Eastern reflector, 29 October 1909

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in Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
J at The Eastern Reflector and Rates on Application
I Advice
assist Do You Own a Piano
AH MM at
wok and Mad-
tr and TORPID
effect on
l he t them
, . . . a Ki
. . g can be
,.; A V. . A AC
a .
. . i
id .
and t.
. .- .
to perform their natural
n and
to Madder and LIVER
They are adapted to old and young.
A , . aid J. R. Cooper went to Green- J D. Cox returned home Fri-
ah Wile Sunday, day from S
i Preaching in th Baptist Mill for Sale-The establish
, x ,., . ,.,. next Sunday. known as the
Missionary of the Milling and MTg Co. . i- now
elected the for sale. It consists of the fol- L M ,.
m .; Sunday One wheat mill. returned Monday.
. .-. D R. mill, one work shop with; P H g. jg a
president. Prof. H. F. boring band saw. plain- L,, .,, Well this week.
new students entered
If not, and c to own
soon, you owe it o to ex-
the ma
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance y j will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
store stencils but each one a stand-
ard, of acknowledged fame and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos of known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of cat self
character cl to. , ORGAN, the of the world.
general a class d ,
toe I. but you w. et with .,
that stand here a-d.
incomparable an where.
different makes t from, none in visit our
of those cheap e department
and rip saw and a
Cox. With shop. War further inform
rs. the society bids fair to ; apply to W. H. Smith. Winter-
her good year's work. N. C.
Misses Dixon and F. A. Edmundson went to
Greenville Friday.
Sited , their here The lecture in the school
and Sunday i ,, . ,. ;. the Thursday night,
in Free Will . Ta,.;. at Greenville I by Rev. R. A was
For and ,; ., ,. We hope them all the His subject
.,., not the day of little
B. D. Forest went to He
M on bu torn from little things, all
R.-V. of depend on little things. Do not
En town fast
E return d from things. Be not content to re-
m main in the little too
v T H. Kins held a serifs We hope that it will be
of Kt Com City last our privilege to hear Mr.
we. He r. a good meet- for he a
or A. G.
Cox Co., ft inter
wile. N. t. Th haw
right d a- the puce.
J.- lately
a position
relatives friends.
I i. mowing machines,
, on
us. Der Co.
W. H. S. They
continue to coma.
Rev. W. E. Cox passed
our town
Mrs. J. B Jackson of Hamlet,
is visiting Mis. W. J. Jackson
this week.
We are rot surprised that Mr.
James Hardy is a
loft here
for Richmond.
came in on
evening train Tuesday.
J. B. Smith, of Ayden, was
In town yesterday.
Next door to Carr ins Hardware lo.
j,, of at tie doe of business, Sect. 1st, 1909
Loans and
Overdrafts secured
Banking house. Fur-
W. J L. Rollins I from Banks
went to Ayden Sunday and Barkers
OF Cash items
Capital Stock
just . v Crawford and Mrs. R A- Edmundson went minor cur
Greenville and returned j Provider,, has fit to n. B notes
I day.
for Misses Car
Daisy Mr. Broadway
Whereas, Got, in his all-wise
move from earth a beloved
Silver coin,
other U. S. notes
Surplus fund
Undivided profit.-,
leas cur. ex. tax's pd
Bills payable
I Time cert
2.611041 Deposit
j Deposit
-Cashiers Checks
in mar-
L. Bailey, relief a-.;
Smith left here last
I Wednesday, and traveled
the A. C. L. railroad c and Price
to Norfolk Friday. I Saturday.
A Miss of
notions of all kinds jut received LaGrange. passed through our
e are tarrying a nice line Harrington. Barber ft Co. town Saturday afternoon, en-
and Caskets. Prices are We are to learn that route to Simpson, where she will
and can nice Robert Dixon. who had an attack teach this year,
service. A. G. CoX Mfg. Co. of appendicitis a few Eugene Cannon spent Sunday
Several entered out again. at his home in the country.
W. A. last gait We have Just p. A Edmundson spent Sun-
Harrington, Barber ft supply in Ayden, visiting friends.
nave . large A. W. Ange. A crowd of had a fight
nice for r w r. p, v. T. II. King has been at- miles from Sun.
Miss Mamie Cox and Mrs. tending the Baptist association d Some
Nye, to this week. pistols. and hoes. A
today. A new supply of clocks and. woman wag cut with an
The Pitt County School Desk Harrington. Barber ft Co. tried
by The A. G. Cox Misses Bessie and night. Three
Manufacturing Company ate Owens, who have been in school and bound over to
comfortable, neat reviewing their studies,
are liberal, turned to their at Saratoga I n
in the ma. ac come to this week to begin
as, we have desk for you. pomp pipes Then see us ., of two counties,
G. rues-We have just received a and in the in-
day. When he he Ange Co. i of A G CoX Co
There will be services in Friday, and
For j illy dried fruits Baptist tomorrow a trip.
of ab and butter and and night i a student
ft. Ange Go. A new of received a message
J. M. C and M. G. j in. AW. Ange ft Co. Wednesday. that one of his
were in the A will dead He left here
country at the Baptist church Monday and returned
in November par Ht, our deepest and
Dice j be by Rev. G. T. sincere sympathy.
Barber Co. Watkins, pastor the First c S Smith was in Sat-
Mr. Snow, of New Bern, on
wag Monday. A new lot of lamps just n. , B Kittrell came in from
Cooking and heating stoves Harrington, Barber ft Co. j Sunday evening, to
and i just received. The debate in society hall the night at his home-
beat and up-to-date. Friday w is one the best Messrs. Walter Noble and Ben-
jinn Barber a, Co. th Vance has are attending
Miss Annie Flowers, was visit- bod this car. The boys had ac New Bern this week.
to and said it. i BarKer, who been
day. I The query was, That Norfolk. Va., has ac-
A. . ft Co. has just re-1 tobacco is more Injurious . a-G.
a lot tin and Manufacturing Co. We are
We have just received B to have Mr. Barker
ice to Greer, of the Winter-
ville be it STATE OF N
21.605.46 Total
1st we extend to our
bereaved brother and his
our deepest and most heart-
NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
I, G. P. Gardner. Cashier of above-named bark, d . sol-
swear at the above i n list el
knowledge and belief. G. T. GARDNER, Cashier.
Subscribed aid sworn to be-
felt sympathy, and commend fore me, this 10th day of
them to God, who is able to 1909.
comfort them
2nd. That a copy of these
resolutions be sent to the
ed family, one to the
Herald, one to The Reflector, and
Notary Public.
John Z. Brooks,
C. J.
W. W.
Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
Kenneth T. Bay nor, .
William G. Morris,
John A. Worley.
AT N. O.
At the close of Sept., 1st, WOO.
and discounts
188,977.80 Capital Stock 6,000.00
N. C 1909.1 Overdraft,
T. E. Little and his two little and unsecured and taxes pd
grand daughters, Martha Belle I Furniture and fixture. 1,276.00 mile payable 8,000.00
and Jesse Smith, went to from 2,901.90 Time certificates of 8,629.70
land Neck Wednesday to visit and silver
relatives and returned Saturday.; minor coin currency
A good many of the people of i
our section went to Greenville
last Wednesday to take in CAROLINA. County of Pitt,
shows. I, W. II. Cashier of the above-named bank, do l-
L W Smith left swear that the above is true to the f my
day morning for Henderson to knowledge and belief. W. II.
visit her people. Subscribed and sworn u
Rev. Mr. me, this 11th of s. lit.,
of Wilson, who was appointed to j s. T. Carson,
Deposits to cheek 21,446.88
Reserve for interest
and taxes
fill Rev. Mr. place
at Smith's house Sunday,
failed to come and a good
congregation to be disappointed.
We had a good Sunday school in
Unlit. Staton,
s M. Jones,
M .
Notary Public,
lot of goods.
A. W. Co.
A letter was received from
Miss Kate is visiting
Lela Roach, at ills tins
art lbs avail tor you
comfortable I and killed a large Be last Sunday morning and
f i and workmanship I gay j. dear meat, for be was evening. He preached two able
the and they held a BK OF
meeting and selected
and a contribution to I
to the union meeting, The
gates were David Smith an II. J
E. Willoughby.
Miss Emma Joyner, of
ville, came up Sunday morning
and was the guest of Mrs. Ivy
At the close of business, Sept.
with us.
Miss Rosa Bell Taylor come in j Smith.
to visit friend . Dora B
Rev. T. ii. King filled his reg
of Cone-
and J, P.
Loans discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loan
Count, o Loan a few days ago, j Kev. i. u.
ate that he want dear appointment in the evening silver coin, including
B. J. Pulley, of Greenville, minor
at Ivy Smith's Sunday. I no- other
S. C Carroll went to Snow
Hill last Sunday to attend
vices and also to sea his brother.
guaranteed. A- Mfg. very tired
Go., N. C. S wing machines for sale from
j. Li Green wont to .,,,. A. Ange Co.
ton on business- Cat want to
received, i. nice lot of buy R D Rev. J. R. Carroll, who preaches
ladies shoes. ;. A. G. Cox Co. made for Snow Bill
, Barber Co a shipment of a solid ear of Mr. and H. C. Dixon took
P. and desk today. The a trip out in the to
Cannon, were visiting friends in demand is continually
Greenville Sunday. j rapidly. Better place your or
For stationery see d r early.
A. W. Ange Co. Co , Winterville, N. C.
J, R p.,,.,.,,.,.,, cotton
farm Monday.
Levi Wayne and family were
last Sunday.
There will
e .
Mr. nod A.
and children, and
Mi i Joseph and
of , were
visiting at Mills Smith, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Starkey
; at Mills smith's
Mia Martha Bell land Jessie
i were guests of Mrs. C
E. Saturday night
land S .
Mr. , B. P
and children and
tic and Hi d Smith were l
112086.61 Capital stock 111,000.00
., Surplus fund 660.00
1,178.68 Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes pd 489.06
Bills payable 6,000.00
Time of deposit 202.20
Deposits subject to 8,180.66
V, E A. Cashier
of the to-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
i- true to the of our knowledge
P. A.
and to be-
fore m . 10th day of s pt
1900, k. ii. Hunsucker,
Notary Public,
A i. Cox,
R. II. Hunsucker,
P, Harrington,
. hero sell, We understand Methodist Sunday.;
I pay u hat it well. Mr. Buck, who works
at C. B. .
. ten v We have them
i lay and day nights.
U. D.
forth G. C M. i
Co. bad the to
the a finger and thumb
J. F. Stokes was here Tues Mr. bis
; Rollins went to ll to the h at Fri- Prof. P. o
I any. We hop, th, a speedy in W. H. S., has organized a
I any.
O. W. Rollins. G. A. recovery.
typewriting this week.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
A Character of the
of Lent Ago.
Written for The Reflector.
Who i it, that never aw or
heard of John Eason or
Tarn Eason He was usually
called Sam, for but he
preferred to be known simply as
J. T.
That notable person
have been seen any day in what
he called his circuit in
Pitt, Wilson, Green or Martin
counties, at any general public
unusual gathering
in the country, horse race or cir
He was always on hand, the
first to arrive and th last to
I leave. On these occasions he gen-
secured a seat
near a court house or some ac
grocery, where he
could get ice water and other
refreshments to his liking.
With a stately and command-
air, Mr. Eason weighed
possibly four hundred and fifty
pounds, avoirdupois- He
massive face and a brow that
almost covered his eyes,
while he never carried a spear of
iron like a weaver's beam to slay
his enemies as did Samson, he
usually held in his hands, as he
sat, a huge walking cane in the
shape of a shepherd's crook.
And as we remember him, his
was that of a great
man lion.
did he come
asked a young American who had
suddenly spied J. T. in his lair
and was startled as he exclaimed
to his friend, Jack, ain't
be a whopper listen, you will
hear him
But Mr. Eason generally
quiet, even with in-
and frequently closed
his eyes to escape the scrutiny
of the crowd that, on court days,
completely surrounded him.
And then some unsophisticated
citizens would often annoy
by referring to bis and
weight, and be pretending to be
asleep on these occasions, with
an ominous growl would storm
at his frightened
thousand pounds, drat
And after that he was not heard
again. occasions were
rare, and as a sensible man his
ire was transitory.
Mr. Eason attended every ball
in his circuit, as we have inti-
mated; was a patron of the art of
dancing, a great a admirer of the
ladies, and boasted that he had
been introduced to more famous
belles any man of his day.
The stories of his sayings and
exploits would fill a
In days, with a
large population of in
the near at hand,
there were sometimes rumors of
insurrection. On one occasion
Mr. Eason was present. It was
at a typical old country church
on the public road, a large
for building, one portion of
which was reserved for the col
people. It yearly
meeting day. The morning was
ideal and Mr- Eason was stirring
early. his arrival there
he at once secured his horse
under the overshadowing boughs
of a great tree, near where
the woodpecker the
storied beach. In the dis-
the falling nuts were the
only sounds to break the still-
Then, far away, he
the echo song of and
later he saw them as, in Indian
fashion, they came on every
road and path leading to the
meeting, attired in all their
finery, men, women and children,
with their separate and special
feast of good things.
first in little knots in the broad
opening at the road. Then a
venerable brother, the keeper of
the church, came Bible and
hymn books, to see the doors
were opened and that everything
was decent and in order. And
then, with clouds of dust
marked the approach of a host,
the rattle of wheels, th smack-1
of whips, and the neighing
of horses came young d Did
with greetings and a hearty
hake of hands for every soul, j
and a welcome for all
to the best church that toe
After the services of course
J. T. had scarcely tied from
this invitation before neighbor
said, did you ever
see so many la this
said J. T.
are a great people
both white and bUck here, and
so far as I can judge
are quiet and are enjoying their
yearly treat. Mr. Sta
ton, their in grist
numbers indicate, I hope,
the very opposite of trouble for
as persons seem to
Of course appearances
are some times deceiving-
At this very time a person noted
for his excitability had the ears
of half a dozen eager listeners
at a little distance.
said J. T-. was on
hand early this morning and I
believe I know something of the
character, and there will
be no trouble if people will keep
their Mr.
Staton, Taylor is a good
man, but he is not the kind of
person we need, I will go over
the road and see what he is
and they parted.
The unfounded rumor was slow-
spreading, and a gentleman re-
ported that the church was
ready being overrun by the
and it was difficult to
keep them from the seats of the
white people and even the ladies.
At this juncture J. T. decided to
act at once. He turned in the
direction of the church and, to
the amazement of men who
drew near. entered, and with
a motion of his hand said be
quiet. Then he went through the
crowded house and up the aisle
without removing his hat. The
preacher, of course, saw him and
knew something was amiss and
discontinued reading his hymn.
The congregation was
f at the interruption, and
the ladies to whom he lifted his
finger in warning, fortunately
understood him and were in a
measure quieted.
When he reached -the pulpit
he turned in full view of the
and with a searching
look, that he alone could assume,
lifted his great cane over their
heads and at the top of his voice,
in a hissing tone, he shouted,
The frightened out of
their wits, bolted out of the
doors and windows and
in three minutes they were all
in the woods. When they re-
ported next day they said they
had seen the devil with forked
When the excitement had in
a measure subsided, Mr. Eason
to the ladies and the
preacher and explained that but
for a timely interference of the
services the excitement, which
happily unnecessary, might
have ended seriously, and in the
words of Patrick Henry he said,
vigilance is the price
But this incident, which is lit-
true, has passed out of the
memory of many men of the
present generation. While the
Candidate are at Work and the Lilt of
Voter. Grow.
It was w ago that
the voting began for the
beautiful b by Boudoir
piano, which Th- R is
going to give away on Christmas
eve, and the grows more
I interesting as each goes by
i People are a to the real-1
that somebody is going
to get an elegant piano absolutely
free, and more of them
I planning to enter the contest,
j which is to everybody-,
. individual school or church.
Have you not some favorite
i the contest, or who you would
j like to nominate, and help them
with your votes It costs you
nothing to vote, and all it
contestants is a little work.
a candidate goes to you,
subscribe to The or
pay up your subscription and
vote. It you are not Waited on
by a candidate, you can call at
the office to pay your
or send it in by moil, and
let us know who you wish to
for, and the votes will be
entered just you direct. Help
some candidate by getting a
Reflector subscription receipt
and voting.
Here is the standing of the
vote today, but some contestants
have votes not yet turn
Miss Mary Johnson
Miss Lottie Blow ,
Miss Mavis B He Evans 4.050
Miss Lillie R. Tucker 5.600
James Tingle
School 1,775
Miss Hodges
Miss Christine Johnson
Mrs. John Cheek 1.000
Miss Beulah Mumford
Miss Maud Mooring 1,250
If no candidate is in this list
for whom you wish to vote, you
can nominate and vote for
any you and the
will give your candidate a
thousand votes to start with.
he question been asked
if a candidate can withdraw and
the vote already received be
transferred to another Or if
two more candidates can later
in the contest combine their
votes against a leader To both
of these questions the answer is
no. Votes once recorded and
cast in the lock-box prepared for
them cannot be changed. If a
candidate withdraws from the
race the vote of that candidate
cannot be counted for anyone
else, nor can there be any com-
of votes by two or more
It is a fair and open contest,
and the piano is to be awarded
for the largest number of votes
secured by getting subscriptions
for The Reflector. Only one
candidate can win the piano, and
that one must have the largest
number of votes, but all the
others who work in the
will be given a cash commission
on the subscriptions brought in,
so they will be paid for the work
they do. No need of any
date feeling discouraged. Get
out and work with a
to win.
In the meantime, if you want
to examine this piano
that The Reflector will give
away, and see what a
cent instrument it is, go to the
music room of White,
where it is on exhibition, and
those gentlemen will be pleased
to show it and explain its merits.
R. Hutching. Make. As
wilt After Letter.
While his way to the office
a little before o'clock
morning. D. J. Whichard, editor
of The was
in a most cowardly manner, by
Happening, Interest in North Caro
Raleigh, Oct.
wins first honor at the State fair
for best county exhibits in
the collection. collection
was made by J. A. Perry, who
searchers found the dead body
in the seed pile I is supposed
the boy had sunk deep into the
and in efforts to extricate
himself threw more of the seed
over himself and was
Salisbury. Oct. 24.-A rather
severe storm passed over the city
J. R. Hutchings. has for years been an i- yesterday during
The editor had jut passed the tor. William of Wake, which lightning set fire to ti
passage way in hunt of King's won the first prize for the best in
stables when Hutchings stepped farmer's Surry
out of this passage way behind and Buncombe got the honor for
him, calling hi name, which the best packed apples and F.
caused him to look around, and of Macon county, the
as he did so Hutchings struck be-t collection of apples.
Whichard a blow just below . n
temple and caught him around Durham. Oct. Par-
the and to overpower ham an man of was
him. In the scuffle that follow- killed this morning about
ed and while
Whichard with one hand and
holding him with the
by an eastbound freight on the
Southern main line. The old
man, who was soon to have been
Whichard with much difficulty to the county home, was
got out his pistol and fired two without relatives of any kind to
shots, but his arm was so en- care for him and had been long
tangled that he could take no aim
and the shots missed his assail-
ant. Hutchings wrenched
the pistol out of
hand, pushed him through
glass window in front of the
stable, and pinioning him to the
window sill struck him over the
head with the pistol.
The editor had received a
threatening letter from Hutch-
the day before, and in antic-
of being attacked had
armed himself. When Hutch-
was arrested immediately
after the assault the officer found
a pistol on him Re-
with Bright's disease
and could not have lived more
than thirty days, the physicians
say. He was deaf in addition
the to destitution and it is supposed
that he was straggling about the
railway when he stepped upon
the track. The train was not
running but the engineer
did not see him in time to stop
his train.
Whereas, the Great Spirit has
seen fit to enter the home of
our beloved Brother, A. B. Moore,
and take there from dear
father and where as e know
the Spirit cannot err in his all-
wise providence, but all
things for our betterment and
His glory, therefore be it re-
solved Tribe
No. f. O. R. M.
1st. That we extend to
Brother Moore and bis relatives
our heartfelt and sincere
thy in this the saddest hour of
their lives.
2nd. That we commend them
to the Great Spirit, who is able
to succor all our distress and
comfort us in our sorrow.
3rd. That a copy of these
resolutions be spread, on our
records and a copy be sent to
Brother Moore and a be
sent to The Daily Reflector with
request to publish.
W. P. Edwards,
H. S Com.
J. W. Brown,
unaccountable way, Charles
Pinch, a student of Guilford Col-
fell from the platform of
tie Winston train near the out-
skirts of the city this afternoon
and sustained injuries from
which he died at o'clock at St.
Leo's hospital. The young man
big barn and stable on the farm
of Mr. T. A. at the
old Fraley race track, near the
city, the bolt striking a large
tree a few feet off and running
to the barn. The ding, a
number of farming i
and a large amount y
were consumed. Some
live stock which the
stable at the time ,
nut, though two colored i mp
were stunned but soon r covered,
Fayetteville, Oct. Mrs. A.
R wife of M A R.
superintendent ex-
Congressman G. B. Patterson
farm in Grey's to u hip.
this county, while superintend
the weighing of cotton on
the farm was viciously attacked
by a woman cotton pi
who becoming enraged the
question of weight of cotton
picked by her felled Mrs.
to the ground and severely
beat her. She was prevented
from inflicting further injuries
only by the interference of other
hands. The De Vane
woman fled, accompanied by her
husband, Archie De Vane, and
has yet been apprehended,
though the neighborhood ha
been searched by a posse.
Asheville, Oct
is said to have been attempting part the town of Andrews
to go from one car to another the Murphy branch, near
slipped on the platform was almost wiped out
by fire which broke out in the
of the town last night.
Six buildings were destroyed be-
fore the fire could be checked.
fell, his bead striking against a
freight ow the He
was years old and a son of ex-
Sheriff T J. Finch, of Randolph
county, but has been a resident I drug store, an adjoin
assemble saying that he or she a big
as Tart is constantly
heard from Maine to California,
and will continue to be repeated
through the ages.
Uncle Tom Davis.
Tea Science.
belongs to the family of
newly discovered maladies, n
order to explain more fully we
will tell of a conversation we
heard once. A school boy was
asked to spell stove-pipe. He
began, Stove. P-i-p-e.
Pipe, Stove Pipe,
Being asked what
the meant,
he replied, the
is a disease that
the fellow who in the
airship has in place of the hook
worm he would have had if he
had gone barefooted on the
ground. News.
Dr. H- O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha Nov.
1st. and 2nd, Monday and Tues-
day, for the purpose of treating
disease of the eye, ear, nose and
throat, and glasses.
Those who went to see about
work being done will be charged
no fee unless terms are agreed
upon. wad w
of Thomasville for the past few
Ward, a printer employed by the
Kerr Printing Company of High
Point, while assisting in unload-
an imposing stone from a
car, was crushed to death by the
stone falling upon him. The
horses attached to a wagon upon
which the stone was to be
placed, suddenly moved forward,
as the stone was midway between
the car and the wagon, causing
the heavy mass to fall between
them. Ward was caught before
he could jump away, his chest
being literally crushed in.
Wilmington. Oct
Ellis, years of age. son
of Alderman and Mayor Pro Tern
Ellis of this city, fatally
injured this afternoon at o'clock
at Hallsboro, near Chadbourn,
while coupling cars on a
freight train of
which he was flagman, having
recently left the general offices
of the company to learn the trans-
end of the business.
He was fearfully mangled in the
stomach and one leg was cut off.
He lived until shortly before
o'clock as the train bring-
him to the city was nearing
the depot here. Great sympathy
millinery store, a hardware
store, the Andrews bottling
works and office buildings were
burned. The buildings destroyed
carried little if any insurance.
Yesterday afternoon, at her
home in Jacksonville, N. C.,
Mrs. Willis, the wife of
a prominent citizen, shot
instantly killed a colored man
named Henry Williams. Mrs.
Willis sitting upon the
porch cleaning her husband's
gun when Williams started up
the steps. The hammer of the
gun was cocked, and in some
way released it and the entire
j load of shot took effect in the
face. Mrs. Willis was
taken before a magistrate and
given a preliminary hearing, but
the evidence was not sufficient to
convict her and she was released.
-New Bern Journal Oct. 24th.
Wilmington, N. d Oct.
Will Hendricks, colored. years
old, servings two year term on
the county road force for blind
buried beneath
many tons of rock at the quarry
near the city today and instantly
Oct 25.-J. J.
Reed, aged who conducts
store city, while out
robbed of fifty dollars
22--A white men unknown
the depot here. Great in the northern part of
is for the parents, the
boy being their only son.
Greensboro, Oct.
to The Daily
Goldston the 6-year-old son
of William Fields, living a
distance from that place, was
smothered to death yesterday in
a pile of cotton seed. The boy
with several other children had
been playing in the seed during
Finger Split Opes.
A few days ago a colored man
employed at the Greenville
Co's. plant, caught
finger n a block and
the edge of a mad me about
. which lie was v. irk.
the afternoon and was not miss- finger was almost entirely split
ed until nearly dark. Later I open.

ct our line of
La r R la de Coat
Suits, Skirts, Raincoats
I are u. .-.
We l . nu
. I ill
. Embroideries
en hand
Everything New and Modern
using only NEW
A full line of Fine Stationery, Toilet Supplies.
Cigars. Tobaccos, and everything handled by
A First Class Drug Store i I At The Mercantile
CHOCOLATE just received.
Dr. E. A. Offices are in the rear
Norfolk Cotton are Peanuts,
y J . W. Perry Co. Cotton V
I .
. It
. I .
n . . .-.;
Union Mads
Middling II-M
Low Middling U
Low Middling 1-16
Fancy 1-4
Price S
L w Grade
M .
lit, V .
Wire by Cob Bra
and v
Doc Abe
D- -i 3-4
Jan It
B r
The Prescription
Company's Store
The contest for beaut
up-right at the Central
Mercantile Company's store is
very rapidly
the people are interest. to know
w ho in going to get this grand
prize, is a lint of the
Lad are hundreds of
other contestants but space for-
bids publishing.
J. R. 1730
St. Peters church 1661
Annie May 1548
J. B. Harris 1208
Sycamore Hill church
Lula Taylor
Annie Daniel
Jan. Tyson
Flossie Whichard
Mrs. J. W Dixon
Lawrence Fulford
Mary Carroll
Roll Jenkins
Get in the race and work, the
lowest may be the leader at fie
dose of this great contest.
J. R. Jo G
Greenville, N. C.
Carry as Side Lines
Agency for Bonbons and Chocolates
Eastman Agency for Kodaks and
J. F. DAVENPORT, Manager.
to Mir
; r
For months have bean keeping an eye on the production of the greatest garment
and style originators, both in this country and abroad, watching for the distinctive, out of
th thoughts which spring up as it ware, the multitude of handsome stamped out designs,
v mark the display of ready-to-wear garments. We have been studying the style
I for fall close range, in some fashion messages of what is to be needed in
wearables and watching our selection of suits with first hand knowledge of your needs.
all the newest shades
. , .
SIDE when the autumn sun shines on the trees and grasses of dull Brown, Green, Blue and Gold, are the new goods
son. P effects very weave, which fashion has declared worth while is here at tempting prices. Many a beautiful sheen conceals
it . lead to give weight, which causes the fabric to cut with very little wear. When you buy our goods, you buy absolutely the best our money
hat is why an of vicinity our goods have such a recognized standard. Choose the goods for the new class from our enticing
value .
In c line we have anticipated every whim-- j
v . who care for their dress. They are j
. find most anywhere else this season. Cut on
vigorous line details that young
men are keen ab .; in a wide range of styles, fine, fancy
Worsted and Navy Blue
Our complete fall of school clothes has arrived and when we
say school cloth we mean something more than substantial knock-
about cloth . These new suits enlist the same pains-taking care of
the designers as do the suits for and that is saying a
great our boys have clothes full of class and
a., a . we grown up
For more than a decade this store's Millinery has been the premier
event of the season. Each season they've grown nearer to perfection.
In the great numbers, the vanity, the exclusiveness, and artistic el-
of the Hats assembled for this fall's exhibit, all our previous
similar displays have been far out classed. Our Millinery Depart-
with its settings of new fall Millinery will present
a marvelously interesting and beautiful picture.
have had in view for the last several months the requirements of this
event, and their contributions are equally praise-worthy. The pres-
of this store as a style source will be immeasurably increased by
the many beautiful creations and adoptions in the present exhibit.
So elaborate presentation of fascinating modes has never before
been attempted.
Get Ground in
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
If you are expecting to build you a home or want to make a paying investment
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale.
Terms to suit purchasers.
in Furniture until you have carefully inspected our stock.
We have on our floors the most complete lice of
of every description ever shown in we invite
you to inspect our lint
Rugs, Mattings, Art Squares, Window
Shades, Toilet Sets, Etc.
In fact everything to make home comfortable. We
are also sole agents for the Royal Electric Felt
Mattresses, which has no equal.
Taft Boyd Furniture
With the most versatile pianists, could not
possibly bring you more enjoyment than you,
yourself could derive from either
Mayer Piano,
The Milton,
The Bros.
Or Lester
Player Pianos,
In fact, with either of these Player Pianos
as a companion, you have the advantage of
playing the music music you best
like, and playing it in that rich, full manner,
bringing out the delicate beauties of the melody
which even many skilled pianists fail to develop,
and this, possible with the veriest novice, with-
out your knowing one note from another.
We will take your deaf dumb piano is
When in Greenville, visit our Piano
the finest music in Eastern Carolina.
n Mm a------
Get Well
Ti you arc sick, you wish to get well, don't you
I Of course you do. You wish to be rid of the pain and
I misery, and be happy again.
It your illness is caused by female trouble, you
J can quickly get the right remedy to get well. It's
This great medicine, for women, has re-
or cured thousands of ladies, suffering like
you from some female trouble.
b .
For Women's Ills
Hrs. Fannie Ellis, of Foster, Ark., suffered agony for seven
I years. Bead her letter about She was sick for
I seven years with female trouble. Every month I would very nearly
I die with my head and back. I took bottles of and was
I cured. is a God-send to suffering Try it.
We want to week
Farmers National Congress Nov. 3-9.
The Norfolk and Southern
Railway will sell round trip
tickets at extremely low fares
from points on its line to
October, 31st, November 1st,
2nd, and tor trains scheduled to
arrive before noon,
November 3rd; final limit return-
in until midnight of November
This will be one of the most in-
and interesting ever
i in the United States, and
will be attended by farmers from
every section of the country.
Get complete information from
ticket agents, or address, H. C.
G. P. A. Norfolk, Va.
Nicely furnished, every
thing clean and
working the very
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J. R. J. G. Move
If him It'll n
wan. a little band.
you may tell what a
Land Sale.
By of a decree of the
court of Pitt made in
special J. H.
W. et
he undersigned commissioner
will sell for cash before the co. rt
house door in at noon, on
Monday November 82nd, 1909, he
described tract of land in
a joining the lands
of Smith. Calvin Mills, William
Mills a o leis, beginning at a
e, the second c of a patent
granted to Thomas Cox
in Henry Mills now
owned the of the said Mills
and run from thence with the ace. n t
line of said patent
es to Call b Smith's line; thence
with Smith s line a southeast
course to the land belonging to the
aid Henry Mill.- ceased; then with
their line to the station b the
line land in a from
is Mills, administrator of Henry J.
Mills, to John dated March
1874, and recorded in
x-x page Fin. Said land being sold
for partition.
the 22nd. day of Oct
J. D. James.
ltd Commissioner.
Which not only SAVES one-third FUEL
but gives you an even
If you are not using one, make some in-
about them from someone who
does use them
Nearly a Car Load of Matting
RUGS and ART SQUARES. If you will
let us serve you, we will please you the
best we can. We want to call your at-
again to our Rigid Hook Piece
Beds and Felt
Mattresses. About more of those
Carpet sample Rugs have just arrived.
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in main business sec-
of the town- Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
Modern electrical machine for
dry shampoo and massage. La-
dies waited on at their homes.
Cobb Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
And now a good time to have
your summer nicely cleaned
and so it can be put away
and for months. It is time
to bring your overcoat and have
it cleaned and ed for win-
perhaps it a new
or re lining. A little work on it
may buying a new one. I
am to do work for you
it ought to be done.
PAUL The Tailor.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging. Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipment
To North Carolina Great State Fair, October 18th-23rd
and invitation to make North Carolina's
greatest retail Dry Goods Store their
headquarters, and to avail freely of the
accommodations and advantages our
store offers.
Special attention it directed to our Ready-to-wear Millinery, Shoes,
and House Furnishings Departments,
and our line MEN'S FURNISHINGS.
23- I Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C.
Subscribe to The Reflector
Persons owing me store accounts up
to the of my going out of business
arc requested to settle the same
Nov. let, 1909. After that all
accounts amounting to over will be
put into judgments, and all under
will be advertised for sale.
Children teething often suffer from
cholera or some
form of bowel complaint. Dr. Seth
Arnold's Balsam the heat remedy.
Warranted by J. L, Wooten.
-i------a a i
Bonds, Life and Fire.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
v-. .--,

One Veer
ti be upon
t business In -1 h
Reflector ding, corner Evans and
third e
E Here in th.- at Greenville
N. Cm d- I. mail matter
If the prohibition wave
subside congress is going to
be forced to pass a law will
prevent its shipment dry
territory, and for one we shall
DO glad of it. The people of the
state have they want
and we want to we
then get Herald.
That is just what
ought to do, and the sooner it is
done the
here live mi agriculture. W. Allen, who This shows what good hot will
I sincerely hope ilia, you are om of the for appoint- do for a town, and Tin- Keller tor
growing up with the idea that it mm y will t,,. had one
U your business lo go into the . , , , . . mi i. . . U
. , , candidate the nomination, like it. e hope He lime is
towns fit , ,
the American boy. in m, the bar of county BOt tar distant when some our
in his has unanimously endorsed his properly owners will move in
Mil I
if you
A bale of cotton means some-
thing m r. sen price.
Be only his
-i lent has also h-t
on Ins whir around the
The Greensboro doctor and
aldermen may get their
over liquor prescription-
settled after awhile.
The State fair this year
an excellent one. The
effector man has not been a
regular attendant of the fairs in
Raleigh, but went up
day and found this one the best
there. The exhibits of
farm fruits
machinery;, manufactured
articles fancy work, live sloe.,
poultry, etc., were large
tine. Mid the midway was Bill
with attractions of various kinds.
There was something of interest
going on all the time d an
crowd was in attendance
This week is Charlotte's turn
with a fair and a circus, and the
ii happy.
Hearst seems possessed of the
idea that the way to reform Now
York is to make him mayor.
The State fair and circuses
this week have taxed the carry-
capacity of the railroads.
If men elected to office would
always lilt out their terms, the
appointing power would have
less trouble.
Baltimore had another had
tire Sunday, with a loss close to
half a million dollars. That
city has many but always
rebuilds better than before.
is largely
pursuing the and pro
of the farmer. The re-
of economic, scientific bus
mess like funning are more
profitable than any other trade
or profession, when you look
forward that you .
going lo along the
course of our lathers and that
you are going to make this
country, s oilier country.
blossom I . rose I he tell-
Hie city is not one
I hat ought encourage, ,
hope that development
the t country life are
III I i ;
Mr. K. E. of Scot
Neck, who was here at
dug the recent As
at wrote so i e very
about Greenville from
i i h we take the follow
I he meetings were held in
i which the Slate
. was The
mil is a beautiful and at-
edifice and all its
I ; forward ,.
now to a of the move- ,
toward large cities. The appointments are in
place for us to U , pi with the charming am
The i., .,. I life spirit of the
care of ,.,,.,,;,. who worship there. Tin
i- in he
cities will lake
The business men of Golds
are much exercised over an
ordinance passed by the abler
men requiring the removal of
overhead signs and posts
from and are en-
lo have the ordinance
repealed The business men are
a mistake in that r-
that is if they would
the looks of the
pal city to be
proved. If such obstructions as
overhead signs and aw posts
are removed, after
improved appearance for a lime
they would never want to go
back to previous conditions.
That was the experience
ville hail There was a stir bore
for a lime over the removal of
Two very slick gentlemen
worked Henderson and Fayette-
ville week, the same
fleecing people in both towns
At Henderson they represented
themselves as being real estate
agents looking for desirable
property, and at Fayetteville
they claimed to be
of a large st.-d
that wanted to locate a plant ill
that town. They set their traps
and caught victims in both
Congressman of the
Asheville district, has brought
much criticism upon himself for
the in which he had a
widow removed as postmaster at
wild one of his cam
worker appointed in her sidewalk obstructions, but they
place. The congressman filed a were removed, and the business
secret charge against the widow street looks so much better that
Affidavits are the order of the
day in the
but. they seem to have
little effect in shaking the
of the public in Dr.
The farmer who cut's down his
acreage, and then goes in to
raise better crops on the fewer
acres planted, takes a step in
the right direction for improve-
The State fair next year is to
be a semi-centennial exposition,
the fair having been organized
for fifty years. means a
big fair, and it will
for two weeks instead of one.
The test of a cotton picking
machine has been made near
ville, S. C., and those
who witnessed the work of the
machine pronounce it a perfect
accusing her of attempting to
bribe him to recommend her re-
appointment, and the discovery
of this is the cause of the
sure he is now getting.
Columbus, Ga., was put down
as one of the places President
Taft would visit on his tour of
the country, and the board of
trade of that city had
on the way for a great
welcome to him. But learning
that the president's train will
make a stop there of only ten
minutes, the board of trade
adopted a resolution expressing
its indignation and
that the organization would take
no part in a welcome to the
president. There is an old say-
that something loose
now an expression is never heard
in the
lion, back.
There is no batter time than
now for some men of means to
success. It picked one thousand let interested in the establish-
pound, of cotton in an hour with- flour and for the
out injury to the bolls or plants.
Down in Texas a big fat
sum was put aboard President
Taft's train, and the president
was looking forward with pleas-
to a and din-
next day. But during a stop
at night somebody stole the
sum and another had to be pro-
before the anticipated
dinner could be spread.
The faculty of East Carolina
Teachers Training School have
adopted Monday instead of Sat-
for a weekly holiday, and
the students will have their reg-
program of work on
days. The Reflector believes
this change a good one.
farmers to be planning to sow
wheat. At the present high
price of flour there is no deny-
that the farmers raise
wheat and have it ground into
flour much cheaper than they
can boy it. There is plenty of
good wheat land in Pitt county
and the farmers can grow it
but to get them to do
this there should be a good mill
at which flour can be made.
Carolina Club had an interest
meeting Friday night to con-
sider matters determining its
vitality. The club has
outstanding indebtedness, and
running expenses had reached a
figure in excess of receipts, hence
some action was necessary, or
disorganization would result.
This matter was fully discussed
at the meeting and a vote fol
lowed to levy an assessment on
the members to apply on the in
and to increase the
annual dues to cover running ex-
and make some allowance
for improvements. This was a
right step, Carolina club is too
useful an organization to be
hampered with debt, and for it
to disband would be a calamity
to the town. It should have the
support and the encouragement
of the people, and the member-
ship ought to be much larger.
Sunday morning President
Taft spoke to a gathering
of Sunday school children at
Terrell, Tex., and closed his re-
marks with this excellent ad-
When Judge Connor was made
a Federal judge, it became the
duty of the governor to appoint
a successor to till the vacancy on
the Supreme court bench of the
State caused by bis resignation
of that position. While this
could only be until
the next general election, which
comes next year, there are
candidates for it. The
went to Hon. J.
Manning, but there must be i
regular nomination and election
next year. It is announced that
i and charming town of
is well known for its
open of Its
people and the
shown lo the visitors the
low n on this occasion was quite
unit altogether pleasing
no town in the State
has made greater in gen
oral development in the past
years than
From a sort of easy-going town
if I or three thousand
it has grown to be a bright
and busy little city of nearly
thousand people Most of its
important and sidewalks
an- beautifully paved through
out. and thrift and good cheer
met one at every turn. The
chief ion in the way
enterprise for Greenville is the
East Carolina Training School
which been opened with
more than one hundred pupils
the beginning The site for tin
is ideal, the grounds are
beautiful six splendid
buildings have already been
erected. good
seems lo have been
ill selection of the site,
laying oil i he grounds and in the
placing of the buildings. The
management start its
prospects are quite flattering
and it is destined to become a
great influential institution,
in which the people of Eastern
Carolina will take special inter
est delight, and of which
the whole State will be
When Governor Jams was
speaking before Chamber of
Commerce at the last
Tuesday night, in mentioning
some of Greenville's needs he
said that the town was now in
need of nothing more than a
modern hotel, one in keeping
with growth of the town and
large enough to accommodate
the people who come here. In
this particular we cannot help
but feel a little envious of Rocky
Mount, though at the same time
we congratulate that town upon
what it has done in the hotel
line. The Ricks Hotel there,
which was completed a few
months ago, is the best and
handsomest hotel in Eastern
North Carolina, and would do
credit to a city of considerable
size. It is a construct-
ed brick building of three stories
and basement, and has seventy-
five bed rooms With convenient
baths. It is equipped with
ice plant and cold storage,
heating plant, and everything
for comfort and convenience.
Mr. T. L. Bland, a Pitt county
boy, is proprietor, and is con-
ducting the hotel with great
success. Me tells us that since
he opened the Ricks Hotel the
hotel patronage of Rocky Mount
has increased fifty percent.
that direction.
A valuable addition to North
literature is Love's
a collection in book
of excellent poems written
by Mr E. The book
is entirely Southern, the author
being a native and long a
of this Slate, and it is
by a Carolina pub
. Stone t
Company, of Charlotte. No
has been spared to make
the book us beautiful as possible,
in I his the publishers have
done admirably. l he poems of
Mr are gems, and the
publishers have given them such
artistic seating with beautiful
as to the book
most and entitle it to
a place in every Southern home.
North Carolina should feel proud
of such a production. Copies of
Love's can be had
by addressing the publishers for
in cloth binding or
limp leather binding.
A- an indication of one of C e
benefits of the East Carolina
Teachers Training School, aside
its great advantage as an
educational institution, we
ready hear of several people who
wish to locate in or near Green-
ville making inquiry about the
purchase of homes in town, or
if near town, so as to be
ill easy access to the school.
ill doubt such an excellent
school will attract people, and
will welcome all
good who cast their lot
here. There is desirable prop
city here can he bought
reasonable prices, and we have
a good building loan
that will help those secure
a home who are not in
to pay all for it.
this is Greenville,
yours if you
A Beau it at St. Jake's
N. C, 22.-On Wed-
afternoon at at the
Episcopal church, parish of St.
John's, Pitt county, Miss Fred
J. Tucker, daughter of Mr.
Joshua Lawrence Tucker, was
given in marriage to Mr
Victor Cannon, of Ayden.
The church had been
fully decorated with palms and
ferns banked against
chancel wall, the green contrast
to good with the
white bankings and the
white . which
from the altar to th- v.
Mrs. Edward Graham
son, of Washington, gave
was white satin with
blacklist. Miss Farmer
rendered the wedding muse,
giving bridal chorus
for and Mendel-
wedding tor re-
Mrs. Walter F. Harding, the
bride's sister, was dame oft
honor. She was gowned In blue
moire rearing a black fiat
aid carried carnations. Miss
Cannon, of the
was maid of honor. She
wore white
black hat and carried
Then entered the beautiful
bride on the arm of her brother.
Mr. Walter F. Harding who
gave away. A. the
they were met by
groom with his man Mr.
John W. Coward, of Ayden.
They took their place, our
and according to the old
English custom, the vows were
W. E ox. of
ton, performed the ceremony.
He was u personal friend of
having presented her tor
The bride was attired in a
going away gown, of London
smoke with hat and gloves to
match. carried bride roses.
The ushers were Messrs.
Cannon and Elmer Gardner, both
of Ayden. All the gentlemen
wore black suits, tie of black,
After receiving co
the bridal party, together
many friends, drove to Grifton,
where they took the train for
points north.
received quite a number
of beautiful gifts from friends
and relatives.
It is In time of sudden mishap or ac-
that Chamberlain's Liniment
can be re to the place of
the family doctor, who cannot always
be found at the moment. Then it is
that Chamberlain's Liniment is never
found wonting. In coses of
Liniment take out the and
drives away the pain. Sold by
fa. Baa.
When a man takes his money
out of a bank and buries it in
the garden, or gives it to a
friend to keep in his boot-leg for
him it generally turns that
finds the spot in
the garden or friend
takes a sudden notion to
emigrate. The most
thing one can do is to draw
money from institutions that are
managed honest men and
hide it about the house or trust
it to the care and keeping of
supposed friends. Every
plus dollar should be deposited
and kept in the bank until it is
needed, because more than
ninety-nine out of every one
hundred banks are absolutely
safe, and you can get your money
whenever you want it. This is by
no means the case when you
entrust it to the keeping of an
individual friends- Waxhaw En-
Washington, D. C, Oct. 26.-
The census bureau today issued
a that
bales, counting round as half
bales, bad been ginned from the
growth of 1909 to October as
compared with 6.296,166 for 1908;
for 1907 and
for 1906.
Wanted-A good milch cow.
Phone B. D. D, Haskett.
Subscribe to The Reflector,
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Kill
for Ayden and vicinity. rat I furn i
Any kind of sewing machine, K. Elite, a good dresser
needles, shuttles, bobbins belts for col ton, at J. R. Smith Co.
at J. R- Smith Co. royal blue shoes for ladies
Mrs. H M. Sauls and at J. R. Smith
night from a trip to Richmond.
I glad to bee Mrs.
We are
goods laces and
to match at . K. Smith
Misses aid Eva
May Fer . r
Mason and Lightning fruit
jars. and caps at J.
Smith l
Mrs. C L. Cannon left Wed-
Hertford, she
will j Mr
rubber and
belting, rope and at J. K.
Florence left this
T. H. v Ac turnip and
rutabaga at J. Small Co.
Eu spent a part
Thai in Greenville.
School books and stationary
at J. H
Quite a number of our
people am the
fair this week-
Law i.-. Laces and
at any reduced puces at J.
R. Co.
Mrs. L. A. of Wash-
has been with her par
J. A. Davis.
hose for ladies,
gentlemen and at J.
Smith Co.
A. A. es, of Greenville,
was it. town today.
all and magazines
at J. U Co.
Mis J. K. Smith returned to-
night from a trip to her
Lime, cement, windows and
doors always unhand at J. R.
Smith Co.
Mr. and Hodges
spent y at his former
home in Washington.
Try a bucket of use
one third tan than lard, at J. R.
Smith C.
J. J. Gentry spent Sunday at
his home in
A visit to the large
plant of J- Smith Co.
Dixon will convince you that
they cm furnish you with
lumber to build a house, and nice
material with which to complete
it, such as mantels, bracket,
and turned work. Sell
you a open or top
wagon, cart or wheel
or repair any of the above
for you. Make you wire doors
and screens for your windows.
Shoe your mules arid horses;
grind your corn, gin your cotton,
while you live, and then can fur-
you. with a nice coffin or
casket and hearse for yourself
or family. to. see us,
Yours to
J. R. Smith Co Dixon.
The Methodist gave another
very fine musical on last Friday
night. It was much enjoyed by
Mrs. Joe remedies,
Perkins Tablets and
medicines at J. R. Smith Co.
D. D. Haskett. of Greenville,
spent Saturday in Ayden in the
of The Progressive Far-
Mill supplies, belts and full
line of hardware at J. R. Smith
Richard Wingate has some
very fine horses now. You
will not regret coming to see his
School books, Bibles and
at J. R, Smith Co.
The famous piano man, Pine-
man, was doing some hustling
in our little town last week.
When Mr. Is in town
you would think the place has
taken on new life, for you can
heir music at all times.
Eighth Series and
The eighth s of shares in
The Home Building end Loan As-
of Greenville will begin
Co on Saturday, Nov. 6th. As will
J. R. Smith Co- Dixon be s-en by a large advertisement
furnish you tier free in this issue, s in the cm-
tor nothing and gin your series can be taken now to
cotton for the twentieth pound be dated Nov. H.
pay you cents per bushel A. while tells us that many
for your seed. The proposition shares have already spoken
is very popular and people from for and it is expected that the
quit e a distance are hauling their new series will a Large one.
Have to Change.
Che peon In which our
food lave put
there bee a and
on part of the man
lo U
make- to
The Quaker Company is a
Quaker Oats vat as
clean as possible and ;,; an
Ideal food.
It is so that any
ford it and
one needs II. The result of last j i
experiments Vale and other
food were Is
Oats has been adopted Io-
persona as their
they rely for and
of muscle and brain.
This splendid food is in t.
regular size package and in hen
seated tins. The latter .;
daily lo hot climates. i
cotton to them.
The people who went from
Ayden to fair report
h fine t-p.
This association is one of the
best institution s Greenville has,
and is doing much build up
the town
build and
Hanrahan, N. C., Oct. 1909
J. went to
by helping people to an returned Thurs-
own homes. It day.
Bill, N. Ct.
University sermon for
October was preached before a
in Gerrard Hall
by Francis M. Osborne, of
Mr. 0-borne
from the University in
1899. and while in college was
captain of the Varsity football
team and president of the Y. M.
C. A. He is now doing a great
work in one of the suburbs of
Charlotte. He spoke from the
the truth shall
make you He pointed out
Christ to be the great
freeing us from
bondage, social bondage
bondage to sin.
l he daily morning chapel ex-
which were suspended
during the improvements made
on Gerrard Hall, were resumed
this week. The seniors and
in addition to the fresh-
men and are now re
quired to attend. devotion
exercises are led by one of the
four ministers of the town, and
the music is directed by Proctor
C. T. and short talks
are made by members of the
or men of affairs in the
state on subjects closely related
to the lives of the students. Six
hundred students of the
school take part in these
exercises every morning. The
i professional students are excused
on account of lack of room.
This bringing together every
morning of six hundred young
men will mean much for the
and strengthening of the
University spirit-
The tennis tournament to de
the Varsity tennis team re-
suited in G. M. Fountain and C.
S. Venable holding first places.
Inter-collegiate meets are being
arranged with Davidson, Wake
Forest, Guilford, and Washing-
ton and Lee.
The annual inter-collegiate de-
bate with the University of
Pennsylvania will be held in
Chapel Hill in November. North
Carolina defeated f
last fall in Philadelphia. Debates
will also be held with Tulane and
Georgia, North Carolina lost
last year to Georgia and won
from Tulane. However, out of
twelve debates with Georgia,
North Carolina has won eight,
and has been dubbed by Georgia
as University of
able debating
Nat. J. a graduate of
the University of Pennsylvania,
has been selected trainer and
coach of the track team. In his
college days he was the fastest
college runner in this country,
and just recently defeated the
amateur runners of England,
among whom was Walker, who
won the yard dash in the
Olympic meets. Mr. is
both an athlete of high attain-
and a Christian gentle
is also a good
every one who can should
some shares of in it.
J. C. Dawson attended the
circus at Thursday.
W. J. Bullock attend-d the
carnival at Wednesday
J. Z. Brooks, of Grifton,
passed town Tuesday.
T. F. Johnson and Lu
attended church at Ayden
Thursday night
Dr. J. V. Perkins, of Green-
ville, was here Thursday on
Representatives from Beau-
fort, New Bern.
Greenville, Edenton and Eliza-
Washington in Washing
ton on t he 21st inst. and discuss-
ed Congressmen Small and
Thomas plans to a large
number of delegates from East-
North the
Atlantic Waterways con-
to be held in Norfolk on
Nov. 17th to 20th. Plans were
made to have the delegates of
this section met in Elizabeth
City on Nov. 16th and from there
go through the canal by boat to
Norfolk. Both
Small and Thomas are of the
opinion that such plan will be
in emphasizing the
of this inland waterway
to all the people and especially
to Eastern North Carolina.
Money Comes in Bunches
lo A A. Chisholm, of Treadwell, N.
Y., now. Hi is well worth
or . f suffered
flam torpid
en, a d general de-
he w it.-s.
had no pp tile, g e
weaker every day in spite all
cal tr. at mint. Then
e bottles all
my old-time h a- d vigor. Now
can attend business every
a Jib
stomach, liver, kidneys, blood
nerves. at all
M. G. of Winterville,
gave us a call Saturday.
P. Harris attended the fair and
show at last week.
Sever from here went to the
carnival at last week.
It's a Top Notch
deeds t in- regard. Th
world its doers hat's why
the American p. have crowned Dr.
Kin New s tie King
Lu- g remedies,
.-turn is a health force It k lie germ ,
and col s and grippe i.-h.
h -ale membranes and
Sore, inflamed
i tubes and lunge are and
hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo Mo re.
k Jack, N ., writes
me of hope-
less t y a I s Trial bot-
t e free. teed b. druggists.
W. H. Smith has purchased
the est of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduit the bus-
at the sane place- All
It work promptly looked after- Mr
Cox will still with the
and Company.
At the Close of Business Sept. 1st, 1909.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 992.96
bank and other
U. Notes 1,919.00
Total 177,174.97
I Suffered with Trouble.
Mr. Robert H. Norris, 11th St. Bad
have never had any other medicine hut in our home a
we have been married.
kidney bladder trouble, but two
made mi-a well and
wife felt weak and MS I ard with var-
hut she b and . In n .
are both very grateful in you do
that it Is the we can do in return what
ha done for
n w
Catarrh Entirely Relieved.
Mr. Ira Id,
I am cored of all
can truly say Hint the
best I ever saw. will
recommend to all my friends,
Catarrh of Head,
o bottles of year
of I
Stand I DR. We recoil IV
runs to any la who l-n-
is by the
. u
We all a
welcome and hope w
Capital stock f
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 656.18
Dividend unpaid 72.00
Bills payable 5,000.00
Deposits sub. to check 33,915.29
Cashier's outstanding 81.60
I, J. R. Cashier of the above named do solemnly swear
the above statement true to the best of my knowledge belief.
SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this of Sept.,
Notary Public
Your cough annoys you. Keep on
hacking and tearing the delicate
of throat If you wont to
be annoyed, but if you want to be
cured, Chamberlain's i Rem-
Sold by oil dealers.
New Buckwheat and Oat Meal
at S. M.
W prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very low it prices. Cash or tall
Cm see us and we will
We with to call your attention to our new line of fall goods which
now have. We have taken great care in buying this year and we
think can supply your wants in Shoes, Dress No
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
Farmville, N. C. Oct.
J. Y. Monk made a flying trip
to Durham Saturday in the inter-
est of his tobacco business.
W. L spent Sunday
it the home of his parents in
Miss Lank-, who fa attend-
the Atlantic Christian College
at Wilson, Sunday with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Miss Anna Bess Harris, who
has been visiting here, has re-
turned to her home at Hertford.
A. C. Monk has just returned
from a business trip to Richmond.
For several weeks the town
authorities have been putting
streets in better shape, es-
Wilson and Second
The new Baptist church is just
about ready to be occupied.
The Roanoke Union meeting
meets in the new Baptist church
at Farmville Friday Oct. at
a. m. and will continue
through Sunday. A delightful
meeting is anticipated and the
people of the town are making
preparation to entertain all who
come. Almost every family in
the town has gladly signified
their willingness to care for
those who come. We look for
a large gathering both from the
people of the town and
as well as many from a dis-
Friday night the introductory
sermon will be preached by Rev.
J. G. of Weldon.
The morning and
sessions being given to discus-
of practical subjects.
Saturday night ex-Governor
cock will speak on
and Religious We
hope the business men will try to
get through with their business
and come to hear him.
Sunday morning the new
house of worship will be
ed. Dr R T. Vann, of Raleigh.
will preach the dedicatory
A revival meeting will continue
the meeting as long as
practical. The preaching
shall have a large congregation.
Hope N. C. Oct.
The series of meeting at Hope
Well, held Rev. T. King,
came to a Friday with
five additions to Baptist
Missal Olivia and
lie Taylor, of Snow Hill, spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
Misses Lula and Lelia x.
G. C. Cox wife are visit-
near New Bern week.
Miss Cara of
Ayden, spent Sunday with Miss
Charity Worthington.
Mrs. R. L. Davis, of Ayden,
spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Cox.
Miss Rosalie Skinner spent a
few days in Raleigh last week
taking in the State fair.
Miss Ola Smith, who has been
visiting in our vicinity, has re-
turned home.
Girl Elopes With a Greek.
Miss Flora Brewer, the pretty
fourteen-year-old daughter of
Mr. Charlie Brewer, ran away
from home Monday with Billy
a Greek employed at
Crystal Ice Cream and Candy
Company, and their whereabouts
are unknown. They went
from here to Greensboro
in an automobile, it is
said, where they tried to get a
Greek to help them get a mar-
license, but he refused. It
was learned that they left on
train No. going south, but
their destination could not be
learned. The girl's parents are
trying to find
Salem Sentinel.
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming Every Day
be done by Rev. M. A. Adams, Can Serve Yon Any Way. Try Me

Th V.
October. 21st.
Mi-.- Skinner left
morning Richmond.
Mr. J. L. Fleming left
for a visit to
C R. of Wilmington.
hen . i-i r u his old home to a
aid int hinds with his
ho-d Tn i ,
M and
went to R
. to visit the
A an, lather Hit
p, .
h i b -n here I
. I . r. r . -1
o take a
P B. Beard, c
th B H of count n
it ii wan county, arid ;
r of he good
moot tor c was
a gut-st today.
Miss Magpie Tucker has re-
turned fr n a visit
it -o mi J L.
n T I y
i the
Saturday. Oct. 23rd-
Be. B. F. to
who value their own com
a d the welfare of their children,
never be v. a box of Moth-
Sweet fir Child en
r use i anon. hey
up tor con-
,. j. . he d
. s. powders
i fa-1. Sold all drug stores,
accept U i A
who will
Ann S Le Roy, N. Y.
Sale at N. C
t.- , i
M u
T x .
Ne Y
Land Sale.
D .
F. M
B virtue of i he authority in me vested
an c ma. e in a
. .--. . . t tied h. W II. d
of O. . e-
. . e
J. , lo tile high, St
I of N.-v-
clock, . in.,
. . he a a
. . . , I d . Z U I
. d N C.
i hie i bee i d op into I, v
u O
to- a .--.-. .,
. . . lira in
. . . . . i
h. ii . . i e . .
. i . . r. f-
. m,
. N en aid m p,
ma r . .
A. ; v. . said nip.
. on said
.- or
. N . laid
.- or in
Farm No . as show said
. .
. is n raid
I r. r. . r .- .-
no. or. said map.
. I . .; M
i K rm N . I
, i . . or leas.
. n
. . ,. am
I Li a s. ; .
. . I H, I as SB
o id . .
Lot . to as
. aMp
i. it a. as show
i I
Lot- i v c. -.-. .
n ; map
Lots B t r.-. to as shown
Mrs. W. L. Had went to Scot- on -.-
i i. Block
I .- .
.-. .
. a. map.
Lot- c.
on map
i. t in
By virtue of a d. of the
Court of Pitt county, made in
J g No. Is
M. c t. a. of
rd Matthews, K.
at hew C. Rollins, the
r.-i n-d will
at I the
roof in Green, on
November n tie
d scribed real es at , to wit
One in the . of b-
in street. J. E.
s comer; East feet,
n Norther y to
line, then e West U feel, th
t II O.
th with ed w M. O
B s f et to i E Orson
line, then e South r y para d S
feet o J E fa-so s i e. the
Southerly para h E Ca
to leas sire t, th begin in, j
tin the It ed to Gui ford
by A.
A lot in I on be
fide of Pleasant st adjoin-1
he n-s o M. O. B on the
North West on th- by
rs -i and n th S
st re. t. g
By virtue of a mortgage executed
by James Elks. Sr., J.
R. Mills and wife, Ola Mills, to
J mes on the 4th day of e at d
e. in the register- e of Pitt
t., in took J -S p-e on-
g sell f r cash the
. o house do r in Greenville on Sat-
November the
lowing parcel r tract of
Land in township the
Ian- of Jesse Haddock, Smith.
heirs others, con-
a acres more or less and be-
place Elks, Sr.
and all of his
except he piece recently
d .- . . IT to Jo
6th. 1909.
F. G James Mortgagee.
ltd ft
to Creditors.
ii. lo- a
s shown
as n
II m- q stifled as of
D II. . . ceased, late.-f r-.
Pitt N. C . is to notify
l-to of s -id to
tie form y kn to the I with n twelve
-h-K.-r draws lo, from this at r ibis n
r, . or . be
c . . . Al e .-o s to mi. e will
M O Blount. peas, payment.
This of S.-1., It
G Ian i at i
Commissioners Sale.
F. G. lame
T. C
r of
. r of
I in co n
the of Oft lei.
. pros tied
a F. C S.
i dos. t. as
I DOS. to Iii. a- shown
Block DOS. to lo. as shown
land Neck today.
Andrew -1
h re Friday,
J. J Fr.-f-man. of
a Greenville visitor Friday.
Mrs. R. R. Cotten returned
Friday evening from a visit to
D. W. Arnold and
Esther, have returned
from the National Convention at p j
on sic
Lots in Hi ck as shown
Lois in i. lo S, as
r, raid m p.
Lots in Block N i t. s.
Lot.- in bi. c-. U not. to . a shown
K. L Carr. Cora .
Mm r. Ex the
pi I -ell. lie v,
far the court house door in i-
vi o. M id y -i
it IS K-k M . the
, i .-t of land, eh
ire bag an s s c-
pied the I M s. Alic Harp r.
the own of
., i as
inning o-. the es aide of Evan s
S t at he intersection f h
. a-d runs t Nor h
th to st
t. North E st w th
a street t
Sou h Ci feet to Eva s
-ire hence with Eva- s street S
i West Bi 1- feel o the b. inning.
ring rt I of
IS . of the
e ha f acre in r or
One Cash on de-
th n
. pa within e mo-th- of ale
a t. e by on th
rot y
Frank M. woolen, Co-or.
g ltd
in- p.
lots i.-. front-
on Dew r -ii. a.- own en said map.
Alter the lots as
e bed, saw p. will
; II r. d . ii sale a I it
the to accept the bid or
bring the mo t money.
Ail purchasers st aid oak I be re-
to it ,
eh price
on Jay J as good
faith on the part of the chaser I r in
to the
New North
For the week ending 20th the
Chattanooga Tradesman reports
the following new industries es-
in North i
Southern Pines-$25,000 build
insurance and
realty i. Terms of one fourth
in on,
Couplings shafts; lobe secured by mortgage
realty company.
par cant
of medicine. i ten i r above
. . .,. . , i referred to l a part of
Charlotte-$20,000 brass sale coo-
firmed, if is not c it will,
. . course, be returned.
hosiery j n. w.
Certificate of Dissolution
To all to The-e May
Whereas. It to my
by ed record of
tie dins tor the dis-
there f b t-e i-on-
A all the s, deposited y
n n v that the it-
tine Cm a corporation of
S in th town f
County of e of North
.-. Se the
it there . and in th
u -r. who process may be
h the s of
Chatter . of entitled
C rat to the
in, of his Certificate of
Nov. therefore, J. Grimes,
Secretary the State of North Caro-
o y that the said
t h day of
office a duly
nested consent in writing
t tie of sail corporation,
h d and of
the aforesaid now on
in said office as provided by
In Testimony Whereof, I hive here-
unto -et my official
seal, at this 11th of
t r A. D 1909.
Secretary of State.
B. a power sale contain-1
ed n a certain mortgage ex-cute i
y James and wife, .
Jon-s, on the 27th day of January.
ti-, and recorded in Q- page
I'll of the records of it count . I will j
sell for to the bidder st
the use i at,
M on Monday, Nov
the land in said
s 2nd,
J C. Mortgagee.
w t s
Thomas K -ten ,
VS. Superior Court
North Carolina Pitt
The defendant a named will
take lit an entitled a-
above has I commenced in the
Court of P county to pro-
c -r- a divorce from -he of
an the Raid defendant
fur he- is re-
d to appear term of
the Court of Pit to
b hit on the Mo
the first Monday of Sept it be
of Nov. at the
Court house of said c in
ville, N. C. and an war or demur o
the int in -aid or th
tin will apply to the Court for
th in said com;
This the day September, 1909.
D. C Moore,
Clerk r
Brown, attorney for plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as of
Lang, lab- of
Pitt county, this is to notify all
persons claims against the es-
of said to exhibit them
to the undersigned on or before the
13th of r, 1910, or this t o-
will be pie . in bar of their re
All persons indebted to said
estate make immediate pay-
This October 1909.
F. G. Son.
IS ltd
Land Sale.
sales company; brick plant.
Stock house logging
COtton ; Moore Long, Attorneys,
. Greenville, N. C.
October 1903.
Many a Greenville Citizen Finds
the Struggle Hard.
With a back constantly aching.
With distressing urinary disorders.
Daily existence is but a struggle.
No need to keep it up.
Kidney Pills will cure you.
One thousand people endorse
this claim.
Here is one
Mrs. Joseph Fly, Jr , Rose Street
Rocky Mount, N. C, am
to testify in favor cf
Pills, as the results I obtained
from their use proved them to he a
remedy of great merit. I suffered
considerably from dull, nagging hack-
aches and sharp my loins.
If I stooped, lifted or made a quick
movement, the twinges were more no-
and often it was hard for me
to perform my household I
always felt tired and languid and was
devoid of energy or ambition.
that the trouble arose from my kid-
started Kidney
Pills. They helped me at once and
further use disposed of the pains in my
back, regulated the passages of the
kidney secretions and gave me renewed
strength. I cannot too much in
favor of Kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents, Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the
take so other.
Land Sale.
. . . for cash, two certain pieces
k of land situate in Carolina
court of Pitt county, the day t described as
of October. in a certain special . ,.
R. L. DAVIS, Pres. J. A. ANDREWS, V.-Pres.
H D. BATEMAN, Cashier.
The Bank of Greenville
With the Ex-, of Years.
Board of Directors
And a Capital of
We are in position to take care of our old
customers, and also prospective ones.
Business Cordially Solicited.
. i
State of North Carolina, i In Superior
Pitt County, Curt,
before clerk
William Fountain, administrator of
J. W. Potter against W D.
Potter, L. T. Britt ad wife Dora
Britt, Gus Holton and wife M
N. W. and wife
Ella An Hassell and
James the last named being a
minor without guardian.
The defendants L. T. Britt, Gus
ton, Mamie Holton, N. W.
1.1. and Annie will
take notice that a special d
entitled as above, has been commenced
in the Superior court of Pitt county,
before the clerk, to sell the rest estate
of J. W Potter, deceased, in order to
make assets for the payment of debts;
and the said defendants further
take notice that they are required to
appear at the office of said Clerk
of the Superior court of said county,
on Wednesday the 17th day of
1909, in Greenville, N. C. and
newer or demur to the petition and
complaint filed in said action, or the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded therein.
D. C. Moore, Clerk.
Jarvis Blow, for plaintiff.
John Jones,
against G W. and others, I will
on MoT-av, nth, 1909, be-
fore court house door Greenville,
sell st public to the highest bidder.
By of a decree of the
court of Pitt county, made on the 27th
September, 1909, in a certain
proceeding therein j. ending, en-
titled Caddy administrator of
J. D. deceased, Alic
Page and others, I will, on Monday,
November 1st, 1909, before the court
house door in the town of Greenville,
at public sale to the highest bidder
for cash, two certain pieces or parcels
as follows
One tract known as the Davenport
Land, adjoining lands of Martha
Simon Ban hill and others, con-
acres, more or lets, t
one other tract known as the Old
Land, adjoining the lands C. J.
Briley, W. G. Little, lames Briley and
Nov. 4th, p. m.
will give a DEMONSTRATION of
Stump Blasting
at House Station, GREENVILLE, N. C.
on the farm of DR. J. L. WOOTEN
who has kindly Granted permission to make this
demonstration on property.
Every Farmer
and all others interested are invited to attend.
We keep all kinds of col ard dry
wood. Can furnish you at any time for
your stove, grate or cook We
keep steam and blacksmith coal. Give
us your orders.
C. W. Harvey Co
lie road leading from to
containing more or
less. Terms of I ale cash.
This the 7th day of October, 1309.
L. Davis, of
Jarvis Blow, John
Attorneys. ltd
I have moved my Dairy to the John-
son place, one mile from town, and am
better prepared than ever to furnish
all Dairy Products. Will make delivery
in town. Phone T 2-4.
Oar Greenville, yours
if you
Running repairs to all kind of
Steam fittings, erecting Bug in
Tobacco machinery, all systems a
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical novelties. Give a trial.
All work guaranteed and terms
Message left at H. L. Carr's
will receive prompt attention, or phone
Subscribe for The Reflector.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed
executed Arden
Mills and wife Martha Mills to
and Company on the
Cay of OIL and re-
corded in the Register of I office
of Pitt North Carolina, in
Book x-7, page the
will expose to public before the
Court H door in Greenville, to
highest bidder on on Monday
, a certain tract or parcel
of land lying in the county
of and State of North Carolina
and described as follows, to
in township adjoin-
the lands of Stocks,
Adam Mills, the T. C. estate,
and others, and known a part of
the William Mills land, containing
acres, more or less; to a prior
mortgage held by the T. C. Cannon
estate, to satisfy said mortgage deed.
Terms of sale cash.
This 18th, day of October 1909.
Harrington Mort-
Skinner and
Greenville, N. C.
J. C. R
Tomb Stones
Iron Fencing
Best Quality Rough Lumber De-
livered anywhere in Greenville or
on Tar river. Heart a specialty.
For prices address
W. H. MOORE, Falkland, N. C.
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N. C
Pressing, Dyeing,
Scouring, Chemical and Dry Cleaning.
Satisfaction or no charger.
In rear of Herbert Edmonds Barber
Op. Hotel Bertha, Greenville. N. C
Ii you want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He sell
you Better Feed and More for
Money than any man m town.
W. B.
Place Is for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed MeaL Hulk,
Brand, Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement
Fred. W.
Painter, Paper Hanger, Decorator.
Will be glad to make prices on any
work in this line. Parties wanting
work done drop me a card in P. O.
RALEIGH, and Return
Via. A. C. L
Account of State Fair. Tickets
on sale Oct. 15th to 23rd,
find return limit Oct. 26th.
For further information call
on ticket agent or write,
W. J. T. C. White,
Our Greenville, yours if you
Or lit GONE D
At the Home of F T Carr, By
Mr P. H
, r . ; I
last v. w
. . . ,. i
i i-.- in
C I U-
the de th r
the life
death i
In pa-
see th-
Fran.; t
home .
cares o u i e.-
amid t c mat
that h. and
t r
ago, n free from t
of the p-
. I
to the i the
re of ti community
many rime. Carr bis
most e
to th
the yet m
The d or of -i
home ever p
Which i
B. N. C. Oct. 1909
Mrs J A. return-d
la-i week from few Jays
in fir Dora,
Louis H Manning left
i. morning for
A -in
W. J. L. . and
Mi -A in
i. Martin,
Par . a Lucy Manning
went to Ore Saturday.
M s Emma
Cobb, Margaret and
a and i Boyce, of
visited town last Saturday.
J. D and
went to
M K Blount, in his
way, took a party of
pie out in his auto. Sunday.
Misses Addie and Min-
.- the
a en
-c , .,.
. r o k r,
I.-1 mg
I pro
the F
I i ac i C i
am I
i -U-
i of Williamson, who are now in
is- days school at Green
I t.
I the
Well d.
lost no
t the
the picnic
; s
i it
. v the
in.- let but
t face
in M
e in in
.- ; in his
his fr.
lie iii one th-
i i and is
ville spent Saturday and Sunday
here at their homes
Miss Gladys Andrews spent
Sunday in country with her
Lillie Bunting spent Sat-
night and Sunday in the
country with Miss Mantle
Mesdames Annie Andrews,
Fannie Grimes, Emma Johnson
, h Martin attended the
. ; j association in Greenville
var to the interest of
his community. His tie
country horn around it
an air prosperity, while within
there is found ah that goes to
make life pleasant and and
judging from the broad
Again the hand of death was
felt in our midst when Curtis,
the ten-year-old daughter of
Mr. James Moore, was called to
the better land Monday
about six o'clock, she was a
of cotton etc., and one could tell
by riding along that
the spirit of pr and
lines, was a char-
of the man. he
live to see many Harvest Moons
yet, and the full fruition of his
heart's In
his life's worn
P. H Crawford.
The Bed Rock of Success,
lies in a k in, char by
e will an enemy.
Such power comes from the
health that Dr. New Life Pills
impart. and
build up body. J. A
W. Va. writes,
They are the. best pills ever
all drug.
At o'clock Thursday after
noon, at Hotel Mr. R. M
Jones, and Mrs. Henri-
Whitehurst, aged both
of Bethel township, were mar-
by C. D.
The couple to on
the 1.12 train and after the
remained here at the hotel
until today.
Velvet Beans-
Mr. R. J. Cobb brought in
some velvet beans that were
grown on his farm a few miles
from town. The beans are quite
a novelty and odd looking. They
are not good for food, but are
valuable as a shade and cover
greatly improving the land
where planted and turned in.
The vine is a thrifty grower and
produces bountifully.
be missed by her friends and
schoolmates who sympathize with
the family in their
was the second case of
diphtheria in our community and
the only fatal one we hope.
Farmville. N. C, . I .
Miss Maud of Snow
Hill, is visiting her Mrs.
E. C. Beaman.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lang are a
in Raleigh attending the State
Miss Anna Bess Ham. o,
Beaufort, is the guest of Mis
Miss Rosa Belle Lassiter,
Snow Hill, is visiting her
Mrs. H C. Beaman.
Mrs. Lewis, the wife of Mr.
Lewis, died Monday hi
after a brief illness. Mrs. Lewis
was a patient and
mother and devoted wife.
F. D Fix ill
market hum wit
Here s m of
firm rs
F S ill at
Si. 2-0 a -f l.-;
Mi y I
a- .
it Wat t
1st ; v rag
Bard at i
124- m 24-. a
Buck at
at at
,. a- 31-;
F. S. Harris at
at at aver
A. at
at 34.-.
Mat at
WE no longer Fence made by the Trust Have
received the the famous D KALE
Strictly Car load just arrived
Don't fail to see It P- I Pence at Best Prices.
if you do
Frightful Fate Averted
would have been a cripple for life,
from a e cut on my knee
Write Prank
soon cured me Infallible for
Wounds, cuts and bruises, it soon cures
burns, scalds, old bores, boils, skin
eruptions. World's best for piles.
at all dealers
Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the
condition of b and mind
which they create, make feel joy-
S- by all dealer.
From tin
ICE Powder
pun. whole. Oar . u
CREAM Is Easy to Make.
i-ii I
Till t quart, of
in lo
Lemon J I
by wall If 1.0
not It.
The Pure Fr- U Roy, N. Y
Hope Well,
George Stakes, of Black
Jack, filled C. C. Wand's
at Hancock Sunday.
Guy Skinner and Robert J.
Wainwright, of Marlboro, spent
Saturday night and Sunday at J.
Miss Helen and her
cousin. Max, of
spent Sunday with Miss Charity
Misses Bertha and Eva Vin-
cent, of Winterville, spent Sun-
day at Ben
Miss Alma Cannon spent a few
days in Greenville last week.
Miss Maggie Brown and Louis
of Greenville, spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
Miss Alma Cannon.
Miss Rosalie Skinner went to
Greenville last Thursday.
Savage, of Greenville,
Sunday at Charles Smith's.
Miss Ola Smith, Ayden, is
spending this week with
cousin. Mrs. H. D. Smith.
I. A. Suggs and D.
supply and
need some job
j printing. I he K fleeter
is tuning the good kind,
her brief illness she
never heard to utter a complaint;
or criticism against anything
was being done. She was
a member and faithful worker
of the Baptist church
and when the spirit took its
it was evident from the
smile her countenance that
it had gone to be with God, who
gave it. She is survived by a
husband and five children and a
hose of friends, who mourn her
loss. We extend our deepest
sympathy to the bereaved
Mayor John T. Thorne left
yesterday to attend the state
The old, old story, told times
without number, and repeated
over and over again for the last
years, but it is always a
come story to those in search of
is nothing in the
world that cures coughs and
colds as quickly as Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Sold by
They Return Thanks.
In a letter from
Browne to The Reflector, they
ask that their thanks be express-
ed to the people of Greenville tor
the patronage given their
show in the
house the last months. Be-
unable to get a longer lease
on the opera house, they
their outfit here to Mr. C. A
who is having the build-
formerly occupied by
fitted up for carrying
on the moving picture show.
Most Popular Druggist Makes a
Remarkable Statement.
Dr. J. W. Bryan has at last obtained
the for a remedy which they
are selling on a positive guarantee to
cure any Liver Trouble. If food does
not digest well, if there is gas or pain
in the stomach, if the tongue is coated
breath if i
and straining Liver Pills
will cure you. If they do not you hive
Dr. J. W. Bryan's personal guarantee
to return your money. Liver
her relief and make per
cures of Constipation,
and all Liver Troubles. These arc
statements, but Dr. Bryan is
, giving his customers a to prove
hams went to Fort last the truth, and if , purchasing a
cent box of Liver Pills you
are not satisfied with the results
Dr. and ask for your money.
Also for sale by M. m. Sauls at
den. N. C.
The protracted meeting
at Hope Well last night with a
large attendance. We hope the
meeting will be a great s
Hoarseness in a child subject to
croup is a sure of the
of the disease. If Chamber-
sin's Cough is given at once
or even alter the croupy cough has
appeared, it will prevent the at
Contains no poison. Sold by all dealers.
Call and see P. M. Johnston
when in town for general engine
and boiler repair work and any-
Beaufort is to have a nice and
commodious hotel on Front street
facing the Atlantic Ocean. Hon.
C. L. owner.-The
Girls and boys
We want Girls and Boys
to work in the
Tarboro Knitting M s
M Tarboro, N. C.
and in the
Runnymede Mills
Near Tarboro, N. C.
The work is no dust or
dirt and the pay is good. W can
furnish you a house in the town
of Runnymede or West Tarboro.
A Free Education For Your
Small Children
We have good -is at Tarboro,
and Runnymede.
We had steady work all
year. Do not a shut down,
we will have work for you every
Come and See the Work or Write
Just received Repeating
Rifles, No. made by the
Swiss government. Cost
each. We will sell for ten days
at each.
Come and see how we do it.
Baker Hart
N. Carolina
At the close Of business Sept. 1st,
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a mortgage deed executed and
i by ii. Johnson to
Lena the 27th day of March
and y recorded in the register
of de i of Pitt county. North
in I page 4.2, the
will expose public sale,
before the court bout door in Greet,
for cash, to the highest bidder,
on Monday the day of November,
the I real
That curtain lot King and being i the
of Greenville, Pitt N. C,
on the west side of Evans street, be-
ginning at a stake, on Evans St. on the
south east corner of T. R. Moore's
lot. thence running in a northerly
parallel with Evans street
feet, thence in a westerly direction
with the line of W. T. Hunter's lot and
and parallel with 11th street, feet,
thence in a southerly direction with J.
A Wilson's lot and with Wash-
feet in an
Easterly direction with T. K. Moore's
lot and pare el 12th
feet to the beginning, containing one
fourth of an acre more or less, to
mortgage deed.
This 14th day October, 1909
Lena Mortgagee.
J. L. Fleming,
Loans and discount Overdrafts secured and unsecured 8,852.78 Furniture and fixtures Duo from 6,718.86 Cash items stock Surplus fund 5,000.09 Undivided profits less cur. exp and taxes 2,868.60 Bills payable
Gold coin 668.80 Silver coin, including minor coin currency 1,880.26 Nat bank other II. S. 1.1 of deposits Deposits sub. to check 29,427.58 Cashier's 44.37 Certified check 10.06
I, J. It. Davis, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. J. K DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of Sept.,
J. A. Mew born,
N Public.
R. I. Davis.
B, M. Lewis.
T. L. Turnage,
Established in The aim of the i clear Mt forth by
positively the lowest
by tho Hi . hare, not t make money
can In body. mind. u
coot. The object been o fully earned out that a
II T. it facility of Kt, its bearding it
building worth SI
all for the the table hoard, bales
cut. culture, and in i I
Apply k t
REV. JAMES CANNON, JR. M A., Principal. Va,
Report of of
you may need.
petite Hotel Bertha.
Lame back comes on suddenly
and if extremely painful. It is
caused by rheumatism of the
muscles. Quick relief is afford-
Shop op- by Chamberlain's
besom famous for it- cures f
croup and influenza. Try it
in need. It contains no harmful sub-
stance and always gives prompt
Sold by all dealers.
Liniment. Sold by all druggist.
See P. M, Johnston for your
mill supplies and mill repairs.
All work G
i Not Quite
lit. How often can get a x.
all or screw driver or u-
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergent Our line of tools
Is a you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
You get s
Horse Goods C c
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
in the State of N. C, at the close of business, Sept. I
Loans and
Overdrafts MS, and
All other Stocks,
Banking house,
Due from Hanks
Silver coin, including
minor com
other U. S. 4.01
Undivided profits,
dies ind bills
Time Sub. 96,107.82 f
State of North of
I, C, S. Carr. r of the named bank, do solemnly swear that
statement is true to the bi st of my knowledge and
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Subscribed and to before me,
this till day of Sept. 1800.

In Charge of Wm. G. MORRIS
, Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
Anew xi of dry good, and Bern. at home and
i ii i i, returned there Mon lay
, i r i. r , F. A. E Eugene
at Harrington, Barber ,
and II .-pent
Miss N rm
I vi.-it friend.
fur to.
alt haw- just
A new of men's
just in
H i. . -1, Co .
k- . c;. .
t- i l.
rt it-;
. . d g can u.-
. A W. A o; o. a new lot and can supply your
.,., in town A. W.
J. L attended sen ices
.,. a,.,,,,, ran. Harrington, Barter Co.
wry Roe to
w c, i den today.
and Com tor table Pump pipe, Then See us
call or a. Ii. We have just received a good
Co Co. AW
sod Sunday in
. . N. i. In nave
. a.-- a. the
n dialer
A. D.
Greenville Friday.
A new of
a. tin A. W. Ange Co.
very sick. A w lot of lamps just in.
Mill establish.
known as the
Hilling and is now
for sale. It consists of the fol-
One wheat mill, one
corn mill, one work shop with
boring machine, band saw. plain-
rip saw and a blacksmith
sh p. For further information
I apply to W. H. Smith, Winter-
ville, N. C.
J L. Rollins and E- U. Cox
. Sunday in Greenville.
Mis Counsel, a W. H.
S. returned from her
home Oak City yesterday.
Miss Chapman, who is
popular remedy new to
effectually cure
Constipation, Sick
. In-,
And ALL DISEASES arising from
liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result Is food appetite
and solid flesh. Dose small; t-
l and easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
Harrington, Barber Co.
We have received a nice
lot of dress goods.
A. W. Co.
Cattle Wanted-We want to
buy cattle R D
The A. G. Coat Co. made
COT Uses, I
. Call Oil
a.-. Ii. ii. i
. . Io a i
. to Visit
ate a nice line a shipment of a solid or .-f Pitt, Miss Holiday. Had noticed
school dealt today. heartbroken
teaching near Wilson, returned
Monday to resume her work.
Joe Kittrell spent Sunday at
Miss Maud Holiday, one of our
excellent. milliners, returned to
her home at Jamesville Saturday.
We regret very much to lose
N. C. Oct.
J. R. from near
Ayden. was visiting his son. C.
E. Wednesday.
had a moving picture
show at Smith's school house
Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith and
Miss Lou Crawford went lo
Thursday to the fair
and returned Saturday.
B. P. Cobb went to
Thursday to in the fair.
Miss Mary Joyner. one of
the teachers at Smith's J u
house, left Thursday to attend
If not, and to own stencils but each one a stand-
soon, o your elf to ex lard, of acknowledged fame and
the ma play , reputation in the trade. Four
shown at the player pianos of known
A display really
to a large city. Wt w. d fa
In a glance y, a will a of
of pianos not alone stand
m character of e, , and . of the world,
general to . to d d h
but w. m et with price h
that stand J here a. d .
incomparable an where.
makes t -elect from, in Greenville visit our
of those cheap tern department
Next door to Carr ins Hardware Co. store.
a i Ufa v
can demand iS increasing
sic u. i v
. town
. a large lot
Winter w
Rev. B. F. Huske filled his
regular appointment in
Episcopal church Sunday after-
In the State of at the close of business, Sect. 1st,
and Stock
Surplus fund
, Undivided profit,
j less cur. ex. tax's pd
1,199.52 Bills payable .
i certificate
307.10 Deposit subjects
Cashier s Checks
d-rs early. A. CoX
Co , Winterville. N. C.
Oysters We have them Fri
day and nights.
R. D. Co.
We have received a full
supply of furniture. Give us a
call. A. W.
A. U. A nice lot of dry goods and
Company notions just in.
.; and A. W. Ange Co.
nuns re j Stray taken up one back and
. i. . in the come to e white spotted about four
la, we nave toe desk tor years old; mark under bit in
W. C. Cannon, Owner can get same
paying damage and other
r,,,. cost.
for My glasses, dried fruits, J. A. R F. D. No
, all butter and Winterville. N. C. j
. i see A. v,. Miss Mamie Chapman, who.
Mr. bus been attending the w. J.
are Training
Sunday and Monday at. h. G.
home. Parker.
. bargain in J. B. spent Sunday Victor Cannon
clothing night at home. Freddie Johnson Tucker.
Harrington, Barber Co, Miss Lela was r m Jones and Jennette
Mr. ii. Nobles, who baa Misses Kate and
been attending court in New Sunday. Chester Bland and Minnie
Bern wees, returned Rev. Mr. cued Jackson.
appointment in the M. colored.
and heating end Lloyd Edwards and Cherry
. d ranges just received. s
and Mr. Bridge m Brown
. Barber Co. I preacher, and we hope be can
the Raleigh fair. ,
A. H. Critcher of
was in our section j
telling lamp chimney
but I don't know what he calls I items
Mills Smith took his minor coin cur
Mrs. Pattie F. Smith to Marl -J B
Saturday to attend hen
yearly meeting. Total
T. H. Barnhill. near TH County of Pitt,
passed through our
burg Saturday morning on his
I, T. Gardner. Cashier of above-named bank, do sol-
swear the above statement is true beat of my
way to to fill his regular b. lief.
Stray, Taken Up.
One black and white spotted
bull, about four years old, mark
in both ears. Owner
can get same by paying damage,
and other costs. This October
J. A.
Winterville, N. C, R F- D. 1-
Marriage License.
Register of Dee-la, W. M.
Moore, has issued the following
marriage since last re-
Subscribed and to be-
fore me, this 10th day of
Notary Public.
G. Cashier.
John Z. Brooks,
C. J. Tucker,
W. W.
Harris and Maud
Powell and Mary
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
AT N. O,
At the close of business, Sept., 1st, 1909.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
and fixtures 1,876.00
Due from and 2,901.00
and silver
minor coin currency
appointment there.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Smith
attended the yearly meeting at j
Marlboro Sunday.
Leon and Johnie Tyson,
near were visiting at
C. E.
R. E. Willoughby and Miss,
Belle Smith attended the j
yearly meeting at Marlboro Sun j
Miss Trilby and Mark Smith
went to Marlboro Sunday to at-
tend the yearly
Ivy Smith went to Marlboro
Saturday morning to attend the
yearly meeting and returned
Sunday evening.
Miss L. E. Gray visited at R.
L. Joyner's, in
Saturday Sunday and return
ed Monday with Miss Mary
Joyner to take charge of their
at Smith's school house. .
Smith were visiting at Hay . . .
Smith's Saturday night and Sun-
188,977.80 Capital Stock 6,000.00
Surplus fund 4,500.00
ins Undivided profits less
expenses and taxes pd 1,576.03
Kills payable 3,000.00
Time certificates of 8,580.70
Deposits sub to check 21,446.38
Reserve for interest
and taxes 250.00
H, A. of
town yesterday.
. . W. Ange Co. re-
. a nice lot tin and
forget the series of
to be held in the Baptist
Monday night,
1st, pastor will
Rev. G. T. Watkins,
first Ba
, r F. I . Nye and A. G. Cox
wen i Greenville Wednesday
i County School Desks
They are
ad. A G. Cox Mfg.
. . N. C.
K i King left here yes-
. ;. I or where he
. his regular appointment.
Just received, a nice lot of
ladle.-, shoes.
Barber Co
Miss Chapman, who has
and Reba
us year.
Miss Rise Causey
in Ayden. .
G A. Kittrell, W. G. Croup la prevalent
John Cooper Hisses the dry W weather of the
Minnie and Morris early winter months. Parents
Sunday in Ayden. should be
Noble, win has had pared for it All is needed
fever for day, i a of Chamberlain's
dud Saturday morning. Remedy. Many mothers
I swear is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. W. n. Cashier.
sworn to be-
Many school children suffer
from constipation, which is often 1909.
the cause of seeming stupidity
at lessons.
and Liver Tablets are an
ideal medicine to give a child,
for they are mild and gentle in
their effect, and will cure even
chronicle constipation. Sold by
all druggist.
fore me, this
School Notice.
Parents and guardians of child-
ere hereby reminded no
was entering into manhood, never without it in their
being about years of age. homes it has never .
Mr. Noble was a member of the pointed them. Sold by all drug-1 beginners will he admitted to
Free Will church. It the first grade of the Greenville
can be truthfully was an; . . , , graded school after Nov. 1st.
son, a devoted Christian,, i If your children have never
and a good Sunday school w irk- I take this method of thanking been and they are six
We extend to the bereaved J my many neighbors, alto the them to school on
family and relative our deepest j Beaufort County Lumber Com- or before next Monday,
and workmanship I sympathy. piny, the great effort they, h. B. Smith, Supt.
Mrs. J. B. Franks and children made succeeded in stopping
are visiting relatives here this the fire that was in less than one I
11th day of Sept.,
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public I
Robt, Staton,
S M. Jones,
M. O. Blount,
At the close of business, Sept. 1909.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and
Demand loans
Due from
Silver coin, including
minor currency
Miss Crawford spent
Saturday night and Sunday in
Amos Tyson, of Greenville,
was in town yesterday.
Miss Cox, who is teach-,
hundred yards of my house, when
in a very few moments all of
buildings would have been
burned if it had not been for
their heroic acts. With many
thanks to all. W. F. Carroll.
u .-
been teaching near Wilson, came I at spent Saturday
. M train . a . L.
Mr. H. S. Tyson. MM of Falk-
left township's farmers who
, Tuesday to take charge of makes things grow, brought
tor and cement see J
in on train and will
spend Saturday and Sunday with
and Sunday at home.
Miss Hulda Cox
When a cold becomes settled
in the system it will take several
to cure it, and
the best remedy to use is
Cough Remedy. It
will cure quicker than any other,
and also leaves the system in a
natural and healthy condition.
Sold by all druggist.
stock 15,000.00
Surplus fund 650.00
1,173.53. Undivided profits, less
860.00 expenses and taxes pd 482.06
j Hills payable
189.93 Time of deposit
Nat DO and other Deposits subject to ck 8,130.65
not. .,,. n.
Total Total
We. J. E. Green, Cashier and F. A. Asst.
of the Lank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Asst. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 10th day of Sept.,
R. U. Hunsucker,
Notary Public.
A. O. Cox,
R. H. Hunsucker,
J. F. Harrington,
Mi Whitehurst, of
came in on night's
to visit Miss Sadie Carroll,
near here.
wing machines for sale from
up. A. W. Ange Co.
school at King's X Roads.
Kittrell and
Chapman and J. E. Green spent
The Reflector some specimens of
his sweet potato crop. They are
the Norton yam variety and so
Sunday evening at ill large that ten of them overrun
with Mr. and Mrs. peck.
J. D. Cox and Ben Tucker,
who are serving as jurors in New come.
Our Greenville, yours if you ,
D. J. Editor a-d owner
Truth In to Fiction.
VOL. No.
t. .
let Are Buy Lg Votes
ts Vary
. l sic
l v
i. and it has we I
run. the h
iv r o
having tn
V will
r of an
y Boudoir pi
i on exhibition at the
of White.
piano, rich in
. ii full in volume, is the
of the hi made, and
f it will indeed for
to possess an instrument
who started
s. , he race have been doing
g . votes, and
a- n i later are at
i a not
to That is the way
i. go after sub-
H R Sector and
for you. New
c the most in
v. I it there is rood value for
is of
due, and the field is large
. for any who desire to
race. It is not too late
c n and catch up with the
by hard work. It all
d on how many
an and even if
you fail to win the piano you will
be paid for the worn you do.
who come to the
office to pay for The or
Who by mail, have the
privilege of voting for any can-
desired by telling us which
one to vote for. Look over the
list of candidates and if no name
is there that you want to vote for
you have the privilege of
and voting for whom you
please. Pay your subscription
now and vote, do not wait until
the contest closes.
The list published below shows
Miss Mary Johnson holding the
lead with Mist Lottie Blow not
t . . in .
fore .
i v
.; . . .
,. .
. i ii for the
who is constantly
; in all parts
of North Carolina, both
by c. . let me
gay Hi .-is gr need for the
law to be
active .
of our good who worked
and voted for the law list year,
are hot working for
now. My purpose
in this Is I
the that is Coming
from our law or even .
that the law is failure,
to .
of vigilance and constant work
on the part of mis of
to the may
secure the very u -st results from
our prohibition i, w.
Some of the
coming to our are mi
in their contents A
cation from a minister staled
that he there one
hundred blind ti, in his town.
We are receiving
letters that are telling of en
in c
ties. I might ad d that in a
town in No Carolina on
one Saturday I made it a
point to see for i what was
going on, and be a
live stranger, 1-could place my-
self in a to learn some
minus. In an and fifteen
minutes I eleven people
drunk; also sat v a white man
drunk, a half drunk, and
three omen drinking
from the same t This was
in the middle the street. I
discovered, too, that in that
of the where
was going on with a high
hand at nine dock on Saturday
night, that tr ere not an
to be see n. saw them,
. . . f i
for Court
The if Commie i-iT- l
-j. m was i v are very
hr had Ii tie of routine pleased at big 1-
business to transact on their farm on th Roan
J A. was Already
constable of township h-. wen pick-- I ad is now P
to succeed J. N. re
is over Com.
The following were drawn as bale -o it will
I jurors for December civil term t,. very goad crop indeed, j on
j of Superior court.
B. T. A. Whits
h J. R. May, H. Burnett
R. May, U N.
Nobles, R. H,
O Stokes. F. G.
Dupree, D. II start
Carroll, W. ,. o haul the children of
. . . -n
E .
, M. C
. by Mis Di
Nov. I. Up to
lat hour the jury in
I murder re
end the belief
now is that the case result
W. O.
school. It is said
. in vogue at
t . other places in the
I re i a good school at Manly,
he population is scant; so
th put a to
. to haul the children of one
to the school and back
homes. New
and Observer.
The state convention of the
Christian church will convene
with the Wilson
New Bern, N.
a meeting held toll afternoon
the Norfolk South.
Warehouse Makes Record
On Friday, n, Davis
C. at the Perm villa u-
in sold pound
or at an avenge of
their entire sale for
the month of October averaged
Some individual Bales
for on th 29th
were as
Cash Davis-62 at
at st represented by E.
j p general manager, and
Wiley Parker- at at Atlantic Cost Line railroad,
at at by Ii. Q. Newell,
at at average j and a committee from the
I of Commerce, matter of
at a taken up and
at at an agreement made tor
at average the same.
S. A. Carr at
at at Mr J. L. Tucker, of Center-
average Pitt county, came to.
Carr Lloyd-154 at e, ton today and the
Hie, at at at of Which C apt
at at at J- B- arrested a
i man out at the carnival
of the x
a general r
is also
the promise
request an
part in the d.-c r
The color
are royal
pretty i .
will be t i
Lt everybody t
help to make the
greatest day
i r l be
. rs
i t
I . m i
I Mis
d it the
do. r and to the
where the h and
them Mr Josi. I and
i. . i
. c
ll is
. pie lo
. . id
. i .
to take.
on . ; i
by ii
. d,
, and
.- the
e bu ever
Mrs Lewis
inch bowl.
ting he
j. . form of n
ch me I
This .
is a
Each , was
mall sea I
found c a
it. U
cat up i small
guest m ii
found i
The Charlotte Nows that
Rev. type-
setting machine is a success and
is to be demonstrated in that
city. We are also told that it
can be sold at or and
will set with equal rapidity small
and large type The
cost and if Mr.
has solved problem for
he is a to
paper folks.
. Th
t i to be-
y A r th puss had
be ii d and r . ante
Served, Welch cirri.-d Hit the
daisy id- in detail, the quests
hear the read to
the bride.
Here scheme was car-
out in a use of
daisies. Prom the chandelier
was suspended a large daisy of
crepe paper from which hung
yellow ribbons. When each
guest had read in turn their
Misses Currin gave her
farewell to girls,
Gregory, and
White pulled the ribbon and
dainty packages,
of j y pail a
tribute to her friends
The future money crop- ho brought a variety of
of Western North Carolina in its
apple No better apple are
grown anywhere in th.
Among the packages which
was a bunch of daisies to
others coming along
Here is the
Miss Mary Johnson
Miss Lottie Blow
Miss Lillie R. Tucker
Miss Mavis B lie Evans
Miss lieu Mumford
Miss Maul
Mrs. D. E. Nichols
Christine Johnson
Mrs. John Cheek
however, a few minutes later on
far behind in second place, and. , .
,. J;.,.,,, the most street in the
town, where la w and order was
This leads mi to state that in
towns am counties in our
state, the are not doing
their duty, and that the situation
is in the hand s of the
for settlement. only proper
solution of s problem is for
citizens to t such officers as
WM De true
This Year Shows Small Decrease From
Secretary E. B. Ferguson, of
enforcement of this law as
well as rs. Our Genera
superintendent, Dr. P. A. Baker,
is needed in most
s the saloon is
abolished, is t o go forward and
abolish the officials at the
next election by electing only
those who are friendly to the
I Capt. I
by the of the turkey
Organizing land that it tad been
Mr G. C. Hedgepeth, of Nash stolen so too up the
county, who has been appointed A local in Th Free Press called
by the and Mr. TucKer's ti the
Cooperative Union of America the whereabout of hi turkey,
to organize Pitt county, is which the pride of
and it is gratifying to know a massage that
much attention is paid
the planting and care of orchards y cur-
the mountain At
. daisy petal in
the resent State fair the the old way. and upon
attracted more attention the one he
n other exhibit from Western
North Carol i-.
and Observer.
Raleigh News
was the v of the jury
brought in at o'clock tonight,
the case of J Sanders, who
organize precinct branches here pending service of warrant
in the county for this purpose, j He had no
Mr. will visit the In identifying 1.1 gobbler.
different localities In the county j The was arrested by
to discuss this important, Dupree and la being been on during the
week d of shooting Y. Z.
j two ago
at Newport. The close
of th was the four
hour argument of Solicitor
day. the case going
to the jury out o'clock this
afternoon, th resulting
being for acquittal.
of the union, and will then call
these together in a general meet-
to organize a county branch.
A number of States have already
thoroughly organized.
from Pitt county. He is also
awaiting trial here for carrying
concealed weapon, B pair of
being found on his person
when arrested Saturday.-Kins-
ton Free Press.
Oct. 88.-
News was received here today
that a daughter of W. Cain.
to our people on the duties of
citizenship or some Kindred topic
warning them against .
rebellion and anarchy, and Stokes county, user
f this
she found names.
Dr. Louis Gotten Skinner
Miss Daisy th Minor.
While the guest were shower-
their upon Miss
nor an.; Miss Par-
gave a touch of sentiment
by a fitting What
and server.
i his announcement has much
interest Greenville people, as
Or. Skinner Is a prominent young
physician of this town. Miss
Minor, the bride to-be, Is also
v. l n and much admired
here, having; u popular
teacher in Greenville graded
the Greenville Tobacco Board of law. Friendly officials will en- urging them to give their accidentally shot by her brother store, miles northeast
Trade, reports the sales of leaf
tobacco on the Greenville market
for the month of October
pounds for an
average of per hundred
The sales for the correspond-
month of 1908 were 2,678.680
pounds for an aver-
age of 10.34 per hundred.
For three months this season-
force the law and unfriendly
will neither enforce it or
permit you to do As I see
it, just ahead of us in North
Carolina is th e agitation and el-
of such officers as have the
courage of their convictions and
manhood to d their sworn duty.
I want also in this connection
to call the attention of our faith
August. September and October I the preachers of
the total sales were
pounds for an aver-
age of per hundred.
Falkland Dance.
Tho Woman's Betterment As
and use their influence for I while carelessly handling B gun. I place, yesterday about man in
the enforcement of our law. The ball entered the abdomen which Mr. Milton lost
Again, I say there is no passed out of the back. life and Misses Verdi M
in my mind as to the girl is not expected to live Wilson and Mary Kate
already to be seen in through the night. had a narrow escape,
our state under prohibition, but .
New Bern, N. C, Oct. J.
For a year or it has been
currently reported that the A.
C. L. Railway would extend
still there are and
evils that must be corrected, and
the sooner these corrections
come, and bad citizens learn
North Carolina, to this matter of
lawlessness. No one questions
the fact that the Bible most em-
teaches us as citizens
to ourselves to every
ordinance of Paul puts
will give a subject to the higher
dance at the Falkland school and this Bible doctrine
house November the nineteenth,
for the benefit of the school and in their annual gatherings last
school grounds The It occurs to me, that at
will be cents. Sim-1 this stage in the history of tern-
pie refreshments will be reform in our state, it is
but not free. ltd needful for the pastors to preach
that the great state of North their line from Wilmington to
Carolina will not her laws New Bern on to Edwards, N. C.,
to be disregarded, the better it a point on the Washington and
will be for the violators as well Vandemere line o. A. O. L.
as for the community at large. Surveyors
Assuring you that our State
organization stands ready to
badly bruised up. Mr. Milton,
accompanied by the two ladies,
was returning
Grove Baptist
Register of Deeds, M.
Moore, his issued ti r- following
marriage last re-
W. Williams Nora
from Pleasant Smith,
church where Jackson and Gladi
this section for several months
locating the line, the throwing the
advise or to lariat, in any way it j but it now seems that the line is occupants out. In the fall Mr.
can any community that is to connect at Grifton with the he;
troubled with lawlessness, and A. C. L. branch running from his
asking that you communicate I Kinston to Weldon.
with us on this point.
they had attended Sunday school I
during the morning. As they e. N. Richards and Maud
down the hill leading
the store, a bolt broke letting j j s Gray
the shaft drop down, when the Walter and Fannie
horse suddenly became
dashed forward, overturn-
Yours very truly,
N. C. Anti-Saloon league,
R. L. Davis, Supt
It is said
I am, that options have been taken on
the right of way and that the
line will surely be built, and in
the near future.
truck a stump,
resulted almost
Fresh pork San at S. M.
Wilson and Maggie
Orman Vines
Herbert Little
It Sara-
i Aver

Eastern reflector, 29 October 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 29, 1909
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Joyner NC Microforms
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