Eastern reflector, 7 May 1909

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. v-
In Charge of F. C. NYE I
Winterville And Vicing-Advertising Rates on ,
l Agent cl The Eastern
in I. for th have a lot of enamel war,
p . i HI
ban i . cutters, Syracuse
. , . . fa mer can
u v. these ma-
,. . . his farm. We
will inter A
; i. Barber Co.
. Little ape it
, re.
that mast go. S us for pr .--
on it.
Our line of fresh garden seeds
baa Miss
Harrington. Barbel Co. to Greenville last
The Economic Back Bands are to look at Spark's show,
ti suitable plow saddle on Hisses Lou
.,,,,. your Carrie Belle Smith Friday
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. for an extended visit
v for Farmville
T. E. Little left
C, April 1909.
Crawford and
. i
Tar Heel , he
., by the tearing Up new grounds.
Co. Harrington, Barber Co.
t, . Green- ,., . .,. ; ,
.-.- B .; get the beet prices.
. bush .;
.; Hon blankets and
, . re, the best , A.
. pi are carrying a nice line of
i, Barb Caskets. Prices are
ft Friday ht and can nice hearse
Friday for
to visit his
and returned
R. A.
Smithtown Friday.
Rev. T. H. Barnhill spent
day night at ivy Smith's.
p Willoughby went
t, f s ,, Friday Green.
w . days visiting, our lire of mens and box s Mrs Ivy
I . . , was hats opened up. tended meeting it
h yen business, diem from the wide and Sunday.
, Greene palmetto to the nicest f heir
c . through town Harrington arrived I
way to Bethel. line of slippers is now a pound boy.
i i, pork, oysters, ready for inspection. Miss smith is visiting
. L. found, prices. A. W. L, i n,,. Haywood Smith.
ii. on . , I this week.
,,. time soon be at Mr Mrs. Mills Smith visit-
g the will be housing their A j Flanagan's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
horn attended church at Green-
i. cur line of that will save you money. night.
spring time. We are preparing to R E and
furnish our customers visited at C. L.
trucks as early as possible and ;
A. A Co. have sum-1 deem it a treat favor to, WM
all that desire trucks for Saturday and Sunday.
Tobacco Guano
-J i
e i church at therefore, do not forget
genuine Handy
i . examine cur
. d hat
.- been opened up.
. r .
persons of a Milan
SO benefit b
of these pills. II you have been
they HI relieve the
the appetite remove
Take No Substitute.
Stop Off Old Fields.
HOW long, oh, how long, for the Ur-
our farmers burn up every spring,
the little futility that Mother
Nature has spent the
previous twelve months trying,
to develop Turn out an old has been that
naked, and President William El.
Mother Nature clothes with a
coat of to heal its scars, to
the wounding of it with
season that they place
, , re.
. , Barber Co. as possible.
r.,. Q Lint berry have orders for more than
. re
Ur present for future
was billed to A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co.
at the closing N. C.
High school A. w. wish to
announce to their
reversible disc bar- men that their goods are
bl up-to-i here. All are most cordially
u, before buy-; to come examine our
Barber We can give you
ex r
The i.
. ill
H KinK Friday
,. . where
, . appoint-
n. . . . . i re
. .,.,. men and
p sun mer stock of bats
u. ,. been opened.
S. . , and price
Rev. .
The boys have
organized a debating society to
meet every Friday night.
here is great interest manifest
ed in the meeting that is being
earned on in the Baptist
of Neck, by Rev. Mr.
Virginia, and Rev.
Mr. the pastor.
were nine accessions up to
Sunday night. It is expected
the meeting will close Wed-
It Is said that nearly every
body in Scotland Neck is a
of the church- The Baptist
Harrington. Barber Co. I Sunday school numbers between
A new lot of m mi's and three four hundred.
dress shoes just in.
kith rot
A Creed for the Discounted.
believe that God created me
to be happy, to enjoy the bless-
. f life, to useful to my
fellow beings; and an honor to
my country. . .
I believe that the trials
besot me today are but the fiery
tests by which my character is
strengthened, and
g and to feed it w
ting vegetable matter
as the only way on earth to bring
it back to strength. Ard
yet nine farmers out -f ten will
go ahead and in twenty-four
hours time burn off all the
humus that has
spent a year growing for
salvation of the
the land's indeed
we must burning our old
may the grass
We have jut received i or line
of men's and rs.
See as tor styles and
. i . Co.
. . is visiting
of Hook-
. .
,. guano dis-
Come and examine
th .,, an prices that
. . . i Taylor, o
m , . relatives
fr; , C I-
. X cotton plant
. i-n sowers are
. c
Be. i you buy.
N. C.
Mi; E Vi . at. of
vi . her home this
m, tending a few
d . Cox.
j. corned just in.
A. W.
, , . V. bite-
he morning for Dud
. a vi -it.
A .,.,. ;, , of best crockery
Barber Co.
i room went to Green
this g.
you v. your to
be lay well and your
to b thrifty rive then
I believe are
it mi ans
i too barren
any gross at
Fa. mer.
Ever Seen in Charlotte
Charlotte, N. C. April 27.-1
ed definitely
deliver his address on the
of May. at which time this
city will celebrate the 134th
anniversary of the signing of the
Mecklenburg of In-
dependent, from the reviewing
stand which is now being erected
in front of the Mecklenburg
court house and
rounding the monument com-
the signing of this
immortal document. This stand
will perhaps be the largest ever
erected in the State and the in-
are that it will be
to its utmost capacity,
the demand
, , . to grow other towns of North and South
Harrington. Barber Co.
Fresh corned barrings.
A. W. Ange
Misses Dora Cox and Kate
Chapman went to
The t Orphanage sing-
in class tilled th. engagement
ht. They gave a part of last week in Washing-
Oakley, N. C, April 1909.
Several from this place at-
tended at Oak Grove
Robt. Jenkins and spent
of life, which
store for me.
I believe that my soul is to
grand to be crushed by
will rise above it. .
believe that am the
own fate; therefore,;
I will be master of circumstances, The attention of t r
directed to the .
Home Building
an excellent entertainment to a
large audience. The people here
are certainly loyal to the orphan-
age work in North Carolina.
The receipts amounted to
cream served in the
afternoon at o'clock to the or-
and a host of others by
R iv. R. R- Bridgers f i
his regular appointment
m and night.
Rev. T. U. returned from
Goldsboro yesterday.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville, at Hotel Bertha,
T. F. Nelson and little son, W.
T , went to Hobgood Monday and
returned Tuesday.
Ben and Miss
Velma, of visited in
this section Saturday and Sun-
A. Manning, of
I spent here with
here ibis mother.
Mrs. T. F. Nelson attended
church at Sunday.
Plenty potato bugs. Drum-
some next.
Last Thursday Mrs.
Mrs. Lou were
driving to Greenville. They met
other towns
Carolina. General admission to
the stand will be and to
reserved seats the latter
giving the occupants en
L. Association. tunny t be the
reader; during the parade while he is
and surrounding,, not their slave. th making address, r
I will not yield ti discourage- of
will trample them under in this . or
foot and make them serve series of will an
stepping stones to success. I open on next
my obstacles and be . large one. The
into opportunities. has made a fine
My failures of today will help record during the years
to guide me on to victory on the and he
morrow great
Will bring new it is co the
new hope, t should appeal to the investor.
Monday and May 3rd, .
and 4th the purpose of treat- w
diseases of the eye and fitting
glasses. Those who want to see
about having work done will be
charged no fee terms are
agreed upon.
and Poultry Food.
Hit don't do what it is
mended to --tit to us and
get your money back.
A. Co.
want to Greenville Monday attar-
Fox returned from
Tuesday, where she had
visiting for several days-
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lang
request the of your
at the marriage of their daughter
Mr. Lane Humphrey
on Wednesday morning
May the twelfth
At nine o'clock
Farmville. N. C.
The was riding a horse,
running the animal at full speed.
The ladies gave him all the room
they could, the failed to
check his speed, and while pass-
them the and horse
fell against the vehicle breaking
the buggy harness. It was only
by the good judgment of Mrs.
Rawls, who was calm and at-
tended to her own horse, that
serious injury was not done. It
gets worse, for when a motor
car is not in sight a wild
is in the way.
strength, .
and new beginnings. i
will be ready to meet it a
heart, a calm mind and
an undaunted spirit. In
things I will do my best, and
leave the the Infinite.
i will not waste my mental
energies by useless worry i
will learn to dominate my
less thoughts and look
bright of things.
lace world bravely,
I will not be a coward- I w
my God-given birthright
and be a man. .
For I am immortal and
can overcome
Opal Meyers.
the secretary and
shares in the new series
The committees in charge o
the celebration are making every
effort to arrange for
for the entertainment of
the thousands of visitors who
will be here on this historic
With the excellent
take some; occasion.
Pita put up In a
to th aorta.
d hold by
on the
hotel facilities of the city in
addition to the several hundred
boarding houses there is no
fear on the part of the
committee that Charlotte will
be amply prepared to care for
all who will come. Already the
city has begun decorating for
the event, the
that several days before the
celebration the streets will be a
blaze of glory for the reception
S the troop, who
the arrival
tan my feat cut off U
ink-ham, III.
ill .
aw res w.
Dur and astound the word. here.
at all
The Concert.
Notwithstanding the very in i
clement , , .
attended the concert days before
by the Asylum ringing President
in opera Tuesday I
night. The people exerted. New Lumber for Greenville.
to get out for such a Son are erecting
worthy cause. The. children; at
program. of Greene street near
The door receipts were Machinery is now
15.60. a collection .
Christian church
The plant
will have capacity of sawing
to, I making a total of
M will be ready to begin operations
feet of lumber and
will treat you
Buy the best-Odorless Re-
at S. M. Schultz.
Sick headache, and
Ring L L v-
They Do
gripe. Price Sold by John to
will treat you
fishing the rain breaks it up.
CC i W J o-o low
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
Per Year
VOL. No.
A Plan to Build Once- Appeal
no Day
of Life Property of Inter. in North Caro-
and Wet
Atlanta. Ga. April On day. while moving the
, , , ,, I epidemic of cyclone and j school house in
army of bidders which have not fins township. Mr. Joshua
been known for years, was caught
Here Company
Award for
There have been almost an
a yesterday I epidemic of cyclone a
Broken- Another Board of
The annual meeting of the
than cents. now in
hand. One day's earnest work
throughout the country will, it
is hoped, complete the amount
Some years ago, under a gen-
act of the United States
congress, at government ex-
the remains of Con
federate soldiers, then scattered
throughout Arlington and the
District of Columbia, were
and interred together in a
beautiful spot now known as the
Confederate section in Arlington
cemetery, each grave marked
with a marble headstone,
the when possible.
Practically every
State named on those slabs.
Later the United States Con-
gave by unanimous vote
to care for the graves
of those who died in Northern
prisons. Each of these soldiers,
where known, is to nave a
rate headstone, and the remains
of the unknown, it now been
decided by the president, are to
be grouped under appropriate
In the center of the
ate section at Arlington is left a
mound. There, in sight of Wash-
City, where for untold
the American and
the foreigner will be pilgrims,
the are
expected to build a memorial,
which will typify their love of
and veneration for their dead.
Soon after the at
Arlington, Confederate
in began to
move in this matter. In 1906 the
United Daughters of the
in convention at
endorsed the movement and sub-
scribed to it. In 1907 at Norfolk
the daughters took full charge,
appointing directors in the
states and an executive
committee at Washington. All
went promptly to work.
all sources the amount received
and deposited in the American
Security Trust Company, of
. Washington. D. C, as reported
at a meeting of our committee,
n the 5th of April. 1909, was
8,999.73, besides on hand,
but not yet deposited,
ting over nine thousand dollars
now in hand.
To build a monument worthy
of our dead and which will re-
present at Arlington, the borne
of Lee. all Confederates
everywhere, feel that we
need more. This sum
and be subscribed by
our friends at once, if they are
properly solicited. Each local
chapter of the daughters is
therefore hereby earnestly re-
quested to
Ask the local
which are always public spirited,
to print this appeal in two
more, if of their issues
preceding the coming local
Memorial Day, calling attention
to the appeal.
Appoint a number of
earnest and efficient lady
each to be decorated,
when soliciting, with appropriate
insignia of authority, and in-
them to ask of every one.
in streets, houses and
homes, to contribute cents,
informing each person that no
more is asked, but that larger or
smaller will not be refused,
and the canvassers must politely
insist on pinning upon each one
who responds a piece of white
ribbon, upon which is printed
and today to go
committee of the trustees
of East Carolina Train-
school and submit bids on
the two new buildings to be
erected, and for the equipment
of all the buildings. Monday
the bidders began arriving and
every train brought numbers of
them. There are building con-
tractors, machinery men,
men, laundry men, electrical
men, railroad men with an eye
to getting the freights, and
others, and they came from all
sections of the country. Several
car loads of furniture and other
equipment were also shipped in
to exhibit before the committee,
and the buildings have
much the appearance of an ex-
position with the large display of
different articles.
These have been busy days
for the executive going
over and comparing the various
bids, and their work in this par-
is not yet completed. AH
that has been given out so far is
that the contracts for the two
additional buildings was awarded
to the Building Lumber Co. of
Greenville, the same company
that erected the first four build-
It speaks well for the
home company to get these con-
We cannot give the full
of the bidding and the
figures until the committee can
make a report.
through the South last night and j house and a post.
and his
all today, leaving in their wake i leg was cut off about
hundreds of dead and mangled
bodies, and the dismantled
wrecks of property worth many
It is substantiated that
between the ankle and foot.
His right leg was also broken
and foot crushed almost to a
jelly. J. E. and
W. E. Warren were
Man's Arm
Slightly Injured.
Friday while hands were
new .
Co., one of the wire ropes broke
and let a heavy pole fall.
of the way of the. In the absence
Washington, a col- president ard vice pr
caught in
plant of the Greenville Ice lug an Loan Association
V T. , Tuesday in the may
culled and
unfortunate man resting as
well as could be Mr.
Ellis is a man of family i
about years of
While Mr. . F. Cash's plow
men were at work on the Leslie
place, a few miles east of town,
Tuesday, they unearthed a
shoulder of meat weighing on
pounds, which had been
buried in the field. Recently
Mr. Dan Call, of the same com-
shoulder of
missed a
The usual reunion of the old
veterans will be had at Green-
ville on Monday. May the 10th.
with the usual Din-
will be prepared for the vet-
their wives, and all
old Soldiers of Pitt and adjoin-
counties are invited.
H. Harding Comp.
R. W. King Chm of Com of Ar-
to Arlington
Amounts thus collected,
less necessary expenses, will be
sent by check or express to Mr.
Wallace treasurer.
18th street. Washington, D. C,
who will duly acknowledge as
well as publish in the
ate of Nashville, Tenn.
This plan energetically carried
out it is earnestly hoped will at
once enable the organization to
for designs and bids to be
submitted to the U. D. C. at the
next convention.
It will be gratifying indeed if
the building by the Federal gov-
of the monument it is
about to erect over our unknown
dead around northern prisons.
shall be promptly followed by
the consummation of our own
plans for such a memorial at
Arlington as shall be a source of
pride to us and our posterity.
Should every chapter of the
daughters in all the land,
whether it or not otherwise
observing memorial day. united-
rise to this work as we
expect and in the space of
one day raise the sum necessary
to complete this monument, what
a glorious spectacle of love and
patriotism this will present.
By order of Mrs. Cornelia
Branch Stone, President-General
U. D. Cm this 10th day of
Hilary A. Herbert.
Chairman of the Arlington
Confederate Monument
Arthur E. Johnson
the left leg
Memphis heavy loss bound up the other I
from towns within a radius of
in three States.
Atlanta and most of
Heaped only t proper
less during the blow. But
two young people, a brother end
sister, William and Pearl
lost their lives here this after-
noon by the of a row-
boat during a squall.
homes were
At Knoxville the greatest
damage was from interference
with commerce.
At Charlestown the storm
swerved to the river
from the Tennessee Valley, de-
much property. At
three are known to
have perished.
At Cuba many houses
blown down and at
not even a shed was left stand-
No fatalities were reported
from either place, but
is very
At Horn Lake, Miss., half a
dozen lives were lost and the
property damage was very
heavy. From neighboring towns
come tales of men, women and
children killed and homes wreck-
ed. The tornado swept over
into Arkansas, and killed eight
persons, near Mammoth Springs,
besides wrecking a score of
buildings. Other points in
Arkansas report heavy loss.
reports show that the death and
destruction caused by the
terrific storm that swept over
the Middle West last night were
more extensive than at first
by the telegrams
carried over damaged wires.
Three men were killed in Chicago
by the collapse of a
In the path of the storm be-
fore it reached the Great Lake
region, great destruction of
property is reported. At least
persons were killed.
At Golden. Mo., the business
the town was destroyed
and many homes were wrecked.
Five persons lost their lives.
At Ma, the wind
created havoc and two persons
were killed. Many were injured.
The storm was furious in
Southern Illinois and at Texas
City, near four persons
were killed and many seriously
wounded. The town was
Louisville, Ky.
patches gathered throughout the
South by the Associated Press
tonight indicate that at least
persons met sudden death in the
great wind that spread havoc
throughout the region south of
Ohio The number of injured
is probably three fold that of the
Great damage to property and
crops was caused in Michigan,
on the east shore of Lake Mich-
Benton harbor and South
Haven being in the path of the
getting out
pole George
man, was
and struck by a heavy
If and one arm was broken.
Another colored man, Ed h
was also hurt on leg,
but not seriously.
of both the
over the meeting. In the
chair interesting
statement-, regarding work
the association. is just
three years has 1677 shares
North Carolina Inquiries.
The Chattanooga Tradesman
reports the following new
tries established in Caro-
during the week
cotton gin.
oil corn-
meat and it is supposed that
meat up in the field was
that stolen from Mr. Call, and
that it had been buried for
future use by the thief, who
probably feared that his premises
might be The incident
reminds one of the of the
sensible dog which hides his
plus of food in the ground
Rev. Dixon. Sr. died
Raleigh Saturday night He
was years old and had been a
minister of the Gospel for sixty
Selma, N. C, April 30.-About
seven o'clock last evening Mr.
H. H. Burgess, of Ramseur, N.
C, an of the Southern
railroad was. killed by the
here. He had fired his en-
preparing to be called out
and started for supper when it
backed on him, killing him in-
N. C. April
less than a dozen
able cows and a of dogs
bitten by a rabid dog, have been
killed in this county this week.
Two mules bitten by the same
dog will be killed if investigation
proves that the dog had rabies.
Portions and Craven
counties were visited by a severe
hail storm Tuesday.
J. R. B. the de-
faulting official of New
Bern, succeeded in raising the
additional bond required of him
and has been released from
Asheville, N. C, April 29.-
John charged with
the Killing of Zeke Roberts in a
street hock near the Old Reed
place on the night of April
was convicted of murder in the
second degree in Superior court
this morning and sentenced by
Judge Ward to a term of fifteen
years in the State prison.
Rand Peace, a citizen of Thorn
hung himself in his barn
Monday morning. He was
at the Orphanage, and Bad
been there since its start,
was years old and leaves a
widow and children. His
mind had been weak tor some
time. Courier.
Fish are plentiful. Herrings
are now selling at per
thousand or ten cents a dozen
and shad at cents. We are
that of the fisher-
men are hauling herrings out on
in force ard ha loans
ting which has b an in-
vested in Greenville.
He said unhesitatingly that it is
doing more for the town than
any other here.
The only before
meeting was the election of
rectors for the next year.
Eleven of the present directors
re-elected, the
one new member of the board
being the last named, OS
R. C. Flanagan, R. O.
D. C. Moore, D. J. Whichard. C.
T. B. W. Moseley, C.
C. Vines. H. W. Whedbee, C.
S. T.
White, H. A White and W. A.
West mill.
lumber com-
Dixon. Sr-. father of
Dixon, of New YorK, the famous I
playwright and novelist and of
Rev. A. C. pas-
tor of the leading Baptist
churches in Brooklyn and now
in charge of one of the largest
churches in Chicago
of North is dying
at the home of his daughter.
Doctor Delia Dixon Carroll, of
Raleigh. The aged father N
ninety years old.
Hit Time in Charlotte to he Filly
Will be Given
An to See Him.
Charlotte, N. C, May
central committee of the
of May celebration, which
is to be held in this city May
and has outlined the pro-
of all the systems of graft an I for President r, when
ingenious age has a be a of the city, as
preacher of Marion. N- C,
has invented the most unique,
according to a special dispatch
from that town to the Charlotte artillery upon his
Observer The preaching at the Southern station
Arrive in Charlotte at
o'clock on a f train,
a. m. of guns by the
has been holding a revival for
the past month and have
been, it is said, conversion.
When a is converted he
issues a certificate like
is to certify that sister
Jane Jones has this day been
born into the kingdom of
etc. and charges the poor de-
fool the sum of cents
for her passport into Glory. A
number of them have been
framed by a picture dealer and
are prized by the holders more
than the left hind foot of a
Fayetteville, N. C, May
A case believed to have no
in the annals of
was placed on trial in the
Superior court here in
which J. F. Bedsole asks
damages from the Atlantic
Coast Line Railroad for mental
caused by being com-
to kill an excursionist
named in self-defense
on an Atlantic Coast Line train
and for received by being
kicked in the face. The plaintiff
avers that the conductor
have afforded protection.
We are told that at least per
of Sanford
Special committee to meet
President and Mrs. tat the
station and escort them
to the hotel.
a. m. President and Mrs.
Taft to receive reception com-
and their wives at the
m. Old soldiers to escort
President and Mrs. Taft and Mrs.
Stonewall Jackson to the review-
stand on South Tryon street
p. m. Luncheon at the
p. m. The president to
address the public
p. m. The president to
specially address the students of
Biddle University and the color-
ed people generally at Biddle
p. m. Dinner at the
President and Mrs. Taft
to receive the public in the large
parlors of the
Leave Charlotte or special train
after the public reception.
Electric Clock Service.
Lineman Riggan, of
He cent of the
own their own homes. Some of
Western Union Telegraph Com-
was here yesterday and
today installing an electric
clock system. Clocks will
, placed in Coward
them also own houses for in W. L.
They also have five churches and j jewelry store in
a good school that is well attend- i
. race in the
Western Union office in
Call and see P. M. Johnston
when in town for general engine .
and boiler repair work and any- Ledger,
thing you may need. Shop op-
i Hotel Bertha. w
ed. Materially the race
made considerable progress here
in the past few years. The hon-
est, energetic worthy ones
among them enjoy the confidence
and have the good will of the
this class
.- . . , ,
their field and for have bank accounts and can get i
,, . i from our
Raleigh, N. C Enterprise.
tor building. The clocks will all
be set accurately every day at
noon if there is the slightest
variation in thorn. our
can consult i of them
correct time.
i i

. .
Cheering Lights That Warn and
Gui-a the Mariner.
A of kerosene oil
th; Over the
Scranton, Pa., April -Bight
snow fell here
a. m. and p. .
We Are Whirling Around
Through Space.
The Lamp, and
the and Far-
Flam.-Why l
Not In
. m-
. . .
,. .
. I
I. I
d h hi I
la 1711
In ft
latter the
,. I
v he Mil with bin
and P-t N. c
governor f l
Charles v
Tired m
ll l II he f
the deserted
Eden sixty hop m ad of
as hi Tobias his
took twenty, end remap
MI Thatch and hi
Thou Ii for
Booths, plundering Insulting lb
men f.
tending the futility of ex
redress applied i
governor of Virginia to rid
of the pen
The governor, after m
with the the Pearl
lime. then in
agreed I two sloop.
to furnish
Pearl eras commend, at
the soiled on S-
IT. the
In Inlet sixty
from and
to elude ran
ii round, I i
drawing i are water, th she
,; . ;. board, fulled to
The Ii h-
ma. threw oat hi-
pr , to be i
,,, , ,,;
With i a tr
the pirate n
cf i i
his r
when, n
l f
levers the ship May
Hard pistol and I
hand, desperate
broke, and more than owe be narrow
y fatal
fell of
a followers
and f-r Ma;
bead at the how
end, sailed for where
he seized
ad I
of in the wind, re
Joined his ship In Virginia, where i
of captured were,
hanged , I
One of the crew who
pardon Israel
Dial M In I
re Shortly before Thatch,
met Ills Hindi i-ml been lamed
for by n ah I In the
Bred by Thatch from Hie
at which he, Hat I
others, to remind
his crew I i general he was
Barb i n the many
rte I en
When be In the rein w
,,.,, Into a his
. , bis
k i c ll h the
ends of k-b were thrown over his
ears; a far cap on head, with a
lighted either side, and
of I
Of the of
and Ma
from Hie fact that
k. was a
worthy of note In diary
found after hi
His One
Mother Why,
Willie Striking your little
Willie Aunt
face made me. ,
Aunt I
aid if yon did strike hr I would.
never kiss you
Willie -Well. I
let a like that lip.
The goal toward which the
board of I
ls ., , . chain of lights
. . , , the suites
and ., , the of riv-
. Inland see bounding the
that a hi;, may
,. . area of a light
; ,.;. before the
, i , light of another. As fat
. . being
. When
. told
,,. why own
. ., ,. , i. give a
. oil in the lighthouse
. is its lie from to twenty-
. . of lighting were Id
. when a new
i of employing
I . or and better
in some re-
. a which is
,. , , , ; i day except when
with t I care. In in
when the preset I
I i
Ocular tea
and i I rem
cost is. lb .
over the system this is
n meed i care a
f. ; u; ; . result, and it ii in
. . . f. a teener
poor v. th without
. . , . of Instructions. ,
Et h h an do
ion lamp ran supply light. ,
r lamp have live wicks, one ,
In . the other, and an- fed with oil ;
by a pump and pipe The i ll
fed to ; o that it
the where the flame la in the
tuns and in th right quantity.
Ii is diSh-alt to look at it. intense
Is the In the lease rather than
In the lamp Is the for they pk-k
op and Utah nearly ail the rays of
which ordinarily go astray. The
collect almost all
of and
refracts u out in one great broad
of light, parallel to the
of the sea, where It Is needed.
Th- Same Which come from the
ids are largely Bo, of
,. all similar flame. If
flame wen- not transparent there
could be no advantage in baring one
flame another and a third
two, etc. The light from
Hie r flame not get out and
w aid C i no g d.
In e me usually for
,., lea. the light Is all
to i la one beam.
a, i, , tn rings of
n. I ;. central and n reflector.
,, , ii a m
by or with another light
and running down the heat. arc safe
fr ;,. . ca which may be
by. range light or beams
the channel to be fol-
ii i- frequently asked of keep-
why electricity l not la
place of mineral oil. An electric
is to Install and difficult and
There Is
. In keeping are ex
in the point of the lens. i
the carts never burning mice alike i
and ml being
to bare fie light
exactly the point of lens
results In sending the rays or
down Instead of straight oat where
they are wanted. Electricity, while
r In penetrative power in It
fog, has no advantage over a power
oil In clear weather.
Ml, lard oil
order could be seen a bun
mile were It not for the
tare of the earth, and as long the
light I long
hi all ; i are served.
It . only Within recent years that
;, .-. , ; been In o. oil
one . . . ll end was v. ex
v n; to and With mineral
oil to Bloc latter year
mineral oil baa I n used entirely, ex.
r, . e Hy baa
a . or cool or
So far teal oil. for power, efficiency
. ea o of n at
i-. i i Id It own again
, other means of light making,
C if ll in be
Id tiled, the beat light ,
,. ,. , r maintenance and la the l.
. it, , gel skilled for
Ii I for the price set on kt
It nuke low
XI i. traveler who th.
coast and who sinks one light before
picking another know
In the dark is a .
picked fir th foundation of light
Which will be err- a as fund,
and time
Borrowed Plumes,
am writing
for the periodicals.
so I never no-
as author.
Oh, I always write under
the plume of
explains it. I
now to have read many oft
your of which
are fine. Let me congratulate
Without Attraction That Draws th.
World Toward It In an Elliptical
Course Our Globe Would en
Forever In a Straight Line.
There are the who think of
moving from one point to of
the earth call It-and yet
pay little heed to wonderful
of earth Itself. Many, again.
a climate while the hurry-
earn, is bringing to them one . II
mete after another In u.
don. Th. . who have not hitherto
taken much notice of the
re who b ii. t. so to speak.
of carriage window as
are led a i -might Bod a
la dolt so for
pie, at the apparent of the sun
shows it
pear larger in the winter
o'clock t;
Ii l
tr. About
a bail
. April LO.
a court to submit to
examination in
Mr-. Evelyn
Nesbitt to be in
contempt of court y by
and to
pay a line within five
days or Buffer
The court also granted an order
the appointment Of receiver
for i of Mrs. Thaw.
is the outcome of
k . . Li -k. I V i a , , ill .
d ll
. i .- I a-
And exact tell
it is -t on Jan, l and email
July six of the sun thus in
the approach
greatest distance from the sun
rate astronomical of the
sun's r might even determine
day the year, for dolly
ii. Brent size . I sun I
so,,,,, of a of an-
measurement And
that a for
against us. Thaw by
of tuts
a milliner
irk., April
. Fourteen persons injured,
I two seriously, hire
; i this afternoon Many houses
I were wrecked and gt -t d ;.
profess to measure th second decimal generally.
I I . v lire have eT or an-n at any
NOT WAtT or a pair lit,
It only
Write a now.
There are three ways In We
are with earth There
Ls. dally revolution, ear
rte n a complete circle In
twenty-four hour a rate varying
from rather than a
miles an hour at the to
lag the where no one. by the
way, boa ever Then we are
ling around urn one a year at I
the rate of eighteen n second j
Thirdly, we are Journeying through
stellar space, for one of the re-
facts which modem
limy has brought to Is that our
solar system, the sun with all Its plan-
et, is on a Journey toward the con-
I at rate of ten miles
As we sit In n train and are whirled
long It appears as If the
were Hying past us rather
than we past It. So the dally
of the earth- a thousand miles an
I hour at the the sun
rise and set. and our yearly Journey
makes the apparently travel
through the of the
If we round any stationary
object earth we with a
a BOW a cottage, now a
wood, now a church, etc. So as we
storm, accompanied by a
furious gale, burst over Chicago
bringing death to at
five and cutting
city off from direct outside
for nearly two
Chicago, April 29--One
was killed, three are missing
and a score were injured, and
worth Mi
destroyed by fire early today in
a grain elevator of the Illinois
Central Railroad
Remember the Truth.
travel round the sun we see it with an
ever background of stars-
now those . f Aries, now of Taurus,
now of Gemini, and so on The
of among the stars marks
the stages of the annual
rev And as the earth arrive
of Its the times of
the stars vary These
Indication of Hie progress
have been taken as maths of the sen-
Tin-, when rose with the
sun It was known that the dog days
bad begun. Early
ed carefully for the rising of the doc
tar. The Egyptian look-
ed for the helical of to
proclaim the new year
It is the earth- yearly Journey round
the sun -i. enable us to determine
the distances of the stars. The method
I precisely that adopted by surveyor-
for determining the of objects
I on earth
from two points a known
Mae apart. The rest Is mere
In the of the stars the
are from two extreme
points In the earth's orbit Instead of
from the two ends of a base line.
Is called when
applied to earth and
everybody understands what It means
When applied to the stars It Is called
parallax and remains a to
most people Sin b Is the
of ii word.
The the -little
of Browning are forcibly Illustrated in
the direction of Journey
round the sun. An elliptic course
very little from a com i
with a tin of the give n
; season. But if this difference and I
lilt did not exist there old DO
and one Climate would rule
the year. If.
more then for the hemisphere
; whose winter occurred the earths
i greatest distance from ma there
might be glacial period
Miss Helen
Keller. duty It a
; drawn And
this to be ii reflection on
I we had thought was the path
of duty round the sun. f-r path Is
curve known as the ellipse More-
over, the thought makes the sun a
tempter of the earth from the
path of duty, for the earth, we learn
from our Newton, if left to
would wander forever through
pace in a straight Ha is the sun
which draw it from this dull
Into the pleasant curve of
Yet the victory Is only partial,
tbs path a
nation of It. own straight line of b
and to the of
the sun. And so Instead of the
drawn out we have
the beautiful thought of the
seasons, the Bowers and fruits of
earth, with It ever weather,
sunshine and storm, best and coM.
Grifton, N. C. April 29th, 1909.
H. Harris.
Dist. MoT. Mutual Life Ins. Co.
Greenville, N. C.
I am in receipt of cash dividend
on my policy in your company
for 1909, amounting to
also that on my wife's policy for
This is entirely
and exceeds any former
dividends. I am stratified to note
the marked increase in
dividends of this company, and j
always recommend the old
Mutual Life of New York.
With best wishes for you and
the I am,
ltd W. S. Roach.
An ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure.
Quick Silver. Bed Bud Killer, Black
I meet Powder, Moth Ball.
All these and a full stock of Drugs, Pat-
Medicines and Seeds, at
Coward Wooten
. i
Superb Service to
the position of object
Ii The a of tin- object E q Flanagan Male
distance is lo be found is ob-
At the recent annual meeting
of the North Carolina Funeral
in Greensboro, Mr. E. G.
Flanagan, of Greenville, was
elected president for the coming
year. Greenville feels gratified
at this honor to one of her
townsmen, and it is an honor
well bestowed.
The next meeting of the
will be held in Goldsboro.
on Saloon Decks,
Elegant Table Dinner Club Breakfast to
Polite intention and the very best service in every way
Leave Norfolk of Jackson daily
p m. Arrive in Baltimore a. m., connecting with rail
lines for New York, and all points east and west.
for all information and reservations address
D. W.
i Groceries
And Provisions
Fresh kept con-
j In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
A Diamond or Wedding
Gold Goods.
Something for Gilts.
ready to serve you
let me have the order
The Jeweler.
Evans Street.
In the Building on Third street. Open for the
use of Ladies coming in from the country to spend
the day in Greenville. Matron in charge,
and every attention free.
All Ladies Cordially Welcomed.
I am now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale.
If expecting to build you a home or want to make a paying investment
it will be to your interest to see me.
I also have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale.
Terms to suit
Yes, After All,
It's to Vs
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Harry K. M. Receivers.
Life, Fire, Accident and Health
and Bonds. Will go on your
th. New
which PROS-
ls but another way of spell-
in ADVERTISING, making things
known from man to from
man to woman, lies the secret of
for which Individual and com-
The day of for BUSINESS
to step at the door SUCCESS
to blow in at the window Is past
must go out and corral
And the one way to do It ls o;
And keep up with the NEWS.
Weekly year
For good I I Try The
It. Splendid Mendacity Dad
Editor and Hi. Friend.
editor had worked off the
Egyptian chestnut of the
who accidentally tipped over
a small water bottle just as he
dropped asleep after dreaming
a forty-eight column dream awoke
to find the water not yet all run out
I had told my famous story of
the man who was overcome by slum-
just as the clock was striking;
midnight, dreamed a long,
dream that took him half the
next day to tell to his junior clerk,
who couldn't get away, and awoke
to bear the last three of the twelve
strokes. . i
Cooper had sat silently listening,
but now he braced himself up man-
fully, and, with a look of desperate
resolve, he
had an even more wonderful
experience than those you have been
relating, gentlemen, myself. I had
been out interviewing strikers, and
when I got into the and hand-
ed in my last bit of copy I was dead
beat out. I dropped into this chair
and was asleep before I struck the
straightway began to dream.
I lived a whole lifetime, from a lit-
babe to old age. Every step of
my education, every difficult lesson,
was reviewed in detail, even to in-
geometrical problems. I fell
in love, courted and married three
different girls, committed a murder,
lived through every incident of a
long trial and served a sentence of
twenty every day of which
was distinct and full of minute in-
of prison life.
sailed on a three voyage
around the world and in the last
of the last year wrecked
on a desert island, captured by can-
nearly crushed by a
constrictor, rescued by the
only to be sentenced to Siberia,
from which I escaped wandered
through the arctic for
months, did splendid work a re
porter on a morning newspaper for
several veers, the editor
just going to make mo bis
when suddenly awoke.
Some one had placed a pin in
that chair, and I
entire dream between the instant
Job Printing
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
Pulley wend
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville N C
when I started to sit down
when I struck that
And the editor and I put
on our coats in beaten silence and
went home to Stories.
Electricity In
Not the least remarkable of the
members of the finny tribe are
those which secure their food by
of the electric batteries with
which nature has fitted them. The
best known of these is the
or electric eel, of South
ca. It possesses four batteries,
which extend nearly the whole
length of its body. The current
passes from before backward and,
remarkable to relate, extends
through the animal's own brain.
Large ones grow to or
more feet in have been
known to kill a horse or a mule out-
right with a single discharge.
one of the catfishes, found in Africa,
which even in ancient times was
highly recommended by the doctors
for certain troubles, and tho
do, or electric ray, which latter ex-
all the known powers of
rendering tho needle mag-
decomposing chemical com-
pounds and emitting the spark, are
the other fishes that secure
their daily food In this remarkable
Famous Street Get.
Name From a Horn.
New York city's great east side
thoroughfare gets its name of the
Bowery through an ancient lineage
that has come down through some
years, from the time of our
Aryan ancestors, who planted the
root that grown into the well
known name.
At the head of that street stood
the homo of the
Dutch governor of New Nether-
lands, and it was known as
Bowery, which was another
name for home, the
grounds of which stretched south-
, ward toward Chatham square.
The growth from the Aryan root
was simple enough, for it was only
the expansion of into
This root meant to
grow, dwell, be, or build, so
see how and
carrying the idea of a home,
rally grow from it. When that root
began to grow there was no
such tiling as a collection of houses
into a city or even a village, but
whore our ancestors lived was
among the shades of forest growths,
whore branches and leaves were
into coverings that became
This word came direct-
to us through the
which meant to dwell. They
also had the word which
chamber, a coveting in which
to conceal or cover yourself, and
from this came our
middle English In the
Dutch, as it was need in New
in Stuyvesant's time,
it was
The same root went into the
Sanskrit became which
meant to e, to exist, or the place
where you were or lived, and from
that came a dwelling
The went into
tho Icelandic, meaning n room, and
into the Swedish, where it is used
for cage. It appeared in the low-
land Scotch as a cow
So in all of the family of languages
it came to mean a covering, a pro-
a dwelling or n home, and
where the last Dutch governor of
the New Netherlands lived came to
known as his and later
the York Herald.
p. m. ton. Hertford, Suffolk, and and
Intermediate . to Edenton.
For Grim, bland, Clio, Mid
p, m. Station.
a. m. i For i Raleigh,
p. m. s.
I From Washington, and Inter-
I From Norfolk, Suffolk, E
p. m. Be I haven, Washington, and
mediate Station.
a. m. I From Raleigh. W. n. and
p. in. I late stations,
NOTICE-Above schedule published only as information; and are
Taft Vandyke
solid car load BUCK STOVES
Also Rolls Matting. Fine Line Couches. and Lace
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
It Might Be
A bony, lank village youth of
artistic bent, who was miffed at
bis fellow natives, finally disappear-
ed from his usual haunts, lie was
missed chiefly because his peculiar
personal appearance was bound to
attract attention wherever it was
No one seemed to know whither
tho lad had gone till the storekeep-
returning from a visit to a near-
by city, announced that he bad dis-
covered his whereabouts.
found he proclaimed.
was in the art
a inquired one,
as an object of Youth's
HI. Fatal Slip.
said a benevolent look-
man as he raised Ids hat to a
lady who bad opened tho door at
which he bad knocked, am
subscriptions for a home
necessitous children. We have
of poor, ragged,
children, like those at your gate,
and oar object is
my own
And the front door slummed
of the Seven Son.
Who Never Worked.
There is a short, quaint street in
Bremen name of which em-
bodies a legend. The story of
comes within the range
of possibility, and perhaps the title,
did have some such origin as.
is attributed to it. The late Bishop
I John P. Hurst tells the in
; and Literature In the Fa-
Once the thick forest grew where
street now runs, the trees
. were old. large and strong.
i On the edge of this wood lived an
aged couple who had seven sons, all
big, and lazy. Indeed, the
. boys wore drones, and the neighbors
when the brothers passed,
go the idle
one laughed at these big lads who
never worked. At last tho brothers
grew tired of being mocked. San.
cannot go out of the house
without even the children coming
up behind us and pulling our coats
and crying, Let
go to
At first the six other brothers
laughed at this proposition, but
finally, wearied of the neighbor-
taunts, they concluded to cam their
told their father
of their resolution, but he smiled
I been idle too long to
be Ito said.
boys persisted in their
however, at last the fa-
you are really determined to
go to work I will give you each a
sum of money in gold and a new
of clothes. But first you must
give me proof that you ore in car-1
i neat. You must each procure an ax
and a spade and, currying your ax
on your right shoulder and your
in left hand, walk in
j through tho streets of
At first the young men
their heads, but finally they ac-
the test. Tho people nil
came to their doors to
strange procession go by.
world must be coming to an end,
said. .
The father kept his promise, and
boys took their money and their
clothes and went off. They wander-
ed far, worked, persevered ac-
quired property. Years passed away.
comforts cams to the little
Some in the woods, but the son
never appeared.
One beautiful spring morning
the citizens of Bremen were
to see seven well dressed gen-
each carrying an ax
a spade, ill
much cur
where Ii
, art I .
i i
. t
;. . . were re-
turning home one i I after it-
u highly temper-
meeting when they managed
to get spilled out of their trap, re-
some damage, A local ed-
after giving full details of the
accident, added with grim humor.
both were
sober The veiled
that they were not custom-
sober greatly irritated the
couple, and a strong letter
was written to tho editor demanding
an apology. The apology duly
demand an apology for our
having stated that at the time of
their accident they were both sober.
have pleasure in withdrawing
William to whom we lire
Indebted for the of tho English
began his career by soaping
faces, fut. who Introduced coffee
Into England; Dr. lo Taylor.
eloquent voice so often sounded In St.
Jean giant
and explorer; James secretary
of lb south sen babble Mr. Herbert
Ingram Of the London
News; the
lord Chancellor
Jeremy Taylor and
the composer of the opera
were born bred and were
trained In

long there will be more calls on I Martians have any at ail,
the holder for contributions it is ahead of what tome of th
to keep them going.
Six Months
Single O
The weather has been very
unfavorable to peek-a-boo waists,
this is to remind item to be
patient. Summer will be along
aforesaid scientists are showing.
i after a while.
rite.- may be had upon
application t the business office in
Reflector Building, Evans
in is the
heading of a news item in an
exchange. What else could you
expect in Chicago
The Reflector is certainly glad
that its good friend, Jim Robin-
Had you taken into
that failure to pay your son, editor of the Durham Sun,
office at Greenville in addition to costs a winner of one of the prizes
having your property sold if you, in his district in the News and
N. C, mail matter.
Just think of it In a month
more summer resorts will be op-
of The Editor.
A lawyer charges a man
and the excursion season ft ten minutes conversation
will begin.
like we we are to have
a iv I week on the judge-
matter. No new candidates
e ii r ported going to
Washington for inspection.
If you just will be a knocker,
take yourself to the wood where
you can have plenty of room all
have any, also deprives you of Observer contort. And the best, by yourself. This town can get
the right to vote
And yet the judge is not
is Charlotte's month,,
and may eh
make the most of
Whenever you mention Green
ville, people sit up and take no-
Greenville has a habit of
showing herself when visitors
come around this way. It
not take them Ion; to see that
this is a good town and is
tilings come to pass.
New York's fire trap
houses have occasioned
another holocaust in that city.
Richard says he is out I Fire in one of them Friday
of politics forever. led the death of eight people an
the injury of fourteen others.
part of his winning this prize is
that it is to be devoted to the
benefit of the chimes fund for
which he is so working.
It might not be a bad idea for
the government to employ Texas
officials to collect lines.
This is the season when the
men folks want to stay away
from home until house cleaning
is over. And when they come
Republicans put out a ticket nothing where it
in the city election in Raleigh. before, except the house.
Monday, but it cut a puny
The meeting of the share-
holders of The Home Building
Greensboro folks had a good and Loan Association tonight is
opportunity to die while the something of importance. An
directors were in doing as much for
there. this deserves the
interest of all citizens.
It is not at all likely that
new Sultan of Turkey can be any A prominent senator is quoted
worse than his recently as saying the senate is against
ed predecessor. j the income tax amendment to the j
; tariff bill. That is what
It is slated that the deposed wag eXpected, as the senate is
sultan of Turkey had wives to favor what the
and cooks. No wonder he
stock company has been
formed among leading bus-
men of Wilmington and
purchased the Morning Star.
The stock company will take
charge of the paper May 1st.
The Star was founded by Major
W. H. Bernard forty years ago
and has been in his exclusive
control until now. He has made
it an excellent paper.
without the knocking
If the nations of the earth
would resolve to live in peace
and wipe out their large stand-1
armies, there would be
need of raising so much revenue.
go much useless preparation for
war looks strutting around
with a chip on the shoulder
looking for somebody to knock
it oil.
A movement has been started
in Boston to hold in that city in
1830 a world's tercentennial ex-
position to commemorate the
three hundredth anniversary of
the landing of the Pilgrims and
the founding of New England.
The president has appointed
Oscar S. Stearns, former
of commerce and labor, as
ambassador to Turkey. If he
now he will find conditions
very stormy there.
The Board of Aldermen will
this week appoint registers and
poll holders for the election to
be held the first Monday in
June. Then municipal politics
will begin to wake up
The girls should take-warning
how they jilt their fellows after
being given a diamond ring. A
Virginia judge has decided that
a girl who refuses to marry a
man must return her engage-
You can help yourself and
help your town by CO operating
with The Home Building and
Loan Association in enabling
people to secure homes on easy
The man insists on paying it A
doctor charges for a
and the patient
Is that An
undertaker charges for con-
ducting a funeral, and he is just
perfectly lovely with everybody
inside and outside the family.
A man buys a gold brick and
apologizes for not having bitten
before. An editor walks a mile
in the hot sun to get facts of a
death or a wedding or a social
function and spend three hours
writing it up and tells lies
people until he hates
self. Then if he makes an in-
significant omission or charges
cents straight for three extra
copies he is a stingy, careless,
good for nothing old cuss who
never gets anything right and
charges four times the price for
city papers twice as
Ga, Record.
Jut Plain Gamblers
There is no occasion for
prise in the announcement that
Fatten, the king of wheat
has withdrawn, salting
down his millions of ill-gotten
gains and leaving the other
low to look out for himself. It
was ever thus. Fatten did some
big talking about the shortage
of the supply, actual values and
the like, and in all probability
convinced some few who follow-
ed his lead and played the mar-
that wheat worth all it
commanded. The great majority
of the bulls, however, were just
plain everyday gamblers like
Fatten who didn't care a
dam about real values so
long as they could make their
payments. The association in deals spell profit. For this
the last three years has
much in this direction, and will
do more as it grows older and
stronger. The seventh series of
stock bearing date of May 1st
It is proposed to make should be a large one. It is a
eclipse anything heretofore j good thing for the home builder
son few tears will be shed over
the announcement that many
fortunes have swept away
by the decline of this week.
Salisbury Evening
N. C, May 1909.
Mr. and . E.
went to Greenville Wednesday.
Miss Lou Crawford and Miss
Carrie Belle Smith returned home
Wednesday after spending
days visiting in Farmville
and vicinity.
A. J. Flanagan, of Farmville,
was in our section a short while
R. E. Willoughby went to
Farmville Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Smith,
of were visiting in
Smithtown Sunday
R. M. Starkey and J.
attended Sunday
school at Smith's school house
I. L. Norman, E. S. Norman,
Jacob Wilson and Blow
Allen were visitors at Sunday
school at Smith's school house
Sunday evening.
Ivy Smith went to Greenville
Monday to sell cotton.
C. D. Smith and Mark Smith
went to Greenville Monday.
Mills Smith and two children
were visiting at B. P.
Miss Agnes Smith, of Smith-
town, and David Smith, of
left Friday evening
for Snow Hill and returned Sun-
E. T. Philips, of Ayden,
came Friday evening and stop-
C. E. and
preached very good sermons
Saturday and Sunday at May's
chapel. Communion service was
held Saturday night.
C. D Smith went to Greenville
Lloyd Smith went to Greenville
T. E. Little went to Greenville
S. V. Joyner, Nolie Fulford,
A. A. Joyner and Sam Joyner
went to Greenville yesterday.
Rev. Mr. Cook, pastor of the
Baptist church of Greenville, is
got in trouble.
January, February, March and
If some other nations do not April have done all they could
interfere and stop the for Greenville, and each month
in Turkey they will fail to per- something in the line
their duty. of progress. Now let us all turn
to May and see what that
If the president goes as made to bring us.
about other appointments
is about the judgeship, his term The portrait of Jefferson Davis
out before he gets around, being engraved on the silver
service to be presented to the
One booster is worth more to battleship Mississippi by the
the town than a hundred knock- state for which it is named, is
In fact knockers are en- tie f certain Northern
worthless to any com-1 eaters blowing off a lot of
This is the time of year when
the base ball umpire wants
plenty of insurance on his life,
that is if the companies will
risk him.
Winter weather in tile North
keeping down the strawberry
taste, hence the price of
crop now being shipped is very
undertaken in the way of an ex-
On next Thursday,
Earl I. Brown will be in Wash-
for the purpose of confer-
with people interested in
deepening the channel of
and Tar rivers. Greenville
and for the investor.
Congress is taking a hand in
things at a late day. After he
has been dead more than a
j years the body of Major
Charles the French-
I man who came to this country
drew the plan for the city of
was disinterred
hot air.
should have some a co ,,
lives to meet Capt. brown
to recommend an eight removed to Arlington
depth of Tar river as far as being placed in state m the cap
expected to preach at Smith's
There are laws and laws. One school house Sunday evening.
would suppose that it would be; All who can come out to hear
perfectly legitimate to kill a him and attend Sunday school.
sheep-killing dog, especially if
the dog was caught in the com-
mission of the crime. But in
Sampson Superior court last
week Judge R. Allen, easily
one of the first lawyers in the
State, held as a matter of law
that one killing a sheep-killing
Greenville. This is an
for our people to get the
a short while during the
transfer. And now a bill has
The heavy rains Friday even-
and retarded farm
work considerably in our section
Mrs. C. E. and
Mrs. Mills Smith went to Farm-
ville this morning to spend the
B. P. and children
dog is liable to indictment for were in our town this morning
cruelty to animals unless the to get some tobacco plants.
dog had been previously out- Some of the farmers have
lawed by a magistrate, in ac- much resetting to do,
with the statutes made are scare, with sum, them.
and Land-
been introduced in congress to
government to do something , .
, . . ,, I make an appropriation to aid in
them in the way of making the
The press dispatches from
Africa credit Hunter Roosevelt
with good sport Saturday. He
three lions that the
drove up in front of the river oilers,
him and Son Kermit shot down
one. And the hunter's are de-
river a sufficient depth for a good
water transportation line to
operate here. We are not going
to get lower freight rates until
advantage is taken of the
The papers are saying the
judgeship is to be
settled this week. We will be-
it when we see the name
of the appointee.
Women, horses and the stock
market are said to have canted
the downfall of a Minneapolis
bank cashier, and he embezzled
a large lump of the bank's funds
to keep up with the push. That
kind of a combination is likely
to down a man.
Congress is taking a long time
in the extra session tariff re-
forming business but will likely
up with nothing done
worth the price.
A small thing sometimes
es a big stir. The arrival of a
tiny girl in the royal palace of
Holland has filled all that
country with rejoicing.
The starting up of
Castro, the banished president
of hid his money
at home and cannot go back
it, while the deposed sultan
of Turkey sent his money out of
the country and cannot escape
prison to get it. One is in about
as bad a fix n the other.
The Raleigh Times is growing
exasperated over
habit that some people have
of asking is over
the The Times
argues its side of the case well,
but there is another side to it.
When gives you the
wrong number, which is more
often the case than not, there is
danger of starting off talking to
the wrong person unless you first
know who is at the telephone.
True it is a bad habit, but one for
which the mistakes of
is largely responsible. A worse
habit than say is
is calling up an office and
the person who answers to call
some one else in the office to the
erecting a monument to
Old Argument Railroads.
The stage fare from Huntsville
to miles-
was 11.60. This stage carried the
mail and it had to go. When
the roads were so muddy horses
could not pull the stage, a
yoke of oxen took their
places. It was slow traveling,
but they got through. The
About the silliest thing the telephone instead of delivering
scientists are now saying is that
the folks on Mars have much
more sense than the folks on
papers again means that ere this mundane sphere. If the
your message to the first person
who answers, thus stopping two
or more people from business
steamboat fare from Glasgow to
St. Louis in the early was
That included
and meals, and if the boat was
held up a week or two on a sand-
bar the accommodations went
on without extra charge. The
steamboat owners never believed
the railroads could successfully
compete with them. The way
they looked at it people wouldn't
be willing to travel or
miles, tied down to one seat in
a small car, when they might be
enjoying the freedom of a big
and handsomely furnished boat.
how are they going to
find room for an orchestra and a
an old river captain
wanted to know. place to
eat or drink, no room to move
about; just lit still all day long
on a little wooden
it's downright
Oakley. N. C May 1909.
Yes. we had a shower last
Z. V. Whitehurst went to
Washington Saturday.
J. I. James went to Greenville
E. Rogers went to Washington
last week.
J. K. Barnhill and family, of
Winterville, a few
here the past week.
Clyde Carson and family, of
spent Saturday and
Sunday here.
Good many attended church at
Flat Swamp Sunday.
Mr. Holland, of Washington.
WHOOPING COUGH. arrived Sunday to take charge
In our daughter hid of section of the railroad.
whooping cough. Mr. Line, of Hart- j e. left Sunday after-
land, recommended Chamberlain i ., p, u p I ,.
Cough Remedy laid it give noon for the W. V. K. K., to
the best of satisfaction. charge of the construction
We found it he and can
mend it anyone having children
troubled with whooping
Mrs. A. Got of Durand, Mich. For
Bile by J. L. Wooten and Coward
Dr. Wiley, the expert chemist
of the Agricultural Department
at Washington, was examined
the other day on his ideas of
what is whiskey. He said in
effect there was very little of it
almost all of it was
made from extracts was a
violation of the pure food act.
He exhibited a number of
of which tests had been
made said its taste and
smell would fool even experts
with the exception of himself
and Mr.
when one should be sufficient. Macon Republican.
Who's the town booster The
citizen praises his own town.
The who lo-
cal enterprises. The citizen who
helps along home improvements.
The citizen who patronizes the
home merchants. The citizen
who his job printing done
by local newspaper. That
man's The Town
Olive Tribune.
Mrs. Margaret Taylor, who
been very sick for several
we are glad to note con-
of Stokes, was
here Sunday.
We are glad to note the little
child of Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Cherry that swallowed a bead
about one month ago, coughed it
up one day last week.
The county commissioners will
meet again next Tuesday for the
purpose of making settlement
sheriff for the taxes of
Kings X Roads, May 1909.
Our farmers suffered much
damage from the wind and rain.
J R Fountain
seed at Mer. j third less than lard at J. R. FOURTEEN CENTS FOR PARSON.
Smith Co. , ,,
was called to Car salt just received at J. R.
Old Trap Saturday to be at the j Smith Co.
bedside of his mother, who was patterns and
M. makes the N C cut herring, at J. R.
cold drink, that be tablets, Bibles;
the fountain, lea cold the year j j. H. Co.
round Try one. bushels nice country corn
Joe Griffin, the year old son j R
Smith. Co., Dix-n.
At the town election Monday
the following officers were elect-
ed for ensuing J. F. Bar-
wick, mayor; Aldermen, Elias
Turnage, D. G. Berry. W.
Jesse Cannon and C.
E. These are all v
did men and will make ceremony,
officers. Mr. has son
W. E. Smith and family spent
night and Sunday with
Joe Brown.
Miss Irene Smith spent last
Tuesday evening at Fountain.
Mrs. Maud Smith and Mrs.
Capt. Hutchinson is a
Stanch Friend of
Made so by Personal
of R. L. Griffin, stuck a nail
through his foot at the graded
school Friday causing a very
painful wound.
M. M. Sauls has just received
a fine lot of perfumes and toilet
W. A. Darden and T. J
Worthington, both of Greene
county's leading citizens, were
here Friday.
They tell that J. R. Smith
Co., Dixon are manufacturing
as good wagons, carts and bug
as can be found any where.
See them before buying.
Mrs. J. R. Smith and children
are spending the week end with
relatives in the country.
Sued peanuts for sale by J. R.
Smith Co.
We regret to learn that Guy
Roes was taken sick with
before reaching home at
from attending the fun-
of his mother here last week.
Sprint Or Roods laces and
to match at J. R. Smith
mayor two years already.
While Mrs. G. W.
dinner Monday, her
baby months old went too
near the fire where her mother
had been washing, and was bad-
if not seriously, burned. The
family have the sympathy of the
community. ;
On Wednesday April 28th, at
p. m. in Christian
church, Miss C. Davis was
married to Mr. Edward G. Mal-
of Washington, N. C,
Rev. J. C Caldwell. of Wilson,
Miss Blanch Cannon
the wedding march,
i Miss is one of the leading
Broke His Slumbers.
you Come down long
enough to marry came a
voice from the darkness when .
the Rev. James E. Adams, Annie Burnett went to Farmville
Methodist Episcopal minister,
at poked his Misses Mollie and
out of a second-story window; Langley spent some time with
soon after midnight, in answer; Mrs. W. C. Moore last week,
to a knock on the front door of. Miss Carrie Smith spent last
the parsonage. Friday with Miss Irene Smith.
around tomorrow. It's j Willie Randolph and wife spent
too late to marry you j Saturday and Sunday with W. S.
replied the parson. Smith.
we are in a and w. C. Moore went to
have driven all the way from Wednesday.
Mill ville to get you to perform, A. C. Monk and Harry Lane
said John H. Humphrey, of Farmville, spent
of Ephraim sometime with W. S. E. Smith
a merchant, Tuesday evening.
who had rapped at the door. j Clean Case had a narrow
a the escape Friday evening by a
runaway mule. There was but
He was soon dressed, and per- little damage done,
formed the ceremony, with his Mrs. Annie Burnett and Miss
wife and daughter as witnesses. Lanie Tyson spent last
The bride was Miss Nettie Cal- day with their sister, Mrs. W. E-
The Home of Captain
J. R. Co. k Dixon are j young ladies of Ayden. Mr.
repairing their electric light j Madison is in the hardware
Mr. Corbett is
his residence on
Paris Green at J. R. Smith Co.
H. C. Ormond and J. J. Ed-
wards returned Monday
where they had
been attending the Methodist
The hose for
ladies and gentlemen is one of
the best on the market at
R. Smith Co.
There was a great deal of
damage done in this section by j
the heavy rain and wind storm
Friday evening and night. The
Frizzle water mill, about three
and a half miles from here, was
completely washed away and
the dam across Hen swamp
was demolished. To what, ex-
tent crops and other property
is damaged is not yet known.
Harrows and cultivators at J.
R. Smith Co. ,
Mason's fruit jars, caps awl
rubbers for same at J. R. Smith
Rape and Millet seed for
sale by J. R. Smith Co.
Lime, cement, window, doors,
locks and hinges at J. R. Smith
We were surprised to find that
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon are car-
such a nice line of coffins
and caskets of all prices and
grades, see them when needing
anything in this line.
Buy your brackets, balusters,
stair railing, post
and flooring of J. R. Smith
Co. Dixon.
E. G. Cox, of Greensboro, was
here Saturday.
Don't send elsewhere, when
you can get nice ceiling and
flooring, windows and door
at Washington, N. C. The
bridal left on the o'clock
train for their home at Washing-
ton, with the best wishes of their
many friends in Ayden.
The Y. M. C. A. had the best
meeting since its organization
Sunday afternoon. You who stay
away don't know what you are
Postmaster Bryan, of Winter-
was here Monday.
Rev. C. M. Morton filled his
regular appointment here Sun-
Rev. E. T. Phillips preach id
at May's Chapel Sunday.
J R. Smith Co. have the
largest sign in Ayden, Us-
Shoes for Ladies and
James Blount, an old
who lived near here, noted for
his honesty and uprightness, died
kins, of Before the
happy couple drove away they
handed the Rev. Mr. Adams a
pink envelope, which
the paper as if it con-
it banknote.
The minister says he found
inside a piece of heavy paper
containing cents, and on the
paper was is all
we can spare now. Will see you
The minister has framed the pa-
per and coins, and it adorns the
wall of his study. He has added
the date and the names of the
Dis. to N. Y. Times.
Marcellus Smith is preparing
to erect a nice dwelling.
Mrs. Mattie J. Smith spent
last week with her daughter,
Mrs. Rosa Williams, of Fountain,
and attended the reception of
Dr. Hardy Johnson.
J. F. Parker and family spent
Sunday with W. C. Moore.
Mrs. Addie Corbett and
Miss Smith went to Farm-
ville Monday.
Chronic Catarrh and Throat
l an. , I m m,
l can truly it be. .
own Lemuel M.
Black Jack, N. C, May
Charlie Harper and sister, Miss
Janie Harper, spent Saturday
night and Sunday at Winterville.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark went
to Greenville today.
There was quite a large crowd
from Galloway's school house
attended Sunday here
yesterday. .
Mrs. Susan Elks is on the
list. ,
Miss Martha Clark returned
home yesterday after spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs.
Elijah Mills, near Simpson.
Bertha is spend-
this week near Simpson.
There was no debate again
Friday night on account of the
flooring, --1 The rain did some damage to
frames made to order at J. R- the growing crops and also the
Smith Co. Dixon. roads about in places. It was
your mules and
thought I'd Ice my writes
J. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis.,
years of e that doctors
could not cure, h.-d at last laid me up.
Then cited a
sound and Infallible for skin
eruptions, salt rheum, boils,
fever sores, burns, scalds, cuts and
piles. at all Druggists.
Commissioner Lewis Qualifies.
Mr. B. II. Lewis, who in
March was appointed a county
commissioner to succeed the late
V. Ling, but who was
prevented from being here at the
April meeting of the board be-
cause of sickness in his family,
was here at the meeting Monday
and qualified for the duties of
his office.
For tobacco plant
bed. F. Pollard.
R. B. D. No. Greenville.
Woods Liver Medicine is a liver reg-
which bring quick relief to sick
headache, constipation, biliousness and
other of liver
Particularly recommended for Jaundice
chills, fever, malaria. The
21-2 times as much as the
size. Sod by John L. Wooten.
cured, and I urn O. K. I
A Nervous
Mr. Lewis Z .
man In public work Hilda mt
ho under n
strain. found I lost
and my seemed t
waking and
i tired and worn out
Can Now fat Anything.
Mr. J. W. Colombia
Ind., am pleased t mat
I have been of catarrh of the
-I hardly eat anything that
agreed With me. Before I would
half through mT
would mi with pas. earning. much
distress and unpleasant for an
hour or two after each meal.
thanks to your I am
medicine, i .
Ml has DIM year since I and my Bleep WM
in tin- morning.
Cousin Sallie
Recently a in
to The Reflector, expressed the
wish to read the amusing
ton Merchant Assigns.
J. L. Patrick, a merchant of
Grifton, made an assignment
Monday. Joel Patrick was
ed as assignee.
are f r backache,
quick relief to lumbago,
and all other symptoms or
diseases. They a.-e a to the
entire system and build up and
health. Price and Sold by
Big Tobacco Crops For North Carolina.
It will be remembered
the largest crop of tobacco ever
produced in North Carolina Sally
the crop, when the State that it would be
was credited with a total .,, to the
was credited with a total
of about
It may be a matter of to
many to know that the crop of
1908 will nearly, if not quite,
reach the crop
of The cause of this
heavy crop is on account of the
acreage yield, and not
on account of any considerable
especially interesting to the
who perhaps
have never Been it. In response
to a request copy of the
story. Mr. Henry Harris, of
Falkland, has brought it to us
and readers will have
the opportunity of e in
a few days. We notice that the
Use Plain Talk.
It is time the idea that
requires a literary genius
is killed and merchants are
made aware of the fact that the
simplest talk is the biggest sales
In other words, the merchants
of every city and town ought to
understand that advertising is
, nothing but keeping
colds, croup, whooping-cough, hoarse- , h the customers in
ore, except that they
and tastes good. Gently laxative. M to use the advertising
. . Mr. Harris brought us
increase in acres mm a of
tobacco year will be a big one, . shows that it has
provided the seasons are for ten-
able, but we can scarcely I
for another such year as the one
now passing. -Southern Tobacco j
Lumber Consolidated.
Company and the Building
Lumber Company, two plants
megaphone to reach more
Sold John L. Wooten.
will treat you I Burton in Fame.
At the Close of Business April 28th, 1909.
Loans and discounts 47,61.42 Capital stock
Wm England's man that doing here,
married the time I have consolidated and been in-
d, r the new
ho. James Wright, of Lumber
Company. The
hotted of d u, j, m.
Bitters. For thirty years Wag
horses, repair your carte, bug-
and wagons on short notice.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Try a bucket of use
Glad to see Bud Joe op the
street Monday.
Rev. J. R. to Mid-
last Friday.
Robert Worthington went to
Plymouth Thursday.
Mrs H. J. Corbett came home
Monday from a visit to re-
Overdrafts unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans 2,600.00
Due from 30,889.04
Gold coin m-w
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,319.94
hank and other
trouble made life a but
first tail
convinced me had found the
cure on They're a t
weak, sickly rundown or old t.
at all
will treat you
For Sale Long
pie cotton seed. Call on
Co., Greenville.
impassable at some places.
The are nearly through
out tobacco and cotton
nearly all planted. Corn is look-
If nothing happens there
be another debate Friday night.
All cordially invited to come out
Miss Pennie Williams, from
near Mill, is spending this
week with Misses Annie and Subscribed and sworn to tie-
J. W. Dixon went to Green-
ville Thursday.
Surplus fund
profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 175.20
Dividend unpaid 120.00
Deposits sub. to check 48,498.84
Cashier's outstanding
Total 186,841.84
Or Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
An honored citizen of
WM from of
told B tr he
obtain a bottle of s
Colic. Remedy
he felt confident of being
used this remedy in the
He was told I kept it In stock and
lost no time In
promptly M. J.
of Vt. For sale by
J I. Woo en and Coward and
swear that
I J R Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
th. true to th. best ., my
Notary Public
will treat you
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the sane place; All
work promptly looked after Mr
Cox will still with
Graduate Norse
Ayden, North Carolina.
. win ml T
i ,.,

We invite your inspection
of our new DRESS GOODS,
FORDS for Ladies, Children,
Men Boys in all the new
styles and lasts. When in
need of any goods, come to
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Home of Quality.
If you will send your name ad-
dress we will mail you a package
of Mother Gray's a
certain, pleasant herb for
Women's ills. It is a reliable regulator
and never-falling. If you have
in the back. Urinary, Bladder or Kid-
use this pleasant union of
aromatic roots and leaves. All
sell it, fr cents, or address,
The Mother Gray Co. Le N. Y.
For Improving Tar and Pamlico Riven.
Capt. Earl I. Brown, Corps of
Engineers, U. S. A., has given
notice that he will hold a public
meeting in the hall of the
of commerce at Washington.
N. C, at o'clock a. m. on
Thursday. May 6th next, for the
purpose of conferring with the
citizens interested in the
of Pamlico and Tar rivers,
both above and below Washing-
ton. Capt. Brown wishes
suggestions as to the scope of
the improvement and also in-
formation as to the conditions
of Pamlico and Tar river at every
point. I earnestly urge all
parties interested to be t
at this time and present their
views. Very respectfully,
Jno H. Small.
April 1909.
worth of Beautiful
absolutely given away free.
st Prize. Beautiful Mahogany
Buffet worth
2nd Prize. Beautiful Mahogany
finish Princess Dresser worth
3rd Prize. Beautiful
Piece Toilet set worth
These prizes are all here and now on exhibition at our store.
Come to our store and buy worth of goods or pay on your
account and either will entitle you to one draw at these lovely
prizes. Every time you buy worth of goods or pay on your
account you are entitled to on draw.
During this great offer will sell everything at the closest possible
prices. Call and look over our entire stock. No trouble to show
goods. We have the most beautiful, complete and up to date line
of Furniture, Stoves, Go-Carts. Mattings, Rugs and Squares in
Pitt county. Drawing will commence Saturday, April 10th, 1909
at o'clock.
Yours truly,
Furniture Company.
Barber Shop
Herbert Edmond, Prop.
. in main business sec-
of the town Five chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
electrical machine for
dry shampoo and La-
dies waited on at their homes.
The man you are looking for
when you need
Bill Posting and Sign Tacking
and for Adv.
Pictures Framed to Order
Greenville Reads Them
With Uncommon Inter-
A citizen his
in the statement. No
better evidence than can be ha i.
The truthful report of friends and
neighbor the best pr in the world.
and be c
G. HUi St.,
Pills in my case far surpassed any
other kidney remedy hod
used. time my kidneys were
disordered, the secretions being too fro
and in pas-age. When
read of Do-m's Kidney Pills, I was so
much impressed that procured a box
at John i, Wooten's drug store. They
seemed to to directly to the mat of my
trouble and gave me relief in a
time. My were to
their normal condition and I felt better
in every
sale by dealer. Price
cents Co.,
New York, agent for the United
Remember the
no other.
We learn that different
are infringing on our
patent by the combination
draft on their tobacco trucks.
We forbid all parties from using I
the combination draft and all in-
rs and users of trucks not
made and sold by us having our
combination draft will held,
responsible to us for such dam-
age as law allow. We refer
you to patent No. March
3rd 1903. A. G Cox. Mfg. Co.,
Winterville, Iv. C. j
Gardner's Re-
pair Shop.
Opposite City Market, Greenville
North Carolina.
Buggies, Carts, and farm-
repaired. Furniture repair-
ed and upholster, d, machines
All work to be
as good as best, and prices lower
than elsewhere. Wood saw. d also by a
portable Cut nice c, cut twice
cut three tidies c. per cord.
Give me a trial.
Shoes Shoes
Easter is almost here
and your outfit will
not be complete with-
out a pair of our
Regina or Shoes
For Ladies
There is more comfort
than you ought to ex-
in a pair of our
Shoes, the inner sole
is perfectly smooth,
no wax, tacks, or
threads to injure the
feet. The leather is
the best, the fit perfect
and surely you could
ask no better style.
The Central Mercantile Co.
J. Davenport. Mgr.
Safety Blades Sharpen
cents a dozen.
Agent for Carbon
Paper Typewriter Ribbons
none better made.
I have moved my Dairy to the John-
son place, one mile from town, and am
bitter prepared than ever to furnish
I all Products. Will make delivery
in town. T 2-4.
M. C. Blount,
Tailor. Cleaner and Presser.
Rear of Shop.
Orders taken for suits. Men's clothes
cleaned and pressed. Work done
promptly and satisfactorily.
Greenville Dairy.
I am conducting a Dairy on Green-
ville Heights and am to make
prompt delivery of milk, am and
butter where in town. Your orders
solicited. Phone B
W. W. Moore.
White store on Five Points. More room and larger stock. Come
to see me.
General Merchandise.
New Shoe Shop.
Opened by J. Little on Fifth street.
Good work guaranteed, prices reason-
able. Stop your orders on Fifth street,
door No. next to Tyson's
store. Robert Spell will wait on you.
mo d.
Personally Conducted Tour
Over Rocky Mountains to the
Pacific, the
Exposition, Los Dar-
the Elks National
and Through the Yellow-
stone National the
in charge of
Mr. C. H. District Pas-
Raleigh, N. C,
and by Mrs C. H.;
the entire trip.
Leaves July 3rd, returns August
circling the United a solid;
Pu train composed of the
grade and modern design of sleeping
. and Pull-
man dining cars.
The most inexpensive trip ever
a from the Southeast, t At-1
Birmingham, Memphis, slopping
at Kansas City, Denver, Colorado
Springs. Salt Lake, Los Angeles, Santa
Barbara, Monterey, Santa Crux. San
Francisco, Portland, Seattle,
through National Park,
St. Paul, Chicago, returning
through Cincinnati and C. O. through
Richmond. I
Trip include railroad and
Pullman fares, hotels, dining car meals,
stage of five one-half
days through the Yellowstone National
Park, transfers, side trips, carriage and
automobile rid s at stop-over points and
all actual expenses necessary.
Side trips will be arranged at all
stop-over points to places of interest,
all details being arranged in advance
and looked after
An attractive 33-day trip through the
Country in the World
a distance of miles of travel
in a modem Pullman train with superb
The Home Building and Loan As-
Offers Shares in
a new series dated as of st,
Money invested in our stock is non-taxable. June
the 1st the date tor listing will soon be here. SAVE
TAXES and let your surplus money earn you over
percent net. You can learn how it's done by
calling on the Secretary of this Association.
At the close of business April 28th, 1909.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 897.22
Furniture and fixtures 1,680.60
Due from 40,297.88
Cash items 193.06
Gold coin 466.00
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 477.41
Nat bank and other U.
Notes 2.810.00
Total 191,294.98
Capital stock
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits less
cur. exp and taxes pd 8,179.76
Time of deposits 8,198.28
Deposits sub. to check 64,864.49
Cashier's 27.60
all details arranged in advance is a
of a lifetime.
Write at once to the undersigned for
coat of trip, schedule and itinerary. If
maps, and booklets of the
over which the party will travel,
are desired, send cents in stamps.
C. H.
D. P. A., N. C.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 28th day of April, 1909.
J. A. Mew born.
Notary Republic.
T. L. Turnage,
W. M. Lang,
F. M. Davis,
Happenings of i North Caro-
The State Department of
Governor Kitchin
proving, has proposed to the
State board of health to have a
physician attend
this summer and lecture on
sanitation and prevention of dis-
eases in country homes.
The United States court con-
yesterday morning, all
officers being present except the
lodge. The business of the
was to formally renew bonds
and transact other business
which was necessary. The bond
of J. R. B. which was
was raised to Mr. j
Carraway was unable to furnish
that amount of bond and was j
placed in the custody of the j
States Marshal.
On account of there being a
case of smallpox at the county I
jail it was ordered that he be
placed in the jail at Kinston.
Unless sufficient bond is secured
he will be taken to Kinston to-
Bern Journal.
The News and Observer's
Washington correspondent says
that it is reported in Washington
that Mr. Fred Carr.
of Greene county in the
General Assembly, and for
years private secretary to
Senator Overman, will make the
race against Representative
Claude Kitchin the
nomination for the next
Raleigh, N. C., April
Joseph E. of this city,
grand sachem, says that the
North Carolina reservation
Improved Order of Red Men, to
convene at New Bern, May 5th,
promises to be all odds the most
successful the order has ever held
the state, lie says there are
bow over members of the
Order in North Carolina and a
lively interest is being manifest-
tested in the approaching session
New Bern hunting ground
hen Past Grand M.
,. J. Daniel, of Georgia, will deliver
the principal address.
ever I need a cough medicine
In what to declares
I A. L. Alle. of Beats, Me ,
I using ten bottles of Dr. King s
Discovery, and seeing its excel-
results in my own family and
I am convinced it is the best med-
made for co and lung
one who tries it feels
that way. is felt at once
its quick cure surprises you. For
asthma, hemorrhage, croup,
sore throat, pain in the chest
its supreme. and
bottle free. Guaranteed by all
f t.
, prize
Write this Piper.
W Sb
One of the District Prizes Come to
The Raleigh News and
has just closed one of
greatest popularity contests ever
undertaken by a North Carolina
newspaper. Forty-three prizes
were awarded ranging in value
from to Three of
these prizes wire offered to the
State at large and five prizes in j
each of tight districts.
The a
automobile, was won by Miss
Bessie of Goldsboro;
a automobile, by
Capt. Robert Hill, of Rocky
Mount; third, a piano, by
T. C. Montgomery, of Graham, i
In the prizes
Helen Forbes, of Greenville, was
second highest in this district
and was awarded a
diamond Her many
friends congratulate Miss Forbes
upon her success in the contest.
Rheumatism causes more pain and
suffering than any other disease, for
the reason that it is the most common
of all ids, and it is cert gratifying
sufferers to know that chamber-
Liniment will afford
nuke rest and sleep possible. In
many the pain, which
is at first temporary, become
per i anent, while in people subject
to rheumatism, often
on by dampness or changes in the
a permanent cure cannot be
expected; relief from pain which
this affords is alone worth
many times its cost. and cent
sizes for sale by J. L. Wooten and
Coward and Wooten.
Thanks From County Home
On behalf of the inmates of
the county home. desire
A your paper to thank the stock-
K holders of The Farmers
Tobacco Company for the
dinner which they
to the home on the occasion
bf their annual meeting on the
0th. The inmates of the home
enjoyed a feast of good things
for which they will hold the
donors in grateful remembrance.
A. L. Tucker, Supt.
For a burn or scald apply Chamber-
Salve. It will allay the pain
most instantly and quickly heal the
injured parts. For sale by J. L. Woo-
ten and Wooten.
Practical Young Men.
The young man who is petted
too much at home is seldom any
good. What is wanted now-a
days is a practical man who can
do something else besides smoke
and twist a cane.
The time to learn to work and
to learn business habits is in
one's youth. He who leads
the lite of a butterfly until
he is twenty five or thirty years
of and then recognizes
the fact that he has made an
ape of himself, Las precious
tittle to recommend him when he
applies for a j This may be a
chestnut, but it fits not a few
young men in t very city in
Union. The boys on the farm are
better off if they only knew it,
than thousands of the boys who
are at large, wandering hither
and thither, searching and look-
for to turn
up. There is nothing like being
practical, and there is but one
way to be so. Acquire business
habits and train yourself to do
good honest, hard work. Don't
waste your time in learning to
tie a cravat You can buy
vats already tied. Ex.
A Pretty Home Marriage This Morn-1
At the residence of Mrs Laura
White, in West Greenville, this
morning at nine o'clock, her
daughter, Miss White and
Mr. Nathaniel
of Portsmouth, Va. were mar-
Rev. B. F. Husks and Rev.
J. H. officiating.
The ceremony that united the
young couple was per-
formed in the hall, amid a pro-
fusion of potted plants and roses
keeping with a wedding hour
i bright enough to delight a bride's
heart. The decorations of the
hall with improvised altar were
In a of vocal
solo little Miss Dorris
furnished the daintiest of
i hides to the coming of the bride
and groom; Hui
gins, of Portsmouth, maid of
honor, and Mr. Thomas
hart, of Portsmouth, best man;
Miss Lillian Carr,
L wedding I
march, and, during the ceremony,
of at the
conclusion, wed-
ding march.
The bride wore a going-a-way
gown of gray, with match,
and carried bride's roses; the
maid of honor a white Empire
gown with black picture hat. La
The affection and esteem of a
wide circle of friends was
in a profusion of
cut glass, dainty china, and
pictures not often in a
display of wedding gifts.
The party was enter-
at dinner Wednesday
evening by Mrs. D. D. Overton,
sister of the bride.
the event of this
morning Mr. Urquhart and bride
took the Norfolk Southern
train for a tour North. They
will be at home in Portsmouth
after May 15th.
out of town visitors
were Misses Adelaide and
White, of Hertford, and E. B.
and Mr. of Boy-
kin, Reflector, April
Portrait of the Late Jonathan White
Presented to the Lodge.
Covenant Lodge No. I. O.
O. P., on evening
April celebrated the ninetieth
anniversary of the
Order of Odd Fellows.
After the r
exercises were concluded Brother
W. F. Evans was called upon for
a shirt talk, to which he ably
responded, giving us value re-
His remarks were in I
every way appropriate and
thoroughly enjoyed.
Dr. D- L. James then
to Covenant Lodge a
portrait of our beloved
Brother Jonathan White, now
deceased, but whose
Lodge shall ever fondly
cherish. The beautiful talk of
Brother James as he pictured
the life of that grand Odd
low, brought to each of us fond
of the
made our hearts to know that
he has seven d his cot
with us here, but we realize that
he now belongs to that grand
lodge above where sorrow is no
I more.
The was received in
behalf of the lodge by Brother
i Julius Brown, his re-
marks in response to Brother
James voiced the sentiment of
every Covenant Lodge.
And a choice spot was
on the wails of our I. rooms
for the likeness of the one we
loved so well.
Brother D. C. Moore then
made some very appropriate re-
marks on Odd Fellowship. His
remarks were highly
by the lodge.
After the was closed
refreshments were served and
each brother went home feeling
that he was present
proud that he was n Odd
E. E. Griffin,
The place to buy your Hardware. Com-
sunk to from, quality
goods only.
Agricultural Implements A Specialty
Consisting of Plows. Mowers, Harrows, Stalk
Cutters. Rakes mid high grade Cultivators
both riding and walking,
American Fence Wire
in the most popular heights always on hand.
Complete stock ready mixed
of the highest in all colors.
teed per cent pure. Orders filled
Those wishing to purchase
will do well to see us as we carry
but the best.
It you building us a
call. We will appreciate your business and
will take tare your orders and
tee prices. When wishing anything men-
in the above don't fail to look up
Baker Hart.
At the close of business, April 88th,
Loam and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
Other stocks, bonds and
As an all-round laxative tonic and
no other pills can com-
with New Life Pita.
They tone and regulate stomach, liver
a d kidneys, purity the blood, strength-
nerves; cure
biliousness, jaundice, headache.
chit s and malaria. Try them. at
The King's Daughters Convention.
An important meeting to be
held in in May is the
King's Daughters State
which assembles the 26th
and 27th. The local circle
ready has preparations well in
hand for the entertainment of
the State convention.
Running repairs to all kind of
Steam fittings, erecting Engines,
Tobacco machinery, all systems a
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical novelties. Give a trial.
All work guaranteed and terms
Message left at H. L. Carr s
will receive prompt attention, or phone
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton heed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts.
Parlor suite Tables. Lounges.
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco. Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Canned Cherries, Peach,
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples-
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. Best but-
New Royal Sewing
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me,
Banking houses
Furniture fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
Nut bunk other U.
S. notes
I Liabilities
Capital stock
Surplus fund 25,000.00
j Undivided profits, less
Cur exp taxes pd 18,959.62
Time of deposit 20,370.59
Deposit to check 114,235.96
Cashier's 323.24
OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt,
lames L. Little. Cashier of the above-named lank, do sol-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of W
Knowledge and belief. JAMES I M l Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to lie-
fore me, 1st day of May,
1909. H.
Notary Public.
Correct- Attest
I. Wilson,
R, W. King,
fast Hie mm bur
yon know th
. from th
other kept In
l BOt
FOR A wild
ICE Powder
It it Simply of
on Into of milk and
without cooking, or the ed-
of This two
of Ice and whole-
some. A good lee cream fen be
or two which will last
for and will tare In coat.
packages CREAM Pow.
Flavors; Straw
Sold by all good
The Co., Roy, N. V
For I was troubled with
and which mice
life miserable for me. My appetite
failed me. I lost my usual force and
vitality. Pep-in prep, rations and ca-
only mad- matters worse. I
do not know where I should have been
today had I not tried Chamberlain s
Stomach and Liver Tablets. The lab-
lets relieve the ill at
strengthen the digestive functions
the stomach, liver and blood,
h. Urine the system to
Potts, Birmingham,
Ala Th tablets are for sale by J.
L. Wooten and Coward Wooten.
For downright devilishness,
to wiping women beats em all,
a deacon in Massachusetts.
Sisters are evidently on to you,
I Not Quite
How often you can get a jg
W thine
nail or screw driver or
v gar lacking. Have a good
box and be prepared for
Our line of tools m
Is a could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does nut lack a single
useful article.
I Of Course
You get s
Horse Goods l c
you want your HORSE to
fast and pull strong; buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
Sou Better Feed and More for Less
loner than any man in town,
headquarters for Com, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed MeaL Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Com, com Meal and all kinds of
Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement.
For Tobacco Flues
Tin Roofing and Plumbing
Next door to J. R. J. G.
Furniture And House Furnishing Goods
For Cash or on Installments.
in Building Formerly Occupied by Dispensary. Large Stock of
Needed in your House Our are km
Harry Skinner. Skinner,
H. Whedbee.
Greenville N. C
Choice Cut Flowers
Hoses, carnations, and violets
a specialty. Wedding
and floral offering
ranged in best style at short
notice. Bummer Dowering
bulbs, bedding plants, rose
bushes and every tiling in the
florist line at
Raleigh, N. C.
James Dawson,
Fifth St. opposite Market House
Experienced Shoe
Will do your work promptly and
and ask you to favor me with
your patronage.
Mutual Life
1843. Assets over
Cobb Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Moore Long

In Charge of F. C. NYE
i The Eastern R fleeter and Rates on Application
We ire headquarters tor the We a lot of ware r
p . . , gee us for prices ENGINE OFF THE TRACK.
burro . . cutters, Syracuse on u. A. W. Ange Co.
Oar line i fresh i seeds Delayed More
of . in. Two
Harrington, B Co.
. plow for the north bound passenger train
up new grounds. the A. C. L. road the
II hi, E truck here and the was de-
-.- . lay hi our two hours At
and get t . prices, the road crossing near the plant
n, Barb r Co. of the Lumber Co.
blankets and harness the heavy rain of hut night bad
a . V . Co. covered the track with dirt aid
We a nice line of I when the engine struck this the
Coffins end Caskets. Prices are I wheels were lifted from the
t . N l
d t three . I i
c i ; on his We can
y i I ha ; will inn
. on, i O
. i x left
m .-. ace. y Jno.
Lewis to i h .
No . . . cU . on
w. an for
i. a
v.; d . d carts made by ii.-
A. Co.
. I
Ax. i spades, bush
i farm lo
l- found our the best
. -it able
.--. in I m,
lit furnish nice hearse
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
I of m
i opened up.
track and let d on the cross
The train was running
and Engineer
We have discovering his engine was
from the wide the quickly brought
to the nicest dress hat. I to a without toy
Harrington B being done.
All tie wheels of the
Our line of slippers is now
A. W. Co., wish to
announce to their many
, that their spring goods are
here. All are mos
;. E Lint berry went to r inspection. Bee for
Sal ;. on business l
c .
i and from there to
lit. Vernon Borings on
Fresh pork, oysters,
sage and fish can be found at our
market. Lunches en short
notice. Dad Button,
We had one of the largest rains
the here yesterday
afternoon and night.
Come and examine our line of
and boy's spring hats,
has just been opened up.
Harrington Barber
A. W. iV- Co. have sum-
mer buggy robes and dusters.
The now reversible disc
row is Indispensable on an up-to-
date farm. See us before buy
were off the track ard after
ii by the crew it
found impossible, to pet
back without other
j An engine ard crew
I cams from
Invited to come and examine our hack the
line. We can give you to
that will rest you. by
We have just received our line
of men's and slippers.
See us for styles and prices,
Harrington, Co.
A new men's and
dress shoes just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Fresh corned herrings.
A. W. Ange Co.
Postmaster Bryan spent Sun-
day with relatives near Stoke.
We call your special attention
Harrington, Barber the statement of the Bank
,. . . , . . ; of Winterville, the ex-
Oar line mens and boy a ,, . . , ,.
. . . . condition of the tank. It
summer stock of hats
We can five pi ices that j attention to cur Handy
as the season is now she foresee the
and caps just been opened.
See us for styles aid prices.
A. W. Ange Co.
We handle the and
Son guano
Come and examine;
interest you.
Harrington Barber Co.
corned herrings just in.
A. W. Ange Co.
A. new line of best crockery
Harrington, Barber Co.
you want your chickens to
be healthy and lay well, and your
pigs to thrifty give them Dr.
block and Poultry Food.
If it don't do what it is
to do report it to us and
get your money back-
A. W. Ange Co.
Harrington, Barber Co.
L. who went
to Baltimore to undergo an
returned home Sunday
Mrs. E. F. Tucker returned
from range Tuesday after-
noon after having spent a few
days visiting relatives.
Misses Olivia Cox and Clyde
Chapman spent Sunday with
Lizzie Cox.
Joyner, of Farmville,
hero Sunday.
H. B. of Ayden,
attended services here Sunday.
Rev. T. Ii. King filled
appointment at Mill's school
house Sunday afternoon.
Dr. Cox from
more Saturday afternoon.
Miss Sadie Carroll spent Sun-
day here with Miss Kate C
Chas. Tyson and son attended
services Ii re
The following gentlemen will
be our town officers for
R. G. Chapman,
mayor; aldermen, L L. Kittrell,
A. G. Cox and J. K. Barnhill.
gentlemen have filled
these offices one year and have
given m an excellent
so we know that town
will be in hands for
the coming year.
solicits your patronage and
prompt service.
Ne hamburgs of all styles.
A. W. Ange Co
To Oar
We desire to call your kind
We Cannot Tell What the Future Will
When we look about us and
r the happiness that ex-
the families that have come
to from misfortune,
from error, we are almost
persuaded that those parents
who die young, before the evil
days comes when they no longer
find in their children,
are the only ones who die happy.
Could the mother who fondly
clasps her infant in her arms, an
object of her tenderest devotion,
while she prays without ceasing
for his life to be spared that he
may continue a consolation to
B tor old age; could
of that
most at hand when you will need
trucks for housing your tobacco.
We have orders now for
than for future shipments
and would, there-fore, urge our
customers place their orders
as as possible which will
insure getting when want-
ed, otherwise to the great
demand might be somewhat
Call or write A G Cox
Co., N. C.
peck of
by L. L. Kittrell. Winterville, N.
C. ltd
Sick headache, constipation and
relieved by Kings Little Liv-
Tills. the Do
not gripe. Price Sold by John L.
will treat you
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last
Hayes and Mary
Edward and Arab
N. R. Urquhart and Laura
W. H. Dudley and Bertha
William Harden and Nellie
John Jordan and Kitty Clyde
Washington Bryan and
Henry Hagan and Lula Spark-
Will Little and Annie Streeter.
child, which is so wisely hid from
her, could she see him over-bur-
or poverty-
and friendless, idle or
insane, a worthless vagabond, or
a debauched millionaire, way
down in the dregs of society, or
away up the scum, would not
a change come o'er the spirit of
her dreams, would she not more
fully realize that life is only
valuable as it is well spent, and
while she is praying for life to
last, pray also with greater
tenacity for his protection from
the soul-destroying things of the
Newspaper Works for Town.
Did you ever think of it Sup-
pose every business man in town
took as much interest in the up-
holding of the town and forward-
all public enterprises as the
newspaper man. He works for
schools, churches
good streets and urges,
pleads, scolds and badgers and
cavorts around generally.
Imagine his feelings then when
some kind of
a fellow reproaches him because
he don't boom things enough.
If the town does boom and the
prices of real estate advance and
the owners grow rich from the
result of his labor, he makes
nothing by it. He is like the
poor boy at the pictures without
the necessary quarter to gain
Buy the best Odorless Re-
at S. M. Schultz.
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are from an in-
active LIVER.-------
With a veil conducted MM K
one do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be- kept in healthful action
by, and only by
AT 11-TON, N. C,
At the close business, April
Resources Liabilities
116,898.16 Capital stork
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd
Bills payable 2,000.00
Tins of deposit 917.50
Deposits subject to e-k
Due to bill 11.70
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
j limn
. it mi
i r coin, minor
Nat lank other
s. notes
002.98 j
210.18 j
1909 Guide.
Official American
League Guide for 1909, published
by the A. J. Reach Company, of
Philadelphia, and edited by Mr.
Francis C. Richter,
is out, and as usual,
first in the field, thus
it the harbinger of the bail
season. It can be said without
any qualification that, excellent
as all of the editions of the
Reach Guide have been in recent
years, the 1909 Reach Guide i-
the best hand book of the kind
ever issued by this or any other
publisher. The special
of the 1909 Guide is, next to
the text, quality of paper used
and the number and beauty of
the engravings furnished, the
world's championship series
being specially well dowered
with action pictures.
The American League Guide
for 1909 is in nil respects a first
class hand book of the National
game and a decided credit to the
American League and to
publishers, Reach Company.
This is the eighth annual issue
of the Reach Guide as the official
hand booK of the American
League, and the twenty-seventh
consecutive year of its
as a book of record and
reference tor the entire base
ball world.
The worst foe for years of John
of a running
ulcer, re p id
l Then S
Salve the ulcer cued
him. Cure K. B
ma, Infallible for
Scald, Cut. Coma. at
will treat you
I, T. Gardner, Cashier of the above-named hunk, do sol-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief, G. T. Cashier.
Subscribed and swum to
lore me, HI, day of May,
. . . John Brooks,
i o. J. Tucker,
Notary Public Directors.
No Ai; No The Rest Room.
A nervous looking man As they learn more about it,
into a store the other day and; the Rest Room in the build-
sat for an hour or so, grows more popular with
a clerk asked him if there was ladies coming in from the
anything he could do far him; he j country. The use of these
said no be didn't want anything, is absolutely free to all
The clerk went away, and the j and this provision for
stranger an hour or so longer, I their convenience is made by
when the proprietor went to him the people of the town who con-
and asked if he didn't want to I tribute to its maintenance.
be shown anything, said who the town are
the nervous man; just a cordial welcome to the
wanted to bit around. My
has recommended quiet to
me and above all things I
should being in a crowd.
Noticing that you do not
in the home piper, I thought
this would
I could find
a few
Rest Room.
Pile is put up in a
tube with May
applied directly to the parts.
L. Wooten.
name is written on my
said the young man to
his betrothed.
said the girl, h it
written a life Insurance policy
in the Mutual life of New
H. Bently Harris will t for
B ltd
Wreck Near Bethel.
The evening passenger train
on the Atlantic Coast Line was
some over an hour late getting in
be as quiet a place as The delay was caused
, sol dropped in for
mouth branch of the road, the
tender and mail car to the pas-
getting off
track near Bethel. No personal
injury was done, but the mail
clerk was badly frightened when
his car left the track,
The Wanted Him.
Best Mill United
Mr. F. G. Perkins, president
Mr. C. T. Cog, of Winterville,
was over
here the other night and took in
the Adams show. He tickled
over something and let out a
laugh that the of the cabinet Veneer Co., came
The bass in the Thursday evening from In-
band found out he was snowed will be here few
under and M up on beating to looking after work at
join in the laugh, The show the plant F. W. of
f tried to e gage Theodore New York, the veneer expert
to join and go along a a f cabinet veneer product,
rial but he con- greatly
eluded it was better to stay pleased with the veneer mill here
around where rations CM thinks it the best in the
and laugh for the home folks. United States.
An many the
of a cold by acting a cathartic on t No to
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Dollar Fr Year
TRIBUTE TO THE CONFEDERACY. is the very essence of demo-f CONTRACTS AWARDED To go through
i this mass of furniture and make
the selections, having due regard
to price, quality and fixtures,
j taxed the energies of the
for Three their full extent.
visiting every room in which
furniture was on exhibition and
By your SHARE
cause you know to
Delivered to the Bryan Camp right have loft to us Busy Time
Memorial Day. the grandest Its Work Well.
I the grandest heritages that has
ever to mortal
I would be peculiarly At the same time you have
to the traditions of irrevocably incumbent Upon
fathers; would be sadly lacking us to use every force and power
in that element of pride and j at our command to prevent th-
gratitude which should be in- sweet, pure chastity of that
characteristic of goddess of liberty from
man born and bred in a Southern ever being polluted by the
home, did I not experience dilating sons of men. Your
thrill of keenest joy, a I struggle has Indeed been hard.
of exquisite pleasure, as I the result has well justified
with uncovered head in the. the Life Itself is nothing
presence of this camp of Pitt more than a great struggle; it is
county Veterans, among j fat from being a pleasant dream,
are numbered some of
The executive committee of carefully considering
i East Ca Training j matter the committee
adjourned even-
at after a Con-
session of three days
late into the nigh on
Tuesday and Wednesday night.
The commit -e pretty
well fagged out when the work
was finished,
New Street Ordered
the whole and Poll Holders.
The Board of Aldermen wen
day afternoon announced their in regular monthly in
decision as Thursday night, with all the
i o ii.- court
r r rd d re-
moved to ; lot in
Hill . tery.
b . La pi at
on . . from Dick
ii . i
lo and
with E
I if
awarded to C i. of
through their
agents, J. R. J. G. of
The contract for
On they took upland pillows was awarded to
the question of final Hundley, of Richmond, the
the contracts for the
the bravest, the best
to found within the
borders of the Old North State
And as look into our and
Henry Grady baa
We are not here today ex-
press a new loyally. When I
General Lee, whose heart was
and a wan I'd
I this to J. II. Johnson, of Raleigh,
he being the lowest bidder for
both. He gave bond and signed
note the stamp of truth and the temple of our hopes, expected to
honor which appears there, I am whose arm was clothed with
all the more convinced of the renewed his allegiance
correctness of my opinion and to the government at
the wisdom of my tax, he spoKe from a heart too
along this line. great to be false, and he spoke
I for every man from Mary
land to Texas. From that day to
has nowhere in
construe j mattress selected being th
of the sower and under j Raleigh mattress, manufactured
drainage system and Raleigh, N. C. by Raleigh
Bedding Co.
contract for bedstead-; s members present, and transacted side, I
a considerable amount of too Sutton prop
several matters of import. An r v. .-.
before the
The finance committee report Monday in .;
id that had eat
in settlement
of their against town
for right of way for
on each
t is known as
mi in call
s h i e- the
ward and a
Veterans of the , .
You have been overpowered, i this.
outnumbered and defeated, but he .,
to hatred and vengeance, but Lumber Co., o-
The then took
the question of considering bids rooms also awarded
for the erection of the infirmary company.
throng, their property. The
committee was granted fun
settlement of
for dressers, claims pending,
washstands and tables for rooms; The special committee report-1
to Peonies House ed that the concrete sidewalks
Furniture Co., of had beer, examined by an expert,
poll holders and voting
w- re c ed for conduct-
the different
J. I.
holders, C. W.
and voting
court house,
to board, and were found
and the power There
were three bidders this con-
tract, Under
wood, of New C. B. West.
of Greenville and the Building
declare to you today that on the
pages of the world's literature,.
and in the annals of the world's
history your name will ever
stand out in bold, conspicuous
outlines to tell to future genera- i We.
the fame of the son's of sown SOil
the Confederacy. Like a song
everywhere to loyalty
Our mission now is to redeem
the earth from and
And we shall not
; the seed of his millennial
without word,, Jg and he will not lay the
sickle to the ripening crop until
his full and perfect day has
inexpressible as the fleeting
quiver of a dancing sunbeam,
but real as true love will be that
firm with which the
future will cling to past.
For countless generations to
come, with a heart that bents
with a thrill of response, the
young man will never cease to
linger over those pages of his-
which tell of the men who
made the fair fame of our be-
loved Southland immortal With
a knowledge that it is good to
do so, the father of the future
will never lose an opportunity to
discuss with his sons and friends
the noble daring, the unqualified
bravery of his ancestors. And
long, long after fables and , . ,. ,
myths have faded into antiquity i have diseased present con-
j because I believe in
Rhodes bid
sum of for the two build-
C. B. West bid 114,876.57;
Building Lumber Co., bid
and this bid being the
lowest the contract was awarded
to that company.
The committee them took up
the various bids for the boilers,
engines, electric plant, laundry.
come. As we keep pace with the refrigerating plant and all other
onward march of progress, when machinery necessary for a om-
the old world comes to equipment of a power plant
and to learn, amid our gathered the institution. There were
treasures, let us resolve to crown
the miracles of the past with the
spectacle of a Republic, compact,
united, indissoluble in the
of love, the wounds of war
healed in every heart as on
every hill, serene and
dent at the summit of human
achievement and earthly glory,
blazing out the path, and making
clear the way up which all the
nations of earth must come in
God's appointed time.
and been forgotten, the mothers
of our Southland will be telling
their loved ones of the divine
fire of unselfish devotion which
illuminated and glorified the
lives of those who loved and
championed the cause of the
Remarkable evidence of almost
phenomenal industrial develop-
is seen on all sides, while
the promulgation of religion and
education among the illiterate
classes is fast dispelling
and vice, and placing these
people in a position which will
enable them to participate in this
great movement
Particularly is this true of
North Carolina, which is no
longer an isolated power with a
destiny and problems peculiarly
her own. But with natural
advantages which have been
in forty four years of
unequal growth, she presents
her rightful claim to recognition
as one of the foremost states of
the Union.
Is it any source of wonder
then that we are proud of this
magnificent country of oars
Freedom has always been her
policy. The government under
which we live and move, and
have our being is inherently a
democratic institution, -and
liberty, both personal and
the natural order of events they
should be considered first. When
the immortal Lee passed his
sword over to Grant at
we became once more a
united people. When you, sirs,
laid down your arms, and pro-
claimed your reconciliation to
the government against which
you had fought; when you re
turned to your grief-stricken
homes, and, empty-handed, with
the odds overwhelmingly against
you, set yourself to the task of
bringing order out chaos, and
building the new South, you put
into that labor the same amount
of love, the same full
of sacrifice, that characterized
your attempt to free your
try from the hand of oppression.
And declare to you today
Sirs, that, the mere fact that
you were men enough to lay
aside the bitterness in your
hearts; to wipe away the sting
of defeat, and clasp in lasting
comradeship the hands that were
once withheld in doubt; that you
could re-kindle the
embers of patriotism within your
bosoms, and adjure the young
men about you to serve as honest
and loyal citizens the Republic
you fought to dissolve, has
ed, more than any other one
factor, the men of my genera.
. the .
. tinned n fourth
various and sundry bids, some
being for a completed plant, less
the laundry and refrigerating
and some of the bids only
being for certain parts of
plant. These pa-
consideration and took the
architects quite a to tab-
them and put in proper
shape for comparison. On mis
occasion the committee had the
benefit of the large experience of
Mr. Rogers, of the firm of Hook
The contract for dining room
chairs bedroom was
awarded to Ford at Johnson Co.,
Chicago, through R. W. Norman,
furniture dealer, Salisbury, N.
The contract for the
chairs for the auditorium was
awarded to American Seating
Co., of Chicago, through V
Charlotte house.
The contract for rugs and m in-
shades was awarded to t
Boyd Furniture Co., and Taft
Vandyke, of
While there was much
on the part of some of
the bidders, everything passed
off in the best of humor and we
believe it is conceded by all that
the committee acted wisely in
their selections. It hardly
possible for anybody who was
not present to see for themselves
to appreciate the immense
amount of work the committee
did during these three s.
I -condition.
The contract for crockery for the n ordered at the last meeting of poll holders, E. B.
a id D. S. Spain; voting
place Winslow's
The street committee reported J. F.
the streets in bad condition. Brinkley; poll
culvert on Fourth street was Beaman and
reported completed and ready for place Dr. Laughing-
filing in.
I D. T.
V P. Edwards;
The cemetery committee re-
port., d that the cemetery is being
cleaned out.
The cl. was instructed to
address a communication to the
water and light commission in
regard to plumbers having
for pipes in bad fix.
Alderman White moved that
an ordinance be adopted levying
a license tax of a year or part
of a year on all plumbers doing
business in the town Action on
this was deferred adjourned
meeting of the
D. J. Whichard and W. B.
Wilson appeared before the board
in reference to insufficient drain-
in South causing
the flooding of property. The
matter was referred to the street
house's office,
Fourth J. L.
Carper; poll holders. H. A. Tim-
and T. R. Moore; voting
place store on Five
i Points.
Fifth H. L.
--11 holders, D. S.
Smith and Lunsford Fleming;
voting Jesse of-
After of account
the board adjourned to meet in
special session on the night of
the 15th.
Prize Will be Given for Best
The Reflector wants a slogan was followed by several amend-
Rogers, who has had much ex Greenville, or a catch phrase that resulted in
j Committee with power to act and
instructions to remedy
trouble as early as possible.
An ordinance was offered and
passed prohibiting the delivery
of ice in town on Sundays. This
dealing with such
matters. After long and careful
consideration of all propositions,
consuming Tuesday until mid-
night and a part of Wednesday,
the committee awarded the con-
tract to Thomas B. Whitted
Co., of Charlotte, and B.
of Greensboro, for the
entire power plant, less the pi-
ping, at the sum of their's
being the lowest bid for that
work. This contract does not
include the laundry and
The contract for laundry was
let to American Ma-
Mfg. Co., of Cincinnati,
for the lowest bid.
letting of contract for re-
plant was postponed
for future consideration.
These matters being disposed
of the committee took up the
question of selecting the
and here they tackled a big-
question. The committee had
advertised for samples of
and that all samples should
be placed upon exhibition in the
school building. There were bid-
and exhibitors from New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Chicago, Cincinnati, Richmond,
Charlotte, High Point. Greens-
Mebane, Raleigh, Goldsboro
Greenville and other places, and
the exhibits of furniture and
other material for the buildings
Id have done credit to I
in advertising and attracting at-
to the town. For in-
stance, the city of Charlotte has
a slogan that has became familiar
everywhere. Now we want one
equally as good for Greenville,
and will give any reader of The
Reflector an of
suggestions as to what it
shall be. The person making
the best suggestion before the
first of June will be awarded
any Parker Fountain Pen
at the Reflector Book Store.
The only rules governing this
contest are as
All suggestions must be sent to
The Reflector in writing before
the first day of June.
The suggestion must contain
not less than three nor mo.-e
than six words.
Any person can make as many
different suggestions as desired.
The Reflector is to have the
privilege of using any or all the
suggestions made as the paper
deems fit in advertising Green-
Three gentlemen, whose names
will be announced later, will be
asked to act as judges, the
all to be referred to
them. The one they deem best
will be adopted as Greenville's
slogan and the Parker
Pen awarded in accordance
with their decision.
the matter and leaving it
as before.
James Brown appeared before
the board in reference to
drainage on Sutton lane,
which was to the street
A deduction was made in the
tax valuation of property of the
Cabinet Veneer Co., an error
having been discovered in the
report sent down the State
corporation commission.
The mayor was instructed to
address a communication to the
A committee with ii. W. King
chairman and W. B. Wilson treas-
will begin work .; solicit-
funds to erect a
here. Voluntary
contributions are asked for and
payments can be made to
W. The Reflector will
publish the names of all
tors and has been authorized to
to begin the list with the follow-
E. U.
R. W King.
Harry Skinner, Jr.
W. Harrington,
D. C. Moore
E. A. Jr.,
H. A. White,
W. L. Brown,
A. M. Mosley,
L. W. Tucker,
J. S. Mooring,
C. D. Rountree,
Skinner Whedbee,
F. G. James Son,
the Woman's Betterment Club, The Reflector,
expressing the sympathy of the
board in their work.
The street committee was in-
to have trees cut down
on the sidewalk of Fourth street
between Pitt and Greene streets.
The services of the assistant
policeman was ordered placed at
the disposal of the street com-
for the purpose of
the street work.
C. D. Rountree and H. A.
Blow were placed in nomination
for tax list taker for the year.
C. D. Rountree was elected.
Restaurant license was grant-
to Bob Whichard.
The clerk was ordered to pro-
cure suitable books upon which
to keep a record of deaths
curring in the town, and an or-
was passed that hereafter
no burials shall take place in
the town with burial per-
F. M. Wooten,
J, C.
F. C. Harding,
J. L. Fleming,
J. W. Ferrell,
C. S Carr.
R. C. Flanagan,
I. H. Little,
W. B. Wilson,
Joseph Tripp,
J. J. May,
C. T.
James L. Little,
J. G.
J. N. Hart,
T. M. Hooker,
T. White,
C. S. Forbes,
F. J. Forbes
fl Henry
furniture, exhibition at any will treat you I obtained from
. S, If,
S. i

Eastern reflector, 7 May 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 07, 1909
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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