining, no heating, nothing
else to add. Everything but the
ice and milk in the package.
Tills quarts of the most
delicious ice you ever ate.
, i,
packages at your grocers,
or by mail if he not keep it.
Pun Fl Co., lo N. Y. ,
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Ta assist nature in
all impurities out of
system, insuring a free and n-g-
condition and restoring tin
of the body to health
strength. Sold by all
Car Mail Motor
L. H. Roberson. rural mail
carrier on one of the routes from
Stokes, his purchased a motor
cycle on which to carry mail.
He says that with this motor
cycle he can cover his route in
two-and-a-half hours.
Prompt relief in all cases of
throat and lung trouble if you
use Kern
to take,
and healing in Sold by
Land Sale.
By virtue of power contained in
a n e duly and
deliver, cl on i he ct-y June,
by Daniel an wife Mali,
A Daniel to J. R. Davenport, fain
mortgage record, d in
of of Pitt
county, book J-S the under
will lo lie tile to
bid for
the court In the Town if
Greenville, Ni on
the 18th day of April. the I w-
ed lot or pare. I of land, to
Situate in th- county of Pitt
aid defer bed at One town
lot in town Facto us at
lot No. beginning at the corner on
the fide of W. II. K. lot on
Main bi re. t. tunning with W. II.
South feet, thence n
feet, thence west last,
containing ire If.
To tad a v.
of M rash the h of March,
J. It Mortgages.
Skinner Attorneys,
What Did .
The disastrous effects of
prohibition on a town are
illustrated by the working
of the prohibition law in
the leading North Cam
Una seaport, last year. The law
went i to effect there January
1909, perhaps in no
seaport city has it been so
enforced. The results are th--
the number of in 1909
was only 1.218 as compared
with saloons the year be-
fore; in spite of increased p
was a decrease. In
the number of and
of insanity; bank deposit
showed the is
from to
the single twelve
increase in bank clearings
greater than for any other lead
Southern city except At
is also
the number of build
permits and their value
than doubled; and in spite
losing a license tax on six-
saloons each
an extra tax for the to
tax rate was reduced cent
on the
Progressive, Farmer and
and regret to see her leave.
Quickly Cured by a Peasant
Germ-Killing Antiseptic.
The h-
is ii a hard rub
am be c r i i pocket or
pure., Ii will a e.
into ii- I
of magical
This is by the antiseptic
gauze wit in now arc to
breathe it in over the ed
it w II b kin
its of g ruts.
made of
combined with other is
very to
is to cure
s, tore croup,
m I or
stuff, u . he d i i two
So ii b druggists r. where and by
Jno. L. M'S -u ti. in-
g inhale- and one of Hy-
And remember ex
if needed cost
I, W. H Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol.
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge belief. W. Ii. Cashier.
Subset and sworn to be-
raj this 6th day of Apr.,
S. T. Carson.
Notary Public.
Bordeaux Mixture
Kills about all kinds of insects on all kinds
of plants. It is safe and reliable. We have the
chemicals ready for mixing. Each package
makes gallons.
Professional Cards
Sale For
No ice it given that
e the fol person will
s at auction before the may
at noon on
. May 2nd. t
Hi. town of e, for
Taxes. C Total.
Your tongue is coated.
breath is foul.
Headaches come and go.
symptoms show that you.
stomach is the trouble. To re
move the cause the first thing,
and Chamberlain's Stomach
Liver Tablets will do that. Easy
to take and most effective. Sold
by all druggists.
Barrett, C G.
arr it C
Bl W. r, ,
Blount, O. L
e. W H-.
I n. G.
J A L .
Ii n ins, Ben.
Vines, Ben.
Ii I'll
Office opposite R. L. Smith A Co.
and next door to
new building.
N. C.
Attorney at Law
Office occupied by J.
Harry Skinner. Han Jr
B. . .
N. C
W. H Wilkinson, Tax C Hector.
The Demon the Air
it the germ of La Grippe,
in. i gt suffering . horn In
aftereffects are
lack of appetite, and am
with I ard kid-
I The greatest d then is E
Cm I Aw and of
I Kid have
prov d wonderfully
en d up he em hi
restore and g ml
of Grip. If
Hi Only Perfect
by all Is.
I Not Quite I
it. Row often you can get a jg,
T thing
w nail or or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared
emergent let. Our line
i Is t desire, and
we tee that your tool
box not lack a tingle
useful article.
You get
Horse Goods t c
J P.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc.
Suits. Baby Carriages. Go Carts,
Parlor suits Tables, Lounges,
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
N. Carolina Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
Cheroots, Henry George
. . i Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach,
S. J. Everett , Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Attorney at Law l- Meat Flour Sugar Coffee.
I made on Real Estate Lye Matches.
. ., Candies, Dried
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass
Moore and Long
B M K X V I I. I M
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Wooden ware, Crack-
I era, Macaroni, Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machine a
and numerous Other good.
Quality and quantity cheap r
cash. Come see me.
Greenville, N. C
Office on Third formerly
pied by Pr. Bagwell.
The best cold drinks in town at
For the convergence my
I have put in a
telephone. No. B
D. M JONES, Salesman,
W. H. Miles Shoe Co., Inc.
will call W. J.

I In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
Author o The Eastern J Application
The is the Kind
A U. With
Peary on the Roosevelt.
think MM of of
the f
i win the If
Better send your orders in M . The P be.
When the for Cox Cotton Planters, the i
i,. . have ti e if guano sowers, economic U i reins B
have our careful attention.
i Owe i a Piano
boot, and to ova
owe it y to x;
the display
at the Fine man White
ii-t toe do f
Take No Substitute.
w c . you need. See us.
by The A. G. U A new lot of lamps
Manufacturing Harrington, Barber Co.
neat The spring rush is coming in.
i Better your orders in Chapel Hill. N. C. April 11.-
On Thursday night two victories
ward added to the debating
dared them r-r . My the University of North
re k -hoe-k ho its- Messrs. C. E
Cox Mfg. Co., ,., 1st- I resin-d F N Cox won a unanimous
N C I ox w .
,;, . a. , decision over a team representing
. ., ,. a ,,, line If you want a useful planter.
v, a . J It . aH. .-
r . A
cotton, corn, peas, .
h. i. -u C.
cheap K. W. at Johnson ,., ,,, if of Washington
u it. sun on railroad street had been n Lee University before an
Tame that for which taxed the
. .- a Any frame. c the grand opera house in
, , , a , i-s i Greensboro.
US a a As w. w ;,,
cm. A. V. w, never when w t. de
u ii that of In
purchase a a, . Carolina the
by A. O. Cox Man ., , , ,.,. ,
to a large city.
U a glance you will inspect a
lint cot alone stand
of tot e. T and
in character of e, y and
general in a class to
but you I m with
that stand here at d
incomparable an. where. Eight j
different makes t. select from, none
of those cheap v department.
re pi
put each MM a stand
acknowledged fame and
in the trade.
kt piano be, i known
will take your piano in
for one of sell ply-
also carry the
AN, the of the world.
and taken in
terms to s sit
Chen in Greenville visit out
. . m-mt .-----. with had ha
Harrington, u. lb t
the University of Georgia after a
contest held in
At the same lime
I Messrs. H. E Stacy and R.
sausage and fish, going measured arms with
K. at Johnson her
m White.
Next door to Carr Atkins Han I ware o. store.
At the close of business
I-. i i, Co,
to C-
New lot of dry no-
., , R D. just in. while
Hie t congress may by law
Ad A- w- An near la
newborn came in yea-1 How is your soul Let
the question.
It was a time for , , . j-;
but ed, That all corporations doing
parted oat inter-State commerce business
a steam cap-, h y fa out
man we It. j . .
was over Federal charters under such con
Loans and discounts .
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures 1,670.60
Due from 60,73.8
Cash items 897.88
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 010.65
Nat hank and other U. S.
Notes 2.837.00
ten; fro . where lei US show you our new lot of
has been for Mr the shoes. Barber ft Co
p,, days. A nice six key fountain
Te County School . u.
j i , , Th. . W-have purchased the
re the desks for you. ard
i of s. or thirty j
feet Just by granted.
n in the i Carolina in thirteen debates
them. left f . University of
on ton I .,.
Z i e oar at t his won all but four. Out of
The was now debate with Washington and L-t
at the I one won
N. O.
March 29th, 1910.
stock 10,000.00
profits lens
cur. exp and 4.086.89
rime of deposits 16.311.31
Deposits sub. to check
Cashier's 1.104.86
I, J R. Davis, Cashier of the i hank, solemnly
rear that the above statement i true to the best of my
J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
a Out of the three intercollegiate
i knew If she debates in which she has engaged
driven any ti. Ill- we being
do repair work and dress
of in
and i-
A ii Cox M;. very soon
N. C.
J. H. Cobb, Standard, was
edge and
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of April. 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
For of
ti. L fountain.
J. i. left
received, a nice lot of
H. Barber i Co
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just. In.
A. W. C.
holds the distinction of having
N. C. April 12-
Mrs. Emily wile of J. B-
Cotten. of was in
town I Fr
If you want a good plow
., . . ,, .,. ago and was buried on Tuesday
the. Syracuse Harrington, . . . u ,
. ., , in the Bunyan Baker course.
m . e ground I. S. n
i-f Washington, i , . . .
was in ton yesterday. HZ Tl
When in need of groceries calla l ,
at Johnson's.
U. B.
Schwas under construction
j -ii lot her death cancer,
was pillows ,
Spring and p for
the A.
N. C.
Our boys crossed oats
i order . the University of Pennsylvania.
tier -IT no i de- she has won three. Carolina
In the
III. r. lei I m batter-
to smash the won twenty-one out of twenty
i.-e between the and Hie eight during her bat-
it-.-- making and of having
for ship rest on. The . . k.
M.-r- up from lost a series. Among her rivals
lift- have been John Hopkins,
ed and Washington Tulane,
and Le.
were in pieces and the Universities of Georgia.
on the Pennsylvania and Virginia.
of which we had
for this
pose. A wire from the battery had. of i The Call the Blood
been one of . ,
primers burled In dynamite, for
wire dynamite were thrust I. W a
W. J.
R. Davis,
F. M Davis,
j buried many years ago. She
house a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
, i moth n . mi
s in -ail of liver trouble, hut
down a U in
B in
Ur. i P
The Miter end wire was then j; give clear sum, rosy die. ks,
with the battery, every one line comp them,
to a no at or.
the far of deck, and a
sharp push plunder of the
THEY will not burn. split or Ilka wood
Will not crack and roll like slate. r;
like plain tin. Neither will they during
They never d repairs and as b. t A en last
of all, they the hands, roof and era .
COBB, Agents.
. . . . L,. current the,
very patient in all of
K . wires
She was one of the Tb ship shook I
best of Every one th t Ilk. u dish of mid a column
knew her thought much of a wen, a,
lulu air.
loll. Tin- of lie
; m of i, e. for
Oar more W the lust tribute
audit, was proven by the
concourse of relatives id.
F. r nice fresh herrings
see A. w Co. Winter
v. .
bit aw going buy
o., don't b W. Ange
ft to.
Leave your orders for lea at H.
L. Will be de
a i, town,
and mi cloth, the
fl. one. cover it over.
Harrington, Co.
call your to our
new line of groceries.
Dry goods for the birds,
A. W. f.
Before buying, see my line of
post H. L. Johnson.
F r spring dress good,
embroidery and laces see us-
New lot. in.
Barber Co-
J. F. Harrington left
day for Oxford to mile
Walker to Oxford
ton is a very strong and
Mason, and is always on
of respect to one that was gone
but not forgotten.
We had another Wed-
followed by some
cool days and light Friday
Saturday mornings.
went to
U. Hampton's
In Paris in tin- revolution of 1830 a
law was by
one the king's
down a copy of the ordinances placard-1
oil oil wall. T he was
was mil. so ran
Nearly a
R. E. has tobacco
plants ready to of i in-
CD. Smith went to Wilson republic of .
. . .;. MM e wills III. ,
Sunday m i.-. r
The busy planting ,, ,,.,. . .,,,
corn and cotton and preparing word or
tobacco for transplanting.
Sons will this week. j,,,, was pa-
We think will de win. died ripe
stamping out the
smallpox in our section. It is Th r-kind
only among the Colored people. The Km la ml an- the
tie has three houses quarantined.
. of the widely
and has vaccinated about all in mt r
the j of lb. pole so.
I miles from i-nil of
ca. A former governor of
F. M. Bowden, who for tin- hue sir
months was assistant operator;
. .
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around
choking sensation,
or rapid pulse, and other
symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart
is a medicine
adopted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the-
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
I J suffered with what I
was when
. me I laid
i I ninny
the Dr. came
i Into my and concluded IO
, try Dr. Heart Cure. I
I taken and now I am
Mil I
n. medicine It. I write la
boW II attract
of who . t
sol Slain Ky.
Or. Milt.- Heart
Cure, and it him Io
of battle if It lain,
if Medical Co., Ind
Mr. J- C. I.
Sale of for Par
About a quarter to
o'clock Tuesday morning I Ir. J. i
North a, I In Superior
Pitt county J Before D. C Moore,
, , kn Willis D. Johnston. F. V. Jo
C. Alb t it the M.
. . . Mr i ,
home of Ins sister,
Greene, on street.
R. j
virtue of a deer, the Superior
. TI court of county, nude by U. C.
was in his year, c
been in feeble tor some b g,,
He is survived Monday Use day of
a ,,.,. April, St e o'clock noon, being
B cay of the ferns of
two sisters. Mrs. M. E. An Superior com t, expose to i
, the l door in
and Mrs. K. r for
one brother. Mr. W. B. following of
j land, to Situate the side
Deceased was a member of the u ,,, hip
church, and a member county Carolina,
a . c II-. i on the no them of Tar at a
of the Odd Fellows, in standing three holy
being one of the oldest and most the edge of
. . , . c the toe. and
faithful member of Covenant .
Lodge. his church, his lodge old aid
and a host of friends be was held Sit Town
in high esteem. said creak to , o the
,. i. . a river to tn. b g. i
The funeral took place at lorn th am.
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, tract or land
,,. In a certain by
Bill c to Susan
tery. The funeral being recorded m the
i -u nil c ii a in in
conducted by the Old will be made
The pail bearers were Messrs. among
G E. Harris. A. C. of Ma Kb. Ilia
Sara Flake, J. R. Corey. Wiley t. u
Brown and Adrian
Stray Taken
I taken up one cow and calf,
color re-I and white, and
in the light, fork and
When using the Ledbetter One under bit in left. Owner tan
,. r. M
One Seed Piaster.
in the We tern on telegraph have
would while
-.---, there If In-con Id have
office here, resigned to accept w
a position with Norfolk
Southern Railway in home
lieu w ,., .-. get
seed one bushel of cotton
seed will plant three acres, N. C.
Come see the Ledbetter.
Subscribe tn Th J. G. Subscribe for The
Mason. is always on Southern Railway in his home . . , s
the lookout for town. Now Bern. He Is spier.- of n k B T H A W M T I U
T we I f
congratulated for th hi leaving Greenville. , ; to food
good it is doing in our vicinity
For nice and spring
shoes, sue my new lot.
A. W. Ange ft Co.
Greenville. ,,.
-it s lull, after all. the
Five will M tin- I
rive coses ow win
cure any case of chills and fever.,
to national puns root and law.
An over many Bronchial Remedial, It rid. th.
system a cold by s. on the bowels. No Guaranteed o
or money refunded. Prepared b- CO. CHICAGO. U. A,
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
St. per
cent Declared Pies dent
The seventh annual meeting of
the stockholders of the Farmer
Consolidated Tobacco Company,
was held today in the Star ware-
house. of the stock-
holders was by the very
large attendance, Pitt, Lenoir,
Greene, Wilson, Beaufort and
Martin counties all being
President L. Joyner
in calling the meeting to order
offered congratulations upon the
gratification the interest the
stock Holders in the
Tn- first business was the state
by Secretary W. H.
of work of the company fir
the past year. This report, much
to the of the stock-
holders, bowed that the directors
had ordered the payment of a
dividend of per cent in cash
as a result of the past year's
work. also contained
a resolution adopted by the
director, in effect that soliciting
of the sale of the cum
be but that
an bona tide
who desires suck in company
nuke application the
in writing, to the directors,
win pass upon the
same it it can be
In his annual report resident
gave a review of the pro-
the company us
organization in October
shoeing its successive steps
development year by year. This
present dividend of percent,
makes a total of
paid in the seven years.
dent Joyner also punted out
the average sales of the
Consolidated Tobacco
as compared with the sales of
warehouse, showed that
had sold for
higher price, each year
thin the other warehouse
Baaed on monthly
made by the secretary of
the Tobacco board of Trade, it
was that the Formers
Consolidated Tobacco
during the past season
per hundred pounds
higher than other houses, pay-
to farmers in round
about mom
other houses paid for the same
quantity of tobacco.
President Joyner congratulated
the upon their
to the company, and stated
that a very small percent of them
had tailed to patronize the com-
warehouses, and they
among those farthest removed
from the markets.
President Joyner also spoke of
the relation of the company to
i its relation to the
stockholders, and the relation of
the stockholders to the
He showed that the
Consolidated Tobacco Company
is antagonist to pa other interest,
tut an organization of
farmers to curry on business for i
He also
strongly a reduction in acreage, I
declaring that prices will be
regulated only the law of
supply and demand. If more
tobacco is Mined the wade
demands, price lie up. and
on the Oilier I, ml it more is
raised than ii Peed-d by the
trade. will
The C. I. h and
E. E. us
they were both
Atty. Bickett Files Op
f is the opinion of
the attorney general in the
the case which
was referred to him by the
Agriculture Department and the
the whole case I am of
the opinion that the Department
of Agriculture cannot grant to
any one immunity from
for a violation of the law,
but I am further of the opinion
that the law does not forbid
bleaching per and that it is
entirely lawful for the
of agriculture to notify
the North Carolina millers that
for the present the Department
Mother Works to Death far
A wise Gotham judge last week
delivered a scathing lecture to a
girl in her who ran away
because mother made her
wash the dishes when her
man was waiting to see
her in the The girl will
doubtless remember her court
experience, but it is doubtful if
she will learn anything from it
The army of
is. unfortunately, growing at a
rapid rate, in the
working and middle classes, since
th- marriage mart has b come
overstocked with femininity
And while this increase takes
place, there is an army of aged
Last the Session Held Fri A I the Are
day .
The boys society of the grad-1 A . for Wash-
ed school, the Henry is assured this
Debating Society, held its final The final
meeting Friday
Newsy Items of Interest for
Bear Readers.
New Bern. April
sea on. Murphy, red, o was par-
, ., arrangements last week by
night. Two for the opening t th. on the recommendation
weeks hence the debate with j meeting last night in the
Washington will be held, and Commerce rooms, at
then examinations will be the which quite a large number of
larder of the day. The boys felt business men were sent,
that could not undertake The will be run
of Agriculture will not insist, worn and weary, start-
a matter of fact, that bleaching down hill toward the
by the Alsop process amounts to sunset.
adulteration, but that fl While you tit and listen to the
which by actual analysis is found sweet which fall ever
Th meeting Friday night
wan given over to declaiming.
The following declamations were
David Moore.
ed by Adrian Brown.
Confederate Al-
to the
; Milton Pugh.
operated under the
Tobacco Company.
The warehouse market will
and in full blast when
of the county physician and
board of county
was liberated on Friday died
Saturday was
sent to the roads fr
i, but b
sentenced, d pneumonia,
followed by It
was seen that rot live
to contain nitrites or any pois-
on es ingredients in such
anon from the parlor doll, you
hear the footfall of mother
ties to constitute a real drudging around somewhere in
menace to the health of the J the back- That is one reason
pie will be seized and the parties why housekeeping is becoming a
selling prosecuted. lost with many young women
might be well enough for Mother does it all.
the slate chemist to say This old world is full of mothers
percentage of nitrates found in who are laboring and loving unto
would be a real menace to death. Every day house-
health, and for the martyr folds her nerveless
ti notify the millers that for the last long sleep;
found to contain s greater per-every day pilgrim shoes are
would be deemed from tied that
Dying Chas. Haskett. men of the city have done valiant
Death f John towards the accomplish
Spain. Ben Ad- of this new enterprise
Whichard. that lave succeeded in
the sale of tobacco for the but a the county
takes and if nothing I officials took Steps to hive him
happens Washington pardoned, which was done by the
fair to have one of the best mar-governor, but the only
Eastern part of Murphy a free man for
State. twenty-four hours.
Ever and anon comes the re-
rd mat rave , ,.
lain r r a list of wedding
their undertaking th- raisers of . .
the w-ed
w-e-u . ,
a.;. t j . j. this little r h
e to it
that the
a liberal of their
T. W. Bickett.
have given lo make
young Bible.
shadows are gathering In many
Mercer a
Chandler r. to
debaters against Washing-
tin delivered their speeches on
the merchant marine quest ion
i the query for the debate. The
is was pleased Hill, N. C, April i
it. representatives The Carolina but
I prepared. leave Thursday of this week at wood-
Friday night's meeting was. the Northern trip. good.
best has to be played are Davidson, fan gift
bad. The boys and Lee.
aim I hops very
matron will learn and
it for future use. It is capable
of attaching to I like
the immortal rays hath
of our child-
Ware, u.- , all tin.
J homes today win re the in
Cs Graham sent a th- front room are turned low.
copy of the opinion along with
the letter to .
of the
J. D
Sentiment is rapidly crystal
against the
The press
speeches and
s tee., no one having
-.-. . , .
., T, , v . A. When to a
and the Navy. At .
. i- Will if P is-d the Km.
d any j the of me trip g the
f them this meeting. at j the sirs,
A half a n ; Half a I lowly I d.
critic of the society was Chapel Hid
pleased to know that such good I other games will close the base
work could be done without hall season. The
assistance. were unexpected aid
, I disappointing. In the
fast pace of two
Fayetteville, N. state in almost every in-
I enclose you a is unqualified in de
of the attorney general's opinion In
in the case submitted to him both the News and me . w- ,, .
association and Evening Times
The action of the depart- j waging warfare on the business. l u tan, away
will be in accordance with aldermen have raised
his opinion he is the legal the license tax to Another
adviser in such matters until nit action taken in
decided by court of competent was the raising of license
Bring we ling go J.
So few tee
The date, five
That may
The -Ex.
School Closing
The Cox taught by
Misses Con and Sadie
will Friday with exercise,
at night. A prise will be given
to one who has- improved
Yours truly.
W. A. Graham.
Mr. J. A L. Dead
Mr. J. A. L. Templeton,
Ayden. who on was car-
to hospital in Ki
died there Tuesday afternoon,
and the remains-, accompanied by
Rev. J. H. Griffith, were
to Ayden for interment.
Mr. Templeton was a native of
England, but had lived in Ayden
for several years. He leaves one
tax drug i tores handling
whiskey prescriptions to
The town of Wilson has just
license tax on tear
beer to
In and other towns
are fighting the
evil, and it is to be that
the legislature authorizes
cities to refuse license to
form of law evasion. The Stan-
Enterprise speaks out plainly
on the question of enforce-
pays when it is
enforced. It does not pay when
it is backed up by a set of
with flexible backbones and
re-elected by acclamation, tickling palates and a long thirst.
President Joyner referred to prohibition, but
a movement among the ware-with those whose business it is
housemen of Eastern North Car-. to Prohibition is prov
to have the market open successful in North Carolina
later August 1st, that date where men right moral
being deemed to early. An ex enforcing the
It seems to us that more gold- , .
, opportunities are the is hoped that
young men of today, especially the team will get over me slump
in the South and in Norm the Northern trip. A victory
particular., rise its
I world man at any previous tune
I Almost V I in
is men The student b is as ever be and one to the one who has made
factories want as and expects a, the bast record.
and r.-; record for tie remainder of Prof. Nye, principal of Winter-
Carolina his a I the and patrons
pros.-ion of the stockholders was
taken and s large majority de-
f of the market not
opening until September.
The singing class of the Oxford
Orphan in charge of Mr.
Brown, were invited to take
dinner with the stockholders.
They entertained the meeting
Ask s Blessing For Coming Crops-
Out Mt. way they keep
up a beautiful custom that it
does one good to contemplate.
In the spring, when
are being for another crop,
a day of farting prayer is
,,,, . and blessings are
with a few selections and a col-1 invoked upon the coming
for them
is observed-this in addition to
the I
i mt ii in every the
I fervid ; towns and cities
editors tor
and colleges want
dents. he list could be
ed at great length.
Una great drawback to many
young man is are unwilling
to begin at the bottom. I hey
have notions and want to
begin at the top. The most
men today industrial
began at bottom and
worked up- is no reason
why a section hand on a railroad
cannot become president of the
road it has occurred.
To succeed in the high places
one must be trained in the school
of experience, must learn to obey
they can learn to com-
Order, system, method
is essential in every undertaking.
The development of our public
school system is offering poi
lions of honor, trust and great
responsibility to men
of North Carolina as well as to
the women. The consolidation
of schools as well as establishing
schools of high grade that re
quire a number of teachers opens
opportunities to young men of
stability, character and
to command. It is no
discredit to them to that
amounted to
At the conclusion of the meet-
in tho Star warehouse, all
adjourned to warehouse
where was served, and
the dividend
checks went Daily the breach.
Reflector Ml h.
meat Saturday with V. P. at
Vi. won
some days ago from Forest
working to the
Virginia Other meets are
arranged with and
Lee and college. A
movement is on foot to have a
state meet at Raleigh.
The student volunteer mission
hand received into member ship
week Les S. Turlington of
the senior class. Turlington
makes the seventh member of
the band. Tho other
are E E. B smelt, A R. Morgan,
W. L J. W.
C. E. Norman and H. R.
The volunteer band is doing a
great work. Besides keeping
of are invited,
Greenville Finn Gels Another
York Cobb this town,
have been the contract
to erect a new building the A.
M. College, Raleigh, There were
fifteen bidders for tho contract,
but the Greenville was lower
than any other, their bid being
The next lowest bid
was the highest was
There quite a
range in the bidding,
Card of
We desire to our sin-
thanks to the bond of alder-
men and to and
men of the town.
the students, do an
deputation worn In the surround-
country in co-operation with
the twenty students engaged in
the rural Sunday school
Carolina has a clean sheet of
debating victories for this
collegiate year. fail
discredit to to that d won
women as head of schools a , and
except in rare instances from and
and we must have men to fill and Stacy Wash-
these places. The youth who has . ,
the national Thanksgiving day
U twice each year
tells of
some other it is more
honored in the observance than
been up to do he
pleases except he pleases to do
right and to obey his superiors
never succeed in these pines
it is a crime to allow them to
i their own way during the
years their character is being
formed They need stem
Donation to Library
who so kindly coop rated with
us in the of the
rest mom for women, which was
recently destroyed by fire. We
wish to say that the place is now
temporarily closed for want of a
suitable room for that purpose,
but it will be re established just
as soon as a can be secured.
A L. Blow, President
Patient Circle King's Daughters.
Mrs. J. G. Secretary.
Mrs. R. Treasurer.
Dr. O Hyatt be in
Mrs. Hooker, of Rich- Greenville at Hotel Bertha,
has sent a contribution of 2nd and 3rd. . and Tue.-
for Greenville i s
. V of the eye and
line to fit them for the that people away
interested in this good
T d

Eastern reflector, 15 April 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 15, 1910
Original Format
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Joyner NC Microforms
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