Eastern reflector, 21 January 1910

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In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
Agent of Th Eastern Reflector tor Winterville Vicinity- Advertising Rate Application
men's and and E. U. Cox attended ville Saturday.
just in. service at Ayden Sunday night.
Harbor Co. , turkeys waited.
Ti the people of prim paid. A. W. Ange Co.
and If y-J e nave just received a nice
items. f would be glad us a call. A
to them f r the p-per. Co.
e l a heavy
e purse.
The U the seat of
tenths of all disease,
have g to advertise,
I furnish j
If a to
Th. ii your
nil Clothing can b
at A. W. Ave Co.
For good and comfortable
school desk call or writ A. G.
Co. Winter-j
ville, N. C Th y have the
right ac the right price.
We are carrying a nice line of
Pump pipes Then see us
We have just received a good
AW Ange Co.
We head the list in nice con-
I A. W. Ange Co.
The is the Kind
you need. See us.
A W. Anne Co.
Anew lot of lamps just in.
Harrington. Barber Co.
nice hall racks, see us. A
Cattle Wanted-We want to
Caskets. Prices are I buy cattle. R. D. Co.
right and can nice For beef. porK and
service. A G. Cox Mfg. sage see B. F. Sutton at same
The Pitt County old stand,
manufactured by The A. G. Cox j For suns and -s see A- W.
Manufacturing Company are Ange Co.
to the root of the whole mat-
quickly safely
and restore of the
LI V ER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Tote No Substitute.
The Literary
Society, of Winterville Huh
met Friday night and
elected the following officers for
the spring President, Hiss
Louise Satterthwaite; vice
dent. Miss Lillian
Miss Cox;
treasurer. Miss Lilli
Miss Cox;, chaplain,
Miss Nettie Liles. With these
excellent officers and the large
number of enthusiastic members, N. C. Jan.
this society bids fair to do b On Wednesday afternoon. Jan.
work this term than ever before. 5th, at residence on Main
Miss Rosa Jones, of street, Mrs. Fannie L. Joyner
i in Tuesday night to entertained the Ladies Magazine
her studies in Winterville High J Club in a most charming manner.
comfortable, neat and
durable. Terms are liberal.
the market come to see
us, we have I he desk for you.
For j illy glasses, dried
of all kinds and butter and
en see A. W. Ange Co.
bargain in
nice clothing.
Harrington, Barber Co.
We have just received a full
supply of furniture. Give us a
call. A. W. Ange Co.
Oysters We have them Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
R. D. Co.
Cooking and heating stoves
and ranges just received. All
of best material and up-to-date.
Harrington Barber Co.
The County School Desks
are the desks for you. They are
cheap, durable and
Prices right and workmanship
guaranteed. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. Winterville. N. C.
Just received, a nice lot of
ladies and shoes.
j. Barber Co
A new lot of dry goods and
notions of all kinds just received
at Harrington, Barber Co.
If you want a good plow try
the at Harrington,
Barber Co's.
Rev. T. H. King is teaching in
the grade j school at Ayden this
week in Prof. Cale's stead.
J. L. Hobgood, passed through
here Tuesday to Oxford
to attend the burial of his grand-
Miss Miriam Johnson, who is
teaching near here, came in last
night to spend Saturday and
Sunday at home.
Richard Wingate went to Nor-
folk Thursday to visit his
who is in the hospital.
Remember the services at the
Free Will Baptist church second
For nice see us.
Harrington, Co.
Nice glassware, in.
Harrington. Barber Co.
For nice oysters see F.
Sutton. Barbecue on Saturdays.
Public religious services of our
school at
a. m. 1st and
3rd Sundays at a and p.
m.; mission meeting Sunday
nights at and prayer
meeting every Wednesday night
at o'clock.
Free Will
school at p. m. 2nd I Sunday.
then at a. preach- A. Joyner and T. A Timber-
2nd Sundays at and others of Farmville
N. C. Jan. 1909.
Mrs. Armstrong, who lived on
the farm, died last
and was buried
day evening at Cobb burying
place, on C. D. Smith's farm.
She leaves a husband and three
There was a Christmas tree
party at F. Marion Smith's
Wednesday night.
There was a pound party at
L. W. Smith's in
C. D. Smith and C. E.
Lawhon each killed a nice lot of
pork last Thursday.
Miss Nichols, of Poke-
was visiting at Mills Smith's
Saturday night and Sunday-
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Smith went
p. m.
school at
a. m.; preaching 4th Sundays
at a. m. and p. m.
school at
a m.; preaching Sundays
at p. m.
were in our town Sunday.
Rev. J. J. Walker, of Wilson,
came down Saturday evening to
fill R G- H.
at Smith's school
house on Sunday. He preached
a very good sermon Sunday
The tax book for Winterville morning on and
can be found store of R. at on
G. Chapman Co. All parties
that have not paid their taxes. c. D. Smith came very near
are requested to settle same losing his store by fire Monday
In the library the guests were
received by Mi.-s Tankard and
Mrs. J. Stanley Smith, and
ed to delicious fruit punch.
From the library they were
ushered into the parlor where
Mrs. William Lyman Joyner
most gracefully received, her
dress being
with diamonds and pearl
Here a most delightful pro-
gram was cirri out, in the
of John Harvey and
Resolutions of St. Paul's
In this Mrs. J. Stanley Smith
was the lucky one, answering the
greatest of questions
and being awarded a beautiful
brooch by the hostess.
After a very enjoyable
cal program the guests entered
the dining; room where an
rate course dinner was served,
covers being laid for eighteen.
On the place cards was a New
Year's wish for each guest,
which were read with much
laughter and fun.
decorations throughout
the house was scarlet and
table was indeed lovely,
with a piece of white
and scarlet ribbons.
II not, and you to own
owe it to ex-
the oil ken t display
shown at the ft White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance will inspect a
Use of pianos not alone stand
in character of e, y and
general in a class to
itself. but you I with prices
that stand n
incomparable air- where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
of those cheap department
store stencils but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and.
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos of known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of ti self play-
We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s lit your
When in Greenville visit our
Next door to Can ft Atkins Hardware o. store.
AT N. O.
At the close of business, Nov. 1909.
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured .
Furniture and fixtures 1.178.68 Undivided profits, less
Due from 11,211.611 expenses and taxes pd 627.00
Silver coin, including of deposit 802.20
minor currency 345.42
Nat bank notes and other
U. 1,890
Deposits subject to ck 14,696.85
Cashier's checks
outstanding 81.68
Total 021,706.08
We, J. E. Cashier and F. A. Edmondson, A But. Cashier
of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the Lest of our knowledge and belief.
Asst, Cashier. Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this Kith day of Nov.,
1909. R. H.
Notary Public.
A. G. Cox,
R. H. Hunsucker,
J. F. Harrington,
At the close of business Nov. 16th, 1909.
Loans and discount
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 17,171.19
and fixtures 1,670.50
Due from ft 89,985.88
Cash items 21,986.88
Gold coin
Capital stock
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and 1,247.78
I Nat bank and other U. S.
immediately to save cost
C. S. Smith. Tax collector.
If your subscription to The
Reflector has expired let me
renew it, and give you a receipt.
W. G- Morris, agent.
The spring rush is coming in.
Better send your orders in at
once for Cox Cotton Planter,
simplex guano sowers, economic
back bands, etc. Orders will
have our careful attention.
A G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
Winterville, N. C.
If you want a useful planter,
see our combination planter. It
plants cotton, corn, peas, etc,
Harrington, Barber ft Co.
Miss Annie Flowers, who has
been spending a few days at her
home at Bayboro, returned Mon-
day to resume her studies in
With its set of teachers Winterville High School,
its diligent students Winterville
High school is still progressing.
Students are coming in, and
more are next week.
M. Morris, who been down
in Craven on a business
trip, returned Thursday
Vance Society of
evening but by the heroic work
of the neighbors it was saved.
About o'clock Mrs. C. D-
Smith, who clerks in the store,
went out to pick up some wood
to put in the heater and saw so
much smoke that she looked on
the top of the store and saw flames
coming through the shingles
near the flue. She went
back in the store and got the
books and valuable so
that she could secure them, and
then gave the alarm. In a very
few twelve or fifteen
men had arrived soon had a
line of buckets going from tie
well to the roof and by hard
work for bout fifteen must represent the average
put the fire out. It was value of a time in school,
luck that the wind was If your maintains a pub-
but little, and water and lie school of days to the year
were plentiful. The damage a term of years, or 1,600
great and was i days, every day of school is
low average for the earn
of educated labor. For
forty years you have as
the earnings of an educated
Subtract from
and the difference
If an uneducated man coin, including
for days in a minor coin currency
year, he does very well. If he
Keeps up for forty years, he
earns or in
a lifetime. An educated man is
not generally paid by the day,
but by the month and the year.
If you will an average
of the earnings of educated men,
beginning with the governor,
whose salary is per year,
and run the scale till you come
to the lower walks of life, y-u
will find that per year is a
Dividend unpaid
742.60 Bills payable
Time of deposits
Deposits sub. to check
I, J K. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
J. K. DAVIS, Cashier.
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of Nov., 1909.
J. A. Mew born.
Notary Public.
W. M. Lang,
R. L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
A Wretched Mistake
to endure the itching, painful
Notice to Creditors.
J. L. Rollins spent Sunday j was not very
near Farmville visiting friends, mainly by water on the goods.
J- D. Smith, of Greenville,
was in town Monday.
Johnson an-i W. G.
went to Greenville Mon-
M. Bryan,
. , I Having thin day been appointed by
the clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
M ,. as administrator of the estate
W. D. having
duly qualified such
no lee is hereby given to a I per sons
holding against said estate to
present them to mo for payment,
duly authenticated, en or b-fore the
28th of December 191.0 or this
notice will he p end in bur of their re-
All parsons in to skid
The Reflector has received an j estate a- to make-
of Files. ere s nu need to.
I much from
Will s Marsh, of Siler City.
I . a box of Hue
Salve, and was so n cured Bums,
boil, ulcers, r sore-, eczema, cuts,
chapped hand, chilblains, vanish be-
it. at
To Unveil Bast.
Pitt Cent hues to Lead.
The report of tobacco
I the different markets in reasons How about if when he
who has been ate, made to the of mean i- icier has to send
worth, to the average boy,
Brother, about keeping
your boy out of school, or lotting
remain oat of school,
of frivolous or useless
working; in Greenville,
High School last at his home here.
spent- Agriculture, puts the three tad- Mm boon occasionally to bring
him to his And how
Several drummers were in
town Monday.
Mrs- E. Whit, of is
visiting her Mrs. H. T.
in; markets cs
Wilson 1,968.28-1
Greenville p
Greenville's sales
those Farmville
pounds, and Ayden
elected the following
for the
A. Worley, president;
N. vice president; W.
Chester Harris, secretary; this week.
T. Raynor, treasurer; I G. Taylor, of Ayden, was
Lonnie G. supervisor; in cur town Monday. and you have a
Prof. F. O. critic; Robert T. H. will preach for Pitt county market of
L. Flanagan, marshal. With his sermon in the pull Pitt
excellent officers and the sales considerably ahead
luge number of members enroll a o'clock. He will preach any county in the State.
ed, the society fair to do
bettor term, than any . U;, . to be present.
term heretofore. j Rev. E. T. Phillips filled his
next Friday appointment at the free
That Grant Baptist church Sunday.
mat man than Several from here attended the n
F. A. W. T.-uh at Green-
Town Property For Sate.
I At
on January
court r
lots ard one .
foe t, C.
about letting him drop out when
he or seventh
grade, be by every
reason of good judgment, or even
dollars cents, to remain
in school till he graduates
Don't you know that this is an
age when the victory is to
educated energy and
invitation to attend the unveiling
of the oust of William A.
ham, at Raleigh, N. C,
day. January at o'clock.
The ceremony will take place in
the hall of the house of
with the following
Address, William A. Graham.
value of
Historical Memorials in a Demo-
Tins. W. M
Presentation of the
the chairman of the Historical
Commission, J. Bryan Grimes.
Acceptance by th i Governor
of North Carolina, W.
payment to me.
This the 27th of 1903.
C O. Little. of W. U. Moore
Si Attorneys.
Notice to Creditors.
Ha vine duly b fore the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county
d. b. n. of tho ea ate
of Leon l
riven to Indebted to tho
stale to pa to
the and all vine
that tho same must M for
payment to the undermined on or he-
fore the 1st day of or
thin notice b plead In bar of re-
, ,
D. B. N. of l-l-.-mi.-i;.
For Planting- cot-
t seed, H. A. Blow spent,
N. C.
An Improvement over many Lung and Bronchial Remedies, ;
or s cold by s. on th.
or money refunded. Prepared by CO. CHICAGO. U. b. A,
D. J. -HARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
who plead guilty
concealed weapon.
Charge counsel showed that Move,
got drunk and
when arrested had a pistol in his
pocket, but made no effort to
January term of Pitt
Superior court began this morn- y- Judge Pee-
remarked that the minimum
with Judge R. B. Peebles
presiding and Solicitor C. L. Ab-
representing the state.
In calling the jurors for the
term, was
excused on account of deafness,
J. W. Higgs and J. A. Forties
for sickness, J. M. became
of the death of a sister, and T.
E. Hooker absent in hospital.
Following were drawn a a grand
Wiley Brown, foreman,
C. T. Watson. G. W. Venters. S.
L Dudley, Joshua Nobles B. J.
Pulley, J. C. O. C
try. J. E. Warren, F. A. Elks. J.
H. R L Warren. J A.
fine for
weapons will be
Asheville, H. C, Jan.
Referring to a statement made
by the J. H. Snore in o
. delivered Sunday, January
concealed j h, in which he referred to
; Eddy's great wealth, and to
Science as a fraud,
A Slick Trick a
b, s New York Slurp.
So H.
fellow Verdict.
of Lon
Chairman R. R. Find.
Wilson. Jan 15.-A from Kinston, ti. C, Jan. Mr-R. R. Cotten. chairman of
was in Wilson this the Lenoir Superior court today the committee appointed by the
morning who told of how a New J S. Longfellow was acquitted governor by the direction of the
York pulled the the charge bigamy for last to investigate
over the eyes of Mr. Frank which he has been on trial the system of renter-
son, a prominent merchant of days and for the second land titles, i. in Raleigh and
a short while time, a former trial having re reports that interest
. -hat in a mistrial. Upon an- is
The following cases have been
J. T. embezzlement,
guilty, sentenced months on
Emma Brown, assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
John O. appeal from
mayor's court, guilty,
fined one penny and costs.
Oscar B.-own and Carl
Elks, E. R. Dudley, A. E. Tuck burst, affray, Brown pleads
E J. W. Gay, O. guilty, jury finds Whitehurst
C. Noble.
v . Wilson did would have been
that Mrs. Eddy s business done merchant
been in the courts of New;
Hampshire and
within the last few
through an effort made by
people to get control of her
property, all of which she has
earned through the sale
A well known drummer for the
York clothing house of
Schloss. who had been calling on
the merchants of Eastern Caro-
had sent in his usual report
in which I e stated that i
In his charge to
grand jury Jude said
when we consider the age of our
country, that it U but one
and years old. and
in that short time it has become
the most powerful nation in the
world, and its friendship more
ht than any other by all other
nations, it should make us
proud. This is not due to our
having a greater population than
others, for far
us, nor is it due our having
greater wealth than other
Wu must lo k for some
other reason for the position we
hold am the nation, and that
reason is because we have th-
best laws and those laws are
better executed. Here every
man stands on an equal footing
before and m in has the
right to do what pleases with
that which is his own, provided
in so it ho does not bring
injury to others or trespass upon
their rights.
Judge Peebles then of
the oath the jurors had taken,
especially emphasized that
judgment upon
payment of costs during good be-
of defendants.
Richard Cox, carrying con
weapon, pleads guilty.
George r, escape, pleads
defendant discharged,
county to pay half costs.
Ben and John A. Kin
an. affray. Ben pleads guilty,
judgment suspended upon pay
of costs good be-
John guilty, fined
and costs.
Wiley Lucas, Wm-
Tom Williams, Fred Dixon,
Mitchell, Walter Price, Ming,
plead guilty, fined each and
Wm. A. Nichols,
officer, pleads guilty, find
and costs.
Caesar King, with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined five cits and costs
Robert assault
with pleads
guilty, fined and costs.
George Joyner and Allen
ton, affray, Joyner not
case continued as to Sutton.
Drew selling liquor,
of her writings which are .
.; k ,. i. j it. was at a standstill;
bought and read by . , .
. ii- . i of his customers who
and internment i. . ,
usually gave bin
throughout the civil Bed world.
The in the litigation
referred to brought out fact
that, while Mrs Eddy has a com-
fort able income, she is not rich
the world now counts richen.
The court also found that Mrs.
was mentally and
to manage her own
There L- no evidence MM
reason fr believing;
that the thousands of Christian;
Scientist throughout
are actuated by fraudulent
were holding off until the new
.--ear set m. Among the
of the verdict the fast. The North Carolina
demanded a poll of i helmet has endorsed the
jury and each juror for himself the S
voted not v ill consider it,
Judge O H. Allen, and the constitutionality of the
sided, reprimanded the jury for New York law h . just been up-
verdict in severe language, by tho courts,
declaring that in order to reach; Mr. recently a
this verdict the jury had to de- visit to
that the defendant the law
when he stated had with the
he and Bruce were State officers and
m in wife. He declared that it Judge of tho
M an outrage upon the cm- setts land court.
v- in. I in HIP I t .
men who to favor him when a man come told Mr. Cotton A
. i . v. U . . ., . .
an order was Mr. Frank
Wilson. For n previous order
Mr Wilson had given the drum-
mer a check for which was
drawn in favor of the New York
was also sent in
with report by the drummer.
after this a mm
called on Mr. Wilson,
himself as a brother of L
into a Kinston home, v. worth of property had beer. rep.
of of its most in court in the last
young men go years, and of the guarantee
after living in her not one cent
home as tn husband j has ever been called for on ac-
of the young j count of grunting a defective
The public rally are much title,
disappointed over the me; real of the
of tho trial, .- are vitally in
As a fact, i. . ,
Knows that a
in any at
lent an average in good in-
ship and a charge
very much like made
by orthodox church against
Jesus and His followers, against
Lather, and all l-ad-
reform movements, and their fol
lowers. Very sincerely,
Geo. S. Powell.
New clothier. Mr. Wilson
so yes, the
slick article, the baby b .,;
my brother has sent me down
here tn find out why it is that
Ins in Eastern Carolina is
in so few he he
fellow was taken into
in law because of
the tremendous and
a of fornication jury expense of pr sent sys-
by fraud upon Mr, Co-tin
swift and in which charge the the farmers of State ere get
young is not included, ting thoroughly because
He was It quired to gives if the ease and
bond of in default of, which their lands then he
Wind .
of it that they should guard guilty, fined and costs
with secrecy their deliberations
in the grand jury room.
The home of the aged and in-
firm is one of the greatest deadly weapon, pleads
ties known to our people, and it fined and costs,
is duty of the jury to visit j Nag Moore, temporary
this home and see that the in-
mates are well and comfortably
cared for. While such
is a charity, it ceases to be
a charity and becomes hell on
when the unfortunates
there are improperly treated and
not provided with necessary
comforts of life.
the head of the five
and h with
leave to hire out.
John assault with
of horse, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended upon pay in tot of
Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Albion
Scotland Neck, N. C. Jan.
The dance which took place on
the evening of the fourteenth m
th hall of the Male academy
closed first year of
German club and was. in
every respect, one of the most
notable successes in the
history of Neck. Given
in honor of Mr. Albion Dunn and
on his j b.
last report
brother was to ii J
that you. to . Mr. Wilson, had
failed to place a-, arid
is at a lot to it. I;
j the tightness money
o j ft is nut
at a marriage
place as to
the .,
by the young woman, bu and Mr.
unable n produce the usual, ford, of Raleigh, h.
I p.-. It must
used .- in getting
loans. banks the
are interested the same r-c-
Ll- Henry E.
been a I pared l article
fort. t of
we'll A
Oscar Manning, assault who was Mi.-s
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and costs.
James Hardison, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and costs.
Henry Fleming and Walter
Oneal. affray, plead guilty, fined
capital crimes in this state, I each and costs.
while speaking of the placing of
obstructions on railroad tracks
causing the wrecking of a train
resulting in loss of life, he said
George Parker, charged with
Irma Cobb, of Greenville, the
was made up of many of
the bridal party and other visit-
ors in addition to the members of
the German club and their
of Scotland Neck.
The music, furnished by
Italian orchestra was ex
the hall was tastily
people arc not careful enough to that he would ask verdict
instruct their children as to of murder in the d degree,
what the law in this respect is. George Parker murder in
He his known of small boys second degree, guilty. Sentence
being brought in court for not yet passed.
obstructions on a railroad
killing Caroline Cobb, was put orated and when filled with
on trial this morning. Solicitor j dancers and large crowd of spec-
announcing in court I was a of much
. beauty.
Very graceful figures were
led by Mr. and Mrs. Dunn.
Miss Lucille Cobb and Messrs.
Walter and Frank Wilson, of
Arthur Dupree, larceny, pleads
track, when they were only guilty, sentenced month on
Herbert Dudley, larceny pleads,
guilty, sentenced
prompted by curiosity to see a
wreck, not that they
were committing a felony.
Proper instruction on the part of, roads.
parents would prevent this. J. R.
Greenville, were among those in
. Federal court for
years on; When the jury was being
j ed, counsel for the defense asked
Whitehurst, assault, j it a good looking man had
Judge Peebles said he would pleads guilty, fined and costs, either of them
not consume time to instruct the j Redmond Price, carrying con- talked about the case.
grand jury on all crimes, as they weapon, guilty, privilege are so many good looking men
understood most of them in a of paying and costs or going around here, that is rather
general way, but he spoke of the on roads.
illegal of liquor, the burning Charlie Cannon, carrying con- j Judge Peebles.
of woods, cruelty to animals and weapon, guilty, privilege
a few such matters he thought of paying costs or going
be enlarged upon. , on roads.
The docket was taken up Just before-noon today Lam Ad-
after the completion ams and John on
of Judge charge, an I trial for burning the house
the disposition of cases begun. pied by Mrs. Julia Gardner,
The first case was Henry had testified against them in the
is tho it;
carry you i.
to , Mr. ,.
sun d the
that, it was nu fault of the drum
mer, that be had all the
he to
I'm glad that my
brother's agent has been doing
his I'm glad to have met
Mr. I must be going,
as I have got to get lo Washing-
ton, your next town, this after-
an after-
thought, he left
New York on Thanksgiving day,
the banks being closed, my broth
handed me this check, yours,
saying if I ran short of funds to
have it cashed, if I hap-
pen at some little place and find
myself in a
you mind cashing your own
Mr. Wilson cashed the check
thinking he was accommodating
a gentleman, but he was soon
made wise to the fact by a
drummer who called a little later
in the day. who told him that
Mr. Schloss had brother
Mr. Wilson then called up
New York and got into
cation with Mr. Schloss, himself
When Mr. Schloss was made
acquainted with the facts he
yelled back through the
is de rascal. Mr.
Wilson; n I tell you
You wont make a mistake if
you buy the Syracuse plow from
Carr Atkins Hardware Co.
x 1-1 i ,.
Bring your furs to
Schultz for high prices.
S. M.
Horse ard Quantity cf Corn and
Lest With
About o'clock Sunday morn-
a barn and at the
horn-of Prank a color hI
tenant on the farm of Mr J. G.
miles from town, of d-eds
destroyed by fire. A valuable venerations every
. u . ,. ., i time the land changes hands
was in the stable,; . .
. j . o- l i i same dreary, in-
difficult task must he
repeated i the same identical
from the stand
point, is
to repeat that
system to thin
With us ,, f
real est i- tr a law
paid investigate
the title-he g to tit-
house and through
aid barrels of
pounds of fodder, a car-
farming implements.
total iota about
Mr. had only
on the building, but the
colored man had no insurance at
all on his corn and farm
loss is a heavy one
on him.
work d time after time to
do good whatever. By
system the
once for all make-., a thorough
investigation of title, registers it
in prescribed fashion, and
the title ever thereafter
against the The
cant is taxed one-tenth of one
percent, lax of the prop-
as an fund to pro-
Face Badly Burned
Mr. W. S. was painfully
burned, Monday morning, at his the State against
saw mill on the river at the foot i adverse claimant.
of Greene Street, A valve on the land Observer.
engine had in some way become I
choked, and as Mr. was
trying to punch the obstruction
out the valve suddenly cleared
and a discharge of steam struck I D. A. , v ,, .,.,
him in the face. One side of his K c T T s our
face was burned and one eye
almost ruined.
Cox's Mills, N. C., Jan. 19-
of the
train and left on the
Raleigh News
While this occurred some weeks
Mainly, I no Mr- Wilson had kept the
send down a tarn
Misses Rosa Whitehurst ard
Nina Dixon spent Saturday
He entered Greenville on the night and Sunday with the
The supposition in Greenville
is that the fellow who represent-
ed himself to be brother
purloined the check and letters
of the firm he had in his posses-
from the desk of Mr.
Schloss and that he went to
Greenville for the express
pose of swindling Mr. Wilson.
with the rascal who worked this j talk to our Sunday
trick on him. The article in the afternoon.
matter quiet while making
in an effort to catch up
Misses Carroll.
Misses Rosa and Lena Tyson
attended services at Black Jack
Prof. W. H. made
a very interesting and
News and Observer is the first
intimation even the people here
had of the occurrence. We hope
the rascal may be caught and
properly punished.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Misses Cora and Annie Carroll
attended services at Winterville
Mrs. W. F. L N.
Edwards went to Hancock Sun-
Miss Nina
J. W. Smith st Fort

Complete Associated Press Reports
Splendid Cartoon Every day in the year.
is a large paper with Colored Comic Supple-
and special features.
Sample Copies will gladly be sent to any-
one making applications for same.
. . i
Norfolk Cotton Peanuts wired j
W. Perry Co. Cot on factor.
l i
Middling W ,
Low Middling
Low Middling
,. tirades
Wired Bros
Broker. Norfolk
May J
July l
A Peculiar of Thia
Many and add are material
into the
mil me MOM Inter-
lasting of an thaw
us well as simplest Is
ton The mil In-
b large, us enormous
re in f
fur sin
gun la pure raw
MUM or even waste, snob
ii- In Tins la
Building, corner Evans and; ,., H solution . port of
Thirds and parts -add. Ilia
ii renders
mass Hit- sulphuric arid be-
. nicely absorb all moisture.
arid i
Will. I lie of
rate be ha-i upon
at the office in II
in the post office at Greenville
II. C, mail matter.
r, r- Who. , a
Storm Breaks Loose There. Science.
. Corn
May Lard
. . M .
., n
Monroe Capt W
has invented and bad
patented a ticket
for the u.-- of ticket
agents that will be a valuable
time and is to
into universal use. i
very clip t be fastened
on the agent's window. Tick, t-
will be run off a roll, thee s
in one long strip a
basket, saving the age I
the work at numbering it-
assorting and
coupons and Dim o
bis work at the window in ball
the time.
have any
and h d the very
t. , call phone and we
w ll Do th-
is keeping up its
record tor
Sine-the front of their store
has laker v
Hart have put in
show for
NEXT . . .
Special White
Next Week
has on display the prettiest
line of Hamburg and Laces we
have ever shown.
All Winter Goods at reduced prices
Dress Ginghams, White Goods,
Hamburgs and Laces, Just
at I arrived at I I I
Special White
Next Week
The bread of the Afghan
cooked by healing
the and then
them out and wrapping dough an
Inch thick them. The
formed were Into the
lire, to be poked out when cook-
ed. The bread well there In the
desert, although In
the grit and uh. would
After good had been ea-
the actually sold us
vim flour, any o in the
Magazine. The
camp where used it a little later
happened to be beside the sandy bed
of a trickling at ream, which
drinkable lo winter, but absolutely
when evaporation
la at height and the suit la
one of our
we dismounted; Is sand.
Tonight we can good
When some dry twigs had been
he proceeded to smooth off a bit
of the cleanest sand built upon It
bot Ore. When the
hot he raked off most of the
coals and smoothed the sand very neat-
Meanwhile one of the other men
had made two large of dough
bout three-quarters of Inch thick
and eighteen inches in diameter. Be-
tween thus be placed a layer of lumps
of sheep's tall fat. making a huge
round sandwich. This was now spread
on the hot coals Billed with
were placed completely over II. and it
left to bake. Now and then an
edge was uncovered, and a
It appreciatively and rapped
on it to see If It yet cooked.
When the top was thoroughly baked
the bread was turned over covered
up again. It tasted even better than
the Afghan bread after it cooled
little the and bad
been off a girdle. The
are to life
In th. sandy that they think It
Impossible to make the beat kind of
bread without while the Ar-
who live in the
think that cobblestones a
I lie
twins for hours
in Its described cotton
is Mad expel
all a carried
by washing the in
clear water. washing Is a
long which
the cotton M a
paper Should any
acid lie allowed to remain It
If the is to In after
the -t It Is fur-
and then thoroughly
but If for It
Is Into cakes various
and disk flat
and not
gun cotton l
light as ordinary
A of this
explosive Is that a brick of It
may be placed a bed or
as moisture dries out
the cotton will Hake and burn quietly
If dry However, the gun
Ion will explode with
degrees of Heal.
In general II l the
gun or an
linens.- k Instead of heal. In a
torpedo the charge Is wet.
cotton being exploded by
means of dry notion In I tube, this
having draw y a cup of
of the cup It-elf baring
been by the the torpedo
against the target.-Harper s Weekly.
II Will Out a and
Laval Almost Everything In It.
Path Then Cornea a
That Ends In a Floe
yon ever bat through a West
Indian said a man who
has lived In the tropics on and off for
a number of want to
know what the experience Is like
will leap out of a clear
sky. swoop down on a city, blew .
its path Hat and on.
Then follows the tall of the hurricane,
a breeze blowing In the same
direction, bin at a much lower
This Is likely lo continue for
many hours, sometimes for many
and is always by a tor-
downpour of
was Jamaica, the
time of the hurricane of At S
o'clock I In- afternoon I was In my
on the top floor of a rickety
wooden As suddenly
Sun. and Alt Matter
Ones a of
All Together In
Mineral Kingdom
an Chaotic Cloud.
has heard the phrase, th.
hypothesis, but Is ll
In a few words this Is the
f -nebula the
planets and that is la
were at one time In the lie
a of In-
gas all In
or cloud.
M w the
that has dared lo make, how-
ever, takes one step further
mentioning the origin or
science that the
all matter was uniformly
distributed throughout HaMS that
I here were BO Mars. BO planets, no
satellites, hill that all spin e was tilled
with I lie waiter we now have divided
tin.- some die-
The consistency of
thin lo-
In Peculiar Way
Produced Thia Rare Form of Carbon
and Thrown Away the Secret
The term Is
times to coal
which we burn in our furnaces, but
the real of corn-
mer.-e are among tin- most
of the world, they
than the
clap of thunder the went dark.
had a pretty good Idea of what we can obtain now o
was about to happen and. going to the tide state to the
looked out the the theory a miss-
A black cloud whirled up out of one that ran only Is-
the the but command, for It
buck lb. city were the words
still golden with light. Todd. that centers at-
In than a quarter of hour formed these enters pull-
lb us. The ed in toward other
mat went a wooden watch- ,.,,. a of the inward fall-
for. e at I tower about feet high that th.-liters the
been used ID the old to locate of Its particles their
-lops approaching the harbor. II had ., upon each other the material
weathered all previous hurricanes, but grew hotter hotter
time It went down like a house of to ID the entire
curds Spars of lumber from were tin- like
tower were carried . far as twenty still
block before they came to the ground, though vaster and
the of the church went, This to to
the roof, of a good many have on faster
were torn off. some One palm tree. H some region, than in Many
In the public garden, off about million nebulae were formed set
half way from the ground In rota n , n . .-.,
f th
in the Autobiography of Sir Henry
M. author of too
colored of central
majority of
were, of them wore
and for me moat
dense. On. man who from but personal
appearance might bean Judged
to be among the moat intelligent
after thirty with
unable to understand bow
It to be loaded. He never could
remember whether be ought to drop
the powder or bullet Into
Another be sent
with a man to transport a company of
men over a river to
That Happen at Bottom
dispute as to the quantity
of light at the sea.
from Too fathoms either
bare DO eyes or Indications of
I them, or else their eyes are very large
and protruding. .
Another strange thing l If the
creatures the lower depths have any
I color It l orange or red or reddish
I orange. Sen corals, shrimp
crabs have this brilliant color.
I Sometimes It la pure red or scarlet.
and many It to-
ward purple. Not a green or blue flab
The orange red Is th
for the bluish green light In the
bottom of ocean makes the orange
or the red Bib appear of a neutral tint
and hides It from t enemies. Many
are black, others neutral
color. Some are provided with
boring tails. o that they can burrow
in the mud.
The surface the submarine
Is covered with like an or-
showing that It la
feasting place of vast of car-
A take, a Into
It mouth, cracks the shell, digest th.
meal and ejects Crab,
lb shells and out moat. This
accounts for whole mound of
are often found.
Not a Is ever found that
is not honeycombed by the boring
shellfish and fall to piece at
touch of the band. what
destruction Is going on In
these depths.
If a ship at with all
board II Will be eaten by fish, with the
After wait- exception of the M
an calculated to happily be by
a pretty blow. are whenever are attracted to-
arc kept from fall
built only a few stories high, th. ward .
roof, present a broad and directly to this center a whirlpool
lint lo the ., formed, rotating In one direction
velocity at which that An example of though humble
cane ml damage and not exactly Is the rota-
not great. Keen my build- of water In a basin when the
withstood It. Hut the tall of the Is of the
with a heavier rain attract the water Immediately
I have ever before or since. , the hole, which
To say that ll came bucket- thus leaving a apace to be
Mi would be mild. If the Tb- f the water rushes In from
clerk of weather had taken the side to do this, and whirlpool
plug out of hug. rat ., n, result.
above our heads and allowed the ow of these whirling nebulae
to plump straight down on exceedingly bot. and each
three boors macadam on lb. what la known a a star or
streets bad been washed into bar- bring one. The earth
The street outside my window planet bad not then com.
was a rushing river as much a. four n, of course, a
feet deep In places. I aw a cart try , that were thrown
to It. but with the water from the
the of I he wheel and , H form and
twins washed from under It It gradually
It an impossible task, and u on account of
driver turned casks and This
packing cases were dancing on the who hare
face like . , ball of on a wheel
you -a. Imagine. I did not get motion was o
homo to It ,,, , that
before tin- rain of a disk,
water the streets had drained u. Mt part be-
then had q- ,,,.
begun to Itself- ,
car tracks had been
washed nut. and no cars were run-
Cabs, however, were doing a
roaring business, and eventually I got off of ring
a lo drive me home for three , hastened by the In-
his customary charge. outside to keep up the
The damage to property j
art ending
contracting. Inner part
drew from the outer, leaving a
ring of mailer whirling around on the
other for Id. stupidity and. being in
nation of excitement, to
the advice of men river,
who were bawling out to them bow to
manage their canoe.
mun was o ludicrously
that be generally was saved
from became mistake,
were so absurd. We were one day
floating down Kongo, ll being
camping I bade a. he
W bowman on the
lo stand by and a grass
the to arrest the boat whet. I
In a little w.
en me to a Place, and cried. Hold
be replied and forthwith on
. shore and the with
hands, while we. of course, were
rapidly swept down river, him
solitary on the bank. Tb.
at th.
stout but nevertheless hi. stupidity
the men a hard pull to
again, for not
available for a camp.
It also who on
when we required the brooch of a
of which
to be cut sway to
ea to be brought
for safety actually went of
and away ha ton
into water with
o-t-r end of
be bad much money.
Had O. It
Champ was a
about the one day when
be Invited attention to a solemn faced
Individual Just a
See that asked Clark. -Ho
reads every one of the speeches
In the
gasped the
said Clark.
word of
Is queried I ho visitor, re-
the phenomenon closely.
A proofreader at government
priming explained Champ.-
to and
la a
down .,. rive.
would each
S. Ml e grow to the densest
,. in th. West Indies. We export a would form a bull which woo a
Batten, and If the
know It will take Its toll of continued nebulous the ball
man II comes. If you had was large enough they would
been telling the story ft
ably have mentioned
An Easy Numismatist.
Mrs. seem to
some education. you
once a mini.
I'm a by
Howard lady; a
collector of raw coins. Any old coin U
rare to
men said
Eben. me of to dis-
my or mule a
It tires out de giver n-
but don't no real
ti would prob- rings. .
at of nil. I of curs.- IbO rings the sun
sudden death Is so below , the
tropic of Cancer we get y the
I New York Sun. same
planets formed hare .,,,.
Albion and Boon. or satellites.
III. Gem of the , our sun
and composed by Ham- ,
an dork lo the farthest planet In the
about HOd was heard ff .,.,
others the theaters, music halls , ,,,, Ma theory her
on It Is ,, , have to
of His an Island ,, , In the beam., ha.
more aptly than our largo . . ,,
by the rod and the
rod of the army and , r
blue of th. la more logical that.
the meaningless line by the red.
white and The line, bug-
song. almost word for wort
Identical with our version. The lied.
and Blue
The Other Hall.
don't know what half an
doing Molt-No U
half are doing
A Woman.
do you say is a
always get. off s car
Tomorrow not enough in
which to duties
family of planet. around
would be
course, for It la Impossible
star, with the
as a mere light.
regards prosing of this
of course It cannot Do
don. everything palms a.
curacy. Many nebulae are seen
now among the stars that b
going through delayed
world forming. Around on. of
planets of our own solar system. Ml-
urn. three ring, which
In lb. of .
Hedge to York
n purpose the world
that of gnat
black diamonds
yet In no outward
hie HI which we arc
to wear
are harder the crystal or
diamonds and. in fact, about
Black diamonds, or are
among the of
kingdom They without
form and are found
regular from
half a up to and
carat They ore dark
black or brownish In and opaque
real diamond of the Jewelry trade
Is also pure but
crystalline In form. Two object,
alike In not b.
o In a
the two form, of carbon.
Another peculiar thing th
black diamond is that found
In one In the world. They
come from a very small section of Bra-
Ell not more than miles square In
area, outside of this territory
no pure black diamonds have ever
peculiar freak of nature
ed deposition of black
in this section of the world and
nowhere else la on. of the mysteries
which science has failed to explain.
None or then, has been In the
Treat diamond regions,
where crystal form of diamonds
hare for so long mined.
whole origin of black
Is, therefore, a
Naturally the Is raised,
what Is a black diamond
would to of these
diamonds, which resembles a piece of
coal more than a real diamond, o
far no on. has the black
a. the black pearl has boon.
Nevertheless the black diamonds serve
a most and useful
lo Industrial world.
pure black carbon Is not only
barter the diamond, be
tougher not brittle as th gem.
It la of great value for
many mechanical purposes and
for boring with diamond drills.
In diamond drilling the tips of the
drill, studded with carbon, or
black and when the
the pressure U so
the diamonds would I crushed
the Hut the carbon resist
this continued pressure and slowly
down Into the rock.
In diamond drill work carbon I
sat In circular pieces of soft steel or
Iron, called bits, and i bit. are at-
to tubing. Armed with the
bias diamond th. drill, push
their way under severe pressure
to u depth of and six thousand
through the hardest
of rock. Some black diamonds
much harder than others, there
in. way to determine by the color th.
difference In the degree of
Black diamonds or pure carbon are
not by any means cheap, the own
ere of the mine. In where they
are gathered are making a thing
out of their There i
known substance can the
lilac, of In drills In boring for
gold, silver, copper other mineral
the black
of Brazil were It
possible lo make borings.
ad our It was used In
diamond saws cutting stones, mar-
and similar Then the
price advanced so the
found cosily for such use.
for stone culling.
I really Imperfect or
diamond, but II Is too brittle for use
In drills. Consequently has
en of black diamonds for
atone culling, latter have la-en
almost to diamond
drilling purposes.
average Of black diamond.
It. the drills from two lo
live but lb III specimens
much better They coal
more, hut they last It.
there Is a greater demand
th. larger pieces of pure carbon, and
price Is run up
figures for unusual
rear that supply of black
diamond, may some day give out and
diamond drilling Industry
has prospectors to
scan o new bill to
far they hare not been
other band, have la-en
making s close study of the chemical
condition which time the
black diamonds, hut their
U apparently about as as the
making of the gem diamonds. It Is .
under condition, to
make either, bill not In six.-, sufficient
to be of value Na-
In some peculiar way has made
ran- and thrown
the of the away If n
man unlock or And that
be may cause a to
Ha Had a Hard tie In th.
of Our Navy.
When a M
of Pa
mutton the
WM of D.
to is
our., in the -f
Thomas I . f-
describes u- laborious
lines were n-t
nor were
of peace.
and of lite public.
U their i
moral welfare.
cation w lit
were ll
with the service, then W
of them There was DO e-
there was the
to a
wrote Porter in
of A
i the a
boy's nervous
the mot
mined could remain in the
for of
In when
of the on
the war of alt, the
he drew a ill pay
was a day.
Hind and a half ;
on day, a pound
a pint re
of pint
four Tuesday, n.
pound and I half of a
of potatoes or turnips
ounce r or
of I o
I . If K
a of pork, half a pint of
or Friday,; of
alt two of butter m
on- Rill of n pound f
wk, half a
pint of b. four ounces
and day a M
The value ration was .
cents. It
Han of a value of M
When Midshipman
was when lie red the
III full
form or.- o Hue
and villi U
tons; collar a
formed Of
aide, not two
square; lashed
buttons, all buttonhole- worked
sold Mo
vest with flap, no lo
buckle n
When in how.
a short blue I
buttonhole, and having
collar with a button n of
old lira on ride.
not to worn on shore by .-
Beef. . .
Bl uniform
by the navy under lie
of the
from to
Th. Value of Charcoal.
ha- a
hum will keep
for years pinked in A few
lumps of it in n will
the. water pure A
of it in n cellar
odors, a lump boiled ll
cabbage onions will do
put into mull
will keep sweet a long time.
paste of III.
not only cleans. I lie teeth, hut
infects them and
breath. Taken inwardly it la
for the
Uncalled For
mini wrote toll
B horticultural paper
would be mutable
The editor replied
When the rend this ho
boiled over with
sent n note
to he lie that
editor who in that
ho was a

V r
Worth of Property
to Choice Residence Lots
In the Town of GREENVILLE, N. C.
AT A. M.
This property is desirably located, on Dickinson Avenue and Farmville road, four blocks
from the Atlantic Coast Line depot, and within four blocks of the handsomest block of brick
buildings in town. The growth of Greenville for years has been in the direction of this prop- j
All pleasure riding is out this way, as it is bounded on each side by sand-clay roads. The
future business of the town is destined to be about the two depots close to this property.
Biggest Thing in a Real Estate Sale Ever Attempted in North Carolina
Where has our leading business men made their profit Ask them and they will tell you in
real estate. You can make some money by attending this sale Monday, January
One-fourth Cash, Balance in one and two years.
See the twin auctioneers, Penney Brothers, sell lots one a minute.
Music by RICHARD BROS. CONCERT BAND, of Gainesville, Ga.
Greensboro, North Carolina.
Raleigh, North Carolina
That Appeal
seeker the
Our beautiful suburban ;
dense property, just west of,
Greenville, the two
sand clay roads, is now laid
off in building lots.
be sold at auction to the hitch-
es bidder by the Suburban Real
and Auction Co. who will later
announce date of sale. This
property is within blocks of
A. C. L. aid Ml
what is the
block of brick building in
course of in town, j
To the man
would appear that the future
business growth of the town i
to be on Dickinson avenue
we confidently believe that in a
few years the greater part of t he
business of the town will be done
on avenue and near
the to railroad depots. The
property to be sold is too veil
known to need commendation
from us. We will say,
that we believe every lot sold
will double In value within
The inquiring mind might ask
if its value I in
five years, do you it for
The r is
We do not propose to sell all
our property now, but we r-l
that every lot told correspond
increase the value of I he
remainder of our prop hence
to sell of it now the remain
will in five be worth
much as all at present, both the
sold and unsold portions doubling
in Very truly.
Cox's Mills, N. C Jan. 13.-
Mi-s Moore was visiting
near Jack last week.
Miss James and Simpson
Bullock, of spent Sat-
night and Sunday at W.
F. Carroll's.
Misses Annie and Sadie Car
roll attend-d the
Prof. W. H. will
speak at school house Sun
day afternoon. All are cordially
Several of our farmers at-
tended the farmers union at
There was a large crowd pres-
at Sunday school Sunday
We are glad to know
people are taking so much inter
est in the work, and they
will continue to attend.
Miss Geneva Edwards, of W.
H S. spent Saturday and Sunday
t home.
Mi Cora Carroll spent from
until Sunday with Miss
Nina Dixon.
Miss L C x spent
day and Sunday with her parents.
She as by Misses
Clyde and Olivia
Hugh returned to
The following were on the roll
of honor of house
month ending Jan. Jessie
V- ice Evans,
Eva Williams, Coon
Levi Williams,
Clark, Buck. Cora
North Carolina be f-ill
of fl mills. Why
Professional Cards
industry hampered and
forbidden to grow The Char-
Observer gives the answer
in the I Office opposite R. L.
Flour can be shipped from
Ohio to Lynchburg, Richmond
and all the way to Norfolk n ,
R. L.
a hundred the
movement it cresses the North
Carolina line the rate leaps to,
cents. Western flour
d to or Hamburg
fifty cents a barrel cheaper than
t North Carolina. he on
grain are
I his discrimination hurts
business, prevent
but also operates against the
desirable increase in the wheat,
acreage- If the Interstate Com-, I- I. W. H. low.
Commission denies relief and
why does not the State
apply the same rate per ATTORNEYS AT LAW
mile in the State that the rail- N c
roads have fixed on their inter-
Matt shipments Raleigh News BROWN
Not made by trust
c no longer Wire Fence made by the Trust.
received the agency for the famous WIRE
Don't fail to see it. Be-1 Fence at Best Prices.
Greenville, N. C
Office on Third formerly
pied by Dr. Bagwell-
Chamberlains Cough Remedy.
never disappoints who use
disappoints use, skinner. Jr
it for colds and H
the throat and lungs.
It as a
for all and lung diseases.
Sold by all
H. .
Chamberlain's Cough
is a very valuable medicine
throat and lung troubles, quickly
relieves and Cures painful
and a dangerously sounding
which Indicates c- nested
lungs. Sold by all druggist.
Record Filed.
Fayetteville, Jan- Wan
C. while in this ct
Saturday, a- a special
of the Atlantic Line Rail
road Company, with th
register of Can d
county what is
biggest mortgage ever
in the South It is a
So year per cent mortgage for
given by At-
Coast Line Railroad Com
party to United States
of New Y irk.
Thia sum will be
by the Line In
in. old bonds,
other improvements
This transaction furnishes to
the uninitiated some idea of the
expenses connected with th-
op- ration of a railroad. The cost
of recording the mortgage here
was about As the
company is required to register
a paper of this kind in every
county in which its line or any
branch thereof operates, it is
evident that the expense
recording deed will alone
amount to a small fortune.
The Atlantic Coast Line
ates in twenty seven counties in
North Carolina. In addition it has
thousands of miles in Virginia,
South Carolina, Georgia, and
Th-- busiest mightiest lit-1
tie thing mat r was in- de is
Stomach aid Liv
Tablets, the work
h-n you their aid.
into joyous-
fin u action is so
they have
taken a purgative. Sold I y all
Killed by Attorney at Law
Mr. Preston the 27-1 office L.
year old son Mr. N c
of met with a horrible j GREENVILLE. N. C.
accident Saturday afternoon at i
Siding resulted in, to fat
ins death Sunday afternoon. Taxes for the State and county
c cars his head was crush- past rd all Persons
the ends of Battle
logs in tailing his cm, be t
I foot was cut off He was doing are delinquent., and
somebody law's at the this cost can he by
time of accident, was near- I m to collect
i so t
y and the ,. W. Tucker.
were hurrying to through to d c
leave Hie
the colored man, whose
Just received Repeating
Rifles, No. made by the S
Swiss government. Cost
each. We will sell for ten days
at each.
Come and see how we do it.
Baker Hart
Greenville, N. Carolina
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of Nov. IS, 1900.
L. W.
d ft w Sheriff.
tan made and frown in
COSt of
On a
Stir content of one
into a of milk and f
No cooking, no heating,
Everything but
ThU make quart of the moat
ice cream yon ever at.
Decorative Work.
A strikingly
interior decoration work has just
Wells Browne. th
paper and decorator, in
the dental office of Or It. L I
The departure from the.
usual style of wail papering is
v. noticeable and giVeS the
an art gallery. On the
beautiful pictures executed
in paper decorations, one a
scene in Venice and the her a
lake shore the paneling
Kid borders being in perfect
with Hr. Browne
is truly an artist in his line and
fine work.
Cough Remedy
i net a common, every day cough
mixture. It is a
remedy for all the troublesome
and complications re-
from cold in the
throat, chest or lungs. Sold by
all druggists.
Greenville Gets Office.
In the election of officers by
the Grand Lodge of Mason-, in
session at Raleigh, R. Williams
of Greenville. elected grand
auditor. L. H. Pender. worship
master of Greenville lodge,
and S. J. Nobles the
meeting of the Grand Lodge.
Have you a weak throat If
m, cannot be too careful.
begin too early. Each
cold makes you more liable to
another and the last is always
the harder to cure. If you will
take Rem-
at outset you will be
saved much trouble. Sold by ail
OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
NORFOLK. VA. I i y Cashier of the above-named hunk do
. handlers swear that above statement is
duty it w . to c re
Hr. E to do the
work and bun to the
between the cars, as the
torn when a coupling,
i but d d not t u pro-
j Cling logs. When Hie
his head
He fell and
crushed foot.
Dr. was immediately
summoned and we t to bis relief
do no g I d. Was
taken to the hospital in
where ho died Sunday without
ever having us-
Bill Standard La-
125,708.18 Capital Stock
Loans and
Overdrafts secured i Surplus fund
and unsecured Undivided less
Furniture and t. .,,
Time of de,
minor coin currency 8.484
Deposits sub to cheek
Bagging. Hags.
Most Popular Druggist Makes a
Remarkable Statement.
ire selling on a Hive guarantee to
cure any Liver Trouble. I f food does
We want Girls and Boys
to work in the
Knitting Mills
At Tarboro, N. C.
and in the
Runnymede Mills
Near Tarboro, N. C.
The work is no dust or
dirt and the pay is can
furnish yon a house i the town
knowledge and belief.
bed and sworn to
mi this Kith day of Nov.,
o S. T. Carson,
Notary Public
W. Cashier.
M. O.
. J. W. Bryan has at obtained RUnnymede Or t Tarboro.
tho fur a remedy which they
In the of Nor at the twines,
Loans and Discounts Stock
Overdrafts secured , fund
and unsecured lit.
less cur. ex. tax's pd
Edi cation or You
Chili n
not digest it there or pin
in tongue
nit bad. if there i- ,
Liver and de.
will cure you. If d not you h
at Tarboro
We haW
to return Liver year.
Banking house. Fur-
from Banks
and Bankers
Cash items
Silver coin,
minor coin cur
other U. S. notes
., . D. not fear -hut dean
Pill give quick relief and ma-e per- w- n . work f r every
cure of .
and all Liver Trouble These
but Dr. Bryan i . s th Work or Write
giving hi customers a chance
the truth, and if Q
i Deposit
20.001 Deposit subjects
I to check
335-43, Cashier a Checks
. . . .
cent box of Liver Pills you
are not with the result go to
Dr. and for your money.
Also for by M. U. Saul at
don. N. C
I G T Gardner. Cashier of above-named bank, do sol-
Get Rid of That Sourness, Gas
and Indigestion.
S at
or by b not keep It.
I Not Quite
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 16th day of Nov.
1909. . R.
Notary Public.
John Z. Brooks,
C. J Tucker.
W. W. Dawson,
Greenville, yours if you
bay a bottle of Cowan
Preparation and be prepared
and cure by
and congestion.
When your is out of order
or run down, your doesn't d gent
it ferment in and
ch heartburn,
breath, rein at pit of and
other miserable
Mi will give
joyful relief in five if taken
for two weeks turn
four, tiled out stomach
into a energetic, working
one. . . .
You be very strong and vigor
If your food only half
Your will go
and will
tablet ere smell
and to ow end
ell of
toe or money
Fifty cent a I box. Sold by
everywhere end by Coward
For there is remedy
to Booth's Pills cents.
Bow often you can get a
nail or driver or
lacking. Rave a good
box and b prepared for
Our line of tool
Is a you and
we will m that your tool
box not lack a
You get
Hone t c
J. P.
Reflector does job work.
New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala., Fla.
February 3rd to 8th, 1910
The annual Carnival celebrated at New
Or Mobile Ala, and . from February
Inclusive. be more elaborate than upon
Ticket, sold by Southern 1st to 7th, Inclusive,
Tickets may be by paying at
Stop overs allowed.
Get Complete information from any ticket agent of Norfolk
Southern Railway, address

With the majority I mm. The folk,
men consuming the time gel vaccinated oil
among themselves, there is their business, those with
much danger of the country I being put in
being harmed by their
Don't be Dialed by Colic.
Cotton is high, but for
get that all other farm product
Don't get swept
something. I
Champ Clark believe, that the
Democrats will control the next
My M had congress There is
S, office in the the
Hector Building, comer Evans i
Subscription -One Year
rate. .-.
-t the business
Entered in the post office at Greenville j
H. C-,
administration for such a change
to take place.
One thing brought out in the
The that an
investment in Greenville real
estate will be a good one. Val-
increase here, and
you hear of any property
There is an institution
that does not have are also high,
the support and encouragement off your feet, therefore and go
, ,, . wild about cotton next spring
it should receive. We The yield w
to the library I ,
was started a few years
the ladies of the of the
Century Book Club. When
FRIDAY, JAN- 1910. recent meeting at
Wonder if has
the Tuft smile.
If the Taft smile has
he is not reported as
S. Island decided not
to be made a cat's paw in u
fraud against another Slate.
The Federal court of New
York is going right in after the
fellows in the sugar
Greensboro, is the laymen
know about as well what to do
as the preachers And some of
them are as good talkers.
county is a notable
place for law suits. Two men
up there had a suit over the car
of a dead cow, one got
judgment against the other for
tiff, the carcass being
worth that much as hog feed.
There is more talk in congress
about turning Speaker Cannon
down, but is
to shake.
A dispatch from Washington
that Mrs. Taft is quietly
leading a movement to
Sunday teas, dinners,
lunches and bridge parties and
return to the old
religious Sunday.
She might begin the reform
right at home by getting the
president ti stop using Sunday
s a work day. The head of the
nation should not set the ex-
ample of disregarding the
Congressman Grant got in the
mud deeper than he thought in
the method he to have
Mrs. Reid removed as
at The matter is
yet being aired, with increasing
sentiment in behalf of the lady.
Greenville people get together
all right on tome things. Why
not try it DO the establishment
of a cotton mill
A woman can see a hat for two
I minutes and describe it for two
hours without repeating herself
New Bern Sun.
A new order of divisions and
has adopted in
White House receptions, and at
a recent function velvet ropes
mark- d off places for the guests
according so ambassadors
being given a more prominent
place than The
Spanish minister wanted to en-
the space set for
North Carolina will
feel that while is
small size she is large in
name and character.
tarted the purpose was that it
should be purely a public
library, but contributions were
so that it imposed a con-
tax upon the members
of the club to provide books, pay-
rent and employ some one to keep
the library open. To help out
this burden the plan was adopted
to charge persons cents a
month or a year for the
the library, but there are
only forty-one persons who are
helping by paying this small
sum. Would you think this
could be true a town of
people It is astonishing that
no more interest is taken in an
institution from which so much
benefit is derived. There is no
estimating the good the library
is to the community. From
time to time the ladies of the
club are adding new books to the
library, these being procured
with their own resources and
from money they make in en
given for that
pose. Really the people of the
only of Hut per acre;
three years ago it was pounds
per per cent
more. With such a yield
ere last year, we should have
had a yield three or four million
bales larger prices
lower. Cotton i
high, but so are corn and meat
Don't forget that in
planning for y 1910 crops.-
Raleigh Progressive
Farmer and
Mr. It. W. Smith writing
from Ayden tells of a jug that
was brought from England
years ago. He concludes the
item by telling us that the
is still in good but
fails to give any intimation of
what we may consider good
vice for a jug in a prohibition
state. Some of us would think
that jugs are good to hold water
that artesian well, which
we hope our neighbors will
while others would scout the
idea of any jug being counted
as doing when
employed in holding anything
as weak as water. Our friend
might have presented the full
evidence to the public and
lowed each to decide according
to his personal taste. But any
New North
For the week ending January
the Chattanooga Trades-
man reports the following- new
industries established in North
Carolina, which is a good begin-
for the new
Charlotte- brick and
tile company; realty
company; power company.
New Bern-$100,000 naval
stores company.
power com-
sales com-
Williamston- drug com-
cotton mill;
electric railway
Hickory -125.000 construction
Durham-$10,000 publishing
Making Life Safer
Everywhere lift is bin made more
ale through the work Dr. s
New in n,
t, discuses and bowel
They're easy,
perfectly up the Zoe at
ah druggists.
We have barbed win-and
burg wire fence sale.
Carr Atkins Hardware Co.
and was restrained,.
so doing. This riled his community should come up more
In that respect she is far j dignity and he sent a complaint generously to the help of these
ahead of public speakers hi. country complaining of good women in carrying on so
cannot talk thirty minutes at the reception good a w .
out repeating. following which he has been re-
called. Uncle Sam is
some on new stunts
Stray Taken Up.
I have taken no black
. shoat, w II weigh
way it is an interesting jug.
and we hope it is not in anyway thirty days owner can get same
it i i . i ., by proving owner-hip and cost.
aided and abetted in infringe u int. N. C.
of the statute law of the .
Th-V are watching for the
comet now, and it will not be
long before they are keeping
their eyes open for the ground
Say what you please, but
there i real estate mound
Greenville that Will prove a
good investment for the
The New Bern calls him
Well, let n go at
that. Of course the Sou man's
excuse will be that his
artist is sick.
The tumble in the price of
cotton may a good thing for
the farmers, as it will to that
extent lessen the temptation to
over-plant for this year's crop.
The way big cotton
fleecing each other on
the New York exchange may be
giving some comfort to the
small fellows throughout the
country who they have been
There are so people who, if
they cannot run u thing to suit
themselves, want to run it
ground. They do not seem to
think that other people have
ideas of their own and know
how to use them.
When it was announced last
week that Island was to
bring suit against North Caro-
on those old bonds, a dis-
patch from Washington referred
to Marion Butler as being much
pleased. Since Island
has changed her mind we won-
how he feels.
A very gratifying thing is to
The hen is displaying much
wisdom in curtailing the egg
resulting sky-high
prices. Good example in this
for folks to imitate when they
go to plant money crops.
Now come the manufacturers
of shoes who say that the retail
price of our foot gear must ad-
to per cent, this year.
Never mind, summer is coming
after a while we go bare-
A factory at Worcester, Mass;,
-which makes most of the
used in this country, was
by fire Wednesday getting to look like the change
night, and the coming fourteenth
of February will be
hear the farmers when they
come in talk about the large
quantity of meat they have put
up this year. We believe
this winter will see more
, Killed and more meat put up in
county than in any
This means that the
The press dispatches say that
some of the old North Carolina
bonds have been presented to
Island so that state may
bring suit for their recovery.
Perhaps Island is prompt
ed to this step from the fact that
few years ago North Dakota
took similar action against North
Carolina and got some of our
A resolution has been offered
in congress to change the date
of the presidential inauguration
from the 4th of March to the last
Thursday in April, and the house
committee has made a
favorable report on it. This is
It is seldom we see ourselves
as others see us, but it would be
well for each of to stand aside
and see ourselves go by
judging, pity in
condemning our
after a thorough examination, will
we find we are better than be sums for
fellow in any respect we should I side during the
no in a spirit of brotherhood and j f
give him the benefit of our
knowledge that he may become
There h bad in the best of us
M the selling price of the
the rest of paper to one cent a copy or six
We have in mind that class of a to subscribers.
This reduction in price resulted
in such a great increase in sales
and circulation the paper,
that within a week after it was
started an order had to
placed for enlarged press
ties to meet the demand. The
Chronicle announces that when
these additional facilities are
installed it can run out
papers an hour.
The Charlotte Chronicle re-
made an innovation by
folks who talk about others in
private life.
One thing The Reflector does
not feel especially pleased over,
is that the first month of the
new year has almost slipped by
without the inauguration of a
new enterprise for the town.
This pace must be changed, or
Greenville will not get her
of things this year.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Our Greenville, yours if you
Free Press.
Glendale, N C 18.1910.
Misses Mattie and Bessie
Corey and Ora Crawford, of
Greenville, spent Tuesday night
with Misses Lizzie and Minnie
Miss Nichols, of Poke-
spent night with
Miss Mabel Tyson.
Miss Minnie Allen spent Sat-
night and Sunday with
Miss Martha Wooten.
B. George, of Tarboro. was
stopping at J. T. Allen's
day night and Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Allen and A. P.
spent Saturday night and
Sunday at Le near
Mrs. A. M. Allen spent
day night and Sunday in Green-
ville with her sister, Mrs. W, T.
Allen who is very
Mrs. J. A. Tyson is
friends and relatives in Green-
ville this week.
Miss Mattie Corey, of Green-
ville, returned Monday to take
charge of her school.
Mrs. Julia Crawford spent
Monday in Greenville with her
sister, Mrs. J. J. Corey.
Misses Minnie and Ethel Al-
celebrated their fifteenth
birthday at the home of J. T.
Allen Tuesday evening, Jan.
11th. The guests began to
rive at the hour of seven.
interesting games were played
and at nine refreshments were
Stray Taken Up.
I I ave taken up Mm male hog, light
tot. r, pounds,
mat ed three in nu one
lit in left ear. Owner can get same
proving hip and paying
charges. Jam n.
Op O. L. Farm,
N. C. R. F. D No.
Dec. gist, U ltd
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart lien they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it
I with what I
thought was trouble,
the told m I heart
trouble. h many rented lea,
when the Dr.
Into my hands, and I concluded to
B Dr. Miles- Heart Cure. I
en three bottles, and now I am
not at all. I am cured
this medicine did It. I writ this la
the hops that It attract the at-
other who suffer as I
Main St. sty.
Your druggist Mils Dr. Heart
Cure, and authorize him to return
trios f first bottle It It fall
t you.
Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
It does not help the farmer
for the price farm products to
high if he has to be a par-
at the high prices. The
fortunate farmers are those who
have the stuff to sell
prises are up.
in date of inaugurations will
really be made.
As science has advanced times
have certainly changed. It
used to be that the existence of
case of smallpox would excite
people for miles and miles
around and put them to fleeing
the country. Now there may be
cases right in a neighborhood
S s
i .-.
in f OF W. L TINGLE.
Agent. The
Wanted to buy bushels; .
of field pea by J- R. Smith Co. the Ayden Department
See our new dress goods w-
and before making Will repair your carts.
your fall purchases. J. R. Smith; or sell you new ones.
Co J. R. Smith Co.
School books, bibles and
events at J. R. Smith Co.
Dinner baskets, pencil boxes,
slates, pencils, ink at
J. R. Smith Co.
Cook stoves, heaters and
repairs at J. R. Smith Co.
patterns and magazines
at J. R. Smith Co.
Rubber, and corrugated roofing
R. Smith Co.
To the Merchants When you
want an extra grade of groceries
on W. E. Tingle.
Car salt fine or course at J. R.
Smith Co.
If you want to insure
property against fire. will h
each dollar purchased you are
given a ticket, has the
picture of a clock face on it and
some specified time different
from other. the first and
third Thursdays in each month
t the clock will be
N. C. Jan- 17,1910.-
Miss Mary began her
school last week, after spending
holidays in Greenville and
and E City.
Mr. Willis, of Washington, was
in town last week on
Red Men met last
day night. Many of the boys
from the country were
Mrs. Holt and daughter, Miss
Maggie, of Georgia, were in town
hi last week visiting friends.
Nice turned work, ck the clock will Minnie of
window and door frames made uncovered and party holding been visiting her
on short notice by J. R. th time nearest Mrs. Ricks.
Co- Dixon.
Call on m for ceiling, flooring
We guarantee
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Unloading scar of lime. J-
R. Smith Co.
Advertise in the news columns
of The Daily Reflector.
ticket with time nearest
ponding to the clock face, will
be given free a dinner set.
your tickets are good tor each
covering, as this will be up
Joe Fred has moved his
family from here to Chocowinity.
Mrs. Dennis died Sun
day and was Monday at
The Daily Reflector. Spring Branch church, his
James Newell, of Greene
has purchased the W. H.
Harrington residence near
fin Mfg. Co. and moved
We assure him a
do it.
Gaudy and rubber belting
pipe fitting valves at J. R-
Smith Co.
If you have any property to
sell, Tingle will sell it
Galvanized sinks nice to attach
to your pumps for your water
shelf at J. R- Smith Co.
Windows, doors, lime, cement,
hardware, locks, hinges at J. R-
Smith Co.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
Smith Co. Dixon.
We will pay the highest mar-
price for bushels of
cotton seed delivered to us in
any quantity.
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
An experienced blacksmith is
waiting to shoe your horses and
mules Smith Dixon.
Will gin your cotton for one
welcome. He is a good citizen.
The family of Mr.
sawyer for Ayden Lumber Co.,
has moved here from Norfolk.
old home.
Rev. R. L. Davis, president of
the anti saloon league, delivered
an address here in the Christian
church Monday night Hit.
was logical, eloquent and
encouraging. He paid a high
tribute to the effort of women,
has moved v.- Loyal Temperance
They live on Lee street near the Bob Glenn.
iii s I white
Baptist seminary.
There was a business meeting
of the members of the Baptist
church last night Rev. Mr
Sullivan conducted service and
ordained officers for the church.
The sale of personal property
of the late Frederick
took place today at hi late
The holidays are over, and
work in branches seems to be
moving up, except on our artesian
well. . .
Mrs. Dennis is very
sick with pneumonia at her home
near Ayden. M
The ladies of the C. W. B. M-
will conduct the services in the
Christian church third Sunday
night The public is invited.
J B. Pierce and bride arrived
from their tour last night
Dixon. I .
At the of Business Nov.
John White, of U-
county, has moved to
den. and has a position with the
lumber company.
Mrs. Edwin died very
suddenly Monday at noon
a short illness from heart fail-
to the community as well as the
family. She leaves several
children, the three
weeks old. Mrs. Tripp was Mies
Mumford, daughter of th
late Samuel Mumford. She was
buried today n the Ayden
beside her father, who
preceded only a years.
We extend our
to the bereaved ones
Rev. T. H. King conducted th
from the Baptist
J. M. Dixon received a
gram from Monday
announcing the of his sis-
Mrs. George Wynn. Her
remains will be buried at La
Grange today. Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dixon,
brother and litter, of deceased
left for Li Grange Monday
sister, Mrs. Ricks.
Ed. Ricks expects to us
We always hate to lose
a good friend.
Don Little, of Greenville, was
in town Wednesday.
Langley has built a tidy
home on the banks of the creek,
where he expects to spend the
winter trapping and hunting
Kick to
W. S. Williams purchased a
pair of fine mules Friday-
Miss Crawford Reid. of i
more, is visiting her sister, Mrs. j
R. R. Fleming.
J. H. Gurganus expects to
leave for New York on the 22nd.
R. R. Fleming has been con-
fined to his room with sickness
but we are glad to see him out
Miss Annie Roberson and
brother, Ollie, of Robersonville.
were in town Saturday night and
Sunday visiting Mrs. L. L. Rosa.
Miss expects to
have a play, Family Affair,
at the school house next Friday
night Everybody is invited;
On De. the summons of
death came and very suddenly
claimed Fred
and left for us his vacant chair
and that social influence which
life gave out to the
in which he lived.
Brother was
years old and had been a nu
of the Masonic twenty
seven years, having first joined
in the Greenville lodge and hold-
membership there for thirteen
years. In the organization of
the Ayden lodge he was a char-
member and a
member for twelve years,
then moved his membership to
Winterville lodge because it
to him, and
there for nearly two years
death came. Brother
was held in esteem as a
Mason and was buried
Masonic honors by a host
of members from the three lodges
he had been a member.
Brother began to
I preach the Gospel early in Ufa
became ore of the
zealous of the Free Will Baptist
denomination, sacrificing
most of his time and the pleasures
of his home to serve his churches,
preaching funerals and to attend
other duties that came into the
pastor's life.
He was very active as a
neighbor and citizen and
ever ready to lend a helping baud
to those in need, and was
A Wild Blizzard Raging
R. A.
-l have boon town
lint Hi.- two
without avail. Non km.- how
I not only
Itself, but from v.
for a short tin only,
effected complete
what Is yet, baa SM
r. -turned.
runs to ail from tin.
Read This Experience
Mr. A. Bo H-
your In my
wot half of
end and l
rest at n of
bad -1 dire and
about to up, but I
After bad taken about .
t I a I
ever completely cured, after
, , WU catarrh for
faithful to the great duty ., ,, are
visiting the sick and with would try
Resolved 1st. That in
of Brother n
lose a most worthy brother.
W who lake colds, coughs
ad U terror of winter
and are
-stuffed up nostrils, lower part
nose s re. c ill fever, psi l in
of head, and a throat gripping
n grip J
your lite,
King's New Discovery. i
cured writes A. L. Dunn. fine
his. -after being
three eeks with ft
lung, h. mot rouge,, coWs,
who cough, bronchitis,
its supreme ft. by
dear companion loses a loving
husband, eight children a fond
father, and a host of people a
true friend.
2nd. In our sad loss we desire t
Almanac for 1910.
Register of W, M.
humbly to the will of our j Moore, has the f Mowing
Heavenly Father who since la la-
things well, and point the
companion and children in this; WHITE.
sad hour of to Him j w j and Emma
as the comforter of souls and
Greenville Jan-
Morning session will open at
o'clock and afternoon session
truly await the summons
take them to the happy
meeting with him in that land
from whence no returns.
3rd. That we instruct our
secretary to spread a Copy of
these resolutions on our minutes,
that we have them published in
w. J
W. E and
J and B
ht- . Commercial
T i
Loan, and 45.886 Capital
Overdraft, secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixture.
Demand loans
Due from bk.,
Surplus fund W
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd.
Dividends unpaid
Mb. to check
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. .
bank and other savings deposits
the is to of my C.
and to
before 19th day Not-
wear that
ate the famous Fitch seine
beach the coming season. This
is the beat beach on Neuse river
and catches more fish.
J. R. Smith Co. has
ed a solid car each of nails,
cooking and heating stoves.
Joe Ross and J. F.
have moved to the Smith Bros,
building Brick ware-
Mr. Ross will look
after the loan and insurance.
Mr. will mete out plained.
to the transgressor. mi
office is nicely fitted up.
Miss Pattie Winter-
ville, is visiting her cousin, Miss
Mary Alice Smith.
J. J. May and son spent Sun-
day in town.
Now is time to subscribe for
Daily R Hector.
Hooks and
Fertilizers, T. B. Parker.
Pecan Growing in North Carolina,
W. N.
Soil Improvement with Live
Stock, W. H. Eaton.
The Adulteration of Feeds,
G. M.
Corn Culture, T. B. Parker-
Vegetable Gardening. W. N.
Live Stock on the
corn club contest ex-
ed. Opening of question
and discussion. Appoint-
of committee. Joint meet-
of men's and women s
o .-. James
our organ. The Friend.
The Free Will Baptist and The. L
Daily and send a
to the bereaved family. I James
A. G. Cox. t i L Johnson.
B W St I Wells and Ella .
B. W. j Roy and
With a sad and weary heart Adams,
will write the obituary notice of i
my dear and precious child, Ellie j
Fleming. She was born January
13th. 1874 and died January The January meeting of the
making her stay on earth Greenville Club will to
Greenville Musical Club.
We are prepared to with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very price. or
Come to see us and we will convince
Dry Good. Store.
Come u you. . i
Hart Co., Ayden. N. C.
In Your Home to Stay
Joy for croup and
fail and the Goose Grease
d all aches
land by .
Sold by
N. C, and manufactured by
N. C.
Saved at Death's Door
The of death seemed ready to
open for Murray W. Aver, of Transit
Bridge, N. Y. when his life was won-
was in a dreadful
he writes, was
almost yellow, eyes sunken,
emaciated from losing-
growing weaker daily.
lent liver trouble pulling down to
death in spite doctors.
m Bitten
cu ed m.-. I th-
and now am well and strong
For stomach, liver and kidney
they're supreme. cat all drug-
Graduate Nurse
. M
lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can You Way. Try
years lacking eight days. All
her life she was a dutiful and
obedient child, ever striving for
peace, and thoughtful for the
comfort and happiness of others.
She was the of my
home and it that my own
life went with her. Oh it
hard to up our loved one.
home will never be home without
her. In she
me, in trouble she tried to com-
fort me, she was the greatest
earthly comfort I had on earth.
It is so hard to give her up, but
and He taketh
I away. I sometimes feel that I
can't bear it, but the Lord
puts an more on any of us than
we are able to bear. Yes my
precious, my darling child, i-
gone. gone from the trials and
sorrows of this sinful world, and
while her loved form is quietly
resting beneath the sod, her soul
I believe is with Jesus. would
Sleep on my loved one that blessed
From which none ever wake to weep
I cannot wish thee again,
But say dear one with God remain;
I'll try to gain that peaceful shore
Where those who meet will part no
In affliction and much sorrow.
Her Mother.
held at the of Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. Whichard on Friday
21st. The election of
officers of the club, and
business to De looked at
this meeting, makes it important
that the members should b
present and ready to begin the
Is bin ts has

New 11Th
J. W. of th
Bull for the
a . . his
on he
had bean, i- i assist-
ant f Tabernacle
i Atlanta. Ga . of
0- Broughton
S far he has made
no of what he
will do.
E City.
s n of a lamp which
felt from e shelf where it was
tending t- below, two
fatten, ad Bessie Wes
of N. C. daughters
of the late Capt. Joe.
were fatally burned and
home is in They
were a one in the house the
h early
Three brothers
live with them but they MR
at i- time of the accident
No hope is enters
for of Miss L
Who i- years of awe, net
lister it .- with her
life. w. i Le permanently
Op That Prevail
Washington, D. C. Jan.
Herbert F. who was the
choice of the Republican
organization for the
North Carolina district
succeed the late
is picked here to succeed District
Attorney Harry Skinner. Mr-
Seawell not originally a can-
for the and at
i . n i the d
and Get p
. f II the, G A
the pleasant and herb
i and i u
run down, tied,
weak and t is re-
r tomb i
root. A. it ha. no
I. Moth, r Gray Australian L.
U by r a. by mail
I cents. Sample t free MOMS,
mother Co. Le Roy. N. g.
Notice of Sale.
By virtue of a power of contain-
ed in a certain mortgage
. d and by W. H
wile Susan Smith to Harrington Bar-
i A Co. on the th day of Jan y.
one time he wrote a letter to which said
advocating hi
selection as Judge ,,. day of m .
In toil letter, which be-1 P-g
came a of record in the aid delivered i-y
department of justice. Mr. Sea-1 J- ,
well expressed an ambition to recorded
receive appointment as district
attorney to succeed Mr. Skinner Mo d-y. of t
in the event of his elevation to
the bench. The Moore i Greenville to
county man
N C. Jan. 13.-
was brought to this city
n i i and
a th at the
t Mr. A. S. ch. to i t
mi m from city on the
Ba. road, in which hi t
i g r, was burned to
Its-m tin-, th mother was
Called house a few
minutes and lift two children.
one three the other two
When she
returned aha found a broom on
fire th of the
young-st child in dames and the
child lying on the II r
burned all over the
face and body. immediately
the flames mm called
husband from the barn, hut
When he arrived mere were only
. a life, and the child
-i lie.
. A
th left
. n n, N C ,
no goes to in the
ore- deacons for
l;. , j eh m that town
. Ail urn the
. . i
Ne .
i . u
ed . h, roes a
be-. i to the s end
to it.
Y-- rd y. January 1910,
Ml try Marcia Rod
ma., the oldest native
n of Beaufort c v. as
from to o'clock in
the receiving the
good wishes of a of friends
relatives on the ninety-first
anniversary of her natal day.
Handsome refreshments were
served. Ninety-one candles
blazed Upon the
the real to
forced light, or parcels-f land
ambition was to
become the attorney in ad as to
It is to be
that Mr. Seawell Has lost none of of
his ambit ion to become the pro
r in the b
of the those who know
of his Na
are very of me opinion
he will be as Mr.
Skinner's It is
Land Sale
i. th Caroline, I
,. virtue a power of e-n-
in a
d and de iv r d b S. r. n-
and wife. rummer, II.
toO. and J- J. on the
of Die and y re-
corded in He a in nil
in M-7 page the
mortgagee will on J.
o'clock o-m to pubic sale be-
fore the door in Of lie,
to th h at bidder for cash, fol-
low d t or parcel of
to . , .
and in
, P county North Carolin .,
the of y
An hi aid Dudley and other and I e-
comer a d
r i U w to a
thence north east k
thence no th eat l 1-2 PO ea
u ,
p ea,
then east polos to a e,
th. n south n
hew, then raid line to the begin-
co tail acre more or a,
a d being the tract or parcel of
in the mortgage deed
above to. .
l hie e will be to the
term- of so d mortgage
of December,
J Mortgagees.
By P C. Harding.
t and north l
, i a and o the mi die of tie
a aid
Rowan line;
said h south H deg I i M
and BUM of said
thence with a id . itch again h .
e- to a
degree, wee t I
l th thence d
and link h
.- a a more
that an appointment will , -w on mm
b; the white aide of Main street,
nest days, M L n r on
H me l , ; ,, r
Air- Skinner's on to Coop r s
let- T. J- Pence in
N's and on Mil.
as Colonel SKinner
Raleigh looking after the , the b
his The
not see
on urn u g
R, fl re- 1-4 more or
Lot No. S situate on the side of
railroad a-joining tie . the
in as to the foregoing railroad y and us
J ascertain if there is
color to th Washington t
It the facts are a- Mr.
stated aid Colonel WM f.-e, we
. ,. Um far h to
to Mr. m, c g n
government is to th we
r . , I d comp a right f way; then
district attorney for to r
, I I w tn
from his I f. , ,., th. other e
v a at
Land Sale.
virtue of a mortgage executed
deliver, d John Dennis and
to C. S. C-r. on 9th, day
of which mortgage
in he
of de. of in book D
page having thereafter
be n
he u will sh be-
for the house in Greenville on
February 7th tie f-low-
fact flan situate in
the N
side of Tar river end n
s e of the ville aid
b Mt J. A.
n-r aid and his
line to Red Ranks free with
said creek to the C
M no- owned by F. G.
then e with his line to the
and Washington d;
the- east long r- an to e be-
ginning containing eighty acne
or lees, and Dying th--
r e ed to said Denni
by C. S. Carr.
c. S Carr,
F. G. James Son, Attorney.
p that the th- n with
I e Malta hob
a re or
should -11 before ., ., r,
fl t. l-o . g .-sen ed
nope- j rt One n-t in
; in the all he
,., r
will be eclipses,
during of sun and
, the m
eclipse of
not in me S it- ,
nut visible as a total in
and u-
A total eclipse of the
May Visible in the
United States. Moon enters
shadow on the at p.
m- and leaves on the
24th at a. m.
Eclipse of the sun. November
States, but visible in Siberia,
abaft and no
ho a- ow r engine; ins
lank n p an i g
a I mp S . t i m y b.- i g that
former y
Smith of Winter i N. n i . II f
being now located on
In lot la d
ed ab I It No. S.
I ins
Ur a , ,
the -y of Jan ,
ring ton, Harbor ,
F. C. I Atty. w
B virtue of w of sale co v
ed in a age deed U and
delivered a e H. and
wife to I. S.
. in the d eds
Not visible in the
public e tie
in for
Japan to tie highest bidder, on
A total eclipse of the moon. following real
November 16th. Visible in
tract con-
Greenville People Must Recognize
and Heed it.
But nature
Notice ho
See if the ii
If t- .--r re
Pas age frequent, seamy, painful.
It's tore then to use Kidney
To ward off or
great work in
Mn T. A. Mitchell,
St. Kin N. C , a long
time my kidney were weak, g
too secret on to It
There a dull
th small of my and I had bear-
d pains through my abdomen,
which bothered me both day and night.
Finally reading a Kidney
Pill and mu h impressed, I pro-
cured a box. I strict
with th directions and the
backache and pains soon bed and
my became normal, I feel
better in a very way and here fore
recommend D an Kidney Pills an
remedy to other kidney
Fir sale by all dealer. Price
cents. Co.
Now York, sol for the
Remember the
United States. Moon enters
shadow at p. m., and leaves
shadow at p. m.
Probably the greatest thing of
the year, from an astronomical
point of view. U the reappear-
of comet. It will
be at its greatest brilliancy about ltd st
June 9th, when it passes near
Pollux in Gemini and twill be
interesting celestial object as an
evening By some Halley's
comet is believed to have been
the of
dent with the birth of Christ,
which makes its reappear-
about every seventy-five
land N C One
one hundred and seventy a. res
or and other containing
ix and one more or lee .
a more definite
book K pegs in the of the
register of I
said m. rt age deed.
This day of
I. S. Owens,
Land Sale
By virtue of the powers
d d duly
a d delivered b E Warren
and w L. Ii to t.
n n Hi d , day of c- I
h w i h said i-
y in r a st r f deeds
Pitt c U fa BO k at
the . x. a
-ale tone
f.-r b lots the Court d
I . lie i w . of tire n o . y
Ii., of Pal. th.-
d I. t- o o.
d to . . ,
tracts or lots
I i lid , in th county . f
P. t, tat in
th own n I more
u in Ski i e vile b.-
, in . at a t co of
a d r inning
-i S f o he line
, then e n he n.
I- and i last to Vance
the line V.
s rot nor Ii t Fourth
hen the Um -f in
a l-it fax t CO a inning,
No. U and in tie plat
that p the a
beginning the i.
corner of an I roll
s reels with street
n r h f--. t I .- re t. ill. n
wet with 1-6 feet
the co of lot No X; thin
with the line lots No. and
261-2 to Fourth street the.
with Fourth 1-4 feet to
the begun being tie id n
four land conveyed J.
and wife to M fie L. Warren l-y deed
dated , To satisfy
raid T run tale c in.
January Mb. 1910
ti. K. Harris,
I have up that has
been B my field we k-,
weighing about
fork and under bit in
ear, under elope in left ear, white and
black Owner can pet same
by g same end pay damage.
nth, W. O
p. D. No. N. C.
Land Sale.
There will be held in Raleigh
on, Thursday, Jan. 27th, a good
roads meeting which will take
up the discussion of aid
to the counties in the con
By of a mortgage
deli red h A P.
wife to P O. James
on 16th day of December
mortgage of n
the office f Co Fl t
in boo- page th
commissioner I
rash before the t MM d in
y February,
the tract of
n Q
Id. w.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
In stock. Country
Bought Sold
to the peat, Pitt
Of for J roads, and some in tow- hip. th t w
plan be agreed upon which the of
convention will consider or great
benefit to North Carolina. R
W. King, L. Joyner and D.
J. Whichard have been appointed
to represent this in that
J .-
the Hall property, the Jacob
r and, the lands formerly
owned by Dr. W. L Bet. an
run of creek containing
less, and being lard
upon which B. H Ive- formerly lived.
m .
D. W.
NOT Carolin a
There is more
to a Fertilizer
than Analyses
The mere mixing of
materials to obtain
sis requires no special
knowledge. The value
of a fertilizer lies in the
source from which the
plant food is obtained.
Each ingredient in
Royster goods selected
with a view of supplying
the plant from sprouting
until harvest. The plant
is not overfed at one
time and starved at an-
other. Twenty-five
years experience goes with
every bag.
Ground in
, sites on railroad sidings tor sale
Terms to suit purchasers.
L. C- Arthur,
Greenville, N. C.
Sold by reliable dealers throughout
the South.
F. S. Royster Guano Co.
Stair merit of of The
Bank of Greenville
Greenville, i Carolina
at the close of
Loans II c ital 00.00
Overdraft. .,. . ,.,,
With the most versatile pianists, could not
possibly bring you more enjoyment than you.
yourself could derive from either
Hayer Piano,
The Milton,
The Bros.
Or Lester
Player Pianos,
In fact, with either of these Player Pianos
as a companion, you have the advantage of
claying the music yourself-the music you best
and Playing it in that rich, full manner,
brining delicate
even many skilled pianists fail to op.
and this, possible with the veriest novice with-
out your knowing one note from another.
We will take deaf and piano in exchange.
When in Greenville, visit our Piano
the finest music ware. in Eastern Carolina.
House, Fur
and Fixtures, 8.50
C ash Items,
Cash due
Lash in Vault,
ACCOUNTS of Merchants and Individuals Invited.
Report of Condition of
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
In the State of N. C. at the close of business.
Loan, and
and 13,24.
All other Stock, Bond
and Mortgagee.
e ard Fixture,
U- road Loan .
Due from ft a
Silver coin, including all
minor nU currency
National k and
other U. note
Capital Stock,
Undivided profit, net
Time 724.65
Den. Sub. I
check W I
1.066 r
State of North Carolina-Count, of Pitt,
C a Carr Cashier of named
th. true to th. beat of m,
and to before me,
day of Nov. 1809.
Do not your furs
until you B. M.
posit Norfolk ft
always to TAFT VanDYKE
For the year ending December I
of the Condition and affairs of the
Greenville, N. C.
Made to Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh. N. C.
as required by law.
President, R. C.
Secretary, H. A. White
H A. Whits V
y, H. W. bod as I
Greenville, N. C.
Mrs. Shepherd Was in Bad Shape
When She Not on
Her Feet.
N. a
. M.
tins city, have a heap do.
line I do the mo to my
took and it more good
than all doctors.
don't know half how I
for the Home I
that all
can easily .
hone the
It is to take, and so
it cannot do but
lay up
. K. O. II
lO. T.
S. T.
W. A. How n
Which d
of stock .
par v u of .
in fores St of
Si r -liar t
u net white.
C C. Vin-s
H. w. Whedbee
. 1606
p ,
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Direct Through th Carolina I
and via Norfolk to All Eastern Cities.
Sunday and intermediate
For further
or apply to J. L. ticket agent, N. C
H. C. W.
E. T. LAMB, Gen. Mgr. NORFOLK. VA.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Lo on .
I on r.--
o h
p . n ii N payable
S s
Advertising and
j t
. . .
I on
all d on a v .
j P- at it
Mi c la sous i is
I ti e d
i Auditing as
H, -t t-
License tax pa.
f .
He will you to
H a-
MM raw
Pr h M that
Inf-m, f
-I. .
look fa-
Ii. -Int.-
., f I proximity
,,,.,, i ,
M-w la
but intuitive
a -.-.- , .
.,,.,.,. I.
,, ,.
. . , ., i.
. . mi i
Trains elective Ian.
a m Col S
and Florida
-as and
m.-K-r . h mine am.
points West
at hamlet Charlotte and
II a m -K r P It.
t .-, I w Yon,, o.-ton
Of. a. m.- -For Washing-
ton ml New Yo k Pa. man
r, c a and wing
Rid m-id w -n
f r . a i w. ,
a d point, we I.
,, ., At a . C
p art. Parlor car
m . o for
n .
or Alan. in j.
an-l f i v.; t
. . . . .
a. m.
i New
W . and i car t , New
m. For
in. C n n
m i and New
in an I e -r.
t i tab . man
and -ton c t
rial j
C. B. P. A.
D. P. A.
Raleigh, N. C.
Loans on mo t. d shares
Ca h in
Furniture fixtures
Due sh pd.
4- Borrows money .
of I ,,.
u ,. H A White of the Home Building
R. Carolina, being
and As on. of Ore.
I the ion. and that., the
; that the
from any hen- nation, therein
lS U
area of said
income . a- t nu
to before me.
4th clay of January,
ANDREW i. Notary Public
R. C.
H. A. WHITE, Sec'y and
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston. Effective April 1st,
I, Jame. R. Your S
above is a true and g the
my hand and
Be as ca about who is to
make your
n . particular pattern
mm as
m , oat ti Mark Harris front.
Shoulder a d Head
look lea k,
In i ., ea
found ll a,
ti Tin C
Wells Browne
Hangs Wail
Thai y . i- is
poke y mo down . . h and
a t it to
paper ham ins ban hen
p per p lOOK aim hang
fa. t stare .
foe face, that you have ma ea mi
a d waste I mo
I ape-In.
talk to Wells w e. Re is h SO-
q. rt lain this I H-
In his prices,
make good anything
with bis w New g- c; mi.
in-tO-date and a season aha. d. I
t-ms w
. rise . on y f
to him. little
i; is the
N C.
p. m.
a. m.
a. m.
a. m.
a. m.
a. in.
for further information, address ticket or
now We have a B
assortment. Plant early for the-
results. Bend new price list.
Remember we
for c-
H Te and or-
promptly filled.
Raleigh, N. C.
Forty-fire of Good Wood
Land, near the
old home of W. A. None
cleared, bot of a P
well when Near
railway to
Farmville. settled.
bargain for quick purchaser.
Raeford. N. Carolina
I i Subscribe for The Reflector
Tea win
Just now.
Cotton Broker,
in Stocks, Cotton Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Th long lift winter make.
V .
lb. long,
out sleep or Wot.
the h
a. d
Becky Mount, n
winter p
keep y u
n easily
I no. I . Wooten.
The does job work.

In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
Authorize Agent The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity
-Advertising Application
A men's and I wanted.
hoes just in i prices paid. A. W. Ange Co.
Barber Ca j We have just received a nice
T. people Winterville lot of cloaks, give us a call. A.
If know any-W. Ange Co
would be Pump pipes Then see us
them fr the p-per. If We have just received a good
you have anything to
I would like to furnish you rates.
If you re not a subscriber to
B It me in your
Clothing can be;
had at A. W. -We Co.
We bead the list in nice con
A. W. Ange Co.
The Oliver is the Kind
you need. See us.
A. W.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
good and comfortable
desk call or A. G.
Cox Co. Winter-
ville. N. C Th y have the
light d ask ac the right price.
For nice hall racks, see us. A.
W. Ange Jo.
Cattle want to
buy cattle. R. D. Co.
For beef, and
pr. F. Sutton at same
We are carrying a nice line M
Coffins and Caskets. Prices are For and rifles see A- W.
right and can nice hearse. Co
service, A. G. Mfg. Co.
Pitt County j
manufactured by The A. G. Cox
Manufacturing Company are
cheap; comfortable
Terms are liberal.
in the market come to set
us. we have the desk for you.
For j illy glasses, dried fruits
of all kinds and butter and
see A. W. Ange Co.
We cm give you a bargain in
nice clothing.
Harrington. Barber A Co.
We have just received a full
supply of furniture. Give us a
call. A. W. Ange Cc Co.
Oysters We have them Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
R. D. Co.
Cooking and heating stoves
and ranges just received. Al
For see us.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Nice glassware, just in.
Harrington. Barber Co.
For nice oysters see F.
Sutton. Barbecue oil Saturdays.
Public religious services of our
school at
a. m., preaching 1st and
Sundays a m. and p.
m.; meeting 2nd Sunday
nights at and prayer
meeting every Wednesday night
at o'clock.
Free Will
school at p. m, 2nd
Sunday at a. preach-
2nd Sundays at a. m. and
p. m.
school at
m.; preaching 4th Sundays
of best material and up-to-date, at m and i p. m.
Harrington Barber Co.
The County School Desks
school at
a m.; preaching Sundays
are the desks for you. They are; to The
cheap, durable and
hag expired m,.
Prices light and give yo receipt,
guaranteed. A. G. Cox Mfg. w G agent.
Co. Winterville. N. C. . y
Just received, a nice lot your orders in at
ladies shoes. Cox Cotton Planters.
i, Barber Co economic
A new lot of dry goods and back bands, etc. Orders will
. I ill J
Galloway's Cross Roads, Jan. IS
Several of the farmers around
here are busy cutting stalks and
getting their ground ready for
the spring.
We have been having some
cold weather t it has turned
warmer again. Hope it will turn
cold again and that we will have
a big snow.
J. C Galloway attended the
Masonic meeting in Raleigh last
Mrs. E. B. Thomas, of Green-
ville, spent from Friday until
Monday at her father's, John
Miss Mamie Stanly, of Grimes-
land spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Miss Hattie Mobley. j
Edwards, from near Cox's
Mill, spent Saturday night
Miss Lizzie Galloway spent
Sunday with Miss Woolen
at Simpson.
We are sorry to hear that Mist
Helen Woolen, of Simpson, who
is at the E. C. T. T. S. at Green
villa, is sick. Hope it is not
anything serious and that she
will be well in a few days.
We are glad to report that little
Miss Laura Edwards, who has
been quite sick with typhoid
fever for sometime, is improving.
We are sorry that Mrs- H. H.
Porter, who had m arm broken
by g thrown from a
sometime is improving so
slowly, but hope she will soon be
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Cox spent
Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. G. S. Porter.
A small crowd attended Sunday
school at Salem Sunday. The
young people of this community
should take more interest in the
Sunday school and them-
selves of the offer-
ed them.
Sallow Skis me.
That la
common than
PILLS. trial
Take No Substitute.
Do You Own a Piano
At State far
Raleigh, Jan is a
fact that towns and
counties have requested of the
laboratory of hygiene sup-
plies of antitoxin under the terms
of the act of the legislature pro-
antitoxin for the treat-
of in indigent
patients. It is of interest, too,
to note that the is
not construed to apply only to
actual paupers, but rather as
anyone temporarily
in need and to win m the
chase of would be a
hardship. The cities that have
taken the steps for i n
depots are Raleigh. Win-
Salem, New Bern, Kinston.
p . h City, 8-
ville, Belhaven, B; v C
ville and Spring Hope. The
counties Alamance,
Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie, Carter-
et, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay,
Craven, . o,
Edgecombe, Forsyth,
FranKlin, Granville, Guilford,
Halifax, Hay wood,
Hertford, Hyde, In-
dell, Jackson, Lenoir, Martin,
Mecklenburg, Montgomery,
Northampton, Pamlico, Put,
Sampson, Tyrrell, Vance, Wake,
Warren, Wilson, Yadkin and
II not, and you t to own
you owe it o to ex-
the ma
at the Fine man C White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance you will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of ten e, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you I m with prices
that stand aid
incomparable am where. Eight
different makes tr select from, none
of those cheap western department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos of known-
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of self play-
We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
When in
Greenville visit our
Next door to Can- Atkins Hardware o. store.
At the close of business, Nov. 1909.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Silver coin, including
minor currency
Nat bank and other
U. S. not s 1,390.00
Total 191,708.08
notions of all kinds just received
at Harrington, Barber Co.
If you want a good plow try
the at Harrington,
Barber Go's.
Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Bridgers.
of Ayden. spent night with
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dixon.
W. C. Cannon, of Greenville.
was in our town Thursday.
R. L. Abbott went to Grifton
O. W. Rollins, J. F.
ton, W. L. House. W. H. Smith,
Richard and M. B.
Bryan attended the sale of the
Fred property
here yesterday.
Mr and Mrs. J. R. Smith, of
Ayden, were in our town
Mrs. C. H. Langston was in
town yesterday shopping.
E. J. of Ayden, was in
town yesterday.
N. A. Purser, of
was visiting relatives here yes-
D. L. Muse, of Wake Forest,
came in yesterday to enter Win-
High School.
Winterville High School con-
to grow. It now has an
enrollment of about and
several more are expected Mon-
R, L Davis, superintendent of
the Anti-Saloon League, will
lecture in the auditorium of
Winterville High School Tuesday
night, January 1910, at
o'clock. The public is most
One of the indications that
Winterville is doing something.
the fact that the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co. has a larger force of
lands now than it has had before
en a long time, if not the largest
an its history.
Seed Peanuts.
We now have on
bushels hand
bushels Jumbo, Virginia's;
bushels Wilmington's;
bushels Mixed Speak
quick as they must go.
It Co.
Capital stock 5,000.00
Surplus fund 650.00
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes pd 627.00
Time of deposit 802.20
Deposits subject to ck 14,095.85
Cashier's checks
outstanding 31.53
We, J. E Green, Cashier and F. A. Asst. Cashier
of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief
Asst. Cashier. Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be-
A. G. Cox.
fore me, this 10th day of Nov.,
1909. R. H. Hunsucker,
Notary Public.
II. Hunsucker,
J, F. Harrington,
At the dose of business Nov. Kith, 1909.
have our careful attention.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
Winterville, N. C.
If you want a useful planter.
see our combination planter. It
plants cotton, corn, peas, etc,
Harrington, Barber Co.
The music class of Winterville
High School, under the wise
guidance of Vivian Bob-
and Nettie Liles, is one of
the largest in the history of the
of J. A.
There seems to be some mys
tery attached to the disappear
of one J. A Walston, who
has been living in Long Acre
township, this county. He mys-
disappeared on July
and since that time no tidings of
him can be ascertained by his
relatives or friends. Mr.
is an ex-Confederate
and is about years of age.
His son, Mr. John W. Walston,
of Pitt county, and others, have
been looking for him and en-
to secure information
leading to his location since his
disappearance; so far they have
been unsuccessful. Mr. Walston
was born and reared in Pitt
county. He has a daughter re-
siding in Falkland, N. C. Two
other children are living in Pitt
county. His son has searched
everywhere for his father, but
without success.
Walston was frequently seen
on the streets of the city and
was conspicuous for always
a bag thrown across his
shoulders. Frequently in the
winter time he could be seen
barefooted. His disappearance
cannot be accounted for. Wash-
King's Cross Roads, Jan.
J. C. Parker returned from
last Tuesday.
are very glad to know that
H. S. Tyson is able to be out
Mr. Mrs. W. A. B. Hearne
and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Parker
were the guests of Mrs. R B.
Parker Sunday.
Mrs. Watt Newton, who has
been visiting her mother, Mrs.
R. B. Parker, returned to her
Misses Hulda Cox Irene
spent Saturday and
Sunday with Misses Lila and
Minnie Smith near Farmville.
G. H. and family
spent Sunday with Mrs. R. W.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Randolph
spent Saturday and Sunday with
their mother, Mrs. Mattie J,
J. A. Forbes and family spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Abe
Miss Tyson spent
day night with Mrs.
We are clad to know that W.
S. E. Smith, who has
from a t rink in his neck,
is very much better.
Quite a large number of new
pupils have entered school since
Christmas, which made it
to secure more
Though the school is crowded
and the regular attendance
the work seems to be pro
hope the time is
not far distant when we shall
have more room.
Notice to Creditors.
Having; day been by
the clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
as of estate,
of W. D M ore i having
duly qualified a such
no is hereby given to a I
holding claims against said estate
them to me for payment, ,
duly authenticated, on or before
of Dec- 1910 or
notice will p in bar of their re-
All to d
c a e to make
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nat bank and other U. S.
payment to me.
This the 27th i a of December
C G. Little. of W. U. Moore
Blow Attorneys.
Capital 110,000.00
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and tuxes pd 1,247.78
Dividend unpaid 1.000.00
Bills payable 15.000
Time of deposits 11,881.11
Deposits sub. to check 80,540.70
Total 1188,448.18
I, J R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qua b fore the
court clerk of county
Administrator, d. b. n. of the es
of Leon Fleming, notice U y
given to indebted to the
estate to make pa to
the and all persons ha
the e are not fled
that the name must be for
to the undersigned on or be-
ore the 1st of January. or
this notice v ill lie plead In b of re-
M. I.
D. B. N. of
Subscribed sworn to before
me, this 20th day of Sat., 1909.
J. A.
W. M. Lang,
R. L Davis,
F. M Davis,
Sale of Higgs Property
As will be seen by a full page
advertisement in this paper,
there will be an auction sale of
lots on the Higgs property on
Monday, January 24th,
at This is fine
residence property, conveniently
located, and purchasers will have
no to regret their invest-
the advertisement
for particulars.
For Planting- cot-
ton seed. H. A. Blow agent,
Greenville, N. C.
To Know Your Needs
A Wretched Mistake
to endure the itching, distress
of Piles. Ti ere a no to.
r. d much from writes
ill a Marsh, of Siler City. N C,
f Hue-ton's
Salve, n cured
boils, ulcers, r
chapped chilblains, be-
e it. st all d
In Cotton Machinery, Engines and Boilers
The Celebrated Alamo Gasoline Engines.
Peanut Pickers.
Electric Light Outfits and Water Works for
the country homes.
Saw Mills, Planers, Lathes, Sanders, Shapers
Matchers, Surfacers.
and Feed Mills.
Brick and Concrete Machinery.
Chalmers, Detroit and Buick Automobiles.
In fact, anything you want in Farm and Mill
J. Paul Simpson,
N. C.
Gibbs Machinery Co.
Columbia, S. C.
The Reflector does job work.
An y
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
-at to represent the county Sunday.
On Tuesday last in the senate; and improved and
Judge R. B. Peebles took a recess he WM selected to the
Reported for Reflector
j 1906 he re-elected to the
of court for the bar to hold a His service
memorial meeting in respect to the years 1905
Hen J. L. Fleming and j 1907 the general assembly,
Harry Stunner, Jr. who were
killed in the wreck on
Nov. 6th. Col. F. G- James
sided over the meeting, and the
marked by vigor and dis-
Among other important
measures which engaged his
tided over the meeting, and he introduced a
committees previously appointed . to its final pass
to draft resolutions report.
Every member of the Greenville
Bar and also Solicitor
made short addresses paying
tribute to the two lost members.
The resolutions were as
Late in the day. Friday No-
the 5th, 1909. four young
men. full of life and hop were
speeding along-the public
and pressed to its final passage.
to establish a teacher's training
Eastern North Carolina.
To his energy tact should be
attributed much of credit for
the establishment of the East
Carolina Training
School which now adorns the
suburbs of the town of Green-
On June, h
new time saving schedules will
be by the Norfolk
and Southern Railway, when all
trains be over the
magnificent new 28.000 foot
bridge, spanning the beautiful
and placid Sound be-
tween historic Edenton. N. C,
ltd Ferry. N. C.
For years passengers and
freight cars have transfer-
red back and forth between
Edenton and Ferry by
faithful old steamer
W which now gives
place to the longest
bridge across
happy and joyous, never Lula White, daughter of Capt.
, nut,;.,. Hi wife and
June, j- y
dreaming of danger, when sud-
a crash came The auto-
ear in which they were driving.
in an effort to pass a wagon.
swerved to the left and struck a
tree standing by the roadside,
with such terrific force that the
ear was shattered into fragments
and all four of the occupants
wire hurled to the earth with
J. L- Fleming, one of the
party, was killed instantly;
Harry Skinner, Jr. another
died a few hours after-
ward; and S. C. Woolen E.
G Flanagan were so seriously
injured, that for weeks their
recovery was in grave doubt
This terrible disaster occurred
in sight of Greenville, and just
as the evening shadows were
gathering about its home, but
the of it spread from man
to man and from home to home,
till a hush and a gloom fell upon
the town like a dark pall. No
citizen of Greenville will ever
forget the awful night when two
of its beloved young men lay
dead, in their
homes, and two lay
m. Lawson Fleming was
born in the county of Pitt, m
the 1st, day of November, 1867.
parents were Leonidas and
Fleming. He came of a
sturdy, honest, industrious,
noble ancestry, and he inherited
their sterling qualities. He was
reared upon the farm and grew
to manhood with the well
oped body and independence
which cornea to men possessed of
such advantages. In his child-
hood he attended the country
schools, and there learned the
advantages and disadvantages
which confront the country boy
in bis quest of an education.
Later he attended the Greenville
academy, then under the man-
of that devoted
tor and friend of young men.
Prof. W. H. From
the Greenville academy went
to Wake Forest college where he
laid still deeper the foundations
upon Which he in after
years. After leaving Wake
Forest, he taught school for a
year and then read law with
Latham Skinner at Greenville,
and at the University Law school
He was admitted
to the bar in 1892, and locating
in Greenville, he soon entered
upon a lucrative practice which
steadily increased; and at the
time of his death, he was in the
full enjoyment of a large practice
in the Superior. Supreme, and
Federal courts. As a lawyer, he
was true- and faithful to his
C. A. White. His wife and
three bright, child-
now survive him.
As citizen, lawyer, and
tor, James L. acted
well and honorably his part; and
in each and all thee relations he
steadily grew in favor with his
fellow men. Therefore it
That while we bow in
humble submission to the in-
scrutable ways of providence,
we deeply, the loss we
have sustained in the death
our and brother.
That we tender to his
bereaved and sorrowing wife
and children our tenderest and
deepest sympathy.
That we request that
court order his statement of the
d services of our ed
brother to be spread upon s
On Friday evening. January
the Music Club of Greenville
met Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
Whichard. The home was beau-
decorated with palms,
ferns and white carnations. In
the hall the guests were served
with punch by Mrs. Whichard
and Miss Essie Whichard-
There were quite it number of
visitors present who enjoyed
pleasant conversation in the par-
wt the club held its
session in the sitting room
The election of officers was
deferred for two weeks, when a
purely business and
. meeting will be held in the
rest continuous the graded school.
waters for the year's were
discussed and a program corn-
mitt appointed consisting
Mrs. Hooker, Prof. Austin and
Miss Bennett.
The awakening of greater
interest in the club was shown
in the presentation of five
additional names for member
ship, all of whom were elected
After the business was over
the meeting was turned over to
the host who bad the
train to pass over the
is only twenty eight
minutes-a saving of one hour
and thirty two minutes. Even
a greater saving is accomplished
in the movement of freight
rains. Forty minutes is
ed by a sixty car freight train in
Basing from bank to bank-an
n- actual saving of eight hours and
twenty minutes-representing
many cases a whole day's earlier Violin spring Song
of Miss Whichard
million feet of lumber; Vocal to
one thousand car loads of cypress
piles; two hundred and fifty car
loads of steel and a train-load of
spikes bolts were required in
the construction of this over-
water railway. It is perfectly
A. Miss Gas on.
Mrs. Hooker. Miss
Bennett, Messrs. Warren and
James. ,
As the program was
f at d services our . i As the program was awn
brother to be spread upon its water railway. It is Pet absence of some who
records and that a copy be for and j, very strong. At high short by the
his family. that the h d k of the bridge is, were w
same be published in The Daily Me toe kindly another
. T., V There two and Mr. a
H. W. Whedbee,
W. F. Evans.
Whereas God. in His Divine
Wisdom, has from our
midst. Harry Skinner, Jr. a
member or the Greenville Bar.
who by the strength of his bright
clear intellect, by his courteous
men, endear-
ed himself in the hearts of
who knew him- Therefore be it
Resolved, That in the death
of Harry the; Green-
ville Bar. collectively, has lost
one of its best, brightest
moat useful member, and that
each member. has
lost s friend we
most highly and loved with sin-
That the Bar, col-
and individually ten-
its sympathy to
bereaved family. .
resolutions be presented to the
Court, with a request that they
be entered upon its
that a copy be transmitted to
family of our d-ceased brother.
J. B.
F. C t
Wm. H. Long,
the water. There ate two large
draws and five smaller gas boat
spans in the bridge.
and Mr. a
with violin
Then the hist re id a bright
The completion of the -c
Sound bridge marKs a new J of the
era in the commercial and brought in
of North Carolina by the of ow
and places an, Th, visitors prize, a
Suffolk. Vs. and all North
Una in the closest bust of
that ever existed between
metropolis of Tidewater Virgin JR.
the greatest South Atlantic
seaport, and the most fertile
section of the South.
Agriculture and commerce must
share alike with the Norfolk and
Southern Railway in the many
advantages to be derived from
this new bridge and other
extensive improved facilities,
costing millions of dollars, thus
placed at the disposal of its
patrons. .,
The Norfolk Southern rail-
way is a system consisting of six
hundred and five miles of track,
and has recently been equipped
with modern, up to date
coaches of the latest design.
The main line extends South
from Norfolk and Suffolk, Va.,
went to Mrs. J. R.
After a delicious salad course
each guest was given a miniature
stringed instrument with
After singing a number of old
songs in which everyone joined
the guests departed declaring
Mr. and Mrs. Whichard charm
host and hostess.
Miss Bennett, Sec.
Mr. W. R. Deed.
A Word to
The Reflector has a large
corps of country correspondents
and is glad to have them. While ,,.
several letters coming in, Elizabeth City, and Edenton
to Washington, thence
there is a suggestion and a re-
we want to make to these
Give, more at-
to real news items and
less to neighborhood visiting.
Tell about big crops, improve
new houses,
deaths, fires, accidents and so on.
ville Wilson. South from
Washington the line
New Bern to City and
Beaufort, and to Goldsboro via
Kinston. .
In addition to a number of
deaths, fife's, accidents and pliant branch lines, the Nor-
There is more news in three j folk railway operates
items of kind n in three between
Norfolk and Cape Haw and
across the j Beach-delightful rec-
resorts of rare beauty
and delightful climate.
afternoon or evening with each
other. Of course if a
really goes away for time,
or visitors came into
from a distance for a real
visit that is worth mentioning,
was true- and w u.-i social
clients and always courteous are not neWs
his brethren of the bar. I kind of items
The wireless umbrella is the
beat Buy it. and your umbrella
troubles will
of item s give u j. R, J. G.
located in Green- real news and of your
mayor of neighborhood.
It is with much regret that we
chronicle the death of Mr. W.
R. Home, which occurred at his
home near about
o'clock Sunday night. Mr
Home had been in poor health
for sometime, but no great
felt over his condition
until a few weeks ago. when his
trouble became con
to grow worse until re-
by death.
Mr. Horne was about years
old and leaves a wife, but no
children. He was of the
best men in the county, upright
in all his dealings and esteemed
by everybody. He was among
the most successful farmers
the county, and his industry
and good management
lated considerable means. His
home was ideal and surrounded
with every comfort.
Mr. Home served two term
member of the board
county commissioners land was
for many years a Justice of the
peace. His death is a great loss
to the county.
Cases Have Beta of
Leslie Blount and Richard
Knight, gambling, plead guilty,
fined each and costs.
Spencer Jones,
pleads guilty, months on
Jim Day and Will Holmes, at-
tempt to commit false pretense,
plead guilty, judgment pending
for costs.
Ed Byrd, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
pending for costs.
Jim Aden and Cox.
fray, plead guilty, judgment
on payment of costs.
Alex. larceny, pleads
. ,
John larceny, guilty,
years on roads.
James was arraigned for
murder, charged with killing
Henry Vines, and required to
give bond fur appearance from
cay to day until the case is
Davis Dunn, selling liquor,
pleads guilty in three cases,
judgment pending.
Lam Adams and John Adams,
burning guilty, judgment
Robert Worthington, carrying
concealed weapon, pleads guilty
in two cases, judgment suspend
ed payment of costs because
of fine in a former case-
in two
cues, pending.
and Noah Hardy,
cruelty to animals, guilty, each
months roads.
Joe Daniel, escape, pleads
guilty, also pleads guilty of
lament pending.
Roland assault,
deadly weapon, pleads
judgment pending.
Giles alias Bin- i
gold, months
on roads.
Noah Hardy, selling liquor,
guilty, C months on roads, ten-
to begin at expiration of
sentence in another case.
Peter assault with
deadly weapon, guilty. months
on roads, county to pay
Joe Daniel, escape, pleads
guilty, judgment suspended. I
Jim larceny, guilty.
months on roads, county to pay
costs. . .
Ransom Whitley. running bar-
shop without license, guilty,
fined and costs.
Annie Hinton and Sylvia
well, larceny, not guilty.
Vines, larceny, pleads
guilty. years and months on
roads, county, to pay costs.
G. W. Smith, larceny, not
James Drake, murder, during
trial submits to verdict of man-
slaughter, which was accepted
by the solicitor. Sentenced to
months on the roads.
George W. Parker, who had
been convicted of murder in sec-
degree, was sentenced to the
penitentiary for thirty years.
Lam Adams and John Adams,
convicted of house burning, were
sentenced to the penitentiary for
years each.
Richard Cox. found guilty of
assault with deadly weapon, was
fined and
John Bill Moore, forcible
pass, pleads guilty, judgment
during good behavior
on payment of costs.
Davis Dunn, convicted of sell
liquor in three cases, was
sentenced months on roads.
Norman Gardner, for selling
liquor, find and costs,
and in another case judgment
was suspended during good
Visible Skies
Sunday afternoon about
o'clock a very beau-
comet made its appearance
just to the right and below the
beautiful evening
was seen by a many Green-
ville people. It co-lid be seen
only a few minutes as it soon
disappeared below the horizon.
Its tail had the a
huge searchlight extended far
up into the sky and plainly-
visible after the comet had
out of sight The comet
is headed toward the sun and
seems to be moving very rapidly.
Forth past th-ea days press
dispatches from all parts of the
United States have report-
this Comet as been
seen in the different places, but
up until Sunday evening no one
here had seen it, owing to the
cloudy weather. Perhaps if it is
clear this evening just after C
o'clock you can it.
The comet above mentioned is
not Bailey's, about which we
nave read so much during the
I past six months, however. It
Is ems to be alien, one which
i is puzzling scientists no little.
a week its discovery
; was cabled from South Africa to
the government observatory in
Washington and there
Friday. It is expected to be
within our view only a days
out, as swiftly and
silently as it into the
s infinite,
comet may be seen
be about the Middle of
April, in morning skies
before sun if
visible to, the naked eye.
Reported for Red
On Friday evening last Miss
mt royally en-
a number of her friends
at her none on corner
Washington and streets.
The guests arrived at nine
o'clock and were received at the
front door by Miss Lucille Cobb
and Tom Dupree. were
then ushered into the hall where
delightful punch was served by
Miss Greene and Norman
Warren. Then approaching the
parlor entrance they were given
a very warm hand shake by Miss
Margaret Blow and Frank
son and in the parlor were re-
by the hostess and Burney
The evening was spent de-
with games, music and
At ten thirty delicious ices and
cakes were served by the hostess
assisted by Misses Myrtle Warren
and Forbes.
The hour of twelve soon
and on leaving each
and every one assured Miss Joy-
they had spent a most pleas-
ant evening.
behavior. .
son, assault with deadly weapon,
guilty, suspended on .
payment of costs.
Leone Patrick, nuisance, guilty,
judgment suspended during
good behavior on payment
Corey and Isaac Corey,
affray. Isaac not guilty.
guilty, judgment suspended on
payment of all costs in case.
Jim Whitley. selling liquor.
not guilty.
The criminal term closed Sat-
evening and c civil term
began this morning.
ville. he was chosen as i

Eastern reflector, 21 January 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 21, 1910
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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