Eastern reflector, 1 April 1910

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In Charge of Wm. I
I Authorized The Extern and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application I
x . Co.,
. N u Tn y have the
; .-l ill-- right price.
. C. attended services
at A -i ii I night.
I lie Pitt C School
by lie A. G. Cox
. e Company are
c. i; mat and
n. tins i re liberal.
comfortable We have just received a nice
oil write A. G. lot of cloaks, give us a call. A.
W. Ange Co.
Mi-s Roach, of
spent last Sunday here visiting
The is the Kind
you need., See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
If your subscription to The
here last Sunday.
Rev. Mi. Clark, of Raleigh,
preached two excellent
in the Baptist church last Sun-
day morning and right.
On which is
Sunday, n will services
in the II, E church at a. m ,
aid in the Episcopal at
that day we are
of resurrection of
Christ and his victory over
the p r Satan and the
The man who M la
lie tor Ma family.
Do You Own a Piano
V. . iii i i marl ii come to .
w . baa expired let me The day brings a mes-
, renew it, and give you a of pardon, peace and hope;
W. G. Morris, and our mission is to pan it on to
The spring rush is com in. others and tell them of the risen
ill t i . r
iii the tomorrow
ii. i.
. and
Better send your orders in at I savior.
The who Ii not, and you e to own a
l both and you owe ft your, ell to
the ma display
You may Insure health by guard- at the WAite
log It. It U worth guarding. A really
Which generally approach . . . i .
m------a k- . . pianos not alone stand
in character tot e, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you I m prices
that stand here
incomparable where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
those cheap v extern department
through the LIVER and
Itself In Innumerable way
And save your health.
N. C. March,
Mrs. F. Ward and
daughter, Miss Corinne, were in
Monday visiting Mrs. J. J.
R R. Fleming left Tuesday
for New on business.
Mis- Lille Evans who is at-
tending school at Washington,
came home Wednesday to spend
few days with her grandmother
II you want a useful planter. n. b. by Dr. who is sick
Mrs. J. C of Kins-
tore stencils, tut each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fume and
in the Four
player-piano, known
will take in
each, for one cf
also carry the
AN, the the world.
Old c and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
When in
Greenville visit out
Fin man i I.
Next door to Carr Atkins o. store.
once for Cox Cotton Planters, Rev. E. L. St Clair, of Edison,
; guano sowers, economic a ill preach at Reedy Branch
We are carrying a nice Una Of back bands, etc. Orders will the It Sunday morning; and in
Labels. art have our careful attention. the Free Will Baptist church
right awl can l hearse A G c
A. U. Mfg. Co, N. C., Remember the lecture in the
A went to
Thursday Light our combination planter. It Chas. Brewer Friday night,
.- . W. cotton, corn, peas, You are cordially
Harrington, to be present.
We are glad to announce that
J. D went to
. n For nice oysters, see me. at.
w, i. received a full Johnson's better prepared Barrel
Give a ever. R
A fish, M f
in, cheap it. W. at Johnson a
for . he iii vim, stand, on railroad street. n .,
i. . Our Do teem favorably
Let as frame that for
you. frame. Ayden possesses,
A. w. Ange Co. after soon; aid r
We have
U it i VI them
It. D Co.
Buck c in ii More-
. . i
are i; in- you. Th.-y are I
c ; .-, e
u r. B j
A. ti. x I
Co . W . C.
J. U .-. i
i. ii . i. i .
r u; a i
turn by the lie in. on.
known ii wish to know
Milling and Mfg. long tiny stay, and when
be ready very Minn corn,; they
do general repair work and dress W. H. S. baseball team
timber. played a warm name with the
Harrington. Co. R Springs last
A nice lot of matting just in. lie score stood t.
A. W. Ange Cr. n e W. H
I . h l
. C L. and
Will were
Dry goods for the
Before g. see m. line f
post II. L Johnson.
F r spring dress good.
Have you seen dis-
play in Harrington,
Go's, .-tore a
lug I embroidery and laces sec
Sutton returned New lot just in. j A new
Harrington, Marl Ci at Mount, North Carolina.
For nice and spring the
shoes, see new lot. ex-
A. W. A Co . name is secured
Thursday torn a to Greene
received, a nice
Miss Rosa l. . Taylor, who has
Here, return
ed to her home at Grifton yes-
. a certain
man a
a want a g i J w try
i e. . .
;. i ii; men
cos last
he;, i i i. of
at L,
. .-ii L has
j. t put iii machinery, and
l an how
; i. Uh.
Now lo of dry goods an no.
first two letters of
lions just in. Better while North Carolina
they me cheap Edgecombe,
A. W. Ange Co
Halifax. Nash.
Wilson R Mount being in
a the center of the
How is your Let these are the added
us show you new lot of j the first of and
Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
Ft an up date cut ard
at Barb, r
door to
Wednesday evenings and
Saturdays. only whits bar-
hr in n give him a trial.
Leave your orders ice
II. U Johnson's. Will deliver
anywhere in town.
and to make it
in r-- the name is
. kind of tinware For cold drinks of all kinds
a nave received a I call it L. Johnson's.
When in need of give
principal informs us that us a trial.
more . w b ere expected
. H. a next post cards. H. L Johnson
straw hats ard B. F. Manning, of Ayden. was
get on don't e W. in our town Monday.
Mrs. G. II. Smith
The Athletic department of -p Sunday at visit-
S., as well as the literary de , jug relative.
taking on new life., Willie Bullock, of Grifton, was
The boys have relatives Sun-
team, and the
a merry lime J. L and W. Rollins, L. A.
Manning and F. A.
Heart Action
There arc
that control the action
of the heart. When they
weak, heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
Before buying see my line of talion, fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, other
distressing fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted t the needs of
these serves and the
structure of the
heart It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it
Harrington. Co.
Straw fist, buy
don't a W. Ange
I what I
w.-m when
and Miss Crawford at-1
tended services at Ayden last
i ray ,, ,
Dr I l
I . i now I an
Miss ha.-, lately I n m mi. i .
., , , miss went i . , . i u. i
a position in Ayden
with the Ayden Furniture Co R G Chapman and M. G.
your rs F. attended services at
L. Johnson's. Will b i co r -u den Sunday.
Mrs. J. F. Harrington went to
e Tuesday.
any where In town.
cats to give away, bring
R. Croon, I Minnie Mae, of
K. C Sunday here visiting
and oil cloth, or friends,
. buy some, caver it over.- I Henry and Jesse Haddock, of
Harrington, Burner Co. South Carolina, were visiting
Mia i.
UH St. i.
Cure, and we him to return
of rt bottle If It
benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Ind
Rape Seed.
Just received pounds of
Rape seed at F. V.
ton, came Wednesday to visit
her moth-r, Mrs. who
is very sick. Hope she will soon
be up
Mrs. Williams, of
ton. Mrs Jennie Stamper,
of NorfolK, were in town Thurs-
day visiting Mrs. Z
ho is confined to her room on
of sickness.
M, U Ward is on the sick list
this week. Hope he will be
s on.
Misses Bonnie Dixon
Louise Latham, of Wharton, are
spending the week in town with
has an auto now.
Come and sea ii speed on
prepared fast running
B R. Fleming v die in Norfolk
d a fin.
horse. The animal
y are carpeting the church
week, hoping to make it
look very much nicer inside,
have the organ
More the members are t
ed to attend at next me ting.
Farmers are hauling more
guano this year than they have
in several years, looking for a
better corp.
has men of all elates,
you will find merchants, lawyers,
mechanics, blacksmiths, mil-
liners, preachers, and others
Who can tell of a town that baa
so many kind of men to tin
Sale of Lam
North a, I In Superior
Fat county C
CI .
O. Johnston, K. V.
J B. and M.
AT N. O.
At the close of business, J in.
discounts Capital stock
Overdrafts secured Surplus fund
unsecured led profits, less
and fixtures and taxes pd JO
e. r of deposit
Due from and s subject to 14,077.08
Silver com, including ,. , , ,
minor currency 396.46
Nat bunk and other 28.06
U. S. not s
I. F, A. K Cashier of the above named hank.
do solemnly that the above at is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
A. i. Cox,
A. W. Ange,
J. E Green,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 7th day of Feb.,
R. H,
Notary Public
Sale in the
During these early spring
u of power authority
when the in the
ting dry enough to cultivate and the Dr J
in the the
the air begins to feel the c. f c
time, th smoke from burn 0.4.
u i i ion
brush, and haves goes the door
up from every farm in North s. two or of
n , a the town of F
Carolina. New are N. bounded amide-
burned off, fence corners and
u . No. B of tie Townsend
brier patches cleaned out, rotting at the
stumps and logs disposed of, and and tuna
c . . , t i- Ii . -No a
old fields and pastures prepared ; tbs Una of lot No.
for the summer grazing lot in an
an . ., ion h eat
All this burning means the to church street, thence
liberation and consequent waste h treat fat the be-
of the mast valuable part of the ., the Town.
food our Crops, from send am n a- d . n
of which might
., . at lot No
be put into the soil. All on street tuna the lots
matter contains the three No. , . l-i
,. , in
elements of plant food which we feet to w prop theme
purchase in our complete fer- l
By burning, the
most expensive of Terms of i ca-h.
gen most expensive ., , 19.0.
these is liberated in , If. a.
By virtue of a of Hi- sun to. j the air. and IS absolutely lost to
of by i. Q. the soil
Moore, c o Hie Slat
the i g led
pro-, e h IDS
will o . M. lie- of
April. at bring
R. It.
last and
other two mental . N. By. urn,
potash and phosphoric acid. attorneys.
are left on ground in the
ashes; but even this plant food hat aid nature are
I u
nature in
Situate on lbs no. h washed off into by
not the to a healthy
only loss. The leaves or the condition. by all druggists.
where no if in add to tip
lower edge , , .
big near y at not these plant foods H s.
i i I u I i-------- -c i m t s-1
us is et
b in commercial It is l
theme ad uh that nearly all soils need and the
K . . . . a. a
Vi I in that
In a executed by Edward impoverishes so many of our
s office in m book are used heavily, and
Y-a. This be that causes the abandonment of
much land in all of the
Ti is the day of M r.-h. State,
t S F. C
Stubborn as Mules
Taken Up.
I have cow and calf,
there's color, red and white, crop
liver bow. It.
to balk Then there's
loss of in the tight, swallow fork and
h in the left. Owner ran get
But troubles before Dr. proving ownership and paying
N w Life Pit., world's b.-Kt W. K.
a. h and remedy. So easy, ltd Greenville, N. C.
every time Tl
the stomach,
at mi at.-
work wonders for
heal, h that's
lively guaranteed
i News Spreads
i old travel most
s F. To of
where I
Kite be-
excellent I
They effect a cure
never fail to tone
i the
liver, invigorate
. he blood. They
weak, d men
. a d joy. Try
by all
Liver Tablets
relief to women
i suffering
of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold
by all druggists.
An Improvement over many Cough, and Bronchial Remedies, awe. It ride
system of a cold by acting as s cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Ci to give
satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by CO.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
And So a e Suggestions lo How to Strange Man Drunk m Couch little Flower at Feet of Quite Enjoyable Occasion Monday
Supply Them.
Greenville needs may things,
Washington. N. C. Mar.
Miss Mildred Briggs the little
The silver tea given by the
but at present she is in urgent n little was thirteen year old daughter of Mr ladies for the benefit of the
and immediate need of an up-to in this city early this morn-
date court that is w en a message was turned
F. H. Briggs, I ad a peculiar ex- public library, in the music room
yesterday afternoon White, Monday
was returning from was an occasion that gave
the progress, wealth in to headquarters The Incident pleasure to those in
of the best county; six o clock by Mr. J. Havens I maKe a good story for a It was mainly an even
in the State. A county that can prominent and wealthy
boast of more than a d pros- staling an unknown
towns. A wealth of I white man had been found his
agricultural lands, that ft dining room in a drunken and
in fertility and productiveness to
none in the or even in
Mi's Mildred
lover of nature a close ob
server. Just she was
home of Mr. Came-
opposite St. Mary's, she
says she was attracted by the
absolute of the day No
cars or vehicles Were in and
she seemed to be the only person
passing. There was nothing
the stillness of the perfect
Sin.- slopped
music. With Helen
is evidently a Forbes as accompanist Dr. L. G.
of gave several
violin selections interspersing
the following
e to by Mis
Olive violin
by Dr.
by Mrs. T. E.
by Mr.
a Dream of by
J. Whichard, violin
disorderly It seems
that Mr. Haven, a
South, owned an operated by a noise the went
people of a whole some, intelligent down to investigate and found
vitality strictly I the man lying on a couch in a
American, who their stupor. Upon ordering
and who are proud enough of; him to leave the man refused
themselves and place of j and from what be learned,
birth to make it the on Mr. Havens, who is
Mecca of and who are lame, in a threatening attitude, i i.
ambitious to turn over to Havens him et ,,,., by
n in bright Dr. a skilled
that ii nit only to the en -r and mm
moral, educational industrial and leave the premises. After
agricultural progress, nut teem getting him one of the house Mr.
as well with undertakings Havens called ti his night watch-
and plans out of which will I man to follow the mm, which he
the durable and trailing him to and seeing
factory things of life. him enter a residence on Fourth
is the capital of this street.
land, the of it's but the cad was rec lived at B bird was gong
the recent Are, we are, headquarters night to I. circled t
without necessities which police was on another and in front of I
be replaced. In Chief Poler was her great astonishment dropped I
order to we will bis residence. I n flow Recently Register of Deeds the age limit is twenty one years
trees, bright Dr. Shaffer is a violin
Her love for and his playing was much
and appreciation of it as was also the
soon rewarded
and utmost startling man-
A little bird began circling
and round just above her,
all the lime coming nearer.
I kept perfectly still, watching AFTER THE SAME GIRL
The guests were all
with refreshments. d
to library fund tint-
ed to some over
by n
One I. i to be Given in Defeats C lo in a Game of
Three Prizes. Baseball
On the first day of August The j It a and interesting game
Uplift will give away one , of baseball, made by
dollars to three pupils of long hits and
the public schools Caro- plays, the E. C. T. T. S. on Mon-
day afternoon auspiciously open-
ed its baseball season by defeat-
. i o , ii to
u , ; t
w. . Train-
i school i- ii-i .; h
elf h i . , n bases.
be i I school
out in I and their
in the victory for
the purple and gold, iii- town
rooters bat in
i with the yells
i m s the
; but a gentle
wind in th of a raging
The features i-.
one band
hot grounder, and in
No. 8.-120.00.
offer is mad
Spirited North to
courage public school pupils t
investigate their county's
audio cultivate the
same, and pat
We want a story about every
county in North Carolina, its sir.
shape, topography, its beginning,
its people, achievements, it.
name, its industries every
thing would make ;
knowledge of the county not to
exceed Words. At
five good must ac
company the I'm
ground j, Which One Will
Get Her
of five things, p or s
enter into making vivid
understating of the county.
i This contest is upon to any
white pupils of line p
lie schools of North Carolina,
have to get together and devise Went t on
ways and is to supply
ditto needs and in addition, lay a
Strong th a.
needs that though
not immediately pressing are
never just as -s hence
hen hopping
Moore it license The story must be type-
gate the affair. little bird turned a certain couple in this written an in hands of the
In the meantime Night bead watched her from i license has DOt editor f The by July h.
John Harris and little b.-. returned to indicate that 1910.
. name of the can
tribal, r mast not appear .-
but u.-
by ilia chief its little gift marriage had taken place.
to the house designated by to b- received, it soother license was
where they Miss ail- i for issued for another
found a young about was overcome
a mass meeting in one op old asleep in a room, fully
on a date that dressed with his clothes disorder-
CONDITIONS DETERMINE ed and bloody. The man being
The audience to be by denied knowledge
at Mr. He
office's to close; by personal work gave name as Johnson,
of individuals; of r but was by
Commerce; of the Tobacco Hoard Harris as George of
of of The Carolina this city. A warrant
of The Women's Clubs; of all the been sworn out by chief Fowler
Fraternal orders, and of public churning him with forcible
paSS he was taken to the
A of arrangements, station and locked up. He will
man and the young lady
being singled whose appeared in the
little gift
Ala meeting of the
Club, S, C, Much
3rd, 1910. the following
Inasmuch as in His
, has removed to it higher
life our beloved friend and
and a finance committee to be be given a in co-worker, M. Louisa .
cured by committee's from mayor's court at tn I o bow with humble submission
license teen
there was a third
I plication from still another young
l man for a license to wed the
lady. three
licenses in bands of three
j different men all v. anting to
marry the. same the
is which one of
get her. Evidently of
young men
I f;.
mentioned, morning. The man was
Clamber of to have entered die
Tobacco Board of Trade, Caro-1 house during the early morning
Club, Women's End of for some unknown object.
Century Club, Civic League, has been to fur.
Club and Fraternal i
orders. duties of the coin- j
will be arranging all de- progress,
tails necessary to the completion Greenville's need of an opera
of a of them ass meet- house and rooms for women's
and to raise necessary funds, club.-; by Sans
Submit this plan to all of the Live,
above organizations, with the Greenville's need of an opera
request that they call a meeting house and lodge
adoption of same, and for by Masonic
that they appoint their commit- representative
to Hi will
lo Library.
and be it ladies the Ed of the
First, That in the are at the
Mrs. Cox, of the cm
has lost one its m are toward
members. them to re-establish th
Second, That we extend to her ilia library that was lost In the
relatives out sympathy I recent fire. The following vol-
the hour of bereavement, contributions have been
praying that her example of I made, and should be many
Christian life inspire US lot
with renewed seal in Mas-j r. D. L. sot of book
until we are
upon to folio her to the happy j Hiss Martha
tee's and representatives.
The following topics for dis-
Greenville's need of an
Greenville's need of an opera
house and com for bin lodge
rooms for Odd Fellows, by Odd
Fellow representative.
Greenville's need of an opera
house, and a Chamber of house and comfortable lodge
room for by
Greenville's need of an opera
and comfortable lode
room for Red Men, by Red Men
Greenville's need of an opera
house and rest room for ladies,
that is active, by Chamber
of Commerce representatives.
Greenville's need of an opera
house and Other things, by To-
board of Trade
Greenville's of in opera
house and a library building, by
End of Century book Cub re-
Greenville's of an
house sanitary improvement,
by Civic League representative.
home beyond.
Third, a of our sec-
book of minutes
to her m unary and these
resolutions inscribed
Fourth, That a copy of
resolutions be sent the relatives
with whom she lived, and that
be published in The
tor. Mrs. B. D. Forest, i
Mrs. A. D. Cox. ; Com.
Mr. M. Butt,
Mrs- J. E. Winslow
Mrs. R. O. J; dries
Mrs. J. G.
The will take pleas-
in publishing any other do-
nations that may reported to
the office or to Mrs. W. A.
Praise To Whom Praise is Doe.
Your past kindness makes us
Build a Pavilion and Bath ask your
I good paper today.
The coming of spring weather j Civic League desires to
has started up boat riding through your columns
by King's Daughters the river again. And this reminds appreciation of every
How can we accomplish our
needs, by
An enthusiastic speech, by
Greenville's need of an from a distance.
an I the
m the nit .
n that will
a men's club,
one that active in-
in promoting
The foregoing i n
out lino for a plan W get Green
buy in doing something
Ii th town.
Now, i- get bu y.
hit's have such a
and make things move.
once to say that Green- by made
ought to have a pavilion -q.,.
with bah houses and boat houses j
on the river front. . . u;.
could get much pleasure and W observed this
recreation from the river if morning not only a careful
proper provision was made for sweeping of sidewalks, but the
boating an bathing. In front of Herbert bl-
to the pleasure afforded the moods, barber shop had been
people, it would be a washed and the
investment. ought to cleanliness of it naturally attract
get busy in this direction. As it ed our attention.
get busy in as it i man .; .- .
Greenville has no one we'd worth .
e. place for recreation. Reporter, schools if the
plums must in instance be
the story; and the
d- with t. i i
name and address must be sealed
in an p.; and accompany
i he story.
Any contestant read
con.-ult any authority
or any person or or
any sourer, for or
In envelope containing
the real name and tie plume,
contestant must in his or
own give
e by
ant With
plume, is original;
was and by
nu and was n no wise corrected
or changed by any other person,
Any m y, to
carry out conditions this
secure services .
any one to put or
script into type-written copy;
but the copyist has no right to
correct any error that may appear
in laid manuscript.
No c instant need be a tub
scriber to Uplift; out to keep
touch with the contest it may
prove advantageous.
No story not furnished in
type-written copy will be
No story showing on its
face any evidence as to the real
name of the contestant will be
No story unaccompanied
by at least five will
bi couriered.
On July all
scripts will be turned over to a
committee of competent
persons to ascertain the winning
stories. The best will be first,
winning a prize of the
next will be second, winning
and the next Will be third,
The Uplift will be grateful to
all superintendents; principals
of rural and city
. v. re
. I a
school. He had town
at his tn- it the
game an fourteen did the
Greenville sluggers fail t con
his benders.
It H E
Batteries; iv and Brown;
White, James
Struck o Hal ad y by
White in .- x i-i .; i , J i n
-in two i i o i hills,
off . I. Two
e t. ., L- i-o
i i and . i
M ye
Buds Pest, M .-eh -Two
hundred and fifty men, women
and w i
t ti I ill, when
v i barn in which it
was being h . the
vi was in i barn,
i tin fire
the cm , Three
hundred were it jut , besides
killed. The -d became
tangled and Kits,
ch d with a
m and b the
out root t- II t.
Mrs who last
week was lo a ho in
for an m, dice
I hi re . morn-
r. in. i will b. brought
home on the midway train to
morrow and the interment will
place in the afternoon in
the Fleming family burial ground
near House station.
Mr. e was form Miss
Lizzie daughter of
Mrs. Mollie Fleming. Besides
the husband and mother, she
survived one sister, Miss
Her mother
and sister wont to Norfolk Sun-
Closed Business Hue.
B. closed
their dry go h.-re and
moved it t Si nth Carolina, Mr.
M. who has been man-
aging business here, will go
with it to South Caroline, and
Greenville will I and
contest the widest possible
publicity, that every county may
be represented by at Last one or
limit to the numb
from any
The Uplift, in adv.
-all its
papers of t
i no
y will give this this contest a wide publicity.

R A. I Most Druggist Makes a Sal f I o.
A p, j. has at
V. N. C, March 26.-
r. I r. .-t-. J. I
vie G
;. , m I r
, ,
V. bean v-
pat we are to
the subject
at, , . i
. h . r u
if His
was born in what is row
, Feb.
. . on which
. i. Not about
ii b life will say
i. of t i. but after h- grew t.
i I in
I v of n
e in the n
e remedy much hey , ,. D- J N.
are on i-of cord in the . Hire t- t B r
v I. v.-r if the Superior curt I Pitt C
i, i or w
There is more
. w. I, S Or l in b p
i we Both
-n-l B I I th- r mu d I
u Ho dine or parcels id
you re in UM of F
f. J N. d-
t. return Liv r b d
and e per-. Ne. . V c S
w a, n
, ii and a M, . r I I No Turd ruM
. . . . . I . K T . . I. . . ti ,. .
., ,. of i j, j i-i
tn-. I -i s
. her,
r ill C. I
N C Bf. f Superior Cow
C and made
No. of the Ton-
sin I A division -n
tide of old
, lot No
on d i the s of
No. n I H thence
h a
feet to he property, then e
with C s Ii; e feet to 3rd
. L , . ,, ; v. street U feet
until it
Terms of sale h.
This d By of March.
. , . . -or court to of J N. .
M ft
have I V f , . j-. Up eh , hi eh. If
i . . N.
t c. a h cc All builder c. to t,. power
obtain i
-.- mi i;. .,; printer . toot by
h p-1 r ii June id, and i
. d if. .,
Bad i- .
; v writer
Of manhood, i Oil aid
r i . . ,.,. it H, my i, Si of .,. 6th av of May, v.
. ,,., Sunday H n
. , . i . . i r ft r r-a
. .,, s
.;. to J, will to
r i- ,,. t , -i ii rt n
I . ill n i D-. V-
ii, I
is . .
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in c
April -I, P. m i
of d g
p ,. c . n of
bid ., .;,.,,.,.,, ;,,.,, Carolina, in
. . r ;.; , .,, r . . E. e.
, ,. ;, .,.,,.,. j. v. . . ;, J
. .;.,. i r v. w i-. ., i,. to the lining, act.,
in . hut t , s. L. U q Caro-In. . I k. i.
The mere mixing of
materials to obtain
sis requires no special
knowledge. The value
of a fertilizer lies in the
source from which the
plant food is obtained.
Each ingredient in
goods is selected
with a view of supplying
the plant from sprouting
until harvest. The plant
is not overfed at one
time and starved at an-
other. Twenty-five
years experience goes with
every bag.
. .
h .
. , I . . . I.
. .
. . I,
. pa-d
I Pi
. . . i. ii n,
. . ,,. ,.,,;. ,,. lot now tie i. J t.
i . . . . i,,. i i i
. In i . I in i I t
,,, i I NO Of th I , . A
. l V d . , . i. form r B
, ,. . . Hi i e ; . re fa,
; . if. U H f to pT,
i. . . . , . i h s he Mai ii. .
., .-. . l
r-. . . .
r . . . ;
l,; . . . . a ii i. .- i r
. r C. .
I . . , . t;. m i
i ., i. buy
v. .
kind t
ii. w.
. . r, i u vi
i . s gold
St to ii . i
i. in -I- I n
in . ., ,
in I
I., iii r . M t ;.
in he t n I .
P mi . Mo
V H. , i
F. So Guano
to Ci
by .
Carolina, i ,,,.,,
Pitt v i
Warren I, I
u nor Hill , h i- at law.
. i. . . . .;, tr r-r- v,. W
T -v B
. h i ,. p e , . s I. . k , i
i i . , . , h to I
-111 f am , , J . at. to m u- la d, A. t n, U; y PhI p-, An.
of it, x am bar, . II ,. , ,,, ,,. u and U I In B
no-. l Ii.- .;, t a to . hi h I of Hi I
Know Your Needs
. . . . . i. Hi .- A. I i
, . m .,. ., , ,.,., h- been b- t J
lived ,.,., ,. ,;.,. with the Hi. , e Sn-i-i It i
, .- i . ill I'd a him M V I .
by h-
,.,. .-;,,; m, ,,
L i i. r. OHO ;. in . a . on fa the aha men to n r of v
;. i-. K.
B. V ;, . n. .
A ;. ,. , ;. .; i writer, .
i- i . f . .,, ,;. . ,,,;
Ci i . f, .
. r. to
. Mr, qua i
ii i Ti-rt Vi i
, who V
I . Id
Ci .
fl III. , w
or o la of i I
lie s. I i. ll
t yon arc In
p ii I I r. t . a .
, ii. r ii r c u h i
. . i town G-i I . M, C
.-. , 3rd,
m I. a . i pull hi . e v. tali t i i;
r. . . . ii.
i i
i M. e era Si l I .
; Pit; . . I
o ii.- v II n in I
rt I m I
paid all the , i . i.
,,,. ,, r; , . .
i ; U lour
Notice to
, . i. 1.1
i ii ii
In Cotton Gin Machinery. Engines and oilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills. Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers. Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
,; . him that . ., t . p . e
M I . ii ii u- . J. v II
our town. Let us ask .-.,. . I j tr t. n n, . m a t-.-m t. .
, ., . . i, r- pr. I nil h c man m I
honestly for i ;, rim . ,,, ,,; ., the d y j I . ; k; , .; Zs
V . .-. ii -I V- I r I
i 1.1 , . , ,,,.,. .,.,. T; . of mm very. All u
I ,
i . . i i
t n-gt the
t, . M . U
t-, . A
I. .
. i a
. th
i la .
i, I i v.-iv w.
sin . I
i-till is lust.
i i of who
i v . . u warfare oil
th Who will
It K. , .
r i ii lie i i
i- . i d
,,,, K.- i it . Will I
i in sun h g. j. Atty.
I h,
the j. ,. i;.;,. f, Notice to
Oil, much i y the
aid , el-m of Pitt
, . . the , m lien
I 1.1 ,. ,, .-,,,,. . .,. , , ,., j . I
A.-.- you fr
rave that tick-
; ii thrust your
ii h yon at light, mi
. i i in in -n
in Ii. mint r
rd you will be
by all
i, i in ti
i I , .
r- a. ill
., 11-vi k el .-i .
v., lake null my l
ii,. u for i .
. e t en f. e h
eh, Ian
in , -r of r
Ma eh;
w M.
Ex w
II. n. p
jg in
Groceries F
;. i
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of Jan.
Col. Patrick, record
lo M H.
of Hertford, will be t
Ibo coming
L id Greenville.
duly Defer the
curt dark of I
of the N.
Cox, c R-ad, U g veil
. all per n. o
m . to to
rig. nil ii c n;
is will re
most present
ii i for on or
i. h of M rah I, or
In U. la bar
of March. 1910,
Sarah A. x.
T. Cox.
1847 Rogers
If you would like to supply
your with high-
grade silverware free of
cost, write fr our
offer. Address
lit New N. Y.
J Ami Provisions M
Cotton m
kept M
Silver, all . I ,.
minor c in J
I Sub. to
National k rot l
r II. S.
a p
I, w. Cashier of the above-named bank,
that the above statement i true to the beat my
belief. W. H.
and t ho-
7th of Feb.,
S. T.
M. O
Subscribe for The Reflector
Subscribe to The Reflector.
and Water
Damaged Sale
We have a quantity of water
damaged goods, consisting of
Furniture, Matting, Rugs, Carpets,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,
Lace Curtains, Window
Shades, Pictures,
Trunks, etc.
which we are selling from to
regular price.
We also have a new lot of Fur-
received since the fire.
We are getting in new goods daily
and invite you to come to see us.
We will try to please you.
Story of
by Bur
by Dodd. Mud
Chapter King arrives in
Edelweiss, of
me.-U the beautiful of S ,,
p does a favor for
Robin, nil r of the
is John
an American. Ill
minister o police, King
against the
royal ,
warns him a
. .-- .
is d
the lad's Aunt Loraine.
committee of ten, s
the prince, in an
where Olga
mac ea who id to kill Prince
with a
c I s on th beautiful f st
who w him ha
and not I h Count Mn-
agAinst the
meat the and
In their of and-
I remarked Mr.
Dag. His and his bat
. a
re's the
at the
wry r of
n rein but
of household.
lit col to
I little Be was standing beaUs
I U Is not with a
fire to III if bis valor that we
add be the
i part of riding breaks
I with that betrayed es-
j a. Basing the
I doorstep, was lbs witch herself.
i the were
several and
I sud-
the of
, of royal was
i f
I recant prince's the
j lady of the conspiracy
The tall ex-
n little apart from the
. v. and
Ion w-as ready lo bate because he was
a r for the band of the
I slim person in gray.
boldly to this little groan.
to demonstrate the
value of the telephone
in the farm home. In
any emergency the
phone performs a
which no other agency
can equal. The doctor can be
called quicker than the horse can
be hitched up. Neighbors can be summoned
instantly. It is invaluable for the convenience and
protection of the housewife.
For information about our
plan write to nearest manager
or to
Line Department
Home Telephone
Telegraph Co.
Henderson, N. C.
exemplified by th Buster lily,
its count, in cur n. w .
porcelain bath r. Now
Easter is here, the lime best to
new and mo Urn sanitary
i is at l and.
M Johnston. are sanitary
will be of great
to you. Phone,
Greenville, N. C.
For Slate
or Ti
Roofing Metal Work.
Tin Shop Wort, and
Flues in Season,
LIT. II. C .
at ma witch's
X or.
friend. King, was
ii ii all be-
he went lo
mint Mule prime mm
only did he attend nap hat
ell of been that
Hie royal family worshiped there quite
and n-s n the
She not
than I lie
he down
to the were
locked mill in, lite
The day Ring a purely
rail of Mr.
lie with n
eye. at the cabinet of
rings necklace, then
id seen the
Mis. -n.
Al Ills hotel he found a
note t. It did not
If a
deal. There no and the
wan that a woman.
Tb it was
ire with a t do-
treat back . . p at
r, o'clock, to prove
. timid a note . Cu
occasion last visit rim
shop he not stay long, bat went
away dosed to Cad himself
of a ring not want
mid i -ii pocket American,
to the that
of that not
only but distinctly Irritating
bis of ho looked
Mr. mid let a day's
rile In the mountains.
Mr. Hobbs led bis patron into the
roads early the next morn-
both well and provided
It is a good three ride to the
of Monastery
after the has attained
one does not i are to linger Ion among
the chilly, crass, with
SHOW crevasses bitter wind;. The
niter loneliness, the of
one who loves the fair,
of life.
it was o'clock when they clattered
down n road to
bidding In which
evil, thing, the built home
of the of gap. that
who made no secret of
her practices in witchcraft
a low thatched root protruded from
hill against which but was
built. As a mutter of n thin
grew out of the earth Itself,
for all like n tree
stump. The door wan so low-
that one was obliged lo to enter
the little room where the had
been holding forth for
years, sold. This was her
room, her room, her
tier. her all. It would seem, one
had been there before and knew that
her hen was beyond, the side
of the hill. The one window, sens
pins, looked narrowly out upon an
odd the foliage below,
of the hut
. the winding road that
led up from
The two rode Into
the way. in no small
by defection of
The way was made by In-
of the woman
in . the re-
one of them.
be quite n curate- and. after
lag a swift audio f ii
turned quickly to Prince Hobby.
The prince broke
be shrilly.
John found elf being drag-
away from the Witch's done to-
ward the newcomer at the bottom of
the Mr. listened with
deepening owe to
which la King
forward join the party la
from of the bat
. duly the
ladles ii ea f by
John Toll, who era
that be knew i Sew
York. Baron wan quite
Id friend, if one Judge by the
manner h
man. The lady In gray so
sweetly and so that
Instead of King I
her a ho t.
and merely
-And another.
Whereupon very
i to
I r.
. .
u ii a
creature who i i i
t i. C . St
If s ; by
fairy i t t y
She had we d
. I
th i .
and the bat If .
were net In At a rough
ho r use at loll
lady, I. . i
I dream of her for
red iii. lady iii Cray,
yen mind letting me how I
em lo address King
They were against the mud
pin lend wall near the little Window
side by side. see, I'm a stranger
in a strange
mutt not speak while she is
into she warned
u quick, starching glance at bis
Although It was broad daylight, the
low, stuffy room been
pitch dark bad it not been for the
flickering en table beside
die gray bend of the mumbling
fortune teller, whose
twit-lied over about
lite tail.
Window pave light.
. and the door was
grandson leaning against it limply,
I The Witch by lending the
fortune of John who been
rushed forward by wide eyed
prince, in a cackling monotone she
rambled through n his-
of past, for the chief part
prince Bad refused to read his future,
shrilly that she had nut Hie
Courage to what the
little ruler, all the while
who bad died in a and apes
ago. that the was
withdrew him lo back-
next. She was smiling derisively.
returned from one
whom you the witch,
Is Von will marry
re Is a fair haired man In
love h you. You are tors
I can s-
sway table, h.-r cheeks data-
the consciousness a smile
had swept the behind her grace-
she said and avoided
John ease, ears to
bear any more. Come, baron You
bis mind, himself
bis who
went so far lo make them Interesting.
hail fallen a creek In
door that led hen, although
he no means of that it
ma l kitchen. To his a
eye was . upon the
room from beyond tins narrow crack.
He looked long and found that be was
BOt mil Th. re was eye frilled
the OPT site rickety
door, and Its case win to
tan re-
of hi-- action, l sprang the
room, as be did so that there
wan a behind
h, he wide en,
In the r . n looking
if he were
Time it r.
from all.
as th- others wen. o v in
was bis side before lie in.
with rage, e iii sunk
into arm. her . v. t rt
room In n
the young man
out be .- ii of
the room, the old woman looking n
with n ti
-he ranked
n tr I. .
yon now. my awe bare It fl-
cannot be toned. OS. roe
or I . net.
nor ail s. This
my resale ,;
There n. n hare, old
coolly i--
The B lie kit
In terror.
There b no no
., bar. u.
Inches diameter. A mas
out iii ii. Sir.
Kins, we've n .-ii
ice mid lie r . ti
bands a mysterious i, .
over pot
la Ten
before startled .-yet a
to the en ; it
pot. It in the MOB
was It, Evan Bait
quickly Hun ii began
drawn apparently by tome
draft of the trove
and out y
a era ii as of many gent
came lo their ears from the
With one accord
the outer door, e from
the hag
There roe.
nil there was of shall ire
all in some day. lire and
outside deer st
i matter it i
. . n i
. .- . . a ii
. . ii . r I t
I . d II . J l-e
your Tea, I e
refund th mo I I
m. th- only for the I
e rel
r r n. 11-y
i- K. I . I Woo en.
1910 Brought Many Changes
And among them was a big change in the
style of Furniture. I watched this care-
fully, and I did not buy until I was ab-
sure I was getting the newest
and best to be had. Consequently. I cm
offering the furniture buyers of Green-
ville and adjacent country
The Most Artistic Stock
ever shown them. You will therefore
find it to your best interest to visit my
store in the White building, near Five
Points, and examine my stock before
Atlantic Coast
It. ons, slim tales
organs, the
and s the I Such is If
Mountain Tee.
and cure of bed
blood, and liver,
Jno. . ten.
Tee the Ki
which silver i March b.
w s th
time properly will
be promises Ht public sue-
as lier t lore
further apply to
y r. G. Bee v r.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth,
and Kinston, Effective April 1st,
j information, ticket
W. J. P. I. M. T. C. G. P. A.
so Hum even lie could
n. gainsay
the bent piercing eyes upon
K. CO . have
the W. B. and will eon
t a lire of
such a Bay. Corn, Fodder. ed
Mi a i Co n Heal. We d
or exchange meal for com. e ill lie
.-la., to to at time
is d
N. C.
. y a-s. am f . If. i I. ft XI I MU
en. aid I w no ken ,. K
iv arm
g ban.
nine's he Its .
Health .-.;,
Jno. L.

D. J. i C HARD,
editor mo
Year 11.00
Copy .
don't k that the summer vacation, and the editor j Dis-
trust magnates should be hum- j get away hut once
of the has given in a stew. Just listen at what to June 8th, 9th and 10th. This tor from us to the editor of the
us, even if it should do its worse it right early to get for a News and his Greens-
now and the end of the
ThOM who were making such
to stop into Senator Dan-
shot's now have time to
catch their breath.
in,; may be had upon
application t business office in The
Reflector Bo corner Evans and
Third s reel.
It might also knocked
Entered in the office at Greenville
N. C., mail matter.
The Greensboro is
the in that
It will soon he fly
Straw tire
but a f . v.- vi ii I tired out
If you are as
readier yon are s
good as
I right.
Raleigh doing the Swift act
in the spoiled moat
Christ i risen indeed, and
may this fact bring joy to all
The Raster hat shown
self, and the night mare is
next in order.
The scene of seems to
have changed from New York to
Yes, sir, the women them-
selves were the prettiest part of
the Easter show.
The ground hog i out for
good now, oxen if it should
freeze later.
lust a- well your
doors in readiness fly rime,
s, you know.
Li t remind Mr in
or, ti plant a few more in
corn tins year than you intended.
If you your town in
there is n lie ; to t
it than t nine r
Mister vi i not con
the con
due tor drew the
Mrs. Hetty Green has joined
the and Rockefeller
class and decided to give away
some money.
When the trees and ground
get their spring suits, their
beauty will give the folks a race
to keep up.
When you go to church re
member that the real intent
was an assembly for worship.
This is one time President
Taft is having little to say, and
is not even reported to be
President Taft says he did not
mean what he laid about the
newspaper men- All right, let
it go at that.
in some other places.
ed at the but they u
should certainly be roasted. , . . ,.
before him after getting
back hone. wish the date
Mount Etna has been in
again, filling with terror .
the people of the adjacent
Congressman Morehead must
have had enough of the game, as
he announces that ho will not
again a candidate.
They have got Jack Johnson
ill jail in Now York, and we
hope will keep him there
long enough to prevent the tight
with Jeffries.
You folks who are going to
beautify the little park strips
between the sidewalks
and the streets should be got
ting busy.
We are not hankering after
getting up at that hour lo prove
it, hut some of the papers are
laying the comet can be seen a
little before sunrise.
The fellow who for
local option now, does so be
ho thinks it would be a
stop toward getting back to
lie is simply fooling
cannot tell much about
that Philadelphia strike from
the press One day
they say it is over, and the
next n has pro
Tin re is an old saying that
laid on Good Friday will
never spoil, hut We Would Hot
like to try one of them six
months hence
The spirit with which the
Civic League is working seems
to be hold of the people
of the town, as is already
noticeable that more attention
is given to cleanliness.
Oh, what a dodger the
patch flirt is. Just because we
I got him cornered on the too
much kissing and COO little hug-
proposition, ho to
Hero is one tune that even switch us to flirting with
Why people will make the Republicans not he widows. No. sir, you can't do
homes under the shadow napping. In We've cut our wisdom
of such danger, when there is at Asheville was an teeth. The Charlotte News may
plenty of safe room elsewhere, is attempt to oiler a resolution in j have the Greensboro widow all
hard to understand. favor of local but the to himself, without any inter
just would not listen ; from this quarter.
City newspapers no longer to it and adjourned die meeting;
make jokes on their country , . ,, , . .
brethren for accepting eggs, resolution, Good people, this is the time
butter and other farm produce recognized that no votes can want to get tog lier, stick
gained in North Carolina on a together and work for
in payment
Far from it.
local option proposition. The I Greenville. If you are not
Exactly, and there are prohibition sentiment has come ; ready thinking you have the best
other good points the to stay.
city brethren might get from.
their country cousins.
It is somewhat astonishing
that thieves should invade
town in the world, it is time you
were to think that I
way. Nothing impossible for
Greenville to accomplish when
Two Raleigh butchers Ur the people set their shoulders
Richmond and get away with so
much booty as was the case
there a few nights ago. We
thought his
big post Offices too well safe-
guarded tor a robbery like that
to take place. There is no
doubt the government will got
busy after the thieves, and it is
as certain that they will
be captured sooner or later.
Folks are certainly talking
Greenville, and the mission of
The Reflector is to help
talking There are plenty of
things the town needs, and
everybody should be interested
in getting these needs supplied.
There must be action us well as
of the treasury talking, and when you see a
is talking about abolishing the made fall in
mint at Charlotte on the ground with it and push the mat
that it is expensive t i main r along-
If the government starts shown what can be accomplished
cutting off things that do not together,
moot expenses, a of proper united effort
went out of business, Riving
is a reason that meat was so
high people of moderate
stances c mid not buy. ex
poet the recent discovery that
the packers were shipping dis-
eased meat there had much to
lo with Raleigh people drawing
the line on it.
That South Carolinian on
tin- Baltimore Ohio train near
Wilmington, Del . shot and
killed the porter and the eon
and Wounded several
there before killed him
self, must have in the
brainstorm class, lie was
tn i crazy to be at
The s.
hi tin-
to be put impossible
We know one man who said he
stayed in bod all day Faster
Sunday because ha had nothing
to wear. Poor follow We
hope he enjoyed his imp.
The Republicans decided to
hold their convention in Shelby,
and Greensboro got left again.
Too bad. The
should call out its foot.
Those towns that are doing so
much guess work and claiming
about population will not have
long to wait for the census
enumerators. Then usual
explanations will be in order.
Don't let the pretty spring
weather get you In too much
hurry to shed Gold
is not all gone yet.
Raleigh got right down after
those spoiled meat sellers.
Swift Co., the packers who
shipped the meat, were
and their local agent was
lined The defendants
Judge D. J. Brewer, one of
the associate justices the
to a .- of date
with other conventions, the
tune of meeting the North
Carolina Press Association at
The Charlotte News remarks
that Julian is my
shout his age as ore of those
widows This
comment we trust will servo to
draw do- lire of the flirtatious
been changed editor of the Greenville
together determine to
it. But mark this, what we get
must come by our own effort.
improved facilities for job print-
will enable us to do so much
more work that the newspaper
improvements soon to follow can
be brought along that much
faster. This can be done if the
business people help out with
their work. They cannot get a
better class of work than The
Reflector Printing House turns
The improvements to the pa
per are things we shall strive for
now. The greatest need at pres-
is a type machine
with which more reading matter
can be given and gotten out
quicker. We want and must
have one of these machines, and
the folks can help in with their
patronage to get it. The Re-
is here to work for the
town and county, and the more
you help th. paper with patron-
age and prompt payments the
better service it can render.
Meat Soar.
There arc, as we have pointed
out before, many factors in the
To sit down and wait for out- present increased cost of living.
One of is sol f in a re-
cent department of commerce
our laps
roll enterprises into
means nothing
waiting for that which Wilt not
We must our own
if there is lo be a
vest. Get busy among your-
selves and go after things, and
the things will come our way.
and labor report, which
mates that since the
population has increased
by twelve millions, while food
animals have decreased by five
millions. Within the same
the farm value of food
increased per cent not-
withstanding the numerical de-
crease, which was per cent.
There wore food animals to
In its December anniversary each hundred persons in 1901, as
announcement The Reflector, against only now.
stated that it had several
in contemplation for
this year. Those improvements
have begun and it is Imped to
keep pushing them until all
contemplated is reached. A
now fast j press has just been
installed, making four presses
in and a largo lot of new
here include all cattle,
sheep and swine. And the
same tendency continue.
It is needless remark upon
what the difference between
buying and selling moat at such
moans to the farmer. It
is equally obvious that, what.
over may be done toward limit-
the cap between production
consumption of food, a
great many Americans will soon
Mind themselves compelled to
type and oilier I practice economies which have
to the job printing department. usual in Europe but
Inch Dover practiced
We begin improvements on Observer.
job printing department first, j-------
because has be depended U
, , . .-. I have taken cow and calf,
on largely getting mono, in, ,,,., and white, and
the time of the year when Bub-
t in the hit. Owner git
and Advertising J a m- by proving ownership paying
W, K. Harris.
j are slackest, We the , IS ltd Greenville, N. C.
Proof Positive
court of the United
States, died suddenly of
in Washington City lion-
Wonder if the boys talking night. He was years of
about going to Wrightsville had age, and one of the most able
anything to do with the weather
getting warm.
members of the Supreme court.
The Wilmington Dispatch
has room to seems bent on getting
Gives relief for all Nerve, Bone and Muscle
Aches and Pains more quickly than any
other remedy known.
Its peculiar penetrating properties are
May be used with absolute confidence in its
purity for Internal and External Uses.
It is Triple Strength. A powerful, speedy
and cure Pain Remedy, therefore most
effective in producing results.
Not only contains the old-fashioned
but also the latest and up-to-
Recommended and sold under a guarantee
for the Rheumatism in all
forms, Sciatica, Lame Back, Stiff Joints
and Muscles, Sore Throat, Strains,
Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Cramps,
Colic, Toothache, and all. Nerve, Bone
and Muscle Aches and Pains.
Drug stores in cities and towns, general
stores in the country, and
the bottle, and money back if not sat-
Isn't this fair
. ; -n mi j
this am,
L- . A
A -m.
.; hi .
i fur i have bi
Lt film flit, run
ii cured completely. Can
I In
in will all you claim.
I. Cyrus, S.
la nod
t nu
and in Co a Id not
I tried and
Hi.- Aral I lea rue toot-
Ur. Mrs. Martha A.
U cold a
f In my
and my aim with-
out much pain. I
in than a
free from pain. A.
SUIT and
have Liniment for
miff and backache,
can fay It did m-- more than
pain remedy. W.
have boon by
for n sprained
ankle. Mi- D.
la the Dock.
I suffered ton year with a dread-
fully Fire pain In back, and
different l-e than half a
of made a par-
cure. lira. J. U.
important Notice
exactly Ilk the
Look for Ark on our
mark, In the U. ti. for
your Noah's appear la
nil Ink on both mi the and on out
aide container. Accept
It la the only Main old under a
If your will not you, end
In and we will mall you a bottle and re-
fund money if not perfectly of
fraud; accept no
wife for
and toothache. used
about half a of Noah h
H. C.
la k
received the bottle of Noah a
and think It helped me
I In my neck
It relieved It much. Mr. Marina
A. Lambert. Beaver Dam, Va.
have never a we
the equal to Liniment
to on throat. and
for etc.
Co., Richmond,
cheerfully recommend all
men to n trial
and he of wonderful
We obtained
If not better from tin
than we did from aSS
Norfolk and
Co. Norfolk.
Authorized Agent of The Eastern for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
of spent Friday in
We are the oldest
and strongest Life and Fire
Insurance Co. in the world.
Call us and let us consult
Call us, phone
your houses and collect for you.
his property on Blount sired.
And contemplate the erection of
Let us rent a on West avenue three
you. Ayden Loan Insurance, Will sell your personal property.
Co. Phone I land, stocks, bonds, or lend you
Mr. Alfred Manning, who
lives near Ayden. lost his
and stables, together with his
feed for the year, and several
tons of Thursday
afternoon by fire. Cause of
same unknown. He had no in-
For Sale-One second hand
6-h. p. Cooper engine and boiler,
mounted, one Brown
cotton gin, condenser, hind
press, belts, etc. J. M. C.
son. R. F. D. Ayden, N. C.
Mrs. J. T. Smith, formerly of
Ayden. but now of Middlesex,
died at her home Thursday, and
will be brought to Ayden today
and buried in our cemetery.
-Cause of death was pneumonia.
She had many friends and
here, the mother of
our townsman, J. T. Smith, Jr.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. K. Smith Co. A Dix
A largo congregation heard
Rev. Mr. Clark at the Baptist
church Wednesday night.
A nice line of coffins and
money on reasonable
Ayden Loan Insurance Co.
Exum has a fine son at
his hone on Lee street.
Call on us for ceiling, flooring
We guarantee
J. R. Smith Co. Dix-a.
Miss Miss
Hearne, of Macclesfield, are vis-
Mrs. G. W. bail.
you want to buy,
lease, sell or rent houses or land,
or want a job for wife,
daughter, mother or sister, or
residences on College street.
Mr. is a large farmer,
mill man, contractor and mer-
chant. men are worth
something to the world. Besides
his individual interest here he
takes stock in all oar
lions that have for their object
the of the town and
Joe Ross, manager of
Loan and Insurance company,
is a hustler for fire and life
business. He makes the com-
a valuable man.
An Easter program was
at the Christian church
Sunday night by the Junior
Builders. Much credit due
Mrs. J- R. Tingle for her able
The schedule for Pitch
is day and night, Sundays Col. J Grimes Present Home;
excepted. Go and get you a load With Chair Portrait of His
of fish. They will treat you Father
right. Col. J. Bryan Grime--, secretary
The will have a fish of the Sol-
fry and stew at Dawson's with
beach next Thursday. presents, a p his
The stock holders of the Ayden Gen Bryan Grimes, and a hand-
Tobacco Warehouse Co. will rocking chair.
meet on April, 21st at p. J The portrait, which is a hand
m. at the warehouse. has been placed in the
ReV. D W. Arnold, of Green-1 room, the room
will preach the funeral of j, hospital.
want to employ additional
Of Bell what you have, there is. management.
no better medium the col- j Forest fires were raging on
of Reflector. each side of Ayden Saturday and
K. W. Smith. ,
Mrs. J. H. of Lu home of Capt.
and Mrs. b. b.
are Mrs. Exum
Found-Near J. R. Smith Co.
store, a purse containing several
pieces of money. can
have same by identifying it.
Larry W.
Our artesian people nave
given it up a baa job utter
Mrs. Alice at Red was given
church first Sunday aft
Cook stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith
Ninety day and rust proof oats
at J. R. Smith Go's.
See cur line of ladies
and children slippers before
making your selection at J. R.
Smith Co.
lines of spring pants
for men and boys at J. R- Smith
Corn oats and hay at J. R.
Smith Co.
Japan peas millet and rape
seed at J. R. Smith Co.
Cox cotton planter, open
spring plows and cultivators at
J. R Smith Co.
Dr. Perkins native herb tablets
and other patent medicines at
ti Mr. Bryan
Buck, one of the old who
was named tor Colonel
from the
tern Dart of the state, near G.-u-
former home.
valuable gifts are highly
thought Um brought j
much to old rs.
Evening Time-.
Av. ;
caskets always on hand with down feet.
E. L. Clare,
Gt., financial the
F. V. B. T will
preach in the Free Win
church Here the night
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Mrs J. C. C. Jenkins is very
low at the home of daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Forest.
An experienced blacksmith is Apt 1st.
waiting to shoe your horses and of
mules at J. R. Smith cam i in to the
Now is a good time to advertise funeral of Mr.
in the Ayden Department Eddie r.
R. W. Smith. a in Free
If you have news items, tell Will here 4th
this scribe and help us to make the pastor, R--v G. C.
this column a one. fee. at
Don't treat him like you do a E tile
book agent, and then wonder at R v. H. F. HusKe,
the feeble effort he is making. Both are mm
We are not all like ability. in
Daniels, we need your co-opera-. to coma and them,
It. Smith. Our friend, L-
J L and family, U
on Lee street,
a of loveliness Monday J. R. Smith Co.
night, on which occasion and belting,
daughter. Miss enter- black and galvanized pipe
quits a of her other mill fittings at J. R. Smith
friends in honor of her guest, Co.
Miss Willie Freeman, of East Car nails, barbel wire, lime
Carolina Training and cement at J. R. Smith Co.
school. and magazines
C. B. AycocK has at J. R. Smith Co.
been invited to deliver the ad-
dress at the Ayden graded school
the tenth of May. We
pate a gala time.
An Awful Eruption
of a volcano brief interest,
With Architects R
New Court House Jail
The Board of County
held a special
today to confer win. architect in
to building a new court I
house and new jail. The meeting
was held in the city hall, where
the six architects who were on
appeared one at the time
to present their respective el
each three-quarters of
hour. This meeting had not
j been finished at The
goes to hence
report the conclusions
reached by the commissioners
can be given It was very
from what was going on
at the meeting that the
if i tin myself.
sprint I M
i i i
if la n i
tried sod It
wonder fur me. In two I .
cud la
It better than I ever had
-I tot life ant
I two
i tut
u i
Better Than for
I v. i.-ii to word la of
your highly t-- t
Riving it t
ti can i
fur i I
of my
lo. I liar,
and now la well and healthy,
n by
an Ideal Laxative.
a. n m your interest eruption will
he infant Mr. Edwin
died Saturday
Sunday in the
are determined that Pitt your for a Per
M if use An n, 1910.
and was buried their care. the as will meet
. , . I worst a, ulcers, lever are the needs of th county
Ayden cemetery by it. will Home Has Narrow Escape
o side its mother, who preceded lip, chapped hand, the wishes of almost the . T r .
i e i m j; b It . . Superintendent A. L.
it only a few We extend, ., people of the county. I
I told us today that he
Warren, of
been in town for the last
few days prospecting with a
view of moving his family here.
How a of July
Mr Joe Smith Dead.
P. M. Smith received
having a tire at the county
one day last week. The inmates
Chicken Powder of one of the a
telegram this morning from Hot.
Ark., announcing the
oration with fitting for I death of her son Joe Smith.
The body will be brought home
At the Close of Business
Resources Liabilities
Loan and discounts 60,760-48 Capital stock 83,000.00
Overdrafts secured Surplus fund
and unsecured
Furniture and
Demand loans 500.00
Due from 70,181.24
Gold coin
and a towns-hip lair
fail, exhibiting farm produce,
old time fiddler's convention.
We have lot- of musicians here
n Ayden, Help us to talk up,
and boost your town.
Smith Co. Dixon will buy
your cotton seed or
meal with you.
I Post Master Prescott nils us
he will move in his new quarters
next Thursday.
i A couple of dusky maidens were
hi fore his honor, Mayor
Saturday for pulling some neck
wear our Syrian merchant
infant of Mr. J. A.
Branch, died night of
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 4,088.98 chicken
Deposits sub. to check crows, owls and minks,
for burial
is Death to to
Chickens and
In Your Homes to Stay
Th l for and
fail and the Grease
, t fir rheumatism and all
p all over the
I ii. by young and old.
Sold Greenville.
N. C, by
N. C.
Dr Alexander lo Speak.
feed my
Look at me
observe the Hawk.
Kills Hawks, trows. Owls Minks.
Beat remedy for
at i-r
in a chick of that
old h
h d been fed on
A I a a
heater open, will, a fir m
it. and this caused the mantel to
catch. Tin; woodwork
to ceiling it
was discover- d, but pt
work put the out.
lies. I
la ., lull III mi en.,
Dr. H. U. Meek- limber Neck. and Leg
i u Weakness. Keeps them free
county, president of Vermin, them to
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,240.04
hank and other
Notes 2,894.00
Demand of
Cashier's checKs
I. J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
before mi-, this 4th day Feb-
Notary Public.
IS best remedy tor cholera,
n up indigestion and leg
MM, keeps them free from v. r-
, i causing them to pro-
an abundance of eggs.
a package at J . R. Smith Cos.
Archie Tripp, of Portsmouth,
is visiting his brother, J. H.
North Carolina Division Farmers does an a
Union, will speak in Greenville.
Saturday, April 2nd, at the
Star Warehouse at a. m.
cordially invited.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me
We with to call your attention to our new line of fall goods which I
we now have. We have taken great care in buying this year and we
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Hats, Dress Gingham, No-
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cash or Installment.
Cons ii s and we will convince you
of Price
orly by
W. II. Tarboro, N. C.
Salt II
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
rooms. tn IR suit.
Will r SI In,

The Store That Satisfies
IT is our aim at all times to
sell only such goods as
have the stamp of confidence
and satisfaction. A satisfied
customer means a
customer, and we en-
to merit and hold our
trade by selling reliable
goods, just what they are
represented to be.
To meet the needs of our customers, we are
carrying the most complete line of
General Merchandise
to be found in Eastern North Carolina, em-
bracing everything needed about the house
or the farm.
Our early spring goods are coming in and we
are now showing an attractive line of
Silks and Dress Ginghams,
White Goods, Laces,
Edging, Embroideries Etc.
Farmers should bear in mind that we have
the very best in FARM IMPLEMENTS.
Every housekeeper knows that
Our Grocery Department
cannot be surpassed by any store.
Brief fee Kan
The does job work.
After th. Your-s Man Made
An Tilling nun run-red lb old
;. mill
, , , mini in.- MM
Maine Bliss, at began young
M. nut em or mi.
wanting -i-v you've been
will call W. J. Turnage. mi
lo l-u
See our local view tablets. me mm . u.-r find warn to
Art reed chain at Boyd
Furniture Co.-.
I V ti MM
Pure brown Leghorn the
for sale- for Mrs. C. I r an
House . tn
When want loose
outfits see the samples the man.
Book Store.
For in furniture call
on Furniture Co.
Sweet juicy yam potatoes, MARKETS
peck, per bushel. Norfolk end Peanut wired
J. R. G. Move, j by J. W. Perry Go.
I For hand Middling
in good See J. W, r Lo Middling
the beat of all
composition roofing, for by
J. R. J G. Move.
Schloss Bros.,
Washington clothing,
world's greatest now on
display. Come take a look.
Frank Wilson,
The Clothier.
Dr. W. H. of
will be in
Thursday March 31st. Greenville.
Friday April 1st. ore Hay only.
Low Middling
Low Grade
Wired Cobb Bros Co. Hanker
hum Norfolk.
His practice is limited diseases j
I lee. Corri
May Rib
May Lard
in and m.- of the eye. ear, now throat
-d glasses.
China buffets and din-
tables at Boyd
Co's. if
Send along your orders for job
printing. Tie Kt fleet or Printing
House is turning out nice work.
Telephones the cheapest thing
modern Scents
day. j
-I want but Hint
wouldn't mailer to you. would
under do obligation to sup-
ply me with what I want. r
II e
Land Sale.
By virtue of a power of sale
a mortgage . and deliver-
ed to K. L. Smith I y Marco Dawson
on March 1908 recorded in book
pan in the register of deeds
what a foolish proposition office of Pitt y, the undersigned
would be for me come to you and I I offer at the court house
say. I been ; door of to the highest bid-
with your c. n
and art iguana.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co. j
building lots for
on easy terms,
A fresh lot of th- d
Candy received,
We have the nicest line of
refrigerators ever shown on this
market. VanDyke.
dim or -l like your
daughter or anything In that tine.
Hut when your wants
it's It
See our line of , , , J,
. certainly Is
IT I the old limn
Hind man.
and I Spired that all out
lust see. I
if we
both M-e Hut there I one
In hundred that you would
to me.
at VI m., the following
de tract or of
the lands of I Mils.
W. L. Smith and.,.
, acres more
mo lend j B
I of G.-i. and Kin,; on the
from K Jack to Vanceboro-in i
town-hip. .
This tale to terms f said i
This of March, I
u; p p Smith, come.
W. P. Evan, attorney.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton,
and Provisions
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Our Greenville, yours if you
When you best
pen get the lucky
curve. New of them
R Book Store.
For good dry it a
cord, or cut ready for u or
cents a load, phone
A L. r,
Want for
s r
tin ore,
never yet
she wanted, no limits- HUM
I be. and It would
j be n plan to the
I We son felt
It wouldn't right to you to
tor me. nut different
her case, us I remarked i
I'm here merely as tier to
he want me she
very mil h ask n-ti In
Hull she me. She never
canted so much as sue
me. and I mil so ills
toward net it cure to
the investment I shall la-
Willing leave the terms in
you and
she aim. No will
awake business man is going In
look H to eel sin h a line
Is Easy yon Have it to Count,
p position,
W, Baltimore St.,
For bu
harness, one l
one p U for
I wagon. Ail in Rood condition.
Water Damage Sale
We have a small quantity of that were
slightly damaged by water the recent
fire which will be closed out at much below
regular prices. In this lot are some Rugs. Mat-
tings, Dressers, Chairs, etc., that are great bar-
gains at reduced prices.
Our regular stock of Furniture embraces all
that is new, attractive and
such articles as are needed in your home.
Furniture Co.
if you with us we both make money
Ad H
II- v.-; i.
I. you count your Clothes Money
carefully you'll spend it here
for our
Hart, and Marx
you'll have more money to
count at the end of the year.
The all-wool quality is real
economy, and the correct style
and perfect tailoring pay you.
They're profitable clothes to
the wearer.
All the new fabrics are dis-
played on our racks. When
may we expect you
The Man's Outfitter
W. H. Johnson,
fort Co. Lumber Co. o i.
We have more subscribers nm
than ever before In the history
Greenville. Don't DO classed as I
one of the f-w who hasn't a
n telephone, you can afford only j
cents per day.
i Beautiful hyacinths for Sale by
Mrs. J. J.
fountain pen ink and i
writing fluid mid library pa.-tr
Reflector Book Store.
For Rent-After April 17th, j
house occupied by J. Z.
on street.
d J. A. Andrew.
If once try
pen ink and writing fluid
you will use other. it at
Book Store. j
In West Greenville beautiful
lots for sale on
terms. See Bros J
Parker's library paste is pure
white, will not and
will not spoil. Sold at etc r
Book Store.
Just car
Raven Red Ash coal, the best on
market. It is high of
soft coal and won't stop up your
stovepipes Call up
W. J. Turnage when you want
I r. W. H. Wakefield. of Char-
will be in Greenville at
Hotel Bertha, Friday, April 1st.
one day only. His practice is
limited to disease of ear,
nose and throat and Riling
Be sure you see our line of
before you make your Easter purchase
Our Greenville, if ye
Yours for fashions,
N. C . March
The A. C. L. train ran over a
cow turning the curve
morning. The curve
is very dangerous as the engineer
can not see down the track.
Or. Thomas Duncan, of Beau-
fort, was town Friday looking
at th-i town and surrounding
country. He is expecting to
locate here very soon. Thu town
country needs a good
Misses Jennie Mayo,
Clark. Mrs. Will Clark
and Mr. Lee Davenport were in
town Sunday, the day
Mr. I Mrs. i. R. Daven-
H L. Hinges Sunday at
home in Beaufort
Them was preaching at the
church Sunday morning
and with good attendance.
Hope will at next
meeting which will be third Sun
day in April.
Mrs. G. Z. Ricks, who has
sick the past is able
to be out again.
Mrs. Baker is spending
the weeK with her daughter,
Mrs. L L. Kiss.
The bolter inspector would not
ail-, boiler that
burned at me mill last year
placed again, Mr. Flem-
Mr cut to New Bern and
chased one. have began
to it up and will have it
into use by the last of the month.
Miss Rawls, of Ayden, while
chunking from ore train to
mother Sunday night, got on
wrong one. She spent the
bight Mrs. W. C.
and tier Monday
Miss Hide for East
Monday in
Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Taylor, of
Va., who have been
sometime her
Mr. g.
lea home
morning. were
by Anita and Mies
joined Diem at
J. A. is confined to his
room week with carbuncles,
He u large
his Hope lie will
to be cut soon,
Mr. and Mrs. M- A.
were in town
Mr and Mrs. Jim Chauncey
night and Sunday
With his brother, W. C
Fully nine out of every ten
cases of is simply
rheumatism t the
to or
neither of quire
any internal Ail that
is needed to afford relief the
free application Chamberlain's
Liniment. Give i. a trial. Y u
e certain to be pleased with the
quick Mil t which it affords.
Sold by druggists.
Every Day.
It having been rumored that
water mill, in Caro-
township, is run only on
occasional days, this to give
notice that the mill is run for
the public every day, and corn
will ground on any week day
that it is brought to the mill.
H. A. Manning, Miller.
you buy Is
y i
W. i r- Ilia
mi in
tr. your
ice ran
It In . of
OIL, .
fr. . or tho
at el,. Till in. ,
q-i- of
. A run
I. till I'll will
r mid will
p. .;., Pow-
I, Straw-
I by U . c
. C KM i t .
Are for
Seen o of
mention in several ex-;
about Tungsten electric
lamps substituted for arc
lamps in street light
they gave a better light to I
nothing of the improved
The man called
on Superintendent E. G.
to inquire the advisability I
of making a change in
Greenville. Mr. Couch says be
has been investigating the mat-
and already has an order
placed for a sample arch of the
Tungsten lamps to use as an
experiment on Evans street. If
this experiment comes up to ex-
other arches will De
placed on Evans Dick
avenue, and groups of
the arc at the
intersection of streets through-
out the town. It is thought the
Tungsten lights can be maintain-
ed then the
We to know that this
change lain and
hope the experiment
dent Couch is to make will come
up to expectation, airings of
arched at proper
across Dickinson avenue and
Evans street from tho depots to
Second street would certainly be
attractive and prove an effective
advertisement for tho town,
such lights can operated
cheaper than the present
should be made.
Si.- L O F F E
m f
. v
.- .-i , .,
, t
Professional Cards
A I. K
I lie-.
Chamberlain's Stomach
Liver ts are safe, and j
reliable, and have been
by of women who have
been restored to h through
their gentle and
prop. Sold by all druggists.
He'd up on Road.
While to
Gr if ton, Tuesday night,
court i; this
Mr. A. L. Patrick, in com-
p with Mr. Henry Cannon
was t in the road by four
men. Mr. Patrick de-
of them what they meant
by stopping when they
let. him pass and then began
firing behind the
Recently he had trouble with
two men on his place and he be-
lie vs that it was a d,
by these two nun aid two
of their friends, Warrants were
Issued for the
Deputy George went
to serve m
Th- for whom war-
rants were are- d
John Coward. H-my
Robert Judge.
Kinston Free Press,
N. L to
Mr. Norwood L. Simmons, a
member of the local order,
Lodge Independent
Odd Fellows, has been
extended an invitation by the
Greenville lodge I. F. to
deliver the on behalf of
the visiting lodges to the address
of welcome et the next meeting
of the second district, which
occurs in Greenville on April
The Daily News congratulates
the order on their choice, Mr.
Simmons will prove to the
N. L . March
Bab miner t
Swift Creek township,
lost Ins dwelling house last
afternoon by fire-
There will b an Beater
hunt at St, John's church, Sat-
afternoon March at
three o'clock.
Chapman and John were
visiting the homo of E. A
Johnson Sunday.
Rev. H. H. Seattle, of Wilson,
filled his regular appointment
at Salem morning and
Mr. and Mrs. Spivey
Kilpatrick, of were
visitors in the neighborhood
We are listening for a
marriage to be announced soon.
Mr. aim Mrs, Tim of
Ask in, woo have visiting
the family of W H. , re-
turned home Sunday afternoon.
We know tint Mil-
Stokes, who his been sick
a week, is Improving.
We are haying d weather
now, and the farmers are taking
advantage of it, busy
planting corn.
Most People Have a
Weak Part and Too
It's the
ha a weak i t.
Too n a I
D i u. i
you e kidney i n d lit p
Ki-; i-
A is i n .
U y rick
Cure e a- d urinary Ills.
la -.-. ion . r
N C, -a
fr, m kl y m -i r ;.
long 11- hoc en
scan. Hi
an i s o
. m
w s
h y
th v mo
gr-at rebel int I ob d r ill--
an i sin e
my l ran
Dim Ki no
P to
ill r hO
York, for
take no other.
opposite K. L Smith
stables, next to John
Attorney at Law
Office by J. L.
N. Carolina
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
LoaM made en Real Estate
Ir. Greenville, N. C.
. I.
H k N t
OR R. L.
Greenville, N. C
Office on Third formerly
by Dr.
N. C
r. . .
; S PI
retail Grocer
for Fir. Cotton
Eggs, Oak
Bi Carriages,
Parlor Tables, Lounger.
s, r Km A
Life Key
cheroots, Henry
Cigars, Canned Peach,
era, Apples, line Apples, Syrup,
Meal and
j Nuts, Candies.
a. C .-;
hid .
r-r- i rd
Macaroni, Cheese, Beat
i.-d other
I me i m.
Funds of
Our Depositors
Promptness in all transactions and
facilities for handling
your business in every department
of banking is the basis upon which
THIS BANK invites your account
Bank of Greenville
Greenville, North Car
Don't Buy a Piano Hurriedly
Take Your Time
i plenty of it, and be extremely careful how
j you spend your piano money.
Terms amount to very prom-
cover a multitude of can get sat-
terms anywhere, but a satisfactory
piano at a precious tow places.
We have S makes under grades and
cation as highest medium and low.
grade is characterized by the price we ask for it.
Whatever price you are willing to pay for a piano,
if from us, you will be getting legitimate
value, as you won't be deceived in the grade you
are getting. We have several self-player Pianos
at bargain prices.
Violins, Banjos, Mandolins,
Auto-Harps, Sousa's
Strings Sundries for all
For anything you need, call on
Salvage Fire
in Two Minutes, Complete
Cure Soon.
Don't no on hawking yourself nick
every morning; it's it's
mi I it's
If alter breathing won-
de -worker, are nut of vile ea-
can have y n
Ni lit-
with e i -h i
a few of i.
c to M. In two mil
i will re you of that up
it a m
day. in a l
free from ca
an lit today; it only rests
; it's w S i to any catarrh
who guarantee It cur-
croup, to oat
mil An i bottle
i i
T r p out inhaler
y. i
sole u,
By virtue of l ha power o in
n r n n and
deliver, d d. y
r. ill an I wife Marl
A Daniel t J. R port, said
d in
of Dead of Pitt
book J-S
I sale to
th- court door In the Town
N Carolina.
of April the w-
lot or pare I of land, to
Situate in ill of Pitt
at d hid as One town
lot In the town or known at
lot No. TO, wring at the corner on
the east tide of W. II. on
Main and tunning with W. ft.
lot feet, then-e n
thence west to e
be c s.
To sad inert a e.
of e his the h of March.
J. R Davenport Mortgagee.
Skinner A
Fire Department statistics show
that some eighty per of all
fires are extinguished by chemical
Nearly all fires are discovered
u at the start and arc readily put
g out If means are at once available.
A stream is thrown to a distance
that protects in-
come only. Preparation
In the home insures against
colds, croup,
lungs throat by destroying
Inflammation and congestion.
penetrating. All
Subscribe to Tho Reflector.
I Not Quite
How often you on a .-t
thing W
y nail or driver or w.-
lacking. Have a
T; tool box and ho prepared for jg
Our line of tools
Is a could desire, rd
x we see your tool
tOe. box does not lack a
j You get Kara s
Horse Goods c A
I J p. I
of about fifty feet, carrying a
acid gas,
which excludes the oxygen and
prevents combustion.
A fire cannot live if a small per
cent, of carbonic acid in the
It is forty times as efficient as
water and will extinguish fires of oil,
gasoline, etc., which water only
Protect home and property before
it is too late.
E. L. Agent,
Greenville, North Carolina
New San While h Fin More Cont lo in i
of Fashions, Greenville C.

-v . .
j in Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS i
Agent The Eastern and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application J
For We have just received a nice
i call or write A. of dole, A.
Co. Winter
ii. . N C have the
d price.
r . T. and Henry
For College, came in
spend a few days at
respective homes.
County School
by The A. G. Cox
Company ire
en ; ; comfortable neat and
W Ange Co. March T.
The is the Kind Smith went to Goldsboro f
you need. See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The spring rush is coming in.
Better send your orders in at
once for Cox Cotton Planters,
simplex guano sowers, economic
back bands, etc. Orders will;
are have our careful attention.
. in the market come to Bee l A G Cox Co
u m have desk for you.
w. u. of
i Wed ties visiting hit
sirs J- H. Smith.
day and returned Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Smith,
Ivy Smith and Marion Smith
went to Ayden Saturday to
attend the burial of Mrs. J. T.
Smith, of Middlesex, who died
there last Friday.
Rev. S- W. helped to
work on the Christian church
j at Arthur all of last week after
Thin popular remedy to
effectually core
Constipation. Sick
Torpid Liver and Bad Digest ion
The natural remit la food appetite
and to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
Do You Own a Piano
,. , I Monday, and preached very
N. C. I sermons Smith
It you want a useful planter. house Sunday morning and at
see combination planter, t returned to his
near Monday morning.
Joe Smith, of Wake Fore t
nice hearse j sausage an i fish, came in Friday even-
Mfg. Co. R. W. at Johnson to spend Easter with the
u, . . corn etc
We are carrying a nice Hue of ,, .
. . , ,. , i, Harrington.
and Caskets. Prices ,
a colored
died Wednesday Let us frame that for
s . Any frame.
A. Ange Co.
have just received a full
supply of furniture. Give us a
till. A. W. Align
Kick an of
t A. was hurt
Thursday morning. While
a lathe, a
cylinder which
vat in the
pi j in face
chin 11.1 are glad
. . had t-i I we
n . hen a r .
see D.
C c . time is
n ire for-
ward ;. lime. W
h . p more the
Count School
re ed you. ate
and comfortable-
Pi- and workmanship
A. . Cox Mfg.
. N. C.
The r- made in Winter-
auditorium, by
Charles E. Brewer, last
was He a
go d excellent de-
livery; and he gave us a fine
hp -co. you were not there
t hear him, you missed one of
treats of your life. We
hope n m be privilege to
Dr. brewer again ii the
Bear I
co f all
at l. n
nice lot cf
a ;
H u i, i Co
Ii y v i p
c- ii
V- i., of s call
H. I., Johnson's.
jet one.
.- m a are going f
d b Ange
Leave your on for ice at II.
home and returned Mon-
Hits Smith, of the
E. C. T. T. S. came Saturday
We have purchased the to spend Easter at horn
known as the
Milling and Mfg. will
and returned Monday morning.
J. H. of
be ready very soon to grind corn, county, is visiting relatives in
do general repair work and dress
Harrington. Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. W. Ange Cc.
Dry goods for the birds.
A. W. Cc.
Before buying, see line of
post cards, H. L. Johnson.
For spring dress goods,
embroidery and laces see OS-
New lot just in.
Harrington, Barber Cc
For and sprint
shoes, see my new lot.
The you people a
at Blue Banks on the Tat
Monday and report a very
They have the new church at
about ready for the
and windows.
It is planting corn time with
some people and others
is not
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds W. M.
has issued the following licensee
A. W, Ange since last report.
New lot of dry goods an no-
just in. Better while
they Hie cheap
A. W. Ange Co.
How is your soul Let
u- show you our new lot of
shoes. Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
sale. R. D.
Miss Juanita Dixon. who is
attending the E. C. T. T. S.,
came home an
and Sunday with her parents.
Miss Hattie Kittrell returned
to Ayden after spending
day and u day at home.
Rex Nobles, from
spent Saturday Sunday in
town visiting friends.
s Bonner Kittrell went to
J. Smith, one of Green
was in town
G is very ill,
L e of Vanceboro,
his aunt. Mrs. E E,
Miss May in from
Wilson Friday a to spend
at home.
Henry Langston came home
from Wake Forest Friday night
and returned yesterday.
Mrs. E. E. spent last week
L. Will delivered I in Ayden.
anywhere hi town- Mrs. Louisa Langston,
Matting and oil , or the
fl bay cover it over.
cull your attend n to our
new of groceries.
R. W.
Smith, W. H. a
spent Saturday and
Sunday Greenville.
Several new students entered
school Monday.
Miss Lillian Baker, W. H. S.
student, Saturday and
with her parents at
Services at the Baptist church
Services at Methodist
church last Sunday.
J. D. Cox, who has been down
in county for Severn
days, came home Saturday improving.
i spending sometime
with her son. C. H.
The school here closed Friday,
Miss Kittrell, our most
teacher, returned to her
Friday after-
Misses Vivian Roberson and
Jeanette Cox, of Winterville,
visited Miss Myrtle
and Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. from near
Greenville, part of last
week with hat daughter, Mrs.
Miss D Is little
Beatrice Tucker and Julian
entered High School
Mrs. who
been for two weeks, is
Guy and Bessie
John C. Crawford and Ethel
V. Allen.
Francis Peyton and
David Skinner and Or a. L.
Luther and Annie
Mil s and Lucy
Jones Man-
and Lather
Richmond Perkins and Vivia
Arthur Tyson and Amanda
Nerve energy is tho
force controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely,
cure you. Try it.
and left me on the ran
of the Mil
but m
I bail I UP
In a
WM and I
In until cured. I
am in
an to Ilia
remedy. I.
Myrtle Clock.
Your Dr.
we him to return
price of Brat If It
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co, Ind
King's Cross Roads. Mar.
We are very sorry to say that
the school at Ki X Roads
closed last Thursday. It was
taught by Miss M. Cox.
We hope to have her with
next session. There was a picnic
at the close of the school. There
an address at eleven o'clock
by Rev. B. F. Huske, of Green-
ville. The day was pleasantly
spent by all who were there.
of Hill and
Miss Minnie Smith, of Farm-
Sunday with Miss
Irene Smith.
Miss Lena I. Cobb, of
down last Wednesday to
attend the picnic and to spend a
few days with Miss Irene W.
We are very sorry to learn
K Smith is sic. We hope
to tee him in a few
Mr. Mrs. W. L Smith and
little son, William, of Greenville,
were here Sunday visiting
parent, Mr. aid Mrs. W. M.
last night with
his mother, Mrs. Mattie J.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Rudolph.
from near Greenville, attended
the picnic a. X
We arc to now Mrs.
Callie improving fast
to her in last
Saturday morning. She
companied by Miss Lena Cobb as
far as Greenville.
and you expect to own
soon, you owe it o to ex-
the ma display
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance will inspect a
line pianos not alone stand
in character cf c, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you . r t with prices
that stand here ard
incomparable where. Eight
different makes ti select from, none
of those cheap western department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged tame and
reputation in trade. Four
player-pianos known
We will take your in
exchange for one of sell play-
We also carry the
Old organs and taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
When in
Greenville visit out
Fin man it,
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o. store.
At the close of business, Jan. Will.
Woodland. N. C, March
close Friday
April 1st. All are invited
to and be there by
Miss Esther from
Greenville, is the week
with Noble.
Jennie and La Rut
Saturday night an i Sunday with
Miss Irene
W. A. and wife
to Ayden Saturday evening.
and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 02.60
Furniture and fixtures 1,178.68
Demand loans
Due from and 8,468.98
Silver coin, including
minor currency 280.46
Nat hank and other
D. nous 2,841.00
Capital stock 95,0011.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
expenses taxes pd
Time of deposit 702.20
Deposits subject to ck 14,077.08
Cashier's checks
Certified checks 71.63
F. A. Cashier of the above-named bank.
do swear that the above statement is true to the best of
knowledge and belief.
F. A.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 7th day of Feb.,
1910. It. II.
Notary Public.
A. Cox,
A. W. Ange,
J. E Green,
will sot 1- Will r Ilia o i
Will not nil roll Will in t rip c
like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during . i
They never long tho .
y of all, they make the
Sale of Land for
North a, i In Bop
Pitt county t U. C Moore,
Willis Johnston, F. V. Johnston,
J. H. and M.
By virtue of n of the
court of county, by O. C
Moore, c o i the 21st of
in f i Bull led
i ed
o . M. tn day of
April, at o'clock noon, being
the firs of tho t- rm of Pitt
sale lbs i h use door in
r for
cash tract if
land, lo on the aide
of river, in ton hip,
Pitt county beginning
on the edge Tar river at a
point where three formerly
lower edge of
the big y at
es with r to the big
slough, the old Parker's mil
line, thence down ad s u ti
or Red bank, creek, tie
aid creek to the rive, the
river to b g.
more or th me
tract or if I. t
in a certain execute by
C. Y. I lowly to O.
Dec. and recorded in the
Register's office in in took
Y-3, pate This sale will made
for i among in com-
the day of March,
F. C
For the week ending 23rd the
Ti in reports
the following new industries for
drug com-
cotton mill.
tobacco plant
Iambi r
plant; tilings.
Liberty mill,
brick works.
Richmond Post Office
Richmond, Va-. March
drilled the safe of the Richmond
p using what is known
to then us tho and
method of gaining en-
trance to the immense double
door safe and carted off between
and worth of
stamps. The robbers also got
about in money.
Milk Wagon Wrecked.
Saturday afternoon as Mr. S.
I. Dudley's milk wagon was pass-
the Atlantic Coast Line track
at the Fifth street crossing it
was run into by a hand car. The
wagon was badly wrecked and
Mr. M. D. Eason, who was
it. had his right arm badly
Grimesland, N. C. Mar. 1910.
Mr. H. A. White.
Greenville. N. C.
Please accept for the
prompt settlement our recent I
fire losses
j Supply Co.,
L. E.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Be Careful Where Spit.
It will be well for people going
up and down the street to take a
good look the anti spitting
notices which Chief of Police
Smith is putting up for public
information. A bit of
about where you spit
may be the cause of con-
tributing a V to the town treas-
Our Greenville, if you
An Lung and Bronchial it rid
of a cold by acting a cathartic on the bowel.
attraction or money refunded. Prepared by CO. U. A.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Farther Etc.,
id the Far South.
Tex-. March 1910.
Editor R fleet
The ground toward the south.
, .- Clio,. Chart, Ms Be.
Defeat. M. School . W ,, w v 1910 It was The Reflector man's
J About two months ago a WAT-, In municipal court yesterday Greenville N. C. March ,, H m M
In a slow, one-sided. Mayor Eure made an order d. The board now a to run over
ball Saturday afternoon, a the authorities at the 3.3 to for the of
School team camp to allow the
the boys from Winterville . warrant plaCed in the Holt, the young white man and and
School by the score of to L of Policeman W from this curt to T a of
The Training School boy. won officer kept a four ,. on an old larceny J As , ES ,
the game in the first inning by
the game in the fir at g for the but did, charge, to wear civilian clothes I
pounding the ball all over of regulation convict,
w. up with him until instead of
hits coupled with n. or
west and northwest is gradually I in mu. d , officer
a very great r
inning, giving them a
impossible Zr the Brick warehouse
The game as a whole was
Soon the foot hills be-
gin where next to the tropic
fruit an plantations the
raising of coffee is extensively
carried on. The coffee of this
region is in great demand on
account of its aromatic flavor.
quite a picturesque
town in the mountains, is the
market-place for the coffee of
progressive neighbor,
and spend the mere. The
occasion of the writ w is in re-
to an invitation from
Prof. W. C. the
superintendent of Washing-
precedent in local court circle. then his p. Is, and given
the records showing no previous then through regard -1 in department
instance where the .-.
he was
His family
stripes. The order sets a
being riot in bis deep
Cos and devoid of any features,
to rend the warrant.
. After
except cheering of the fail
the b. O. a. a- ,
of appearing in stripes not
enforced n prison r sent up
on larceny charges.
Holt is about years of age
and was arrested along with
another young fellow,
After reading the warrant
to come on
the E. I down town him, when .
which was of the big drop to be allowed to give Proctor. Monday on a warrant
variety. Holiday, for the which he said be alleging the pair were Conduct
his J going to. store , blind When the
striking out eleven . in Town . Policeman was called Tue y .
started with him and
when in the dark near
the Whole district. For and allowing only four hits.
cuff a ruin full
of GO to inches annually is R H E
sufficient, bu-. for effort to get away. Officer
bananas, which require ,,. a
deal of moisture. I
mend irrigation, which would
help to produce per cent, or
Holiday and Brown;
Tingle and Salisbury. Struck
Go wan grabbed the with
a pros as taken as to Holt,
while Proctor was convicted and
sent to the roads for four month,
mere an case on th
docket against. Hole Charging
X the
help to produce n by ft
more. State of , off Tin Two
not be better anywhere. met j ht,
; Holiday, Umpire James. j
We desire especially to say for wrenCh. d the weapon
visitors during the day as to bur. before sue-
I. ,,. . .
and friendship had honored him
and themselves by his
to body in aid
himself to me same honored
trust in tin- election
Whereas, We have
with deep and sincere regret
the death of our brother arc
fellow comrade. N. T. Cox, who
on the morning of February
1910, last
moos, therefore resolved,
in death i this up
right n and public t
the beard has lost a i and
Pitt a patriotic and most
He a a man
one hand and billet larceny, sentence at the time of
over head. A tussle conviction having been
red and both men on promise of goo I behavior,
. fight ail the time, bat Judge not dealings,
, hit, Jones. Three base hit. got out about the behavior, en-1 bU . ,.
farmers who had coma U James. I u when grabbed a judgment of n , ,,,
a rs. desire especially tn for and wrench weapon I j,, toe old case. keenly on
told me, that, while in w the day as to .,, sue- an earnest appeal to
she always had been
conduct Of the
with chills and fever. ye good.
had had the lungs,
several times. Since she e
to all the e
she never had
use a word of profanity.
, we could Bay it for all
been troubled any more. .-on.
of the settlers here had
rheumatism in Texas, it had
now entirely city. what great and
got at future will
in doing one to remove the sentence and,
was fired winch to get this, begged
order allowing her son
civilian cloths i stead
if stripes. The latter request
in th- stomach;
Having disarm the r
in getting
away, carrying pi-
water can b
depth forty to fifty feet.
Lands adopted for every branch
of can bought
Valley at five to
ten dollars per acre, of
from speculators, who are all
Americans; I even had to find.
out that ministers of gospel
keep up a lively land-speculation
business. And again I advise
never buy from these land-
agents, colony-promoters, etc;
but buy directly from hand,
Mexican or from the
tats or In every
state there i an abundance of
land to be had.
o is the market
f an products
at the same time best
and import harbor in Mexico.
Man thousand head of cattle
are shipped from there to
parts, and as I already
mentioned before, the city of
has steamboat-bins
New York, New Orleans,
ton, in short to all parts of th.
world. The visitors would
with him. He too
wounded to go tar without
fell in the b
granted Holt, while
serving time and bearing the
name of a felon, will Buffer
die humiliation of bis
. the
ard. ti
; .-.
lore reaching the of who in
Ai just now each train
and each steam boat
great numbers of
and land buyers to I
would wan, those that go tO w.
, Po
the land agents, in their , .
father out near Norfolk ft loud clothe Newt.
Southern railway main track.
Officer hard was
hurt in and he
down town to have the in
virtues, ever
forward, not
aspire and not to r- pi
and r to i .
one ideal his .
we x.
and n in this
grief our kindest
tenderer sympathy.
The board now adjourns the
tribute to he memory of a m u
life aid his
Particular Men Are Particularly I
and the two fliers went out
again to for find-
him in bed at the home of
his father. A physician was
power it is bard to shake them
has three American
hot-is. the house and
American hotel. A- mgr,, he said the
much the are , one
k it proving
Bay definitely, but that
some of tho agent have
there, at
reside there. I would advise th
new comers rather to put up in
the more
Mexican hotels. Tarn
has about Americans
I within its limit.
After a stay of about ten days
at La surrounding
Washington, U. C, April 1st.
As many citizens Pitt county
desire copies of the of
your county, and are anxious to
. .-, , .,, when this man and report
and not finding what distribution, I
wanted, a mountain son
and my home was to be made in . g .
world, -1 mountain valley at a higher
astonished to fee the enormous returned to
products amassed here waiting order the next train to
for shipment. Therefore the, Q E, Abra. westward,
government had built tho thence this trip
and that grandest of all write in my next.
torn-houses. Two railroads.
pended letter from the chief of
the bureau of soils.
Very respectfully.
Jno. H. Small.
are already leading into
the National from San Luis Pot
and the Central from Monterey,
while a third one in a short
time f.-om Mexico City to
through the rich
valley. From it
will be on the
Rio there to be con-
with the St Louis.
Brownsville Mexican Railroad.
thus shortening th.- distance
I shall be here but a very short
time; my return to Mexico being
necessary, s my friends will
soon be ready to start.
My regards to The Reflector
and readers of the same
P. In my writings to
Reflector I will not only bring
he bright, sunny side of this
wonder land before the mind of
the readers; I shall also touch
shady side, for every country
D. C, March
Hon. John H. Small,
House of Representatives.
to see our spring
things that men I con-
so many novel ties, much
la attractive in
and price, so many n-w style
t-at to
miss it will be a great
From the Top of Your- Head to
th.; soles of You Feet
are ready to provide you with
to weir. Hi's iliac
to swagger y man
or his mire
that is th dim at
style and good taste;
that will fool, fit
and wear.
Spring Suits that Cannot
Fail to Suit
no matter how critical
or how economic your
And but not least our foot-
Shoes that Show Style in Every
with comfort just as assured.
Every shape, every leather
last, but only one quality
the best.
You Can See all These for No
It therefore ordered
board row in to.- a C J
of i. u
his to The
It R -ct-r for
and a copy f these
be spread .
J. P.
J. Holland,
J. May,
. B. M. L.
W. E. Proctor.
W. M. Moore.
and can have a complete new
In reply to your letter of March for very little. Come,
I am returning today the
proof of the Pitt county.
North Carolina, soil map, and as
soon as the lithographers make
the few needed corrections and
look, admire and
Yours for style, comfort, economy
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
-if you don't trade with us we
print the edition the report will. money
be issued. In all probability this
the next thirty
thus shortening we ow--- side, for every country
from St. Louis co Mexico City certain which impress
nearly three hundred miles, which unfavorably,
would make so state that
more important. . I Mexico and its inhabitants are by
Further, when in five often grossly mis-
years the Panama canal will be
completed, will one
of the export harbors if you
the Asiatic commerce, and when.
the planned railroads will
will be within
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully.
Milton Whitney,
Chief of Bureau
When you want the best
pen get the Parker lucky
curve. New assortment of them
at Book Store.
Card of
We desire to return our
to the people of Green-
ville and vicinity tor the kindness
shown and sympathy expressed
for us in the recent death one
who was B devoted wife and
of Seas-a With Thai
of year.
Tho of the Green-
ville tobacco market fir the crop
of 1909 closed April 1st. id
Secretory E. B. the
Tobacco of Trade,
furnishes us the fig-
the season's sales and a
comparison with th for
the previous year April
For the reason from August
1st. 1909 to April 1910, the
were pounds for
998.01. n of
hundred pounds.
For the season f r m August
1908, to April 1st. 1800, the
sales were pounds for
an average of
per hundred pounds.
The decrease for the season
over the one just previous in
pounds was in money
These figures make a remark
able showing for the
market, in that for such
the last one held
i s own better made a better
record sales than any other
bright tobacco market in ti .
of the and one her
classes, luncheon was
served n I basement of the
school and
proved an occasion f real de-
light. The menu
prepared and of
were moat
showing bow well the in
domes science department
were being It a
spread that would
and the
press appreciation and
praise. .
conclusion of de-
n past, u
-talking Con-
n Public and
then charge toast master,
appropriately introducing the
following speak rs to re to
toasts, throwing in
bunches of wit us to make
fragrant and
School, o. B.
C. H. Hard-
B. Howard.
Training U.
U. B.
Years of in
-Public Schools in Beaufort
W. L
Girl Today, and
Girl of D-
Whichard. ,.
C. M.
i in Our
F. C.
Following the
to go tor their
and gave a brief
sketch of the and
work of Washington's public
school that was of much interest.
When he had concluded C. M.
Brown a rising vote of
thanks to the teacher and class
of domestic science for the
orate and enjoyable luncheon
they had serve.-, meeting
with resp
of through
handsome public building,
which is the best arranged
and equipped in Che State.
Washington is certainly to be
congratulated upon her public
school and the interest shown
there in education. By the in-
of manual training,
domestic science and
ten departments in tho school
and carrying them to such
the town is taking a lead
that others might wail follow.
Land Sale Greenville.
or more-wood land
lying within yards of the
limits of the town of
Greenville, for Monday.
April 1910,
the lands of w
P. C Harding,
d w

Eastern reflector, 1 April 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 01, 1910
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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