Eastern reflector, 11 June 1909

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

I n Charge of S. C. CARROLL
Prof. F. C.
. in town I
e this morning to attend
, me- airline of,
m, . . Chickens and eggs a specialty.
. m up. -1
. . ., i I Harrington. Barber Co.
M. r Cox went to Norfolk
.--. . ;
; v t in
W a currying a nice line of
Coffins and Caskets. Prices are
. and can nice hearse
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
i. i Tucker and son.
w went to
. has just completed Thursday.
the K A course.
Our line of men's and boy's
v, p a hat a opened up. We have
well . e, and we are
gin hi ; h me again
A. u
lain Johnson, and Mrs. I
th from the wide brimmed
. to nicest dress hat.
Harrington Barber Co.
Misses and
. . I
B. C from Wash- Sutton are visiting friends
this week.
Am line of best Our Friends and
jut opened desire to call your kind
Harrington, Barber Co. to our Handy Tobacco
A. G. C same in from I Tracks as season is now el-
Raleigh Wednesday. at-1 most at band when you will need
tended B. If. W commence j trucks for housing your tobacco.
; We have orders now for
K-v. Cox and wife j than for future shipments
spec. days with would, therefore, urge our
lives her this week. I customers to place their orders
Cur load hay just I as early as possible which will
W. Ange Al Co. I injure getting them when want-
N. from ed, otherwise owing to the great
demand might be somewhat
We are carrying sewing ma- i delayed,
chine of all kinds. Sam Greenville
bewildered if you today.
last one hand. Miss Hattie is visiting
AW. Ange Co, relatives in Ayden.
number of people from Miss Ethel May re-
h i the commence- turned Saturday from a visit to
Ayden this week. i and relatives in Raleigh
that A. . and Middlesex. , ti
have lots cf flus i number of trucks
iron already hand and are leaving here daily, the tobacco
therefore, prepared to furnish .
flues for coming season. Prof. F. C. Nye and children.
Prices made right and workman-11 ;
ship guaranteed.
LI Hung Chang and Mm Men Who
Tried to Him.
premier and Haul
he re-
t a l
. , . to mi-,. i-I con-
i . .- a. nut the aside
,,,.; ;.
i,, . . ; i i i -1 who was l
; t plot.
. ii
traced in at
tea ;
and to
W i arrived wen
and were re-
hi his courtliest manner. To
cake with the
ii i hi- i i-i it
donors had
had an w r ratty to enjoy
. p, I.-. i i i rate, lib
Ii to the
Kn ii a and
in ii i It. One
p .,., mi I let t
other two ate without
any lotion, Pen rain-
rail two men show
mulled be-
n l said to the who
had eaten, wisdom Is s
great I am compelled lo
your head souvenir lo transcend-
man was removed and promptly
To other two
cake you
are I- not Hip one you sent, hut
one which I imitate. The
poison you
exists . In your I
knew of no way to your present
pain except by letting yon share Hie
tame fate as y friend who
As they were led away
man his retinue. is n pity
that ii man who can eat a deadly
on unmoved
should so misapply the talent
wherewith heaven has endowed
Greenville Monday.
. Kev. Mr. Harris preached at
. relatives Free Will Baptist church
and friend here this week, re- Sunday night,
turned home Saturday afternoon
the young ladies of the baptist
school complied the
,,. . .
Miss A. , Carroll was in Minnie Cox,
Went. vice
Bertha Carroll, secretary;
Braxton, Ethel
How Those In the North At-
Are Formed.
The distance covered by Iceberg
Die north Atlantic the
ii is formed until ii teaches banks
is fully ii miles. It may have been
for year, exposed wide
. battered by
Ice i other bergs and
washed by the wan-. Vet
some of wiles south
are nearly
feel In Ii and truly of i II
his, I or re ti el
in while it Is established
so more
the i Ii r water is risible
Hull the i -I may int.
c. mi n over half a
light purse Is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER l the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
that i big crops
purses. i have
A. W. Ange Co.
L. went to
Ayden evening,
i herrings.
Han hit; ton, Barber i; Co.
J. L. o . .- went to Green-
Call or write A G Cox
Co., Winterville N. C.
Mrs. Ev Cox went lo Kin-
lust night.
call your special attention
to th last statement of Bank
of Winterville, the ex-
condition of the hank. It
solicits your patronage and
prompt service.
New hamburgs of styles.
A. W. Co.
A number buys and
went fishiest They
teacher. With thee
leaders We predict the class
much success.
Mrs. l. T. Cox and
Miss went to Greenville
With Nye as teacher and
D. K. Jackson as president, the
class is taking no back
wind st; Although it runs no
excursion it is steadily growing.
You will need lime to repair
those tobacco furnaces.
it and can give you a good price
on it. A. W. Co.
T. I. Buck went to Greenville
Mr. Mrs. A.
went to Greenville today.
to Va., and Return
On account of summer school
Their enormous size when they be-
lied fro n Hie glaciers i-
proved by us i I
along the Greenland A few
years a -s as
nearly as possible around Hie edges.
Tills distance about lire miles.
It had several peaks estimated to
from MO feel high.
from its it solid
mass that had entirety
from the glacial edge of Greenland.
As who
far n often see a score or more of
real bores hi a day,
glacial In this region can he
appreciated. The of these
that drift Grand come
from Melville bay. Some of lira
i terminate
hull lee cap ti id along
It a if tally miles.
Their i or can only i-
I bill places near open
sea ii Is believed several bun-
i feet.
Recent of coast
hi v. u
the of bergs In bay I-
t The glacial move-
i the I
go to the root of the r.
thoroughly, quickly
and restore the action I
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Mr. Mrs. J. Chapman
request the pleasure of your
; t the marriage of their daughter
Mr. Thad
June th sixteenth
nineteen and nine
at seven o'clock
at their home
North Carolina.
AT N. C.
At the close f April 28th, 1909.
Loans and discounts
and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from 2,887.40
coin 160.00
silver coin, including
i limn- currency 168.90
bank notes and other
I . s. notes
Total M
18,411.511 Capital stock
Surplus fund 0.0.0
Undivided profits, less
expenses and tuxes pd
Time of deposit 202.80
Deposit subject to ck
Cashier's cheek 1.00
We, J. K Green, A. Asst. Cashier
of the bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.
F. A
Cashier. , Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be- .
., . , ,. ,, F. Harrington,
fore me, tins 3rd day o q j.;
, K. A. Cox,
Notary Public j Directors
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, April 28th,
Woods Liv r Isa liver reg-
quick r lie sic Resources
headache, i and ;
oilier of liver disorders.
chills fever, malaria Tho 1.00 Overdrafts secured
21-2 j much a the
size J lit i I.
report s time of for the Atlantic Coast Line will have
they actually three on sale June 18th,
17th. 18th. 28th, July 5th
big- min ow.
A new lot of men's
dress shoes j in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Crawford returned
from a visit to Ayden Saturday.
F. A. went to
Fremont Saturday to visit his
parents returned Monday.
Miss Laura Cox rime in Mon-
day from where she
12th. 1909, limited to leave
nation fifteen days from, but
including date of sale.
Extension of limit returning
to Sept. 30th, may be obtained
by depositing ticket with the
depot ticket agent at
within t days after arrival
and payment of fee of
For information, call on ticket
taught as assistant principal of agent, or write W. J. Craig.
Furniture and fixtures I.-70.00
Hue from 0,181.26
I Gold and silver
minor com currency 2,957.16
Capital Stock
I Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
expenses tuxes pi 1,858.88
Time certificates of 8,550.88
Deposit- sub to check
Messrs. J. L- and E. j
G. i returned from New
York Saturday evening where
they lad been to purchase .,.,. County
each bought a j w. u. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
machine and h id intended taking that the above statement true to the best of my
the back home in them, but knowledge and belief.
upon reaching Philadelphia it sworn to be.
was found that such delay would k me 4th May,
be caused by having to obtain s ,,.
tit ii sue
W. 11- Cashier.
tourist licenses from capital
of the State before they could
Notary Public
M. O. Blount,
M. Jones,
in- i .-- .- . ,
until ii i. often projects pass through that the
and they on home by rail.
tensile of
falls Into the sea, and s I is
Day Mien hi
a man as-
answered the
rather lake a chance on Ms
n to go a jury
with a story that the
general ho was
the sch o
Mister Leon went to
Greenville Saturday.
H. House Saturday
night with friends here and re-
turned home Sunday morning-
school here
tho past and we are
to have him visit us.
Passenger Traffic Manager; T.
C. White, General Passenger
Agent, Wilmington, N. C.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. is in
fine shape to furnish your tobacco
flues. You had better examine
their stock and prices before
buy elsewhere.
Pretty Light.
bars to ask to pay In ad-
remarked tun hotel keeper.
my good
fear It II a too
Revival to Begin.
Rev St. Edison,
The wont foe for years of in Free Will Baptist
of ti was a running , , ,. .,
v. pit i church Thursday night Subject
without Then Rev. St. Claire is a great
i Salve k lie the ulcer and cu ,. . ,.
him. Cures K B and lecturer and it
ma, Rheum for Pile-. w be a for. all Who hear
Hums, Sc Corns. at. ., . ,,. ,.,,.
i bun. He la an eloquent speaker
land much can be learned from
For Long excellent sermon. Don't
pie cotton seed. Call on fail to hear him Thursday night.
I Everybody cordially
Colored Man Killed.
A colored man named Jim
Fields, worked at the log
deck of the Beaufort County
Lumber Company, was killed
Saturday night by falling off a
car of the train on which he
had started to ride to his home
c-r quitting work.
Pile is put up in a
tube with nozzle attached. May be
applied directly to the affected parts.
Sold by John
L. Wooten.
are for backache, and bring
ck relief to
t at and all m her s; of k id-
They a ton-c to the
c- tire build
h. Price Sold by
will treat you right j will treat you right will treat you
in- over
System or. cold . cm f No
or refunded, CO. CHICAGO. V. S. m
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
MM Eli
get up and move,
move toward the
Watch move upward,
and onward.
Watch progressive pace.
keen eyes, watch Greenville
Watch Greenville and
Chas. Greenville.
How greater
Greenville still grows
What is Greenville
Watch spread out.
Se grow, don't you
Greenville's in the
grows greater.
All the Old Aldermen
The various wards of the town
held primaries Friday night to
Away After a Long Illness Record of
Thursday Afternoon.
Leonidas died at
and Loan Association.
The directors of Tho Home
nominate candidates for one clock Thursday As,
alderman in each ward to be; the home of his daughter, Mrs. . Tues.
voted for in Monday a election to Nana Brown, on Second street.
succeed those whose terms ex-1 He had been an invalid and great
1st. The nominations I for many months and
in first and fifth wards are for his death was not unexpected.
one year, and the others for two I Mr. Fleming was horn
meetings were 1845. making rim a few
leas than years f
FIRST ward. the time of his death. He
Hearing held in mayor's native of Pitt county, and was a
and called to order by F. C. I useful He was a pros
Over Suggestions Considered by the Committee
Mr. J. W. Brown Wins the Prize for
The Best Suggestion.
Greenville, N. C, June
To The Editor of The Reflector
We, the undersigned, selected by you to piss upon the
proposed slogans tor Greenville and to award to that person,
who. in our opinion, suggested the most appropriate slogan, Gm is the place you want. ballot votes, j daughter, his wife dying here
Here you arc, Greenville at Tar. ad was do-; three see.
J W. Brown, Greenville. dared th- nominee. He a Confederate r,
Greenville will hold f. C. and served with valor through
you. ward civil war, and except on
ward. I reunion day was a
h. court figure among his cm,
by -1 G.
Come to Greenville, join the placed in nomination
Harding, com
presided J. I. was
J. B. While R. Green
date for alderman
farmer and spent most of
his life on his estate in
Swamp section. Becoming too
feeble to longer a the
the of his farm he moved
to Greenville to live with his
the Fountain Pea so generously offered by The Reflector,
beg leave to report as
After two careful consideration the more than
proposed slogans submitted, ninny of which in our opinion capital of a prosper-
are most excellent, we have selected the following; cos county.
The selection the slogan from the great number We offer the
submitted to your committee, we found no easy tusk. The
one chosen by the committee, which was proposed by Mr. Best in
W. Brown, was selected not alone on account the words YOURS IF
forming the slogan, but also on account the sentiment ex- YOU COME
pressed by the words; which we. your committee, believe a know
he. and is, the spirit in which Greenville welcomes all
persons. Growing all time. Greenville
B. C. Flanagan,
II. A. White.
H. W. Whedbee,
day in the the
At meeting
for loans aggregating
were passed upon,
good idea of h w the
I people as
an institution to
build houses.
f he most remarkable feature
of this meeting a report of
secretary showing the
of the at the
close of on June 7th, in
it showing of which
every member of association
jean feel proud. gin the
following summary from this
hold I and called to
was made
Dr. T. Paul, Witt. N. C.
Great see Who said that Greenville lags
grow. Greenville's wheel's are ever
grow faster. J h in Greenville.
s hand is on the
See glow faster.
Watch Greenville of success
to the front. Progress, Prosperity,
Look at growing. in Greenville.
Greenville twenty years ago Greenville light all Carolina.
See Greenville to from.
Greenville is awake.
Cotton, Winterville.
We work for Greenville.
Greenville grows.
Only name t C. S. Carr
was present for It and
under a ion of
h was re
ed ion.
J. G. was
Meeting held in Brick
warehouse and called
they gathered annually on
Memorial day.
For many years Mr.
was a justice of the
once a Board of
County C and
after moving to b
a year on the Board of Alder
men. He a r
officer the a n
ti.-c church S-vamp, In
r p he was d
he performed his
d by
by J A Andrews
C. L. Whichard, Norfolk, Va. J. B. James was chair-
Smile and push Greenville. men and P. W D.-.
I N. C. smile and push.
gains greatly. the of H. U. Ii gs
lie. Greenville, smile and was
push. under. suspension of r
E. L. Flanagan, Farmville. was u n I
I Mister, is hustling Green- acclamation.
is .-
Loans 164.60
Ca.-i a
directors pp
Ii. C.
A, White delegates from
to the State
, meet in with C. C,
CI .
Greenville our progressive city.
our go ahead city.
Our motto-
See Greenville follow fast and
Life in our city on the Tar.
Growing Greenville on the Tar.
Water navigation and Railroads
Witch navigation and Railroads
Henry King, Greenville.
Watch Greenville make good.
Greenville makes good.
will make good.
C. B. Whichard.
Greenville to the Front.
R. C. Flanagan.
Look to the East, Greenville
Altogether, great, greater, great-
est Greenville.
Knockers club barred, push
Miss Nannie Johnson.
Greenville First, Last and AI
Greenville tho greatest,
Keep your eye on
Miss Ethel May Carroll, Win-
Greenville to the Front.
Surprised But this is Green
Give the run.
Keep your eye on
Andrew J. Moore. Greenville.
Push s Progress,
rushing to the Help Greenville grow.
Boost Greenville's Enterprise.
Work for Greenville's uplift.
Talk r Greenville.
Work for greater
Miss Williams, Green-
The Reflector's grow.
Watch Greenville grow.
Everybody Greenville
Drum up for Greenville.
Something in
Greenville grows as water flows.
See move along.
G. Blow, Greenville.
Keep your eye on
Boost for greater Greenville.
David C. James,
If First You don't succeed, come
to Greenville.
Find Greenville, N. C. on the
Miss Irene
Greenville's on a Boom.
for Greenville.
Greenville's still growing.
Watch Greenville grow.
Greenville's not dead.
the test town yet.
Miss Bessie Harding, Green-
Greenville get clean.
See G en ville coining.
Gr and growing Greenville.
Hi. . for growing
W. eh Greenville hustle.
Progressive is New
A. M.
Greenville, the place of all
B. M- Hearne.
Grow Greenville grow.
for greater Greenville.
S. V. Grifton
Ain't Greenville a Daisy
Greenville's no Fool.
ground is
Take her in she is bound to win.
Wake Snakes Greenville is rising.
on page two.
J. B. J was
This nude ,
time, transacting the i
in of the m in
Mi Ii- id in
ii u- and called ; enter
L was
in y.
. . ii; iV. I . as
were presented nomination
for the ballot showing
Flanagan Evans
was declared the nominee,
T. M, Hooker was re-elected
Meeting held in Star ware-
house and to order by
C. Mo ire, who
presided. D. J was
The name of W. i. being
Brown and J.
The burial takes
o'clock this p in
Hill services ,
, ., ,, ,. rescue-.
ed at t k by M, l.
of Ham- n. Tho J- c- Taylor, of
pall hearers are Messrs W, ahead anything in
Harrington, Moore, that have
I Ii L. Humber, morning
Congleton, D. E. . W.
King, J. L. Little. T. Ii. Moore,
It J. Cobb, D. L. James and C.
W. Harvey.
tho only one presented for
and Jury List, nation, on motion the
was d to cast the
Outside routine business, vote of the ward for
the Board of county alderman.
loners at June meeting revised Moor.- was
the jury list for two years, made I wart commute., mm.
the tax levy for 1809, and re- .,,. n T.
elect d Mr. Jo. as Held Him Down Time
superintendent of the convict The railroad conductors up the
camp. There were three other had begun lo look
applicants for this position, but L u Theodore Cox,
Mr, received the W as a Jonah.
unanimous vote of the hoard- gets somewhere up the
The tax for this year
road every Sunday, and for two
or three Sundays in
was made the same as last got the matter with
S. V. For general county purposes t .; train he was on, and the
Clear the track, Greenville's certs; for schools lb for conductors wanted to accuse him
, ,,, . . hi the ears ell the in
coming. roads cents, for n went lip Bu,
Greenville's dry. but on a Tear, bond cents. This added as returned without
a to cents for the State makes happening. When he
Hell, She's cutting a the total tax cents on each s
the here to
I make some of his smile
is coming to co
a sight. ville there are special
William J. Morris, es of and in Bethel board
Greenville takes backward rise to top I howl the cars down to the
i j j c was asked it had
In Grifton, Ayden and Farm-1
were en-
The Board of n m. t in
r monthly session Thurs-
day night with rive members
present. There was not much
business to demand attention
outside of the monthly reports
of officers and allowing accounts
An order was passed to pay
E. Hooker for a deed
for a one toot of land and
a half interest in the brick wall
of his building adjoining the
town whore the city hall is being
The street committee reported
streets in fair condition, also
they had remedied
caused by overflow on
property of D. J. Whichard and
James Brown as ordered last
The street committee
brought Tie some
lino ones, in size and
wants the best
flour, it is Henry Cay. at S. M.
Mm P. M. Johnston Tor mill
repairs and supplies. Terms
reasonable. G
Just received car wire and
cut nails-
Carr Atkins Co.
Before you buy examine the
Workmanship and get prices on
my warehouse.
ii J. J. Jenkins.
Only skilled workmen em-
ployed in making my flues-
livery joint grooved riveted,
all surplus weight cutoff,
to give no trouble in put-
ting together, J. J. Jenkins.
m's Warehouse,
I have a customer who B
en further time for the construe to have advantages of toe schools
lion of a bridge across the of Greenville, and will buy a
ravine at the east located within three miles
of Fourth street, to investigate tho city. Must be in high
is to the kind of bridge should stats of cultivation. Would like
built. take Dec. 1st, 1909.
Prof. W. II. and ex-j Address C. R, Townsend.
Gov. T. J. Jarvis were before
he board on the matter of open
a t, from ave
was deferred to s special meet-
to be held 24th.
The board adjourned to meet
The Peoples Warehouse Green-
You don't lose your
pen or pencil if
cents at l Store,
j Our Greenville, if you
Tho Reflector does job work. some.
i.-.-. . . .
s .

twins . lie and
i and
We are p of
fast and r
. .
others Pol w
without a
. i . ti . a
. ,
K and Shoving for
A S ll, Pull for
i;,; . yet.
i . can
Gr Health, things.
. . . r
Be i ; .
. . n . . C.
Got . . Mao. them yet.
Ever- m Greenville mowing.
eye on Greenville
Every Lives in them about
q,, . . ; r docs it.
I Just tell th a it's Greenville.
for nation fifteen from, bu
Emil i n it returning
; to Sept . . i id
, by R ticket with the
depot tic et agent at n
i i i days after
. . of fee-of
The in For call on ticket
Loans and discounts Capita
Overdrafts secured Surplus fund 23,000.00
unsecured .,
Banking houses 1,200.011 l profits, less
Furniture and fixtures 8,927.82 cur exp A taxes pd 10,833.55
Cash items W ,, . ,.,,,.,,
Cash and due from 49,008.481 Deposits
; agent, or write U. Ci i;. to stockholders since 1880
Traffic 1- ,,,.
White. General
I . -i A.-.--. X C. iota
r a j Agent, N. C.
AI .
. Mo ire, Farm
Bee bow Gr grows.
Don't you lea bow Greenville
W ii d G grow
.- grow.
. the town that's right
Watch Greenville and sec.
P. Q A hi
Hustle i r G
G t in line with
Get in line for
To the with
Get busy for
C Greenville.
Onward with
of Pitt
Miss Ell n U.
p -i i
o Ike Club
of . i-.
. .;. At a recent of the
had the End of the Century Book Club
i- air. and i the following resolution was
her unanimously
End of the
r. i , j r .
. Book Club sends friendly
ii,., ill to the Woman's of
i Tic Greenville, and wishes them
; success in
-Vi .
a -i Her had -1
i j I, h
; a A County.
. .,, ,, ; ran ,. i Moore.
n i ii re I re
Superb Service to
on Decks.
Elegant Dinner Tor. Club Breakfast i Me.
attention and the very in every way
Leave Norfolk of daily Sunday
p. in. in Baltimore a. connecting with rail
line Mew York, all points and West,
you . en how
I . grow.
. is
S it .
Watch row.
v i hi Greenville
Have n I h w Greenville
gt M
I will .
N. v L a.
per, Gr
b. b
U climb.
i b to succeed.
Greenville's gets there.
Room th top for .
Greenville goes on growing
; gem of th East
place is at the top.
G Id grows in Greenville.
c i for
the steady grower.
the wave
Get Greenville's
Git gift
. . round in
Th s, t Gr n .
Will Moore.
The above named, will
1-. .- ii, take than an action d
i . i-he d I so. A el ha-; need in the
.,. i , , Pitt c by the
. plaintiff to from the
n-e . r car n i A. ,., y
, ; r i i d
i dull, r . and th I i i will
. I or withal I r that In is n quired
A . next term of I e So-
ll I .; I I y to be held
i i n I on the the
,. , a . . Monday in 1909, it
.- h w I
in II . and answer o to
current or
A . up will with plaintiff will pi to the for the
, . .,, , i , relief in id
i of the of May
r an I in -i p. c. Moon,
trill wise the F, G. J m
n- been , At ya for ltd
. a-
i. Idled won it
U l dice tn
. -Now irk
Balsa at Work. court clerk of Pitt county
.- i of all lit- executor i f last and tun
, ., s the of Nancy Britton, deceased, notice
.-,. i ., a hereby given to person indebted
. n on a lo ,,.,.
novel i all contact to and all per-
v . Paw one hut ions having claims against
. ,. . i i.-.,, are notified the
. a-. to the
on or before they'd day of Mi .
led with candles, or this notice be plead in cf
. he d recovery.
This May s
M. Britton
It re ltd
K; , of it was
J Notice to Creditors.
;. reservations
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston, Effective 1st, 1909.
a. in.
a. in. Ar.
II a. m. Lt.
I p. in. Ar.
i. in.
p. in.
i. hi.
i. in.
Ar. p. in.
Lt. a. in.
Ar. a. m.
Lt. a. m.
a. in.
a. in.
a. in.
a. in.
. itch H
II .
Tl of Pitt,
Carl ., Gr
i . Gr
. villa.
. Gr for health.
R C in, Greenville,
to ville,
T. l . com
. front.
On i the town of pretty
eve i up-;
ward. be continued.
. . h
A B II i
ii busy,
. . Ii b i
n is
g i growing for
Gr . , for.
u ming to w
J. I -roll, t
Bee lead.
. Kinston.
r-. emerald of the
lie .
i .
to I
for n
Having duly
Tl court clerk of Pitt county
r the I i. I
. i an ii. noun
given to all tenons n.
rel re remake immediate
ii journey the and
j said
will take notice that must i i
t . u ti. the d i a;
. Ii. fore day i t Ma .
I or th i will ti in i. r
i of recovery.
18th f May,
u . S. ,
Executor of T.
Hie Bi
. .
n ii i n II a
in v, Ii II r,
T i .
inter I Stray Taken Up.
one or have taken up mottled
i. . linen d with white feet, unmarked, out cite
I , . i vi Owner ran get same b;
proving property and
in . w.
i Heights. n
married i St
I. I a i
father i I'd I in re of
i .
T. C. WHITE. G. P. A.
omen Greenville C.
The man you are looking for ,
when you need
Posting and Sign Tacking
and for Adv.
Pictures Framed to Order
II you want your HORSE to trot
fast and strong buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Lets
Money than any man in town,
Safety Blades Sharpened
at rents a Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
I . . i i . I i i
it I l
i . . .
w. A. a Mr. tho ; IV Pi
Greenville is busy, Ti of Mr. M. P. H,
t . Horton, i veteran of I m
knows that , , , r , M T W
.,. Asheville for r
t Or where the funeral I And Provisions
Greenville gates open from the and ,,,. . . , ;
. , ., r
No knot In Greenville,
all c . to Greenville
look at Greenville.
Greenville for mo
didn't quit.
, never slept yet.
Watch Greenville do it.
Greater Greenville grows.
Greenville keeps at it.
The Greenville spirit wins.
Get the idea,
has the habit.
Let's push
Think on
Mr with his family, t M . I. u
m i h in . , .
. , , . ,. in i
to regain hit .,,,. .
the kept MM
health was some fifty years I
by all. For fifteen years he has
conducted Hotel Horton in
in stock. Country
K Bought and Sold
native town. Ho leaves a home I tanner J;
wife find five children to whom
kind Josh
j ii. u, HIM n . M . Vi
rife and five Children to whom . have an idea he cad
i we
i in- . . is
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Paper Typewriter Ribbons Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
none better made,
All do
VIA Correspondence and shipments
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement.
re-union Confederate
on 6th, 7th,, . Vs. sad Return
limit Jinn- 11th.
ill nit of with Special
Mi i r than June
than 14th,
i of fee at of
in sit, extension limit may be
. live ll not later than July
I. r further information call on ticket
i i or writs
T. C.
Man. Gen. Pas. Agent
the H N t h Q ,, H
language I know on ton of s
K. Top Dressing for nut I haven up
Altogether, me and Cotton and Com hope. I want to tea whether
has a way. Manufactured by The Scotland startle some with bis col-
morn have you tried Guano Co. t j for The Reflector.
I my Dairy to the John-
ton DISCS, one mile from town, and m
better prepared than ever to furnish
Dairy Will make delivery
in town. T 2-4.
The Atlantic Coast Line will
have tickets on sale for all trains
each Saturday and for Sunday
forenoon trains commencing Sat-
May 29th and continuing
to Saturday Sept. 4th, 1909;
limited to return Monday follow-
date of sale.
An excellent opportunity to
visit the famous seashore resorts
of Virginia and North Carolina
at a minimum cost.
For information call on ticket
agent or write T. C. White.
W. J. G. P. A.
P. T. M.
The Editor's Compensation
The man who edits the aver
age country newspaper cannot
well avoid treading on some-
body's toes continually, must
expect hard work and little
thanks; must expect to be called
a coward because he does not
somebody thinks i- wrong and a
fool if he speaks out too plainly
on evils. He must ex-
t grind other people's axes
and turn the grindstone himself.
Still, we think it is one of the
noblest professions on earth, the
one in which the earnest man
can do the most good to his
low man and in which an honor-
able man can wield much power
tor good. Ex.
the Creature Is Able o Change Four Poker Hands Th-t Were Held All
Its Color. In tie Dark.
One of the interesting of A told lid story,
Hie over ii -1 of is the e- accentuates
means whereby certain distrust which poker player j
As usually treated, a sprained ankle
will disable the injured person for a
month or by applying
Liniment observing the
d with each bottle a
c may be effected in man., cases in
less one week's This
is a most reparation
Try it for a or braise, or when
laid up with chronic or
mat aid are certain to be de-
with prompt relief which it
For sale by L. and
C-ward Wooten.
animals color. The mot
familiar and i i
this line is the lizard called the
chameleon, there are many
other creatures both on land and
ll. -i posse a similar power.
Noteworthy among them in the
common squid. If n specimen of
this interesting kind mollusk,
out of water, lie laid on a
and watched, its hues will i
so constantly literal waves of
color seem to lie r
The North Carolina delegation I from moment lo moment. That
in congress is getting badly mix-1 this happens in response to impulse
Mast Buy Home Paper.
A score or more of young girls
at Ind., have form-
ed a league to promote refine
among young men, and
among other things, have re-
solved to marry no man who
drinks, smokes or chews and
who does not take the home
paper. Drinking is considered
the chief evil, smoking and
chewing comes next, while the
young women assert that when a
man does not take the home
paper it is evidence of want of
intelligence and that he will
prove too to provide for
a family, educate his children
and tn-mirage institutions of
learning in the community.
ed up on the The
is being watched with consider-
able interest. As the people
learn more of the tariff and the
burdens it imposes upon them
the more interest they show
about the matter. Wisdom de-
that a protective
should be abolished. Protection
is only paying tribute to
and trusts and the people
are growing weary of this rob-
How Bert R. Lean, of Wash.
saved from a frightful death is a
story to the world. hard
h; writes, on n
lung trouble that a t
doctor here. Then I paid to a
visit to a lung specialist in
who did not help me. Then went to
California, but without Benefit At
last I used Dr. King's New Discovery.
, which completely cared me and now
am as well as For Lung
Trouble, Bronchitis. Coughs and Colds,
Asthma, Croup and Whooping Cough
its supreme. and
bottle free. Guaranteed by all
Some of the newspaper reports
get it confused every year. The
South observes Memorial Day.
The North observes Decoration
Day. The spirit is the same
but the Southern sentiment em-
bodying both remembrance and
decoration, we take it, is the
n suffer r from ch
tr. Dr. King's s w Life
she-- glad o see his
Flu and to., fly. hut m re he's,
r low, hue
l n v. , thy v all
Ci now
;. . c at Al D i
Many remarkable cure, of stomach
trouble have i by
and Liver let.
. One man who hail over
. I thousand for
was cured by a few of
ill lets. Price cents. Sam-
free at J. L. Won en and Coward
Wooten'S Store.
is getting time that some
of the big excursions were being
brought says The
Evening Times of that city.
Just wait until June 10th, broth-
and you will see one roll in
that is worth looking at. The
class of Memorial Baptist
Sunday school will take a big
part of Greenville to Raleigh
that day, and they are going to
take possession of the capital for
the time
We will be glad to have all of
Greenville come right along, and
we will take a day off and show
you the sights around the
City. Among the many at-
tractions you will here will
be a real baseball team in action
on that day. The Capital City
is growing as fast as a boy of
twelve summers, and we have
many things here that will in-
the people from all over
the state. Raleigh is an ideal
place for an excursion and we
will give you a good time as of-
ten as you come. Bring the
class and all the other
classes and all the town and you
will have the trip of your life.
Raleigh Times.
Call and see P. M. Johnston
when in town for general engine
and boiler repair work and any-
thing you may need. Shop op-
Hotel Bertha w
Any mother who had experience
with this distressing ailment will be
leased to know that a cure may be f-
by applying Chamberlain
a. soon as the child W done
Wipe it off with a soft cloth before
lowing the babe to nurse. Many
trained nurses use this with best
Fur J. L. Wooten and
Coward Woolen.
Running repairs to all kind of
Steam fittings, erecting Engines,
Tobacco machinery, all systems a
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical novelties. Give us a trial.
All work guaranteed and terms
Message left at H. L. Carr's
will receive prompt attention, or phone
conveyed through the nervous s;
tern of the animal i- manifest, a
mere tapping with n finger on
table, causing s rush the color
The lies in the fact that
immediately beneath the skin of
the is sort of network of
small channels, in which are
larger spaces occupied by pig-
cells. These cells are under
direct control of the nervous sys-
which them to contract
or expand. When they contract the
disappears, which is what
happens when the dies, for
then it turns dead while, although
normal hue in life i.-- reddish
Even in death, however, the pig-
cells beneath the skin of the
squid may distinguished by the
eve as minute specks. In life these
specks expand to the size of a big
and ran together, thus pro-
the brown tint. It is sub-
the same phenomenon
that is accountable for the rapid
changes in color observed in the
chameleon, in many fishes and in
various other
which arc evidently for the purpose
Of disguise, enabling the animal to
escape observation by assuming a
likeness to its surroundings. Thus
the common sole imitates with its
coloration whatever kind of bottom
it be resting upon, whether
sand or what not.
The pigment cells referred to arc
called some-
times they contain two or more
kinds of pigments, some of
which disappear, while others per-
the being that, in the
case of the chameleon, a consider-
able range of colors may he dis-
Evening Post
A Fair Exchange.
At a gathering of medical men
one of the number was a noted
practitioner who is almost as well
known for his shabby attire us he is
for his skill as a physician.
When the gathering was about to
disperse the doctor in question
could not find his hat Instead, to
Ilia great surprise, he found a nice
new glossy silk hat, which hap-
to lit him a- though made to
his order. When he pot home he
exhibited his headpiece with con-
The next day, however, a fellow
doctor turned up to claim the hat
me, my dear
said the second medico,
for my little trick, which grew
out of the fact that yesterday you
carried an umbrella, while i bad
none. It occurred to mo that, while
my new silk hat would be ruined by
the rain, yours would not Accord-
took the liberty of
in place of yours. Many
; u hen friend-
ship the faith a man has
One night after taps men
, i tent to do away with
i Ii was the of pay
I re
i in Ii to I their i
. curds.
I e p bad f n th vary-
in . no here and there.
r midnight The was a
, m ti Id i lo
the Ii hi in the h Vt last
jackpot was on the board and had
been until it was
tempting. Every one was in ii. and
it . tore i n about
one of the plat m
opened it, one stayed nod j
drew en lib.
The age ha I a full house, the
man four ten, the third man four
queens and the dealer four aces.
The threw a dollar into
pot. The next man raised, and
was raised and until it was
beautiful to see.
At this there was a scurry
of footsteps outside. The sentry
rushed in, grasped the lantern and
dashed it out, jerking and
v as he did so. As he
disappeared ho whispered
Instinctively four bands went
in the spread
over the pot, while four other
bands closely clutched five cards
on. whispered the
dealer. one take hi- band
oft the table and keep it oil until the
light conies hack. just sit
here and nurse our cards. My hand
is good enough to wait
said the others.
Then they wailed. Slowly the
night passed, chillier and
more chill in its going. The sentry
was cursed, the officer was cursed,
but stilt they sat. At last the first
glimpse gray appeared in the sky,
and a soon a it grew light enough
the four played their hands and
tumbled in for a few sleep
before the bugle called them out
An Indeterminate Sentence.
During a lull in the program the
member- of n feminine literary so-
were discussing the ease of
three criminals who. though sen-
to the penitentiary for life,
vet stood n chance under the law of
being pardoned after fifteen
The crime these men bad In
The place to buy your Hardware. Com-
stock to select from, quality
goods only.
Agricultural Implements A Specialty j;
Consisting of Plows, Mowers, Harrows, Stalk
Cutters, Hake, and high grade
both riding; and walking,
American Fence Wire
in tin-most popular heights
Complete stock ready mixed
colors, van-
Orders filled
the highest grade in all
teed per cent pine.
Those wishing to purchase LIME
will do well to see us us we carry n
hut the best.
It you contemplate building give us n
call. We will appreciate your business and
will take care your orders
tee prices. When wishing anything men-
in the above don't to look up
At the close of business April 28th, 1900.
Prom th time the raw
factory am entirely by ma
kept No
tr It If
pure Oar factory is M
ICE CREAM Is Essy to
quart milk.
i without
Si iii I'll.
This maW two of I
package CREAM
Mis, without i
month, Tel-
at of cent a plate.
Vanilla, Straw
terry, and
Sold by your
for a by waft if ha
out keep It.
Th. Pure Food Co., la Roy, H. Y.
the party was emphatic in
her denunciation of the criminals
the law of the state which
for leniency.
tint you my i- true, Mrs.
the members.
ever that not one
criminal in a hundred sentenced to
life imprisonment ever serves out
Mrs. S. innocent-
tin v live long
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture fixtures
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nat bank and other l.
cur. exp
I, K. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. B. DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed sworn to before I
me, this day of April. 1909.
Notary Directors.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
-j. thing
nail or screw driver or r
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
Is a could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
You get
Horse Goods i c
J. P.
Not Like a Tan Receipt.
Accustomed to have the political
of word provide him with a
tax receipt, organization follower
wont to the boss with a de-
for n favor. you get me
a marriage he asked.
I explained the pol-
you have to
pear in person when yon get n mar-
This answer to the
political worker seemed evasive, and
lie demanded to is it
that you can get me a tax receipt
every time there is on election The
marriage license costs just the
To this further the
politician gave a long explanation,
but it was not quite satisfactory to
the humble worker in the cause of
Sift a cupful of flour, molt a tn-
of butter in a small cup-
of warm water and by de-
on the flour, salt to taste,
beat well and add last the stiffly
beaten white of one Mince
cold chicken, season with salt, pa-
a little chopped parsley and a
tiny bit of onion. To a of
chicken add a small half cupful of
thick white
balls, dip each in
Changed th-
In tin- r room of u Wall street
this sign was posted a few
Do Nut Whistle.
Do All That The
messenger boys on service in the
building evidently saw a funny side
in the notice, tor within hour
more twenty of them
do you When
does the concert
much for a similar
queries. The sign n after
days, mid the . r of the
bus had it replaced by
bearing in aggressively bold letters
limply the words,
New York Tribune.
Removing Scorch.
An old laundress is
for following cure for bod-
Iv scorched places caused by too hot
A half pint of vinegar is put
on the stove in a porcelain lined
saucepan, To this are added
juice of n large onion and two
ounces of fuller s earth. The mix-
is boiled for five minutes,
strained, cooled and bottled. In re-
For Tobacco Fines
Tin Roofing and Plumbing
Go to L. H. PENDER
Next door to J. R. J. G. MOVE.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Mattresses, etc.
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts,
Parlor suits Tables, Lounges,
. ,, Safes, P. and Gail Ax
mixture 1- on a clean while .
en rag and rubbed over the scorched
Office opposite R. Smith
stables, and next door to John
Buggy building.
until it disappears. Several
applications may be necessary.
New York Times.
The Reflector does job work.
The Flower.
The largest in the world i-
the of Sumatra. Its
size is fully throe feet in diameter
about the size of a carriage wheel.
petals of dowel
Mold into small oval creamy white, growing
the batter and round a center filled with countless
drop from the spoon into very hot long, violet lined stamens. The
fat. on brown in tho flower weighs about fifteen pounds
oven. Arrange on a napkin and is Capable of containing nearly
garnish with lemon and parsley. two gallons of water. Tho bud
Circle Magazine. like gigantic brown
Canned Cherries, Peach,
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly. Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee.
Soap. Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples, l. l.
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples-
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. Bert But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
Skinner. Skinner, Jr
h i
Moore and Long
x c

-Subscription- One War
rates may be upon
Reflector t-vans
in the
N. C., h mail matter.
is n L
lift the Hi I wagon
blow .; i-i-.
Take up Greenville's slogan
make the town hum.
This week the senate is pull-
wool on the
Greenville does what
people i lake up their minds
tO do.
If you are For Greenville in
earnest, show your faith by
It has the real ring of welcome,
Greenville, yours if you
So many strikes d not argue
veil for tin return
The who no money
feels very little interest
in the invention by a
stand man of a machine to
count money.
There are not any easy job,
and the man hunting a soft
snap can go to the bean patch.
Any job that is well performed
requires plenty of work and at-
The one thing that Pitt county
folks should now keep upper
most their minds is good
roads The sentiment ought to
w until every section the
has r
II. Connor has been
sworn in as judge of the
court of North
Carolina and is now his
term of district court in
I. Philadelphia says
lie will in hut it
u i. street ear rs
are doing about as they please.
,., ., . ting i it he extent of de-
i ; r
and be accepted by the govern-
Those who stop to consider the
present financial condition of
Greenville will go slow in the
If The Reflector has one pet
more than another among the
business of Green-
ville, it is The Home building
and Loan Association. Its rec-
has been watched with pride
matter of making any breaks inland we have many times made
the hoard of aldermen. The
town has a floating indebted-
of some must
soon be provided for. The pres
reference to its splendid work.
In our news columns today men-
is made of the last state-
of the secretary of the as-
aldermen have the move- and the showing there
on foot to relieve this ought to he gratifying not only
and their
Tin re i- n I that n -ems
the welfare of the more
than roads, taken as
there i nothing that they
I less interest it
be raising their home supplies.
Do stop to grumble that
own place is not as good as
else's. Make the best
of your surroundings. do your
at whatever you are en-
makes them more capable
of handling the matter. It la a
time that the hoard needs men
of experience rather than
and .-very citizen w ho has
the regard for the
and progress of the will
think well before joining a
in to make s at
i time.
A meeting of the trustees of
Carolina Teachers Training
School is called for Friday.
I hi nu is for he .
of making plans for the school
U open next fall, W lake it
that the most important work of
the trustees at this meeting will
Feuds trouble
Kentucky again.
sir. is i
yours if you conn
Truly this is
yours if you
e i -lion of a
for the school. In this u
take should be made,
school to be the
the very best man possible
to obtain should he place. at its
head. The Reflector believes
from expression heard van
nils sections of the St -a t that
there i- a wide spread desire on
the of the people that Hon.
J. V. Joy nor, present Slate
of Public
. ,. ; will n r find l president of tins
There i no
there is not
i ii on here who .
think what school us Mr. Joyner, and
to every shareholder but also to
every person interested in the up
building of Greenville. Though
the association is just a little
more than three years old, in
that time it has loaned more
than to people of the
community with to build,
or pay indebtedness on
their homes. It is a remarkable
record, and the splendid man-
and success of the as
entitles it to the co-
operation and wishes of
everybody in the community.
list we found that the demand
for the capital G. is so great that
it cannot all he printed one
issue but will have to come
Blackjack. N. C. June
The entertainment given by
the Sunday school
Sunday was by a large
audience. We were glad to see
the children so well trained in
I their Work. It shows that they
N. C, have had the proper instructions
Miss Agnes Smith returned by teachers. We
home Wednesday evening from are always glad to have
Grifton where she had We cordially all
to attend the Cobb-Brooks out and help In ear work.
marriage. ; M
We tad rain Thursday and
Thursday night and Friday
morning to the delight of the
B. P, Cobb, of ,
Martha Williams Saturday
and Sunday.
Miss Clara Belle Harper, of
is this
week with relatives here,
loft several days ago for lo;
Visit her pie for a few , J- Gateway d Sun-
Mrs. C. C. Cobb is day here
give us a very interesting talk
the work.
of Winter
your presence
ii saying every reader,
everybody this is
Ore. you coin.
gone in M
Bryan ha; if keeps
his he iii
of it without being much scorch,
Maybe Hunter Roosevelt ii
lost in the jungles of Africa, as
nothing has been heard from
One the suggested slogans
for Greenville that the town
might well put into practice is
Greenville get
The senate has decided to do
some night work and make the
sessions cover ten hours a day.
Then they will come nearer
earning their pay.
On Thursday Governor
in announced the appointment of
Hon. J. Manning, of Durham,
successor to Judge Connor as
associate justice of the Supreme
I. ins .-. it a means
I as notice he oft time
r C this think
p in a ii ii in
urn. I. the east,
and you will see
if you
. rm of the Federal
in- for embezzle-
. -1 J, R, Carraway,
i . . N Bank
. n. I bill also
in . of F. Taylor
and I. of lie
New Bi Journal as accessories
to embezzlement. The case
will be watched with much in-
In Buncombe county the
heretofore prevailed of
putting striped convict suits on
all persons sentenced to the
roads, regardless of the
for which sentence was passed.
This is contrary to law, and the
attention of Buncombe
has been called to the fact that
no persons are are to wear strips
except those convicted of a
and it is unlawful to put
strips on persons convicted of
every .
induce him to
of it
The committee consisting of
May, r W. Whedbee, Post-
ins- master It. C. Flanagan and Mr.
the II. A. While, who were request-
de- ed to take charge of the
for a slogan for Greenville
by The Reflector and
select from the list the one
. deemed must suitable for the
purpose intended, has performed
this duty as will be seen by the
report published elsewhere.
Too gentlemen went over the
different suggestions carefully,
and their earnestness and inter-
est is shown the elaborate re-
another man any- port they may make. was no
do as mull for small tasK that they performed,
and The Reflector certainly
Is greatly indebted to them,
the town is also indebted
them. The town is also in-
to them, for there are
no ; us who have
a deeper interest ill the welfare
of the town than these
Mr. W. Brown is to lie con-
some time at lie
Mrs. Pattie Forbes
children, of Greenville, arc
visiting her. B. P. Cobb.
Miss Smith left
day to visit her cousin. Bill j
Flanagan in
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Willoughby .
and children, of Farmville, were Robert Dixon and son. II. E.
stopping at C. E. went to Washington bat-
Sunday evening. HI o
Mrs. Ned Laughinghouse, of
Richmond, was visiting
father. B. P. Cobb, list
should made to
Miss Clyde Smith, of
dine, spent Sunday here.
There was quite a large crowd
I rum school here
f-d little
Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Ml L lite Buck was the guest
of were in our section Sunday.
Mrs. Brown daughter, of
Magnolia, were visiting at M.
Smith's Saturday night and Sun
day and left for their home
Monday evening.
There was an interesting
bate again night the
young men. There will be an-
other deb Friday night.
that the
U. S. was not justifiable in sub
We had a very good Sunday
school at Smith's school house All cordially invited to come out
Sunday evening. El
attended and gave the children
a good lecture. Joe Smith
a very good and
lecture of ah mt fifteen
minutes to the school which
appreciated very much indeed.
Wear- glad to have Joe
with us in our school while
spending his vacation at home.
and hear the discussion. Come
and we try to entertain you.
Clark. H E. Dixon, J.
H. Mills, E. L. lark went to
Greenville today.
Corn and tobacco are looking
fine, cotton is somewhat small
tor Mm time of year.
No ore has ever made a
lotion qr balm to compile with
i slave. Its the one
perfect heal r of i
raises, Scalds, Moils.
Again Tin- Reflector feels like
doTing its to the people of
their wise action
in the primaries Friday night.
The unanimity with which the
voters of every ward went to
Oakley, . C Junes, 1909. But Rheum. For Sore by, s,
,,, C lit Chapped supreme.
Regular services at Flat j Only at All
Swamp Sunday.
i s.
Several from the Stokes and
sections came up one
night last week on a hay ride,
composed of a crowd of clever
young men and pretty girls.
and family, of
their meetings and re nominated suggestion visited friends here
the entire old ticket has been adopted as Greenville's Sunday.
. I .,., and that the committee Miss Ellen Carson, of Bethel,
they men to is visiting her sister, Mrs.
the important of him the ;
the town must be looked pen Store. Ml. Lilly at the
after in few months. e home of her father, Mr. A.
The same men who hare u m Sunday at 2.15 p. nu
l. ,.;. f, ,,,., ,. for rather, speaks for Mrs. Lilly had been sick for
I I till I I , .
. several years, and while her
now go right on with death was a surprise it was a
without interruption and we be- OUR GREENVILLE, YOURS to her many friends and
the result will sounds well and . relatives-
to the town. Let all Low that it is adopted as Mrs. Matilda Taylor returned
and slogan it should be Monday from
. . . . . . where she has been visiting her
now cease and everybody work, taken up by every business man j K. Barnhill.
together for the of land citizen and used to attract
For Sale.
On Monday, June at
o'clock we sell at public
action to the highest bidder
before the court house in Green-
ville one house now used for the
Free Will church known
as the public school house.
And one lot on Eleventh
street near said church. Terms
of sale one-fourth remain-
by Jan. 1910.
A. L. Potter,
J. T. Abrams,
C. A. Jones.
Building Committee.
That Uncle Sam run short
nearly a hundred million dollars
in expenditures during the past
fiscal years shows that bis pocket
book is getting in as bad
condition as ordinary folks. The
in his favor his good
Greenville folks usually stand
together and when they do
something happens that is worth
while. But the division over
the location of a site for the pub-
building is not doing any
good, only delaying the getting
of a building that much longer
A representative of the govern-
treasury department came
here, went over the situation
thoroughly and made his
for a site. That
recommendation should stand
In past years there have been
some people who would not list
their taxes before the appointed
township list takers, but would
wait later to list before the
county commissioners. This
course may have been prompted
by ulterior motives, but we will
not argue that point. We will
say, however, that those who
have practiced that way of list-
the past had batter not do
so again unless they prefer to
attention to Greenville. The
Miss Rosa Skinner, one of
most charming young
Reflector is going to use it day ladies, is visiting Miss Daisy
after day and stamp it on the Parker near here.
The farmers are shipping
potatoes, but the crop is not so
minds of every one.
The various ways in which the
slogan is to be used in
cuts for printing station
matters now to be
determined. The business men
in ordering stationery and other
printed matter should have
Greenville's slogan placed there-
on. There are ways in
Gordon Hines went to Halifax
Monday on business.
Robt. Jenkins filled his regular
appointment Sunday.
Guy Ross, of Ayden, spent
Saturday and Sunday near here
with friends.
pay double tax. The last which it can be used
passed a very stringent
law on this point and leaves the
county commissioners no dis-
III the matter except to
follow the law. The entire
month of June is set apart for
listing and that is time enough,
and every n subject to tax
had just as well step up and do
his duty.
In the list of suggestions, which
we are publishing, are several
excellent ones, some would
be appropriate for advertising
certain lines of business. As
these suggestions now all belong
to Tax
Tax payers of Pitt county will
take notice, and list their taxes
before the list taker of their re-
in Chapter section public
laws of North Carolina Act 1909,
or show why double tax should
not be charged-
Order Board County
Pitt County.
W- M. Moore, Clerk.
to The Reflector the business
men will be permitted to j j w
them in their advertisements.
After beginning to set up the Subscribe to The Reflector.
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it.
completely, and led me on the
of the Brave. I I
but got no permanent raw.
I I had to
In a MM
I was much better, I continued
to Improve until entirely i
am in and never n
an opportunity recommend
W. U
Creek. Oregon.
Your druggist Dr.
and we authorize him
of bottle If it
benefit you.
Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind
p. Hart. They were grown
Mrs. A. E. and children
returned from Kinston Tuesday.
Mrs. W, T. Hart returned from
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and Advertising rates furnished j Monday.
Miss Lucy Hodges, of Kinston,
Rape seed at Mer. windows and door I will have charge of the ls Berry visiting
frames mads to order at J. R. music. There will be a week of . . , M ,
F made a i Smith Co. Dixon preliminary services. in Scotland
went to , j. R. j. j.
Thursday. U left Monday to attend the meet- I St
were returning home from a visit fog of the grand lodge K. of P.
to. Aurora. at
We can shoe your mules
horses, repair your carts, bug-
wagons on short notice.
J. R. Smith Co.
Cur merchants are closing
M. Sauls makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the fountain- cold the year
round Try one.
Miss Dawson, of
ton, is visiting at Hotel Blount.
They tell me that J. R. Smith
Co., Dixon manufacturing-j
as good wagons, carts and bug-.
as can be found any where.
See them before buying.
Mrs. A E. and children
are visiting relatives in Kinston.
Seed peanuts for by J. j
Smith ii Co.
i At a meeting of the stock-
holders of Ayden Tobacco Ware-
Miss Lena Dawson is visiting
Mrs. D. a. Berry returned from
Bertie county Monday. Miss
their stores now at
giving clerks a little re-
create n. and raking some fresh
a r themselves.
Try use
third less than lard at J. R.
Ayden Lodge No.
use Co. here Tuesday, it was j Roberson, her sister, came with
unanimously agreed to build a;
pi house at once in connection
Moseley went to looted the following
the ensuing year.
Top Wednesday to be present at
the marriage of one of his
Spring dress goods laces and
to match J. R. Smith
What shall it be Names are
coining in rapidly for
new tobacco Dixon it
Dixon proprietors are offering a
fountain pen the name
M, M. Sauls has just received
a fine lot of perfumes and toilet
H. C. Ormond and Moore
fishing Thursday with g
Paris Green at J. R. Smith Co.
Crops are tins and farmers are
well up with their work.
The hose f.
ladies and is one
the t on the at
J. R.
The j B i. i
house i, rent. is
.-d lighted.
l .-. -I-. in y U J. ii.
i . w. i i at J,
T i re a ;. on . m
build one two prize houses.
We must have the room as we
H J. Corbett, Noble Grand.
A. D. William. Vice Grand.
H. J. Corbett. Recording
U. J. Financial
J. N. Smith Treasurer.
Car salt just received at J. R.
Smith Co
W. F Hart purchased the
stock of groceries, and soda
fountain of J. N. Alexander, and
will run business in the same
patterns and
at J. R. Dixon Co.
Mrs. L. en-
Wednesday afternoon
in honor of Mrs. Jesse Cannon
and Mrs. E. Peden. A
unique feature of this
was the relating of
of bygone days by
several ladies present
an in this pleasant
the tube was spread in
the grove under the trees and
loaded down with
from the well fl led and
lunch of these excellent
house Mrs. Peden has
I me for the benefit of the
of Ayden tint
of the at large
Mrs. Cannon is known far and
wide as one interested in all
large warehouses.
Two automobiles in Ayden
Tuesday took the attention of the
Wilbur Tingle was elected
lent of our Y. M. C. A. last
Mabel of Grifton,
is relatives here this
Miss Maud Summered, of Di-
vi r, is visiting C. S. Summer ell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, of
R icky Mount, arc visiting Mrs-
a- Burton-
Any kind of
you want at J-
N. C, June B.
What This . . g j
I ,,,. y .,.
With Sunday's issue of on st
News and Observer was o'clock when Miss May
a magazine section of sixteen I became the of Mr. J K
pages devoted to the State Cobb, of , N C. Toe
and Loan League that home of the bride had be
orated with ;
and ferns, or in
and gr. en.
meets in Raleigh this week.
Besides the program of the
meeting were several
excellent articles on the benefit
f building and loan associations was- by Mi a . ; .
ind sketches of the various
throughout the State. We Toe leaning
Thomas Galloway.
The Salem church,
near was the seem
of a beautiful marriage Wed-
afternoon at half
five o'clock, when Miss Helen
Galloway became the bride of
E. Thomas,
Greenville. The church had been
beautifully decorated for the
the color scheme
white and green. The
march was rendered by Mr-.
Levi Holiday, of
Messrs L. Hall, of Greenville,
W. S. of
take the following in ; . p .-. . .
Bro . I
The Home Building and Loan j the groom w , .-. i,
Association of Greenville, N. C. . Mr J son.
was incorporated in 1906,
business on May
that year December W . . . . ,
id issued of j
stock had in force
During the life
association, which is s little
than three years, it has loaned dressed in a.
to shareholders over j dark blue
R. Smith down
site aisles. Then came the dame
J. T. Smith conducted services of honor. Mrs. W. L. Patrick, pf villa's
for the Y M A I Greenville, attired in a lovely
a. Sunday white while
the the
T. F. Johnson will lead of honor, Miss Susie Moore.
services 2nd Sunday- Subject I of Greenville, beautifully go-n-
These meetings ed in a wisteria
which ha; been invested in
homes. The Association is
the nearly support of the
citizens of the town and ,. is
a a great good that
is being recognized and
every day. It I
I officered and the board of .,, .
tors of twelve of Green- a .
must influential and . .;.
energetic citizens, as I ti, .- ;,
C. Flanagan,
president; II. A. White, After
cut china a
M . . .
l E. J. .-.
v. e lire
. n
n I of
u n.
r of
want to sell 5.000,000 pounds tends to elevate, and cheer
tobacco here this season.
Mason's fruit caps
rubbers for same at J. R. Smith
At a meeting of the town
Tuesday Richard
Wingate was elected
Rape s ed and Millet seed for
by J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs. F. Q, went to
Grifton Wednesday.
Lime, cement, window, doors,
locks and hinges at J, R. Smith
H. B. Smith and J. L. Hob-
good, of were here
All kind sewing machine need-
shuttles, bobbins and
needle thread for sale by J,
R. Smith Co.
Arrangements have been made
whereby Winterville Masonic
lodge will join in with Ayden
lodge on July 1st, and have a big
dinner. Dr. of Kin-
will install the officers of
both lodges. The installation
will be public.
We were surprised to find that
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon are car-
such a nice line of coffins
ind caskets of all prices and
grades, see them when needing
anything in this line.
Ayden is a high market for all
produce. As evidence
A. E Harden of Greene county,
brought a steer here Thursday
and sold him to F. C. Turnage,
our market man, for
Buy your brackets, balusters,
stair railing, post
and flooring of J. R. Smith
Co. Dixon.
A. C. College of
Wilson, were here and gave the
in the I. F. hall.
Don't send elsewhere, when
you can get nice ceiling and
fully responds to all opportunities
to help all who need her strength,
courage and purse. All present
express themselves as having
a most pleasant hour with
these two of best
women and with each other.
The hostess was assisted in a
charming manner by Miss
Hines, Fred Beaman
and Turnage.
N. C. cut herrings at J. R.
Smith Co.
School books, tablets. Bibles
and Testaments at J. R. Smith Co.
bushels nice country corn
at per bushel at J- R
Smith. Co., Dix n.
J- R. Smith Co. have the
largest sign in Ayden,
Shoes for Ladies and
Field peas, rape and millet seed
at J. R. Smith Co.
King Edward, of Great Brit
is one of the greatest of the
of Europe. There's
only one in Amer-
but that's the greatest of all
shoes, and only one shoe bears
this mark of
For sale by J. R. Smith Co.
Money buy better shoes
than for they
are guaranteed to satisfy,
shoe dealers everywhere sell
them. Smith Co.
A revival meeting, in
all denominations in town will
co-operate, will begin the 20th
of June. The services will be
held in the brick warehouse,
which will be well arranged ind
comfortably seated. There
much interest in the meeting
and it is expected that large
crowds will attend. Rev. M.
Shields, of will
do the preaching and Prof. J. H.
Highsmith. of Wake Forest Col-.
very helpful and are largely
Miss Blanch Cannon, who has
been sick for some weeks, is bet-
and will soon be out again.
Rumor says we are to have
another marriage in June.
to see our good friend C.
Jones, of in
Prof. wife, of
were here Monday.
J. N. Alexander has sold out
his grocery business to W. F.
Hurt and gone back to old
home at Ahoskie.
Mrs. W. of Ridge
Springs, was here Tuesday.
we regret to learn that Leo
is very sick at his home
He is an upright,
industrious young man and has
many friends here who hope he
will soon recover.
I. H. spent Tues-
day at his old home near Timothy
The first watermelons of the
season received her,; Tues-
day by E. E. D-ii Co. aid w
bride entered on the arm of her
brother, Mr. J. C. Galloway, and
was met at the altar by the
groom attended by his best man,
Mr. Luther Thomas, of Virginia
The ceremony was performed
by Rev- Mr. pastor of
the bride. The bride was be-
dressed in a
away gown of Copenhagen
blue, with hut gloves to
match. A number of use
and valuable presents were;
received. The bride is one
most charming
ladies. The groom is the popular
book-keeper of the Consolidated
Tobacco Co. They left via
Norfolk and Southern, for a tour
of Northern after
they will be at home, in Green
It is a mistake to allow anyone
infer from rheumatism, as the
always relieved, and most
a cure by applying
pain which affords is
worth many limes its It make
sleep and rest possible, in
mug standing this liniment should be
u on account of tho t. f which
affords. Do no- he discouraged
you have it a trial. For
J, L. and Coward
treasurer, and H. best and con-
Whedbee. attorney. they went t- tie-
J. s. to take th . . .
T. White. R. D.
Moore, C. T. C. There was a cw of
Laughinghouse, B. W. Moseley. wailing to wish them
C. C, Vines. H. A. R. C. a hand
Flanagan, H. W. Whedbee and
W. A.
full of rice.
The who nun
spending a few days with
bride the s-me train.
. en-
Our family were all and raised I There wore visitors from
in Iowa, and hive used .,
Colic, Cholera and
at tor years. Wei ville, Williamston, Tarboro,
it. In fact,
K Paso, Texas, th writer's
At the Close Business April 28th,
raved by the prompt use of this v . ,, .
We aw now in m.-r-1 of in his en.
at and holds
a have r I . , a c I N
It has p-oven very successful and is a on in. a. v.
growing in favor. Mr-and Mrs. Cobb will
J their home in Jamesville.
I best wishes friends
attend them. L.
Wanted-Ten to lam-
s with girls to work in
ting mill at Scotland N. C.
years of ape can work.
Th attractive women who are
and boys not under j lively in face form and are
the envy of ninny, who might be
A weak w bi
town, good graded school, n of
better in the Stale. Pay poisons show in
learning Work. Flue
for those wanting t
work. If interested write. Liver and
J. L. Bowers or A. the blood; give right
Scotland Neck, N. C.
, . i; .
. . them. at all
A Guaranteed Cough remedy U Bees
Cough Syrup. For sough ,
croup, hoarse
for it ii quick to r.-
in lax
John I. Wooten.
Loans and discounts 47,687.42 j stork
Overdrafts unsecured surplus fund
furniture and ,. . ,
. , , ., I in livid profits, less
Demand loans 2,500.00
Due from 80,880.04 cur. esp. and taxes pd. 175.20
Cash items 40.601 Dividend unpaid
Gold coin Deposits sub. to check 48,408.84
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur, 1,810.04
National bank and other
U. S. Notes
Cashier's outstanding
will treat you
Nature Nat Explained,
Henry, two ha
very much n in watch-
his m
ables. the snow
his bed being near n win-
he aw early in the
Just unloaded pounds as j morning and tilled loudly to his
pretty white corn as you have mama, mama, the trees are.
ever See me before you
buy. F. V. Johnston.
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is to the best my knowledge and belief.
SMITH, Cashier.
with The
fer June.
Nice lot
Reflector Book Store.
Sick e constipation I i i-
They cleanse the system. Do
new I not gripe. Price Sic. Sold by John L.
books etc. at
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 5th. day of May,
Notary Public
Save Your Plants
The gardener of the using
Tons of
-u I heir Vin
all t
u to tut bum
Prevents Blight on Cucumbers
f l if all
tan Mi I an dry toy
D r i .
R. L JEFFERSON BROS., Fountain, N. C.
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the sane place- All
work promptly looked alter- Mr,
Cox will still with the
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Government Cotton Report.
The government cotton crop
report issued places the
condition of the cop at SI. and
the percentage cf decrease in
acreage at a little above
no n., to
l I-, ,. . . .
I .
I. . las
I I I ,
i; I H.-r, .
Writs -i-n to .- and
. r. and --.- aims .,,. o-
with .
1417 HI. Illinois

The New York Life Insurance Company
Won. Lost. P. C.
Rocky Mount
Norfolk Cotton and Peanuts, wired
by J . V,. Perry A Co., Cotton Factors.
As you have probably noticed, most .-hoes have
a tendency to and eh across the
tots after the shots have been worn a few times.
This is the fault of the lasting process of pull-
and stretching the leather over the wooden
The RALSTON method has remedied this fault.
Ralston vamps are first
then lasted. There are no bur no wrinkles,
because every part of the vamp fits the last per-
without the leather at any point.
This adds to the wear of the It also explains
the reason why retain their smart
until worn out.
There are other unusual s of RALSTON
SHOE construction which will appeal to you.
Come in and look over our new styles.
At Goldsboro
Rocky Mt.
Raleigh at Goldsboro.
Fayetteville at Rocky Mount.
Wilson at Wilmington.
The best cent smoke is
sold only at Reflector
Book Store.
O To Jay
Strut Middling
Middling 7-8
Low Middling 6-8
Low M billing 1-S
Fancy 31-4
Strictly Prime
Prime 3-1
Low Grades
Wire by Cobb Bros Bankers
and broken, Norfolk.
July 1-6
Dec 8-3
July Lard Dec.
rill l by
J. P J G, 3-4
The Central Mercantile Co.
J. Davenport, Mgr.
ye .
Ice Cream
From our white marble
cabinet enables us to
dispense you the finest
Ice Cream to be had.
Coward Wooten
We have had a great sale and the low prices will continue this week. Now
is the time to buy goods, when you can buy them at sale prices. Just as
before, we will sell Calico at 1-2 cents; yard-wide Bleaching cents;
Dress Ginghams, cents the yard. Don't wait, but get your share this week
404-406 W. Main St., GREENVILLE, N. C.
Continued until next Saturday night.
J N , P Laos S
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
If you are expecting to build you a home or want to make a paying Investment
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale.
Terms to
L- C- ARTHUR, Greenville, N. C.
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Harry K. Walcott and Hugh M.
For Washington. Plymouth, Columbia, Eden-
p. m. ton, Hertford, Elizabeth Suffolk, and Norfolk, and
Intermediate Station, to Edenton.
I For Grimesland, Chocowinity, Washington, and
1.66 p, m.
a. m. For Farmville, Wilson Zebulon. and
p. m. I Stations.
,. 9- From Washington, Chocowinity, Grimesland, and Inter-
a. m. j stations.
From Norfolk, Suffolk, Hertford. Edenton,
p. m. I Columbia, Washington, and
mediate Stations.
WAlTON brick company
N. C.
I From Raleigh, Wendell, Zebulon, Wilson, Farmville and
Intermediate stations.
a. m. i
p. m.
NOTICE-Above schedules published only as information; and are
Sold by all druggists. Ask today.
H. C
At the close of business, April 1900.
Sick Kidneys Weaken the
Whole body--Make
You Hi, Lang
Sick kidneys weaken the body
the continual of ,
albumen from the blood into Don't accept Ml
the and the substitution .
poisonous uric acid that goal broadcast
through th- system, sowing tin- seeds
of disease, of c uses
languor, depression, U Its
causes pain,
.-.-. cricks in tie
I back, gravel and kidney stones.
treatment is a kidney
I and the best remedy B Do n s
Kidney Fills. Great e cures
i prove it.
James Hardison. E. St.
N. C, ya
were were weak an I the
passed too frequently,
flight when I was forced to a
In morning my lack was
very lame and I was to pains
through my loin . Dean's Kidney
Pills, at Wooten's store,
restored my kidneys to a normal
I am now able to sleep well ac d
i the and soreness across the
j small lack has entirely
I I have found Kidney
To every one who purchases
cash or pays on ac-
J; count will give absolutely free one
Lister Picture
Mother Gray's Powders for
Children, a certain f tut
bad teething
move and ate the bow
size x inches and to all
like them. . , r- I .-. . .
who purchase l cash or
give a
Their Peculiar In Teaching
and Studying.
Aral, n traveler.
is moat places
In Cairo to visit. The children, with
the schoolmaster, fit upon the floor
the ground In n mid each
baa a tablet -f Is
white and Boo the lessens are
written, the learned
TEl. out and replaced by
other lessons.
study hours Arab
remind fr the
children all study aloud, and as
they r. k hack and forth like
trues in a storm, aid tills la
continued for an hour or more at a
time, The hack and
on account we
These are all new the most sellers in all
the cities. oiler to advertise our
Rugs, Mattings bus. Come at once and get
I pick. They are tor days.
Taft and VanDyke
Slid Discounts 160,418.141
., , c. -.- .,, I Profits
United Slates Bonds
Furniture and Fixtures 8,210.42
forth also, and altogether tho school
Pills to live up to and n moat as
. well as sound.
Cash 47,751.18
Bond Account
Dividends unpaid
Notes Hills
have no hesitation in them
I my
Fr sale by all dealers.
cents. Co , Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the
21,000.00 States.
Remember the and
take no other.
Comparative Statement of Deposits.
April 28th, 1908, 90,440.80,
April 28th, 1909. 116,941.13.
If you do not, your business with this bank, let this
invitation to become one of our satisfied customers,
Furniture And House Furnishing Goods
For Cash or on Installments.
In Building Formerly Occupied by Dispensary. Large Stock of everything
Needed in your House. Our Pi ices are low.
Sam White store on Five Points. More room and larger stock. Come
to see me.
General Merchandise.
if it is INSURANCE see
Bonds, Life and Fire.
N. S. Sunday Train.
B fining next Sunday the
m Southern will run
th ti.- i trains on Sundays from
Morehead City and
Beaufort. The train will leave
Raleigh at a. m, passing
Greenville at and reach
Beaufort about noon. Returning
it will leave Beaufort p.
in, giving some over five hours
at the
Bound trip fare from Farm
ville and from Green-
ville, Simpson and Grimesland
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
An Ibis of Man Oath.
What la as tho
oath still In use la that taken
In the Isle of Man,
tile terms of which are as
this book the contents thereof
and by works that
hath wrought in tile
heaven above and the earth beneath In
six days aid six nights I do swear
that I win. without respect of favor
or friendship, loss or gain,
or y. envy or malice, execute
the laws if this Isle Justly between
party and i arty as Indifferently as tho
herring backbone doth He In the mi
always move about while re-
the Koran, as Is
believed assist the memory.
desks the Arab
old contrivances of palm sticks, upon
which Is placed the Koran or
the thirty it. After learn-
the alphabet the boys lake up the
the Koran, entire
chapters It until the Is
peculiar method is In
the Koran, The begins
with tho opening chapter, and from
this It t-, the List. The last but
Is learned. I lien the last but
two, d in Inverted order, end-
lug finally the second chapter.
student's It Is
for the to
on the tablet a lesson
I ii led in and red and green t
the fa i In r, w
Han Si Ii pasted
vi iv meager
ii ii ii
The Greenville Trust Co.,
At the close of business, April 28th,
Due from I
silver emu.
r . S.
Surplus In ml
Undivided profit, less
cur. exp taxis
Dividends unpaid
Time certificates of
Deposits to cheek
g 087.77
I. s. of tin- above-named hank. i
returns after above statement is true to of
A. II. Moseley.
K. C.
Though yen drive Nature out a
pitchfork, she always conies back.
of So help me God and
contents of tills
Can be found on Fourth street
prepared to clean, press repair
Mens Clothing and Ladies Skirts
All work done promptly, suits
made to order when desired.
Your patronage Solicited.
When in Beaufort stop at the
On boardwalk and facing inlet
For terms apply to
Jones worked so hard and denied
himself so much In order to pay his
life Insurance that be bail the
time nor the means to be Hick, and be
outlived all the who wore
meanwhile engaged In relatively
unhealthy business of lying back and
milting for him to die. Moreover, In
thinking of matter he became con-
he bad a food deal of fun.
after all- more fun, than most
a terribly selfish OS-
claimed Jones
A dull slug liver always brings a
dull, feeling to the entire
body. When the liver works properly
courses h the
a bright red strain. When the liver
inactive I becomes dull and
muddy, and it is full of mat-
t r- A many try to get a
line, clear, and white complexion
ruining things on their laces.
They t rub a lifetime and the
i nine yellow would remain
fur the liver causes it. Only
red blood bring- line
loaded with impurities the
I tends the as out through
. the pores of the s and turns the skin
a brownish yellow.
I To gel rid of the dull, heavy feeling
yellow complexion get th
to working again. Two bot-
of Will do nine
out of ten. if you are troubled with
n and use
Liver Pills with the
by M. M Sauls. N. and J. W.
Bryan, Greenville, n. C,
Politely Bounced.
A good example of the extremely
In public
was the to Charles
that was no longer a member
of the of George III. It
lead gracious has
You don't lose your fountain I been pleased to issue a new
pr-n or pencil if you a In ft not
cost but
o at Hook Store.
MRS. H. D. Proprietress.
edge belief.
mid sworn to lie
fore this 1st day of May,
Andrew Moore,
A Proof Safe.
A curious ii. ii. is to
by n I tea m
Bank of Ii i- to
ha mi absolutely proof safe,
because ii i- into a
of heavy and con-
When the safe n n I bottom
of ii i- down
by massive I
triple time lot . I these
are l . I
time no Ii i t t an raise lite
As fr akin through the
i t i
Hereto It'll f -et thick, n u
North Carolina Mountains
Ml W
Beautiful it any Season and so tins
. Southern Railway operates with
a Coaches a d Parlor Car, b n Holds-
burn and N. C ,
Durham, Greensboro and I bury, on
following i
Eastern Time
i-o en- i-i-i line. , . . , w ., .
, ii i i a. m. Goldsboro Ar so
must m. Ai-
his ml a. in. Durham Ar 5.23
nut lie tint hit Waterloo in
safe. t.
Birds In Winter.
birds s much
than a man's man's is
. la Hoy suffer cruelly
from the winter cold. In a mutton
country it is not uncommon to rim
With dead birds fastened on
their backs. The little, cold creatures
In sheep's wool to get
warm, their feet in
tho and the starve ha
Thousands every year with
i i. i- form of bowel complaint. Thous-
ands are cured by taking Dr. Sin
Bats m. Warranted to give
by J Wooten.
Not Particular.
sail the young man re-
a poor man.
you .-ire n millionaire, It seem- pro- i
sumptuous in mo no doubt to aspire
to hand of your daughter. But
my live for her is so great that I
cannot be stopped by such consider-
Love scorns convention
conveniences. Ah, fir, will you
give to
The old magnate, seemed Interest-
ed, which of my four
do yon ho asked, not
the suitor mails answer,
I'll leave that to you,
p. m. p
i p. m. Salisbury Ar p, m
p, m. Ar p. m,
p. m. Ar Newton 11.25 a. iii.
p in. r 11.02
B p. m, u. in.
p. m. Ar M H, n. m.
Ar Ash -vile 8.00
convenient Schedules and
Through Car
Round Summit will bi on salt
Ml IS. 1909.
For information as lo
etc, call on Agent of this Company
or the undersigned
J. H. WOOD. R H.
. P. a,. o. r. t p.
N. C. k N. C.
Dixon's pencils, i know
what they are, at Book

In Charge of S. C. CARROLL
Authored The Eastern Vicinity-Adverting Rites or Application
C me end examine our of eggs a specialty.
boy's spring hat-. Came and get the best prices. GOOD
that tut been up. Harrington, Barber Ca
. g, i . r Attention to Cooler.
Barber i . nice line ,
U Magdalene Cox left Casket. Price, are p
day m for right aid can nice hearse
ton h re she will visit her service A. G. Cox Mfg. Co,
troth-.-.-. v. W. E. Cox. line of a; d boy's
A. V .
A i
What secret relation there is
between matrimony needle-
o. men a a. a s .-.-
Co. have .-am- straw opened up. We el work one of wooden
r i
es end m from the wide brimmed the
As soon as the
the nicest bat I engagement ring is safely on,
Harrington the girl flies to a sewing machine
B of best
We desire to cull your kind. e to the last moment.
n. Barber i Co. attention to our Handy
is now a-
for June.
. m , J ;,;. V at d when yon will There no prettier than
. .- lay
u .------- .
., . for housing your tobacco, a woman engaged on
We hate orders now for more bit needlework for her
than for future trousseau -artists have made it
and would, therefore, urge study for painting from time
customers co place their orders immemorial -but in the name of
as early as possible which will nil that is reasonable, where
. .
Car I I of bay just in.
W. i i Co.
siting Mies Eva getting th-m when want-line necessity for providing
, j to the great dozens and dozens of
d- might be somewhat merits, dresses enough to
j. years. And hat ditto I know a
V a need lime to bride whose j th
those tobacco furnaces. tied seven hundred I by
have it and can give you a good ribbon bows for her hi
AW. and worked one
trucks and Hues are same.
s i w
hon B
S .
chin i wall kinds.
be . the
your or n
was perfectly
, . . C x to., g ax Manufacturing Co. existing without
m . . C i
s. . tee work and prompt content to t
L j
. MaKe your tobacco tight
., by, paper Africa .
w ,,.
F. A intended to . .
. R . P Ayden. where,, a could I . , .
, . . , .,,.,. she wanted right along,
re very good and t o s.
c . . . , . . ,.
. c us d i t . girl s el .,
. . . i , far co,
A torn J the whole
Skin and Piles.
i no better rt-mt-d tor
LIVER fiLLS. as a trial prove.
Take No Substitute.
AT N. C.
At the business April
. loans
i ;. coin
, r coin, including
minor cm
i Nat bank miles and oilier
I I . S. note
Capital stock
i. fund
,,, i less
ii an taxes pi
Time of deposit
ck 8,051.61
Cashier's check 1.00
New June -r,,,.,
men, women and
have in Pitt Com
try in .- r .
A. K
ink, do solemnly
v. .-
A--; Cashier
I ha. I lie e state
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
A. the April .
for h she i
Mi Tl mas hat i
who for th . .
. joy.
r. A G I
C ., C
J R . G Ills
this morn
We your I i
tern of h
of Winterville, ins I
II the bank.
solicits your patrons and
ant r . i
Mr a E. I. Mumford,
of Morganton,
G. E, Jackson's Thursday
Ne of; .
A. Ange C
taxes at Hanrahan.
Carri an
daughter, who i
b in the near
Ayden, I yesterday.
C organized a
singing class . i i Quite
a number were
their names for
The class will Thursday
night, i .
Last Saturday i the g
back bring Th worst foe for v. year,
to lumbago,
all other he p id over r
t. a. a u th benefit Than a An-
, Salvo the nicer and
;,.;. b, . Cures r I l, .
John K Wool n. m, r I ill .
Burns, Scalds,
Kings X Roads, June 1909 ;
bk h
i i r
minor com currency
Capital Stock
Surplus fund
profits less
expenses taxes pd 853.99
Time certificates of 8,559.68
Deposits to check
Got Hit Pen.
Mr. W. Brown, whose tug
Mrs. W. S. E. Smith a id waR by the com
of the town cam Smith visited Mus Lena Green-
and organized the young I last Saturday night i ville. came in Friday to get the
Christian Union. The Addie O. I and Parker fountain pen offend
following officers were Smith attended the by The fir
C. J. Jackson, president; H. D- meeting at Otter's Creek the best Mr.
Me born, vice Miss and Sunday. t;, beat suggestion, and
Lura Cox. teacher; Ethel w E. Smith and family spent the happy possessor of the
,,; Tyson, near beat p
Miss Farmville.
Butt, J. L. V h Woods
OF County of Pitt,
I W II Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
. swear that Urn above statement is true to the my
W. Cashier.
knowledge belief.
Subscribed sworn
day of May.
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public
M. Blount,
S. M. Jones,
i, is visiting
Ki week.
A of or boys and
fishing day. i i .
re , ii of c ., i r
t my actually caught three gr t
II-. i N. C .
Thursday June 1909.
At the annual communication
of Winterville No.
A. F- A. M. hell on the above
the following officers
w. elected ensuing
John Cheek, W,
A. W Ange, S. W.
W. B. Wingate, I W.
R. H. . r as.
Ii. W. Tuck. r.
A i; w m and
. just .
False Statement Corrected.
My competitors are trying to
. ma i i I
Spun Carroll, k brother. Walter Worth-
W. i M treasurer.
Th v g a book en Misses Ethel Reid and Lillian
I, Uplift of r week
The young people here believe In grandmother, Mrs. W. G
, ,. -.--o .
orders for tobacco Hues by the morning service, when
A Sympathetic Critic.
The minister was resting after
which bring quick . get .-
telling farmers they have small son asked him
of liver disorders.
chills fever, Th- en
Ear. false, , I am still very
much in the flue business and
bought me out of
patterns and
will treat you have a large stock on hand.
thin and we are sure Flues now ready for delivery.
th much he achieved Mn Ora IS on , , ,.
no For Long Lome early to the us.
KIM Mr,,, t H. SM. M
the it make tired
all. it preach, my
Well, it makes me tired,
too, to hear you,
for June.
Greenville today.
Tl Masonic lodge at
Is pat In a
tut.- with nozzle attached. May
directly tin; parts.
Guaranteed. Pries Sold by John
Miss Carrie Smith and C K Co., Greenville. fed
. will treat you will treat you will treat you
Mrs. Parker
at K.
will hold its annual com- M . how, ,, h,
for the election of ,.,., y,,,.,.
officers on the in d Helen
this month, 19th. Following farmers are well
the meeting a barbecue . ,, s
All are; v,,
, . and Bronchial Remedies, because It rids the
An Improvement over many i Guaranteed to
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
PROF. R. H. WRIGHT PRESIDENT annual meeting
Of tie
Prof. C. W. Wilson Abo
for Opening the School
This Fall.
The trustees of East Carolina
Teachers Training school were
in session here all day Friday.
The most important matter be-
fore them was the election of a
president of the school. After
considering this important
in all of its phases Prof.
H. Wright was
chosen. Prof. Wright,
who was in the city at the
of the executive committee,
had an interview with the board
and after going fully over the
situation and the opportunity for
the development growth of
the accepted the
Prof. Wright was born in the
county of Sampson in 1870 and is
therefore in the very prime of
life. He is a son of Mrs. Bettie
Wright, who is herself a noted
teacher and was the founder ard
promoter of the high
school in that county. After
completing the in his
mother's school he entered the
University and graduated at
that institution in 1897. He then
taught a year at Spring Hope
and two years at Oak Ridge
Institute. He then took a year's
course id training ft Hop-
kins University, Baltimore.
While at Johns Hopkins he was
elected a professor of English in
the Woman's College, Baltimore.
His work in that department was
so eminently satisfactory that he
was chosen principal of the East
Baltimore high school, which
he now holds. This is a
high class institution, hiving
students and teachers.
Prof. Wright is a of
high attainment and a Christian
gentleman in the sense of
that term- The board of
tees esteem themselves
in securing him for
de it of this new institution-
Prof. Wright will come to Green-
ville as soon as he can arrange to
move his family and take up his
new work with a spirit and de
termination to build up a great
State institution, which shall
render eminent service to the
State and one of its chief or
The board arranged to secure
the services of Prof. C. W.
son, who has been for a number
of years principal of the graded
school at Scotland Neck. Prof.
Wilson will do work under the
direction of the executive com-
This school is fortunate
in securing the set vices of this
fine teacher and most excellent
business man.
We are informed that
board elected some of the lady
teachers, but their names will
not he given out until they have
The board also directed the
executive to select
other teachers and make their
to a subsequent meeting
of the board when final action
will be taken in completing the
We are assure by the board
that the work of organization of
the teaching force will be com-
at an early day and that
everything will be in readiness
to open the school, the exact date
to be determined hereafter,
notice of which will be given in
ample time.
The four buildings
constructed, to
refectory, and two
now completed, the
power house and
that the c may no cc ;.
it fact the
will open this fail.
Shore, of
the annual
Woman's Home Million So
On Tuesday night, June 1st,
Woman's Home Mission So-
of the North Carolina con-
M. E. church South.
I convened at Louisburg for its
118th annual session, Mrs. R. P.
John, president in the chair.
The conference was extended
a most hearty welcome Rev.
F. A Bishop, on behalf of the
church; by Mrs. on
behalf of the W. F. M. Society,
by Mrs. J. A. Turner on behalf
of the H. M. Society, and by
Mrs. Ivey Allen on behalf of L.
Female college. These were
responded to by Miss
of Gatesville.
The roll call on Wednesday
morning shown a large number
of delegates and visitors
I The president's message was
i gracefully delivered, her subject
being it means to be a
member of the W. H. M.
The reports from the confer Me
officers showed a marked in
crease along all lines; and by
comparison with our work ten
years ago Mrs. showed we
had grown from twelve
to sixty-one, and id
of five present at th annual
meeting we had nearly seven
times as many. On Wednesday
night. Rev. J. H.
Greenville, in his
manner preached
He complimented the worK of
the W. H. M. S. and assured us
that his heart is with us in this
great work. The district
Washington district
i was glad to note this, and she
, hopes soon to see Greenville join
in this great Home Mission work
There were quite a number of
new auxiliaries reported, five of
are in th; Washington
I district. There also
good papers read discussed;
some of which were in
the Field of the M. E. .
by Mrs. J. E. Under-
wood. and how
to raise it, by Mrs. T. W.
by Mrs. J. E
Brown. After Mrs. Brown's
paper was read. Miss Elizabeth
Davis, our deaconess from
Tampa, Fla , spoke very inter
of her experience in
rescue work.
Miss Sarah Lowder, our
trained worker at then
spoke of her work among the
factory people at that place.
On Thursday night of confer-
there were special services
by the children of the baby roll
and brigade department. A
collection of was taken, and
on motion of Mrs. J. A. Spier,
who has of this work in
our conference, the baby of Mrs.
J. A. Turner, president of
burg Auxiliary, was a life
member of the W. H. M. Society.
On Friday night Mrs. R. B. John
gave a most interesting and in-
lecture on one of the
books of the Reading Course,
which showed
the great possibilities of Home
Missions in the west. This being
the closing service of the great-
est annual meeting the N. C.
ever held.
It was encouraging to note the
intelligence of our women in the
I work, and the improvement in
Why, when the
subject of tithing was discussed,
Bro. R. C. Craven, being th i
only man present, remained in
case he was needed to the
by Dr- ail Mrs. Laugh-
The Musical Club met with Dr.
and Mrs. Charles Laughinghouse
Thursday evening, and the meet-
was a most delightful and
interesting one.
After the members and guests
had received a welcome
upon arrival, they were served
fruit, punch by Mrs. R. J.
the hall-
With Mrs. Hooker presiding
the club first transacted its
i ore item being that meet-
will be suspended during
j the months of July and
. leaves but one more meet-
; to be held before the sum-
mer intermission, which will be
; held with Miss Smith
on the 24th inst.
The musical program of the
evening was then rendered as
, follows
i Instrumental duet by Mrs. Higgs
and Mrs. Carper.
Vocal solo by Miss
j Smith.
I Instrumental solo by Miss
I Reading on Musical Club work
by Mr. Pander.
duct by Mrs. Hooker and
j Mr.
Assisted aliases Irma Cobb
and Mary James the hostess
served delight f r
A half hour was spent in sing-
familiar songs in chorus
which proved a very enjoyable
part of the evening.
The club
i at an announcement that
i Misses Helen Marie and Harri
. Day and Phyllis Woodall, of
I the faculty of Meredith
j College, Raleigh, will give a re-
in the opera house here on
Reflector Error as to Person
Who Performed Ceremony.
A New Movement Launched.
Washington. D. C, June
The Democratic situation down Through being misinformed
in North Carolina is becoming was in error Mon-
interesting. There is much talk in stating that the ceremony
here of what baa become was Rev- D. W.
as move- j Arnold at the marriage of Mr.
which is said to T. D. Parish and MUs Helen
plate the retirement of Senators Brinkley Sunday morning, a it
Overman and Simmons and six as performed by Justice of the
of the North house H. Harding. There was
to elect Josephus alto more romance about the
Daniels, editor of The News and; marriage than we knew of at
Observer, at Raleigh, now first writing. Miss Brink left
Democratic committeeman her home that morning and went
from the State, to d Sim- j to the home of a friend near the
and former A. C. L- depot to await the
Robert B. Glenn to succeed Over- rival of the train from Kinston
man. In this scheme Daniels is , on which s e was expecting Mr.
to do the writing and Glenn the . Parish. On getting off the train
I speaking. he saw her waiting for him at
I It v. be that it was th of d
said in the d there once
I national campaign that both of Harding been
I these ambitious Tar Heel, ,. was also at the
Glenn, exp cabinet
d went with the man to
puces in the case the lady was wait-
William Jennings Bryan.
Bring led in their ex When the ceremony start-
they will now strike the lady at whose home the;
tor the . As
expires first me Runs are.
I for the present, at him.
Although is daily
protection rates in
he is denounced
.- and a
he refuses to consent
were, being taken entire y by
surprise, made a that t he
marriage not take place there,
as her husband was away and
some unpleasantness might arise
over it. Hasty consultation fol-
lowed, and to avoid disc very the
wedding party were directed t
discriminations the lout the back door of the home and
CK Taylor, colored,
r from county chain gang
th. morning. He is out
ye -s old, dark cake color
sickly appearance, and
weighs about pounds.
He took with him pairs
low cut shoes number and
suits Clothes one of the
brown check and others
j light check. Will pay reward
for capture of this and re-
turn to camp.
Joseph Supt.
redacts of his State and section.
The course the wind is
indicated by the clamor that is
heal. The cry from certain
quarters will with
and the lumber
and, secretly,
this will be with
other goad
These are the reports that
Came to Washington from the
North State. Senator
Simmons is the His
through a hole in the dividing
fence to back door of the
boarding house near
by. they did, and meeting
Mrs. at her dining room
door busy about her after-
breakfast duties, made known
their mission to her. Mrs.
Critcher advised that she
was not pr. pared tor greeting
such company just nine,
I but they might go up the hall to
, the parlor for the ceremony. The
invitation was accepted and the
In the Senate is the , . . .
. I ceremony quickly performed, the
thing in sight. leaving at once for the
are forming, said a Norfolk Southern depot where
Another feature,
the popularity the con-
It had four
SALE-A new two-
story brick building in a hustling
South Georgia town for half
price. Guess that's cheap. It
will pay you to investigate.
National Loan Trust Company,
year; namely Hertford. La
Grange, Elizabeth City and
Louisburg again. Mrs Scott
put in her application years
ahead for New Bern. It was
unanimously decided to go to
Elizabeth City as they have
oysters there.
Louisburg entertained the
conference royally, giving a
grand reception at Louisburg
Female college, and had planed
to give one at Greene Hill House,
one mile from Louisburg. where
was held the first Methodist
conference in America, April
1785, but the weather was to
However all visited the old
house, and each was presented
a picture of it, by
burg Auxiliary.
On Saturday morning all left
for borne, wishing Louisburg
of this
occasion. Mrs. J. Parker.
N. C.
leading from the State.
of Democrats
I at different times in the past,
; has been said to have resulted
j only in the miking of more
I Democrat but it is doubtful if
assaults some North Care
papers and individuals are
making on the delegation
one can
strengthen the party.
I see it, the basis of the
charge against the congressmen
is that they did not vote to put
lumber on the free list. Before
the national conventions were
held last year the press through-
out the United States rang with
charges that the paper mills
were in a and there was a
demand that wood pulp and
print paper be put on the free
list- That cry found a response
in the Denver convention; and
then without there being any
proper consideration of the
matter, a demand was added
that the on lumber and
limber should also be repealed.
H. E. C. Bryant, in Charlotte
they train for
Morehead City.
Two Meetings to Be Held in Pitt.
Raleigh. M. C. June 1909.
The State Department of
culture is planning to send out
several parties to engage in in-
work this summer. It is
our desire to cover the as
well as we can. The several
articles that have been published
in some of our State papers
within the past few call-
attention to the great drain
made upon our State for home
supplies brought into North Caro-
from r states cause cur
farmers to stop and consider if
there is not a way of
farming than the o which we
are now
Several hundred thousand
dollars worth of corn, hay, meat,
fl wheat and other fa-m
products brought annually into
s of our counties and most
of it sold to farmers is the
st can be
mads in favor of a change of
farming method-. The
are intended to correct this
practice as much as possible.
The speakers will
of crops, special crops,
rotation of crops, soil improve-
fertilizers, stock raising,
dairying and q of
vital interest to the of
the State.
In your county we hoping
to hold Greenville
and Grimesland. I will thank
you very much to publicity
to this notice and ask your read-
attend the institutes. We
e them to come to
help make the institutes worth
In many sections th -re will
so due
of which will be
later. want the farm-
wives to attend
most out of
them that th y can.
Y very truly,
i T. B. Director.
Sunday morning at the
of Mr. A. H. Critcher, Miss
Helen Bruce Brinkley was
j married to Mr. Thomas D. Parish,
the ceremony being
performed by Rev. D. W. Arnold
The bride is n daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. and J. P. Brinkley and
t took her Is by
i . The couple left on the
excursion train for
The Reflector does job work.
Oak Ridge, N. C, June
The friends of Prof. R Ii.
Wright at this place they
number the whole population,
not only congratulate him upon
his election to the presidency of
the East Carolina Teachers Train-
School, but they congratulate
the school upon securing the
services of Prof. Wright.
Prof. Wright was for
college at Oak Ridge Institute,
graduating with the class of 1893,
and after he graduated at the
University he accepted a position
with this institution, having
charge of the departments of
senior English and mathematics.
After spending two years here
he resigned co take post
ate work at Johns Hopkins
and after a year he was
elected to a professorship in the
department of history in the
Baltimore city college. After
two years he was made principal
of the Eastern Baltimore girl
No one who knows Prof.
Wright has any doubt about his
scholarship, experience, or ca-
to make a line executive
officer for the East Carols a
Teachers Training School. II
i a splendid scholar, i thorough
gentleman and , pop
t and .
officer. The State i.- fortunate
in his prospective lathe
educations work of such
in its borders J. A.
Tyson- King.
Your presence is requested
at the marriage of
Miss Lena King
Mr. Benjamin Franklin Tyson
Wednesday moral g.
nineteen hundred and nine
at eight o'clock
Christian Church
Greenville. N. C.
No cards issued in town.
Red and black peas at S.
I Schultz.
Everybody wants the best
, flour, it is Henry Clay, at S. M.
Hay Hay Hay Three car
, loads. See me before you buy-
JG F. V- Johnston.
For house corner
i Third arid Washington streets,
; known as the T- R, Cherry
place. Apply to Ed. H.
tobacco trucks for sale-
One hundred of the cheapest and
best tobacco trucks for sale.
Come at once.
J. R. J. G.
ti cod
Don't you need flues
We have flues ready to deliver,
n hi t lot of iron in st good chance to day and and a to
serve you. all right. A. G. C . y arc .

Eastern reflector, 11 June 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 11, 1909
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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