Eastern reflector, 12 March 1909

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

In Charge of F. C. NYE I
A of The Eastern and Vicinity-Advertising; Rates on Application J
headquarters for the Tobacco bed cloth just
and bailer
. Syracuse. We have decided to close out
. Kn fainter can our line of furniture and we are There Was Only a Small Loss at
do without these valuable offering it ct almost your own Either.
chinos I is farm. We for c Sec us quickly
x . . s i n i A. W. Ange Co.
you n, Barber Co. j Anew line of
Mr. F std Hiss in opened
went to Green Harrington. Barber Co.
ville A. large lot of best Hour just
Remember the Tar Heel arrived.
end i . made by the Harrington, Barber Co.
A. G. C Co. If you want your to
A. C . Mfg. j be healthy and lay well, and your
Mr. a I H C. pigs to be thrifty give them Dr.
went to and Stock and Poultry Food.
If it don't do what it is
;. i D k are still to do report it to us
your money back-
u orders,
as curly as
c; T. Shad can be bad at our market
kin preach in the Baptist now.
church t. The Literary So
; gave a most delightful en-
Co., . . t it it Saturday night
u V
Some time Saturday night two
in town were broken into.
One of the blinds of a I win-
to the store of J. S. Mooring,
on Five Points was prized off
and entrance made through the
window. A small quantity of
snuff, tobacco and flour all
that were missed from the store.
The store of C. D. Tunstall,
on Dickinson avenue, was also
broken into, entrance supposed
to have been made by a
few in change
left the cash register is all
that was missed.
fall to
popular remedy I
effectually cure
Constipation, Sick
And ALL DISEASES arising from a
Liver end Bad Digestion
The I appetite
um flesh. Dom; elegant-
. re. m and easy to swallow.
No Substitute.
When you wart a pleasant physic
give Stomach n-d Liver
a trial. They arc mild and
title in their . pro-
pleasant cathartic effect. Call
d hall, at I. aid Coward
On Friday after loon.
Miss Lelia Higgs delightfully en-
a large number of her
friends at her home on Dickinson
The guests arrived at
o'clock, and were cordially re
by the hostess.
The two contests were very
interesting, one of them being
the naming of tho books of the
New Testament. Jessie
Brinkley the correct
names was awarded the prize, an
elegant box of candy. At six
o'clock delightful r. tits
were served after which the
guests departed declaring
Higgs a most charming
At the close of business February
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 8,809.76
Other stocks, bonds
and mortgages
Furniture and 8,187.88
loans 10,641.76
Due from 48,908.76
Cash items 2,1175.81
Silver coin
minor coin currency 1,978.94-
hank and other U.
S. notes
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, lens
cur. ex. and
Time of log .-, . ,
D p tub t. f
Cashier's checks out-
standing 958.02
. I and SO to. m The boys of the Literary a
present to j will treat you
. pate In the enjoyment, and the
. say the time passed
j. ; 9-k in they could
. The
tools. to celebrate Washington's
. i School i to
b.- t . . .;
Dr. L. P
Wake I e deliver
Ayden, N. C, Feb. 1909.
I in The
that you want to find out when
birthday and every part was
r enjoyed.
C. L. pastor of formed.
the first Baptist church in New my answer to your question
at the Ber . will deliver the annual I know.
May 1-1. Doctor commencement sermon of Win-; Pitt county was formed in 1760
. High School Beaufort county, named in
one of May Rev. Mr., honor William Pitt, of
the leading scholars the South. classmate of Prof. arr. county is also
As . . bus i I Li n., is one of the miles,
and i rs in the State. I this in
found at .-.-, the best Dr. Poteat for the literary ad-North Carolina year book and
grades at reasonable dress, Mr. for the business directory by the News
Harrington, Barter Co. a strong debating team Observer.
State of North Carolina, County of
I, L. Little, Cashier of the above-named hank, do sol-
swear that the above statement is true t the best my
knowledge and belief. JAMES L. LITTLE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to he-
fore me, this 12th day of
H. Bateman,
Notary Republic.
R. W. King,
W. B. Wilson,
J. G.
Have just
was in the raj fare, hand
body of the little of M.
of Henrietta, Pa. His p
from eczema had, live year, de
lied nil remedies and the I
doctors, who raid poisoned
had his lungs I
save him
mother, bottles of
completely cured him For j
Eruption, ca. Salt
and a I Blood and
Rheumatism Electric s is
supreme. Only Bee. Guaranteed by
all it.
solid car load BUCK STOVES
Rolls Matting. Fine Line Couches. and Lace Curtains
received a
L eater Brick Warehouse.
You will hunt a cord while before
ration that is I to
i as a for
Fresh beef, pork, oysters, the a fine music to
sago and fish can be found at our I furnish music and a plenty of
market. Lunches on short other material for the concert,
notice. Sutton. the commencement bids fair to
Come and examine our of be a record breaker
men's and boy's spring hats, Dr. Cox came in from Raleigh and p ins, for the
that has just been opened up.
Harrington Barber Co.
Fresh rye.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The new reversible disc
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
yesterday to the bedside of his ml f
. . , . , no it equally for
child. We trust It lame back ard
s on be better.
Ir.-. E. F. Tucker
and by
. L Wooten Coward
row is indispensable on a her stock of
date farm. S o before buy- goods.
Harrington. Rev. G. T. address
Get the plow Home Missions at the Baptist
tearing up church Sunday was most
Harrington, Barber Co excellent. A large congregation
and eggs a specialty, i v as cut to hear it. He left lion-
morning for Baltimore to will treat you
filled his
regular appointment at the
church here Sunday morn-
Register of Deeds W. M.
Moore has the following
licenses since last
Howell and
, Rountree.
II not hold service at Robert
of his appoint-
in at Ayden.
. C. editor of
the Biblical Recorder,
morning and night at the I
Baptist church. Mr. Moore
Jones and
Alex Roberson and Page.
field Jones and
Come and get the best prices.
Barber Co.
blankets and harness
a G. Cox Mfg. Co.
We are carrying a nice lino of
Caskets, Prices are
right arts can nice h
service A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
The famous Cox cotton plant-
guano sowers are still
going. Prices firms right.
See before you buy.
A. Cox C
N. C.
We have just received a large Mis. Frank Willson, Green-
shipment of lime. A. W. Ange spent Monday night here
The Vance Literary Society of
We have a lot of g. will give a public de-
ed peaches going at bate on night, Mar. 12th.
lb. They are fine. A. W. is cordially ,;.;, and Lelia Holton.
We have a healthy of young
Oats for sec d and feed jut in our town
one of our best preachers
. , i, , i
rest is in store for those who
M. Chapman and
E. Gorham.
Durham Kornegay and Julia
Gatlin Morris and Lula Pollard.
John Greene and Mellie Harris.
Rives and Charlotte An-
A. W. Ange Co.
ask us for credit. We
must sell strictly for cash. We
can give you better bargains by
so doing. Sutton -v
Get you an
s to do breaking land,
also carry all kinds of farm
supplies. A. W. Ange Co.
have a lot of rubber boots
and shoes chat must go at once.
See us for your own bargains.
A. W. Ange Co.
Our line of fresh garden seeds
of all kinds has just come in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The Economic Hack Bands are
the most suitable plow saddle on
the market. We solicit your
orders. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
do rot seem to dread
swamps these cool nights.
Rev. B. F. Huske filled his
Overstocked Sale Inaugurated by
J. L. Stem and Co, of New York,
To Continue a Few Says. So up and be Doing
Owing to the numerous inquiries and many re-
quests from folks who have been unable to at-
tend this gigantic money saving event on account
of the bad weather, we have decided to continue
for a short time. To make this continuation a
rousing one have made further sweeping re-
in every department. To fail to attend
this sale will be doing yourself an injustice.
Everything to wear from head to foot for Man,
Woman and Child. A big line of Furniture and
Trunks to select from.
Everything must
history shortly.
be sold. Sale will pass into
A a is
with ma y victim. But
N w Life Pi kill t by
. , its
regular appointment at clogging
church raring
F ; b boa n chills, ma aria,
set at all
Inspector Samuel H. j
was here look-1
inc after the H
found everything in excellent j
Id Christian Church.
Or. the second Sunday in April
S three-weeks meeting will begin
Notice-I wish to say to
who are in arrears for taxes by ReV- s. D. of
1908 to the town of S. C.
that cost will be added after
March 1909. Please look and
after this matter at once and
avoid cost. C. S. Smith,
Look Tor the Big Red Sign.
They cleans the system. Do
no; gripe. Price by John I.
v. ill treat you
treat you
An many Lung and Bronchial Remedies. It rid. the
or a cold by it t cathartic on bowel. No opiate. Guaranteed to give
attraction or refunded. Prepared by MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO. U. g, A.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Troth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
What Our Law Makers Are Doing at
This was the last day for the
introduction of new bills, but
only l were offered.
by Senator to es-
a card system for
grants in the office of
the secretary of State.
i a bill
tor the appointment of
a commission to investigate the
speaker, speakers protein and
Representative Dowd, of
Mecklenburg, pave the session
somewhat a stir when he had
Hoard of held
N. March The
recalled a ill, passed during his That Means Macs after hearing if a re-
i he day before, in Interests of North the recorder
to a history written by
Cape S. A. Ashe in the public
Carolina. morning. Policeman N.
Mr. J. F. Evans, agent for Pitt Williams Hon.
its regular monthly me ting
Thursday night with
the members present, and
C. in session until pas mi In h
discredits the date the
Mecklenburg Declaration of In-
dependence, May 20th, and
Mr. Dowd did not want any re-
cast on that the
authenticity which has been
and recognized by
needs of the State, prepare plans J both state and national govern-
and specifications for needed meats. Mr. defended his
schools of the State. This of the Farmers a prominent local law-
Much of the time was taken in
hearing a from th water
light commission and ad pt-
Cue Dollar Year
Both Con I
Cl f J. T. run
down and
both of by white
men. .
call i s y had
no permanent den but reamed
around the s
from the pocket.
to give The a Him use of water and light s
th meeting. Tit is alleged the had rates, etc.
There estimated to be his hand on his pistol Mr.
live Demonstration work, who the
ed this morning from corn on trial, just outside the.
growers meeting held in j court room and demanded ling ordinances, about sections,
V,,,,; 9th, and dropped in the lawyer his attacks upon governing the, installation and
Mi bl
first capture was Mack
who in broad
i -n ., r .,. i hind the
A . . in favor
building and to the
of 1911.
The house also had some new
bills but of them of special
bill to submit to a vote of
the p an amendment to the
constitution relative to repeal of
homestead exemption was killed
on third reading.
The bill to allow married
men lo contract as if unmarried
was also hilled.
In both branches the day was
up mainly in considering
old matters that had been set
for special order. In the house
bill was passed ever to
the night session. Many bills
passed final reading.
the night session of the
house, which lasted until
night, the trust bill just
like it came from the senate, this
being the substitute
for the Lockhart
The night session of the senate
was devoted to consideration of
the revenue bill.
ground v. and bill was
The bill place certain of
were J- P. Evans, J. Williams it was time
Pitt county on salary A. J. W. M. be removed from the police I from the water and light com
was passed at session. Arthur, S. B. force. Mr. Buxton also charged mission relative to
bin does not go into effect j Smith. A C. and Williams with being under the debts against .
until December, 1910, therefore Atkinson. liquor. was passed that
the bonds authorized to
r c pas
will not affect of the pres-j There were 1213 different ex- Wilson, N. C, March
of corn, ears to ouch rumors to the
The chief in some of it fine as was ,., j.
was a protest by Senator i ever a prominent planter of the
Lockhart against of The meeting was called Black Creek have reach-
Congressman John H. ed this city. The
bill which no wanted by efforts it had Black Creek is to the effect .
spread upon journal, been arranged, and whose work that when the storm was
In his protest Senator j., behalf farmers of hit-, worst, Mr. Farmer, who was at-j
called the to the district is well known to all. I tending to some duty around his
Bassett Blowout and com- barns, became so frighten-
I . I by the re
. , . i f C this
appropriated .
; mi ion to
pay i i b ed .; .
. v. .
h. c i
charge i the A . m
i, an Imp rial I
Co. r for pr
Senator Bassett objected to an
the protest being id upon the
missioner agriculture.
made Jed that he died in tracks
Deceased was about
Kile, of the years old and leaves a family.
N. C. March A
, special today from Sylva, Jack
and J. P- Pour
discussed and then Campbell spoke on preparation attempts have been made
journal as it disrespect; ,; Wash-
to the- senate and the whole gen q on
assembly. The matter was hr, ,.,;,. j.
until o
meeting for action.
An u n q
Co. to real its
oil inks I i
its of the town was
but action o i it was d
next meeting all
until the n
vi n if.
i other
He was
on him, .
;. d a
T re v t
him h w
bond in t i
case, a r I
i not i . d
t j .
t . of
. Tucker
court con-
. . Sat-
; g.
. eye
. . i
is each
Monday for to of the C. B. he past few days to burn m-av
remodel .,.
lave a
jail, a j The matter of erecting a city
operative Demonstration work, The attempt., again taken up and a
Senator introduced; spoke on of crops. of
his objectionable
a bill lo a reformatory i At p. m. dinner
was activities of tin- prisoners and
ad to d
i he
u .;
d T r . call
th i I u . i .; rs
t the a y of waging
war again t the t
j this
ha the
i pen up . barns
and . cl an them
he will steal a chicken.
Both branches had a bu day
clearing up the calendar and
getting the work completed
ready for adjournment.
The house killed the bill to
license- people who drink, and,
the to allow osteopaths to I senate passed quite a
practice in the State hospitals number of bills or. third reading
was also turned down. the effort to up
was passed to add fifty- of the session.
cents per day to tho pay The thanks of the
clerks and laborers in the extended to the
The senate completed the for courtesies
of the general assembly
ard also gave a number of bills session.
their passage. A A resolution of thanks to
was adopted providing for Newland
for the able manner in which he
has presided over the senate was
adopted. He was also presented
a silver service.
Senator Whitehead
senator was extended a
vote of thanks, as were also
the different clerks and their as-
The presented Chief
one with the
the colored of ; the entire assemblage by i ,, m
the Stow, which was opposed by of Perquimans county who . .
senator on ground the visitors every on Salem. March j . , . an let i,
mat it is equivalent to putting i K- a wealth ex saloon bids for of th, build , ;
premium on crime, offering to At the afternoon session was declared guilty mg. dial
ex saloon I bids for the of the build-
session here, was . g. An
the youth an education, I address was delivered in . were read and additional in
clothing and all earthly needs if Dr. D. H. HID. of the A- morning, and sen -j moot, ,
to the county roads for j n.
months. Through his
appealed i i will treat
this morning, and
M. College, who was followed by.
J. O. Wright, civil engineer ard
drainage expert, and several
in interesting short talks. court-
The judges of corn ex N. C. March
B. Parker, C. R. H. Smith, of Greensboro,
Hudson, C. B. Williams and J. engineer on local freight train
P, Campbell. eastbound, on the
Small i throe prizes for Atlantic and Yadkin railroad.
the best exhibit, and was killed about two miles
i respectively. The first Walnut Cove at o'clock
was awarded to Mr. i thin morning by his engine
turning over.
ibis time,
dollars loss to
and farmers,
a great by get-
rid the i
For th; sake o;
prosperity of i.
Criminal Civil
drawn by
Board cf County e
the appointment of a public
grounds commission to
gate congested conditions in the
departments and recommend
plans for adequate buildings,
their report to be made to the
legislature of 1911, Ex-Gov.
J. Jarvis was named as one
of the members of this com-
In naming the boards of ado- Clerk Max well a cane.
cation for the several counties,
the same board for Pitt county
is G. Cox, L. C.
Arthur and M. Blount.
Saturday both the senate and
house had busy clearing up
the calendars and trying to get
ready tor adjournment. It be-
came evident that the work could
not be completed Monday,
Representative Julian got the
pledge of a considerable majority
of the members of the house that
they would hold over Tuesday
without pay in order to get
through w some matters yet
It was also a day of incidents
in the house. A silver service
was presented to Speaker
ham and a dozen silver spoons to
Chief Clerk Cobb. The re ware
of the second to C. C.
of Aurora; the third
to J. H. Carter, of
A Corn Association
for the first district was organ-
with the following
W. Blount, of
Washington county.
Vice Wood,
of Clio wan county; K. Bagley,
of Currituck county; Jonathan
rs to serve at the
i rm Pitt
the week beginning
I April D Cox. B
I son, Howard Moore. J H C
age ,
It in
r i
any c
. last year.
. let it
a c let
farm-energy be devoted inner
crops. Men of exp
that any a e at all
tors presented Mr. the
sergeant-at-ams, with a watch
and the laborers presented had
signet ring. Mr. j corn
Havens, of Beaufort county. m g d j condition.
Secretary and from and
E. Brown, of Hertford county.
March K W Brown, J A Wis n,
While brooding over g porter. SM Smith, ff Hi , ;
troubles, Thomas, a Barrington, B B Warren, Z
well-known farmer residing Forbes,
few miles south of town, at- j J Brooks, Something good, ten cent size
tempted suicide last evening by L Cherry. G T Evans, RB Campbell's chicken, tomato and
a his neck and. J E W E vegetable soups. Phone C D.
leaping out of his barn window. Tucker, J H Cheek. John A Tunstall.
He found unconscious by Tucker, W C Um prepared to do shopping
a member the family and S R for my friends in the Old North
Blood was n c Ha L F Worth- state from
J B Tucker, S sore;
of Hertford j a . , e ,. s. or
I for his RS May, on will
a MG careful-
meeting which and several children. , Jesse A Stokes. select tin m seasons
also resolutions of the door keeper
assistant, was also presented a
watch and signet ring, and
presented flowers to every
tor, clerk, page and laborer of
the body. Reading Clerk
Squires was presented a cane.
The first business of the house
that began early was to pass the
omnibus magistrate bill A
large number of bills passed
third reading, but one to tax
dogs was tabled.
Reading Clerk Phillips was
presented an Elk's badge; Mr-
Kilpatrick, the sergeant-at arms,
a cane, and some of the clerks
also received testimonials for
their efficiency. Speaker
was presented a cane end
drawn to
donated for distribution among Raleigh, March G.-A. The following were -lowest
the exhibitors. Saintsing, of this city, shot at the m term for the Mrs. Jas. Burton Cherry.
Mr. Evans says the meeting at
Hertford was one of the most
himself at his home on West week beginning April J Avenue.
,,,, . . Johnson street early this morn- W Tucker. G E B W g Baltimore, Md.
interesting he ever attended, The hall entered his head James. C Matter. Sum-
he feels that much good the right eye and heM Cobb's mill. for hearts. for
will result from it. He .-.
to use his efforts to have a
meeting held in Pitt county.
James a watch.
The house continued in the
night session until after one
o'clock trying to get through,
but had to leave some business
over for today.
Everything was finished up
today and adjournment sine die
of both was at o'clock
Will at Arthur.
Press notes h ,, w J N- cents
Bobbitt. B W Tucker, M
the death of Mr. Wylie D.
Rountree which occurred in ; ht John c Crawford.
New City Friday. Mr. I
Rountree was a native of
son, and conducted an extensive
business there for many years,
and afterward moved to Nor
folk and from there to New
York. He was in 85th year.
thousand additional.
G. T. Tyson.
For Sale Long
Puffed Rice, Corn flakes, Grape I pig cotton seed. Call on
Nuts, Wheat Berries, Rolled Greenville.
Oats, Buckwheat, Oatmeal,
food. Hominy Grits, Big
Hominy and all kinds of good
things to eat. Phone C. D. Tun-
The Carolina Warehouse at
Farmville will i
April 6th. . R.
Home, president
Warehouse Co,, N. C.
will treat you Will you

it a privilege to show you a very extensive
assortment of
Dress Goods, Dry Goods
Trimmings, Laces,
Ladies Tailor-made skirts.
About as, some
. t-1 now that many
-ii .- sin by
Ai i n's into them.
th H for dancing parties,
patent and for breaking
in new shoes. n
hoes bee m
, i. i .
relief. Sold where. Sample
tree I A lenS.
V. i a
Troubles May be
Yo. r if e Away.
h; v-
I set.
When healthy man woman be-
gin, to run i
;. e, bee am I,
ed, u
and s. kidney
weakness m i b.- the cause of ii
D W v-i i. .
were ready for business, and we
p Hum well.
The Spell Cast by Japan's Matchless Can Ur, reader.- further
cf Pearl, the
Fit all feet and
that w; represent things as they are and
the price by the true value of the article.
We feel confident that the most critical examination of our
complete and very Appropriate Lines of Desirable Goods will
convince you arc NOT EQUALED ELSEWHERE
t my
ever changing and evanescent that, back, it for me to
,. r how skilled the artist, the u-i-.-a of
most he. a. pd
j. to give some the and in my
charm of a moment. The spell cost i, .,. the of
I giro and symmetry kid
. . -la Kidney Pills In re-
matchless cone of pearl Boat from
in- in the sky is far beyond tut .
For I ale by all dialers. Price so
v nature worshiper visiting gents. Co., ale,
nature New York, sole for the I
Japan has fallen in adoration at the
,. .
thank you for the courtesies and
business you have extended to
us. While we are asking for and
doing a lot of time trade, that is,
furnishing supplies to farms, still
we are pushing
foot of Fuji, and foreign writer and
followed their Japanese no other.
. n attempting to de-
scribe feelings with winch they
have I i
V,;. H l has -eon the snow clad
crest so white and pure
deep line of the white
taskmaster, so necessary in all homes,
; . Mil the
s Goods, etc.
. . upon it, and
pr r
s you may need. Look through
, r .- an-J you will be
i ; ii only the physical charms
i so power-
-i i I. they alone would
i . t of ho
, , lover of
i, but the
an ind
We have a lady clerk, clever
a n o i
of Good
Forced Hi; Pupils to Find Out
For Themselves,
I me my
V V the praise Aw n
II before with the rather
i i study
ii. bat ii p account talk i
on II or read any-
thing com i ruins until bad
per i . i d . my Inquiry.
shall I d V lie In
h,. i When thick
v u have the work will
charming ;
ll , , . .
the moods of it ; ,,;.,, ,, ,,. r knowledge
are and i- . . ,.,. ,. . nest
that marks Fuji ,,,,,. .-,.,. . .-.-
n o among all the mountains -.- i it
of the earth. was u
a dormant ed r n saw,
,,,. , ., from a cir- I i my i
. a hundred the thing and In the course a
and attentive, to
wants and
home forge
after your
i have left
is yours for the asking.
It cam I be accounted extinct, for ,,,,. probably
at the side of the mountain ,.,., n u my As for
J. Davenport, Mgr.
Corn, Onion Sets, end
Lawn Seeds. At
t.-i the h very hot in places,
i ; the of Assures,
to the fires below, which
may time burst forth o
Tty t us that Fuji rose
from earth in a single
appeared earth.
at- to the southwest, which
i now with the of Lake
soy Fuji is
volcano, n -i yet baring de-
beauty by bursting
fate that usually over-
i . of this nature
, or later, u.
words it then, there were none
fr i v I
At length on
came question,
of learning
to him n on i e my
i ;. , . t. At the end
the swung i and
away. Is not
I v. . the i-1 anew, discarded
in- iii i, and ii week
, f , -i d lab r I I I
. myself
there i no of praise
In w. rd i i He th it
v. old i Ins me
n ht If n i f I.-
me to see Id it them.
.;,, . , air guide
i, ,, Two it lbs or more wont to
t- Ii, ; no other help
. . .,,. . i, . done.
I M ff,
In the SI of North Carolina,
close of business, Feb. 6th, 1903
not the task was dune,
Rod i was set
For or on Installments.
in Formerly by Large Stock
Needed House. Oar are low.
I cans i discounts i
drafts cured and
; U. S. Bonds to secure cir-
t 21,000.00
; use, furniture,
. r r
State inks
;. . rs
from re-
Is 17,157.8.
Cl a other cash
; , a . t c m h g m
r National
Iii n
; mi pa r
a and
I ; ;
S. r per cent.
no. i
Fine F-- .-. Hungry Crowd on a
En-all C
Years ago late Senator E.
c .
i rat, a r ll had a
,. . t P i i at on
. . i and on
n fir i mot
I. . was d ad at d I lit y were all
; s i C t it
.,. . , ,. . r Ind been
I ; i t r me
. . . k. its all over,
the sheet ml. we not
D. C.
Atlantic Coast Line
Account of Inaugural President
Tickets on Mirth 1st, and 3rd, final limit to
original starting point not later than midnight, March 10th.
For information, reservations, etc. call on nearest Ticket
Agent or write
W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager
T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent.
Wilmington, N. C.
a n
n . . .
in Sam White store If ore loom and larger stock.
to me.
General Merchandise.
HOUSE Gardner's Re-
The sheet Is we snail not i-r-f ma
want for a Thank day dinner f M I Q O
now much at
all ho; 1.70,
i, 60.00
C. L. I No-
Life, Fire, Accident and Health
and Bonds. Will go on your
We have Scales to weigh your coal,
keep all kinds on the yard, dry wood
and quick delivery. Phone
Cotton Factor and r
T BaT .
i id id
Capital stock paid in I
Sun id
Undivided profits
n expenses, taxi paid
Ni I I note .
state banks
d rs
Individual deposits
subject to cheek 400,955.78
Cashier's cheeks
outstanding 209.64
Bonds borrowed
Total I
State of N. C, County of Pitt,
I, F. J. Forbes, cashier of the above-
named bunk. solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best
of ray knowledge and belief.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
Subscribed sworn to before
this 11th day of February,
H, D.
Notary Public.
said I mo with
They went to be re
and down, and fa raw k -i
. . u r, I h rs y and
ever; dinner
and dim rs re smoking
t;. t ii Ii Carmack
called the waiter In man-
mid you have served
We ire
I ten ed. Here Is small to
n r your in and as a
token of our
k I wait-
But how ah
cheek of 810.70 for dinner
yon all just
ex Carmack, what in
r her Are v a a waiter
are yon the of lids
boss, Ia only n wall
I said Carmack,
yourself about the
I affair of tbs place to the
And he stalked out,
, lowed by the feasted staff.
be paid when fortune smiled
The Merry Widow Brown.
City Market, Greenville
th Carolina.
Buggies, Carts, WHOM and farm-
in Utensils repaired, Furniture repair-
ed and upholstered, Sewing machines
r. paired. All work guaranteed to be
as the best, and prices lower
than elm where. Wood d also by a
portable Cut once c, cut twice
cut three times per cord.
a trial.
A Western Girl.
A Chorus of Pretty Girls.
Cleaning and Dying. All work
W. P. Edwards, Greenville.
for Tie Reflector.
Seat sale at Reflector Book Store.
I have moved my Dairy to the John-
son place, one mile from town, and am
prepared than ever to
Dairy Products. Will make delivery
in town. Phone T 2-4.
N. C, Mar. 1909.
Mr. and Mr. C. E. n
went to Farmville Tuesday
Mills Smith and E.
went to Greenville Wednesday.
Miss Little, who was
visiting at Haywood Smith's, of
last week, and Mr.
and Mrs Haywood Smith were
in cur town a short while Thurs
day evening.
T. E. Little went to
Friday. .
C. Smith and F. M. Smith
went Greenville Saturday.
David Smith, of
was in our burg Saturday.
and D. S.
Moore, of Ayden, were visiting
in Smithtown Saturday evening.
Miss Mary Joyner left her
School Friday to attend the bur-
of her aunt. Mrs. Puss
Miss May Brooks went to
ton Saturday to spend Sunday
with her people and returned
Monday morning.
Mrs. Pattie F. Smith, who was
visiting her daughter, Mrs. B
P. Willoughby last week, return-
ed home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
and children were with us Sun-
day evening at oar Sunday school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Smith. Mr.
F. M. and Miss Smith, D.
Smith. Mrs. Mills Smith and T.
. Little attended the burial of
Mrs. Taylor near Farm-
ville Friday evening. Mrs.
was in good health
day. She went to help one of
her neighbors quilt and late in
the evening in returning home
she stopped at Mrs.
to spend a short time with
her. was soon taken a
severe head trouble. A
was summoned he
could not have dune any good
if he had been present when she
was first taken. She v. ill be
missed In her community
an-i in the church. She was
looked to as first by all in the
neighborhood and church. Se
leaves five children, three sons
and two daughters, all married
one son. She was about
sixty years age.
as they all called her is gone but
not forgotten. We much
sympathy to all her relatives and
Birds are playing havoc with
oats around here when they first
come through the ground.
ago as I remember my
mother was a user and friend
of Chamberlain's Cough R but
never in my life have I realized its true
value until writes Prof. A.
Howell, of Howell's School.
Havana, Cuba. the night of
February 3rd our baby was taken sick
with a very severe cold ; the next day
was worse and the following night his
condition was desperate. Ho could not
lie down and it was necessary to have
him in the arms every moment.
then his breathing was I did
not think he would live until morning.
At last I thought of my mother's
d, Chamber tin's Cough Remedy,
which we gave, and it afforded prompt
relief, and now three days later, he has
fully recovered. Under the
stances I would not hesitate a moment
in saying that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, and that only, saved the life
of our dear little For sale by J.
L. and Coward
The General Appropriations Bill From j
the Joint Committee Introduced in
House and Senate.
The general appropriations bill
legislature carrying
gives the following to
th different
Deaf and Dumb school, at
School fr at
i i
Eastern hospitals
A. ft
State University-$105,000
State Normal, Greensboro-
A. ii M. College, colored-
Colored orphanage-$5,000
East Carolina Training school
Guilford Battle Ground-
Stone wall Jackson Reformatory
State Sanitarium for
Croat an Normal
Dangerous insane
The committee bill
for public schools and
for n increase of for
schools and for pensions
over last year's appropriations.
nut i
Write Mention this Paper-
. of
A Rare Opportunity
is here to the
SICK and
of our
Read Reflect and Act
a d
Visiting Specialists
Cleveland of
I L.
will pay their first to
The place l. buy Our Com-
stock to select from, Bis quality
goods only.
Agricultural j, Sp
was seen in the re I fare, hand aid
of the little son of M. Adams,
Henrietta, His awful p
from eczema had. for live years,
all remedies and d the best
doctors, who .-aid the poisoned blood
had his lungs and nothing
could save him Ins
mother, bottles of Electric
Hitters completely cored him
Eruptions, ma. Salt Rheum.
Sores and Blood and
Electric s is
supreme. Guaranteed by
all drug
Rural Carrie s Mail.
A law requiring all mail car-
on rural n ates to count
every piece of mail they handle
went into throughout the
United States Monday. Its
object is to enable the
department to just
about how much mail is carried
on each route, and will he in
effect only thirty days. Bach
carrier must count each piece of
mail every morning on going
and also the number of pieces he
takes during the day. The
average for a month will be
taken by the depart-
as showing tie amount
mail business of each route.
Cox's Mid. N. C. Mar.
P. C. Chapman was over here
Sunday to see his girl but
not tarry long.
Misses Sadie Carroll and Lela
Roach spent from Friday until
Sunday at visiting Miss
Bosch's parents. They report a
very pleasant
L. C. Barney attended Sunday
school at school house Sun-
day afternoon.
L. N. Edwards is very sick-
We hope he will soon be able to
be out again.
Miss Page and T. S.
Tyson attended preaching at
Sunday. Several others
also attended.
Miss Maggie Wilson, of
is spending this week with
Miss Bessie Moore.
J. J. Edwards went to Winter-
Monday evening to meet
his aunt, Mrs. E. J. who
has just returned from visiting
friends in Robersonville.
Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Cox
spent Monday night at L. N.
We are having much rain this
week. It is getting the farmers
a little behind in their work.
Mr. and Mrs. Stokes
were visiting in our neighbor-
hood Sunday.
J. S. and Joe Edwards spent
Sunday with their brother, L. N.
E. N.
and i the
B H tel
Mord y. M 15th. 1909.
t Fri
TO P. M.
This Institute, competed cf a
. the
eminent hi ore
. i-.- and
id u
m d wider .
; j . who c-i .
I ;, r
re, ; . .
Consisting of Plows. Mow
Cutters, Rakes and
riding and walking,
in most popular hi n
Complete stock t ready mixed
P A I N T ;
c I
You Will hunt a
pr. is equal to
Chamberlain's Liniment a for
muscular and rheumatic p ins, for the
cure of sprains and mess of the
It is equally valuable for
lame back and deep seated muscular
pains. and cent files sale by
J, L Wooten and Coward Wooten.
Origin of Names.
Tell us, are you advert
In the tame old foolish way
That your grand-dad did before you,
And persist, t pay
Think the whole world knows your ad-
dress ,, ,
Cause it hasn't changed in years.
Wouldn't pathos of such
Drive a billy-oat to
a is all you care for,
Hi lonesome and unread.
Like the sign upon a e
Telling folks that you are dead.
Wake up, m in. and take a tonic.
Bunch your hits and make a drive,
Run a page, and chance your copy,
ADV and keep alive
In 1784 John Wesley in Eng-
land ordained Thomas Coke and
sent him to America as bishop to
ordain Francis Asbury and as-
American Methodists in or-
the Methodist Episcopal
Church in the United
They soon started a school and
named it after both of the
A. D. Betts.
Greensboro, N. C.
to Grand Lodge.
There was a very enthusiastic
meeting Thursday night.
The occasion was the election of
representative to Grand Lodge,
meets in
in the early part of June. Mr.
E. G. Flanagan was elected as
the representative of Tar
It was a thrilling exp to Mrs.
Id -01 to f death. years a
severe lung gave me intense
uttering, she writes,
times nearly caused my death. All
remedies failed ant doctors said I was
Incurable. Then Pr. New Dis-
brought quick relief and a cure
so that I have not been
twelve Mrs. Super
lives in Big I. Pa. It works
in coughs and sore lungs,
whooping cough and all Bronchial
affections. and Trial bot-
free. Guaranteed by all
Sick headache, and
are relieved by Rings I Liv-
Pills. They cleanse the system. DO
not gripe. Price hold by John
excellent remedy
for colds and troubles,
Remedy to
as a cure f- r croup, Harry
son of Ind. given
soon the croupy cough rs,
this remedy will tho attack.
It a used successfully in man thous-
ands of homes, sale by J. L. Woo-
ten and Coward Wooten.
lei bay
be tea know that the
MM from UM
and oilier kept
any your
Why not
tOR A PlATE with
jell-0 ICE Powder
, i
milk and
,.,. the ad-
of el. auks
of Ice pure
Eat, A nod lea
for and ill
a MS
Sold by all good
The Pure Fe-d Co., Boy, N. Y
Administrators Notice.
Having this day as
the State of Mrs. Alice
per, deceased. All
against estate are notified
and led to present them to me on
or before February 1910. or this
notice will he plead in bar of the re-
of the same.
This February 24th. 1901.
F. M.
R. L. Carr, Administrator.
Not Quite
How often you can a
v thing
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergent Our Hue Of tools
A. Is a could desire, and fit
f your tool S
box does not lack a Single
X useful
I Of
I You Ham. t .
a Horse
, .
Hill c .-
., your v.
. . you can be cured or not j
they y
treatment If Incur--
. , will you such advice
lire. Their treatment
. . gives end ultimately
cures. prepared to cop;
is cleansed cf the
In .-. natural direct manner,
Improvement noticed at once; even
. worst cases are treated without an,
I to the patient or the
c. or his her vocation.
.; you Improving under your family
not come and take up their
time, as they absolutely refuse
to any one i under the car,
the local physicians. They wish be-
to give each patient plenty of
their undivided attention, but can
Rot listen to long stories not pertaining
your trouble. They have discarded ti-.
methods and used for
medical world, and which It
e Jolly to depend upon any f-
are not known to cure, as thousand
depending on them for relief.
list of diseases orly are takes
. treatment, Diseases
System, Heart, Stomach,
; Catarrh, Cr,
am of Cancers
i . ;, of a Chronic Nature only.
treat by an entirely new
hearing In many cases Is
.-. In ail Its varied torn
ether If once
Is cured to r--
and ii never return. It
whom you seen, or Whom
ire lied, not fail to call, as a
cost you nothing, and may restore you
or even save or prolong your
of persona will
unavailable testimonials In all parts c
country. If you suspect Kidney Tree-
Lr, bring a two ounce bottle of
, chemical and
otter Is
and will net be repeal
persons commencing treatment
future visit, will required l.
-.-. , but i at one cent will be asked in .
treatment during
for any medicine necessary to el-
a cure, Irrespective of your
in life, the number of those who I
n date. Whensoever, or by. When
. a positive guarantee to cure
n. under their system of treat-
of the highest grade in all
teed per cent pure.
Those wishing to purchase
will do well to see us we
but the best.
II contemplate building us a
call. We will appreciate your business and
will take care your orders and ;.
tee prices.
tinned in
, .
ire your orders and
When wishing men-
above don't I
Baker Hart.
7.-S V
At of February
if 89,406.09 Capital -k
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts sec. 1,086.40
Unsecured 716.85 1,802
Furniture and fixtures 1,830.50
Due front 25,812.40
Cash items 2,069.89
Gold coin 880.00
Silver coin, including
all minor coin currency 1,274.78
Nat. notes and other
notes 8,415.00
Undivided profits,
cur. exp. an I taM--
Time Certificates
to fill
X 51.12
State of County of Pitt, m
I, J. It. Davis, Cashier of tho h
swear that the above statement i
knowledge and belief.
sworn to Le-
me, this 12th day of
Notary Public.
. gut.
At the Close of Business February
and discounts
having long Handing and
disease, who have failed to
and art
Invited to call.
Married ladles without
I and minors
their will positively not
to consultation unless I
. d by of their local physician
., A. M. to P. M-
MONDAY, 15th
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profits l-s
unsecured 610.84
Furniture and fixtures and taxes
22,220.00 J .,
Silver coin including , . . . .
minor coin currency ; ., S-T
National bank notes ,
I and other U. notes I
j Corey
Plant Wood's Seeds
For The
Garden Farm.
Thirty years in business, with
a steadily trade every
we have to-day one
of the businesses in seeds
In this tho best of
evidence as to
Superior Quality
of Wood's Seeds.
We are headquarters for
Grass and Clover
Seed Potatoes. Seed Oats,
Cow Peas, So Beans and
all Farm Seeds.
Wood's Descriptive Catalog
the most useful and valuable of
Harden and Harm seed Catalogs
mailed free on request.
Richmond, Va.
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
W H. Cashier of the above-named hank, no sol-
swear that the above statement is true to the Lest of my
knowledge and belief. W. II. Cashier.
Subscribed and
me, this 18th day of February,
S. T.
Notary Public.
M. o.
Sole tor
Lead and P Int. dew. I Stoves and Ranges. Syracuse
Implements sower
Edge Tools.

rat may be upon
ion in Th-
Reflector corner Evans and
Thirds . et.
in the -at Greenville
N. C, mail matter.
. gun.
i- lit of and Taft
will now u n the I
c i he sub-
bill. congress.
The ground hog gave Washing-
ton for the inauguration
Raleigh trill now hove to look
to herself for ii n for some
A term the roads ever
convicted offender is a good way
to cheek the whiskey
through blind tigers.
The of the
have certainly earned their
money the past week holding
three sessions a day.
The South Carolina legislature
heat the North Carolina
out a little and a
few days ahead of them.
A barefoot dance is the latest
fad in New society. We
I hope there will he no effort to
imitate it down this way.
i more legislature for two
as i nut likely the one
adjourned will have to be
called into extra session for any-
The i who us.- advertising
space in
o i; did not pay them. A
hint to those who are not
rides or walks, or does anything
Rooseveltian, makes an item for
he watchful reporters.
The of
City hare presented Senator
with a massive silver
loving cup in appreciation of his
iii behalf of the
ed soldiers at Brownsville.
Prom his inaugural address
Thursday it is evident that
I- . it Tall will follow to
lit the policies of ex-
In fact he
ii he untrue myself,
ti promises and
I rat ions of the party platform upon
which was elected to office, it
One thing that has been no-
about the legislature is
that the members have been j forms a important
voting according to my administration. They
thought and not according to were directed to th suppression
what said to them on the
N. C, Mar. 1909 Man and Hi. Wife Commit-
Tyson, Jr., went to ed to Jail.
Greenville Wednesday.
Ivy Smith went to
The young people of our sec-
took a hay ride Wednesday
The Reflector correspondent at
Oakley in a letter Tuesday re-
ported the death cf Mr. Ed Dav-
of that section, but
was said in the letter about
the cause of his death. Late
Smith went to Greenville evening J. A. Person,
Mr- and Mr. R. A. Smith, of
I did not make the maintenance Farmville, were visiting at Mills
and enforcement of those re- Smith's Friday.
The people of cur section;,
bad practice at Smith's,
The recent South Carolina lei
f lawlessness abuses of
of i he combinations
of capital invested in railroads
and industrial enterprises carry
interstate commerce,
passed a law making it, steps which my
a misdemeanor for a newspaper Lessor and the legislation passed
to publish the name of the vie- on his recommendation have ac-
of a criminal assault. Some much, have caused a
et on the vicious
Which created
and have brought about, in the,
Colored man and hi- wife,
Person, were brought here
and committed to jail under a
I magistrate's warrant charging
strange laws
lite booKs.
school house Friday night.
Mrs. C. D. Smith and Miss
Little went to Greenville
We had the best Sunday school
Sunday evening school
house that we've had during this
quarter. whooping
is played out so the children can
C. D. Smith went to Greenville
Saturday on business.
Miss Rosa D. Smith was visit-
Tornadoes their
work early this
With the inauguration, coll- regard for existing
gross, legislature and the Cooper President went on
way, base urge relief of railroads from
business affected, a much higher inK Farmville a portion of last
Nichols, of Poke-
hall can have
a right of restrictions of the anti-trust
wait on your planning if without any other promised and
you want March to keep up with interference except federal supervision and
preceding months of the year to prevent excessive issue
bringing around for and stocks by
Bern Sun coined A day or two ago Editor J. owning and operating inter-
a new rd, but we will no
quote it.
Some . the towns are having
a clean I p day would not be
had if all had them.
When Charlotte gets a new
charter and Greensboro
State Capitol yes, when.
Now see you can make
second week in March
something for Greenville.
the .,,
A day
Caldwell, of the Charlotte oh- state railroads.
The talking baby has suffered a slight stroke Other topics outlined in
up again, one being reported j of paralysis. This brings regret address was to safeguard all
from Va., that is do-1 to his many friends business and to make
tongue stunts at the age of the State all of whom hop,, he such revision of the tariff as will
three weeks j will soon recover. restore confidence. He wants
j such adjustment as will wipe
Kinston had a big controversy What the appropriation hill hundred
home over the question of es- did the Eastern the treasury.
a recorder's court and School is very gratifying He wants canal to
it on the last day of Greenville. It means two other ,, fl. with ,,,,,,
proper army and navy and suit-
able fortifications maintained,
and says strong navy is the
The Durham
much in few words when it says
Guess the ground hog squint-j national income i-t ample.
buildings Co be erected and all
of them equipped ready for the
expresses school to open next fall.
ed his eye over what he thinks
March is going in do for us.
After it is over you are going
to hear that pickpockets reaped
a harvest at the inauguration.
It is national outgo that is fool-
. .
The expects Chief
Smith is going to make a
record for tiger catching in
Greenville than Mr. Roosevelt is
going to make in Africa.
best conservator of He
wants a change in money and
banking laws and say promises
must be kept as to postal
i ii-
It is more than likely that.
will get his reward for;
letting Mr. Tuft out of a had; The Greensboro Record
I that there is something be-
; that note of thanks the leg.
As soda fountains now run i,., , ., , , , ,, ,, ,. ,
extended to the Capital
winter they do not have to
J Club for its many courtesies.
for warm weather to begin .
j At the next municipal election
will elect her mayor
They could get plenty of Tho town
club out j , an,
of the witnesses in the ,. .
v . better mayor than at present.
trial. .
A fellow will sometimes say
his hands are tied, meaning that
he cannot do what he wants to.
It might not be inappropriate to
also say that he is tongue-tied.
Since Mr. Roosevelt was so
partial to he might take
the latter along with him to
Charleston would readily
consent to losing him for the
time being.
the legislature forgot to pa
resolutions of thanks to
squirrels on capitol square
the pleasure the little fellows
afforded them. Hut there is j Q expressed hope for the
hardly a doubt that the of good feeling toward the
were thankful for the pea- South and said it was not his
purpose to effect a change in the
electoral vote.
One of the policies of his
that President Taft did
not refer to in his inaugural ad- meeting have been
The program committee of the
dress was the effort to thrust
on the
try. Silence on that score may
mean that the dictionary will be
left as it is.
March makes one score , for
Greenville in promising the
early erection of a municipal
A booster can talk all he
pleases, but a kicker should
learn to keep quiet in seventeen
Hunting something to fall op
the papers with will be harder
now since the legislature has
Maybe there is some
for the weather man, as it
changes so often it is hard to
guess right.
Friday was hangman's day in
Louisiana, seven men, all
being executed in that
State that day.
It will not take long to see if
President Taft is going to make
good on his expressed feelings
toward the South.
If Roosevelt goes to Africa in
the North Carolina, he should
be careful how he climbs into
the big bath tub put aboard for
Mr. Taft. It is an easy way for
him to get lost.
In the midst of general
don't forget that the best
thing to talk about is Greenville,
but if you can't say anything
good to help the town go for-
ward then don't say at all.
The papers are now busy keep-
up with what President Taft
does on Sundays. Whether he
A dispatch says
Roosevelt is landing a simple
life at Oyster Hay, and as an ex-
ample gives his walking three
miles through the slush to church
Sunday morning. That was
sure enough, but he cannot
be expected to keep it up.
Both sides have finished their
testimony in the trial of the
Coopers and Sharp for the
of Senator Carmack, at
Nashville, and this week will be
occupied with the speeches of
counsel. The Reflector thinks
the defendants should be con-
of something, but they
are not going to be.
Dr. gets a good one.
He says that when Mr. Taft
spent the previous night with
Mr, RooseVelt, and on
morning looked out two
inches of snow, he said knew
it would be a cold day when I
got to be
added Mr. Roosevelt, I
knew I would go out in a
fortunate enough to secure the
presence of Prof. J, Henry High-
smith for their meeting
day. Prof has charge
the Chair of Pedagogy at Wake
Forest College under him this
department of the college work
ranks with the very best in the
State. We trust our people will
attend in large numbers at this
meeting Saturday.
In the last day or two Judge
W. R. Allen, of Goldsboro and
Senator Simmons have been
mentioned in connection with
the eastern judgeship, and the
intimation made that President
Taft might draw on the Demo-
ranks for a successor to
the late Judge Purnell and give
the appointment to one of these
gentlemen. Both are line men
and would grace the Fed-
court bench, but it seems
idle to think of such a thing.
Not being on his side, it is none
of The Reflector's business who
President Taft appoints, but it
holds to the opinion formerly ex-
pressed that the place should go
to a Republican, and he should
be Col. Harry Skinner.
link, was visiting at Mills
Smith's Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Starkey
were visiting at Smith's
ft, A. Nichols and two child-
of were at Mills
Smith's a short while Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Hay wood Smith
and David Smith, of
were in our Sunday even-
to attend Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
b and children, of Farmville,
were visiting at C. E.
Several of the young people of
our section took a tide on a
pleasure trip down to the river
at Blue Banks Sunday evening.
Joe Cobb, of Standard, was in
our section Sunday evening.
The teachers, Misses May
Brooks and Mary Joyner, are
preparing to have an entertain-
No particulars could be learned
except that Mr. Davenport and
the colored man had some
last Friday night in which Mr.
Davenport was shot through the
arm by and that
loss of blood from the wound he
died Sunday night.
Black Jack Mar. 1909.
We are glad to know that
Mills is better.
L. A. Mills went to Grimesland
Many of our people went hear
Rev. C. C. Bland preach at the
school house Sunday.
Mills went to
dine Saturday.
Sutton, of
was at Black Jack Saturday.
There was a large at
Sunday school Sunday evening.
Clark went to
land Friday.
H. J. Mills went to Greenville
Walter Mills, of Chocowinity,
was here Sunday.
J. J. went to Grimesland
Taft Sent to Senate.
Washington, March
dent Taft sent to senate to-
day the following
Philander C. Knox. of
to be secretary of state.
Franklin of Illinois,
Friday night, the for the
benefit the school and request
all that can to attend and help a
good cause.
Bryan and Hugh Smith,
of Winterville, were visiting in
Smithtown Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Smith
went to Farmville morning.
E. B. Joyner, of the
den seminary, came to May's
chapel Saturday night and
of the best sermons
that we have heard in a long
time. It was said by one brother
that it was the best sermon that
he ever heard preached in that
church. Elder Joyner also
preached very good and
sermons Sunday morning
and night to large congregations,
and we hope he will coma again.
One of the most disastrous
storms passed through our sec
last Wednesday about
o'clock that we ever had here.
It blew down buildings, uprooted
trees, broke down large trees,
tore orchards to pieces and
roofed tobacco barns. It com-
demolished Mills Smith's
B. P. Cobb's pack
house off the pillars and took the
roofing off his dwelling, set
Tyson, Jr's. house off its
and did considerable other
damage in the neighborhood.
Man Killed at
At this morning
two young colored men, Law-
Taylor and Ed Harris, got
into a row over a pair of gloves
when Harris drew a pistol and
shot Taylor twice through the
head, killing him almost instant-
The body of Taylor was
shipped to Whitakers, his former
home, this afternoon.
Will treat you right Sod by John L.
Woods Liver Medicine liver reg-
which brings quick relief to sick
headache, biliousness and
other symptoms of liver disorder.
Particularly recommended for Jaundice, , .
chills, fever, malaria. The sue i. ,
contains 21-2 as much as the benefit of the School. A good
Next Friday Night
There will be an entertainment
at Smith's school house, in
Beaver Dam township, on Fri-
day night, March 12th, for the
Jacob If. Dickinson, of Ten-
to be secretary of war.
George W. of
New York, to be attorney gen-
Frank H. Hitchcock, of
to be postmaster gen-
George Von L. Meyer, of Mas-
to be of the
Richard A. Ballinger, of Wash-
to be secretary of the in-
James Wilson, of Iowa, to be
secretary of agriculture.
Charles of Missouri, to
be secretary of commerce and
Huntington Wilson, of Illinois,
to be assistant secretary of state.
Winthrop, of New
York, to be assistant secretary
of the navy.
William Loeb, Jr., of New
York, to be collector of customs
for the district of New York, N.
Lewis Dalby, of Virginia, to be
an Indian
Bridge Completed.
The new steel bridge at
ton has been completed and was
accepted from the contractors Dy
the Board of County
rs at a special meeting held
Hand drawn pine and cypress
shingles at C. D.
Hon. C. B. Watson's Condition
N. C, March
9.-Hon. C. B. Watson's
tonight is not as favorable
as it was yesterday. He is
and in such a state
that physicians and nurses fear
the end may come at any time.
program will be rendered.
Maine Red i Irish Cobbles,
Rose, Peerless, at S. M.
of The Eastern Reflector Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
seed at Smith Mar. Hiss Dixon has closed
i her school near and
Ayden is c ming to the front. I home A a while.
2-story under Patterns mag,
construction a. present. j K- ,
M. M. Amis makes the best was,
S fiE We bad right much wind and
I W went to , ,,
ton . farmers of are
M. M. Sams has just received ; f through
a fine lot of and -J -J A. spent Sunday at
water. o kn Mrs. Addie O. Corbett s.
. , Bee shop. ,.
King's Cross Roads, N. C. Mar.
Quite a crowd of cur young
people went to the Cross Roads
to attend the Bible
Mrs. Geo. Tucker, of Whitakers
came Thursday to visit her sister,
Mrs. H. C. Ormond.
They toll me that J. R. Smith,
Co., Dixon are manufacturing
as good wagons, and bug-
as can be found any where.
See them before buying.
Guy Taylor has moved his
family in the vacated by
C. A. Fair.
Spring dress laces and
to match at J. R. Smith
ft Co
Wednesday was de-
in It blew
the school house off the blocks
while the school was in session,
several houses were
and a blown in pieces.
For Beach at Pitch
good boats, flat, seine
run year good as new, and full
camp outfit. Beach in first class
shape. Se-e or write J. R. Smith j
Bee work shop.
The old men and young men,
single men and married men,
met in Dr. Saul's hall Sunday
a Young
Association, with
near members. Prof-
president, C. L Cannon
secy. We have good material and
expect a good meeting each
Sunday evening. Will be glad
to have tho men in the town
and community to attend when
School tablets, Bible
and Testaments at K. Smith Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Hodges
spent Sunday with relatives
near Washington.
For Rent or a bar-
gain the W. A. Moore place ad-
joining Mrs. Fannie Holton, Robt.
and others.
W. A. Darden.
Ayden, N. C.
Jay Carl Junes spent Sunday
in this
Co. Ayden,
Miss May
N. C. Terms tea- j with his parents near Kinston.
is-very sick and
Smith is spending his friends are alarmed at his
a few days at Winterville.
Lime, cement, window,
locks and at J. R. Smith
ft Co.
The stock holders of Ayden
tobacco warehouse met
day and decided to build another
warehouse under same plan and
charter as present one. , The
same were elected for
another year as Elias
president; J. J. Ed-
wards, vice president; Robt.
secretary; R. W.
Smith, treasurer. All
were well pleased with
Miss Mary Whitehead, a former
teacher of our graded school,
spent several days in Ayden last
week, the guest of Miss Lena
Misses Carrie An-
Dudley returned from
more Sunday night where they
had been buying mil-
Miss Chapman, and
Miss Blount. members of the
High school faculty,
present spent Sunday with Mrs. J. F.
the sue-
David was
vicinity yesterday.
W. H. Tyson and John Mat-
thews attended the quarterly
meeting at Autry creek
Corbett went to Fountain
Saturday on business.
Mr. Beaman, of Farmville,
spent Sunday at W. S. E.
George Crawford and wife
spent Saturday and Sunday with
i heir daughter, Mrs. Nichols.
Aaron May, colored, shot and
killed Mack Harris, colored, Sun-
day afternoon about o'clock.
The killing occurred on W. It,
Smith's farm.
Eddie Smith and wife spent
Sunday with her father, Henry
J. F. Parker and family spent
yesterday at W. E. Moore's.
Marcellus Smith and family
spent Sunday afternoon with
sister, Mrs. Corbett
The girls and boys are
having a grand time at
Friday night.
J. A. Forbes and family spent
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Abe
Joyner, near Smith's store.
The girls all expect to attend
the ball at Fountain Thursday
are f r backache, and bring
relief to lumbago, rheumatism,
and all symptoms of kid-
diseases. They u.-e a to the
entire build
health. Price and Sold by
John n.
Displaced by Before
Great Calamities.
A prominent Italian family in
was saved from death
during the earthquake by a pet
cat; says the Anderson Daily
Mail. Several minutes before
the shock came the cat aroused
the father by unusual and con-
cries and an attempt to
get from the-room.
Apprehending some great
he pulled the wife and child-
from their in time to
them from the falling house.
For a week he remained in Mes-
looking after the wounded.
He never saw the cat after the
When the earthquake destroy-
ed Caracas a citizen owned a very
fine stallion. He had become so
vicious that he was confined in a
large stall and taken out only
when his keeper was on hand.
Just before the earthquake came
he tore down his Stable, made a
wild rush from the city and next
morning he was found twenty
miles away in the mountains.
How do scientific men and
students of psychology account
for the foresight of animals by
which they are warned of
pending calamity asks an ex-
change. It is well Known that
cattle and other animals show
signs of terror before approach-
are more things in
Heaven and earth than are
of in your
Charlotte News.
Are Drugs
Do Drugs Cure
Can Nature be
If people -were born I
lived right, I
u-.- for d
Bo do well-informed
thing p C D
heredity, do Q y
claim that m eta
. M II
. i. I i
Mature tore
. . i
. to II oil r rail I i
man accidentally put W
I fire. I o
b r in month, blow i i
r co effect n
. know very well. i II
ii. it r fur the being.
People Thia
;,. i. The
the paint of Ii 11-
be mitigated, i
Tho medicine. in-
. be laid to have i
through right living.
Take for
a ;
will tho
. ,. P
Increase tho flow of
without which
at all. i.-ca
-ell cf food, the
It is admitted Is I
by right living, bat tin
are to many people who either l
do not know how icily
a tremendous amount good be
by use of
A that en frequently
abased performs tho lion
the food to remain undigested f
time after it la wallowed. . I
to fermentation of the f Sou atom
I If I. ha ii,
., r
. .
i . .
i .
. .
i. ,.
K-hi A
. ;
. . ml
r . .
. . .
. i j
Pile Remedy is put UP in a
tube with nozzle May be
applied directly to the affected parts.
Guaranteed. Price Sold by John
is tho result. Thia
got ; on w
of the market for the past
season, having done so well the
first year.
Capt. D. G. Berry is going to
have the prettiest and most up
to-date house in town when com-
We were surprised to find that
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon are car-
such a nice line of coffins
and caskets of all prices and
grades, see them when needing
anything in this line.
C. C. Needham returned from
Elizabeth City.
Buy your brackets, balusters,
stair railing, post
and flooring of J. R. Smith
Co. Dixon.
Lightning struck Earnest
Hams near Ayden Wednesday
during the storm and hurt him
right bad, but not seriously.
The Ayden Retail Merchants
association will meet tonight at
J. J. Stokes. All the members
are earnestly requested to be
present as there is some business
of importance to be transacted.
Don't send elsewhere, when
you can get nice ceiling and
flooring, windows and door
frames made to order at J. R.
Smith Co. Dixon.
R. W. Smith left Monday for
Pitch to operate his shad
We can shoe your mules and
horses, repair your carts, bug-
and wagons on short notice.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
Rev. C. M. Morton, of Wilson,
filled regular appointment
here Sunday.
Try a bucket of use
third less than lard at J. R.
Smith Co.
The meeting at the Methodist
church is expected to close Tues-
Car salt just received at J. R.
Smith Co.
We regret to learn that Mrs
Eli Craft is very sick at her
home near
Rev. Ir. Morton made a very
interesting talk for the pupils
of Ayden graded school Monday
Rev. Geo. filled his re
appointment at Reedy
Branch Sunday.
bushels nice country corn
at per bushel at J- R
Smith. Co., Dixon.
J. S. Moore has sold his livery
business to Richard Wingate.
W. C. Coward, of Kinston,
spent Sunday with his son, W. J.
Coward. Mr. Coward once lived
in Ayden and made many warm
friends while here.
Mr. Joshua W. Smith, aged
years, died Friday afternoon at
his home in township.
He had been in apparent good
health and his death was sudden.
Friday morning he worked on
his farm as usual, went to the
house at noon and ate a hearty
dinner and lay down for a
while waiting for his team to eat
before returning to work. Some
of the family going later to wake
him up found him dead. Mr.
Smith was a good citizen and
leaves two HUM and two
Nearly all diseases of the skin such
as salt rheum and bar-
itch, are characterized by an in-
tense itching a d smarting, which
often makes life a burden and disturbs
sleep and rest. Quick relief be
had by applying- Salve.
It allays the and smarting
most instantly. Many ca-es have been
cured by its use. For sale by J. L.
A Cough remedy is Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup. For
colds, croup, whooping-cough, hoarse-
and ail bronchial affections. Best
for children because it is quick to re-
and Gently laxative.
Sold by John L. Wooten.
Another Honor for Senator Simmons.
Washington, D. C, March
Simmons has been
pointed a member of the water-
ways commission, consisting of
five senators and seven members
of the house.
This body is one of the most
important ever authorized by
congress. It is empowered to
travel in all the countries of the
world and investigate the study
of navigable streams, to inspect
the waterway projects of the
United States, and is directed to
make a report to congress, fol-
lowing this study of national
and world-wide projects, with a
view of comprehensive scheme
for the improvement of water
ways and cheapening water
The appointment on the com-
mission came to Senator Simmons
from Vice-President Fairbanks
in the declining hours of the re-
cent session of Congress. The
commission is one of the most
that has been created in
recent years, and the appoint-
of Senator Simmons is one
in which North Carolinians can
well take pride.
The Senator will be enabled by-
reason of his official position to
take care of the numerous and
important river and harbor pro-
in the State.
week, until tho blood Is
with fermentation, his
condition is very apt to produce rheum-
II to not claimed that
rheumatism. Nothing will
but living. But
Claimed that will a .;
I based work.
; i . .
i r I I pull a
.- ; horse
v r i
, be , I
I the of of Pi
torn. Taken tin . I i
forth the i. .
o meet the en roe
and thus outs o . .
I n ion.
In .-. pi
, .-.-. C. .
, . . lit lira
k ; p
. ; . . Ii
. .
. will .
all will has
not In l
world i i i a
, n
a, i .
. or how-
grave ea .
. a
i . r n m
, i
Drug .
Oakley, N. C, Mar. 1909. When He
Told of an in Force
Doubtless were
puzzled readers when n dead sea
snipper rolled harbor f. few
days ago and reported that his
Goldsboro last Friday where she M had by .,
J. K. Barnhill and family, of
Winterville, spent Saturday and
Sunday here with Mrs. Barr.-
hill's mother, Mrs. Taylor.
Mrs. Ida Parker returned from
spent several days visiting
Eli of Hamilton, was
here Sunday.
which had piped up to
it was explained,
something like a
It is a term borrowed from the
i t i g n
The storm of the 3rd was not a scheme w ind
so severe here as in some devised by
parts of the county. British Admiral before
We regret to note that B. going steam.
Jenkins is quite sick. I Force was a calm, a
Mrs. Marina Peel, cf and M on up the
Grass, was here Sunday and velocity.
Monday with friends.
Mrs. Price, of Oak City,
Perhaps, too, the Beaufort
may give a t those
a few days here last week With who nave wondering for
some time at the title of a
German picture. is just
Mrs. Martha Rawls.
We regret to report the death
of Mr. Ed Davenport, which
curred at his miles storm billow, and
here, Sunday night. He leaves has named it
a wife and several small children n-,
mourn his death. I
At the Close of Business February,
thought I'd
J. A.
years of e that do-tors
could not cure, had at last la d me Up.
Then it
salt rheum, U ;
sores, burns, scalds, cuts and
piles. at
A French red
one secret of lo g His method
with wood. But Ions ago
trillions of Americans had proved Eli
b life and me it
Bitters pr
worth living.
Register of Deeds W. M.
Moore has issued the following
licenses since last report.
L. M. and Laura
David Cannon and Etta Mose-
Thomas Vinson and Lennie
and Addie
W. H. Bradley and Lena B.
Freeman and
Resources Liabilities
Loam 4,488.75, Capital stock
Furniture and
Demand loans 2,500.00
Due from 87,888.06
Cash items
Gold coin
bl kS. rebuilds warted
nerve and to e to the
Mire a weak,
I sick and d
I trouble hill my Ir
I writes W. M. Sherman,
Cashing, Me., Electric Hitlers
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur.
bank and other
Surplus fund
profits, loss
cur. exp. and taxes pd,
Deposits sub. to check 42,654.74
Cashier's outstanding 187.80
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
I J R. Smith, Cashier of the above named do solemnly swear
the above statement s to the best o my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn to be- Correct Attest
will treat you
fore me, this 18th. day of Feb.
Notary Public
Office over Bank Building
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the sane place- All
work promptly looked after Mr.
Cox will still with the
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina
Hand drawn
Delivered any-
in town. C. D.
Subscribe for The Reflector.
I Pun
. I
will r
i n. .;
, .
I J. . .
Ab. Ill . I
in. I
K- dull.

a. Calculation in leans and a
cf Ginger Tia.
II i- of an
tea i
i . . In r under
r . I e. on
s ht. a
r in I. establish-
; a time
i . several others, i
I were ready to
be succeed,
i tautly.
. I
. e r
i I. sen fr i
i . r of the dish, and,
i a beam n
I . JUSt
were otherwise
i. mistress
of N A yo n
i . Mm skat-
i of the half cold
first I
; re for
. was per i without
c in i few i after
n I at I d
I I at pi
. . , . .,. .,.,.
;. I .
I. But
a e m a; p I
i ire j i
th e r it i
the i u . It's i
fer . P I in
with a r
; I
I take
; , the was re-
minutes r the
mi ore.
but in her
. She's put yo r
tea or of stove,
hot. i I i bot-
. rid fl elf of the pan-
try if .
av she i yo I I all r
bat rich, an I
two i en I i an
Tl a t the die
of I l in
. g ., . .
risked Is; II
. . ,. helpings.
Tl e cured h. i
that. i i's on n.
An African Salary That Commanded
Respect and Obedience.
and were two
cans, the the captain if a boat
crew and the other subordinate to
an Independent fellow,
not in the least lazy, who rather re-
In a book
Jangle Polk It. H.
an alien be-
tween t tip two men. the dip-
came out c f it with flying col-
The worst disputes between
and place when they
;. . I asleep. The native
when he lies down anywhere sleeps
Whenever I was lying
in be in T boat they always
ii. a ht o is line, us no
, i waken me.
orders to
aw , n the i
. ;
,. yon do says
v. . ; a lone.
n r y H Ian
answers with Infinite
could a man lie
tho r t f a i like
r lug i says
. . v. i h ii g wrath Is not
die lime you have it. and
one p will flit
that it v
. f tin days yen will find
n if this and that
. i . i w . i . I j Ma-
i its I as I i n an-
I l fl
ft. y
Ii I i h i Bat
, i . i a
. re
In n
e r i
a. i ; is
j in. Y u
d, I
. . i
a . ard every rein on
,. . I be-
;, . i . k the
y curious
. i he
pay. S
ti do ii get.
i h . y,
I thinks as v II as he
how. .- with
Hi,, at at d re-
dollars a He
I ; . . . liar . -I a I If,
. . i . M
features slowly answers.
dollars u
prise a l w whistle. It i
et lib l to i that no ordinary
. i . h
a of compliance lie
ii v as it Id me
says M.
e add y to on
the k hat;
N. C. Mar
Son of tin-
Miss Smith
party at house
Friday nigh,.
Saturday and
Miss lulu I. is re urned
e has
been some lime
It is almost time t plant con.
Tobacco me . II
in the cool her.
J. A. baby was bur t
Sunday morning so bad that
died Monday and was
We are much rain
Smith went to Farm
ville rd on .-s
We have a Bible at King's
A. Barnhill family, of
Bi field, came in this neighbor
and returned home
Mrs. Sim Joyner spent
day with her tit ice, Mrs. E.
Miss Ora Matthews returned
from a flying trip
to K
Mi.-- has a good
school King's Cress K
She I la meeting
Friday evening.
W Moore went to F rm-
ville Monday.
with her sister, Mis Edie
Burnett went to
this afternoon.
We are it-t hiving much sick-
in the now.
F. S. Royster Guano Company,
Norfolk. Va.
Ma . i. c
in some English
and i pot
if this still I.
D i
their heirs, i j the Lon in Li
Realm, of the
t across tho thresh-
old of pi tie, i; in; a
cord an
it i- f n bride enters
the cast c i walk
the or way. T is i on y
one of Id
customs t upon I
estate, i h the i t
holds fr tin of
h arc
i lie round in Great
Britain. fear of forfeiture
the owner has t i present hi-
with a white rose whenever
lie or site visits castle.
a re In
rest i
, M -V will I i t-
of II murals. M -l the
were . by lotteries,
quite as i
I wade r stales.
Pour the are the Wash-
t nu i which
by and
nut up until As early us
1733 a b advertised to build
wharf T iv i-i April
I I. Ten rears later was
I a market house In
I and f r
two Are engines and a par el f leather
In yearly
to oM the city
. a. other objects for which
was In tills way were
By virtue of the lower of sale eon-
a d delivered by James
a- wife i V. mes t
Randi Ir-h, L. A -rd H.
tho of November.
and duly d in the r
deeds o North
Carolina, in J-S, p 4-1.
w ill expose to lie a lie, be-
fore tho .- rt o do in Greenville,
to the bidder, on Monday the
April. 1909 at .
tractor p r.-el of and
and in the c of Pitt and
North lion, s
as follows, That . of
I in township, Pitt
N. am i s the Tonne
May laid and three
a r-s more s. said parcel of la i
ii on the by K. W.
Faithful, on the east K w, Faith-
n s W. J.
west W. J, Dunn, said parcel of
la d has one good dwelling one
house, on burn
same, said
T of sale cash.
This day of March.
K. E.
I. A.
J. H.
Moore A
virtue of r of eon
in mortgage deed
and iv red by H. S.
u Joseph Atkinson on the day of
Oct 1905, the
Of ill I of coo
North in book X-7
tho will to public
before the court house in
to tho st bidder
Monday, a certain
or parcel mi and
in the f in and State of
North a ard bed as fol-
lows, to
of in Town-
shiM , ti Bell's Cross Roads,
by the Bell n. the south.
by county road on t north, on the
east the line and on the
west R C and known as
th. Bell land, which was by
nu about two years from R. if.
at house and lot upon
which i situate at Cross
Is at fork of the the same
being purchased about seven
David Atkinson, which
said deed is hereby to and
apart in,
deed. Terms of sale
This day of February. 1909.
h Atkinson, Mortgagee,
F, G. James Son,
At the close of February 5th, 1909,
Loans and discounts
and unsecured
Other stocks, bonds
Demand loans
Due from
t a.-h items
Gold coin
Silver coin
minor coin currency
Nat bank and other
S. notes
Capital stock
Surplus fund 25,000.00
Undivided less
cur. ex.
Time of I too n-, .
D p sub to ck 118,092.61
Cashier's cheeks out-
State of North Carolina. County of
L. Little. Cashier of the above-named hank, do sol-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. JAMES L. LITTLE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to he-
Not Taking Him.
A small hoy was going
the i carrying a turtle by
the tail when a ventriloquist stand-
near threw his voice over to the
turtle and to make it say,
is you all with
The little hoard the question
and looked around with astonish-
but, not entirely
as to whore the voice came,
from, walked on. Again the
throw voice over to the
turtle said, say, where is you
This time tho boy was satisfied
that the turtle had been gifted with
a miraculous power of speech and
instantly dropped it on the side-
in c ostentation,
you all I
has don
A Lucky
A if I painter says
that he was a boy he once
witnessed n light between two dogs,
one of which to an Irish-
man who was retired
The dog was badly beat-
en, and the fact was a source of
deep chagrin to the owner. He was
very jealous of his record, but
as only he and the painter had seen
the fight he asked the latter in a
decidedly significant way which of
the dog won.
was the reply, dog
won, of course. He was underneath
the other but ho was chewing
the Ufa out of the cur nil the
said the Irish-
man. saved your
Why Ho
A certain police Inspector
reviewing a police station,
sergeant of which a wry bail
Looking through the
he came upon an entry. a pig
wondering on the public
be, was the
pig wondering
don't know,
tho grimly,
do. Hi- have been
why I promoted
The Elemental Feminine.
Arthur, aged Louise, aired
two a half, wore over a
which Louisa claimed, All
threats force on Arthur's part
were she would Dot up.
After a moment be guile.
be you be my lit-
she coyly
give me the be com-
And she gave It without a murmur
By virtue of the power of sale cm-
in a certain deed
and by Stan-
to Randolph on the
of May, 1-07, and duly recorded in
register of de
North Carolina, in book Q K, page
lie tale, before the court door in
Greenville, to the on
Mi the nth of April, at
o clock noon a cert-in tract or par-
col of land lying and being b the county
of and State of North Carolina and
described follows, to Known
as apart of the Shivers place
a township. Pit county, N. C., on
the north side of Tar river, par-
of land of acres more or
has one goo dwelling house
a few small out houses on same,
wire fence all around the said
lot is on the north by
George Mooring, on the east by George
Mooring, on the south W. J Flem-
on the west by W. J. to
said m deed. Terms of
This 4th day of March,
Randolph Brother, Mortgagees
Moore Long, Attorneys.
By virtue the power of
in i certain deed
and Hardy
C. on th- 3rd day -f
and recorded in th
office of Pitt county.
North Carolina, in b 0-8, page Ml,
the undersign- d will expose public
sale, fore the c door
e. t the highest bidder, on
Monday the day of March, a
certain or of lying
and being in county of Pitt ad
State of North and scribed
as I o lows, Being in
tow ship, adjoining the it. A.
on west and b i. d the
lands of R. A. Parker Tar riv r on
the south, and by the lands It. A.
and B. F. on the east,
and being a part of the Joseph Walston
about fifty acres more
or less, to satisfy said mortgage deed.
of sale cash.
This 10th day of Feb y 1909.
J. C. Williams Mortgagee.
F. C. Greenville. N. C.
fore me, this day of
1908. H.
Notary Republic
K. W. King.
W. B. Wilson,
Stray Taken Up,
have taken up one stray male hog,
weighs between and pounds,
black color, marked with swallow fork
in right ear. Owner can got same by
proving ownership and paying charges.
R. F. D. No.
Winterville. N. C.
old man Nailing
down a carpet, are
ins just arrack bis you
fool The carpet was here all the time.
I'm just putting the floor under It
Chicago News.
Ar. Appropriate Sign.
Mrs. Smith I ace the contractor has
put the sign on the house
door. Mr. and the
should tie put on the
City Journal.
Don't trust the follow who has a
cant look In a poker game. He
ally has a full
Record. ,
Land Sale.
By virtue of the authority in me vest-
ed by a certain judgment rendered at
the November Term, of Pitt
court in the case of W. G. Mat-
thews and R Matthews against R.
I. Roberson, Bryan and L W.
Tucker, which judgment is docketed in
Pitt Superior court on Judgment Doc-
No. case No. tie undersign-
ed commissioner will expose to
, sale to the highest bidder before the
court house door in Greenville. North
Carolina, on Monday, the 5th day of
April. 1909 at noon, all the
right title and interest W. G. Matthews
and K. G. Matthews, the same being u
one-half undivided interest in and to a
i certain tract of land lying and being in
i Pitt county and more particularly de-
I scribed as Beginning at a
stump Riley Jenkins corner
at the road to a
dead pine in a pond, h
a a corner, thence west the
on line to a corn, r in
and Jenkins lire and on to station
it being the la d denied to W. G. Mat-
thews and G R. Matthews Rodrick
Matthews their lather and being known
the place one
hundred acres more or less. Terms of
Cash. This March 4th 1909.
Wm. H. Long,
Id. w.
And Provisions m
Cotton and p
i s
Goods kept con-
in stock. Country j
g Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolin a
J. It. President.
C. Cashier.
At the close of business, February 5th.
Resources Liabilities
Loam and discounts
Overdrafts secured
Other stocks, bonds
and mortgages
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans sub to
Due from and 50,674.00
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin including
minor coin currency 350.29
National bank notes
and other U. S. notes 6,110.00
SB Capital stock
Surplus fund 15,000.00
Undivided profits, less
,, expenses paid
fit Time of I
sub to c
Due and bankers 2.629.46
State of North Carolina, County of
I, O. Carr, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. O. Cashier.
sworn to before
me, this 12th day of February,
1909. Andrew J. Moore,
Notary Republic.
H. A. White,
J. L.
R. O. Jeffries,
Running repairs to all kind of
Steam fittings, erecting
machinery, all systems a ape-
Agent for Machinery and
Electrical novelties. Give us a trial.
All work guaranteed and terms
Message left at H. L.
will receive prompt attention, or phone
Ii you want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull strong; buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
w. m.
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Pressing. Altering,
, j r-f u Scouring. Chemical and Dry Cleaning.
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked , Satisfaction or no charge.
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds in of Herbert Barber
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N. C
I Feed, Salt, Lime and Cement.
I Shop.
Terms to suit
L- C- ARTHUR, Greenville, N. C.
A Familiar Told In Many Can-
Most of the jests that have been
current in English speaking
tries for centuries are known also
throughout Europe. Students of
folklore assure us that to a great
extent these jests are of Asiatic
origin, many of them having conic
from China Japan, and some
are thousands of years old.
Take, for instance, the
known story of the impudent Irish-
man an inn who looked ore a
man's while lie was writ-
letter. When he read, have
much more to Bay to you. Bl-
ow i-- looking over my shoulder and
all I cried out,
sir. I haven't read s word.
This story is found in the
No Need of In a Desert Whore
tho Grows.
A cactus will serve as a com-
pass and a well is indeed a u
plant In a book
on Desert and W. T. Horn-
describes a barrel or
cactus, u deeply fluted and
plant The
every always
leans to the south. A majority
them loan in that direction, b
are absolutely to be
ponded up As well, however,
Hie very valuable.
In lime stress for water
man who tori by thirst I
heal car draw from it a cod
copious drink water which
i of the
Arizona in summer a man n
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Fitzgerald, Walcott and Kerr,
Presidential Inauguration
Thursday, March 4th.
Round-Trip Tickets on ale at Exceedingly Low
Fares Via. Norfolk, Va., and The k
Washington Steamboat Company.
From she Following Stations.
IS in .
of the two of a
.-. Persian poets the Par all of this water can
, supplied from the
The of the countryman who Hero i our experience. u
to up i paving atone to third day we stopped,,. ;
i d and, finding r in tins way. H
that stone and all others rammed I machete, which ii
into the ground, declared
these were strange who
fastened the stones and let loose
their do s was told in the
century by an Persian
poet, the
One authority in folklore
a familiar from the ancient
corn cutter Mexican antecedents
and Connecticut manufacture, the
doctor cut the upper part
of -i fine p beside
the trail. a smooth green
stem from a nearby was
mi to the shape of a
i- choose for
From Raleigh. N. C, Wendell, N. C .
or more, on one ticket, V.
Ch. VI , IV. C.
Ii an cl more en ore U pa
. Military and Naval Para-c and
o. interests in and around
on 28th, March, 1st, and
I limit to leave Sf, en, D C, returning not later than mid-
o March, and to reach original starting not later
I as
. as j-
of the-this a tree that does not
of through J yield bitter wood, for with the wrong
versions, in many centuries kind of battering ram the flavor
and I ca
tale is in brief son c, Tito e. n surface of the
like A rich man said was attacked
his treasurer in the hearing f a t lute
who had entertained bun.
this man
replying that he
as ordered, went out. The minstrel
asked for the but was re-
fused. On appealing the rich
man the musician received this re-
meat begun to fly like spark
from anvil. Several handfuls o
were because there
lo them, but present;
ii j I c an to form.
The man whose hands were th.
cleanest invited to take
Superb Service to
man tie musician m-- . ,
did you give mo some of the pulp
make s return You of-l wash elf. done, he
forded a short lived to my I to take pulp,
ours on the lyre, and
gave a lived pleasure to
ears promising you money.
a poor recites verses in praise
of a wealthy man. who
him a of grain, but later,
to area blockhead.
You delighted mo with words,
I pleased you in like manner. Why, a desert where
then, I I give you grain r lies.-------
it i it away.
By and
about pints of
white water were soon accumulated,
and up and drank.
was cool, a trifle
and in flavor the finest
kind of raw turnip.
There is no need of in
or. Saloon Decks.
Table Dinner Club I to
Polite attention and the very beat service in every
Leave Norfolk of Jackson daily
p. m. Arrive in Baltimore a. m., connecting with
lines for New York, all points a.-t and
For all information and reservations address
E. T. LAMB, Gen. Aft- CHAS. L. HOPKINS, . P. A
a omen's Greenville
I .
the barrel cactus
shops were first es-
from motives of charity in
the fifteenth century. Their object
was to lend money to the poor upon
pledges without interest. They
first supported by voluntary
contributions, but it became
to charge interest upon tho
money loaned. These banks were
first called the
word being applied to
pecuniary fund, and it is possible
that was added to give it
an air religion and so obtain
larger subscriptions. The
were also called
from the name of the orig-
money lenders, the
who came to London in the
of Edward L and stab-shed them-
selves in the street which hears
their name and which in reign
of Queen Elizabeth was the hand
street in
How Emery la Quarried.
Emery conies from the island of
in the eastern
whence it has been export-
ed for the last two centuries or
more. The are in the north-
east the island. Tho material is
much too hard to dug out or
even blasted. fires are light-
ed around the blocks till tho
cracks expand with the heat,
and levers arc then inserted to pry
them apart. Tins system is con-
until tho blocks are reduced
; i- far
; . ., v i . as
Writer; do not always write
ard there arc times when
the wisest veils his wisdom or his
ignorance, like the cuttlefish, to a
twirl of ink. A correspondent
discovered the an
He wonders what it
to unpick the knots of negatives, as
it were, and find the positive. Let
the be made.
Now. in English two negatives are
ed to make an affirmative.
So will mean not.
Add another negative, and
should be
to not not Now
you can count your negatives and
conclude. But it would
U the
Took Him on Probation.
Elizabeth's father had died when
she was a tiny baby, for four
tears she had ruled her mother and
every one with whom she came in
contact. Much to her surprise she
was one day introduced to a
She looked him over care-
fully, then, after much coaxing, she
Climbed upon his knee and listened
as he told her of the many nice
things he would do for her mother
and her, finally asking whether she
would love him just a little. She
looked him squarely In eye and
said, if you do all you prom-
I may like you, but I tell you
now. if Irv to be boss around
here won't have you for our
complained to his pupil because his
fees were eleven days in arrears and
was thus answered by the youth's
let us hear no more
complaints of the injustice you sup-
pose lave had at our hands,
since it sin amounts Io
have bought you and till
now- have paid you in the same
, ,
In of Dover, His Quest of
For the of All
an English jest hook the
sixteenth century, there is a
almost precisely like the
A Japanese story says that
a man of economic spirit, took
lodgings on the side of a market it .
The appetizing odor of fried
eels entered his dining room and
seasoned his bowl of rice. The man
with tho els presented his bill for
the odor of the fish. laid
out tho asked for on the h
and began to chat with him. When
the man was about to leave
put the money back into h
pocket, replying to tho other's re-
ask me for pay-
for the smell of your
fish. do the for the Sight
my This story was known
in Europe in the fourteenth
Her Kick.
don't mind finding a gray hair
or two in my own sighed tho
bachelor girl who shows some few
of the scar and yellow leaf,
when I pay IS for a nice
hunch of lovely brown curls and
have to pi- k them out of those, too,
it isn't fair. Do you think it
Ono of the Company an
A general arrived from St. Peter-
burg la a garrison town In Hie r
of Inspection the
troops. After the review lie
into mess room, where U i
noticed on the counter u row of hot j
i which. Instead of usual labels,
white with a single letter
alphabet on each, were affixed
The bottles stood tile
alphabetical order.
the general
asked the lieutenant who was show
-That la an charade,
replied the officer,
The his
and wing Information
bottle contains
kind et liquor. At the masting of n
club one of us mixes some
the III a glass so
Initials spell n name, and
nu members
titter lasting It guess It I-
of MUM word In
Very original remarked tin
general. are you able to make a
guess of
If it Is your excellency's pleasure,
will the replied.
Tho general to counter and
mixed a glass, while tho officer stood
at the other end of the room with hi
face tn the wall.
what this said
the general he handed tho glass to
the officer.
Tim hitter drank It at gulp,
smacked his tongue and
was your
exclaimed the general
requires n lot of practice,
excellency, Is easy
enough, but there Is a captain In
who can even
Taft Vandyke
solid car load BUCK STOVES
Also Rolls Fine Line Couches, and Lace Curtains
Opposite Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
Fife Old Emeralds.
up me old Spanish is
phrase which means something quite
different from what seems lo Imply
There fever was an emerald mined In
Spain, lull conquest of Peru
brought home great
quantities of loot, of which emeralds
formed an part. In Uh
emeralds came Into
possession of the old Spanish families.
., M very few had been sen .
Europe previous to that time all the
best stones soon classed as.
toe old emeralds. Today
expression still applies to the best;
emeralds any source.
Whet, a dog barks at night In Japan
owner is arrested and sentenced.
t work a neighbors that
-ere disturbed. The dog gets of
being simply
Happy are the miseries that end It.
in to be the namer
the inventor the
is lost in antiquity.
n I century,
expounded tho
the false
crept in.
is exactly parallel with
and may be compared
with the humorous nicknames of
many oilier delicacies. Thus, a
baked sheep's head used to ho
known as lane a red
herring as a
a or a eyed
potatoes have appeared U
shrimps. In America a
is a
a drink.
a leg of mutton with y

I In Charge of F. C. NYE
I and Rates on Application
mm . i . M
r Mine Cora tad Annie.
tobacco bed . d from
i .
Co evening, where Miss has
. Her school
furniture and. ed Friday.
I almost your own Mrs. E. C. Manning, of
for S u y ville. spent a short while here
i A. W. visiting relatives.
. . . .
g tN
W. e the and
up, guano dis-
c . .
d. .
r .
. i and examine
lot of them We can give prices that
rived inter y a.
r . co.
A Cox and G. E
I attended i at i Ii
. y afternoon.
rise C a Ruling of the
meeting last
Fr . , i . Quite a Dumber
A. C members were pres
can be had at marl t u re wen served. J.
L Th a IS n, of Wilson,
and Poul i j P
. . . I . Mystic Circle
and meet delightful
U ;. n, Wilson, was
lot of nice . J pro The
. ; . . . Wets, i . are taxing
T y are . A Ange work, next meeting will
. .
I .
M ire at n .
d Several new pupils entered
A. Ange Co. High School Monday j
D . u far . W g-
i .; . for cash. V.
. I
. v. J c
. . i . r
Ta . They i re mil. I
. . . I
of . ant cathartic I
t J. I. and Coward W
-v I tug n Ml I r.
n I b r boots
. .- hoes chat mu I go at e.
. . . i . . .
A w. .- i i
. ,., . at Fir-t
,; v.-; v . r .- ,
. Bar . c from the effects of Wed-
E a . t Bands are rm, more reports of
m . -ii table pi v if ; come
. I e ; your. the storm
. . . lets. A G. Cox M fir. Co. . . ,.
ice-I wish i i r ; I
in arrears for the railroad tracks, Hop, has a fine
I to the t the roof was blown off a colored skin boots of which he
c will be added after school s colored possessor -18 years.
; ; i g -vs th
pinning and down on the
and a market was
Collect r. an the chimneys
Mm Elisabeth B spent to a number of houses t
arch 1909.
. i at or
. cost. C B, .
. . . .
n be u I our
i. .
t . at the Baptist church Sun-1 There re or children in the
our of day m and night building and while Miss was
preached t a large congregation in the door watching the
at sun- wind tore the door from
maker at . V
war. They were cut from choice
parts of four calf skins. fr.
at Sh line with The Mr. w two
. L. r. Mrs. Bobbitt, and J. H. in Beaver Dam town-
;. home Sunday morning, ship, was blown off and lei the Miss Col-
. ,. .-I-. I Miss Blanche j rain in so that his furniture was boots,
. .- He Fred Phillips. badly damaged.
R . Hight C. Moore, editor; Ti.- Jackson school, taught by
of the Bi preach-1 Miss Davis, in
en ed two as fine sermons as we ever was thrown into a panic
. .
. . .- i
; y
on. His s have hinges, so frightening hr that
n c ; by she faint d, The wind lifted the
City to who i him. He re- building off the foundations and
Raleigh Monday moved it about six feet.
. . a of the children were slight-
. i. of Rob- one of them n
Sunday here broken finger.
wish her sister, Miss Vivian.
i n an up-to-
i tore buy-
. v I. .
. r
Rich ft
As Ii r ore I
. Soc y will
A in a
. will begin at . The
q . for the is,
that the United States
increase her army
The boys are working
hard, and we are expecting a
. ft n i
. with r
. . a I re
t Friday
. yr plow for
t r
i in, r o
of Greenville,
I it here with a
education of
will deliver a
ii and lecture. He is an
-A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. i we are
c a nice lino of ward mm-m with
Caskets. Prices in
and can nice hearse -i i n m
. ,, r . ,, Mrs. Fax came in
G. Cox Mfg. Co. j
Th; famous Cox cotton from Randleman to
and guano sowers are still some time her Pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Bryan.
r. r ,
victim. But Dr. Kin
I t by prevention.
. Mar. a to I .-
nu h riling
debate Fri- R
r curing eon
i i . i . chills, mu i
Indignation at
j-i Ii.
light purse is a heavy
ass a DaM purse.
The b seat of nine
go to root of whole mat-
quickly safety
and restore the action of the
to normal condition.
o tone to the s Stan and
to the body.
Take No Substitute.
J Ho kins, who II
Lots made for him
who was
for s an gentlemen, in
th days it was not
that a man marry unless hi- ha
boots. Then Mr. Hopkins
and for three years did
valiant service th.; s
Confederacy. During th
years he wore e boots
these boots arc at his
ho e oiled and i. . i d condition.
If it ever a popular
thing to wear boots again those
skins no doubt for
five ears more of constant
vice. j Hope Leader.
.; id the
it you are a pan i.
i i. ; .
plied .-.
. .
fir; i preach
net, said ;
v. .
i .
my duty to my
eternal V.
thought rejoin I i
Yankee, you an the firs
your class lever met who c .
No Charge a the
t some
throughout the county
rye the idea that is a
i a and exciting contest, Hissing , head.
public is most invited j i
to be present and help us of
occasion. After the debate who WM n the employ of tho
Where there Is a will a
way to break it. Your will may
be broken. So that your
will i id i
them. But a insurance
policy cannot be tampered with
by anyone. It provides comfort
for your loved ones, no matter
how entangled your estate may
be. The Hutu d life of N. Y.
The women of a . m a ch for u the I.
Chicago that in
money to pay for ville under the management of
their house worship, King's but this
were told diplomatically, ., Th;, of the
they would on is
leading saloon in , or
village, they might get geed, neighboring towns to spend a
donation. called. Casey day and they are
m t them genially, listened to La and th
what they had to say and or w or
WOO. ; p,,, there out
much more than
the host prices. ,
ii pP
Western Union Telegraph Com
as u lineman, suddenly dis-
appeared on the of
her and though diligent
search was made for him it was
going. Prices, and terms right.
See us before you buy.
A. G. Cox Co.
N. C.
We have just received a large
of lime. A. W. Ange
H. H. Mumford, of
spent Sunday here.
Leon Smith, of Greenville, spent
Saturday night here.
Today I
the financial
county for year.
the solicitors had hoped for that
the. were much flustered, and
could do nothing but
their thanks. Finally one of them
round d to and Bald.
Mr. i a icy, is
of you. It will
allow us to get what we want
very fine stained glass
or visiting. A matron is in
charge of the rooms to wait on
the ladies and to take care of
their wraps and packages, and it
is ail without any charge what
ever to the visitors.
Tobacco for and the
Casey, said the W. Harvey, of the
spokeswoman, view of the t i n i
Sh, n, isn't there of
s me sentiment you would like tobacco on the
put on the i for the month
of the said Casey think it February pounds at
to have on th
glass, two pans av
an average price 7.3.
total sales the season
fruitless. About o'clock j This should every j
day morning fishermen found. en of the all should Mass Visit August 1st to March 1st were
his body floating in wad it carefully. pounds,
river near Tunis. The body
so mutilated from its
in the water, the skin and hair
all being gone from the face and
head, that it could only be
by an overcoat and letters
in the pockets. Mayo was
year old is survived by one
Mrs. W. F. and brother and two sisters
An Improvement over many Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because It the
system or a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to give
money refunded. Prepared by CO. CHICAGO, ll. S. A.
.- V

Eastern reflector, 12 March 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 12, 1909
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Joyner NC Microforms
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