Eastern reflector, 4 February 1910

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w n r i
Agent The Eastern Reflector to, Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising on Application
In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
Do You Own a Piano
shoes just in P T l the corning service.
Barber Co. We have just received a nice Sunday
Muses and urn- of cloaks. us a call. A His subject was
ford, of services w Ange o-
era last Sunday.
To the people of
and If you know any
items of interest, would b glad
to them for the paper. If
you have anything to advertise,
I would like to furnish you rates.
If are not a subscriber to
Th let send in your
will be services in the
Methodist church Sunday morn-
International can be
had at A W. Co.
Miss Annie Flowers, a W.
S. went to Ayden last
night to Saturday and
Sunday friend.
For good and comfortable
school call or writ A. G.
Cox Ma Co.
I ally, brethren, farewell. Be
Pump pipes Then see be of comfort, be
We have just received a good . .
. the God of love peace
We bead the nice con-1 be
A. W Wu The sermon
The-Oliver I good. and was highly
you need. See us.
A W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington. Barber Co.
For nice hall racks, see us. A.
W. Ange o.
P. A. Edmundson has teen on
A. t, . . .
so. but we are glad to know
is again.
Cattle Wanted-We want
buy cattle. R. D. Co.
For beef. and
sage see B. F. Button at same
old stand.
For nuns and -s see A- W.
Ange Co.
by those present
One of the best temperance
lectures, if not the best, that we
have ever heard was made in
the auditorium of W. H. S.,
Tuesday night, by Rev. R L.
It Dr.
any of
Indicate Inaction LIVES.
Take No Substitute.
If not, and you e to own
owe it to ex-
the ma
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance will respect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of tot e, y and
general worth in a class to
itself, but you I m with prices
that stand here ard
incomparable Eight
different makes to select from, none
those cheap department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos of known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of self play-
also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s lit your
When in Greenville visit
ville, N. C. Thy have
right the light price.
to spend a
e a d;. S
We re a nice line of
Collins Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice hears
n. G. Mfg. Co.
J. D Cox, Maggie
Bu tend Keen
convocation at
K . i is week.
The Pitt County School
by The A. G. Cox
Manufacturing Company are
cheap; comfortable, neat and
durable. Terms are liberal.
in the market come to see
us, we have the desk for you.
Saloon League in North
l Carolina. He has a good voice, an
delivery, and an honest
therefore his address
was grand. He says that people
should be total abstainers be
First, whiskey is injurious
to the mind; second, it will
hinder a person from getting a
position; third, it will
impede one's usefulness; and
fourth, it will cause others to
lose confidence in him. We
glad to have Mr. Davis
with us. end we hope it will be
our privilege to hear him again.
For see u.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Nice just in.
Harrington. Barber Co.
There be services
Sunday afternoon in
pal church at o'clock.
Par oysters F.
Button, Barbecue on Saturdays,
public religious services of our
school at
a. m. preaching 1st and, Monday.
3rd Sundays at a m. and p. I Mrs Smith.
King's Cross Roads. N. C, Jan.
W. S. E. Smith and daughter.
Miss Irene, went to Greenville
who has
3rd Sundays n a u. a i .,
m.; meeting 2nd Sunday been several days
at and Mrs. W .
Wednesday night Randolph, returned home Thurs-
I day-
Will j Mrs. G. H. spent
school at p m, 2nd Tuesday with Mrs. Jesse Corbett
W. left yesterday for her 2nd Sundays at a. m. night and Sunday at
Hope Well. N. C. Jan.
-Elder Bland filled his regular
at Hancock's Sun
Miss Pearlie Baker was visaing
Miss Clara Smith Saturday and
N. T. Cox and son spent Sun
day at Josephus Cox's.
Leona, David and J- R- Cox
and Miss Clara Smith attended
the baptism service at Winter-
ville W
On Friday evening, Jan.
Miss Clara Smith gave a tacky
party. The crowd assembled
about and were received in
the hall by Miss Lottie Ellis and
ushered to the parlor by Miss
Mae Music was rendered
by Miss Clara and Mae
Many interesting games were
played. At the judges were
asked to retire and render their
They soon came back
with the problem solved in favor
Miss Clara Smith being the
tacky girl and J. R the
At the crowd
dispersed to their
homes. The evening was one of
much pleasure and will long be
remembered Miss Smith s
host of friends.
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o. store.
At the close of business, Nov. 1900.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from 11,211.51
Silver coin, including
minor currency 345.42
Nat bank HOM and other
U. not. s 1.890
Capital stock
Surplus fund 650.00-
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes pd 627.00
Time of deposit 802.20
Deposits subject to ck 14,695.85
Cashier's checks
Total 121.706.08
STATE OF Pitt County,
We J E Green, Cashier and F. A. Asst. Cashier
of the named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief
Asst, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 16th day of Nov.,
R. U.
Notary Public
A. G. Cox,
R. H. Hunsucker,
J. F. Harrington,
horn a at to spend Sat
For glasses, dried fruits
of all kind and butter and . . .
cheese see A. W. Ange Co. school at
Miss Lillian Baker left m.; preaching Sundays
school at Worthing-has been
s. ,.; preaching 4th Sundays visiting brother. W. W.
for Simpson to spend
day and Sunday with friends.
at cm.
The Y. W. C. A., of Winterville
nice clothing.
Harrington, Barber Co.
W. L. House purchased
the of R. Cooper in the
W. L. Co., and has moved
back to his old stand in of
the depot.
We have just received a full
of furniture. Give us a
cl. A. W. Ange Co.
Mr. aid Mrs. A. W. Ange
to Greenville
Oysters We have them Fri-
day and nights.
R. D. Co.
Literary Society of
W. H. S. continues to have good
debating. The last night
was very good. The query
That the Army
and Navy of the United States
should be
Cooking and heating stoves
and ranges just received. All
of best material and up-to-date.
Harrington Barber Co.
Smith, the
win has been
with appendicitis was
brought here yesterday after-
noon and sent to the hospital
last night. He was
Misses Cox and Irene
Smith spent Sunday with Mrs.
H. S Tyson and daughters
night, and elected the following Misses Lame and Leona, spent
officers for the spring Sunday with Mrs. S. V. Joyner,
President. Miss Lillian Baker; who is very sick
Notice to Creditors.
duly qua b fore the
court clerk of Pitt as
d. b. n. of the r ate
of L-on Fleming, notice is beret-y
riven to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate to
the undesigned; and all persons
against the are not tied
that the same must be presented for
to the undersigned on or be-
fore the 1st day of January. 1911, or
this notice will be plead in bar of re-
D. B. N. of Leonidas Fleming.
We give you a bargain in School, met last
At the close of business Nov. 10th, 1909.
vice president. Miss Maggie Lee;
secretary and treasurer, Miss
Lillie Brewer. This association,
so we are informed, has been
doing a g rand work. With these
excellent we predict for
it even greater achievements
this term than ever before.
If your subscription to The
Reflector has expired let roe
renew it, and give you a receipt.
W. C Morris, agent.
There was a large
present at the baptismal
service, in the Baptist church,
Wednesday night, and as he
usually does. Rev. T. H King
mode a very able talk. At the
of. the sermon an in-
was given, and four
converts and one who had been
a member of the church before
came forward. Three of these
Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
spent Sunday v. his mother,
near Farmville.
Corbett has been suffering
right much with the toothache.
Little Miss May Belle Tyson
spent Sunday with Miss Christine
Misses Matte Smith and Leona
Tyson spent Monday night with
Miss Christine Smith.
Chester Smith, of Farmville,
spent Saturday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith.
Miss Lanie Tyson was on the
last week. We are glad
to hear she is better.
Notice to Creditors.
Having been appointed by
the clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
ct as administrator of the estate
of W. D. ore deceased, having
duly qualified such administrator.
, no ice is hereby given to persons
and the three that made against said estate to
last Sunday, making six In
all. were , o
The spring rush is coming in. All parsons to said
Better send your orders in at to make
Cox Cotton Planters,
was economic
accompanied from here by will
We hope Mr. Smith back bands, etc. Order.,
i speedy recovery.
The i County School
are the desks for you. They are
cheap, durable and comfortable-
payment to me.
This the 27th Cav of
have our careful attention.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
Winterville. N. C.
., . . . . H a useful planter
Prices right and see our combination planter, it
A. G. Cox Mfg. plants cotton, corn,
Co. Winterville, N. C. Harrington. Barber Co.
Just received, a nice lot of The music class of Winterville
ladies and shoes. High School, under the wise
Harrington. Barber Co guidance of Vivian Rob- j
Anew lot of dry goods and and Nettie Liles, is one of
notions of all kinds just received the largest in the history of the i
m Harrington, Barber Co. school.
If you want a good plow try
C G. Little. of W. U. Moore
deed. ft Blow Attorneys.
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it.
nervous gave
to until
i m- a to
lo benefit
Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 17.171.19
Furniture and fixtures 1,670.60
Due from 88,886.88
Cash items 21.086
Gold coin 742.60
Silver coin, including
I minor coin currency 085.95
Nat bank and other U. S.
Notes 2.897
Capital stock
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits
cur. exp and taxes pd 1,247.78
Dividend unpaid
Bills payable 15.000
Time of deposits 11,881.12
Deposits sub. to check 80,646.70
Cashier's 1.817,56
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
J. R DAVIS, Cashier.
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of Nov., 1909.
J. A.
W. M. Lang,
R. L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
To Know Your Needs
S. M.
Bring your furs to
Schultz for high prices.
Get our prices on ninety
seed oats before buying.
J. R. ft J. Q.
We are unloading car
can wire fencing. low.
J. K. J. G-
A Wretched Mistake
to endure the itching, painful
of Piles. ere s no need to.
I much from pile-,
a Marsh, of City. N C.,
tint a box of a
and cured Burns
boils, ulcers, sore-, cuts
happed chilblains, be-
e it, at all its.
In Cotton Gin Machinery, Engines and Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills. Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
J. Paul Simpson,
N. G.
Gibbs Machinery Co.
Columbia, S. C.
i D. J. Editor and Owner
In to Fiction.
One Per Tear
VOL. No.
In the the rein, about
o'clock Friday there
was a sodden darkening of the
element, by clouds
Inky and of in Beaufort county, end
-d Miss
anything bordering, on
People out in the
of A. C. L depot sew
Something from
Equal to Ivory. cakes for
V TO run.
Carry Sutlers
Ayden. N. C, Jan.
About 1719, there came from
three brothers named
and settled in
Maryland end. North
Hancock settled in
Postmaster R. C Flanagan
received a from post
as fol-
In view of the extent to
which the practice of placing
loose coins in boxes by rural
patrons has grown, and the de-
lay in the delivery and
mail and the hardship
posed on rural carriers incident
thereto, you are Informed that,
will not be
Pitt Canary Haw
The Reflector is glad to an
today that several Pitt
county boys have entered the
corn growing contest.
by T. W. Co as
Just before one o'clock this
afternoon fire started in the to-
building on
A list of South Pitt street, in the
old race track that to be
picking up everything movable
in track. They did
whether it was a small
or a big whirl wind but be
what it may, it was enough to
make them hurry for
Bettie Durham, and to their
union was born a son whom
they christened Durham Han- rural letter carriers
cock. When this attained
majority he moved to
little village of New Bern, and
was one of the first of
that town. He married
and raised a family near the
placid waters of the
us. and their names and post
office addresses are as
Roy Moore, John Joyner,
Alfred Moore. Julius
Willie Flanagan, Moses T.
Samuel Worthington, Floyd
Ellis, Roy Worthington. Dewey
Harrington, Winterville, R. F. D.
make them hurry for Hancock's oldest son quickly
until the thin got by it . f Hancock, and
Smith. George Clark.
Clark. Winterville.
an envelope, wrap them I Ira Hart, Kemp
in a piece of paper, or deposit I Ayden-
them in a coin-holding Willie Laughinghouse. Johnnie
they can be Carroll.
was not long in doing.
.-Fortunately the whirlwind did
not cover a wide apace bat it
left its mark along the
path traveled. The first sign
destruction was at Tar River
the colored theological
school on the outskirts of the
town. building was badly
practically ruined.
far distant is the colored
. graded school building, one wing
of which torn off, lifted
from and set
flat down on the ground, though
right side up School had been
dismissed a short while before,
Principal C. M. was still
there and got an ride in
the wing of the budding. He
came out with nothing worse
was named George Hancock, and
when he had developed into
manhood he moved on
creek in Lenoir county near
where Fred Jones and
John Nelson once lived, and
where the town of Grainger is
now situated. He-raised a large
family of boys and girls. One of
his boys was killed Tories and
his sister took hie be-
taken from the Duxes,
will be to
lift such and, where ac-
companied my mail for dispatch,
attach the requisite stamps.
P. V.
Fourth Asst. Postmaster
Wilbur Congleton, Slade
Allen Wan en. Stokes.
Harvey Manning. Bethel.
Allen, Leon Crawford.
Gregg Tyson, Jr., Greenville, R.
F. D. No.
This is a good beginning, but
we would like to see even a
larger number of our boys enter
There should be at
destroyed the building
with a quantity of loose leaf to-
and a few hogsheads.
The building was owned by
R. O and was occupied
by T. W. Co., as a
I storage and leaf house. There
were many hogsheads of prised
tobacco in the building,
those on the first floor
rolled out and
When the alarm was first given
the fire department started out
promptly, but some one met the
hose wagon and hook and ladder
truck on Dickinson avenue and
told the drivers the fire was all
out. They returned to the
had put the wagons
away when another alarm was
given. By the misinformation
much time was lost in getting to
the fire, and had it not occurred
the building would probably have
been saved. As it was the fire
gained rapid headway, and by
Col. Harry Likely to be Re-
pp minted.
Washington. D. C, Feb.-l.
Th commission of Harry
to be district attorney in the
east expired today, but the
president did not name hi
though he transmitted a
number of to the
senate. It is stated here on
good authority that the president
will not name a marshal in the
.-V, .
but west or a district attorney the
were for some days. The reason
for all this delay in these
appointments has not yet been
disclosed. The situation with
regard to the district attorney-
ship is embarrassing to the
administration. It is said that
if the Department of Justice
its way Harry Skinner will be
re-appointed. The charges
against Logan are no doubt re-
for the delay in naming
a marshal in the west.
the contest.
a hundred, if there are j the time the department got to
S. Justus Everett, of the who will enter the contest work the building was a mass of
B . .-J .- in I a
hind an old blind horse in a
rickety cart with white oak tires,
to the old ground on
Durham's creek, and during her
lonely trip she encountered the
savage who detained
her. Upon finding only a fear-
less woman with a corpse they
fled in and while cross-
the Dismal or Savannah she
was accosted by some wild
One room of the but she still continued her
house of a colored woman in journey.
firm of Winston Everett their names to j flames that could not be checked
to locate in Greenville for
the practice of his profession.
He has engaged a of rooms open to boys between
in the Masonic Temple of and
The Reflector also hopes that
County Superintendent W. H. I The hid to turn their
R and get to work. The attention to near-by property.
and by hard work much was
and will move to with
his family about the of
Mr. Everett is a
Martin county hoy and
closely identified himself with
men of Greenville
and Pitt county will offer
premiums to the boys in this
contest. We will be glad to
George had a son named James,
who was fond of agriculture,
and when he grew into manhood
moved into Pitt county and set-
on Swift creek, in the
known as He
soon married and raised a family.
His oldest son was named Her
Hancock, who wooed the
heart of Miss Rhoda Worthing-
ton and lived near Hancock's, s
Primitive Baptist church. To
them was born several children,
among them one girl named
Mary, better known as
who after her father's death
lived with her widowed mother,
and was quite prominent in that
day as an herb and root doctor,
and ala, told fortunes, etc.
After the death of her mother
she still lived alone, with only a
few pet and a until
quite old. At her death of
course all her belongings were
converted into money. The fa-
jug that had been handed
down through many generations
was sold. Mr. R. L. Cox tells
us he was the highest bidder, for
cents, it was then full of
honey. Since then he had
its use to vinegar.
Gideon Pellet, who married
one of James Hancock's
the first man who ever
owned a set of steel cart tiers in
Pitt county.
Dr. the famous root
and herb doctor, married one of
Harman Hancock's daughters,
and lived near New Bern, and
some of their direct descendants
same neighborhood was taken
off and planted in her neighbor's
From there on towards Mun-
park the thing lifted a
little higher from the ground,
but it took a conglomeration of
hanging-out clothes, chicken
coops, boxes, barrels, fence
and so on along through
the air with it When about
the A. C it got down
to business on the ground again
and seemed to concentrate its
fury in the apace between the
Brick warehouse and the
mar of the new Higgs block of
brick buildings. A small frame
building in that space in which
Allen Fleming run a restaurant
was literally torn into kindling
wood several cart loads of
it piled on the roof of the
co warehouse. Seventeen of the
warehouse skylights were blown
or knocked out, and wall of
corner store in the Higgs
block, in which Mr. J. W. Bryan
had lust moved his drug store,
was tarn about four inches out
of place.
. Getting hemmed in between
these brick buildings seemed to
get the best of the wind. yet.
there was enough of it left
switch around into Dickinson
avenue Pitt street where
it turned again, taking down a
few fences in its course. At the
residence of Mr. J. L.
the top of a chimney was blown
down and a screen door torn off,
bat wind could not be traced in both New Bern and Kin-
in town beyond this point. and still practice the same
We have not heard if
cyclone struck anywhere in the These facts are correct near
i contest. win
best interests of both town any premiums are
and county since locating here. -on-
Whatever has stood for the moral
and material uplift of the people,
he with fearlessness
ed. He enjoyed a lucrative
practice, and is a strong advocate
and safe counselor. Desiring to
get into a more extensive field
where the training would be
enlarged, he has chosen Green-
ville in which to settle. It is
regretted that he bas decided to
cast bis fortunes in some
offered. This corn growing con
test means much for the
county that everybody should be
interested in it-
R. G.
Tea Dollars Offered by J
The Reflector is by
J. R. J. G. one of Green-
enterprising mercantile
.-. other Arms, to say they wish to offer
save his native county. However, in cash prizes to the boys of
he will practice in the courts Pitt county to encourage the
here and Keep in touch with his corn growing contest in which
people. the boys have decided to engage
Friends also removal this year. The this firm
of Mrs. Everett, who has proven offers will be distributed as
a pleasant addition to the to the boy making
social life of the town. She the best yield of corn on one
been active in religious circles, acre; for the second best
The dwelling houses- of
Fleming and Charity Dudley,
both just east of the
as well as some others
a little distant, were in great
danger and caught several times.
The Dudley house lost nearly all
the roof and was badly damaged.
It is impossible this afternoon
lo get the amount of loss Dy the
fire, but all is thought to be
covered by
Cause of fire is believed to be
Loses Firm Fire Two Days Ago
Greenville. N. C.
Mr. H. A. While,
Greenville, N. C.
Please accept thanks for the
prompt settlement of loss on ma-
destroy by
fire day before yesterday.
Yours truly,
lo Pieces off Caps Hatteras.
Norfolk, Feb. l.-With a
northwest wind blowing a
miles an hour gale heavy
weather prevailing, the three-
masted schooner Cap-
Combs, Ne York to
from a passing on Jacksonville, Fla . was washed
. . . . . U,
is an ardent missionary worker
and takes a lively interest in
education. Greenville will find
in her and Mr. Everett those
men women useful citizens.
Williamston Enterprise.
yield on one acre; for
third best yield on one acre.
We feel sure the example set by
this firm will be folio wed by others
and that many prizes will be
offered to encourage the boys in
their work. The Reflector will take
pleasure in publishing any prizes
that are offered. Every boy who
Prise. enters the contest should do his
Mr. C. R. Townsend, manager best, not alone for the hope
of Warehouse, branch of i of winning a but for the
Consolidated j benefit it will bu to him in
to be a producer of
Norfolk Southern rail-Mad,
which occupies street by the
factory, and a workman said an
engine that passed just before
dinner set fire to the grass about
the building. He thought he
had put this all out and left for
his dinner, and a little later the
building was on fire. We men-
this only as rumor heard
around the scene of the fire.
It was certainly a fire,
fanned by a high wind, and it
gave the department some hard
work.-Daily Reflector, Jan.
on the treacherous Hat-
coast early this morning
and was pounded to by
the before lifesavers
from the Cape Hatteras and Big
life saving stations
could the ill fated vessel's
crew of ten men, who are sup-
posed have been lost in the
furious seas.
the bodies have ashore as
yet, the life savers report that
there was no possible means of
escape for those
the the ,
Tobacco Co., authorizes The
to add in gold from, larger and better crops.
himself to the list of prizes for j five Pitt county boys have
the largest yield of corn per acre. already enlisted for the contest
in the corn growing con
test in this county. Let others
come along with their offer of
prizes to toe contest
interesting for the boys.
and there should be others.
During the night there was
another hard wind that wed
the big horse at the
Horse Show, clear across the
street to The Reflector corner.
Our yours if you
as I can get them.
R W. Smith.
For a few c best bleaching
per yard. yards to
mer, for cash.
Central Mercantile Co.
Mr. W. J. Kilpatrick Dead
Thursday afternoon Mr. W. J.
Kilpatrick died at his home near
Grifton. The burial took place
Friday, funeral services being
conducted at St. John's church
by Rev. J. H. Griffith, of Kin-
Rev. B. F. Huske. of
Mr. Kilpatrick was
The does job work.
A Treat for Reflector Readers.
We wish to announce that in a
few days The Reflector will be-
gin a King,
by George Barr Greenville,
which will be a treat to years V
our many readers. Mr. vestryman of St.
Prof. Wilson Talks.
Prof. C. W. Wilson, of the
Training School of
Greenville, was in the city yet-
on his way home from
Durham, where he attended the
meeting of county and city school
superintendents of schools.
was meeting of the
kind that has been held, said,
a notable feature of it
that not one of the speakers on
the program was absent That
is a novelty in any meeting in
North Carolina, worth
hearing about. The addresses
were full of interest from the
beginning of the meeting on
Thursday till the ending on Sat-
o'clock. Durham
treated us royally. It is a most
As to the Teachers Training
School at Prof.
son work is going
straight ahead and all affairs are
in good shape. There are now
News and Observer. 30th.
Prof. Wilson was re-elected,
for the fourth time, secretary of
the association.
Bring your furs to S. M.
Schultz for high prices.
Have just received a big line
of dress ginghams for spring.
Central Mercantile Co.
For Rent-One m and one
room house, in South Greenville
Apply to John Cheek.
For office floor covering we
have in by the yard,
art squares.
w Taft VanDyke.
Call and see our new line of
embroideries and laces.
Central Mercantile Co.
We have the largest and most
attractive line of art squares that
we ever had. Don't fail to see
them. Vandyke.
Beginning Feb. 3rd,
and running for ten days, we
will sell our line of woolen dress
goods and silks at cut prices.
We intend to cut out our fancy
dress goods and silks and now
the time to get good
for little money.
Central Mercantile Co,

J. R J. G.
Greenville's Leading Store
The Most
Complete Line of General Merchandise
to be found in Eastern North Carolina.
While we carry at all times all kinds of
goods, embracing everything needed
for the household or farm, we also make
a specialty of seasonable goods in
season. Just now we are showing an
attractive line of
Goods, Laces, Edgings
Embroideries, etc.
The Ladies will be pleased with our line
of these goods.
The farmers will also find us prepared
to supply their needs in
as we carry the very best makes of
j Our Grocery Department
is well supplied with everything for
the table.
Probability a Your Ag. of How Lena
You Will
After M are dead It probably will
not us whether we died at
twenty or fifty or ninety, but Just now
most of us are Interested to
matter, mid. average per-
sous in sound health, we can out
with certainly Just our
are of any particular age.
Harper's Weekly.
If arc ore Just of our
chances of living to or beyond are
nearly to of to be
to I; to be to I; to to l 2-3 to
Of tiring to we less
than chance in g to be less
than i in M.
I In
If we line
to are nearly to to be
nearly to be CO. to
to be W, chances ill to MO.
l In to to l chant in
TIm man
chances to of reaching his
birthday. chances of
only i of
I Plume In of reaching HO.
I chance In
Having in all the draw-
up to years, tho average
has -r. chances lo l of becoming
to to l
in lo NO lie has hut
in and DO chance
If already -i the has
S to of
chance becoming SO and
In reaching no.
The man. of has in of
becoming and hi GO of becoming
if one has weathered the storm until
his eightieth birthday he has chance
in of reaching ninetieth
II will to observed that M we get
older our chances of reaching DO lo-
crease greatly.
I Ito sharp
woman as she the door
a little bit
answered the ragged way-
farer. Tie forgot how to be
hungry, int I'm out and out
see. I had nothing
to rat so long I've got so
can't coat no shudder, you ain't
no Idea what company a man's shad-
is to be la
Ill Arr I
Norfolk Cotton end Peanuts wired
by J. W. Perry t Co. Cot on
T. day
U -8
Low Middling
Strictly Prime
Low Grades
I -8
I 3-4
Wired by Cobb et t.
and Brokers.
May Who,. Ill 1-4 HI
Dec Corn Go H H
May Lard ll
Co ton Mai -i.
A J i;.
reporter b,
Will Monday.
Monday will It st day of
the Horse Show in the Proctor
If you have pot seen
it yet. do not mi-s the last op-
t I worth more I
than the lo
Reflector Offers Two Prize for
Pitt county is to have a set d
in Greenville on Tuesday,
Feb. 8th. At that time farmers
are asked to bring some of their
best for exhibition, and in
expert will examine it and show
how to make id selection from
it. In this way every farmer
who comes will bi helped. The
wants to see this reed
corn day a gay Put
county and great Rood to come
from it- As a Email stimulus
for exhibits on that day we are
going to offer as a
year's subscription to The Daily
Reflector to the who
makes tho best all round exhibit
of corn that day, and one year's
subscription to The Eastern
Reflector to the farmer exhibit-
the live best ears of corn,
the award to be in
with the decision of the
If any others want to
premiums for exhibits The
will take pleasure in men-
The Reflector does job work.
THIS . . .
THIS WEEK. . . .
This Week
has on display the prettiest
line of Hamburg and Laces we
have ever shown.
All Goads at reduced prices
Dress Ginghams, White Goods,
Hamburgs and Laces. Just
arrived at
Special White
This week
. a
I am now offering some very desirable Residence for sale.
If you
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sale
Terms to suit purchasers.
L- C- Arthur,
Greenville, u.
Small With Stems of
The pipes used by
are quite different from those of any
other North American race and in
the shape of the howl more
the opium pipes used by the
Chinese limn anything else. The
old pipes were very in the
amount of tobacco that they would
hold, for in former days tobacco was
extremely scarce and in its use was,
most carefully husbanded.
There was therefore a wide flaring
margin to the pipe to catch any
grain of tobacco that might be
spilled in filling it; there were
a hollow which would hold a pinch
of tobacco as large its an
nary pea and a rather wide hole
fussing down through the base of
he bowl which fitted into the pipe-
stem. The bowl of the pipe of
ivory, stone, brass or copper.
The was curved and
a mouthpiece. It is laid that
the small hole running down
through the of the bowl and
into the usually
plugged with caribou hair lo save
any grain of tobacco that might
Otherwise have passed down through
this aperture and so he lost. The
molting of such a pipe would not
last long, and we may presume that
a few draws would exhaust it.
The smoke was of taken into
the lungs.
The are known to be ex-
skillful in the
of scones mid object, while tho
Indiana of Chariot sound
and generally all the natives of
northwest of America are fa-
fur curving in wood and
in black slate. Handsomely carved
Eskimo pipes of walrus ivory from
northwestern Alaska have on each
side of the is to say. on
four more or less long flat surfaces
scenes from the daily life of the
Eskimo, of those the two sides on
the hand of the pipe us it is
in pi- for smoking appear
to represent the period of cold
Inter autumn, winter and
early spring, while on left
hand side of the pipe represent the
life of the
est and Stream,
Changed His Tuna.
is that when President
Boston ha was impress-
at hall mar-
The clerk walked in front of
him down the length of the market,
announcing in loud
gentlemen, the president
of the United States Fellow
make room
The chief had stepped into one
of the to look at some game,
when the clerk turned around sud-
and. finding himself alone,
suddenly changed his tone and ex-
gracious Where
that darned idiot got
Wife of Young Literary Man
Why, George. for that
story How long did it take
to rite it
Young Husband
Oh. I don't know. A couple of days,
Wife Five
n That's a week and
f a month. Twelve times
nearly I year. Why.
George, we can keep a carriage just
U well as Answers.
Practicing Juggling at Home an Aid
to Health.
It has been contended that the
easiest way to keep
in fit condition is to practice jug-
the art of balancing and
catching objects.
When exercising at home,
watched by a teacher, one is likely
to perform his exercises in an in-
correct or slovenly fashion, thus do-
himself more harm than good,
but the simplest feat of juggling can
done in only one way, the right
Again, where physical exercise
develops only a certain part or
of the body five juggling
calls into play every important mus-
Finally, few physical
train the eye or the band. Juggling
does both.
The mistake the novice is like-
to make is that he tries to do off-
hand what it has taken the
juggler years of practice to
accomplish. The beginner should,
of course, start with the easiest
feats, such as balancing a walking
on his forehead or tossing a
ball from behind his back over his
shoulder and catching it as it falls.
If one is really fond of juggling he
may invent his own problems.
Here are a few
It is easier to balance a thing on
your head than on your hand.
Up to the point where great phys-
i required the larger
I the object the easier it is to balance.
Thus it is easier to balance a walk-
stick on your forehead than it
is a pencil.
One should always look at the top
of whatever ho is balancing.
make tho mistake of looking
at bottom or the middle of the
stick or whatever is being juggled.
Again, when catching things do not
watch your hands. Keep your eye
on tho object, just as you would to
catch a batted ball.
In all balancing feats it should
that the shape of the
object is immaterial. What one has
to do is to balance an imaginary
line passing vertically through the
center of gravity of the object, or,
in other words, to keep its axis per-
to whatever it is ha.-
upon. Juggling Is said to be
be-t and healthiest of indoor
exercises, because it does not weary,
it develops every part of the
body, it trains the hand and
the eye and because it makes f
York Tribune.
Sickness is
to demonstrate the
value of the telephone
in the farm home. In
any emergency the
phone performs a
which no other agency
an equal. The doctor can be
called quicker than the horse can
be hitched up. Neighbors can be summoned
instantly. It is invaluable for the convenience and
protection of the
f For information about our
plan write to nearest manager
or to
line Department
Home Telephone
Telegraph Co.
Henderson, N. C
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth. Greenville.
and Kinston, Effective April 1st.
a. in.
a. tn.
u. in.
p. in.
p. in.
p. in.
p. in.
p. in.
fly mouth
i P.
ii a
For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
W. P. T. M. T. C. d. A.
About rears ago small
largely In
chiefly were
prayer rut, and on each of near
one end a small embroidered
mark to show where the Wt of sacred
earth from to
In to a law of the Koran,
that the head must be bowed to the
ground In prayer, was touched
by the forehead when the prostration
was made, and so the letter of the
law carried out. custom
prevails. The women who
the prayer rugs seldom
re any other kind of rag.
An Afghan Trick.
During a in the
presence tho f
the noticed to his
that the heads of
were the favorite butt of tho marks
men, who hut seldom missed their
aim, whereupon he declared that it
was far more difficult to hit an
Sir Peter laughed at the
but the stood hit
ground, and the matter was put to
the test. An egg was suspended on
a wall, and the soldiers fired at it;
but, strange to not one of them
hit the egg. The governor and hi-
suit kept their countenances
excused the of the
party on the ground of the difficult
of The thing. At last a hall hap-
to hit thread to which
the egg was fastened, and it fell ti-
the -round without breaking. No
the was solved. The
Afghan had used a blown egg
and the featherweight shell had
been aside each time by the
current of air in front of the ball
and thus escaped being hit
Snubbed a Duke.
Manners mark the man, but th
typical Briton resents any advance
from a stranger with a cold stare
Yet it is an who
rates an incident of railway travel.
On the way to London in a first class
compartment wore two well dressed
men. Opposite them sat an
whose fur coat and silk
hat both looked shabby. The elder
man made a remark about tho
weather. The others sUred at bin
with insolent silence. When the
train reached Waterloo there came
two tall in fur and
leave Raleigh effective Jan
in Pr Oil
and Florida points.
dining and
ii a Atlanta,
Mi his and points West.
and i
Hamlet Charlotte and
ft a. m Fur Pi
i h i or cur. Con-
with for Washing.
tin. York,
and Providence.
2.05 a. m. For Washing-
ton ind New Yo k Pullman
em, day coaches and car.
Connects at Richmond
points Wist,
at Washington with Pennsylvania
railroad B. O. for
h d we t.
p. m. For Charlotte.
W Parlor car
to Hamlet.
in. 30.-
Hen Oxford
t u-d.
out. i hi at or I
t. r's Mi Tea is
est 1-1 s.
them h H and strong.
Jim. I.
u LO.
Cotton Buyer.-, Brokers
to New York. Chicago
and New
Factors and ban
New Orleans, La. Ala., Ha.
February 3rd to 8th, 1910
The annual Carnival at
Orleans. La. Mobile Ala., and Fl, from February 3rd to
8th, will b; more elaborate upon any previous occasion.
Tickets sold by Norfolk Southern to 7th, inclusive, to
February 19th may be extended by paying t at
Stop overs
Get information from any ticket agent of Norfolk
Southern Railway, or address
Norfolk, Va
and points west, Jack-
and all Florida
I'll Ar
p. m.- -Arrives u.
m . Washington a. m. Ni
York p. m. Pullman to
and dicing ear to
i m. For
a m. n i 7.15.
New York,
For rates
mil any t
Lino railway ticket
C. B. RYAN, C. P. A.
Portsmouth, Va.
H. S. D. P. A.
Raleigh. N. C.
pt so. W may lo i
run ,
t i ii that wt- d
and run
up our is ti.- figure
U we're just
nary, plumb W who like
t the
Now in Sim Store on More Core lo M m.
of Women's Greenville
Be as who is going to
make your it
yon in the it
A mills
Get cm the G. s Front,
Shoulder a d SI Head .
inS I
II Ilium In cm only H
to oar
one of them sail
the old
the Where-
upon the two snobs turned thirteen
different kinds of preen and pink
purple, and I went
Tho ends had u
la Flanagan Ci
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in main business sec-
of the town- Five chain
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting,
sharp. Our towels clean.
Modern electrical machine for
dry shampoo and La-
dies waited on at their homes.
The in r lift, i f up tiara, n-
the the petite,
is tho greatest health. Thats WM
Winter p roW Tea
keep y u II all do. Just what you need now.
Jno. L. Wooten. i
Nicely furnished, every
thing and
working tho very
best barbers. Second
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J. R. J. G.
Jno. U
Our Greenville, yours if

Six Months
Single Copy
may be ha-l upon
t the business office in
Reflector corner Evans and
Third s
try have claimed more than one
hundred thousand victims.
Such disasters are appalling.
When a man comes to Green-
ville now, has not been here
in some years, he opens his eyes
with astonishment at the
that have taken
Entered in the pot office at Greenville
N. C., mail
FRIDAY. 1910.
Congress by a viva vote
the Mann white slave
bill which imposes a Sue of not
more than and imprison-
per goes to a class of people who
have money to spend, and they
read the advertisements for in-
formation as to how and where
not more than five spend their money judicious
Considering the ugly night and
early morning that had preceded,
any who knowingly Space in this paper was, attendance of
aids in the transportation results and the advertiser will farmers at the institute- here
alien women for immoral be convinced of this by
poses. This practice has been ed trade.
carried oil to considerable ex- .,,,,.
New Bern business men have
lent by certain foreign residents
of this country.
The way railroads in this
State are their lines
looks like they have plenty of
faith in North Carolina's
. . It is a good indication.
The meal have
ft large addition to their rank
when Lent comes.
The Tillman case over the no
session of the children i having
its airing ill the South Carolina
If you haven't the price to
order a meat dinner you can ease
by saying you have joined
the boycott.
If the boycott on the meat
trust teaches people how to get
with eating less meat, it
will lie a no small
Now who is going to charge
that local cyclone to the comet
All the same the cyclone did not
come until the comet appeared.
Get on to idea of
Greenville and lets have
the streets looking like they
ought to by the time spring
If you want to see the trusts
butted sure enough and the cost
f living come down from its
high perch, just knock the
in the head and open our ports
to free trade.
Already some of the airship
makers are getting up
to congress to determine the
value of aerial craft in warfare.
Better be sure first that they are
dependable navigators in
Every farmer of Pitt county
should make more corn and bet-
corn his crop motto for this
year- Those who have boys
urge enough should them a
corn patch and start them off in
the corn contest.
just completed their
of a very active chamber of
with more than a
The business men of Green hundred and fifty of the leading . .
ville should unite in making the business men as members, much report of it today, further
today, the number being much
larger than was anticipated. It
was about o'clock before
institute could begin, as
court was in session earlier, but
good use was made of the re-
of the day. Owing to
the lateness we tan not give
unite in .-----
seed corn day here on Among the many good projects than to say there were several
Feb. 8th. an occasion of interest, taken under consideration by the interesting speeches on various
. , ,, . chamber, is the revival of the branches of agriculture, and
A large crowd should be in ;,, . -c.,;. ;.;., I.
. every farmer present
to come to town that day.
old New Bern Fair Association, w ,. ,. ,
which went out of business ten fitted by what he heard. The
.- inn . w. WOOL
and a place for showing the years ago. A committee has farmers who themselves
corn its should be prepared, been appointed to investigate from such meetings do not
in advance. premiums for the purpose of reorganizing realize they are
Raleigh has advanced far
enough in the auditorium line to
have a picture of the
plated printed.
They may succeed in
Speaker Cannon of his power,
but it will not be done without
a struggle to the finish.
If Greensboro has
is alright, but it cm
be started at the wrong end
Publicity is a incentive to
trade, and the business man
practices the wrong sort of
my when he denies this to him-
self and his business
US claim
not to have
finding enough
chamber of
. -Ii trouble
This is the time that John D.
Rockefeller can get the laugh on
the other fellow, lie can't eat
meat, anyhow, so the price does
not disturb hint.
The girl students of Chicago
University have inaugurated an-
other fad by declaring a boycott
wearers of a mustache.
We don't like Chicago girls,
With five candidates already
in the field for the Democratic
nomination for congress in the
tenth district, there will likely
be some lively times before the
convention names a candidate.
There has been another dread-
mine disaster, this one
curing in Colorado. More than
a hundred miners are believed
to have been killed by an ex-
The Reflector knows one lady
Greenville who wants to see a
civic club organized. There
ought to be a hundred others of
the same mind, if
would get together with
ideas would be a bet-
looking town.
A rumor got out, purporting
to have started from the White
House, that
was going to wage a persistent
warfare against trusts, but the
president rushed out with a
denying it. The
trusts do not have much to tear
from that quarter.
North Carolina's Young Men
and Women is the name of a
monthly magazine just started
here by G C. Hedgepeth. The
first number is certainly credit-
able and contains excellent mat-
The subscription price is
cents a copy or GO cents a year.
It ought to be given a large
Secretary Wilson in a recent
address said that the real cause
of the high price of living is
tint so many people are leaving
the farms for the cities that
there are not enough remaining
to produce food for the
population. That may in
some measure add to the trouble,
but the secretary will have to
dig deeper.
for the best exhibits of corn
would Bear
in mind that what, helps the
farmers, helps every other
That was a peculiar accident
which occurred a few days ago
in Bryson City, county,
that practically destroyed the
new court house built about a
year ago at a cost of
Three men were in the office of
the register of deeds thawing a
stick of dynamite on the
tor. The dynamite exploded,
wrecking the building, killing
man instantly, another lost I
both eyes, and the third was
badly injured
The government has fallen
down in its suit for libel against
the New York World, the judge
before whom the ease was
brought ruling that statute
under which the proceedings
were begun is lacking in author
The cause of the action
The World was the pub-
during the last cam
President Roosevelt
and President and certain
of their relatives were members
syndicate that bought up
French holdings in the Panama
canal interests when it was
known that the United States
would purchase stock, the
syndicate profiting several mil-
ion dollars in the transaction.
land starting again this one Roth the State and National
very popular fair.
The Springfield Republican
says Taft is the most
inconsistent president the
country has ever known. He
has promised to carry out the
Roosevelt policies, he is carry-
out the Aldrich policies, and
he talks in harmony with Cum-
How can a man look
three ways at one time and be
News and
governments are doing much in
this direction to help
interests, and farmers should be
to take advantage of it.
N. C. Feb. l.-The
Free Will Baptists at
chapel have moved their church
about one mile from
its former location. It is now in
a very nice place. The lot
of Crawford.
B. F. Crawford has donated a
lot at Arthur to the Disciple
In of
Meet. With Approval Norfolk
Richmond, Va., Feb. 1-Judge
Waddill, of the United States
district court today denied the
request of Van Dyke and
others, to file a petition appeal-
from an earlier decision of
the court refusing them
to intervene in the sale of
the Norfolk and Southern rail-
way, which was purchased by a
reorganization committee in
December, 1909. for
Norfolk. Va., Feb. 1-The de-
rendered by Judge Wad-
dill today in Richmond, denying
the request of Van Dyke
and others to file a petition
pealing from an earlier decision
of the court refusing them to
intervene in the sale of the
Norfolk and Southern railway
by the reorganization committee,
meets with approval here.
The Norfolk and Southern has
plans for big development in
North Carolina during the next
two years.
Grimesland, N. Feb. 2.-
Mrs. K. M. Elks on closing her
hospitable at
N. C. entertained a number of
.--- friends on Friday evening, Jan.
church of Smith's school house,, 28th. The house was decorated
and material is being placed for j a profusion of evergreens.
, , , the building. expected Old fashioned games were the
We notice that a number of work and the amusement of
counties in the State are will be a great credit to and brought much
the little band of soldiers that mirth.
worship at Smith's school house. Delightful refreshments were
The former pastor, Mr. Crump- and at a late hour the
having resigned, they have people bid a reluctant
secured the services of S- each declaring that
W. as their pastor and they could not have
preaching will be on 4th more enjoyable evening,
mornings instead of 3rd Sundays.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Smith and
much interest in com
growing contests, and are
many premiums locally in
addition to those offered by the
State Board of Agriculture for
the best yields of corn, in
Wilson, for instance, a number
premiums ranging from to
, E. Little attended tin F- W. r WeaK
. , i B. union meeting at Marlboro . A -f-----
machinery and various articles . and Mr. I Heal
There are certain nerves
The advertiser should bear in
mind there is no better way
of reaching attention of Pitt
county than through The
Reflector. The piano contest
which the piper held the three
months before Christmas added
several hundred new names to
our subscription list, making
the circulation of the paper
of merchandise, are offered c. D. Smith attended
the business men to the boys. on Sunday.
This encourages the boys to Mrs. L. W. Smith, Miss Ellen
have a com crop and to put Smith. E. S. Norman and R. E.
forth their best effort, in attended the Hook-
. . union meeting at Wheat
it and making a Saturday and Sunday,
yield. The Reflector had hoped. Lou Crawford, who lives
before now to announce that in D. Smith's, was very sick
in the com growing last week, and is now improving
contest had taken hold of Pitt slowly.
, Mark Smith is in the race for
COUnty, but some how our people . .
vii I theorize for the greatest yield
are slow about it. No ,, on an acre. We hope all
there are many business men in will try to raise
Greenville and other corn than they have been
throughout the county who are raiding,
willing to give Several of the farmers in cur
purpose, and in a county as
large as Pitt there should he
fully a hundred boys enlisted in
such a contest. It will be worth
much to the boys and much to
the county to have the corn
contest. It is not too
late to start now for this year's
much larger than at any time in and it ought to be taken
its history, and the list keeps; hold of in Pitt county with a
growing nil the time. The pa i vim.
section have their smoke house
in their yards instead of in the
West. When a family of five puts
in 1500 pounds of meat and
pounds of lard, the high price of
meat don't hurt them at all.
They can live at home and board
at the same place.
We have our new spring mat-
tings in and want you to come
and see them. Taft Van Dyke.
that control the action
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart,
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
I with what I
Hi. trouble, when
the told me I had heart
trouble. many remedies.
the Dr. almanac cam
Into my and concluded to
try Dr. Heart Cure. I
taken and now I am
not at all. am cured
this medicine did It. I write In
the hope that It will attract the at-
of others who suffer as I did.
Main St, Ky.
Your druggist sells Or. Heart
Cure, and him to return
price nest bottle If It falls
IS benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
If they advance the price of
socks it will be darned tough.
Greensboro News.
That depends on whether they
are hole proof.
President Taft interposed
in behalf of Speaker Gannon, by
telling the boys they must stop
fighting, him. Now, boys, be
good, or you will lose your
chance at the pie counter.
There is much excitement and
alarm in Paris over the
in which the city is left by
the flood in the Seine river.
One report says the flood
undermined the city and
there is danger of many build-
collapsing. Some of the
more superstitious of the
lace attribute the cause of the
flood to Halley's comet.
Authorized Agent of The Batten for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
a ,,.
Wanted to buy bushels Rey. T. H. King and son were; Mrs. i. R. Tingle,
peas by J- R. Smith Co. in town Thursday. Amos fort Barn
. I well, Monday night here.
See our new line of dress foods Will repair your carts, wagon. Greenville.
before making and buggies you new
your fall purchases.
School books, bibles and
at J. R. Smith Co.
Dinner baskets, pencil boxes,
elates, pencils, ink erasers at
Smith Co.
Cook stoves, heaters and stove
at J. R. Smith Co.
patterns and magazines
at J. R. Smith Co.
Rubber, and corrugated roofing
R. Smith Co.
To the Merchants When you
want an extra grade of
call on W. E. Tingle-
Car salt fine or course at J. R.
Smith Co.
If you want to insure
property against fire, Tingle will
do it.
Gaudy and rubber belting
fitting valves at J. R.
Smith Co.
If you have any property to
sell, Tingle will sell it.
Galvanized sinks nice to attach
to your pumps for your water
at J. R Smith Co.
Windows, doors, lime, cement,
hardware, locks, hinges at J. R.
Smith Co.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. R. Smith Co. A
We will pay the highest mar-
price for bushels of
cotton seed delivered to us in
any quantity.
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
An experienced blacksmith is
waiting to shoe your horses and
mules Smith Dixon.
Will gin your cotton for one
twentieth pound, and give
the bagging and ties, bring
J. R- Smith Co
J. R. Smith j r smith Co. Dixon.
Foreman A.
The M Two Prises for Woody. of
Richmond, is
Pitt county to have
in o.- Tuesday. , W Urn
of the
Telegraph O .
Mrs. W. S. of New
w. i Bern, is visiting husband, at
Ninety days and spring oats Blount.
J. R, Smith Co. j D. Moore, of corn a
Feb. 8th. At that , the oft
are asked to bring some of their bulls- nearly
for exhibition. m old
expert will examine it and show
how to make seed selection from
it. In this way every farmer
who comes will be helped. The
Rt wants to see this seed
Nice turned work, Sunday in
window and door frames made Ayden of the
on short notice by J. R. Smith Christian church rendered a
Co. Dixon. splendid program at
Call on far ceiling, flooring church Sunday evening,
and For barbed wire and nails
We guarantee see J. R. Smith Co. Just
faction. rived a car load.
J. R Smith Co. Dixon. j There is no better time than
A. L. Harrington, of
Kinston. Sunday in town, scribe to The
county and great good to come the Distance to the
from it- As a email stimulus road crossing on
for exhibits on that day we also be strung
in Reflector
Pitt street
taken out en
and caM line put up
instead. This
hie that has exist heretofore
by the wire i. con
trees r
i f
with limbs of the
great day for other ires The rem.
going to offer as a one wire, and some
Mrs. Luther Bell and children,
of New Bern, left Sunday for
Rocky Mount to visit mother,
after spending a few days in
Ayden with her sister. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Berry and
Virginia Bell Cooper.
President Orphans
Hundreds of orphans been
y the president the Industrial
Orphan's Home at Mac i , Ga., who
e have used Electric Bit-
in this Institution for nine ears
. nun It has proved medicine
j stomach, liver and , troubles.
.,,,. , , We rd one of the
Monday from a visit to relative.
in Scotland Neck. digestion
Mrs Celia has thin, wk
, ., . child en people it bas no
chased the resident for female complaints.
year's subscription to The Daily
Reflector to the farmer who
makes the best all round exhibit
corn that day, and one year's
to The Eastern
Reflector to the farmer
the five best ears of corn,
the award to s i
with the decision of the
if any others want to offer
premiums for exhibits The
fleeter will take pleasure in men-
will be made in the
Campbell Nobles, near the
Baptist church. She, with her
son-in-law's family, W. T. Hart,
expect to occupy it.
V. E. Patrick shipped a very
fine pony to J J. Gentry. Win
last week- Ha tells
your scribbler he ha sold stock
in sixteen counties this season,
K. W. Smith has purchased
the residence of A. P. Murray,
on Blount street. Mr. Murray
has purchased a stock and trucK
farm near and will
move soon his new home. He
has made us a good citizen and
we are loath to see his good
family leave our c immunity.
We saw a letter from our old
friend. C. A. Fair, yesterday.
He said had
snow storms, blizzards,
for more than a and
only c at all druggists.
in the news columns I there was no land on earth like
of The Daily Reflector. j the He is now
Now is a good time to adv. HI
in the Ayden Department- Mr.
R. W. Smith. ton, are visiting his
Woodland, N. C, Feb. 1.1910.
are glad to have some new
families to move to our neighbor-
There are some very
stumps being taken up around
here. That is important on a
We are sorry to that
Dixie is sick and hope
he will soon improve.
We had a very
out to Sunday school Sunday
It is very pleasant to be back
to your old and see the
school children that you once
were with, but still there are
some absent and new one have
taken their places.
Don't forget the preaching at
Reedy first Sunday in
Saved From
newer felt so rear my writes
Lewis of Ohio.
R. K. No. S, when ft frightful
and lung trouble pulled me down
to in s
and i h doctors Aid that I am
alive is due sole y to King s
New which
ed me. Now I weigh
and can work It also cured my
four children of Infallible for
coughs and cods, it's the most c
y for la asthma,
and ah
to St. A bottle free.
Guaranteed by druggists.
Mill at
The Hosiery .
exhibit- Manufacturing Company W J.
chartered today.
this-company is to manufacture
and sell and t h I
offices are located at Roberson
The company
authorized of
hut will start with
paid in. J. H.
son and Company, A. S.
son and Company, and J. C.
and others are
Times, 1st.
. well tor i
a and J
are MS
with la J
Joseph II. Chase, C
nth St., Washington, n. r. ;
old and La
-t -nil r--mu i. Ml
-it m m
sored M
J look a wry
grippe Ins
it A
It j
I look three b t
a red me.
l ans .
id to odd
At the Close of Nov.
Won't Need a Crotch
n Editor J. P. of
N- C. bruise hi- leg badly, it
Started an sore. Many SIMMS
and hen
Burk en's Salve it
is so prompt and sure
; for ulcers, boils, burns, bruises, ruts,
corns, sores, pimples, or
at all dealers.
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 801.11
hank and- other
U. S. Notes
Total 112.118.60
Surplus fund 13,800.00
Undivided profits, less
cur. esp. and taxes pd. 1,457.40
Dividends unpaid
Deposits to check 60,680.00
Cashier's checKs
Savings deposits
Register of Deeds, W. M.
Moore, has issued the
marriage licenses since last re-
or . .
I J R. Smith. Cashier of the above named bank, do
the statement is to the best my knowledge and
swear that
Mrs. B. B. Satterthwaite t
to Washington Wednesday and
returned Saturday.
Joe Rollins left last week for
Rocky Mount.
Miss Sadie of Bel
haven, is visiting her brother,
W. C. Chauncey.
Dr. Ball, of Newport,
N. C, was in town Thursday
Mrs. W. C. Chauncey and Miss
Sadie attended the basket part;.
at Stokes Friday right.
Mrs. J. Davenport, who has
b.-en sick is improving very fast.
Mrs. J. P. Fleming returned
home Sunday spending last
week with friends in Greenville,
Hagan Hodges, who is troubled
with rheumatism, is not able to
get about well.
J. R. found a
stone while walking across his
farm. was warm when he
picked it up. There were several
smaller ones around when the
the large one was found. He
the larger one to the
house, and it soon dissolved into
a line substance.
I am sorry that some one got
the wrong idea about the item in
last Tuesday's paper about Mr.
J. H. Gurganus. The portion
CO id.
Jr., r .
a I, Va.,
Fur several h-w-
Mr. T.
when lie
Ask your t a ft Pr-
Small Bowls With Stems of
Handsomely Carved.
The pipes used
are quits-different those any
other North American rat-o in
the shape of the bowl
the opium pipes used by the
Chinese than anything else. The
old pipes were small in the
amount of tobacco that the would
hold, in former days was
extremely scarce and in it use was
most carefully husbanded.
There was therefore a wide wants to net
margin the pipe to any . ,
-rains of tobacco Dial might ho , ,, ,
spilled in filling it; then there wore far
follow . pinch -.-.- ; . Ta
of tobacco half a. as ,; . The
pet, and a rat her Ac ;,,,, , ,
passing down through
tho howl fitted the
stem. The bowl the pipe if
ivory, stone, brass or copper.
W. D. Smith and Lizzie Allen.
Jarvis Wilson and Cora Nobles.
Lola Phillips marks was
Chester Davenport and u,
Subscribed and sworn to
before mt. this 19th day Nov-
ember, 1909.
Notary Public.
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
Young Vinson and Annie Hal-
Joy and
Andrew Cox and Florence
James and Nettie
only a pleasantry, and net to
There were three basket
parties near here last week, one
each at Langley's house,
school house.
In Your Homes to Stay
Prof. id tie at Nashville.
County Superintendent W. H.
a meeting of
of Nash county -t
Nashville on last Saturday. A
correspondent of Raleigh and
papers in speaking
The for croup and
fail and the
mm y m m t for rheumatism and
We wish to call your attention to new line of fall l the meeting
we now have. We have taken great care in No Sold by Hoy. -The principle speech of the
think we can supply your wants m Shoes, Hats, N. c., and by by Supt
lions. Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is in a .,,,,.
The was curved and
had mouthpiece. It ii- said that
the small hole down
through tho base f the howl and
into the was usually
plugged with caribou hair to says
any grains of tobacco
otherwise have don n
this aperture so l lost. The
smoking of such u pipe would not
last and we may that
a few draws would exhaust it.
The smoke was of Into
The are known to lie ex-
of scones objects, while tho
Indians of Queen sound
and all the natives f the
northwest coast of America are fa-
for their curving in wood and
in black slate. curved
Eskimo pipes or walrus ivory from
northwestern Alaska have on each
side of the pipe- that is to on
four more or long surfaces
scenes from the dally of the
Eskimo. f these tho two sides on
the right hand of lbs
hold in position for smoKing appear
to represent the of cold
weather, later autumn, winter and
spring, while those on the left
hand side of the pipe represent the.
summer life of the or-
est and
Lost company.
faced woman as in.-
Just a bit.
Hunted way-
farer. bow U
I'm out out lonely
to eat for ho that I've
I can't cast no and you
no idea what company
la to while he la
over to a Inn counter, where
ordered n sandwich.
The man sliced oil a
stamp wafer or chicken and
inserted it between two slice
bread. ore
a dollar, and the attendant non-
handed hack a half. The
horseman looked at tho change with
a puzzled gaze for few moments
and then pushed it back, with the
W ill
Bot mo the it-
bet Hint the thicken
brings more than the horse I just
Charles Literary Method.
work was. Sir
Robert Anderson remark-, a rare
combination r genius and plodding.
A scuttle which tho
fireplace held the illustrated and
other paper- which reached him
week by week. these he culled
anything that took his fancy, and
the wen- thrown into
companion -cuttle, to be afterward
ill and duly in-
Materials for his novels and
plays were thus supplied or suggest-
ed. The accuracy of his
of events and places was
As the of creature, at
-ire so are all
are the births of time
Dry Goods Store.
Come let u show you.
in 7- M
Tripp, Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cash or Installment.
. Come to sea us and we will convince you
l an
interesting manner the q
. r t a teacher, and in
I C Late of the offered
v i Training School
Fresh Oysters Mr. who Is re-
Coming Every Day the best school
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me Carolina, made a
impassion upon the
MISS C. MEREDITH Nash county teachers, and many
them will go to Greenville to
the training school for some
weeks this
Is lb. f l
Graduate Nurse
North Carolina.
m i
n ,
. -.-V

debate will be
held in Chap. I about the
April. The Carolina-
Lei debate ha
been March to
April, Will beheld
Greensboro. Several years
ago Carolina lo Washington
ard L- e With the exception of
that d-feat the tie with
George University,
Carolina has won a of
series-; two out of three with
Virginia, out of one with
two out of two
Hopkins, three out of
three two out
of with P. and
eight out of twelve with Georgia-
resident Starr Jordan,
of Stanford University,
the lectures on
iv He
ion unwell to deliver the
these lectures
purpose the
m. Dilation of science and
E. E Barnett, A. R. Morgan,
W. L. Cooper, J. G. Walker, J
W. Fret nun ard C. E.
represented the Y.
II, C. A. at Pop
sign Missionary convention,
of these
of the student volunteer
a intend to go as mission-
to Japan, China, and
Dr. Thomas senior pro-
law . the
of the ease of the United St
vs The Tobacco
the United Sta .-
Supreme court. He gave an
interesting account of this
case to law school.
There are rumors and rumors
that several members of the
faculty have received
from other colleges and
universities with far larger
It is becoming a serious j
question bow long the
e of North Carolina is going
to ow other
other draw away
hi in n of the university.
B-uS of the faculty could leave
tomorrow it is now with
ti between dire
college and State
And your shoes pinch, .-hake into .
Alien's the an
powder for the feet. It cur s painful,
swollen, smarting, awe ting feet, and
takes the sling out of corn MB I bun-
i n-. Just thing for leather
ah dancing parties and for breaking
in new shoes. Many people cannot
heavy .
without g Foe-Ease in
to the shoes Sold everywhere, c
Sample free Address, Allen S.
st a , N. Y. Don't accept
any substitute.
Notice Land Sale.
By virtue of a power of sale con-
n a certain mortgage deed, ex-
d by W. J. H.
La an. wile. Clara S
I, u to W. H. Pa trio, on
f November, as
appears in the r
in in J-b page
will on Mo day
he day of 1910,
to t-ale the
door in to the
cash, the following
or panel of land to First
tract in Creek township,
out North Carolina
. ire east by of I. E h,
on lit south y the of J.
r. on the west by V. I. u i
i b
lot No. a, s
allot., d t Vary E. wife
S. It in he
the la. of I. B. deceased.
at a .-take poll
the s corner in
ii said ion and s north 1--
es lo a take mi J. I,. a
line, thence 1-2 east
back gum i us
inlands line, then with said
north 7.- es t . a
corner, thence s. i
l. . s I. a water oak p.
south cast B. S to th I r
lot then h the rev
course of the too line of lot so
1-2 w. St poles to the be
containing s more
es. Xi ii town-
s up county, on sou Ii side of
S Creek and adj n. hi d of
J. n.
Bland, r ling others,
t contain at rt-i more or
less, with the n of t
Hits the 24th of January,
Land Sale.
By virtue of a the Superior
. of Pitt made n the
of r. fin in
n d
a- entitled C. ti. Li tie,
administrator of W.
d. u- E B. Moor . t
I will, o P mart
1910 before Ct
ville. -ell at
h eh st bid a c- t tin or
of in Carolina p.
. a th I
Little, I. V. ti. M Moor
i A. M. i
. 1-8 or I
universities and Int No in of the lands of
I John A Moor.-, Term of
C A of W More
There is a great stink in
Greenville, so strong it is talked
about by everybody except those
who should take
which the tax payers put them in
it comes from the
direction of the water and light
plant. Something ought to be
done to satisfy the people that
the in charge are doing
if they are. I don't
make any charge.-, but it appears
on the surface, and is being
talked, that incompetency is the
cause of thousands dollars of
Greenville tax money
to waste in neglected
machinery. as boilers,
pumps, engines, dynamos and a
s earn lire engine, to say
of the lack of fire and health
protection they are and have
been Buff
A word to the wise
people are hitting up, taking
and something is going to
break loose long. They
know the condition of
tip uh it's on the even it
is no on the stand
pipe. Taxpayer.
Land Sale.
Hy virtue of a mortgage executed
delivered by John and wife
to C. S. Carr, . n day
of which mortgage was
duly recorded in the office of the
of deeds of Mt county in book D
the notes having thereafter
e n to Pen.,
the will fell for be-
fore the . house in Greenville on
Monday February 7th the follow-
if Ian situate in
Greenville township on the North
side of Tar river and n
e of the Greenville ard Washington
road. b. Ht J. A.
-aid road and running with his
line to Bed Banks Creek; thence with
said creek westward to the Catharine
owned by F. G.
James; then e with his line to the
and Washington road;
thence east long said road to the be-
ginning containing eighty acres more
or less, and bing the same tract of
land to the said John Dennis
by C. S. Carr.
Tn s 6th.
C. S. Carr, Mortgage.
P. G. James Son, Attorneys,
There is more
to a Fertilizer
than Analyses
The mere mixing of
materials to obtain
kn owl ed
e value
Land Sale.
Give the . .
o .
to Has .;
Throw . u- th . o
kid i . help
Tn overwork. get
poi ii II I.- the bl
The u very
. ii. i . them
I'll s thing
thou of y b
fr m th verge of
Will cure of
Mrs. Williams, S. Wash-
street. K Mo nit, N. C,
give my name in
t ding K a s
they b
for a long tis a dull, nagging
back ard ill I in my
kidneys, t was at night and
arose in the morning unlit to com-
the duties. obtained
no relief from the various remedies I
used and h ii a ired of
n D Kidney Pills
recommended to me. I b.
their u e n I c M soon see they
were helping dispose
of the and improved my
health ii
For isle by ill dealers, Price
cents. Co. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
tale no other.
Louse Leaf Blank l
Call m fl, and
the loose leaf ledger
system combined It
is most concise,
accurate, convenient ad simple
of keeping accounts to he
i nil we want you to
With it you render
t- in
without old time work
you w int in I .-e
leaf systems. m- have
up-to date and
posts devices which
render them practically
Test Sample cf Mi Free
Notice Sale.
Hy virtue of a power of
in a certain mortgage died
by W. and
wile to Harrington, Bar-
ii Co., on the 2-th day of
which said deed was.
in the . of the
of Dee. of Pitt county, on
day of in booK Z H
p and y virtue of a p. of
sale c i. in a certain chattel
hi d delivered by
to n. Barber
. Co . the HOS,
and duly in the office of Re-
deeds of Pitt . in book
X p ;.;, the
Mo the day of
being the first 1910,
expose public Sole I curt
house door i. Greenville i high st
for call, at o'clock,
the real . to
Hire t-act- or pare, a f
lying in the Winter-
count, of I in and slate of
Carolina, a d b d as ow., to
Lot the north
corner, f the Pie I.
I north a t
Is and links lo the die of the
ditch at a st I pine In
Rowan Cooper's with
Ii south
and inks of
thence with itch again south
-s e S Cs lo a stake; .
south es to a
st th west ts de-
west I- pule- IS links to
beginning, . s more
or less.
Lot No. J on the west side of I
railroad and south I- of Main t.
II L r on
street and g h n r lines I
s Coop r ;
thence -a t Cooper street to i
street; tn north with Mi I t t i
Rowan t r's . street;
West it. line toil in
west with side w
on to the b g eon-
I 1-1 more or
Lot No. o situate on the cast side of
railroad at joining the that the I
railroad C y purchased the
d of way on the west lie-
inti a p in on d
i e I et fr ill sir. et
and runs angles
from S i e t- the
wire , . with wire
fence to a pine far en. to
make i in piece where
completed th. n we . to
railroad company's right of way; thin
d y company's
r way to of com-
s lot;
th. line feel to their other
virtue of powers contained
in a certain mortgage d ed duly
ad delivered by E. Warren
and w Matti.-I. Warren to G E.
Harri.-. on the . day of December,
i. w. said mortgage deed ii
duly led in the register f deeds
cf Pitt c in k at
page the will i
to public sale to the highest bidder
for cash, the Court door
in t. of
the of the following
describe i tracts, lot, or
lard to
tracts parcels or lots of
lying and g in the county if
Pi t, Mat of Ninth t an. in
town slid more
as f Lots
a in the plat of Skit ville be-
the south co of
a d Jarvis streets and running
south Hi 11-2 fit line of
lot No. thence h No.
and west 1-U feet to Vance
street, then with the line of Vance
north lit 3-2 feet to Fourth
then the of Fourth
s t LI . 1-2 t to the i u inning.
Also No. and in the plat
that p of the known as
the north-
west comer of and Fourth
I on streets and running with Jarvis street
y. it ii; r h 1-2 feet to Third s re t.
west Third s t to
the co of lot No tin n south
With the lots No. and
1-2 feet to Fourth street then
with Fourth street . list lilt I-1 feet to
the tie n
four land convened J.
wife to M- fie L. Warren by deed
dated 9th , To satisfy
ail mortgage T mis sale c sh.
This January 1910
ti. E. Harris, Mortgagee,
Skinner Whedbee,
of a fertilizer lies in the
source from which the
plant food is obtained.
Each ingredient in
Royster goods is selected
with a view of supplying
the plant from sprouting
until harvest. The plant
is not overfed at one
time and starved at an-
other. Twenty-five
years experience goes with
every bag.
Sold by reliable dealers throughout
the South.
F. So Royster Guano Co.
have Indigestion,
sour stomach, dizziness or
in standing, Mi
will cure, or your
money back.
are rid of
by using Here is what
one man i to a
go d word for Mi and what it has H
done for me. I red i- g tor-1 .-
Notice to Creditors.
Having day been by
the clerk of the of
.-. u as administrator of the estate
of W. H ore . having
duly qualified as such
no is hereby g v.-n to a i persons
holding against said estate to
in to for pay t,
in or re he
of Dec 1913 or this
notice will i o p m bar of their re-
All persons in t. said
a e sled to make i run
date i to
This of
C G. Lille, of W. U. Moore
. J n H mo- Attorneys,
to Creditors.
Hiving qua fore the
Superior court of as
d. b. n. of es ate
of I,, on notice i- hereby
given to ail indebted to tho
make immediate i
the undersigned; and all persons having
claims against the are not lied
that the same must be presented for
payment t. the undersigned on or be-
fore the 1st day of January. or
this notice will be plead in bar of re-
M. i
of Condition of The
Bank of Greenville
Greenville, Carolina
at the close of business, December
House, For
Fixtures, 8.595
Cash Items.
Cash due from
Lash in Vault,
Undivided Profits, 2,851.81
as. I. fie- u g,
with the I- B. N. of Leonidas Fleming,
c line to he be- If ltd
lining . mole or i
After you have paid the ex-
charges have yon made
anything by job
printing from out of-town print-
We are you haven't,
without even considering the
inferior quality of the paper.
Cheap prices calls for cheap stock
and cheap printing is not a good
advertisement for you, rather it
hurts your business, because
strangers often size you up by
the stationery you use. When
i workmanship and stock
is considered, our prices are low.
Let us have your next order.
We are always ready to compare
quality and prices.
with and
Ii almost for me t eat
anything. Day after day go
without i Ore day I
read your ad in the Kant or Daily News.
got a box, before it was gone
could sit down to table eat
L. Patterson, Brewer
Me ,
Mi-o tablet are made
the best n overwritten
the cure to stay cur. d. re-
stomach in a few min-
s. They re sold by druggists in
every town in America, ard by
Wooten A large box coats but
rents. Test free from Booth's
Buffalo. N. Y.
lo the follow person-
I II with
two rocks and all necessary belling in-
. shaft and also one
ow.-r gasoline engine; one
tank, one p . end belting
n I c. machinery be Pg that
formerly . an i run by W.
D. W.
ACCOUNTS of Merchants, Farmers and Individuals Invited.
L. Cashier.
Report of Condition of
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
in the State of at the close of business, Nov.
k IN
The Reflector does Job work.
While it is often impossible to
prevent an accident, it is never
impossible to be if
not any one's purse In
vest cents in a bottle of
Liniment and you are
prepared for sprains, bruises and
like injuries. Sold by all dealers.
For cot-
ton seed. H. A. Blow agent,
N. C. ltd
Smith of N. C. and all of
said being now located on
lot or parcel of d
ed above as lot No.
This sale is made to satisfy the
terms o said
This of .
Harrington, A- Co.,
By F. C. Harding. Atty.
Land Sale.
By virtue of a d
red b A. V. St.
wife to F G. James,
on day of December, i
mortgage appears of c rd in
office f Pitt
county, in boo H page the
commissioner will I for
cash before the door in
on February, h.
the following described tract of
land situate in county of Pitt and
in township, near the t
of adj the lands known
a Blount Hall property, the Jacob
r and, the lards formerly
owned by Dr. W. L. Best, an
run of creek containing
acres more less, and being lard
And Provisions
Cotton and
Fresh Goods kept in-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol in a
Loans and
Overdrafts see, and 249.43
All other Stocks,
Due from Hanks
Silver coin, including;
minor c.-in
other S.
Capital Stock,
; Surplus fund,
Undivided profits, net
Notes bills
Bills payable,
I Sub. Chit. 122,901.44 I .--
checks I
Due Banks
, 000.00
State of North of Pitt,
I, C. S. Carr. Cashier of the named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the of my knowledge and belief.
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me.
this 20th day of Nov. 1909.
Notary Public.
Do rot sell your furs and hides
upon H formerly until you Bee E. M.
This 11th. ,,,;.
. or Norfolk Southern
Commissioner, depot. W
and Home Furnishing
always co to TAFT VanDYKE
East Carolina Training School
Reported for The Re lit by Miss,
Mamie E. Jenkins.
A valuable addition to the
faculty is Mrs. M
of Ins Philadelphia,
a woman of fine
training and Mrs.
Ogden will take of the
dinning hall deliver
on Domestic Science. The daily
menus will
to principles will
be of great educational value to
the students.
Nineteen new students have
entered school the holidays,
making th enrollment one
hundred and forty two. It has
become to divide some,
of the classes into two sections.
A hook room in which all
supplies ate kept, has been
opened and placed in charge of
Mr. E- C. Dodd.
Week in February
will be devoted to
in administration
building has been
furnished J or the use Y.
W. C. A. On evening
a was
given in the new
and the
Oil the morning
exercises were lit id in the
assembly hall. How Firm a
hymn. for
were tung Wright first
spoke Stonewall
Jackson, then made an excellent
talK on Lee's celling his
as a mall rather than
A few in treat-
some s Up,
the of it to
for a doctor n prove danger-
The st way is tn k.
th- at th
of croup give child a
Pi ail
seed professional Cards
be Ready for Delivery March
Washington, D. C. Jan.
Editor The
Many inquires have come to
me asking when the report and
map of the soil of Pitt
county would be published and
available for distribution. I had
fully expected them lo be ready
by this month.
I recently submitted a written
inquiry upon Prof-
Milton Whitney, Chief of the
Bureau of oils. U. S. Depart-
of Agriculture, and
append hereto reply as e
matter of interest to your
Very sincerely,
Jno. H. Small.
Washington. D. C.
Hon, John H. Small.
House of Representatives.
In response to your inquiry of
January the map to
the soil survey report on
Pitt county. North Carolina,
been in the hands of the
for about six weeks.
In awarding c for
graphic work from four to six
months is allowed the contractor,
and I can not state definitely
when this map will be finished.
We reasonably expect to
receive it in or April, and
the report will be issued within
a week or two after the maps
are delivered to the public
printer. I have requested that
the work on this be pressed
in every practicable way.
Very truly yours,
Milton Whitney,
Chief of Bureau.
Will be Held in on Tuesday,
February 8th.
The corn crop is one cf the
most important in this section
if the State. Aside from
N. C.
, Office opposite K. L. Smith
methods of preparation, FUn
etc., the kind of seed plant-1
d quite a large part in i
u ,; t Harry Skinner. Hefty Skinner, J.
of yields. j H w
In order to assist fat in
good seed to plant, the
Co-operative Demon-
WorK will have a seed w i-t-i
corn day at on Tues- N. W.
Greenville N- C
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, Nov.
Loans and discounts 146,703.18 j Capital Stock
Overdrafts secured Surplus fund
and unsecured Undivided profits lest
Furniture fixture. ,
Due from
Gold and silver of
minor coin currency Deposits sub to check
Total Total
An the grip is often
by a cough,
proves a
has been extensively
used and with goad tor
relief en of
Many casts have been
all other dies had failed.
Sold bl all dealers.
day, Feb. 8th., 1910 Several
corn growers be pres-
to help select seed corn and
make talks upon corn
They will be on the
from a. p. m. The,
talks will occur from
to p. m. Please come and
bring with you thirty to
fifty of the best ears of your
seed corn and have
d to plant a seed of
one acre. In the fall we will
into the s ed patch with you and
help make a careful
We will then talk about
preserving weevils,
and keeping your corn
through the winter, Next
spring we will start the same
operation again and hope by this
means to have
seed corn on a large number of
farms in this county.
We hope you will show
interest in this forward move-
by coming out, and be tore
to invite your neighbors and the
boys to come. Renumber the
date, the place, and c
Yours cordially,
John F. Evans, Agent,
C, K. Hudson State Agent,
Attorney at Law
Office by J. L.
N C.
I W H Cashier of the bank. . sol-
swear above statement is true to best pi my
belief. W. II.
Subset. Led and sworn to be-1 Correct
. ,. i r Root,
tins day of g M
S. T. i
Notary Public. Director
Greenville, N. C
Office on Third formerly f
pied by Dr. Bagwell.
and Long
H W K V V I I. N i
N. C.
Tomb Stones
Honor Roll.
The is the honor
roll of
N. C, f r third
George All n. It Worthing-
ton, Grigg Preston Elks.
James Av Clara
Nobles, Mildred
Verona Hemby. Viv-j
Case, Alma
I L j
Lionel Jon. . Allen. Her j
man Cobb. Tyson,
Nichols, Crawford, I
Charlie Wain
right, Crawford.
Joyner, Bertha
If troubled With indigestion,
no feel
bilious, give i a
Liver Tablets a trial at d
you will be pleased the re
These tablets invigorate
the stomach and
then digestion, Sold by all
w, the
, . .
Why not
Irene, or
of Tb., to
of Ice pure
A noS Ice
two which will lent
for year,, soil will loon
I and
Sold by good
V food Co., S. T
I taken up riM SOW that ha
run n
fork right
car, left white Md
pitted Owner ti.
6th. W.
K. D. No. N. U
West Raleigh, Jan,
new has brought quite a;
large to the college I
Thus fir Sinew men
hive been enrolled. The new
dormitory makes the
of these men At
the present rate of growth, it is
evident that the State must en-
large the college In every
if it would
all the young men a
purely education, The
enrollment this year has
reached 5.5-the largest number
ever enrolled. With PO hazing
aid everything so
smoothly, no one cm predict the
growth the A. M.
The winter course, composed
of nun the farms,
has enrolled about forty. These
nun will spend eight weeks
at minimum coat, studying the
methods which directly
upon the best firm
This year the course will include
a of lectures and demon-
on road-build-
These will be given by
State Engineer Sp ton and by an
detailed for the purpose
by the United States govern-
Beginning with this term, the
boys are occupying the new
which was recently com-
This building
dates and its completion re-
the overcrowded condition
which existed before Christmas.
It is one of the most beautiful
buildings on the campus, being
modernly equipped with water,
steam and electric lights.
The college is having
applications for men to take
charge of farms and dairies, also
for men to teach agriculture in
the public and high schools.
There is a splendid field for man
and women who are qualified to
teach this subject. The
offered art lucrative enough
for special preparation to be
very desirable and profitable.
Most Popular Druggist
Remarkable Statement.
Di J. w. Bryan has at lust obtained
the for a remedy which they
are Belling a n tie lo
cure any Liver Trouble. I f too
not digest well, if there s or ,
in s on if i he tongue is
and breath bad, if there i
strain s
will cure you. It the; d not
W. guarantee , w- J
to return you-money. I t-t-
Pills give quick relief and ma e p, r- , O I C BOY
. s of w
s a and a Troubles are
but Ur. Bryan s
giving a chance t. I
the l if a
cent box of Liver you
are not the results
Dr. and ask for your money.
Also for sale by M. M. Sauls at
den, N. C.
What Perfect
If ever had tho misfortune to own
a cheaply sewing machine,
you'll knew what it means to have parts
constantly breaking, or the machine re-
fuse to run for come seemingly
countable reason.
Q Singer quality Bod the adjustment
of every Singer machine save you such
discouraging experiences. Every Singer
runs so light and easy as to require
no effort on your part to do the
Many women use a Singer who
strength enough to operate ordinary ma-
chines. The Singer does all the work,
runs noiselessly and does not easily get
cut of order.
a Should repairs or new parts, needles, etc.
ever be needed there's always a Singer
store nearby to save you annoying
Interest Growing
We want Girls and j
to work in
Tarboro Knitting Mills
Al Tarboro, N, C.
and in
Near Tarboro, N. C.
The work no dust or
dirt the i We can
the town
t Tarboro.
Sewing Machine Company
Main Street, GREENVILLE. N C.
Mr. J F. the furnish a
agent of the farm demonstration W
work, tells us that Pitt; Ed.
county farmers have decided to ml
co operate with it this than
at any time since the work was land de.
in county,
that these farmers art-far ad-
in their work for the
year. Many of them began
preparation of their land in De
and much has
been done, s.-me of plow
inches in depth,
Evans says he knows of about a
purchased by farmers this
season, and that in the territory
over which he navels the
son clover crop Is fully four
percent r than last
year. These certainly
peak well for the farmers of
the county, and it is
to such interest being taken
in farm demonstration work,
in improved land and
at Tart
We -tend;, work all th
year. no fear hut d
we h work f r
Come and See the Work or Write
Wholesale and retail
and Furniture Dealer. C
fur Hides. Fur. Cotton S.
Oil Turkeys, Oak
Suits, Baby Go-Carts,
Parlor suits Tables,
Safes, P and Gad Ax
Snuff, life Tobacco. Kay
West Cheroots, Henry
Canned Cherries, Peach.
Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Moat, lour, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls
Garden Seeds, Oranges,
A Lenoir Lady, After Two Weeks
Grinding Labor,
Better Thai Eva
N. C-
and am have ever
m i, i have i a two
h. I lay i w
., ,, ,, woman's i, l have taken
Apples, a lot it and l can never
Nuts, Apples- H I
Peaches Prunes. Currants, can never In ink t mm n BU-
and vice y me ,
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack- since , u I look so
era Macaroni, Beat But- stout as a mule. .
Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods, Ionic. I ii wt n it. Its
cheap use .
, o
Not Quite I
How you en cot n h.
or screw of u-
Ker a good
box lie prepared for X
Is a you aim
we will see that your tool
box does no lack a C
you know that croup Ml
be prevented Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy as son
the child s hoarse or
after the croupy cough
and it will prevent the attack
It also a certain cure for croup
has never been known to tan
Sold by all dealers.
A Quaint Comparison.
Did you see the big whit
horse King says he is like
The Mutual Life
and in
the world. H. Bentley Harriss.
Of Course
You get
a Horse Goods ; c
J. R.
II you want HORSE to trot
last and poll strong boy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any man in town.
W. B.
N I t
i. .
Place is headquarters Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Hulk,
i Brand, Hominy,
corn Meal and all kinds
Greenville, yours if you
v .--
Salt. Lime and Cement.
Stop chewing the rag and chew
tobacco. brands at J. M.
Wells Browne
Hangs Wall Paper
That you might as w. It
poke HO a h
t I results. S t it to
ow .,
about paper hanging than a rabbit. hen
pop hangs
in . in
the face, yen have a mi-take
Next tune
you contemplate papering soar
talk t. He is h ad-
in this line He ix
lea- in his prices, ready to
m k.- good anything that goes wrong
with his w New goods coming in.
and a season ahead. I
this in your hat and r st you w it
In his o a
play house on v low
Five Points, t. II i to
to him. brick
g the place.
N. C.

In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
Agent The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
A men's and
just in.
Barber Co.
turkeys wanted. rendered by Kenneth Ray nor.
toe us a call.
Know any w Ange Co.
prices paid. A. W. Ange Co.
We have just received a nice
item would be glad
to gel tut the r. If
you u
t w , , .,
-I . MM a to
a. cut.
who is COn-
i been
bra tins
can be
-l A. W. o.
ill. u who has
tare. at
SUM me
fur good comfortable
or ti-
Co. inter-
fit. nave the
M Winter-
student toll
A. C Cox
neat and
durable. Terms are
iii the market come to
we have desk you.
A, w. went to Greenville
tarrying a nice line of
Coffins and Caskets. Prices are
right and can furnish nice hearse
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
John Manning, Mi.- at work
near came in ls.
Fur j glasses, dried fruits
ah kinds and butter and
see A. W. Ange Co.
Button, who were in
the market business on corner
of and Dill streets, have
moved out on Railroad street, in
the store formerly occupied by
L. Johnson.
We can give you a bargain in
nice clothing.
Harrington, Barber v- Co.
There was another baptism at
the last
day night.
Pump pipes Then see us.
We have just received a good
We head the list in nice con-
A. W. Ange Co.
The is the Kind
you need. See us.
A. W.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For nice hall racks, see us. A.
W. Ange o.
Cattle want to
buy cattle.
Misses Louise Satterthwaite and
Jean re tie Cox.
At the guests departed
for their respective homes, de-
Cobweb town a most
delightful place at which to spend
and Miss Cox a
Case of Wealthy North
Toledo Doctors.
Toledo. Ohio, Jan.
detectives are mystified
over the peculiar condition in
which J. F. a wealthy
R. D. Co. merchant of South Creek,
bowels, and arc urn-
Do You Own a Piano
In districts their virtue
are widely they
properties la freeing;
the system that
Take No Substitute.
For fisH, beef, porn and Beaufort county, North Carolina.
age see B. F. Sutton at same remained for two weeks at
old stand. State hotel. During his
For guns and rifles see A- W. sleep, which began six-
Ange Co. days ago- has
For nice see us. not spoken over a dozen words
Harrington, Barber ft Co. at ell times seems to be
Nice glassware, just in.
Harrington. Barber Co.
For nice oysters see F.
Sutton. Barbecue on Saturdays.
If your subscription to The
Rt fleeter has expired let me
It was supposed when Smith-
wick was found unconscious in
his room that he was the victim
of gas. a small gas jet above his
bed being found partially turned
renew it, and give you a receipt. on doubt in the
W. C Morris, agent. I minds of physicians that Smith-
The spring rush is coming in. k- condition was brought on
Better send your orders in besides gas. At
once for Cox Cotton Planters. no time hag the come
simplex guano sowers, economic At times
back bands, etc. Orders will he opens his and watches
have attention. figures in the but does
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., j not speak.
M C. r;
If you want a useful planter. w a Toledo girl through
see our combination planter. advertisement published in a
plants cotton, corn, peas, etc, j paper, After
Harrington, Barber he
Mr. and Mrs J. B. Franks, of came to Toledo and met his
Greenville, were visiting t her
A D. Cox, who had been
his eyes treated in
more, returned home Sunday
Miss Vivian Roberson spent
Saturday and Sunday at her
home at Gold Point.
Miss Rosa Jones returned from
her home at Bayboro Monday,
where she spent the week end
Miss Gussie Lawrence, of
Ayden, was visiting friends here
last Sunday.
For nice see me, at
We have just received a full I Johnson's stand, better prepared
supply of furniture. Give us a
call. A. W.
a last Tut that his
Greenville, was dead.
He the burial
day. bereaved have our
Oysters We have them Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
It. D. Co.
Cooking and heating stoves
and ranges just received. All
of best material and up-to-date.
Harrington Barber Co.
Rev. T. P, King, who has been
pastor of Baptist church here
for years, and who has
served church so well, moved
to last Wednesday,
There he a call
this year. He will half
time at and half time
at We regret very
much to lose Mr. King. How-
ever, since it is a reality, we can
truly say that while it is our loss
it is field's gain.
The County School Desks
are the desks for you. They are
cheap, durable and comfortable-
Prices right workmanship
guaranteed. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Ob. Winterville. N. C.
Just received, a nice lot of
ladies and shoes.
Barber Co
A new lot of dry goods and
notions of all kinds just received
at Harrington, Barber Co.
If you want a good plow try
the at Harrington,
than ever. R. W.
Mr. and M'S. B. G. Taylor, of
Ayden. were visiting relatives
here last Sunday.
Miss Baker, who has
been sick at home at
came in a few days ago to
her studies in W. H. S.
Cannon, of Fort Barn-
well,, was in our town Tuesday
on business.
sausage and fish, going
Cheap, R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street.
The stockholders of the Bank
held a meeting
and declared a per
cent dividend.
Now the time to advertise,
before everybody gets ahead of
The home of Dr- Cox en
Church street, South
ville, was a scene of laughter and
fun last Saturday evening. Jan-
29th, when Miss Jeanette
Cox entertained her class at a
cobweb party. Miss Helen
Smith received in the hall and
gave class colors to each guest.
Miss Jeanette Cox by
Miss Louise Satterthwaite r.-
in the parlor.
Each guest was very success-
in helping the spiders spin
for the end of each
web was found a dainty
which more compensated
them for their arduous labors.
Many other interesting g n-.
formed amusement until
when light refreshments were
served, after which was
they had planned an early
date their marriage.
When he was found
scion in his at the hotel
the police started an
but the whole affair appears
as much a mystery today as it
did the day he was found
is fed through a
and is given principally
liquids. He not been re-
moved from the hotel, as it is
feared any movement might.
prove fatal. The
hope for his recovery. A l so
Sketch of His Life by an Intimate
William Robert Home was
born in 1857. He came of sturdy
old English stock on his paternal
side. His great grand father,
Jacob Home, came from
Virginia and settled where the
city of RocKy Mount now stands,
where his grand father, Henry
Home, was born in 1805. He
moved to Pitt county in
where he married Eliza
From this union Josiah Robert
Home was born. Robert Home
married Martha Joyner, mother
of Amos Joyner, and to them
two children were born, William
aid His father having
died before ho was years Old
h- was raised by his uncle,
Franklin Joyner.
The writer had been
associated with deceased all his
life. H. brother-in-law
cousin and my true friend. H
was of that type of men known
as country gentlemen, lived on
his own soil, subsisting on the
flesh of his own animals reared
by him. and the fruits of his
own field and garden,
death he owned a large
farm, owned fine had
comfortable houses for his labor
era stables for his stock;
plenty of turkey, and chick
and fruit for his family and all
friends that came his way.
William R. Home married
Edwards in June, 1887.
No children were born to
She was one of those true and
helpmates and was as de-
voted to him as any wife the
writer has ever known, nursing
and cheering him the sum
mons came.
Bill Home, as he was If
k no-v was a lover of ks and
newspapers. He was the
posted country gentlemen tote;
found for reading with
his wonderful memory and
It not, and you t to own
soon, you owe it o y our. to ex-
the display
shown at the Fine man White
A display really
to a Urge city.
In a glance will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of t, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you
that stand i ard
incomparable an where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
of those cheap department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged tame and
reputation ha the trade. Four
of known.
We will take your piano in
for one of self play-
We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s lit your
When in
Greenville our
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o. store.
At the dote of business, Nov. 1900.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 30,1.81
Furniture and fixtures
Capital stock
Surplus fund
178.681 Undivided profits, leas
Due from and 11,211.61 j expenses and tuxes pd 527.00
Silver coin, including of deposit 802.20
minor currency Deposits subject to ck 14,005.85
Nat bank and other
U. S. s
; Cashier's checks
We, J. E Green, Cashier and F. A. Asst. Cashier
of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief
Asst, Cashier. Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be-
At this Kith day at Nov.,
R II. Hunsucker,
Notary Public.
A. G. Cox,
R. H. Hunsucker,
J. F. Harrington,
At the elate of business Nov. 10th,
. i
do not entertain much
And so his acquaintance. His good
mother, latter
he will awake is as deep a
mystery as what caused his re-
lapse into the unconscious state.
Up to the present he has slept
just hours
Several have been in
constant attendance working
under of attending
physicians, who had charge of
the victim's case.
Many physicians, bath local
and foreign, have been called in
to see the patient, but all go
away with a snake of the head
they are puzzled as the rest
Sales for
two half sisters, Mrs. Askew aim
Mrs. Pollard, of Farmville
a n. phew. John Tyson, of
Ala., him.
This good and worthy man had
for some months been suffering
with bladder trouble. The
physicians were called to his bed
side but nothing be don.
to save him. On the 23rd day
Jan. 1910, his soul passed over
the river to realms above, and o;
tin- 24th his ashes were lid
rest in the cemetery at Farm-
ville. G. T. Tyson,
Took All His Money
ill man to doctor
According to the figures furn-
, , , , ,. ., liver o kid trouble that Dr. King's
by secretary a. New would quickly at
son, of the Tobacco Board of -1 for
n w
Trade, the sales of leaf tobacco a. d debility, at all
on the Greenville market for the
month of were
pounds for an aver
age of per
For to due the sales
were pounds for
an average of
per hundred.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nut. bank and other U. S.
Notes SO
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd
Hills payable
Time of deposits
Deposits sub. to check
I, K. Davis, Cashier of the bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. J. It. DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of Nov., 1609.
J. A.
W. M. Lang,
R. L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
Fe With
No should sign their
name to any u before care-
fully reading what is above it
Therefore should read
n statement of The
Ins. Co , of New
York arson their new
blotters, write your
name. H. Bentley Harriss.
The Reflector does job work.
Members who have not paid
their assessments should do so at
once. t r Feb. 4th, all policies
will lapse on which assessments
have not been
Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance
James L. Little, Treas.
d f t
To Know Your Needs
In Cotton Gin Machinery, Engines and Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills, Planers, Lathes. Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
Grist and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
J. Paul Simpson,
Phone Williamston, N. C.
Gibbs Machinery Co.
Columbia, S. C.
An man, Bronchial . f
of cold by . . cathartic on the bowels. No
or money refunded. by CO. CHICAGO. U. . A.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Greenville Man Gets Wilmington
Miss Addie T. at,
WONDERFUL I Mr. I No to George Clark
., Joseph P. Brinkley. and ed Needs of Tire
Splendid ft g . p
L business man of Board met in At the last communication the
In my
the to call, d sierra
or the of perpetual
in at an elevation of
lo feet where the ever
green of the ebony, the
coif re, and other trees
Shrubs delight
There is a proverb in Europe
in reference to the
of Naples in
pi t-,
then The same Could be
the ea -U
young business man of
N. C. were monthly
united in marriage at
LAWLESSNESS ON THE seed corn day.
Their Crop.
was seed corn day for
. , , , . ., i . Pitt county, and quite a
Chief Clark is More ban a match
. . i j of farmers r. lo
Disorder Initiation to Law and
n j c i town specimens
Order Somewhat
letter I spoke of evening, the ceremony being
performed at the i of the
bride's parents,
street, Rev. A. Smoot,
pastor of Grace Methodist
officiating. Conforming to the
wishes of the it was a very
H affair, only members of the
immediately family in
ton being present. The bride
was attired in a
traveling suit of blue
hat and gloves to match.
announcement of the mar-
will corneas Quite a
Sierra Mountains in to many of the friends of
the bride. Mr. and Mr.-. Dudley
left on the train last;
evening for Greenville, where
they will reside. by I
her attractive personality
sweet disposition, has
many warm friends in
ton, will
corn for
exhibition and
A long row of
h s
Mexico and its wonderful
is a legend
t Indians of Central and South
that Eden, or the
cal paradise was in Mexico, and
even nowadays the climate
that region is not far from b-
a one. Nowhere
else have I seen
such an old free from j that she
day with six of the
and transacted
I following
W. H. Allen, on petition, was
granted a r- fund of license
tax, he having out after
making application for
and engaging in the
J. B barren made complaint
of insufficient drainage pear hi
prop arty on Dickinson avenue,
the matter was referred to
the street committee for
The street committee reported
of the town
were in fair and that
the sand-clay work on Evans
-i u tilth and Ninth,
will soon be completed, borne
of the along this
of the street are in bad
lion Tin c was
Engage x
for March Court.
At the February meeting of
the Board of County Commit-
ti ere n large amount
of n hi
as well as settling tbs costs of
the last of court,
Q airman of the
board bi d .- h r S . W.
Were appointed a to
purchases cart, i for the court
I room and to ha vi ilia interior of
the room n paint d.
policeman found that a part of The ere drawn as
the wrong th from tut the March term of
Mr. was charged with two torn d y
offenses, one cursing and the First week-J.
conduct, for he L,,, ad dresses on seed sic- F. P.
was fined and cost. The of land, w-
U charge was for resisting and the quantity Hart, John L;.
i Mr. Clark was ., . Thomas
witness against Mr. Eason.
trial occasioned by the arrest were on court
and knocking down of Buck com WM
Bason, Wednesday, had not yet all could a a k around
Wednesday nightly the different
there was
about bow
fix Chief Clark,
morning at the
Were going
call for
, its, that shown by farmer
bearing a tag with h's name and
I address. There were
fifty-odd different exhibits, and
everything was quiet. Evidently I altogether they made a
those who were new for the county.
were six brought
by Mr. Eason to prove
his or three
Witnesses admitted that Mr.
Eason r. listed, era
not bu. later
take pleasure in hope,
n frequently
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley
on the o'clock A. C. L.
evening, and I
reside in the Perkins house on
Greene street.
. and bronchial disease,
not gel on
people, and before any
that disease, was
not known, yellow
been ravaging at times, but now
the sanitary provisions are so
Tan . .-. it pi.-.
h i.-i broken out any mare
years know licenses since report.
readied age of white.
year.; yea. know one was Church Adams E la Can-
old and still walked
and did many little
chores. Upon my
you come to
an oh ho with a
live entirely in nature
and in uniform with her law.-.
I do not drink strong liquors, I
instructed to in the sidewalk I
the west of this street but declared th-l Eason bad his
fronting the UP Clark struck him.
and that pf the Sutton heirs. ad-
Th market committee report that be himself was
used per acre, cost per bushel to I ton, Thomas
corn etc There U. w.
addresses by C T-
State agent of the demon-
work; F. A. . A t
agent of demonstration work Barnhill.
for Warren county; I. O.
of of .
I A. College. These addresses u-
were all interesting and Braxton, B.
to farmers, and a of G
J. S.
In e, J. E.
-I. F.
r, W. S. Over-
man, J. G.
I in, G.
, Jr., J.
r st, N.
E Warren,
. son, Jesse
y. L P.
. is, A. A.
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds W. W.
Moore has issued the following
and Esther
d work was progressing
on the
of market
The Water
was n quested to
will, a
drunk, the lock-
up for conduct
mediately after
of prison,
s and conduct on
part of tho witnesses greatly
questions were ask. d
I by . F. Evans,
, c May, K. I.
E. C irk.
ed over Smith,
or G LI
also bed a j
work in Pitt c
Aft. r addresses corn
exhibits w re examined by the Board of
men who ha I p ken to e b v.
. T. well,
. X Ml, J.
i n the
from the in
do not use at all,
never get angry, take life easy,
plenty of
firmly that
whiskey and tobacco, and fast
in our enlightened times,
the rushing alter the God
the life, Causes
sickness, premature decay and
death, long before earthly
career should come to an end if
we obey nature's laws.
And my advice should be to all
and from
using whiskey as a beverage,
abstain from tobacco in any
true temperance, i. e,
moderation in all things and at
every occasion; dress according
to the laws of health, and not
according to fashion; let there be
plenty of sunshine, real and fig
in your
women should abandon
lacing, corsets, tight and pointed
hoes h the fashionable high
B. Oliver
James Briley and Olivia Briley.
Lev Bynum and Vines.
Jesse Turner and
Best and Magnolia
making monthly report of any
street lights that fail to Delight-
ed and came therefor.
The several made their
weakened their evidence, farmers were shown how of smallpox, a I
i turn f make selection for seed and th. -.- .
of of
i re
as lo I x in the
over to r. x
nor Court under
remainder of
r, ports past month which quiet and
i. A tendered his The awarding of Tit.
U A n s a
having to
was accepted.
best exhibits of corn in
, u ,,; near enough by to learn the
young man's
nous for the position were
Barrett and Lorena
Mitchell and Sarah
Stewart Gray and Rosa King.
Howard and
charge of him order to print today.
.- him fr m a in prison.
J. we learned that LIEUT. GOTTEN
J. H Barnhill, A. J. Whichard h d if , . H
The board d l babblers Essay at As Honor
the of the river, or better
the little town is called.
Nowhere on the Atlantic
of Mexico has there been
so marvelous a change as at
.- ; nave been seeking less expensive
went into executive session and
upon ordered that and Chief
all the applications be boat in
the present, as no election
assistant police would be made
at this time.
Bowen was in
to purchase an overcoat
for tile police.
V, M. Woolen made a State-
R, R. Cotton, of and
brother of Mrs. Julian Timber-
lake, of has recently
won a high honor at Annapolis.
A special from Annapolis to the
New York Sun
gold medal of the Naval
Institute, composed o. i
in t of the of the Friday afternoon, came near, awarded annually for
Passing Train Gives a
The 1.08 southbound r
train on the Atlantic Coast Line,
and of
Greenville hi
. Dr. E No l of
prises for .-d ,,.
be in ace . c- . . .
with the which town
rot rendered in time for to j in doing g possible to
stamp out and prevent the
the county; it is I by the
unanimous i rd of
Commissioners of Pin
j that Dr. J. E. I I he
Lieut. Ly man A. Cot ten of the j is hereby engaged ;
United navy, son of Mr. physician to k i i r small-
pox the
county until next regular
monthly and the
regular i d health
be relieved of t S p his
so a as at men. too .-
so better a fire at the plant of the the best essay j
Within the last ten years.; in . . , . v c was y by Con-
The Mexican government committee of T. G. U. S. N
Mexican Central Railway have Aldermen E. G. Flanagan and As the tram passed whose essay was entitled
at expense of over W. S. was appoint d to act from the engine set lire ard The
. a i ho chief of I to the grass between rail- carries, besides the medal,
in junction the chief of I to the grass between the rail-Inward carries, brides the medal. .,
th. world fire department in invest- and th.-basket
brought from the the needs of the depart on the siding. A .
r P . t
K i
to here
on s ed com dry, a
year's i i
eighty miles away, over a half
million ton of rock to the sea,
piled them into two great walls
.,,. feet apart at the mouth of
heels; take plenty of out-door river and extended
exercise of attending fuel into the gulf. and
dubs, parties in closed biS deepen-d the channel by fire
and make their later one of the hands
in the shed saw
tH ,. . ,. a y-
at . .
r. n, by the cutting through the bar from the
and p stench of river to the sea to a sufficient
tobacco, be u pipe or snuff, and depth to permit passage for the
we would have a stronger gen- largest vessels of commerce into
and lives would be a smooth and land locked harbor
Gradually, step by step, I shah
There are several ports of en- the reader to the various
try from the United States into-cities and towns of this wonder-
Mexico, ISl Paso. Pass, republic. I shall make them
and with the ancient
A donation of per month grass put out. It the Lieut. Cotten is from North
was made to the Rest Room. fire had got in the shed and the Carolina and was gradual,
A communication was read hum quantity of truck News and Ob-
from of; baskets stored there, the loss s
the Imperial Tobacco Co., in, would have been great,
regard to the charge of
against this company for fire pro-1 Misses Vernon fountain and
all in Texas. Hut I shall lead
the reader to the principal sea-
port of near the mouth
of the river, where the
latter empties Into the Gulf of
buildings, the temples,
etc. which will that per-
haps thousands of
there were living here highly
civilized peoples, similar in cos-
architecture to the ancient
against tins company . c t, .
a charge that some other Eula Johnson of Ta came
companies do not have to pay for Tuesday to visit Mrs. W.
similar protection. In this con Leslie Smith.
Alderman E B. Higgs, j
for the appointed to in the ordinances governing
confer with the Cabinet Veneer same.
Co., made a report recommend. I The street committee was given
log that Cabinet Venter authority to Bet shade trees
be refunded the cost of laying on streets wherever they
the water line to their property j think necessary.
miles from La as Lorenzo De ed to pay for water as prescribed were audited and ordered paid.
is DOW a city of about. Phoenicians, and
House, to the d
Both of s-j
to The , R Hector
and they can call
have their own
extended in i the
decision of the , r can
Notice to Cut Owners.
All owners of cuts at u
The Reflector office will the paper sent to any
notice that on March 1st we will they may desire.
sell all such cuts old metal if
they arc unclaimed at that time.
are compelled to do so in
order to make room, as we have
no place for keeping old and out
of date cuts, etc. Pleas notify
US it you want yours sent to you.
This docs not apply to cuts good
for further service.
The Reflector.
There a
at the J j school
house Friday ht F I All
are invited to c . bring
with them first
they have of themselves
Given for the benefit of the
school. a a ltd

Eastern reflector, 4 February 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 04, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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