Eastern reflector, 20 August 1909

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

In Charge of S. C. CARROLL
Authorize Agent of The Cistern Reflector tor Application
Nice lot o crockery t re-1 buying now. W. L. House Co. Kittrell went to Greenville Moe.-
J. E Greene spent Thursday.
ii I with relatives
a n m's
ires just in.
ii. Berber A Co.
Una . . slay Carroll
tram . visit to
A.; and
As it hath please-d Almighty
to call to her reward the wife
of Brother J. E. Hack, be it
1st. That it is the sense of
Tribe No. Winter-
N. C, that the community
his an amiable and
After spending some time here
. with H. Butt, Butt
I returned to his home at Bonnets
J. S. Ross went to
The people went to
Greenville Sunday to be present
The man who his life is
wise family.
The man who insure hi., health
is wise both tor his family and
You may in. by guard-
it. It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of
through the I end
in ways
At the close of business, June 1809.
Resources Liabilities
Capital stock 18,000.00
. j,, Surplus fund
arc wing to sell out out
yOU .
pants see us
A. Co.
, at of Rev. B. F.
Brother Buck has lost a loving . . ,, ., .
, , . , , , L. E. Cox, Misses
and faithful companion, i,. . u ,. . ,
., , , , , , .
a, we feel deeply the . ,, .,. c. . ,,
. . . . Esther and Mir-
row has come over the , . , ., ,
Johnson, and Mary Cutler.
Rev T. ii. King and r. A.
i went
entire community the sudden
am unexpected death of Mrs.
That the deepest
Herbert Cox, They report an
excellent meeting.
And save your health.
Loans and -mints
I Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
I Furniture and fixtures
I Demand loans
Duo from and
Cash items
i Gold coin
Silver ruin, including
minor currency
I Nat bank notes and other
S. notes
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes pd 850.86
Hills payable 2,000.00
Time of deposit
Deposit subject to
Duo to and 87.27
Cashier's cheek 1.00
Considers Some Very Important Mat
In response to the call of the
president for a meeting of- the
We, J. Green, Cashier and F. A. Edmondson, Asst Cashier
of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the host of our know ledge and belief.
Asst. Cashier.
Your team thy of this entire brotherhood
to th
. .; . . is- ,, . , . -i- . . ,. , .
tow. Rood extended to Brother N c-; Saturday evening court borne night, a, this 80th day of June,
. . of to Buck aRd the in i ms work as f the business men of the 1909. R. II. Hunsucker,
the off. It i of High town attended,
teed C d on us for it,
Barber Co. resolutions upon our
Rev. . r. of Green- minutes and a copy be sent to
vine. Was . town V Brother Cue;, and copy to
a . . An
lS l J. F. Harrington,
E j. r. Cooper, Com.
. . . . ears o.
I Car load of nice bright hay
a a be ;
lot W.
He leaven this morning
for the north eastern part of the
Prof. H. F. of of Commerce in and sworn to be-
J. F. Harrington,
R. II. Hunsucker,
A. G. Cox,
Wooten read a i
from Earl R, Brown, of. , . . u
the U- S. Engineer Corps, asking ,
for facts and statistics in i
river for . v years, and why
these fr . have decreased in AT GRIFTON, N. C.
built. letter was discussed In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, June 23rd, 1909
by severs; of those present, and .
state in the interest of the school.
Prof. Nye also left Monday after-
noon for and Jones
counties. The prospects for a
school next year are good.
Rooms are being engaged rapid-
Saturday afternoon,
at o'clock the Sunbeam;
W. D, J.
Loans an-; ants
Overdrafts Capital Stock
Undivided profits,
1,199.521 less cur. ex. tax's pd
I Bills payable
TOW Deposit
j Buggies are getting cheap.
A large tot of Come to tee Hunsucker at A. G.
She-r t i i
. . ;
Harrington. Barber
Joe v ft m
for mil
We make the in
th-; c. . us,
A-G. . Co.
His, .-. v. Was
i C
jars, rut caps,
r M
ville, .
right d .
. . .- -1 ti .
left i. . .
Seven .
A lit . .
at and
East t Co.
J. D. v. .; .
. d the
same c.;
the social feature with the golden, asked in I movement to secure
rule, and the members h-d
each other with refresh
there was much fun and
;. d of water in Tar
river to insure navigation the
year round and about a
return of water transportation.
A motion was also adapted
Is a Brickbat Brick or I . ; the president of the
Cox Co.
Winterville. N. C.
Now Is the time to get your I
Pries right, workman-1
ship guaranteed Came to see.
a half brick to the
. . . town and of the
am the
other V. S. notes
.,. Deposit subjects
to check
I Cashier s Checks
233.00 outstanding
. j case we t
had a
. . c
ton, r
. . did
. mi ii of
s of the training ii
. tat .
in t . of ;
. d, 17th, if
. I cold drink be
. . .
A lot of
shoes j received.
A. Ange Co.
Don't forget that this is the
last month the special sale
now going on at A.
For ell kinds of nice crockery
see A. Co.
Yes sir. Ange keeps Dr. Hes-
and eggs a goods for sale because they
Come a. get beat J arc the best,
Leave orders for ice at
P. T. . in town W. L. House Co. They
regular visits. antes prompt delivery.
For We are off -ring prices
mowing , . in on shoos, patent medicines,
and pocket cutlery,
next thirty days.
W. L. House Co.
For steam pipe cutting
fitting go to L. House A Co.
Barber Co.
see ii . .
;. . .-.
son . Mai
and .
We are e line of
just received a large lot
fight . nice for winter war.
service J. D. Cox left for
The . . Tuesday,
and R C. . K ton. Keel, of Green
Will Come . and begin ville, spent Monday night here
the art with Miss Evelyn
I our Mrs. F. C. Nye and Miss
era v. ha j. . received a Laura Cox went to Greenville
car yesterday,
give you ;. I price on same, Deputy Sheriff, Walter Tucker,
I is In town Saturday-
Miss Janie Kittrell went to
K. T. Cox I, . Kittrell Grifton Saturday to visit Miss
Went to morning to Annabelle Kittrell-
fl Leon Hobgood, one of our best
We returned Saturday from
I How trip to Oxford and
Al t of points u; the
1- is your Prof. H. F. A. W.
Ange, Leon HobgOOd and Joe
asked the cooperation is desired in
solicitor, the occasion a
J witness, able one for
a asked the The executive committee
. . the chamber was asked to meet
A ball calmly ans- L , , .
the witness, with for regular meet,
assurance of the soundness of organization during
his tall and winter months.
so there you are. Stales- j
ville Landmark.
I, T. Gardner. Cashier of the above-named bank, sol-
swear that the above is true to best of my
knowledge and belief.
G. T. GARDNER, Cashier.
L. J,
John Z. Brooks.
W. Dawson,
Homer Military School
1851 1609. I
Oxford, North Carolina
Classical, Prepare for col-
or urn;
prompt obedience manly
GS with experienced
ant ins family,
no crowding.
moral, menial, Shady
lawn, park, quart, r track.
In the
of r, Christian people, The town noted
over a century MM educational
Col. J. C. Horner, Principal, Oxford, N. C.
A Cooler Without Ice. F. J. GETS CONTRACT
Messrs. J- R. Jones and W. C.
secretary and
dent respectively of the Sanford
Cotton Mill, have invented what
Fellows Meeting in Be The average pool room in the
The delegation of Odd Fellows is a den of
attending the district convention They good time . f ,
he, returned It is a and water
and the
report a splendid meeting., orals they are . . m
and good time. The cf any kind. The
invention or water system is
Bethel, who never left a stone
for their comfort and
persona in the room. Most of land York will have their in
them dressed like the average j patented so that it can be
j placed in other cotton mills
manufacturing enterprise. in per lineal foot for
,,, , . , . dude, inhaling his cigarette and
next meeting win be with , . , . , .,
.;., up occasional oath,
lodge, Washington, on. . . . , ,
t,. , . while a few more were indulging
Thanksgiving day. . .
r. j- r ,. I themselves in a bet on two
proceedings of meeting , ,, . . , , , .,
n r At three clock the
see the North Carolina , u j n,
c r, o very same pool room had
Fellow. E- E. Griffin, Sec. . , , .,
visitors. Several of them were
the husbands of young wives,
who are working at various jobs
for a
of the Season.
Grand excursion Wilson
to Norfolk via Norfolk South-
two days trip,
leaving Wilson a. m. Fare
from Wilson to Arthur, inclusive,
from Greenville to Bryan,
inclusive, Th re will be
special cars for colored people,
will be Served in
style- See our
for I
Moore and J. M. Cox,
Subscribe The Reflector.
Hit Bid Was the to
the Board.
The Seventh Ward Local
Board's Street Committee
Eugine chairman, met
this morning and awarded to F.
J. of Greenville N. C,
a contract for laying
sidewalks, and com-
curb and gutters of con-
in the Riverview section
of that ward, he being the lowest
Udder. Mr. bid was
sidewalk, cents per square
yard; curbing, etc., cents per
foot. He charged cents
the country. To put it in gen-
use would mean a saving
of thousands of dollars to the
manufacturing industries of the
Farms for sale, Money to
Apply to J. L. Fleming,
ltd for
comers, extra of above bid,
where such corners are used.
Mr. the successful
bidder, is the contractor for the
laying of the city's Newton creek
concrete drain, the amount of
this latter contract being
Norfolk 7th.
New Mullets at S, M. Schultz.
An Improvement many and Bronchial Remedies, because It ride the
system of a cold by a I cathartic on the bowel. No opiates. Guaranteed to give
or money refunded. Prepared by CO. CHICAGO. A.
D. J. and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Daughter Steals is Driven to
Greenville. And is Married.
All the world loves a lover,
was illustrated here Friday, and
that fact, no doubt,
ed by J. F. Taylor, of Chad-
who came here to take
back is pretty daughter,
left her
In the sinking of a naval tug
Mis Char who
horn-1 some weeks ago.
After she left home, the father,
for some time, could not
whereabouts, but hear-
that she was here, to
he came, found her working at
cotton factory and
with the family of
Cherry. A, first
positively d to return but
when her father threatened to
invoke the law, she reluctantly
assented, but d that she
could net return in
had. nor could she gel ready to
Mr. Taylor consented to wait
over a day, and also took her to
Those Coming.
Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 14.-Arc-,
committee, of which W. boat near Boston, on Wednesday,
C. Etheridge is chairman, will I two North Carolinians were
meet all trains arriving at the among number drowned.
Union station Monday were Dr. C. F. Trotter, of
Tuesday and W- When j Hendersonville and C. L. Taylor,
you get oil the train, look for Franklinton.
man with Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City,
or for Head-J N 12.-The annual
quarters, R Committee.
These who intend rooming at
the college should notify Mr E,
B. Owen, West when
they will arrive, but failure to
do this need not prevent
a store and her an from securing a room a. the col-
excellent dress and other cloth- on his
and a trunk.
Friday night, all at Mr.
Cherry's retired early, Mr.
Taylor included. About
o'clock, he says, he heard Miss
Cherry and his r in an
The accommodations for room-
at the college are not good.
owing to the fact
Happenings North Cam- Thirty Two Thousand Route, Bring Mayor Will Record That the STILL
the City to the Farmers Door. Be ,
The telephone connection The trial of the ac Offender-In-
brings the distant city to the with q-t Afternoon-
farmer's door. Rut Rural Free the speed limit in town
Delivery more. It brings quite a crowd in the mayor's
him the newspaper, telling court this morning. There were this morning a telephone
all that has happened round the three message came from
world in the last twenty-four Evans Sledge and M. H. to Coroner to go
hours And it is daily paper All entered a plea of hold an inquest over
that has widened his horizon net guilty, but during the pro- body of a white man named
from the office of the trial Mr. Brinson, whom Sheriff
of the globe. States plea to guilty. had killed during the capture m
men and parliaments and famous witnesses were examined, a
have entered hi, and while none could testily No detailed be
personal field of as to the speed the
New inventions, great achieve; cars made three were run- and D Hyman and Tucker
, . , c at the all went out to hunt for a moonshine
of to were making over still about which some informs,
with the some thinking had been received. The
Hew which
living with his was being run by two white
k. And all men named and Button.
U guilty and placed The latter captured, but
J k r. of and cost each-1 Brinson. with a shot gun.
as he himself that to defied officers and
he him, tin result
-iv . would recommend to the alder- being fatal.
within the further
don it Ho seldom gem . K . a .
any i and ho
ii , . that t. an hour,
weekly papers. mar. f.-
farm r was not to blame. To-
u.-y there over free-
delivery first route
Out at
, meeting of the stockholders of
State Farmers Convention, and North Carolina
and make yourself known. I h at Atlantic
committee will take care of I hotel today. The election of
These who prefer will be two new
in satisfactory Messrs, S. IV. Ferebee. of
accommodations in the city. county, aid
while those who wish to room at q. Richardson, of Dover,
college will be escorted there Ferebee, later being elected
and provided with rooms Samuel M. Brinson,
cost. of N w Bert;, was elected at-
general and
Dewey and D. J. Broadhurst
wen re-elected expert and sec-
and treasurer, respective-
N. C , Aug. Al.
I Thompson, a white man, shot
luting to room at the his
should bring towels and pillars
with them.
yesterday after-
noon and attempted to kill W. H.
with whom she h-d
I eloped some weeks ago.
the col-
sun had kept of his
V .-
adjoining room, moving things has no furniture or two ,., woman, and
bout, but supposing they that j when Seaman re.
stole the
parties in
Thompson had
A rate of one and one-half ho was at
fare plus fifty cents has been work. The report is that
granted the State upon learning that they had
for the coming day's j but such as is there will be a j tamed today they
Journey, he went to sleep again, the disposal those who from the
not to awaken till this morning, to avail themselves it. Be possession Tl
he found bis daughter go u
and Cherry also.
Friends during the evening
had applied h. for a
could be
learned up to this afternoon, none
of the officers nor the coroner
returned from the scene.
Li an effort full
and h that the scene
I only c miles from town,
and E. G. Flanagan took a party.
Coast Lino Get j editor, in his
and left here about
Turn r Office, Ore,
S. ii. -j-.
. had occurred Borneo
mil further, between
iv . the Craven county line.
The distance was so great and
re ids so id that the automobile
v. turned home.
the man Killed by
. . . was an old
and had the of
a desperate character. He
;.,. ; . in h the State
. for violations,
a d n when he
of life to give it an points north
;,. wrote to the yesterday, for th chain
Department at Wash-, schedule of the Atlantic I t
for Line at Wilson following
Norfolk and Southern change
has made this possible.
The first train of the S k
can be obtained, l -1 from the
to have nuptial knot t agent a receipt for tie
co cut the parental b the regular
bride took ail new
and had a
The young lady gave as a
son for leaving home that her
parents were not kind to her.
Since she has been here she Ins
made many friends and is
The groom is an industrious
young man, and es-
The entire party did not
come all the way to Greenville,
but stopped at th home of , .
D. C. Barrow, in August 1909
township. From there the
Mr, Bennett came on to
Greenville, obtained the license
to Justice Barrow's
homo where performed the
her dead.
when them down to a. in. to with a ail
them on a five mini if necessary.
the holder. The rates will apply j workmen of the car builders de-
to all points in North of the A. C. L. shops
and from Portsmouth, at South Rocky Mount went out
Suffolk. Danville, yesterday afternoon from that
Virginia, and are granted by the of the company and
Atlantic Coast Line, Durham today the number was added to
visitors in his son's room.
This is n or
but an actual
and Southern, Norfolk and
Southern, Seaboard Air Line
and Southern Railways. The
tickets will be on sale August
1900, and properly signed
certificates will be honored for
return journey on or before
Reform is Real and Determined.
The News and
thinks that it would be
best to keep Harry Thaw per-
incarcerated and to
send Evelyn to
Alaska. The march of
keeps up in this dear
Old North State. Having
ed the out of
North Carolina, the are
now looking around for new
worlds to
Information, sample
and programs may be
cured from the secretary or E.
B. Owen, Registrar of the Col
West Raleigh, N. C, upon
application, T. B. Parker,
Small Boy Rescues Chum.
Babies in Years.
Me., Aug. 12.-A
daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Dickie, of Canaan.
yesterday, the twenty-second
child born to them in twenty
seven years. Mrs. Dickie was
married when she was only
years old Mr. Dickey was
only a few years her senior. Of
twenty two not one
has been sick except with child-
Seed rye at F. V. Johnston's.
by a few of the employees of the
same department on the lower
yards leaning their work. Their
refusal to return to work is not
styled as a strike but instead
they declare that they are re-
idle while the committee
may arrange for their being paid
for certain parts of their piece
work which the company
recently ref Mount
Mr. Tony a young man
employed as foreman kiln burner
for the Pomona Terra
Works, died suddenly at the
works yesterday morning about
o'clock while giving an
of his strength by lifting a
fifty-pound bar of iron and
it above his head a number
of times. He and a companion
were engaged in this test of their
strength and Mr. said he
was going to raise it above his
head thirty times without put-
ting it down, but when he raised
it the fourteenth time he dropped
it and sank to the ground, say-
He died
happening and TA toW
say the only of the kind on las Saturday
in honor of her Misses
Long, of Garysburg and
of Scotland Neck.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall were
ed by Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wood-
A party of three small dis- ward in receiving the guests,
and also in serving refresh-
industriously wriggling their
hooks in the waters of the Pam-
seeking to entice the wary
robin, and catfish to nibble
rt the tempting bait, when one
after Rec-
, , . f of the trio fell into the
The contract was
day by Mr Charles L.
of Beaufort. N. C. to
Clarence Simpson a local con- . ft
There was a jumble word
contest word being the
names of in which the
prize, a set of gold pins, was
won by Miss Helen Forbes.
Another interesting feature
was a spelling match in which
Mr. Woodward cut up to the
head of the class and
for life in the water, ed a deck of cards. This he
. j struggling for lire in water, ea .
tractor, for construction and still boy upon permitted of
completion of the new hotel in . . f , , That he did cut for and Miss Long was the
. u K .
to do this the Vocal by Hal and
Miss Long were greatly enjoyed
by the guests, also instrumental
selections by several of the
the little by the sea.
plans and specifications were
drawn by Mr. H. Simpson, of
New Bern. When
reason that John Havens Moss
is alive and running about today.
Nat. S. Fulford, Jr., better
this new up-to-date modern hotel known as sprang into a
equipped with steam heat,
lights, hot and cold water,
will a credit to the town and
something the people of Beau-
fort should feel proud of. It
will be a winter as well as a
summer home. An attractive
feature will be broad verandas
and a wide board walk to the
channel with a concrete
The management of the
hotel expects to op an its door.-
for the reception of guests on
only two or three 1st.-New Bern bun.
hood ailments. They are all ,., , . .
in Canaan. The oldest one instantly, gasping for
boat that was tied nearby,
t ready for the excursion
him to the boat and pulled the Norfolk Southern to
over the side. The coolness and Norfolk Friday j A crowd is
presence of mind displayed
well he envied
this boy may well be envied by
many an older person, and he
says that had there been no boat
handy he would have jumped in
water tried his best to
save his little
ton News.
Our Greenville, yours if you
On Tuesday the contract for
furnishing the class rooms of the
training school was awarded to
Charles J. Parker, of Raleigh.
Millinery stock and
store for rent. o Mrs.
N. C.
r T-

Greenville Men
i . . .
t ll. ft
if .-. I I
i ;. I
I. , . . . . . .
. ten. it to-
day. Sold ts shoe
i-t. mail in
Allen S.
L . N. V.
Happenings interest North Caro-
A Durham man was fined
ilia s. .
little w ruing.
Ci suffer in their early
t control th kid secretions,
Girls are languid, nervous, suffer
, pain.
Women worry, do daily work
Men have lame backs.
The cure man, woman or child,
la kidneys,
Kidney cure lick kid-
. of ring;.
proves it.
Susan Kai t N. Fifth
the a court fur i St., N. de
in wit bi I a man who g
, , , Pi a and lake in rec
Called him liar, them. For some time suffered from
. . .
were and the
. .; , . ,. r i i,
,, i back
lit I. . . 3-year-old p I I when first
Mrs. W ,
. . , ,, and I could sew . gel
Of Hun around I at length p D
Tel t W.
. tr I K
e . from a grain relieved I es. The fact
had lodged at a n me no
, . , c. me t recommend
in . n
Notice of Execution Sale.
U Co. i
E a iris, j
of an .
ii from the
. con v. . above v.
I v ill, i n Monday. th
80th, day of t, at o clock
m. at c court door
soil to the highest bidder for
an I which the sail
Samuel the defending has in
the folk wing described real estate, to
Beginning pine stump,
running a with
to Marry
Alter Seven Years.
It ;. to i .-; in
Union a . r . in the
civil . . B
B I at might r turn
day marry her, made
; . .
; . n he i d a mar-
They will be
Neither been married be-
fore. Byrne was years
when he enlisted and Miss Ber-
near him.
in Jes-
, co with
road to the begin-1 the child
bad always
r th.
t i . i
cents. Co.
Where a Burgeon per- New York, agents for the
i- in
en other tract on the i
side of the road and containing all the went West and prospered there
I l Si n r i
. I. . . . i
Jones others containing by I tune.
Bi to
city and I Vi i B
was still unmarried. His youth-
for her goon returned
e ask i I marry
is now year old
and .
i- patch.
estimation about acres.
This 23rd day I . .
ltd i L. W.
it Sanatorium
Notice of Sal;
or. ,
. urn.
R. L. DAVIS, Pr. J. A. ANDREWS, V.-Pres.
H. D. BATEMAN, Cashier
The Bank of Greenville
And a Capital Stock L Increased to
formed a
the r
about o i. the morning,
. I . I
to be more easily.
u ;. . , porter sees you get on tie train
and died m the after- he ht to know , are
i. .
., he sees y. i Bet some friends
while th . inner wind- .,.,
;. ,. ; .
lean v , . . . . . , .
b. the
Notice Creditors
i- court clerk . Pitt
. . . , r, , you may one we t
jury of Buncombe ,. . . .
J . to know, try to
. . l . . a i i
q . . . .
It i . you re
we have loafed on the
even risked our
or back streets on
y all th .
And mg d i we
of whom
Dr. E. I. Hunter, the.
dental .- this
one of the Co to t
is i State, I isl at
home i h id u
CD. S where he B
. ,. going or t ming, t r
lived for ears, .
. ,. . . I anybody cutting up queerer
in his us i. , , .
i ea
By of directed
to the from L. Superior
c I count in the
action, will, ,.;. Monday,
day of August at
i . m the i mi I b .-.- r
. . y. sell to i . . ;
. to said execution, b .
the i t, t d I
. . . . . grant, i Levi
. the . . t. in
. . tie, to
i . no-th Ti it
ti . . . . .
. . . Briley.
t a i on i
. v , st U II
Die hundred eighteen
ii. then south i-l
. .
t ; es; west i
t. old fore, down the various
. . .
.; then
twenty six
ma ; i . .
i ea then north
; tack . i n ti-
; ;, on. .-. I
. re or
i- r the tract of land eon-
t i L vi C burn by Adam . . i Charlotte
, S
c ii . do
W. ; ., , ,.,.
1.1 i more or I i . .
i Sh .
. . . . I.
no- court clerk county as
of the estate Worrell
i. . J i i . .
; I perm
make .;.
p having
in pr
he s m to the , d for
. . , day
I i will
. .
I .
i. H . n,
f week ending Aug. 11th
Ch . ,. Trades i
We are In position to take
good care of our old custom-
and also prospective ones.
Business Cordially Solicited.
JAS. L. LITTLE, Cashier
Tl i iS
. . ft j .
tries NortH Caro-,
Forest Ci y- con.-
i. i. it
i any.
Sit. woodwork-
plant, j
E . cleaning
II . .
are y.
ran t
d and other paper,
i ii
two h d i door,
at the top, th other near
the combination and the dour
blown binges.
J. DeWitt. acting manager
the Greensboro Furniture Com-
met with a
and possibly fatal, accident ac
the factory at noon today by
caught in the shafting
of a machine. His escape from
instant death was miraculous,
lie was whirled around the
shaft several times. When ex-
it was found that his
left arm was completely mangled
and broker, in several places, and
he was bruised all over.
Mount Airy, N. C, Aug. 12.-
A boiler exploded yesterday at
Pink place, five mile
north this city, perhaps fatal
injuring Mall
who- skull was fractured.
Lowe was
injured, his face and body
fearfully lac- rated and burned.
Ponce seriously
burned. Thomas was
burned about the body. The
first named will die, so your
respondent learns from Dr.
Joseph the at-
tending physician. The boiler
was hurled one hundred and ten
yards from and the en-
one hundred and five feet.
he aid have i
I mi
dollar a day during my
career and not have i I
myself in the Tl.
I man's experience o
I thinking about The t. m e
with American men is that they
dimes while looking fur a
dollars. At th end of
life they have neither the dime
I nor the million
A Greenville Girl.
Miss Maude Evans, a graduate
of the Petersburg Woman's col
has been elected to a
in the faculty of the flour-
Pikeville school.
Goldsboro Headlight,
If will sand your and ad-
we will yon
of Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf, a
i re for
s M.
has for years been
as an painful
but it hi s only been d
within the t few y I i
this terrible trouble is
directly or causing thous-
ands deaths yearly I r
of uh
of th Heart. s,
Uric Acid Poisoning are the
most of the disease.
If Uric i allowed to stay in the
system sodden death can scarcely
averted, If sufferer will p. at
once to J. cot n Bottle
of the remedy
for Rheumatism They will
be cured in large
cost CO cents. In old chronic
where their is acute pains.
Rheumatic should ho used
with for by
M. If. Sauls, Ayden, N. C,
i . i ; W. J
Li ti
. tide Tar river in
. ii, the
in and i,.,
e on i old
ten t . ii
t i and
teen poles i . west
thirty eight poles; then south Ti west
it s; then K west poles
to y . the various
ft real swamp to u cypress,
Smithy Pol then north
fifty seven to a pine, then north World.
to the back line; then to the
beginning, containing US acres
or lest and being the identical tract
of conveyed to Levi
Fl ming wife in a deed
recorded in XX page
h v r, a portion of the
above described and conveyed to
II. Ci urn I d tor 353-4 acres,
more or . r in book V.
pan W Tucker. Sheriff,
.-th, day of July, 1909.
HO I .
. . .
n V POI .
i .
July will show a large
, will th record i f
wasted lives. Every Saturday
afternoon and in every
and con ti bit r r. I re-
Ion r i . of
names of the drowned. Some
of these s are due to faulty
supervision management of ex
The Difference Between Poor and Good Cabinet Work
fl It is n not generally known that very
few machine manufacturers pro-
duce own cabinet work. This is a
distinct industry in itself.
C The Singer Company owns and operates
the largest and beet equipped factory in
the world, exclusively devoted to the
production of the highest grade sewing
machine cabinet work.
fl, Only the finest woods procurable are used.
To insure the proper selection of these
woods, a corps of expert wood rangers is
employed, whose duty it is to purchase
individual trees, the grain and growth of
which entitle them to use in Singer cabinet
This is why Singer cabinet work, besides
I. . most durables U the most
Singer process brings out all
die richness and natural beauty cf the wood.
Sold only by
MaiA St,
. .
boats, but neglect is the
o,,. one cause.-Now York
Cause for Not Drawing.
Thursday Mr. J. F. Brinkley
; was trying to smoke a that
would not draw well. Upon
examination a large nail was
I found through the middle of the
Notice to Creditors
I before the D. W
Pitt county as j L
H l
i .
the i J, W.
Tucker, ceased, notice in hereby
give i co r.- Indebted to tin
the reigned, and all persons
claims the estate are
; n present th i same
t. the u d f-1 payment or
before 4th of 1910, or
this notice will plead Ll.
This day of 1809.
L. Tucker,
of J. Tucker,
ltd t.
And D-
Cotton inland
vs on
kept ton-
In stock, Country
i .
Ti. .
.-. .
; . H
All ladies coming; to
are cordially invited i
go t, r the;
everything c m
will i- .
Swift Crock- Bought and Sold
Standard Keeper J. L. Hob- K
good tells The Reflector he has .
m u.
Some enc has well said that an IDLE DOLLAR is
going to waste. Think of what an addition it would
be to the working capital of Pitt County if all the IDLE
LARS were brought out and deposited in the banks.
Why not help yourself and your community by depositing;
your money in
The Greenville Banking Trust Co.
It his a working capital of and can assist you in
time need.
It has a Board of Directors who are not merely directors in
name but who see to the safe management of the bank con-
It has provided by every means to safeguard
the interests of its customers in the way of Bonded Officers,
Burglary Insurance, Examinations, and Strict Supervision.
It number among its customers all classes throughout the
county the largest Firms and Corporations to the smallest
POT saving his Christmas money.
We will welcome account whether it be large or small
and will take in giving you the best possible.
it b n on a trip through the
of county, i.
covering and
, till I I
s By
. .
e More room and larger stock
Now in Sam White on Five- room and larger Cone
Will Go to
About the middle of
the will be removed
from its present locution in
Proctor building, coiner Evan-t
and Third streets, to the
store about midway between
Fourth and Fifth streets. The
lease at the Proctor corner ex-
Oct. A
of the department
was here some weeks to re
proposals for another term
and out of submitted i h
building; was accepted,
notice to this effect being re-
evening. Ai
equipment will be
in for the office.
a Glorious Victory
There's in . Ion . T. n,
man's life h raved,
King's New is the talk the
town for curing V. Pepper of u
long could w
nor get he writes, the
r.-. did d, but, m
Dr. King's New
feel like a new m in, and do food
work For weak, sore or
lungs. and Colds, Hem-
May Fever,
Asthma or any Bronchial n i
and SI,
Trial Bo free. Sold and
by ail Druggist,
Are you a miser with your
words of approval
Do you think of saying a
pleasant thing or two when some
one in your company does a
piece of then
sider your impulse, and keep
Don't do it
Indiscriminate praise is sense-
less, and no business man of in-
indulges in it;
there are excellent dividends to
be gathered from the word of
approval dropped at the right
on right
Increased ability comes from
and the man who is
given a word of encouragement
low and then is gt
experience, by out of his
way in your behalf. He will
strive harder to your
a every time
he does that he increases his
Make your words of
reap dividends for you
They can do it; they will do it;
and when you bring a of
happiness to the face of the
employee you have said some-
thing pleasant to, you are plant-
a seed that will grow Into a
tree of efficiency, bearing fruit
Free Entertainment.
There has been some
in regard to the en-
of the veterans at
Charlotte during the reunion to
be held there August and
which the Chronicle of that city
corrects for the local committee
on entertainment.
All veterans attending this
reunion will be entertained free,
but arrangements have been
made at the hotels for special
rates for those who prefer to
atop at a hotel. Every veteran
may expect the best of entertain-
while in that city, and
without cost to himself, unless
he rather go to a hotel.
I a small quantity of condensed
milk, if fresh milk cannot be had.
H . . ,
Add wafer to one
Total., . .
Mix all together thoroughly and
Don't heat or cook it;
don't add anything else. This
makes two quarts of delicious ice
cream in minutes at very small
you mm.
and Unflavored.
packages at all grocers.
Thu Food Co, Is Roy, N. V,
Subscribe to The Reflector.
of Lumber
Ayden, N. C, Au. 1909.
There was excitement
yesterday over a strike that
place among the s
if the Ayden Lumber Co. It
seemed that a man named Char-
an Englishman, who
had been at work months
for the company, the leader
of the strike and had induced
to join ii a fr
in of wages. The de-
man i and refused by
the company, whereupon all the
men except M I. started lack
ti their work. look the
view that if the demand re-
fused the men should worn,
and when they took the other
and started to work
he undertook by force to drive
them off and did frighten a
Warrants were issued for
Lean and Knottier man named
Lancaster, but when an officer
went to had
skipped. Lancaster was given
a hearing before Mayor
Wednesday night, but no
him was develop-
ed and the ease against him was
All is d now and the
men have returned to work.
t .
rial -i -ii , bi .
f s rM-
ti v., t .
I Write Mention this Piper.
of V With big
HIP I J. i
M-U tie . a, ,
., Jack, .;.
A Faithful Friend
have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Chi and Remedy since it
was introduced t public in
and have never found one instance
where a was not effected
by its use. I have been u commercial
traveler for eighteen years, never
start out on a trip without this, my
faithful II. S. Nichols, of
Oakland, Ind. Tor. When a in in ha.-
a remedy thirty live year ho
knows is to
peak of it. sale by J. L. Wooten
and Coward Wooten,
Balked by the
A chicken peddler who comes
down in this section from Char-
went hack one day last
a very much disgusted
lie made a trip down in
the southern of the
for some reason could not
a chicken. In tolling.- about
ho did not say why the women
folks turned against him and
would sell their poultry, but
he cussed th telephone system
which spread the news. For
sixteen miles, he said, not
chicken could he buy for there
was a in every house, big
or little, the pews of his
coming went ahead, so that be-
fore he could even stop his horse
or tell his at a house, a
woman would be in the front
door singing out, No you
buy any chickens He
was disgusted with county
Seared With a Hot Iron
or scalded by overturned kettle-cut
with a knife bruised by mod door
injured by or in any other way
the needed at once is
Salve to subdue
and kill pain. It's earth's supreme
healer, for Ulcers, Fe-
Sores, Eczema and Piles. at
all Druggist.
Two Men.
Mr. Duke of Scot-
land Neck, is now in his 89th.
year. He is possibly the only
living man in the county that
served in the war and had
two sons that served with him
now living. Their names are
Wilson aged years,
and Bennett aged
years. They are all in very
good health and have a fair
chance of many more years of
Another similar case to the
above has been called to our
attention from Bertie county.
Col. Stephen A. Norfleet la
years old and has two sons, now
living, that served in the civil
These are two most remarkable
men and families and if any
other county has a better record
we would like to have
land Neck Commonwealth.
The Reflector does
I. S, Dixon and J. A.
Misses i
S u lay with Miss H v ha I
ard, n
.-. t Clara and I ill
spent Sat i day nigh and Sun-
day a
Miss Zora Edwards the
guest of Miss Martha Williams
S night d Sit
There from here
attended Sunday school at Gal-
school Sunday
Miss Clark last
week with her sister, Airs. Elijah
Mills, near Simpson.
The farmers are about through
curing tobacco. The crop h
fairly good this section.
Some of farmers have com-
pulling fodder.
Invention to Displace Tires.
Mr. D. M. of StateS-
ville. has invented v spring
a spring for
that is designed to displace
Springs placed
in a wheel, radiating i the
hub and so arranged that they
take place of pneumatic tires
will give better service. The
invention is designed primarily
for automobiles but can used
on other vehicles.
Mr. Coiner has applied for a
patent and if his invention
proves a success, as he believes
and his friends hope will, it
will prove a valuable one and
should bring Mr. Coiner a large
lie Landmark.
Professional Cards if
. I
Office opposite R. L. Smith
, John
M R. L
no longer handle Wire Fence made I I
revived the agency the famous D KALB WIRE
Don't to sec it. hence at Price .
G N.
i .
H. ft.
W. I.
v t
r n
Ai . -Law
Just received
No. ; by the
go merriment.
each. Vi ill
. .; e ch.
Con id see . it, j
DR. S.
Greenville, N. C.
Office on Third at formerly
pin v Dr,
Mutual Life
Ore;. 1848, Assets over
I Greenville, N. Carolina
. .
At the close of business June
Loans and discounts Capital stock
Overdrafts secured Surplus fund 6,000.00
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures Undivided profits
Cash items
Silver coin, including 15,501.06
minor coin currency .
our. exp and 1,100.19
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Fur, Cotton Seed,.
Oil Turkeys, Egg-, Oak bank and other l .
etc. I Notes 3.028
Suits, Go-Carts, Total
Parlor suits Lounges, . .
Sties, P. As .,,. . ,,,,.,, ,. .
Snuff, high Life Tobacco, Key STATE I; NORTH
west Cheroots, Henry George I d solemnly
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach, above true to tho i .
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup, K- l 1-
Mr. Edward E. Henry, with the
United States Express Co., Chicago,
writes, Superintendent,
Mr handed me a bottle of
Colic, Cholera and
ago to check
attack on the Id
have used it since that time cured
many on our trains who have
inn who with
Rutherford B. Hayes, and William Me-
four years In the
and have no ailment except i
chronic which this
Stops at Fur sale by J. L.
Wooten, and Coward Wooten.
Meat, Flour. Sugar, Coffee,
Soap. Lye Magic Matches,
Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Apples,
Nuts, Dried Apples-
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni, Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap
cash. Come see me,
Subscribed and i worn to before
me, this day of June,
I. Davis,
. M. Davis,
W. J,
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the of June II
Ii Still Another Time.
The many friends of Mrs. Kate j
R. in this county and
Hyde will doubtless be pleased to
learn she has been elected lady
by the trustees of the
East Carolina Training
School, at Greenville, N. C.
The News feels confident the
board made no mistake in their
selection, for she is a woman
well fitted for the position.
Mrs. is the widow of
the late S. T. a
lawyer of this city. She
has taught here and was at one
a member of the Louisburg
corps of teachers.
She will add strength to the
faculty of the State's new
Making Money on the Farm.
Mr. George E. Ransom, one of
Northampton's most extensive
and successive farmers, shipped
a car load of fat beef cattle from
Rich Square to the Richmond
market last Saturday. Mr. Ran-
is a son of the late Senator
Ransom who made money farm
and is following the foot-
steps of his distinguished
father in his love for the farms.
Running repairs to all i ind of
Steam erecting Engines,
Tobacco machinery, all a
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical novelties. Give us a trial.
All work guaranteed and terms
Message left at II. L. Carr's
will receive prompt attention, or phone
Quite if
How often you can ii ,
thing done s J
nail or screw driver or
Sit lacking. Have a good
box and be prepared
emergencies. Our line of tools
Is a sou could desire,
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get s
Horse t c
of -----w
J. R,
See P. M, Johnston for mil
repairs and supplies. Terms
Loans and discounts Capital Stock
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture fixtures 1,270.00
Due am
Gold and silver
minor com currency
Surplus fund
l profits loss
expenses and taxes pd 1,572.310
Time certificates of
Deposits -all to check 57,838.68
OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
I, W. II- Cashier of the above-named hank, do sol-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. W. II. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to he-
fore me, this 20th day of June,
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public.
M. o. mount,
S. M.
Established ISM. of the school la clearly set forth by It
In Christian net at lowest
bf tho Church, not to m n v, but ti furnish
place in body, hi art a
cost. haw Han o fully carried
II T with it. of i . ;. . Its
building; and grounds, worth i
all charges for the year. Including the table
eat. laundry, medics attention, physical in nil
music and locution. Apply for and application blank to

Subscription U
Six Months
Bugle Copy
OHM soil, would feel
better that scare- If
was m good a pries
hoy would fool better still.
Prosperity should informed
congress is through tinker
with the and the
country would like to see it
along. We need
Advertising rates may had upon
application at th business office in I
Reflector corner Evans ,, and need it in a hurry
N. C., as second-class
Let all get busy
work for ire
being pulled off on the coast of
Massachusetts is great frolic at
the exp use of the government.
Wasting the public money is
what keeps the treasury
are all country. If nothing that was construed to be
see Chicago address to an ad- hit on the Greenville market,
the first thing to do But what The ha.
is make up your mind to let to say about was toe
alone if you do not want to by The Mows and
humbugged. . server that trust will take
for nothing unless a lire
We may be behind the times built under From the
and living in the swamp, but I Observer has
cannot we be excused u ,,.,,.,.
as to v. hat tins Mont .
, t
Dance is advertised in such pa-
Reflector, en utterance so tending to an
We have heard a little of square I Tho cannot
dancing round dancing but approve such advice, r
a liking fad u ,
the com us
com an;
Talk is in its y.
; in the
low of a pass train of
the S mi. th rail . in
I, , . . tits over
set liters
c. .
Since tho English
been crossed with a flying ma- Clayton boat Durham mil ii
chine, another fellow is trying the for orphan to be
this silence in the art it j Enterprise approves
it. The rest that Tho Sews and
, I
,, ts,
tn across it.
. i y the lam I
the State, Dur u red
Editor Joseph t of land and cash,
tho Argus, while was
us a candidate acres of laud I b
for congress in district. Work will mi ;
in ;. sh rt while.
The umpire holds an
job, and is lucky if lie Every r from nth r see-
at the end the season with the Ii
whole to Greenville ought go out
and look at tho piece of sand-
quarter of Now,
York is one of the bad
places that needs to be cleaned
for us. ere
bits-, folly to be
Well, p. the Observer said about the
i, can't we lie put prices of tobacco, and con-
silent dancing so fur of prices, was true, but tho
not struck those way to remedy this is not by In-
citing people to apply the torch.
The r it is
A Louisville, Ky. man who chairman of tho In-
;. fortune and in willing ii commerce conn
but little to hi children,
aid that inherited wealth is
b lorn useful. In that lie
a great truth which is borne out
in numerous examples, There
i- no one ho reads this lie
cannot I young men who
inherited much money, soon
is quoted as saying heavier
business than has ever been
known in a single year is looked
for on railroads this
year, that the
. be
I the country's immense pro
Boys Never Forget the OM N. C. Aug. 1909.
Home. T. E. Little and Miss Mattie
Fairmont, Col Aug 1909. Little, went to A J.
Editor Monday.
Today. I I find my thoughts; Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Smith went
revetting buck to familiar to Greenville Wednesday.
of H. E. C. E.
in your midst, and of friends Law horn and John wont
whom I had in by-gone t to sell Wed-
I have decided to pen you
a few lines, lifting Mrs. C. E. and
will in return mail me a copy Miss Mattie Little went to
your paper, which would mean Wednesday.
long, newsy letter from borne. The young people had an ice
is nothing derive so en am at Wed-
much pleasure from an reading j night and had a very
your little personal happening, j nice time. There were two
names, in wagon loads of the young people
are very familiar lean of in attendance,
most imagine what they are; Mills Smith went to Greenville
doing in the city. Thursday w eel tobacco.
Since coming West abut Leon of spent
seven years have all night with
over the Pacific coast states, but father, K. B. and
have found no SO desirable returned heme with his brother,
to as Southern John, Thursday.
Angela i; the metropolis Mr. Mr. B. P.
of the southern part the, Mrs. Lizzie left
state, and with the Saturday morning for
of the Panama Canal, and Beaufort to spend a week,
with its natural resources and Mi.-s Smith and her
climatic Is destined brother, Leslie, went to
to become one of our greatest Saturday evening,
cities. The city now engaged Singleton, of
l lie nun fas, . .,
ion companies may he an aqueduct, J was at Ivy smith's Saturday.
their capacity to handle will conduct water from i Misses Martha Belle and
. . I. .
it and come to
while on is seldom ,. railroads
recalled that a
Whether or not prices an
Those who were waiting for
census enumerator jobs feel re-
except those
W Ho failed to land.
clay road near town before re.
turning Ids home. The
believes it will convince
him that there ought to be a
road like that by his
extend sympathy Editor
W. hi. of the Wash-
what is hi said in the
paper.-oil tho subject does not
farmers that every
section ought to have goo I fob
Progress, upon the death
they are hard to com Am
of his mother which
few days ago.
hen you come to think
Bi mad .-an ho Lad
every section when
When New Bern couples make pie make up their minds that
up their love matches in are not going to do without
cemetery, we wonder if they look- them.
out to the future and also select . , ,,
. . i Tho court which Harry
a burial plot. .
r test insanity was be-
The man who opposes things log made decided that he should
just because he cannot have be sent hack to tho asylum,
them his way not the best, That decision right fie
type of citizen. Some others escaped punishment for his
may also have opinions. the plea of insanity
should lie kept in
f see prosperity coming, If he was insane when
do not try to stop it with growl- he killed White be
We all need it in our hue-j would be insane enough to kill
and can help by being somebody else if given his lib-
cheerful and doing our best.
price of
light to convince the farmers
that it would pay them far bet-,
tor to raise of it and put
more acres in food clops, it is
hard to break from
habit of raising the so-called
money crops, but when the
money derived therefrom is not
enough to cover the of
making the i. is time for a
change. Farmers are certainly
nut going to hotter their
to any great extent until
they raise all their homo sup-
plies. They are In much hotter
position to stand low prices for
money crops when they have
river in Nevada, across I Smith returned home at A. J.
the desert, into the city, Flanagan's Sunday evening,
a distance of more than two, after spending a few days in
hundred miles. The aqueduct lour section.
alone will supply water to one; Mr. and Mrs. B. P,
million inhabitants and will cost; by and children, of Farmville,
million dollars. to Sunday school and
Should a person come to Cali- church at Smith's school house
seeking and spent the
. . , or renewed health, could go at Mills Smith's.
camping in the shadow of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Flanagan,
tie mountains beside murmuring j of wen visiting at
I brooks, or within the sound of Mills Smith's Sunday and attend-
the ocean breakers, and be ed church.
within miles of Mrs. John of Green-
Angeles, ville, came up Wednesday
The glorious out-of-door MB-j spent until Sunday ct C. E
if California,
ft amounted , anything lot the
much. No money does as much always
us that a men can.- y
crops are raised, but ship-
and fold they
rail to bring enough to pay the
freight. In this connection we
see it stated in a Philadelphia
paper that that city is so glut
with watermelons that till J
do not sell for enough to pay tho
will sue the farmers who ship-
pod the melons for the differ;
Slice, It often happens till
same way with potatoes am
other crops.
of a. Mr.
freight, and that the railroads j Western states should Sunday morning and they re-
be visited once, at least, in a home Sunday evening,
time. Fannie of
shall visit Greenville during burg, was visiting at Ivy Smith's
the holidays, at which Saturday evening and Sunday.
time I hope to meet you in per- Miss Flanagan and
son. j brothers, Alfred Thelma,
With I Farmville, at
very C. D. Smith's Sunday evening.
R. A. Bryan. G. Hinton Grumpier, of
filled his regular
of at Smith's school
No School Vacation.
plant in the world could
earn a dividend if only
nine months out the twelve.
earn a dividend
houses their investment
Georgia's freak legislature has
adjourned. If the Constitution
Journal would do likewise
there might he for a space
in that blustery city.
Some idea of the extent of the
rural mail service can be had
from the statement that there
are now about routes in
operation throughout the
Since the extra congress and
Thaw have been side-tracked,
and the airships have made a
successful flight, some of the
fellows have gone to talking
north pole again.
business man in Green-
ville and community, and every
farmer living anywhere near
Tar river, ought to be interested
in the movement looking to the
of the channel of the
river, so that steamboat -trans-
can be restored and
operated at all seasons of the
year. Water transportation
means cheaper freights, and it
would mean thousands of dollars
saved to the people of
county if Tar river afforded an
8-foot channel to Greenville.
Dancing Again.
The News returns its sincere
thanks to Editor Whichard of
the Greenville upon
educating us as to what his
is, lie
is a dance without music,
Now are up it again.
Bow can a follow and his girl
trip the light fantastic without
the soft strains of the
Possibly they just go it blind,
or perhaps, those participating
are too deaf to hear the melody.
We are anxious to see this little
feat performed, for it may be
that those of us who are without
an ear for music and can't keep
time, can come in alright on
the home stretch. Washington
The Reflector must confess to
not over much wisdom along
this line, but if we can learn in
advance that another silent
dance is to take place we will
give The News man a tip
let him run up and see how it
the college is closed one-fourth
of the time
In Germany the universities
are open all the year and a
dent may take his degree when-
ever he shows himself worthy,
regardless of the length of lime
spent in preparation. The Phil-
says the ten-
in American colleges is
in that direction. The
of Pennsylvania has
a commencement In Do-
comber, at which those who
were not quite ready to take
their degrees in June were
lowed to graduate without
to wait until the following
Most of the leading colleges
have established summer schools
As it Pleated our Heavenly, house Sunday and at night.
Father to call himself
little son of Mr. and Mrs. G. D.; What is Best for
Tunstall, of Greenville, lie it
resolved, Mr A f
That is the sense of the nM troubled fr with
Roll of Church of Christ,
Greenville, that Mr. aim Mrs, I ever If
have lost, beautiful and
loving child In the death of little
2nd. That we feel deeply the
sorrow that has come to dear
father and mother in his sudden
and unexpected death.
3rd. That the deepest
thy of the entire Cradle Roll is
hereby extended to tho bereaved
parents and relatives in their
sad hour of sorrow.
4th. That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon our
minutes and a copy be sent to
to prove beneficial. They are NO M
take and pleasant in affect. Price
cents. Samples free at Jno. L,. Wooten
and Coward Wooten.
but they are not generally well j Tunstall and to The
They have gone ahead and
a map of the automobile
road from New York to Atlanta,
but have never yet told who is
going to build the road.
If cotton holds up to its pros-
cut price until the farmers get
A Chicago dispatch starts off
full of sinners. The
devil owns most of the people
of this The writer of
that seems to hitting pretty-
close to the mark. There is not
a worse den of fakirs and
huddled together on any
other spot in the world than in
Chicago. It is the home of mail
order swindles, and the victims
The Greenville has
somewhat to say to Editor Jo-
Daniels because of what
seemed to The a hit at
the tobacco market of Green-
ville. The comment in The
News and Observer was merely
a true statement of the doings
of the tobacco trust- William-
You have it a little wrong.
The News and Observer said
attended, except such normal
schools as attract teachers for a
few weeks. Are not holidays
too long In our climate it is
proper for a three months
for children, but for men
who are going to college is it
not too and
The Springfield Republican
comments the fact that many
people have noticed that bread
is not so beautifully white as it
used to be, without realizing
that the cause is the pure food
law, which forbids the bleaching
of flour- This phase of the law
has yet been tested in the
courts, and the recent seizure
by the United States govern-
of a car-load of bleached
flour in Iowa is looked u to
prove a test and
Crimson clover, rape and vetch
seed at F. V.
Reflector and Carolina
for publication.
Mrs. J- L. Carper, Supt.
D. W. Arnold. Teacher.
All members, Committee.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last
Walter Bennett and Nora
Claude Adams and Elks.
Major Forbes and Mary Arm-
Henry Tyson and Sallie A.
remarked mother,
lace is fairly clean, but
how did you get your hands so
me face, ma-
Nerve energy is the
force that controls tho or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. bas
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it
My w
and left m of
of the
but got no permanent relief.
had to
taking Dr. .
In a
;, much Setter, and
to improve until entirely
urn In again, and never ml
an opportunity l
Your Or. Mile.-
and . him to
price o flirt bottle
Miles Co, Elkhart. Ind
. s
s furnish
in County
A From F. D.
To my Farmer Friends in Pitt
County and Eastern, N.
The Star warehouse
of The Eastern to and vicinity. r.
.,., . warehouse in Pitt
is nearing
Eliza; Kennedy left , ; .
Una morning for in.
dress goods
needles, shuttles, ins a plant of J- R. .
smith Co. v
is under the n u
Oakley. N. . ;.
J. J. . t to I
ton's i
A Se-st
n, Aug. .
E day.
and The News and .
Observer and
. ; back .
. price of t
mantels, I
Spring dress goods lac- s -n and
to match at i. -w ,. ,.
to n t the
a open ; top
wagon, e t or
rep y th
. . was of
Jon . . She is a
, r m g the
house in I i State.
. . be
, Mr.
pose t-
n-as her
C- C. Wynn a
it's a
the , -V .,. ,
and i tobacco, and
. .-,.,,;, . our townsman, w. a-
and .-- H.
jars, rubbers and caps at J. B. ., you W. King was In
Smith ft Go. ; for your Tuesday
fitting, rubber and shoe your mules and i . .,
are lo v, f o sh- v.
of our townsman,
H. ,; your corn. Kin
while you live, and then o n fur
belting, pulleys
Smith Co.
T. W. a you with nil
J. Si t and tor
Joe r a ii. or family. Come to . ,
Perkins Tablets and other patent
medicines at R. Smith Co.
Lawns, Laces and
at greatly led
R. Smith Co
J. R. Smith Co Dix m
Rev. C. F. Outlaw, of Wilson,
began revival meeting at
Red for ladies, tree church t night,
gentlemen and children at J. R. I under very favorable
Smith Co.
stances, A large
patterns and magazines was present and gave tho very
. ,, closest attention to the excellent
at J. R. Co. ,. A .,.,. I. .
Lime, cement, Mr. Outlaw.
doors always on hand -i. R
Smith Co.
Try a bucket of C use
one third less than rd. J. R.
The musical given
in the auditorium the
public school building for the
benefit of tie new Methodist
church, was largely attended,
expected that the meeting
continue about days or
Mu M Smith i-
Miss Lucy Bell Lancaster in ti
have n seen Ii
oak and poplar
the Ayden Lumber Co. baa . I
they keep running. This i
of the best lumber romp u i;
the east.
Misses tattle and Evelyn Rut-
ton, of Winterville, and
Jenkins, cf Greenville, .
Sunday with Mary Alice
Mrs. Bettie .
Fla., who has
been visiting Mrs. R.
W. Smith, left Friday for Kins-
that the leaf grad
ii Bell
ring Th tar,
. top
. A I we a .
a .
. a co
. .
r I'M .
. y
. a .
, nu
. . .
. Ma
. .
ho I
J. R.
,,. .
. . . I
. . .
. has been s
a to com . .
and y letter
.-. . is,
you ill kn in
th i .
I line
weeks. If the is favor-
able crowds are expect u
to number going over
from Ayden and
are i-
On Aug. a few of
young men. and ladies of Ayden
, out re old country
Besides our own people, there
. , .,; Mrs. Ann Coward am
pent . .
an enjoyable fishing trip
,. country and
Th program there about twelve
x -d d th. I much O'clock, they drove , . pond
u, . It was the belt entertain.
n, the kind that has w. re John Coward ,
t Cannon,
v. j recitations .
iv y. .,.
features ;
and Morehead.
Miss Addle Johnson, one cf
our popular milliners, returned
Monday from an extended
western vacation. looks
much refreshed and leave
soon tor New York
more for her fall stuck.
re to I
to our
Is ii ; id
th ;
and sup ;. past, and
want to assure you that
i that can
do for n fit Your Inter-
est is ours, and wt arc i-
see t r y u ;.
at all times,
favors, s
in . i . ;
h . one man ho tried
to profit
-p iV throw away
;. i boil and i .
so and ,
Mr. and Mr at.-
. De y,
Bear Gm is J
r f. .-.-
i .,
and if we farmers would o this
Graduate Norse
Ayden, North Carolina.
P S.
in our mind, this .
we can
went to -.- City
of your valued patronage, I am. our tobacco sound ., . r n . ;.,,
Your friend ;
K D.
Star Warehouse,
Co. ltd
or near i a gold
bracelet, carved en P- Finder
please return Jennie
Carson, Bethel, N. C-
and sultry
in I i , , , , ,
, .- t .,., at
weather. suggest ,
. .-i ,,. the day in this
tobacco until
m at J. R Smith Co.
K. Elite, a good top
for cotton, at J. R. Smith Co.
royal blue shoes for ladies
and gentlemen at J. R. Smith i
Misses Ruth
left Saturday evening for Wash-
to vi.-it friends.
Ear Jones Sunday with
his parents, n-
We were very sorry to
J. leave our town. He
has accepted a position Green-
Mrs. Lee, of Kinston, is visit-
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
We are very glad note that
J. R, baby is
Mr. Knott left Friday to spend
a few days with his mother who
is low in health.
Revs. C. and C.
F. Outlaw, of Wilson, came in
town this They will
preach at Rountree church this
Miss Eula Cox, of Greenville,
is visiting Mrs. F. G.
Mrs. N. J. Ormond and son,
Rev. J. M. Ormond, left this
morning for their home at Or-
A. A. Forbes, Jr., returned
from his home in Greenville
Sunday. He is with Dixon
Dixon this year, at the Imperial
Miss Ethel Bowling, of Green-
ville, is visiting Miss
Dixon week.
Tom Dawson is visiting his
sister, Mrs. F. G.
Our United Brotherhood of
Bachelors is about to lose an
other one of its true members as
J. H. Tripp his sent in his
nation and will soon take unto
himself a member of our fairer
sex. We are very sorry to have
Brother Tripp leave us at this
time. We could better let him
go at our next meeting.
with Miss
Coward and Jasper G
Miss Olive
Court opened Monday tho
following cases were disposed
J. R Smith Co. vs J. C
Stocks. Verdict rendered In
favor of the
took an appeal to higher court.
Willie Jones for assault with
deadly bound over to
Superior court,
John Dennis for
liquor, gave bond for his appear-
at court on Friday.
Rev. J. R. Tingle is c
material with u view of over-
hauling his residence in Ghent.
Miss Ella Wayne, of Rocky
Mount, is spending the week in
His Honor, is
suffering from deep cold,
from sitting too near his
wind mill this warm weather-
Rev. C. Armstrong, who
has been holding a series of
meetings in Pamlico and Tyrrell
counties, returned home Saturday
and tells us he never saw such
splendid crops of grain in East-
North Carolina.
John Tripp. of Pitch
was in town Wednesday exhibit-
an andiron, which is a house-
hold luxury and a fair specimen
of his mechanical genius, and
when patented will likely yield a
handsome sum to the inventor.
Luther Hart, one of our
Ayden boys who has been
in Brooklyn for the last
seven years, has been home on a
visit and returned to New York
Our tobacco warehouses seem
to be enjoying good breaks each
day. Our auctioneers, Forbes
Cannon, will get the last red
cent for you.
Watt Slaughter, of Kinston,
was in town Tuesday.
J. R. Smith made a business
trip to Winterville Tuesday eve-
Holt, of Guilford
College, has been in town this
At the Business June
tin the w, t.-
iv better and the
C. Roebuck
last week
Mrs. of Tarboro, come
m ard , . .
Price from headquarters. Monday to visit her son.
are now buying without B-
price from their
discounts 68,170.65 j Capital stock
48.10 j fund
Overdrafts unsecured
Furniture and MOOT
Demand loans 2,600.001
Duo from 8,402.03 cur. exp. and 684.81
Gold coin Dividend unpaid
Silver coin, including all i Deposits sub. t check
Cashier's outstanding 46.00
minor coin
bank and
U. S. Notes
in uses, course
are paying the penalty in
prices. Tr. n as to sup- For B
ply which Mr. mentions awe f
in hi-, article, if we
make d make it sorrier ., u . s
. .- box two-thirds of
than the wan, m, vi i; ,,.,,,,,.,,, ,.
just may expect to GO ragged trouble for w
and hungry and have ourselves l
to blame largely. Here comes
the run. We can't make it
much better with this
destructive, ruinous and
detested tenant system under
King's X Roads, Aug
;., Miss Irene Smith
of the tobacco it is raising. with her sister. Mrs.
I, J. R Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
tho to the best my knowledge and
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this of June, i J. R.
1900, R. C. CANNON,
Notary Public I Directors.
We will open our warehouse ready to serve our customers on Mon-
day and We want bring us tobacco and
let show you that we can do
tho place and New Imperial opens
Yours to serve,
father has for years in tr
bled with and tried every
means to effect c
Williams, o.- Fountain the past
Willie Randolph and
visited Mrs. Washington Smith
part of week.
J. L.
out writes John H. of was in our burg Saturday
W. Va. .
Iain's C
in the
pan nU decided to try it. The result
one cured him and he not
Buffered with the disease for eighteen
months Before taking he
was a constant sufferer.
We are prepared to furnish yon with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very lowest prices. Cash or Installment.
Come to see us and we will convince you
We wish to call attention to our new line of fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great care in buying this year and wt
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Ginghams, No-
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything; that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
u Come let us show you.
a Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
Miss Barr. cf
r and Sunday with
R L. Matthews.
Miss Minnie Smith the
well, h sixty meat of MUs Irene Smith
con ii much work as a, ,
Sold by l Wooten day
Coward A Wooten. y
appointment here Saturday
Family Frightened from Home by la and Sunday.
A correspondent writing L. H. Allen returned home last
Dover Rivet an amusing story of week after pending two weeks
a family near there being fright- with his lather, G. I.
from home by strange Mies Leona
noises which were found next Addle Corbett Saturday and
day to have been caused by rats, j Sunday.
retired when a
weird tapping- began, growing one of the most attractive
more weird and furious as it dwelling in cur community.
until the family, Our farmers have locked up
it said, believe in ghosts and
such things, fled terrified to the
their and say there
will be nothing doing until the
open field, where they huddled of batter.
together in terror until, B, T- Smith and C E. Case
day appeared. An Willie Randolph went to
showed that the noise had been Fountain an business
caused by a rat dragging an old and reported mess very brief,
greasy shoe over the floor in the ;
loft of the house.-New Bern Spots
he in th.- low, bottoms of the
tho breeding ground of ma-
germs. cause chills,
fever and
suffering or death to thou-
sands yearly. But
never fall to destroy them and cure
malaria trouble.;. I hey are the beat
W. II. Smith has purchased
the of A. Cox in the
Carolina Milling n u. .
Co. and will conduct the bu.- i all round tonic CUTS for malaria I
at the same All K. M. James,
S. C. cure Stomach.
work promptly looked after Mr. I and blood and
Cox will Still with the I prevent Typhoid Try them,
Company. Guaranteed by ml

Monday, July 11th, 1909
in our store will be greatly re-
in price, as
. Wilson
Norfolk Cotton Peanuts wired I
by J. W. A Co. Cotton Factor.
Today Yesterday
Infants soft sole Oxfords to
Oxfords to
to were
to were
Straps to were
too, were
too. were
Tie to were
1-2 to , were
51-2 to S, wk
1-2 b w t
to were
to w re
51-2 were
lies 1-2 to were
S 1-2 roll, w re
1-2 to were
81-2 toll, v.- k
if traps 1-2 to were
1-2 to H. were
to were
to were
to were
Ties 111-2 to were
111-2 to were
111-2 to were
Straps to were
111-2 to were
to were
and Ankle Straps, wire
new SO
w GO
now i
. I I
now .
n v.- I
now j
Rocky Mount
At ,
At Rocky
Rocky Mount
Raleigh at Goldsboro,
Kooky Mount at Fayetteville.
Wilson at Wilmington.
From Vacation.
Mr. V. B. Wilson
t that escaped
aye a Th n i Fri-
Hector brought a
me message that a
M caught in the . . rd
w Mrs. A. Johnson's, a mile
north ct the river, and upon go-
. to it
pr to be his. The p
river in he
123-8 i
Middling 1-2 ii
Low Middling 1218 i-s
Low 111-2 111-21
S 1-s S 1-4
, Strictly S
I 8-4
I Li v. i
Wived by Bros Co. Ranker
I Red Brokers. Norfolk.
Oct. 1214
Jan- 1213
Dee 1-2 9.1
IVe 1-6 p. s
H So
m S IS
tile Co a.
. -m.
Painter, Paper Hanger, Decorator.
Will be triad to make prices on
in line. Parties wanting
work done drop u card in P. o. I,
When you have baggage to go J
to trains phone No. V.
one no.
That's Coward Wooten's
the best to be had.
FOR Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles, Stationery, Etc.
AH Summer
Goods Reduced
To make room for fall
goods, arriving daily, we will
make a Big Reduction
During the Month of August
on all summer goods,
AU Six cent Colored Lawns at per yard.
Ten cent
Fifteen M
in. wear guaranteed dual-
for per yard good value.
Oxfords at at
2.50 1.85,
1.50 1.15.
Our stock is complete in
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
We carry Wire Fencing,
building Lime, Mowers, rakes
and all kind of Farm
In fact we carry
everything in the general
mercantile line.
Central Mercantile Go.
Shoes, Hats, Dress Ginghams,
Line Laces
Shirts, Hosiery
With Each Cash purchase of One Dollars entitles you to a chance at the handsome 10.00
Dinner Set we give away every Saturday afternoon at o'clock.
The lucky ones have been as Miss Ethel Bowling, Miss Lucy Nobles, Greenville, N.
C; Wm. Buck, Grimesland, N. C.; Jesse Cannon, Ayden, N. C; Cliff Edwards, Greenville, N. C; Lucy
colored, Greenville, N. C.
Negotiations by the
Negotiations for
Mystery of the All n in Experience on Board a
parent- arranging
the whole affair. Ali will
I not see his future until
RELICS OF A VANISHED RACE the ceremony. The wild, passionate HOW THE WENT DOWN.
stories of the do not occur in
Found h This Country.
Sealing Vessel.
Smashed In and Powerless
to She Was Swallowed In the
Icy Wild Rush of the
Crow to or. the Floe.
Constant the
crews that fearlessly sail into the
Th. -.-, . A Moor that
I he Shaped Structures . el. . . , ,
,. n . T is like unto your
. These Reared Them. .
west; Ali Mahmoud's indifference to the
hi other rt of the appearance of his intended
M more odd is not shared by the young northern seas and their lives la
Borne are built lady. is just fourteen years work of hunting the
like i. in sharp of age and, following the usual la Harper's
tom. recourse to magic to gain author, writes
I an idea of the appearance of her sinking of the ship on
met, , New,,,, O. an Z ,
a roust meted in a saintly person finds
. inure feet In on easy matter to practice on the
The are often I ignorant and superstitious females.
v that are many Without any difficulty he h-e Into pack of which
These j the identity of the bridegroom bit sheet was part. The bowline
are thought to be more than and carefully studies his personal ready for bear-
Up then ,;,
X In lee.
tin the bridge were the captain and
anxiously awaiting the chance
to head the ship out of Hie
Certainly t the
The have ever
a la, roving race, making their live-
by booting mid
appearance. He then repairs to the
residence f the on tho day
appointed. A Thursday is set apart
for these The prospective
bride smears the left side of her
should ordered
on tho floe haul the ships bend
Aloft, the marched
the gloom tor signs of a hall In the
confused tremendous waste.
Then, there came a terrific crush
lace with and rouge and The caught in the be-
and using tents or rudest pares a huge plate of couscous with the sheets, was pow
her left hand. Then she pays sue- The smash of break-
visits throughout the to above the gale as a
seven baths, seven mills, seven T
and to the banks of
;. ., . watch rushed to the engine room. It
streams to the genii to sup- MM with steam, the
a i , , . , having already reached the fires.
At midnight the females of the A glance showed that nothing could
house assemble at the gate of the stop the Inrush of water. The firemen
house and in total darkness go retreating. The first of them,
through the prescribed formula cf a from world,
welcome to the ghostly visitants coal undershirt clad, reached
The couscous is already set out for
the delectation of the
guest. When a reasonable time has could came the voice of
elapsed for tho supposed genii to the skipper; he knew the situation at
finish their meal all present ascend no other man.
to the housetop. be shouted, the ship go
Fires arc lighted, and the clothes-save
bout, with great solemnity, H everywhere
small pellets of various drugs upon up
them on behalf of the girl for whom
i. t. over colliding in midair
lints their dwelling places.
Tho mysterious people who built the
were lint a race of rovers.
An long time must have
been required for erecting each
earth shape. Nor were the Ignorant
for the mounds show deep
knowledge of geometry as well as
astronomy of the principles
building. Carefully laid out military
fort mentions abound In mound
Indicating that the
bad lore en-
skill and Mint they under-
Stood many modern principles of at-
There are also sepulchral mounds.
some of titan feet high. These
contain etc., as
well as utensils and hits of pot-
tery. Tile bone when exposed to air
crumble once to dust. As the hones
of who died twenty
ago are often found intact and
strong, ninny authorities believe the
mound builders dale hack at least
several centuries tho time of
Julius Caesar.
Cleverly pottery copper
Implements of war and peace
are found ill through the mounds.
Ancient red mines on
the banks of Lake show that
builders well understand
the art of
of the bronze
etc. prove their skill at the forge.
In one of the prehistoric Lake
has found a mass of
copper reigning eight tons, resting on
n high ready for removal to
the earth. This Implies the
cf well constructed igloo machinery,
that have beta found etched
upon Ivory much
all this It seems that some
remote age tin- central part of North
America was Inhabited by n race of
warlike, industrious, decidedly
who had splendid skill at
building, at the of mining, en-
higher mathematics and
who flourished apparently during an-
centuries. Vet so long ago did
the mound bill Idem cease to exist
all there is no men-
no of them.
No where the Indians them
selves came from Vet they apparent-
long after the
had vanished. The
skulls discovered In the mound
not In like skulls of
the oracle is to be interrogated.
as they half tumbled and half slid
the various forms assumed by the down the ropes, then back for food.
names and smoke tho the heavy pork barrels
then professes to describe tho were hauled by hand from after
husband of the girl. The bold, where men bravely tolled.
concluded, he takes his their way aloft, where the
with a substantial reward stowed. The canvas eat
and a further enhancement of his fore b
reputation as a magician and holy deck. Punt.
man ware slipped from the davits. Some.
. V, , , , ., . I bitting the Ice with a crash, were
A few days receives a in. Throughout it all the cap.
present from future father-in.
law, and contract of marriage is them punts grub
definitely arranged. off Farther yet farther-
A deputation of the water, rapidly rising, drove the
relations now come to fetch from lower bold. They
the procession is formed to lead inflow,
her to her new house. i
Ali and eyed each
other curiously for it i. th fir. no
curiously, it is first In that brief Interval each
time they have met. The long and man suddenly thought to save the
tedious ceremonies and the six days thing he most a wild rush
of feasting over, they take up their was made to to fable, to
in his father house until storeroom for
such time he can afford to set up himself-n ct the thing
an establishment of his own tn With
is relegated to the monotonous in-
door life of the Mohammedan
. ill loader at home with mi- the
man. She never allowed to leave r ,,
the house. Like most of her . , ,
she has very little culture. She can dishes, lo the cabin a crowd singed
neither read nor write, while she to the chest,
denied the solace of prayer from and pills, smashing anything
sheer ignorance of the prescribed, was an obstacle In their way.
Her prime is passed in trivial house- scene the cry
hold duties until such time as he i by men and
the Brute Fights Either He or
the Dies.
, Nothing cause- the Beat African
colonist more genuine than
that should n . have been
with a lion. The lion.
Vin-ton Spencer Churchill says
that a failure to produce a lion
preys on the mind
it becomes a regular lie
feels that some deep reproach i
laid upon his own hospitality and
the reputation of his adopted
try. In African Mr.
Churchill tolls something of the
pursuit of this noble
is the way in which they
limit find the lion,
lured to i kill, driven from a reed
bed or kicked up incontinently by
the way. Once viewed, he must
never be lost of for a moment.
Mounted on ponies of more or less
approved f three or four
Britons or Somalia gallop after
him rocks, holes, tussocks,
through high grass, thorn scrub,
turning him, shepherd-
heading him this way and
that until be is brought to bay.
his part the lion is no seeker
of quarrels. He is often described
in accents of contempt. His object
throughout is to save his skin. If.
being unarmed, yon meet six or
en unexpectedly, all you reed do.
according to my information, is to
speak to sternly, and
slink while you throw n few
stones them lo hurry them up.
All the highest authorities
mend this.
when pursued from plane to
place, chased hither thither by
horsemen, the lion be-
comes First he begins
to growl and roar at his enemies in
order to terrify them make
them leave him in peace. Thou lie
darts little short charges at them.
Finally, when every attempt
peaceful persuasion has failed, he
pulls up abruptly and offers battle.
Once he has done this, he will run
no more. He means to fight and to
fight to the depth.
when a lion, maddened with
the agony of a bullet wound, dis-
tressed by long and hard pursuit, or,
most of ah, a lioness in defense of
her cubs, is definitely committed to
battle death is the only possible
Broken limbs, broken
jaws, a body raked end to end.
lungs pierced through through
none of these counts. It must be
death, instant and utter, for the
lion or down goes the man, mauled
by septic claws fetid teeth.
crushed mid crunched and poisoned
afterward to make doubly
w THE CRUSH worlds.
Cur System.
i i , i ls it is not
That Is Shown by rd. that stun,
the Woman Thief.
I madly from their -What
i would
Egyptian. If there were any
-n the two. who can explain
how an race chanted to flour-
in th middle west
of the mound builders Is
as mysterious as the strange people
themselves. After so a
civilization thriving for so long a
time it seems strange that they should
have been completely destroyed. No
satisfactory explanation has over been
Offered. Perhaps the mound
south and bar-ante merged with
the Mexican Aztecs or Peruvians, or
some race from the north may
have swept down utterly destroy-
ed them, or it wholesale may
have wiped their notion.
The weird earthen
purpose of most of them a
puzzle to the are
the sole regaining proof that this
great lost race ever existed
-New York World.
The On to
I the duly or every man and
woman to lie married the age of
the lecturer.
said n of thirty, with
some asperity, needn't tell me
that. Talk to tho.
you with the
If I know Each one
ways me a friend of her
for tho
the unsuccessful, plunged on to
ship was sinking fast. It was
but a short leap for the lust man from
her deck to loosening ice. The
It Broke Him.
A clever young woman, as re-
as Was pretty, married i mM on the looking the ship
a young man of rather gay habits. I bow-
Yet from the start all went well.
The husband soon became the
i ,. i . , -7 hard to lose the trip
model of domesticity. .
t. a friend to
no longer spends even- mainmast, reselling over the floe, broke
the club, docs
said the other, laugh-
soon broke Jim of
did you do asked the
Reward of the Faithful Servant.
The merchant prince had sent for
the faithful clerk, who confronted
his master
said the
prince, have been in my cm-
ploy for
faltered the faithful
years today, is it
sir. Thank you, sir, for re-
Tut You have been an
honor to the
have proved yourself
worthy of my
have grown gray in my
a slight token of my
recognition of this fact I have a
present for you. Pray accept this
bottle of hair
Home Companion.
The Satchel With a False Bottom and
the In the Dress Near Belt.
Some Successful of
Their Very Simplicity.
As numerous as they ingenious
are the tricks of the modern shoplift-
declare store It keeps
the detectives busy to to the
devices or the men and women who
live by their in stealing
stores. For bricks that canny a
of criminal, it Is said,
The method of stealing by using tho
satchel with false bottom is one of
the of tricks.
Well disguised, the shoplifter enters
a store. Her eyes run over the
She perceive the object she
something small and
valuable, sometime a purse n custom-
has lift lying the counter.
Over the ob I the sin places
her satchel. Pretending lo delve into
the to I or hand-
kerchief, the thief . a false
In beg, u r It, draws in-
side desired adjusts the
false bottom, closes satchel and
this Is only one of many clover
ruses declared a detective
the other day. especially
are Their dress, of course.
of the methods of stealing Is
for the shoplifter to have a silt In her
dress near the belt. As she stands near
the counter she can deftly the
article desired, be it a piece of
or costly fabric or bit of jewelry,
and slip It into skirt. The folds of
the skirt v luminous conceal
the tiling stolen.
tricks are successful because
of their simplicity. A fashionably
dressed woman may walk into the
clothing department, look over coat
suits, pick up one, fold it neatly-up.
place it under her coat and walk
she is detected she will
declare bought the suit
some time before and that has
brought it back to be altered.
a woman, her bands glittering-
with rings dressed In the latest
style, may walk into the store some
winter day. She wears only a rich
coat of dark fabric.
the coat department will ask
to sec some fur lined coats. Oh. she is
very particular tries on one after
another. Other customer up. and
Hie saleslady gets with them
while madam Is trying to suit herself.
the saleslady is turned she
pins on one of the richest sable trim-
med coats, turns on her and
the salesgirl
may net notice the loss until there ls
an account of stock.
month from fifty to
an unknown star
or a dead sou to our solar sys-
.; ;. a v. in the London II-
I News, who answers bis
i . two nays. In pace, the
r rush Into the sun
and hi heat of the
e ii i in nil its planets to
nebulous mass without form or
Hill it Is more
probable list as comets
Is fr sun. so the
of system would
u recede from.
. luring altered It beyond
I its effect
sail The sun we know It
; explosively elastic,
tongues of name which would eon-
a planet like ours st
leap from It
with speeds of several hundred miles
a s.-c enormous explosive
force Is restrained oily by the greater
force of the sun's gravity. an
i i log as grail s Ike nun
came within distance of it
H along the line Job the two
I e. ii w. begin to poll th
Other, lb moon pulls up the
ml ; of Invading
would in o tho gravity In
one dire and tic urn would. Ins
tense, out from our
sun from of
it would fly two
arms of matter, Niching far
lb.- planet. As lb star
passed, its moving boss would give a
further twist to the sun and would
pull the onus matter Into the shape
of a great double Spiral. n-d
motion v., thus pa to
nebula thus from the
solar system extinguished in ca-
new sun. with planets con-
from the lamps and
ties in the projecting arms, would
The Shifting Sands and of This
There are few names more widely
known In United States or
ties about greater Ignorance
prevails than Cape Hat terns. Situated
as It is the angle where the long
strip of sand beach from Cane Henry
south turns a eight angle to the
westward, with the widest part of
sound between It and tho
mainland and with the beach both
west and north cut into several islands
by Inlets sound to ocean. Its
Isolated. No means of trans-
exist the beach, and
with the nearest railway station from
which a regular transportation route
is operated a hundred miles
away It is an easier place to talk
than to visit
Like all sand promontories, point
of the cape Is always moving. An old
wreck deep In the sand and
rests ore made in the average large showing only the stamps of her masts
department store. The detectives must bowsprit and the rusty skeletons
be extremely careful, for a false charge of what were once her chain plates
would precipitate n suit for damages. and dead eyes Is now a quarter of a
which would mean many thousands. I mile or more inland. Twenty years
departments bold especial I ago she Is said to have lain in tho
lures for shoplifters. The jewelry do- j water, where she struck or drifted
pertinent Is Invariably guarded. ashore, the land now outside of her
the furs come In we have sleuths who having been built up since by the
keep their eyes open for the woman , of the wind and the waves.
Jul-s Methods.
Jules Verne, author Twenty
Thousand Leagues Under the
required no enactment
to make him get up early, lie rose
at in the morning in the
and climbed up a sort of
which dominated his house in
the Boulevard de
where his study was sit-
lie called this room hi
There he used to work
until o'clock. In tho
thing not to the deck I when he awoke ho would await day
cashed into the house and light reading ill bed fit,
a second n Hash of shot from the I evolving scenes for his novels. After
as the weight of vessel pulled it ,
The anchors sliding from I Cabin.
I be bow to the tumult, a every-
who likes to take n fur to the
to examine It. Hun running for the
the woman with the false skirt
and the woman who puts a fur on and
audaciously walks an
Although the sales departments and
the detective departments work to-
there exists between a
spirit of rivalry. If a de-
perceives some one getting
sway with goods it casts discredit on
the person behind the counter from
which the goods wire stolen. There-
fore sales folk keep alert watch
for shoplifter.
might Imagine that goods are
dumped on the counters of
the big stores. As n matter of tact,
will have everything
so arranged that she win notice the
disappearance of an article almost
If n saleswoman suspects n person
she Immediately notifies the bead de-
If It la a woman, a woman
detective ls usually put on the Job it
Is said store malingers usually find
Women mote than men.
Few arrests are ever made In the
stores, an arrest give only u
publicity. detective usual-
follow persons from
store end or
Two features connected with the
sailing of the fishing skiffs used hens
abouts are new to me. One ts of
using a member of the crew as shift-
ballast. A plank Is run out over
the side, the end caught tinder
the lee i while on the outer
end. With legs dangling over the water,
sits the man acting as ballast, and
this not In racing, you. but in
every day sailing. The other Is the
practice of as I beard It
called. meliorate treat her. when the
Is only lightly along,
man will fined up alongside the
ll ii and.
outward, will steadily rock side-
wise from one fool to Hie other with
faster. And Ii
he went tho n shot from I evolving scenes for his novels. After arrests him or her outside.
i. i i i . I overturned stoves; nothing save lunch it was bis to walk is f r
matron put two arm- ,., ,. ,,, , , b
chairs side by side before the par-; on surface the troubled bole la . ;
radiator, and I'd hold V e when, , ,, ,,,, , ,, .
match to a cigar till tho room got a I the old town then he Dry Goods which I ,
iii i Pink
Coral are ;,. of
the i bis tills ;
of the
true t. l
i -it
lies am N v. ; . . i . ii i
in Kl
i III ll .
faint odor of
Indigo Blue Waters Run Deep.
The mean depth of the sea is,
from two to three miles.
Head half tin hour n day
and ten year you will
Her Call.
The whole southland never claim-
ed h sweeter, more lovable and gen- This figure, however, is often
tie woman, but she could never passed, and soundings off tho
to use a Lately of the
the entire I i- hold was down with in the Pacific,
colds, and no one else able I or Just six miles,
to call a physician in tin night the greatest depth known.
After up land
summits of the Himalayas,
are little more than
would make for his club and read distribute the to
the newspapers and study the scion-
reviews, from which ho de- Only by concerted action and with
rived great lid in the composition highly staffs of detectives
I h . ii
his I . d me,
. . for am
ill hi -re was I .-. i . is riled
of his books.
can the stores cope with Hie
The detective system of the big
stores, however, is now so t
that It Is to attempt p- ; I
lifting the cleverest shoplifter
dear little woman became panic
stricken not think of t i
word the when tin
Hurriedly slit
put the up mil rod
into tho cut of the el
faces a king a let
her nefarious h
More than that, ii a sh
III ii t the sen ii
r- o ling the .
-i of the
a j i. Seas of pr
depth, it ma ho added, are
-I Told You
An old couple lived iii the
of eastern Tennessee. Ho
ninety-five and she ninety.
son, a man of seventy, died. As
old folks crossed the pasture t
their after tho burial I he any reason , . . lying
man a roll down hot of one She
check. She putted him not s., fortunate in n
mi tho arm and nil i
mind, John; mind l
know I said i Jail term. . .
though thief may hale es
In the
lift, i
know I i
would raise that
Mill-In Hew
I hi
me I . lo i- . I've
i in ii i
down. d std
r i
waited aid . ,
I , i . i .
din s man ;
opp i i yon
P, so
d after I'd
I. V it wasn't
s only ti
b I, ii
lie. auto
i n to k of
j Washington

T. has Been SEIZED by the
and will be sold by them regardless of former cost or value in ten days time beginning Wednesday, Aug. at A. M.
Pair of fine Shoes Away Free
To each of the first ten men who purchase ONE CENT'S
or more in our store on Wednesday morning August
25th we will give ABSOLUTELY FREE a fine pair of dress
shoes to fit. .
To each of the first ten women we will give a fine pair
of dress shoes to fit ABSOLUTELY FREE.
At different times during the entire ten days we will E
AWAY a number of VALUABLE PRESENTS both to women
Our Store will be closed Monday and Tuesday August
and 24th to mark goods down and arrange stock for this
Mighty Strike Sale. Positively no goods sold or any one ad-
during these two days.
the Entire Ten Day. of this Sale we will give FREE CONCERTS inside of our in-
Special Sensational Sales
will take place at various times each day of the sale.
Below we quote a few of Wednesday's Specials that will
be sold for a limited time only. We haven't the space to
mention more.
Between the hours of and o'clock Wed-
August th, we will sell very best Checked
Homespun at per yard, yards to a customer.
From to we will sell the very best grade of
Calico at per yard, yards to a customer. From
to we will sell very best Unbleached. Domestic at
yard, yards to a customer. From to we
will sell Mo-rick's Spool Cotton Thread at Spools for
Spools to a customer. SOMETHING DOING ALL THE
Twenty five Salesmen, Twenty
five Salesladies, Twenty five
Cash Boys and ten bundle wrappers
to wait upon the thousands who will
visit this enormous Strike Sale.
Positively No
During This
Given away absolutely FREE. Every purchase of twenty
entitle you to one ticket coupon. These ticket
pons will be numbered in duplicate and on Saturday afternoon
September at o'clock the duplicate numbers will be put
into a box and securely fastened shaken well by every one
who four drawn out by some disinterested
or child. The person holding the first number drawn out
will receive in gold; the person holding the Second
Number drawn out in gold; the person holding the third
number and the fourth number At o'clock P. M.
the person holding the greatest number of ticket coupons will
receive in gold.
Positively no one connected in any way with the store of
C. T. will be entitled to a single chance in this gold.
Wilt and Fancy Hemstitched Handkerchiefs.
regular price Sale Price.
Men's While and Fancy Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
regular price Sale Price .
Good Pins, regular price Sale Price, two papers
for .
Good Thread regular price Sale
Price, per spool .
Good Pearl Buttons, regular price Bale Price.
per dozen .
Good Safety Pins regular price Sale
Price, per
Good Hooks and Eyes, regular price Sale Price
per card .
Good Talcum Powder, regular price Sale Price
box .
AB ear staple MM all esters at
mm goods.
Very beat American Calicoes In all patterns, regular
price and Sale Price.
Yard-wide sheeting, regular price Bale Price----- .
Best Homespuns, regular price Sale
Best Percales, regular price Sale Price-----
Beat F. Dress Ginghams, regular price
Sale Price .
Best apron Check Ginghams, regular price Bale
Price .
Good apron Check Ginghams, regular price Sale
Best yard-wide Bleaching, regular price Bale
Price .
Beat Table Linen, regular price Sale Price-----
Best Table Linen, regular price f 1.25. Sale Price-----
Good Huck Towels, regular pries Sale Price-----
Good Huck Towels, regular price Sale Price
Good Huck Towels, regular price Sale Price
and 44-inch in all durable colors,
regular price Sale Price .
44-inch Stripe Voiles, regular price
Sale Price .
Foulard Silks, all colors, regular price Sale
Price .
in solid and stripes, colors, regular price
Sale Price .
In Black and Colors, regular price
Sale Price i.
Fancy Lawns, beautiful patterns, regular price
Sale Price .
White lawns, regular price Price.
White Lawns, regular price Bale Price.
White Lawns, regular price Bale Price.
White Lawns, regular price Bale Price. lie.
Black and Fancy Taffeta Bilks, wide,
regular price Sale Price
assortment of China Silks, regular price to
Sale Price .
Lot Suiting, all durable colors, regular price
Bale Price.
Corsets, regular price Sale Price . ewe.
Corsets, regular price Sale Price.
Ladles Extra Fine Dress Shields, regular price
Sale Price .
Large Assortment Ladies Gloves, regular
price Sale Price .
Vests, regular price Sale Price.
Ladles Cause Vests, regular price Price.
Ladies Corset Covers, regular price Sale Price
and Fast Black Hose, regular price
Sale Price.
Regular Price Sale Price.
Regular Price Price.
Large Ladles and at
In this department you will all the latest
Creations in Ladies head-gear. Buy your bats now.
Ladles Trimmed Hats, regular price Sale Price
Ladies trimmed hats, regular price Sale Price.
trimmed hats, regular price Sale Price.
Ladles trimmed hats, regular price Sale Price.
trimmed hats, regular price Sale Price.
Ladies trimmed hats, regular price Sale Price
Light-weight woolen Skirts, regular price
Sale Price
Swell Light-weight Tailor-made Suits, regular
price and Sale Price .
Blouse Waists, all colors, regular price Sale
Price .
5.000 Hamburger Embroideries and Insertions,
regular price to Sale Price.
Regular Price Bale Price.
Regular Price Sale Price. see.
Regular Price Sale Price .
I. tab department w price a Rt
Valentine Laces, regular price Sale Price.
Valentine Laces, regular price Sale Price.
Lot Lace Curtains, regular price Sale
Price, per pair.
Lace Curtains, fine patterns, regular price
Sale Price .
Lace Curtains, most exclusive patterns, regular price
Sale Price. Ml
Lace Curtains, regular price Sale Price.
Lace Curtains, regular price Sale Price.
One Lot Bed Spreads, values, regular price
Sale Price .
Bed Spreads, regular price Price.
Bed Spreads, regular price Sale Price. Lit
Ladles Patent Tip and Plain Toes Shoes, regular
price and Sale Price.
Lot Shoes, regular price to Sale
Lot Ladles Shoes, regular price to Sale
Price .
Slippers In all leathers, regular price
Sale Price . Ml
Misses Slippers In all leathers, regular price
Sale Price . Ml
pair these Slippers are guaranteed to be solid
Men's Shoes in all leathers, regular price Sale
Price . Lit
Men's Shoes, in all leathers, regular price Sale
Price .
Men's Shoes, In all leathers, regular price Sale
Price .
Men's Shoes. In all leathers, regular price Sale
Price . tat
Lot Men's Work Shoes, regular price Sale
Price . Ml
Lot Work Shoes, regular price
Sale Price .
Lot Work Shoes, regular price
Sale Price .
Men's Work Shoes, regular price Sale
Price . l
Men's Negligee Shirts, regular price Sale Price
Men's Negligee Shirts, regular price Sale Price
Men's Negligee Shirts, regular price Sale Price
Men's Work Shirts, regular price Price-----
Men's Work Shirts, regular price Sale Price-----
Men's Collars, Peabody Brand, regular price
Sale Price.
Men's regular price Sale Price.
Men's regular price Sale Price.
Hen's regular price Sale Price.
Men's Fast Black Hose, regular price Price
Men's Fast Black Hose, regular price Sale Price
Men's Fast Black Hose, regular price Sale Price
Men's Fast Black Hose, regular price Sale Price
Men's Work regular price Sale Price.
Men's Suspenders, regular price Sale Price-----
Men's Suspenders, regular price Sale Price-----
Men's Suspenders, regular price Sale rice.
lot Men's Hats, regular price and Sale
Price .
Men's Hats regular price Sale
Price .
Men's Hats, regular price Sale Price.
Men's Suits, regular price Sale
Men's Suits, regular price Sale Price.
Suits, regular price Sale Price.
Men's Suits, regular price Sale Price.
Men's Suits, regular price Sale Price .
regular price Sale Price .
Suits, regular price Sale Price .
regular price Sale Price. MS
regular price Sale Price.
regular price Bale Price.
Men's Odd Pants, regular price Sale Price
Men's Odd Pants, regular price Sale Price-----
Men's Odd Pants, regular price Sale Price .
Odd Pants, regular price Sale Price.
Odd Pants, regular price Sale Price.
Men's Beet Overalls and Jumpers, regular price
Sale Price . H
Men's Overalls and Jumpers, regular price Sale
Price .
Lot Solid Oak Washstands, regular price Sale
Price .
Lot Dressers, regular price Price .
Lot Center Tables, regular price Bale Price.
Lot Trunks, regular price Sale Price.
Lot Trunks, regular price Sale Price .
Lot Trunks, regular price Sale Price.
Lot Trunks, regular price Sale Price.
Lot Solid Oak Bedsteads, regular price Sale
Price .
Lot Iron Bedsteads, regular price to
Sale Price .
Baby Cradles, regular price Sale Price.
Mattresses, regular price Sale Price-----
If you are dissatisfied with anything purchased during this sale
just say the word and we will return your money during the
sale as cheerfully as we took it. .
C T.

Subscription- One Year
Six Month
Single Copy .
Advertising rate may be had upon
application lit tho business office in The
Reflector Building, corner Evans and
Third street.
Entered post office at Greenville
N. C, mail matter.
Mme. i Had an Exciting
and Dramatic Career.
During That Era of Bloodshed She
Modeled of the Heeds That Fall
by the Guillotine and Was For a
Time In Prison as a Suspect.
This the story of Mine.
who MM horn In In
died In in MB, who.
the stormy time of rev-
In wax some of
that Ml by the
Marie was I lie of
an aid of
In the Seven war. She was
after I ho of her father.
Her mother was the sister of Pr.
John Christopher of
This Dr. bud made many
and other model In wax
had attracted the attention of tho
to come to establish
himself as a modeler In was.
The studio became the
of the fashionable world, and
In connection with this lie had a muse-
um of curiosities. Among, his patrons
were Voltaire, Jacques.
Paul Jones many
notable persons.
In his visits to his sister at
Dr. had his Marie,
many of the of
wax. She showed such ability In this
that her uncle her mother lo
make a home with him In Paris to
allow him to adopt Marie as
Marie began earnest with Dr.
and she was so skillful In
the modeling of mix flowers that this
art became a craze. Even the royal
personages In palace took It up.
and Marie some time giving
THey Flay an Important
In Human Affair.
When Sir Charles Napier had con-
All. he It
possible lo force or coax the wily
Egyptian Into sluing the treaty which
would make his victory effective.
He had nineteen Interviews with
In which the by
turns argued, flattered and threatened
hi antagonist, who listened day after
day with the same Immovable, smiling
One day Sir Charles In speaking of
England said casually that It
governed a lucky A
strange flash passed over the pasha's
countenance, hut he made no answer.
As soon as Napier bad gone
for the causal, who was
an Egyptian, and
were In when the Eng-
queen was crowned. Were the
omens had or
think that good lock Is writ-
ten on her
did not think upon matter be-
fore, hut now that you ask mo I be-
that It Is. When she Allah son lo Mme. Elizabeth, the
Yarn That Was Spun by a
In Australia.
An Australian traveler says that he
one day walking In the thick
scrub, collecting when he
upon a large light brown snake.
a specie of python, upon the
He was far the finest one he had
ever seen at He was
ten or twelve feet Ions and as thick
as a in.-in at the knee.
lie looked enough to devour a
man. at the collector felt half
inclined to away.
He recovered himself, however,
was on the point of shooting tho
; with n charge of shot In
. order to carry home skin when it
I occurred to him that ho would be
worth live tilings as much If he were
he says, leather strap
with a hurtle In my game hag. and
j with this I determined to BOOM the
started toward him. but when I
near he partly unrolled, opened
How It Is Kept at the Naval Ob-
In Washington.
It I Flashed Out Over a Mil-
lion cf Telegraph Wire
Day In the Finely Ad-
justed Instruments That Are Used.
A few minutes before o'clock noon
every day in the year a
walks into a room of main
at Hie naval observatory,
which c. up on n hill In the
i art of the of Coin in-
He glances various
In the in. in and then goes over to a
table which Is covered with electric
He watches the clocks to bis left
closely Raul waits for the hands to
The Dark Day -Old Was
Executed In Maryland.
dark as the when old Jen
was Is one of the many
quaint sayings that for generations bas
been used on the lower eastern shore
of Maryland, from the accounts
that have been given by those
lived In old Jennie's day there never
has been a day since that time a dark
the day on which she was executed
for wholesale murder In the neighbor-
hood In which lived.
The old murderess publicly
hanged In ISIS in the old yard at
Princess Anne, and all those re-
Hint particular day
passed Into the great beyond long ago.
The murderess was n white woman,
tall and angular, and It that
she resembled what popularly
supposed to he a far more than
They Were Important
of Warfare.
Handed Down From Father to Son and
From Friend to
and Ornamented, They Used a
Gifts Instead of Jeweled
Modern Inventions have robbed war-
fare of much of Its romance the
soldier of much of his old time
Although tho
implement of war disappeared
long before the gun of today
was dreamed of. It wasn't so very long
she did tip to date woman of that ago, a n matter of fact, that men
roach As the second hand
his month very wide, thereby on the dial ho
his teeth, hissing spite- pares to shift a switch. The clock Is
fully, k at mo. I dodged behind
a small tree and. leaning out far
a I dared, tried several to
I had teased him for some
he suddenly started off full
speed. I my gun by
of hard through the thick
scrub managed to head him off. lie
so that when the sec-
hand points to It exactly marks
toe of a now minute. ,
As n-ii lies the the
are thrown on. That a signal
that goes oaf over
miles of telegraph lines. In
York. Buffalo, Cleve-
land. Newport, Baltimore, Newport
and junta I tried the but News. Norfolk, Savannah. New
he put his head under his In a j leans, Key
and elsewhere the time so up mi
day. in fact, local history records that
she practiced witchcraft. No one ever
know where she came from, he bar-
very mysteriously
Into the neighborhood, killed
a family of four.
Old Jennie was not hanged on a
fold In those days murderers were
executed with as little trouble ex-;
pee as possible. The wizen
terror of nil Somerset was placed In
a cart drawn by two oxen placed
directly mirier a stout limb of an old
oak tree stood In the Jail yard.
The rope was fixed lo
were carrying Some of
tho soldiers In the Mexican war, for
example, them.
The carried by th
fighter In th early day of conn-
try were often of comparatively
workmanship, but they were
and banded down from father
to son and from friend to
Strange to say, though cherished In
this manner, collectors have had a
very hard time In locating any great
number of the used In
this country, and this In of the
nod her neck, amid the of, awed In the seventeenth
very sulky manner. I reached out from
my Shelter behind a tree caught
by the tall, hut he nulled away
with groat force and glided off again.
time he took refuge under a
fallen tree and I could head
their poles. People know It Is
live to BOOB, Washington time.
Tin clock which keeps tho time In
the observatory ticks on. With
tick there is a contact of electric
to help her in work, her eyes ran
over. Allah love the
doubt of said
anxiously. must be
Early the next morning he sent for
Sir Charles and signed the treaty.
English power and English cannon he
could brave, but not writ-
ten the forehead of a good
an whom he had never seen.
General remarkable
over the Chinese was In a
degree due. it Is stated, to belief
In his extraordinary luck. . the
be was followed by
an army which did not comprehend
either his ability or his religions
but which believed flint he was pro-
by an Invisible being who led
of XVI.
When broke out Dr.
took the side of the people ail
sent for Marie to come from the pal-
ace. It was rather singular that two
of Iris wax models should have played
n foremost part in tho scenes
of that awful period. In his
of models was u bust of the min-
Necker. father of Mme. de
and one of Philippe, duke of Or-
leans. Two days before the storming
of the a mob took these two
busts from his museum In Pain is
draped them In black crape to
show their sympathy and started to
parade the streets with these.
As the Died across tho
Place a troop of
to victory. No sword could and one of the charged. A
wound or bullet kill. A
cane which he carried was
supposed to be magic talisman
which brought him victory, and Gen-
Gordon shrewd enough
ways to carry this cane when he led
These superstitions seem absurd to
hut they show that the Ignorant
men who hold them believe In an In-
visible power who give good or
fortune his Truth.
sword stroke cut the bust of Necker
In halves, lb mun who was carry-
II was hit by a musket lo the
leg received the thrust of n sword
In his breast.
The bust cf the Duke of Orleans
escaped Injury, but In light to de-
fend it several persons were killed.
The soldier made efforts to
demolish It.
At the biking of the Pastille Dr. Cur-
was active for his services to
was rewarded by the
assembly. A badge of honor was
to him. this was inscribed
with the famous date n memorial
of his bravery and patriotism.
house was a favorite place of meeting
with the lenders of the revolution, so
Marie had an opportunity to see
Them was only one time when
The Killing Method of These Terrible
Brute In India.
theory that man eating tiger
I always an old tiger, more or less
toothless and feeble, which bas found
the strain of vigorous wild i
too much for Its falling strength.
has been upset by the bagging of no- dancer during this
man eater, which were found i p , i
to be young animals in the full pride
of powers. And It is likely that
taste for human flesh Is passed
on from mother to child, the tigress,
herself a man eater, teaching her cobs
to hunt as she hunts. Hew terrible n
thing a man cater may be can he
judged from the fact that a tiger gen-
kills every second night, whether
Its quarry be man or beast,
killed, it makes one meal that night.
then drag the carcass somewhere Into
cover more or less conceal It as
I crate period. She
and sent to prison. Here at the same
time Mine, de who
had barely guillotine
who was later the Josephine of
Iron Bonaparte. Her was able
to get Marie's release from prison,
she came In time to wee the down-
fall of Ho Danton and
In the days of their power bad
been called lo model the heads of
ninny who fell by the guillotine. She
was obliged to take them Just after Die
a dog may hide a bone. On the next aw
night Its habit Is to return to the j
kill, and It is In that second visit that
the hunter usually find hi
It I not rule for a tiger
to return again a third time, not be-
cause It Is above eating carrion, but
seemingly It tire of the carcass, which
It has already twice mumbled over.
Thus one tiger In India ho been
known lo kill regularly Its fifteen
a mouth with almost mechanical
punctuality Another, which seeming-
did not confine Itself entirely to
human flesh, devoured average
eighty people, men and women, for
years, while yet another Is
reported to have killed people and
lo have slopped traffic on a public
for ninny weeks. There have
been both English sportsmen and
who have accounted for
hundred tigers and hot
many a tiger ha killed more human
beings than any man ha ever
Marie Antoinette of the
the friend. When
lenders suffered by the guillotine
hi their turn she modeled their
After the her uncle died,
and In she married M.
She could not overcome the shock of
her es during the revolution.
Bud she persuaded her husband lo
lake her valuable
of wax models left by Dr.
off sliding down the hole of points. A circuit is closed, and In-
some wild animal. on the table similar In
reached the spot just a the last pea ranee to a telegraph Bounder licks
two or three feet of his body were away loudly.
disappearing, bis tail with It on to the twenty-ninth see-
both hands. I bung on desperately. then skips one tick, then resumes
my rest braced against a limb Its steady sounding until the last live
of the I pulled the tall cracked seconds; then there is another gap.
and snapped as If it break Those gaps are for the purpose of
Sometimes lie pulled me to with- giving listeners the other ends of
In a few Inches of the hole, then the system of wires a chance lo
I would brace myself against the limb know what part of the minute the
drag halfway out. I clock is on. So It goes up to the last
last I grew so tired that I had minute.
the crowd and tho curse of tho
doomed woman, and when all In
readiness a hunch of fodder
placed ten paces from the oxen's heads,
they were given the Word to
Obeying the command, they made a
boo lino for the fodder and left old
Jennie dangling at the end of the rope.
That day. It has been told thousands
of times, the darkest ever known
In this section. Chickens remained on
eighteenth centuries.
In I and Indian war the
and Americans carried
It has been estimated.
to say of the number carried
by those on the French In tho
there wars, according
the best estimates, about 10.000 pow-
In nae In the American
army without counting those on tho
British side. The European troop bad
to let go my bold, and with many re-
saw the Inst few Inches of the
tall disappear beneath the
At the twenty-ninth second there Is
again the skipping of one second.
the clock t the.
second. Then the circuit
mains open for ten seconds. There Is
j silence all along the wiles, i
Room In the House and Has a Al Other end. where there are
Bed In the Corner. balls or merely train operators,
Holland, of all countries. Is a memo-, that noon Is ;
rial to the unceasing labor of man's there. The second hand makes I
bands. It exists not because the sea, finally rot lies
higher Its green stretches, surfer is-mother click;
It to. but man by labor of the sounder Is down,
his bind and of bis brain has kept hundreds of thousand
tbs water back. The Dutch in Washing.;
have not only earned their i
are made It. It a wonderful operation, get-1
have they found time to do ting the time, and highly technical.
It you yourself. Hut you are . Clocks, chronographs
to know more of work which In other Instruments of value
Holland never ceases. Of Work ; used, and the and recording
which goes on within those houses you time have readied a point where
know nothing until at Delft you make j the Is practically
your first acquaintance with a Dutch
kitchen. I The results obtained arc of great
The kitchen Is properly a large room value, particularly to mariners. The
as compared with the other room In . hi only flashed to hundreds
the house, for It Is the gathering potato In the United States, but It
at all times for the family. The table ls fr om lo sea by wireless. A
Is round Hand not In , carries the Hash to Havana; an-
of the room, hut so that the . other to Panama and Callao.
mistress, sitting at one side, can reach I observatory here does not send
her bawl om to the stove without lime much farther west than
I Bookies, but they have an
In one corner of the kitchen Is such the Island navy yard, and
a bed as you have never seen before. I from the lime ls sent up
The starched white muslin cur- down the Pacific cast, just It is
make It look liken blind window, from here to eastern, part of the
but the grandson pulls the curtains States. In the cities where
back, In recess formed by the central time Is tho flash marks
closet on one side and the corner of o'clock. An hour later local opera-
room on the other you see the tors drop the time balls.
place where your hostess Bleeps. There The mean lime is determined by as-
a high feather bed and many cover-; When
j stars pass the
stove Is a brick one. set In culled the meridian of
deep old fireplace. The old mantel Is it Is a certain lime. The Operator
piled with brass vessels, which the; watches for the through a
old woman Dies as though they were scope, the Held of which Is covered
common tin. On one side I a with wires.
statue of the Virgin. On the other side I roach a cumin point In
under glass globe Is a waxen statue transit the operator presses a key In
Queen in wedding bis hand. A contact is sands and re-
Idea Magazine. corded on a chronograph. The
graph consists of n cylinder covered
their roosts throughout the entire day, I discarded them, course, but
their colonial allies naturally were
equipped with them.
A few years ago J. Greenwood
presented to lb Now fork
a collection of water color
of be had found
still In existence.
Although the search prosecuted
diligence, the number of pow-
actually located sketched
not much more than showing
how quickly the horn have been
may be seen stalk- appearing.
the edge of tho woods are supposed to have
come Into use almost simultaneously
while candles by the score burned In
the houses that the servants might see
to do work The local
of day were at a loss to account
for the strange phenomenon, tho
graphic descriptions they
of It which were recorded years
ago make Interesting reading.
The superstitious whites
of those days naturally thought that
the end of time had come. A great
many declare today that tho
ghost of old
log around on
near where she committed her crimes
any time on a dark, cloudy night and j of gunpowder. A
they are very careful not to encounter found to carry the pow-
Chicago dry- men quickly
Ocean. i found that there wasn't anything bet-
or cheaper In time for
Evidence That Pinion Wee
One Used For Swimming.
Ornithological are the pen-;
their curiously shaped
wings and odd. upright car-;
rug, The of their
this purpose than the of an
ware In general use lo six-
century and were brought to
country by first The
oldest horn picture appear hi
the collection was found near
N. V-. bears date of
It was generally the horns of their
own cattle that the farmer of
suggest that lbs penguins ore descend-
ants of birds used their wing America used. lose of a born lo
rather than legs In the pursuit of prey nowise Impaired the of the
Th Oldest.
Three old sports were chatting after
A fountain rests on
paper. It Is held by arm
Reasonable Request.
said old as he
finished Ills dinner, am going to
ask you to do me a favor. want yon
to give your young
message from
Arabella blushed and looked down at
the Muff old millionaire
went on. I object to his
Here up my gas
bills, but I do object to bis
the morning paper with
when Answer
They this collection In
the Strand. The collection was taken
all country, and It
was brought back to London and made
a permanent exhibition. Her sons con-
ducted the business, and she look nil
active share in this till she eighty
Naming Their Children.
It was a musical man who gave his
four daughters the following names;
Do-re. Ml fa. H. la. Tl-do. The first es-
the nickname Dora, the
second answered the own-
ed up to Solly, while the youngest gen-
The of the musical man Is
matched by that of provincial
printer who named his children from
the type he Pearl.
Diamond. first two are no
names for girls, only Ruby hap
pencil lo Is- a boy. He folio-. -d In hi;
father's footsteps afterward
came a printer's manager In
London chronicle. ,
a copious dinner, when one of them to mechanism. The
said. bet my name is i revolves once a minute, and the
bet was Immediately accepted, moves along surface of
and he produced his card, rending making a spiral line,
A sidereal clock of the make Is
dear said the second, Show running In a vault underneath ob-
his card. nm Mr. each tick of
Is the replied la i of two point
producing hi card, and they could to wires
read B. printed on It.
Judge's Library.
, A Bright Boy.
said the teacher,
may give me an example of coin-
said Tommy, with some
that lead lo an at-
to the arm I hat holds the pen
of the chronograph. The clock is so
i that each minute pen
Jumps to one side. Consequently there
Is n break In I he line.
There are other breaks, when
the observer the stars
me fodder
me both married on I
de same Weekly.
Shrewd Girl.
Is an girl.
Is no doubt about Hint.
She Is to a clergyman, and
he says that she asked him If be
-couldn't perform marriage
and save the wedding fee.-New
corded for each star,
for errors. Is the clock lime of
the slur's transit. Whatever
Is the and
sidereal marked by trans-
it of the stars Is the error of the
clock. Prom these astronomical ob-
the sidereal time Is ob-
The error amounts In but
little, rarely being more than from
live to tell
The time of lending a Hush over the
under water, and as the struggle In
the competing
the most expert sort of
trimming would get the most food
oust less successful rivals. Th
winners gained advantage over their
neighbors proportion a their wings
Improved swimming organs and In-
of necessity became less
to perform the work of flight
In el. other birds the feathers,
shed annually, are more or less grad-
displaced. But In the penguins
new feathers all start into being at
the same lime thrust out the old
feathers Upon their tips so that these
Come In great Hakes. Whereas
la oil birds save penguins the new
feathers they thrust way
through skin end In pencil-like
points, formed by Investing sheaths.
In the these sheaths are open
at tips and attached by their
to the roots of the old feathers, and
hence these are held to their
sore until they have attained o sun
dent length to Insure protection against
The curious for retaining the
warmth afforded by the old feather
until the new generation can fill their
places Is to the fact
that penguins natives of the ant-
arctic region, although some now In-
habit tropical Tribune.
Short and to th Point
A coal merchant who a man
few words once wrote to an the
following brief
In line lime the agent's reply
Dear Mr.
Tho coal dealer's translated,
said. my coal I the
semicolon expressed verbally.
The agent Informed the dealer that
the coal was shipped by
ply, Scrap Book.
National Pride.
Sleepy Silas-1 dis paper
England and Wales have Is II. ally nothing, A flash
per just Ilka Greenwich. In
de about
icier Ocean.
Unless They Are Heiress.
hard to lose a beautiful
said the wedding guest
a blame -lit harder to loss the
homely replied the old man who
had vat to Tran-
I saying when I dodged
Ton were saying that life Is not
worth living Hut If you think so
why you Louisville
Man Is made of dust, tint he Is
out for
animal, and bulls frequently were
upon to make the sacrifice. Such
horn easily obtained and
wouldn't rust on Id be carried lo
rain and through stream without
powder In them getting wet
They were always worn under
left arm by a strap that over
right shoulder, the curve lo born
conforming to the shape of body
and serving to keep It out of way
of the wearer. There was o stopple In
the small end. without being no-
thing the powder could be poured Into
the right band and thence Into the gun.
Boiled, scraped and cleaned nod col-
with orange or yellow dye,
which th way most of the per-
horns were prepared, they lent
themselves more readily to
by the owner than did any other
Bart of bis equipment, nod It ls this
fact which bas made them particularly
Interesting as historical relics.
friends in th day when powder-
horns were in general use Instead of
presenting n hero with on engraved
sword gave him a finely decorated
Sometimes horns were made to
order and the engraving done by pro-
Many of these horns were
beautifully colored, moat popular
bade being a sort of orange tint.
Perhaps the most remarkable exam-
of the engraving are to be seen
on the geographical horns whose
appear In the Greenwood
These geographical took
tho place of pocket map for early
pioneers. They were the work of pro-
engravers bi places like New
York and
Some of horns in the collection
contain practically complete maps of
old trails and waterways. of
the best of these tho data of
1707 and shows New York with Its
harbor filled ships New fork
state far as Lake
Ontario. The Hudson valley, with It
settlements, on of the
geographical horns discovered. On
horn shows the country between Ella-
settlement being carefully noted.
The horns thug -filed n double
pose. apply in- the traveler with a
map and carrying for
One of specimens In col-
slams Havana, as well as tho
trail Albany to It Is
believed hove been owned by n
In the English army cap-
the Cuban city and who later
served lo colonies. Washington
Make bay while the son shines.
the sun never shines o steadily and
bright ; art .
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
If you are expecting to build you a home or want to make a paying investment
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale.
Terms to suit
L- C- ARTHUR, Greenville, N. C.
i Sci
offered three to the patrons cf
our stores, and it is our pleasure to announce that
these prizes have won by the
who drew the numbers
FIRST PRIZE-A Buffet worth to J. F,
Davenport, Ticket No.
SECOND Princess Dresser, worth
to T. W. Ticket No.
THIRD piece Toilet Set worth Mrs.
W. T. Burton. Ticket No.
These prizes are now at our stores and will be delivered
to the winner on presentation cf their tickets.
This is to say that I witnessed the and held
the contest the winning numbers for the three prizes
given by Boyd Furniture Co., and that the prizes
were drawn by the parties as mentioned in the above state-
Your Pet
Of you have a pet phrase
or expression. Yon are one of tho
few exceptions if you
Very likely the very words with
which this article
used by you
turn, but yon don't know it. You
have, a particular ejaculation which
docs duty in all circumstances. It
may ho . variation of
as Scotland
or it may be
church which is n
of You
probably end most of your sen-
with or
Then you have a pet word
which you bring in wherever you
can. Perhaps it is
the number of times word and
its in
your conversation is simply alarm-
But you don't sea it, you
These arc absolutely free to the winners, as every
purchaser foil value every worth of goods
bought from us.
We carry a lull line of Furniture and House Furnishing
Goods, and it will always pay you to buy where you can
get the right goods at the right prices.
Taft ft Bi Furniture
Had All the Symptom.
The learned hobo was dispensing
knowledge for the benefit of his l.-s
enlightened companion.
you ever been bitten by a
lie asked.
do replied the
enlightened one.
i afraid of
on do
a curious disease. When
a person contracts hydrophobia t .
very thought of water makes bin
on de level
is a scientific
I bet had it all me
an never .
York Tin s,
of the Academy.
n wealthy of
lived several hundred
years before tin- birth of Christ.
Among iii possessions was n beautiful
prove, where men us.-. to n-
and listen to the teachings of
Wise Plato and
This Into the of
om times, and these modern
take their name from the
old Greek, The real mean-
of the word academy to a
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Important Changes in Schedules
Between Washington, Greenville, Farmville, Wilson N. u.
Inquired the vis-
covered bucket about tho
answered the farmer.
are and
strictly Kansas City
No Danger,
Lady- I'd a pearl
i nulled knife for , . birthday, bill
I'm I'm afraid it would
nit p.-.;. The
knife t .- aid
ever anything.- Cleveland Leader.
The man you looking for
when need
Bill Posting and Stan Tacking
aDd for Adv.
Pictures Framed to Order
P M.
Through Between Raleigh, Wilson, Farmville, Greenville,
Washington and Bern, N. C.
No. I ;
Sunday i
Only pt
Land Sale.
, Listen
Swiss Army Repeating
Made by the Swiss Government. Cost each to manufacture
in stupendous quantities, but owing- to said government soaking change
from a lead to a steel ball, an unheard of sacrifice sale was made, and we
were put in position to buy the guns at a price to enable us to offer
the following
A Marvel of Accuracy
Fine to Have Around the Home
for Protection.
No Better Gun Ever Made.
Guaranteed to be in Perfect Condition
By virtue the .-i . h tr
vi an . r . . i. i
a , ;. . i
I . . . .
of II. O.
i I . the
will .
to highest bidder on
of ,
noon, in the
N. C, all the lam which O.
Campbell died seized in it . near .
town of N. C, which
bean divided up into eleven small
of tracts and ore hundred and
twenty four town lots, as will
Safety Blades Sharpened
at m down.
Agent for
r;. n a
i ma .
,,. .- r., . , , n
A. M.
a. M.
A. M.
I 9.06
P. M.
Effective June
4.1 .
8.4 I
. H
No. i
P. M.
H. C
. . pull i
. .
Made of Finest Tempered Steel. Perfect Workmanship. Buy now
Supply is limited. You will never have the chance again to get a
gun for
Baker Hart.
Nicely furnished, every
thing clean and
the very
Second to
none in the State.
j Opposite J. K. J. G.
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N. C.
Pressing, Altering, Dyeing,
Scouring, and Dry Cleaning.
or no charges.
In rear of Herbert Harbor
Cotton Factors MM
,. . i w. and
appear by b map Hied
of the Clerk of the Superior
C as follows
H. O. Campbell homestead, farm
No, us on said map acres
more or
Farm as shown on said map
acres more or less, farm No ii us
shown on said map cG acts more leas,
farm NO. as shown on said map
acres more or less, farm no. as
shown on said map 1-2 acres more
or less, farm no. as shown on said
map acres more or less, farm no.
as shown on map acres more
or less, farm No. is shown on said
map 7-10 acres more or less, farm
No. a shown on said map C in
acres more or less, farm no. lo as
said map, acres more
or less, farm No. as shown on said
map acres more or less.
Also the following town
Lots in block A Nos. to as shown
on said map, lots in block It to
as shown on said map, lots in block C
Nos. to as on Bald map, lots
in block D Nos. to as shown on
said map, lots in block E to as I
shown o i said map, lots in block i
map, lots in block
ti Nos. lot as on said map,
lots in block H Nos. to as shown on
said map, lot in block Nos to as
shown on said map, lots in
to an shown on said map, in
block K Nos. to Hi a; shown on said
map, lots block I. nos. to a-
shown on said lots in block
Nos. to as shown on said lots
in block N Nos. to as shown on
said map, lots in block O Nos. I to as
shown on said, lots in block s is. I to
as shown on said map.
Also lot No. fronting on new road
and also fronting on
avenue as shown on said map.
Also lots Nos. to inclusive front
on avenue as shown
on said map.
Also lots Nos. to
fronting on new road as show on
Terms of Sale;
cash and h i in . ; pi of
d re, years, d I pi .
meat- lo ire by n .
th. I ii, I ti b ti i;
l. p . in
. . . .
M ore Hi ltd .
of V. B. He will tell ll
you Better and More for Les.;
Money than any mas in Iowa,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Com, Hay, I
Cats. Cotton Meal. Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Crocked
Corn, corn Meal all kinds of
Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement.
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond,
Located in main sec-
of the town. Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
electrical machine for
dry shampoo and massacre. La-
dies waited on at their homes.
T. C. WHITE, G. P. A.
East Carolina Training School
Choice Cut Flowers
carnations, and violets
a specialty. Wedding
floral offering
in Lost style at short
notice. Bummer
bulbs, bedding plants, rose
bushes and everything in the
Raleigh, N. C.
Established and maintained by the State for the young men and
women who wish to quality themselves for the profession teaching.
Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sanitation perfect.
opens October 1909.
For prospectus and address
H. WRIGHT, President, Greenville, N. C.
d ck w mos
Furniture and House Furnishings
Ii i
i . n I. I . n
re i fed I t I
i. . in. ., I ,
i,,,. I
N, ., .
Bonds. Lift a ii

T East V i -V a B. snAp
N. . M w. closing out cu. bar- For Me,
r . Sty. S i
I , , . .
Dr Di so . of Ayden, i
Rev- r. King filled
brick . at th B
Sunday mo
a. f Sick
U I from a
, ., Liver and Bad Digestion
to allow.
No Substitute
business, Jane
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
, . Mr and A. G,
. ; .------- I h
. CO a.
. . Vi . . here , cit
1.- . .-
. G. E- termer
, id suit principal of W. H.
. , , over with us awhile i .
E i b
.-. . i
Cox's Mill, N. C. IT.
J -ll
Surplus fund
hot no and discounts
and unsecured
Demand loans
Due I
Cash items
i r . . i ding
arm. c--. Not 1-a k notes and oil r Cashier's check
. . lit s u ,, ,, ,,
Total fl 4,314.90
. C
. . .
. . . . .-
learn is M
. the fl i
U l i it.
n, i C
, City,
returned ;
ace .
BOO, .
Saturday night.
in. Hi v ti- Kinston
A nil lot Motion j
C . and a w Ml lea-
. . B .
. I
are et, con . here
, N. C.
U. L. v.- .-.- spent
night in town.
t. . i went to House Sun-
i Ayden C . b ;
an I Sunday with Miss
Hi,. i Haddock.
I; j lively our
Saturday I link we
;. b in
of tobacco Friday morning
Z smiles, it is
Miss lie X. i
.; and ;. Mi
Mil i it . .
day . and Sunday with
Charlie Evans anti B
M re are n the sick list this
pi and
Time e t of .
Due and .
j 1.00
K mi, A. Asst. Cashier
auk, do swear that the above state
true to the I of our and belief.
. Cashier.
me, ii
av to l
. of me,
U. .
j lie.
-red Attest
F. Harrington,
A. ,;.
Direct rs
th Si of No .
.,. shoe, Rev. r. M I
. . I
. -.--
w p ,., . . c
K n
on a A . . . .
AT N. C.
., the bu 23rd, 1909
., . . . ft ti i
-l .
led profits,
i i, . i ; I
i. v . s, Jesse R Win .
.-. i C x
How ea
L. E. carrier o
p. D. route No. . . .
G . I
. hi rs are stet
. .
I re Sunday morning, seen experimenting with one
I Cox, of t
i i. At
pig ; .
i, a v. a. . I . . j.
. .- Ti p As . ;
pounds in fourteen . . . . .
lays, it will be seen that he OF County of
of o era a i y
Sal . c in last
time here hid
mot . E. E. C
. T. Cox was out ti r-
day. he will be
. in a v. d ye.
. and Di
. .
black cross I i fr i.
Yorkshire, Mr. h and
. .
air C
ii. . .
. . lot
, i
h i
i- I
i. i,
subj els
C r .- i
Mi and Minn , of over a pound a y ., bank, do sol
. i. Cox . . , to- is true t the best of
in a ,; , , . .
Ayden. . . . . I G, Cashier.
G C. . of . .
in the I Will
here Sun
. .
. .
; . . R
p in . ., city, Mr.
. .
. . G ii i
. I
i . . C
.;. Chapman,
y. ks,
i-x . .
c .-.
mo its tin cold s to i
For good I comfortable I bad
. the v.-
to gather data to pro- , .
, . , . . ,. .,.
. -en tun i
; hi .
in that he w i ,. .,,. eon in
led to find what a an Carolina.
, freighting i done by
desk c or write A. G Another large lot o,
m Horner Military School
I Hi., ml
i .
with a and .
a III .
i. v h tar no
i mi -I I v.
lava, athletic park, mil. rum ii . ;
i. . In
our century
Col. J. C.
Cox Co.
via N. C . have the , A. v. A. Co.
. Don't ;,,, the
last month of the Bale
people w in calling It on ac A. V. Ange
. are A W
f , i I the Yes a r. Ange keeps Dr. He
., In for sale they
time Bi our p-
are but.
going , Leave y. era.,, for at
ante i i
L t. Cox last night
with n. J. L.
A Sensible
conversation with en
A. . Indicator.
Mr, W. .- has been
Pave -Whit
being tucked in bed lit-
Et and s as
J with one of to
by combustion motors. lA . .- notified . ;, . got to
on r i patent on an in tit
ha b j
bas found that he car ship and r. there to nothing
mowing mac
repairs etc.
have just received a large lot of
nice for winter
We to say to our
see Harrington B that we have just received a
Miss Hargett, from car load of land plaster o
near here you a good price on same.
heater I
to tie-
. f . . s
It when I. I. W s
Tans will arrive at Washington We. and build up your at, perfect fence. Win nun i
all druggist
We arc carrying a nice line of
Coffins end Caskets. are
right and Furn sh nice hearse
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Mrs. who has
. W. L. House,
returned I home at Ayden
yours i- going.
Harrington Co.
We are handling a nice lot of
cocking and heating
Best on the market.
W. L. House Co.
W. L, House Co makes the
beat drink in town, Had you
thought about it Well so.
to assume the The
Is believed to be high-
to the
Next Mata Fair.
The premium list of the State
fair to be held in Raleigh Oct.
18th to unusual
offering to exhibitors. The
fair promise to be one of the
right. , n
Cam Atkins Hardware Co.
Now at S, M. g
Call and see P. M. Johnston
v. en in town for general engine
and boiler repair work and any-
thing you may need. Shop op-
Hotel Bertha. w
Subscribe to The Reflector.
An man,
Term for the Trial of
Casts Now Session.
The August term of Pitt
court opened at o'clock
this morning with O. H.
Guion, of New providing
and C. L.
representing the
The following were
the grand jury for the L.
R. Whichard. foreman, J. F.
Evans. D. W. W. A.
Teel, T. Gray, Jam- s
H. D. Forties. L. A. Arnold, I.
B. Pierce, G. W. Stokes, W.
Gray, W. H- Arnold, D. A.
James. Harvey A. HI. Alien,
M. D. Smith, Prank
William House.
charge to the
grand jury delivered a
conversational and
about hour. He he
be able to a better charge
for publication or to he read
than be would perhaps deliver
in this way, his purpose was
to have only a plain talk with the
jurors, whose faces
they were men of intelligence,
and get them to help him carry
out the duties of the court,
than to appeal to gallery,
the bar or the press. He no
that his should be
praised as a fine charge, hut
only wanted to perform bis duty
and Not-
withstanding remarks by
sod the charge being
delivered just as he said. The
does not hesitate
speak of it as an excellent one,
for it contained many good Utter-
were- listened to
interest and had hi- effect
on the large assembly in the
Two laws that Judge Guion
referred to especially were the
one against carrying concealed
weapons and prohibition, be-
cause, he said, people were in-
to regard these as en-
upon rights- It
is not for men or juries lo nay
whether a law is good or bad,
but the laws as passed by our
representatives be en-
forced. Where men ignore tie
laws, that is classed as a lawless
community. The grand jurors
are of the law, and fail
to their duty unless
they help to carry out the laws
as they are. No man can say be
has the right lo violate the law
because the legislature should
not have passed such law. Nor
should grand jurors wink at a
violation nor ignore a bill because
they may think a law is not a
good one.
It is a mark or cowardliness to
carry concealed Men
are endowed with natural force,
and when they go beyond this
and slip weapons in their pock-
they do so with a full
edge that they are violating the
law, who are not willing
to live in a State under the laws
that exist, should go elsewhere.
As to prohibition, Judge Guion
said it made no difference what
individual opinion might be, the
people of the State said they
wanted it passed, it was passed,
and is a law, and our duty is to
enforce it regardless of what we
may think. The man who
the prohibition law is the
meanest kind of a criminal, as he
does it for the purpose of getting
gain from the sale of liquor. If
a steals a pair of shoes it
may be because he has none and
needs them, but he is sent to
the roads. There is no necessity
for a men selling liquor, and he
does so and for gain.
Another thing Judge
Guion referred to was in
i with a case he noticed on
I the docket for failure to work
I roads. He said he did rot know
what the road law of Pitt county
was, but he thought it a sorry
spectacle to see men out work-
the roads for two or three
days in the year when laborers
could be hired to do this work
them. No county will ever
be abreast of the times whose
citizens are not willing to pay a
j little tax to work and make good
Guion also expressed
bis pleasure at a facing Pitt
jury, though for the first
time, US It was a county in his
; district, and it filled him
with pride that the juries of his
eastern counties were
to any he had seen
in any section.
The following cases have bee;,
Chimes, failing to list
taxes, pleads guilty, sentenced
j on roads in two cast.
Ernest Evan, to
taxes, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended upon payment of
Will Fleming, larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced sixty days on
William assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Robert assault with
weapon, pleads guilty,
fined a; i t
G . e. pi.-ads
fined and c w
Harden, gambling,
pleads guilty, fined and costs.
John B. Moore, cruelty to
j animals, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
Will Jones, assault with dead
and costs.
B B, Jones, abandonment,
pleads guilty.
Sam Smith, Cuba Smith,
Dixon, Mills, Alfred
Dennis Daniel, affray. Case
to Sam Smith i u
Cuba Smith. The other four
defendants were found guilty,
suspended on pay-
j meat of costs.
John Vann and Floyd Rouse,
pleads guilty, judgment
suspended on of costs.
J forcible trespass,
guilty, fined and
j costs.
G. A. Kittrell, and A. D. Cox,
gambling, pleads guilty, fined
j each and costs, to give bond in
the sum of each to appear at
August term, 1910, to show that
they have not violated the law.
H. C, assault, not
Thomas Tyson, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fine and costs amounting
Mills, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
judgment suspended on payment
of costs.
Herman forgery,
leads guilty, sentenced eighteen
months on roads.
Robert Spell and D Barn-
hill, affray, plead guilty,
suspended on payment of
Willie larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced eight months
on roads.
Tyson, with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Charles J. R. Tucker
and J. Tucker, affray, all
guilty. fined and also
to pay J. B Tucker to
medical expense and one.
third cost;. R. Tucker fined
and two-thirds costs, judgment
suspended as to J. W.
X. P. Person, failing to work
not guilty.
Daniel Mitchel,
guilty, sentenced sixty days on
. James larceny,
guilty, sentenced six months on
, Of Liquor Three
i Months the Roads.
Durham, Aug. After
three trial in the most
fiercely fought retailing case the
city has ever had. Sykes
this afternoon found the
keeper guilty and sentenced him
to three months on the county
roads. The defense appealed
and the bond was fixed at
The tremendous speeches were
heard in the closing of the ease,
the first by Attorney V. S.
Bryant in defense of his client
the other by City Attorney H. O.
Everett, largely defense of
The defense in beginning
of the trial asked for the quash.
of the warrant on the ground
the city attorney had held
out inducements to the
Poster, to testify against
the defendant, Joseph Bawls.
It support of that motion, it
introduced the affidavit of
declaring in terms
that the city solicitor had made
such a proposition to him.
issues largely until that
time when Judge Sykes denied
that to quash and the
case The attitude of
the attorney Everett
much under discussion
the speeches of Messrs.
and Bryant, and the
answer to the reflection of each
was stopped by the State's
replying upon Poster's testimony
Reported for Happenings in North Caro-
Miss Lucille Elizabeth Cobb, i Baa.
in her usual attractive manner. Aug. 28-Upper
entertained at progressive euchre I Wake arid Dur am are
in honor of the visiting with neighbors
ladies at the magnificent th,, of
of her parents on Fifth street who ,,
i Friday evening from J to
The guests at were Markham,
received by Miss Lucille
An F S. Brown, in town
from thence were usher J
into the rear of the broad ha
where Miss Mary I. -t Smith and
j Mr- Cecil CoLD served punch
For half an hour or more the
porch and hall were crowded
with guests to and
greeting their friends,
I In a short a was
announcing time to play, and
game was on. The j
today, said there will be quick
work made of High if
The is his niece, and their
unthinkable infatuation has
crush d the parents.
Au. char-i
were granted today, the
most notable being to th A. A.
Milling Company, of
couples presented a
scene of re I ;.
tables each u.;.
a punch at ton f . . . At I
twelve g
subscribed for a
mill, A. A,
d and other. Other
made, i, was found and Novelty Com-
Hampton had than 25.000.
any other young . . J-B Cochrane and others, for
presented with a ti . the manufacture of mantels and
aid tied novelty woodwork. C a
; for the lady's , bat th st-
in cutting
of pi i.
i d B d,
A. G. Nev ton
hers; Overman, William.-.
After delightful capital
had been saved, e large number 125.000, for in and
I guests in parlor, what. corn, rye
where they w.-re enter.
Was Staton. Colored.
In an item appearing m
Reflector on Thursday of but
week about capture of a
blind tiger near Bethel, the
arrested was named
Staton. This party was a color-
ed man and there being a white
man living in Bethel bearing
that name, rot familiar
I with the s have in
quired if he was the party
arrested. n j us ice to the latter
and to remove any association of
bis name with it. we make this
statement that the party arrest-
ed was a colored man.
Huns by Misses Col b, Small i
King. Some of the young men
added to the pleasure o; the
evening by singing of
the old tongs of the
j Sunny South. Some of
steam rs to i from Jackson-
ville, i-J., and t. rm
Ii. in and
I. Williams, principal
Alamo Amusement
Company, of Charlotte,
guest , ; Pictures, cap
moon seat d about j F. M. aid
in the corners cf the
others took pare in dancing, while i riot tot
a were u still
the card .
Put time in hi ; fl
seemed to be v .-
. la a t. y . mi .
. hie i n ill id in tho d of
one man, the i injury of
.- d a of
on the happy and . tin meeting
scored ladder . hi I k place
rapid progression. Air, l .
moon, growing weary had retired land a were brandish-1
to peaceful the heavens led ;. d bullets were flying,
Col. H. B Dead.
. Many friends in Greenville
learn with sorrow of the death
of Col. Harry B Little, of
more, which occurred at
home in that city on the 16th.
Col Little was known to many
people of this section, for besides
having visited here, his
on North Broadway was
the abiding place of large
of Eastern North Caro-
when they visited
more. He was truly an excel-
lent man.
Gallant Solicitor.
Solicitor caused a
smile in court Tuesday, and if it
had been he might
have been applauded- Quite a
handsome woman took the wit-
stand to testify in behalf
of her husband who was de-
in a case. After a few
questions had been asked her the
solicitor said to the court will
take a verdict of net guilty, your
Then In a stage
per that was throughout
the bar he added the
defense make such an exhibit
as that State is
had clothed verdant earth in a
sparkling rain.-, t when
guests last it
was time to leave expressed ti
Miss Cobb their gr pi.
of the evening.
The spacious bail brilliantly
illuminated by beautiful
cal effects and decor-
in a variety of pot plants
was a nursery in beauty. In
the parlor the color scheme
which was red was beautifully
added to by many vases of cut
Among those who feasted on
the hospitality of Miss Cobb
were Misses Maybelle and Kath
of Washington;
Clara Hampton, of Plymouth;
Margaret Dixon, of Rocky
Mount; Elizabeth Baker, of Tar-
Lucille of Raleigh
and Roy Hampton, of Plymouth.
For house or one
acre lot in town of
Barn, and all convenient
out buildings. Apply to J. M.
Parker, N. C.
Leg Broken on Train,
Mr. James a young
man whose home is a few miles
from met with a
serious accident Saturday even-
while returning on the
Norfolk Southern excursion
train. Soon after leaving Nor-
folk, Mr. started from
his Beat to the water cooler. grow
Stepping on a banana that the government i
had been thrown in the of
of steed
along the streets watching the
bat . which was of the
of a riot, and in which it
impossible for anybody
interfere without jeopardizing
his own life.
whose home is near Croft, is
deed with several pistol wounds j
in his body; Charles T. Cox,
father of one of the belligerents,
and himself in the row, was
injured as a result of
loss of blood, is in a critical con-
Lester brother of
the dead man, is at St. Peter's
Hospital, receiving treatment;
Ed, Cox, who shot Reece
is in the county jail, with
slashes and cuts- Mack Cox
bullet wound in the arm,
and Davis cut
though not
night while being
shaved in a barber shop, Dr.
G. Riddick, of struck at
a that was crawling on his
ear. His hand came in contact
with the and nearly cut oil
two fingers.
la Honor of Their Misses Small
and Baker.
tor Th.-
On Thursday evening at the
handsome home of parents.
Misses Mt and Florence
Blow entertained moat delight-
fully in honor of their guests,
Misses and. Catherine
Small, of Washington, and Lizzie
Baker, of
was lighted
with Japanese lanterns and the
specious balls, parlor and
library were artistically
ed with potted plants and cue
flowers. The guests re met
at the door by Miss Florence
Blow with Tom and
Miss Baker, of Tarboro, with
Willie Wilson, and were ushered
into the library where met
the Misses Small, cf Washington,
After greetings were
ed by the many
conversation was enjoyed.
The conversations
fourteen without the
which were four in number.
fir-t the ladies
were invited in the library and
the gentlemen in the parlor.
The gentlemen were handed
signed by the respective
ladies, read; you
take a little walk with
The gentlemen then went in
search of the lady
was on his note.
In the extra the ladies
are gentlemen were invited in
tho library and P r as before.
This time the ladies were band-
ed to which were attached
cigarettes, the notes, being
signed by the genii- men its,
read; you e smoke
with The then
went in search cf
the gentlemen had done be-
The third extra spent in
enjoying delicious refreshments
were served by Miss
Margaret Blow with Joe
son Lottie Blow with
lie James,
At the fourth extra a
prize was awarded to Miss
for being the most
charming the
prize was gracefully presented
by Tom Dupree. About one-
thirty the guests departed
declaring the Misses Blow, Small
and Baker most charming
hostesses and guests of honor.
The out of town guests
Misses Maybelle and Catherine
Small, of Washington; Lizzie
Baker, of Tarboro; Clara
ton, of Plymouth; Hack-
Edwina Lovelace, Martha
Stevens, Wilson; Johns,
of Raleigh, and Tom Gorman,
Richmond, and Roy Hampton, of
Stamp Machine.
The f the Greenville
the car he slipped and fell across
the end of a seat, badly break-
one leg between the knee
and thigh. Mr. wan
suffered intensely from bis in
jury and all possible n.-
rendered on the train. At
Postmaster Flanagan v
machine to f
the handling of letters. By the
aid of this machine mail ran be
handled much more rapidly, and
be an advantage to both outgo-
and incoming In
supplying the machine the
Elizabeth City he was taken recognizes the
the train to a hospital for treat- importance of tho Greenville
With Mr. and Mrs W. H. Ricks.
On Tuesday evening at Holly
their home in East Green-
ville, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Ricks
entertained a few friends in-
formally in honor of their guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln of
Muncie, Ind. The verandas and
lawn were lighted with Japanese
lanterns and decorations of cut
added fragrance to the
The hostess met the callers
who were served with punch in
the hull. Later ice cream and
cake wore served.
Mrs, Travis Hooker increased
the pleasure of the evening with
several delightful solos,
Mrs. Leah was formerly Miss
Emma Taft, o .- , and
has many friend; I
Seed rye at F. V .
a .
r v-A

Eastern reflector, 20 August 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 20, 1909
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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