Eastern reflector, 24 December 1909

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mm pi
I In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
, Application
K r. J m n's
fro s ah i in
Haw Barber Co
T the people of
n d If know any
mi t i M be glad
in if the paper. If
have anything to advertise,
ii t . furnish rates,
if not u subscriber
The R let me send in your
G. Morris,
Have you seen Mr. L. P. Wayne has accepted a
stump puller
turkeys wanted. Co . at Greenville. We re-
p.-ices paid. A. W. Ange Co. very much to lose him
John Smith and Miss Mamie
were united in
rear here last Sunday.
glassware, just in
Harrington, Barber Co.
For nice s see F.
;. Sutton. Barbecue on Saturdays.
A i me you purchase
lot of cloaks give us a call. A. -J f
W. Ange Go. i B p
D forget the lecture to be B p who has been
nude in the W. . Mad here
night. Dec.
T or Clothing can be at o'clock. Public
had at A. W. I Pump PU Then set .
So Tired
It may be bat,
the arc He a l-
With a well conduct LIVER
one can do mountain of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per seat to
ones earning capacity.
H ca be kept I healthful
by, and only by
Do You Own a Piano
U not, and you e to own
you owe it lo
the display
at the Fine man White
A display really
to a large
In a glance you will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character of and
general in a class to
itself, but you m -t with prices
that stand and
incomparable an. where. tight
different makes t- select from, none
of those cheap western department
store stencils, but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and
reputation it. the trade. Four
player-pianos of best known
take your piano in
exchange for one of these
also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to your
When in Greenville visit
There was on the
I here yesterday and last
school desk
At The Central Mercantile
Store to Be Gives Away Dee.
The contest for the beautiful
C-x Co. Winter-
t H-. N. C Tn y
right the price.
We are carrying a line of
Coffins Caskets. Prices
ht and can hearse
A. G. Mfg. Co.
i jut rec lot of.
i- for u v, .
mil f -i G. Cox,
obis. Terms liberal.
in the conic lo set
u. we the desk for .
F r j dried fruits
of all kinds sod butter and
s.- A. W. Ange Co.
We give you a bargain in
Barber Co.
We received a
furniture. Give us a
A. W. Ange Co.
We have Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
it. r
Cooking and beating stoves
and ranges just received. Ail
of best material up-to-date.
Harrington Barber St Co.
The County School DesKs
are the tor you. They are
durable and
Prices right end workmanship I
A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. N. C.
received, a nice lot of
ladies shoes.
Barber Co
A now let of dry goods and
of ail kinds just received
m Harrington, barber Sc Co.
Harrington, Barber Cc.
a bale of cotton and paid
and s it to B. F. Man-
How is that for selling
See A. W. Ange Co. for
Winchester rifles.
To the you wish
to have success in selling your
Christmas goods, let us advertise
your goods, so the people may
know whereto go to buy their
Christmas presents.
Wood Kittrell. of Charleston,
b a few here
Rev. Mr. was in our
town Wednesday.
came in Wednesday to be
present at the burial of his
Mis Nina Dixon was in town
Friday evening.
Eugene attended the
basket party at Forbes
Thursday night.
Hiss Mamie Chapman, who
bu d a at
home on account of weak eye,
returned to Greenville Friday
morning to resume her studies in
the East Carolina
Training School.
Miss Belva Dixon was in town
J, L. Bellini and J- S.
went to Ayden Friday.
a crowd from here
attended the burial service of
Elder Fred
day We are informed
there were about people
t a from hen
i the basket at
i , Branch last night.
comfortable have just received by a man and woman. for the beautiful
write A G lot. preach- up-right at the Central
call or write A. G. J lot.
James Smith and Miss Hulda
were married near here
Wednesday afternoon by Justice
J. S. Boss.
We head the list in nice con-
f, c A. W. Ange Co.
Now is the time to advertise
W. G.
The is rind
A. W. Co.
It you arc nut a to
me take
can get the
A new lamps just m.
Barber Co.
Mr. hi d Mrs. Ab I Cox, of
ins in our town Friday.
Fur see us. A.
battle want to
buy cattle. R. D.
The A. G. Cox Co. made
a shipment of a solid car of Pitt
county school desk today. The
continually increasing
rapidly. Better place your or-
early. A. G. Cox
I Co., N. C.
O. W. lit Bins spent Sunday at
L. Rollins and E. U. Cox
vent to Ayden Sunday night
F. A. attended
services at Swamp Sun-
Miss spent Sunday
near Black Jack, visiting friends.
Hiss Eva Vincent Man-
day night with Miss Craw-
Mrs If, G. Bryan, who has
been visiting Stokes, re-
turned Sunday evening.
Misses Cent Nichols and
Smith, of Smithtown, spent Sat-
night and Sunday with
Miss Miriam Johnson.
For fire-works and confection-
see H. L. Johnson.
J. F. of Ayden, was
in our town
Miss Norma was
in town Tuesday.
F. Manning to Snow
Hill Tuesday.
Rev. E. T. Phillips filled his
regular appointment in the Free
Will Baptist church Sunday.
W. Rollins came near losing
one of his eyes Tuesday.
For Christmas goods see A. W.
Ange Co.
We have just received a ice
lot of
Harrington. Barber Co.
Next door to Can Atkins Hardware Co. store.
N. C, Dec. 12-
Mrs. Mills Smith went to Will
Brown's Thursday to take Mrs-
Pattie F. over there to
visit her sister. Mrs. L. L.
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs- R. A. Smith, of
Farmville, were visiting at Mills
Smith's Thursday.
C. D. Smith came home from
Washington Tuesday evening and
brought a lot of fresh oysters
to our great enjoyment. We
had one of the biggest oyster
stews of the season.
Misses L. E. Gary Mary Joy-
teachers it Smith's
house, held B basket party Friday
night and it complete SOS
They had a large
Mercantile Company's store is
progressing very rapidly and
the people are interested to know
who is going to get this grand
prize. Following is a list of the
leaders There are hundreds
other contestants but space for-
bids publishing.
Annie May Edwards
Annie Lynn Savage
Eula Langley
Mrs. W. J. Evans
Lula Taylor
Sycamore Hill church
At the close of business, Nov. 1909.
J. R.
Flossie W hie Hard
St. Peters church
Annie Daniel
J. B.
H. B. Harris
Disciple S. S.
Methodist church
Lizzie Simmons
J. W. Dixon
Baptist Church
Lawrence Fulford
W. H. Arnold
A. M. E
Capital stock
Surplus fund
and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured Undivided profits, less
Furniture and fixtures
Due from and
Silver coin, including Deposits subject to ck 14,695.86
Nat hank DO and other f
U s outstanding
981,700.08 Total
I Briley
I Joan Briley
burg, Farmville and Snow Hill
were represented and they took
in They sold baskets I
from fifty t five dollars.
They served and
and confections of all kinds.
They had a fish pond ff Harriet Ormond
show which was a red bat from
Egypt. The crowd stayed and
enjoyed until
eleven o'clock and reluctantly
dispersed honing, to hive another
good time Christmas eve at the
Mrs. B. P. Willoughby and By virtue of a decree of the Super-
children spent Friday
and Saturday with Mrs. C. m. special therein pending
and Sunday
Mrs. Ivy Smith. I Pit and others. I will, on
Guy and a friend, of
Snow Hill, spent from Friday
Get in the race and work,
lowest may be the leader at
close of this great contest.
W. I E Green, Cashier F. A. Cashier
f thrive named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Asst, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 16th day of Nov.,
Notary Public
A. G. Cox,
R. II.
F. Harrington,
At the close of business Nov. 1909.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from At
Cash items
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nat bunk and other U. S
Capital stork 010,000.00
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profit's less
cur. exp and taxes pd 1,247.78
Dividend unpaid
Bills payable
Time of deposits
Deposits sub. to check
NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
I I A i Cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly
.-ear that the above statement is true to the
night to Sunday evening at Ivy
We had it rainy yesterday to
the delight of the farmers after
a long drought.
Misses Rosa Smith and
Nichols went to Sat-
and spent until Sunday
Potter and others, .
SB. d, before the
court house door in Greenville. Bell
at sale to the bidder a
certain tract tr land situated
in Township, Pitt county, ad-
the land of H. J.
W F. Mills, the heir of John Moore,
and others containing acres,
more of less, s to the dower
of Susan Potter, widow of said
J W Potter. Terms of sale cash.
Thia the 19th day of Nov. J.
William Fountain, of J. W.
Potter. Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
inc. this 20th day of Nov., 1909.
Notary Public.
J. It. DAVIS, Cashier.
W M. Lang,
R. L Davis,
F. M.
Pensions for Old Soldiers and Widows.
Court Clerk D. C.
one threw a large cannon crack- .
which when it exploded Moore has received the annual
caused a little stick to fly up and pension cheeks for the
strike him in the eye.
R. W. is to move in town
Mi. and Mrs. R.
are visiting
lives h-re this week.
For Ash, beef, pork and
F. Batten at same
The lecture that was to be
made in the W. H. S. auditorium
tonight, was made in the
church last night. The
was excellent.
Mesdames A. W. Ange and
Waters went to James-
visiting Mrs. Waters.
We learn with regret that
S. is to leave us and move
to Ayden about the tint of Jan-
b. F. Sutton is in the market
business again, at the o I
We two markets
soldiers in Pitt county and
widows of soldiers who are on
Bishop Visit.
Rt. Rev. Robert Strange,
op of this diocese, visited St.
church Sunday, and de-
livered excellent sermons morn
and evening. At the even-
service seven persons were
ate pension list. In this with the usual
county are two soldiers receiving, ceremony.
second class pension, of Sunday afternoon
two of the third Strange preached to
resolving MS tbs end also several
fourth Class receiving their church.
and widows rec
each. This makes a total of Stung Year
of the State fund
that is distributed in Pitt county.
b many
doctors and of In
II. I. tide, N. C.,
chicks in handy tor
tbs old soldiers and an I writs u
m T cure
widows enjoy Christmas. Mr. liver, n-y
Moore is delivering them as fast and bowl e-B. .
as for.
Paid Before are Cold.
Stokes, Dec.
Mr. C. L. Wilkinson.
Spring Garden Insurance Co.
Philadelphia, Pa.
N. C. Dec.
My Dear
Please accept my sincere
thanks for check for on
the Spring Garden Insurance Co.,
of Philadelphia. Pa., to
loss on nay property which was
destroyed by fire on the morning
of December, 6th. The claim
was paid in full and I am well
pleased with the quick manner
in which the claim was paid.
My loss on the 6th, and
Fleming; Hon. T. the 8th, just two days after. I
the Bar.
At the close of the November
term of Pitt Superior court, a
of bar was called at
which meeting F. G. James was
elected chairman, and Julius
Brown, secretary. On motion
the chairman was authorized
and empowered to appoint a
committee of three to draft suit-
able resolutions on the death of
Bros. J. L. Fleming and Harry
SKinner, Jr. and report
resolutions to a meeting of the
bar to be held during the
term of Pitt Superior curt.
The chairman named tho fol
death of
J. Jarvis. H. W. W.
F. On the death of
Skinner; F. C. Harding.
W. J. B- James,
F. Q. James, dun.
was paid in full.
This shows it pays to carry
fire insurance.
I am, Very truly yours.
L. H. Roberson.
1211 ltd Stones. N. C.
On Saturday Mrs.
Florence Tucker, one of the old-
est, wealthiest and most
of Raleigh, at
hat home in that city Mrs,
Perkins was a native of Pitt
of Ins late
Mr. jute Perkins, of
Th docs
Nice line cf silk mufflers in
colors at Pulley
Big line of Fay stockings no
and. Pulley Bowen.
A over many
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
s et North
f AMI WHAT IT MEANS, end all the ills to which humanity
II heir meant the
B. t. Member Graduating man. It meant new life and
Class of Greenville School., enlightenment to -Grand Sec
This U one of the article in Not only did Christmas mean a, Raleigh, Dec.
the special edition of The- deal mankind, but from
it we measure our time. Every Masons finds that all records
year that rolls over our heads is to growth have been broken
another It is a day
that brings
cheerfulness to the of out new lodges last year. The
to the Wise Men It is a now the
of the of God.
Fleeting time has brought us
is a
the Christian unto
you is born this day in the city
of a Saviour which is
w , .
the Many In it keeps
tat is darkened by sorrow I bright in
comes bright and cheerful with
its means at Christmas.
It is a day that we look for-
ward to with expectant
especially our little ones. The
baby is conscious tint something
unusually pleasant is about to
happen, the little boy is
for a rifle train, and the grown
people for pleasures various
kinds. The children are
their Christmas trees
Gathering the choicest mistletoe
and holly, they take it to their
homes to decorate their rooms
and playhouses before Santa
Claus comes. The country boy
is cutting green oak logs
and them with care against
est gift that God make to
the world, the gift of his be-
gotten Son. hath sent
to bind up the broken hearted, in
proclaim liberty to and
the opening the prisons to
them that are
It makes every Christian home
brighter, and gives us a stimulus
mark. The receipts total
more than last year.
Goldsboro, Dec.
able was caused in
the southern part of the city
tonight when a n ob of
numbering about forty, gave
to a detective
hailing from New Bern, N. C,
shooting at the detective,
who shot guns and The
detective, who is also a
Diet Fact That Then art
as Needed.
The have
clergymen. 3.000 more than the
number of their churches. The
Protestants have only
ministers, or less than the
number of their churches. This
number of churches must either
be without pastors or divide a
says the Rev. Ed-
ward Root. Field Sec-
of the Massachusetts Fed-
of Churches, in The
for January.
East Carol-. Editor
Reported for The Reflector b Miss
Mamie E. Jenkins.
Messrs. Gideon. Johnson and
Ross, of Philadelphia, are guests
of President bright. They came
for a few recreation with
dog and gun and are bagging a
good deal of game.
At a recent meeting of the
Greenville Music Club, Miss
Annie Lee Davis and Miss
teachers of music in the
E. C. T. T. S , played and Pi of.
for nobler living. When we wag up badly before
celebrate Christmas we are could free himself from the
, lilt I
this mean, in the, the young
but that at leas enjoy.
Churches are too small to sou Sometimes there is
port a pastor
their weakness not
due to but, on an-
other hand, many are able to
support a pastor only by , 4th. inclusive,
aid and body and
celebrating the conqueror, but
we are commemorating the con-
power of love incarnate,
the Babe of Bethlehem.
We can sing Christmas songs
and pray, and yet not have the
spirit of Christmas. We mast
celebrate Christmas in an
i o be sure, j of games j th
and hinging.
The Christmas spirit is in the
air. Holiday ii from December
I have had several
the dozen quotations that appear-
ed in your pap-r last year. I
have not the I sent
them before, so have gathered
few Will you kindly
publish them for the benefit of
the teachers who m y wish them.
Mr.-,. Hand Butt
N. C
The by men reached and
i -u Men
Rut hi
Were t upward In MUM,
the bright of the morning,
Like n t
but h i,
travels way.
A We in
Bus . the e i f m a river,
A d on Hi i t i
Slant forever,
to of
so be run and it is not
known whether he was wounded
by any of the shots fired at him
or not, he has not been located
up to this hour.
Kinston, Dec. William
Sutton, of Huckleberry, this
missionary aid and paying
Starvation salary. If and build
added, we may
and piling c-.- u e
the chimney back, while hi, his home early the morning by
, U cooking Christmas us. and in accordance win .
weak because in genuine mis-
fields, and sun
that their very weakness prove
that half of the in the
United States are
It is safe to that tho
proportion holds of
cakes, the most
and pecans so that win .,
lo enjoy the gifts that occasions possible. It
Santa Claus has in store for
them. To all children, Christ-
mas is the sun when it
shines out on a cloudy day and
rolls back the clouds to give new
life to all living creatures. It
pierces the clouds of human
darkness, and rolls them back
from the face of the weary soul,
But many children do not know
what Christmas is.
vague conception of meaning
to the Christian world. They
do not know the real importance
of observing Christmas. AH
they know is that they always
look forward to Christmas as a
day of enjoyment. They do not
know that the word Christmas
has a meaning more
to the Christian world than any
other word that has ever been
spoken by human tongue.
The origin of Christmas we do
not know exactly, but we do
know that it celebrates the birth
of Christ. It is not known with
certainty when the festival, or
what we call Christmas, was
first observed. Clement of
Alexandria of it in the
beginning of the third century;
and again in the fourth century
it was spoken of by Chrysostom
as an event of great antiquity.
The church in the
fourth century fixed the twenty
fifth of December as the date
for this festival though at that
time no certain knowledge of
the date of the birth of Christ
existed. Many believe that the
heathen festivals, celebrated on
that day, weighed heavily in
accepting this date. Some
churches, and especially the
Western church in the fourth
century, believed that the right
date was the sixth of January.
That it could not have been on
the 25th of December for at that
time the rainy Judea
begin and the shepherds could
not have been watching their
flocks. the exact date
of the birth of Christ is not
known, all now celebrate
O December.
But the observance of Christ-
mas, or the birth of Christ,
meant Brest deal lo
U meant the dawn of lip
The very spirit of
it meant love as opposed to
selfishness, injustice,
a pistol bullet into his
brain. shooting occurred
about five o'clock, u few minutes
good cheer and not about preparing breakfast. Mr,
To make sacrifices for the
of others, it is more
blessed to give than to
rest you, merry gentlemen;
Let nothing you
For Jesus Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas
Marriage i
Register of Deeds, W. M.
Moore, has issued the following
marriage licenses since last re-
G. W. Satterfield Mary
John Annie Heath.
Cleveland Brewer and
R. A. Willoughby Mollie E.
W. R. Hinson and L. G.
Charles and
John H. Williams and Adeline
Henry Jackson and Dora
Williams and
Hardy and Adelaide
Sutton arose when his wife did,
but returned to bed when
had dressed and left the room.
g bis pistol in bed with him.
Mrs Sutton the shot and
hurried back into the room to
find her husband dead, a bullet
I wound In the side of head,
the bull entering the brain at the
Wiggins and
Joseph Cherry and Etta
Aaron Ida Fields.
Charles land Chaney
Robert Hopkins and Florence
to the
Greene county a few
days ago there was a shooting
affray at the home of the
man's father, to which place she
went after her return. Harvey
Walston, the husband of th
woman, went to her father's
and demanded to see her
Her father met him and refused
to let his daughter come out.
where upon it is said, Walston
began shooting at Mr.
the Mrs. Walston. Mrs.
joined her husband and
for a time quite serious trouble
threatened. Mrs. Walston
got into the with a gun
and it is said that Walston was
used up pretty badly. As re-
ported in these dispatches Mrs.
Walston eloped from her
band and children with another
man on account of cruel treat-
by her husband. On the
arrest of the eloping pair the
woman returned to her father.
there church
without of worship,
ii the other hard there are
buildings, as show,
Idle. Twice n-
churches as are needed teems a
high estimate; but the reader
will note that such
mate monotonously characterizes
our quotations of facts or
t cs tor city as well as country.
here is Blink
needless church and
a year
spent Hi and
erection this id a
item of
those of y a a
is guilty. How n
comparison with tn- COO,
i it t in
the Or U
with the tons
shy wasted in methods
of mining with similar
waste of water-power, forests,
and all our resources.
There is probably not a dollar
more expended in church proper-
than is actually needed some-
where. is, that it is
not expanded to meet real needs,
that it is wasted so far as the
real interests of the kingdom of
God concerned.
will be; closed-
Each Sunday afternoon a song
service is held in the assembly
Miss Burner. State
Student of the Y. W.
A., spent four days with us
recently encouraging and
in work. ,
w as the instructive feature of I To by hi, gasket
visit enjoyable.
are at last on in
lull blast.
Prof. C. W. Wilson recently ,
delivered an address before tho A am I
and classes of
the Baptist church in
At the December meeting of
the Pitt County Teachers
two members of the faculty
of the E C. T. T. S. were on the
j program. Miss Graham read a
paper mi the
and Prof. C. W.
Wilson on Indictments
you've anything to say
Don't w i till In l to n-st,
tor when the heart
Is very o r tiling at best.
Over id again
No in tier widen y I
I always Bull hook IllS.
Some lBS that I mu t I r .
must turn a mill,
I must grind o grain,
I must a- my u r.-so-
lute I
Over and over again.
to sand a
To n n I
Thin ii he of r and
he is dead.
i k an o
Do not w h
If fuel i I
ah day
Isn't I
And the l i
sweet the way we live.
task h at for you,
Dun t sit view it
Nor be wish it dam-.
Begin iii ones i do it.
reached by single
which we
bill d
From lowly earth to
Ami we n t to Uh
Goad for Market
The Ayden market aId from
9th to Dec. 17th.
Sp Dancers in
Tuesday Night.
The hall in
hall, Tuesday night, for
the benefit of the public library,
was a very
There were many and
u large number of spectators.
all it.
Italian band furnished music.
Those who masked, as far as
the reporter could get a list of
them, were
Mrs. Of, H. White
Miss Lillian Burch, night
Misses Lucille Cobb, Irma
Cobb and Marv and
Mike a path by
aid r for a
Leave no
where on Ilia road behind.
No mutter how f on defeat d,
Believe in ii victory ;
your h
You earn a and will.
OBI answer to the of little
the measure of our great-
The world shoves v ankle
The ii an who b
Until tells whet to do.
We may U hold a pen
we vary young
but the i-l i of men
Who learns his
pounds for at an Alex Blow and Charlie James,
average of per hundred the
Greensboro. the
Superior court this morning the
highest market average in the
East. The market closed Dec.
17th. for the holidays, will open
again Tuesday Jan. 1910-
all the will back.
returned a verdict of man
. , t i
line-. .,.
John Roberson and Cora Moore i slaughter a Hiram
. 1-1. . . , la I-l-
Peyton and Victoria
indicted for murder in the first
degree for killing Simpson Co-
his Judge
Biggs instructed a verdict of
acquittal as to Dan Coble, father
industrial School at
There is located at Parmele a
school known as Higgs Industrial
Institute, with W. C. Chance as
principal, that is doing a for five .
work in colored pupils t ,,
industrially. The school is
and already
Salem. N, C, his sister-
in-law, causing her and Mrs.
Miller to Miller
mansion. Although none of the
persons directly interested would
Misses Lucile Johns and
Mattie King, trained
Helen Forbes, Japanese
MiSS Colonial
Had Riding Hood.
Miss Mary society
N. W. Outlaw,
Cecil Cobb and Hill Home,
mid girls,
s. E. Rip Van winkle
Mark SOW boy.
Tucker, dude.
in its first session,
such demands for admission
that there is need of larger
The principal is making a
canvass for help toward
the and he bears
strong endowment of his
and the he is doing.
The docs job work.
of who was indict- t, the prominent
ed as an after the fact. after a fight
was sentenced to the a the recording of;
a the case in court, has caused,
the story to he bruited . and Brown
special to The Mrs. Patterson is Buffering bad
Journal of the. bruises on the face a crushed RU c chap.
17th Consternation in toe, which, it is allege J, her
he ranks of most inhuman aw
prominent citizens is felt today weighs more than MO
over the arrest of Horace J. deliberately stamped upon in ad amusing.
Miller, a wealthy and well known attack. There were quite a number
lawyer of this city, who is ac- ; who did not mask,
of inhumanly attacking Our you,, you.
Mrs. J. Lindsay Patterson, of come.
D. C.
Here to the land of th-I.-mg Leaf
The land i. cake and the I ml of wine.
Where get Impatient trams
are late,
Here's to Home he
North State.
Here's the land express.
i North am mil
i sold not
In the -f the OM
to the land of many
Where men drink doom
m I dear b.
l of the Old
Norm Stale.
We for pins
In the of th I
w h re M nines d tillers mat ,
In f the Dry the
To l
i to the no longer they'll
V III ,., . .
mail order house we sen for
our . , .
Ch sweat Joy to relate
We'll mill. boo-e, in the Old
Si me of tho were
Dr. H. O Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Berths Jan,
,; and Kb, Monday and Tuesday,
tho treating
diseases of the c.
throat fitting u
desiring to I will
be charged no fee antes terms
are agreed on.

with a full line of Christ-
mas Novelties. We have
something appropriate
for every person. You
cannot find a better place
to get just the right thing
for everyone.
Come and L
at our holiday goods, they
have the merit the will
please you. For the right
presents, for the right per-
son, at the right prices,
Come right to us.
Everything New and Modern
by In experienced druggist, using only NEW
A full line of Fine Stationery. Toilet Supplies,
Tobaccos, and handled by
A First Class Drug Store
Cut Glass and Holidays and Weddings
We have just received a Hot Soda outfit and are
to furnish Hot Chocolate and other
Hot Drinks S I S
-11 . I
is almost here mi is the time
to do shopping
and amid the rush
Norfolk Cotton Peanuts wired
W. Perry Co. Factors.
Low M 3-h
cay Prime 1-4
Low Grades
J. K- J
Wired Cobb Bros Co. Bankers
j Broker. Norfolk.
i Inn.
I May
i Dec
I Corn
Lard It
Co ton Mai
When you have baggage to
to trains phone No.
AH the new things in
belts. Pulley Bowen.
stock of children's hear
skin coats in white, red. rose
arid green. B reduction in
Subscribe for The Reflector.
Our Greenville, yours if you
Big line of white woolen
blankets. and at
Pulley Bowen's.
A big assortment of tooth
brushes, tooth powders and
mouth washes at Coward
Wooten's. H
Cord all colors, for
cents a box. yards to
box. Pulley Bowen. j
Can there be anything more j
disagreeable than rough chapped j
skin cream is
guaranteed for it at Coward
Wooten's. ft
See our line of pillow top,
handkerchiefs. Pulley Bowen.
Carving sets, percolators and
razors Atkins
Liberal meal exchanges will be
. made for cotton seed during the
Pitt County Oil Co.
Winterville, N. C.
of just
to, and of other Christmas
to two interest to inspect stock
line, Groceries
as well of
we aft strong
m the We carry Disc
in fact
and for and
to fence the farm. J
Get Ground in Greenville
I on sidings for sale
Terms to suit
Arthur, Greenville, N. C.
Central Mercantile
Car Load of Furniture
e given away
Thursday, Dec. 1909, absolutely FREE
duplicate numbers will be put In a box securely, y The person the 2nd number drawn out will re-
Be sure and as, tor your in the
TAKE NOTICE No one connected in anyway with C. T. s store w.
Look for the Big RED SIGN.
Couches, Side Boards,
China Closets,
nation Cases, Writing
Desks, Chairs, Parlor
Suits, Art Squares, Rugs,
Carpets, Mattings and
anything suitable for a
Christmas gift in high-
grade Furniture.
You Will Save Time and
by visiting our two
most up-to-date line of
Greenville. Our 3-piece IRON
with the sleep-easy springs would add
Christmas cheer to your bed room.
see each one of our friends
and customers soon, we are. yours for
Lace. Dutch and coat collar M
all prices, at Pulley
If you want a nice trunk or a
dress suit case b to sec our i
line. Pulley Bowen. .
Furnished room. Can also
take a few boarders. Apply W.
care Reflector.
candies at Coward
Opera House
i. S.
The Norfolk Southern Railway will sell ex-
low round trip excursion fares between
points on its lines, December 18,20,2.1,22,
and 31st. also January I. x
Be sure to see our line f w t 1910.
men's shoes in all leathers, at j information from ticket agent or
Longs. Impersonations,
Trios, Chalk- Talk, Sketches. , add
An Evening of Rare Entertainment;
Seat sale at Book Store.,
Tuesday for subscribers, Wednesday
for the public.
and Pulley Bowen.
See our line of men and boy's
ck ear for
Pulley k Bowen.
Call by the Candy Kitchen and
get some of the nice fruits and
fresh made candies. j
for ladies and
men, in black and tan.
Pulley Bowen.
candies in all size
boxes and baskets, for Christmas j have no mote to cross
at J. M. or no more to bear, for
Car load ninety day seed oats
just arrived, see us before buy-
Beautiful line of imported
silver mesh purses, for ladies
children. Pulley Bowen.
G. P. A.
Norfolk, Virginia.
Let Us Decorate Your
Wells Browne
Greenville, N. C.
Dealer in Wall Paper
The boys, and girls too. will
I. want fire works for Christmas. Mai. orders given
V. e have a full line of all kinds- attention. Interior Painting; K
J- M. Co. a specialty. Year of experience has ;
a M km taught us to do in all
See our line of old ivory
brae. It makes handsome
Christmas present J. R- .-.
What is nicer for him than a Ladies Gents Tailor,
dollar bx of Henry George. N. C
Get them at and Dry
Christmas Holiday Rates
Via Atlantic Coast
On sale 21.22, .
i t leave destination not later than ml
I Tickets on sale to stations east of the and
South of the
For further address nearest, ticket agent,
W. I. P. T. M. T. C. WHITE. . P. A.
r no charges
Our stock of misses,. of
children's hosiery is com-shop.
We can fit
in every line, we . i R, nature
from the smallest to the More the interior than
pulley Bowen
With the most versatile pianists, could not
possibly bring you more enjoyment than you.
yourself could derive from either
Player Pub,
The Br.
and this, possible with the veriest with-
out your knowing one note from another.
We W b is
Teak and is Now
Enthusiastic is its Praise.
Pleasant. is all
you claim for it. Mrs,
M. E. this place.
was a peat tor year and
was very weak, but learned Car-
and decided to try it
I-, when
very I
and now
u p-
Is worth Us weight in gold. I
recommend H for young and
Being exclusively of harm-
less vegetable ingredients, with a
medicinal action,
e best medicine for weak, sick
and women. ,
has no harsh, powerful,
action, like some of the strong
minerals and drugs, but helps nature to
perform a cure in a natural easy way.
d, nature shows. f- .
we will sell at auction, to the
Over choice residence
Tea U business lots.
A Number of Lots Given Free
A CHOICE LOT, some valuable prizes in COLD and
a BAG OF SILVER, GIVEN AWAY, to every lady.
Come to Vanceboro
Saturday. December 8th, and see the two
sell a lot a minute.
The National Real Estate Auction Co.
Running repairs to all kind of
Steam fittings, erecting Engines.
Tobacco machinery, all systems a
Agent Machinery
Electrical novelties. Give us a trial.
All work guaranteed and
maST Message left at H. L. Carr's
will receive prompt attention, or phone
Scrub you daily, you ore not
clean inside, moans clean atom-
bowels, liver; fl-
tissue in every
Rocky Mountain Tea,
J. W. WINDHAM, Manager.
And House Furnishing Goods
For Cash or on Installments.
Urge Stock
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions, y
New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
I .
I keep the schooner
at the wharf and run another Wat tr.
weekly, bringing fresh oysters. When
you oysters that arc
fresh always
SI cents Mr quart.
Cleanliness is first law of
inside well as outside. Let
Beak Mountain Tea be
internal then your
will be pure aid clean, heath
Our Greenville, yours if you
We keep all kinds of col at dry
wood. Can furnish yon at any for i
your stove, SUN.
keep steam aid Give
us your orders.
C. W. Harvey Co J
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in main business sec-
of the town- Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided by a skilled barber.
Our place inviting,
sharp. Our clean.
machine for
dry shampoo and La-
dies waited on at their hornet.

hip to South Amen -a like lie
did not mean to take much talk-
back from
unit mi
Six Month
Single Copy
Send tome remembrance to
11.00; the absent ones tins Christina,
even if it should be a good
post card.
rate may be ha I upon
t the business office in The
Reflector corner Evans and
in the post office at Greenville
N. C-. mail matter.
While Baxter had
friends importuning the govern-
or for a pardon, he skipped out
and forfeited his bond.
had years of newspaper work. Commander Peary is said
experience, and we are sure he to be getting great comfort from
mil keep The up to the
high -standard its former editor
tins advance statement.
After advising the people to
mail their Christmas package
A bill is pending in in order to lighten the
to change the date of the
inauguration from the
4th of March to the last Thurs-
day April. statement
burden on postal the
head of the department up and
says to write -m the package
to be opened until Christ-
Be of the holes that
Bath tub murders are
the fad.
are cut, too,
or soon will be.
On the
home stretch for
of the fellows who got off
the fake about Or- Cook hiring
him to write his North Pole re-
port, has admitted that he lied.
If you are not using this pretty
weather in which to make your
purchases, you may
have to take what conies later
that President Taft favors this i will subject it to first-
change and is working quietly class postage. Somebody con-
for it, may increase the chance with the de-
of the bill passing. I must take the public
for easy marks.
Then are even school teachers
ought to know in Mr. C. who has for
Pitt county who send articles been connected with the
publication in The Reflector, Seaboard Air Line railroad and
and fail to sign their names. present district passenger
All communications agent with headquarters Hal
tight has tendered his
their way to the waste basket,
as nothing is printed unless we
know who sends it.
King Leopold, the aged ruler
of Belgium, died Thursday.
Do not let your Christmas ex-
soar too high.
If they had only held that
divorce suit back until
after Christmas.
If Dr. Gk was really faking
he certainly made a good job of I
it. All the same we believe
Cook found as much of the
Pole as Peary did-
Santa Clans will have a
range from which to select
vehicle to come in this time, as
he can choose all the way from
a sled to an airship.
The New Bern came out
Monday with an industrial
of pages. It was a line
paper, and full of New Bern and
her enterprises from to last
. , page. The Sun is less than
wide, , .
,. i three years old, but one of the
vigorous youngsters among
the State
Tea, if Tea Get the Heat Vote, in
That is the question now, who
will get the piano The
is gent to give for a Christmas
present Too soon for an ans-
yet. but in two more days
the will be done and the
question answered. And some-
body is going to be happy, very
happy, over the of a
beautiful, sweet toned, Boudoir
piano, a perfect gem among
musical instruments.
Yesterday and today some of
the candidates did great hustling,
and got votes for themselves by
the thousand. Their friends
out helping them, too, and
this increased the vote getting.
The same thing will go on to-
morrow and until noon Friday,
for as end of the contest
gets closer the interest and
increases. Even the
dates are not taking time to stop
and count votes now, but are
to become effective
1st., and will take a position .,
with the Georgia Florida every minute to get more
road and change his votes. The counting will be
Freight, express and mail will
all be burden-, d this week carry-
Make your own Christmas
happy by carrying happiness to
. . .
expelled Iron Trinity College on
the charge of basin
the right way to put a check
such conduct.
Be careful how you order
when you pick up a bill of fare.
They come on the high class now.
People are already getting
pleasure out of the preparation
they are making for Christmas.
The Greensboro News some-
. gets mixed upon its
students were recently ,
tares, as well us some other
If it had not
J. Green in the same
issue he might have cause of
action for puling picture
With stores in Charlotte and M
for that price
been paid at two
sales, real estate in the
must be worth something.
The Charlotte Observer's the Charlotte New.
Christmas edition, issued This certainly indicate, a most
Sunday, contained pages of NM
matter. The newspapers of the
j always marches at the Caldwell. like husband,
of the newspaper procession. accomplished
land brilliant writer.
Haven't you a friend living
deuce to Savannah. In his go-
North Carolina loses a
mighty good man.
The Henderson Gold Leaf is
twenty eight years old. and has
been all the time under the
guidance of Thad Manning, its
founder. The anniversary event
was celebrated lust week with a
handsome illustrated edition
that shows what the Gold Leaf
has helped Henderson to do.
Thad Manning and his paper are
entitled to everything good at
the hands of the people of his
town for w horn he has labored so
done by the committee Friday
afternoon and decide who has
the most votes.
Everybody keep at work to
the close.
The wife of the editor of the
Observer has taken a
Just now pocket books are
getting like the
than at any other time of the elsewhere, a former Pitt
The Saturday Evening
With Patten out of it. wonder
who is getting the comer on
wheat this time to make it go so
To the little folks Christmas
yet seems a long way off, but to
the older ones it comes very
Some of the papers want to
know a man is
With many of them it will be
who would be glad to of Charlotte came out Sat-
The Reflector through the with a handsome 2-page
coming year Send it as a Christmas edition that was a
Christmas present, The Enter-
. prise and Courier
, i also had colored cover Christmas
if The Reflector man has
, , ,, editions last week that were
not already begun to feel good for
. . . attractive. North Caro-
Christmas. A pair of turkeys, . ,
i papers are covering them-
an old ham. a of cigars, and-.
. . selves with credit this season,
some other things that have I
come our way, are calculated to
bring that feeling.
To send i to those from
whom you expect in re-
turn is the best way to enjoy
The Washington Daily News
came out Tuesday a hand-
holiday edition of pages
with colored cover. We have
been knowing Washington pa-
for a great years, and
The News is the best the town
has had. It is yet a young pa-
per so far as age goes, but has
been putting in work like a vet-
for the ad-
of its town and sec-
The agricultural resources of
the country, even though the
area of cultivable laud has near-
reached its limit, may be
easily doubled, perhaps trebled,
by scientific cultivation. Pro-
per drainage will render mil-
lions of acres highly productive
on the one hand, and irrigation
At Central Mercantile C. for
For the last three days Dec
we will give you two
votes for every penny you spend
in the great piano contest. You
had better take advantage of our
special offer. Remember who
ever this prize it will be the
same as getting cash and it
is worth your while to work
it. There will be no. votes
received after p. m- Monday
Dec. 27th. when we will turn the
ballot box over to three disinter-
parties who will count the
votes and decide who the winner
Thanking you for past
patronage and soliciting a
of same. e extend our
best wishes for s happy Christ-
mas and prosperous New Year.
Central Mercantile Co,
Don't Mind
Of all the occupations known to
men, entertaining a prejudice is
the most absurd. Yet the practice
is almost universal.
The prejudice is usually
ed. He comes in quietly, removes
his hat and coat, saunters up to the
guest chamber and prepares to be-
come a permanent feature of the
establishment. You entertain him
royally, strain him to your bosom,
exhibit him proudly to every one,
for him, defend him and per-
him. Yet you do not even
admit that he is present. enter-
a you say, with
becoming concern.
Birds of n feather flock together.
It therefore happens that if there
is one prejudice present there are
also others. They always come in
unawares and take their places
and unobtrusively. But, oh,
how they hang together in
A of prejudices is
They have never been beaten.
The strange part of prejudices is
that one would think they would
prefer more commodious quarters.
Hut. no; the narrower the mind the
more content they arc. They don't;
mind close quarters. The closer the
better. J
Prejudices arc always busy. If
they are not tampering with one's
they are screening the
mind from the
blinds on and making it dark
enough to sleep in comfortably.
A man can get insured against
anything else hut prejudices.
lie can insure himself against fire
and water and loss of life and
dents and depreciation in his prop-
But there is no company so
fortified that it would take the risk
of insuring against prejudice. And,
then, no man would ever think of
taking out any insurance against
one. because he would never admit
ho had it. The prejudice him-
self fixes that. The first thing he
docs is to make the man think he
isn't there.
That is why prejudices, no mat-
how much damage they cause
to character, are never evicted.
They have come to
L. in
j The consistory of the
; of have com-
the examination f. Dr
Carrie Nation is in Washing- report discredit hi
ton using her hatchet, but the
Greensboro News that one
thing there she will not tackle
is Joe. Don't be too
of that if he gives a
good chance.
The State legislature adopted
electrocution in place of hang-
but stockings will continue
to be hung,
. i
If battleships
keep on running aground and
getting in collisions, he will
have to build more-
Those who did their shopping
early have more of that
factory feeling of a readiness
for Christmas than the late
buyers enjoy.
A few subscribers have
us that they did not
their copy of the anniversary-
holiday number issued on the
10th. If there are other
who failed to get it, and
will drop us a postal card to that
effect, a copy will be sent them,
as we yet have a few left.
claim to having discovered
the North Pole. Now the same
examining board ought to be
given a chance at Commander
Peary's report. We doubt if
they would anything more
Nearly a Million Dalian Warm Five
Secretary E. B. Furgerson, of
the Greenville Tobacco Board cf
Trade, gives us the following
figures of tobacco sales on the
For the month of December
1,448.742 pounds for
an average of per hundred.
For the five months beginning
and dry farming will bring 1st, 10,302.706 pounds
profitable cultivation a good I
many more mill-one that are
now barren and of little
By skillful crop
rotation and the adoption of
scientific methods of tillage,
much of the apparently exhaust-
ed lands of the older States may
again be made as fertile as a
new Western prairie. The
steady rise in the price of food
shows the imperative need for
more scientific and more
for an average of
This is selling tobacco some,
and there is a good bit yet to soil
on this market in the remaining
months of the season after
Just Man.
Mr. who had been
slightly injured in a railway col-
on a trip away from
home, found it necessary to make a
stop of a day or two to rest re-
pair damages. He was not much
disabled, however, and he wrote a
letter to his wife, telling her of the
accident and assuring her that he
was all right and that she need not
have a moment's uneasiness about
When he had posted the letter
an idea struck him. and he sent her
the following
been hurt In railroad accident.
on inc way. explain.
Two days afterward he received
this dispatch from
Why on did you that
His reply
I It to prepare you tho
A Queer Question.
Small Humid U
that funny looking bird, papal Papa
That is a bald eagle. Small
lone does an eagle
to be married In-fore be get bald,
Notice of Land Sale
North Carolina, I
Pitt County I
By of a power of sale con
in a certain mortgage deed
They say that much money is
being sent away for whiskey.
That may be true, but it is
like the amount that would
be spent for it if the purchaser
only had to step into the door of
a or dispensary to get it.
The papers have contained ac-
counts of many large corn yields
per acre this season, and no
doubt a large number of farmers
will try for much larger yields
next year than the few bushels
they have been raising.
Another disastrous wreck
occurred on the Southern Rail-
way, Wednesday morning, be-
tween and Greensboro.
A rail caused two coaches
and two sleepers to over and
fall off a trestle. Ten persons
were killed and a number of
others injured. Two officers of
the company and a Pullman
conductor were among the killed.
The statement is given out
from a partial examination of
Dr. Cook's report by the
of Copenhagen, that the
A. F. Johnson has purchased committee does not find
the Louisburg Times, the paper evidence to establish his
o long and ably edited by the claim of discovered the
late J. A. Thomas. Mr. John- North Pole. The examining
son is a Pitt county boy who has committee has not concluded
more Sum-
farming. Philadelphia wife, Lucretia
Bulletin. J 22nd
Says The Durham
the members of the
union demand a ten per cent,
reduction on all they buy from
the merchants they should show
that they mean to be fair about
it by making a like reduction in
the price of wood, chickens, eggs
and the We agree with
The Herald that the farmers
should be willing to tote fair in
giving receiving reductions.
Charlotte Observer,
Looking One's Best
It's a woman's delight to look bar
beat but skin eruptions,
and rob Ufa of joy. Listen
Salve them; make
akin and It the
pimples, ore eye, cod
cracked up, chapped hand.
for piles. Kc at all
to G. and J. J. Dixon on the 22nd
day of December, duly re-
in the Register's office in Pitt
county in book M-7 page tit
mortgagee will on Saturday,
the 22nd day of January, 1910 at
o'clock noon expos to public sale be-
fore the court door in Greenville,
to the bidder for the fol-
lowing described tract or parcel of
land, to ,
and being in Creak
township, county North Carolina,
adjoining the lands of Wiley Causey.
Archibald Dudley and others and be-
ginning at a stake corner and
run north w poles to a stake.
thence t S to a
thence north east
to a then pol to
thence wt
then south east poles to a
then south wet W pole to s
line, then with said line to th begin-
containing acre or
and being th tract or parcel of
land in th mortgage deed
above I to. .
sale will b made to th
terms of mortgage deed.
22nd of December, 1909.
G. Dixon, Mortgagee.
By F. C. Harding.
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it
. away
taking Dr SOP
I got bad I h
I began
Subscribe to the Reflector.
benefit y
Miles Medical Co Ind
. i
Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rate furnished
Wanted to buy this week in Kinston with
of field peas by J- R. Smith Co.
t-as accented a position with
Ayden Lumber Co. and occupies
No w is a good time to advertise I the Johnson residence.
See our new dress goods Mrs. J. H. Newsome and son,
and before n m
J. R. Smith
your fall purchases.
School books, and
at J. R. Is J Co.
Dinner baskets, pencil boxes,
slates, ink It
J. R. Smith Co.
Cook stoves, heaters and
repair.- at J. R. Smith Co.
patterns and magazines
at J. R Smith Co.
Rubber, and corrugated roofing
R. Smith Co.
To the Merchants When you
want an extra grade of groceries
on W. E- Tingle.
Car salt fine or course at J. R.
Smith Co.
If you want to insure
property against fire, Tingle will
do it.
and rubber belting
pipe fitting valves at J. R.
Smith Co.
If you have property to
sell, Tingle will sell it.
Galvanized nice to attach
to your pumps for your water
shelf at J. R. Smith Co.
Windows, doors, lime, cement,
hardware, locks, hinges at J. R
Smith Co.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. R. Smith Co. A; Dixon.
We will pay the highest mar-
price for bushels of
cotton seed delivered to us in
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
Smith Co. A Dixon.
An experienced blacksmith is
waiting to shoe your horses and
mules at J. R. Smith Co A Dixon.
Will gin your cotton for one
twentieth pound, and give you
the bagging and ties, bring us
your cotton. J. R. Smith Co
R. W. Smith.
Miss Moore lectured here in
the Free Will Baptist
Will repair your carts,
and buggies or sell you new ones.
J. R. smith Co. Dixon.
The machine has arrived and
installed labor began on the
artesian well morning at
hall-past eight. Everybody was
was out and see it.
Nice turned work, buckets,
window and door frames made
on short notice by J. R. Smith
Co- Dixon.
We never saw cotton seed
selling as high as at present.
There were bales of cotton
hauled here today from Ridge
Spring purchased by
Co. Greenville.
Call on us for flooring
We guarantee
Prof. W. H. Cale
services at the Baptist church
Wednesday night.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Unloading a car of lime. J.
R. Smith Co.
It looks like fall of the
to see so many hauling seed and
seed cotton to and from our system
We were phased to have a i all
from Walter Barfield Thursday.
is the man who
first built up that portion of our
town called South Ayden, and
made it so prominent.
Merry Christmas is near at
hand. The little girl with her
doll, the small boy with horn and
cap pistol, seem to be enjoying
the approach of the happy event.
J. R. Smith Co. have a nice
stock of community silverware
for Christmas and bridal
Mrs. W. F.
Hart is
C. A.
At the Close of Business Nov. 1909.
Loans and discounts
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur.
bank and other
U. Notes
I Liabilities
j Capital stock 26,000.00
Surplus fund 12,600.00
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 1,457.49
Dividends unpaid 48.00
Deposits sub. to check 69,689.99
Cashier's checKs
Savings deposits
J ft. Smith, of the named bank, do solemnly war
the above i. true to the beat of my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn to
before this 19th day Nov-
ember, 1909.
Notary Public.
We are prepared to yon
House and Kitchen Furniture
t the very prices. Cask or Installment.
Come to see us and we will convince you
of Lucama, are visiting
Faulkner, of Greene;
county, is moving to Ayden.
I The Christian Sunday school
will have a Christmas tree.
Miss Mary of
ford who has been visiting
Olivia Berry, returned home.
Rev. Marvin Ormond arrived
Monday to spend Christmas
with bis relatives and friend.
He will then resume his studies
at Vanderbilt University, Ten-
Prof. of Atlantic
Christian College,
ed over the music at the Chris-
church here last Sunday.
A- W. Ange, of Winterville,
spent Sunday in Ayden.
Our artesian well is taking on
depth all the while and is quite
a curiosity to the pedestrians.
Smith made a business
trip to Hookerton Monday.
W- L. was
hands with his many friends
here Monday.
The closed Tues-
day for the holidays.
Joel of Grifton, was
on our cotton market Monday.
J. W. Glenn has moved to the
Smith residence, adjacent to
Winfield park.
Postmaster G. W. Prescott
tells us he issued money
orders Monday and the number
is still increasing,
Mrs Stancill Hodges left Sat-
to spend the
her parents at Burk Station
beautiful line of silver ware
for holiday presents, also toys
and for Christ
mas at J. R. Smith Go's.
J. B. Booth left Saturday
morning for his home in Oxford.
He will return after the holidays.
J. J. Gentry left Saturday for
his home in
Prof. W. H. Cale will leave
Wednesday to spend a few days
in Roxboro, visiting his brother
who is sick.
Miss Clara Forrest
to be present st the marriage of
her brother, Forrest, to
Miss Selma Hardy near Hugo.
N. C. Dec 22.-
had a joint debate at
Smith's school house Friday
night. The query was solved,
Which is the most beneficial to
mankind, love or Mark
Smith and Leslie Smith, of our
town, were on the and
R. L. Joyner, Jr. and
Field, of on the
The negative won by two
to one.
Rev. G. Crumpler came
came down from Wilson Saturday
night and preached very good
sermons Sunday morning and
night and left for Washington
Monday morning.
We had a very good Sunday
school Sunday morning.
It had been previously
and agreed that the
offering on that day go to help
tho poor and we realized eight
dollars and thirty cents, and
drew on the treasurer for seven
dollars, making fifteen dollars
and thirty cents for that purpose.
Tho Sunday school expects to
have a Christmas tree, on next
Friday night.
N. C. Dec.
Henry Langston came in from
WaKe Forest u spend
the holidays with his parents.
Miss Laura Jones, of Ayden,
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with the Misses
Arden Manning, who has been
in Florida for some time, came
home last week. Ask him how
he likes to pick orange.
Mrs. Chas. and Miss
went to Bethel
and Rosalie
visited relatives near Greenville
S. A. Kittrell. of Charleston,
was here Friday.
is on the sick
H. L. Hook, of Goldsboro. was
here Sunday.
Miss Kittrell went to
Winterville Friday and returned
Sunday afternoon.
Miss went to
Snow Hill Friday.
R L- Abbott, of Winterville.
spent Sunday afternoon at E. D.
Miss Mary Holton came in from
Atlantic Christian College
day afternoon to spend the
holidays with her mother.
Several farmers in this section
are preparing to sow wheat
Versatility and Cleverness a
Shrewd Scotch Lad.
He Poured Mia
In Profusion to Supply
th Demand and Was Ex-
posed by Simple Little Slip.
Royce Tucker and Ames Brown
are home from the University to
spend the holidays.
Wiley J. Brown came home
Tuesday from Trinity College to
spend the holidays.
Mrs. B. E. Parham and child-
left Tuesday for Durham to
spend the holidays-
Mrs. M. Washington,
who had been visiting her moth-
Mrs. Mary Foley, returned
home Tuesday evening.
Alone in Saw Mill at Mid night
unmindful of dampness drafts, storms
or cold. W. J. Atkins work I a night
watchman, at Banner Springs,
Such exposure gave him a severe cold
that settled on his fang. At last he
had to give up work. He tried many
but ah f till he used Dr
King's New Discovery. us
one he writes, wont luck
to work as well as Severe colds,
stubborn inflamed throats and
sore hemorrhages, croup and
oping cough get quick relief ad
prompt cure from this glorious
cine. He and ft. Trial free.
by all druggists.
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, Carolina.
A North Poet.
E. whom many
believe to be the greatest
poet this country has produced,
is a visitor in Raleigh. He has
been in this State about four
weeks, studying the condition of
the colored people in North Caro-
hoping to put the real
condition of his people before
the North, as it has not been put
before. prosperity of the
in the South and his
to the Caucasian has been
exaggerated or put forth in an
erroneous said the
last night. is a need of
his real state being placed before
the Northern public fail to
know his true condition. I may
give a recital in this city, as many
friends have requested me to do
so. The Philadelphia Public
Ledger, in an article on
verse, is not perhaps
too much to say that no verse of
equal quality has been written
by any member of the race
Paul Lawrence Dunbar has at
traded the attention of the
literary world. writes
both in English and dialect
While he is good in both there
is a simplicity and tenderness of
expression in the latter form
that is peculiarly
was born in Greensboro.
News Observer.
We wish to call your attention to new line of fall good which
-we now have. We have taken great care In buying this year and we .
Oyster Late
Lace, and and in fact anything that is carried tea J J
Dry Good Store. I Fresh Oysters
Come let us you. Coming Every Day
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C. c. Yo. Tr-a.
In Your Homes to Stay
Th Joy for croup and
fail and the Goo; Grease
Liniment for and ache
and pair, highly rat ed all over t
land by old.
Sold by Hoy Pharmacy.
N. C. and manufactured by
Greensboro, N. C.
tin- day of
who letter of the bishops at
Horn with and mum that
were treasured fur in
to the Of
la forger of
play and letters,
clever sad m fated boy
who miserably his mile-, there
have never been wanting
nun who could forge
so leading experts
have been deceived.
none f forger of past
approach tint of u
young who ago
dared u king of forged man
which completely battled lb
connoisseur of the world. The line
and full story of these remarkable
is almost unknown and is c
It may well be told
forger practiced his arts.
and i; by accident be era
tempted embark on u career which.
liter spell great success. Involved
him disaster. On day the
of of lawyers
old one of his clerks to clear out
boxes full of old document, the
of many years.
were several document and
lb value of the clerk
was quick be had no
difficulty Boding for
them. Ah supply was limited
the demand constantly Increasing
occurred to him to gen
document with others of i
own manufacture, and as be
a remarkable la bad
already won the of n large
number of collectors be found ii easy
to dispose of as many as .
could produce at very profitable
of were sold collect is
iii parts of the world, others
were disposed of by auction, and the
remainder were pawned and
unredeemed pledge.
covered a wide range and
ed autograph and letters by
well, Mary. of Boots; James
Prime Charlie, John Roy,
Hums. Scott, dull
bury. Gladstone. Lord Nelson
many other men of Dot as well as
vast of Jacobite
So cleverly were the
that largest purchaser of
Scott's letters was a gentleman who
as a boy had carried moat f great
author's manuscripts from
to his Edinburgh publishers and was
us familiar
as his own. and the head of the
that published Lord work
purchased letters
be Lord s for sum
A very large ion of
these was purchased for
a sum of over and to
the library. New York, where
were some time regarded with
reverence us the chief treasure of
library, and another was
presented to the city of Edinburgh.
Although these forgeries were pour-
ed the market such profusion, no
suspicion seems to have been aroused
They were accepted Without quest ion
by the and found ready
chaser at large prices. Whether
forger's success mode him careless or
Whether It was due to one of those re
oversights to which the most
criminals teem liable
which bring their career to n close, the
forger last exposed through
mistake pf which such a clever man
should scarcely have capable.
the many be pro
a signed by Robert Burn.
It was called Poor Man's
and with tills
the Important toll, of state.
The In th patriotic
thy voice expect
And keen lance extend from
to pole.
This poem, which consisted of nine-
teen verses, might well have
detection with the rest for tin-
fact that a gentleman to whom the
poem shown discovered the
verses In the London
of In a poem addressed to the
Karl of Chatham by one
It that If verse
were actually written by Burns th.
the pseudonym of Simon
very Immature age of a of
year. once
was one the hundreds
other documents which had
from the same source. The col
was submitted to the experts
of the British pronounced
worthless lot col
all the world over to the
painful discovery that their treasures
of old were worth
the paper they were written on. The
forger's career was brought to a
den He w brought up
for trial and sentenced to a term of
thus closing a career
forgery for daring, cleverness
end has never bee
fork Press.
Great ere a shade than
Has a and Lift.
Grandma Sanderson it a wonderful
She i in a good health to-
a ever in her life, although
g over one hundred years old.
In a letter to toe rerun Drug
she gives the credit to
for her excellent health
old Read what i
Sorely tho evidence presented
case as these ought not only to
prejudice against but
confidence in it
will send yea a picture that
-ken a few week my
am a true of the
Company. I have derived great
-it from many to;. I
say I regard a very peat
I found the U a
many years age.
little more than two years ago I
contacted a very severe cold,
in la Owing to UtA
severity of and ca.-
age. my w to
to very I no
tor, but was tea remedy J
Best, and to-day my health u U
-.- it ever w-a in my life.
However, I to
is an c.
It is a cf
I that has been known to
tonic by
off cad invigorating UM mow
brass why
become so .
remedy. Catarrh sin;
into healthful vigor.
end would not deprived
People to liquid
Ask your Druggist for a
One Dead in
On out in the c
f the known ts
Emma Mom e were burned, e
of them fatally and the other so
seriously death will likely
result. The woman, who cooks
for Policemen W. H.
was at his home preparing din-
and had left her three
the older one
to be in charge of the two
smaller ones. Tue older child
grew tired of caring for tho
other children ard home.
Parties heard screams in
the colored woman's house aid
went in to learn the
They found one of the children,
aged three years, burned to a
crisp and the cradle
the baby in a If the
discovery had been a little later
the house would have been
Rich Men's Gilts are Poor
beside want to go on
a saying that regard Electric
as one of the gifts that God
has made to woman. Writes Mr. O.
vault, of Vestal If. Y.,
can forget what it has done
for This glorious
a woman vigor of body
health. It quickly torts
nervousness sleeplessness,
n and
soon up the ailing and
Try them. at all
la burl ml
o. saw ti r, D u,.
S. T--k f, i. G

i i , m
By the contained
.,,. in a .-red on the .-ah
Warnings by K. L. Hill
tax no D. B a Hill
Can to
The ed will
.- .
a thin,
red. I sin I'm.- full
,, d. . i-r.-g
p ins and heavy.
Mara and acute, of k
you of the
and Bright
U i- n's Pd's
pro f in
treat, and own as the tea
form op. by Hit
The and property
as e
1- mealed on tile north . of the
Norfolk Southern Railway, and on
the mat side of A. C. L
the said If
on n Bid on
the the being the
, piece of pr b
. . i Hill son U r t . of ten
Washington and ,. of the Nor-
. K o y Mount, N C . By. C. and identified
K prove, m ray ; . . of the
to . e a v I a I
kid- j
p Mere i.-
Um of a nearby
remedy f. r kid- i by a certain
l no hesitation i., print m.-p which is in cc a i art of
in recommending U n in mm on
tn-s used On re of lo-
them for backache and a gated lea
frees tea i ant
tin v p. t me prompt j lUng MM
now U-d in-
Co. and cps rated by the Md
New Tori
St to.
By virtue of a rower of contain-
ed in a certain mortgage d
by H. A. Boyd and wile,
to H H- Praetor on the day
January, and in the
in in
in- 3rd of
at i. o'clock expose to ale
b -fore the court house door in Green-
e. to the bidder
the follow g or of d to
Lying and being in the county of
of North av
i e the lands of Grimes
m the lands of J. R Peyton.
J. J Mrs.
Fannie C and
known as Mm Major Jordan tract of
e- acres more or less
the land to H. A.
by J R. Peyton. is to
be made o the debt s by
said mortgage.
Tin- 1-t day of r.
H. H.
F. C. Harding. M
for United
Ba ; i r I ii
a e no Other.
Dean's -and
. . s trust, e, for the
i in the town of
r th our of your
pr. at the of her
Dr. Skinner
on the evening of Wednesday.
the w
at o'clock
S th
VI sell tor av no . . -.-----, j--
Is . . before the begin U M acres
Mk in N. C. or lea-, a the pine.-
prop r . whereon the
One lot in the i of tire- I now ti satisfy Mid mortgage.
By the power of sale c. n-
d in u eel mortgage deed
by A. E.
S R to J. B. Lit-
on Um th N KM,
and only in tea of
deeds Pitt count;. North Caro-
i. b ck p-8, page MM the -r-
will expose t sac,
f. re the House door in ville,
to the highest . id tat on y, Jan-
a tract or i at-
of la and being in the
of I ill and Sta-e of North
ad s
in the
north Bi ;. of Tar rive- and side of
ere- k,
form n to
Ail- n Baker and
b undid R in tea
run of d e eeK at the h of
lira branch
to the n. lib of a , u i s
ditch 1-i
ea-t tree the road; then
will the r. d no ; 1- t a
pi i ear the load;
hO. t in a to Baker
thence h I MM ti
J. with
line t-a gum in branch,
with Ba in
the down eek to the
beginning, 70-seres more or
lei , so much of
land heretofore b
wife to G. R B, B. and J. J.
a d th- ti upon aid
land J. b
Little and wife to I.
satisfy laid
of Cash.
Thia 9th day Dee r
I i. Mortgagee
e Blow, Attorneys.
ltd Greenville, N. C.
a i r
Terr s- f
j;, s Dec r -9-
ti H. A.
By virtue of a
d iv it. L. and
a d D, B. Johnson wife, to
lanes oath tn. day of
which pa rs. record In the of
the r of of Pitt r y
in E-8 go tin
ill sell for ash at no- n, n
One in t of
situate on th Weal A. c. L.
and if the N. S. Rail-
road near junction of two
r a s. and b i g SB i c leased f om
the N. S. aid the
plant and fixtures
of every kind and net. riot ion,
with the bu used in carrying
business M Johnson.
one other lot in the town of
lie beg at a m the
Bide of Re do ex tided, and
running with Fifth street a westerly
o sixty teat to a stake; theme a
southerly curse said lot one
ind twenty teat to a state,
on Reade street extended, tin a
c with street
the beginning the lot on
the o d plant l. stood.
This December .-
F. G. Jam , Mortgagee.
U ltd
By -if a
and en by B. n. and
wife. It. ft J- G. M . on the
the of January, and re-
. corded in . Z -S page IN. the
of j v. ill tell for th
e door in on
December th follow
ling pie-e O par el of land
in a
sooth of lie,
, lag In of Joseph Se mons and
r. at a tree
on New Bern road and running
P. with read plea to the fork
lead g to Red Hanks; thence with
r. a i to -i stake
at th. c I f barn; thence
to a stake in Joseph
teener will laid Sermons line t
d in a . g- deed
cute, an-, delivered y Eaton
, of toe
church to D. S. on the
and re-
in tie cf of
N. in book
th ex-
yo to e. baton court,
i- r. to the t
ltd-, . at
I; M . a certain tractor of
lard in th; toy If of
and State of North Carolina and.
k to I
near th-.- southern boundary of the town
of and at the
runs a
I course with Laid Exum
thence at
angles feet,
Berth feet to Thirteenth
east with
street about lee; to the
It being the a me let t- said
D. S. a.
wife, to satisfy eked.
Terms cf teal cash.
day of
V. S. th.
F. M. en,
President. Cashier.
This December the 1st 1904
J. R. ft J.
F G. James ft Sin, ltd
Baaing duly before the
Superior of as
or of the estate J. L.
Fleming, n tee is hereby
to all i e-sons to
, to make immediate to
the undersigned; and all having
laid estate will take
notice that thy must present the same
to for payment oner
before the 24th of November. 1910.
or this notice w II be plead in bar of
This day of 1.09.
S. T. White,
of J. L. Fleming.
Sale of Personal Property.
Report of Condition of
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
in the State of N. C. at the close of business, Nov.
Loans and Discounts,
sec. and
All other Stocks, Bonds
and Mortgages.
e and Fixtures,
D. Loans
by virtue of the provision
of a certain power of attorney this
day executed to me by the
Jail whom are of of
deceased, late a citizen of the
county of Pitt, residing in the town of
I will, on Saturday January
15th. 1910, at one o'clock, p. m. in
the town of Bethel, N. C. and in front
of the store of Staton, Mayo,
offer for to highest bidder for
cash, the following described real
Same being that certain
parcel or lot of land lying and being
situate in the county of Pitt. Bethel
township, in the town of Bethel, ad-
joining the lands of B. Carson
and others, the same being a part of
lot No. in the division of the land
which was d to Andrews,
as Begin-
at the center of the first street
running Main street end
on the east aide of Main street on
of Warren Andrews and Maggie
B. Carson, which runs east and west
and runs east with the division
line Andrews and b.
yards thence South parallel
with street seventeen one-
half thence went Derailed with
aid east and division line to
s-i I street seventy yards to the be-
containing by estimation, one
of an acre, be the same more
or leas.
Terms of sale Title
teed. For further information, apply
to undersigned at N. C.
Thai Dec. 18th 1909.
R. G Attorney.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered to B. M. Lewis by C. L.
Barrett and , On the list day of
a- d recorded in the
of the r of Deeds of Pitt
in K- page U-
sell for cash before
i he court house d-or i- Greenville on
Monday 3rd. 1910. a
half undivided Interest in the following
described tract of and.
lying on the tide of k
nil i- the ton's of J C Hum
A. J. Jefferson, W. E Barrett
others, containing on- hundred acres
more or to said mortgage
the 2nd.
B. M. Lewis, Mortgage.
F. G. James Son, Attorney .
C ltd
By of a trust
and d-livered by A. L. Jackson
wife, and B. T. to F. G.
trustee, on December the 4th,
JOGS b deed in trust was duly re-
i of tn of
of Pit-. in book P-8
the sell ca.
before the court hi. door in Green-
ville, on Monday 1910. the
following described real One
in town of Grifton, en south
side of Queen St., known as the A.
store lot. beginning at Kit-
comer. MM hundred feet from
the corner of Pitt fit., then running
north thirty feet to I. E. Jenkins
then west parallel with said
ins line to canal; then thirty
feet with canal to line;
then east with line to the be-
Also one house and lot in
same on which A. L. Jackson and wile
resided, being same to A.
L. Jackson by W. L. in
Sept. 1606, one acre.
Also one half interest in toe lot on
Queen St., known as the dispensary lot,
same conveyed to A. L Jackson and
by J. L. Tucker.
Also one half undivided interest in
stables lot, same owned by J. ft.
Harvey Co. and A. L. Jackson.
Also on other lot on St.,
known the livery stables lot, being
the same deeded to A. I. b . T. Jack-
son by John g thirty feet
on St. and running back one
and eighty feet. Said property
being sold to satisfy said trust.
ltd F. G. James, Trustee.
By virtue of a power of a contain-
ed in a mo deed executed
and delivered by i Mary
Davis, Thomas and
den to C. S. Carr, on the 19th day of
duly recorded in the
register deed- office of Pitt c
Caro ins, in book E
the will ex to public .,.
sale, before the court i. . e door in purchase lies, arming implement
Greenville, to bi on
December at II
o'clock m. u certain tract or parcel of
Kind I and in of
Pitt aids ate of North Carol
lows, to
ho as lot
an-1 occupied by William
deed, an later occupied by Mar
Davis and James wile,
bounded on the north by Motes
residence by
the by the lot
by M. J. Turing- and an the west
By Greene I known th.
Bill lot. containing one I an
acre more or lets, to satisfy
gage died. Terms of sale cash.
This of November, IS
C. S- Ca-r, Mortgagee,
F. M.
Due from Banks
Oath Items
Silver coin, including all
minor coin currency
National k rotes and
other U. S.
The f the
late James L. will i
public sale the naming
home place, on Mo December
27th. , at o'clock a.
m. all of the personal pr of the
late Jame.- L. Heating now situate on
said farm, n
wagons, all kind of farming
some improved
n corn, hay,
hoe , -attic, and all other personal
property of whatever kind owned by the above
the late James L Fleming now
on the Leonidas Fl tract. This
is a good opportunity tor persona to
Bills payable,
Time 28.724.55
sub. I
t, checks
team, . for the coming
This the 27th of November 1909.
T. White. or
L Flem n-, d.
State of North Carolina-County of Pitt,
I C S. Can-. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
statement is true to the of my know edge and belief.
C. S CARR, Cashier.
Subset and sworn to before me,
this 20th day of Nov. 1909.
Notary Public.
By virtue of a r of sale contain-
ed in a certain mortgage deed
and by W. H. Smith and
wife A-la E- Smith to F C. Harding
on 27th day of January
record in the office in Pitt i
in book No. Z H page the
m o.-i
the 15th day of January at IS
Land Sale
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clock of Pitt county as
executor of the last and testament
of Louisa E- J. Little, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons
indebted to estate to make
mediate payment to the undersigned;
and all having claims against
the estate are notified to present the
same to the undersigned for payment
on or before the 16th day of December,
or this notice will he plead in bar
of recovery.
This day of December, 1909.
Joseph executor of E. J
clock, noon, expose to public sale
before before the h use door in
to the highest for
cash the following d id or
parcel of
and being in
, I in the county r-I Pitt and of
By of of the Superior Carolina, adjoining the lanes
court of Pitt county in Special Pro- f the Co.
No. H-Kl. entitled J. It. the lands of
way, W. etas. L lands of Blount
th- and b the tract
W. H. Smith and
no-n, on Kl, h resided during the
1909, the M
of land in I
the of Caleb a will be made to the
in Henry line, now I
of Mill; rut-from . . ,,.
line cf patent Notice to Creditor.
Having administratrix of
thence with said line . . o-,
course to the banging
to ill N. C, this M to all per-
being the same land described in
from to John Galloway, .
March 1874, and recorded In I ft,
Statement of Condition of
at the close of business. November 1809.
Loans and discounts
United States Bonds
Furniture and Fixtures
Cash from Banks 81,853.07
This High-grade stock of Merchandise, consisting of Dry Goods, Tress Goods, Silks,
and Children's Wearing Apparel, Shoes, Mattings, and Furniture
has been thrown on the to be sold, without reserve, regardless of or value by Dec.
Everything offered in this announcement for this
Great Bargain Carnival
is marked at prices that your attention; anything ever
attempted in Greenville.
The Prices Quoted Below
have their real significance only in conjunction the quality of merchandise
offered. The reputation of C. T. and the of merchandise
he carries is well known.
J 1,227.32
Dividends unpaid 83.07
Notes bills 12,000.00
Deposits 141,688.63
Surplus and profits
X-X pace
for partition.
27th day of November,
indebted to said will make
immediate payment.
This Dec. 9th,
F. G. Son. Attorney a,
C. Li Jones, Bertha V.
and Henry Sutton.
J. W. Taylor F. U
Having been empowered as
to make a
action before D. C. Moore, clerk
Superior court, entitled C. L.
Bertha V. Sutton
W. Taylor and F. M.
guardian, I on the Monday and
day in January, for
public to the bidder for
at the court house door, fol-
of An in
in a certain tract of lard in
in common with
C. I. known a the
land, L. V.
Sutton and g 131-8
Ry virtue of the power of sale con- I
in a certain mortgage
and delivered by James j
T. Tyson on the
of May, 1906. and duly recorded in i J
register of deeds office of Pitt county,
North Carolina, in book J-8, ME,
undersigned will expose t public ,
before the court house door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder on.
January 10th, at o'clock m. ;
certain tract or of land j
and being in the county of Pitt and
of N. C., and follows.
Beginning at a and small
oak, the beginning of G. Tyson and
Stanley agreed line ard run-
south a said line to
Branch. George line, then up
a ditch to George and A. J ,
corner, thence along a Una of
trees to knot, a
corner in A. J. line;
north with a line of to the
Greenville and road at an
pin near a tad;
westerly with said road to begin-,
containing about ninety-nine
acre, satisfy said mortgage deed, j
Terms sf sale
Thin 7th day of December, 1909. I
G. T. Mortgagee i
F. M. Wooten, Atty. ltd
Comparative Statement of
November 1907,
November 1909,
not transact
tO L.
If you do
Pi ii i BOWEN
ii Greenville C.
Home of of goods
We have an especially a. resents for men,
suitable for Christmas p.
women and
B. W.
And Provisions
Cotton and
v on
Fresh kept con-
; In stock. Country
Produce and Sold
and P. M.
when in town for
D. W.
N or th Carolina
and House
always co to Van DYKE
New la la Mat ea mi
Do not sell your and hides
and boiler repair wonk any. until you see E. If.
you may need. Shop posit Norfolk Southern
Hotel Bertha. w depot.
Wiley Whitehead, colored, or
gal heirs, is to appear
in Greenville. N. C . on or before Jan-
let , to lay claim to proper-
bequeathed to him in the will of
colored, deceased.
ThU Nov.
J. G.
of Jennie
Get in
Mutual Life
1848. over
fine Coat
tailored at the fAllowing
price .
price 22.60 puce
price price . 19.98
Regular price Vim
Van best colors and stripes,
regular sale price . I
inch white Lawn, regular price 12-
inch white Lawn, regular price
sale price .- .
regular pi ice .
Black Taffeta
price sale
In all durable colors, regular
price If c, sale price.-
Panel k in all the latest shades reg-
price , sale price--------- .-.
Regular price sale price. f
Regular price sale
Regular price Sale price.
Laces, regular price lie, e
price.---- .
and Laces, regular
price G and lie, 1-
In department our price will prove a
veritable revelation to economical buyer.
La e Curtains, regular price
price per pair.---
Lace Curtains, patterns, regular
price, sale price .
Lace Curtains, exclusive patterns,
regular price 12.50, sale price.
Lace Curtains, regular price sale
Bed regular price 82.00,
Bed Spreads, regular price sale
Comforts, sale pries
lot men's Sui's regular price
sale price-------.
lot men's regular price
Bale price.-
lot men's Suits, regular price
Men's Suits regular price and
18.00, sale price.-
l lot Suit, regular price
sale price.--
lot Suits, regular
lot Suits, regular
Bo- S up-to
r. liar price price.
regular 8.00, price
Man's odd Pants, regular I go.
sale price .
Odd Pant , regular
Men's heat Overall sod V rag-
price I
Men's and regular
price BOB, sale
lot Men's Overcoats, regular price
10.00, sale price.-
lot Men's Overcoats, regular price
sale price.
Thursday, Dec. at 2.00 P. M
Every purchase of will entitle you to one ticket coupon. These
coupons will be numbered in duplicate and on Thursday, Dec. at
p. m., the duplicate numbers will put In a box and securely
fastened, and shaken up well by everyone who desires, and four no J
drawn out by some disinterested child. The person holding the 1st
number drawn out will receive in Cold. The person holding
2nd number drawn out will receive I 5.00 Ir. The Person
the 3rd out will receive S I in Gold. The
holding the 4th out will receive In
Be sure and ask for your coupons with every purchase, and save
No one connected any way C. T. S. MS
Furniture and Trunks.
regular price 1.60, -98
Trunks, regular 6.00, sale price
lot solid Wash Stand, regular
price pale price
I lot solid regular price
10.00. sale price
int regular price
Malt in, n price
price . I
lot Matting, regular price sole
price. -23
I solid Oak, regular price
i. S
I . I n rice
i suit, nicely d,
plush hack in I i, ale I 2.98
solid Oak Dr . price
I i ft
; i r .
chairs, Toe, pr.
only . . -49
46.1 ii of furniture n lid i, I ii
Foot, sale price
Ht i
pr-.-. sale price
bi ft
M. hit
. i., t prior
Good Pins, price sale i
for .
Good Thread, regular prim
Good Pearl Buttons, regular price
price W r
. . .
. sale pi-
i, . i P r. . We.
I .- . r b ix
ti . . in
Boat needles, regular paper
Very beat American Calicoes in all
terns. price f. Be, sale price
Yard-wide ting, regular price
sale price . .
Beat Cheeked Homespun. price,
Beat Percales, price it
dress regular price
Best Ginghams,
; rice c. price.
Good apron cheeked Ginghams, regular
I rice Tc, sale 7-S
Best yard-wide Bleaching, regular i
Beat table Linen, regular price sale
price. .
Best i I regular price 1.25,
price. .
Good Towels, regular price
Good buck Is, regular price
sale price .-------- .
Good hues Towels, regular price
Fine Turkish Towels, regular c.
Bale price. .--
all c regular price
, . I tip an
plate toe Shoes. Bale pi I
price 1.60, sale
. M
I pr i ard
lot M Shoes, regular
price SO .
. ii i
i . . . .
I ; price
i; . . . pi 2.25, sale
I , . i r price
Look for
The Big Red Sign
A Square Deal to Everyone
C T.
at the Big
The Big Red Sp

a n r n w
. i
i- i VII
tunnel flee bi the window
anyway, when
,,; I I the h I
l ii
They Usually Trove at a
While on Hare.
, i pout it
ii. mi
FRIDAY, DEC. 1909.
a i
h it I'm t get a
ii t. little elderly
i aboard it
When l there teach
today, I moat gave
coming. Only ii-
with weather, an. tilt
Put I
wouldn't av Halted it.
to the Cornet, end I
I p la twice in a
mi m to the
Her eye wandered to her
throat, and ton
It to one of
i p i,. me tide,
i treed
i j i if you'd I
i to me,
I'm re a didn't
Why, a in l i once,
her ell
. a hr I
. i. too .
. lapped,
I'm to
Why a Trot r
la Animate.
t at Might.
peseta the
of tit th
lain trot gallop en
in He i
a we
. re why It l it ad
fur cavalry to trot . i
in read. The re
rifle, and later over I
of tail baa-
teat, i i lean,
ii p. .
much I
u., non
i Well,
t m
. ;.,; ,
coat Po
time came
n i a train Tor-
Sinter Mid hoped
. in time to
All e
In the t thing you'd
i , . .- n hat on
i hare told
. out, there he
if. . ti
d at I
. . th the
. . t t
ho- to
well. told Set.
bed off her hat, with a like
the and pitched it into
lap, i and And I'm
wit partial ha if I
hate me
-n. horrid
aid. gobbing and working herself
up more
you know might a
tailing them inch a thing Hidden
of r area ah
.,. her ii a fine one, M. r. ., ,.
married a mint
betide, if a ;
trying ht to do
you a neighborly
a horrid threw
at you I
like a i
don't your n.
your arc. but I lee you're
got breeding, and I'd admire to
for ton. but I wouldn't
cut ind for not
if paid me got my
ere. h i to
hi then p.-e H
killing x i
In Mini . I
. ii if a
, ha
Ii great
i law it a v
. f i to i M in
presence of their
Ti-e put to death ; men
few iii
the it
I- III that m b
It. it
la and
b . on
mi In
the Ml i longer et to r
ah I be m pi
one b
I ft of
Ml at be
at a walk the.
will It. Hr of
win few in hour.
I William P D a
A In and Stream, and J
If II I lineal
It hi la
ha I
The wagon em
a no that, there l
ramping ground In
it la with tour
tin and
fa turn horn lad either
o or
the manor Te
i. to In
gal I mean pi
g on the march.
I r to bur
an r. . Ll lo . i
I I put each I
picket Id
pie to
ht and ht
grating for but
l the ground
The ire
grew ire
I or twice during the en
the Bight on
h rope e fr
M when we
wait h'm In the em
The hieing
of. then put up
their tent a
affair mad In two
to two
men Reel mi halt
h. with
Norfolk Railway
m aN- ore
run to M
he he ran hie
and put up lent. In
wall carried In
the war n cannot I pm
the In-
anon a
r man in up the get
Baler for me and
their fire and at Bar
well cooled,
tar war ill. appeal II a It prompt
if rooked. that camp II
are popular and
,. it- a e than It la
on march we eat hut mean
a After the
man I of
and breed. the law
i, meat can end when get baa-
gr It. Ma mid
upper I guard II peeled
out for of
and other men If collect rue.,
build I II
it bf tel
log Bod
Mel, till bedtime,
with en
TUB fill la Mine In about
i in the march hie kg
ire to be
in order t get
i on the r.-ad that el
The guard NOB the
before ind b;
h era fed and i
cook A far
in down.
wages parked, the Bad
la on-a on the
la bf a
my H
I t ,.; . the
i .; e a
, rank t
. . but in land of the
man Train Service I
All Point in Eastern North Carolina
and via Norfolk Eastern Cities.
m S hi for Raleigh and
.;. Am. I at Raleigh a. m.
p. Raleigh and
a p. m.
i m., Sunday,
Hertford, City, Norfolk and principle point
i eel at ferry tor H and
i m f.-- New City. ii.
I ti
P ,,. p m . Daily W Kl i
, . Norfolk Southern Railway
n a- apply to. ticket agent, Greenville, N. C.
C. W.
i an -ii
k Bin,
. .,
a-l I
A lie B certain e
with who K kw
There once Heed woman
gut her a chance to
a word. The moment he opened
big mouth closed it with a tor- j
rent of It happened that h
fell lick when wife wee out of
town, and before get home
teeth came and took him away.
would feel better about it, ,
it saying between her
I hare been with
Ber. he died. There hue
Sean he t
Crew of the
III Bated
m It
ma been via-
Bad With he. white
on the the
met Into an ab-a of
ii the l
white winged and what
a on her
They thought aha. a
bird, had flown from the moon,
wood abundant, and when
.-, her belly
wood there la In the moon-bow
Wood u Ilka gold to the
On of unhappy crew of the
put mercury
to freer, and beat It out OB the
Our brandy looked like
meat, oil and bread
with forgot to put
an la a moment bk
The poor
thaw la
of lee. doctor was
roared to cut the band
he died day. Toward the
at a of
to eat for dried
We added I little
these they received
with of Joy. The e feeble
old mm. told that the week before
kl hid win two
more terrible than the white
wolf ind bear
y. The
me, and It
to by bringing death In
of beautiful
raid, dry. pure, i
sweeten air by greatly
It s
fie of cooking,
or It raw meat, raw and
tallow eatable
a people not
hold own In the arctic. A Roman
would be too often
Hal n The
name or raw Is a
by lit brad or
name In their own
ii If
pat riot lam be a virtue the It
Never laud of
golden and
mirrored In the
better beloved
and Ice and gloomy,
and New fork
Go to the Book Store j
for tablets and pencil
Target Practice
-What on earth i
to-, doing
been a bit for the half
Private-I think we must
the marker,
Do You Want This Fine Piano
You can Enter now and win
,,, .,, i ,, ,.,,., . , .,,,,, th. Pi Contest of the Reflector yourself, enter one of your friends and work them, or work for one
r nominated An dim to subscribe for the Daily or Eastern Rel I s us remittance and address, naming who of the
others to subscribe, and vote for your favorite
If you are a subscriber, come In and pay up and vote.
If you win the Piano, you will be paid a cash commission for amt. collected
r HERE .-
Nomination Coupon
I i
candidate in your Popularity Contest.
This nomination counts for votes, but
will not duplicated if someone else
the same person.
Read how the . i are counted below.
For every tub. Daily Reflector. vote
F paid in to The Daily Reflector, 1.50, votes
For i advance i i to The 1.00.
i paid .- I moo to The Daily
kid i. tern
. I
mo. sob to The Eastern Reflector
on subscriptions all ready due, paper, half
n votes be
This difference in the number of vote between new and old subscriptions is
the purpose the c is mainly to Increase the it of The
warns the paper and will be easy to get
. for and t them to vote for you.
This Contest v. ill close at o'clock noon on December 24th. I
a short to work, so start in to win and keep up your t. we
our system of counting, you can tell f exactly now
have, it w ill be fa- tor everybody and only merit will , .
We will furnish you with specially prepared receipt blanks
at any time to keep your subscriptions straight. Call on or write The Reflector
Contest Manager, Greenville. N. C. for any information about the content you
Remember, you not have to spend a work.
Call at the of WHITE, and examine this Piano.
Get in the race-START TO-DAY.
Contest Ends December 1909
Haw She
N. C , Dec- 11.1909.
Edit-r The Reflector--
estimation in
which Mr. Eddy is by the
citizens of N. H . where
she long an honored resident.
I request that you publish the
following remarks made by
Judge James W. one of
the leading citizens of Concord,
in introducing th sneaker at a
recent lecture delivered there
Very sincerely.
Geo. S. Powell.
N. C. Dec. 1909
Las night was
the occasion and the pastor's
home the scene of a delightful
gathering of a large number of
the members of Memorial Baptist
church to extend to the pastor
and his wife greet-
The coming of these
friends was enjoyed all the more
because it had been kept a
Each present brought
a token of his or her
love, and many, who could not
come, sent packages.
Judge spoke as Broughton, who had been
am glad to stand here to several
-----glad to stand here represent several
evening in beautiful temple, his neighbors, looked like
r f r
After an hour spent in pleasant
the gift of one of the world's.
moat remarkable women to the
cause to which she has devoted
her lite, and in a sense to
city she and standing here
present a distinguished exponent
of the religions
known is Christian Science.
Whatever may be said for or
against philosophy, it has
been accepted by hosts of
and the highest
character and and
the of their lives is
the best tribute to their
the ideal that to be
perfect is to be
well cannot but make for
a nobler and a better
and world.
Weds like to contemplate
what the condition of society
would be without the influence
of the church in the various
forms in appealing to
the human heart; but from
church a institution and from
religion in its dogmatic aspect,
we turning to the noble
lad inspiring example of the
Christ. To thick as ha thought;
to feel s he to love as be
loved; to pity pitied; to for-
give as he forgave; in short to
live as he and if necessary.
to die as n died for truth and
justice is the sum total of
ion, and church, whatever
its name and whatever its teach
which do s the most in the
to come to make men in
I thought and dead like the Master
will lie the beat
Weak end miserable. If you have
. v or t dull head
pun , m
the back, and feel tired all over, get a
package of Mother
Leaf, the herb cure. It never
fail. We have
from grateful people who have
remedy. a
it baa no Mo her Gray's
at or Bent
mail for cents. fr e,
The Mother Gray Co ,
N. Y.
For the Mere Man-
Novel Designs In
the Ever Popular
Smart Pan
For the
the Sea-
Moat Popular Druggist Make a
Dr. J. W. Bryan at last obtained
the agency for a remedy which they
are on a tee to
cure any Liver Trouble. If food
not digest well, if there or pain
in the if the tongue is coated
and breath if there I
and strain Liver Pills
will cure you. If they H not you
Dr. J. W. Bryan's personal guarantee
to return your money. Liver
give quick relief and per-
and all Liver These are
statements, but Dr. Bryan
giving customers a chance to prove
the truth, and if a
cent box of Liver Pills you
are not satisfied with the results go to
; Dr. Bryan and for your money.
Also for sale by M. M. Sauls at
den. N. C.
conversation the happy company
departed, leaving the pastor and
his wife to take of
Investigation revealed the
pantry well filled with such
things as meats, flour, sugar,
coffee, canned goods, nuts,
pickles, preserves, confections
and other articles too numerous
to mention.
We wish to make public ac-
of this kindness
and to commend the observance
of this old custom, half to
much for the intrinsic value of
the donations as for the
sentiment of it.
J. B. Cook.
This realty a novelty,
mode of cardboard covered
pink flowered cretonne. The top hi
covered with pink to the
flowers, and the ribbon match
the top. Base two square; side
three Inches high, four inches wide at
The sides are
together and the sides sewed together
by overcasting. The inside Is stuffed
with cotton until It round over skies
at top. The top Is then covered.
Other and pretty pincushions
are made In shape of an apple and
covered with u silk to represent
The old, old story, told times
without number, and repeated
over and over again for the last
years, but it is always a
come story to those in search o
is nothing in the
world that cures coughs and
colds as quickly as Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Sold by
Wholesale and Grocer
Md Furniture Dealer. Case
paid for Hides, Fur. Seed
Oil Turkeys, Er W
Suite, Baby Carriages,
Parlor suits Tables
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
Scoff, High Life Tobacco,
West Cheroots, Henry George
Canned Cherries, Peach,
Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly. Flour, Sugar, Coffee
Lo Feed,
Oil, Seed Meal and
Candies, Dried Apple-
Peaches, Franco.
Wooden and Crack-
est But-
and other
cash. Come see ms.
Not made by trust
WE no longer handle Wire Fence made by the Have
received the agency for the famous
Cat d
Don't fail to see it. Best Fence at Best Prices.
Just received Repeating
Rifles, No. made by the
Swiss government. Cost
each. We will sell for ten days
at each.
Come and see how we do it.
Baker Hart
Greenville, N. Carolina
Many children suffer
f from which is often
the cause of seeming stupidity
and Liver Tablets are an
ideal to give a child,
for they are mild and gentle in
their effect, and will cure even
chronicle constipation. Sold by
all druggist.
It is rumored that the first
train from Norfolk to this city
over the new bridge across
found will be operated on
Christmas day. This bridge will
greatly the of
time consumed in the trip.
new cars have been received
by the company and these are to
be used on the initial run.-New
Bern Journal.
We want Girls and Boys
to work in the
Tarboro Knitting Mills
At Tarboro, N. C.
and in the
Near Tarboro, N. C.
The work is light, no dust
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.
At the close of badness, Nov.
the red and croon of the familiar
They are round and rather tint, living
a wide area to bold the pins, and they
are with wool, which affords
but little resistance and does not puck
tightly cotton.
The threads sewed
the center of the cushion make the de-
on each to represent the ,.,. . . . .,
core, and all the finishing gathers of and the pay is We can j
the silk are hidden under the
discounts 186,708.18
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures
from bits 88,099.62
minor com currency
Capital Stock 6,000.00
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
expenses and taxes pd 377.60
Time certificates of 5.042.06
Deposits sub to check 551.60
I W. II. Cashier of the above-named
furnish a
of or
rough meat
lilt Maid the
Oh. the dealer.
will forget It the
pay for
Penitentiary a Year
The penitentiary management
will have good success this year,
says a Raleigh correspondent.
It is said the farms on the
Roanoke river will make more
than ever before. The cotton
is now practically all gathered,
and there are bales The
sale of this and the other crops
will bring in The re-
from the hire of convicts
to railways and to private
corporations will be
about the same as last year. Ten
thousand dollars has been ex-
pended on permanent improve-
on the and a large
number of mules purchased.
Croup is most prevalent
the dry cold weather of the
early winter months. Parents
of young children should be
pared for it. All that is needed
a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Many mothers
are never without it in their
it has never
pointed them. Sold by
Little Willie What l fame, pa
me. my BOB. la n
on each
The wife la the I
the t
that the above
,. and belief-
statement is true to the host of my
W. H. Cashier.
Professional Cards
Conductor Hart.
Captain A. E. Goodman, con-
on the N. S. railway,
was hurt yesterday at Farmville
by a passing freight train which
dashed him against the depot
building. He was carried to
Wilson, and as yet the full ex-
tent of his injuries have not been
Office opposite R. L. Smith
tablet, and next door to John
Buggy building.
i v u
We have
and Run
year. D
we will h
Come See the Work or Write
bad sworn to lie-
Kith day of Nov.,
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public
S M. Jones.
M. Blount,
In the State cf North Carolina, at the close of business, Nov. 1909
LE. M. C,
Prom th time th
they by ma-
hop Io
Jell-o Powder
to J la
and Our la u
M your
CREAM la to Make.
to quart, a
at cut a plat.
Sold by
. by u
not it
J Para Fond U Boy, M. V
Stalk i niters
When a cold becomes settled
in the system it will take several
treatment to cure it, and
the best remedy to use is
will cure quicker than any other,
and also leaves the system in a
natural and healthy condition.
Sold by all druggist.
Strayed One white cow,
marked staple swallow-fork in
ear and swallow fork in left
weighs about pound
Been gone since August. Suit-
able reward for information
leading to recovery.
John Mills.
C. K. F. D. No.
Greenville, N. C
Office on Third formerly
pied by Dr. Bagwell.
Nicely furnished, every
thing clean and
working the very
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J. R. J. G.
Loans and Discounts 308.02 Stock
cured , fund
Undivided profits,
less cur. ex. tax's pd
Banking house. Fur-
Due from Banks
and Bankers
Cash items
Gold Coin
Silver coin, g
minor coin cur.
i other U. S. notes
Time certificate
Deposit subjects
to check
Cashier's Checks
r and Long
It H H X V
Harry Skinner. Skinner, Jr
H. .
LAWYERS. Greenville N- C
I Not Quite I
I T. Gardner. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
How often you can get a -to
Lame back comes on suddenly
and if extremely painful. It is
caused by rheumatism of the
Quick relief is afford
I , y Ch
Id by drug
Attorney at Law
Office lad by J. L.
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared
Is a you could desire, and
we lee that your tool
box does not lack a
useful article.
I Of Course
You get Ham; a
Horse . c
J p
I Corey
and sworn lo be-
fore me, this 16th day of Nov.
1909. R. F. JENKINS.
Notary Public.
John Z. Brooks,
C. J Tucker,
W. Dawson,
arc now arriving. We a
Bend f new
for Cat
Floral far all
M Te o
I. L CO , Florist,
Raleigh, N. C.
II you want your HORSE to
last and pull boy your
of W. B. He will
you Better Feed and More for
Money than any man in town.
W. B.
P. M. Johnston
mill mill
All work
fur Place ii headquarters for Corn, Hay,
OatS, Cotton Seed Heal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken H .
Corn, corn Meal .
Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement,
Nice line of silk mi
Pulley .
R Rector Job work.

In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
, w. John Haddock and sister. just in
A of m n s J Harrington. Barber Co.
vest- nay. For nice oysters see F.
turkeys wanted. Sutton. Barbecue on Saturdays.
See me you purchase
your Christmas fruit
B. F. Sutton.
For Christmas goods see A. W.
Ange Co.
We have just received a wee
shot just
Barber Co
T. the
If you know any
interest. would be glad
tor the If
have anything t. advertise,
to furnish rates.
ire not a to
hr K let me seed i our
G. Monte,
it. I.
. r II will
b sad on a
key many
young man their
d-i k a become drunkard,
a u
aid how he
f r i; pent for
used to support
Clothing can be
bad as A. W.
pried paid, A. W. Ange Co.
near here last Sunday.
B. R. of
Bethel, is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
M. G. B this week.
We have just received a nice
lot of give us a call.
Ange Co.
to the
They i
R. P.
Dec. R. P.
Foster, superintendent of the
N. S. Railroad lines south of
Albemarle sound with offices at
has tendered his re-
to General Manager E.
If not, and you to own
soon, you owe it yourself to ex-
the display
the White
A display really
to a Urge city.
In a glance you will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
in character e, and
general in a class to
itself, but you m -et with prices
that stand
incomparable an where. Bight
different makes t select from, none
of those cheap we-tern department
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Tear
We will take your piano in
exchange f or one of tr sell
rs. We also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s your
When in Greenville visit our
lot of glassware.
Harrington. w
Mo- students of Winterville High T L b effective on December
lecture wads . ., a, a
Elizabeth Moore. Last
d y night, in the Baptist church
was one Of the best we have
ever heard. If all are in
favor of temperance were as
influential as she, it would
be long till w; would have a
country. ML s Moore
made four lectures while in our
town, one Tuesday night in the
Baptist church, one Wednesday
morning at the opening exercise
of Winterville one
School left here yesterday ard and to his old
today for their respective homes in Asheville. Mr Foster
to spend We hope in 1904 when the A.
them a merry Christmas and c. Railroad was leased to
happy new year. the Howland Improvement Com-
Rev. T. H. filled his reg-1 and later when the Norfolk
appointment in the Baptist got possession of the
Next door to Carr Atkins Hardware o.
AT N. C.
At the close of business, Nov.
church last Sunday morning and
Henry Langston, a student
Wake College, came in
Monday to spend at
his home near here.
lease Mr. Foster retained his
position with the new company
He has many friend in New Bern
is regarded as one of the
best railroad men who has ever
been this section. Among
comfortable Wednesday
call or write A. u.
Co. Winter
N. C Tm y have the
right o- the right price.
Ii-;. Mr- Snow was lure
D. S. spent Thursday
night here visiting his
Mrs. M. Bryan.
We are carrying a line of
Coffins Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice hears,
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
a large lot of
nice ; hoes for winter
Mrs. Staton,
of B. is Miss Vivian
Rob. week.
The Pitt County School
manufactured by The A. U. Cox
Manufacturing are
durable. Terms are liberal.
When in come to see
OB, we have the for you.
was in town
For jelly glasses, dried fruits
of all kinds and butter and
cheese see A. W. Ange Co.
Lyon, of Greene
was hire yesterday.
We can give you a bargain in
nice clothing.
Harrington, Barber Co.
F. V. Johnston, of Greenville,
was in town yesterday.
We have just received a full
supply furniture. Give us a
call. A. W. Ange Co.
Rev. T. H King returned from
Wadesboro a few days ago,
where he attended the Baptist
State convention. He reports a
and a good time
in general.
Oysters We have them Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
R. D. Co.
The moving picture show in
the W. H. S. auditorium Thurs-
day was very good.
Cooking and heating stoves
and ranges just received. All
of best material up-to-date.
n at the
and one Wed
church. We think the result
of those lectures will he or-
of one or more,
unions in our town.
i new n been cm
Mrs. Mollie Fox left here Mon- men his leaving is much
Resources Liabilities
Capital stock
Pump pipes
Then see us.
We have just received a good
Ray. T. H. K has lately
received two very flattering
one from and
the from Selma. The
churches of both these places
are very strong. It is uncertain
as yet, whether he will accept
the call or not We hope he will
decline and preach for us another
year, and even The
l--re under bis excellent
e ministry has wonderfully.
j both in and in purity-
head the list in nice con-
A. W. Ange Co.
The is the Kind
you need. See us.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For nice hall racks, see us. A.
W. Ange
want to
buy cattle. R. D. Co.
The A. G. Cox Co. made
a shipment of a solid car of Pitt
county school desk today. The
is continually increasing
rapidly. Better place your or-
early. A. G. Cox
Co., Winterville. N. C.
For fish, beef, pork and
sage see B. F. Sutton at same
old stand.
For and rifles see A- W.
Ange Co.
If you want to find Santa
Claus, go to Harrington, Barber
For nice see us.
Harrington. Barber Co.
F. F. Cox, who leading his
in the medical department
of Wake Forest College, came in
Sunday night to spend Christ-
mas at home.
Miss Chapman, who is
day fur her home at
Mrs. W. E. Powell, of Golds-
spent Sunday night and
Monday here visiting her. of the
J. R. Johnson. court of on
Tuesday afternoon at
o'clock, the W. H. S. teachers
and students assembled in
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from bits and 11,311.611
Silver coin, including
minor currency
Surplus fund
expenses and taxes pd
Time of deposit
313.42 Deposits subject to
Nat bank nos and other Cashier's checks
nous 1,800.00, outstanding
Total Total
and students in
auditorium for a little extra day December A, before
enjoyment. A Song was house door in , m
enjoyment, a to the highest bidder a
and two instrumental solos were in tract of land
played. Rev. T. H. King and
Mr A. G. Cox made short talks. F. M la, the heir of John Moore,
Then several nice
which students had bought for of Potter, of mM
the teachers, were presented by
Rev The fall term j William of J. W.
closes today Dec. 22nd. and the; Attorneys.
spring term opens Jan, d.
with bright prospects. t Notice.
We Green, Cashier and F. A. Asst. Cash
of the above -named hank, do solemnly swear the above state-
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief
Asst, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 10th day of Nov.,
R. II-
Notary Public.
a. ;. Cox,
H. II.
J. F,
C. S. Smith, of our town, who,
is of Swift Creek town-1 To the good
ship, arrested two last county, I ask all my friends to
Thursday for selling whiskey, j come to my relief much as
They w both convicted. possible as my home has burned
Last Saturday evening at down and lost all had- I have
o'clock, in the lived an
Literary Society hall, the society great respect tor
very delightfully entertained the friends and now m my
At the close of business Nov. 10th, 1909.
Vance Literary Society. The
hall was very beautifully decor-
and everything was in
perfect order. The following
program was
Chaplain's exercises by
F. C. Nye.
Address of welcome, by the
president, Miss Jeanette Cox.
Christmas song, society.
Piano Solo, Miss Rosa Jones.
Christmas reading, Miss Clara
Trio, Misses Cox, Baker, and
Christmas in Lands,
Miss Clyde Chapman.
Miss Esther
The program was very nice in
every respect. After the pro-
gram was rendered, came the
informal reception.
Delightful refreshments were
J. A. Worley, president
of the Vance Literary Society,
and Profs. F. C. Nye and H. F.
Bi made short speeches of
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from
Cash items
,, . , , Gold coin
trouble, they can add silver coin, including
my affliction which will be greatly, minor coin currency
Capital stock
Surplus fund
my j u
by their humble Mr- Nat bank and other U. B.
Grifton, N. C.
Fire in Grifton swept the home
of West Pitt, consuming all his
furniture, etc., on the evening
of the 16th. West has the
of all who knew him. He
is an honest obliging and gentle
old fellow, and commands the
and good will of all who
know him and any anyone
renders him their charity will not
be misplaced. Vanderbilt
N- C.
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd
Dividend unpaid
Bills payable
Time of deposits
Deposits sub. to check
Cashier's .
fl solemnly
above statement is true to the
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of Nov., 1900.
Notary Public
W M. Lang,
L Davis,
F. M. Davis,
for Years
by many
doctors and won h of medicine in
B. F. N. U.
at New Life Pills,
and writes they wholly cured him.
They cure constipation, biliousness,
tick liver,
and bowel troubles. at all
Harrington Barber Co. Miss in behalf of the V.
in the Baptist church teaching Wilson, came
tomorrow. Saturday to Christmas at the
Th, County School Desks home. , boys and girls had a general con-
are the desks for you. They are; Miss Carroll a Mere V w; hope it will our
cheap, durable and comfortable- privilege to be present at another
Prices right and workmanship Cox, a forest the near future.
A- G. Cox Mfg. dent, came in Tuesday to spend Br
Christmas at
Rev. Mr. Snow in our
town Saturday.
K. W. Smith, was
in our town Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. B. R. who
has been visiting Mrs. M. G.
Mrs. C. P. and son. of
and Mrs. G. E.
and daughter, of Hampton, S.
C. are here to spend the holidays
with their mother, Mr. J- L.
Co. Winterville. N. C.
Herod Hooks, of Goldsboro,
cams in Friday to Christ-
mas with relatives here.
Jut received, a nice lot of
ladies and shoes.
Barber Co
O. and Eugene
Both these societies are
their nearly a the
l students are enlisted.
Highest cash prices paid for
Pitt County Oil Co.
Winterville, N. C.
Among the of tree Ufa
is the or whittling tree of Nu-
When the winds blow over
this tree it gives oat
sounds, playing the wilder-
for hours a time strange,
weird melodies. It is the d
the dead tinging among the
branches, the natives say, but
scientific white man say that the
sounds duo to a myriad of
holes which an insect bores in the
spines of the branches.
The weeping tree of the
islands is another arboreal
This in the driest weather will
rain down showers from its leave,
and tho natives gather up the
from the formed at the
foot of the trunk and find It paw
and fresh. The tree exudes the
from innumerable pores at the
base of the
Th Scot.
in that would tome-
time arise between member of b
the Duke of was often
invited to arbitrate upon the matter In
mid lie used tell a
of one of the
occasion Two Meant having waited
upon lain and asked hi to decide the
question Issue, put be
always regarded s very
preliminary question. you
by my
your was reply or
MM of the bard beaded old disputants.
Id like to ken what It
Stray Taken Up.
Holly 2nd mistletoe are
in place.
O. ii r ; n It , , i m.
Cannon attended a basket party returned to her home at Schultz for prices.
st last night. Bethel Sunday. Things certainly busy on
A new lot of dry goods and i fireworks and confection- the street.
notions of all kinds just received H. L. Johnson. . ,.
t Harrington. Barber Co. c. J. Jackson, is There is in the
. x, Pi in the Y M. C A. work in the voting contest for the piano to
Harrington, at be riven away by the Central
a bale ox cotton and
t chases for the next three
How is tor and in voting value.
I hove taken up one male light
blueish r, ab pounds, I
three in one
lit In left ear. Owner get same
proving and paying
James j
On O. I. Joyner Farm,
Greenville. N. C. R. F. D No.
The Advice.
In sentencing I forger of banknote
to an Judge said.
bold BO Hope to you for mercy
here, and I must urge you to make
preparation for another world, where
I lion yon may obtain that
A to i
. Mr currency you lo
Th. Other Way With Him.
sir. Unit you owe some-
thing to said out
member of a town council to
said the other. you
owe constituent all
got lo that you re lucky.
Win. there are not half a dozen voter
In ward that have not
money from
of Slang. I
Host yon see that fa-
over there He sat on that
and In that posture
moving for six
G.-e. that a
mind tamed and subdued
b lit
of . by
or money refunded.
Johnston the Winner.
It is safe to say that this
Christmas there was no where in
Pitt county a happier young lady
than Miss Mary Johnston, who
won the piano in The Reflector
vote getting contest. She was
in the Christmas eve when
the decision of the committee
was announced, and numbers of
friends gathered to congratulate
her. She had worked faithfully,
and the prize was well merited
At the very outset of th contest
Miss Johnston bean with a de-
termination t win. She got a
lead at the start she never
lost, but kept it growing larger
every day.
Miss Lottie Blow, who was
second in the race, also worked
faithfully. She brought The
Reflector many subscribers and
secured a number of votes
in the contest, in recognition of
Miss excellent work The
Reflector tendered her the choice
of in gold or a gold watch of
the same value. choice has
been indicated, but either
awaits her bidding.
The narrowed down
A Quid but Very Pleasant Day Wit
To those who feared that some.
damage to property might result I
from the use of fireworks, there
was a feeling of relief when
they awoke Christmas morning
to find it raining. But by those
who wanted to get about the
streets more or let during the
day such a condition of the
weather was not so much
Notwithstanding most
of the day was rainy and.
out of doors, both the
stay-at homes and those who
ventured out fully enjoyed the
day. The boys shot their pop
crackers freely during the day,
and there was a display
of various pyrotechnics at night.
Nobody got hurt so far as we
have heard ard there was no
casualty of any kind to mar c
dinners were
the order of the day in every
home and gift making
Upon the whole it can well
be called a quiet but very-
pleasant Christmas.
gave the
A Memento of Day
, Monday Mr. It-S. May showed
The contest he had
between these two young ladies I he very
in the closing days, and only of
these had representatives at the
counting of the votes. Mist-
Johnston selected Mr. J. J. Bar
and Miss Blow selected
Mr. Earl Harrington. As soon as
the closed and the votes
were all in, the key to the ballot
box was delivered to these gen-
and after carefully
counting they
Miss Miry Johnston
Miss Lottie Blow
Miss Lillie Tucker
Miss Mavis Belle Evans
Miss Maud Mooring
of those receiving less
than are omitted.
After the decision of the com-
was made public. The
Reflector sent an to Messrs.
White, from
the piano was purchased and
who had kept it on exhibition
during the contest, to deliver it
to Miss Mary Johnston. They
very promptly sent the beautiful
instrument to her home, and
along with it sent a handsome
cover and stool with their com
For this kindness both
The Reflector and Miss Johnston
thanks them. She also
us to thank every one who in
any way helped her to get votes
during the contest.
The Reflector has not yet had
time to take complete inventory
of this first experience in a voting
. contest, but is gratified at the
result for the paper. It was
subscription contest.
liver, linked cuff buttons, a
very old pattern. On one end of
each button was engraved the
letter and on the other the
letter these being the
initials of Major Benjamin May.
who was a soldier in the u-
war, and the great great
grandfather of the present owner
of the buttons. Thus the buttons
are known to be more than a
century-and-a quarter old. They
have been handed down as an
heirloom through the succeeding
generations, and were giver, to
Mr. R- S. May this
his name was nearer
like that of his distinguished
ancestor than any other living
With Mn. George Woodward
day Afternoon.
The first of the prenuptial
entertainments in honor of the
marriage cf Miss
Irma Cobb to Mr. Albion Dunn,
Dunn of Scotland Neck, took
place Tuesday afternoon when
Mrs. George Woodward, at her
I home on Greene street, gave the
bride-to-be a linen shower.
Mrs. Woodward received her
guests at the door and directed
them to the library, which was
decorated in red and green,
where punch was served Miss
Lucille and Miss
Sett, the latter of Mebane.
Id the parlor where shower
place the decorations were
green In one corner
was a large white arm chair to
which the was es-
Above her head hung an
immense bail of white
and as curds attached
to this pulled there came
down a shower of linen in her
p, the articles being varied and
After the the guests
were invited lo the dining room
where a salad course was
by Misses Annie Leonard Tyson,
Ruth Cobb and
Forbes. I ea and mints
were also served, those bing
and pink in keeping with
the decorations of the row.
The Here tad People
D. M. Jones left Monday for
Miss Mary J. Smith spent Sun-
day in Farmville.
Miss Lena Matthews spent
Christmas in Conetoe.
J. G. and family spent
Christmas at Kinston.
Miss Mary Lucy Dupree is visit-
Miss Francis spent
Christmas in Halifax.
Dunn, Scotland Neck,
came in Monday evening-
H. L. Carr Monday even-
for a visit in
George Prichard. of Richmond,
is visiting Charles Haskett.
E. B. and family spent
Christmas in Scotland Neck.
C T. Deans, of Aulander, is
visiting hi daughter, Mrs. W. H.
Mrs. A. V. of
Miss Agnes Barrett, of Farm-
ville, Christmas here with
her grandparents, Cap, and
Mrs. J. T. Smith.
Cadet Wilson came
home from West Point N. Y. to
spend Christmas holidays with
his father, W. B. Wilson.
Dr. L. C. Skinner and E. B.
left Monday for Oxford,
where on Wednesday Dr. Skin-
will wed Miss Daisy Minor.
A Very Enjoyable Event Monday
The Christmas in Per-
hall Monday night, was
the most enjoyable of the season.
There were many present, and
the German was led by and
Mrs. W. H. Jr. In the
first figure the light in the hall
were turned off and the dancers
indoor fireworks, making a
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Carr, Mrs. beautiful scene.
E. B. Misses Margaret following couples were
Mr. ard V. H Jr.
John with Miss Kath-
Long, of Graham
Alex. Blow with
Moore with Miss
and Ethel Skinner, B. F-
Huske. E. it. Furgerson to
Oxford today to attend
Wednesday Dec. 29th.
Jesse went to
Pender, of
W. H. Norris. of Kinston, was; of Bethel, with
j Miss Elizabeth L- Howard, of
went to Tarboro,
Willie Wilson with Miss Mattie
is visiting her sister, W. H.
New for North Carolina.
The following new industries
been established in North
Carolina during the week ending
Dec. 22nd, according to
Tradesman, Chattanooga.
Concord-50.000 hot.-l com
Winston Salem snuff
manufacturing company.
Wilmington- Transport a t i o n
Swan realty
land company.
wood work-
their home on
Evans Misses Glenn and
Helen Forbes gave a traveling
jointly honor of their
j Mrs. George Hadley, of
LaGrange, and Miss Cobb, the
coming bride of Thursday.
For this occasion the parlor
was decorated in pink, the library
in green and the hall in red.
Miss Glenn Forbes served punch
in the and Miss Helen
Forbes in the library.
The guests were presented
with sore cards for the game as
they arrived, and the souvenirs
were tiny suit filled with
salted The prizes to
the guests of honor were similar
suit casts containing a lace
handkerchief. The guests prize
was won by M s. J. L
but she permitted the visitors to
draw for it and Mrs, L. I. Moore,
of New Bern, was the
Between the fifth and sixth
stages of the journey hot
late and were
served, and when
was reached on the final stop ice
cream and cake and
lows were served.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hart
to Lewiston M to visit re-
Misses Mary and
went to Weldon to spend the
Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Brown
went to Norfolk Monday to visit
Alexander Harper went to La
Grange Monday evening to d
some days.
Miss Hancock, Sen
land Neck, is
here today.
Miss Lillian
Miss Julia Harriss went to
Rocky Mount today.
Rev. J. H. Shore left this
morning for
Miss Mamie Ruth Tunstall
went to Kinston Tuesday.
Miss May Latta, of Raleigh,
visiting Mrs. J. L. Wooten.
Miss Lucy Haskett, of
I. King.
Cecil with Miss Mary
Miss Mir-
gar. t Blow.
Fran; -n with Miss Clara
Hampton, of Plymouth.
Roy Hampton, of Plymouth,
Miss Agnes Lacy, of
Walter Wilson with Miss
is visiting Mi.-s Bessie Haskett. j Irene Lacy, of Raleigh.
Dock Home with Hiss Lillian
Mr. Dunn, of Scotland
with Jamie Bryan.
J allies.
, Jim Hackney, of Wilson, with
Mr.--. L. I. Moor--, of New B
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Bart James with Miss Brown.
lira. W. M. King.
Johnston, R W. Charlie James with Miss
Mis.- Nixon, of Char
visiting Mrs. H. L.
Mrs. T. C. Alligood, of Was.
is Mrs. W. G.
Mrs. of
subscribers or collections from The very low in t
old ones. contestants j river the last few days bag
brought In new names no end of tr able at th
our subscription list, and also water station in ping up
made good collections from old j a sufficient supply for the use
ones- Th contest was an the town. The high winds have
and open one from driven the water in the river
start to finish. Each down to an unusually low
was divan ad the assistance by so that when tho I at the
the that was with- plant work they would
out the partiality, and . suck more air than water. The
no time the . f supply in the res
either a to the progress of their run so low that there was
work divulged. i not much pressure n the us.
We the public for the Monday the city fire engine was
Interest took in contest, placed on a flat and towed to
and hope every name added to station to help pump water. It
our list will remain is fortunate that there has
there for to some. no fire to fight while the water
will wain new . ear and i were at
with more readers at . , .
time in its -7- WOrk-
Greenville Bride Got to
for Future
At o'clock this morning at
the homo of the bride on
son avenue, Mr. Archibald R.
of Elizabeth, La., a l
I Miss Mellie Harriss were mar-
John H. Shore.
The bride was attired in a
handsome Cats coat d
immediately after tho
and congratulations of friends
j the couple left -y
Coast Line for their
J popularity of the
j was shown large number
bridal presents r.-
j Mr. House is a Pitt county boy
who a few years ago mo
South, base, to
posit m with a large Louis i
firm. He showed I
. . in c min back hi
bride an I I one of
p .; ,
Miss Ma of Norfolk, in
visiting her sister, Ii u
Dr. J. Greensboro,
is visiting his people here at Ho-
tel Macon.
the holidays with her sister. Mrs.
W. B. Wilson.
Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Fleming,
of Hamilton, came Sunday even
to visit relatives.
C. C. Cobb, of Norfolk, who
came out here to spend Christ-
mas, returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Johnson
and children went to Henderson
to spend Christmas.
Misses Minnie and Ruth Evans,
of Tarboro. came in Monday to
visit Miss Maggie Savage.
Prof. C. W. Wilson left Mon-
day evening for Charlotte to at-
tend the educational meeting,
C. W. Beam, foreman of the
R Hector, left for Charlotte
Christmas eve to spend a few
i Mica Susie Perry, of Ki-. in,
r Monday to visit i
L Carr and attend the
I dance.
Miss Lucy Camp, of Raleigh,
spent bare with Mrs.
; C. W. Wilson, and returned home
Jesse Smith, who ad b en
here spending Christmas with
h a mother, returned t Norfolk
r.-d A.
W. a. Fleming, of
who has been his sister,
Mrs. B. Little, left this men
of Lilt ton,
Zeno Brown with Hiss Powell,
of Tarboro.
P. H. with Miss Delia
Mae Farmer, of Wilson.
Carey -en with Mi
of L
Mr. Hood, C I with
II, B . -.-- HIT.
been spending the j Peacock, of Rocky Mount.
returned home Mon-j M. Clark with Miss Scott,
day, of Graham.
M s Lacy, of Raleigh
and Clara of Ply-
mouth, are Miss Jamie
Mr. ard J- A Jones, of
Rocky Mount, are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Miss Irene Lacy, of
the guest of Irma Cobb.
She is here to attend the Dunn-
Cobb marriage.
Harlow of
is here visiting his
sisters, Mrs. Frank Wilson and
Mr. Zeno Brown
Andrew Joyner, of Greens-
who has been spending
some days In this section, left
Tuesday evening.
I Mr. D. Tunstall
Tuesday from
where th. y Lad been
spending tho h
Mrs. R. C. La
who h ;
k Mr. and Mr, -i
Misses May Farmer and
M f Wilson, who
to th dam i and to
visit re., returned Is
Jim Hines, of Kinston,
Miss Susie Perry, of
Hill Home with Mi is Helen
Albion Dunn, Scotland
Mies Irma Cobb.
N. W. Outlaw with Miss Mary
Barney Warren with Miss Lot-
tie Gaylord, of Plymouth.
Joe Anderson with Lillian
Stags Ames Brown. Mr.
Townsend, Mr. Rasberry, of
Farmville; Tom of
Grifton; C. C.
ton; Mr. of
Mr. Couch, of Raleigh.
hi d Mrs.
J. Forbes, Mr. and J. L
Mia and
Mrs, William
v letter from r c or T. ii.
Par i r, d it a f r farmers
ii. . to be hold in i
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all who can should make
A. B.
beth, L. Fri lay, t n I
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Eastern reflector, 24 December 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 24, 1909
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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