Eastern reflector, 25 March 1910

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In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS .
X Authorized Agent The Eastern Winterville Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
tea sea
Mi has We have just received a nice Kev. T. E. Peden, principal i-. i ,, l r., Ti ,
be i came cloaks, give us a call. A. the Free Baptist Seminary
in .-day to spend a Ange Co. very ably filled j IMPARTING VIGOR
Free Will Baptist
last Sunday.
The lecture before Winterville
High School by Dr. Chas. E
Do You Own a Piano
and LIVER.
See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
f.-v. d r b in-. , Tho is Kind
For go, and Comfortable need.
Coll or A. G.
C -x w mulcting Co., Winter-
N. U. Tit y have the
j a. right price.
. CI returned
b a
. Cays near u. Morris, agent.
The spring rush is coming in.
send your orders in a
i j A. G. Cox
y. , ; . .; C are
c-. ; . neat ard
i . . ruts ; re ill
n . in I see
a . for you.
J. . . Greenville,
have a specific effect on t hear organs,
the towels, causing then
to perform their natural
to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER.
bey are adapted to old and young-.
N. C , March
Mis Sadie Wilson, of
Brewer, of Wake Forest College,
I will be on th; night of March
it your subscription to of as Mills, and Miss of
is Beaufort county, were in town
Called to tins Monday,
of date.
If not, and e to own
soon, you owe it o your ell to z
the ma
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance yes will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of tot e, y and
general in a class to
but you I et with pi ices
that stand here at d
incomparable an- where. Eight
different makes select from, none
of those cheap- department
fer Cox Cotton Planters,
simplex guano sower.-, economic
back bands, etc. Orders will
have our careful attention.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
p. . . t-,,. moo i h r.
ll . h u
I i aft i.
Ci. I t.-.-. s.
i r.-. nice bears-
tun A. vi. v v. u.
if yea want a useful planter.
Mar. Sal-
lie Strickland, w retorted
critically last week, is very
much improved.
A. of Farmville,
Mrs. B. B. Satterthwaite left
Tuesday for Hamilton
to visit Mrs. Jane Jarvis and
returned Friday night.
W. R. Whichard. of Norfolk,
was in town last week on bun-
Glad to the home boys
back again.
The A. C. L. train was delayed
an hour Tuesday morning on the
J C r
C l
t. .
j l
Gil .
t . George
I . . . V, . Jill .-
; . I
d . st sit.
. . d
W. Ai ye Co.
., . i. . . ; cc m
Bat . . . i. .
Wat. , . . . i
r. i y .-. Rt
b n .
i. j . a full
;.,. . . ire. us a
c. ii Any i
I N I i in . t
. Ml I. J ll.
; i h t. tn
. U . Ill
. it Co.
LU in
Ii .-. . ll
V u are
C i
. School Des.-.-
i. . . . you. They ate
c . a., . a
Pi .-.- a.;
A. Cox
Co., . N. C.
l. u has been
i. be divided I
n . . i. r the
tin . .
of the the
b Put
r. . . a i f all kinds ea i
;. L J .-.
re ;. u nice I of
H ;. . Barber Ca
. ii Kin deft
n it r . I
ti. o,
ll J . . h good plow try
i a;
i with a less that we
. death M
L- . C
home las.
f .
a u funeral
w -i n U
I .; n ;, L
see our combination planter. It to visit his of getting out of order,
cotton, peas, etc. is Very sick with to waft for a Special
Harrington, A j bronchial trouble at her home at R to
For nice oyster, see me, at Mills Smith's. She is some ,
J stand, i n pm o fr this it-
than ever. R. W. s. W. of town Tuesday on i u.-i-
fish, up Monday and returned
cheap K. W. at Johnson home this morning. was a who
stand, on railroad street. Arthur booming. cut
Let us frame that for They have churches the He
Size frame,
A. Co.
have purchased th
known the work hoP.
Milling and Mfg.
and two others arc trying to g-11 was sent Dr- who
there. T he r. portrays there is hi is getting
going to a large store very well.
large work shop, several j
lie ready very soon tn grind err,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Co.
A nice of man just In.
A. Ange u. C .
Dry c la for ti hi- ,
here was a masquerade party
at Stokes High school Tuesday
Mr. Editor, what will th e dosing
hog d i now that the child-
came of his hole yesterday
and Jaw low, t .
j fortieth n i- went
ii his hole th-2 d of February
I k I is hole or ten
r people seemed to
j v themselves very much.
until about nine o'clock. Ah
kind of music was for everyone
to hear About U o'clock they
assembled i. the lecture room
arid had music. The s
were conducted by
Mi-s Woodard, th.-
Odd Greenville, N. C. like and hated to see
A. W. Ange Co. Buff red total loss of its leave. Hope it may fall to
New lot of dry goods and no. regalia and belong- lot to take the school the comma
in, Better while to the term.
A. W.
F r dress go id,
embroidery and
Mew lot jest in.
in inn, Cc-
For nice and
shoes, see my new lot.
cm e day
1910, Covenant
No. I . tit Order
store stencils but each one a stand-
ard, cf acknowledged fame and
reputation in the bade, hour
player-pianos of known
We will take your la
exchange one self
We also carry the
ORGAN, the world.
Old organs taken in ex-
change, terms to s lit your
When in Greenville out
ware room.
Fin man ii.
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware
o. store.
At the close of business, Jan.
Loans and discounts Capital stock
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
silver coin, including
minor currency
Nat es and other
j Surplus fund
Undivided profits, lei
expenses and taxes
U. S note s
Time of deposit 702.20
Deposits subject to ck
Cashier's cheeks
outstanding 28.06
Certified checks
I. F. A. E Is in, Cashier of the hank,
do solemnly swear Unit the above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this day of Feb.,
1910. R. II.
Notary Public.
A. Cox,
A. W.
J. E Green,
they Hie cheap
the members R. K. Fleming is having his
A. W. of Lodge, No, old was burn-d,
How is your soul Let to the of mill was destroyed last year,
a you our lot of j Lodge our in their repaired. He expects to place it
Barber Co loss and offer to aid th m in in connection with the two be U
A nice six key soda way we can in running. We are always h
for sale. K. D. Resolved further, that a something now
Leave your orders for Ice at H I of these resolutions ho spread
L. Johnson's. Will be delivered upon our , a copy be sent
anywhere la town, to a copy
Chapman, who has be sent to lit flee toe
Th; Way to Encourage
Do not hesitate lo remind him
every few days that you have
nothing decent to
have had since you were mar-
Mm, every little
is it. we have any-
thing ether people; never go
D i not fail to tell him now and
lit he has been hard up
o- money ever were
Paid by County Ci
The Board of
at the March
issued orders on the treasurer in
payment of current expenses,
etc, aggregating for different
obj as
The outside pauper allowances
county home
superintendent health
smallpox expenses
bridges and ferries con-
prisoners and insane
which body was taken to the
Cox v e yard, near Hancock
and interred beside her
been spending a day
with her parents hen-, returned
Wilson Monday where she i-
Dudley Saturday and Sun-
day Greenville friend-.
Vivian and
Satterthwaite, who I
been visiting at Gold Point, re i
turned Sunday night
Miss Mamie who is I
Attending the Training s m i i it
Greenville, spent and
Monday here visiting her
ems, returned to
s lay m
d Black Jack,
r ti ii .
I. Jones,
r. arson.
i not forget twit with
t. betook you out of
going up in home and I stationery and
town. you in an out court house end
Mr. arm Mrs J. P. g way he never register of deeds
with Miss to go any with you. clerk super court county
has returned from Do not forget to remind
Florida. where she has often your 13.30; county law
visiting her brother.
We attended church at i
Chapel Sunday. Owing to
bad weather there were no
any out. but three new
were added to the
Heart Action
aft r h w been visiting
Mr. Abram A
large crowd was present to pay
at tribute respect. She
Was about years of sue,
goo neighbor, a loving
a ; a loyal member of Winter
elite Baptist church. She
one brother, and several other
Sirs, Lucy family,
have been living near
Greenville, m here last Wed
friends to mourn and we are glad to have
fa r departure, our
and most heartfelt
m pa thy to the bereaved
When in need of groceries
at H U
What, any kind tinware
us. h j a
ti- v lot
H ton, barber Co
B I of
p L. Johnson,
are glad to have
n our town,
and family
iii the fair house Monday.
L. Tingle, of
in Saturday to Win-
School. Mr. Tin-
was in school here last year.
with us again.
All taxes
not paid by march h, will
have cost add-d. C S Smith,
Tax Collector for Winterville.
forget the
auditorium Friday night
t 25th.
farmers are e-tilt hauling
Services in tho Baptist church
i in
of the heart. When they
weak, the heart
nation is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
or rapid pulse, and other
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to needs of
these nerves the mus-
of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
bring speedy relief.
yr win, x
. 1.1
.- iii.
my .
Dr. II.-in Cure.
now I nm
ail n. I In
ho,. will i
r v ; n ;., I
Main St. C.
Dr. Hart
him to return
flirt If It
to you.
Co., Ind
Medicines that aid nature re
always most
Cough acts on
this plan, loosens the couch.
relieves the lungs, opens e-
aid aids nature
the system to a healthy
condition. Sold by all druggists.
other children general roads
the girls should take township road
lessons from the best roads
aid that should roads
piano and
things correspond.
Training School Coarse.
The first training
rut encourage your
to wear their clothes a lung
time; and never try to make course at East Carolina
them over. a garment Training school began today.
beams to show wear, to a Quite a number of teachers
little cut of date, just cast it arrived yesterday and today to
and get a new one New take of this course,
r, look so much fresher which will continue for ten
la ,. , .
smarter than old ones, and one weens. This course begins now
Mr. Elihu who lives f. els so much bitter in them. for the of teachers
about miles from town, lost his not too whose schools closed early, and
dwelling house, kitchen and You know it is the another course will begin in May
smoke house by fire that gets fat Be for the teachers whore schools
night between and o'clock. husband's money, close then. These training
courses will be of great value to
The fire started about the cook Magazine.
room, but it is not known j
from hat cause. V. little of, Stubborn as
the contents of the gs are liver and towel sometimes;
,, . .,., there's
COUld be gotten nut. Mr. -lo of
had about bat
Ll. ii . . j . i- But troubles King's
this is small d with his
the teachers.
How Good News Spreads
am old and travel most
of the writes B. F. To ton, of
N.-w Life rills, the world's bent De-
and liver So easy. j my excellent
vita t them They effect a cure
every never fail to tone
stomach, regulate the and
boa els, st liver, invigorate
the nerves end mi he blood. They
work wonders for weak, run down men
and women,
ard that's a Try
them. Only . is
guaranteed by all
Stomach and Stray Taken Up.
Liver Tablets brine; i have cow and calf.
relief to women Buffering from re I white, crop and
chronic constipation, headache, in the light, swallow fork ard
biliousness, dizziness, sallowness in left. Owner cm get
-f , j J. by proving ownership and paving
of skin and dyspepsia, bold w. k Harris.
by all druggists. j-, ltd Greenville. N. C.
to the Reflector.
An improvement over many Cough. Lung end Bronchial Remedies, because It rids the
system of a cold by acting cathartic on the bowels. No to give
money refunded. Prepared by PIN t U LE M CO. CHICAGO.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Fer Year
VOL. No.
Takes Trip op Picturesque
March 1910.
In my let I had promised the
readers a trip up the
and charming river, to
take a view of the y.
It is o'clock in the evening;
the signal of the steamboat for
departure is given. In a short
time we pass the mouth of the
river. It it a clear
lit night. In the far
we can see a sea of fire, now
whirling up high, now sinking
again at intervals. It is the
burning oil well near
about miles distant- The
proprietors are not able to con
tire; a of the
Ml my is en
to extinguish the fire. They
estimate the oil that is escaping
every day to be barrels.
The next morning we land at
a little town of 2.000 in-
named after the rivet
As the boat has to
unload a good deal of freight,
which to do would take about an
hour, we undertake a stroll up to,
and the town. Every
Mexican town no matter how
little can boast of ;
public square ornamented with
shady trees,
shrubs, u beautiful
church. in the middle of
the square; a lover of nature is
always amply repaid when he
a look at boat
is to on its trip up the
river. On both aides you see
most fertile lands, heavy wooded
now and then your eye
views clearings of thousands of
acres covered with guinea or
banana plantations
are started by American capital-
It is evening, cur boat is land-
in order to unload freight for
the sugar plantation.
Here the famous Val-
begins, much renowned for
its most lands, which can-
i be by Egypt's soil.
Here also begins the real river
commerce; a steamboats and
smaller boats all ply-
up and down.
We are now miles from
about miles air-line.
At the
there are acres planted with
ribbon came which is worked
into alcohol, it being by far more
profitable, miles farther up
is the one
of the largest in Mexico, worked
by French
production of sugar is
tons annually besides great
of alcohol.
Between and El
on the river lies the La
Colony, my destination for this
After I had landed I
immediately went in search of
the administrator of the colony
and after an exquisite dinner I
held according to the usage in all
Latin countries siesta, I
gave myself to the sweet after
noon nap, and nothing was done
that after noon-
La Colony is owned by
Americans contains acres
of land, situated on the
liver. bull of the land i
subdivided into and
tracts which cm tat ten
dollars p-r acre. hall
is in larger tracts at from six
IO land
ii i in.-. Mill lo
Two Destroyed
About 9.30 o'clock
night fire at Grimesland
ed the store of the Grimesland,
Supply Co. and the aid
drugstore of Dr. CM.
The fire originate from some,
unknown cause in a
adjoining the store, and had j
made headway when
coved not be checked .
before the two were
destroyed. Other buildings were j
in great danger but were saved j
by good work.
The Grimesland Supply Co. i
had insurance on building I
and stock, with loss
of about
Dr. C. M. Jones loss on build-
and stock was about.
and he had insurance.
Roberson who
carried on a small business in one
According to the latest obtain i Prospects of Bill to Regulate later
able statistics, the farmers of j state of
six Southern N. C. March 19-
Alabama. Georgia.
the Carolinas, and Virginia-1
spend over a year , not only in our State,
for commercial The but in all other dry of
total school fund of these the nation, against the pro-
s amounts to that the Interstate Com
And of the paid fer laws give the liquor
fertilizes, it is not too much the National
say over fl
wasted through of crop
and soil needs.
In Other words, our Ignorance
Tux on the one single,
item of commercial
alone is more than the total
amount we are spending on
public schools for increasing the
of children
Ordinances for Tucker and i-
and Guidance cf
Two ordinances by the Sheriff Tucker
there is a universal cry Board of Aldermen, that bear
upon the of the town,
are published below,
facts would make it twice as
room of store, lost about profitable. Or to put it differ
worth of stock with no Insurance. reasonably careful study
of soil needs, needs, the
function of different fertilizing
elements, , would add
a year to the s
of our Southern farmers.
And a year prop-
expended in bond issues, as
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last
June Oakley and Annie Moore.
Horton Watson and Annie
Peter Perkins and Nancey
R, W. Peyton and Lillie Smith.
Teel and Hattie
West and Florence
t here, and miles La
League and- other temperance
are hard at work
secure relief. has
already been introduced at the
present congress, me
Curtis Anti-Saloon League Inter
State Shipment
Senate Bill No. and House
The reads as
Ir the spent by j Regulate the Intonate Com
these States is profitable now, Shipment of Intoxicating
reasonable knowledge of Liquors.
enacted by the Senate
and House of R of
the United of America in
Congress That any
person, firm corporation, com
man carrier, or any agency of
interstate commerce who shall
ship, or otherwise
transport any distilled, malt,
vinous, or intoxicating liquor
Sheriff Tucker and Deputies
and Jackson nut on
a hunt, night, and
found th In a niece- of
may be advised of th-; existence , woods Roads
of such laws and g them i h y discovered n still of about
Ail garbage accumulation
within the limits of the town
be placed in a convenient
place for removal by the town
carts Monday and Thursday
of each and no
gallons capacity, nil up
ready f.-r with th-
ti. n Fun- of
grapes were found. The
and brought, ill town
with them. N i urination was
as tn was operating
interest and sinking f d, wt from any State, foreign country.
territory or of the Unit-
d States to any other State
territory or district of the United
Slates where such shipments or
put an eight centralized
graded school within reach of
every farm boy and girl in these
States, would put a macadam road
in these States, an I would carry
on a campaign against
typhoid fever, malaria and I point
hookworm diseases that State.
increase by one fifth j the United States to which such
the average length human life, liquor is Consigned, or to any
How fearful the waste of in such State, or
German colony on one despised of the United States to
such shipment or trans-
of such liquor
cannot legally be made from one
to another within inch
territory or district of
has down on a tract
land of about acres.
During the few days I was
at La had rambled about
a good deal, partly on
partly on toot in order to convince
myself of the fertility of the
land. For pasture they sow
a and the growth
of is I next
crossed a field in which the grass
to feet tall. Four days later
after a rain grasp was to
feet tall. Natives say that one
acre supports head of cattle.
Corn planted according to
can method with a between
stumps and roots yields bushels
per act e. The price for it is
cents pr bushel in gold and can
be sold right on the place for
cash. In cleared land planted
and worked according to
can method the yield per acre
would be easily bushels
All the fruits as
oranges, lemons, bananas, pine-
apples, etc., could be
raised with success, some of the
above named fruits are growing
wild in the woods.
In the wooded tracts are grow
woods as mahogany,
rosewood, etc. for which a high
price is paid;
for purposes; palms
feet high are used for
paper. No better lands
could be found anywhere the
culture of cotton for which in
Mexico a much higher price is
paid than in the United States;
besides replant cotton but
every seventh or eighth year
Game of all kinds is found in
abundance.- On our table we
have everyday deer meat,
key, pheasant or flesh of some
other animals.
Tigers will be
almost as large as Bengal tigers.
Tigers are often killed for their
fur, as I have myself. A
good tiger fur often paid for
Cattle prosper here all the
year heavy, fat
Engagement Announced.
Friends here have been told Of
the engagement of Miss
Lee Woodard, of Wilson, to Mr.
Cushing Biggs of Wit
the marriage to take
place in Wilson early in
The news has been received
great pleasure by the friends o
these popular young people, and
the w will be one of the
leading event of the
season in Wilson.
Miss Woodard is me
of Hon. and Mrs.
E. Woodard. She was
in the of Notre Dame
Maryland and is a young lady of
personal charms and culture of
the highest. has visited
often, and has
ways been a charming
to its society.
Mr. Hassell is son of Mi.
and Mrs. Walter Hassell, and a
grandson of the late Elder C. B
Hassell, one of Martin county's
most distinguished and highly
respected citizens. Mr
social and
life of and Is
popular with his
who delight in the fact that lie
is to bring so charming a lady
live in
Former Pitt
Miss Alice Moore received a
feet are tali Bl i l t
American and German set-
of liquor cannot
legally be made an. t her
point within the same State,
territory r district of the United
States, shall be guilty of a
manor, and on conviction there-
fore shall be fined less than
five hundred dollars nor mi r-
than one thousand dollars for
the first for
second offense nut s i.
thousand dollars nor mute than
five and -n
for a term not
bi i provides forth
by prohibiting,
of liquor from a
State to points to which liquor
cannot be transported
from another point within the
same State, is calculated to
apply both to prohibition States
and prohibition territory in local
option States. Its structure, it
is believed, not only obviates the
constitutional objection, but is
manifestly in accord with a sound
public policy. This bill was in-
in the house by Hon
John Langley, of
who in faithful, sincere and zeal-
advocacy of temperance
measures is second to no man in
congress, and in the senate by
Hon. Charles Curtis, of Kansas.
a tried and tested friend of every
reasonable temperance move-
I believe that this bill is the
time. It th.- duty of
each householder, agent, tenant
or other person who reside
or do business in the ton to
have placed on either of said
days, in barrels, or
other vessels on the street, in
convenient places, so not to I
obstruct any of the u tors,
garbage, trash, Waste paper and,
other refuse of kind, x
quid substance and fetid
matter, and same shall be re
moved by the carts. Said
boxes, barrels, crates
vessels shad removed from
the street by the occupant of
the house as soon as said j
haw been removed by
carts. Any person who s
violate the provisions of
section shall be fined
for each offense.
U hereby d; cared to lie a
nuisance for i i y parson to spit
upon of
paved or sidewalks of
the town or to spit ore
upon the or walks of the
market house, fire engine house,
mayor's office or on of
any building owned or occupied
by town of Greenville or
offices or upon the fl o.-s or walks
of the office, courthouse,;
waiting rooms of the
Companies or churches or up -n
the fl or walks of any
hall or building used for public
purpose-. Any person violating
any of the provisions of tins
ordinance, shall for each and
every offense upon be
fined the sum of five dollars.
By order of Board of Alder-
J C. Tyson, Clerk.
the still, us I'll was a
around it when it was found.
March J. S.
Smith, of Greenville, came up
Sunday morning t. visit his sick
step-mother at Mids Smith's.
He says its he visit that he
has made in years.
Mrs. A j. from
near Marlboro, visiting her
mother Mrs. F. Smith,
last Sunday.
R. E happened to
a Lad accident Sunday moaning.
He was riding horse back and
his horse stumbled and fell.
j throwing him and breaking
his collar He is suffering
much pain. The thing
about the t is happened
very near tn spot that Ivy
Smith, C. D Smith and one or
two others, ha a in time had
similar accidents
Mrs. F. who was
reported very last week, is
Rev. S. W. of
Grifton, came in last night to
help work on the church at
Arthur. He preach at
Smiths school next Sunday
morning end night.
, j i thing for North Carolina and
telegram this morning from
,, j , therefore, we desire to give all
announcing the . .
of her uncle. Mr. our influence to aid its pas-
which occurred Sunday We would advise those
noon Mr. Moore was about OS who favor such measure, to send
years of age. Ho left Pitt
for the West some thirty
ago, and his industry
a large fortune,
factor in building up the city
where he located.
re many people now living in
Pitt on the north side of
the river, who remember Mn
Moore well. He leaves a j
Oxford Singing
The singing clans of 1910 from
the Oxford will start
on its first or eastern concert
tour on March
The first tour will close before
June 24th, the date of the annual
Saint John's Day exercises on
the grounds of the institution.
Near the last of July the second
or western tour will begin.
These annual concerts have
reached a really high standard
of excellence. The children and
those who accompany them
represent a cause very near to
the hearts of our people. Even
if the tour and e
Dr. Hyatt Coming.
Dr. H. Hyatt will be in
Greenville, at Hotel Bertha, on
Friday, April lat, for the purpose
of treating diseases of the eye
He also
N. C.
Lonnie Baker, was
the guest of J. L. Sun-
day .
Miss Mabel Craft aid Annie
of came
down yesterday to some
time with friends urn relatives.
We are glad to hear that Luke
Miller, who has been sick,
is improving.
The pupils i eve begun
for an entertainment at the
close of the school. April the
Robert James, from near
Greenville, spent Saturday with
Luke Nobles.
Misses Kate Chapman and
Hattie cf Winterville.
were here Sunday viewing the
country and at Sunday school.
personal letters to their con-
and senators and ask
them to use their influence to aid
this legislation, giving them the Present congress,
name and numb r of the bid. near future.
We also advise our conferences, R Davis.
synods and other c-- Anti Saloon League.
en a gatherings to pass
were not in the interest of
great work, the character of the on Monday and
concerts would merit large and. and
liberal patronage. An admission
i is, as a rule, charged and tor to Speak,
this the children certainly give , .
full value and more. , . H. Q. Alexander, of
county, president of
North Carolina Division Farmers
Union, will speak in Greenville.
Saturday, April 2nd, at the
Star Warehouse at a. m.
Public cordially invited.
the passage of this bill. I
if the forces of
will put forth strenuous efforts
for the passage of this bill, that
it can be secured through the
and if not in
four children.
and reports asking for Subscribe for The Reflector
Greenville Lady Wise Prise.
In a popularity contest the
Raleigh . . which
closed Monday i-g, Miss
Bettie Tyson, of n the, won
the second a piano.

Is lb.- of United Stiles
of America.
act of con-
NM d 1909. the
l. of
U a i If be taken.
b on the fifteenth day
hundred mid
correct enumeration
It. every ten
by Um
i f in- U lied States for
of the several;
in th House of
i t. ;.
it is of the utmost
i i i ten sis or
i the United States
t should ; e. m-
i. la- i-n-i ; report of the
ii the
.-. v. therefore, I. William
President of the
U America, do
i-y make known
II. the aforesaid, it
i; every per on to
mi -.-. on
m applying to him and
t n. y to he belongs,
h- d by him
or that any adult
i. . is to
l of
it statistical
an. of tie
;.;. mid i -s are required
. u in cider to
compilation of such
And your shoes pinch, into
Allen's -t Ease, the an
for the feet. It cur
f, sweating ft, and
takes the out ml
i ti Just the thins tor pa m
h . dancing parties and f.-r breaking
in new shoes. Many people
stockings .
without alien's in
I ho everywhere, c
Sample free. Address, Allen S.
, . N. Y. Don't accept
any substitute.
Most Popular Druggist Mikes a
Remarkable Statement
N C, March I
S. G. Harrington and Mew
horn made a trip to
Kinston Monday.
J. P. is erecting a new
bu which will soon be com
several prizes were given by don. N.
Miss Helen Chapman to
North Carolina
County Superior Court
C-ha Tucker S. W. Tucker.
above named will talc
n t that n action emit ed
h s commenced in the
county to obtain a L. . l j
the plaintiff j children having the most head
the t; and the i in spelling.
II take notice, that he is i ,
ed t ear at the term of
I or court of said county, to
re he'd on the after the m; i.; t.
Mom in Ma-ch. it Wag the has
2nd ray May at th- curt been
of M d county in N. j ,,. l . , .
r. or demur to the com- her alter-
i . suit or noon.
the curt for the relief. were no at St
Di W. Bryan has at last
the for . remedy hey
are soiling a tee
cure a. y Liver If
not h or p in
it UH a o if tongue is coat, d
o-I, if there i
and Live. p
will cure you. II d not you h v.
J W. p
Tie Friday return on
m w ii .- n . ., . f I quick and ma e
sit Q H. S. of
entertainment given the a and a I These
, but Dr. s
primary ant intermediate pupils riving his caution era a chance to m
by Chapman
,,. j c ii cent box of Blood Liver I'll m
and Stella Joy tier, s-e s with i-o t
At the close of the entertainment .
Also for sale by M. U. at
hear now is Far-
of the power of tale
and by N. W
and wife, Ml to F.
G J-mi-on the 6th of My, 1.0.
aid y re. i the . l
r. In Hook O H page S
will expose to c sale
the o rt door
e to the highest bidder, on M
I in -aid complaint. I m wilts a. o- lull, o'clock p. in h
Th s the 5th day of March If Sunday, but will be panel or of lad hi g
l C. Moo-e. i i. the county of Pitt and
Clerk superior North and
F. James Son,
for plaintiff.
Th; Pr o- That c
Sale cf Real
as to Situate in
t beginning at a stake in the
the . E. No
running with the u
a p c n- f. t .,. Wt
J true, then
Cot d by R with ,, to Ilia
of lot Nil. C thin E of .--kid In
baa lining, and
, ,
t v with taxation.
., r jury service, with
; u u . m ii
it ;
ti-r i
way ,
; q i r-U.
There .
What could
of th i Bey of mi
the test of Th of
testify D n's Kidney i ids
e in
Home prove
Inly in of his I
a o i r and
m r in y hi d derive
Ki Pill
i in tin
Th . I co . till the t. at,
Mrs T. S i. E
Or . e, N. C.
. . -i . I . have i
The census r . -i lie to m
i .- I have ever I m
f om ft I echo n
. back. There w s also .
my kid in I I
r ; get r t on a c. tint f i
regulation of darling pains through on.
. . in in.-, I
lire i and hail t
one Si c ti It
Ki i ills I. is
n v ii s p I t o s if
Read- Judith Li. to i. H
on tho h day
s of record in the
in Pitt in book Z-8
I Hire Um, the i I on Mo
lay the d y April, expose
to pa lie sine i. re th.- court house
do r in Gr to the highest
for cash, the f or lot
and to being in
IOWA of G North Caro
n the W st of -t.,
and bounded on the east l.
the south by the Tucker lot now
W P. Evans, and on the
St. n
. south by f-o occupied by
Mr. Wat on . lid being the lot whereon
IR. II; mad mi. man
J now and from Eva. a
to sue is to
he m d the terms sad
de d.
. n of M. u
I,. II It. re.
or with the enforce-
nor can
ii any
to Creditors.
qua I re
p longer
and that Had, r
I rig boon rein he et . . II t- r, e
For sale by all dealers. given to all f
cuts. Co.,
York, sole agent for th
; State.
no other.
no fear any
disc will made regard-
person or his
affair . in-- protection
the rights and tr. the
persons furnishing information
every of Census Is t . . -n
, , A Bottle Costs Only
bureau la under heavy
any I ltd
winch may thus
c to knowledge,
mi p-r.-its cu promptly, you with your I-.
and accurately all , c ,.
ill . . Fell . mo
I to
. j. ate in l.-
h tho u
. i s h g
i i h.-r. by
t I. ii file th r with
i I. of or lies notice
v. be i i r i f any on
is . I in.
Thia I .- f M
ii. W. J. S.
it b I t No. Also
from R. . lying
on the
to be off es running east and
treat a u is 7th running
northward T. J. Stan
and to with I
No on west g de the roar contain
s an- a I to It W. ill by M-
in ere. d. Term- . f i-ale
This the th d y at March. Ill .
F J Mortgagee.
Blown, Attorney.
of Personal Property.
The a a ii
S. used on
d of March,
th .- II
near the town f o i
pub c sale ti th.- hi. h t f
.-h hep properly b- lo g
the of the a i j. S.
of h y.
ho lea, u .
cows, and
allot pr party of
g to aid at . gal.
trill -id i
a a. m. W line.
d y Ma and co until
all I pro arty is sod.
d-y o; h. lain
B. V. Tucker
of the of .
Are You
With your land when for the
sake of saving a few dollars
you use a fertilizer whose
only recommendation is its
analysis. It requires no
knowledge to mix mate-
rials to analyses. The value
of a fertilizer lies in the ma-
used, so as not to
over feed the plant at one
time and starve at another.
This is why Royster brands
are so popular. Every in-
has its particular
work to do. Twenty-five
years, experience in making
goods for Southern crops has
enabled us to know what is
See trade mark is on every bag
Fa So Royster Guano Co.
ins. Attorney.
When Coward Will cu ran-
ten to cure r give
back, what is your
Notice to
la i
to hem
tile o.- other em
ml thereby . their
a .
in whereof, I nave
i i hand
of th
tins of March, A.
one and thirty
s. ha
ti V
H; is a antiseptic n.-l-
bureau. J a
inhale over the air etc .
if is m ; of eucalyptus
mixed h r germ and
son lung
complete t It
. and c s g
in .-es-a y CO ordinary e is n
Catarrh. Extra a. f
is the be t remedy in the
world lure
It gives
i in two min a
b. i t everywhere and Cow-
ward it
ii .-ii-. Pitt co s
the v II a. d lest
I l. t is
, hi . lo a i p -r-on-i in U-ht o to
; ma
el ; i .-- ti- said
ii in. d
. m t . u for pa m. t
or be I re e day . March,
-i o will In i
of recovery.
IS h . March,
A. Cox. Executor.
Land Sale.
By virtue mortgage executed
an de leered la Frizz e a d
June e, to II. V
on tie day of Jain. ti,
mortgage duly r in I ho
of of
c in U Q lie
win .- . ash for-
th court h use in Greenville r
day MO g
d pare-l or of lain,
in the cm o lilt and I
Dam tow -hip g
I ids of Bob M h Is, John I
Beat i n . other-,
acres or M and being
j i lace f Ian by Isaac I
Thia Feb. 19.0.
H. c.
F. G. James i boo, ;
Notice to
I. pr
C. K . x,
i- , f C
was Sunday morning at a
certain s hotel.
The one st. it
who had been
detained the Week
end. had finished .
and had walked over to the
proprietor's desk to make some
another I want to
he said, in conclusion,
tell me what
lions have churches
ain't very well fixed
fail other, reflective-
We've trot three churches,
can take
own Choice. a Re-
formed Presbyterian, a
United one
that ain't either Reformed or
Youth's Companion.
By virtue of power c d
a n a e ens an.
d on i he ti y of June,
by Rev. Daniel wife Mali i;.
A Daniel t. J. It Davenport, ml
duty record d in ii.
of i Hi
ii, honk J-S the
will expo r lo sale to
higher for
In the Town if
N Carol on .
the 18th of April the fol w-
d lot or pan- I of n to
Situate in county of
aid deer bed as town
lot No. 7.1. corner on
the east silo of W. II. nil
Main street, and W. II.
lot f fart, thence
I left, to
be Inning, cut doing ire
To sad a e.
This the Id h of March.
J. R D Mo-
Skinner A
Having y
executor of
Alive. Mi
he fore the
K of I'm . j. g
at I and
use . notice
qualified of II
d, to of i in
county N. a is In Do-
all h cl.
the i e of said seal, to ex
them to t en . i
I within m I ruin
this notice I ii bar I
recovery. All s ind d
t., estate, will please make
his March
ltd K.
the v
in the
I i
will take u v in pr sen
fame to u i
e t on ., l. fir. the day if
eh, 1911, or t n lice will be
n r-con
day .- March, 1911
W M.
Ex.- of Alice.
leads to something worse.
Preparation gives quick
lot sore throat, hoarseness,
colds mid pneumonia by
Destroy con-
Keep it in the home for
emergencies. External and
A.-., yon fr h
have that annoy inn;
in throat T s you
unto, you at
in you raise is in
a i u t r
lief If
you will be
by druggists.
D. W.
And Provisions l
Are You Looking
for a Position
We can offer you good
Paying Employment
that you will enjoy and
at home. Write to-day
The Publishing Co.
Building. New York. N. Y.
Cotton Bagging and
vs on
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
To Know Your Needs
In Cotton Gin Machinery, Engines and Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills, Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
Phone N. .
Machinery Co.
S. C.
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, Jan. 1910.
, u,
Overdrafts hoc. and
and Fixtures,
Duo from
i all i
minor c- in
k i
U. S.
4-3 Cl stock. f 6.000.00
, Surplus fund,
C profits,
a 1.043
Time of Deposit
I Sub. to
I Total
STATIC NORTH County of Pitt,
I, W. II Cashier of tho bank, do fol
that the statement true to the best of my
Carolina S
and belief.
Subset boil sworn to be-
me this 7th day of Feb.,
1910. T.
Notary Public.
W. II. Cashier.
S. M. Jones,
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Copyright. 1909. by
Copyright. 1909. by Dodo.
Mud Company
A Story of
Her arrives in
Edelweiss, capital of and
me, ts the beautiful IS of m
II-King does a favor for
Robin, nil r of the
guardian is John Talus,
an American. Ill
o i m protest
warns him the ,,, friends.
era the royal , d .,.
committee if ten. a
trivial. We very good
friends, yon and I. To., food, per-
haps, no doubt tin-re lire
lobbies In Edelweiss who provoked
to You know what I
Is n Sturdy little
he but she her hand
against the prince, meets in an
ch m where tie Olga
is one who is to kill
Robin with a bomb.
c s on the beautiful
who w him d
and I h Count Mar-
is the prince.
i drizzle had been
fulling all evening, pattering
softly upon the roof of leaves
covered the sidewalks
along Castle avenue.
Almost In the center of the Imposing
line of palatial stood the
home of of minister
of flanked on either side
grin and as gay as It-
self, yet far less significant In their
generation. Here dwelt most
man In the principality, not
excepting lbs devoted prime minister
himself. Not that was so well
beloved, but that he hell the destinies
of the land lingers. More
than that, he was the father of the far-
famed Countess the must
glorious beauty the Austrian and
courts. had gone forth
from its roost
silica I lie wedding day of the
Princess Votive, late in the
far to the hymeneal altar The
band who her a bated,
in in In lib. lard.
wore those who went so far n-i to say
that her father bad b Into
hands s day
who whisked her Iota the Irish
lands, many leagues Vienna
seen no more gay
courts for a year. Then of n sudden
she appeared all. is.-
l in ever, with n
haunting, her dark eyes
be The
round an In us-
to the world wore,
plainly n lit nil
men to I ; upon with
envy in
Then the resumed bis
residence in Edelweiss, opening
old palace more to the world His
daughter the death the
began her tn the
she remained
from moot lbs
who Ii banished and
long before tho wadding day In
Now frequently
stayed for weeks at a time, apparently
happy escapes from life
the great
Of late she came more frequently to
Edelweiss before. Ii
was always to remember the moment
when he looked upon this exquisite
creature for the first time That was
months ago. After that i-
Mug s secret, silent worshiper her
transient shrine.
on this rainy night
carriage has drawn up before the low-
gates in he grounds, n
shadowy figure leaves It to hurry
through the shrub lined lo the
massive doors.
bull long since ceased lo he a
visitor In home of
of The men were openly
unfriendly to other. The
reseated the of the
sandy haired on other
baud, mads no effort to conceal
his dislike. If not distrust, of the older
expressive eyes.
opened his own eyes
very wide. don't mean to
that he Is peril any
She leaned nearer to him, dropping
the ash from her cigarette Into the re-
as she spoke slowly. Intensely.
think he Is in peril-In deadly
He stared hard. do you
he demanded, with an
glance over his shoulder. She In-
glance correctly.
peril Is not here. Mr. I
know what you are thinking. My fa-
Is a loyal subject. The
suggest never conies to
comes to he
most whispered.
The countess was alone In the long,
warm library.
Is good cf you to she
they shook bands warmly.
know It Is almost u year since you last
came to this
don I y am
mean your
mean Count
she said
means evil to
heavens, countess.
I know he is bitter.
revengeful and all i
Is. all that
you must let j
Impress you ;
I um I a j
to bis cause. ,
I could not be i hat.
for the reason
suspect its existence. I am sol
sense a part of It. do nor .
know I only feel. dare
say I not lore j
Count there Is j
us es- I
ii We Went go I
overjoyed to bear you soy
ho very seriously.
hate so bold oil as to
your ear,
-that you could not by any if
nature to rare fur Mar-
i only by
have at so
called you have
been moat X i v. I that
am I'm glad
to hear you confess that you
love your
have never tried lo make love
to she went on. it I
about you. most Ben lire
silly, because am so very young,
but because my is
old. Don't think Hut,
never mind see you are traits eager
to answer. That's enough. an-
other cigarette and-listen to
am going I He the
cigarette With a of his head.
After a she on
l said before, I do not
know that suspicion i are correct
have not even breathed them to my
father. lie would have laughed at
My husband is a even
as am. but there Is this
between us- he despises
while love her In every drop f my
blood. I that bis heart be has
never ceased lo brew ill for Hie
throne that disgraced lie openly
expresses Ills hatred for the
dynasty and has mere than i In
public gatherings that b cheer-
fully assist In Its utter destruction.
That, of course. Is commonly In
where be Is
derided. But Is not a to wive
bis hatred With met kale wards
on seeing you to tills big
room she wont on.
simple reason
business cards mi which he refers to
himself as the former trusted nod
secretary at count
Now. I happen to that he Is
my husband's was no lung-
than last week. He Is here for
a purpose, my husband's represent-
I bare not asleep nil
mouths at I
Keen and beard enough to convince me
that some great movement Is on foot.
My Intelligence tails me that it bus to
do with As be wishes the
prince no good, it must be fir
there Is nothing he can do. lie
has no following here. The prince is
adored by the people. Count
would not be n fool as
is no she Interrupted
quickly. why I am If
lie is plotting against the crows, you
depend upon It be is laying his
plans well. John that man Is
a devil-s She turned
her face away. A spasm of utter re-
crossed her face.
nm afraid of He Is
here to watch every
leaned the great carved
mantel post, a tall, slender,
creature, exquisitely gowned in rarest
Irish her and shoulder
gleaming white against the dull
beyond, the glow from the
embers creeping up to her face with
the of a maiden's flush. He
In his heart
thumping like fury In bis great breast.
She was little more than n girl, this
wife of old and yet how
wise, how clever, bow brilliant she
was well named the
I know this
man asked arising to
stand beside her.
i don't she said thought-
fully. have not spoken to him con-
Perhaps he knows.
The baron Is very wise. Let me tell
yon how I happen to know that Peter
Brutus is still serving fount Marians
why I I kink his presence signifies
i a of some
Her voice, always low and even.
seemed lower still, the first place.
II have u faithful friend in one of the
Ills daughter is my maid, she is here
i with mo now. The old man came to
see Jose ha one day last week. lie
no Count lo
the town which Is in Ax-
-i mile beyond the
line. was with my bus-
hand In two days. They
were closeted together from morning
till In the house where Marians
was stopping. At the end of two days
Brutus went away, he carried
With him u vast sum of money pro-
Killed by my husband, it was given
am h was on his way lo H
I he expected
purchase a business block for bis man-
waited IS
permitting father
on to Edelweiss with a message
for me and t. see his daughter.
father saw Brans in
he did see him going
as he for
morning. Be wore s. but
Jacob says he could not be
Moreover, was accompanied by
men whom he
stark and hunters of
rather unsavory reputation. They left
Brutus at the gates of and went
Into the hills, ah this happened
I knew living ,
Edelweiss. When I saw him
knew at once that his presence
something I many
things together once ponded me
comings and goings of months, the
reports and consultations. Hie
queer looking men who came to Hie
the long absences of my bus-
band and own virtual
Imprisonment i eras
net permitted leave the for
days at a lime during his
you will not go
he began bully.
She put a finger to her lips
A manservant was quietly crossing
the hall Just off library. is
a man l do not like his appear-
The servant disappeared a j
door the end of the ball
Then there were the great sums of
money that my Best off from j
tine to she continued, ii
boxes that came overland i j
tho castle and went away again ,
as secretly es they came Mr.
am confident In my mind that I boa
boxes contained firearms
I thought r alt not. Per-
haps am but It seems to me
that I can almost those
stored away the eaves
outside of Edelweiss, ready for Instant
use when the signal
Hind All uprising A plot so
as he gasped, is for-
he was not facing the door.
The same passing once more,
might have seen the
eye cannot be
Why. and bis men
would have scented It long
have not said I sure of
anything, remember I leave it
to you You have the
on which to work. I'd
you to waste no lime. Something
me that the crisis Is near
Professional Cards
Office opposite It. L. Smith
stables, and next door to John
gen boggy n-w building.
Attorney at Law
by J.
F saning,
D. M.
Greenville, N. Carolina
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
made on It. Estate
Greenville, N. C.
Not one case in ten requires
internal treatment.
Where them is no
or fever Noah's Liniment will
accomplish more titan any in-
One will convince you.
Noah's Liniment penetrates;
requires but little rubbing.
U I.
W. H.
and Long
vi 1.1
fill R
Here's the Proof
Mr. W. Taylor, n of Rich-
moral Va. the pant
North Carolina, where I
u -I with r-
and take In
Ins lo with
cold and had a
of in my h-ft
i could lift my arm without
pain. wan try
I and In than . a
U entirely free pain, I
in . of It
. A.
Greenville, N. C
Office Oil Third
pied by Dr.
Is Hie best
in Joints Sore
; .- I-i a I
s i.-i e v r y
i-v in
in- Ra m
; by mall
Kile Hal have, k pt
nm h. of I a
and I not It.- I house
. R
e Drives
is-, b h Hi an
health pr.
1910 Brought Many Changes
My friends and customers can find me at the
old stand, with a pretty and cheap lino of
The basis of my Ions business experience has
been fair dealing and good values. Come to see me
this season, will appreciate your trade and offer
you the best bargains possible.
And among them was a big change in the
style of Furniture. I watched this care-
fully, and I did not buy until I was ab-
sure I was getting the newest
and best to be had. Consequently, I am
offering the furniture buyers of Green-
ville and adjacent country
The Most Artistic Stock of I
that if
this manner of
be above We may
freely here, for we l heard
ever shown them. You will therefore
find it to your best interest to visit my
store in the White building, near Five
Points, and examine my stock before
J. H. BOYD, Jr
Norfolk and Baltimore
it would be n If; we mis., lie
I were not In Other
where of n of yon
from time to time and n word now and
They both seated themselves before
a plowing open lire
The duke to lo
play bridge she said at
not return till late.
telephoned make
Her smile did more than to reassure
Of course you now
Impossible It Is for me to come here.
countess. father, the duke, docs
not mines matters, and I'm not quite
is of the prince that want to
Sir. she said. do
wont to talk very seriously with you
concerning future say bis
Immediate future
He loosed at her narrowly.
you quite serious
could not hare asked you
H this house for an-
tray surprise or consternation. The
eyes of wall may better then
don't mean to say you lie
watched here In
lie demanded.
don't know This I do Scow-the
count has many spies In
Is systematically apprised ivory
thins that occurs at court, the city
or tn the council chamber. before
yesterday I saw his l
streets, ti mini who has his em-
ploy for five years or more and Who
now pretends in a lawyer here
name is I with
He said he bad lull the count sir
weeks n in
set out for himself In Ids pro-
He knows, that I
. nm not and never have been In the
of my husband. naked
I If It was known In I-. that
he bad served the n
Elegant New Dining Rooms on Saloon Decks
Table Dinner, cents Club to
service it desired
leave Norfolk foot St. daily
at p m. arrive at Baltimore 7.00 a. m., connecting
with rail lines for all points Est and West.
For and
handed one f his
The Rural Mail Comes Once a Day
The Telephone keeps you in touch with
friends and the city every minute of every
day. Progressive farmers throughout the South
are installing telephones in their homes and
our service.
The cost is low; the service is satisfactory.
Write to our nearest Manager, or
line Department
Henderson, C
and House Furnishing
always co to TAFT Van DYKE
For Slate
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work. or ,
a- t.
Footing, Tin Shop Repair Work, and
Tobacco Flues in Season, see

THE EASTERN yet on blowing-
but lookout for what will come
between now and the middle of
Subscription-One Year
Six Months
Single Copy
rt- may be had upon
application t the office
Reflector Building, corner Evans and
Entered in the office at Greenville
N. C., mail matter.
FRIDAY, MAR. 1910.
Peary continue to it in
the neck, where he ought to,
Have ii lit ll fare
eggs arc ripe.
The and Easier
suit arc way.
It is hard to tell who the
is on in
Looks like Baiter
will have take medicine.
They giving
Speaker a ran for nil
Almost fan ad
in price except the ml
to u
If the pretty weather holds
out through Easter there will
come thankful new hat wearers.
If the tiling keeps going we
certainly will be believing
the next congress will be Demo
Packages of seeds in the mail
this time of year reminds one
that congressmen are holding
down their j's.
Since being of his locks,
Cannon may feel very
much like Sampson and try to
down the
It ii getting almost time for
Peary to disappear. He will
not stand the fake pressure
much longer.
Some of the hats actually
large that the wearer has to
set else to open the
door for her.
The move of the prohibition
to break up the jug trade
ought to succeed. When a
State adopts prohibition other
States should not be allowed to
ship liquor into it.
Since be has discovered that
Peary is in the same boat with
him, so far far as credibility
goes, Dr. is said to be
thinking of letting himself be
We bet that Hunter Roosevelt
regrets that he did not get bask
in time to see the fun when
they Uncle Joe.
It is mighty close to census
taking time for some towns to
lie making large population
The real showing may
put the laugh on them
Peary has even lost his pull as
a lecturer and us a result has
had to cancel many dates
as well up now that he
never reached the North Pole,
quiet and orderly
mob hung two is
the way an exchange heads a
press dispatch. The mob may
been quiet, but hanging
two men does not look very or-
The man whose are all;
may get the taunts of the mad-
fellow now and then, but
lie can turn the laugh o-i them
when it
editors met at
Ills , and adopted resolutions
endorsing President Tuft, his
policies, the tar-
bill and Speaker Cannon.
Must lie a lot of the boys want-
They had a regular monkey
and parrot time with an all
night session of congress, Thurs-
day night, and the insurgents
with the of the Democrats
whipped out the regulars. And
it made Speaker
This year is certainly making
a record for great disasters.
Several have already occurred
that were attended by great loss
of life, and the wrecking of a
passenger train in with a
death list of forty is aw-
addition to the lit.
The decreasing number of
in large cities where the
sale of liquor is permitted, gives
an indication growing
sentiment for prohibition
throughout the country. The
is fast coming when there
will be DO licensed silt- of
The building prospects in
Greenville promise, to make this
a record year for the town. All
ready plain are on the
way. and there is much talk
about things to be done this
year. We would like to see the
factory idea get mixed in the
other improvement, for there
is nothing the town needs m re.
They must come, and the sooner
the better.
The first execution by electro-
i to buy in this Stale took place
in the penitentiary on Friday,
I when Walter a Robe-
Here's congratulations to the so,, county was put to
Wilmington Dispatch death. Owing to delay in get-
getting the next tug the electric chair installed
meeting of the North Carolina the condemned was
Press Association We arc hop four limes before being
to he with you finally executed.
The Chamber of
Thursday night took up
mentioned in Congress
John H Small's recent
letter concerning the public
building for Greenville, in a
that means business. The com-
appointed are at work
and will leave nothing undone
to meet the needs of the
That Greenville's way.
go after things with a
nation to get them, and we ex-
to see the appropriation for
the public building here
ed in the omnibus bill before the
present session of
Board of County Commissioners and if he becomes dis-
hold a special meeting to and quits, all may be
give further consideration to the lost. Continued is the
matter of building a court way to bring results, and when
house and a new jail. People you start out after anything
all over the county are never give up. This is a good
much interest express rule to apply in any
as favorable to
building on such a plan as will
be creditable to so large a
county as Pitt and meet the
public needs for generations to
come. Prom what talking we
have with members of the
we feel sure this is their
purpose. They are men who
have the welfare of the county
at heart, and they to do
just what is best. county
should certainly haw a credit-
able court house, and that is
what she is going to have.
The Spring Hope Leader has
trying to awaken interest
This is an important period
for Greenville, what the
town does now will have a bear-
on years and generations to
come. There is much building
to be done to replace the
in the recent fire. The county
must build a court house
jail, the Masons will likely re-
temple, individuals
will also erect buildings. Then
the government is to erect a
public building in the near
and from tiling
there will he an impetus of
that will go on and
on through years to come-
matter The Reflector wants to
i . ii u . 4-t. I emphasize is that all these new
in the establishment of a K
buildings soon to be erected
should be in keeping with mod-
times, and such as to meet
CO market in that town, but
seems to have become
aged and quit the It
The Leader has made its last
cull for a meeting of the citizens
to consider the establishment
of a tobacco market. The next
time a call for a meeting is
made it will have to be made by
some one else.
A newspaper man is the
lust one who should ever think
of getting discouraged. He may
get hard knocks, and even at
times feel from the indifference
of those for whom he is laboring
the requirements of rapidly
growing population and business.
To this end every citizen of the
town and county should in-
and all should
ate together in bringing about
the best results for the future.
Let there be no division of sen-
now that will be regret-
The Western doctor who is ad-
to pay half the funeral
in cases where he does
; that his efforts toward not prove successful, must not
the town are not be proceeding in accordance with
but lie should never be a the ethics of the profession,
quitter. Often the newspaper though he may be getting more
On next Tuesday, 20th. the man ha to fight alone for an en business.
Of The Hour
The Easter Parade will be March 27th
Earlier than it has been in several years, but we've gotten
EVERYTHING READY FOR YOU, all the and inner gar-
of men's wear. We've spent months of careful study so
that you can come here and make your selections in a very
few minutes, with absolute assurance of getting the best and
most for your money, even a hasty review will convince you
how splendidly we have WITH THE VERY
Our Elegant Spring Suits are fashioned from the hands of the
world's best clothes makers.
We are showing this season the handsomest line of low cut shoes ever seen in this town
Be sure you ask to see our new Spring Hats and Men's Furnishings.
We invite you to our store for the sole purpose of if you like.
. I
Agent of The Eastern for Ayden and vicinity. Ad Rising rates furnished
Wanted to buy bushels
of field peas by J- R. Smith Co
James A. Davis has purchased
the e lot of Charlie S j
in Ghent, and we
learn he will Boon proceed to
improve same.
We are representing the oldest
and strongest Life and Fire
Insurance Co. in the world.
Call us and let us consult
you. Ayden Loan Insurance
Co. Phone
The clock at J. R. Smith Co's
store was uncovered Thursday
at D. m. amid a crowded house
and stood at 7.28.26. Rev.
Henry D. Manning received the
piece set of china, his time
being 29.2. Mrs. Chas. Ewell
received the set of elegant
vases as second nearest 7-20-3.
G. W. B. received the
third prize, a glass
Ditcher, his time 7-29 You
get a ticket with each dollar
School books, bibles and
at J. R. Smith Co.
Work is progressing rapidly on
the artesian well. The drill is at
this writing founded upon a
For Sale-A lot of improved
Spanish peanuts at l per bushel.
J. M. C. Nelson. R. Ayden.
N. C. ltd
The Ayden Lumber Co. have
shut down their mill a few
days for repairs.
Dinner baskets, pencil boxes,
slates, pencils, ink eraser at
J. R Smith Co.
Poultry has reached a startling
price. A crop of nice hens sold
here Monday for cents each
and turkeys at cents per
For second hand
6-h. p. Cooper engine and boiler,
mounted, one 40-saw Brown
cotton gin, condenser, band
press, belts, etc. J. M. C.
son. R. F. D., Ayden, N. C.
W. E. Tingle Ins returned
The cabinet for the new past I
has arrived and is an at-1
tractive piece of furniture.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. R. Smith Co.
There was a public rhetorical
at the seminary given by the
pupils Thursday night.
A nice line of and
caskets always on hand a
nice at your service at
J. K. Smith Co. Dixon.
Mrs. E. T. Phillips Mrs.
T. E. Peden are both on the
sick this week. We hope
they will our, again.
Lime, cement,
full line of hardware . J. R.
smith Co's
Mrs. Moore, of Burke, Va ,
here on a visit to her grandson,
Stancill Hodges, Jr.
An experienced blacksmith is
wailing to shoe your horses and
mules at J. R. Smith -i Dixon.
Now is a good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department-
R. W. Smith.
The meeting at the Methodist
church this week is attracting
large in-
is Rev. J.
Shore, of Greenville, is doing
the preaching.
Miss Addie ha re-
turned from the with her
flowers, feathers and raw.
Look out her ad.
If you have news items, tell
this scribe and help us to make
this column a creditable one.
Don't treat him like you a
book agent, and then wonder at
the feeble effort he is max
We are not all like
Daniels, we need your co-ope
R W. Smith.
Call us, phone us rent
your houses and Collect for you.
Will sell your personal property,
land, stocks, bonds, or lend you
money on reasonable terms-
Ayden Loan Insurance Co.
Cook stoves, heaters and stove
repairs at J. Smith Co.
patterns and magazine
it J. Smith Co.
Rubber, and corrugated roofing
R. Smith Co.
Ninety days and spring oats at
J. R. Smith Co.
At the Close of Business Jan. 1910.
Resources Liabilities
Loans and discount capital stock 26,000.00
Surplus fund 12,600.00
Undivided profits, less ,,
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 4,888.08
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans 500.00
Due from 70,181.24
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,249.04
bank and other
Total 182,272.22
Deposits sub. to check 71,228.80
Demand of 18,442.36
Cashier's checks
For barbed wire and nails,
see J. R Smith
rived a car load.
Galvanized nice to attach
to your pumps for your water
shelf at J. R Smith Co.
Call on us Cur ceiling, flooring
We guarantee
J. R Smith Co. Dixon.
you want to buy,
lease, sell or rent houses or land,
or want a job for yourself, wife,
daughter, mother or sister, or
want to employ additional help,
or sell what you have, there is
no better medium than the col-
of Reflector
R. W. Smith.
Found-Near J. R. Smith Co.
store, a purse containing several
pieces of money. Owner can
have same by identifying it.
Larry W. Smith.
doors, lime, cement,
hardware, locks, hinges at J. R
Smith Co.
Nice turned work, brackets,
window and door frames made
on short notice by J. R. Smith
Co. Dixon.
Gaudy and rubber belting
pipe fitting valves at J. R.
Smith Co.
Miss Rosa Bland returned from
a visit to Rocky Mount
The protracted meeting at the
Methodist church Sunday
In the absence of the pastor.
Rev. C. Manly Morton, E. I.
Brown, our popular railroad
agent, conducted service for him
at Memorial chapel Sun-
day afternoon.
Tom Roberson, in t e
log woods for Ayden r
Company, was cutting
and his in contact
a limb over head and struck him.
inflicting a painful wound on his
Dr. Frizzle dressed it and
pronounced it not serious.
A colored woman
in doing house work at Walter
L. reside fen
dead, going her
duties Saturday morning.
Raleigh Jackson, of Plymouth,
was in town Wednesday.
Carl Jones Sunday in
Lenoir County with his parents
The days are getting longer
and nights shorter and will soon
be time when our merchant
close their stores at six o'clock
to give the clerks a little
Our artesian well men
encountered the third rock
passed through.
Rev. Mr. Clark, of
will preach in the Baptist church
here Wednesday night.
Mr. Neddie years
old died at his home near
ow and one son, Mr. E. C. Car-
Guy Taylor has purchased the
house and lot from Major James
A. Davis in Ghent, and will
as Mr. Davis moves into
his beautiful home now about
Hart is i ff on a pleasure
trip to Pitch seine. We
hear that the catch of fish there
this season eclipses any for a
lorn; time.
Miss Helen Cox, of Greensboro,
and Miss Louise Outlaw, of
are visiting Mrs- Lula
The Betterment society will
entertain at the graded school
building Friday night. All are
invited, refreshments will be
Our artesian well is now
feet deep and still going down.
W. J. Boyd made a business
trip to Snow Hill Wednesday.
J. J. Edwards is treating his
house with a v coat of pain .
G. J. Cherry, of Charleston,
and Mr. Johnson, of
arrived Tuesday, Mr.
Cherry is of the Ayden
Lumber Company, and Mr.
Johnson buys lumber for the
American Lumber Co.
op mono
Clergyman Describe
that Nat Had the
Time and Is Known the
World Over.
Some preacher are to give
re not
One or those who Bat afraid is
below. Bead be
mean every word of II. If you
doubt It write him a latter,
a stamp. II- Ml be
Saved a Soldiers Life
Facing; death fr.-m b ard sh-ll in
the was too e agreeable to J.
A -tone, of Kemp. Tex . than facing
it hat doctors sad was
comrade a
he writes, el -J a cough, that
to me in spit all remedies for
yearn. My weight ran down to
p. lb- an us- Dr. Kings
New U so very, which completely cur-
ed me. I now
For coughs colds, la grippe, asthma,
hoarseness, croup, whoop-
cough and long e, it's
and Trial free.
Guaranteed by all
the top half of eight page
of this paper you will find an
advertisement that fully answers
the question of wear so
far as men are o This
advertisement shows the spirit
of the Frank Wilson store,
ways having in mind what is
best for his customers. His
stock is selected with that idea-
quality, style and appearance
never being sacrificed to
hut what will give the i
value and satisfaction for
his money. The man who ii
Frank Wilson dressed can r.-st
assured that he is dressed right.
a. Pastor
Unitarian Church
wife has been in a very
years and
, in- to do her any good
la month .
the returnee To
Catarrh Stomach. j her face, he in i; fl- i
REV. day, and I is a well
writes i woman to-day.
, ,, , was
-I to make known for the bra , M Ho ,,.,
suffering humanity Th.
with ,,,.
was With of the
and though tried many rem-
and applied to several doctors, It
was all In vain.
it not for I believe
would have been in my grave to-day.
day face i rosy, In -re
yard running and jumping with
Throat Trouble.
Rot. W. Tale, An,
Walnut Hills, Ohio,
. . . I
-I have every reason to that that several year- he bus
is the greatest remedy for with
known to world. of the throat, which hut
I and roe- as a He took Pert
to who are I bin trouble
Ask Your for a Free Almanac 1910.
In Your to Stay
An Awful Eruption
f a brief interest, aid
your Interest in will be
s use An
S Ive, their quickest cure. Even the
worst s, ulcers, r lever sores are
soon by it. Beat
b lips, chapped hands,
It gives instant re-
at all druggists.
Chicken Powder
is Death to Hawks-Life to
Chickens and
He Knows Now.
know your town could
so many beautiful
was a remark today as
he saw them passing in and out
he millinery openings. He
knows now that Greenville's
possession in this particular is
Chicken Powder
and feed my
Look at me
the Hawk.
r ea
. chick of that
old which
h d been fed on
Chick, n
Powder. Alas
The Jo.- for and
fail and Go a
Li- t for rheumatism a I
an h p t e
d by young and old.
Sold by .
N. ad ma u
Greensboro, N. c.
II. III I. f
Of E- KG.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me
Wanted -At once, bushels
potato slips.
D. D. Haskett.
Trade Milk
Kills Hawks. Crows, a- d Minks.
Best remedy Cholera, t,
limber Neck. and Leg
Weakness. Keeps them
Vermin, thereby causing to pro-
duce an a of eggs, Price
and cents. .
only by
M. C.
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do swear that
and belief.
J. K. SMITH, Cashier.
I. J. K. smith, or
the above statement is to the best my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn to
before me, this 4th day Feb
Notary Public.
We with to call your attention to our new line of fall which
we now have. We have taken great care in buying; year we
think we can your want in Shoes, Dress Ginghams No
ions. Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cat or Installment.
Come to sea us and we will convince you
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
W or SI
hum tali,
i S

The Store That Satisfies
IT is our aim at all times to
sell only such goods as
have the stamp of confidence
and satisfaction. A satisfied
customer means a
customer, and we en-
to merit and hold our
trade by selling reliable
goods, just what they are
represented to be.
To meet the needs of our customers, we are
carrying the most complete line of
General Merchandise
to be found in Eastern North Carolina, em-
bracing everything needed about the house
or the farm.
Our early spring goods are coming in and we
are now showing an attractive line of
Silks and Dress Ginghams,
White Goods, Laces,
Edgings, Embroideries, Etc
Farmers should bear in mind that we have
the very best in FARM IMPLEMENTS.
Every housekeeper knows that
Our Grocery Department
cannot be surpassed by any store.
far Bo.
Our Greenville, yours if yo
Red Bliss.
M. Schultz. I
If you need typewriter chairs.
When want loose
outfits see the samples h
Kt fleeter Book Store.
Bit; line of desks
chairs at Boyd's Furniture
Just received a big line of
squares of every kind at
. New Furniture Store.
If you want to see the newest
and styles in millinery, at
I opening at Mrs. I. F.
Lee Co's on Tuesday, 22nd.
When you want the best
get the Parker luck
curve. New assortment of their
i at R. Book Store.
Think f a seamless
vet art for
can be seem at Boyd's.
to M. H. White,
of Hertford- will be d
the coming spring at R.
L. Smith's stable in
d w
Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char-
will b- in Farmville.
March 31st. Greenville.
Friday April 1st, day only.
His practice is to
of the eye, ear, no-- and throat
d fitting glasses.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
i id Furniture Dealer. Cash
id for Hides, Fur. n Seed
i Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Mattresses, etc.
I tit. Baby Go-Cans,
suits Tables, Lounges,
if.-v P Ax
Hi.-h lite Key
Charm. Peach,
i. Pine Syrup,
Meat, Flour, Coffee,
Lye Magic Marches,
ii, Cotton Seed M I and Hills,
Reaches, Prunes. Currents.
Glass and
ware, and
Macaroni, Cheese, Best But-
MT, New Sewing .
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
-ash. Come see me.
I am up an order for
canary for delivery before
Easter. Every bird ordered re
has proven a r
and Riven the purchaser entire
satisfaction. If you want one
see me in the next few days.
C. B. Whichard.
The Reflector Printing House
has a beautiful line of samples
for commencement
and will be glad to quote
prices to schools wanting them.
The samples cannot be sent out,
but may be seen at this office.
Cotton Factors an.-
Hanging Haps
Correspondence h
Norfolk Cotton wired
J. W. Perry Co. Factors,
Today Yesterday
Middling 1-8 1-8
Low Middling
Low Middling -4
Strictly Prims J S-4 I 8-4
l rime 1-2
U- Crude.
Wired by Cobb Co., Banker
Broken. Norfolk.
July 7.1
May 3-8 1-4
Com 617-8
May Kiln is
July Ribs U
liner villi Mai it. report., by
M , 1-2
to as about who is going to
make your suit
u toe tin particular el
t i Mark Harris Front,
Shoulder a- d Sleeve Head
you'll like a parted em.
these la
la tea
Laundry Notice.
I have the agency for the
Troy and Laundry, and will
call for and deliver all packages each
week. All order left at the marble
yard or I hone ill receive prompt
Nut U The Ca
your Tea, won d guarantee m cure
refund th- I
cur.- the only for the Maori
Mountain Tea cured
him where r n I Try I
it with your If, L.
Cobb Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Cotton.
and Provisions
CO New York.
and New
. j
Our Greenville. if you
Is if you Have it to Count.
If you count your Clothes Money
carefully you'll spend it here
for our
Hart, and Marx
you'll have more, money to
count at the end of the year.
The all-wool quality is real
economy, and the correct style
and perfect tailoring pay you.
They're profitable clothes to
the wearer.
the new fabrics are dis-
played on our racks. When
may we expect you
The Man's Outfitter
A New Directory
We are now getting up our new
Telephone directory,
ready to receive c -n
tracts tor lime. All who mutt
to reserve the space as
year will please notify the man-
ager. We will b glad to
to any on- desiring it. Tins
directory be even a
better advertising medium
year, as we have
about one hundred new
it will b-distributed in
Falkland and throughout
the manager or,
i nave word with the Chief opera
tor. Home Tel. and Co.
Choice Cut Flowers
Roses, Carnations, V
In all of
designs and
most at
J. L. CO,
N. C.
for job
The or Printing
us- is rut nice work.,
Water Damage Sale
We have a small quantity of Roods that were
slightly damaged by water the recent
fire which will be closed out at much below
regular prices. In this lot are some Rugs. Mat-
tings, Dressers, Chairs, etc., that are great bar-
gains at reduced prices.
Our regular stock of Furniture embraces all
that is new, attractive and comfortable--just
such articles as are needed in your home.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
if you trade with us we both make money
Shoe Co. that has
in the corner store
I ill- Brady building, is an at
place. The Block is
coming in com-
line of shoes for men,
woman and children. Both Mr
and his salesmen re
practical shoe men, having years
of experience in this special line.
An advantage to customers h
that shoes are fitted right in the
store and there is no risk to run.
Their show window hi a an
tic display that commands the
attention of all passers, and this
is a index of their stock
which has been selected with
great care.
Dr. Hyatt
Dr. H. Hyatt will be in
Greenville, at Hotel Bertha, on
Friday, April 1st, for the purpose
of treating diseases of the eye
fitting glasses. He will also
make his regular visit
to Greenville on Monday and
Tuesday. April 4th and 5th.
It all tin
internal organs, the
and i n the Mood. Such in
Rocky Mount-in moat
prevent alive and cure of bad
blood, constipation liver.
Jno. L.
B. E. CO . have
he W. B. plant and will con-
a heavy line of
Corn, Fodder. I ed
Meal, Hulls d Meal. We
o exchange meal for corn. We will be
to accommodate at any time
Saturday is grinding days.
With Miss Estelle from the most
fashionable millinery salons to assist you in
your Millinery wants.
Mrs. M. D. Higgs is back from the millinery
parlors of the Northern markets and knows
that we have a line of spring Millinery that
can't be surpassed.
Mrs. M. T. with us and is always
willing to give you any idea you may wish to
know in Millinery.
You are cordially invited to attend this
Yours for fashions,
C. T.
By Himself.
After home the 10th of thing else, so of rending I
a of to smoke. Therefore,
I was thinking of the slogan for I got me a cheroot, called it n cigar,
Yours lit it on a streak of lightning and
if yon So I concluded that then went thundering down the hall
I would see how felt to be a mill- the register's Bless your
for at least one day. so I got life, soul, and body too, the first
off the ears and took charge of the man I saw behind the desk that
town. While viewing the premises, good old friend I used to know at
it was my pleasure to run up against in N.
the editor and told him my business. Mr. Harriss. Why don't you know
that so far as Greenville eon- the Good Lord always helps those
for that day, it was mine, who try to help Why.
Well, I spent the day walking around Mr. I found that I was
visiting my C. Flan- it there felt like T was
again, your very polite genteel home long as I was la hotel.
C, T. A. K. but quite the reverse when on the
Tucker, those merchant do- street. Hut let me tell you. when I
business in my town, and I know saw- Mr. Harriss. the hotel clerk, I
the were nil highly honored to have was as glad I ever was. felt
the come in and talk just which means
a little mil I spent most of better than I give it
the forenoon in this way, and about that n because it ranges way
the noon hour went lo call on my beyond the in feel
very much loved a pa- and speech,
Col W. If. Kin- and Indy. Well, then, the n- place I
and their hospitality until to visit was the patent office, so
the afternoon when took the Coast took op the directory and looked up
Line train for Washington. C. 1ST St. S. hied mo on
stopping at X. C, street ear and got there
until o'clock the next our they were finishing breakfast Took
train came to take through to the them by of course, and
capital city of the greatest and best they were all glad to see me, and
Nation on God's given earth, have the pleasure of getting the new-
that's all I'm going to say along this from orally. After tell-
for if I don't stop light now my log Cousins Nan and all th.-
thoughts crowd in on my o new of importance, I got lot-
fast it might cause me to run away as to how to go whore
with myself and got ell of shops I to go. This was the
or go or some other place, home of my honorable cousin,
sod don't want to go then yet B. King, formerly of Greenville, X. J
late that
after riding through the morning to see him, he had
country creaks and rivers, gone to his office in the agricultural
up and down and through vol- department, I went hack to the
about H a. m. on hotel, went to my took a bath,
Thursday we entered the do- removing all the fragrance of th.-
pot. Well, we said we here, hut North Carolina tar; powdered and
where is beret I was just like a new perfumed and came down
born babe, found that had struck tor a city gentleman, and
that was all to me. took a stroll down the avenue and it
I that I did that I was the cynosure of
n place
In the first place
not know where I wanted to go, much
less where it was or how to get there.
I concluded to strike out and trust
to luck or limber tongue, so I went
up in the union depot, and after get-
ting In I did not know how to get out.
I walked on my tongue up to the first
one I met told in the
place, I wanted to know how to get
out of that place to some place
down, not the ground so
I could run up against at me hotel
that some folk- I knew some
how or other or some other how, gel
acquainted with some folks who knew
Well, he shewn me the
door, and away I went like a shot
and made out like I knew all about it.
So after I got en the a
up and biased away at me
mid said.
Says I. go to that's the
place I'm looking for, you ace of
spades, you black Republican, Ink
me there or lose your soul's
for I am in a desperate and
I'll your carcass until make
your soul crack if u don't
Ho thought I the him-
self, looking with lightning ryes and
breath, and don't you
it, he was the most anxious
Nigger to get mo oil his hands in
charge of Metropolitan Hotel
Well, after I entered the door.
the first place got to was cigars,
all kind- of the
eyes, did not know why they
did so unless they thought I was
President from the
dead, as I am his double in looks,
if not so good in polities or religion.
If I had worn my mustache I should
have though they were taking me
for just back from
Africa, but as I had never been to
that place, I could not think they
were taking me for him. Then again,
it worried me no to think that
because of the cancerous affection
i ii my face they might take me for
John Early, the leper, and if that
were the case I determined to take
the bull by the horns of the
so I put on a hold front and marched
up to a big. burly, strong looking
and says to him,
yourself under arrest, His an-
was, you. I
says, to him. I, am a Tar Heel
detective from North Carolina, in a
strange city, and am looking for a
man who can and will give me some
information about what want to
He says, do you want
to the first I
says, want to know who brought
the North Polo to Washington City.
Cook or Peary, might it not have
been Zeke Then he says
to me, he, what's your
I told aha it was
house, or one, but
down in they called
me for abort Then he
acknowledged the of my
were appointed to take Tun Settle
to the devil, and the devil would not
lake this man for him. he wouldn't
get Settle at Why, he is
o much like Settle it ought to make
Settle ashamed of himself. I had
the pleasure also of meeting oaf
young friend, of
Well. takes me down, or up. to
-upper, and when I got there I
by of the sable
if Africa, asked for my ticket.
told him I was not looking for n
t my way to re-
as my man
bawling for to eat ad I
to take him around. Well, then
he wanted to know what plan I de-
sired. or American I
told him I wanted the best he in
the shop, if it didn't cost too much,
and would be the means of my get-
ting something for the man inside of
me. He said, as I had ticket I
would have to the European
plan. I told him all K. that rather
than take the red out of tape I
would go to Europe and get supper.
he. says, Walk right
ii- this says I,
vow don't want me to go to Europe,
you can bring it over here, I will
help my self without any further
I thought it quite strange
that an American would have to live
on European style when we had all
the you're for, without
any messing or about it. Hut
let her go and let her go
-low, When he brought around
the with of the
and tin- price there f. I selected
1-2 shad, broiled, and after waiting
half an hour, the came in
with large dish of shad, nested in
celery leaves, spinach, and all
such and capped the climax
with a lemon, with olives and
stuck in the lemon on
a stick or tooth pick one, I didn't
know which. Well, after, supper he
pulled my leg for cent-, and when
I. I got
hist of that trade, for that shad
with all his
on was well worth
money, and my was
worth the same. So you see, I got
worth cents.
Well, I must hurry with my
and let you knew some
When entered the sup-
per, dapper goad-looking
young men grabbed me by
and told to consider wolf
arrest. I and told
him it was one of the greatest plea
of my life to be by a
good looking young man as he was,
and I certainly was gad to have the
privilege of placing my
in his custody. It that
clever, genteel gentleman. Col. Goo.
King, who always makes
logical reasoning. I told my friend,
King, I just had to shake Senator
hand before I left the
so went to the
room of the Senate end sent up my
card. In a few minutes the Senator
Sis appearance. After the
of our
to each other, I told him I was
from North Carolina and what was
termed by some people, u
the Civil War. and that when
was over and we lay down our arms
we took up, with patriotic pride, our
allegiance to the Union, and that
when I saw his letter lo his con-
defining hi- position about
the rights in the Bail
Fame he had expressed my
merits so much better than I
myself, that I just fell like I
not leave City until
had mil him and shook his
that I felt like I was taking hold
the hand of a statesman, who, ill
my estimation, was to none
country hod produced.
He seemed to appreciate the display
of admiration I entertained for him
and thanked me for the interest
manifested as a representative Sou-
Well. Mr. Editor. I write a
Volume, but I expect you are get-
ling tired, so I will quit by saying,
that if you ever go to Washington,
and should be your fortune
lo run up with Col. II. King, you'll
never regret it. By means slip
at the Metropolitan and get
with Mr. Harris, the hotel
No more et present.
Is Our Motto
We solicit accounts both large and
small, assuring to all the most care-
attention to their needs
Bank of Greenville
Greenville, North Carolina
Don't Buy a Piano Hurriedly
Take Your Time
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver are safe,
reliable, and have been praised
f women who
been restored to h through
their gentle aid and
Sold by all
The Way of the World
Four year old
early one morning- and found his
his feel at home father dressing by I mp light
in his custody. Well, after I and asked why he w-
n short while in my room earn s f r
planning OUt a course of pro-
for the next day, we parted
you, my
climb d
out if b d, d
t A. M. and surrendered his father salted why he
the nest thing to do won,
newspaper tribe, and thinking that
lie some- and invited mo down to
his to give me r. diagram of the
city with all the avenues, together
with all the mathematical, and alpha-
streets highways, by-
ways and all sorts of ways, that run
I lo and fro through the city. So
the first place I went to the
Patent office. went nil through that
transacted my business and spent the
evening with my lawyers and the
ether Big around there
jokes spinning yams, etc. I then
went back to my hotel, and as I en
the lobby the first man I met
was Bernard, and, as I thought.
Hon. Thus. Settle. Well, had quit
little chat and after awhile Bernard
ma to Mr. Oaks,
land, that's Tom
No, Oaks, if y
say . might please mo to meet
Oats, if WON mule, bill if
nod a of condensed
milk, it fresh milk cannot had.
I.,. . .
all thoroughly
heal or cook it;
don't add This
two delicious let
minutes very small
Plat Unit Straw
terry, and
U at all grocers.
Tho Pm II. V.
Morpheus, in whose arms we gently
reposed until o'clock next morn-
We agreed to meat at
Metropolitan at o'clock P. M., the
18th, and make tower of the
and see congress in session;
la through the Hall of
on through the whole thing.
We first visited the Senate and my
friends pointed out Senator
the colleague of
of Idaho, I think. And when I
looked upon the Senator's
I was not all surprised
he stand he took about the right,
if the to honor of their
sons that they saw fit by
n statute of them in the Hull of
fame. It was there that I saw the
I, and grand man, soldier, pa-
and citizen, Lee, of Virginia,
mil in the same hall was also Sen,
S. took off my hat to
them both. I took off my hat to Gen-
ml Lee for the advice he gave
are boys at the surrender to go home
and make ourselves good citizens of
our one and common country.
I took off my hat to General
for the affection I had for him be-
cause ho gave his fallen foes pro-
assured them at the
render, bless his memory for-
ever. I hope I may live to see the
limo when the statutes will be placid
Ida by side then the blue and
the gray will worship at the same
shrine, together in the Hall of Fame
sufficiently to destroy all the
not dead, who would live up-
on the bloody shirt that should have
been buried in the long ago, T was
of the stand Senator
when asked by constituent
about our right to whom we
would honor, and it was full of
so ally. to at
plenty of it, and be extremely careful how
you spend your piano money.
Terms amount to very prom-
cover a multitude of can get sat-
terms anywhere, but a satisfactory
piano at a precious places.
We have makes under grades and
cation as highest medium and low. Each
grade is characterized by the price we ask for it.
Whatever price you are willing to pay for a piano,
if bought from us, you will be getting legitimate
value, as you won't be deceived in the grade you
are getting. We have several self-player Pianos
at bargain prices.
Violins, Banjos. Guitars, Mandolins,
Auto-Harps, Sousa's Band
Strings and Sundries for all Instruments.
For anything you need, call on
Fully nine out of every ten
of rheumatism i s
rheumatism the e u
to cold or or
her of which require
internal treatment. All that
is need d to afford relief is th
free of Chamberlain's
Liniment. Give it a trial. Y-u
an certain to tie pleased with the
quick f which it affords.
Sold by all
Not Quite if
Bow often you gel a a
thing done S
nail or driver or nu- -m-
Sr lacking. Have a good
box and be prepared for rS
emergencies. Our line
Its a could desire, and
, we will tee that your tool
; box does not lack a single m
useful article.
I Of Course
You get s
Horse Goods c
J P.
Corey j
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Salvage Fire
Fire Department statistics show
that some eighty per cent, of all
fires are extinguished by chem
Nearly all fires are discovered
at the start and are readily put
out if
A stream is thrown to a distance
of about fifty feet, carrying a
which excludes the oxygen and
prevents combustion.
A fire cannot live if a small per
cent, of carbonic acid gas is in the
It is forty times as efficient as
water and will extinguish fires of oil,
gasoline, etc., which water only
Protect home and property before
it is too late.
E. L. Agent,
Greenville, North Carolina
Now is Saw Stan as Fie Palate. Mara lo . i
Boom of Women's Fashions, Greenville

In Charge of Wm. I
I Authorized The Extern and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application I
x . Co.,
. N u Tn y have the
; .-l ill-- right price.
. C. attended services
at A -i ii I night.
I lie Pitt C School
by lie A. G. Cox
. e Company are
c. i; mat and
n. tins i re liberal.
comfortable We have just received a nice
oil write A. G. lot of cloaks, give us a call. A.
W. Ange Co.
Mi-s Roach, of
spent last Sunday here visiting
The is the Kind
you need., See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
If your subscription to The
here last Sunday.
Rev. Mi. Clark, of Raleigh,
preached two excellent
in the Baptist church last Sun-
day morning and right.
On which is
Sunday, n will services
in the II, E church at a. m ,
aid in the Episcopal at
that day we are
of resurrection of
Christ and his victory over
the p r Satan and the
The man who M la
lie tor Ma family.
Do You Own a Piano
V. . iii i i marl ii come to .
w . baa expired let me The day brings a mes-
, renew it, and give you a of pardon, peace and hope;
W. G. Morris, and our mission is to pan it on to
The spring rush is com in. others and tell them of the risen
ill t i . r
iii the tomorrow
ii. i.
. and
Better send your orders in at I savior.
The who Ii not, and you e to own a
l both and you owe ft your, ell to
the ma display
You may Insure health by guard- at the WAite
log It. It U worth guarding. A really
Which generally approach . . . i .
m------a k- . . pianos not alone stand
in character tot e, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you I m prices
that stand here
incomparable where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
those cheap v extern department
through the LIVER and
Itself In Innumerable way
And save your health.
N. C. March,
Mrs. F. Ward and
daughter, Miss Corinne, were in
Monday visiting Mrs. J. J.
R R. Fleming left Tuesday
for New on business.
Mis- Lille Evans who is at-
tending school at Washington,
came home Wednesday to spend
few days with her grandmother
II you want a useful planter. n. b. by Dr. who is sick
Mrs. J. C of Kins-
tore stencils, tut each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fume and
in the Four
player-piano, known
will take in
each, for one cf
also carry the
AN, the the world.
Old c and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
When in
Greenville visit out
Fin man i I.
Next door to Carr Atkins o. store.
once for Cox Cotton Planters, Rev. E. L. St Clair, of Edison,
; guano sowers, economic a ill preach at Reedy Branch
We are carrying a nice Una Of back bands, etc. Orders will the It Sunday morning; and in
Labels. art have our careful attention. the Free Will Baptist church
right awl can l hearse A G c
A. U. Mfg. Co, N. C., Remember the lecture in the
A went to
Thursday Light our combination planter. It Chas. Brewer Friday night,
.- . W. cotton, corn, peas, You are cordially
Harrington, to be present.
We are glad to announce that
J. D went to
. n For nice oysters, see me. at.
w, i. received a full Johnson's better prepared Barrel
Give a ever. R
A fish, M f
in, cheap it. W. at Johnson a
for . he iii vim, stand, on railroad street. n .,
i. . Our Do teem favorably
Let as frame that for
you. frame. Ayden possesses,
A. w. Ange Co. after soon; aid r
We have
U it i VI them
It. D Co.
Buck c in ii More-
. . i
are i; in- you. Th.-y are I
c ; .-, e
u r. B j
A. ti. x I
Co . W . C.
J. U .-. i
i. ii . i. i .
r u; a i
turn by the lie in. on.
known ii wish to know
Milling and Mfg. long tiny stay, and when
be ready very Minn corn,; they
do general repair work and dress W. H. S. baseball team
timber. played a warm name with the
Harrington. Co. R Springs last
A nice lot of matting just in. lie score stood t.
A. W. Ange Cr. n e W. H
I . h l
. C L. and
Will were
Dry goods for the
Before g. see m. line f
post II. L Johnson.
F r spring dress good.
Have you seen dis-
play in Harrington,
Go's, .-tore a
lug I embroidery and laces sec
Sutton returned New lot just in. j A new
Harrington, Marl Ci at Mount, North Carolina.
For nice and spring the
shoes, see new lot. ex-
A. W. A Co . name is secured
Thursday torn a to Greene
received, a nice
Miss Rosa l. . Taylor, who has
Here, return
ed to her home at Grifton yes-
. a certain
man a
a want a g i J w try
i e. . .
;. i ii; men
cos last
he;, i i i. of
at L,
. .-ii L has
j. t put iii machinery, and
l an how
; i. Uh.
Now lo of dry goods an no.
first two letters of
lions just in. Better while North Carolina
they me cheap Edgecombe,
A. W. Ange Co
Halifax. Nash.
Wilson R Mount being in
a the center of the
How is your Let these are the added
us show you new lot of j the first of and
Barber Co
A nice six key soda fountain
Ft an up date cut ard
at Barb, r
door to
Wednesday evenings and
Saturdays. only whits bar-
hr in n give him a trial.
Leave your orders ice
II. U Johnson's. Will deliver
anywhere in town.
and to make it
in r-- the name is
. kind of tinware For cold drinks of all kinds
a nave received a I call it L. Johnson's.
When in need of give
principal informs us that us a trial.
more . w b ere expected
. H. a next post cards. H. L Johnson
straw hats ard B. F. Manning, of Ayden. was
get on don't e W. in our town Monday.
Mrs. G. II. Smith
The Athletic department of -p Sunday at visit-
S., as well as the literary de , jug relative.
taking on new life., Willie Bullock, of Grifton, was
The boys have relatives Sun-
team, and the
a merry lime J. L and W. Rollins, L. A.
Manning and F. A.
Heart Action
There arc
that control the action
of the heart. When they
weak, heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
Before buying see my line of talion, fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, other
distressing fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted t the needs of
these serves and the
structure of the
heart It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it
Harrington. Co.
Straw fist, buy
don't a W. Ange
I what I
w.-m when
and Miss Crawford at-1
tended services at Ayden last
i ray ,, ,
Dr I l
I . i now I an
Miss ha.-, lately I n m mi. i .
., , , miss went i . , . i u. i
a position in Ayden
with the Ayden Furniture Co R G Chapman and M. G.
your rs F. attended services at
L. Johnson's. Will b i co r -u den Sunday.
Mrs. J. F. Harrington went to
e Tuesday.
any where In town.
cats to give away, bring
R. Croon, I Minnie Mae, of
K. C Sunday here visiting
and oil cloth, or friends,
. buy some, caver it over.- I Henry and Jesse Haddock, of
Harrington, Burner Co. South Carolina, were visiting
Mia i.
UH St. i.
Cure, and we him to return
of rt bottle If It
benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Ind
Rape Seed.
Just received pounds of
Rape seed at F. V.
ton, came Wednesday to visit
her moth-r, Mrs. who
is very sick. Hope she will soon
be up
Mrs. Williams, of
ton. Mrs Jennie Stamper,
of NorfolK, were in town Thurs-
day visiting Mrs. Z
ho is confined to her room on
of sickness.
M, U Ward is on the sick list
this week. Hope he will be
s on.
Misses Bonnie Dixon
Louise Latham, of Wharton, are
spending the week in town with
has an auto now.
Come and sea ii speed on
prepared fast running
B R. Fleming v die in Norfolk
d a fin.
horse. The animal
y are carpeting the church
week, hoping to make it
look very much nicer inside,
have the organ
More the members are t
ed to attend at next me ting.
Farmers are hauling more
guano this year than they have
in several years, looking for a
better corp.
has men of all elates,
you will find merchants, lawyers,
mechanics, blacksmiths, mil-
liners, preachers, and others
Who can tell of a town that baa
so many kind of men to tin
Sale of Lam
North a, I In Superior
Fat county C
CI .
O. Johnston, K. V.
J B. and M.
AT N. O.
At the close of business, J in.
discounts Capital stock
Overdrafts secured Surplus fund
unsecured led profits, less
and fixtures and taxes pd JO
e. r of deposit
Due from and s subject to 14,077.08
Silver com, including ,. , , ,
minor currency 396.46
Nat bunk and other 28.06
U. S. not s
I. F, A. K Cashier of the above named hank.
do solemnly that the above at is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
A. i. Cox,
A. W. Ange,
J. E Green,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 7th day of Feb.,
R. H,
Notary Public
Sale in the
During these early spring
u of power authority
when the in the
ting dry enough to cultivate and the Dr J
in the the
the air begins to feel the c. f c
time, th smoke from burn 0.4.
u i i ion
brush, and haves goes the door
up from every farm in North s. two or of
n , a the town of F
Carolina. New are N. bounded amide-
burned off, fence corners and
u . No. B of tie Townsend
brier patches cleaned out, rotting at the
stumps and logs disposed of, and and tuna
c . . , t i- Ii . -No a
old fields and pastures prepared ; tbs Una of lot No.
for the summer grazing lot in an
an . ., ion h eat
All this burning means the to church street, thence
liberation and consequent waste h treat fat the be-
of the mast valuable part of the ., the Town.
food our Crops, from send am n a- d . n
of which might
., . at lot No
be put into the soil. All on street tuna the lots
matter contains the three No. , . l-i
,. , in
elements of plant food which we feet to w prop theme
purchase in our complete fer- l
By burning, the
most expensive of Terms of i ca-h.
gen most expensive ., , 19.0.
these is liberated in , If. a.
By virtue of a of Hi- sun to. j the air. and IS absolutely lost to
of by i. Q. the soil
Moore, c o Hie Slat
the i g led
pro-, e h IDS
will o . M. lie- of
April. at bring
R. It.
last and
other two mental . N. By. urn,
potash and phosphoric acid. attorneys.
are left on ground in the
ashes; but even this plant food hat aid nature are
I u
nature in
Situate on lbs no. h washed off into by
not the to a healthy
only loss. The leaves or the condition. by all druggists.
where no if in add to tip
lower edge , , .
big near y at not these plant foods H s.
i i I u I i-------- -c i m t s-1
us is et
b in commercial It is l
theme ad uh that nearly all soils need and the
K . . . . a. a
Vi I in that
In a executed by Edward impoverishes so many of our
s office in m book are used heavily, and
Y-a. This be that causes the abandonment of
much land in all of the
Ti is the day of M r.-h. State,
t S F. C
Stubborn as Mules
Taken Up.
I have cow and calf,
there's color, red and white, crop
liver bow. It.
to balk Then there's
loss of in the tight, swallow fork and
h in the left. Owner ran get
But troubles before Dr. proving ownership and paying
N w Life Pit., world's b.-Kt W. K.
a. h and remedy. So easy, ltd Greenville, N. C.
every time Tl
the stomach,
at mi at.-
work wonders for
heal, h that's
lively guaranteed
i News Spreads
i old travel most
s F. To of
where I
Kite be-
excellent I
They effect a cure
never fail to tone
i the
liver, invigorate
. he blood. They
weak, d men
. a d joy. Try
by all
Liver Tablets
relief to women
i suffering
of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold
by all druggists.
An Improvement over many Cough, and Bronchial Remedies, awe. It ride
system of a cold by acting as s cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Ci to give
satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by CO.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
And So a e Suggestions lo How to Strange Man Drunk m Couch little Flower at Feet of Quite Enjoyable Occasion Monday
Supply Them.
Greenville needs may things,
Washington. N. C. Mar.
Miss Mildred Briggs the little
The silver tea given by the
but at present she is in urgent n little was thirteen year old daughter of Mr ladies for the benefit of the
and immediate need of an up-to in this city early this morn-
date court that is w en a message was turned
F. H. Briggs, I ad a peculiar ex- public library, in the music room
yesterday afternoon White, Monday
was returning from was an occasion that gave
the progress, wealth in to headquarters The Incident pleasure to those in
of the best county; six o clock by Mr. J. Havens I maKe a good story for a It was mainly an even
in the State. A county that can prominent and wealthy
boast of more than a d pros- staling an unknown
towns. A wealth of I white man had been found his
agricultural lands, that ft dining room in a drunken and
in fertility and productiveness to
none in the or even in
Mi's Mildred
lover of nature a close ob
server. Just she was
home of Mr. Came-
opposite St. Mary's, she
says she was attracted by the
absolute of the day No
cars or vehicles Were in and
she seemed to be the only person
passing. There was nothing
the stillness of the perfect
Sin.- slopped
music. With Helen
is evidently a Forbes as accompanist Dr. L. G.
of gave several
violin selections interspersing
the following
e to by Mis
Olive violin
by Dr.
by Mrs. T. E.
by Mr.
a Dream of by
J. Whichard, violin
disorderly It seems
that Mr. Haven, a
South, owned an operated by a noise the went
people of a whole some, intelligent down to investigate and found
vitality strictly I the man lying on a couch in a
American, who their stupor. Upon ordering
and who are proud enough of; him to leave the man refused
themselves and place of j and from what be learned,
birth to make it the on Mr. Havens, who is
Mecca of and who are lame, in a threatening attitude, i i.
ambitious to turn over to Havens him et ,,,., by
n in bright Dr. a skilled
that ii nit only to the en -r and mm
moral, educational industrial and leave the premises. After
agricultural progress, nut teem getting him one of the house Mr.
as well with undertakings Havens called ti his night watch-
and plans out of which will I man to follow the mm, which he
the durable and trailing him to and seeing
factory things of life. him enter a residence on Fourth
is the capital of this street.
land, the of it's but the cad was rec lived at B bird was gong
the recent Are, we are, headquarters night to I. circled t
without necessities which police was on another and in front of I
be replaced. In Chief Poler was her great astonishment dropped I
order to we will bis residence. I n flow Recently Register of Deeds the age limit is twenty one years
trees, bright Dr. Shaffer is a violin
Her love for and his playing was much
and appreciation of it as was also the
soon rewarded
and utmost startling man-
A little bird began circling
and round just above her,
all the lime coming nearer.
I kept perfectly still, watching AFTER THE SAME GIRL
The guests were all
with refreshments. d
to library fund tint-
ed to some over
by n
One I. i to be Given in Defeats C lo in a Game of
Three Prizes. Baseball
On the first day of August The j It a and interesting game
Uplift will give away one , of baseball, made by
dollars to three pupils of long hits and
the public schools Caro- plays, the E. C. T. T. S. on Mon-
day afternoon auspiciously open-
ed its baseball season by defeat-
. i o , ii to
u , ; t
w. . Train-
i school i- ii-i .; h
elf h i . , n bases.
be i I school
out in I and their
in the victory for
the purple and gold, iii- town
rooters bat in
i with the yells
i m s the
; but a gentle
wind in th of a raging
The features i-.
one band
hot grounder, and in
No. 8.-120.00.
offer is mad
Spirited North to
courage public school pupils t
investigate their county's
audio cultivate the
same, and pat
We want a story about every
county in North Carolina, its sir.
shape, topography, its beginning,
its people, achievements, it.
name, its industries every
thing would make ;
knowledge of the county not to
exceed Words. At
five good must ac
company the I'm
ground j, Which One Will
Get Her
of five things, p or s
enter into making vivid
understating of the county.
i This contest is upon to any
white pupils of line p
lie schools of North Carolina,
have to get together and devise Went t on
ways and is to supply
ditto needs and in addition, lay a
Strong th a.
needs that though
not immediately pressing are
never just as -s hence
hen hopping
Moore it license The story must be type-
gate the affair. little bird turned a certain couple in this written an in hands of the
In the meantime Night bead watched her from i license has DOt editor f The by July h.
John Harris and little b.-. returned to indicate that 1910.
. name of the can
tribal, r mast not appear .-
but u.-
by ilia chief its little gift marriage had taken place.
to the house designated by to b- received, it soother license was
where they Miss ail- i for issued for another
found a young about was overcome
a mass meeting in one op old asleep in a room, fully
on a date that dressed with his clothes disorder-
CONDITIONS DETERMINE ed and bloody. The man being
The audience to be by denied knowledge
at Mr. He
office's to close; by personal work gave name as Johnson,
of individuals; of r but was by
Commerce; of the Tobacco Hoard Harris as George of
of of The Carolina this city. A warrant
of The Women's Clubs; of all the been sworn out by chief Fowler
Fraternal orders, and of public churning him with forcible
paSS he was taken to the
A of arrangements, station and locked up. He will
man and the young lady
being singled whose appeared in the
little gift
Ala meeting of the
Club, S, C, Much
3rd, 1910. the following
Inasmuch as in His
, has removed to it higher
life our beloved friend and
and a finance committee to be be given a in co-worker, M. Louisa .
cured by committee's from mayor's court at tn I o bow with humble submission
license teen
there was a third
I plication from still another young
l man for a license to wed the
lady. three
licenses in bands of three
j different men all v. anting to
marry the. same the
is which one of
get her. Evidently of
young men
I f;.
mentioned, morning. The man was
Clamber of to have entered die
Tobacco Board of Trade, Caro-1 house during the early morning
Club, Women's End of for some unknown object.
Century Club, Civic League, has been to fur.
Club and Fraternal i
orders. duties of the coin- j
will be arranging all de- progress,
tails necessary to the completion Greenville's need of an opera
of a of them ass meet- house and rooms for women's
and to raise necessary funds, club.-; by Sans
Submit this plan to all of the Live,
above organizations, with the Greenville's need of an opera
request that they call a meeting house and lodge
adoption of same, and for by Masonic
that they appoint their commit- representative
to Hi will
lo Library.
and be it ladies the Ed of the
First, That in the are at the
Mrs. Cox, of the cm
has lost one its m are toward
members. them to re-establish th
Second, That we extend to her ilia library that was lost In the
relatives out sympathy I recent fire. The following vol-
the hour of bereavement, contributions have been
praying that her example of I made, and should be many
Christian life inspire US lot
with renewed seal in Mas-j r. D. L. sot of book
until we are
upon to folio her to the happy j Hiss Martha
tee's and representatives.
The following topics for dis-
Greenville's need of an
Greenville's need of an opera
house and com for bin lodge
rooms for Odd Fellows, by Odd
Fellow representative.
Greenville's need of an opera
house, and a Chamber of house and comfortable lodge
room for by
Greenville's need of an opera
and comfortable lode
room for Red Men, by Red Men
Greenville's need of an opera
house and rest room for ladies,
that is active, by Chamber
of Commerce representatives.
Greenville's need of an opera
house and Other things, by To-
board of Trade
Greenville's of in opera
house and a library building, by
End of Century book Cub re-
Greenville's of an
house sanitary improvement,
by Civic League representative.
home beyond.
Third, a of our sec-
book of minutes
to her m unary and these
resolutions inscribed
Fourth, That a copy of
resolutions be sent the relatives
with whom she lived, and that
be published in The
tor. Mrs. B. D. Forest, i
Mrs. A. D. Cox. ; Com.
Mr. M. Butt,
Mrs- J. E. Winslow
Mrs. R. O. J; dries
Mrs. J. G.
The will take pleas-
in publishing any other do-
nations that may reported to
the office or to Mrs. W. A.
Praise To Whom Praise is Doe.
Your past kindness makes us
Build a Pavilion and Bath ask your
I good paper today.
The coming of spring weather j Civic League desires to
has started up boat riding through your columns
by King's Daughters the river again. And this reminds appreciation of every
How can we accomplish our
needs, by
An enthusiastic speech, by
Greenville's need of an from a distance.
an I the
m the nit .
n that will
a men's club,
one that active in-
in promoting
The foregoing i n
out lino for a plan W get Green
buy in doing something
Ii th town.
Now, i- get bu y.
hit's have such a
and make things move.
once to say that Green- by made
ought to have a pavilion -q.,.
with bah houses and boat houses j
on the river front. . . u;.
could get much pleasure and W observed this
recreation from the river if morning not only a careful
proper provision was made for sweeping of sidewalks, but the
boating an bathing. In front of Herbert bl-
to the pleasure afforded the moods, barber shop had been
people, it would be a washed and the
investment. ought to cleanliness of it naturally attract
get busy in this direction. As it ed our attention.
get busy in as it i man .; .- .
Greenville has no one we'd worth .
e. place for recreation. Reporter, schools if the
plums must in instance be
the story; and the
d- with t. i i
name and address must be sealed
in an p.; and accompany
i he story.
Any contestant read
con.-ult any authority
or any person or or
any sourer, for or
In envelope containing
the real name and tie plume,
contestant must in his or
own give
e by
ant With
plume, is original;
was and by
nu and was n no wise corrected
or changed by any other person,
Any m y, to
carry out conditions this
secure services .
any one to put or
script into type-written copy;
but the copyist has no right to
correct any error that may appear
in laid manuscript.
No c instant need be a tub
scriber to Uplift; out to keep
touch with the contest it may
prove advantageous.
No story not furnished in
type-written copy will be
No story showing on its
face any evidence as to the real
name of the contestant will be
No story unaccompanied
by at least five will
bi couriered.
On July all
scripts will be turned over to a
committee of competent
persons to ascertain the winning
stories. The best will be first,
winning a prize of the
next will be second, winning
and the next Will be third,
The Uplift will be grateful to
all superintendents; principals
of rural and city
. v. re
. I a
school. He had town
at his tn- it the
game an fourteen did the
Greenville sluggers fail t con
his benders.
It H E
Batteries; iv and Brown;
White, James
Struck o Hal ad y by
White in .- x i-i .; i , J i n
-in two i i o i hills,
off . I. Two
e t. ., L- i-o
i i and . i
M ye
Buds Pest, M .-eh -Two
hundred and fifty men, women
and w i
t ti I ill, when
v i barn in which it
was being h . the
vi was in i barn,
i tin fire
the cm , Three
hundred were it jut , besides
killed. The -d became
tangled and Kits,
ch d with a
m and b the
out root t- II t.
Mrs who last
week was lo a ho in
for an m, dice
I hi re . morn-
r. in. i will b. brought
home on the midway train to
morrow and the interment will
place in the afternoon in
the Fleming family burial ground
near House station.
Mr. e was form Miss
Lizzie daughter of
Mrs. Mollie Fleming. Besides
the husband and mother, she
survived one sister, Miss
Her mother
and sister wont to Norfolk Sun-
Closed Business Hue.
B. closed
their dry go h.-re and
moved it t Si nth Carolina, Mr.
M. who has been man-
aging business here, will go
with it to South Caroline, and
Greenville will I and
contest the widest possible
publicity, that every county may
be represented by at Last one or
limit to the numb
from any
The Uplift, in adv.
-all its
papers of t
i no
y will give this this contest a wide publicity.

Eastern reflector, 25 March 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 25, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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