Eastern reflector, 2 July 1909

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In Charge of S C. CARROLL
id Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
C examine our i f chickens and eggs a Land plenty of it-
and Come and gee the best prices. Try
en .;, I up. Harrington. Barber Ca
. w, to announce
C. . A- Ed that
O. IV. R its an Eu re Can-
i ; i
Vivian Roberson. who
has been at the head of the
music department far the last
two years, will b i with as again.
. She will be assisted by Miss
A. W.
Misses Olive Butt and Jeanette
Cox returned from Ayden Mon-
day evening.
Miss Norma spent
nave sum- one win u.- , ,
. ox
. . ,, most highly rec rail
. schools a number
A best
L i was
to . K H
bat performed for department. She
sit as tat , of Meredith College. Mr. a theological
I . and taught last year la of Alexander, V. will
V i sea i. i n a- Institute most hold services summer
chin- t of that school Luke,
, S month, a
, a and i but on account ox near . .
she ins kindly consented to night
preaching at Ayden
improved last Sunday. It is good preach-
mowing machines, repairs W, we can't afford to miss it.
, . Barber Co. of Green-
Miss Dora E. Cox. of Winter- wile, will preach in, St
ville, will have charge of the in- Episcopal church. Winterville.
m i
. was
v. i Friday.
. A. G. Cox
an i . have lots Hue
iron already on hand and are
p red to furnish
here a s i.
. i
work here.
We are carrying a nice line of
C Caskets. Prices are
right and can furnish nice hearse
service A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Prof. Nye informs us that the
. of the W. H. S. are
Third Sunday, a morning service
at o'clock.
dues r the com g season. now and will be
N. C. June
Daniel Braxton has been
ready to be mailed out in a few much with mumps.
sh ; . I days. There will be The crops of John Hemby, H
-r. d in faculty next b. Turner. J. W and K. A. Craw
C.-x wont to Ayden Mr H F of ford seriously damaged by
. Belcross, will have charge the hail and wind storm last
lot of crockery just department Sunday. Mr. Turner also had a
Harrington Barber. Co. recommended, pack house blown off founds-
having had five years experience
n high school work. Jesse Braxton is housing his
of Belcross, where he id been crop, and it comes in very
were him
up. He b now
Tobacco Guano
head He high school work. The people Jesse Braxton is housing
excel t
time i I
Nitrate of is
cut toe
., big e spa and f uneXpired term of Prof.
sun of public m-
A. W. Ange Co- of Camden county.
C. S. Sm . from Kin-
straw hats opened up. We have
fresh to herrings. j. brimmed
Barber Co. to the nicest dress hat
was in Barber Co.
You will need lime- to repair
all styles. ., . , We have
An S Co. ; ; . B good price
A. W.
I trucks and flues arc
, , Better send your orders
to t G. Cox Manufacturing Co.,
n, of A was in
town Wed
Ne. am
M. G.
A new
shoes st in
. , Co.
Our line of men's
straw hats opened up.
R. A. Crawford is plowing up
his tobacco crop planting
and peas.
John Allen and wife are visit-
her parents this week.
Miss Ora Nichols is visiting
her little cousin at G. T- Allen's
this week.
the I
the bowels, and are
equaled as an
In malarial their
peculiar in
the system that Bit
Take No Substitute.
At close of business April 28th,
Staton, N. C, June
Mr. James L. Little came down
and spent Sunday with his
Mr. G. T- House.
Jack C. Taylor spent Sunday
; t
and fixtures
j Demand loans
I Due from and
I Gold
i-r coin,
I Nut Dank notes and other
I S. notes
8,411.51 Capital
1,178.58 Surplus
expenses and taxes pd
I Time of deposit 202.20
Undivided profits, l
Deposits subject to
Cashier's check 1.00
n. Cashier
n I V. A. A.-.-1. Cashier
Expressions Sympathy.
At the annual meeting of Win-
Ledge No. A. F.
our hearts were saddened
I as beheld the vacant chair of
lour brother, F- Harrington,
with his parents, Mr. and
J. G. Taylor.
Mr. D. C Beech spent the day j
his father-in-law Mr. J. W-
The crops getting t h v
some as it has been rain
in t so th it can't work
them. be they sheer
busy digging P s.
crops are all looking fine though
if tin
j i
named do solemnly swear the above
true to the best of our
1-. A
and sworn to I e-
3rd day of
Notary . P
II K. Lineberry,
A. ti. Cox,
C . . n of this
place, lied ,
t ml I eleven o'clock, Make your tobacco barns tight
was preached yes-j by using good sheathing paper
evening in the Free Will We can supply you.
Baptist here, by R--v. E- A. W. Ange Co.
T. Philips, of Ayden. His re- j F. A. Edmundson went to
Winterville, N. C. who hag M us
work prompt
mains were taken to the
grave yard for burial.
He leaves a two
and three
to them our sympathy and point
them to the hills from whence
their help come.
Mr. Smith was a. member of
the Free Will Baptist church, a
good neighbor, a hind husband,
an excellent citizen, a devout
Christian, and those who knew
him best say surely this man has
passed over the river into that
happy hunting beyond.
to The Public.-Trucks
and tobacco Hues must go. We
Greenville Saturday.
Miss Alice Taylor, of Hooker-
ten, and Newton Taylor, of
Ayden, were in town a short
while Monday.
W. L. House returned from
Dunn Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Rouse spent Mon-
day in Greenville visiting Mrs.
E. B.
After spending several days
with his family here. Prof. G.
Lineberry left for Wilmington
Miss Chapman is visiting
Misses Cora and Sadie Carrol.
A. J. Tyson was in town Sun-
have material, guarantee day.
workmanship. Prices Mr. and Mrs. Tyson
cheap. Call or write A. G. Cox from the country attended
Co., Winterville, vices here Sunday.
N. C,
Miss Elizabeth Boushall will
teach the primary department
again. Her work is known and
needs no comment.
We are going to sell out our
lot of at once, at below
cost If you want a god pair
of pants cheap see us.
A. W. Ange Co.
With an experienced
and the enviable record to which
the school has reached of
thoroughness, discipline and the
character of the students that
it has sent we predict next
session to be one of the finest in
its history.
Fruit jars all kind, all sizes.
A. W. Co.
After preaching Sunday morn-
and night in Snow Hill Jno.
R. Carroll returned home Mon
Miss Kate Chapman spent
Sunday with Miss Eva Langston.
Rev- T, H. King preached in
the Baptist church here
Sunday morning. On account
of the meeting at Ayden there
were no services at night.
We wish to say to our custom-
that we have just received a
car load of land plaster can
give you a good price on same,
Come get yours is going.
Harrington Barber Co.
Car load of nice bright hay
A. W.
as Worshipful Master. On this
occasion he had been called to
the bereaved home of his father
and because
of the death of the latter, Mrs.
Harrington, who departed
this life she seemed
to be in the arms of her Heaven-
Father at the portals of glory
even before the breath left her
We most earnestly extend our
deepest sympathy to our worthy
brother and we would commend
him to the same companionship
with our Father above that his
godly mother enjoyed. May his
last days also be days of
preparatory to that final re-
union on high-
Furthermore, we extend
to Mr. Harrington,
the father of our as well
as to all bereaved relatives.
Done by of Winterville
Lodge, June 1909.
G. a,
W. L. House,
Th; worst years of
to win, h., was a k
ulcer. He p id over
without benefit. Then
Salve i the nicer
mil, Rheum. for Pile,,
Bums, Scalds, Cuts. Corns.
nil Druggists.
Bethe Banking Trust Co.,
At tho close of boldness. April 38th,
Register of Deeds W. M. Mo ire
issued the following licenses
since last
M. A.
Leslie Turnage and Helen
C. P. Smith and Rosa Harriss.
L. H. Jones and Annie Forest.
Henry and Staton
G. E Smith and Lillie Chap
Woods Medicine liver reg-
which bring quick sick
headache, constipation, biliousness and
other of liver disorders.
Particularly recommended for Jaundice
chills fever, malaria. The
contains 21-2 t a much a the-
and discounts
t secured
Furniture and
Due from and
minor currency
Undivided less
taxes pd 1,858.90
Time certificates of 8,650.68
Deposits to check 87,671.66
STATE OF NORTH County of Pitt,
I W II Cashier of the above-named bank, sol-
swear that the above is true to the best
and belief. W. H. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn be-
fore me, this day May,
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public.
M. .
S. M. Jones,
For Sale- Long
cotton seed. Call on
Co., Greenville.
Hon. W. R. very.
will treat you
arc for and bring
quick relief tr lumbago,
and all other symptoms kid-
They a tonic to the
entire and build up and
health. Hold by
John I,. Wooten.
J. C. HORNER, Principal, Oxford, N. C.
. English Course.
yea dine
, i earn. . of his family, securing the culture of home life.
. . . ,
non. . , carriage.
sick at home near Falkland, the
Mr. Williams is one of Pitt conn- social training
most prominent and useful
citizens and all hope for him a
speedy recovery, He is about c
years old.
Our Greenville, yours if you
will treat you
i co. tr s. A.
i i
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Tobacco Co.
Offers Good
Greenville, N. C, June 1909-
To the Tobacco Growers of
Eastern North
As the time approaches to
begin curing the tobacco crop,
The Farmers Consolidated To-
Co being desirous of
aiding and serving the interests
of the tobacco farmer, begs
leave to submit a few
which we hope will be of
some service to them. In calling
attention to these matters, we
want it understood we are not
giving advice, but simply
suggestion that farmers
may think about them, and if
approved, where practical, adopt
such of them as they see proper.
In the first place, we would
call the attention of the growers
to the fact that it now set ms
certain that tobacco crop in
Eastern North Carolina has been
increased in acreage this year
something like per cent.
estimate of the acreage is
based upon information obtained
from almost every of the
east. We believe the impression
of the tobacco trade at large has
been that the acreage was
increased much more than
per cent, but in this we think
the trade mistaken. The con-
of the crop up to June 1st
Wis excellent, but linen then
the heavy and incessant
have in
ruined the crop, while it has
been seriously damaged
everywhere in the east- Unless
there is recovery
from the wet weather, which
has been follow. by several
days of scorching sunshine, it
certainly at this date e
as crop in
will be a much lighter one even
of th inferior tobacco during r
the hot months, and sold
bulk of the crop during October,
November, December and
the condition would have
County Alumnae of the Normal Col-
There will be a meeting of the
alumnae of the State Normal
Her Pretty Tl in the
Christian I b.
The Bank of Greenville Enlarges and She Entertains in Honor
Adds More Directors.
The stockholders of the Bank On Tuesday evening at tie At morning m
of Greenville, held a meeting on home of her parents, of the
i v I -------e II
been reversed, and those who Pitt county, in the; June 28th. for the purpose of in-; Ninth and Evens streets, Miss Franklin Tyson
sold during these later months of the Graded School, at Leaning its from 188.000 entertained in- Kit by Kev.
would have received much o'clock, Monday, July to 50.000. There was a large formally a number of at U.
students of the college, of new r, a forty two porch part, in honor
than who j. , ., ., ,, ,.,,, f Misses Susie Per-
of her guests, Misses Susie
Per- decorated with ferns potted
. . -r- i W-pi
, t and the citizens generally are increase stock,
The lack of m in market- meeting. J d. and Mitchell, plant, and cut making
The work to be considered b At this meeting the of ton and Ilia. Lillian
the part Pitt county shall take directors was increased to . I I c-i n
in raising following well known The hostess met her friends at , ., Ad or
This is a matter which men added to door and welcomed them to Y u. Miss Hat
will prove of vital interest to board . Messrs. B K. Fleming, the pleasures of Ml organist, n th wed-
every thoughtful man and W E. Proctor, R. A. After being served with ding march as entered
man of the and B W. Moseley. on the lawn gathered and Dre. m during the
hope that many will show The Dank of Greenville table, on the porch fur a
been one of the moat successful of forty-two. There
banks in North Caroline, having, nine tables of four hands, the H Long. Carl L. t.
The Loan Fund is won a p on the roll of honor, game progressing from one to and , R u
,, the farmers a to the late Dr. , bank, Burch and bouquet
bride entered with her
the crop is the trouble.
Every one to the
time to sell is now, and without
regard to the condition of the
market, or the quantity of
co being sold, prepares the crop
as hastily as possible and market
it. It would be better to market .,
the crop during eight months, interest by attending chis meet-
but reformation should be
and not revolutionary, and
advisability ti is year, of market Charles D. as its
the crop in a is to be Used as a fund
manner, and not to glut young women may for will be vastly score and cut for the broth. Mr. 8.1 . k. a.
market during the not sum , borrow money to complete their broadened and the prospects for the latter being the win-j groom with bis sir.
mer months. If the farmers l Thus, in the of the success that She on to t. W . ,
will hold their tobacco off the that man has done fans attended them in past, for From en coup
most for the womanhood of very bright for the future, to to
North Carolina, are the alumnae The Bank will e which should possess i the m
of his college making it possible in., a of being in favor of t c
This prise was an em-points, A multitude or
July sofa pillow. The eon-j wishes go out to for a
Frank Wilson's Great July Clearing a fan, d
market, and employ system in
celling it, situation is
controlled, and the which
they receive will more
factory and profitable to
for other young women to be
Utter prepared for life,
and all concerned, than the man-; majority of these women
in which it has been sold r, so it is impossible
the few years. measure the amount of
The practice of palling off and by such a fund.
curing the ground leaves, re, us tins loan
only is not profitable to the fund, even the small fund invest
farmers, but the six or sight ed will grow into larger sums of
million pounds of this stuff that usefulness, for as it is returned,
has been annually saved for tie um, money will be used over and
last several years, is just that
much production for which there
Now. when extraordinary val-
will to you most.
Now, before y have purchased
your summer's supply. No,
when you can get. practically a
full season's service out of your
purchases- Now, because we do
not believe in r back the
than last
.,,. iii back
there I g,, practical is this idea of until s- late in the
is not a demand, and in order Fund that every- that you j
get it used at all, this i where in th. state it is being re-
bus been mixed with other with and
that had merit, and it is j
bought at a price that will not ,
pay the farmer even for
to Mr. Norman Warren, and he
presented this to Miss
game swarding
behooves farmers to take
advantage of every opportunity
presented to them to
most out of the crop, to do
this, they must consider the
influences under their control
which tend to advance or lower
the price of tobacco. We know j
of bit ore way of controlling the
price, and that is to control the
production. The production
during the last few years tut
been only a normal one, while
the increase this year would
probably have resulted in a
considerable increase in pounds
if the seasons had been
and a normal yield saved.
However, it does not seem
probable now that the crop in
the east will be a large one.
The unnecessary haste to
market the crop early in the
season when weather conditions
are bad for handling large
ties of tobacco, has resulted, we
believe, in a direct loss to the
farmers of the east during the
last two years, of several
hundred thousand dollars. The
determination to market the
bulk of the crop during August
and September cannot but result
in loss to the farmers. We
realize in making this statement
that many will say that in the
past those who sold early
received more than those who
sold late. This is true, but it
was due to the fact that
all the tobacco was sold
during the first few months, and
there was not enough left of the
crop to justify buyers in staying
on the market, consequently,
the remnant of the crop sold
as well the bulk of the crop. If
farmers had acted in
during these past few years, and
marketed only a small per
it. The buyers get blocked up
with this of
which frequently damages -m Cook Gotten Out for tin
their hands and causes them to a an;
be less active on the market for j and
other grade.-, and j . Company is
season that you don't care to buy
at any price.
This Great Clearing
is If alive with bargain val-
It has been our custom v
a clearing every summer, so be-1 chosen president of the s-
A. C.
J. C. Ca dwell and the
of Atlantic
Coital in
I Greenville en-
to church in
college, Messrs.
Bowie, and
East Carolina Training v remain there r Sunday
School Opens Oct. w- ,, Met rs Walk, r Settle
The board of trustee, of hen regular appointment.
East Carolina Training and Mt. Pleasant
School great pleasure They again Monday,
announcing to the public July Robersonville, Tues.
Prof. Wright has i.-. in
aid B
has to blend it with other
tobacco, and is put to no end of
t. n not- i- .
to get it consumed; con-
it is a practice that,
should be abandoned, as farmers SoU
have had experience
with this class of tobacco to
satisfied that there is
nut any in it them. If
the law of and
operates to the price a
commodity, then it follows that
the supply of this
no account tobacco operates just
that much to depress the market.
It should therefore be thrown
away, and thus taken out of the
production, which, of course, to
that extent reduces the supply,
and it follows that the demand
for the remainder will be greater,
with a correspondingly better
The farmers of Eastern North
Carolina have it in their power
to very control the pro-
of bright tobacco, for we
make a very large per cent of
this quality of tobacco. The
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco
Company to aid in every
way it can, to assist the farmers
in intelligently understanding
the situation, to the end that the
production of this type of to
may be controlled, and the
directory of
inning Saturday, June th-t a complete corps of in B n, In
and continuing through the c .-v r- has it. d Monday,
July, we are offering with him . ; . c , e.
our entire line of and will opened en; all week H
Bummer Straw Bats Tuesday, Oct B, 1808, for the t
and Low Cut at greatly reception of students, and ti
b- inaugurated It u
exchanges of the com- These goods are all now and Thursday, the 7th day of much for I
up to data styles in every d- 1808, with appropriate pub- churches t.
He ceremonies. going are
a clean, .-ale The buildings, six in number, good work a
and no on., can be mistaken are new and beautiful. They of P
a our pi ices, ts we always fully equipped with i
marK our goods in plain figures. heat, water, electric lights, Nor-1
The directory contains
forty pages with all the
telephones on the three ex-
change. properly listed, and all
some advertisements of leading
business firms. The directory
ha home product, being printed
by The Reflector, and Mr. F. G.
Smith superintendent of the local
exchange, says it is the hand-
he has seen sent out by
Now that these directories are
in the hands of the subscribers
to the exchange, patrons will
take notice that hereafter all
calls must be by number and not
by name. This rule will be
enforced, and subscribers can
aid the service by co ,
with it as soon as a call is made.
has about the best
exchange in the entire system of
the company, and Superintend-
Smith with his force want to
do all for the convenience
of subscribers and quick dispatch
of business.
the A. C. College.
will mean
c These
I they are
in the
many good
rough at Eastern
Come to see us as this is the best
chance you will have to buy hon-
est, clean merchandise at such
prices as we are offering.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Telephone Directory.
To all Telephone
We are now delivering new and
up to date telephone directories
of Greenville, Ayden and Grimes-
lion of a church building.
Can itemized statements of expenses
Z and information about the
all modern conveniences, results from this trip,
complete laundry and j The parties mentioned
plants. The sleeping have just closed a great meeting
rooms are furnished with single j in Rocky M Mint with do
iron bedsteads, first class mat- to the church and begun the
tresses, and other needful
order of the Board of
Trustees Carolina
Training school.
J. Y. Joyner, chairman
For prospectus
let the bulk of it be sold during
the fall and winter months, and
will throw away the ground
may be m
price kept at a better, they will, in
satisfactory figure to the y
We have no hesitancy ink will act
under normal conditions, the
price of our bright tobacco can
be maintained at a profitable and
satisfactory figure if the
is held within the limits of
the law of supply and demand.
If farmers will act in concert on
these suggestions; market the i
crop more systematically, and
year. If they will act
gently production of
crops in accordance with
the demand for bright tobacco,
they will continue to get profit-
able prices so long as they do so.
Yours truly,
Farmers Consolidated Co.
O. L. Joyner, Pres
livered to every subscriber, the
operators will be instructed not
to give a connection unless the
number is given. As often as
necessary a will be
printed and pasted on the last
page in the directory.
called for. are not listed
in the directory, will be given
without numbers being called,
until the name appears in the
Our reason for furnishing a
directory is to enable us to give
our subscribers the very best
service possible, and we feel
sure that if the subscribers will
co-operate with us in this matter
we will be able to give you bet-
and quicker service than
Don't blame the operators if
they refuse to give you a con-
without the number.
F. G. Smith, Manager.
and information about the
school, apply to President R. H.
Wright, or Prof. C. W- Wilson,
Greenville, N. C.
I hereby recommend that any-
body can trade for or buy or sell
the horses that I traded to Clayton
Turnage, also to Joe S. Pittman.
I purchased the said horses from
Winslow with the same horse
note that he told me every man
signed who bought a horse from
him. I traded said horses by
his consent. I want everybody
to know the notes are not
due until next fall, and I shall
meet them promptly and settle
them. But the one note I have
forbidden anyone to buy, will
not pay until the court says
must pay it.
Richard Wingate.
Juno, 30th,
Evangelistic Services.
The of Greenville
will hold a series of
In the
containing chapel, on even-
of July 1st, continuing until
July 6th. These services will
be conducted by Rev.
W. assisted by Rev.
Dr. Asa M. Bradley, of Spencer,
Mass., formerly Pacific Coast
Missionary. All evening services
will begin at The public is
cordially invited to attend these
W. O. Pastor.
law makes deal-
and users of tobacco trucks
responsible to us if they sell or
use trucks that our
patent. We can supply you with
the genuine Handy Tobacco
trucks. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Everybody wants the best
flour, it is y, S. M.
Red and black pea;. S. V

. . i.
C. lefts
is had w thin
past f. . I
month at
. . . , I
i-x i
d to the
we . State and
to Charlotte I
tail . mom r fa e
t.-i .-
. ii most
Kidney Troubles May
Sapping Your Life Away.
Greenville People
if of of con-
. .-1 c. i
Cited delivered by Henry Hardy to
J. K J- G. M ; lb M of
j d led in I e
i . u,
t. .
the i public
be lot i house
lie, to the hi t on
., . , . , . puree f
, t
. rid
Land Sale.
Ry virtue of the authority in
at the i i tor t S, fin
Superior court can of W. G.
, v.
K. i. i . i and
I Tuck r which if I in
IV,; r court mi t i k-
t I . No. and b virtue
,., c r de ii said
the Apt rm. . . I
end recorded on mi docket
At close of Fiscal Tear ending May.
be toe cat. it all.
veil i t i I
. ,. I I II.
e IT th co n is-
v. pub the
Two i .- i tin b on the o
oath a-de of 13th and east tine door in North
, . l
of C street . d being the i I
half of N shown on map
P. m for
Land and
ft lark
with Clark
M if I . at
o . loci . i. . . i . i
it . IV. . d
I In and a c
i being in
and more particularly b
i Ii
Loans and j Capital stock
Overdraft secured and I Surplus fund
unsecured i. . ,. .
Banking Undivided profits, lei
Furniture and fixtures taxes pd
t i-l. items .
Cask and due from
He . I
i. I
I pr than the following fiat. m
i. . t . Tarboro. N.
C., tome kid
the n- ages the
i,;, .,. . I.
tween lot s I then i rt ward-
in, .
; Jenkins com rat the
in C
i I ind reg
passages of
recommend i.
ii to
;. ;. PI f in return for
for tale all dealer. P
take no I.
i r Co
I d
Central I
i La
lid H lull
,. .
all of the
the t,
inn and con-
I for three
years. I the c
eluded, N. C, June 1909
suddenly, r;. . corner, thence west with the
. caught me across , to i in
J; N
n . i--, . , . . it h th and d
I . , . Maul I-. R. Matthew by
kid y Pills. They, removed . . . . their father
i . I No. too i own
one hundred acres more or
Dividends paid to stockholders since
. . -a. I
the name
l . . I . i . .
II feet deep,
on which Henry now lifts on I
i-i. I. b a it if
i. t . -i Ni K
Lovit s, H iv. r I i
e d i e d i L.
d i i Ii. Hardy, ; i
d i
22nd, do; of Jun ,
K ii. Mo;,. . .
F. j. . i . So ,
Ten of e
Tin the 4th day of June
v. II. Long,
pi i on . tall ,;,, the farmers
pi been very busy trying to
U . Mr. catch with work.
V. hen of Miss A Id Butler, has
. a been visiting Miss Lydia Chop-
ii. . man, returned to her home near
I c
In Sup, Ci
II . as
I .
By of t r of
ti ii
i i v Marti i j. to J.
. i of
fin the U.
of i . o Pitt mil .
Co . inn. in I B
t . I- .
C .
tilt C
Lot i i
Will Mi re.
,., than i
court of Pitt c a
loin from the i i I,
an ; . d the g
m and i u i
, . . . de
ice Ll i e .- . d
to up if i
y to I
id tin
M -i. BOO. it I., ii e
l . . .
. .-. i . ii
. . i aim . r . ill r to
or, Decks.
Tabla Dinner Club Breakfast
Elegant Table Dinner Club Breakfast to
I . attention the y beat service every way
Leave Norfolk of Jackson daily Sunday
Arrive in m., connecting with rail
lines f.-r . York, and all east and west.
. i and reservations address
.---. .- ii- . i i t i . . lie N. C. i U H
q and C tO CI Brewer, of New Court Hi rinG , . ,; ac ion, l
Ben. . , . ,., , ;., Q
. . j Miss L Roach last week , .; i. . . . . ;., . ,. . .
A you. f fit v. n, , . I
received M , came down Saturday n l
to Washington
. received down Saturday
Mr. S aid who to see his girl. He arrived
warrant i destination very late
of l e new law I
,, y in to in the
a . J .
tr.,. pi t g i
. j ,,. awl
cash, Ii f the Mi
.- Chapman spent Saturday night
,, w e S n lay
of Edwards. They report a very
I last time.
Barnes and I.
I I . I
he r
by Mr
to me
h .
I l-y .
r, ah
e to I
r further n n
. . h Copper
. .
. . of Pitt r
Of N
i I ; to
to Creditors,
ti r
w I
C. I. is ah sad a I the
farm in section. put
in a barn of tobacco this week.
It ; h h h
. I
r .
,. .
before the
ll u , late V. T
i- I
bogus con- P c
ac . h ii
. . . . p
i. . it CO, I I ;
s , r c
LOon .-.
t,. .
. . m
. went to A
Carrie Chi ,
; . . Mr R. i. S .
n i. a to tin
,.,. . .
the . -I
i ,, the . .
. the
mil pa
. . f. . June. Ii
. . . I i bar
, . V
. .
ii ; . . mi
me-t to u I; and
art . I y nm-t th
f r . lo
on or Let . of Mi . I
. J . ail I I
re .
; too.
B. W.
. Nat Bi
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
Al the remarkably I w fare of from
Greenville for be n
w tween Band twelve year half fare r
will be the
it . l Ion
Arrive Richmond, Va.
a. in
a. in
p. m.
p. in.
Notice Credit rs.
. in
. the
con tree . .
removed by u. e
of acid her means.
lei I more th in b
dozen people h re , free
for which nil
tin for
It is that of the numbers
of free -i ti issued, nearly
every man has received a bill.
There have also been received
letters from the La Salle con
earn, stating that facilitate
handling of our business, we
have found necessary to trans-
fer your contract business
administration to the
Finance Corporation of
;. Dix of A
. . . . .
.-. i . y.
c .
tr. tor of ll I
, Fleming I
Mr. J L and son, . .
id ; . i t ti i i . t to
with t r, Mrs. C. A. the rim
. i , claims against aid
Greenville. ,., ti
. return a . .
Ayden. the i .
Notice to
Hat i
I rt f Pitt
i . tor d ti .
i T.
hen .,.;.
the i . .
to I . ; in
i ; . i i
. it they must
. . ii , ,. , i
. . or th notice will I i I
o. v.
18th ;. Of flay,
ii S. Ell
lid . . i .
p. in.
J IT . in.
5.1 a. in.
. rive Washington, 11.50 8.40 a. m.
I la a I return on any regular train I Washington
ling No. July 1909.
Wash is the most attractive city on the w. stern Hemisphere
and every on . . t. and should avail themselves
this of their Nation's Capital and visit its
inti I inti r ling .- B I d and and us eh and
ins ch in u Mount v, a d Arlington. It
be . n ex for an E a well us one
i . i ail i Pie i .
For . ac particulars, call or
WAR t Agent, A. C. I. R, K .
W. J. G. T. C. WHITE,
;. , i r. M i e Agent,
I- me fr m o visit t i
Mat r J i mm home
spends few weeks,
Mi-s Corey was a truest
of Miss Sail Chapman Sunday
B, Corey and brother.
the university,; Henry, wont to Jen Saturday.
ha . r
of Sale of Land.
i i
B v i r i th.- power and authority
contained m a mortgage
executed by J. I Jenkins and wife,
i c s, i ii ti day of
November, to the North State
Life Company, the
i i . r will, on ti.- 2nd
day of Vi. t, at the hour of
. r f. r at court
door in Greenville, Pitt for
ah t-. the bidder, the follow-
certain tract of lying and be-
tie., will id in I
i- a ll J
Adm of I.
is ltd
f or I
of n
L, i
. lei d.
, In county, suite . f North r-
tr whom request Bethel township, and described
you to kindly make future;
Notice to Creditors;.
Having duly qualified b. for.- I e
n r county i
of last will and t lament
of J. N. deceased, I i
hereby given to all indebted to
tin lo make immediate payment
to the rs e a I, and all persons
having claims
are at they must pr the
same for t. the
on or before the 5th lay of June,
or this notice will be plead In bar
day of June,
Maggie A. Bynum,
R, a. Extra.
s mi of N. Bynum,
The letters caused some con-
among those to whom
had so
was clever enough to secure the
signature of the man to whom
he gave- The La Salle people
claim that the contracts came
and b s Lying and
i in township, county,
i the lands of J M. Lloyd, E.
A Cherry and others, beginning at a
stake in J, M. Lloyd's line, and
E. with the railroad SB poles to
a stake; thence N. E. to Cherry's
line, in the run of a branch; thence
line and the branch
to the said corner In Cot.
patent line; S
the containing
acres, or less
This 22nd day of June, 1909.
North State Mutual Life Ins. Co.
Pitt County.
Administrators Notice.
Letti rs of . In Ii;
. John Jon . I
been to mo by clerk
Superior court Pitt i
given to all persona
claims against the of
present them to me for I
on or before tho 9th day of i
or this notice will be pl-ad in
of their recovery. All persons
ed to said estate urged
ill. payment to
This the Mil day of June
U. I,. ,
of John
ID. W.
And Provisions SI
Tin Roofing and P
Go to L- H.
N. C.
Next door to J. R. J. G. MOVE.
and House Furnishings
i Rome Land, Atty.
filled out in their regular order,
with proper signature to
and the Charlotte gentlemen i
state that they signed the con-1
He is said to be a native
of North Carolina, having been
tracts, after had writ- born at Williamston. For a
ten in glaring letters I number of years, it is said, he
it face I made Norfolk, Va., his home,
. . Mr. Saunders knows little
The last heard of about him his em-
was from Marion, and it is for six weeks or
thought he is now in Ashe- Observer.
By virtue of a power of . contain
ed n a
delivered by W. K. Parker to El-
Parker on 14th day of July,
s of record appear In the
of the Register county
in Book J page the undersigned
will on Mot the 2nd day t.
at noon, ii being the
first Monday In August,
to public sale before the court house
door in to the lushest bid-
tier for the following described
or parcel of land, to
The one third Interest
certain lot or of Ian I lying in
the town of and known a
the Lumbar yard lot, it g the lot of
land to,. E. A. and M.
R. Parker from Lovitt receiver,
to which de reference is made for
further description, lot lying
on 12th and Brown , the
Greenville Mfg. Company.
This tale is made lo satisfy the terms
of said mortgage deed.
This the day of June. I
Ellen U. Mortgagee,
F. C. Harding. Atty. ltd
kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
I D. W.
North a
Furniture And House Furnishing Goods
Cash or on Installments.
In Building Formerly Occupied by Dispensary. Large Stock of everything
in your House. Our Pi ices are low.
Home c
men's Fashions. Greenville C
See P. M.
repairs and
Johnston for mill
supplies. Terms
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in main business sec-
of the town- Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
Modern electrical machine for
dry and La-
dies waited on at their homes.
Cotton Factors and handlers o
Bagging. Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
I have moved my Dairy to the John-
son place, one mile from town, and am
better prepared than ever to furnish
all Dairy Products. Will make delivery
in town. Phone T 2-4.
Social Set Had a Fine Trip
Down the River Night.
Thursday night men
gave a moonlight, down the
river on Proctor's gas boat,
complimentary the
visiting young ladies, which
a great success in the every v.
The boat left the wharf at
o'clock and Bailed about fifteen
miles down, returning
o'clock. Every one was jolly
seemed to thoroughly en-
joyed the evening. A light
cream punch wen
served as refreshments. Music
wits furnished by
posed of Greenville buys.
The follow are the co
and who w
Carey Warren and Mi. Helen
L. Best and Glenn
R. C. and Hiss
of Baltimore.
Frank and Miss Irma
Alex. Blow and Mary
C. B. and Miss Mary
E. Hooker an Live-
of tn.
Ames Brown arid Miss
ton, of Halifax.
S. E. bates Miss
Mr. Rollins, of Will n, and
Miss Mary Smith.
Key Brown and Miss Susie
and Miss Lillian
Frank Wilson and Miss RUBS,
of Raleigh.
Sim Chapman and Miss King,
of Golds
I yon ear customer.
I.-. Ti
Write Mention
w -1 this j
V h-i
Mr- T W. Marries
Moore, of Ion
Th w
Eastern Carolina ill
prised learn that this
nine o'clock th;
of J- L. in this t t
Rev. M. T.
Miss Estelle M to . of.
became the bride W.
of Greenville.
Although it was a so it
was in no sense a away
natch, as groom had ob-
the consent of the b
parents for the marriage to
Icon later in the year
land bride was here at the
residence if Mrs. N.
getting up h
;. bi rt U
; in
Pas.-om on ,; d
. . f .
Willi W ; M
i j Kit .
LaGrange. Mrs.
Much Business t Regular
Meeting Thursday Night.
The aldermen met i
monthly session Thurs-
lay and transacted
Pr if. W. H. appear-
ed before the board in respect to
opening street from Dickinson
avenue to street and ask-
ed th it they defer m until
who is out of
town, goto back. Motion
mile and ti grant his
Col. F. G. appeared be-
fore the board in behalf of Hi
Johnson and asked
for putting water line to
their ice plant.
r. i;. S. T. .
R H. A. White
red before the board
that Ninth street be fixed
from Dickinson avenue.
Aid E, G. F an
made a motion that the h ard
accept proposition of
Bros, to give n of clay
a load of sand taken from
t in construction work, and
tint street committee ,
to have Ninth
Axed from Dickinson avenue to
of securing their logs and
g pound with which to y
their mill with logs, for the
of a year.
street committee was in
st is repair Eighth street
west of Evans street.
The ordinance committee was
instructed to draft an ordinance
in respect to
ditches in the street, and
present same to the board.
The mayor was instructed to
draw an ordinance in reject to
compelling property owners on
Ninth street to fix their Bid
s . m Evans
Dick avenue, using good
i i curbing and the same
material as used for fixing the
r to
i ;. . . a road i
i . .
i he st n r
e. ion.
The place
to ; i Com-
stock to ; t
goods only.
Agricultural A
Consisting Plows, Mowers, Hi s
Cutlers. Rakes . I tors
both riding and walking,
in the most popular i
a j r I ct-
when the arrived on I street. Motion
the Plymouth shoo fly Tuesday they begin at the dope.
I. . . p t-v-
in Carolina
R i a. C, June
On Ii on Mr, B. P.
Harper, the
; of i was
killed by a I a his
his h.- . n
wheels and breaking his neck,
It is believed h-; was
the influence of whiskey or some
in i
; .
teed -i
Those g
will lo well to us
in but the best.
It ;. u , building .
tall. We appreciate
j I. . .,. ,,. . ,.; I
lee pries s. en wish i
the above don't I'll to
R a Ir t i
a . . y
begun preparation
evening an
for a wedding.
After the ceremony, and amid
the congratulations and b
wishes of their friends here, t; e
couple were driven to the
Line depot, from which they
hoarded the morning train for
Washington points north.
Toe bride is the and
accomplished daughter of Mr.
ard Mrs. S. L. . t re, of mil
ton Mr. Whit Is .- ere
Mist i ans. of the Build
i c a of
; I. y, of
of Dickinson avenue
n I Ninth street and fix same as
far as Washington street. The
amendment was carried,
A motion was made and car-
that the mayor be instructed
notify the officials of the Nor-
folk Southern railroad July 1st.
they must comply with
permitting them to run a
el. down Pitt street, and send
them a copy of the
H, A. White appeared before
the board in respect to ordinance
, requiring the Standard Oil C
Washington. June
Gazette Publishing Company's
outfit was sold at public auction
yesterday. It was bought by
Mr. W. C. Rodman. It is
that a stock company
will be formed and publication
AT N. C.
At the close of April 28th, ll
where he has a t of friends to put in spur track and asked
and is very his -hat time be extended to
just finished a d delivered 16th. Motion was nude and
i. trustees the beautiful request be i
of the Eat Carolina
Seventeen miners were
by an explosion of gas in a
mine in Pa., about j Loans and discount
o'clock morning, j Overdrafts sect
The explosion was to
ignition of a packet of gas by i,,.,.
open lamp of a miner. Cash items
Leon Ling, the Chinese con-l., ,,,,,,.
alleged slayer of Elsie I coin currency
missionary, in China- Nat bank and other P.
Capita stock
, I Surplus fund
pro i
i . .
r. ft
j Deposits sub.
Many cut. of
troubles have I b. C
One man who ha
thousand and I e t-
t. a few of
those i. Price cut-. Sam-
free U Coward
Wooten's Drugstore.
i H n ,
P. C. Harding appeared before town, N. Y., has not yet been Not
he hoard in respect to bridge located, although detectives are
across ravine on Fourth street to making a diligent search
iv Harrington's over the United- State. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Count j I
h in J K.
How Bert U. I of Ch Wash.
. from i death i- a
to I th.- world. hard
h writes, on
ti. murder and they a
visit tea tuna in that in respect to officers of the law as much as
who not help me. I I went t- . .
California, m . building bridge be to
last i used In- New Discovery,
which cared me now
am us Well as ever. lot
Bronchitis u ha and Colds,
to tender the town a deed the arrest of
for the street from the ravine to former room-mate, t hung Shu.
Street a all r . I
reputed having three bids for the country are wrought up over mo, I , April, I n.
i A
made i N
. . . .
, Croup . i i Cough
c 91.00. Trial
. o. ed i tug
Call and see P. M.
when in town for general engine
and boiler repair work and any-
thing you may need. Shop op-
Hotel Bertha. w
When a sufferer from stomach
takes Dr. King's New Life
Pills he's mighty glad to his
and Indigestion fly, hut more he s
tickled over his now, line appetite,
strong nerves, healthy vigor, all be-
cause stomach, liver and kidneys now
work right, at All Druggists.
Nice lot of new
memorandum books etc. at
Reflector Book Store.
Um cream yon la
. ,, .
Ito y-u that the
utensil kept o
Why any chance where
U I Why not
ICE cm Powder
it Ii Simply stir of
ll. Into i i of milk ml
cooking, or
of This in . . two
A ran I
i ii ICE Po--
d, r I
berry, and
Pure Co., Roy, M Y.
The Southern Learning Some Sense.
The Southern Railway seems
to have adopted a different
course, and a wise one, with re-
to litigation. Some years
ago the policy was never to c
promise a case in court; fight it
out was the motto. The result
was that it got hurt in
every way. We notice, however,
now, of course where the facts
are against the company. This
is a wise policy. It is not only
a direct saving, but places the
road in better shape before a
jury in other cases. It shows a
willingness to do what is right.
And it may be stated that the
road has been getting some
verdicts recently which is a
rarity. Greensboro Record.
j I in xi regular monthly meeting of
the board so that each member
can visit th. sight where it is to j
be built and investigate the
Mr. Harrington proposes to give
the town deed for.
. , . , a, soon a i- done nursing.
Motion was made and carried Wipe it off with a cloth
lowing the babe ti nurse. Man.; .
use this salve with beat,
r. s. For Bale I. Wooten and
Coward Woolen.
Vi moth-1 o I i ; .
. II
pleased to know that h cue may be 11-
. OH
i-r o in th S
and and Art Run at
It., I R. V. re.
repairs to all kind of
Steam linings, Engines,
Tobacco machinery, all a ape-
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical novelties. Give us a trial.
As usually treated, a sprained ankle
will disable the injured person for a
month or more, by
Liniment and observing the
directions with each bottle a
cure may be effected in many cases in
less than one week's This
is a most remarkable preparation
Try it for a sprain or bruise, or when
laid up with chronic or muscular
and are to be de-
lighted with the prompt relief which it
For sale by J. I. Woolen and
Coward Woolen.
I Not Quite
Our Greenville, yours if you
that all bills by the
committee be paid.
Motion was made and carried
that the board proceed to elect
two graded school trustees. R.
J. G. E. Harris and G. P.
Evans were placed in
R. J. G. E.
were elected to succeed them-
. , , i I All work terms
Motion was made and carried left at L,
that the water and light com-1 v. ill receive prompt attention, or phone
mission be instructed to
light placed at intersection of
Twelfth and streets,
the cost not to exceed
Motion was made and carried
that the finance committee be in-
to employ someone to
check up the town clerk and
treasurer's books.
Motion was made and carried
that the clerk address a letter to
each person owing the city for
paving and curbing.
Motion was made a id carried
that the mayor be instructed to
have ordinance in respect to
automobiles published in Tb
Reflector, and the police-
men be instructed to have same
Motion was made and carried
that the town lease M. G-
Son the town commons front-
on the river from Pitt to
II you want HORSE to
fast and strong
Wholesale retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Se
Oil Turkeys. Eggs, OaK
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc
Suits, Baby Carriages, W. B. Kc sell
Parlor suits Tables, Lounges, you Better Feed and tor
Safes, P. and f-ail Ax Money than any man in town.
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots. Henry George R O
Cigars. Canned Cherries. Peach,
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
often you can get a
, thing
call or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool and be prepared for
emergencies. Our Hue of tools
Is a you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
I Of lours
i- You get s
i Horse Goods c
Jelly. Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples-
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. Best But-, .
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods,
Quality and quantity cheap
cash. Come see me.
Place is headquarters Com, Hay.
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kind
Feed, Salt. Lime and Cement.
Norton yam potatoes unjust -no
slips for sale by L. C. Arthur. Greene street and feet front f
WANTED or good, sober, re-
liable men to travel on salary or
commission. Must be able to give
; l i i i i i i i i .
bond necessary.
Greene street and feet front Hart Fleming, Ayden, N. C.
east of Greene street for the
furnished, every
thing clean and
working the
best barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J. R. J. G.

A similar eases hen, for our
dogs go around over the city at
will without muzzles or
It was thirty-one years ago , of of
Catawba Springs mar Hickory the North in
of any kind. Even to the a connection with their mooting at
Subscript War 41.00
hull dog is allowed to go
of tho North Carolina Press
Advertising may lie ha J upon
application I th business office in
I . corner Evans and
Third street.
Entered in the port office a Greenville
N. C
Y JULY i 1909.
The ti the fol
lowing to y the question
of the nu r dogs that
invest I hi I his hard
; . .- make
law the situation,
a I the state
h somewhat
i hi year the
I i the i r- the
law, the mi i I can-
no; ii i lie
tin- to the dogs
off the The season is at
band win sure to have
sin i- ill i
Th Sun
I I i I i . ill
that city I follow
i indict-
ed Thurs i. nu a woman by dogs
i;. the bu of s
n street public at-
a great
log-, in the
and the apparent inefficiency of
for controlling
and removing them. The dog
ion i . reached
. last week, was
around without a muscle, and it Association. In the years since a ,,. u ,
was only last night that we many f trip to this lovely spot in
the annual gatherings f the ed- mu taken
and in all of them does , in
not recall a better meeting than Railway had
one last week in Henderson- w for t. ,.,,;.
ville, the City is
of the It was a
meeting that reflected much
one almost kill a bird dog on
Evans street.
We have nothing to say
the or against
dogs, for we like a good but
we certainly think our citizens
should be protected and it is up
n, the city aldermen. There the association and
was a law requiring certain of pride at be-
a member of such a body.
of dogs to be muzzled some
years ago, but it has
reason been repealed and there
is absolutely no law in for
ruing them now. h m ill In to
late to pass a law after
has Keen bitten and
miles from and
the trip there is through a beau
valley with
forming a background on
either side. Brevard is about
that meetings were
merely trips and a
together to
Lei I get mi re subs
and and such tilings.
I Of course matters pertaining to
the benefit of the in have
CHARMING some incidental consideration,
but if a stranger had dropped in
The editors of North Carolina unawares at the meeting at
a-ere fortunate in having and heard the able
as the place of h papers read and discussions upon
their annual convention them, lie might easily have con-
Some people have had an idea u; .,
week. is indeed
a beautiful town surrounded by
scenery. Ii has a
population of about broad
paved streets, concrete side-
walks, splendid hotels, elegant
homes and a warm hearted pen
pie. The editors made their
headquarters at the dates Hotel
that was truly an idea place.
Here everything that could con-
tribute to their comfort and
pleasure was alter. hen
u Ci Tl re re
cent ma j ; .- m
f v i h
mad b ling is a
in some i .
by i
the city
the editors
he business of
courtesies. The
mt engaged m
profuse with
were drives
on the mountain
of persons into the street through shady glens, around
Where there are ch at sparking
anger is a f views
in tin- streets the
very s one.
is a trilling malady is j
not regarded the i i
the biting dog i- ma i
or not, there son the part of such beautiful surround that
the bitten distress one never feels like tiring look
and of nu ml lapse jg at them. Owners of private
of time has shown that hydro , , i
i grounds threw w
mil , v.-lop , . .
. ,, their gates time being
to speak at lie
and time. and bade the enter
is insufferable ilia life should will. A. Smith, who
be thus insecure, Are the Street railway and
streets and alleys of i he city for j lurk to which it run-.
the of the ,;,. , r
almost as rapidly a- the pictures
of a kaleidoscope.
abounds with
Yes, the
Oakley. N. C, June 1909.
Rosa Skinner, of Ayden,
the east. Come live returned home last after
with us and let it be
And yet another town in
comes over into the
Parmele Sunday.
spending several days in this
section with friends.
Good many from here attended
church at Oak Grove and
column. This time i
Miss Daisy Parker left Sunday
for to spend a few
Mr. Manufacturer, Mr. Cotton Mrs. Manning and
Mill Man, look to the east and daughter. Miss Carrie, of Bethel,
spent Sunday here with friends.
locate your factory in
The editor need not give him-
self any trouble about setting
off for a The Reflector
e don t believe there IS a WM f
town in the world the size of reading matter and every paper
Greenville with a liner or more was ct out in good
eluded that he had fallen upon a
convention tor the
of North For in-
stance some of the subjects of
papers read were Editor as
a Town of
the Towards the Good
toads Movement in North Caro-
The Future of North
and the part to be played
therein by the
can the Country Paper do to
Promote Rural
The ability of these papers was
marked, and breathed the spirit
of pride felt in North Carolina
and devotion to her progress and
No men are truer to the State
than North Carolina editors,
and none more loyal to the gen-
welfare of the Common-. The is
wealth. They stand by their was made by building a
town, their and j,,. ,
State, working unceasingly for passed through a narrow gap
the advancement and better- between two mountains. Below
moot of those whom they sen
that point the ascent begins,
rising higher and higher as the
j i . . he hist few
miles before reaching
the nearest station ;
the train must climb an ml
of s feet, a part of the dis
the track being walled in
by rocky heights one side,
while on the other there is a
gorge with a sparkling river
hundreds of feel below. The
scene here p beyond description.
Passing the summit this
immense climb up the mountain
the grade becomes more even.
around the hill sides
the view opens upon
Lake. It fills the
visitor with wonder to here
at an altitude above feet
such a body of water,
seemingly to bring the
and sea together in one
grand panorama. The lake has
a shore line of about miles.
Nestled on a plateau Oil one side
and almost hid a stately
grove is the palatial
Inn, among the finest hotels in
the South. Nature did much
toward making this place beau-
a corps
has cause
Miss Lina left Sunday
to friends at Staton.
are now curing tobacco
Central w
always give the
for. all Will be
I,,, and selling potatoes both. Times
but oh, taxes
proud are every one I
good preachers, pastors and men j family
-and that is saying a great deal Sunday just the
Master Mayo Little spent San-
If all telephone here with Master J. H-Gray.
ill now call by number as J. V- left Monday for
d in the new directory, and
Now time for Greenville.
and other places on
Washington Kinston
peace. Tho railroad has a
that stands at
Some time early in the spring j Parmele four hours. Why not
we suggested giving our visitors j let this train go back to Washing-
water to drink by placing ton and return to in
, , time to catch the Weldon
around the fountains ,,,. , , ,
., . , , People could leave
ed by a coil of pipe and a at a m. goto
box. Nothing has been heard ; attend to a good
the suggestion since and now it is of business and return at
summer it is greatly needed 1.12 p. m. p. in. Let the
i Washington train make three
Thai was a clever crook who
worked the Charlotte business
men out of t heir hard cash and
s tipped. He the most
prominent men in the city to
work hit game on. and they bit
like young Guess they
will their e.-es
ill the future.
round trips while now it only
makes two.
For Long
pie cotton seed. Call on
Co., Greenville.
and the artistic touch of
man almost turtle
into a par j We do not believe the
of the States could
do know that the city
would be liable for damage done
to any person by dogs the
streets, where no effort is made
to enforce the law, but the fact
is that it is law, and the con-
danger to the lives of child
ran and grown people ought in
themselves be to
cure efficient action on this
Greenville has the dog
also. Frequently we have
a light by them on our
streets, which is very dangerous
to the people, but fortunately
few have been hurt so far; in fact
we know of only one case some
months ago when a small boy
had the large vein on his wrist
torn by a bird dog, which had
long since lost his instinct for
hunting. The hurt did not
prove very serious, but at the
same time it was dangerous.
Most every day at this season of
the year we see one or more ac-
counts in our papers of some
man, woman or child going to a
hospital for the Pasteur treat
to prevent rabies after
having been bitten by a dog, or
that someone has been bitten
and is suffering from the
disease. We have been ex-
just turned these over to the use
i f the newspaper folks. And
such a delightful place is Laurel
Park with its lakes of pond
lies. groves of fragrant
winding walks through
overhanging boughs, rustic seats
nooks and around crystal
springs, rippling brooklets here
and there, gushing cataracts
splashing over rocks, and from
the highest point a tower com-
a view of the town and
surrounding country.
No editor who went to Hen-
will ever forget May-
or R. H. Staton and Col. S. V.
Pickens, a veteran of the Con-
Both in meeting and
when out on pleasure bent these
were on hand to give every at-
to the guests. Editor
M. L. Shipman, State
of labor and printing, felt
particular pride in having his
brother editors in his home
and did much to make it pleas-
ant for them.
The Reflector man also feels
grateful to Dr. J. G.
and his excellent family
which has drawn
some additions to her
the hospitality of
General Julian Carr has been
mentioned as the probable re-
of the ministerial
to China. The
of Connor to the
the Fast Carolina
seems to have put our
party to thinking that all the
pie to be handed out by
ant Taft to the South will be
landed by the Democrats. We
lope the general will get the
appointment if he wants
is a deserving
we certainly hope he will not
make as big fool of himself over
it as others did over the judge-
ship appointment.
j's Postmaster Shot.
June 26-J. F. Ed-
wards, postmaster at Vanceboro,
j was dangerously today
I by the accidental discharge of a
I revolver. He was carelessly
bundling weapon when it
man the the ball entering the right
dent's chair who is nearer the j Diva-. Physicians are unable
opposite of Col. Roosevelt into locale the ballot.
everything than Mr. Taft. He is serious.
the dam is a rang.-of rocky is extreme;, BO ill the brevity of,
over which the water leaps messages to congress. One
as it speeds away, never our exchanges suggests if he
ping until it is lost in the goes Sunday morning to beat his
of Mexico. In grandeur we put them display I bedside.
way is unsurpassed. The type so that the reading
tors spent a day and night amid them. if you
with nozzle May M
these lovely lings, and r, W hen Roosevelt was on applied directly i the affect i parts.
. , Sold by John
It would be a good idea for
our citizens to clear the side-
walks in front of their property
of weeds. The growth is very
dense in some places. Have a
little city pride and don't wait
for the police to force you to do
Mr. O. L. Joyner, president of
the Consolidated To-
Company, writes to-
day's paper some good
for the tobacco farmers on
how to market their crop.
Mr. Edwards in a brother-in-
law of our townsmen. Mr. C. C.
who with his wife
was with a sigh of reluctance the job the papers that could
that many them again board-
ed the special car early Saturday
morning to turn back to the
ordinary scenes of every day-
From there the run was made
for a stop of live
hours in the capital city of the
mountains, when all set their
faces homeward to resume their
duties for another year until the
next annual convention shall
call them together again. We
can only hope that the next
will be as delightful as the
one at and the
trip to
print his messages had to put
them in type to keep
from making books.
whose home was more than once
enjoyed and by whoso attention
in visiting places of interest his
pleasure was largely increased.
is truly a
charming place and entitled to
all that is claimed for it as the
Greenville has had for a
of years the reputation of
having the most beautiful
men, horses and turnouts of
any town in the State, but we
arc now witnessing the passing
of the beautiful horses and turn-
outs. They are being rapidly
displaced by the noisy and fumy
automobile, which line our
streets today. We are sorry to
see this, for our opinion
there is no nicer prettier
thing than a well kept horse and
buggy. The auto is very nice
for rapid transit, but give us the
horse and buggy for pleasure ,
every time.
N. C, June 1909.
Miss Mamie Carr, of Lizzie,
Miss Nichols, cf
and Arthur Tucker, of Standard,
spent Tuesday evening F. M.
and Mills Smith-
Misses Agnes Smith and Mary
Flanagan spent one day last
week at Wm.
A. J. and Flanagan,
of Farm ville, were in our section j
Mrs. C. L. Tyson and Mrs.
of were
visiting at C. E,
Miss Mamie Flanagan, of
Farmville, who was visiting
Miss Agnes Smith hut week,
returned home Thursday.
Misses Rosa and Ellen Smith
went to Farmville Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Smith and
children spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Nichols at Poke-
R. E. Willoughby put in a barn
of tobacco yesterday. And I
guess the most of the farmers
will commence curing next week.
will treat you right
will treat you
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration,
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely;
cure you. Try it.
completely, and led me on the
o the grave. I skilled
but got no permanent
I rut so bud I had to up raj
business. began taking
Restorative In a Jew
I much better, and I
to Improve until entire
am In business again,
an opportunity v.
Creak. Oregon.
Your druggist sails Or.
and we authorize him
pries of first Mm If a
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
mil entirely cured. I
and never
H. R. Mumford came in KING'S CROSS ROADS HIM,
day to spend Sunday with
parents-. He returned to Kings Cross Roads, June
J. T. Matthews went to Sparta
Miss Cannon, near
Monday morning-
Jno, was in town
I of The Eastern for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished Sunday visiting his brother, Dr.
i M. T. lo.
Pan . Z Z I R S Me- Don't send elsewhere, when only one in Miss Rosalie Nunn of Kinston Smith this we.
but the neatest of all is visiting Misses Lorena and Mr. and Mis G. Li.
Bunch. F T J
was the of M, E- reed SB
hi Car-
. Jan. U.
last wt He left Tuesday of---- Tun;. Jg-0- I John All Saturday
, x n, returned from trip to Money can't buy better shoes attending the press convention Sunday.
M. M. Saab makes the best and other than for they , J. A. Forbes and f
cold drinks that can be made T g are pi
the fountain, led the year j. shoe
Try one I patten and
Mrs. J. B. left Tin.
int J. B. Smith Co. j a place to locate to law.
Me- Thorne and Windham, The union lion.
J. R. wire m town a I ,. .,,,, h
day for Va., where , ;, Friday. day night. It has been a sue
she will wend some time
her daughter.
They tell me that J. R. Smith
Co., Dix m are
as good wagons, carts and bug- amount that e .
. All kind We were very
by Hi m th
as found any where.
See them b fore buying.
you want the beat wire
fence Bay, American.
E. Turnage Co.
peanuts sale by J- K.
Smith Co.
On June Mr.
Wingate and
B. Johnson, both of were
I, issue, you note.; w Cutters I one indeed, not only in
that h. all improved farm for God, but in
have several from the different churches
farm Well, B. Turnage unity and causing
that very W. E. went . . me
Miss Cannon, near, , . , . . Lumber
e Company at com-
muted sari; today by
head with a
d ; I
as the of th
Governor K t
granted a i
ton, of
M I.,,, ,
W. E. Smith and . .
Sunday with H. S. Tyson.
H. T. Smith and Irene .
Smith Foul I
Mrs. J. A.
Sum with Mrs. L ;
arc th
looking with R
lea. shuttles, bobbies
; rs
days ago. They can surely sup- R Smith Co.
ply the arm i
Don't forget that y
will need baling and I a i
can purchase a hay press fr m
E. Turn v Co., .-1 i
own terms.
On last Tuesday th
people of Ayden went on their
annual picnic to
beach. At the
j was served on the beach h
happily married at the home of
the bride on West Railroad
Street The couple quite
Vi out on the
nuptial though, we young ladies and at two
them much and m for
la sail up tie river as far
Spring dress goods laces and HooKerton, where th--
to match at J. B. Smith
J. F. went to Kinston
Tuesday and
short while. Returning,
arrived at the beach i-
set. The toll wing couples r-
E. J. Gardner with
Miss Elizabeth Bridgers, S
A car load of American Wire Noble with Miss in s,
Fencing Just received. of J. C. Gardner h
E. C. Helen C x. .
J ;. to Wm. A. with -.--
fin. Carraway, of New Bern; i, J.
c i i.,.;,,. . ;, A j
In. Sauls has ., .
i , ii , K. h.
n i,. a
If y u a I i
Venters, of
was in town Friday .
We were v that
I Smith Co. . e
i such a nice line of
ind caskets of all prices and.
trades, see them when needing.
i ins in tins
j of Grifton,
meeting, f r ; v lave shown
their in effort i i working
for good. We hope our
people will again be able get
men to come to our
town, I ii we can. we assure
them a h arty welcome
, Sun I
with Mr. M J
T IS , .
Annie Little last w
C. u. V.
Jimmie C. V. i i. nor.
with Miss Feed J
Mrs. i . G.
Moors. All greatly th
day and will g again year
i, v on the Same
can shoe your mules
repair your carts, bug
Friday and returned
Buy your brackets,
railing, post
and flooring of J. K. Smith
Co. Dixon,
B. S. went to Green-
and returned
If you want a Mower or Rake,
can give you any style at
I prices than we can replace
t E. Turnage Co,
J. A. Harrington and G.
went to Greenville
laughter, of Kinston, are visit-
the home of J- F.
B. F. went up the
road Sunday.
Hart left this morning
for K ford.
Mr. Shield left this morning
for his home in Greensboro.
;. a
D their The;
I u i it E. Turnage
m i. e i
I i. at J. R. C
D-. i. C. r .
hose notice.
ladies and g. is one of J- ll Cu-
tho beet on the market at Guy of Z N. C.
no need or pi earn prom
t is a mistake allow anyone to
from as ;
can always l and in most
eases a i by
i which r affords i i
worth many lira I its cot. It make
sleep rest j. t Even in
. ; this liniment should be
med on account of the relief winch ii
affords. i. discouraged until
j. I,. and Coward Wooten.
. made
i. or ball .
A e. Its th
i, r Ii . In r of i i, .
, Fores. S . B
Rheum. .
C l-l S. . i
Ii I
r of Deeds W. M. Moore
. bas Issued the following licenses
W. L. of last
spent Sunday with his sis-1 WHITE.
Mrs. W. B. Alexander.
crime in yesterday to spend a
few days with friends and
J. R. h Co.
D. of
and Jno. Thorne- of Farmville,
were in town Wednesday, Tr
The Brick tobacco ware-
house U for rent. It is
located and The
right man can do a good business
here this season. Apply to J. R.
third less than lard at J. R
Smith Co
J- H. his just com-
his bottling plant and is
now ready to serve hi.-s trade in
line, We are to
butt to wise is any kind of enterprise begin in
A. and
infant son, e I
three months, if Mr. i I Mrs-
J. R. Sunday i
. .
e est
o .
t re.
. Ti
i-, i-i
J, ;., . I . in. i
Th. funeral place . .
Jo Williams, of Greenville, p
here Sunday. colored.
We arc sorry to learn that Miss; and Lena
Blount continues t
We hope she will soon be; .
A Guaranteed Cough i
again. I Laxative Cob For ,
Miss Nancy of Green- colds, croup,
ville. cm, Sunday to spend
time with her sister, Mrs. and Gently laxative.
. Sold John L.
Some of our side walks
need weeding
Don't fail to buy from
E. Turnage Co. where
you can buy them at cost.
If you expect to buy a gasoline
engine E. Turnage Co.
can make price and terms
Harrows and cultivators at J.
R. Smith Co.
Rev. Mr. of Wilson, came
in Wednesday to attend the
union meeting being held here
in the warehouse.
Mason's fruit jars, caps and
for same at J. R. Smith
and Mow-
and rakes for sale at old
price, E. Turnage Co.
Rape ed and Millet seed for
sale by J. R. Smith Co.
Car salt just at J. R.
Smith Co.
Gaskins and Miss
Patrick, of Grifton, were in
town Wednesday.
N. C. cut herrings at J. R.
Smith Co.
Why can not Ayden have a
as well as some other towns
we know of Someone make a
School books, tablets,
and Testaments at J. R. Smith Co.
We note that there is one man
in town who seems to be all
We think it because
a young lady has come to his
home to live. She weighs only
ten pounds though.
bushels nice country corn
at per bushel at J. R-
AT N. C.
At Close of Business June 23rd,
if 26,000.00
o'clock this evening,
in Cherry Hill cemetery,
conducted by Rev. J. H. Sh ire.
the pall bearers i re Dr. C.
B. Little, Vincent, J. .
Congleton, J A- Kicks, A. E-
Tucker. J. A. Andrews. J.
Little and T. .;. Norm in.
.; mi n an
in r ice f inn i n I fen , et i re
many, who might
them A weak, woman will be
. i . . I p n
show in ,
l i lie . kin m Id
For all such, Electric
Bitters wonders. Tiny
Stomach, Liver and purify
the strong ;
eyes, pow breathy smooth, velvety
skin. y Many charm-
women owe their and beauty
to them. at all druggist.
Our family
in lows and
I I ;. , . i.
. w .
,. i h i . I i.
El r
. the
i now . -1
i. I
a have
t i p oven I
Br This re .
o . .
on the tads
much .- by h r the
manure well cleaned .
the woven wire
mm Capital
Overdrafts unsecured surplus fund
Undivided profits,
E. Kurt.
made very cheap i i a
adopted to all of
wire n I v
spring to also
aid in keeping i . ea I o
working on the quites. The few t i
house at the East Carolina d i I
Teachers Training School Friday of the lino wire brushes now
afternoon Mr. E. Evans hurt sold in the .
Furniture natures
Demand loans
Due from cur. exp. and taxes pd.
905.00 j Dividend unpaid 72.00
Silver including all i Deposits tub. to check
minor coin 1,060.18
himself very badly, but not
seriously. He was working up
on a lid when his foot slip-
causing him to fall heavily
on one side and in the fall be
hank and other
Cashier's outstanding
With of tin the
keeper can around room
ii kill every fly on wall or win-
very rapidly.
Especially should there be the
struck a brace, attention
broke one of is ribs. One thigh files when there in
and his body were considerably the neighborhood, and people re
bruised by the fall also-
resting very well today.
He it
I J R. Smith, of the above named bank, do swear that
the above statement true to the beat of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be- Correct -At
fore me, this of June,
Notary Public
On Thursday morning about Smith, Ca,
two o'clock C. C; Needham
died at her home on Lee street.
Ask Mr. E. E. about the
Grist mill he purchased and let
The remains were token to him tell you all about it.
Elizabeth City Thursday, for
burial. The husband and three
children are left and much
is expressed for them.
Lime, cement, window, doors,
locks and hinges at J. K. Smith
Mrs. R. G. Chapman, of Win
was in town Thursday.
J. R. Smith Co. have the
largest sign in Ayden,
Shoes for and
Field peas, rape and millet seed
at J. R. Smith Co.
Any kind of machine
needle you want at J- R. Smith
Sick headache, constitution and bill-
are relieved by Rings Little
Pills. cleanse the system. Do
not gripe. Price Sold by John L.
We are prepared to furnish yon with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the very lowest prices. Cash or Installment.
Come to see us and we will convince you
arc now closing out line of LOW CUT SHOES, and also
our line of SUMMER DRESS GOODS at a
. I fall line of foods. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY by
are best, I King of Great Brit-1 coming to see us before you make your purchase,
of test-ask H. C. one of the greatest of the . q a i Q
ton. E. Turnage of Europe. mart U., n. w.
will treat you
Dr Joseph
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the same place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
careless about the wastes of the
sick room. called attention
last year to the fact that files in
the dining room caused the out-
cf typhoid at
Normal college at Greensboro,
and doubtless, many
of diseases that puzzled people
to find the cause, were d to
the flies. Hence it is not only
important for comfort to keep
the flies out, but especially
as a o dis-
With s farm-house isolated
from other buildings, it should
be easy to prevent many of the
flies that are usually found
by keeping the
farm-yard absolutely clean of
manure, and getting it out where
it will do good and not harm.
Remember that have
manure and filth to breed
in, and do not want those
carried into your milk or other
P. Massey, in Raleigh.
C, Progressive Farmer.
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina. i will treat you right

i- y .-,
THE NEW YORK LIFE Has Larger Assets
aid Insurance in tty
Toe Tight a
the was a
. .- ex-
y, . , most have;
a Ice aid t s n i
t, ; . a few t mi .
I fl C I
. . ; e i n
. I . t.
R;. .- v n tn I i I
t;. m . r n
wry i h i I the last t -r-
tit i . ,. any point,
adds to the wear of the e. It also explains
the reason why retain smart
until worn i
There are unusual i
SHOE c will appeal to you.
n k r i in w
t I On one
. . .
I I t the In
Mi r
. , . . Al
I . . .
tile. ;
i turned I
for t I .
T i re
go I
t their
I a I.
-.- r-n us a
I didn't
Ellison ll h Yon
look id this d Whit's
the tr
i i I've undergone a
mo . ration.
Ell it
. cut
I . Bite.
Just Received
mm in.
Should Have Special Attention at this Season
International Stock Food,
International Worm Powder
and Vermin Destroyer
of Wire, and inches
Also a Car Machinery
just arrived, consisting of
mowers, rakes, gasoline en-
disc harrows, smooth-
harrows, weeders and all
kinds of farming implements
in every line
T A We have some shapes that are not selling still this season's straw, such as
A fill i J Panamas, French Chips, Leghorns, Bleached and Grass Hats, and
we are going to sell for just one-half of former price. Our Milliners
will be here only a short time as this season's business is almost over, we think it courtesy we owe
lady customers who have bought Millinery of us in the past that if you need a new hat
cheap or the old one remodeled for the summer's last days, the ladies here in the store will be
only too glad to help you any way they can in selecting one of these styles cheap, or fix-
the old one for you
Don't Hesitate at These Low Prices
shapes while they last
shapes while they last
shapes while they
shapes while they last
shapes while they last
C. T.
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for
If you are you a home to make a paying investment
it will be your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings tor sale.
Terms to suit
L- C- ARTHUR, Greenville, N. C
Why Suffer
Are you one of the thousands of
I suffer from female ailments If so, don't l-
go to your druggist and get a bottle of Wine of I
On the wrapper are full directions for use. I
During the last half century, has
established in thousands of homes, as a safe remedy
for pain which only endure. It is reliable,
contains no harmful ingredients and can be depend-1
ed on in almost any ease.
Hath r.-who value own com-
tori of then w
be box of Moth-
i. t W s r
exit, cur or.-
g ; Eh
ii . i ice A
free to any no will
. i. I ;., . Y.
of the condition i
North Carolina fountains The Greenville Trust Co.,
Eh Aim is n i en, n it tins
Car, b ii
an l i. .
s r i I S on
following act .
Al K. .
At the i I A
i . i i
ii. i. ill. a
. .
i, ii. I i . Ar
i i hi
i. hi. .- i.
.- p, i.
6.81 .
p. in.
i, m.
p. in.
. .
It Wilt You
Mrs. Charlie Bragg, of tried Slip
cannot till how much has dime for
I began taking I could not do a day's work. Ii
would work awhile lie down. I shall always give to your I
I Try
A of Wood Is a Rather
certain Proposition.
There Are Many Different Conditions
Affect the
Interesting Result of an
ii a
Ti. ii farmer small
wood to man In
for i ii.- largo n of
or borne, paper
lecturer pulp and to
tho ordinary city wood
yard, to nil i f nun Ibis question
mi financial meaning.
Queer say contrary be-
of people, are many
a cord i toes than a cord
many conditions it Is more.
School any a cord
is las cubic feet, or con-
tents a . four
and four foot Wood i mar
on basts. A pile whom
and height multiplied
together tills
feet Oils requirement.
Whether tho are or calves
or crooked, round or tin- According i
there la an to the
contrary. Nevertheless, cord, though
comes up to legal i
an uncertain quantity, oven the
seller is holiest mid the
a lumberman may n tract or
pulp WOOd Which he sells to papal
id tr. IS u cord for us many cords
it win make, it i that
he shall cut stack it- He it In
twelve foot lengths, and when the Job
is complete it measures cards,
he receives for it. Would ho
have or lost by rutting lour foot
lengths Instead of
lie would have In tho Brat
from the additional required t
cut four foot wood, inn his principal
loss would resulted from a great-
diminished number of cubic
due to the fact that short He
closer together than large
Measurements experimental tests
have been made to exactly
how much actual i In
Had the MO cords of foot
w. cut foot lengths
there would have bees I
the owner would have received
for it Instead of It was,
therefore, clearly to his to
cut twelve foot lengths, hut It would
have to the buyer's advantage
have It cut four foot lengths. Us
would have received the same
quantity of wood for less.
It also makes differ-
to the seller whether wood Is
chopped or if chopped,
chips are lost. Where the logs are
large this amounts to no small j
total, a end toot wood.
with sticks six Indus in diameter, the steady.
chip loss is Iron to per cent, and, I
of th shorter M-l-i
i, the loss is scarcely
tie- ll I T
i lie o sluices between
. . very
mi the e l of
Straight, smooth sticks
close t and u cord mil lb
ii. i,. wood and less air. rot given
,. .;. . of arc usual-
. i- when
He i what-
,.,,,. i; In I mg sticks lire
; i- ii in mi empty
. i s.
i i, . of spin wood coin tin
I r sticks The
finer Hi is -i the m re ll
i n I arc n
n . . to sell all sawed and
ill, for lbs i rice Mr i as
ii wood, i buck tho cost
In the
A cord ll-- of four foot
id usually contains
cubic reel wind,
a cord foot averages
i and i half feet, two
fool feet and of
eighty live feet. The
contain to
ruble foot. Tims tho
chaser receives n on
of ii i if real word and
f a f
In some countries is bought I
buyer more
nearly getting chit he bargains for
even thou he may mist it if he re-
l when he wants dry.
, timber testing engineers
of the lulled Slates forest service,
wood may lose half or more Its green
weight in seasoning- for lend
Is by weight this
country. The arc so small
of such Irregular site that they cannot
conveniently he slacked and measured
The hulk of nearly all woods de-
creases seasoning Roes on. A
cord- green will make from
, nine to ninety-three when
dry. Tills is a factor of no small
in dealers who handle large
Wood and farmers who
have small traits from
they expect to sell cord wood are no
less Interested than contractors who
and sell large quantities. It will
Stand them III hand to know how
much difference It makes whether
wood is cut eh, or
sawed. Whether the are round
or split, whether large small
whether are to b
made while the void Is green or
It Is
Bern Persons Always
egg g p-
from time time in period-
literal the subject is re-
but by no meant
II i. on ii
, . . poisoning
an writ ll ill
Medical some
u- ii n-l- i i- SO very
i ii, o i assort
make thorn b and,
in it often
i .- . h
This is notably true of infants
in young children. Sot only do
infants and children
. , .
many more
I ill if this particular food
i- partaken of or, in tho
r i if the
ii. i is it up
This inability of young children
to digest . is ill line I J . . I . j A I I , or
with II n nixed fact 11-1
the or
p. m. r
p. in. II . i ll
p in. A. i .-, a. ii.
p. m. Ar M ll
. ;, iii t i Ia a. in.
r i. S t I
i Arm i is.
ii on ltd
is to ,
s, t-u-., call on this
or iii-
R I. J. H R H.
OP . I P.,
t. C.
Normal and
it.- r
s 4,61.-111
I, in.- Ii
hi., kn
. . .-
in including
i i
, , ate.
-nil in
, nut-1
X, Cashier e
-w, th
ed . in lief,
fore tins 1st ., My,
is v I-
C, . r.
I -Alt.
I. .
juices, must taught to
dietary articles other than tho
milk. milk, for in-
is a some
. i. Idle many a newly horn
r purrs , practice and h a-
I re it can thoroughly
Individual susceptibility us re-
r. . is extremely In
i- always act as an
n-d by Hie State .
of North Carolina macs
to Degrees.
for Te ill ;, i- i .-
September Those
enter should a i i y at r
dull . r
i.-ls w On K. .
The North
, , in tho
may ho marked at
and at another much
. r entirely wanting,
the subject it in sound
Tin- susceptibility may I e
ed in of every do of
and in cases only with
if certain birds. Chan res in
may also lie brought about by
of for, while torn
persons manifest their
only ell tho it raw. other
poisoned when it is cooked or
prepared in tome unusual and
most of the reported cu.-es the prepared to clean, press
white of the ego appears to have
The Si
ah in .
Milting and
ti e I;, in
c r
in.- i, allure and
in Civil, r
a in Co Ion
w not iii If for
one of I Ml c . .,
West Raleigh, N. C-
I. Wool.
M. Mi
Norfolk and Railway
rt M
Important Changes In Schedules
Between Washington, Greenville, and Raleigh, N. C.
S iv
I Mill
f. M.
s ,
s I
. .
. M.
s. I ,
II. ii
A. M.
v. I
Km mi.
A. I
, ,
I .
Sui I.-.
A. M.
, .,
Through Schedule Wilton,
id New N, t.
Th of China.
in north China arc
dry and hot, Thou come a short
period of torrential rains and
a long, dry fall ml winter.
will coma about the middle
the la -t of the,
river will freeze up, slay closed
until the middle el
though often until a month later.
There in almost no snow during the
entire or three little,
Hurries, hut enough covet
c pro The cold ii
been the offending element. Tho
symptoms egg poisoning
greatly iii degree. In some
nausea and headache occur.
In others most violent
toms, of irritant poison-
are observed.
Sometimes when the use of egg
is long continued they rise to
symptom group which call
biliousness, which, after all, is but a
form of auto-intoxication, due
to the presence of tome
ill blood. Tho symptoms
of egg poisoning are essentially
those of so called ptomaine poison-
It i true that tho giving
to toxic phenomena are inmost
instances apparently fresh when
eaten, but when recall that the
shell of egg will admit
the micro that cause the
to rot, as well at various
o it is ea-v to that
an egg may appear fresh and yet
contain bacteria in
persons and in certain
of digestion may produce
which may
what she was M
deprived fishes of a
do you make that
If a fish had to cackle over
very egg It
Children teething often suffer from
he complaint. Ur. Seth
An Ms Hals is tho best remedy.
I. Woolen.
Can be found en Fourth
Mens Clot hi B Mid Ladies Skirts
All work promptly,
made to order when desired.
You patronage Solicited.
When in Beaufort stop W the
On boardwalk and facing
For terms to
MM. II- l-
A. M.
. in
l. . I
v. M.
No I
A. M.
P, M.
W ashing
No. -J
No. i
. M.
to Norfolk, Va. and Return
The Atlantic Coast Line will
have tickets on sale for all trains
each Saturday for Sunday
forenoon trains commencing Sat
May 29th and continuing
to Saturday Sept. 4th, 1906;
limited to return Monday follow-
date of sale.
An excellent opportunity to
visit the famous seashore resorts
of Virginia North Carolina
at a minimum cost.
For information call on ticket
agent or write T. C. White.
W. J. Craig. C. P. A.
P. T. M.
H. C
Bonds, Life and Fire.
The Mrs.
M. A. While at the Singer to see
Franco A met art
as the new cream hygienic
fruit ard in
toilet articles. your patronage.
Mrs. M, A. White.
White store on rive More room and larger
to see me.
General Merchandise.
C. D. L
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.

. .-
In Charge of S. C. CARROLL
. lust rs, C I
crockery Barber A Co.
A m a
. i
. . Co.
. I . So hew
. .-. in n
is vis
. , i. E Lin.
i for
i n
. th
iii. have
. A. o,
. G. Cos
ft. . ; fl
hand an
re, ed to furnish
e- . .-
in .
I I, who for
tor. i has b en
return d Sunday.
t c lot just
. . Chap
.- n . i
I . r Co,
L, L K. w to Green
, i . I
Home Awarded a Large Build-
Mr. v. York returned Mon-
day evening from Tarboro whore
he hail been In make a bid for
York A
I erection of handsome graded
school building In that town.
There were five other bidden
a nice line of. the contract whose
Coffins and Caskets, are ranged from to
right I can furnish nice hearse The of
ice Cox Mfg. Co, ea nearly a
Mr. Bridgers filled his dollars under the next lowest.
r. cub
, at and the contract eras awarded
here Sunday m them.
; On account of the meeting
New tor North Carolina
The following new industries
have been established in
On evening t
the town came
y ,.,. during the ending
a a Ian n part . .
.- r r ,
T nor roofing e
Ha,, ton Barber Co. will soon leave us. guests
soda is the stuff the home Mrs.
big crops and fat For a time
. , was co
Cox company.
I ., . a.,. Mr became th
. on morning of a Bible from the
-i , ,,.
. it,
. Cox
A. . Ange
Harrington, Barber Co.
New ham all J.
a. An Co.
A n . of m n's and
toes just ii .
i, B r l
Mr. a id U s. C.
n-S m
Line a textile
Asheville mill.
need lime repair
the i furnaces,
I; an . can give you ;. good price
A. Ange Co.
T -co and are,
g. Cox Manufacturing Co., and eM
. N. C.
tee work an prompt
a .
. our t;,
county. paper.
Not. Pu e, is ,, . you
i e a. M. Ange Co.
. ma r , ,.;
w was a trees.
came all Z. T. Vincent
guests expressed I Z. T. Vincent, Jr., n
Mr Cox's ,. w rs. Z. T. it,
per who ma th ,,;,,., ,;,, on last S
;. . I -v lad and .; ,,. the
. ;, p Ch i the
; . .;, n d Neck.
I our Horn- p v, s l I r
we . i I M. bi
of I can , v
where health
With Impure blood there can-
lie health.
of April 88th,
At tin- el
f. for IS year l J
D v.-. G . a n, Ml h I i g
r. p i . .-i- m over
v ,. T .-.
,., r and
Cu F. . i ll,
ma, for
Sc i KS at
at A. G.
Mo Co., Winter
N. C,
; . .;. day
I . . .
lieu, cu
I from l
Silver in,
mi nor em
A healthy LIVER mean puff ,, ,,,,,. r
LIVER restore
j natural action.
Surplus fund
and taxes
Pure Mood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All
to ;
Cashier's cheek
. v- III
, . id .
L from
ail . all . .
. . Co.
I , . . owed,
t t
C . i C . who.
at iv., and the,
. I . I
I u Cox,
t- id paired
to the
I the little tables. In the,
light of near-by
and faraway moon, they were
gracefully with cake and,
a good ; .; ;., i,,,. Cy. n
w r. l the
Han I C . i it also the
Car I of . , of a .
A. Co.
Sal Ml in the Bellows.
Mr. W. V, of
county, had a unique
on Wednesday of l
Hi- went to blacksmith shop
to do some work, and on
undertaking operate the
bellows he found that it wouldn't
Capt and Mrs. i their
d hi . Miss
from Greenville to attend
Rev. Mr. Vincent will soon
leave for up
work in that Stole.
Killed Walk
in is i
Mr. i
. .
hall n s north I
;, r d,
; . I
. nor n th d,
i. c .
hi on
B I from left
. . . on-- d place
ind i hip, which
were the left
h, . farce. Mr.
, or -In near her,
K A. Ai
f do solemnly that the
tin. hi -1 our knowledge and belief
There will be u
of of and
I I. A-
T. Buck went
Mount Monday.
to Rocky
the c of the trouble a snake M. at July 1st.
ii tuck its head out of the hole, bf Dr. C. L. of Kins
Mr. Healer secured a of. ton. Address by P, C.
tongs and withdrew the
Your am
reptile Harding, of Greenville.
Masons requested to
was kn d n n and render d
c f r ti or fifteen
mil but ho
Several hands working in
adj lining fluid badly
frightened, but no on was hurt.
Tin- storm was severe in
that vicinity and but little rain
r las liver
which brings quick
oilier of liver
Ir f ,
I,. I counts
it. It was a large
working I chicken snake about long, promptly at clock in Masonic 1.00
ho ., . . V much a the
hard now. You be
Returning to his bellows, Mr.
to them using found that It would
keep the flies It is
teed. Call on us for it. it head was
Harrington. Barber Co. out of The
D. S. Chapman, of ft out
pent last night here with his, kid u The
Mr. and th the same kind and
Chapman. now a very
Shoes of all kinds. Another odor about the
large lot of shoes came and
in yesterday. Everybody of more dead
because its right, it Enter.
right and its price is
Come get a before the
lot is picked over.
A. W. Ange Co.
Miss Roland Cobb, of Conetoe,
is visiting Miss Olive Butt.
Land plaster plenty of
Try some under those peas and
Hall. Ayden. N, C.
J. J.
J. R. Smith. -Com.
J. H. Cheek.
Slid by
much the
and J
H us, Fur
Silver coin,
minor coin cur
S. J
Till I N
AT N. C.
No , at the 23rd, 1909
Capital Stock 110,000.00
ex. tax's pd
ii, Tit Time
Di posit
Deposit subjects
to check
Cashier a Checks
I 000.00
OP NORTH CAROLINA. County of Pitt,
I, . T. Gardner, Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
swear that above is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. T GARDNER
Fighting Over I hi Site.
Dr. II. O. Hyatt will be in
at Hotel Mon-
day and Tuesday. July 5th and
Subscribed an sworn to be-
fore this 88th day of June
Notary Public.
L. J. Chapman,
John Z. Brooke,
W. W.
you will see that you will have
absolutely no pops.
A. W. Ange Co.
Mis Hughes, of
Washing m, is visiting
Richard Wingate having sold
to Clayton Turnage a bay horse
and sold to Joe S. Pittman a
black horse that I hold a
gage on for purchase price of
said I hereby forbid any-
one buying said until
note and mortgage is settled.
G J. E. Winslow.
,, ,, ,. , for the purpose of treating
Washington, D C. June 29.- the and
Two delegations from Greenville and fitting
arc here with reference to the Those who flee about
public building site at that place.; having work done be
J. L. Fleming, W. H. no
ton and others came here to
advocate the selection of the
agreed upon.
f w
Harrington Another ,. fr backache and bring
consisting of W. H. to
,., T V R and all other
will treat you
S. T. White, t. A a to th
and M. are and buildup hand
f ,, . . , M , Sold by
here in the of the Mun- J ,,
ford site.
Horner Military School
i-r Military
KI t
name mo.
i tare,
lit m.
lawn, park, one w
In Um
r. The
a an
Col. J. C. Bonier, Principal. Oxford. N. C.
Sixty bushels of field for
sale at F. V. Johnson's.
ti H
if you
D. J. W.-II Editor and Owner
VOL. No.
in Preference lo Fiction.
Cite Dollar Per
Butchers fresh meat deal-
Wood and coal dealers
Photographers per year,
itinerants per month.
Junk dealers
Lively stables
Hotels day
charging per day
charging i per day privets
boarding houses taking
than two hoarders
Skat rinks p r month.
Dealers in pistol metal
Exhibitions wax works air
curiosities per day.
Merry-go-rounds or any stand
for game for profit per day.
each for first two
horses fir each additional
Committee Named and
Thursday night the Beard of
Aldermen held first regular
meeting of new term, all the
members being present.
Alderman E. A. was
elected president f the hoard
and mayor
F. C Harding, chairman of
the graded school trustees.
appeared before the board and
advised that the full levy of
tax -s for graded school will
be needed to conduct the school
The matter of opening a street
through the Button property
from Dickinson avenue to Eighth
street was sealed, and the Street
committee instruct d
proceed with the work of open-
inn the street.
U. M. Hearne present- d a bill
for damages to his fish am
lily pond caused Hie town
building a street to the water and
light plant. bill war, refer
red to the i committee.
The finance committee reported
that the work of checking up the
and amounts of the clerk
treasurer for the past year
had been completed and were
found correct.
A motion passed that here-
after no market business be
lowed to be conducted at any
place in town outside of the
market house.
The bond of the treasurer was
fixed and of the clerk
and tux collector and the assist-
ant clerk and collector at
each, the duties and
ties of the two latter about
equally divided.
The m tr of providing
room for some one in
the new municipal building for
convenience In case a lire alarm
sent In at night, and also of put or per year,
a kg P US and flag on th.-
building, was referred t th
municipal building committee
with power to act,
The of removing street
weepings from the street was
discussed and referred to the
street committee.
Restaurant licenses were
granted Robert W
Hopkins and
ea. An application of Maggie
Whitley for license was refused.
The following standing
were appointed by the
Water and Lights-J. B. White,
C. S. Carr and E. Q. Flanagan.
Bowen, E. A. White.
S. Carr, E. G-
Flanagan. E. A.
Finance-D. W. E- B.
Higgs. C. S. Carr.
Market-E. B. Higgs, W. A.
Bowen, W. S.
Ordinances E. A. W.
A. Bowen, W. S.
Streets-E. G. Flanagan, D.
W. J. B. White.
Property and
D. W. E. B.
Special license laxes were
as follows, the amount named
being for a year or part of year
unless otherwise
Pool, billiard and bagatelle
tables 17.50 each.
Opera houses or hall used as
opera house
Traveling theatricals and min-
showing in other than
halls, per day.
Public auctioneers
Heal estate and rent collecting July 12th.
Beautiful Church
Hill. N. C.
St Barnabas Episcopal church.
Snow Hill, N. C, was the
of the most beautiful wedding
ever held in this place, when
Miss Mary Lassiter the
bride of Mr. E. C.
The color scheme throughout
was pink and white. Th-
church was tastefully decorated
festoons of evergreens an
a background of ferns,
and pink geraniums
enhanced the beauty of the
As Miss Rosa rendered
Lohengrin's wedding march the
attendants came in as
Miss Mary gowned in
in white carrying pink
c lied with pink chiffon.
Miss Pearl Herring, wearing
for a
fore her
Rev. R. Fleming Appointed Chap
lain in U. S. Army.
The Wowing clipping from a
paper published in Ills.,
though the name of the paper
I was not mentioned, was sent to
a relative here, and knowing it
Will be of interest to the many
friends of Mr. Fleming in his
native county, The
asked permission copy
Rev, R -tit. I. Fleming, pastor
Vend, rs of medicines, etc. white
l per . loan
firecrackers or other u, ii
fireworks not including
crackers per or pa-t of a year.
Dealers in cannon rs
per year or pail of i year-
Dialers in second hand cloth-
per day.
Circus and menagerie
one ring par day, two or
more rings on each side
show Other shows
Brokers and dealers in future
Itinerant or optician
Street of cold drinks,
fruits and confections
Slot machines fixed r.-
Gypsies, palmists, fortune tel
etc., per
Feather renovators
Bill board poster
Piano or organ dealers
Cigarette dealers
Dealers in oils, gasoline, etc.,
Trading stamps
Moving picture shows in r
than licensed balls month
Peddlers of clocks, stoves and
Dealers in bicycles e
unless conducted in
Connection With some Other
paying business,
Commission merchants, broke
ere or dealers on commission
Pawn brokers
Any gift enterprise offering
articles for sale with a present
to purchaser
Switchback railway, shooting
gallery or place for or
Dealers in stocks, or
Bottling works
Agents for enlarging photo-
Dealers in
tied with
L. of
the bride, and Mr. J. Y. Mm
Miss Lena Mae Potter, who wore
a sown of while mess dine
with pink carnations, Miss
Rosabella Lassiter with a gown
of pink and with white
carnations. Following came Mr.
Carl L. Beaman. brother of the
groom, with Mr. J A. Alb
then little Miss Catherine
carrying the ring on a silver
tray in shape of heart with
Then came the bride gowned
in white satin with
of point lace, her veil looped
with white Palmer violets carry-
bride tied with white
Chiffon, leaning on arm
I her sister, Miss Lassiter,
who wore an exquisite gown of
l blue with a of blue
net embroidered with pearls and
silver cloth, carrying white car-
nations They were met at the
altar by the groom and best
mm, Dr. James II. Harper, who
from the vestry, Rev.
John H. Griffith read the
p, and ancient marriage
v of the Episcopal church
a beautifully bound copy
of the ceremony which he
to the bride. After th
ceremony bridal left
the church by strains of
church was filled with the
many friends of the
Couple who showed their
wishes for them by the many
handsome and beautiful presents
received. Mr. and Mrs. Bea-
man will make their home in
Farmville. N. C.
Last Sunday evening June
27th, 1909. between the boon
three and four o'clock, the spirit
Mrs. Ella H. Smith took its
flight to that unknown Country
Her death was almost midden,
she was taken sick about four
o'clock in the morning. About
four weeks ago she was Sick but
all thought she as as
ho had been
She said
death she felt as
had year but
to think her time was short,
for she told her brother's wife
she not live this ye out.
She was the oldest daughter Of
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Walker, of was made
was mar- but has just been r-
Smith of K n rs and will probably be ac-
It -v. Fleming.
List fall Senator K in-
that there
vacancy for a
from Kansas- He immediately
offered th position to Rev. Flem-
who accepted but when lie
applied for examination, was
well as die of the First Baptist church, has
,.,. received a commission signed by
War Dickinson, appointing him
Chaplain in the United States
Army, with rank of 1st
by the medical
lo Mr. B. P.
Cross roads. Her few married
years w.-r, full of mil
b-i the mother
of ten children of whom only
lour are living.
Sue bore her afflictions with
Christian patience, knowing that
God does nil for the b
though at times it m
, ,,, a His health being g
than we can bear. She united .
with Methodist church at old
Bethlehem while quite young,
and lived a Christian
Until her death.
She leaves a husband and f u-
three girls and one b y,
an aged father and mother, eve
brothers and to mourn
her loss But why should we
mourn when we kn w our loss
One Who Lived He
Pressing Toward j
Mai Delivery.
Postmaster R. C. Flanagan
R some
figures showing th
business of the
office, receipts the year
ending March w r.
When the annual
reach i m
that Greenville will entitled
to city delivery of mail,
raking the increase the second
quarter of M and
q 1908 as a basis of;
year will show
Greenville in the class fir tree
Here are the j
figures of the three
of the Damage.
Mr. R. M. Hearne call our
attention to an error made in
the report of the aldermen meet-
published in The Reflector
Friday, wherein it was stated
that his bill for was based
on damage done to his fish and
lily pond in building the street
to the water and light plant.
He says that the damage
done by the town hands entering
his property and cutting a ditch j
that nearly drained the pond
as to make it unfit for the j
pose intended.
Over the Telephone.
Hello Have you got
No not a bit
What have you got
Nothing but dry salt
meat and herrings.
Who is that, anyway
the Norfolk Southern
Oh I asked for the market.
Hello Send me two pounds
of beefsteak.
This is not the market, it's
the Western Telegraph
The third trial found
market house.
and having been accepted by the
medical examiner for life
he f. It sure there must be
mistake, and in March was
Since then he had heard
further from the war depart-
until today he re-
the commission.
The office of chaplain carries
with it a of per
year, with for purchase of
h feed two horses, house
and fuel, together with free
transportation, making an
proximate per
Rev. Fleming has rot yet b. en
d in reg id ti where he
will b stationed, but v. pr b-
be ordered t- toe
duty at the nearest f rt,
is Ft. in, As chaplain he
has over m -n under him for j
r -us instruction and feels
tint opportunity a
wide field for labor. The
is for life,
of resigning whenever lie
a call
to the 1st Baptist church last
and during Ins pastorate
has won the respect and esteem
of every one. He is a bright
young man, deeply
in his work and while
he has not yet consulted his
church in the matter, he will
probably accept the opportunity
which has been him. He
in North Caro-
Durham, July
man L. D. met an aw-
death yesterday morning rs
the result of a mistaken k,
which proved to be
The unfortunate man bad been
during the night; and
he arose In the morning he took
at he thought was whiskey
from the mantel board. In
minutes h de ,
every effort to save him.
Spencer, N. C, July
Miller, colored, of
d last night at a Salisbury
from wounds
inflicted by Detective Fitzgerald
st Spencer in an encounter yes-
alter noon The officer at-
tempted to arrest tidier for
ride on a train. He
was assaulted and badly fen
by th-- . it is aid,
was shot in self defense- Miller
lived several hours after the
shooting, and the officer
red went, to jail pending
an investigation.
Winston Salem, July At
Advance, county, this
morning, the boiler of engine
op-rating a threshing machine,
belonging to ex-Sheriff W. A.
Bailey, exploded, killing out-
right A. A.
employed to operate the engine.
A s in, Potts, aged
was also scalded and hi ii
fatal. Failure t
kc-p a sufficient amount of water
in the boiler is given
of explosion.
. has made a large of friends
. . . . m a v.-.- v . .-
here as well as within
already reached class. re.
I his departure but will re-
at his advancement-
A Feast of
All policy holders who have
not paid their last assessment in
the Farmers Mutual Fire
ranee Association hereby no-
a Wet
Mr. C. V. York, who keeps a J
rain record here for tho govern-
weather bureau, tells
that the total rain fall at this
point for the month of June
was 11.35 inches. The heaviest
fall in any one day of the month
The recital in the opera house,
Wednesday evening by Misses
Helen Marie and Harriette Day,
of the music faculty of Meredith
College, Raleigh, and Miss
Phyllis Woodall, a post graduate
pupil of that institution, was the
most delightful musical event
Greenville people have had the
pleasure of attending. Owing
to the rain through the day the
audience small, but those
present thoroughly enjoyed
every moment of it. The Misses
Day excellent voices, and
both in solos and duets their
singing was charming. Miss
Woodall is an accomplished
violinist and plays with great
and grace. So pleased
was the audience with the pro-
gram several encores were
We hope ladies can
lifted that the time for the pay- was on the 30th when it reached given. We hope t
of this assessment 3-1 inches. Greenville be induced to make a
L. Little, I worse flooded on that day than here on a concert our
Six. Trees, been known in many contemplate next winter.
Ran Too
We do not think any
bile owner in Greenville desires
to do injury to any one,
but the way some of them run
their machines is really danger-
The aldermen adopted an
ordinance forbidding a speed
greater than ten miles an hour,
and the ordinance has been duly
published so that all may have
warning, but it easy to see
machines running at a speed
much greater than the limit
scribed in the ordinance.
times in turning corners
collisions have been narrowly
averted, and if the fast running
is not stopped serious damage is
likely to occur.
Business men who use
tor ads find it pays.
in-lit of the State Fair Ass
ti announces that M j II.
M of has
accepted chief
of fair i and that
the a- -ill d of ii will
on B. eve i more i ii
than any in past.
Kinston, N
n of d- d
by continued i Mrs. J. u
suicide by
stabbing left side,
just below this after-
noon at o'clock at her home on
East North st . this city.
prior to the deed,
Mrs. had been talking
with her r. Mr. a
Sutton, on the back porch. She
left to go into the skiing room,
as was thought, to a nap.
a few minutes Mrs. Sutton
went into the room and found
her mother lying on the couch
with a bloody knife in her hand-
At City Saturday
Seth Newby killed his slater,
Mrs. William Barnes, and then
fatally shot himself with the
same pistol. Newby and his sis-
had been living together
years, she doing the house-
keeping for him. She married a
few days before the tragedy,
and it is thought that
brooding over loss of his
sister caused him to commit the
murder and suicide.
Governor Kitchin has refused
the applications of there prison-
for pardons, these
John Gordon, of Columbus
convicted in April, 1908, of
retailing liquor and sentenced to
eighteen months on the roads.
John Stephens, of Columbus
county, convicted in April, 1908,
of retailing liquor and sentenced
to eighteen months on the public
roads. Julius of John-
county, in
1906, ii.-. rd e in
the second degree .;
to fifteen years in t m State's
m av

Eastern reflector, 2 July 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 02, 1909
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Joyner NC Microforms
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