Eastern reflector, 11 March 1910

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Seventy Anniversary.
The Spring Garden Insurance
of Philadelphia, Penn.,
paid their first fire claim seventy-
five years ago this month, in
Penna., and today the
company through their agent at
Waited to bush-Is
reasonable terms
him highly
. v lie new arrange ,
Commissioner. This U A Insurance Co.
merit ., , double to our
H. tic tr . , .
e , , , . death, and court and jail
Life hire
I,.,.,., , , world. . , . ,
, r, cement,
it J. K.
, , full line of bard wan
Smith Co s
C K. Johnson confined
hit with boils
bear there is some
t of a story hotel
Of t
V- P b .; built in our town in the
. m. . ii M B
V fix
nice hears at your at
R. our Assyrian mer-
has had the interior of
st-r ; is
. .-, ., ; . i
Wit on me
. I'd an letter
i a i pr. m of
th old o
f, . r of improved
u- el
J. C.
Cook stoves, heaters and stove
J. R. Smith Co.
Hart sold the
of hi- c Wed-
to J. J. Edward Son at
per pound.
ill patterns and magazines
at J. K. Smith Co.
Hardy and wife
rent Thursday in town.
Rubber, and
J. R, Smith Co.
the Merchants When yon
want an extra trade of groceries
call on W. E. Tingle-
If you want to insure
property against fire, will
his painted, which
Q It.
and rubber belting
Dips valves at J. R.
i-h Co.
I tutor-.
always, on hand with a
an improvement.
An experienced blacksmith is .
Authorized Agent of Eastern Reflector for Ayden and Ad rate furnished
If you need a good open or I We are not all like Greenville. settles in
full all losses they
in the big fire n the
morning of February 4th.
Mr. C. L. Wilkinson,
Greenville, N. C.
Please accept our many thanks
for the prompt and satisfactory
manner in which our loses were
adjusted and in the Spring
Garden Insurance Company, in
which we held policies through
at this
Ed H.
J. H. Starkey.
Mrs. Josephine Taylor.
Paying claims is our business
and has been for years.
Seventy years ago The Spring
Garden Insurance Company was
in the city of
Penn., and within sound
the liberty Bell. Since then
steam power electricity
the telephone, the telegraph,
the typewriter the steno-
the and the auto-
mobile have been brought into
general use. and some of them
King's Feb.
H. T. Smith, of Greenville.
Sunday with his mother, Mr.
W. S. E. Smith.
W. M. Smith went to Green-
ville Sunday after his wit-,
where she spent last we k with
her son, L. Smith.
We are glad to know that Mrs.
Marcellus Smith is improving. i
We are to say that there
are several others in our section I
who are working for the prize in
the corn club besides C. A.
The farmers are up with their
work, but we are having much
rain this week.
King's Cross Road. March
We are having great deal of rain
this week. The farmers will not
De able to work any in the field
for some time.
We are very glad to learn that
waiting to shoe your horses and
mules R. Smith
Guy Taylor has moved
livery business ts gate's
., . . . stables i ear the depot.
, Now is a good time to advertise
; are put -he Department
ribbing touch on our n v P R. W. Smith.
have been cur
I I of
Tim did not
m and would m have rum
l ii In a Pi
Mrs. Marcellus Smith to mm
though very slowly as yet. I it. I
Mrs. Billie Nowell spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. wag not to wait n i
Betty Mathews who is very sick, w I it. i
Mrs. W. E. Smith b sick. l m
Ninety days and spring now a part of actual re.
J. it Smith Co. of daily business life.
For barbed wire and nails, all of these
Garden has offered
its policy holders absolute in- j
Hope she will be out in a
few days.
Mrs. W. S. E. Smith has been
right sick for the last week.
Just ask Misses Cox
and Irene how they en-
joyed the rain Monday after-
noon. -rt a
have property to
these all j
There will be a special cum-
i ., G e i i.
w .; . .
p. C r
s- F. D.
. . tight.
turned work,
. door frames made
. R I
. . Bi
l Tripp, Hart Co. have
j .
, i doors, lime,
, binges at. J. R
r. a ice by J.
; ;. Di
i r
N IT you want to buy,
t II ; rent houses or land,
r j b for yourself, wife,
mother or sister, or
want to employ additional heir
sail what you have, is
n i better i than col
u T K Hector
It. W.
. i.
. to for
n i
you news
; c h us t
I am M . old I
c-- . in n . are a one. the writes B. K.
this -.-. owing treat you do
. i m I of r. which book agent, and then wonder ow my
Gr N. C.
b death
o v I via no
After had taken it a white
to u; a
my lung,
as I w
fleshy T b
for I
A Bod
Emma ii
cannot thank
For year I m
w- o---t me many b
bail I not p,
rum. ix t
trail r cm
. Mi
your t .; fr
i mo
, and
I hat it
ad been
i myself
a, MO
c Peru
An Awful
of a interest, a;
n J. R f. I
Facing death from and shell in In sKin will b
agreeable to J. if ,.,, Irish
New which cur-
ed me. I now weigh pounds
Pot coughs who's, la .
hem a, hoarseness, croup,
cough and it'll
Guaranteed by
i toe mo up. feeble effort is
At the Close of Business Jan.
;. They a cure
-tin . T.,., fa, s
. the
till , th
r. v .- blow.
. wonders tor weak, run mil
daily joy. Try
them. a
by ; II
black leather
between the A. C. L.
. -fa
Prices low.
and i church, Saturday,
Finder will
returning a to
Stubborn as Mold
wish to state to the public
there was a KT-
paper in ray lost n
recent fire. I have
Ci force Batch up the work troubles before Dr. Kim's
i MD.
Resources Liabilities
Loans and stock
w . 12,600.00
and i I
and Undivided profits, leas
Di . loans 600.00 cur. exp. and taxes pd. 4,888.08
Due from 70,181.34 Deposits sub. to cheek 71,338.86
it. ma 60.00
coin loon
Silver coin, including ail
minor coin cur. 1,240.64
bank and other
U, s. Notes 3,804.00
Demand of
Cashier's cheeks
In Hooks to Stay
The Jo; for croup
t rheumatism all
and pains, highly u ,
land young and i U.
by M
N. ma n .
is soon can and the
books will admit of use.
W. M Moore,
bi. easy.
II ft t
18,443.86 .
Strays Taken Up.
get name -h. an
I bl .-It,
j g Day
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina
to oar
c i
t lull.
i In.
I. It. Si Cashier of the named bank, do that,
above statement . to the U-lit my and belief.
J, 1-.
Subscribed sworn to j Correct- r
before this day j J. R.
Notary Public. I Director
wish to attention to our new line of fall
we now have. We have taken Beat care i buying; this year and
think we can supply your wants in Shots, Hats, Dress
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is card
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you
, with-
Tripp, Hart Co., c.
We are prepared to
House and
at the very
Corns to
and we you
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
No. I
for April Meal-
to he Held 29th.
E. L. A. Paul Kitchin. Police-
Man C. W. Dunn the Victims and
E. E Powell the Assailant.
Because of the parties being
well known, much interest
felt here over the news of a
shooting which occurred
in Scotland Neck Friday evening.
Particular at the time were
all obtainable being that
a man named Powell had in one
shot and seriously
wounded Senator Travis,
Kitchin and Policeman
Dunn, that the three wounded
men had been taken by special
train to a in
and it was thought neither of
then was fatally
A from Scotland Neck
to the Raleigh News and
following part cu-
Scotland March 4.-
2.30 o'clock this afternoon, on
Main street, near
stables, the deputy sheriff of the
county and chief of of
Scotland Neck. C W.
Representative A. Paul Kitchen,
of Scotland Neck, and Senator
E. L. Travis, of Halifax, were
all shot by E E. Powell, Sr.
From the best information
obtainable, it Powell
asked why he did not
reply a letter. Travis replied
that some time having elapsed
since the letter, he did
not remember its contents.
Kitchin placed his hand on
Powell and requested him
to get whereupon
drew a revolver and shot
Kitchen and Travis in quick
Officer Dunn then
started toward Powell and while
was shot somewhere in
his left side, mar the back.
went to his store, a
short distance away, got a shot
gun and then went to his home.
Messrs. Kitchin and Travis
are not considered seriously
wounded. Officer Dunn's
is more serious, but not
necessarily fetal.
Powell, who
Senator Travis Taken
to State I
Special to Reflector. j f County
Scotland March had much routine
W. Dunn, who Friday to transact, at the March
with Senator E. L meeting, consisting mainly in
Travis and Representative A. P. passing upon and allowing van
, . r, r
Kitchin was shot by E Powell consideration was Riven
on the street here, died at matter building anew
o'clock this afternoon Mr.
Dunn was a of the
was well connected
and prominent here.
News today from the home of
Senator Travis at Halifax.
that his condition is not so
Fever developed- last
night and is feared that be is
threatened with lockjaw.
Representative Kitchin is doing
as well as be expected.
Officers have deemed it wise to
remove Mr. Powell, who the
shooting, to the State prison at
Raleigh, and he was carried
there early this
court and a new j ill, and
Special to The
Fountain, N. C. March
About this fire
was dissevered in the two story
store building occupied by J. R.
Bell, colored, who run a
rant on the floor and used
the upper story for lodging
rooms. When the alarm was
given the citizens
quickly, but the being
a pedal meeting of the board
was called for the inst.,
when architects and
will be invited to present plans
and bids. Before that date a
committee of the
visit and examine buildings in
some other counties to better
inform themselves as to just
what is needed.
The following jurors were
drawn for April criminal term
of Superior J R J
M C Nelson, W A
G W Gardner W E Hooker, b A
Gardner, Jacob J K
Buck, A J Whichard, C W Bailey,
W L Smith, Levi Pierce, J T
Manning, B W Tucker. Asa
Jones, T Satterfield, J S Allen.
M M Ewell. W J Evans, W T
J H Boyd, J B
W T Harris, J D Fleming. i E
7.- i Jackson, M Tucker, L F
Harvey, J A Williams, L L Kit-
J W Venters. L M Manning
J S Porter, D C Jackson, W S
. ,
For civil term-R O
An Interesting Story by Mr.
About the Two
many of my
know that when General Lee
surrendered at Appomattox the
victorious government
had at its head both a native
Southern President a native
Southern Vice-President It is
odd but noteworthy fact, and,
stranger still, were from
North Carolina st ck. The Old
North State boasts of having
contributed more soldiers to the
Confederate cause than any
other C and. if an
honor it be, it can also boast of
having a man on
side whose as chief
was to command the
forces in their attempt to kill
as many Caro-
as possible.
Abraham is a saint or
a sinner, a big man or a small
one, according to the viewpoint
of the individual thinker, or,
person who other do
his thinking. He was a human
being, and, like all of us,
weaknesses. But, there
were Southerners who knew
him in life. they did not
have i he opinion now heard in
certain quarters of our South-
Alexander II. Stephens,
for Saturday. March 12th,
a. m. Devotional
J. H. Shore,
Reading of minutes of
The Presentation of the
H. E. Austin.
General discussion
12.15. of Teachers on
Betterment Work.
Recess for dinner.
p. m- Recitation on Draw
Kate W. Lewis.
Every teacher in the county is
requested to be present at this
meeting and be able to report the
entire amount of money
they have received the
entire i in any way for any
purpose. I would insist that
you be present at a.
w. H.
Co. Schools.
Pitt Prisoners Kept in Jail
The Pitt county commissioners
have made a proposition to the
sheriff and commissioners of this
county to take of the
of Pitt, pending the re-
building the jail, which
burned a short while ago-
Lenoir commissioners will accept
the Free I
.,,,. .,,,. u the Confederate ice-President,
ton. N B Gaskins, J R . ,
., , n u . I,,.; thought well of Mr. Lincoln, and
A Joyner. J R Leon
i in .;.,., the assassination es
, . c. i i m m i as he heard the news, not
Jesse A Stokes. J W Moore. . . .
, , . r. r , ha because a man had been killed,
Jenkins, H C Cannon. HA , . , .
Moore, b D H G
of wood it was too near destroyed j ford n j E J I would
to be saved and with its contents s Exum A few y there appear-
about was a total Mayor II. W. a book entitled The Genesis
loss, half covered insurance.
By good hard work the fire was
confined to this one building,
although the wind very
The origin of the
by Thousand People
j Special to
Scotland Neck. N. C. Mar.
funeral of Policeman C
behalf of the Board of It will be
of Greenville, tendered the that even the best
missioners the use of the cl the ill-fated man
hall in which to hold courts until ; accounts
a court house can be built. O the events surrounding his
James H. who
SHOOTING AT had heard the North Carolina
determined to clear
, , c t w the mystery, and he has
Dr. J, H. Hudson Seriously Wounds , . ,
I j brought forth interesting
It is said that Powell, who
about years old, says he will
kill any one attempting to arrest
him. Mayor Liverman and Dunn, who died yesterday
citizens generally, art acting
with a proper deliberation and
will take Powell, but don't want
to hurt him.
Mrs. Powell is an invalid, con-
fined in bed, while her husband
has barricaded himself in the
same house.
has surrendered
and arrangements are to
take him to Halifax tonight.
The doctors say Dunn is resting
quietly. It is a miracle no one
was killed.
No one except the parties in
the matter know of the contents
of the letter in question in the
shooting and there is only rumor
as to what it contained. Some
time ago a son of Mr. Powell was
in some trouble, being tried at
Halifax for the cutting of a man.
In the some sort of a com-
promise reached and the
young acquitted. In
that trial Meara. and
assisted the young man.
All that is known of Mm letter is
that Mr. Powell wanted Mr.
Travis to tell him why ho had
not --i plied to the letter.
Both Messrs. Travis
Bid prominent in
A. i- broth
of Governor W W. am
the two
from the wound inflicted by Mr.
News came by telephone this
morning, that. Dr. J. H. Hudson,
a physician who ha been locate I
at Ballard's X Roads the psst
year, had shot Mr. Jed Elks, a
merchant there. While
are the report says
E E. Powell in the tragedy here were by Hudson
last Friday, took place at
o'clock this morning. The body
was followed to the cemetery, a
mile from town, by fully
people, many here from all sec-
of the county and even
from counties. The
entire business of the town was
suspended during the hour of
the funeral. Both Governor W.
W. Kitchin and Congressman
Claude Kitchin were present.
Representative A. P. Kitchin,
one of the wounded men, is
improving rapidly and is expect-
ed to out in a few days.
Senator Travis is also reported
better today, the danger of
lockjaw that was feared
day having passed.
, brought forth s me
evidence. This has been
that Abraham Lin-
father in the Old
North State, that the paternal
was capable of producing
n Presided, of the United States,
i. had given to the
world in n possessed with
of the higher kind, that his
and that Elks was seriously moved to Kentucky very
wounded. It was further before his not
that the two men had been
with each other for some
and that b Hudson was the
eve of moving elsewhere they
got together this morning to set-
the matter.
After the shooting Dr. Hudson
drove to Farmville to surrender
himself to officers, and from
Captain William A. Enloe, a
relative of Lincoln's father,
relates the tradition so as to
produce the impression
Nancy Hank's son was actually
born in North Carolina. Toe
great mass of evidence, however,
is to the effect that the mother used.
knew him personally and they
testified to his p that in
later years he did nor. to
be friendly to those who were
bis associates in the early
of straggle,
j Andrew Johnson's grandson
now occupies the
by his forbear after his retire-
from the presidency.
Many are to be seen
about the Through the
kindness of the gentlemen
ind his charming wife, was
permitted to inspect the table
on which Johnson worked as a
tailor. My attention was also
directed to a bit of the first At-
cable, the Bible upon
which he took the oath of
as the nation's chief executive,
and an elaborately gotten up set
of resolutions, in book
presented to him by the common
council of the city of New York.
Mr. Patterson, the present
owner, is the son the lady of
the White House during John-
son's administration. He men-
how people had visited
Greenville and had written ex-
stories about both his
grandfather and his own family.
Before leaving the house, I must
note the thimble, a relic of
sartorial activity, preserved
along with the other
given above, and tell my readers
that the original furniture is still
Travis, who is the county chair-
man of the Democratic executive
committee of Halifax and a
member of the Democratic State
executive committee, represented
district in the state senate,
having previously been a member
of r
. mac the
there telephoned to Sheriff went to Kentucky shortly before Mrs. Patterson called to my
He stated that Mr. birth of the child. special notice a pair of andirons,
As to Andrew Johnson, the product of the skill of a
not think there is any friend of Andrew Johnson, who
about his having emigrated at agreed to make the
tor an outfit of clothing. This
bargain was struck late in life
when it was an honor to receive
handiwork from either of them.
Perhaps some facetious editor
will now ask me why have I not
included Napoleon, Alexander
the Great and Socrates in this
article as natives of North Caro-
I shall leave the proof of
the place of their birth for an-
other occasion, but I do want to
say that, down in Edgecombe
county I am from, many
of the inhabitants actually call it
Who knows
but what the Garden of Eden
may have been located there
Gaston Liechtenstein in Rich-
He stated that
fired the first shot.
Dr. E. A. who went out
to examine Mr. Elks, says he
was struck by only one the neighbor-
which entered the back just of to the
above the hip and lodged under He in Green.
the akin in the side. The ball Tenn where he worked
was easily removed and it trade. The old shop
thought he will soon recover . with
from the injury. Above the door. This weather-
Policeman of. the
reached and
the house of representatives of. . with Dr. Hudson , , . ,
, . About a year ago I visited
School Invitations Eastern Tennessee and talked
The Reflector Printing House with the old people. One man
has n beautiful line of that, at the outbreak of the
for school commencement Civil War he heard Johnson de-
, , . and will be glad to quote liver a speech which had the
and prices to schools wanting them, effect of making many ally them-
f the samples cannot be sent out, selves with the cause of the
Union. A number I talked
Chapel Hill, N. C. Mar.
The preliminary contest for
places on th to represent
Carolina in debate with Wash-
and Lee was held last
week. The contestants were H.
E. Stacy, W. R. Edmonds and
E. A. Pharr. Stacy was a
of the Carolina team that
defeated in debate last
spring in New Orleans. Ed
won the
in the
between Di and PI i societies
last June. Pharr graduate
if college, where he won
the oratorical The de-
bate with Washington and Lee
will be held in Greens-
same night a debate
with be held in
Hill. The preliminary
contest for the Georgia debate
will be held this week. Those
who have- entered for the contest
are A. H Wolfe, C. E.
John H. Boushall
and F. N. CoX. Wolfe is
dent of the senior class and a
speaker of is
an debater who has
successfully represented the
society the Phi.
; Boushall and Cog have both done
good work in their societies.
has been trained not only
in the of the Di but
in the assembly hail of the
he Union
The annual de-
was mid Friday night be-
tween Di and Phi ties.
The woman's
and the of the
suffragette won W. F
ricks and I. C. Mover of the Di
opposed, L. Johnson and
J. A. of the Phi
championed the cause of woman.
The debate was dose and spirited
from start to
E. W. Turlington and W. F.
Taylor have been chosen to rep-
res mt the Phi society and C. L
G B. Thompson,
the Di society, ill the annual
inter-society debate
The Dialectic and Philanthropic
societies are training camps of
future debater, statesmen.
The g that James K. Polk
got as of the Dialectic
society stood him in good stead
as speaker of the house of
Vance said that-he
has been a member of every de-
from the town
council to States sen-
ate and that he had never
in the proceedings of a
more dignified and orderly body
than the Dialectic society. Al-
Boushall Hart, head of the
department of history at
said that the Dialectic and
Philanthropic societies of the
University of North Carolina
look ran along with those of
Yale and Harvard and the old
Whig and Clio societies of
Tho Di and Phi societies have
had a part in training a president
and vice president of the United
States, ten cabinet officers, ten
ministers to foreign countries,
eighteen II States senators,
five Confederate ninety-
two congressmen, twenty nine
governors, thirty-five justices of
the Supreme Court, and nine
hundred and fifty members of
the legislatures of the various
states. The Di and Phi societies
have trained debaters who have
won for Carolin. m of
inter-collegiate . n with
Georgia, Virginia.
John Hopkins and Pennsylvania.

is our aim at all times to
sell only such goods as
have the stamp of confidence
t satisfaction. A satisfied
customer means a
customer, and we en-
to merit and hold our
they are
trade by
just what
represented to be.
T j meet the of our customers, we are
carrying the most complete line of
Genera Merchandise
to found in Eastern North Carolina, em-
bracing everything needed about the house
or the farm.
Cur early spring goods are coming in and we
are now showing an attractive line of
Silks and Dress Ginghams,
White Goods, Laces,
Embroideries, Etc.
Farmers should bear in mind that we have
the very best in FARM IMPLEMENTS.
Every housekeeper knows that
Our Grocery Department
cannot be surpassed by any store.
of Condition of
close of business, 31st, 1910
Locate -Newt Briefs tar
Red Bliss,
M. Schultz. ti
For ship stuff and
lasses feed, see F. V. Johnston
Ki k Windsor cement
for sale by Carr Atkins H
ware Co.
J. O. Proctor ft Bra,
N. L.
For Tar. J.
tor ft N. C.
Seed on J. R.
J. G for seed
Prices reasonable.
Pure bred S. C brown Lowborn
for for Mrs C.
House N. C.
have the bet cement
and plaster for sale.
Carr Atkins Hardware Co.
Ninety day black oats, aid
spring oats of all kinds, price
reasonable, F. V. Johnston.
A time saver, a money maker
and all combined ii
extension telephone on
your desk saws worry.
dollar per month.
You can now telephone your
want or any news or
orders for job printing to The
R Sector. All phones are work-
forget the
personal properly at
residence of Frank Johnston
en. ed. Tuesday, Match 8th
o'clock a. m.
Distance is object with u-,
will run line and install you
a telephone anywhere in tows,
in your for five cents
; r
Dr. H. Hyatt will in
Greenville at Mote Bertha
7th and 8th, Monday and
Tuesday, for the purpose of
de ease, of the eye and
fitting glasses. Dr. Hyatt desires
it to be generally understood that
he is always in Greenville the,
first Monday and Tuesday of
each month. m w f
ill Green
I March
Safer and Stronger but More
Hunk pap a
lucking. In strength and of I J
n pap article as fragile, so
alarmed all
friend remarks Unit the wheels
of the ear on which we are
along the rule of a mile a minute
are made of paper This opportunity
i be i however, on
the best railways.
ear wheels, though safer and longer
than any others, are more
The advantage
of wheels made this
Is found in the fart
tire out Injured by the violent
to which car wheels are sub-
The paper used In the manufacture
of these wheels Is known as
rye straw board, or
It Is sent to the ear wheel shop in
circular measuring twenty-two
to forty Inches hi diameter, and over
each of these Is spread an even
coating goer A dozen sheets
are placed one on the other and the
lot subjected lo hydraulic pressure of
ROD tons or more two
pressure these sheets, which have now
become a solid block, are kept for a
week a room a tempera-
of decrees, which a
number blocks are pasted together,
pressed dried for a second week.
A third combination of layers Is
after which is an entire
mouth of drying The Baal block pop,
o sheets or the original
paper and is lour and one-half to
Inches in thickness. All resemblance
to paper has been lost, the in
density and
mating the grained, heaviest
To complete wheel there are re-
quired a steel tire, a cast iron hub.
lion plates to protect I he pa-
per on either side and two circles of
one set passing through the
flange of the lire, the other through
the Mange of I lit- hub and both sets
through the The paper Mocha
are turned on a lathe, which also
reams om the center bole tor the hub.
Two paint are applied lo keep
out moisture. The various are
next assembled, the paper car
wheel Is complete.
As may lie readily understood, paper
has received treatment de-
scribed may be used for almost any
purpose tor which metal or wood Is
us.-d not much exposed to damp-
and to all practical purposes It
is fireproof.
Cotton Buyers. Broker
in Cotton. Grain
and Provisions
in York
and New Orleans
mi co
Cotton Factors cf
s s
the Reflector.
Norfolk Cotton end Peanuts wired
by J. W. Perry Co. Cot on I-actors.
T db
Middling U 7-8
Low Middling 3-4 3-4
i Low Middling 1-2 1-2
I j
Prime 3-4 3-4
Prune 1-2
Low Grades g
Wired by Cobb Bros A Co.
and Broken. Norfolk.
Chicago Mark-
May 3-8 1-4
Dec Com
May Ribs
May Lard 13.40
Co ton Mai . by
to demonstrate the
value of the telephone
in the farm home. In
any emergency the
phone performs a
which no other agency
ran equal. The doctor can be
called quicker than the horse can
be hitched up. Neighbors can be summoned
instantly. It is invaluable for the convenience and
protection of the housewife.
For information about our
plan write to nearest manager
or to
Line Department
Mrs. Cut Mi-Arc your children be
In bronchi to help
Mrs. I never lock
the cocky Statesman.
Home Telephone
Telegraph Co.
Henderson, N. C
Loans Stock . CO
Profits 13,438.71
U. S . .
Cash d-c Unpaid 23.07
. . .
Oysters at the Wharf
now on the season we
will have o. tie
at tin- wharf and a
at run-11 g to fresh
quart, SI for
the Lady Giant when lie let
Ii -ire already a deposit-r of this bank, allow us to
that you become one. We believe you will shortly
the wisdom of this advice.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier
1910 Brought Many Changes
And among them was a big change in the
style of Furniture. I watched this care-
fully, and I did not buy until I was ab-
sure I was getting the newest
and best to be had. Consequently, I am
offering the furniture buyers of Green-
ville and adjacent country
The Most Artistic Stock of
ever shown them. You will therefore
find it to your best interest to visit my
store in the White building, near Five
Points, and examine my stock before
J. H. BOYD, Jr.
Origin of
Several have been
lo account for tho word
the word is to be
a con I met ion of a longer one,
which n some parts
of England Scotland,
Scotland, a or
herder. It was in KITH Hint the
word became common in the
when the
in between the peasantry
and the to have or not
lo have the hill pawed by
to exclude the Duke of York
from the line of sin All
who were opposed in placing the
duke in line of succession
derisively called or
But Scotch tradition gives u
reason for the existence of
the word. It is During he
early wars in ho
weakest of the used the
words Hope In ii a mot-
to. The initials of these words
were placed on their banners,
I. soon all the fol-
lowers-of that clan were tie
title of which
n party nickname.
in Gold and Suit of Furniture to
be given away
When the Optimist
and thrown, with his
household into the
cold street lie chuckled furiously.
do you laugh, my
inquired a
I have Just now been
emancipated from replied th
optimist, year; my life ha;
been one long to keep the
wolf from the door. But now
I have been deprived of the door I
no longer am compelled to toil.
Sweet indeed tire the uses of
Then the optimist walked off,
into tho sunshine.
New York Sun.
Saturday, March 5th
Instead of Saturday, February 26th.
Owing to having bad luck in the beginning of
this sale on Feb. 6th, we have decided to
continue the sale until Saturday, March 5th.
Coupons stating prizes to be given away Feb.
26th, at 4.30 o'clock, will be good for the
drawing of the Gold and suit of Furniture,
March 5th, at 4.00 o'clock, as there will be
no drawing on February 26th.
American Sales Company
C T. Big Store
1909. by
1909, by Dodd.
Mead A
Charter I arrives in
Edelweiss, capital of and
meets the beautiful mi e of
d-KS a favor for
the yo of the
is John
an Ill Bron
minister o
him the
invades the royal
park, meets I he pr and is
to the lad's Aunt Loraine.
was a sparkle Id
eyes us be struck out across
town after the Best
morning, lie
at Cook's.
bow about the castle
nu hour, say you
a party of one rubbernecking this
i want you to net into
the grounds and show
the dawdle the
Coarse, sir. you understand there
are certain parts of the park not open
to the public. The and the play-
not so
I'll be here for you at
to the
across It to the shop of the armorer,
not forgetting, however, to look about
Id some anxiety for the excellent
Who might, for all he
be snooping the
was at the rear of the shop
talking to a The girl was be-
hind the counter, dressed for street.
came quickly out to dis-
expression her face. As be
doffed his bat the smile left Ills lips.
He saw that she bad been weeping.
You must not come here. Mr.
she said hurriedly in low tones.
your broadsword this morning, and
please, for my sake, do not come again.
I-I may not explain why I
you to do
n minute, be Interrupt-
ad. heard your from
Are you In I'd
yon friends. Miss nova
baron has told you till i
told what lie knows. Rut
It should be lent. There Is no
place In my life for you or any one
else. There never can Ho you
question me can say no more.
must be I-I have warn-
ed you. Do not come
flipped into the street and was
gone. stood the doorway.
after her. n gleam In
his eves. was coming up
the followed by bis
Mr. Good morning.
I'm here for the
The old man glared him In
counting out Ills money. The custom,
a swarthy fellow. out -if the
door, turning to Intently at the
young man. A meaning look and a
sly nod passed be-
A Story of
amazingly that her teeth were
white and that her eyes
were the most and expressive
he had ever seen, that sin- was slender
and Imperious and that then- were
dimples her cheeks so fascinating
Hint he could not gather
strength of purpose to withdraw his
gait from them. if course he did
them at the She was not
how he
The prince came lo the
is my lie
swallowed hard and looked helpless.
King, your Then, with nil
the courage he could produce, he said
lo the beautiful as guilty as
he. lie pointed ruefully to four
-1 shall
him and
baited at the
later on followed
King to of-
afterward to
the castle gates,
outside of which
he waited until
his quarry reap-
King went to bed
late that night
this wart by
low was close at
his heels, always a
keeping well out passed or
of sight himself. doom.
come Id soon to look at those
said King, placing the notes on
the counter. merely nodded,
raked In the bills without counting
and passed the sword to the
picked the weapon and
A few mimics Inter be was on bis
way to the castle grounds,
by the short legged Mr.
led through the great
park gates up to the lodge of
ob the venerable high stew-
ard of the grounds. to
utter disgust, he was booked a plain
Cook's tourist and mechanically ad-
vised to pay strict attention to the
no growled
redder than ever. th
grounds, and you've got to obey
same as any tourist, night this
way. air. We'll lake a turn Just Inside
the wall. Sow. on your left. Indies
you may sec the first turret ever built
on the wall. It Is over old
On tho right we
here. said King, stop-
ping short. dashed If I'll let
lecture me us I were a gang of hay-
seeds from
good. sir. No offense. I quite
tell me., oh chap.
Hobbs. this Is all very
and very grand and very said
King, stopping to lean against the
moss covered wall that encircled the
park within a park, the grounds ad-
joining the grotto. I hop over
this wall and take a peep Into Hie
no Hobbs, horrified.
King looked over the low wall. The
was alluring. The pool, the
trickling rivulets, the mossy hanks, the
dense was maddening to
think he not cuter.
wouldn't be In there n
be argued. I might catch a
glimpse of a dream lady. Now. I say.
here's a low place. could
i King. If you do that am
j ruined forever. I am trusted by the
steward, lie would cut oil all
could go no further.
lie was prematurely aghast. Some-
thing told him that Mr. King would
; bop over wall.
I report me. Hobbs; there's a
good fellow. Tell the guards I wouldn't
obey. That will let you out. my
and I'll do the
He strode off across bright green
turf toward the source of nil 011-
leaving poor Mr.
braced against the wall, weak kneed
are you doing In de-
a voice.
conscious of guilt, whirled
with as much consternation as tie
had been accosted by u rule of
lie beheld it very I y Maud-
lug the top of the knoll him,
I not thirty feel away. Ills
quite as dirty as any small
should be at time of day. ills
curly brown hair looked if had
not been combed since the day before.
His firm little legs. In half hose and
presumably white were
spread apart, and Ills hands were in
bis pockets.
King gullied at once mid
looked uneasily for
who. In- knew, lie near. It
Is safe to say I hut lie nine to his feet
mid bowed deeply, even in Humility.
am your he
said meekly.
vial know any better than to
come demanded prince.
turned very red.
am sorry. I'll go
I'm not going to put you
hastily exclaimed the prince, coming
the slope, you are
enough to know better. You are the
gentleman who picked up my crop
yesterday. are an
lonely With an
attempt the pathetic.
The youngster looked cautiously
about. do you ever go
he demanded eagerly.
won't give me away, will
with a warning frown.
tell Jacob He's steward.
know a line place to
The prince led the way up the bank,
followed by the American,
who stooped so admirably the hoy.
looking back, whispered that it
At the top of the knoll
the prince turned into a little shrub
lined path leading down to the banks
of the pool almost directly below the
rocky face of the grotto.
The prince scurried behind a big
rock and reappeared at once n
willow branch from the end cf which
a piece of thread. A bent pin
occupied the chief end in view. He
unceremoniously shoved the brunch
Into the hands of his confederate
then produced from one of bis pockets
a silver cigarette box. which he gin-
opened to reveal to the gaze a
Conglomerate of angleworms
fellow gets awful dirty digging
for worms, doesn't he pronounced.
The took the and gin-
dropped the hook Into the
less tune It requires
to tell It he had a nibble, a bite and
a catch. There never was a so ex
cited lie when a scarlet Hew
Into the shrubbery above.
On the opposite bank of the pool
suddenly appeared two rigid members
of the royal guard, Intently watching
the King was somewhat dis-
by the fact that their rifles
were In a position to be used at an In-
notice. Ho felt himself turning
pale as he thought of what might
have happened If be had taken to
A young lady In a rajah silk gown, a
flimsy panama hat tilted well over her
nose, with u red feather that stood
erect as If always In a state of
prise, turned the bushes and came to a
stop at King's elbow. He had
time to note In his confusion that she
was about shoulder high alongside him
and that she was staring up Into bis
face with amazed gray eyes. After-
ward he to realize that she
direction of the wall.
She smiled Joyously,
limn she said,
assist you to escape.
followed through the
his heart violently.
whispered the prime n
moment later, dropping back If to
Impart n grave secret.
over there by the fountain. Mr.
cried the lady sharply-
Mr King. Remember to
your sister when you write.
Aunt an-
the prince.
Eric look turned
to one of Interest once. The man
designated was a
slight, swarthy
fellow In the
k form of a colonel
ll- not
happy the mo
The American ob
served the lady
dainty ears.
had turned a deli
A I ask
A I began
If you merely call
They parted
company once.
know re prime and the
i ti. rajah
KB .,,. ,.,,
the castle. King toward the
somewhat dazed and by means sure
of his senses.
Salvage Fire
Fire Department statistics show
that some eighty per cent,
fires are extinguished by chemical
Nearly all fires are discovered
at the start and are readily put
out if
A stream is thrown to cs
of about fifty feet, carrying a
excludes the oxygen and
prevents combustion.
A fire cannot live if a small per
cent, of carbonic acid gas is in the
It is forty times as efficient as
water and will extinguish fires of oil,
gasoline, etc., which water only
Protect home and property
it is too late.
E. L. Agent,
Greenville, North Carolina
CT to
goldfish which he had strung upon
wire grass dropped Into the edge
of the pool.
pal those poor little things
back in the pool. Mr. said the
lady in perfect English.
with the princes
said King, also in English. The
prime looked but interposed no
Imperial ii m.
It must lie confessed King's
composure was sorely disturbed, He
glanced up to find her studying him.
plainly perplexed.
just wandered In he began
guiltily. prince captured me
down there by the big
Did say your name is
she asked somewhat skeptical-
cs. he replied,
father h Mr. King
An- you the brother of Adele
she naked.
heard her speak of her brother
said were In South
She was regarding him with cool,
speculative interest. wonder If you
thin I; I be said, but doubt-
fully. lea-e pardon my
Perhaps I'm dreaming. At any rate,
We were the convert together for
two years. Now that I observe yen
closely you do resemble her. were
very d she
you'll Intercede for he
urged, with a fervent glance In the
Choice Cut Flowers.
Roses, Carnations, V
Out Specialties
all the styles.
floral designs and bouquets minted in the
artistic stiles at sent notice.
Shade Trees, Rose Bushes. Roses,
Shrubbery Plants
in unities.
Mail, and telephone promptly
J. L. CO.,
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
Roofing, Tin Shop, Work and
Tobacco Flues in Season,
For Slate
J. J.
Pasta, N. C.
Mrs. Hall have, kept
house am of four
children, I would not p house
without Mountain
why Drives
sickness, th hap.
pines to whole family. It's the
world's health preserver.
L. Woolen.
Back at Old Store
I have moved my grocery store
back to the old store in the An-
building, opposite Bank
Greenville, and invite all
and customers to call on me there
when want the best in the
Grocery Line. I have more room,
stock and am better prepared
to serve your wants Orders de-
livered promptly anywhere in
Phone number remains the same
number 35-
M-. London I
your Tea, I guarantee cure or
refund their money I It s
cur.- and the only one for the blood
It- Mountain Tea red
him where r r- medics I.
it with yours If. Jno. I
Laundry Notice.
I have secured the agency for the,
Troy and ho and will
call for and deliver all packages each
All orders left at the mat be
yard or hone 291-B will receive prompt
n. GUY R.
That well
poke mo- I at hole
results, a give it
on mote
bout r ban a When
your w i per and hang
d in u in
the face. t y u have ma, e a mi
ii m i y. Next tune
talk Wens i- is II
is in this I Ho is ,
i his lo
with his w New pods come r in.
and a season one d.
his in bat end in time w
in hi- com.- o
playhouse n Dick-run
five in tell year s to
him Thai e brick triangle
the plane,
N C.
I have moved my Dairy to the John- i We keep all kinds of
son place, one mile from town, and am V
better prepared than ever to furnish j,,. ,,., h a e
all Dairy Products. Will make delivery j your
in town. Phone T 2-4. sir l-,,,,
s. It. W. Harvey
n- d dry
time for
W o
intern-I organs, the
s the I. is
in Ten. he
an cure of hoc
. constipation and h liver.
Jno, t.-n.
Why It Is Best
Gives relief for all Nerve, Bone and Muscle
Aches and Pains more quickly than any
other remedy known.
Its peculiar penetrating; properties are
May be used with absolute confidence in its
purity for Internal and External Uses.
It is Triple Strength. A powerful, speedy
end sure Pain Remedy, most
effective in producing results.
Not only contains the old-fashioned
but also the latest and up-to-
Recommended and sold under a guarantee
for the Rheumatism in all
forms, Sciatica, Lame Back, Stiff Joints
and Muscles, Sore Throat, Colds, Strains,
Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Cramps,
Colic, Toothache, and all Nerve, Bone
and Muscle Aches and Pains.
Drug stores in cities and towns, general
stores in the country, and
the bottle, and money back if not sat-
Isn't this fair
run bi
pains m
AND 11.00
important Notice
The Noah's looks exactly the
shove. Look for Noah's Ark on every our
trade murk, registered In the U. S. for
Nosh's always appears III
red Ink on Hie on the label and on out.
side Accept nothing but Liniment,
it is the Pain under a positive
If dealer not yon. lend
Be In and ere will mall you a arid re-
fund money if not Beware of
of Dene
had been with
I law n
Noah's ran
it me K.
than have in ; s
ill all roil .
S. Cyrus, i
a side
i Ida and In not
l tried N nil's i
me i
Mrs. A. See.
I cold a severe at-
in ray
could not my aim
much pain, l i.-ll
and In less than a en-
free from pain. A.
have Noah's for
rheumatism, ind
i i can say II did m
.-;. C
-i have been
for a sprained
ankle. Mrs. W. l. West
ten i with a
sore In m hack, and
different remedies. a
of I made u
cure. Mn. lie. J. I.
Wife .
and sue used
half n if Soak
and Immediate relief. J. a Fisher,
S. C.
and think It me
I have In my and
It relieved II right much. lira. Martha
A. Him,
have never used a
consider equal
for bruises, sprains, strained tendons
lo us.- threat, and
fur distemper, ate.
Belt's Than
men to give Nose's Liniment a trial
and be convinced of its
properties, have obtained as
good If not results from use
than we did from remedies
nor Norfolk Portsmouth

Subscription-One Year 1.00
rate, be Bad upon
application -t the business office in The
Reflector Building, corner Evans and
Entered in the pot office at Greenville
N. C, as second-.-lass mail matter.
to do if they are haled into are a necessity. The bus- COTTON CONTRACTS ARE VALID.
court for carrying concealed of the town needs more
weapons consumers, and to get these
there should be opportunities of
Give your cooperation and giving profitable employment,
support to those women who It will be no trouble to increase
have set to work to the population of the town if the
FRIDAY, MAR. 1910.
President Taft has gone a step
further, is host in the
ville a more attractive town.
There is plenty of room for
When pa has the price, it is
not unusual for a big reception
people who come can find em-
and nothing provides
this no readily as factories,
the matter of suitable sites, ma-
and labor for factories,
Greenville has advantages
given in honor of a wed- ; our m. of
ding, but Astor, up in New Factories be
sets a new fad by giving as profitably here as else-
u swell dinner in celebration of and the town certainly
getting a divorce.
The last execution by hang- The commission form of city
that can legally take place government is getting popular.
The Philadelphia strike is Carolina, occurred in April Columbia, S. will
M large as but county today, when vote on the Question of
is large enough. Henry Spivey, a colored it there. So far none of
was hanged for murder. This our North Carolina cities have
The government is after some , , tried if hut if it n an.
man was convicted more than a a sue
flour and meal shippers because . . in if
Kr i year ago and sentenced to be states,
of the short weight and wrong . , , Worth will tint
hanged, this being before the will not slow
legislature passed a law to We need
the mode of execution to in advance of the
electrocution. present form of government, but
whether the commission form
In one respect The Reflector we are not prepared
is going to turn over a new leaf.
Hereafter any communication
appearing in these columns that
is at all personal, or that can be
construed to be personal, or of
such a nature as to cause any one
to take exception or feel that a
lick had been made undercover.
labeling of packages the mills
send out.
The Scotland Neck tragedy in
which three prominent men were
shot, is one of the lamentable
things that sometimes occur.
Now a fellow out in Ohio up
and says that the president also
is a liar. First thing they know
somebody will get his nose
You need not trouble your
head with the thought that the
anti-prohibition argument a few
fellows have started is going to
develop into a party movement.
to think about the other
side of it, what are those Char-
pistol toting women going
The Reflector certainly hopes
some means will be provided for
the End of the Century Club to
re-establish the public library.
The ladies labored long and
earnestly for the library, and it
over the real j sorrow they saw
of the author and of
de plume. Or if such articles tn
appear over a a penny of insurance,
shall reserve the right to give was a
the person feeling the to many
name of the author on f to whom
. it a Horded an opportunity of
has reached that reading good that could
stage in her progress where be obtained
The matter of soiling cotton
for fall delivery and then not
with the terms of the
contract because the price ad-
much above the figure at
which it was sold, was greatly
discussed the past In
not a few instances litigations
grew out of the to de-
. liver thus
The printed a abort
news item taken from I he
Dispatch of
of a suit brought Al. x-
Sprunt Son., of
city, against parties in South
Carolina for failure to deliver
cotton on contract, the court de
the case in favor of the
plaintiff without even letting it
go to the jury. So many people
have asked us about this case
for the purpose of getting more
information, that we give below
a later and fuller report of
Florence, S. C. March
the United States Circuit Court
here today. Justice Brawley,
presiding, without allowing the
case to no to the jury, gave a
decision in the plaintiffs
in a brought by Messrs.
Alexander Son,
Wilmington, against
the Co., of Che
raw, S C in which the plain-
tiffs sought to recover of the de-
between and
for failure on the part of
the South Carolina firm to de-
liver several hales of
cotton on ct at ten cents
per pound.
Both sides were represented
able counsel and the decision
it regarded as very important as
establishing a precedent in a
similar suits brought
by the same exporter's both in
the State and United States
Courts in the mid
Georgia, in which large territory
they operate. Messrs. W. P.
Pollock and D. L. Laney, of
and Messrs. Willcox
Willcox and H. of
appeared for the
Messrs. while the
were represented by
Messrs. and Stevenson,
The plaintiffs set up in the
suit just decided that the Che
raw contracted to deliver
several hundred of cotton
at a specified time at cents
per round; that they, them
selves, made contracts with
European spinners to take the
cotton chartered ships id
which to curry it; that price
f cotton went up and
refused to y with
their contracts, g plain-
tiffs to go out in the market
and buy the cotton tiny had
bought on contract, at
per pound. The defense set up
that the contract was
under the State law prohibiting
the dealing futures and that
they were, therefore, not re
quired to perform their part of
it. It is held by the court, how
ever, that the contract is a per-
one in that it
has no clause providing for a
settlement of any difference
other than delivery of the spot
cotton and does not, therefore,
come under the ban of futures
or The case was
exceedingly hard fought and the
termination is regarded a great
victory for the exporters.
The Board of County
at the meeting Tuesday,
gave the matter of building a
new court house much consider-
After looking at plans
and illustrations of architects
present, the board decided to
set another day later in the
month to consider the matter
more fully. the meantime a
committee of the board will vis-
it some other counties that have
lately erected new court houses
with a view of inspecting these
and better arriving at the needs
for Pitt The members
of the board have the needs of
the county earnestly at heart
and desire to do the very best
thing, The Reflector feels sure
they will build a court house
a jail that will be creditable
to the county. The eyes of the
whole State are now on Pitt
which is regarded as one
of the best in North Carolina,
and many desires are expressed
to see the county take a great
step forward and in building
meet the needs of generations
to come. We are sure the ex-
of all will be met
Greenville was the first town
in this section of the State, and
perhaps the first of its size any
where the State, to establish
day current with its electric
plant. This was done a few
years ago, and has a
great convenience. Many small
enterprises in the town get their
power this way, and
fans, and other con-
for comfort in drug
stores, offices and homes are run
by electricity. The
summer the of day electric
current will no doubt largely in-
crease, as the convenience
from it is found to be so
great. The Reflector plant
would hardly know to get
along without electric current,
and many other users feel the
same way about it.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
We wish to announce that we have recently opened the largest and most complete line of
Hardware, Farm Implements, Mill Supplies. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ever in Pitt County
All of which we are offering at prices fully in keeping with the times
You don't have to spend a cent with us in order to get it. Came let tin tell
you how it can be yours. We have just unloaded a solid car of Ranges, Live
Oak and Golden Oak Cook Stoves, every one of which is fully warranted in
every respect- Our prices arc right, sec us before you buy. We desire to most
heartily thank those who have already become our customers, and to extend a
most co-dial to everyone who comes to Farm ville to make our
We promise you reliable goods, courteous treatment and a square deal.
We are the sole agents for Farmville for The Cole
Mfg. Corn and Cotton Planters and Guano
Distributors. They are the bent on earth for the
Southern farmer Read a prominent farmer
has to Bay about therm
the Cole Co. Charlotte N. C.
Dear solicitation, I ray to you
that Universal Planter I bought from you last
gave me entire I it with perfect
in planting corn, cotton, and sole
Am g-lad that you hive such a planter offer to the
public. With beat wisher, am,
We are receiving larger
shipments of these
goods this week
We have just received a c d of Jno.
celebrated farm implements, consisting of walking
and riding
Cultivators, Sulky, Disc and Dag
Harrows, Corn Planters, etc.
We have what you want in Farm Implements
at the right prices.
We sell the Syracuse one and two horse
beam plows, guaranteed not to break, it they do,
we give you another one free.
Farmville. N. C.
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for A and vicinity. Ad rates furnished
Wanted to buy bushels
of field peas by J- R. Smith Co.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
Rev. J. B. will begin on J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
a protracted meeting in the I Services in the Baptist church
Methodist church on the 14th. next Sunday. A pastor has not
He be assisted by Rev. J. H.
Shore, of Greenville.
We are representing the oldest
and strongest Life and Fire
Insurance Co. in the world.
Call us and let us consult with
you. Ayden Loan Insurance
Co. Phone
J. J. Edwards, of Wilson, is
spending a few days with hi-,
daughter, Mrs. W. H.
School books, bibles and
menu at J. R. Smith Co.
Misses Tripp and Annie
of Bay Creek, are visiting
Miss Bessie Harris.
For lot of improved
Spanish peanuts at per bushel.
J. M. C. Nelson. R. F. D., Ayden.
N. C. ltd
Mrs. Henry and Miss
Emma Kittrell, of Winterville,
were in Ayden Tuesday
Dinner baskets, pencil boxes.
slates, pencils ink erasers at
J. R. Smith Co. ,
Another well boring machine
has arrived and work will begin
on what we hope be an
artesian well.
For Sale-One second hand
p. Cooper engine and boiler,
mounted, one 40-saw Brown
cotton gin, condenser, hand
press, belts, etc. J. M. C.
son. R. F. D. Ayden. N. C.
J. A. Harrington is home
again, looking like a new man.
Windows, doors, lime, cement,
hardware, lucks, hinges at It-
Smith Co.
D. R. Oliver moved his
family to Winterville.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Nice turned work, brackets,
window and door frames made
on short notice by J. R. Smith
Co- Dixon.
Raleigh who is suffer
yet been secured.
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Grover our
contract, has pneumonia,
Lime, cement, and
full line of hardware J. R.
Smith Go's
For wire and nails,
see J. K. Smith Co. Just
rived a car load.
Galvanized sinks nice to attach
to your pumps for your water
shelf at J. R. Smith Co.
Call on u s for ceiling, flooring
We guarantee
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
you want to buy,
lease, sell or rent houses or land,
or want a job for yourself, wife,
mother or sister, or
H Petree. of
Grange, was here Sunday.
L, want to employ additional help,
sell what you have, there is
, , . . , . no better medium than the col-
An experienced blacksmith Toe Reflector
waiting to shoe your horses and, R. W. Smith.
mules at J. R. Smith Co Dixon.
Now is a good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department-
R. W. Smith.
Will repair your carts,
and buggies or sell you new ones.
If you have news items, tell
this scribe and help us to make
this column a creditable one.
Don't treat him do a
book agent, and then wonder at
the feeble effort he is making.
We are not all like
Daniels, we need your
R. W. Smith.
Call us, phone Let us rent
houses and collect for you.
Will sell your personal property,
land, stocks, bonds, or lend u
money on reasonable terms-
Ayden Loan Co.
Cook stoves, heaters and clove
at J. R. Smith o,
patterns and magazines
it J. R. Smith Co.
Rubber, and corrugated roofing
R. Smith Co.
To the Merchants When you
want an extra grade of groceries
call on W. E. Tingle
If you want to I
property against fire. Tingle will
Gaudy and rubber belting
pipe Acting valves at J. R.
Smith Co.
Ninety days and spring at
How Good News Spreads
am old and travel most
of the writes B. F. To of
go I be-
came I ow.- my excellent I
vita t them They effect a cure
every time. Tl never fail to tone
the and
bowels, ate th liver, invigorate
the y and blood. They
work wonders for weak, run down men
, strength, vigor
a joy. Try
them. . is
guaranteed by all
N. C. March 9.-;
IT. E. Little went to Wilson
Friday evening to visit relatives
and returned Monday
rs. Strickland, a very old
lady in our neighborhood, has
been in poor health for
time, and on last Friday
fell and hurt herself. She s
now in a critical
Rev. W. F. Waters,
and Mr. Smith, another
preacher, of the Ayden
cal Seminary, came Saturday
evening and preached at
Free Will Baptist church at
Arthur Saturday night and
Sunday to large congregations
Work on the Christian church
at Arthur, we learn is progress-
very well.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned
house are visiting B P. Cobb, at
Miss Nannie Smith, who has
been spending week
Wilson, returned home Monday
Are Drugs Necessary
Do Drugs Cure Disease
Can Nature be Assisted
If were born and after-1 If a person would correct Iii
livid right, there would Co
An Awful Eruption
of a volcano brief interest, ard
your interest sKin eruption- will be
as short, if use
Salve, their quickest cure. Even the
s, ulcers, t lever Bores are
healed by it. Best burns, cuts
sore lip.-, chapped hands,
and pies. It instant re-
lief. at
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
ha, issued the following licenses f g,,
since last
and Jennie
J. R. Potter and Elks.
Geo. W. Joyner and Charlotte
Wilson and Linnie
from an accident R. Smith Co.
on a work engine, is moving If you have any
family to sell, Tingle will sell
At the Close of Business Jan.
Loans and discounts t
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur.
bank other
50,700.431 capital stock I
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 4,888.08
Deposits sub. to check 71,328.86
Demand of 18,442.36
Saved a Soldiers Life
death so ard ah -II in
the evil was mo e agreeable to J.
A of Kemp. Tex . than g
it from hat doctor, d was p-
a stubborn
he writes, do-el a cough,
to me in o; all remedies
My weight ran down lo
b on lo Dr. King
New very, which c impel cm-
ed me. now w pounds
For e In grippe, asthma,
hoarseness, croup, who
to and lung
Trial tort Is free.
Guaranteed by all
In Your Homes to Stay
Joy for croup and
fail and the Goose Grease
i t for rheumatism and all
pains, h p Hived all over tic
by young and old.
Sold by Mora Pharmacy,
N. C, and manufactured by
Greensboro, N. C.
King's Cross Roads, Mar.
Misses Emmie and Smith.
part of last week with their sis-
Mrs. Marcellus Smith.
Mrs. Ed Carraway, of
spent Saturday and Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. Mattie
Misses Mamie Pierce and Ada
Smith, of Falkland, spent
day night and Sunday with Mrs.
On Thursday, the of
March, the school at lung's X
will close. There will be
a address in the church at
by Raw. B. F. of
Dinner will ho
on the grounds. Baskets
Will be appreciated. All are
cordially invited.
for doctor knows
this. Bo do oilier people.
One thing more. a person lives
heredity, medicine can do only very
little. cannot cure Only
charlatans claim that win
cure may palliate
may the
of Nature to resist
men arouse the efforts of the
human to right 00-
This is the mom that
A man accidentally his in
the Are. Instinctively Watt bis
linger in his then blows on U
for the cooling effect. This Is no care.
Ho knows It very well, it it
bitter for the time
People eat unwisely. This produces
dyspepsia or Indigestion. only
rational Is to eat correctly. Vet if
a palliative Is at hand tho pains of
be mitigated, tho throes of
dyspepsia assuaged. The can-
not lie said to cared. It simply
palliates disagreeable symptoms. Tho
cure through right living.
Take for instance. No one
claims Is a for dyspepsia.
But will stimulate tho stomach
to perform its function properly. Para-
will increase tho flow of digestive
Holds, without which digestion cannot
carried on all. It will the
food, tho appetite.
It Is admitted that all this be
accomplished by right living, but there
are so many who either wit not
or do not know how that
a tremendous amount of good can be
done by tho wise use of
A stomach that has been frequently
performs tho function of
the food to remain undigested
time after is swallowed. This leads
to fermentation of
sen Is result. This goes on week
after week, until tho blood Is poisoned
fermentation- This
the products of ft
condition Is very apt to produce
It is not claimed that
but correct living. Cat
claimed that will assist a
Chased stomach
persist in right eating and
ways, undoubtedly the stomach
right It self, the blood would rid of
the poison, ever;, thing be
right. Bat as said before there a
multitude of who will
not adopt right methods of living.
such people a boo. A
before will assist tho stomach to-
do Its work.
of the food, brings about norms
digestion, and all tho train of
follow indigestion disappear.
In other U
those who lira badly, those
have acquired some
not cure, it assists
powers of to score.
The Hie
of the horse to a load,
used it tho hers.
bis powers et tho right lime, with-
out which ho could pulled j
Thin illustrates the ct of
or any sys-
Taken at the right Unto, it
forth the powers of the human -i
to meet the en roach men Is of
and thus cuts short, if
the diseased
No one should to sub It-
the place of rig III
In the end an attempt will
prove a disaster.
of tin- right medicine at the right
no reasonable
undertake to deny it.
Those who know now tons Pen ins
untold and t-j
world will get Wise no
through correct living no at
all will lie needed. lint that lime
not arrived. In the meantime,
tho world Is approaching that
la which all i-e
is a
In I
Blight derangements of ti
throat, bronchial lungs or
these attacks are to lead M
grave diseases, and can be by
of IV
Wouldn't you lo on
solicited people
bare used
j to confirm the coo-
corning it. I. address tho
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Almanac 1910.
If a farmer can do bettor farm Seed
log by reading the j on j r j. g. for
Farmer, ht
Maine grown stock. the
Total 1182,272.22
Card of Thanks
By unanimous motion of Green-
ville Lodge No. A. F. A-
M. held March was directed
the thanks of the
I the ladies who so kindly
for the use of th members
in equipment of aprons to take
he place of those lost in the
read Progressive Farmer.
Progressive Farm-rand
Fat m-
for U- Offer good
1st. D. D.
Agent Pitt Co.
in Book
W. M. Mot re
had The to print and
bind for copies of the
last financial of the
county for filing and to present a
copy to each of the county
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do swear that
above statement is true to the best of my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn to
before m. this 4th day F. b
Notary Public.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve Yon Any Way. Try Me
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
recent fire. I take this method officers handy reference. It
of returning to the ladies a neat book of pages.
sincere thinks and appreciation. thoughtfulness on the part
C. B. Whichard. Coin. Register Moore is
and the other officers
For Seed Irish Potatoes see it.
horrid grown stock.
Prices low, see before
it t
Of E,
J. R. J. G.
Prices low.
Strays Taken Up.
have up at the farm,
near two
black, with swallow fork in
right and under lit in kit; the
other a rd heifer, unmarked. Owner
can get same
ltd N. C.
Stubborn at Mules
are liver and
to bilk without Then there's
But troubles before Or. King's
New Life Pills, world's best
and liver remedy. So easy.
;. I
The Reflector does job work.
luxurious iotas.
S. I
We wish to call your attention to our new line of fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great cart in buying thin year and we
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Matt, Dress No-
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store. ,
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We ire prepared to furnish yon with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cash or Installment.
Come to see us and we will convince you

to Make Look
The Woman's Civic League
held a very enthusiastic meeting
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Will Ricks. Many sub-
conducive to local improve-
were thrashed out. Chiefly
among them was a vigorous de-
of the present evil of
spitting on the sidewalks, and
other public places.
These women say this
evil must cease. and
fellow take heed. When
a body of women say a thing
must stop, we might as well ac-
custom ourselves to a change.
And sure y a change here is
greatly to he desired, for some-
times it U positively nauseating
to hive to pan certain places in
tow ; furthermore, medical
has long since proven
that it is a danger to health.
Clean streets as another topic
of the afternoon, rather
that I have to say dirty streets
was the next discussed,
and our own dirty streets at that.
I, is a a deplorable fact,
that the first impression a
gets streets.
A new com-T recently said to the
writer. what dirty streets
you have I simply can not rec
thee streets with all this
loose trash, piper cabbage
leaves, with the beautiful homes
and stylish
A up day is being
planned, h will be announced
later, and we do beg every citizen
to help us carry this out.
Last, but by no means least.
these ladies have planned to in-
the school and
of Greenville in civic improve-
and hereby give notice i years of Christianity are not all
that they will give as a professing Christians, nor are we
to the boy or girl in school in j ideally moral. The standard of
the graded life is the Christian life and it
or training school, who will write was made so for those people
on with its corresponding influence
The essay must con on their th-
as many a-i five hundred present time he told of the work
words, and not over seven bur- of Livingstone ill various
and fifty, and must be in of Africa. Livingstone's death
the hands Mayor Whedbee an and the J of the African
or before May 4th, 1910; who bore his to
with Rev. B. F. Huske, Rev. the coast on their should era for
H. Shore, Mr. E. G. 1.500 miles from the interior
and Mr. D. J. Whichard will d a devotion that
who the winner is. The lime missionary triumph. Mis-
winning essay will he published interest in the pr. sent day
third centers in and eastern
it- of countries. idolatry
i c and the evils of paganism
ma lion- along with it, and the result if
i of in its uplift of those
, girls people is just us as it
thinking was in the part of the
caps of and let century among the peoples of
us have the result Reporter, Madagascar add the Fiji Islands,
but Hie so
Follow and Keep summarized. Chum alone con-
It is every woman's duty to more people than North
keep young as possible. but America. South Africa,
unfortunately, she does not Germany, and com
while India has almost as
Theme of Add,,., by Rev.
W. r. Cox.
Moral and Spiritual Up-
lift of Missions During the Last
was the subject of a
most interesting and uplifting
address by Rev. W. E. Cox,
rector of St John's Episcopal
church, at St. church last
night, the occasion being the
fourth or the series of meetings
arranged by the Episcopal con-
of the city for the
study of missions during the
Lenten season. The
was large and the remarks
of the speaker were listened to
with intense interest.
The purpose of Mr. Cox's dis-
course was to show the real fruits
of the missionary enterprise,
and present, which justify
the contributions to missions and
upon which the missionary
peal is In the develop
of his Mr. Cox
went back to tie early part of
last century and gave a
sketch of the missionary work
done in countries like
car, the Fiji Islands, New Zea-
land and others. In each and
every one of these countries,
said the speaker, the natives
were found in a savage state,
cannibalism often, immoral,
cruel, superstitious and
ed in every The effect of
the missionary work among them
was to uplift them in every way
and remedy or overcome the evils
which beset their former lives.
This does not mean said Mr.
Cox, that their id was en-
done away at once nor that
their immorality was totally
completely blotted out.
he said, 2.000
Valuable Town Property for Sale.
Mill plant located I line I
Mrs. Alice C. quietly fell fin opportunity to ha-e site,
, . , , , i building and machinery for a pr
asleep in Jesus o clock, business.
By of a certain
by the k
Company to C. S. Carr, dated May 12th
Thursday afternoon. Feb. 24th,
She had been in poor health j office f the
. , . . , . r. of of county, in
for several years, but through it b Z-e.
all had been
et will, on
lay. st
m. before c door in
and hopeful, her faith growing Greenville, tell at p lie -ale to the
Stronger to the I bidder. c- piece or
, , , . , , , of laid i. ha town o
was a daughter of the late and on
Thomas and El z Hill, of Lenoir the i
, . . railroad, and more
county. and was about years bed as at the
of age. st corner of lie Oil
A. , , lot on the of-
AbOUt years ago she way. and running north, I so.
was united III marriage to Mr. the railroad feet
,. ,, , r j more or lets, to A -b.
William of east, or nearly so. with the south fide
the late Dr
In early
H D Harper -th Alley feet, or less.
K I to Atlantic ; south
life she
i early s , with the west side of
tic Avenue feet, more or lea-, to
,, the northeast corner of The Standard
Christ as her and j Oil Company lot. thence west, or near-
a member of the church s
j. , i Oil l lot feet, more or less,
ID boon after her , to the nil g on railroad
marriage she removed her together with all the
ding.--, sheds. barn and
to Red Oak church where
she was a faithful and devoted
engine rooms, one horse
f. one power engine, one f. n
and dust c. Hector, slatting, pulleys.
member at the time of her death; hangers, belting and other attachments
-rarely ever if health ; on Term, of
permitted to attend. Sh was
loyal to the cause of Christ and
ever ready to help in every good
work. The old gos-
of the Son of God clearly and
. , . . . virtue of the power of sale co-.-
faithfully preached was lO In a certain mortgage
a source of inspiration of life and by Ola For h
, , and wife to L A. Cobb on the 24th.
joy and the power Of God unto day of I and duly record.
salvation. In Christian
, , , . j county. North in Book H-
and hope she lived, and in the . the will
triumphs of faith she died and c
, . , . to the
This the 19th of F.
C. S. Carr,
has now gone to enjoy
of the blissful shore.
the bidder n th
i n tracts or parcels of Ian I
land being in the county if Pitt and
Death has deprived her home; State of North Ca and in B. aver
of a faithful, patient and loving i as
. . , . , I A tract, beginning at a pine, i.
wife, a gentle and corner of formerly
J- and h, thence
, . . . 1-6 poles to a dead
was law to in pine, Saunders corner, thence N pa 1-
family hurrying in the g
presence of many and Una, thence with N. C. to
relatives who had to in Knot
, . . ., . d am w th .
pay the last tribute respect. c. C. Cobb's . th. with C. C.
She has left to mourn her N -3 pole to -h.
. containing acres more
a devoted husband, one or less.
Another tract, beginning at
step-son and a stepdaughter.
iron stake on the oil tram road, N. C.
three nephews and two nieces. corner and runs eagerly with
The sympathy a host
a s j . , with Jesse L Smith's line
goes out to the line of G. T and K. a
loved so well in t
heir Jr., with the line C.
Cobb's line, then with C. Cobb's
at once, and
best will f.
m w
and get on
Mrs. M. D. is in the
Northern fashion Centers
new goods for C. T. Mu-i-
ford's millinery department.
Shu is assisted by
of Md. is
to be trimmer this
to with Higgs
when the latter returns.
line to the beginning, containing
acres more or To said
deed. T. of sale cash.
This day February
L A. Cobb Mortgagee.
Land Sale.
many more, not to mention Japan
and other countries. The
of such a mass of
is a monumental undertaking
and has scarcely been begun,
but wherever the missionaries
have gone and Christianity has
gained strength it has displaced
the immorality and general evils
paganism and raised the
to the high level of Christian
virtue. Wilmington Star.
ways know the best way to live
up way to live up to the duty.
Avoid hurry, worry and get-
ting flustered.
Learn self-control. Anger is
a wrinkle bringer.
Be temperate. Moderation
not only refer to the
Overdoing way
makes for premature age.
Love the open air. Fresh air
is not a fad, it is a necessity if
one would keen young.
Get plenty of sleep. Nothing
lines the face like nights of , .
Fully nine out of every ten
. . , , . cases of rheumatism is simply
Keep mentally alert. An in- rheumatism the muscles due
back number adds to cold or damp, or chronic
years to her seeming age. neither of which require
makes for like a young I internal treatment. All that
mind save a needed afford relief is the
save a application of Chamberlain's
. . . Give it a trial. You
Don t let yourself get sluggish; are certain to be pleased with the
indifferent, Here is where quick relief which it affords,
the benefit massage, physical by druggists,
culture and a vital interest in life
By virtue of a mortgage executed
an de by Is a. d
Jane to J. H. V
on the ft h, day of Jany. which
mortgage was duly recorded in the
Office of the of deeds of Pitt
County, in k Q K page the
will ft-
th.-court h. u In Greenville
day M lbs
cater hid parcel or tract of
situate in the county I in i-
Dam township, nil g the
I ids of Bob Nichols, John Tripp,
Best n I others, containing ten
court of Pitt county, nude by h s acres more or It M and being
O. H. Guion, Judge of tie i f Inn I by said Isaac
of North Can
in the of C. his Feb. 1910.
ho see The I, J. H. mortgagee,
Knitting Mills, the re- V. James Son, Attorneys.
will sell st public auction
Personal Property Sale.
By virtue a decree of the Super
the premises in N. C. on
March the 16th. 1910 the
following described real personal
property. Twelve knitting machines,
g es, drying and
bleaching apparatus. and
p to a d connected with
th- of underwear, now
owned by the defendant in
their mi I
Notice to Creditors.
The having this
qua as administrator the estate
of decked,
U C. Moo e, Clerk of the
court of Pitt, county, notice is h.
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate with P. C. Han
Also about two acres of upon I one
which e buildings rs and e , or will b
of the Commercial no-Mills are bar of any recovery pa said
situated, including the I hereby to
he-ting electric -fit plant
water and fire protection and the
main shifting. Also several valuable
town lots, given in day of
Terms one third cash balance
in six twelve months. For further
information apply to, F. G.
It ltd Receiver.
comes n.
Are you
Do you have that annoying tick-
ling in your throat your
cough annoy you at night, and
do you raise mucus in the morn
Do want relief If
take Chamberlain's
Remedy and you will be pleased
Sold by all
Bad county roads are
much in evidence, too.
Officers in Shape
Register of Deeds Moore is
now occupying his new quarters
in the Proctor building. The
other county officers will also be
in the building in a day or two.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having this day duly
before D. C. Moore, clerk of
Superior court of Pitt county
the estate of Salle
Wilson, notice is hereby
en to all indebted to aid estate,
are hereby required to make immediate
payment to undersigned
and a persons holding c
against estate are hereby
to file their with the undersigned
administrator within one year from the
date hereof, or this notice will be i ad
in bar of recovery of said claims.
This 1910,
L. H. Wilson.
of the estate of Sallie Wilson,
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets are safe, sure and
reliable, and have been praised
by thousands of women who have
been restored to h through
their gentle aid and curative
properties. Sold by all druggists. I
This the 15th day of 1910.
F C. H of the estate
of Johnston
The Reflector job work.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton and
vs on
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
North Carolina
Are You
With your land when for the
sake of saving a few dollars
you use a fertilizer whose
only recommendation is its
analysis. It requires no
ledge to mix mate-
rials to analyses. The value
of a fertilizer lies in the ma-
used, so as not to
over feed the plant at one
time and starve at another.
This is why Royster brands
are so popular. Every in-
has its particular
work to do. Twenty-five
years experience in making
goods for Southern crops has
enabled us to know what is
See that trade mark is on every bag
F. S, Royster Guano Co.
To Know Your Needs
In Cotton Gin Machinery, Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills, Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
J. Paul Simpson,
Phone Williamston, N. C.
Gibbs Machinery Co.
Columbia, S. C.
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of Jan. 1910.
Loans and
Overdrafts sec. and M
Furniture and Fixtures,
Due from Banks A
Silver coin, including all .
minor currency
k and r
other II. S.
Capital 6.000.
Undivided profits, less
h l taxes
Time of
Sub. to
OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
I, W. II Cashier of the bank, do
swear that the above true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. W. H. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
mo 7th day of Feb.,
Notary Public.
S. M.
M. O. Mount,
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Thai J. P Taylor Company
Will Here.
It is that Messrs. J.
P. Taylor C the home
office of is Henderson, N.
C. will factory at
Greenville. N. C. fully equipped
with ail the appliances for
handling . if
We that they will
likely a us piece
of land id Um section of
our town on mere will be
erected m brick building
suitable to their requirements,
which b ready for
in for the handling of
the crop, about August
1st of the year.
The above is indeed good news
and we truck nothing will hap-
pen to prevent the carrying out
of their plans. The of
Greenville and the tobacco
Company a warn
What Use Is It
ft, I of thous-
ands of p ii-V i-u mm
s death t daily.
a th own
the best have, and in
their lane they think they
are g a I -v n law
This U ii a a statement; it
, I -i w any
, n. n ii h .
p o
a d i i i- i.
i i- t d stomach
n ; . . II the d ire
i i l he
i c i n live they
do . . r I for a
weeks the b i . r n down
atom eh in to
I i B v. i Inn in on
so i and
M ma ii .-re sold In
re and by Coward
A ,, V,
h box
th m. .
n, j
N. C, March 4.-
He has
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
Children, a certain for
bad teething
We Bert disorders, move and the now
. , n l els, and worms. They break
be out again. He has They are so
much for the past two ant to the taste and harmless as milk.
. Children like them. Over
of cures. never fail.
There is right much sickness Sod by all druggist. Ask today.
town but no one serious so accept any
far as we know.
The heavy rains have NEWSPAPERS AND MORALS.
much with th wells.;
overflowed the gardens in Today Works With
many parts of the town. S-e
The of Aldermen was in
Tuesday night to transact the j sometime ago that church people
business of the month. S far; reading newspapers during
is we know there has been very; Lent. Immediately arose
little for several a hue and whose echoes were
days. ; carried all over the country. The
M. Ling has oat fell flat because even
ill house that was near Mrs. j the most prominent clergymen
Joyner's brick store in ridiculed the idea, and laughed
order to build a new brick at it as bizarre fantastic.
Will is to move his rid The re was something decidedly
store soon erect a brick illogical about it. too. The man
building in its place, so we bear, who proposed the denial evident
There was a runaway here y overlooked the fact that if a
that caused newspaper not lit to read
excitement and did some damage, Lent it is not fit to read any
A horse belonging to one of the time. That with the big
Davis brothers, ran away. I majority of papers such is not
Professional Cards
Office opposite R. L. Smith A
and next door to John
Muggy new building.
into a buggy wheel and
most of the spokes.
then turned down Main street,
on the sidewalk and
ran into some of Holmes
farm implements
did some damage. The borax
pas d
furniture store, turn
east to a shop where
the was argued by Rev. Dr.
Randall, of New York, in address
before the Baptist
Association, in this city. The
doctor went even fur; her and up-
. held daily newspaper as an
aid to in the gnat
dales. Said bet
newspapers have given
church the opportunity to
Attorney at Law
Office by J. L.
Women Do Own Sewing
If you have ever used a Singer you know
what it is to get your needlework done
without bother or trouble, without
or annoyance, and without a bit of tiring.
Ask any user of a Singer. There are
more Singers in operation today than all
other makes combined.
J Their users constitute the Singer's best
A Singer docs perfect work.
The running and working qualities of
each Singer arc thoroughly tested before
it leaves the Singer factory and that is
why it will stand the hardest kind of
use, and even abuse, throughout an
nary lifetime.
I You'll find the Singer nameplate, the em-
of the Singer reputation and the Sing-
guarantee, on every genuine Singer.
I u
New K
The ii
March .
ii o-
Wilmington -7,800 hardware
busier mill
week ending
-I by the
are as
J cotton
ed another runaway. The get in the moral uplift. Do
was not seriously damaged. not lot our narrow denomination-
Preaching at make us old fogies in this
church Sunday and present age. Some preachers
evening. All are invited to to keep of the times
tend. Services also at the by to read news-
church at usual hour. I pap modern books ard mag-
of these are
Gr Should Not Wait truisms. The better
clan of newspapers today Work
hand in with the church or
moral t hat is not dirt c
identified with it. but whose aim
purpose are practically
a higher social standard.
The paper that ignores principle
beckons ruin. The church work
who ignores the columns of
the daily press stultifies himself j
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
Loans made en Real Estate
Masonic Temple, Greenville, N. C.
Al I- ;
ii and
drug com
o h
i. received
Until it is Too Late.
Th-- appalling death rate y
due in Cases t the
the little r nail-
y net I. u ti th. y b
phi place to
a- the goos
y into of
. r Mis , Bright s disease, gravel r
some form of kidney
If you suffer from backache, head-
h. ; if th- kidney re-
are irregular of passage an I
its oral in do
Help kidneys at once.
Kidney Pills an
for . disorders-they cure where
others fail.
people hive r commended
H- re ii f many in
S. Butler. Harvey St.
Washington. N. C. am well
p eased th; that followed
the of s Kidney s in my
case can highly recommend them
hi nth r kidney sufferers. Was nub-
to pains in my back, mi com-
led by sharp twinges through my
for some lime. t
Pi s removed my trouble and
lie in every way
For Bale by all dealt rs,
Co., Buffalo,
w York, sole agents for th I
the a id
no other.
Moore and Long
i R K
N. C.
Sold by
Singer Sewing Machine Company
Main Street. GREENVILLE. K. C.
DR. S.
Greenville, N. C
Office on Third t. formerly
pied by Dr. Bagwell.
not de a-1 his own efforts less
cap In
Most Popular Druggist Makes a
Remarkable Statement.
Di. J. W. Bryan has at last obtained
agency for a remedy
are selling on a guarantee lo
cure any Liver Trouble, if food does
not digest well, if there i gas or
in if the tongue is coated
and breath if there N
and strain Liver Pills
will cure you. d not you h
Dr. J. W. personal guarantee
to return money. Liver
Pills give relief and ma e per-
and all Liver Trouble are
but Dr. Bryan
i .
N. C
R. L. DAVIS, Pres. J. A. ANDREWS, V.-Pres.
H. D. BATEMAN, Cashier.
Bank of Greenville
Greenville, North Carolina
To Loan
ACCOUNTS of Merchant, Farmers and Individuals Invited.
James L. Little, Cashier
tin death
K. P.
of ft is .
son w Hi
shot M Mm.
Simple, who hid bean in feeble
health tor for the
first tn in in walked to
the front. of hr home Mon-
day. I. standing at the
a man shot at a mad dog that
was missed and the bill
Mr-. Simpson below the
of hi r leg, from the
of which, and of
her wretched physical condition,
died some later.
Free Press.
From th n th oar
. No
ICE Powder
to It Is
pars u M
as j-cur
KI to Make.
aim pis, Isn't III
This two of smooth,
Vanilla, Straw,
Sold by
for mart If
not It.
. The food Co, la Hoy, N. 1-
By of power of
in a certain
and delivered by N. W.
wife, Nora to F,
G Jams on the 6th of
and recorded in the Pitt
registry In Book the
will expose to
the court door In
to the highest bidder, on Mond
April at o'clock p. m a
certain parcel or tract of laid
and in the of Pitt and
of North mid described
as follows, to in
at a stake in the
the i. E. corner of No
running with the road
to another stake, then west to
ii. ck line of T. J Stancill tract, then
with said buck line to line
of lot No. then E. of said line to the
beginning, containing and
it I No. Also share
from It. W. Stancill lying
on East side the road land
to laid off by cs running east and
west is to be 7th share running
the northward end of T. J. Stan-
tract and to correspond with lot
No on west s de of the road contain
acres, more or Iota, being I hi-
st are deeded to It W. by his
father T. J. Stancill, to satisfy
deed. f sale cash.
This the day of
K. G.
T. II. Barnhill,
Julius Brown, Attorney
are not satisfied with the results go t
Dr. Bryan and ask for your money.
Also for sale by M. M. Sauls at
den. N. C.
I Not Quite
How often you can get a
thing E
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for g
Our Hue
Is a you could desire,
we will that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
j You get s
Horse Goods i c
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Fur, Cotton Seed
giving his a chance to prov- nil Oak
e truth, d if a OH Barrens, m
box of Pills you Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc.
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts,
Parlor suits Tables, Lounges,
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach,
ea, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples-
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see
Jewelry Repairing and Cleaning
Haven't you some piece that needs looking
after Can do anything in the repair line
that is practicable to do. A-1 work and
every job guaranteed.
The Jeweler
Notice to Creditors.
Having this
D. C. Moore, Clerk
says buy a bottle of
mid lie prepared
croup, colds, pneumonia, coughs
mid sure throat.
vents mid cures by destroying
in i in ion and congestion.
All druggists.
of the Superior
I court of Pitt county, as administrator
of the estate of d ceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons
, indebted to estate to
settlement with the undersigned
and all persons
i undersigned administrator within one
year from the or notice
All Now la Building. jg
. I This the 2nd day of March. 1910.
Superior Court Moire; B
and Sheriff Tucker have trot Hester,
and House Furnishing
always co to VanDYKE
Maw White Store on More room and larger to Be.
Pulley bowen
of Women's Fashions, Greenville C
their officer, open in Attorney,
building. having bod
MM with any of the county
officials can find all there Our Greenville, if you
close together. come.
If You Need a Tonic

. r V w
mm p
In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS j
Authorized Agent The Eastern Reflector tor Win Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application ;
To the people of Winterville We have just received a nice States
So Tired Do You Own a
and If you know any lot of cloaks, us a call,
item of interest. would be clad Ange Co.
to get them for the paper. If
you have anything to advertise,
I would like to furnish you rates.
If you are not a subscriber to
The let me send in your
subscription Wm. G. Morris,
J. D. Cox returned to At
Mrs- E. E. Cox, who has been
visiting relatives at Seven
Springs returned home Saturday
The is the Kind
you need. See us,
A W. Ange Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. of
I were here Sunday
It Bay be from overwork, bat
the chances arc Ms from in-
active LIVER.-
With a veil conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
can be kept In healthful action
by. and only by
For good and comfortable; Mi.
school call or write A. G. A new. of just
Cox Co. U. Harrington. Barber Co.
N C Thy have the
right d a. the right price.
a K left yes
it. . i lo visit her
Hater, M m Li Chapman, who
it I -i i low,,.
II factoring Company are.
comfortable, neat sud
durable. f. mis i
us. v. for
Ben Jo. of as
in town purchased
We are i a nice line of
Casket. Prices are
rig hi and can fur nice
service A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
crowd of
as i-, went to Ayden I
for j ally glasses, fruits
cf all kinds and butter and
A. . i Co.
n Cox, who has at j
his for the
post -v days, on account of
and death,
cam. t resume
his in high
We nave just received a
If your subscription to The
i has expired let m-
, it, and give you a receipt.
W. G- Morris, agent
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. M
of Sunday here
I visiting Kiss Vivian Roberto
I Better send your orders in at
for Cox Cotton Planters,
simplex sowers, economic
back bands, etc. Orders Will
have our attention.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
The Holy i was
celebrated in the
church last Sunday morning.
It you want useful planter.
A. j The school at Mill.
taught by Miss Linda Moore,
closed Thursday and an enter- j
was given Friday night. I
The room was beautifully decor-1
with holly and carnations.;
The program was well arranged ,
and also well rendered and show-
ed that Miss Moore had excellent i
talent along that line.
Following was th-
Welcome by seven girls.
Recitation, Vacation, by Alger N. C, March
Taylor. Miss Bettie Rollins, of Wash-
How to Tell Bad came in Monday after-
News, by Richard Teel and to visit friends, and left
Recitation, by Jimmie Moore., Mrs. W. C- Chauncey and
Recitation. The Courtship of Mrs. If. A. went to
Jemima, by Flossie
A Very Bad Boy. by
, Andrew Taylor and Lilly
Categorical Court-
ship, by Richard Teel.
A Sick Dolly, by
A School Day, by John
Bethel Tuesday to visit relatives.
There was a shooting frolic at
Triumph church Sunday Feb.
27th, in which Ernest rd
was shot with a pistol by L-1
both were of the black
race, the ball entering Ernest's
leg below his knee. He
was taken to Dr. who
Re citation. In The Closet, for the ball but was
Roy James.
by Lillie Jones.
Recitation, by Jerry Taylor.
Recitation. Hog-killing Time,
e our combination planter. It
plants com, etc.
Harrington. Bar. Co.
The clock at Harrington Bar
was uncovered
Recitation, by Taylor.
by Mary Ida Brown.
by Eva Jones and
unable to locate it. He was sent
to the Washington
Wednesday night in which Dr.
Taylor took him in charge,
be is getting along very well
The r is full of fish, people
and come back with
sacks full. Hurry, and get your
C. S. Smith.
share, if you R
I Wednesday. and and Face Moore will get them
I hands stood 4-46 Ernest b Eva
Gray received the set Recitation, by Ada Miss Crandall. f-cm
her time being in two Stoles, has been visiting
For nice oyster, me Advertisement. Mrs. B. B. during
Johnson's stand, better pan d I Recitation, by Lee week.
It. Junes- went
our by lo boys. to Washington Thursday to see
i police, is wearing smiles Vacation s mg. Miss Carol Willie who has been
i mention not on for
. sausage fish, going Mrs. B. B. Satterthwaite went
j cheap. at lo Saturday to visit
island on railroad In spite of the fart that there a friend who is in the hospital
-it's a girl. ; quite a while each one hated to B. B. Satterthwaite who ha
Let us frame
y u. Any size
A. W. Ange Co.
Two wagon II i
one of boy;, and tie Medicines that aid nature are
homo near
st We have them
slid Sat day
K. D. Co.
a number of
volumes of standard
have been added to the
in the
The m School
are the desks are;
cheap, durable arid
right and workmanship
A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. N. C.
Some of our sidewalks art
a nice lot of
H , Barber Co
Louisa Cox continues w i
you want a good plow try
-i Harrington,
of at Wake Forest
will lecture in the
Winterville High School j
March, 19th.
is speaker and there
is a those who hear him.
How your soul Let
anew you our new lot of
tine.-. Barber Co
received a
rot shad by prepaid
express from his father, L. H.
Gray, at filch There's a
lot of us that would be
at such a gift.
A nice six key soda fountain
fur sale. B.
Mi.-s Rosa Bell Taylor, of
Clifton, spent Sunday
visiting Miss Cox
v i Mm
that picture for Moore leave for had been baiting some turkeys
frame, WOO the love of all pupils, every Christmas, made a
other of s always moat
Reedy Branch last Sunday. i
acts on
blind week, wailed for them
Saturday morning and killed
three at two shots.
Miss Mary school
II not, and you to own
soon, you owe it o to ex-
the ma display
shown at the at White
W art rooms. A display really
liable to a large city.
In a glance you will inspect a
line pianos not alone stand
in character of tot c, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you in -ct with pi ices
that stand here at d
incomparable am where. Eight
different makes select from, none
of those cheap western department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-piano of known
will take your piano in
exchange for one of ac self play-
also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and taken in ex-
change, terms to s lit your
When in
Greenville visit out
Fin man White.
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o. store.
At the close of business, Jan. 1910.
Loans discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and
Due from
Silver coin, including
minor currency
Nat bank
S. s
Capital stock
. r Surplus fund 060.00
Undivided profits, less
1,178.58 expenses and taxes pd
,, no Time of 702.20
Deposits subject to ck 14,077.08
i checks
s and other outstanding 28.00
2.241.00 checks 71.88
I. F. A. Cashier of the above named bank,
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
A. O. Cox,
A. W. Ange,
J. E. Green,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this of Feb.,
1910. R. H.
Notary Public.
of Respect.
Whereas, on Sunday the
of Jan. in his innocent boyhood,
Bruce Forbes Tucker, one of the
best members of the
Literary Society of Utopia
graded school. Standard, was
visited by the Supreme Ruler
of the Universe, who, in His
infinite wisdom, removed Bruce
from among us, therefore be it
1st. That in his death the
For Five Yeats
Live With His
About the interesting case
on the docket and one with a
man-interest aide and withal
amusing had to do with a charge
against a citizen of Madison for
abandonment and failure to sup-
port his wife. The defendant
went into court unrepresented
closed Friday afternoon. a good student
by the wife made her
Literary society has lost a most statement under oath; the de-
the school j when by the court
who are ind
t R. D. St Co. nil
; this plan. It loosens the cough, j left for Williamston to
i if he had any evidence in rebut-
any witnesses, replied no;
book. R. W.
J Harper spent Sunday at
Black visiting his father,
who is sick.
We have purchased
known as the
Milling and Mfg. Co and will
ready very soon corn,
do general work dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
Prof. II. p.
services at the Baptist church
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. Ange Co.
A new barber-shop his
opened up in our town. Mr.
nil Grubbs is proprietor,
ind h- is nice work.
We fire glad to have him with us.
Dry goods for the birds,
A. Ange Cr.
Fir spring dress
embroidery and laces see us-
New lot in.
Harrington. Barber Co.
For nice and spring
shoes, see my new lot.
A. W. Ange Co.
New of dry goods and no-
just in. Better while
they cheap
A. W. Ange A Co.
relieves the lungs, opens the Mis r-
i . a bright and happy neither did lie care to go on the
life has left a that he guessed what
please and aids nature in T . ,,
make payment me, as I have the to a healthy left Monday
Sold by all her home. a will been testified to was about the
I.,. realized by the school, fact. Judge Justice, however,
in Washington visiting friend,. and the reeled an attorney to represent
community. the man, but his efforts to induce
attended the closing Tn we COmmend to the defendant to put up any de-
school at their His and was a complete failure. The
ID Beaufort county Friday protection the mother, defendant was told judge
Miss Sidney Davenport went ad bereft of a dear son might send him to the chain-
to Plymouth to a loving brother. but this prospective dire
relatives. a page failed to even
If you want to have the society records be press the alleged
health, enjoy yourself, live a inscribed to the memory of dear In an effort to arouse interest in
, young again. that a copy of these his unresponsive client the at-
be sent to The Daily went at him with a hot
What, any kind of tinware
see us. We have just received a
new lot.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Dr. E Brewer, of
Wake Forest will lecture
hi Winterville High school
Friday night, March
instead of h.
Fine Hyacinths now in bloom.
King Windsor cement plaster
fur sale by Carr Atkins Hard-
ware Co.
There are three
town, and Knottier up.,
This is a good proof that we are
getting butter all the time.
j instead or Hope more will
as is just
i grand.
for publication.
E. Cox, i
Clara Nobles.
Winners of Prises.
Saturday afternoon draw-
place at C. T.
store in prizes offered
The new register of to customers during his special
office in the Proctor building, sale. A large crowd was
which has been fitted up tor use traded to the store and much
of the county officers until interest was manifested.
, another court house is built, numbers of every ticket
was duly initiated with a mar- were placed in a box from which
Saturday afternoon. A the drawing was made, and the j
colored couple went in to apply holders of numbers correspond- p sent the
for license, and let it be known to those drawn were awarded penitentiary nor
that they wanted to get married prizes. Mm the wife.
immediately, if not sooner. Jenkins received the suit of
shot; in effect that the judge
might send the defendant to the
penitentiary for a term of five
years; that abandonment and
failure provide support was a
mighty serious thing. At this
the defendant manifested a bit
of interest but of a different sort
from what might have been ex-
His face sort of bright-
and in reply he said some-
thing this by
gad. I'd rather go to the
for five years than to
have to live with that woman.
That was a clincher and all
effort at defense was abandoned.
The man was of course convicted
but Judge Justice tempered
with mercy; he
man to the
back to live
with the wife. Provision was
,.,,.,. . , , every month a
Justice H. Harding sent for, furniture, Mrs- J. L. Harris lo ad that they I e allowed to
and right then and there be tied in gold, and Jenkins, col- live apart. Asheville News Ga-
the knot in his usual good style, in gold.
We have the best cement lime
and plaster for sale.
Carr Atkins Hardware Co.
,, , , , Chamberlain's Stomach and
i Tablets
to suffering from
I towns
of the skin aid Sold
by all druggists.
An many Cough. Lung and Bronchial be nun It rid the
of cold by acting a cathartic on the bowels. No Guaranteed to give
or money refunded. Prepared by CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A
I f
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
No Decision Yet Made -The Colonel it
Offered a
Col. Skinner yesterday
turned over the of United
Slates District Attorney for the
Eastern District of North Care
Una to H. F. S i Carthage,
recently appointed.
Speaking of this Col. Skinner
A Town id Western Section Twenty-Seventh Convection of
of the Com . N C. Sunday
Fountain, N C. March The greatest Sunday
I am here ac Fountain and it is meeting of the year will tale
so rainy and had we can't be place in Wilson, on Tuesday,
doing any work out of doors. Wednesday and Thursday,
I am almost out of will be
business by my rheumatic off c- free and anyone interested in
so I have to drop Sunday school may attend
you a few dots from Fountain. Tn-music will be in He entered Yale in 1869 I tee will rep rt and built
have pissed at the pr sent a
Two New Steamers for the
Steamship Company.
Arrangements have been com-
which will the
Everything seems to be and Meredith, of
smoothly, health generally M-w York City, whom
face you can hardly are known and loved in our
get sick here. I my State. It will be worth m trip to
elsewhere. There son to bi in the
am glad to be relieved , has been some smallpox among Vies of in- convention.
of the and
of I have held, the
position eight years, and I
feel that two terms are enough
for any body. The duties of the
have multiplied
per cent during my tenure
office and it is by no a
The same amount
done by any have well in such adult Cleveland appointed
lawyer would insure a larger a poor house Mr. Pearce a extraordinary and minis
the colored population, but most The railroads have granted a
of the people have been trip rate. Tickets
and so we hope are ail will he on sale 3rd, and be
immune. good April n.
The school here is moving representative, of the In-
along under the capable Sunday School
of Mis in the convention this year
Luise Outlaw and Miss Helen will be Mr. w. C. Fearer, of Greek at the University of North
We understand how Chicago, of the in 1887 , 1893
At. ti , , , Small to
n k , n i Get t See.
Dr Eben Alexander, Dean of the
University of North Carolina Washington. N. C. Mar.
in Knoxville, Tenn., last Friday.
He was on a leave of absence The house committee on public Chesapeake Steamship Co. to
from the University and and have a i add two fine new vessels to its
spending the home to enter upon the pr- Present President says
in D. Alexander of an omnibus j the new largest
was born in Knoxville, March buildings bill, which the commit-, and must that have
for the
more Norfolk. They will
lie i
will be from lo feet lone,
which is t went feet longer than
any steamer now serving
trade will have a capacity
of i-is each of high
fr. It intended
will have slat rooms, a
capacity of passengers.
Specifications for the
being under the
of President
While there he was one cf the
most popular and prominent
of the class of 1875.
He was a member of Psi
the Honor Order of Skull
and Bones, and the
Society of Phi Beta Kappa.
Alter graduation he became
tutor in the University of Ten-
The chairman of the
mitten states to the
c n of the treasury the
will be limited to cases of i
needs of the The com-
have also informally
agreed not to any new
public buildings but only
later professor of ancient pr heretofore
languages and then of and also not to appropriate
the faculty. Ho gave up
position to become professor of
for a
in any town where
receipts annually
ten thousand d.
n if the purchase who fully understands the
income in field.
v. th
letters of sympathy which
I have received from ah parts of j term begins. mote it
the State, like to be j I there is more
m reply each one of them, being done in Fountain
bur I ever as indicated i y
Col. has been urged by the fact that a bank his
a large number of friends to been chartered and com
equipment. understand original, thoughtful and pleating to Greece.
has promised us a He i to any do- j Romania and His
better house before the next that may be made on him. vices as minister were commend-
in the Sunday schooled by leading
Greece and America
The program has been the many good things that
may have previously been
If this decision of the commit-
tee shall be adhered to, the com-
will not recommend
appropriation for the c
rt u public building in
needs of the service are
intended to supply, and says that
in equipment, both for
freight, they will meet
this requirement.
are to be sister
he said. that I mean that
Greenville I. is my to in they
with great care. Among did was to have a in the re- combat this position of the com- using either
De of and to induce Hum to will have the same
the Sun- i, a far cry from the
locale in for the practice, the erection of the day Power th to a professor's chair
of law, and while has reached building in Trained Chap I say a kins-
make exception of Greenville,
and in this am sure I will haver The addition of these vessels
the co-operation and support of to th i Chesapeake Line was a
your citizens. suggestion of President
To this end. we must He pointed out to the
no conclusion in the matter building is of Success in Adult Class man Plot. E. P. Moses
ii. under consideration.- up. We have pare of the f ram- Pastor's Place of Biographical History when
Raleigh Observer. up. and to. at least, got and Pow r the Sun ; his term of expired to , resent to the the having
rho following telegram on this completed year, day School, Sunday gladly aside tee. I have already requested which the
was sent from Raleigh plan th, building is School as a of nation to take up Post Office Department t steadily retirements.
auditorium, four am ill in, Modem gain his won, for the young furnish me with the eH
March It is class rooms, and a dressing room Sunday School m.-n North I
learned that there is a very j and Our Sunday Nation's Debt to Sunday 1397 Alexander I
strong probability that Col. school, though small, is to Make a Greek court to return to bis do-1
Skinner, who baa retired regularly, is hopeful, Organization The ties h
success comes by holding Social Life of th ; Dean of the a w-
when you almost fall. Man's Duty which has since held
Oar making a record Boy and How to Discharge
as being one of the towns of the Sunday afternoon in Knoxville.
I have to Denominational Saturday all exercises in the, Greenville has been nuking in the ex- told him to go
seen very little signs of drinking Work. The What and How or University were suspended in ad substantial growth, ahead. He arranged the
bothered very and others honor of this scholar, and that the receipts will end is now engaged on
any at all, illicit whiskey interest to school and teacher,
dealing. Our people are law- Workers.
abiding, and when prohibition The afternoons will be given won out in the contest for places completed. I say by way Co. is owned jointly
came to it. So to conference work on the organ- on the team to Carolina of information that by Southern and
y a z-i t ass. elementary, ,, ,,. in from D. Atlantic Coast Lino
of p shows the first named holding two-
from the United States district
for district
of North Carolina, will open
law office in His m
admirers here art bringing strong morally, to found.
pressure to bear 0.1 him to do
this. It is probable that the law
firm of Skinner Whedbee will
maintain law offices both in Kai-
and at
home town.
e Said mat it would
receipts from Greenville month I of
month for the lour the the lines ho tug
years, and have your he d safely promise
In 1900 he was elect-1 post Mr. Flanagan, to they would soon pay for then
give me the monthly selves, and would always be able
since the close of the last fiscal to earn more the interest
year. According t, idea on Hie money invested- The
these show that having entire confidence
j least reach the sum of OHO by , the end.
C. Ii. and P. H. C lime the building could As is known the Chesapeake
Tie foregoing clippings show place to live. When we get the department, teacher debate
win, University
new bank and the new school county ,.,.,. debate wilt
i building, and our church is , f
we will be in fine shape Dr. A. L. Phillips, of the eighth, The
advancement morally, Va general night and with the same
dally, intellectually and school and the same side
N. H. S. I People's work of the Southern Carolina meets Washington and
church, will be in the Le. The afternoon Can
convention and take part in meet on tho in
program. is one of j Greensboro. Durham or
the leading Sunday school men her old rival the University of
of the country. Virginia. Manager R.
is tn interdenominational j has prepared an excellent
j convention. Anyone wishing to games with leading
constantly by his side an attend should send name to Mr.
a case of a former Caro- invasion of his home, where he E. A Darden. Wilson, and en-
to some extent the regard in
which Col. Skinner, lat U. S.
District Attorney
District of North Carolina, is
held a lawyer North Caro-
and as an evidence of the
esteem in which h is held here
and in other sections of
country, we are permitted to say
without mentioning any names,
that Col. Skinner has this day
received a telegram offering him
a of to go at once to
Guthrie, Oklahoma, to appear in
Mr. Paul Branch Commits Suicide.
At this morning Mr. A.
Paul Branch committed
by shooting himself in the head
with a shot gun which he kept
receipts of for the last thirds of stick
to j named one third
It necessary to have collated President been
at the facts tending to show
that is and
that her postal receipts must
necessarily increase and to what
extent hey will increase. I hope
at head of Chesapeake
Steamship only last
July, at which time he succeed-
ed Mr. Reuben Foster, but in
point of service he is an
our Board of will take up. and steamboat
Uriah before the U. S. court at
a place, for violation of that
of the Revised Statutes
of United appertain-
to the use of the for
fraudulent purposes.
on the part of a
reflection of the esteem in which
he is held as a lawyer.
Col. Skinner has under con-
the of opening
a law office in r
SB et he has reached no
in the matter, tut as soon as
be does so, due nonce of the
was a recluse with the
sole exception of his constant at-
Jesse Barnes, a colored
man who has been for many
years in his employ.
It seems that Mr. Branch was
contemplating the deed some-
time before it happened, since
he sent Jesse away for some
slight pretext and as the colored
man was returning into th
house, he heard the report of the
gun and found Mr. Branch on
the floor weltering in his blood
from an ugly wound in his head,
holding the gun in his arms that
colleges of the
north and .- nth. Two games
will be played with
three with Virginia.
same will be through had been Pointed with his hands
columns of The AI-and fired with his foot while
though urged to go to the floor.
bi attachments are so strong to .
Greenville and Pitt county firm of Skinner Whedbee
the affection of p. pie will he continued at Greenville,
him are so pronounced, that ho is and both Col, Skinner and Mr
very loath to think any 1.1 Whedbee will be in attendance
that may separate him from Upon all the courts of Pitt county.
Pitt county. Daily R fl 12th
We are to say
and all conditions the Subscribe to The Reflector.
will be provided.
Our opening display of spring
millinery will be on Tuesday,
March 22nd. and the ladies of Grocers, and depart-
Greenville and community are wanted to handle a
invited. Our stock as
been carefully selected and in home.
braces the very latest shapes and, demand. For particulars see or
styles. Mrs. I. F. Lee Co. write E. A Winter-
ville, N. C.
When have a house to
plaster it will pay you to use the
King Windsor got our prices
before buying.
Atkins Co.
If you want to see the new e-t
best styles in millinery, at-
tend the opening at Mrs. I. F.
Lea Go's on Tuesday, 22nd.
who have not We have the Circle Brace
planted potatoes can now get a Diverse Cultivators,
chance to do so. It is not too Carr Atkins Co.
this matter and appoint an active
and diligent committee who will
prepare this report and forward
to me within the ten days
n an, as his twenty odd years in
this branch of the transportation
business will testify. build-
of two new ships so soon
Dr. Hyatt Coming.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville, at Hotel Bertha, on
Friday, April 1st, for the purpose
of treating diseases of the e
and fitting glasses. He will also
make his regular visit
to Greenville on Monday and
Tuesday, April 4th and
This report be assuming the pr, is
to Hon. chair-j significant of the policy of pro-
man, committee on public inaugurated by Mr.
and grounds. aid guarantee of a
Asa matter of further continued activity towards ob-
I may state that III the best equipment and
architect of the treas fie highest of service
reports that Greenville will the builders art affords,
require for its post office a build-
of one story and basement
having square feet ground
area, and that such a build-
of fire-proof construction
It is too early to II the
result, but if the citizens of
Greenville will actively cooper-
and appoint a committee with
whose chairman I can
j we will put up such a game
as will entitle us to win in any
event. Very sincerely,
Jno. H. Small.
Hen Feed.
The feed that will make hens
a tonic but
a balanced ration. For sale by
F. V. Johnston.
Millinery Opening
Mrs. Fannie Joyner, Farm-
ville, who has recently moved
into a new and more roomy store
building, has added a dry goods
and shoe department to her
ready large millinery line. She
now has one of the most up to-
date stores in the county. Mil-
opening will take place
Thursday and Friday of this
at which time music will
be furnished by a string band.
for Suiting.
Pure bred Brow,, .
for setting, for s;. V.
I .
Subscribe to The Reflector.

Eastern reflector, 11 March 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 11, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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