Eastern reflector, 7 January 1910

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. .,
D. J. IN . r, and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction .
j Year
VOL. No.
No. I
En r
Two p her p nuptial enter
n , i r of t is C
Dunn Wed-
Slid Bight.
p. m. at hr
on Greene Street, Mrs. Hi
gay elect
her maids chafing dish party,
that was truly a unique enter-
The color scheme of the home
throughout wan lavender, and
almost a bank of and white,
Manages electric from the i A Pretty at
and tapers about the added Oxford
Co. T x. i
a to the beautiful ; q
delightful music wafted from
sine I
Honor Th
Mr. A-hey .
was m re
As many friends to a wedding time hospitality Mo
witness the ceremony and were evening, when w-i i
escorted to seats by ushers, Minor r en
the of Dr.
ft and we
i- I
1-. W
under the touch of Greenville. The ;. ., -1.
Mis. Gaston When
bridal party arrived In the and j to Mexico next spring
bole, Mr. James A pro.-u , m lighted I
for You as they aWed
ed and pasted to their respective
positions a choir of six voices
sang Lohengrin's Wadding
The ushers. Messrs.
As you well know a great m I y
beauty to the
Am d to
the souvenirs to each of the, . ,. ,
. ., , . . ushers. Messrs. . f t rendered
brides maids was a beautiful . . . ., , n
v r . . j James, Walter
apron worked in the,
color winch the J I g, C
donned and to UM the of
chafing with of
. , land Neck, were first to pass up
In the dining room where . . . , , .
. , -V . , , ; the aisles. Then came the s
chocolate . . . ,.,
, , , u I maids, each wearing dresses ct
served were found at each , . ,. . . , . ii,
; . . , . white with pink
plate a card on . . . ,, . ,.
Rashes and large black picture
hats, carried bouquets of
Mary James, Lottie Blow
and Forbes, of
Mexico . ii com-
Before appointed hour for form by very
the ceremony, Miss Alice
of Durham, intimate
which in large tint were the
letters and across these
was verse;
The of will receive
wish world's Irene of
fun, I of Mebane and
May have and sweet f Scotland
game, I Neck. d the rostrum
And she and her dear hubby live ever,. , . , , ,
. a a semi Circle the
he napkins used , . , , .
Next was the maid of honor,
u i; . , of An
C and . .
the em n of i he even .
No but r
one seemed i it in i-
bis or hr and there v
from Din to en t
course luncheon
unscrupulous persons,
them are even indicted for
the U. S. mail fraudulently. I
own a little property myself a the luncheon the
a r for
republic o Miss Hancock.
warn anyone intending to go several pieces
Mexico from those land agents were duly appreciated by
a . i laid companies who Hi
their grand luxurious in a At twelve the guests departed
were also with a heart
the same letters with u
was served.
of the a most lovely
Promise and
The ushers entered the aisles
of the church in following
order, as the strains of
pealed forth from th
Messrs. T. Minor.
C. of E.
B. of Greenville, from
the right door; Messrs. a. A.
Hick;, Minor, of Oxford,
and Rev. Ii V. o; ,
vile, from the faculty member.
of honor, Mrs. A. M. now in all and pupil have a loving
tin bride, Mexican of hi
great the principal
of the U. S., f r St.
Louis. Kansas City,
When anyone wants to go in
Mexico best would i
would go
mt to buy
from hut
fur tn various homes with
many expressions of pleasure,
and with v-. wishes for die
y, ladies in their school work
the coming. ear.
who las been
in New
Bern, a i Oxford
Seminary, of which Mis V
I to
. . ., J-i.
r I hearing of
r Supreme
i in the
for the
the trust
. T. W.
. ; G
t n to hear the
in ease and this fact
was discussed by some Tar
He Is as of a
purpose on of the
Si ad mi to take some
sort of again t the
Tobacco which
had it North Carolina,
zed which has always operated
extensively there.
It open seer t that friends
of the present State
hove be much disappoint-
ed as the of failure to
make m the
c i U while the
g v. .
u in an effort to
J. Pence
in N and
Miss Lucille Cobb, sister me j
brute, in j
picture hat, with a bouquet of
bride roses,
entered with h-r
evening from to w;,
Mrs. Jo. W entertain d
the immediate bridal an
few out of town guests.
pretty was decorated in
Christmas colors, red and
Mr- Mrs, Wooten,
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert m
parents of the bride-elect, met the choir door
the at the door and
welcomed each. the
parlor the guests were received
by Mrs G. James and
robed in Oriental satin
lac arid
Mer with
aim curried a t of
the v ill y and
veil being loop d With no
in in in.
accompanied by his brother, i
HicKs, .-
gently gowned in white
satin, carrying white roses,
lowed the ushers. the
of honor, Miss Julia Minor,
attired i i pink with i
of La France i.-e--, en-
The groom entered from
the vestry with h-s b. s
man, Mr, Prank of
lie. ride, radiant
beautiful ii white
with pearls aid veil
on th- of
W, Minor, of
by whom she
Mexico's buss . e. y-n, y
The lands about .,,.,.,;.,, ,.
the finest in mew rid. j at, , seminary.
Lie so called Valley,
the soil is to
excellent pure water, I THE
streams, where ail kinds
to .
of films grow in
and cane a
crop, plenty of rain,
ii. i. t in I Th It
-ii i ;
given away. Rev.
i el.
t r J
am lit, ii
the impressive ring core
Mary L
.-I in
the library by Mrs. James Little
and Mrs, A. N. Holt, h.
The i. .; room was in ch
of Mrs. Hooker and Mrs.
d .
aim i; . bi . h fresh
is I n i e offered the
. by the that
An i t feature was
Mr. Ashley Dunn,
The couple met and advanced . , . , .
The n Live type f
mi gifted and
I eat
together upon the rostrum
the ceremony was
Rev. It. A. j one of the most
young of the
h-r. t
. U . , v I
. .
i rear.
U others, in To
gold i was is my April i, c . I by
to. Even i am here I i s i-ii
U v
J. in
lie in
they left the
I j ushers bride's maids formed
n I Wedding
Marco as they
passed out.
Following the ceremony a
public reception was hi o the
to v . The gr on ii of e
most promising of th doctors of
Greenville, he is justly
pi with a b of
The c up
i. ft -i torn
or h
not idle; in spite my
not I it, and I am t a
tool, n wailing o e
u nil friends of mil e u I
return w la me o ;
. i., of s g i
is c so i an
ii the
D ii .
Th id
bride's cake which the home I
. penny and a perfect, keeping i u
The M
in the ii ill i
nay foretelling and Mis.
Ruder of the
for the
V .
. . ,. .
were Mr
. .
. P, i , Gr
. I. V
, of Do ;
and M., f
I . it, Of Hi ID
i to in I
July II j
e .
1909. II
The r . r the q r
t i
L. J
. i. J,
luck ,. finder, th use, in by M b, ,
signifying that the Mrs. J. .
should be an old maid. In cut- receiving line in the
ting the it happened that the bride and i i
Mr. Wilson got the ring. Mrs. R. J, Cobb, Mr.
so his be Ashley Dunn and Mi
took Mr ,
Scotia d round Kate Dunn.
penny and Miss Blow couple Lay i B n i i- b u
I the .
out of town present ,. i. i. i,.
more as it has years i, Jan March
d a gr at deal h . 17-1.20. It the
i . Po .-.- din . q
., . .- lo . abs
. wry to sell th j c .,. .
prop rues. s r ii r
I . iv forgot n cl
in Ii . . two d .
U . I .
.; . . ad nil u . m,
i , .-
r n
f . rd
id ii
I J J Ii I i
. in m year we
tout to enter,
z. Vii con
Dr. ii. Hyatt
A . .
.-. i .
1.1 yet r, I et
.,., ii i i-ion to I
. j bi hi i. I
In i
THE AND and white tulle.
The marriage of Miss Tho in the dining
Lee Cobb. oldest daughter of room were Mesdames It.
Mrs. Hubert Cobb to J. L. classed and J- L.
Mr. Albion of Scotland and little Misses
Neck, an event tint has b o u Ernestine
I with interest Novella Hi Ian
-.-. i . . took place a Grimes tad Nell White were the
o'clock this afternoon in Mom. I servers a salad course arm
church. The sod cake.
was profusely decorated, the In the library a most
pulpit and choir gallery heir.,; elaborate display of wedding
are agreed on.
gifts, being after
tab lad. i with china, old ivory.
hr. cut glass sod other
in s,
Mr. Mrs. leave on
Norfolk Southern
train for an i trip t
Florida. Th bride's going given me in the I ask that
gown was black o on me when
As this be election year n
tailoring establishment in Green-
ville. Thanking my many i
for the patronage they have
cloth w M h it and gloves to
match.- Daily Reflector Dee
anything in my line,
Bring to
Schultz for high prices.
S. M.
;. pi , i to l. of
I have decided to continue my try; r t She was a
., . ., to get in . e . v . . h me, of
will work to keep liquor nut vi
the state. Let us pray that ming,
next legislator M i
law i- k pi I. Moore,
states from ; . to f i M i and
State M C.
Of course we all know what Zeno Mot ,
it is to nun CO let US to whom w i
The tool st
does job work, A afternoon.

Watch This Space
Everything New and Modern
by an experienced druggist, using only NEW
A full line of Fine Stationery. Toilet Supplies,
Tobaccos, and handled by
A First Class Drug Store
Cut Glass and China for Holidays and Weddings
w have received a Hot Soda outfit and are
furnish Hot Chocolate and other
Hot Drinks
Norfolk Cotton wired
by J. W. Perry Co. Cot on r actors.
Lo Middling
Low Grade
Wired by Cobb Bros A tanker
and Norfolk.
mew tom
Dec Corn M
Jan Ribs
May Ribs
Colon Mai by
Sale of House and Lot.
On at the court
home door in the town of Greenville,
will gill th- t bidder the
and lot of me late Miss
law of pale one-third
the balance in i and two years
with from
title retained purchase
money aid. H
has cleaner and
lo clean carpels, petting and rugs
properly without them up. W W
put down and carpets when
d-fired Work don prompt y. Can be
found at the store of J. K. J. G.
Our Greenville, yours if
com p.
Subscribe to The
Notice to Tex Payer.
Taxes for the and county
a past and person
owing are that
must come forward ard settle.
Costs soon be added to
those- who are delinquent, and
this cost can be saved by paring
promptly. I am forced to collect
and must do so as the
law requires. L. W. Tucker.
d w Sheriff.
A big assortment China ware just
in, and lots of other Christmas
are arriving be
to your interest our stock
before buying. Remember we carry
tile have fancy Groceries
as well of heavy groceries.
implements we are as strong
as the carry Disc
most Lime
and building, and wire
to fence the farm.
Central Mercantile
Wishing each and every one a Happy and Prosperous New
Year, and thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past,
and kindly asking a continuance of the same in the future.
The Winners of the Gold are as Follows
First Prize No. Henry Barnett, Farmville, N. C.
Beaver Dam Township.
Second Prize No. W. H. Crawford, Greenville, N. C.
chances. Township.
Third Prize Dan T. Beaman, Greenville, N. C.
Fourth Prize Miss Pearl Jefferson, Greenville, N. C.
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
If you are expecting to build you a home or want to make a paying investment
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings tor sale
Terms to suit purchasers.
L C- Arthur,
Couches, Side Boards,
China Closets,
nation Cases, Writing
Desks, Chairs, Parlor
Suits, Art Squares, Rugs,
Carpets, Mattings and
anything suitable for a
New Year gift in high-
grade Furniture.
You Will Save Time and
by visiting our two stores filled with the
most up-to-date line of FURNITURE in
Greenville. Our 3-piece IRON BEDS
with the sleep-easy springs would add
Christmas cheer to your bed room.
Hoping to see each one of our friends
and customers soon, we are, yours for
With the most versatile pianists, could not
possibly bring you more enjoyment than you,
yourself could derive from either
Player Piano,
The Milton,
The Bros.
Or Lester
Player Pianos,
In fact, with either of these Player Pianos
as a companion, you have the advantage of
playing the music music you best
like, and playing it In that rich, full manner,
bringing out the delicate beauties of the melody
which even many ski I led pianists fail to develop,
and this, possible with the veriest novice, with-
out your knowing one note from another.
We will your deaf and dumb piano b exchange.
When In Greenville, visit our Piano
the finest music In Eastern Carolina.
Catch Their, by th.
Tail. With a
The island of one of
the group, the Pacific, is
surrounded by islets
which arc submarine caverns, the
home of sharks. The natives
them as lagoon sharks, which are
quite ferocious at times and spare
nothing they can seize. The lagoon
shark, about six feet long, is es-
teemed a delicacy, and the natives
supply their feasts with the tooth-
some by a remarkable style of j
fish in
A Matter of Time.
A Toledo lawyer was retained to
defend an individual charged with
housebreaking and larceny. The
accused requested that his lawyer
outline his plan of defense. This
being done, the prisoner evinced
much disgust.
long is it to take to
get through with this he
The lawyer smiled politely.
said he. it will take
me about two weeks, but I'm afraid
, it's going to take you about four
Arrived over the entrance to the J
cave, the fisherman leaves b. HUE
canoe lo the care of his
ions and dives to the bottom, car-
with him a slipknot of strong
cord. Be expects to find two or
three sharks it home, well satisfied
and drowsy after feeding in the
lagoon, with their tails toward the.
entrance. Selecting the largest, the
diver adroitly adjusts a noose over
the tail, taking care that it hangs
loosely. If he has another noose
ho secures a second shark.
Mrs. Hattie Cain cf
Thinks all the More of Her
Doctor Since tie Advised
ii to Take
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Direct Through Train Service Between
All Points, in Eastern North Carolina
and via Norfolk to All Eastern Cities.
a. m. Daily, Sunday Wilson, Rakish Slid intermediate
Arrives at . . .;,.
p- m. Daily except Mariana,
Arrives at p. m. M , , .
9-35 . m., Sunday, for Washington, Mack
Hertford, Elisabeth City. Norfolk and
Connects at f-r . Co
m. Dally except Monday for NOW Ban, U y. o
interim ions. . .
p. m. Daily ii Sunday for Washington and station.
For further particulars, Southern Railway Folder
or apply to J. L. Hassell. ticket Greenville, N. C.
H C. W. W.
E. T. LAMB, Gen. Mgr. NORFOLK. VA.
Ky. writes
Mrs. Hattie Cam. advised me to
; take for troubles, is a
, , line and I say
The shark catcher now, with one the make it.
bound on the white, sandy bottom, took I suffered with
rites to the surface in order to as- female troubles sixteen years. I
his friends
fish. The astonished sleepers be-
suddenly find themselves as- cramp and have convulsions
rending tails first to the surface, gad ii looked like would die. At last I
Once inside the canoe a smart blow took and oh a surprise
from an ax between the eyes or on
u ii ii. fl-v the first Dot I to mend
the nose ends the career of the fish. and now j m work
One of the most successful shark can and go where I please and it
catchers at was don't hurt me, and I owe it all lo
Long practice had made him almost helps sick women back to
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston, Effective April 1st, 1309.
It been doing this for over
years. It is not a laxative, or a heart
or kidney is a woman's
If you are a woman, try it
you -re not
One morning he start-
ed off with two companions to one
of the more distant islets.
On entering it
several sharks lazily resting them- ,. l;,.,,.,
In a trice a Slipknot was
, ., ,, , ., ., , ,, Instructions, book,
Skillfully passed over till plain wrapper, on
nearest shark without exciting its
ire. The shark at this critical June- Scrub
moved so that there was not inside. This
room enough for to get
out. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Ten, a
lie gently stroked the side of the thorough Try it
shark and succeeded in inducing it L-
to move away so as to permit his
exit. This operation is said to be
agreeable to the fish, hut if
through nervousness the shark he
stroked the wrong way its anger is
sure to be excited and the diver's and you have no more rivers to cross
or no more sorrows to bear, tor
you get an everlasting j b.
p. m.
p. m.
F r further address nearest ticket agent, or
W. J. P. T. M. T. C. WHITE, G. V. A.
Let Us Decorate Your
Wells Browne
Greenville, N. C
Dealer in Wall Paper
White, j
life would be the certain forfeit.
was making his escape
when, to his dismay, another large
shark came back from feeding in
the lagoon and blocked up the en-
trance with his unwieldy body. To
get out now was impossible, for;
even dared not the
head of the monster.
The captive fisherman waited, I Practical Paper Hanger and Dec-
hoping the shark would go farther orator. Work done anywhere in
in as to leave the opening free. North Carolina. Mail orders given
The huge fish did not move. prompt attention. Interior Painting
agony became intense. Sec- a specialty. Years experience has
seemed to be hours. At last taught us to do Decorating in all
the shark passed on quietly into the its branches.
interior, and was barely
able to get out of the cave and rise. Cleanliness is first law of health,
to the surface. His associates inside at well as Let, Bolls
the canoe, who had become anxious
, . , . , ,, i ml cleanser, then your organs
for his safety, seized him by tho win be pure and clean, health
hair and pulled him in, blood flow- good, your stem right. Start tonight.
from his ears, eyes and Jno- Wooten.
Philadelphia North American.
Getting at th. Fact,.
A shrewd old Vermont
went into a lawyer's office the other I
day and proceeded to relate the cir-1
in a matter about which J
he thought it would be profitable to I
think I got a good-
he finally naked.
good the lawyer;
assured him. should
bring I
would your foe be fer the
whole thing the old farmer asked.
was the prompt
The client pulled out an old
let, extracted a roll of bills and
counted out
he said, got all
you would get out of this case any-
how, so you tell me honestly
just what you think ray chances of
. a suit
Furniture And House Furnishing Goods
For Cash or on Installments.
Large Stock everything Needed in your House. Our are low.
We want a good man to sell Headstones, Monuments, Iron Fen-
for us in this section. We guarantee material, work-
and Men of experience in soliciting preferred. II
you are a hustler and want a job, write us. We have one of the
largest and best equipped plants in the State and do the business.
Mecklenburg Marble Granite Company
Box N. C.
Cobb r res. Co.
Cotton Brokers
Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Health depend. o shows.
More on h than most suppose.
y system free
By Rocky
Tea. Jno. L. Wooten
Our Greenville,
yours if you
We keep all kinds of coil ard dry
wood. Can furnish you at any time for
stove, grate or cook stove. We
keep steam end coal. Bits
us your orders.
C. W. Harvey Co.
Running repairs to all of
Steam erecting Engines,
Tobacco machinery, all a apt-
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical novelties. Give us a trial.
All work guaranteed and terms
Message left at H. I.
will receive prompt attention, or phone
Barber Shop
Herbert Prop.
Located in main business Ht
ti n of the town Five chairs
in operation each one
girted over by a skilled barber.
Oar is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
Modern electrical for
dry shampoo and La-
waited on at their homes.
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N. C.
Pressing, Dyeing,
Scouring, Chemical and Dry Cleaning.
Satisfaction or no charges.
In re of Edmonds Barbel
Subscribe for The Reflector.

a I e
ma ii
Our resolution for tin-
us good as we
the ;
body we can. May strength
;,. a nod sear for both town but one US the has the
. an the -use that day well for ell it . .,,,
W. M.
been u
and hep. the bat day well far.
yea will be mm worth.
i .
m I r.
I . Cook an Peary
, . i . tad
. . I ween
;. .
. ,
Carolina re
., made a
f the
n. a,
. n
roust I
About in they will t
In i
the list
ill c
not care much
, ;.. . . her city
. , treatment -i
., b i
u more.
has issued the fallowing
marriage lie maw since 1-st re-
octet re- exp, .,, or other
opportunity gone earner, any other
You , in . E. House a-, i Hr-
rt, bring, but the in.
,, i . . vinous, in , f nips an i t p
,,,,,,. North .,. ,. sod ,, . F. .
, state, i-m
, , th I R. A. a
. .,, ; W.
. most . ,
. j ., u and Myrtle
collect f
priM or any port
,, . i fur
, . B sad
The Buff Courier
t. r Hi
Hew ye
t el
. I y arc
.; , this
are .
elsewhere sod we have a
climate that i
I he i
an strikes
, show from
. .,, Ki-v. it. Barton an
u iii his a. j
the e ; went, looking ., he
,. p u .,, . We're round I we to settle to
u ,; ;,,. ,;, . I, Carolina.
. . help your . .-.,, re . i
I r
I . any o
th re are too
;. , . I
., th
. . Hey want to
i- Brest thing,
with sow t i yet hard
tint till
,.,. , ,. for the town
water supply had got
. ;
I help your
r . i r.
money u iii
If you re ti
f, a do go to the i
n i
.- .
l. ti
like the new y n i
made to get
d making go
Blow the holidays r
over, lei everybody
or a year i
week's vi
tills ii
. . . .
normal when the fire
.;.; . night.
. ii . water in I
. , . might have
on in
I'll. .- a
. . ; It is cam
.,, t such interest
, ,. a the
, . will he asked
author B-J
. ,. . mi issuing
;, a a m
your appeal n
y ion
a school, a sick n
or any other w
mail order
it lo you, the b
doe, Bi-
v friend,
w th you in v
. . a I
. . . to I ii
. to say i
. ,., the but we did
it had been .
. t I i
The iii w honor law passed by
co went into
l requires that all
orders for intoxicants
hi from dry territory be
,,;,,,,. re- Died by the actual bona
with you in
urea, it your friend in
of need, therefore he is ti.
is entitle to tr
per the
and prevents the general
heretofore of
-ring by one p r
a score of others,
; line
, them
Three I trust w v
Kt V. r. have j together
in one i .-. trust
Do not run alien you see the
bill collector coming. Ba
corner you sooner of later.
If all of em
Horse won
of company in
ad th de-
ii have plenty
the Atlanta
roads ail
r t lie county.
n Any i
agent or of railroad
,, company, express company
We have entered another j. carrier, who shall
With last midnight time r. deliver or to La
corded the of year delivered to any person other
the year 1910 was ushered than the person to whom it
birth of the new year; been consigned, upon the
, , written order-in Instance
was heralded with the glad .
person, or M any
person under a name,
before, on, or after de-
livery from the consignee, or
other person, or shall
in any set as the agent
of the r ors any such
I . ; , purpose of buying
,,. . ;
. . in the u
rt i on and j
. . . i he
;,,. Whoever shall
. y p or cause to be
. e State, Terri
; . ;. . of the United
. . . or on n
, . m .,
then i. . or from any ton
or the United s,
. . contiguous to
to the jurisdiction there
,, package of
. any spirituous,
. fermented. r
her liquor of
kind, unless such package be tn
,,. ., the outside cover as
to plainly ow the name the
consignee, the nature of con
tents and quality contained
therein, shall be
than five thousand dollars and
shall be forfeited to I
the Slates, and may be j
by like
proceedings a- those provided by
law for th and fort, ii I
ore of pro imported into
be United Slates contrary to
Oscar Evans . I n
C. T.
on an
. V p
C fa
I ii
e, Cl
. I
. j. Streeter I Miry Dav-
,. Jen-
;.; .
I Pr.
four to
good record, i he total
I Dumber for the
.-. Pail
. . .
Those who are holding some
cotton may yet see sixteen cents
for it. The price is now within
half a cent of that
is having trouble with
the bidden to construct her
The contractor whose
bid was accepted failed to come
to time.
John R. Bradley, who backed
Dr. Cook, is going to try a polar
expedition for himself. We
hope he will reach the North
Nothing will make yon cuss
much quicker than a busted
water pipe. Haven beats try-
to fit the stove pipe.
Ice in the summer time,
and the wood pile and the coal
bin as fast in this
kind of weather.
other is back
made arrange-
, renewed the
cation of and his
-hot after a year's
pension while the Col. was on a
vacation to California,
before its suspension be-
came popular
in the South
A visiting lady remarked to
The Reflector man the other day,
that she was glad to see Green-
ville had a rest room, and found
it a great convenience. One
other thing you ought to get
she added so much
spitting on the sidewalks, it
ought to be To of
which we heartily agree.
Maybe one of your new year
resolution was not to kick but
push. If you did not make such
a resolve it is not too late to
do so now. Greenville does not
need the kicking class this year,
but wants men who will put
their shoulder to the wheel and
push with all their might. This
should be made a good one
along the line of advancement.
day was robed in
cent splendor and sun kissed
brightness. May the
-if this glorious day be the j liquor of any
o the burnings that crown
lives during the year. May i
indeed a glad, sweet, happy,
prosperous new year for us all.
Header, there are days
between the beginning and end
of year. Looked at in
prospective we may think
they pass oh, W slowly; but the
later will convince
you that their Might was on
eagle's wings. Begin the new
any spirit vinous, malted,
fermented, or other intoxicating
land has
from one state.
or district of the
doled States or place
to but subject to the
jurisdiction thereof into any
other State, Territory, or dis-
of the United States, or
place noncontiguous to but sub-
to the jurisdiction thereof,
or from any foreign country into
any State. Territory, Of district
of the United States or
Brace Tucker, aged yr
rod youngest Mrs. N.
died Sunday at hi t
home in
few with which
he been for I
lime was
Monday afternoon it the
burying ground, Deceased was
a brother of Mr. A. E. Tucker,
Stray, Taken
I have taken one ho,
col- r, at pounds,
mar three in . one
lit in left -r. can ISM
proving ans
charges. Jam
On O. I.
, N. C. R. D No.
Dec. W. ltd
noncontiguous to to I Our Greenville, yours if you
the jurisdiction thereof shall be come.
In the recent anniversary
of Reflector it was told
what Greenville and Pitt county
had accomplished during the
year. we will not repeat
B of tingle.
,; , r . s Q ,
Mrs e
a. J Hana
to I
. , . . .,.
lie i. D
vi, .
J. L.
.- , .
d i t
P .; a
; j Mi home k
. . beaters an J Stove .
R. Smith Co. Cooper.
turned worn,
and abort notice by J. K.
., no
K nm
Carts l i at J. .-
Smith Co j
u v.-. r. insure g Smith Co.
J. R went to Greenville
I y.
r B car of J-
. . i.
j. C V. C.
;. .-j l- meat
. .
I- I
CO. i
, . . . .
do it.
, . and rubber
pipe ii
j ,.
The and of a is as
now us the poem
Alexander Selkirk,
was a family reunion at
the of U. G.
Am mg those were A. L .
j m and W. W.
U A- L. Ormond, who ha
m en spending th b v i
h-a mother, n
re at t .
not inter day.
and merchants, but also,
Ma in man am Sm I
North I am , one day
, ranch in y return d
. of our Stat that
. to lit a monthly
fur the m n
. e . mo
.,., and Women In this pub
toe to g
and the Utter
.,. disappear
. , . tn 1.1. thick
Ci . ere
Windows, .
hardware, at J. b- ,. .
a good open or .
to pun
one of our p
was married
Lid b
O n an and
. .
top baggy.
bat for of
cotton a ed delivered to
A line of and
always on hand with a
nice at your at
Smith Co. Dixon.
An need
Will gin
twentieth pound, and you
. m
it Co
J until ; report Joyous
Mr and
of K
Mrs W. T. Hart is
mother. Mrs. at
judge J. L. Hobgood an
family want
relative here.
Rev. C. Manly Morton,
son, is spending a few days in
lief, brine M Christ-
cotton. R- Cc parents near Wash
At Close of Business or. M.
son, of Rob. .
men- . are
Cotton is b
today for . c
cents per bu. ii.-i.
Miss who
with her Ella Wayne,
k-ft Tuesday
W at Atlanta.
Prank h-
to hit .-d home
county. Mr. and rs.
have many
they moved here from V.
months ago.
We regret to learn that R
ii. King, who be.-n
of the
not be
u next year. ,
has been serving the
ha- very
considerable ill
arc to see
again. Ha
tide several days
has i
spending the holidays near Tin
b ors
.; our it men
, d
. , . . , also, t.
. . ex-
lit . i
I other,
; with y
.- n irk
.; .; . n- t . I am
. all em r. y
soul. I have m arrange
. s U. Gold Pub
., Wilson, N- ti do mi
but the work will b
.,;, be something similar in
la and appearance to
which is put-
. I Mi to such a
and n work in
, , that the good
r will give me
support and hearty co
Wry sincerely,
v. W. F. V. of Ad d.
cams over Friday I
hold i. q
May's e lapel Sui
G. ton
. PI
fr m
M s Sn I
week a I I L
r B a ton.
Mist L Ga y return m
Mond . nil
Mi A Smith r I
T. T. at Gt
m after
at home.
Joe Cobb. o Standard,
visiting uncle, B. P. I
last v.-e- k
Gary Joyner, the
teachers Smith's school house
their morning,
the holidays
Smith returns to hi
iv a;
. i I
; .
on Lax. a
Ask your at. tor a
Almanac tor
Sun- iv-A
A i i
The r- filter of
f u i
county th
I M. M
We had winter If the M
was a warm, j is as good a ,
take t he is,
like day, and morning
like winter is coming
Loan, and discounts I
and unsecured , Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and L-
Dividends unpaid
Due Has, , . no
Cash 48.70 sub. to cheek
Silver coin, including all I Cashier's
112.118.60 Total
J. a. Davis sold t
her millinery Interest to b
partner. Mrs. ti. a Summer.
Glad to see Maj. W. S.
out again an attack
Alton and Charlie Nobles, a
O. C. N
minor coin cur.
bank and other
.-.- a
i,, . who
. , , hat 1.11. r
It r Sign S
; lower part
D . . r . C Ills W
a h and a
. .-. n grip attacks, s i
u.-year lit.-,
. N. v.- .
writes A.
, being ms
week it
ill drug
Saved at Death's
Tar of . .
,., i. . r .-
, -i lie N. V. who r
cone he it .-.
s ;
. .,;. ; e . from .
growing .
ins ; .
spent Saturday
and Sunday with the
cox-s mills he as.
Cox's Mills, N. C, Jan.
Aft. r spending the holidays v. ii h
her Nina
Misses Nina and Lissie Laugh-
Miss Chapman spent part
of week with the Misses
supreme. . c u-i-
Making Safer
Everywhere lit- is BU N
the Ur. King t
New in
s, diseases bowel
disorders. easy, Mt c
perfectly u the heal h. ti
Subscribed and sworn to
before m. this 19th day Nov-
For the New
Resolve that you keep an ad
in The Reflector. Nothing will
you better returns,
matter what business you an
engaged in. The Reflector has
the largest circulation in its
history and of a class of people
who buy largely and pay their
debts We have
very few subscribers whom we
are not proud of. Our plant is
better equipped than ever before
and with the copy give
you a nice, neat business getting
ad Come to see us and contract
for a apace the entire year of
are prepared you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cash
Come to see us and we will convince you
Dry Store.
Came let us show you. .
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
1910 and watch the
Write rIMs
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Cat Serve Way. Try Me
Mia Geneva and
brother, Loren, spent Saturday
night with Miss Roach,
Miss n Haddock Mr.
were married at
the cf the bride's father,
M. B. Haddock, at
Sunday morning.
Miss Cora Carroll and Jimmie
Edwards were visiting mar
Standard last week.
Charlie Evans purchased
H. H. stock of
and will continue business at the
same place.
Miss Daisy and
brother. Wesley, were visiting
the Misses Tyson last week.
Miss Myrtie White, who has
been very is improving
Rev. T. H- King preached an
excellent sermon at school
house Sunday
egret very much that win
not be with us any longer.
H. A Moore and brother have
sold their stock of goods to L.
Everette. L ,
Queenie Cox, who has
been visiting Nancy
baa returned home.
Dr. W. EL of Char
lotto, will be in Farmville on
On Sunday morning J-
Cook, who been pastor
Memorial Baptist church th
past year, tendered his
to take effect the first of
April, resignation was
accepted by the church.
Pew more stalk cutters left,
will m price right-
Atkins Hardware Go.
In Your Homes to Stay
The croup and
and the
and ache.
stover the
by you. old.
Sold by
N. C, and manufactured Dy
H-22- m w
On Monday put
one bag of coffee, one case of
gold dust and one box of
in the wrong wagon in rear of
The party

Register of Deeds. W. M.
Moore, has issued the following
marriage licenses since last re-
Moore and
Keel an Nannie
and Martha
A. F. Fleming
Cleveland Vincent and Effie
Fetus and Eliza Crisp-
Barn s and Addie Boyd.
Matthew Hamilton and
C C. and
Tuck r.
J. H. and Ada
P. B. Fancy nod Bes. av
Neal Tripp and
Lacy Randolph and Martha
Isaac and
fl. r. Floyd an la
Alston Annie
J L Kirkman and Henrietta
Atkinson and Hattie
Willis Grimes and Ann
Joseph Ed winds and Pattie
Mother who value their own com-
fort the welfare of their children,
should never be without a box of Moth-
tip Sweet for Children.
for use throughout the They
breakup con-
teething he. d
and These
fail. Sold all drug stores,
Don't accept any A trial
package free to any who will
AlienS Le Roy, N. Y.
Wednesday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs H. C.
Edwards, in Greenville,
Mr. Z. V. Barrington and Miss
Wilson were married
Rev. D W. Arnold. Immediate
after the ceremony the
left on Norfolk Southern
train for Washington.
The bride has for
an operator in
exchange, coming h re from her
near some months
to take this position. Mr.
Harrington Is a traveling
n an for the Pepsi Co. of
New Bern. They will make
their home in Jacksonville, Fla.
Notice o Land Sale.
By virtue of a power of
ed in a certain mortgage deed executed
by H. A. Boyd and wife, Bettie Boyd.
to H on the 26th day of
I January, 1901, and recorded in the
registers office in Pitt county, in book
Q-S page the will on
Monday, the 3rd day of
I at o'clock expose to public tale
the court base door in Green-
, e, to the highest bidder for cash,
the g tract or parcel of d to
and being in the county of
Pitt Slate of North Carolina, ad-
the lands of
the lands of J. R Peyton, the
. J. J Laughinghouse, Mrs.
Fannie C and others and
j known as the Major Jordan tract of
land, c acres more or less
and bring the land co- to H. A.
Boyd by J R. Peyton. This tale is to
be made the debt
I This the It day of December. 1909.
H. H. or,
F. C. Atty. ltd
Land Sale.
By f the power of sale c n-
d in r mortgage
and delivered by Julia A. K.
W and S it Wilson to J. B. Lit
t e on day November.
and duly record i in the register of
Pitt county. North
ll a, in b ck the under-
signed will expose to public be-
; re th.- Ci house in
to the highest id on y. Jan-
h, 1910, a certain in ct or
if land and gin the
of and State of North Carolina
ad described M
, Situate in Pact town.-hip. the
north of Tar river an side of
John L. and Roberta in. the kids
,. , d. to f J.
deceased. Aid n Baker and others and
Wiggins and Emma bounded at in the
run of Grind at the mom h of
I bra; ch and runs u i said branch
j to the . thence u Slid
hilly; north, 1-2
eat cherry tree at the then
no th 1-2 to a
i forked pine near the load;
J. W. Bryan has at last obtained M. in a d line to All n
remedy which they thence h t
By virtue of a mortgage d
and ere-1 by c. B.
wife, to J K. m J- G. on the
the d i of January, and re-
corded in Z-S page the tin-
d will --ell for cash th
court house in on Fri
day, Slat, the follow-
or par- el of land
in e township
f. miles h Q l, a Jo n
he Inn's of and
r. beginning at a tree
on the New Bern and running
said read p to the fork
g to Banks; thence with
s id stake
it th corner i f a tobacco bare; thence
s to a in Sermons
line; h
the log, acres
r a- I being the place
no i the said and wife
now real e; satisfy said mortgage.
This December the 1st.
J. K. J.
F G. James Son, ltd
Most Popular Druggist Makes
the agency for
are selling on a guarantee to
cure Liv. r If food does
not wall, if there Is gas or pain
in the son if the tongue is coated
end breath Do., if there i-
and strain Liver Pills
will cure you. II the; d i not you hive
Dr. W. o's p guarantee
to return you- money. Liver
Pills give relief and per-
. urea f Constipation.
and I These are
g but Dr. Bryan is
giving hit a chance to prove
the a if a
cent box of Liver you AS Blow,
are not s with the results go t ltd
an and ask for your money.
Also for sale by M. M. Sauls at
d n, N. C.
Thomas J. S h
his line to a gum in
with Ba I line to
the creel.; down t. e to
beginning, acres more or
. saving and g so of
said land re conveyed by J. n.
Little and w to G. R. u. B. and J J .
a d the timber upon raid
lit d h re to re co ed by B
Little and to Battle I. Short.
said g deed. Terms
9th D r
j u . Mortgagee,
Greenville, N. C.
In the
gold cook
and Miss J If
of in
C. T.
W. W. H.
By of a executed
delivered by A, L son and
wife, and B. Jackson, to F. G.
on December the 4th,
h deed in trust was duly re-
corded In office of the register of
d- eds of Pitt co in book P-8 p gs
the will sell for
before the court door in n-
on Monday J. 3rd. 1910, the
following described One
in the town of Grifton, on the south
of Queen St., as the A. L.
lit. at Kit-
corner. from
the co of Pitt St. then
U of the provisions
of a n power of attorney this
day executed to me by the heirs at-law
I whom are of
Jenkins, d d. late a citizen of the; thirty feet to I. ii kins
of residing in the town of
Beth I, I will, on Saturday January
at one o'clock, p. m. in
the town of el, N. C. and in front
of the store of Staton, r Mayo,
offer for sale to the highest hi for
cash, the following described real
Same that certain
parcel or lot of land lying and being
situate in the county of Pitt.
township, in the town of B ad-
joining the I of Ma B. Carson
and others, the same being a part of
lot No. in the division of the land
which was assigned to Andrews,
bounded as Begin-
at the center of the first street
running with Main street end
on the east tide of Main street on the
line of Warren Andrews and Maggie
B. Carson, which runs east and west
and runs east with the said division
line be ween Andrews and B. Carson,
yards thence South parallel
with Main street seventeen and one-
half yards, thence west with
said east and west division line to the
a i street seventy to the be-
containing by estimation, one
fourth an acre, be the same more
or less.
Terms of Title
teed. For further information, apply
SO the undersigned at Tarboro, N. C.
This Dee. 13th 1909.
B. G Attorney.
C L. Joyner, Jones, Bertha V.
Button and Henry Sutton.
J. W. Taylor A F. M. Davis. Guardians.
Having been empowered
to make sale in a
action before D. C. Moore, clerk
Superior court, entitled C. L. Joyner,
Sadie Joyner, Bertha V. Sutton and
vs J. W. and F. M. Davis,
I will on the first Monday and
I day in January. 1910, expose for
sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, at the court house door, the fol-
tract of An undivided in-
in a certain tract of land in Farm
township, owned in common with
C. L. Joyner, known as the Joyner
land, L. Joyner, Bertha V.
Sutton and others, containing
tree more or less.
This 3rd. 1909.
H. S- Harris, Commissioner.
west pa with said
ins line to the canal; then south thirty
with tee to line;
then east with line to the be-
Also one house lot in ton
same on which A. L. and wile
resided, being t e same de to A.
L Jackson by W. L. in
Sept. 1605, containing one acre.
Also one interest in lot on
Queen St. known as the dispensary lot,
same to A. L and
Whit by J. L. Tucker.
l-o one half undivided interest in
the stables lot, same owned by J. R.
Harvey Co. and A. L. Jackson.
Also i lot on St,
known the stables Int, being
the same deeded to A. L. B. T. Jack-
son by John Z. Brooks, g thirty feet
on St. and running back one
and eighty feet. Said property
being sold to satisfy said deed in trust.
This December 3rd. 1909.
ltd F. G. James, Trustee.
duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county
executor of the last and testament
of E. J. Little, deceased,
notice is hereby given to persons
indebted to the estate to make
mediate payment to the undersigned;
and all persona having claims against
the estate are notified to present the
same to the undersigned for payment
on or before the 16th day of December,
1910, or this notice will be plead in bar
of recovery.
This day of December, 1909.
Joseph executor of E. J.
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as administratrix of
Fred deceased, late of Pitt
county, N. C this to per-
sons having claims against the estate
of said deceased to exhibit them to the
undersigned on or before Dee. 9th,
1919, or this notice will be in
bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said will please make
Immediate payment
This Dee 9th,
F. G. James Son, Attorneys,
Notice Land Sale
North Caroline, j
Pitt County
virtue of a power of sale con-
in a mortgage deed
n and S. F. Sum-
mere and wife. Lucretia
to G. and J. J. Dixon on the 22nd
day of Doc and duly re-
in tie Register's in Pitt
county in book M-7 the
mortgagee will Saturday,
the day of at
o'clock noon expose . sale be-
fore the court house in He,
to the bidder for cash, the fol-
low described tract or parcel of
land, to
and in C
ship, county North Carolin i,
adjoining the of Wile.- dusty
hi aid Dudley and others I e-
at a slake comer a d
r ha w poles to a stake
thence poles to a
take, no th east es
then poles to
south west pi es.
then south east polos to a
n south west to
line, then with said line to the begin-
acres more or
a-d the sane tract or parcel of
and described in the mortgage deed
above to.
his will be to satisfy the
of d mortgage
This of December, 1909.
J Dixon,
By F. C. Harding,
of the of con-
in a i e d
cut d and it d by James
to G T. Tyson on the 3rd day
of May, duly recorded in the
register of deeds office of Pitt
North in book J-8, page MS,
the will expose to public
sale, before the court house in
vi to he bidder on
January h. at k m.
certain or pare of land lying
and being in the county of Pitt and
Sta e of N. C. ard as
to Beginning at a i and small
oak, the beginning of G. T. Tyson and
Stanley Parker's agreed line ad run-
south said line to
Branch, George line, then up
a to George A. J.
s comer, thence along a line of
unmarked trees to knot, a
corner in A J. line; thence
north with a line of unmarked to the
Greenville and Farmville road at an
in n in near a bed; thence
westerly with said road to the begin-
about ninety-nine
acres, to said mortgage deed.
Terms sale cash.
This 7th day of December, 1909.
G. T. Tyson, Mortgagee
F. M. Wooten. Atty. ltd
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by R. L. Hill and wife,
ard D. B. Johnson wife, to F. G.
Jameson the 6th. day of March 1909,
which appears of record in the office of
the Register of deeds of Pitt county
in book E-9 page the undersigned
will sell for cash at noon, on Saturday
January 1st. 1910, before the court
house door in Greenville, N. C. the
following described, proper
One lot in the town of Greenville
situate on the West side the A O. L.
and North side cf the N. A S. Rail-
road near the junction of said two
a, and leased from
the N. A S. receivers, and the ice
plant and all the machinery, fixtures
of every kind and description,
with the buildings used in carrying
on the lee business by Hill Johnson.
Also one other lot in the town of
Greenville beginning at a stake on the
south lido of Fifth street, and west
side of Reade street extended, and
running with Fifth street a
course sixty feet to a stake; thence a
southerly course across said lot one
hundred and twenty feet to a stake,
Reade street extended, thence a
northerly course with street
to the beginning being the lot on
which the old ice plant formally stood.
This December the 1st. I
F. G. James,
By virtue of the power of a con-
in a certain mortgage deed
cute. and delivered by William Eaton
and others, of the colored
D church to D. S. Smith on the
August, and re-
corded in the office of
Pitt county. North Carolina, in book
the undersigned will ex-
to public before the court
in Greenville, to the highest
bidder o iota, , at
o'clock M., a certain tractor parcel of
land in the of
Pitt and Si ate of North Carolina and
described as follows, to Lying
near the southern boundary of the town
of Greenville, and st the
northwest corner of lot and runs a
southerly course with aid Exum west-
line ah. feet, thence at right
angles with street feet,
thence n feet to Thirteenth
thence east with nth
street shout to the beginning.
It being the let to said
this day by D. S. and
wife, to satisfy said mortgage deed.
Terms of tale cash.
This 7th day of
D. S. Smith, Mortgagee.
F. M. Wooten, Atty.
to Creditors.
Having duly before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county es
of the estate of J. L.
deceased, is hereby
given to all i indebted to the
. state to m immediate to
the reigned; and all persons having
against estate will take
notice that must the same
to the undersigned payment on or
before the 24th of November. 1910.
or this notice be plead in bar of
This day of 1909.
S. T. White,
ltd of J. L. Fleming.
Entry of Vacant Land.
Atkinson enters c aims th-
f or parcel and
situated in Pitt county and in Green-
vi township to Beginning in
the h of Short at James
Tee's c then line of
said Teel to Warren corner
from said corner with
A. line to a corner j. A.
and son tn n a
I to the b ginning c
three acres more or
This Dec. 9th
Witness W. M. Moore
deeds entry taker by J j.
D. R.
By virtue of a pow. r of sale contain-
ed in a certain mortgage deed
and d- livered by W. H. Smith and
wife Ada E. Smith to F C. Harding
on the 27th day of January as
record in the in Pitt
county in No. Z page the
i m o i
the day of January at
o'clock, noon, expose to public sale
before the h use door in
Greenville to the highest bidder for
cash following tn ct
and being in township
in the county Pitt and of
North adjoining the la
of the County Lumber C
the lands of J. B Smith, the lards of
W. L Smith, the lands of
Adams and others and b. the tract
of land whereon W. H. Smith and
wife Ada E. Smith resided during the
year and containing acres
more or less.
This s- be made to satisfy the
terns of said mortgage deed.
This the 15th day of 1909.
ltd F. C. Harding, Mortgagee.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered to B. M. Lewis by C. L.
Barrett and on day
1909, recorded in the office
of the Register of Deeds of Pitt
county in book K-9 page the
will sell for cash before
the court house door in Greenville on
Monday January 3rd. 1910. a one
half undivided interest in the following
described tract of land. That tract
lying on the side of Swamp
adjoining the lands of J C. Harri-.
A. J. Jefferson, W. E. Barrett
others, containing one hundred acres
more or less, to satisfy mortgage
December the 2nd.
B. M. Lewis, Mortgage,
F. G. James Son, Attorney s.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolin a
Do pot your fan and hides
until you see E. M.
opposite Norfolk Southern
depot. w
There is more
to a Fertilizer
than Analyses
The mere mixing of
materials to obtain
sis requires no special
knowledge. The value
of a fertilizer lies in the
source from which the
plant food is obtained.
Each ingredient in
Royster goods is selected
with a view of supplying
the plant from sprouting
until harvest. The plant
is not overfed at one
time and starved at an-
other. Twenty-five
years experience goes with
every bag.
Sold by reliable dealers throughout
F. S. Royster Guano Co.
Bank of Greenville
Greenville, North Carolina
Resources Over
on good paper
R. L. DAVIS, Pres. J. A. ANDREWS, V.-Pres.
H. D. BATEMAN, Cashier.
Report of Condition of
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
in the State of at the close of business, Nov.
Loans and Discounts,
Overdrafts see. and 18,249.43
All other Stocks, Bonds
and 1,000.00
Furniture and Fixtures, 4,641.99
Demand Loans 17,600.00
Due from A
Cash Items 4,712.80
Silver coin, including
minor com currency 261.14
bank notes and
other U. S. notes
Capita Stock,
Surplus fund, 17,600.00
Undivided profits, net 6,215.88
Notes and bills
Bills payable, 18,000.00
Den. 28.724.661
Sub. 122,909.44 I
994.80 f
Certified checks 800.001
Due Banks 1.066.66
State of North Carolina-County of Pitt,
I, C. S. Carr. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge belief.
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me,
this day of Nov. 1909.
Notary Public.
and Home
always go to TAFT
Farmville. N. C. Dec.
Christmas was very quiet in
Farmville. There were few
accidents, none of
There was damage
occasioned to property by shoot-
fire crackers. Christmas eve
the crowd was large, filling the
streets, sidewalks and
Everybody seemed to be in a
good humor except ex-Chief
Smith and Buck They
cursed and quarreled and paid
lines for it. was a
deal of drinking but not much
It is believed that
there is a great deal of illegal
Belling of liquor by several parties
in Farmville.
R- L. Davis, superintendent of
the State Anti-Saloon League, is
to speak in Farmville Baptist
church Sunday night, Jan. 2nd.
His subject will be Blind Tigers
Must Mr. Davis will
preach in the Methodist church
Sunday morning. e hope every
business man in will
be out to hear him Sunday night.
We are glad to learn that Rev.
G. B. Webster, the Methodist
pastor, is starting off well with
his work.
Rev. C. M. Morton, Disciples
pastor, held two good services
here last
Mrs. Jesse is away
visiting her parents during th-
There will be preaching in the
Baptist church next Sunday
morning by the pastor. His
subject will be the
the Man and his
All are cordially invited.
The old, old story, told
without number, and repeated
over and over again for the last
years, but it is always a
come story to those in search
is nothing in the
world that cures coughs and
colds as quickly as Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Sold by
North Col,.
The Chattanooga Tradesman
reports the following new
tries established in North Caro-
during the week ending
Raleigh-$20,000 realty com-
live stock
Mount Airy-$10,000 cotton
oil company-
Elizabeth bottling
Many school children suffer
from constipation, which is often
the cause of seeming stupidity
at lessons. Chamberlain's
and Liver Tablets are an
ideal medicine to give a child,
for they are mild and gentle in
their effect, and will cure even
chronicle constipation. Sold by
Ml druggist.
Call and see P. M. Johnston
when in town for general engine
and boiler repair work and any-
thing you may need. Shop op-
Hotel Bertha. w
yo bu U ff
Do know I
and kept in
Why nut
It if of
one l.
;. scabs
el. This
of lea r
an pi he
r d n, la
tor I Met owl.
The I . . . T
Writes Mr. T. F.
The editor is in receipt of a
letter from Mr. T. F. Christman,
Cat., written
18th, which says some things we
know his many friends in Green-
ville would like to read, and
are taking the liberty of printing
part of it. Speaking of his
pleasure derived from the visits
of The Reflector, he
am glad to see has
proved so much and hope it will
continue to grow in size and its
circulation will keep increasing.
While I may never be in Green
ville again, though I hope to be
some day. I am glad to note so
many improvements going on
and I hope it will soon be what
it ought g have been years
one of the leading towns of
Eastern North Carolina. When
I left it had not been decided
that the training school would
go there, but you succeeded in
getting it, and it was the best
thing that has been done
have just received the an-
number of The
tor and think you have good
son to be of it. I enjoyed
reading it more than any of the
papers we get here. The articles
by Wooten, Harding and Rags-
dale wire fine. It may be I
appreciated more because
they were written by men I
know so well and were in the
interest of the place where
spent so many years, and
think of as home. You
saying, is where
Interest N Caro- Just as Scores of Greenville People
, Have.
Cr is most prevalent
the dry cold weather of the
early winter months. Parents
of young children should be
pared for it. All that is needed
a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Many mother.-,
are never without it in their
homes and it has never
pointed them. Sold by
Makes Meat at Five Cents.
Very often we hear people say
that it is cheaper to buy meat
than to raise it. And men who
call themselves farmers talk this
way, too. Mr. Braxton Phifer
of this township tells us that he
has kept an accurate account of
every item of expense attached to
the raising and fattening of a
pig which he killed one day last
week was seven months old
and weighed pounds. Mr.
Phifer states that bis meat cost
him just cents per pound. At
the present of pork, which
is cents, the amount saved by
fattening his own meat is cents
per pound. These figures show
very clearly that the pork
raised at less than half what it
would cost at the store. But in
the face of these and other
figures alarming, some
farmers persist in buying West-
meat Our Home.
When a cold becomes settled
in the system it will take several
treatment, to cure it, and
the best remedy to use is
i Remedy,
will cure quicker than any other,
and also leaves the system in e
natural and healthy condition.
Sold by all druggist.
Strayed -One white cow,
marked staple swallow-fork In
right ear and swallow fork in left
weighs about pounds.
Keen since August. Suit-
able reward for Information
leading to recovery.
John Mills.
N. C. R. F. D. No.
Lame back comes on
if extremely painful. It is
by i of tin
Quick relief is afford
d by
Liniment. Sold by all
Stalk harrow, a
Carr Co.
Asheville, N. C, Dec. 29.-J.
A. Burroughs, president of the
North Carolina Medical Society,
and also identified with the
Mississippi Valley Society and
the American Tuberculosis Con-
died at his home here at
noon today, after an illness of
only a few days. Dr. Burroughs
was one of the best known
physicians in the South on the
treatment of tuberculosis.
Charlotte, Dec. 30- -The
death this afternoon at
o'clock of ex-Judge W. P. By-
at his home on West Trade
street, removes from this city
one of the most striking figures
in her history and in the Slate's
history, both during the Civil
War end later. Judge Bynum
having been elevated to the
of colonel in 1862 and
served as solicitor for the
portion of North Carolina for
ten years after the war.
D. Surratt, son of
W. L D. Surratt, farmer of Heal-
his county,
was killed by No
bound passenger tr in, t
miles north of Lexington,
day morning at o'clock. He
had been visiting friends here,
and was the Th
train was pulling out when
he rushed to it and caught at h
door of a Pullman and for three
miles clung for life to the rapidly
winds of the The door
was locked and none saw him.
finally numbed by the cold lie
Ml and his skull was smashed,
blood, brains and bores being
for many feet up the
I pay
If you neglect the ha.-k,
Kidney Pi is relieve back-
Cure every kidney ii.
citizens thorn.
Mis. J. Stokes, and
Greenville. N. C.,
me time from
kidney and bladder My
were weak-and
passages of the s caused me
gr at annoyance. h -d hearing
do n pain through my
shooting my
, loins. There was a tender spot a toss
my kidneys and times my limbs
Bored finally read of
tan's Kidney a and was so much
imp that procured them at
g store. They son re-
the pains in my sides an
restored my kidneys to a n con-
. it present I am a
great deal in every way.
give I loan's Kidney Pills the credit for
I the great
I For sale by all dealers. Price
J cents. Co.
New York, sole agents for the United
DO other.
Not made by trust
Professional Cards
Office opposite R. L. Smith
stables, next door to John
. new building.
,. L.
Greenville, N. C
Office on Third formerly
pied by Dr, Bagwell.
and Long
i R W m N VI N C
Skinner. tinny Skinner, Jr
H. . Whedbee.
Greenville N. G
Attorney at Law
Office. by J. L.
O, you
School pennant No-
thing prettier for a
Christmas gift.
says buy a bottle of
Preparation mid Ire prepared
croup, colds, pneumonia,
sore throat.
vents and cures by destroying
All druggists,
P. M. Johnston for
nil I supplies and mill repairs.
Ill work G
Wholesale and retail
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton
Oil Barrel, Turkeys, Eggs,
Mattresses, etc.
Baby Carriage.--, Go Carts,
Parlor suits Lounge.
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key
Wart Cheroots, George
Canned Ch. Peach.
, Apples, Pine Syrup,
Jelly, Meat r Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic rood, Matches,
Oil. Cotton Seed Med and Hulls,
Garden Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Dried Apples-
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware, Crack-
Macaroni, Boat But-
New Royal Sewing Machine
and numerous y
Quality and quantity cheap ,
a.-h. Come
We want Girls and Boys
to work In the
Tarboro Mills
At N. C.
and in the
Near Tarboro,
The work is light, no or
dirt and the pay is good. We can
furnish you a house i i the town
of Runnymede or W t Tarboro.
A i or You
We at
and de.
We have steady work all th
year. D fear hut
we will h work f r every
and See the Work or Write
C. W. J r F F I
handle Wire Fence made by the Trust Have
the for the famous WIRE
Don't fail to sec it. Fence at Best Prices.
Just received Repeating
Rifles, No. made by the
Swiss government. Cost
each. We will sell for ten days
at each.
Come and see how we do it.
i .
N. Carolina
n. v. .
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close Nov. Ill,
Capital Stork
Loans and discounts Capital Stock 6,000.00
Overdrafts secured Surplus fund 6,000.00
unsecured , , , ,. ,
. . a profits less
Furniture and fixtures 1,288 .
from ks and 88,090.52 expenses and taxes pd
Gold silver Time certificates of 6,042.66
minor com currency 2.48403 Deposits sub to check 661.60
Total Total
OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
I, W. II. Cashier of the above named bank, do sol-
swear that the statement i true i the best of my
knowledge and belief. W. II Cashier.
and to be-
this 10th day of
T. Carson,
Notary Public
I Not Quite I
Bow you can pet i.
thine J
nail or screw driver or
AL per lacking. Have a
X tool box and prepared for S
M Our line of tools
y a yon could desire, and
we will see your tool
box does not lack a
useful article. j
Of Course
You get s
ft Horse Goods . c
I J P- f
i Corey,;
P. M.
HONE . i,
s M Jones,
M. O.
In the State of No arc Una, at the close of business,
Loans and
Overdrafts secured
Banking House, Fur-
Due from Banks
and Bankers
Cash items
Gold Coin
Silver coin,
minor coin cur.
other U. S. notes
Capital Stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profit,
less cur. ex.
Time certificate
Deposit subjects
to check
Cashier s Checks
I, T. Gardner, Cashier of the bank, do
swear that the above statement is true of
knowledge and belief. G. T. GARDNER. Cashier.
Subscribed ard sworn to be-1
fore me. this 16th day of Nov. John Z
Notary Public.
W. Dawson,
j m Sim White Five More room and larger stock to tee
now arriving, have i
for the boat
S ml price X.
I for Chore Cut
Moral Deigns, and
M Te and
promptly tilled.
J. L. CO., Florist.
N. C.
Mutual Life

h i j
In Charge of Wm. G.
, Th. i . r. and
. s Co
g n
ed h ma es r
U . .
p aid. A .
. Co w
id Gr yes
i ., have just
lot cloaks, give hi a call. A.
i r i w A Co.
If ,. rot
v i
T . ;
Saturday bk i here
ad Mrs. J. fl. a.
Mia E I M
u- , i ii . been vii w
i i home
. . II
TM i
.- sick
the, Biliousness
or and Bad Digestion
lake l Substitute.
turn day ITEMS.
. . and
ton went Monday. h, Jan.
was a
Do You Own a Piano
the in the fad. hour
White player be . known
A d
to a large city. j will your piano in
In a glance WiS inspect for one of sell
pianos not
in character e, v and c the world.
general in a to M in
but you I et with prices ch n Urn s , it your
that stand hex a. a
incomparable an- ., ,
makes t select When in Greenville visit our
those cheap v e tern
i. .;
We ; i learn that Mr .
M. L. Barker, who bus en
i. . i-
c . .
. or writ A.
;. , left Mon
to i e
e Ca. v. .-
N. C
i .
v. B.
I .
ed buds.
Pump Pipes see us.
We have just received a rood . v-
lot A V. Co. .
and Berth. We are, I to ,
,. , ., Durham
t- .- in n
F Re. R- L-
, , , at the
in the go
. The a at
I c ducted
, . pastor. afternoon
Rev. G. W.
mi i t r. preached In
Next door to Carr ins Hardware o. store.
r-. . i. -v in nice
Ca Prices are i p.; Dougherty, of Hugo.
r. . . ; . in , night here with bis
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. C.
I,,. .; I v. C
. ; r v. in r war. town
. .
Company i the
, neat Med.
liberal. a. W.
At p. r.
service at the
school. , . r l. Davis, a
Bohr, Elliott has been
AT N. C.
At the lose of business, Nov. MOD.
bis L. P. Elliott.
There will be service in
Capital stork
I Surplus fund
Cat-Mi. are
the to Bee
p., . have desk for you. j
glasses, dried fruits j
of ah binds and butter and
bargain in
A lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
nice hall A.
Cattle want to
buy cattle. Co.
, The boon crowded and Mr.
F. Baptist Church full
Sunday. reason and
Miss returned Th of the
to Monday, near which , pleased
place she is teaching. their
Last Friday night the , and
of the very lib- J men
ponded Kev. T. H. King, generally are be-
speaks highly
that prevails in our
town, with
also new,
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured profits, lest
Furniture and fixtures
Due from M ,,.,;,.,.,. deposit
Silver coin, to ck
minor , J
Nat bank nos other , . checks
not. fl outstanding
of the treat.
Winterville High school opened
Monday many of the
Toe a. G. Cos MTg Co. mads This bid, fair to be one
best in the history the
desk today.
is continually increasing I Mr. and
We J E Green, Cashier and F. A. Cashier
of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief
, .
solid car Pitt of best to the o.
received a .
of furniture. Give us a
,. A.
to ave
day and Saturday
q stoves
sod ranges received. AH
of best material and e
The School
, . ore
. durable d c
,.,, your or made a visit
. A. ; Cox X Bonds last
and returned Monday.
. of. park and
sage P. button at same
For A-
. b see us.
H Barber Co.
Nice just in.
For nice oysters see mi
guaranteed. A. G. Cox Mtg.;
Se me you purchase
Barber Co I your fruit
Public of cur,
J. L
relatives at this
week. Be returned Tuesday
Misses Mamie Chapman and
Dix m returned to E. C.
T. T. S Greenville
to resume their studies.
Miss C return d t-
Coleraine i w take ch
The pews hive recently been
placed in the church
people are very
them, as by
liberal pay for
made a personal
canvass of t town- Almost
I everyone
All tho are back and
the Farmville high school ha
with fine
men from Benson
just opening u, a floe hardware
store our tow i. We we come
these men, i they t u
n record from
E.- proprietor
the Hotel, has Bold
Asst, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 10th day of Nov.
1900. It- H- Hunsucker,
Notary Public.
A. G. Cox,
II Hunsucker,
P. Harrington,
At the close of business
141,058.81 Capital stock
Surplus fund
of . r school.
Mi d n ,;.,,. d purchased
s Meredith
one in
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured I
and unsecured Undivided profits less
Furniture and fixtures
I,,,., bars unpaid
W Hills payable
coin ,, . ,,.,, I.,
Silver coin, including . of deposits
mi nor coin currency 085.05 Deposits sub. to check v U
notions o
Harrington, Barber A Co.
If want a . cod plow try
La, Go's.
baa n g Mrs. P. C.
s in rig I
Roy a and Henry o. is Co
returned to Wake Forest .
leaves Sat hank and other Cashier's
a. m., preaching
to their studies
book for
Tie Version.
A brilliant fire was held high
S . return d to her home
beth of
I .
Miss lassie Belie Al
t Doris of
. ;
I attend d the
. Ur. K .
. . on, the
r Christ-
. H. d W. E.
Sundays at am. and p. can be found at the .
Sunday G. Co. day at the hum r.
ard prayer that have mt paid their taxes, No. Di h
Wednesday night are to settle same r o p r-
immediately to cost. were in attendance. Mrs.
Free Will C. S. Smith, Tax collector, made
at p. m, 2nd; if your subscription to The t
STATE OF NORTH Comity of Pitt,
I, J B. Davis, the above-named lank do
Wei that the above Statement is true to the
edge and belief.
Subscribed sworn to
i i one o the . i n
Sunday then at a. preach- has
let m
m as.
It pure
this 30th day of Nov.,
Notary Public.
M. Lang,
B. L Davis,
K. M
. .
., .
K . . I Ayden,
w t
. ray
, ,.
Cox spent
at his home near
and Thursday
Miss Lillian Curtis, of Rich-
Bond, came in last night to
a few days at J. H
Miss Pearl Nelson, of Ayden,
is visiting Misses Pattie and
Sutton, this week.
Misses Kate and Chap-
went to Greenville
day. , .
Carrie Johnston,
is visiting Miss Miriam
this week.
Mrs H. T. been
. . I
. c
. , . . i, an .
and a t . i r d -U
H n . . .,. ;,,.
I. can be mads slight ex-
;. a hat
Jan. ii . . burned
; i f
p. m. , . I
school at
a. m ii I
at a. i an p. m. j
ml st Km Cm
,,,., . ,. ;. Sunday. . . i went to so b be i n
. . lay,
A Wretched Mistake
lo endure the itching;, ill
pi . T an need to. I i-t
r l much from r
,. , of S-l-r C N l-.
I iii b . Due Ian s l
n i so B.
boil , ten i
Co it, Ufa ail
Notice to Creditors.
, ,. . of
, . in
His Heart Him Dick-
A boat o
. , . .
,. a wt it,
v n . i
i to . inner,
. Dec ml
All par
.,,,,. i ,. . mail
I friend- were de-
hi I .
. , to see Mr. T. F.
.,. list
a on the street Saturday, just ft i
It was
T only before that Thai
M . . in
Notice to
be is one of the Misses Roland and Lena
devoted in the State. We can Misses
it and d
. .-.-
would fail us, to our full J c. Parker,
ii .-.-.- ,
n gain. H
shall we further say, for space s L C. E.
.,,. n full i n T
sentiments. know
yet, who will succeed him but
we hops to report later.
J B. Carroll Co. have lately
moved in the
pied by the East Carolina
Chapman left here Saturday for
Repose, where they are teaching.
Horton and David Purser, from
were served
Mi Cox returned to
her home in Winterville last
H A Cox, of who
has been spending sometime to
this i left Monday
for where he has
been in school sometime.
to net back to Greenville.
bushels day
me before you buy.
F. V. Johnson.
and her X
expression was heard upon all
sides that it was a most success-
full event. said the
affair would
Highest market pi Ice paid for
field peas, in quantity.
F. V
Highest market price paid
cotton seed in any quantity.
F. V. Johnson.
conforms to it the
m sooner refunded,
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per
VOL. No.
Saturday's Very Helpful and
for The Reflector.
The meeting of the Pitt County
Association held in the
chapel of the graded school. Sat
morning, was very well
attended considering the cold
weather. The devotional
were conducted by Rev. D.
W. Arnold.
Mr. Austin came first on the
program. He made an
clear and helpful talk
on the of the
In a skillful introduction
he prepared his hearers and
led them up to his subject with
the ease of one who knows how.
In brief, he said that the purpose
of a recitation determines its
essentials and that this purpose
should be the mastery of the
gem, principles subject,
and the application of them to
the end that we may lead
happier, healthier and more
useful lives. To teach, test and
train is the opportunity of the
teacher in a recitation; to learn
and to apply is the opportunity
of the pupil. Then he asked the
question, the process
of and in a simple
and -clear way explained how
sensations reach the brain by
means of the nervous system.
In the stream of consciousness
that constantly flows before the
mind we may arrest a certain
subject, hold it up before con-
and examine it until
thoroughly acquainted with it.
This is attention, the first
lbs recitation- By what
means may the stream of con-
be stopped so
what we wish may be held up
before minds of the pupils
Interest will do this. Interest is
a feeling of value, a sense of the
worth of knowledge gained.
There must be a kernel in the
nut to help appetite of
knowledge. Then lastly
teacher must make things real
to pupils. Much of the stuff
given pupils always remains
stuff does not get worked
up into real boy or real girl.
things taught must be a
living reality to the teacher and
must be brought into and
vital contact with the pupil.
Miss then read a
paper on to get and hold
She spoke in a
helpful and practical way, saying
that thorough preparation on the
part of the teacher is
mental principle of getting and
keeping attention. That help
may be found in using
maps, pictures and various
devices; and that often
change of position and
change of the plan of the
is of incalculable assistance.
Mr. from a
point of view discussed the
of reviewing
briefly the stage of apprehension
when a subject ii seen in its
unity, that of comprehension
when its are viewed. By
the process of synthesis the old
and new knowledge is
Lt lie forcefully
of the application, saying that
tho world is not helped by
knowledge itself, but by
edge applied.
Miss Gray concluded tho pro
gram with a discussion of the
a cut of real Study,
the bearing of this
f work upon tin school,
loom gave m i
why those pupils who pi
th lessons to do it,
and p how it i. that
ft I o would do their work
. The eternal question of
. .
Report of m
to and
Raleigh, Jan. Insurance
Commissioner Bays under
the law requiring the
to have all
fires investigated, there have
been investigated during the
past year fires. In all these
cases special investigation were
made a representative of the
department and prosecutions
were commenced. There were
nine convictions during the year,
combined sentences of which
aggregated about years. Five
suspects the state pending
investigations. In cases no
clues could be obtained. In
there were strong suspicions
and such as to satisfy the officer
i in regard to the causes of the
fires, but the evidence was not
sufficient upon which to justify
Commissioner Young says it
was found that in cases the
fires were the results of over-
insurance. Ten were
four were caused by boys
cigarettes, one by a crazy woman,
one by carelessness a house-
keeper and the burning of three
school houses were result of
I factional fights in regard either
I to the location or management
of the schools. In one case the
fire was caused by the careless-
of carpenters.
Commissioner Young says
under the law every
ed to be reported to his depart-
by either the building
inspector or the chief of fire
department or of police in
every city or incorporated town
of the state, and where fires
occur outside of cities towns
it is made the duty of the sheriff
, to report fires. These fires are
j required to be reported whether
. there is any insurance upon
property burned or not
I From July 1909. to January
. i, 1910, says the commissioner,
2.033 fires were reported to the
j department with causes as fol-
I not exposure;
diary, internal; incendiary,
external; lightning; ashes;
chimney; carelessness of
adults; carelessness of
carelessness with matches;
defective flues;
fireworks; friction;
gas; kerosene;
rats; sparks; stove pipes;
spontaneous combustion; total.
Interesting Occasion in the
Sunday Night.
A very large audience gather-
ed in Jarvis Memorial Methodist
church Sunday night, on the
of the meeting in the in-
of the move-
All other churches of the
town were closed for evening
service, all our people showing
their interest in a great work for
evangelizing the world by com-
together in one place.
The program as previously
published was carried out with
the exception of the address of
Mr. Joseph G. Brown, who was
prevented from coming. Ex-
Gov. T. J. Jarvis presided
the meeting and threw much life
into it with appropriate remarks
in presenting the speakers. Col.
J. R. Young and Mr. N. B.
Brought, n, of Raleigh, both
spoke with much interest on
missionary movement
and the need of business men
giving themselves to the work.
They referred to splendid
work the women are doing
nearly every church having its
women's and children's mission-
that the men were not coming I
up to their opportunities,
that God wanted them to heed j
the Great Commission and come,
up to their duty in helping to
spread the Gospel throughout
the world.
Special emphasis was laid upon
the importance of the meeting to
be held in Greensboro this week,
12th to 14th. the speakers stating
that the purpose of their coming
to Greenville was to interest
Die in that meeting and get
many of them to attend and
catch the inspiration that will
result from it. Greenville
should be well represented at
the Greensboro meeting.
State Board to and Banquet
at Birth. J City Hall Monday Night.
committee of The Class of Memorial
New York Association for the j Baptist Sunday school held its
bind which was appointed to annual celebration and banquet
investigate the causes of and the occasion
blindness and to most enjoyable. A large
operate with physicians in seek- audience assembled in the church
measures of prevention, has to witness the exercises which
reported that the State Board of at o'clock. The program
Health has taken steps to insure was as
against the widespread cause of
blindness through infection at
committee has found that
about one-half of all blindness is
due to preventable and
that about one-third of cases
of blindness in children is caused
by a
preventable infectious disease
occurring at birth. A drop of a
per cent of
Prayer, by Rev. D. W. Arnold.
Address of Welcome by
dent E. G. Flanagan.
by J.
W. Bryan.
Song by the choir.
of the
Class to the by Rev. J.
B. Cook.
by D. J. Whichard and
W. M. Pugh.
Class in the Sup-
j. per vein, . o.
nitrate dropped into the eyes of by C. W.
I ,. , Lit
child at birth h a sufficient
of this infection. The
use of this antiseptic has been
recommended by the An
Medical Association, and the
committee of the New York
Association for the blind has
united with the State
of Health in enforcing
general use of this precaution
bong by the choir.
to the
by W. H-
Short talks by Be vs. B F.
Huske. D. W. Arnold and D. A.
Benediction by B. F.
AH of the addresses were ex-
In his address President
Stockholders Held Meeting
and Elect Directors.
The stockholders of the
National Bank of Greenville
held their meeting Tues-
day in the of the bank.
The only business the stock-
holders was the election of a
board of directors for the year,
and the were
F. G. James,
J. P. fl. W. Whedbee,
E. A. Jr., L W. Tucker,
J. E. Nobles, J. E. Winslow,
G- E. Harris and J. L. Perkins.
The cashier read a statement
showing the condition of
bank, which was most
to The net
earnings of the past year amount-
ed to m-r cent.
after the meeting
of the stockholders, the board
of dirt meet and unanimous-
re elected all the of
the bank, as
F. G. James, president.
J. P. vice-president
F. J. fr cashier.
M. L. Turnage, assistant
Charles James, bookkeeper.
general use . . i t
The State Commissioner gave a record of
Health will endeavor to provide
this solution through local health
officers to any physician and mid
wife applying for ii.
certificates issued by the
State department now bear the
preventive for
did you
If none, state the reason I
ft ha. been ad
that notification, of b rib j ,
be returned in to the city hall
instead of tan as her
fore- It is ladies of the church.
physician or midwife has e . for
to use such a preventive tn
the class for the last
quarter of the past year. The
for quarter were
an average each
Sunday. The class one
orphan at the The
attendance was
each Sunday. W. P. Edwards,
C. B. Whichard and Alexander
bad not missed a Sunday.
That New Commodity.
If you good but new
article that you can't sell because
. there is no demand for it,
i an ad in The R create
a demand by telling our readers
about it. You can do it. We
see in the show windows
of our merchants goods that
could be sold hot
intelligent newspaper
We know this from
what to do the unprepared
concluded bar paper, BUg j
, frequent study recitations
the teacher guiding tho efforts
I of the pupils and showing thorn
how to study. Outlines or help-
j suggestions for getting up n
recitation should given h
large place in the assignment
After a few
and wards of f
help from Mr. R I
the meeting adjourned
Our Greenville, yours if you
The Ad die Goods,
Some days the Greenville
Wholesale Co. sold a bill of goods
to a country who
that the goods be placed
in his wagon in the rear of Baker
Hart's store. The in
delivering the goods placed them
in the wrong wagon. The com-
placed a small ad. in The
Reflector calling attention to the
and Saturday Mr. J. B.
who had seen the ad,
informed them that he had the
goods. Mr. sent a
wagon to town the same day and
was surprised to find the goods
in it when it got back home.
He took care of the goods and
the lookout for an owner
when he read the ad in The
Will Greenville.
Mr. Justus Everett, of
who has for some years
be. n law in that town
with ex-Judge F. D.
Winston, engaged a suite of
offices in Masonic Temple build-
and will soon locate In Green-
ville to practice his profession
here. Mr. Everett is u son of
Mr. Justin Everett, of
of the most prominent and
citizens of Martin
county, also a brother of Mr. R.
O. Everett, of Durham, one of
tho lest young attorneys in the
Greenville will give him
a cordial w
reminder on the
will in most ices prove
The above i a taken
from a recent of New
York Sun, It tells its own story.
It shows that the authorities of
at least one State ate alive to the
The have cause for con-
upon the success of
the celebration.
Farmville Gets Greenville
Policeman G- A. Clark, who
been assistant on the force
here for some years, has given
the aldermen notice of his
condition when n n- to take Feb. 1st. at
fronts the commonwealth. Nor which time he go to Farm-
is New York the only Suite to ville to take the position as chief
which active efforts are being I of police of that town. He makes
put forth to one of, a good officer,
the most distressing
which can befall a human being.
And to that much of this
distress can be prevented is a
loud call to every citizen in the
There are enrolled the present
session in the North Carolina
State school for the blind and
deaf bind children
fourth of these need never have
been blind, and would not have
if proper preventive rem-
had been employed within
twenty four hours after the birth
of the child. Gentle reader, do
Hold Meeting sad Elects
The stockholders of Central
Mercantile Co., which began
s a year ago with J.
F. Davenport manager, held
their annual meeting today. The
statement of the directors of the
business clone during the year
was presented adopted.
Toe statement made a creditable
showing us to of
and good management.
The following directors were
elected for this T. M.
Hooker, J. L-. R. O.
C T. R.
Williams G. J. Woodward. J.
E. Winslow. R. C. Flanagan and
J. F. Davenport.
The directors held a m ting
after the stockholders to elect
In the meantime will not the
parents of all infants see to it
that immediately after birth the
eyes shall be thoroughly washed
and then have one drop of the
solution of no greater strength
than one per cent of silver nitrate
put in e-ch eye not later than
twenty-four hours after
This is a precaution and
which if properly applied, is
and may prevent your
Child from becoming blind.
And let every and
, midwife in North Carolina supply
him elf or herself with this
you that there are attend to Is.
sixty five to ninety children administration in
this school doomed to a life of Care should be taken that
s and a handicap r. the i not be r
race for all than one par rent,
days-some of them to lead the There is yet other phase
lives of helpless dependents, this costs at
not And to prop i
are still at least i-i more blind a blind child and not
children In the who cloths him.
The first white shad of
season in
Washing n Saturday.
r furs to
for high prices.
I, It
not been enrolled in our school ninety blind children
at all. This make the annually; and for
ores the mow annually.
hundred and thirty blind child- j What a saving to lbs Stats this
ran in North Carolina whoso would be And in of
sight might have been ;,. en iv re by our car-
with a little care exercised, I a
almost without expanse I ii r to the
Marriage Lice
Register of Deeds, W. M.
Moore, has issued the following
marriage since last re-
Robert and Pattie
J. B. Pierce and
J. W. Gay Ovens
W. E. Tyson and Susie E.
, Leggett
M. S. Hodges and
James Buck and Fannie
J, ii Mills and
Dennis Bryant and
Corbet n I Hester At.
d W and I la
Augustus Smith i Ai
L Chapman and Lang
Sylvester Sir ton and Annie
Frank and Rosa
Is i, not hi in worth c
. m t
. v,. . p. I Principal
prevent this condition of affairs Blind and the Deaf.
Dr. of Char
i will on
Wednesday, in
Greenville . y.
His to
School for she discs of eye, an and
throat Red fitting glasses.
John E. Ray,

Eastern reflector, 7 January 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 07, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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