Eastern reflector, 31 December 1909

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In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
, w. John Haddock and sister. just in
A of m n s J Harrington. Barber Co.
vest- nay. For nice oysters see F.
turkeys wanted. Sutton. Barbecue on Saturdays.
See me you purchase
your Christmas fruit
B. F. Sutton.
For Christmas goods see A. W.
Ange Co.
We have just received a wee
shot just
Barber Co
T. the
If you know any
interest. would be glad
tor the If
have anything t. advertise,
to furnish rates.
ire not a to
hr K let me seed i our
G. Monte,
it. I.
. r II will
b sad on a
key many
young man their
d-i k a become drunkard,
a u
aid how he
f r i; pent for
used to support
Clothing can be
bad as A. W.
pried paid, A. W. Ange Co.
near here last Sunday.
B. R. of
Bethel, is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
M. G. B this week.
We have just received a nice
lot of give us a call.
Ange Co.
to the
They i
R. P.
Dec. R. P.
Foster, superintendent of the
N. S. Railroad lines south of
Albemarle sound with offices at
has tendered his re-
to General Manager E.
If not, and you to own
soon, you owe it yourself to ex-
the display
the White
A display really
to a Urge city.
In a glance you will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character e, and
general in a class to
itself, but you m -et with prices
that stand
incomparable an where. Bight
different makes t select from, none
of those cheap we-tern department
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Tear
We will take your piano in
exchange f or one of tr sell
rs. We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s your
When in Greenville visit our
lot of glassware.
Harrington. w
Mo- students of Winterville High T L b effective on December
lecture wads . ., a, a
Elizabeth Moore. Last
d y night, in the Baptist church
was one Of the best we have
ever heard. If all are in
favor of temperance were as
influential as she, it would
be long till w; would have a
country. ML s Moore
made four lectures while in our
town, one Tuesday night in the
Baptist church, one Wednesday
morning at the opening exercise
of Winterville one
School left here yesterday ard and to his old
today for their respective homes in Asheville. Mr Foster
to spend We hope in 1904 when the A.
them a merry Christmas and c. Railroad was leased to
happy new year. the Howland Improvement Com-
Rev. T. H. filled his reg-1 and later when the Norfolk
appointment in the Baptist got possession of the
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o.
AT N. C.
At the close of business, Nov.
church last Sunday morning and
Henry Langston, a student
Wake College, came in
Monday to spend at
his home near here.
lease Mr. Foster retained his
position with the new company
He has many friend in New Bern
is regarded as one of the
best railroad men who has ever
been this section. Among
comfortable Wednesday
call or write A. u.
Co. Winter
N. C Tm y have the
right o- the right price.
Ii-;. Mr- Snow was lure
D. S. spent Thursday
night here visiting his
Mrs. M. Bryan.
We are carrying a line of
Coffins Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice hears,
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
a large lot of
nice ; hoes for winter
Mrs. Staton,
of B. is Miss Vivian
Rob. week.
The Pitt County School
manufactured by The A. U. Cox
Manufacturing are
durable. Terms are liberal.
When in come to see
OB, we have the for you.
was in town
For jelly glasses, dried fruits
of all kinds and butter and
cheese see A. W. Ange Co.
Lyon, of Greene
was hire yesterday.
We can give you a bargain in
nice clothing.
Harrington, Barber Co.
F. V. Johnston, of Greenville,
was in town yesterday.
We have just received a full
supply furniture. Give us a
call. A. W. Ange Co.
Rev. T. H King returned from
Wadesboro a few days ago,
where he attended the Baptist
State convention. He reports a
and a good time
in general.
Oysters We have them Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
R. D. Co.
The moving picture show in
the W. H. S. auditorium Thurs-
day was very good.
Cooking and heating stoves
and ranges just received. All
of best material up-to-date.
n at the
and one Wed
church. We think the result
of those lectures will he or-
of one or more,
unions in our town.
i new n been cm
Mrs. Mollie Fox left here Mon- men his leaving is much
Resources Liabilities
Capital stock
Pump pipes
Then see us.
We have just received a good
Ray. T. H. K has lately
received two very flattering
one from and
the from Selma. The
churches of both these places
are very strong. It is uncertain
as yet, whether he will accept
the call or not We hope he will
decline and preach for us another
year, and even The
l--re under bis excellent
e ministry has wonderfully.
j both in and in purity-
head the list in nice con-
A. W. Ange Co.
The is the Kind
you need. See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For nice hall racks, see us. A.
W. Ange
want to
buy cattle. R. D. Co.
The A. G. Cox Co. made
a shipment of a solid car of Pitt
county school desk today. The
is continually increasing
rapidly. Better place your or-
early. A. G. Cox
Co., Winterville. N. C.
For fish, beef, pork and
sage see B. F. Sutton at same
old stand.
For and rifles see A- W.
Ange Co.
If you want to find Santa
Claus, go to Harrington, Barber
For nice see us.
Harrington. Barber Co.
F. F. Cox, who leading his
in the medical department
of Wake Forest College, came in
Sunday night to spend Christ-
mas at home.
Miss Chapman, who is
day fur her home at
Mrs. W. E. Powell, of Golds-
spent Sunday night and
Monday here visiting her. of the
J. R. Johnson. court of on
Tuesday afternoon at
o'clock, the W. H. S. teachers
and students assembled in
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from bits and 11,311.611
Silver coin, including
minor currency
Surplus fund
expenses and taxes pd
Time of deposit
313.42 Deposits subject to
Nat bank nos and other Cashier's checks
nous 1,800.00, outstanding
Total Total
and students in
auditorium for a little extra day December A, before
enjoyment. A Song was house door in , m
enjoyment, a to the highest bidder a
and two instrumental solos were in tract of land
played. Rev. T. H. King and
Mr A. G. Cox made short talks. F. M la, the heir of John Moore,
Then several nice
which students had bought for of Potter, of mM
the teachers, were presented by
Rev The fall term j William of J. W.
closes today Dec. 22nd. and the; Attorneys.
spring term opens Jan, d.
with bright prospects. t Notice.
We Green, Cashier and F. A. Asst. Cash
of the above -named hank, do solemnly swear the above state-
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief
Asst, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 10th day of Nov.,
R. II-
Notary Public.
a. ;. Cox,
H. II.
J. F,
C. S. Smith, of our town, who,
is of Swift Creek town-1 To the good
ship, arrested two last county, I ask all my friends to
Thursday for selling whiskey, j come to my relief much as
They w both convicted. possible as my home has burned
Last Saturday evening at down and lost all had- I have
o'clock, in the lived an
Literary Society hall, the society great respect tor
very delightfully entertained the friends and now m my
At the close of business Nov. 10th, 1909.
Vance Literary Society. The
hall was very beautifully decor-
and everything was in
perfect order. The following
program was
Chaplain's exercises by
F. C. Nye.
Address of welcome, by the
president, Miss Jeanette Cox.
Christmas song, society.
Piano Solo, Miss Rosa Jones.
Christmas reading, Miss Clara
Trio, Misses Cox, Baker, and
Christmas in Lands,
Miss Clyde Chapman.
Miss Esther
The program was very nice in
every respect. After the pro-
gram was rendered, came the
informal reception.
Delightful refreshments were
J. A. Worley, president
of the Vance Literary Society,
and Profs. F. C. Nye and H. F.
Bi made short speeches of
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Cash items
,, . , , Gold coin
trouble, they can add silver coin, including
my affliction which will be greatly, minor coin currency
Capital stock
Surplus fund
my j u
by their humble Mr- Nat bank and other U. B.
Grifton, N. C.
Fire in Grifton swept the home
of West Pitt, consuming all his
furniture, etc., on the evening
of the 16th. West has the
of all who knew him. He
is an honest obliging and gentle
old fellow, and commands the
and good will of all who
know him and any anyone
renders him their charity will not
be misplaced. Vanderbilt
N- C.
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd
Dividend unpaid
Bills payable
Time of deposits
Deposits sub. to check
Cashier's .
fl solemnly
above statement is true to the
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of Nov., 1900.
Notary Public
W M. Lang,
L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
for Years
by many
doctors and won h of medicine in
B. F. N. U.
at New Life Pills,
and writes they wholly cured him.
They cure constipation, biliousness,
tick liver,
and bowel troubles. at all
Harrington Barber Co. Miss in behalf of the V.
in the Baptist church teaching Wilson, came
tomorrow. Saturday to Christmas at the
Th, County School Desks home. , boys and girls had a general con-
are the desks for you. They are; Miss Carroll a Mere V w; hope it will our
cheap, durable and comfortable- privilege to be present at another
Prices right and workmanship Cox, a forest the near future.
A- G. Cox Mfg. dent, came in Tuesday to spend Br
Christmas at
Rev. Mr. Snow in our
town Saturday.
K. W. Smith, was
in our town Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. B. R. who
has been visiting Mrs. M. G.
Mrs. C. P. and son. of
and Mrs. G. E.
and daughter, of Hampton, S.
C. are here to spend the holidays
with their mother, Mr. J- L.
Co. Winterville. N. C.
Herod Hooks, of Goldsboro,
cams in Friday to Christ-
mas with relatives here.
Jut received, a nice lot of
ladies and shoes.
Barber Co
O. and Eugene
Both these societies are
their nearly a the
l students are enlisted.
Highest cash prices paid for
Pitt County Oil Co.
Winterville, N. C.
Among the of tree Ufa
is the or whittling tree of Nu-
When the winds blow over
this tree it gives oat
sounds, playing the wilder-
for hours a time strange,
weird melodies. It is the d
the dead tinging among the
branches, the natives say, but
scientific white man say that the
sounds duo to a myriad of
holes which an insect bores in the
spines of the branches.
The weeping tree of the
islands is another arboreal
This in the driest weather will
rain down showers from its leave,
and tho natives gather up the
from the formed at the
foot of the trunk and find It paw
and fresh. The tree exudes the
from innumerable pores at the
base of the
Th Scot.
in that would tome-
time arise between member of b
the Duke of was often
invited to arbitrate upon the matter In
mid lie used tell a
of one of the
occasion Two Meant having waited
upon lain and asked hi to decide the
question Issue, put be
always regarded s very
preliminary question. you
by my
your was reply or
MM of the bard beaded old disputants.
Id like to ken what It
Stray Taken Up.
Holly 2nd mistletoe are
in place.
O. ii r ; n It , , i m.
Cannon attended a basket party returned to her home at Schultz for prices.
st last night. Bethel Sunday. Things certainly busy on
A new lot of dry goods and i fireworks and confection- the street.
notions of all kinds just received H. L. Johnson. . ,.
t Harrington. Barber Co. c. J. Jackson, is There is in the
. x, Pi in the Y M. C A. work in the voting contest for the piano to
Harrington, at be riven away by the Central
a bale ox cotton and
t chases for the next three
How is tor and in voting value.
I hove taken up one male light
blueish r, ab pounds, I
three in one
lit In left ear. Owner get same
proving and paying
James j
On O. I. Joyner Farm,
Greenville. N. C. R. F. D No.
The Advice.
In sentencing I forger of banknote
to an Judge said.
bold BO Hope to you for mercy
here, and I must urge you to make
preparation for another world, where
I lion yon may obtain that
A to i
. Mr currency you lo
Th. Other Way With Him.
sir. Unit you owe some-
thing to said out
member of a town council to
said the other. you
owe constituent all
got lo that you re lucky.
Win. there are not half a dozen voter
In ward that have not
money from
of Slang. I
Host yon see that fa-
over there He sat on that
and In that posture
moving for six
G.-e. that a
mind tamed and subdued
b lit
of . by
or money refunded.
Johnston the Winner.
It is safe to say that this
Christmas there was no where in
Pitt county a happier young lady
than Miss Mary Johnston, who
won the piano in The Reflector
vote getting contest. She was
in the Christmas eve when
the decision of the committee
was announced, and numbers of
friends gathered to congratulate
her. She had worked faithfully,
and the prize was well merited
At the very outset of th contest
Miss Johnston bean with a de-
termination t win. She got a
lead at the start she never
lost, but kept it growing larger
every day.
Miss Lottie Blow, who was
second in the race, also worked
faithfully. She brought The
Reflector many subscribers and
secured a number of votes
in the contest, in recognition of
Miss excellent work The
Reflector tendered her the choice
of in gold or a gold watch of
the same value. choice has
been indicated, but either
awaits her bidding.
The narrowed down
A Quid but Very Pleasant Day Wit
To those who feared that some.
damage to property might result I
from the use of fireworks, there
was a feeling of relief when
they awoke Christmas morning
to find it raining. But by those
who wanted to get about the
streets more or let during the
day such a condition of the
weather was not so much
Notwithstanding most
of the day was rainy and.
out of doors, both the
stay-at homes and those who
ventured out fully enjoyed the
day. The boys shot their pop
crackers freely during the day,
and there was a display
of various pyrotechnics at night.
Nobody got hurt so far as we
have heard ard there was no
casualty of any kind to mar c
dinners were
the order of the day in every
home and gift making
Upon the whole it can well
be called a quiet but very-
pleasant Christmas.
gave the
A Memento of Day
, Monday Mr. It-S. May showed
The contest he had
between these two young ladies I he very
in the closing days, and only of
these had representatives at the
counting of the votes. Mist-
Johnston selected Mr. J. J. Bar
and Miss Blow selected
Mr. Earl Harrington. As soon as
the closed and the votes
were all in, the key to the ballot
box was delivered to these gen-
and after carefully
counting they
Miss Miry Johnston
Miss Lottie Blow
Miss Lillie Tucker
Miss Mavis Belle Evans
Miss Maud Mooring
of those receiving less
than are omitted.
After the decision of the com-
was made public. The
Reflector sent an to Messrs.
White, from
the piano was purchased and
who had kept it on exhibition
during the contest, to deliver it
to Miss Mary Johnston. They
very promptly sent the beautiful
instrument to her home, and
along with it sent a handsome
cover and stool with their com
For this kindness both
The Reflector and Miss Johnston
thanks them. She also
us to thank every one who in
any way helped her to get votes
during the contest.
The Reflector has not yet had
time to take complete inventory
of this first experience in a voting
. contest, but is gratified at the
result for the paper. It was
subscription contest.
liver, linked cuff buttons, a
very old pattern. On one end of
each button was engraved the
letter and on the other the
letter these being the
initials of Major Benjamin May.
who was a soldier in the u-
war, and the great great
grandfather of the present owner
of the buttons. Thus the buttons
are known to be more than a
century-and-a quarter old. They
have been handed down as an
heirloom through the succeeding
generations, and were giver, to
Mr. R- S. May this
his name was nearer
like that of his distinguished
ancestor than any other living
With Mn. George Woodward
day Afternoon.
The first of the prenuptial
entertainments in honor of the
marriage cf Miss
Irma Cobb to Mr. Albion Dunn,
Dunn of Scotland Neck, took
place Tuesday afternoon when
Mrs. George Woodward, at her
I home on Greene street, gave the
bride-to-be a linen shower.
Mrs. Woodward received her
guests at the door and directed
them to the library, which was
decorated in red and green,
where punch was served Miss
Lucille and Miss
Sett, the latter of Mebane.
Id the parlor where shower
place the decorations were
green In one corner
was a large white arm chair to
which the was es-
Above her head hung an
immense bail of white
and as curds attached
to this pulled there came
down a shower of linen in her
p, the articles being varied and
After the the guests
were invited lo the dining room
where a salad course was
by Misses Annie Leonard Tyson,
Ruth Cobb and
Forbes. I ea and mints
were also served, those bing
and pink in keeping with
the decorations of the row.
The Here tad People
D. M. Jones left Monday for
Miss Mary J. Smith spent Sun-
day in Farmville.
Miss Lena Matthews spent
Christmas in Conetoe.
J. G. and family spent
Christmas at Kinston.
Miss Mary Lucy Dupree is visit-
Miss Francis spent
Christmas in Halifax.
Dunn, Scotland Neck,
came in Monday evening-
H. L. Carr Monday even-
for a visit in
George Prichard. of Richmond,
is visiting Charles Haskett.
E. B. and family spent
Christmas in Scotland Neck.
C T. Deans, of Aulander, is
visiting hi daughter, Mrs. W. H.
Mrs. A. V. of
Miss Agnes Barrett, of Farm-
ville, Christmas here with
her grandparents, Cap, and
Mrs. J. T. Smith.
Cadet Wilson came
home from West Point N. Y. to
spend Christmas holidays with
his father, W. B. Wilson.
Dr. L. C. Skinner and E. B.
left Monday for Oxford,
where on Wednesday Dr. Skin-
will wed Miss Daisy Minor.
A Very Enjoyable Event Monday
The Christmas in Per-
hall Monday night, was
the most enjoyable of the season.
There were many present, and
the German was led by and
Mrs. W. H. Jr. In the
first figure the light in the hall
were turned off and the dancers
indoor fireworks, making a
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Carr, Mrs. beautiful scene.
E. B. Misses Margaret following couples were
Mr. ard V. H Jr.
John with Miss Kath-
Long, of Graham
Alex. Blow with
Moore with Miss
and Ethel Skinner, B. F-
Huske. E. it. Furgerson to
Oxford today to attend
Wednesday Dec. 29th.
Jesse went to
Pender, of
W. H. Norris. of Kinston, was; of Bethel, with
j Miss Elizabeth L- Howard, of
went to Tarboro,
Willie Wilson with Miss Mattie
is visiting her sister, W. H.
New for North Carolina.
The following new industries
been established in North
Carolina during the week ending
Dec. 22nd, according to
Tradesman, Chattanooga.
Concord-50.000 hot.-l com
Winston Salem snuff
manufacturing company.
Wilmington- Transport a t i o n
Swan realty
land company.
wood work-
their home on
Evans Misses Glenn and
Helen Forbes gave a traveling
jointly honor of their
j Mrs. George Hadley, of
LaGrange, and Miss Cobb, the
coming bride of Thursday.
For this occasion the parlor
was decorated in pink, the library
in green and the hall in red.
Miss Glenn Forbes served punch
in the and Miss Helen
Forbes in the library.
The guests were presented
with sore cards for the game as
they arrived, and the souvenirs
were tiny suit filled with
salted The prizes to
the guests of honor were similar
suit casts containing a lace
handkerchief. The guests prize
was won by M s. J. L
but she permitted the visitors to
draw for it and Mrs, L. I. Moore,
of New Bern, was the
Between the fifth and sixth
stages of the journey hot
late and were
served, and when
was reached on the final stop ice
cream and cake and
lows were served.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hart
to Lewiston M to visit re-
Misses Mary and
went to Weldon to spend the
Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Brown
went to Norfolk Monday to visit
Alexander Harper went to La
Grange Monday evening to d
some days.
Miss Hancock, Sen
land Neck, is
here today.
Miss Lillian
Miss Julia Harriss went to
Rocky Mount today.
Rev. J. H. Shore left this
morning for
Miss Mamie Ruth Tunstall
went to Kinston Tuesday.
Miss May Latta, of Raleigh,
visiting Mrs. J. L. Wooten.
Miss Lucy Haskett, of
I. King.
Cecil with Miss Mary
Miss Mir-
gar. t Blow.
Fran; -n with Miss Clara
Hampton, of Plymouth.
Roy Hampton, of Plymouth,
Miss Agnes Lacy, of
Walter Wilson with Miss
is visiting Mi.-s Bessie Haskett. j Irene Lacy, of Raleigh.
Dock Home with Hiss Lillian
Mr. Dunn, of Scotland
with Jamie Bryan.
J allies.
, Jim Hackney, of Wilson, with
Mr.--. L. I. Moor--, of New B
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Bart James with Miss Brown.
lira. W. M. King.
Johnston, R W. Charlie James with Miss
Mis.- Nixon, of Char
visiting Mrs. H. L.
Mrs. T. C. Alligood, of Was.
is Mrs. W. G.
Mrs. of
subscribers or collections from The very low in t
old ones. contestants j river the last few days bag
brought In new names no end of tr able at th
our subscription list, and also water station in ping up
made good collections from old j a sufficient supply for the use
ones- Th contest was an the town. The high winds have
and open one from driven the water in the river
start to finish. Each down to an unusually low
was divan ad the assistance by so that when tho I at the
the that was with- plant work they would
out the partiality, and . suck more air than water. The
no time the . f supply in the res
either a to the progress of their run so low that there was
work divulged. i not much pressure n the us.
We the public for the Monday the city fire engine was
Interest took in contest, placed on a flat and towed to
and hope every name added to station to help pump water. It
our list will remain is fortunate that there has
there for to some. no fire to fight while the water
will wain new . ear and i were at
with more readers at . , .
time in its -7- WOrk-
Greenville Bride Got to
for Future
At o'clock this morning at
the homo of the bride on
son avenue, Mr. Archibald R.
of Elizabeth, La., a l
I Miss Mellie Harriss were mar-
John H. Shore.
The bride was attired in a
handsome Cats coat d
immediately after tho
and congratulations of friends
j the couple left -y
Coast Line for their
J popularity of the
j was shown large number
bridal presents r.-
j Mr. House is a Pitt county boy
who a few years ago mo
South, base, to
posit m with a large Louis i
firm. He showed I
. . in c min back hi
bride an I I one of
p .; ,
Miss Ma of Norfolk, in
visiting her sister, Ii u
Dr. J. Greensboro,
is visiting his people here at Ho-
tel Macon.
the holidays with her sister. Mrs.
W. B. Wilson.
Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Fleming,
of Hamilton, came Sunday even
to visit relatives.
C. C. Cobb, of Norfolk, who
came out here to spend Christ-
mas, returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Johnson
and children went to Henderson
to spend Christmas.
Misses Minnie and Ruth Evans,
of Tarboro. came in Monday to
visit Miss Maggie Savage.
Prof. C. W. Wilson left Mon-
day evening for Charlotte to at-
tend the educational meeting,
C. W. Beam, foreman of the
R Hector, left for Charlotte
Christmas eve to spend a few
i Mica Susie Perry, of Ki-. in,
r Monday to visit i
L Carr and attend the
I dance.
Miss Lucy Camp, of Raleigh,
spent bare with Mrs.
; C. W. Wilson, and returned home
Jesse Smith, who ad b en
here spending Christmas with
h a mother, returned t Norfolk
r.-d A.
W. a. Fleming, of
who has been his sister,
Mrs. B. Little, left this men
of Lilt ton,
Zeno Brown with Hiss Powell,
of Tarboro.
P. H. with Miss Delia
Mae Farmer, of Wilson.
Carey -en with Mi
of L
Mr. Hood, C I with
II, B . -.-- HIT.
been spending the j Peacock, of Rocky Mount.
returned home Mon-j M. Clark with Miss Scott,
day, of Graham.
M s Lacy, of Raleigh
and Clara of Ply-
mouth, are Miss Jamie
Mr. ard J- A Jones, of
Rocky Mount, are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Miss Irene Lacy, of
the guest of Irma Cobb.
She is here to attend the Dunn-
Cobb marriage.
Harlow of
is here visiting his
sisters, Mrs. Frank Wilson and
Mr. Zeno Brown
Andrew Joyner, of Greens-
who has been spending
some days In this section, left
Tuesday evening.
I Mr. D. Tunstall
Tuesday from
where th. y Lad been
spending tho h
Mrs. R. C. La
who h ;
k Mr. and Mr, -i
Misses May Farmer and
M f Wilson, who
to th dam i and to
visit re., returned Is
Jim Hines, of Kinston,
Miss Susie Perry, of
Hill Home with Mi is Helen
Albion Dunn, Scotland
Mies Irma Cobb.
N. W. Outlaw with Miss Mary
Barney Warren with Miss Lot-
tie Gaylord, of Plymouth.
Joe Anderson with Lillian
Stags Ames Brown. Mr.
Townsend, Mr. Rasberry, of
Farmville; Tom of
Grifton; C. C.
ton; Mr. of
Mr. Couch, of Raleigh.
hi d Mrs.
J. Forbes, Mr. and J. L
Mia and
Mrs, William
v letter from r c or T. ii.
Par i r, d it a f r farmers
ii. . to be hold in i
ion ft At S i
to Hill on Jan. 18th, at .
on J 28th. and at lie
Jan. s
s of much to farmers,
all who can should make
A. B.
beth, L. Fri lay, t n I
lays her- at hi i old
He I v i M
t mi
. I
Ii is Jessie Brinkley a
In i
t of her j
. .

. . Popular Druggist Makes a
Po i for
. . .
. .
. .
. a, I I
. . fa I
.-. .
, Car Una
r- J.
y f r remedy which
. . it
. .-v Liver If
.; ll Mill
I . . , he
. .-. bad. if there i;
lion I
cur- you. II be d not you
. guarantee
to your r
I r-lief and e per-
a of Cone
, . item is. bat Dr. Bryan a
, , . ,
; i Liver P you
Notice o and Sale
By of a power of
in k certain
. a. and a in,
u H. r. n ton o.
January. 1907, and ad m the
n i Be In Pitt county, in i
l p h undo, w
By of the power of con-
in a .-. deed
.- when . colored
S. Sn on the
., of M oat, ISM, and rt-
i y being the cf
an .- Bum f North Car.
m in of B
J. i tr.
C S omits
known Jordan tract
and, more
.-. ;., . RIB V
TO at A , th.-
.; .
H, a, Pro
. .- .
; .
. . L
j rm J
H ii. Pro
F. C. B i- Atty.
tractor of
land ins in of
Pitt and Sate of and
near s of town
of and the
runs a
r v -aid W 11-
feet, at right
. ;,, Met,
bat to
thence with
1309. at i. M the
Land Sale.
.- i
b u
re took ,
h i- a or par
hurt m t,
C i I i
. the of
, , , I in a c
Leo i t.
u n -9
13- H .
el L
C I I I i ;
a, s a Dr y
pl -1
four . ; m
char his c m, tint,
. a i
I . I I
. I . I
. .
of a
. i.-r-l B. .
wife. . Mora, on
cm led hi .
court in n
h of a
of and
,., , i ,,. , a
road l
. E ca Bed
corner f a tobacco
nth to a in
; i. h lino t
M area
or . a being the pi-1-
the h
now if i ; to
Dec lat
j ; J. O.
p ii . ltd Km
ii,. s me lot convey d
r O. S an I
wife, to deed.
ale cash.
day of or,
S. Sm-th,
e n-
. .
i l
. . . , r-
i. b . I . ,,
J i r .-Mile.
i ,.,. . it i Bond y.
.,. , .-.-.- tr
, . .- . c North Carolina
. i
in Pact j
a., n Baker
. ; ., .,, in the
d the month
, . . u- said branch
,. to a holly;
., r . y i road; then
near the no
o in a
to Creditors.
duly the
Superior court dark of Pitt county as
J. I.
. n is hereby
U all to the
,,;, to m to
the under and having
el in-.- take
i they must -pt the same
to. for payment oner
I- a i November,
or th-- --tie- W plead m bar of
Thia of 1.09.
ltd o; i L.
For the
received from the United States
Treasury new two-dollar-and-a-half Cold
pieces for the convenience of customers
desiring them for Christmas gifts.
Happy Christmas to All.
I .
Bank of
President. Cashier.
Report of Condition of
The Company,
in the State C. at the close of business. Nov.
Notice Land Sale
Entry Vacant
Loans and Discount,
Overdrafts sec. an
All other Stocks. Bonds
Demand Loan
Due from Hanks a
Silver coin, inc all
minor coin currency
Be virtue of
in b T.-
d and lie h. b. e.
and wife.
toO. . J. on the
-f Dec Mi, and re-
in tho a in
c in book M-7 page th u
o-n expose to public sue he-
other U. S.
enters and c the
HI. wing place or panel o and
in Pitt county and m
to in k and
. -he h of Short swamp at
I fee I c r. than line of
said Teel to Warren corner
a power of sale from said with
mortgage deed,, A To. i, to a corner A.
h. S. e. Sum-I I then a sir.
no t the b ginning c
three more or Man.
Thia Dec. . ,.
W. M Moore
de a entry taker by J J.
D. R-
Pep. Sub
State of North Carolina- County of Pitt,
C S. Carr, of the above named do y swear that
the is to the beat of my know -g
and to before me.
this 20th day of Nov. 1909.
cc u i
i all i h
. . J
. i and
s. i . .
a to.
vi i-e H I
i . I re v by J. I
lit . go dead.
o C , ,.
T D r .
j b.
Blow, v. ,.
ill N. C.
to a -e m i w H 0.1
Statement of Condition of
at the close of business. November
. C.
A. i
Fr o
i mother,
of city,
. he home
of Q
v the
power of attorney
w ma
S . whom ire of of
J. a citizen the
count of Pi siding to the town
. . . ; rill, on January
at cue p m. in
el, N. and in front
the .-- o r . . i,
off . for -i i bi r
cu-h. tho real
Same ring that
of land being
,, in Bet el
to i- ;
j , .- 15-
i-.-.- a-m- of
No. Sin the i of the land
a, , u i i
,. . r of the n--t I
I h Main et
,. , . ids cl Mi
. and Maggie
B en, which ea t and weal
and runs east with the laid
I ween Am r.-w. and B. Caw-,
v ice Bo th
Mai . and one-
h r., it pa a lie-I v.- h
,, i; . an Ion to the
, t is b
. ;,. by ea it ,
r mere
g I
t ,. further I i apply
.,, C.
r i. AI
i of a deed of ex
. by A. L. and
-1 B. P. Q.
v.-ii h deed in was duly
. the o
a . t Pitt co in book I
the will tor
before in.- court door In
on January ard.
following real on.
of St-, known as t. a. u
lit. begin at Kit-
corner, hundred from
Pitt SI
co tail more or a,
being tract or
. end in the mortgage deed
above referred to.
his s-a e will he m d to the
to the than thirty
with the canal to
then cf.-t with
.,,., ,. Ba-d mortgage
I.- of December,
G l
By F C. Harding,
By virtue of the power of sale con-
, a m o d i j
I he cu- a end delivered by Jam-a
, M O T. e-i the
IV ; d recorded m the
; deeds office of Pitt comity,
Carolina, J-8,
the d will to public
the c h doe
to bidder on
January at km.
m i In .
in c Pitt and j Loans and discounts
Carolina, the
of the Beaufort Lumber
th lands Of J. B Smith. lands of
L the lends of
, Adams and and b the tract
of land whereon W. H. Smith and
E. during the
year and containing ts
more or leaf. . , ,
, Th s s e be made to the
term- f lid i,
the December,
ltd P. C. ding,
Capital Stock
, and
Overdrafts Circulation
United States Bonds .
Furniture and Fixtures 3,240.421
Cash due from Banks 81,853.07 ; Deposits
. lot in G-i ton
I. Jack
deed to A.
Jackson by W I-. In
S. p , Mining one acre,
fr on interact to
One, ii St. an the y l t.
son and
Tucker. .
,. half undivided in
the it he owned by . k.
of lying
and being In e county of Pitt and
lb a d run.
Branch. George Hi i
I h itch to George m v a a. .
I thence along a line
unmarked to I knot, a
In A, J-
north with a line of U marked to the
Greenville and
., ., . ;. near In h r.,
w with rend ti -h-
virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered B. II. l.
Barrett and . on the et. day f
1909. recorded in the cine;
of the of Deeds of rut
county in book K-8 page the
d-r will sell for cash b.-lore
the court door Greenville on
3rd. 1910
en in the following
i tract of and. That tract
lying the e st ride of k
u; the Ian of J C. .
I. A J. W. E Barrett
of on; hundred acres
more or to said mortgage
the 2nd.
B. M. Lewis, Mortgage.
F G. hen. Attorneys.
Ii ltd
Comparative Statement of
November 1907,
November 1902,
November 1909,
h ii
known., U-r. .- lot, being acre, t
I- A-
b feet
Id y feet S id property
We have an especially attractive line of Roods
suitable for Christmas for men,
women and children.
This 7th 1-03.
T. T-
F. M. Atty.
December 1909.
.,.,. . , F. ,
I virtue of a mortgage executed
lad B.
lb arch .
. . r. .-- i.
.,.,. . r died. .
. i, ,, , the
., a ;, no .
a. , CO,
, In Green . . N. t.
a urn.
C. L. V. or b. fore th
ail. try
duly qualified before
. . . k of Pitt
, r the la and
.; K J ;
hereby given a
, i i . o m
payment to the a -bribed, pie, r y.
;. One to a town of
i u, the V y. I-
mo I , ;. h M, , th.-N. A s. R
of D-
m r-
m And Provisions .;
S Cotton B and
W i
goto TAFT Van DYKE
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings sale
Terms to suit
LOCAL bill S.
V, , I . .
What He Like and the Way H
is like l.- i.-.
is easily A
person five inches i- the Come r for
average height the men and five of you desire
f. it of with a .
r I
i H IS
J. J. G. j-
Norfolk Southern Railway will sell
Couches, Side Boards,
China Closets,
nation Cases, Writing
Desks, Chairs, Parlor
Suits, Art Squares, Rugs,
Carpets, Mattings and
anything suitable for a
Christmas gift in high-
grade Furniture.
You Save Time and
by visiting our two stores filled with the
roost up-to-date line of FURNITURE in
Greenville. Our 3-piece IRON BEDS
with the sleep-easy springs would add
Christmas cheer to your bed room.
Hoping to see each one of our friends
and customers we are, yours for
faces of children are
I lie laces . . .
generally fat that the
moat disappear, the nose .
between the cheeks instead per day put
of telephone in your ii it . M
i; The Eskimos have a happy, care- present can't be
I less, look about them. A new .
; to thorn . . , , ,
II and that .
Get complete information from ticket
G. P. A.
Norfolk, Virginia,
unfortunate creatures, who
deprived of every comfort, are . , yr.
conceited jocular. They
hospitable, too, mid when
j into with Europeans they
; grow quite rapidly, though you hive no more rivers to
j they retain n number of their old no iV. to bear, let
you get an everlasting Job.
As regards it is the
for us for
hood fr the head breeches of n m
i -.-; i
. r .-
same material.
Needless to say the Eskimos dis-
like water as a
they lack But
. C.
Dealer in Wall Paper
. II
,;. in n it later than mid 1.1
i. . .-.-.
Having t i ere
ma ear.
action a i C.
r c ed I .
,. j ,. v
n m, . a, i
In f- r
p to tho
, .- door, I i-
d. In
ac. o la
to p e i
C I .-.-. i i -i;.
J. V
and .
i i mot r , f.
H. S-
, , r., ,.;,.
near Me
lain, or t. i notice will be plead in . .,, . , ,
today of December. ,. , all
of every and ion.
-a .
,. out
;, d the ea
i ads kept ion-
n K. Country
la MS at-
executor of II J-
Notice to Creditors.
Fred deceased, F. l
. .
. . on or Dec. I n
,. needed
r ,
. . .
M . I , , . ,
F G. James Son.
with the
ii h i l
., ., y u J he
lot h town i I
It, , up n
, one
d and wren I ,
, i; i .
north n i ,
i the b, b i-g the lot on
i hit ii-o mi. t. in
r. Q. James,
o ltd
a i i n
. .
or I
heirs, b to appear
in Greenville, N. C . on or h
. . I'd aim
. i
. O I
Do not i ll your furs e-ml hid-
until k E- M.
,.,,, Norfolk Southern
the will of
i. e
i v.
Our Greenville, if you
w come.
Mutual Life
With the most versatile pianists, could not
possibly bring you more enjoyment than you,
yourself could derive from either
Or Later
w In fact, with either of these Player Pianos
as a companion, you have the advantage of
I playing the music you best
like, and It in that rich, full manner,
bringing out the delicate beauties of the melody
which even many skilled pianists fail to develop,
and this, possible with the veriest novice, with-
out your knowing one note from another.
We lain Ma ard piano in exchange.
When in Greenville, visit our Piano
the finest music in Eastern Carolina.
. .
t bottle of win de .,
cologne to an aged lady to
smell. She almost
called the I
Bat i ho dwelt in n sordid
where the air was
and food of which one.
think. j
Tin- Eskimos hare no religion.
worthy of the name. They are ex-
could they help being
el tiny are by
and I R E-i
of . , . .
in the weird light the are-j
tie or a the ewe in- . .
spiring gloom of tie polar night , I
The Eskimos, have
S-rub you re not
clean ins de, Th's u n-
bow . I-cod. ; cl en
Ii i . i on i .
Rocky M Tea,
Jno, Wool n
limit to
Tickets on to stations oust
of the and Rivi rs.
; t r. at ion, ad rt el age
i i
i i ii
. ,
I . i
for of the
Funerals -u-e a
e in arid the
most curious custom in connection
such ceremonies the bury-
of a dog's to act
as n guide together the dead
live under Mats the
nun i bow hi
the cold season. They possess a
canoe called kayak, a sledge
and a few d
They marry cl an early The
bride to her new home her Rom I sold
Th. ; .
; her a j ., .;,. January
i-i compels the bride
further inf. r ma
en ;
. m .-
a g.-c-i man to sell Iron
etc., for o material,
a. d Men el in r red It
are a hustler and want a job. write as. We have l
; . ,, , i-i .-.-
. . . -I . ;
. v. . i. j
K N. C.
. i to marriage, and she
pretend to escape from her husband c L v, G A Va. I
two or three before
C O A W O l
to her duties and accepting . .
her share of
ti . , i,
. . i. -I .
i I
law or he a n
n . . ell ii H de I
y Mn. I T be
i r, th n organ
J We all kinds
W. wood, ran f any I
M T T Co.
. f run
. .-.
. b .
.- in m
Our tow. s
i ; .- t
t J
breeds In the hooters. h
ration relief by de- u .,.;. u . i .
i in con. .
like for t t , in i I.
croup and coughs. External and
n. t-
M. I
i c .
be to the f fl r.
. , . left at fl L. sit s
v. receive i i or phone j
No. Vi.
filial n

Subscription-One Year
Six Months
Single Copy
Adverting rates may be ha I upon
application t the business office in
Reflector Building, corner Evans and
Third s
Entered in th- pot office at Greenville
N. C. es mail
It has been a source of great
pleasure to the editor to note
devotion faithfulness tin-
bright boys and girls
the working force on The
Reflector As are the ones
upon whom rests the labors of
getting out the piper send
it every day to many readers,
we believe these readers feel an
interest in them and will not
think it a waste of space for
something to be said about
them. They work together
almost like one family, each
feeling an interest in the paper
end striving to do his or her part
faithfully, showing in-
in each other. They go
further than the performance of
of duty by employee toward em-
but have a personal re
for the editor that is
more than can be ex
pressed in mere words. The
editor has a similar regard for
each of them, and when Christ
mas time comes would almost as
soon overlook one of his ilium-
household as to
token of remembrance to
one of these faithful
In keeping with this, on Christ-
mas eve small packages for
were placed Oil tables in the
printing room, the editor
was about to make his exit when
Foreman halted
him and in behalf of the force
presented him an exquisite cut
glass bowl as an expression of
their esteem and Christmas good
wishes. It was a happy Christ-
mas for us all.
added good wishes We did en
for the New Year.
Cook, Cook, Cook Alway
Cook and The write
thinks the North Pole yet ti
discovered. Cook's
edge of astronomy was so
he couldn't tell if he reached i
Peary came forward wit I
his story too soon after Cook
belief. The man who is so quid
to accuse another of faking i
pretty apt to be a faker
an knowledge of
my would enable him to do tin
thing successfully, too.
the folding of the National
graphical Society.
If there was a decent man who
any whiskey he had
to feel very much ashamed
if being mixed up with the
nob at the express waiting
or theirs.
If you swap Christmas pres
for sake don't be
enough to compare the
They now say Cook is insane.
Lie came nearer making
This Christmas was truly
happy and joyous one for
editor. So many friends re
bored him with expression
of esteem as to make his hear;
overflow with gratitude. It b
sweet to know that one has
many and such devoted friends
We take this method of thank
every one of them.
The Christmas presents bill
till be along MOD.
Calendars for 1910 are
mi the will.
Resolutions for the new
ire getting ready to tap.
No more turkey hash
lie day after New Year.
The Charlotte News, one of
the best evening newspapers in
the South, came forward Tues-
day with a thoroughly interest-
and it boosts Charlotte and
North Carolina from beginning
to finish. No wonder Charlotte
with the line papers it
Come to think about it, it is
early a year before Christmas
Try to form some new year
resolutions this time that will
The president says
. Some of it that i-
called whiskey is something
Try to keep the Christmas and
holiday spirit you all
the coming year and
TOO will feel better.
If any congressmen have n
waiting-for-whiskey crowds
standing around express
in the last few days, they will
go back to congress convinced
that a law should be passed to
prevent shipments of whiskey
into prohibition territory.
naked and you will keep
fays the Cincinnati En-
And you will stand a
good chance freezing to death,
too, in this kind of weather.
The Tery idea of a fellow letting
this hit him in the bark
with nothing between the skin
the wind.
If you can't get up any new
resolutions for the new year,
you brush up some of the
Id ones and try them over.
A new year resolution every
business man in
should make is to have an ad
in The
After Christmas whiskey cir-
are a waste of postage
stumps. Folks are swearing oil
in readiness for the new year.
Two Has Thai
Filly Cent
A group of old time journeymen
printers other night were de-
scribing their wanderings up and
down and across the map of the
United States and pointing the de-
of their journeys with
little hard luck stories of their own
here and there. A
little man with a high fore-
head who been listening meek-
all evening to the reminiscences
of the others finally was moved to
I've worked in newspaper offices
and in nearly every kind
of a burg in this country from
lather Knickerbocker's town to
the shacks in Red Gulch, and
have had to once in
awhile for a little broken
said he.
I have been a little more than
hungry at times, and used the
fide door Pullman in most of my
little journeys. But believe the
saddest and hopeless moment
of my life was in Chicago lute in
the fall of the year of the big Co-
exposition. Me and a pal
of mine had drifted in there from
the wide southwest somewhere, and
we were both just about broke. Our
clothes were getting thin, and the
October breezes, coming across the
lake were to chill us to the
bone. But clubbed together one
and raised enough to pay our
admissions into the fair. We were
bound to see it. although it left us
one half dollar between
the two of us.
day tramped, feasting
our eyes on the marvels of the big
and late in the afternoon we
landed back uptown, with our heads
full of Venetian lagoons and white
palaces. We still had the half
and in the intervals of recalling
this and that exhibit to each other
we were planning how to spend the
cents to the best advantage.
were the street
bridge when we began to laugh
over the queer and manner-
isms of a group of single
Englishmen had run across that
afternoon in the British exhibit.
was mincing along,
giving an imitation of one of their
and. suddenly thinking of
the fifty cent piece, ran his hand
into his pocket and, lifting it to
hi eve. begun using it a monocle.
Just at the height of his antics the
half dollar slipped from his eye,
bounced and rolled n few inches
and slipped through a crack in the
bridge floor down into the sluggish
waters of the Chicago river. It was
tragic. There was nothing to lie
said. We just looked at one another
for a minute and tramped on across
the Republic.
A Creature Is the South
American Wild Boar.
Will Attack Man or Any Animal In Ex-
on th. Provocation
and Will Fight to th. Bat-
With a Jaguar.
one of bis Journeys Mex-
Edward t. Walton.
pert had a close call from sliced
AMI. UM Scree South
American pigs known as peccaries. He
told the story of Ills escape to a Den
I wished to secure some plumes
from a number of the plum-
said Mr. Walton. wen
Into the Jungle mid came to a email
opening in which there were dry
leaves, probably n foot in
the ground, and hundreds of
colored tropical birds In
the and In the trees. Bred at one
of I he birds in flight, when it seemed
me the whole area of dead
leaves arose In front of ad around
me. Being a stranger, I was
much frightened, especially when I
M Hie animals which raised up the
loaves apparently ready for on attack.
The older animals opened and closed
their showing their big. sharp
Tusks, formed much like a dirk knife,
and some of them parted toward me
Impulsively I commenced firing my
sun In the air and turned
which seemed In Mop most of them
momentarily, and as I bad lots of car-
I kept up the shooting, and
they turned and ran away. I found
bad saved my life
by so doing and by not any of
the animals.
animals proved to lie
They are most ferocious and will
Our Greenville
brother is in luck. Listen to
him in his gloating over his
Christmas presents already re-
Bleat if The Reflector man has
not already begun to feel good
for Christmas. A pair of
keys, an old ham, a box of cigars,
and some other things that
that have come our way, are cal-
to bring that feeling.
Turkeys, old North Carolina
hams, cigars and other
What a gay Christmas
be is going to have. What we
object to is that he did not
make more specific designation
of his presents received to date
We are anxious to know what
the term other
those articles
were as solid as turkey and ham
or were of a nature.
But if does not want to toll
we will not press him to do so.
Anyhow is to and
may you enjoy other
have a pleasant Christ-
mas and a prosperous New Tear.
Charlotte Observer.
We knew the Observer broth-
was made of the right stuff,
and as he knows editors do not
have to tell on them-
selves, unless they want to, he
kindly let down the gap for us
o get through by agreeing not
to press as to tell. Thanks, old
friend, far this and for your
Perhaps they are taking ad-
vantage of Cook's being in hiding
for the time being to say things
about him that they would not
say if he was in the open. For
one, we yet have more
in Cook than in Peary.
It is time to be laying plans
to what shall be done to advance
Greenville coining year
We should all try to make the
new year better the old
We do not expect that in
these parts there will be many
more valuable Christmas pres
the handsome piano
The Reflector will give away
Money invested at home is
more likely to bring good returns
than that sent away, and de
posits in bank are much safer
than money hid around the
Away with the selfish spirit
and make somebody else happy
this Christmas. Try it and
learn that is more blessed to
give than to
The Reflector wants to throw
out the warning in advance that
everybody be careful with fire-
works and not do any damage to
person or property.
If the old saying the
days grow longer the cold grows
holds good, there may
be something doing in the
weather line after this.
How glad we are that we liTe
in the far removed from
the sweep of such terrible
storms and as swept
the New England coast in the
last few days.
friends are dodging
the suggestion that his report be
submitted to the University of
Copenhagen. They must feel
pretty sure that they would not
stand the test.
Charlotte cut out open fire
works and excessive noise this
Christmas, and The Observer
says the day was more enjoy-
able than usual to everybody
there, even to the former
of fireworks and
Instance of Longevity.
of the most curious instances
of longevity is found Louisa
of an
A witness in a will case
in which the great
English conveyancer, was engaged
was asked if he had any brothers
or sisters. He replied that he had
one brother who died years ago.
The court incredulity,
and documentary evidence was pro-
in support of the statement.
showed that the
father, who married first at the age
of nineteen, had a son who died in
infancy. The father married again
at the of seventy-five and had
a son who lived to appear in the
witness box at the age of ninety-
four and made the above startling
Young Smith has
courage at last to ascertain his
And you will be my bride, dear
will answer you, Mr.
Smith, when we are alone.
Young Smith When we are
Eject my young
brother. lie is the
young brother is Now
open the cupboard and tell ray sis-
who is listening, politely, but
firmly, to depart. sister de-
Young Smith his
Now, the coast is clear.
Will be mine
London Tit-Bits.
Lots of them look like they
wish they had giraffe necks
they go to the express
hunting their shipments of
They are apparently having as
locating Baxter
as they are Dr. Cook.
About the only difference is
is reported to be all
about in spots from
N. O. to Hot Springs, Ark.,
while Cook is not reported to be
A Fetal Funeral.
An series of
ties occurred st Madrid. An old
lady died suddenly, and when the
hearse cams to convey her body to
the graveyard the coachman fell
from the in a fit of apoplexy
and died immediately. A woman
among the mourners was so upset
at this that she fell dead, as though
struck by lightning, s child in
her arms dashed against the
stones with such violence that its
skull was fractured. Instead of one
death four had to be to the
Finally Settled
In the year 1694 it was
by actual experiment that a
diamond would burn. Then Cosmos
III. had one fixed in the focus of a
burning glass, and after some ex-
to the rays of the sun it
cracked, and finally dis- t
appeared like a ghost, leaving not
a single trace that it ever ex-
not even an atom of ashes.
But experiments of this sort were
costly. They were long in yielding
any scientific result. It was only a
king or a sovereign prince that
could afford to see his jewels vanish
like the gifts a fairy godmother.
Another potentate, Francis
the quality of a number of
diamonds in the heat of a fur-
and may have felt some
when he found that they
had disappeared. This was in 1750,
and about twenty years later
experimenters burned a
diamond in Paris.
a. jeweler named now
came forward and denied the
of burning a diamond, even
going so far as to accuse the chem-
of fraud in conduct-
in- his diamond burning opera-
He had often, he asserted,
exposed diamonds to great heat,
with the sole result of increasing
their brilliancy.
A Mr. Streets had done the
same with success, but it seems that
only knew half of what
Mr When
demanded that the jeweler
some diamonds in coal in a
he assented, and m three
hours had all disappeared.
Then who seems to
. have had his suspicions of these
any animal In existence on the operations, put three diamonds in
provocation. When I get j bowl packed in
hack lo and exposed to
my experience I , . injury. Next
that had I shot one of the animals and, forward with his
made Mm squeal the whole hunch phenomena
have on me and would , P various
have lorn me to pieces quickly. They tending the
have been known to kill biers. Jaguars, I experiments, tie says son
horses and of ; glutting out the air diamonds are
In the scores of ; in the intense heat of a
number might lie killed, they seen to that the admission of
have no fear when ones aroused. which combines with the
carbon of the diamond, allows it to
burn almost as readily as a piece of
Roguish Raven.
The raven Europe is
a bold unlike his
in, the crow. Some notices of the
bird, given by an English traveler
in Corsica, offer amusing proof of
A youth whom I employed to car-
my camera could never look on
ravens with any equanimity, for he
had suffered much from their
impudence when sent to the
bush to gather firewood. On one
i occasion he lost bis dinner, a loaf
pockets lasted. As they were k ,.
of the wagon and Jumped Into It. and spot where he had laid it and had
the men saved only by ; turned his back for only a minute.
on to the then on to gut the most unpardonable insult
limbs of the trees, the peccaries taking ever happened on a
possession of the wagon tearing . . out gathering
things to pieces. They remained In . A down to
possession hours, the men watching . f f .
boar. smallest of bi. species. v- ed the cap from his head and flew
about three feet long, nor la with it to a lofty crag, from
the animal pose-seed of uttered croaks of
of strength. To make up for The cap was subsequently
natural Individual la , d serving
combat with more powerful j ,
of Jungle peccaries
travel la large herds When once
attacked by a herd of peccaries the j
outcome Is Dearly always death to their
enemy. The little are armed with
abort and no matter how
great their own
during the herd on
Job until the work Is
Travelers tropical and
countries tell of en-
between peccaries and the
Jaguar, monster cat which la lord
of the forest. Jaguar baa a
for a dinner of pork, but a whole-
some for the power of a head
of wild pigs. When be to sat-
cravings for a pork diet be
drops from a limb of a tree on to the
back of u straggler In peccary
herd. The victim and
nattily to bl tree be-
fore herd get at
herd grows tired of waiting for
to come down and along
the descends and enjoys his
meal at leisure. Frederick In
romance of the animal world has
an Interesting account of s fight be-
tween a and a herd of
The peccaries bad the Jaguar
treed on of a tree from
bark bad rotted away. He was
only a few feat above them and by
and Jumping at their enemy
Anally succeeded In bringing eon-
diet the ground. After tight
was ever there were eleven killed
wounded but was
literally torn pieces.
I was told burrow
the dry leaves to protect
selves from and oilier
Winged of that hot country. My
friends had many
to tell In regard lo those ferocious lit-
animals. One of this party, while
traveling with a companion In a wag-
on, stopped for lunch under some trees
and turned their horses out n graze.
While at lunch a large bunch of
caries appeared, and they thought It
would be nice among
mid get one or two meat. SO they
into wounding several,
which commenced to squeal.
whole banes made The men
climbed quickly Into wagon
kept on shooting so long as am-
munition which they bad in their
Dockets lasted. As they were
Thing Hew.
knew was ones the
head of the she said.
So w of
past regaled meek
The most sot Is lo set
before yen Blake,
Into m
try Dr.
taken three bot.
not st I
three and M
Heart Action
There are certain
that control the action
of the heart they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially-
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it
Tor rears I with what
H at V
be. n.
Heart Cure. I
It. I
Si K -111
Main Kg.
Dr. Heart
Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
Our town is each day, week.
Wanted to buy bushels tells us that the receipts at this
of field peas by J- R. Smith Co. I office have increased per cent
i- t over last year and the office is ,.
and before making hag
your fall purchases.
N. C. D.-c. 28.1909.
Joe came home from
Wake Forest College one day
last week lo
Mrs. C. L. Tyson was visiting
A. on day
with men, women, children, old
and young and various colors.
School books, bibles and
at J. R. C.
Dinner baskets, pencil boxes,
ink at
J. R. Smith Co.
Cook heaters and stove
repairs at J. R. Smith Co.
patterns and magazines
at J. R. Smith Co.
Rubber, and corrugated roofing
R. Smith Co.
To the Merchants When you
want an extra grade of groceries
call on W. E. Tingle.
Car salt fine or course at J. R.
Smith Co.
If you want to insure
property against fire, Tingle will
do it.
Gaudy and rubber , belting
pipe fitting valves at J. R-
Smith Co.
If you have any property to
sell, Tingle will sell it.
Galvanized nice to attach
to your pumps for your water
shelf at J. R. Smith Co.
Windows, doors, lime, cement,
hardware, locks, at J. R
Smith Co.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
We will pay the highest mar-
price for 10.000 bushels of
cotton seed delivered to us in
any quantity.
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
An experienced blacksmith is
waiting to shoe your horses and
mules at J. R. Smith Co Si Dixon.
Will gin your cotton for one
twentieth pound, and give you
the bagging and ties, bring at
your J. R. Smith Co
Postmaster G. W. Prescott
no man in his employment more
social, polite and
that Mr. Prescott. Boy As
Now is a good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department- Bethel
R. W. Smith.
Gnu Hollow
N. C. Dec.
t-w days ago Don
Forbes of mink
Richmond, for the past year, CreeK, discovered some-
resigned and accepted a position
with the Armour Co
Mr. Boyd has a success in
gelling meat and we bespeak for
him greater success in his new
Will repair your carte,
and buggies or sell you new ones.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Rev. C. Armstrong arrived
Wednesday from Hill to
spend Christmas.
Nice turned work, buckets,
window and door frames made
on short notice by J. R. Smith
Co- Dixon.
Henry Lancaster, who is at-
tending school at Wake Forest,
is at home during the holiday
Call on us for flooring
We guarantee
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
If meat and flour continues to
advance it will require large
capital to do a time business and
the people have these
articles to buy, what will be the
Unloading a car of lime. J.
R. Smith Co.
H. M. of Norfolk,
arrived Thursday to spend the
Thursday with his father,
Thad Hart, who left last
to visit his brother, Luther
Hart, in Brooklyn, N. Y-, re-
turned Tuesday. While he enjoy-
ed northern trip still no place
like Ayden, Pitt county, to him.
thing in a hollow gum, and on
investigation found it to be a
cylinder rifle with a barrel ab
inches long carrying a
I do not how it
came there, but since the finding
of the gum has been made known
I have learned from the oldest
people that it was put there
about by a man itemed
Thomas a
soldier, who was run down by a
posse of men and dogs and
caught near where the gun was
found, so it is supposed it was
his gun.
The gun bears marks that it was
in the Mexican war of
It is yet in very good condition,
and though it is to have
been in that hollow years,
after it was rubbed up a little it
was ready for shooting
This gun shoots six times and
barrel was loaded with big
shot. I am in hopes to get a nice
present for the gun. It h now
on exhibition at Bethel in J. E-
Carson's store. T, A. Carson.
At the Close of Business Nov. 1909.
Not Much
Notwithstanding the crowds
around the express office for
several preceding Christ
mas, looking for packages of
whiskey, there was very little
drunkenness when Christ-
mas came. It looked like much
whiskey because all had to go
one place for it, but these pack
ages being distributed over a
large area left not much to be
used in any one place. It was
an improvement over previous
Christmases, yet liquor
prohibition territory
ought to be stopped,
Misses Rosa. E k-n Gertie and
Trilby Smith and Misses L. E.
Gary and Mary Joyner and
aid Mark Smith attended a party
A. Nichols hut
Mica Smith, who is
attending E. C. T. T. S. at
Greenville came horn to spend
Misses Lena Gary and Mary
Joyner closed their
Smith's school house Wednesday
for the Miss Guy
went to and Miss
Joyner to to
their vacation
Miss Mattie Little, of Wilson,
came down Friday morning to
spend the holidays with relatives
We had a quiet Christmas aid
a very rainy and cold one.
The young people had a
party at L. W. Smith's last night.
Mrs. L. L. of Bruce.
Friday evening to visit at
Mills Smith's for a few days.
had a good school
Sunday, and Rev. Mr.
of Farmville. preached us a very
good sermon after the Sunday
school closed.
The Sunday school exercise-
and tree was u
at Smith's school
Friday night. The tree was
loaded with and
able presents for the little ones,
and the grown folks as well. The
good time and the presents were
greatly enjoyed by all. The
were so goo conducted
Mrs. L. W. Smith, that the
large crowd kept the house in an
uproar of laughter at times.
Leon, Johnie and little Miss
Junta Tyson, of were
R A. and
G. E from Friday
livening until Sunday morning.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur.
bank and other
U. S. Notes
Capital stock I
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd.
Dividends unpaid
Deposits sub. to check 69,689.99
Cashier's checks
Savings deposits
J. B. Smith, Cashier of the shove named bank, do solemnly,
the above i a true to the best of my
Sam Bernard's great comic
song hit from Girl and the
one he sings to
encores every night, words and
music free with New York Sun-
day World Jan.
On Jan. there will be in Sun-
day's World a word book-
let containing the opening chap-
of Anna Katherine Green's
detective masterpiece.
most famous detective story.
This story contains over
words and will be complete in
five Order in ad-
Alone in Saw Mill at Mid night
unmindful of drafts, storms
or cold, W. J. night
watchman, at Banner
exposure him a
that settled on lung At last ha
had lo give up He tried
remedies but all f till ha used Or
King's New Discovery. us
one he writes, I
In work as well us
stubborn inflame and
sore croup and
oping cough get quick relief
prompt cure from this m.
and Trial bottle free
Guaranteed by all
Hidden In a of
Found a
During one of most
able that Donizetti's
ever received in this country
an incident occurred that lent mo-
interest to appear-
Mine of Hie president
of Mexico, beard of the death
jot Patti's pet dog and
bent lier another. was
lo diva in a novel
The tiny animal was buried ill a
of but usher
it. and the Manager refused
At net, Mr.
Abbe and
usher to the gift. The bas-
which dog we bidden
bis a triumph art,
Mine. Patti, attracted by beauty
of its design the gorgeous
bloom of its roses, chore to carry it
personally stage.
As she lifted and
kissed its the little dog,
was frightened by
experience it Ind had. gave a feeble
cry. The diva started, looked
surly Into the mass of Rowers.
a purely feminine scream of de-
light end. running down lo the
footlights, whispered
hue if it isn't
a lovely
No lino who has not been a
performance can realize
i plait
Hint this announcement.
Men jumped up cm the
yelled brave.
their fan- and hand-
kerchiefs cried
Suddenly dived her
head into and kissed Hie
dog. a fresh storm of
cheers rang through the
Then she tried lo extract
animal from the Hotter-,
the could show him to the c.
hut he was tied in with
Whereupon she said In dumb
eloquent pantomime, can I gel
him Finally, u the
no sign- l she
ran off stage, gave the dog
his basket to an attendant, came
tripping and whispered.
the was sung a
only could sing It.
There were tears in her eve-
and n man in l
auditorium choked dawn a a ml
many a woman wept silently as tin-
pathetic strains of the old son
flouted in mournful cadence through
cf ,
Lived a
Grandma is a
woman. is in as health to-
ever her Ha, although sis
h over one hundred y old.
In a letter to the Dreg
o., she the honest to re-
runs far her excellent health aid
old what she
Surely the evidence presented l
as these ought not
dispel prejudice
I will send a
a few weeks before
I am a true of the
I derived
from Verona
u j I regard a BK
It i
r years ago.
little more than years age I
extracted a very cold,
in la grippe. the
severity of the disease, and
age, my case win c to
lie very critical I employed no doc-
tor, but the
and to-day my health Is
it ever was in my life.
I to
is ideal ;
It is of
that been to the
ate i
This why
sly .
Catarrh tat a
condition of .;
j I
People who object to
Ask your a
Subscribed and sworn to
before m. thin 19th day Nov-
ember, 1909.
Notary Public.
Fred Jones, thirteen year old
son, of Dr. C. M. Jones, of
was shot
Saturday afternoon by
Gibson of about the same age. It
that the boys were
oaring to shoot at a target, which
Fred was setting up, the
gun in the hands of
dentally fired, several shot en-
deeply into Fred's hip and
side. It is hoped that the wound
though painful is not serious, and
unless some complication arises
he will soon be able to be up and
We are prepared to famish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very prices. Cash or Installment.
Coma to see us and we will convince yon
with to call tow attention to our new line of fall goods which
now have. We have taken great caw In buying this year and we
think we supply your wants in Shoes, Hats, Dress Ginghams, No-
Laces and Embroideries and In fact anything that Is carried In a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
at Home
One effective way to boys
and off the streets these
long winter evenings is to pro-
them harmless and
pleasant attractions at home. At
tractions they must and will hay,
and if parents are so unwise as
not to gratify that natural de
in rational way at
home, their children will seek
them elsewhere where,
the character of the
and associations
Laconic, Snow Hill.
Looking One's Best
It's a woman's delight to look her
but akin eruptions, sores
rob life of joy. Listen
cures them; the
akin soft and velvety. It the
face. Cure pimples, sore
cracked chapped
Try it. Infallible for at
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Mr. Smith fell Central Mercantile
The voting contest for a piano
that has been in at the
Central Mercantile Co., come
to a close Monday evening. The
piano won by Mr. Marcellus
Smith, of Falkland, who had
votes, more than three
times what any one had.
Working Round to It.
A country collier,
to pop question to a girl whom
he honestly admired, unable i-
cum to tin-
question outright, adopted n
f sounding as to
Insured ma
hid Jinny
a for doing
All get killed
pit. where dust f think f
to thy for sure.
isn't fair. II
ought to lie paid to ma
thy wife Why,
just said Bill.
n nice lass. and I
want thee to
couldn't so
cried joyfully. Then
the couple
you VOW husband de-
said the judge to a
lady applying for a separation or-
from her husband.
till the court concisely
an you can how he deserted
months after We bad com-
our honeymoon ha
me he thought was ex-
in the matter of getting
clothes, I went home to my
I waited and waited and
waited for him to come and bag
to return to him, he never
London Telegraph.
cl in Caro-
Bill, a
on aid C war vi,
received at this that
the boors I
it suppressed. Th Bunk
of d,
were Papers.
in lie
bank avid. The
was insured of
other beyond the
amount of insurance carried,
is 10.0
Men's Gifts Poor
want to M on
that I
one of gilts that God
baa made to woman, Mr . u.
Rhine vault, of Vestal Center, N. Y.,
can forget what it has done
This glorious
a woman cf
and ant health. It quickly mm
headache, mi d
builds up tho weak, aid
Try them. at all
Dr. H. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha Jan.
3rd and 4th, Monday and
for the purpose of treating
diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat and fitting glasses. Those
desiring to have work done will
be charged no fee unless
ire agreed on. .
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
Can Serve Way. Try Ma
In Your Homes to Stay
Mother Joy for and
fall the Goose Grease
Liniment f and all aches
and fl the
land by old.
i Sold by Greenville.
N. C, and manufactured
Greensboro, N. C.
II 22-6 m w
What and Mean.
the common form of
fix courtesy to name of an
male, whether married or
is s contraction of the word
and are
contractions of the
and as late as the reign
George unmarried ladies used
o be styled Then it be-
came to distinguish be-
tween the married and unmarried
woman, and was the origin
spelling of new
I Pita. lb
Is a
I. .
Hi c Mi fr i. Coal

with a full line of Christ-
mas Novelties. We have
something appropriate
for every person. You
cannot find a better place
to get just the right thing
for everyone.
Come and Leo.
at our holiday goods, they
have the will
please you. For the right
presents, for the right per-
son at the right prices,
right to us.
by an experienced druggist, using only
Fine Stationery. Toilet Supplies.
Cigars, Tobaccos, and everything handled by
A First Class Drug Store
Cut Glass and China for Holidays and Weddings
We have just received a Hot Soda outfit and are
Prepared to furnish Hot Chocolate and other
Hot Drinks s S S
is almost anti new is the Sm-
to do your
and avoid
U . W. ft Cot on
; B
i r
u.- M -a
147-K ,
Don't fail to sec or write
N. C.
H. J
., . C. C.
k c
Co Br
I In
, May
m .-
air Tr .-
assortment of just
to interest to cur
buying Remember we carry
everything in the-general
tile line. We have fancy
as well of heavy Groceries In
f in are as strong
as the strongest. We carry Disc
Harrows, tact
most everything
and Nails for and
to fence the farm J
for rent;
good location for
million feat standing pin
f cheap for
It J. R. D
in the
cf tad
1-10 t the j
m town of I
will U o th- . ,
or to. M
l, N. C. ,
; . in we
Rt alls, retained u.-ti
paid. No
of Furniture Just Arrived for
Thursday, Dec 1909, absolutely FREE
numbers will be put In a box In The person holding the 2nd out re-
The in, . . I COO in The the . l
I 5.00 in Gold TM P with every purchase, and save them.
i ti
Two Par---
n r n-r 21- of Globe studies
mm ob. a
Look for the Big
Professional Cards
who are sen-
MM fat their connection uh
robberies in the Slate.
0- CO
the holiday season- is
Leonard, who was con-
ago of rob-
J Dunn. He
we. to five years
to par of
His term would have ex-
ether of
dent power fa
by urging the peoPle order
groceries early and thus save the
freedom i poor from
goods late at night. But in this
course, intended to
offended at least one grocer.
care anything about
the said the grocer.
the horses we pity.
of delivery wagons
arc a lot. They learn to
claw tobacco when two years
oM and to smoke cigarettes at
opposite R. L.
and door to John
Co's new building.
, was sen- three. The Globe should clamor
. there
to in His term;
would have expired February most prevalent
1913. His dry cold weather of
he. hat inform- winter months. Parents
ed as to of young children should be
who have committed other j pared for it. AH that is needed
robberies in the South-1 s, a bottle of Chamberlain's
Much of this information has, Remedy. Many mothers
very valuable, more is . are never without it in their
expected from him by govern- and it has never
by Dr. Bagwell.
. I. W. H. LONG
n M r. c
lost as Scores of Greenville People
f Have.
I Waiting do.- pay w
I If you neglect the aching hack.
Urinary troubles, W
,, ,. . ,
I Kidney Pi la relieve back
. Greenville citizen endorse th
Mrs. J. S. Stokes, and Ban
Greenville. N.
lime I suffered from ;
kidney My
were weaK and the irregular
at annoyance. I
ray abdomen and
shooting my
, That a pot
at times
intently. fir ally rend of
I Sidney a much
I that procured them at
th-.-g a-en re-
pains in my m. an j
kidneys to a
and it I am
groat deal in every v.
n. c.
Cr j hi my nun .-.-i
Office on Third street, formerly my kidneys to a BOB
. I am ;
no longer handle Wire Fence made by the Twit Have
f the the IRE
Don't fail to see it. Be t Fence at
pointed them,
Sold by
give Kidney credit for
the r at
pr sill- by nil rs. .;
Foster-Mil um Co.
New York Hole agents for
Just received Repeating
Rifles, No. made by
Swiss government. Cost
each. We will sell for ten days
at each.
Come and see how we co it.
N. C.
Many school children suffer
from which is often When a cold becomes settled
in the system it take several
treatment to cure it. and
Liver Tablets are an the best remedy to um is
fatal medicine to give a child, j.
are mild gentle in will cure than any other,
their and will cure even and also leaves the system
and v j
Suite Go-Car s
N. W. r
u i
N. Carolina
constipation. Sold by
all druggist.
natural and condition.
Sold by ail
Norfolk. Dec. 122.-The Nor-
folk and Southern railway's
five and a half mile trestle
bridge across Albemarle sound, lady
North Carolina, the longest of
its kind in the world, has been
and the first train will
crow it this week. The
, long d impossible.
the two ends of the
Norfolk and Southern and
mi-a railway's ferry service
sound, which
has existed since the
of railroading in eastern
Attorney at Law
by J.
F anting.
The old, old story, told times
without number, and repeated
over and over for the last
year, but it is always a
come story to those in search of
health-There is nothing in the
world that cures coughs and
quickly Chamberlain's
Remedy. Sold by
Lady Shot Eye.
Kinston, N. C, 23.-A
peculiar accident happened here
today by which a
will probably
the sight of one of her eyes.
Mrs. Sarah Fields built a fire
in her dating room tail morning
and was sweeping the floor when
a pistol cartridge that had
been swept into the
fire exploded and the bullet
struck her in the eye. It was
first supposed that she
fatally hurt, but a physician who
hurriedly summoned, found
only a superficial wound of the
eyeball which the may re-
cover without the loss of the eye,
but this is not certain at
Op. Hotel
i flu
Candies. Draw
The Bethel Banking
At the of Nov.
to trot i Loan, and Capital k
It you tow other secured
ft and strong buy your -W pro
Ow Furniture and fixtures
r, j s j.
aim expenses and taxes p
Due from
2.484.02 Deposits sub
minor coin
Lame back comes on suddenly
and if extremely painful. It is
caused by rheumatism of the
Quick relief is afford-
ed by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment. Sold by all
cf W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed More for Less
Money any man in town,
W. B.
Place is j
Oats, Seed Heal, Hulls,
Brand, Hominy,
to, com Meal and all of.
Teed, Lime and
We want Girls and Soys
to work in the
I by Cask.
D. C. Dec.
his complete
in Dr. Cook, Rear Admiral
W. S. Schley. retired, today
called publicly upon Commander
Peary to submit his proofs
that he reached the north pole to
scientific body other than
the National Geographic Society.
the admiral declares,
should done at once in the
of justice and to
beyond question the claims
of Peary.
The admiral believes that the
Fire Near Town.
About o'clock Wednesday
night a stable and shelter on Mr.
C. T. Brown farm,
across the river, was
by fire, the origin of is
unknown. Some corn and hay
were also burned, making a loss
of about on which there
was no insurance.
At Tatars,
in the
Nm , rt a.
The work i
and .
furnish you
of or W
OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
I W Cashier of
that the above statement
bed and sworn to
this Kith day of Nov., j
S. T. i
Notary Public, j
e iv
, in ii
s M
. sol-
if my
Strayed -One white cow,
marked staple swallow-fork in
right ear swallow fork in left
ear, about pounds.
Been gone August. Suit-
able reward for information
Nicely every
thing and
barbers. Second to
none in the State.
t the close N
lend de.
D no fear
will b work f
In the State Nor th
at Tart
work i th
r every
Loans L ;,.,
secured I a .
i Banking Fur-
Due from Banks
Opposite J. R. J. G.
mm M. m
and Bankers
Come and Sea the Work or Write Cash
C W. Silver coin,
threw out and leading to recovery.
O, yea Training
School pennant No-
thing prettier for a
Christmas gilt.
other notes
20.00 Deposit subj eta
I to check
335.43 s Checks
some body w.
repudiated Cook's should be
permitted the data
d by Peary to the Geo-
graphical society-
John Mills.
C. R. F. D. No.
of condensed
. . be had.
. , . ,. Bill
,, . ;. ICE
. .
. . . . and
, . ,. boot or cook Hi
, ice
. , , . .
rt . fa i
. . .
J all
More Calendars.
Four more beautiful
have been added to The c-
tor's 1910 list, one by Stephens-
Howard Co., of Dunn, one
D. Foxhall.
the Consolidated To-
C ., and two the n
ville Lumber Veneer Co.
D. C.
New Town Pressing
Greenville, N- C.
Caning, all of
and Repairing Clothes en
short notice. All work guaranteed.
15,409.59 Total
and P. M.
when in town for gent engine
I and boiler repair work and any-
you may nod. Shop op-
I Hotel ha ti W
. bat
Book R i
n and is
I Book and
I .,. it ten carp it
Can be
The Reflector does job work, ms
Cotton Factors gad handlers cf
. do ,; sad
bare Dab, lo John-
.,,,. town, and am
q prepared than ever
town. T
;,. I.
a c
s P. l.
mill supplies and mill
for your
I s
The line will appeal to the River for all
Silver Novelties. Everything guaranteed as
Stalk cutters and harrows
Carr Atkins Co.

In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector tor Winterville and
A of a- d days at CROSS ROAD ITEMS,
I turkeys wanted. r
Ht-ton. A. W. Co. I k, ,; s a N
T las f rear here last Sunday.
and . know any i We have just received a nice
item. would be p us a call. A.
ii tn the paper. If j ft Co
you to advertise,
i like to rates.
r- not a to
The R Ii in your
G. f A. W. Ange Co.
I ; Clothing can be
Lad A. If. A;
For and comfortable
desk mil or writ-1 A.
C x Co. Winter
N. Tn y have the
right d J.-k n. the lit price.
We are carrying a nice of
Coffins and Caskets. Trices art
r h. and can hearse
A. Mfg. Co.
ti ltd -t. i large l
Pump pipes Then see us.
We just received a good
We ad the list in nice con-
The is the Kind
you need. us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For nice hall rack s. see us. A.
W. Ange V o.
Cattle want to
buy cattle. R. D.
The A. G. Cox Co.
a a i; of a solid car of Pitt
y school desk today. The
i.-. continually increasing
nice shoes for winter place your or-
-The Pitt County A.
manufactured by The A. G. Cox
Manufacturing Company aw
eh comfortable, neat aid
durable. Terms are liberal
i in market to sec
us. h the disk for you.
glasses, dried fruits
of all kinds and butter and
A. Co.
We give you a bargain it.
nice clothing.
II Barber ft Co.
We hive just received a full
apply of furniture. Give us a
A. W.
We have them Fri-
d at d Saturday nights.
ft. Co.
Cooking and heating stoves
and ranges just received. All
of best material up-to-date.
Barber Co.
The Count School Desks
C , Winterville. N. C.
F r beef, perk and
I sage see B. F. button at same
Old stud.
For and rifles see A- W.
I Ange Co.
For s see u.
Harrington. Co.
Nice glassware, just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For nice oysters see F.
Sutton. Barbecue on Saturdays.
See me you purchase
your Christmas fruit.
B. F. Sutton.
R. L. Abbott went to Kinston
C. T. Cox, of Louisburg,
Christmas here.
Kittrell Hill went to
G Monday.
Harvey Cox, who has been at
are the desks for you. They ate tending school
cheap, durable and comfortable- Pt
Price right and workmanship Mrs. Prank James left Mon-
guaranteed. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. Winterville, N. C.
last received, a nice lot of
ladies and shoes.
, Barber Co
A lot of dry
notions of all kinds received
t Harrington, Barber Co.
If you want a good plow try
the at Harrington,
Mi s Crawford and F.
A. spent Christmas
Dora Cox went to
Monday to spend a few days
Mrs. W. B. V. orris, of Kinston.
came in Monday to spend a few
days with relatives.
Miss Eva Langston spent
Christmas at with Miss
Miss Leona C x is spending a
few days with Miss Mae White-
head at
Louis Manning went to Golds-
W. G. Morris spent Christmas
in Kinston with
g. C. t is clerking for A.
W. Co. during the
E Cox and J. L. Rollins
q Saturday night in Kinston.
day for her home Roberson-
MISS Ethel who is
and John
Carrol, a Wake Forest student,
came in Thursday to spend
A. H. Cobb a few
days here visiting his sister, Mrs.
J. L. Jackson.
Misses Mamie Chapman and
Juanita Dixon, who have been
attending the East Carolina
Teachers Training School at
Greenville, are spending the
it their homes.
James Braxton, from Virginia,
is spending the holidays with
relatives here. We are glad to
learn that he is to remain with
3rd attend Winterville High
Bettie Braxton, of Pine-
is spending the holidays
Christmas here was very quiet
yet it was very
Services next Sunday in the
Baptist church.
Misses Ho and Lillie Morris
last merit a few-
days with relatives.
Public religious services of our
school at
Miss Helen Smith accompanied
by Miss Jeanette Cox. returned
to her home Thursday from
Winterville High School to spend
the holidays.
Christmas day began with
rains, but in spite of the
of the day, some of us
succeeded in taking a little fresh
air after the rain.
Miss Cox, who has
been teaching at King's Cross
Roads, went ti her home at
Winterville Thursday.
Miss Helen Smith entertained
a party of friends Christmas
night in honor of her Mi-s
Jeanette Cos. The parlor was
beautifully decorated with holly
and mistletoe. Music was fur-
by Misses Helen Smith
and Jeannette Cox and Durward
Smith. The remainder of tie
evening was spent in playing
Miss Addie O. Corbett and her
son, have been spending
some time near Scotland Neck.
Miss and and
Preston Joy spent Christmas
with H. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Randolph.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Caraway
and family, and Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Smith, spent Christmas day
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. E. Smith.
C. V. Smith returned to Farm-
after spending the holidays
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Smith-
is very much moving
going on in this neighborhood.
Misses i one Smith and
Sunday with Misses
Helen Smith and Jeannette Cos.
Miss Irene Smith left Tuesday
morning to a few days in
Winterville. She will then go
from there to Conetoe.
After a few days illness we
are glad to know that R. W,
Smith is able to be out.
man who his lite Is
win tar Ms family.
The man who Insures hi.; health
k both for hi family and
Yon may mu re health by guard-
It. It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of
which generally approach
through the LIVER and
itself in Innumerable ways
And your health.
A Result That It Produced by
tho Earth.
why the
part of the sun-
light Is to us. Hie term
the moon In the young
The dark part is easily
seen as n colored
in the bright crescent. This that
we see Is nothing more or less than
the earth shine on the moon. We
pear the same way to the moon when
we are in phase, and our dark
part s when- the appears
and the bright part of the sunshine.
The reason I he copper color appears
Is light has to the
atmosphere of the earth three times
once on coining from the sun to
earth, once when to lb
moon and again on
hack to us. Our atmosphere possesses
I lie peculiar property of absorbing the
rays or this white light and
lowing only the red and orange to go
through, thus appearance
of copper color by the triple
An odd thing connected with Ibis
phenomenon, though having
to do with It, s That part of the
moon which appears dark to us is the
same part of the earth that appears
light the moon any specified time,
and that part of the moon which
pears bright to us corresponds to the
portion of its earth appearing dark to
the moon.
Of course It Is well known that the
moon gives cut no light whatever
Itself, the being merely the
light of the sun on the moon reflected
to us. The same applies with the
earth In Its shine on the moon, save
that we do give out glows, doubt,
around great cities at night, on ac-
count of the enormous number of
One thing, however, in which
moonshine the earth shine Is Its
Where the earth
varying clouds the old moon
never has any at Louis lie-
You Own
If not, and you to own
soon, you owe it o to ex-
the display
shown at the White
A display really
to a Urge city.
In a glance you will inspect a
line pianos not alone stand
in character of e, y and
general in a class to
itself, but you with prices
that stand ard
incomparable where. Eight
different makes select from, none
of those cheap v extern department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos of known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of tr self play-
We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
When in
Greenville visit our
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware
o, store.
AT N. C.
At the close of business, Nov.
Resources Liabilities
Capital stock
Loans discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
and fixtures
,. , ,. , , . . .,,. expenses and taxes pa
Due from and , , . .,.
, , Tina car- of deposit 802.20
Silver ,. . ,,.,.
minor currency 315.42 Deposits to
Nat hank and other Cashier's cheeks
not s l outstanding 31.53
Total i Total
We, J. E Green, Cashier and F. A. Asst. Cashier
if the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the best tit our knowledge and belief
Asst, Cashier. Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this day of Nov.,
It. U.
Notary Public.
A. Cr. Cox,
K. II.
J. F. Harrington,
Subscribe to the Reflector.
1909 is mighty thin now.
Our Greenville, yours if you
County will meet
next Monday.
Bring your furs to S. M.
Schultz for high prices.
The Christian Sunday school
had a Christmas tree Tuesday
night at the church.
The holiday season is giving
the policemen about as easy a
time as they have at any other
period of the year.
The cold to be a
sticker, but the open
weather makes it not so bad as
it might be.
Three hundred thousand
resources and seventy-five
thousand dollars to loan are facts
the Bank of Greenville sets be-
fore our readers.
The Reflector has a full supply
of for deeds,
chattel mortgages and crop
for Years
by many
doctor, of in
K. N. C,.
st u-el Dr K New Life Pills, j
and writes wholly cured him. I j . g
They cure, constipation, biliousness, I
At the of business Nov. Kith,
I Liabilities
Surplus fund
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured Undivided profits less
Furniture and , ,
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
sick I liver, kidney I
and troubles. at all
Notice to Creditors.
Having this day been appointed by
the of the Superior Court of Pitt
county as administrator of the estate
of W. D. re deceased, having
d . qualified as such administrator,
no ice is hereby given to a I persons
holding against said estate to
them to me for payment,
duly authenticated, on or before the
28th of 1910 or this
notice will e p in bar of their re-
All persons to said
estate are to make
payment to me.
This the 27th a of 1909.
C G. Little. of W. U. Moore
J. Blow Attorneys.
m., lit and .
readiness for
S .
lays It a m. and p. nets men wanting them for t
moved town. i m. gad coming y
Mi II tie Kittrell and sad r
c are teach- me i very Wednesday
ill Repose, i rending the
y i boo
j. u. Kittrell. if Greenville,
at bis borne
M. I. T . Greensboro.
M if h ere.
at .
at p
Baptist- Sunday
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
court of Pitt n on the
19th i of Nov r, in a
tr of J. W W. D.
ad on
i l, I before the
c door in Or sell
certain tract r sic of laid
C p, lit
the f ii J- Stokes,
W. P. M I s th- hi of John Hoot,
and acres
r less, a cl lo dowel
eight of . .-f .-i
J. v. Pot r. or i h
This I I IS J
n In. of W,
89,986.881 cur- exp
Dividend unpaid
Bills payable
Time of
Deposits sub. to check
I, R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief.
and sworn to before l
J. R. DAVIS. Cashier.
me, this 30th day of Nov., 1909.
J. A. Slew
W. Mi-ban;
R. L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
Notice to Tax
n u-i. com
ii; at and Cos I ill
delinquent, a
P- m- , , , . ran d by pi
school at j . , ,,
Siva, Taken Up.
I av . Li. tn i;
due, rd all b
that thy
,. , H.
A Tragedy.
have some professional
working on your lino-
type machines, haven't asked
the poet.
noticed that any of
them have a failing that an-
the editor.
you're a poor observer.
Do you read your own
you read my poem, To
in yesterday's
thought not. In tho poem I
wrote a which road. love you q
better than I love my
was n
one of your
made it read, love you
better than I love my
eh r . .
, ,
it Janie Kittrell. who is at- m.; l I . .
; i
O. Jo .
Ore . I C i. No. I,
Doe. Bat, -I ltd
wife. And my wife,
not I n acquainted with the fail-
of o key j
the poem w printed m it
v is
to Handle-.
t, h mp on
ml ii ism
I .-. I,
His victim thoughtfully examined
the binding and felt the weight of
the book. Then she gripped it by
the edge with her right hand and
brought it down, whack, on the
To the salesman she
appeared to be trying to see how
convenient it was to handle, but for
what purpose
don't think I'll take she
remarked at last. sure it's
better than the ordinary slipper
Mother's Experience.
Fond look here.
want you to break off
with that girl. She is very pretty,
and all that, hut know her too
well to want you to your life
and happiness by marrying her.
she knows no
I do
nut, but
housekeeping than
ck- not a bit
can learn.
Mother marriage la
. t late for that, George.
George Out you mm yourself
that you did not know a
about until after you;
-Very true. George, and
your poor father died of dyspepsia
it Is
v ,
o; i v. h Mi I-
A. An few
. . r.
p r
Our-G J
a la
i la a way.
wife's II i l
I ii
I, n II
.,, .
Remedies, became it ml th,
opiate. Guaranteed t
; L
. .
, . . . .- j. i ,
f, .
. m

Eastern reflector, 31 December 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 31, 1909
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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