Eastern reflector, 28 May 1909

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. v.
I In Charge of S C. CARROLL
S Agent The Rates on Application
We in for the
reversible due
ha- rows, s,
hot , N
shines en hi t W can
j bat I
you. n. i .
. Heel
wag . . carts .;.
A. G . G
A ;, . ii .-, U
u d i ill tools can
be oar re, th .
Harrington, Co.
G o sad e
and hats,
has just u . opened up.
U r n i Co.
A. A. i C . have
e and dust rs.
The w n n disc bar
row n . up to-
. . delivered by Dr. W. L Poteat,
Barber President of Wake lie
specialty. and befittingly intro-
Dome a . get th I at prices. by Rev. T. H. King. Tie
Harrington. Barber Co. of Dr. Pot at s
. re carrying . nice line of was the I en
C S a and Caskets. Prices are I when the idea of the
. can fur. rice h. N was hooted by our
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. people but it is no longer true,
.;. . of and we all
w . steepened up. We bate has taken
th m from the wide brimmed a
palmetto to the nicest bat. Education is w
Harrington confined to the higher
but the poorest and
man has an
n . for inspection. See us for,
. d prices. A. W. Ange J
A . . lot of and
a just in.
Barber Co.
Fresh corned herrings.
A. w. Ange Co.
The has inexhaustible
in fertile soil. Mines
will not last out the soil
and with the modern
of farming our people will
become rich. With all this
bright outlook for the South,
date farm. See us before buy-
Harrington, Co, your special attention I are dangers. Materialism
Our lino men's and the Bank of manhood too n
summer stock of hats Winterville, the of by the young. Too
can hes just been opened, condition of the bank. the the sport is
your patronage and the girl's ideal, while young
A. V. Co.
We handle the and
Son guano dis-
Come and examine
them We can give that
inter st
Harrington, Barber Co.
A new lit of b at
; i i
Han Barber A Co.
prompt service.
man seeks the girl who has the
it hamburgs of all Styles. and do.-s no;
A. W. Ange Co give the least consideration to
To Oar and Custom character which is the principle
We desire to call your kind thing. It matters not how much
attention to our handy Tobacco money a man has, but the great
Trucks as season is now question is, he a
most at hand when you will need Would that every one in N. C.
; trucks for housing your looses . could have great ad-
We have orders now for mere
If you want to for After the address
and would, therefore, urge our presentation of certificates to the
place their orders clan by Prof. Line
Poultry M m, berry.
If it don t do what it h . , . ., .
. . in m . c of having
to do r p-i-rt it to us and , . .,. . .
. ,. ea, otherwise to toe t the college preparatory
get your money dock. demand might be somewhat Misses Bertha Carroll, Mamie
. , . , ,. Chapman. Dixon,
We have received our Call or write A. G-Cox Newton and Mes rs. W. H.
mi i. Lineberry,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss Elisabeth Boushall, who.
has been in the W. H.
S., for toe past session, left for
her home at Monday
Miss Ethel Ives left for Bethel
Monday morning, where she will
visit her sister. Mrs. H.
Rev. T. H. King conducted
services at the B
Harrington, Barber A C. j Those receiving certificates of
corned herrings just in. having completed the in;
A. W. Ange Co. English were Misses Lizzie
i Harris, Ethel Ives. Olive Butt
scene when Lineberry
The Bert Exercises in the History of announced that ah hough his
the School. j connection as principal of the
N. C May would be severed yet he
should always consider Pitt
The ninth commerce- ,
church Sunday morning and Winterville High In
new work as educational
is now history, closing Friday
Misses Vivian and Lydia Rob at o'clock. The tar he would Probably a
left for their home at Gold .,.,. , fourth of his time to the int-r-
Point Sunday.
I Weather WM ideal from begin-
to end and the audience
t-t of our school. Ho turned
After several days that attended each exercise was down some
with relative and Mends record breaker. It is ho
Daisy Mumford left for her home ally cut to say that the Through these columns we want;
near Ayden, Sunday evening last on j is always the best, him our
J. B. is a two We think we can truthfully say thanks and deepest appreciation
story piece to his dwelling. that this the b. st ail round for his here
J. L B. commencement in the history , P for making a great sac-; will treat right
T. H. -j,, on his part in order that he
The man his lite IS
fur his family.
The man who insures hi I health
is wise both for his family .
You may insure health toy guard-
it. It is guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the I R and
itself in innumerable ways
And save your health.
g himself most
closing concert by the
Literary Society
Friday evening at was fully
u. to the average and was at-
tended by a picked audience.
Mi y v re turned away for lack
room. has closed one of
tn t years in the history of
the sell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Tunstall
at th of your
at their daughter
Minnie Thorpe
Mr. Arthur Jones
on Tuesday evening,
Jane the
seven o'clock
Eighteen Avenue
Greenville, North Carolina.
bank notes and r
U, S. notes
a may remain in touch the
On Wednesday evening at
, , . ., . school,
cloak the annual sermon
by Rev. Chas. L. Prof- spoke a
pastor of the First words his
of New Bern. Lineberry aid
text was from Gen. work- He he
Joseph dreamed a dream and be was gone,
it his brethren; and w he was
hated him yet the to his feel-
sermon was a It was prof- was not
for the young. If one who had
we ever amount to anything in-heart.
are attending the commencement
at Wake Forest.
E, P. Thomas, of Greenville,
has been auditing the books
the Pitt county Oil Co. for the
last few days.
Car load of hay just
W. Ange Co.
We are carrying sewing ma
chine needles of ail kind. D
if you breaK the
last one on band, We have
them. A W. Co, j the world we must i The debate in the afternoon by I
we all regret to up The great men of ages dreamed six young men from the Vance
principal of aspirations in Literary Society was one of the
yet since he has in best ever given here. The query
been called to higher we even so is he ii our was, that the pres-
learn With gladness Prof. dreams and thin, g tendenCy toward centralizing,
was iD his, the power in the National gov-j
dream. Happy are we, if is for the best interest
recognize God as the giver of all of this The
aspirations. The sermon was masterfully represented
has been spoken of as the beat by Messrs. P. N. G. G. I
At the close of business April 88th, 1909.
Loans and discounts Capital stock
Furniture fixtures surplus fund
Demand loans
Due from 2,897.40
Gold coin
Silver coin,
fund 060.00
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes
I Time car. of deposit 208.90
168.90 subject to ck 8,051.61
cheek 1.00
We, j. E Green, Cashier and F. A. Asst. Cashier
of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the of our knowledge belief.
Cashier. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-j
fore me. this 3rd day of May. Harrington.
G- E, Lineberry,
A. Cox.
It, II. Hunsucker,
Notary i
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close April 28th, 1909,
Resources Liabilities
Loans and discounts 629,068.48 Capital Stock 6,000.00
Surplus fund 4,600.00
Undivided profits less
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 688.46
Furniture and fixtures 1,876.00
Due from 9,161.86
Gold and silver
minor coin currency 2,057.15
expenses and taxes pd 1,358.00
Time of
Deposits sub to cheek
Th worst foe for It yews of John
.,. C a. win, Mi h. was a running
u .- i . et s . . mi
with Then
i- k II. the cued
fore me, this 4th day of May,
I, W. II. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. W. H. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to he-
So ids, Cuts, Corns.
ail Druggists,
S. T. Carson,
Notary Public.
For Bale Long
pie cotton seed. Call on
Co, Greenville,
M. O.
S. M. Jones,
Robt, Staton,
re f r backache and
ck f to
and all.
. They . a to
e build
h h. and b.
John I. Wool n
to Raleigh
The class of Memorial
Baptist Sunday school will run an
excursion by Norfolk Southern
railroad Greenville to
on Tuesday, June 8th.
his successor. For seven years
past Prof. Nye has labored faith-
fully for the internals of the
school. Now that he has enter-
ed upon a greater responsibility,
we predict for him the
that has heretofore been
ever delivered here on a com
Dixon and J. D. Rogers, the;
negative by Messrs. L, G. Whit-
D. R. JacKson and M. L.
Tingle. The following gentle-
The exercises by the
class on Thursday evening at . . r-
that A. G. Cox g an acted as Prof. W.
Manufacturing have lots of flue order and were greatly H. Cale. of Grifton, Prof. J. A.
. hard hand made brick
treat you right for by R E Farm.
a n at . N. C. ltd
and see P. M. Johnston
when in town for general engine
and boiler repair work and any-
thing you may need. Shop op
Hotel Bertha. w
Pile Remedy put UP
tube nozzle May be
applied directly to the affected part.
Guaranteed. Sold by John
K. Elite Top Dressing for
Cotton and better.
Manufactured by The Scotland
Neck Guano Co.
Woods Liver Medicine is a liver reg-
which quick relief to sick
headache, constipation, biliousness and
other symptoms of liver disorders.
Particularly recommended for Jaundice
chills fever, malaria. The size
contain 21-2 times much as the
size. Sod by John I.
hen feed, will make your
lay. Get it at F. V. John-
iron already on hand and are,
therefore, prepared to furnish
flues for the coming season.
Prices made right and workman-
A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co.
enjoyed by a packed audience, i Me Arthur, of Ayden and Rev. B.
as was so well described in Fri-
day's caper.
On Friday morning at
o'clock, the literary address was
F. of Greenville. The
judges rendered a decision in
favor of the affirmative by only t
a sir-all margin, each speaker
An or many Cough. Lung an Bronchial Remedies.
system of a cold by s cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. I
refunded. Prepared b MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO. V. S. A.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
DAUGHTERS. promised to kill husband
Brilliant to
Night Reports at
Today's a.
of Farmer la-
I His Wife.
Snow Hill. N. C, May 20.-At
his home in Bull Head township
this county, Tuesday night be-
tween ten and eleven o'clock a
murderous assault was made
Though not so many delegates upon Thomas Farmer with a club
to The King's Daughters con-, pistoL He had retired and
as were expected arrived was dozing when in his
Tuesday evening, there was a condition, after
good number, and those here hearing whispers in the room,
were given a public reception he attack with a but
from to at Carolina; was able to jump from the bed
. Club. The club parlors were, ard in spite of other blows and a
appropriately decorated in the gunshot wound in the abdomen
colors of The King's Daughters j he fled from house, closely
organization, white and purple, by his assailants, finding
Many of our home people were at home, a
present, and these with few hundred yards distant. He
visitors made a charming and was able to r- his assail-
assemblage. In the ante-John Ho well, whit-,
line were the officers old, and Ben Farmer,
of Carolina Club and their wives, colored, years old. Both
State officers of The King's fled, but were arrested at
Daughters, officers of Patient the home of Ben
Circle of Greenville, ministers sister, near in
and their wives and several of son county, this morning about
the delegates. four o'clock by the sheriff of
The Musical Club of Greenville, j this county. They were both in
Miss Olive Gaston accompanist, the same bed when arrested,
gave a select vocal program, j They eased, implicating Tom
the choruses, there were Farmer's wife, stating that she
two solos by Mrs. W. L. Hall and had promised them five hundred
a duet by Mrs. Hall and Miss and a mule and buggy if
Helen Forbes. they would kill Farmer, and that
By special Mrs. James turned them in the
Burton Cherry gave two solos Howell also stated that but for
that were rendered in her usual him the would have shot
charmingly sweet voice. Mrs. Farmer through a window at
Clarence G. Burton, of Rich-1 his sister's house, to which he
member of the Central fled, but that he atop-
Council and State secretary for him. Mrs. Farmer and the
Virginia, also favored the two are in jail here at
several delightful sow now
I Mrs. Farmer entered into
Ices and cake were served, and session of several thousand
the entire evening proved one of d worth of property from
very great pleasure to all he, f
Other delegates arrived this The states that
morning and the attendance was Farmer ,
quite large when the first session
Passed Friday Night Wash- Friday Afternoon and Annual
, Address at Night.
Mrs. M. M. Nelson died just Tuesday afternoon at o'clock
before twelve o'clock Friday recital was given in the
night in the hospital at Wash- the graded school by part of
and the remains music In connection
brought home this morning the recital, the teacher of
the early Norfolk Miss Lewis, had quite
train. Though for some time an attractive exhibit of some
her condition had been so critical the work done the classes
that her death was almost daily drawing this year,
expected, yet the t j i of con-
brought of the weather, the
that the end had come
sadness to the hearts of
relatives and friend.
Mrs. Nelson was years of
aRe, a daughter of Mrs. P. E.
Dancy, and the aged
mother is survived
Mrs. V. N.
Faison and Mrs. J. W. Goodwin. exhibited by Miss showed
of Philadelphia, and two broth-1 that the pupils have been
e. Messrs. J. J. of of a know-
Richmond, and W. C. of Ber and it The
chapel was well filled. The
i acquitted themselves
well, thus adding a happy con-
to another year of Miss
Gaston's thorough and
by two Bis-1 work as teacher of music.
of. The specimens of drawing, as
of the State convention opened
at O'clock n Jar vis Memo-
rial Methodist church.
The president, Mrs. Burgwyn,
called the convention to order,
It is stated that about two
weeks ago Farmer, after eating
dinner, was taken deathly ill and
a physician who was near and
who called in stated that he
and the exercises j was suffering from an overdose
were conducted by Rey. J. B.
After an anthem by
Club the address of welcome was
of strychnine which
I ed to have been administered in
I his food.
delivered by Mrs. A, L. Blow.
This was indeed a beautiful
welcome, in language and ex-
and fittingly voiced the
sentiment of Patient Circle, the
convention host, the people
of Greenville in greeting this
loyal band of noble workers
The response to the welcome
was Mrs. C. J. of
Wilmington, and most
Mr. Charles James sang
Door of and the regular
order of business followed.
The president announced the
Mrs. F. S.
Raleigh; Mrs. W. N.
and Mrs.
Harding, Greenville.
G. A. Rose,
Henderson; Mrs. A. A.
Chapel Hill; Mrs. F. D. Cannon,
Salisbury; Mrs. C. H.
Raleigh; Mrs. J. S. Wesley, Dur-
The credentials committee made
report of the circles represented.
The auditing committee re-
ported that all accounts were
The roll call showed the fob
lowing represented;
Burden Bearers, Chapel Hill;
Patient, of Greenville;
ever, of St Luke's,
of Raleigh; Whatsoever, of
Relief, of Salisbury;
Little Workers, of Salisbury.
The report of the State
showed circles in the
State with a membership of
The different officers made
their annual reports, which
showed that much progress had
been made in the work over the
State during the year.
The reports of the several cir-
were called for and read by
the representatives. These gave
interesting accounts of what the
circles are doing and pledged to
greater effort for the coming
Mrs. Clarence G. Burton, State
secretary of the Virginia circles,
was introduced to the convention
and its privileges extended. She
responded briefly and expressed
her thanks for the honor.
Little Miss Flossie Harris, of
Salisbury, the youngest delegate
here, made a report for be child-
society recently
there, and it was so excellent
that the convention gave her a
rising vote of thanks.
At an hour's adjourn-
was had for lunch in Caro-
Club rooms.
The session this afternoon
devoted to further reports from
the circles a general
son of were and m-wan tn in-
crease the membership and In-
prove the work.
Several weeks ago Mrs.
son was taken sick and from the
first her condition was serious.
As a last hope of her
she was taken to the hospital at
Washington two weeks ago
where an operation was perform-
ed last Sunday. She continued
to grow worse until death came
Friday night as a release to her
intense sufferings.
Mrs. Nelson was truly a most
excellent woman and will bi
sadly missed in the community.
Here was a faithful Christian
life, filled with acts of kindness
and deeds of love for others.
She was a member of Memorial
Baptist and for many
years, as long as her health
would permit, was the devoted
teacher of the infant class of the I
Sunday school. It was a beau-1
picture to see her each
day morning surrounded by
scores of bright little faces,
every one beaming with love for
her. Among these little people
there are many sorrowing
hearts today that one whom
they loved is no more.
To the aged mother this death
is inexpressibly sad. Three
times in the same number of
years, the dead body of a loved
child has been brought home to
her for burial. All hearts weep
with her in this great sorrow and
commend her to God in whom
she trusts for comfort and
strength to bear her afflictions.
The funeral will take place at
o'clock this afternoon, services
being held in Memorial Baptist
church by Rev. J. B. Cook, the
interment following in Cherry
Hill cemetery. The pall bearers
are Messrs. R. C. Flanagan, H.
A. White. D. L. James, J. C.
Tyson, C. Laughinghouse,
B. F. Tyson, J. W. Perkins, J.
B. Little, E E. Parham, R.
Cobb, H. W. Whedbee, W.
and J. L. Fleming.
Scotch People Here.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rob-
of Scotland,
arrived here Tuesday and are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Joyner at two miles
from town. After some
Mr. Robertson came
here direct from Scotland for the
purpose of looking into conditions
of this section with a view of
locating a number of thrifty
people of his country who are
anxious to come to America.
To hear him speak of the
and hardships of the people
of Scotland it is no wonder they
want to come to a country of
better opportunities. He ex-
presses as greatly
pleased with what ha seen
here so far.
showed a marked
tendency toward mechanical
of drawing. great
which Southern schools are
so feebly It was
to the efforts being
made in Greenville in this
Such training is of
value to the young
Friday the pres
of a large in the opera
several of the music
rendered a delightful pro-
gram of and vocal
selections that were creditable to
both and their teach-
After the musical program had
been rendered Mr. W. F. Evans
introduced speaker of the
evening, Dr. D. Hill, president
of the A. A M. college, Raleigh.
Dr. Hill's address was one that
touches the practical side of life,
and entertained his hearers along
a line of thought that was re-
freshing ard exhilarating.
In a clear and convincing
he showed why the boys
and the girls of today should be
to highest decree of
economic efficiency, so as to
combat the rapidly
diminishing resources of the
nation's natural wealth. His
reference to the fact that the
girls should be trained not only
in the artistic, but also in the
affairs of life, and
should be able to
pare a meal along economic and
healthful lines, was timely, and
by the expressions from the
audience, seemed to meet with
its approval, from the male side
at least
Dr. Hill's address was quite
original in its scope, and was
such that tends to call the young
to a close communion with
the future problems of life, and
no doubt did lots of
Exhibit at the Colored School.
In the past a large number of
people have expressed a desire
to me to visit the graded school
for the colored people, and have
asked about a suitable time
Tomorrow afternoon at o'clock
the teachers will have an exhibit
of the work of the pupils, and I
wish to extend an invitation to
the white people of Greenville to
go to see it.
We have tried to stress the
industrial side of the school this
year. I believe the work in
sewing will be an agreeable
prise to the people. Much of
the written work of the pupils is
also very creditable, and I trust
a good number of people will go
to the school tomorrow and see
the exhibit.
H. B. faith. Supt.
Had Another Initiating Day Sunday
the inclement
and wintry weather Sunday
morning, the Baptist
class had a turnout,
being present and collections
A fine showing
ard portrays the great interest
taken in this work. In the ab-
President T. R. Moore
sided over the class and
some words of cheer and
greeting to the members.
Teacher J. W. Bryan made a
most excellent and interesting
lecture on the lesson,
vividly the results of the first
missionary work recorded in the
Bible as given of Paul and Bar-
travels and preaching.
suggestion of Mr. Little
a reception committee to
come visitors and new members
was appointed.
Dr. Bryan read a letter to the
suggesting a date for a visit
and lecture from the national
field secretary, and Secretary
Thomas instructed to take
the matter up and arrange a date
for his corning, which will be
very instructive to the class and
the public to receive information
of the great movement
of the nation.
It was decided definitely to
run the excursion to
on June the 10th, round
trip open to the public.
This date was settled upon in
order to hit the date of one of
the State league base ball games
on the 10th.
An invitation was read
th-a class to attend
marriage of our worthy and high
esteemed E. B. Thomas
on June 2nd. A note of thanks
and to was unanimous.
of the remarks to the
motion brought smiles to the
as they bid him good-
on new journey of
This was indeed a pleasant
and instructive day for the class,
so don't mind the weather, absent
brother, and next Sunday pick
your flint and be there on time.
The public cordially invited.
H., Class Reporter.
The Here and Who
S. E. Gate went to Grifton
R C. White left this
for Baltimore.
Z. T. Jr. went to
Wilson this miming.
Prof. G. E. Lineberry, of Win-
was here today,
P. T. Anthony, J. A. Andrews
F King vent to Ayden
B. F. has t k n a
in the insurance office of H.
A White.
Miss Mel Wile Gibson, who has
been visiting hue since closing
her school Joyner's
house, left Ibis morning for her
home at Red Springs.
Rev. and Mrs. W. E Cox. of
who have bean at-
tending the Episcopal Council
at Washington, stopped here
between trains today on their
way to Winterville to visit the
mother of Cox.
Passed by Ladies Aid aid
Societies of Memorial Baptist
Church, May 24th.
Whereas, our All-wise Heaven-
Father has seen fit to remove
from earth to Heaven our dear
sister. Mrs. M. M. Nelson,
1st. That in her death these
societies have lost one of their
best l the community
a bright and shining light and
the cause of Christ a true and
loyal friend.
2nd. That we show our
of her worth by
striving yet more earnestly to
emulate her virtues and many
graces of character.
3rd. That these resolutions
be spread upon our record books,
and a copy be sent to The Re-
and Biblical Recorder
the request that they be
Mrs. B. Cook,
Miss Annie Perkins, Com.
In a one sided game of base-
ball Monday evening Greenville
won Robersonville by a
score of to The only
feature of the game was the
pitching of Lanier and doable
For tobacco flu's J.
Jenkins at warehouse.
Everybody wants the best
flour, it is Henry Clay, at S. It.
Largest shipment flue iron
ever received in Green at one
time. I want your orders for
flues. J. J. Jenkins.
A ride though the country
shows that tobacco is much
the best looking crop at this
stage. Tobacco plants stand the
cool weather better than cotton
or corn.
Wanted for Cash-All kinds of
old books and papers, especially
those printed in N- C. or S. C.
We furnish all kinds of school
books at the retail price, or
exchange for others. Send
lists and get ours. Southern
Book Exchange, Raleigh, N. C-
Wanted-Ten to fifteen
with girls to work in knit-
ting mill at Scotland Neck, N. C.
Girls and boys not under
years of age can work. Mice
town, good graded school, none
better in the State. Pay while
learning the work. Fine
for those wanting nice
work. If interested write.
J. L. Bowers or A.
Scotland Neck. N. C.
at S. . by the home boys.
The Winner.
Mrs. E. L. of
Greenville, N. C, wins the
in merchandise offered by
C. T. for the person
guessing nearest the first
days receipts of his recent great
There were
guesses, but Mrs.
ridge came nearest, yet her
guess was way below what
actual sales were. We request
that she come to the store and
receive the in merchandise.
C. T.
W. P. Edwards, in rear of
has just received a
new lot of and mat
beards for pictures. Will call
with samples when desired.
Lost . y -tides,
st Carolina Club
bears the name i W.
to Mrs. Cherry.

I II ii
Till AT
by thousands
Rain With the Day's Pro-
A terrific cloud burst up
the review of grand parade
at o'clock.
the parade had just about
passed the grand stand.
The rain came down in sheets.
t been drizzling
much throughout the entire
review but when the
cam the president and Governor
Kitchin wore hustled into a
lands j; and d to the hotel.
The crowd in the
rand stand and all about it i.-.
the melted like m in a
white heat Those on the grand
stand precipitately up the
tr like terraces of
the court house in the
Many huddled into the
which, covered with
thick cloths fairly well protected
The president look th
philosophically and express-
ed his kindly regrets that
lotto's splendid preparations had
been so interfered with.
No untoward incident marked
the grand review, save for c
moment when daring the pass-
of the industrial part of the
tall design broke loose
u w re past the review
stand. There was a
phone on the eland, and the
in to a warning, turned
the current.
As the head of the parade
reached the grand stand, the
enormous in the stand
rose to its feat and cheered and
cheered again, waved a
of and sight was
inexpressibly beautiful,
and faced the
shouting for a few
minutes while the crowd passed.
president was seated in
the of the grand stand.
military side, Capt. Butt sat
next to bins.
of the Washington par-
were ail about him.
As Mrs. Jackson came on the
stand, the President rose to
greet her. the band
and again the multi-
Others on the stand were Sena-
tors Overman, Con-
M and Webb,
ex n Settle,
Mayor Hawkins. Chief Justice
Clark, Maj Mr. D. A.
Lieut. Gov.
of Carolina; Governor and
Mrs. Kitchin, Mr. C. W. Tillett
and a hundred or more
U. troops were greeted
by a kindly ion of
by Mr, Taft He Gov.
Kitchin stood side by side and
removed their to the
pants of the ii The beauty
of the fl parade seemed to
President's sense of
the tic, and he Commented
to the Gov of the exquisite
The tree full of opossums, in
the Meek hunt-
fl at. drew a laugh from the
The president noted with keen
eye the fl parade. One of
the most w-is the D. A.
P.- a
mass of white snowballs. The
insignia of the float was on the
door in national colors. On
the back were the words, D. A.
R. Blue and white ribbons flew
from posts. Mr. H. II. Orr
was it being his and
Mr. auto. The
pants were. Miss Laura Orr,
regent; Mir- Madeline Orr, Mrs.
H. M. Wade, Miss Ruth
and Mrs. S. P.
The parade did not follow the
prescribed course, breaking up
on account of the rain.
Mr. Taft is speaking this
If have pains in the
trouble, and
H certain, peasant herb
from men's
It U a safe, re
e regulator, and female
sees, rd
ins. Gray's
., I, by druggists sent by
mail for BO sent free.
Address, The Mother Gray Co . LeRoy.
N. V.
in the auditorium at
o'clock. Chairman E. B. Moore,
of the Central Committee, made
this change in the hour and place
this afternoon at o'clock.
Interest in the president's vis-
it to Charlotte has centered in
the attitude he would take toward
the Mecklenburg Declaration of
Case Placed
Under a Bond for His
This morning the case of state
against Longfellow, charged
with bigamy, was called, and
most of the day was taken up
with affidavits and counter
affidavits in the case. The state
was represented by Loftin, Var-
Dawson and G. V. Cowper
The defense was carried on by
E. R. and H. E. Shaw.
Solicitor Duffy was compelled to
Taft takes the position leave the city today to attend his
that regardless of the exact
of the declarations made
in May, 1775, a full year before
child who is very sick in New
When the case was called Mr.
Ointment is t . I to
W. Thousands who
have cured by
are constantly recommending it their
friends. The.-e is no excuse f, r
anyone with piles row
i no readily obtain-
able. If have any bout its
value J. W. Bryan will let you have it
on a guarantee.
Mr. F. S. Randall of No. Bait
i y, New York.,
in baa
i a stubborn case of
and t where
else ha failed,
costs GOO a box. For sale by J. W.
. and M. M. Sauls,
N. C.
At the of Fiscal rear ending May. 14th, MOB.
Loans and 9141,808.68
Overdrafts and
Banking houses 4,300.00
Furniture and fixtures 8,887.88
items 1,881
Cash and due from
Capital stock
Surplus fund 85,000.00
Undivided profits, less
cur exp tuxes pd 18,888.86
the Burning of the Declaration at j for the defense,
Philadelphia, July the asked the state for a bill
fact remains that there was a of particulars, alleging that the
declaration of independence on indictment failed to supply facts
the part of the citizens of North that the defendant was entitled
Carolina. to know. After some argument,
is not so material as to the the Judge ordered such a
exact language said the i which was furnished, setting
president today. forth that the marriage in
measure of declaration folk took place on the first day
for the principles of civil liberty of between the hours
and self-government is not so and o'clock p. m. and the
much the abuse or denunciation , was performed by Rev.
of former controlling power, The defendant, Long-
provisions made future fellow, then filed an affidavit
form of government. The asking a continuance to the
impressive thing about the North August term. The affidavit
Carolina proposition is the a marriage and alleged
way the people of the state the absence of a number of
after deciding to sever material witnesses and the
with Great Britain went about possibility of getting them here
the matter of setting up a as to properly make a de-
of their own. at the present time.
The president in his speech Judge Allen then asked the
Certificate No. -10, dated January
3-d. of the capital
st k First National Bank of
W North Carolina, i sued to
in the name of S. is. having
be n lost or destroyed, this is to give
notice that application will to
the said The First N Bank of
Wilson. North Carolina, on the 1st
day of June, ii S, tor the issuance of
a new certificate said
to he is to H.
to whom the has been t-
apart in the division of the
personal ; of the late Jno. S.
All parsons are hereby warned from
trading for I certificate and any
person finding it and returning it to
the undersigned at Co.,
. C. be suitably rewarded.
This 24th day of .
S r's.
Executors of Jno. S. ii
Dividends paid to stockholders since
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston, April 1st,
By virtue of the power of sale con-
d in a mortgage deed
cute and delivered by Spencer Gardner
and W H. Williams to J E.
on the 27th d y of Nov , 1907 and duly
in the of deeds
of Pitt North Carolina, in book
Q-t the will ex-
pose to public sale, before the court
house door in Greenville, to the high-at
bidder on June 5th, a
tract or parcel of land lying and
In th county of Pitt aid Stale of
late this afternoon does not state whether it proposed to P-1
to reconcile long existing sent a counter-affidavit before Swift adjoining th
differences. The important the question of continuance was
after all, he pointed out, passed upon. Mr. L. R.
is the ability of to for the state, announced that
rule and the impressive way such would be the case. The
they always have gone about the judge then suggested to counsel
up of simple and for defense the advisability of
forms of government and the the defendant, Longfellow,
of maintaining civil and swearing to a statement
News. 20th. relative to his marriage to Mrs.
Longfellow No. His
s Dennis. the Spencer
Gar land, containing acres m re
or less, to mortgage deed.
Teens of cash.
This of
J. E. Winslow, Mortgagee.
F. G. James Son,
Happenings cf in North Caro-
Lexington, May
morning William Bowers, a well
known farmer, was struck by an
engine and killed while crossing
the track with his team at the
lake near here. A freight train
had just passed and was
followed the engine The
team killed arid wagon torn;
to pieces.
grad. .
election today majority of
A will
then announced that the
would go over until o'clock
p. m.
When court re-convened at
o'clock the defend statement
was sworn to and filed. The
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior clerk of county a.
administratrix of the of J. II.
given to all persons
estate to make immediate payment to
tile all
claims estate will j
notice that they
for payment the on
Remember the Truth.
Mary A.
of J. H. Barrett
. , . . the cay of May,
statement set h the fact that notice will be plead In of re-
Longfellow had on a certain date , r
,. , . e This day f it.
been legally married to his first
wife in the city of Baltimore and
that subsequent, to that event
there had been no grounds for
The which
An ounce of preventive it worth a pound of cure.
Quick Silver, Bed Bug Killer, Black
Insect Powder, Moth Ball.
All these and a full stock of Drugs, Pat-
Medicines and Seeds, at
Coward Wooten
Notice to Creditors.
a e . r, ti being drawn up by counsel executor the will and
Si N. C, May . , . . Davis, deceased,
schools won in a third r not ready person,
Having duly before the
court clerk of Pitt county as
once is
i the estate make immediate
to the undersigned, end all per
At minutes to Mr. having any claims against said estate
had tonight throughout town. i-rt of the state began to
The people feel they have created the -affidavit. This
favorable emphatically
made in the i his 18th day of May.
Jesse S. Elka,
ltd of T. Davis
progress and have bedecked their I
of the defense. sets
lout in detail the circumstance of
the movement s of both Long-
Mrs. Longfellow number two.
Mrs. Longfellow number one
so filed an denying some
of the contained in
affidavit. The
Banking and Trust read by Mr.
and sentenced by Judge tn
independence in voting in
j interest of their children.
C. a well-known
of was to-
day convicted in the Superior
Court here of the larceny of J
g and Tn
Judge by
to five years in the Slate
The One Price
Every Sale is recorded for future
the to the for pay ,
We deal square and
give you the best goods at
Look for
Stray Taken Up.
have taken up a mottled yearling
with white feet. Unmarked, one
y old. Own r get same by
property and paving s.
J. age,
Heights. Greenville, n C.
IS ltd
His attorneys.
put a number of
witnesses the stand who
I to irrational acts of Bod
but jury found him
guilty after being out a short
, Statesville, N. C, May 20-
News reached Statesville this
afternoon that heavy rains in
the mountains have swollen
the Catawba river that one
hundred and sixty feet, of the
; Southern Railway in the vicinity
Greenlee has been washed
Traffic will be badly delayed.
Salisbury, May
i W. H. en-route to Char-
made his first in
North Carolina here early this
morning, where he was greeted
by more than citizens in a
down-pour of rain His special
train stopped only a few min-
and the President appear-
ed on the and bowed in
recognition of the ovation.
H. R, and this at the
conclusion of the reading called,
for a statement from Mr.
en in which he stated that Mis-
Swift had to him
that were antagonistic to state-
she made in her affidavit.
After the affidavits had been
read Judge Alien took the mat
tor under consideration and de
to grant a continuance.
Mr. Cowper, for the state, asked
that the ease be settled at the j
moment and
suggested a term for the j
Allen said that
he would consider the request
and decide later. The defendant
was placed under an appearance
bond of Free
Press, 20th.
I And Provisions
Sub for Tee Reflector.
Cotton and
kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Sold
D. W. Harden
North a
Superb Service to
Dining-rooms on Saloon Decks.
Elegant Dinner Club Breakfast to
attention and the very beat service in every way
Leave Norfolk of daily
p. m. Arrive in Baltimore a. m connecting with rail
lines for New York, and all points east and west.
For all information and reservations address
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
of the Happening Over I he
The National Confederate
Veterans Reunion will be held
this year at Memphis, Tenn.
June and 10th. A
to the memory of Gen.
Stephen D. Lee will be unveiled
by the veterans at Vicksburg,
Miss., at the close of the re-
New York, May
H. Rogers, vice-president of the
Standard Oil Co., moving spirit
in the organization of the
Copper Co., builders
of railroads and philanthropist,
died at his home here at
o'clock morning from a
stroke of apoplexy.
Cambridge, Mass., May
Abbott Lawrence Lowell,
ed the presidency of Harvard
University today as the success-
or to Charles W. Elliott. He
took up the direction of the
without ceremony, walk-
quietly to the president's
desk, where he plunged into a
mass of correspondence.
It has been determined by the
citizens of Galveston, acting
through the Business League, to
give during the first week in
August of 1909 the First Annual
Cotton Carnival of Galveston.
Exhibitions will be given raw
cotton from every cotton-grow-
section of the world, of all
kinds of manufactured cotton
fabrics, cotton factory ma-
cotton-gin machinery,
cotton oil mill machinery, the by-
products of cotton and cotton
seed, and implements for cotton
culture, picking, and harvesting.
subjects of culture, market-
transportation and
of cotton will be discussed
by experts Daily Consular and
Trade Report
ever I need n cough medicine
again I ow what to
Mrs. A. L. Alley, of Beats, Me ,
g ten Dr. King's
w Discovery, a- d s its excel-
lent results in my own family and
I am convinced it the best med-
made for cuds lung
one who tries it fees
just that way. Relief is felt at one
and its quick cure you.
bronchitis, hemorrhage, croup,
fore pain in the chest
its and 11.00.
bottle free. by nil
f t. A trial will
you cit customer.
. v
I tie; I la ail.
Write Mention this Paper-
and an I
Hard v with m ., I
and Hock,
I of
License Are No Good.
In a ruling made today
Judge Webb of the Superior
Court, if sustained by the
Supreme Court it will mean that
no less than five hundred illegal
marriage license have been
issued in daring
past twenty years. Webb
holds that there has been no
legislative act empowering De-
Register of Deeds to issue
marriage papers and administer
oaths in this county and for that
reason he squashed a perjury
indictment against a man for
swearing falsely regarding a
girl's age for whose marriage
a license was issued by a former
Deputy Register of Deeds.
News and Observer.
Only Two White People Have Died
Since Christmas
Mr. E. G. Flanagan has been
in the undertaking business here
for several years, and is well
informed on vital statistics of
the town. Talking with The
Reflector about the health
record of Greenville, he said
that since this year came in,
now nearly five month--, there
have been only two white per-
sons to die in town. One of
these was an aged lady who had
been an invalid a long time, and
the other was a young man who
had pneumonia followed by
For a town of
this is a remarkable record,
and speaks well for the health-
of the community.
the record year by year
Greenville will show a death rate
much below that of neighboring
towns. The death rate here has
always been low, and since the
town installed a good system of
water supply and sewerage the
rate has been even further
reduced as the instance
by Mr. Flanagan clearly shows.
Prize Will be Given for Best
The Reflector wants a slogan
for Greenville, or a phrase
in advertising and attracting at-
to the town. For in-
stance, the city of Charlotte has
Watch Chariot
a slogan that has became familiar
everywhere. Now we want one
equally as good for Greenville,
and will give any reader of The
Reflector an of
suggestions as to what it
shall be. The person making
the best suggestion before the
first of June will be awarded
any Parker Fountain Pen
at the Reflector Book Store.
The only rules governing this
contest are as
All suggestions must be sent to
The Reflector in writing before
the first day of June.
The suggestion must contain
not less than three nor more
than words.
Any person can make as many
different suggestions as desired.
The Reflector is to the
privilege of using any or all the
suggestions made as the paper
fit in advertising Green-
Three gentlemen, whose names
will be announced later, will be
asked to act as judges, the
all to be referred to
them. The one they deem best
will be adopted as Greenville's
slogan and the Parker
Pen awarded in accordance
with their decision.
Rheumatism causes more pain and
suffering than any other disease, for
the that it is the most common
all i Is, and it is certainly gratifying
l- to know that
Liniment will afford relief,
rest and sleep possible. In
many ewes the pain, which
is at first temporary, has become
permanent, while in old people subject
to rheumatism,
by or changes in the
a permanent cure cannot be
exp. the rel cf from which
affords ii alone worth
many times its cost, and cent
sizes for sale by J. L. Wooten and
Coward and Wooten.
As an all-round laxative tonic and
no other pills can com-
pare with Dr. King's Life Pills.
Th-y tone and regulate stomach, liver
and Kidneys, purify the blood, strength-
en the nerves; cure constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, headache
chills and malaria. Try them. at
and a small quantity of condensed
milk, if fresh milk cannot be had.
H milk . . .
Add enough to on
quart. . M
Street Railway for Tarboro
Mr. Massey, who is the chief
factor in the building of the
street railway in Washington
was here this morning and talk-
ed with some of cur citizens
about a street railway.
He i thinking of making the
town a proposition to take over
the light plant, and in connection
with it run a street railway. He
made no offer nor stated what
his offer would be, but he-
would be up here soon again and
would then take the matter up.
-The Daily Southerner.
For years I was with
and which made
life miserable for me. My appetite
failed me, I lost my usual force and
vitality. Pepin and ca-
only made matters
do not know where I should have been
today had I not tried Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tali-
lets relieve the ill at once,
strengthen the digestive functions,
the stomach, liver and blood,
the system to do its work
Potts, Birmingham,
Ala. These tablets are for by J.
L. Wooten and Coward Wooten.
Total , , ,
Mix all thoroughly and
frees. Don't heat or cook it;
don't add anything else. This
makes two quarts of delicious
cream in at very
AND YOU know n
packages at all
Book fill,
. Th. Gm Food Co., t. Roy, N. Y.
The following telegram was
received from our which
explains itself.
Charlotte, N. C, May
The Reflector;
Greenville, N. C.
and both here.
Having the time of our life.
Immense crowd here.
He Like lie West
The editor is in receipt of a
personal letter from Mr. H. B.
Tripp, who left here some weeks
ago for San Francisco to take
charge of the business office of
his brother, Mr. J. B. Tripp, in
that city. says he likes
the West fine, is enjoying him-
self out there, and has every
prospect of much success in his
business. He says there are yet
many signs of the great earth-
quake that visited San Francisco,
but the buildings are being rap-
idly replaced.
Mr. John B. G
n quests the of your
at the marriage of his daughter
Helen Robena
Mr. Edward B. Thomas
on Wednesday afternoon
June the second
nineteen hundred and nine
at half after five o'clock
Salem M. E. Church
near Grimesland, North Carolina.
At Home after July the first
Greenville, North Carolina.
Another Poor Man Loses.
The fact that a poor man lest
in the fire at the Atlantic
Furniture Company's plant
should be a warning to all not to
keep money but put it in a safe
banks are established
for just this purpose and it is
foolish to place oneself in the
position of a loser when it can be
so easily Point
For a burn or scald Chamber-
Salve. It will allay the pain
most instantly and quickly heal the
injured parts. For sale by J. L. Woo
ten and Wooten.
Many corduroy walking suits
are seen in the shades.
Taft in
D. C, May 19-
Taft accompanied by
Ambassador and left
Washington at for Peters
burg, where he will speak at the
unveiling of the statue to Gen.
and the Pennsylvania
soldiers who fell there. He will
leave tonight for Charlotte where
he attends the Mecklenburg
Dirty Affair- Swift Family Prostrated
With Grief It Mrs.
low No. in Kinston.
Kinston, May
arrest was made in
city last night when Sheriff
Nunn arrested Mr. J. S. Long-
fellow, formerly of Wilmington,
on a charge of The
rest was made at Hotel
just as Mr. Longfellow had paid
his bill preparatory to leaving
the city, on a bench warrant is-
sued by Judge W. R. Allen upon
information from Wilmington.
Longfellow spent last night
and today in pending a
trial, which will be held
Miss Swift, or Mrs. Longfellow
No. was at Seven Springs yes-
but came to the city this
morning. She says that they
were married as stated by Rev.
Wingate in the presence of two
witnesses. Latham and Cooper.
Longfellow when arrested said
that he and Miss Swift are not
and have never been married, j
A telegram today to the
Ledger Dispatch brings the I
following here
show no such marriage. No
Norfolk identification of Rev.
Mrs, Longfellow No. arrived
in the city this afternoon from
Wilmington to be present at the
trial tomorrow. She said when
have nothing
to say against my husband, but
that he has treated me
Miss Swift is of a family of
high standing socially and is a
beautiful and refined lady,
daughter of the late W. C. Swift
of this city. She and her family
are prostrated over the affair.
It is hard to tell what facts
will be brought out at the
tomorrow, but the Norfolk
gram indicates a deception by a
mock marriage. In either
a serious charge rests against
the young man.
Kinston. N. C, 20.-The
preliminary trial of J. S Long-
fellow for bigamy has been
until Friday morning
in order to get testimony.
The place to buy
stock to sell et
roods only.
. our Hardware. Com-
Agricultural Implements A Specialty
Consisting of Plows, Mowers, Harrows, Stalk
Cutters. Bakes and high grade Cultivators
both riding and walking.
in the most popular heights always on hand.
Complete stock ready
Orders filled
of the highest grade in all
teed per cent pure,
Those wishing to purchase
will do well to see us as we carry
but the best.
Ii you contemplate building give tis a
call. We will appreciate your business and
will take care your orders and
tee prices. When wishing anything men-
in the above don't to up
Baker Hart.
At the close of business April 1400.
and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Due from Sc
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nat bank and other U. S.
Wood for
Time brings revenges, even in
the timber trade, and a humble
conifer long treated con-
tempt seems, literally, to be on
of getting a rise in the
world. Hitherto the black
spruce has been despised as
meager commercial value, the
yellowish timber being soft and
easily indented, though
light and long of grain. It has
lately been discovered that, by
virtue of the two last named
this tree furnisher by
far the best wood for
As yet the black spruce ha
been by our
save for
or shelter. Westminster
146,628.021 Capital stock
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes 8,170.70
Time of deposits 6,108.38
Deposits sub.
Cashier's 27.50
It. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, solemnly
wear that tits above statement is true to the best of my
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 28th day of April,
A. Met born,
Notary Republic.
J. K. DAVIS, Cashier.
i image,
. Lang,
CO a
and Plumbing
Tin Roofing
Go to L
Next door to J. R. J. G.
Running repairs to all kind
Steam fittings, erecting Engines,
Tobacco machinery, all systems a
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical Give us a trial.
All work guaranteed and terms
Message left at H. L. Carr's
will receive prompt attention, or phone
I Not Quite I
How often you can get a .
thing J
or screw driver or -m
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared for S-
emergencies. Our line of tools
is a you could and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a
useful article. a
. You get Harm
i Horse Goods c
I Corey
Wholesale and retail Grocer
Furniture Dealer. Cash
aid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Turkeys, Egg. Oak
bedsteads, Mattresses, etc.
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts,
Parlor suite Tables. Lounges,
P. and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Canned Cherries, Peach,
is, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
II you want your HORSE to hot
last and pull buy your
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Lest
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Telly, Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Oats, Cotton Seed Meal,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches, Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement.
Nuts. Candies, Dried Apples-
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and
fl-8, Macaroni, Meet But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
sash, Come me.
Can be found on Fourth street
prepared to clean, press repair
Mens Clothing and Ladies Skirts
All work done promptly, suits
made to order when desired.

Relatives in California
A I right on article it is right set up a claim that Mrs.
Subscription -One Year
rates may be had upon
application -t business office in I he
Building, corner and
Entered in the post office at Greenville
N. C., as mail matter.
all, and if it is wrong one came into of
it is wrong all.
Teddy has brought down his
The bankers will do Charlotte
this week.
Full and push for Greenville,
but never backward.
Durham won out the race
for the orphanage.
There is no longer a doubt of
thorough belief
the Mecklenburg Declaration
of and Charlotte
thinks more of him than ever.
Judge Taft the editor of
The Reflector are doing Char-
today. Hope they will
both enjoy the occasion,
ally He deserves
dispatches say that ex
Roosevelt in South
Africa bagged a large
a hippopotamus.
He must carry a mighty large
Just suppose Judge Connor
should not accept it. Then
Charlotte certainly knows how
to pull a big affair, even to a
rain storm.
Eleven cents cotton has about
cleaned up all that the farmers
were holding.
is getting much
wrought up over an epidemic of
typhoid fever in that city. For
a week past new cases have been
developing at the rate of
a day.
We are glad has met
justice and has been placed ill
jail to serve a sentence that i--
too short. We hope bis
name will drop out of the news
papers now.
Like other things the kid-
The fellow who says money is are coming South. A
easy has not offered to learn
anybody how it is done.
two year-old Georgia girl
was stolen the other day while
playing on the lawn in front of
tea, Mm Charlotte had on
her best clothes at the
and got wet.
We are wondering what
of tariff plank can get in the
next platform.
. p
The cranks are also giving
Taft Wine trouble by Speaker Cannon says he will
trying to get an interview retire from polities. He
Go where you will and you
hear talked about,
for reason that Greenville is
doing tilings. Those who come
I to see out the half has
, not been told.
the nucleus of her vast estate by
means of a forged will, and
these relatives will bring suit at
her death for what they claim
they are entitled to.
Adolphus William-
sou Green, of the National Bis-
Company, was recently
a superb cup by
his business associates. A very
high tribute to the great captain
of industry. This is notable in
the fact that such displays of
sentiment by thousands of one's
are very unusual.
The number of being
killed by their own
on the railroads in this State as
well as other Darts of the
is appalling. It seems
at working on around
trains would to be careful
alter awhile, but it is often the
case v. one who takes the
place of another who has been
killed just as careless as the
meets the same fate.
Think of Greenville, with
a citizenship of people, has
had only two deaths among the
white population, which is about
two thirds of the total number,
nearly live mouths We
don't believe there is another
town anywhere its size that can
come up to such a health record.
You are lucky to live Green-
The appointment of Judge II.
G. Connor as judge of the Fed-
court of Eastern North Car-
has been continued by the
Governor Kitchin has
named lion. J. Manning to
succeed Judge Connor as
ate justice of the Supreme court.
There is no misfit in either of
appointment, for both are
capable men.
may feel that way about it, but
Father Tune may interfere
some of these days come to
the relief of the people.
North Carolina put on the lust
front to greet the president and
Mis.- Charlotte is happy beyond
The city council of Wheeling,
W. Va., is considering having
We don't see why the
pole don't come on and be dis- CM k that
covered, just for the notoriety they impeded Um easy passage
of the thing.
. be to prune down
The French Millionaire who the
to his funeral
expenses selected an easy way If off the
to help distribute it. because the News and
Observer said so, you did the
wrong thing, The Charlotte
Observer is the only real pro-
on this, and you better
wait until Dr. Caldwell says
take off.
a week more tax listing
time will begin. Then the folks
will all he poorer than at any
other time of the year.
The vaudevilles or moving
picture makers will be trying to
gut an engagement with the
Wrights thing you know.
The Washington Post has fol-
lowed the move of The Reflector
in offering a prize for the best
slogan for advertising the city.
An exchange wants to know
what shall be do when coal, gas
and oil are exhausted. That's
will be in air
There is a decided difference
in the opinions of ex-Judge Rob-
and Colonel Skinner of
appointment of
Judge Connor.
We are unable to see the con-
of congress advocating a tar-
on anything, no matter what
It is hoped to raise ten thousand
dollars for a monument to
If every descendant of
John Smith contributes, it ought
to be easy to raise a million.
The Youth's Companion.
Easier still, if every John
himself will contribute a dollar
there will be money a plenty for
a monument of the biggest sort.
The township including the
town of Shelby, in Cleveland
county, has voted to issue
in bonds for the purpose of
good roads in the town
hip. That is the right way to
go after getting good roads, and
The Reflector would like to see
county get hold of that idea
in dead earnest-
or whatever
you have a mind to call it,
baa broke loose in Georgia again.
The Georgia Railroad in that
State is completely tied up with
a strike, all the engineers re-
fusing to longer run their en-
Firing a locomotive is u job a
seems well fitted for.
One good thing we hope to see
come out of the automobile
fever is an increased agitation
for good roads. The things do
run line on a piece of good road,
and the more there are will pro-
increase the
sates of better mails. May the
tribe of motorists increase until
the whole country is a net work
of good roads.
Greenville throws her doors
wide to the delegates and
visitors attending the State con-
of The
extends them a most
cordial welcome These noble
women are engaged a noble
work, and The Reflector hopes
their stay Greenville may be
pleasant, and that their
here may mark the greatest
progress in the history of the
State organization.
In all the fuss flurry of a
great day and worldly achieve-
the good people of Char
did forget the great,
Almighty Gd that made such B
day possible and a large text
sign with
illuminated by electricity was
placed on top of one of their
buildings, while other Scriptural
texts were flashed on canvass by
moving picture machines during
the celebration of the twentieth.
The trustees of the Baptist
for women at
have changed the name of
the institution to Meredith Col-
This name was selected
in honor of Rev. Thomas Mere-
pioneer of the Baptist de-
nomination in North Carolina,
and one among the first to seek
the establishment of a college
for women, lie was also the
founder of the Record-
The 4th of July is going to
come on Sunday this year,
but could do a good
thing by starting a move right
soon to have a big day with a
big crowd here on either the
or 5th. You business men
hold of this suggestion push
it, as you will be the ones to reap
the greatest benefit from it.
Here is a chance for you to do
We are receiving more slogans
every mail from all parts of the
county. And you will have to
put your thinking cap on to get
something better than some of
them, but don't be discouraged.
Just bring yours right along.
You may be the winner and get
that nice fountain pen, which, by
the way, a
tor is offering.
The Greensboro Record
that a baud like Grover
Cleveland's is needed to put an
end to that strike on the Georgia
Railroad. Because of the stub-
born objection of engineers to
run with traffic on
that road is at a standstill and
not even mails are carried.
There should be some plan to
prevent such suspension in-
jury to business while a strike is
being settled.
When the left Wed
evening he was lugging
two big bundles of the recent
special edition of The Reflector,
with which he said he was going
to show the crowd at Charlotte
that Greenville is going to be to
the East what Charlotte already
is to the best place
on the map. As these papers
and a collar were all baggage
he carried he may not stay too
You goose-egg hailstone
lows had just as well keep quiet
this season, as Texas has
off the whole push. From the
southwestern portion of that
State comes the report of. a
storm in which the hailstones
measured a in
circumference and weighed eight
to ten With such hail-
stones it
that only eight persons were
among the killed. The reporter
ought to have made his death
list larger to be keeping with
the stones.
Let the fellow who is always
saying ain't no news in
the and suggesting
impossible things to do by
which we could get news, come
along and try his band as editor.
If he can coax anything of a
newsy nature out of the people
here he is a wonder, we will
give him a hearty hand-shaRe.
There are people visiting a great
many of our readers, we know,
who have never been mentioned
the paper, whom we would be
glad to make personal mention
of, but we don't know their
names or where they are from
and we have no means of
them out. If you have a visitor
or know any news of any kind
go to the or drop us a
note right now and let us know
it. We will appreciate it
and will not think you
are forward by doing so, either.
Traveling up and through tin
State we see many towns not
having near the advantages of
Greenville that are forging
right ahead in the way of
The secret of-their
lies in manufacturing
enterprises, a thing that Green-
ville is backward in. Furniture
factories could be made to pay
just as well here as at High
Point. Cotton factories would
lie just as profitable in Green-
ville as in Haw River, Burling-
ton, Gastonia or
even in Charlotte. Tobacco
factories here would pay the
promoters just as well us do
of Durham or Winston.
We have the raw material and
other advantages right at our
doors. Greenville should wake
up to this need and get to work
to secure factories.
If you have had your thinking
equipment ruminating over a
for Greenville, let the
. of it come forward this
week, as next Monday is the
last day suggestions will lie re-
A large number of
have already come in
every mail brings more,
which gives an idea of the in-
this contest has awaken-
ed. After the last mail is in
next Monday evening all the
suggestions will be turned over
to a committee to select the best
one which will be adopted as
Greenville's slogan. Mayor H.
W. Whedbee, It. O.
Flanagan and Mr. H. A. White
have been and agreed
to serve as this committee, and
the fountain pen will
be awarded in accordance with
their decision. They will have
many good suggestions to select
the slogan from.
They are going to give
Green, the richest woman in the
world, trouble to the end of her
No art has advanced more rap-
idly in the last ten years than
the art of photography, it has
reached the point in its develop-
that very valuable
to magazines, newspapers and
A great deal of the
news of today is told simply by
pictures. A story is told per-
haps more effectively by
than by a of words
Charlotte did herself great
credit in the celebration of the
Mecklenburg Declaration of In-
dependence so elaborately. We
have never a city more
beautifully decorated, and
everything was done to give the
of visitors a good
time. The celebration lasted
three day a, on two which the
weather was fine, but on the
day there was a heavy
rain storm. While this caused
much disappointment, it inter-
but little with the pro-
gram of the day. The
a whole was the greatest
the city has ever had.
In his speech at Charlotte
President Taft, in answering
certain criticisms of his appoint-
of Judge Connor to be
Federal judge of the Eastern
North Carolina district, gave ex-
to this fine
Federal judiciary should
be as much appreciated in the
South in the North, and if
have an opportunity to make
any appointments in the South
it will continue to be my chief
duty, to make appoint-
appeal to all the
people whether they be
or Democrats, and I urge
all citizens to accept the appoint-
made, men, if they
are men, who will carry on their
high duties with a single eye to
the administration of justice, to
accept them and congratulate
the people on their appointment,
and not to make of them for
any partisan argument or
Other portions of his speech
were on equally high plane as
and strongly his at-
of friendliness toward the
South. So far
indicates that he intends to
be president of all the people
without regard to section.
of North Caro-
Spring Hope, My Two
boys, or years of age,
are dead near here as a result of
taking morphine administered
late Saturday night by their
father. The boys were the child-
William a half-
witted who was married
to Alice Howard some three
weeks ago. Alice had one child.
The evidence is that all three of
the children were given
The woman's child, how-
ever, has recovered from the
of drug.
Fayetteville. May
Parker, a merchant of Parkers-
burg, Sampson was shot
and killed by Rural
Mail Carrier yesterday
for refusing to sell a box
of cartridge's to Boss, who de-
he wanted to kill another
man. Parker remonstrated v.
the and declined to open
his store to procure the car-
after Bass h id threatened
to kill him unless he did so,
whereupon the mail earner drew
a revolver and him dead.
Bass was arrested and placed in
the county jail at
ton. was a prominent
and highly esteemed citizen of
honored citizen of this town
was Buttering a severe of
He told a if he
could obtain a bottle of
Colic, Cholera Remedy,
he felt confident of cured, he
having used this remedy in the West.
He was told that I kept it in stock and
lost no time in obtaining it, and
says M. J. Leach,
of Wolcott, Vt. For sale by
J. L. Wooten and Coward and
Woo ten.
e I s r s
Authorized Agent of The Eastern for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
Ripe seed at J. R. S n Mer.
M. M. Sauls makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the lea cold the year
round Try one.
M. M. Sauls has just received
a fine lot of perfumes and toilet
tell me that J. R. Smith
Co., Dixon are manufacturing
as good wagons, carts and bug-
tries can be found any where.
See them before buying.
Seed peanuts for sale by J. R.
Smith Co.
Spring dress goods laces and
to match at J. R. Smith
Paris Green at J. R. Smith Co.
The hose for
ladies and gentlemen is one of
the best on the market at
J. R. Smith Co.
Harrows and cultivators at J.
R. Smith Co.
Mason's fruit jars, caps and
rubbers at J. R. Smith
s ed and Millet seed for
sale by J. R. Smith Co.
Lime, cement, window, doors,
locks and hinges at J. R. Smith
All kind sewing machine need-
bells, shuttles, bobbins and
needle thread rs for sale by J.
R. Smith Co.
We were surprised to find that j
For Varying
to everybody as are
few person, save those who
have ii; i Into their history viewed
from the side, can form an
adequate ides regarding; their true
If the the street were
asked to construct a classified list of
his bodily Le would almost
certainly lace teeth In the
Included the bores. There
reason for his Teeth are
and In structure, and
are fixed in the jaws. These facts
would n the face of things to
Justify the Inclusion of the in
the list if skeletal
view of the teeth, however. Is readily
proved to lie Incorrect. We bate only
to to natures of making n
oilier words, to its de-
ourselves that
an not bones nil. but
of n very kind
The first Indication of
bogus in very early with the
formation of a groove in the gum. or
mucous membrane lining month.
This furrow Is the birthplace of the
teeth. Trim the groove arise as many
projections of i lie gum as there
are to he teeth. projection we
call a papilla.
Now, this little body contains a
supply of vessels, destined
to bring to it lbs raw
out of which not teeth but nil
Jo r, p organ, tissues and secretions,
Smith Co. Dixon are car- manufactured. The papilla,
a nice line of is composed of and particularly
caskets of all prices living cells of special
when needing
The Way Nature Forms and Fixes
Them In the Gums.
N. C, May 1909.
Mi. and Mrs. Mills Smith went
to Greenville Thursday.
R. E. Willoughby was on the
sick list again last week, sick for
THEY ARE NOT MADE OF BONE, has got up and out.
Joe Smith, who has been St-
Ar. Really Skin Structures In tending School at Wake Forest
to Mod of Origin, j college, returned home Thursday
Th variety of Form which Adapt evening to spend vacation.
Mrs. Mills Smith, of our town,
and Mrs. R. A, Nichols, of Poke
Black Jack. N. C, May
Misses Martha and Lena
Dixon were the guests of Miss
Buck Saturday night and
J. S. Dixon spent Saturday
night and Sunday with W. A.
J. A. and W. V. Clark attend-
ed Sunday school at Galloway's
school house Sunday morning.
Miss Martha Williams, who
the few
days, we are glad to say is
proving very fast.
Washington Mills seems to
improve very slow. We truly
hope he will get better soon.
Charlie spent
day night and Sunday
went to visit their sister, land.
Mrs. Wyatt Eason, in Greene I Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Arnold and
county Saturday and Miss Ida, went to
Sunday evening.
Joe of
Greenville last week.
The weather being
in line.
Buy font brackets,
J. R. Smith
Co. A Dixon.
Don't send when
you can pet nice ceiling and
flooring, windows and door
frames mad- to order at J. R.
Smith Co. Dixon.
We can shoe your mules end
horses, repair your carts, bug-
and on short notice.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Glad to see Bud Joe on
third less than lard at J.
Smith Co.
Car salt just received at J.
Smith Co.
patterns and
at J. R. Dixon Co.
N. C. cut herrings at J. R.
Smith Co.
School books, tablets. Bibles
Testaments at J. R. Smith Ca
bushels nice country corn
at per bushel at J. R.
Smith. Co.,
J- R. Smith Co. have the
largest sign in Ayden,
Shoes for Ladies and
kind. to be regarded
n the workmen which fabricate
The material required
for tooth formation con of com-
of with other
Around the papilla and upon ft. as
on a meld, the hard material of the
tooth is deposited, it la elaborate
Into a which, I ho
shows a structure
of its own. differing from that
is represented In bone, The
bull, a tooth of Ivory
or m it Li also called. This
Is a dense, bard which
shown n texture composed of an In-
finite variety of microscopic tubules.
Hut at the crown of the tooth es-
we meet with n layer of
m s. . i a r, ii i, i kind and of still harder con-
Try a bucket of USe This Is the enamel, which
ranks as the hardest In the
body. Its position on the crown of
tooth bears n relation to the resist-
to wear and tear the Is In-
tended to exhibit, the softer Ivory be-
thus protected from obvious
results of the process of attrition.
on the papilla, as on a
mold, the tooth Is formed, sub-
stance coming to as In an en-
little projection Itself.
Long before tooth, however. Is
completed groove In the gum has
become off into a of
sacs or compartments. The furrow
Itself becomes converted into a
by the upward growth union of
Its edges the middle line. Then
succeeds division into sacs, in each of
which a papilla Is present and In each
of which a developing tooth Is con-
If the hard materials of the tooth be
found around the papilla we discover
thus the tooth Is a hollow not
a solid structure, for pulp Inside
every a substance richly sup-
plied with nerves and blood vessels,
really represents the of the
early stages. The tooth's nourishment
hi thus duly provided for. since
of the pulp pass into the minute
tubules of the Ivory and so contribute
to the maintenance of the vitality of
the organ.
When the tooth is completed within
sac, all that remains U for It to
pear in the Jaw, la which
been made for Its fixation. A
tooth gum when through
upward pressure on the sac It bunts
through Its investment and the
place nature has mapped out for It In
of the mouth.
Now, In all this history there la no
hint given us of any connection be-
tween bone formation and
save Indeed for connection
between the two structure In
Jaw. gum hi the present tissue of
the teeth, and the simply the
kin layer of the body folded Inward
at the mouth to form the lining
of that cavity, while It is con-
with variations In
organization, to form the lining of the
digestive tubes as well. Teeth ore
therefore truly skin structures In re-
of their mod of origin, which,
after all. U the surest and Indeed the
only test of nature of any living
tissue or part.
By all odds the very longest tooth in
the world Is that of the narwhal,
which grows a twisted Ivory pole
often exceeding feet In
a. Wilson in Illustrated London News.
was visiting Ivy Smith Sunday. last Friday night there was
D. S. Moore and debate. We will try again
Lawhorn, of Ayden, were visit-1 Wednesday night, being that the
at F. M. Smith's Sunday. j union meeting commences Fri-
a very good Sunday day and continues until Sunday.
school at Smith's school We cordially invite all to come
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P.
by and children, of Farmville,
were stopping at C. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay wood Smith,
of were in our section
Miss Trott, of Richlands. and
Mrs. T. A. Nichols, were visiting
at C. E. Sunday.
Little Misses Martha Belle
and Jessie Smith are spending
the weak with their sister. Mrs.
Hay wood Smith.
B. E. Willoughby went to
Farmville yesterday evening.
Dr. C- C. Joyner, of Farmville
was in our section Monday.
Rev. S- W. has an
appointment for Smith's school
house next Sunday, May 30th.
We hope all who can will come
out to hear him.
out and hear the discussion.
Good Pictures.
Manager Browne was called
on last night to run an extra
show, in order that the visiting
King's Daughters and others at-
tending the reception might be
able to see the fine program of
pictures exhibited yesterday at
the opera house. Everybody was
delighted with the pictures.
Many of those who attended ex-
pressed themselves as being more
than delighted with the show
and that they were sure no
one could wish to see better
The management has
been requested to repeat the
of tonight.
Wm. oldest man-
married the third time at worked
in the fields till and lived years
longer. People should be youthful at
James Wright, of Ky.,
shows how to remain young. feel
just like a 16-year-old boy, he writes,
taking six bottles of Electric
Bitters. For thirty years kidney
trouble made life a burden, but the
first bottle of this wonderful medicine
convinced me had found the greatest
cure on They're a godsend to
weak, sickly rundown or old people.
them. at all Druggists.
Cox's Mill, May
The weather has been very cool
for the last few days yet crops
are looking well. Tobacco is
growing very nice in this section,
corn is doing well, cotton very
mail and don't seem to be in a
healthy condition, crops are gen-
clean and farmers are well
up with their work-
Elder C, C. Bland, of Ayden.
will preach at the
school the first Sunday in
June at o'clock a. m, and Rev.
H. T. King, of Winterville, will
fill his regular appointment at
o'clock p. m.
Miss Lela Roach and Peat
Burney. of were visit-
in our Sunday.
Misses Roland and Una Cobb,
of Conetoe, are visiting the
Misses Carroll this week.
W. E. went to Crimes-
land Sunday.
Miss Geneva Edwards, Henry
Page and John Carroll
church at Rose Hill Sunday.
The Candy Kitchin,
Bros, proprietors, is prepared to
fill orders for ice cream in only
quantity. Cans and boxes are
provided for packing cream in ice
so can be delivered and kept in
perfect condition. Special
to orders for brick and sliced Sunday
Oakley, N. C, May
J. S. Roberson has returned
to Oakley and associated himself
with the Oakley Mfg. Co., same
position he formerly filled.
J. J. Holland went to Wharton
Saturday and rt turned Sunday.
B. E. Jenkins was quite sick a
part of last week. We are all
glad to see him out again.
Miss Allie G- Little returned
home Friday from Elizabeth City
and Washington, where she has
been visiting relatives for several
Rev. W. O. and little
daughter spent Saturday night
at the home of Mrs. Martha
Rawls. Mr. W infield filled his
regular appointment at Oak
Grove Sunday.
Slade of Whichard,
is spending a few days at Oakley.
Everybody glad to see him.
Tuesday, the 18th, a strange
young lady appeared at the
home of E. Rogers. We have
not learned her name but we
welcome her to our town.
On the night of the 20th the
death angel visited the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Buck Grimmer, and
took from them their only child,
Jimmie. months of age, who
was sick only days.
Quite a change in the weather
Much warmer and
., ,. . the farmers are more hopeful
cream in any flavor. Keep this; and corn are
in mind and send your orders j fair, cotton yet looking bad.
for ice cream to the Candy j Mrs. Mary Alligood. of
Kitchen. Phone I ton, is visiting Mrs. Rawls.
At the Close of Business April 28th,
Loans and discounts f 47,087.42
Overdrafts unsecured 06.75
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans 2,500.00
Due from 80,889.04
items 49.00
Gold coin 80.00
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,319.94
bank and other
U. S. Notes
Capital stock
Surplus fund
profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 175.20
Dividend unpaid 120.00
Deposits to check 48,498.84
Cashier's outstanding 47.30
I, J. K. Smith, Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the beat my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 5th. day of May,
Notary Public
SMITH, Cashier.
His From
dared Irregular.
If the of
continues long enough; if the
countries that have possessions
around the Sea per-
in barring him from their
ports or driving him away as
soon he lands, the situation
will cease to be amusing and be-
come a cause of mildly indignant
wonder. Moreover, in time
some people may reach the point
of asking if it is not rather
business for the United States to
lead in the hunting down of one
man, and a sick man at that,
particularly at the obvious fears
of what he may do if he enters
his own country or even gets
near it are not only distinctly
ludicrous in themselves, but they
can fairly enough be interpreted
as providing a conclusive
for letting Castro go where
he pleases and do what he can
Venezuela either has or has
not at the present time a govern-
able to administer its own
affairs and to protect its own
dignity. In the one case there
would seem to be no reason why
it needs help against a single
enemy; in the other the help is
not deserved. The fact or at
least so it begins to look, that
Gomez, whom Castro left in
charge as a trusted friend and
officer, is much less
the president of by the
choice of its people than is the
propped up agent of certain for-
with dubious claims and
concessions, who think they can
use him in the enforcement of
their However,
may have attained and kept
the presidency, it was and
under both Venezuelan and inter-
national law, and the methods
by which he is excluded from it
are grossly irregular as the worst
which he has been charged with
Castro is undoubtedly a
according to foreign notions, but
his position is technically perfect
and the excuse for interfering
with his travels are all of the
poor kind that cannot be openly
avowed. He has a real
and he likely to win
general sympathy as a
York Times.
sir. v.
Mr. William B-,
Akron, Ohio,
years catarrh the
used patent tins
l- no and
l red
me for a weeks, bat
had kepi fur nil
was advised to use MaS
have taken three fill
i In my lite. Am t-i
using It, be
II In the f
am mend it to any on.-
of stomach, off
of any
The above l-s an oft-n
for years c-
Tried different
doctors to no mail. ad-
by friends. Instant
gratitude i
or This, la brief, i- r. r
Is d lo u- a t-r-H
times year.
Ho one ho with oar
vast f.-r
without Impressed with the
and of kind of
promptly an apse
tit-, on and relieve
that have resisted
February our daughter had the
Mr. Lane, of Hurt-
land, recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and said it gave his
customers tho best of satisfaction, i
We found it as he said, and can
it to anyone having children
t run hi. d with
Mrs. A. of Durand, Mich. For
sale by J. L. Wooten and Coward
Mrs. Ashley Whichard Hart.
Mrs. Ashley on
Third street, in passing out the
door at her home Saturday
morning caught her foot in the
door mat and fell, hurting her-
self very badly, although not
seriously. Her shoulder was
A Necessity.
dollar- for
Madison. we agreed to
spend not.;.; except things
that were need
n, this .;. You see,
bast friend lies just bad hers
and promised
to her to tho concert on
Ob, all right Bat I
give you than this
morning, because I broke
meerschaum and must have it
you smoke your old
Certainly, dear. can
wear your i Id
let's Begin t
next after v
get things ail straightened
A Guaranteed Cough remedy is Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup. For ,
colds, croup, whooping-cough, hoarse
and all bronchial affections. Best
for children because it is quick to re-
and tastes Gently laxative.
Bold by John L. Wooten.
will treat you
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
thought I'd e
J. A. Wis.,
years of tins, that d- tors
could not cute. t last lad up.
Then c it
sound and fur skin
eruptions, , salt ti e.
fever sores, hum. s. cut
piles. at
of Deeds W. M.
has issued the following
since last
J. H. Manner an i Lena Smith.
Warren Coward and
and hi i-
Pills. They the system. Do
not grip-. Price Sold L,
W. H. Smith has purchased
the interest of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the same place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
will treat you right
menu of
. . M.
M, .
I . .,.
sasH mast .
Write May IS MM t. Mp , ., MS
with Ml Saw u O ,.
Kw It,

yr t. sir.
The New York Life Company
N. C.
Nature Gives Timely Warn-
That No Greenville
Citizen Can Afford to
a A noticed, ho-s
a u
to ard oh the
to. . after the have been worn a few limes.
i Ti is the fault of the lasting
I ion and stretching the leather over the wooden
c f
S The remedied this
Ralston vamp
r There are no bunches, no wrinkle,
because every par; of th-- vamp fits tin last per-
without straining the leather at any point.
; This adds to the wear of th- s MM, It also explains
N the reason retain smart
is B
until worn out. n
There are other unusual s of
SHOE construction when will appeal to y u. j
Come in and look over our new
Signal No. comes from
kidney They will. warn
kid ate sick. Well
Kidney excrete s dear, amber
Sick coys send a i bin, pale and
a thick, red, smelling
full of sediment and irregular
Danger Signal no. comes from the
Mack pains, dull and or
sharp acute, tell you of nick kid-
and warn you the approach of
I Kidney Pills cure sick kidney
d cure them permanently. Here is
ill a nearby res-
Win. Washington A Tarboro,
Mount, N. C
Kidney Pius proved in my c to be a
for kidney
i have no hesitation in
them to anyone with com
plaint. tin them f, r backache and
other annoy a es arising
they brought me
For by all dealer, Price
New York, agents for the United
the -and
Norfolk Cotton and Peanuts, wired
by J. W. Terry Co. Cotton Factors.
Strict Middling 1-4 1-4
Middling U 1-8
Low Middling 7-n 7-8
Low Middling 3-8 3-8
S 1-4 31-4
Strictly Prime S I
Prim.- 3-4 13-4
Low Grades
Wired by Cobb Bros
and Norfolk.
Dec. lo
Co. Banker
July Ribs
Dec Ribs
July Lard
Dec. Lax
t o mi Mai
o hi
The Central Mercantile Co.
J. Davenport, Mgr.
Notice to
g duly qualified before the
court of Pitt county
f the last and testament
of Nancy A. M. notice
is given to d persons indebted
to the i state t make ate
u all per-
sons having hums against estate
are notified t hull Icy mu-t present the
for payment to the
on or day of Ma, . 1910.
or this be plead in bar of
B. W. J
of Nancy A. M. Britton
Queen of the
A story of the circus. One of the
dramatic ever pro- j
showing a woman's love for her
child, hand colored.
picture p
he Reflector does job work.
Slipper j Jim's Repentance.
Another good subject, dealing with
the repentance of a convict, aided by
a girl, a story with a moral.
to p. m. I
Admission; and cents.
Unless more is raised to satisfy the remaining creditors of C. T.
and it must be done this week. We will give away next Saturday
at 4.00 p. m., absolutely free, a 5.00 Hat and a Man's 15.00
Suit. Every purchase of will entitle you to one chance in both the hat
and suit. Miss Dorothy Norman won the in Gold last Saturday.
Sensational Minute continue every day this week.
Your last chance to save money. Come every day this week to
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
If you are expecting to build you a home
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale.
Terms to suit
r i r.
. C.
worth of Beautiful
absolutely given away free.
st Prize. Beautiful Mahogany
Buffet worth
2nd Prize. Beautiful Mahogany
finish Princess Dresser worth
3rd Prize. Beautiful
Piece Toilet set worth
These prizes are all here and now on exhibition at our store.
Come to our store and buy worth of goods or pay on your
account and either will entitle you to one draw at these lovely
prizes. Every time you buy worth of goods or pay on your
account you are entitled to on draw.
During this great offer will sell everything at the closest possible
prices. Call and look over our entire stock. N j trouble to show
goods. We have the most beautiful, complete and to date line
of Furniture. Stoves. Go-Carts. Matting. Rugs and Squares in
county. Drawing will Saturday, April 10th, 1909
at o'clock.
Yours truly,
Furniture Company.
OF N. G.
At the of business, April
Loan and Discounts 9166,418.141 Capital
United State 21,000.00
Furniture Fixtures 11,240.42
Cash due from 47,761.18
and Profits
Bond Account
Dividends unpaid
Notes Bills
Comparative Statement of Deposits.
April 28th, 90,449.60.
April 28th, 116,941.12.
If you do not transact your business with this bank, let this be an
invitation to become of our satisfied customers.
Furniture And House Furnishing Goods
For Cash or on Installments.
to Building Formally Occupied by Dispensary. Large Stock of everything
in your House. Our P, ices are low.
The voters of the ward of the
town will take notice that
I been for.-.
ward th. purpose of registering
the qualified voters f said and to
aid in the conduct of the elect on called
J to be held on the of e.
in the town N. C , for the
of electing; one alderman and a
I that I will be at the
polling pin -e of ward, to
C house, on day, June 2nd,
June mil June
1-09. from a. m. to
p. m. with my book
prepared to register such per-
sons as may be entitled to register in
n. id ward for I a so give
notice no person aha be allowed
vote who does not register.
This May 20th,
J. I Smith,
Registrar of the 1st of the town
N. C.
The voters of the second ward of th
town of Greenville will take notice that
have been appointed registrar for
ward for the purport of registering the
qualified voters of said ward and to ad
in the conduct the election called to
be held on of June, 1909,
in the town N. C., for
the purpose of electing one alderman
and mayor for said town.
I give notice that I will be at the
polling place of aid second ward, to
Winslow's Stables, on
day. June Thursday, June 3rd and
f June 4th 1909, from o'clock
a. m. to o'clock p. m. with my book of
registration prepared to register such
persons as be to
in said ward for add F
not that no snail be
who does not register.
his May 20th, 1909.
W P Pruitt,
-j inter of the 2nd ward of the town
of Greenville. N. C.
The voters of the third ward of the
town of Greenville will take e that
I have appointed
ward for the the
of said and to
in conduct of the called to
be held on of June, in
the town of Greenville. N. C for the
purpose of e one alderman and u
may r for said town.
I give notice that I will be at the poll-
place of said third ward, to
Dr. office, on Wed-.
June 2nd, Thursday June 3rd
and Friday, June 4th. 1909, from
k a. m. to o'clock p. m. with my
book of on prepared to
such persons as may be entitled to
register in said ward for said election, j
I also give notice that no person
be to vote who does not register.
This May 20th,
J. F. Brinkley,
Registrar of the 3rd ward of the town
of Greenville. N. C.
Soiling place of fifth to
office, on Wednesday,
June 2nd, Thursday June 3rd and Fri-
day, June 4th. . from m.
to p. in. with my book of reg-
prepared t-i mien per-
sons n- pa entitled r in
said ward fur d all also give
notice no i shall be allowed
to a who not re,, later,
Th s
Registrar of th 5th ard of the town
of Greenville, H. .
The man you looking for
when you need
Bill Posting and Sign Tacking
and for Adv.
Pictures to Order
Safety Blades Sharpened
at cents n dozen.
Agent for
Paper Typewriter
none better made.
All I do
Opening Atlantic Hotel,
The Atlantic I, ad
N. C . will op n for the June
1st, the management of
Frank Morton, who I as b en in
Charge of this famous the
Many improvement for the rt
and of quests hive
been made since last
The equal well known re
is not to b- found on the Atlanta
Coast, for health and pleasure, The
Sailing. and cannot be
tor and matter,
Frank P. Morton, Manager,
tic Hotel, N.
Parlor c service will b-
between Gold
N. C . commenting June 1st,
cars to be on trains number
two and five, week days, and trains
number six and nine Sundays.
H, C.
Gen. Pa. Act,
Norfolk. Va.
To every one who purchases
O. cash or pays on ac-
count will give absolutely free one
Lister Picture
x inches and to all
who purchase cash or pay
on account we will give a
Popular Picture
These are all new and the most popular sellers in all
the large cities. We make you this to advertise our
Furniture, Rugs. Mattings Ate. Come at once and get first
pick. They are tor days.
Taft and VanDyke
.,. ,, u.,
The Greenville Trust Co.,
At the close of business, April 28th,
Loans and discounts Capital stock
Overdrafts secured L. , , ,
J. i
Other stocks,
and mortgages
Furniture and fixtures 4,682.89
Demand loans
Cash items 1,067.02
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 880.17
Nat bank, mites
s. mites
Undivided profits, less
ear. exp taxes pd
Dividend unpaid
Time of
to cheek
Total 1172,060.79
I, C. S. Curr, Cashier of fl a above-named hank, do solemnly
swear that th. above statement is true to the best of my
edge belief. C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Subscribed sworn to be
fore me, this 1st day of
No n Sam White store on Five Point. More room and larger stock.
to see me.
General Merchandise.
Bonds, Life and Fire.
The voters of the fourth ward of the
town of Greenville will take that
I have been appointed registrar for said
ward for the purpose of registering the
iii voter of said ward and to ail
in the conduct of the election called to
be held on the 7th day of June, 1909. in
the town of Greenville, N. C. for the
purpose of electing one alderman and a
mayor for said town.
I give notice that I will be at the
polling place of fourth ward, to
Store, Five Po on
day, June 2nd, Thursday. June 3rd and
Friday, June 4th. 1909. from o'clock
a. m. p, in. with my book
of registration prepared to register
may be entitled to reg-
in for said election
I also give notice that no person shall
be allowed to vote who does net register.
This May 20th, 1909.
J. L, Carper,
Registrar of the 4th ward of the town
of Greenville. N C.
The of the fifth ward of the
town of Greenville will take notice that
I been appointed for said
ward for the of the
qualified voters of ward and to aid
in the conduct of the election called to
be held on the 7th day of June, 1909, in
the town cf Greenville, N. c, for the
purpose of electing one alderman and a
mayor for said town.
I give notice that I will be at the
Andrew Moore,
Notary Public,
A. M. Moseley,
R. C. Flanagan,
Account General Assembly
Church in United Slates, May
I Tickets on May 17th. 18th, 19th J
ard for trains scheduled to arrive
I Savannah noon May 20th; also
for trains 24th. Final limit to;
leave Savannah up to and bidding, I
hut not later than midnight June
I For further information call on ticket
agent or write
W. J. T. C. WHITE, I
Pas, Man. Gen. Agent,
i N. f.
Opposite City Market, Over Rain
bow Stables.
Buggies, Carts, Wagons and farm-
utensils repaired, Furniture repair-
ed, upholstered, varnished and made to I
look as new. Sewing machines
ed and parts furnished, paint-
ed for 96.00.
I have had twenty-five years
can save money and
tee all work to lie strictly first class, j
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Harry K. Walcott and Hugh M. Kerr, Receivers.
I For Washington. Plymouth, Columbia, Eden-
p. m. ton, Hertford, Elisabeth. City, Suffolk, and Norfolk, and
Intermediate Stations. Raleigh to Edenton.
7.33 m I Per Chocowinity, Washington, and
a. m. For Wilson Zebulon, Raleigh, and
p. m. Stations.
. m i Pram Washington, Chocowinity, and
w a. m. j
I From Norfolk, Suffolk. Elizabeth City. Hertford, Edenton,
p. m. Columbia. Washington, and
mediate Stations.
a. From Raleigh, Wendell, Zebulon, Wilson, Farmville and
p. m. Intermediate stations.
NOTICE-Above schedules published only information; and arc
H. C
Do not that Dr. Beth Arnold's
Balsam is the beat known for
all bowel Warranted by
J. L.
Pulley bow en
Hone of Women's Fashions, Greenville n C.

a ,
In Charge of S. C. CARROLL
Authorized Agent The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
We are headquarter for the
peg-t and reversible disc
stalk Syracuse
A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co. i
Miss Ethel May Carroll is at,
Raleigh attending the B. U.
two i plows. No commencement.
without these valuable ma-; Get the plow for
on his farm. We can tearing up new grounds.
y s that will Harrington, Barber Co.
you. Harrington, Barber Co. I Mice Sutton went to
J D C x left for today.
V. . . Chickens and eggs a specialty.
M Bi and Come and get best prices,
herd r, Miss Mamie, who Harrington, Barber Co.
b n A. W., Miss Sarah Barker went to
week, returned this morning.
t ; home at Jamesville, Thurs- are carrying a nice line of
.;. g. j Prices are
M . an went to G and can nice hearse
Wed. i day. service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
mint our line of Magdalene, and
men i and b spring Olive Butt. Miriam
that h Johnson and M- J. Bryan and
Gordan Johnson went to Wash-
; . was in, this morning.
b Wednesday.
i . A. . Co. have sum-
and d t
Our of boy's
straw bats opened up. We have Sunday with
them from the wide brimmed I Farm ville.
palmetto to the nicest dress hat.
Harrington Barber Co.
A new lot of men's and
in is shoes just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
We call your special attention
to the statement of the Bank
before buy- of the ex-
. Barber Co. condition of the bank.
one of our solicits your patronage and
p. farmers, v prompt service.
Kings X Roads. May 1909.
Mrs. Bettie Matthews is very
ill. We hope she will soon
C. E. Case, W. I,. Matthews
and W. Worthington spent
Thursday evening with C.
W. S. E. Smith went to
Chester Smith, of Farmville,
was in our town Sunday.
H. S. Tyson and son spent
Sunday with W. E. Smith.
Mrs. Mattie J. Smith and H.
L. Smith spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Willie Ran-
near Greenville.
Joe Brown and wife spent
Sunday with W. E. Smith.
G. W. Burnett and wife spent
his mother
K. .; . m Wake
. . he been in j
c Wednesday
rite us
fed . n . ,;. have
new bar
r i i I an up-to
f .
is of
i V . a .
i, a for-1 A- Ange Co
of this place was To Oar Friends and
i desire to your kind
. Cox i turned u hit Bandy T I
B ;. . .-i i. night, from season is now
i where t has been most at band when you will need
trucks for housing your tobacco.
Mis Evelyn Sutton went We have orders now for mere
G F id mo and future shipments
ion the train, and would, therefore, urge
v of best crockery place their Smith
opened as early as possible will
Barber Co. insure getting them when want
y .- . i . ., otherwise to the great
of we, are visiting Misses might be somewhat
and this delayed.
week, Call or write A. G-Cox
B. F. Manning Green- C,
Little Miss May Bell
visited her sister, Mrs- W. E.
Smith, last week.
Our farmers are well pleased
with their tobacco crop. Cotton
is nearly a failure in some places.
Smith is on the sick
H. L. Smith is preparing to
in about a week to
represent the E. A. Brown
Tobacco Co.
John Allen is suffering much
with mumps. hope he will
soon be up again.
J. L. Matthews attended the
quarterly meeting at Old Sparta
A. J. Corbett spent last Sun-
day night with Corbett,
who is right sick.
H. L. Smith spent Thursday
night in Fountain with his
just received our line
men's and slippers.
Sec u. for styli a and prices,
Harrington, Barber Co.
The H. S. Students are
gone it would very lonely
w . it i for the sympathetic
drummers. Only in
town today.
Car load of hay just
W. Co.
of the college students
arc coming home tonight.
We are carrying sewing ma-
chine needles of kinds. Don't
be bewildered if you the
last one on hand. have
them. A W. Ange Co,
Cannon Smith, one of the
residents here, is ill. We
fresh corned herrings.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Prompt Settlement of Insurance.
Mr. L. Willing ham, Dis-
N. C.
I to thank your good
company, through for the
Prof. G. E. Lineberry went very prompt settlement of the
Greenville today. I policy I held on the life of my
F. B. left for Norfolk late husband, Josiah H. Barrett
. Nitrate of is the stuff
that makes big crops and fat
purses. We have it.
A. W. Ange Co
Nice lot of crockery just re
Harrington Barber Co.
We gladly welcome C. J. Jack-
son home from Wake Forest
college, where he has just taken
course. is a
fellow and we hope he
is going to stay with us for
awhile now.
F. A- C. T. Cox,
greatly sympathize with him Eugene Cannon
affliction and hope to went to
h-iii again real soon.
Greenville to the show Monday
for in your company, and
who died here several days
The proofs of death were com-
on Apr. 27th. and the
company's check is dated Apr.
just three days.
I had always heard that the
Security Lite Annuity was a
splendid company and now I
know it.
I wish to assure you that the
kindness and courtesy extended
me in this matter will never be
forgotten. V
Mrs. Mary A. Barrett.
N. My friend, Mr. Barrett
also had another policy for
which was paid his all
carried in The Security Life
Annuity Co.
T L. W.
Dr J. N. Dead.
P n -u I out
A telegram from ti-
that A. C.
Manufacturing have lots F. F. Cox and Jno. R. Carroll
iron already on hand and are came home Saturday night from
therefore, prepared to furnish Wake Forest, where they have
flue tot the coming been in school.
Pi right and . Prof, and Mrs. G, E. Lineberry
ship i . to . yesterday.
M . . left . ; ma went
.; I her;
,.,.,. . ,. T n i ch occurred at his home o
B it.; , i I ,. , Mrs. J.
. E been . T. II. King cam i
I i the Du led
Eula Cox, Janie and
. D. B . nil last night
r. t M. th Bertha Carroll.
i on J. F. in town yes-
. . other engagements he t
i. . reach at it.
TM remedy never to
effectually cure
dyspepsia, Constipation,
ho. Biliousness
Ami ALL arising from a
And Bad Digest ion
The result Is good appetite
and solid flesh.
l and easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
Mystery of Child's Safe
ed by Opening the Bale in Liver-
News from Liverpool that the
body of a boy baby was found in
a bale of Texas-grown cotton
earths the mysterious disappear.
a ton cf
George a farmer of
county, Texas,
six months ago.
It is believed the body is that
of the and that he
was killed in a gin and the frail
body crushed into a bale of cot-
ton which was exported and
found its way to the Liverpool
cotton mills. The
answers that of the child, which,
it was feared had met death by
drowning in a river.
Late in November the father
carried a wagon load of cotton to
a gin in a small town in
county, and the baby son
him. The child was
missed, but the father thought
some of his friends had the boy
in charge. The search was kept
up for many weeks and a reward
but no trace of the body
was found. Evidently the tot
got into one of the cotton presses
and was killed and baled in the
cotton. The will be ship-
to America. Concord Time.
will treat you right
AT N. O.
At the close of business April 1909,
Loans and discounts
Demand loam
Gold coin
Silver coin. Including
bank note and other
18,411.61 Capitol
1.178 fund
I . S. notes
Undivided profits, less
expanses taxes M
Time of deposit 202.20
Deposits subject to -k 8,06-1,61
Total f
E. a ml A. Asst. Cashier
of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above auto
is inn- to the best of our knowledge and belief,
Cashier. Cashier
F. Harrington,
G- E. Lineberry,
II. A.
Notary Public I Directors
Subscribed and sworn to
fore me, this day of May,
1900. R
The worst foe for years of John
I of Mi-h., m a running
He pod
without benefit. Then .
announced him. Cures Bog,
nil for I'll.-,
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close of business, April
Loans discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture fixtures
Due from
Gold silver
coin currency
L less
tuxes pd
Time of
Deposits sub to check
U, 1111.20
W. II. Cashier of the above-named bunk, do sol-
swear the statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. W, H,
sworn to be-1 Correct
day of May, I
fore me, this 4th
S. T. Carson, i
If, O.
s. M. Jones,
Girl Gets Prize.
Miss Dorothy Norman, a little
;. I to
R I the
Dr. O. Hyatt will be in
Bertha on
M an u June 7th
. Kittrell and 8th, fur -i treat
night from Durham, diseases of the eye and fit-
v. . ; a in ting glasses. Parties
Southern Conservatory of to see about having work
Music. I will charged no fee unless
Susan Jackson are upon.
the d of Dr. J. -V Burnt, cuts, Corns. at daughter of Mr. Mrs. J. b.
all Druggists. was the happy winner
i from that town at . in gold at the droving at
o'clock. Dr. Bynum was For Long big Saturday.
a of
Ann ,. ,. . ,
one on In a
tuba v. la
applied directly to the
years old,
county's citizen-, .-., ,
leaves a wife and several Child- relief to
K. Elite Top Dressing for
Cotton and better.
Manufactured by The Scotland
Neck Guano Co.
Wools liver
quick r. lief to nick
and children.
will treat you
Call see P. M. Johnston
n t for engine
work and any-
hop op
all of i ; l-
I a to
health. Price and . i.-o.
John I,.
headache, constipation, and
hi her of liver disorders.
Particularly recommended for Jaundice
n The size
Bold by John 2.1-21 as much if the
Bate or
I houses in West Greenville.
will treat you W. Leslie Smith.
Bo ; by Join I,
hen feed, will make your
hens lay Get it at F. V. John-
thing you need,
el Bertha
DO w
pencils, you
what they are, at Reflector Book
f a
It Ml
at a ti a an M. k
r U, . A.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
f Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Favor Patted Up to the Town Of-
Site for Public
May j Greenville. N. May 1909.
Editor Mr.
In view of a number of noticed with gratitude a
which I have received corner in
. . . i Friday's paper. am sure every
prominent citizens of Greenville, i . ,
woman in town thanks you
regarding the s of in f
suitable site for the proposed j space you have to kindly given,
public building in I I make to a little infer
deem it proper to make a trusting that this
statement of my attitude re- j not be in vain
the matter. I First. Can you tH me on what
not, and I cannot, take a position the man goes north
favoring or opposing any
site. This is inclusively a
and south, and east and
I am continually in dread of sow
local matter, and should be complaining of my trash
to the citizens of Greenville as a on the Street,
determine. yet I dare pot move it for fear
I should decide to favor just at that time,
some site, I i he hiS
only do co after a schedule of
examination of all it will greatly
and all the condition,,
in order that my conclusion
Second. If you are t
might be based as far as possible can
upon merit. However, thin ii
mus who to apply to for the
the function of the treasury information
department, and not of the
district representative in con-
Third. Can you give me the
name of the
Suppose, however, I; As he has not called thus far, J
should attempt to inform like have inspect
and reach a conclusion as to the and see that there
moat appropriate site, would it nothing the health
be proper even under such m or my family,
for me to Any light on the subject will
be appreciated.
particular site I think not.
I am the representative of all
the people of Greenville, and if I
have any influence with the
treasury department, arising
from such official position, I
Very cordially.
Mrs. I Seeker.
The Reflector that
under the town ordinances Mon-
days and Thursdays are the
ought not to use that influence prescribed for . the
in favor of the owner of any to remove trash, but owing
one site, against the owners of m much work to be done there
is no regularity in their move-
in view of the fact that an As the in;
agent of the department the n no
recommendation for along that
a particular site, I
line devolving upon the
the treasury to
up the matter of approval of this
until July 1st. I first HOW MANY GOVERNORS DID YOU
named June 1st, but have re-
quested a month longer, in order
that the fullest opportunity may
be afforded.
I will very gladly arrange for
any public hearing before the
assistant secretary of the treas-
upon behalf of any citizen
delegation of citizens
Greenville, in order they
may present their views, re-
of what their views may
be. This is a very important
matter for Greenville, because it
involves the location of a site for
a building, which will
probably not be changed for
many years to come, and it is
th right of your board of
trade, or any citizens of Green
to take a part in the de-
termination of the matter.
I will thank you to
this communication, in order
that my position may be fully
known. I have stated my
without any mental
and shall endeavor con-
to maintain my
upon the
I shall be absent from Wash
D. G, from Tuesday
June 1st, for about a week, with
a party of congressmen on a trip
of inspection of the Norfolk-
Beaufort waterway, and after
that shall be continuously at
Washington, D. C, during the
month of June.
Very respectfully,
Jno. H, Small.
See if You Called Their
They Are.
or Aycock.
Largest shipment flue iron
aver received in Greenville at one
time. I want your orders for
flues. J- J. Jenkins.
d w Ira
Good Work of Greenville Agency.
The Greenville agency for the
Mutual Life Insurance Co., of
New York, leads the State in
business written in May, C. L.
Wilkinson, of this agency,
written which heads
the lists of the agents of the
entire State. Mr. Wilkinson
I says this is easy done, as the
conditions of the old
Mutual Life appeals to the
people taking sound insurance.
Mr. Wilkinson is receiving
many letters congratulations
from different agencies of the
During the month of June
there will be a contest between
the State agencies of North
Carolina and Virginia to see
which can turn in the most in-
District Manager H.
B. Harriss says if other local
agents do as well as he and Mr.
Wilkinson are to do he is
sure North will lead in
this ltd
A Pretty Evening Marriage of Popular
At the home of Mr. and Mr.
Joseph S- their
Miss Minnie Thorpe, was
married J. Arthur Jones,
evening at o'clock.
At the front door was Mr.
K. B of with
Miss Mamie sister
the bride, the
quests Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
were at parlor
door and Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Mn at the parlor door.
At the punch Mr. T. M.
Hooker with
At Mrs. W. L. Hall sang
and charmed all
present with her
Mrs. T. E Hooker then sang
Premise to the delight
Of all present. the sing-
accompanied bf Mrs. J.
L. Carper in bar happy mode and
masterly touch, the were
arranged to await the arrival
if bride and groom.
The wedding march was
by Mrs. Carper. Mi-a
Mattie of en-
the parlor as bridesmaid,
then followed groom with his
best man. At. C. H Ferguson,
and following the bride,
on the of her father.
She wore a suit of
green with hat to match and
carried bride
ceremony performed
by D. W. Arnold, pastor of
the bride.
The couple left on the evening
N. S. train for a bridal tour to
Washington, D. C.
The presents were handsome
showing the es-
teem of the many friends and
The bride is a young lady of
many attractions, and the groom
a in the office
of the American Tobacco Com-
here. Their many friends
m them a happy wedded life.
H W. Declared Nominee far
We, the undersigned, who were
appointed to hold and conduct a
primary for the nomination of a
Democratic candidate for mayor
to be voted for at an election to
be held on the 7th day of June,
beg leave to report that we
have held the said primary on
the 1st day of June, 1909, from
the hours of to p. m., and
that the following named persons
received the following votes to-
Harry Whedbee votes.
S. C. Wooten votes.
W. H. Long vote.
And the said Harry W.
bee having received a majority
of all the votes cast we hereby
declare him duly nominated
the Democratic candidate for
of Greenville to be voted
for on the 7th day of June, 1909.
Given under our hands this the
1st day of June, 1909.
R. Hyman,
L. W. Lawrence.
Judges of Primary.
Mayor II. W. Whedbee was
the last man to vote; His modesty
would not allow him to vote for
himself, so he cast his ballot for
Mr. W. H. Long, which accounts
for that gentleman getting one
The of potatoes were
quoted today
Philadelphia-$4.26 to 4.50.
I Firsts
Timely to Help lie
Town Clean.
Dear Mr.
As another Monday has passed
and the trash man has not
parsed, bog to say a few
words in of our town
officials. In your reply to Mrs.
Information St last Friday,
you stated that us there was
work to be done, the
man was unable to make his
usu;. rounds. We air- glad that
the Street force is busily en-
gaged, and while some may say
that the force is inadequate, aid
be increased, we must all
remember that
treasury cannot be
on of heavy
Therefore it is
bent on every citizen to do ail he
can to help these good
keep the free cf rubbish
and We have noticed in
several places that piles of paper
and trash have
Now this is a got d example to be
followed by and it is
amazing how the town
carting away the trash could be
lightened if every
would do the same thing.
Let us, therefore, work to-
and by turning every-
thing that can be burned, lighten
the work of the town officials in
keeping the streets clean of
paper and trash. A Helper.
The Thanks.
The Patient Circle of The
King's of Greenville
desire to return profound thanks
and appreciation to all the
of our town who so kindly
contributed time and services to
render the stay of gates
pleat ant during the recent con-
Especially will ever
remember the kindness extended
by Carolina Club in permitting
the use of their handsome rooms
for the luncheons and
also the Methodist
who so generously off- red their
beautiful church for the service.
Tie Musical Club and their
president, Mrs.
Travis Hooker, were most kind
in furnishing delightful music
that added much to the y-
all present
Too much cannot be Said in
gratitude to Messrs. Wiley
Brown and W. H. Jr.,
whose services were invaluable
in assisting with the
of our guests and their bag-
gage; nor of Mr. O. E. Warren
for his donations of beautiful cut
Mrs. R. Williams, Tn as.
Mrs. J. L, Wooten, Sec.
Mrs. A. L. Blow, Pros.
cl Lodge No. Black Jack, N. C. June
F. E. L. has returned from
,., ,,, . . he has
an . .
. . , , i i taking a t coarse.
seen fit from
this world soul of or d
broth- . Dr. there
fore be it
1st. That h death of,
Brother J. N. our
its oldest and faith i
its beat it
2nd. we, the members
Covenant , deeply mourn
I the loss tint baa come upon us
by the death of Brother Bynum,
, and that a place is made
that will be hard ; fill.
That we extend to the
j bereaved family of Brother By-
our heartfelt sympathy in
their great would com
mend them to Him all
things well, who alone com-
fort them their sad bereave
That a copy of these res-
be sent v the family of
our deceased brother, and a c
spread on our minutes, and
a copy be sent The Reflector
for publication.
D. C. Moore, I
L. H.
J. L Dis m and W. V. Clark
attended the at
d n Is t we k. ;
. fine
C of . here
y and
Mr. and Mrs. L.
end e I of
. guest Mr
W L. Clark
D. W.
, X. C, 1909.
went to Farmville
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. C E and
Mark Smith delegates from
Smith's School church and
J. Ii. Smith delegate from the
Sunday school to the
union meeting, left Friday even-
to stop at Wilson and
the night and to make their way
Saturday morning to Fremont to
the union. They returned Mon-
day and report a good meeting.
Rev. S. W. of fine,
i ton. Saturday evening at
E. and pr-ch-
u very good sermon that night
at house. He
Mr. and r- W. J.
Mayo, of i. also
guest .
Coward, of Salem,
was the guest of Mi a Bettie
and Harper Saturday night
J. A. sister. Miss
at Thursday
I night.
i Mist Sophia of Mac-
church Saturday
night and Sunday with Miss
Lillie Buck.
Mil SM Edwards and
Alice Biggs returned b me Sun-
day evening after spending a few
days with Miss Martha William-.
J. Ii. Clark spent Saturday
night and Sunday
Adam is on the sick
Hop he will better
We wore very glad to see so-
many out night to hear
the debate. It was ably discus-
by the young men. There
will be another of s Friday night.
Miss Zara spent Sat-
night and Sunday with
her aunt, Mrs. M. H. Arnold.
will an
en here by the pupil.; of the
school ac
on Sunday at 10.30.
We hope to have a large crowd
in section are look-
Thanks to and
The North Carolina Branch of
The King's and Sons,
assembled in State convention
in Greenville May by
vote expressed sincere thanks
to the physicians and
throughout the State for their
ready response to all demands
made upon them for services
and medicine by of the
order. Committee.
State papers please copy.
also preached excellent
Sunday at a. m. and
home Sunday evening
Mills Smith went to Greenville
Patrick Cobb, of Kinston was
in our action Saturday night
and Sunday,
Miss Trott, of Richlands, who
is visiting Mrs. T. A. Nichols
and Mrs. Nichols were in our
town Sunday.
Mrs. C. L. and Leon Tyson, of
Saturday morn-
to visit at C. E.
and returned home Sunday.
Sheriff Tucker and ex-sheriff
Harrington were stopping at
Ivy Smith's Sunday evening.
J. H. Flanagan, of Farmville,
was at ivy Smith's Sunday.
Several people were stopping
at F. M. Smith's Sunday
the Primitive Baptist union
meeting; held at Tyson's.
Miss Agnes Smith left
day morning tor Grifton to at-
tend the marriage of Miss May
Brooks and Mr. Joe Cobb, of
T. E. Little has been on the
sick list for nearly a week.
r. pi
The parade of
Statement Corrected.
My competitors are trying to
get orders for tobacco flues by
telling farmers they have
bought me out of the
patterns and all. It is
entirely as I am still very
much in the flue business and
have a large stock on hand.
now ready for delivery.
Come early to avoid the rush.
L. H. Pender, Main Street.
Grimes Drum Corps on Evans
street Wednesday evening was
witnessed t-y a large number of
people. The boys acquitted them-
selves well and executed the drill
in goo order. The
moving picture tho at the Gem
was for the benefit of
the corps and was well patron-
The Gem had on a program
of excellent pictures.
For Sale.
On Monday, June 21st, at
o'clock we will sell at public
action to the highest bidder
before the court house in Green-
ville one hons now for the
Free Will Baptist church known
as the public school house.
And one lot on Eleventh
street near said church. Terms
of sale one-fourth cash, remain-
by Jan. 1st,
A. L. Potter.
j, T. Abrams,
C. A. Jones.
Building Committee.
G to G to
Strawberries at S. M.
When you have baggage to go
Mrs. Mills Smith been to trains phone No.
very sick for several days with
chills and fever.
The weather has got warm
enough crops to grow and
the farmers have put on a
pleasant look. Crops are look-
well in spite of the long cool
spell we had in May.
You don't lose your fountain
pen or pencil if you have a
They cost but
at Book Stare.
Everybody wants the best
it is Henry Clay, at S. M.
I For tobacco J. J.
Jenkins at warehouse.
Letters from Rev. B. F. Huske,
who is In a
hospital, nu the
information t nil host of
friends that his improvement is

Eastern reflector, 28 May 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 28, 1909
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Joyner NC Microforms
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