Eastern reflector, 8 April 1910

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-v . .
j in Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS i
Agent The Eastern and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application J
For We have just received a nice
i call or write A. of dole, A.
Co. Winter
ii. . N C have the
d price.
r . T. and Henry
For College, came in
spend a few days at
respective homes.
County School
by The A. G. Cox
Company ire
en ; ; comfortable neat and
W Ange Co. March T.
The is the Kind Smith went to Goldsboro f
you need. See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The spring rush is coming in.
Better send your orders in at
once for Cox Cotton Planters,
simplex guano sowers, economic
back bands, etc. Orders will;
are have our careful attention.
. in the market come to Bee l A G Cox Co
u m have desk for you.
w. u. of
i Wed ties visiting hit
sirs J- H. Smith.
day and returned Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Smith,
Ivy Smith and Marion Smith
went to Ayden Saturday to
attend the burial of Mrs. J. T.
Smith, of Middlesex, who died
there last Friday.
Rev. S- W. helped to
work on the Christian church
j at Arthur all of last week after
Thin popular remedy to
effectually core
Constipation. Sick
Torpid Liver and Bad Digest ion
The natural remit la food appetite
and to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
Do You Own a Piano
,. , I Monday, and preached very
N. C. I sermons Smith
It you want a useful planter. house Sunday morning and at
see combination planter, t returned to his
near Monday morning.
Joe Smith, of Wake Fore t
nice hearse j sausage an i fish, came in Friday even-
Mfg. Co. R. W. at Johnson to spend Easter with the
u, . . corn etc
We are carrying a nice Hue of ,, .
. . , ,. , i, Harrington.
and Caskets. Prices ,
a colored
died Wednesday Let us frame that for
s . Any frame.
A. Ange Co.
have just received a full
supply of furniture. Give us a
till. A. W. Align
Kick an of
t A. was hurt
Thursday morning. While
a lathe, a
cylinder which
vat in the
pi j in face
chin 11.1 are glad
. . had t-i I we
n . hen a r .
see D.
C c . time is
n ire for-
ward ;. lime. W
h . p more the
Count School
re ed you. ate
and comfortable-
Pi- and workmanship
A. . Cox Mfg.
. N. C.
The r- made in Winter-
auditorium, by
Charles E. Brewer, last
was He a
go d excellent de-
livery; and he gave us a fine
hp -co. you were not there
t hear him, you missed one of
treats of your life. We
hope n m be privilege to
Dr. brewer again ii the
Bear I
co f all
at l. n
nice lot cf
a ;
H u i, i Co
Ii y v i p
c- ii
V- i., of s call
H. I., Johnson's.
jet one.
.- m a are going f
d b Ange
Leave your on for ice at II.
home and returned Mon-
Hits Smith, of the
E. C. T. T. S. came Saturday
We have purchased the to spend Easter at horn
known as the
Milling and Mfg. will
and returned Monday morning.
J. H. of
be ready very soon to grind corn, county, is visiting relatives in
do general repair work and dress
Harrington. Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. W. Ange Cc.
Dry goods for the birds.
A. W. Cc.
Before buying, see line of
post cards, H. L. Johnson.
For spring dress goods,
embroidery and laces see OS-
New lot just in.
Harrington, Barber Cc
For and sprint
shoes, see my new lot.
The you people a
at Blue Banks on the Tat
Monday and report a very
They have the new church at
about ready for the
and windows.
It is planting corn time with
some people and others
is not
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds W. M.
has issued the following licensee
A. W, Ange since last report.
New lot of dry goods an no-
just in. Better while
they Hie cheap
A. W. Ange Co.
How is your soul Let
u- show you our new lot of
shoes. Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
sale. R. D.
Miss Juanita Dixon. who is
attending the E. C. T. T. S.,
came home an
and Sunday with her parents.
Miss Hattie Kittrell returned
to Ayden after spending
day and u day at home.
Rex Nobles, from
spent Saturday Sunday in
town visiting friends.
s Bonner Kittrell went to
J. Smith, one of Green
was in town
G is very ill,
L e of Vanceboro,
his aunt. Mrs. E E,
Miss May in from
Wilson Friday a to spend
at home.
Henry Langston came home
from Wake Forest Friday night
and returned yesterday.
Mrs. E. E. spent last week
L. Will delivered I in Ayden.
anywhere hi town- Mrs. Louisa Langston,
Matting and oil , or the
fl bay cover it over.
cull your attend n to our
new of groceries.
R. W.
Smith, W. H. a
spent Saturday and
Sunday Greenville.
Several new students entered
school Monday.
Miss Lillian Baker, W. H. S.
student, Saturday and
with her parents at
Services at the Baptist church
Services at Methodist
church last Sunday.
J. D. Cox, who has been down
in county for Severn
days, came home Saturday improving.
i spending sometime
with her son. C. H.
The school here closed Friday,
Miss Kittrell, our most
teacher, returned to her
Friday after-
Misses Vivian Roberson and
Jeanette Cox, of Winterville,
visited Miss Myrtle
and Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. from near
Greenville, part of last
week with hat daughter, Mrs.
Miss D Is little
Beatrice Tucker and Julian
entered High School
Mrs. who
been for two weeks, is
Guy and Bessie
John C. Crawford and Ethel
V. Allen.
Francis Peyton and
David Skinner and Or a. L.
Luther and Annie
Mil s and Lucy
Jones Man-
and Lather
Richmond Perkins and Vivia
Arthur Tyson and Amanda
Nerve energy is tho
force controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely,
cure you. Try it.
and left me on the ran
of the Mil
but m
I bail I UP
In a
WM and I
In until cured. I
am in
an to Ilia
remedy. I.
Myrtle Clock.
Your Dr.
we him to return
price of Brat If It
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co, Ind
King's Cross Roads. Mar.
We are very sorry to say that
the school at Ki X Roads
closed last Thursday. It was
taught by Miss M. Cox.
We hope to have her with
next session. There was a picnic
at the close of the school. There
an address at eleven o'clock
by Rev. B. F. Huske, of Green-
ville. The day was pleasantly
spent by all who were there.
of Hill and
Miss Minnie Smith, of Farm-
Sunday with Miss
Irene Smith.
Miss Lena I. Cobb, of
down last Wednesday to
attend the picnic and to spend a
few days with Miss Irene W.
We are very sorry to learn
K Smith is sic. We hope
to tee him in a few
Mr. Mrs. W. L Smith and
little son, William, of Greenville,
were here Sunday visiting
parent, Mr. aid Mrs. W. M.
last night with
his mother, Mrs. Mattie J.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Rudolph.
from near Greenville, attended
the picnic a. X
We arc to now Mrs.
Callie improving fast
to her in last
Saturday morning. She
companied by Miss Lena Cobb as
far as Greenville.
and you expect to own
soon, you owe it o to ex-
the ma display
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance will inspect a
line pianos not alone stand
in character cf c, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you . r t with prices
that stand here ard
incomparable where. Eight
different makes ti select from, none
of those cheap western department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged tame and
reputation in trade. Four
player-pianos known
We will take your in
exchange for one of sell play-
We also carry the
Old organs and taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
When in
Greenville visit out
Fin man it,
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o. store.
At the close of business, Jan. Will.
Woodland. N. C, March
close Friday
April 1st. All are invited
to and be there by
Miss Esther from
Greenville, is the week
with Noble.
Jennie and La Rut
Saturday night an i Sunday with
Miss Irene
W. A. and wife
to Ayden Saturday evening.
and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 02.60
Furniture and fixtures 1,178.68
Demand loans
Due from and 8,468.98
Silver coin, including
minor currency 280.46
Nat hank and other
D. nous 2,841.00
Capital stock 95,0011.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
expenses taxes pd
Time of deposit 702.20
Deposits subject to ck 14,077.08
Cashier's checks
Certified checks 71.63
F. A. Cashier of the above-named bank.
do swear that the above statement is true to the best of
knowledge and belief.
F. A.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 7th day of Feb.,
1910. It. II.
Notary Public.
A. Cox,
A. W. Ange,
J. E Green,
will sot 1- Will r Ilia o i
Will not nil roll Will in t rip c
like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during . i
They never long tho .
y of all, they make the
Sale of Land for
North a, i In Bop
Pitt county t U. C Moore,
Willis Johnston, F. V. Johnston,
J. H. and M.
By virtue of n of the
court of county, by O. C
Moore, c o i the 21st of
in f i Bull led
i ed
o . M. tn day of
April, at o'clock noon, being
the firs of tho t- rm of Pitt
sale lbs i h use door in
r for
cash tract if
land, lo on the aide
of river, in ton hip,
Pitt county beginning
on the edge Tar river at a
point where three formerly
lower edge of
the big y at
es with r to the big
slough, the old Parker's mil
line, thence down ad s u ti
or Red bank, creek, tie
aid creek to the rive, the
river to b g.
more or th me
tract or if I. t
in a certain execute by
C. Y. I lowly to O.
Dec. and recorded in the
Register's office in in took
Y-3, pate This sale will made
for i among in com-
the day of March,
F. C
For the week ending 23rd the
Ti in reports
the following new industries for
drug com-
cotton mill.
tobacco plant
Iambi r
plant; tilings.
Liberty mill,
brick works.
Richmond Post Office
Richmond, Va-. March
drilled the safe of the Richmond
p using what is known
to then us tho and
method of gaining en-
trance to the immense double
door safe and carted off between
and worth of
stamps. The robbers also got
about in money.
Milk Wagon Wrecked.
Saturday afternoon as Mr. S.
I. Dudley's milk wagon was pass-
the Atlantic Coast Line track
at the Fifth street crossing it
was run into by a hand car. The
wagon was badly wrecked and
Mr. M. D. Eason, who was
it. had his right arm badly
Grimesland, N. C. Mar. 1910.
Mr. H. A. White.
Greenville. N. C.
Please accept for the
prompt settlement our recent I
fire losses
j Supply Co.,
L. E.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Be Careful Where Spit.
It will be well for people going
up and down the street to take a
good look the anti spitting
notices which Chief of Police
Smith is putting up for public
information. A bit of
about where you spit
may be the cause of con-
tributing a V to the town treas-
Our Greenville, if you
An Lung and Bronchial it rid
of a cold by acting a cathartic on the bowel.
attraction or money refunded. Prepared by CO. U. A.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Farther Etc.,
id the Far South.
Tex-. March 1910.
Editor R fleet
The ground toward the south.
, .- Clio,. Chart, Ms Be.
Defeat. M. School . W ,, w v 1910 It was The Reflector man's
J About two months ago a WAT-, In municipal court yesterday Greenville N. C. March ,, H m M
In a slow, one-sided. Mayor Eure made an order d. The board now a to run over
ball Saturday afternoon, a the authorities at the 3.3 to for the of
School team camp to allow the
the boys from Winterville . warrant plaCed in the Holt, the young white man and and
School by the score of to L of Policeman W from this curt to T a of
The Training School boy. won officer kept a four ,. on an old larceny J As , ES ,
the game in the first inning by
the game in the fir at g for the but did, charge, to wear civilian clothes I
pounding the ball all over of regulation convict,
w. up with him until instead of
hits coupled with n. or
west and northwest is gradually I in mu. d , officer
a very great r
inning, giving them a
impossible Zr the Brick warehouse
The game as a whole was
Soon the foot hills be-
gin where next to the tropic
fruit an plantations the
raising of coffee is extensively
carried on. The coffee of this
region is in great demand on
account of its aromatic flavor.
quite a picturesque
town in the mountains, is the
market-place for the coffee of
progressive neighbor,
and spend the mere. The
occasion of the writ w is in re-
to an invitation from
Prof. W. C. the
superintendent of Washing-
precedent in local court circle. then his p. Is, and given
the records showing no previous then through regard -1 in department
instance where the .-.
he was
His family
stripes. The order sets a
being riot in bis deep
Cos and devoid of any features,
to rend the warrant.
. After
except cheering of the fail
the b. O. a. a- ,
of appearing in stripes not
enforced n prison r sent up
on larceny charges.
Holt is about years of age
and was arrested along with
another young fellow,
After reading the warrant
to come on
the E. I down town him, when .
which was of the big drop to be allowed to give Proctor. Monday on a warrant
variety. Holiday, for the which he said be alleging the pair were Conduct
his J going to. store , blind When the
striking out eleven . in Town . Policeman was called Tue y .
started with him and
when in the dark near
the Whole district. For and allowing only four hits.
cuff a ruin full
of GO to inches annually is R H E
sufficient, bu-. for effort to get away. Officer
bananas, which require ,,. a
deal of moisture. I
mend irrigation, which would
help to produce per cent, or
Holiday and Brown;
Tingle and Salisbury. Struck
Go wan grabbed the with
a pros as taken as to Holt,
while Proctor was convicted and
sent to the roads for four month,
mere an case on th
docket against. Hole Charging
X the
help to produce n by ft
more. State of , off Tin Two
not be better anywhere. met j ht,
; Holiday, Umpire James. j
We desire especially to say for wrenCh. d the weapon
visitors during the day as to bur. before sue-
I. ,,. . .
and friendship had honored him
and themselves by his
to body in aid
himself to me same honored
trust in tin- election
Whereas, We have
with deep and sincere regret
the death of our brother arc
fellow comrade. N. T. Cox, who
on the morning of February
1910, last
moos, therefore resolved,
in death i this up
right n and public t
the beard has lost a i and
Pitt a patriotic and most
He a a man
one hand and billet larceny, sentence at the time of
over head. A tussle conviction having been
red and both men on promise of goo I behavior,
. fight ail the time, bat Judge not dealings,
, hit, Jones. Three base hit. got out about the behavior, en-1 bU . ,.
farmers who had coma U James. I u when grabbed a judgment of n , ,,,
a rs. desire especially tn for and wrench weapon I j,, toe old case. keenly on
told me, that, while in w the day as to .,, sue- an earnest appeal to
she always had been
conduct Of the
with chills and fever. ye good.
had had the lungs,
several times. Since she e
to all the e
she never had
use a word of profanity.
, we could Bay it for all
been troubled any more. .-on.
of the settlers here had
rheumatism in Texas, it had
now entirely city. what great and
got at future will
in doing one to remove the sentence and,
was fired winch to get this, begged
order allowing her son
civilian cloths i stead
if stripes. The latter request
in th- stomach;
Having disarm the r
in getting
away, carrying pi-
water can b
depth forty to fifty feet.
Lands adopted for every branch
of can bought
Valley at five to
ten dollars per acre, of
from speculators, who are all
Americans; I even had to find.
out that ministers of gospel
keep up a lively land-speculation
business. And again I advise
never buy from these land-
agents, colony-promoters, etc;
but buy directly from hand,
Mexican or from the
tats or In every
state there i an abundance of
land to be had.
o is the market
f an products
at the same time best
and import harbor in Mexico.
Man thousand head of cattle
are shipped from there to
parts, and as I already
mentioned before, the city of
has steamboat-bins
New York, New Orleans,
ton, in short to all parts of th.
world. The visitors would
with him. He too
wounded to go tar without
fell in the b
granted Holt, while
serving time and bearing the
name of a felon, will Buffer
die humiliation of bis
. the
ard. ti
; .-.
lore reaching the of who in
Ai just now each train
and each steam boat
great numbers of
and land buyers to I
would wan, those that go tO w.
, Po
the land agents, in their , .
father out near Norfolk ft loud clothe Newt.
Southern railway main track.
Officer hard was
hurt in and he
down town to have the in
virtues, ever
forward, not
aspire and not to r- pi
and r to i .
one ideal his .
we x.
and n in this
grief our kindest
tenderer sympathy.
The board now adjourns the
tribute to he memory of a m u
life aid his
Particular Men Are Particularly I
and the two fliers went out
again to for find-
him in bed at the home of
his father. A physician was
power it is bard to shake them
has three American
hot-is. the house and
American hotel. A- mgr,, he said the
much the are , one
k it proving
Bay definitely, but that
some of tho agent have
there, at
reside there. I would advise th
new comers rather to put up in
the more
Mexican hotels. Tarn
has about Americans
I within its limit.
After a stay of about ten days
at La surrounding
Washington, U. C, April 1st.
As many citizens Pitt county
desire copies of the of
your county, and are anxious to
. .-, , .,, when this man and report
and not finding what distribution, I
wanted, a mountain son
and my home was to be made in . g .
world, -1 mountain valley at a higher
astonished to fee the enormous returned to
products amassed here waiting order the next train to
for shipment. Therefore the, Q E, Abra. westward,
government had built tho thence this trip
and that grandest of all write in my next.
torn-houses. Two railroads.
pended letter from the chief of
the bureau of soils.
Very respectfully.
Jno. H. Small.
are already leading into
the National from San Luis Pot
and the Central from Monterey,
while a third one in a short
time f.-om Mexico City to
through the rich
valley. From it
will be on the
Rio there to be con-
with the St Louis.
Brownsville Mexican Railroad.
thus shortening th.- distance
I shall be here but a very short
time; my return to Mexico being
necessary, s my friends will
soon be ready to start.
My regards to The Reflector
and readers of the same
P. In my writings to
Reflector I will not only bring
he bright, sunny side of this
wonder land before the mind of
the readers; I shall also touch
shady side, for every country
D. C, March
Hon. John H. Small,
House of Representatives.
to see our spring
things that men I con-
so many novel ties, much
la attractive in
and price, so many n-w style
t-at to
miss it will be a great
From the Top of Your- Head to
th.; soles of You Feet
are ready to provide you with
to weir. Hi's iliac
to swagger y man
or his mire
that is th dim at
style and good taste;
that will fool, fit
and wear.
Spring Suits that Cannot
Fail to Suit
no matter how critical
or how economic your
And but not least our foot-
Shoes that Show Style in Every
with comfort just as assured.
Every shape, every leather
last, but only one quality
the best.
You Can See all These for No
It therefore ordered
board row in to.- a C J
of i. u
his to The
It R -ct-r for
and a copy f these
be spread .
J. P.
J. Holland,
J. May,
. B. M. L.
W. E. Proctor.
W. M. Moore.
and can have a complete new
In reply to your letter of March for very little. Come,
I am returning today the
proof of the Pitt county.
North Carolina, soil map, and as
soon as the lithographers make
the few needed corrections and
look, admire and
Yours for style, comfort, economy
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
-if you don't trade with us we
print the edition the report will. money
be issued. In all probability this
the next thirty
thus shortening we ow--- side, for every country
from St. Louis co Mexico City certain which impress
nearly three hundred miles, which unfavorably,
would make so state that
more important. . I Mexico and its inhabitants are by
Further, when in five often grossly mis-
years the Panama canal will be
completed, will one
of the export harbors if you
the Asiatic commerce, and when.
the planned railroads will
will be within
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully.
Milton Whitney,
Chief of Bureau
When you want the best
pen get the Parker lucky
curve. New assortment of them
at Book Store.
Card of
We desire to return our
to the people of Green-
ville and vicinity tor the kindness
shown and sympathy expressed
for us in the recent death one
who was B devoted wife and
of Seas-a With Thai
of year.
Tho of the Green-
ville tobacco market fir the crop
of 1909 closed April 1st. id
Secretory E. B. the
Tobacco of Trade,
furnishes us the fig-
the season's sales and a
comparison with th for
the previous year April
For the reason from August
1st. 1909 to April 1910, the
were pounds for
998.01. n of
hundred pounds.
For the season f r m August
1908, to April 1st. 1800, the
sales were pounds for
an average of
per hundred pounds.
The decrease for the season
over the one just previous in
pounds was in money
These figures make a remark
able showing for the
market, in that for such
the last one held
i s own better made a better
record sales than any other
bright tobacco market in ti .
of the and one her
classes, luncheon was
served n I basement of the
school and
proved an occasion f real de-
light. The menu
prepared and of
were moat
showing bow well the in
domes science department
were being It a
spread that would
and the
press appreciation and
praise. .
conclusion of de-
n past, u
-talking Con-
n Public and
then charge toast master,
appropriately introducing the
following speak rs to re to
toasts, throwing in
bunches of wit us to make
fragrant and
School, o. B.
C. H. Hard-
B. Howard.
Training U.
U. B.
Years of in
-Public Schools in Beaufort
W. L
Girl Today, and
Girl of D-
Whichard. ,.
C. M.
i in Our
F. C.
Following the
to go tor their
and gave a brief
sketch of the and
work of Washington's public
school that was of much interest.
When he had concluded C. M.
Brown a rising vote of
thanks to the teacher and class
of domestic science for the
orate and enjoyable luncheon
they had serve.-, meeting
with resp
of through
handsome public building,
which is the best arranged
and equipped in Che State.
Washington is certainly to be
congratulated upon her public
school and the interest shown
there in education. By the in-
of manual training,
domestic science and
ten departments in tho school
and carrying them to such
the town is taking a lead
that others might wail follow.
Land Sale Greenville.
or more-wood land
lying within yards of the
limits of the town of
Greenville, for Monday.
April 1910,
the lands of w
P. C Harding,
d w

i . .
i. R. J. G.
J. R. J. G.
IT is our aim at all times to
sell only such goods as
have the stamp of confidence
satisfaction. A satisfied
customer means a
customer, and we en-
to merit and hold our
trade by selling reliable
goods, just what they are
represented to be.
To meet the needs of our customers, we are
carrying the most complete line of
General Merchandise
to be found in Eastern North Carolina, em-
bracing everything needed about the house
or the farm.
Our early spring goods are coming in and we
are now showing an attractive line of
Silks and Dress Ginghams,
White Laces,
Edgings, Embroideries, Etc.
Farmers should bear in mind that we have
the very best in FARM IMPLEMENTS.
Every housekeeper knows that
Our Grocery Department
cannot be by any store.
Local Unfit far ;
Subscribe to Reflector.
Norton yam at
Get cabbage plants today
D. D. Haskett.
C record
M II. White,
of Hertford will be exhibited
the coming Mason at K.
L. in
d w
Jut dOne ear o
Raven I a-H coil, th- on ;
market. It is trade
soft coal and won't your
stovepipes so Call up
W. J. Turnage when you want
coal. f
Sweet juicy yam p
pr-r peck, per bushel.
J. R. J. G
Roofing, the best of all
composition for sale I y
J. K. J G.
the cheapest thing
in modern life, only cents per
In West Granville beautiful
residence lots for sale on easy
terms. See Biggs
When j i want the best
pm get the Parker lucky
curve. New s sort men t of
at R Hector Book Store.
S M.
Norfolk, Va., Washington,
Wilson, Raleigh, New
City, Beaufort and
N. C.
No . m
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H Ar S it IS
c mm
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t Sunday Sunday only, f I
no will Mop at local station to kt off from
or of I
No. will at local to oft holding
of Thia at Norfolk with
all rail lion to all point North. Hast and West.
H. a. P. A. W. W. A. Q. P. A.
T. LAMB, v.
r . handlers
vent to market.
Thin farmer
at home.
And find the market
unfavorable for your
produce The farmer
who has a telephone in his home can telephone
first The useless trips thus saved are worth the
cost of service.
Under our plan the service costs but a trifle;
the farmer owns the instrument and the equipment
For information write to our nearest Manager
for pamphlet, or
Line Department
Henderson, N. C
Norfolk Cotton sad wired
b J. W. Perry Co. Cot on
Middling IS
Low Middling
Low Middling U -4
strictly 3-4 -J
f 11-2
L w Grade,
Co. Bail
May U
May 1-4
Dee Corn I-I
May Kiln
July 1830
May Lard
Coon Mar it. reported by
Cobb res. Co.
Cotton Buyers, Broken
in Stocks. Cotton. Gram
and Provisions
New York.
New Orleans.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Our yours if you
Tax For
Land Near
or more-wood land
i Inn yards of the
p r of the ion
A. 1910. b-ii it known
the lands the-
J die
P. C Harding,
d n
A Lest Tin Mine a Lead
in failure
in I lit. Ilia.
of n
tin in ii.
Inn for a
I if
m ilia now
mil In-low Hit wilier
ii-ii for
in lit in.
at- owner borrowed
built a Ken will lo ml oil water.
mid went
day. an
rich ore In lap.
it'll. rule up.
upon in- went in pieces
m nil. in- drove
in ii; Mi-
In ii in were
mill owner
a ruined
A y i; the
lead mine In
Believing a rich rein
in hill.
entire lo iv h
feel Into Hie bean of live
i wall nick Into n hid-
Unwed a
dump rock Into
mid mm a
In tail the and
and ill In all had
lulu ravers, It
Thai is known to this
day Ha I'll.
Of tub
by two are ear-
lo In
more ran
tared I bore, and I here are only sis or
r.-hi u In In
of our knowledge Is
evidence I hey Dot
there. whose presence Is
proved many of
are the In
lion of and fact Is
that u
the all spare, from
the alum the most distant
No is
-n v
ii. M iv
due mi
j .-. W
ii 1-. n.
. n in, Hen.
May It
Vines, Hen
W. H
y that the prop-
person- will
the may r's
at noon on
t ti .-luxes
an of e, for
Ti C St. Tot I.
s. C I.
I Mi
a J
. , Tax C Hector,
if you
Water Damage Sale
We have a small quantity of that were
slightly damaged by water during the recent
fire which will be closed out at much below
regular prices. In this lot are some Rugs. Mat-
tings, Dressers, Chairs, etc., that are great bar-
gains at reduced prices.
Our regular stock of Furniture embraces all
that is new, attractive and
such articles as are needed in your home.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If tr.-de with us we both mike money
Tl e sale f the g
M and twenty-one town tot .
which w k i March h
w non,
be t Id on at
t Ki
further Ii. n a; ply to,
i. . , , hi i
V. G. James, r. ltd
Stray Cow Taken Up.
I have taken on farm J R.
in .
tin re t th-
y l r r- If in.
I a II tic cow Ht f rm, April
r I, I k. N a .
sure you see our line of
before you make your Easter purchase
Yours for fashions,
Story of
Chiller King arrives in
met ts beautiful of
II-King a for
Robin, the yo-mg nil r of the
whoa; is John
an American. Ill
minister police,
warn him . the
era IV-King invades the royal
meets the d
to the lad's Aunt Loraine.
committee of ten, a
the meets in an
disc c one who is to kill
with a VI.-John
s on the beautiful Count,
who w him her hat-d
and not I Count
THE witch was her
huddled audience, cursing the
soldiers, laughing gleefully In
faces of her stately, scorn-
to the irritation of
Baron toward whom she
the prince In Ms
arms. Colonel stood before
the babbling, leering
from thrusting her face close
to that of boy. Count-
Marians, pale and rigid, her won-
slowing with
Stood behind John
With Incredible the storm
passed. Almost Us height there
came n cessation of the roaring
pest, the downpour was checked, the
thunder died away and the lightning.
trickled off Into faint flashes. The sky
cleared as if by magic. The
If you please, was
most thing I've
ever said over and
The Countess Marians was
violently. observing this,
tried to Ian- ii away her
c Hi n's he
said. she
said In n low
voice. as if n grave personal
danger had Just by. Sol
danger for real of you. but for me
alone. Thai Is sensation I have
the feeling of one has stepped
back of abyss
In time avoid being over.
can't you See I
N. my countess shad-
V. lie it as soon as we
Ten minutes later the
started down the rain swept road in-
ward city, dry blankets having
been across the saddles
pied by Hie ladles mid prince The
witch stood In her doorway, laughing
gleefully. Inviting come often.
again, she
croaked sarcastically.
next time come It Will he With
a torch lo burn you shouted
back To he
sir. they did well lo barn
Witches in your town of Salem. You
Cleared the country of them-the
the lowering shades
rode prince's puny Swiftly, even
Bayly by of relaxation from the
of Weird half hour. No one
revealed the slightest sign of
arising from
demonstration Hi which nature hail
taken n hand.
King, for reasons best
known to himself, soon Into
a thoughtful,
us. he was vexed mill
disappointed. When gallant start
was from the glen of men's
he found that be be cast
utterly completely Ignored
toy fair She rode off with
Count without
friendly wave o hand
lo him.
so officer In the
. .-i by order or
therefore, bad
her back In rather a vexing
mile of
the ride to city. He galloped along
beside baron, a prey to gloomy
What was the use
lie had no chance to win her. That
was for story books and plays. She
to another world far above
The baron's dry. Insinuating voice
broke In upon the mass
thoughts. think it's pretty we'd
that she's going lo marry
The little old minister had been
reading King's thoughts; he had the
of seeing his victim start
guiltily. King managed to control him-
self, asking bland
Is It a good match,
smiled. so. lie
has been a wild, but believe
he has settled down. family.
lie is desperately In
j hadn't thought much about It Is
she in love with
Seas a great deal of was
the diplomatic answer.
Would you mind me Just
BO she Is.
was startled.
you mean. sir. that yon don't
know be Baked, almost harshly.
don't know her
you had the to My
excellent friend, you me
know that Americans are but. by
gad. sir. I've always looked upon them
as gentlemen.
milled very red In the fan-.
better bear my side of the
story She went to school With
my sister. knows me. but refuses
to tell who she
my boy. If she elects to
you In dark her MUM
it Is not for me to
not he
as a D
ins lit.
betray her. Ladles
In her position. I
dare say. e n J y
these little mys-
It was
they entered the
northern gates.
Above the castle
. . King said
. X countess, gravely
saluted the Sleep
W L, prince f.
ed Mr. off
II I lie heart the
He was
Either she had for
gotten to say go. d
by In him or
Willfully I-
Ignore him altogether, any rate,
she entered gates lo the
grounds without SO as In
knew in that he
was in have a sleepless, unhappy
In his at hotel be round
the letter,
fr same source, tint
lime printed In crude, let-
It had been stuck under door
at once. You am
great danger save
bis lime be not laugh. That
was from lie bad no
doubt. why she should tun
herself so persistently bis
was quite beyond him. it.
after all. could she mean by
He Indulged In a long spell
by I'll
not tub the first shin of
I'll stay hi-i-e and assist
in this matter. And I'll
p, up t. witch's bole before I'm
u day h hate it out with her.
I'll where the smoke rams
from, and I'll know where eye
went He sighed without knowing
It. Jove. I'd like to do
lo show her I'm not
she thinks
He could not Huron
night nor early the next day.
after being as lbs
only British In the world,
changed his mind made randy lo
King to the hovel in Clan-
look gap
II streets In the vicinity of
plaza were tilled With strange,
rough looking
are Kin.
, n strike on among the men
building the said
They'd batter look out for
said King, soberly.
don't like of They
look like
Take my word fur It. sir. are.
They're lbs riffraff of nil
I hope Bares knows how
to In some anxiety.
In due time rode Into the Sam-
solitudes of gap up
to the witch's glen. Here Mr
balked. He refused to far
than the month of the stony
vine. approached the
tOte Ross herd grandson was
driving flock of geese across the
howl below the cabin. I He
American out to BUS. n
later the youth, considerably
drove his geese up the
they were vainly
each other the old woman
Ottering she
down to confront King with bias-
eves. Her horrid grin of
brought flush to bis cheek.
lay you a hundred ml
the kettle and smoke experiment Is a
fake of worst he announce.
It your own way-have It
your she
what I'll I can t ex
pose that trick In ten minutes I'll
you a present of a hundred
She on like, a flash, a fact
a rule Her an
gored ill proposition.
Ii a mocking how the
ti g aside and
fur him her into
hundred Is a
easily to be said m
can I he that you will
me you I
Is la mi I
don't pay. y-u may your ex
grandson to crack tin
head He looks as though tied do It
for a good deal less money. I'll
that for
Is honest SB honest as I
cried the old woman.
She bestowed a toothless grin I
him. what is it you to
want to go through that
lo satisfy myself of one or two
King was looking bard
crack In door. Sud-
he started as If shot.
. The staring, burning eye was again
looking straight at from Jag-
crack the door
get you Ibis be
crossing room two eager leaps.
The door violent clutch swung
open It a
owner of mocking,
tom eye was gone
I Like n frantic dog. dashed
about little kitchen, looking In
every comer, every crack, for signs of
thing be chased. old woman
was standing In the middle of the
outer room, grinning at nun gen-
she croaked. fool.
You fool Search Smell him out All
good It will do you Ila.
gad. I gel at the bottom of
stubborn rage
possessing him. some one
here. ml I know It- I'm not such a
fool as to believe Say What's
The ceiling the eternal, that scrap-
noise explains It There's where
the secret trapdoor celling
Within arm's reach, at that Watch
me. old
The hag standing in the kitchen
door now. grinning evilly. She
watched eager young man pound
upon the low ceiling with a three leg-
stool that he had from the
He pounding vigorously the
roughly boarded celling when
sharp of the old woman, raised
In command, caused him lower the
and turn upon her with gleaming.
triumphant eyes. The look be saw
her face was lo check bis en-
for moment. He dropped
the started toward her.
arms extended to catch her swaying
form. The look of the dying was In
her She seemed to be crumpling
before him.
rent-bed hat In time, his strong
arms grasping Trail, as
lie went off I OS
won't see him She waited a
moment and went on In must I
Ingratiating ton care to
into my I show you
road he look.
Hilt Mr. In- hair on end. had
the rein of King's horse and
was patting boot his own beast,
frantically into the path that
lad away from hated, spot.
Down tin- road he crashed, pursued by
witches whose persistence put to
the efforts of those famed ladies of
Tam In the long ago. If he
bad looked over bis shoulder he might
have discovered he was followed
by a riderless horse, nothing more.
But a riderless horse Is s
Why does Great buy
Its oatmeal of us
Certainly it seems like carrying
to Newcastle to speak of export-
oatmeal to Scotland and yet, every
year the Quaker Oats Company
hundreds of thousands cases
Quaker Oats to Great and
The reason is simple; the
English and Scotch have for centuries
eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a
regularity that has made them the
most physically, and
mentally of all people, the
been eating and trying all
the lime to improve the methods
manufacture so that he might get that
desirable foreign trade.
How well he has succeeded would
be seen St a glance at the export re-
ports on Quaker Tins brand is
without a rival; is packed In regular
packages, and in hermetically staled
tins for hot climates.
Fire and Water
Damaged Sale
We have a quantity of water
damaged goods, consisting of
Furniture, Matting, Rugs, Carpets,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,
Lace Curtains, Window
Shades, Pictures,
Trunks, etc.
which we are selling from to
regular price.
We also have a new lot of Fur-
received since the fire.
We are getting in new goods daily
and invite you to come to see us.
We will try to please you.
It sank to the floor. As he lifted her
from her feet. Intent upon ear-
her to the air. her bony
Into his arm with the
of he believe Ida
low, mocking came from
her lips.
Down where the pebbly yard
tho mousy hanks Mr.
eves dirk little hut up
the A quarter of bud
passed since Kins disappeared through
the doorway, Mr. getting
The shiftless, lanky herd ram
forth In time and lazily drove hi. scat-
Into the lower
Presently of a
thin stream of rather black
than blue, arising from the little
at the rear of the cabin. His
Manager Prank T.
of tho Virginia
Champions, found j
Liniment best for
bruises, stiffness.
One will convince you. I
Requires but little rubbing.
Here's the Proof
have -I occasion use
1.1- .,. m two my arms,
it it were .
and able resume it
r Have luted It
and com
m it ever It Is In for bruises,
m .
Mesh's It heat remedy
Joints and Here
. Tooth;
in be nit
Done and
Muscle Aches ind
Pain.-. Tho
ArK on e V r y
by dealers in
pie by Ire
Noah Remedy Co.,
1910 Brought Many Chang
wide his heart
n sudden bis
mind leaped backward to the
mystery of day be-
It wait on the end of bis
In out patron, to
mm to to
come BlOB home, when old
woman herself appeared In the door-
way alone.
She sat down upon the doorstop,
sway a Ions pipe, her hood-
ed fine almost invisible from dis-
Which be resolutely held. She
was ban a black. Inanimate
hem. of roes piles against the door
iamb. ,,
let out a The old TO
man arose and hobbled toward
upon n meat ran
Who wheres Mr. called out
Her arm raised, a bony
to the show her
hovel. ,
He's c lie Didn't
Wells Browne
Hangs Wall Paper
That you Might SI well
poke down a nit hole and
coo results, u t it to
me one who ow more
about paper than When
piper pops and
d fact
the face, th you have mace H mistake
a d waste Next time
soar house
talk to Wells Brow. S. He is head-
in line He is re aid ,
reasonable in his ready to
guild anything that HOBS wrong
with his w N.-w goods In,
and a season ahead,
in hut and next tune you w
in his line, come drawn
play Ave. below
tell to
to him That little brick triangle
g is place.
Greenville. N. C
And among them bin change in the
style of Furniture. I watched this care-
fully, and did not buy until was ab-
sure I was setting the newest
and best to be had. Consequently. I am
Offering the furniture buyers Of Green-
ville and adjacent country
The Most Artistic Stock of
ever shown them. You will therefore
find it to your best interest to visit my
store in the White building, near Five
Points, and examine my stock before
J. H. BOYD, Jr.
For Slate
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
J. J.
Tin Shop Repair Work, and
Flues in Season,
I. C.
Barber Shop
Herbert Prop.
Located in main business sec-
of the town Five chain
in operation and each one
over by a skilled barber
Our place is inviting,
Our towels clean.
r-. electrical
dry n La-
hi their homes.
Send along your orders for
printing. R Hector Printing
House turning out work.
Mr. London I owned
your d h curt-
ism for the blood
Hollister's Mountain Tea
him r
it with tours If. Jno. Wool.-n.
Wt- all kinds of dry
Wood. you at any turn-
stove. stove.
keep and b coal,
s your
C. W. Harvey Co.
Mrs. Kale k- it
IS vi
children, and would not
Tea e . Drives
bring hap.
Us the
world's server.
Jim. I. o on.
B. K. CO., have purchased
the w. H. and will
a lint- of
such a Hat. Com, rodder.
Hulls Co n Meal. rind
t corn. Vt , ill be
to accommodate -mi at any time
Saturday i Blinding days
organs, the
Hie Such in
lbs most
pi-, v. and cur.- bad

Former Roosevelt ration five minutes after the The esteemed Wilmington Pis-
visited Rome Monday and the alarm is sounded, is a great in- patch has refused to show up in
populace almost went wild over no doubt, but we expect our office for three days. Hope
him, even if be was denied an he will have a hard time we
have not offended Editor
audience with the pope.
Subscription-One Year
Six Months
Single Copy
in may be had upon
application it the business office in ID
Reflector Building, corner Evans and
in the office at Greenville
N. C., mail matter.
This March went back on the
old saying, as it both came in
of his beds
Cowan by getting the better of
him in the argument, if so here's
The Republicans the tenth apology. Let the Dispatch
congressional district held desk is very in-
goes out like a lamb. invention in Asheville, i complete without it, and if there
has not been much blowing and re-nominated John G. is grievance settle we'll
the month. I Grant for congress without j both borrow Jim Robinson's lit-
So the little tilt for j tie suit and swim it out
There is a lively investigation. did not together at
going on in the Mississippi to anything.
April will bring the showers
that make the flowers.
Keep your overcoat out in
handy reach tor a while longer.
Talk about the bag being it.
what is the matter with the
No we will see if April is to
do the blowing that March did
not do
Co the Civic
League by doing what
to help keep Greenville clean.
Guess feels that be-
ginning a live day term to-
day is somewhat of an April
If could have his way
it would take all the money the
government could raise to build
over some bribe
in connection with the recent
election, of a United States sen-
The editorial page of
day's Durham Herald being
made up of clippings is
evidence that Joe
had gone Good luck to
they have done it. The West-
papers have been
the corn farmer of the corn
belt last and he made only
bushels an acre. One of
our Southern readers nude
bushels on an acre. It only re-
mains now for us to set out to
do on a large scale what we have
already succeeded so over-
in doing a small
We have the advantage of the
West in three
sunshine, and rainfall.
They have the advantage in one
in the soil. We
can get this humus. And the
best way to get it is by growing
nitrogen-gathering cow-
By the way. some weeks ago
Dr. Cook may win out yet on j The Reflector the f
the North Pole matter. New a few prizes offered by business
York capitalists have offered to men in the corn grown g j of all-
million dollars to in this county. It in to maximum
of stable
Progressive Farmer and
able him to go back to the arctic
regions after his proofs to
the claim that it was he.
and not Perry, who discovered
the pole.
is feeling jealous that
Richmond got ahead with the
largest post office robbery on
Did that suggestion for a mass
meeting to discuss an opera
house and Greenville's other
needs full as flat as all that
What is the matter with the
Attention is called to the new
bank statements now appearing
in this paper. The condition of
the banks is a good indication of
the business progress of a com-
Greenville and Pitt
county has good banks.
is out of jail,
finished his sentence of
five He should now so
deport himself as to keep out of
court and out of the papers, even
though be should love his
corn planting time now
many boys over the county are
going into the contest. The
number of prizes offered ought
to be much larger, and the boys
encouraged in their work in
The esteemed State Dement, every way possible. The entire
of Raleigh, its feeling of county will be by the
lonesomeness at being only contest, for it means better
paper in the State which farming and better crops,
local self-government
straight from the As
local self government has long
since gone on the hip. there is
no need of even one paper fol-
lowing such a forlorn hope.
The pope missed seeing Teddy,
and Teddy missed seeing the
pope. Wonder which one miss-
ed most,.
When gets out of
go West if be
the head-
of an advertisement that at-
tracts many women readers of
newspapers If they just had a
head like ours they would not
need the dye pot at all to get it
The attention of The Reflector
has been called to the fact that
certain parties have been going
through the county offering to
sell farmers fertilizer formulas.
Only a receipt for mixing the
Robert has retired as fertilizer ingredients is sold the
editor of the Spring Hope Lead- farmer, and in the purchase he
having sold his interest in agree to keep it a secret,
the paper to his partner, Walter gets pay for letting an
Buck. Mr. Buck is a Pitt have it. Quite a tempting
and once held a proposition, and such a reminder
with The Reflector He is tie ate washing machine
good one and know what to In this age of
with a print shop. no farmer should be
taken in with a fertilizer
Au immense strike was in- . . .
la humbug,
Thursday night when
three hundred thousand coal
miners lay down their tools and
quit work. The territory of the
strike covers the coal fields of
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, e ,, ; ;,.,.
Oklahoma and Arkansas.
We were afraid that the East-
hat would cause trouble, and
it has done so. Where would it
be more looked for
than in the good old-fashioned
city of Charleston, where, we
are told, the people think the
three foot neck ruffle of the
Elizabethan age still prevails
The first serious quarrel over the
Easter hat comes from that city,
as is evinced by the following in
The Charleston
An Easter hat caused a man and
a girl to quarrel. The cruel
said that hat looked like a
fried and the girl
threw their engagement ring
his countenance. It was
awful, baa goes to show the
evils of Easter The
Easter hat has many sins to ac
count for, but we suppose its
brim is wide enough to cover, if
not to support than all. Char-
To B. April Mb
10.30 a.
Rev. B. F.
Reading of minutes of last
of Betterment
11.-Essential Steps of the
Recitation Prof. H.
E. Austin.
General discussion.
p. on drawing.
Miss Kate W. Leis.
This is the lasting meeting of
the association until next
and a full attendance of all the
teachers is desired. If your
school has closed you are under
the same obligation to b present.
We request every teacher to be
prepared to report the gross
amount of all money raised for
any purpose during the
school year. Please prompt
in attendance on sea-
the association,
day. Some announcements will
be made it is necessary
for you to hear.
W. H.
Supt. Schools.
warns to keep playing the hold
up racket.
There early
and That
promises meat
for a
Some counties are already get-
shape to hold their
conventions. Quite early, it
seems to us.
Former President Roosevelt
got a ride with the king of Italy,
and perhaps he feels like that
beat seeing the pope.
The fishhooks are cheap and
the worms are not in the trust.
Greensboro News.
Yes, but the fish themselves
are the and you can't
get them out unless you have
Here's another editor trying to
get in the class of Editor Cowan,
of the Wilmington Dispatch, but
this is to inform him that he
will get left in the race.
aldermen of Kinston went
A paragraph is going the
round about a girl dying from
tight lacing. Those corsets
Reported for Reflect
The school at X Roads,
taught by Miss Hull Cox. of
Winterville, closed Thursday.
March with a very enjoy-
able picnic.
At eleven o'clock Rev. B. F.
Huske, of gave an
address. Mr. Huske took as his
subject, Will We do With
meaning our lives. He
handled the subject very master
after the near-beer dealers right, should he done with and if fully and at the close all felt that
An ordinance adopted levies a tax the can't live without they had been helped by hearing
of dealers, provides zed we suppose men could an able
that places where it is sold shall who
Woodland N. C April 1610.
Miss Annie Hun and Mabel
Craft returned to their home
Sunday, after spending two
weeks with friends and relatives.
Miss Lela Garris, of Grifton,
is spending a few with her
uncle. N. Garris.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith, of
Ayden, spent Sunday her
mother, Mrs. Fred
Misses Jane Craft and
Ba n Macclesfield
came in last Friday to a
while with friends and relatives.
School closed Friday.
was a large crowd to behold the
entertainment. It was very
encouraging to see what good
our teacher could do and what
she had done.
Mrs. John who fell
and died at her home in Washing-
ton y, was brought in
day morning on the N. S.
train and taken from there
through the country to the
burying ground here for
burial Saturday evening.
themselves. As old as we are
If you do not pay your poll tax
this month you will lose the
privilege of voting. There are
to be some elections this year,
You must not regard the first
of this month bill collector an
April fool, even though you
make him feel like one by put-
ting him off.
The Charlotte Observer says
Mecklenburg farmers will this
year reduce cotton acreage and
increase their corn crop.
farmers should do likewise.
The government investigators
re now after the bucket shop
manipulators, but it remains to
be seen how many of them will
go busted.
Governor Kitchin has pardon-
ed ex Sheriff A. W- of
Sampson county, who was con-
of embezzlement and
sentenced to four
About half of the
term had been served and the
pardon was because of ill health.
We are afraid that the early
date of the Press Convention at
Wrightsville will break up Jim
Robinson's contemplated fun
with his little bathing suit,
less he takes an oil stove along
in the same envelope.
have u full view of the
from a public street and have no ft farthing of
entrance except on a public a private corset, than see
street, and prohibits such places these girls dying in that manner,
being open except between sun- Office hours almost any
rise and sunset. .
after the address dinner
was served on the grounds and
Wilson Times is
If Governor Kitchin wanted
to keep out of jail, he
ought to have got ahead and
done so taken the
As it is the five days
in jail was playing a
farce at imprisonment.
we'd rather devote three hours all who attended wish to thank
Mis Cox and the got d women of
the neighborhood for such an
enjoyable dinner. It was as
nice us the most fastidious could
desire and it was in the greatest
abundance, in fact there was
plenty left to feed as many more
and then some.
After dinner was over the
crowd amused themselves by
strolling over the grounds en
gaging in conversation and plan-
for better things for the
future. Remarks were heard on
every side that the time had
come when King's X Roads must
have a better school building, a
building more in keeping with
once City
,. or vegetable gardens who have
more looking like its former self. give to
A little more than a month ago not properly
the plant was practically de- fenced can appreciate the fol-
by fire, and while the lowing from The Wilson Times.
work of restoration started at. old saying that
i . ens come home to If
it required some time to , ,
, , . . , they would also stay at home
get the plant building the the neighbors
to natural conditions. We con- trying to gardens
The Times that it has
surmounted the disaster.
A butcher who cannot con-
a buyer that a four year-
old rooster is a spring chicken,
or cut a porter steak from time, the scratching flower
would like it It is not
at home of neigh- j the spirit of the school and one
chickens that vegetable of which such a progressive
and flower growers are always so neighborhood would be proud.
much about as it But all these things soon
their staying at home the day brought us to the time when we
The fellows who stole the
stamps from the post office in
Richmond g t caught. Borne
others who rob the government
manage to escape. And robbers
of the people by the aid of the
government go free.
a of bologna, isn't up to the jig time when the scratching
twentieth century fever upon
Ledger. i Observer.
Neither is he in the same class The comment of The Observer
with the fellow who can palm
off three year cold storage eggs
tor the fresh laid article.
Congress the
twelve years after. Not
every memory reaches that far.
The Board of County
are proceeding with the
idea that is worth doing
is worth doing They are
giving the utmost care to the
of plans for a new
court house and a new jail, so
A Paris furniture dealer who that their conclusions may best
has devised a bed with an alarm
clock attachment, which causes
the bottom to fall out if the
mt up before the
serve the interest and welfare of
the county. the buildings
are erected you will see that the
is very timely and to the point,
but the quotation used happen-
ed to be the product of some
other than the
contemporary named.
must say goodbye, and this day
so pleasantly spent be a
thing of the past Especially
was it hard to bid farewell to our
most efficient teacher and it was
with deep regret that we learned
she would not be with us an-
other year. We hope Miss Cox
success wherever she may go
and we will ever remember her
with kindness for such a pleasant
The Real Belt.
The biggest discovery the
South has made these last live
years is that we are in the corn
we are, in fact, the
real corn belt. In point of
sunshine, ind rainfall,
we have over the
West, and every time
farmers have
Register of Deeds W. M.
has issued the following
since last report;
Harry Moore and Martha
Stewart and Jane Jack-
commissioners have acted wisely, out to beat the West yields son.
Says Newspapers Took Much for
Capt. Glenn R. B
told a reporter that during a
recent visit to Washington he
was asked by some of the news-
paper correspondents if he would
be in the race for the Democratic
nomination for congress this
fall. He replied that under no
circumstances would he be-
Some of the correspondents
took this as a basis for the
statement that the ex-governor
would be a candidate for
Senator seat. Capt.
Glenn says that such a thing was
mentioned. Senator Over-
man has more than five years to
serve and the ex governor de
dares he has not given the mat-
a thought; that he has plenty
of business to look after just now.
Capt Glenn says that every-
where he goes he finds that
North Carolina held up as the
model State of the
Salem Sentinel.
Now North
For the week ending March
30th, the Chattanooga
the following new
tries for North
Fay lumber
Durham-115.000 machinery
North Cotton
New bottling
spoke and
handle factory.
Greensboro-$100,000 land
Cooleemee Drug company.
. k a -a-
Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Ad Rising rates furnished
Mrs. Irvin Jenkins and R. F. j
of Grifton, T.
Nichols, of Greenville. She I
lived to see her children all mar-1
and doing well, except R.
F. Jenkins, who is still single.
We are the oldest
and strongest Life and Fire
Insurance Co. in the world.
Call us and let us consult
you. Ayden Loan Insurance
Co. Phone
Ed Hodges, of Kinston.
For Sale-One second hand
6-h. p. Cooper engine and boiler,
mounted, one Brown
cotton gin, condenser, hand
press, belts, etc. J. M. C.
son. R. F. D. Ayden, N. C.
John Fulford, a popular hard-
ware salesman of Washington,
was here Friday.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. R. Co. Dixon.
Dr. E- L. St. Georgia,
will preach in the Free Will
Baptist church Friday night,
State of
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
Smith Co. Dixon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dawson
lost their baby week.
An experienced blacksmith is
waiting to shoe your horses and
mules at J. R. Smith Co Dixon.
Miss Ella Rasberry, of
was here Wednesday.
Now is a good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department-
R. W. Smith.
Miss Lela Roach and sister,
Mrs. John H. Burney. of
ville, were here Thursday.
If you have news items, tell
this scribe help us to make
this column a creditable one.
Don't treat him like you do a
book agent, and then wonder at
the feeble he is making.
We are not all like Josephus
Daniels, we need your
K- W. Smith.
Ed Powell and wife, of Cm-
were here Thursday.
. An Awful Eruption
Callus Let us rent I Cox cotton planter of. brief
collect for you. spring plows and cultivators
Will property. R Smith Co. their quickest cure. Even the
money on reasonable Sunday visiting relatives
i Ayden Loan Insurance Co. in the country.
J. R. Smith a juror for the j Dr. Perkins native herb tablets
April term of Federal court, 26th. and other patent medicines at
Call on us for ceiling, flooring J. R Smith Co.
B, .-.--
; Boon healed by it. Best burns,
lip, chapped hand,
and plea It gives instant
He at all druggists.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
The old Methodist church
getting on its feet ready for g
Mrs C. L. Patrick went to
Winterville Saturday to visit
Mrs- J. H. Smith, is very
Candy and belting.
Farmville. N. C April 2.-1
House moving has become
almost a daily business in Farm-
M g
black and galvanized pipe and people planning
business purposes and for
to the of the other mill fittings at J. R. Smith
town to be converted into a Co.
dwelling. Misses Edith and Mun-
you want to buy, ford spent Sunday in
lease, sell or rent houses or land, Winterville.
or want a job for yourself, wife, barbed wire, lime
daughter, mother or sister, or and cement at J. R. Smith Co.
want to employ additional help, j y a
or sell what you have, there is f widower and post mas
no better medium the col- Ur of Sunday
Of j many in Ayden.
Work began Monday morning
W. M. Lang's new brick store,
near Mrs. Fannie L. Joyner's
is going up very rapidly.
Farmville is to have a third
tobacco warehouse soon.
Wilson street has been extend-
ed through the strip of woods
the east side of the town.
About May 1st the
fail- to restore tho
appetite. Immediately upon In m-
ii- a very ran-
Tin- n. of
restores the
To the organs
a pour way to remedy
am now
fill in all In-
Cm and 11-
only it I
and J
avoided all
Mr. II.
0.1 Mrs. C. A. residence
in Ghent
Cook stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Go's.
Miss Ella Wayne is quite sick
st Hotel
Ninety day and rust proof oats
at J. R. Smith Go's.
Clarence Smith, son of our
electrician, has pneumonia.
See our line of gents,
children slippers before
making your selection at J. R.
Smith Co.
We regret to hear that our
good friend, Chas.
near Ayden, is very sick.
lines of pants
for men and boys at J. R. Smith
Rev. of Wilson,
filled Rev. C. M. Morton's
here Sunday morning
Com oats and hay at J- R.
Smith Co.
Dr. St. Clare lectured in tie
a weekly news
and make appearance.
We hope it will meet with a
hearty response.
Preaching both the Baptist
and Methodist churches at the
usual hours, morning and even-
at J. R. Smith Co.
Ayden is among other
things a wholesale grocery store.
We have the building, now we
want a suitable man with the
means to begin the business.
Mrs. John C.
Miss Easter Stocks, died in
Washington and was at
Removed Catarrh. Restored Appetite.
7th A v.-. Brooklyn, N. Y., Write
J from catarrh completely my ,
my entire
am now and cheerful In all through
which baa eared Factored my appetite
only I did not use i
avoided all my previous and
In Your Homes to Stay
. The Joy for croup and
the old family cemetery on the
iv i Co F. W. B. church Monday
Found-Near Smith Co.
store, a purse containing several i .
pieces of money. Owner can seed at Smith Co.
have same by identifying it.
Larry W. Smith.
J. J. is repainting
his residence.
At the Close of Business March 20th, 1910.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Due from 50,902.86
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur.
bank and other
Notes 3.785.00
Total 1120,559.11
stock I 25,000.00
Surplus fund 12,500.00
Undivided profits, less
exp. and taxes pd. 5,421.89
Deposits sub. to check 60,186.20
Cashier's checks
I J R. Smith. the
is tree to the boat my
Subscribed and sworn to
before m. this 4th day April. JosEPH DIXON.
Notary Public.
Law place Saturday.
Japan peas, millet and rape
seed, all fine for stock, at
J. R. Smith Co's.
Annual meeting of the stock-
holders of the Bank of Ayden
p. m. at This is a good
bank with good officers and has
done much good in developing
the town and
Smith Co. Dixon will buy
your cotton seed or exchange
meal with you.
Corbit. for
the Ayden Lumber Co., had his
right eye badly hurt Monday,
caused by the bursting of a watt r
which he was replacing on
one of the boilers. He is to go
Kinston today for an op. ration.
Methodist conference con-
here on April
chicken powders kill
hawks, crows, owls minks,
best remedy tor cholera, gapes,
indigestion and weak-
keeps them free from
causing them to pro-
duce an abundance of eggs.
a package at J . R. Smith Co's.
Mrs. J. C. C. Jenkins, aged
years, after being confined to
her room for several months,
died Wednesday at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. W. M. For-
est, and was buried Thursday
evening at the old family burying
ground miles from Ayden.
Funeral services was conducted
by Rev. J. R. Tingle. Mrs.
Jenkins a member of the
Christian church at
She left seven children. W. I.
and S. A. Jenkins, Mrs. J. S.
Mrs- Forrest, of Ayden,
fail and the Grease
t and all adieu
and highly p ah over the
land by young and old.
Sold by Pharmacy. Greenville.
N. C, and by
Greensboro. N. C.
His Death Wat an
Hot Springs, Ark.
The body of Mr. W. J. Smith, j
who was Killed in Hot
Springs, Ark., last week, and,
reached here Saturday, was
buried Sunday afternoon ii
Cherry Hill cemetery, service
being conducted at the grave by
Rev. J. H. Shore. The pall
bearers were Messrs. W. J. Turn-
age. Ed. Forbes, E. H.
C. S. Forbes, J. M. Eu-
Wilson, W. Harrington,
J. A. S. M. J. S-
He leaves a Wife and one child,
and i also survived by his
mother, Mrs. F. M. Smith; one
brother, Mr. E. V. Smith, and
two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Evans
and Mrs. N. L. Tripp.
Torpid Liver. Stomach Trouble.
Mr. OH
F Ball
and member Order of Railway Con-
a torpid liver and
trouble, made my
very allow, fell
and tired all the lime.
aunt wrote me that wax
Ferns sash that
die ma u. n-y it, and
bonsai a bottle, although to
take patent medicine.
I found very
able to lake, effective, a I felt bet-
in a week. took only live
In all and I found that wan all I Seeded.
am moat to you for what
your medicine baa done for
Dysentery Entirely Relieved.
Mr. W. N. lib,
in two weeks row
treatment I Well.
lie of My
trouble or
tried n n-
Cough I ever u.
every would
as J
It. Smith.
several rem-
it, ii in. one-if the let
catarrh law market. Ana
it baa no equal.
i all 1-
Mr. Henry Lieutenant,
O. V. I., Bo
sat, Trenton, Mo.,
for yearn with catarrh of
all of I
bought every made mo
feel bUr. Seven completely
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Almanac for 1910.
Chicken Powder
is Death to Hawks-life to
Chickens and Turkeys
Se sure to th line, of
shirts we our win-
this week, come and
take a look at the quality.
Frank Wilton,
The King dot Mr.
Subscribe to The It.
Chicken Powder
and feed my
on with it too.
Look at me and
observe the Hawk.
Died after eat
a chick of that
old rooster,
been fed on
Chick, n
We have summer underwear
in every size. We in-
tend to fit and please every man
who calls, and we can do it.
The King Clothier.
Trait Mark
Kills Hawk, Crows, Owls Minks.
remedy for Choler. Gaps,
Timber Neck. Indigestion
Keep them free f-om
Vermin, thereby causing them to pro-
duce n of eggs, Price
and M cent.
Manufactured only by
W. H. Tarboro, N. C.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
noons, m lit suit.
Dry Good Store.
let u yo. Kl
Tripp, Ayden, N. l.
We are to- yon
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very price. or
Cairn to us and we will convince you

Carl Kelly Shoots Samuel
Three Times.
Washington, March
very sensational and fatal
affair was perpetrated on
outskirts of this city about nil
o'clock tonight, when Mr.
Tayloe, a member of one of
city's most families
was suddenly approached in
suburbs, by Carl a
man desperate
who . ard wit not
warning, drew a pistol at cU
range mid three shots ii
rapid into the boot i
his victim. One shot
ugh hi and th.
two into his chi st. one of h
a large artery,
which the blood in
steady stream, a
ed to the hospital,
but died on the way
in making his escape.
Sheriff Kick.; had sworn in a
large posse of men who, will,
are scouring the
suburbs in automobiles, on horse
and and on foot in search
of the murderer. Causes of the
murder cannot ascertained at
preset., but it is thought a
an was at the bottom of it Kelly
is a young man of about twenty
years of age and cf rather
character, having served
a term on the county chain-gang
a few months ago.
He figured several times in the
courts for petty criminal offenses.
Excitement is now intense and
numbers of the citizens are join-
in the man-hunt.
Shortly after the tragedy Kelly
Sheriff Ricks that he
was in hiding under a residence
on East second street. Deputies
and a were sent down
mediately and arrested him. He
is now lodged in the city
The excitement is subsiding.
The sheriff stated that he did not
anticipate any trouble, but would
place a strong guard around the
jail tonight in case-of an
N. C. March, 31.-
lost his youngest
Tuesday night, which had
very sick for a short time.
extend our sympathy to the
Dr. Taylor, of
n. was in town Friday.
Miss Satterthwaite, of
V came home Friday to
spend Easter and left Tuesday
R. H. spent Sunday
it- home Gum Swamp.
Mr. and Mrs J. P. Fleming
Sunday near Stokes with
A deer while crossing th field
J. R. Davenport, after
by some dogs, ran into
he wire fence and was knocked
in and stunned A
who was in the field near
y ran to de r and It
with a knot.
Re in Two Minutes,
Don t to on hawking tick
every g; it's harmful
an I
If after I he
de -worker, art r d of vile ea-
can have y , back.
No Mom ch doling- just lit-
ha-d pocket Inhaler
t-t h outfit, .
a few pa of tar-
c to n In two Vi
i will you of
fee it a few m rates i
lay, and in a few weeks you em-
free from
Get an tit today; it only rusts
; it's w to any catarrh
sufferer. For by druggist every-
where who it cure ca-
t croup, coughs, colds, to oat
bronchitis. An extra bottle of
liquid if reeded costs but
I tile pock t inhaler
you get last . me.
For tale by Coward W,
Health is Worth Saving and Some
Greenville c Know How
to Save It
Many Greenville people take their
lives in th hands by the
when they know these o
need help. S ck
If for a vast amount of suffering
and ill health but there is no need to
r nor to remain in danger when
all s and aches and pains due to
weak k ran be quickly i n I per-
ms e cure-o by the use of
a. following statement
or doubt.
Mrs. s. A. Simmons, Heritage
St, Kinston, N. C , found
Kidney to be an
r m for kidney trouble and
My back roe for a
time and my kidneys w.-re much dis-
ordered. t- read about
D Pit's procuring a
using them. They
me in and now
free fr tn backache and am able to rest
Well. The kidney secretions ate
in passage ml I feel better in
every w y I am now from
d am able to rest well.
glad t i Pill,
For sale by all dealers. Price SO
Ki Co., Buffalo,
New k, sole agents for the United
Sal- cf Lot in the Town
By virtue of the power and authority
in the will and testament
of the late Dr. J. N. Bynum, which
Is of in the office o the ck
of the Superior court of Pitt c
in Will No. inc u-
we will on Monday. April 25th.
1910. before the court door in
Greenville sell two or parcels of
laud situated in the town of
Pitt county, N. C, bounded and de-
s. as follow
S of t. a
division. at the
Mae of f No. and runs
the e of lot No a
feet Ito the of lot No.
thence the line of lot No. S an
e Ii
angles feet to church street. -e
h Church feet the be-
Second No. of
send Windham division and n
the east side of street, beginning
t th- st corner of lot No.
on Sr i street ard runs the of lots
R W and 1-2 feet, thence
a right angles in a southerly din
feet to the property, thence
with I lire 1-2 feet to 3rd
there- with 3rd street feet
to the beginning.
Terms of sale cash.
This the d , of March, 1910.
M. A. Bynum,
R. B.
Executors of the last will and
of J. N. Bynum,
Blow, attorneys.
North Carolina I
Pitt County t In Superior Court
C Tucker vs S. W.
named will tale
n that n action c. it it ed is
h i J commenced m the Superior
court of ti obtain n decree
of d by the plaintiff
from the defendant; and the .
will fa that take notice, tint he is
t- a ear at the term of
t, e or court . to
be held on the Monday after the
first it being the
2nd nay of May at the curt
house of county in Greenville, N.
C. i or demur to the com-
plaint i. said action, or the plaintiff
I apply to for the relief
ii. m ii in -aid complaint.
Th s tie 5th day of March
ii C. Moo-e.
Clerk Superior Court.
F. G. James Son,
for plaintiff.
Saved the Grave
had ab given up hope,
ye; rs I sutler n from a
severe lung writes Mrs If.
b. i ix of Tern
the in I
and . ,. id. any
work, but Dr. i .
ha m- feel i . a i w pt- . n.
Its the be in. . fur the
throat i conn ha, I
hay fever,
up, bra en h nor-
cough, yield to this
me Try it. Trial
b. tree. Guaranteed by all Drug-
A Cluck
The Mills of this city-
has a clock that has doing
business in the for a ii um-
of years, in fact it is a part
of the office and part of the
business, and has become so
identified with the working of
the null, that it. is a la-t that
when the mill closes down at six
o'clock it stops. When starts
up in the morning, the click
begins work. Now this may
s a funny, hut it i- a
fact, and it good time
when it is running,
not do business after the mm
stops, and always begins
the machinery starts. It it sup
posed that the- jar of the
has to lo
the working of the Bur
An Child.
Little Adelaide was inclined to
be cowardly. Her father found
that sympathy only increased
this tendency, and
decided to have a serious talk
with bis little daughter on the
subject of her foolish fears.
she ventured, at the
close of the lecture, you
tee a cow, aren't you
certainly not, Adelaide.
Why should I
when you see a dog,
aren't you afraid
with marked
on the
you afraid when it
and he laughed at
the thought and added,
You silly
and Adelaide came
closer and looked into her parent's
eye, you afraid of
in the world but just
Bullets have oft en caused
to .- tn. the I,.
W , B Me., got in
the all. suffered eczema,
forty years.
cured me when all else
he writes Greatest healer sore,
ulcers, I urn-, cuts, wound-,
bruises and at ail druggists.
The Demon the Air
is the germ La Grippe, that, breathed
in, brings suffering to thousand.
after are weakness, nervous-
lack of appetite, energy and am
with disordered liver and kid-
The greatest need then is
Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood
and regulator of Stomach,
Iver and have
proved that wonderfully
en the nerves, build up the system aid
restore health and good spirits after
an attack of Grip. If suffering, tr
them Only Perfect sat it faction
by all druggists.
Dry Moons.
There is an old superstition
which dies hard, and that is that
the position of the horns of the
new moon what the
will be. If the horns of the
crescent are on the level it
will hold water, and hence it is a
dry moon, but if tipped up then
the water will run out, and it is
a wet moon.
One thing has helped keep this
belief alive. The moon is
in the part of spring that is usu-
ally fair, while it is
the season of autumn rains.
If this were a sure sign of the
weather we could have our
diction published many years in
advance, for an astronomer can
predict the exact position of the
moon any time in the future.
The cause for the different
positions of the crescent is
The men is south of the
sun in the autumn and north of
it in spring. The is found
by the light of the sun falling on
the moon, and th are
naturally in a line perpendicular
to the direction of the That
is all there is to this old super-
Notice to ors.
Having this day qua med before
D. C. Clerk o. Superior
court of as r
of the of J. S. Hester, d. ceased,
notice given to all persons
to said to m
settlement with the- underpinned
and all persons holding
claims against Mid estate are hereby
notified to Hie their with the
feigned administrator within one
year m m i be date her. of or
will be i in bar of any on
This the 2nd of March. 1910.
B. W. Tucker of estate of
Hester, c
F. c Harming, attorney.
Notice to
flatting qualified before the
stork of Pitt county as
executor the last will a d test intent
I,. deceased, notice is
given to all d to
the lo make payment
having el the said estate
a i n that they must present
in t the payment
on or the 12th day March,
, thin will be ad in far
of recovery.
Tins h day of March,
A. G. Cox, Executor.
S. J. Ev. Atty.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
court of Pitt county
executor of the last will and testament
of Alice C. deceased, notice i
given to persons indebted to
the the estate to make immediate pay-
to the and all per-
having the estate
will take notice that th- y must pr- sent
the same to the u for pay-
t on or b fore the of
Ma-ch, 1911, or this notice will be plead
in bar of recovery.
his 12th day Ma-ch, 1910.
W M.
Executor of Alice C. More.
Sale of Real Property.
By virtue of a power of
in a certain deed
d d de by K and
wife Judith D. Hyman to L. H.
tree the b day of January,
as appears of record in the or
d-eds office in in book Z-8
page the on Mon-
the 11th of April, expose
to lie sale before the court house
do- r in Greenville to the highest b-d-
for cash, the fallowing tract or lot
Lying being in the
town of G North Caroline.
s on the west side of Evans St.,
and bounded on the east Evans St.,
and on the south by the Tucker lot now
occupied by W F. Evans, and on the
west St. and the
south by the lot formerly occupied by
Mr. and being the lot whereon
It. mad and wife Judith D H mm
now reside, and extending from Evans
St to St. is to
be m d to the terms of sad
mortgage deed.
This the h day of March, 11-10.
L. H Mortgagee,
Summon; by Publication.
North Carolina, i ,, , .,.,,
Pitt county the Clerk
Elle-n Warren Hi I,
Vernon Hill et sit law.
The d Parker, Tom
Pan Bill, s Hi I, Peek
Parker. Prank in aid her
la d, A. Pr K Annie
Philip and lie Philips, heirs at law
of t e A. D Hi I
that a petition his eon before
the c e k of I he Superior of P
by i he a named
widow of the late A. praying
the aim men to h r of her dower
out of th- la d-i of -h h.-r -aid
band ad a J
that you are med to
pear before th said c of the
court of Put c u his office
In the town of Greenville, N. C . o
Tuesday, Mac 3rd, 1910 and or
m r to he s petition or complaint
Hied therein.
This of M
D. Moore, clerk court.
Pitt county.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
administratrix of the estate of N. T.
Cox. d cared, notice is hereby given
to all indebted to the I o
mike payment to the
signed; and all persons having claims
against said estate will take notice
that they moat present the tame to
the undersigned for payment on or
before 26th day of March 1911, or
this notice will be plead in bar of
This 15th day of March, 1910.
Sarah A. Cox,
ltd of N. T. Cox.
By virtue a power of sale c- in-
ed in a mortgage execute i an I deliver-
ed to R. L. Dawson
on March 1908 and recorded in book
U-H, page in the register of deeds
office of Pitt the undersigned
I offer sale at the court house
door of Pitt county to the heat bid-
for c on the 26th day of April,
at o'clock m., the following
tract or parcel of
Adjoining the land of Edward Mills
Washington Milts, W. L. Smith and
f, containing acres more or
leas and being the same land bought
Gen. and King on the
from Jack to Vanceboro in
This sale to terms of said
This the 22nd day of March,
R- L. Smith, Mortgagee.
W. F. Evans, attorney.
B. W.
Notice to Creditors.
qualified as executor of R.
A. Will deceased, late of Pitt
Bounty North this is to no-
all having el against
the of the said deceased, to ex-
them to undersigned executor
within twelve months from this date,
I or ti is notice will pleaded in bar of
j their recovery. All persons indebted
to said estate, will please make
This March 6th,
ltd R. E.
for The Reflector,
And Provisions
i vs on
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
Are You
With your land when for the
sake of saving a few dollars
you use a fertilizer whose
only recommendation is its
analysis. It requires no
to mix mate-
rials to analyses. The value
of a fertilizer lies in the ma-
used, so as not to
over feed the plant at one
time and starve at another.
This is why Royster brands
are so popular. Every in-
has its particular
work to do. Twenty-five
years experience in making
goods for Southern crops has
enabled us to know what is
See that trade mark is on every bag
F. S Royster Guano Co.
To Know Your Needs
In Cotton Gin Machinery, Engines and Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills, Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
J. Paul Simpson,
Phone N. C.
Gibbs Machinery Co.
Columbia, S. C
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, Jan, 1910.
Loans and Discounts,
Overdrafts see. and
Furniture and Fixtures,
Due from Banks
Silver coin, including all
minor coin currency
National bank and
other U. S. noses
Capital Stock, 6,000.00
Surplus fund, 1,000.00
I Undivided profits, less ex.
a-d taxes paid 1,048.79
of Deposit 6,162.00
Sub. to 402.60
I, W. H. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. W. H. Cashier.
Subset and sworn to be-
me this 7th day of Feb.,
Notary Public.
S. M. Jones.
M. O. Blount,
Pulley bowen
Home of Fashions Greenville C.
It Always be Follow. by
The nest means of
in the world is the modern new.-
paper. people today turn t
it for information in everything
and are directed by it, and n
will study the situation care-
fully notice that the bus-
carries the
always the ad ii
the newspaper is the man
Of course than
are a great many things to t
taken into consideration to
other kind for that matter
effective. One of them is th
quality of the
another is the intelligence am
chivalry of the salesmen or salts
women land other employees,
and so on. customer
are a business man's
asset and unless one v.
thorough satisfaction in every de
tail to his customers
of any kind is no good after a
It may bring customers to
and you sell goods t then
once, and you may even
a got d profit, but if
left cut yon are a loser.
to do the
thing it doesn't, rd
around saying that
advertising doesn't pay. Briny
your ad to and
then follow it up with
In quality of goods, moder
of prices and courteous
treatment, and you will find in a
few months th it you are building
up a profitable and
s There a Deal la
About the hottest political talk
that has been circulated in many
noons is now traveling around,
it says that at the next
Democratic convention Justice
Walker will be nominated for
chief justice and both Manning
and Allen are to be nominated
for associate justices, thereby
leaving Clark out in the cold.
Now. whether there is any
truth in this or not is not u
say, but it is being freely
talked, and there is certainly a
lot of smoke.
It is generally understood that
Governor Kitchin and his fol
lowers support Manning,
while Senator Simmons and his
men will be for Allen. It is
generally believed that the great-
est right ever waged in the State j
will come off in 1913, this ,
the contest between Simmons
and Kitchin for the
States senate.
All political moves look towards
that content, and neither faction
is anxious to show its hand be-
fore that eventful period.
less something is done the two
forces will tie drawn into the
conflict this summer in the Man
so to avoid this
and stave off the battle between
giants until 1912-13, the
proposition is to get both Man
and on the bench this
roar, and the only way they
think this can be done be to
decapitate the chief justice.
This pr gram is so full of
as to almost
take one's breath. This
sum t
j A
n the
It .
i . . ;
D TO .-r.
Writ to-day t Mention this Paper.
Professional Cards
Office opposite R. L. Smith A
stables, and next door to
Buggy Cu's new building.
Attorney at Law
Office n mil r l occupied by J. L.
D. . OAK
N. Carolina
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
Loans made on Real Estate
L, I
Mrs. J. T . Smith Dead.
On March 25th. at her
home in Middlesex, N. C, the
spirit of Mrs. Emily Smith, the
beloved wife of Mr. J. T. Smith,
took its flight to the eternal
world. Mrs, Smith was sick one
week with that fatal disease,
Her remains were
brought to Ayden and laid Or. Greenville, N. C.
rest in the town on
Saturday, March 26th.
Mrs. Smith leaves two sons
and three J. T.
f., of Ayden, Mr. J. C.
Smith, of Mrs.
W. T. Mason, of Stoke, Mrs.
W. Middlesex,
and Miss Delia Smith, Mi
Middlesex. was a
of John Tyson of Pitt
county, and leaves tour brothers
and one sister. Mrs Smith was
a noble consecrated w was
a member of the Primitive
church at Swamp
years previous to b,
and died in the full a
living faith. As neighbor, wife,
mother and sister her life was a
Chamberlain's ard
Liver Ta- assist nature it
driving all impurities, out of the
system, insuring a free find r- g-
and restoring
organs of the body to health
strength. Sold by all druggist.
Destroys a Lot of Meal G
En Route From e.
Wednesday a live hog
shipped by freight fr Farm
ville to Greenville. th.
hog broke out of the box in which
he was shipped, and helped him
to a lot of meal and
groceries that were in the
car. When the door of the car
was opened at destination, th
havoc the had made among
the sacks and groceries was
disclosed. The hog being
made a dash for the door and
got out, giving the depot and
train crew a lively run before h
was captured. The man to
whom the hog was shipped fears
the animal may contract pellagra
from eating so much meal.
model one. Her life one of
to devotion and her chief joy o ti-
the stir the century in
D ranks The dis
of the
and the prohibition act are mere
political cm pared with
This proposition is being dis
cussed, whether an effort
to carry it out will be made is
another matter. Anyhow it
furnish s abundant food for
la lbs Watts
Two more letters containing
items for publication in The Re-
were passed on to the
waste basket today because the
name of the writers were not
given. It is simply throwing
away time, paper and stamps to
send unsigned letters to this
paper. We never print them
without knowing who they are
Prompt relief in all cases of
throat and lung trouble if you
use Chamberlain's Cough Rem
Pleasant to take, soothing
and healing in effect. Sold by all
Every family and especially
those who reside in the country
should be provided at all -.-
a bottle of
Liniment. is do
when it may be warned in
of an or emergency. It
is m st excellent in all cases of
r hen ma i m. sprains and bruises
Sold by all druggists.
in making others happy.
May the good Lord in his
ant mercy the
husband and
without loss of f
medicine which
rho -a Remedy not
he d
and Di- r.
only cures
Moore and Long
ii R
N. C.
Greenville, N. C
Office on Third street, formerly
pied by Dr. Bagwell.
N. C
Marry Skinner,
LAWYERS Greenville N- C
promptly but no
pleasant after effects. never
f and is and Raff
take. Sold by all ts
o m
Probably a
Portsmouth. Va, March
John Parker and Smith,
awaiting transfer
to the penitentiary at Richmond
for electrocution, through the
bars of the murderers cage in
the Norfolk county jail this morn-
before dawn, broke through
the roof and let themselves down
three with a rope made of
pieced blankets. Bloodhounds
are now on the trail, but the men
are believed to have gotten away
on a freight train. A third felon
escaped with them.
Shot Bf the jail delivery
James H. Smith, a was
found stabbed to death. The
three are suspected of the crime.
This may be a former Green-
ville barber, as one by that name
left here some years ago and
went to Norfolk.
Early Prolific Colton.
Truckers will find
Early Prolific Cotton a great
money-maker. It can be plant d
as late as May 20th, to follow
truck crops, and if desired can
be planted between row of
the growing It
in ninety days from
Choice and seed guaranteed,
per bushel F. R AC Rakish,
cash to accompany order. t-
Any bank in Raleigh,
Address W. A. Raleigh,
N C. has grown at
Raleigh two bales to the acre,
following Irish potatoes,
beans and cabbages.
Land Sale,
retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
pad for Hides Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Mattresses, etc.
Suns. Carriages, Go-Carts,
Parlor Lounges,
P and Gail Ax
Snuff, High Lite Tobacco, Key
Cheroots, Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach,
rs, Apple, pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Meat, Flour. Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Set-d Me- I and Hulls,
Seeds, Oranges,
Nuts. Candies. Dried
ware, Cakes ard
Macaroni, West Hot-
tor. Sewing Machines
sad numerous other
Quality and quantity
ash. Come see me.
th-v aM
Jell-0 ICE Powder
la II U
U as
la to
Mil and
at of about nut a plat.
Bold your
for II
not It.
J Co., La Hoy, H. Y.
Your tongue is coated.
Your breath is foul.
Headaches come and go.
These symptoms show
stomach is the trouble. To re-
move the cause is the first thing,
and Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets will do that. Easy
to take and moat effective. Sold
by all druggists.
you want loose leaf
ledger outfits see the samples
Book Store.
potatoes. Fine
By virtue of the power contained in
a duly executed
on June,
by Daniel wife Mariana
A Daniel to J. R. Davenport, said
duly the
of Deeds office of Pitt
county, book J-S the under-
signed will expose to put lie sale to
highest for cash,
the court house door in the Town cf
Greenville, N Carolina, on
the 18th day of April, 1910. low-
described lot or parcel of to
Situate in th county of Pitt
described as One town
lot in town of us known as
lot No. beginning at the corner on
the east side of W. II. on
Main street, and running with W. H.
Ross lot South feet, thence north
feet, thence west teat, to the
beginning, containing square
To satisfy said Terms
of e cash. This the 16th of March,
J. R Davenport.
Skinner Whedbee,
I Not Quite I
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Hare a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is a you could desire, and
will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
You get a
Horse Goods
1847 Rogers
If you would like to supply
your table with this high-
grade silverware free of
cost, write us for our
offer. Address
Street, New N. Y.
J. P.
Funds of
Our Depositors
Promptness in all transactions and
facilities for handling
your business in every department
of banking is the basis upon which
THIS BANK invites your account
Bank of Greenville
Greenville, North Carolina
Don't Buy a Piano Hurriedly
Take Your Time
a Wilmington, N. C.
i .
, i
plenty of it, and be extremely careful how
you spend your piano money.
Terms amount to very prom-
cover a multitude of can get sat-
terms anywhere, but a satisfactory
piano at a precious places.
We have makes under grades and
cation as highest medium and low. Each
grade is characterized by the price we ask for it.
What ever price you are willing to pay for a piano,
if bought from us, you will be getting legitimate
value, as you won't be deceived in the grade you
are getting. We have several self-player Pianos
at bargain prices.
Salvage Fire
Fire Department statistics show
that some eighty per cent, of all
fires by chemical
Nearly all fires are discovered
at the start and are readily put
out if means are at once available.
A stream is thrown to a distance
of about fifty feet, carrying a
which excludes the oxygen and
prevents combustion.
A fire cannot live if a small per
cent, of carbonic acid gas is in the
It is forty times as efficient as
water and will extinguish fires of oil,
gasoline, etc., which water only
Protect home and property before
it is too late.
E. L. Agent,
Greenville, North Carolina
luxuriantly tho
if it is You
run do this by i.- a faucet put in a
it a pipe in the ground
to screw your onto. will fix
en for your hose that
will sprinkling a pleasure.
Greenville, N. C.
White Man ii. tin. Id mt.

I In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
I Do You Own a Piano
Agent The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity-Advertising Rate on Application
i M. B. Bryan The is the Kind STATE NEWS.
m need. M,
A para U a heavy cuts
a light pane.
The LIVER to the seat of
tenth, of ail
Pitt C School
by A. G.
cheap; comfortable, neat
durable. Terms
When in the market
us, we have the desk for you.
A. W. Ange Co.
A now lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The spring rush is in
of Condensed for
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly lately
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Asheville. N. C. April 4.-A
to the Citizen from
liberal. I Better in at I Murphy states that Dan Bird, a I to the system and
t come to see for Cox Planters. I full blooded Indian, was shot and j j.
simplex guano sowers, economic instantly killed at that city
back etc. Orders will, Ed Sneed. a night watchman at
the Murphy Planing
him with a knife
he shot in
Miss Crawford
in Ayden have our careful attention.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., who surrendered to the
N. authorities, claims that
II you want a useful planter.
our combination planter.
plants cotton, corn, peas, etc., defense.
Harrington, Barber Wilson. April
Be. f, sausage and fish, going
Cheap R, W. at Johnson Rowe were b n by a m d u
stand, on railroad
Let us frame that for
Any frame.
A. Antic Co.
Mrs. Cells Dawson. of
returned yest after spend-
We are u nice line of
Coffins and Caskets, are
and can nice
a i v ice. A. G. C ox M Co.
L A. Manning went out to
Iv Wednesday.
We have just received a full
of us a
A. W.
P. ;. Jamil aid J
prominent banker of Greenville,
Kite in
For nice fresh Bah see R. D.
Take No Substitute.
If not, and you e to own
you owe it o to ex-
the ma display
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance you will inspect a
line pianos not alone stand
in character of ten e, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you I m with prices
that stand here ard
incomparable an- where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
of those cheap v department
to Greer.-
on Tuesdays
The County School
you. They aid
some time with Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. C x.
Sutton went to
Greenville yesterday.
I. L Rollins, Miss Kate Chap
near Both men
were sent to Raleigh where they
took the Pasteur treatment, be-
discharged December as
cured. List Friday night Artist
was taken violently ill when
physicians were sent for and
a thorough examination they
diagnosed the case as
Between paroxysms of the
most intense suffering the victim
begged those about him to kill
Ayden, spent Sunday-
Mr. and Mr. A. W.
durable and comfortable-
and workmanship
guaranteed. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. Winterville, N. C.
Prof. G. E. former
of tho school here, came
to spend a while
with friends.
cold drinks of all call
at II. L Johnson's fountain.
R, L. Rollins ard Ernest Cox
to last night. , merchants of Ayden. were
a nice lot of .
Q shoes.
and Mrs. H. F left him and put him out of his mis-
yesterday for Wilson to attending, He frothed at the mouth
the Sunday vomited up the t of
there. It seven men
Misses Edith and Beulah Mum- to hold him, who after a while
Loner, of Ayden.
Sunday visiting Miss
J. R. and R. W. Smith,
i. Barber C
Th . U. ft will cross
i with the iv G. f.
t-d y.
If you want a good plow try
the at I
Miss Mamie Wynn, of Jack-
When in need of
a; H. L. Johnson's.
Spring r for
t he A. W. Ange Co .
N. C
Fr corned
see A. W Ange Co., Winter
N. C.
in town Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. W. M. Forest,
of Ayden. spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Forest.
What is the trouble Our
Winterville boys failed to go to
Ayden Sunday.
R. L. Abbott spent Sunday
in an I returned Monday.
B. G. Taylor, of Ayden, was
in town yesterday.
H. D. Bateman, a prominent
bicker of Greenville, was in
town yesterday.
W. G. Morris, our
has resigned and ac-
a position with L. P. j
and King's Cross Roads, April.
self The farmers were very glad to
have rain last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Chat lie Moore
Artist Julius
spent night and Sun
day Mr. end Mrs. W. C.
Several of the people of this
attended the concert
at Shivers Hill last Thursday
report a grand
Some say it was the best
co cert that had never been
give there.
Mr. and Mrs. Washington
Smith and daughter, Miss Irene,
spent lat Sunday with Mrs.
Edd Carraway near Fountain.
J. R. Smith and son, Lee. of
Greene county, were visiting in
their old neighborhood last week.
We were delighted to have them
with us.
We arc very glad to learn that
Robbie Smith is improving. The
doctors think he will be able t-
be out in a few days--.
Mrs. Allen Moore spent last
Saturday with her daughter.
Mrs. Frank Parker, who is right
Misses Lillian and Reid Parker,
of Falkland, last Saturday
night and Sunday with their
grandmother, Mrs. Allen Moore.
The members of the King's
Cross church have
chased an organ for the
The community is much
pleated with it. W.
Smith will be the organist.
took him to Eureka tied, where
he died a few hours afterward
in the
By Attractive
Wilmington, April, the
presence of a few close friends.
Miss Ella Jacobs, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Jacobs, an-
her engagement to Mr.
Thomas J. Moore, of Greenville,
N. C, a prominent young man,
who has made his home in
for the past several
years. The announcement came
as a pleasant surprise to many
friends hire and hearty
have been extended the
y. couple. Miss Jacobs in
six of her young lady friends
to spend the evening with her.
re was a bowl in the center
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, acknowledged lame and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos of known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of self play-
We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and taken in ex-
change, terms to s lit your
When in Greenville visit out
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o.
At the close of business March 29th,
Loans and discounts i
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 010.68
Nat bank and other U.
Capital stock
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd 4,086.89
Time of deposits 10,841.81
sub. to check 07,880.01
Cashier's 1.104.86
I, J R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 4th day of April. 1910.
J. A.
Notary Public,
J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
W. J.
R. h Davis,
F. M. Davis,
purchase a J .; a
the dining table in which
Morris is a bright an . , . .
. a present for each of
young ladies. a ribbon
was pulled the present was draw
man and we hate to give
by A. G. Cox Man
Co, Winterville.
N. C-
Straw hats are going fist, buy
ore, W. Ange
ft Co.
Leave your for ice at H.
L. Will b.
anywhere town.
Matting and oil cloth, for the
Ho if, u none, cover it over.
Harrington; Co.
We call your attention t our
of groceries.
R. W.
Dry goods for the bird.
A. W. Ange the
Before baying, see my lino of
post card, M. L. Johnson.
F r spring dress
embroidery and see us-
Ni w lot in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For nice and spring
my new lot.
A.-W. Co.
of inter ville lodge No. A.
F. ft A. M next Thursday night,
April Work in 3rd
Visiting brethren cordially in-
to attend.
H. Cheek, W. M.
B. W. Tucker,
from the bowl. When
Jacobs ribbon emerged
was seen attached to the end
handsome engagement ring,
was and the young
p present covered the bride
The Call of the Blood
for purification, find voice in
boils, i-h I w a .
look, moth patches . a -u
s- in- -all liver trouble, tut
Dr. Life a ma. e rich
red d; give clear skin,
fine comp Try them.
at ah druggists.
o of Greenville .
Amid wild cheers from a
crowd of enthusiastic fans, the
Training school team went down
in defeat
hands of the town boy
The teachers started
in first their
usual vim, one man
rubber, but this was
checked until the sixth when
two more were male. The
in the
were piling them up th
tie final score being u,
D. spent a of list
we-k it
F. of Ayden, came
Saturday evening and held the
. business arid meeting
night, and preached a
very go id n on Sunday.
We a very nice run Sun-
day to the delight of the
farmers. They have n en
good weather for work for
two or three but it was
getting too dry for some of the
R. E. is getting
along v. well with his broken
R A. Smith, assistant police-
i, .-.-
THEY will not burn. Will not
or curl
Will not crack and roll ofT like slate. r. i
like plain tin. Neither will they rattle
They never need repairs and last as lone
of all, they make the Ere
; .-
YORK COBB, Agents.
New lot of dry goods and no- pitched . all of was in our
while opponents b. at i f th,
they cheap
A. W. Ange Co.
, is your soul Let
you our n-w lot of
. Harrington. Barber Co
A nice six key fountain
. W -lo.
We have purchased the
known a. the
Milling and Mfg. and will
he ready very to grind corn,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of just in.
finish, totally bewildering ten of
tho batsman allowing only
four Holiday pitched a
steady game throughout, but
errors behind him with
the nine off his delivery
two or three weeks has caused
everything to grow so fast that
I think it will take the
until the of May to
get Some of the trees
have leaves that are very near
grown now, and it is only the
fifth of but when the
the school boys in the rear. up in the
Score by I nineties it warm enough for
B C. T. T. S in our neighborhood.
Greenville Oil COO Dr. Fountain was called to visit
Holiday a-d Brawn; a rd family on Mr.
Hi. Place by Dr.
Who Hearers.
There disappointment
among the many farm-rs here
Saturday when it was learn, d on
I In Superior
county bi fore D. C Moore,
Willis D. Johnston, F. V. Johnston,
J. B. Johnston and M. Addle Johnston,
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
Dirt of county, nude by D. C.
, n, n H i in tho led
that Dr. Q. H.
dent of Union in will on Monday the
North Carolina, could not be here I ZS. Vt
county Superior t, expose to
tale the i h use door in
the for
sh the following ed tract of
to speak as announced, being
detained by sickness The
farmers assembled at the Star
warehouse and heard some short
addresses by local speakers.
Later those who remained
until the afternoon got a
anyway, a. Dr. J. M. Temple-
ton, of Raleigh, came in on the
and at spoke in
Dr, Alexander's place. Many
heard him with much pleasure,
as he is a fine speaker.
For good dry wood at a
cord, or cut ready for use or
cents a load, call phone
A. L. Potter.
Take a look at our window, so-
the prices of suits allowing this
week, then come in and see the
quality. Frank
The King Clothier
Be sure to we our line of low
cut shoes, all leathers, sites, last
and shape, from to
The King Clothier.
land, to Situate on side
of Tar in town hip,
county Carolina,
on tho northern f Tar river at a
point where three formerly
stood lower edge of
tho big and at
with r to the big
the old Parker's d
lit e, thence down uh to Park-
Red bank- thence
said creek to rive , e up the
river to b
more or less and th
tract or if land last
In a certain by Edward
C. Y. to gut an O. Johnston
Dec. in the
office in in book
Y-a. pace in. This will be
among tenants in com-
tho I day of
H F. C. Harding,
Stray Taken Up.
. taken
color, red and
I have taken up on
one cow and calf,
marked crop and
the right, swallow fork and
in the. left. Owner can get
proving ownership and paying
W. K,
S ltd
Greenville, N. C.
for The Reflector.
Lanier and Haskett. Struck out
by Holiday. Lani-r,
place yesterday, and when
begot there found two or three
case. The house i. quarantined
Brown and Dodd. Time is in order m the
A. W. Ange Cc. Umpire, Dr.
An over many Cough. and Bronchial U rids
system of cold by acting as a on
money Prepare by B CO. U. f. A,
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Tear
VOL. No.
Faculties of the
School and Ike Graded School.
On Thursday evening;, at his
residence on Sutton lane. Prof
W. H. who is county
of education and
a member of the faculty of East
Carolina Training
School, was at home to the
ties of this school and of the
Greenville graded school.
While Greenville is noted for
brilliant social entertainments,
and has had many that were
truly delightful, it is no dis-
to say that in plan
and uniqueness this
any that has occurred here.
The guests being mainly those
connected with our educational
interests, every feature of the
entertainment in keeping
with this idea and carried out
most impressively
The beautiful and w-U
ed decorations of the home, even
to the flowers, portrayed the
colors of the
and old gold of the training
school,, and and white
the graded school. I a some in-
stances the colors of e school
were prominent to themselves,
and in others were mingled to-
with harmonious effect.
The were white
violets and Span
iris, with a variety of pot
plants and ferns, the festoons
and being and
All the rooms were very at-
tractive tic d c
rations, but the dining room was
On the table
was a piece of purple
lace cover, on which was a cut
glass bowl of violets and car
p. At each end were silver
candelabra with yellow lights,
and extending from the electric
to the corners of the
were draperies of white
with bunches of violets
The guests began arriving a
little o'clock and were
received at the front door by
Prof. with his
Those who assisted in receiving
the guests were Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Whichard in the parlor,
and Rev. B F. Huske with Miss
Eula Cox in the library. In the
hall California fruit punch was
by Misses Janie Brown
and Whichard.
After some time had been
in pleasant mingling to-
and listening to delight-
tongs by Miss Olive
and f. H. E. Austin, a
contest was introduced by
the host. The arrangement for
this was in full keeping with the
marked features of the enter-
The contest was on a
folder, the first page bearing
an embossed monogram of E. C.
T. T. S. underneath which j
printed the quotation from Lord
Bacon books are to be
tasted, others swallowed, and
few to be On
the corner of the inside page
having the blanks to be filled out
were beautiful hand painted for-
get-mo not. in the colors of the
schools. The contest supplying;
the names of
very interesting. The first
a copy of
poems, was won Mr. I
C. M. Jones and presented
by Prof. R. H. Tho
a book, went
to and was
Prof. H. B. Smith.
The meet, wire then invited
to the dining room re
s. by
Willie J Essie
liven haw theft-a-
Just Wait I hew two of Bible f Religion. Meats Sag-
j Falls Flat
There are a great many people j The Emmanuel movement
do not know the to do with the treatment of
origin and the of by a combination of re
word Indeed, there mental suggestion and
are some Sunday school workers j and in which it was
to whom will be a bit of i hoped an effective cure had been
new information. Since the for neurasthenia and other
word is now a most of the nerve system,
usual one in the vocabulary of has proved a failure at St. Luke's
Sunday school workers through
out the entire will be
well to know how we came
have it.
In the 20th chapter of II
Chronicles will be found the
story from is
secured. fly it is Th
Kingdom of Judah was
ed by an army of its enemies.
Good King pray id
unto Jehovah for
hospital in San Francisco, ac-
cording to a statement made by
Bishop Nicholas, of the Episcopal
church- The local experiment
has lasted a year. Every effort
has been made to test the efficacy
of the prescribed The
hospital's psychopathic ward has
now discarded and Dr. A.
B. Shields, D. D., the clerical
of the institution,
has sent in his resignation
and the Lord answered this live May
prayer by the hosts Bishop Nichols thus accounts
the enemy, so that they fell
and slew each other.
when King Jehoshaphat and his
people went from Jerusalem out
to the scene of the camp of
they found most of them
slain and the remnant fled.
They also found so many jewels
and riches that they were three
days gathering up the spoil.
tor the of the treatment
at the
discovered that it was
possible to secure re-
suits by placing patients in a
psychopathic ward associated
with a All the depress-
influences of the
bore down upon them. The I
constant atmosphere of suffer-
com-s the verse, as ling made a cure impossible and
on the fourth we forced to the
day they assembled in the valley
of for there the-v bless-
ed Jehovah, therefore too name
of that place was called the
Valley unto this
The margin translates
this as
Mr. Marshall A. Hudson
organized bis class for young
men. he wanted a name fur
conclusion that we
The San Francisco experiment
has been watched by
medical men throughout, the
Daring the next few months
will be held in
In carefully reading his of the Ohio Valley, art
came upon this word for the purpose of
and seized it tor his
class. The spelling of the word
was changed slightly, so as to
the best works of
each particular section. When
competent judges shall have
permit mining of monogram , passed on paintings and
design is so which they con-
well organized Sunday schools aider entirely representative,
today. j steps will be taken to assemble
ha. indeed been a real ah the works so selected and cm-
to thousands, and bracing them in a collection
literally hundreds of thousands I which shall be representative of
of young men ail over Ohio Valley for exhibition at
America and the world. the Ohio Valley Exposition, to
not but bless them, when it has
brought them into the Sunday
school and to tho and to
In like manner, the young
ladies have a most appropriate
name for their classes
The word is
from two Greek words, and
mean. of
The history of the derivation
of these two great words in our
modern Sunday school and
life will make an interesting
item for the scrap book of the
reader of this E.
in Presbyterian Stan-
lures were in equal keeping with
the i, fir everything
seemed to be successive steps of
surprises for the guests. On
each plate were individual white
cakes and the ice cream in
the shape of open books, the
cover of chocolate and of
vanilla, with purple and yellow
mints and salted English
nuts. Following the refresh-
each guest received as
souvenir a miniature book
embossed title, which was filled
with violets, much
merriment being afforded by
each reading the title of the book
It was near midnight the
delightful occasion ended, the
upon taking their
great pleasure
Unique Henry
the entertainment.
be held in Cincinnati August
to September Not only will
the latest works of leading
artists of this section be shown,
but efforts also will be made to
cure masterpieces that were pro
in the past and which have
passed out of the hands their
and are now owned by
art connoisseurs in various
of th; country. Tho Ohio
valley, from to Cairo,
boosts of a number of famous
artists, and there is no doubt
that all of them will be
by their best works at
the exposition, forming an ex
that will prove unusually
attractive and interesting. There
is a of southern artists
following a similar plan for the
of their works, although
the matter has not yet assumed
definite form.
New North Carolina
For the week ending G the
the Tradesman re-
port, the following new
for North
Elizabeth City-$30,000 farm-
Bait company.
bottling works.
Goldsboro-$50003 garage
Farmville-Printing company;
warehouse company.
The best flour that money can
Clay, at S. M.
Buy Meet at Held Night
la Until O'clock
The Board of its
monthly meeting Tuesday night
with seven of the members pres-
Much business was trans-
acted, holding them in session
until twelve
L. Brown. C. T.
B. F. Patrick. James Brown. J.
J. Corey, R. A Tyson and F.
James appeared before the board
in respect to paying for the
and curbing abutting their
Time in which to pay
for curbing was extended to Jan-
1st, 1911, for James Brown
and J. J- Corey, as they had
previously paid for their pave-
C. T. B. F
Patrick and Mrs. P. E. i
were given three years in which
to pay for and curbing.
K. W. King asked for the
usual donation to the old
n union to be held May 10th and
A petition from the citizens on
Fourth street was presented,
asking that a sand-clay pavement
be put on their street. The street
committee was instructed to be-
gin work on same as early as
possible, provided the property
owners will place heart or stone
curbing their property
under direction of the committee.
Privilege was granted M. Con
to run round
for not 1- than fifteen days at
per day.
T. S. Norman appeared before
the board and that his
taxed The matter
was until tho county
commissioners ac. upon it.
A request for lire -t
from one of the suburban dis-
of tho town was referred
to the fire committee of the
board to investigate aid report
at the next regular meeting.
The committee appointed to
establish u property on let
corner of Fifth and Washington
streets recommended that the
lino established by com
be sustained. Mid
Mat tho said committee be dis
charged. The report ac
J. J. was granted
liege run boarding house
balance of this year
license tax.
C. L. Wilkinson appeared be-
fore the board and asked
an ordinance relating to surface
privies adopted. The
is published elsewhere.
D. D. Overton, chief of the
fire department, reported that
the by the town
had arrived and had been placed
on the reels
Chief Overton and Alderman
W. S. were instructed to
have the hose reel house recently
destroyed by fire replaced as
cheaply as possible on the old site
near the John Flanagan Buggy
Co. property. The matter of
providing apparatus for drying
hose was referred to the fire
committee. The matter of pro-
suitable fire alarm was
also referred to this committee
to investigate and report at the
next meeting.
The week beginning Monday,
April was set aside by
board as clean-up week. Chief
of Police Smith was instructed
to notify the citizens.
The clerk was instructed to
notify property owners on
Evans, between Fifth and Tenth
streets, that they must put down
heart or stone curbing abutting
their property on a line to be es-
by the street commit-
tee. The committee was
instructed to fix the sidewalk, on
Washington, N. C,
Presbytery convened in-
city, this evening at eight
o'clock. Mi t rs and delegates
have been arriving on every train
today and the indications are
very promising for a large at
This evening's meet-
began with devotional
after which the opening
sermon was preached by
lice, of Raleigh. Mr
White delivered a strong and
interesting sermon taking as his
text, Isaiah 53rd chapter and h
verse. We Like
Hive Gone
-Iv after the close of
the devotional exercises the roll
call of the Presbytery was
and a large delegation found to
be present, Presbytery
then went into the election u
moderator and It-v. K. C. Deal.
of was unanimous
elected to this important office.
After the el. the body ad-
for the and will
begin its business session torn r
row morning at ten ck. The
Presbytery will hold a three
session, devoting the day
sessions to business ard the
night sessions to devotional ex-
and popular meetings.
One of the principle features o.
this session's work will be that of
home and foreign missions, and
a strong effort will be made to
induce interest in th
important work. R. B
Glenn will deliver an address o
home missions at a missionary
rally on Wednesday evening.
Rev. C. F. of Chink
will address the
Presbytery on Thursday in b. half
of mission work in the
The ladies missionary union of
Albemarle Presbytery will alto
hold its business meeting during
the session of in
Methodist church which has
kindly been it their dis-
Albemarle Presbytery is
one of the most influential rod
bodies in North Carolina,
and is of s of
ablest divines in the State.
Newsy Items of for
Says he is Oat of Politics.
Washington, April 11.-Col
Harry Skinner, who spent
several of last week here,
says that he is out of politics a.
far as office-seeking it concern-
ed. But, the colonel's friends
say that he must run for con-
According to
Headlight, a man in Wayne
has just b- r
by his for a
eight ago. At that
time he a
containing quite a sum of money.
Knowing the owner, lie kept the
to has all
these of
the money. Recently he
It his to return the
ard i's contents,
which. The Headlight any, he
Pays Dividend and Panes Good Sun
At a meeting of the
of tho National Bink of Green-
ville, held April 12th, 1910, the
cashier reported the
six months, ending April 11th.
of which a percent
semi dividend was order-
ed paid to the stockholders and
the remainder to be reserved as
undivided pr
This completes the fourth year
of the bank's business, during
which time has
in dividends and it has
910.000 surplus and
undivided profits. A record of
which it may well feel proud.
Evans street as they see fit.
The clerk was instructed to
have Accountant W. L. Hall
swear to his report of th Water
Light and the
same be filled with the town
Application of Jasper C. House
as keeper of the market house
was ordered filed.
Application of Andrew
for restaurant license was refer-
red to the chief of police for report
at next meeting.
Jim Tucker was granted license
to run a restaurant.
Accounts for the past month
were approved an ordered paid.
Annual and Elects
The ninth annual meeting of
the of the Greenville
Banking Trust Co., was held
Monday, and th
J. R. Spier, president.
C. S. Carr, cashier-
Andrew J. Mo ire, assistant
cashier and bookkeeper.
N. O. Warren, and
paying a handsome
dividend to the stockholders.
was passed to the bank's
surplus, making tho total surplus
This is a most credits
be shewing for an institution
nine years old.
Greensboro. N. C, 12.-
A carload of an I office
equipment shipped from Greens-
to Raleigh, transfers the
active operations of the
Tuberculosis Exhibition to
the central portion of the State.
Early this week headquarters
were established in
and for five weeks a v
campaign of education will be
conducted. Cooperating
will b- in every
town and every within a
hundred miles or s of the
city. Several state wide
conferences will be held, having
interest to groups of people
throughout the entire
wealth, and in general, the ex
Raleigh will mean
much more than merely a local
to the exhibition from part
of the State may b addressed
simply to the Tuberculosis
Special Train to Wilton.
Special excursion rates and
train Tuesday April 19th
from Washington,
Greenville, Farmville and inter-
mediate stations to Wilson, N.
C., account performance of Land
of Nod Theatrical Co. in the
greatest spectacular pro-
ever presented. Call on
ticket agents for complete in-
formation. H. C.
Land Sale Near Greenville.
acres or more wood land
lying within yard s of the
limits of the town of
Greenville, for sale Monday,
tho land, of the ;. frank
Johnston, deceased.
F. C. Harding,
d w
a t
I J f
V S a
., .
.; ;

Eastern reflector, 8 April 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 08, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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