Eastern reflector, 25 June 1909

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

In Charge of S. C. CARROLL
Author J Agent of The Eastern and Vicinity-Adverting Rates on Application
tad examine our line of Chickens and eggs a specialty,
boy's spring hat, Come and get the beet prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
We are carrying a nice line of
men's and
that las just been opened up.
Harrington Berber Co.
M. r. Spur, of Coffins Caskets. Trices are
in town yesterday. right and can nice hearse
A. W. Ange Co. have earn-1 service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
mer robes and dusters. men's and boy's
Hiss Lilian Stokes, of Stokes, straw hats opened up. We have
spent Wednesday night with them from the wide brimmed
Kittrell and return palmetto to the nicest dress hat
ed Co.
N. C , June
Quite a number of our young
people attended church at
thy Sunday. The children's ex-
were entertaining.
Las; Monday night Mrs.
no died, after a long spell of
sickness, at the home of her son.
P. A. Wayne, and was buried
Anew line of best You will need lime to repair Wednesday. She had led a no-
. , ,, those tobacco furnaces. lite and be greatly miss-
Barber Co. It and can give you a good price I ed by her many friends.
Harrington. m Miss Ida came home Sat-
Mis, Katie returned from , on. , A. to. I . . ,
a Arthur, Mr. few days with his parents
B. Ernest Cox and Manufacturing Co. I Corey and Claude
v went to N a went to Ayden
tee good work and prompt day.
We are carrying sewing ma- Misses Geneva Edwards, Lena
chin M Ma tobacco barns Tyson, Jimmie Edwards and H.
using good sheathing paper. M. Stokes spent Saturday night
We can supply you. M Sunday with Lela
A. W. Ange Co. Roach.
Misses Dora Cos, Cur Sunday School Is still pros
Kittrell and Ethel Carroll, of vi
C. and F. Cox left were out Sunday and we
v for forehead attend hope they will come again soon,
the assembly now in Miss Belva spent
day night with Miss Carrie Chap-
Faulkner and man.
be bewildered you breaK the
. on hand. have
tn A W. Ange i. o,
Alter i several days
visit. hi re, Miss Liz-
x a d home yesterday.
ml that A. G. Cox
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
. have flue .
iron already on hand and arc session.
prepared to furnish Misses Wilde .
flues for th n won. Hattie of Ayden, spent Miss Lizzie Barney U
mad right and workman- Sunday with Miss Craw- week with
ford. Mrs. W C.
c Bi y- Theodore Cox went to Green-
in U
Mr. and Mrs. cm-
A .-. ville Monday. and spent several days
. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cox spent visiting relatives.
crockery just re Sunday in the country with Mr,. W Cannon and
Harrington Barber Co. relatives. tar Jessie, i pent Saturday night
Ayden, was Rev. E. T. Phillips filled his with her sister, Mr,. N. .
regular appointment at the
Will Baptist church Sunday Rev. T. II. King will fill his
; . r her;
B. was in town lay night. We hope to see a
that word l
in town yet .-. A .
C. S. i. is selling to-
o ti
is the
a and fa
A. W. Ange Co.
V. . . . Miss
r, i; Ayden, spent
with Mrs, 0- t.
. . r Co.
of . S., last with
U; . ;.
u ii ere glad
C. r Ash
vi end the V.
M. t A.
Ali Hun ; who
Dora Cox
for some time, returned homo
; . of all styles.
A. W. Ange Co
. H. V, Brinson, principle
School at Belcross,
w town last i
A r. lot of men's and
just in.
I Barber Co.
N The Public.-Trucks
and I ace flues must go.
ha e me material, guarantee
w Prices cheap,
Call or A. G. Cox
curing Co., Winterville,
R C.
We are going to sell out our
, a for
a .
J C x
Mrs. W. H. Rouse and
re, Lillian, Louise and Earl, of
cam in from their h me at began
large crowd present.
evening at the home
of N, Corey, a sociable was
Miss Carrie Johnson
At the crowd
I refers to Dr. Pills and
v ill,
Sick hi
. Ir Hie
Take No Substitute.
At tile close of business April
Loans and discounts
furniture and
I from
Silver coin,
minor currency
Not bank notes and other
Capital stock
S. note
fund 080.00
Undivided profits,
expenses and taxes n;
Time of deposit 202.20
Deposits subject to ck
Cashier's check 1.00
l 1,380
Crop Poor.
New June
in publish-
in the hall ; Miss
I -d i. , . I h. r Cam d in the .
fully I with music, in
We. K Green, Cashier and F. A. Edmondson, Asst Cashier
of tho above named hunk, do solemnly swear the above state-
i- true the best our knowledge and belief.
Asst. Cashier. Cashier
. .-. th .
W. L;. Harper, fr near
BI ck Jack, w is . i ti
E ill i r v ho has
b n visiting h r Mrs,
fore ii ii-. th
At ten were in
the m by Mis e
Lillie Corey and
where cream and
d and sworn lo
s day of May,
A. ti.
belt as a tin
i he plant
Taking the
condition of
much to be
A. Kittrell, returned to her served. The guests
. . Mu i i
R. Carroll went to Green-
vi. j
Kate and Chap
man and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
to Hookerton
We your special attention
to the last statement of the Bank
of Winterville, showing the
excellent Condition of the bank.
solicits your patronage and
guarantees prompt service.
leave for th r ti about
twelve, having a most en-
began to The supply of labor
supply ,
adequate, though Bethel Banking
of complaint in BETHEL, N. O.
f -r and bring
c f to
all oilier of kid- .-
They h.-s a ton.- lo of Mi h,,
He p ii rs .
health. old by without benefit. Then s
The toe for l- years of i hi
At close o
business, April 28th,
John I.
Jack, N. C , June
Mr. and Mrs. Cox and
children, of Ayden. spent Sun-
day Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Lillie Buck was the
i vii v . guest of Miss Z n Edwards
lot i at j Saturday night and Sunday
cost If you want a Stella and Annie
of u c see us Gaskins were the of Miss
A. Martha Clark Saturday night
Fruit jars nil all sizes. I Sunday.
A. W. Co. A. O. Clark and little
For improved daughter, cf after
mowing machines, etc., spending a few days here re-
ea Harrington Barber Co, turned home Sunday evening.
Mrs. Guy Taylor, of Ayden, Miss Clara Bell harper re
Sunday here with h- r turned home after spending a
few with s here.
A. Clark Sunday
Cox's Mill. N. C June
a number of our people
i Salve
him. v. -Sow .
ma, Infallible for
Burns, Scalds, Cuts, at
all Druggist.-.
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and
Hue from and
and .
coin currency
Loses Two Fingers-
Saturday afternoon Mr. D. D.
1-J Capital Stock 6,000.00
Surplus fund 1,600.00
Undivided profits less
expenses and taxes pd 1,858.09
Time certificates of 8,660.08
Deposits sub to check 27,671.60
has a hogshead do sol-
Thursday. We hope they had factory here. accidentally . ., , , ., .
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Kittrell, She returned to Ayden
on the night train.
Guy Moore was in town yes-
after tobacco flues. Guy
was a stud mt in W. H. S. last
a line time. his right hand in a kn
Henry and was so badly cut
Roy, are both quite sick the amputation of part of
mumps. H ape they will soon be two fingers was i; Mr.
Overton has been unfortunate;
C. C Bland, of Ayden, in this particular, having met
filled his appointment at Ms with several accidents. A few.
Gowan house Sunday, A years ago he lost part of a finger,
large crowd out to hear him. of his left hand. j
R iv. T. H. King, of
filled his appointment at Mill's For Sale Long j
house y afternoon, cotton seed, Call on
our people were out to Co., Greenville.
hear him and report a
sermon. Woods r liver rag- .
The oat crop in this s is
line and being cut. Tobacco and
swear that the above statement true to the best of my
and belief.
Subscribed sworn to be
ore me, this day of May,
S, T. Carson,
Notary Public,
W. H. Cashier.
M. O. Blount,
S. M. Jones,
Miss Mattie Mills was the
guest of Miss Martha Williams
were no debate Friday
night, th
For , it .-. . be one
J. C. HORNER, Oxford, N. C.
j many friends
i of I
a i. is . inch
. welcome
Prepares for or
com are looking well with a fair Vt
Cotton is small
for the tune of year a fr a as an center.
poor stand. Other crops . .
doing hue. The will treat you
c ask for and If we can
to have ii got d it looks
just now as if m
ii. .
e v. i e service h re
night and
i-e one .
. ; i . bi i d
. ,
will treat you right
by CO. A.
in North
Joel Chatham, an aged citizen of
this township, was run over and
killed yesterday afternoon by-
passenger train No which
leaves here at just outside
the town limits, near Connally
veneer plant.
had been to town to do some
shopping and was returning
home, walking on the railroad
track. The engineer blew the
danger signal, but it seems he
did not notice the approach of
the train until it was too close
for him to get out of the way.
Raleigh, June 19.-The
today decided
the state treasurer to
accept the bid of the Raleigh
for the entire i-sue
of State bonds July
at mis giving the
principal and premium.
Mr. J A. Bowie has a unique
device for his mail box. It is
apparently automatic. When the
letter carrier places the mail in
the box and moves oil, he can see
the moving toward the house
apparently of itself. The box is
on and by means of a
cord attached it is drawn on two
of wire into the house, i
When it is robbed of its contents
a push sends it back to its want-
ed place on the roadside with
matter posted or to receive again
from the En-
N. C Jane
Miss Bertha Landlord, the young
girl who was seriously injured
afternoon in a runaway
accident, died last night shortly
before from injuries
sustained. While oat driving,
and in going down a hill,
shaft of the buggy broke, the
end jabbing the horse in the side,
and caused him to run away.
She was hurled to the ground
and h r fractured. She
received medical attention and
was taken to the hospital, but
death ensued.
On Friday morning, a very
p life came to a sudden
end. Mr. William Thornton was
a man who did for him-
lie pulled his own teeth,
cut his hair, and made his own
coffin. Thursday he took to the
grave yard such tools as are
needed in grave-digging, saying
that his life would soon end.
Friday morning while in his
garden pulling weeds he fell
dead. He was about years
old. The deceased was a
resident of Elevation township.
Wadesboro, N. C, June
John who was arrested at
charged with an assault
with to commit rape on
Katie Jones, was given a
hearing this afternoon
and held for the next term of the
Superior court. Both parties are
The Jones woman
bears a good reputation. There
is considerable feeling against
Davis in the neighborhood.
Fayetteville, N. C, June LI.
The sun this morning rose upon
the greatest day in the history
of Fayetteville. The celebration
of the 1341 h of the
signing of the Liberty Point
Resolutions was an event never
to be forgotten. The thousands of
persons thronged the avenues of
the city from morning till night,
and aside from the thrilling ex-
at the laying of the corn-
for the monument to
commemorate the heroic patriot-
ism of the thirty-nine sinners of
the famous declaration, there
were spectacular event through-
out the day to the
most by the myriad people.
President an lye on Pretty Game With Team at Farm-
Saturday Mr. H. A. White.
secretary of The Home Building
and Loan Association, received
a Mr. S.
, president of the North Carolina
and Loan that
The Reflector has been given the
I pleasure and permission of
Charlotte, N. C , June 1909.
Mr. H. A. White.
Greenville, N. C
My Dear
Friday afternoon the Green-
ville added another to
list of victories, when they
defeated Farmville on their
grounds by the close score of
It was an exciting contest from
the beginning to the end, and
until the last Farmville man
finned in the ninth, neither side
was sure of victory.
Greenville secured the lead in
second inning when she sue
The Wonder-Working Wireless N. C, June
graph. Mr. of
The Episcopal book still ville. spent Wednesday night
includes special petitions for per- his sister. Mrs. Smith, and
Wife of Rev Dr. R. C. of New
hero, With Another Man
June con-
, of Centenary Methodist
sons traveling by and yet left on the morning train Thurs-j church was
ocean travel, for years past as for Farmville. -----startled morning
safe as land travel, has become Mills Smith went to
even safer with the coming of Wednesday evening to that his
wireless telegraphy. The latest They had wife bad disappeared ard could
case in was rep by the Smith's school house , The
j l tire lulling o--
received a few days -n a man across
marked copy of The Daily
Reflector showing the condition
of your B. L. association, but
was so far my
the plate on a hit. a sacrifice, and
a slow grounder to second base.
Another score was added in
the fifth, when
correspondence that I could not, from second base on
acknowledge it until now, and I j two-bagger
take this occasion to congratulate j center Farmville
good showing, and j,,
daily papers a few ago. In
midnight darkness the Smith went to
Line steamer ran hope-, ville evening and re
aground off the Azores
Islands in the Out Mr. and Mrs. Nichols
of reach of all other means of get- at P. M. smiths
ting human aid, the little wire- Friday evening.
telegraph instrument ticked F. M- smith went to Rocky
out Q. distress Mount last Wednesday.
Call, the wireless call for help- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith
an lie, intangible message went to Greenville Saturday.
in your
on Pollard's
bid you Gad in this cause
I know you will agree with me base
when I say that our meeting at j near
was all that could be
I found much more
enthusiasm and and larger
scoring in the With a
man on third and another on
. second with no men out, it
attendance than any former J like she would score, out
meeting, and particularly am by the Greenville
gratified by the fact that we had I boys caused them to be shut out.
seventeen new associations to This ii; the third consecutive
join our league. victory that the nine
I have been hard at work w. L and
B L matter ever since pay M
words were pronounced in as fine
oratory as over b. en
heard in pulpit and no word
of censure or bitter fueling
his lips. It was a
pathetic scene.
Saturday. June Dr. Boa-
man went to Durham to attend
Three or four days later Mrs.
Beaman left New Bern, it is
merely tic out into space Miss Nannie Parker and Ivy ostensibly for Rocky Mount,
returned. I am going to
S. C. in the morning
home next week of
make a speech tomorrow,
am booKed to in Durham
next week.
Now, my, boy, keep up the
good work, and I hope some day
that we will have our annual
meeting your good town.
Your very
Greenville joins the wish ex-
pressed in the last paragraph of
Mr. later, and
right now extends league an
invitation to meet hire in
N. I. College.
We desire to call attention to
the advertisement of the State
Normal and Industrial
which appears in this issue, j
Every year shows a
growth in this institution devoted
to the higher education of the
women of North Carolina Dur-
the past year the
memorial building was erected
and used for class purposes. This
addition to the material equip-
of the college greatly in-
creased the efficiency of the
The college last year
total enrollment of students.
of the nine-eight
counties of the State had
in the student body.
Nine-tenths of all the graduates
of this institution have taught
or are now teaching in the
schools of North Carolina.
Their this year shows
chat they can play good ball, and
they do not promise
ball, yet they do prom
good, clean, base
kind that is worth seeing-
Score by innings R H E
Two base hits; Bag-
well, Pollard. Struck
out, by Lanier by Turnage
Base on ball, off Turnage off
by pitched ball,
by Turnage
Lanier and Has-
kc and Joyner. Um-
Dr. Weeks. Time of game,
through darkness of the Smith went to Greenville
nigh. wild waste of
waters while life and j A. j Flanagan and
trembled in the balance
of paying
The roar of any one of th
hundred waves louder than
the call of the there
was no burst of sound or of
light, tale stranger
., , e ii .; G- Grumpier and a
than that of old magicians in the u y
fury lore of our or his, came
I miles away the steamer Princess Saturday
Irene heard the its p-
receiving instrument caught dale. Mr. Crumpler
from the wave very good at Smith a
cry of distress.
mediately an of help I v congregations Sunday morn-
of came over
day visit relatives and re-
home Sunday
Little Martha Belle and
Jessie of Farmville, were
visiting relatives in our town
Saturday and
but nothing has been beard from
her since. Notes found in
place-, indicate that she
has with a man named
Grant, who has been in town
for a few days. matter was
known to but few prior to
the Sunday morning services.
The Methodist church is the
largest and most influential in
the city, and on. of the largest
in the State and fr.
charge over beta marked
a period o. prosperity.
traveled back across the nine
and at night.
Oakley. C. Jane 1909.
John James, of was
score miles of intervening ocean. I a here Sunday,
and the Princess Irene started Greenville, Mr. and A of was
under full steam to rescue th, and David pt weeK visiting
endangered crew. By the after- i
noon it had reached mm, of
soon still another vessel, Having
answered the same wireless call
for help, came upon the sea.-.
church at Smith's
Mouse Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B- P.
The Irene the and children, of
the were attending Sunday
took Steerage and u Sunday and spent the even
passengers, and of the .
on board no. out Mr and Mrs. J. F. Pollard
was lost where, in other days, Sunday evening ac C. E.
J W on. S
wireless telegraphy has only
Yours if
One of the best slogans
for Greenville outside of
the winner, is
Healthy, Prosperous and
which we failed to pub-
in our list. This was also
by Mr. J. W. Brown, the
contestant. Greenville
is truly healthy, prosperous and
hustling, and it is easily the best
town in Eastern North Carolina.
We hope that the ladies from
the county, visiting or shopping
in town, will not forget to stop
at the Rest Rooms, where every-
thing is nice and comfortable.
Ice water all the time It is
no charges, whatever.
Rests Rooms, Yours if you come.
New Ayden Correspondent.
Th- editor went to Ayden
Friday afternoon to make at-
for a manager cf
tho Ayden department of The
Reflector to succeed the late Mr.
J. M. Blow, who served so accept
ably in that capacity for several
years; We are gratified to state
that Mr. J. C. Noble will have
charge of that department. He
was recommended by several of
leading citizens as a
young man will qualified for this
position. He will have charge
of all the business of The
tor around Ayden, and the paper
will appreciate any assistance
the people render him in helping
to make it a success- Ayden is
a good town, and The Reflector
wants to do its part in keeping
it before the public.
New N. C. Industries.
The Tradesman
gives the following list of new
industries established in North
Carolina during the week end-
warehouse company;
tobacco plant.
Mount Airy-50.000 tobacco
cotton mills
Gold telephone
hotel company.
its victories.-
Pool for Wilson,
r. W. M. Wells, alderman
from the first ward, is taking
active steps towards having
swimming pool where Wilson's
can't-get-aways may have an
opportunity of taking dips
the heated season. The pool,
when completed, may not be
quite as enticing as it is in the
old ocean flirting with mermaids
and pulling the whiskers of
goggle-eyed lobsters-but it will
be far better than having no
at all. One
hundred and thirty-seven dollars
have thus far been raised, and
when the proper amount has
been subscribed the work will be
completed at once,
The basis will be concreted and
there will be dressing rooms for
ladies and gentlemen, and
gymnasiums will be added
later. This public bath will be
built at the station
about one mile from Wilson,
News and Observer.
Why can't Greenville have
something like this It would
be a great addition to the com-
forts of Greenville.
Freddie told me
that I the black sheep of the
The Reflector does job work.
Mis Nannie Parker, who had
visiting at Ivy Smith's
days returned to her
home with her father at Lizzie
Sunday evening.
Mr. Grumpier and his friend
returned to Wilson Monday
Now that the land has got dry
enough to work, it would be
good for the crops if they could
all be plowed over in one day.
Mrs. C. E. is
suffering considerably with a
carbuncle or something of the
Miss Willoughby, of
Farmville, is spending some time
at C. E. to
Mrs. in her work,
as she is scarcely able to be up.
Boy's Arm Buses.
Robert, 7-year-old son of Mr,
and Mrs. H. Rountree, met
with a painful accident an even-
or two ago, resulting in
breaking the left arm above the
wrist. Mr. Rountree and the
little boy were in the country
and coming to a gate the latter
started to get out of the buggy
to open the gate. Just at this
moment the horse started and
the buggy a jerk which
threw the boy out to the ground.
Mas. and
children, Gordan and Irma
visited near Bethel Sun-
S. G. Williams an family
visited at week.
Taylor and children
T. A- Manning and family, of
were here Sunday.
W. J. v. hi; i of
Mount, here
from Virgin
Corn line in this
section, cotton a little small.
Regular service at Hickory
Grove Sunday. A crowd
J. K. Barnhill and family, of
Winterville, spent Sunday here
with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Free to every
plants of every sort given free.
You have nothing to do but send
a mule and plow to help pay
Ill, re-
. evening
she has
Red and black peas at M.
Going Ont of Business,
We are closing out our stock
of furniture and house furnish-
goods, and for a few days
will sell at and below cost. Per-
sons owing us whose accounts
are due are requested to settle
at once.
East Carolina Supply Co.
Fell From Roof of House.
Barney Burgess, colored,
of the linemen of the Municipal
light plant, had the
to fall from the roof of one of
Mr. D. W. houses on
College avenue Monday after-
noon. He was helping wire th
house for electric lights, and
while up on the roof, about
twenty feet above ground, his
foot slipped and down he came,
considerably faster than the
speed limit of eight miles an
hour. He was bruised pretty
badly, but fortunately no bones
Everybody wants the best
flour, it is Henry v. at S. M.
Winterville, The Reflector. We need it.
Don't forget that bill you owe

a ran OF VALUE.
Eastern School To Go
To Greenville.
his will be
t Fad ha opportunities
tad t greater. Prof. Hubert Wright,
The survey cf I ,
i and accepted
Mr I
A-s o
on f
, i
. .
i of the L Carolina
School for teachers, at
Greenville, N. C. H.- will
his resignation as bead of
the local school at the next
meeting of the school board.
e Mr. Mr- Janus Van
; county
i i
I . i
. the
U .
In working
, s.
;. .
. .-
. .
Some Persona Cling to
The attic instinct on
mis . eye can
tel bob has
lived .
bed. ft there arc three
bat boxes one will contain letter,
t J
a man it's clippings
lock to i Id road n IT. besides
these, ; lies of
I piles of . . t
to u a bicycle rest and a
umbrella that might use
private if all these
things h b ed the
bed against the protest, of faro-
Sir, they arc patiently moved
i said last night that the every suing day and
would fed a moving, then their own-
h i .
Professor Wright,
his three years
i .
. . re
i feet of the Eastern
. H J Sch a, removed all
down to friction n conduct of the
th institution and proved himself
i of efficient and capable-
th far river. H said he had when
Not I n
n a Pitt
i . I soil were
within its herd ts
have the instinct t It an
extent that re is t t t lit-
est . . of , r ever i
Tl, i . ill k from an at
of view for I e of r lives,
their family might as well be-
n are t to i
them a bit
. I absolutely obj a-
l on the ; t of ray pieces
virtue of the Authority in me
i n. r. ii-
at the November term f i
Superior in the east of W. O.
Matthews a G. K
. L. Bryan and W.
judgment is d t
Superior an t i k-
et Nd. No. In virtue
the further r mi etc is said ease
at the April tern I mi
and recorded on minute N.
I age and I is co mis-
pub k- U tee
ti . e. North Can in cm
H h day of July. H, at
i all the title and in-
i G. and G. U
Matthias, the same beings
in to a
tract an t being in
i and more particularly e b i
as a
Stump r a; tie
to a i e in a
there with said pond to a stake,
a corner, thence west with the
son, line to a In
Jenkins and on to first Mali in
it the land to B. O,
G. R. by
Rodrick their father and
as the t place,
containing one acres mere or
Terms of sale cash.
the 4th day of June l.
Wm. II.
Loans and discounts Capital
Overdrafts secured and Surplus fund
unsecured j
Banking 1.200.00 Undivided profits, less
Furniture and fixtures 8,027.821 exp A taxes pd 19,889.58
items .,
and doe from 49.909.481
Dividends paid to stockholders since
i. ill
. i and tin- trustees paper lb i be i
the North Carolina institution of n.- b I
wrote for information
the principal, that
Professor Wright would be
. of
lo Th are
from the e in-
In Sup.
i .
Will Moore.
The defendant named, will
take than an action as
above, in Sn-
court of Pitt c I;
. . the cannot help rives.
. h en on Their land pontiff to obtain from the
the . I color.
St marl m
iii. t
from Mr. have n an absolute divorce, the
I of the . v. ;, and d I
J ., . I and ;
Of the Eastern Carolina . . . notice i, require,
l ; . . , , I. to appear
. . .-. the and .,. ,, . ,. Kt y to be held
, . . t o . i, . . ,, the Mond-y before Hie
, ,, . . Monday S it
. . by Professor i i ; u .-; th day or a gust t
v,, lay. He was in- thing it o from at of court said in Green-
was taken up to vibe, N. C. and answer o- demur to
no these now
pi I th-
Superb to
cm Decks.
Dinner Club Breakfast Z to Cue.
attention the very beat service in every way
Leave Norfolk daily Sun
p. m. Arrive in Baltimore a. m. with
for Phi York, and all east and west.
. i address
r. .
I I .
trustees of
lie . . path in
the c-u I i following
. day, securing leave of j
. Professor Wright met
the .
, . ,. 111111.1 III i -m
d I in a id
ii ; w
mi h i in Norfolk, and
. . where ht
i .-. to trustees.
. .
. . . . lo
r both
What of m
n to the f may a
write up or report on the count
. i Each
will it in i .
. in i
. i i.
age, . . which
gr tn i
the chapter a
Will be . red the hist r.
the . . pr s
i m Is, i n of
I i C p .; .
of ti .
I he was i d
to receive official notification
. that had be n
eh president of the training
Before leaving for his new
Profess r will
arrange the work of the High
I r the in
fall Sun.
II lodged i
m Is. I, though will in
tin e r. i
members nth t tails, i . i
the they are
In i are
. I at
it a us operation t
of M I.
D. C. Moon . C S.
F, G J mes A- S
the i r
as one sen ;
ho may
In his old n
Notice to
on tn .
this industry
in v. hen acres t
grown i lime.
Drain sin
will . .
ii i he
marl I d ibid and
I ; .
form th r amount
moot for the r I
A I n
the j will r lo-
; ,
markets, ft
Prof. C. W. Wilson,
. i Scot Neck
to the hoard of
The f the
. . I;.;
of I
mi of the M
H . is i r by
given to all persons indebted to the
i state t i n ii ate
tithe and all pi
having cl against the c tat are
notified that they the
same to U i f r pa; me t
the. of i.
his will b. .- ad h b r of
This of
Alms, of Horton, i
S o- r of e ill
f the last I a
of Nancy
is hereby given to .
I o the estate make .- y-
me u mil all per-
having claims
are notified that they t the
for payment lo the
I on or before the day of Ma . 1910,
p or this notice in bar of
This 1909.
B- James,
of Nancy A. M. Britton
last i-
G .
f. Wilson mail r
if t in and ;
. r. I hi rt n her
feel free to accept
Notice to Creditors.
Hat ii fore
I c o Pitt as d-
tor of the of i
I d i not ii
, n II i i I to th
t lo n. i it . ti
that position. Prof, the a end all persona hiving
stated to the trustees of Scotland
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly d before S .
court clerk county
executor the will and testament
of notice i
. hereby given d t.
i .- i state make in mi p j n i I
t. the and a I
. having any at said
take notice th-t they must i r. i t
i i ti. the far i
on or of May.
or th s notice will I pie. d in bin
18th day of Kay,
d of T.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
, At th- remarkably low of from
I h be h
i tween f and twelve years half fare
Following will be the
Leave Greenville
Leave Weldon
Arrive Richmond, Va.
Arrive Washington, C.
Tickets I be to return on any train leaving
up to and including No. Thursday,
Wash is the attractive city on tie Hemisphere
aid cry one, and should avail themselves
of this opportunity t more of their Nat Capital and visit its
K g Public Buildings end irks, and its and
historical when u . Mo-int v. rm i, a d It
iv be n opportunity for as well is one
of Recreation Pleasure. . . , ,,
tickets, see and further particulars, call or
H. Tie -t A A. C. L. R. I. ;. N. C.
. e r Ma- r.
v. C.
a. p. in.
a. Ill . in.
p. a. m.
p. a. m.
11.50 p. B. in
Furniture and House Furnishings
Its C
I .
j N night
that when ha was re-elected sud-
here a week before
h id no of going else
where for the ensuing school
rear, lie said that he did not
know that there would be
t. position in the Caro-
Training school.
The of trustees accepted
claims against said are notified
that ii mu t t the
for payment on or before.
the day f June, or n
tic- will plead in bar of r.
James I.
i; ltd
the map
will contain about or more
printed pat; s, and h is hoped
that it will some resignation a committee
Notice to
Raving duly b fore the
P r c- t i ex-1
of the testament J
c f J. N. Bynum. deceased, notice i
i given all so is indebted to j
the make
was to draw up suit- tn the and all .
having a y claims said
a-e notified t- at they must sent
same for pay lo the
the day e,
able resolutions expressing
of Prof. Wilson's work
to the and land-
Pitt county with its variety of
soils, large area of which are as
yet undeveloped, the level,
to gently rolling;
of its surface, coupled with
good drainage Offers great
to settlers. Its resources . ,
., to the people of the town NORTH Carolina,
are just beginning to be known. .-., t
Letters of administration upon the
i state of John d d, n
been issued me by e
Superior court -f lit. e notice I
hereby to Pomona
against said John
Jones to present them to me fir ray-
or a d y of Juno
1910, or this notice tie in bar
of their recovery. All persons
ed to are urged turn
to ire,
the 9th of June
R. I. Dav's, .
of John Jon. d
regret at losing him.
He has been superintendent of
Scotland Neck graded school
since its establishment six years
He has done work
here and has greatly endeared
notice will be p in bar of
This.-th day of June,
Maggie A. It;
R, a. Extra.
ltd of J N.
fall I I
The man are looking for ;
when you need
Bil Posting and Sign Tacking
and for Adv.
Pictures Framed to Order
It want your HORSE to
fast and pull strong buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
D. W. S
Large areas of the most fertile
land in the for corn and ,
u i i i i i easily amongst
oats could be drained, reclaimed
and made productive.
Credit is due many of our land-
owners of Pitt county for
and especially Messrs. O.
L. J. J. Laughing house-.
R. R, Cotten, Alston Chime and
John F- Evans. The best men
in the county have become in-
in the work.
These maps and reports will
be for distribution by Congress
and community v, n. will
Prof. Wilson ii
men of the State and he has
power of ;
n a n
delivered by W Parker to
ti. P r on the nth f July,
as of in the
In making Scotland Neck of the
And Provisions m
Cotton Bagging and
Kt Fresh kept ton-
graded school one of the best
the Neck Com-1 at o'clock, noon, ii being
fir l Monday in in stock. Country
I to public sale before the court , ., A
highest M Sold
tier i ash, the
I k or of land, lo
, .-ii The one third inti p. t -n
ready written to Mr. Small or of Ian
asked that their name be listed
for a H map and r-port on their
county. Mr. Small worked faith-
H. the
those people who are interested j county for the
enough to write a postal card or .
letter asking for one will receive
one of these maps and reports
Three car
See me before you buy-
free A many have
el Ian
the town of and known
the Lumber yard Ii t. it h -i. K the lot
land p V. A. and
It. Parker n Lovitt receiver.
to Which dad is made for
description, the said lot
on 12th and the
Gr. Mfg. Company.
This i ale is made to satisfy the term i
of said mortgage deed.
Thia the 9th day of June. I
Ellen t;. Mortgagee,
F. C. Atty
D. W.
See P. M. Johnston for mill
repairs and supplies. Terms
Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds
Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement.
of W. B. He will sell
j you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any man in town.
Blades Sharpened W, B.
at cents u
Agent for I is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Paper Typewriter Ribbons .
none better made,
All do
W. P.
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
Located in main business sec-
of the town- Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
Modern electrical machine for
dry shampoo and massive. La-
dies waited on at their homes.
to The Reflector.
Cotton Factors handlers o
Bagging. Ties and Bags.
Correspondence shipments
I have moved my Dairy to the John-
son place, one mile from town, and am
better prepared than ever to furnish
all Dairy Products. Will make delivery
in town. T 2-4.
of Interest in North Caro
Atlantic Hotel. City.
N. C, June. twenty
sixth annual session of the North
Carolina Assembly
opened Tuesday at
with the largest of
any opening ii
were over seven hundred teach-
Asheville, N. C, Juno 15.-
The State Board of Medical
Examiners this n c m-
work and announced
the successful candidates
There were a total of i-
cants for license besides those
applying and the reciprocity
and i wt-re granted lie
including eight and one
from Tex is.
Quite a Novelty.
this Piper.
Write Meat,
. I r. and ,
pal ,
u m in; mar
All of Then More or Hurt.
I y Mr. C T
It. I.
While here a day or two
Mr. T L of n,
gave The Reflector b x
his s of To
a unique lion of his own.
He conceived idea of
Scripture quotations in
this novel way. He puts thirty
in a neat box bearing a
descriptive label, and in pact
capsules is s little roll of pap
on which i printed a n
from the Bible, th- id of the
quotation being hi suit the
need. Mr.
sells these boxes at cent each head a.-d body,
postpaid. here is no doubt
. with his
Robert Lee, and Mr
t v ml in th
and were r.; u i
h were c i
down Fifth it at i i
peed when the horse s- -pp
a n
excavation for n
in fr . I of i v
Mr. T. E. is building
the struck this soft
earth he caved in Ml,
bringing the buggy to such
sudden stop th t the u-
i thrown out a-d each
; i
A Beautiful
On the morning of the of
lute at the beautiful country
l me of her father. Miss Glad s
daughter of Mr.
L. J. Chapman, was mar-
to Mr. Hal Charles,
i prominent young man of Dunn.
N. C
tin this beautiful wedding
morning as the sun rose
its deep sleep of the there
was nothing in the horizon to
of the
save a veil of that
hid the stars by night, hanging
Hut a hand's breath beneath the
summit; which soon
d before mighty power.
rose higher and
her coquetting with the
trenches of the beautiful
it that surrounds the home,
i i little avenues here and
th re. through which to cast her
upon the ground. Amid
these oaks stands Salem Chris-
church as a sentinel and
guard, which has ever watched
vigilant care over fan
of the bride, receiving into her
folds in early youth this b
of fourteen summers.
The home was beautifully
orated with ferns and palms,
while a good many cut
. re used with good effect. On
about fifteen feet
of the n
r. ad the little boy
were bruited about th
Mr. Hum-
injury was to one
; ; j
Scripture certain .
that good can he done by o
foot that the ball dour,
walk for a arch, or
I pie of flowers, while on either
and to accomplish this
Mr. idea l
stable. No damage
was done to the t
A .
for A ANKLE.
As usually treated, a sprained ankle
will disable the person for a
month or more. by
I . t Pill
d o with sch a
at m y b if- t I in ma i cases in
lea-than one tine
is in
T ii for I r i
i ii I h i i r
de- incl I pan
with the pr i i it visit to . t-y
i . , v ale i y i. I. our and did no
C v i.
As soon as the borax .
from the fall the animal ran off Palms ferns
down at Five At one of the cross sections
Points and stopped at Mr. walks on the lawn there was
friends at W-
Dawson, J L. Patrick. R. W
Brooks and Claude Dawson. A
toilet set by H. T.
Best and Tom Dawson. A bean
cabinet of silverware by
Ashley C. Norfolk. Va.
A cut glass salad bowl by Wilson
G. Lamb,
very Japanese vases by J
W. and Herbert
Kay. Dunn. A beautiful haw
painted bowl. Mr. and Mrs
C. Dunn. A ha- I
Japanese tea set of . pieces by I
the parents the groom. O
hammered brass by.
Messrs. Hewitt Moore, Green- j
A mileage book each,
riven by parents of the
A cut glass fruit dish, very tie
indeed, given by Mr-
Mrs. Sam H. r,
field, Conn. Mr. .
time owning the Wheeler
son Mfg-Co. The
value o; the whole would
I the limit.
Mr. Charles is a descend int
an old English family hi;
father's de, while his
was of Scotch descent He i
on of Mr. and Mi .
j. M. s, Mocksville, N.
C. He is purely
lea dog i th tend n
i- teen that am
makes men of b ho en-
. red the machine sh p
of Charlotte and served his trade I
as an apprentice. To more fully
equip himself for the duties j
an electrician, he entered A.
M. college, taking the full course
in this branch. Mr. Charles has
for the three years been in
The place to buy our Ct u-
stock to
Agricultural S;
Consisting Plows.
Cutters. Rakes I
both riding and walk
, Harrow .
American F
he most
teed per
Those wishing
I ill
the f to
care ;
hen wishing
Pert It.
i i- a . n
n j r. lo ti
when I h
ti. i rate x
a arch, and still another
at gates.
With the exact promptness of
sun, six sixty-five, Rev. Mr.
Lane, minister of the Christian
church at Dunn, N. C., came
through the hall door, walking
lowly down the aisle of palm
Gave Scare
ii,. afternoon
Ti-v i i
of Wash.
death i- a
I. on a
-1 I
in stopping just beyond the main
Then went to the beautiful strains
Ca with w , . . , ,
Ur New Discovery. the Wedding march from Lo-
coil ma an now I
s . as r its i
C Colds, -utter Of the bride,
thin . end the Ushers,
Be and I w
the employ of the water and
light commission of Dunn-
The bride is the eldest
and L, J. Chap I
man. of Grifton, is a woman ;
very admired, at an early j
date developing that high and
At the close of business April Ii
social character o pronounced in
her parents. She graduated in
1908 at Peace in the
r English course and music.
Her father is one of most
rendered by Miss Ruth,
H. i.
i. . go u
spectators were standing around
inspecting it. every
machine that, on the street.
Th.- of this auto had
been put in -n preparatory to
off hen in
the crowd tone led a
button see what would
place, when there was a Ii
report gasoline explosion that
alarmed and the crowd.
They will be careful how they
monkey with e
buttons hereafter.
marched down the aisle drawing
, piece of white ribbon The
I groom next appeared with Mr.
j. C. Clifford, f Dunn, as
he wore a suit of
Little Rae Dawson and Lloyd
at Al i gists.
Got Hit Km
When a ere r from ch
trouble takes King's s Life
Ii she's o
and fly, tut he's
tickled over his now, fine ,
heat.- ah Chapman acted flower girl and
bay. they preceded the bride and
strewed bride's roses down the
Next in order came the
ride, dressed in traveling suit
ashes of roses, wearing brides
roars, leaning on the arm el her
sister, Helen, was dressed
in a traveling suit, in harmony
with the bride and wore pink
and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixture
from A
Cash items
merchants and com
era, at one- time doing the
business iii
i,. Bring very much
with farm
in considerably.
There is a tree masonry about
this family that exacts no
introduction into
beautiful spirit
which welcomes their I and
it not at all repulsive to
inferiors. These i i i we
would not sty inherited,
but their wedded to
live, and a regard for triples
have begotten their characters.
R. L Johnson,
Grifton, W. C.
minor coin currency
Nat bank and other
, Surplus fund
Undivided profits .
cur. exp and
Time of ii
165.00 , ,
Deposits sub.
177.11 I Cashier's
V. s.
n. in
R. Davis, Cashier the sole mil
swear that the above statement is true I . the I t i
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of April,
Notary Republic.
-i .
T. T
One of Our Boys.
Th; Reflector is always clad to
keep track with our home
when they to other parts of
the country and to note the
success trey are in
business, hence it is gratifying
to read the following item taken
from the Tribune, of Tampa
Harvey Jones, who has been
one of the experienced and
affable druggists of the Hutch-
main store, has
resigned, effective today. Mr.
Jones has accepted a position
as traveling salesman in the
Florida territory for one of the
largest drug houses of
He has many friends
and the capacity for making
more and will prove a great
success on the road.
and a small quantity of condensed
milk, if fresh milk cannot be
iii-iii George Clark v;
to Washington Wednesday
bring back Arden Wilson, a
lured man. fr
disorderly conduct assault
On Tuesday Wilson a row
with a colored woman named
Sarah Moore in which he used a
butcher knife, cutting her I
severely on the hand. He also
went in the woman's house and.
carnations. As. she the
moth r who baa had i
with will he
. hid to know that a n i
by up for
n soon as the i, dune nursing.
Wine it off with a cloth
Among the Colleges fee in South,
Arte and Sciences, Music, and Art
R. T.
r. F
. .- net
I a at ea t.
arch the groom stepped to babe to nurse. Many
d at
s. K. r J. Woolen and
C-ward Woo en.
both while the
music to
Schumann, and with
solemn and beautiful ceremony
pulled out her trunk which he of
broke to pieces with an
After the trouble n skipped
were made man ard wife. After
where receiving congratulations machinery, all systems s
for ;
he was arrested Tuesday night, i the minster, the music
Running to all of
v. St-nm erecting Engines,
changed, this time to Mendel An and terms re
wedding march while they ,
all marched out beyond the re- No.
two arches.
Masonic Officers at
At the annual communication
A the gate they were
r. n. m. i, u j the
Tin Roofing and
Go to L-
Next door to J. It. J. O. MOVE.
June 15th, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing
J. C. Galloway, W. M.
W. E. Proctor, S. W.
L. D. Philips, J. W.
J. O. Proctor, Treas.
A. Clark, Sec.
t A . I milk . . . lo on. II K
all thoroughly and
heat or cook it;
don't add anything else. Thin
of delicious ice
Cream minutes at very
you know it-a
packages at all
Hook .
The Pure feed Co, ti Roy, N. Y.
by the waiting carriages,
the bride throwing a shower L,
i brides roses upon her friends and I
bridesmaid. I
Mr. and Mrs. Charles were
driven to Grifton, where
took the early morning train for
a two trip, visiting Ashe-
ville, Biltmore and other places
of interest before they return to
their future home at Dunn, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles possess a
wide circle of friends as is
Many remarkable cures of stomach
troubles have been affected by
stomach and Liver Tablet.
One who had spent over i
thousand for medicine and by the vast number I
was cured by a few boxes of j .,, handsome and costly
tablets Price cents. Sam- , , .
Coward. they received. They were
too for all to be man
I d, however we cannot re-
Call and see P. M. Johnston , from mentioning a few-
when in town for general engine beautiful suit of furniture,
and boiler repair work and any- by J. K. Hardy, of Grifton.
thing you may need. Shop I A table set of cut glass
Hotel Bertha. w I pieces by four of their
Not Quite
How often you can get a j
driver or
Ker Have a good g
tool and be prepared for
emergent Our
Is a you could desire,
M MN Unit your tool
box does not lack a T
Of Si
You get Horn. .-
Horse c
Office opposite R. L. Smith
stables, and next door to John
OR R. L.
I Choice Cut Rowers
a specialty. Wedding
and offering
ranged in best style at short
bulbs, betiding plants, rose
everything in the
line at
j co
Raleigh. N. C.
II. A.
N- C
Moore and Long
i ii K x V ILL W N C
Ladies n I
Greenville, N. C.
In lb Barber

Subscription One
Six Mont us
Single Ci
Inn rates may upon
cation th- office in Th--
Reflector . . . corner Evans Hid
keep a majority of women in all
the wanted.
The day of religious
is rapidly passing and the
minister or editor who uses his
pulpit or news columns to tie-
a sect of what-
ever belief only belittles him-
When Greenville nets to
reaching out in earnest after new
Entered in the post a Greenville .
N. C, -sail matter, you will see
The sentiment against ladies
wearing hats in church is grow-
rapidly. A minis-
has requested the ladies of
his congregation to leave nil
their hats at the evening service
see that the ladies need
wear them at all with the
amount of hair they wear these
days. Hut the more hair the
larger the hat is the way the
to it.
This is the week when the ed-
have authority to levy
such tax and he deemed it the
duty of branches of con-
Let it be Greenville. In line
Cur. Might
., Harmless
overwrought villains of the
i . n evidence
that fail in in is well
There is plenty of room fr
I rs in Green
hut the to n has no use
kickers and drones.
If they keep mi taking chances
at the Mini tiger business,
i- going eon-
first thing you know.
If it w as not for
money they would not even be
considered respectable. Hut
mom y covers i multitude
i i lawyers made such a good
job at proving Thaw insane that
so far Hurts .- get him re-
leased from the asylum have
The president's idea to put a
tax of two percent, on the earn-
of corporations may be ex-
to arouse the opposition
of r.
i-i th.- i-
but those w
them coming this way. of the State lay aside pen-
scissors for the time be-
ought to In- reaching
good and hard after a cotton
change comes forward
with the remarkable
lice that the of July will
come between the and 5th
this year. He might also have
-ail it will between
and Monday.
It i- now
College, of Greenwood, S.
having the honorary
of l l. l. on Mr.
of the Charlotte
Observer. The honor
bestow ed he w ill wear it
Durham aldermen have re-
the of that
city and hive opened door- to the
-ale of cigars and cold drinks on
Sunday. It i- charged than this
is paving the way to the grant-
license to druggists to sell
The editor boys of the State
are in this week
and we earnestly hope they v
and take themselves to the
annual press convention. The
meeting this year will be in
and alter two
ion there editors
Lake for a
lay. It promises to be a
A days ago a
attempted a criminal
upon a young lady near that
The intended victim the
was a daughter of Dr. Cur
lice, of Maine, an of the
government, who is doing work
in this State. It is
to be deplored by very-
body, and it will doubtless give
the father a different idea of
conditions in the South from
that held by many people in the
It does inn make so much
who actually
the platform of the last
Democratic convention.
It stands nut as a fact that the
convention adopted it. it is
a further fact that many Demo-
the idea of cleanliness
to adopt an amendment to post, if were alive now, would
the constitution, to be submit. U subjected to a rt cure.
. . .,. ,. the city, and we reprint the though it could not turn them
tor might make
lowing remarks taken Iron. ;, dangerous,
a paper read before the Woman I tyrants of die middle
Club of Alabama, and the renaissance, the worst
, Roman
by the mayor of that city. monsters of iniquity,
offers some good suggestions that i , did evil for the love of it.
i, would be well for the citizens; We should
if we liken
of Greenville to jinn to disorder their
down your fence. The nerves. No doubt if he
City Will haul it away and keep I been I , ; P
, , ,. , u modern taught from a to
off the cows. If you cant be ,.,,.,. to
induced to part with it, fix it up
and paint it.
lawns, lowers and trees.
A few weeks ago Dr. Win. I.
conferring power the gov-
to levy an income tax
whenever it shall be deemed
necessary. This may put an end
to the present effort to pass an
income tax, but the
of the president to adopt
the amendment
should be carried out promptly.
Virginia's leading physicians,
had a communication In the
i-; r in which he characterized
city cleaning as a saving
lie said in part
have not iced w great sat-
the inauguration of a
system of cleaning cities and
towns by organized effort to deal
with houses and backyards.
health of the people of
any community is the greatest
physical blessing that can be
bestowed. Not only does it bring
happiness to every home, but it
is the biggest advertisement
any city can have. We have ex-
water, an enviable
mate, a beautiful city, well
equipped from many stand-
points, but the one thing that
Will appeal to the outside world
strongest, as well as to our own
eat mo I things,
v, i never have been a very useful
or i it person. But he might
Whenever the ground shows have been a harmless faddist or an
,. I innocent ii undistinguished minor
bare, put something green it.
Exercise the same supervision, he he of
over your sidewalk as over v, r;., with no one to prevent
Sidewalks are tin
index of the kind of people in-
him from eating and drinking what
ho chose or from taking whatever
other pleasure he was
inclined to. No doubt he exceeded
in everything sad suffered from ex-
in consequence,
minutely ho could indulge his
without restraint If
when he felt cross i f n morning ho
ordered a senator to die, the
tor did die, and he heard no
anybody who mutilates j j, Moreover, there was always
Trim up trees which art
low and which overhang
If tin re are any dead trees
around the place pull them UP
and start new
a pleasant as profit. used this platform t
aide stay there
all they get. We m
-s our Boss
voted contrary to the platform I very but w.
on v, they were elected are nu ,,. ,,,,
hie fur i;.
progress in New
other down
of tie
trial in
irk gives an-
the moral I
Charlotte's city lathers have
placed a special tax on its news
papers. A shame. Just as well
out -i tax on ; e office.
It is virtually about the same.
don't see how the
are going to find Leon
the Chinese convert alleged slay-
of Elsie Siegel, a missionary to
Chinatown, New York, for all
Chinamen look to us.
Criminal assault on our
and girls is getting to he all too
common in the South
again, and we seldom pick a
newspaper that we do see an
account of some case right near
The Greensboro Record says it
is expecting some fellow to bob
up and how much stock
Senator Simmons has in the
lumber Be careful how
you indulge in such loud hints,
you might be d pry-
into private matters.
In Decent I Governor Hughes,
of Ni-a York, appointed a
, investigate the stock
ind i and report
on their methods of doing
The committee has made
its report and the exchange.-,
were marked o. K.
whitewashing, that.
congress on and then
it when the tariff question
came up. It is also undeniable
that either tho-e congressmen
are wrung or the platform was
It seems to us that as often a
we repeat the statement that we
will not print unsigned
sent to us for
that our correspondents
would not fail to always observe
the rule, still we receive
communications that we would
ties a horse to a tree.
on get half the fine on con-
a strip of green in ban-
places along sidewalks. The
city will furnish street sweep
if haul is not too long.
Out weeds away while young
and tender. It will save you
money and please everybody.
When street or sidewalks are
is pride, is from lorn up and not properly repair
ed call up the mayor's office and
give the name of the party re
table and animal matter
Report any unsightly object
epidemics and disease It is an
established fact that decaying
breeds the various germs which
produce disease and it is equally
well established that the fly is
the great carrier and propagator.
It is well know n that clean, dry
premises have no attraction for
Then let us determine to
clean out every vestige of any
material which is unclean or
seemly; drain away every damp
area, and have the hack
to the inspection of
friend or official-
Go still further. Make every
clean and sweet. Not only scrub,
whitewash and turn in the
shine, but screen all doors to
rooms attractive to flies. Keep
i your stables in perfect
closed with this
j earnest
to all
in your neighborhood. It
it will be remedied.
Don't let your dog bark all
night. Think of your neighbors.
Call attention to all you meet
to the idea of a
Encourage your children to
help the good work along by
training them to pick up papers.
. .
lie glad to publish but for this white and black, to co-operate in
failure. Our waste basket get.-
them. We have to slick to this
rule to protect ourselves and we
repeat that if you want your
letter printed sign your name.
We will withhold the name if it
is not necessary to print it.
this life-saving work
The reference to fusion now
being made in some of the pa
take- the mind back to
some stormy days in North Car-
days like the which it is
hoped there will be no
For Southern Democratic con-
to claim credit that in
voting for a tariff on certain
articles they were acting in the
interest of their constituents, is
an admission that they think the
Republicans who have always
voted for protection are entitled
to the same credit.
Those who eat victuals, wear
clothes, cultivate crops and
build to live in are the
ones who feel the tariff heaviest,
yet they get the least
when it comes to levying a
Owners of automobiles in
North Carolina should not over-
look the fact that by July 1st
they must obtain a license from
the Secretary of State and be
furnished by him with a placard
number to go on each machine.
There is a penalty for failure to
comply with this law.
A fellow was arrested in
Greensboro on the charge of big-
After staying in jail a
few days some friends advanced
enough money for him to put up
a cash bond of and re-
leased. When court met the
grand jury did not find a true
bill against him, whereupon he
took down the bond money him-
self and skipped out. Now some
know not how many valuable
citizens may be saved, nor do we
I know but that one in our own
may be the dear one
saved. Our own premises may
be dean, but flies do not confine
themselves to one lot; so we
must he our neighbor's guardian
and solicitor. Think.
Your neglect may devour your
Cleanliness seems to be the
watchword of the American re-
public today, and it is well so.
Nothing promote health and
prosperity more than clean
premises, towns and cities.
Greenville has lately awaken-
ed to this fact and a great many
and other rubbish
ever found. A few dimes and
a lot of enthusiasm and deter-
will transform an
sightly back-yard into a little
of beauty.
Sweet peas, climbing
beats, hollyhocks,
or even sunflower make an el-
screen to hide old fences,
sheds, or other unsightly views.
For permanent screen use hardy
or the growing
You may have a window
filled with geraniums, if you
cannot have a grand yard tilled
With choice roses. The window
nix can be made at a very small
cost. The flowers will not Cost
fear to work upon a tyrant's nerves,
and some emperors tyrants
because of that fear, Domitian was
a martyr to it. though a good man
of business. If ho were a stock-
broker today no doubt he would
himself incessantly about the
state of the markets, and every
would pity him for his nervousness.
As he was a Roman emperor, we
think of him as a sinister villain.
who killed men fur the pleasure of
We often hear talk of that
vitae from which
man nobles suffered. We should
call it nerves now, our doctors
would n strict diet and a
course of poll or pardoning for it.
Hut the I man noble did not know
how to treat it. He made a feast
and drank deep and fast and crown-
ed himself with ll cw the
next morning must have felt it
worse than ever. But since ho was
a Roman noble ho U a romantic fig-
to e- and not a sufferer
from oar modem disease of over-
strain. London Times.
The is told
den . morning little
Drew refused to get up. When all
other meat's tailed to max her
out of bed Mr. Gladstone was
-W v
won't you get up, my
grandfather, didn't
tell me to i i what the Bible says
;.;., d
it disapproves of early
it's a waste of
Mr. tone knew his Bible bet-
than in i-t men, but ho was not
equal to Dorothy. For once in his
life he
wont on
in reply to his exclamation
of astonishment, mid, turning up
her Bible, she read the second verso
of the Hundred and Twenty-
seventh laying great
sis on the first words, is vain
you to rise
sell now some
. of our people are doing all they
of the friends who furnished the, .
lean up, purify and beau-
money are trying to him to
, , our nice little city, but they
have him arrested for embezzle-
Mrs Gould says she spent
a year for dresses, but how
much her forty drinks a day cost
is not stated. No doubt what
she spent for drink alone would
A man with no more
character than that ought to
have been kept in jail.
In a special message sent to
congress Wednesday, President
Taft took the ground that as the
Supreme court of the United
States had already declared that
the government has no authority
to levy an income tax, it is use-
less for the present congress to
pass such a law in connection
with the bill now being
considered. At the same time
The filibustering reports that
the government was running
down and under which two boats
were held under blockade in
Virginia waters, proved to be
founded. The boats turned out
to be the property of the
government, but
is said about what went with
the piano boxes filled with guns, he argued that the government
need the help of all the people.
Not a few, but all So lend
your baud and keep your
and surroundings as clean as
you possibly can. As the above
remarks quoted from Dr. Robin-
son's communication says, you
may save the life of a friend or
even a near relative in this.
Pile is put up in a
tube with attached. May be
applied directly to affected parts.
Guaranteed. Price Sold by John
L. Wooten.
Stick Becomes a Tree.
Several years ago Mr. B, R.
Jones, who lives on the Clayton
road four miles from here, went
to his pasture on Swift Creek,
about a mile away, to look after
some cattle. While there he cut
a stick to use in walking
through the woods. He used it
until he reached home and set it
side. His wife took it to the
garden to open some trenches in
which to plant some cabbage seed.
When through planting she
tuck it in the ground with the
little end downward and left it
to show how far the cabbage
seed were sown. It remained
there for a year in which time it
took root and began to grow.
The following spring Mr. Jones
transplanted it to the roadside
it now stands. It is a
walnut tree about twenty five
feet high and ten inches in
and is full Of walnuts
this season. Mr. Jones and his
wife both vouch for these state-
and they are as reliable
people as we have in the county.
Hay Hay Hay Three car
loads. See me before you buy-
will treat you F- V- Johnston.
Heart Action
There arc certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart. When they
weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart it-self. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it
yarn I suffered with I
thought trouble,
the doctors toM me I had near
trouble. I had tried many remedies,
when Dr. almanac came
Into my hands, and I concluded to
try Dr. Heart Cure. I have
taken and now I am
not suffering at all. I am cured
this medicine did It. I write this In
the hope It will attract the at-
of others who suffer J did.
Main St. Ky.
Your druggist sells Dr. Heart
Curs, and him to
Cries of Seat bottle If It fills
benefit yen.
Miles Medical Co., Ind
Eastern tot and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
o Don't send elsewhere, when vices arc at a. m. and
I is cordially
Miss Mary of New, r.
Bern, came up last week to be
BACK JACK item;.
Black Jack. N. C, June 22.-
E. L. Clark and R. M.
went to Greenville
Kings Cross Roads, June
C. E. Case and H. T. Smith
went to Falkland Saturday.
Master Sidney Williams, of
MEAT Afflict
When the Butcher Bull he
People Beet.
Traveler In
of bat Jill ti-iii
m .
Miss Lula Mills, of near Fountain, spent last week With
son, spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Miss Stella
G. C, Buck and Mis
present at the
wedding and to spend some time
with Misses Lizzie and Florence
If. M. Sauls makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the fountain- cold the year;
round Try one.
Miss Jimmie Davis returned
Thursday from in,
whore she Ins been her
sister, Mrs. G.
They tell ma that J. R. Smith
Co., Dixon are manufacturing
as good wagons, carts and bug-
as can found any where.
See them before buying.
Mrs. J. W. Taylor two
children, of war; in
town a portion of last week visit-
friends and relative Thy
left Saturday
Seed peanuts f r sale by J- R
Smith Co.
Mr. T. C. went to
Spring dress goods laces
to match at J. R. Smith
Miss Lula of Den-
Va., came in Saturday to
visit her sister. Mrs. C.
She was accompanied by
her mother and Mrs. Price, her
get nice ceiling and
windows and door
frames made to order at J. So account of the meeting Edwards spent Saturday night
Smith Co. Dixon which is in progress at the ware j with J. L. Dixon and sister,
a Sunday school Lena.
patterns and was held at the warehouse Sun-1 Miss Clyde Smith, of
zincs at J. R. Dixon Co. day morning. A large crowd I dine, was the guest of Misses
Misses Olive Butt and Jean- WiS present. Prof. Highsmith Janie and Bettie Harper
of were taught the lesson to the entire day night and Sunday.
the guests of Miss Lena Dawson . Evidently ha is a mas-1 Charlie Porter and sister Miss
Sunday. They Monday, in this business as well as Daisy, from near Red Banks
We can shoe your mules and singing. j attended church here Sunday.
At o'clock Sunday Bid. C. J. Harris tilled his
theY. M. C. A. held a public regular appointment here
at the warehouse. Mr. -day, Saturday night and Sunday.
S delivered a very fine ad- W. was with us
ind Prof. Highsmith and an
. beautiful solo. The meeting sermon Sunday. We are always
W t ell attended and much en- glad to have him with us
I Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark, of
m Grimesland, attended
here Sunday.
J. H. Clark spent Saturday
Juno -A pretty
horses, repair cans, bug-
and wagons on short notice.
. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
J. B. Pearce and Miss Nannie
Sunday in the
Tr. a bucKet of use
third less lard t J. R.
Smith Co.
C. L. Wilkinson, of Greenville,
came down Sunday night arid
r-turned Monday In-
suit just received at J- R
Smith Co.
Jack from
Saturday and Sunday with
Jack Blount, returning none
Sunday afternoon,
N, C. cut herrings at J. It.
Smith Co.
a number of
people came over Sunday night
to attend services being held
the tobacco warehouse.
School books, tablets, Bibles
and Testaments at J- R. Smith Co.
M. M. Sauls has just received j Mrs. E. r. Phillips
a fine lot of perfumes and toilet Monday morning tor lien-
r N. C. to present
i -e -n
viii wan town a sh it while
Paris a-. Ii. C .
Mr. W.
ton, w is in .
The hose
es and m n
be.-c on
u of
n V hi;
Pi I i
t I- . ii
tr. M-s. W n
The Brick ware-
house is for rent. It is
located lighted. Th-
right man can do a good business
here this season. Apply to J. R
Smith Bro.
Frank of Kinston,
was in town a few
Harrows and cultivators at J.
R. Smith Co.
Miss Alice Taylor, of Hooker-
ton, is visiting the home of Mr.
Frank White.
Mason's fruit jars, caps and
rubbers for same at J. R. Smith
We are glad to see Miss Blanch
Cannon out again.
Rape and Millet seed for
sale by J. R. Smith Co.
Little Misses Novella and Jes-
of Greenville, were
the guests of Miss Isabel Dawson
the past week.
Lime, cement, window, doors,
locks and hinges at J. R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stancil Hodges
left Saturday for a visit to his
parents near Washington. They
returned Sunday.
All kind sewing machine need-
belts, shuttles, bobbins and
needle thread rs for sale by J.
R. Smith Co.
Patrick, of ton,
came up Sunday morning to visit
Misses Lizzie and Florence
Blount and returned Monday.
We were surprised to find that
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon are car-
such a nice line of coffins
and caskets of all prices and
see them when needing
in line.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Needham does not improve very
Buy your brackets, balusters,
stair railing, post
and flooring of J. R Smith
Co. Dixon.
at Press
nice country corn
at per bushel at J-
Co., it Dix n.
Mr. Mia. S.
m up t no id in
mg returned Hie same
. U. Smith Co. have the
in Ayden,
for Ladies and
J. K. Smith and C. Ormond
nu.-a trip
Field peas, rape millet
at J. R. Smith Co.
A. M. of Greenville,
was in town Monday.
Any kind of
needle you want at J- K. Smith
R. A. Fleming returned Mon-
day from a two weeks trip on th-
King Edward, of Great Brit
is one of the greatest of
of Europe. There's
only one in Amer-
but that's the greatest of all
shoes, and only one shoe bears
this mark of
For sale by J. R. Smith Co.
Prof, i ale, of ton, was
here yesterday.
Money can't buy better shoes
than for they
are guaranteed to satisfy,
shoe dealers everywhere sell
them. J. R- Smith Co.
Mrs. C. A. Blount went to
Greenville yesterday.
The warehouse meeting is
finely- Preparatory
services were held during the
week and the meeting proper be-
under most auspicious cir-
Sunday. Rev. M.
Shields, of Greensboro, is
doing the preaching and Prof. J.
H. Highsmith. of Wake Forest
College, is conducting the sing-
Mr. Shields is a preacher
of great power. His messages
are simple and tender, but clear
and forceful. Prof. Highsmith
is perfectly at home when
handling the choir, and his solos
are greatly enjoyed. The music
is very fine, indeed.
The warehouse has been well
arranged and seats about in
the pews. It was very well filled
Sunday morning and every seat
was taken Sunday night. The
took place here Wed- i
afternoon at St James
church when Miss
U Ii n became the bride
of Mr.
Tb church was beautifully
wedding march was
dared by Miss Blanche Reid
King, of Goldsboro.
Rev. John H. performed
the c
The bride was gowned in a
traveling suit of blue.
Mr. and Mrs. Turnage left on
i bridal tour to Asheville at d
other points. They will be at
home at Ayden after July 1st.
bride is a daughter of Mr.
Mrs. J. W. and
night with his parents hare.
J. Proctor and W. E.
Proctor were here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Williams
and children of Cox Mill spent
Sunday here.
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Mills
spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Clark.
Washington Mills died here
his grandmother, Mrs. W. S. E.
Walter Worthington and W.
L. Matthews attended church at
King's Cross Roads Sunday-
J. T. Matthews went to Cone-
toe Saturday and returned h
Sunday morning.
W. C. Moore went to Fan
J. A. Corbett spent
with Corbett and says he is
going again soon.
R. L Matthews and wife
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mrs. Bettie Matthews, who is
Chester Smith, the Fan
potato dealer was in
town Sunday.
Mrs. Marcellus Smith an
daughter spent Sunday with
Mrs. Addie Corbett.
Billie and
Sunday with W. L. Ma .
Mr.--. Addie
Mary lier i.
From the
a. i
D I ll III
the native I HI
k nil null ii.
i i ;
of tin- fact I j .
; iV I
ti I
, ;
. r
i. .
. Ml I
ill n
l n i
. I
; lie
I i
l ti
i i
went in
Friday evening.
Brown and wife spent
Sunday with II. S. Ty n.
Mrs. W. S. E. Smith h . i a re-
union Sunday in of her
children grand children.
wore as follows Mrs.
Caraway, Mrs. Williams,
. In-
I .
. r f
. . .
i .,
last Wednesday morning of j Will Randolph, W. E. Smith, C.
paralysis. He was in his sixty-
fourth year. He was a brother to
J. H, and Calvin Mills, and
leaves four sons and three
The rains for the past few
days has done considerable
damage to the growing crops
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha Mon-
day and Tuesday, July 6th and
the purpose of treating
of the eye ear and nose
throat and fitting glasses.
those who desire to see about
saving work done will be
ed no fee unless terms are
agreed upon- f w
It is a mistake to allow anyone to
suffer from rheumatism, as the pain
can always la relieved, and in moat
cases a cure effected by applying
Chamberlain's The
from pain which it affords la alone
worth times its cost. It make
Bleep and real possible. in c ism
of this liniment should lie
on account relief it
no- be discouraged until
e give I it a trial. Pot by
J I. Wooten Coward ii Vt
A. Smith. H. T. Smith and Miss
E l--t Hathaway filled his reg-
appointment Sunday.
Walter Worthington is on the
sick list.
Miss Irene Smith spent some
time with Mrs. W. C. Moore
Saturday morning.
The tobacco crops are damaged
right much from the heavy rains
last week.
Smith is progressing
nicely on his new
tat II
to Ii
. . r wet
H I . he
. l
. kl
and u
, f
is IOWA,
Our family were all born railed
in Iowa, and have used Chamberlain s
Cholera d Remedy
years. We
know how it is from long
it. In fact, in
El Texas, the writer's life was
the prompt use of this
We are now unpaged in the mer-
ti e business at I- la.,
a haw Introduced the remedy her-.
It has i oven very and is
con growing in favor.
This is J.
I. Wooten and Coward
Sick headache, and bill-
sear i ii . . i v
Pills. They cleanse the Do
not gripe. Price
Lilt Your Taxes.
Have listed your taxes
If not you had bettor see the
lister right away. time
alloted by the state for listing is
almost up, and then you will
have to pay double the amount
Of your taxes to get them listed.
will treat you
to fifteen
Dies with girls to work in knit-
ting mill at Scotland Neck, N. C.
and boys net under
of age can work. Nice
town, good graded school, none
better in the Slate. Pay while
learning the work. Fine
for those wanting nice
work. f interested write.
J. L. Bowers or A.
Scotland Neck, N. C.
. in
e ii i I
. i-
I . Ir i
.- at all mi
I i
.-;. . .
I mi
. .
to P
. i
i mi
At the Close of Business April 88th,
Loans and discounts
i unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,3111.94
bank and
Capital f 26,000.00
surplus fund 18,600.01
profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 178.80
Dividend unpaid 180.00
sub. to check 48,498.84
Total 186,841.84
A Guaranteed Cough remedy is Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup. For cough-,
colds, croup, hoarse
affections. Bert
for children it is quick to re-
and tastes good. laxative.
John L. Wooten.
ii I
ill i
I ,
. I
i ind
l has
on It.
lit lit
will treat you
N ore has made a salve,
lotion or balm to compare with
Salvo. Its the one-
healer of Cuts. Corns, Burns,
Sores. Scalds, Boils.
Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore By is,
C Id Sores, Chapped Hands
Infallible for
Pill's. Only at All
I J R. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
the above state is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
SMITH. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 5th. day of May,
Notary Public
Nice lot of new
memorandum books etc. at
Reflector Book Store.
The Hi It CM OHM
Tons of
Prevents on Ci cumber
We i
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
. in
d It.
in, mil
i i
N . mi- i-
; -m Hi I- I
Is, If l
it i sir.-1
. et i r
under ll If I
lit t
Another e
that n man
ii room wit
Ins I be .
is i I
ii he l stand
for five moving If
In was legally
i France and with an-at
up the time -r
revolution. If the awn i rs-
a was put i
cell and the entire routine H- law
allowed to course. The war-
Mm was read t- it. and W
It was conducted t- the
In the all Ike
cal and with all
of the law.
the same WM m
not exempt aim
should he be
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the same place- All
work promptly looked after- Mr.
Cox will still with the
. tor.
. pkg. W
will continue through R, l JEFFERSON BROS, Fountain, N. C.
this week and possibly next.
Graduate Norse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Warning the
Whit ts the
Mrs lecture this
ten -f married life, Mrs
suppose she will have bet husband
en the platform nu
Th attractive who art-
lovely in face, form and temper arc
the envy of many, who might be
them. A weak woman will be
irritable. Constipation or
poisons show in
blotches, skin eruption- and aw-etched
complexion. For all Electric
Bitters wok wonders. They regulate
Stomach. Liver and Kidneys, purify
the blood; give nerves,
eves, pure breath, smooth, velvety
skin, lovely complexion, Many charm-
women OWe their health beauty
them. Stir at all druggist.
; a
m mi
, v

THE NEW YORK LIFE Has Larger Assets
I and more Insurance any
Old His v
A man was recently a man lo a
m e new opera hat grave r .
i i . i ii i i i sen
id when no ,
on I Lie n
his e nephew, an
As you have c-d, most have
eh across the
to, aft . s lave b a few limes.
. t-.,; , f the process of pull-
t e Lath r the wooden
last, i
The I r this fault.
I Ra's on
then r re t batches, no wrinkles,
i; bees the last
t c i leather at any point
This adds I the of s It also explains
Pi the reason why re-Mi- smart
until n nut.
K There are unusual of RALSTON
j SHOE construction which will appeal to you.
Come in d I over cur n w styles.
. ,
the to spring open . ,, r .
tour times the youngster; , ,;. . ,. .,
was d j ,,,, half
A few days the undo, i
during a visit to the same house- J ,
hold, brought with him silk
f the shiny, oil kind,
, her he was about to leave the for I
house I i the aforesaid j
r down the hall ,
t looked like n k ac- i
not lien.
observed the
one p awfully hard, .
In . i . i mi then couldn't M.
. . an half tie I didn't
there on
you interview the I me ., on it.
the suffragette, as I y, . , ,
I called on her. bill ed tut
wouldn't talk. Editor-She ; . n put I
she , brother,
i dodged
out upon every
I i ice I
It i
mm C
of Wire, and inches
Also a Car Load of Machinery
just arrived, consisting of
j mowers, rakes, gasoline en-
disc harrows, smooth-
harrows, weeders and all
kinds of farming; implements
Should Have Special Attention at this Season
International Stock Food,
International Worm Powder
and Vermin Destroyer
in every line .
round m
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
If you are expecting to build you a home paying investment
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale.
Terms to suit
b C- ARTHUR, Greenville, N. C.
Worn Women
, Women, worn and tired from overwork, need a
tonic. That feeling of weakness or helplessness will
I not leave you of itself. You should take Wine of
that effectual remedy for the ailments and
weaknesses of women. Thousands of women have
tried and write enthusiastically of the great
benefit it has been to them. Try experiment
-use this reliable, oft-tried medicine.
. C.
The Woman's Tonic
Mrs. Hare, of Pierce, Fla., tried and afterward
I was a sufferer from all sorts of female trouble, had
pain in side and legs, could not sloop, had shortness of breath.
suffered for years, until my husband insisted on my trying
I The first bottle gave me relief and now I am almost welL
I Try help you.
Experience With an Over-
worked Irish Watchmaker.
fell iii with a delightful a
little town in County I
wanted a little thing done to my
l naked him bow it
would take to it. Be assured ma
that lie was driven death with
work and was up till late every night
trying t- gel ahead. that he I
try time mend my watch
some lime before o'clock, when lie
nominally Then he foil
me the i hi shop and lie; in
to me about a
lie pointed out ,
lull me their life
once a while he
a day for ;.
rear, not bank holiday. N
for anything but work.
order now that's g l k ;
busy, for the time I'll give to
your watch, all the rest of the day.
And i eaten In my to
I bade him good day and didn't go
near there until T o'clock In tho even
lug. I found the shop
the of tho
at with a neighbor.
sorry, air. but I've been so
today that I've been unable to
finish that Job. It'll not take over
twenty minutes when I Bet to it. Can
you come In the
Nest morning I was t Ms
o'clock, and he was Just taking down
the shutters. Bald he worked until ii
o'clock the before, but seemed
farther behind than before, if I'd
come up into bis workroom fix my
watch while I waited.
there he bail some photograph
to show me that ho had taken a year
only Just found time to
develop. We talked photography for
twenty minutes, then he Used my
Watch In n Jiffy when ho pot to work.-
by Charles
her mistress,
must conic lo door i f the drawing,
any, is ready, and
la but dinner is
The newly corralled domestic In-
that evening convulsed the
who were awaiting the an-
of dinner by stepping be-
tween the dropping n
and is
and supper Is but dinner
is Ledger,
human said n
young lady attending a fair with her
sweetheart. Wouldn't
yon like lo have a look at that, Her-
answered Herbert,
to bestow a neat compliment;
am quite content to look at
A Tart Retort.
a be a good Chris
once of late
of Kansas, when he
pile I. Cod all things are
Kidney Troubles May be
Sapping Your . way.
e People
This Fact.
In or woman
,;, s in run w. b
. w la
e H. r backs h , headache,
.-. . Mil v
the ca m of it
K will i n I l
run Vi icy aid men them Well.
the following
Jut. Suva e. I N.
C, s sum- kid
a d at times
i. i a my
bins an if a .-ii r,.
s caught across my .
i had for ht-
en. Alt u-i c n m r s
w ob r lief, I pro l
Mil's i hey
in reg-
to-. I m to
Loan's Kid Pi s in e in for
benefit I d rived fr m
For sale all
cents Co,
New Yolk, sole agents for the Unit, d ;
S ,
the s -and
no other.
Ha Divisions Known as
A copper has its own
peculiar and apart, It has
two distinct workmen
the skilled miners, who work under
ground, mid I ho smelter men. who
range from experience and
training to unskilled day
Mi re often than not they form
camps within the
as the call the
quarter given over to the men who
tho and or
for the smelter men.
The smeller is the heart of the camp.
In the community there is every
of camp architecture, from the
tent pure and simple and the
breed which Is a tent floored
and boarded up along the sides to the
turn or the roof and fitted With a
enough that will lock, to the
hotel like a huge packing with
rows am rows of little, narrow
. set along the shies like polka
I Cots on a shirt waist and a flat roof
that does not reach an inch beyond tho
I sides, the whole painted a faded green
I and Jaundiced over with the red dust.
A groat copper camp grows slowly.
When there Is a town above ground
there Is something like ii
, stations, slopes, workings reach-
I out like streets alleys to fol-
I low the the lead. There Is
I no gutting of a rich ledge and going
I on, no Carolina search for to
I be and left.
With scientific Skill and
precision each yard of work Is
driven to open up the best road to ore
still beyond and to have a safe and
convenient way by h It may reach
the surface. Nature has rooted her
wealth of deep Iii earth,
and no methods will release
It It would amuse or
old time gold miner to see
tin- and economy practiced in
copper mining small
in- the search for hotter
methods of handling, the struggle
eliminate waste and utilize all the b
Allen's a powder. R
and mid instantly
takes h st- g of corns b m
ion. It's th.- greatest dis-
of h age. II l-a--
makes light, r sh .-. eel easy, it
is a c r cur for S m ting callous,
ed, it t-
day. ad t i d
mail i-. in
any lib it T
a All n
ii R It- . N, Y
The Greenville Trust Co.,
At close of business. April 28th, 1909.
Loans and discounts 1120,010.98 Capital stock
Overdrafts secured Surplus urn
and 1,211.61 ,.,.,. . .
Other stocks, bonds profits, less
and mortgages 1,000.00 esp taxes pd 2,900.07
Furniture and fixtures unpaid
from 25,771.72 of
items deposit
Silver including
Nat bank t and .-., ,
You say silly as a
any more, for naturalists
have been studying this animal of
late years, have come to
the conclusion that she is the wisest
old bird
Shu never quarrels without cause;
she sees danger before any oilier
fowl; she more courage than
tin.- rooster; she is far braver than
the gobbler, and, if given a fair
Show, she can beat off tho fox.
A flock of geese around
the barnyard at night is a much
protection than the watch-
dog. They am light sleepers and
will give the alarm the instant they
see a stranger moving about.
So in future say wise a
give her all
Montreal Standard.
Deposit sub to check
880.17 Cashier's 687.77
I S Cashier of the above-named bank, do
edge and l-lief.
and sworn to
, , .- . J.
fore me, tins Is, day May,
Andrew Moore, .
Notary Directors
Norfolk arid Southern Railway
Harry K. Walcott
A Feat of
Napoleon, it is said, one day met
an Old one armed soldier and asked
him where he lost his arm.
were yon not
here is my own cross for
you. I make
majesty makes mo
lier because have lost one arm.
What would your majesty have done
had lost
in that case I should
made you officer of the Legion.
Whereupon the soldier
drew his sword and cut oil hit
other arm
The Carolina
College of Agriculture an Mechanic
State's college for vocational
. Courses in Agriculture and
Horticulture; in Civil. Electrical and
Mechanical In Cotton
Milling and Dyeing; In Industrial
Ch Why not lit yourself for
life by taking one of these courses
D. H. HILL. President,
West Raleigh, N. C.
Of the famous cue for
skin a- i
n or.--, th a. o ill g itching and
of -kin, as ;
frightful g. I P . the.
loss of an i line b.
in the fa i
merit, n acne an m; nun
instant relief a d -y . h.
gentle an- ti its with w I
-I. W. that
HI lit will I n
this paper to on a or
mailed v The
Bo t Ma-s Also for s. by V.
N. C
North Carolina Mountains
The land W
Beautiful at any and Particularly so at this
Southern Railway operates trains, with
Coaches a d Parlor Car, b tween
and N. C . via Raleigh,
Durham, Greensboro and Salisbury, on
I tor .,, Eden-
-.-. p m I. E k. Norfolk, and
I t. R to
. I am
I i Stations,
a in. i I W Zeb lion. Raleigh, and
i . . in i
l in Washington, Chocowinity, land, and Inter-
Prom Norfolk, Suffolk, E Ci y.
. m Columbia, Belhaven, Plymouth, . So-i, a . l inter-
a. m. j From Zebulon, V Ma n, and
p. in. stations.
TS lUshed only a information; and are
H. C
Eastern Time
m. Ar 8.30 p. m.
8.45 a m. Raleigh Ar . in.
Durham Ar
. .- . 8.10 p.
prepared to clean, press repair, p. m. Salisbury Ar
Can be found on Fourth
Clothing and Ladies Skirts
All work done promptly, suits 6.07 p m. r
, , m. a.
to order when h m Ar M , ,, .,.,.
You- patronage
8.15 o. m
Ar Ash-vile 8.00 a. in.
Furniture And House Furnishing Goods
For Cash or on Installments.
In Building Formerly Occupied by Dispensary. Large Stock of everything
Needed in your House. Our Pi ices are low.
to Norfolk, Va. and Return
The Atlantic Coast Line will
have tickets on sale for all
each Saturday and for Sunday
forenoon trains commencing Sat
May 29th and continuing
to Saturday Sept. 4th, 1809;
to return follow-
date of sale.
An excellent opportunity to
vi.-it. the famous resorts
of Virginia and North Carolina
at a minimum cost. i
For information call on ticket
or write T. C
J. A.
r. t. m. i
When in Beaufort stop at the
On boardwalk and facing inlet.
For terms apply to
MRS. H. Proprietress.
Other convenient
Through Car
Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets ill be en sale
May IS. 1909.
For as to fares,
etc., call on Agent of this Company
or the undersigned
II I J- H. WOOD, . H.
D. t. . T. P. .,
N. C. N. C. N. C.
Bonds, Life and Fire.
I fl Q U S t f a I t
US ,, e
hair renewer, cucumber Bum tor
hygienic fruit and every thing in
I your patronage,
g u Mrs. It, A. White.
bottle warranted, but not
returned. Is the report D-.
.- best sum-
ii the
to you by J. L. Wooten.
Sam White store on Five Points. More room and larger lock. Come
to see me.
General Merchandise.
Maintain, d by the State tor the Women
of North Carolina Four regular Courses
leading to Degrees. Special Courses
for Fall Session begins
September 1909. Those desiring to
eater should apply us early as
For and other information
J. I. FOUST, Pies.,
6-18 mo d w N. C.
C D.
Opposite tenter Brick
General Merchandise.

In Charge of S C. CARROLL
id Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
C examine our i f chickens and eggs a Land plenty of it-
and Come and gee the best prices. Try
en .;, I up. Harrington. Barber Ca
. w, to announce
C. . A- Ed that
O. IV. R its an Eu re Can-
i ; i
Vivian Roberson. who
has been at the head of the
music department far the last
two years, will b i with as again.
. She will be assisted by Miss
A. W.
Misses Olive Butt and Jeanette
Cox returned from Ayden Mon-
day evening.
Miss Norma spent
nave sum- one win u.- , ,
. ox
. . ,, most highly rec rail
. schools a number
A best
L i was
to . K H
bat performed for department. She
sit as tat , of Meredith College. Mr. a theological
I . and taught last year la of Alexander, V. will
V i sea i. i n a- Institute most hold services summer
chin- t of that school Luke,
, S month, a
, a and i but on account ox near . .
she ins kindly consented to night
preaching at Ayden
improved last Sunday. It is good preach-
mowing machines, repairs W, we can't afford to miss it.
, . Barber Co. of Green-
Miss Dora E. Cox. of Winter- wile, will preach in, St
ville, will have charge of the in- Episcopal church. Winterville.
m i
. was
v. i Friday.
. A. G. Cox
an i . have lots Hue
iron already on hand and are
p red to furnish
here a s i.
. i
work here.
We are carrying a nice line of
C Caskets. Prices are
right and can furnish nice hearse
service A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Prof. Nye informs us that the
. of the W. H. S. are
Third Sunday, a morning service
at o'clock.
dues r the com g season. now and will be
N. C. June
Daniel Braxton has been
ready to be mailed out in a few much with mumps.
sh ; . I days. There will be The crops of John Hemby, H
-r. d in faculty next b. Turner. J. W and K. A. Craw
C.-x wont to Ayden Mr H F of ford seriously damaged by
. Belcross, will have charge the hail and wind storm last
lot of crockery just department Sunday. Mr. Turner also had a
Harrington Barber. Co. recommended, pack house blown off founds-
having had five years experience
n high school work. Jesse Braxton is housing his
of Belcross, where he id been crop, and it comes in very
were him
up. He b now
Tobacco Guano
head He high school work. The people Jesse Braxton is housing
excel t
time i I
Nitrate of is
cut toe
., big e spa and f uneXpired term of Prof.
sun of public m-
A. W. Ange Co- of Camden county.
C. S. Sm . from Kin-
straw hats opened up. We have
fresh to herrings. j. brimmed
Barber Co. to the nicest dress hat
was in Barber Co.
You will need lime- to repair
all styles. ., . , We have
An S Co. ; ; . B good price
A. W.
I trucks and flues arc
, , Better send your orders
to t G. Cox Manufacturing Co.,
n, of A was in
town Wed
Ne. am
M. G.
A new
shoes st in
. , Co.
Our line of men's
straw hats opened up.
R. A. Crawford is plowing up
his tobacco crop planting
and peas.
John Allen and wife are visit-
her parents this week.
Miss Ora Nichols is visiting
her little cousin at G. T- Allen's
this week.
the I
the bowels, and are
equaled as an
In malarial their
peculiar in
the system that Bit
Take No Substitute.
At close of business April 28th,
Staton, N. C, June
Mr. James L. Little came down
and spent Sunday with his
Mr. G. T- House.
Jack C. Taylor spent Sunday
; t
and fixtures
j Demand loans
I Due from and
I Gold
i-r coin,
I Nut Dank notes and other
I S. notes
8,411.51 Capital
1,178.58 Surplus
expenses and taxes pd
I Time of deposit 202.20
Undivided profits, l
Deposits subject to
Cashier's check 1.00
n. Cashier
n I V. A. A.-.-1. Cashier
Expressions Sympathy.
At the annual meeting of Win-
Ledge No. A. F.
our hearts were saddened
I as beheld the vacant chair of
lour brother, F- Harrington,
with his parents, Mr. and
J. G. Taylor.
Mr. D. C Beech spent the day j
his father-in-law Mr. J. W-
The crops getting t h v
some as it has been rain
in t so th it can't work
them. be they sheer
busy digging P s.
crops are all looking fine though
if tin
j i
named do solemnly swear the above
true to the best of our
1-. A
and sworn to I e-
3rd day of
Notary . P
II K. Lineberry,
A. ti. Cox,
C . . n of this
place, lied ,
t ml I eleven o'clock, Make your tobacco barns tight
was preached yes-j by using good sheathing paper
evening in the Free Will We can supply you.
Baptist here, by R--v. E- A. W. Ange Co.
T. Philips, of Ayden. His re- j F. A. Edmundson went to
Winterville, N. C. who hag M us
work prompt
mains were taken to the
grave yard for burial.
He leaves a two
and three
to them our sympathy and point
them to the hills from whence
their help come.
Mr. Smith was a. member of
the Free Will Baptist church, a
good neighbor, a hind husband,
an excellent citizen, a devout
Christian, and those who knew
him best say surely this man has
passed over the river into that
happy hunting beyond.
to The Public.-Trucks
and tobacco Hues must go. We
Greenville Saturday.
Miss Alice Taylor, of Hooker-
ten, and Newton Taylor, of
Ayden, were in town a short
while Monday.
W. L. House returned from
Dunn Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Rouse spent Mon-
day in Greenville visiting Mrs.
E. B.
After spending several days
with his family here. Prof. G.
Lineberry left for Wilmington
Miss Chapman is visiting
Misses Cora and Sadie Carrol.
A. J. Tyson was in town Sun-
have material, guarantee day.
workmanship. Prices Mr. and Mrs. Tyson
cheap. Call or write A. G. Cox from the country attended
Co., Winterville, vices here Sunday.
N. C,
Miss Elizabeth Boushall will
teach the primary department
again. Her work is known and
needs no comment.
We are going to sell out our
lot of at once, at below
cost If you want a god pair
of pants cheap see us.
A. W. Ange Co.
With an experienced
and the enviable record to which
the school has reached of
thoroughness, discipline and the
character of the students that
it has sent we predict next
session to be one of the finest in
its history.
Fruit jars all kind, all sizes.
A. W. Co.
After preaching Sunday morn-
and night in Snow Hill Jno.
R. Carroll returned home Mon
Miss Kate Chapman spent
Sunday with Miss Eva Langston.
Rev- T, H. King preached in
the Baptist church here
Sunday morning. On account
of the meeting at Ayden there
were no services at night.
We wish to say to our custom-
that we have just received a
car load of land plaster can
give you a good price on same,
Come get yours is going.
Harrington Barber Co.
Car load of nice bright hay
A. W.
as Worshipful Master. On this
occasion he had been called to
the bereaved home of his father
and because
of the death of the latter, Mrs.
Harrington, who departed
this life she seemed
to be in the arms of her Heaven-
Father at the portals of glory
even before the breath left her
We most earnestly extend our
deepest sympathy to our worthy
brother and we would commend
him to the same companionship
with our Father above that his
godly mother enjoyed. May his
last days also be days of
preparatory to that final re-
union on high-
Furthermore, we extend
to Mr. Harrington,
the father of our as well
as to all bereaved relatives.
Done by of Winterville
Lodge, June 1909.
G. a,
W. L. House,
Th; worst years of
to win, h., was a k
ulcer. He p id over
without benefit. Then
Salve i the nicer
mil, Rheum. for Pile,,
Bums, Scalds, Cuts. Corns.
nil Druggists.
Bethe Banking Trust Co.,
At tho close of boldness. April 38th,
Register of Deeds W. M. Mo ire
issued the following licenses
since last
M. A.
Leslie Turnage and Helen
C. P. Smith and Rosa Harriss.
L. H. Jones and Annie Forest.
Henry and Staton
G. E Smith and Lillie Chap
Woods Medicine liver reg-
which bring quick sick
headache, constipation, biliousness and
other of liver disorders.
Particularly recommended for Jaundice
chills fever, malaria. The
contains 21-2 t a much a the-
and discounts
t secured
Furniture and
Due from and
minor currency
Undivided less
taxes pd 1,858.90
Time certificates of 8,650.68
Deposits to check 87,671.66
STATE OF NORTH County of Pitt,
I W II Cashier of the above-named bank, sol-
swear that the above is true to the best
and belief. W. H. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn be-
fore me, this day May,
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public.
M. .
S. M. Jones,
For Sale- Long
cotton seed. Call on
Co., Greenville.
Hon. W. R. very.
will treat you
arc for and bring
quick relief tr lumbago,
and all other symptoms kid-
They a tonic to the
entire and build up and
health. Hold by
John I,. Wooten.
J. C. HORNER, Principal, Oxford, N. C.
. English Course.
yea dine
, i earn. . of his family, securing the culture of home life.
. . . ,
non. . , carriage.
sick at home near Falkland, the
Mr. Williams is one of Pitt conn- social training
most prominent and useful
citizens and all hope for him a
speedy recovery, He is about c
years old.
Our Greenville, yours if you
will treat you
i co. tr s. A.
i i
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Tobacco Co.
Offers Good
Greenville, N. C, June 1909-
To the Tobacco Growers of
Eastern North
As the time approaches to
begin curing the tobacco crop,
The Farmers Consolidated To-
Co being desirous of
aiding and serving the interests
of the tobacco farmer, begs
leave to submit a few
which we hope will be of
some service to them. In calling
attention to these matters, we
want it understood we are not
giving advice, but simply
suggestion that farmers
may think about them, and if
approved, where practical, adopt
such of them as they see proper.
In the first place, we would
call the attention of the growers
to the fact that it now set ms
certain that tobacco crop in
Eastern North Carolina has been
increased in acreage this year
something like per cent.
estimate of the acreage is
based upon information obtained
from almost every of the
east. We believe the impression
of the tobacco trade at large has
been that the acreage was
increased much more than
per cent, but in this we think
the trade mistaken. The con-
of the crop up to June 1st
Wis excellent, but linen then
the heavy and incessant
have in
ruined the crop, while it has
been seriously damaged
everywhere in the east- Unless
there is recovery
from the wet weather, which
has been follow. by several
days of scorching sunshine, it
certainly at this date e
as crop in
will be a much lighter one even
of th inferior tobacco during r
the hot months, and sold
bulk of the crop during October,
November, December and
the condition would have
County Alumnae of the Normal Col-
There will be a meeting of the
alumnae of the State Normal
Her Pretty Tl in the
Christian I b.
The Bank of Greenville Enlarges and She Entertains in Honor
Adds More Directors.
The stockholders of the Bank On Tuesday evening at tie At morning m
of Greenville, held a meeting on home of her parents, of the
i v I -------e II
been reversed, and those who Pitt county, in the; June 28th. for the purpose of in-; Ninth and Evens streets, Miss Franklin Tyson
sold during these later months of the Graded School, at Leaning its from 188.000 entertained in- Kit by Kev.
would have received much o'clock, Monday, July to 50.000. There was a large formally a number of at U.
students of the college, of new r, a forty two porch part, in honor
than who j. , ., ., ,, ,.,,, f Misses Susie Per-
of her guests, Misses Susie
Per- decorated with ferns potted
. . -r- i W-pi
, t and the citizens generally are increase stock,
The lack of m in market- meeting. J d. and Mitchell, plant, and cut making
The work to be considered b At this meeting the of ton and Ilia. Lillian
the part Pitt county shall take directors was increased to . I I c-i n
in raising following well known The hostess met her friends at , ., Ad or
This is a matter which men added to door and welcomed them to Y u. Miss Hat
will prove of vital interest to board . Messrs. B K. Fleming, the pleasures of Ml organist, n th wed-
every thoughtful man and W E. Proctor, R. A. After being served with ding march as entered
man of the and B W. Moseley. on the lawn gathered and Dre. m during the
hope that many will show The Dank of Greenville table, on the porch fur a
been one of the moat successful of forty-two. There
banks in North Caroline, having, nine tables of four hands, the H Long. Carl L. t.
The Loan Fund is won a p on the roll of honor, game progressing from one to and , R u
,, the farmers a to the late Dr. , bank, Burch and bouquet
bride entered with her
the crop is the trouble.
Every one to the
time to sell is now, and without
regard to the condition of the
market, or the quantity of
co being sold, prepares the crop
as hastily as possible and market
it. It would be better to market .,
the crop during eight months, interest by attending chis meet-
but reformation should be
and not revolutionary, and
advisability ti is year, of market Charles D. as its
the crop in a is to be Used as a fund
manner, and not to glut young women may for will be vastly score and cut for the broth. Mr. 8.1 . k. a.
market during the not sum , borrow money to complete their broadened and the prospects for the latter being the win-j groom with bis sir.
mer months. If the farmers l Thus, in the of the success that She on to t. W . ,
will hold their tobacco off the that man has done fans attended them in past, for From en coup
most for the womanhood of very bright for the future, to to
North Carolina, are the alumnae The Bank will e which should possess i the m
of his college making it possible in., a of being in favor of t c
This prise was an em-points, A multitude or
July sofa pillow. The eon-j wishes go out to for a
Frank Wilson's Great July Clearing a fan, d
market, and employ system in
celling it, situation is
controlled, and the which
they receive will more
factory and profitable to
for other young women to be
Utter prepared for life,
and all concerned, than the man-; majority of these women
in which it has been sold r, so it is impossible
the few years. measure the amount of
The practice of palling off and by such a fund.
curing the ground leaves, re, us tins loan
only is not profitable to the fund, even the small fund invest
farmers, but the six or sight ed will grow into larger sums of
million pounds of this stuff that usefulness, for as it is returned,
has been annually saved for tie um, money will be used over and
last several years, is just that
much production for which there
Now. when extraordinary val-
will to you most.
Now, before y have purchased
your summer's supply. No,
when you can get. practically a
full season's service out of your
purchases- Now, because we do
not believe in r back the
than last
.,,. iii back
there I g,, practical is this idea of until s- late in the
is not a demand, and in order Fund that every- that you j
get it used at all, this i where in th. state it is being re-
bus been mixed with other with and
that had merit, and it is j
bought at a price that will not ,
pay the farmer even for
to Mr. Norman Warren, and he
presented this to Miss
game swarding
behooves farmers to take
advantage of every opportunity
presented to them to
most out of the crop, to do
this, they must consider the
influences under their control
which tend to advance or lower
the price of tobacco. We know j
of bit ore way of controlling the
price, and that is to control the
production. The production
during the last few years tut
been only a normal one, while
the increase this year would
probably have resulted in a
considerable increase in pounds
if the seasons had been
and a normal yield saved.
However, it does not seem
probable now that the crop in
the east will be a large one.
The unnecessary haste to
market the crop early in the
season when weather conditions
are bad for handling large
ties of tobacco, has resulted, we
believe, in a direct loss to the
farmers of the east during the
last two years, of several
hundred thousand dollars. The
determination to market the
bulk of the crop during August
and September cannot but result
in loss to the farmers. We
realize in making this statement
that many will say that in the
past those who sold early
received more than those who
sold late. This is true, but it
was due to the fact that
all the tobacco was sold
during the first few months, and
there was not enough left of the
crop to justify buyers in staying
on the market, consequently,
the remnant of the crop sold
as well the bulk of the crop. If
farmers had acted in
during these past few years, and
marketed only a small per
it. The buyers get blocked up
with this of
which frequently damages -m Cook Gotten Out for tin
their hands and causes them to a an;
be less active on the market for j and
other grade.-, and j . Company is
season that you don't care to buy
at any price.
This Great Clearing
is If alive with bargain val-
It has been our custom v
a clearing every summer, so be-1 chosen president of the s-
A. C.
J. C. Ca dwell and the
of Atlantic
Coital in
I Greenville en-
to church in
college, Messrs.
Bowie, and
East Carolina Training v remain there r Sunday
School Opens Oct. w- ,, Met rs Walk, r Settle
The board of trustee, of hen regular appointment.
East Carolina Training and Mt. Pleasant
School great pleasure They again Monday,
announcing to the public July Robersonville, Tues.
Prof. Wright has i.-. in
aid B
has to blend it with other
tobacco, and is put to no end of
t. n not- i- .
to get it consumed; con-
it is a practice that,
should be abandoned, as farmers SoU
have had experience
with this class of tobacco to
satisfied that there is
nut any in it them. If
the law of and
operates to the price a
commodity, then it follows that
the supply of this
no account tobacco operates just
that much to depress the market.
It should therefore be thrown
away, and thus taken out of the
production, which, of course, to
that extent reduces the supply,
and it follows that the demand
for the remainder will be greater,
with a correspondingly better
The farmers of Eastern North
Carolina have it in their power
to very control the pro-
of bright tobacco, for we
make a very large per cent of
this quality of tobacco. The
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco
Company to aid in every
way it can, to assist the farmers
in intelligently understanding
the situation, to the end that the
production of this type of to
may be controlled, and the
directory of
inning Saturday, June th-t a complete corps of in B n, In
and continuing through the c .-v r- has it. d Monday,
July, we are offering with him . ; . c , e.
our entire line of and will opened en; all week H
Bummer Straw Bats Tuesday, Oct B, 1808, for the t
and Low Cut at greatly reception of students, and ti
b- inaugurated It u
exchanges of the com- These goods are all now and Thursday, the 7th day of much for I
up to data styles in every d- 1808, with appropriate pub- churches t.
He ceremonies. going are
a clean, .-ale The buildings, six in number, good work a
and no on., can be mistaken are new and beautiful. They of P
a our pi ices, ts we always fully equipped with i
marK our goods in plain figures. heat, water, electric lights, Nor-1
The directory contains
forty pages with all the
telephones on the three ex-
change. properly listed, and all
some advertisements of leading
business firms. The directory
ha home product, being printed
by The Reflector, and Mr. F. G.
Smith superintendent of the local
exchange, says it is the hand-
he has seen sent out by
Now that these directories are
in the hands of the subscribers
to the exchange, patrons will
take notice that hereafter all
calls must be by number and not
by name. This rule will be
enforced, and subscribers can
aid the service by co ,
with it as soon as a call is made.
has about the best
exchange in the entire system of
the company, and Superintend-
Smith with his force want to
do all for the convenience
of subscribers and quick dispatch
of business.
the A. C. College.
will mean
c These
I they are
in the
many good
rough at Eastern
Come to see us as this is the best
chance you will have to buy hon-
est, clean merchandise at such
prices as we are offering.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Telephone Directory.
To all Telephone
We are now delivering new and
up to date telephone directories
of Greenville, Ayden and Grimes-
lion of a church building.
Can itemized statements of expenses
Z and information about the
all modern conveniences, results from this trip,
complete laundry and j The parties mentioned
plants. The sleeping have just closed a great meeting
rooms are furnished with single j in Rocky M Mint with do
iron bedsteads, first class mat- to the church and begun the
tresses, and other needful
order of the Board of
Trustees Carolina
Training school.
J. Y. Joyner, chairman
For prospectus
let the bulk of it be sold during
the fall and winter months, and
will throw away the ground
may be m
price kept at a better, they will, in
satisfactory figure to the y
We have no hesitancy ink will act
under normal conditions, the
price of our bright tobacco can
be maintained at a profitable and
satisfactory figure if the
is held within the limits of
the law of supply and demand.
If farmers will act in concert on
these suggestions; market the i
crop more systematically, and
year. If they will act
gently production of
crops in accordance with
the demand for bright tobacco,
they will continue to get profit-
able prices so long as they do so.
Yours truly,
Farmers Consolidated Co.
O. L. Joyner, Pres
livered to every subscriber, the
operators will be instructed not
to give a connection unless the
number is given. As often as
necessary a will be
printed and pasted on the last
page in the directory.
called for. are not listed
in the directory, will be given
without numbers being called,
until the name appears in the
Our reason for furnishing a
directory is to enable us to give
our subscribers the very best
service possible, and we feel
sure that if the subscribers will
co-operate with us in this matter
we will be able to give you bet-
and quicker service than
Don't blame the operators if
they refuse to give you a con-
without the number.
F. G. Smith, Manager.
and information about the
school, apply to President R. H.
Wright, or Prof. C. W- Wilson,
Greenville, N. C.
I hereby recommend that any-
body can trade for or buy or sell
the horses that I traded to Clayton
Turnage, also to Joe S. Pittman.
I purchased the said horses from
Winslow with the same horse
note that he told me every man
signed who bought a horse from
him. I traded said horses by
his consent. I want everybody
to know the notes are not
due until next fall, and I shall
meet them promptly and settle
them. But the one note I have
forbidden anyone to buy, will
not pay until the court says
must pay it.
Richard Wingate.
Juno, 30th,
Evangelistic Services.
The of Greenville
will hold a series of
In the
containing chapel, on even-
of July 1st, continuing until
July 6th. These services will
be conducted by Rev.
W. assisted by Rev.
Dr. Asa M. Bradley, of Spencer,
Mass., formerly Pacific Coast
Missionary. All evening services
will begin at The public is
cordially invited to attend these
W. O. Pastor.
law makes deal-
and users of tobacco trucks
responsible to us if they sell or
use trucks that our
patent. We can supply you with
the genuine Handy Tobacco
trucks. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Everybody wants the best
flour, it is y, S. M.
Red and black pea;. S. V

Eastern reflector, 25 June 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 25, 1909
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Joyner NC Microforms
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