Eastern reflector, 13 August 1909

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

., -w .- .
i r
j . J L L-1 I I
In Charge of C. CARROLL
r . Rates on M
of re profitable fishing, buying now. W. L. Co.
e r- it was carried over from Leave your order at
spent last and they feasted on- They
. . prompt delivery.
and grapes, We are offering special priCes
A new lot of men's and all went up the river about patent medicines,
and pocket cutlery, for the
Advice to the Aged.
An I infirmities, such as
i bowels,
. Barber Co I the grass thick thirty days.
. M Clara and Janie M TO tat W. L.
. .; .
n, of . was in
. m is working very
. d be -i.
. . . . using to
lies off. It is
I . us it.
. . . . . i
. Fox to s-
Dr. J. M. Parrott, of Kinston,
was in toy Saturday.
J. Cox is at home this
. House Co.
there- facing the , e and
n Virginia. go I i W. L. House Co.
.- to large baskets as Ca; Whitehead of
once, at below some one expressed it. th sat . Saturday Sun.
. day here with his family.
. us only two in number,
;. I
. ., smaller the
. . n. was .
rs plans tor the s Ding.
boys came with d week.
ii o .- th ; d Wood returned from
the i- . i . . . i- Norfolk Monday.
and making merry, Quite a number of our citizens
was in boating, attended services at
strolling, bath I Branch Sunday,
bat lay in the i Miss Meta Dew left this morn-
beside the still i for to spend mi
e the Tar and went to sleep. . time with j. H. Sherrod.
. they
East Cari Training c .
a few i They i
I ii v ab ten
i an x
a specific effect on
fan Inn the bowel, them
to perform their natural functions as
in th and
to kidneys, and LIVER.
adapted to Bod
. . . .
. shoes
. . .
. . .
Another .
; . . is right.
. . ;. .- the . v,.
. They
A. A;. . Co.
r. Frank
Cox is v and i
. this week. , hi
it cheap sale now the Tar.
i . nice lot of
Mai of Grifton, was at and below cost
in tow n yesterday. Carolina Supply
Just received A lot Chickens and eggs a .-v
Sherwin Williams paint. Come and the best
Harrington. Barber Co. Barber
Misses Lena Dawson and For improved Met .
. . C yesterday machines, ,
. Bi e i.
., it . bi st
Come and see us, I Collins i i Caskets,
i furnish nice
A. ;. Cox Mfr. Co. Cox Ml
On y afternoon th to say to
E. E x. I
you a good
After spending some time
her with parents, Albert
Barker rt to
co announce
M . on id almost well
Miss Lucretia Hughes, who has
I i some time .
Butt, returned t i .- r
home ;.; Washington Monday.
Oh for the Warehouse,
That's the house for
Where I my tobacco,
To U C. R. T.
i the worker
That I have ever Beet.
A I get good price
When I with in,
Together we will n.
A,.,, in erst p our
v c on fl
On you will n
Hut . to follow big v
To th you
find ii. bed t i
Ii., Io ; I
t will com back.
Th People's on of
largest i. the state,
Which at
in wagon . i
;. . . m all parts of the gr nil
At P pie's it is
ii. re to hem,
Mr, Jas. I. Thompson our
ti .
Re talks dwells long.
It pi.-. to bear him s, i.-in
H . strong, ; n
C T. H. Walker will see .-
co put right,
T . i bid j out
At f June
Overdrafts secured
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Silver coin, including
minor currency
Nat bank note.- and other
S. notes mi
Total 114,214.00
Capital stock 15,000.00
Surplus fund 650.00
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes pd 850.86
Bills payable
Time of deposit 202.80
Deposits subject to ck 6,834.07
862.06 Due to and
Cashier's check 1.00
We, J. K Green, Cashier and F, A. Asst. Cashier
of the bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the of our knowledge and belief.
Asst, Cashier.
Subscribed sworn to be-
fore mo, this 30th day of June,
K. II.
F. Harrington,
. II. Hunsucker,
A. U.
the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, June 23rd,
and unsecured
For ; i . i C. T. will i
. n
Banking house, Fur-
Due From Banks
At the . and Bankers
i. ever lag, Cash items
. l. is a very i i. smith will put p j
young-lady. She has wop many ,. . , minor coin cur
friends ardent admirers he cm, Bk notes
. We sincerely hope she Will In fact h a very man. Nat ; roves,
come again. Our book-keeper. Mr. B. I. Conn,
A. G. Cox, chairman of th. many
B ard of Education of
Surplus fund
i Undivided profits,
1,199.621 cur. ex. tax's pd
I Bills payable
2,176.10 j Time certificate
j Deposit subjects
to cheek
Cashier's Checks
. to Greenville first
. . .
Rev. . H. is all .
I ;. lady.
Mi B M re, near
i tier U. S. notes
Total i Total
keeps . the sales,
Cora ti.- ate J, G. T. Gardner, Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
The , the most swear that the above is true to the best of my
, . on .
Then most of the tanner, you i
a meat,
Our Griffin, n .
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be
Sch div of Jun
; return s 1909. R.
money p.,.
ltd ton
T. for t
. i .,
Notary Public.
G. T. GARDNER, Cashier.
L. J. Chapman,
John Z. Brooks,
W. W. Dawson.
. . .
. Barber O .
.;. of the program
j .
i worth W After sizes and net .
was an interesting ,
discussion of nature, N j
relative tendencies to Come and see our new st;
Rood and bad. Although Harrington, Barbe
rs present wen very good, Buggies are getting
their friends were all good, Come to set Hunsucker
and their children were very Cox Manufacturing C .
satisfactory; yet they believed Winterville,.
hard struggle for
that it is
any of us to do our duty. The
mother's meeting has a largo
membership and is to be
on its aims and attain-
good and comfortable
school desk call or write A. G.
Cox Co., Winter-
ville. N. C. Th y have the
right disk the right price.
Yesterday at
Now is the time to g .
desk. Prices right,
ship Com- t
A. G. Cox Manufacturing
. N.
I am representing th i
and strongest fire in-
companies in Ai a.
I also write mortgages, . .
etc. J. S. Ross, Wu
Cooking and heating
ranges just v I
. . , .
v., spent
, .
here v n . I u.
; i home H I
ea it . h,
id in you . that la i i n .
passing . the ct
i ii A. G. Cox Mfg. Co, you The last, but not tho least,
them pushing
i . inquiring we found that La go box with metal roof,
have just closed their sea
son for tobacco trucks, i; J.
Va this season. said
Military School
1851 1909.
Oxford. North Carolina
Ii Military
manly carriage.
. U old, with
th and bin
moral, mental, physical and social
lawn, athletic park, running
the social
of people. Tho town ,
a century an an c v
ready for
Col. J. C. Oxford, N. C.
live o'clock the members of material U
the Your, Christian Harrington Barber c
met at the Baptist church, Just received a
where they were taker on I Sunday shirts. All kin ,
wagons and buggies to Bryant's; and prices.
a beautiful place about j Harrington, Barber
three n up the Tar river j Don't forget that W. L e
from Greenville. They reached makes the best cold drink to
They also report a tobacco
season. They are now busy
on school desks and other things
f r the
of Bishop Ordination.
Rt. Rev. Robert Strange,
Dr. F. D. Swindell Dies Suddenly, op of the Eastern Diocese of
Kinston, July Carolina, will arrive in
Dr. F. D Swindell, pastor of the Greenville next Saturday for the
Methodist church of this city, purpose of ordaining to the
Dog Fight. died suddenly last night in Beau priesthood Rev. B. F. Huske,
Tl a dog fight on the has been spending the popular rector of St. Paul's
early time recuperating. The ordination
near using trouble. A, He in hell be
from months. During his morning, and all people of the
there at half past nine- The
channel and best fishing place
being on the opposite side the
river, their first fun came in be
inn- carried across in little boats
which could take only six at a
time. With some rocking and
dipping of the boats and a few
shrill cries front the lasses they
were ail safely across. Another
boat fad already taken a large
bundle f poles and some
bait, and all were soon quiet for
t to bite. The quiet, how-
rot last long fr an
gel L led i . ., of
. i .
i dog in with him The at no his community are cordially invited
. and a town dog got Pulpit coming up Saturday to be present. Rev. Isaac W
i when the owner of and returning Monday. He had j Hughes of Fayetteville. and . .
town used his pocket much that ho some others of the clergy will own fertilizers and
country dog, result- U return, also be present. Bishop Strange mt b m much of the
feeling between the; next week with will remain over and preach
ii the
in some . .
own rs of the dogs, it went out with a party Sunday night.
not be a bad idea for the alder- on to
men to the of Report
the streets to bud H
dogs. They are really danger-,
Plaiting Fall Potatoes.
Ex-Representative S. M.
Jones, of Bethel, was here Fri-
day, and we heard him say it
looked almost like spring plant-
time around the
farmers being busy hauling fer-
and planting largely for
a fall crop of Irish potatoes. The
Rt Hector believes the fall crop
of potatoes can be made as profit-
able as the spring crop, and the
Bethel township farmers are
going at the matter
that they ought to also
and likely to cause trouble;
any time.
Farms sale, Money to lean.
in town.
Another large lot
shoes just received.
A. W. Ange Co.
Don't forget that this is the
last month of the special sale
now going on at A. W. Ange oil The Crime of Idleness.
Co. means trouble for any one. . . t. t n
For ill kinds of nice Crocker ft J- L-
, V J constipation, ltd for
Bee A. W Ange Go. a low complexion .
tip. keens . but
Keeps New Life Pills banish liver
goods for sale because build health. Sta at;
are best. druggists.
closing out
nets, bridles, etc below The last few days Greenville
Also a nice lot of ; has almost had a Hour famine,
The Hair Cot.
It is supposed that death came j The government report issued
about four o'clock. The inter- j Monday based on reports from
will be held in New Bern correspondents gives the
tomorrow. of the cotton crop on July
25th at 71.9 per cent, of normal.
North Carolina is put down at
and on the same date of last
year it was
In a certain Sunday School a
teacher told her pupils the story
of Samson and
do you learn, she said,
the Samson
don't never piped
Joe, have a woman cut a
feller's Weekly.
After two I in . .
at S. id.
An over many and Bronchial Remedies,
yr . J of . cold by s-i s on bowels. No
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
ALDERMEN HAVE BUSY SESSION, that the Board of Com-
had promised the
MANY IMPORTANT MATTERS UP use to help construct
FOR CONSIDERATION. road on street
from Evans street to the East
mi Street Teachers Training
EFFICIENT TEACHING FORCE, cross roads items.
j school. The work is to be done
before the opening of the school
The Board of Aldermen were, The was in-
in regular session have drain near Mrs.
night, with the mayor and fixed,
members of the board present,, The building com-
and hid business enough to keep . the new city
-Tax Levy as
Last be Improved
to keep
them together until well past
D. D. chief of fire de-
pat appeared with some
estimates and recommendations
looking to the better equipment
of the department, and Alder-
men Flanagan and were
appointed a committee to act
with the chief to select and
chase such appliances as are
needed to equip the hook and
ladder truck.
The board donated a sum not
exceeding to pay railroad
fare for members of Rough
Ready Fire Company to attend
the meeting of the State colored
association to be held
in New Bern.
W. F- Evans, secretary of the
Retail Association of
Greenville, presented a
Happening, Interest in North Caro- THE EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS
that the new city
hall building was ready tor
occupancy, and next Monday
w is sot for moving the mayor's
office, the clerk offices and the
water and light department
offices to the new building on
Fifth street.
The duty of displaying
signals from the flag staff on
the municipal building was
ed upon the chief of police.
The street was
instructed to have a bridge built
I across branch on the street
leading from Dickinson avenue
to Eight street.
The market committee was
authorized to make improve-
to the market house at a
cost not exceeding and
were authorized to borrow
for this purpose if needed. The
entire interior of the market
adopted by the association re- house is to be remodeled and kept
in thorough sanitary condition.
An ordinance was adopted
requiring property owners to
place curbing on Ninth street
westward from Evans street.
There was also an ordinance
requiring property owners or.
Fifth street to put
sidewalk and stone on
the north side of the street from
streets; also
questing the repeal of the license
tax levied by town on deal-
in cigarettes. Alderman
Flanagan moved that the request
be denied and the license remain.
Alderman Bowen offered an
amendment that the tax be
from to The
amendment was lost and the
motion to deny the request
Mr. Evans also at order of owners
association presented an or on
and Fourth streets
to Washington streets and on
street Evans to
and solicitors selling or taking Washington
orders for goods in the town., was adopted
l public buildings and
ts to put in sewerage.
The chief of police was
rt questing the board to
pass it, levying a tax of a
day on itinerant retail drummer-j
committee with
to draft an ordinance
the matter if it shall be
found to be
A report from Engineer D. M.
Clark accompanied by map and
suggestions to tho needed
drainage of town, with
approximate estimates of cost,
was read and discussed, both by
members of the board and
present. The matter was
red to the street committee
for conference with citizens in-
with instructions to re-
port to a called meeting of the
board as soon as ready.
The street committee was
to make needed repairs
to the Evans street culvert at
Some applications to allow
market business to be done out-
side of the market were
referred to the market commit-
Ferd Barnhill, colored, re
quested an increase in wages for
the street hands, which was re
to the committee.
The Committee
mended that the following tax
levy for the year be made, which
was For general
poses on each
of real and personal prop-
for maintenance of graded
schools cents; for interest on j
school bonds cents; for interest
on first improvement bonds J
cents, on second improvement
bonds cents, on third bends
cents; making a total of on
each valuation of property
and on each poll. This is
the same total levy as last year
and also takes care of the inter-
est on the third issue of bonds
without an increase.
to all property
owners included in the
privy ordinance previously
adopted, that all such privies
Within the bounds named therein
will be torn down after Oct. 1st.
The-Water Light
was instructed to credit Hill
Johnson for the construe
of a line of pipe to their ice
Bills as approved by the
finance committee were ordered
S. J. Nobles was granted
license to run two pool tables in
the Dancy building.
An account of Jarvis Blow
for for services in
with the bond issue of 1907,
was referred to the finance com-
The plumbing ordinance was
amended to forbid the use of
copper lined tanks in con-
of domestic sewerage.
The clerk was instructed to
have published the financial
statement of the last fiscal year.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last
John Everett and Rosa Little
Hardy Little and Hattie Reid.
Calvin Chapman and Mary
and see P. M. Johnston
when in town for general engine
boiler repair work and any-
thing you may need. Shop op-
The street committee reported Hotel Bertha. W
Impressive Ordination Sermon De-
livered by Rev. R. W. Hope,
f Chapel Hill.
It was a beautiful and
impressive scene that marked
the ordination to the priesthood
of Rev. B. F. Huske in St. Paul's
Episcopal church on Sunday. In
order that the service be not too j
long, morning prayer was said
at by Rev. J. Gordon, j
of Williamston, giving a short
intermission before the
which began at At this
hour a congregation assembled
that was so large as to complete-
overflow the church, many
having to be turned away for
lack of room.
After an opening hymn Rev.
R. W. of Chapel
who preached the ordination
announced his text
and part of His subject
was of the minister
consistent with his
He said that while men in other
callings were more or less chosen
for their business qualifications
rather than personal character,
when it comes to the minister of
Christ he must be a man of char-
and that character be con-
with his calling. He said
the minister must be a man of
sacrifice, a man of faith, a man of
prayer, a man of courage, a man
of vision. Each of these
were emphasized with force
by the speaker and illustrated
with beautiful figures. It was a
sermon that a deep
upon all who heard was
delivered with marked earnest-
and eloquence.
Then with Rev. Robert
Strange, bishop of the diocese of
E stern Carolina, the impressive j
ordination service was said. The
priest was presented by Rev.
Is W. Hughes, of Fayetteville.
The other clergy present and
taking part in the service were
Revs. F. N. Skinner, of t,
and W- J. Gordon, of Williams-
ton. At the conclusion of
Bishop Strange requested the
congregation to join in silent
prayer during a space of two
minutes for Divine blessing j
guidance upon the young priest
to be ordained. This was
was done devoutly and it was a
moment of deep solemnity and
earnest supplication to the
Heavenly throne. The bishop an i
all the visiting clergy then
together that they might
join in laying hands on the head
of the kneeling priest. Bishop
Strange handed a Bible and stole
to the priest with the commission
of authority to enter upon the
full duties and obligation of the
In the large congregation were
no more interested and happy
than Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Huske, of Fayetteville, par-
of the young priest, who
with three others of their child-
Messrs. M. S. and Caldwell
and Miss Wilhelmina Huske, had
come to attend the ordination.
An uncle, Maj. B. R. Huske, of
Fayetteville, and an Miss
Nellie Fuller, of Durham, were
also present-
Rev, B. F. Huske, the priest
ordained, has lived in Greenville
a little more than a year, and it
is not too broad an assertion to
say that every person in Green-
ville, irrespective of
is numbered among his
friends. His upright life, gen-
and courteous manner,
and earnest devotion to duly
have won the esteem of every
one. He was born in Fayette-
Hon. C. Mt Busbee, a
King's X Roads, Aug
Miss Alma Cannon, from near
Ayden, is visiting Irene
lion. ,. Mi i q . . k
lawyer and a leading Odd Brief Sketch of Faculty-Fine Pros-
Fellow of the State, died j Opening October I Smith and Mrs. G
day morning in Raleigh. He J T-T spent Thursday with
was years of age and had fill- , ,. , M- Jo Brown-
ed many positions of trust. The Board of Trustees of the, M Lanie Tyson and
, . . , . j East Carolina Smith were the guests of Miss
High Point, N. C. Aug. 9.-
Dr. W. J . of this city,
deems itself fortunate in Smith Thursday night.
so able a corps . ., , f
lies quite ill on account of a bite, and takes in
from a poisonous spider. to the public the
poison wrecked his nervous sys-
tern and he cannot stand the; president Robt H Wright
Mrs Bettie
Misses Faye Corey returned
, , . i Friday morning.
fr. Was reared in Sampson county, Tyson spent Fri-
has passed North Carolina. Graduated with I with Mrs. Joe
think he will get through all; of
right now.
Carolina in 1897. After
The ever-bearing peach tree teaching in the public and
a reality. We have in our office i schools of his native state
a branch of a tree left by South Carolina he did a year
. i.-. . . . i . . . i -k
Several of our young people
are thinking to attend the vocal
class Fountain next week.
Miss Smith. Alma
College. This
grown one. The tree 1906 when he was
forth after the manner of the elected principal of the Eastern
throughout the summer, and. Mr. High School, Baltimore. He
Hildebrand tells us, is very full this position with the
this Enterprise. acceptability for three
Friday night J. Bunting, resigning to
traveling man Wilmington, j the presidency of the East Caro-
C. Collins cashier of a Training School,
bank in were in He has the highest
room together at Mot n- from the most competent
hotel, and c. such acquainted with his work
disturbance the night tor scholarship and teaching
that the proprietor of the hotel The board confidently
sent out U the home of a police-; commends him to the fullest con-
man to awake the officer and get of the people of North
him to go stop the disturbance j Carolina,
in the hotel. When the officer Miss Mamie E. Jenkins, the
went in the room where the teacher of English language i
were they both made an attack and Literature, is a
on him. when he shot them both., Trinity College and a M. A. of j;,
The wounded men University,
taken to a in City- Miss Jenkins has taught
Saturday and Bunting that has taught in rural and
night. Collins is also . . . sol i
wounded. Washington College
N. C. 6.- Virginia,
Smith, who bears the ,
title of of the English e a
teacher o mar In
at the church, her we are sure
T. Smith.
Mr. Mrs. J. F. Parker, of
Falkland, spent last Monday
afternoon with Mr. W C.
H. T. Smith took a number of
to accept e ladies driving on a high
tobacco truck Thursday after-
noon. They were as follows.
Misses Faye Corey, Can
nor-, Helen Smith, Lanie Tyson
ant Irene Smith. They report-
ed a high time.
teacher of Science and Pedagogy
in the Maryland State Normal
School, Baltimore. This
qualifies him the
is a of
While college he
is a hard mi king the
gr m h
th .
Eastern North . lie
has be I of Pitt
county schools ice with
the exception two years. For
are he has been
with the public
interests of our State.
can, insane and made a murder- ff competent
assault on the family,
but happily his efforts failed, teacher.;, history gad-L
He overpowered and
armed before in
damage. However, the crazy
i cf
man wan possessed super- .
human it took a She has had
effort to subdue
Smith Canadian and has be schools in and
resided here about eight years, as teacher
He married Miss Kate Inman Greensboro Female College
and they have two children. For
some time he has been to ability arc of exceptionally high
fits, but no one dreamed that his order.
mind was unbalanced. An in Miss Maria Daniel Graham,
was held and he was sent, the teacher of . ,. . ,
to the insane asylum graduate of Peabody Normal
Elizabeth City, Aug. Nashville, Tenn. and P
News was received here has her degree from j
. is well and favorably known in
he committed any and m his selection
the crazy of j for position we have a man
who is a thorough master of the
public school situation in North
Mr. Claude W. Wilson will look
after the business interest of the
school and teach in the depart-
of Pedagogy. He is a
graduate of Wake Forest College.
Has unusual business ability; is
a thorough student of Pedagogy;
Both are prominent Dare county j and her work has been most
citizens. They became involved and
in a personal encounter, result-
in being seriously
stabbed with a knife in several
portions of his body. His con-
was at first considered
serious, but later reports indicate
that he may recover. It was
not learned as to the cause of the
experience are such as to make
her entirely competent for the
work to which she has been as
Miss Birdie
teacher of Latin, is a full
ate of the North Carolina State
ville Aug. 15th, 1884, graduated
from the State University in
1903, and took the theological
course in the University of the
South at Tenn. He
was ordained deacon in Fayette-
ville on Jan. 28th. 1908, and in
July following came to Green-
ville as rector of St. Paul's
which place he has since filled
most acceptably.
Bishop Strange preached an
excellent sermon to a large con-
Sunday night.
for the position she is to fill.
Having had experience with this
kind of work in Louisburg
also as Dean
of Columbia College, S. C,
and having had charge of the
J branch school of Shorter College
e j,. Florence, We deem
ourselves fortunate in securing
the North Carolina state
Normal and Industrial College, i
Since her graduation she has, . m as
been teaching in the public m admirably equipped in
schools state with marked buildings, furnish-
success. She is the States,. and teaching
. t. .,, I confidently expect it
Mr Herbert E. Austin the for
teacher of Science, is a graduate, . , ,
of Worcester Polytechnic j established
Did post graduate work
in Clarke University and ,,,.,.,
Hopkins University. He t P. V. s.
had several years as
to meet
which it

An A Ti m
i . .
A.; I . sting of
i r the
. i -ii i were elected,
D, . president.
W L H I, vie
. A
A . i. u.-r.
Dr. E. A. R. Williams,
D. M. i U. Gregory,
S. Gates and
board of
ct Interest in North Caro-
Salisbury has developed a
young chicken thief who applied
new and original ideas to the
business. His thieving was all
done in daylight and with the
a bulldog who would nab
i Write Mention this
shows how will
the unsuspecting fowl and make
for master, who would be in
binding nearby.
Mr. William Helms died of
at his home north of Mon-
roe Saturday. He has been sick
several weed's and having been
th-it he was
. c , A r to shaken into
sent for a man named Thompson, aching feet,
the interest. Of the organization j who be to take try Aliens It the
t. . but who did cw,. not.
U a social no good. When a local physician, sweaty feet. Relieve corns and
it is which L, the
feel advance so far that his to and shoe
pride and encourage in every way the were
It serves only the
the is officered, and
alter i
Professional Cards
opposite R. L, Smith
.-. and next door to John
A -r to b
accept any to. For trial
package, Free Sample of the
possible. K serves not only been on Foot Ease Sanitary Corn u m
pleasure and moral of its, charge u and
i will have to tell the court some-
effect on the community, but
also aids in the
matter visitors,
always tendering its rooms for
receptions and banquets
In this way it helps the town far
more Hire p ordinarily
aware of. Stranger
. . , , hive Hard Com-.
here who are by some Remedy it
member to vi it i he club rooms, was ant introduced u public in
are impressed with the elegance
. Journal.
A faithful Friend
and of the quarters,
and th reputation of
town is advanced. So looked
at from any standpoint, the dub
should have your encourage
Candy a Food.
A. article quoted in the Liter
Digest says that candy may
be advocated as an article of
food, as it is not a mere
for sugar in pro-
portion to the amount of other
is a normal supply for
Twas a Glorious Victory
Th. n i in Fedora, Ti in. A
h bi en Dr
Ring's New the talk l
town for C. V. Pepper of
hemorrhage. could not work
nor get about, be th
doctor-, did no got d, but. after .
Dr. three woe .
feel like new and ear. do good
For weak,
,; I. and Cold-. Hem-
. H Fe
A . r i b ti
i I d,
Trial Sold and guaranteed
b I,.
I and have never found me Instance I , r
where a cure was not speedily at the
by Its use. I hive been commercial present r tail price of about 5.5
for and
start on ;. trip without
faithful II S. of
Oakland, Ind. When a has
d t for thirty five years he
knows its value and to
i . r by J. L.
; u, A
A for Blind-Tiger
Is a man who is entrusted
with money by another person
for the purpose of procuring
whiskey, guilty of embezzle-
This was the question
Judge was called upon to,
decide this morning in police
court- George Hopewell, of
color, who had Leon working out
simple equipment
cents a pound the average con-
of sugar represents
about one and fourth Z
day. If other food were equally
cheap, the total daily of
raw food material would be
S cents per In general,
sugar is expensive to
pare for eating than most other
Even the higher grades of
candy could be prepared with no
greater trouble than many other
recognized desserts, it
the trouble to learn this
branch of their art. The point
has recently been Impressed or.
Harry Skinner,
H. M.
N. C i
Moore and Long
N. C
Greenville, N. C.
Office on Third street, formerly
pied by Dr. Bagwell.
us by inspecting extremely
on the tunnel, blew into cf
the city last and
seized of thirst, I to
hunt around for something with
q i. He j d
Frank M , f color, i
,. Th r
v pot am
i . . . , into .
with cur for .
n g an slier . a
m i
bill, George gave it to Frank to have use ii Inc
secure for him whiskey. Frank
b t me sleepy .
hi.; and gut into b id.
World i Sold.
. in
, in
co.-ti end h I ii
. . . i re
c of world's fair in the
v of the
Eleventh I
.; was sold
r. by Eugene W.
t John Wanamaker of
I who will have it erected in
store in that
city, says the St. Louis Globe
S me idea may be gotten of its
i. . ii; . it is realized
that a pony may be driven
through its largest pipes and
that it will require large
freight errs to remove it to
Notwithstanding its gigantic
size, it was pronounced by
thousands cf musical critics who
med to its tones a per-
i Many of the
celebrated organists of this
l ii and of Europe played
it. Including Alexander
. of Paris.
n hose output retailed
at a pound
consider i paper.
Mutual Life
Or. 1843. Assets over
Office. Next Door
Barber Shop
The place to buy your Hardware. Com-
stock to select from, first quality
goods only.
Agricultural Implements A Specialty
Consisting of Plows, Mowers, Harrows, Stalk
Cutters. Rakes and high grade Cultivators
both riding and walking,
American Fence Wire
in the most popular heights always on hand.
Complete stock of ready mixed
the highest grade in all colors.
teed per cent pure. Orders filled
Those wishing to purchase LIME
will do well to see us as we carry
but the best.
It you contemplate building give us a
call. We will appreciate your business and
will take care your orders and
tee prices. When wishing anything men-
in the above don't tail to look up
Baker Hart.
At the close f business
and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 060.81
Furniture and fixtures 1,680.60
Due from 19,446.86
coin 607.60
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
N o t o
I other U.
Capital stock
Surplus fund 5,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and tuxes pd 3,160.19
Time of deposits 9,909.20
Deposits to check 45,601.06
Cashier's 43.09
. i . .-. .
Mr. I H
Hopewell's finally
became exhausted, and seeking
out an officer, they aroused
Frank from his slumbers and
procured from him the He
was for
and at the hearing this morning,
following a ruling
of Judge Ward in the
case, tried here recently,
ruled that giving money to an-
other to procure whiskey was an
illegal trust, and discharged the
defendant.- Asheville
. Dis
. r .
. cured
n an on o been sick.
I am in told r with
Rutherford Haves, and
years in 23rd Ohio Reg-
and have no ailment except
steps For sale by J, I.
Woolen, and Coward St
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in main
don of the town- Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided by a skilled barber, j
Our is inviting, razors,
Our towels clean.
Modern el i machine for STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
dry shampoo and La-i I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly
t their horn swear that the above statement is true to the beat of my
edge and belief. K. DAVIS, Cashier.
It. I. Davis,
F. M. Davis,
W. J.
ii P and sworn to
I Ii of June, ID .
. v . A.
be nude an-1 frozen in
at cost of
Cent a Plate.
m ICE Powder
into a quart of milk and freeze.
No no beating, nothing
t, add. Everything but
and milk in the
the most
is ever ate.
ct . Vanilla, Straw-
berry, I w f t r
i packages at your grocers,
I . not keep it.
I nook Vim.
I i
Seared With a Hot Iron
or by overturned
with a bruised by
by or in any other way
the j; . i- n's
Salve to subdue
and kill th pain.
healer, for Boils, Fe-
Sons, and Puss, at
ha for years been re-
I as an exceeding
ease hut it only been discovered
within the last few years that it in
this terrible trouble that is either
directly or indirectly causing thous-
ands of deaths yearly throughout our
country. Rheumatism of the Heart,
Neuralgia of the Heart, s.
Uric Acid Poisoning are among the
most forms of the disease.
If line i all wed to stay in the
system death car. scarcely be
averted. If sufferer will at
once to J. Bryan's and it bottle
of rs teed remedy
in .
be cured B o large bottles
coat M In chronic eases
. ii u r .
I he used
for wile by
it Sauls, N. Cl,
Looking to
Engineer D. M. has
pared a drainage map of the
town, showing the present and
needed lines of sewers, for
mission to the Board of Alder-
men with suggestions as to the
proper drainage of the town.
There is no question before the
aldermen of importance
than and it is a matter that
should be considered well. The
surface drainage up to now
been improperly constructed and
has many defect which should
lies Bags.
Correspondence and
Ml I
Capacity H tons per day. Product of
plant absolutely pure.
for local Orders for shipment
receive t attention. Patronize
home industries.
I Running repairs to all kind of
,, Steam fittings, erecting Engines,
Tobacco machinery, all systems a
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical novelties. Give us a trial.
All guaranteed and terms
Message left L. Carr's
will receive prompt attention, or phone
Not Quite I
be corrected, and future
this direction should be dune With or driver or an- tOt
Have a
tool box for S
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
Al the close of business, June
s system and a view to
Does it Pay
If you don't just like every-
thing you see in your go
around the streets and howl.
Th, editor is never supposed to
make a mistake and of course
could not do so. Other people
can but not the editor. It you
can't see a do not fail
to see a bad one. If a thousand
pleasant things are said of people
hunt for something unpleasant-1
If you don't find it, howl some
you do, howl anyway.
Never mind your own
watch for something to find fault
with in some other man's
this will make you great.
i. . of tools
U a could desire, and
we sue your tool
lack a ah
J we .
box lines
You get
Horse t c
J, P.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
unsecured 168.11
Furniture fixtures 1,276.00
Due from and
Gold and silver
minor coin currency 8,584.77
Capital Stock 6,000.00
Surplus fund 4,500.00
Undivided profits less
expenses taxes pd 1,572.30
Time of 4,078.75-
Deposits sub to check 67,838.69
checks 200.00
I. II. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
II. Cashier.
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 26th day of June,
S. T.
M. O. Blount,
S. M. Jones.
See P.
repairs and
Johnston for mil
supplies. Terms
l The of the i . forth by ill
instruction under
by the Methodist Church, not money.
in body, mind, and t
h fully out that a
Hi of it boarding
coat. The i
building and k . i. I worth
I nil for year, table board, room.
laundry, attention, and tuition In all
and t-locution, A for and bUnk to
Raised by the Newt and Observer
Mr. E. B. Speaks Wisely.
From the News and Observer
of August 4th. I see
that makes the following
statement concerning your re-
port of the opening of the Green-
ville tobacco
Greenville Reflector says
the tobacco market started off at
prices riling from to cents.
It would be interesting if it
would print how many pounds
brought cents, and how
many less than five cents. At
Winston-Sale m the r umber of
pounds bringing the high price
was very small and most of the
new tobacco went for a song.
The trust will take the crop for
nothing unless a fire is built
I beg to call the attention of
that paper which prides its-elf
upon being called the Re-
to the great wrong it is
doing our State and the good
citizenship of North Carolina in
the last sentence referred to,
trust will take the crop for
nothing unless a fire is built,
under This sentence should will sell at satisfactory prices
Kidney Troubles Attack
Greenville Men and
Women, Old and
Kidney ills and old.
Come quickly little
Children suffer in their early
Can't control the kidney secretions.
Girls are languid, nervous, suffer
Women worry, can't do daily worn
Men have lame and backs.
The cure for man, woman Of child.
Is to cure the cause the kidneys.
Kidney Pills cure sick kid-
Cure all forms of kidney suffering.
Greenville testimony proves it.
Miss Susan N.
St., Greenville, N. C, de
rived great benefit from Kidney
Pill and pleasure tat ram
them. For some time suffered from
dull, nagging backaches and had dis-
tressing pains through my loin. My
kidneys were very weak and th.
frequent passages of
caused me great annoyance. My b
pained me severely and when
in the morning was M lam.
and sore that I scarcely get
around. I at length procured an
Pills at Cm store
and through their use I was entirely
relieved these tr The fact
that my kidneys have given me no
trouble since me w recommend
Kidney Pills most
For sale by all dealer, nice BO
cents. Co. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the
take no other.
Pitt County.
Notice of Execution Sale.
Superior Court.
R. L. Smith Co.,
Samuel Edwards.
By virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from Superior
court of Pitt county in the above en-
titled action, will, on Monday, the
of August.
m. at court h use door cf
county, sell to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said execution, the
right, lite and interest which the Sal I
Samuel Edwards, the defendant, has in
the following described real estate, to
Beginning at a large pine stump,
Samuel homestead, and
running course with
the line of Samuel Edward homestead
to the k. thence-down
the creek to Jones line to the
road, thence with the road to the begin-
containing by
acres. Also one other tract on the east
road and containing all the
land that Samuel B ward own on that
side of the mail, adjoining the lands of
J. J. Jone and others containing by
estimation about acre;
This July, 1909.
ltd U W. Tucker, Sheriff.
Notice of Execution
have a double meaning, and I
would like to know if the
is advocating a fire
under the tobacco held by the
farmers and owned by them,
and there will be no need for
be built except in the
homes of the honest toiler,
where they can gather their
loved ones about them and
that event I will concede the pipe of peace, instead
that the farmer would be as well of hearing the sentinels march
North Carolina i
Pitt County, i
Superior O
Certificate of
To all whom these presents may come
Whereas, It appears to my
faction, by duly record
of the proceeding for the
dissolution thereof, the
of all the stockholders,
deposited in my office, that Farmers Gin
Company, a corporation of State,
whose principal office is situated at
No. Street, in the town of Grifton
county of Pitt, Slate of North Carolina
the agent
in charge thereof, upon whom process
may tie has complied with
the requirements of chapter
of entitled
preliminary to the leaning of
this Certificate of Dissolution.
Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grime.
S. of State of the State of
North do hi certify that
the said corporation did, on the
of June, file in my office a duly
executed and attested consent in writ
to the of said corpora-
ed by the
th which consent and the record
of the I are now
. as provided by
In Testimony Whereof, I
unto set hand s I
Rs Hi day of June.
A. J. Bryan
ltd Secretary state.
Land Sale.
By virtue of the authority in me
vested by a certain judgment
at tho March i ., l Pitt
court i . . i of W. n. Taylor is.
Haywood which judgment is
docketed in Pitt Superior court on
d i t N . ;. So.
I will ex-
to public to the highest bid
By of an execution directed
to the from the Superior
court of Pitt county above-
entitled action, will, on I
the 30th, day of August. 1908 at
o'clock, m. at the court house door of j
aid county, sell to the highest i
for to satisfy said execution, all
the right, title and interest which the I H
said W. j. H. grantee Um North Carolina, on Wed
the defendant, has In th , August. 1909,
following described real estate, to noon a tract
On the north side of. Tar river n. I ,,. of ;.,, i .,. ,. .,.
Greenville adjoining the State or North r .,,,
Ted and John Briley. , Beginning t the
i corner of Second its and
running south with feet,
off, if he had only one half the
quantity of the stuff the mar-
is showing at this or
if the is
a fire under the trust.
If this is what is meant, I call
outside his prison cell, with the
memory of loved ones held from
the strong arm of the law.
The 1908 crop of bright tobacco
taken from statistics furnished
by the president of the
one who should give pendent Tobacco Association of
good advice to the people, United J ; r u, ; i,
caution them to obey the laws of 213.000,000
the land, therefore, burn the
red flag of anarchy, and teach lb.
them instead that prices on
commodities of the world are elude the tobacco, which is
made in the north and north
western States.
Of the above about million
lbs. dirk tobacco
making a total of
This does not in-
governed by law of supply
and demand.
Suppose some One having a
c . u . , was shipped to foreign
sorry crop of tobacco should taKe . r .
the advice of News and Ob-
countries, leaving million
pounds to be manufactured in
the United States.
According to the government
report just out, the acreage for
the United States for 1908 was
per cent, as compared with
1907; acreage for is and
beginning at a on the old
runs south ten then
south west one hundred eight-en
then south 1-- west thirty
eight poles; then west four-
teen pole; then west poles to
the old for,, then down the Various
courses of Great swamp to a cypress,
Smithy corner; then
east one hundred and
to maples; then south east
seven notes to a pine; then north
east to the back line, then to the
beginning, containing one hundred and
forty three acres more or less and
being identical of land con-
to Lev by Adam Flem-
and wife in a deed recorded in
book page Excepting how-
ever, portion of the above described
land conveyed to W. J. H. in
a deed So acres, more or less,
recorded in book V page
L. W. Sheriff.
This day of 1909.
Notice of Execution Sale.
In Sui Court.
server. What would be the re-
to that farmer living in
a civilized land, with the strong
arm of the law thrown about
each individual's and corpora-
property He would find
his home for years to come en .
,,,,., . . per cent. compared
closed by high walls on the . ,., . .
,., , n u crop of 1908 showing
skirts of the city of Raleigh with . Q o . , m
. increase of and percent.
for 1909. These are
, I facts and I have been told that
ready to shoot him
which be would be obeying the. no
he a tempted to escape, of the if they
will wither the e, but
quoted then take J in play and
his place in the penitentiary, . .
will he furnish to his starving our
wife and little ones bread and recognized by
clothes during his absence W .
i tobacco buyer I have found the
the tramp of the sentinel march-
to and fro. day and
Mr. Editor, I have called your
attention to the fact that the
supply and demand is the factor
in setting the price of
ties, wheat, corn, cotton and
tobacco or anything that is used
by mankind. A short crop of
wheat will bring the farmer as
much or more money as a crop
that is called a bumper crop,
likewise tobacco.
Having been in the business
for years, a few years before
the formation of the trust, I have
seen tobacco lower before the
trusts were formed than I have
Taking the tobacco in Eastern
North Carolina, in which
have made my home and cast
my lot, I realize that thin prim
of this section is the most
undesirable raised in the United
I have ever advocated through
your paper the importance of
less acreage and better
and the most essential of
all, priming off the lower leaves
and topping to a uniform height,
thereby securing body and ripe-
When the thin primings
of Eastern North Carolina is
eliminated, as it can be if these
instructions are carried out, you
will see tobacco with body that
j trust to be a fair competitor,
; liberal buyers if they have offer-
ed them such class tobacco as
the consuming public demands.
I have seen tobacco raised in
Eastern North Carolina that was
almost a gold brick in the hands
of the trust, or independent, and
the farmer should leave it in the
fields to enrich their land.
If they bring it to market
they have no just cause of com-
plaint, if it is sold at what they
call starvation prices, for if this
tobacco was manufactured by
anyone, independent or trust, and
put up in pretty packages, I
guarantee the author of the
article referred to would never
buy but one package, and would
probably take but one smoke
from that. Now. is it reason
able to suppose that tobacco
would be manufactured, paying
tax with ail other necessary
cost, unless there was Borne
demand for same
Mr. Editor, I have said more
than I intended, but if the author
of this article herein referred to
should desire to the
further, I can give him
facts and figures for tho past
years in proof of con-
four very truly,
E. B.
R, L. Smith i
By virtue an execution directed
to undersigned from the Superior
court of Pitt county i the above
entitled I will, on Monday the
of August at o'clock.
M. at the court house door of said
county, sell to the highest bidder for
cash to said execution, the
light, title interest which W. J. H.
grantee of the defendant
Levi has in the following
real estate, to
the north side of Tar river in
township, adjoining the
lands of Fred Spain and John
be inning at a pine on the old road,
and runs south west ten poles; then
south SI west one hundred
teen poles; then south 1-2
thirty eight poles; then south we.-t
fourteen pol s; west poles
to the old the is
curses of Great swamp to a cypress,
Smithy Pol corner; then north
east one hundred and twenty six
poles to maples; then south east
fifty seven poles to a pine, then north
W to the back then to the
beginning, containing acres more
or less and being the identical tract
of land conveyed to Levi by
Adam Fuming and wife in a
recorded in rook XX page
Excepting however, a portion of the
above described and conveyed to W. J.
H. in a deed tor 353-4 acres,
more or less, in book V.
page L W Tucker, Sheriff.
28th, day of July, 1909.
thence in an direction parallel
with feet to the line
of Miles Grime, thence with the line
of Miles mi a
to Second street, thence
, in a Westerly direction to the begin-
hen a part of lot No.
n th of the town of Green-
ville. Terms of sale
This July
ltd W. H.
Notice to Creators.
Having qualified as Administrator,
c t. a., Matthews,
d, late of North Caro-
this is to notify all persons having
claim against
ed, to exhibit them
within twelve from this date,
or notice will be pleaded in bar of
their recovery.
A I s indebted to said estate
will immediate payment.
M. O. Blount,
Administrator, c. t. a.
F. G. James Son
Notice to Creditors,
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt count- as ad-
of the i state of Worrell
Mo r. deceased, notice i hereby given
to . I, persons dented to estate to
make immediate payment to
and having claims
estate are notified to
sent the same to the for
or the day of
July, 1910, or this notice will be plead
in bar of recovery.
This 16th day July. 1909.
J. n
ltd of Worrell Moore,
Citizen Lies
A message from Washington
today states that Mr. James L.
Fowle. a prominent business
man of that town and president
of the National Bank,
suddenly Wednesday night.
Mr. Fowle had been out to at-
tend church, remained up some
after returning home, then
told his son good night and
started up stairs to retire. He
died before reaching his room.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified, before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
administratrix of the estate of J. W.
Tucker, deceased, notice is hereby
given w all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment to
the and persons hay-
claims against the estate arc
that they must present the same
to the undersign, d for payment on or
before the 4th of August, 1910. or
this notice will be plead in bar of
This 4th day of
Rosa L. Tucker.
of J. W. Tucker,
D. W.
And Provisions
H. D. BATEMAN, Asst Cashier
The Bank of Greenville
And a Capital Stack L Increased
Cotton Bagging
Notice to Creditors.,
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county as ad-
of the estate of Leonidas
Fleming deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the es-
to make immediate payment to
the undersigned; all persons
claims against Bold estate are notified
that they present the same to the
undersigned for payment on or before
the 18th day of June, or this no-
will be plead in bar of recovery.
This 18th day of June, 1909.
James L. Fleming,
of Leonidas Fleming,
C ltd
kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
We are in position to take
good care of cur old custom-
and also prospective or. s.
Business Cordially Solicited.
Singer the Standard to AH Are Compared
J Have you ever wondered why it is that
dealers in other makes of sewing ma-
chines take to emphasize their
claim that their particular machine is
as good the Singer
why it is that more than
women buy Singers every
than all other makes combined
Or why Singer sales have spread over
the world, into every civilized country
The Singer has so long represented the
highest degree of excellence that it is to-
day everywhere recognized as the stand-
ard of perfection-the envy of every
of every owner.
It is easy to own a Singer. Ask in any
Singer everywhere.
Singer Sewing Machine Company
Some one has well said that an IDLE DOLLAR U
to waste. Think of what an addition it would
be to the working capital Pitt County d the IDLE
LARS were brought out and deposited in the banks.
Why not help yourself and your community By depositing
your money in
The Greenville Banking Trust Co.
It has a working capital and can you in
time of need. , .,
It has a Board of Directors who arc not merely in
name but who see to the sale management of the bank con-
, j
It has provided by every means to safeguard
the interests of its customers in the way of Bonded Officers,
Burglary Insurance, Examinations, and Strict
It numbers among its customers all classes throughout the
county from the largest and Corporations to the smallest
saving his Christmas money. . h
We will welcome account whether it be large or small
and will take in giving you the best service possible.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Among the foremost Colleges for Women in the South. Four distinct
schools Arts and Sciences, Music. Elocution and Art. Run at

Subscription-One Year
Six Months
Single Copy
Advertising rates may be had upon
application at the business in The
Reflector corner Evans and
Third street.
Our good friend of the New
Bern Journal an idea that
this scribe is sixty years old.
Oh, come off You ought to
Osier's chloroform limit
nowhere near that figure-
The State Democrat, a new
weekly paper recently
Raleigh by J. C. Caddell, is an
all-round good one. It is not
yet very large, but shows the
Entered post office at Gr
N. C, as second-class mail matter.
We can wait to see what the
revised i- going to
Thaw is getting tired of it,
half a tired us. the public.
Now and then there, are
crops Pitt county, but they
arc few.
President says he is
pleased over it. His predecessor
would nave said
Stuff to grow on.
i .
Most of the blind tigers
to see well enough to
long meetings like the one
Thursday night certainly makes
the aldermen over earn their
You may call it road fever, or
what not. but The Reflector
wants to see every man in Pitt
county so filled with the
for good reads that he
not res, until every section of
the county them.
A good question to as; is,
were the business men
the town while the Chamber of
Commerce was meeting Tuesday
night their absence e .- u-
mean take
no interest what is going
on the best method of improving
the public roadways of the
South. The articles must con-
contain not less than nor
more than words, name of
author to be sent in separate
sealed envelop. Those who
would liKe U compete for these
prizes have an opportunity to
get busy.
It is perhaps best not to be
too severe in criticism of the
Black Mountain officer who shot
two men in a hotel there, from
effect of which one died.
The two men were making a
of their room,
the comfort of other
for the presence of holies. This
they ha right to do even if
tiny were paying their way in
the hotel. True the
might have been too hasty with
n- but he was sent for in
dead hours of night to stop
an outbreak of rowdyism.
a shudder to think what would macadamized roads cost about
be the consequences if the ad- per cent, for perfect
vice of that paper should be and that the hardest rock 10.1909.
taken literally. It is not a time roads require attention to keep
to engender passion and it pains them order. But it seems
us to toe anything in print sand-clay road has had no
that tendency. The care since construction
Hector thinks the farmers make except what came from it being
a mistake in saving their com-
tobacco primings and put-
ting them on the market, there-
by depreciating the value of
their whole crop, the ad-
vice M gives along
that line is timely.
On Thursday
Evening Times
North Carolina
published a
If they could reverse the thing
and take the hide off the tariff
we would like it better.
As long as the trusts are in
control honest revision of the
cannot be expected.
Wright won out all right,
th government gives him
for his dying machine.
We had been thinking about
getting an airship, but advance
copies are quoted too high.
edition. It contained t-
pages and was a handsome pub-
The Times is up to
date as a newspaper.
The State Demo-rat of
coins a new phase
It does not
tit a murder case, but hits the
spot for the gentlemen who
skip with bank funds or em bee-
money entrusted to their
The New York World says
if set free, will devote
his life to That will
not be altogether as had as if he
took to the lecture platform.
But he should not be set free.
There is comfort in the an-
that the extra
of congress is Hearing its
The thing that ought to keep
on the minds of the people, es-
the farmers, is good
Durham Herald says
extra session of congress was not
Tomorrow, August 8th, the
editor of The Reflector will pass
another mile stone in life's
While he has been on
the journey longer than the
average, he does not feel that
his years are telling him at
all is not ready to he Oiler
worth the Nor the
price, either.
The Daily News, a paper at
Washington that succeeds the
lately suspended Evening Mes-
The and
Bank, of Norfolk, went in to
liquidation Monday, being
able to meet its obligations.
made its
Wednesday. J. L. Mayo is
I tor, and he starts out like he is
going to make good. Washing
Truckers ton to support such a pa-
per handsomely.
The mania among boys to get
pictures of baseball men out of
cigarette packages, is good
that the pictures should
not be in the packages.
There is much that the town
needs. At the same time the
aldermen should be careful in
the matter of levying taxes. It
is hard times and the people
already feel much burdened.
The government was about to
put a BOW one cent piece in cir-
dilation, but after the mint had
started to make them the treas-
department ordered that no
more of them be issued, owing
the fact that the designer
made his initials V. D. B. too
conspicuous. Hie new penny,
quite an attractive coin, will be
regarded as a curiosity, and the
mintage being stopped when not
many had been made, they will
doubtless be much sought utter
as souvenirs. The only ones The
Reflector has bad the privilege
of seeing were sent by Congress
man John Small. The penny
is about the size of the small
ones already in use. One side
has a bust picture of President
Lincoln, circled above his head
the sentence God e
The word Liberty appears just
behind his collar, and the figures
1909 in front of his breast. On
the reverse side are two stems
of grain forming a wreath about
i thirds around the coin.
four horizontal lines are one cent,
United States of America, the
words one cent being much
than any others on it. Cir-
above this very small
letters is the sentence
and near the op-
edge under the stems of
the wreath are the initials of
the designer. The Reflector
does think these are so
conspicuous as U detract from
the appearance of the coin, for
they are so small that we had to
look closely to find them at all.
We are glad U get the coin and
will keep it as a curiosity.
The Reflector is glad to see
that the Chamber of Commerce
of Greenville is taking life
once more and again taking
action in matters pertaining to
tie- welfare of the town. For
several months past no meet-
have been held, and while
the meeting Tuesday night had
a small attendance, it will be
seen from the report in our news
columns that matters of much
importance to the community
were considered. The CO opera-
of every business man
the town should enlisted
this organization, and if this
was given Greenville would be
seen going forward much faster.
The editorial comment of the
Raleigh News and Observer on
our report of the opening of the
here, is unworthy
the editor of a great State daily.
Such language can have but one
result, and no one better knows
this than the editor
of the News and Observer.
When the editorial columns of a
paper are constantly tilled with
utterances, the
average reader of average
will soon come to the
conclusion that there is some
other motive besides public
duty that puts them there, and
then the purpose of such a paper
as the News and Observer ought
to be is defeated.
In committee appointments
made just before adjournment
of the extra session of congress
Thursday, Congressman John II.
Small was placed on the commit-
tee of expenditures in public
and building of a new court
For s a contest has been
going on in county over
the question Of moving the
county seat from Dallas to Gas-
Three elections have
been held on it. The second of
these was six years when
Dallas won by a very small ma-
The time coming when
roads. He can render his
good service that com-
If Charlotte don't mind
she is going to stir up a
scandal. Bat it may do
good to sift things a little
and see just how the money
A Washington dispatch says
that Speaker Cannon is thinking
of not being a candidate for con-
again. It is almost too
good to be true.
There is talk of good times
and returning prosperity, but
the coming of these will be
largely with the people them-
selves. If everybody complains
and talks hard times it is easy
to make conditions that way,
while if all will talk the other
way and try to make times bet-
they will find that not hard
to do. Quit complaining, be
cheerful, and do your best.
The Manufacturer's Record,
of Baltimore, will offer three
prizes of and re
for three best articles
house was necessary, the
was opened Gas-
offered a donation of
while Dallas only came up
with The citizens of
the county again voted on the
question Thursday. A very
large vote was polled and Gas
won by a majority of
Several months ago a splendid
sand-clay road was built for
about two miles outward from
the Atlantic Coast Line railroad.
It cost considerable money to
build this road, but it was
money well expended. The
road was constructed by the
county with convict labor, under
the direction of a government
expert road engineer, and was
intended as an experiment and
object lesson to the people of
the county that they might see
what good roads could be con-
of the material
The building of this
piece of sand-clay road
proved a great success. Every-
body wanted to ride over it, and
all who did so praised its excel-
It more people
a part of the road over which the
precinct road overseer had
And anybody ac-
with the prevailing sys-
of keeping up county roads
knows what this means
This road has suffer-
ed under the recent heavy ruins,
and several bad washes and cuts
appeared. We are told that the
way these bad places were re-
paired was by the neighborhood
road hands throwing in a few
shovels full of ordinary dirt.
The idea of thinking a Ran
road can be repaired this way
It is worse than the Scriptural
injunction not to patch a new
garment with old cloth. It
Would be no greater folly to try
stop a leak in a metal or
slate roof by nailing a shingle
over the leak. Of course a sand-
clay road should be repaired
with the same material of which
it is made.
The county commissioners
should have some to look
after this road, and not leave its
care to the ordinary road over-
seer and neighbor road hands
who in looking after the roads
do no more than the law compels
them to nobody blames
them for it. foolish to
Tyson celebrated his
seventy second birthday last
with a reunion of all of
his children.
Mrs. Mills Smith and children
went to one day last
week to visit her sister, Mrs. R.
A. Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tyson and
were visit-
at Tyson's and R. A.
Willoughby's last Tuesday and
Ivy Smith went to Middlesex
Thursday to visit relatives and
returned Friday.
Mm, M. F. Smith, who had
been visiting relatives in Farm-
section for a few weeks,
returned home Saturday evening.
A. J. Flanagan, of
was in our town Saturday.
Miss Flanagan is
visiting relatives in our section
for a few weeks.
Misses Trilby and Gertie Smith
and Mark Smith went to Hay wood
Smith's in Sunday
Master Mack Smith went to
his uncle's, J. B. J. Joyner
day evening and returned Sunday
Misses Rosa and Ellen Smith
went to Mount Herman in Greene
county to attend an ice cream
last week.
Miss Mattie Little returned
from B. P. Willoughby's Sunday.
Miss Agnes Smith returned
from Snow Hill Sunday evening.
The farmers are nearly all
through curing tobacco in our
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Haywood
Smith and David Smith and
Misses Martha Belle and Jessie
have built this sand-day road Smith. Mr and Mrs Lloyd
unless it is to be properly cared
Farm Values aid Good Reads.
It is said that
Smith. E. S. Jasper
Joyner and Miss Flanagan
were at Sunday school and at C.
E. Sunday even-
Misses Rosa and Ellen Smith
county. Alabama, the price of , ., .,
, , , , . . went to Haywood Smith s Mon-
farm lands has from six to ,
day on a visit.
Lloyd Smith showed us an
of corn of the present crop that
is inches long. It grew on
his farm in Smithtown.
To the great disappointment
a good many people Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. received
notice that Rev. S- P.
would not hold the protracted
meeting the week after third
Sunday, but would hold it the
week after fifth Sunday. We
hope all will take notice that the
meeting will not commence until
the filth Sunday in. this month.
dollars an acre and in
Bradley county, Tennessee, it
it has doubled since the build-
of good roads those
ties. Men seeking farms
fer those that are located on
good roads and will pay higher
prices for them. With the
that is being made in the
establishment of good roads and
in the knowledge of their
to the owners of farms the
time will soon come when it will
be to purchasers, at
any decent price for farms which
are not so located. Intensive
farming, the greatest yield
per acre, is the order of the
day with intelligent farmers,
and it is spreading so rapidly
that in the near future the man
who e- follow this plan
will be left so far behind that
he will be considered in the
class of producers. Hand in
hand with these new farming
methods go easy access to mark-
and cheaper transportation
of farm products to of
trade- These be secured by
those farms only which have ac-
to good roads. Great high-
ways between widely separated
sections of the country over
there can be easy and
rapid travel is a condition great-
to be desired, but such roads
will not add nearly so much to
any section of the country
through which they pass as wilt
a number of well-made roads
leading from the of
trade into the surrounding farm
territory. The latter are
In a communication elsewhere
in this paper Mr. E. B.
so completely answers an
rial expression of the Raleigh
News and Observer as to make
it unnecessary for more to be
said about it. The Reflector
was indeed surprised to see such
an utterance in a paper of the
standing and influence of the
News and Observer. It brings
into good roads advocates which will build up
the towns and add to the pros-
any object lesson the
the county has had.
there is another side to
this question, and it is that side
The Reflector wants to
size now. It matters not how
well a road may be constructed,
it is not going to remain good
always unless some attention is
paid to it afterward. We have
heard it estimated that even
the rural districts.
Charlotte Observer.
What Is Best for
Mr. A. Robinson of On-
has been troubled for years with
indigestion, and recommend. Chamber-
Stomach and Liver Tablets as
bait medicine I ever If
troubled with indigestion or
give them a trial. They are certain
to prove beneficial. They are to
take sad pleasant in effect. Price
cent. free at J no. L. Wooten
Coward Wooten.
Heart Action
There arc certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it
Tor yearn I suffered with what t
doctor told had heart
trouble. I had tried many
the Dr. almanac
Into hands, and X concluded to
a Dr. Heart Cure. have
an and now are
at ail. am cured aM
did It. I write la
the hoc that It will attract the at-
of other who Buffer as I
SO. Main
Your Or. Heart
Cure, and we him to return
lint bottle If It fella
I benefit you.
Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind
The Crime of Idleness.
Idleness means trouble any one.
It's the with a lazy liver. It
constipation, headache, jaundice,
allow and blotches
I of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King's
New Life soon banish liver
and build up your health. at
graduate of the State Normal
and Industrial and a
member of the graded school
Authorized of The Eastern for and vicinity. Advertising furnished of R ha been
elected a teacher in the State
Moon, of material with which to PIERCES SCHOOL HOUSE ITEMS, j new
Miss ha,
Will Return Io Greenville.
Miss Birdie
daughter, Mrs. Stencil Hodges.
Any kind of sewing machine
needles, shuttles, bobbins belts
at J. R. Smith Co.
W. J- Boyd left Thursday for
Spring dress goods laces and
to match at J. R. Smith
J. C. Gardner and
Lyons went to Greenville Tues-
Mason and Lightning fruit
jars, and Caps at J. R-
NorfolK went
fitting, rubber and
belting, rope and pulleys ac J. R.
open or top Butler and Mb
wagon, cart or wheel home
barrow or repair any of the above
for you. Make you wire Eddie Lyons and W. A. Win-
and screens for your windows. were neighborhood
Shoe your mules and horses; last
grind your corn, gin your cotton,. Mr Mrs pierce
while you live, and then can fur-spent Saturday night with
Frank near Winter
Mr. and Mrs, Wingate
you with a nice coffin or
and hearse for yourself
or Come to us.
Yours to pleas-,
J. R. Smith Co
Mrs. J. W. Wyatt. of More-
head City came Saturday
went on to Texas, to
spend some time with his
, tn Hyman Buck left Monday to
W. E. Tingle went to to
T T Wood turnip and take a business course.
Miss was once a
teacher in the the graded school
here. She made many friends
in Greenville and they are ail
glad she is to return.
Fine Ear of Cora.
Mr. Lloyd Smith, of Beaver
Dam township, sent The
spent Saturday night and Sim-j tor a new ear of corn out of his
rutabaga seed at J. K. Co.
J. C. Rasberry, of Kinston,
was in town a short while Wed-
Mrs. Joe remedies,
Perkins Tablets and other patent
medicines at J. R. Smith Co.
Misses Jennie and Irene
who have been spending a few
days with Mrs. E L. Brown, left
Wednesday for Fort Barn well.
Lawns, Laces and
at greatly reduced prices at J.
R. Smith Co. a
Misses Lee Nichol and Lula
Hazlett spent Tuesday
hose for ladies,
gentlemen and children at J. It.
Smith Co.
Miss Lois Joyner. who has
been the guest of Mrs. E. Leslie
left Wednesday for her
home in LaGrange.
patterns and magazines
at J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs. R. M. Prince, of
cams Wednesday for a
short visit to her mother, Mrs.
Smith. Her Mrs.
W. L. Browning, who has been
spending a few day with her,
returned with her. Mrs
returned to her home
accompanied by her brother,
Major Smith.
Lime, cement, windows and
doors always on hand at J. R.
Smith Co.
D. G. Berry went somewhere
Thursday, going towards Green-
Try a bucket of use
J, R. baby is very
day with Frank
J. R. Tyndall and Mr. -m,
of Snow Hill, were stopping
with R. B. Sundry.
Mrs. Joyner Wingate spent a
days in Ayden
Mr. and Mrs. Better Nichols
spent Saturday and Sunday
Seth Tyson spent Saturday
night and Sunday in the neigh-
crop this year that is some
thing to boast of. It is inches
long. Si inches in circumference,
and contains grains. Corn
like that counts when gets in
the barn, and it what
good farming
Telephone, Telegraph and
Light Poles.
Considerate is being
to telephone, telegraph
and eh light poles by
the woodpecker family.
These birds originally built their
homes in the dead or dying
trunks or limbs of trees, but for
some reason best known to
themselves, have come to the
conclusion that the peeled pole
oilers better conditions for a
They have so ravenous
of their depredations
attracting considerable
among those who are com-
d use quantities of
wooden poles. Their activities
spread r a
the U ii .
the South, Southwest
For the week v An r
the Chattanooga
reports the
tries North Caro-
lop i eat
126.000 tare com-
noting company.
J I con,
Mt. C
com any.
Mebane Tobacco
com pa i y.
i-H I
v. i
Crimson makes an ex-
grazing crop during the
winter and spring. Plowed
under early in the spring it is
Mrs. G. C. Fletcher, of liens-
ton, spent Sunday with her
sister, Mrs. J. R. Smith.
J. B- Booth came in from Ox-
ford Saturday to buy tobacco for
the American Tobacco Co. again
this season.
Rev. Marvin Ormond delivered
two fine sermons in the M- E.
church Sunday. He is a talented
young man and bids fair to make
a fine
Rev. J. R. is not only
i but an up
He has been shipping
sweet potatoes several days,
besides supplying den market.
Mrs. A. E. Garris and Miss
Ella Garris returned last week
from an extended visit to friends
in Tyrrell county.
E. T Phillips and wife
are both on the sick list.
J. Mark Dixon has succeeded
J. W. in the manage-
of the Imperial tobacco
warehouse this season, and with
his brother, J. M. Dixon, will
make a good team for handling
leaf tobacco.
Glenn and Gentry, proprietors
of the Ayden tobacco warehouse
are hustlers- We are proud of
our warehouses and their man-
can't be excelled.
Mack Litchfield left today for
Washington and other places for
an extended visit.
E. Turnage spent Sunday in
Mrs. W. G. Ormond, of Or-
is visiting her
Mrs. Ula Jackson spent equal to an application of stable
and Sunday with her manure. Puts humus to the
Mr. and Mrs. Joyner I land and makes it rich
Mrs. Craven and
children spent a few days near
Greenville last week.
We are glad to see Mr. Lee
Humbles out again and hope
he will soon recover.
Musical at Ayden.
The ladies of the M. E. church
will give a humorous musical at
the graded school building at
Ayden next Friday night, Aug.
for the benefit of the new
low. Sow seed i August
and September. R. J.
G. for prices on seed.
We have car load
perfect fence. Will make prices
Carr Atkins Hardware Co.
Crimson clover, rape and vetch
seed at F. V. Johnston's.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
At the Close of Business June
Loans and discounts stock
Overdrafts unsecured 48.10 j Surplus fund
Furniture and fixtures fits,
Demand loans i
Due from 8,408.65 cur. exp. and taxes 684.8
Gold coin Dividend unpaid 72.00
Silver coin, including all I Deposits to check
Cashier's outstanding 46.80
one third less than lard, at J. R. Mrs. E. Turnage.
Smith Co.
There has been another small
improvement made in our town
in the way of a little more paved
sidewalk. We are very glad to
see this improvement and there
is one other place yet that needs
it very
John of Kinston, was in
town a short while Wednesday.
B. D. of Richmond,
was here a short while
We are sorry that Miss Lizzie
Mount is quite sick again. Hope
she will soon be out.
The Ayden tobacco market
opened Monday, forty thousand,
three hundred and ninety-four
pounds were sold at an average
of Ayden has two ware-
house with good managers and
School books, Bibles and
at J. R. Smith Co;
Guy Moore has accepted a
position with L. H. Witherington
K. Elite, a good top dresser
for cotton, at J. R. Smith Co.
royal blue shoes for ladies
and gentlemen at J. R. Smith
A visit to the large
plant of J- R. Smith Co.
Dixon will convince you that
they can furnish you with
lumber to build a and nice
C; t i em to
the ones most q u attack
ad. The birds bore into hem at
any height from ground,
and the h they Monro
are of ten two or inches in comp, .-.
diameter and four or five inch b
Such an amount wood , .,,.,
drilled from a of timber
which is carrying a load of wires .-i;. . in
naturally weakens the strength this i . t.
of the line. ; on i
1- would, of course, r. t be icon
difficult to town, r
these birds. However, this is-taxes nod the we Such
not desirable, as they are among men are m . i ; comm clay
the most beneficial forms of land ii i have to
bird life native to this country, few of Th if no
because they destroy large to the town, th or
of insects which seriously I their They i em live
damage forest and food how. Like
It sit therefore, that and flies, they are not
should be undertaken to fatal but disagreeable to haS
compel tie birds to revert o j
their habit of boring
than exterminate them.
Frequent inquires have beer
male the Forest Service in Henry Ward once
connection, but the only I the United Spates
information to date which the j every worthy n reads a
government has been able to j newspaper owns it. A
obtain is that on a casual j newspaper h a window through
of treated and untreated men look cut on all that is
pole lines in Louisiana. In going on world. Without
region it was found that poles a newspaper a man is abut up in
which had been impregnated j a small room and knows little tr
with creosote oil were not of what Is happening;
ed by the birds, whereas outside of himself. A good
treated poles the newspaper will keep a man in
conditions were severely sympathy with the world's
injured. current It is an ever
Whether or not creosote encyclopedia,
prevent attack is not bound k. r issuing and
minor coin cur. 1,060.18
bank and other
U. S. Notes
Total S
Miss Clara Foust returned
Sunday from a visit to New
Mr. and Mrs. E. If, Davenport
came today to visit his wife's
father, W. H. Harris.
I, J. K. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly that
the above statement is to the best o; my knowledge
SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me. this of June, J. It-
known, but the service is
investigating this problem, and
should this oil prove a prevents-
it will a two-fold
It will protect the
poles from decay and destruction
from animal life. In southern
Indiana, some members of a
Sore Eyes
Notary Public
Which Pays.
The business world was
this week at the outcome
of that one-inch advertisement
at which Jones Laughlin ran
in a paper of small but high-
grade circulation recently, and
which brought their
order from the Russian govern-
Pretty good investment
that, from a one-inch advertise
There might
be manufacturers who would
not expect to duplicate this
order themselves, believing that
such an accomplishment was one
grand exception proving the
rule that advertising was a
profitable e w
York Commercial.
Washington's Plague Spots
lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the
Potomac, the breeding ground of ma-
germs. These germs cause chills,
fever and ague, jaundice,
lassitude, weakness and general debility
and bring suffering or death thou-
sands yearly. But Bitters
fail to destroy them and cure
malaria troubles. are the best
all-round tonic and cure for malaria I
ever writes R. M. of
S. C. They cure Stomach.
LiTer, Kidney and blood troubles and
will prevent Typhoid Try them,
by all
year-1 buff red a
I bat case f sore eyes, say i
.-, I February, 1903. a gem era asked me
faction company thought they to try j
,, . t I one box and used two-thirds
could prevent further .,, Vi , any
of their poles by filling trouble This salve is for
j ,. Jno, L. Wooten an-i s
holes the wood with stones.
The birds, however, simply
drilled around the stones and
made th conditions much worse.
This apparently does not seem
to be a means of preventing
their depredations.
We will open our ready to our customers on Mon-
day Aug. 8th and we want bring us that of tobacco and
let us show you that we can do what we promise-.
Remember the place and The hew Imperial opens
Jay 9th,
Yours to serve.
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very lowest prices. Cash or Installment.
Come to see us and we will convince you
Juvenile State in
The advantages of the juvenile j the date June,
state have been tested in
Georgia, as training unruly boys
to become good citizens fit
self-government, instead of send-
them to prisons.
Now, the Saturday says,
the Juvenile Protective
of Atlanta is to have charge
of the Uncle Remus Home for
Children, to be established as a
memorial to Joel Chandler
near Atlanta. The site for
the home has been given to the
association and much of the
money necessary for the building
has already been collected. The
institution is to be known as a
juvenile state. It will contain a
school, gymnasium and
A few days ago a tar-
was found on the
I old place r Mineral Springs
with the initials A. and
carved on
its shell. The was
to town and shown to
Mr- Frank who readily
remembered having done the
carving with his knife
more than years ago. Mr.
Krauts kept the here a
few days and then sent it back
to be liberated where it had been
We wish to call your attention to our new line fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great care in buying this year and we
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Hats, Ginghams, No-
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
father has for years been
bled with and tried
mens possible to effect a cure, with-
out writes John H. of
W. Vs. saw Chamber-
Colic, and Rem-
advertised in the
can and derided to try it. The result
is one bottle cured him and he has not
suffered with the disease for eighteen
months Before taking this remedy he
was a constant sufferer. He is now
sound and well, and sixty
years old, ran as much work as a
young Sold by Jno. L. Wooten
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr. J
continue with
and Coward Wooten.
Graduate Nurse

Monday, July 11th, 1909
in our store will be greatly re-
in price, as
Infants soft sole Oxfords to were
Oxfords to were
to were
to were
Ankle Straps to were
to were
too. were
Oxford Ties to were
51-2 to were
51-2 to were
1-2 to were
Ankle Scraps 1-2 to S. were
1-2 to were
lo were
1-2 to were
Oxford Ties 1-2 to were
1-2 to were
1-2 to were
1-2 to were
Ankle Straps 1-2 to were
to were
81-2 to were
Misses to were
. 111-2 to were
Oxford Ties 111-2 to were
1-2 to were
1-2 to were
Ankle Straps 1-2 to were
1-2 to were
111-2 to were
Oxford and Ankle Straps, were
i . . mm
Ties, were
now lo
now 2-
now CO
Book and Baby
Lincoln 1- never spoken of in his
relations but as a kind
band and devoted father. After
they had their own home on Eighth
street and his children were prow-
up around him, one of his
neighbor me that the
Dim beet as a great tall man
in hit shirt sleeves, gently moving
a baby buggy on the lawn while one
long and hand held a book
which he devoured. She, little
girl then, remembers little more of
him until long after, when she
him president in Washington,
and he came out to see her, extend-
hit hand as cordially and simply
as he might have done over the gar-
den fence, with, Annie, how
glad Bob will be to know you're
A Tabled
A man once collided with an op-
don't you look where you
are growled the man.
you recognize asked
the opportunity pleasantly.
and I don't care to. Yon
have trodden on my replied
the mm, us he limped away.
believe the people
who say they have never had a
York Times.
A Puzzling
A business communication in
Arabic recently reached a Man-
heater i i late
by a S ii p
contain tor i I
i . v. sheep of r-
The tr.-
if his u,
;. at e did not kn w
i . I. or
the beads of the
. led
ion . i- was the
synonym e vocabulary of a pas-
Editor's Sally.
City Editor-What do you mean
by saying in this robbery story
was knocked down and re-
of a hundred
Were you ever robbed
New sir.
accounts for
it. If you'd robbed you would
not describe the loss of a hundred
dollars as a Louis Re-
I.-1 Bl Ml MB of our
only never deceive
are just in receipt of some
very fine couches. Call and
them. Vandyke.
aches. Dainty and
at Coward Wooten and Jno. L.
That's Coward Wooten's
the best to be had.
We carry
FOR Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles, Stationery, Etc.
Just Received
of Wire, and inches
Also a Car Load of Machinery
just arrived, consisting of
mowers, rakes, gasoline en-
disc harrows, smooth-
harrows, weeders and all
kinds of farming implements
in every line
Shoes, Hats, Dress Ginghams, Big Line Laces
and Embroideries, Shirts, Hosiery
With Each Cash purchase of One Dollars entitles you to a chance at the handsome 10.00
Dinner Set we give away every Saturday afternoon at o'clock.
The lucky ones have been as Miss Ethel Bowling, Miss Lucy Nobles, Greenville, N.
C; Wm. Buck, Grimesland, N. C; Jesse Cannon, Ayden, N. C; Cliff Edwards, Greenville, N. C; Lucy
colored, Greenville, N. C.
C. T.
Get Ground in Greenville
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
If you are
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale.
Terms to suit
L, C- ARTHUR, Greenville, N. C
WE offered three handsome prizes to the patrons of
our stores, and it is our pleasure to announce that
these prizes have been won by the following
who drew the numbers
FIRST PRIZE-A Mahogany Buffet worth to I. F.
Davenport, Ticket No. J.
SECOND Mahogany Princess Dresser, worth
to T. W. Whitehurst, Ticket No.
THIRD piece Toilet Set worth Mrs.
W. T. Burton. Ticket No.
These prizes are now at our stores and will be delivered
to the winners on presentation of their tickets.
This is to say that I witnessed the drawing, and held
during the contest the winning numbers for the three prizes
given by Taft fit Boyd Furniture Co , and that the prizes
were drawn by the parties as mentioned in the above state-
These prizes are absolutely free to the winners, a every
purchaser got full value for every dollar's worth of goods
bought from us.
We carry a full line of Furniture and House furnishing
Goods, and it will always pay you to buy where you can
get the right goods at the right prices.
Taft Boyd Furniture
It you want your HORSE to
fast and pull strong buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Leas
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place ii headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and kinds of
Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement.
The man you are looking for
when you need
Bill Posting; and Sign Tacking
and for Adv.
Pictures Framed to Order
The Warehouse boys arc netting quite gay,
Which is likely to bring the editor i
While they change their style of advertising to verse,
Cutting their good traits and
As it makes no different-. whether the meters and rhymes are measured by the
yard or a ten to l .
Just so we strike at the t or hit near the hole.
So we make but not too quick.
And put in a lick for the CENTER
The Center Brick has a strong, yet soft and mellow light.
Which shows up j our a I right.
Her I is the best in the town.
Near the factories, stations, and where the people up and down.
The Center Brick as a War house, is all right,
Will keep you tool in summer, and protect you the wintry night,
Her stalls are good, though on top not quite so tony.
Will keep warm your horse, fat or bony.
The Center i m
Without a single hint of darkened shade.
Her crew are men tried and found true,
You might sift them and not a spot ti blue.
There's old man the friend,
Honest all the day long unto the end,
You tell by the cut of bit frock
That he dealt in futures or watered ins stock.
The man who has stuck to the people in thickest of the light
And dared to maintain the principles of justice and right.
He has never stooped or at doings that were wrong,
Nor listened to strains of the weird song.
He has stood fast at the helm without his collar
And shoved your tobacco to the lat dollar,
And if you want to see him brighter
Just watch the Center this
There is Hut the veteran auctioneer
Has had many a farmer to give him cheer,
He know., how to treat the tobacco boys
And to add to the farmer's and joys.
He is a judge of the weed and knows its worth
And pushes for the high with a smile of mirth
While every attempt to besmirch name
Makes for him but greater
There is Spain, who your bill.
As good as ever push d quill.
A Pitt county boy and as true as the needle to the
And justice in transactions to soul.
There is Rev. D. W. Arnold assist In the clerical work
Ard anything to add to the i he Will never shirk,
While upon Moor you will rind
I And night or day as true to duty as an old seaman.
Ed. Harris tin- i i Guano man,
Who does his fellowman all the good he car-.
Will book and see u are paid ht
Bad will you polite.
Last but not least assistant on II or is c. Cook
A house is not complete without R cork,
He is a farmer If like the rest
And knows just what suits e farmer beat.
To it up and aim ever so high
You will have to scrap the
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Important Changes in Schedules
Between Washington, Wilson and Raleigh, N. C
No. No.
Sunday Daily
Only Except
Effective June
No. No. No.
Daily Sunday
Except Except Only
p, it.
A. II.
P. M.
A. M.
A. M.
A. M.
A. M
A. M.
Through Schedule Between Raleigh, Wilson, Greenville,
Washington and New Bern, N. C.
A. M.
A. M.
A. M.
P. If.
Effective June
New Bern
P. M.
H. C
Choice Cut Flowers
Hoses, carnations, and violets
a specialty. Wedding
and floral offering
ranged in best style at short
notice. Bummer flowering
bedding plants, rose
hushes and everything in the
florist line at
Raleigh. N. C.
Safety Razor Blades Sharpened
at cents a dozen.
Agent for Carbon
Taper mid Typewriter Ribbons
none better made.
All do
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N. C.
Pressing, Altering, Dyeing,
Scouring, Chemical and Dry Cleaning.
or no charges.
In rear of Herbert Edmonds Barber I
The North Carolina
College of Agriculture and Mechanic
The State's college for vocational
Courses in Agriculture and
Horticulture; in Civil, Electrical and
Engineering; in Cotton
Milling In Industrial
Why not ht yourself for
life by taking one of these courses
Address .
D. H. HILL, President,
West Raleigh, N. C.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Cobb Bros. Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Mil I Telegrapher
MORE i ii- If State hi
ii i in- i.
which r. i
m is ore I
I lo a
N. C, A. M. HUB.
About th. Section of th. At-
Coast For Wrecks.
No other section Atlantic
out line, not even the
Capo Cod, mid Block
island, can offer n o
surpassing the roll of
and death which is inscribed on
the shifting dimes of Hire is-
For the last years
have been going ashore on the
beach, and every now and then
come upon their bones, tearing up
gauntly out of the sand. I
the groat majority of 111- wrecks
have pone the way of all things
earthly. But the light of half a
dozen timber, from
the face of a dune, making an ideal
shelter for a brief rest, suggest
of a tragedy the
past. too, the waves
wash up odd relic that the
have been toying with for
generations, and the old
of the coast, standing at Heir
cabin doors, with shaded will
point up and down the dreary
to the where
mid steamers and any number of
other gallant came to grief on,
the sands. I
There arc a peculiar charm and
attraction about Fir Island
that only to a.-counted for by-
its desolation and tho grim event
connected with its history. Tins
does not apply to the
clustered about the and
the observation towers, hut to
long stretches, monotonous in
apparent that run en t
ward toward the sheltered waters of
hay. It is almost
that such a barren,
landscape can V found within
of New York city.
At certain seasons of the year
you can walk for hours and never
sec a
Atlantic Coast Line
that in on solitude are
the twittering calls of the sand-
pipers that flit overhead. At dis-
intervals faintly marked trails
load up the lows and bluff inshore,
tending toward the huts of lonely
tucked away in the shelter
dimes, scantily dad in dune
grass and otherwise,
save, for the wreckage that clogs
the beach, yon would not he aware
that human beings existed any-
where. The sand covers everything,
obliterating footprints as fast as
thin are made.
All the and jetsam of
sea come to lire island. Bit of
woodwork, pails of small boats,
hatches, balks of timber,
and chicken coons, hits of
nil from a to a
shattered hull, are washed
over the outer bar. If tho ghosts
of all tho ship whoso hones have
been bleached on Fire island sands
could be they would tell
tho com maritime history In
chronological order.
Bluff nosed Dutchmen out of
Amsterdam, stout English ships
from Hull and town,
rangy Fr stalely Span
lards, like tin last victim of thO
beach, and many o goodly Yankee
crew have listened to tho thunder
Of tho breakers and teen the whit
and through tie spray,
for miles beyond ken, bare of i
human soul. Hut l t was in the
days before the of
the life saving service.
Many ii storied has met her
; fate on Fire island beach.
; and or, frigate
and slaver, coaster, fishing
yacht and liner have pounded
themselves on tho
bar scarcely shows be-
neath the swell on a
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
Mid Kinston, Effective April 1st,
p. m.
n. in.
u. in.
a. m.
a. in.
T. C. WHITE, G. P. A.
East Carolina Training School
Established and maintained by the State for the young men and
women who wish to qualify themselves for the profession teaching.
Buildings am equipment new and modern. Sanitation perfect.
opens October 5th,
For prospectus and information, address
H. WRIGHT, President. Greenville, N. C.
o d w i mos
Furniture and House Furnishings
. .
A rapacious
York Post
Bonds, Life and Fire.

In Charge of S. C. CARROLL
Authorize Agent of The Cistern Reflector tor Application
Nice lot o crockery t re-1 buying now. W. L. House Co. Kittrell went to Greenville Moe.-
J. E Greene spent Thursday.
ii I with relatives
a n m's
ires just in.
ii. Berber A Co.
Una . . slay Carroll
tram . visit to
A.; and
As it hath please-d Almighty
to call to her reward the wife
of Brother J. E. Hack, be it
1st. That it is the sense of
Tribe No. Winter-
N. C, that the community
his an amiable and
After spending some time here
. with H. Butt, Butt
I returned to his home at Bonnets
J. S. Ross went to
The people went to
Greenville Sunday to be present
The man who his life is
wise family.
The man who insure hi., health
is wise both tor his family and
You may in. by guard-
it. It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of
through the I end
in ways
At the close of business, June 1809.
Resources Liabilities
Capital stock 18,000.00
. j,, Surplus fund
arc wing to sell out out
yOU .
pants see us
A. Co.
, at of Rev. B. F.
Brother Buck has lost a loving . . ,, ., .
, , . , , , L. E. Cox, Misses
and faithful companion, i,. . u ,. . ,
., , , , , , .
a, we feel deeply the . ,, .,. c. . ,,
. . . . Esther and Mir-
row has come over the , . , ., ,
Johnson, and Mary Cutler.
Rev T. ii. King and r. A.
i went
entire community the sudden
am unexpected death of Mrs.
That the deepest
Herbert Cox, They report an
excellent meeting.
And save your health.
Loans and -mints
I Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
I Furniture and fixtures
I Demand loans
Duo from and
Cash items
i Gold coin
Silver ruin, including
minor currency
I Nat bank notes and other
S. notes
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes pd 850.86
Hills payable 2,000.00
Time of deposit
Deposit subject to
Duo to and 87.27
Cashier's cheek 1.00
Considers Some Very Important Mat
In response to the call of the
president for a meeting of- the
We, J. Green, Cashier and F. A. Edmondson, Asst Cashier
of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the host of our know ledge and belief.
Asst. Cashier.
Your team thy of this entire brotherhood
to th
. .; . . is- ,, . , . -i- . . ,. , .
tow. Rood extended to Brother N c-; Saturday evening court borne night, a, this 80th day of June,
. . of to Buck aRd the in i ms work as f the business men of the 1909. R. II. Hunsucker,
the off. It i of High town attended,
teed C d on us for it,
Barber Co. resolutions upon our
Rev. . r. of Green- minutes and a copy be sent to
vine. Was . town V Brother Cue;, and copy to
a . . An
lS l J. F. Harrington,
E j. r. Cooper, Com.
. . . . ears o.
I Car load of nice bright hay
a a be ;
lot W.
He leaven this morning
for the north eastern part of the
Prof. H. F. of of Commerce in and sworn to be-
J. F. Harrington,
R. II. Hunsucker,
A. G. Cox,
Wooten read a i
from Earl R, Brown, of. , . . u
the U- S. Engineer Corps, asking ,
for facts and statistics in i
river for . v years, and why
these fr . have decreased in AT GRIFTON, N. C.
built. letter was discussed In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, June 23rd, 1909
by severs; of those present, and .
state in the interest of the school.
Prof. Nye also left Monday after-
noon for and Jones
counties. The prospects for a
school next year are good.
Rooms are being engaged rapid-
Saturday afternoon,
at o'clock the Sunbeam;
W. D, J.
Loans an-; ants
Overdrafts Capital Stock
Undivided profits,
1,199.521 less cur. ex. tax's pd
I Bills payable
TOW Deposit
j Buggies are getting cheap.
A large tot of Come to tee Hunsucker at A. G.
She-r t i i
. . ;
Harrington. Barber
Joe v ft m
for mil
We make the in
th-; c. . us,
A-G. . Co.
His, .-. v. Was
i C
jars, rut caps,
r M
ville, .
right d .
. . .- -1 ti .
left i. . .
Seven .
A lit . .
at and
East t Co.
J. D. v. .; .
. d the
same c.;
the social feature with the golden, asked in I movement to secure
rule, and the members h-d
each other with refresh
there was much fun and
;. d of water in Tar
river to insure navigation the
year round and about a
return of water transportation.
A motion was also adapted
Is a Brickbat Brick or I . ; the president of the
Cox Co.
Winterville. N. C.
Now Is the time to get your I
Pries right, workman-1
ship guaranteed Came to see.
a half brick to the
. . . town and of the
am the
other V. S. notes
.,. Deposit subjects
to check
I Cashier s Checks
233.00 outstanding
. j case we t
had a
. . c
ton, r
. . did
. mi ii of
s of the training ii
. tat .
in t . of ;
. d, 17th, if
. I cold drink be
. . .
A lot of
shoes j received.
A. Ange Co.
Don't forget that this is the
last month the special sale
now going on at A.
For ell kinds of nice crockery
see A. Co.
Yes sir. Ange keeps Dr. Hes-
and eggs a goods for sale because they
Come a. get beat J arc the best,
Leave orders for ice at
P. T. . in town W. L. House Co. They
regular visits. antes prompt delivery.
For We are off -ring prices
mowing , . in on shoos, patent medicines,
and pocket cutlery,
next thirty days.
W. L. House Co.
For steam pipe cutting
fitting go to L. House A Co.
Barber Co.
see ii . .
;. . .-.
son . Mai
and .
We are e line of
just received a large lot
fight . nice for winter war.
service J. D. Cox left for
The . . Tuesday,
and R C. . K ton. Keel, of Green
Will Come . and begin ville, spent Monday night here
the art with Miss Evelyn
I our Mrs. F. C. Nye and Miss
era v. ha j. . received a Laura Cox went to Greenville
car yesterday,
give you ;. I price on same, Deputy Sheriff, Walter Tucker,
I is In town Saturday-
Miss Janie Kittrell went to
K. T. Cox I, . Kittrell Grifton Saturday to visit Miss
Went to morning to Annabelle Kittrell-
fl Leon Hobgood, one of our best
We returned Saturday from
I How trip to Oxford and
Al t of points u; the
1- is your Prof. H. F. A. W.
Ange, Leon HobgOOd and Joe
asked the cooperation is desired in
solicitor, the occasion a
J witness, able one for
a asked the The executive committee
. . the chamber was asked to meet
A ball calmly ans- L , , .
the witness, with for regular meet,
assurance of the soundness of organization during
his tall and winter months.
so there you are. Stales- j
ville Landmark.
I, T. Gardner. Cashier of the above-named bank, sol-
swear that the above is true to best of my
knowledge and belief.
G. T. GARDNER, Cashier.
L. J,
John Z. Brooks.
W. Dawson,
Homer Military School
1851 1609. I
Oxford, North Carolina
Classical, Prepare for col-
or urn;
prompt obedience manly
GS with experienced
ant ins family,
no crowding.
moral, menial, Shady
lawn, park, quart, r track.
In the
of r, Christian people, The town noted
over a century MM educational
Col. J. C. Horner, Principal, Oxford, N. C.
A Cooler Without Ice. F. J. GETS CONTRACT
Messrs. J- R. Jones and W. C.
secretary and
dent respectively of the Sanford
Cotton Mill, have invented what
Fellows Meeting in Be The average pool room in the
The delegation of Odd Fellows is a den of
attending the district convention They good time . f ,
he, returned It is a and water
and the
report a splendid meeting., orals they are . . m
and good time. The cf any kind. The
invention or water system is
Bethel, who never left a stone
for their comfort and
persona in the room. Most of land York will have their in
them dressed like the average j patented so that it can be
j placed in other cotton mills
manufacturing enterprise. in per lineal foot for
,,, , . , . dude, inhaling his cigarette and
next meeting win be with , . , . , .,
.;., up occasional oath,
lodge, Washington, on. . . . , ,
t,. , . while a few more were indulging
Thanksgiving day. . .
r. j- r ,. I themselves in a bet on two
proceedings of meeting , ,, . . , , , .,
n r At three clock the
see the North Carolina , u j n,
c r, o very same pool room had
Fellow. E- E. Griffin, Sec. . , , .,
visitors. Several of them were
the husbands of young wives,
who are working at various jobs
for a
of the Season.
Grand excursion Wilson
to Norfolk via Norfolk South-
two days trip,
leaving Wilson a. m. Fare
from Wilson to Arthur, inclusive,
from Greenville to Bryan,
inclusive, Th re will be
special cars for colored people,
will be Served in
style- See our
for I
Moore and J. M. Cox,
Subscribe The Reflector.
Hit Bid Was the to
the Board.
The Seventh Ward Local
Board's Street Committee
Eugine chairman, met
this morning and awarded to F.
J. of Greenville N. C,
a contract for laying
sidewalks, and com-
curb and gutters of con-
in the Riverview section
of that ward, he being the lowest
Udder. Mr. bid was
sidewalk, cents per square
yard; curbing, etc., cents per
foot. He charged cents
the country. To put it in gen-
use would mean a saving
of thousands of dollars to the
manufacturing industries of the
Farms for sale, Money to
Apply to J. L. Fleming,
ltd for
comers, extra of above bid,
where such corners are used.
Mr. the successful
bidder, is the contractor for the
laying of the city's Newton creek
concrete drain, the amount of
this latter contract being
Norfolk 7th.
New Mullets at S, M. Schultz.
An Improvement many and Bronchial Remedies, because It ride the
system of a cold by a I cathartic on the bowel. No opiates. Guaranteed to give
or money refunded. Prepared by CO. CHICAGO. A.
D. J. and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Daughter Steals is Driven to
Greenville. And is Married.
All the world loves a lover,
was illustrated here Friday, and
that fact, no doubt,
ed by J. F. Taylor, of Chad-
who came here to take
back is pretty daughter,
left her
In the sinking of a naval tug
Mis Char who
horn-1 some weeks ago.
After she left home, the father,
for some time, could not
whereabouts, but hear-
that she was here, to
he came, found her working at
cotton factory and
with the family of
Cherry. A, first
positively d to return but
when her father threatened to
invoke the law, she reluctantly
assented, but d that she
could net return in
had. nor could she gel ready to
Mr. Taylor consented to wait
over a day, and also took her to
Those Coming.
Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 14.-Arc-,
committee, of which W. boat near Boston, on Wednesday,
C. Etheridge is chairman, will I two North Carolinians were
meet all trains arriving at the among number drowned.
Union station Monday were Dr. C. F. Trotter, of
Tuesday and W- When j Hendersonville and C. L. Taylor,
you get oil the train, look for Franklinton.
man with Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City,
or for Head-J N 12.-The annual
quarters, R Committee.
These who intend rooming at
the college should notify Mr E,
B. Owen, West when
they will arrive, but failure to
do this need not prevent
a store and her an from securing a room a. the col-
excellent dress and other cloth- on his
and a trunk.
Friday night, all at Mr.
Cherry's retired early, Mr.
Taylor included. About
o'clock, he says, he heard Miss
Cherry and his r in an
The accommodations for room-
at the college are not good.
owing to the fact
Happenings North Cam- Thirty Two Thousand Route, Bring Mayor Will Record That the STILL
the City to the Farmers Door. Be ,
The telephone connection The trial of the ac Offender-In-
brings the distant city to the with q-t Afternoon-
farmer's door. Rut Rural Free the speed limit in town
Delivery more. It brings quite a crowd in the mayor's
him the newspaper, telling court this morning. There were this morning a telephone
all that has happened round the three message came from
world in the last twenty-four Evans Sledge and M. H. to Coroner to go
hours And it is daily paper All entered a plea of hold an inquest over
that has widened his horizon net guilty, but during the pro- body of a white man named
from the office of the trial Mr. Brinson, whom Sheriff
of the globe. States plea to guilty. had killed during the capture m
men and parliaments and famous witnesses were examined, a
have entered hi, and while none could testily No detailed be
personal field of as to the speed the
New inventions, great achieve; cars made three were run- and D Hyman and Tucker
, . , c at the all went out to hunt for a moonshine
of to were making over still about which some informs,
with the some thinking had been received. The
Hew which
living with his was being run by two white
k. And all men named and Button.
U guilty and placed The latter captured, but
J k r. of and cost each-1 Brinson. with a shot gun.
as he himself that to defied officers and
he him, tin result
-iv . would recommend to the alder- being fatal.
within the further
don it Ho seldom gem . K . a .
any i and ho
ii , . that t. an hour,
weekly papers. mar. f.-
farm r was not to blame. To-
u.-y there over free-
delivery first route
Out at
, meeting of the stockholders of
State Farmers Convention, and North Carolina
and make yourself known. I h at Atlantic
committee will take care of I hotel today. The election of
These who prefer will be two new
in satisfactory Messrs, S. IV. Ferebee. of
accommodations in the city. county, aid
while those who wish to room at q. Richardson, of Dover,
college will be escorted there Ferebee, later being elected
and provided with rooms Samuel M. Brinson,
cost. of N w Bert;, was elected at-
general and
Dewey and D. J. Broadhurst
wen re-elected expert and sec-
and treasurer, respective-
N. C , Aug. Al.
I Thompson, a white man, shot
luting to room at the his
should bring towels and pillars
with them.
yesterday after-
noon and attempted to kill W. H.
with whom she h-d
I eloped some weeks ago.
the col-
sun had kept of his
V .-
adjoining room, moving things has no furniture or two ,., woman, and
bout, but supposing they that j when Seaman re.
stole the
parties in
Thompson had
A rate of one and one-half ho was at
fare plus fifty cents has been work. The report is that
granted the State upon learning that they had
for the coming day's j but such as is there will be a j tamed today they
Journey, he went to sleep again, the disposal those who from the
not to awaken till this morning, to avail themselves it. Be possession Tl
he found bis daughter go u
and Cherry also.
Friends during the evening
had applied h. for a
could be
learned up to this afternoon, none
of the officers nor the coroner
returned from the scene.
Li an effort full
and h that the scene
I only c miles from town,
and E. G. Flanagan took a party.
Coast Lino Get j editor, in his
and left here about
Turn r Office, Ore,
S. ii. -j-.
. had occurred Borneo
mil further, between
iv . the Craven county line.
The distance was so great and
re ids so id that the automobile
v. turned home.
the man Killed by
. . . was an old
and had the of
a desperate character. He
;.,. ; . in h the State
. for violations,
a d n when he
of life to give it an points north
;,. wrote to the yesterday, for th chain
Department at Wash-, schedule of the Atlantic I t
for Line at Wilson following
Norfolk and Southern change
has made this possible.
The first train of the S k
can be obtained, l -1 from the
to have nuptial knot t agent a receipt for tie
co cut the parental b the regular
bride took ail new
and had a
The young lady gave as a
son for leaving home that her
parents were not kind to her.
Since she has been here she Ins
made many friends and is
The groom is an industrious
young man, and es-
The entire party did not
come all the way to Greenville,
but stopped at th home of , .
D. C. Barrow, in August 1909
township. From there the
Mr, Bennett came on to
Greenville, obtained the license
to Justice Barrow's
homo where performed the
her dead.
when them down to a. in. to with a ail
them on a five mini if necessary.
the holder. The rates will apply j workmen of the car builders de-
to all points in North of the A. C. L. shops
and from Portsmouth, at South Rocky Mount went out
Suffolk. Danville, yesterday afternoon from that
Virginia, and are granted by the of the company and
Atlantic Coast Line, Durham today the number was added to
visitors in his son's room.
This is n or
but an actual
and Southern, Norfolk and
Southern, Seaboard Air Line
and Southern Railways. The
tickets will be on sale August
1900, and properly signed
certificates will be honored for
return journey on or before
Reform is Real and Determined.
The News and
thinks that it would be
best to keep Harry Thaw per-
incarcerated and to
send Evelyn to
Alaska. The march of
keeps up in this dear
Old North State. Having
ed the out of
North Carolina, the are
now looking around for new
worlds to
Information, sample
and programs may be
cured from the secretary or E.
B. Owen, Registrar of the Col
West Raleigh, N. C, upon
application, T. B. Parker,
Small Boy Rescues Chum.
Babies in Years.
Me., Aug. 12.-A
daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Dickie, of Canaan.
yesterday, the twenty-second
child born to them in twenty
seven years. Mrs. Dickie was
married when she was only
years old Mr. Dickey was
only a few years her senior. Of
twenty two not one
has been sick except with child-
Seed rye at F. V. Johnston's.
by a few of the employees of the
same department on the lower
yards leaning their work. Their
refusal to return to work is not
styled as a strike but instead
they declare that they are re-
idle while the committee
may arrange for their being paid
for certain parts of their piece
work which the company
recently ref Mount
Mr. Tony a young man
employed as foreman kiln burner
for the Pomona Terra
Works, died suddenly at the
works yesterday morning about
o'clock while giving an
of his strength by lifting a
fifty-pound bar of iron and
it above his head a number
of times. He and a companion
were engaged in this test of their
strength and Mr. said he
was going to raise it above his
head thirty times without put-
ting it down, but when he raised
it the fourteenth time he dropped
it and sank to the ground, say-
He died
happening and TA toW
say the only of the kind on las Saturday
in honor of her Misses
Long, of Garysburg and
of Scotland Neck.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall were
ed by Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wood-
A party of three small dis- ward in receiving the guests,
and also in serving refresh-
industriously wriggling their
hooks in the waters of the Pam-
seeking to entice the wary
robin, and catfish to nibble
rt the tempting bait, when one
after Rec-
, , . f of the trio fell into the
The contract was
day by Mr Charles L.
of Beaufort. N. C. to
Clarence Simpson a local con- . ft
There was a jumble word
contest word being the
names of in which the
prize, a set of gold pins, was
won by Miss Helen Forbes.
Another interesting feature
was a spelling match in which
Mr. Woodward cut up to the
head of the class and
for life in the water, ed a deck of cards. This he
. j struggling for lire in water, ea .
tractor, for construction and still boy upon permitted of
completion of the new hotel in . . f , , That he did cut for and Miss Long was the
. u K .
to do this the Vocal by Hal and
Miss Long were greatly enjoyed
by the guests, also instrumental
selections by several of the
the little by the sea.
plans and specifications were
drawn by Mr. H. Simpson, of
New Bern. When
reason that John Havens Moss
is alive and running about today.
Nat. S. Fulford, Jr., better
this new up-to-date modern hotel known as sprang into a
equipped with steam heat,
lights, hot and cold water,
will a credit to the town and
something the people of Beau-
fort should feel proud of. It
will be a winter as well as a
summer home. An attractive
feature will be broad verandas
and a wide board walk to the
channel with a concrete
The management of the
hotel expects to op an its door.-
for the reception of guests on
only two or three 1st.-New Bern bun.
hood ailments. They are all ,., , . .
in Canaan. The oldest one instantly, gasping for
boat that was tied nearby,
t ready for the excursion
him to the boat and pulled the Norfolk Southern to
over the side. The coolness and Norfolk Friday j A crowd is
presence of mind displayed
well he envied
this boy may well be envied by
many an older person, and he
says that had there been no boat
handy he would have jumped in
water tried his best to
save his little
ton News.
Our Greenville, yours if you
On Tuesday the contract for
furnishing the class rooms of the
training school was awarded to
Charles J. Parker, of Raleigh.
Millinery stock and
store for rent. o Mrs.
N. C.
r T-

Eastern reflector, 13 August 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 13, 1909
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Joyner NC Microforms
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