Eastern reflector, 30 July 1909

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

I In Charge of S.
I . Advertising Rates on Application J
. , L m and day. W. and B. F. F
p. . F. A. Edi
I. person cf a habit
benefit l taking
Hi I
; .
T .

. citizens
I . . . .
W. Rollins, Wood
. II i Smith, . Paul
I cf
will den
ii relieve the
the apprise remove l.-
Take Substitute.
Ai tin- c-f business, June
lit . or.
i f it.
. h
P be of
. . .
left for
Frank Broadway. They report
a pleasant
for Girls.
cl re the
K in the
. . ,. ,, , , ,, ,,,,, Woman's Home Companion.
V C. July 21.1909.; .,,,
Mrs. C E. nitrate she leaves h r
the I stand that
to it
. . L. . p ;. el an
. . . I I
. ard get i
c;. i .
U i
c. i
s I
i of animals fore me,
. .
. ,.
. .
Friday d
Mills Smith went to ind not the lion.-s.
Friday evening. hi older taught
F. Smith, who had to build
o. .; i- I. P. i i mud
for a few days returned and ere; the
, , deal will Billy's . .
Mi a Smith out a very John's an i to the to. .
Loans and
Km- from
I . S.
. . profile, less
exp uses and pd 860.89
Bills payable
Time deposit 208.90
subject to ck
Due to Baa. and
Cashier's cheek 1.00
We, J Green, Cashier and F. A Edmondson, Asst Cashier
of the above named do hI swear that the above slats
is true tie- i.- of knowledge belief.
Asst, Cashier. Cashier
Subscribed and to be-
, kit-d cl
this 80th day of June
K II. Hunsucker,
Notary I'm I
I. F. Harrington,
R. II Hunsucker,
a. t;.
i ii try, ;
of r. L .-
t j ;. I ,. i learns hist
V. Nichols, of withal i June 23rd, J
Chic i . . .
. . i; i . .
. Jas. L. Maple 1- .
I. r can. . . can . i
our and
.-. t i Via t
. 1-
V .
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. .
. . . . .
. . . .
. J
, , .- Id
. .
., t . J n
I. n I
. S.
as many
hi the
at Mills Smith's i . . q .- cam i RESOURCE
. tint.-.
o she i Overdrafts secured
c . . . and
U j. . . . Due
. i the ; and Bankers
mod items
Silver coin,
Silver coin,
minor u cur
provide v-k ,,. .
i rear
j. . . .
tO .
. . . .
u evening.
i Sn
U i . . S
Rev. G. H. Crumpler filled . .
r. Sm r.--i . i r
school. Sunday and preach- ., , the
ed very i m .- . . family yet
c mo
. We tad a very good Surd; i for the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
rec there boy. st the; I, Gardner. above-named do sol-
to make t;., . i n of
b. lief.
other U. b. notes
Undivided profits,
1,199.52 cur.
Tills payable
. . Deposit subjects
to check
Cashier s Checks
. Farm- wives and i a into either
i. G. Cox Co. of which n .- in
. D on. of the tom Pal
. , of the I two wagon
. . . ram in m
. . ignorance
. d .
of its
. . VI
. .
i .
If u i
. -i
, i I
n, Co.
a me
ii . i . .
L .-. . d vote for
i. i
her in ;
. . i, . to A;
.-. . . i.
. . just, received a
I . i . . .
c ii lain.
. . on
and . j
M i a .
t ace as II
c at II ; I
a ace ye r,
u I U r th y
get a .
a B ii b i .
E nice I right hr
A. W. A-
Another Ii e of trunks end suit
shoes i received.
y. r.
W. Co.
A i received
I .
. a f CO
of tie p i- had
I nu ll death
of my child a reek or
A i
about my
I wish you v mi in
your I columns, it it don't
coat anything, have a
calves t- s II,
Send r. c tuple f extra copies
of the paper week. my
Subscribed and s . i
fore me, this d
R, F. .
G. T. GARDNER, Cashier.
L. J. Chapman,
John Z Brooks,
W. W.
i t fob
A, N C
Among lore most Col . in South. Four distinct
Art an . o and Art. Run at co.-t.
subscription is
IV t.
hard to
. . .;.
E wear.-
ii right, it wean
rig tit ; d H price is right,
i u i b Ir before the
lot is ed over.
Mrs. Pal went to below cost.
Mi's Gertie Smith who baa
been visiting A. J. Fla .
hay home Sun.
day evening.
I will cow give ail a very
, i i my paper,
alight on of cur town.-. V i
. . , ., waste money on a newspaper,
is considered
It on the
road miles west of Greenville,
and or miles east of Farmville. Owing to n-y advanced age,
i Notions just in. only a large have decided to sell my farm
for Sale.
k ale now
on W. Co.
ii Hint,
p and see our new styles. occupied by B. P. Cobb near Princeton in j
Barber Co. J mile north of and Johnston county. Nine
slot of furniture Arthur is mils south. Smith- crop cleared, buildings of j
town is miles northeast, every kind including tenant
miles south, houses, barns, shelters, tobacco
or about barns pack houses. Grist mill,
miles southeast and cotton mill and two
burg about-1 miles s All million feet timber, all
Military School
and manly carriage.
old. with
prim an I
bull I no
physical and
lawn, one .
environment, in ii.,.
u century an
Col. J. C. Principal, N. C.
I. Carolina Supply Co.
F and comfortable
leak call or write A. G.
of Co., Winter
C. Th y have the
r Co.
Alter spending i v
with Janie Kittrell, Mist
. . . . the right price.
Doing a Good Work.
may be pardoned just he
to refer to the good work
that you call your
done by Mr. L. Joyner,
of Greenville. N. C. He I i
of are only Land i very
hoods except Arthur, an . that ii Good water, heal
productive, by their
railroad i sol-dated warehouses are
. and caps, a railroad station, at which place siding on great work towards helping
on, Barber Co. we think tho road ought to build a located with the
I calls him
answered the old colored man.
did you come to give
him such a
de animal
papers. mule
abuse any-
L in returned to the in shelter if nothing for there markets, schools aid churches, by taking him into cc- township an
her home at Saturday, the county, and tee us. j are many and comers Co Ten miles from partnership and teaching h d h own way
Miss Meta Dew went to and be convinced. and from that point, and when miles from and importance of proper plant ,
Monday returned Tuesday A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. lit rains they have to wait in
evening. Mm- Fred Smith,
v . Buck turned Sanford, Fla came in last night
from Kinston Monday. to visit relatives and friends here.
C. S. went to Greenville Cox left last
Satin day. nigh, for Grifton where will
Misses Minnie Nelson and Elsie Miss Taylor
Brewer, of Vanceboro, are visit- Miss Pittman, of Kinston,
Mrs. Annie Stock Buck. is visiting Mrs W. O. Broadway.
Will of Seven Misses Maggie Brown of
is her her Greenville, and Clara Petty, of
the mile from Princeton. The farm
could be divided into at least
tracts, each track
having a line farm upon it open
The worst night cultivation. Price upon
oil or They raid plication. Terms cash, balance
your to you of rail Not mi . ., . ,.
with Ur. New Life I'll a. They ten v tomcat
never but N. C, E. J. Holt,
always cleanse the System, cure colds. o.,
he constipation, malaria. L
a I
mo r, Mrs. Cox.
are visiting Misses
Miss Cora who spent Carrie and Henrietta
seven last week with Miss We are very glad indeed to
Janie Kittrell, left for C. f. Cox with us again.
. where aha will visit her i not forget how to smile
a-int. Mrs J, O. Bobbitt, i while away from home.
Rev, Jno. R. Carroll j The following gentlemen went
day for Snow Hill, where hello Morehead from here Sun-
and P. M. Johnston
when in town for general engine
and boiler repair work and any-
thing you may need. Shop op-
Hotel Bertha. w
will treat you
handling and marketing hi
We refer to Mr. Joyner's work
because we need more such men
and fewer of that class of
citizens who are
about the country sowing seeds
of discord and creating a
dice in the hearts of farmers.-
Winston Southern Tobacco
de same
Marriage Licenses.
of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last
and Mattie
J. R.
Stocks and Carrie
Our yours
you if
An Improvement over many Cough. Lung and Bronchial it
acting on the bowels. No opiate.
Prepared h CO. CHICAGO. V. A.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction
One Dollar Per
VOL. No.
demolishing a half section LETTER FROM J. A.
of the bridge and causing twenty
I j price of ten dollars between two THE
j Sunday school sing
I Rutherfordton, July -Ten-
Offers Great Opportunity to Tobacco year-old boy of ill Blanton
for a Or- ; run down and accidentally killed
. . by a lumber wagon near the
. . Rutherford late
The Reflector has in the past; afternoon. The boy at-
had much Farm- on the brake to
four of the forty cars to fall in WRITES INTERESTINGLY OF ST
the water. The engine
Differences in Customs cf the People
Consolidated Company, its j on the bat missed his
twenty-two cars crossed
Many of the cars were loaded
with lumber, which now lines the
banks. No one was hurt
Spencer. July 23.-Being hurled.,
five hundred times around a line j
shafting in the Southern Railway ,., a
this afternoon, W.
He Still Locks Longingly
Toward Greenville.
area of in
this section known as the Ch
as the
and I the county its
name from them. I was
prised to learn they did not
ass or mix with the
but have respect for
whites, contempt for the
They white man
Indian next, dog. and then
. i regular visitor to our house, and
footing and fell between the a very welcome one. it has
I fatally injured picked ;
; up. given immediate surgical at-
and carried to a hospital
his chest and killing him almost
Hendersonville. July
Stepp, the old ; Q an condition. So
son of Mr. John Stepp, who lives. the force of the
about six miles from this city on j shafting that every particle of
the county line, was bitten , was torn from his body,
by a rattlesnake yesterday even- was fifty years old and has a
j family.
Durham. July The year-
progress from to since
organization, and the
it offered the farmers for organ-
controlling the sale of
their crop. The record of this
company is an open and
if it had not possessed merit and
been conducted on conservative
business principles it would not
have readied the great success
to its credit today.
It is a pleas-ire to know that ling and died late last night.
the company today is larger and j
stronger man ever, and is
warehouses in Greenville,
son. Here at home it has ac-
quired three houses, and will
operate them all this season.
Mr. O- L. Joyner, president of
the company, has organized the
forces well this season and
will do a business. The
different houses of the
dated this season will be manned i
Struck by lightning, the barn
of Mr. Edward of Goose
Tobacco, Cotton, Hogs. Wheat,
C in Potatoes.
In my canvassing trips a few
was my pleasure to
spend the night with Mr. Will
and in looking around
over hi farm, I found an exam-
of invitation by our
best farmers In fact his
neighbors t him as the
only farmer in th section, yet
not written to
but few of my friends that I left
behind, I thought some of them
lines in The Reflector, of our
stay in th; mi country.
We lived up to July 1st in
beautiful town of Hickory,
metropolis of
The two-year old child, son of j county, and found it to b a very
old child of Rev. W O. a Barnes, a colored resident I pleasant and agreeable town to
minister, was Belltown, met a strange and five in. its being i
Kinston Ail- choked this evening death yesterday and social any
This shows the
none imitate or profit by the
by the Indian. example set them- In his fields
I find different enter-1 a crop of
here from anything tobacco, cotton, corn, oat, cane
have seen before. For potatoes, none to the extent
be Interested in a few I they here a factory for grinding over cropping. aM well
up chestnut wood and extracting WOrked and in the highest state
acid from it for tanning loath r. cultivation- In the pasture he
here a ninety-six head hogs,
tome line milch cows, and a few
beefs for the winter.
There is also near
for grinding up white rock,
known as talc and used
for rating Hour,
so I am
This country has mineral.- of
kinds. is found
apiece of candy. The
mother had gone over
to the
her a fisherman, and carried j to be found any where, and m.
home among his catch, a family are residing
Watt's Hospital tho father or minnow and gave it to I But as my object for leaving my
gave the baby the candy. It the little fellow to play with, j dear old county was to seek
a piece and in a few min- he at once put it in his i health, I decided to come still
was It had been per j and tried to swallowed it,; further west. I am now at this
well until a minute before, but fish caught in his throat point Cherokee c
., . . U the extreme western
the accident.
J. P. Lovelace, manager.
C. F. Meadows, floor manager.
J. L. Gibson, floor
W. P. Edwards, bookkeeper.
F. D. manager.
N. Mallory. floor manager.
E. B. Thomas, bookkeeper.
E. A. Brown, assistant book-
T. II. Walker, floor manager.
B- I. Conn,
W. Leslie Smith, assistant
Z. T. and J. I.
Thompson are. for the
three house.
t Joyner with an
efficient clerical will direct
the business of the company
from the in the
If the farmers who make
tobacco will take advantage of
the opportunity that is offered
them by the Farmers
ed Tobacco Company, in a few,
very few, short years they will
have the richest organization of
farmers in America, and in the
accomplishment of things the
most powerful. The tobacco
farmers are waking up to a real-
of their importance and
are seeing advantage of
effort. It is the ambition
of the Farmers Consolidated To-
Company to erect a
structure that will prove a
monument to the tobacco far-
and a credit to their
Creek township, with two corn
cribs, was burned Monday after-
noon of last week. Much
was lost, but the grain and
live stock were saved. Promptly
next morning the neighbors
gathered and began cutting
trees, hauling them to the saw
mill, sawing the lumber and
j building a new barn for Mr.
I The occasion was made
by an accident to Mr. James
one or the good neigh-
at work. A tree fell on
and made a The is the extreme western
child in agony, was in the State, and in the
to Dr. who removed proper. I am not only
fish as as possible but j trying to find health here but
the little sufferer's last breath as well, as I have
went with Bern ed myself with a good roads
In his crib was plenty of old
com and fodder and oats and in
the was bushels of
nice wheat thrashed out and
some in the mountain streams, j nicely put away. He has several
am told a man can easily in grape vines and sells much
a dollar or more per day washing their product, a fine orchard
out of the sand from many bushels of
streams. There are also and apples. His good
of copper, iron and mica found had over of the finest
here. Only a few ago I have ever teen, It was
northern man came here and paid a to s Grandpa Starkey
for an option feeding them, with the
of this
in every direction, and
him and severely hurt him. The brought the
company, and have
. taken a contract to build about
e the northeast
road through town am
John V- of Stony . ,,
township, while returning W.
with a load of hay. was literally; This still a
the but nor so far behind -in t
The hay was scattered known as the Duck
on he thought he had
found I visited an iron
mine a few days ago in
the percent of iron is profitable
to work, but is not being i-ed i
on account of some trouble be.
tween the owner and the lessee
These people are getting to be-
they have fortunes hid in
earth and whenever a
for the land.
when brand
but now a
em system.
part Of
wound r- on the head.
Monroe Journal.
home a handful of hay could I building of this read there
Set and on the wagon.-Golds- come this country a gr a
,, many people from other antes
Headlight. up most of the
As the m friends
following the remains of Mrs.
Hon. Charles L. of
Beaufort, has decided to erect a
modern hotel in the little city by ,
the sea. He has purchased the Wade Smith to the grave in Con-
Royal property now occupied over Monday, the horses to the
be the which he leading suddenly stop-,
to enlarge and improve, j pad. This stop caused a
The new ho el will be a modern of all the horses in the long,
winter procession, and the horse
The customs of tho p are
from th o.
level country,
on hone back,
scarce. It is a com
s. e a woman come
And when went to the table
and of that home-made
flour, brown ham gravy,
chicken, and Jersey butter
and every vegetable and fruit of
the season, I said to myself this
is living days to the week.
is an example will
do to point to. Our people have
it in their own hands to solve -he
em, trust questions,
or any other question. Our
and will produce that
ii. could ask and a
per ii of
m i w u d
prices could be main
d. I b that
be stimulated to
i methods L
resort and will retain the same
name inlet Inn which is con-
ducted by the
Bern Sun.
Shocked Lite Wire.
At Tarboro about seven o'clock
Friday evening during a heavy
rain. E. P. Meredith, an
went to repair a broken
The red spiders did consider-
able damage to cotton in several
places in this county last year.
They have again made a start on
the Harper farm, one and a half
miles from in some
cotton belonging to Big Allen
Sanders, a tenant. They
seem to have originated from a
poke stalk which grew under a
small peach tree in the field. It
is said they usually start from
poke stalks and it would be well
for every farmer to cut down all
the poke stalks on his farm.
This week will see the
of the work of clearing the
timber from the right of way
the boggy in which Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. Hoke were
took fright. He darted sudden-
out of line and turned the
buggy over. Mrs. arm
was broken and Mr- hip
joint was sprained.-Newton
land big
thing to
riding into
wealth here. sue. as timber town on the back of a mule
mining lands, and have built berries,
up small towns with good dwell- kind of fruit. I
banks and I have said enough tor
mountain tram roads run this time. May give you more Potatoes,
rung into the towns, H Please toll me the best to
you j Plant W potatoes fail crop
have cone i. here I am coming,
seeking wealth, were people of, J- A-
of adapting
J. K. Hutchings.
C. D. Store Entered
day Night.
means, intelligence and enter-
prise, and they have stimulated
the native mountaineers to be
more industrious and enlightened
and they have improved
since the days when
Governor used to come
through our eastern country tell-
us about the crude ways of
living of these
and how I can get them to
up. I planted some last year
for fall crop but they did not
come up. X. X.
Good Attendance of and In-
Topics Discussed.
After digging
the first crop, the potatoes in-
tended for seed for the second
Between one and two hundred Crop should be stored in a dry
farmers gathered herein court place. They may be spread
house today to attend the farm- out on the barn floor and cover-
are a long way behind the
,, , n some particulars. Hut they
night the store of Mr. C.
Y , . v institute, and it was a time ed straw, or dry
of interest and profit to them. The second crop of Irish
into m w The institute is in charge of-toes is usually planted during
Some time
of August. For
three weeks before
id a practical farmers, Mr. J. sometimes
Entrance was a good graded school and I county and , moistUre which
Dr. W, J. of
tho I street and road improvement. deliver ad-
for the inland waterway.
the contractor has
. , i ed all the trees and will now go
wire was dead f Christmas
interest in this water-
through bun rendered J that will reCeive Look
unconscious by the shock and
i the store of Mr. C. .,.; the State Department of two or three
Tunstall, on Dickinson avenue, and with him the
was broken into and a town farmers. Mr. V. J. sometimes exposed to heat and
of goods stolen.
effected by breaking; . . j
in the front door of the dry goods patriotic,
department. What small change I J
S the of July. On my
and Mr says . , found
missed some pants L having a big time over a
suspects but fail- town team and an Indian nine,
ed to get evidence sufficient to in which the Indians were the
hold any of them. is the j and nearly the
second time Mr. Tunstall s store. turned Mt it.
has been entered. he
his hand so badly burned that
it is thought he will lose some
fingers. It was many hours
after the shock before Mr. Mere
regained consciousness.
attention shortly.-Beau-
fort Look Out.
Goldsboro, N- C. July A
northbound A. C. L. freight to
day at two o'clock in crossing
the steel bridge over Neuse river,
three miles south of city,
New Mullets at S. M. Schultz. one of car jump
was a wrestling bout in which
Honesty. Hanging Dog and the crack
Honesty is the best policy, and wrestler of the town were the
the policy that stands for hon- participants and in this
the one that succeeds. w was the
The exercises wound
success because every policy it up on Sunday, the 4th, at a
issues is honest, , try school house by, with
practical farmers, Mr. J. sometimes exposed to heat and
hastens sprout-
aid in securing a
These gentlemen deliver ad- better stand,
dresses on soil improvement, j if the potatoes are sprouting
cultivation and rotation of crops, at planting time it maybe well
and other subjects, that are cut them, otherwise probably
helpful to the farmers. They best not to cut them,
give examples from their own as the weather is usually hot
experience, as well as from i and sometimes dry at the
others, as to best methods of i the second crop is planted, they
farming. should be planted rather deeply
Two session of the institutes a well prepared, rich soil,
are held, morning and afternoon, Rolling after planting is advised
but owing to the crowded to compact the soil which has
columns of The Reflector today
we have to defer a fuller report.
The same gentleman will hold an
at Grimesland Friday.
Farms for sale. Money to loan.
Apply to J. L. Fleming,
. hi
ltd H. Bentley an contest for a ltd for
n loosened by thorough prep-
S. .
beds and library ;
are something j need.
See Taft Vandyke.
T l

By of
Land Sale.
the in pm
J . wen
i s Oxfords were
I o ere
to were
A . i I to were
to were
I i
Oxford Ties S. ere
S, .
1-2 to w re
o were
A i-2 to w re
1-2 lo S, wore
to w re
1-2 we
. a 1-2 to were
s to
81-2 to were
1-2 I i w re
A ; 1-2 to were
. 81-2 to en
to were
111-2 to .
1-2 to wt-re
u were
111-2 to were
i-2 v.
1-2 to were
d . B t i re
t No. No. bl ;
the or will
lo public to the highest lie;
before the e in I
North Carolina, on Wed
25th day of August, 1909,.
noon, a certain tract or.
lot of i- in the county of lilt and
In Korea when
C I H i J f am am. P j at tic wedding
v 11th
V I I a B bill h . her lips dyed scarlet an
m w h Pitt court on her eyelid pasted I so us I
v f ant
in our store will be greatly re-
el in price, as
deprive her entirely of light. K
women an e to
very but, .- n rule, they .
well treated by tin r husbands. TI
have pretty m pint
blossom, . i a.
Sate North and described
as to Beginning at the
corner of d streets and
running s. with eel i feat,
thence in an easterly direction parallel
with street to the line
Of Miles Grime, thence with the Refining the Torture.
Of Grimes in a northerly A convict in n prison had
lire as
wife until they have a s i.
after which they known as t
mother of that son.
.-ft to Second street, thence
in a Westerly direction to the
and being a part of the lot No.
. n pan of the town of Green-
villa. Terms of tale ca.-h.
bee. extremely refractory. One
morning the warden said to the
say, I r. the scour.
I is acting worse than ever. Put
him on bread and
he is already doing two
or good, sober, re- give him a cookbook to
liable to travel on
This 23rd,
W. H. Long,
. ; commission. Most be able to give
I Th
an unexpected on
Hart Fleming, Ayden, N. C.
please in.
now --.-
now CO bond if
The R does job work.
ts Ox
now as salesman
now either in store or on road
now Address P. O. Box Winter-
now vine, N. C.
now on
now I
now p
o now
now D
you In the
Mary we
alike before Ts
London h.
When you b
to trains No.
Should Have Social Attention at this Season I
Stock Food,
International Worm Powder
Ti i,
v. ,
o no
and Vermin Destroyer
of Wire, and inches
Also a Car Load of Machinery
just arrived, consisting of
mowers, rakes, gasoline en-
disc harrows, smooth-
harrows, weeders and all
kinds of farming implements
in every line
I ; .
h I P
v --i rt.
u nil U w
Is, Dress
is, Big Line Laces
and Embroideries, Shirts, Hosiery
With Each Cash purchase of One Dollars entitles you to a chance at the handsome
Dinner Set we give away every Saturday afternoon at o'clock.
The lucky ones have been as Miss Ethel Bowling, Miss Lucy Nobles, Greenville, N.
C; Wm. Buck, N. C; Jesse Cannon, Ayden, N. C; Cliff Edwards, Greenville, N. C; Lucy
colored, Greenville, N. C.
Happening, in North Caro-
Since the first of the year
local tax districts have been
for rural schools in
this State.
The death of Dr. William
Henry Harrison Cobb, one of
eminent physicians,
occurred of heart disease this
morning at
O'clock, after a two ill-
aged years. A brave
Confederate soldier
sally beloved citizen has gone to
his Head-
progress m
made in the work of ridding
r. .
i- saws i
j, K. ,
Write Mention this Paper.
; J
. J
ltd. l
la Warm Weather.
The business woman must
extraordinary care of the health.
or the long summer work will
on her.
The one f of precaution that
pays better than others
is to plenty of sleep.
The time to take a good part
i of is before midnight. Two
I hours before midnight, they
say, are worth double the time
So take recreation in the
evening, if you must but it
j early.
It is just as easy to start out
Ion a trolley ride or a trip to the
i park a little earlier, home
N. C, 1903 better, where
entertained her friends at.
made in of ridding North b Alice Spier's
f cattle ticks. n
twenty United States of Mary
. . At I . .
such trips are frequent,
and one's looks.
that Improve the Cir
injure increase of
The first thing should de-
sire for our children is good
health. Every boy and
should participate in those plays-
and games which based
the activities that give poise of
body, depth cf chest, strength of
heart, active blood circulation
and good digestion. Every
child, before and after what
be d the age of game,
is reached, should at walk-
in difficult places, at climbing
and hanging by the arms, at
swinging, at digging and
hauling, at running and
dodging chasing, at
at jumping, at
The place to I your
stock to select from,
now in the are at work j of New
in the counties of .,.,,
Chatham, Dur-
m y.
Stokes, Union. Vance, Wake.
Wan en, Wilkes and Yadkin
The spacious porches w re
I decorated with Japanese In
I and a profusion of potted plant.
Throughout the evening music
was rendered by Hiss Rosa
About eleven o'clock the
guests were invited in
dining room where a
If every business woman . at
an average of nine M ., , t
hour, sleep for the next two , . ,
months, . and
breakdowns at the end of --j , . ., . , .,
our Hardware.
to ,
Agricultural Implements.
Plows. Mowers, .
Cutters. and hi-h got
both riding and walking,
American Fence
in the most a . n in I
Complete stork of ready n
the in
course and
cakes were
out in pink and
Reidsville, ivy
Bennett, who resides with
her brother, Mr. J. H. Bennett,
just north of Reidsville, was sol
badly stung by bees yesterday
that she was compelled to take
her Her h -id and
were very and her
suffering has intense- The
be s had swarmed and been
ed and in passing the
yard Miss Bennett was set upon
by them and had to be taken
into the house, so had she
become from effort to get away
Allen rules tum
l J
I r
I , -t- ,
i , .,. , raw Is Ta Daws
. by a
I,., k . ii lot-1
deal perhaps, but is mere
. to at or rather be.
i in bed by and getting up
the eight-hour regime,
j f, y do won
of of
hearing, clearness of vision,
of t i the rest, and
continuing through of
judgment, of impressions, memo-
h i ii lion,
teed l
will do well i u ; .
Ii I .
j call. We will appreciate yo
. . re yo- r order run-
tee prices. When wish .
in the above don t i to .;
j jiffy to. a, won-
consisting of a salad de j,, , good .
delicious and
served, if is the habit of your family
scheme being tastefully go t bed late, make an effort
to break through the habit for
best if not the only
means whereby b
a. d may, up to a certain
point, take full possession of their
Those invited were a. k than ,
Miss Mary Carraway. of New Record W b -y and.
Bern, with William of f
. . the mind the perfect master of
i t i ;,;, n AGO. , , d These Include, first
Tucker with e f a m b, o
Hellen. man h ;
. .
. a
alien. men, o ,
Gardner beginning perhaps with the
HOBS , . wild . , rat
of Ayden. A W. Brown simple of tip CW,
i-f Mi-., i board, jack
disease. it bad for Dr. marbles. hop-scotch,
.; which cured me. Stones, i
Miss Annie B.
Heb r Brooks,
Hie with
Mis- II den Ch
lid not have he writes, I top-spinning, ard
severe .;
as I did from a
. with
i u i j p ii
o . amendment
i I v- it
;. i ;. . --1 C
m t--s
the ground that amendment
that not
effect amount of to
. r.
Miss a with
Mm- Dre with
Lizzie Blount, of A,
with Jesse Brooks.
Miss Willie Freeman with
Marvin Taylor.
c re I concluding with the
lo M s
.- ire Longs, e games ball.
d prevent there is a of
on aim i-w r
by ail druggist. boys and girls beyond
body and mental n
need of certain moral and so
AT N. o.
At the close June I,
Capital stock
Surplus fun
bums and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and . profits loss
Furniture and . .
cur. exp and
Cash items of deposit
Gold coin . , sub. to cheek
mental Cash items of deposits I
th. need of certain moral and so- Deposits sub.
, . ,,. qualities, the foundation . 315.75
laid in genera N and other S. J
like and lazy, t. Every boy and ill Notes
t ,
be issued, interest, time of David of A
C till .
m of interest, change th
amount or character of the bonds
imposed tux, created no debt
nor pledged the faith Of credit
of the State. e amendment
no way affected the purpose
the bonds and was therefore
immaterial. Judge Allen
this demurrer to state
t h
that the I are valid.
The case will now go to the
court for final
should know those games
daisy Now bis strident courage, self-respect,
the alley, ski for
up the price he
be with You will of u
sail for SO pounds, The to.
plenty, and the fellow makes th
rounds and deposits i-
you mate a single kick, or put Came Near
in a holler, or say you've a bone j end Mrs. R. II.
K Davis, Cashier of the
that the above statement is true to r
edge and belief. K
Subscribed and sworn to -re
me, this 26th day of
Notary Republic.
W. J
. .
M. is.
Hirer tors.
Mr. and
Mrs. Alice
I had a very attack
of R. N. Of
Cat Island. La.
was unable to do On March
I had t attack, and
took Col; , Cholera and
Remedy, which Rave me
prompt relief. I consider it one of the
test medicines of kind in the world
and had I used it in HOB believe it
d have saved me a hundred dollar
doctor's bill, Sold by J. L. Wooten
and Coward Wooten.
Wright went into over her
BOY'S SAVED. and her husband in bU
little boy, four year, old,, had to her ex-
See P. M. Johnston for mil
repairs and supplies.
Tin th. In It
. .
Ho Ton th hind,
Mid la
Jell ICE
It If lo
on. . Bilk
bUm two
. A ha can
for a dollar or two which will
for . and
Ii Pow-
Sold all
rut Co., ti , N. T.
Captain and Mrs. J. S. Barr
are entertaining this week at a
house party at their beautiful
appointed home on Third street,
an even half dozen of as pretty
and charming young ladies as
the good Old North State has
ever produced, and Weldon has
opened wide her hospitable gates
to these fair visitors and greets
them with a welcome smile.
The young ladies are, Miss
of Wilmington;
and Misses Ar-
Joyner, Mavis Evans,
Myrtle Warren, and Hilda
Critcher, of Greenville, the for-
mer home of Mrs. Barr, who
was before marriage, Miss Helen
Forbes, a leader in the social life
of the beautiful town of Green-
Young ladies, we bid you not
only twice, but six times welcome
to our city, and when you return
to your homes, may you realize
that all that was done here for
attack of
two both ox them gave up . . . th
We gave him Chamberlain's i time t u i
and remedy, which
him and believe I
Ham Hill, A a.
There is no doubt but his rein saves
the lives many
Give it with oil according t- the
plain d directions and a cure is
certain. Po tale by J. I. and
Coward Wooten.
Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At tin- close June
i and it seemed st one
would be lost.
Messrs, John K. Williams
Calder went to their
rescue and after heroic efforts
were successful in getting them
Prof, Wright was re-
elected president of the
Eastern Carolina
The Cheapest Ad. Training School at Greenville,
. . a. , S. C., and both he and
Mr Greenville Merchant d hero
you know that advertising in
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and
Due from and 11,050.73
Gold and silver
minor coin currency i
The Reflector is the most
you can use, and cost loss
than any other method you can
adopt Suppose you ask for
rates and try an ad for results.
The cheapest ad is in the news-
The terrible itching and smarting,
incident to certain skin diseases, is S
moat allayed by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. Price
For by J. E. Wooten and Coward
who will congratulate them upon
the success of their rescue
Wilmington Star.
Capital Stock
pro ; I
esp uses an I La . p
Time i ; ; 078.76
sub loch
mil J 4.5811.04
Running repairs to all kind of
your pleasure and happiness steam
Not Quite
How often you can i
call or driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
Is a you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of C our Si .
I II Cashier of the above-named no sol-
swear that the above is true tn the best my
knowledge and belief. W. H.
and sworn to be-
fore me, this -20th day of
Ti Carson,
Notary Public
M. i.
s M. Jonas,
For ten years I ride a
horse without being in torture from
writes L. S. of
fey., all doctors and other rem-
cured for piles, burns,
cut, boils,
by all
machinery, all systems a ape
Agent for Machinery
novelties. Give us a trial.
All work guaranteed and terms
left at H. I.
will receive prompt attention, or phone
form of bowel may come to
Balsam. Warranted by J. L
You get
Horse Goods t c
J. p.
f or blank to
. V
. ea. aV
; .

Subscription One Veer
Six Months
Single Copy
-i business office in I h
Reflector corner Evan, and
hit . I r.-fl.
in the pot office at
N. C-
N r to be nil
oat of a prohibition State.
r. ii a U i i
; .
Jay, the r article,
can almost anything
y. ; are looking but money,
Tin have much
i the tariff revision.
It is u ll
from this State, to the
Charlotte Observer, says there
was plenty of frost in
Thursday morning.
It is usually the witnesses
get the drugging from law-
in but a
trial in the disciples of
turned their guns on accomplished a great feat.
Ob Sunday a Frenchman
made a successful
across the
landing at Dover- He made
the trip half M hour, travel-
at a rate of speed from IS to
U miles hour, lie received
an ovation when his machine
landed safely on English soil.
you feel better tor
passed through Sunday am
tali , a Jay of
You fail to put a good
if you not lay or do tome-
thing or
You may to burr;
up, but congress is
own time about it
Dr, Congressman
must bare been talking
mainly to hear himself,
The fellow who is not called
on to pay hills now has tome-
thins to be thankful for.
a stranger comes to
town look after him and
him the In-st we have. Motown
bas better advantages than
to offer the hove
TI v. nor of Alabama has
in extra session t i
ire that Slate to
u ma prohibit ion
ore e,
farm TI made a ; III
a mill m I liars on their
this i Thai
. ii . there is money in
for market.
If a Palm a storm,
p . I be re
iii --1- the of brisker
to come. Let us
. . view of hope I r
he extra of congress
adjourns by of this
k, us has dieted,
re must be U
i . r if the conference
ii in ii tees.
Son e the con-
to poke fun at the airship
I bey are . .-i
g I all lit. For one a e
in the sue
j i of air navigation,
New York physician is ad
to leave off entirely.
v. inter and that is the
inner purl of our apparel. That
hit the underwear
a lick for sure.
If the court Thaw In
on the public again it u ill
what it ought not to do.
You create interest in your
town by having faith in it your-
self and letting your enthusiasm
; ad to those with whom you
This issue of The Daily ,,,,,. ;,, i.,., ,,,,,.
tor goes to 3.500 people, and the to talk up your town,
advertisers get the of it.
. time
Taft and the business men of
conferees put in practically all
lay Sunday trying to come to
The president gave the tariff
conferees a White House dinner
and reached their hearts through
their stomachs,
It is as as Gospel that
this is yours if
you All who come
the glad hand of welcome.
The Chicagoan who walked
miles in hours,
minutes and 4.1 seconds is
somewhat of a sprinter.
Congress certainly ought to
shut up shop and go home.
The extra session has been about
on a par with a school
If something will just hurry
along to help pay bills it will
lighten the burden on not a few
shoulders and make sleeping
much easier.
The fellow who predicted that
the comet was going to cause a
frost in July most be happy, as
he it right. A telegram license tax.
lead of the
other tons
getting together an I securing
large cotton mills, it makes us
why does not
got busy along that line. There
is every advantage here for
factories, and the town certain
needs them.
The summer is coming
from the West for laborers to
help harvest the big crops the
farmers of that section have
raised. And next winter the
Southern farmers will buying
those same crops, at least the
corn and hay part of it, which
they should be raising them-
selves abundance.
is looking to
the opening of the Greenville
tobacco market next Monday as
the beginning of activities for
the fall. While the
is light, we hope prices will
be to bring about an
era of better times and
ed The farmers have
bad a bard pull and are entitled
to r.-i mention.
Ir die Duke is in
it again. being A
with former matrimonial
he recently
I ill this State for license
again laws
of North Carolina he i-
re i. of the alliance b
former wife, Mrs Alice Webb,
hence he was denied license to
marry in this State.
In court records it is mil
USUal for a man to be pulled for
beating his wife, but here is a
.-as.- in which the table
turned. In Wake county
court Judge Allen sent a
woman to the workhouse fur six
months for heating her husband.
In addition to treating her bus-
baud had. the woman conducted
a blind tiger.
Our townsman r.
has accepted an invitation
attend the reunion
veterans Charlotte, the
latter part of August, and will
address his old comrades on that
occasion. There is no man in
state more loved than Governor
Jarvis, the reunion will be
made all the more interesting
by reason of his presence.
i he tobacco market
will open next Monday, and a
word of The
would give the is, do
not crowd the market early iii
the -ea.-on. August will be a
month of warm weather, when
tobacco will be bard to handle
safely, and if the crowd
the buyers during that month it
will result in a glutted market
which means low prices. It is
better to sell the crop slowly,
especially early in the season,
hold hack for cooler
This is the plan the farmers
should follow if they want
factory prices for their tobacco.
size, that several citizens had
mortgaged their homes to buy
cars. The Charlotte
credits a hanker of that city with
saying that the banks there had
It an . on automobiles.
From this it is inferred that
many people who have
biles buy them on credit, and
the machines not being a source
of revenue such debts are likely
to be bard to pay.
The man who is
making a light in Greensboro
and Charlotte against the near-
beer license tax imposed by those
cities, is not having altogether
as easy sailing as be looked for.
lie was arrested and in Charlotte
appeared before Judge Webb
for a writ of habeas corpus which
was denied, and in the city court
of Greensboro he was fined
both instances appeal was
taken to Supreme court and that
tribunal will decide whether the
cities have a right to levy a high
About the crankiest ideas of
the present age are those recent-
advanced by Dr. on his
It is nothing
new for men to arise who try to
explain away the teachings of
Bible. It. has been so all
through the ages and will be so
to the end of time. The
founded upon God's
Word, is good enough, and there
is none other by which men can
reach salvation and eternal hap-
The world needs no new
brand, yet there will doubtless
be people with
who may be ready to follow the
new teachings of Dr.
Elliot to their own eternal
We heard it said of a not far
away town in which are a large
number of automobiles for its
One of Greenville's greatest
needs is better drainage, and it
is a matter lo which the alder-
men should give immediate at-
I the system of
street work that has long been
the custom here, the of
the street- have grown constant-
bight r with little or no
being given proper grade
or drainage. As a result of mis,
portions of the town are Hooded
with every large rain, doing
much damage not only to the
streets but also to the property
of citizens. It creates expense
to the town lo repair the streets
aft r every ruin, and also makes
town in danger of damage
suits by people who are injured.
The safest least expensive
alternative is to remedy tin
with proper drainage.
The Harpoon magazine
that i. the name of a
publication that comes from
Denver, Col,, and bids fair
to reach rapid prominence
throughout the The
motto of this magazine
a return to law in the civil
and it goes for the abuses
of this law with gloves The
Harpoon specially champions
the cause the railway mail
clerks of the country and is
doing a good work in calling
attention to hardships surround-
the labor of this army of
government and tin
little provision made for their
comfort and health in mail cars.
There is a good field before The
Harpoon, and it bids fair to
stick deep enough to fill it
A. Walter is editor and pro
Much anxiety was felt over
the country the last few days
over the report that a severe
gulf storm swept down upon
Texas. The mind
run back to the destruction of
that city by a similar storm nine
years ago and a repetition of
that disaster was feared. While
the storm itself was almost as
severe this time as before, the
damage was small, the dispatch-
es bringing the gratifying
that the city was pro-
by its 17-foot seawall and
escaped disaster. A part of
island was submerged to a depth
of seven feet or more, but the
people in the flooded section had
ample warning and escaped to
places of safety so that there
was no loss of life. Home other
portions of Texas along the coast
suffered considerable damage.
We have heard it hinted that
one of the rural mail routes
served from Greenville was
slated by the depart-
to be discontinued. We
cannot vouch for the accuracy
of this, but if the rumor is true
the fault must be with the
along the route in not taking
sufficient interest in it.
affords greater convenience
to people in the country than to
have a rural mail route pass by
box and should subscribe for as TOBACCO SITUATION.
many newspapers as he can
ford. This is a good way to help b CD J R
T. i Cat Short Per Cent
the business of a route. I he
postal authorities keep tab on ; Mr.
the rural routes and know how among the
. ., , i. tobacco fields, find that the
much mail each handles, , , , ,
general crop has been cut short
when the mail is below a certain least per by
ratio the authorities conclude the recent heavy rains. The
that it is not worth while to con-prop will be and light
a route where people ,,., in weight, with a fair sprinkling
not appreciate it enough to make I of good heavy but this
type will be a proportion
of the crop. In the
Blackjack. Winterville, Ayden
and section, and up
the Tarboro road, crops are
better be far than other sections
tributary to the Greenville mar-
business for it. Keep up
mail route.
H. C, July 27.1909.
K. A. Nichols was our
a short while Thursday. On all light lands the
Mills Smith went to A. crop is badly damaged and will
Flanagan's Friday evening light.
take Iris mother. Mrs. Pattie
Smith, there to visit her people
fur a rooks.
Kid. T. II. Barnhill and wife
through our town Friday-
evening on their way to Marl-
to attend the quarterly
meeting Saturday Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah W. Tyson,
of Frog Level, were visiting at
Mills Smith's Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Smith Went
to Marlboro Saturday to attend
the quarterly meeting and re
turned Sunday evening,
P. Marion Smith Mrs. Lon
attended church
Marlboro Sunday.
Ii. K. has finished
curing his crop of tobacco,
line others will have three
more weeks of it yet.
Miss Agnes Smith was on the
sick list Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Smith and
Misses Nannie and Carrie Belle
Smith went to Morehead Sunday
and report a line trip.
We are having it rainy again
this morning.
X July
We are glad to know that Miss
Cox. of
will take charge of the Gross
Roads school the Coming session,
land some of the children are
II I. Smith and C. Parker
went to the unknown place
afternoon. We hope we will
out the near future
where they went.
from near
visited W. O. Moore
W. S. K Smith and family at-
tended Sunday school at
W. W. finish
curing tobacco this week, and is
proud to know that be has a line
John Crawford wife spent
Sunday with John Allan.
C. A. Tyson spent Sunday
with Corbett.
Miss Batt, of Wilson,
spent Wednesday with Mrs.
S. Tyson.
W. C. Moore wife spent
Sunday with John Allen.
A. Smith, of Fountain, was
the guest of H. T. Smith Thurs-
day night.
Misses Cox and Irene
Smith spent Friday night with
Mrs. W. Smith.
Reports from other sections
and other e markets, and
through the old belt in North
Carolina and seem to
indicate a worse crop and small-
yield than our crop.
I was asked by nearly every
man. how will price rule Of
course no one can but with
cotton cents in the field, flour
to a meat to
higher, I do not think it at all
unreasonable to say the
tobacco crop sell fairly well.
The ruling spirits in the tobacco
world are men of brain, and
with inch conditions confronting
the farmer it is not at all reason-
able to suppose they would tail
to see the conditions, and that
they will set prices for tobacco
apace with Other commodities is
a natural conclusion. The gov-
for June shows
an Increase in the sale of
c g.
condition for the
therefore the raw material
should look upward in sympathy
with every other product and
tobacco's own sale as indicated.
The farmers need e good price
for tobacco and many a poor
fellow will be In the hole if
prices are low- So let us nope
for remunerative
J. R. Hutchings.
Register of Deeds Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last
Zeno Addie
Nathan Sanders and Sarah
Thomas A. and Hen-
Zeno Gray Bertha Fore-
Noah Brown and Edie Brock
A good newspaper is an
for the community in
which it is published. It works
daily to further the interests of
that community and it
Still some of the biggest
merchants and firms in the town
never carry a line of advertising
in the local papers. They leave
their papers to depend on out-
side support. This applies to
New Bern as well as to some
Other towns in this
Bern Sun.
The Worst night rider are
oil or pills. They raid
your bad to rob you of rest. Not so
with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
never distress or Inconvenience, but
their door. Every householder
on a route should have a mail
V z
Farmville, N. C. July 1909.
A heavy rain fell just about
. dark last night.
Dr. J. E. Patrick has been
very busy recently attending his
A. Fleming Mrs. H. C. returned A large number of
V bounty near
C. W. Morton came yes
Agent of The Eastern lot vicinity. Advert
If you want tie best Cu.
fence buy, American.
M K- T where she -en
x fr m Mount for cotton, at J. R. days with her parents.
Tuesday from w. A. of n h. Wm Dawson, of
Mr Tuesday to ton. came up
r K Ber time with Mr. spend the day with
R. formerly of this and Florence Bl She re-
s left here about fit turned Sunday
Dr. Howard, spending
. few days here with Dr.
sister. Daphne. Miss came with
goods and X
riming to match at J. R. Smith trip since he left.
Ayden. He will
his regular appointment here
Rev. returned
yesterday from Scotland Neck
and He n p Unit
work will begin on the Baptist
church next week.
Mayor a Bass
Morning Court
H. W. Whedbee had a
much busier this morning
than for some time, there being
quite a bunch of scrappers, one
aid one blind tiger Ca
before him. All the rats
were colored, except the one for
The case called was
charged with assault
deadly weapon on Peggy
A Quiet Ha m T t
A quiet home marriage was
celebrated at the Be of Mr.
Z. T. Broughton, on Dickinson
ti. m ii ; at
o'clock, by Rev. D. W. Arnold,
between Mr. C . i. of
Wilson. I Mr. E,
Hayes, of
is the Mr. and
T. Bro-J and Mr.
Rowland is a
n B rev
ed weapon. The woman was the
E. J. . and
Robert went
Grifton Tuesday.
load of American Wire
. ; just i vi
E. Co.
C. R- Townsend, of Greenville,
in town Tuesday night and
If yon wart a high grade
price E. Turnage
C . can sell
Mrs. J. Brown and iv.-o
children, of Greenville, came in
Wednesday to spend a few days
with Mrs. W. Edwards.
Don't fail t. buy from
E. Co. where
you can buy them cost.
Mrs. Britt children, who
been visiting her sister,
Mrs. H C. Burton, returned to
their home Wilmington Thurs-
If you expect to buy a gasoline
can make price and terms
1-in of it machine d to his b in
, ,,,, will preach at his sun-
U o'clock and
. t p M s Nannie and Lee
went to Greenville . g at .-. me
la few days
and in in
man off L t
, had made no a sault on her at ail
an I that I we was nothing a I
T V. I Elder J. M. Barfield went to
at J. R now Hill Monday.
Joe .- King, of Greenville,
Tablets other patent
medicines at J. Smith Co.
at greatly reduced pries at J-
hose for
gentlemen and children at J. R.
land magazines
at J. R. Smith Co.
Lime, cement, windows and
doors always on hand at J. R.
Smith Co.
School ks, Bibles and
at J. R. Smith Co.
royal blue shoes for ladies
and at J. R. Smith
A visit to the large
in town Monday.
B. ,; went to Green-
d- Monday.
Miss E Peele, who a
t of Mi s Elizabeth
II rel o b n
a de at the t
I t recently
a i
charge, th;
will be at
i eh . i
. i Five
witness w i
In 1872 re was
it of
I en i
at d
was, in the pr of
.; i id the
and a I
b r sh
him. M
, guest Mrs Elizabeth w. M ,. time , ,; ,.
time, return ,.,. ,, ,. v,
to her home in Portsmouth.
Monday. Miss went . . . or
with her. Miss Peele won a
friends while in our town and
court, and
. . . treatment, end I
we extend her a hearty
come to our town again.
Mrs. Oscar Tucker and Miss
Lula Tucker, from near Green-
ville, were the guests Miss Agnes
Dixon Saturday and Sunday.
Get it Now
and r l
Miss Florence
Grifton Thursday
t , d
lie; in . w
ere . r.
price, i A C
ti f
f ,. ,. .- ;. i i .
too vii ,. u i
him hock v. . .
,. i . i . i ii.
1-. . Li
Si hi D.-
Don't forget that your
luring plant of J- R. Smith Co.
Dixon will convince you
I c furnish you with
umber to build a L use, nice
mat i i which t t-
ii, such as Is,
turned work. S U
you a open or ton z. r,
you find your l insurance
premium a burden There are
a lot of men in the hospital or
under the doctor's care who
would now gladly take up a
as that, but they defer-
red too long.
Mutual Life, N. Y.
the woman
both over
Jim Wright was up
cursing and abusive language
and was a penny and
J. A. Sutton was on hand for
drunkenness for which was
a fine and costs.
Bryant was arraigned for
see P. M. Johnston selling liquor. J, A, Sutton was
when in town for general engine I the witness against testify
and boiler repair work and any- that put fifty cents on a
yon may need. Shop op- plank in the stables
. maintain d also bound
that record. Prom a small beginning
and use has extended to every
part of the St and to many
foreign Nine
of ten will
opinion asked. they
other pay
It can always be
urn. n in the most severe mi
and Coward Wooten.
Bertha, -130 w
will you
will need baling and that you
can purchase a hay press from
E. Turnage Co., at your
own terms.
Mrs C. A. Blount and two
children, Esther and Jack, went
out to their old home in
country Tuesday H spend . few
days. Miss
went with them.
you with a
cask, t and
or family.
and let
him tell you all about it.
Miss Nellie Barnhill, of Green-
ville, came in Tuesday to spend
a short while with her sister,
Mrs. A. L.
If you want a Mower or Rake,
we can give you any style at
lower prices than we can replace
them. E. Turnage Co,
Mrs. C. F. Burroughs after
spending some time here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Berry, left Thursday for her
home in Scotland Neck.
For good, gentle
cheap. Apply to box
Ayden, N. C
Richard Wingate went to
don Wednesday.
Disc Harrows, Feed Cutters
and all improved farm
can be had from
E. Turnage Co.
J. W. Glenn went to Grifton
For large iron safe.
For particulars apply to box
N. C.
Some of our sidewalks need
attention or they will grow up in
Mason and Lightning fruit
jars, rubbers and caps at J. R.
J. L Fleming and F. G. James,
of Greenville, were in town a
short while Tuesday.
Try a bucket of use
one less than lard, at J. R.
barrow repair any of the ah.
for Make j u wire
and screens for windows,
y u- mules hone-;,
d our err., i i . your cotton,
while you live, and can fur-
coffin or
Come to see us.
Yours to please,
J. R. Smith Co Dixon
R. A. Fleming went to Grimes
land Friday.
J. N. Alexander, of Ahoskie,
came in Friday to see his broth-
W. B. Alexander, and K turned
j Miss Nellie Barnhill, who has
spending a few days here
I with her r. Mrs. A. L. Sum-
returned her home in
V the Business June 23rd, 1909.
Loans and discounts
overdrafts unsecured
furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Gold coin
silver coin, including
minor coin cur,
Lank and other
if 68,170.65 j Capital stock
surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
on Fifth street and that Bryant
put a of whiskey there for
him and took away the money.
Bryant was required to give
verified bond for appearance at
Superior court, and Suitor, was
required to give bond for to
appear as witness.
Jim Donaldson and Joe Smith
for affray were fined a penny and
half costs each. It develop-
that Donaldson owed the
25,000.001 town some taxes and the amount
due for this was added to his
Louis Foster for beating
. r
Advert .
adjunct to W-
farm . .
I ass u. .
of that c
g .
for it
l n
rapid . .
shows I
It is pointed
Sioux City, th
resulted Ind
of cars of C- con-
fruit grow r- at u I i
, and Hawaii-
an produce i ii to ad-
States. Ti
to advertise a i of
com, wheat, alfalfa, cattle and
hogs. Indeed, this is already
attempted in Kr. . through
the distribution of is-
sued by the of
exp. and taxes pd
Dividend unpaid
Deposits sub. to cheek
wife was fined -to and Costs. His
wife was in court with a badly
swollen eye, but did not want
her spouse punished. Daily Re
Cashier's outstanding 40.901 fleeter. 26th.
Greenville Friday.
Theo. Cox was in town Friday.
Seth Hooker and Clarence
of Greenville, were in
town a short while Friday.
Dr. Jim Parrott, of Kinston,
came up Friday morning and
returned that evening.
William and Lloyd
Turnage went to Grifton Friday
night and returned Saturday
Miss Fred Tucker, who has
been spending some time here
with her sister, Mrs. W. B.
returned to her home
near Grifton, Friday.
Mrs. J. W. Brown, has been
spending a few days with Mrs.
W. M. Edwards, returned to her
home in Greenville Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stancil Hodges
Saturday afternoon for a
visit to his parent near Washing-
ton. They returned Sunday
Miss Bessie and
left Saturday for Green-
ville where they a
few days with relatives and
J. A. Davis and W. F. Hart
returned Saturday from Ashe-
Mrs. C. A. Blount and two
children, Miss Esther and Jack,
and Sallie return-
ed Saturday from Mrs.
old home in the country where
they have been
I J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
the statement is to the best o. my knowledge and panel.
SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me. this of June,
Notary Public
doctoring for twelve .
yearn a bad trouble,
nearly live hundred dollars
Murder on the Way
In his lo the grand jury
last Monday C.
who is holding Rob Curt,
called attend n tn the that
murder has on the ii
in North for th past
several years and said that he
could see no reason for it unless
it is because murderers have not
been properly punished. is
the certainty, and not the sever-
of punishment that deter men
from committing crime, on-
Judge putting his
on the exact
nearly . . ,
and fee, I sure were
las certain to murder as
that she continued to I the tut; day, humanly
use them and have done Ii-.-.- of
d than all of the medicine ,
before. Samuel Folsom, Iowa.
This medicine is f-r by J. I. Woo-
ten and Coward Wooten, Samples
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very lowest prices. Cash or Installment.
Come to see us and we will convince you
will treat you
The Farmers Consolidated To-
Co. has taken two more
in the building
for offices, the growing business
making more room for office
work The
dated grows larger and stronger
each year, and is preparing for
a large business this season on
all the markets where it operates
the sweep things
many men would be walking
the earth now deep
of whose tailing off has
not served to conviction
and punishment f their slayers.
1- -j Robersonville, .
DRESS GOODS IT o son and Kinston. The farmers
coming to see us before you make your purchase. .-.-,. ,,,,,.
Promise to Pay.
The value of the
is measured by the
ability of the maker. A
Mutual Life Policy is a
to-pay, certain of fulfillment.
It is a panic-proof, time-tested,
financial fact. It is
more than a policy, more than a
it is Insurance.
H. Bentley Harriss.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
will treat you
right lull
want our customers to know we are better prepared to sell
tobacco than ever before We have Urge. and
the but more than that is our new
which has lights that can not be improved. Bring u. your
load this year and we will surely please you.
Yours to serve.
arc -I
benefits of co-operation with this . YOUNG.
to overstate the
V. L f
s -1 from
r At last the could
f vat, nor
failed till
for her They orate
vital organs, cure liver sad kidney
induce sleep, impart strength
and appetite. Only all ts.
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the same place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
After an absence of several
am back at my office
ready to serve my patrons.
L. Carr.

If you send your name ad-
dress, we will you Free a package
cf Mother Gray a
pleasant herb cure fur
Worn, in. It a reliable r.
and have puns
in the b Urinary, Bladder or Kid-
trouble, this pleasant onion of
herbs, mot leaves. All
sell it, cents, or
Mother Gray Co. L.- Boy, N. V.
J . Pays.
When you a man to
invest for d
implements. Instead of lending
his m at nor cent as many
do, and you that
not i. pay for them, you
art . d ling
. We are
on the no
Thirty yearn w split .-
and i i u
. b h .- . . n i r.
H hi i . bu .
bu th it v.
. . . . . ed apt
m. .- . . much . r d
i I now.
Hi t Hi
after i
v . . I
. ; I it did not bi
r .
I tried i . rod. That came
tin r, b the n
Si I ;. id y
rods, v feel line my
d over. Ii is the
ate of Dissolution.
OF NORTH CAROLINA. By virtue of the power of sale co.-.-
Old f lamed in a certain mortgage
I To all whom thaw present may come and by Mary Hardy to
Whereas. It a pears to my a
faction, by duly record
. of the for Hie
making you
A New Back for an
Ore. How it Can be
in Greenville.
The s at times with a dull.
wean and
hoot s
an i again the I ins are so lame to
p is agony. No u e to rub or apply
a plaster to the back in this
You ca not reach the cause.
mire the back and
Greenville residents
would ii to profit by the following
St, Kin-
N. C .
dissolution thereof, by th
restless; piercing pains ; f
P W that K. mere Gin
Cora any, a of this State,
v. boat is Dated at
No. Street, in the town of
county S of North Carolina
being too agent d
Hi charge thereof, upon m process
may Le has complied with
of chapter
R, entitled
o s preliminary to the g of
ago I had a s attack kidney Certificate of
e .
ached severely. had my
hips and felt mi-
head so much in favor of
n y ills that I procured
-I th m to directions.
T lied s
in proved my health In way.
. ti n
D Kidney
all dealers.
V-w York, agents fir th; United
of Si
f the St of
R the
. n other.
r l . do certify that
V., the m Corp ion o-i d-y
. , , j,, my .,
i and attested t in
i g to the dissolution of said corpora
. n. ex by i i th i b cl
th r. I w . . co the r cot I
. said office, as bi
In Ti . i, r. I I
. to I an m . .
sea I i. . ; y of June,
A l. i y is,
. . of State.
. South, with
c of the total area f
U I Si contains about
y ; i. pi r of
Sc e of
l I
of he
i in a certain
let. I executed by J, R. wife,
r, e R. Jenkins, n the of
I country, . Der, B, to the
J. R. St J. th day of
and duly r corded in the
r. i .- i r. . f
in book Q-8 p. e
. . . tit u public
I . a at house in
i-. the bidder on
. d. ;
XX c of land and
hi 11.- c of North
Cat . as to lows, to
Two I t on the
19th and east
of and being the
hall of as shown n map
made by Matthews in for lie
inn i Co.
a at
and Clark U d on
aide of et and e;
with Clan.
to a s a than east
. with t
feat to a in a d v d line
ti lot and ii then
I. with said g the aim. t 871-2
feel t lath th n . e ;
o feel treat the
ll nine;, co am re
All oiler kit, l i the
v i. I o. I as shown
on ma in Ii b P. la
about 1-- feet
and is about f i-e . g lot
on which Henry Hardy i
e i. Ii b in, a i rt of the in co
C. and N. lie P.
Arthur by s Receiver an I
by e d from L. C.
a d wife Hardy, to satisfy
To m of isle
, day of J
J. R. iv
F. O. ,
R. L. DAVIS, President. J. A. ANDREWS. Vice-President.
JAMES L. Cashier. H. D. BATEMAN, Cashier
I The Bank of Greenville
Greenville, North Carolina.
July Capital Stock Increased to j
pry m
R. L DAVIS, of R. L Davis Bros. W. L PROCTOR, of J. Bro.
N. C. N. C.
j R. A. F GUM of Fountain Co. R. R. FLEMING,
I Fountain, N. C. N. C.
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale.
Terms to suit
L. C- ARTHUR, Greenville, N. C.
The Increase in Forty
Stockholders to Beak.
amt . ii
ii-.; I meat i, Don't try it
all buy a to
time, . id . n y i
i you i d won't know
how you cot P
in Raleigh Pro-
gr. F
forest y is us
K 10.000,000; Louisiana,
17.500,000; North
Curt South Carry-
. tile II. of
at the court h
lour in i ii. for
e h . . i low-
d d of I
t- c; I i e-
iii Pitt county, f North
Bel and described
and i i.-. fol and
i e in Hi Pitt county,
II M, . E.
A ard others, a
t ii. i and
J i the a . a to
a i ; th ti Che
line, the r n of n thence
I Business Cordially Solicited, j
Ll the man
fooling himself he
south, it will be has I a line and the ch
the a c r i Col-
one tint w i
rive R.
now working i .-
He was chief of p
I f
tow a
s ten
he returned fr
road where he h id
on a t -i
let to
were 1,200
and . Mn
one who showed
a drink or on v
Last, year he i
excursion aid .
arrested min I
said Mr. M I
have h-i n . I I
to n- v.-.
Monroe Journal.
is I
-f Ham
a from Ham
m. H-
did n
i in
I t .-
re hit .
j kn
i; I
ii . I,
i would.
much of the virgin forest of
c Thia fore.-t must
course, to
in.- t the steadily expanding
It must
be in such a manner, how
I i . I I; v
i. i its a
i.- timber
m I i
the people
the south, future of the
gnu ii nearly b Kind up in
the plan of forest preservation,
to water
w-irking industries,
i tin now the
I patent ; to
acres, more --r
This day of June,
I. Atty.
Raving db fore the
p r. r e u t cl i . Pi i
ti i- i. i .-. I ii t tan i
i .-. notice
-i to
the i it t.- to ti
to the and all r-ms
e . .;.; r, said estate
a not s. n the
same for payment the
oner before 6th day of June,
or I hi.; will be in bar of
recover .
This.-ii day of June,
A. It,
It. ii. It; Extra.
ltd cf J Bynum,
cut, while
cut i;
In this
ill a
of y wealth,
import of forest con-
By virtue of the power of con-
in certain Deed ex-
tent Martha j. to I. A.
the day of
an duly r-corded in th
I office if count-, North
in Hook Page the
i ed will expose to i sale.
h.-fore the Court door in Green-
ville, to the highest h r, n ,
day a J no. a certain track of
o- la- d , the
coin if Pitt i State of
i a d d -ac d a own,
The lot haired y Martha -I Forbes
from In r moth r, Sarah the
same i i a age to
Bros, work hi d f r further description
see d-1 d Green Lumber
h Copper to
deed. of safe
Notice to Creditors.
qualified before the
coo t dirk of county
of the e late of H. T
d, is hereby
given a i indebted to the
to in;, immediate payment
the and all persona
having against the e are
notified that they trust present the
some to the u-i. for t
or this notice . plead in bar of
This of ,
K Morton,
A of U.
sum. i
i th p rt the
y . the protection
e which will
i. i the power to
. establish.
i in t.- south, an
i to th south,
in industries depending
rest products will
benefited by
is 19th
r, n I
day of June
J, A, Ric s. e,
Lives Lot in Ear thrown about the remaining
I timbered
July 22-News was-
brought by the Norwegian;
steamer, from
Java, a disastrous
earthquake on the west coast of
Sumatra, in mid June.
According to the report re-
lives lost.
The earthquake followed the
eruption of Mount
Mount has long been
supposed to bean extinct
no, its crater having been filled
with a large lake.
Notice of Execution Sale.
Superior Court.
c K
Pitt County.
R. L. Smith Co.,
Samuel Edwards.
By virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from the
court of Pitt in en-
titled action, I will,
30th, day of
m. at tie court hit
county, sell to the
to satisfy said
title and
Samuel Edwards,
the following described real estate, to
Beginning at a large pine stump,
of Samuel Edwards homestead, and
running a course with
the line of Samuel Edwards homestead
to the run of creek, thence down
the creek to J. J. Jones line to the
road, thence with the road to the begin-
containing by estimation about
acres. Also one other tract on the east
aide of the road and containing all the
land that Samuel owns on that
aide of the road, adjoining the lands of
J. J. Jones and others containing by
estimation about seres
Thia 23rd day of July, 1909.
ltd L. W. Tucker, Sheriff.
S M.
has for years been re-
as an exceedingly painful
but it has only been discovered
within the last few years that it is
this terrible trouble is either
directly or indirectly causing thous-
ands of throughout our
Rheumatism of the Heart,
Neuralgia th Heart, s.
Uric Acid Poisoning are among the
most forms of the disease.
If Uric Acid is allowed to in the
system sudden death can scarcely be
averted. If any sufferer will go at
once to J. W. and get a bottle
of the guaranteed remedy
for Rheumatism. They will
be cured. in large bottles
cost cents. In old chronic cases
where their is acute pains,
Rheumatic should be used
with Also for Bale by
M. M. Sauls, Ayden, N. C,
Having duly q h the
of .- ad-
of In- estate Worrell
re, d-co ii i
make immediate
; and
estate are to pr.-
I to the tin i-r.-ii. d for
I payment on or before the day of
July, la u, or notice will be plead
in o recovery.
Tills day of July. 1909.
J. H
ltd Worrell Moore,
Notice Creditors.
qualified b-f re the Superior
court cl of Pitt as
of t e eat of Wash
M d c rt, I I r b; n
to all p r hi bi d to . .- to
make late r-
I; i II .-. i; c
against e-t t
must the same to t u
iii d r a. m ton i the
n -y June, . r
bu pi . .
This .;. of June,
II Mills,
of a Is.
And Provisions
Having qualified as Administrator,
c t. a., of ford Matthews,
ed, I of County, North Caro-
this is to notify all having
claims against the estate of i aid
ed, to exhibit them t the
within twelve months from this date,
or this notice will be pleaded in bar of
their recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment.
Thia July 12th.
M. O. Blount,
Administrator, c t. a.
F. G. A Son
New North Carolina
For the week ending July 21st
he Chattanooga Tradesman
-ports the following new
tries established in North Caro-
Bethel-$10,000 lumber com-
Forest plant-
Lexington-1125,000 develop-
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county ad-
of the estate of Leonidas
Fleming notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the es-
to make immediate payment to
the undersigned; and all having
claims against said estate are notified
that they mint present the same to the
undersigned for payment on or before
the 18th day of June, 1910. no-
will be plead in bar of recovery.
This 18th day of June, 1909.
I. Fleming,
Cotton m
vs on
Which is the Best Sewing Machine for You
fl All that can be said of the Singer is as
compared to the way the Singer
for itself. Singer results the
Story of Singer success.
fl The beet way to prove the superiority of
the Singer is to try ii your own
it by the most difficult work
you know.
fl But you may say cheap machine will
do all Perhaps it will
how about a year from now
Singer lasts a lifetime. The half a
century's reputation behind the Singer
proves its not let the
millions of Singers in the homes all over
the world prove which is the best machine
for you
fl You can't get Singer results with anything
but a Singer. Please remember this.
Sold by
Singer Sewing Machine Company
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
university for
Among the foremost Colleges for Women in the South. Four distinct
Arts and Sciences, Music, Elocution anal Art. Run at cost.
Write for R. T. VANN,
Fresh floods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
Of to Vary Deaf People.
When Dr. Hyatt comes to
, Greenville the first Monday and
of d. m , , ,. u ,,. .
ltd Tuesday in August he will bring
with him a globe ear phone,
Several a price thirty dollars. Those who
Early Wednesday morning u
colored people had a hearing will do well to call
free for-all fight near the market and test the instruments.
house on Fifth street No dam-
age of was done ex- , . .
to their pockets in settling Seed rye at F. V. Johnston s.
the matter before the mayor. -ltd
, Preparatory school for and girls. New dormitories with all modern
. equipment, and furnished with test of for the health of pupils.
Certificates without examination to University of North Carolina
and Swanee College of the South. includes manual training.
School accommodate Fall term 6th. Write now
Kindergarten Normal Course Department
Only with High School certificates are to this
covers two years. The of course are given an
opportunity of teaching, developing and executing
with the children a plan of work for the year, under the of an
The aim of the training school is to give a special training to all women
I who have the care of young children and to who wish to be aided by
P thorough discipline and h the of the Kinder-
gives; and to prepare young women to take as principals
ready for distribution,
MRS. N. P.
Secretary and Treasurer
f E offered three handsome prizes to the patrons of
our stores, and it is our pleasure to announce that
these prizes have won by the following
who drew the numbers
FIRST PRIZE-A Mahogany Buffet worth to J. F.
Davenport, Ticket No.
SECOND Mahogany Princess Dresser, worth
to T. W. Whitehurst, Ticket No.
THIRD 12-piece Toilet Set worth Mrs.
W. T. Burton. Ticket No.
These prizes are now at our stores and will be delivered
to the winners on presentation of their tickets.
This is to that I witnessed the drawing, and held
during the contest the winning numbers for the three
given by Taft Boyd Furniture Co, and that the prizes
were drawn by the parties as mentioned in the above state-
These prizes arc absolutely free to the winners, as every
purchaser jot full value for every dollar's worth of goods
bought us. , ,
We Carry a full line of Furniture and House Furnishing
Goods, and it will always you to buy where you can
gt the right goods at the right prices.
Taft Boyd Furniture
A Treasure Ship That Lies Buried
In deep water off Cape
lies over million In
British gold, and bow much more In
gold ban mid plate
only guessed at.
In the British privateer Snake
railed for the west Atlantic bearing
enough gold to pay off nil lbs English
In various puns of the
new world. the had not
been paid In many the sum
was a large one.
Whether the captain of the
decided mm pirate or whether be
merely was excessive in
making war on mi the of
England that lie met on the high
and to turn over his loot to
crown on return will never in-
known, but the fact that tin-
took no prisoners sank every prize
en.-s long way toward proving
piracy theory. The Brooke captured
n Spanish merchantman coming up
from South American ports laden with
tribute the Spanish colonies
there, transferred the precious
to her own hold and burned the
Another ship bringing n
church service of richly Jeweled gold
plat.- to a now world cathedral en-
countered the privateer suffered
the fate. The next full
the rapacity was n
Frenchman carrying Bilks, bran-
and bars of That, too, was
sent the bottom after it was de-
The overtaken by n
when the American
blown far out of her course
and sunk of Cape Several
of the escaped In a email boat
and reached land. Their tales of the
treasure on the sunken ship caused
several to out the
following year, but nothing was
brought up of the anchor
and a cannon or two. During
. hundred effort m
raise any part of the treasure
The last attempt woe made by Cap-
diaries Adams, who fitted out n
I nuder the of the
r was unable to
In the 1-07.0 and
i- nil of the ocean
In the State of North Carolina, at
close of business, Juno d,
Loans and discounts f 167,467.08
Overdrafts secured and
U. S. Bonds to secure cir-
Banking homo, furniture,
Duo from National banks
Duo from State Banks
and Banker
Duo from approved re-
Checks other cash
Exchanges for clearing house- 8,288.60
Notes of other National
Fractional paper currency,
and cents
Specie 18.058
Redemption fund with U.
S. t p r cent.
Total S
Capital paid in
Surplus fund 10,000.00
Undivided profits cur-
rent expanses, taxes paid
National bank
outstanding 81,000.00
1.0- aid
subject to check I
Time c.-.-. f 98,360.01
checks i
Bonds borrowed
Notes and a
To I
Stale of N. C. County of Pitt,
I, -i. s, c of the above-
named bank, do solemnly wear mat
the ah to the best
of kn an h f.
and to me
this o June 1909.
H, AN,
Notary Public.
r. ii. jam . .
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Important Changes in Schedules
Between Washington, Wilson and Raleigh, 1ST. I.
P. M.
V M.
P. M.
i p. if.
A. M.
A. M.
Effective June
Sun, a
Preen villa
A. M.
Through Schedule Between Farmville,
Washington a i N. C.
A. M.
9.5 V
A. M.
, Sunday
A. U.
. M.
Choice Gut Flowers
a Wedding
ranged in host styli at
notice. Summer flowering
bulbs, bedding rose
hushes everything i the
florist line ox
Raleigh, N. C.
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N. C.
Scouring, Chemical and Dry Cleaning.
Satisfaction or no charges.
In rear of Herbert Barber
Nicely furnish.;, every
thing clean
working the
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Cobb k Co.
Cotton Buyers, Broken
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and P,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Opposite J. R. J. G. Move
to Norfolk, Va. and Return
The Atlantic Coast Line will
have tickets on sale for all trains
each Saturday and for Sunday
forenoon trains commencing Sat-
May 29th and continuing
to Saturday Sept. 4th. 1909;
limited to return Monday follow-
date of sale.
An excellent opportunity to
visit the famous seashore resorts
of Virginia and North Carolina
at a minimum cost.
For information call on ticket
agent or write T. C. White.
W. J. Craig, G. P. A.
P. T. M.
Old Ago.
tins, did you heal rug accord-
the reason. I'd
when I It
line there saw how
It I
heart to lambaste It. I
I have a of virtues.
but I you to know
for old ago Isn't one of
Going to Law.
Tim man who goos to law for tin
purpose of obtaining satisfaction pen-
orally get so many other that
he forget all about the satisfaction if
then is In It for
tho prisoner
in disgust I'm not surprised.
My lawyer a fool of
i tried to represent you
remarked the lawyer
North Carolina
Th till
D Turn and so
Railway s with j
Coaches a d Parlor Car, b two- n
N. C , via
and Salisbury, on
I East Carolina School
the for tic men and
women who wish to qualify for the teaching.
Buildings am equipment new and modern.
opens October 5th,
I For prospectus aid inf
d w
Eastern Time
Cotton Factors rt
Bagging. Has and Bags.
to The
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in business sec-
of the town Five chairs
in operation and each or e
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting,
M . urn electric mi c
dry shampoo and Li
waited on at their
Wholesale and retail Grocer,
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Oak
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts,
Parlor suits Tables. Lounges.,
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach,
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly. Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hull.
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples-
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap
I .--I. mo.
6.15 a. m. Ar p. m.
m. Raleigh Ar p. m.
m. Durham Ar m.
12.30 p. m. p. m.
p. m. v Ar 1.15
p. Ar 12.15
p. r Newton 11.25 a. m,
5.07 p. r 11.02 a. m,
6.53 p. m. 10.81 a. m
6.35 p. m. Ar m a. m
p. Ar 8.00 a. m
Furniture and House Furnishings
n Sam White
General Merchandise,
Now n Sam White store on Five Points. More room and larger stock. Come
Oilier convenient Schedules and
Through Cur
Summer Tickets will be on sail
May 15.1909.
For Information as to
etc., call on Agent of this Company
or the
R. L. J. h. R. H.
P. ., T. t. .,
Charlotte, N. C. N. C. N. C.
Ii you want your HORSE to
fast and pull strong buy
I Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and Wore for Less
Money any man in town,
W. B.
Place is for Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
r,., i Cracked
Com, corn -I all Of
Sill, i and Cement.
The man you are looking for
when you need
Bill Posting and Sign Tacking
and for Adv.
Pictures Framed Order
State Normal and
State the Women
of Carolina. Four regular Courses
I leading to Degrees. Special Courses
for Fall Session
September 1909, Those desiring to
enter should apply -is early .
For and other
J. I. FOUST, Pros.,
6-18 mo d w Greensboro, N. C.
Safety Razor Sharpened
at cents u
Agent for
Taper Typewriter
none better
All I do
tons p of
plant delivery
for local tr rs for
r,,;, i-i
home industries.
The North Carolina
College of Agriculture and Mechanic
The State's college for vocational
training. Courses in Agriculture
Horticulture; in Civil, Electrical
Mechanical i Cotton
Milling and l -trial
Chemistry. Why if for
by till one seat
H. HILL, President,
Raleigh. N. C.

In Charge of S. C. CARROLL
The Eastern Reflector and Rates on Application J
Mr. and s. I Smith, of Monday morning for Windsor,
, i .- ; will Miss
days-- i i with Gladys White, a classmate at
the th i n you want e Id drink
. time y i want tin that
You want to net it
. nice, perfect I j clean
went to i
gum Barber Co. fountain, and a kind clerk
who will treat right. I have
Mich a Come and get a
you will come again.
W. I, Co.
I Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come and g I the b st prices,
H U n Barber Co.
For improved
mowing machines, repairs etc.,
see Harrington Co.
We are carrying a nice line of
Coffins Caskets. Prices are
right furnish nice hearse
vice A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
We wish to say to our custom-
that we just received a
c of land piaster can
give you a good price on same.
yours is going.
H n Barber Co.
ll Car load of bright hay
r. . . .
V.-. .
. . Co.
. Green-
i below
t . u pan-;
of . .
. ii. Co.
v. . d. who
., .
i.-i.- . . e of the A.
L. . . . . prom .- J
and w . soon.
f n
y . him up.
He has is for sever
. . . a go d
c he
a . . . i this i
. as ch
i f
just i d
A. W.
trunks and suit
Editor Reflector.
The seem that was pi not
ed on Dickinson i
afternoon would
to m that Greenville had
canals for public use, instead
of paved streets During the
fully two hundred of
this main thoroughfare was com-
a flood of
water that was destined for the
sewers, but somehow missed its
destination and ran down the
Venice is famed as the
of but on days like that
of Tuesday Greenville has Y nice
city It was
a case of water here, water
there, and water everywhere-
So completely were the its
blocked with water the
nearest route to the A. C. L.
depot a was to
follow Fifth street to the rail-
road, and then the cross
Some cities have swimming
pools for benefit of its
but Greenville Is the only
So Tired
It may be overwork, but
the chances are It from an in-
active LIVER-
With a well conducted .
one can do mountains of
without fatigue.
It a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in healthful ton
by. only by
At the close of business, Jane
Resources Liabilities
Capital stock
j., ,, Surplus fund
Loans and
t cured
and unsecured
I Furniture and
I Demand
i Due from and
Cash items
i coin, including;
Nat Lank notes and other
1.173 , less
i taxes
Bills payable
a- i line deposit
ft to ck
Due to Has. and Bars.
Cashier's check
14.21 I
An I one that can I Mat of the
cases just I, All kinds, ,
Bizet an I prices,
A. W. Co.
A nice lot of Notions just in.
very O me and see our new styles.
I u u d be good H Co.
to S. Boss made a business
i.,. Call on us for it. yesterday.
,., . truer Co. Miss E. Cox returned
and Saturday after having
D.- i, of spent PB several
pools on days.
The scene -n the
the Presbyterian church
p. tn. . unique o
shouts of the boy.-3 in bat
barks swimming i he
s splash of fording
street, and the occasional
some rash pad
who undertook to through
la with Miss were enough to
people to wonder why the sew.
d. . Rosabella
. j La, daughter, Miss contractors were so kind
Grange, Miss of Sun M to a swimming pool
i- . J was ; Mr. and without additional cost to the
a I her in W. i. sever;.; Mrs. L, L K town,
Mr. d Mi . A i have n i, Mr. Edit r,
that you have b i
re the I of
a .
s- t be s better plan
i m
even. . . Corey's
Or .
. y
. a host of
. .
r .
. .
n V
, July
Rev Mrs. . i.
spent Sunday with Levi Pierce.
Alien and m spent
Saturday Sui lay with
Joyner In .
h organized a Sunday
school at F house
Sunday afternoon
Mrs. Jessie . of
me time
here with r
W. A. C-. i.
sometime his
brother, Joyner e.
B Johnson is
in very n u with u boil on her
h I,
an i
.- . t Saturday night
out, four
fine i of i ac Monday.
. r Alie , has
be . . i w. ks
at her fa i i ill be able
to . .
T. B. Jackson and Miss Lottie
El ;. fro . i .
spent with Miss Marj
Mil i and Gladys
Move p few days with
N II i ii r
C, B, burn and Rev.
Outlaw, of W will begin a
pr ii
-i. in August,
i a
to . today u
I en
L i
. .
E Green, A. Asst.
of the d lank. do wear that the above
our knowledge and belief
and sworn
this day of
WOO l; II. Hunsucker,
F. Harrington,
II Hunsucker,
A. Ii. Cox.
AT N. C.
Ir. the North at the dote business, June 1909
L .
RE i
i an cm ts t v . i u
; i .
r Fix i -.- cur. 34.07
s ii ms re in, .;. minor c cur N-1 Ni .
i .;. r U. in ; ti din
NO II of pit.
I, . r k, do
or lit H of my
;. . . .
Sub d . -A
i h
P i r.
i . p sale
. .
. to
Gr. . i . .
n A large lot of
in me paint. .
Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss Ki returned from
Greenville . . evening.
make baggies in
the county, see u,
a . . , . .
G. C ix Mfg, Co.
Mrs. Will I lie, who has
o I .- mother, Mrs.
Evelyn Cox, returned to Seven
. i, .
i fare r in i and caps.
Mr . . and Miss
I w to Greenville
For go i and
call or write A. G.
Cox Co., Winter
C Th v have the
right t price.
Don't the young
pie i Union tonight
A nice fun going
it and be ow cost.
East Ci Supply Co.
Myrtle left yes-
for where she
will spend i ms t m with Miss
Laura Salisbury.
L- H Smith Spent Monday in
thee r Gardner's Cross
in the Interest of W,
U made a very in-
tare I d helpful talk at the
Baptist church Sunday night, on
St. Paul's obedience to tho word
of God.
Alias Carroll
; her
,; I mad
i- r some . take up a luring
now went to G . n . mi n.
N . an I t r i have
. MISS-.-,
. i. t Allen i e
. . .,.,,,. night i
had fine
Brew who ha . . .
Mrs W rd returned lo
their at Tuesday
Miss Mata Dew went to
ton last night to several
weather to
Packet Money for Boy for the last
Th y World
. bright in th i
to sell Sunday World. There
is a good profit. Write
days with Miss Rosabella Manager, New York
was in town World, for detail.-,. Next
World will contain the
B- Bridgers filled his words and music of the song hit
regular appointment at the of that great musical
church here Sunday morn- now appearing at the Herald
and night, preaching Dr. H. O- Hyatt will be in
excellent sermons. j Idol Greenville at Hotel Bertha. Aug.
Albert Barker, of Norfolk, is j 2nd and the first Monday
We are reliably informed that
during the heavy rain Tuesday
a live was on the
street. This morning Mr. T. R.
Moor., also had a turtle that was
captured in one of the ditches.
here visiting his parents, Mr.
end M- L. Barber.
It i.-. with sadness that we an-
the death of Mrs. Joe
Buck, which occurred at their
home here last Saturday morn-
shout nine o'clock. At four
Buggies are getting cheap.
Sixty flight
On my Sunday, August 1st.
Mr. D, Rountree will be
years that many years
ha puts i;.
i r of Baptist
Sunday a he has
land Tuesday, for the purpose of
treating dis of the eye. ear,
nose throat and fitting
glasses. Those who want to
have work done will be charged
no fee unless terms are agreed
upon. tn w
Clover makes an ix-
Come to see Hunsucker at A. G. for
Cox Manufacturing C,,. has been elected for
Winterville N C r school will observe his grazing crop during the
o'clock services were conducted with winter and early spring. Plowed
at the home by Rev. T. H. Kin,, C'S under early in the spring it
after which tho body was taken Of stable
Improving. Puts humus in the
land and makes it rich and
Reflector today received in July, August
a letter from September. See J. K. J.
Cherry, who went to G. for prices on seed. t
some over three weeks ago. It
will be gratifying to his host .,,
friends t. know that he is will treat you
proving, even though
to the Byrd grave yard for
burial. was a kind wife, a
neighbor, a devout Chris-
and we feel that our loss is
Heaven's gain. We sympathize
with the sorrowing and be-
Now is tho time to get your
Homer Military School
1851 1900.
North t
Sell I .
i . prompt
. I, , . ii.-a t. r . n tn
i . tore, crowding.
i- H i.
lawn, park, mm mil.- track. i
h In
; r The .
i for
Col. J. C. Homer, Principal, Ox lord. N. C.
cf Morocco.
In mi urn. ii .,, Morocco
r. IT I i . Ill .
i inc . . . i
i . . ,
cannot ago Its bump, but
ail . Keen Its
. -ii ii his will
go iii bod
than a lbs
one world
not be
luck, am
a tit--
inn rattle
i an
A Load.
Pop up from lbs
a now
I rim. What you laughing
i he i. I
lo i . i. n hip.
Mo-t Man.
They of who
was colon down with n
ho was of who
In power of mill
here mill It
a lob.
Rotter n boy In the schoolroom
In a News.
anything to earn the
don't know It.
let of a lot of
I tempted to
Unjustly Blamed.
Speaking of tho unreliability of
evidence, n lawyer
a coal heaver
of Peebles, angrily to hi wife
one night
time am I to tell ye I hue
the children up in my
the the top hat fan
coal all day, wot can u little
extra coal in
grasp ma
said Sander. only wear
that top lint in the if
I'm I it off it leaves a
black hand around ma forehead.
What tho Why, I'm ac-
on all sides ma foe
ma bat Louis
he has
desk. Prices right, workman- not yet recovered to
ship guaranteed- Come to see. be able He expects to
A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co. return home next week.
Winterville, N. C.
Our Greenville, yours if you
will treat you right come.
h. Long and Remedies, because. It th
of cold by on No opiate.
r refunded. by i i i CO. CHICAGO.
bALE ii JNO.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
AUTO PARTY TAKES OUTING, f Harrington lot selected. THE OPENS.
OF On Which to Greenville's Pub-
i lie
Today the editor received a
Messrs. J. W. and T. R. Hodges, telegram from Congressman
Striking Examples of John II. Small stating that the
Farmers. of the Treasury had
selected the W. H. Harrington
on which to locate the public
to be erected in Green-
a trip to the Old Ford section of ville b the
Beaufort county, returning ,,
A party left here
afternoon in. two automobiles for
day evening. In the party were
O. C. Gregory, R. O.
Jeffreys. E. It. Purge sop, C. R.
Townsend. O. L. and O.
J. Whichard. The automobiles of
Gregory and Townsend
were used for the trip, these
driving their own cars
The objective point of the
party was the splendid country
Some over a year ago congress
made an appropriation of
to purchase a lot here for a pub-
building here, and when pro
were sailed for several
were submitted. On two
representatives of the gov-
came here to look over
the situation and inspect the
sites offered. The choice
I rowed down to three
home of Mr. T. R Hodges with I lot on Five Points, the
whom his father, Mr. J. W.
Harrington lot opposite the court
Hodges, the party spent house the
day and Sunday, and every of and
, the preference for those
being in the order named. The
ed to the utmost.
Leaving Greenville a little
past o'clock on; of the
biles wen by what is known as
the creel; road and the other
by the river road as far as
where they joined and
made the of the trip
together. This gave opportunity i
of viewing from the roads the
crops on both routes. And the
lot was later eliminated
from the fact that the size of lot
there required by the govern-
could not be had for the
amount of the appropriation and
there was no authority for pay-
During the spring the
was about to make a
ion between the other two lots,
Prices Start and Outlook
i for Corps
of Buyers.
The Greenville tobacco market
opened today for the sale of the
1909 crop. Owing to previous
bad weather and heavy rains
there not much tobacco on
the market, the five warehouses
having only a few loads each.
Though they did not bring much I
tobacco, there were many farm-
present to see how the
Happenings o interest Caro-
Greensboro, N. C. Aug.
a white man of
Summer township, where the
brutal murder of Miss Newman
was committed a week was
jailed ban lat nigh.-, charged
with inducement but
suspected being imp in
the murder. He disclaims
edge of it, but nude affidavit to
a warrant charging John Leon-
ard, white, with . having five
years ago burned the dwelling of
Miss Newman for the purple of
robbery. be saw
a Woman Wanted in
for Murder Reward for Arrest.
Police Sergeant A. R. Pender
grass, of Durham,
Greenville, N. C. Hug.
I read your editorial of several
came to days ago to Cherry Hill
Greenville Tuesday evening in Cemetery and was much struck
response to a telegram from -with the made.
Chief of Police J. T. Smith if it true that the people of
advising him of the arrest here a town are more or less judged
of a colored woman wanted in, by th-j care d attention
Durham for murder, and he the burial ; ice of dead,
this morning with the prisoner indeed it would be a poor
doff, end they I
at the opening Leon-
n from cents to
which run .
cents. end now in jail.
The tobacco that was Durham, X. C, Aug.
to the opening was first of Watkins, a is in the
the season's primings and cur- charged with attempt at
therefore had not criminal assault on 12-year-old
quality to
but the outlook
taking her back to Durham.
The woman's name is Van Ray,
in October of last year killed
another woman named
Harris. The Ray woman had
since been a fugitive from justice
until, arrested here. Chief
Smith, assisted by Mr. W. C-
located the woman in a
on the out-
ion would be passed on
Greenville. Cherry Hill
tery is a pretty spot
and with very constant at-
could be made
If I am correctly informed, the
cemeteries of our
cities are owned by c
and uniform s are made
for digging graves,
crops in the sections of the when parties here desired a hear-
county are nothing to Mag on it and at the instance of
brag on, in fact they are about Congressman Small the matter
as poor us are ever seen on some
cf the fine f; passed, owing
to too much
It dark when the home
of Mr. T. 1- was reach-
ed and nothing of that section
was held open for a while in ab-
solute fairness to all interested.
was followed by several
visiting Washington
City to confer with the secretary
and also the writing of many
could seen until next morn-1 Utters to him. After going over
in. Then was almost like the matter thoroughly the
waking up in another ion for the Harrington lot has
It was indeed a joy to look across been announced.
the fields lying
every direction and covered with
The Reflector believes
a good that
Will be
crops. In the Old satisfactory to the largest
section, which of the b of people and best serve the
best in Beaufort county, weather business interests of the town.
conditions this season bate been
more favorable, the result
of systematic farming d
by the Messrs. Hodges was
shown in fine crops and
splendidly kept farms,
Early after breakfast Sunday
morning the party all joined at
the home of Mr, J. W. Hodges
where vehicles were soon in
readiness for a drive over the
large estate. The two
of father and son join and
are practically cultivated to-
as one. All through them
are good roads making access
easy to any part of the farms.
Some idea of the magnitude of
these farms may be known when
it is stated that on the two there
are nearly acres in
Of these acres are
in tobacco and it requires
more than barns to cure this
crop. The two hours spent
driving over these farms gave a
continuous view of fine crops of
all kinds. There were broad
corn fields from which barrels
per acre are to be
vested, and cotton that looks
like it will easily yield a bale per
acre. To the writer the homes
and plantations of the Messrs.
Hodges fills his ideal of country
life and real farming. There
are no better people nor better
The run back to Greenville
began about the middle of the
afternoon and on the way the
party stopped and spent an hour
most pleasantly with Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. Fleming at
The entire trip was delightful
except a little part in the home
Stretch, when trouble with one
of the cars caused n long enough
delay to catch a rain, though not
a wetting.
We hope before a great while to
see a handsome public building
on the lot.
Men in Vigorous Game
Weldon, N. C, July 29.-At a
picnic given today in honor of
young women from Greenville,
the fair visitors challenged the
young men to a game of ball,
and won by a score of to
Of course, the was
ed of rank decisions in favor of
the young women. It did
pear to that the
umpire called everything that
was thrown across the plate a
ball when the women were at
the bat, while for the men every-
thing was called a strike if it
was anywhere in sight when it
passed over the head.
The features of the game were
the splendid base running of
Mrs Barr, chaperon; the batting
of Misses Green and Spear and
the beautiful work of Mist; Joy
at third, Miss Warren at
shortstop and Miss Critcher at
second. Misses Evans and
Forbes scored the game, no
record was made of errors.
Takes Charge of Hotel.
Miss Lula Taylor, who has for
some time been conducting a
boarding house in the old Blow
building, corner Washington and
Third streets, has leased Hotel
Macon and is moving there to
conduct it.
Our Greenville,
yours if you
much in prices,
is that the mar-
will be good and prices
satisfactory if will not
sell too fast. There will be seven
month in which the sales can be
made, the farmers will find
it more profitable to sell only
part of their crop each
and not crowd the market.
The Gum warehouse had
sale today, the rotation then
being to the Star,
Brick and Peoples in the
order named. In are cent issue
of The Reflector was given the
names of the working fore s at
the three warehouses operated
by the Farmers Consolidated To-
Company Star and
hence thy will not be
repeated here-. At the other two
warehouses crews are as
S. T. Hooker, proprietor.
John floor
W. L. auctioneer.
Walter bookkeeper.
J. J. Harrington, assistant
Brinkley, and
Spain, proprietors.
Dow Beaman, floor manager.
J. R. Hutchings,
D. S. Spain, bookkeeper.
G. E. Harris and D. W. Arnold,
The buyers on the opening
sale were R. O. and
Iverson Skinner, for the Imperial
Tobacco Co; C. Gregory and
E. B Furgerson for the
can Tobacco Co; E. B.
and C. A. Cash for E. B.
Tobacco Co. T. W. Skinner for
Parham D. E. House,
T. A. Person and G. F. Evans.
There will be more buyers on
The crime was committed
in Oak Grove township, near
station, lie was cap
after some difficulty
Constable I that town-
ship. He gave officer and
posse with him some trouble
when captured him- He
was committed to j without
M. of the Southern
News stand; in ti . in
Apex Saturday i i ht, waiting
for a train, and h. us about
o'clock that i there was
a terrific thunder in
section. The lightning
the Baptist church on Main
or. the roof, went through
the building and set the structure
on fire on the lower floor. Mr.
J. H. Norris, the Southern Rail-
n graph operator a.
pi c . . bud stand
at r fr m gutter,
the fire out. It d e i
that then was
water it rue . in
i Dar-
ham Sun.
Mr. Jeff Sessoms, of Stedman,
was among the visitors Fay-
about hits farm, of which so
much been written lately,
Mr. Sessoms said the reports
were not exaggerated, illy
as to his cotton. Ii has several
acres which he expects to yield
three oaks to the acre, it not
more. He has used the best kind
of fertilizers, with a good
saw dust. The saw dust
is about years old, and the
government estimates its value
at 2.20 a ton. W ho would have
thought of raising three bales to
the acre, and that partly with
saw dust, five years ago The
progress of agriculture in Cum-
in the past five years has
been wonderful, and it is such
later and double sales be run men as Mr- on- other
as soon as the market gets brisk
The farmers are going to find
the Greenville market up with
the best, for we have a clever
corps of who
look after the interest of those
who sell with them, and the
buyers have ample facilities for
handling purchases. When you
get ready to sell come to Green-
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last
George Rowland and Alma E.
Charlie and Verna
scientific who have been
potent factors in this result.
Charlotte, N. C, July
While attempting to cross
creek in a remote section of
county last
Mrs. Winnie Smith, years old,
fell to the stream and was
drowned. Mrs. Smith was a
bride of a few weeks and a belle
of the mountain county.
Lumberton, July
planing mill, dry kiln and a
quantity of lumber of the
Carolina Lumber Company,
located in the southern part of
the town, were totally destroyed
by fire early this morning. The
origin of the fire is unknown.
Tho loss insurance
Lenoir, July news
reached here tonight of the death
skirts of the town and arrested; polishing tomb-stone, etc.
her Monday night. After being
taken in custody the woman con-
fessed the crime and said she
was glad to be arrested, as she
had grown tired of running from
easily identified as being the
right woman.
Sometime after the murder the
governor offered a reward of a
to- the of the would enact
woman, and Chief Smith has
forwarded his claim for this
I told the revenue de-
i is . t only to
have a well kept but
to pay a dividend to the stock
is differ-
the cemetery s owned
by the town and it me
that the Board of Aid
be doing Gr e i ill
I . if they
nets that
would raise revenue to
warrant them in employing a
competent r for our
of the so it may at
by drowning at Mortimer of two all times of the year present a
popular young women of that appearance,
village, Nannie Bailey and With the prop -r ordinances
The tragedy occurred i enacted, not only
late this afternoon in the be I U . care of
adjacent to the mill of the Ritter the excises incurred but such
Lumber Company at that place, j other rules and i ms could
The bodies were recovered short- be down that v make
afterward. cemetery, a appear
Mr. Ira D. Alderman, of
Bridge township, sent us.
I t n will
. ; .-.-l- fit
last wed; a sample of honey that
. kept sealed up for the.
pears, having kept put in
y r on the of June, I
The fin t r after it
was put up the honey sugared,
but it melted the following
summer and has not sugared j
since- It was very light and;.,
clear, but with age It darkened
until k U now about the color of n
. . . j,
v, , . N. C, . th, 1909.
a communication of some
dark molasses. We can't say
that age improves its taste;
indeed we prefer it fresh. Mr.
months ago to The Reflector, I
referred to the n markable in-
stance of longevity Pitt county
Alderman is very successful old times, and gave
berg, as the name of the man
who attained the great age of
one hundred a. d twenty-two
But my John Tyson,
who was here today, says that
instead of
may be the of the man.
And of course the matter being
in I yield to him. not the
story itself, which I remember
very well.
Mr. Tyson also says it is be-
in his neighborhood that
married a Miss
at time of his life, and died
and buried on the creek as
stated, and there are several
tombstones as v. i ; unmarked
graves near at hand. Then the
bee culture, and has this year
gallons from seven
colonies of Dem-
The August number of The
Uplift just out, announces that
Mr. G. T. Roth, of Elkin, is the
gentleman who contributed
to the Jackson Training
School for the erection of the
industrial building there.
Elm City. N. C. Aug.
double death occurred here
last night, when Mr. J. H.
Dixon and his sister, both prom-
people of this city, depart-
ed this life at the advanced age
of years.
Salisbury. Aug; severe
electric storm passed through Blount often appears in
Rowan and adjacent counties
Sunday night accompanied by
heavy rains and in some instances
strong winds. Ten miles south
of Salisbury a horse belonging to
Mr. G. A. Trexler a well known
farmer, was killed by lightning.
Another animal owned by Mr. J.
J- Morgan was also killed by the
bolt. The barn which was
struck at the same time was not
destroyed and the dead animals
were found next
The Parham prize house build-
has been moved off of Dick-
avenue to the rear of the
Peoples warehouse to make room
for some stores Mr. Parham will
build on the avenue.
the county from the earliest
colonial days, and this may
furnish a further clue to
the life of the centenarian. But
should it be otherwise, posterity
owes him at least a name, in con-
of his great and
possible usefulness in the days of
his pilgrimage.
Had Dr. Dick Williams lived,
who was familiar with
the history of the county
from the earliest period, he
would have examined the matter
thoroughly, but he is now dead.
And Mr. John Tyson, who is an
active business man. is the only
person I have found in Pitt
county who is a. Hi rested
in Uncle Daniel facts.
And I mention a
to Mr.
T. C. Davis,

Eastern reflector, 30 July 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 30, 1909
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Joyner NC Microforms
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